PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday

Video Information

Okay I’m live on both YouTube and tick tock let’s go now it also makes sense to start recording too and hopefully it’s all working all right today’s day 13 let’s go you guys favorite your favorite series of all time right now is going on uh okay timer is back on oh it’s always

Running even when it’s off but I know I just I just turn off like the visual so then it’s not super ominous when people look in through the windows or something they see some clock anyways um right live on Tick Tock and YouTube what’s up invis or the YouTube chat YouTube is YouTube

Working normally by now we have a bunch of people just spamming high high high right now no one’s saying anything it’s on public uh is okay here we go now we have people in chat all right because I was like that was off welcome welcome all right so today is day 13.

Um so when this timer runs out anyone can try to kill me for the ten thousand dollars wait let’s let’s say this again let’s say it again all right when this timer runs out anyone can try to kill me for ten thousand dollars this is day 13 of me preparing to fight

Thousands of players there we go that time I didn’t even I didn’t even crack a smile I was able to record that bit welcome all right so last episode we did a little bit of last episode we did a little bit of uh what’s it called last episode we did a

Little bit of potion brewing I need that clip for the video okay don’t blame me yeah we got we got a little bit of a little bit um and we did a little bit of digging but I want to be able to show it so I’m gonna

Go all the way over there just for this clip so I’ll say to that today’s objectives in a minute today’s objectives will be will be fun well it’s always fun last episode and we did a little bit of actually you can’t really see how deep it goes

So let’s go get close to it give me a second I know you guys are super impatient and we did a little bit of digging right this episode um let me let me get between the farms and stuff so I can report record this a little bit this episode we’re gonna this episode

We’re gonna set up a spider this episode we’re going to set up a spider spawner continue digging the trench and we’re going to light up the Farms the problem with the Farms is that the problem with the Farms is that they don’t grow at night time

The reason is crops need light to grow and yes just by placing torches down you can actually make crops grow at night and just by placing tortures down you can make crops grow at nighttime I know it’s kind of strange but luckily we have a bunch of these these handy dandy

Slabs to place torches on so we’re actually going to start with this first I’m probably gonna need several stacks of torches so let’s go get so let’s go get the stuff we need can you join the server on Xbox yes type slash IP I think I think slash IP will work now

Um not on Tick Tock though what’s up Robin oh Chum Bucket welcome welcome um it’s stuck now I just need wood which I’m pretty sure I have a lot of wood right here Let’s Get Enough coal just uh just to make all the Torches we need

Because I’m I’m gonna run out when I do like caving and stuff all right there we go almost four stacks of torches I forgot I don’t even have can’t even hear anything because I don’t have my things in welcome welcome Emily wall you need a villager uh nice

All right let’s record myself on replay mode as I go down here wait give me a second these buttons aren’t doing I can’t hear that so give me a second as I do this real quick I need to connect my buds should work now yep I can hear it nice

You can change any mistakes you should get some backup plans uh I can’t say I can’t confirm or deny if I have backup lens all right dude on the way to the office today um I thought of the the most cool mini game idea for prior MC that I think I’m

Gonna work on after doomsday like right after it’s going to be awesome because obviously after obviously after Doomsday let me let me get the buckets I need for this real quick obviously after Doomsday prior MC is gonna continue being a survival world we’re gonna probably get

We’re probably gonna also add a bit of Anarchy since a lot since some people have been requesting an anarchy server because some people some people like to play with like no rules and so we’d keep the survival and Anarchy but also I want to do a bit of

Mini games in addition to these events because doomsday is an is an example of an event we would do so one thing I wanted one mini game I want to do I think it will be amazing like it’ll be so fun and it’ll almost be like many Doomsday better I don’t know

You guys will see it’ll it’ll be really cool you have to stick around what’s the IP it’s in the description of the Stream yeah I guess okay uh make pooferson tried slash IP I guess it’s not working which is really strange I thought I I thought I did all this

Stuff I needed to maybe just maybe stream elements just sucks this is your chance give us your best dad joke dude I’ve already given a bad joke or dad joke sorry same thing wait it is that an inadvertent dad joke maybe I don’t really know what qualifies as a dad joke

So before I’m gonna before I light everything up I need to do my periodic lava placing so obviously I need a lot of lava this is more of like one of those gradual objectives I don’t need to do it immediately but over time if I mix it in

Between the episodes then I can actually accumulate a lot and then it should be enough I mean I don’t even have close to the amount of love I need but maybe over time I’m definitely gonna have to expand this lava Farm a bit maybe like double a triple what it is now

But I think I think we will get enough I do want a lot of obsidian but I don’t think the Lava Farm will cut it Maybe I may have to do some semi-auto lava Farm which semi-auto is uh is not against the rules for me to do

That’s where I put one of the water bottles I was like why do I have why am I missing a random water bottle I don’t understand why you can’t make infinite lava it’s just you can’t go to the Nether and get lava you mean go to the Nether and get killed by the

Other people on server who are hunting me all right we got torches in hand let’s do that Epic placing of torches montage every so often yeah crazy well you won’t be able to see the Montage but in the video I’ll be able to see it I don’t know if I’m placing spacing

These out right trying to do it in a way that they like complement each other in a way make sure I’m covering everything correctly so like in this Gap where there’s no torch on that side I’m doing a torch on this side so I think that’s the efficient way to do it

I don’t know how much I need to space these out for this work because whatever yeah this should mean much higher crop yields for such little work because I realized how inefficient this Farm is without torches like what am I doing like I’m missing out on so many stunks my favorite

How do you combat stream sniping well no one can reach my base there and there’s nothing I can really do about it in fact I I almost I almost uh intentionally encourage stream sniping in a way in the sense that I constantly allude to people hunting me

Because I want people to hunt me I don’t want to be able to just leave my base willy-nilly because then it makes more better entertaining more entertaining content oh I’m all about that content that’s my job my job isn’t Minecraft it’s content welcome back Bryce you like the haircut I appreciate that

My hair is normally this short I think you’re trying to Gaslamp me yeah for these I all I can really do is just Place torches here and uh I suppose I completely forgot to replace the wheat in this area so let’s fix this real quick also how does this Farm keep growing so

Much I’m not even rendering it in ahead of time and you press F3 now I’m good got a haircut nice yes what’s up you eat Master welcome welcome can we know your chords no I mean you can but I’m not gonna tell you hello from Oklahoma what’s up Oklahoma welcome to the Stream

What’s up night gamer yeah there’s like a barrier thing fresh with the fade it’s not really a fade but yeah I had my mom cut my hair this morning I’ve actually never been to a barber shop ever in my life it’s just always been my mom cutting my hair because it’s cheap

So obviously you buy the Clipper like the set of Clippers once and then obviously you don’t have to spend money ever again except for like the minimal amount of electricity use and you like plug it in 25k Subs in two days yep I know it’s pretty epic GG’s indeed

Yeah it’s really exciting seeing the number just go up and up and up and up although on Tick Tock I’ve had several I think two or three days where I’ve gained over a hundred thousand subscribers in one day or not subscribers followers which is just ridiculous

But I’m like I don’t know why I don’t just make the thing is the reason why I don’t just make the viral videos over and over and over is because people get tired of it and I’m also um reuse the same thumbnail for the stream what do you mean what is

Did I not put the right stream thumbnail at least one second because this is I I swore I changed it no you’re messing with me this is day 13. I’m looking at it right now I’m put I put the right thumbnail on I don’t know all right so we placed in all the

Torches here that actually took like two minutes uh now let’s go play some torches next to the shirt chain It’s the same thumbnail as day eight but what does it say day 13 on it guys what does the thumbnail look like on the YouTube stream don’t leave the stream but like open up a new tab and go on my channel so it says wait so it’s the skeleton me killing the

Skeleton right what did I use why did I use this for day eight uh uh day eight has the wrong thumbnail okay uh I’m gonna put that as one of my things to do because day eight fix day eight thumbnail that’s funny okay I’m surprised you got that man um

Okay turns out I have the wrong thumbnail for day because actually the this we generated the thumbnails beforehand but I didn’t find a skeleton spawner I found two spider spawners I was kind of banking on the fact that I’d find a spawner um and I was helping a skeleton so I you

Know we made it as skeleton spawner um but yeah it’s gonna be spiders so the thumbnail is going to be incorrect either way anyways so I don’t know wait what did we do today I’ll figure it out after the stream I’ll put in the right thumbnail then yeah with these torches it should

Dramatically increase the speed of the grind process your dad Cuts mine he goes on his phone and mess messed up before nice um okay yeah you’re not allowed to leave the Stream sorry well that’s uh all the Torches done that objective was ridiculously easy it was like the easiest objective of the entire

Series that was the easiest objective of the entire series I had to redo that voice line okay did you get a haircut Maybe no I just flat I took a shower and just flattened my hair that’s why it looks so short just the same um yeah well that objective is done okay

Wait not quite not quite you think it’s done but no this isn’t completely lit up there’s these two set of crops right here that aren’t proper oh I don’t have a torch here oh that explains a lot that should reach this now um and then I I’ll probably place a torch right here

Too and then this will reach these Center crops and that should be it that objective was easy okay I made all these torches I didn’t even use all of them hmm yeah you can’t we have there’s like a barrier around my base so I can enter

And exit my base but no one else can all right smelt this stuff yesterday right yeah a whole lot of iron baby and then so wait I said the objectives right yeah I said the objectives earlier so the next thing is uh Skelly spawner thing no not Skelly spawner spider spawner

Thing and then dig a lot of dig should I just dig right now and then when I do the spider spawner then I or then when I get low on durability then I do spider spawner Maybe I’m thinking about it all right um amazing rules and thumbnail thank you okay

I guess I’m just gonna dig let’s do it because it might as well just dig if I’m gonna repair everything yeah because if I’m trying to because I if I’m gonna make something to repair them a pickaxe I might as well use up my pickaxe as much as possible before then

Even though I guess that doesn’t actually matter that much see look at this everything is lit up not only does it not only does it mean higher efficiency but it looks cooler which is arguably more important great TNT cannons well that is an idea and actually I can tell you that I will

Make TNT cannons I think on like day like 24 or something I can’t remember the specific day watch that be spot on I think I’m gonna need feather falling pretty soon this is going to be very precarious it already is I mean and with that XP farm with the the grinder

It’ll be excellent for getting further enchantments which is an added bonus amazing preparation you just joined now it’s too bad you don’t have chunk loaders yeah how much time are you how much time you are following the series sure what you mean just get good at water bucket mlg’s true

I I this I’m not gonna blame it on the server but I think sometimes well previously I failed them because the server had some lag issues but now we’ve resolved them so I’m sure I’d be fine now but like that’s not very consistent 39 years old your channel is recommended

Because my kids use my phone love the content awesome Channel lots of tips and tricks I appreciate that uh Bart shiny I think that’s your name from Belgium welcome that’s awesome I love it I think it’s especially funny when not funny but like cool when adults people’s like children are watching my content

Um because it means I’m not just appealing to just children which my that’s not a my goal is to appeal to mainly to kind of a slightly older audience more mature so I can’t I can’t appeal to children I mean like well the thing is my content

Is designed that it appeals to everyone so it’ll appeal to children too but my target audience is not children what’s up Dave Dave the gamer what’s up uh other people too where are the assassinators are they also in the server with you well the Assassins are also prepping because remember this is a

Month-long challenge I have to prep for a full month I don’t have to but I gave myself a full Monster prep and the whole gimmick not gimmick that’s the wrong word for it that’s that is negative connotations but the whole premise is that I stream every

Single day in preparation and I need all the streaming I can get I need all the prep I can I can get you’re 50. uh proof lag is a massive issue but yeah well we don’t the lag issue as as I said we resolved it so it’s all good now

Yeah that’s the problem with the the title of the the videos is like people sometimes will click on it thinking they’re actually going to see the thousand people trying to kill me but like that’s you don’t see that until October 1st how do you get ideas of build you make

By the way really like your build um like yeah it depends on what I’m doing so I mean sometimes it’ll just come to me sometimes I’ll concentrate and try to get ideas it really depends it’s like any sort of artist s like they get inspiration from different choices

Generally I think of it far in advance and the reason I make the video is because I already know what I’m gonna make I don’t just like start building and be like well what am I going to build today I I’m I plan out ahead of time

Sometimes it’s like what would do well in a video um uh what is the in-game currency used for so you can spend it on the auction house you can spend it um you can create a market you can sell things you can buy things uh you can

You can also claim land so the way you keep people from destroying your base is you can claim your land and then no one can touch it and you’re all good and so the more money you have the more land you can claim I’m gonna get a tiny bit of XP from this

Actually none nice so I get I can go in right here and look is there anything I want to buy um actually I kind of want to buy this I just I just bought another I can get and now it’s right there now I have another Ingot uh

That is this is my first another I can get nice uh I’m gonna apply this to my pickaxe soon wait but if I spent if if I have a bid on something and I bought and I spent the money that I would use on the bed does that mean I

Don’t get the bid does that mean I have to quickly get another 5K really quick uh uh I may have to quickly go get some money maybe I should sell armor trims because I kind of want the item Foreign so if you want to join the server just go watch um my most any of my most recent videos any of them and it has the description or not the description at the um the IP in there your dslime welcome how do you get ideas of build you make

By the way really like your build thank you I think I already answered that yeah no I went on a whole bit of that but I didn’t read the whole question I just saw how do you get ideas I just read the full thing

Can I have a shout out shout out to my man kind of Technic I’m not gonna actually shout out your channel I’m just gonna say shout out to this person and I’m not going to tell people to subscribe to you because I’d have to have a reason to do that I

Need no one would subscribe anyway because I’ve never like no one shout outs don’t work unless you’re actually like highly recommending someone’s stuff and like it actually matches what content I’m doing so can you enchant your items of course we do anything what do you think all this is It’s enchantments

How deep are you gonna mine I’m hoping to mine at least a y zero I kind of realize I’m not gonna go much further than that it’s not really possible unfortunately it is what it is oh it probably would make sense to apply the another right Ingot right now so

Then I can make this pickaxe last longer that would be smart I’ll buy the armor trim if you have one from another yeah I have three armor trims I forgot how you can replicate it do you need like diamond blocks or something or is it diamonds or I don’t know how that works

What is the trench for it’s to protect myself on doomsday um let’s go turn this into netherite since I bought that another ingot and then maybe list one of the armor Trims on the market let’s just slash home what’s the IP it’s in the description of the Stream there’s diamonds in their corresponding

Block okay so what I could do is use these diamonds on like a another right template snout template I don’t know what do I do so I I do like this that didn’t work was it down blocks please help he’s so good thank you except I’m I like I’m just clueless

About how this orange room stuff works repair the pickaxe first before turning into netherrite does oh really um I guess that makes sense because if you have another right then it’s gonna take more XP to repair it so yeah let’s do that let’s actually follow a suggestion

Oh you need other blocks wait what do you mean you need Blackstone you need the block that came from the trim and then a diamond I probably need to Google it I don’t know how that works I I could have sworn you needed diamonds to replicate it maybe that’s for a specific trim

All right let’s repair this pickaxe because I think what Jess Rez was saying or suggesting is to do that before I turn it into another right because then it’s easier to repair I believe needs less XP all right repaired a decent bit not much though might as well put away these blocks too

Another eight one you need Netherrack and a diamond oh okay it’s only like one Diamond per huh uh uh one block Stone and seven diamonds per se interesting for the for the snout I’ll look at the recipes myself I’m gonna start smelting this and slash home so I want to replicate

The one of them because I have three separate types let’s do this this is how you make it interesting oh you need a bunch of diamonds oh I see okay so you do need a lot of diamonds I wasn’t mistaken interesting wait rib seems kind of cool I don’t

But if it takes another rack then I feel like that almost seems less good oh this just stick next takes another act too Blackstone interesting okay so let’s grab some black stone surely I have some no I have no Blackstone okay well then let’s replicate rib now let’s replicate then this

And then let’s auction this so what do they go for on the market since you’re telling it for ten thousand no one’s buying that I’m just getting a gauge of like what’s the lowest price for a Smith income plate right now um I don’t know there’s that’s the only one

On the market so let’s sell it for like five thousand is that enough I’ll sell it 5000 I guess let’s see if this goes up see if anyone gets it and this one too sold both for both for five thousand and then I repaired my pickaxe a decent amount

I’d have to go through a bit of trouble to well let’s let’s fill your why not Let’s Farm a little bit of sugarcane and head over there rib is the best one yeah rib looks good it seems the coolest so I think I’m probably gonna do that

You need my help what do you need help with Luke the notable clone oh my content has nothing to do with is not even remotely like Luther notable if that’s what you’re saying I can’t even think of a single similarity ban you why yeah the IP is in the description of the Stream

Yeah I can’t one good oh yeah I’m going up all right love you too ban you you’re dangerous uh I kind of doubt that you’re watching a tick tock live stream I don’t have a reason to believe you’re dangerous maybe you are maybe this is the greatest mistake in my

Life not Banning you you don’t have Discord that sucks well you better get escort then when someone broke a structure you’re standing oh well you’re gonna have to do is honestly you’ve just gotta you gotta find someone who has Discord or just make a Discord or make a Discord account why don’t why

Don’t you just make a Discord account I mean I realize as long as if you have a phone number to verify your account just join it that’s where you find all the information for the series anyway now you’re gonna make sure you don’t miss Doomsday no reason to not join

How do you sure can without water well there is water that’s a thing the slabs between the sugarcane those are waterlogged and so it looks like there’s no water but there is dirt slabs yes we need dirt slabs well if you can try and get back stone slabs oh yeah these are slabs

Right here that’s what’s going on look so I can just demonstrate that here it’s waterlogged that’s why it’s working oh yeah I have snacks today I was thinking about food I’m like I didn’t eat that much earlier I don’t eat like two meals before stream and I’m like wait like what am I

Gonna do about food then I remembered oh I have like a bar and nuts so I should survive I get hungry I’ll just eat that all right after I mine this row so we’ll be good let’s head home nice pumpkin farm thank you it’s very Epic very epic indeed

Gave spiders are op yeah they’re really annoying Excel poison you cave spiders are like actually unreasonably dangerous but you eat Master what you can do is you can submit a ticket in the Discord I don’t know if you did that already but that’ll help them I would probably slash that home too right

Slash set home two I hope that’s not a thing I don’t know how to set a second home I don’t think I can maybe I can all right pickaxe repair time what am I doing oh my brain just blanked up just blanked I’m like what why am I here what am I doing

I remember it I’m overthrowing the government I’m guessing Okay oh so you said another home by typing slash at home ad name okay Sasha home trade Trading oh trade Um actually trading maybe faster type what if I do slash home Slash home home okay there’s slash home home and then there’s slash home trading cool what do you know with those Pumpkins I’m trading them but these guys don’t want to refresh those trades because they’re not Epic they’re epic they would refresh their traits has anyone killed you yet yes six people

Have killed me but remember if they kill me before doomsday then they only get 10 bucks fine guys oh I’m waiting on these man I don’t even need that much more XP to repair this I should probably add amending to this very soon I have most of the stuff I need right nuts

I don’t have the books where’s the books I swear I have books here I thought I could have sworn I had books I guess not no I was carrying books on me in my inner chest but I spent them I used them on those like enchanting them

So let’s uh let’s let’s get some books the old-fashioned way there then in the morning the villagers trades will reset and I’ll be able to actually get the trading interesting I have my render thing really low oh it’s a matter of the server interesting I think it’s one of the ways we

Optimized it or that that may be actually on me I don’t know what’s up stinky Steve uh buck give me give me mending I guess we’re just sleeping through the night mending where are you where’s my mending dude there we are oh I don’t even quite have enough

So I need at least three maybe I think new haircut no I just you know I I whenever I showered just wet down my hair that’s what I did ten dollars is ten dollars though yeah yeah they have to socialize for a bit in the morning and then they restock

That’s unrealistic in real life people just work 24 7. is Mikey gonna make an appearance I doubt it all right I think you just restocked where are you that’s not even the right dude okay I’ve had enough your workstation is right there man it’s not that hard to restock dude do your thing

Are you walking away from your workstation don’t abandon your post both of them still haven’t restocked this is actually annoying well not not really annoying but they’re okay he’s doing it let’s go nope ah I swear they normally restock I know I swear they’ve got to be trolling me right now

All right in the meantime I’m gonna purchase two more money books I realize I have extra emeralds on me so let’s track this dude down this dude finally came to a Santos prepared my pickaxe so I’m gonna start repairing my ax with the trades

Because I of course I use the ax to get the pumpkins so for it to be sustainable I have to be repairing the X excellent you have any tips to get better yeah play a lot and watch Minecraft people play the game that’s it do you like the bamboo wood update I

Haven’t used it kind of forgot I was in the game but I may seem cool and it’s a little strong being able to just use bamboo to get wood like building blocks because bamboo is absurdly easy to farm this suit should I mean surely you’re gonna restock again because I’m

I’m pretty sure this dude only restocked once a day or is it this dude that pretty sure hmm yeah this dude doesn’t raises prices so I’m pretty sure he just hasn’t restocked odd this is very odd normally they restock by now they took a while to restock this morning

By the way everyone joined the server right now IP in the description or if you’re on Tick Tock then IP is in the description of any of my most recent videos there we go you restart okay what a nice Golem handing out a flower to a villager this is ignoring them Oh I see optimizations to the server is modified it okay I’m sure I think we can I noticed that with like the how the villagers were being handled like you can only render a certain amount at once so I’m pretty sure that means we can host even more players now I think

Home home has anyone is anyone been interested in my auction house thing where’s it on the page oh I see they kind of get thrown in there huh I would have thought that they’d be listed in like chronological order of when you listed them people are selling mending for 7.50 so

I’m probably gonna sell them mending for 200 because I can get a ton of ending really easily so I can kind of undercut the market hey here’s my two items no one’s buying them so I may have to I may drop the price and like uh we’ll see

It’s actually your birthday today now you you’re lying to me yesterday so it wasn’t actually your birthday yesterday I don’t think I can tell you happy birthday then if you were lying yesterday saying it was your birthday I’m sorry I’m adding mending on my stuff uh

I’m a many book somewhere right where to keep my enchanting books there they are it’s birthday week you can’t say it’s your birthday and be like it’s actually my birthday today so that’s a line well two one ending yeah I guess I already do have a decent amount of mending

Okay four Mannings I should be able to put mending on all my armor so then I shouldn’t worry about that anymore foreign am I actually out of iron no okay I have a bunch of iron okay we’re good under chest one two three four and there we go mending on all my armor Um right okay so now I meant completely repaired my pickaxe all I have to do is use this the thing how do I make that again two iron I’m pretty sure and then four pieces of wood and now I can make do you need a a smithing template to make a pickaxe what

Seriously that’s dumb I didn’t know you needed wait so how did the pickup does the pickaxe look any different wait well why doesn’t that work oh there’s a difference between a smithing template and a netherite upgrade oh so interesting okay that makes a lot more sense give me one second foreign

Interesting okay so I guess I have to replicate it if I’m going to be able to use it again um hmm how do I how do I do that seven and then netherruck and then I gotta just go over to the smithing area and then I just apply it boom

Tax evasion nether I pickaxe let’s go what’s the IP it’s in the description of the Stream that’s how you join all right I guess you have to need I guess you need a lot of diamonds if you’re going to upgrade all your stuff I like that they made it a lot easier uh

Sorry I like that they made it a lot harder hmm okay now let’s try try out this epic netherrite pickaxe hmm that makes diamonds a whole lot more useful there’s still the issue of they’re not as rare but like they’re a lot more useful which is good I like that foreign

Pickaxe from what I recall another eye pickaxe can’t instamine can’t install mine um Cobblestone right yeah no it doesn’t okay is there any I think the only upgrade of having another right pickaxe is that it’s just a lot more durable so let’s try it right now

What durability is that so it’s over 2 000 what was it previously it’s probably around 1500 I think so that’s almost like one-fourth higher is excellent so that’s like a lot less in the long run of having to go repair it so I think I may also have to grind more

Diamond Pickaxes too though okay someone bought my my netherite template nice or the smithing template the the armor template yeah your base got consumed by the prior border dude I literally told you you have to move your base because we’re going to expand the Border

I told you that in like on like day four I’m pretty sure I was like yeah soon we’re gonna have to expand it so then doomsday can actually like happen right because otherwise people can cheat beforehand just by rendering in my base they can cheat you’re back welcome back Doug

We’re all wondering where you were do you mind this whole crater that’s another level of dedication yes it’s a little bit of mining it’s going to take a bit to get to the Y level I want it’s right y level 28 and so I need hopefully 28 more layers

And all the way around the mountain I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to do it I’m gonna be real I don’t know we’ll see um do people go after you get a respawn or one life that is an excellent question they get both it depends on what your rank is so

If you’re a content creator rank you get to respawn every 10 minutes if you’re if you’re a normal player who hasn’t gotten any rank then you don’t respawn well you respawn like an hour later but if you but that means the event is over by the time you respond so you essentially get

One life if your VIP rank you get to respawn 30 minutes later so it’s essentially like two lives if you’re a challenge winner rank um for I guess we’re kind of deciding how to implement all that you get to respawn um after 30 sorry 20 minutes yeah so it’s content creators10

Challenge rank is 20. VIP is 30. and then if you don’t have any of those ranks then you respond after one hour can’t wait for doomsday I’m glad when did you start playing Minecraft um like 12 years ago although I didn’t play it the entire 12 years since I first played it

So I didn’t have the game I just played at a friend’s house I really wanted it but we didn’t have a way to play it I didn’t mean to use andesite I want to use cobblestone Cobblestone is I guess slightly more resistant right you change your name to save flop Lagoon

If you have someone put put in a ticket to like admins or something then and we’re all good what’s up uh Malto qw welcome to the Stream right Minecraft out of 10 10 out of 10. well 9.9 out of 10. I think there’s there’s things that could definitely be improved in the game

And it’s the things that I bring up Autumn stream which is making the game more difficult re reclaiming that old sense of fear to Catherine Diaz welcome to stream what’s the goal today uh well we completed one of the objectives which is to light up the Farms that was absurdly easy then

Well this wasn’t really a goal but I got another right for pickaxe um well I didn’t get it I bought it off the auction house it was a little expensive though that’s fine I’m rich I got money to spare then what I did or then the next

Objective is to create after so of course one of the objectives is to continue digging but after I my pickaxe gets low on health maybe like maybe it’s like a quarter of the way left um then I’m going to do the spider spawner because I have to make a grinder from that

I am mining two blocks at a time it’s just this is uh insta mining in Minecraft more bosses less sniffers uh I don’t know if bosses are necessarily that fix I don’t think bosses are really the goal to be honest because then it’s more of a game of conquest and not about

Survival I don’t think the game has been about survival in absolute ages I mean I heard someone say something similar in like a video a while back they were like it’s more of a conquest game and I’m like yeah it’s 100 right the game isn’t about Survival anymore that’s the problem

I want the game to be like a struggle to survive once again so I think that’s when it was at its most fun not everyone’s going to agree with me because some people they enjoy the more of like the laid back Minecraft where you don’t have to where it’s not a

Struggle to survive um what mining is an enchantment insta mining uh you need a beacon and efficiency five that’s what you need to into the mine it’s a vanilla Minecraft thing no mods nothing so people find out a big area fast without TNT duplication what type of preparations are you going

To do to stop them well you’re watching it right here a trench is one of the things it’s gonna slow them down enough I don’t think I’m gonna be able to Kill Everyone by any means but I think I can slow people down enough to survive

But yeah I can’t really tell you my game plan otherwise it wouldn’t work because people would adjust for it you agree good you better agree it’s not the nice dead this is your first time watching the channel nice make an auto smelter I actually have I think maybe the best video on

Automatically refueling super smilters out there I think I’ve liked the best ish design Maybe but I never I don’t know made it years ago maybe I’m remembering it wrong maybe there’s better designs out there but I remember I spent ages on that all that design but yeah I can’t I can’t

Auto smelt and besides I want the XP I don’t I don’t have the stuff that I I don’t need the auto smell that much the cobweb so they get stuck why I’m gonna use lava not at the pit though you knew by the way make a fall trap well welcome um

Uh those are interesting ideas I can’t I’m never gonna confirm or deny any specific strategy unless you can see it happen in the videos it’s gotten dark I need to grab the resources because I’m a hoarder I can’t even see bro what where did they all come from probably that zombie hard mechanic

Sometimes they’ll like spawn a bunch of them use one zombie sees you and then it’ll spawn more yeah like where did he come from interesting solid armor all right guys slash AFK please doesn’t really help me that much but people are trying to sleep so you can still get XP with auto smelter

Kind of in a way if you do it in a certain way but if you have it auto filter out the items so you don’t make a TNT cannon you’ll see when I do that by the way you don’t need to say the same message multiple times I’ll see it

Favorite type of wood maybe Spruce I like I do like dark oak I like them chocolate type chocolate type Woods foreign thing is I think um my brain doesn’t work sometimes yeah I guess that was my answer I like just like the chocolate or chocolate type Woods how much is 48

Uh does this need eight 50 not this needs seven and this is listening to six let’s see it’s three this seems eight and let’s do a little bit of this But the people who wonder how to get on Survival when you’re on the server make sure you’re typing slash Wild or going through the portal behind you preferably slash Wild foreign how many people are on well we only got 40 online right now nice haircut thank you how am I I’m good

Thanks for asking do you like cheese uh I think cheese is pretty great yeah nothing like cheese love myself some cheese to be honest singing a pizza I gotta get pizza at some point probably not today you almost lost your base because you accidentally set your base somewhere else

Lull node during server reset my structure disappeared no it thinks I’m flying yeah there doesn’t seem to be any admins on so we can’t really help you at the moment but when an admin comes on then we’ll we’ll help you because I can’t do anything because I’m not opt

That’s good you missed last stream but a lot of progress was made yeah unfortunate but you’re here now and you’ll make all the other streams right is it a survival server or is there custom things as well it is survival you can join Bedrock Java any version of java but

You don’t you don’t even mean you don’t need mods installed to join we do have plugins for stuff like this like quality of life things like we’ve got a money system so you can like buy things off the auction house by typing slash H and like doing all that

We got tutorials for it on the Discord so yeah it’s like it’s like better survival but of course the twist is of course this is part of the Doomsday series of course you might make the rest good good good become a patreon it’s my spelling issues don’t really matter

But check it out nice what’s the Doomsday series sorry for all the questions oh you’re right uh the best way to understand it is just watch one of my most recent videos probably the announcement video for the series and then it’ll like just like watch all the videos and come

Back to the stream real quick is our an online shop to get crates no we don’t have a crate system the only way you can get crates is through like just voting on these websites so we can have like like daily rewards and stuff essentially without you having to pay money

So I’m not really a fan of like the whole gambling system with like crates and Surfers and stuff I think that’s wrong foreign Just log on and then you can get like vote on those websites and like maybe we’ll help the server maybe we’ll get more players probably not probably won’t really do much to be honest you can’t find the name of the server it’s in the description

Yeah you don’t need the name a lot of people get confused you do not need the name of the server to join oh you got one month to prepare for uh a massive yeah exactly how deep is the trench going so right now it’s on y level 25. I want

Us to go to Wild zero so another 25 blocks down after I mine this bid out so yeah it’s a bit crazy what’s the IP it’s in the description of any of my most recent videos it has the Bedrock and Java IPS you’re back welcome oh you’re playing nice

Well you know you can play and watch the stream at the same time or at least listen to it give me that sweet sweet watch time if you’re new here welcome kingbuilder you made it back home safely awesome yeah this is lasting a lot longer which is good that was close

I don’t want to fall and lose I guess my Seven Levels I’m not really worried about my levels my mom needs a code real quick so I gotta text it to her this is something that needs to be done right now so there we go something linked to my number

The end video is out yes oh you couldn’t because of the barrier being extended yeah I mean I’ve warned everyone many times I’m like it’s gonna get shut down you’ve got to move your base we’re gonna expand the barrier for the Integrity of the series otherwise this wouldn’t be possible if

We if the barrier couldn’t completely block people from viewing my base then we wouldn’t be able to complete this challenge so yeah what are you doing with those blocks can you sell it uh we can’t sell them yet keyword yet we’re working on a system where you can

Buy and sell items from an NPC you’re going to get way worse prices than if you were to do that with other players you’re gonna buy it for super expensive and sell it for very cheap so you’re not going to make money really unless if you’re farming a ton of an item

So yeah but we want it to be like a base level to the economy so then people can’t overcharge or under sell so or over overcharge or under buy or something like that yeah and then people have a way of obtaining items that are like not possible to get

Let’s uh make another chest the GameStop NPCs I’m not sure what you mean is that like a meme or something why don’t you listen to music while you stream uh because I haven’t figured out all the copyright and stuff about that yet and I mean I guess I could just um

I mean now that I understand how the audio channels and stuff work then I could I could figure that out but I don’t know just with copyright and stuff you missed an hour dude you missed an hour of the stream already Logan can’t believe you did that

Oh because GameStop buys your games for nothing oh I see okay I get what you mean yeah no I understand that they’ll they’ll because I remember back in the day back in my day where we try to like sell our games and then we’re like oh two dollars for like a million games

Like why don’t we just keep these you’re new you’re so hyped awesome glad you’re hyped man I love it when people get invested in the series it’s the best can you say hi please sure hello Adriana you don’t need to ask me multiple times I’ll see your comment

How’s it going what’s up Jack are you playing Minecraft no this is fortnite I can’t believe you missed an hour man you finally changed it what do you change check what prior what do you mean oh your name oh okay the interesting name frostbite is it not different yeah it says frostbite

I just didn’t know your referencing it I just saw your blue name in your profile pictures I didn’t even read your name oh that ain’t fortnite yeah it is what are you talking about have you never played fortnite before what are you building I’m digging a trench around my base

So then people can struggle to kill me on Doom today dude I’m gonna crank 90s right now watch this is fortnite good night poor night on fortnighting right now do you see that that’s fortnite right there and they added creepers to fortnite and blocks and creeper heads

You were delayed for six minutes you just got caught up I’m not sure what you’re referencing but just dropped out of the battle bus dude I’m in Dusty divot right now where do you think I’m at I’m modifying the fortnite map that’s Minecraft no it isn’t this fortnite

Chris I don’t know what you’re talking about is this ninja yeah I know I got crazy 90s oh this is Dusty Depot what are you building I’m constructing um I’m constructing a trench around my base prove to me that it’s fortnite or not dude it’s it’s fortnite man I don’t what

Kind of I don’t know can you not see the game you’re watching I don’t know why you’re why you don’t think this is fortnite have you ever played fortnite before yeah I proved it with the 90s dude you didn’t know andesite was in fortnite dude it is you guys have not been

Playing fortnite have you you love my videos thank you Jill yeah and a site is what you use to build in fortnite which is what I’m playing have you ever played rugby no I’m American can you say hi Eli hello Eli hide in a bush to prove to the haters it’s fortnite

Dude I’m not I’m not a bush camper okay after I finish this row I think I’m gonna start on the spider thing you took a break from fortnite can I be a part of the server sure yeah just IP is in the description of any of my most recent videos just any of

Them all right well that’s this row complete let’s record myself running over here and also my name is iron I suppose your new vids are good keep up the vids thank you I don’t know how you’re saying my new vids are good specifically you’re gonna say your videos are good

Instead of being like yeah your old videos suck who is better you or doctor Donuts I’m not sure who Dr Donuts is but probably me you see me crank those 90s if the answer is pretty obvious there that’s how I separate them genius 50 that requires seven

That’s why you got to learn math kids for Minecraft I just need to further consolidate my call because this is my random chest and I can just continually consolidate I do kind of want to organize it a little because it looks ugly right now let’s fix this I’m probably doing this super

Efficiently but here’s okay absolutely efficient Beast right here oh let’s go down here put the armor right here uh thanks for the two dollars online don’t bother you date my donate money a lot how’s your day I appreciate it man uh my day is good yeah

It’s gonna be fun stream it already is a fun stream I’ve been making a lot of progress a lot of great stuff happening there’s some slimes down there maybe worth going to Farm some slime real quick and levels now that’s a whole lot better I have to have everything organized

I’m gonna bring out the whole ocean can you show us our your base now dude I don’t have a base I don’t have like an actual base put the Flint together even put the Flint together can’t put the Flint together what do you mean been playing Skyblock for all day thank

You for that for another ten two dollars well you should be playing on prior MC if description in the IP in the description here’s rich rich yes how long is the trench gonna be all the way around my base don’t be crazy do you play Bed Wars yes

Not during the series well I say that but I was playing Bed Wars on stream yesterday while the server was down felt like I haven’t been playing bedwars much lately because of the series no bass well I have a base okay but it’s like it’s it’s the super basic thing

You’ll see I mean I’ll be there in a second all right what was I about to do oh right that the spider spawner thing okay home home look this this is not satisfying I know this is my entire base okay this is it this and I’m the bass guy I know

You have a hey speaking yes that’s how I’m able to mine all that stuff instantly you got money because you have a job nice I feel a little dried out the bass is basic yeah I said something about that not long ago in like a I can’t remember I think it’s base 10.

Yeah I didn’t close my triple door security system okay I’ll fix that I’ll fix it all right secure it’s still secure now also dang chess plate and Boots already repaired that’s crazy huh you’ll allow it for now I appreciate it thanks for allowing it for now don’t

Worry soon we’re gonna have a crazy looking base how many subscribers do you have at least one or two I think no rip flop Lagoon at least not getting banned or kicked you got 33 Subs good work all right what was I doing oh I need the stuff for the thingy

Is TP trapping legal no it’s like it’s and the rules says no TV trapping um are you going to make Automatic Farms oh I think I already answered that no I can’t what else do I need I need probably building blocks how much money you want because I can go onto your

Oh I think you’re gonna say twitch I don’t have a twitch but like whatever you want to donate I don’t I’m not gonna ask for anything but I appreciate another two dollars online don’t bother Cobblestone slabs can be useful I know I need trap doors so I’ll grab two of these

Kind of want wood for this and I know I’m running out of wood so I think it would be worth just farming that right now does portal trapping count as TP trapping uh portal trapping there’s nothing fun about portal trapping so I’ll probably add that to the list of things against

The rules no portal trapping because it’s not currently against the rules technically but we’ll enforce it because it’s just it’s no fun for anyone what’s your Discord uh my Discord is it’s linked in my description it’s for another two bucks man now I just need spruce

I’m gonna do this uh this whole giant Spruce thing again maybe I’ll do multiple maybe I’ll do three maybe I’ll just get a ton of it maybe I’ll stop maybe maybe I’ll stop saying maybe I’ll Maybe mad respect for the organized chest thank you I might make another video on donut okay

Who is the best PVP in Minecraft I don’t know someone probably is probably some random dude who doesn’t make videos and he just grinds PVP all day every day because YouTubers or tick talkers or creators in general they’re probably not the best because mathematically the reason why they’re successful is

Generally because they’re good at making videos if you focus on making videos and you have less time to focus on getting good at PVP so thanks for another two bucks man appreciate it what’s your in-game username sorry man make strength make a strength Beacon for spider spawner why

Oh technoblade yeah he was really good I chances of him being the best are slim he was really good I’m not saying he was bad he was really good and of course I I watched them for so many years and I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say he’s bad for any reason

Because he’s the reason I started wanting to make videos specifically Minecraft videos I watched him for like over six years or whatever your new viewer welcome it makes it easy to kill spiders I don’t doubt it but like I don’t have the beat the stuff for that and the reason I’m

Gonna Farm spiders is for XP because I’m going to be instrumenting a lot of blocks and I need the beacon for that I know I know Chris do you play any other games no not at the moment is Minecraft content your main source of money um

Or income I guess is what you said yeah Minecraft content is my main choice of income yes and then of course uh patreon is like a little it’s supplementary it helps I was the point of the patreon right now is to is so then I can actually pay for the

Server and everything but I’m still losing money the longer the server’s up but I wanna I wanna like do some monetization things to like fix that so then you know then prior MC cannot just can also grow and self-sustain self-sustain grow ing your Minecraft server awesome yeah everyone the IP is in the

Description of the screen if you’re on Tick Tock sorry you’re gonna have to go in any of my most recent videos and it’s in the description of those videos do you have plans on joining lifesteal no I’m not a scripted content kind of person I like authentic um

I all my videos are authentic and so I I have I’ve only watched like one lifesteal video before so I don’t even really know much about it to be honest and I’m not flaming lifesteal like if they want to make scripted videos sure go ahead but like I I I don’t like

Unless if it’s like more of like meant meant to be unless there’s obviously a story I don’t know whatever I’m my thoughts aren’t very concise is your server Java or Bedrock it is both Java and bedrock so you can play with your job friends you can play with your Bedrock friends

Have all your friends join too would love to have everyone because we we we’re working on getting more and more players involved a higher and higher player cap I feel like these spruce trees haven’t haven’t been as tall as the normal or at least the first one

I think the first one was like crazy tall compared to normal you might join this later nice what’s up uh lover make a tree farm yeah maybe I don’t really need a ton of wood this series though I think this Strat will work the best that’s probably the most efficient

Ain’t no way he just did that who did what the the Rat King welcome this may be enough wood yeah four Stacks is definitely enough I don’t need I don’t even need like even close to this amount of wood but I thought it’d be useful it’d be fun

I wouldn’t have to farm wood for a while you called lifesteal scripted well it is any Creator knows that lifesteal is scripted does is that not common knowledge do people not know that every all those videos are scripted it’s not something I should have said because I don’t know I don’t watch the

Videos I don’t know the community I don’t know anything about it other than unscripted they swear up and down is legit well it’s well I got news for you it’s not I mean maybe it’s legit to a degree but like there’s ways to kind of be like I’m

Not trying to cause any drama or like anything I just I just thought everyone knew that scripted just from that one video I watched I’m like yeah like obviously and from knowing people who know people we know people well knowing people who know people anyways you have to go oh

How do you joined just watch any of my most recent videos like the description in the description of any of my most recent videos has the IP if you’re on YouTube just check the description of the Stream hi 817 make golden carrots no I’m just gonna eat the food I have I’m

Not gonna waste emeralds on it do you play any other games other than MZ not right now guess what what the Rat King is it what I think you’re gonna say you’ll stay one minute okay good you forget you’re not allowed to leave I think this is everything I need

I have the water I have General building blocks oh magma elevator what about like yeah what about like a huh I have Soul Sand right yeah still sand kelp I don’t have any kelp do I is it worth doing a water elevator right now oh no actually it’s not worth it because

I can just do slash home to get home okay chicken butt I knew you were gonna say chicken butt I absolutely knew it is there any virus on your computer by the way no why would I have a virus on my computer I mean I did not long ago before the series

No on my laptop sorry on my laptop I had a virus I’m pretty sure I think I think it was a virus because like a bunch of things started breaking like all at once and I’m like okay and so I got it fixed well essentially I had to wipe the computer

And everything’s fixed so hopefully there’s no virus anymore if there was one foreign I’m going to record myself going over to the area with the spider spawner which I’m pretty sure is on the side I think yeah good I didn’t want to join server you didn’t want to join the server why not

And what is having what what does a virus have anything to do with it because are you saying we’re not hosting the server that’s what you’re asking it’s a different company we have like a bunch of layers of secure we have a bunch of layers of security like multiple layers

So no one can hack or anything and more than that when you start digging the trench a couple days ago where is this spider spawner right here yep nope that’s not it I was like yep it is and now I don’t know where over here right that looks like uh the entry

There it is all right what I can do is this reaches all the way down so what I can do is just uh Place water right at the bottom and then this is just adequate for travel you have antivirus installed yes I have I have an antivirus I mean it’s yeah foreign

You ever heard of Joe who’s Joe I don’t know who Joe is man tell me who who was Joe and what’s these I’m not sure oh Joe you got me you got me good quite the prankster huh I’ll play some infinite water source over here

Now when I drop down I’m just gonna drop straight onto here probably should have set some sort of marker or something so then I can easily kind of know where this is at but um I guess I don’t have that foreign T believe I actually fell for that

You realize I was falling for intense like on purpose because otherwise it’s kind of no fun if you’re like I know what that is and so what I do is I just I’m like what is it even though I’ve heard the joke a million times like more than a million times like a

Billion times like 30 quadrillion times like maybe even more than that I don’t know I don’t think I’ve estimated High Enough now I’m not gonna make golden carrots please stop telling me to do that I can trade for it with villagers even if I that would just be a waste to waste

Of resources if I already have Stacks and stacks of food everyone loves you on the server nice foreign Hearts yeah also Tick Tock people you got to get to spamming the like button YouTube they’ve been doing they’ve been spamming reactions for a while now tick tocks they’ve been slacking off

We need mad likes but probably does it may do nothing but it’s something we need trust me spam spam spam we need to get up to a billion likes right now what game is better Minecraft or Roblox I’ve only played Roblox Xbox oh not late I don’t really have enough experience to

Say I of course I’m of course gonna lean towards Minecraft because I don’t know obviously that’s what I make content about and my I why do my eyes always have to hurt let’s make these walls thick foreign Minecraft versus Roblox isn’t even a fair question well the thing is Roblox

It has a bunch of both Minecraft and Roblox they’re they’re sandbox games you can do so much with it like there’s way more than just like vanilla or what you’re offered from the start so you already liked enough keep spamming man we need all the possible likes

I don’t know I can’t even see how many likes we have so I can’t say like oh we gotta beat a record by build a giant Golem that is holding a village uh Charlie custard already did that bro why are you why are you thumbs Downing Kiana so mean hurts my feelings

You’ll have my bids I just need to upload yeah I know like I just gotta upload man I’m so bad about uploading like it’s like my job but I just don’t do it you’ve spamming the whole stream nice this is the worst and my eye like dries out that hurts to look

I’m like I dropped something for cases like this if I just do this because I don’t think this is the most effective way of doing this you know foreign username I’m filling things up so mobs don’t happen to like spawn outside the spawning area I don’t think they can or will but

I don’t know it feels more protected too I guess when is your server opening and like is it where you can just walk around look at things no it’s you can come play right now you can build a base you can prepare for doomsday you can prepare to kill me right now

IP information is in the description of the Stream also now I have melon seeds so if I wanted to I could Farm those you got 50 YouTube accounts nice you have 58 likes awesome you sent 11 000 likes thank you Luis all right making a spider farm yes

Trying to figure all this out it’s crazy that two spawn next to each other it’s super useful how far four what did I do here this is one two three four yeah so I think the Strat is just to go four out this is the same height too right yeah two three four Deep slight get them to 10 million likes and Subs I guess get me to 10 million likes and Subs now To build a black hole getting held by a space man well I have a black hole build from the you know obviously the recent end build thing you don’t need Discord to join it’s just that’s the best place to find the information and all the information for

The series like just get Discord like I don’t know why people just don’t get Discord it’s not that hard oh beat resuit beat recedes why was I holding that uh what was I doing sorry guys I don’t know why I was holding beetroot I apologize sincerely

Can you join the server on a very old version of Minecraft on PS3 you can join on 1.8.9 and above I believe I don’t know well that’s for Java when it comes to PS3 I think you should be able to join I think I don’t know I’m not entirely sure to be honest

I think you can just try it you literally do that for so long I don’t know why I didn’t get Discord for no reason for yeah I know some people are like well I mean it’s another thing you have to like sign up for but like it takes two seconds to

Create an account two seconds to join the server and then you’re not missing out on things also how far away from spawners do you have to move mobs before they like so then they I don’t know I guess we can test that let’s fill this in Lock It Off nice all right

My under test is almost full I can leave some wood in there and carry more garbage make a secret but base please like a design I already have that how many blocks do you have to dig out yeah before so then more of the spider things can spawn

Row in staff chat people are putting pictures of like food and stuff Morty I’m hungry why do you have to do that to me so I mean oh I did not think this through did I uh I did this wrong dang it I’ll just do that run that and then that

And that and that foreign yep I’m trying to feed all the spiders towards me of course okay dude can you Rat King don’t spam emojis nine by nine around each spawner okay oh I did that perfectly nice okay I just subconsciously did the right dimensions 2013 version won’t work will it I have

No idea man oh I can’t tell you I couldn’t tell you man how am I gonna do this uh not really sure I think I want to funnel I don’t want to funnel the mobs over here this seems more efficient though to do it this way and then I could do signs

Yeah I’ll do sign this is a sign it is spruce wait did I want it higher whatever it’s not the end of the world they drop right here they’ll funnel right here and this is where I want them going and I want them to get funneled this way muscle memory yes

Uh greetings bars of Welcome to the Stream for a lot of people AFK real Quicks and they could sleep but I guess normally not that many dang you’ll sell me ancient books um I appreciate it but I don’t need enchant books or 11 twitch no just YouTube tick tock

Do you ever get bored of this game no well sometimes but I think the game has like endless potential and I wouldn’t rather I I wouldn’t want to play anything else really oh I’m so dumb I didn’t wait could I set another home to the spider spawner that almost feels cheaty

If I could just teleport everywhere in my base but I think I could just do that or should just do that let me grab this sign real quick I realize there’s an efficient way of doing what I want to do real quick real quick why do I keep saying real quick

Stop saying it my mind I’m just too epic I guess oh I just realized um this never mind this could be an issue here’s what I’ll do boom so then they drop straight down instead of like float at like the edge or something what’s your YouTube it’s in the

Description I mean look up my use my take talk username on YouTube it’s prior gaming are you on a server yes feel free to join ipn description or no sorry IP in the description of any of my most recent videos I wish why don’t Tick Tock streams have a description like bro

Okay that’s so silly you got three things and you don’t know where to vote uh oh you click on each of the links that’s how you vote and you just like do the steps so you have a month to prepare against one thousand Hunters who are the hunters gonna be you any of

You any of you guys can join and try to kill me with the ten thousand dollars but of course I recommend being on the server right now so you can prepare you start the lapis I don’t need the single lapis or the rails are you using spawners for defense or

For XP I mean spawners are not going to work for defense but for XPS 25 grams of brown sugar to true uh here’s what I may do I here I’m gonna look it up I need to know how far from the spawner uh the spiders need to be before

Because I need to know how far do mobs need to be away from the spawner okay so a only if a player is within 16 blocks okay we’ll do the mobs endlessly spawn because the mobs need to be pulled away from the spawners right spider grinder

Also there’s a lag because I don’t have it’s not full screen that’s why it’s laggy he lags when this happens because it’s it’s trying to like do it weird try to beat the dragon yeah everyone would kill me we that’s never mind I don’t even know

All right lag is gone because it’s full screen so I guess it doesn’t need much space I I was under the impression that the mobs need to be pulled away from the Grinders so that more can spawn after like our rounds have been spawned like guess not huh

Okay well I guess that’s good to know so I can just so I can literally just do this where I do this like oh there’s oh crap there’s spiders and there’s the other spiders so I think this should suffice and then they sh none of them should be able to get through

So then the big spiders can also fit in I believe I knew the Water Source was gonna be right there I just knew it what’s your Minecraft name why do you want to join the server just go and look up the IP in the description of any of my most recent videos

Or if you’re on YouTube check the description look at my comment make a bow power five flame Infinity um Maybe maybe that would be useful for Dooms today so then I don’t have to worry about carrying a bunch of arrows probably would yeah and then they drop them so then

They lower the lowers their health I I guess I was just I just thought that they they had to be a certain distance so then more can spawn but I get I don’t know I guess I was just I don’t know here’s what I’m gonna do so this is one

Oh this is already the full size of the room I’m just gonna I don’t have any glass I need glass I don’t need glass I just want a glass okay it doesn’t matter because I don’t have tinted windows I can’t make tinted windows anyway oh I was thinking oh because of this

Corner this is gonna slightly drop rates it doesn’t matter that much does it who cares yeah who cares I’m not gonna try to optimize the efficiency that much okay I’m Gonna Fill in all of this block it off foreign make the room below yep

Yeah we got it all set up mostly now I can just decorate get rid of the Torches maybe have like a door all right wait no I have been recording good I can have a double chest to store some stuff like the string I’m gonna make a door

So then I can kind of have like an entryway into this well I’ll do this just like block it I need I can come in here like right now and to mount all the Torches and then hopefully the spiders will start spawning yep

Is that I get rid of all of them no I still won wow it’s spawning a lot of them what’s up I wonder if they just stack up they better stack up that’s what I want oh great wait they can go through what okay so I guess I do need the trap doors

I was like oh we’re all good nope now we’re all good I didn’t realize there they could fit through half a block like what that’s crazy oh let’s let them stack up as I do this well also there they are they’re stacking all up and let’s set this as slash set home

Uh Spider no spooter man I have three homes that’s crazy so I could just teleport between these this is powerful but the thing is I need to use I’m going to utilize the optimization even if it may feel a little cheaty okay how how’d they hit me from there

Wait so can I do this can I like Dig Down and then they can’t reach me it looks like it I think that worked looks are all stocked up there uh that might be an issue let’s remove this and then remove this slab because they’re all like stuck up there aren’t they

Are there any walls that you could they can climb yeah they can kind of climb right now this is not optimal here I’m gonna make some hoppers go into some barrels that’s what I’m gonna do next one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then should I make

And then they should go into barrels because then I don’t have to have something above it wait they can it I can still open it yeah okay 2038 huh Decay weather arrows are wither arrows even a thing I’m just bad at the game I don’t know what’s up touching me

Now everything should funnel into here and nothing should get stuck in The Hoppers but let’s make sure that they’re both nope this one’s not I thought so I thought it wouldn’t be leading into it like I must have misplaced it so just placing the Hoppers underneath the slabs I wouldn’t eat the slabs

They’re if you’re pressed against the chest um I’m not sure what you mean a thousand assassins is crazy it is crazy that’s why it’ll be awesome great stupid get away from me I don’t like them the thing we have the a bunch of prot sometimes I’d probably die chest underneath trapdoor Hopper under

The slabs oh I see the thing is okay I don’t know I mean I think this picks it all up and they can’t hit me right now either so I’m just going in here yeah it’s working I guess yeah how’s my day going I’m good welcome Branson oh this is working

It’s uh the problem is I think they’re all getting stuck up somewhere so oh what am I how am I doing doing this wrong oh I think I see oh they’re all just going back up huh okay I’m looking at a a reference image let’s try to replicate it

Oh they can’t climb on glass man I don’t have any glass well I guess I can just do this slash home home grab glass and slash home spider scooter oh you can’t climb fences either okay I could have just used the fences huh don’t start attacking me yet up attacking me

Is this effective what’s up came across your shorts and builds are so impressive do you have the good work you are so entertaining thank you thank you appreciate it if I do this will that work um so they’ll like they won’t fall in here while they

Maybe I think the mini spiders will but not the big spiders water why are they stuck up here wait oh I see they’re they’re on the other walls okay wait crap I can’t move I can’t move they’re hitting me they’re hitting me the like the other way I

Don’t know how I realize okay so I see they’re they’re climbing that wall oh they can hit me through the door seriously not Epic yeah they’re climbing the wall above the door yeah how’s life it’s good thank thank you Blake so I thought you’re not allowed to make

Farms not Automatic Farms this is not an automatic farm because obviously I’m farming so many different things in a series how did how did I just get hit that doesn’t make any sense foreign of course you’re gonna let yourself in huh I actually may die it’s great uh fantastic all right that’s fine

Let’s see yeah the hopper is right there don’t doesn’t really work uh I just need to empty my inventory space a little it’s too much around stuff oh wait that’s not what I want okay so chest right here and then Hopper is leading into it from here just like so

So instead of dying to the hundred players you die to a cave spider yes the the spider deserves 10 bucks um Maybe okay now it seems to be working it looks like they’re climbing that too so I guess we’re going home home again I’m just gonna grab a bunch of glass I

I don’t know I grabbed like 10. I thought I was only gonna need to cover up a little bit how long have you been preparing so far uh 13 days since the day 13. I think what I’m just gonna do is place blocks here and they can’t hit me

Dumb stupid spider dumb dumb out of the I swear I covered all the blocks up that is All Glass he’s just he just climbed what there hey none of them should be able to climb correct how long have you been playing today or ever you have a strong hatred

In your heart for cave spiders yeah I’m starting to grow that too okay it looks like they are somehow climbing the glass so I don’t think the glass thing was correct yeah I think it’s just fences they’re jumping over the the glass block on the side with the signs

Oh they’re jumping over the glass block okay I didn’t want to have to Place Glass there because in that I think that’s not that makes it not spawnable but I guess got to do what you got to do hey spotters just joined welcome yeah I don’t know it there’s Stills

Climbing maybe it’s the corner blocks of course they can fit through that you can fit through anything um no they’re still doing it I guess it’s not glass huh they oh they do climb on glass okay so the advice I was getting was was faulty bruh okay I guess we’re doing fences

Uh how do I get them down now I don’t know I guess I’ll just kill him from here how did he hit me how do they have such insane range these these little gremlins I’m just gonna I’m gonna cheese I’m gonna home and I’m gonna home spooter so then they despawn

And then I’m gonna place in the end okay now they shouldn’t be able to climb right they should always be stuck they’re climbing the other walls oh great um I think what I’m what I was supposed to do from the start was like get them into like a tight space

And then they won’t climb but these little Gremlins they know how to know how to do anything off that block there so it doesn’t remove that block as spawnable um I don’t know me too I hate Cave Spider Box the stream is so laggy is this is it laggy

Is there plan if someone brings 100 dogs dude 100 dogs aren’t going to do anything I just spy this is why I didn’t want Spider spawners because sure two two spider spawners is great and it made it worth attempting but like they’re so annoying to farm oh the spiders are getting stuck up

There um oh what to do there’s so many of them but like they’re not really going in this compartment some of them are a super lazy creeper Farm I know how to make that I think you’d go back and re-torch it and try to fence it up yeah probably the move

How does how how can you hit me through a block this doesn’t make sense but spiders are overpowered or at least cave spiders are like hit me up Farm oh for XP I remember trying to do a kelp Farm before and also at kelp farm that would

Be really hard to do manually because obviously as I always say I can’t do automatic because it’s against the rules is your server up yet what do you mean just drawing right now it’s in the description trying to get out doors and fences have space between words

They’re next to each other what do you mean funnel to a one by one with iron bars at the end no blocks next to the bars or one by two with no blocks next to the bars on either side I don’t know what you mean by that

Do you allow swearing in your chat no and uh I don’t want to have to move this though cause I’m pretty sure I do have to move it but um yeah I just gotta redo it I’m gonna torch it real quick about to spawn there we go all right now let’s redo this

Man well I’ve learned a lot on how annoying spiders are and everything okay well then I do this and then I do Hoppers underneath this all right do that and then and then what I do is wrap doors right and then are you able to pin comments yet I don’t

Know I already looked into it like I can’t even look at anything in the app which is so dumb the app is so like bad with live streaming yes I’m happy you stream I’m glad I’m glad you’re happy that I’m streaming no I don’t think this is the move

I’m gonna get rid of the glass I’ll probably have keep the glass right there and right here maybe no right here I’ll replace it remove the doors when you finish yeah I’ll probably do that why is the bottom of the sea black huh as no light can get down there

I think this is the move is this because someone said you’re the goat I lost my bro to seeing you grind over these past few months I appreciate it Danny how to play Minecraft on your server with my Nintendo Yes dad joke now nah I’m not doing dad jokes I still refuse

All right will this work I think this will work I hope so if it doesn’t work then I don’t know it won’t they’ll be climbing up on the wall well what do I do I like Place fences here apparently sides we do that and they can’t climb up

Do you stream with OBS yes maybe like fence here I don’t know but fence is above the signs like The Cure is that what you’re saying fences will make spiders get stuck all right I don’t get it oh I got it Brandon uh I don’t get this man why does that have

To be so complicated I need I need a spider expert okay this other design looks a little different it’s got like slabs uh um why do some of the designs have water get this um from what it looks like it may be worth oh maybe even moving this further this way okay

I think this should work I think please tell me this will work you’re watching my stream on two screens I appreciate it man you need to make a tunnel day into roof over I’m not sure what you mean in order to rank up I need free the end

But you can’t spawn the dragon well as we always say we’re going to be opening the dragon fights like vanilla Dragon fights soon name a country for an edit um Bulgaria you want them stuck right there and then put more signs on the walls what do you mean right here

Put signs on the blocks don’t have water on it which ones bro wasn’t it in the 10 stream top five players in the end read the end stream got the rank who is the goat hmm uh I need help I don’t know how to do this what’s up joshco

Some high IQ fortnite play facts all right um I think this will work I think I’m just gonna I may just do it and then replace this because then they can’t leave right is lunar client allowed for the server yes I can at the very least do this

Well here I’d probably just do a full cobblestone because otherwise this the cave spiders might get stuck there guess where I come from I don’t know Indonesia what does the fox say fox don’t talk foxes don’t speak look at my comments no how do I join on the server on Nintendo

As I always say information is in the description of the Stream if you’re struggling to join then look up a tutorial on how to join with that specific version or whatever all right well I’m going to try it I don’t see anyone oh you’re Slovakian nice I don’t see anyone saying this is

The wrong way to do it and so maybe it’ll work once I start doing all this and the spiders are going to spawn so you have to be quick please work please be good enough games like it may be working maybe foreign how do you hit me from there I don’t know

How are they hitting me like I’m not even like close enough are am I signed why would signs on the walls do anything that doesn’t make sense oh you’re the one who built the lava Caster on my base remove the fences okay the sign well why I know but like why

Would I want to stop the water before okay um build all these in then let’s slash home home oh slash home home Builder and then get rid of these great I’m actually gonna buy it aren’t I great okay well might as well close it up if I’m gonna die

Stupid cave spiders I hate cave spiders keep dying to stupid cave spots I’m so bad at the game signs count as a transparent block well I know I I know but I’m trying to figure out why would I want to stop the water no one’s explaining why I would want to

Stop the water I’m actually gonna die again stupid cave spiders I hate these cave spiders very oh when we will you stop the stream uh I don’t know probably have a little bit left a few hours don’t put it near the water they can’t climb signs seriously

Are you sure they can’t climb signs I can try it doesn’t seem to be working here let me just do this they’re not funneling into this compartment maybe because why are the signs not going in here aren’t the signs is aren’t all the items supposed to funnel into here

I just make more hoppers yeah this is so dumb I hate this is why I hate because I’ve gone through this experience before this is why I hate spider spawners they’re so difficult to farm very least I’m going to be picking up all the items now he named his pickaxe tax evasion yes

Tax evasion tax fraud a block is blocking they’re going to kill me if I do this uh of course I can hit through blocked I’m actually gonna die again nope survived easy I don’t like this do you always have a stack of slime blocks you can prevent them from climbing

Uh I have a little bit of slime at the the mine area we do everything how you had it but puts signs on the wall in front of where you are hitting them signs I don’t understand I’m just dumb I guess right here like that and they can’t climb that

Is that what you’re saying signs will be your bus but someone but they were climbing the glass so that’s not true so I already tried the glass A bunch of different times and they climbed it every single time like I was like completely surrounding them and they were just climbing it okay foreign

Welcome well it seems to be working better now so I’ll just stick with this and hope this is uh the Strat because I can’t do more of this or this nonsense maybe I’ll make more signs uh all right let’s home home then home spooter and quickly try to speedrun placing the signs

Because apparently that is supposed to stop them from climbing oh I guess there’s this block missing all right will that worked foreign of where they are getting stuck I’m not sure you mean welcome back Bryce it’s not working I think it’s working I think no I keep knocking them out a stupid

Knockback sword maybe the stress you just do this they’re a block missing because I feel like I hear a bunch of spiders but I mean it’s they’re flowing foreign it’s the absolute best thank you I appreciate that okay there’s something right there there’s definitely some sort of like

Block okay well that’s my answer uh all right I’m definitely dead yep okay well I think we have a solution I’m so bad at this game okay so that means get rid of the signs do that I think yeah of not sticking and it said colliding what do you mean

You identify as a spider Well you aren’t the specific spider that killed me so maybe this is better there’s a way to do it I think we figured it out I mean I have zero levels now favorite sneakers uh I don’t know I don’t I wear a pair of shoes I don’t

Wear sneakers the shoes I wear are essentially fake shoes so I don’t have to wear actual shoes so then my feet can grow stronger quick cook mac and cheese or the mac and cheese you cook over oven I’m not sure what you mean oh what what

Mac and cheese would you put in the oven I I’ve just made like the Annie’s mac and cheese when I make that that actually sounds kind of good right now so I don’t have a lot of can you have three yeah stop spamming that do we have any mods in the chat to

Mute them yeah you can’t even get into my base anyway oh why am I missing a block there I thought I did everything not great I have to do it oh that was a successful Mission locked it up let’s go who’s spamming uh it was the Maria jovic spamming F3

Brought a 500 deal down to 350. yeah what are you referencing go to the nether in mind course for levels much more efficient dude do you not know what I’m playing right now this is doomsday people are gonna kill me if I go to the nether stove you meant stove

What’s what’s quick cook mac and cheese then is that like stuff you put in the microwave I’m always I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever had the so-called quick cook mac and cheese what’s F3 it it tells you stuff like coordinates if I click it oh you put the the wrong person in

Timeout but if you tried winning with just raw skill uh then doomsday would not be possible I don’t have that much skill man have you seen how many times I just died to these spiders I think this this kind of system is working so yeah there’s a little slow killing them but so

Uh frostbite what’s more important stream moderating or girlfriend come on you gotta get your priorities straight obviously I’m joking obviously I’m joking what’s that giant pit for you mean the the trench just to protect myself thanks for the gifts uh I don’t know how to say your name I’m sorry

We put a microwave for 3 30 and add cheese and mix gotta add water only huh actually I think my brother has eaten those I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that easiest way of getting levels is trading glass panes with cartographer yeah well if only I could actually leave

My base without people hunting me then I do that this is taking a little bit to be honest I don’t know if this is that efficient are both spawners working or I wish there was a way for me to see if there’s a bunch of spiders up top

Here spiders they’re probably a bunch like in the ceiling there’s someone’s buying my sugar cane nice I need money are there a bunch of spiders up there because I need to know this yeah there’s a bunch up there uh what can I do about that because that’s lowering the efficiency

Of the farm dramatically let’s go into the pit stop following me but oh too quick hmm you love my videos I appreciate it why how many of them are there foreign looks like it yeah look like four so how do I stop that when are you gonna get another right I

Don’t know I probably I might not be able to what did I miss uh me dying a bunch oh I see that’s what was sucking up a bunch of the XP it was the armor that was the wall I was talking about yeah but I don’t do do signs actually

Make Spike can spiders actually not climb on signs because I don’t know if that’s true you don’t know about the signs so that’s why I placed a lot of these signs was for that reason but hmm let me kill these spiders so that I can live without getting pounced every two seconds

I’ve gotten better stronger got them all hmm wait I hear spiders where’s the spider is it up here I think up here no you turn on subtitles for this right over here but over here it’s saying over here now uh over here or is this where I’m hearing it from

Oh it’s from the spawner itself oh Google says signs grass sure cane nether portal flame things flowers and Soul Sand they can’t climb signs they can’t climb signs wait spawner is complex compared to the ones you usually make yes uh okay so Soul Sand let’s try that

Soul Sand could actually be the trick how will you not be able to get another right you have like twice the time you keep forgetting that players are just gonna hunt me down for the ten dollars how long are you streaming for a little bit I should have grabbed all the Soul’s hand

Oh great that was Genius of me I’ll probably stream for at least an hour and 15 minutes more for about that time exactly or less you’re gonna go play Roblox not allowed what’s up clam cave welcome to the Stream it should work now there’d be no more climbing

If your Google search is correct better be I cannot move when you’re crouching you cannot fight the resistance of the whatever very easily this is actually like I’m stuck I’ll grab the tub so it doesn’t have spasm you ever played Doom no yeah hopefully all right

Slabs could be an issue no slops won’t be an issue we’ll see because of it if spiders can truly not climb Soul Sand then this should work perfectly should work like a charm maybe it would even be worth doing this and then what if I did this no that’s not going

To do anything yes this does nothing so if I go in this corner it’s going to pull me right nope it’s not right that was a waste okay should work you’re on YouTube it’s gonna play Roblox see ya and you do your can I do your homework no I’m not doing your homework

You have 114 likes thank you guys we need infinite likes on the The Tick Tock infinite literally nothing should so I gotta stop giving up in the middle of my sentences okay stupid spider is this how annoying Spider Man is to those villains all right okay we got a spider

Well that is an issue I probably just need like a regular iron sword or something the knockback is so annoying I don’t have iron okay doesn’t seem to be working foreign ax oh I didn’t think about that I got a lot of hits why do they have so much health

Yeah this isn’t working is it yeah nope they can climb Soul Sand I’m definitely dead he’s so dead a home home all right I’m out this is so frustrating what do I do how do I do this can I shut you out now uh right I gotta figure this out man

Answer your question was your question how’s my day been uh someone else asked but I didn’t see your question I don’t see one scrolling up their chat I don’t see anything can’t climb fences so we may just have to redesign it with fences all right if there’s a mod online please mute

Titanga ducks okay nice and I wasn’t even ignoring him I addressed him what’s happening uh spiders spiders are happening they’re the worst I hate them they’re so frustrating oh we can use Nether Brick fences letters suck yeah especially the stupid cave spiders are the worst the absolute worst there’s literally nothing worth

There’s nothing on this Earth worse than cave spiders I know that is saying absolute like that is silly well that’s the point make a redstone bomber yeah what have you saw about as many spider as the spider farm had in it what do you mean like in real life

All right ice blocks I’m not just gonna try different things I’m just gonna use fences because I know they can’t climb fences let’s do it hey I don’t think they can oh but if I do that there the thing is uh they’re gonna run into the thing

Because they’re still going to be able to climb this and if I place fences here and on the corner and they’re going to run into this corner but is that the end of the world of if they run into that corner not really should I just do that um I’m not sure

Yeah I’m sure it’ll work just fine if I do this I should have like tested this in like creative or something I didn’t think it’d be this difficult because this is that content this is not good content look up what they can’t stick on well that’s what someone in chat did

That’s why I’m doing this this should work doesn’t work then I’ll just cry myself to sleep are they gonna be able to hit you through the fence I mean like that’s not that’s the least of my worries right now I just want to get them funneled somewhere

We can’t climb it they can’t climb it they try their best but they can’t maybe they try to climb this I don’t know they’re trying to cheese the system they get funneled in uh uh I do this they just can’t help it they go in there so if it’s right that they can’t

Climb fences and that should work perfectly that’s why there’s a spawning okay wait get out of here shoe is it working oh give it a second nope they look like they’re all going up somewhere I think that means they can climb fences um what’s up Landon

You like the advancements I made to the spawner yeah well it’s still not working so and they’re what can spiders not climb in Minecraft well Smith it says whole span but like all those sugar cane blocks and then replace it from bamboo just like sugar canes spiders just pass through the bamboo

Blocks they cannot climb them that means that spiders cannot climb flowers sugar cane or bamboos so at the end we have seen dead spiders cannot climb any plant such as flowers sugar cane bamboo but it can easily climb water or lava so that’s it for this video this seems more updated

It says Soul Sand but like they were literally climbing salsa on the entire time I mean they seem to be collecting so let’s make the roof one block tall where the water comes down well they keep climbing it two hours on a spider grinder yeah I don’t know if it’s working

I have trap doors I don’t I think they can climb trap doors magma blocks well you I’m pretty sure you can touch magma block without getting burnt how many times have you died this stream uh probably a few dimes foreign yeah I get what you’re saying but I’m

Pretty sure spiders can still climb them they can’t climb bamboo I know that in the video you just demonstrated it but I don’t know how do I get to be an assassin so just join the server ipn is in the description the grinder is done I think I don’t well maybe not

I don’t I don’t think so actually so here A bunch of spiders and all of them are in here nice haircut thank you when is doomsday October 1st if you want to know the exact time and everything just go in my Discord has all the information and it automatically adjusts

To your time zone yeah they’re clocked they’re climbing the fence I thought they couldn’t do that bro how are they climbing the fence I I could have sworn on the website it said they can’t climb fences let’s do this just a block off the light oh wait I didn’t think about that

How did I just get hit I don’t know they have insane range maybe they can shoot poison or something I don’t know um seems to be spiders up there right now yeah so turns out the fence thing is not true can you at least hit them through the fence I don’t think so

No I just hit the block they’re just climbing this isn’t working I mean they’re falling down so this is adequate I don’t know just gotten in the Stream and also just got in the channel nice welcome you’re just plain played your new end well this is working I mean

I think this is the best we can do so I’ll just keep it at this this is like the worst Farm ever foreign make the Kill Chamber go down four blocks where the water is one pixel tall that is actually worth doing is moving the water back so I think I’ll actually

Do that I’m gonna do it from here but there’s only so much I can here let’s do slash home home and go back does this actually stop all the spawns nope there’s spiders over there all right foreign two three yeah let’s do that that should funnel them in better Maybe

Is this Sky Block no you saw the shorts he uploaded on YouTube about the end Dimension transformation is cool thank you I appreciate that oh wait I didn’t remove the torch today yeah Place fences on top of spawned to the roof oh yeah I guess I probably should do that

Forgot about that too it’s a basic optimization at least this will stop the cave spiders from spawning that one torch foreign I don’t think there’s any spiders right there well oh okay I kind of expected that I knew one would get stuck but I don’t think I think like defenses may be kind

Of working because I don’t see like a group of them grouped up I guess yeah great yeah I think it’s working I was an old version hmm I’m doing this right whatever I’ll probably you enjoyed the second time let me roast you as to sleep what

Best thing to do is from the Kill Zone spot build up with slabs and they’ll climb down instead because it’s a stair block oh it’ll climb down instead of up huh I’m gonna try that it’s worth a try no wonder you’re poor uh okay buddy I know you’re flaming me oh there’s

You’re getting stuck right there interesting I think yeah there’s a few things to improve but I think I’m getting the hang of it Oh they are getting stuck up there that’s great oh and they’re getting stuck on the wow how did he even get up there thank you Jacob at the very least this needs to be fixed I think I’m gonna change all this fences not work you’re almost halfway to Doomsday the

Walls are closing in yeah Tom’s ticking you’re so kind I’m gonna subscribe now thank you put slabs on the spawn area well one another brick fence be enough foreign spiders have so much health I feel like they have way more Health than regular spiders let me out YouTube tutorial all right

Uh you didn’t send me a tutorial you don’t need a friend me just send it to me I have my DMs open hmm well I mean I already looked at like guides and stuff and hmm uh thanks for the five dollars frostbite keep it up I appreciate it

I wish you have I wish you were Rich huh was today’s Mission uh partly this is I hate spider Grinders they’re a horrible they’re horrible to make I don’t even I don’t even know this right I think the Strat May almost be to just funnel them into like a hole

And that’s how I get them and put like bamboo or something no those cave spiders can funnel oh yeah I think my idea is a good idea let’s let’s light it all up and let’s just do it because I’ve already spent so much time on this might as well yeah

Because like it’s like why are spider’s not going on this it’s because it’s the water so if I funnel all the spiders into like a central area and drop them down that should work better and then I can make it look good too let’s do this I think I have an idea for

Once I think I know how to do this Okay so first I’ve combined turn it into polish deep site so everything looks nicer um that’s not an actual needed step but whatever who cares um then I do this wait that’s not the move then I do this

Which will make all the spiders go towards this way and then thank you then I remove all this because this is useless fences don’t do nothing I ain’t doing nothing so I’m gonna essentially drop them all down into a center chute and then make it so that they can’t

Climb back up and then that’s how I do it okay actually I don’t even need to do all this I think I can just I think I can just do this as long as if I funnel everything towards this 2×2 area foreign let’s actually do this let’s let’s fill this in and then

Yeah I’m carrying a lot of signs let me just do that thank you yes are you sent a double cave spider spawner tutorial uh I think I’ve got it handled if this doesn’t work then I’m gonna check that out because I think this may just be the best

Possible design what I’m doing here Yes probably do the same thing with the signs just as like a a measure of like if they try to climb around this area they’re going to constantly get pushed there’s no kind of there’s no way to escape I don’t think there’s much we can do about this of I think what’s happening

Is the spiders are like climbing up on here and so what I think I’m gonna do let’s grab this water and then drop down the Chute the whole thing down a block So to avoid that for 1.9 teen but it should change tutorial nothing really changed but it should affect it yeah

That’s messy yeah I’m gonna record I’m gonna remodel this entire thing might as well just get rid of the water completely getting really annoying oh you’re supposed to put the Spawner in the middle or what do you mean that’s that’s free let’s do this way better let’s backtrack this make this like 20

Times better right okay so this is going to be the center let’s put the center Chute like right here this four by four this can be it that’s eight right perfect oh nope that’s it I just got to dig this around water in the middle even blocks empty above and below

And block on top I’m not really sure the thing is I don’t really have a reference for what you’re saying and so I don’t know oh wait but if I do that then that’s not gonna work what about something like this but this nope I’ll figure it out

What’s up how am I I’m good welcome you watch a stream from your computer so you can hop on the server nice figuring this out let’s go okay so if I almost like structure it like a standard spawner that’s not from yeah I can do this

And I want to make it all fancy because why not make the Box run spawners even with length and width you can easily make the butter shut off in the center uh or shoot in the center okay this is I think this is how I’m gonna do it

I’m just gonna make the maroon massive just so it looks good I guess so it looks all even and whatnot okay now so this is one two three four one two three four and then to this wall should be enough digging about to starve to death like on the server that sucks

Hi from Brazil what’s up uh Felipe welcome welcome got to be polished of course why wouldn’t it why would I not Place polished deep sleep we’re gonna recover this I think I think I’ve got it figured out how’s your day been it’s been good thank you for asking clam cape

This should be most efficient too in terms of actually transporting the spiders so I think it’s gonna be a net positive one two three four five six so it’s gonna need to go out two more yeah cause I I want it to look super like even symmetrical on all sides

Does look super cool sheep’s light nice how do you get my builds um well you get the base designs off my patreon four one two three four I think yeah this is way too short one two three this is only six I mean obviously it doesn’t need to be

Extended all this way but I’m just gonna do it just because it’ll look good how do I take my things off the auction house so what you do is you go into slash h you hit your auctions and you take it off I still have a an up another upgrade thing so

I’m gonna do another server after this or another server like this well the server is not going away the server’s staying up after doomsday it’s been a thing for years it’s just this is just one of our events so we’ve done events in the past not of not nearly of this scale though

But yeah I want to grow prior MC I want to do mini games and stuff and a lot of stuff you’re back welcome welcome back yeah one of the ideas I thought of earlier I I think it was so good I’m like I might just do this after doomsday like work on

Content but also work on this specific mini game it’s not like a not even a mini game just like how Sky Block High pixel Skyblock is not a mini game right well it kind of is but like I want to be like high pixel Skyblock but better like not even like Skyblock

Because it’s different and better it’s like Skyblock almost if it if you had an actual purpose so just grind for stuff for no reason how do you get on the server on Xbox so you you can look up tutorials on how to join servers on Xbox I’m pretty sure

I don’t really know I don’t know I I don’t think it’s like PS4 where you have to or Playstation where you have to like install something I think you can just put in a server IP which the IP is in the description if it doesn’t give you

That option then just look up a YouTube tutorial it’ll help you what’s up random cheesy foreign so I guess there’s tutorials out there for that so to watch some tutorials and our Xbox is hard to get in the server well once you got it figured out then you can easily rejoin quickly so

Just gotta figure it out the first time thanks for the gift uh Antonio I’m gonna make sure this place are these places are torched these torches are placed and hopefully this all works if it doesn’t work then I’m just gonna have to cry myself to sleep because I put

Literally hours into this spider spawner troubleshooting trying to figure things out foreign you want to use Link to vote for server but you can’t clip it click it from your phone I I don’t know man I don’t I haven’t connected to the server through like bedrock in anything

I have people figure it out so I don’t know get help from someone who’s done it one time I build a massive llama for some reason when you’re like five in Minecraft nice foreign people online nice get all you guys online what are you doing I’m mining out a room because I

Got a double spider spawner and so I’m doing like a fancy fancy little thing for this maybe I’ll do like a cobblestone slab roof or something maybe that’ll look decent just to have a differing block and I can leave the hoppers in here the rails spider heads

Your base got raided and you died and lost everything um no you can’t come to my base you like even if I wanted you to come on my base we have it set that you can’t like you physically can’t um you should have made a claim on your

Base otherwise yeah people are just gonna raid your base and kill you because if you have a claim no one can touch your stuff you don’t know anything about Minecraft but you understand the lyrics say hi so I can like your video uh you don’t you can like if you want

You don’t need to like I don’t care I mean I think it helps Maybe so if you want to like feel free to remember me yeah I think I remember you though Bill inventory is full again let me just use some of this all right now I think it’s worth trying

To adds to the ceiling just because it’s gonna look good make polished slabs nah because then that doesn’t look good because there’s no like contrast it’s just all one color and I wouldn’t look good gotta go all right see it yesterday you were in the chat and you

Said hi and I will subscribe to remember yep get waves yes that’s genius I should do that you’ll need to add a block they can’t spawn on the ceiling such walls I know I put the the fences so it looks cool amount of slabs pretty sure I grabbed a decent amount or

Did I pick up all of them guess I answered my question keep losing connection on the server seems like a connection issue you’re messing around when saying get waves but you could definitely get waves if you wanted to uh yeah I don’t I wouldn’t get waves

I don’t know if that would match me and I don’t know if my mom knows how to do waves because she’s cut my hair my entire life and I never been a barber and to me it doesn’t make sense because that costs money when I can obviously you know just have

My mom cut it but at some point of course I’ll have to I’ll have to actually Builder foreign curls I know well do I do three four I’m gonna have to block this off but it doesn’t matter because I don’t need this water thing anyway I used to have waves a while ago

There’s definitely a lot of work yeah yeah that’s what I love about having short hair is I just wake up and then do nothing with my hair well I never do anything with my hair ever but still still it applies because sometimes if my hair is like when my hair is Curly it

That’s just some absolute mess every morning and I’m like great it could be where my door goes and the the great thing about this setup is then I can enter this area more safely now let’s make this uh infinite water source area consolidate the water and make sure that

I don’t like accidentally destroy one of the sources yeah I’d have it not sure what any of that means but my mama Pryor do a mullet uh probably but I that’s not my thing I think my brother did that kind of recently but I’m like it doesn’t look good almost done

My pickaxe may break by the time I’m done where’s Devin I don’t know I mean I don’t blame him if he’s bored he’s like oh man this stream is a drag yes this has not been as interesting as the others but right now I’m trying to actually make something of this

Kind of rectify the situation I’m gonna put up the the Deep slate oh I got a lot of room in my inventory that’s cool trying to come to a lot of streams well at least you’re showing up man welcome I’m hungry I should probably eat the nuts I brought let me do that

You got this thank you yes Bryce has shown up three days in a row where’s my nuts what’s up uh engineering dude let’s have this protein bar made out of soy and stuff which I’m not a fan of but I gotta eat you don’t care about the prize pool nice

Yeah it was a solid amount of people are playing just for fun not even for the prize I mean it should be fun whether you’re playing for the prize or not it’s kind of the whole point but um yeah like I’d at least attempt to get the prize pool

What’s up J Jacob mark welcome back you just got all your wisdom teeth removed you can’t do anything physical related yet that sucks man I dread the day that I have to get my wisdom teeth removed I didn’t really think this through in terms of the water foreign that would be genius

But I just sat in the center of this and then I had the spiders the K the overpowered cave spiders just stop everyone trying to kill me using my advantage yeah if only that would work they wouldn’t stop a thousand players probably not in one bro I’ve miscalculated on that side I have

To mind that again better that’d be good though no man I have to mine it I have to fix it or not not enough diamonds and caves near your base unfortunate or almost done even though we have to fix that one side foreign yeah I want to make it look nice

I want to make it look Epic epic Gaming they don’t call me Mr Epic for no reason Mr gaming Mr epic Gaming I earned that title with Blood Sweat and Tears emphasis on the blood you don’t know what I had to do to become Mr epic Gaming anyways

I know I’m Overkill with the Torches nothing like eating while playing Minecraft what are you making uh Spider grinder thing if I unclaim my land to move elsewhere do I get my money back uh you lose some of it so you don’t get 100 of your money back now foreign

How did I get this math wrong okay where’s the side that needs fixing wait one two three four wait which side is the one that needs fixing because this is eight wait no I think I did it right I think why did why was I so convinced that I did it wrong

It looks right epic games fortnite man yes now I’m I’m separate from epic games but I’m Mr Epic Mr gaming and Mr gaming Epic I’m so epic aren’t I I’m just so happy I don’t know I say I say that too much to a point where it almost stops becoming ironic

Word your barrier is gonna get expanded so you gotta move yeah that’s smart there’s such home home yeah I don’t think I did it wrong that’s the thing I looked at I was counting it out and at first I thought I did it wrong and then I checked and I’m like oh

Wait I don’t think I did I think I did it right here I’ll grab Cobblestone too if home scooter it was the first time outstream and you’d like to say this a w series thank you appreciate that you look rich what does that mean in

Game yeah I got 10K in game right now you got like over 100 chickens let’s kill them all repopulate have you died yet on this world many times and uh this isn’t a world this is a server this is the Doomsday server well it’s prior MC but specifically I

Refer to it refer to it as the Doomsday server because that’s where we’re doing the Doomsday series which is what I’m doing right now boom super Epic I know pretty epic indeed and move the wall towards perfect yeah I was a side I think that I thought was messed up

I know it seems good here let’s uh let’s do this actually uh okay I think that should work now yeah all the sides are perfect nice a slash AFK so then and people can sleep you gotta go all right see you around keep losing your levels don’t lose your levels

Yeah spawners sure has changed yeah I’m not I’m not leaving the water here this is her internal article I know what I’m gonna do we need a lot of time so where you place it it’s not flowing I know I know that the whole point is I’m

This is just as an infinite water source I’m gonna move it first soon yeah probably enough I need I think I need 14 on the other side too where’d the other signs go all right uh we need 14 right well but not suffice so now let’s place this side

Uh it’s blowing too fast too good it should be perfect now Flyers are not spawning I can’t see anything uh I can’t see here let’s just put torches on the spawners themselves give it a stupid little spider how can you just jump so far I why are cave spiders so strong

I swear they actually have like a ton of health or something foreign a channel in the Discord so people can advertise join groups actually that’s one of the things we want to add and thank you for suggesting that yeah that is the plan okay now it should this should be incredibly efficient

So what I want to do is boom skills right there perfect excellent all right and now let’s dig oh and then also what I could do is I could just dig like pretty far below and then yeah and then they all die or they don’t die of fall damage but they they take

Fall damage some at least well we probably won’t do that much to be honest but still make them one hit the thing is don’t the cave spiders and spiders have different HP and then also right now if I check yeah I’m already almost at Bedrock so all right

Oh the smooth Zone doesn’t prevent climbing uh wait crap uh I had this all planned out but I kind of messed it up here uh let’s move over here this is probably where I’ll have the tunnel because actually the thing is I can’t really go very far down negative 50. um yeah okay

Yeah I’m literally not gonna be able to do much so this is gonna work what are you doing I’m taking out a thing for a spider spawner spider thing 18 blocks yeah well I can’t dig 18 blocks I think I was just gonna have to do let me through

All right so this means if the center is right here I just dig straight down for here for a little bit probably at least to here yep I’m gonna want to make this a triple tall I have Soul Sand so what I can do is I’ll do this for this short term

But I can close it slow sand oh I have it right here it’s so silly and whatever remaining signs I have I don’t have a lot of remaining signs four signs I’m gonna need more than this did you eat uh yeah I just say bar do you not know this

Yeah I appreciate you checking out I’ll do this temporarily that’s it’s kind of like a garbage setup but who cares let me do this and then do this this there we go and now what I think I can do is just place these signs and I’ll get nope they get water logged great

All right so I’ll play Soul Sand which should be pushing me up it’s not wait I placed them wrong they’re supposed to go on the sides so it looks good let’s remember I’m trying to make all this look good but if I’m gonna if I’m gonna make this

Look good I have to mine out the sides ah there’s way too much why can’t you do 18 because I’m almost at bedrock and so I can’t even dig that far down that’s fine foreign and I filled in my of course I filled in my infinite water source I swear no never mind

I was about to say I swear I have the thing but I don’t all right foreign craft more signs or do I want to do something yeah I’ll craft more signs good work thank you when are you posting the other videos uh give me time all right I I’m trying we’re trying

I honestly can’t tell you when because I don’t know boom there we go got a whole set up here could be less cramped foreign I almost feel like I should just move this up but like I’m lazy so I’m probably just not gonna do that I’m definitely gonna make stairs then I

Can walk up this I know this is so much like prep for like something that doesn’t really matter that much that I probably won’t use this room that much I’ll probably just be farming spiders and not coming up to here or anything do you prefer us calling you prior or

Something else uh some people call me Isaiah some people call me prior I don’t really care the reason I started made it prior gaming is because people called me prior because that’s my last name in in school they just called me prior because there were multiple Isaiah’s um well at least

In high school there’s two of us previously there was three so yeah it’s kind of like a last name thing and just with people just call me okay give you time but I’ll be a regular at stream every day nice appreciate it almost looks like a prison oh wait oh

Okay I actually go I forgot I had a meeting at six all right uh okay yeah let’s let’s end this stream surprise how you don’t have one million Subs you’re really talented person thank you all right see you guys um I gotta go

This video, titled ‘Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday’, was uploaded by PryorGaming on 2023-09-13 22:46:14. It has garnered 3969 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 04:41:51 or 16911 seconds.

This is day 13 of preparation for Doomsday in Minecraft. Our goal is to make this the biggest Minecraft series of all time and you can be a part of it. Come be a part of the series using the IP shown below! You can join on any device in any version. Except cracked clients.

**Doomsday Premise:** I’m streaming on PryorMC every day for 1 month to prepare for ***Doomsday.*** On the final day, I try to survive for 1 hour from ALL players trying to kill me for $10,000.

**PryorMC IP:** Java Edition: Bedrock Edition: []( Port: 19132

**Discord and Patreon links:**

**Purchase a HIGH quality Minecraft server** at an **excellent price:**

By using this affiliate link to get a Minecraft server, you greatly support the series and future projects. And can go play Minecraft with your friends ๐Ÿ™‚


Key Words: (Ignore all this) Doomsday Minecraft Doomsday Doomsday IP Doomsday Server 1 Vs 1000 Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Battle Minecraft War Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Civilization Simulated Minecraft Simulation Minecraft Series Minecraft Assassins Minecraft Survival Minecraft Hardcore Doomsday Bunker Secret Minecraft Base

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  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: โ€ข Custom currency system for trading โ€ข Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity โ€ข Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace ๐Ÿ”ฅ #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace ๐Ÿ”ฅ #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- ๐Ÿ“ŒYour Queries :- ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปHow to Respawn Ender Dragon ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปRespawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ ——————- ๐Ÿ™ โ—WELCOMEโ— ๊œฑษชส™ษชแด€ แดŠแด€๊œฑ is HERE โ———————————————————โ— โ˜…โ˜…———————————————–โ˜…โ˜… Link :- Available on Channel About Section โ————————————————————————————————————————-โ— ๐Ÿ“Œโ˜…โ˜…โ˜… Business Enquiries โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…๐Ÿ“Œ Email – [email protected] โ— ——————————————————โ— *Keywords* Sibia Jas โ————————————————————————————————————————-โ— Background Music ๐ŸŽต{ No Copyright trap } โ—… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดLIVE๐Ÿ”ด Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft ๐Ÿ‘ FOLLOW ME! โ–บ TikTok – โ–บ Instagram – โ–บ Twitter – ๐Ÿ“บ MY OTHER CHANNELS โ–บ Dark Corners (Horror) – โ–บ DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! ๐ŸŒŸ We listen to our community and update very often! ๐ŸŽ‰ Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! ๐Ÿ•น๏ธโœจIP: play.minevita.netโ†’ ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Survivalโ†’ ๐Ÿ“œ Claimsโ†’ ๐Ÿช‘ Furnitureโ†’ ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ Townsโ†’ ๐Ÿ˜Š Friendly communityโ†’ ๐ŸŽฉ CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday