PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday

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Day 23 baby let’s go let’s get this show on the road all right Minecraft you’ll never guess it today we’re playing Minecraft we’re prepping for doomsday your favorite all right uh let me start recording This Is The Moment of Truth is it is it slow yo is this actually handling it super

Well it was not a single moment of lag live on tick tock it’s not a single amount of lag dude this graphics card is insane I got a new I got a new graphics card and like it’s so smooth how does a stream look tell me how does does the mic sound good

Because this is this is so much better this is so much better like it’s like not even a single bit of lag anyways so when this timer runs out anyone who tries to anyone can enter my base and try to kill me for ten thousand dollars I need that

Voice line Mike sounds pretty crisp good that’s good stuff um so this is day 23 of course and because you know September 23rd yesterday we worked on a useless Contraption set up like a little platform around it um and we also did more digging for the trench like back there we’re actually

Almost done with the with the dirt digging portion but I still have a lot to do what’s the name of your server all the information to join is in the description you don’t need a name for the server that’s just whatever you want to put there you can you can still join

Uh welcome welcome so is better than this morning yeah because I I installed it and I did a bunch of tests and I put on like Max quality and I increased the bit rate so the streams should look like way better um thank you Jacob all right so

Today’s focus is entirely Base building so as you can see this kind of sucks uh you know it as the base guy I have a really crappy bass like this is the entire thing this this does not suffice so somehow I didn’t trample that crop all right

So today we’re building up the path to the base area uh we’re doing a storage area we’re moving items up we’re going to do some defenses and walls there’s going to be some area to move around it’ll be really nice we’ll have like a maybe like a little bunker kind of thing

And we’re going to set up mountains you know set up walls around the mountain just like look cool so can you tell me what I missed I don’t know what you missed to be honest because I just started streaming so we’re going to start by getting this Beacon and also no lag

Dude I’m streaming in two different platforms and recording in two different ways and like OBS my my graphics card is handling it like a champ looks so it’s so smooth normally my game is like whenever I do this or something my game starts lagging and so I try to

Barely move my screen but now I could just like I can give I can trouble I can trigger your epilepsy with no lag oh great Phantoms get out of here with the power of a better graphics card you can easily kill him wait do they get scared of beacons

Yeah with something stopping them I think it’s the beacon Maybe yeah he he doesn’t want it he doesn’t want to hit the beacon that’s strange all right let’s get let’s grab all this and then we’re gonna move it up to the base the reason we’re mining the beacon

Straight off the bat is because you know I don’t want to have to mine out base stuff and then have to for it to be slow like that that’s just dumb you accidentally clicked on this notification dude you should intentionally do it can you order Uber uh yeah

Why why would I order an Uber though how’s preparation going you weren’t on much yesterday well I because of some technical difficult because of some technical difficulties with the server uh stream was like way way later yesterday like like very late bro okay now we should be dead

He keeps respawning if you kill him I don’t know anyways but yesterday we did almost nothing I’m pretty sure um it was it was a short stream just did some taking it it kind of sucks let’s be honest but that was because I didn’t have time so

Is this a skeleton go shooting me I think so you’re getting packed up guys how how does the stream look does it like visually look better not just lag and also and not just like not having constant mic issues but how does it appear except Owen welcome welcome like does it look

S like clearer because the thing is I also increased the bit rate of the stream so like it should be like a higher quality and then also like Max quality encoding I set it to that and my graphics card is handling it well and everything’s just so buttery smooth so good

Oh it’s the best it’s annoying I wish with oh this dude has armor or iron armor I really don’t see that not in Java I kind of want to see what what enchantments he has but what do you have oh he’s not gonna tell me all right then keep your secrets

Let’s see what bow you have and he’s not telling me whatever let’s head back to the base uh I think there’s only one Phantom left should I just kill him because screw Phantoms there you go where is this dude there he is do you not have looting yeah I got

Looting looting uh three okay stupid I swear there’s not normally this many mobs okay I’m just I’m just trying to get rid of them so then I can slash home without having to worry about getting killed okay home home all right we’re back it’s so clean bro this this it’s so much better

Because there’s always some level of lag whenever I’m moving around or doing anything and it’s just this is just like 20 times better oh man thank you I mean I’m gonna get used to it really quick and then I’ll stop being like that but like looks so nice so nice anyways

Clear my inventory and then we’re gonna start on the base so I grabbed the beacon I already have all the Deep slate tiles uh it’s in my choker box right oh I forgot to put these in here so I could distribute it later yeah I got it in my shulker box foreign

Some people just leave coal in their furnaces or whatever and that may be smart but uh but do do I really Peg you as a smart person what what are you playing on the server what do you mean um I mean if you want to join the IPS

Right here normally there’s some sort of like frame rate drop when I do this it may be slight maybe there is some firmware drop yeah just screenshot that you got five seconds what is doomsday preparation oh what’s up Dev uh doomsday I’m preparing for a bunch of people trying to kill me

So we’ve got seven days left and then a bunch of people try to kill me anyways I have the Deep slate tiles let’s put them in my hop bar and then let’s head up here I’m going to turn on replay mod when I get up there

Make an obsidian base I thought about it I think I am gonna do like some obsidian for like the central bits but I’ll encase it all in obsidian later I’m gonna do like deep slate and I guess Spruce now let’s go down for Spruce what am I doing home home

Oh I need to make stairs to go up first because this is so annoying having to like Traverse the terrain like that so let’s get Spruce to start out with it’s a bit of spruce there’s nothing like Spruce and deepsea top this looks so good together make an

Auto chicken farm it’s against the rules for me to do Automatic Farms I know I set the rules but it’s for a variety of reasons Okay so got the beacon the building materials as far as like a path up there I could do some sort of like elevator or do I

Do I want to like just keep this little thing here or move everything up there for time’s sake I’m thinking move the item storage up there but leave kind of like the enchanting the furnace the bed um I’m split I’m literally like the dude from split that’s that’s me for real

I’ll just make like a stairway I’m gonna go the boring route but I think it’s a it’s a strategic thing I do not I am upstairs why don’t they have a stone cutter for wood like a wood cutter so then that way like a carpenter table or something that

You can cut wood into different kind of things also I’m pretty sure this is glitching now it’s working all right why don’t I just make it all on the stairs so we’re gonna do here is probably just extend this stairway over this Gap what I’m gonna do first is I’m gonna start

The recording so then I can have a replay recording of what’s going on but it will make it harder for them to get you without stairs well of course I’m gonna get make it really hard for them to actually reach me on doomsday so what’s up Logan I think I already said

That just keep inventory on during the end fight tomorrow yes because people because last time it wasn’t that fun uh when people just killed me and then stole my under chest stuff or not under chest uh Angel test for some reason I think because players didn’t have ranks like they didn’t transfer

Uh it kind of broke the angel chest system okay but I could do is do like a thing where it kind of burrows into the mountain that may just be the move let’s do that should I set up the beacon already by the way what I’m going to do with the

Episodes now is I’m going to start making like all the short videos and then we’re gonna do like the long forms after the series concludes because like the long forms take more time and it’s just it’s it’s it’s really difficult to like keep up with that man to be completely honest um

I don’t think you’re doubting me because I’m not uploading are those seriously all the stairs I have why are stairs so expensive I still can’t get over the fact like this looks so buttery smooth I don’t know if you guys noticed but when I’m like playing there’s there’s a

Lot of lag that I see too not just on streams but what I see and so with this new graphics card it’s just handling everything like a champ oh what I wait why didn’t I do this yet I’m so dumb I am I meant to burrow into the mountain with this

Such a dummy dumb Mike isn’t laggy Nomo either awesome what’s up uh Bonte Dante 999. I just found you from one of your shorts can you give me a rundown on the challenge the angel chess thing sounds interesting oh the angel just that’s a that’s a feature of this thing are you talking

About the the free-for-all PVP challenge like that we did today if you’re talking about the dragon fight that’s tomorrow so please clarify which one you’re talking about because yeah unfortunately it’s too late to participate in the PVP challenge at the moment we’ll probably do it again at the future in the future though

I don’t really want to be using the shovel but gotta do what I gotta do and then I think what I can do is just try to like I could have water elevated what am I doing but I don’t have kelp that’s why I didn’t do it so I’m like ah it’s gonna

Be a little bit of half soul but I realize water elevator is like you don’t even need kelp you can just you can infinite water source everything with uh by just using buckets you don’t think Pryor’s not gonna put up 10K and not have a good enough game plan that’s

Facts a lot of people don’t consider that because they’re like they’re like I mean I do it for the content anyway to be honest even if I didn’t expect to win I’d like I’m like oh well it’ll be really cool so who cares um it’ll pull in more views

But I expect to win that’s the thing um bass tour uh well dude I’m literally today’s episode is building the base because I kind of put off building an actual base until now so this is the base this is the base I know it’s amazing isn’t it I know

But at least like I’ve done all this digging and all this farming and I have no base but I’m finally working on the base so it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry about it uh what happens during the dragon fight is there a reward uh I mean it’s not really

There’s not really a reward uh other than you get like a rank and everything there’s not like an external reward like outside of Minecraft where I’m not I’m not giving away money for the dragon fights the dragon fights are more for fun I think they should all the

Challenges are fun and should be fun but it’s it’s not it’s not like the other is where I where I’m you’re incentivized to try to win because of money all right we’re gonna do a water elevator for this oh but then I need fence I need fence gates or signs

Let’s see if I have any leftover signs in the chest nope nope that’s great I was thinking something and then I’m like wait my brain just doesn’t work sometimes six signs should definitely be enough because I’m sure it’s like a three tall hallway I believe it’s your birthday today nice happy

Birthday uh positively morbid how can I play uh IP is in the description bro why none of the admins on right now or not admins I mean Discord YouTube chat mods so sad I guess the server as a whole I guess LOL I play on Bedrock so I won’t be able

To join yeah you can bro we have the Bedrock IP in the description this is for bedrock and Java so it’s mainly a survival server but we have different events mixed in and then we’re gonna eventually we’re gonna add uh Anarchy and then also an anarchy server so you can like do

Whatever almost no rules except for like obviously like if you’re being a genuine horrible person then like you can’t tolerate that um I mean should I even decorate this probably not but I’m doing it uh yeah and then we’re also gonna do mini games so

This is the kind of problem with this is it’s not really going to be any light but I mean you don’t go into a water elevator and expect a bunch of light Okay so I’m gonna do this thank you also I had a I like nachos from this Mexican

Restaurant so good I mean it’s not really Mexican it’s more like uh kind of American mexican-ish but it’s good it was good still as good I’m enjoying it in my stomach anyways ah great Phantoms all right so I think this looks pretty decent I’m not gonna bother building

Walls for all this kind of stuff because like this is just a pathway that I’m never really going to use because obviously slash home is a thing so this is how I’m gonna increase this is just by water sources the reason I I wasn’t doing something

Like this before is because I was like oh well I need kelp but I forget you can just do this it’s a little more of a hassle and the reason I think you need help is because I was thinking of the water elevators that are one wide

But I tend to do these four wide elevators sometimes when it’s player based boom all right Phantoms are gonna start attacking me let’s get down here you sent like 5K likes nice appreciate it man all right now let’s do a corners but if I wanted to look good I have to

Mine these out decent look decent it’s not gonna look good since this is kind of I should have dug farther I didn’t realize I was not very far so I’m gonna keep checking the shovel because I do not want this thing to break I don’t want to break another another right shovel

I swear people used to actually sleep through the night on the server how many events are left uh well there’s tomorrow’s Dragon event there’s I guess a mini event where like just the base design thing I just go look at your base designs and then best base design gets

250 that’s the day before doomsday and then there’s doomsday itself and that those are all the events left for the Doomsday series we’ve already done a lot of them these Phantoms are actually so they’re not even deadly enough to actually bother with them well actually I just realized how I can

Turn this into something that looks good my aim’s getting better screw your Phantoms suck mob frame huh once you once you put up the main server is it going to be up forever well this is kind of the main server but I mean prior MC has not gone away it’s here to stay

Prior survival it’s here to stay man I’m not sure what you mean by mob frame I’m confused do you think debit that is a political question I’m a Minecraft content creator do you think that belongs here all right I think this is as high as it needs to go I believe

What are you building I’m building a water elevator to go up to today’s thing today we’re building the base yes it’s gonna look very epic actually let’s stop it here I think this is high enough called off work this morning because I’m not sure what that means

Hardest of questions for the hardest of workers I’m not sure what you mean man will you bring the fight to your base I mean yeah that’s the whole premise that’s the reason I’m setting up all these defenses and everything is because everyone’s gonna try to kill me at my base

Otherwise I would stand no chance against a thousand players like that’s just ridiculous being at my base means I actually have somewhat of a chance and I think it’s such a cool concept the only thing that would stop me from doing it again I’ll probably do it again at

Some point we’ll see it depends on how well received his series is up by the end um and like if I’ve like learned anything drastic that would help improve for next time um I was saying what were you doing with all the obsidian well I made the obsidian wall and then now I’m

I mean I the trend is going to be something that I’m gonna have to like grind hours and hours and hours a day it’s pretty secure soon so everyone has opinions I guess no I get it but like obviously when you’re someone who does like public related things like content

People don’t like opinions because it’s someone’s gonna disagree and be mad it’s like oh you don’t agree with me and also I don’t really care much with politics anyway here we go so now we can easily get up here instead of having to do that weird

Parkour all the way up to the top and so this is something we built last episode by the way jumping off of jumping off of scaffolding is so annoying yeah we built this dumb Contraption it’s not going to be beneficial because I can’t even get TNT and it’s

Just it’s super expensive for every every shot up I just thought it’d be a cool way to get to the dragon but the design I had didn’t work and so this entire plan of like this is just useless what’s up Bryce uh how’s the base going uh well I I’m starting it today

Yeah starting the base let’s go it we’re in day 23 and I haven’t done a base yet other than like this starter base down there this will be interesting to watch yes all right I do not have I don’t know the thing all right all right all right all right all right I’m

Saying all right a bunch because I’m making fun of myself for saying all right I know I know you don’t have to tell me you don’t have to tell me a thing Let’s uh actually you know what let’s expand this higher uh it would be kind of cool to get it to

Like this maybe like a little higher let’s I’m thinking maybe here yeah I think this would be perfect and then I’m gonna place the beacon down once I have like the floor and everything oh great I hate wasting blocks so I have to grab that my brain just doesn’t let me waste blocks

All right was that smart play we’ll see well all right now we have the water elevator all the way up here if I want I can add magma blocks on one side and make it so that I can go down but let’s be real I’m just gonna jump what about getting down uh

Let me let me demonstrate this is how you get down oh it doesn’t work on stairs because it’ll waterlog once you have to like land in a very specific way for it to work look at the clouds wait I should probably turn up the clouds a little higher

I think I have a mod that allows me to modify clouds where’s the cloud effects because the thing is the clouds are cool but it’s called like Skybox or something I would if I was playing bad words or something I would use this oh Cloud High here we go

Let’s put up at like 2 30. it makes the bass look cooler but the problem is obviously it’s going to get really annoying real quick just because of the fact that you know I’m gonna be working here for a lot of today’s episode what are you working on

I’m starting the base it’s gonna look very very Epic yeah I know very cool looking forward to this I’m gonna need a lot of deep sleep I don’t know if I actually have nearly enough don’t tell me I’ve already used like all of Deep Sleep tiles seriously bruh all right

Oh this looks so smooth this is so buttery smooth this graphics card is working wonders surprised no one has been like commenting like yo why why does it look so much better than normal how does that water elevator work uh it’s literally just the fact that Soul Sand underwater Source blocks pushes you

Up that’s it you need water source blocks remember that so you’re gonna do it yourself oh what are you doing so working on the bass and I just ran out of water so that’s a let’s go down here if I practice my water clutch skills so what am I doing oh yeah

I’m gonna see how much Cobble deep sleep we have left ah solid amount definitely not gonna surprise is it I mean I’ll keep a bunch of cobblestone on me too that actually is probably the move is to grab a bunch of cobblestone can go in here

Oh I have to place down the the whole point was to free up inventory Space by placing it on the beacon and then I got sidetracked who cares it’s not like I care I’m not one to care I’m gonna leave one of the buckets in here

I don’t need any more stairs at the moment I mean I can leave that in here as for a chest I don’t need that I can leave that in my inventory because I have a whole oh those are my final two torches I can put in here trying to free

Up as much space as possible so I can grab cobblestone boom now let’s make a bunch of cut or deep slate tiles is what it’s called stone cutter is such a great addition to the game I hate having to like use a bunch for less like that’s ridiculous to not be able to

Craft some things or have to spend a ton of things on stairs subscriber leaves because I only watch shorts uh sorry to hear that what country do you live in um why not slabs because I don’t want to use slabs uh I live in the United States

I think it’s pretty obvious given how I speak I haven’t killed the villagers yet nor do I plan to uh you’re welcome m um hydrate there’s this sometimes or sometimes where water tastes just so good that was one of those times only problem was the water didn’t

That specific water I got it from like the machine here at the office and it’s just it doesn’t taste the same as like normal water normalizing what I’m used to and so it wasn’t as good but I still like you know hit the spot it’s kind of weird to say you’re talking

About water but whatever all right let’s free up some inventory Space by starting the beacon I’m gonna make sure I’m gonna start it here why is it already night time foreign I have to kill them all again and I don’t have my bow on me this is actually gonna waste precious

Time uh please sleep I’m gonna sleep oh wait no we slept through the night let’s go no more Phantoms Phantoms are so annoying I mean like normally I’m like chill with them because I’m like oh you know they add another element of difficulty with to the game but they’re they’re not

Even deadly really they’re just annoying and right now I just don’t have much time left to prepare and I’m just a little stressed and so I’m like bruh Phantoms please stop you’re actually annoying Brothers like I still can’t get over how buttery smooth this feels I’m streaming in two different platforms

And recording in two different ways and this is and I get Max frame rate this feels illegal are you family friendly LOL yes I try to appeal to all audiences by being family friendly while also not dumbing down my humor or videos because it’s the thing is

When you dumb down your like who you are to appeal to a younger audience like like bro I I think it’s a best opportunity because I I feel like you know there’s kids can understand more than you think you don’t need to dumb down everything for kids even if they’re not necessarily as

Intelligent as other children like even like not very intelligent children can understand things very well better than you’d think I’m I know this is all kind of vague but I’m kind of referring to humor generally all right let’s so my strategy here is I’m going to fill in

Oh I may do like a mix of like Cobblestone Cobblestone bricks with the Deep slate and Spruce Maybe but the reason I’m filling all this in is because of kind of Defense only makes sense and then more than that it’s also the element of I hate having all the builds

What are your system PCS well I had a 2060 GPU which is you know it’s fine like it’s actually like decent it’s all I’d really need normally but I’m a content creator the streams two different platforms or chords in two different ways like it just wasn’t cutting it by any

Means like constant lag mic issues all this stuff so I kind of broke down and I got a 4070 TI I eight hundred dollars directly from the manufacturer actually it was through Amazon so never mind I try to get it from the manufacturer but you know whatever is what it is

We’ll be back soon hopefully all right Jeff where are you also streaming right now uh I’m also streaming on tick tock so Tick Tock YouTube when you can make this map public so after Doomsday the thing is we can’t just give out the map because it’s like

The file size is way too big it’s just not it’s not possible it’s not sustainable or just I don’t know so what we’ll probably do is host it on prior MC or at least have some way of preserving it what I do recommend is if you build something if

Slash when you build something on here and you’re like well I’m Gonna Keep it make a schematic of it and then paste it into like a different world so then you have some copy of it of like your base area you can like view it something like that

Because I I don’t really know I will try to make the world available after doomsday just so like you can like tour it but it’s it’s kind of a to large large world because we pre-gened a lot of stuff gotta treat yourself sometimes man I didn’t even that got translated to

Spanish by my plugin and I I actually knew what it meant like I haven’t seen that word before or get translated before but based on context dude I’m actually learning a significant amount of Spanish from this ridiculous plugin because of stream chat because it’s like I’m actually conversing with people that speak

Spanish and then it’s starting to like kind of seep its way into my mind I was a little skeptical I’m like ah I don’t know how effective it’ll be maybe it’s like a not like a fad but because there’s no hype behind it I just randomly stumbled upon it I didn’t hear

About it from someone or anything but but I mean I’m like ah it’s a cool idea is it can actually work but it seems like it’s actually working because I’m kind of forced to learn because otherwise I don’t understand what’s being said but yeah my system specs I9 900 99 I9

9900k CPU obviously it’s uh it’s decent and then 32 gigabytes of RAM I’m not really sure what how like what I think it’s hurts of the ram I don’t really know I also have um pretty good pretty good case and cooling system like the fans and everything it’s an airflow case

What else is worth mentioning I got like a like an Asus tough motherboard it’s solid I got an external hard drive in addition to an SSD or one terabyte byte so my my external hard drive is 100 gigabytes or not sorry not a hundred uh five terabytes all right let’s uh Slash

Set home wait I have to remove one of the homes don’t I what is one of them oh the spooter us at home home this will be the new home because the thing is getting up here is annoying it’s easier to go down than get up okay my game just light

You feel like I’m wasting a lot of cobblestone dude you have no idea how much of cobblestone I have no idea and I’m actually gonna start not picking it up because I have a ridiculous quantity you want to see how much Cobblestone I have about wrong side um Yeah yeah and this is just the start okay like have a ridiculous quantity I’m just gonna use as much as I can because I’m not gonna have any use for it because doomsday is fast approaching I’m not gonna be able to use all of it might as

Well like try to use it as some level of Defense uh tienes Ombre I’m assuming that means are you hungry no I just ate what’s your favorite food uh Hibachi fried rice it’s the best I love myself Mass amounts of fat carbs and protein because there’s a little bit of protein

In Hibachi fried rice and when I eat it it’s with the teriyaki chicken so that combination is just so good I love calories so good does it matter if someone is not family friendly I don’t know it doesn’t really bother me well it bothers some parents and so parents generally don’t want

Their kids watching something that they think is going to be an ad a bad influence on them and that’s why it matters it’s because I want to appeal to everyone I want like parents to be like oh this is actually a positive influence on my child but I also want to appeal to

People like my age which actually is my primary audience is people who are like late teenagers to like early 20s nice gotta treat yourself oh you went from a 30 60 to a I don’t know what that is I don’t I don’t do ryzen I just do

The um or no that’s not Rising wait no I don’t that tells you how much I little I know about those graphics cards I just know the Nvidia hey prior did good in my soccer tournaments today that’s good to hear good work what’s the invite code dude this isn’t Realms is a server

All you need to know is this information you can screenshot it I’ll give you five seconds five four three two and one uh I’m gonna have to respond to something real quick let me check uh sure we can turn off explosions for the end fight that’s what

That’s the question uh I was just answering that’s why I went off the Stream so I’m going to expand this fort I know it looks very monotone but I’m going to work on that first I’m going to work on actually laying the foundation and kind of the dimensions of everything

Real I would have at least 10 large Cobble or ten large chests of Cobble but you just pick it up and burn it well the thing is I’m actually going to use a decent amount of it I am the kind of person to hoard blocks like just ridiculous quantities but

I know for doomsday I’m like I I have to get over my hoarding instincts also I I thought we slept last night all right I’m gonna go sleep because I guess I personally have to sleep to avoid eating Phantoms I believe so I’m gonna do that

So then this should give me like a few days of no Phantoms all right let me respond to YouTube chat now um have you ever played Bedrock yeah that was the first version I played it was on a an Xbox I remember my friend was like yo you want to try Minecraft

And I’m like I don’t know how young because I’m not that I’m not that old and so I can’t be like when I was like this age um and so I I don’t know I was pretty young it was probably a lot around 12 ish years ago I can’t remember

Yeah I think 12 around 12. give or take one well I don’t know I couldn’t be give maybe like 11 to 12 years ago or no it’s 12. I’m pretty sure stop stop stop being so specific what’s wrong with me anyways not everything has to be so accurate

But yeah it was like do you want to play Minecraft and I’m like uh I didn’t know what Minecraft was I thought it was this one game that was like a fighting game or something and I’m like like uh like not really and then he

Ended up pulling it up and I once I saw the cubes I fell in love with it I’m like like no way and then like they let me build a dirt house and I was just enthralled I could not get enough of it I’m like this is literally the coolest thing I’ve

Ever played and I was just I’ve been obsessed with it ever since I just love blocks I have an old recording of me saying like when I was young before I ever heard about Minecraft I had my mom no I think my dad asked me while I was getting a haircut from my

Mom like what do you want to do what do you want to be when you grow up or what do you want to do and so when you finally got an answer out of me I was like I was like I want to work with blocks

Or I’m like of course I think I was probably referring to Legos because you know I didn’t know Minecraft was a thing at that point but I don’t know who would have known it actually happened put some music um I don’t really know how that copyright stuff works I’ll look into it because

Because I’m streaming on YouTube Tech talk I don’t know how the copyright works I need to talk with someone like a streamer who has already looked and all that stuff about it because like I would prefer to listen to music and then there’s less pressure for me to constantly be saying things

And I like music but of course I’d I’d have to create a playlist of things that uh I actually wouldn’t mind playing in front of you guys not that they’re like the songs are like bad but I have a strange sense of music taste and music sometimes like

Just odd not like like the music isn’t bad I don’t think it’s objectively bad I actually that’s why I listen to it because I think it’s good but it’s not conventional you’re in the server but how do you play um well you go through the portal behind

You or type slash Wild or hit the NPC that takes you into the wild just literally slash Wild easy doing slash Wild or clicking on the NPC is better than going through the portal because the portal will take you to like this floating island above the survival world

Which isn’t what you that’s not gonna then you have to travel to go somewhere in the wild or slash Wild is better are you are we allowed to leave now I think you need more Cobblestone I probably do like a lot more wear TNT what do you mean where TNT

How are you I’m good thanks for asking hi remember me yes I do remember Atomic Luke I remember you not asking a question the other stream but asking nasty question but then not asking a question I forgive you I’m guessing we can kill each other

Tomorrow in the end fight no that we did that before but we disabled it like both times because it got really really annoying especially since people would Target me and everything it’s just it’s not a recipe for Success not a recipe for something interesting to make it more enjoyable for the viewer

And for the players we we disabled that I’m home why do you keep pressing resume recording the reason is that how this is all functioning so this is for replay mod so I’m creating a simulation of what’s going on I don’t want it recording when I’m just like not even in the area

That’s why what’s up uh Dylan MX then put some not copyrighted music I don’t know it’s copyrighted or not and that’s like a hassle to find out and I don’t want crappy music and then the other element is it’s not even about copyright it’s also about

If the music being in the recordings and I I it’s just it’s a little it’s a little bit of a hassle to figure out I know I gotta figure it out at some point but because it’s a side hassle I just haven’t taken the time because I have a certain song stuck in

My head that I’d want to play nickels and dimes by flip turn flip turn is so good should I just start this element sometimes insta mining is really annoying I do I don’t want to be instant mining everything it’s not it’s not a hassle bro just put a list

Put a non-copyright YouTube playlist like every Creator and don’t stress well as I said I mean you probably said that after I said the thing about like it gets into the recording and then the I mean it’s it’s not that hard to figure out I just I don’t want to play just non-copyright

Music that just seems I want special like a special kind of music so I’m just holding off until I at least have the time and energy to procure music that happens to all that I like and also happens to be non-copyrighted that’s what is kind of going on

There’s a lot of things I need to do but I just don’t have the time to do it except Minecraft gamer encoder and imposter please don’t spam the chat is TNT allowed on doomsday yes what other games do you like I like Minecraft and Minecraft now also Terraria Skyrim

I I did Place one when I got my gaming PC it was like a pre-built I tried making the series that I never ended up making an episode but it was like I craft the world I thought it was so cool I mean the game is a really cool game

But I’m like this is just so cool that game’s cool and then also Clash Royale clash clans I think are really good games they are a little like just kind of grindy but I I’ve always had a blast playing them the whole concept of building and

Designing a base I was just like that is just the coolest thing on earth there’s literally nothing cooler than that seven days seven days 17 hours so I do not have a lot of preparation time left why did it reset my play time and where did the auction house go so

There’s there was issues with player data and I think we’ve relatively dealt with it but yeah a lot of the stats got reset unfortunately and then like there’s problems with the auction house because if you weren’t online you wouldn’t receive the money from the items you’re selling so

Obviously that’s that’s not good so for the time being we have the auction house disabled I don’t know if we’re gonna I don’t know what will happen when doomsday is over so when doomsday is over prior MC will continue to be a thing you’ll still be

Able to play Survival not on this world it’ll be a fresh survival world just keep it interesting and fun um yeah and then prior MC I’m going to really focus on prior MC after I’m going to grow it and make mini games for it all this kind of stuff

I think it’ll just be it’ll be fun to like make it like a a well-known server that you can play on whenever you want and just have a blast have community a lot of stuff I’m still standing song ah that song’s all right I’ve heard it too many times it’s a little too

It’s a little too commercial for my taste to be honest so if you don’t get snow if you don’t shovel it silly bloody building now so I’m working on the the base and by the way I said in the live stream but like I it’s kind of is heartbreaking

But I have to I can’t do a lot of my game plan because of time because I just have had a lot less time than I expected and I’m already like working as much as humanly possible okay AFK sleep sleep sleep sleep let’s go make a secret base for doomsday Maybe

But if I told you it wouldn’t be secret no take your time it will only get in your way if you rush um take my time for what the videos you know I’ve already kind of given up on being consistent with them we’re gonna have like a couple coming out

Like before doomsday is over I think like longer videos but I’m really gonna focus on the shorter videos because I think we can I can make more of those faster which is good and the thing is my goal right now is getting as many people to show up to Doomsday as humanly possible

And so the shorts I think are gonna do better at that like the short slash tick tocks you know just when I say shorts these days it’s like what do you call a short form like that’s kind of that’s two words and even though when I say

Shorts I’m referring to Reels tick tocks spotlights from Snapchat all this other stuff like Twitter wherever else I upload Pinterest so pins you know I use the same videos for like all of them so or relatively the same I’ll modify it slightly for each one what do you think about Goggins I think

He’s crazy like in a in a good way like he has a sheer force of wheel well that I respect you’re getting bored you’re gonna go play in the server instead of watching it you know you can do both what will you I guess I answered that already

Um I as you may notice I read chat out of order almost all the time I’m still standing yeah yeah yeah I mean I can’t lie it’s a good song Let’s just hit it it is a little bit of a commercialized song and I’m not well I mean it’s good

I’m not gonna I’m not gonna rag on that song it’s teleporting loud on doomsday because if not you could couldn’t you make secret bases no no teleporting other than we’re gonna teleport you to the this base when Doom stays here you will want to protect your villagers because I’m coming

I’m not gonna try to protect my villagers no you can kill him if you want they can be the distraction for now I’m going to treat them nicely and then on doomsday they are you know you can you can do and kill them and make it Hollow and put some stuff inside

Well the thing is I don’t I want to slow people as much as possible and so if this does some level of slowing then that’s that’s what I want so I don’t want people to just dig in and then just be able to Burrow under my base

Because then it makes it harder for me to kill him you need Edge yeah is one weak enough for someone that hasn’t played PC Minecraft and have but have years of having watched Minecraft videos yeah I mean honestly you could prepare in one day and have a decent shot

So like I just want as many of you guys to show up to Doomsday as possible that’s what matters what’s up scream bro someone’s trying to kill you can I just watch the stream in counter attack no one’s trying to kill me no one can reach my base right now

Oh it can’t bro someone who’s oh never mind I read what you were saying wrong bro someone who’s trying to kill you can just watch the stream and counter-attack yeah I mean sure but I mean I’m sure there’s gonna be some level of stream delay too and then it’s really hard to actually

Focus on two things at one time I’m not worried um huge trap chat or stream delay that’s just I’m really slow at responding to chat the helipad is now occupied welcome Henry copter welcome welcome all right so this is how I’m gonna do it am I just gonna build it up here

Or do I want it to go further I’m not really sure I still have to figure this out you’re talking about prepping oh you’re talking about like countering what my strategies are I’ve already thought about that what are you building so this is my I’m starting to build my

Actual base yeah I know I’m 23 days in and I’m starting to actually work in the base did you stop going to school I I don’t do in-person college anymore I’m doing online my man has been putting in the work yes if I don’t then who will

This was during the summer excuse me if this was during the summer I’d probably be willing to participate well I mean it is what it is thing is doomsday is on a Sunday and that was intentional I want everyone to be able to pull up I broke those potatoes oh

So I’m getting more cobblestone I’m essentially out of Cobble deep slate I don’t like that I love Cobble deep sleep too much for I mean deep sleep tossed let’s grab more Cobblestone let’s grab like all of it that should be enough bro skipped my comment uh

No I just read chat out of order what’s the server this is the IP information screenshot is right below all the names you’ve got five seconds five four three two one there now you can’t screenshot anymore like they could just break they could get a fast pickaxe and just destroy the wall yeah

That’s something you could do I remember seeing you last semester at Liberty what do you mean nice where do I find you are you on the server you can’t locate me at the moment on doomsday will teleport everyone but I’m not giving out my bass chords and people already know my base chords

But like they can’t go into my base area because it’s blocked off um our remaining stream is going to be at night no this is not normal so today we did the PVP stream which pushed things back and then I’d install my new graphics card which is awesome and also

You should not hear any more mic problems or see any more lag which it’s it’s running so buttery smooth this is so much better this is so much better I should have done this already anyways I just set up a bunch of settings and do all this stuff so

Everything would be much higher quality there’s a lot of different things that pushed it back that’s why yeah stream is so much higher quality good that’s that’s good yeah I also increased the bit rate so like it there should just be a higher quality stream in addition to the fact

That there’s no lag just use Auto clicker that’s bannable if you use Auto clicker on my server we will ban you and we have banned people for it put lava and water in between the Cobblestone I’m not gonna this isn’t like a central defensive kind of point this is just something

Just to slow people down somewhat and make my bass feel a little more solid that’s it really hard with work best of luck whoever decide whoever decides to join the event I can help with building I like building for no reason um I appreciate it but I I can’t receive

Any help during this series can you call me the guy who hates villagers you are the guy who hits villagers I think also my villagers specifically put a hidden row of lava for potential diggers I mean I already have like the trench and stuff without people if they get to

This point then they probably already have like lava resistance which it’ll slow people down because it’s really annoying but like this this isn’t really a something that I there’s a lot of things I could do with this but I’m going to prioritize my time on other things I appreciate the suggestions I just

There’s like so much to do and so little time oh wait why not just grab an Elder Guardian for one that would be really difficult for two people would stop me I mean sure I could do it secretly but uh I don’t know I don’t really know how difficult that

Would be probably pretty difficult and I’ve got and I’ll focus on other things but maybe next time that is not my bass records foreign I’ve got no deep slate left I just spent like all of it already the reason I’m using cobblestones because I have a lot

Of it I mean I like the suggestion and I shouldn’t have spent so much deep sleep filling in like over there on the other side of the mountain because it’s just in the ground such a waste of deep slate coupled deep sleep specifically even on Tick Tock it’s it’s really good

And clear good good good good good that’s excellent thoughts on damage that goes through armor oh you’re talking about like like entity cramming eh the the problem with that is we’re trying to optimize the server to handle as many people as possible if I did a bunch of entity related things

Wouldn’t be good wouldn’t be good for the server so no Elijah slash Rockets no we have it all disabled what do you do if someone pulls up with a TNT cannon well I’m gonna coat like the most important parts of my Pace with obsidian and so I’m not worried

Yo that’s right audio isn’t scuffed yeah what bitrate are you using uh 15 000. uh kilobytes per second so previously it was only like for tick tock it was like 2.5 000 and then I raised it to 10 000 on Tick Tock so it should be like four times better in

Terms of bit rate and then also I increased like the profile to like Max quality which you need stronger processing to do it but since I have this GPU it’s handling all of this like a champ I’m able to do this but if you had a ravenger or ravager or

Why say ravenger ravager trap Trench I’m gonna be honest that was actually my strategy was to use ravagers and to keep them in my base and then if people like came over here I just release them but I haven’t gotten a single raid thing this entire stupid series this entire

Time not a single like Scout so I can’t even spawn a single raid which is great um so yeah no ravagers you’re logging in nice are we allowed to teleport um yeah you I mean you can teleport to other players you can TPA slash TPA which is uh

TPA that’s that’s a request thing if you slash TPA someone like their user then you can request is bad lion or lunar better for SMP play I use lunar client bad line kind of like I don’t like the interface as much I haven’t used bad line though so

I’m not really a good judge of that to be honest so honestly I recommend getting like a diff someone else’s opinion so you’re gonna stay in your base or you’re gonna fight um well I can’t really do a ton of fighting if there’s gonna be a thousand people

Trying to kill me or that’s what I’m hoping for is a thousand plus fighting is going to be a complete waste of time I’m gonna get killed in two seconds even though I expect there to be infighting like people fighting each other so then they can kill me instead of this other person

Like it’s I can’t Bank on that I can’t Bank on that being that effective I can’t Bank on enough people like allying with me or like trying to help me so yeah so no I won’t be like going out and fighting people I’ll be like fighting from a distance kind of like shooting

People down you’ll see next episode while build any tips on getting more viewers in the live don’t ask me man I’m I’m horrible at getting views in live I mean only reason I get decent views on Tick Tock is generally because I have a following actually having a following doesn’t have

A lot to do with it but it helps just doing something interesting and satisfying that’s a tip I guess you got an idea for me well yeah well I can’t my plans are already mostly set so like I appreciate it and also if you say it

Then I can’t like I probably won’t do it because then other people would expect it use a glitch to break bedrock or is it planned or banned unfortunately I can’t it’s not banned it’s just not enabled and you need to specifically enable it for to work all right so

Just to get more deep slate tiles I’m gonna go mine deep slate yes I know wait let’s slash Trench or slash home Trench let’s find some deep sight uh should I do this is is this worth now I’m gonna play it safe in a takedown is this modded no

Trust it’s good I’ll trust you rapid fire arrow turrets I’m sorry but that’s not really effective not in this case it’s really easy to avoid it and I need a crap ton of turrets for it to do much is there a bounty or reward

Uh yes so if you kill me on doomsday you get ten thousand dollars stumbled across your channel so I’m so not I’m new oh note that you’re new I think is what you’re saying okay why am I getting all this or relax you could but it’s just drawn me

Further into this little Cavern thing that I’m creating now we can get to the good stuff this is the stuff I want the Cobble deep site I’m gonna mine a decent amount not a ton just enough to like have a bit for deep slate tiles put drip stone at the bottom

Uh yeah that’s gonna take a lot of drip stuff maybe if I had like an incredible drip Stone Farm but I just have to look into that I don’t expect a lot of people to fall through I just want to like slow down players I mean optimally it would make sense I

Would do it but I just don’t really have a lot of time what is doomsday someone explain what he’s doing just watch any of my most recent videos men or not any of them so just watch my doomsday videos on my page and then it’ll explain like people are

Gonna kill me on doomsday or try to if they kill me they get ten thousand dollars so I’m preparing I’m like doing base stuff you just found a McFlurry in the freezer nice is a slash TPA for Java or Bedrock you can slash TPA in Java or Bedrock it’s not

Platform specific we wouldn’t make features only for certain people are there elyters no we people have elytros but we have them disabled because otherwise doomsday would just not be possible to survive bro oh I see so it looks like it’s just not completely contained so if I do that that should work why

What is going on this it should have all fallen into a trench why is it doing this what this actually just isn’t logical at what point is it coming out from oh don’t tell me spreading stops what is going on here oh I know why this is happening

Because when we move the trench I didn’t it’s missing something bruh I’m so stupid I I could have sworn I did it right but I guess not and so by updating that block it triggered something that probably should have been triggered already so so because of like the Border got shrunk

And stuff and then the trench was moved uh certain stuff that should have been moved that the nose count on me I kind of forgot about this little trench thing you should coach at the chasec eastwards team uh no what makes you think I’d be good at video games I’m a content creator

It’ll get paid to be good at video games but make interesting videos but I I appreciate your your um belief in me that I’d be good at that and also they would not be able to pay me enough for it to be worth my time

Like and that’s not even kind of like a like me being stuck up or anything it’s just time wise it just wouldn’t make sense why do you actually make so much money mining granite endocyte and diorite so what happens in seven days you blowing everything up well everyone

Tries to kill me in seven days that’s the whole deal and then if they kill me they get the ten thousand dollars that slow promise of Doomsday why stop asking for my coordinates Atomic Luke you’re not supposed to know my coordinates wardens can help they can spawn

Infinitely you know like you can’t spawn if you break the Streaker and then place it again that’s that doesn’t work they won’t spawn them I don’t answer questions like that Sergio there’s no there’s no winning to that question because you’re obso you upset one group or another um how come you pick up

Up that block when you get money what do you mean what’s up uh lays Leia’s does doomsday end if you if you die fast yeah if I die like right away it is what it is you know like all my prep is for nothing it would suck but that’s that’s how it

Goes I’m not gonna like restart it and be like oh oh it doesn’t count I wouldn’t take it away from the person that managed to kill me so I want everything to go according to a very specific plan what’s doomsday just watch any of my most recent videos um

Have you ever invested into a stack of dogs or a pack of dogs uh it wouldn’t make sense because you have to hit people for him to start attacking what do they win if they kill you uh ten thousand dollars so I I encourage all of you guys to get

On the server right now and start preparing because there’s only one week left and I want as many people to show up and try to kill me as possible because it’ll be as interesting as possible I’m gonna re-watch all episodes after doomsday nice and then you’ll be like oh that’s why he

Was doing that thing it’s like oh well this didn’t pay off or this did want some candy no oh you’re asking for someone else’s coordinates do you hit the gym look big thank you yeah I do well not right now during the series but previous years it’s a Madness animations

You have an idea for me all right what’s your idea oh but like the thing is I I probably won’t be able to do it because people know what the idea is and they’ll prepare for it so what if someone cheats then we ban them and then they don’t get the money

Uh real real money yes bro I might join after doomsday because I’m not the fastest at getting dimes and stuff like that I mean you enjoy whatever I mean whatever you want so how do you know if someone’s using uh I don’t know what ESP is but or x-ray so

X-ray we have an anti-x-ray thing so you can’t really use x-ray Ms possible but like very very difficult and then we can detect it and we have banned a lot of players for x-ray because we know when you’re using x-ray all right decent amount of Cobble deep

Sleep this may be enough for now yeah and we also and we also have an anti-cheat that will automatically kick people if it’s pretty sure they’re hacking which is the best Java or Bedrock um obviously Java more customized customize more customizability and all that stuff can use tridents on the server yes

Although I think we’re disabling Riptide tridents I’m pretty sure just because that could kind of pose a threat to the success of Doomsday because like what if someone is able to abuse it and then like reach me really quickly so I think we’ll probably whatever just

Just to be safe and I know some people are gonna be like oh that was my entire game plan but that’s the thing like it’ll be way more interesting and also it could be used against you what if someone gets to me way faster because they can use

A Riptide Trident you and whatever what if because they used dirt.tridents they won over you you know oh is this oh I think I’ve mine too far oops uh I mean this is perfect I think I’m gonna take all the iron I can get all right unfortunately I can’t seem to find any

Diamonds I don’t know whatever well we’ll get lucky some other time oh bit of words right there I’ll get that later so it’s home home now let’s start placing and everything oh I don’t have I don’t have the thing I’m so good I went on the wrong side I’m so genius

Just again why is it all of a sudden I’m missing I never miss there we go for real like you should have found some dude honestly what y level is the bottom of the trench yet that is information I cannot disclose because that could be used to your advantage

I mean actually it wouldn’t be very practical to try to go under the trench it’ll just that’s the point is I want to slow people down and you’ll just have fallen into my trap if you go under the trench eight but like I’m not going to tell you the

Number and then it benefits you further or not further but you know what I mean all right I’m gonna drop off these things you guys favorite blocks everyone loves granite people always take granite for for granted and a lot of people pronounce granted granite so that was kind of the whole joke there

I know I’m funny you can you can laugh later I paid all of you to hold a straight face okay uh I didn’t mean to waste that but I guess we’ll just incorporate that into the build now all right You’re gonna laugh now and cry later isn’t that a song

Because I genuinely don’t know I don’t I don’t even know what a music is what if the person doesn’t want the money then they can choose a charity to donate it to but I would I would encourage them to donate it to the charity that I’m that I’ve picked out

Because if I win then I donate the money to charity so I don’t keep the money so there’s no world there’s no like way in which I actually keep the money that’s a thing I think that’ll also help with nerves because I’m not like oh man this is like

10 grand on the line because now I’m like oh I’m not having it regardless but I still have strong incentives to try to win not just because of the content but because of the I believe in the charity that I want to give it to so

You didn’t get a note of but you made it all right welcome to Evan earlier we were like where’s Devin no I like it better when you leave your base and I like to watch you battle well I also like winning so those things kind of conflict

Uh how far do I want to extend it on this side maybe a decent amount I may tell like this uh something like this so at least this far and then what I can do is due to this and probably just do that yeah I think this is what I’m gonna do

Wait does this get in the way of my staircase no my staircase goes through and excellent that’s where my staircase goes good good all right yeah the hassle is making sure these blocks go all the way down I mean it doesn’t really matter much but I’m all about things looking good you’ve

Seen my content I mean you’d be surprised because you’re like oh your builds suck first of all that’s mean I don’t know he said that to me just now relax and what did I ever do to you regardless I still like making things look good or at least trying to uh that mine

All right I’ll read your comments in a second I’ll start building up here I have a specific idea for how this will work um what are you doing I’m working on the bass how much money is it ten thousand good luck on the challenge thank you whose money is it mine

And you looks stuck up and sound like it uh I think you don’t know you don’t have any social awareness if that’s the vibe that you get I don’t know how I would look stuck up I mean I do make a lot of jokes that seem stuck up but people often realize

It’s ironic and if you don’t realize it then you probably have a lower social IQ um if it’s 10K then it’s about to be yours I mean yeah you can compete feel free join the server try to compete for money what are you building I’m working on the

Base for doomsday it might be a weird question but what bitrate are using the quality is good that’s the kind of question I’m looking for thank you thank you I just gotta I I upped the bit rate to 10 000 because previously for you for tick tock it was 2500. um

Yeah and then the reason I did it is because I’ve been upgrading a bunch of things in in my settings because I got a 40 70 TI today it arrived today and I installed it and so the stream should look way better but I’m glad you actually said something because that

Means it has been an improvement which is what I was looking for let’s go thank you um well thanks but I mean where did his money come from uh I make videos for a living you make you can make a lot of money from making videos that’s where the money came from

Um and by the way the 10 grand prize I’m gonna be honest that’s only a third of overall what this Series has caused yeah it’s ridiculous uh thanks for the gift uh yo what’s up I just joined your server um ant tips but are you saying that was your name

I mean all you guys feel free to join the server if you if you want to join here’s the IP information screenshot it it’s right below the names you got five seconds five four three two one um can you explain the challenge so if I if I

If I survive so once this timer runs out then everyone tries to kill me for ten thousand dollars we got seven days 16 hours left uh this is day 23. so that’s kind of the whole premise and so my strategy is kind of that having the home field advantage

Um and so there you go there’s a bunch of tick tock people are kind of spilling in and so I was just explaining the premise of this series for them so let’s get back to YouTube chat all right what what were we saying so that mine that you made you are both

Building it into a big storage place and farm and villagers I’m not sure what you’re saying to be honest oh are you talking about the trench all right okay they can sneak up behind you maybe I have to leave oh your PC is about to die I think that’s what you’re saying

But at least you made progress okay let’s go that’s cool uh what y level I can’t tell you what the what why level The Trenches uh there was diamonds in the trench what do you mean do you like Harry Potter I love it I I read started reading the books but

Then my grandma told I think my brother convinced like he was trolling me and convinced my grandma that it was like Witchcraft and so my grandma told my dad to like not let me read Harry Potter anymore because it was Witchcraft and like because she took like a read through the

Book like like a few pages and saw like a bunch of specific keywords that are related to like Witchcraft and I’m like I’m like okay I was cut I was upset because I’m like I thought the books were pretty good uh in IRL or Minecraft Minecraft are you

Talking about the money the money is IRL money I saw you placing obsidian a couple days ago where was that um that was over in the trench so I’m the trench is something I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to do the obsidian thing all the way around you have a question

Um if you were in a room with everybody you met who would you go to First oh well that that question starts to get kind of like I don’t want to answer that question um but I already I have a specific person in mind um

Uh what is the charity so the charity I want to donate the money to if I win of course then I’ll be able to it’s a it’s a charity that’s devoted to pulling children out of human trafficking um because I think it’s it’s like it’s a huge ongoing problem and it’s just it’s

Horrible so that’s the kind of thing like that I think would be the most worthwhile charity to donate to and I’d feel the most like the best about donating to so that’s that’s the charity make sure you disable all your beacons before doomsday don’t want to give

Anyone else an advantage yeah I will thanks for the suggestion were people actually wondering where I was well I did I did make a comment about like you’re like oh there’s no mods online um and was like where’s Devin where’s eatmaster hi I’m new here I wonder how many days before hunting begins

What’d it say behind me you’re on the YouTube You Got No Excuses seven days 16 hours um there’s a particle accelerator about to explode in my area duck I don’t think becoming a duck would do anything I’m getting I know what you’re saying you’re saying duck to like move

My head down that that wouldn’t do anything if there was a particle accelerator about to explode are you a Minecraft aholic no I do love Minecraft I can’t lie but the reason I play so much is because it’s my what I do for a living and how and

It’s like an integral part about like my future so but I wouldn’t play nearly as much if it weren’t for you know being my job um but I still actually don’t play much because outside of streams I don’t really play much Minecraft previous this year is actually a decent amount but uh

YouTube is smoother than this afternoon good that’s good to hear yeah it should be buttery smooth because of the new graphics card so much better I I’m so glad like this is the kind of thing that I’m gonna be like let’s go for like you know a little bit

You know where you’re like excited for a while it’s not only a better experience for you it’s a better experience for me because the game is less laggy and I don’t have to worry about lag anymore on streams do you play fortnite no what’s up the yellow guy

I think donating to a cancer charity would be better uh I think human trafficking is more of a pressing issue because there are treatments for cancer and I’m not I’m not saying donating money to cancer Charities or anything is bad by any means I think I think it is a very

Worthwhile charity but to say it it’s more worthwhile than uh stopping human trafficking I think is is not true because the thing is like a lot of money has gone into cancer research and it’s like well there’s not a ton of progress from what I know like it’s already pretty well funded

I mean I don’t know I I’m not saying I like I’ve it would be great if there’s just way more cancer research that’s the thing like we solve cancer or whatever that would be awesome but I think human trafficking it has more of a direct effect if you fund that like fun

Stopping that especially child trafficking specifically it’s just it’s it’s horrible stuff um I love how he casually talks chill during a war yes wait this is the way I’m trying to go I think yeah okay so I was right so did the thing let’s let’s find this why not

Because I’m gonna have to mine this at a certain point anyway because I and I need more of this I don’t need much more uh it’s fine you say 44. you’re back welcome back what are you building exactly um uh I’m constructing the base and so I mean you can’t see it

Right now because I’m mining for deep slate so okay so I need to dig until this point right here thank you Jonah it’s horrible as an understatement human trafficking is horrible yeah it it’s it’s it kind of just it weighs too much on you with how widespread it is

And so I think that’s just like I don’t know that’s something I want to bring attention to because it’s not just the fact that um that I would be directly supporting with finances but also being able to talk about the charity I think bringing awareness to how prevalent of

An issue human trafficking is is also extremely important tips for becoming successful like in general uh work hard spend a lot of time doing what you’re doing like it takes absolute ages and the thing is a lot of the best tips are very cliche because you’re not because like for

Example you’re not gonna get results fast you you don’t want results fast so some people are like when am I gonna get my first viral video I want to get a viral video and then they give up before they get one don’t be trying to get a viral video off

The start of let’s say if you’re trying to make content and get big on social media that could kill that could kill your channel that could kill your accounts that could hurt you really bad because the thing is you can get lucky and get a a video at

This point but you’re down here because you’re you’re so new to it I’m still I’m still learning a ton and so I’m not gonna try to I’m not gonna get mad when I’m not getting it pulling a ton of views like especially specifically with long form sure I it sucks

It’s not fun when you don’t get a the desired amount of views like it’s it’s really great to get a lot of views but getting results you know it’s maybe it’s actually not the thing you want not getting results means you’ll push yourself and you’ll grow that’s why I’m

So glad this doomsday series flopped so poorly at the beginning and it’s it’s picking up I that that’s a whole other deal um because it’s forced me to grow so fast and in my ability for making content because it’s it’s kind of put me in like

A like a state of like oh wait I’m not as good at making long forms as I thought I’d be like oh this is this is bad and I’m also like wait I actually can’t make short form videos of this style of it very successfully right now at least

Like I’m the thing is I’m figuring this stuff out the failure forces you to grow and so failure is actually the best thing and so I’m learning this right now obviously I mean I’ve heard it a million times but I’m really learning this right now through the series like

Sometimes it’s the things that are going to force you to grow are like the worst things like that feel the worse um it’s kind of hard for me to say that right now because I’m like oh man I I really wish this series would do a lot

Better with how much time and stress and lack of sleep and all that stuff but it’s it’s all for the better so you really want to just be pushing putting yourself out there just like trying constantly and like Relentless I know that that sounds super cliche and it is

But ultimately that’s gonna that’s what yield success is being able to stay consistent and constantly try I know it’s it’s so cliche I I hate how cliche it is but it’s just so true anyways I’ll stop preaching is this the edge oh actually doesn’t go as far as I thought oh okay cobblestone

But yeah that’s my tip for being successful or whatever not that I’m like the most successful person ever but I mean you know I’ve done pretty well so I mean I maybe I maybe I have something to say maybe don’t take my word with a grain of salt because I I

Don’t have a ton of life experience since I’m so young I’m sure there’s a lot wait there’s way other way more wiser older people oh you could get better advice from but can anyone that joins create this slash home trench basement home uh well I those are the names that I picked

Out you can choose whatever names you want you can you can have one home for me I can have multiple because I have like a I get the perks of like the max rank because I can’t progress in terms of ranks um that’s why so you’d have to become a patron

Or something to get those benefits why is your pickaxe called tax evasion because it’s my favorite thing in the world powerful weapon powerful tool that’s fine what’s up uh man something I don’t know what your name is yeah it actually doesn’t make sense for me to mine this like granite and stuff I

Should purely be mining the Cobble deep site because I’m gonna be able to instamide all this later what I specifically need right now is the cobbledeep site let’s throw this out so yeah just money from the ceiling is probably the move you can’t put the flu in jail and it will

Come out as a new person what I’m losing context for what’s being said because I stopped saying things and then I’m now reading chat like diseases are gonna happen no matter what but crime is something actually preventable yeah I mean in a way the thing about cancer is

Like obviously more research maybe you can find a cure Maybe or better treatments which is has been happening there’s been a lot of breakthroughs in cancer research which is which is excellent but there’s a lot of different kinds of cancer and it doesn’t affect as many people and there are treatments

So I think human trafficking is like a more worthwhile charity in my opinion and deserves more publicity it’s like everyone and their dog like has heard about cancer research and cancer Charities and stuff whereas do you know the whole issue of human trafficking it’s actually relatively

Kind of swept under the rug because it’s such an uncomfortable topic I mean I sure there’s uh there’s topics that are oh I forgot about this let’s do this there are shirt cancer isn’t like a like a comfortable topic but became a trafficking is like it’s like on a whole

Nother level because of how disturbing it is and like how widespread it is so is there there is a cure for cancer uh probably not for all types but there’s like there’s some different things you’re an OG are you talking to me uh on that note

Am I allowed to use my week of prep to Twitch stream yeah dude I really encourage you to make videos and streams while on the server I think it’ll be really cool and I think it’ll be great content for you because people will be like oh you’re preparing

For this like huge event like I want to see and then everyone’s sticking around because they want to see how the huge event goes and it helps it helps me out because it’s more publicity for the series and then more people want to pull up and then also we have the video challenge

So if you want to qualify for like 250 100 or um whatever the other prize money is all you have to do is like make a video and submit it in the Discord under the Doomsday video challenge thing and then you can likely earn money like easy money an easy couple hundred bucks

Or 100 bucks or 50. because there’s not a ton of people who are participating in the challenge and so if you want to just clean up get an easy bit of cash just start making videos post it there’s diamonds where dude what are you talking about

Uh are you having fun I think so I don’t like it’s a it’s a blast being able to do all this sure it can be a little grindy because um but think because it is a lot of a lot and I’m just barely sleeping because I have to devote

So much time to making the videos and and organizing things and making prepping and strategizing and all this kind of stuff I did all the strategy beforehand but there’s still some like tests that I that I have had to do like certain things I didn’t have time to lock down before the event

That I wish I was able to whatever um oh you saw call yeah I don’t know what are you talking about uh thanks for the the gift um Mitchell nothing like deep sleep love it tastes so good I have enough I have enough of this wait come home let’s go home home um

TBH your long forms have the feel of short form yeah you’re 100 right about that since I’ve been a short film creator for so long my how I make videos kind of really rubbed off on that so I’ve had to like rewire my brain a lot so that I can

Learn how to really make long form in the right way because the videos are way too short because I just Pace things way too quickly because I’m so used to short film content so I I I’m gonna really take my time with that after the series not take my time but like

Spend more time with it but for the time being I’m going to try to grind all the the short film videos or as many as I can before the series ends so we can get as many people at doomsday as possible it’ll be so it’ll be so much cooler if

Like instead of just 400 or 500 people show up like way more than that try to show up that’ll be so much cooler your life keeps popping up or my live keeps popping up on your for you page good that’s what I like to hear

Um if I make a video that goes well should I make that kind of content even if it’s not your main if you want that’s your decision man because I’ve made I mean some people they’re like they find a kind of content that works and then they like stick with it but they’re

Like ah I don’t like making this then maybe you shouldn’t make the content what difficulties is a server set to hard I’m new how can I make a good channel uh spend Years Learning and making videos it’s not that best it’s not it’s not the answer you want to hear but that’s the

Right answer um there’s so many things that can influence the success of a video maybe it’s not the literal content it could be the type of thumbnail or the intro the outline yeah and then also like just the topic the idea all different things do videos constantly with good quality yeah

And then the key is learning something every time you make a video so I thought Phantoms couldn’t attack you if you’re like under the roof or something okay so I was wrong if the winner of the event wants to make a channel will you do a shout out it depends

Shout outs can actually hurt you they’ll either do nothing or probably hurt you and in some circumstances shout outs can be beneficial for the channel That You’re shouting out so they can hurt you because you you may get more viewers but then they’re gonna quickly drop off because

They expect a certain level of quality that you just haven’t achieved yet because you’re probably going to be new to content if you’re looking for a shout out chances are you’re not at that stage where you really deserve a shadow a shout out is for someone who’s like someone who’s really genuinely

Underrated say if they’re making like just crazy good videos but they’re they’re not really getting views sure I’ll shout you out in that case if if your content matches up with mine and if your audience if my audience would appreciate your content but chances are if your video is that

Good you’re going to be getting views already so just make good videos that that’s that’s really what it comes down to and so even I can get caught up in the cycle of like well what would get views or well I like I know strategy I know what would perform well and why

But sometimes I just have to go back to my roots of like in what kind of build to my audience was just making what I thought would be cool or good and sometimes I don’t always do that is your first time on the stream welcome welcome welcome

Do I have to talk in the Doomsday video no I mean well I mean it would be better but if you’re gonna be making videos about Doomsday um you generally if you’re making content you want your audience to have something connect to connect to if you

Don’t have your face you have your voice if you don’t have your voice or your face you can have an editing style but that’s harder to achieve a good example of that is um as this channel called I go by lots of names so he has like a a certain kind of meme

Type editing style uh that like a lot of people would really appreciate because it’s kind of strange but he doesn’t have his face or voice in his videos but some at some level you can connect to them because you’re like you see one of his videos and you’re

Like oh that’s that’s that’s I I go by lots of names but the more branding you have the better in my opinion like the reason I include my face and my voice in my videos and streams and whatnot is because I don’t want people to easily forget me because that can be really

Easy that’s a genuine concern of like people will forget you because like they don’t see a lot of your stuff and so it helps to be making a lot of content also for that reason so the short form if you’re not watching my short forms generally you’re just

Gonna forget that I even exist but now that I’m doing this series I feel like I’ve actually started to build a stronger community and more recurring people like so that’s the power of streaming and making longer videos I mean of course uh I’m referencing streaming specifically because

I haven’t really been doing the long forms just because of how time consuming they they are and I just I’m trying but failing so uh what’s up Felipe from Tick Tock chat but to get back to my point about the whole shout out thing

So it can also hurt you in the fact that like you’ll come to rely on a specific number of viewers like you’ll get okay I don’t even know where he came from but you’ll get you may get an influx of viewers at first from a shout out but then they’re not gonna stay

Because you still have much to learn like they’re not like what if they’re just not a big fan of your content and the only reason they are they only subscribed or followed was because that just because of the content that Creator they cared about shouted you out another element is like

The most common element of a shout out is just it’s it won’t help you it won’t it just won’t do anything because how many people like say if I say like go shout out my boy Devin how many people are actually gonna go subscribe to Devin

Almost no one probably maybe even no one I mean I’m sure we got at least have on Tick Tock we probably have around a hundred people watching right now maybe less than that I have no idea I can’t see any of the numbers for either stream which is probably for the best because

Then I don’t have to overthink I’m like oh I don’t have as many viewers now I just focus on the gameplay I recommend that to streamers um I mean I used to not do that and I got I was just I was so in my head about it

But now that I’m kind of forced to not be able to see the numbers that’s better but yeah so I gotta let probably like the 100 to 200 people total watching this across the two streams how many people would really subscribe to Devin if I said subscribe to Devon probably no one

Maybe one or two people maybe of Henry copter or uh I don’t know one of one of the people that say more things in chat or is more more of a consistent viewer maybe they’d be like uh yeah I guess or like I’ve seen you in chat before or something

But like no one no one actually really goes through with it and then of course the other element is okay shout outs can work sometimes I haven’t really covered this before on stream because I’ve gotten this question a lot people ask me to shout them out

And then I have to explain yeah no that’s that’s not gonna do anything but yeah so so the one instance where a shout out can be beneficial is when you’re making great content you’re underrated and if your content matches up with the person shouting you out so if you’re genuinely genuinely

Underrated like your content is actually just so good but you’re just not getting appreciated and then say if say if Devin was making Minecraft content that’s in a similar vein to mine no pun intended get it Minecraft ore veins then yes that would be a good shout out opportunity if he was unrecognized

And my audience would actually like his content that’s the one time I’ll be like yep okay that would make sense in other words please stop asking for shout outs that’s that’s kind of the core you have 100 on Tick Tock nice what’s up Owen have you ever played any sports yes

I used to be that kid who played a lot of sports just because my parents wanted us to try everything they wanted us to know what the different sports are like and so we would play like five sports each year whatever I was never really a big fan of sports

But then wrestling kind of became my thing because like I with my feet issues and the just my general leg issues it kind of ruined a lot of sports for me so when you’re in constant pain like of course you’re gonna get played less it’s not as fun and then it’s just

Wrestling was the one thing I could really do without pain or much pain because you know you’re not running around so wrestling kind of became my thing it kind of I kind of like I didn’t naturally like it I always hated wrestling to be honest I hated it I was

Like I this is the worst I I have to go to wrestling I’m like uh but then it got to a point where I’m like oh I love wrestling so I’m new here what are you building right now I’m working on the uh we’re we’re day 23 in preparing for

Doomsday and I’m finally working on an actual base that’s what’s going on here it’s not gonna look this flat at the end I’m gonna add Dimension to it but for now I’m creating the actual structure maybe not in this episode but in a later episode maybe tomorrow who knows

And I may have to uh start absolutely grinding on the server like even more than normal so then we can actually get the progression we need I stopped myself from saying something just then because I was like wait what I was about to say is so uninteresting and not worth saying

I need to do that more often anyways bro did Devon dirty no I wasn’t talking about I wasn’t actually talking about Devin man I was I was using him as an example because I saw his name in chat Beluga is a good example of what specifically

One thing how long did it take me to become a professional builder uh uh when I started making money through videos that’s I’m not I know I’m never I never really I’m not really professional builder never was only a professional builder in the sense that my videos get money

And my videos are generally about builds so I I actually am not really that good at building to be honest I’m not bad I can start to say that because I’ve actually noticed I’ve gotten decently good at building lately over the years I’ve just I I almost I wouldn’t call it an imposter

Syndrome because in this case like I’m actually just like I’m not close to as good as a lot of other builders and like I I’m fine with that like my goal isn’t to be the best builder my goal is to be the best content creator

Um and so even though there’s a ton of Builders out there who are way better than me I am more Relentless and knowledgeable about making content than a lot of them and so that’s why I’ve been able to get more views than most builders that’s what it comes down to

You hated wrestling too you’re enjoying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu yeah I mean some sort of like that that could be fun I only hated wrestling because I didn’t really care about winning or anything but once because I was just like I was like kind of I just didn’t care

But because I’m like I’m going through all this difficulty for what like it’s this intensity for something I don’t care about but once I did care once I’m like I want to be good at wrestling then I like suddenly became obsessed over Winning State for years um and that’s when I like

Actually like did crazy things like put on 100 pounds I mean I’m gonna be honest some of some of the hundred pounds I gained was was not was not muscle it was like it was a little bit of fat so I’m probably nine percent body fat

Right now at 120 or one or some not 120 oh I’m probably nine percent body fat at 190 three that’s because I’m on a cut um but previously I was I was 127 after like at the end of at like after senior year I got to 127 I’m like

I’m like dude I’m getting a little chunky like I know a lot of this is not muscle I’m like I I’m like this doesn’t look good and I realize I’m like I guess I’m saying I’m like my face was just you could tell it was like whatever

But so I I kind of got a little self-conscious and and dropped a lot of weight Tick Tock went down it’s black uh what do you what do you mean screen is black is it actually guys say tick tock it’s not okay Pierce is maybe trying to be funny or something

Okay good thank you guys um oh man uh okay Jonah uh okay wait okay I’m gonna read YouTube chat real quick topic do you like to kill baby cows no uh what’s up Tristan I tried joining your server on Java it isn’t working do you know why uh

I mean did you put in the IP right it’s prior um let’s see so I’m gonna add Dimension to this but I think what I’m gonna do right here is I’m gonna build I’m gonna here’s what I’m gonna do I don’t have much of this left let’s go

Let’s go mine for more slash Trench uh when I tried to join your server on Java it isn’t working uh submit a ticket on this on the Discord and we’ll try to help you the Discord is in the description where do I send my videos to get the money

So for the Doomsday video challenge um to to qualify for the challenge and potentially win the money because remember it’s it’s a challenge like you are competing with other people oh also I’ve I’ve I still had a little bit of Beacon effect I should have utilized that more um

You have to submit it in the Discord there’s a certain channel for it called doomsday video challenge I know we we named it pretty aptly so then you there could be no mistake so doomsday video challenge really easy really easy to understand find yeah that’s that and so there’s there’s a few

Requirements to qualify uh like like putting doomsday in your title or description or something and then like have like a sort of description of what the whole challenge is about basically be like people are hunting them for a month and then if they kill them or no peop or

We we all prepare for a month and then we attack prior gaming and if we kill them then we get and then the person who kills him gets ten thousand dollars that’s all you need to include somewhere like in the in the comments in the description in the video anywhere so

There’s a couple things like that to qualify for the challenge but that’s all you got to do it’s you know I’m I’m lenient I’m just looking for people to like make content about the series so and I want to see you guys videos like it’s not just about like growing the

Series but also about like I want to see you your guy’s point of view and your experience and how how you guys feel about doomsday and if you’ve enjoyed it and all this kind of stuff because it’s it’s also about feedback and whatever people will probably start attacking you again on on doomsday

Oh what’s up uh Quinn um did you get the right IP uh yo it’s Doug welcome Doug just pulls up in the chat randomly him and goldfish are just like they’re like the two people that’s like yo it’s it’s these two people that are just randomly here sometimes

I was wondering about the shout out not actually interested in these stuff what these stuff uh what’s up fly man did you ever finish the obsidian wall uh look for yourself I’ve finished it here and here below this lava now you can’t even see it whatever who cares

But yeah you can see it there this entire wall is Obsidian this entire wall is Obsidian I’m probably not going to be able to do it for the entire trench though because we only have seven days left I definitely don’t have time whatever it is what it is deep question

If someone gave you a a box of everything you lost what would you look for first I don’t know I don’t I’m not really attached to items men I haven’t really lost a lot of things I’m the kind of person who just has gotten rid of things just to have less

Going on in my life thanks for the follows it’s good today I’ve had more energy than the other days I have been talking a lot more than normal so my throat is starting to hurt a little and a little I’ve talked a lot with a bit of force favorite artist uh so right

Now my favorite like music group is uh flip turn because I mean like it’s the music is just like I think basic kind of like rock slash pop-ish but like their songs just almost every one of their songs ends up stuck in my head like constantly there’s just always one of

Them I’ve had some of their songs stuck in my head many times I’m like this I’m like I had this song stuck in my head like a week ago why is it back and then their songs just don’t get old I’ve listened to them so many times but

I don’t know for some reason they just their songs just really grew on me because a lot of them I was I was like I’m again it’s all right kind of first lesson and then it got to the point where I was like oh well this is actually really good

But that kind of happened sometimes with music it’s almost like a phase kind of thing so I don’t know maybe maybe maybe it’s just something that would go away in time I’ll be like actually I’m not really a huge fan of the music a certain point

It’s a column what do you mean please a YouTube chat oh it has not been updating oops I thought I was caught up with YouTube chat but that’s because I had to scroll down um oops I was like why is no one saying anything in YouTube chat and I saw an

Arrow to be like oh scroll down to see more messages uh can you anti-shot out me and tell everyone to never subscribe all right no one ever subscribed to Devin horrible idea don’t please don’t he doesn’t make videos so I don’t it’s not a point to actually subscribing I’m

Just saying that’s why I’m saying don’t subscribe to him because it just wouldn’t make sense cheese is yucky Devon you’re making cheese sauce not what was it like three days ago cheese what’s your opinion on cheese I think a cheese is very great I love cheese cheese is the best save vinegar

Without the yeah yeah I’m gonna fall for that dude that’s not even like that’s not so subtle in this slightest and also I prefer you not to say that things seeing things like that because like what if what if in some like alternate universe I was just not

Mentally present and i s for some reason did not think that think it through and I said it like that would just be a horrible situation so I don’t even like try to trick people with that not even just me but like people in general by the way I’m new to your channel

Welcome to shark blocks you don’t like Minecraft uh why why are you here then how do you claim something that’s already claimed you can’t claim something that’s already claimed that would go against the whole point of claims I’m gonna fall for it and I know okay

All right buddy Master Ronaldo I don’t I don’t play fortnite hello I’m back it’s nice to catch another stream I hope you’re doing good welcome welcome uh Jaren Harold how long have you been live two hours 24 minutes today’s gonna also be a shorter live short alive in the sense of not nearly

As long as a lot of the streams have been throughout the the series I was joking about the cheese I know I I know you were but I just had to point it out does it adds some level of like I don’t know sometimes staying the obvious is just the thing to do

Messi plays football you mean soccer yeah I know I was trolling I I know Messi doesn’t play fortnite or maybe it does but I know he’s famous for playing soccer I just sent 380 likes thank you uh Sammy he said I said your name right awesome

Look it up soccer is the actual name I think the actual name is whatever people call it and so in America it’s called soccer if you’re not in America then it’s not called soccer I don’t think there obviously there’s no objective way to say it it’s just what would people understand

Because I could call you gobbledygook I could call you a little gremlin but that doesn’t necessarily make it true or that doesn’t necessarily mean because you could be like no I’m not a little Gremlin but like in a Way You Are because it to me it could mean something that I don’t know

What am I even saying that analogy was actually genuinely garbage that was a horrible analogy it’s cool geode I’m not interested in in it right now what’s up Owen uh what’s a better mineral for the armor trim I don’t know I went for red because it’s my branding I’m all about that red

And black whatever color you want man it doesn’t really matter if you look it up soccer was the original name not just in America okay yeah Maybe it makes sense for it to be called foot ball it’s actually it’s like why why is football called football when it’s you know you’re not kicking

The ball around with the foot oh no American football is what I’m referencing by the way it honestly doesn’t make sense why American football is called football but it’s the way we say it uh if you look up no but if you look okay what about soccer ball

I think soccer ball is uh the kind of compromise you’d make if you’re just like you had a hole in your head and your brain just like leaked out of that hole and then that’s what you came up with then that would that would be a good name foreign

That was a bit rude but soccer ball that sounds horrible just being completely honest man American football is superior to European interesting in what way it’s definitely interesting how strange of a honestly at its core I think American football is really interesting I have never been a fan of watching football

But I just core it’s literally like a it’s like a almost like a tower defense game in a way it’s like get the ball over here get the ball from A to B and like utilize whatever strategies you can and so there’s like Play books and all these crazy strategies and it’s actually

Kind of interesting but regardless I still I still don’t watch it I still get bored when I watch football so because as never been a huge Sports guy okay I just don’t maybe if it was someone like I cared for I mean well even then it’s just I don’t know

It’s just tall I don’t really want to drop and water clutch anymore but I did it anyway welcome Jeff flip sock all right I did not think you could come up with the worst name then then redag but you did I know you’re joking but that is as comically horrible

I’m not going to turn all of it into deepsea tiles actually because I may want to use Cobble deep slate as like a contrasting block thank you I think I have a chest for tough but I’m too lazy football is not Tower Defense is Tower it’s it’s like chess you got pieces you

Got a set amount of players and they serve different roles and functions and so in a way it is it is kind of tired it is funny to compare football to tower defense game that is kind of a funny way for me to put it I’m yes I’m

Gonna say what I said is funny I think that’s funny that is actually kind of funny yeah that’s that’s fine it’s it’s come on it’s funny you have to tell me that’s that’s funny anyways how many doomsdays are there gonna be uh uh I mean there’s a chance there’s

Gonna be the only doomsday ever I mean there may be people who copy my idea down the down the road down the line maybe we’ll do Doomsday again who knows but after this doomsday series is over who knows should I build it out to here

Yeah let’s build it out to here I think that’s good so basma or whatever you’re I forget what your real name is you mentioned it before but just set your YouTube username as your real name if you want me to call you that wait oh for a second I thought this was an

Alex skin the lips I think the lip color is the same maybe move it to this point I need a lot of deep sleep for this why do I do this myself maybe to like this point so then I can still preserve like the edge of the little thing

And then if I want to build it up here then I can do this uh it’s kind of hard to explain what I’m doing here you just gotta trust me is a trust me bro situation I’m gonna pause the recording since replay mod is it’ll be annoying to show

Me placing in all these blocks so instead use stream footage is the Build Challenge oh the Build Challenge is based on the build so I’ll evaluate your actual bases the video challenge is just about the videos that you produce and so if you there’s only one reward

For the Build Challenge if you win the Build Challenge you get the 250 that’s it um when it comes to the video challenge there’s first second third then yeah and then I guess there’s a couple other Rewards like you if first place also gets content creator roll I think

In terms who makes the best video like if you get first so I mean we still have like a week left I recommend trying to win I want to see your videos so yeah I wasn’t recording forgot to turn it back on it’s fine it’s cool that I can speak English in so

Many accents that’s nice boom all right I’m just going to fill in this section I just want enough filled in so just just enough you said earlier the server is staying up after doomsday right yes the server will be here to stay there’s no getting rid of Prior MC baby

We will stick around whether you like it or not and you will play you will play Survival when we come out with Arc Anarchy or do more events you will do those things too well actually unless you don’t want to play Anarchy then I mean we won’t force

You to play Anarchy that’s that’s kind of the thing for certain kinds of people and then when we come out with mini games you can play those too either that will force you we’ll see I still have to decide I don’t care if this doesn’t look the

Best I’m just gonna use Cobblestone to until all the Sun where’s that iron that’s iron let’s let’s get it so I need iron I need a bigger lava Farm I guess I’ll get some cold too why not that’s enough you’ve built the whole mountain in survival no we had the I

It was a mix of a group of people working on it and creative and stuff I wanted a cool base for my or I wanted a cool location for my base and so it’s custom I would not have enough time to do this for doomsday originally the plan was to build a

Mountain but I’m like eh it would end up being hollow and like now like that’s just not the move I’m still not recording I’m so dumb I would use my shovel but obviously my shovel is the vulnerability one of the best small YouTubers I’ve seen thank you your stream is super delayed

It’s not delayed I just take forever to read comments here we go now let’s start filling in all this deep slight I have the outline and now I just have to do this how long are you planning on streaming I saw you on my for you page later or earlier I mean um

Probably not longer than an hour from now to be honest I do want to get a considerable amount of this building done for this episode so I’m trying to speed through this as much as I can but we’ll see how long how much I can do guess who’s back welcome welcome

Prior so what’s the news with h um just don’t hold your breath about it age I don’t really know what I don’t know if slash when we’re gonna get it fixed there’s a good chance I I don’t I don’t know we’ll let you know grind don’t stop yes

What does doomsday mean in this context that is a great question just watch any of my most recent videos not any actually some of them aren’t relating to Doomsday directly uh watched some of my most recent videos should explain it’s uh but I mean if if

You’re not gonna go check them out it’s it’s essentially people try to kill me after this timer runs out behind me and if they kill me they get the ten thousand dollars so I’m preparing by building I’m working on the base I have like a trench that I’m working on and

Like various things like that what is an overview of everything you have right now uh I’m pretty sure you’re one of the you’re one of the people who want to kill me so I don’t know if I want to give you an overview because if I’m gonna get packed

Like you like you always claim then you know it’s probably best to slow that process down by keeping things secret you’re about to add to sleep but I guess you gotta stay awake now all right dude go to sleep it’s 4am go to sleep I don’t I don’t recommend recommend like

Getting less sleep to watch the streams even though I love it when you guys watch the streams it’s really Sports um don’t stay up I don’t want you guys to ruin your sleep because uh because of my streams is this live no this is a pre-recorded pretty please no

No man I gotta win man I can’t you’ll be able to see in the videos when the videos come out all right let’s head back to the base then I can get more Cobble I’m so good at this oh wait let’s put this in the furnace how much just about this

Okay let’s pull everything out why not so this is 27 that takes four coal approximately foreign all these gold coal copper it’s making me discover the crafting recipes because of player data thing messed up it’s mildly annoying I hate it when it’s mildly annoying oh right the whole thing I was here the

Whole reason I was here let’s uh go do that and the spruce playing so I can leave in here oh the bath salts let’s see if that in there I’ll take the cowboy Deep Side in here I don’t have a I mean I have to turn this into deep

Site tiles aren’t I yeah let’s turn it all into Deep Side toes I need the blocks then Cobblestone I’ll take as much as I can get I don’t need a lot of that Brady it’s not what it looks like I swear I I know you told me to stop preparing for doomsday

I I swear this uh this is uh uh uh this is I’m playing fortnite this isn’t Minecraft Doomsday Trust it’s just uh it’s a custom fortnite texture pack that makes it look like I’m preparing for doomsday in Minecraft alright are you the one paying the 10th out ten

Thousand dollars to the person that wins yes I tried to get a sponsor to do it but the sponsorships kind of fell through so it’s me doing it um I’m gonna AFK for a bit and leave the stream running all right appreciate it Devin how many more days until Doomsday

7 hours 15 minutes that’s what it says behind me it’s October 1st it’s October’s first seventh or 8th no what makes you bro what is the timer behind me say it’s it’s it tells you exactly when are you scared for doomsday uh uh kind of but my focus isn’t really on

Doomsday itself I’m focused on getting everything I need to done before then that’s what all my focus has been on see what I’m doing that’s why I had to like do the thing where I mined up the blocks first oh this is like a it’s like sushi in a

Way like you got the outer rice casing and then inside you have all the the yummy cobblestone seven days from now is the 30th that’s why it’s seven days and 15 hours which will be the October 1st do you need coal blocks I have three stacks I’m sorry I can’t take any any

Help um cold blocks now I I genuinely don’t need any uh do you have any content plans welcome Dennis I haven’t seen you say anything this whole time so sad I think you might have just pulled up do you have any content plans for after doomsday or are you not thinking about

It yet oh no I I have a lot of content plans one thing is gonna be is I have way cooler things coming after doomsday way cooler things yeah um I have so many things I want to do it’s it’s ridiculous um one thing I want to do I am hoping I can

Do it before it stops being trending because there’s there’s a trend going around relating like on the same topic and if for now is like prime time to do it but of course I’m in the middle of Doomsday so I’m like ah I almost have like I have that

Fomo about it I’m like I want to be doing that right now too but you know I’m gonna grind this out and then hopefully maybe I can ride on the the Tailwinds of the trend who knows I’m not I don’t follow Trends but like it helps when something is trending

And the thing is is it’s things as it’s a video that was I was supposed to do months ago um and it’s been in the works for a while I’ve already done a lot for it it’s hard to I’m not gonna explain anything about it because I I it’s such a great idea

I mean I know it’s kind of patting myself on the back but it’s something that would get stolen so that someone else would try to do they wouldn’t be able to do it right because it takes absolute ages of preparation but hard worker thank you oh yeah and then I have another thing

That’s been in the works for months uh I I put a complete hold on that too because of Doomsday it’s a this other thing this is this is a Minecraft film that I’ve been writing and it’s gonna be like the best piece of Minecraft animation ever like to date so

And I’ve already like talked with the YouTube channel I’m gonna collaborate with with it and they do Minecraft animations and so it’s it’s gonna be really good I think that’s an understatement it’s gonna be I’m hoping for it to actually be like a film that will like stand the test of time like

Over 100 years or just ever but um or like never never not be never be forgotten who cares whatever but that is one thing I I don’t really give specifics on that like obviously that’s not something you can steal and like the story it’s that that’s the

Kind of thing that I’m not like oh someone’s gonna do that first because obviously people have done Minecraft animations before like people have done like Minecraft movies before uh it’s it’s like being like Oh man somebody someone’s already made a movie now I can’t so like that is something I can say

Without fear of it being stolen but this other project that I alluded to a second ago that’s something that would like get stolen in a heartbeat if I mentioned it how do you joined the server it’s uh it’s any version you can join on any server any version of the game anywhere

From 1.8 to 1.20.2 so join whatever version you want um the IP is in the description of the Stream why not just cover the top bro I know you don’t have the context but uh what do you build what are you but yeah no I’m not covering the top because

This is going to slow players down when they try to kill me uh what are you building also how can I participate in doomsday so I’m I’m building like my base I’m starting on it uh how you can participate is by um first you gotta hit the plus no I’m

Kidding uh you you may already be following but you can participate in doomsday and potentially win the ten thousand dollars by joining This Server screenshot it you got five seconds under the names there’s the IP the Bedrock and Java IB five four three two one if you’re on YouTube just go in

The description of the Stream super easy prior is fixing to be the next Captain Sparkles oh in the sense of the animation like where he did the the music videos I actually didn’t really get much WoW I was about to say I didn’t really get much inspiration from him in terms of

That project but actually that’s not true entirely I’m sure there’s some sort of inspiration from that Captain Sparkles is kind of like the his videos is what kind of sparked my passion for making content online and my what sparked my desire to do it

How do you win the 10K you have to kill me if you kill me on doomsday if you’re the one person to kill me or there’s a chance no one kills me and then I get to donate donate it to a specific charity but if you kill me then you get the ten

Thousand dollars can’t they use water to climb up the walls sure they could use blocks water it’s harder this way they can’t the thing is this way it makes it much more of a hassle for them to completely avoid my attention you’re gonna be sad when when I stop

Like stop streaming I mean I’ll always be streaming technoblade really got me into Minecraft his content was literally legendary and seemed scripted but he was just so good yeah technoblade and Captain Sparkles were the two people that really got me into making content well Captain Sparkles was like he was like

The Catalyst and then technoblade was like was like the point where I’m like well it’s something I gotta do or like that actually kind of like made it happen and that’s and where I really the reason why I decided to make prior gaming specifically and more water this is empty

Every time I stop streaming Bro sounds like sounds like you gotta go make some more cheese sauce to fix it no okay look at chat bro bro Wants To Go creative mode I don’t know walk to Walmart so next time it hits you they can unload it what

I I lose contacts pretty quickly what people are saying so I apologize I’m trying to talk a little less loud because so then my throat can calm down what’s the timer for the clock for um uh seven days 15 hours from now is when doomsday happens

And then on doomsday people try to kill me for the ten thousand dollar prize that’s the whole thing that’s all premise wait did it what was I filling in there yeah right there I’m gonna start on this other side oh you’re talking to Devin oh I see

You laughed so hard when I said and make more cheese sauce good Devin is a bot I don’t know if you know dude the reason he has a wrench next to his name is not because he’s a bot he’s he’s a moderator it would say like bought or something

Next to his name I’m pretty sure if it was you built 17.5 block build of Jeep oh I see you’re talking about uh Jeep on server great Jeepers Creepers you should promote him to admin um he’s essentially he’s a Minecraft admin right no he’s a mod now it’s just okay

Well I think postie wants to teach him like Dev stuff so he probably will be at a minute at a point can we see what you’re making uh this is the start of my base it’s gonna it’s gonna look a lot less flat when I’m done with it I’m gonna add more

Dimension but at the moment I’m focusing on actually just getting the shape of the bass and everything so there’s not much to see not yet Devin bot is running yes all right do slash slash uh IP and then Devin will automatically say the IP because he’s a bot Trust

My custom programmed him myself still poor lava down the sides they can’t climb up with water even if they have Fire Res it’s super slow that’s true I could actually I mean that would look kind of ugly I I know this is doomsday and I’m all about things functioning that is I’ll

Actually think about that huh I mean it’s really easy to just block up next to the lava that’s the problem but the thing is if they block up then they leave themselves vulnerable so I don’t know but they’re vulnerable either way bro you didn’t even say the

IP right it’s prior that’s the job IP why fill it in uh slow people down on doomsday when they try to kill me why haven’t you been posting the rest of your progress videos on your page um it’s it’s because of just being so busy I’m like working uh 26

Not 26 hours a day sorry 16 to 20 hours a day for the last like 23 days and I still can’t seem to get these videos done it’s just it’s it’s a lot so I’m actually gonna completely give up on the long form until doomsday is done and

Then we’re gonna jump into that we already have two long forms in production that I’m already done with my part mostly so like we could those that’s that’ll be enough to suffice until the end of doomsday but I’m gonna go kind of crazy on like the short forms as much as

Possible so then we can get as many people on server and get as much hype for doomsday as possible that’s kind of my main concern right now like as I said that it’s it’s kind of like something that’s kind of like the biggest concern of mine at the

Moment so like I got little butterflies even just thinking about it I’m like I’m like what if what if things don’t pan out what if doomsday is super underwhelming because if doomsday itself is underwhelming then that makes the video so much worse

I want it to be an epic day I want it to be really cool with a ton of people charging at me like as many people on server as possible that kind of thing blop blop yes see Devin is showing that he is indeed a programmed AI or wait

I think those are two opposite things not opposite but X mutually exclusive things I think because an AI is something that learns well you feed it data but like you don’t program well I’m not I’m not like a computer science techie nerd how’d I know let’s fill in like as much cobblestone

As possible and then we can go fill up on fill up on these and uh and deep site these slight these like get get some sleep nah man I gotta work I gotta grind I need doomsday needs to be great I I have to even if it cost me sleep

Even though it’s costing me sleep I have to do what I got to do I bet Devin recently commented bojang should hire this guy on one of camman 18’s video yes that would make him immediately a bot anyone who says stuff like that mojing should hire this guy I get that comment

Sometimes on my build videos I’m like bro I’m like I’ve seen that comment a million times and sometimes I appreciate it I’m like I’m like yeah they’re just trying to compliment but I’m like think about it logically Mojang doesn’t need Builders maybe for like the marketplace but for the base game

Like where you’re actually they’re not they don’t want the structures to look really cool Nether fortresses on one hand I think they’re crazy cool they’re crazy cool I think ancient cities are really cool but mainly because of the skulk on its own an ancient city would be kind of dull

Or it would look fine um what’s another thing that’s what are the best structures in Minecraft I think um another Fortress is definitely like the coolest maybe I’m biased because of just being young when I was like young and you’re younger I I just thought I was terrified but also

Amazed by another fortresses I thought they were the coolest things on earth but also scary like paired with the music like that gives me chills like like the Ambiance and then it’s like these like massive towering like fortresses it’s like imagine the the sheer power and will that went into

Constructing these things in like the Minecraft lore and then it’s just I do the nether music is is insane it like I I unironically listen to Minecraft music constantly but the nether music especially I’m like like with the man I want to play some right now like like bro

There’s a certain one that is very grandiose and I remember a specific time I was playing Minecraft and I was in the nether and I was like just like it I don’t know the amount of emotion whatever not emotion whatever I’m saying things with this one um laughs

Uh still no fast mine carts oh yeah my why do we have no fast mine cards in Minecraft like really like bro honestly Fashions are pretty cool yeah bastions are fine I mean because I’m older now it’s probably harder for me to because I’m no longer like a young child

It’s kind of harder to impress me especially since I’ve seen like a lot of crazy things whereas like stumbling upon another Fortress in Minecraft and then like seeing it above like Tower above the lava I just when I was young I was like this is just insane like the coolest thing on earth

Whatever oh what’s up uh Katie welcome welcome bro needs every block yes another fortresses need more rooms Maybe I think on their owners but I think part of it part of why I was always so Amazed by Nether fortresses is because of like the sheer scale but also the mystery

Because it’s just it’s such a mysterious type of thing I don’t you know structure it’s like who built this it’s like it it’s so I don’t know I’m just I’m just gushing about Nether fortresses uh whatever uh can we see what you’re making I think I already responded to

That it’s uh this oh well I’m up here now this is literally all there is right now um it’s a work in progress this is all for the to look cool and of course to function but you know my lips are chapped because I can taste blood play Sweden nah

That takes I would have to pull it up Ocean Temple is crazy I don’t know ocean temples I I never really went into them when I was younger so I never got that like uh I think I was just too terrified to go if you like those streams where a random

Tick tocker is just placing blocks and if you donate something oh this feels like those streams were a random tick tocker is just placing blocks and if you donate TNT spawns I mean I think that is something I can set up but I’m not I don’t want TNT this one

Um what are you building now with the rank uh I I have not continued the ring since I’m gonna try to I really want to but um we’ll see let’s not focus right now uh what is that black stone you used uh it’s deep slight tiles you can craft

It using deep slate and a stone cutter I don’t know if there’s another method for it love the vids thank you uh Jace what’s up the Quacks uh what’s up you suck interesting name do you know I don’t know if that’s like a like you’re trying to troll me that sounds like

Some kind of D’s joke if not sorry no I don’t know who that is oh you built you built one up on land nice they used to have fast mine carts but a side effect that they would derail and turn and people got mad so mojing removed them huh

Is the is the killing the ender dragon beating Minecraft or you saw that is the Ender Dragon being Minecraft Paul so then you came to say hi and then leave all right uh what’s up uh bye you could stick around but interesting petroleum jelly is good for chapped lips yeah

You could use an auto Clicker we don’t allow Auto clickers I know you’re using an auto clicker earlier and you know we could ban you for that right we didn’t ban you I don’t know why we didn’t ban you we probably should have because like that is completely against the rules

What are the chords uh you can’t enter my base even if you had the chords you couldn’t even see my bass because we have like a force field thing around it bro bro probably listens to Taylor Swift in his free time who does and I’m not really a huge fan of Taylor

Swift’s music it’s just it’s too commercial for me I don’t know it’s just not my thing what do you think we’ll see for the mob vote um I have no idea they come up with like brand new things every time and I don’t even know when all that stuff happens

I think my dream is to own Minecraft just like not own a copy of Minecraft like what I’m playing on right now but to own the company just to own the biggest game that ever existed that would be awesome like even if it was partial ownership even if like I

Say if like I gathered together with a bunch of like video game nerds slash investors and then we came up with like billions of dollars to buy Minecraft that would be funny there’s a w stream honestly thank you Aiden would say the gargoyle yeah we haven’t seen Aiden maybe he’s still mad

That I was trolling him about the diamonds what’s up uh gamer Fox welcome welcome you’re using it during Grace and then stopped because we heard it wasn’t allowed well as long as you don’t use it again I mean we didn’t ban you so consider it a warning just obviously those things are

Doing the rules it says no no macros and I even specified uh Auto clicker or example Auto clicker so what are you doing I’m working on my base preparing for doomsday p.m good dream what do you mean oh that’s the time it is for you what do you mean good dream

I mean like guesses on what you want oh like what would I want to see in the mob boat um I mean one thing I would suggest would be cool like more Golems but Minecraft does that would make the game even easier if you had like more ways to defend yourself

Like if you could like set up Golems around your base or something to like combat mobs like I know Iron Golems are a thing but I don’t want the game to be even easier I feel like that would only make sense if the game was like ridiculously hard

Which I think they should do so maybe add more aggressive mobs but honestly what they should do is just make the zombies way more powerful and way more common that’s what I think Microsoft you don’t you don’t think Microsoft would sell Minecraft I don’t think so either

You feel like Bill Gates really likes the I don’t think Bill Gates keeps Minecraft because of the education man I’m pretty sure he does it because it makes a lot of money that’s a hundred percent reason why it’s all about money and I think there is a lot of potential

With gaming and education like a huge potential because like education is it’s in general not really fun gaming is fun I’ve learned a lot of things like the best when it’s gamified when I’m competing with other kids in class like say with kahoot I’ve learned so much because like I’m trying to win

Like although I mean to be honest I it’s kahoot is just way too easy to cheat in so like it’s not really the best example but there’s like whenever there’s some sort of type of like competition thing that’s when I thrive the most and so video games for example if you

Have some sort of goal you’re working towards the information you learn that helps you reach that goal you’re going to learn it so much better and so much faster and it’s so much more meaningful so say it in Minecraft if you had to learn like like learning how certain things work um

Like there are IRL things that you probably have learned from Minecraft I can’t think of any examples off the top my head because I played Minecraft way too long so like like it would just like I I don’t have that outside perspective but I don’t know whatever

Yeah I think gaming is a completely underutilized way to teach I it’s so dumb that like the school system is just all memorization it’s so dumb it’s not all memorization but a lot of it is did you hear the leak about Auto crafting is it an actual leak or I mean Auto crafting

I think that’s just another thing that kind of is for the Redstone community I don’t know if I like that because then it becomes like what is it factorio is that like the automation game Minecraft it’s kind of destroying away from what it should be in my opinion or

At least what it originally was sure I think it should be a well-rounded game where you can do a lot of different things maybe it’s successes really came from appealing to just people as like just a Sandbox but I think it should be split into like survival and sandbox

But I think you know it’s always going to be sandbox to a degree and it should be but I don’t know whatever I mean just rambling you think new Golems would only be good for automation you think there should be more end game content I think I honestly think there should be less

End game content I think you shouldn’t be able to have overpowered stuff I don’t think Elijah should be in the game I don’t think you should be able to sleep in a bed to skip nighttime I don’t think a lot of these things because it takes away like the danger elements I

It makes the game too easy it makes projects to it makes massive projects too easy I mean that’s part of why I’m doing all this by hand it’s kind of my philosophy and it’s just more interesting that way because most people kill the ender dragon and just quit

I think it should take absolute ages to finally be able to kill the Ender Dragon it’s you shouldn’t be able to kill it in what less than 10 minutes that kind of tells you something’s wrong and that it’s outdated sure these people are able to do that because of

Playing the game are really ridiculous length of time but if you really want game longevity you want a boss that takes absolute ages to kill and then yeah and then we can talk about whatever whatever I don’t even know you would want Auto crafting yeah you’ve already thought about making a

Company that creates lessons in Minecraft for teachers you feel like it already exists though I mean look it up maybe I could tap into that maybe I could be the prior gaming teacher maybe maybe I’ll show up in your classrooms making educational content in Minecraft who knows maybe I’ll make crash course

But everything is based in Minecraft no I mean you don’t mean end game like Elijah you mean end game I like more bosses and enemies I get that yeah maybe maybe it could be more like Terraria but then the thing is if you stray towards Terraria it becomes less

Of Minecraft and the why you why Minecraft kind of struck such a chord with me although I okay well it struck a chord with me for two reasons one was the sandbox nature and be it being able to interact with the voxel environment being able to mine and place blocks obviously that

Just is just was broke my brain when I saw it for the first time two what what really what I really loved about Minecraft was the danger element I’m like this is terrifying like this is scary I have to survive like oh man what if what if I get caught

Outside at night time like that that would be horrible I’d probably die like it’s just it keeps you on your toes and then you have to strategize so the combination of the two things is like makes it that was the core of the game for me was the combination of the voxel environment

The interactive voxel environment combined with the danger so it would force you to strategy and and all this kind of stuff and add tension and reason for what you’re doing because the things you’re doing it was extrinsic motivation in the sense that you were trying to survive like you

Weren’t trying to go conquest and kill a boss you’re just trying to survive and so I think that is good enough extrinsic motivation I think that’s what Minecraft should have leaned into but has become way more sandboxy and less Danger but here’s the thing I don’t think they should stop I don’t

Think they should stop being so sandboxy and like appeal to players who don’t want to live life on the edge every two seconds but that’s why they have easy mode or peaceful for those players why not create a genuine like true Survival game mode where it’s genuinely

Survival based like like hard to survive you know they’re gonna totally they’re gonna Nerf elitros because they always say they’re bad who says that don’t steal my idea it’s too late Dennis I’ve already written it down I probably won’t and besides there’s there’s tons of content there’s tons to learn out there

Me making education content isn’t going to directly compete with what you do man so even if I did do it like or whatever dog dog you should play play Arc um or something for that Minecraft is meant to be like this is Minecraft meant to be like this

Is it also yes I know I wear my glasses above the ears to relieve pressure from this point um I don’t think Minecraft is meant to be like this originally it was survival based an arc like that’s completely different because what made me fall in love with

The game to begin with is the combination of um well I mean I have a series coming up where I’m gonna like try to reclaim my love for the my original passion for the game in the sense of not reclaim but like kind of replicate my original awe and love for the game

Um by like using a lot of the same factors like what I’ve been talking about but I Minecraft had its original state I think was there’s a reason why I blew up and I don’t think it was because they’re here’s the here’s the Dilemma you can build a base you can do anything

You can like do anything under the sun but why why would you do all these things so most people need some level of extrinsic motivation in order to do anything well I don’t know about anything yeah well anything yes like even however simple it is even if it’s not like core

To their being or anything like that so so what am I saying um so like my point is why why would you do anything in Minecraft like you can build a base you can Farm infinite things you can like Farm a billion of every single item but like who cares like

You give me a reason and so that reason is surviving the whole reason for that I think that was like originally what the reason Minecraft gave you was like here ‘s this world survive um let’s get over here and so it’s not really a worry anymore in the game

I’m not worried about surviving it’s just all about like oh well let’s build something cool and that’s part of why this series is so cool in my opinion and why I just thought it would be really good other people is because it gives you that why everything I’m doing it gives you that

Why it’s like well why are you building this massive base oh it’s because it’ll slow people down like it’ll it’ll help me survive I’ve got something impending if this was just a regular Survival series like who who cares like it’s I’m just building something just to build something it the interest

Becomes a fraction of what it originally was but adding the whole element of oh everyone’s going to try to kill me at the end of the month and I need to prepare for that then I have my why I don’t know I’m just saying things at this point maybe some

Of you guys are enjoying it maybe you’re not okay what’s up Owen actually I think I already responded that’s probably the past thing you said uh while the Cobblestone um it’s it’s so just slow people down if they try to build through my base like

If they try to mine through it it’s just that little bit of extra will help you love hamburger I spend that’s great someone killed the Ender Dragon like 40 seconds well that was probably a that was either a creative Speed Run no creative Speed Run I’m pretty sure they

Can do it in like less than 10 seconds uh that was that was probably uh one of those Bots what do they call it not not bot uh tool assistant speed run so it’s not like a real human doing it I mean a human did do it but like in the

Time it took them to like set it all up like it’s hard to explain tool system speed runs are really cool I think they’re really cool okay uh your average person cannot kill the Ender Dragon in 10 minutes I mean that’s true and a lot of what I’m saying is very

Biased because of course I played this game for probably too long I don’t know I mean I I probably have played the game way too long and so that’s uh that’s definitely a factor and I’ve been a bias in that regard so I mean uh I don’t know man

Have you tried survival super flat with that’s never appealed to me because it’s just it’s that that becomes even more intrinsic motivation which I am the kind of guy with a lot of intrinsic motivation to do things but I I I do love myself some extrinsic motivation

I want there to be a reason apart from whatever reasons I made up to do something like surviving that I I want to try to survive in Minecraft again and then not do all this effortlessly um I love your lives thank you Fabian do you ever get mad at life and wonder

If everything is pointless uh mad at life maybe sometimes and just in the sense of in the sense if I say in the sense of too much maybe I do maybe I don’t I mean I don’t think everything is pointless because I’m I mean I’m Christian I believe that everything

Happens for some sort of reason or um or that it’ll all work out in the end and then and we have an overarching meaning for our lives and so I I guess you could take what I’ve been talking about what I’ve been rambling on about for the past 10

Minutes and apply it to that just life philosophy yeah we’re going into philosophy now get ready for this philosophy class of me just rambling about things I may not know enough about but I mean it’s the same thing you take the same thing I was talking about

Minecraft and apply it to real life it’s like you can do mostly anything in real life but why that’s the question why why do anything I mean that’s a question that people have been asking for as long as humans been I’ve been around but you know I want extrinsic motivation

For my life and I have it because I think there’s a per I have a per I think I know my per the purpose for my life and so even though like I go through really difficult things I’m able to come out to do the other end um having grown

And whatever you know I don’t know what basic foreign I’m probably boring you guys uh you think the build is cool thank you fadlin so we get money if we submit doomsday videos to you uh if you submit it in the in the channel the Discord Channel and

The YouTube where it says doomsday challenge you you get money if you win like if you’re in the top three so it’s a challenge like you don’t necessarily automatically win money but you can qualify you can get into it uh I’ll get the investors and you can build the maps oh

The maps uh I mean I’m not I’m the kind of guy who would build I wouldn’t need an investor I could fund it myself but it’s it’s setting up the systems and then also like figuring out what to talk about and if it’s even worth because it’s more about a time thing

Than anything like finances I’m not worried about that his chat is delayed no it’s not delayed I just take forever to respond because I’ll get on these tangents or I’ll not look at chat for a while is there a dragon fight tomorrow um yes oh yeah that’s another thing that you

Guys should know about if you don’t already know tomorrow at Sunday so tomorrow’s Sunday yeah at 1 pm EST tomorrow we got the dragonfly upgraded dragonfly to the third round the third and final round with the upgraded dragon and all the features maybe you’ve seen the video um but in that video

Not in that video um but tomorrow show up be there or be square if you haven’t played on prior MC yet join the server right now and get some stuff here’s the IP information if you want to screenshot that you got five seconds five four three two

One it’s above the names or below the name sorry um if you’re on YouTube just go in the description you can find the information there yeah it’s it’s the final dragon fight of the series uh this this one’s gonna be crazy I mean they’re all crazy last one was really

Good it was really fun um if you want to find the information for how to join go or not the information proud to join I just showed that if you want to know the specific time of the Dragon event uh you just uh you know I I don’t know man

I’m Giving Up on too many of my sentences I think this is where I’m gonna stop the thing build it to this point somewhere around here is this far enough oh yeah dragon fight oh yeah I was trying to say go into the Discord if you want the specific time

Adjusted to your time zone if you go into my Discord go into well you have to verify first if you haven’t joined my Discord already you go into the you verify and then you go into the Doomsday info Channel then you click on Mini events and then it’ll tell you like the

Specific time of the of the Dragon fights negative two seven five four I don’t care if I leaked my chords who cares yeah this is right everyone knows my chords already you just can’t enter my base because we have it set that you can’t so your stream is so much cleaner with your

New graphics card that’s good to hear glad to hear it man like what Minecraft day is the server on what do you mean Minecraft day uh I mean I think some of this stuff got reset so it’s probably at like where do you find this Minecraft day Minecraft day where

Where does it say that I mean it’s not going to give you a correct answer I don’t think but oh day 2419. all right so it’s been a few uh yeah yeah you should honestly what I the old prior MC I wonder how many days

That was up because I was up for years I’m pretty sure so that is I don’t I don’t know how to do the math like two years of Minecraft days how many would that be who knows you’d have to do math to do that and I don’t know how

Can’t believe you would think I can do math what’s up uh Hydra yeah set seed then he used a bow and arrow glitch to one shot the dragon oh okay like I went I wouldn’t be surprised if someone told me they beat the dragon in two seconds like well okay what but

That’s for they gotta exaggerate for points for a point just find your channel like an hour ago and started watching the series this is an awesome idea and you’re a great content creator thank you uh solicit welcome back Tomic Luke when you talk about time travel if you

Can time travel into the future and then into the past it might mean everything is predetermined but if you can affect things through time travel and that means it’s not predetermined so that actually kind of counters that um you know how religion say everything happens for a reason

Does that mean there’s no free will here’s the thing that is a complicated issue and I have my thoughts on that because some people say it says everything happens for a reason I don’t think everything does happen for a reason when I said that a second ago I kind of corrected myself

I think I think everything will work out for good but I think that what kind of sets humans apart is we have free will because say like a beaver for example a beaver is not going to go and make a MacBook he’s not gonna go watch Tick Tock he’s

Gonna go make a damn or die or eat or eat wood whatever beavers do like they don’t have free will like that they they’re just they don’t do something special humans do that’s the difference so and so in a way we have free will because we can vary in any number of

Ways there’s no standard human behavior there is standard human behavior but we don’t have to stick to that standard nor are we forced to do Goodwill or nor are we forced to do good or evil that’s the thing we can choose and so I don’t think everything happens for a reason necessarily

I think things just happen because that’s just the way they are I mean I overarching parts of our Lives not our lot overarching parts of The Narrative of the world sure I think that is already pre-determined like the overarching like as a Christian I’d say like kind of like how everything

Happens as a whole that’s predetermined whatever I’m talking about religion and philosophy and this is a Minecraft stream what am I doing it was a set seat it was no task okay but I mean I I have heard the phrase before like if everything if you rewound time which

For one the whole concept about rewinding time I’m not sure I’m not too sold on that but if you give that a break or don’t pay mind to that if you if you rewound time to the beginning of the universe whenever that was and then you played it like played it

Back like a video would it happen in the same sequence again some people would say yes and then say oh well I mean if it does then that means there’s no such thing as free will or everything is determined because everything that is gonna happen will happen and there’s no changing it

But is that a logical fallacy are can humans even understand it well enough to bro this is a Minecraft stream do you guys even want to hear this I’m just like rambling at this point just talking about different philosophical ideas not my ideas so obviously I didn’t come up with all

These things but do you want to know something what backwards is more impossible than forward yeah forward makes sense but backwards backwards time travel I am a firm believer that would never be possible ever period how are you doing I’m good thanks for asking can’t change the future because the

Future is what’s going to happen I mean in a way because you’re not changing anything because it is what because it’s not set until it happens or well maybe it is I mean you can only change the future if it is set oh it’s that one dude not your dad in

Tick Tock who started all this so you said something about do you ever wonder if life is like pointless or whatever and then I just rambled on into that whole thing for like I don’t know 30 minutes was that 30 minutes I don’t know okay I’m probably gonna get off the

Stream pretty soon I’m gonna finish placing all this Cobble like as high as I want this and then it’s stream end so not that much left because you know I’ve been going through this Cobble really quickly and I’ve made all significant progress can you please show us around your base

Uh I just did There’s I don’t really have a base I don’t really have much going on here you’re into it good Dennis is into it for example if I go into the future and change something it is what happened and you can therefore you didn’t change it exactly

And as I was saying like it you can only change something if it was already set if you’re going to already read that uh what are you doing right now I’m building for my base for doomsday I think backwards as possible if we’re only able to send data information um

Even data slash information no I don’t think that’s possible I I remember I wrote like a paper on it and everything by it and I was like I wrote like a passionate paper in school like why time travel will never be possible and I think I probably wrote it so

Argumentative like like my teachers were gonna be like actually but I’m sure all of them thought the same thing so I actually started my own YouTube channel because of you nice good stuff Tomic Luke I hope you’re in it for the Long Haul because chances are you’re not gonna

Start getting success until like three years from now or like like consistent success I mean do you have a six-pack yes only now because of after my cut previously I mean I mean it wasn’t really full of visible it wasn’t very defined that’s what happens when you go on a

Long bulk you kind of lose lose a lot of your definition and that that’s why I started cutting so then um so then I could get more definition back what’s he doing placing Kabul yes you just came from YouTube why would you go from YouTube to tick tock bro is it just

Because like you’re like I’ll just watch it vertically instead of horizontally like maybe you’re like in bed or something I don’t know okay Jonah has a question where’s Jonah oh yeah I already I answered that a second ago you probably said that before I answered it but I just now read your thing

Oh he’s asking the re oh the real question I didn’t read your entire thing I just heard Jonah ask question I don’t know about the difference between date send data and humans I’m sure it would be easier to send something inanimate yeah I mean obviously it’d be easier to

Send something inanimate like data but still I don’t think it’s possible yeah that’s the real question is that the six-pack question you need to rest no I gotta grind no less rest more grind Dennis I’ve watched many videos about it these things fascinate me you conceived the idea of the grandfather of paradox

Before you ever heard of it well I mean the grandfather of paradox that’s kind of kind of like the basic not to take the wind out of yourselves but that’s kind of the most basic question you’d ask if you heard about time travel that was like the first thing that would come to

Mind maybe that’s biased because like I probably heard about it from the start or I just always thought about it but I feel like if I’ve never heard of the grandfather Paradox and I don’t know whatever the way light works you could look in the past okay yeah in that sense yes the

Way light works because light will be traveling for millions of years or whatever potentially I mean there’s a lot of arguments about how old the Earth is um like genuine arguments like valid points on both sides um that’s not really time traveling that’s just saying the thing is you could see

Like old dinosaurs because their bones are remaining right sure you didn’t see it in their living form but you see them that light is just remnants of things that existed they’re essentially artifacts like that light is an artifact it is not the thing in its current form

That’s the difference I so I actually kind of disagree that that’s time travel I have heard that before and I disagree I don’t think that’s time travel because like say if say if you recovered dinosaur DNA that doesn’t necessarily mean that DNA is from that specific time like it’s

It’s been around since that light those light rays are those waves of light they have been around it’s not like they popped into existence from like oh many years ago I don’t know um what version are you playing in well you can join the server on any version but I’m playing 1.20.1

And here’s the IB information if you want to screenshot it if you want to prepare for doomsday maybe get the 10 grand Maybe oh that’s gone it’s still it’s got up again okay it’s gone what is this this is prep for doomsday late night stream for the W yes although

Working on the stream very soon here probably in a couple of minutes I bulked all the way up to 186 and I now I’m on a cut plan to get down to 170 to 175-ish by November nice good stuff man yeah it’s really satisfying being able to like kind of just

Almost like you you’re leveling yourself up by lifting and all that stuff it’s really fun just watch your end build short and saw your live so high welcome welcome like how can we watch Suns explode right now that exploded millions of years ago well the thing is it’s not necessarily

There is debate on if they did explode millions of years ago because how do you know that light has traveled at the same speed forever you know how do you know they’re there’s a lot of factors that go into it obviously I’m no I’m no scientist or

I don’t that’s not my area study but there’s a lot of assumptions that go into like things that we can’t concretely understand and that we only have like educated guesses because there’s there’s some things like that where you can’t necessarily just be sure of and I’m a very skeptical person

And so when people put specific times or I’m tired uh when you’re younger you used to watch Minecraft YouTubers and eat goldfish nice that’s the way to live it’s literally possible interesting I didn’t I mean of course if you could try to travel faster than the speed of light go to like

A far edge of the universe and then see the Earth in its past state but of course you’d have to do the impossible of going faster than the speed of light and then way more than that so and then you’d get probably a very very very very very very low resolution image

Of the Earth and it would be useless but I get what you’re saying it’s kind of funny what we’re talking about time travel while Minecraft or prior is just playing Minecraft yes that is me Mr gaming playing Minecraft you gotta go not allowed Arthur no okay but now you guys are arguing about

Time travel well I think I think Dennis is being theoretical with what he’s saying makes the place in cobblego by faster yes unlike wormholes that go into the fourth dimension type uh Drake Zero from Tick Tock chat you just happen to meet a bunch of individuals who understand what you’re talking about yes

It’s the best isn’t it okay save flop again that’s uh all right that’s great put the place button on a key it doesn’t matter whether I put on a key or my mouse it’s going to go at the same speed I’ve seen that before and I tried it and

It hasn’t changed the speed because you can only have so many inputs of so many like like repeated input it can only happen so much the audio and Graphics are way better that’s good that’s good to hear JT yeah my graphics card is handling it like a champ and looks like we’re finally

Finally done with this portion specifically let’s go bro oh and then we got in case it and deep sleep that’s not a huge challenge I mean it’ll take time but we got it down on all the other sides awesome very epic and then we’ll encase it and

It’ll be like another Tower and then I’m gonna have like connecting bits and I’ll probably add even another Tower maybe somewhere else I don’t know and then there’ll be like defensive walls and stuff all around I just fell and I missed the water clutch that’s fine I’m just too good at the game

Uh all right I’m gonna do this for the I’m gonna I’m gonna close out the stream in like a minute but I’m gonna do this for like the recording I’m gonna look at the camera and then viewers are going to be really confused as to why my lips

Aren’t matching up with the voiceover that’ll be really funny and now that’s the end of the recording all right recording is done now we just have stream now I can say anything I want okay man uh you want to get to know postie better is that allowed

Oh that’s what why are you asking questions about postie before and why are you like so obsessed with postie it you could try to talk to him I don’t know oh the Mr Peabody and Sherman movie I remember hearing that name and I’m like that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever

Heard and I’m not watching that because I was like Peabody I’m like I’m not watching this movie literally just because of the name and I was like I don’t know probably like uh 10. anyways there’s a smart dog who builds a time machine that teaches Human song about the past his human son

Okay that’s weird man I mean I know it’s an anime who made it move me but the connotations there a dog with a human son and he travels to the past or is it the future the future would make more sense but I’m never I don’t really have context if any

Any if what if I’m misinterpreting what you’re saying so give it a watch maybe maybe at some point I don’t really watch anything ever touch grass uh that’s not an option I don’t have time to touch grass too busy yeah all right I’ll probably in the live streams right now

Uh thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed like time travel and philosophy and random stuff I was talking about and we were talking about in chat um go into the real life not loud all right see you guys bye tick tock Tick Tock is gone all right bye

This video, titled ‘Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday’, was uploaded by PryorGaming on 2023-09-24 03:16:59. It has garnered 1797 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:45 or 14265 seconds.

This is day 23 of preparation for Doomsday in Minecraft. Our goal is to make this the biggest Minecraft series of all time and you can be a part of it. Come be a part of the series using the IP shown below! You can join on any device in any version. Except cracked clients.

**Doomsday Premise:** I’m streaming on PryorMC every day for 1 month to prepare for ***Doomsday.*** On the final day, I try to survive for 1 hour from ALL players trying to kill me for $10,000.

**PryorMC IP:** Java Edition: Bedrock Edition: []( Port: 19132

**Discord and Patreon links:**

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By using this affiliate link to get a Minecraft server, you greatly support the series and future projects. And can go play Minecraft with your friends 🙂


Key Words: (Ignore all this) Doomsday Minecraft Doomsday Doomsday IP Doomsday Server 1 Vs 1000 Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Battle Minecraft War Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Civilization Simulated Minecraft Simulation Minecraft Series Minecraft Assassins Minecraft Survival Minecraft Hardcore Doomsday Bunker Secret Minecraft Base

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    The Gearfinder Society (Full PvE | Plots / Survival | 1.20.4) WHITELISTEDHello there and welcome to the official Gearfinder PlanetMinecraft server post.We are a small community of friends who are looking for new members to join our group and play with us. Currently we have 2 main servers, being them a Skyblock Farming server with a more relaxed take on the gamemode (WIP at the moment) and our flagship Survival Economy Plots which is based on Steampunk and industrial automation.You can freely exchange between both gamemodes by simply talking to our npc at spawn.If you’re interested in joining our server, please beware, you MUST fulfill an application form before being able… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – YOU’RE ALL WRONG AND I’M RIGHT!!!

    Minecraft Memes - YOU'RE ALL WRONG AND I'M RIGHT!!!Well, I guess we’re all “worng” then! But hey, at least this meme is winning with a score of 11! Read More

  • Redstone Language: Crafting Code in Minecraft

    Redstone Language: Crafting Code in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a new tale unfolds, A programming language with redstone, so bold. Turing complete, it can run any code, But writing the programs is quite the road. The interpreter crafted with care and with time, A challenge to conquer, a mountain to climb. The animations dance, the redstone lights up, A symphony of circuits, a technological cup. References abound, from the internet’s past, Each video a treasure, a memory that lasts. From the Epic Hero’s keys to the synthwave’s beat, The music sets the tone, makes the story complete. Turing machines and Brainfuck, concepts so… Read More

  • POV: Outsmarting Minecraft’s traps #lol

    POV: Outsmarting Minecraft's traps #lol POV: Me trying to avoid responsibilities in real life like I avoid traps in Minecraft. Read More

  • Free Minecraft Server: Pixel Topic Fun!

    Free Minecraft Server: Pixel Topic Fun! Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS: A Gateway to Creative Gaming Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With Minecraft Server KOSTENLOS, players have the freedom to create their own virtual worlds using blocks of various materials. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. Collaborate with friends to build sprawling cities or go solo and craft your… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Conquer the Worst in Crystal PVP

    Join Minewind: Conquer the Worst in Crystal PVP Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about the thrilling world of Crystal PvP, as showcased in the YouTube video “CONQUISTÉ LO PEOR DE CRYSTAL PVP.” The intensity, the strategy, the adrenaline – it’s all there in Crystal PvP. If you’re a fan of challenging yourself and pushing your skills to the limit, then you need to join a server that offers the best Crystal PvP experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its intense gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind is the perfect place to… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Ender Dragon & End Ship Build

    LEGO Minecraft: Ender Dragon & End Ship Build LEGO Minecraft 2024 Ender Dragon & End Ship 21264: A Complete Build and Review LEGO Minecraft enthusiasts are in for a treat with the upcoming release of the Ender Dragon And End Ship set, designated as LEGO Minecraft 21264. This set, containing 657 bricks of various colors, shapes, and sizes, offers a thrilling building experience for fans of both LEGO and Minecraft. What’s Inside the Box? The Ender Dragon And End Ship set includes iconic characters from the Minecraft universe such as Enderman, Ender Knight, Ender Dragon, Shulker, and Ender Explorer. Builders can construct an overworld portal and the… Read More

  • Dawnbringer vs. Crisper in EPIC Minecraft Battle Arena

    Dawnbringer vs. Crisper in EPIC Minecraft Battle ArenaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Epic Fight Arena Battles | S2: Dawnbringer ft. Crisper’, was uploaded by K.Overlegen on 2024-05-20 15:42:22. It has garnered 787 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Join the Official Overlegen Discord Server: Join the Official EFM Discord Server: Support me on Patreon: Support My Friend: Get ready for the ultimate showdown in “Minecraft: Epic Fight Arena Battles | S2: Dawnbringer”! Dive into intense battles, where legendary warriors clash in an epic fight for glory. Witness the power of Dawnbringer as new challengers… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (GHOST)

    Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (GHOST)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft sand art (GHOST) | #shorts #minecraft #sandart #ghost’, was uploaded by Aveline Gaming on 2024-05-30 05:35:00. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Hello everyone, Aveline here welcome to my channel. Here You will find lots of entertainment, exciting matches, Funny contents and lot more. I’ll stream on daily basis. So #LIKE and #SUBSCRIBE to my channel. SEE you guys in my next stream. You Can Donate Through — UPI I’D : sanchitakundu97-1@okhdfcbank You Can Donate Through — Gpay : 6290382196 …. Read More

  • Insane Yoyo Tricks in Minecraft!!

    Insane Yoyo Tricks in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by jeffkingyoyo on 2024-05-26 05:37:28. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:40 or 9820 seconds. Lets not die Read More

  • Defeat Fazo to Save the Villager! #Minecraft #Parkour 💥

    Defeat Fazo to Save the Villager! #Minecraft #Parkour 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Protect the Villager #minecraft #parkour #shorts’, was uploaded by Fazo on 2023-12-26 02:42:38. It has garnered 1356 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. tags & keywords: minecraft parkour protect villager, minecraft villager parkour, minecraft parkour egg socks, minecraft parkour building tips, pranking villagers in minecraft, i got kicked out of this minecraft village, minecraft villager running away, minecraft villagers april fools, minecraft parkour bajan canadian, block placing parkour minecraft servers, minecraft parkour very hard, minecraft block placing parkour, minecraft when you hit a villager, minecraft co op… Read More

  • 🔥Unbelievable Realistic Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.20+🔥

    🔥Unbelievable Realistic Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.20+🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20+ | Render Dragon Mcpe Shaders 1.20.71+’, was uploaded by Firekaro Gaming on 2024-03-13 02:33:05. It has garnered 22888 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20+ | Render Dragon Mcpe Shaders 1.20.72+ Best shaders Minecraft pe 1.20.80 new update this Shader For Promotion & Sponsorship Contact Me: [email protected] Please Don’t Copy Anything Without Our Consent  If You Use my Any Clips in your Video Then, Give me Credit in your discription and mention. Credits – All Credits goes to… Read More

  • EPIC! Taming CUTE DRAGONS in Minecraft!

    EPIC! Taming CUTE DRAGONS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dragon Pets 01: Taming CUTE DRAGONS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sylverkit on 2024-04-09 02:28:24. It has garnered 1241 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:45 or 825 seconds. These dragons are super cute. Map: Dragon Pets Addons: The Naturalist addon Texture Pack: Vanilla HD Read More

  • Claim Your Free Hive Minigame with Wild Goat!

    Claim Your Free Hive Minigame with Wild Goat!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Hive Minigame Play – Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-01-16 03:47:29. It has garnered 359 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:13 or 10693 seconds. It’s QUEST time! Let’s check out what games we can get in to. I will set up some custom servers too. I am going to Giveaway some Minecraft goodies tonight too! #Minecraft #hivemc Join this channel to get access to perks – ~-** SOCIALS **-~ 🐥Twitter: 📺 More Content on Tankee: 😎 Merch: ~-** ROBLOX **-~ 🎮… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Guide to FREE Minecraft Server in Any Version!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Guide to FREE Minecraft Server in Any Version!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘COMO CRIAR SERVIDOR DE MINECRAFT GRATIS DE QUALQUER VERSÃO (PC/PE) – McPlug’, was uploaded by uCaramuju on 2024-03-23 19:06:04. It has garnered 327 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:20 or 2540 seconds. At the moment mcplug is not hosting for PC, soon it will be, the version we most recommend is 0.14.3 to 1.70.x ———————— —————————————— McPlug: To download the plugins download the mcplug app: link = panel = McPlug Group – Zap: McPlug Group – Discord; McPlug – TikTok; McPlug – Instagram; McPlug… Read More

  • 🔥 ULTIMATE BEDWARS CHAOS! Late Night Shizo Madness 🔴

    🔥 ULTIMATE BEDWARS CHAOS! Late Night Shizo Madness 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Late night bedwars! 🙂 !commands’, was uploaded by Skeredy on 2024-05-25 16:17:32. It has garnered 47 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:16 or 6736 seconds. GET MY SAMPLE PACK! #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #stream #bedwarswithviewers #pvp Read More

  • The Garden SMP: LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Bedrock Edition Server Welcome to The Garden, a laid back experience that has been running for 2 years now. Our server is powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion made by Nico the Kid. No modding required, just join and download the resource packs. Key Features: No playtime obligations or paid packages Fresh and unique Forsaken Odyssey expansion Play your way, solo or with a community Survival challenges with PvP and modded creatures Convenience features like Homes, Warps, and TPA Join The Garden: Joining is easy, simply click this link and verify in our Discord server. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Minecraft Tierlist: All Others Are Wrong.

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Minecraft Tierlist: All Others Are Wrong.Looks like the only thing more accurate than this tierlist is the score it was given! Read More

  • Cherry Grove Campfire: Minecraft’s Chill Aurora Encore

    Cherry Grove Campfire: Minecraft's Chill Aurora Encore In Cherry Grove, a campfire burns bright, A soothing sight, a calming light. With Cherry Blossoms playing in the air, Relax and unwind, without a care. Ten hours of peace, for gaming or study, Let the flames dance, feeling so buddy. Engage with the video, show some love, Support the creator, high above. So chill and enjoy, in this Minecraft scene, With Aurora’s glow, so serene. Have an amazing day, full of delight, In Cherry Grove, under the starry night. Read More


    DR. GARTEN'S BANBAN 7: MINECRAFT MEMES GONE WILD! “Doctor Garten of Banban 7 in Minecraft? Sounds like a prescription for a good time! Just don’t forget to take your daily dose of Mario memes for maximum laughs.” Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the New Ultraman Geed Portal For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to dive into a new adventure, the Ultraman Geed portal offers an exciting opportunity to explore a unique world within the game. Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing addition to the Minecraft universe. Discovering the Ultraman Geed Portal The Ultraman Geed portal introduces players to a realm filled with thrilling challenges and hidden treasures. By stepping through this portal, Minecraft adventurers can embark on a quest unlike any other, encountering new landscapes and obstacles along the way. Features of the Ultraman Geed Portal Within the Ultraman… Read More

PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday