PumpkinParker – Minecraft Championships! | Eret VOD (MCC 5) [5-16-20]

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I’m a bit like nervous because um i didn’t manage to get much sleep last night um yeah [Laughter] um yeah save my drink tickets a break i’ll forget who i’m playing when playing with um pizza hut um uh vickstar and tommy in it hey thank you to follow slushy bunyan

Appreciate that’s a lot of [ __ ] water bro cheers oops five there we go awesome two questions asking him how he felt about having the man the myth the legend vic eric i mcc team also when we were playing mc together he only applied to the second question but he said your name wrong

You ask vic if he remembers his cod days dude he just he won a card tournament like on wednesday he won like he’s won it like three times he’s like 20 000 viewers it was nuts uh let me see if the rest of my team is here no

It’s just me and tommy still the event is supposed to start in one minute and thick and um and pete have not shown up are they in a different channel or something no they’re just not here okay well then let’s hope they do show up scott’s here everyone’s here

You’ve been dead she’s just you haven’t told me against the world dude he’s spooky hey tommy hello a rat my teammate you’re on mute buddy hello there hello are you good at minecraft i’m pretty good at minecraft at least i think so oh no not as good as me all right no

I’m sorry mate we’re in for the i’m just going to go on deafen for two minutes i’m a very excited to game with you eretz hell yeah dude hell yeah [Laughter] eric i don’t care how it’s pronounced it’s an online name [Laughter] he has so much energy is great

Did tommy call you a rat so the intimidating thing about this is that all three of my teammates play minecraft as their [ __ ] job right or as part of their job um so i am understandably intimidated um free drink i drank i drank quite a bit

You know if you guys made me need to go to have a pierce at this event i’ll be very upset there we go just running around um if i if i miss drinks during the event you know i’m just going to miss him do pete and vic curse i don’t know

That’s what i was going to ask when they got there bro monty is here to see it in real time scott’s here monty you [ __ ] legend man holy [ __ ] bro we got a [ __ ] arty game got jerome we’ve got all the [ __ ] legends here but the true legend is monty there we go

You can do it i believe in myself monty [ __ ] mad lad holy [ __ ] jesus that’s crazy still like trying to love you [ __ ] can we get a bunch of hearts in the chat and stuff like that who cares about any of these people techno is still center of attention

So on his team he has voice over p and wilbur look at all his hearts hell yeah um both so pete they’re both like average players excuse me what’s this way this wasn’t here before so it’s him and filzer who are going to be carrying those two so i don’t think

His team has a great chance of winning to be honest are you supposed to do this what look at all those hearts hell yeah anything wilbur is good at is getting girls on rachel and i’ve not seen that i’ve never actually seen rachel but i uh if you guys know project melody

That uh the virtual thing i uh i was there for when a friend of mine tried to get her on that and i guess did so which was cool oh lag dude this for this stream this is the right arrest isn’t that right a rhett they say the pain makes you stronger right

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger yes yes all right i we haven’t spoken very much but you’re hey can we say we’re best friends would you say that uh yeah for sure yeah yeah so what what’s up something quite funny i’ve realized is um that three of the four members of our

Team are british so oh yes i’m very good at this are you british as well yes could you not tell i’m terrible with accents but that’s pog by the way i’m very good friends with vic so it might be a bit awkward because like i’m so good friends at one sec of course

[Laughter] bro this is going to be this is going to be wild hatred when is your turn for raj [Laughter] dude we’ll see this uh that was sarcastic i don’t think he’s ever spoken to big fours yeah i i got that much oh they don’t have any of the teams here

Vic’s in the game dude it’s [ __ ] wild cause i remember like uh i never actually watched much of the but um i watched quite what used to watch quite a bit of the side man sort of stuff back in the day which is just like oh [ __ ] uh when you get here rachel

You ready to win i’m doing i’m i’m i’m ready alex the staircase interesting name every single one love bet mesothelioma why do you keep following and following back how did that name come about alex like you say i want to come up with something unique alex the staircase

Is that is that how it happened winners pov dude i hope so i like i say we’ve got a good chance of winning um i’m confident i’m really confident it’s my boy pete gotta love pete go get ted for good luck he’s back there he’s watching me back there he’s giving me support

These guys are taking a screenie so i just photobombed them a little bit you’re right lins um i went to send a text and hit on fuller how the [ __ ] does that happen oh god hey tommy good luck today wishing you the best i agree i am the best oh um

They’ve got a new game in this one completely new um which is called sounds of time which seems which seems pretty pretty cool and uh wait who else on our team oh pete’s in hey how are you buddy i’m doing good thank you yourself i’m good i’ve been watching some of your

Vods actually uh i’ve seen that you were quite the player on snp earth which gave me a lot of confidence pete hey it’s pete what up gamers hey vic my friend let me let me just confirm here so aaron and tommy you both stream on twitch

Right yes i’m so good at twitch okay i just want to make sure uh vic you’re still the only one that probably won’t hard mute like 30 times throughout this whole thing oh if i was on twitch i wouldn’t do it either bro oh you say that now bros

Who’s ready to do some gaming yeah i’m ready i’m actually in the middle of my dinner so i’m gonna try to eat this one maybe maybe put it to it put it to a side never goes to a sidebar this is some good no i would i can already see the comments now

You’ve been eating that for like two hours Minecraft just to um i am good at i suck i’m washed but i’m a washed minecrafter are you rusty as they say i’m always i’m always rusty i’m just salty so well okay this is going to be interesting isn’t it um i just want to check um how are you

Guys like swearing and stuff uh i i love people that swear i i never swear oh all right i’m gonna swear even more than usual okay yeah just to solidify alpha maleness to the rest of the game i told my stream today that for every f-bomb that i drop on my stream i’m

Gonna give one sub so no no but here’s the thing but every f-bomb that you guys drop i’ll give one sub to your channel so like i’m keeping cali every time i swear you’ll give me a sub surely becoming a swear okay it’s [ __ ] i swear

Not good enough for a stub that’s like a one dollar but there’s one guy okay no we can’t do it oh i’m not yeah i’m not pj i’m gonna i could not you do your thing you do you boys draw the [ __ ] game away boys i’ve got good confidence

Without no cap let’s convince the knot screw to start putting up uh prize pools for this and then we can talk about money i’m ready to win we’ve got three brit boys and uh pete easy clap gotta be like so um no no sorry sorry i’m a little uh i’m a

Little hyped up on the old coca-cola you you guys know how it is i’m very excited to get the dub i heard heard you start with coke and i was a bit bit worried there for a second no i’m i’m hyping myself up but i’m actually incredibly nervous i understand i’m here with

Hello vic stars deafened this isn’t good this isn’t oh they’ve broken the elevators please tell me you guys have seen the video for some time i’ve seen it yeah i have i have do you know both of you have oh god bless All right i’m in the cup have you seen the have you seen the video the wall uh sounds of time no oh yeah yeah yeah yeah of course you just actually i didn’t mind oh we’re all gonna crush it we might be the only team where all

Four of us have watched it i love it good all right i’m thinking uh i would say i excel in pvp yeah i’ve kind of got the muscle so we’ve got mad straps it’s not a ptsd when you nearly won before enough i’m saying i heard you hit six million subscribers

Today congratulations thank you thank you not on the minecraft there’s no sky block or this is the best day ever i was like having anxiety about sky block oh yeah Get the other side out of here yeah i’m very good at that all survival games and that’s why there we go the green’s going for a hole in the wall and all four of their chickens have missed okay seriously give us All right i’m quite good at survival game would you guys like me to lead the team yeah you know what yeah yeah yeah yes yes agreed agreed tell me what are you eating vic i’ve just had some meat oh it’s survival games whoa beef raw beef what shape you’re also eating beef

Nice nice that we are got a lovely uh cottage pie right here and that’s a side salad i had a steak on a steak oh that’s hefty gotta love a good bit of cottage pie okay oh i like it a bit more now all right oh was your stick what what temperature

Was today was the medium rare medium rare correct we are bonding we are bonding awesome so what strike we going for for this you ran away get weapons start hitting people i think that’s usually that’s good i think we need to capitalize on people being weak like if we get weapons

I think we just go straight out for people don’t spend too long because i don’t know if they change the loot at all but i’m tired of running out of hunger two minutes into the game yeah so the earlier that we can get kills the better position we’ll be in because

Kills is the way to get points in this right uh if i was you i would not go to the mid all right i’ll do you guys want to follow okay who we got on our right okay we’ve got the yellow team they’re not very good aside from kwik i’m being

Uh where’s techno’s team because they’re gonna be Need to jump while running preserve hunger come on now we talked about this good point jumping yeah jumping it’s more effort don’t you go faster you’d go faster but it drains your hunger like you’re really fast okay i’m going to pause down man i hate it i’m five cookies i’ve

Got uh sword and iron boots one sword ah that’s less i’ve got a whopping nothing yeah this building was an l let’s get out of here it’s an owl yeah i got a leather tunic for someone i love that for you oh wow thank you no worries

You know actually i now know how to use a crossbar i only learned that in the last mta kickstarter my friend my friend hello oh i appreciate that i finally found a chest god bless okay damage i can one day stick together okay okay you can’t go up there i need

Luke all right this is back yes i need food i’m five hunker down man jesus we should go back down we should go back down together like i’m sorry i’m talking about food so much like i’m literally the skinniest person in this entire tournament i shouldn’t be hungry but here i am

I’ve got three arrows of people named jeez hunger is huge in this wants to go for that oh lots of chest in here oh yeah remember you can break glass oh you can yeah because this is we’re in my helmet i found it in two enchanted books

So i don’t need a chain chest plate by the way there you go yeah well i just tried to ping it damn it i got another chain chest plate if anyone needs no i saw the air drop coming down i’m like we should kind of i’ve only got a leather chest please so

I could do with that i’ve got a potion of fire resistance and more arrows yeah how much does loadout drop cost in here seven hundred bars i don’t know um anyone have a range work and i need ammo for it i’d like it yes yeah i’ve got a crossbar i need some

Awesome i can get some for you i have 13 hours down here oh oh oh okay let’s be honest should we go here here we go does anyone have a lava bucket because i really like that i’ve got flame flame is the one for um swords right oh wait okay

Okay i’ve got flame on i’ve got i’ve got a sword i’m oh wow okay cheers i don’t want a bow sure no i would love one please pete do you want a bath i just need food i’ve got a crossbow i’ve got i’ve got a roast chicken you suck um

There you go i’ll keep the crossbar do you need the arrows with that because i’ve got sticks with a crossbow right now yeah i have millions in history guys okay hopefully they have food all right there’s two he’s agreed wait up for me or vic oh

Wait i thought i died i went to an inventory whoa now okay oh the other way we can get him god i got a reason i got a reason sir oh i got stuck oh you got one holy crap okay he hasn’t got one big behind behind

There’s two in there there’s two in there and they’re spam boeing shut the door you guys are low jesus okay let’s back it up yeah i’m on three hearts they’re still just chilling oh there’s one behind us oh my god that’s another team oh yeah there’s another team they got me i’m dead

Oh yeah yes i’m hey i’m dead i swear i got it all right tragic man it’s all right first game i almost got two kills but they got me it was almost a trade crossbow’s hit different right that that must have been what happened i was like yeah like you

Can have like multiple on your hot bar and just fire them one after another really quickly luckily though sky block is after the thingy yeah oh do they do that now okay i’m i’m skype buckle is my game you like that game oh uh yeah we can eat together I’m not finding the sky buckle i’m just trying to eat my dinner trying to hit your dinner not running the borders mm-hmm back to back you’re not doing that this only happens twice how are they doing those alone is it’s techno or red rabbits that will be

In second place so as long as they do poorly then we’ll should be totally fine sparkles usually done as well yeah that’s the red team all right i’m just spectacular but i need my dinner this is perfect i didn’t i’m running for michael’s team Have you almost finished with your dinovic star not even close i’m in the top 10 teams that’s all we care about and there’s only 10 teams do you get that job um there’s another round of interviews and i find out on one day if i’ve got into that another round of interviews um

[ __ ] wait i didn’t swear that wasn’t me or somebody else okay guys do you want to talk about pooh her victory i’m just trying to eat my dinner so do a podcast and i’ll listen there i’m watching technoblade oh my dude with the crossbar oh my god

Seem to be the oh that’s it wait maybe go math run maths map snow you know fight the blade maths oh now Right now let’s go boys i mean we’re 10th right now they’re first we’re 10. guys we’re in the top 10 so uh [Laughter] it’s fine you know but then we’ll be known as doing the world’s biggest comeback and how that will even be cooler than than not you know

It was a bunch of people going from 10th to 10th to 1st that will be even cooler it doesn’t even matter like the last three minigames imo yeah because the the multiply goes up each game right massively about three times by the end so this first game doesn’t really matter

It’s all the ones that come after it which are just like okay these are the actually important ones i think we should play skyblocker in the last three because i will be very good at that nah i always thought i just thought that game doesn’t get picked at

All what are you good at knocking people off from the middle or what uh it’s getting i know the map very well skyblocker let me just switch it up for this one i know i know the map quite well too i’m very familiar with the void i have a very long history together

These guys are hiding from the people how the people on the roof gonna get down how do they get up there i do wish i could go back to the days where i would casually play sky block on hypixel like 2015 stay up till midnight just playing that nobody sweat really it

Was just a fun time all around simpler times my friend i’m just watching these people on this roof chilling no i think we’ve got it i think we had a rough start but i do not think we have to fear one bit not at all you’re banned from hypixel how Tommy world’s biggest comeback also told me boost man can we play money on this game you know i’m putting money on on red team all right can they win this i think they’re going to get a chance because he’s really good yellow yaks could actually do pretty

Well no oh red all getting pushed but look look at the synergy no right now i literally am captain sparkles oh oh oh see yeah yellow waited nicely then but red got red of this oh oh it’s not a full squad wipe that is yellow dub no i’ll flip somewhere still

Oh no oh no how did he end up in a column of lava i don’t understand what happened oh my god oh my there we go actually got one on the way out not bad nice gg i feel like that was quicker than usual appreciate you all right boys that was

Fun see you next week posting more hungry games hungry games i’m the real winner of the hunger games because i’ve just been sat here eating over hello everybody oh sorry hey second on the team i’m not even sure how i got 10 more comps and you call me uh no i guess it’s

Arrival time yeah you out survived one person that was tommy okay and it was my teammate so i was supposed to die but i really have no fears for the tommy and the tommy and friends tommy literally i had her saying are the best of pvp dives first out of all of us

I’m starting that that fifty dollar message from techno at the pre-game lobby meant something else how dare you tommy you want to explain that i’m the best at pvp let’s play sky block all and i’ll i’ll prove myself up that’s fine that’s fine it’s not even one of the options at the moment

[Applause] i’m i think you guys are no no no i think you guys are great i think we’re going to win dude the rest of the teammates the rest of the teams when they’re on decision dome we’re going to see like the light blue chickens they’re going to see three of

Them next to each other and then one off on the other side right are you guys having a disagreement or something i think we should probably play oh you wouldn’t with the worst i think we should play i think we’re going to do really well in

Battle box i think we just need to properly i’m thinking to get to the other side is the way for the next I really would like to play to get to the other side i think i’m very i’m very well i’m unable to shoot my fox because i’m currently dunked i’ve not played to get to the other side since the first mcc fine there i could wait did he go in

No that’s the best i can do like that’s all i can do oh no we need that back right keep that you can’t read i can’t shoot it faster okay i’m actually kind of complicated this is cool so we need one person on stand duty one person to

Be more on like the pve side of things like parkour exploration yeah and we need another person to be more on ibp i i feel like i can do pvp that’s what i’m known as where should i run where should i which way is it that’s the point the map is randomized

Everyone has a different map no actually i think everybody everyone gets the same random map this time around yeah so who’s going to be on sand duty uh i can’t believe you’ve done this are we going to try and bank our coins at 20 feet are we going to try and get out

With them um we should definitely try and get out i think we should hire us currently i feel like making a safer alternative banking is definitely safer i think well i think we bank everything and play it down to the wire we just play until we

Like get kicked out and we don’t have to coordinate escaping yeah that’s what i said yeah because i think yeah the 20 like there’s a key right there by the way okay uh tommy take that because if you find that brown i love you please get him get all this

If there’s one so vic not vic star right yes yes and pete do you got pete’s tsar hut or just pete i’ll just i’ll go buy pete please don’t call me pizza the whole thing communication is very important you can’t help you to the heart each team has a unique marker item you

Can use this to help navigate the conduction will help you look out for a scattered on the floor score based on the coins that you bank by either using these things or exit the temple no coins are rewarded if you have not banked them before your timer runs out

Okay if we die we lose our coins because they’re physical possessions though they drop to the blow yeah i’ll be coin boy each bit of sand adds 10 seconds all the enemies in this game okay you know i’ll be on sand as well like we might as well

Have basically i’ll be on coins in the sand all right yeah i don’t know what these do but let’s just so i just so i run down the dungeons right and there’s mobs yeah yeah so i’ve already found a room with a key and that’s okay that’s the dungeon behind it

Uh the keys are the color coded is that how that works oh it’s all in the s wow yeah um nick creepy just thanked me it’d be that way sometimes someone needs to put one sand in this thing to release this is rather eerie okay has fallen

Oh i just found what the heck i just fell into a thing of silverfish is there a way out up here yeah yeah that is on the side chest around here that we can put okay there’s no chest apparently oh do i have to exit the dungeon as well after

Like do i need to remember my way out yeah yeah because you have to get back yeah you have to get back that’s the whole whole thing’s active now i’m putting in 30 seconds all the time um so we’re banking our stuff right yeah yeah let’s bank all the coins we can yeah

Bank 16 coins very nice all right one rusty key cool what’s this for this this place is terrifying man i feel like i’m gonna yeah this is all down and dark and harder than i thought it was gonna be oh my god there’s a lot of zombies

Jesus i’m marking off every area i’ve already been in with carpet and i advise you guys to do this yeah you fall off yeah if it’s a dead end and explode good call is there anything behind sphinx here doesn’t appear to be no there’s a few this might have been a mistake

Oh i’m gonna go drop boxing down you find some sand okay for me here here uh eric take this so i’m going in here i don’t want to die with this tickets as well too i’m gonna adventure in this yeah just take my stuff i believe in you thank you thank you

43 coins on me shall we yeah him do i just right click yeah right click there and the first thing cool so does banking it just takes 20 of the overall stuff oh my god there are some poison boys here um probably actually there’s a green key here

I thought i’ll be spawning time but should be fine you can you can break spawners yeah you can break spawners of course what torches like you can have a torch in your right hand yeah i should bank my coins before i die actually i made a mistake so good no pressure

Uh we’ve got a green green green key here so uh i know where that goes to put some you guys got sand we’re running out of time i’m coming with a lot of sound great oh i got four stand to drop perfect okay nice nice that’s like a whole minute okay

Come back over there all right uh hey uh eric this is where i’ve been okay cool has anyone got a ruby key i’ve got a blue key oh actually there’s some coins down there i could do with them can i yeah um eric can i give you coins here i’m bank yeah If you bank when you’ve got less coins it takes off less guys i think i’m going to die yes guys i’m uh yes all right easily eric if you want to i’ve got no sand sorry just put some in i’ll find some sand um i think there might be sand somewhere

Just like he’s sitting around there’s sand just like all over the place i got a sound nice could anyone pick me up i might spawn yeah i will do oh yeah need some help pete no oh my i need to make it what apparently

You have the blue key do you i have the blue key yeah oh can i take that off you please but yeah sure if you can pick me up as well at spawn i’m i’m in a tome guys i don’t have any sand so i can’t does anyone have any sand

Oh i do have stand and i’ve got a lot of we’re in the orange would where you were wow uh yeah yeah it was it was down there down the direction i was was it in the hole all right i’ve got two trap can you please come in yeah yeah come get you

I’m i need coming get more sand asap i’ve got a golden vault key yeah oh i’m gonna please don’t drown thank you can i have the blue key all right would that be all right yeah i’m where you were in the place of the water hole

Yes sorry i’m on my way i need to go the other way all right where were we uh we want to top up time we’re really low we’re really low on time i don’t know anymore where are you tommy all right i’m here cool sorry you want to come over here real quick

Sure we’ve got like 30 seconds remaining boys guys we’re about we’re about to be done bad coins have you gotten bank coins it says team points oh bank team coins okay what there we go i guess these guys i mean i i managed to get like a pretty

Good spot with that 144 that i was able to catch yeah that’s that’s pretty wild yeah yeah so we’re doing all right we’re doing all right think we did well all things considered mm-hmm why are these out because he’s like yeah they found more time

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no they’re not even doing better than techno’s team i think you guys i feel like the grandma in that one image like i tell you what the mobs did like there

Were a lot more than they were in that trailer like and they took me back a bit i’ll be honest with you in the trailer it wasn’t really expect like based on that i wasn’t really expecting mobs but apparently there were lots yeah Game over we can oh i’ll go i’ll happily take that we’re seconds yeah hell yeah we were second boys or nothing we have to strike we wouldn’t win no not you guys i am so good We’re up to seventh i feel like we were in there for 20 minutes and i had like 30 seconds of greatness and apparently that was enough yeah i spent the rest of the time just walking around not really knowing much i love how it told me that

It was fine it was fine it was fine so one of my choices i was a little bit worried on the first game that as a whole not me but as a whole we were not performing great but after that i’m feeling very good i think we’ve got a

Good chance for a comeback we’ve gone from like hard tenth to seventh and then why do i feel like i’m in counseling right now i mode i feel like there’s a lot of potential because i mean i saw the size on the like the preview thing in the random generation or whatever yeah

They’re big so if we play that next mcc we got a bit of a better idea there there was sand that was left over so i i think in terms of team coordination we were a little off this is a lot of stress for me all right

Okay what are we going for this time mommy or just in it is there anything i go by in it typically you go right now i have to know like i have to get to know you before i can call you so what are we and covers everything so don’t need a

Big list just one line that’s all you need all right i finished my dinner let’s get it congratulations gigi thank you Yeah worked hard together nothing okay oh no oh wait i can’t okay let’s look at the map this is this map very similar to last time remember you can put wool in your off hand that’s the strategy already yeah so you can have shears in your in your

Using hand and then you can place it with your hand i can have the sword mm-hmm go for it thanks guys what are the items what else there is no fall damage that’s interesting to know um who’s going to be the wool boy oh how do we need quite a big strategy

For this one yeah i could be not great at pvp last would just run in basically suicide with the wool and the rest of us would really focus on getting the kills sure i can do that i think if you have two people going in because we did this last time

And we got first where we had one person go in with shears another person going with a wool in their hand and they both like break in place at the same time yeah yeah so if we have two people just going immediately we want two people to

Hold them off i could do that as like one person if i just put the wall in my off hand and share with my used hand okay right here and we’ll kill people yeah so when people come for me i’ll go with swords and i’ll go round because remember with the potions as

Well like if we get swiftness we can split that between two people because it’s splash okay yeah so uh tommy and vic you guys just go around and kill i can be your bodyguard so while you’re placing on the wall i can just knock people off of you

Oh so you guys choose your things and i’ll take the picture no speed i’m sorry i thought there was a speed pop uh i’ll take the okay i’ll say the healing one yeah that works as well because you can back up oh it’s just got piercing on it

Yeah make sure to charge up your crossbows do we still get points for kills i’ll go around the right yeah yeah i think so okay they tag me wow i just got muted oh i’m almost dead oh jesus there’s someone on me coming you should go out in the store I’m So we can always not place the will and get all the kills but yeah it takes away from the other team it doesn’t give us any more okay depends on who we’re fighting oh okay that’s what we need to do hold on hold on i said i was gonna be the

Bodyguard the bodyguard needs to be the one with the sword so tommy are you do you still want to be the world of sword the entire time uh no yeah if you’ve got the stop then you drop down and you just close cover yeah yeah i can i can drop

Down with the sword if you want to play with that okay yeah yeah cool and then i can just stay with the boss and try and pick people off yeah i’ve noticed from the top we get sniped like really hard yeah yeah like when you’re in the middle

Because that’s how we i think the people on the top need to more focus on getting the snipers than just the people glitching out oh yeah okay everybody all right so who is it me and eric going down yeah yeah yeah yeah so make sure the people that okay

Dude this is a good team quick judge up your crossbows probably just won’t we probably try it as well yeah let’s focus getting the wool all right then yes yeah what an angle oh i’m just gonna play phil oh okay i’m taking hits okay they’re meleeing that’s major

Twig i’ve got quick guys place the ball got cpk go on aaron let’s get it yeah hell yeah dude all right that strat worked really well guys that was good the uh the off the offhand strat is the way to go what about crossbow in the off hand

Confused i think it gets confused don’t you always use your primary hand dude with third nice i hate when my video gets confused techno’s team is number two so we’ve got to make sure no no we’re drawing with them i’m gonna put the damage down on their heads when they come through agreed

All right i think i think we’re doing really good yeah we’re doing great i tried that again that we’re really well okay these guys are in we want to just get the focus getting the wool down for these guys okay kill it yeah cranius oh god i’m gonna go okay hold on cover

Me there’s one up we should go for the kill before we put the last wall in like if we’re clearly winning we shouldn’t have placed i should like if we have the opportunity to i’ll wait until i can place it I can make the call based on the fight because just then it was like even if you died me and pete would have definitely killed her for sure make the call because the big people that we want to watch out for is red rabbits and uh we just cherished them

Let’s go guys clap am i right am i right now yeah i’m all meant for us because we’re doing so great but also i hear that all right yeah you can’t have crossbones yeah i think it’s confused got one going in with the will they drop down immediately

Okay they’re trying to will as well don’t let him go okay i’ve killed that they’re going to kill them okay get this kill i’m flanking hiking that’s one left nice yeah we’re number one on the leaderboards oh my god see this is why i think we’d be

Sick at sky block because we’re all decent at people wait no no you keep pissing see we’re pulling it back we’re pulling him back i knew that we just had an unfortunate start i’m very i’m proud of us all right did you hear that vic i’m proud there we go awesome

Thank you so much dude all right all right let’s go boys they’re pushing they’re pushing down i’m gonna stab wilder yeah what are your team this doesn’t bother me oh i killed go for the kills kill him yeah defeated boys yeah you don’t kick mr in it off your

Team get away with it buddy sorry sorry i am [ __ ] you did actually call yourself mystery man you know that has a nice wrinkle i can’t lie please got me mister in it mr innit win it let’s go agreed my friend agreed we didn’t even take one casualty that

Game nice i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna if someone just wrote a chat message or something oh no no i’m uh he’s just i’m a team game this thing oh wow the world is unfollow this team dynamic we have is something i’m going to be thinking about when i’m trying to sleep

Tonight like yeah yeah yeah they they they are so scared of me oh no plea i know apparently they’re all going to unfollow me on twitter this isn’t good this isn’t you’re going to get cancelled sorry to break your teeth follow me back i need to be careful what’s the phrase

That i heard before this the cap on this app i love that it was so worth it it’ll be i’m going to say the line i’m going to say the line oh no no get him that was really important for me to get oh wait he’s not It’s why do you want to kill michael is that from last time it’s back to the last time he’s just got to play my heart man you know same thing with the same thing with king burns oh we’re against purple pandas here we can’t afford to lose this one

Yeah these people have been popping off i can’t lie yeah they’re in first place we’re in second we have to destroy these guys uh they probably got a couple more kills than we did like yeah yeah literally we need to make sure that they uh okay all right let’s do this friends

I’m getting the places i can see why they’re again oh my god jesus i’m dead nice i’ve gotten serious nice nice hell yeah that’s all of them anyone left let’s go that’s why yes we’re doing so good gentlemen we are cleaning up we are so gentle there’s something really nice about

Looking on the side and seeing rounds one seven out of seven hell yeah boys i’m feeling they don’t expect the angles i’ve gotten so many kills by by shooting people that are in the middle up top from both sides they don’t look that way yeah crispy angles boy

Did you not know eyes only go 45 degrees very simple did you not know that you can only see a mile in front of you true true statement the comeback is real apparently the uh after i twerked on the team they all are going to unfollow me on on okay honestly

I wouldn’t trust it too much they’re probably not that cool on twitter anyway agreed vikkster agreed you are cool thank you oh yes yes yes i didn’t try my best to remain cool at all times yeah no me too okay that’s why i am known as being cool

I find it just getting one wool in is really helpful oh that doesn’t feel good we’re gonna get all the get the place to find finish the place all right finish the place just The first bit of wool is really helpful they panic they see that they see that they’re like crumbling definitely this is the strategy boys do you have an agreement tommy no i i can make an agreed emote just for you that’s what i was thinking instead of

Giving you a sub maybe i’ll just sub myself and use that email on my stream you will subscribe to me how many points is it to unlock an email when i’m not a sub i pete we just say the twitch prime thing the line that everyone needs to

Say twist prime is free but also unlocking an emo with pro with channel points is also free you can pick one of the other ad revenue is just as important and doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as prime subs ad revenue is still valuable please disable your blog twitch prime please

Tell me this pen peeps out hey guys use twitch prime you’re going all right okay let’s get ready let’s do this let’s do this i’m gonna 360. see that dominance no kill one don’t die get the place get the plate uh wait eric not like this boys not like this that’s something

Nine out of nine gentlemen nine out of nine boys Hell yeah let’s go i’m talking to myself tonight wow wow not on my christian minecraft channel maybe maybe not building a second army wait what did you say sorry i was i was just blasting music no no i was just talking about push prime is free

All you have to do is like your amazon account yeah i agree twitch broadcast free please subscribe us victoria and vic please you will you two also say that because that would be awesome twitch prime use uh use code laser in the fortnight item stuff that’s fortnite really you said fortnight

Vickstar you said fortnite okay maybe we see you top dragon p we see you we see you shining oh my god i missed out on top five in that one just just yeah yeah we’re the best players in the game convincingly gone up before we’re making our way

Comeback stories uh if you think about it it’s been in threes every time from ten to seven to four next is one has to be it has to be it’s late that’s that’s how numbers are at this point literally like exactly i was just saying as well because you know how the voiceover

Look at this dude guys this dude huh stupid he is a dude and i’m i’m looking so beadily at him with my eyes i need to pee i’ll be back all right have sandwich what oh we didn’t get a c the coin multiplier is now two times we

Should do to get to the other side or i will win that and i’m very high on my own ego right now uh alright what you like and get the other side um i’ve only played that in the original mc championships like the first one where no one knew what they

Were doing so okay yeah honestly though to get to the other side it’s all in the speed bridging and that’s i don’t really like i’ll play any of these i like yeah i’m fine of any of these to be honest we like to see uh pizza you are okay

All right here’s our competing theme it’s uh Is just completely afk you are you are a stupid slime oh hello pete chill hi someone someone had like tweeted me and said i can’t wait to see the dynamic between me and you i didn’t know that you were the dynamic is that a positive compliment no i i am

Great agree but i’m like this is my last one said pog so by the way i actually do have a pretty big strap for this one so okay okay so you’re not allowed to take a screenshot however if you type down all the blocks in your hotbar then ctrl c and ctrl v

And you can just press ctrl v and then not send the message so you can see all of the blocks that you actually need to get well that takes time yeah in that same way it just makes you you don’t have to use your memory i’m

Just saying it’s a bit of an exploit i’ve got i’ve got a good stretch is having a good memory so they said you’re not allowed so you can just write like stone you know birch i’m sitting here considering what if we mixed up the matter completely right and

We went to every place and got like 10 of everything yeah let’s think about that you should put that idea in the idea bag and then then at the end of the month um what is that i’m blue oh and an iron thing okay captain sparkles you are my friend

You are my friend oh on the ocean uh yeah where is that in stone wait no all right jingle work done wait i don’t even need you look at this yeah you just get it in the bag oh hello tenner blade didn’t see that but oh oh

Sorry i i slammed my face into a wall is the wall okay that was a stupid and mean thing to say you’re wrong you’re not wrong i do not want to have a beef with you buddy but i will i am diss track say big star am i right could

It be please be medium rare listen we both agree that medium rare isn’t here so if we were to have beef i’d even outdoor that was maybe not almost yeah vic start later we should um discuss your diss track get some colors okay yeah no i i need some clarification

Later in the tournament you’re not there um all right where is this one did your mother see the diss track victor oh she knows i’m afraid of falling off the edge that’s why it’s not it’s not how i was brought up to be but you know it’s fine it’s not the target audience

My mother loves my videos glad to hear it big flex all right yeah it was a big flag oh my goodness someone just pointed out saw me just absolutely just just obliterating my way down the uh field and they just got out of their car and it was awesome i’m happy congratulations

Yeah no you should look at this strategy ladies and gentlemen maybe maybe gentlemen honestly oh my god they’re almost out of quartz i find this uh i don’t know how much i need so i’m just getting a lot yeah yeah i was bad tendency to get doubled everything yeah It’s I’m and my feelings are getting really like hurt i’m not cringe am i oh stone quirks no and quite frankly it’s it’s an enthusiasm killer and we don’t like to see agreed by the way you get if you get points for partial bills as well i believe

Oh we’re finishing every build that they they do yeah we’re finishing everything we have 11 minutes and it’s going to be the best 11 minutes of my life stop calling me sorry please tell them guys although but rule one of internet is also don’t tell people to do something because they

Will inevitably do the opposite because this is the internet exactly don’t subscribe am i right guys it’s bold enough that it just might work yeah you know i like that kind of rehearsal i also respect my hustle i’m just saying we’re first place right now best builders in the game hell yeah

My strategy is so out of this world and by the way i did tell wilbur about it before the stream so that’s why he’s doing uh oh no they’re right oh pardon me i didn’t make it part of me guys i i tried having confidence but that’s what happens what happens

Okay i’m about to get mine first nice okay i need diorite direct walls and iron blocks i just love minecraft i have iron blocks i can hook you up with yeah cool you need two of those yeah i’m wearing these one here take these your iron blocks

Just save your time awesome thanks mate boom i need okay i just need diorite yeah it’s worth like yeah sometimes standing upright okay i don’t know how to do that i was taunting the enemies guys i taunted them i taunted them they have been they are

Afraid of my might what did he say i just i just uh i tea bagged and i crouched and uncrouched with aggressive momentum oh that’s the wrong one oops has anyone got some extra like normal default looking word makes that you guys uh i do not oh

Literally the bass basic basic b word normal word i just need an eight p sixty eyes if anyone got normal word no did not get enough i’ll go back and get it it’s lumber’s closed anyway let’s go i’m so i don’t know how much i needed

This so i’m just going to get a ton got eight minutes remaining we’re doing great dudes we’re doing really great is it just me that like really feels like i’m in like uh fast and furious tokyo drift when i’m riding in the shop no i feel you on that Wow we are far in the lead that guy does anyone have iron of iron yellow blue nemo nice oh my god we are going to win and then i will taunt the enemies how do you make a note block does anyone know um oh thank you a rat oh wait you’re not

Doing my one are you i’m what did you oh no did you no no i’m doing the the house looking one okay no i i’m doing a different one good good good like i’ve got i’ve got quite a bit of diorite left oh that’s that’s excellent all right where’s the the white looking

Boom there we go there’s another one job nice work oh jam as they say pog champ that’s uh does anyone got any redstone or a diamond on him and also tommy you don’t need any dire for your bill because it’s in the floor and it’s already there you just need

Quartz thank you thank you oh you are so clever thanks oh i might need some more quartz actually yeah you do need some more course i put what i’ve had down on your place but how much quartz do i need i’ve got 27 do you think that’ll be you need

One two three four five six seven maybe not do you think 27 is enough or not yeah that’ll be plenty yo how did you get the fancy looking red stuff do you cook the red concrete or something what fancy looking reds oh no that i

Have some of that i have some of that all the way can you put it down on mine please there you go wait that’s not the right place uh that goes here and here there you go that’s it and what’s this other blob this is black concrete i believe do you

Have any of that or i do not sorry where do you get the black concrete uh colors all the way in the back all the way in the back shores and colors oh yeah uh anyone have any stone um no no uh yeah i do i’ve got uh 14. i need dropping it

Right there cool plonker thank you thank you was it was it black concrete clay stuff i need uh no i’ve got the yeah just black concrete so it’s just the block which looks like the most black you need two of them all right yeah easy got it I’m using my twitch chat Nice oh i’ve already got the diamonds yeah if you store the blocks from but this is quite a hard one i’m putting down the stone on your on your platform okay what’s quite useful is that it’s got what type of okay what type of wood is that sorry that is spruce wood

I probably i have some spruce wood how much you need drop it to me uh how much do you need i don’t know it’s just for a load i need oak wood we’re a load of them i don’t actually have much all right don’t have any i don’t have any holes

Yeah that’s bad that was cringe it’s what i do all right i need a bunch of regular wood we’ve got uh three minutes 40 remaining we’re doing so good i’m so proud of us guys we can’t let up though we can’t get comfy thank you stafford always comfy that’s one thing you should

Know about mr in it all right i’m letting you know did you need spruce wood i can get some oh you got there i’ve got he’s just not acknowledging it see this is why he’s a he’s a stupid man i agree honestly you know what i

Agree i’m glad we can agree on this one next stop sorry sorry it’s just i’m very used to calling you that that’s fine thanks for deleting that i’m not sure what it was i feel like we’re doing good who would you say is the leader of our team i

Would say me but it’s up to you you know i’ll give you that role it’s a team effort agreed it’s not it’s it’s it’s a little bit if i haven’t got enough i believe i’ve got enough stuff hello i just saw you hi how are you doing

Alright you want to know something i’m excellent i i you know at the start i was thinking goodness gracious me why is everyone still calling me cringe man it’s stupid it’s just stupid it’s stupid you have um broken the law you have committed crimes against humanity oh you have been defined as

Cringe i’m sorry to bring you no no can anyone get me some more yellow clay i’ve really and some dark blue clay um i’m sorry i just got back otherwise do you really need me to go vic star because i no no no no no no

Oh hello again pete nice to nice to see you on deafened do you know the guys that i’m getting right now man i feel like i’m cheating it’s too good yeah no i also feel like i’m shooting but i just said that because you said it hello vicstar hello

That’s just your stone that you gave me well hey recycling don’t need anything from colors while i’m here um i don’t i’m good oh wait there’s only two up okay we are concentrating right now yeah you can tell by the silence that we’re concentrating yeah i just thought i’d verify for a result

Now so when i’m concentrating it’s always good to know that i am concentrating just in case i’m not concentrating because then i need i know i need to got him okay i need like fantastic with me just every word if so i’m going to lose it okay it’s birch acacia

Normal sand orange sand and red [ __ ] okay any of any of that i don’t know i was too taken aback by the fight that you swore so i was a bit like [Laughter] Jeez dudes we voted on my era he really wanted to leave us oh my god just i was just writing a shopping cart uh second place okay second place we’re first place in that one second place in the entire competition yeah we’re just heating up that’s the craziest part

Look at the comeback we’ve gone from tenth to first oh my god mind blown guys leave a like if this has shocked you oh my god oh it’s audience takeover i’m doing this for you youtube folk all right vic star yes wait wait what happens what happens

Oh someone gets to vote for what they want right yeah so um on the um mc championships twitter account they put out a poll vote to vote for the next round for the audience is that happening now that is happening now so if i just find the

I need to get in i’m gonna go find her find find their twitter all right what we can follow the poll we have get to the other side is that what you want to do next yeah get to the other side lock out bingo rockets please for holding down for a

Bit bingo nice and early hello guys i’m voting for bingo i would like my own bingo boys uh i voted for to get to the other side okay wow i really like that game put the links in your chats vixx are you on twitter right now i am on twitter right now

We out here twittering and i have voted for lockdown bingo i’m good at that i really don’t like this break like if you’re a real locked in gamer you don’t need this break and honestly i just find it quite insulting to my competitive integrity look at what we want to go for

On this bingo bingo bingo bongo bish bash bosh hello big star how about uh you know on twitter huh please will you follow me back on twitter viktor yeah look a lot of people ask me to follow them on twitter it wouldn’t be fair to say yes to you to everyone else

I’m sorry but the other people have asked you have you competed in a tournament of this high caliber with this much enthusiasm before i don’t think so you’re you’re you’re a good salesman peeps out you know if we get a dub i got you if we get a doubt

We’ve gotten birth twice already what kind of dub you’re looking for the whole the whole yeah it’s cool [Laughter] yes so i think we’re doing hole in the wall okay is that what it looks like yeah just buy a hunch pete come here bro are you the highest

Coin earning player in the game look at this wait am i oh yeah it’s hole in the wall it’s just techno comments on that just wall and it’s uh you lied to me i’m number five i’m proud of you there’s even a dark face i just i

Clicked on the tweet and i just see it tommy just saying uh hello guys and someone says you’re cringe by the way oh my god that would never get old that would never get old i hope they wouldn’t you’re strong do you remember the year when you entered into the minecraft community

Because i think it was a little bit after i started youtube but right around the same time yeah yeah i mean bro the squad me no no no for the win the camp in russia brenny beast who else was on on brady we were the iog squad nice

That was the team we were like we were like the off-brand version of team crafted was gizzy close with you back during that time like we used to record like a fair bit like that whole like group like and then and then like i don’t know what happened i think like

He’s just kind of like wearing the side manfic yes i still one of my favorite like memories of someone coming back to the scene was when we tried recording a battle dome with palmerator and we were all just like getting by and doing our thing

And then palms on top of a tree he dies to a creeper and just screams the loudest f-bomb you’ve ever seen in the middle of dead silence and we’re all just sitting here like this is great this is fine back in that day if you drop the swear

Word and recording it was a big no-no someone forgot to edit it out i remember the scene i remember being in a call and i think uh aunt venom was a guest on one of our battles and he got heated with us my goodness i can’t remember before i just

Thought he got so mad i remember it wasn’t an accidental swear it was like an aggressive angry swear and everyone just went quiet like um we don’t do that here it might have been our organization too because like i’m pretty sure every other youtube group was very punctual at the

Time we were naturally an hour and a half late to every single recording we ever did yeah it doesn’t matter we got anything done i mean look it took us six six weeks to record pick someone that’s different that’s what that’s lachlan’s fault i’m gonna be honest oh

Yeah throw him in the dark look at all these people dudes look at this boy this boy what gaming are we doing gents sorry i was i took a a you know a trip to the urination station i wonder why i won the world game techno shows

I i remember when i could control the control of the tournament hey chad you see sam goldfish126 over there that’s all your votes you’re them well done you know i find this one very hard and pete go off on this this is what’s it this oh it’s horrible i’m pretty good at this

Oh the map’s changed no it’s it’s the same no oh wait oh yes yes so okay i’ve got a habit to yell out colors and direction colors work but i don’t think it helps out anyone doesn’t know it doesn’t know if you just more than the numbers i find that much

Harder just shouting like purple i’m like okay did you just call these letters numbers uh yeah no yes that’s a backwards five right yes what did you how did you guys do in school were you bullied i wasn’t bullied i actually i bullied people i went to the statewide mathematician

And ran away wow i’m mighty because i’m that mighty i’m still in university so you might not know this about me guys but i’m very mighty didn’t didn’t catch the manor i’m glad i know that i don’t i don’t think you’ve got that email could you resend it mm-hmm mm-hmm

All right let’s get some dubs let’s get some dudes Oh it is coming from here remember you can crouch to go through one and a half areas and sometimes just walk over things can we expect the colors for the chords rather than green yeah yes i mean i think we’re fine it’s always one that’s 90 degrees perpendicular to the light it’s coming

Oh oh i don’t know that that’s good to know minus one minus four so if it’s coming from uh purple it’ll always be yellow or green i got you that’s good for now i did not know that was a mechanic oh one of us makes sense now right it’s just an

Observation i made i’m not sure it’s an actual thing no i think you’re right it’s always it’s always been true so i’m pretty sure it’s a mechanic yeah it would be impossible for them to come from the opposite direction so they’d hit each other oh true i’m disappointed in everyone who has

Fallen already come on was that tommy the what color are we the platform’s already so small yeah oh oh you guys are doing really good do you need motivation oh no i need someone to wipe the sweat from my hands man wow is anyone still in yeah pete’s gone i died tragic

Holy board It’s all coming is is it default green now uh seems to be just watching him switch it up you got this pete there we go you got this i believe in you blue good guys nice nice pete oh quick nearly you can go through the middle of that one yep Nice oh middle middle oh purple purple nice oh 14 seconds remaining oh you’ve survived longer than the blade he hates me he literally hates me you’re doing very good hell yeah built for this game mode oh my goodness i’m fine we are all equally talented in our own

No bro this guy’s a cut above the rest but i’m made out up slime for a reason i thought about that guy does anyone hands just salivate or do i need to be a doctor your hands are saliva no no i get that i get that i get that Wait what purple okay guys come on you can’t be dying you know so my my bad my bad i’ll i’ll focus up this time yellow yeah i will hello big stuff hello see i hate all the server hitches just does that for everybody i noticed yeah

I have that in cross atlantic whoa that got a lot of people i don’t know how uh it almost got me actually there like on the left side you had to really move to the right to survive oh i couldn’t see through tommy [ __ ] i’m dead sorry sorry so good you can’t

Control you don’t use my phone oh my god look at the death message not about that f5v life what was the death message purple didn’t follow mc championship on twitter oh that seems to be the trend of today follow them on twitter [Laughter] i take it back i’ll take her back i’m

Sorry i thought this would be my game i really want a cool voiceover just vop that’s what he goes by a lot of things so eric were you saying that it can only come from the left or right from where it already was it came it’s always it’s always um

Left or right is the one that has come from because otherwise if it comes from the one directly behind um it’ll crash into the walls that are coming through so yeah thanks a lot then that’s the smell metal metal boys we’re doing second right now I believe A bit of a ceiling there same exact one i’ll take it purple’s done green Middle it there we go you’ve got this blue you’re very good pizza green there we go hell yeah yo pete join me i heard you want to go back to back to back bro three people i would love nothing no three people repeat three pete because and he’s gonna get us

Let’s get it you got this oh also pete i saw you swimming around one of those walls i was quite impressed i don’t know how you did it i don’t know how you did it but you swam we normally drown but apparently i’m meta breaking

All right i hope i don’t mess up on this one You don’t worry guys i would die on purpose this is going to eliminate me also honestly you’ve got that oh my god oh that was painful that was so painful i’m dead i used to be really good at this this hurts peas that had to consume somewhat some

Other people’s skills would have become so good it’s okay you were one of the casualties i literally ate you before the tournament i got hungry for thank you for asking at least you’ve already got 30 times sky is anyone else having a very fun time it’s fun guys this is awesome

Green i’m proud of you Jerome just phased through the wall on that one purple chime’s a hacker for sure literally it was hack source uh yellow i mean blue behind pete yep thank you i just kind of you know this is a really good meta because you can look one directory and if it takes

Too long you know it’s going to be behind you yep yeah yeah i told you you you it’s the stress so i could run thank you i’m here for my team wow sure do love that green side blue How do you keep surviving i don’t know man professional I’m giving you my support green three feet three vic i did it that was awesome hell yeah oh my god i need to go pump iron the mj of hole in the wall big fog use carry from you my god you were let’s go pog champ yes

All right boys let’s keep this up i’ll be right back i’ll be right back all right okay so i’m going to do not fear i’m just mumbling i’m just mumbling okay okay how are you i’m sorry i’m uh you know doing good how i’m i hope

You know i’m doing spicy i’m excited to be this is the first time i’ve been on a team that’s actually had a good chance at uh no i think we’re gonna win dude yeah i think we’ve got a very good chance i think we’re gonna win

Yeah i mean called cringe a lot i think we are gonna win i’m just not i’m kind of having to divert my eyes because there’s not very many pog champs and just tommy you need to stop being cringy so stupid thomas have they removed sky block no we’ve got new games coming

Come on please foot race oh i hate that there’s fly block oh yes it’s sky okay guys don’t like that one either i’ll stop if we play style Bingo boys Okay we’ll just wait to get our stuff and wait for the last second to throw them so the things don’t move i really think we should play skyblocker all right we know that fire resistance buddy Yeah me and pete are decent out of the foot right fully oh my god that’s amazing Oh yes oh this is a fun game okay i need hopefully i’m good at this and not played in asia’s okay was last time i just followed technoblade bridge so i can oh yeah i’ll take this one a bit seriously this is a shotgun raids type game all right i’m just

Saying we’ve got this dragon raise the homie bro remember that there are there there are players at the end and you need to punch the players the uh the audience members not chickens you’re not fair i’m gonna i think i’ve got this i think i need to

Finesse people this time last time i just left be on there and we should go up i’m gonna be the first to punch people this time we are here punching people i am not a big finesser myself i’m more of a speed bridger i don’t know how to speed bridge so

Follow you guys your voice makes me wet though okay this one is just oh yeah snowballs now okay thanks is that ball damage you’re not there isn’t it there isn’t full i’m going to damage up and then speed bridge if you guys want to i’ll follow you yeah yeah you can just

Come on my bridge if you want mm-hmm i’ll probably as well oh that works that works hey pete you’ve been pete i’m gonna i can use people no okay well if you guys can come on my bridge whilst i speed bridge by the way you also have snowballs so you can bash

People off their bridges oh no i’m gonna wait until someone bridges i saw a vic’s clip of him running on tech notes uh on the mcc uh subreddit actually oh that’s quite funny oh i’m off right there nice um okay seems as though the people who found my bridge

Yeah you could say that i’m proud to know that it was my bridge oh oh that was awesome i’m already doing better than literally all of last tournament combined oh oh no i got punched off this is so sad okay i’ve got eleven that’s not too bad all the things

Oh there’s the tommy bridge okay oh yes yes i’ll be that’s what i will do every game okay i got 20 seconds nice it was a good idea for me to follow the tommy bridge until everyone else followed the tommy bridge and then i just got yeah

Yeah i’ll make my tommy bridges i’ll go up there more the thing is if you guys if one of you could come on my bridge and just place like barriers as i bridge so because that’s what i was doing but it slows me down okay so i’ll go

From the beginning and then if someone else comes on the bridge and just spams down these like tall aspects okay can you stop freezing okay i’m sorry all right [Laughter] all right tommy where are you let’s all get in the corner actually so we’ll get on tommy are you from the uk though

Yes uh this one we should just we should just run for this one this one you don’t want to go okay Oh sorry i just kind of took the lead all right oh you well why would you do that i’m getting these all right what i hope i made your day there we go oh oh i was gonna put it up i’m so upset at myself i had an opportunity and i’ve

Whipped it we have you punch people off the far left edge that dad forget aren’t they oh it’s right here 20 second that was not good yeah it’s not bad is it yes i got stuck in a cobweb and i was trying to get out and she kept punching me back into the cobwebs shifting no she started shifting as well too and i just had to fall off on the

Other side bro man grinders are being made man oh we’re second place right now okay boys we’ve got lighters in this one equip it now good idea the plant the this trash is to stack up real high You have to bridge like dead slow oh i’ve missed the platforms oh yeah okay that’s a massive massive l there currentios is upsetting me i’m getting myself into a bit of a bad spot here myself in a bit of a pickle hello in the little woods sixth nice for i hate it here

Why am i in one of the people 10 let’s go why do people always hit me what did i do i don’t know who that was it just hit me we’re in first place boys i don’t care get in there i didn’t work all right good everyone

And i mean that when i uh when i say it what are these death messages got sideswiped by karen in the suv [Laughter] that’s unreal bro gaming but gamer burry took social distancing a bit too far crap okay it should go back to single player didn’t get the joke these are quality

Whoever wrote this oh look at that Well okay now this is the classic one this is just a speed bridge i’m going to this is the one where i’ll go up and then can you guys go on my bridge and do the little background yes i’ve got you know i’ve got it can you go towards one of the sides

Please okay i’ll go to far right far right We’re all just traveling the bridge eleventh place isn’t bad sorry see you take note vic [Applause] I knocked techno off did he get the thing yeah vic you stupid idiot idiot okay all right tenor blade targeted me which means he thinks i’m great let’s see we’re still in second place oh my god steph oh where is staff fell all the way down the

Side of the building like i did wait oh my god please protect me guys okay now this one’s just run and punch i’ll go ham on this one oh wait can you guys wait can we punch teammates because if i get really far in front no you can’t you can’t punch teammates

Do i voice a bit on this i i wait like half a second i’m i’m gonna wait a little bit yeah I’m not trying to run in that man seems like i’m not the only one who had that strat and it’s all for nothing now oh no oh my god oh someone pushed me to the other side nice oh my yo why people so aggressive in this game mode man i hate it

Why are people so aggressive in this game what he says while punching people please excuse me mad all right i’ve thought me and messed with friends there we go 12 14. nice let’s go oh my excuse me manners am i right chad you know what i’m saying you’re good

All right i shouldn’t have even i’m really enjoying gaming we just need to beat the yellows which need to be excited i’m full tilt i’ve lost it i am watching you’re almost there get it get it run just get the thing get the thing that’s really mean hell yeah wait where was 14

Oh i was kind of waiting for cranios to punch me in the back right as i got to the uh finish yeah do you remember that from last time yeah i remember that that was terrible i didn’t touch a single soul this whole time man i knew karma would have come right back

We’re third guys we’re doing really good barely third as well yeah you could you could like spam pumps and that would just be evil oh it’s the trident one i saw that video i’ve learned i’ve learned i’ve learned you need to be swimming to get a good boost don’t you

Swimming makes you go further i was doing testing earlier oh i love that from you hi this is where i [ __ ] up in the cab just pete don’t miss the ice cap aim higher yeah it’s the one on the right yeah okay oh my god that noise oh my god i hit someone

Wait i’m gonna take a look oh my god i’m hitting people i’m going to take my time i’m through tell me how to win the game hell yeah boys watching people not make it through the gap oh my god that i got grief let’s say that and i immediately fell

He just aim above any of the windows and just and then just go for hold forward there you go you go nice that’s so good still 14 which is crazy oh my god i got punched by somebody so i was close but i’m sorry boys that’s right philadelphia business hopefully

That’s such a strong thing oh my i think you jinxed yourself and you’re i did practice i did practice for this but the practice was not enough it’s not five players it’s those um tommy third place nice thank you thank you thank you oh oh who is that i don’t

Know who is that oh nice work lad there i promise we will get a 10 kill game you’re gonna have to three v four actually because i’m gonna run away if you guys allow me if you guys give me the materials to be able to three before

I i will not let you guys down okay i i i i swear on your life fixed done not mine i don’t know i don’t know how much uh right me to be honest but you know honestly i really think in skywalker we can do good because i i’ve

Been watching i was re-watching a lot of videos earlier to work out all the locations and chests and [ __ ] i think we’ve already like look at the scoreboards we pretty much guaranteed top two so we’re vibes yeah that doesn’t mean we should slow down doesn’t mean we should slow down but

I want the dub dub i think we can get really easily passed because there’s so hard multipliers in the end games so if we play parker warrior because i know that um tecno’s team have practiced that really really hard so whatever we do we should not play parkour warrior

But race me and pete love a good bit of foot race yeah yeah definitely foot race is like a warrior wilbur rebuilt the map i’m just saying so what yeah i know i know i love voiceover local time skyblock no no no no no no no

No we’re aiming for foot race and lock up things really should if you’re a team and the team want to do lock up being your foot right so that’s yeah i’m not yeah listen dude tommy you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to stick with your team here okay

I like park for warrior i want to example this um yeah we will rebuild the map i mean you’re still really good i think we should do sky block or pizza i’m just saying okay so what are oh come on come on come on it might be rocket split oh rocket split

Rocket spleef oh this is the funny game oh god someone someone’s got a glitch and get caught in the wall and just win automatically again do you think we can still do the thing i reckon we can what’s the thing you can fly infinitely if you just uh

Glide when you land you just double tap spacebar you can keep your momentum because you’re gliding and you just speed up okay good to know yeah okay so you guys know the trap for this yeah yeah you have to kill no no you guys want the infinite flight drive

It’s a double tap space so what you were saying yeah double tap space as soon as you hit the ground you’re just lighting up and you’ll gain a little bit of momentum okay with this map as well you can tell me what are you laughing at

Uh this is the the map where i said the the line just killed a woman feeling good i mean this in the nicest way possible but i have an immense pressure to kill a woman right now so i know i can’t believe tommy i don’t think you’re

Allowed to say that on the internet touche well i need to man the chat oh wow that does get you like a big boost if you spam like space bar when what percentage of women watch your content genuine numbers and how much did it go down by well actually you don’t know

I don’t know it’s a good flying when the game starts you can hide in this one if people can’t find you people can’t find you on this one you you’re going to win died already people from orange already died the women are dying it’s not because of me [Laughter]

Oh i’m not doing very cash money on this that wasn’t very cash money of you yes oh miss phil i why would it be karma what have i done wrong you tell me oh no that’s why i just said what have i done wrong oh no so big that was reserved we stay

So i think what i’m going to do though is like i’m going to glide for the first bit so there’s not a lot of people left but then i think i need to go for kills because even though i survived all three times last time i didn’t really get a

Lot of points okay that’s how you do it i’m observing the strategy now i understand i shouldn’t have done that it’s really it’s really quite quite quite matter apparently they said they can’t fix it or something yeah this is the thing with elytra’s this part of the game

Just chilling up here both of you just chilling up here you get points for kills as well yeah yeah i said i’m gonna i’m gonna wait a bit until like there’s a lot of people that are out so i don’t get you know bombarded from everywhere and then i’m

Going to focus on kills yeah because it’s good to save your uh your fireworks yeah for when we get aggressive yeah yeah yeah i might actually just start trying to frag out right now might just i’m doing a little bit okay maybe myself I gotta kill somehow we take those nice i think i might have hit him at the literal start of the game oh he just you hit him at the start of the game she’s been flying around this entire time yeah i think that was the guy i hit at the beginning

Phil’s just chilling here are we rocket jumps he can rocket jump yeah that’s another running more straps as it goes on these games are so unique you can’t like practice them no this is the one game i’ve only that you can only practice by actually playing it in the competition

Oh i don’t think there’s any more kills This is stupid right well there’s there’s still more there’s still more time for me to say the line all right all right all right boys what are we dropping yeah yeah yeah pete you can build my baby Oh my god my hunting sensors are on all right that’s one future kill oh do you just tag people sorry the last person to attack him oh no this is sad oh i’m lagging i’m hiding oh i’m playing oh no hello my contest in cape hello

So much chaos i wish i was a part of it not one of us no no oh my god what’s your strategy i’m just trying to kill women i was trying to use the double dumb double jump strap but i’m not skilled in the way of the jump

I keep on getting bad luck and just hitting the walls okay no no no move along move along every time i’m anchoring this this part of the game is hard and it hurts guys i found a hacker mr init has located a hacker are you kidding me

Is he stuck in that well i got my gun he is face blocking what really who he’s just walking in the air oh that’s cool that’s cool i respect the hustle this isn’t about it he is walking in the air yeah what he is you know

He’s just going to walk off your face onto that block you fool i don’t think he knows he’s glitched uh no he’s certainly walking so he’s just he’s just walking about just trying to work stuff back oh well that’s tragic i appealed because of the voice it’s kind of hard because

Give it to me later because i’m feeling like i need to go to the toilet and i can’t go for a break okay oh that’s not good all right guys we need kills i legit think we need kills i think we almost need to like drop down get killed

Get back up so what i was doing i was doing the um i waited until like a minute left and i did the jump strategy on like the bottom the bottom floor yeah that way i could snipe people and get kills while still staying i died but i got two kills

It’s better than nothing oh i got boobs oh wow that gives you a huge boost i found my block never mind i like filter i hope people never remember kill me oh no this is dumb all the men now is the time to go against men this time no no

No well i mean i will there is one man in particular who i would like tommy i think it’s time for you to reject humanity and come back to monkey the humans have done too much too it’s irreparable at this point why is he stupid you stupid stupid idiot

Stupid dumb idiot yeah i got someone oh no oh damn dude i got someone though hello wilbur i know you can punch people it’s just about getting close to it eleven water bro what the [ __ ] wait wait come on no i shot you vic i’m sorry nice kill tommy nice kill pete just

Kill the woman what the [ __ ] i’ve won this tournament this is stupid i think we oh no i actually got done you are going to be now i think we focus a bit too much on surviving not the kills and the kills not a wave like i can get one it’s just

Like looking down takes so much momentum yeah yeah it’s a very funny balance now balance is quite hard to find i agree what score is doing what to be fat we’re only 200 behind yellow so we’re chilling i do not fear i do not fear all right should we entertain his thing

And go for slight skype local nixon no let’s do it see this is why i said it right you are awesome so i got three hold on this is weird the first game i survived until the end and got one kill i got 355. this time i

Did the same but got 395. does it have to do with like less oh you’re lighting first people nice five more points kind of vibes yeah oh okay hey first of all we look at me pete you were the best player in the game i’m literally good at this video game

Pete cannon it’s almost like you do as a job or something a cap on this app i need a wii nice i think i should hold it trust me it won’t work go now this is game seven of eight right tell people to vote for skype [ __ ] oh we’re second place now

I’m came from pacquiao i’m so close red’s getting too close and i know they hate it where’s red clothes it’s the last game already yeah this is the last game oh i’m not great at parkour but i’ll try if we want to do particularly all right

Yeah yeah if we do if we do parkour it’s probably likely to give us first place not that it really matters all right well let’s go no it definitely does matter there’s like third parties i trust you guys you’re gonna carry me i always get to the same place but it’s

Usually like top five yeah hello everyone all right tommy can we understand your new sky we want to get this dub and as a team we get the job if we play i think you are parker warriors This is the last game yes it is skyblocker oh come on and we’re already in seconds so we’ll win all right so we’re going for parkour right yeah yeah i’m going to throw light for life actually you know what i don’t mind what it is for last because skyblock will

Last might be a bit too intense that might be a bit yeah we’re three times points here if it’s bingo i think i could be strapped that might be a bit much actually the more i think about it right you guys ready for uh ready there’s too many upside down ones and oh

So the map is different is it different i think it’s the same one i thought one of you said it was no no they re um techno base team rebuilt them up so they could practice on it to do better really what yeah what yeah yeah apparently

What they did i was in yeah so uh yeah we should have played skybox but hey i didn’t say anything so it doesn’t mean always tell me you’re kidding me i i watched um i i said let’s play uh no no i’m uh me and pete me and peter are solid at

This yeah i trust you guys i watched um wilbur’s uh video for his for the last time and he asked if someone could recreate this block for block so they could practice so i think they actually did in this four fun tournament bro you got to go hard when there’s a

Massive prize pool of zero dollars bread bro i write and grind and i get that bread pizza huh yeah no i’m bread is bread is a1 a5 do you guys know bread makes you fat really what yeah like no not always i ate a lot bro

Okay so last time i did this my power went out so i hope this doesn’t happen again i mean that would be a weird coincidence i missed i missed the entire round last time i did parkour because my power well it’s certainly not skybox but it

Will be really fun all right boys let’s go i’m not stressing all right let’s go let’s get this breath scare the spread boys wow oh is that new no okay you dying is but i’m big chilling oh my god bro so many fireworks this is the lip lift life there we go

Tommy i saw what you did and wanted to tackle one nice keep her going keep her going oh my god i just missed that one i don’t like that did not like that i love this game so much more than sky blocker you have a headset microphone why isn’t

It every time i hear you on mute you’re like dangling something i one shot it i love that from you i did not we’ll see better i know we will wasn’t quite it am i lagging so much right oh my god jesus oops all right how to slime jump 101

That would be fantastic i hate this thing i was wondering how i once shot this last time these things The uh the shark mouth thing or whatever it is yeah a bit of a difficult time on that oh my god ah these the trapdoor corner things i’m all the way back here so annoying they aren’t the most one no this is this is the one that makes

You tell no need for apologies i’ve i’ve screamed and smashed my desk on this one you’re not screaming it would be loud wait okay wait hold the phone why can i not do this i’ve fallen and you can’t get out no no i no no i can’t get up i just have

To murder myself as long as yourself and not members of the other agenda [Applause] you know well we are canceling men so it might be him six minutes left jesus there we go this is an easy one it’s not as tilting tommy i see you shining i see you out

Here with the boys yeah no i’m really enjoying myself i’m loving being with the boys we should make a group call it the middlemen geez okay the middlemen What should we talk about whilst we parkour circle there we go slime jump oh thoughts on circles fixed are you wearing your diss track you called minecraft [ __ ] um no no no no no no no no it’s a figure no you did i have it right here

What the hell were you thinking singing lines about a minecraft pig if you’re gonna go to minecraft to insult someone yeah it’s a little hack cluster that that would be why oh minecraft [ __ ] victor i didn’t heard it well and that makes me sick no

No no no no no no you you’ve got the wrong end we you called it [ __ ] [ __ ] okay yeah you’ve got some explaining to do vic i didn’t know i wasn’t going to bring this up if we played sky oh block god please no no explain no no please please

No no no all right okay so so i’m saying like making jokes about a minecraft pig that that like thanks lindsey that’s not [ __ ] no no no no you’re missing you’re missing the word bite here you said i got more views on my minecraft [ __ ] you know yeah yeah yeah yeah

So yeah so what am i what am i what am i being a replacement for like stuff you know like look at all my [ __ ] like i’m not saying yes [ __ ] i’m saying look at my [ __ ] you know this is the most new minecraft content i’ve ever made you no no i disagree

Well you know you’re entitled to disagree but my influence was not that minecraft this year i actually think minecraft was quite a fantastic game i’ll have you know what did you mean when you said i got your mum twerking for my rupees No i didn’t infer and that’s what that’s what i am asking oh you know let’s let’s talk more john no no no they’re talking about concentrate okay well it doesn’t help me so okay why do you does it help you if you talk do you hear the man talking

No no but uh what do you hm are ghosts real um i’m having a podcast right now now i’m Um what did you really do you didn’t really get his mum to working for your rupees did you though you didn’t really oh my god do you not say who knows do not say who knows none of us knows they’re making me laugh waiting like i can’t jump right now i’m

Sorry i’m sorry there you go there you go okay another question i was going to ask you towards the end you know the side men is it looking for members because i i live on the side of a hill and i am british i think no

No i think you are wrong victor i think i think mr has a place in the side man sorry to be the better of bad news you know you don’t that’s why i’m saying you don’t have to be i’m certainly suffering i’m not sure if you’re right but ksi’s views are getting

Lower whereas mr innis they are only getting higher this is actually going up no no you are wrong you were right block and you won’t even this is you are you are making a big mistake vic star oh i shouldn’t that i may be i’m making a big mistake by not being

Able to do these simple jumps mate no no no you are making a big mistake bye oh my god all right one minute we form another group i’m trying if i already jesus i think we already won practically my own i would really like to join

I will be i will be one of them you don’t even have to say that i’m in you just have to tell me now [ __ ] that’s good the way it is the way itself it doesn’t clock out like that are there contracts no

Oh how do i how do i get in there one does not simply that’s pressing no no see this is where i’m this is oh my god ten more seconds just need to stay ahead ten more seconds did you hear the news pete is that enough to take us up to first joining

The side men who are you replacing minnie minter but i am blond and younger than him i am i’m athletic too i once i played football and it was it was so [ __ ] nevertheless i am athletic big star has gone on deaf in chat hey rats hi there

Have you ever been in a finals list before well we’re here with yellow yeah yeah dodgeball we don’t throw these all right i’ll let you guys say the arrows and i’m i’ll do my best see you boys in a minute wow this is so dramatic [Applause]

And you know what the side men are lacking an esport artist where is tommy in it these scores are so close i’m upsetting your chat a little bit no no i think they do like me i think they’ve just not accepted it it’s i think we should rename the group all right boys

Oh i’ve got no textures all right here we are i’m gonna be honest with you vikkstar i’m not sure i’m gonna be able to concentrate until you can guarantee me a place tommy shut up i wasn’t waiting for somebody to say it fine if you if you insist if you if you

Think that’s gonna help i think you actually will i can’t lie wow i hard muted during parkour to come back to you talking about joining the sidemen i heart again to hear you talking about joining the sidemen i’m already in buddy i am deciding all right boys boys what is

Distract what are we doing i can’t wait to see you on gender i am dead serious oh i will go on tinder did you know women are actually all of them are in love with me all right no real talk strats uh what pete and tommy

I’m very good at both all right peter tommy grab the first two arrows and then dance and i’ll grab harrison we need it that’s your thing techno’s asking me to join their team i think that’s disrespectful voice i think the limitation is people know what his arm looks like yeah

His elbow actually i focus up time all right all right focus boys let’s go blades i’ve got this i didn’t get it i didn’t get it it’s still there someone get it i’m going to be oh my god yeah let me get the other one

I want people to let me in if you’d have let me in the side man i gotta hit one hit with anyone go go are you waiting i got one ice i missed one but i got one uh you know get quicker for you i got both here as

Soon as you get wow jeez there’s the arrow you can get it i believe in you um wait grab one each and drop yeah no that was not a shot should have gone for they weren’t even closer i swear that hit you bringing this back right right

Synchronizer six count it in one of you can’t want to count it in i don’t have an hour sorry all right i i’m seeing these shots i’m sorry oh oh no you got this i’m not playing i’d see a player and i apologize my heart is racing boys you’ve got this yeah yeah

I’m i’m dead rather ah wait wait oh cross or something i can’t hit a shot right now i’m choking i’m joking on the main stage you’ve got this i believe in you oh no i don’t i completely chucked that whole game oh i’m so sorry you guys want

Me to take the bow on this one i feel like i might be able to hit an hour go for it go for it take it okay i feel like we all uh personally okay i’ll start saying it seriously now we’re gonna talk about the simon deal after the quick he’s definitely their

Best player by a long time yeah i agree queen is their best player geez the border came in very fast okay take it slow you don’t need to be quick with it try and get both arrows trying to get back absolutely and then there we got both arrows right yeah i just wait

Right a nice one hour coming in all right three two one nice nice okay now she can’t kill both of you so just make sure you separate in case it’s double arrow that’s doubting i’d say there you go nice knock knock double arrow easy cop let me know

Don’t stay near each other because she can’t get both of you all right wait guys both arrows go close to the line so you’re closer so there’s less distance for the arrow to travel one go left one go right stand closer you can’t be too close oh man oh my god

Yo i’m talking you’re good you’re good keep moving all right this one’s going to happen one eight one each push up you gotta synchronize the timing oh my i just missed oh my lord no are you sure i can’t join the sidemen is that sure tommy

All right guys hit this right shoot at the same time oh my bow disappeared i’m just wait for it to go to the arrow oh [ __ ] you’re good you’re good oh he disabled the arrows i see oh you don’t have to rush all right just wait they’re strafing they’re using very

Common moving pads left to right wait for how to get this when she shoots one take it and wait for her to shoot her bow disappeared yeah yeah if you get too close to the middle disappears i learned that the hard way i had a good job i missed out on it Gg unlucky boy well it was a pleasure playing it was a pleasure playing boys ah it is stuff out what said gigi’s tough outfits was fun oh man i need to literally not play this video game when it comes to dodgeball anymore i must sit into a corner pretty good

Yeah it doesn’t matter when i’m only able to get one kill across both though then but hey a lot of fun playing with you man yeah it’s a lot of fun dude you too tommy i know we had our back in force but i’m proud to see you join the side

Man i’m looking forward to the sunday contest am i i’m going to uh be in it wait that’s what i said hey hard muted i’m out i love you there all right cd okay boys yeah okay boys 16 waters bro that was that was close man that was really close 1617 waters

Jesus christ you trying to kill me what the [ __ ] bro we came this close oh i missed a follow wf rck and uh emir fax d thank you for the followers guys 17. what the [ __ ] man and uh bangers fan appreciate it dude that was crazy that was really cool i

Was definitely definitely being carried during that game um during this whole tournament but um i wasn’t too far behind tommy and the guy plays minecraft as his literal job so you know i’m doing i’m pretty happy about that um second place second place boys tommy is the worst side man look at us

Look at this dude she’s going to take a case take a screenshot of that um here from tenno hey cool um very stressful to watch dude my [ __ ] heart was racing i’ve um i’ve never i’ve never been in a final before but all three of those guys were in a final before um

So i’m scared one bleach nine thank you to follow man you pro now i i can now put on my resume a professional minecraft player [Laughter] came second place and probably the biggest minecraft tournament [Laughter] uh i did i missed three quarters of the thing that’s all right but um

Dude me just uh there we go legendary legendary pictures must spam arrow of hearts dude that’s [ __ ] wholesome as [ __ ] oh i real so thanks boys what i okay i know where i need to improve rockets belief there is no way to train that other than just knowing how lytra’s work and um

And i need to train parkour those are the two big ones i need to train everything everything else i think is sort of fine um like if my team wasn’t this good learn to use number keys to swap and imagine i know how to use them

I i use them when i need to but uh i just don’t didn’t need to sex is bad i mean you ever tried it it’s pretty good was big mad no he was just chilling i don’t think he was streaming or anything uh he was eating his dinner when we

Started the game this is just a chill thing for him i think 101 viewers what oh my god following sub after partner let’s go where did all of you guys come from i sort of saw someone say that they were from techno is it it did 130 100 bro what what is happening

You’ll better follow from tenno blade oh awesome dude he mentioned you tethno’s [ __ ] awesome um like when we both played on uh s p earth he would sometimes um lurk in my streams and [ __ ] so that’s cool turner wants youtube oh dude love techno big hearts for techno

Because you’re 2am smp earthbond dude if there’s like any sort of clifford i need to see it because me and him would always stay up so [ __ ] late on s p earth he’d be grinding his villagers and i’d just be building my town and stuff noob gaming livy queen oowoo uh

Skeletzel and i’m just jr thank you guys for the follow well i’m just junior you’re very chill guy very was really cheering your team on thank you dude if you’ve not follow and subscribe dude you don’t need to subscribe follows definitely appreciate it i’d love to see more of you guys in future

But you don’t need to subscribe subscribe cop half thing for the follow everyone can blame tommy’s he killed the team uh that one bad in the first game so hopefully change the thorny oh yeah so you guys a lot of you guys who suddenly appeared weren’t in

Weren’t here for the start of the stream but tommy in the very first game said that the yellow team were bad and we’re going to lose and uh he just had to jinx it just had to um well how about some people i’ve heard of saying oh it ended ages ago ended

Like back in march or april or something yeah ended april so um yeah uh combob thank you for the follow oh all right let’s uh do you know twitch prime gives you a free sub to error i like how you guys are boosting like mice i i never asked for this but

You guys was just saying anyway yeah quick pete look at this we’ve got techno town there we’ve got peace up there and vic there it’s being hard carried the entire game tend to mention your name it’s good what’s this feel good electric boo glue what is this what is this clip nice

I don’t know what happened he just went uh he’s still great thank you um yeah awesome really [ __ ] appreciate all the people who’ve followed it’s amazing tecno’s still here he’s vibing does this msg work yay there’s pete gotta love pete pete’s amazing um am i definitely discord i’m not let’s go up here

Just came back from college expelled hello gentlemen no no i’m actually most people’s big brother technoblade that’s horribly discharged from the army yeah yes we get it tommy as we were saying you were i i started playing his diss track down the mic and said vixx

Could you point the gun to your head right from the beginning you know look here’s the thing here’s the thing about me i i made look i made and i drafted again and it will last with them for he’s still streaming by the way i’m still streaming

I’m good i’m still going i was just trying to tell me can i be honest with you man uh yes i’m gonna be honest i’m not yeah no because that’s what i am i don’t know good or bad i am powerful take it back one day i wish to have the confidence

That tommy has jesus vic star did i win yes look here’s the thing holy [ __ ] they’re making a junior branch called the side children he smelled this kid [Laughter] and the time we will be in there i’m talking with scott about balancing stuff what what teams were the powerful ones

Uh the ones i thought were going to do well was uh aqua was awk i thought aqua was going to win and then yellow and red were the other teams i thought were threats i thought we were going to do decent but i i wouldn’t i wouldn’t have put us at

First this does look it’s just edits for everyone whoa there’s a lot of followers glazed donuts appreciate you guys you’re amazing thank you [Laughter] he is Half the bridge is okay but did you nice did you tweet it on the podcast oh [ __ ] thank you guys all right let me let me read my donations i am such so yeah no i’d say that was pretty successful yeah oh my god oh there was a bit where

I said i’m going to hunt for women that okay i mean you really you really did jinx it at the beginning where you said the yellow team were bad and we’re gonna lose right in the first game [Laughter] i came back and fit you and you asked in here

I only i only work general kenobi oh history religion thank you holy crap what okay did you guys uh like actually get the parkour map reshaded no yeah no they did what what why not we were using the there’s the one on the right hand side of like the main hub and

Then there’s the one and then the one on there excuse me ladies hello captain puffy and sylvie oh hello bearcorn uh how’s been the experience from your point of view we’re all curious well our team was incredibly toxic the entire time it was fantastic

We had a lovely time we got on so well didn’t we we did we didn’t get on general yeah i think this is the most fun minecraft championship i’ve done certainly because i think i pulled my weight for the first time i just i know

So well well you did so well i’m so proud of myself bro all right next time i’ll be in the top ten just what i’m proud of youtuber i have no doubt i have no i sound like you did very good sorry on the bit where i taunted you guys as well

In the chat everybody follow and on youtube be sure to sub and join his membership to technoblade all right back i’m going to catch up with my chat all right eric fine job today fine yeah it was a ton of fun tell me before you came in that you really carried the

Don’t think i was team that yeah i’m sorry you’re breaking up tommy so aaron i mean what was this that you used during the game i mean did they come to you did vic sort of sit down and go dude of course as everyone knows i’m the best minecraft

Player on our today so uh we know it big clap in the chat for eric the air it catch him on twitch sub do him follow him do the same with uh peace as well as well everyone should go over to pete and sub and follow to him he deserves it ah

Hell yeah how did you do on the parkour this time eric i did pretty well i think i did better than last time yeah i mean last time like last time my power went out i couldn’t play but the time before that i did i think i did better i did better

I still need more practice though i was definitely being carried on that front anyway i’m gonna head out it’s been crazy they’ve all been really nice whether you actually said it or not tecno well what a bunch of people from your stream have come my way they’ve just been

Really nice oh they found you yeah just you know i was talking about how uh you were the you were the one you’re in like australia right i’m british but in l.a so oh well you had a terrible sleep schedule during smp years oh yeah monthly schedules non-existent

I’d just be like stalking you at 2am and you’d say technoblade and i’d be like sup i’m here yeah man i’m feeling guys retrospective how do we all feel about the the tournaments uh we kind of got owned but i had a good time everything with a switch twitch

I feel like in general i’d probably hey if that makes sense tommy what individual wait it just did just post it in the chat never mind big star’s still on deafening the call perhaps i shall call vickster tommy you got 16th what are you doing i was focused on getting my comedy

Points up and i i succeeded 120. what was very intimidating what did i do one second you guys will be undefeatable yeah that’s what i’m thinking of me phil technic hello albert uh scott wants to know if you want to come and talk balance with him okay will you be there yeah

Okay i didn’t want to be scared all right there’s a different skill there’s a skull that runs things nice puffy were you on another smp server uh i was on build guild i was supposed to be on the other one and then i i think the invites closer oh no it ended Remember i was supposed to be on the the smp server uh pete just asked me and then i think it like just randomly ended oh uh what oh another snp no the smp oh yeah s p earth that yeah i wanted to try and get you into that but

By the time it was like wanted to try and get you in today it was pretty much over and it’s like oh yeah final event is happening in like two weeks you missed you missed nothing um another smp is also not with two weeks to go is what i mean too bad

Yeah i’m back guys oh tommy you’re still here too much information right there’s gotta do you decorate thank you man thank you electrum master appreciate there you go as soon as i have more time perfect actually Hi is it water under the bridge is everything okay with tommy and the sidemen who knows tommy’s in the sidewalk wait what happened it’s drama to be continued harmony and oh yeah but i can ask so i really appreciate it it can be up to 11. um you know

Maybe we could actually do something it could be fun too much for some people but it sounds like you had fun anyway Uh the cactus nitro plays a great event holy crap characters thank you for the knock it out they’ve been around for so long there’s so much good stuff economically holy crap nothing wrong i didn’t underestimate that thank you guys this is literally like on it even if something wrong it means

Something goes wrong it’s fixed within a minute [ __ ] thank you who’s uh who’s the platform on who are they sponsored by hype train kwb game they’re oh not their own redemption anyone new to the channel oh really i’m sure there is over 20. it’s basically going to be drink this

Entire bottle i’m going to need to go to the toilet right now what’s happening is he calling vic oh he’s calling vic who’s calling vic tommy holding vic right oh no how can he how can he call him yes oh no everybody wants to watch what’s going to happen what is happening

Are you okay tell me i’m getting told you you were calling vic no no i was just saying he didn’t answer god knows what really really really is well i just thought he might want to you know well usually if somebody’s on deaf and that means that they don’t want to talk

No no yeah you’re awesome i don’t think if you want to be specific pick up when i call them he was ranting the whole time i’m sorry you’re breaking up i don’t really tommy stop i’m gonna i’m gonna get i’m gonna go i’m gonna say back to my chat um

If you wanna like chat later i’m i’m around okay i’ll catch you no i know he’ll call you yeah thank this is sad eric this is the saddest day of my minecraft life why is that pete well embarrassingly i i’m i’m on the bottom of the whole way

I did the worst oh the whole yes oh no that’s okay i mean it could be worse you could because well you do strike a good point i’d like you more and more oh there we go oh i accidentally happened to think we’re good i thought it was a joke at first but

Something actually did happen what happened i guess what between him and the team who i guess between tommy and the team i thought it was like a joke at first i was i was on tommy’s team he was talking the entire time bro scott no unfortunately he sticks both his feet in

His mouth what i know i’ve not heard that saying before are you really oh i’m sorry when somebody kind of shoots their own foot so to say yeah it’s it’s a zipper for the hype trainer because why not their foot in their mouth well of course what’s worse than that both their feet

In their mouth okay i’ll get it now Would you we’re really thinking about that saying now though i don’t know what i don’t know it’s why that’s the thing yeah some are weird but nope that was an old saying holy crap boys when i heard it holy [ __ ] just more like an american thing honestly i’m sure it’s a big score

You go sharing with me a few british sayings like uh you’re you’re great and bob’s your uncle did i get there um you’re all that and bob’s your uncle yeah i’ve never used that actually yeah what what about uh what else did you share with me cheerio which means just

Dude rock on you know yes i say that all the time i’ve heard you [Laughter] bulbs presidents are talking about the queen god save the queen we don’t joke about queen mom queen mom oh my god i don’t use any of them either i’m just me me along because i’m british too oh it was a lot of fun this event is always one of my

Favorite things to do it like happens on a regular basis now because i think there’s like a two or three month gap between the first mole there’s a month there’s a month gap between them is there really that much yeah though it does like closer sometimes and further apart others okay caitlin desi

Kick bro why are you having a [ __ ] well this place is amazing but how do you get puffy out of your chips i’ll take two seconds and share with you this one being on uh s p live s p earth great people great fun most of the time and um

And uh no nobody said the word tommy in that same sentence so i’ve i’ve started to work on sm universe premises i’d love to we have all sponsored earth and then planets each planet is a single biome planet so there will be like water world desert world jungle

World uh death world i mean it should be a lot of fun and challenge we’re gonna find as we get to these other worlds that an ancient race existed there over the centuries whatever it is eons ago and it it makes it more than fun to discover the lore it’s like s p

Death world is just what it sounds like we’re going to have great events where you’ve got to go from point a to point but everything is open all the mobs are op every terrain is just the worst so it should be a lot of fun a lot of

Great places to uh to go yeah it sounds exciting and terrifying it’s like uh No factions i don’t think the actions really worked to uh bring people together jesus forget factions oh jesus scott uh hopefully you stream i try and do like daily if not ever considering all the years minecraft has been around i’ve definitely never seen it so i wanted to make it different

Oh garrett you’re a funny dude you’re a [ __ ] dude aaron you’re not you too pete you’ve got an amazing match oh listen to you so did you get the official notice did you start your job he went for an interview the other day um i so that was

The second round of the interview um oh pete pizza are you doing an interview no it’s a i’m talking about a job interview i had the other day peter i gotta tell you can i you’re wearing a tie sir sir oh i’m sorry wait i didn’t mean to take your fit you sir

Wow i can change literally right now i promise on there’s a close-up right now no no no no no dude i’m calling you out with a lot of chicken and stone bg appreciate you my shirt the guy is he’s got a tie on because he’s a [ __ ] damn the only

To improve the outfit is to wear shorts you want me to wear shorts a dude she’s called a masterpiece do they have to dude do they have to be knee-high socks like you’re wearing or can i have no shoes okay hey leave the socks alone dude it’s short

Hydrating too i remember hey listen i remember being in sixth grade i was like and i went over to the kids and i was like how could i be cool and they look down at my ankles and we’re like okay first off your knee-high socks you gotta scrunch them down i

Remember wearing my socks in elementary school like the long ones they were scrunched down in my ankles i had like little bags of above my feet i remember when i was um really young and because i live in the uk right i was really late

We had to we had to wear a school uniform um it was shorts and they’re like like almost like knee-high socks i guess but it got really really cold in the uk so it’s just really cold do i look better i do like to groom myself i i don’t let

It get too hairy on my neck you know i gotta shave that plate every day otherwise i can’t see dude i’m i’m right there with you what is this yeah how does this tweet school we are like bros that was awesome we are like bros

Yeah i’m going to be do you watch him somehow if you’ve got an opening i’m right next to you pete and eric that was so fun by the way i’m just ended nice it was i’m still alive right now i don’t know if you guys are not streaming

I’m still alive i’m still live oh okay we didn’t win but i had a lot of fun i had a blast man there’s a ton of things there are a lot of people that there are a lot of people that were like are you mad at tommy and i think it was

Because i told you to shut up when you were talking about this man for the 20th time yeah but i promised i didn’t mean a bad blood bite dude it was fine i love playing with you man i’ve sent you one out on discord followers that was uh the late 20 2000’s

I’m gonna go ahead yeah nice talking to you dude all right we’ll figure we will figure out a way some way or another next event we’re getting teamed 10 i was worried that if there was two pizzas on the same team there’d be a negative dynamic but it

Seems like there won’t be i have a feeling it would it would gain a lot of positive attention seriously you know your audience best and you know yours i do we’ll make it happen all right i’ll catch you guys around all right dude have a good day dude well eric yeah

Wow our minecraft uh experience experiences continue to just ratchet up do they not smp live smp earth another minecraft championship one growth champion yeah and then i’ll launch mine uh smp universe on the 15th of june i’ll be short on that i hope so looking looking looking forward to it

I’m excited to see what comes out of that well if you seriously are gonna jump in back to uh do any sort of um practicing uh parkour is my worst oh yeah i’m bad at popcorn as well no no no no no i make you look like you know amazing

For the minecraft championship no no significantly better at parkour than i am no you could you always beat like like practice course we did you always got to beat twice before i could do it once that’s not true you can’t downplay yourself on facts [Laughter] your rage made the the content so much

Better it was measured you were raging it was measured that’s an oxymoron i was upset and disappointed in my own ability oh dude i could do better but he wasn’t doing well at all oh yeah but you did better this time the door and rsvp i did pretty well i

Think i did all right what are you talking about well anyway all i was saying is if if you’re gonna do it let me know and i’d be uh happy to go ahead and do something with you definitely i just need to because uh whether i get in or not is not

Guaranteed all the time so if if i get in definitely all right should i still hit you up for uh valerian dude uh i’ve um i was about to say i see you’ve been on a valor and grind pete you really are you lurking i know

Is that something you like to do puff seriously oh yeah no i’m a ballerina addict a little bit i’ve played it once what’s your favorite movie i didn’t do terribly so i’m pretty happy nice jet nice nice night with him if you get willing to i’ve been trying to own

Are you ranked yet well i lost i’m slowly getting there just did it the other day for the first time only once all the teams are done right they’re not done with uh but yeah eric was phenomenal he jumps on gums on his phoenix and he’s like oh i

Really love this character you know i didn’t say that but yeah thanks hey i’ve i’ve played csgo for a grand total of four hours and i somehow wasn’t bottom fragging every game so i have 1600 hours in csgo jesus no okay i understand why you like valerian

I i played quite a bit of overwatch definitely nowhere near 1600 hours jesus yeah dang girl you’d definitely be like if you join the team you’d definitely be bringing on you imagine you’d be carrying to a certain degree okay one day i think that’d be yeah it would definitely be fun

If i get you up through discord will i be able to get through or do you have to add me as well no absolutely i actually do today because um okay awesome no you shouldn’t feel bad because i had a general question so it wasn’t a puff question

But i’m so glad that we’ve chatted because i am um i’m down for valerian definitely yeah i’ve had a lot of fun playing it it’s it’s yeah i don’t know about your but i found it to be very uh rearranged yeah so one game you come through and it’s like um

The team is like 13 5 13 2. i’m not hopefully yeah we’re going all the way pretending you know and then the next game it’s the reverse plate it’s like okay and now you’re on the other side i’m like wait a minute they’re the same team what happened

Do you find that to be the case um yeah kind of i think i mean it But i i like i noticed that big difference completely come back in the stream this nuts so how are you getting so many followers thank you boy well what’s the reason for the uh even though i know you’re on the half dozen i don’t know i don’t know maybe if just sometimes our

Team performance everyone is like planning and being offended that’s my logic how much do you stream i try to do it daily typically it’s interesting to play but not so interesting to watch um yeah but all right i’ll reach out to you ping you and play great if not no worries if not

You’ll delete me [Laughter] i’ll just i’ll just block you like my standards i’ll have to oh but i’ll black you on all social medias yeah i’ll block you like you do tommy oh sorry what a team with him a couple seasons ago yeah yeah i’m not saying anything more not that

Been there done that yep so all right guys thanks so much puff great to meet you and uh eric good buddy we’ll do some more later definitely see you pete have a good day pizza great talking to you dude looking forward to doing that

I i know i know oh okay you know chad doesn’t know but yeah yeah go ahead uh just do what you got to do pete and i’ll catch you later big guy see you dude have a good night everyone all right uh should we no it’s 6 00 p.m here 3 p.m there

I was wondering if we should get in a quick game of valor i was going to go and play on my uh create a minecraft world well for that matter i could just bring in s p universe so we could walk around but that’s boring i thought i thought you

Said it’s top secret it is secret there’s uh i’ve got a minecraft world i’ve been working on as creative minecraft world i’ve been on and off working for like six years no yeah uh seriously since 2014 uh you’ve been working on a world for six years i’m sorry am i talking to phil

Phil what are you talking about what is phil known for building oh yeah no because he did his uh five-year hardcore didn’t he he is mr hard cool uh yeah i’ve been doing it for six years so that’s amazing started in 2014. so you know a ton about minecraft yeah i’ve

Been playing minecraft like 10 years now oh my gosh because i keep making fun of about phil because he’s forgotten more than i know he’s like oh man dude seeing all the the farms and stuff you made on s p earth it’s just like okay he knows a lot of the technical

Technical stuff that’s insane because i don’t know a lot of this stuff even though i’m pretty sure i’ve been playing longer than you have uh you know this game is so funny pvp minecraft is way different than pve minecraft yeah which was way different than just creative mode minecraft yeah for sure

It’s like this game really does have a lot of elements to it yeah it’s a game like i’ve been playing this game for like 10 years and it’s still my favorite game of all time and uh that’s amazing it’s almost limitless possibilities it’s crazy um it is it is amazing

You can make this place you know basically whatever you want yeah there’s so so many different things like you can be a builder you can be a pvp it can be a redstone owned oh yeah different perspectives of the game gosh that’s a whole nother world yeah

Like uh i don’t i’m not sure if you’ve heard of a guy called sethling but i used to watch his videos back in the day and used to blow my mind a guy called sethling he created um he’s created like a video call phone in minecraft a video phone

Yeah so he was able to video call with captain sparkles in a video on in minecraft i mean i believe you but no yeah that’s what you sort of you strive to be in terms of redstone wow wow i i had no idea that’s amazing yeah it’s lieutenant

Cool world i never would have thought you know when i first saw minecraft i was like what yeah like everything a lot of people look at minecraft kids game right you i’m not in middle school okay it may not be obvious but i don’t think so really [Laughter]

I like you sir i like you two feet you’re great you’re always one of the most wholesome enthusiastic and positive people i meet in any anything it’s awesome you’re awesome ah well thank you mate you’re a good man thanks man if you if you need a

Reference on that job app let me know would you for sure dude thank you dude really proud of you too going for it and hopefully lord willing you get it i hope so too there’s a third round so just nerves yeah but one thing i i would say to

Anybody who’s who’s going in interviews here it if you simplify it you can simplify it down to and i don’t care if it’s you know a big company like google yeah or it’s a teeny little company like your your neighbor who’s you know just been running the company

For 10 years and needs another person the thing is if you really want the job whatever the job is you have one product to sell that’s it in the products myself and and and don’t kid yourself yes it’s a sales job you gotta sell him you’ve gotta make him believe

That his com his or her i hope you understand i’m not offending anybody the gender reference it’s a term of endearment so you’re gonna make him believe that my company will do better with you than without you that’s the sales so you go in with what it is you can

Bring to the table even if your resume isn’t this like star-studded yeah i used to be vice president dear and then i was president here and so it’s okay you go in and you have to communicate in such a compelling way i i equate it here in america

Yeah to like um like a baseball card remember did you ever see uh sports cards uh yeah there were football cards i guess you call them soccer cars but i had them back in the uk look at that captain puffy just subbed to me oh nice

All right i like her even more all right you’re lurking we’re bffs now puff and by the way i’ve changed your name your name is now puff you’re captain puff tenno is talking to you know anyway so yeah you’ve got to read your of qualities benefits

What it is you bring to the table off like a baseball card yeah and on the back of the baseball card it’s you know man i i have a batting average of 370 so many home runs you know i’m the star pitcher all-star player blah blah blah

And that’s how you got to go into your interview yeah man you’re talking to an all-star let me share with you some things that you may not be aware of but you want to know for your business and you go right through it nice i’m filled with a new new life of

New sense of confidence well i did i did 25 years in sales did uh pretty well sales executive and that’s the bottom line you’re you’re selling dude you’re selling awesome and i’m sold on you oh thank you dude no sincerely i’m sold on you and i believe you would

Bring a lot of value to a company i hope the people who made the final decision feel the same way that’s why yeah getting an even uh playing field in an interview is tough yeah because what you don’t know about is is uh nepotism friends it’s well my brother’s sister’s uncle’s son

You know told me i gotta hire her and just like well that’s a tough one yeah so you never quite know or maybe they somebody is convinced that you’ve got to have a degree that you don’t have whatever that degree is like the way the way i see the way i see

A degree it’s a bad way of seeing a degree a really bad way of seeing a degree but it’s a piece of paper that shows other people that i’m smart i know i’m smart but i need that piece of paper to prove to other people so yeah to some degree

To some degree yes experience counts more because when you can point to i did this this and this that speaks volumes yeah that speaks value so but i know you at this point in your life you don’t have a lot of job experience to be able to point to and

Say yeah i hit uh the park here and look at that i’m you know yeah minecraft championship dude that’s my resume that’s it professional yeah 10 years in minecraft you mean that doesn’t let me tell you guys my chat is saying that they love you by the way

Ah well back at ya i’m i’m a big fan of eric so back at you dude i’m a big fan of pete’s as well so i’ll let you go yeah and uh this guy pizza hut he’s still in our chat group but man he doesn’t shut up does he do

You think it was tommy in here um actually i want to say hi and bye to quigg and kritios all right i’ll see you later all right eric you have a good one thanks you too mate all right boys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships! | Eret VOD (MCC 5) [5-16-20]’, was uploaded by PumpkinParker on 2022-05-23 05:44:00. It has garnered 418 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:26 or 11966 seconds.

Eret’s POV of MCC 5; streamed on May 16, 2020 w/ Vikkstar, PeteZahHutt, and TommyInnit

streamed at twitch.tv/eret

This is not my stream!

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience! Are you ready for an epic adventure like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. With a modern, upbeat community and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and explore the virtual world. Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer with like-minded players from around the globe. The Minewind server offers a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting… Read More

  • Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet’s spicy voice

    Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet's spicy voice “Chipi chipi in gamer fleet voice: ‘I asked my mom for a snack and she said ‘go eat some chips’… so I did!’” #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleetmemes #snacktime Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Void

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Void Minecraft’s Galactic Plain: A New Dimension Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got even more intriguing with the introduction of the Galactic Plain. This new dimension, created by the Stinking Galactrift Mod, offers players a unique and empty space to unleash their creativity. Discovering the Galactic Plain The Galactic Plain is a dimension devoid of life forms, allowing players to build and explore without any restrictions. To access this dimension, players must gather Galactite, a rare resource found underground in the Overworld. Additionally, Pincher Beans, which are rarely found in the podzols of the Overworld, are essential for… Read More


    LIVE 24/7 MINECRAFT SERVER - JOIN NOW!Video Information ह बकट बकट [संगीत] है [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] य हेलो हेलो हेलो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम एवरी बडी दो दिन के बाद हेलो आवाज आ रहा है ना मेरा माइक तो मट हा ठीक है हेलो हेलो अरे बोलो यस देख लेना एक बार स्ट्रीम से चल र है कि नहीं मैंने तो देख लिया अपने लाक स्ट्रीम इधर से एडमिन पैनल से बट एकसा तुम्हारा वो आवाज बहुत धीरे आ रहा है शायद से सुनाई भी नहीं देगा ये वाला सुनाई दे रहा है सर्वर प चलते है ना सर्वर प चलते आ जाओ सर्वर पे… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Pratham’s Value System

    The Dark Side of Pratham's Value SystemVideo Information I need a [Music] drop Val I need a drop found you my eyes are better than yours where is everyone hiding hard for enemy spotted a [ __ ] down a Shadows traveling 55 30 seconds left last player standing last round in the half 29 camera taken out enemy spotted B theun begins enemy attacker Spa I’ll handle this Spike planted decoy put down sh one enemy remaining last player standing swiching side they think they’re so secure reloading okay let’s go cover going out cover going out my camera is destroyed reloading reloading reloading reloading wait wait… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft desert only world in pocket edition’, was uploaded by NCN on 2024-01-11 11:39:38. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Read More

  • 🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥

    🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity’, was uploaded by SlowGG on 2024-01-13 05:13:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity #BanglaMinecraftSMP … Read More

  • My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMG

    My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMGVideo Information so there I was building my base with my buddy and he already went and fell off a ladder but because this is the zombie SMP he came back for blood I managed to fend him off this time to join my new zombie SMP head to the Discord link on my profile This video, titled ‘My Buddy Turned Into a Zombie! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jamps MC on 2024-01-09 15:00:35. It has garnered 7345 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. New Zombie SMP Coming Soon! Discord – https://discord.gg/2tRTt36U9T… Read More

  • Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 – MINTOON CRAFT

    Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information [Music] woohoo what [Music] [Music] hey hm [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ah a w [Music] oh [Music] what he [Music] yeah hello [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no do it what the nice huh you will die hello come on huh subscribe now nice come on yeah [Music] boy okay huh wao huh [Applause] UHA [Music] yes come on easy huh huh what the go go go shut [Music] a huh what [Music] the w tast This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: SAVE THE WORLD FROM… Read More


    SMAJOR'S EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MISSION!Video Information make it work make it easy [Music] while [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] I learned that from you Mama it’s amazing what baking can [Music] do make it up and surprise them tell them my secrets but disguise them so they dance on the tongues of the very people that bear secrets from make it soon make it better though better never lasts forever I’ll make it small so it fit even [Music] this even now now even as the walls come tumbling down even as a can stop remembering how every door we ever made we never… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!

    EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!Video Information hello guys like And subscribe you are the best thanks [Music] [Music] woohoo woohoo go go go o oh my oh my god [Music] wow [Music] woohoo go go [Music] go [Music] woohoo what no no no no [Music] what H oh [Music] my Yahoo [Music] what oh my God no [Music] God yeah [Music] boy Yahoo [Music] woo [Music] woo Yahoo wait a minute go go [Music] go look at this [Music] dude [Music] ha [Music] Yahoo [Music] wow huh [Music] [Laughter] huh oh my [Music] God no God please no [Music] no ooho H [Music] oo… Read More

  • Zathan’s Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don’t Miss Out!

    Zathan's Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don't Miss Out!Video Information for [ __ ] hell shitty your laptop keeps on dying and I can’t read chat because of it damn well anyways today’s stream is not Minecraft because of the shitty update they had so yeah I hope they fix it soon because I haven’t played the game well actually I’ve been updating it but the update is just still there like the the new touch controls sucks they really need to change it back I’ll play the game again once they change it back or if they at least fix the spacing L well I guess this is what… Read More

  • Olympian realm

    Olympian realm*STAFF NEEDED* Builders For Olympus Builders for Mount Orthys Builders For Camp Jupiter Builders for new Rome & Rome Builders for LA, SanFrancisco And Las Vegas Builders For Aeoulus’s Place Builders For Greece OlympianRealm.aternos.me Read More

  • Fractured SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Bedrock & Java Dynmap Discord

    Fractured SMP Fractured SMP is a newly released semi-vanilla server that aims to provide a great vanilla experience with added multiplayer enhancements. The community plays a vital role in shaping the server’s direction. Links Website: fractured.craftingstore.net Discord: discord.gg/SamMA9R4Y2 Dynmap: dynmap What We Offer Community: Player suggestions and feedback are valued, and decisions are made transparently. Welcoming: A diverse community where everyone feels included and accepted. Stability: Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable gaming experience. Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication through Discord. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft Players vs. Fortnite Tryhards

    Wow, this meme must have some serious high scores! I wonder if it’s going for the leaderboard next. Read More

  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

    Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay In Minecraft, one block is all you need, To plant a tree farm and watch it succeed. But beware of pillagers, they’ll come for a fight, Defend your block with all your might. Crafting and building, it’s all in a day’s play, In this blocky world, where you can’t stray. So join Devil369 Gaming, for tips and tricks, And watch as your Minecraft world quickly clicks. Like, share, and subscribe, spread the word, For in this gaming world, we all are heard. Devil369 Gaming, the channel to see, For all your Minecraft needs, come and be free. So leap… Read More

  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

    "Hot diggity creeper, that's a spicy meme!" #minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft! Minecraft: ARMADURA DE DRAGÃO *incrível* ‹‹ S5João ›› Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the thrilling aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your ideal abode. Explore… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to Make 3D Custom Skin Totem in MINECRAFT PE/JAVA 1.20+” in Hindi. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build unique structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Minewind offers a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on… Read More

  • Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation

    Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation Minecraft Content Creation: A Look into Berkant’s Channel Berkant’s Minecraft Channel Berkant is a dedicated content creator who produces Minecraft videos every two days. His channel features a variety of content, including Minecraft escapes, parodies, and more. With a mix of rich and poor elements in his videos, Berkant’s channel offers a unique perspective on the Minecraft world. Engaging with Berkant’s Channel If you want to support Berkant’s channel, you can subscribe and show your support. Don’t forget to hit the like button on his videos to show some love ❤️. New videos are uploaded every other day at… Read More

  • 💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit Gameplay

    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!Video Information la novia gringa de Minecraft s Ernesto la esposa Ernesto creo que se colo estas son mujeres mortales muchachos ustedes no vieron nada realmente no no vieron nada ojo esa Ya di cuenta ya la Rio ya la Rio Dale que los platos no se lavan solos ve los platos no se lavan solos nos vemos a ver ch This video, titled ‘Desafíos Pixelados: Amor en Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-02-28 19:00:24. It has garnered 471 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Every day on stream… Read More

  • 🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraft

    🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information टी एनटी अंडर वाटर हैक्स इन माट अगर आप टी एनटी को पानी में फोड़ने की कोशिश करोगे तो टी एनटी की तरफ से बस एक ही आवाज आएगी पानी पानी पानी अंकल जी मु पानी पिला दे दीजिए मेरा गला सूख रहा है तो उससे पहले मैं बताना चाहता हूं गाइस मैंने लिया 75 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैलेंज 0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा मिथ से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE time travel in Minecraft

    EXPLOSIVE time travel in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] a [Music] the [Music] [Music] what [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what is up silly Goobers goobers and gobets I’m live is time it is time I have silly lore planned today the silliest of the silliest lore I okay did I so many of so much of this lore today was a mixture of last minute planning and long before plan [ __ ] that is that is what we’re working with that’s what we’re working with today but yes yeah hello everybody I don’t know if you guys saw… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱

    🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP type shit’, was uploaded by Syphanic on 2024-04-29 04:02:27. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:37 or 1657 seconds. yurr Read More

  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!

    Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information [Music] so This video, titled ‘#viral #ascoisasmudam #minecraft #sabwaysurfars #minecraftmeme #ficoubonitodonada #humor #memes’, was uploaded by @Memelissa1 on 2024-04-04 22:02:39. It has garnered 183 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario Party

    Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario PartyVideo Information hi dudes welcome back to Minecraft Mario Party 2 uh they had a new map so obviously we to come played this is the mushroom uh all right you guys know how Mario Party Works if you’ve never seen it before if you’re new around here we uh have 10 turns you roll your dice to move around the map to pick up coins to buy Stars whoever’s the most stars at the end wins you play mini games in between every round to earn more coins to make each other mad we got Z Sundy and bble… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-14 04:13:45. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈 minecraft but minecraft survival minecraft challenge 100 players minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft update camman18 exposed 1.20.1 minecraft 1.20 1.20 canman18 camman minecraft animation minecraft fun facts minecraft rarest minecraft seed minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft but you cant touch… Read More

PumpkinParker – Minecraft Championships! | Eret VOD (MCC 5) [5-16-20]