Quiff – I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In This Build Battle…

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I’ll be using 100 different ways to cheat in a bill ball against my friends but they don’t know I’ll be using every illegal cheat to create your favorite builds will I win the Tyler professional builder or will my friends find out then I was the first build circus all right

Good luck guys all right guys and this is a perfect place to sell my phone but just so I know No One’s Gonna Be peeking over I see thermite over there all right um circus that’s like we gotta build a ferris wheel and well it seems like everyone’s distracted

Let’s do slash us crate another with some on the phone yo look how cool this looks like a legume we can actually play a game online look at this Floppy Bird in Minecraft oh oh oh well you kind of get the gist of it but there’s something

Else I can do by Googling anything on the phone I’m able to have it built into Minecraft and if I instantly type in Circus you have everything right here we gotta start like the normal circus tents let’s get some red concrete here like I’m gonna have this entire thing built

But that’s not what I’m gonna do instead I’m gonna write an illusion build and by picking something like this which looks like a completely weird illusion I can simply have this built all right beautiful let’s find the center I already give up so if I just select this

And click this button right here oh my what sport here this is Siri oh wait you guys can’t speak cause then everyone else will hear now in the meantime what’s kiply making this has to be our amazing little circus tent all right look if I was to go a little bit closer

The area is kind of small and if she’s trying to win she won’t be slasher’s Creek gonna have some crazy things in here on the other hand lufflers making some sort of square which honestly looks like a tent here we have a circus tent but I can’t light thermax is looking

Pretty crazy a cool little thing I could do with thermite is I can make his build fall down wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what yeah that’s kind of looky that is so natural it’s been the meantime I’ve come back to

This and they’ve already made like the first illusion what look at these guys this building what the world is this okay why does it kind of look like a cake is there a way to mute these guys because I don’t want anyone else to hear this either way it seems like they built

A house is Kipling up too well it seems like they’re completely doing because they disappeared and if I’m not mistaken that’s the illusion right there it looks like a house that’s completely built but it’s completely broken apart which is the cool thing about this okay I’m not

Gonna lie this ain’t itchy but since they’ve completely disappeared that means I can make a new one and the illusion is only one thing inside a circus now if someone that iPhones are getting turned it on I think I did a great job with that build I now want the

Inside of a circus and I’m talking something like this luckily I don’t think anyone’s peeking over so I need to be fast I could just click this button all right there we go and just like that the phone’s disappeared and my series are back everyone’s so suspicious I

Can’t have everyone mad at me though if I can retaliate I know these guys will make the middle bit of the actual thing I wonder how they’re gonna create this because this one was pretty good so far although I can’t like I don’t really like this grass so I might honestly

Break all this and I look so much better now I haven’t actually checked from Kipling in a while and it seems like she’s completed an entire tent is thermite building a ferris wheel that’s crazy so if I was to actually check up on this I feel like there’s not enough

Stability in here I’m just gonna leave a sign saying no Foundation needs fixing luffler okay she I thought she was about to notice me I can’t lie boom boom boom I think it’s looking sick so far I didn’t tie a bill has collapsed no no the whole roof and everything man

This is ridiculous no Foundation needs fixing luffler as she’s seen the sign meaning I should kind of head back okay I now have the clown tent and a clown well I’ll show you who’s a Clown Buddy well they’re kind of doing a great job I can’t lie yep that’s what you get whoa

No I look away for a second and Loveless builds completely gone the clown gives me that idea for the next build but in the meantime they’re still working on this so I’m gonna add some Oak planks because I’m gonna use my entire plot for my circus Ferris wheel is looking

Actually really good they’re gonna they’re gonna stand no chance if I get this thing done right well at least kipley looks like she’s fixed hers now time to add just a little flag you know what I mean just a little flag up here

If I make my way over to the my side got a nice little Ferris wheel but he has no customers so I’m gonna help you a little bit by spawning a bunch of creepers stop blowing up what is going on I think he’s gonna realize this Kipling’s been in

Steel but in the meantime these guys have completely finished okay I think they’re making a 10 inside a 10 which is crazy but if I was to go inside wow okay this circus is already looking insane and just when I thought one clown was not enough but this one is this is

Looking good so this building’s gonna be the main event with outside first having an illusion and I’m thinking over here I have a bit of a game room but I have no place for my iPhone other than right here boom look at that flag all right beautiful circus 10 it’s finally done

And on the phone’s back here I’m gonna search games room circus but I’m honestly thinking somewhat Western like this I wonder what Kipling’s doing sometimes I feel like it’d be Sandstone at the top you know what I mean so I could just click this button I now have

Another Siri added to the collection oh wait is this guy booked where’s he looking I don’t know but your your entire job is to make a game room right here he’s already up to the job meaning now I have four Series this is interesting thing that’s for sure okay I

Can’t lie Loveless is looking insane the clown is finished so I’m literally gonna steal his build and paste it right there well the one thing the Bots can’t add it are villagers so in the meantime I might as well add some customers over here now going back inside kipley’s side there we

Go all right they’re all walking the tightropes you know I need some inspiration and instantly I’ve got some Tyro which is a really cool idea and I think this is completely done I’m gonna summon the phone back here and now that our phone’s back again all I need to

Search is tightrope circus and apple completely delivers this now generally don’t think it’s too hard but I want that guy in particular so by clicking this button it should work unlike that we have a new Siri and now your job is to make a tight room room time to get

Revenge there’s so many series around I’m confused one two three and then let’s set up a redstone thing all right run run run it’s shooting Fireballs no there’s way too many I’ve lost track I’ve just checked over and keep please and I just been building my clown well I

Don’t know if Kipling and look for are teaming but I’m gonna go over here they start in making it believe I was like yeah well as soon as on the game room is about to be finished hey yo what else do they have let’s steal some ideas that

Might what am I looking at what else can we add it is the best build on your plot right now okay your clown is pretty cool but stop well your place does look really cool but now there’s only three minutes left I do like that Ferris wheel

Are you trying to peek too he’s just pushed me out of the way all right this is the upside down man but I’m running out of spaces of where I could actually put this phone what if I just paste it right here and the next thing for Siri

To work on I just want a simple Ferris wheel like this which honestly looks pretty amazing it seems kind of simple and some of that can actually be built and that’s something that should actually be created so by clicking this button oh and my knife Theory your job

Now is like a ferris wheel right there now that Siri is gonna do with that I think my circus is looking really good they somehow did Redstone what is this all right we got three minutes left and our place is looking a little stale so let’s decorate the inside but I checked

Back up on the ferris wheel and yo this is crazy I want to create something else before time’s up if I check one kid please wear it up thermite let me see 500 Undead man upside down man and mermaid I’m gonna summon the phone one more time look at this amazing build

Would you guys come to this circus now this series is gonna go work on the weird attractions okay hit and run this is the Run Part oh well that’s not good who was that in the meantime though I do feel like something’s missing and there’s only a minute left so anything

Fast but the weird attractions are almost completely done I wonder what’s gonna be in each one of those I never checked what was actually inside that watch them spin cost one Diamond do they actually spin though wait they do how was quiff doing over there wait that’s

My freaking thing are you kidding me are you hold up I’m leaving I have no idea how he made that but now there’s only 30 seconds left any last minute change that can add I don’t think so just gotta get rid of that real quick hello uh someone

Blew my build for no on hey yo did you blow my build no what was that my Ferris wheel has been annihilated I don’t know who did this I’ve legitimately been sabotaged by someone but the time’s up now but now we have to be in the middle

So we could vote for the best circus all right come this way to the Kipling circus we got some things for sale all right if you guys care to purchase anything wait what are you selling we’re selling an undead man yep 500 for this boy right here this way into our circus

Tent take your take your seats we have some tight rope Walkers oh my gosh yo this is sick oh it’s called tightrope Walker all right so all of you will need your most prized possession if it falls on you the attack the Titan thing just claps on me yeah

Wasn’t you all right let’s uh let’s make a donation to The Soul well and now step up thermites and receive your fortune you will subscribe there’s a great void sucking your energy oh wow not a great Fortune I kind of like this though I’ll give this like other than the tank

Collapsing I give this a nine yeah I like nine two Nine’s a pretty good number I think I’ll go over nine as well it’s pretty good kipley got 27 out 30. come on over to my clown circus okay we have two clowns I gave up so I turn to

Clowns this is the one holding the balloon and this is the angry clown do not I respect it there’s there’s no attraction though yeah the tent’s kind of empty well the floor I hate to YouTube I think this is uh for the clown alone I’ll give it a seven yeah I’m

Going I’m gonna go six with the clown the Clown’s actually really good I’m gonna go six as well gone 19 R30 the carnival is in town and with every Carnival there is a circus so I mean obviously the ferris wheel is over there it’s a very beautiful attraction we have

The hoglands on the circus balls right over here oh yo wait oh they are spinning honestly this is amazing I like the little tent I like the ferris wheel I’ll give it 9 out of 10. I love the little circus tent with the little spinny boys I’m gonna go nine as well

I’m gonna give you a seven so I might got 25 out of 30. well we first start from here the clown circus wow that looks very uh I I wonder who stole it from me but it’s fine you know you walk in we have a tie rope over here with one

Villager but the cool thing is if he actually falls unlike kipley’s he actually survive oh boo survival after you guys have had a little bit of fun here we head over to the arcade area it’s like that it’s a wicking arcade machine area the Panthers and then once you guys have had enough

Go inside for the main attraction and that’s my circus complete yeah I think I’m gonna give it a 10. I’m going with a 10. they’ll lose there are so many different attractions so you gotta go 10. I was gonna go 10 but the the broken Ferris wheel is really thrown me off

Over here 9.5 I’ll take that me and I got 29 off 50 and my phone was working monster all right we’re 15 minutes to make a monster good luck and we have this which is essentially a giant crafting table and just to show you what

Happens if I was to place a block inside it’ll go like that and now I’m gonna build some adjust by crafting um okay how do I make a monster I don’t know about you guys but when I think monster I think Monsters Inc I’m gonna

Get all the concrete I can and I’m gonna start crafting oh someone like that could work for now and maybe I add a bit more spikes like this I mean so far it’s not looking too bad just to make it even better make this the mouth and it kind

Of does look like a dragon’s head but hey yo what’s Skizzy doing oh yeah and then we could go ahead and make him a mouth I think it’s time now to make a bit of the body though someone like this could work just really can’t look weird

I’m gonna make the arms it doesn’t look too bad that helps bro okay but honestly he’s a little too round slime I don’t know who just did that but it kind of It kind of fits the bill I do need some white concrete for the clothes

It looks kind of good I think I fill out the body now and if I click this button and this is what it looks like it’s got the yellow eyes I’ve made perfect clear and we’re free he doesn’t even know it’s me let’s go but this is also very big

Which doesn’t really think I shouldn’t have made it like this but compare this craft to the Hologram so far it’s even done my lightning which I put right here but I’m gonna wait till I finish my entire craft until I spawn it in but hey yo what’s kipley building yeah there we

Go okay that looks a nice little Mike Wazowski but one cool thing I’m gonna do is place all this here play science kids he was here no no and oh my queen she’s realized she’s here oh and she saw the sign we’re just gonna go ahead and check up on the

Other players oh okay I am here I am here oh no you’re not don’t do it Ghibli no Sky you’re stupid pull it up over on sources aside let’s make the head with one more layer he’s making a Wither so I do have an idea which I’m gonna build right here which

Is first make this which are like the kind of the outline of where the feet are gonna be are you guys impressed with this craft so far because yo it doesn’t look too bad right now it doesn’t look like a dragon at all but hey what did I

Miss on Kimberly side right at the eyeball go go go go go go go go I do kind of need to make the wings here fill it all up because I do want yellow wings you know that kind of does work so if I do

The same thing on this side go all the way to the edge then add the wings coming down but it still doesn’t look like a dragon get this build looks kind of crazy all right gergis we can fix your head I I swear honestly I might be

Going overboard here but I’m gonna give it like a decently big tail this could kind of work right yeah I think my craft is done and honestly I’m pretty proud of it so once I click this button yo this is too big what have I done wait why

Does it come in is it the crafting table’s gone wait this is really bad I’m Coming For You Skizzy uh wait it kind of goes over the board yep get rolled okay and then quickly hey yo why is kipli’s ugly stupid monster on my side those guys are fighting give her the evidence

Really this is my monster no this is my son okay perfect time to fix this up yo I’m gonna get caught out I’m gonna get caught cheating first round okay and I think this is inside the line at least perfect although it’s kind of on her side but it doesn’t really matter but

Seriously what did I actually miss don’t worry gergis I’m here to save you why is kitties build on kiplies what’s going on gergis is literally back that is cool these guys cheating they’re willing to do anything to beat me including cheating but there’s only three minutes left three minutes

Monster’s basically done I think the problem is how big I made the tail slash slash peace oh oh my gosh what what break inside here and add a bunch of TNT imma grab some bones and place them like that Kimberly why are you stealing sourceless’s design no no I was

Just about to yell at him for copy and pasting and ruining my build what exactly is going on here what is happening in this Bilbo I hate to do this but just so I don’t get disqualified I can’t need to remove your head like that kind of works I was so

Proud of the head and I’ve got no time there’s only one minute one minute okay oh there’s only one minute left we gotta hurry I’ll make a small face right now I don’t know if that works I’m bad I’ve messed this up completely it’s I think

It’s gonna do the job that’s a dragon horn right there that’s another Dragon horn he looks kind of weird what if I just go in invis or big kid please entire build casually paste it on this side oh yeah this is perfect this is so perfect and the time soap meaning we all

Had to meet in the middle to vote for the best build all right come look at my wonderful slime monster Bill can’t believe this is my son bro wait this looks kind of sick no his name is slimy wait what’s inside whoa he’s a mouth you can go through you psychopath guys

Listen if I if I didn’t build this how would I know that gergis’s heart is full of TNT how would I know that [Applause] oh yo honestly okay I don’t know whose is I really like a lot of the detail he’s putting it so I’m gonna give it a a a

Towel ten a 7 out of 10 for just originality this is my so I give it a 0 . hello to the Wither and what appears to be a slime wait what is going on yo this is you just copied Kipling it’s gurgis again it would seem gergus from

Kipley’s came over to attack mine for the Wither I’d give her a seven for the Slime I’d give it it’s copied you’re gonna get five out of ten uh yeah you stole my son so this is gonna be a zero out of ten for me pal all right actually

The Wither is super sick I I actually do give this a 6 out of ten seven okay you know what not too bad and now we were on to skidzies all right guys this is the original gergis if we go ahead and uh come inside here you can actually since

He is a monster sometimes if you if you love something you have to tell it oh there is you could slay the monster yo zero out of ten for you buddy I don’t know who copied who but you know what like I said we saw kipley’s first so I

Think kipley’s was the original one three out of ten I’m gonna have to give you a four and skins he got seven out of 30. meaning we’re on to mine and this one’s my build what bro what is this is this his face yeah I didn’t have time to

Finish the actual build oh my gosh dude why are you smirking like that bro and as you can see it’s actually in the line so it’s completely fine he’s like a failed experiment of a dragon I don’t like being stared at like this I have to

Give it a eight yeah this is actually pretty sick I mean it looks really realistic but yeah the head bro it’s kind of pancake mode so it’s gonna be a seven out of 10 for me bro I’m probably I’m gonna give you a nine but my bill

Got 24 out of 30 meaning they had no idea I was cheating futuristic house all right with 15 minutes to make a futuristic house go go go go go go go if I do copy I’m able to take any picture off the Internet and make it into my

Build and there’s so many houses to choose from I can’t can copy something like this or even something like this but this one looks pretty good if I drag this inside and it’s right here and right behind it is the actual build which does look pretty nice but let me

Go inside it’s kind of small I don’t know if I want this but compared to the picture it looks exactly the same now you guys know how this mod exactly works but skitzy what are you building all right this this looks pretty futuristic right yeah it does look cool and over on

The SB side his is hovering yo this is safe how did he make this we go ahead and we put hay bales down here then campfires on top and carpetable now as much as this build is cool goodbye yeah that isn’t really gonna work but are there any other pictures that are cool

Yo but this is kind of sick and there we go but what is this this looks really futuristic but the build is way too big I guess this is my entrance but where exactly is my house I don’t think they’ve noticed yes okay this is something this is cool and all but

There’s nothing inside please tell me this build there’s literally nothing I might need to get to work but I need to buy some time so let me quickly sabotage someone’s build yo skiddy this is crazy I do like his design but from his area you can see my build buddy I need to

Make you look down and to do that I gotta get rid of your son yo where did all the sand on my Island go so while you’re freaking out fixing that what it’s all filling up with water SP I’m coming to help you I need to add bed

Painting and a filter but I’ma grab a creeper there we go what the heck is going on here I was just trying to give you a job sir and the house has been blown up my life this is I need to block this up a creeper just blew up and it’s

Kind of looking but I can now start fixing my build I don’t want to get disqualified so here’s the lion and half the build’s already gone at least it’s in the lines now and there’s five minutes left oh no we only have five minutes left five minutes left I’ve got

My butler there we go okay five minutes to fix this uh I guess this is gonna be my main area SP had a bunch of chat so I’m gonna add those around this area someone like this I’m gonna place a bed right here and yo it’s starting to look

Good over on here will be armor stands equipped with the best gear in Minecraft diamond gear but the house is still kind of empty but I remember sb7 placing Villages so let me quickly add a civilization here I haven’t checked on zetro well his house is definitely tinier um brother

Where where exactly is your entrance there’s no entrance to this entire house imma just have to break in inside there’s really nothing yeah this is a two out of ten on skidzy I need some inspiration this is so ugly he hasn’t done the inside either well one thing

The future needs is a bunch of diamonds someone like this oop I could make use of this because I’m gonna build my own little ecosystem three minutes left oh no only three minutes left there’ll be a bunch of cows here same with pigs I’m gonna grow my own tree there we go I

Don’t think you guys will want a bit of water here yeah the water’s flown exactly how I wanted it perfect and some chicken because I know you guys need chicken make the middle grass yeah yo maybe I do need one more tree like this you’re also gonna have a villager

Forming you constantly and this is the future in a nutshell I do want to add some villagers on top of here I can see sb’s built from here and what exactly is he doing I’m also gonna put armor stands on the outside I think they could look

Quite good so what better way to win than to sabotage his bill imma get some gold does anyone know what I’m spelling there we go who bought this on okay look I’m just trying to build a nice futuristic I was I don’t need this I’ll spell poop okay he’s breaking it there’s

Only one minute left we have to hurry up one minute left so a quick last minute is a beacon you can’t have the future of future where you can oh my bill definitely looks futuristic so I just need to clean this build up and now we’re gonna find out if slash copy

Superior to professional Builders and it’s fully cleaned up I think one Finishing Touch is turning the white wall into gold does it look even slightly better I think it does and I remember Central put a bunch of a lead and these guys might be good for the

Future they do fit the build well it’s safe to say I’m kind of done and perfect timing okay I hope my build’s good enough all right time’s up boys time’s up now we all have to be in the middle and vote for the best build this is my

Build down here as you can see I’ve gone for futuristic hovercraft book houses because I think that’s the future oh this is sick yo this is crazy crazy yo how did you make this it’s it’s hacks it’s all hacks and mobs oh yeah this is

Cool yeah yeah yeah I like this a lot wait you have the parkour to get in dude I thought my house is criticized in the past but no not being away into them so now there is oh yeah yeah yeah I like this and inside you got the beds with

The netherrite you’ve got a bullet he’s Rich hey look he’s coming towards me yo this is actually sick I’m gonna give it like an eight out of ten I’ll take that yeah same I’ll give this I’ll give this a solid date this is 10 out of 10 worthy

You have Rockets under your base thank you nobody’s ever given me a 10 out of 10 in life so yeah it means a lot to it with SB going to 20 it was on to the next build all right all right so I was going for a very contemporary look as we

Know we had to build a futuristic base this is actually a boat oh yeah yeah it was originally an island but uh someone on the server here is trolling a little bit we’re so far in the future that global warming is hit and we’re all

Flooded now we need to live on boats uh but there’s nothing inside this base is also branded we have a giant s right here built into the into the architecture oh I never noticed that honestly I’m gonna give it a six out of 10. look at that nine yeah I’m looking

Like you guys have been too generous this is scared of two from me but skins again a 17 out of 30. it was on to zetros all right now the best build of the game are you ready so we all know what a modern house looks like is that

Sure what the heck is this dude okay exactly shulkers can teleport if that’s not futuristic I don’t know what is okay you know what central bro I thought it couldn’t get worse than skidzies I’m giving it a 2 out of ten I’m gonna give it a three I’m gonna be generous this is

A zero out of ten he had the lowest score and it was time for mine this is my build whoa how the heck did you do this in 15 minutes bro I’m telling you this is where you spawn in you know beacons beacons are the source of light in the future this is

Our power station quick this thing is freaking huge dude look at this this is the actual house what how do you even get up here why yeah yeah yeah zero gravity zero gravity in the future ah clever inside we have chests with nothing in because I’m kind of poor

Right now and then you come up here and look at this whoa okay okay how do you I don’t know how do you get around your base though it just doesn’t doesn’t seem right on the inside bro you gotta believe because inside are you in here

Is the ecosystem nine and a half out of ten the only reason it doesn’t get a 10 out of 10 is because it’s so hard to get around yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna go eight and a half out of ten I would have given

This a 12 out of 10 but the interior is just it’s kind of whack so this is this is down to a an eight out of ten okay I’ll take that with my build getting 26 out 30 they had no idea I was cheating see house all right we have 15 minutes

To make a fundy’s house whoa what no all right and I really don’t need to build anything and skins is already started all right I know it doesn’t look like much but this is about to be sick all right now just to show you how super

Paste works if I was to make a single box something like this what is Cliff doing with this little Cobblestone box and then I grab the super Paster I right click Each corner and it’s just super Pace at this from a cobblestone block I really don’t know what this is it must

Have thought I’m making some soft Coliseum but you kind of get a gist this item is variable powered the AO kipley’s house looks pretty good just add in the detailing you know we’ve already mixed in the blocks it’s looking so good so if I go over and invis and copy her build

Well before I leave I can’t do want to burn this because you gotta have this if I’m gonna take it okay that’s enough burning your house fire no if I paste it in oh wait I kind of pissed they open the sky you like burning my house down I’ve been here the

Whole time right now because right now this is her house wait seriously how does she do this in so little time I think she’s kind of cheating she didn’t even get mad she didn’t even get mad at me was it really not her so bad now but either way if I grab this

Corner and this one and super piece is activating yo what is this what take them to the house is pull that house on top of a ship wait a second yo it’s completely read on the inside and it’s got multiple layers to this area well is there anything inside here there isn’t

But yo this looks cozy and if I’m gonna be real looks really fancy like oh no why is this kind of going over the edge but hey yo what’s skitzy making oh wait this looks sick if Skizzy looks up you’ll see my build so I’m gonna go over

To Eve’s side a little higher yo your house is kind of cool bubble grab some TNT a nice little pressure plate this isn’t anything personal I just need you to distract skiddly for a little bit chest by Skid Z I’m gonna play some chess wait she’s going in Chess By

Skizzy yeah I think she kind of realized it was kids eat I’m not rebuilding that kids you better get it she’s going over this is perfect hey please please stop stop stop don’t do it don’t do it no no don’t do it I did not blow up your base yes you did it

Was a Sign by you it said chess by skin yeah they’re kind of arguing so let me go up with a little bit of a bind it’s definitely okay he didn’t realize wait yeah look there’s literally TNT right here on the floor because why have they

Going over to Kimberly side wait yeah it was definitely kipley okay in the meantime it does give me time to just break this real quick there we go lit on fire and I didn’t blow up anything I just lit on fire but then I helped you put it out luckily the Wing’s

Not over the edge oh but these ones kind of all and just like that’s kind of been fixed wait is he going back to his base whoa wait she did blow up my house I want those two still doing that it wasn’t me so I beat it was either Skizzy

Or Cliff well either way I don’t know what else I can add to this because the silver pasted everything although maybe the flags at the top oh Avis has gone back to her side I just copied her whole house although yeah I kind of feel bad what’s Abe’s doing she’s sabotaging her

Own house I just copy and pasted kipley’s whole house I think I’m gonna bait Eve by first going over to kipley’s side and make it a trail of TNT now if I blow this up no oh it started look at this there’s a there’s a line oh this is my house now

That kid please go there oh say goodbye to your house it’s a copied house cause it’s completely gone yeah this might be a little too good what did you do what did I do what’d you mean no no no no no man I was with skinsy and Ames was over

There and then my house is gone yeah I have no idea I’m kind of building my house why why am I the only one getting messed with huh why do you get to build some beautiful amazing nice house and I get blown up huh what’s up with that man

I have no idea fine man I’ll leave you alone there we go hey oh wait wait he’s trying to jump out one minute left all right people we moving we move fast come on just to keep him distracted a little bit you know um what’s happening to my

Face hey yo hey yo yo yo who’s here who is here paste now just to erase my former build come on we have like 30 seconds left people we gotta move we’ll have someone dude times up who time’s up oh time is up yeah time’s up I got it I

Got it buddy I got it but now we’re at the me in the middle and vote for the best build all right guys let me show you the uh the best fantasy house in the whole entire server all right yeah so this is a skidzy residence and uh it’s probably the best

Fantasy house you’ve ever seen so uh we’ll just come right this way I don’t know what type of fancy house this actually is yeah I was gonna say that it looks a little modern not fantasy I think you think of things whoa what like fiction you know like Harry Potter or

Hobbit no medieval oh because I probably have this house in Real Life Studio cake yeah so uh this is my living room we got the uh the 400 inch TV here what is this oh yeah this is where this is where we all sleep at night it’s I mean it’s a kind

Of a nice house cat Kipling are you beating up my children no why are you beating up my children all right you know this is kind of sick I’m gonna give it uh a 7 out of ten I would have given this like an eight but it’s just it’s just not what I

Thought of for Fantasy house you know it feels a bit off-prompt so I’m gonna go a five I have to give you a six skitzy got 18 out of 30. and it was time for eeves look at this WOW wait I feel like I’ve seen this before no you actually haven’t

Seen this before because I just built it right now so let’s go inside we have a whole Library it’s Joe this is yeah I mean the books I like them we got a enchantment table down here oh this is sick y’all didn’t think about this I thought of it myself what a coincidence

Why is that a piece of TNT whoa wait what is this I’ll give this like a 8 out of ten um yeah honestly I really like this a lot um but honestly this is definitely eight out of ten for sure I’m have to go with the a zero oh what zero yeah I

Don’t know I just I just feel like you know it’s not that original Abe’s got 60 now 30 and it was time for kiply I wasn’t able to fully finish it right but uh what hey yo this is insane yeah I wonder who built this yeah

Yeah like a little study room back here a little office can’t believe this is nuts hey I don’t remember this being in my area I ain’t call him a lie wait was this always in my business okay yeah I think this is a 10 out of 10 though this

Is actually crazy yeah yeah okay yeah I’m gonna give you a zero out of ten I remember what you rated my building I’m gonna have to give you a four ghiblical 14 out of 30 and it was time for mine and this is my bill mine it’s a flying

House it’s it’s on its ship but now you see why I give kiply zero she stole my house oh my God she did steal your house whoa wait yeah it’s the same it’s the same ninja star but mine actually goes in the ship hers was just pasted no no I

Mean take a look at the though why why is this so unfinished was there some copying errors you blew it up whoa there’s a little claw machine thing you have a boat you come down here and boom you know what even though you’ve accused

Me of some things this is uh this is a 10 out of 10 my guy you also have your own flying little Jet Machine dude this is actually insane bro so cool I’m gonna have to give you a 10 out of 10 as well dude yeah this is definitely 10 out of

10 material right here bro that’s perfect my build got 30 or 30. and they had no idea I was cheating it’s a scary house all right we have 15 minutes to make a scary house good luck guys go and there we go now I’m gonna become an

Artist you guys may not know this but I’m actually the king of scary houses just to show you what I mean if I was to quickly draw this it looks pretty horrendous but it’s supposed to be a church well you can’t understand it this is my drawing and that’s the actual

Build but I don’t think I’m gonna use this so say goodbye what is kipley doing all right we got a spooky floor going on look at it it’s all glowy all right wait kipley’s up there all right I got my block power let’s see what everyone else

Is doing huh which means if I just bump into invis and head over to rage’s side I want to just judge wanna take a little peek he’s already peeking over the wall oh look at this dude using world edit okay and I really have no idea what he’s

Building rage’s house what is going on either way I’m grabbing some TNT make a little area over here some Redstone and then this would be the roof oh well he’s gonna fall up dude hey I want to destroy this build look what he tried to do this

Only helps and if he falls it all the way over here he tried to cheat but they they can only make it better do the exact same thing on security side okay honestly I think I might just add some stairs here to give it a little bit of

Flare what yeah I think he’s gonna realize that was rage oh what do you know uh I don’t think you’re supposed to be over here I’m constructing a pool actually let me let me make your pool let me make your pool a little bigger for you oh thank you you know what they

Say everybody loves a big pool did you seriously just screw up you blew up my side of the map but keep that your area looks really cool it’s looking pretty good don’t you think and it gives me an idea first I get rid of you instantly

I’m feeling some sort of like black red paste oh yeah someone like this could look cool well this looks cool so far and I have an idea I want a scary hand holding my house instantly I want some bread that will honestly go like around

Here I want to say so that’s gonna be the body and the hand’s gonna be right here now I need to make this look really detailed so how does this look so far it doesn’t really look bought well honestly it doesn’t work that bad this is kind of

What I was going for AKA this kind of looks like a slug but what is Rage building I’m the straight shooter all these other people are like cheaters who blow up stuff well I’m gonna quickly pop into invis and Skizzy is doing something so I’m invisible right now and we are

Gonna steal this build can’t believe your house was kind of cool but it’s a shame if I grab some TNT and put pressure plates right there interior oh she just walked in oh no pressure points yeah oh no no I saw it man I was just too houses yeah

Yeah oh my okay it looks like there is a little bit of damage wait a second I think I just saw someone but we’re just gonna go ahead and paste in my build there we go why is skizzy’s build also here all right and now we take out her

Build okay there we go that must go hello oh well get please build’s completely gone but this kind of gives me an idea now if I make a neck right here I’m honestly gonna make the face Brown and just to make it even more crazy odd two horns like that now this

Looks pretty good and yo wait well I made this guy into a Transformer does it even look evil well there’s only three minutes left oh my gosh guys we only have three minutes three minutes left yes sir now I Envision him holding some sort of globe but I’m gonna need to pop

Into invis because I can get some inspiration from here what are wardens even made out of what’s the what’s the other block they use huh besides the skulk but can’t believe what happened to your base oh I can kind of see Skizzy shrub stole it wow this actually looks

Really good but I do like the whole Cathedral looking area but kiplier skins you are both cheating meaning they’ll do anything to try and beat me whereas poor rage I think he’s actually playing legit and then click this I don’t think rage is gonna understand what just happened

Now I think I’ve perfected the awful what on Earth just happened because I’m gonna undo this now what the heck was that and it clearly looks like rage just messed up rage what the heck happened I feel like we’ve increased the property value and while rage is distracting

Skidzy I’m gonna grab a flint and steal ah this is where you get for slim from Kipling your entire thing is gonna burn wrong wood this doesn’t burn I’m out of here but Kip is also making a monster too yeah the one monster looking guy okay either way ID is very simple I’ll

Do a light gray for the globe I’ll add a black flow Windows right there honestly that doesn’t look too bad and that’s why it’s actually built which honestly looks really cool I see gonna replace it there we go and we’re gonna replace that yes it’s working can’t believe what’s going on with your

Build effect clear yo yo yo she just clean she just clicked she just cleared it was your s oh no rage she cleared all the effects oh yeah yeah now I see you guys huh rage drink this we gotta go yeah this is this is pretty cool it’s a scary house another rock

It’s really cool but I also want to change it honestly I think I’ve made this really cool and time’s up okay I don’t think there’s anything else I can do now we have to meet in the middle to vote for the scariest build all right

Fellas come on to this side all right I can’t believe why is there like King Kong on on like what is it it looks like a meatball monster yeah what is this it’s glob monster all right kinda kind of Ward me with his ribs out and you know

Being blind and all that why is it sun on the buck let’s let’s wait from the desert he’s he’s had a long trip bro this looks like something I would crawl out of the toilet just come look at the house people okay yo I like this house though yeah this yeah

Um you know it’s been taken over by the skulk and cobwebs and all that oh yo wait yeah like a scary abandoned house but little do you know this is this Alpha people this is where it started all right follow me oh yo wait a second Dr glutenberg the start of the warden

Curse I really like this I’m gonna give it like an 8 out of 10. I think this is a seven out of ten yo I’ll take a seven I’ll take a seven ah I gotta say like a 6.5 Kipling got 21 out of 30. meaning it

Was time for Skizzy all right guys just break through this wall right here if you want to see the best build of your entire lives oh yo you see one of these in your what is inside so you open the door there’s cake look but then there’s

Trap doors oh no ah there’s a monster in the basement I’ve I’ve Been Kissed pretty scary right I’ll give that five out of 10. I’m gonna have to go with like a six I’m gonna give this a nine out of ten excuse me got 21 out of 30.

Meaning it was time for rage okay guys if you’ll come this way we gotta just make it by the beachfront over here and then we come over and I took a little bit of a different take on scary okay what is this it’s a pit of angry turt

Boys and this is the scary house what is the block palette why see see so it it Taps into that Primal feeling that something is just wrong right it’s asymmetrical none of the blocks match I don’t know about that but yeah it makes me feel weird I don’t like

This benefit I’ll give us a six out of ten I gotta give this a 5 out of ten man I I’m gonna give you an eight rage gone 19 or 30. many were on to mine what what okay listen I took a different take with a scary house instead holy cow he’s

Actually come off the ground I asked for a scary house and he just came out of the ground and look where he’s got the top yo this house is crazy look at the glass how did you place these you made Slugma from Pokemon you’re hanging on

The demon he looks like a slug slightly that’s what I’m saying but that’s okay I like Bob a lot and uh this is actually a 10 out of 10. I will take it I’m gonna give this an 8 out of 10 for for for the

Slugma this is a 10 out of 10 from me yeah that’s what I like to hear with my built getting 29 out of 30 they had no idea I was cheating tiny base 15 minutes to make a tiny base go go go go go go go

Go go and since I could go to the tiniest of sizes this is the easiest build for me I think I might use this block for the actual build No One’s Gonna suspect this tiny base but I need inspiration so let me go check on liger

I should know that’s still big we have to make it even Tanya okay Liga what you’re building what is that just like that we have a very very very very very tiny base what exactly is in here why does he make the worst builds liger just

For that I’m gonna grab a foot and steal this was Kipling wasn’t it this was Kipling wasn’t it why would you blow up my face what’s wrong with you take this I’m not building anymore like a lift well his base is kind of gone did he

Just Rage Quit oh my God his base is blown up I didn’t do that but I’m gonna tell them three minutes remaining and just like that this house has gone from a two to a ten okay I need I need stuff in the inside that’s one chest and

That’s two chests Loki house looks fire let me break this glass one area of the glass spoon and that’s Terraria how is everyone else looking look at this base this is so cool tiniest house ever and with the time now done it was time to vote for

The best build while we’re missing a player but who wants to go first follow me to my humble abode all right so you got a cute little Pond a little mailbox but this is the house okay we got all your Essentials this is the door oh yo

This is sick I’m gonna give it a 5 out of ten yeah I’m not gonna lie 9 out of ten for the 17 out of 30 her build was looking amazing and it was time for lufflers tiny house but not too tiny because I’m cosmaphobic never write

Armor I I like it but it’s more like a secret base all right you know what I’m gonna give it I’m gonna six out of ten yeah I’ll give it like a seven with lovely getting a 13 out 30. he was in last place wait what this is my tiny

House that literally a tiny house exactly it looks amazing right you were the one with the tiny skyscraper weren’t you wait you shrugged us yo this is my base look at it look how amazing this looks how did you shrink us down this is cheap cheating this is the best tiny

Base sorry Kimberly but it’s a 10. with my build getting 10 files now 30 I broke the skill and I was the complete winner of this competition anime battle okay good luck guys oh this is gonna be hard how am I supposed to build this another

Back here time to spawn the phone back in now the phone is back and we have Google right here for my first anime character I’m gonna go with a simple Luffy I think his name is the Dominator of the universe like this looks sick but who exactly is it gonna be versing well

First of all I kind of need to make Luffy and just like that my series are back all right now we have our wall gun Titan that’s right people in the meantime five people over at Kipling side okay I don’t know what she’s making

So I need to go closer and it seems like a giant wall and I already know she’s being on a Titan from Attack on Titan guys right there he’s looking cute all right but that ain’t no Titan that just looks completely weird whereas lovely is

I have no idea what he’s making okay I have a rough idea but at the same time it does look kind of cool if I check up on thermite he’s made like a death star why are you moving I gave you no AI he’s just fighting he’s flying a Pillager if

I check back on my butts they’re looking crazy they’ve already started to make Luffy why is Luffy look weird I don’t even know but they’ve already gone very big I don’t know if I wanted it to be this big at all because my legs alone are bigger than Kipling’s entire wall

Something like um what can we use let’s just use netherrite yeah this might have not been a really good idea but wait a second I think I understand what level is making is he also making Luffy if I just open up this wall I can shoot Fireballs at him yo what’s going on

Although I don’t think he did a bit of damage it was firing stuff and why why is he blocking the wall with that why is there a hole in my in our wall and why is there firewalls flying through from your side I didn’t do that

Did I just make them team okay so if it wasn’t me and it wasn’t you last round who was it no I’m actually sabotaging but why have I come back to okay you know what let’s let’s go up there Mike huh they’ve already built like a giant

Luffy without without the head though I think they’re still making the head what are they doing to thermite poor thermite no no no no no I see the TNT no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no this is genuinely actually really big bigger than I would have liked it I can’t lie but at the same time it looks insane they really have a weird block palette going but compare my Luffy to lufflers I’ve definitely won but

Slasher’s great might be a little bit too powerful because hey oh wait never mind what is that head what is that head what head are you making bro what is this what type of Luffy are you making boom he’s got an ear now he’s he looks

Like it’s a parasite okay I kind of want those guys to fix that I’m gonna be very very upset if that is the actual head ah you know what moons have craters anyways we’re fine we’re we’re unaffected Oh I thought these guys were trolling me but yeah what’s wrong with his eyes but

Either way I I kind of need another build so let me just summon the phone right here and for who exactly he’s gonna be fighting a straps is gonna be Goku and I’m talking about this Goku right here now I wonder what Kipling’s doing but by clicking this button oh God

Okay you know his face looks a bit strange I won’t lie I wish you the best of the look and I hopefully you don’t I think you might need to make as big as that I don’t even know but good look why am I why am I talking to a bot this

Guy’s an actual AI I’m so stupid well now there’s two minutes left wait a second oh my yo okay it’s completely over the line and at this point I do not even care this is actually insane he’s making food hey the moon where’s our guy did

They kill him of course they killed him yo that actually doesn’t look too bad it looks like he’s about to hit him with some orb now see I have never watched Dragon Ball but I have watched one piece and I hit say Goku with Club Luffy is

What in the world I get blamed for everything in this game I’m just minding my own business building my cute little city well at least I know my competition as a kiply because she’s making some weird looking Power Ranger that ain’t no Titan I still have no idea what therma’s

Making it looks like a bunch of Lego blocks think I will be going in invis though just to get close look at what Therma is actually doing and I seriously have no idea Buffalo why are there two Luffy’s why a Loof why is Luffy fighting

Each other I think what I can do though I think I’m gonna paste this put that there what is going on whoa no I have absolutely no idea I just saw some explosions nothing hit me so I just kind of moved on from it and now remove all

The evidence from kipley’s and she has no idea it was even her yeah well at least when I came back the head’s actually done I don’t know why they made the skin our end Stone I’m not gonna question it but you know we have a Goku vs Luffy fight I don’t think that’s

One of the best anime battles I’d love to see okay what very much over the line though and I don’t want to call him in half but he’s judging from his face it still already looks very odd why has kipley put a village here should I be concerned since

Skipper decided to add some Village over to my side I’m gonna make a guy pink concrete yeah yeah the way I think we’re good there’s nothing I really need to add if anything what’s this block why terracotta how does that look that honestly looks so much better they look semi-like normal

Human while he looks human used to look like a boss and I think that’s because of sandstones if I do this oh my now you look so good but the time’s not up meaning we had to meet in the middle all right follow me this way so as you can

See we have a normal village you know it has a giant wallet bound there’s a Titan yo yeah we got Attack on Titan here this is their Village as you can see these is this is Aaron right here yeah yeah no eyes nothing like just like him yeah

Yeah no exact replica actually yo not sick don’t look too closely at his body please hey yo honestly I’ll give this a I’ll give this an eight out of 10. honestly I’m gonna give it a nine this is actually like a really good like execution I think I’m gonna give it six

Kipley got 23 out 30. all right lovely your turn okay come on over but basically I guess you can tell who’s won the battle right yo if this is supposed to be Luffy I’m gonna question my life hey bro come on honestly I like it it’s

Funny you made me laugh I’ll give this a five I’m gonna go six but plus one bonus point for Megan Luffy beat Naruto so seven hey okay okay and as you can see the uh the enemy is currently invisible yeah yes the Dominator of the universe and he has

Just punched me up to the Moon oh okay but you know me being one punch man as I am I can just land on the moon effortlessly and hop back down and land and take a take him oh I’m gonna give it an eight them I got 23

Out 30. ah this is mine oh this is now this is probably a fight that everyone would like to see we have Luffy vs Goku this makes minor like Luffy from Walmart bro like they got nothing on one punch man oh yeah well this is my fight I gotta go

10. I think I’m gonna score this one at 10 you know I’m not gonna lie because his foot’s outside the line I’ma drop it to a 10. and I won using a simple phone slash craze op and these guys are idiots Bob battle okay we have 15 let’s make a

Mobile good luck and the crafting table’s back time to grab all this concrete I already know what I’m kind of gonna do what I’m gonna make is a fishbowl if that kind of makes sense to you I think I’m doing a good job at least I hope I don’t know if I’ve made

That guy too big so far we’ll find out and we’ll definitely find out but yo that’s gonna be his mouth I do want him to have a bit of teeth that come out like this yeah also very much a giant eyeball it kind of looks like a mongoose

What’s skitzy building okay honestly I kind of want to build a frog because boys kiply Building all right there’s the first little circle ring it definitely looks like some sort of Ball Ground yeah big big circle all right there we go or a DJ disc and sources is

Making an Enderman next we’re gonna create a giant ghast for it to fight against brother that actually looks kind of sick but they definitely can’t compete with me what add a little bit more detail like this a little bit of tentacles coming out oh yo this looks

Sick I’m pretty proud of this craft and now if I click the balloon oh the fish is right there yo I did a pretty sick job because oh my I think I’ve made him too big like like Cersei I think I’ve made this guy way too big this is

Completely opponed oh but it kind of also added the tentacles which is cool but yeah this is this is a little too extreme yo wait why is it rendered in it’s because I talked too long I don’t think skid these noises yet all right so

And then we have a phantom up here and this is a mob battle okay because we got the Frog and he’s licking the Phantom all right it’s a battle I can’t be so busy making hers and inside this cage will be a fox I honestly don’t know how

I’m gonna get away with this I don’t think I can even fix this the actual thing is so out of bounds how is this even gonna work look how big this actual thing is craft is overpowered so over on kiply side this one is gonna be Iron

Golems versus wardens what even is this this isn’t helping I mean if he is making this I think mine’s believable no it’s really not because I look at skinsies sourceless is popping off again and there’s two minutes left two minutes left oh okay we gotta hurry bro we gotta

Hurry oh we only got two minutes left okay we gotta hurry okay Skizzy I’m gonna kind of get you some loot don’t mind I’m gonna help you real quick I’m making your build amazing hey yo why is there an Enderman in my Arena I don’t think he’s noticed okay honestly I’m not

Even gonna complain it actually does look kind of sick I have an idea that might work okay I got rid of half of it all I need to do to make it look less sauce I need to move this somehow into here oh the wall the wall the wall the

Wall the wall the wall the wall the wall I didn’t fix the wall real quick I think I’ve actually somehow done it the fish looks so weird now I’m a great Builder let me just fix up this fish real quick she had two eyes gonna make

This there we go add some small detail here and what’s kipley doing all right there we go hey yo wait I think this fish works I think this fish works there’s really not more I can really add I can’t even destroy that it’s the last piece of evidence real quick real quick

Okay time’s up guys but now we have to meet the middle to vote for the best build all right guys let me show you the uh coolest mod battle you’ll probably ever see in your whole entire life first up we have this mob right here we’re

Gonna go ahead and enter the back of his head yeah yo this is sick yeah we’re gonna travel down his arm and then this is a food carrier yeah bro the end of a new build was insane I know bro it’s been a really long time working on this

Enderman I really like this and I’m gonna give this a 10 out of 10 skinsy I’m gonna give this an 8 out of 10. I’m gonna have to give you a nine skitzy got a 27 out 30. all right come on oh my gosh oh well you know I

Guess you guys don’t make any money since they both died we got a bunch of wardens versus a bunch of iron golems all right hey yo warden’s gonna win warden’s gonna win easily I went all in yo it’s going down oh there’s only one left oh honestly that was very entertaining I’m

Gonna give it a 10 out of 10. 7 out of 10 5 out of 10 from me Kipling oh that’s a lot about Kimberly got 23 out of 30. now to move on to a proper mob battle yo wait this is kind of sick oh my gosh

Wait this is so cool I’m gonna give it a 7 out of 10. definitely an eight out of ten eight and a half sources got 23 out 30. and this is mine yo dude this is huge yeah I couldn’t finish it at all so

I had to keep it in the actual line bruh you built this in 15 minutes yeah look it’s in the actual line it’s not actually that hard yeah to give this a 9 out of 10 man I think it’s sick I can only imagine what it would look like if

You had more time uh yeah quick I’m I’m a little sus of uh of these little crumbs over here I don’t know man it is a lot to build in 15 minutes I’ve I’ve no eyes oh the arena so it doesn’t count eight out of ten so I am gonna have to

Give it a 8 out of ten with my bill getting 26 out of 30 they still have no idea I was cheap we got scary myth oh yeah 15 minutes to make a scary move good little guys scary myth all right I’m gonna build rage scary myth I’ve whipped out my trusty drawing pad now there’s so build a scat to scare this but AO rage is already building pants are blue I’m gonna make someone call the Strangler but don’t think we’ll be too hard to make if I’m gonna be real someone like this this

Doesn’t look too bad so far because now compare the drawing to this build wait I may have made it too big I just realized it even has a strap which I drew right here but if I pop into invis and check up on Kipling what sort of ghost is this

Maybe we’ll make it a woman I like the idea of it being a woman because then the hair will look cool oh it’s a soul coming out of a soul sun on skidzy’s side is making scary Alex and I want to have it like reaching out and rage poor

Rage what is this what are you building the head I gotta dedicate enough time to the Head though I keep forgetting the head is going to be thicker than the body because we’re like Blockheads in this game I only honestly want you to move this so if I just like this no no

Oh look at that look at what’s happening kipler has a really good chance of winning some Redstone underneath and add some pressure plates no she has no idea what this is why are there pressure plates here wait oh oh my what did she just set off what

Yeah that’s kind of rough I’m in Biz right now what if we just joined Cliff’s build you had the best chance of winning okay so I’m pretty sure if I just do slash Pace but stole my build yo I drew this I’m just gonna grab some TNT hey yo what are you

Doing oh wait kid please blowing up his base too I hope you like a TNT well there’s now three minutes left which means I should draw the rest of this I’ve run out of space which is really bad played too fast since the the bodies don’t know if I just cough a bit

Of the head how does that look what did it build yo this is sick look he’s sucking out all the life force wait who is that running over in invis it’s like a cop in quiff too what is going on I think I get rid of this drawing now

Because it’s completely done well I think this might be the best build because if you’re comparing to kiplies skidzies wait what are they doing you think I don’t say how do you know they didn’t copy me okay what am I missing why that them what is

Going on I was just saying hi to him oh my oh this TNT been placed up on the time zone meaning we now had to meet at the middle my build’s not quite as big as your guys’s but this is Ghost Alina yo she’s the the one in the soul

Stand where you see the souls coming up out of the sand oh yeah that’s what she is yeah I see the souls yo this is like the salsa myth yo this is sick I like it this is a 10 out of 10. this is a 12 out

Of 10. I gotta give it a 10 out of 10. typically got 32 out of 30. all right guys let me show you the scariest myth to ever exist this is uh this is Larry yo yeah honestly you built this yeah dude it took me the whole time bro I

Place every block at 8 out of ten nine out of ten eight out of ten 24 hour 30. why don’t we come on over here two scary Miss wow Rich you really outdid yourself but yo this is even going to build inside yo rage instantly

This is this a 9 out of ten yeah this is awesome man I’m gonna give this a seven I mean so like do you even know the word awesome minions like what okay man nine out of ten what do you want from me this

Is a 12 out of 10. Rage got 30 or 30. yo quiff this is this is pretty sick dude I know right now I’m gonna let you know Skizzy stole it complete from me he’s fully being possessed yo what this guy behind him is crazy look at the glass

And the detail yeah he’s slowly turning the the human’s face into that face as you can see yeah this is this is even better than the last build quiff this is a 11 out of 10 for me okay this is only a six out of ten from me I’m gonna have

To say this one is uh I’m gonna give it a 9.5 out of 10. my bill’s got 150 let’s open up the internet there’s so many cars I can choose from someone like this or even someone like this but I’m gonna choose this wait wait wait never

Mind yeah this might be a little too big because look at the detail on this the car would instantly be noticed and I’d be caught cheating so let me choose this one instead I just need to drag it in and now this should turn into this I

Don’t really expect for these car builds to be too big like why are they so detailed in a way this bill looks really crazy and skidzy we did it come on you can do better than that let’s go ahead in in Loki sneak on everyone else time

To get rid of the evidence and yeah I totally built this but compared to the picture the build looks exactly the same and the inside is so detailed it’s so big I can fit into the cup holder bruh and the engine is even massive the engine alone is bigger than skidsy’s

Build but yeah I’m pretty much done oh my goodness SP what is that oh is she he’s gonna see my build so let me get rid of half it for now yeah yeah I saw him in the corner I could see him right there yo quiff literally has like a

Massive build already how did he literally build this so fast and he’s left let me put the rest of the rest of the car back in I can create a wall think about the belt but it has potential yo this was kind of sick but I’m gonna turn your car into pink I’ll

Leave aside since Kitty was here why is my car gone pink what does this say and over on skiddy’s side SP was here Lightning McQueen should not be pink SB was here yo now though both tried to sabotage each other and poor zetro why is that bro that’s not even a car like

Bro what is this yo this sucks this is a zero out of ten maybe mine’s a little too obvious let me get my good friend and let’s start blowing this car up yeah it can’t do the job I think what are those guys doing over there is that true

We know what you did yes sir yeah how come only half a year is pink only half a year is pink so you’re obviously trying to frame us we can see right through why would I make your cars pink no no it’s because we gave you low

Scores in the last build battle but salty yeah and then the small thing to do was to get rid of the entire plan worked this guy is still a wall stay away from our thoughts but there’s three minutes left I’m gonna try and use the same trick twice ladies and

Gentlemen I’m gonna pretend that my car is smoking SP is now making some progress and skip this still stuck to pixel Artful noise me taking one layer on top of this guy hey yo yo who just who just shaved off the top of Lightning McQueen’s head he hasn’t noticed I has

Enough trolling skinsy let me check up on zetro buddy why is this this can’t be a real thing but wait the course over the line I’ve managed to smush the car together but why does it actually look good I mean there’s no more seats I think this makes it more believable I’m

So smart cheating because now when they see the build they can’t accuse me of cheating I know there’s one minute left either way I’ve kind of won this because compare this build to that kids are built so when the time up we had to meet in the middle and choose the best build

Alright guys come check out my build you know what I like about this one you’ve really pushed the boat out on it yeah yeah so I my my logic was that if I could build a boat I could build a car I mean he’s pink yeah wrong color man no

One’s trolling on the server all right he was originally red um it was it was SB look there’s a sign here if it was me do you think I’d put a sign one of you three that’s why you just destroyed the sign get like a four out of ten I’m

Sorry yeah honestly see I’m kind of disappointed it’s a two out of them for me I’m gonna go five kids are going 11 out of 30. so guys in keeping with the pink car theme but unfortunately having engine trouble yep engine’s smoking oh yeah it’s kind

Of let’s go it is kind of cool well it’s also had a crush so we’ve got a few smash windows so that’s why the back window’s gone okay I’m smart on the floor if it was just the front I’d give it a 10 out of 10. if I had another 10 minutes it

Was I’ll be nice I’ll give it a six out of ten what that’s nothing nice say 6.5 yeah dude I think I’m gonna give this an 8 out of ten I really like this a lot SB got a 20 hour 30. catch out ladies and gentlemen Lightning McQueen in the flesh

I don’t know why a bit of him’s pink we’re just gonna ignore that look he’s got the blue eyes where are the wheels hello okay [Laughter] just needed a button on just because like whales it’s gonna get 10 out of 10. oh let’s go I mean personally I’m I’m going well dude this

Is has to be a 14 out of 10 bro no joke let’s go and Skippy got zero 30 and this is mine whoa whoa what look at these headlights yeah as you can see I didn’t have time to finish it so I don’t have no seats I don’t have really anything

But I did build the engine well no seats that is that is Gonna Knock You down a few points but this is still crazy though look over here actual detail nine out of ten because it’s just massive this is crazy I like that I like the

Shape of everything I’m gonna give it an eight I’m gonna be generous with an eight yeah Cliff this this is pretty insane dude this is a 10 out of 10 from me bro oh my build’s getting 130 I was the winner three house all right go go

Go go okay all right guys if you’re gonna build a tree house the first thing that you’re gonna need is a tree and I have this in my hand which is a build randomizer randomizes any Minecraft build and we’re gonna be using this because any build I now shoot will

Completely change so since we’re making a treehouse let me first make a tree let me make sure no one’s peeking yeah giant tree trunk yeah I have no idea what he’s making but if I now shoot this yo wait what has it built it’s randomize the tree into Patrick okay listen I can’t

Really make a treehouse out of this we’ve done the base look someone’s head on fireworks bro so you’ve kind of all go but it’s not let me shoot zero one charge sabotage are built to get one charge oh no this might be kind of tough

Right I think we just gotta dig out a little room in here maybe I quickly pop into invis I make my way over to Kimberly side I think if I plant new additional ones up here it’ll be better I really don’t want to do this if I

Don’t know how crazy that God goes so goodbye wow my tree trunk who just blow this up oh and it says one I won’t charge no let me leave this area I will remember this okay I don’t know where she’s going Kevin as well I don’t know anymore man I

Just don’t know before she notices my Patrick turned to someone better please look at Skin’s ain’t picking up okay wait why am I hearing fireworks I think it’s coming from luffler’s side look at look at Skizzy picking over the wall it was definitely Skizzy what is this iPhone Patrick goes bad while he’s

Distracted we go fast I know I’ve got a lollipop and even if I make a small house this definitely won’t be a tree house we have to build trees and he has a lollipop all right well it’d be a shame if I drop the TNT down this

Perfect hole you left for me no no why is my tree blowing up all right boys you already know how this goes we are going in Biz I’ve just got Skins are going to Nimbus but this is perfect timing but I’ve got no charge right now five gram of flint and steel

Can I say goodbye to your bill even though it’s kind of a trash tree house you should be able to change the leaves no so no sad now let’s go one charge so I’m gonna kind of leave no no it’s all on fire and now I’m gonna turn you into

Something cooler I think it was quick he definitely saw me go invis until he knew that was a perfect time to strike if this doesn’t turn into a tree house I’m gonna be seriously unlucky oh there he is there he is heyo Skizzy oh hey what’s

Up what’s up what’s that in your hand it was a block why are you here why are you on my side dude you’re sus what is this stupid lollipop and you literally just set mine on fire I know it was you it really wasn’t I’m busy building my

Treehouse oh yeah yeah you’re busy building a lollipop dude it’s Tree House yo why are you roasting my lollipop ah no no no I’m burning your lollipop just like you burnt mine I really didn’t bend anything yeah dude this lollipop is trash see a loser but no one jokes about

This lollipop and since I have one charge what if I was to shoot that what oh my gosh I’m stuck I’m stuck in the ground into this tree house into Suns what in the world is this I’ve got zero charges now but you don’t mean my

Lollipop okay I have to turn this into a Treehouse I I don’t know who this is okay I’m gonna name this guy Kyle well he’s doing with that but I’m kind of missing a chart lovely your bill looks crazy look at this he’s got a whole

Entrance here and I can’t lie this room looks really cool so if I break his armor does that count as a sabotage okay it doesn’t the trails and dreams what don’t look like candies go a little bit more crazy by turning all your leaves into Sky what has happened I think it’s

Gonna be kind of confused bro it’s just not gonna lose you what the heck what is this third time’s the charm build randomizer don’t fail me okay yo I got lucky I managed to actually get a treehouse I’m literally your Barber right now I like your cut G it’s

Definitely on the tiny side but we have an inside a little bedroom and if you check on the top it’s just it’s a nice looking house Amazon going to troll someone else well my tree house is pretty much done but hey yo who is that where’s the entrance so we can place TNT

We’ll first left this area Okay play I kind of want to help you but at the same time I really don’t where’s this oh look at that TNT [Applause] I think I managed to light one TNT are there clusters or sabotage even though I didn’t place it I got free

Randomized and I’m really not gonna trust it with anything although this is kind of small so what if I kind of want to make a separate Treehouse all right now we just gotta build a quick home inside this dude’s haircut I’m randomized okay wait what is this I

Asked for a tree house and for some reason it’s made Boo from Monsters Inc someone ruined my base are you gonna team on quick for me because it’s probably him he’s gonna be a spec ops mission here we go this is you the worst weapon or the best weapon but over on

Skidsy side a war was brewing it needs more it needs more who’s doing this I think we need more yo whoa who sabotaged me everyone decides to frame me so I’d lose the building competition one minute left oh gosh okay this is all up to look

Now I have one charge yo we’ll just have my game just like what is this I I think I just got extremely lucky but time’s now up meaning we had to meet in the middle so we can vote for the best build all right gentleman follow me this way

Yeah what is this we are in a jungle all right where I built my prize Tree House yo this is sick you come right in here all right this is my room my main area got my bed my chests yo filled with diamonds and if you follow me up these

Stairs we have a little uh B Sanctuary yo oh my this is actually so scary why would anyone come up here give you out of here this is kind of cool all right you know what they’re sharp yo skitzy what what are you doing what honestly I think it’s really cool this I

Like the trees I like the whole environment this is like a 8 out of 10. I’ll take an eight I’ll give you a five I give this a nine out of ten can’t play got 22 out 30. meaning it was time for luffler the biggest and best treehouse

You’ll ever see in your life yo wait dude this tree is a unit yo why is it so cube-like with this in my tree bruh I like the staircase with the lanterns okay yo this is kind of nice Revenge I hate bees yo foreign you see this tree right here it’s a unit

And that reminds me of me so yeah it’s a 10 out of 10. uh you kind of blew up your own base so I’m gonna judge it based off of its blown up state so this gets a four little gold 22 out of 50. maybe it was time for skinsy all right

No listen listen so from from the you know when you first look at it it doesn’t really look like a tree house I get it but if we come up here yo he’s out of town to Sons yo his hair turns into a tree house this inside’s sick

Yo and you’re so high up no one can kill you but the coolest part about it is no one even noticed check this out oh a secret room secret vault room yeah yo he’s gonna yeah this is fire honestly this is a 10 out of 10. yeah

They’re not giving us 10 out of 10 this is fire I’d live here in real life skinzi got 29 out of 30. mini goes time for mine wait what what this is my tree house this tree games what wait do the water door that’s so sick and you can choose to either go

Upstairs or downstairs you usually take the elevators but it doesn’t really matter you go down the chest room this is this is not a tree house this is a tree Castle there’s an entrance to each floor on each side the limbs on this thing are huge wait this is so detailed

What still smaller than Sun surprisingly I would live here this is a 10 out of 10. yeah I think I’m gonna have to give this a 10 you know yeah dude this is actually one of the coolest builds I’ve ever seen I can’t lie it’s an 8 out of

Ten my bill got 20 out of 30. and no one realized I was using a build randomizer I was challenged the ultimate build battle you ain’t ground buddy 6 00 but what they don’t know is I’m gonna be cheating with Slash last thing which will summon my brain who can steal

Everyone’s thoughts and then using them he’ll create the ultimate Bill nevermind what’s the first build Museum all right good luck guys good luck everyone and I’m currently on my side if I do slash think I get this full bubble all right Museum this is my bread and butter

People the museum eh and my brain spawns it’s an actual brain I don’t know how big the brain actually is because it’s bigger than my head but just so no one’s actually peeking okay thermite’s already building you go with that blue terracotta or we could just go gray

Concrete which means I can do the first thing I want a museum that’s bigger on the inside it should it picked up the brain okay nice something like this you know some fancy entrance I like this and right there he’s thinking I think that’s exactly what I want it looks like a

Museum but it also looks too big all right so we have our four pillows right here so if I give him all these blocks and the brain’s already working fifth house the peak over on kipley’s side I don’t know why but I really really love the cherry blossom wood so we’re gonna

Go with the Cherry planks okay I can’t see what’s inside there so I’m just gonna go with the invis so I can peek over and check this out time to work on the inside people okay I think this is the outside of the museum I really don’t

Know what she’s gonna make inside but she’s built our wood so a simple thing I’m gonna do is dig a little underneath her build I don’t think she’ll realize I think they should burn a build oh okay yo I can’t do too much with her but

So far it looks pretty good over the might say I don’t know what he’s doing but it’s kind of give me The Vibes of a time machine inside here he’s also got okay completely nothing oh and Smalls is looking very cozy we’re gonna have to do

Like a lot of research about the history of Minecraft and it seems that my brains disappear and he’s left me with this I told him to make a museum that’s bigger I’m so confused what happens if I go inside though so if I just go inside oh

Oh my okay never go to the end of this it seems like this thing if I was to break out mushroom is pretty big so we’ll go like this oh my the big build inside here wait how did he do that though well this might be off to a great

Stop okay now we need to make a repeating pattern here I have so many rooms for different items but I have an idea can’t police currently buildings if I quickly go over to her side okay she’s right there like this or maybe grass he likes grass they possibly slash thing I

Get this football but I’m now able to see other people’s thoughts oh boy you guys just thinking about a dinosaur and is she trying to make that dinosaur I don’t even know I just need to take this oh I’ve stole it I might hit this one out

But you’re gonna have to get back in the exhibit buddy well I didn’t expect this I don’t want the brain to build out here so I’m gonna quickly leave an NPC of myself and go back inside okay this will always be crazy to me but either way I

Think I want it right like here okay he’s not moving uh looks like he’s built a little tiny Stone Shack or something all right guys I don’t have to worry about quiff and there you go I want you to build up and I guess the blocks I

Need to give him his bone blocks and he’s gonna build the dinosaur skeleton inside here I’m not I think you’ve done a good job the brain’s building a big thing I kind of want to check what these guys are doing I think he’s trying to go for a dinosaur

It’s the first one behind me what was that what I’m gonna do is a symbol tactic and who will be to blame my good friend small over here see that way exploded and that Vision exploded the front door that means that blew both they’re building one hey hey this was

Going to my base what did you do no I didn’t do anything I don’t now think they both sabotaged each other how do slash think now I should be able to see his thoughts I’ll be sure it’s not someone else wait what’s he thinking about he was looking at Easter Island

Heads I’ve stolen under the floor oh my you you’re making it too big brother oh wait go big or go home I’m all right I didn’t expect the brain to make it this big yeah look I got I like the blue stained glass I don’t want to focus on

The exterior a little more but I don’t know if that’s a smart idea I’m kind of scared how big this is gonna be now I don’t want to give him this one because it might stop this build and instantly stop building either and I’d have two finished pieces but while you’re dealing

With that I’m gonna low-key steal the idea I just got from Kipling she’s making the rarest mobs Museum okay now to fill the whole thing up with water buckets spreading a lot of water in here for the fish okay I think this one should work I’ll just put one of you

Guys in there that jab underscore sheep that’s one red mob complete the second is gonna go right here I’m gonna name this one dinnerbone so upside down sniffer okay yeah these guys will not suspect the thing I like that all right now time to add the fish and what just

Happened wow okay this this brain is just insane it looks exactly like the four that Kipling had which means it’s time so I think if I put this right here and right click he spawned which means I need you to take them my thought right there and I assume the only blocks you

Need are these you can continue building oh yeah that looks freaking cool well on the bright side I think these guys will get very Source if this is the only thing so let me just bomb you around this area just to make it look nice this

Museum is bigger on the inside and they have no idea I want to see if Small’s done anything cool Minecraft was originally known as cave game oh she’s writing every update hey hey oh boy she sees me wait maybe I could bet her over to Kimberly side is it Kipling if you

Think this Kipling this might work it perfectly either way I can’t believe what what we built oh we have a lightning mushroom we have a guardian pit hey what’s this the deep dark I don’t take that kindly goodbye other oh kiply it was even me it wasn’t even me

No no no not by the fish tank not by the fish tank no way no no if I do effect Cleo she can see it small stop are you who are you whoa okay all right yo I’m so small I can’t lie that’s very funny Okay I should have chicken for my brain though and what have I been faced with I mean yeah it makes sense he’s put it half in the ground yeah it is built a very big I can’t lie don’t do slash thing and am I right I want a painting

With Mona Lisa so if I do this is it is it gonna work yeah that’s kind of who I want your correct brain more attractions over here that looks kind of sick now how does actually look in the inside yo I think I accidentally made this somehow better oh yeah well if

I do this it’s like a little Dome if I spawn thermite again all right now now we need to make our Mark we do a little bit of sabotagery yo wait what even is this thermite Museum he’s got dig your own treasure she’s gonna only her only

Choice is to kill him if she kills it it’s just gonna keep splitting into smaller slimes oh he’s out of each fossil a little dinosaur I’m painting this is super sick what if I make is build pink why does that look kind of fire but how did small get a giant slime

What the heck that is a big slime if I do slush ass thing I’ve got my last thought bubble right here okay simple a famous building why did it just turn tonight my hand oh and there’s a minute left will my brain even be able to

Finish the Eiffel Tower in time okay I think in the meantime I think I need to remove you you’re good hey oh wait why can’t I remove you I can’t get rid of this NPC not cause I’m jealous okay but um oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s too much

TNT okay my brain’s actually doing insane I don’t know if he can even finish it in time will we keep building if I like go too far I hope so but the time’s the whole I might have to keep him distracted but now we have to meet

In the middle so we could vote for the best museum all right if you come on over to the uh beautiful pink Museum I don’t know how it happened uh some are we vandalism and then uh we went with it remodeling yeah that’s the thing uh some demolitionist guy came in wrong building

I guess uh blew up the entire interior okay oh I see it’s dangerous very dangerous uh you can dig for your own treasure here which is super exciting yo oh I think it’s Unique I like what was inside a little interactive I give this

Like a 9 out of 10. yeah I love how I can you use my brush on stuff I like the pots I’ve also I’m gonna give you an eight I’ll give it an eight then I got 24 out of 30. why is this giant slime sticking out don’t worry

Don’t worry there used to be an entrance but don’t worry about it all right you walk in first you got some rare items on the side you know oh dragon egg oh over here we got our two rare Brown pandas this whole museum is just a collection

Of rare mobs in Minecraft I didn’t know this was a thing this is our our special one you know he’s got Morgan here we’re surrounded by tinted glass and wool okay he can’t see us oh wait he’s blind walk away yeah this is definitely a this is a

10 out of 10 an 8 out of ten I’m going nine out of ten I think the brown pandas were awesome I didn’t even know that was a thing Kipling got 27 out 30. follow me this is my museum it’s a little small I know but if you click this button you’re

Gonna get a ticket to the museum yo this is kind of sick oh it has the dates of when they were all updated yeah I like it’s Unique I even like the detail on the outside rather than the inside this is insane it’s like outside yeah it’s

Like it us like Vibes I give this like a seven I’m going with a seven as well I think it’s really nice I I’m also gonna go with the seven I really like to it small got 21 out 30. well this is a bit smaller than I imagined it says warning

Do not enter can you see the corruption on the other side this this is gonna blow your mind it seems a little small so you’re hyping it up okay once we go inside it’s over oh my goodness um what Hi Elisa if we have the Mona Lisa right here if we check over here we have it’s a mini Eiffel Tower I was expecting it to be taller I will not lie yep that’s a 10 for sure for me I 10. I don’t know how you did it but the

Mona Lisa won me over what could I say it’s a it’s a 10. meaning my bill’s gonna fit your footy and they were completely confused futuristic ancient build oh good luck does suck okay good luck well I’m back on my side I know kipley Loops to Peak over so futuristic

Quinova let me go in the middle and slash thing and my brain is now spawned and you know what we’re gonna do a futuristic pyramid yeah it’s really that simple there you go and just like that he’s thinking of a futuristic pyramid I don’t want to do pyramids because I feel

Like that’s like the first thought everyone’s gonna go to futuristic ancient build we are going to go with something interesting and what blocks do you need either way I’m gonna give you a bunch of blocks that I think you’ll need maybe some quotes I think quartz would

Look futuristic and some Stone now the brain’s gonna be braining okay please right there where’s everyone else building I don’t know what to build somebody building a shoe what is that okay look I shouldn’t look at my side oh she would have seen the brain uh my

Brain is off okay I don’t know what the brain’s doing I think my brain’s kind of fried with my spine thermite oh my gosh slabs are so difficult I don’t know exactly what he’s making but it looks like the Avengers Tower and can’t please complete AFK I don’t know I have no idea

What she’s making so make it futuristic we gotta use some cool looking blocks you know what I mean but this one really doesn’t need to be oh my he’s already made the base pyramid but if I pop over into invis oh wait I was gonna check her

Thought but I guess I can’t I don’t know why where’s she going all right I have no idea what I’m building I think I should team up with someone wait why is she going over the small side wait I think we these guys are about to team we

Should team up together because I have no idea what I’m doing for this prompt and I need help and I think you need help you know what I’m gonna break their teamwork already because if I get some TNT so it’s just now they shouldn’t be able to team they

Should be angry at each other they’re both strong symbols watch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch why am I I am being so targeted today and I hate it oh my gosh I’m just gonna keep minding my own business brain’s going to work so far looking good I’m very concerned that they’re

Gonna come up with the my side I’d have to blow up my pyramid they’ll see my brain okay never mind I think they just blew up thermites for no reason poor guy didn’t do anything wrong this is why the girls hate boys for some reason for some

Reason these guys are still gonna Team all right I turned the wall down what are we thinking about building she’s thinking about two I’ve just stolen your thought well I’m gonna give it what have I come back to wow brain just wow to take this and I guess I’ll just give you

Some books that you can use there you go either way how’s firm I holding up what that is so laggy what is he making well you guys know what time it is time for her and the inspection okay yeah even getting closer up I have no idea what

He’s making it’s like some weird foot oh the Leaning Tower of Pisa hey yo what did kipley build what in the world is this trying to smooth it out well I’m going crazy with it but you know what’s cool if Small’s UFO has a cannon careless copying my build hell stop

Copying and then my brain’s done I don’t see my brain no more I think it’s clocked out I think some last minute things I could do is add like a small beam beaming up right here no one will know I cheated this in I mean look at it

I think I could totally build something like this right that’s so beautiful I’m so proud of my work the time’s not whoop meaning we had to vote for the best pyramid all right if you come over here you can check out the futuristic ancient building that I have constructed not

Much to it other than like a cool building see I thought this was the leading Tower of Pisa that’s what you wanted to be it’s the future you never know what can happen I can’t lie it does look crazy I wish there was someone inside I really like the feet yeah I

Really like it I like how you got created even didn’t like take an old ancient build and make it like futuristic you’ve made your own build uh I’m gonna give it a nine yo honestly I’ll give this a out no I’ll give it a nine out of ten I don’t know how to

Describe it it just makes my brain feel happy so I’ll give it a nine then I got 27 out of 30. all right welcome to mine and Smalls build wow tearing yeah well you guys kept sabotaging us so we had to do something first things first the UFOs

Look at this dude look at them they’re getting a duck crazy I’ll save you guys oh no so what is this is an ancient build ancient Indian build that’s been reformified by the villagers to defend against the aliens oh you know it’s kind of big I can’t lie it’s very big so

They’re rich in the future as well they’re no longer just these little village peasants no no no you know what I’ll give this like I’ll you guys team though that’s the thing I’ll give an 8 out of 10. yeah I agree for teaming it’s still an eight out of 10. really good

Kepler and small got 16 out of 30. oh this is so colorful this is my build I’ve been with a futuristic pyramid there’s a lot of villagers up there let me explain so we have UFOs because aliens have kind of taken over if you check over here there’s the UFO

Abducting the sarcophagus in the middle but the Warriors are defending it why are some yeah it’s called aliens because they’ve infiltrated they camouflaged and if you can tell it looks like the pharaoh’s head yeah I give it a nine out of ten I’m going nine as well I I have

To go ten meaning my bill got 20 l30 and my brain was better than them all bedtime my brain has now spawned so I want to make some just like massive slime dude make him with three heads all right when I pick a bed my monster I

Under a bed either way I’m gonna give him a bunch of blocks I think he might need and off he goes wow my brain’s working on that Small’s making a table I’m more scared of eyes watching you there might be making a frog doesn’t

Need a face but I’d like to give it a scary looking thing I can’t believe he’s making a hammer once we make this giant bed we’ll be good be good to go inside I’m gonna have fireballs and the hit or build oh my Aaron small gonna have a little

Funny time um what is what is this oh my God it’s called fire no no no no no no no no no no no do not burn do not burn chill out well what have I come back to I’m confused he’s doing one head he’s on two head three

Four five he’s on five I asked for three although at the same time I think I misspelled head but anyway this is crazy but with my entire thing don’t I think it’s time brain you need to go back inside my head oh brain he’s dead and I

Have my brain right here and now we have to meet in the middle come this way it is a bed the bed that we all sleep peacefully on at night oh he’s a little a little Shadow Ball that’s gonna come and bite your toes in your sleep

I love the concept going eight out of 10 as well you know those like generic little beds that you’ve got golden I like it too I’m going seven this is crazy the Villager has a night light on so he’s safe otherwise he would be consumed consume

Gosh what as you see he’s already he’s accomplished many he’s actually taken over so many beds even though it’s terrifying uh I’ll give it a 10. yep 10 for me too this is awesome how does his victims does he have eyes or is he just blind oh so he’s like the warning

Okay you know I’m gonna give this a nine meaning I won this bill ball if you don’t subscribe this is gonna be under your bed dinosaur out of gonna build randomizer back in my hand and before the round ended I managed to sabotage someone’s Bill and that’s why I have one

Charge okay instantly I’m gonna make some budget dinosaur who looks somewhere like this yo it kind of looks cool all right where are you gonna be using a little bit of world edit but you know it’s fine a dinosaur how would a dinosaur look yo okay this dinosaur did

Not skip like that but let’s see what you turn into come on yo what is this did I get dinosaur first try I think I got a gorilla now these suckers gotta have really really long legs brother how am I supposed to fix this I have zero charges ruthless is already looking

Pretty good this is the first dinosaur you will ever see and skit is making some sort of duck I feel like T-Rexes have like a giant tail so we definitely need to add one onto his butt in fact quickly go over to Kit please if I paste

This in I make it complete camouflage like this and then if I click this button this is a TNT candidates put it at my dinosaur no no no build a wall build a wall oh she made a Bedrock wall and that didn’t count what are you doing what’s she doing wait what place

Idiot and I’ve got a charge I kind of feel like if I use it again it’s gonna fail because on the first time it took two tries I’m just gonna kind of waste one round on you yeah that sucks to suck wait what what just happened no no no no no no no

That was supposed to be my dinosaur bro you are kidding my purple two minutes left so I kind of go go fast excuse me you’ve been kind of silent so if I quickly build this cannon which will then frame skidzy yeah what the heck is pointing over at my base right

Now and lupus kind of noticed good day oh hey buddy they’re arguing over there oh my oh my okay let’s go yeah cause mookie you were cool but yeah goodbye okay wait what did it mean is this an alligator oh no it’s a dinosaur but this looks exactly like Woofless like seriously

Look at that and then look at mine what’s look for doing he’s running to invis we aren’t going the copy skitsy’s build now I have an idea and I’m gonna kind of Follow You Skizzy for this go my minion no no no no no no no no not on my

Watch as soon as Skizzy places TNT I’m gonna light it with this hey oh you’re literally infants oh yeah big surprise big surprise you’re literally in this oh what is going on I lit I lay it I’ll let it yo that was me get out of here

With you no he ruined the outside oh I’m not going to charge perfect and I’ve only got a minute left so this works out I love you little dinosaur but you’ve kind of gotta go Don’t worry buddy I’ll fix you up bye bye yo what is this this is not a dinosaur this is some sort of frog oh this is insane the fire breathing dinosaur uh what in the world how am I supposed to get away with this yo time’s up

Meaning we now had to be in the middle all right come this way gentlemen this is my sword the best dinosaur ever Godzilla he’ll beat all of your dinosaurs in a 1v1 yo and you built this yeah I did yo wait this is insane these spikes are

Huge and just to prove he could take any one of you guys in a fight look oh my gosh what this is a smaller dinosaur he’s eating I’m gonna give this a 9 out of ten this is literally even though you use world edit this is a 12 out of 10.

Fine Kipling got 26 out 30. yo wait this uh this one right here looks a little familiar it’s familiar crazy been eating bruh yo that’s sick I think this is a two out of ten oh on a seven out of ten yeah honestly I’m with Kipling this gets like a 7 out of

Ten I really think this will be over lovely got a 60 now 30. all right guys come right this way to see the best dinosaur of your entire lives this is Maurice yo he’s even got the lava inside you can have a tube bro this is stupid okay you know I’ll go

Step 10. I’ll be fair and you’re driving all the way for the Bill ball this gets a 5 out of 10. skins he got 14 out of 30. what is this guy he is my dinosaur frog bro is he smoking a pipe yeah he is

Yeah dude I don’t know what you got up your sleeve here I feel like if you were cheating you would have made a dinosaur but this this is a frog like you made a frog yo dinosaurs frog same thing they’re the same animal uh this is my

Frog uh I’m a doctor point or deduct a point for the uh the boundaries there so you get a 9 out of 10 for frog man yo I’ll take knife bro this is the biggest frog I’ve ever seen so I give it an eight Bros kind of fire Cliff this is

Not a dinosaur okay I can’t give this a 10. it’s it’s a seven from me bro bro okay you know a fair play I’ll take a seven my bill got 23 out of 30. and no one thought I was cheating cartoon and the build randomizes in my hand and we

Have one charge this is the one time Patrick would have worked so well but we don’t have him so what if I was to do a simple rendition of SpongeBob there we go my budget SpongeBob all right we got his base down look at him he’s posing he

Flexing uh please do me some goodbye randomizing others turned into who is this why is it made Captain America all right now we just gotta figure out how to make his head and I I low-key feel like he’s got a really big ass kids is making baby Yoda loaf was making a

Toilet okay we are getting there I ain’t gonna lie this is looking out of fire and is that supposed to be Mr Incredible that’s right this is Mr Incredible people or Mr incredibly bad because he’s getting against zero what is this one one eight and wait that charge

Actually worked this entire time I didn’t have to go crazy as much as this was cool it’s time to say goodbye but we have CT where’s your Captain America face huh yeah enjoy his little smile right here I almost got caught using this well whoever this is could actually

Blow up it yeah go for it I I don’t even care enjoy that buddy enjoy that they’re gone now so what happens if I do that to you wait who is this guy oh this is if anyone’s played the game comment down below his name but yo he’s even gonna

Moody bike oh okay wait this is sick one minute left oh luftha’s making the skippity toilet guy yeah now that is kind of fire I ain’t gonna lie but why do I still have one charge who do I want a troll can’t please say goodbye to Mr Incredible

Because he’s gonna now turn into what just where did Mr Incredible go I wanted a trash build but why is it giving me good bills now oh well I don’t think it matters well the time’s not walked Let Me Burn all the evidence and now we have

To meet in the middle all right guys come check out the best build you have ever seen this is little baby Yoda oh I can’t even deduct any points it’s freaking baby Yoda I love him so much it’s a 10 out of 10 for me Skizzy and

For that you know what you’re getting eight out of 10. okay coming over the skippity toilet yo yeah this is so scary what is this I don’t understand why is it pilot it gets a 9 out of 10. yeah dude I just don’t know how I feel about

This guy he’s kind of creepy dude this is a four out of 10 for me six out of ten she’s just mod and the best build entire thing crazy I can’t lie he built Ozzy Osbourne no always even for the blue eyes honestly I don’t know if this is a

Cartoon though you’re classified the toilet man is a cartoon but not this guy I like Jiu Jitsu kaisen so I’m gonna give this like an 8 out of ten yeah no this is 12 out of 10. sunglasses good if you guys know who this is it’s the guy

From Animal Crossing yo wait this is crazy it’s like a money bag like this is insanely detailed if you think about it really isn’t though but I thank you I’ll take it bro are you serious he’s literally got a collar right here like look at this block palette yeah thank

You I will take it this is a solid 8 out of 10 for me okay you know what that’s not that bad yeah I like it but it’s kind of pudgy bruh like this is seven but I love Animal Crossing I’m gonna give this a 10. meaning I want the

Building competition yeah and they had no idea I was randomizing subscribe

This video, titled ‘I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In This Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2023-10-01 18:00:16. It has garnered 255062 views and 2794 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:14 or 5774 seconds.

►I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls

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I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In This Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP

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  • Dragonia Gaming

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  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis ➜ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

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  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

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  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

Quiff – I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In This Build Battle…