Qynz – LIVE Minecraft Anarchy Server For Viewers | FREE Minecraft Server

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What’s up boys and uh welcome back to my youtube channel man how do you do how do you do how you guys doing man appreciate you guys stopping by uh how’s it going so cosmo thanks for dropping by onyxi neon dream kazuki what’s up cases good to see all

You guys man thank you for dropping by i really appreciate it d launches to canada unfortunately not neon dream because there’s no work around uh my account you know i mean like everyone can just use queen speak here and pretend to be me and start kicking and banning everyone which what they did

Yesterday so for now unfortunately it’s only original minecraft bro but maybe when dazai is back and he knows how to set it up properly then yeah i will open it back to t launcher but for now unfortunately you’ll just be for minecraft manual dream hope you understand bro it’s not that i don’t

Want you to play like i told you that day i also wish you roshan everyone else that using t launcher can still play but the problem is someone can just use queen cbk and ruin like ban everyone and ruin i read the whole server for everyone you know what i mean

So yeah i’m sorry guys but let’s just wait until dazai comes back from his raya holidays then maybe he can help set it up yeah sure bro just kazuki right all small letters that just cause kazuki right wait hold on wait guys if you’re playing minecraft

You go to uh the caller maybe minecraft caller okay your name is just your name like small kazuki or caviar okay kozuki 69 yeah man oscar i’m sorry bro but like i said wait for dazai to come back then can see how come got this thing in the front bro

It says you’re already listed lucky just i think most of you guys are like i said like already what is turn no worry oscar we still got our base and stuff la but it’s just that for now only original minecraft can join the server because people cannot keep making outs

Of oscar you know what i mean like they can just come to the stream and say like oh i’m new here blah blah blah and then after that they just make our county launcher and then they can just like start griefing us again so yesterday what happened was they just

Used the username screenspk they can like literally log into like my account because the server i open it to t launcher so i open it to everyone basically what happened is they can log into my account and then they can like slash ban and then like start clearing everyone’s inventory and stuff

You know so basically what i’m trying to say is uh i got no choice that’s why i have to do it this way so unless desire comes back and then he knows how to set it up with t launcher and people cannot use the same account

As me then yeah maybe i don’t know a lot but people can still make outs you know you know what i’m saying so that’s why like people with original minecraft they probably won’t grief because even if they want to grieve they have to buy a new account so i don’t think they

Will like spend entire money just to keep buying accounts degree flaw obviously so that’s why i think people that buy the real game they probably won’t grieve not to say won’t but the chances of them actually wanting to be grieved compared to people that use the launcher is much much lower

Because i know you guys want to play i know you guys don’t grief but you know people can just easily use t launcher make new accounts and like the server and stuff like that so that’ll ruin the fun not only for me but all the members and everyone playing on

The server guys so i got no choice man now right now i don’t know no one’s on the server because yeah a lot of people are using t launcher to play that’s the thing so right now that everyone’s like not using uh i mean like not everyone’s not here because like everyone cannot

Play t launcher i understand guys and i’m really sorry i had to do this but no choice bro was that cases wait why are your mic so soft wait so basically right oh you’re not now i can hear you what no the account i’m using the calling in minecraft not

The launcher oh okay okay so you keep okay uh that happened to me oh so larkishes so basically what i did was i remember that time i got freaked out because i thought my account got hacked because i didn’t know about the t launcher thing at first so i quickly

Changed my password so i think that’s what happened because after i changed my password they like automatically sign me up on my t launcher and i have to relog in again then now i can log in but you were saying that now you you you can’t join using using t launcher but you’ve

Got verify your original minecraft okay give me a second uh i i think i know how to solve it i need to like because maybe your the white list for your name and your name and like other people name is like the tea launcher and you know what i’m

Saying so let me try to unwhitelist you and whitelist you again okay kozuki 69 let me remove this okay and then now i try add you again all right try again just see if it works because now i it says i added you to the white list already on the server

You can maybe do roblox of four guy stream if you’re okay with it so we can all play not like tomorrow or something hey pk what’s up john uh i would love to do four guys to be honest with you but i’m trying to stick to one game because i realized i’ve been

Playing way too many games bro i’ve been playing like fortnite four guys naraka rocket league dota i play like too many games especially when i stream i stream like too many games or so so i can’t really build like a consistent following like i’m trying to build like a

Following in a community but when i keep changing games the people that like come for these games only come for the certain games i stream so i have to play a game that i don’t mind putting in the hours and the community likes playing also and

Like just build from there you know what i’m saying so it’s not that was that curious yeah very last like a lot normally if i join a lot of people are joining but right now everyone cannot join because they’re all using the launcher you know john i can

Whitelist you bro but the problem is do you have uh original minecraft john because right now i have to put the server for original minecraft only bro i’m sorry but i have to do it because t launcher way too easy way too easy to grief the server in the sense that like

People can just log in with the same username as me and they can start banning people so to avoid that i have to use original minecraft for now so maybe design knows how to set it up so i will open it to t launcher maybe like

When he’s back but for now i will have to do it like original minecraft for now just to avoid all those people trying to grief us cannot log in narcissist should we can what hong kong cannot okay no you can log in or same problem how much for original minecraft it’s

About uh i think about 100 ringgit if you buy it from the website how much you buy it for caches i mean in singapore dollars i think it’s about 100 something lah but you can buy it on sharpie for about 50 like half the price which is the one

That i bought and it’s working fine but you just have to change like the email and password and all that stuff like it’s a bit confusing but it’s not that hard so depends like it’s a bit expensive 100 plus but with the worth the money because you can play not only

On my server but any other server like hypixel or any other server that you guys want to play you guys can play oh the new place yeah no place joining already i can’t even find the base or like spawn There’s no place that oh yeah nook place is at sub’s base oh my goodness thank goodness the new place is at the sub space man there it says here kazuki 69 added to the white list what the heck it says you’re not listed out of error so weird oh

Wait let me let me see the console and see whether you got you tried to join right yeah keep trying okay let me see your idea of kozuki disconnected mojang authenticated legacy equals false you’re not quite listed on the server false prop legacy equals false what does

That even mean row legacy equals false Yeah i can see you joining the server bro let me see uh kazuki 69 uu id of player is so that i have to whitelist this uid is it let me try let me try it out bro because i’m also like wondering how come you cannot join nuke plays can what and he

Joined the same thing as you like that right i think okay you you try now you try now c cannot i white list your uuid thing stu cannot Beta let me try one more thing i just don’t know how to solve this problem because right now you’re already in the white list it shows me but okay let me un-white list you okay not now you’re trying to join you get the error using your original minecraft account what yeah

Which which username is original the kozuki the three the 69 is the original one all right okay so now you you you’re using which account to play okay you go back on your original minecraft you try log in the server get the error first then after that i try at least you and

Then you try join and see whether it works or not but shouldn’t be or i so don’t know because no place just logged in like no problem yeah no place just logged in no problem bro he’s just like i see hey join already how come you’re on that wait no place

Are you using t launcher or are you using the official minecraft launcher hey he’s also using original minecraft i mean the original launcher cases same as you only i’m using t launcher any i think because d launcher make me feel happy that uh i can use the zoom function that’s about it

Luckily i leave the game before the banning happen oh wait let me see but cannot be because case’s arrow is not banned is whitelist issue me see uh uh band player see he been cases but cannot be what cat girl sc law candy boy bohemian zcc gamer oh

I don’t think he can join because he doesn’t have he is still on journey there’s a lot of people all play using c launcher okay wait yeah i don’t see you here i mean you’re not banned i’m so confused why you cannot join bro why elise wait you joined got arrow already or

What okay wait hold on you gotta you just got the error right okay now i add you to the white list okay now try again still cannot what’s the error just say that you’re not listed the hell i don’t get it what’s the problem So weird you are not listening server it says that your account legacy is false but i have no idea what it means by your account legacy is false account legacy is false He’s using original minecraft to launch the game he said well nuke place also left before the hacker band but cases didn’t get banned only the people that got back i remember was zhong chang uh i think ygn and then who else are dex i can’t remember but a few of them were

Like banned from him i think sash also pk you have original minecraft but you use t launcher because of the zoom function cool what banning happened uh basically in a way yala j not really because optifying also got kind of useful things like example if you got light

And you hold it on your off hand you can actually like yeah you can like kind of light the area around you like this which is really cool so optifine also you can fine-tune the graphics that you want so i feel like optifine is quite quite good

Can you also enjoy it that means it’s your side problem bro i think something wrong on your side is it you sure the calm everything all correct yeah because arcanine also joined and uh new place also joined i also joined all of us no problem all of us have original you also have

Original minecraft what that’s the trees thing quality custom trees yeah you have like a bunch of settings here you can change if you’re using uh what do you call that optifine but you can even change the animations of all these like things you can go into detail so if your game is

Really lagging you can just turn it all off and it should run minecraft like smoother in theory but for me i just leave it like default you know what i’m saying and then animation yeah details this one so you can like like even the trees

Right now is on fancy so you can like change it to however you like and make it look as good as you want but right now i’m running the game at 120 fps it’s really smooth so yeah no issues there bro vk did you

Ban me no i’m sorry bro i did not ban anybody but i made the server only original minecraft can play so if you have t launcher for now you cannot join but maybe in the next few days when dazai is back and he knows how to set it up for the

T launcher so that people stop using my account basically we we can maybe open it to t launcher maybe so no don’t take my word for it because the problem with the launcher people can still like make out you know what i’m saying so that’s the problem yeah

Oh i think because you’re all logged in and your new place was all right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s because last time i opened it to t launcher so i think even the lucky the luck perms the name sorry is on the like the oh

I don’t know how to say that but i have to do it again yeah hold on well no more creative for you art boy actually the creative kind of opia but yeah there’s no rules of allah i was thinking maybe just give your fly but

Then if i give your fly only what do bishops have is like i i don’t know how to restructure it so far now just like screw it just stick here for now just promise me don’t don’t give too much like if you want to give diamonds don’t give too many diamonds that’s okay

Okay let me and don’t ever give out another right it’s location stop giving up netherride please Yeah maxed out nether right gear to every like not everyone to like some members but like don’t do that bro if he does it again i’m just gonna remove his creative for no choice okay wait so yours oh oh i remember it’s just big fan and then elsa just like that right everything

Else it does i already set it up i think okay and then No place where there’s no place oh got some users here but who the hell are they i also don’t know noob please is night right wait no please already one year member i think so he got the automatic upgrade to noble right new place you’re already one year member right

The last time your rank that i gave you was no worse all right all right and then myself i can’t be a subscriber man what the heck okay let me see uh hurry oh this one all right i think that’s it save it and run the command real quick all right yes

Oh yep now it works already only original minecraft can join yes sir only original minecraft can join paul i’m sorry about that but yeah man because you guys already know the issues that we have been having when we open it to t launcher but yeah really quiet and i just

Realized now when i click tab i can see in front of everyone’s like uh names there’s like a small avatar as well but i think since i’m streaming i should make my gui a bit bigger like that maybe so you guys watching the stream you guys can see everything clearer

Yeah i think that’s much better for you guys yeah because for me i prefer to play on a smaller gui but since i’m streaming i think it’s easier for you to see it’s not too big and it’s just nice wait no please you didn’t build your own

Base this time normally i i know you like to go quite outskirts and build your own private base and stuff you can do whatever you want a new place just promise me don’t like the server bro alright if you want to grief and you want to

Steal stuff you can do that because it’s no roof server just don’t like the server like what those guys did that’s all i asked because like yesterday also i was damn confused i was like wait what 4gb server lagging so bad confirm something is up and today is like no problem already

Super smooth can i maybe on a mod farm it might lag banana gaming your uh your kaith right what type of mob farm mod farm is okay but like i don’t know what type of farm this guy is saying it might like yeah what the mod phone are you doing bro

Is it gonna spawn in exp farm like huh like what type like zombie exp farm or what type like how how will it like the server tp to you okay let me see oh this one i think this is this is fine to be honest yeah this is okay

It doesn’t lag out the server that bad unless stack a lot of mobs so just make sure to kill the mobs the best is you you want to have a exp from near your base it’s okay like this but these guys the design is not so good

Because the base itself is kind of surrounding the exp farm so even though if they’re around like here doing their own things around the base or even if they’re here for that fact or anywhere near the base here they have a chance to cause the uh zombies to drop down you know so

What i would have done is maybe make this a bit far from the actual base so when you’re in the base like maybe around here you don’t actually trigger it unless you purposely go here around here and then yeah it gets triggered when you want to use the farm

But yeah overall i don’t think you’ll like the server that much just use it but make sure you clear the zombies and if you’re not using it just try to get away from it but it’s kind of hard because like even if you stand here and use these chests

Yeah i think the zombies might spawn so probably not i don’t know bro you guys already made the base but you’re outfit all right thank you so much can i join yeah rexy you can uh provided you have original minecraft pro because right now the server is only

Available for people that have original minecraft at the moment oh their base is just wait you guys based just under the original subs base but really underneath i just realized that yeah what the heck their base is just like really deep under the like underground but it’s basically where the subs base

Is what the hell okay subs base from from upsets you can’t really see what’s going on uh it’s just i don’t know who the heck go and make the cases already built so nice but they’re gonna ruin it like change it but still kayla are not as bad as last time one

But yeah you can see how complicated it gets here really complicated a lot of rooms a lot of different things going on here bro you still cannot join or what happened to your one only you having problem rather happening you sure you bought you didn’t get scammed from the original minecraft

Oh where’s arcanine what’s this guy up to Nobody to throw already now all the tea launcher guy’s gone say again okay hold on so i on white list uh oh the closer key that one and then okay hold on give me a second give me one second bro like this and then this one

This one is new account what what i don’t get it oh that’s kind of smart okay i already whitelisted you you can try it out now if it doesn’t work then i don’t know brother what’s going on okay cool hyper says why don’t cases just use original launcher he is he is

Using the original entrepreneur wait why am i fire so weird do you guys see that hey yeah when i zoom in it’s gone but from far you can see like there’s a white square outline like that around the fire what the heck it’s really really faint like but yeah

You can see it there it’s really weird but when i go near it it disappears only that fire got lying up there i don’t remember it being like that that’s crazy bro nobody would build a base in the nether maybe i can build a nice base in the nether secret base actually

Chunk border you think so so is that the reason but yeah if you guys want to get minecraft like i don’t i don’t recommend you guys to do it but if you guys want you guys can try i bought mine from shopee for about like 50 ringgit or

Something like that and it works fine so if you want buy it cheaper like you can try shopee but you can just buy from the original website i think for about like 100 or something like that 120 somewhere there if i’m not mistaken so i just bought it on shopping because

It’s cheaper and uh other people from my community have done it as well they told me that it works for them so that’s why i also tried choppy and it works for me too so yeah it’s the original minecraft account you just gotta change the email uh your password stuff like that

So subspace now is empty yeah uh not really i think no place is there but yeah for the most part it’s pretty empty bro without all you guys here without you roshan and like all the others like zongchang john and all that like it’s kind of empty you

Know the server is not the same as like the past few days but yeah bro unfortunately i have no choice until dazai is back like i said so when does it back maybe you can set it up so that you guys can join i don’t know if he can do that but

The best is i just put it for original minecraft for now he’s a ryan holiday now new place you know so he’s not around one day i want to play a roblox horror game with you called at aperiophobia apirophobia i think that’s how you pronounce it bro

Sure brochure i don’t really like horror games but if i have the mood i’ll let you know so and probably you have to carry me and don’t try to scare me alright the only one i played is mimik you know that one new place and kampong also because my community asked me to

Try so i played those two games with them but okay la like i feel mimic is scarier than kampung to be honest but i think both are also quite nicely done for roblox games like they’re actually quite quite scary how’s everyone doing what’s up sesh good

To see you when does i get back uh i have no idea bro i don’t want to like ask him and rush him also let him have his time so yeah i think he’ll be back if you ask me probably in like the next few days maybe three four days or five

Days i don’t know but shouldn’t be gone for that long good sash good yeah i beat mimik but not kampong mimik got book 2 ready they revamped the graphics also yeah the thing about mimik is like yeah it’s a roblox game but the graphics are quite believable so i feel like

It’s quite good for for roblox game to be honest just like just like world zero like uh you don’t really feel like you’re playing roblox when you’re playing world zero because the graphics are so good and like the combat everything like it doesn’t even feel like roblox game anymore so

Yeah bro some some roblox games they really make it look good right now very less people on the server man but luckily of original minecraft so if you want to drop by just just uh join us bro i’m trying to see what this guy is doing but i think he

His base is quite nicer pka whitelist me drizzy uh do you have original minecraft because right now the server is only open to original minecraft jz is that your original minecraft account where do you have a secret entrance how do they wow got redstone doors or more that’s really secret

How did you oh i thought this is friend’s base i thought how you found this base it’s a really nice base though i’ll just help you clear uh wait or maybe you all had this in on purpose i don’t know but damn that’s a cool base whoa that is sick

That is really hey cations can join already you fixed it uh what the hell was the issue bro wow mr kazuki underscore i’ve liked your own name better though i liked your own name better though no more creative for you already because you always give another ride to people I did no more no more already luckiest i no more giving all right max you want to give them give them diamonds wait let me see yeah just don’t give another ride to people brothers i really have to take it away man you’re gonna make the the silver two in balance

Okay wait let me give you the i give you vip any like no more creative for you Hey what’s up everybody how’s your day you have original minecraft right mike yeah bro because people keep using uh t launcher fake accounts to to grief my server like make it make the whole server like you know they got nothing else better to do brother so they have to do this kind of

Stuff for fun yeah yeah and heck my account also i mean not hacked my account but they use the same username as me and then join the server and start banning everyone from the server bro so i can’t do anything right i just have to put it original minecraft

Just buy it last cyclone 50 ringgit only shop i would love but you know if i do that for you everyone’s going to ask me to balance all right cyclone so how many people you want me to balancha maybe maybe how about everyone in the queen’s clan

Okay now i’m not going to believe you anymore just because you said that i’m not going to blanchard you anymore i wanted to but no no no no more just because you said that just because you said that a lot lately it’s not even one month yet

And they already changed well god we’re still using the same server that the main server is just that the i have to change bk i got actually wait extra original minecraft account can borrow maybe i mean if you if you want to but i will only uh recommend certain people because some

People also i don’t really know them so i can’t really trust but cyclone cyclone can trust her to be honest i feel but i don’t know whether he’s active or not that’s the thing no no no no you’re not active man you still are playing valorum where the hell

Are you you weren’t even there exactly i was playing valerian bro you already asked me valor and valerian very very valuable when i play you’re not even there bro i will you can ask everyone bro drizzy have original minecraft is it wait for me rm30 only minecraft how drizzy and where original now

Wait drizzy yawn is original minecraft or not drizzy and oh is it not ripped my bow or the the dreaming bowl right then is quite good yesterday you guys played wow actually not fair man yeah i know bro because deck’s on our team and slash also on our team

And arcane really got triggered Yesterday guys who is that uh no place that’s cyclone cyclone cyclone is like i i mean if you want i would say can trust him like he wouldn’t do anything like he won’t hack your account or anything like he’s not a top person he’s just very blurred so he might

Accidentally do something to your account i don’t know but i don’t think he will you promised her cyclone if anything happened to you a new place is gonna find your address and kill you i think is later we can play dota but for now let’s let’s focus on the new day

I know i know i know how stupid this that answer was when i heard also i was like wait what did i just hear like that but like not talk about it please let’s focus on minecraft now all right please yeah i also wish you can buy it last i cloned to batman

Like i said if i buy for you everyone’s gonna ask me to buy for demos all right anybody at the member’s base now nobody at members base or everyone’s up like near sub-space space members base wait what i want to build some stuff in members base uh since all the substances are not

Here already all the subs using t launcher oh the members base is kind of laggy yeah i think too many things here bro that’s why dropped down a lot when at this place yesterday yeah i think like those like questions where like i don’t even know how to change my crosshair you know

I just changed it only and i changed it to the one that case just give me one wait maybe daxon yeah i think next one i can’t remember you like you didn’t join the cyclone everybody asked me to play valor and then when i finally played valerie

You’re not even there to play with us no active one are you the next night i doing customs valorem probably like cases say like maybe one or two months later i don’t know when lassila and i’ll make sure you’re not invited the next time since you didn’t show up for the first one Cyclone i hope you can join for the next one but i don’t know you’re kind of sass though to be honest with you why didn’t invite me we played kind of late rj i think you’re probably asleep like cyclone to be honest i think we played around 12 31 somewhere there

And we played like i think two yeah two games of customs both times so i got carried on bro really really funny i don’t know why the members base feels so laggy for me does it like for you okay now is it because too many things here or what yeah

I think you can tell the difference i think it’s because the the lighting right yeah all the all the lighting make it like laggy a bit i think not too light last you can play hi pk i’m gty ryan crafter do you have original minecraft because right now

People with original minecraft only can join the server unfortunately because of all the stuff that’s happening when i open it to t launcher i got no choice so maybe in the future i’ll open it to d launcher but for now i have to put it for original minecraft

Time to expand cases room 2.0 okay i think our room needs some expansion brother your room really needs a revamp bros had to say i’m gonna start revamping it i’m revamping it i’m revamping it bro i’m gonna revamp it to be damn nice he went to haunted house and he talked

To the ghost there and the ghost suddenly gave him that pet i think i’m not too sure yeah is it how he got it is that right come on man oh No no okay no this part this part uh this part is the what the hell this was the water coming in right what the hell are kenya doing get out getting one all right like this then here i can got a bit of see through c2 action you see Yes sir keep inventory didn’t work for me no idea why i just lose everything i had in lava while pk wasn’t there wait ryan crafter you have original minecraft or using t launcher because right now t launcher unfortunately cannot join i said until further notice because people can just use my account

Name and ban everyone bro that’s the thing quick replacement skills shima really quick replacement skills uh Here we put meeting room small meeting room here Like an office you know don’t worry you can put back your furnace you have creative pk i give cyclone now wait what really cyclone has original minecraft okay okay thanks man no place cyclone you better be active or if you’re not active i’m going to ask no

Place to change the password and give it to someone else who’s actually active i think you just give the email and password all right i know microsoft you can wait you share screen and i teach you i can i can i know how to do it until launcher i’m using tea launcher But then if you don’t do it after stream how you’re going to join us bro my stream is showing the game the yeah i’m just going to show you the steps on how you can verify the account that new please give you so you can log in from the launcher like that’s

All chillah i’m not going to see your private folders mr rose i ain’t that sass where the receivers hyper cool actually you’re watching my stream bro get out of here get out here go back go to your tea launcher okay okay okay you see the key the bottom left there

Configure account yeah click on configure account okay click add right side that right side there available account add yeah click add click add okay then now you click on the left hand side there right you see authorized at microsoft that one yeah okay then now you have to log in the do it

Don’t uh let me stop watching first you you put in you put in the you better stop sharing screen this part first up because this is might be private stuff so you stop sharing screen first yeah off your share screen and then whatever note please give you the details you wait

Off your stream first off your stream first okay now whatever new place give you the email or that the password you log in first you need to log in and and verify that that account you know i mean or not oh yeah yeah it is cyclone i almost exposed people’s private details this

Guy see this cyclone very naughty boy on oh this place really make my fps drop bro i think because of all the freaking shroom shroom glowberries holy crap i use the real minecraft launcher i sometimes use x-ray and queen’s server i mean you can there’s no rules in this

Server so thanks for telling me anyways but yeah you can do that if you want anyways ryan crafter if you’re using the real minecraft launcher just tell me your username bro so i can whitelist you and i think you can join do you already send it gty06 right i think you’re already white

Listed bro so you should be able to join wait let me see white list at okay try now gty x06 assist i added you to the white list so i think you should be able to join here but yeah this place is lagging hard bro let me get get out of

The subs places right now here is fine only in that place i think too many things but out here is fine all right since this place i i i think not many people are going to be active here already i’m going to cover it up and make a secret entrance new place

So it remains hidden now has a piece of history what are you talking to me okay what happened Neon dream don’t worry i will try to make it as hidden as i can for you guys preserve the memory of this base i’m gonna make it all hidden already bro yes blacklist me lol science police what are you talking about bro i’m really confused

Kisha i need you to help me look we actually don’t need are we just we don’t even need the entrance anymore you’re busy building stuff in your room who’s this invisible guy in my room oh i wanted to build something on but then but then after that suddenly i i

Got so like yeah i came here how can i help you soon hold on Stop trolling no place man we’re trying to do this secret base like hide it up bone meal all right we gotta hide it for them now bro let’s make it remain hidden so the only marking is this sapling that never grow i guess Over here the entrance i hide it already so that it will be forever in history hopefully hopefully no one digs here i don’t know what’s the chance what the hell bro that’s obviously some things up dream changes yeah if you want to go this base now no place

Have to do like this already for now does it this make it hidden what the heck man oh now you can do your quest in peace bro no one can tell you already the whole v is quiet you know all the t launcher players gone i don’t know what kenya has been doing

Quests like here and there now i can change this room you’re gonna do that oh yep after a long time i’m going to see if there’s any other weak spots on this base that will leak i don’t think so it was fun playing with roshan minecraft even though he was kind of a

Troublemaker to be honest yeah i’m gonna miss his cobblestone bills i’m gonna miss his cobblestone builds a lot that’s the thing like i wanted to do t launcher so that everyone can join more people can just like have fun in their server but the problem is those people that grieve they can just

Make outs hey cyclone you can join or not i also forgot cyclone you’re you’re logging already or not oh what happened oh yeah this part right no place you know what happened last time this whole place was exposed so technically the land you’re standing

On right now and all these trees is i i planned to like cover up for them last time because it was just open air last time and everything can see so that’s why we made it look like natural as we can now cyclone cannon oh it’s like happened i

Don’t know what the gmail is wrong i put the crack gmail i don’t know why wait no rule server equals i can hack i don’t think you get it i really don’t bro are you do you want to join the server or are you telling me

That you can hack i really don’t get it wait cyclone if you don’t mind we go to a private call and then you share screen with me and i help you log in yeah okay because yo is very last one yeah yeah wait i’ll be right back guys

All right can you share your screen cyclone Okay he gave you that one is uh okay okay no you have to click sign in options the bottom one no no down there signing options yeah uh okay cannot sign in with google oh wait okay click back first click back okay then go to configure accounts bottom left bottom left

No no the bottom left left left left yeah configure account click on configure account why nothing come on right click back on your key mic first ah yeah yeah yeah okay click on your new account and then uh let us see authorize mojang.com try that one second one second one

Yeah okay now you put the email up there now email put the email okay i think you can copy and paste it bro to be safe later you type wrongly just copy and paste it okay just copy and paste it i press ctrl v nothing happen right click right click you cannot

Okay now i just type it out just type it up oh yeah yeah it’s like one cyclone okay just type it out follow it exactly just follow yeah i don’t type wrongly bro if you type wrongly it’s not gonna work okay and then yeah put the password make sure you type correctly everything

Big letters or whatever make sure you got it correctly need to improve your typing skills man mike really slow all right you got it correctly already save account yeah okay let me see uh Way on you can no no you sure you type everything correctly yeah no i think you have to you have to go download the original minecraft launcher bro no choice i don’t know why you’re on cannot wait click ok first let’s click ok bro look at your gmail you type it

Wrongly gmail it’s gmail.com now bro bruh no wonder cannot lie okay now try the password you got typed correctly or not oh yeah yeah bro make sure everything correct correct big letter everything all right and then small letter everything correct you type that first star will be right

But tell me later i come back and check on you and what oh yeah yeah this cyclone you’re already giving me a new place you type gmail gmail not gmail no no cannot log in now what the heck this guy don’t go check any of us all right cyclone you done already or

Not type it out properly you can’t see your password correctly yeah of course they don’t want to show on because nominee is private stings uh you tie everything correctly already what a lot uh try the first one first one yeah save account can i also i think you have to use

Uh the original you know yeah i think you have to use original launcher bro wait i asked no place to send you the link to download it and not t-launch another launcher because this one i don’t know why you you cannot like verify your account like this i don’t know why

Wait go back to the minecraft core well uh no please can you send cyclone the link uh to download the original minecraft launcher because uh t launcher like cannot i don’t know why but cannot use like gmail to verify i don’t know why so can you send him the link why so many

Zombies here wait fiona what yeah yeah because you because you got a minecraft account already yeah paul i’m sorry bro right now t launcher cannot join this i love people i cannot join for now wow so beautiful already i make this place we got more now all this my house project by

Monkey boy Monkey boy is you know nickname for someone did did you did you get the link cyclone from new place to download okay you just you just log in the details that no place give you this login and then you can download and then you can play us here on our plate yeah yeah

Let me this fellow non-stop man i cannot see what you’re wait i go and i’ll call again this guy uh all right share your screen now hey dick like you number one headache of the world i might all right now you login already or what press english first press english first

That’s now the translate ah yeah english okay hey thank you very much okay don’t you just click on login first wait login login or not login uh login and then uh put the put the details that no please give you yeah you can copy and paste on iii

I wouldn’t say you have to fit lava just remember no don’t copy your face too at one time one at a time brother first one yes username copy yeah then no not this one this one paste it there password go and copy again you cannot copy two at one time one la bro

You copy to one time you put paste both at one spot man i i was one by one do one row okay log in okay let’s see ah wait no place really send you wrong one is it yellow i so don’t know Wait let me ask wait no please do you accidentally send cyclone the wrong details because you log in on the microsoft like uh website also it says invalid details or and he copy and pasted the one that you send him it’s just in very detail so i don’t know whether

Is it something like the username wrong or the password wrong or something i’m not sure because at first we tried using t launcher cannot verify then i asked him to go to the microsoft like account to do it but also cannot and then he like them confused and now i’m getting confused yeah

Oh yeah can you just wait you send me a dm in a day is it yesterday oh wait you sent on chat that day right can you send to me on dm or somewhere i can just copy and paste yeah yeah i just put that on for fun hey you ready oh

Same problem occasions uh crap yeah i think you need to change your minecraft username and then i have to unwhitelist your existing this username then add your new username that’s what kesha’s dna fixed it i don’t know why also only cases had that problem i thought but apparently you also so either way

Either way no no wait no but it’s the same account it’s just that you change the name like just his skin and everything all the same pk mind do me a favor can you check the chest on the left side of my bed all right don’t worry neon dream we’ll take care

Of this base when you’re gone hopefully roshan’s room neon dream room left on my bed that’s all that’s all in here just an egg some raw gold and an iron swat do you have something in here valuable yeah yeah did you put that or he actually got that

Hey where the heart of seagull wait someone you have a heart to see that and someone stole it oh yeah yeah is it the griefers that day or what oh this was after that it’s okay dang this place so empty now already all the tea launcher boys bro i got you watch these

What this guy doing uh them that actually kind of suit the vibe in a way yeah the ocean vibe in a way wow only if there was um wait this cyclone still having a problem i think oh they call he called cyclone to help i think yep so yeah i think right

Okay wait now my you you try one thing because now it says you’re not right lister right okay wait whitelist remove slash okay now that i remove you from the white list you you just try to log in as server again and get that error uh Okay i add you back to the white place okay now try yeah i don’t i don’t know what happened just now occasions also had that exact same problem what he did was he just changed his name and then i write this his new name and then can ready Using t launcher original minecraft launcher by using key launcher oh maybe you try it yeah maybe you can try use t launcher and log into your microsoft account like me that’s what i did oh what’s that what’s the thing that caused the error actually i don’t know i just just stopped

Changing my name my search cannot work they just keep telling me how to get why this on yourself Yeah bro this zom this zombies them funny way they keep crowding here yep that’s what cases did and then they solved that problem you also had that problem for quite long just now mine was because i changed my password so i had to like relog in my microsoft

Account through the launcher then camera and before that so i cannot before that also very complicated one to be honest it’s not like straight forward launcher you’re gonna find a base like it’s just like a tpu now mike is a problem monilo waiting for mike Um Monkey boy is gangster his hand he’s definitely in survival mode with the amount of exp water definitely this guy wait hey why are you taking armor what he putting in his under chester what the heck this guy uh wait what he put there oh because of vanishing wait i’m so confused

Yeah so if you put it together what will happen that’s what i’m saying because the binding will fall off uh-huh that’s why if you think uh keep inventory because of binding right you die you still have it on oh now you want to do this one let him do that

Tk cyclone oh okay that’s good man please thanks we finally got him in uh secret door this base is nice but no longer active already really really can’t bomb it now it’s leave it last year you agree or not it’ll be your history anyway if lock on real minecraft then do i lose

All the progress uh yes but i can give it back to you like your boarder i can enchant it back to you oh no but i give him the dreaming bowl punch one yeah infinity punch one and power one i still remember that charmander what the hell you uh huh oh

Account and i have like five emails and why is it on the email that is for my bots bots excuses i don’t recommend it no place i think you should move out a bit further because this place very right near spawn literally like yeah we’ll help you view it up

If you find something nice a new place somewhere that you actually like wait how do i change is the expert he just did it a few moments ago what the hell is this cobblestone structure people will know there’s life signs of life here okay all right yes No it should work it worked for it worked for a good friend monkey boy yeah but it probably won’t work for a normal human being okay so a1 sash or capital right okay added to the white list my friend you can try it now and let’s see looks right

Okay now cyclone also coming in already nope new place extra wow account extras of all [Applause] no this extra this is cyclone wow cyclonic skin huh sheesh Holy crap oh these are nice yeah you finally got it yeah nice just get away last stop bullying people one time yeah let me give uh oh let me give sash wait oh i have i have to re-enchant all the stuff right that i gave you

What are you gonna give your food all right everything’s gonna be diamond oh everything all right cyclone here what you gonna do about the nc magic is it and i think all right uh new place and you can maybe build a base somewhere like further away from spawn

Yeah i know please send your brothers now you know yep Wait hold on right here i’m doing something now it’s [Laughter] oh my goodness bro wait uh sash give the pumps what’s up all right now it’s done for for you already i’ll tp you to the new place and then after that all right and then now we go look for a new baser

Wait i’ll go back whoa be careful cyclone stop stop cycling you like to whisper All right new place and cyclone let’s go where you want to go oh this is the original okay we go further from from swan on this side towards this side yeah what happened cyclone we need to build you guys a base that’s a little bit further from spawn so that

People don’t finally agree fit like what happened yesterday well yeah you’re lucky please Okay take this and eat first just in case before you die all right everyone give you food let’s go let’s go let’s go we gotta move man it’s the night time infj what’s up infj where are you from j ygn what’s up ign on my way wait you have original

Minecraft right original you don’t because right now only original minecraft can play bro so you mean cyclone get his account from the place one i mean it’s not his account but no please borrow he borrows cyclone is a counter so right now cyclone got access to the

Server because he’s using like no place account i’ll hold the light so you guys can see me easily like some things when he said he’s like whitelist mila i get goosebumps or sometimes when you do that really creepier i never noticed it until everyone started telling me i was like

Young man really man i heard carefully oh yeah wait can you um come with the boys i oh [Laughter] let me see let me see yeah i cannot it’s like it’s basically the same thing i gave him last time yeah this is all right monkey boy slave armor oh he gives you That diamonds you know how the craft for not cyclone how many diamonds did no place give you a cyclone eight eight okay you can make you can make a plate leg or helmet or boots which one you wanna make you can make oh wait he give you one more you

Can make a plate body bro Wait i make your crafting table behind you cyclone behind you watch out we’re here here okay okay cyclone now right i made this thing for you you can craft your armor with it it’s called a crafting table here right click and then you can make your diamond armor you know how all right

You’ve done this before a million times cyclone yeah i can see his cape why wait how the hell no please get this like cave damn nice the banner you can use oh how come how come you’re on i cannot see yours oh yeah i can see i can see no place on

It’s like uh how you say three lines are there like a claw scratcher i don’t know what to say mine is just a normal minecraft migrator cape but i like this one cape i don’t know oh the last time you buy the animated kids that’s the release camera

Do you like do you like uh swat or you like like playing bow on minecraft sword all right give me your sword bro i’m going to give you some second chance for letting cyclonia account huh durability uh yeah let me repair this first Then we are going to realize your cat here where’s my cat here no no don’t ask me say that again whoever keeps Okay Here At least you give cyclone access and where the hell cyclone you won’t see me do magic wait what magic no place ready really but still can do that man before i remove both of your creative man yeah but he’s showing like how people exploit it wait so that’s how they exploited a new

Place to like the server right they just keep flying and generating yeah i know but how the heck wait so technically if you can do it new people can join the server and still do it what the hell yeah and then if they get van they they have to like use another account

Like extra account whatever to do it but what the heck oh ipvan yeah slash ban ip yeah i thought i just put the account and then they they cannot join anymore even without but that means using the hack client to place it no place with your original microsoft account like that

Hey now how you do it a mob mod oh More than make it uh no wonder no i’m confused cause now your name different already yeah dang that’s how they like this so yeah neon dream they fly them fast and then i think they just keep like using two accounts to like you know explore the terrain non-stop and just crash the server Wait go there guys there looks like nice got mountains and stuff there this decide towards this site yeah you had that last time cause you’re a vip all right yeah i remember i planned Not me i can’t die from your bow okay yeah i won’t believe you no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah this guy uh cyclone cyclone near second burn the left i didn’t get the kill oh yeah yeah no now to tp him here back right no

Choice right i’ll try and show the name i can join you original minecraft or not because right now only original can join because if i open the tea launcher they can just keep like joining with my account and then ban people yeah i don’t know oh you know i can see already

It’s like uh is it dark or penguin it’s like a duck of penguin kid wow this guy back man it’s damn annoying come cyclone you keep getting bullied by that guy come back armor and let’s go one time he bully or remove all his creative bro hi what two three hearts

That’s why i say if i were to remove someone it would be you not okay yeah kenya doesn’t do anything like make problems for people and you keep making a problem for me no bro i’m serious bro i’m gonna take it away even if you’re a big fan i don’t

Care man if you keep abusing that kenyan just do his own thing at least he don’t catch up people he helped he helped when like people but you keep disturbing keep killing people bro that’s really abusing man is it far from spawn this place not that far it’s like it’s quite near

This one actually not even one thousand about one thousand blocks away any server for original minecraft yes jay it is for original minecraft yeah you you you need to buy a ygm original minecraft on shoppie or on like original website also can for me i bought it on shopify it works

Fine but the view here is quite nice though wait i see a cave there you’re making want to make like a cave base or what no if you land in the water you won’t like no place like that just be careful bro Oh you didn’t die what the hell oh i think your boots got feather falling you see this guy lah no difference on are you cyclone what oh yeah he renamed it for you already oh he quite i don’t know what’s this this cave it’s kind of weird cave

It’s not really a cave it’s like ravina there bro really weird what’s the platform name to buy for me i bought on the shoppie but you can check on like minecraft original website there’s many ways to buy a buy gn like it’s like a cd key like that you know

Then you just need to activate it use my mom credit card oh but i don’t know like i bought for about 50 something like that from shopee still works fine though the thai i think moonshona occasious i don’t know who told me about it then i just like trialla

Yeah but they also bought it wait no wait cases and cool bought from original website i think i’m not sure yeah i know it’s is she pulled by i don’t know about that one right i’m like oh my god how much is it in sing dollars uh down you have to ask questions

He bought it how much you bought it frozen dollars on the original shopkiches it for you i think roughly around like 30 plus dollars roughly like i don’t know the exact price but roughly around 30 something so get minecraft and then now uh computer we are lost everyone right minecraft java yeah

What’s the rest twenty nine dollars yeah so like java java and bit rock sing dollars you know now even right i mean like even if you have the like if you buy last time they give you the bedrock for free slightly uh for me i bought on the website i didn’t

Get many issues wait jay you have original minecraft yeah if you want to join just give me your username jay everyone can join all right so just drop me your username j and then i’ll let you join the server inflation yeah no more now everything is

More expensive for a new place to be honest where were you guys just now oh yeah keep keep coming in front here guys like no place cyclone or anyone yeah yeah here i saw one place quite nice but i don’t know whether you want to build a base

Out in the open or not you sure not yeah quite nice guys i don’t know if you want to view here or not it’s like uh oasis but then i don’t know i don’t know whether you want to build secret type or what members base i don’t know a quote hyper

Maybe not here now i think maybe we need to go further a bit cyclone can use both to explore faster oh crap well i know why because i made a new one oh he’s there take the ball and go pick him up he’s right there follow me follow y’all

Way this is new base is for basically just build a base for them so that they don’t get grief so easily near the spawn but not too far solar oh no he’s just he’s just digging the treasure bro there’s a lot of mobs here guys i’m gonna go survival and thank them for

Y’all what kind of base you want to build new places like clone is it like let’s build a castle castle oh sky yeah sky base will be nice actually let’s build a skype but how to access it or not place if you want to access the sky base how to get up there

Oh No because if you build a stats it’s going to be so obvious but if you so that means you teleport to the nether then another nether portal that will pop you back into the overworld oh well that’s a really good idea please let’s go then i think i suggest we go further because

In the case like people know as the coordinates of your base they can find it already it could go somewhere more he didn’t Is yeah substitute is not already abandoned because all the tea launcher people can not hear already the whole house is fine wait i need to find another bottle the whole base is my house my wait i think sky based right no place do you think good idea to build in the

Middle of the ocean because people normally using boat middle of the ocean they won’t sunny just look up right right they’ll be like just traveling traveling they wouldn’t suddenly like look up all those other hands how come one base here so maybe we do it in the middle of the ocean Yeah here y’all can use the boat but me and k just go check whether but is it uh there’s a bottle down here bro already got water there no no this is the broken bottom oh wait this is a really massive ocean where are you all this broken water

Are you invisible i don’t see you oh you’re here yep oh it’s quite big so you all can do like here wait where did they go there’s no cyclone and new place were here y’all went to the deep ocean right yeah oh yeah i think they went quite deep

Already ah y’all can go here no actually just go deep deep into the ocean then after that from there we’ll build Your island yeah oh here the chunks i think not loading in that well already too much ocean go just go straight please go like this side here but i think we are quite deep in the ocean already wait yo i’m gonna go in front and see

Yeah in front here got so much ocean oh you’ve got a bit of land okay let me go here i think where you’re at right new place is already quite good to build a base around here around here quite good right because he’s in quite in the middle of the ocean now

Direction like the day i show you then after that you but now that that base is kind of like hidden already so you can you i don’t know if you know where is it or not it’s not last time got the entrance anymore because we hide it in case next

Time new people join the that base will be like safe like that all right i hope you can get it bro if you high enough if you want i can send you the link i bought from shopee on your dream down gary me moonshine all body also and it’s safe but if you

The one it’s okay whoa it’s like a earth what the hell wait how many blocks can they build up somewhere one two three four no no i just want to see how many they can be up so that they can build stuff or so or not quite a lot

Keep going keep like go to max the higher the better i don’t even be in the sky i’ll just turn off clouds so i also normally do that for me sometimes when if i’m doing sky based right now right i’ll just turn off the clouds because they’re kind of annoying

Yeah that’s what i’m saying the higher the better so that no one can see their base Oh wait hold on now bro i’m coming to where cases you just keep going until max this just tell me when it’s max wait uh cyclone go down a bit okay okay max by like now you’re the max you lower it by maybe like 20 blocks at least

Yeah you punching my side first let me see how high is it then after that just taking like one hour or something to get up more more more you can build higher stuff okay more more more bit like maybe five more okay okay camera maybe yeah hey yeah like this one

Okay now i just have to fill it up all right new place like london what the hell is this holy crap it’s that high up there scare folding yeah we should then can go all the way up right right you’re gonna replace it now nah just do it afk is it no place

You can see my pov from down here oh wait hold on cyclone you wait that patiently let me see what pov from down here wow what the hell uh Until all the way up there what the heck all right new place go up oh my goodness oh neon dream you sent me some underwater thing also yeah i checked the thing that you can discuss with my mom yeah i can send you the link also but you can buy from

Official website also either way it’s fine yeah i’m coming all the way up bro holy crap it’s super high out it’s like it’s like in the mountain or something mountain no no no no no you’re in space i think to blend in with the colors of the sky and the cloud

White color i’ll put a white color oh you can make it look like a heaven you can use the cheese of course hold on brother Yes sir cyclone how big you want your base more or more all odd you know what yeah wait what else yeah the channel not loading in hold on um oh but now we use what i think i think what we can do right we follow back the idea but

For the part where we use like quartz or something okay let me try yeah okay let’s start at the mid point where’s the midpoint the midpoint is probably like it’s not a real square though but l minor doesn’t have to be somewhere i’ll here with the midpoint i guess

Probably there is it the midpoint let me see no higher a bit probably like that why is this one ah just marking like that’s the middle and then once i knocked it out you can build a bottle here just like the middle out of the base you know i mean yeah sherman cyclone

Hold on no yeah i’m trying to even it up properly i’m trying to see from up here is it the center looks like hitler but i think that all right he’ll be like the center point maybe i put like a fountain or something here like that for them and then put like

I don’t know surrounding them like a square like that yeah i can also just mix it that looks nice wait okay new place you know how to do the portal thing i give you the stuff for the for the potter you know what do you need

At least you can you can do that on first and then cyclone i’ll give you some some building blocks and then you can start building a solar whatever like your room or whatever here give you a bunch here this view whatever you want all right okay tell me

What you need a new place for the obsidian like you need for two bottles i’ll just give you like 30 first and clean and steel all right Oh don’t sing the song you’re gonna sing the wrong lyrics you know why do you mind All right i’ll be right back first i need to do something when you please jump your butter is here i got you Can you give me a bit in case i died no i’m not doing it wait i think i know what he said right he said that right yeah freaking faster yeah he said he said um what the heck bro um oh yes j i do have a discord server maybe

You can drop your username i can add you up and invite you applique the portal is head freaking obliques of fortress huh really uh yeah what the heck What This he like this is like good thing man why you love gunthing island so much location is one two three four what delivering you to us uh hold on you want tp here but um wait is this secret base you’re on the courts league or what those

Like all right all right it’s like look before i even ask you already shout no caught sleep no no no no no no this is the private place you gotta come here it’s a what place Hey please give me trust you with it a picture you know well these aren’t going to look like olympus already cases live what the heck You okay brother what are you on today huh [Laughter] Is god all that yeah really yeah because i don’t think so Take as long as you wanna Later we got to make it look a bit more like you know nicer looking right now it’s kind of bad Tonight they all can sleep late if dota i won’t try master on axa i don’t know if they all can sleep quiches cannot sleep yeah they’re all school already cool so i think tonight no more sleep lately well i’m not bad at your design really really good oh no place no school tomorrow

Oh no my table it’s broken it’s broken complete demo version what do you mean by that ygn demo version oh hello i’m back oh hello why because he says is it because you go and say the what do you call it why would i kill a beginner

Why would i kill a beginner all right oh i see i’ll be right back and then after that i turn it off and i forgot to turn it on and didn’t help why you missed my face that much man okay fine i’ll turn it back on then since you missed it so much

We need help to build a basement i need you to put some nice light cyclone here let me show you don’t put everywhere like spam everywhere only in certain corners like this where it looks nice you just put some lights at this cycle and see what the hell

All right put in the corners put in the corners put in the corners like lauren come on got demo version also minecraft java edition i’m not sure about that because normally all of us we just play on like the standard like uh version i guess whoa cyclone okay uh the vessel

Cannot be like that one cyclone english is a main language to me and no like no no chinese better chinese better you go china and you speak chinese chinese very controversial topics you like to start a cyclone i suggest you shut up i suggest you shut up you’re gonna make

A very controversial topics bro no such thing as better better the world everyone has their own different uh cultures and uniqueness you know yeah you cannot say things like chinese better man what the heck i mean cyclone louder than pk voice in stream mute him server muhim oh my god i think

I should do that right that’s a good idea hey why not your voice is louder than annoying people say too much are you okay let me go back to the white mic again oh no nice little place cyclone started being sus ever since uh the day i know him i would say

Never not one day he’s not assassin 2.0 3.0 what is that sky point 3 0.0 what’s that even means like water or something good do i don’t know how drinking water sky water i’m drinking water sky water what kind of sky water Shisha you know why you always say cheese because you always drink too much alcohol cyclone you really want to get served your third is it no then why you being a nuisance talking nonsense all day i already put the lights there do another roma how’s this fountain yeah looks good i think

It looks like those how you put it uh well like this well well well do we have a well here like that could you whitelist me on a server so i could play my name is salman hid underscore do you have original minecraft salmon hit underscore because it’s only

Only for original minecraft band around 50 only in shopping maybe i will buy yeah roshan i can send you a link later if you want the one that i bought from shopee so you can just buy from that one also yeah say what cases okay

You’re gonna fall so you need me to help you build a bag uh like this all yeah not bad like this one wait cyclone hold on cyclone hold on you can make a tower i can’t give it to you just get dirt and then after that

Yeah like this is it no it’s because the base the base one two three four five six okay you just build it up cyclone i’ll give you i’ll give you a bunch you just build it up as high as you can cyclone yeah oh my god

Okay just build it up build a tower so we go inside to the fortress and then oh wow across the other side there then go to this one and then boom wow that’s okay i can’t remember it okay yeah the soil misses cyclone every time you’re gone he’s i miss you man where

You why you go so fast yeah when you he hearing oxygen to you all right when you chill he’s very sad wait all right already cyclone i’m just linking it for you okay don’t jump down now you’re gonna die so all right see you later

Don’t be up all the way up like that cyclone uh yeah here you build a tower later i’ll help you out i need to finish up new place house i need to be finishing up new place house bro that’s why just let me focus cyclone okay i’ll see you later

Yeah yeah yeah i’ll see you later you take care of you take care see you later bye bye you have to put the thing underneath yeah uh do you try the pyramid thing are you underneath right you know that i put ammo wow admiral so daring are you

Send the link pk all right roshan i’ll send it to you in dms i didn’t can’t i don’t care who wanted the link again roshan and nyan dreamer can’t play iphone roshan i’m using old version windows let me see uh like my things that i bought before now this one

Why can i not uh yeah okay let me see neon This is the one i bought on neon dream you can try this one it’s like half price yg and also all right and roshan i don’t see what’s the problem here all right i sent out you guys the shop peeling already you guys can check it

Out so the one i bought was um let me see you can choose the options and i think where is it yeah you can choose the variation shad personal or resell so just select the personal one i think that was the one i chose personal which is 61 ringgit at the moment but

There’s others so solar there’s others that you can buy from but this is the one i bought from that is trusted he when you pay when as soon as i paid him the money then i just dm him and ask him like for the details for the email

And all that then he straight away sent to me and then all i had to do was just change the email the password and then yeah this is until now i’m just using the account no problem so oh you’re building uh what are you building beaker in the middle of the underneath

I don’t get why it’s not working let me see oh the thing is this blocks is it oh but the water will come out but i think i think la it’s like you can use the account you can share it but i really don’t know how it works i just

Use the personal one so maybe if let’s say if you or roshan really want to get right maybe you can uh try to like how do you say uh just try to share the account but only one of you guys can play at the time now

That’s the the the bad the bad part about it okay let me see come in here let’s put some stairs i see yeah what do you do wrong i totally didn’t do anything wrong then someone’s achieved actually the first block i did one block also thinking what do you do wrong

Actually i just don’t understand all right it’s a beacon boy you know what’s up camping up there in the high limit don’t know on this guy i don’t want to share with you griefer or maybe a life yeah 61 ringgit roshan but she put an original website like original website hundred plus

The clouds are blocking from what from downstairs yeah yeah it’s kind of far oh but you can see the shadow of the building from up here you need to put like a oh oh like i have to put light down there i don’t want maybe like after send to me email and

Everything then how to download okay basically right after you send you the email you log in you change your password you change your your like you change that email to your original email or whatever you can do that also if you want but i recommend you do that of

Course cause like security reasons so anyway once you’ve got your account configured all you gotta do you can use t launcher and you just like uh when you wanna sign in with the launcher you just sign in with your original microsoft account which is what

I do so you can use t launcher and then just sign in and then you don’t have to download or anything like that again here on dream because you already have the game right so you just use the launcher login to your original minecraft account that you just bought

The 61 ringgit one then already just like that yeah bro yes sir where oscar pk i think oscar also didn’t buy the original minecraft because he joined from t launcher as well bro yeah i don’t have to worry about your dream that one quite safe because me

Gary moon shoon i think does i also like four four or five of us all bought from that link that i sent y’all so that link also is munching sent to me on and i bought it no problem so shouldn’t see any problems for you guys

Just make sure you take the personal one because that’s what i took so i took the personal one right after i paid them the 60 ringgit already they i just asked them like oh i already paid finish already can you send me the details then he just really sent me the

Details he told me like the steps how to change the email how to change the password blah blah blah i just did that and then i log in using my t launcher but i verify like my microsoft account so i’m technically using like queen speaker which is my original account on the launcher

Speed now speed is nice so it can run around fast wow nicer ksrc now got speed also one will be cyclone’s house and probably this one will be nuke place one i’m not sure yet see which one day one but then i think this one looks

About a big i don’t know about the same it’s lit how do they agree i don’t know up to you what the heck pink blue blue and pink you know After does i come then i can play in t launcher so if you put grief then i buy i up the euro shun i’m not sure yet la roshan whether i probably will just leave it for original minecraft most likely because i i did talk to dazai and ask

Him what he thinks about it and he told me that if no choice just put to original minecraft because so many griefers from t launcher so i probably might have to just stick to this roshan to be honest with you so if you can buy then yeah that’ll be

If you if you do want to play like you can buy don’t worry i’m removing some what these people you trust maybe yeah that’s what i thought of solar like but the thing is right new place is like i want people to join the server and have fun

Also but very dangerous knowing that people can just do the thing that you did like just fly and like make the whole server crash so yeah maybe this whitelist people i trust see how it goes but for now today i just wanted to i just wanted to stream without getting

Any crashes you know is it iron bar yeah fixing all the positioning all right neon dream and roshan i’ll see you guys later man let me know if you decide to get the game i’ll just whitelist you guys look kind of weird this house i don’t know why but this side

What do you mean you mean this one but oh no mine you don’t have to say it cases i know what you mean i understand what you’re saying tomorrow y’all got school already school man how come he can stay up late when i met you in the summer to my heartbeat sound

I think zacky having summer holidays is it we fell in love as the leaves turn brown okay la not bad like this roof design not sure what i’m doing also but seems to be okay i guess and we could be together babe yeah i was getting confused by the funkiness okay hey

Oh this part is closed what the heck is this line man hey yeah yeah yeah no is this part wrong right hey what if oh we got this one and then from yeah and then now we do this why sunny said that pk what the heck i go

Wait what whoever what do you mean why sonny said that pk or hell i go oh no i was wondering how come you can stay up so late now after that i stay quiet but got no school manager i go i think that’s okay looks pretty fancy roof really detailed that roof

But the rest of the structure is all one color like i don’t know how to make it look more more like olympus bro do you have any ideas for two months until september he is on holiday wait who is on holiday we need some greek mythology inspiration manchester’s the fountain was good this

House is okay but i think this one doesn’t fit the team and the red color another thing is yeah maybe maybe need to be gold color oh pk i know already shad is how yeah you asked already how is the chat on how does it work cause i have no idea

Yeah i think add some like things like this what you’re trying to do i don’t know what you’re doing there this is only white wall swagger it is i don’t have to clean oil oh anything like walmart must launch in launcher but cannot change the email and pass

Oh you cannot change the email and pass so that then how then how our yg and they were just doesn’t suit the team even this one also doesn’t suit the team to be honest wait how about iron iron bars oh it looks like looks weird looks weird uh don’t have any clean nice

Oh wait how about how about this i don’t know whether i look nice or not looks kind of weird it’s like the glass up here connect to the bottom like that if it’s just pure white will be nice i know you cannot allow too many android already brother

You’ll get stuck to the iron rod but i think too many unroads are we need to replace all this with iron also later they’re all here lah i’m not look nicer but i think the iron ball bar makes more sense oh the iron bar look weird and certain flat

Let’s put it at the corner like this okay i think this is okay i’ll let you do that part i feel i’m gonna buy just get it oh i jumped but we shouldn’t getting the shed a personal one because uh that’s always like how much chat is 11 ringgit but really dangerous

Style is like you cannot change the account name and all that and the password and all that is Can also looks nice quartz bricks difference you come to the bottom so basically their base got three exp farmer just down here oh again getting the chat on you can try i don’t know how that one works also it’s just the name you an email you

Cannot change but i think you can still use it and play how does it look like from the bottom though pka i lost wait where are you occasions you go right to the base rtp oh here got the shadow of the base of it uh is that the base yep

You can’t even see the base from down there until you fly up to a certain height when you can see okay rtp came to you yeah from down here you can’t even see it bro if you’re on a boat and you’re just passing by you can’t even see it unless

You suddenly look up and see hey what’s that now i got suddenly you got like people moving up there really small yeah no this you know the server you can set the render distance of the server so like everyone on the server has to have a fixed render distancer so i just put

It to 10 yeah you can’t see it yeah exactly you can’t even see it but when you’re like a bit uh like when you go a bit up to a certain point and then suddenly you can see you can see a lot like this i only can see uh

Them higher look how they go normally people on the ocean why would they suddenly come up until here and see if like this then people can see like kind of obvious but like if you’re down here on the ocean just like passing by and like adventuring no way

You’re going to notice the vase bro it’s so well hidden tell me your username and all my generator so i can rightlist you all right puffy time yeah so oh wait what also tripped up probably the new place i will be streaming tonight brother should be here huh So that’s the planner yeah floating island you know what all right since you’re the expert mode in that i’ll let you do that i’ll decorate this house so good like in a hood okay must be cyclone up down left right don’t know where Yes no please huh two fortress there what is the chances bro wait rounds i cannot Okay here why are we even putting glass down just nearby our fortress is this another fortress oh wait isn’t it the same one it’s a different one so big holy hell yeah it’s two different watchers i wonder it’s so huge what the hell two fortress right next to each other

That’s really crazy you know wonder this watchers looks massive and so happen you all have another spawn in the fortress wow that’s crazy say floating island or what i don’t know i’m just saying man now man calcium calcium oh yeah look nice and like clouds like this okay

So that means only the walkway is like the one that’s holding it all uh that’s really crazy man geishas because like today for you my friend people which friend a good friend Yes yes wow this base already looking really crazy bro this base for nuke place and mister my clone we came in we all got a gold beat and a dragon basically i’m thinking of like the weekend when there’s a lot of people and we all go together like you know like a

Crazy bunch of idiots like that and then or maybe yeah we wait for design when you come back first you know does that feel like floating Send your sponsor i think i actually need to show you all who is i am infj he say my name exactly yeah huh probably your friend it never jay zak yeah i don’t know he i don’t know earlier he asked to like list him and he said his name is salman something

You know yeah so when he said that i was like don’t know i don’t even know this guy yet yep i don’t even know him yet so after that i i was wondering how he knew you so then like hey that kind of sasa yeah i can tell that’s why i didn’t like

This here yeah there this guy suddenly just talked about zacky even though it was akina around as i was wondering how this guy knows that key we fell in love summer as the leaves turn brown yeah floating houses are really really nice oh but very dangerous also a lot can go wrong

Yeah a lot can go wrong especially for my clone was seven it’s like this man oh seven oh kind of uh yeah kind of kind of kind of kind of kind of kind of oscar not gonna lie wait do you have original minecraft or not it’s an original minecraft yeah

Because people keep you people keep using my username to join the server and then ban everyone so i’m like i uh just no choice but now i did it uh it’s like a link for you to buy minecraft cheaper like that because normally it’s about 120 110 or

Something like that but i bought it for 61. oh i need to do this for the people all right i’ll send you a link then floating heaven kind of last car is kind of like you know were were seven olympus vibes but you know we’re trying because i think somebody come out here

Oh you mean in the you think people really do like that Oh my clone boy okay all right six or so faster i might might go off at 6 30. is like you cannot change your you cannot change your username and all the details are there are basically but it’s like something like you cannot change your email and password so it’s like

A bit risky i don’t know how it works but i just bought the i bought the personal one uh he means you’re another potter the nether porter at the base there he wants to make it smaller a bit i think is it okay thank you You’re buying from like i don’t know why is it cheaper but it’s like once you buy that account right then you just log in using a t launcher like normal but you log into like account and you can you can join already you know wow so nice i mean i have

Real minecraft on my ipad so can i just log in to the account on my launcher on no because that one is for i don’t think it’s for bit wrong on java it’s ios right yeah on ipad cannot i think because you need to have java version

Oh you want to put like a fence at the side acacious wouldn’t it be nicer if we just put all glass like this looks cleaner i think yeah and also kind of nice actually it looks kind of like i’m vibing with it all for the safety of mike the clone

One will be my clones rumor got a really nice balcony with a view wait do you need to wipe this username yeah okay try and write this movie i’ll buy it okay just send me your username username riches yeah i already cut out too many here like everyone sent me different

Usernames so i cannot remember one it’s the same username if it’s the same username it probably wouldn’t work because okay you see how when i slash white list add and then put your name it says player already whitelisted yup so it says you have already whitelisted

Yeah but there’s no cases and i tried it it doesn’t work the only way is like you have to change your name like that okay so example like just now cases his old account he couldn’t sign in with that so after he changed his name to the new name encounter Hi queens remember me what’s up ghost place i do remember you your name is pretty familiar bro how you been this is a crazy base in the sky with the yellow beacons or more oh you’re expanding out the road and somewhere else let me get a bit in your second

Maybe you can set here first nook please he’ll go on bit up here for now you just sat here first yeah or maybe we make one platform for them later It’s okay you don’t have to put like we can put one more small building and then just put on as an enchantment area also i mean like maybe around here yeah like maybe in this tower I have been doing well thanks i’m glad to hear that man ghost please do you play minecraft if you have original minecraft you can join our server authorization without like pass and then authorization at microsoft the authorization at microsoft yeah if you do t launcher your account is

Feed on your account if it’s microsoft means you are using og minecraft for me i’m using t launcher but i just used like uh verified with mojang and after that i log into my microsoft accounting camera you know i mean i’m playing on my original account with the launcher

This one kind of like a nice plaza like that in the middle of the waterfall and everything i mean the fountain Oh crap oh crap oh crap actually actually this looks really nice here the combination wow okay no problem please see you later then iso might need to go for exercise soon you know so yeah electro ball what’s up good to see you i do remember you electro ball uh quick

Question electro ball do you have original minecraft and what’s your username bro because you need original minecraft to join the server so if you want to join i hope you have original minecraft that’s all oh that’s good Yup that’s really good that’s actually really really nice for the outer and onion is it oh yeah actually that looks nice where do you even start it from here and then hey here i’m confused you mess this part up please bro they’re here right it’s supposed to be here and then

After that in between right No wonder oh yeah this looks damn cool it’s like not so boring just one pattern it’s like a border like that no i used t launcher oh you’ll use t launcher yeah you need original minecraft to join the server man all right because right now or rather like because

Of yesterday’s incident people keep using my username to like ban people on my server so i got no choice bro yeah now it looks really cool maybe we should just make this our own base eradication we just expand and make make our own buildings here for ourselves also

This is a nice looking base what we just expand the base anymore oh no no no i’m not gonna steal it uh we just add on to it you know add-on but last night our floating islands were nice because they were at like different heights you know

They were not all like on the same height like they were how is it some were higher up and some are lower yeah make it look like very natural you were there what you were in you were in my tavern before ah bing chilling yeah yeah you know that word oh Why are you following the old methods yeah yeah yeah you’re following the whole method you were busy bro helping him non-stop what should the thing here be so now we need the assignment what thing what thing uh if you ask me leave it empty nice if you ask me

It’s pretty clean not gonna lie bro but for this one i’m gonna do the the last thing remember yeah like the blueberries hanging down i’ll make a me see hmm i can do this once i can what little bit oh i don’t understand I think it’s okay it’s not that bad underrated block mystic outside yeah who’s gonna look at it from the bottom yeah no one gonna notice it you know it’s just little little tiny detail yeah it’s just the little details that last time your dedication bro of your details all right

Yes sir sorry sorry about that electro ball but maybe when the server has the launcher capabilities in the future you can join for sure otherwise you have to buy the real minecraft to join for now well i wish i can connect connect in the chain why you want to do such a thing

Oh yeah does that look weird will look more clean but i think lanterns is okay bro yeah bro i think that won’t be okay uh yeah i think that’s the nicest one wrong oh okay i think i know how maybe like maybe you can do something like i don’t know like maybe like

Or maybe for the this on the glass like how like like this oh Something really nice and clean like white color but this one okay lah i think not too bad on the outside that’s not how we did it already oh yeah we did like floating lights last time no last time because we used this one how did we do it last time

Last time we used this thing uh let me show you these things last time you used this one last time oh you just oh yeah yeah hmm Glass cannot do that man glass will be like this is raw diet Anyway 6 30 i gotta go first i’ll come back after dinner all right bro what the heck man i want to do an enchantment area you still here on man yeah i don’t think it’ll work because it’s not cross-platform you know wait be it tonight you shooting minecraft was all right yeah

Okay yeah i’ll probably go with original minecraft yeah if you can that’ll be the best wheel of course i don’t think t launcher as much as i want everyone to play i don’t think we got a way to like fix it for now hello i’m back very aggressive very very complicated design

Change some of the floor blocks with sea lanterns or glowstones then place white carpet on them or you see lanterns and decorate it with trapdoors oh he’s trying to say like you can hide the lights under the sea lanterns yeah we cannot see our nice calcite floors like this

I’m so bad with building roofs bro always have problem with the roof where are i trying to see i’m trying to see if i can figure it out i think can but i don’t know let’s see no more i got you hey oh oh yeah you’re trying to do that okay i

Got you better watch nah i slept the whole time yeah just seeing how it looks like honey first it’s like one time oh yeah just leave it a slap Yeah i think okay already just i want it to look like those you know only plus kind of ripe yes oh crap hey what happened what happened i don’t know something not right here something is wrong and this part looks so odd correct what hmm wow okay my locations are eventually ready just

After you leave a qrig in my blue blade and if you come up in you guys should build zeus and thunder wazoo so that’ll be so hard to view raw zeus use candles on top of enrots candles on top and rods i’ve never tried that before bro how does that look

Sure i gotta go already for dinner but i’ll be streaming tonight after dinner let me just see how this looks oh wow that kind of nice the vibe it it fits like the just nicely all right i’m going to continue afterwards just i’ve got to go for for

My exercise and dinner and stuff first oh i’m just trying actually i’m trying to make an enchantment area with like some books oh i can do that yeah you do that now you’re an expert in what area all right i think i’m gonna go for the nervous yep i’ll see you guys later

After my dinner and stuff but thank you for watching the stream

This video, titled ‘LIVE Minecraft Anarchy Server For Viewers | FREE Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Qynz on 2022-07-11 10:43:50. It has garnered 204 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:13 or 10933 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch’, was uploaded by Plafi gaming on 2024-03-18 02:28:45. It has garnered 459 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch Most Dangerous Elevator Minecraft’s new OVERPOWERED Weapon… I Survived 100 Days On a DIAMOND RAFT In Deep Ocean i. IFound Minecraft’s RAREST Armor in Hardcore! (Hindi) 50+ New Things Added to Minecraft 1.21 (Update) DUPING CRATE KEYS on a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server Why Scary KRASUE ATTACK HOUSE At Night in Minecraft? How This SWORD Made… Read More

  • Monkey Jungle Madness – Minecraft ROBLOX Animation

    Monkey Jungle Madness - Minecraft ROBLOX AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #roblox #animation #cartoon #shortsviral #twiddlefinger’, was uploaded by Monkey Jungle Top on 2024-08-03 12:04:13. It has garnered 893 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

    The ComBREWter Strikes Again! The ComBREWter Returns!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 Introduction The latest episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 brings exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts – the return of the ComBREWter! Zedaph, a prominent member of the Hermitcraft server, introduces a limited edition Zed Plush and gamified Potion Brewing with the new ComBREWter. Limited Edition Zed Plush Fans of Zedaph can now get their hands on a limited edition Zed Plush by visiting Zedaph’s official website. This adorable plush is a must-have for any Minecraft fan looking to add a touch of Zedaph’s charm to their collection. Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the… Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

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