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I found new colorful houses in Minecraft and very many interesting characters subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys you have a zombie with you today let’s take a look at some colorful new homes some really cool Persians here look it’s Spider-Man sitting on the head of lat 4 that’s teacher baly minions right there that’s what monkey pink is all right well let’s get started let’s go from the very first Red House get likes subscribe and we’re off to see Spider-Man wow guys it’s all flooded in here LEL where’re the hell did I end up Spider-Man hi hey zombie help me please let me out of here I got caught okay use the web grab that corner over there jump off uh-huh my spider web was stolen I can’t spider web now why did the Spider-Man have his web stolen okay fine I’ll help I can’t fly here as I let go the block will break the L is it around here somewhere there’s a trampoline in the trunk somewhere I see it on the left in the corner look let me see the lavender oh here we go I’ll be right there I just look away lavender will help the spots I don’t know what won’t help you no don’t what I’m saving you for look over there look over there it’s got to be over there all right then let me try look I’m a superhero too the little bit I jumped over was cool okay and it’s the same here it’s not going to help you jump back accelerate almost jumped it’s okay to listen I’m basically a Spider-Man now I believe I have to the same way my countenance deceives me know but in that cor the very last one on the left sending some to the wrong place no well go to the left take a well look to the left okay last chest if there’s poop in there I’m you means you’re messing with me checks the chest all right all right this is something else what is it how do you use it let’s see what it is it might help you jump I’m afraid but let me at least put it at the bottom you jump on it okay we need to do some careful math yeah let me just put a few of these up right now you’ll just walk down them later okay come on jump oh you get away from there a little bit backed off all right Spider-Man you can save the world again and I told you there was a ceiling somewhere and you didn’t believe me it’s a cool thing okay I should probably move on you should go too all right I’m going to head that too ouch head ugy he’s also in a helicopter spam please come back I need you I need superhero help look how you want is here I’ll be right there oh finally come on we’re going to take him down we’re going to destroy him we’re going to save the world come on hugy wuggy on you he’s so strong how very real he is he must be hard to hit maneuvering quickly from all directions woo oh that’s it he’s gone Spider-Man by thank you very much everybody he’s off to save the world let’s get these guys moving oh it’s cold down here guys oh look my entire inventory is even Frozen all covered in snowflakes I’m going to freeze so what’s going on here oh I think it’s all about not getting caught there’s a camera overhead guys be careful okay look there’s actually a Mana camera watching me so what’s the trunk let’s take a look a sword it’ll help us let’s take a look see if we can sneak in further all right let’s go this way be careful not to get caught that’s the way it’s going to be I’ve been overlooked oh he saw me he summoned SLB get out of here I don’t even have guns what do I have to fight him with boys one sword but a stone sword get it fast was he scared what okay look I have an idea by the way we can flip him off with more snowballs the main thing is not to get caught by the cameraman again Bedrock how am I supposed to get through it’s got everyone’s thigh slammed in here okay let’s just try jumping over like this oh that’s great okay there’s more portals here too might work these cameras they scare me and turn me into the silver one get out of here that’s Goldie yeah get snowballs he’s afraid dies he’s afraid of snowballs great that’s what’s going to help us I just thought I was freezing but this will save us you’re a cameraman stop ratting me out all right let’s try to move on I hope no one else Burns me it’s a neat little sneak oh no I think I’ve been spotted he’s got me on camera don’t give it up no please don’t call him ouch sereno’s head I’ve been here a long time if anything no get out of here don’t white don’t well you get stitches get out of here oh no no why are you afraid of snow you’ll freeze that’s it you’re not getting me baby I won’t get in so there are chest of diamonds axe it might help us so let’s get some diamonds I can chop through it with an axe I’m going to take aimim at you all right guys let’s get through the snow and shoot straight into it but for you get Serena’s head let’s break it down take that let me destroy Veil here all right guys in Siren head is defeated as long as those cameramen they’re gone it’s all gone great Serena’s head won’t be back again oh there’s another camera let’s get out of here all right let’s hurry up and dig before he comes back what away quickly guys hello doctor or something oh hey I’m a fan what who are you glad that you’re a badass I’m your subscriber here’s a flower for you give me the diamond quick what shouldn’t Vlad be saying that guys what happened to him are you sick or something what’s wrong Vlad you’re kind give me the diamonds I don’t have diamonds I only have guns to defeat monsters well you did you also covered it with a gra are you sick I think ah get out I said this doctor is here for a reason okay fine I’ll Diamond you all right well I’ll be there all right Chuckles come on come on I’m waiting guys we have to save this doctor perhaps he can CER Vlad for I think he’s just sick and that don’t peek all right then he’s trying to burn my plans guys the main thing is that V didn’t sleep now we will save this doctor the main thing is not to get lost in The Labyrinth so how to get to him ah everything’s on fire it’s hard to make up some kind of test the important thing is guys grain I got him hello doctor what are you doing here in the Maze hello at four he’s messing with me he got some evil disease and put me here to cure him but he doesn’t want to be cured anymore he likes being evil what guys we have to save him hey Vlad what are you doing why would you do that that I’m looking for you wait shoot okay okay I’ll get you the diamonds I found them come on come on drive me mommy I’ll be right back I’ll be right back with the diamonds doctor what did you find the tier for yes yes yes I did I’ll take it in the trunk all right got to get the Bowen Apple real quick blood oh he’s already blown the whole thing up one of you done lad why would you do that guys and just so the story doesn’t seem give me the diamonds all right all right here you go here ouch yeah I’ve ruined the only medicine that can’t be saved Dr regular apples will help him I don’t know it’s a 50/50 chance no what if he’s got cured okay I found the diamonds I’ll show you over there in the mine shaft on that side come on let’s go take a look come on you want to grab a bite to eat right here come on come on see the diamond mines guys I just haven’t found any so no diamonds found it no not a diamond what where are the diamonds hey are you going to give me that Apple today or not an apple to Apple she’ll help you oh why am I doing this what’s going on Vlad you’re back you’re all right you’re kind oh hey who are you I’m a Zombie I’m just going through a triang you know stuff like that I’d be a portal where’s glent where’s glent where is it where are my friends your friends I don’t even know uh listen oh where are we I don’t know these portals teleport to different places Vlad the important thing is we don’t get lost where are you let’s go now you’re all back to normal yeah it’s okay I got to go back and shoot some videos okay all right bye I’m very glad we healed you I did it we should tell the doctor ger your apples helped for good again all right oh cool good thing it helped I thought it wouldn’t work I was afraid okay thank you so much oh guys he destroyed there’s half the room along with all the tests the portal okay we’ll have to teleport to another portal let’s keep the boys moving woo oh guys look baly the teacher is he doing something to the moped uh I’m going to shoot you huh wait you’re here for the exam what an exam you’re a monster I have to fight you what a monster I’m taking exams if you’re here for an exam sit down I don’t have time to go any faster I have 10 more students in front of you you still have a c there doing mechanics wa wow 10 students L come on I don’t even have a license I’m like I’m going to have a license you’re here for your driver’s license I’m telling you the truth cool I can take the guys for a motorcycle ride later yeah let me try I’m going to turn around oh I’m just a little offended here I’m almost there stop what are you doing did I pass where are my rights minus 10 points for this reversal that’s it you haven’t passed you might say well we can try it again now I know how to look at the flashlight I accidentally knocked down here I pass I haven’t figured out the speed yet calm down oh God no I got stuck in there Sor that’s it no moped I’m an accident all of them and I’ll drive the car so fix the car this is your punishment these ones didn’t give up a penalty either go go go what’s the punishment yeah that’s it I’m even on trial what are the penalties what ordeal go on go on Baldi I’m still angry I shouldn’t have gone with you guys look they made these guys sck the car too look come here guys what come here learn here’s how to properly inject an obam AED gently like this that’s it there’s nothing dangerous about it can’t do that I’ll never get a license okay you’re also turning the right way let me try that again guys okay we’ll take the tire off like well I don’t want to guys you’re here for the vegetables how why did he plant them yeah sit tight you’ll be sitting for another 10 hours of punishment well you can try to pass it on then you’ll get a pass oh well I’m going to go try to pass it on uh Uncle bogy can I try again what are you ready after trying one yes I stand corrected or I’ll lock you up for 10 days 10 days you’re such an angry teacher the ruler is crooked yes all right we got to turn around learn it’s not going you broke it for me Luba sit down already all right come on oops neat I can’t do it Master baly well if you can’t handle it then you’ll fix the car what’s the problem all right well I’ll give it a shot I don’t know if I’m going to make it or not well so far I’m still a little touching but in principle I did not even hit one I even get a license I can handle it and I need to get there not yet and the chest I have to go this waych no you can’t go in there what’s in the trunk is this my reward for being right you’re not getting your license get out of here already all right well look I could even reverse on a motorcycle let’s make a neat year turn here I made it oh that’s heavy and I turned into the baly wire no you haven’t passed your driver’s license but you better get out of here you can’t even be trusted to fix a car goodbye well at least I can get the guys out of here all right from those guys I hope you come out Baldi can you let them go please for my sake I mean I’m the one who’s still I’ll figure out the idea from here guys run away quickly run away they ran great and Baldi will leave you with nothing got it you can’t put them away as punishment all right get out of here shoo I see I was going to tell you about you all right get out of here you don’t need any rights with monsters go to your father you can’t even drive you’re not good for anything in this life get out of here before I kick your ass I’m about to take offense to baldi’s teacher all right let’s not go any further offive useless useless useless useless all right I don’t need any rights another monster know better than the other but where are you going wa how do you get in there a minion I’m going to get you all right you can’t get me you can’t get me Minion I’ll get you one you got it what the hell kind of kble is going around here come in come in I’ll pass and this is where it closed what the hell are you doing behind an iron door that’s gold come on open up guys I’ve locked up everywhere hey you Skippy head I’m not telling you anything Yum Yum Yum Yum sure if I start shooting that’s how it is I destroyed I got it I’ll get you so what I don’t give a about them I’m brick digging now jump in you got it he jumped from here jum and it’s closed again guys wait wait I noticed something look all the furnaces are right but this one’s facing the wrong way what’s in here wo that’s going to help me so how’s the minion what you don’t think I’m going to make it do you n we’re not going to make it look at that lever D nice minion oh and now you have moped lessons one other moped lessons I’ve had enough lessons for one day Balden made fun of me I’m not doing anything else for anyone The Gangs told me how useless you are you’re friends with monsters again I won’t listen to you take it away take that monster there you go closed again guys there’s always some kind of malfunction and I’m getting in and out of everything guys I’m locked out so how to get out of here guys what do we do wait how maybe I can jump from here and get somewhere I came up with an idea upstairs and let’s go hey come here come here come here fell there lever I accidentally opened the drawer I found the lever guys all right where is he all right I got it well I’m coming for you buddy I’m coming for you all right this way minion and he’s already here so I found something that’ll help us too okay we have to kill first great now we put the pressure plate here it takes one more to open those double doors takeing out how to get in here all right all right minion I destroyed you don’t worry I’ll get there I don’t think you should come in here shouldn’t you what how are you pumped up I’m going to take a video this guys how did he get so gigantic ah he can control lightning what is this my heart’s in some kind of hky I guess look this is going to help me so I threw this one away and I’m going to keep the hearts I’m going to beat you I’m going to destroy you you got it no you can’t win all right let’s take these hilks with us let’s get one gun out of the way I’m not comfortable all right sit here I’m going to shoot you now it’s blowing up in your guys easy but he breaks everything we’ll take a little kidnapping we’ll take another heart so great he’s going to waste all my hearts here take this so how do you get into it he’s very strong stand up here stand up to me where too are you trying to trap me I’m not going to listen to you don’t come near me faster faster all right let’s see what it is uh-huh it’s smoking ah what did you do minion that’s not funny there you go now I’m going to collect the last heart and become super stronger than you so three hearts superpowers get it Moser get it no grenades can stop me I will destroy you minion giant ouch here have a pit have a piss oh that’s it we defeated him he seems to have disappeared this is where his explosion left off it destroyed the place but the important thing is the portal survived and we can move on that’s it oh wow I think I ended up in a daycare center or whatever the playground is guys look little minions flying jumping riding slides on swings oh hey look what Rose did hi guys guys my friends don’t cry don’t cry we’ll all find it we’ll find it I promise you we will oh dogs hi hello myin are you looking at the floor what’s wrong I mean I’ve got my backup I’ve got my backup that’s how I walk you’re the kindergarten teacher what kindergarten teacher I actually wow oh geez all those little minions are crying look guys minions take a pacifier what happened to them I need to find all these toys to help them I don’t know where they are toys lost wow what interesting toys they have three grand uh-huh did they lose three grand each no they had four grand and they lost three and let me help you find a crime stop crying to theage you could try it but I don’t know I’m not sure they’d like it ouch ouch oh how my back is watering that’s just crazy let me help you no well look I already found the toy oh that’s a great smell well done let’s go find everyone else I’m seeing a few things here find the toys okay guys let’s go find all the toys now they’ve got drawers over here man this is so cruel there’s minions riding them no joy rides it’s a Pity of course that the other minions have lost their toys we need to help them urgently well I found another one look behind the slide they were probably just playing and left their toys here maybe I don’t know I guess I’ve already found two of each by the way one more to go and then hopefully they’ll CB down I’d like to go on the swing set or the slide too but that’s okay then later right there look they were probably all plain no Junior what is it my back hurts a lot please help me oh my back hurts yeah my back hurts a lot I don’t know what to do and how it hurts I don’t know I don’t even have any cream with me to put on my back I don’t know maybe you should go to the hospital oh I guess I should go to the hospital well I’ll be back later let’s find the toys first ouch I found all three Toys each one let’s go Comfort them they’re really crying I feel so sorry for these minions don’t worry ate like I got up guys look an’s taking care of little kids okay I’ll do it guys I found some toys here are three Toys each here you go thank you thank you very much is okay you guys aren’t going to cry anymore yes thank you very much we won’t cry anymore oh look they stopped crying awesome great I’m very excited thanks zbuk I’m going to the hospital yes you better go to the hosital hospital and get your back fixed you guys go ahead and play with the others look how cool it is you can die on the swings you can die on the slides I’m going to go on to see the next room oh rainbow friend hey blue that’s great doto Zach it’s been a while well I’m not going to see you I went I swam goodbye dad’s bye all right guys we’re looking at it from here there are you blocking the door how am I going to get out of here I’m going to dig in look I can do it now we’re like this she goes back to sleep he puts her back back up it’s going to take me that long to dig up that’s in I’m out of here bye rainbow friend let’s show the tank I’m going to go do my evil Deeds oh wait guys I found the chest way to diamond shovel that’s what we need this will help us dig in and move on come on let’s walk carefully let me get a rainbow friend I’ll catch up with you real quick hah you got it right no wait that’s not fair eat here I’ll be right behind you all right let’s get in the next boat and chase our rainbow friend he’s gradl yeah gravity took longer to make the match difficult I’m going to dig let me have it stop messing with me rainbow drg why can’t I make fun of you why are you doing this I’m going to shoot you you ran away scared of course of course all right guys we’re going to dig in and run it straight to him oh there’s another boat get in keep going I’ll catch up with you I’m sick of you what you bad rocked the whole thing folks that’s not fair and you thought it was going to be easy now you’re not going anywhere zombie well how even a gamond shovel needs me it’s even a pickaxe nothing’s going to break a hip hey guys oh I fell off the boat so oh I broke the boat and found the secret chest wow so what’s in it oh a diamond pick that’s a good thing she’s not going to break her hip anyway what if I can just break through the fence right here and find a chest somewhere quicker what’s in here hey rainbow friend is this yours don’t touch don’t touch that chest I’m touching it I’m going to pick yellow green pink what the hell was that it’s yours isn’t it water and I took it all no you what did you do ouch what have I done what happened to you you robbed me of my color this chest held my color I kept it as a Zen of Loca what have you done back I think I guy stole dye and stuff on him he lost the colors look how black and white he’s gotten how funny are you baby all my flowers no I’ll give you goodbye oh here I am with my hip let me out that’s it okay wait wait wait zamach isn’t going anywhere it’s not fair I get all my colors or you stay here not fair let me out all right all right come on okay fair trade all right let’s be friends you open open me up I’ll give you all your those paint colors no first you give me all the paint colors and then I’ll let you out what if you cheat me I don’t trust you what if you trick me I don’t believe it either okay here you go all right I don’t need you anyway and I can block your blocks and get out of here all right all right all right all right here you go here’s blue your blue pink yellow orange red green here hold all your colors transform into your reverse rainbow friend you think I need all this stuff in my trunk guys the rainbow friend feeds on some kind of colored paint look he uses them in turns oh he got his color back hi oh nice one zombie that’s it get out of here what do you got in there out yeah okay okay I’m not touching it I’ll go get out of here guys it’s closed by all right you stay your color and we’ll move on oh SpongeBob great how are you doing oh hey zamac I’m fine how are you doing it’s awesome what’s going on here oh capes Borger well I’m going to tell you a story that you’re going to be shocked your eyes are going to go crazy come on tell me about it I’d be interested anyway you know who’s there you probably know exactly who’s there Plankton yeah sure nasty as hell always trying to steal your dis recipe yeah there he is spilling all the liquid you’ve got your chump it right here you see it’s all gone acid in the garbage can it stinks of course it’s a zombie and he hit it recipes burger and says he’ll never give it to me now he never will it’s your recipe maybe I can help you get it back I don’t know zom back well if you can help I’d be very appreciative look let’s try to get him like this let’s go let’s get in ouch what kind of vegetable is that oh and I have some some kind of acid there look look there I’m telling you that’s it here you go it’s real he’s got it right here I wouldn’t want to eat at his restaurant well we’re going to go this way now you have a much tastier grow by the way I’d like to visit and that red crab is honestly boring me already what you’re working aren’t you oh cool look I can look over here it’s a real remote okay give it well I want to try to watch the channels wao what’s that plenty your burger eating is so funny he’s funny he’s normal he’s normal you just you know you’re defending the nasty one you this is normal Plankton give me the remote it’s your Patrick eating a burger on the remote thank you what are you doing in there SpongeBob oh you want your prescription back H yeah on the prescription you have to see where it’s located uh-huh I get it but it’s all off what do you mean what do you mean Plankton where are you going hey and I’ll trick you you fool you zombie you hey I mean wait but where are you going can I get some kind of chest I’ll get to this recipe sooner hey guys I need I’ll outrun you what kind of monsters are these plankin wait for me stop what kind of monsters are these these are my minions okay guys we’ve got to outrun him and get the recipe out of here with you and the recipe is mine Plato realized oh your monsters burned up in the lava they’re useless got it oh yeah the recipe is talking fast I’m not giving it away now in the Paw with the movie get out of here don’t okay I’m out I’m out uh hold on you otherwise you’ll never know the recipe realized who he was the guys got scared and ran away I hope SpongeBob really shows up now I better get this recipe back into his hands in person you hear that oh who’s there you hear that Bandit old Bandit hello hello hello give me my recipe can you give me this recipe what recipe you Bandit left here Two Jacks out of here calm down zombie I want the recipe for this toad miat no you’re a thug I’m not giving you anything then you’ll have to eat me to eat you yes yeah sure I got a machine gun I’ll shoot it does he want to eat me what do you think I’m afraid of you we get out of here I’ve beaten better than that I’ve been fighting J men got it yeah so you’re no use at all come and get it get out of here on you and it turns out scary go on get out of here get out that’s it I kicked him out oh how am I supposed to get out of here now all right let’s go up guys I hope we SpongeBob’s giving away this recipe still no one but SpongeBob and Mr Krabs should be allowed to watch well and from Squidward I guess imp planto surely can’t know on that stole from the recipe even I won’t read it it wouldn’t be fair yeah sure here she is holding your prescription that planked in you know fooled me he came at you and wanted to steal the recipe you know and here I thought that why does it smell so bad in here zombie what the hell no you what is it this one then the bag look there’s a spill see he’s prolonged I see all right dogs thank you very much I’m going to go all right then that you’re the bolt or rather a recipe no guys he ran away no Planko stole SpongeBob’s recipe guys I’m a really bad spongebot he stole the recipe what do we do oh no dice write in the comments what you think about whether you think catching planton and defeating him will get the recipe back write in the comments and put a like for SpongeBob to do well all right we’re going to keep going let’s go giant scary I’m off goodbye okay bye uhoh uhoh uhoh yeah I won’t be with me did you shut down I said freeze go away he took the guys and Clos the portal I’m not getting out of here okay well you can’t shoot him it’s bad John let me out of here your guns won’t take a zombie but are you stupid or what yeah I’ve already realized that you can’t win with regular guns how am I going to get out of here can’t you and I at at least make up temporarily that’s why I wanted to follow up with you you don’t want to listen okay all right I’m listening to you Jim come on what do you suggest look you’ve got to dig up all this ore all that’s in the room what with your hand and I’ll be in favor of no no no no no wait listen to me why don’t you listen to me all right all right don’t get mad don’t eat me leave me alone I’ll give you now I’m listening for every R I save well when you dig it all up I’ll open the portal completely and you’ll move on slowly all right fine let me do it whoa what is that I’m going to try it with this thing guys look at this cool saw guys I’m going to give her a quick did it’s bad it doesn’t work for me you can do that too it’s a drilling rig I wanted to dig with a cruel saw like this let me try one more time maybe it’ll work dig in no it’s on The Brak all right you hold your saw and I’ll drill with this thing whoops now that’s what I’m talking about wow that’s a lot of diamonds what a lot of diamonds you’ve got a lot of Dos to open up you just need to open up those holes you just need to open it will you open it normally what the hell is a zombie all right well let me give you a normal opening the pits open oh good boy that’s one piece of wood oh you’re taking a long time I’m not going to make it through the portal that long Jay well something can stay forever and that’s basically it okay all right that’s it I’m going to break it now guys we’re going to break everything in here I think I had a gamond pickaxe too she’s going to help us dig in here faster anyway we’re going to break like this in a circle then we’re going to break all the remaining blocks just with this oops look from here why would I break where it’s just water and rocks you’re lying to me aren’t you get a proper picka diamond is old hers thank you so much I wish you’d give it to me that’s some normal digging I’ll be so quick look here’s another body look how many boards he’s already opened I’ll let you open it right I’m about a fifth split okay all right fine show me what your closing well that’s what I’m going to do all right Chuckles and not all the way through I’ll Pi up the last one there’s a chest wow maybe there’s something useful in there okay everybody I’m going to go downstairs and take a look oh there’s some kind of coal mine on iro who are these people these are my goliaths zombie you believe that just because I let you go you shut me down I mean that’s not fair John let me out of here guys we got to get out of here let’s get out of here fast John bye-bye guys he summons some kind of scary golems and he throws me into the pit well John that’s not fair and you shut Dro down okay zombie you’re not going anywhere that’s all for now man I need that cool saw no oh why did you come here no no no no not you I had such good plans what’s going on guys what’s going on on in there somebody beat Jim’s ass looks like we got to get out of here now okay help I’m in a hole here I’m going to dig myself out I’m right here I’ll be right upstairs okay who’s there oh hi Trill hi there yeah it’s me hi there hi there yeah I heard screaming I was flying over I heard screaming something like that and at once I heard that shamefully awful voice of heyman’s and these Golems won’t hit me no they’re kind don’t worry oh wow you decided to save me from that scary sheiman sure he’s got a lot of nerve picking on Regular People he’s afraid to fight with us but he picks on Ordinary People how cool you are I’ve never met you before in Minecraft guys put likes that drill saved me how awesome is it you have tentacles like this I’ll fly on wait you Clos my portal with a bullhorn you can’t break it and look you’ve got a bigger drill wao you know how to break badrock of course I can dog what do you think see what he’s doing he’s got a really powerful drill cool and I can’t even get a drill like this to break of course it’s brogue it’s the toughest okay zomback sorry well I have my own business to do so I’m off come on Good Luck dies all DRM flew in to do and protect the world from these keyed toilets and we’re going further into wow look how many burgers there are I can eat right now uh orange rainbow friend what’s wrong with you oh great I’m hungry I’m hungry I want to eat Mr I want to eat Mr Beef eater who’s Mr Beast look up there Mr bista and what let him go he’s kind and good you trapped him I’ll cook him soon I’ll make it soon I’m about to get a boiler in the mail to cook it in what you can’t Mr B good YouTuber oh you’re so so skinny look maybe I’ll just feed you something tasty Von burgers for example oh come on I want a burger yeah let’s just do it this way I’ll feed you and you now we’ll figure it out all right all right I’ll be right there just don’t eat the turbles yet oh come on all right fine agreed so guys I don’t know I hope he gues the word but I have an idea these burgers are very juicy and big I think he’s just the name of the object we’re going to take them with us now he’s a volume to them now and he just can’t do anything about it so great I’ve already packed four Burgers we need as many burgers as possible so you sure to roll around with a big belly orange look though you’re such a q you definitely can’t eat these Burgers right here they’re really huge and I can eat anything are you having doubts you ready I’ll throw you a bite come on come on one two burgers oh look he’s eating look at him gobbl it up oh she’s also on the last one oh look he’s really getting pudgy look how wide the Orange is and you can catch me up come on walk can you do it now I can’t do this look how wide and potbellied he’s gotten he’s had a lot of burgers all right orange I’m a little stuck here guys let’s try to get me up somehow let’s see if there’s a ladder around here somewhere let’s see if there’s a little orange fruit hanging around guys I haven’t found any stairs yet how do I get up there I’m going to get it from here so how do I get in there okay I have an idea we’ll take it right here orange can’t do anything anyway he’s really asleep in there at this point taking the belly AES belly hurt help no it’s orange you eat it then I’ll just take him with me all right Mr go what have you done zombie my stomach hurts okay bye-bye all right Mr baa hi there let’s run away together oh don’t shoot let’s get out of here bye-bye Run for the portal it’s a rainbow friend what’s wrong with him he lost something hey what are you black in color hey hey hey I don’t know I’m just so sick of being black I’ll go hey you want to do hey rainbow friend what did you do to him I finally got my light back I sucked out all its life force Li wait wait guy he’s what he’s gone guys what I don’t get it wait that social life for some Tails you’re okay you’re okay no I’m sick my col where’d he go where the hell did I wait everything will be fine don’t worry and we’ll figure something out guy he stole all the powers from TS and gave them back to himself sure but it’s so unfair what to do ouch what to do listen look at me I’m at some kind of like stop being ridiculous stop being ridiculous don’t worry listen I have an idea I’m here in the last room Mr saved here it is maybe he can help us and he is the richest and most popular in the world after all maybe I don’t know buy you one no he won’t buy the colors he buy you don’t think it’ll help yeah well I guess you can’t buy everything it’s not just my color that’s gone by the way there’s scatter guns here it’s the blue one that’s confused look why don’t I try to collect them and see if we can use them it’s a heart like right in my hand I’m going to go get him now I’m careful there’s more testing to be done I’ll fix you Tails don’t worry all right easy easy easy easy we will try to cheer him guys thanks to your likes and support we can cheer him okay great all these life forces got to get it together I almost fell into some kind of diamond lava can you believe it ouch that’s a tough dog what to do I can’t be like this I’m not handsome I’m ugly watching we’re going to try to cheer it now give it to me I’m on fire it’s weird of course that’s it I’m out I’ve got 10 of these I’m sending them all to you right now and hopefully they’ll help get your strength back so what do you feel is going on what’s going on dog you’re back all right we helped you I’m beautiful look at me yes you are bright and colorful again what a full of Vitality I’m very Rotel I hope you don’t meet that rainbow friend again I really hope so thank you zap okay all right bye come on Good Luck not you Mr M have a good video shoot too and we’re moving on wa that’s Plankton running around guys look EP Plankton why are you so quick on the Sleepwalker I stole Mr Krab’s new recipe hahahaha what other recipe that cowburger guy huh yeah yeah yeah yeah and hit it no one will find him here I’m going to get SpongeBob and we’re going to destroy you together okay oh I’m not afraid of any SpongeBob I have a wife who is actually my favorite computer girl yeah you also made a portal I can’t live from here that’s not fair I’ll get back at you I’m about to find a recipe and you can’t win well I’m going to find the recipe and run away with it okay you won’t find him he can’t be found and there’s no Escape you’ll always be with me okay I got it stop yes yes yes yes yes he’s also closing that portal all right fine Plank and mix as much as you want I’ll try to find it I’m sure I will well wait guys I found the chest okay first of all the drill is what’s going to help us get out of here at least there’s also a secret recipe oh that’s just what we need what does it say h so we didn’t find any recipe he thinks he’s found a great one so we can screw him over hey Plankton do you know where I am and I found the recipe look what I’m holding give me that recipe quickly yeah I’ll give you water here in the tree come on come on so right here at the very end you’ll get it thank you very much I’ll look into it thanks a lot I’ll have a look at the reading so far I got it great right there’s no recipe here than the tank was I thought it was a recipe I HIIT it on purpose so no one would find it then I would read it in secret that’s it zombie I’m going to destroy you now Run for the portal oh look there’s jumping and running around here comes Sam that’s great how are you doing hey zombie well frankly not so much I’m having a little trouble as always short zomb back problems problems problems problem after problem naturally what can I do for you on Sonic you see those rainbow friends running around I need to escape into that portal over there and to get there I need to it’s still covered with boards and it has to be dug out somehow anyway I don’t know as a zombie I need your help Sonic I think I can help you let’s just try to be careful with these monsters I am because I’ve already got one in my sights and they can’t be destroyed you just have to put it in neatly oh well you’re the fastest on the planet Kirk there’s one or two I sneezed big time oh I sneezed thank you keep your pickaxe then but we’ll need an axe as well let me find him and see if we can get out of here so what do we have here I give me a neat peek the main thing you’ve been captured neatly do you almost got caught you what I’ll take a leak no you’ll see Nappa yes yeah we have to be careful not to get caught by that monster there’s rainbows running around there’s a chest I found a dyox run run they’re here where where’s the diamond axe come on take him all right let’s go let’s try to cut a passageway now just be careful not to get hit with that monster come on up break it down Who monsters let’s run faster let’s get out of here let’s go jump into the portal oh my latest challenge is no easier than the others what the hell is that I’m the real deal I see you’re the scariest and most horrible what are you shooting get out of here all right there’s all kinds of Saw tests here who are these guys some kind of Skippy flowers all right well let’s try to beat them take that hey and you can’t even win perhaps they can only be defeated if you defeat the main monster so what’s in here oh diamonds I found a diamond to solder nothing you’re flying so high you can’t even see your head I’m going to destroy your TV sets take that don’t how many TV vman have you beaten to create such a monstrosity for yourself I didn’t just beat the TV what’s your TV one speaker one I won cameraman one I won so much with K all these things in shorts I’ve won so many victories with cabetes I mean all of these short ones yeah I get it you’ve got speakers TVs cameras on all sides oh guys scary monster boss so how do we stop them guys they’re these flowers on all sides come on oh all right I was able to beat one on you I got you on Leah all right your minions have been destroyed yeah well you won’t get in because I won’t let you in there’s more of my speaker here what he got a good Spiker there hey all right come on guys he’s keeping the little speaker woman in confinement oh you’re so full of it okay I have to beat him we have to get through somehow he’s too powerful a boss so we got to save the speaker man and get out of here fast or something let’s get her out of here somehow and run away guys let’s get the boys out of here he’s going to get me up here take this okay guys how do we get out of here look if I can’t escape through this portal let’s go through another one you’re not going anywhere give me specker Bowman she’ll be mine I saved her okay no it won’t be yours it’ll be mine that’s my spokesman yep another one of those good characters do you want to win no I will destroy you monster okay that’s it guys I’m not going to beat him no I fell down FY on your trap my trap guy he trapped me and locked me in here how am I supposed to get out of here okay well I’m going to try to dig out now we’re going to get out of here now let’s dig out and get out of here right now hurry up and dig out okay everyone while he’s distracted we got through him it was a really tough battle let’s go to the portal come back guys back that’s the kind of video we got hope you liked it be sure to give it a like subscribe to my channel zomback was with you and bye-bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone

This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN RAINBOW HOUSES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-11 13:00:43. It has garnered 340 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:19 or 2119 seconds.


  • Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Creating the Naruto Portal in 2024 Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when players like UzeMing take it to the next level. In a recent video, UzeMing embarked on a journey to create a portal inspired by the popular anime character Naruto in the year 2024. Building the Portal UzeMing started by gathering materials like Flint and Steel, along with additional items like orange and black walls. With a 4×5 size in mind, the portal began to take shape. The intricate design showcased UzeMing’s creativity and attention to detail. Entering the Portal As the… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience

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  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick

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  • Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod!

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  • Crafting Joy: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Adventure

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  • Elmsville: Modern City Minecraft

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  • Who’s the Hreo in Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unravel the Mystery!

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  • Minecraft Memes – Is this dank moss?

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  • Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style!

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower

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  • 11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft

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  • Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!

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  • Terrifying Cave Mod Adventure

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  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!

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  • INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›

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  • Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 – Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!

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  • SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!

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  • Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi’s Basics 2 Showdown!

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  • Vonix Network

    Vonix NetworkA survival and creative velocity minecraft sever with several plugins including Slimefun Iron Elevators and more, you can check out the website for feature list! We aim to create a memorable and fun experience for you and your friends play.vonix.network Read More

  • TownThrive SMP – Whitelisted, Towny, Voice Chat, Movecraft

    IP: play.townthrive.xyz (whitelisted) Discord: ~https://discord.gg/GF7t8s5NJV~ Server Information: 24/7 runtime, hosted in Florida Average of 20-30 players throughout the day List of Plugins & Significant Features: Towny Squaremap Geyser (Bedrock Crossplay Compatibility) Movecraft Cannons FlagWar Brewery Simple Voice Chat Compatibility No Economy Plugin No (/tpa), (/home), (/back) No P2W features No End Crystals Read More

  • DarkWater SMP Hardcore Lifesteal (VoiceChat) (GriefPrevention) (Cross-Play) 24/7

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Java? More like Meme-craft!”

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  • Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple

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  • Adding a Lamborghini in Minecraft: Ultimate Guide

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  • “Oi Oi, Villager! Got any emeralds for me?” #minecraft #memes

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  • Minecraft Civilizations: The YouTube Takeover

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  • Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!

    Insane Twist in Chill Minecraft EP 26!Video Information [Music] D happy little Minecraft music in the morning greetings everyone this is Winnie wle welcome back to the steampunk mod pack today we’re in front of the bunny house because the first thing I want to do is feed the rabbits we actually have other bigger things to do today and that is we need to go after the Wither boss I’m not really looking forward to it cuz I think it’s a little bit beefier than it normally is because of the bygone Nether and I’m a little nervous maybe possibly so I’ve prepared a space… Read More


    RAINBOW HOUSES SURVIVAL MINECRAFTVideo Information I found new colorful houses in Minecraft and very many interesting characters subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys you have a zombie with you today let’s take a look at some colorful new homes some really cool Persians here look it’s Spider-Man sitting on the head of lat 4 that’s teacher baly minions right there that’s what monkey pink is all right well let’s get started let’s go from the very first Red House get likes subscribe and we’re off to see Spider-Man wow guys it’s all flooded… Read More

  • Solo Minecraft Speedrun with Turnip! 😱🔥

    Solo Minecraft Speedrun with Turnip! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by RAPID GUYS on 2024-06-07 22:02:36. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:48 or 3468 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip RAPID GUYS: https://profile.turnip.gg/d83obptFvRc8u56a8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you… Read More

  • BEST Bed Design EVER! Cherry Theme – Minecraft #shorts

    BEST Bed Design EVER! Cherry Theme - Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed design (cherry theme) in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mine builds OG on 2024-04-10 11:03:16. It has garnered 3002 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking SORCERY SMP App!!

    Shocking SORCERY SMP App!!Video Information bro why are all these s smps so bad oh wait sorcery SMP hello my name is Ross this is some reasons I should join the sorcerers one because I’m a really good [Music] grinder reason two I’m a really nice guy in general [Music] this is my third and final reason why should join the sorcerers SMP because even though I only have little subscribers I still been making consistent uploades every s off this CH now I have one final [Music] question am I am This video, titled ‘SORCERY SMP APPLICATION’, was uploaded by Rossin12 on… Read More

  • EPIC GAMING CHILL ZONE BMC4: The Hidden Sky Village

    EPIC GAMING CHILL ZONE BMC4: The Hidden Sky VillageVideo Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #39: The Village Hidden in the Sky’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-06-08 09:00:00. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:05 or 3665 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please… Read More

  • Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!

    Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ukri wurde GEBANNT aus Minecraft..’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-01-13 16:30:09. It has garnered 259000 views and 9798 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:11 or 4091 seconds. Ukri has been banned from the YouTube island SemUkri City. Will Ukri quit Minecraft and record his last episode on the Minecraft island today? Will Ukri leave the island forever, including his friends Semlaki, Billy and Matwi? Watch the video to find out! 😀 💬Here you can find me: 💦➜ Ukri & Semlaki Merch: https://lolingo.at/semukri 💻 ➜ Community Discord: https://discord.gg/3av8FEQBbY 📸 ➜ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realukri 🎬… Read More


    OMG I KILLED @Wallibear?? 😱 | MINECRAFT PVP FUNNY MOMENTSVideo Information This video, titled ‘I KILLED @Wallibear ? | MINECRAFT NETHER GAMES PVP IN MCPE (FUNNY) 🤣’, was uploaded by Lite Gamer on 2024-04-18 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I KILLED ‎@Wallibear ? | MINECRAFT NETHER GAMES PVP IN MCPE (FUNNY) Ignore this: … Read More