Rambo Cabbage vs Vics: Epic Yugioh Duel

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You pull up you pull up where oh it’s flooded what’s up the yeah what’s up I might get in a b we’re doing my mom’s birthday part we’re do the oh word yeah word all right all right that’s fine that’s fine FL oh shoot I forgot I was about to

Say you’ll just stay on on the on the ship and you know I’ll get cooking first I see why didn’t you join us why didn’t you just get fired from your talking damn okay I’m sorry why don’t you just get hired to another job called fortnite and you work at fortnite

Incorporated I don’t know Dr do Evil Incorporated I say we go in oh key two keys we’re in the business you have a sp oh dude that’s funny that is there two different spiders or is it just one type of spider okay well they’re going off that

Way I’ll apply to work at fortnite hell yeah bro don’t tell nobody but slide me like slide me slide me some more v-bucks so I can get the weekend in fortnite I completely lost my way to Vic what’s up I found three whole Keys is the audio good

What oh what you mean oh what happened don’t die on me man I need you dude I thought you died I’m fine dude I have three keys ain’t nowhere I can’t go it a it ain’t nowhere I can’t go man I got three keys Jesus Christ is there another

Thumper oh look I found another key I can’t can’t pick it up dust pan I can’t pick it up I have too many [Laughter] Keys Turn up the game okay oh spider spider spider came out the vent let me turn it up real quick dude dude dude is it

Coming no all right I’m I’m oh Boop gloop gloop um what’s the plan here I’m I’m alert nert this way it’s better there’s more space over here the spider seems to be chilling down there oh it’s coming up here okay never mind it’s going mostly towards you dude

The homie spider is just chilling over there [ __ ] with that it’s to me now come here you stupid shits I want to lick you I’m sorry I apologize what the [ __ ] it looks like jello man a little bit jell no you’re hungry sometimes yeah I know what you mean turn it up in

OBS [ __ ] won’t move guess I have time right here all right if something comes after me I’ll die you know you know Gojo says now I’d win me now I’d die [ __ ] that [ __ ] we go up volume all right did 180 turn it up by

60% is that that or I turn myself down a little bit I want oh [ __ ] Victor what’s the plan I’m going this way tell my family I love them like I said I have three keys ain’t nowhere I can’t go okay I’m off the I found another key

If there’s a roof shits it’s over for me man there’s a Bracken shits I think I’ll be fine actually well I used one of my keys and I got literally nowhere call it I want to deposit these keys I bro tweaking down there [ __ ] vent opened up again

Do guess I just got to wait is the audio F I don’t know if I accidentally turned down lethal company as a game so I need to like go into the volume settings real fast I forgot where the exit was the exit door right over h no more keys actually let me bring

One Victor you good G I don’t hear him he’s probably dead 17 ft under he deader than dead my boy oh he went back to the ship I mean honestly if we were to go anywhere else it’d probably be the fire exit let me take these keys back home

There still two keys out here bro ain’t no way it’s 5:20 p.m. oh no hopefully no puppies what the [ __ ] I’m drowning I’m drowning it’s not a joke this time oh I barely made it I barely made it oh oh dude I got to take my keys back home

Jesus [ __ ] Christ I’m getting my stamina bro I’m not trying to drown I have severely underestimated this water dude but my keys bro my keys look at that bro two keys I I brought I brought the bottle with me so do you think I could still go back without

Drowning no okay we should just leave we shouldn’t have picked flooded I’m going to be honest I kind of just said land the ship we ow sorry I thought you had the mask on oh look now I sustain the most injuries all right bro now we got keys

To open every door let’s go I’m a part you re you got remoted I mean reproted yeah remoted you got remoted remoted I meaned is it so quiet let me fix something we land the ship again on the same place I’m adjusting the well that’s why it’s

Quiet what I’m talking about my lethal company it was on 40% on my volume mixer for the company I got the strap on let’s go you really need to stop putting that thing on sorry man I just can’t handle it you I like the strap all right okay we’re fine

Oh bro you found the goods the goodies already you serious oh another goodie oh we’re in the money right now what no Victor no Victor oh almost fell off did you have an axle on you there’s an axle down there oh [ __ ] I could just go back and you know

Secure the bag these doors were already open seems a bit sus I think I do just secure the bag here cuz I don’t want us to lose actually let me check like the entrance of the fire exit see if there’s anything good over there my boy said oh no RIP

Victor I don’t know when that game got turned down it’s okay we’ll buy you another one your favorite I found another key bro I found two more keys thank you there is way more loot over here though as long as there’s no Thumper I’ll be fine what the [ __ ] was

That all right we’re getting the [ __ ] out of here I don’t know what that was what who’s that [ __ ] what’s up what okay what you mean that [ __ ] has my strap on oh no big no no I’m 61 lbs right now shouldn’t be giant earthworms right

Now or Cappy Cappies dude I love the the the the happy cies I was say the mod there we go one large axle my key Victor I need my keys how am I going to open the doors open the door oh beehive I still haven’t figured out the

Method on taking up the beehives by myself where are my keys oh well I secured the bag made a decent amount of money we I don’t know what that noise was I’m not going to bother with it how much money we got 336 bucks Day Zero return to the company or we will

Scratch your balls oh walks were on sale f area we still got 155 out of 200 actually really good we lost $3 all right I bought four walkie-talkies we do not have enough money report to the company building immediately to sell your scrap metal and other Goods you have two days left to

Meet the profit quarter you can use the terminal toout the autopilot to the company building let’s Go we can sell our [ __ ] we can be free we can have money I weigh 80 lb damn bro you really got to lay off that Pizza Hut I still remember when I did that we’re only selling enough to make qu right Yep how much we got right there 216 we got enough right there okay he’s ready to he’s ready to eat our money we bought something oh no I bought walkies $60 off oh boy we got to get this we could buy a TV very responsible to do with our money

But my brother’s calling me all right okay love you bye-bye yeah bye all right bu I’m going to go uh go for the kick already hop in the ship just hop in the ship I’ll get cooking yeah I know we’re going experimentation again we ball actually oie you pick the next planet we

Can’t do tier 3es cuz I don’t have money cuz you know we’re not like that we’re poor oh $2 overtime do TV play Shrek the movie this is not the modded version Aussie this is the regular base game vanilla but it does I I bought the TV it

Does it does actually play all the the whole Shrek movie eclipsed eclipsed Assurance I mean it’s literally one choice as Assurance cuz you can’t go to experimentation cuz Victor is going to die on the ship cuz the the eclipse right it’s going to be a giant wiener in

The ship that’s you can’t go to offense cuz it’s stormy I don’t know how you counter the storm I literally don’t know cuz you just blow up if you have metal on you same thing with March vow is also eclipsed that one’s okay but I just feel like it’s not go as okay

Fine we go ass oh the switch I really do hope that no dogs like eat his ass while I’m the how you pick this up or can we not pick it up while on this actual Island I guess not let me see what’s on sale real quick still the same thing

Okay I was I was going to buy a shovel but I think we could buy it later all right my boy stay safe in here H hurah move out soldiers I mean he needs a flashlight too I’ll buy it whenever he’s coming back it’ll probably be a little while ready for

This yeah I’m so good at this dude like literally I should have brought a key with me that’s what I should have brought long as there ain’t no Thumper bro this is literally the front door a no Thumper we we straight up gu just made a whole

Circle I don’t want to fail a jump right now man [ __ ] was that I think those are just ambient noises there’s a spider on my right awful [ __ ] it’s right there bottles anything else no lockers oh mother load and the weapon only thing is how am I going to get past the

Spider all right this [ __ ] getting closed y’all ain’t getting me from my booty cheeks H massive Hall massive Hall let’s go pissed all over that side massive Hall massive H keep an eye out for brackens man especially cuz that vent just opened up like I had said before as long is is

Not a thumper we straight out here OG so what I’m going to do is I’m going to deliver the cargo back in case I do die we do get a little bit of money towards the towards the Kota cuz we have like 130 maybe on the ship and we need more Feed me More yeah you little Locus you little silly Goosey I’m sorry yay I’m not four Anymore 52 bucks 34 bucks the strapper am I going back in yeah I’m going back in got a good Hall already it’s like 200 no it’s 150 something like that 150 bucks like highkey I might just die to a worm uh I’ll carry these back real quick the good thing the dookie

Flashlight doesn’t take up any weight capacity in this light is wow we carry the hall B 30 bucks I’ll take it that’s 30 bucks we didn’t already have I should have closed them in again I swear if the dog somehow get him of some Ambiance noise it’s going to be

Crazy if I’m expecting to die why am I bringing a flashlight I’ll make the jump hopefully I make it always got to make sure near activity detected have I been down here before I have right yeah I have the only way forward is forward oh wait there’s a fire exit no I already

Went to the fire exit can I go past the spider with the fire exit I didn’t bring the weapon with me oh [ __ ] what is a brother to do in these dire times I think we’ll be fine how much do we have to lose 20% of that is like five bucks all

Right whatever we pull the L I want to do something I want to do something real quick just trust a brother right I said trust a brother why aren’t you trusting me I feel like you’re not even trying in this relationship I’m sorry I apologize you cannot hear me hold

On paste filters there we go oh I hear Some there is a deep disturbance here all right is this also messed up in the volume mixer it is tiny bit yui links oh my God yeah I’mma do one of these fools oh damn this reminded me I need to do treasure map [ __ ] my Bo oh you’re giving away this

Guy idea play makeer okay all right here’s the deck list here’s the deck list this what I’m get please just let me play the game please here’s the deck list right n I’d win bring all of these big men and bring Montage Dragon he is your best friend my best Friend do I have these ready I do I’m show you how great got to save that one Actually is this one them are already oh my God is that ye I’m sorry you shouldn’t underestimate oh he’s cooked oh he is c o k e I need him to play okay bro stop setting so many damn cards pass fluffle bear oh my God look at this this guy

Go look at this guy go man he’s such an inspiration to our new generations oh my God the unbearable most unbearable monster ahhhh I see what you did there you know they should have already been new that there was something messed up with this kid cuz these are his

Monsters they go from fairies to fiends not the bear a it [Laughter] hurts h a lot of dude I need to get that picture real quick hold on hooray I won hooray I need to get that sound effect too hold hold on on let me cook let me

Cook okay they don’t got okay whatever this works oh God let me get the image real quick it’s in the right aspect ratio is that Walter White oh my God who is that fortnite I’m putting that in hard images that’s a pretty hard image now my only question is how would

I make this fade in this is way too big this is way too big how do I make this fade in filters render delay let’s do 30 300 milliseconds I don’t know what that does doesn’t do anything color key red this doesn’t this is not working how I think it’s going to

Work I mean I made it opa is not working out this is not working out at all um scaling aspect ratio B cubic resolution I don’t know what resolution is this undistort censor of image okay bro I don’t know what half these filters are doing

Uh apply Lut I don’t know what Lut is but I’ll apply it settings only apply the SDR video all right this is the best we’re getting I have no idea how to do let me make it a little bit less op up the brightness turn down the smoothness a

Little actually turn up the smoothest turn down the opacity gamma doesn’t change anything you got to make sure they know when you beat them dude like that’s that’s tragic dude that the guy I just beat is so is going to be utterly traumatized he’s never going to play this game ever

Again what could he have had in this deck oh of course fluffle octopus fluffle rabbit Patchwork fluffle he had nothing none of his cards could counter this deck look chances are people don’t bring good traps and chances are I could ra them pause the gore oh gouki actually do have a

Good way to counter my deck under I don’t know why in this deck I always top deck kit roid or I top deck Montage Dragon it just happens IW come on out oh my God satell Knights I’m the ble wait wait wait wait it’s turn two do

I wasn’t even paying attention I know this says lethal company stream but you know sometimes you got to duel a mofo draw let me apply it but would you lose a [Laughter] [ __ ] yo take it off take it off take it off it’s not working Co ooh I think that’s what his name

Says no idea what it means I just know what it says oh shoot guys it’s Crow Hogan see this what I mean I always stop that ciroid this is really bad though cuz black wings have really high damage output black whirlwind he’s about a black Whirlwind

Me what if I summon kitro in attack mode he’s going to summon his crack oh oh like where is a better one oh my god of PR syro oh snap where’s yamy to in the kakur what the hell okay what did he do Blackwing armor Master ass oh my God they did

Panda how many characters that they need to do this for I don’t know what that is dude stop summoning your crack dude this guy’s probably like I’m so cool dog this is the card he gets in his deck dude stop it check yourself before you wreck yourself they call me Lifeline no zamb

Here okay dude can you just like relax I’m trying to live here I want to live to the next turn oh right car the rain shower oh my God guys he’s so cool please don’t have a 1400 attack monster you don’t oh damn I’m get I’m about to get

Raad please don’t please sir stop raing me what does he do oh we’re fine we’re fine don’t tell me that guy special summon somebody sh is he no he’s selling he’s selling he’s selling what is he doing bro is off the peret oh my God I get to do it oh my God

I get to do it oh my God I get to do it I get to do it I get to do it I get to do it I’m so excited I’m so excited you fool you let me survive one you fool you will never live down this loss here I go

Man how am I going to face the kids how are you going to face the kids nobody can stop me okay except the last guy I’m going get to gold rank with this stupid deck oh is viig back he’s not back yet oh wait he’s back is the cat the legend he’s

Back he’s back oh you’re black I’m not I’m not I’m not yeah I’m black I’m not about say you’re not that dark you’re a little on the darker side but not completely oh no my control stop working it is the curse yeah of being a Mexican you and I actually I’m not as

Dark I have we don’t mind that’s that’s usually part of the game someone will be have to be be babysat what no you guys are talking about something okay does this does this actually protect us are you willing to play are you willing to play with us okay what the [ __ ] where

You oh by the way I just found that it’s heavy as [ __ ] did you went out for loot uh one time yeah I couldn’t get past a certain point cuz there was a spider oh okay and I just found that and I didn’t want to risk dying to the

Spider I didn’t hear you love leg Chas me look at the my mom got a [ __ ] Julio bottle no way she said she was going to drink it the whole damn thing night I’m like you better stay home I don’t care if she drinks as long as she’s

Home to learn about any Moon use the word info are you still getting used to it or are you playing a different game oh you going to go to sleep soon so you going to sleep okay all right then it’s okay we go to experimentation again okay I’m usually born as

Well store walkie talkie character was like Moon walking while it was loading dude as as soon as it was loading I saw your character walking walking I’m ready man uh I brought I brought I bought you a flashlight just pick it up man I’m going in I’m tired of being scared I’m going

In oh wa I didn’t charge my flashlight I changed my mind I changed my mind I forgot to charge my flashlight I’m not going in anymore right now these dooky flashlights die way too fast man give him back Victor I still remember that one time where I got snatched up by Freddy

Fazbear and you were like give him back give him back I [ __ ] stepped on a I said [ __ ] it what a goofy guy can you kill the braen the Breen yeah you can oh got to try that sometime I think you have to use a zap engine the the fire exit is right

Here there’s two engines oh hey where have you been the dust pan here too to kill the bracket you have to stop [ __ ] leaving I’m trying to explain how to kill a bracket you keep leaving my fault uh here have the shovel saying you have to

Use you have to use a zap gun okay and uh and like hit him like with the shovel a couple times then he’ll go down sounds easy enough we we usually never have zap guns though yeah you’re not cheap as [ __ ] up oh dude see there’s so much money in

Here I’m already fold up I’m put this at the floor door okay oh [ __ ] tired of being scared the monsters are scared of me now this is a dead end this is a de God damn It concerned I’m tired of being scared man it’s time for the monsters to be scared of Me God damn I run out of breath Fast Bottles [ __ ] I didn’t bring any Keys your back For I can’t find the stupid [Applause] Exit ke I think I know where it is Here it’s over Here what Cut the music cut the music it’s not cut okay cut off what’s up did you find the exit yeah it’s right there I think that’s all we can explore no bug where right there you stupid [ __ ] what the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here ah what the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out

The way I’m fighting him sorry let’s continue I’m I’m almost dead oh [ __ ] so we should go huh we already got a ton of [ __ ] man I’m going be honest oh might as well leave uh my controller just died let me plug it in you got me though

Right yeah I’m just trying to look around and see if there’s no rcking or some [ __ ] I still remember when I told when I said that you got me right and then he started beating me to that you bit me one time I died is there another fle I think it

Turned around in a different angle and I hit you on accident ah where’s the front door I got carried away when I was beating that stupid bug to death This Way Victor this way is out I try to touch the cop roach we still got loot by the front door oh my

God what okay uh is there yeah okay you got that right I’m going to go take the loot from the fire exit okay I’ll take my key I love Keys okay I just take one of the heavy items there’s two engines over here oh is one of the engines up there

Where is the other engine so aie has said if you see the Ops with the Floor Rise you must run because as my boy my wise friend Juan Medina n right definitely a real name 100% 100% I’m not kidding he had said oh [ __ ] to rise you must

Fall and to fall means you must have risen right what are you doing right here I left I left I left something behind I’m G to go get it thought I heard dogs the worm take a walkie with him Victor you got a Walky right keep going keep going forward get

Up get up get Up I heard a strange noise there’s a there’s a worm there’s a worm underground uh I also left something on the my side I have to go get it just just tell me on the radio okay I’m safe right to go forward so far yeah it’s it’s on your right oh lord

It’s right in front of you now run run run run run don’t see it at the moment okay I went up onto the thing I went up onto the thing am I clear forward am I clear forward yes yes you are clear that’s one all this stuff went [ __ ] it’s getting

Late making sure I didn’t leave anything up there you still clear okay so I’m coming back I just went to the side entrance I got two stuffs all right you’re still clear yeah look at how much money we got we are rich $300 Victor do you think this trick actually

Works this yeah where the dogs can’t get through no they can still get through where did the bed go where did we reinforce the bed with the bed I will there’s dogs there’s dogs don’t bark at them I didn’t know there was going to be dogs there blind dogs so I started

Barking so they can hear me wow one 77 out of 234 that’s pretty good you know what’s crazy Victor we could probably make it to the to the tier three Moon already after this quod tier three oh dude you know we can get the Nutcracker shotgun no how do you even get it

Though have to stun it and uh beat the [ __ ] out of it okay you got to jump him only with the classic jumping will you be able to stop that man I think the best part is I think it has unlimited ammo but I ain’t sure word hold on so

What are you taking what equipment you taking okay I got the strap are there any be I don’t know man 15 lb the [ __ ] actually it’s 19 lb I got a heavier one right now did you know if you jump you go like a little bit faster up the ladder

Yeah hope he’s all right in there oh big metal Bolt oh my boy the breaker box oh lights are already on there’s actually nothing over here oh no the jump that’s the way to the fire exit the fire exit is right below us just in case dude I found a gold bar

What no way guess how much it is damn you’re heavy 200 oh my God no dude look how much weight you put on taking this we’re taking this inside right now all right all right I’ll take this actually wait yeah I’ll take this cuz it’s going to make you even more

Heavy that’ll be fine by the way the only other place we could go is where the fire exit is okay there’s a jump but you could just ignore it dude you’re so dudee you’re heavier than me I’m holding this giant thing you want a little lick of my popsicle okay I’m

Sorry okay okay oh so you said yeah okay I never said yeah he said okay one gold bar plus $200 in here what in case there’s a dog we could throw it at him yeah I got my flashlight yeah yeah all right let’s head back D I kind of missed the the dunk

Sound damn my boy you light as hell [ __ ] yeah I a sh all right man let us commence for C I’m sorry the [ __ ] scared me I was like is there a [ __ ] nut cracker yeah he makes that noise too dude I swear to God me me me and S went

To that [ __ ] Asia Time Square and had nut crackers I didn’t want to get close to them oh no so [ __ ] scared not the not the lethal company Nutcracker um these doors are open there’s a spider oh yep I see him I see the spider oh [ __ ] how did I not touch that

Web what the [ __ ] hold on long as we don’t touch the web we should be fine I just put the put the thing away but he’s on the left on the right oh my God I saw the impostor the new monster Among Us not oh there just more spider did they

Move it can move I think I hear muffled noises kind of concerning BL I mean we could just leave right now with all of our money it’s still there all right Victor I have a plan hold on putting my flash I’m putting my flashlight down all right Victor if I don’t make it

Out of this you know what to do okay let me let me let me let me calm down real quick put your your your best music for I got it [ __ ] Inur I’m GL I put the music on wait you did you did but Love Victor I’m one shot by the way on Victor you have a Walky yes I’m going to go back you think you can loot This Literally critically injured I think to victed didn’t die yet are there siless dogs out yo vck yo you’re safe man I don’t see no oppositions except the Slime I think that’s what that is if you go forwards I’m going to have to wait for it to leave or some

[ __ ] not I’m going to be Stu can you go behind you or is it locked oh [ __ ] okay you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine there’s nothing there go but I’m stuck oh it’s a dead end yes [ __ ] my boy you’s going to have to jump over

It yeah I might have to jump over it you’re the go man look at you go there’s a there’s a guy in the ceiling guy in the ceiling oh you’re God Victor no Victor no Victor Victor no no no no no no the go is perished [ __ ] okay you have to you didn’t have to come in like that it is appreciated the deadline’s today man 301 we basically got all the loot man Victor you did that jump bro

Yes I wish I could have I should have left you the shovel oh I I I you know what I just realized what’s up oh wait no I don’t think I would have made it anyways so supposedly when those the things that are on the ceiling when they

Get on you there’s a 50/50 chance that they’ll get off of you if you don’t move a if you’re on full health oh well damn I wasn’t at full health maybe I should have still came with you neither okay the Plus side is walkis are still on sale so we can get that

Back oh this gold bar I’m about to blow I’m about a gold bar 92 PB I’m going carry more [ __ ] damn my boy you strong as hell 138 lbs that’s how fast I can move compared to you all right let’s see how fast I can move tell me when okay let’s three two

One go I wasn’t even running okay all right all right I’m going to run this time all right three two one go damn dude we got a travel time to use you got an ETA on you let me land up I cannot believe we found a gold bar oh we’re rich we can

Finally go to Titan that’s with the gold bar we have like we have 441 right here just in this pile do you think we should buy a teleporter we only need 200 33 35 we could right we could we could go to Titan but we’d be very poor what do you think

Victor well we have to sell everything we have except for for the gold bar no we have to sell everything to go to Tian that’s what I’m saying we don’t have to sell everything no I don’t want to I want to Gold okay I keep in the gold bar for luck all

Right hello there’s nobody on here I still remember you went here and you put on the mask you just died I think we have enough for quota right I think so let me keep the stop sign for now I kind of want to buy a teleporter oh that’s exactly enough we got more

Ding ding why you make that noise I want to hear the voice say you are professionals look we have enough money Victor we could do it I I tried to I tried to do the middle finger yeah we have $387 does that include the quota or like

What yeah cuz uh whatever money we make off the quota we actually keep I don’t know what a signal translator is we either buy a teleporter or we save money what do you think I think I think we should we should ball T all right we buy the teleporter how much

How much is a teleporter actually yeah let me check that before it’s 375 that’s basically all of our money no right I don’t think so yeah I don’t think it’s worth it either let’s go actually hold on let me sell let me sell some of this things real quick you

Actually never mind go ahead okay we’ll sell it all later when we’re ready for Titan what’s the new quarter 354 what’s our overtime bonus that’s not bad what’s our overtime bonus 6 cents and a pat on the back y okay the only places we can go that have no weather is just

Val well let’s go there then because experimentation is stormy that sounds like a bad time oh yeah oh boy kid it out we do have to be careful CU I think the Giants spawn here oh but there’s beehives here too Actually 3,000 people died okay stop which way was it again this way okay I don’t know if there’s quick sand in this one I remember I died to the quick sand this is the river right I remember I remember Aussie went there this is definitely not the

Way don’t follow me okay that’s where we go I am a poor going to follow you watch out for clay likee surfaces definitely not that way that’s a river this way this way I found the I found the entrance I found the entrance hey hey I got to attract his

Attention heyo Victor where the hell are you do you know where the yeah I I was trying to get your attention but you kind of went away okay I’m going to go ahead and uh I see you I see you I see you this way I need to not play that one

Definitely not that one this that one is just really sus okay we made it 10 p.m. a.m. not p.m. I love the God of War ostd nothing damn it there’s a giant room on the other side and that’s the only place we can go oh let’s go there then I’m going close the door on you ah see I already knew you were going to close it we’re on

The same wavelength right now we got so Much Chemistry please no Thumper have no idea oh Bell $50 my boy actually I probably should have just left it here I’m going to leave it right here just so it’s closer to the exit oh no the jump oh the fire

Exit uh we don’t have to go that way there’s many risks to taking the jump man still remember that one time you fell Victor there’s a there’s a there’s a sport dog paranoid what dude I think I’m paranoid dude I hear I heard a baby me too I heard

It it’s either the hunting one of us or both of us well we’ll see it right we’ll see it right yeah we’re going to see it it’s the de on where here here anything on this side I think I see something like I always see the Bracken on this map all right

Uh what’s up this way right here hold on let me I need to plug my phone in real quick I hear something I hear something I hear something I hear something what do you hear here I don’t know what it is you got run Victor we’re fine being so paranoid man Z

Sco I’m being [ __ ] serious I don’t know what the [ __ ] is what does it sound like that’s the sport dog Victor I’ve heard that before Oh there’s a spider yeah [ __ ] no I messing with a spider in the fog not the fog the fog is coming Victor the

Fog is coming wait there’s a there’s usually a passageway down here yeah there is there isn’t [ __ ] down here though I guess we just go to the fire exit God damn it way apparently Victor you’re walkie Taki doesn’t die not the whole day we have it on o bottles oh something

Scin with these bottles outside that way is back where we came from that’s it is the dead end [ __ ] Y and we already have something not the most amount of loot but it’s like a 100 bucks well we can also get a beehive yeah so we need to be careful for those

Giants I don’t think they come out to later I guess right well first we got to find a beehive oh I see one I think unless is a Locus this where I don’t know but I hear him I don’t see him near you I see him [ __ ] oh I see him

Too what a baboon well what’s the ideal strategy here we don’t risk it is that a dog or is that the baboon I can’t tell how much money we made all right Jesus that’s decent for two items yeah that is true we literally brought two items back I’m going back to experimentation

That’s my home right there that’s my home Victor that’s my home that’s where I live I think experimentation has another exit but I probably need to find it so we probably need to find it oh sure cuz I was spectating one of the one of the Cy borrows at one time the C

Borrows the hell was that all right Victor I bought a ladder all right Victor I bought a ladder Victor B ladder I bought a ladder not what you did it’s for whenever we go to offense okay I’m might head inside the building now it was half off man I had to

Nice even though I know this a trick where you can get on top of it I’m on my way communication is key that’s why you bring walkie talk you feel me I’m sorry Brian gindo something what happened a flashen and a fire exit as well there’s aine in the

Way what’s up the fire exit’s over here when I came from oh okay what side did you check what other sides did you check it’s just this side that I check oh gift box that’s it actually oh there’s a there’s an engine oh homemade F oh my God we’re we’re literally bombers right

Now you know the bomber from Clash uh Clash Royale we’re literally bombers yo did you know that 3,000 people died on September my fault I’m I’m dropping you another flash grenade oh you already brought that you found I over here do you have one on you already yeah I have one with all

Right some very pipy noises over here I hear a land mine as well oh it’s right there on the pipes man I still remember your first death like it was yesterday what’s this hope nothing jumps on me word there’s no point okay there’s a Glo too

You know what I haven’t seen in a while the power room I haven’t seen it Nei could it be this door’s locked you can open these doors but in the in the ship computer yeah yeah yeah what is dark as hell over here is that the power oh I hear the

Glo did you hear the little squeak oh gift box oh Bracken room I heard it what did you hear I think I heard the bra R off here or no I must a lot of footsteps but couldn’t tell what it was I’m going hug the wall I don’t know could have been

Him there’s a jump Victor huh there a jump I don’t see the D metal thing oh do you want to do this I don’t you want not just making just checking up on you man is this back no it isn’t it’s locked before the SL gets us right

There got to light the way from my boy I’m running low on flash battery by the way oh there’s two there’s two blobs oh [ __ ] okay I’m running very low my boy this is a dead end [ __ ] oh oh okay okay okay [ __ ] the dog [ __ ] the

Dog the the glutes can’t open doors right I think so go for the landmines earlier I don’t know where we come from watch out watch out for the do oh I ran out of Flash I think it’s over here watch out for the I’m watching for the Bracken oh more loot well it would it be this way cuz we missed something I think it’s over here oh yeah yeah right there that’s the front door yeah let’s go stay back I have a

Bomb I’m a what should I leave I’m going to go ahead and drop everything off and then come back dude coming back like right before the monsters come is so good guess that’s the advantage of experimentation oh [ __ ] Ro flashed himself like there no lie right being able to come back before the

Monsters do or spawn in on the outside such a blessing that thing W make it you make this jump I got everything we heading back yeah I’m going head back oh wait wait do you have my walk oh yeah I do I do all right yeah yeah hold on thank you

G yeah I don’t have that much time so I guess I’ll just be fast yeah I’m there I see the dookie dog he’s kind of camping the uh entrance I found another one right just tell me clear and there’s where did we come from there’s something near you I don’t

Know what it is that one is a dog this Bo okay I don’t see any loot near you at all all right I’m going try to go past that jump can you can you open this door the glue is kind of in the way P1 P1

Hello I do it you just type it in like type in P1 holy [ __ ] that was loud okay it opened there’s loot that you pass by where is it as soon as soon as you got inside I think it’s on your left you’re on the other side it’s on your

Right uh right right right yeah it’s in there I see it I see it be quiet okay okay I don’t see any more loot oh [ __ ] I got to come back get back make it what time it is31 1122 I made it outside I made it outside we better hul ass right now

[Applause] no I’m so glad you made it back Soldier dude I literally dropped the loot that I got what was it it was a metal scrap iron it was only $17 bro what the [ __ ] okay dude as soon as I saw that message I already knew it was going to be

Close I can’t take this man dude no cuz when I dropped right there was a dog right in front of me and then and then the worm from the floor started coming out and then you went all ass exactly what I said I I [ __ ] and then there

Was a worm right outside the ship no yeah there was a worm right godamn why could they just give me a break bro at least we didn’t lose any money right for the company are you ready to go go to Titan though that we buy the teleporter first

Or we just go straight to Titan look get the teleporter I’ll leave the shovel right outside the front door just in case we need it actually I’ll leave my walkie at the front door or not not maybe what do I what do I leave at the front

Door CU I need space to to grab stuff I’ll leave the walkie I got my flash grenade just in case I’m not going to do it this I’m not going to open it all a sudden this time I can’t see for find find the pipe I got it I got it

Bro there ain’t nothing there and there’s [ __ ] nothing scam rooms bro scam rooms there’s another one I just hope there’s no spider right I got it I got it there’s another one or is this the fog just going away know never mind oh wait what is that room over

There oh you’re eating chips I’m like what is that noise it’s cuz you’re in the fog it sounds so weird I I should have dropped this off oh my God just you don’t have to do the jump you could just go around the the crunching man it sounds so

Menacing I’m already filled up on loot but I’m hoping we find the fire exit oh [ __ ] man we got all the money oh amongus impostor vent locked I goty I goty we going right I got that feeling fire exit please where is it oh right here right

Here never mind we’re going to make it [ __ ] all right back inside flashbang through the door I’m Dro it I’m running semi low on battery we already went that way so let’s go this way oh key take that bro what the [ __ ] bro I mean there’s like a whole area we can’t go

To unless we use the console uh wait did we check down here I don’t remember oh we didn’t let’s go we could go back and turn that stuff in on remember what number door this is V v0 we need to open v0 Among Us vent Among Us vent Among Us vent

V0 Victor v0 I thought I broke my leg drink drink this chemical bottle don’t drink the flashbang okay you can drink the chemicals I don’t need this key it’s literally just a steering wheel over here oh yeah I left that didn’t we have an engine am I thinking about another

Game no I I dropped the engine where’d you drop it oh I just I don’t I don’t know where I dropped it I dropped it by the fire exit it’s probably it’s probably in the wall there’s like the you can go through that wall over there so I thought we had an

Engine we are actually the looters now imagine I need to charge I said v0 right all right open the door oh hey when someone’s about to die put that one song I Need a Hero I need to I need to get it I’ll get it right now while he gets on the

Ship tell when you get on the ship it’s just called I need to here all right It’s like a remix all right hold on I’m getting one more one more sound bite how I turn it [ __ ] [ __ ] ready or or or what is that called Freddy beat box that doesn’t work okay whoever’s putting these tags man didn’t mean to click on that one no sure let’s go with this

One all [Applause] right all hold on I’m locking In I’m on my way in any any oppositions no you’re good have to be quiet there’s a braen there’s a Bracken just tell me if there’s anything near me if you have a chance I found the power room but I need to go back for the key what time is

It actually it’s okay it’s okay I’m about to go [Applause] outside2 okay I’ll go real fast when you back be careful there’s like three blocks outside before okay going to leave the door closed I’m not sure what time it’ll be by the time we get back the power room didn’t have a

[ __ ] power thing in it [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t see anyone near you I’m hauling ass got you there one be there’s still now go ahead R nice dude I thought there was a reactor in there the room was just completely empty our loot disappeared it’s the what you mean bro

Lo what you mean bro it flew off that L just got grew legs and ran away who’s yapping if we die we die actually managed to make it back man minimal damage the Bracken was in front of me uh twice three times actually no yeah three times

He was going to tickle my booty hole man I was scared hey let me count the money we have present boxes let me we have a lot of money right now that’s how much money we have like $500 worth of money oh I forgot to buy bro a flashlight

The ladder is still the only thing on sale we might as well buy the ladder we got it we got it right here oh this thing nice and look you can climb on top of it like a ladder for some reason it’s not letting you scan the items that I’m

Selling I could scan them for for you 173 228 262 is that enough what’s the quota I can’t remember it’s 354 we need more We need more wait he left stuff oh no you that he just grabbed it that’s 165 more put a little bit just to like make sure There mhm you don’t I’m about to do something very cool want to see it how devious got to lock in I got to lock in let’s go boys you about to do something really cool yeah I wonder what it could be don’t kill me blow up aren’t you are you charging your Shel

My boy my boy Char do you have to be precise on where you hit it no no I’m sorry man say right foot that kind of looks like they’re gritty bro wait is bro leaving Me that’s Freddy fast bro what are you doing you’re going to kiss the ladder are you trying to R gindo yourself no what if you do BR yourself Victor we could go straight to Titan right now or we can buy teleport or we can buy a teleporter

Point so are we going to tight or we going to get the teleporter let’s get the teleporter all right that’ll set us back about $300 down well where are we going Now man I’m tired of that stupid ladder a lad by the way uh it was on sale for it was 30 bucks so 60 yeah it was 50 it was it was 50% off nice Dam my boy you the noer we have so much [ __ ] in here oh we can still sell the

Stuff block of cheese flashbang block of cheese hey man we don’t value food as much true I don’t know if we should bring Keys man we have so many keys thr this WOW by the way I finally decided to buy you a flashlight 400 493 that’s the

Quar how much do we have we just need a little bit more yeah we just need a little bit a he actually found something out really cool you could do on this one you could jump on the pipe right here like right there you could jump on

It don’t tell me I thought you died don’t tell me he’s dead that would funny all right I’m I’m going wait for the care package to land I’m going leave one I bought some extra walkies and I bought you a new flashlight and if you don’t want it I’m

Just going to drop it here do you have an extra flashlight for yourself uh I bought two pros and the extra one’s going to be the dookie flashlight okay I’m going to go ahead and uh enter from the exit one need three walkies yo victory walk y I’m bringing the ladder for the

Fire exit cuz you have to use a ladder to get there oh yeah that’s true I’m almost there also the ladder weighs nothing I don’t know how that works I don’t even know where the [ __ ] I’m going anymore follow the pumpkins okay no don’t I think I found it no I think there’s an entrance lad on I made it to the fire exit I think we should go in together though how come I’ll come to the main entrance I’ll leave the ladder over here bro how Ain’t No Way well I’ll get your

Stuff now that you’re spectating me you can see the ladder look at that Innovation at his finest I still remember you there there was one time you hit the turret with the shovel and you die that’s a that’s a treasured moment right there actually I can just teleport your body

Back so what did you have on you oh you didn’t have anything on you I’m starting the chip all good man I get what you mean man yeah night night homie make sure the booty bugs don’t bite your ass sorry all righty then do is that CH

Out oh [ __ ] it say your St your thing won’t save I’m sorry I’m sorry lethal company bring the potion man I play a lick of dual links Yu what am I looking for new mini box got to get out of gold where is uh what am I trying to do right now

I lost them lost my train of thought lost my train of thought ready to I’m ready to duel Yi my Nash not I hope bro doesn’t just annihilate my cheeks oh my God Cyber Dragon NCH Chester I don’t know what Bros be playing these days man

SE I do summon one monster and put one set I’mma end my turn okay as long as he doesn’t summon the that one chimer Tech Dragon we’re good oh he set a Monster yeah I don’t think these silver league players are I don’t know I’m trying I’m trying to get a gold

Man it’s my last game I think dude I can’t wait to summon Earthbound Immortal as pisu what is that oh no Chimera over Dragon not oh this man is crazy if I were a normal opponent that is I my I may be in a pickle if I was a normal

Opponent this individual in front of me doesn’t know a damn thing nah I win here I Another op destroyed they just don’t know what to do when I whip out my 10K beater finally going to make it the goal man I really don’t know how this TCH is winning my boy sent me a nice I’m sending him a friend request bro had no idea what was

Coming man has destroy you shouldn’t underestimate me because I’m you seriously think Ain’t No Way guys I didn’t top deck a Kyro oh who’s guys me I’m guys I’m multiple men actually flower cardian Maple with deer this is a Yu-Gi-Oh card of a card oh my God he’s cooking he’s Cooking it’s dude I’m cooked I’m observe I’m dead bro just kill me make a misplay come on make a misplay so let me make sure this is all over the screen ah my life dude are you telling me I couldn’t play malefic Truth Dragon there dude I’m literally the best

Yu-Gi-Oh player in this dude why can’t I summon mic truth Dragon there damn it now I’m off another five wins from my gold rankup game I should take a screenshot of the deck list and put it somewhere I’m I’m going have to put I’m going have to change the tit over real

Quick to put a little bit of Yu-Gi-Oh duel links to make sure it’s not clickbait you feel me should underestimate me pass okay as long as he doesn’t get lethal in one turn we’re fine I set a card oh he sets a card pass pass pass

Pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass [ __ ] [ __ ] play my Chistmas there is just one SK bu someone f t the toilet can’t see the te you no I only [ __ ] put the hand on the deck bro put the hand on the deck let me um I need I

Need a good image of that dude I want to play I want to play uh what’s it called Exodia I want to see if I can make that de work not make it work we just play it the OG Yugi Moto I didn’t even name this deck Where’s a good handon deck shot from the anime I need a good picture of that who surrendered in the anime it’s just a picture of a guy with his hand on the deck I guess that’s what I need it’s our destiny to D and this is

One that I must win web. PM oh my God you disgust me you foul creature mechanical Chaser in attack mode he ain’t ready he ain’t ready I already got two pieces of Exodia what is he going to do what is he going to do I have two pieces of Exodia what does he

Have nothing exactly I have mechanical Chaser he has poverty a [ __ ] Dark Magician no if he’s playing blue eyes he’s weird how you going to play yummy and have no way I’m going hit him with the wor God damn it he’s playing blue eyes no I need a sophist

Picture let’s do this I attack a monster it’s impossible to cleanse the world BL eyes users right let’s do this my turn that’s a logical character he’s a real character 100% with 1,000% that is a hard image put that in the hard image folder oh no way I got the card part of

The underdog don’t don’t be a mystical space typhoon bro please oh Phantom Wings put my boy goo gaga gigo in defense mode man holder I draw a c here I go I summon a monster in attack position do am I dead how much HP do I have I’m just trying to add sopus

Bro get dog out the way oh that is lethal did he attack with this big guy no he didn’t damn it man I knew I should have just top decked hard of the underdog I wouldn’t have died there if I played defensive you see these are the mistakes

You got to learn learn them quick actually do have really high attack monsters so what I want to do is copy these filters paste them here you can barely see sis I guess I can’t copy the filters because it’s not a black and white image is I

My that I can def if this is the screen I’ll duel you this will be incredible by combining my cyber Legacy with theor deck you don’t stand a chance I wish I can have it fade in my oh this is the hand bro does not see this

Coming Gemini elf in defense mode hear me out 900 attack how many monsters have more than 900 attack oh no he has core oh no he has core sir please please just have the structure deck and nothing else this needs to stay on the board I summon a

Monster oh no oh no I should really update my Exodia attack oh no No oh no oh no oh no he’s going to kill meus that one doesn’t pop cards right oh no it does don’t do that don’t blow up that one that one’s my wind condition is gone this deck just isn’t it man that just isn’t it and could play Odon for no reason in

Particular I like the way he looks damn my boy this deck is not even complete oh I have part of Duality yo hold on hold the phone my marshmallow people dude this deck is so old can I win with this 30y old deck why do I have u a stadium in that

De very interesting that oh yo dude my brother in Christ right if he’s here he knows what this deck is he said if he loses he’s quitting dual links actually I think this might have been the deck where balance didn’t work for me do me right now all right let’s go then let’s

Go I need to I need a I I just I just did a dual though Larry ohes help help me out was about to get the deck list right now squirrel Fox rainbow life hell yeah let’s go wat squirrel here ites they ain’t ain’t ready for the squirrel my

Guy I just realized rainbow life doesn’t do anything if I play a card you’re getting cooked man I got that watt squirrel on me bro I’m about to nibble on his um paw I mean realistically speaking I think this is the worst spell card to get out of my balanc

I set a card I set a card let that be it your white egg of Legends who is this cybur wizard Ain’t No Way ain’t no way this man summon cybur wizard in attack mode yo attack me attack me don’t be Spirit don’t be Spirit of white do not be Spirit

Please okay it wasn’t Spirit go to hell Straight to Hell monster report bro’s about to revive his egg dude what’s the point you just sacked your egg for no reason but a gobble on this dude’s nuts pause okay that’s there’s no pausing now that’s just gay I’m sorry what is he

Doing bro doesn’t know what Castle does Spirit of w yo I got the perfect I top decked the [Laughter] out gobble on his nuts oh it doesn’t work oh oh [ __ ] I thought he could attack directly what the what’s the point of watt squirrel all the watt monsters attack directly except this

One Karma cut okay I’m cooked I’m not actually cooked I I live here still don’t have you don’t run two spirits in the deck right right yeah I drew the other rainbow life ah [ __ ] I need another Castle I need another castle if I don’t get a castle I lose

Ain’t no way he just attacked twice on Rainbow Life Dog these are silver players watch your up go bro Larry you’re not ready for what giraffe equip it on mine [ __ ] my bones I got this i got this no no no issue godamn wat squirrel I’m taking

This card out this deck fight his nuts please how could I have I didn’t make a single mistake I did make a terrible mistake I played a card I should not have played cuz I thought wats squirel let you attack directly twice all right Larry I’m ready let me change characters real

Quick let me go to my favorite character from Yu-Gi-Oh zexo 100% my favorite character actually is he voiced by Goku here okay I think he did he doesn’t have he’s not voiced by Goku I don’t think in this one oh dude this is my 100% not 100% freeo play necessarily but very freeo

Playay friendly deck no skill set oh [ __ ] it’s the rematch of the century Bronx stone versus kite Teno guys oh my head hurts oh my boy you not ready you not ready my boy your my boy said ex Galaxy Yuma would never give up so

Neither will I I’m about to hit you with the that’s not nice I don’t know what you’re doing man you cheated you have not activated no monster effects you haven’t done [ __ ] but you threw your shits in the grave Larry you’re cheating stop cheating my boy say Galaxy expedition to Galaxy I photon

Dragon oh my God activates Hey sir I just wanted to give you a heads up your first play send these cards to the gravee that’s cheating you can’t do that you’re disqualified Larry you’re disqualified for using a skill that’s illegal you can’t do that in a regular Yu-Gi-Oh D

You know whenever whenever kite tenjo was dueling Bron Stone he didn’t go hold on let me discard some cards real quick can’t do that man stop doing oh God oh god oh he doesn’t have an animation is is that it my boy Larry you got to try harder than

That let’s just hope you top deck the out my boy I there if you lose to this you have to quit youings if you lose to this you have to quit duel Lings haven’t defeated yet my I activate my quick spell oh my God he top decked the out Larry Larry

Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry’s losing to this oh [ __ ] rank up exas I forgot he could do that I thought you were actually going to lose to this oh my God you scared me bro I thought you were actually losing to this Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry you [ __ ]

Idiot nah watch Gira I’d Win get cooked get cck you I Won’t Give Up not until I Crush you oh yeah I win you could have actually won that D dog I’m playing murmur of the forest in my deck I’m sorry I’m not going to lie I don’t even know what I’m

Doing I’m not even reading yeah I I get that this is the thing is there’s so many troll decks with [Laughter] this I can’t bro I can’t my brother lost to this too bro and theni lost it this to oh no I didn’t save the replay oh whatever whatever oh no wait

Wait I have replays with him yeah you got cooked because you’re dyslexic rest in peace man I get it oh no wait wait this is the replay this is the replay where my brother lost look look top left Maas can I get it out of this

View okay to be fair he wasn’t playing his main deck oh boy I played a wat pheasant I had luminize anyways Larry so you wouldn’t you wouldn’t have been in a good spot so he just loses there when fun declares an attack targeting a face up attack monster

Negate the attack one face up light monster gains the attack for the rest of so I would have just negated it I thought this gave it attack during the the fight I have an awful lot of replays with my brother I think Galaxy ice skill got nerfed yeah I did they did get

Nerfed too many people were doing too good with it it went it was tier one for a time I think why did I clip thisor Mim I don’t think he even knew how to use Raid Raptors oh yeah he didn’t know how to use ra Raptors that’s not a good

Replay what is this one the rush du oh bro this rush to who the hell is a Mimi IMI we don’t go Rush go crazy in a rush I’m sorry Larry I’m just it’s just I’m flabbergasted I know you didn’t read but there was actually very little you could do there

Ah H’s my brain oh yeah this was the Dual where I told him that I had dark magician or seven rows magician in my hand the entire game but I just never summoned it cuz I wanted to give bro a chance rip 90 what what does that

Mean oh that’s what you mean number 90 yeah but it for sure got nerfed I know I know I saw somewhere in the skill rebalance hard catalog cuz number 90 isn’t even here I know it’s real smart at me exed yeah he he only he don’t even exist

He don’t even exist dog he is not here oh the guy added me I’m going back to my TAA deck that’s not ta that’s not ta bro I want to get to gold rank with this Deck I want it I want it bad oh what a nice profile picture a Kalen kler these are rare rare Kalen Kesslers about my com wave motion Inferno I have no idea what that means okay we’re good we got that not i’ win combo set let me see if I can take a

Screenshot of this deck list I set a monster I end my turn now what will you do I do a partial snip okay bro didn’t play anything I’m just going to end my turn what does fate have in for me it’s my turn B stop it

I set a my it’s not going to look right good luck in the game you going to head to bed all right night night Larry don’t pee yourself okay no where’s my hard images folder this deck list is a hard image I’m not going to

Lie is this dude just not going to play anything bro come on I need him to play something in attack mode so I can just destroy his life I cannot summon my gate Guardian I can’t summon my ubel Ultimate Nightmare or my arcan of force the light ruler Inferno that’s some minus trade

Man you’re minusing your cars what are you doing rosi at this moment iate effect I unpinned Da Vinci from my taskbar over I she do need to get back to grinding treasure map what time is it 12 effect I special summon a monster I made a separate scene just for duel

Links this the deck list right here copy it you can’t see it that’s the deck list right there okay I gotta how do you do this that’s the deck guys I don’t know if you can see it clear is it l blurry I ain’t got a

Clue I don’t know what bro is doing but he is cooking between and the Earth lies a chaot syro where do I put this I could just turn off the Dual log let me see what this looks like man bro’s doing something right now I’m not paying attention oh that’s crazy infernity

Beetle uh I don’t really care if he has that one negate card actually this would be really bad something get chain link blocked now if he negates one of them he can’t negate the other one I’m in the gro I’m in the groove I think there is an inferno

Lightning card I have to be careful for play the image that’s right you heard me I said play dude what is this dude dual links music producers what time were y on when yall making the OST for this game yeah we’re on that Yu-Gi-Oh duelinks timing 10K feel the wrath of my

Girth ah [ __ ] infernity Force I destroy the attack andal summon that’s crazy [ __ ] where’s this where is he I’m trying my best to put this back up God damn it man I was doing so well I was doing so well oh I haven’t ended my turn yet for it’s I tried my best infernity AR a card to my hand everything in the

Gr not bad if I say so myself this isn’t looking so good do I actually have dude just attack what oh he’s trying to get his play atom infernity Doom Dragon oh my God guys it’s infernity Doom Dragon appear I summon a monster I activate my monst effect appear I Synchro Summon a

Monster I mon bro just attack it’s bro just attack infal flame I have one I have one move I can’t do anything after that fails that’s why it’s called not I’d win because when I do win it’s like a landslide Victory oh my God big

Ball how many wins do I need to rank up okay I’m tired of playing this deck let’s go reins let’s play my my code talker deck I should really like this deck move the move move the thing move the thing move it because this doesn’t apply anymore oh my God is that Tristan

Taylor the weekend of Yu-Gi-Oh’s say feel the Warriors oh this is not a good hand still a lnv be Asam for a well fight don’t be ashamed for losing a Wella fight this man surrendered the minute he saw me draw a card if I see win like rank up on next

Game I hope I play one more game right time Angel ATT destroyed by battle since a greater turn all monsters on the field to the hand dude what if I put time angel in my not i’ed wind Deck just as like a wild card I like doing that adding wild

Cards one it gives the deck a little flare and like if they’re not expecting it oh my God it’s Goku if they’re not expecting it they’ll lose it’s Goku oh come on I wanted to see that with my other deck no no no no no stop stop stop

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop okay so I won two games okay I did say I was done with the TA de but I’m already switching back uh let me add time Angel to this deck yeah it’s not it’s all all monsters on the field let’s get rid of this stupid

Deer well now the deck list isn’t up to date you know what screw you I’m not updating the deck list the gimmick of the deck is that blow somebody up on one turn I mean this deck’s done been done before of course I think it’s funny Shay

Obsidian is this my brother is this is this Nai a moon I have to win two games that’s all I have to do I have to oh yo I got the Wild Card he’s not ready time angel on Attack Mode what are you going to do about that can’t do anything exactly stay

Down it’s rocking time what is he going to play what is he going to play what is he going to play what is he going to play play come on play it he doesn’t know what to do bro he’s like time Angel that’s the best card of the

Game you know I could actually bring spell and trap removal oh no oh no I mean as long as he can’t summon a card that has more than 4,000 attack we’re good said my Montage dragon is going to be a little weak what if I let him get another turn he’s so

Edgy I haven’t even seen Shay obsidian for that long or whatever his name is whatever is the cas is I have to rewatch arv or watch it actually I only watched the first season oh just do your play man come on Chop Chop he he doesn’t know what to do about time

Angel he has never seen this card in his life oh damn oh damn he’s cooking me play this cut scene and everything what’s you’re cheating you’re cheating you can’t do that you literally just threw a overlay unit and then set a card you’re cheating stop please stop cheating

Re bro he got zero attack re what is he doing a no way that’s reevolution falcon okay he lost him playing fuzzy lanus lost him the game where is the image no not that one not that one get Clipped easy enough easy enough one game one game from gold one game and I can be the gold man I can literally they call me gild tooro you see the necklace there I should probably copy it from there more clean bro saw time Angel and panicked that’s why I say bring the wild

Card oh my God the Epic rematch yamy Yugi versus TAA who will win oh this is a battle for who’s going to go to Gold I’m ready to oh you’re not ready dude I’m I’m telling you there’s a weird thing to duelinks RNG I just put

This card in my deck and it’s it’s in my top I top decked it twice already this is the second game with time Angel like I don’t think they Shuffle the decks no more he needs to summon a 2,000 attack monster and not have a trap card the only way I win

This he can banish time Angel which is cool my ever fful companion Dark Magician all right yumy I know you’re the main character my boy but you can’t just summon your freaking boss monster on turn one without tributing any cards that’s not how this game works God damn it

Yi I guess he’s the main character he just gets a pass is it shuffle it to the deck I sh to the hand oh Lord oh Lord have mercy we must stay focused Brothers we must stay focused my I oh Lord just keeps going I can banish one of my

Cards Fusion Monster that is really annoying I or rip time angel I want him to summon a card but I don’t think he can damn it man I need to take out time angel from my deck cuz that actually made it so I can’t I can’t summon my morvus monster

A man I was really hoping he’d summon something here we I attack yours directly okay the only way I realistically win this is if I somehow top deck another chyro and then I somehow survive another turn and draw one of these cards May in a alternatively I’m going try this

Mischief crush his balls here damn it man I was 200 off a lethal I should have brought Sparks that’s my Wild Card now’s my chance my moners activate I don’t know how masters of magician works I ain’t reading all that I’ll just lose the game I don’t

Care summon them in attack mode what are you doing I’m done with lose my turn Dude Looks Like A Dark Souls boss myard IW oh just cabanga into my Montage Dragon give me the rankup come on give it to me man please bro please why this music go so damn hard

Right I summon moner yeah what’s say Barry Magician Girl let me turn up the game a little bit [ __ ] is these sliders I’m not giving up my turn I draw oh battle he’s cooked it’s the end of the line my monster congratulations he’s cooked why did he do that he just threw the

Game he actually just Threw yay draw sense fire yeah congratul on the rankup DU would you like to submit the deck and replay to your CH deckless submitted bro bro Ain’t No Way somebody’s going to use this deist now let me get rid of Gojo all right I’m satisfied with my rankup game

You know I summoned one monster and attacked twice cuz I’m like that uh I don’t want to play the luna light deck that hurts my brain play my cyers deck I don’t know if gold rank is super sweaty I don’t think so I think it’s platinum or Legends Legends for sure super

Sweaty I don’t want to rank up too high cuz the new meta are crazy who is Alito like what where is he from very well I accept your challenge I’m giving my all in this duel so you better too okay that guy’s vo by the same person that voices

Chaz ain’t no way you playing amazonus in 2023 I a dog this ain’t 2017 what are you doing like bro these dual Links music producers crazy I don’t even know who this guy is bro I create my circuit show L is probably not to play cuz I don’t have

Anything to play I’m setting a time for face cut his balls off oh I’m cooked bro I’m actually cooked I’ll counter that willpower dog what year is this what year is this bro we got extra deck monsters now MST ack spell dude that’s a good card right there there that’s a good

Card regardless of the year he’s just going to bran gindo this tiger oh never mind Queen I activ my mon effect resummon okay word speci summon no we’re going somewhere with this I like this I like this we’re going somewhere all right let’s battle go ain’t no way actually that’s not the worst

Possible play you could have made there clouder there were worse plays I am my tingling my tingles are tingling nerd Emoji I’m sorry activates it effect Show Yourself elaser straight into Deco talker cuz we’re like that give me my music I create my circuit give me my

Music link summon Linko shun link three Deco Talker I have the wrong deck List dotscaper effect activates dotscaper C Archer’s effect activates see AR I activate I activate my cheats I activate my TR recorded Alive come out this man gains zero power from from deod dotscaper deod escaper he’s not high enough attack this is bad I’m throwing I’m throwing I’m throwing Fireball dragon

Go just keep summoning monsters battle fight his cheeks dragon attack temp I end my turn will put me in position to win I draw I do you learn what the voice actor of Chaz is come on out he goes Chaz it oh no no I’m actually going to lose to Amazon

Is I Dragon prison Play here’s the card I set Straight to Hell I activate a trap Straight to Hell come out I oh no he’s going to defend me he’s definitely going to kill my firewall dragon damn it dude why do I suck at Link monsters attack you okay

Playmaker I am the playmaker activate my monst effect what okay oh you can do that I activ effect from the graveyard Co talker de talker come to my side here goes I special did I summon firewall Dragon I’m throwing attack I am my turn lady buug no way I drew the

Out come out I actually a way to win this now actually wait I’m forced to attack tiger never mind here’s the card I set I activate a continuous trap okay I don’t know how this card works I don’t know if that’s going to work it’s my only shot

Though I link summon a monster let’s go actually there is a play where I go into the gr Buster there is a play where I go into degrade Buster banish this card but I still have to deal let’s deal with this card did I normal summon it wouldn’t matter cuz I have to

Banish a card ah it hurts I my I have to I’d have to banish a card and discard Card yeah I did normal summon debug damn it damn it all there’s no shot I win this uh ROM Claudia we go we ball there’s nothing I can do I lost to Amazon’s bro Ain’t No Way ain’t no way I all right let’s B no way go my monster I activate continu

Trap am I alive no I’m not alive okay the only mistake I could see is that I decided to play firewall Dragon when I didn’t have to and I lost my one copy of firewall Dragon which I really needed I really needed there to bounce the

Onslaught and then I also sold cuz I sold my power Co talker and I couldn’t negate his Queen anymore what is that those are the only big misplays I made and some others I guess but there was no point I was still fighting an uphill battle oh no Shadow

Game why can’t y’all just be normal and not be fatherless I mean they’re easier to be now I’m just going to summon ROM clouder in attack mode and start attacking are you back up secretary I set a card down I set a c i want to be able to get him

Into lethal range faster it’s myw that is the big positive of running um that’s not what I meant to summon secretary the big positive about running Link monsters time for battle backup secretary attacks here’s my face down card that’s not good why would you do that okay take them

Attack can you attack with it it cannot attack okay I Crackdown should be limited it’s it’s too good for what it does you’ll enjoy this I tribute summon a monster no way this man is running silvin bro who am I going dude it’s a 2017 meta and gold

Rank I thought this man was going to play something else my monst effect activates dude I never use snap snap drin jassin jassin gun my power of Guardians I thought this was a stall deck I activate an equip I could have actually lost I can keep going I could

Have lost if I I wasn’t if I’m not being careful enough it’s easy to lose I will get the card I need why would you play shadow game game with a silven deck I’m already super low I set a card ROM clouder clouder oh it’s a ram clouder I don’t think so

Silv down card my continuous trap activates bro this man is running an allout silven deck backup secretary I run svens but I don’t run them like that because it’s a terrible idea I link summon a monster show I activate my monst effect this won’t really do much all right I special summon a

Monster let’s go I can turn the game around yes the ultimate circuit I set my I made this whole Deck with just making the talk that’s the whole point of the deck oh salaman greates are better for the I don’t care I want to be playmaker right now [Applause]

Yeah I’m so excited right Now L effect activates okay none of these cards are good they all have their effects negated so don’t do anything I AC I should have played it an attack actually I had I have lethal spell battle deod Tucker attack deod destu I it burns it

Burns oh he has Rose lover but no plants in his hand let it’s my turn I know what time it is it’s time to summon my Ultimate Card actually wait can i r activates it effect does this work or does this fail am I stupid okay I’m not stupid show

Yourself uh there’s no point why did I do that aha I did nothing myirc take that link I want my music back get it back yay firewall Dragon battle dragon you’re cooked it’s over not so put the shadow game down mer activates continuous trap how about you continuous trap these

Nuts it feels so good an enemy Falls right into my trap no way drowning mirce my trap activates I didn’t play around drowning that’s what he thinks trap activates I end my turn I didn’t take Shadow game damage activates at the end of the turn both players life

Points are equal to the number of cards in the graveyard Max 400 the skill will not apply of the players within 1,000 oh they nerfed Shadow game nice so I don’t lose blood I will get the bro is cooking himself he’s done more damage to himself

Than I have I activate my trap Rec it alive go Deco link talker man I activate my spell Card Sign dog I don’t know man full-blown silvin I don’t think that was the call I I really don’t think that was the call let’s just go for

It direct attack he can he can excavate one card what is he going to get not so fast k mushroom I called it I called it it feels so good when my enem Falls right into I called it it was kush mushroom I mean co co mushroom I don’t

Know I don’t call him by that over he has the top deck of Marley has the top deck of marle he’s not doing it he’s not that guy he’s just himself Snap Dragon assassin activates so you can excavate another card my monster carrot weight champion this is my cures were the key

To my success bro ain’t no way man I thought this man was playing a stal deck he immediately started playing Sven guardio know way man that makes me want to play Z oh big ball wait they just won gems that’s a scam oh this is all I got gem X7 four

Times okay that’s pretty nice 28 gems did I ever get another one of These not that one I thought I had another one you’re still alive yeah The homie Vic had to go to sleep cuz you know he he had Mimi’s time and we’re going to hop on in the morning I really stream because my my memory is full right or almost full and I haven’t gotten around to actually uploading all the things I want

To upload to my archive Channel because I procrastinate this duel won’t be easy here I go I activate my spell card s mining sinet mining well I got the full combo I activate my monst I got the full combo what time in the morning I don’t

Know he just said maybe in the morning backup secretary those were his words I link sumon link two Al show they call me the king of games create the ultimate circuit yeah they’re already playing my theme they want to see me win yes I’m going to play this every

Every single time I do this all right I’ll be up hopefully effect activates Uh I activate my monsters effect see this is great cuz I can cheat come out I special summon a monster I can just do this right this is the they call me the cheater that brings my turn to an end I draw a card this is my key to Victory he’s

Cheating there’s fire formation skills from my I activate a continu spell why does it look like are these Global skills like everybody can use them from my hand I activate a continuous spell during the duel you activate this skill what from my I activate a continuous spell during the main phase if you

Normal summon that type of monster anient warri I one ancient war a different name to your hand what is going on I have never seen this deck how are they Beast Warriors I think just Beast you know Beast Gohan frauds I’m counting on you I special summon a monster my mon

Activat what did he decide okay deod talk effect activates get destroyed no gate oh he’s not ready I my Qui oh he’s not ready sign back can you do something about thatat negate the activation okay he can what does my decode talker just fly away okay well I don’t know if that was

Worth it my boy I’m going be real turn your second standby face what I special summon a monster oh stop this stop this madness IW ROM Claudia ROM Claudia’s effect activates uh let’s get secretary back AR effect activates like this guy just cannot keep up man he’s cooked backup secretary

I link actually I don’t know if these arrows are good I might have messed up I should have play on the right link Dr I I’m not reading any of his cards cuz cuz I’m a uio player let’s go we don’t do that here oh actually yeah I can get one from

My deck huh I Whatever goer dude he is not ready he is about to get demolished create the ultimate I just keep playing guards I up now he can attack twice B and I still have recoded alive attack final enode now it’s my chance what my mon effect activate here I go I special it’s not over

Yet okay firewall dragon attacks Tempest ter this is nice go attack it’s not over yet I activate my trap recod it alive oh no he can negate that exactly what I was Wai I’m a little goofy boy my mon effect activat that is hilarious oh you got rid of your wi

Condition what are you going to do now I end my turn I draw a card he could have just taken one point of damage but he got rid of his win condition unless he got Yuan or whatever that name is debug come out I summon I activate my monst

Effect I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be like that I’m sorry are gouki good on Duel links I’m not really sure I’m a master dual player they were good a while ago but they’re still like a rogue deck they’re rogue deck now they used to be the number one

Deck in the game man you couldn’t go a single ranked match without seeing them okay maybe it wasn’t that bad they weren’t tier zero but they were annoying as hell that’s s like a gois I countered them with TR Maids that’s the only way I could fight

Them actually the some of their cards did get unbanned so maybe they’re better I don’t remember man oh wi rank up rank up game lock in lock in Shadow game this duel won’t be easy duel okay I have a plan here I go it’s my turn special summon link Slayer set back door

Pass may be saying this is not a good play it isn’t it really isn’t but if he’s playing a stall deck I set a monster face down I have counterplay I set a cuz now I can do this AC my quick spell sign back door draw

Dbug my turn is over link Slayer comes back cuz he’s playing a stall deck obviously I already have the combo in my hand I know what to do I activate my unless this man is playing arrival Rivals which if he is he’s a he’s just a

God at the game man I can’t I can’t stop him witness link Slayer effect so way the archiv blow up the Trap it’s Floodgate okay he lost he lost depending on what this card is I hope it’s not bad I create my circuit straight into elas and then and then straight into Deco

Talker because I don’t know what he’s going to play here I link summon a monster actually I think I need deod talker for my skill link deod Talker this enime goes so hard it’s like those TN Edits L’s effect activates ice attack monster micro coder I activate my mon effect link Slayer can attack directly he is cooked he is cook he is cook he is cooked is the we don’t get that on mastero the the the skills yeah they’re annoying set for battle okay what could this be I

Have to go for lethal this I have to go for lethal monster attacks it feels he has okays right into myo attack obnoxious Celtic Guardian who is this guy who is he oh the animation okay well this m this is something I’d gripe about master duel the game doesn’t feel like it has

Personality it’s cuz it Doesn’t got the anime characters you know like right there you got playmaker and up there you got Marco that’s not his name I know but Merck not Marco they are sick no Lava go moners bro this in know I’m a link links yo he has an

Animation dude that’s actually kind of sick I didn’t know lava Golem had one why would he play it there does he have a second one I could have attacked directly with link Slayer last turn I kind of messed up all right I I’m I’m a back door back I’m back door my

Talker what do I want I want a card that can attack obnoxious oh let’s go clouder let’s go golfing here I go it’s my draw oh ice dragon prison actually kind of good lava Golem effect activates ah it burns okay I can use this man for a link

Summon what am I summoning firewall okay I link summon I forgot yeah TI edits more than all the anime edits of course TI is as hard as a rock physically speaking of course dude this obnoxious Celtic Guardian is killing me battle take this attack okay if this is drowning direct

Attack I still have recoder alive I don’t think so here’s my B down card my yeah okay so if I played um if I attacked directly with link Slayer like I should have this would have been an easy dub but he can actually come back from this

Somehow I hope he top decks a lava Golem never underestimate your opponent never underestimate your opponent I destruction Comm here I go it’s draw he could have spear Kurio come out iate my so let’s just summon a whole bunch of Monsters the AR’s effect activates H roid as well so three

Attacks would do fine all of these are lethal secretary for B it’s over I misplayed I didn’t set the prison secretary attacks all three of his hand all three of his cards have all two of his cards okay he disconnected he threw his phone in the lake all right

Whatever dude you’re playing a stall deck why are you getting tilted you’re the one who’s supposed to be making other people get tilted you fool this isn’t possible I lost I win this duel people often ask me would I lose to a stall deck N I wi okay

I should have sent him a nice for some BM value I’m sorry bro why are you playing a stall deck don’t do that you know one thing I am grateful about duel links I mean they’re starting to add some floodgates but there’s a field spell that completely floodgates

Everything I don’t know what it’s called I don’t remember like if you it’s time to L into the bra if you have more monsters than them like you can’t play anything basically basically it’s something like that I can’t think of the name of the card I’m the gore the heavy so you said

Gouki right Mr sprigs this is my deck I’m poor I don’t have all the GOI cards but you know we got the we got the play set and I want to see how this will work I want to see how this will work out I haven’t played this go like bro

They were so broken I could play this version of that deck that only has one copy of that one guy the blue the blue man the blue man see this bicep that’s where the power comes from why does he sound like that I know he’s supposed to sound like

A wrestler this guy sux it’s my turn okay I got no idea how to play this deck let’s go with twist cobra in defense mode here I go my turn it’s my turn Sigma M set a card pass I draw dude I’m so glad gold rank isn’t super

Sweaty spoke too soon is ten is teny rank one or tier one ping up do links meta hold on I create my circuit link summon yep 10 use 10 use tier one you Bell is tier two hold on what the hell trick star still tier three I’m

Going look for gois in here my mon effect okay yeah they’re they’re barely considered a rogue deck ah [ __ ] a [ __ ] he’s cooking me now I my Mon oh my God this animation is so cool what is this oh Synchro Mon oh no he doesn’t know this

What what hey you can’t do that stop that stop that right now got damn it man I say that gold rank is not sweaty and I go up against the best deck in the game [ __ ] spoke too soon from my I activate a spell card I

Ain’t reading all that I’ll just die man I’ll just die you know I learned from my mistakes after I die from them y this card art kind of goes hard what’s going on here it’s a berserk character meditating I seters in the berser guts not guts Fu Mano EO no not that

One B There we go Yuji Ranma that’s him right There two completely different shells oh shoot it’s him 3K attack I Myer bro is not ready for the Octo stretch bro is not ready for the Oto stretch Direct attack I don’t know what he does do I want to play this I do I discard o

Stret barely a bruise that was not a good play take this evidently I have made a lapse in my judgment easy a [ __ ] sh um never underestimate your all right guys this is the new forbidden technique it’s called hard earned robbery what okay no he has 3,000 attack

Oh none of your monsters have enough defense let’s go boxia brightness Yang Zig activ once Target one card you control and one level four what make my monst effect why didn’t I read the card why did I read the card one I am the weakest GIS player this is how I put on

A don’t say that why doesn’t he just kill me oh okay that’s why time for battle go my mon OCT stretch goes to the graveyard headb I’m dead anyways none of these cards save me I’ll bring this D okay mistakes that I made during the duel

One playing cards I didn’t know what 10 did but octos Russia would have been able to save me that’s mistake number one mistake number two I drew MST I should have seen that coming so they bounce cards back into your hand I didn’t know they did that oh

No time to you may talk a good game but can you play one you shouldn’t understand okay so here I basically almost the same starting hand except I have rematch which is awesome have Moon which is awesome like bro I got freaking iron claw in my deck I don’t even know what

This guy does what a weird hand set a moner my turn over what my extra deck oh I have Master ogres that guy is good I know that oh oh wait wait wait I remember the combo I remember the combo T Cobra I AC this guy

Minuses Wait no that’s not what I wanted to do okay whatever go head that’s what I want to do now then you go into jet ogre cuz he is the goat crank up my CC get ready to and then headback gives him attack twist Cobra gives me another card dude I’m

Cooking I mean he just he just set one I know shut up okay let me have my moment uh yeah go rematch spell card go rematch oo what do you do okay I don’t think I want to do that but can I just kill him I should have killed the Octo

Stretch cuz that’s that’s one of the cards it’s a luna light deck oh no set I messed up already okay okay I don’t know who is this solid ogre um they can normal summon one extra guy okay that’s actually good if I knew I had this guy I wouldn’t

Have done that play damn it too late time to crank up my circuit get to it link three GOI Thunder if OCT stretch goes to the graveyard when J ogre goes to the can I summon one back please effect activates no I can make my guy get 500 more attack

That’s not going to matter oh wait wait wait is this going to matter is dude I’m States effect I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just summoning monsters but I know this guy he’s the he’s the ace monster time to crank up myc yeah let’s go

Linkki the master OG why is he talking so slow when sux is sent to the graveyard it effect activates okay one thing I have to pray for he doesn’t have uh spearo myell finish big Pple a never if that man was able to go to his turn he would have instantly murdered me I don’t know how I won that the the game just kept giving me gouki cards and I’m dog I don’t know how this deck I don’t know anything about how this deck Works

Bra what are people saying in the chat I can’t click on it anymore did they get rid of the global chat unfortunate nice oh I don’t what I’m doing man I’m scared of my enemies you can count on me here we go you yeah let me check what tier animats

Are they used to be the best deck back in the game where are they now they got a couple of Buffs gandora is tier three Tri mids are still there bro Tri mids are like all the way from 2017 I don’t know how they’re still alive or 2018 2019 around

That I guess it’s just a part of those like would we can do that just never age combine into one as it’s weaknesses but if it doesn’t get the weaknesses with you by my side there’s nothing we can’t do which of my fabulous fans should I take on today oh it’s this guy

Might thanks for being my fan yo yo P PE JP player monster g i a c bro I have zubaba bancho gagaga coat and do doo dwarf go go go glove who do you take me for I a Qui SP you gimmick puppet deck bro I like gimmick puppet decks Okay I would have loved I actually just messed up Effect wait wait what is this oh I forgot you could cheat I forgot you could cheat in this game uh I think we’re Fine let’s go Utopia you know cuz I’m I’m Yuma we got to we got to summon Utopia rise on up number number 39 utopia for some reason like Yuma’s Voice is so much more obnoxious in this game than it is in the anime me the DU okay I don’t think we go into Utopia R I’ll set a I’ll set a battle attack Utopia Rising oh that’s drewy doll no does that I activate Twilight Joker effect from my hand I thought Desperado Barrel Dragon worked here they’re dark machines yeah Desperado Barrel Dragon works with this deck turn I

Draw I should have been more Careful good thing he didn’t have it here comes gimmick puppet magnet doll oh no magnet doll now I could book a moon here denying him to ex summon but what fun is that I see a gimmick puppet player I’m immediately intrigued cuz I always wanted to play this deck but it was

Always like stupid weak come on out I build the overlay Network EXC summon orchus I activate my mon dog Ain’t No Way ain’t no way this man just summoned this Guy battle I was right why did I why did I let him ex summon I attack you directly Che out my didn’t know he was playing orchus activate a quick spell man’s hit a 180 I couldn’t do anything we can do together time to transform our strengths combine

Our strengths combine into one EXC summon it’s time to high five the sky and feel the flow and feel the flow the overlay Network when two Souls become one the power of zxo is revealed oh my God I’m literally him right now I’m ex summoning myself I draw God damn it godamn

We’ll dude I needed to I needed to draw any monster can I Floodgate him back face down I set a c I needed to draw one monster what they deserve and I could have gone into what’s his name okay he’s getting flood gated are you sure you want to do that sit back

Down please Che out the card I set I activate my trap youve oh please please give a monster no what are you doing deck you’re selling you’re selling like what’s coming next I literally exceed summoned myself and my deck starts selling me the heart of the cards is [ __ ]

What what is he doing not enough goic on monia here comic AIA do do do dwarf go go go gloves effect activates from the grade go do dwarf go go go Club join Me oh my God no way I came back from this I build the overlay Network I exceed summon rise on up number 39 utopia there’s no way I can win now the protector who changes chaos into light chaos number 39 chaos number 39 utopia R dude I’m about to like triple cut

Scene this man where’s my skill [ __ ] I messed up let’s battle that’s not enough as the kill is it my monster attacks well I sold I sold I actually sold I haven’t played this deck in such a long time Man it’s cuz you can’t do it from chaos Utopia right spell card junk puppet it special summons a gimmick grave do that stop it I think this is still for in Defense dude I was about to get zexa weapon Leo arms and everything I was about to be like the coolest Yuma player ever I’ll set a card oh and turn and turn and T yeah but now I flip over my set card I activate my quick play spell what can you play oh

This guy well that’s not good that ends my turn you look scared I love okay idea check out the card I set I don’t know what that orcus card does if a card you control would be destroyed by battle card attachment card attachment Card okay so it’s time to destroy the set or destroy this guy I think I’m going destroy the set okay it was a good choice but I ended up top decking an MST God damn it man I Lost okay I lost cuz I played this in attack mode I didn’t lose because I said that I lost from that that was still a winnable game state but I sold I sold first my deck sold me then I sold me man JP player J he he’s JP man Hong Kong

This guy’s from Hong Kong I quit I quit on wanting to become the king of games now I want to become the king of lames yeah I’m feeling theow this go if you and I do not have three msts or I do have three msts

Uh it’s not a bad part not a bad card against Yami here I go oh this is an OG deck kind of it’s old but GA my field spell activates I have not seen a Gaia player in a long Time so the best play I could make is drawing a gagaga monster so gagaga sister would be nice zubaba Bano gag coat I run one tornado bringer CU it can protect my ultimate Leo Utopia this man passed is he crazy go join me here’s dwarf go glov effect you have a crazy

Question for this deck if you control a go go or do Doo monster I may have I see that astr my strategies were as sharp as do I even have the guy that can oneshot him cuz he obviously surrendered cuz I could have one-shotted him there do I even have that exas

Monster I do right I don’t I don’t have it in my EXC deack so that guy basically surrendered for no reason he had a turn he had another turn he had the quitter mentality man that’s why he lost if he had the winner mentality he could have

Won this is how we will win we must win this duel Yuma win okay this is a decent hand my turn here comes utopic because I killed this man off and I summon another man I’ll set a c I’ll set a c i end my turn I’m playing around infinite

Impermanence okay that card isn’t in dual links but I hope it never arrives bro we just got to affect veiler and everybody’s Wilding I haven’t seen it actually I summon a monster I activate my monst is this a ritual deck oh my God why is everybody so Cool my hand my oh it’s necros I he’s not as cool what he’s playing a good ritual deck yeah I should play this my ritual summon monster n was that wise can he negate that oh no he Can’t may my utopic anopia stay alive forever my mon effect okay that’s a cool combo actually from my hand from my hand oh Lord activate a ritual spell what card can I even get to come back from this I a sister choose this card I ritual summon a

Monster I don’t have a gagaga spell trap why do I have gagaga sister here I activate my I must admit I am off the perk when I make my decks this small child has no use in this Deck battle you cannot Escape time to attack C my monster attacks you directly hopefully can activate anything okay get up you have not lost yet this is how we will win I need to draw zua that’s the only way I come back from this oh I’m just that guy I’m just that guy

Un one card okay come on man you could just destroy one of my cards that’s not cool don’t do that coat effect activates damn it I don’t have a book of moon Here Comes you I can’t stop this man if he wanted to he could end my

Lifeon a monster he’s not ready for this Utopia there’s good gagaga cards that or spells I can get okay I okay man you couldn’t just let brother slide I could top deck another zubaba gotcho set a card set a card set a card no you’re so lame

Eliminated I you’re so lame I know I activate my monster effect my monster attacks your so L now the AC why you playing safe be bold take risks live my boy said battle Bo surveiller I summon a monster battle boxer veiler battle I’m not going down without a fight my Monster yeah this deck has problems this Pro this deck has deck building problems I’ve noticed that a lot of people are not running as many spell and traps as they used to so because of that I’m going to run one MST okay what spells are

There oh wait wait wait oh okay so I’m guessing this card got Auto removed from my deck so let’s that’s dumb man why the meta got to mess up with my decks man I need one card exce which this card is the card for that what is it anant to

Pickup something like that no anaman peria and that card you can only get from selection box isn’t that stupid how dare you make my make my time getting my favorite cards back bad a brother just wants to play Yuma King de moon do these people have an interaction yel lives within me I’m

Feeling we must win this duel Yuma this is a good hand by my side there’s nothing we can’t do let’s do it let’s do my turn I’ll set a monster oh I throw down a face down I end my heart he throws down a face Down here comes you toic he can indeed do something here here I go I special summon a monster do it do it I’m oh this is actually a really bad play why did I do this I just sacked half my Health I ex summon a monster for sure gold players are a lot better than silver players I activate my monst effect yeah cuz Utopia has an extra effect D would book A M It I set a card okay so for sure this is not MST this is a activatable spell trap Rising what I activate my monsters effect gravekeepers bro ain’t no way what meta am I in is gold rank just 2018 meta 2019 meta no matter how Amazon

S I haven’t seen for hires that’s the only one that would make it complete not necro Valley no I can’t use my graveyard I summon a monster do I want to banish this guy nah I activate my monst effect you do you man I want to see what you can do I

Do not see how we can even if you play dirty I never summon a monster what do you Do cannot be destroyed by card effects okay so this does nothing I activate my monsters effect Let’s battle I don’t know cuz these decks seem like really weak one overlay to activate utopia’s effect light wi Shi I end my turn what would we can do to it’s time to exceed summon myself into one it’s time more I’ll skip the cut scene this time dra unexpected die is a good pickup I set a card come on in zuo Gaga Co I want to distract him zuo Gaga coat effect

Activates I wanted to think that these guys oh wait I forgot you can’t do that actually we’ll Fight good thing I don’t have to wait wait wait Okay so I’ve only just analyzed the deck and I realized I do have Them okay never mind why couldn’t I summon him before chaos exceeds Evolution chaos I mean if this card is bad I I might just die what I was [ __ ] of money no I’ll my face down card I activate a quick play spell do that points yet I end my turn

There is still a way I did actually just use my only cha I AC my monst effect don’t do that check this out I summon a monster I don’t like that I know I flip over I don’t like you anymore I let you summon that guy but I don’t like you

Anymore take this attack I can’t I have to sacrifice him Utopia right no okay this is still pretty much an easy win cuz necro valleys are dooky seems like things are looking up for me I end my turn although things could have been better uh I can’t do either of those you know

What to do yum sure do I summon a monster ooh that would be a pretty goofy play but I can’t do it and say use this card to banish this and then uh tribute die to destroy the necro Valley but he probably already has another one lined up so alternatively

We summon Utopia I’m working on my Dark Lord’s orcus de been working on that for a while my boy feel like you’re going to kill me when I do you I hope you saw the time I do a lar utopia’s attack points battle attack Utopia thopia Rising part

His cheeks like Moses parted the Red Seas I end my turn Fabulous oh no oh no you’d win I don’t know man I mon like I always struggled against the Dark Lord’s deck then again I don’t see it that often does he not know that you can’t destroy this right now I activate my mon you can’t do that nuh-uh you got to destroy tornado

Brer no tornado Brer he has to have a third one of these I’ll throw down a down throws down a face down ends his turn okaying Gaga Revenge I gagaga Revenge okay so this is an activatable card ah I’m stupid Here Comes utopic Anamia I feel like I do just save my cards my monster attacks now Fu Mo iate a quick you crazy the thing about Utopia even if he’s face down right and you attack him you still get the chance to activate his ability so he’s going to have to destroy my

Whole field my hand I activate a spell card CU he’s adding a gravekeeper if he summons that Fusion girl again I’m I’m I’mma blast Him join me I summon a monster we put the activation toggle on whatever he does decide to destroy I’m going use an Expendable die and clear his field but I should probably get rid of the necro Valley I activate my monst Effect oh this is really bad special summon a monster I know I flip over my set card I activate my trap destroy necro Valley no I needed gyroid L mon effect [ __ ] I know I clowned on necro Valley I know I did feeling the flow the minute I take away my msts I

Face necro Valley bro this [ __ ] is rigged I have one MSD just so I can make the deck an even 20 okay Red Ice player you know we actually are in that old meta go here goes this is a brick T it’s my turn you need a warrior monster you need a gagaga

Monster this is the brick in the deck okay I admit it this is the one brick I threw in there the garnet you may even say why are people playing this deck I go another JP player I activate my mon Effect if other monsters affect oh I activate my monsters effect okay I special summon my monst so essentially I’m kind of shafted I activate my monsters effect who that guy let’s do this I special summon my monster oh we’re fine I need to get rid of this card cuz

It’s making it so I can’t activate any spells although that also makes it impossible for me to make any plays because I didn’t draw any I need gagaga sister if I can get gagaga sister I can actually summon something next turn I guess a warrior card wouldn’t be that Bad oh no oh I’m setting a c all right my all right all right let’s go I I didn’t even draw a monster man I didn’t even draw a Monster well I’m kind of dead I’ll set a card that is I set a card I set a card okay look man the spell to trap to monster ratio isn’t that bad I end my turn my turn so one two did I get bam Moon 1 two 3 four from

My hand I activate a continuous spell not the first one okay good he’s a silly boy I have to be careful cuz he summons that one card I get negated Bro just make your play my hand I activate a continuous spell check this set what is this I activate a continuous trap I swear to you I have never seen this deck ever before I activate my monsters effect let’s do this I that’s lethal rip why didn’t you draw any Monster

Cards Yuma I don’t [ __ ] know the heart of the cards is [ __ ] I’m telling you you know is maybe you’re bound to draw the the red brick you have in your deck what what we can do together I just want to win one game with this deck

Man here goes my turn this is a tragic hand I guess gagaga sister makes this hand better later on let’s go I special Su a Monster sure let’s summon this guy we I call this suicide mission I don’t know how I draw this card every time this was in the past too I would always draw This Tornado Brer we got this though I my mon cuz now he is protected from targeting effects if he

Has lightning Vortex rest in peace man I did my best you are still in the predicament I’ll use my my man used cauldron of the old man they F bad for me because I lost one game or three games in a row or something like that not over Yet join me is he playing a ro Mage Time Lord okay you’ll see how much stronger I am I’ll blow you away my monster overlay toate effect light wi Shield it doesn’t count as a attack declaration right cuz I negated it right yeah another stall yippe my

Favorite you won’t Escape From Me skull invitation man I’m dead I activate a continu Trap see I don’t know if this skill is broken or not or have they changed it here comes utopic the skill has to be broken cuz I can’t summon Utopia Le oh now I can get never mind not ultimately a f whatever it works now I he’s cooked he’s cooked G I activate my mon Effect this man has that skull invitation burn deck man I’m dead battle big p this is how we build the flo that’s what this scumback gets damn these stall players I always run counter stall I don’t know why I always run something for stall decks especially the time Lords

Version okay I’m tired of this deck I don’t want to play it no more here we go Yuma yeah and I literally don’t have decks for this guys let’s L I’m going play I’ll play trick Stars let’s see how a tier three deck

Feels oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I remember no I have this deck I have to play it uh this is the deck list oh I can’t Wait okay I have to go first I have to go first let me go first game let me go first me first yes all right now give me a trickstar festival and some cards that we can draw and then some other cards my skill sure I’ll let you check out my trick

Okay here I go gamble remember guys when you have problems gamble all right awesome trick Cina trick candina activates her effect he’s cooked that’s it end the story he’s Cooked I activate my trick I met all the conditions already he’s cooked this is going to be my last dck if this guy wins he’s that Guy this deck is like 10 times more unpredictable with playmaker actually forgot I draw more cards I trickstar Crimson Hearts effect I set a c i set a oh actually I messed up 1 2 3 4 5 six yeah I messed up ah damn it man whatever I can still

Come back from this I’ll set a card I am what if he accidentally draws an extra card and then he’s like wow this guy’s so nice he’s giving me free cards I’ll set this monster I’m going to set a this game is going to be so much harder to win unless

He’s not playing anything offensive oh calm out I special summon a monster Cosmic brain don’t attack man I told you not to attack man I trick cor effect this check this set time okay here I go I end my turn I draw damn you RNG I got Phoenix I activate trickstar and hearts

Effect oh Floodgate that won’t work I’ll use do that effect from my hand don’t do that liist liist well done my child they might do say my child uh I want to get my playmat I’ll build thec thats wow guys trickstar ho Angel wow guys she has a

Whip and her catchphrase is get to back in your cage monkey Yu-Gi-Oh doink has to chill Festival I special I special summon a trickstar token I’m tired I’m I’mma end this man’s life trick I’ll trick Angel bleck h i about to say why is he playing BL with Solomon Moto the next generation is taking over the game my boy’s name is Solomon relax my child let’s duel okay let’s duel I love flinging duel Lings that was going to be my last game but I messed up the combo I have to get the combo before I end the stream on one of my friends one of my old friends God Dam hey no

Way wait what’s his name again n Matas okay apply for Speed D I’m my boy if I get turn one and I heavy slump you it it is what it is isisu ishar it should have been me not him it’s not fair time for my hello everyone okay okay here I go it’s Myck feel free to this is bad I lost oh I’ll

Builds this deck is toxic I deserve to lose trick fure has Chang I’ll set a our battle will only lead to your defeat you know what let me see what I’m voice cooking end my turn I just needed one more I needed a candina I draw impressive this deck is Mega toxic

Because the opponent can’t do anything R my hands this is literally their reaction a quick spell did Pro for real trus Bloom my dude’s scared of freaking air bro that’s a little fairy how are you going to die to this thing my hand I activate a spell [ __ ]

Now I summon a monster in attack from my hand I Spell I can’t fight This I don’t get CH there is just one SK bu someone F the toilet I more sigon and you know I only Edge in Ohio I saw speed oh for Christmas activating a quick play spell I end my turn I’m going all out today I drop remember guys if anything is going

Wrong in your life Gamble from my I’m activating a spell card from my hand i’m activating a spell card no way we came back trickstar candina trick candina activates her I knew you chalice I activate a face down a quick play spell no she don’t mind let’s set this card’s battle trick candina

You will this card does something in the grave up I shouldn’t have done that I draw my monst effect activates very like why is that a voice line for Blue Angel why here’s my face down I AC rub my hand am my dude out here Brian ginding

Himself a I made him waste more LP no and he’s taking damage cuz he activates spells no I have already envisioned your sealed tombs ain’t no way I have a lot of cards in my deck that will fix the situation what the tombs do music’s picking up on

My my turn comes to an end I have everything I need to win it’s my turn I till the end of your opponent’s next turn ick I’m guessing it’s necro Valley I knew you would do that what does that do here’s my LP equal to this attack okay trap activ

Trick yay lius yippe candina candina yippe strike them down triple Lethal double lethal I’m guessing my dude messed up by using sealed tombs you defeated me I did not foresee this in my visions that was only an appetizer my trick Stars can dish out more got so quiet hey my boy we got to run we got to

Run it back I feel like you messed up a play unless you don’t want to run it back that’s perfectly fine I I feel like you messed up one of your Plays peep the deck list yo we got Nightshade the Dark World dealings we go from this like light ber card to Dark World dealings you know apparently the Dark World monsters aren’t actually Bad I feel like you for sure messed up something cuz you seal tombs before you use your orchest card and then you I’m guessing you can’t use it it’s like necro Valley oh no I activate sorry to keep you no I wanted to go first this game is [ __ ] okay realistically Speaking I think this deck works really good against kouis but he needs to keep a certain amount of cards in his hand R my hand I activate a spell things are looking good I need to get cup of ace and I need to miss it activates my dude Milling his whole deck

I activate a spell what shall I play good good no no bad bad stop doing that no put more cards in your hand what are you doing you don’t want to run out of cards keep them in your hand and you don’t want me to lightning storm

You that the card doesn’t exist here but you know maybe I could do it I sumon a monster in attack position orus bumba clut I gen feel like the power creep is not as bad as I thought it would be I special sum a monster wh B Dog I am this

Wake up good give me a good CL blood man I really wish you just like kept all the cards in your hand what if I just Mill him I could 100% Mill himmon ackar token I link in a monster let’s trick activate it is pointless to resist your

Future is set stone bu the second that dream reality go trick what am I doing bro The Future Has Changed I’ll build the circuit viory appear I activ I activate trick and heart Effect well I think that’s the best I can do ick Coran effect from Myck I set a I my turn you’re up I draw rub my hand I activate a quick play spell exactly as planned you know lucky this deck is still kind of decent even if you don’t get the starting turn op combo crush your opponent’s skull type thing from my

Hand I activate a quick play Spell let him cook allow me to show you what I can do seal the tombs let us battle here I go I Trick’s that’s not cool trick and now I shall attack ick Coran no matter what you planning I have already Seen [Applause] [Applause] I have lost this was unexpected but most impressive when people are counting on you that’s a lot of I think it’s this deck I don’t think your dech is a good match up against this deck I just wanted to do the starting turn combo what the what was that that was funny

Dude it was the Riz Wave My Monster just rised up your monster and he got stronger I don’t know uh I don’t play Rush du like that I actually really like the format for rushd I don’t know if you still want to run it back but I just really want to get the

Combo on you okay though Kao tenjo oh this is too yeah got to okay I’m going all out today my turnar I [ __ ] up okay well you know it is what it is I’ll build the C never mind I’m fine I’m tripping jit tripping on fortnite for real for real that turn dreams

I I ended up getting the combo I guess the only thing that can stop this now is effect veiler especially cuz I’m making them draw cards I’ll build well affect veilers you know AFF veiler users their stocks are going up right now unfortunately I don’t think our participant over here is an effect

Veiler to theck set a there is an actual counter to this the way you counter this right a little secret you play a quick play spell when I play Heavy slump and that’ll make heavy slump not work anymore check this set card I’ll activate a trap special summon phon

Thrasher just another go phon lizard I’m fighting Larry’s clone right here anybody who plays Photon and dude when I hit him with that should have done a Vine boot join me phoner phon ac Galaxy eyes Dragon I don’t think he wins this I don’t think he wins this

Interaction I build the overlay Network up star leash Lord Galaxia on my boy for real going to be like I’m going show you how great I it effects say hello did you pray today did you pray today cuz did I’m You it down I he’s still cooking hello yo he could actually get me right here if he summons that one card that one red card bro thinks he’s the online trash Cipher Dragon N I use one overlay un to activate Cipher dragon’s effect Cipher projection well that won’t work wait

What a give me my monster back man that’s not Cool I play this I link summon my monster I activate my Monster’s effect none of these cards cap over the limit monsters you control cannot what system guides me to a new World the God of War DLC you should stream it if you want I should I don’t know what this guy’s doing drag uses an overlay unit to get rid of a c Galaxy Sidewinder he can attack me I don’t think let’s B I end my yep so he just lost the game now imagine if he actually did have a full like deck of cards to play with token I’ll build thec that batt he might actually win this actually I Coran

Effect am time to hunt you’re up although he’s very limited on options as far as exce cards go join me Photon vanisher Photon vanisher lets me acquire Galaxy eyes phon he can do that actually I think I still lose this make yourself useful orbital has its drawbacks orbital sacrifice yourself for me in

Heart what if I get darkhole next turn I’m not leaving because there’s still a chance I win this goon advancer top deck the out top deck the out me I’ll do it hello there’s actually still many ways I can come back battle Galaxy eyes photon dragon let him have it no one cares

Destru whatever whatever attack you directly I can’t take much more of well [ __ ] you hit I just had the top deck not heavy slump Blue Angels here for you all right last D let’s win my destiny Heroes there’s someone inside me Believes In Me this is the last two it’s way too

Late it is way too late I did the combo but we can end on a loss to be fair Galaxy eyes is the only deck that can I think come back from that at least that people would want to Run someone inside him that believes in him my skill I’ll give it my my hero deck is way better than before here let me show you my turn Okay so from my hand I activate a from my hand I activate a I activate a field Spell join me I summon a monster vars with the baller OST I summon a monster I end my turn I draw now that I think about it I didn’t put Nightmare Cerberus in that deck yet he’s going to lose if this is all he does continuous spell Boral

Supplier wow you have a lot of tricks this game’s going to end if he doesn’t play anything right now I set a card oh well what I was waiting for I activate my monsters effect just what I was waiting for I activate a field spell come out I special summon a

Monster hey slow down I activate my monsters effect now I activate a field spell yeah this is over it’s over with this I end my turn let’s get my theme ready yeah this is my theme 100% I my mon Okay that’s it I’m ending the stream I’m gonna blast you with my bazooka evil gang evil gang evil G

This video, titled ‘Lethal Company w/ vics Yugioh Duel Links’, was uploaded by Rambo Cabbage on 2023-12-17 08:25:52. It has garnered 30 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:13 or 16693 seconds.


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    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: https://discord.gg/J3bVCeqQcw Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/stan616 Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip ๐Ÿ˜ฑ || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip ๐Ÿ˜ฑ || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP ๐Ÿ˜จ || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Letโ€™s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ร–FFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger โ–บMain channel: @Amir1107 โ–บBecome a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u โ–บTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir โ–บDiscord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ โ–บInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ โ–บTwitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

  • Phoenix-Network

    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Phoenix-network.net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- https://discord.gg/3U862CeKnJ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/john-awakened _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – https://www.viewstats.com/ follow all of these or i will kick you โ€ข tik tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@sweakysneaker โ€ข Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sweakysneaker/ _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts

    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: – paid1.hostingkarle.com:25573 You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram:https://instagram.com/coolx_gaming_?i… ๐ŸŽฎ Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. https://fakepixel.fun/ #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ–‡:- . . . . . Discord link:- https://discord.gg/nRfeZtBYZX . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/bmxrowdy_gaming/ . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/proficy Discord (with mods and texutre pack): https://discord.gg/vDvR89fuFw #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! ๐Ÿ“ท instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ ๐Ÿ’— patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles ๐Ÿค twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles ๐Ÿ“– reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ ๐Ÿ‘• my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ โ˜บ SOME PLAYLISTS โ˜บ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More