Ranking EVERY BIOME in Minecraft 1.20 (PART 1)

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From its early Beginnings all the way to the present day biomes have always been a fundamental part of the Minecraft experience ever since they were first coded in we’ve been continually getting more and more unique environments to spice up our worlds but let’s be real these biomes are not created equally

Which biomes are fantastic which ones are in desperate need of an upgrade do any classic Minecraft biomes stand the test of time stay tuned and find out and while you’re at it don’t forget to like the video because it really helps out smaller channels like mine alright let’s

Get right into the rankings first up here we got the snowy planes and real quick just to tell you guys how we’re going to be ranking all these different biomes I’m going off of three different criteria here we’re going to be ranking all these biomes based off of Vibes you

Know how pretty it is survival friendliness how enjoyable it is to actually live and build your base here in survival and content utility which is basically how worthwhile is it to explore here like later in the the game are you going to be coming back to this biome to find something unique and

Special or are you just going to kind of gloss over it but yeah so snowy planes I mean it’s definitely not the most interesting or diverse biome you know we don’t really get any unique wood or unique blocks here so I can’t really give it to any points for the content

Utility it’s a decently pretty looking biome I gotta say I do like the Vibes here but it’s not my favorite it’s kind of just a whole lot of white and brown you know it’s like basically kind of the same everywhere and TBH because there’s so few trees it’s a little block variety

It’s probably not very fun to build your house here in survival so I’m gonna be giving this guy a three on the vibe score a two on the survival friendliness and a one on the content utility next up ice spikes and honestly like people really like the ice bikes biome and and

I get it it looks kind of cool but there’s nothing here like literally in my notes I have nothing written down for ice mics because there’s just nothing here like yeah you got what snow ice and uh polar bears like cool you can get all of those in other biomes that are more

Common Ice is like in every Frozen biome so honestly two for Vibes one for a survival friendliness because let’s be honest nobody is building their house here and I’m gonna be giving this a zero for Content utility there is literally nothing here that you could not find in

A different biome it’s kind of messed up they should really add something here snowy tigers on the other hand are pretty fantastic I gotta say there’s a good variety of unique stuff here I mean we got igloos we got snow villages and we’ve got foxes and wolves naturally

Spawning foxes and igloos in particular are only unique to a couple biomes the snowy Taiga being one of them survival friendliness is pretty up there too you know the snow is gonna be kind of annoying but like if you want snow in oh my God look at that baby wolf oh my gosh

Stupid head if you want a snowy landscape like this is pretty much your best bet and honestly because there’s so many tree freeze and not that much stuff on the ground besides snow like you know you can melt away the snow with a torch it’s pretty easy to survive here and of

Course this is pretty subjective but in my opinion the snowy foresty landscape is absolutely beautiful so I’m gonna be giving this guy a four in The Vibes a three in survival friendliness and a four in content utility alright it’s time to talk about the mountains now of course there are three different kinds

Of snowy mountains we have the jagged Peaks Frozen peats and snowy slopes but because they’re all pretty similar functionally speaking and because you often find them all kind of lumped together I’m going to be reading them as one this place is not fun to survive in

I know it seems really cool to build your base on the top of a mountain but if you have to Trek up there day to day just all the time climbing up the stupid Mountain it’s going to be such a massive pain this place is getting a zero in

Survival friendliness The Vibes however on the other hand I mean this place looks pretty freaking fantastic I’m still not into entirely over how much cooler the new mountains are that they added in 1.18 so I’m going to be giving these guys a four they are pretty great

For finding like coal and iron ores especially the ones that get up really high and you got like powdered snow and goats which are not entirely unique to these areas but they are pretty hard to find otherwise so we’re gonna have a solid four for the Vibes a zero for

Survival friendliness and a three for Content utility much like the snowy Taiga the regular Tyga is a pretty great place to survive in I would say it’s actually even better than the snowy tiger you really can’t go wrong with building your house in a tiger as for

The looks it’s pretty cool I mean it’s kind of bland on the ground the ferns are pretty nice but like that’s only just one unique block I really think they should add something else that really will you know spice up the Tiger Biome and in terms of content utility I

Mean we’ve got tiger Villages we’ve got rabbits foxes wolves and sweet berries which you cannot find in the snowy tiger I believe so I’m gonna be giving the regular old Taiga A3 in The Vibes a five in survival friendliness and A4 and content utility and speaking of tigers

Oh yes it’s time to talk about the old growth Tigers I know there is technically two but because they’re basically the same I’m kind of just lumping them in together and oh man these biomes are so cool I mean first of all content utility we got Mossy Cobble

We got pods we got chorister we got mushrooms and that’s on top of all the other things you normally find in a regular Taiga The Vibes here are absolutely fantastic it’s a beautiful gorgeous biome and it’s pretty easy to survive in too you know we got so much

Wood here you got pretty easy Landscapes to terraform not the easiest definitely buy a long shot but it’s you know pretty easy and you know you got a lot of surface caves and stuff around here too so I’m gonna be giving this a five on The Vibes a four on the survival

Friendliness and a four on the content utility fantastic mile Windswept Hills are a weird one these used to be like the OG Extreme Hills Mountain biomes and then they’ve been definitely overshadowed by the proper mountains it was even kind of like hard to find one here like this is a pretty lame example

Of Windswept Hills it was genuinely very hard to find like actual Windswept Hills you can see it’s kind of blending into another biome here I don’t think it’s very fun to live here in survival I don’t think it’s very fun to look at this place the floating islands and

Stuff are kind of neat and of course if you find a Windswept Gravelly Hills you can get a lot of gravel and apparently llamas spawn here naturally which I think is pretty cool I don’t see any llamas around here but I’m gonna take the Minecraft Wiki’s word for it I

Really think this biome needs an overhaul gonna give it a one on The Vibes a two on these survival friendliness and then a three for the content utility which maybe is a little bit high but we do have the gravel and the llamas going for it so yeah Stoney Shore

Unlike the other uh Rocky mountainous Stony places you can’t really use this kind of landscape to get a lot of good ores like you know you can get a little bit of iron and copper but you’re not going to be going here to mine unfortunately and let’s be honest this

Thing is phenomenally ugly like I know it serves a purpose as like a beach equivalent for a colder biome but yeesh like I don’t think anybody’s really trying to live here or spend any time here it’s kind of just like an in-between area from one place to

Another you know but then we get to uh content utility and let’s be real there is nothing here that you specifically need to go to a Stony Shore for so we’re once again gonna give it a zero in that field as well so grand total zero three

And zero not looking so good for the Stony Shore ah yes the planes biome the most classic most generic most common Minecraft biomes and well it certainly is plain let’s be honest here not the most fun thing to look at however it is incredibly easy to survive here in terms

Of content utility you’ve got horses here which frankly don’t spawn in too many biomes other than planes you’ve got a lot of villages you know the classic Plains Village and because it’s so wide open and flat it’s pretty easy to find lava pools here if you’re into that kind

Of you know cheating nether portly speedrunning tactic kind of stuff you’re going to want to be looking in a plane’s biome so yeah two for The Vibes five for the survival friendliness and uh probably only a two for the content utility besides horses and Villages and lava there really isn’t anything going

For it and speaking of OG Minecraft biomes the temperate forest yep well it doesn’t get more generic than this unfortunately everyone and their mom has been in a forest biome in Minecraft before not too much uniqueness going for it I mean it hasn’t been changed in a very very long time so you

Know those decent fives here and of course like the planes biome it’s incredibly easy and enjoyable to survive here you got plenty of wood you’ve got different kinds of wood but yeah content utility besides wolves there isn’t really much that you would specifically come to a forest biome four solid three

On The Vibes five for the survival friendliness and a one for Content utility I mean really what is there to say about the flower Forest that hasn’t already been said maxed out 5 out of 5 in every category let me explain first category Vibes I mean that self-explanatory flower forests are

Beautiful we got the nice vibrant green of the regular Forest plus so much color from the flowers you just can’t go wrong with it survival friendliness I mean it’s like a regular Forest pretty much there’s so much wood there’s so much variety it’s really easy to build a

House here gonna have to give it a five there as well and in terms of content utility I mean just look at all the different flowers this is literally like a biome built to have basically every flower in the game just like naturally spawning in it so if you need dyes or if

You need specific foliage or you really need anything you’re probably going to be coming here at the least to pick some flowers if not to build an entire flower farm which many people do by the way so yeah flower 4 is gonna get a five in

Content utility as well this is just a fantastic biome the Birch Forest is a little bit of an interesting one I’m gonna kind of like lump in the old growth Birch forest with the regular Birch Forest yeah in case you didn’t know there’s actually two different

Kinds of birch Forest the vibe of the Birch Forest is okay there’s like not really too much going on here but just by themselves I really like the birch wood and the Birch leaves I know controversial take don’t sue me but as much as I like the trees on their own

There’s not really much going on here it is pretty easy to survive here I mean you’ll have to use only Birchwood which is a little bit unfortunate but you have nice open spaces and some very easy trees to kind of cut down but in terms of content utility

Uh nothing really going on here you know you can get birch wood from other biomes like the forest so yeah it’s gonna be a hot zero in content utility a two for The Vibes and a four four survival friendliness the dark oak forest is not

Bad I gotta say we have a unique wood type here which is really cool plus you got those giant mushrooms so I don’t know if you’re looking for mushroom blocks this is also kind of a place to be you know it’s definitely not the most visually appealing biome in my opinion I

Do really love the mixture of the mushrooms and the trees the fact that Hostile Mobs spawned here during the day definitely makes it annoying to survive here let alone the fact that the dark oak trees just are so annoying to cut down the leaves never go away this is

Like one of the few biomes that people will regularly come back to in the late game because of the possibility of finding a mansion you know you got that whole gimmick with the Villager where you can like get a map to try and find the nearest mansion and stuff so people

Will actually be returning back here which I think is pretty great always nice to have a reason to come back to a pretty basic biome later in the game so I’m gonna be giving this place a two for The Vibes a 2 for survival friendliness and a five for Content utility hmm swamp

Biomes in my opinion this biome has not aged particularly well objectively this biome is not pretty I mean like not only is it a swamp but you got just dead bushes and like regular generic oak wood and Vines everywhere I don’t like Vines and survival friendliness is actually surprisingly okay here like admittedly

Because it’s so flat and the trees are so easy to get rid of it is not that hard to survive here you got plenty of trees got plenty of passive mobs spawning here for food and stuff like it’s not bad content utility I mean back

In the day this used to be like the place to go to get clay but of now nowadays of course you have Lush caves but I will say it is nice to be able to come back here for like witch Huts for witches and slimes especially will spawn

Here at night so it’s not so bad for the content utility I’d say a solid 3 for Content utility three first of all friendliness and a one for fives on the other hand the mangrove swamp is pretty cool I mean of course we got frogs don’t

Let me get started on the Frog you know how much I love those guys but on top of that we got so much like unique foliage and blocks you know we got an entirely unique wood type we got the manga of roots we got the mud we got the Muddy

Roots we got the mangrove leaves and the propagules and just so many really cool things here that are very hard to find if not impossible to find outside of a mangrove swamp but of course if you want to live here man that’s gonna be a very atrociously difficult time to build a

House and survive here so I’m thinking a solid three for the Vibes like it’s got a cool look to it but it’s kind of just a lot of brown and green uh one for survival friendliness because oh man what kind of masochist would do that it had a five for Content utility because

You bet a whole lot of people are going to be seeking out the mangrove swamp and right next door we’ve got the jungle and the bamboo Jungle which I’m kind of lumping in together because they usually spawn right next to each other I love this place it’s really pretty to be here

It feels really cool I love the fact that the trees come in different sizes I love the fact that you can get Oakwood here as well as jungle and of course bamboo is just really cool looking in terms of survival friendliness I mean it’s kind of annoying to build your

Place on the ground but that’s what the jungle trees are for man let’s go ahead and build a tree house and in terms of content utility it somehow gets even better I mean just look around we’ve got podzel bamboo unique wood ocelots Paris melons cocoa beans pandas jungle temples

And probably some other things that I’ve forgotten there’s just so many unique things here I absolutely love the variety it’s just really really amazing how many unique things are in Jungle biomes so I’m gonna be giving this place a perfect 5 out of 5 apply for Content

Utility a 4 out of 5 for survival friendliness because of course if you’re not making a treehouse it’s probably going to be a hard time and a four four fives as well many people don’t really realize this is a biome at first because they kind of added it recently but the

Sparse jungle is surprisingly cool it’s really just a jungle but like with more open space and no like giant jungle trees like the one growing out of my head over there I really like how the grass is still like densely covered with you know the ferns and the tall grass

And whatnot the grass color is really Lush and vibrant here I really like how it looks and I would really like to build a survival house here sometime everything that you could get here you could already get in a regular jungle biome so I’m gonna be giving this place

A one for Content utility a 5 out of 5 for survival friendliness and a two for Vibes it’s it’s okay as lovely as beaches are in real life let’s be real here Minecraft beaches leave a lot to be desired they’re not very pretty looking so Revival friendliness I mean you could

Build a house here like a beach house is kind of cool however if you have to do any like digging or mining all the sand constantly falling on your face is going to get pretty annoying pretty quick in terms of content utility it’s okay I mean like some people want to find

Turtles you know they’re not the most useful mob but they are kind of cool and of course you can find some buried treasure here usually if you’re like doing some shipwreck hunting and whatnot but honestly peaches are a little underwhelming I give them a one for Vibes a three for a survival

Friendliness and a two for Content utility the mushroom biome oh man what are the classic OG Minecraft biomes it’s always just been like these weird little Islands in middle of nowhere the terrain generation for this is so weird this place in general is just so wacky and

I’ve got a lot of thoughts on it I mean first of all just talking about The Vibes it’s an atmosphere unlike anything else in Minecraft let’s be honest there is nothing that comes close to the weird alien nature of the mushroom biome and I absolutely love that about this place

However it’s pretty Barren I mean look we got my celium we got mushrooms and we got mushrooms that’s it it was a little bit unfortunate I know now survival friendliness you might be thinking oh well Hostile Mobs don’t spawn here so that’s an immediate five and well I mean

That is true you’re right Hostile Mobs don’t spawn here but also you know what else doesn’t spawn here trees wood everything you need to survive that’s not just mushrooms you know like as cool as it is to have a refuge from the zombies and whatnot if you want to live

Here long term you’re going to be importing everything and the fact that these are always on very remote Islands means you’re gonna have a really hard time ferrying all that stuff across the ocean or through the nether the content utility is of course phenomenal just because they’re so rare and out of the

Way you know you got the mushrooms and the brown mushrooms and the mycelium and whatnot but overall I’m gonna give this place a two for The Vibes A4 for the survival friendliness and a five for Content utility Meadows are interesting you know they’re kind of just like snuck into the game I

Didn’t really see very many people talking about them I believe they’re added around the same time as the giant Mountains from caves and cliffs so like I really like the grass texture I really like the sheer variety of flowers you can find here and I really like the fact

That you can actually guarantee to find a bee nest I believe because there’s so few um what do you call a trees in The Meadows if you do find a tree it’s I think guaranteed to have a penis which is pretty cool if you ask me it’s a

Pretty good looking biome you know a solid three on The Vibes here and I would enjoy probably building house and surviving here because it’s so flat and open so I’m gonna give it a four there too there’s not too much here besides flowers and bees so I’m gonna go ahead

And give it a two the Stony Peaks are a weird one this is kind of like the odd one out of the four different kinds of mountain biomes added in caves and cliffs right like the previous three are entirely snowy mountains but these Stony Peaks on the other hand are always found

In hot biomes think that’s really cool but let’s be real here what you see behind me is pretty ugly Stoney peaks in general are not very pretty I don’t like the way they look survival friendliness I mean they generally don’t go as high up as the snowy mountains and of course

There’s no snow and powder snow which means it’s going to be a little bit easier to survive here but you’re still going to be trekking up giant slopes all the time however this place does kind of make up for it in the content utility and you can see why on screen right here

Calcite and ores if you could find a really high up Stony Peaks like you know not this one there’s going to be so much coal and so much iron same thing applies if you’re going to be building with a lot of calcite this stuff is everywhere

Gonna have to give it A4 for the content utility a two for the survival friendliness and just a one for the Vibes and of course we cannot forget the newest biome on this list the 1.20 cherry tree Grove I mean let’s be honest as the newest biome added to the game as

Of the time of recording this video is going to be the most up-to-date it’s gonna have the most well thought out like biome design principles put into it and it really shows we’ve got an amazing unique wood color we’ve got this amazing pink Petals on the ground we’ve got a

Really nice green grass color it’s not too like oppressively neon green but it’s still really nice and vibrant they just put a lot of thought into this biome and I really appreciate that you know the addition of pigs rabbits sheep and bees in the area is pretty phenomenal too overall I’m gonna be

Giving this place a 5 out of 5 for the Vibes because I mean honestly literally what else would I possibly give it survival friendliness admittedly is only going to be a three I mean there’s only one kind of wood type if you’re building something on the ground you’re gonna

Have to constantly be destroying the pink petals which might get pretty annoying pretty fast and yeah they’re just kind of hard to find you know content utility is going to be a four though because I think people if they haven’t found a Cherry Grove by the time

They settle down are going to want to go out and get some of that amazing new wood and leaves and foliage so yeah people are going to be returning to this so like I said five out of five for Vibes three out of five four survival friendliness and four out of five for

Content utility deserts are interesting right like on one hand they’re one of the OG Minecraft biomes it’s been around for forever and they’ve got a good amount of unique stuff going for them but on the other hand as much as they keep adding new stuff to deserts it kind

Of just feels like the underlying biome is still not that fun to be in I mean first of all talking about The Vibes here unless you really like the feeling of being stranded in a wasteland you’re probably not gonna enjoy being in a desert very much surviving in a desert

Is obviously not a good time I mean you can find desert Villages and ruin portals and stuff which is gonna help you a little bit but like you need trees you need wood you need water you need all that stuff and if you’re going to be

Going mining you have to deal with sand constantly falling on you which is not a good time either content utility however has increased dramatically in recent updates with the addition of Nether Portals which are very easy to find in deserts because of how open they are you’ve got the husk camels you got

Desert Villages you’ve got of course the suspicious sand and all the archeology stuff which is basically exclusive to deserts as far as I know there is a lot of reasons to come back to a desert which I really appreciate because this biome wouldn’t really have that much

Else going for it otherwise gonna do two out of five for Vibes two out of five for survival friendliness and a hot five out of five four content utility savannahs are weird I mean not my favorite biome to look at you know the unique grass color is cool but like I

Don’t think anyone really likes the Savannah grass collar or The Acacia Leaf color it’s so like yellowish Brown and just because sepia it’s like it’s literally not my favorite kind of thing you know survival friendliness is definitely really good you know you got horses you got tons of passive mobs

Spawning all over the place in the savannah of course you got a good bit of flat land not so much here because we’re right next to some mountains but in general savannas are pretty flat and that’s pretty great we’ve got a unique wood type which is fantastic and of

Course there’s a quite a lot of villages here and mobs and you get melons if you’re really lucky and that kind of stuff and that’s all great but besides that there isn’t really any reason to seek out a Savannah Biome so I’m gonna be giving this place just a two for The

Vibes and a two for the content utility however we’re going to be giving it a four for the survival friendliness and last but definitely not least the Badlands if you’ve been following this channel for a while you’ll already know that I absolutely love the Badlands by whether it’s the red sand the Terracotta

And the walls or maybe the uh the giant spiers you can occasionally find in the eroded Badlands or maybe even the little tiny foresty Groves in the wooded Badlands which I can’t seem to find right now unfortunately survival friendliness is not nearly as great I

Mean you can get a lot of sticks but wood is often hard to come by and of course if if you want stone or want to do anything underground you’re gonna have to dig through a whole lot of terracotta Badlands do have a lot of content utility I mean if you’re trying

To build with terracotta like you’re trying to make some sort of big terracotta project you have to go to a badlands there’s basically nowhere else to go you gotta go find a mining Mesa as they call it gold spawns a lot more commonly in the Badlands as do abandoned

Mine shafts so if you’re gonna be seeking out mine shaft loot or you’re just trying to farm up a lot of Gold without a gold Farm the Badlands is the place to be gonna be giving this place a maximum 5 out of 5 for the Vibes a three

Out of five for survival friendliness and a four out of five four content utility and with that guys that is every biome that I’m going to be ranking in this video now I know I forgot some let me just explain that for you real quick I’m not including any of the underground

Or the ocean biomes because they’re simply just too different to properly compare to the other biomes in this list and then obviously I didn’t include the Nether and End biome for obvious reasons but yeah guys I really hope you enjoyed today’s video if you did then please consider subscribing down below and

Until next time Gamers this has been Leon and I’ll see you all in the next Minecraft ranking video take care my friends

This video, titled ‘Ranking EVERY BIOME in Minecraft 1.20 (PART 1)’, was uploaded by LeonSBU on 2023-03-19 14:11:03. It has garnered 12429 views and 391 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:54 or 1494 seconds.

Let’s rank EVERY BIOME in minecraft 1.20! In this minecraft rankings video, Leon makes a tier list of every type of overworld land biome, including the new 1.20 cherry grove and 1.19 mangrove swamp! Which biomes are your favorite? Which ones are overrated or underrated? Let me know in the comments 😉❤

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    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail Minecraft Adventures: A Journey Through Modded Hardcore Gameplay Embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with PlayFusion145 as they dive into the world of modded hardcore gameplay. Join the excitement on Twitch, stay connected on Discord, and catch glimpses of the action on Instagram. For more thrilling content, check out Mini Draco 2’s YouTube channel and explore unique creations on planetminecraft. Exploring New Horizons With a dedicated community following, PlayFusion145 immerses viewers in a world of challenges and triumphs. Witness the highs and lows of surviving 100 days in a modded Minecraft universe. From resource gathering to facing formidable foes,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Hacks!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Hacks! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, we have the perfect server for you to showcase your skills. Minewind Minecraft Server offers a vibrant community where you can implement game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and explore a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Minecraft: How to build a Cute Starter House | Minecraft Buildings.” While the video itself is not about Minewind, it got us thinking – what if you could take your building skills to the next level on a server like Minewind? Imagine being able to showcase your creativity and design prowess in a community of like-minded individuals. On Minewind, you can build, explore, and survive in a world that is constantly evolving and full… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build: Japanese Teahouse

    Sneaky Minecraft Build: Japanese Teahouse Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Sukiya at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures and creations in the survival mode. In this episode, the focus is on crafting a Sukiya, a room designed to enjoy the elegance established by Sen no Rikyū, within the confines of the ancient Komayamadera Palace. Recreating Elegance The Sukiya, known for its refined aesthetics and connection to nature, is meticulously recreated within the palace. The intricate details of the interior design, inspired by the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, add a touch of authenticity to the virtual… Read More

  • REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! – Parody Story

    REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! - Parody StoryVideo Information I suggest building monsters and shooting them yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are coming towards us need to hide I don’t want them to kill us where are they coming from it’s a good weather today I need to go for a walk hey hi Mikey let’s go for a walk it’s finally warm outside something can be done yes Mason let’s have a great time I suggest building monsters and shooting them let’s train yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are the scariest so it will… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!

    INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!Video Information [Music] [Music] e that [Music] [Music] h Huh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right a e oh for for for e for e [Music] you want to play Minecraft with your friends in 2024 there are tons of different ways to do it including playing player server High pixel you can double. net then when you click done it will pop up here after a few seconds and Minecraft together for example control your like that making your own… Read More

  • Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrends

    Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrendsVideo Information ‏ag [موسيقى] v This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack🔥||#gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-20 15:51:47. It has garnered 8157 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft TIK TOK BILD HACK 😈#shorts I am a Minecraft video creator My YouTube channel name is BignnerYT so, Please check My channel if You like then subscribe minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft shorts, minecraft cartoon, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorialminecraft pocket edition survival series, minecraft pocket edition download, minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95

    UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95Video Information तो गाइस मैं सोच रहा था बहुत दिन से मैंने कुछ धासू कुछ कुछ हट के कुछ नेक्स्ट लेवल मैंने कुछ अभी तक किया नहीं है तो मैं आज आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आ चुका हूं कुछ ऐसे टी एनटी और कैनन चस्ट को देखने के बाद आप लोग के रोंग खड़ हो जाएंगे य देख फायर क्रैकर्स और भी बहुत कुछ है तो सबसे पहला हमारे पास ये क्या है रॉकेट लांचर इसको हम ट्राई करेंगे कहां ट्राई करें मुझे कुछ ध्यान नहीं आ रहा किसके घर प करू मैं किसके घर पर करू इस वाले… Read More

  • Unearthed

    UnearthedWelcome to Unearthed, a friendly environment to make friends and have some fun in Minecraft! This server is for people to enjoy building, exploring, optional PvP, and more, all while meeting new people without the worry of griefing or harassment in their Minecraft experience. We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected certain plugins and datapacks which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost fun and security to our players. Every plugin (and datapack) we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable… Read More

  • New Beginnings Modded Factions Roleplay Whitelist NaEast 1.20.1 +18

    Dimensional Adventures Modpack Ever dreamed of building your own kingdom, braving monster-infested dungeons, or becoming a master of the arcane? The Dimensional Adventures modpack lets you do it all! Features: Forge a realm! Band together with friends and establish your own epic kingdom or cozy village. Delve into the depths! Explore sprawling dungeons, unearth hidden treasures, and conquer the darkness! Embrace the Machine Age! Build a wondrous steampunk paradise filled with innovative contraptions. Unleash your inner magic! Master the arcane arts with a variety of exciting magic mods. The possibilities are endless! To make your adventure even smoother, extra quality-of-life… Read More

  • DeathReaper

    DeathReaper🎮 Welcome to play.DeathReaper.org! 🎮🌟 Your Gateway to Adventure! 🌟Join our vibrant community for an unforgettable Minecraft experience featuring a dynamic blend of our popular games: Op Factions and Survival⚔️ Op Factions: Conquer the realm of factions! Build your forces, seize territories, and clash with rivals in a quest for dominance. With robust economies and unique features, Op Factions delivers endless gameplay excitement.Why Join Us?🌟 Engaging Community: Join a friendly and active community of players from around the world. Our Discord server is bustling with activity, providing real-time communication, event announcements, and community discussions.🎉 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Melon Madness Highway

    Minecraft Memes - Melon Madness HighwayWhy did the watermelon cross the road? To get to the juicy side of the highway! Read More

  • Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check!

    Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check! In the world of Minecraft, cheats are a sin, But some players just can’t help but give in. They burned a player with cheats, what a shame, But justice was served, they got banned from the game. The server admin caught them in the act, Flying around, breaking the pact. They were building a beautiful home, But cheating in Minecraft, they should’ve known. The admin called them out, asked for an explanation, But the player refused, faced with termination. They were banned from the server, a fitting end, Cheating in Minecraft, they couldn’t defend. So remember, dear players, play… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #gamerjokes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch! Minecraft: The Journey – Exploring Bow Enchantments In the latest episode of Minecraft: The Journey, bugmancx delves into the world of bow enchantments. From Power to Flame, Punch, and Infinity, the new enchantments offer exciting possibilities for survival in the game. Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I Bugmancx crafts multiple bows and heads to the enchanting table to discover the enchantments awaiting him. With Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I, he creates the ultimate bow for his adventures. The combination of these enchantments provides him with a powerful weapon to combat the mobs… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Looking for a new and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay environment that will keep you coming back for more. Just like the “Important Button” map, Minewind features a variety of challenges and adventures for players of all skill levels. With different biomes to explore and conquer, you’ll never run out of things to do on our server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Our server is designed to be both challenging and accessible, ensuring that you’ll always… Read More

  • EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!

    EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!Video Information This video, titled ’24MAR24. Mage Tower Décor. Work on Outer Walls’, was uploaded by swpatterson on 2024-03-25 02:36:25. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:27 or 7527 seconds. mc.hydalehollow.com MineCraft Java 1.20.1 SMP — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/swpatterson69 Read More

  • Exploring Haunted House Challenge

    Exploring Haunted House ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Masuk Rumah Hantu ‼️#shorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #minecraft #dafugboom’, was uploaded by VelynsTV on 2024-03-21 11:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!

    SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Live | JAVA | Public SMP’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-22 05:57:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAVA + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.8 – 1.20.4 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! – Insane Wadan Adventure!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! - Insane Wadan Adventure!Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ‏e This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wadan’, was uploaded by s,k, boos on 2024-02-15 13:41:19. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More


    💥ULTIMATE HER0BRINE PANAMA CHALLENGE🔥 | VIRAL SHORT VIDEOVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo||’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2023-12-29 02:30:17. It has garnered 2619 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo|| Minecraft Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short Herobrine Minecraft creative gameplay Minecraft skibidi toilet herobrine herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine of minecraft minecraft and herobrine minecraft herobrine minecraft minecraft minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine mod herobrine minecraft mod herobrine animation herobrine minecraft animation herobrine in real life mc… Read More

  • 🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfblood

    🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfbloodVideo Information I was like you know what I thought these were these bues I thought I thought the little SCI were building here yeah the SC no that’s Noah the Kevin those um scientist miners guys they’re they’re gone dude they they went somewhere I haven’t seen them since it’s been like a day dude not really dude what you’re talking I saw it they glitched my world you know why you know why every time I it wouldn’t it was just um Sunset it wouldn’t stop going on Sunset yeah cuz I had sunset on I had sunset… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Breezily Bridge Yaparak Bedwars Oynuyoruz!! Abone Ol Ekranda İsmin Çıksın | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-19 17:51:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you would like to donate; https://www.bynogame.com/tr/destekle/xmaiya ⭐️Discord: https://bit.ly/3wrwNGY ⭐️İnstagram: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/one-piece-adventures-at-sea… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme

    MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize it’s just a pixelated illusion of productivity in your real life. #minecraftillusion #gamerproblems Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of thrilling Minecraft adventures? Do you enjoy exploring new mods and experiencing heart-pounding gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine delving into a world filled with mystery and danger, just like the YouTuber in the video “I NEVER Knew It Was There !!! #Minecraft #mod #modded #new #gaming #funny #scary #stalked.” With a variety of mods and gameplay options, Minewind provides endless opportunities… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Mob Tower

    Outsmarting the Mob Tower Minecraft Dungeons: Conquering the Mob Tower Zak and Zi, two brave adventurers in the world of Minecraft, found themselves deep underground in a dimly lit cave system. Armed with their swords and armor, they ventured through twisting tunnels, hearts pounding with every step. Exploring the Tower As they delved deeper, they stumbled upon a gigantic tower teeming with eerie creatures. From zombies in armor to powerful bosses, the tower presented a formidable challenge. Armed with their weapons, Zak and Zi braced themselves for the battles ahead. Choosing the Right Gear Amidst the chaos, they had to make crucial decisions… Read More

Ranking EVERY BIOME in Minecraft 1.20 (PART 1)