Ranking EVERY Enchantment In Minecraft

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One of the most important systems in Minecraft to make your equipment more powerful is the enchantment system using either a enchantment table Anvil or some random garbage someone threw into a chest you’ll be able to make your tools stronger or even give them new abilities currently there are 39 different

Enchantments in the game which can be applied to the several different tool types with so many different enchantments though some are bound to be worse than others so today I thought it’d be fun to rank all the enchantments in the game from the worst to the best

And it certainly helps that this is one of my most requested rankings to date now how am I going to be ranking these well for my last few Minecraft rankings I’ve just sort of gone with which thing I like more as opposed to practicality while I feel like that was the best way

To go for those previous rankings I definitely think this one should be based on how practical and useful the enchantment is I’m also going to consider which enchantments don’t work with others as you can’t stack every enchantment together on one thing finally this is taken from a Java survival perspective some enchantments

May be more useful in different game modes or in Bedrock Edition so keep in mind that this is for Java survival but anyways if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel and let’s jump right into the worst enchantment one thing I

Thought would be fun for this video is to separate the enchantments and tier less obviously I’m still going to order them as this is a number ranking but I thought also throwing them into a tier list fit we’ve got seven tiers for this video and this first one is made up of

Three enchantments that are pretty much completely worthless so as the worst enchantment in the game we have 39 cursive binding cursive binding is a purely negative enchantment hence the cursed name essentially if you put on a piece of equipment that has this enchantment you will not be able to take

It off until it’s either broken or you die big stuck with no way to remove your armor is obviously pretty bad it’s especially bad when it comes to the chest plate and elytra as you have to switch on and off which one you’re wearing now luckily you can’t get the

Curses from just enchanting in the table you had to find equipment or books with the enchantment and structures or through villagers that’s not really much of a positive saying you can avoid the enchantment but hey it’s there so yeah there’s really no good reason for you to

Ever want this emphasis on the good see if you’re playing in multiplayer you can combine a pumpkin with cursive binding then you can get one of your friends to take off a helmet and activate a dispenser that equips the pumpkin now not only is the pumpkin blocking their

Vision but they can’t take it off not without dying at least because the pumpkin doesn’t lose durability but if you want to be even more evil do this on a server with keep inventory turned on and watch as this account is permanently trapped at the pumpkin head forever the

Jack-o-Lantern so moral of the story don’t play with keep inventory on loser 38 curse of Vanishing also make it to where any item with this enchantment equipped will completely disappear when the player dies with it in their inventory obviously that’s not something you want but at the same time it’s much

Less annoying than binding if you just simply never die or heck play in hardcore mode this curse will literally have zero effect on anything also I feel like I should mention that some people have actually found a decent use for it believe it or not but it’s multiplayer

Exclusive so if you’re on a server and for some reason get into a battle with another player often you may not want to accidentally give them your gear upon death so you can apply this curse to prevent your enemies from picking up your gear if you die that’s not really a

Use that would apply to most players at all but I’m sure I would get comments about it if I didn’t bring it up now besides the two curses what other enchantment could possibly be in this tier while there are quite a few lame enchantments coming up there is only one

That I believe is so terrible that it belongs in a tier below the rest in fact I could legitimately see an argument that it’s worse than curse of Vanishing that enchantment is 37 fire protection now on the super surface level this seems pretty good this will reduce

Damage taken by fire and burning seems pretty decent right until you realize you can’t combine this and normal projection together protection reduces all normal damage sources in the game including fire now yes fire protection 4 is slightly better at stopping you from burning to death and protection 4. but

Think about it you are giving up protection against literally everything else in the game to last for 25 extra seconds in lava protection 4 already lets you last for about 36 seconds if you don’t eat anything literally just get out of the lava oh and you want to

Know the best part unlike the other protection enchantment switch spoiler are still quite mediocre you could just make a fire resistance potion to completely negate any fire damage that way you can keep protection 4 and survive for however long you want to swimming in lava there is literally no

Reason to ever want this enchantment I’m serious if he can come up with a good reason let me know in the comments the reason this is a whole tier below the others is because for them I could come up with something but for this there’s just nothing oh and as for the argument

Of Vanishing being better well since cursive Vanishing doesn’t prevent you from getting any other enchantments while far protection locks you out of normal protection you could legitimately make the case that fire protection has a bigger downside than curse of Vanishing there’s just so much wrong with this enchantment that it definitely deserves

To be in this F tier I would be shocked if anyone likes this enchantment but now it’s time to go through enchantments that I still find to be quite bad but if you squint hard enough they do have a use starting us off we have 36 Bane of

Arthropods this is pretty much the bad enchantment everyone always calls it terrible and it’s for good reason essentially it lets you do extra damage to 5 different mobs spiders cave spiders silverfish endermite and bees just like fire protection though this is bad because you can’t put it on a sword with

Sharpness which deals extra damage to every mob now to be fair Bane of Arthropods 5 does deal more damage to the mobs it affects than sharpness 5 but let’s throw an asterisk on that see of those five mobs three of them have health that is so low that a sharpness 5

Sword will already kill them in one hit so unless you’re fighting a bee that somehow discovered how to make Resistance potion Bane of Arthropods will literally change nothing thing about these three mobs that leaves us with just the cave spider a normal spider and even then the cave spider

Dies to one critical hit from a sharpness 5 sword but while it does suck completely like I said there is a use for it if you can afford to make a second sword and have a spider spawner Farm a bane of arthropods sword can slightly help kill the spiders faster

Yeah I’m not kidding when I said you needed to squint for these but it’s something more than I can give fire protection also I guess it could help if you really suck at fighting spiders 35 projectile protection this will reduce damage taken by projectiles but just

Like fire protection it locks you out of normal protection the reason this gets a place higher is because a projectiles are much more common and B I think it’s a bit more acceptable early game if you enchant some random iron armor piece and get projectile protection sure it’s kind

Of disappointing to not get the normal one but it can hold you over until you start to get some real gear I don’t really have much to say on this one if you get sniped by skeletons constantly it could be nice but otherwise good protection 34 blast protection this is

Our final enchantment that locks us out of default protection dude I’m so tired of saying protection this will be able to reduce damage given to the player from explosions while yes explosions are a bit less common than projectiles explosions are significantly more deadly a good way to show this off is the fact

That a point-blank bed explosion in the nether is enough to kill you on hard mode even with protection 4 whereas you can survive the blast with a few Hearts while wearing glass protection overall it’s still definitely a worse protection but in some very Niche scenarios I could

See it somewhat being useful 33 Riptide this is our final DT enchantment what it does is allow the player to go flying with the Trident while they throw it that seems like a pretty cool gimmick and in all honesty it is there are however two things holding it back for

One it only works when you’re at Water you’re not even able to throw it outside of it yeah that’s really annoying I don’t think they needed to put that limitation on it what makes it worse is the fact that this can’t be on a trident with either loyalty or channeling the

Two most important enchantments for the item there are still some uses for this regardless like it could be somewhat fun to fight with underwater and the ability can also work while it’s raining you still take fall damage the best realistic use I can think of is getting

An elytra boost in the rain without using any Rockets you go pretty fast with it too so it’s a lot of fun to use a Riptide enchantment to fly around this is definitely the best of this tier but it’s still hard to call it good with so many limitations

Onto our seats here and this is where the enchantments start to get pretty decent the ones in this tier either have no downsides of just a whatever use or a minimal downside for a solid use 32 frostwalker this is one of the game’s treasure enchantments meaning the only

Way to get it is from a structure villager or fishing it’s exclusive to boots who will allow anyone using it to walk on water by turning it into frosted ice this special kind of ice will go away after a while and the size of the ice circle around you depends on the

Level of the enchantment one other cool thing you can do is put these boots on an armor stand as it will actually still work even if it’s not being used by a player well this all sounds nice it does sadly clash with another enchantment depth Strider which I find to be much

Better for water travel but hold on just a second now this also makes it to where you can walk on magma blocks while taking zero damage do they make this more and more epic the reason I put it up in this tier is because of the armor stand stuff as I

Have seen some pretty neat things done with it you can make some bridges across water which can be helpful in some scenarios but it also doesn’t let you sprint jump with it so it’s really really annoying to actually use 31 knockback this might just be the single most controversial enchantment

Essentially what it does is make your attack send them over person receiving it much further away now there are decent reasons on both sides to either like or hate this enchantments but in my opinion it kind of sucks most of the time when you’re killing something

You’re going to want to pick up what it drops and knockback can make it much more annoying to do it’s especially bad if you’re fighting on any sort of high up place and you send your target flying off now with that said there are some reasons to like this if you are simply

Fighting to survive an attack knocking your opponents away to give you a chance to escape can be very helpful then again if it’s something like a skeleton or Blaze knockback can give them an easier chance to hit you with their projectiles generally I try to avoid having

Knockback if I can but at the same time I usually don’t care that much if I get it what do you think the best place for knockback or in PvP modes like SkyWars to knock people off into the void but since this is based on survival mode I

Think knockback is pretty weak in a similar vein we have 30 punch this does exactly the same thing as knockback but it applies to bows instead the reason I find this to be better is because if you’re using your bow it’s usually because the mob is already far enough

Away so the punch will have a less detrimental effect plus hitting yourself with punch arrows is mildly entertaining so yeah I think the bow version is a smidge better 29 piercing okay to be totally honest with you all I never use crossbows I’m sure the crossbow fandom

Is unclaimed right now but my point is that I’m going to be a fairly bad judge of where its enchantments belong this will have your arrow shoot through up to five different mobs I’m just not very sure what scenario this could be that helpful in the advancement where you

Have to kill five different mobs with one arrow is cool but besides that I can’t really think of much reason to get excited for this also I guess it could sort of work like an Infinity enchantment for crossbow since you could pick up arrows afterwards it’s just kind

Of tedious 28 multi-shot multi-shot will simply shoot out three arrows instead of one I just think this effect is a bit too specific like yeah if you got three zombies coming towards you and are all perfectly spaced apart then this can be somewhat helpful but it’s mostly just a

Whatever enchantment it doesn’t hurt too much to get though since it could only lock you out of piercing so I’d still recommend getting it if you can okay after writing the segment I started messing around with this and found works and it was actually quite a lot of fun

But every shot uses nine durability yeah apparently Multi Shot always uses three durability and using a firework uses 3 as well so combined it does nine whatever multi-shot is weird 27 Thorns this is another enchantment like knockback that I’ve seen opinions dwindle on over the years essentially

It’ll turn the player into a cactus so if anything hits them while they have thorns on their armor the attacker will take some self-damage this damage is really small though and also comes with the downside of using up durability for every Thorns attack now granted durability is a much less important

Problem now with mending existing but it’s still kind of a dumb downside to throw on I don’t actively avoid or try to get Thorns now if I get it I get it and if I don’t I won’t really care 26 sweeping Edge this is a Java exclusive enchantment for swords which will let

The little wind thing that comes out of your sword do a bit more damage to surrounding mobs this is just kind of mildly helpful while killing mobs in either a farm or a large group like Thorns it doesn’t really do that much so I’ve never been super thankful to have

This it doesn’t have any downsides though so it gets the edge the sweeping Edge thank you thank you yes I know I’m playing alright time for Beat year 25 quick charge this lets you charge the shot for a crossbow quicker I mean that’s pretty cool too bad I don’t care

About crossbows 24 impaling this will deal extra damage to any water-based mob which includes axolotls Dolphins Guardians Elder Guardians squid glow squid Turtles all fish types and drought all right so I guess it could deal extra damage to 11 mobs but if we look at it like we did with Bane of Arthropods

Again the four fish die in one hit without any enchantments and the dolphin squid and glow squid die in one hit to sharpest five so really it’s only effective on four mobs these are much less common than spiders though so why is this so much higher well it’s because

Of the tool this is for this can only be applied to tridents which can’t have sharpness anyway so it doesn’t conflict with anything if you haven’t tried it you might as well just try and get this it can be somewhat helpful when writing Ocean Monuments though not really at any

Other point at least for now this is actually the enchantment I think is the most different between Java and Bedrock because on Bedrock this is significantly better it doesn’t just deal damage to Aquatic mobs but any mob that’s in water including while it’s raining that is

Much less situational and I think it’s a good way of making the weather system in Minecraft a bit more interesting players could then get excited for rain as they have a chance to use their tridents much more effectively from what I’ve heard this functionality will be coming to

Java someday too which will greatly boost impelling on the rankings if it does but as of 1.20 I think this is where it belongs 23 fire aspect now for some of you this may be a bit low so let me explain this can be applied to swords

So that your attacks can light anything hit by it on fire this can obviously be helpful as the fire will deal occasional damage to the other mob which makes it die a bit quicker this also is the benefit of cooking any food the mob would have dropped without the need of a

Furnace in my opinion that’s really this enchantment’s best use as it can save quite a bit of time smelting once you get to a point in the game where you have access to easy golden carrots though this enchantment’s usefulness takes a bit of a nosedive the Fire

Doesn’t really do that much damage you could probably hit the mob enough times to kill it before the fire really has any sort of effect what really hurts this though are Enderman is if they get set on fire they’ll constantly teleport like crazy as they take damage making it

A pain to fight them I’d say it’s still overall pretty solid just not one of the best since it does have some downsides 22. flame this is the exact same thing but for bows it can also save you some extra arrows as the burn may be able to

Finish off a mob that would normally require a second Arrow 21. lure this will make fishing faster as the fish in the water will be attracted to your Rod more this is pretty essential if you ever want to go fishing as it makes the process much more efficient same goes

With 20 luck of the sea this will improve your odds of getting a treasure item from fishing those treasure items are enchanted bows Enchanted fishing rods named tags settles Nautilus shells and most importantly Enchantment books that’s a pretty decent selection of items but if you saw my video on

Minecraft items that became useless do you know that I think fishing is a bit on the pointless side these days I still quite enjoy doing it though and you can absolutely still get stuff from it so I think these enchantments still deserve to be here 19. Swift sneak this can be

Applied to leggings and will increase the sneaking speed of anyone wearing it at level 3 it’ll be able to match normal walking speeds now that sounds pretty cool and I was gonna place it up higher but then I thought about it and you could just let go of the shift button

Yeah it’s helpful in ancient cities I guess which is also the only place where you can get this enchantment but outside of that I don’t think this would help do much it’s definitely not bad and I’d rather have it than not have it it’s just that its use isn’t as important as

Some of what we have coming up 18 Smite this will deal extra damage to Undead mobs which is our biggest list of these mob specific extra damage enchantments the mobs that are affected by Smite are the zombie skeleton zombie villager weather wither skeleton zombified pigland skeleton horse stray husk

Phantom drowned and zoglin and also the Zombie horse I guess but they’re not real right away that list has been better than the others we’ve seen because not only is it bigger but these mobs are also more common and generally have more Health having a boss that takes extra damage from the enchantment

In the form of the weather is also a pretty big deal although he is still pretty easy in the Java Edition even with just sharpness of course we still have to consider the downside that smites can’t be combined with sharpness but there is one small solution here

While you can only get Smite in the enchantment table while using a sword and ax still can have the Smite enchantment applied to it with the Anvil so you can have a sharpness sword and a Smite ax to deal with the game’s different mobs so while I’m sure some

People would place this quite low I think being able to put this on an ax saves it a critical hit from a spike 5 netherright ax can one hit kill mobs like zombified piglin which is good as if the piglet dies to one strike it won’t anchor the others around it you

Definitely don’t need smites but it’s a good one to have 17 channeling to me this enchantment is the reason tridents are worth collecting at all I’ve mentioned in the past how annoying the grind is to get one so without this I probably wouldn’t even bother but what

Does it do well if it’s thundering this will make any mob you hit with a throne Trident get struck by lightning now at first this may just seem like a cool aesthetic way to deal more damage but there is a bit more to lightning know what’s on the surface see there are five

Mobs that have special reactions to getting struck by lightning pigs will turn into zombified pigland villagers will turn into a witch mushrooms will turn brown turtles will sometimes drop balls most importantly creepers will become charged creepers these are more powerful versions of the mob that deal a bigger and more deadly explosion however

If it manages to kill either a zombie skeleton creeper or pigland it’ll drop its head this is the only way to get these heads besides the skeleton in ancient cities and they’re some of my favorite decorative blocks in the entire game before this enchantment getting these was a massive pain especially

Considering we didn’t even have lightning rods so I’m always super grateful for this enchantment’s Edition obviously it’s not as practical as some others as it’s still quite specific but I like it a lot so it’s placing fairly high oh also it works on lightning rod

So if you want you can make a machine like this thank you hey tier time these enchantments are in my opinion near Essentials except for the first one because I had no clue where to put it 16 Infinity this was by far the hardest enchantment to place on

The entire list if I had made this video a few years ago this would have easily been asked here but now it’s kind of confusing to judge you could put this on a bow and it’ll make you have infinite ammo as long as you have one arrow in

Your inventory yeah so that’s obviously really good so why is it lower than it would have been well this is the only enchantment in the entire game to not be able to combine with The Mending enchantment this is a huge detriment as not having mending makes any tools significantly more vulnerable to

Breaking so I’m stuck I could definitely see an argument to put this up higher despite The Mending problem as it saves collecting arrows but at the same time it’s just collecting arrows even that difficult making a skeleton Farm especially if you have a spawner will easily get you more arrows than you

Could ever need so really the debate is do you want an unbreakable bow that requires some Arrow farming or do you want a bow that will eventually break but you don’t need to collect arrows generally I stick with a mending bow which is why I put Infinity this low if

You put it up higher on your own list I totally get it but for me I think the beginning of a tier is the best spot 15. Soul speed this will increase movement speed on Soul Sand and soul soil while this may seem a bit too specific to be

Helpful the speed increase is actually incredibly good you go much faster with this enchantment on Soul soil than you would running on land normally that’s also why this is so much higher than Swift sneak as this actually gives the player a faster way to travel instead of just making their slowest movement speed

Match their default speed this is also pretty essential in traversing a Soul Sand Valley in fact I’d say this enchantment makes the biome so fun that it’s one of my favorites in the game and there are some downsides which are important to mention first off the

Obvious it only does stuff on Soul Sand or Soul soil which means if you want to use this to travel somewhere you’ll need to set up a soul soil path first that doesn’t take too long though so it’s not that big of a deal what kind of is

Though is the fact that every few blocks of Soul soil you walk on the boots lose some durability I really don’t think this was necessary and while the loss rate isn’t terrible if you have them breaking three it’s still kind of important to keep in the back of your

Mind I would still say the positives outweigh the negatives though so I quite like this getting the enchantment is annoying because you have to get lucky with the piglets and they suck I hate them 14. aqua affinity this one is nice and simple it makes the player mine faster underwater more specifically

Being underwater will normally make mining take five times as long but aqua affinity completely ignores that this is helpful in a ton of scenarios like Gathering blocks from Ocean Monuments raiding ocean ruins just collecting any block from underwater and so on I think this is a pretty essential enchantment

For any underwater activity speaking of 13 respiration this will also allow you to breathe underwater for significantly longer but yeah this is helpful in all scenarios aqua affinity is and even more on top of that since it helps you if you just want to travel underwater as well

But for our final water enchantment we have 12 depth Strider this could be applied to Boots and will increase movement speed and water every time I start a new world I forget just how slow water movement is without this enchantment it is incredibly useful for speeding up travel pretty much anywhere

You’re bound to run into a lake or ocean every now and then in the Overworld so depth Strider can make Crossing them much less painful oh yeah and one last fun thing if you combine this with the soul speed and dolphin’s Grace effect you can travel at the speed of light

Obviously the setup is quite difficult since you need to have Dolphins but this is really cool 11. loyalty this is definitely the best trident enchantment as I think it’s basically essential if you ever want to use the item basically this makes it to where the Trident will

Come back to you after you throw it which is incredibly helpful as you really don’t want to lose your Trident after working so hard to get it this is even able to face through blocks as well so you can get as silly as you want throwing this around anywhere foreign

I guess it doesn’t come back if he goes in the voice but yeah this being as helpful as it is makes Riptide suck all the more since they can’t be combined I really think you need to have loyalty if you plan on using a trident but now we

Have our top 10 for the S tier what I think are the best of the best if you’re enchanting stuff and don’t have these 10 yet you’re not done get back to work yeah 24 hours 10 feather falling this is exclusive to Boots and will reduce fall

Damage and if you’d like to get a bit silly like me you’ll need it a lot for when you inevitably jump down a massive hole for the funsies it’s also worth noting that unlike the other protection enchantments this can combine with normal protection which is what makes it

As good as it is also I’m just gonna say right now that the explanations for these top 10 enchantments will likely be quite sore since they’re all up here for Fairly obvious reasons nine looting this will not only increase the amount of items mobs drop when killed but it will

Also increase the chance of getting a rare drop From the Mob this is most notably important when getting weather skeletons goals as it boosts the chance per Kill from 2.5 percent to 5.5 percent which is a significant boost it’s not just them though it’s getting rare drops

And more plentiful drops is good for pretty much every mob looting is very powerful eight Fortune this is very similar to ring but it goes on tools instead and will make most commonly or strap more resources when mined diamonds for example go from just dropping one

Per block to up to four per block also love how my luck is so terrible that someone in the comments that I didn’t have Fortune since I got one diamond from literally every ore very cool game I’m sure you all can tell that getting more resources from ores is pretty dang

Helpful however this does actually have a pretty significant downside that makes me not want to place that higher than this first off it can’t combine with silk touch but that makes sense because they do entirely different things so I’m not talking points for it no the downside I’m talking about has to do

With shovels see if you watch my wording carefully I said it was mostly oars that are affected but there are a few other blocks one of those just so happens to be gravel where a fortune shovel will increase the chance of it to drop Flint Flint is only helpful with crafting

Flint and steel and arrows which are not really recipes I or I think others use that often at least often enough to want a large supply of Flint Revel on the other hand is very useful as it’s one of the main components in concrete which is one of my favorite building blocks

Having a fortune shovel makes collecting large amount of gravel much more difficult than it would be without it so in all honesty I would rather take an unenchanted shovel over a fortune 3 Shuffle especially since fortune 3 guarantees the Flint drop every time so since Fortune can legitimately be quite

Detrimental in one of the game’s main tools I decided to keep it kinda low on the top 10. I still like it more than looting since having more auras is generally better than having more mob drops most of the time but the shovel thing definitely hurts 7. power and six

Sharpness this will make your weapons do more damage to anything it hits with power being for bows and sharpness being for swords it’s very very simple but also very very obviously important it saves a ton of time attacking stuff and are basically the essential weapon enchantments 5. soap touch this might be

A bit of a weird choice to put above those two but I think silk touch just barely edges them out for me this allows you to pick up pretty much any block the way it was when you mind it if you’re still confused what I mean certain

Blocks like Stone will turn into another block when mind in this case being Cobblestone if you have silk touch though you’ll just get stoned when you mine it instead which is very helpful a stone is used in a ton of crafting recipes you know what let’s just go over

All the black silk touch effects all of the ores snow layers snow blocks amethyst Buds and clusters coral Coral blocks deep slates Ender Chest gilded Blackstone nightlyum warp nylium Stone bee nest beehive ice packed ice blue ice bookshelves chiseled bookshelves clay decorated pots glass glass panes glowstone Crest blocks mycelium podzel

Gravel leaves melons mushroom blocks all the skulk blocks sea lanterns campfires Soul campfires turtle eggs twisting Vines and weeping vines that is a large selection of blocks so silk touch is incredibly helpful this lets you do so many things like Saving Time with getting Stone always getting gravel

Without the risk of Flint being able to carry an ender chest with you to greatly expand your inventory space and so on I guess you could argue that sometimes it’s bad to have silk touch as sometimes stuff like deep slate is worse than its normal drop but a majority of the time

This is so useful that it far outweighs its weaknesses I always put it on my shovel and make a second silk touch pickaxe it’s an incredibly useful enchantment for protection this reduces damage from all normal sources besides magic and falling obviously having more defense on all your armor is pretty dang

Useful I think it’s better than having more attack strength as defense stops you from dying and protection 4 does a really good job of that unless you fall in the void I find it very difficult to actually die once you obtain protection for another right gear so I always make

It my priority three efficiency this makes you mine quicker and seeing as you almost always have to be mining in this game I think it’s pretty clear it deserves to be up here this enchantment more than any other can save hundreds if not thousands of hours mining is essential in getting resources and

Building pretty much anything so if you want to try and take on big projects you have to have efficiency it also doesn’t conflict with any enchantments at all so there’s zero excuse not to get it safe to say this is easily one of the best enchantments in the game despite that

Though the top two are so good that I think they deserve their own S Plus tier I struggled a lot with the exact placings of every other enchantment in this video but these two were locked in as numbers one and two from the very start two I’m breaking at level 3 this

Multiplies the durability of any tool by three times and I mean any tool as one thing that sets these two enchantments apart is the fact that they can go on to literally any tool with durability weapons armor tools elytra and so on can all get this and benefit greatly from it

Obviously if you’re spending so much time enchanting your stuff you’re gonna want to have it for as long as possible so when breaking three stops it from breaking so soon but if you just have them breaking three it will break eventually even if you go repair it in

The Anvil it will eventually get too expensive that’s where our easily number one enchantment comes in I’m sure everyone guessed it it’s mending this will automatically repair any tools durability when the player picks up XP the amount to repairs is based on the amount of XP collected and it can only

Do so when the item is being held or worn this is stupid powerful because you could just go to an XP farm for a few minutes whenever your tools get low and you’ll be back like nothing happened there’s no mending limit so this enchantment basically gives your tools

Immortality heck stuff like swords armor and fishing rods will basically never break because killing mobs and fishing stuff up gives you XP so as you use the tool you collect more XP than what’s required to repair it I don’t think there is any way mending could not be

Number one it makes the game so much more convenient to play sure it is a treasure enchantment so it can be somewhat tedious to get it from a villager but if there’s any enchantment that deserves that status it’s mending so for making Minecraft so much more

Convenient to play mending is by far the best enchantment in the end entire game but anyways that’s it for this video do you think luck of the sea sucks because it makes it harder to get lily pads from fishing let me know in the comments this

Is one of my favorite videos I’ve ever got to make I knew I’d enjoy it but I was not expecting to have so much to say on all of these enchantments hopefully you all enjoyed this video as well I also plan on doing a structure and biome

Breaking in the future but if you have any other ranking ideas feel free to let me know in the comments but anyway Mario but anyways dry buns for Smash and I’ll see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘Ranking EVERY Enchantment In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Odyssey Central on 2023-07-08 16:00:06. It has garnered 531792 views and 19962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:46 or 1546 seconds.

One of the most interesting aspects of minecraft’s tool system are the enchantments. These let you power-up your weapons, tools, armor and more to make them more powerful. Currently there are 39 enchantments in minecraft as of 1.20, however not all of them are great. So Today I thought it would be fun to rank every enchantment in minecraft from the worst to the best! I’ve also decided to put these enchants into a tier list!

0:00 Intro 0:56 F Tier 4:17 D Tier 6:59 C Tier 10:39 B Tier 15:43 A Tier 19:10 S Tier 23:29 S+ Tier 25:01 Outro

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Odyssey Central Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XmmXPCz

Odyssey Central Maker ID: VPB-NM9-KLF

The Greatest Video Ever Made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSCB8qeJs5o

  • Guess the Themed Build Challenge!

    Guess the Themed Build Challenge! Minecraft: GUESS THE BUILD: THEMED! Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players come together to showcase their building skills in a fun and engaging minigame. That’s exactly what happened when Jimmy, Impulse, Gem, Skizz, and Joel gathered to play a unique building game in Minecraft. The rules were simple: each player would build something based on a theme, the next person would guess that build, and then build someone else’s guess in a cycle until they had swapped three times. The result? A hilarious and creative display of Minecraft builds like you’ve never seen before. Theme:… Read More

  • From Miner to Master: The Baby Worker’s Boss Battle!

    From Miner to Master: The Baby Worker's Boss Battle! In the world of Minecraft, Baby Worker’s tale, From rags to riches, a journey to unveil. Working hard in different jobs, a path to success, Each step forward, a story to impress. From poverty to boss, a transformation grand, In the virtual world, where dreams expand. Subscribe for more videos, the adventures unfold, In Minecraft’s realm, where stories are told. Join the channel, support the cause, Imaginary characters, with no real flaws. The mode used, Blockbuster in play, Creating magic, in a virtual display. Music by Kevin MacLeod, a touch of grace, Setting the tone, in this Minecraft space…. Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating beautiful and fun things in Minecraft? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Imagine a world where you can unleash infinite lightning with a trident, just like in the popular Minecraft Shorts video titled “Infinite lightning | Minecraft Shorts” by VABLOCK. This kind of creativity and excitement is exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player looking for a new challenge or… Read More

  • Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork

    Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told, I bring you the news, in rhymes so bold. Crafting the Enchanted Golden Apple, a tale to unfold, With hints and tricks, my story is gold. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore the mysteries, of Minecraft’s waves. Like and subscribe, for more adventures to save, In this world of wonders, where creativity paves. So come along, dear viewers, let’s dive right in, To the world of Minecraft, where we always win. With rhymes and beats, let the fun begin, As we craft and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Zoo Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Zoo Building Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Building a Minecraft Zoo with Goats! | Mega Base Expansion.” In this episode, the content creator takes us on a journey as they add goats to their zoo collection in the game. Witness the careful planning and construction of new enclosures for these adorable animals, all while expanding their mega base. But why stop there? If you’re looking to join a vibrant and creative Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server

    Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we have a thrilling story to share with you that might just pique your interest in joining a new Minecraft server. In a recent YouTube video titled “Someone Cracked The Cipher | Monster Marauder Part 5,” adventurers on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a groundbreaking discovery. After deciphering a mysterious code found on a remote island, they uncovered the words “Crimson Keep.” This revelation has sparked a frenzy among players worldwide, as they flock to the town of Crimson… Read More

  • Dawn’s World: Nostalgic Minecraft Let’s-Play

    Dawn's World: Nostalgic Minecraft Let's-Play Welcome to Dawn’s World! Welcome to Dawn’s World, a slightly modded Minecraft let’s-play series that promises nostalgia and excitement for both new and seasoned players. Join Dawn on her journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft as she explores, builds, and survives in this virtual world. Exploring New Horizons In this first episode, Dawn embarks on a fresh start in Minecraft, ready to take on new challenges and adventures. With a world full of possibilities, she sets out to gather resources, build shelters, and interact with the diverse creatures that inhabit the game. Learning and Growing As Dawn navigates… Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “How to Make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.” While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put your newfound portal-making skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of venturing into the Nether with your friends from all around the world, exploring new realms, battling dangerous mobs, and discovering hidden treasures. Minewind offers a unique and exciting multiplayer… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome gamers! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join and explore? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Join a vibrant community of players from around the world as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. The possibilities are endless on Minewind! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today and start your journey on the Minewind server! Server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk about the creative game that has captured the hearts of millions – Minecraft. You may have come across a video titled “DOWNFALL OF MOST CREATIVE GAME @minecraft”, where the content creator shares their subjective opinions on the current state of Minecraft. While opinions may vary, one thing is for sure – Minecraft continues to be a beloved game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Hack: Change Game Mode Instantly in Minecraft 2024 Tutorial | Maple Gaming

    Unbelievable Hack: Change Game Mode Instantly in Minecraft 2024 Tutorial | Maple GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Change Game Mode Quickly in Minecraft 2024 | Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Maple Gaming on 2024-03-11 13:15:02. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Welcome to our YouTube Channel! In today’s video, we’re diving into a crucial skill that every player should master: changing game modes quickly. Whether you’re a creative builder, an adventurous explorer, or a survivalist in need of a quick escape, knowing how to switch between game modes seamlessly can save you precious time and enhance your gameplay… Read More

  • Survived 100 Days as FIRST Titan in Minecraft!

    Survived 100 Days as FIRST Titan in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as the FIRST TITAN in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2024-05-24 19:00:15. It has garnered 473729 views and 6522 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:17 or 2417 seconds. ► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPYEhWUvvKFgmgkLACagXA?sub_confirmation=1 Watch the adventure of Minecraft’s FIRST TITAN! Once a normal rockman, Max grows into bigger and more powerful forms, all while fighting against the evil Skibidi Rex! Will Maxcraft survive? Or will he be erased from history?! Watch the whole video to find out! Mods utilized: Curseforge Mods https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/assemblylinemachines https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/futurepack https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mcdoom https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Cable Chill vibes in Minecraft Stream!

    Mind-blowing Cable Chill vibes in Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill vibes and Minecraft! | Minecraft LiveStream’, was uploaded by Cable on 2024-02-18 16:27:11. It has garnered 68 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:21 or 7401 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/just_cable Read More

  • Unbelievable Muscle Transformation on Lexus Network!

    Unbelievable Muscle Transformation on Lexus Network!Video Information This video, titled ‘Lexus Network 4x Zehir kesme’, was uploaded by Flexonline on 2024-02-13 17:43:03. It has garnered 650 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:39 or 99 seconds. bull titanium bull sky ice blood cutting minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft endoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft endoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, agentnc texture pack, minecraft endgame arena pvp, minecraft endgame fps increase, minecraft… Read More

  • BidreoSenpai’s Minecraft Deco Hack – Going Viral!

    BidreoSenpai's Minecraft Deco Hack - Going Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decoration hack #minecraft #trending #animation #mcpe #viral #shorts #short’, was uploaded by BidreoSenpai on 2024-01-08 14:29:43. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Read More

  • Warzonefr

    WarzonefrSalut ! Tu joues à Minecraft et tu cherches un serveur avec : – des armes 3D – des véhicules – de belles structures – des 1v1 – et une belle map Alors je te conseille notre serveur Warzonefr.Mc L’ip est sur le discord – Notre discord : https://discord.gg/r8UjVGmCM8 – Notre tiktok : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdHLgA95/ – Notre Instagram : https://instagram.com/minecraft_wz?utm_medium=copy_link – Notre carte : Warzonefr.shockbyte.cc Read More

  • WildHalla 1.20.6 vanilla SMP whitelist

    WildHalla 1.20.6 Survival Server Join our vanilla+ SMP server with QOL data packs and world generation packs. Hosted on a dedicated server in West Coast USA. Contact us on Discord @thesquirky for an invite! Read More

  • Factions Cove

    VERSIONS SUPPORTED:1.8-1.20Og.FcPvp-Mc.ComFactions Cove,This server is based off a old server named Original PvpOG Pvp was the best days on minecraft for me, and I plan to bring back some of those experiences through FC! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Base Exterior vs Interior: The Big Reveal

    “I guess this meme is like a good house – solid exterior, but the real magic is on the inside!” Read More

  • Frost Diamond Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Frost Diamond Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, Frost Diamond reigns supreme, With 38 million subs, living the gamer’s dream. Creating portals, crafting diamonds so bright, Every video a hit, bringing joy and delight. From Indonesia he hails, with skills so refined, Playing Minecraft PE, blowing up our mind. With each upload, a new adventure begins, Sub, like, comment, share, let the fun never end. So follow his Instagram, TikTok for more fun, Join the Frost Diamond fam, a journey just begun. In the world of gaming, he’s a shining star, Creating portals, reaching heights afar. So let’s support Frost Diamond, in… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Sorry, Not Sorry!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Sorry, Not Sorry! Sorry not sorry for spending hours building a virtual world in Minecraft instead of doing something productive with my life. #minecraftaddict #nolife #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the horrors of the desert island in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Escape the horrors of the desert island in Minecraft! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Facing My New Minecraft Horror Mod on a Desert Island.” The creator of the video has put in a tremendous amount of effort to develop a new Minecraft horror mod, promising an adventure that will last much longer than the typical 100 days challenge. While the mod is still in its early stages and may not be the best out there yet, the dedication and creativity behind it are truly commendable. This got us… Read More

  • Evolution of Minecraft Mechanics

    Evolution of Minecraft Mechanics Minecraft Mechanics Then and Now Have you ever wondered how the mechanics in Minecraft have evolved over time? In a new video from the Minecraft Discoveries series, viewers get a glimpse of how some of the game’s key mechanics have changed since they were first introduced. Enchanting Mechanics One of the first mechanics explored in the video is Enchanting. Originally, Enchanting in Minecraft was a simple process of using an Enchantment Table with Lapis Lazuli and experience points to enchant items. However, over time, new enchantments have been added, providing players with more options to customize their gear and… Read More

  • “Unlocking Skeletons in Minecraft with Goats!” #gaming

    "Unlocking Skeletons in Minecraft with Goats!" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKELETONS IN MINECRAFT STAY LOCKED IN! #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-05-25 16:00:37. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. A funny montage of @PizzaNGoat dying to skeletons in Vex’s SpellBound Caves map. THEY DO NOT MESS AROUND! You can watch the full video; as well as, our whole let’s play on our channel. Read More

  • Omz Omz Home Alone Minecraft

    Omz Omz Home Alone MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Omz Is HOME ALONE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2024-01-29 23:50:23. It has garnered 976402 views and 12853 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:51 or 2751 seconds. Today Omz is Home Alone with Roxy and Luke without Crystal Lily Alexa and Heather and they have to protect it! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandCrystal Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shizo Golem Brotherhood 🤣🤣 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Shizo Golem Brotherhood 🤣🤣 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golem have भाईचारा 🤣🤣 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MJ gamer 10M on 2024-05-02 06:55:00. It has garnered 622 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Golem have भाईचारा 🤣🤣 #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #funnyshorts #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmod #minecraft_download_mediafire #minecraftpe #minecraftjavaonandroid #minecraftdownload minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft shorts, minecraft cartoon, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft animation, minecraft apk, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft animation movie, minecraft apk download, minecraft automatic door, minecraft ayush, minecraft animation video, minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Shizo Compilation 276 – Must Watch!

    Mind-Blowing Shizo Compilation 276 - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Compilation 276’, was uploaded by Check It Out on 2024-05-12 07:30:02. It has garnered 3021 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:19 or 1939 seconds. More compilations coming every week Original videos from 2021 Minecraft More Exploring https://youtu.be/VWqc97YjkeQ WineBerry Strawberry Crush https://youtu.be/TveUfqIcZP0 Mivi Roam 2 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker https://youtu.be/WO8hEWGCwL4 Aerial Corn Snacks Teriyaki Mayo https://youtu.be/VUOLXQn51uA Wipro 3W Radiant Dual Light LED Torch https://youtu.be/38fUXGuLshg C Light Tamarind Drink https://youtu.be/7AXXoqWke0g 21 Lessons for the 21st Century https://youtu.be/SHTl9SyShZM Chupa Chups Bubblegum Lollipops Cherry & Strawberry https://youtu.be/onYKgmv6stA Beco Bambooeee Tissue Napkins https://youtu.be/SI7NluwzCQc BRB Popped Potato… Read More

  • 🔥Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Server with 30+ Mini Games!🎮

    🔥Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Server with 30+ Mini Games!🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Best server for Minecraft java with 30+ mini games’, was uploaded by 😈SGcobraYT😈 on 2024-04-27 02:00:26. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:00 or 3600 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE! Join us on the Road to 10K Subscribers! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE! Join us on the Road to 10K Subscribers! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS | ROAD TO 10K | TMPBOLTELIVE’, was uploaded by TMP BOLTE LIVE on 2024-05-10 21:11:09. It has garnered 1920 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:37 or 7177 seconds. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY AND UNBELIEVABLE SHUPPORT GUY’S 💖FOLLOW ME ❣️ INSTAGRAM – https://instagram.com/tmpbolte?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ❣️ DISCORD – https://discord.com/invite/vQNJ6Ys6XN JAVA MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JOIN MY PUBLIC SMP | Minecraft lifesteal smp live TMPBOLTELIVE #minecraftsmplive #minecraftpublicserver #publicsmplive 🔰🔰 Rules of chat 🔰🔰 ►No Spam, Self Promotion, or Promoting Others ►No Racism/Profanity, Treat… Read More

  • Minecraft Stream: Insane Ghostfx Encounter!

    Minecraft Stream: Insane Ghostfx Encounter!Video Information This video, titled ‘~ Casual Moded Minecraft Stream With Friends ~’, was uploaded by Ghostfx on 2024-04-24 19:54:06. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:02 or 17702 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBros

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBrosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try NOT To LAUGH (Weird MINECRAFT Edition)’, was uploaded by MoreBeckBros on 2024-03-23 01:35:12. It has garnered 201395 views and 5113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds. Try NOT To LAUGH (Weird MINECRAFT Edition) 👕: BeckBros Clothing: https://beckbrojack.co/collections/beckbro-tees/products/beckbros-t-shirt 👉🏻: Subscribe to our IRL Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAstD3OTUl4fVQ7FDqPotEw Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Y5gbe_I4U&ab_channel=DangoheartAnimation 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Diamondxr’s EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!

    Diamondxr's EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cinematic Studio Plugin | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Diamondxr on 2024-03-13 09:02:05. It has garnered 3036 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:58 or 598 seconds. ●Hey Diamond here, if you ever wanted to create amazing presentations for your Minecraft server giving your player base out-of-this-world introductions to your server look no further! ●Revivenode Hosting https://revivenode.com Promocode: DIAMOND ► Plugin https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/cinematic-studio.88671/ ►Pumpkin Bars https://revivenode.com/content ✔Join Discord https://discord.revivenode.com I don’t own any rights to the game as shown on screen. Read More

  • Cranked SMP

    Cranked SMPCranked SMP is a high-quality Survival SMP server featuring unique features, classes, events, and awesome players like you! Our community is super welcoming and friendly – come say hi! BEDROCK SUPPORTED! JAVA IP: crankedmc.com BEDROCK PORT: 19132 1.8 -> 1.19 are supported! crankedmc.com Read More

  • HomiezClub Server SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java Bedrock

    HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. About HomiezClub SMP: The server is whitelisted to provide an exclusive experience and avoid griefers. Only performance mods and Discord bot are used as plug-ins. Recommended modpack for performance and shaders, but no mods are required! Java AND Bedrock compatible! When major updates come out, we prune chunks that have been… Read More

  • MS Builders"2>O 20=8;;0! "2>8 ?@028;0!

    MS Builders”2>O 20=8;;0! “2>8 ?@028;0! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – TNT Launcher Glitchorama

    Minecraft Memes - TNT Launcher GlitchoramaWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More


    BLAZING HOT BABY SONIC PIXEL ART! 🔥 Why does Baby Sonic in Minecraft look like he’s about to drop the hottest pixel art album of 2021? #minecraft #gaming #pixelartgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From thrilling PvP battles to creative building challenges, there’s never a dull moment on this server. And with regular updates and events, you’ll always have something new to discover. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see why Minewind is the ultimate destination… Read More

  • Unbelievable Chaos on Hermitcraft – Skizzleman Skizz Stream!

    Unbelievable Chaos on Hermitcraft - Skizzleman Skizz Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Friday Hermitcraft Skizz Stream! – Can’t get anything DONE!’, was uploaded by SkizzlemanLive on 2024-05-25 13:15:06. It has garnered 8070 views and 375 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:48 or 13488 seconds. Friday Hermitcraft Skizz Stream! – Can’t get anything DONE! Main Minecraft channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mcskizzleman Shared Channel w/impulsesv: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImpAndSkizz Podcast Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@impandskizzpodcast Read More

Ranking EVERY Enchantment In Minecraft