Rare Blue Lobster Spotted in Modded MineCraft!

Video Information

Last episode we built a house in creative mode because the mobs were annoying me and we also burnt a skeleton alive in creative mode and got killed and got killed by a mosquito and found rats and stuff and there should be a man called entity arbus’s Spirit who is

Apparently going to be joining us soon this man offered to assist me in the game of Minecraft and I for one hope he does greetings and welcome to Minecraft this is episode two not much happened in episode one this is where things really kick off I

Think I would say I I honestly I haven’t done out off camera I literally just checked to see if I was added and I wasn’t I should be having an an individual who’s going to assist me to join us today in this chaotic world of yeah I I forgot he’s not buying the

Theory of Zeus zombies he doesn’t believe in the Zeus bees I’m calling them Zeus Bees what is this music why is it only in my right ear my right ear is really enjoying this but my left ear feels left out yes Zoo space that’s what I’m going to call them Zoo space they’re called Zoo space Also I have not received a friend request from you yet on

PS4 but I hope you have PlayStation Plus cuz you’re going to need it in order to join me because I don’t have crossplay I’m killing the goat to see what it drops I’m sorry okay that he didn’t drop anything now I feel bad I’d love the music but I’m just

Going to turn it down a little Bit I made a uh entity I made a community post showcasing my uh my PS4 name I made a community post showcasing my PS4 name so you can uh add Me I a rather chaotic individual who got really mad and built a house in Creative I think this is going to going to be a hell of a Minecraft series hey buddy look is a duck it’s a duck what my guide no my guide No my guide I’ve just realized I forgot I lost my guide my guide it it it it died my guide my guide has unfortunately died for a friend request from The Entity individual so they can assist me am I crouched okay I thought that was drift I will sleep the night away until

They arrive I want them to see the Zeus Beast for themself I have no armor is my wait my iron’s done iron it’s done right I’ll keep this iron until he gets here because he’ll probably know what to do with it yeah I thought this

Was going to be way more popular too but I’m still going to do it cuz it’s fun oh shoot it’s another rat e why does it dropped rotten flesh ew entity it’s a Zeus zombie it’s a thunder zombie I I told you they exist let that another forest fire you son of

A they don’t burn in daylight and they summon lightning See see I told you they’re doing it they’re doing it evidence oh my God there’s like five of them holy why is there so many oh Jesus they’re going to grab my stuff they’re going to grab my stuff it’s on hard mode it’s on hard mode it’s on hard mode I need my

Stuff grab your stuff and run back to the house it’s not worth it swerve swerve swerve oh come on the music’s calm but I’m not I told you there look there’s one no no he’s going for the house no no no no no no no

No no no no don’t B my house down don’t you D B my house down no there’s an iller there’s an iller there’s an iller there’s an iller there’s an iller there’s an iller with a sword outside my house I don’t like that all right I received a friend

Request from this man his voice will probably honestly be shared on stream I if he is not okay with that he doesn’t have to join me please friend request Lord the elite spiders that is a cool name that is genuinely a really cool name I like this man’s username but for

The love of God he better get on my thing I’m and I started a party with the man yay are they outside oh God I don’t care what he says when he when he when he joins I’m teleporting him to my house I’m not surfing here hello there kind sir my house is

Surrounded by Zeus zombies and a and a villager no it is I swear they exist they real no they do not I’m unbelievable all right well then well then join me and install the packs to make sure that they they appear for you they’re 2.7 mte pass it’ll make the it’ll make the

Zeus zombies appear I swear they exist I’m not crazy there’s even a Pillager with a Sword should a you have an axe my God you’ve got a cool skin as well you look they’re outside I haven’t even loaded in I just teleported you into my house I’m not safe here I’m going to go fight one I’m fighting what the heck man fighting one I’m fighting

One oh God he’s there do you see him do you see this man look at this man he’s just a peaceful normal zombie no he’s not he’s blue there’s a creeper who are you are you friendly he’s friendly what he’s friend he’s a god ah oh oh that that’s a lot of that’s

A lot of damage not that that’s a lot of damage L but you you see you see what I see right you see a Pillager with armor and a sword right I see something that I can take down alone goodbye I’ve got six iron what what what

Is the best tools to make I I killed him I’ve got six iron what’s the best thing to make with it also ignore why am I so I feel like I’m being tricked but I’m I’m going to make a bucket bucket I have a bucket also why

Am I so short compared to you I have three left but why am I so short compared to you uh I don’t know you have two left right I have three left oh pickax pie of iron right okay I’ll make a pickaxe then do I have any I let me go get myself

Some wood I don’t have sticks we we we must both get W because I have zero sticks and oh hey spider how are you why is there just a do you do you do you see a Pillager with a sword right here yep he’s cool

I killed oh he dropped a sword no you keep the sword cuz I’ve got one already despite it being on very low ability sad though I could use that if I wanted to t a horse to get away from this place what nothing leave me alone I’m trying to beat up

Trees you’re not The Lorax stop trying to be eco-friendly I hear another one there’s another one there’s another freaking Pillager okay now he’s dead I got left on one H I’m on three and a half my God why are there so many mobs I know I put it on hard mode but

God oh look it’s a zombie I swear is it a regular zombie yeah it is I’m scraping it is there still five of like five of them over here easy to kill just got a SC yeah the thing that makes these uh Thunder Zeus zombies so difficult is oh my God why

Oh yo they only give accuracy when I’m on low Health y I’m I’m wrestling him I’m going to punch him to death okay never mind he actually does a lot more damage than get hit with this bucket this who idiot I just beat a skeleton to death with a

Bucket oh I got you a sword from the other guy thank you but there is a creeper approaching me at a very rapid Pace okay never mind he’s dead therey I’m going to go put everything in this chest because I do not feel safe hey yeah what is it get the

Sword thank you right now put the saddle in the saddle’s in there now I am going to wait I can’t I accidentally duplicated the I’m sorry duplicated hold up there’s a saddle in there right there’s a saddle in there I have a saddle it’s probably from

The other guy the other guy dropped a saddle and a sword be very good for us I thought I duplicated it for a second because I always see one in my inventory I got an iron pickaxe my next priority will be getting you an iron pickaxe I got to make some tools the

Only tool I need right now is just a pickaxe oh my God they started another forest fire what the yeah you’ll find when there’s zombies that strike lightning on themselves Forest are com herine now herob brine can leave me alone he can go back to the to the

Minecraft from the fog he look it’s a lava wait no the wandering trador leave him alone I want to I want to befriend him no where is he no kill he’s right here no leave David alone I’ve named him David what have for sa where are you

Scams go you yeah SC I’m killing him no Dave I had a close friendship with I almost fell off the cliff Dam it’s a be there’s a bee up there yeah I’m going back into the mine and God there’s another rat down here there’s so many rats leave me alone you stupid

Rats right where’s the gold I saw earlier okay that’s that’s I hear another rat what the hell was that that noise was creepy think you have a problem is it just the Ami sound that was I’ve heard all the cave sounds I’ve been I’ve explored a lot of caves and C that is

Not a cave sound yeah I’m hearing Ami sounds once I get down here I need you down in the cave right now there’s there’s a blue SP get over here here up here behind you there’s a blue spider over here blue spider look it’s coming it’s coming I think it’s there’s a ghost

There’s a ghost there’s a ghost ghost oh oh no it could climb it was there’s a ghost down there it’s probably poisonous I need to kill this rat die right die right die right I killed the rat I see him I killed the spider down there look there’s a ghost

Uh it’s friendly we chill you chill oh my God there’s more of them there’s more of these weird looking spiders poison this okay it’s they’re easy to defeat ew it’s a maggot okay I’m going to get some Stone and get some iron I I just killed a

Maggot and it and it gave me iron oh I just killed I just killed a magot and it give me netherite there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way check the stream recheck the stream I swiped it and netherite okay we’re going to have to terminate

All those magets find the maggots find more maggots find more maggots I don’t even know what they look like magots oh so they just like dots well a little bit bigger cuz Minecraft M has massive freaking arthopods oh my God leave me alone well I don’t have any source of

Light so hey come here come here come here I right I’m on my way up please you can collect this lava and then place it down get some light down there there’s a baby one there’s a baby spider oh look oh wait W all right uh what hit

Me what the right how do I it’s Invincible oh there we go I am attempting to retrieve the lava but I’m failing wait is is the ghost what’s making all that noise I don’t hear any noise no the the weird noises is that the ghost I killed the ghost is it gone now

I don’t hear the noise no more right I need I need ghost invisibility Po got my God this this mod is bad but also good because it like it gives you extremely hard mod invisibility you got an invisibility potion for killing a ghost got the lava ah baby

Zombie where is it it just my brain I’m very slow to kill you not on the level you get me out of here get me out of here I want to find another mag want my neite from the maggot what oh my God that scared

Me oh my God this baby baby baby baby baby child there’s like there’s three children oh my God it’s like that it you kill the baby spider no you kill the big weird looking spider and then bunch of babies come out it’s like the real life

Spiders oh I’m on half a heart and there’s a spider after me oh no this GL squids that’s just sad I’ve got a burn to pick with that skeleton hopefully it’s up with the Skeleton King I will P you apart my good man I want my gear back cuz keep inventory is

Not on this is the first time of me playing without keep inventory that’s a B I was so close to dying I heard a villager die I’m not I’m not kidding I heard a villager die also I think we should get my stuff back cuz I had all the iron then

Yeah oh God am I in the wrong cave okay no I’m not it’s just it’s just it’s just watch out got it give me give me thank you uh uh uh uh he I was somewhat successful okay I think placing lava as a light source was a bad decision considering considering

All my items are probably going to uh not exist where the call anyways oh I think I finally understand why people bring torches when they go mining wow those I’m stupid okay wow that’s a lot of iron jeez He some chittering in my ear is it yeah it’s a rat ow Zeus zombie in the caves in the caves I don’t see summon lightning here you st does more damage than a regular zombie and that is something I don’t need cuz I’m so low again how did you get

Okay you’re clearly better better at Minecrafting than me killing GL Woods is good right okay not when they yeah invisibility are you sure he can’t summon lightning cuz I hear an awful lot of it I’m still that means that must mean they’re above us on Land give me this it’s a lot of water H I don’t want to see the ward version of a ward in here oh they don’t change mobs they add new ones we still got the regular mobs I don’t think they’ve done anything to the warden if the warden

Even exists but I think it does I mean it’s not like the mutant mobs pack I’ve got where there’s a mutant Warden that does does twice as much damage and has twice as much health as a regular Warden what the what yeah I have a pack with a mutant mobs from the

Mutant mobs mod because I can’t afford actual mods oh food yeah wait did did you see any more maggots by the way cuz they dropped netherite ingots for some freaking reason remember no I just saw was he nice and does he look like the grp like everyone expect

No it didn’t look like a zombie where the heck am I you’re probably oh wait are you near right uh do this because you’re miles away what is that thing just get your gear you really what you need to sleep and get all your items I just saw some bull like

Thing man we must be low down I see a slime hi Mr slime K it right we’re definitely not done with this cave that’s one thing for sure I think should we continue I think we should go our supplies back up oh my I just I am so lucky I never

Got I never picked up my netherite Ingot it was about to despawn all right I think we’ve got what I think we should go smell what we’ve got and set our spawns well I set mine but oh God how do we get out of here we could set spawn in

The same ped ID we can yeah what what about the cat beds get obstructed that’s from if you destroy them well someone’s in the end or something oh look another ghost I’m there Mr ghost uh we’re definitely not here to kill you ah ah not friendly not friendly

Not friendly he dropped he dropped a feather yeah invisibility yeah I’m at the cave you didn’t give me an invisibility potion you just give me feathers dang I guess I’m the lucky one yeah I’m the one who gets beaten to death by Zeus Undead Zeus don’t fall fall

Fall are you trying to kill me I’m on like two hearts no I just I’m on two hearts what’s all this gravel for is this the times you was escaped yes dang I used gravel for some reason I didn’t get any of duck that really a duck duck hey wait

Wait bring him in the house bring him in the house duck got him duck make a fence he will be out he I will he will be out pattern I’m considering you caught him you can name him what are you naming the duck uh Richard it’s perfect Richard the duck Richard

Duck Right what I need is a fence which also means what I need is to go punch trees right oh oh God it’s got a trident and I want it oh you deal with that I got impales it’s a one shot wait oh my God no I’m about to die

Again jeez guys this guy really bad at Minecraft I I am I’m not afraid to admit it oh my go why is he spinning there we go why is he spinning duck do you have any say going on with your friend duck whichard do you know what going on like

Pleas that was the stupidest way to Die I placed my sing in the bed did you sleep in the bed or not apparently I did it I thought I did wait pick a bed wait the duck where’s where’s Richard okay Richard’s outside oh oh hey you tried come here that’s it come on take some heat I’m going to

Everyone’s going to die in a fire Come on te- B I killed the Trident Guy get burned fool thank oh no that was a terrible idea oh crud I’m about to die jop in the water get idiot you should have jumped in the water I know I don’t know what’s wrong with I got all our stuff I got all our stuff get know

What I suck at Minecraft I’m not afraid to say it I suck at Minecraft I will take all this experience though it’s it is indeed a PlayStation it’s not an Xbox hello there Mr skele burs nice Enchanted B you have would be a shame if you were stuck in a tree and

Someone could just kill you and steal it wouldn’t it give me an arrow I wanted your Enchanted bar here’s your sword and here’s your pickaxe thank you and uh behind you oh cool good saying Richard’s not going to get hurt from this okay uh do you have any wood do I

Have any wood we need wood wait we’ve got sticks give me the sticks my sticks I had wood but once I died it kind of went away hey got your pickaxe right should make should we make armor we’ve got 10 11 iron left let make us both a shield and a

Sword first uh Shield okay we need okay we’re going to need wood okay let me make myself an Axe and I’m going to go out there I will fight off the no you won’t you’ll just die yes it’s it’s on one durability are you kidding me he dropped his bone and it’s

Got no durability behind you I’m coming I got it all right I will defend you yeah that was a tree burning because there’s Zeus zombies what ability what do you mean what ability you just said someone dropped its bow and it got motor ability it’s got no

Durability look oh oh God these guys are rising from the water like freaking Aquaman leave us alone oh God it’s oh God one of the Twitter users has found me all right yeah look see I just killed him okay I got 17 LS we’re good we’re

Good I wonder what I wonder what you get if you kill the jellyfish but I really don’t want to kill the jellyfish they make the place look really wiely jellyfishes yeah look look in the water there’s a fish my God just went in and murdered it wait that’s not

Oacks by the way how good would you say are at Minecraft oh it’s a jellyfish o oh no that’s a witch that’s a witch right there let’s go kill it kill it kill it I’ll fight off the zombies despite me being on two hearts of Health you got him

Easily I hit him and he did nothing I’m not even kidding there we have’t the duck gives us an infinite supply of eggs give us an egg oh the what the I accidentally threw it the go wait where’s the duck again oh the duck went back hi Richard how do you go back

Ins is B’s not Enchanted uh give me this okay I got all the stuff again I’m going to make us oh no that’s there’s more of them wa no that’s just me being let me deal with them then wait no watch this come on shoot I just need that skeleton to take a

Shot hey skeleton I want I want the zombie to fight the skeleton never mind got him the B wasn’t Enchanted oh that’s finalized I thought that was beat loot for a second but how I would wake myself would be a solid six or seven you you I really want to do in this

This I wanted to make a I wanted to make a SE creature collection like I wanted like a big glass box creatures yes do you have one yeah I have one okay uh and next is right now are you making those swords yep go here you go right you got one

Too yep right let’s uh it here your pickaxe I forgot my pickaxe existed idiot all right okay we have five more left so I want to fight I’m going to make us a axe I want to fight the wizard no we’re not fighting the wizard like a wizard I mean

Wiard where’s the where’s the Pillager wizard I want I want this fire staff do you know that there is Pillager Wizards and they have fire staffs that you can get did they add more goats I don’t know why they added goats when we already have goats no it’s not you Super Mario Super

Mario get out of my PS4 Super Mario I don’t need Super Mario on the PS4 my life is hard enough as it is apparently they confuse who I am after you said it like 20,000 times yeah this is this is entity from uh from the last stream it’s it’s not no don’t don’t

Bring up Wario I have Trauma from Warrior no the pickax is right here no I mean right I said the pickaxe is right here and switch to rotten flesh look at him go look at the little bee oh my God there’s another one I I love Minecraft bees so freaking much

No Angry be get him get him B no I’m I scared to get a Minecraft dog now because I’m scared you’re going to murder it no I’m not going to murder the dods you’re not if I get a pet you won’t kill the pet we have a duck you

Idiot I want more than a duck I want to make a whole zoo I want a fox a cat a wolf I’m going to name the wolf after the school head teacher’s dog oh my God there’s another one we have another duck there’s another duck there’s another

Iller now now let’s see what happens when I kill a duck I’m under attack help oh it’s just chicken help me he’s attacking me oh let me show my PVP skills also oh my God fish fish that’s all meals hey yo The Avengers yes the the real life Avengers are

Here I want to I want I want to go one your Monument I want to do dangerous stuff that I definitely won’t be able to complete I want to make a boat I’m making a boat I don’t have any wood I’m getting wood now I’m too lazy I’m going

Back inside now I I need to get wood that’s the point of the game Birch boat something seriously wrong with me I’m a boat use an axe idiot we have a iron axe in the chest who bed up my house breaking the star down n man you get wa see in the first

Chest iron ax oh neite V God to be honest I think we made your chat more entertained oh you should see one of the other streams I did I I now have a permanent phobia of toasters and you’re not going and you’re not allowed to know why

But let me he just jumped after the B let’s go exploring right let’s just take a look around and see what the world has to offer start we have the local jellyfish it has to offer apparently jellyfish which I hate I like the jellyfish I hate the jellyfish why do

You you just want to kill Everything I I want to I want to get uh do you you don’t I’d like to see you try do you see my live chat right now yeah okay we have sheep we’ve got you nothing’s really happening right now this is just it’s just what is this Riv back to

Base I need bares I see a dog okay I have bones I have bones to back please tell me there two dogs so we can both get a dog wait where’ the dog go what what the dog doing that’s not a dog beat it up I

Saw it kill the I saw it kill the Sheep it’s killing the Sheep where is it I thought you killed the dog for a second only had a heart attack where’d he go is that him I think that’s him is it him doggy that’s not a doggy that’s a actual

Doggy no there’s seriously a dog here like it’s not even a wolf it’s a straight up dog get over here sir sir where are you have you flatlined yeah definitely okay I see you where are you I’m here look come with me come here come here look we can’t T that

[ __ ] where the actual I swear it was an actual wolf that I saw we need an actual wolf idiot I saw an actual wolf you you have slaughtered an innocent animal I swear I saw an actual wolf that is table yeah he killed the dog yeah chat he indeed killed the

Dog I swear I saw a working wolf like this one works a walking wolf also if we do get a dog it’s going to need a name oh Pig I know exactly what to name it oh jeez I know exactly what to name my dog when I get a dog what I’m not

Revealing it unless I get a dog yeah second I want a dog badly wait was that one goat stop looking like a wolf your geography teacher went to prison in interesting also I just read what do said and I’m really concerned oh we just randomly found each

Other also a little conc I can see my house from here my God these buzzers what bers go it’s a rat ow oh fun die you’re dead now such a shame Well’s letting a rat boss him around I killed the rat I am on half a heart right

Now where are you I’m trying to catch up to you I’m trying so hard to just killing up I’m just killing goat oh you that that implies it succeeded no behind you yes idiot you you just went past me I know I saw you and then run because for the bo wait

What we’re home where’s my boat we don’t care about wait my boat wait wait wait question this didn’t we come from that uh you just killed me In Cold Blood I did it me too just sliced my neck open I’ll be taking all my I miss go like

Isn’t that where we came from and the ball just also it was a barn that killed me so I got hit over the head with a barn and just Flatline I can’t tell if that’s better or worse I want a pet I want a pet that I

Can call my own and genuinely form an attachment with I want to form an attachment with a Minecraft d because I’m terrible at making attachments in real life and I want a don’t you have a duck that’s that’s your duck you w the te it’s no one because isn’t way the you w

Richard you on Richard Richard the duck kill it my God you you need to stop killing dogs you’re going to get put on some kind of danger list now I’m pretty sure it’s a dog we have a higher chance of finding a dog right now judging by this

Forest that’s not a dog that’s not a puppy that’s a that’s a cow with red eyes that’s an aggressive one dang you’re getting TR down come on bring it on what ah ghost ah ghost it’s a scary ghost oh berry bushes I’m you’re going to propose my friend in the chat just say

He’s going to propose what the to who you’re getting married hey I know that’s you with an invisibility potion I remember you getting it that’s a skeleton hello another duck jeez okay I’m going crazy I just had a gas the over world I just heard a gast in the over World

Spider a pet what the in come on I’ll low him into my home and I’ll trap him you can yeah I want a spider I’ll come on I’m liter just leading spider to my house it’s probably going to eat me no come on uh yeah they’re friendly during

The daytime though be easier to trap them I hear thund zombies let me get at the house before I get I haven’t even got scried by lightning yet playe Zeus I really want to see the nether I don’t want to spend edges getting a p oh I could make a another portal for

You I wish to go to the nether I wish see oh no they’re near the house aren’t they Yep they’re near they’re going for the house Zeus is going for the house oh that’s that’s a collective group of them kill them get this is all out wall this is our

House killed him yay baby zombies inside I see the baby just running after you wait oh hard it can break doors no no Richard no no Richard Richard no Richard Richard we lost Richard he was the son that we never had despite him being on by you and not

Me he still f i was his weird Uncle I was Richard’s weird uncle on a miss him I’m not going to beat this zombie to death with the next out of Rage uh not much actually drift’s gotten a lot better but uh the pet the Minecraft pet died Richard’s dead

We’ll make when we get enough supplies we’ll make a proper grave for him I’m going to go get my Cobblestone I’m trying to mour the pet I’m I’m I’m going to you I’m going to get over here no no no I’m going to make sure it hits him in the

Head me that lasts as long as it could right give me the give me the Cobblestone give me it give me it Richard will not be forgotten fly high Richard get hit with a bone bone PVP you see how easy it is I’m life yes life is easy except when you have electric

Zombies how about those maggots yeah what about the maggots ah let’s find some more and bur the forest someone said Richard was from Switzerland what the [ __ ] no he wasn’t we got him from Switzerland we got him from Switzer we we found him wandering the streets in Switzerland like a dib so we

Adoped he was making a big rocket in swier he was terrorizing the city like he was he was bombing the place what hi there sir no well I’m an idiot I forgot I looked at an end no oh dude getting killed by a mob that can’t even walk in water Mr Ender

No wa I got you right where I want you he you idiot get in water this is cool fighting Eng is fun got him oh God how did that tree get on fire I lit it on fire why did you light the tree on fire we’re lighting

The whole Forest on fire no we need the wood I don’t care this is awesome it’s CED already chat stop saying we need to St oh God there’s more electrical zombies go away Zeus i’ heard about the weird stuff you get up to in the city of Olympus

We Didn’t Start the Fire it was always burning cuz the wood been turning oh my god what have you done more Uh help it’s going for the grave n should we oh oh that guy Richard will be forever in our hearts with his crazy pacifist uncle and his Forest arist father you’re an arsonist you burnt down the forest the accent even I didn’t know actually kind look better now Richard was our

Minecraft duck that was freaking murdered by his own father it was I did it oh hey check it out what zombie dropped it it dropped two you can have the other one oh why he Dro two I don’t know it like Fus ins side of his head though drown zombies are

Weird stop trying to summon the lorax stop trying to summon the LX Ash is trying to summon the lorax by telling him how to get taller what the Yeah we actually are friends with a guy called The Lorax we’re not that’s not even a joke bro he should be coming here

Because I bought all the trees yeah he uh he after the events of The Lorax movie he went and fought God let me guess he failed no he actually beat God he beat multiple gods don’t kill that cow let me talk to him first get Mr Cow hi cow I’m Mr Cow he’s

Hing me the face I was going to make that my new pet oh why didn’t you say anything oh look it’s way ax you have been I want to ask you a question why is it waining though that’s boring my God what do you mean it’s boring it’s

Rain it’s not trying to be anything just rain oh my God there’s freaking wood in the sky why are you laughing why are you laughing at that sky is gr like my miserable Dark Soul you don’t have a miserable Dark Soul my soul’s D but you’re

Lying no no stop good say I have a pack in I’m going to send you all the things I see in the sky what freaking texture pack are you using I am scared ooh hello there Mr oh wow I got an ender pearl I’m serving

That how are you wear get it I killed the end remember there’s another duck do you have do you still the leash um yeah can we bring this one home yeah one second there’s why where the duck go okay he’s here let’s bring him

Home I know I I want to give it I I want to name this one cuz I found him I’m going to name you you right right let’s bring him on and I’ll tell you the name this is the name I was going to give the wolf but I feel like

It fits a duck better the least he doesn’t seem to be cooperating no come come here come here little guy come on leash hovering above you uh could you go kill the electro zombie that’s right in our path it’s like one of those quests in games it’s it’s you you’re doing we’re

Doing an escort Quest God our goal is to protect the duck oh no quick it’s in Rain he’s more powerful there’s a villager over there PR sure that’s I got a full durability iron shovel from that guy wow um that that d uh you know that villager yes he kind of

Teleported what’s wrong with this world I don’t know is Villa here it’s v l LR oh that not V or the or the blood villager any other Infamous Minecraft creepy posters okay anyway you ready to no you ready to know I’ve named this guy I du the [Applause]

Maurice oh Maurice isn’t it a perfect name Maurice you know what I say to that don’t you dare don’t I spent a lot of time on this house no my floor what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing with that what are you doing with the

Axe buddy what are you doing with the axe what do you do you think you’re doing are you going to burn that was my lava bucket and now it turn to water bucket not mise it’s Maurice spelled like that Maurice Mor Maurice my man Mo I no Maurice St inside it’s dangerous out

There no it isn’t you can go out I’ll uh he wants room to move around so what I’m actually going to do is uh put this here that way he can like move around the room but he could swim when he was over here all right in that c Mar’s Swimming Hall

Wait that might get outside let me do that for you and just to even it out flip you drown You suck drowned you suck did I just apparently they don’t they beat you he nicked my he’s got my shield he’s got my shield he’s got my shield okay I got the hole covered up oh my God he’s got my freaking golden helmet as well give me my stuff back

Thank you very much you as well you can die copper no one likes copper copper Usess not really what can you do with copper also okay where’s the bucket okay there we go let go get a bit more water to yeah to get rid of the current all right he’s got a little player pen wait wait I think we should make this

Bigger no no let’s make a whole separate house for Maurice n that that’s boring there we go see police there’s your water pit let me see his water pit you better not just made the house okay that’s a fair size lock him in a pen what

The we’re not going to put him in a pen who would do something like that maybe the arsonist did you kill a wondering TR baby stop killing them I want to befriend them oh look a lead right what I’m going to do now is I’m make going to make us a

Farm I need I need my axe okay I let it down the series business it time the mine for diamonds [ __ ] all right you try find a cave and I can teleport to you remember and I will get on building a farm and a mine I found one that

Quickly yeah what peel back you want to see where it is uh sure just got a look behind you I see a birch tree well I see zombies that are getting shot by lightning oh God the Zeus zombies are here stop striking lightning everywhere come here come here come here come

Y I’m I’m starting to think people should be glad that I make them do tasks when they join the survival worlds over here we’re not finding diamonds in there it’s we it’s like a it’s tiny right let me just go no that come here no come here come here come here

Look it’s that tiny end you seek watch oh okay I see it yep that’s a cave I see the cave right let me just uh take it mine let’s go my iron axe broke oh God The Lorax is here lorox my my C my C man burned down

The trees I also watched your movie today no locks don’t die no Lo he literally just said Flatline in chat he just died in chat Lorax look look at the forest Lorax this is what happens when you’re not here oh great everyone’s flatlining oh my God he’s actually he’s

Actually going in the little little little Pond oh my God Maurice’s Best Buy Nice I wish we had cords in this joint did you moot you mic no I’m just punching dirt dirt why are you punching dirt to fill the ah I’m beating that guy to death I’m going to go over that and I’m going to personally beat him to a p you fish mhm

I will use my fist the idiot didn’t even grab my weapon is he stupid was it a Zeus zombie regular zombie oh and that pretty stupid if it was a Zeus then we don’t know if they can that’s a Zeus zombie though lava creeper oh get inside get inside get

Inside get inside get inside get inside get inside okay the lava creeper doesn’t see me I’m getting a lot of iron what was I doing okay I was yeah I was filling that landfill but they’re right there get out of the landfil that creeper is only going to make it freaking

Bigger I’m fighting my life like a freaking Doom Slayer out here my God there’s more coming they’re everywhere leave me alone you parasites no the zombies God you parasites they’re not leaving me alone hey you want to know the good news what’s the good

News I might be able to get us full iron armor thank the Lord that’s a creeper creeper I am fixing what you destroyed actually come over here the only one really making me I’m actually going to kill someone if you don’t come up here and help me I am surrounded lava

Creeper as [ __ ] you being attacked cuz I’ve resed to using a wooden pickaxe to fight cuz all my other weapons broke because how much I’ve been fighting oh they just explode fire yeah when they explode fire expl Electro oh freaking okay we know the name we know the name yeah I’ll just

Call him massive pain in the rear go I swear there’s like three of them you’re not helping me you’re sitting in a mine living a happy life helping us by getting us armor get the armor quicker I have nothing to fight with because I don’t have resources because you haven’t

Gotten anything because I’m busy fighting off mobs like a doom Slayer I thought got mobs too calm down yeah are you just fighting off mobs cuz that’s all I’m I have to do because that’s all I can do because they’re freaking everywhere blow up and kill these douchebags

Please just go hide inside your home I have I have to fix the Pooles I see that you made no that the Creeper’s made that’s another zombie isn’t it yeah it is yeah I’m not even going to fight him I’m just going to ignore him just going to circle around

Him you son of a what happen no the Creeper’s trying to blow up the hole I’m fixing oh that seems normal oh is it for the GR wave they’re trying to blow up the grave yeah what the can you come up here the ghost is attacking yeah they’re flying zombies

Basically off with this egg I’m going to CH this egg okay I’m four oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ the duck egg the duck laid an egg and I threw it at a skeleton and a chicken came out uh wait du spawn chickens Apparently and we got a chicken a duck what do you guys want I’m fighting for my life chat just started spamming my name again there you are you parasite get over here was that an enchanted helmet if you’re going to come blow something up come blow this come

On okay I just need two more iron ghost please leave me alone oh oh the lock just evaporated also congratulations no well I’m playing with entity why do I have to keep answering this to everyone no one knows who you are for some reason uh I kind of fell and lost

Everything yeah because two ghosts would not going be out my bridge we need more tools I’m going to go back down there thank you uh half for heart hey bro you want to play some cubecraft I don’t not know what cubecraft is but I want to finish this

Place wait what hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up wait a second here you don’t know what cubecraft is Minecraft rip off sounds like a oh it’s a Minecraft server I don’t have servers I told you I don’t have crossplay hey the L movie will become real in

2050 that’s a scary he’s scary because he’s right oh I found the cave I found the cave oh I get back my stuff I got my my stuff okay so I got myu back and oh so now I just need to get two more iron and then I’m out of here

Guys I’m not holding the controller right now just a test of what I have to go through is that a oh it’s a thought that was a maggot for a second I need to sit down oh my God oh my God I’m getting the big crumps that was why you good no the

Freaking I need to sleep in Minecraft I’m going to bed you open the door shut the door what do you mean oh my goodness that was so stressful okay I got enough iron get out of the cave yep yep yep that’s my objective Al this is the cave that you went

In I could teleport you up here oh would did that be cheating I am too tired to care sure I guess it’s it’s your option do you wish to cheat sure show me the iron show them what you got yes so much oh wow oh oh full iron armor for both of

Us that should be enough 24 for each on a set oh my God look there’s another baby chicken from an egg he’s giv birth to another baby chicken you should Dr him oh the chicken went out why is there two baby chickens out here they’re chilling in the water they’re dcks

Now oh my cat came up here do you have any wood oh wood you want some wood don’t you boom well you see if you get a lava but what lava don’t burn a single thing down no I’m going to show you something don’t burn anything it’s not going to be

Burning it’s not going to be burning please smelt faster I know how to smelt it faster in without having to worry about fuel and and it involves lava my god there there’s another baby chicken do I make a chest plate sure first have enough for everyone to get full iron

Armor I told you that so it doesn’t matter who goes first I got a shirt goodbye Takia got that shoot shoes the silver Yeezys so where are you right now I’m going to come back I was in the cave looking for some lava you tend out hold lava into

Obsidian yeah I’m going to do something very different with this one and also why is there a dog right here oh my God stretching felt really good the world’s looking good hey get that wood out of the furnace why I got a better sauce it’s burning the

Bucket n it’s actually burning the lava that I put in there so it’s it’s it’s going to take a solid 12 hours maybe to run out so we have boots now right yep so we need another chest plate helmet by where do you like my animal pen so we can breed

Animals what we need to breed the animals boid the animals just steal that meat yes Mo that’s hey you come here you’ve been selected for the next beding of animals yeah I said you you you go go go got a shirt for you oh I almost I think that I’m going to get Mur tonight right you guard the the base I will get us armor oh hello

Zombie this is two people in Modded Survival as you can see we got pet duck his name’s Maurice this is two people you need a helmet right yep dropped it for you get get past it fine I wait the [ __ ] W oh yep that works I’m trying to not let the zombies

Get in here because they can break down doors are you allowing viewers to join yes but they have to have voice chat and PS4 uh uh bro bro whoa whoa so we have zombies in a MMA creeper yeah I don’t have crossb oh it does nothing in

Water I think that I’m going to get mured tonight I don’t know how unlucky you are getting with these Electro creepers but they’re not striking me with lightning oh then elri you fail uh accordingly you need pants right pants Oh egg yeah I need pants huh oh that was you thought were a

Skeleton the doors are closed man you have anxiety protection four golden boots yeah I found those hey I also found a projectile protection three leather C it’s kind of crazy how we have netherite and we haven’t even been to the Nether and we haven’t got diamonds it’s the maggots yeah

No mind I have full armor oh God it’s a child kill the child Wich I see that I’m going to get Mur tonight you baby he’s a baby oh that was one shot hey you just hit me you got to Shop playing with big Goku I see you there’s a baby one get

L that just look the it don’t have a big head he’s fire resistance we’re so Dad it’s all out war against the zombies Sorry zombie villagers but you have to die no hard feelings Richard oh

This video, titled ‘LOBSTERCRAFT EPISODE 2! MODDED MINECRAFT SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by BlueLobsterShow on 2023-11-09 06:06:22. It has garnered 113 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:23 or 5483 seconds.

consistency? never heard of it. my uploads are random, and I upload whatever I want. I also do strems and work on smehverse and MDAWFA

fly High coral 🕊️

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heavenly Gaming Experience!

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  • Backrooms in Minecraft?! 😱

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  • Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack

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  • INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!

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  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

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  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

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  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

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  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

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  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

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  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

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  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

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  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

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  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

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    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More