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Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Thank you I’m here Delight everybody in this life you’re probably going crap on tournaments ah because it’s kind of crazy we got that 22 kill game last night yesterday yeah whenever you guys need a board I’ll try to get them I don’t know I’m learning here this time

I get out of school like before five o’clock yeah I get home at four okay David I’m gonna land up here it’s because it’s like I got practice after school and we got to test it I just started High School [ __ ] for me you can land here why 24. that

Oh my God I’m literally almost dead here’s your flop for you wait I missed I got flops I got flops there’s slurps in here do I get black pump I mean purple splashers oh [ __ ] come in here there’s slurps I’m gonna put an egg here [ __ ] him I got flops

You guys can promise thank you so much okay let me do that yo we got killed one of the squad they’re still three more yeah I think they’re I think they got the thing in the middle it claimed yeah but we wasn’t in the range to get marked so we’re okay

Get down there okay down there solo 17. teammates back 30. I’m eating pizza 17 cracked scratcher he’s almost dead finish wait do you have any SMGs all right yeah oh yeah we gotta get the that what is that new gun called I want that new gun the sticky yeah

The one that gives me raw camera so give me it so I can try to get it for that thing is so overpowering I know yeah it’s like the best uh C4 is also really good all right I think I think they’re really good at really good they break those so fast

Where are they bro I’m scared these kids must be hiding really well they’re they’re sniping one of them is yeah that’s why I’m scared oh how much energy do you have 92. can you give me some I’m only carrying shotgun and SMG whatever I’m gonna bounce my gun the Iron’s behind all right

On this roof on this roof yep he’s right he’s running cracked dirty cracked he’s like no HP salty yeah I’m going out I’m taking this right okay all right oh my gosh four people coming in where’d he go do I hear a car thank you guys are here under me

Freshfields in that building I saw a kid I saw a kid throw it over there oh I know at least he’s on the roof he’s on the roof 30 47 47 47. you got it you got him teammate there’s people under oh my God I’m actually so bad

This these are these are theirs um don’t sorry I’m not just so bad oh God oh my God my sticky launchers super low on me foreign I’ll help you um I’m popping on Medicare right now okay no way those kids rebooted behind us look [ __ ] it how many is there two bro but

I’m almost dead right there right there 24 white guys I’m about to die instead Oh my God I gotta make it no I’m gonna die guys I have a med kit on me though don’t know okay bring it right here oh there’s still a kid a lot foreign I’m okay okay he just he got the heels he’s getting heels nice nice get the cards get the madness

Get the cards in them but you can just reboot on this you can just reboot yeah bro I’m not finished well if I didn’t if I had a spider look on page right now yeah I got a med kit like ripe you can have it

Like I got a Medicare as soon as I died We could distribute here oh there’s rainbow over here my fault it’s good it’s good you just drop everybody yeah there’s still a can there too all right we can all go here all right but I know I know and then we’ll find a car or a bike

Motorcycle for the zipline saved me bro that’s the only reason why I killed all right where is that all right we got 180 minutes and we got 25 systems salty no you take it both of us come here take it come take it oh David I need ammo

What a shotgun why’d you oh my good yeah last night yeah we should get it let’s go let’s go I’ve killed okay yeah I guess we’re terrible so exactly like just take it bro yeah let’s go I got I got I got grenade launcher I got grenade launcher wait oh

You like I have ammo4 I have four ammo for you no no no no you have it you have it come here I have like 40 minutes yo let’s go get that cash all right are y’all okay all right man I’m wearing the car show we’re different

So we should honestly go for that cash it’s like you’re not gonna run it’s too far yo Slow Down slow down let me get in shut up Yo which yo that’s what’s going on boys what is this don’t take that don’t take that don’t take that let me hop in okay

He’s popping a med case I got you Dakota I was going to use this when we get out but sorry let’s go wait there’s a kid healing yo guys I just heard a few feelings but I’m telling you about my internet I guess like about zero pink now because

Of it like it’s insane I play good now okay don’t drop me shopping anymore I don’t have any I have I don’t have any problems someone’s shock waving near me yeah right here right there right there I’m getting up I’m getting up okay we’re in storms are you doing

Yo I’m crazy right crazy station bro all right let’s go so much siphon there’s a kid healing in here get the trucks check the bush there’s a fight going on right over here yep cracked one crackers ready dead rock your room over there over there but this kid was stacked

Did he have any shotgun ammo no there’s a stick I’ll take that yo yo yo right here right here ready I might have been I’m not an ammo oh [ __ ] reboot that’s all me all right go we gotta get out of here oh I’m dead sorry we got equals

[ __ ] I’m never dead yet I’m behind he wouldn’t let me shoot myself where’d this kid come from no I’m dead oh my God no way there’s the kid right behind me she knows I was gonna get out of Zone someone um there’s one on the other side of the tree Dakota

Of course not I’m tricky all right pop me do I know holy crap oh I’m in shambles Like bad yeah that’s horrible your Loadout was pretty good I need that the chest because I have a big apartment good not taking trips here I’ll take a chance to get beamed huh go get them check if you have on the go I don’t have uh yo you took uh you’re getting pushed

I bet you didn’t you didn’t come here chat do they know no yeah they’re bad bro bro CK kills we went up so we didn’t go down that’s all that matters so she don’t go down yet thank you Santa J Macintosh for subscribing service us playing all right what was the skin everyone

Used to wear when we all used to play soccer skin they all used to wear no suction I remember when when me is oh yeah it’d be the Skinner siren or superhero I am I’m about to go don’t win the game yeah I’m running a siren all right I’m not doing Milk Man

Anybody want to run siren with me sure sure let me skin everyone used to use what remember this the skin he used to use all the time which one was it it was like the one with the mask oh yeah I have the pajama skin yeah I have that skin as well

Uh bro put it back on siren shut the [ __ ] out what pickaxe what pickaxe I’m running star wand wait really I have so much delay actually yo chat let me check out my drone I think it’s stolen this we can be good because I got four kills okay

We’re already at 700. you should say bro yo I wasn’t expecting that no way and I stopped posting for so long yo we’re almost so we’re so close to a thousand oh my God it’s actually crazy yeah my screen’s gonna be getting into our cue into a game or like loading screen

So I’m gonna stream snipe I’m Barbie online How to put sub count but I forgot how to do that monkey a dick all right I swear I feel like mom who’s at my house huh Yo why is the fncs BattleBots okay I’m gonna get caught in the military game Yeah crazy Andy basic Andy and face rug 9889 Turtle spider we’re left over back here honestly come in let’s go yeah come here someone land back here with me do I land here with David hi there blue con David I can’t come out right now I’m in the middle of a game

Yes please Thank you Grandma yeah we gotta push we gotta push what’s better uh adventuring or Maven oh okay all right he’s one David he’s one he’s one behind you help I’m gonna finish he had Minis it’s just one I think dead yes I got I got let’s go come here come here

Come here come here I need to get the minis oh my God here it is and I’ve splash I Splash you can probably take that too all right let me pop this book Someone pop that fluffy a float stop that I’m making all I could splash good yeah oh my 95.

It’s almost solo huh okay put you on the Ruby I got one yeah yeah thank you you’re the best because I’ve cracked them I would have been dead we’re not pushing friends here I know but I’m just saying slow down because honestly let’s go pop that thing in the middle because if all

Four of us are in there will pop in like two seconds it takes like 15 seconds to pop and everyone’s in there nice shot tickets here let’s keep going damn it claim yourself bro I don’t get how that kid lost set off Flashlight is there a shotgun that was me okay I dropped the Green Space though this big stairs don’t take that big oh yeah David don’t you have to hop off no I tried to eat all right Yeah yeah grandma yeah you can don’t you look right next to your grandparents now I got water maybe yeah I do but I’m in this kitchen awesome yo um Gavin oh in a little bit bro Grandpa snap he’s probably [ __ ] his grandma oh my grandpa’s here too yeah he’s pushing Frenzy

You watch it on this one I don’t have nothing except I have 33 smgmo and 10 shotgun okay you’re welcome I love you there’s some watermelon in there if you want some watermelon oh you must stick is so good oh my God your two kids not yo I have flowers I knocked one

What is The Shield break your amp it cracks Shield oh [ __ ] yeah buddy all right you’re dead charged that you did the missing charge bro you wanna like I’m good with it here I’ll drop it here where are you I want it this Blue’s fast everything y’all knocks everything

Oh there’s Crown soon don’t pick up crowns got a hammer I had the to the wall oh that’s not good you what the why is your mad Loop everywhere no I just found it yeah Um splashes have it oh bro I like how we just wiped those kids you wiped them no I don’t know how they yo they fixed the cartilage right oh yeah like the momentum yeah how much grenade wait does anybody have the rocket thing no okay someone break this wall

Bro I’m such a bad driver where are we going I mean our Bounty is over here Still going put going for it oh you like oh I got the thing for the ammo for those rocket launchers we have Maximo I have max ammo um is it mad hard to find or something not really one thing llama llama llama oh we don’t need them yeah wait the Chug chugs okay

Huh for JK do you have shops I’m waiting on this Raptor sir yo there’s the the dude thing right here we can get too don’t call me coming huh anybody want to hear that is it oh is it still in the game I’ll drop my menus for it

All right yo the bounties on us we got the value oh I just picked it up I’m gonna drop on me careful because it still makes you like really vulnerable like if you say oh Rock uh right here right here yo I’m about to use it 50 crack 30. oh my God

Oh it’s cash complete that I killed one I killed one but it was an AFK one so it doesn’t really count you just got beamed dude that’s another one I’m going to third inbox track yo he’s so low I was just gonna go one by one box oh no oh no DVD wrist

There’s a whole other team here no you’re not so nice bro there’s a whole nother team here bro I’m getting out yo or could you like push because I have to go back on my reach out real quick I’m not even sure hey oh my God it’s all right we got third third

Um again all right I’m 17 I’m three all right I’ll see you guys later peace no we’re actually so good we got seven kills like now we got eight um all right all right let’s see um yeah screenshot real quick oh hello Right here okay yeah to um streamers go to settings um it should be in a video common FPS value he only goes up to 60. uh wait switch the FPS time I’ll switch it to uh integer and then you can make it whatever you want it’s

Like 120 or 90. five because 120 is gonna like 90 is good too because it doesn’t lag as much all right more to fortnite right now because I don’t know yeah so I’m gonna play something else yeah I don’t know what to play hold up you’re gonna play like bad boys

Or something because I’ll run on Minecraft real quick no Minecraft bed was bro I launched 1.20 oh my computer is catching on fire oh boy Luna A4 1.8 at least I swear every time every time hit leader again I I haven’t used feather in two months brother is terrible I ain’t even funny

Cap why playing fortnite with friends tags ignore description With this fortnite I thought it was all right please tell me this isn’t 1.20 that would suck a build battle I I’m not how do I do this again how do I do this again Minecraft thing on my stream alright Stars fan all right oh I can’t play Ronnie do you

Not have a second monitor no no I’m gonna get one I don’t have one right now because I need I don’t have space oh fair enough yo where how do I do this okay hold on captions specific one that way click to capture specific window oh yeah you’re fine seven

Uh what’s up this so I don’t lag it looks yeah sound in the engine Subs then I know I got that all in this stream I thought it fell off you got two more okay that works wait can you like move your camera around a little bit it’s harder actually see if

If you wagonal oh yeah you’re good is your username the same oh it’s G500 are you just parked uh partner play this game oh I won game mode any all right better boys doubles quill what are these maps on this map no I haven’t played Minecraft in so long oh it’s this map

Uh 1.9 what is this bro I’m done yo hold on give me a second I need to move everything from my top corner yeah sure I opened the chest like there’s gonna be something in it one is really playing um SkyWars that’s what I thought this was difference anymore stop speed Bridge Almost home I’m gonna jump off what’s my keyboard okay I forgot my keybinds we don’t talk about that never happened Ronnie yeah I was a warm-up Trust I don’t want to stream the monetize my occupying tables a little bit absolutely I had an OptiFine cape on that was um wait

Is it what is it no it’s like um starry night that’s okay okay good because um I had it um some questionable things on my off the phone case all Vape Vape client I have the Vape um I have a I had a vape on my uh I was like today

No I don’t it’s one bit before oh you get it for free you bought it I have my account I’m just not use it whenever you bought it you use it um it’s expressed don’t die killed everybody ready did you kill did you actually kill him

Oh no his teammates coming I knocked him in the void wait how is he still alive I didn’t get the kill did I you did you see me yeah motion blur off this morning bro hahaha knock knock knock on my on my um on my body what

Not one notch one track yeah give me a sec oh if I die again I need a box up that’s how I’m going to jump off no I’ll be right back oh no Daddy you do not want to give me that job oh gosh that email please don’t tell me that Please don’t rush me please I could solo and you Gotti blue anybody glue to save me from my miserable fate no way I can’t vlog okay um pink I’ll be no shot why are people rushing this is cringe stop rushing Bozo absolute Bozo you don’t even have TNT do you you don’t

Even have TNT what are you doing if you have TNT in one of God foreign Ever ready man that’s one good Minecraft player hello I’m back ready um you’re gonna rejoin because you got kicked really enacted ah invite me let’s do slash rejoin do slash rejoin Maddie blow and isn’t that difficult thank you yes you died because you got cake do we still have a bed

Yeah I’m gonna 1v2 yo my w benefits saved the day no it didn’t I’m gonna actually have been defense in quotation marks It’s Gonna Get Us killed Look what was that stunt you’re like a monkey jumping off Vines you know did you watch what you do yesterday no I haven’t are you extreme yeah I came back yesterday oh oh shoot are you monkey oh is that what you want Luna plant I was apparently I am

I think it’s like when it’s it’s open in the background without my consent without his concerned of course I’ve got three times bro no shot this kid makes me Gap again do you need my assistance aka the best Minecraft players assistance Funny joke right so one time one time okay Daddy we gotta Rush Aqua we gotta watch our car because I just got my message sorry um no no I like making noise kill them ready kill them ready kill them guys Ronnie Blue carry it’s it’s the penguin

Kid the paper the penguin for it yeah we’re crazy exactly um Yes of course my child which kids were definitely enjoy I am a good Minecraft player I haha funny joke rowdy thank you I’m a quiet I’m quite a comedian yes I don’t want to talk about it oh I could never fall into the void let me see my voice oh it’s ice versus blue yeah that is irrelevant look what if it happens oh yeah I know Ninja’s gonna do so much in Minecraft yeah yeah come on there okay that’s how you

Know he isn’t as good as wait what’s mine okay do they still do Minecraft everyone was in Minecraft what was that name wait then what was that one thing that was like grizzling creepers or whatever like green creepers or purple parrots mcci mcci MCM Minecraft Champion MCC oy yes there you know

Patty Blue’s learning his first two words as we speak TGs They’re trying to get that bad but rather than oh yeah blue is stacked guys I’m gonna make a Minecraft mod showcase by the way Anthony M is that you yo you need no DanTDM’s dog God yeah dog I thought you died the fall members I looked over my shoulder and I see

Maddie blue falling from my high points and I was like I got a new sword I got a new source voice one we’re ready I didn’t yellow I have a stream open on my second moment you’re a real friend I am a real friend you are I’m extreme either though

I was lying I was lying I’m just kidding oh yo I had jokes I’m funny right yes I’m going to push blue don’t die no no shot blue eyes blue eyes on me blue zombie no shot well I’m calling you right now blue has all be they’ve been grinding in uh midsummer

Do I have an iron sword but you understand the sword um what was that white baseball why do you think I can take him uh iron foreign I got iron leggings why do they call it oh I’ve been going to a basically going to our base they’re going to our baseboard

Not anymore invis void I’m going here bro I had all this iron gear I’m trying on board Okay no my bed’s gone I got hit by a ghost I don’t even talk about it I got hit by a ghost he’s hacking bro he’s attacking me out he’s hacking he went invisible let’s play some build battle after uh get uh stinky Boone in here oh my

Fortnite’s almost done I’ll put updating let’s go can we play fortnite Minecraft okay what do you want to play buddy there must have been a little by my side something happens Ah enjoying BC I’m sending his home address in your chat calm down streaming go in the car we’re playing Minecraft can you get on you will Can you at least call on Discord got it he feels like someone took his booty cheeks oh no it was probably me oh welcome we did not talk about what I said before we joined the BC rally yeah diabetic Association I’m just kidding Boone oh no yesterday

I’m going for yellow because I’m I’m a Savage not even going to scream is taking down now Huh dude actual accidental usage of something that I shouldn’t Chase Chase science coming dumbass I’ll screen check for Isaac I’ll screenshot by Isaac Isaac good no but wait did Van Gogh get resed out again then cord I don’t have it installed for some reason yeah I got reset no wait they fixed the

Um they did is it good now no it doesn’t work like Discord fixed that so it doesn’t work anymore somebody just freaking killed me already I got you fam silly joke and he killed me with a sharp Island swords I want to give that another tech game

Just to watch a dude Chicago mini bottle of Fireball what bro I love you more than likely Fireball ask these so many people Daddy I guarantee you it’s like somewhere to say cigarettes huh I may or may not see my dad show s oh yeah then they killed he was a general

Attacking yeah so we’ll stay there now you’re bad because you’re hacking you know what I’m going Chase Chase blue dark blue alert I got it calm down oh it’s of course it’s a fool on Adrian I say has a formula IGN um you can can you just like kind of

Defend for a second oh my God um make sure they don’t get that bad I’ll look inside Chase I have an emulator I don’t know what that means you can run old like games that aren’t on like Steam and stuff like on controller and stuff I have it set up

For NCAA football teams congrats if the way I got the game was pirating but um you’re saying people just frown off opponent yeah people not people like pirate freaking um very bad videos off the internet I think it’s fine like what type of very bad videos oh simplistic sister girlfriend yeah simplistic skills But I want these kids the diamonds because I know they have it I almost stopping An Angel by myself I know all my power went out you’re so bad that you’re hacking chat what do we say about this way ready I thought you kill them huh

I bet you killed both greens because I I got freaking annoying you know what I’m talking Sarah I actually could sweat I thought you killed one of them I thought you killed one of them so I could actually go in and get very bad no I hate one and

Then fly off but I flew off somehow that’s just called reach blue I’ll have to okay so I’ll have to show you a picture of it oh like what the mod looks like I probably should also eventually yeah please please get him please get him

Ronnie he’s hacking no no yeah I know he is but at least oh my God oh my dog over shoes he’s just really laggy oh yeah he’s very laggy his KV is nothing he’s in the olive looking or very laggy reported oh my God no shot no shot both of them

Are in my base I want someone to murder me battle um real quick no don’t don’t uh don’t say anything bad I’ve been all right wait hold on no wait let’s play um murder mystery I spent it with my Robux we should play Arsenal I don’t know yo still let’s go it’s still the right way and I think now I thought you couldn’t play Minecraft because your um ears were hurting but now you’re playing the NCAA yeah but I haven’t emulated guy

You’ve got to be kidding me that that glitch is still there hey I’m just not gonna worry about it let me eat hey you you wouldn’t murder me right Steve it’s Steve I’m Steve with the bucket yeah oh is that Iowa is that Iowa uh iPhone why was

Oh he just shot a knife see if you don’t have to do this that never happened manually change five percent once again by the way if you don’t believe me I don’t care if you look at mine I’m not looking at yours though I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack

Truck I’m not the murderer the day finally put did they did the field fix and the scoreboard fix this time huh no I’m talking about NCAA actually you girl I’m gonna go I’m gonna go rise up this eat kitten yeah you’re a hog rider have you seen your emergency history I don’t know

You’re good foreign the closest person to my body is this Steve it might be the gold dude Chase about it who’s the murderer he was the murderer I don’t know yeah I want someone to take a bow and put it put the area through my face this kid’s just camping he he’s

Reversed Steve did I miss one English today yeah with a heap of notes why are we done and we started something new it’s like um and we have to start like a pot thingy yeah it’s so freaking annoying nothing that much though it’s pretty minor I swear to God I might kill myself

And I was gonna be around I don’t think you can talk about that anymore I’m gonna duel you how anyone okay okay okay It is very upset Trice all right I was gonna say Tracy crazy antraf as I said treat so bad like watch this ready I’m running all right I’m ready for you to get absolutely ambulated yes yes we need real quick yeah wait I could say something in a

Certain way that sounds like something but it’s nice awarding Korean oh yeah I know what it is it’s you it’s you it’s you in Korean and now you understand I’ve been before open sorry I don’t know I don’t have any other path you’re fair enough trash he hasn’t even um

Yes it’s now my texture pack I made it okay yeah how do you copy about it incredible huh watches I’m gonna poop on you oh you are because you have five aspects yo yo you asked me yes sorry I’m a professional so like let me let me switch packs real quick same

The new crash the new crash FD Nino netcanov.zip that’s all I gotta say I can’t I can’t use twice yeah for one’s favorite pack I’m happy man I forgot about that pack what’s going on wait are you in a game there you are I’m doing you no you’re not

We’re going to my man behind you yes I’m watching this stream you’re not right behind me I’m not even No dual ready blue for you I’m gonna SkyWars don’t know that’s Mega walls duel oh no mega moles finding you how does that work remember walls wait what how does what work Mega walls what’s a mega wall we do party games yeah party games uh I’m actually good at parties yeah me too

How did you die I bridged over and I had two spaces left so I placed down the other side of the island and I was gonna jump and I just did you not have sprints on it it was It was a wasn’t a mistake you’re adding yeah huh I’m a God rage ready

If you failed and gone babe I’m going to be so disappointed I’d even put some honest kid he is a very kid-friendly let’s get him out of here All right I hate this game let’s play some party games is not moving the mouse isn’t moving I’m dry cooking 12 CPS is that good uh yeah that was a crazy play all right Chase I think I’m a God Bridger all right whatever you say my name

And then you’re gonna pull them into your little area there’s all babies foreign the pigs are coming in your hole or aren’t coming in your hole they’re not like all I want you to want you to stick your face into my into my hole I’m comboing this pig I’m actually destroying this pig

No my big First but I oh is this the one where you have to snowball ready okay you’re drunk looking is probably gonna come in question Sorry for screaming I’m such a good God someone stole my garbage huh what is this how many Subs 361. you’re nice [ __ ] you how old are you yeah 17. okay he’s going to docs okay and he was about to say something that could have gotten you banned I did not give him another chance he’s gonna say it as soon as he joins oh this is an easy mode mother one

Here he is not going there he’s mad remember oh my God butt all right look at the internal lock oh [ __ ] you’re supposed to be doing this all right so what Brickwood let’s go wait I’m not there what I did it first you want purple Oh I suck at sniping thank you oh I’m so bad ly now it’s your chance John Clark what color is not anywhere oh yes I have zero it’s very easy I just waited for mobs I have glasses on it to spawn and then you kill them you’re not going anywhere Thank you Oh my gosh yeah wait you want to get them for it after this huh what’s that I don’t care you still get an arsenal yeah I got um I started playing Arsenal on the new account and I have like uh level 80 already I think it’s cool with the gold Leica chain saw

Did you vote for Tinker in the new RB battles that when you got like the um orb one again oh of course he didn’t Hank is a g it’s team on everybody and you give me the win no I’m just I’m this tricking the velocity okay oh God

Oh he almost called me Zach I’m gonna get on Roblox buddy yeah all right let’s get on Roblox or any blue hi guys I am ending this screen I will stream maybe later today or tomorrow

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 PLAYING MINECRAFT HYPIXEL’, was uploaded by RattyBlue on 2023-09-14 00:53:07. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:01 or 4981 seconds.

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  • Crafty Clones: Unveiling My Minecraft Twin!

    Crafty Clones: Unveiling My Minecraft Twin! In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, As our player discovers a secret untold. A twin they never knew, a connection so deep, In the virtual realm, their bond they will keep. Exploring the game, with friends by their side, On the Codeman server, where adventures abide. Deathmelody playing, ybabroyt in the mix, Their journey together, a tale of pure bliss. Join the Discord, follow on Insta too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. Stay tuned for updates, more rhymes to come, In the world of gaming, we’ll never be done. Read More

  • Legendary Minecraft Rap Song!

    Legendary Minecraft Rap Song! Minecraft Efsanesi: An Epic Minecraft Rap Song! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮🎤 Introducing our new song “Minecraft Efsanesi”! In this fun rap track, we delve into the depths of the Minecraft world, sharing our adventures with you. Join us as we mine blocks, battle creatures, and construct our own world! Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video! Share your own Minecraft stories and favorite moments in the comments. Happy gaming to everyone! Kolağası Minecraft Channel Minecraft Efsanesi Song Lyrics: Verse 1: Kazma elimde, maden peşinde, Blokları kırarım, diamond’ı bulurum derinde. Gece çöker, creeper peşinde, Fener ışığında,… Read More

  • Kira MC’s Dark Mission: Co-op Chaos!

    Kira MC's Dark Mission: Co-op Chaos! In the latest episode of Minecraft Mega SMP, Kira MC invited herself and Tinnt to see. Together they planned a dark mission to complete, With mods and challenges, their skills to compete. The mod link was shared for all to see, As they embarked on this thrilling spree. Contact email for inquiries, they did provide, For any questions or feedback, they’d be by your side. Happy viewers watched as the story unfolded, In the world of Minecraft, their adventures molded. MonsterMiner, Minecraft YouTuber in the mix, Surviving and thriving, with each new fix. SMP VN, the server they played… Read More

  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

    Briokart's Villager News Special Celebrating 100 Subscribers with VILLAGER NEWS: BREAKING NEWS! Congratulations to ‎@briokart for reaching a significant milestone of 100 subscribers on YouTube! The journey to this achievement has been filled with dedication and creativity, and the celebration is well-deserved. Let’s dive into the details of the special video that marked this exciting moment. A Fun and Engaging Video The 100 Subscriber Special video, featuring VILLAGER NEWS: BREAKING NEWS!, was a delightful production that showcased the talent and effort put in by ‎@briokart. Despite the busy schedule, the video was finally released, much to the delight of the audience. The collaboration… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror

    Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror The Unsettling Mystery of Minecraft’s Lost Alpha Videos In a bizarre turn of events, YouTube channels “F1Lcer2287,” “mcpickaxe15,” and “ihatemobs” have been reuploading eerie footage from old Minecraft versions, particularly Alpha and Beta videos. Something sinister lurks within these worlds, as viewers are introduced to a strange entity known as “000..jar” with a cryptic agenda. The Creepy Footage Viewers are taken on a chilling journey through corrupted videos that showcase anomalies never seen before in Minecraft. The distorted visuals and unsettling atmosphere hint at a deeper mystery waiting to be unraveled. The players behind these channels seem to be… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension!

    Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension! Thank you for joining us on this episode of Minecraft Encrypted Underscore. We delved into the mining dimension, crafted custom tools, and explored the world of modded questing survival with Nik and Isaac. From building a smeltery to generating lava, we tackled various challenges and set the stage for future magical adventures. Stay tuned for the next episode where we dive into the realms of magic with mixing cauldrons, mana, and artifice. Mahou Tsukai awaits us with its mystical wonders. Join us as we continue our journey through the encrypted underscore mod pack. And remember, always know your worth,… Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

    Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser Minecraft Storymode: Youtubers vs The Wither Storm Part 2 Sneak Peak 2 A Mysterious Return In the world of Minecraft, unexpected events can shake even the bravest of adventurers. The return of the Wither Storm has left our heroes in disbelief. The once-thought defeated command block seems to have a new lease on life, causing chaos and confusion among the Youtubers. A Race Against Time As the Wither Storm wreaks havoc once again, the Youtubers must band together to face this formidable foe. With time running out, they must uncover the truth behind the Wither Storm’s resurrection and find… Read More

  • Veggie Tech: Minecraft’s Auto Farm Score

    Veggie Tech: Minecraft's Auto Farm Score In Minecraft, we built a farm so grand, Automatic veggies at our command. Carrots, potatoes, wheat, all in a row, Harvesting them all, watch them grow. The farm is massive, the work is tough, But the results are worth it, that’s enough. We toiled and labored, day and night, To bring this farm to life, shining bright. Now the crops are growing, the farm is complete, A masterpiece of automation, oh so neat. So tell me, dear viewers, what do you think? Of this farm we built, in just a blink. The next episode, what should it be? More… Read More

  • Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku

    Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku Welcome to the World of Narutoto Mod! Hello everyone, Miso here to guide you through the latest update of the Narutoto mod, version 0.2.1. This update brings significant changes to the gameplay, so let’s dive right in! Choosing Your Path Upon entering the world, players now receive a book that determines their ninja clan and chakra attributes. This selection process sets the direction for your ninjutsu learning journey. With clans like Uzumaki and Uchiha, and chakra attributes including wind, lightning, water, fire, and earth, the possibilities are endless. Learning Ninjutsu The new scroll system replaces the traditional method of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic tutorial on how to build a greenhouse in Minecraft. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to showcase your farming skills and creativity – Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine having your very own greenhouse on Minewind, where you can grow all sorts of crops and show off your building prowess. With a thriving community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and collaboration, Minewind is the ultimate destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. So… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

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  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More