Real RadicalSoda – An extremely scary and very sad minecraft mod [RLCraft 01]

Video Information

Hi everybody it’s 1 00 am why don’t you do this the sims procrastination station salute uh okay listen i know i know it’s really late but i i just wanted to have a bit of a chill stream um i want to play rl crafts for a while

I try to set it up with shallow but he his computer i guess can’t really handle it so we’re just going to be doing it solo uh she’s going to be nice and chill i know this is great uh a grace a a great um a great game for for chillness

But uh we we will figure that out hang on let me just move this so i can see that easier okay uh seed for the world generator all right let’s call it uh bowser bot x pasta bake equals love oh how beautiful how quaint uh cheats of general instructors on

We’ll type default okay we should be all good gonna start off our own craft i don’t know much about it i’ve seen a couple of videos on it uh don’t know how watchable this is gonna be but i i’m excited i’m excited to get into it first radical sodastream you get to see

Life well it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a doozy it’s gonna be a real good one all right let’s get this out the way and i think i know how this works you use bandages and things to pre-stage for this tutorial okay okay uh so i’ve got the lovely shaders on everything looks

Nice uh frames are looking fine they should be at least i have to collect was there sand is i i know the first thing you have to do is collect um gravel first thing you gotta do is click gravel and and little rocks if you can and other such such things as that

Uh gravel is that gravel no that was sand okay i i need to find ground the very first thing i need to do and i can’t even find it right away all right that’s fine usually gravel hangs around i think the red guys attack at least he’s over the water that’s fine

I just got to be really really careful about what i do and where i go is that gravel that’s that ain’t gravel that ain’t gravel i gotta just find some nice well there’s some cows it’s a good food source that’ll that’ll start me off good um first things first guys some nice gravel

That’s a big fight the game looks nice so the game looks nice oh gravel there we go nice i guess an eagle just swooped overhead all right let’s grab this oh i did get some flint nice too flint wow that’s way luckier than the time i tasted it it was shallow uh

Okay so what i do with flint is that i need to smash it on some rocks and that’ll give me flint shots and then with that i can create um something i think a knife or something all right nice all right uh now i need some sticks

To create a knife with i can’t break this block but i know i can break the sand underneath that block which gives me the block eat a dick no i can’t thinking i want to plant it i don’t understand i understand game let’s read some comments here while i’ve got a

Before for that omg so to split roblox that’s it guys this is the best roblox experience right here i think those things are fine i’ve played a little bit and i’ve seen a few videos so i know the bit the beer basics that these guys are a good food source they

They’re good for you so i just need to find i think you break break bro yep there’s a stick already all right so just break branches to get sticks there we go two sticks i think that’s all i need uh and with that i can create a uh okay

All right and then with that i grab plant fibers this is the only time you have to do stupid [ __ ] like this by the way there’s flies buzzing around that’s not what i wanted in my game i plant string and then you do this you do this

And you do that and get a flint hatchet and then you chop down the tree because you can’t chop down the tree otherwise am i still working on the five nights at sonic’s video yeah yeah still working on that just um just taking a break from it at

The moment but we’ll get back to it with shallow another day and finish the script off script’s like i would say about halfway done and then we’ll make it on stream let’s cut down two trees there should be plenty i think i’ll make my house around well i guess there’s there’s no real

Reason to make my house anywhere because my spawn location is randomized if i die without a beard uh so i should probably make it near a waypoint so i should find a waypoint and then i should have found a waypoint first maybe i should kill this guy first just for some

Yeah it’s okay it’s okay i just wanna okay yeah that’s oh now there now that’s a house now that’s what i’m no that’s what i’m talking about now that’s a house oh yeah i’m oh god oh jesus that’s right i am i’m just the cheapest the mascot of cheetos that’s me okay

There’s a lot of iron down here okay this that’s a skeleton with a trumpet that was a skeleton with a trumpet hello i didn’t think i’d see this as my first enemy but hopefully he drops his trumpet and i can have it i don’t even know if there is a droppable trumpet item

Oh i got a bandage though that’s nice that’s a creeper that’s a creeper oh man and i broke my only hatchet all right that’s well as i get this coal that’s nice get some dirt i’ll take it i’ll take it here we go here’s the exit it seems there’s no more creepers

All right wow it’s very bright up here takes a while for my eyes to get adjusted i guess all right so village uh this will work i guess yeah i can do some farming i guess not i can i can i can have the villages to trade with

He looks like he’s in jail hello buddy now what was the house that was the thing i found there is an eagle somewhere around here dark aegis i don’t know what the aegis is to protect the villagers but i don’t know what a dark aegis does or

Is it a sunset aegis russet aegis oh this is the blacksmith’s house i’m sure i can get well there’s lava there at least i can have lava if i need it but yeah that’s that’s the stuff the iron dagger i’ll take those can i even use them you

Need like levels in order to use things i know no need need attack level 8 all right um well i know i can make rocks okay made a couple of cobblestone that’s enough for a cobblestone pickaxe and also a cobblestone x which i think i should probably make but

There’s probably a crafting bench somewhere there’s also lots of stuff to take in this village you know actually i should be making a i should be finding a bed of some sort and using the bed so i have a respawn point before i die from a random waypoint there we go perfect zork

Loreed zorkhlorid my my best home all right here’s a crafting table that’s nice there’s a reed i’m a theory i’m guessing is outside somewhere maybe she’s stuck on the roof but it’s got to be better out here right well hi buddy how’s it going nothing up there do not hit the villagers

Oh okay i i i thought hitting the villages may be the same with the iron golem where you can hit them once or twice but you can’t then again i don’t even know how the iron golems work oh what’s this oh well oh it’s a daylight sensor oh a redstone lamp

That’ll come in handy for my house yeah because then i could just use a i won’t even need i wouldn’t even need torches because torches go out after a while i think now that’s something over there now i’m trying to find a beard just a little beard these guys don’t have beards

Is that just not a thing in this game mode they’ve learned about the aegis check your beast area now to summon the aegis as a temporary minion you will need the summoning item i know how to make the summoning item i know i know what that is

Am i am i doing this wrong am i is this something do i miss the door on this thing doesn’t matter i’m gonna go see if i can find some sheep and but first first things first that is uh something oh there are some sheep okay nice uh so i

Just need a crafting table was there one up here no there’s a lot of wheat though i’ll take the wheat i think there’s like a button to move everything down but i can’t i guess i just can’t be bothered using it where is it here we what does this do default sorting

Sorting columns certain rows ah no don’t want to do anything with that i’ll just take all this you never know when you might need some wheat here we go this will make a nice house all right so this is going to be my house i’m going to take that crafting table i

Only need one crafting table and i’m going to create a an axe so i can go get more wood and also so i can kill these sheep if i had shears i would make the shears but i don’t have shears so i need three white sheep because you

Can’t have mixed colored sheep because minecraft is racist but that’s fine should be able to find three of the same colored sheep thank you where’s this last one sheep usually come in a pack of three usually uh hello sheep why is there fires going on over here

What is this guy doing in i know this guy’s not dangerous but why is so much lava here there’s iron and why is there ghostly spirits rising from the dead oh cause it’s soul sand that’s new okay i’ll leave them to it i guess also

In our old craft if you didn’t know you have to drink drop that because i need to drink with an empty hand i don’t know butterflies made this kind of sound all right looks like it’s starting to get night i’m just gonna have to oh there’s some [ __ ] okay

Thank you and i’ve got plenty of wood i can what what hello oh that’s like a demon that’s a demon oh dear that that’s a that’s a demon oh oh look the aegis has sort that one out i i think my house is on fire oh dear

Wait is my house made out of wool oh so it is yeah this is not good this is not so good um okay hang on i can sort this out i just need to stop the fire from spreading ah okay all the demon will hit me instead that’s fine i guess

It’s fine let me go back inside i’m i’m all right i’ll just let it do what it needs to do and if if i’ll just block the that that’s it’s all right i’ll i’ll just i’ll set things up a white sleeping bag no i need a sleeping

Bed a sleeping bag doesn’t keep your uh keep your place overnight i think i could have just gotten this one i guess but okay so you have to do this to get planks which is not fun i actually don’t like this like one of the things i don’t like about our old

Craft having to do that if there’s a way to order dude okay my house is still very much so on fire maybe i picked the wrong house oh is this whole thing gonna go down in flames oh jesus christ patched up with cobblestone yeah i will

Patching it up with dirt right now okay let me just sounds like it’s there’s another thing above me oh so that huh i don’t even realize this tower was bigger than i thought it was well at least it seems like this is this is okay

All right uh let’s go up here see if this there’s no place anyone can get in here right well there’s this giant hole in the floor but i’m sure i can patch that up with a bit of wood okay okay there it goes it’s over there

I think i think we’re fine i think it’s stopped oh the big boys forgot and got loud that’s nice it’s good good for him i’m just going to hang around here just for a little bit while i leave the pants i need that uh i don’t need this one will i’ve made

A beard a bow nice uh i don’t need plant fibers i have already got like three iron hose i don’t think i need another one uh glowstone that’s pretty good i’ll take that oh [ __ ] i need to put something in the chest uh sand yeah sure you can have my sand i just

Need just some lights just just to make sure everything stays nice and dandy all right there we go i’m so flustered so this is this is not where i’m living i’m living one down this is this is my little house here okay for now i feel like there’s still something on

Fire but it does doesn’t matter not at the moment all right don’t need to go back up there just gonna put a put a nice glowstone block right there and everything will not spawn hopefully in this room alright it’s good start let’s read some comments how long until rob’s home burns down

There’s other chests in the room at the very top okay i’ll go get that later i’m assuming it’s just same old same old stuff this can be like my chest room for now i guess uh let’s put on some pants nice this is good i know i’ve got baubles and

Things as well so and i’ve got skills i’ve got level three so i might as well put it in the tack for now okay i had one one one thing that’s enough i guess uh let’s put some let’s put i’ve got to need to sort these out into certain

Groups but for now i’m just going to slam everything into like one i’ll keep the bandage on me just in case uh keep the bow on me keep a knife on me put my wood away put that away coal she’ll keep some wood on me just in case

Uh and i’ll make some bread make some bread you know what i’ll make some bread that that’s i don’t mean to require white i need i need magic to use a bandage in what world do you need magic to use a bandage well that didn’t work out as well as i

Thought it would okay there we go got 21 bread i don’t have to worry about bread then uh so what i’m going to do is do a little bit of exploring today uh maybe make some more tools such as uh some things i might need so which means i’ll need another uh

Crafting table i should have brought the other one with me but you know it’s too late now so doctor’s magic not science silly well that’s that’s what i figure after seeing that all right so we’ve got some fairies okay i’m just gonna go off in this direction i guess and take a look

Around um i’ve got plenty of food okay i live in a big windmill okay so there’s a home the windmill all right so i’m just gonna going off on on a wee journey a wee exploration just to see what there is to see because i don’t i don’t know what i’m doing

Does that give me just killing a butterfly gives me nothing okay um so i’ll make a crafting bench and i’m gonna make a pickaxe so i can start getting stone and then maybe have some stone tools and maybe i should go think about getting some cows to get some leather armor

I’m thinking that might be a good idea get some raw chicken while i’m at it yeah i know these big boys gives you um you thought you were gonna be sneaky huh too bad you’re brighter green than the grass so i could see you more easy all right there’s some cobblestone

So i’m gonna make a just you never know what’s gonna be around the next corner you just you never know with this one i saw a stream not too long ago but it seems that you heard a little uh of my knuckles theme remix from sonic

Mania did you like it uh i think i did to hear that yeah it was good but i i think i only heard it for like a a few seconds because i i tend not to wait i need a i need a cobblestone thing wait how am i gonna make a can i

Make a wooden pickaxe is that a thing no i just gotta find stones on the ground because i wasn’t listening to anyone else’s um just in case people weren’t okay with me posting those things on stream i generally don’t i only take the registered license sonic music

Right now though i need the utmost silence to perfect my craft my minecraft all right i’m just collecting rocks off the ground so i can so i’ll be able to get them later i don’t want to have to go through the whole rigmarole of if i accidentally break my ex then i

Gotta go make another hatchet and that’s a whole nother thing which i don’t want to do okay that’s three oh and the hiccups pretty bad all right let’s get some stone which breaks into more little rocks wait no wait oh because this was placed as a structure it’s not turning into little

Rocks nice way just get the cobblestone sweet you can right click rocks right click rock center on the ground oh so you can wow thank you for telling me that all right so i need more experience in order to gather iron so the main point about rl craft i think at least

Is that i need to get a lot of experience in order to get experience i need to fight things i need to find back to this you know be helpful maybe if i turn my uh render distance up let’s try 15. it’s more looks like triple my render distance sir

Wow there’s a hill over there i never would have guessed i also wouldn’t ever guess that a dragon was literally right there well that’s not maybe i picked the wrong place to the wrong place to go wait there’s a beard jesus really maybe this will be my new home now

Iron ingot man this is a this is a good spot oh this is purified water don’t tell me this this is this is just a blue textured thing apparently no water at all in there i’m gonna need to find some water so you know i’m getting thirsty

There’s this this ice over there okay turning up my resistance was was the right call um but i’m gonna go exploring this way today it’s cold i could do some coal like not to die as well that’s why i left that dragon alone i’m i’m definitely not equipped to deal

With that right now i have leather pants on you know arseless chaps have their moments but fighting a dragon it’s not one of them all right here we go there’s a um mining place over here so i’m need level four so that means i’m going to put my

My my xp that i have in mining so i’m at level two mining just gotta just gotta slow and steady slow and steady i guess um now here’s something this is this looks like a structure of some sort maybe there’s something in here i can steal or kill or

Not die from i hope maybe i should have made a stone sword or rapier i think you can make those in this game okay i can’t even attack things with that uh can i get okay i can get seeds from that can i get string no need a flint hatchet to get string

All right that’s something let’s go to that sorry for the little bits of lag every now and again but that’s just that’s just the world loading in this kind of things will happen if you want this game to look as good as it does you kind of got to make sacrifices

Is it just me or am i jumping higher than you usually would jump did i get like enchanted litter no didn’t get any enchanted leather pants okay i thought the fire was from another dragon thank god just from this burning hellscape with a lizard or something in it all right

Uh that’s this is oh those are hang on i can do this i’m gone i take my chances with that but i tell you what i will do i will use this leather leather liver leather that i found that’s something over there as well i i just everything in this game is out

To kill you i i just maybe i should take off the uh maybe should take off the the the shaders just running my computer through the ringer it’s a pretty good computer too it’s just minecraft just so intensive so graphically intensive all right let’s see if i can use those

Enchanting bottles to uh maybe get my mining up high enough nothing’s out to kill me all right uh mining all right i need two more levels to get my mining up high enough to mine this i think yeah okay what’s this i think i should be getting home soon as well

I don’t think there’s anything in there no literally nothing this was pointless okay god i gotta find my win my windmill there’s a lot of animals in here wow guys what are you doing here that’s a skeleton oh it’s getting really dark really quick oh oh i can’t see a thing

There’s a waypoint oh am i going to zorklord i am all right nice that was very handy uh there’s my house all right i hope the dragon’s gone away at this point all right let’s uh okay i’ll just eat some bread and go to bed that’s what that’s what

They say that’s what’s good for you eat bread and go to bed knuckles would be proud okay okay guys listen we’ve got i i’m only familiar with regular minecraft i can play regular minecraft all day but this is this is new for me so let’s get that chicken a cooking i

Can’t plant this acorn or anything i can’t even craft stuff yet um so i’m i said i was going to create a sword that’s good i should be able to use the sword right okay i can use the stone sword that’s fine it’s all fine uh there’s an egg

No baby chickens now i there’s this mod which comes with it which allows you to see all the items and how to craft them wow that’s a lot of new fish maybe we’ll do some fishing i don’t know how any of that works oh here we go golden fishing rod

How do i craft that oh okay that’s wait so i could make an iron fishing rod i can do that i need gathering eight okay uh so there’s a bunch of new stuff a bunch of new aussie liner combined with chest plate on a crafting grid to add a self-adjusting temperature

Lining single install you only need one aussie liner per armor set that could come in handy in the winter um necklaces and things oh that’s for like having a little magic mirror teleports you your spawn point that’s good that’s a good one i had that in a different uh

Different thing all right let’s see what what could i make oh jesus i don’t know if i can make any of this i can’t a skull advanced flywheel ring black dragon scale man i just want to like worm scale stuff what is this disenchantment table woodland stuff ah crap you need so much

Wait no that’s not right can i not make this at least you can’t craft that i guess you just find it i can’t make it dynamic birch oh yeah of course i can’t make a dynamic birch tree that’s a birch tree i can fry eggs oh my god and i just

Wasted them on the ground wow it’s carrot soup guys i’m just waiting for the dragon to come over and burn everything i don’t think the dragon will come and burn think maybe i should have started off with a simpler mod like pixelmon but i’ll do that with someone else

I can make like a stand a podium all right well let’s just get out there and explore for now um i think that’s probably the best the best best thing we could do at this very moment uh so i’m gonna go where i i don’t want to go to a snowy place

Really so i guess i’ll go this direction today towards that hill that i found i don’t think the dragon stuck around so i think he’s off doing something else so oh wait i i got a stone pickaxe that’s right i could make start making a mine and maybe i’ll find like some

Some some coal which i could then level up from maybe over maybe over here i could get something from over here wow near the wreck breaks in one head and this one wow that’s really fast what’s that what’s that oh is that the demon thing from before yeah that’s right [ __ ]

Nobody likes you oh wait that’s cause there’s lava isn’t it if i just cover it up maybe not with wood but it’ll i can’t cover all that up i’ll just have to bring water with me in a bucket one of these days it’s okay i’ll just go to the hill this time

We should be fine there’s like there’s like a monument there or something oh if i just kill chickens maybe i can get experience yeah that’s the stuff i’ll just kill stuff to get experience that’s that’s what our old craft is all about right get your ass over here chicken chicken boy

And these boys now they give you the good stuff they give you the good stuff oh [ __ ] i really do feel like i’m jumping okay yeah the the uh oh what’s going on here am i thirsty so what’s going on i just need to change to change the shaders i know this is

Gonna look disgusting but if i want to have like a a smooth smooth experience i’m going to have to turn them off okay just wait for it to load all right i just gotta find some water or something okay yeah this is a lot smoother uh i could turn my render distance down

Of course and and play but i feel like that would kind of that would eventually become a problem with the dragons and such will there be water in that house no there is something there is coal there is coal i don’t even have to go venturing out to find coal

Alright uh please i will keep my egg and i’m fine see you can get purified water i think neil said but there’s like more demons coming from the demon pit so there’s stuff in here what are you what are you what are you currently making okay these are just on for no reason

But i’ll get that i’ll get the experience from this and then i’ll uh figure out what okay pistons free pistons if i ever want to use a piston maybe this one like a red recipe or something next time you scuff them on skin you know what maybe i will i’ll take these

Uh take some of these as well do these do anything nope they’re just there for decoration i guess why am i taking sixteen thousand levels when am i going to use sixteen 000 levers do these do anything no there is a chest up here though oh actually some good stuff all right

I didn’t expect that i will take these redstone lamps though you never know you never know when you might need them crafting bench all right so it looks to me like we’ve got enough to be able to mine iron so we’re gonna go get some iron i guess

Where did i come from in the first place was it over here i feel oh this is mine i’m not sure what that is over there but i think there’s fire i don’t know why i’m doing this it’s not gonna make me be able to see the screen better

It’s okay i’m just gonna get the iron ore did i get it i did it’s all right i’ll be safe as long as he doesn’t see me you wonder if he’s a legend of zelda mod kind of there’s some like nintendo mods i think i actually had a bunch of mods running

At once but like it started lagging out the game and something and stuff wouldn’t work after a while so it didn’t ever do anything with their modpack but um i think there is some some legend zelda mods out there there is a breath of the wild towers one and there’s a waypoint

At the top of each tower as well as like some goodies i think there’s also like a glider system as well right so that must be the dragons like nest so he hasn’t burned down the village what is that what is that doing in a tree

What is that what whoa hey buddy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you don’t want to mess with me i don’t want to mess with you that’s right i don’t want to mess with you that’s fine where’d he go where did he go did i kill him i must have killed him

Okay he drops string and poison glands i will take that i swear i’m hearing things uh what don’t i need i don’t need bowls i guess all right let’s head back home and heal huh but there’s something over there there’s something over there which i just i just desperately want to see i’ve

Got three levels though hang on let me put that into like attack there we go just every now and again you just hear something and it’s just it’s just it’s a little creepy okay lava is not safe because those demon boys spawn out of it if i can close the

Is this just one of these just the ones with nothing on top yeah it is great it’s not what i needed all right now oh it’s beginning to become nighttime kill a pig and be on my way i didn’t even want the pork i don’t even need the pork i just wanted the

Experience experience of killing something in my bare hands all right i know there’s lots and lots of different things you could do in all this summoning i know there’s like custom weapons and things like that but at the moment she’s gonna try and get some good armor i’m gonna try and

Find some baubles and things to wear uh some of them are really really interesting i just gotta think about what the guy i saw did i think he went to go gather iron first i i really i know there’s a thing called rape oh i know you can make a shield that’s right

There’s like a a shield thing there’s like a shield that you can make okay hang on i know there’s like a shield hang on and i know it’s like a wooden shield round shield okay that’s got iron i could have swam no here we go crude wooden shield okay i just needed more

What’s this one then defense four no one needs defense four this one doesn’t need anything i don’t think that one needs anything either it’s like a stone brace shield that was an iron brace i could make that i could definitely make that i just need to make a regular shield and then

Surround it with iron okay uh okay uh so that that that that that then we have that and then i have enough iron to make an iron based shield and then zip zop zooty bop i need eight okay that’s fine i guess i’ll just keep it for later use

I really it didn’t say i needed something else so i just assumed but i guess not um all right let’s put that there okay nice now things won’t kill me in one hit uh that’s good i still can’t use the bow i should really upgrade my should really upgrade that um

An acorn i need i just need to get my [ __ ] together really just get it all together and i think i think you can make i think you can make bandages hang on little bandages ban band uh here we go so this bandage bandages bandages 30 health okay i think these are the

Ones that anyone can make okay so i need string and i need wool and i have plenty of that my house is literally made of it and then i got some string nice look at that simple simple stuff i don’t need it right now just the cheetah is looking good

But i’ve got two bandages there just in case i need it uh next i should make a bucket actually because if i have a bucket i can carry water with me anywhere and then if i accidentally fall in lava or if i um should really use these rocks turn them into

Uh because then if i need a drink or if i fall in lava i’ll be fine i will take this chicken and i will replace it with this chicken i will use this one to make some a nice fried egg i know that’s a waste of a bit of coal but i’ll find

More coal don’t worry uh okay so let’s go get some water that wasn’t that was an easy quest quest completed next quest uh yeah i don’t think i’ll be fighting the dragon and my dream god damn i’m pretty good i’m pretty good guys telling me to fly the dragon is going to

Make me fight the dragon uh okay poison okay i probably should have like fixed my okay i need to go back and put my [ __ ] okay hang on give me my water then i can make like like a nice juice hole in my house

The juice hole why did i call it a juice hole first let’s make the juice the juice hole i guess that’s what i’m calling it um let’s put it over here in the corner where oh wait what’s in the corner the chest will be in the way

Um okay give me just a minute let’s figure out this juice hole thing what if i make it like outside it looks like a fancy juice hole all right this is going to be like a fancy ass juice hole what is going on with that oh it’s like a it’s a half slab

What the hell in my game glitch all right nice uh uh uh juice juice juice hole coming right up all right nice uh then i can put some stuff away maybe i should make like a yeah if i get some more of this down we need these planks

I don’t know why i keep burping all right i can make some more chests and actually put them where my house is instead of you know just shove in the more ever uh let’s put it right in front of the in front of the front of the hole the juice hole and

Then i can slap all like my interesting stuff so the poison gland can go in there i can’t use that iron dagger yet let’s put that down there uh i don’t really need this acorn i’ll just put that in the juice hole uh feathers sure that’s a mob drop let’s

Just put all the mob drops like in one place sugar cane i can go on the farming thing piston there could be like items rock i guess i’ll just keep the rock um apples that’s food i’ll keep that on me actually put that there iron and gold rocks

Just trying to make everything nice and organized can’t use the bow yet well agility but i don’t have any arrows anyway um seeds go farming i think saddle why don’t we get a horse now that’s a good idea okay if we get a horse it means we can travel quickly

From one place to another so grab some wheat i’ve got a saddle we should be able okay well that’s a fast way to get out of my house i guess now i know i saw some horses around this direction so i’ll just head over here

I know we haven’t gone for i didn’t even take a drink out of my juice hole i can’t believe it i gotta find another juice hole ah it’s like a big wild goose chase but i don’t even know what i’m chasing the aerosol i know i saw horses

I know i did i just don’t know where oh i should explore down there later on what is this is that a furnace coal free coal i’ll take it all right that’s a house or something that’s a sheep and a tree you’re right there buddy look a little sheepish um

I’m just reading comments seeing if anyone’s got any advice if anyone’s played this before and has any advice like feel free to let me have it i think it always gets me i think i should make another uh pickaxe just in case my one breaks

And next i didn’t say i was going to oh also i should make a shovel just in case but i will take some of this i miss the the new bok bok it really is late i miss the new bone breaking block sound it sounds kind of hollow

But that’s nice uh because with that you can make a bunch of bone meal which will be really really handy when it comes to farming so that’s essentially just an infinite source of farming stuff so if i ever want a bunch of potatoes or something i know where to go

All right that’s fine there’s the cliff from before it’s got like this weird sort of bluish rock on it or something pigs very nice how you guys doing i’m off on a journey today i’m here to see another dragon i thought he didn’t see me

I really hope he didn’t see me but i’m going inside this place anyway i didn’t come here for no reason that’s an item frame i’ll take what what well now our old craft is getting crazy i didn’t even get hit by something there what is going on birch wood sticks

There’s a baby deer what’s all this wood doing lying around did this break at the beginning of the game and it just didn’t because it never spawned in what is going what is that just a stick what is this place take the string though another item i’ll take the item frames they’re good

For chests so i can tell what i’m doing and i don’t want a chest there’s a zombie nearby it’s getting late that dre all the dragon must have come and destroyed all this what about the tower i’d like to grab all the item frames though the item frames are

Hard to okay this [ __ ] this the uh the the thing is getting kind of annoying the shield sound all right okay this does happen sometimes where the game just thinks something is there but there’s not there’s nothing there all right how am i meant to get off this tower um

I guess i can climb it won’t be too bad right okay there’s something else that’s not a dragon right here i am inside the tower doesn’t seem to be much here unfortunately maybe i should just run back home do i have enough wool to sleep through the night

No can i rest on my bone meal what am i that big of a pansy i can’t well that doesn’t work or maybe i’ll just run home in the dark okay apparently there’s an just gonna stay silent i think she’s gonna wait till he goes away just stay maybe

I thought i was going underground but i guess not okay i should be right here i can hear him floofing around outside rank one of the cinder what’s the cinder i need to leave i need to go home back to my village all i wanted was a horse wait if i

Have found rank one of a sin does that mean i’m close enough nearby for it to do that i had to basically touch that big guy in order for it to realize it was ha ha i don’t like the zombies in this game oh this is scary how’s my health looking uh

My right arms and legs aren’t doing so well use some healing items shall we and then i can use it on this as well all right nice and hopefully that should heal heal up my body all good even wait but if i’m fully healed then shouldn’t that

Also be healing up my body i don’t know should really wait for it to be day but sometimes that can take a long time maybe i’ll just run for it i’ll just run for it i’m just going to run for it guys i’m not a wimp

I’m not some sort of pansy i’m a i’m a big strong boy oh i got jump boost thank you weird pixie thing that sounded like gollum ah that was a creeper i walked right by it that’s a that’s a spider that’s a big spider i’m fine you know

What this isn’t so bad this isn’t as bad as i thought it would be just regular minecraft mobs apart from that big fiery thing i saw also that was something purple glowing and i think that’s bad i think that means bad i think that means very bad actually

Yeah i think that means really really bad i think that i think that he’s fast and i think that means not friendly i’m also very slow my minecraft man is very slow okay i’m all right i’m all right i could i could have ran back at any moment i would have been fine

All right let’s let’s hit inside yeah that’s right you you go inside too my boy this is not that’s us that’s sonic sonic the hitch man that was him that was him right there in the flesh should have got his autograph but i’m i’m too tired right now

Sonic going to bed got a drink from my for my goose goose box goose box my goose box that’s what i’m going to be eating from boy all right so i found item frames it’s good it’s good stuff i’ll put put them in and there let’s let’s and in the meantime

Let’s just cook our um nice fried egg it’s just what i needed okay um okay so what are we doing now i don’t even think i’ve had to really eat much in my whole time playing this is he aggressive he’s not aggressive is he he’s like a friend

He’s called a quill beast i have gained rank knowledge of the quill beast well you’re an interesting boy i will say that check your beastie area what’s the b3 b okay creatures Quill beast here we go he’s a herbivore okay large rodents with razor sharp curls on their back they sound annoying they’re threatened and will fire these cools from afar okay so i can i can summon them too i could summon the marker i can summon the aerosol

So how do i summon select a minion to summon oh no i can only summon these two okay okay let’s say i want to some of the fiery boy uh I guess they don’t have a the summoning staff so i guess i can’t do that uh kits though i’ve never saw that by crafting a soul stone and using it on your pit stop armpits can be managed here where they can be someone to dismiss

Oh so like a mount or something you can you can respawn it okay oh i don’t know other than a wolf for uh i think you can have like chickens in this game oh that’s right you can have like an army of chickens that’s what i’m gonna do

All right i know what my quest is gonna be i’m going to get an army of chickens because you can have rotten eggs and from rotten eggs a like kind of mutant chicken will come out and it will be your pet and if something hits you they will go after it with malice

So we’re going to do that and in order for me to get that i need a i can’t just do that i keep forgetting i need a lot of wood because i need to create a chicken farm so that means i’m going to need a lot of

Seeds and i’m going to need a fence of something or i could just make a hole but if i make a hole then the chickens would be able to come out if i no cause i just collected yeah i should be all right just making a

Hole all right i’ll make a big hole and i will layer chickens into it right so first i will need to get make a protected place for a hole so i need like some sort of doorway into a big hole why don’t i make this house my chicken hole

As good as a place as any no not for sheep you silly billy uh all right so this can be the hole and i’ll just make it like i suppose i could like use that door instead of making a hole in the wall yeah that’ll probably be better

I don’t know why i did that all right let’s cover that up nice and easy uh and then tell me what i’ll do to make them so they can’t get out i’ll have a small step case uh or a double still case i don’t know how to

Yeah like a fence yeah that’s right uh so i put a thing there and then you put the door on top like that this is this is genius like you guys are gonna gonna say wow radical soda the minecraft genius right here uh then you do this and then what you do

Is you have your crafting bench and you make a fee oh i already had a fence all right nice put a fence down why can i get up onto it what is this why do i feel like this just isn’t like the correct thing of mine maybe this is just 1.12 weirdness but

I feel like i jump higher than i than i should be but okay well i guess one more upwards is what we’re doing or i could just leave the hole above it but i don’t think that would can i jump from there to here okay that’ll be fine then

Okay uh door goes up there okay nice we go there we lead the chickens inside and then the chickens can’t get out but i can unless the chickens can jump on that they shouldn’t be able to because it’s a fence but i just don’t know with this game

What if i create more fins around it see normally you can’t jump on f but for some reason my jump height is a lot higher than it usually would be that’s fine that’s fine we’re gonna make a juicy chicken hole that’s correct it’s a hole for the chickens and they will be slaughtered

No they’re not gonna be slaughtered they’re just gonna be breeded for eggs all right so first things first we need to find out chickens and there’s a forest over this way there was a bunch of animals there so i’m going to go this direction first kind of away from the dragon but oh

There’s a chicken all right so first things first seeds that’s what we need had a bunch of seeds before but oh that’s a that’s a big a demon yeah that’s right demon all right all right hang on i don’t want my stuff to burn please don’t burn my stuff

I knew i was gonna die eventually but i didn’t expect it to be from a random demon from the depths of hell you son of a [ __ ] give me my stuff jesus had to go all around the place dog son of a just leave me alone

I can’t even get to you this is that’s fine so fine it’s fine just gotta figure out where he is and draw him away from there and try and kill him somehow he’s on the ground what’s that you don’t you don’t want anything to do with me this time huh

Huh what’s that what’s that i’ve got you under wrapped i don’t have uh god he keeps hitting me in the head with his fireballs do i have anything to fight him with i have a hoe a flint knife i guess i i don’t even have any wood i have two i

Have enough rocks to make a to make a sword i’ll make a sword that’s what i shall do i didn’t pick up the rocks where did the rocks go rocks in my inventory please here we go i have enough to make it make a sword i

Don’t have enough to make it i thought three for some reason was enough to make a sword uh all right guess i’m guess i’m just gonna hit him with a stick maybe i’ll go grab my sword if i can and see if i can okay where is he has he

Moved away from the incident craft a gun that’s a that’s an excellent idea okay he seems to have despawned or something as long as i’ve got all my my tools i should be okay everything else is replaceable but my tools don’t have to go through getting flint again that’s that’s annoying

That’s a dragon please don’t come any closer i just eventually i’ll get to you i’ll get to you dragon my seeds okay come on come on chicken come on come on my bro i will have to cover up that hole i’m gonna have to cover it up before before long because otherwise those

Things are just gonna keep spawning aren’t they come on chicken come on i know i can’t just breed one chicken but at least he’ll start making eggs do i still have my jump boost i can’t tell come on chicken lad you know originally i thought these were

Ducks because they just look like ducks come on you can get over here right yes you can all right now can you get out is the question why did i have jump boost is it because i was having leather on my body i don’t underst why did i have jump

Boost see now i can’t get out see that’s that’s that’s just there’s wool here there’s wool i’ll take the wool i can make as long as i have i don’t have my crafting table because somebody decided it would be funny if if if i died thanks demon [ __ ]

That’s nice all right there we go uh and i can create a wool carpet i will leave that in here actually and then i can just do this and he can’t do he can’t do anything about that oh my foot’s falling i can’t even feel it oh oh jesus oh that’s no good

Like i legitimately just can’t feel my foot he lifted an egg already nice but that’s just a regular egg see i don’t want regular eggs chicken i want i want gross rotten eggs you don’t want to go into the flames there you listen you’re the one chicken i have

That i don’t want to kill stop looking at the fiery deaths of health yeah that’s right look at me she doesn’t want to look at me listen it’ll be okay i’ll make you guys a nice little house like you have a nice window you’re having a look it’s starting to get night

I need to go look i gotta go don’t hide from me come on come on dude i’m talking to you you’ll get over it but i i gotta go home i need to find another chicken so i can so i can breed him with him that’s something cool all right

All right we’ve got one chicken that that’s our first member of the of of our of our chicken army but we we don’t we don’t have we don’t have that second chicken which is the thing we really need oh there we go easy easy stuff right there

Just grabbing a few more seeds for when i need to breed them all right chicken you come this oh oh god that is a rare burning zombie of the raven whatever that is whatever that means jesus he let me on fire he gave me a silver helmet though 13 locational armor requirements

Four defense two magic i have eight levels i never realized well i might as well put some one on attack and i’ll put one in magic and i’ll put one in defense two in defense all right i want to be able to wear some better armor so

As soon as i can make you can can wear some iron armor the better i guess right wait my chickens that’s what i was there for the baby zombie just get the crap out of me egg i just want the egg i don’t i don’t care about the seeds

Game where’d the chicken go there he is all right come on i know there was another chicken around here i just there he is wait why is that chicken glowing the game knows the game knows i need more chickens wait why is he was he marked something to make him visible

Yo yo chicken yo what does he just not care about seeds now anymore are you too good for seeds is that what’s going on can’t be too good for seeds you’re a bloody chicken you love these things come on guys pick up the pace you’re going to be bringing into my in

My my amazing rotten chicken army so you can’t be messing around you still see them so see my my my dude i still have the seeds even he doesn’t think he’s good enough seeds now bro yeah you see them yeah yes seeds yeah yeah now you know you don’t stink anymore

You know those smells are wafting off here all right come on come on guys in the chicken coop we go there we go see isn’t that much better i can’t feed them unless i have well and now i can put a skill in farming and there we go my chicken army will soon

Start yeah hello little guy all right and that’s the first step now we just got to come back later and we can very slowly start making our chicken army a reality uh but in the meantime i’m gonna start with covering up that it’s an eyesore don’t need it um so

What i’m gonna do is i’m gonna mine what would be the easiest way to do it probably would right no just burn it so i need dirt or something so i’m going to use my shovel i’m just going to grab a heck load of dirt what’s going to happen i’m just going to

Cover that stinking hole cover the lava at least which would be easier in the covering the whole hole i think i don’t know how much dirt i’ll need but a fair amount nice solid amount he died for a good cause chicken slavery hashtag chicken slavery

All right let’s see i know where this is coming from so therefore it shouldn’t beat you sons of [ __ ] i’ve got water on my side or maybe the water is not on my side maybe the water is just on no one side maybe the water is an uncaring element of the of nature

29 i think it’s not bad though really you shouldn’t be able to hit me with fire when i’m in the water i don’t get it okay two hits two hits two hits come on he just needed one more hit even one hp could have done it i think

Come on he better be still on low health come on you son of a [ __ ] come on i’m here i’m here i’ll take you on i’ve got my sword that’s right that’s right you son of a [ __ ] you piece of absolute garbage [ __ ] don’t you dare light things on fire i

Need this i need this stuff give me my birch fence give me my bandage give me my sticks give me my little bit of experience give me my other stuff my bucket give me my coal my fried egg and my leather tunic i couldn’t even find my

My leather pants now that the pants gone i need to go over there and check out what that was all about the dragon’s still running i might do it at oh cause night’s even a worse time all right i just need to quickly slam this dirt into those holes

Okay just to stop that apparently i was killed by a salamander in real life salamanders had that kind of power thought a salamander was kind of just like a little lizard thing i hope my [ __ ] didn’t go into the lava but of course it did why wouldn’t it oh great another one of

These things that’s real good i’m really happy about this situation happening right now in front of me just get up i should have just gone there with only the dirt with only the dirt why wouldn’t i um so good it feels so good i just i shouldn’t be just running back

Each time but i am why am i no you’ve lit my stuff on fire you son of a [ __ ] all right i think i got it all it’s fine it’s fine my house can do with a little bit more burning it’s fine we’re fine oh dude will you just will you just

Leave it alone all right it’s fine i managed to save my liver tunic and my silver helmet that’s that’s all right that’s that’s okay i will put everything in there before i go back and fill up the holes and then i don’t lose anything each time

I die other than my experience which i could have put into something but i guess i didn’t all right oh man it’s just my stuff it didn’t burn after all he’s still here do you have nothing better to do with your life than ruin mine why i guess that fire doesn’t break things

Or burn things all right i’ve still got my dirt he’s scarlet as well i don’t just dude why why does he why does he want me so bad i’m so slow i’m such a slow boy i’m not going to rage quit it’s fine i just i just need to very quickly and

Efficiently bung up these holes so none of more of him him spawn this is not quick or efficient i’m that’s that’s one that’s that’s two that’s okay i got a couple of holes there that’s fine i got a couple of them it wasn’t for nothing all right next next next okay can you

Not burn my house down while i’m trying to burn yours because i’m going away no more fiery guys flying around no more salamanders slinking around now they’re just good old-fashioned honest enemies if you’re gonna come and hit me you’re gonna have to do it from running across the field like everyone else buddy

No more no more sifting out of the flames and fire and whacking me with flame balls okay let’s see how much more it’s lift okay almost none alright good uh all right got most of it then i just gotta get rid of the fire i think

All right i think that’s good can i still live is that a thing that happens it is wow right but he’s uh he’s not looking too happy about that right actually not bad this thing’s turned out okay his fire goes away fairly quickly when i just get rid of it though

Just in case i’ll just hide inside this house for now well i get regeneration god dude give me regeneration there we go that’s the stuff heal me up good so the thing is in this one if you didn’t um if you didn’t know what’s going on here

Basically so my head in my body if either of those go to zero health i i die just this there’s no getting around that i can hurt my left foot my right foot i’ll just walk slow all i want but like if my head or my body goes under it’s that’s that’s death

So you can get one shot in the head by a skeleton it’s just it just wants to burn my house it’s just it doesn’t even care about me anymore it just wants to burn my house and see me cry going to sleep maybe when i wake up my

House will be completely burnt down i’m going to need like an underground house or something maybe i’ll start con converting my house into a into an underground house maybe that’ll be safer let’s actually do that let’s start there today first let’s go check on our little uh

Chicken enslavement camp oh what did i say no i mean chicken chicken army the old chicken army they had no choice but hey no it’s a choice can’t eat foreign gardening apparently gardening is a good way to get experience so bro you’re just doing this out of spite at this point like

There’s no reason for you to be doing this i don’t understand take that right flesh at least sup chickens where’d you get the butterfly how did you get i don’t i don’t even have anything i can’t even get you out of there i can’t give you seeds either really

This is this guy is really sulking like hardcore sulking i need to go and grab my like don’t you dare put my chicken house on fire i i swear to god the fact this demon [ __ ] has been waiting for me to get he is just trying to ruin my life he’s

Not even doing it he’s just doing it for fun ah can’t wait till he despawns just blips out of existence all right guys come on don’t be like this did you just [ __ ] an egg while i’m trying to help your partner out of this all right whatever

Give you some seeds oh baby chicken nice all right sweet so we got three baby chickens hopefully soon they’ll grow up and they’ll turn into a lovely lovely uh lovely lovely group but like for now like we’re just waiting for them to to lay a bunch of eggs because once you lay a

Bunch of eggs you get rotten eggs and rotten eggs turn into the mutant chickens and when you have a mutant chicken on your side like this there’s nothing you can’t do baby chicken baby chicken all right let’s let’s uh so we got a bunch of oh four levels all right

I’m going to put that in farming because if i can get more stuff from farming more experience from farming it’ll be like its own self-satisfying like stuff you know so if i hang on i’ve got almost nothing on okay grab my shield put it on i need to make some armor which means

Also using my iron so if i make some boots and apparently when you put them on you also get like some sort of like special oh whoops i didn’t mean to do that you also get like special um not enchantments but the quality of them changes i don’t meet the requirements to wear

This armor um i need defense eight okay that’s fine oh wait some of them don’t have quality okay so i have quality crumbling the quality is crumbling just like my sanity so it’s actually minus one armor toughness does that mean it’s worse for me to wear this or

Doesn’t matter uh this one’s just nothing that one’s nothing this one’s arcane so plus one magic shielding well that’s nice that’ll be good against those fireballs i guess um what do i need for a summoning staff because i would love to have some pets around to help me summon things

I think it’s like gold in an eye of ender or something sturdy summoning stuff summoning stuff oh so there’s like bitter summoning okay why couldn’t i need magic eight for that one i need magic eight for that one though educate for that one mhk for that one

Okay but costs more focus what about this one double summons double minions but at half health each oh um what about this one stable so uh summoned focused uh minions last long but cost more focus half the focus cost by sacrificing your health in its place no thanks summon menu see your bidding

Start create a portal over time portal will drain your summoning focus above your hunger bar okay well okay so i need an inter pearl a bone and a gold ingot well i can get all those things relatively easy but i’ll need to get my magic to eight

Which means i should get my farming up first so to do that i should really just get some coal or something and i should really start also making my house further down so what i’m going to do is going to get rid of these three things because let’s be honest i haven’t not

Really using them and i will start a downwards staircase down this direction and we’ll just go we’ll just go into the ground we’ll just right into the ground there and once once once we get it deep enough once i feel safe because i’ve got some glowstone i’ve got some other stuff like

That i’ve got the redstone lamp so i don’t think i’ll be eaten by a groove because in in this game if you are in the dark for long enough you get eaten by a groove um i don’t think that’ll happen because i’ve got all my lights and stuff

Which i can transport down here so i just want to be in the okay i thought that was something else for a second didn’t know what it was but i thought it was something else all right i think this should be deep enough i just want to have a rock ceiling i think

So if i can start yeah three blocks i should be plenty got enough room to jump around and all that yeah all right that’s fine but at first i’m going to go grab my light because i’d like to not be eaten by a groove gruffum uh despicable me actually he

Makes makes a couple of appearances in this game you wouldn’t expect it but he’s actually a really big minecraft fan okay uh i should also probably cover this hole that fire is still going strong like other aegis did absolutely nothing to help who was protectors no silly silly boy

That’s not what we do i guess that’ll have to i guess that’ll be that okay fix that up a bit later uh okay we’ve got the redstone lamp we’ll have the lever how do you make livers i know i have a bunch of them but maybe i lost them

It’s a daylight sensor suppose i could set it up above it make a hole but then again hang on i’ve got this what you can’t make sticks from this are you kidding me that’s not how you get sticks you have to go smash up the outside land

Then i keep my livers i’m surely i keep some livers somewhere in the other chest maybe i’m thirsty as well uh did i did i keep levers keep torches okay use the torches for now i guess yes shut up just shut up don’t make those loud noises

Okay torch nice they go out after a while that’s why i didn’t want to use them but i’ll just use them for now and then i can set up my redstone torch to fix things around but for now we’re going to have a pretty ugly pretty ugly underground house i thought

I was going to have a stone roof but i guess not the in game of thrones craft just grew and steal the moon you need to power that lamp yeah i’ll power it with a um with a liver isn’t that how these things work see watch this i’m gonna just put it

Yeah i’ll put it right here and then i’ll just grab a uh as soon as i can get a stick of some kind hang on let me go outside and get a stick just eat this rotten flesh i guess um i just got to get a tree and find a stick

Am i sprinting yeah i guess the thirsty i am at least this fast i can sprint okay i got a stick which means i can make a liver i guess how do you make a liver that barely changes anything just come on i just make the liver upside down what’s the big deal

Maybe that’ll be nice to lighten the mood downstairs that’s what i like to call the place downstairs right we uh there we go see no need no powering needed whatsoever just good old infinite energy hack the uh the force of me pushing down on that lever was enough to keep that redstone lamp

Just going infinitely now apparently there’s also like big crazy guys that come out of the wall sometimes like when you’re mining but as long as like i can just get through the mining process without having to deal with any of those i think i’ll be fine i don’t think they’re too bad anyway

I don’t think they can really kill you that easy huh one good thing that’ll come from all this i don’t have to listen to those bloody aguses smashing their mouths together a little bit of nice coal and experience from this though one more one little bit more and i should be able to

Start gathering stuff and then i can have a farm and then with that farm i can get more xp and then with that xp i can get more levels and other things then i’ll be able to explore more easy with iron armor and i won’t die from a simple fireball to the head

Be able to wear that silver helmet and all that stuff all right did i bring any chests down here with me that’s probably a decent idea to have what are the chances of spawning in a tiger biome uh i don’t know what that is but i’m assuming extremely large

Just like my big old brain let’s go to bed grab some uh just love all the deaths just oh jesus all right just respawn the whole world away don’t you okay um let’s grab some chests that i didn’t have before i am becoming incredibly thirsty and in real

Life as well i might have to stop the stream soon just go get some uh get some night why did i do that okay didn’t mean to grab those again don’t worry i will just thirsty for now all right all right there we go all right so uh gonna go down

I will click this with my x as soon as i can all right is there a big dinosaur outside what’s what’s going on with it with that specifically sounds like it uh all right let’s um like cowpods was slain by blank i mean you got me there i don’t know who blank is

Could be herobrine maybe hero brian’s out there smashing away grinding away at those minecraft mobs uh let’s make a whoops let’s make a nice i don’t have any sticks because of course i don’t how do i get sticks can i just place that down and then smash that with my ex

I sure can thanks for the stick game the singular stick it really feels like a bit of an unfair trade but i guess i’ll take it because i’m desperate i was just gonna make a place for my you know chests great nothingness has claimed another victim maybe bentley could be bentley iron

That’s what we’re looking for well i don’t even there’s not enough room right now hang on let me just put some stuff in here okay let’s make this like a like a like a equipment chest so if i use one of my item frames on this

No i didn’t want to make it an item frame on an item frame uh so equipment uh let’s put an iron hoe no cheese you belong with me i i just i just want to put the hole on it you don’t seem to understand i don’t want to use the hoe

I want to i want to put the hole on the annoying it’s all right though gotta got a good idea see i’ll just waste two more of these make like a shovel or something and then i can put the shovel on it see wasn’t that just as easy

And there we go there you have it uh equipment goes in there nice all right good stuff now i can finally grab that iron that i wanted so badly i’ll take this thank you very much and then once i smelt that again more experience more experience equals more levels more

Levels equals being able to put more stuff on and learn more things all right let’s uh cover this up with something cover up the fact that i don’t know how to play this [ __ ] game all right there we go uh wait can i put a chest there then put a chest here

Did did 12.0 allow you to do that it did not okay um so the equipment chest is a bit of a bust uh hang on but i’ve got a way i can fix this all i got to do is do that and then i make this look like nice and fancy like

A pillow oh fancy fancy new stuff uh alright so we got that we got that all sorted let’s just chuck our minerals and stuff in here as well for the sake of it closed dome dust sure a crude wooden quality heavy winning off hand minus 10 speed

Well that [ __ ] can just go right in the [ __ ] furnace like right there like i don’t even want that i just i don’t want this i don’t i don’t want it chuck it away i don’t need it i don’t want this who who in god’s name would want a

Shield which makes them run slower i i don’t i certainly don’t it’s just it’s not what i want that’s better all right i wonder i was running so slow with this thing any of my other weapons this is rusted that’s worthless that’s just regular that’s worthless

Cool i’ve got a real knack for making stuff i guess i guess there was stuff in there all right that’s fine i’m gonna grab the stuff out of here first uh can’t grab any more all right i’ll be back for you do i have my bucket i lost

My bucket of course i lost my bucket why wouldn’t i lose my bucket a bucket was the only thing that mattered to me whatever i’ve got um stuff to burn here put my iron holes in here my iron dagger my bow that i currently can’t use or

Maybe i can can i use my bow no uh shovel that’s fine flint knife i mean i don’t really need the flint knife but i’ll keep it there just in case i die and i need something i suppose i just make like a farming chest

They can go here put some seeds on the farming chest my chickens that’s right i need to go check on my chickens i hope they’re all right that’s a there’s a spider outside of my door hello he’s all right but he’s gonna become angry at the night

Time so i’m sorry mr spider but plus you gave me some nice stuff did you give me raw button was that what you gave me i don’t think a spiders carry mutton on them right they’re all huddled in the corner apart from these guys over here all right how’s your eggs coming along

Guys and gals say you oh eggs uh yep you want you want some some stuff you guys you guys get all the all the all the juicy nutrients you guys know it there’s actually i think this does make them grow faster but like i don’t know by how much but i’m gonna

Have plenty of seeds anyway so might as well use all these up maybe now they’ll grow up a little bit faster you start working and start earning me that hard hard cold cold hard cash chicken prostitute cena that’s what i’ve got going on uh all right let’s chuck these in there

Chuck that in there then there then there let’s let’s let’s light up lighten up the place let’s let’s have some let’s put a wee few sunflowers around here we’ve gotta do it you know some flip well you’re not really facing the right way guys it’s because you need to face the light

Hang on what if i put i’m gonna put those torches that i had what if i just take the redstone lamp and just really you’re still gonna look in that direct all right well what if i put one right here then yeah can you maybe

Go in like the middle or something of it no you just you really want to stay on the left all right you know what you can stay on the left fine have your little enjoyment on the left uh okay and then the next one will be like

Put the next one over here somewhere and that can go there it’ll go there and i’ll get some light back into this place and you know i’ll do it in the ceiling because i think that makes more sense doesn’t it uh the redstone lamp all right

And with the lever oh with the lever and the flicky god all that jazz nice i’m gonna have to replace that dirt eventually what is all that going on why can’t i see a dinosaur through my my wall oh well uh that looks good so far

I just gotta get down the rest of my not yet just destroy my flowers that’s fine it’s all right too the whips give the glow effect i don’t have a whip what do you mean by whips rob getting nunchucks there’s nunchucks and portal boots i mean i’ll have a look where can i

Let’s look up nunchucks i want to get some nunchucks all right oh here they are nunchaku okay i can get the stone nunchucks i want to make some stone nunchucks hell yeah uh yeah baby that’s right wait were they bad no i was looking at something else okay sweet whoo

That’s the stuff and then apparently with the long full boots from portal boots guardian boots troll willy jelly slime boots dragons slayer what if i type out four boots maybe this is it cushioned boots okay here we go we don’t feed locational armor okay they softened my fall

Uh i want the boots thank you oh okay okay it’s not telling me how to it’s just telling me how to unchart them it’s not telling me how to get them i guess i must have to find them or something you have to find the boots here that

Must must be a reward from something increases jump height negate some fall damage maybe i can make that wool spectral silt okay i can create special silk by having it’s a cobalt shield it’s integration tablet okay you can create spectral silt by just okay so you need to find a

A bauble and then you disintegrate it in order to get spectral okay oh we’ll figure this all out as we go i guess but all i know is that now i’ve got nunchucks uh instead of a sword and that’s pretty cool um that’s pretty neat i will say that’s that’s pretty dang neat

Where are we going to put in this chest i guess we’ll put in food or i guess we’ll put in cobblestone and rocks i guess i’ll keep that on me like building materials maybe i’ll put this furnace down over here i’m surprised they haven’t like no big

Rock monsters have came out of the works and spawned on me uh farming let’s get that up right nice i’ve still got three to put into something so you know what i’m gonna put that three into not that into agility so i can have a bow all right let’s go outside and farm

With my seeds in my hand not without my seats that would be right oh no no no see now now that i have this stuff you’re gonna see my huge ocd problem when it comes to these chests egg i’ve got three eggs like to cook those eggs please

Wait i didn’t grab the seeds that i needed i still haven’t grabbed my beard which i need which is upstairs because it is currently night time also i should i’m sorry for going back and forth but i should be making some stairs that’s what i should do all right let’s

Uh let’s make stairs and then i just gotta do this a couple times bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam okay that’s fine regeneration lovely grab all the rest of the shade out of here i can probably grab this too can i grab my water is that possible can

I make another bucket yes yes i can it’s bucket time baby my juice hole will be going downstairs let’s let’s go to sleep here and then i will quickly move downstairs and move my beard i just hope i don’t die in the meantime are you not using the l leveling

You must reach level five before choosing a speculation i don’t even know this is in the game okay so just get to level five and then i’ll figure out what i’m doing okay uh let’s let’s make our juice hole right at the start of the thing uh there it is nice little

Juice hole for everyone to enjoy okay so what was this going to be again oh yeah rocks all right let me just put down one rock there so we run those that’s the rock hole rock chest uh beard let’s put the beard down put a spawn point down somewhere let’s put it

Put like a nice bin cove here enco of alcove uh i need something uh need a stick again oh no i’ve got that oh thank you pillager number one for the three dollars hello there hello there hello there thank you for the three dollars all right there we go i should do the

Trick nice all right well hopefully that’s my point but just in case it didn’t i’m going to be very safe when going outside check both ways before crossing the street and all that oh and in demand though but i need an indoor eye in order to

Okay hang on i’ve got this did he just oh i think he just zipped away all right well it’s going to create like a two block thing but i guess not all right so uh now that i’m level four in gardening i can get these potatoes that’s nice

And i can create my own garden i hope is that are these done yet i can’t tell i honestly can’t tell 12 point something they had they don’t have like no they’re not done okay get those later get those later ah yeah okay here we are okay we got carrots we’ve got potatoes

Okay very nice very nice stuff and i’m getting a lot of experience with this as you can very clearly see and with the carrots i suppose i could uh go and breed other animals i suppose i should replant but i think i want to replant no that’s not done i want to replant

Somewhere i think you know what i’m just going to grab that these seeds for now just to make it easier for myself i’m just going to go and replant right next to my house so i don’t have to go anywhere i should grab some where’s my bucket there it is

Grab some water then i don’t need it i need to come back here i probably will for another one but i wanted to come back twice Right let’s uh let’s make a nice gardening center right out of our backyard now that the fiery place is gone just to double check there’s no enemies going around there well there’s two little fires there but if i put them out quick there we go okay they should be able to

Get rid of the lava and all that what hello i put i put literal water on you why aren’t you out stupid lava thinking it’s so much better than everyone else huh all right let’s grab this iron as well can’t grab it because apparently i have something in my whoops no that’s not

What i wanted jesus no just want the iron ore thanks that’s the one for me don’t need anything too suspicious around here all right nice what was it doing again making a garden that’s right i think my voice just cracked okay let’s make a little hole

Make it a nice long garden why not i don’t have a hoe i will go make one i think i have to make a stone one anyway i need sticks i need to plant a tree or something or i need to just figure out how to

I’m going to get more sticks where the hell do you get sticks in this game it’s not from trees poisonous potato don’t need that thank you poisonous potatoes are bad for you grab a couple of sticks before i leave just so i don’t have to come back here every five minutes

Make a saw to get sticks and planks okay that sounds very interesting i shall do that i didn’t realize it was a saw see these are the kind of these are the kind of things i need need to know as a as a rl craft newbie

Very nice so i know this is a bit like low low energy compared to my other stuff but i just i just needed to do something kind of quiet kind of kind of relaxed and i know our old craft is like you think our old craft you think oh big spooky

Monsters and stuff but it’s like the majority of our all craft is just kind of trying to unleash you’re really good at the game like just just kind of sifting around inside and fearing for your life that kind of thing so that’s what i’m doing anyway

Uh what was i that’s right put my iron in there we’re gold up there so i’ve got the gold for a summoning staff what else did i need for something stuff i needed an eye of ender no indoor eye no in the ball into pearl

And a bone okay so i can get that from a skeleton it’s just it’s just the in the thing i need which is which will be easy enough just make a two plank high thing and fix it from there i was making a hole that’s right but first i will

Need to make a monster drop chest that’s what i need to make i always do that in minecraft monster drop chest makes organizing these things a lot easier all right and i will put that on there if i’d rotten flesh it’d make things a lot easier but i’ll just put one of

These poison glands on there i only had one thing they dropped from monsters all right i guess that’ll just have to do then put this in the gardening chairs the potatoes i guess i’ll take 32 of them and 23 carrots to for the outside so i can plant them in all these seeds

Well most of them can go to there blaze wait when did i get a blaze rod got it from something all right wow oh and gunpowder is a mob drop and and feathers okay i’m a bit of an idiot a royal martin can go on the food

Um i’ll just pretend that’s a food chest as well fried egg delete that when i can take those i have seven levels okay uh time to put them in defense i’ll just keep putting them in defense until i can put on that iron armor so i need that pretty badly what does a

Darkness do are they evil no it’s still giving me regeneration whatever i’m gonna go check on my chickens breed them and then i’m gonna plant my seeds well the chickens plant theirs if you know what i mean all right chickens you’re all fully grown lovely then you will all breed with one another

And get even more experience for me man i’m gonna have so many different ways to get experience wow i only got three levels from that that was kind of crappy actually okay thank god i was about safe i just lost my lost my water there for no reason

Whatsoever i would be very upset of course the dragon could come by at any minute and just destroy all of what i’ve built here but hey uh get infinite water by doing this shrek nice and i still didn’t make a hope still didn’t make a hoe because god i’m just the

Genius of the geniuses say who’s the smartest man alive just people go i think that’s i think that’s rob i think that’s him you know that time he needed to make a hoagie he just didn’t they’re just what a smart boy what a smart lad

I have more torches i can use those i don’t want to be eaten alive by gru i’m just doing this because i wanted to make a uh a man-made object chest i can shove this into it i guess the spider web is kind of like a mob drop Daylight sensor is a man-made object it’s alright nice my nunchucks ready to go and i need to remember to make a hole how good is it gonna be it’s gonna be just normal all right good should really place these okay well i got to do this quick because the sun’s setting

Uh but i was going to just throw these eggs inside the yes an extra chicken that’s what i wanted that’s what i needed i sent this too far that’s not part of the you know what i’m just gonna cover that up all right nice uh so you can have gardens four blocks away

From the water which means that if i wanted to get a heat load of experience i could technically make it like four across four across and then i go four across again and then add another water line which is what i’ll probably do and just have a bunch of seeds

Whoops can’t have that there uh and then i’m just gonna plant them all real quick and just in case i want an easy food source which probably i won’t need because there’s a lot of extra stuff in this game i’ll add these extra potatoes and carrots that i had in my inventory don’t

Know maybe they give more experience compared to wheat see i’ve seen like some guy uh speed run arrow craft so we know what the bosses look like and stuff but like it’s it’s it’s it’s i forget also as well because it’s just it’s terrifying that stuff i just wouldn’t even know how

To start one two three four put it there take these out i know it’s night but i’ll be done really quickly oh wait crap uh i don’t think about this i’m gonna have to do a bit of terraforming i think but i’ll do that tomorrow stuff is starting to spawn so

I’m gonna do that tomorrow maybe i’ll create like an extra like exit out of the house yeah it’s probably a good idea can i create like an iron door that only opens with like a pressure plate or a button or a lever or something it’s just probably a bad idea saying his

Mobs can’t open wooden doors anyway uh do i have a wooden chest do i just simply have no wood i need to go get wood tomorrow i’ll make it look like a wee brain little purple brain purple brain rob help me with my homework all right

What do you need help with with your homework go shoot tell me i’m the smartest man alive go for it i’ll know the answer i’m just that smart all right i need to go get some wood today and i will finish off that garden but not before i do a little bit of

Slurping that’s a good slap now that’s what i’m calling a slip and i will create some doors and i will do some i’m not going to destroy my tree that i always use so i’ll just grab some trees that are more further away also i’m running out of pickaxe juice so

It’ll be good if i can create some more tools today as well i’ll get there grab some of these snowy also apparently i think uh i know there’s seasons in this game i don’t know how close i am to getting into the next season i don’t know if i if things are

Going to get hotter or if things are going to get because if things get hot i can just kind of move into the icy biome here and if things get cold too cold then i can just move back into this one but if it gets too yeah when it gets to

Winter it’s going to be the problem because i’m very so i guess i’m going to need something warm and i know there’s dogs i know i can see the dogs i have no bones if i had bones i’d be getting every that guy just looks straight up evil though

This nice dog said but then i this one doesn’t look so nice hello yeah see he does he looks a little a little raggedy he doesn’t look like he would enjoy my company the other wolves maybe but not not that guys in particular bro i’m not after you i’m just just

After the tree see i’m just a wild ravenous hunter for these trees wow that’s pretty cool effect get the wood please all right nice i got a bit of wood today um that’s fine all right let’s uh i can put that down everything’s really hazy i don’t know if that’s an effect

I guess that’s an effect of the game because i could see everything else before pretty easy uh all right let’s turn this oh wait saw that’s right there’s a saw hang on i remember now i don’t have to spend my time hatching away at this stuff i could get a saw

All right an irons only gathering eight no tree punching okay well i i can get my gathering up i suppose and i can make that before i forget about it one two three i just don’t suppose i can make it with cobblestone all right give me just a sec i need why

Did i put it in this one okay one two three got a sworn i had more iron i must have just wasted it all oh i can go in there uh one two i don’t know why i grab three if i only need two iron saw so in the gathering eight it’s

Just a regular one thank god gathering i don’t even know gathering at one all right well start leveling that up as well i guess putting up everything is a good good idea right being an every man so i need dirt to expand my farming empire

And see the great thing is is that just not very far away is a stupendous business opportunity because there’s all that bone meal so i can just go get the bones come back and then just use all the bone meal to expand my garden and bam easy peasy lemon squeezy

It’s a little bit annoying i have to pick up every single bit of dirt that i do but then again in a game like this we don’t want to pick up everything it’s i suppose it’s not that bad use the bones on the dogs no i only have bone meal i don’t have

Regular bones no regular bones around here my friend this persona 4 song um i really like the persona 4 golden um i hate the fly sound i really like the persona 4 golden uh theme like the main song that plays but also the battle theme i really like

I haven’t played too much into persona 4. i’ve only just really kind of started it uh okay let’s see i can grab some extra water i wonder if any enemies spawn from water they’re kind of cruel wouldn’t it is this gonna break before i yeah it’s definitely gonna break before i

Finish the garden it’s all right i’ve got sticks i’ve got stuff you know what i’m gonna do i’m just gonna um just gonna make a crafting table right here i have two all right well whatever um and then i can just make a bunch of more tools

While i’m standing here so i make sure i don’t run out of anything nice and i should probably add an extra pair of tools to the to the underground shelter just in case you know when i need another uh one of these don’t i perfect

Just in case i die and i need some tools to just to go out and that actually makes sense for me to get another set of armor as well then but right now we’re pretty close to we will be exploring so uh seeds and carrots and i’ll put these down

And then i will grab all the bone meal i had i think i lost it actually i think i died oh that kind of been good for the garden just [ __ ] jumping on it all right water please i’ll drink my gardening juice that’s that’s good that’s nice for the bones

Oh okay let’s head back over to where that dragon was that’s a smart idea but um yeah i like don’t ever have to eat it’s really weird you think they would add something like like a nutrition meter or something where like your general health goes down if you don’t

Eat like the right kind of food i don’t know could be interesting i know there are mods which is like if you eat the same thing over and over again your character starts to hate it i think i would prefer like a nutrition meter where like instead of getting instead of

Being worse off because you didn’t eat a bunch of foods i’d rather have it that you’re better off because you did eat a bunch of foods that are different like for example if you feed your character a nice varied diet of like um vegetables and fruits

But also a bit of meat and then you can have like some some some nice stuff every now and again to keep them happy it’s like then your character’s like oh man this is so good i’m gonna get a five percent increase in speed or you know a five percent increase in

Damage to all enemies you know something like that that could be interesting because right now like regular minecraft you have like watermelon and stuff but there’s really no reason to eat it because it doesn’t really do anything like it just gives you a very small amount of hunger

It’s nice to decorate with i guess i have to be i have to be gathering level 12 okay well that was pointless um all right well let me make a little chest out here to put my bone meal stuff in so i don’t forget that’s here uh don’t need these

Put that in there okay you have a little flower as well whoops i think yeah that should be fine for as long as i just those i could just go grab more seeds because i’m gonna need to give more have more seeds anyway for my

My other does this even grow yeah it is growing okay had a mod pack before when nothing just grew at all it’s really upset yourself the song of a [ __ ] we got sale bro 28 paper i don’t know that’s a good deal to be honest 20 coal for a single 39 rotten flesh

Guys you’re ripping me off here i can’t afford all that i don’t see you guys going around killing any zombies or anything my chickens over there oh man i’m thirsty i am the thirsting up a bunch sorry i ruined your garden whoops totally didn’t mean it uh oh [ __ ] i can wear it

Nice fire protection too now that guy is never gonna get me he is not even gonna come close he is gonna say oh no my fire isn’t doing anything to him and it’s cause i got fire protection maybe that’s the stuff all right guys it’s time for your daily seeds

You’re gonna mate and make me some lovely babies any rotten eggs any rotten eggs at all i know it’s a very small chance all had a huge huge no just regular eggs okay well at least we got another baby chicken in the joint we’ll call him fred read the baby chicken

Nice region lady i should put a name name tag on one of those theories and lead it put a lead on it to like lead it into my house so i always reach in all right let me just grab some more seeds and i’ll i’ll go to beard

So what was the defense needed in order to get um iron arm it was like eight or something wasn’t it that’s what i’ll be going for next i suppose i won’t bother with gathering wood or anything until i’ve got at least level 8 defense

Or maybe if i get to level five maybe i should just fight something tonight do i have like i’ve got my nunchucks i’m sure i could fight something with my nunchucks to eat a fried egg or something before i start there are some zombies i could just

Fight a couple of zombies get enough to get to level five and then see what that whole l thing was about is that a that’s a quill beast i don’t that thing’s passive i don’t need to kill that but the zombie over here however will not be okay nunchucks a little on

Um whoa whoa oh there’s a lion that is not um um if you guys could leave the garden alone that’d be great because that’s not well one thing led to another the zombie kind of gave way to like some weird creature and then a lion came out of

Nowhere and bit me on the ass so you know what i’m just gonna go to bed maybe fighting things at night is not the right idea for me hold down lift click with your nunchucks okay you know what i’ll give it a try next time i see i see okay nice

It’ll be good for the lion it’s outside i’m sure the lion will be really scared of my nunchucks it’s still outside jesus christ Oh that’s the door i didn’t want to break the door hey mr lion i’m just gonna how is he still i am i’m currently losing health finding this lion guy what the hell am i made to do against the lion i don’t understand uh okay hang on uh my house has

My house has wool i’m going to go grab some of it to make some bandages i wish i had bow and an arrow bows and arrows how do i make arrows i have a bow maybe i think it’s stick and feather in flint do i have flint i flinch shards hang on

Arrow what is that a vile spine 16 arrows with three of each okay that makes things a lot easier look here’s some gravel i can i can take that gravel okay grab this like that bandages all done let’s let’s do our head and we’ll uh do our right arm as well that’s that’s looking a little looking a

Little a little unsafe right there all right that’s good uh make a boomerang okay not a bad idea let’s make let’s make that if a boomerang is in this one i know this boomerang’s in other packs so oh yep okay uh i need attack 24 and that one’s attack 12.

Uh maybe there’s a regular boomerang no here we go okay attack four magic two attack four attack two magic four attack eight there’s a stone boomerang five point five damage six point two five do i have attack for magic two okay that’s how you build it attack four magic two

What do i have what do i got that’s not what i’m looking for uh uh how do i get rid of this big ugly menu there we go attack four magic two okay yeah i can make that i can definitely do that right you son of a [ __ ] lion

Is what you’re gonna be getting oh wow nice cross he is okay let’s put everything else away so i don’t have to worry about that um he’s still there he’s still outside he just doesn’t want to give up i’ll keep the crafting table on me just

In case i need it but i’ll put some of these rocks away okay jesus this guy is still here i don’t understand why can’t i use this attack requirements attack eight but didn’t it say attack four what did i make i made the wrong one oh silver boomerang i don’t have silver

And i don’t have bronze either i guess i’ll just have to make the wooden boomerang the stone boom wait stoner yeah okay i’ll just i guess i’ll just have to make the stone boomerang that’s a thing i guess all right jesus about to go off to my death

The boomerang i couldn’t even throw let’s see all right nice all right boomerang’s uh a really nice i can finally live up have my australian dream oh crikey that’s a that’s a big gnarly one right there andy’s did all right that was a surprisingly easy

Lion to kill wait i got bones from him that means that all i need now is a um well i can go get a wolf companion but also um that means hopefully soon i can find it in demand and get an indoor pearl okay there’s this walls over here let’s

See if i can get one with two bones i want to save one of the bones for a summoning staff but um okay oh you son of a [ __ ] well you ain’t getting any more i’m saving this bone for my summoning stop get a flying mount i’m not sure how to

Do that just yet i think i have to make like treats or something but just starting off slow for now back here oh that’s a male you don’t want to fight the males i don’t want to go too close to that dragon either i just want to

Grab this meat because it heals me and i’m off i should like to be healed from you if that’s okay as long as that dragon doesn’t see me i’ll be fine that’s my health looking like uh h okay it’s just my left arm is a bit sore

Right thank you fairy i’ll be off i’m very thirsty apparently i should turn this into a lake like a like a nice little lake you know what maybe that’ll be my my thing for today then nothing spooky can spawn from it who said an rl craft you can’t get fancy

Who said in our old craft you can’t make things nice it doesn’t all have to be rpg elements in doom and gloom you can make something fancy you could say hey i’m gonna make turn this into a lovely little summer camping trip lake thing well apparently there’s lava under this that’s nice

I’ll just create a little little little lake just a small one at the bottom eventually it’ll get bigger and bigger but look at that already already looking fantastic uh let’s put one whoops that’s not where i wanted to put that fly will you get away from my ear please [Laughter]

One there put something over there put that there grab that put it there grab that put it there grab that put it there then we get that we put it there look at this look at looking better already just a nice man-made lake of infinite water

You know what they say if it’s not man-made it’s not why am i burning is it because i’m next to lava is that what’s going on because there’s lava underneath the water all right i’m out of here i’m out of here all right it must have been it

I’ll hop in the water just in case but you know you at least tell me what’s going on i need to create one of those aussie liners all right uh see my house really isn’t looking too good i think swimming in boiling water would hurt yeah yeah

Wee bit just wait this is done ah some levels that’s what we need carrots seem to be done very nice and these seem to be done excellent look at that all right now we just need uh what are we putting that into again defense that’s right

Wow that was uh quick to go down but the rest of it anyway can the seeds can go into my farm listen once i get iron armor i’ll be more comfortable going outside and you know doing stuff but until then we’re just going to kind of stick around

Stick around our house and figure out what we want to do just some nice background noise background noise of radical sodas to listen to while studying and then he’ll scream when a lion appears on eats his face alright chickens it’s time for your breeding session well i actually didn’t bring enough

Seeds i’m surprised i think there’s some dirt in here nope that didn’t do anything okay any rotten eggs guys any rotten eggs really no wrong eggs zero rotten eggs that’s fine i guess i mean usually in the world they wouldn’t want you making rotten eggs me however

So we got a couple of things going on so we’re not doing we’re not doing nothing we’re just doing regular minecraft things we’re doing fancy rl craftings rotten eggs uh okay let’s see you and you okay you two are the last one so i forgot about okay nice level 8 which also means

Uh we can upgrade our defense one more and i think once we get to level eight properly we can actually yeah we can actually uh we’ll be able to you know we’re we’re the armor i still have that bone that’s good bone goes in there this

Is the marker meat this is the thing i was talking about and i think yeah level eight okay wish i could have a better helm i probably can make a bit of helmet actually i think that’s probably not a problem um house is looking okay it’s not horrible you know it’s not not

It’s not that bad it’s nice homely i’ll add some carpet and later i guess i have some leather i have leather let’s look up some more stuff maybe there’s like a fancy weapon like well what’s a alright sabers and things are a thing say saber that’s how you spell saber

Um okay that requires okay i could create a stone saber okay i shall do that i shall do that was that on it i need a handle okay uh i know how to do that that is with plot string i think yeah there we go wait i think there’s

Also a thing called a yeah a rapier is that better okay 2.4 attack speed and three attack damage five attack damage one point six i’ll i’ll go for the saber for now it just has more overall yeah i’ll just go for that for now and that’ll be nice just for now

Oh come on i just wanna just let me just just just let me have an empty hand for drinking i really wish it was an easier way to drink they should have like a separate button for drinking like f or something rotten flesh that’s a thing that goes in there

Let me just put every single thing i own into oh here we go cooked maca meat this this gives you extra um health if you eat it so that’s really really nice uh i need to keep that white wool keep that for carpet even if i need to cobblestone

I’ll keep a bit of a few rocks on me but in the meantime that can go in there hey bail don’t need hay bales right now grafting table keep that spruce wood keep that chest suppose i can just place the chest down i suppose if that’s like my bedroom i

Could create another room like in here it just keeps going on i don’t know why i’m thinking of having a bedroom in rl craft but hey that’s the life oh wrong one there we go that’ll work for now uh and the flintshot that can go I can go in here granite rock don’t need that okay let’s see how everything’s going and let’s do a little bit of so i need to get to level 8 before i can go exploring so i will simply just run around get some experience i think i can get to

Level 8 before the end of this minecraft day i just need that just need that good old iron armor otherwise there’s just simply no point yeah level four already okay i just gotta go kill some stuff easy yes what if i go i’ve got my new stone saber

I could go kill some stuff like that big guy over there i can kill him he doesn’t fight back it’s the dragon of course which is a problem but he’s flying backwards so he he’s on opposite day i guess no he’s flying back forward okay they’re very interesting lava really

It’s the last place so the last thing i wanted to see lava i need it you know i’ve got a bucket i can just get rid of it [ __ ] you’ve seen your last lava dance yeah that’s right see how easy that was for me to get rid of you

I should have done that from the start right there’s like a like a weak castle over there or something you can see it just out of the well it’s like a whole city over there or something wow i’m like near lots of stuff but i’m gonna kill this guy first

All right eat raw i ate this raw stunningly good to eat raw okay it looks more like a leak to me but i’ll eat it raw go give it a go what happens if i cook it i shouldn’t go near that dragon i got paralysis oh shockingly i

I get it okay i get it that’s hilarious thanks gabe what if i was hiding in a corner from a zombie and i needed some food and i go to that and it kills me what would you say then that dragon just is kind of stuck right going around

The ground here oh my god what what whoa oh oh that’s that’s bad that’s bad for me what’s my health looking like it’s not that bad okay just uh maybe don’t go in the okay there’s stuff under there i can see is that wood hang on there’s definitely wood or something in there

But i don’t know what that is that’s gu of some kind that’s a spawning thing hang on it’s an in-demand spawning thing wait is that is that any demand spawning thing sure is that’s a that is not however um that however is not now this could be good for me

But it could also be very very bad therefore i’m going to block that off just for now i’m going to take this uh i’m going to stop all the lava from being able to do anything so you’re welcome um future me because i’ve learned my lesson about lava

That is don’t go near the damn stuff but now it’s dark in here and things are going to start spawning so therefore i probably should have brought some torches this is an unlit torch i just wasted stuff on an unlit torch i don’t know how to light the torches i’ve got torches here

Okay this is a lit torch spiders i can still grab the emeralds though see you guys later oh that’s a goopy guy that’s a gooby guy i should not have come here hang on i need to just get some water in me be on my merry way

I’m guessing the goopy guy spawned from the goopy goop why am i trying to follow him i’m just gonna go there’s a lot of goopy guys probably coming out of there but i’m done with the goopy guys you know what i’m just gonna go up here and maybe live my own life

There’s fire over there that’s nice oh that’s the house i’ve already been to over here that’s okay too but there’s a house over here maybe there’s something in this house over here i’m just here i’m just here for your stuff okay there’s a lot of fire this

To something the dragon keeps popping in and out of existence that’s okay i’m just gonna go in through this way nice and hidden nope nothing in there all right just uh abandoned just a ye old abandoned house fire i’m so scared i’m quite far away from home he was very low

Oh probably because he fell in lava all right hang on just get rid of that lava lava is not my friend level six we’re almost there guys whoa was i ever lucky there’s a there’s a bloody like mini boss in there jesus so glad i got rid of that before

That spawn is there a dinosaur spawn inside that building come on guys i’m just here for your xp thank you for your xp level seven you know i need flint as well because i need feathers i need flint and i need that other thing that i can’t remember

So just get a bunch of gravel oh there’s some flint that’s nice wait is this keep going down look at this possibly go oh this is like a dungeon thing i remember these i had this in my mod pack but this is our lcraft so things have got to be

Right this game doesn’t realize i’m using optifine so it doesn’t think so it thinks that i’m in the pitch black okay that’s fine no i’m actually going to open this up and tell you what i’m going to do is i’m going to leave a door here instead of what it wants me to

Have uh come on where’s my x there it is and even though i’ve got like no armor on i’ll be able to make some soon wait i’ve got an iron helmet here oh a new iron helmet that’s 13 locational armor what’s this 13 location okay so silver is exactly the same

But this one is fire protection that one doesn’t okay so i’ve already got a good helmet okay uh which has probably saved me more than i know but i’ll put that down there and i was going to make a door so things can’t follow me if i decide to yep okay

What is this what the [ __ ] what is this wooden hoe with sticks what is this what is this what is this guys does anybody know what that is lights turning on i should steal one of these lights this is terrifying this is actually so scary oh my god did you guys hear that

I want that i want that don’t pretend i don’t have that i’ll just get rid of that for now okay i just want to find oh thank you very much mr psycho fly for the five dollars thanks for uploading entertaining content this is the second stream i’m able to catch live well

Glad to have you along just gonna just gonna try and find a chest of some some sort really nothing nothing at all down here come on i gotta have something right anything i want to get another another couple of these all right i don’t need these doors maybe i will

Oh it’s so hard to tell what to drop potatoes i got plenty of potatoes all right just want the red oh that’s a spider i mean a spider’s not too bad actually but all right uh there’s a cake down there and it looks like to be a room down

There i’ll go down the room first [ __ ] what is this it’s not going there not yet not yet i feel like there’s a lower floor and i don’t feel like i’m ready for that okay uh Just want a chest it’s a spider it’s not that bad okay oh nice stuff like actual stuff oh that’s good that’s good stuff there’s suspicious sounds happening i don’t like it let’s just put stuff i don’t need in here um don’t need the dirt don’t use on the torches

Please be quick i don’t like these sounds like these sounds are really scary actually hot dust i don’t know what that does i think that gives me more hearts uh uh um i guess i don’t need that that the almost did axe uh instant health uh instead of um um um

The the door i’ll put these on straight away hang on let me put these on straight away all right nice uh cooked fish uh near the quartz i want that um issue i why would i need to cook fish god these sounds are terrifying there’s something something to spawn over there

He looks fast i’m just gonna run back that’s definitely not good for me oh [ __ ] me dorches okay good little chupacabra good little chupacabra Eat a dick little chupacabra yeah eat a dick oh god he can still get me from back here yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s right eat a [ __ ] dick yeah that’s right bro oh you’re gonna run away you’re gonna cry you’re gonna shoot your pants and cup

I guess he did a little [ __ ] what an absolute [ __ ] uh all right let’s let’s let’s start my head all right there we go it is still nighttime i thought it might be day already but i guess not i’ve got 11 11 11 things i can put that in somewhere

Uh i’ll put that in defense one of the fence and i’ll put the others in attack that seems like a good place some of those fireworks going off oh oh there must have been that room i activated wow oh it’s beautiful oh it’s magnificent oh what a beautiful ending to the stream

Oh that’s wonderful things start off with a bang look at that oh it’s on the sun rises oh this is what a what a perfect night and and my horse that i i’ve lost the saddle to all right well sorry horse that there’s no no there’s no saddle but i’ll take your

Horse mate and and cool stuff and stuff and just that’s a lion guess they didn’t like me taking this stuff jesus christ crikey that’s a that’s a big beefy boy i think he broke my jesus christ [ __ ] lions my boomerang please [Applause] can i get my stuff i don’t need this

Because i’ve got my silver helmet um i’ll be honest i don’t need these nunchucks anymore keep the flint keep the gravel because i need that for the arrows slime balls i need that i need that because i don’t need the jack-o-lantern now that i’ve got these redstone

Uh heart dust to keep that what if i type up hot this snow that hot dust oh 24 hot dust creates a heart container you know hot crystal shot oh okay i get it okay so i need heart dust to create heart crystal shard which the nine of those creates a heart

Did i drop that by accident i’m brilliant i have no idea what that is but it sounds rare that is a definite scary guy oh [ __ ] rear vampiric skeleton that also likes to blow up apparently that also likes to blow up i’m not losing my [ __ ] i i i ain’t

Losing it i’m going back i’m grabbing my stuff and i’m coming right back it’ll be fine it’ll be fine look it’s going to be fine he’s going to be gone by the time i get he’ll just have despawned that’s what the repulsion meant help yourself don’t go after any of

These freaky ass this is why i need my chicken chicken my decimating chicken uh army that’s why this is where i was going right this is where it was i just follow the fireworks i guess if i could just put all my stuff in the chest as i get it

Unless he actually did despawn okay i think he actually did despawn which is good and i can quickly go back with all my stuff uh quick give me the helmet grab all this extra bandages nice nice good stuff i gotta stop being so ballsy and just start being a little [ __ ] again really

The plasters really really you gonna do this to me can’t even have the plastics like you know how do i make a plaster healing solve and paper and string they’re probably pretty good then um let me just put those on take that back put that in give me my leather back please

I suppose i can always find more gravel sticks i find more sticks iron chest plate i’d like to put that on my body please it’s good i’ll take that back shortcast one i’m assuming that shortens the time it takes for me to cast something i want my boomerang um

Oh i put that in my yes i’d like to keep my item frames that’s not too much trouble for you uh i don’t need my horse meat all right that should be fine i see anything else around here i should be grabbing before i get back

No and if there is i can always come back but for now uh using this red would be a great carpet though you know what i don’t need the healing self i can just grab the wool real quick i don’t even think i need that just grab it with this

Let’s grab the red wool make a nice little carpet am i grabbing it even what did i grab hello don’t eat that that’s right eat the red wool please it’s just no it’s there’s no night time there’s no magic skeletons going around will i stream more arrow craft at a

Later date if i feel like it yeah it’s been pretty fun i would like to stream some more of this i feel would it be nicer if i had some friends to play with but what is that what is that i thought it was a dragon for a second it was

Freaking out i don’t think that thing’s too bad but i’m gonna run away anyway right looks like it’s pretty bad oh jesus christ dude okay you can fly okay good to know guess what i’ve where’s my boomerang gone okay can you give me back my boomerang thankfully my shield seems to take the

Fire and just kind of why am i not going to aiming oh great oh cool the grim reaper decides to come out of that guy yeah thanks bro [ __ ] wait what’s this it’s in the charge i feel like i should take that um i guess markham it’s not i mean that’s

Pretty dang good this stuff’s pretty good but i’ll just eat it now all right i should take some of these just because i feel like it um i’m gonna exchange ah screw it just there all right i don’t need near the quartz not one piece anyway right

Right i’m getting thirsty put these on the ground just for now right can i have them back i put them in the water they’re made of fire so they probably just evaporated that’s great thanks there’s the dragon it’s good stuff please don’t kill me i seem to be okay

I seem to be okay okay wolf thank god i will call you grangus grangus you’re coming with me and who else we got here we got um glumpy and uh skinny and they’re all gonna be my friends grangus skunky and skinky what was it i don’t

Know grunky was that it i can’t remember all right i’ve got our three dogs they’re here to protect me if anything attacks me they’ll go for it i feel like i feel a little safer now that i’ve got three teleporting dogs good stuff come on inside dogs i see it come inside

They’re not going to come inside oh there we go there’s one all right well you guys you’re gonna have to figure out who gets to come in first okay or whatever you can teleport in that’s fine well enemies aren’t going to attack them anyway so i can only sleep

Anyway i think that’s a good time to stop for now um i feel like my shoulders are gonna be so tense my shoulders are so tense that they’re gonna rip off my shoulders my shoulders will rip off my shoulders great great wordplay there rob

Um but i i think we made a good start and i can take that and i think i can wear this now quality is thick thick and i think i can wear that yep good and i can have my yeah i think next time we should go for diamond stuff and try

Get some enchanting stuff sorted all red wool let’s just get that let’s get a little bit of carpet down first oh rich looking bag get some carpet down before i do anything yeah that’s the stuff oh thanks man [ __ ] no i just figured this out what do you mean you just

Figured this out oh you just you just came along is what you mean all right um oh right i should i should probably feed my chickens before i go let’s do that before before i go um but before even that i’ll just sort my stuff out uh all right fireworks that’s some

Man-made objects spectral bolt can go in there this can go up here carrot can go in there then we’ve got dust let’s put that there i guess book is a man-made object we’ve got more red wolf damn it no that’s not what i wanted to make well now we’ve got a sleeping bag

For everyone want to go camping somewhere okay uh redstone lamp oh let’s get another one of those redstone lamps out and i need a stick that i didn’t keep on me good good stuff all right here we go uh and i can create a stick if i smash that all right nice

All right it was down there thank you very much just figured out how to simple mobile very nice you know you got to learn to simp anywhere you can this has actually been quite a lot of fun i’ve really really enjoyed myself with this uh went away there’s my lever there it is

The last thing we’ll do is i think we’ll just um i’ll put those in there just so i don’t lose it enchanted books can go at the bottom there wood can go in this chest not all of it but some of it plasters so i have like a medicinal chest i guess

In the meantime this medicinal stuff can go there i’ll just i need to use magic 4 for those so i don’t really need them on me right now pork like meat put that in there use i can use that whenever the shield is useless now so

I’ll put that in the water i guess uh rocks yeah sure whatever redstone put that in there all right let’s go give my chickens some love and i lost my boomerang for god’s sake lost my boomerang once again all right let’s let’s get another boomerang all right nice

Damn it it’s night all right uh hang on let me go to sleep first and then i will wow it takes a long time to go down those stairs uh yeah hi dogs all right oh hi doggy all right all right i’m hitting my head on this

On the on the roof here so i think that was the problem all right dog you stay inside well you’re gonna teleport out anyway but it doesn’t matter oh jesus christ guys don’t teleport in them towards where my now i gotta give you my cooked chicken

Come on guys create a nice wolf army will ya yeah breed breed up i say now i have a fourth dog that’s right is that a spider in the middle of my garden [Applause] dogs will you kill that please dogs pretty please it’s the whole reason what they can’t really kill something which

Is up high neither can i oh wait i’ve got something for that please don’t kill my dogs [Applause] oh why why why why why i have 7 levels as well come on i can do this i’m a good shot i’m a good shot oh my god my dogs are dying

There we go okay you’re fine you’re fine what about you dog you’re fine oh you little pup you’re fine we as we was grungus where’s guys where’s grunges not grungus i think grunge is perished son of a [ __ ] look at what’s coming to him well he’s already dead but no

I really should have learned my lesson should have really learned my lesson on on that one right there but she wiz that’s uh that’s not very nice oh he’s already attacking me oh that’s great i’m already poisoned that’s really nice not that i can do anything about it

Enough for me to pick stuff up i need it yeah sure just just just do that that’ll work okay i need to put that on i guess no stop stop stop stop stop stop at least i got something for it i guess what’s that life drain charge

I got something i got something for custom items spriggan hearts that can be used to create powerful equipment use the equipment forge you’ll be crafted it’s a useful resource it’s a jewel projectile summoning seed primary use four seconds okay yep great cool i just wanted seeds man i’m not even gonna touch

Touch anything anymore but i’ve got 11 seeds there should be i just need just need a few more seeds come on like you guys stay there okay you know get some chickens laying that’s right guys you got any rotten eggs for me absolutely no rotten eggs i’m surprised that i haven’t even got

One yet because when i do it’ll be like an army of wolves but even better because they can shoot from afar i’ve got two extra babies in there all right nice all right fairy can you help me golden nymph oh my god i was about to die golden nymph

Can you not region me please here we go okay nice I will slowly region health i guess we need to make a little a little gravestone where grongus died wolf meat oh god no grungers oh that’s actually horrible that’s horrible oh all right let’s just do a wee simple cross for grungus where he died poor grungus he died so that we may live

Make a little sign for him i guess i have sticks i have a stick poor old grungus earth already beginning to heal back over taken from us too soon griffin pieces grunkers the happy sound effect does not work with this oh okay what’s that that’s just the

Golden nymph okay well thank you all so much for joining me i i hope we could do this again sometime it was a lot of fun and and i think our real craft could be the start of a lovely little relaxing series whenever i’m feeling feeling particularly like playing rl craft

Slime balls go in there gold ingot i’ll do a little bit of research maybe or maybe i won’t maybe i’ll just keep going into this blind and see what happens eh i should probably put this stuff into a separate slot all right poison hunger weakness nausea and paralysis nice looks pretty good

All right i’ll catch you guys later you only just got here i’m sorry but there is there is it’ll be it’ll be up within a couple of hours and surely you haven’t seen every single one of my streams so there’s always vods if you need something to listen in the background

I’ll see you guys later bye thanks for joining

This video, titled ‘An extremely scary and very sad minecraft mod [RLCraft 01]’, was uploaded by Real RadicalSoda on 2021-01-17 04:48:29. It has garnered 5122 views and 242 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:04 or 11344 seconds.

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  • SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!

    SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Live | JAVA | Public SMP’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-22 05:57:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAVA + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.8 – 1.20.4 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! – Insane Wadan Adventure!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! - Insane Wadan Adventure!Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ‏e This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wadan’, was uploaded by s,k, boos on 2024-02-15 13:41:19. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More


    💥ULTIMATE HER0BRINE PANAMA CHALLENGE🔥 | VIRAL SHORT VIDEOVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo||’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2023-12-29 02:30:17. It has garnered 2619 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo|| Minecraft Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short Herobrine Minecraft creative gameplay Minecraft skibidi toilet herobrine herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine of minecraft minecraft and herobrine minecraft herobrine minecraft minecraft minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine mod herobrine minecraft mod herobrine animation herobrine minecraft animation herobrine in real life mc… Read More

  • 🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfblood

    🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfbloodVideo Information I was like you know what I thought these were these bues I thought I thought the little SCI were building here yeah the SC no that’s Noah the Kevin those um scientist miners guys they’re they’re gone dude they they went somewhere I haven’t seen them since it’s been like a day dude not really dude what you’re talking I saw it they glitched my world you know why you know why every time I it wouldn’t it was just um Sunset it wouldn’t stop going on Sunset yeah cuz I had sunset on I had sunset… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Breezily Bridge Yaparak Bedwars Oynuyoruz!! Abone Ol Ekranda İsmin Çıksın | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-19 17:51:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you would like to donate; ⭐️Discord: ⭐️İnstagram: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme

    MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize it’s just a pixelated illusion of productivity in your real life. #minecraftillusion #gamerproblems Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of thrilling Minecraft adventures? Do you enjoy exploring new mods and experiencing heart-pounding gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine delving into a world filled with mystery and danger, just like the YouTuber in the video “I NEVER Knew It Was There !!! #Minecraft #mod #modded #new #gaming #funny #scary #stalked.” With a variety of mods and gameplay options, Minewind provides endless opportunities… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Mob Tower

    Outsmarting the Mob Tower Minecraft Dungeons: Conquering the Mob Tower Zak and Zi, two brave adventurers in the world of Minecraft, found themselves deep underground in a dimly lit cave system. Armed with their swords and armor, they ventured through twisting tunnels, hearts pounding with every step. Exploring the Tower As they delved deeper, they stumbled upon a gigantic tower teeming with eerie creatures. From zombies in armor to powerful bosses, the tower presented a formidable challenge. Armed with their weapons, Zak and Zi braced themselves for the battles ahead. Choosing the Right Gear Amidst the chaos, they had to make crucial decisions… Read More

  • Jerome’s Wild Berserker Minecraft Cookie Camp!

    Jerome's Wild Berserker Minecraft Cookie Camp!Video Information now friends this isn’t your everyday cookie Camp yeah um when you spawn in you’re going to spawn in with a class orb uh there is a shop dedicated to each class except for the last one on the right the ranger class wasn’t working for me so I just didn’t uh we’re we’re ignoring that one so once you spawn in just right click with the orb and uh pick what class you think you’d want oh what are they all mean one of them is a gun uh don’t pick the gun one that’s the one… Read More

  • The Shocking Truth About Parenting

    The Shocking Truth About ParentingVideo Information रिदेश ना अी ना भाई को थोड़ी देर देख लेना मैं काम करके आती हूं इ तो आपस में ही खेल रहा है मेरे साथ नहीं खेल रहा है क्या करर मैं मिट्टी खेल लेता हूं मिट्टी खेलना मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है बेबी ये क्या कर रहा है छ छ मिट्टी क्यों खेल रहा है मैंने इन दोनों को देखने के लिए बोला था इन दोनों कहां गए तुम दोनों को भाई को देखने के लिए बोले थे ना सॉरी ममा हम लोग भूल गए थे आज के बाद भाई को देखूंगी This video, titled ‘अपने बच्चो… Read More

  • Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!

    Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!Video Information [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Brandon I’m designer/ stop doing that right now I can’t stand the sounds stop so welcome oh we’re starting a brand new an Anarchy realm and it’s going to be anarch like it’s going to be crazy so there’s going to be a safe Zone the city right there’s a spot where you can’t do anything you can’t grief you can’t steal you can’t murder but only in the only near spawn and then in the city area right anywhere else in the realm Like Anything… Read More


    AG LIVE: CRAZY MINECART MYSTERY!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information baby we built this house on memories take my picture now shake it till you see it and when your fantasies become your legacy promise me a place baby we built this house on memories This video, titled ‘where the minecart go ? 🤔 #logic #shorts’, was uploaded by AG LIVE – R on 2024-02-16 10:45:23. It has garnered 7735 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. where the minecart go ? 🤔🤔 #logic #trending #shorts #minecraft #tiktok Minecraft minecart Minecart destination Minecart track Minecart journey Exploring minecart routes Minecart transportation… Read More

  • Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3

    Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3Video Information राइट क्लिकट मात्र आ लाइ देखिए प्रॉब्लम ब लो दोस्त कैसे हैं आप लोग क पर तुम अपना घर में जाके अभी नहीं चाहिए मे को अपना में जा ले सामान वगर में [संगीत] उठा गग है तुम्हारे पास आर ग होगा तो क्या है कोडिनेट हाइड करने को नहीं चाहिए नहीं बनता आवा लाइव टेक्स्ट लगाओ कोने हाइड नहीं करना कोई मतलब नहीं है दरवाजा लगा पड़ा है मेरे को जहा तक या मेरा घर इधर ही है क्या बोल रहा क्या बोल रहा तुम य मेरा फ वगर है ये मेरा घोरा ये मेरा छगल [प्रशंसा]… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!

    Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!Video Information all right dudes welcome to Ultimate mine Steve Ultimate Chicken Steve ultimate mine chicken Steve it’s basically Ultimate Chicken horse so you see we’re building this parkour uh to get to the end and we have to go through this island I’m placing my first block right here go away I’m placing my first block right here so every round we will place new blocks to build the parkour to actually complete the map and uh then we can also add traps and things to try to stop each other you get one life per round to try… Read More

  • Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!

    Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!Video Information okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out my chat and we are going to put it into the URL spot and then YouTube open up the chat top chat live chat what’s up Noah what’s up Greninja what’s up Ender Soul how is everyone doing what’s up graned what’s up Crown uh what’s up gos let me send in the Discord @ notific there we go live now live now working on the whole once again I don’t know how to spell again I spelled it with an H again there we go… Read More

Real RadicalSoda – An extremely scary and very sad minecraft mod [RLCraft 01]