Recovering from Leg Day: Doctor Wasabi Hive Mini Games LIVE

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Your album Evergreen on Amazon Music uh Prime says I hate H how you doing five you’re doing good right I’ll be uh I’ll be with you guys in a second um I actually need to what is you doing anyway um jambl yes tax what is jamore uh cup duck hello uh finally L hi

What up sorry hello tax um I’ll be with you in a second I’m just kind of setting up um and such um I actually need to find my glasses cuz I don’t have them on one second okay right here we go uh pogt says yo this is sick oh I appreciate the

Uh the compliment POG how you doing hi and by because dentist appointment oh I see cop dock you have my sympathies hopefully everything goes well um I know dentist appointments can be can beit a pain I was bored hoping for someone to go live well luckily for you my legs are

Absolutely sore as so I am at home today excuse me oh oh that was a big one uh sui hello hello thank goodness no school tomorrow so I can actually hang out in in the Stream fair enough okay so the reason why I’m actually streaming today um I actually

Should have been in um just doing stuff uh I went to the gym yesterday um it was my leg day um and I sort of pushed myself because I’m doing bulk um so I did a lot heavier weights for my upper legs the only thing is when you usually

Do like day you sort of feel it afterwards and because I pushed myself so hard um I can certainly um say that my my legs are just destroyed I have no school for the rest of the month really that’s crazy cuz I’m done writing exams oh I see I see fair enough

Uh leg day sucks like going up staircases is a big no no no no no no I I don’t mean like that I mean like um like oh wait no wait wait you’re joking yes okay I can though Um What uh daffy’s dead says what’s up what’s up Daffy how you Doing huh okay right so I’m just saying up the stream now Um uh start yeah yeah I’m I’m starting now um I’m doing okay how about you I’m not bad um I usually don’t stream today but I my legs are just destroyed after uh I went to the gym yesterday so I thought I may as well um you know treat you guys

Uhi says good what you’re not my boss we will start when I think we can start uh no problem at least you’re out of school now I still I’ll have another three issues welcome to the Grind okay let’s see what thing is good that looks decent how does that FNA now

Look oh lovely little gardens that’s nice yeah we’ll do that yeah so it’s going to be a very casual stream um a lot of quest grinding stuff like that um I don’t want to be too intense unless it calls for it so right let me actually load the chat I

Do understand I’ve missed some chats so I do apologize about that okay right um because I’m done writing Exams uh I’m doing okay how about you I answered that um uh start I will start I’m just making sure the thumbnail is up are you actually that impatient like I want it now I I was watching um like me not me Canyons Papa meets video on the the

Cabbage Patch Kid riots and it’s like like why I want the Cabbage Patch dolls L yeah I should I just take my sweet time I still have 5 years well look that that’s that’s a pretty good goal to go for I mean if we could start this uh

Stream in 5 years I think we’ll be good yeah um let’s see if the thumbnail is up let me see yeah I was I don’t know what you’re complaining about this is literally like the same time we take every time to make sure the stream’s live very

Strange I’m going to grade eight next year nice uh fake evident P account says hello welcome welcome man uh 5 years I’d wait I appreciate your loyalty tax that that is that is loyalty Right let’s go who’s who’s this mck Alo fake yeah it’s got a v i i i i wouldn’t start this man I really wouldn’t yeah yeah the famous evident PV with one subscriber it must be him it must be stream already shut your mouth I will

Start the stream but don’t be just so rude Jesus evident yes Evident right okay let’s um no way is it a real one imagine wait what mouth what M if you want uh you want right now what okay right I’m just going to ignore that and go into the stream okay right let’s go on to the quest uh list for

Today um I have done some of it uh November tomorrow is December it is a real one no it isn’t so gaslighting people in 2 hours really um it’s going to be December for me in about 9 hours oh that was a good nck crack um okay

Right oh my nose um okay so let’s read the quest list for today uh we got gravity play free games uh capture flag uh win one game death run gain 200 XP uh tomorrow is my birthday well happy early birthday uh elazi uh I get first experience of December

Ooh ooh that reminds me no I do have a Christmas video that I will be uploading tomorrow who should like should I upload it Tonight that that might make more sense um who you thanks that Happ help okay right we got Sky Mega open one mystery chest we have Survival Games unlock one Cash Cow we have hide and seek use uh five balloon taunts we have gravity uh no mean five minutes oh see

Oh cuz you in a different time zone fair enough yes x yet yes who is this person ah h block party out live 25 plays bro this guy’s going to give on a seizure um murder mystery win free as innocent uh Catal flag kill eight players uh Bridge

Wars steal 100 Arrow damage and Bill battle finish top three three times that sounds like absolute trash uh I’m going to post a vid nice man nice okay uh treasure was warning uh on my birthday righto do it do it wait that doesn’t make sense my comment well it could be about

A warning towards playing treasure Wars and that’s how I interpreted it okay uh I’m just kidding what about your birthday or about posting a video [Applause] Well startop I I have started if if if you say start one more time Eli I I’m going to I’m going to get these blocks I’m just going to beat you with them uh yes it is my birthday nice man Nice Uh i’ would ask for an invite but like no one else in stream is playing that doesn’t matter you can still have an invite if you if you’re willing to play oh uh but December does not hit in five minutes bro where are you like what time zone are you

In without giving your Location What who is this Guy who Are oh no no I I remember how this one goes I’m not evident oh I see I see ah um African oh f f are you like South African Fair there’s like a lot of South Africans um in in in the uh in the community um Jay dog you may know him

He’s a he’s from South Africa oh my goodness oh no I’m actually going to lose this oh no that’ll be very bad very very not good Where is it attack is it’s the real evidence oh God yeah uh evidence sorry no I’m I’m actually going to call you by your real name uh Z yeah sorry uh Z we’re doing Quest grinding at the moment I don’t really I won’t really do uh anything like Sumo is unless we have

Like a massive uh Lobby um I’m aumo player well it’s f look look look look I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what Z if you can share the stream out and get loads of people to watch then I guess we could do a Sumo like the thing about CS

Is you need a lot of people to make them to join or to motivate someone to join otherwise you just going to have like two people in that’s going to be a bit depressing uh Sage attacks is real it disguise yeah like not going to lie I’ve been into one of evidence streams

He actually like I’m not sure if it’s like an inside thing like between his mods and himself but he actually like um like quite viciously mocks them like cuz he he would just like say some random misinformation and then his mods have to say oh actually he didn’t he didn’t say

That and then he would mock his mods for correcting like him spreading false information like I’m am I any one who gets like a bit weirded out by that I’m sure he’s a nice guy but is just a bit weird Ali says I’m an idiot no you’re Not uh wait really yeah yeah yeah yeah it was like it was in like a a stream cuz you know sometimes I I’ll watch them um yeah a little weird uh Joey XD like Minecraft yeah yeah cuz he um it just it just I don’t know it just

Str be is a bit odd because you know like obviously mods are so important like imagine imagine if like CB duck was if I just said some random stuff that I knew wasn’t true and then you know cop duck would correct me like you know here comes cop duck correcting one of my

Statements again wait what like I don’t know I think kept saying start cuz the video was paused and I didn’t see oh oh wzy you Melon No all All Is Forgiven do F i’ I’ve done that uh before may I play with you of course yeah we’re just doing some uh we’re just

Doing some Quest grinding uh we’re doing gravity at the moment so you more than welcome to join In yeah it just it just took me as odd though I’m I’m sure he’s he’s a he’s he’s a decent guy I’m not saying he’s like the devil or anything but it’s just a bit weird uh anything SP free yeah of course hello Mr mushroom I love how you can see emotes

Now it just makes communicating oh wait no I know what to do there we go There we go Mr mushroom well no cuz I didn’t I didn’t realize if Mr mushroom shut up T you know what I meant you know what I meant uh can you say can you say bye what what’s your name ZX or ZX ZX see X oh see x no wa why 3522 okay okay right ZX a ZX 35 2 two there go okay right let’s see here pretty good pretty good how was it yes yes I shall invite you as well oh well I think my yeah yeah I’ve

Got yours uh remembered uh canite Eli offline uh we are playing on do I got to go uh say bye that’s what I Need right see you see you later have a have a good Day oh that was oh come on that was so easy to Miss wait how did someone come first already cuz some people are very sad yes we go here yes very Good okay this this might be a Problem there we go there we go yeah you have to get s running Jump on 09 now Really no oh no I’m not going to make it oh no no no no no no no no no no I I refuse I refuse I Refuse I think that was the closest game of gravity I have ever played okay right again Yes again Wait no that’s that’s an emote I I don’t want to Emote spark 23 okay um yeah it’s not sh showing anything up and I spark 73 that’s why I put in right yeah uh yeah nothing’s showing up are you sure you’re on the right region Uh bruh okay Joey uh check what what uh what region are you on I’m not offline um could it be something on like your friend settings um I know some people don’t have it why don’t have why don’t have it like um where you could invite them like maybe

Maybe that’s it why is my internet like this look at least look thing that’s like i’ like this way TX you know you may get disconnected but at least you get the chance to play with Me uh it’s okay Joey you’re not the only not being able to get in ah that is a that is a great shame look at least you got a good game in look we still got about let’s see yeah we still got about a good hour 39 minutes all right hey let’s

Go right um okay so El wasi but the is replaced with a nine and I can’t it as well one zero there’s a nine okay right me yeah the one uh the one downside to uh CS please um I’m not doing a CS um unfortunately there’s two there’s two little People it just doesn’t make any any sense to I do It invite me after 10 minutes yeah I was we can’t do we can’t do a CS there’s there’s two two little people okay I’m finally back can I have an invite please yeah of course and on uh the offline oh Paisley Paisley Paisley Pais PA Paisley Paisley

Paisley uh I want to join Hive and I’ll wait for your invite okay found found off what was was Paisley Paisley wait how have I never invited this guy Paisley corn Paisley corn 9851 there go Okay that’s that’s a nice little uh 10 Quest points to our Roster okay right uh what can we do bro what is with the one viewers what on Earth invite please yeah right folks I need you to do a massive favor um any Minecraft Discord servers you have with a sell promo share my stream I am begging cuz usually during the middle of

The day sometimes you need a bit of a Perkup oh dear one viewer I know scandalous no I tell I I’ll tell you what I’ll do after this game I’ll I’ll share out my stream on all the Minecraft servers I know hopefully that uh I bring some people in cuz usually I don’t stream at

This time that might be the reason but me I don’t have Discord sorry oh yeah you don’t that’s right look if it’s if it’s like really low views we’ll do it for an hour um if not then we’ll do it for two hours um I’m not necessarily comfortable

Of like streaming two hours with like PR views CU it’s just it’s just not worth the um the effort if you know what I mean uh yeah um let’s see here what what what was that [Laughter] Quest wait no I didn’t do a quest did I yeah understandable yeah it’s like if

No one’s watching like you can’t like you can’t really bring entertainment to people can you if they’re at school while they’re sleeping okay uh we’ll do murder mystery tell you what No yeah I I won’t do hide and seek just yet cuz I know I know um I know I know how your game treats hide-and-seek uh uh taxs this Explodes yeah I think what I’ll do um is I will upload my um early December video tonight uh XD yes it does not like me I don’t know why like cuz it’s obviously like not it it must be a server thing like combined with the internet cuz you

Know you know your internet’s not good but you can still play Murder Mystery another stuff for a decent while so I don’t know what it is about hideand-seek I I have a funny feeling it might be um the custom models because um hide and seek does have a lot of custom models um

Very similar to M of mystery but I don’t think again that’s the thing like cuz you’re not like crashing on mystery you’re crashing on I wonder who that could be oh um but no you’re not like crashing on mod mystery you’re doing it on um hideand-seek uh especially with the new updates on

Hive 2 well yeah I think definitely there is something that’s making it a bit more intensive behind seek it might be all a new mechanics cuz usually when they have to do that they have to upgrade the system which sometimes s makes it more Intensive uh friend invite oh I see I see unfortunately I’m not accepting friend requests at the moment I ner there uh mans aille says hi welcome aille how you Doing hey let’s go wild little cat hey finally a new person yes hello contact no I was kidding H how you doing you doing Good Uh toy house map is so good on my opinion I I I do agree um that actually um that actually reminds me um this this is sort of inspired me to make my own house and not yet but I am I am drawing up plans um on my city world which I’ve

Sort of taking a break from to gather inspiration and and building material and stuff like that um to like build like a a nice not necessarily abandoned but somewhat run down Victorian Mansion cuz you know these massive Estates you know every time they will start to break

Down if if they’re not really taken care of um so it’s just one of those things but um this was like my first indication like hey this actually looks pretty good cuz it’s not like a Barbie house right like that no damn it uh but yeah it’s not like um

It’s not like a Barbie house or anything like that it’s um it’s like a proper Victorian you know Edwardian sort of House oh yeah that’s a good idea yeah cuz it kind of like if it’s a toy house it looks like a more of a traditional toy house you know excuse me oh that’ll be the um that’ll be the banana protein shake the color scheme is good for it

Yeah cuz look you could switch that out for anything like a brown a black um it just depends on what the the general idea is um on Instagram there’s a wonderful um there’s like some wonderful uh accounts that just basically go around photographing these old buildings um it’s really good for like building

Potential and stuff like that um the like some of them will be abandoned um some of them won’t be um it just depends where it is but um like for example in the in the ‘ 40s in California there used to be a load of these uh these houses in like rows um

Fully more affluent members of society but you know during the 50s and 60s they would get like bulldo and stuff like that oh that’s Sage running across the Balcony did E just do that do what oh no bro someone kill this guy I’m begging You uh Barbie in the dream house uh hello hello hello hello hello Tyler how you doing Foy Tyler yeah I was meaning to ask you have you deleted your um your your Tik Tok also by the way I’m uh I’m hanging a Tik Tok I’ve got all my Builds on there

Well I’m I’m posting all my belts on there so if you want to check it out that’ be greatly appreciated right but um but yeah like if you deleted your Tik Tok cuz I I’m pretty sure was you or someone else like very similar foxy Tyler person yes I don’t have Tik

Tok okay give giving your age that’s probably for the best but um I I’ve been diversifying so it’s basically been me um just posting all my shorts on there to be fair um the a lot of you will see that some of my um like Tik toks will

Get posted onto shorts um by myself I think it’s a pretty good idea um I I want to sort of separate out to separate them out Though well I got a new account that’s me oh I see yeah cuz I was like I think it was on your story I was like hey thank you for everyone who’s like been watching I got to go like something really Mysterious is that the Forg to say I died right at the start yeah me too where’s where’s El wasi oh he’s not play again okay let’s see here um let’s go let’s go Castle town like for some reason uh Castle town is one of my favorite Maps Okay who’s putting swing in the coffee for some reason people are a bit too bloodthirsty today and I don’t know why I like the flood ofair Castle yeah yeah that’s a fun thing H yes uh I don’t know why you don’t know why but you posted it we really don’t know

Why you’re entirely not schizophrenic ooh now that’s something I haven’t seen in a while look at that oh no now that I think about it this is a pretty old map so it does make sense yeah this is a really old uh lighting technique for uh anyone who is in the know

Um yeah it’s like the the very simple just putting a glowstone or sea lantern uh beneath a cauldron or an anvil uh dead let’s see if elazi can uh Survive uh I swear Hive is way too detailed true well no I think I think it gives it it’s its Edge I think uh because you know you’ll have Cube Craft you’ll have life booat um you’ll have Gite but I I think you could really tell which one’s

The hive through the building style but it’s so unique uh in the way that they build it like cuz you know look everyone has their own sort of building style I have my own building style you know life Bo sucks true except for one thing um

I one of one of my um guilty pleasures is just going on Lifeboat Survival and just beating the just SN our people it’s like it’s really bad but I just go out go over there and just stop just just walloping people for no reason well it is literally Lifeboat

Survival is like um H double hockey sticks on Earth uh the dark Wasabi is in the bar is in the Barbie in the sweet house you’re fun apples G apples two coins stack I’m just a humble Apple seller selling his Wees H let absolute gold life uh players uh suck you heard me say nothing life would you like Buy Apple it’ll make your mushroom grow What you I buy an Apple you you didn’t like my apples oh dear I I love it I love it oh just like Spar the Apple Celler for a second then looks it up what he’s kills him okay right is anyone left I I I I

Had eptic in and got killed I never got them apples it’s okay bro this is like this is amazing I’ve got like five Clips I need to turn to Shorts right um who’s left okay no right play again we we will get this Quest done Let’s go fairy Garden uh laser jet says hello hello laser hating oh what’s up you’ve been mean to ask you something of course what is it h uh do you know don’t hug me I’m scared yes um it was a it was a very early um what what would you call it um like

Indie not indie um like kind of like interet horror thing um it was very very early in in YouTube history um I think they got their own their own Show on Channel 4 of all places um so Yeah not even going to ask what it is um okay right get cookies get my protein cookies for the protein powder that make you big and strong go and get your your free coin a cookie ala would would would you like some some cookies no no no no cookies

Hello why why why kill the honest cookie seller well i’ never heard of a channel before here they do new episodes yeah it’s like a it’s like a weird Channel we have over in England uh they do like news and stuff but it’s uh Romania says hi welcome Romania he ding

Okay okay play again again and again and again uh L wasi left the party is everything all right is everything all right L uh what’s up B I beg your pardon hello hello bacon hi doing what’s up BAC uh I got in some trouble oh no um is everything right bacon egg what’s up yo bacon welcome we’re just doing some okay that’s good we’ll do it over 2 hours now that’s Good why do you get in troller Romania excellent question uh me and the boys on November the 3rd me and the boys on December the 2nd I don’t get it uh tax tax what’s up nice Nice wait a minute wait a minute is that oh wait no that’s not subie um I didn’t even realize that I was 30 minutes behind bro that’s you’re the second person to do that uh L El wasi um did the same thing he was like come on

Start um should I change my name um I’m being trolled too much of his name no that’s fine I mean you could um I’d recommend you change it to your username cuz it’s so much easier and plus it you know cuz you know I I’m pretty sure you you

You you chose that that that’s your that’s your chosen name for Minecraft so you know it makes sense to use that as your um other name good name yeah like s Sage flavored you know or the sage cuz I call Sage which is actually a lovely name Sage hello hello Ukrainian Infantryman uh I used to be wly popcorn uh I remember when I called Kane kany bro uh wish your Um wish your we my real name oh well look it’s it’s all about um consolidation so obviously um my original name was absolute horse I changed it to Dr Wasabi cuz you know that’s that’s YouTube um it’s just one of those Things it’s because OG I was like what in world what in the world is he reading oh goodness me one second is this right s computer computer oh stupid machine computer what album is this this is from Evergreen by stream Beats by Harris okay so weird uh No a so close I I was a millisecond from cutting into Pieces uh Ty Tyler says computer I hate you Tyler H Sor you made a about which statue is next Fallout probably play time yeah yeah I just want to um gauge what people want to do next um so whenever I do do a and everyone chose FNAF yes that’s true I think I

Might do something like the uh the carousel from um like FNAF Help Wanted cuz that seems like a really unique build to do um so I might do that he’s saw yes Yes okay how many have we got left to do two out of three good Lord um okay one more hopefully this should be the last one uh guess what y uh guess what uh what’s up what’s up um I notic you you left the party is everything all

Right bro who would actually live here uh jambl says hello hello Jam okay right I’m going to ask you a question jambl and I want you to be very honest is is are you actually tax’s theft uh tomorrow is my birthday nice man nice obviously happy early birthday

From uh from your from your favorite YouTuber sorry that was really cringe I do apologize I will come back online in in 10 minutes I want to eat okay huh yeah cuz like um like my my friend uh tax or Sage uh as his Minecraft name her Minecraft name um he

She always says like jambl and I don’t know what it Is uh what game are you playing we’re playing Minecraft um hi mini games in particular uh J would uh suck well I don’t think it would suck um I do to be fa I don’t want to do more amazing circus tutorials when it becomes more relevant so let’s say if like the

Trailer for The Next Episode comes out um then I can do another tutorial cuz you got to time it in a way that makes more people enjoy it which makes it easier to spread around hey let’s go um oh I don’t play Hive I’m on Java but I will watch nice

Man nice man well it’s much appreciated obviously um welcome to the stream if you are interested just to introduce myself uh my name is Dr Wasabi um I don’t do hi mini games as my main content it’s sort of a hive on the side

As I like to call it um I do everything from Minecraft City episodes to tutorials to just general um Minecraft and indie horror content so if you do like that then obviously I’m the guy of you so yeah oh and I’m also on Instagram and Tik Tok I think that’s

Everything right we’ll do one more game and then we’ll uh move on to the next thing three games before I left I was the person who collected more coins uh the white black purple skin yeah yeah yeah I think I know your skin I out of context that sounds so Bad uh should I change my pfp Um um no I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what R Romania how about I make you H uh wow the game you’re playing the graphics is so nice yeah um well obviously we’re in a custom it’s like a featured server so they spend a lot of

Time on like lighting and stuff uh and stuff like that I passed you murder mystery really yeah Romania I’ll be happy to uh change like make a new profile picture for you if you like I could do it like a like a Minecraft Globe like like a

Little cube with um with stuff how does that sound make like a profile picture uh by the way do you call you doctor or subie anything you like uh most people call me uh saie there’s a few people who call me doctor but um it’s just um I’m

Saying you saw my skin yeah yeah yeah I know I know don’t worry oh that’s the album done let me just changed that um okay right uh Sage says Sor yeah what’s up time to be the Apple Celler okay right computer Play the album arcade from my music

Library your album arcade on Amazon music wonderful uh what’s up what’s up yeah cuz uh uh Romania I’m I’m coming in tomorrow um in the max Suite so uh it lit it it’ll be very quick um you Know hell uh I’ll have a key Minecraft PVP no no like it can be it can be like what you have now but it’s like in a very like cute Minecraft aesthetic um U I saw you there when I was a ghost uh then the chicken guy killed you oh

That’s fair enough fair enough it’s just it’s just one of those things you know so now the mder killed you no he Didn’t uh so Um what’s up Jamblo so um jambl okay would it be in the community no no I I could I could send you it like when you were there standing there Really Hey let’s Go was that a pizza Box that’s crazy right let’s go on okay what do we have to do Next uh let’s see says a Kane voice line my name is Kane I’m your ring Master uh jambl why don’t you search for um okay I can’t anymore I’m sorry I might be someone Else oh no on on YouTube why don’t you search for the on YouTu what what are you talking about okay H let’s do block party that should be okay I think I I do I do hope um Sage doesn’t get Complained such Bo yeah that was a bit weird that was a bit a weird comment was he uh the amazing digital circus is nothing to fnafer in you’re Nothing there’s a back story to Jam’s name does this have something to do with sage if I might be so bold TR I’m saying why does he search the IP for Hive on YouTube oh the IP for Hive sorry I was like sorry s it’s like about context I was like uh no maybe okay right get get back on your account Sage well do it do it do it after this

Game do it after this Game Uh you know why Java play Java players play Hive no I think I think Hive yeah Hive was actually on the um the Java server but it wasn’t really making them any money so he just went over Bedrock got a feature server which do fan they they’ve been doing okay the Java numbers

Were a lot higher but I think now it’s is because Java players do play high yeah is it is is it still on I I don’t think jav Java Hive is like still a thing I think um I showcased uh Glam Glam Freddy statute nice Nice Ooh let’s go no but you can get the IP really most my videos inspired by wasan CS uh Romania um you should really do some like U Research into what people uh like okay um yeah cuz you’re really good at statue making I I would recommend

Not what’s the word uh not copying well obviously I’m okay with it but if you start copying people’s builds it might get a bit upset oh it’s his D h Kon says hi welcome Kon how you Doing so I was playing Just build yesterday and it was a piano build battle Ooh who’s going to win okay s Sage is going to win oh good lord and I would do congratulations Al wasie usually um solo uh Bell battle is quite it can be a bit of a he just bounced off yeah pretty much yeah yeah um solo

Build battle can be such a such a pain uh cuz if you don’t have like a team with you you can’t really vote accurately cuz you know I I I’ve said this about a thousand times I’m kind of sad right now so problems won’t uh stay

Long what what what’s up what’s up Kon um what you said um if you don’t want to say on the on on chat that’s right um um my my Discord DMS are open if you want to talk about it um tax says okay I’m back your profile picture tax it’s still

It’s still a sheit I don’t want to talk about fair enough fair enough look no no judgment here man all right well here’s hoping your your day does get better that’s what I’m going to Say okay K I think she’s going through a bit so uh once I play Bill batt but Bill prob said we were Hacking okay why would you hack on Bill batt like there’s there’s no like there’s no logical upside to it uh talk not but it’s well it’s not fine but hopefully you do you know you improve over time that that’s that’s the best we can that’s best you can really look for in these

Kind of Things He kton uh why is the cat build so scary well cuz I think um the general aesthetic uh M entertainment are trying to get a bit more creepy which is you know it’s fantastic it means kind of listening to the feedback uh T says Kon hope you you’ll be okay in the meantime

Have a cookie to make you feel better that’s very nice to of you uh uh Kon uh Kon says thank you Kon listen to music maybe you’ll feel about yeah um well obviously everyone’s different but you know just just have a have a a slow day you know maybe a nice mug of

Tea like That no oh oh my goodness this stupid stick drift I’m going to kill it I’m going to kill my controller I’ll play my favorite game yeah I’m going to clean my controller I need to sheet pfp it’s so demented and funny from PS5 well yeah I’m pretty sure it’s like

A for a game isn’t it like a a sheep Game the mouse stick drift sucks well like obviously look it happens I’m going to clean my controller cuz it’s been like acting up for a bit I’m coming back for fair enough man fair Enough I’ll keep streaming back while I’m building my MC house fair enough fair Enough What [Laughter] Uh what if pomy chose inste of pomy the amount of memes I’ve actually seen of that scene it’s like um I think it was like a phoenix MC video it’s like like what do you think of this update no that terrible isn’t it let’s try Again oh this is Funny Tundra you bedevil me sometimes bedeviled eggs probably should have chosen that if not then she could have chosen jambl a name jambl what what a name jamblo what what what is Jam I I I don’t I don’t I don’t know it like is it a video game Reference uh Tundra went for a leap of faith no tonra what happened now says yo Sor hello now how you Doing okay so jam name my dad Crea for the PS5 for the Sheep oh no that’s what it is it’s the the the bloody um PS4 thing yeah like the uh the weird creepy um profile pictures that you get on like PlayStation that that’s it I I I knew I saw them from Somewhere Oh hey let’s Go Uh you going to play now good question good question uh we are doing like different uh questing at the moment So ah yeah I wasn’t going to do that I’ll uh enjoying a sec fa enough F enough we’re just doing random stuff um we may do a PVP game mode but it just depends on how much time we have left uh we’ve got about okay we’re just about an

Hour over so we’ll finish this game and then we’ll go on break um which kind of gives everyone time to join uh what do you think of yeah terrible let’s try another yeah pretty much that’s pretty much hot guys okay oh well GG to Civic Ice right um let me

What to do on break time today okay right that’s that um let’s see here to be fair we could do either gravity or Capal flag um sorry what legal and illegal just use your common sense as as difficult as that skin is amazing um as cap like okay we’ll do we’ll do that

Or one thing no Capal flag okay um I tell you what what do you what do you survive actually deal1 100 damage okay we could actually do the bridge because how how many people we got yeah we got two people seem to be three people when I

Invite now after break so yeah we we we’ll do we’ll do bridge that that thing makes me rage fair enough Bridge yes Oh bro bro actually gross can I can I can I turn chats off uh can I play too yeah uh we’re just about to go on break game um so if you want um if you can like wait 10 10 minutes like not not to be pizinger halfway through make that four

People in party yeah look if we if we all get that Quest okay so everybody who wants to play get that Quest yeah you can mute to chat um how do I to Mute Chat yeah how how do I do it how how do I mute chat I don’t want to okay on right now cool well it’s just I don’t want to really expose you guys to the really like cringe in chant settings wait no I don’t I don’t want to go to the feedback

Site chat settings ah oh that all that Settings uh that’s your favorite scheme in uh setting icon in chat oh there you go okay Wonderful No problem but enough Right okay um yeah right I’ll go on break now um oh oh right uh I thought start a break yeah I’m going to I’m going to be on break now so um I I’ll turn chat back on when how the hell is my MC still open wait how long has it been open For Two years that that would be um that’ll be quite funny yeah folks um I’m going to quickly go on a break just to um obviously get a drink go to the toilet so on and so forth um again I’ll be back no no Mischief in the chat I will be watching

Oh oh my goodness my legs see yeah I I’ll be right Back N Oh N Oh Yeah [Laughter] Oh Oh Play Right Play Wo I’m back M was prob mood craft skin he’s back door yes yes you did indeed hello dud my man Crispy Cream how you doing are you doing well uh talk how long man bro I was only going for like 10 minutes I was just getting a tea going

To the toilet um and dry my hair God why you so mean uh Chris says yes sir yes thank goodness sorry you don’t scroll up and comments bro I was reading it I said a bad thing yes you did all right let me invite na Back welome back now let me uh let me invite you actually know I can actually that’s skin yeah I kind of right when I’m on break I’ll sort of turn off the chat so you don’t have to be exposed to the like disgusting things that go on in on in the

Hub like some of is actually V like call me babe yes you did so so I just I just saw you doing fun facts quote unquote right so folks in what Hub in the hive Hub you know what I’m talking about Chris Hive hubs are weird yeah

They are K was the same personality of prototype Glam predit well I wouldn’t say that I mean they have the same have the Same I’m not even going to go I’m playing games I hear weird stuff uh please invite me in 10 I rejoin and realized I was playing F enough enough right uh one more about The uh from the stream huh fa cani offline uhi you’re on a different region look at That yeah okay right after the stream I’m going to H uh I sent 10 minutes I to rejoin uh yeah what’s up what’s up Chris uh raw bro I’m going to throw off you I’m going to throw you off the SkyWars balcony Chris remember yes remember in 10 Minutes oh sorry what’s your favorite build um most of them too fa I don’t really have like one um petition for how did either hide or capture flag after the bridge are you sure tax are you sure about hide and seek you know how that game treats your internet for some

Reason uh 10 minutes from now yeah I got it I got it n I’m going to throw them out the window good Lord now no chill right let’s do the bridge uh D okay right so we got to do I got get 100 ammo damage Arrow damage uh positive I

Need I really think internet is behaving today are you sure about what you Said bro you’re all on level five yeah pretty much okay right I’m going to um just uh use my arrows be de I’m Not Okay Down Easy Peasy now what I’m trying to do a quest No so you should make a tutorial that the viewers want you to Make W right right we need we need someone like who isn’t a random one second the there’s see who’s uh on the on the list oh easy peasy bro now I’m trying to do a quest I did my B I don’t care that why now he did 5% fighting well yeah no too fat too fat um most of bridge Wars is Lally just running and hoping you don’t get Like I love the Hub it is it is very uh beautiful is it Not I love how now just in insults his Teammates oh come on let me shoot you come on come on manate oh oh that was unexpected now let me shoot you so I can get this so I can get is forsaken thing hey let’s go bro what what why are you lagging so much bro it’s jumping around like some

Kind of stop motion film yeah you see yeah Sage is Fine look at that look at that bro you see this yeah it’s literally like those old cartoons like Fray by frame oh man no chill no Chill oh baby a Triple hey let’s Go don’t don’t get in Way how how much how much damage am I doing how much damage do I need to do let me push that down there we go uh now low lag stop what no no lag bro that guy’s jumping around like no one’s Business uh sorry all of the uh eight smiling cryst Chris’s are little freaks yeah pretty much uh but bo boy they they sure are um nice to build you mad bro what now you’re you’re you’re implying that I um I play this for for work no I just look you oh No wait Okay ooh Hey let’s go God damn okay I’ll got 50 out of 100 that’s that’s that’s pretty good pretty Good Now s being so good no no it’s for L My Boy by the way oh yeah look yeah um I I invited him to to the um to the thing um I’m not sure if he joined is going to be the only excuse me I’m a dog poop no you’re

Not bro like I can tell you’re lagging but you know this is one of those [Laughter] things hey let’s go oh no oh no oh okay right the one downside to these like platforms these new maps is that you don’t know if they’ve got like an Underside to them um

A ruined head for Prototype ruined head for [Laughter] Prototype o uh ever since my friend met this really hot girl he’s become very rich all he said was something about one second let read that chat in a second [Laughter] ooh hey killable Hey let’s go I did it right let me read what you said crisp yeah uh crisp says um he said something about F No actually No yeah we’re Done I me like making a Ru GL Freddy head on top of prototype Freddy or we can make her own design bro I I thoroughly I thoroughly um encourage people to make their own Design right um Sage Sage Sage where are you you in you in here thank you GG right Sage go go to My Hub we’ll fly over to um you done the quest yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m done rename no I don’t want to oh change color

Oh purple nice um go to your Hub yeah yeah I I think she’s in a different hub sayage get go over to my Hub like Go Go slash um yeah go slash jooin friend and then put my name yeah yeah so yeah so join friend and then the friend name uh isn’t good

Watching tutorials after drinking coffee uh can you invite me to the party yeah of course uh what’s your new turn off you bombing why why and CH is black and yellow look at my little world of knowledge my my my secret vault of Wonders oh hey how you doing it says not

On friends list I can’t say a fair enough just do it no what’s uh what’s Wasabi’s favorite food well I’ve got loads of food um just a lot of meat Raptor gamer 2802 there go oh fair enough right in any case let’s uh let’s get on the uh

Spaceship is this like a one person Mount also I’m pretty sure this doesn’t pass regulation standards like uh a helicopter made out of wood yeah I’m pretty sure they did this like the early 19th century yeah yeah like I’m pretty sure they did this in like the early 20th

Century and then it just exploded uh Rosy says hi and bye well obviously welcome to the stream Rossy hope you’re having a fantastic day and also thank you for watching the stream Rossy obviously um have fun at school and thank you for watching the stream hell

I’m TR out to school we we we must breake you out of the the the gooey shell that that school has put you In don’t know why I said that okay right let’s Go uh Dr Wasabi says it’s potato kid says um Dr Wasabi I’m tired uh because it’s 40° so when it’s my leg day um it’s time for me to melt yeah honestly yeah yeah I read yeah I amum because I’m bulking at the moment potato um I was doing a lot

Of more heavy weights than I usually do on my upper legs and when I woke up they were so sore I actually couldn’t get out of bed it was so bad um so they still they still are nice now but but it’s just you know you know how

It is uh bug says Hi I get to work at 11: so finally I can finally watch the whole stream welcome bugs welcome welcome welcome indeed okay hide or capture flag we’ll do we’ll do captal flag um let’s do captal flag Quest um which one is okay

We’ll do no we’ll do the um the 21 we’ll do the 20 the 21 cuz yes uh spor says yes what is what is that what’s that profile picture you have a speedy recovery look I’ll be I’ll I’ll probably be be fine tomorrow cuz um it’s

Just like in between like my five press um I did a lot of um heavy weights on them so that’s where most of the soreness is um so hopefully it should it should be better tomorrow but uh the guy Mega just breaking mystery no I’m not

Doing that last time I did that it took like literally an hour I I’m not even joking right got it yeah yeah okay um yo potato AKA The Sweat well potato we’re doing um capture flag if you want to if you want to um go

In how did it take an hour well it was just it’s just one of those things cuz um I think it was like peak time for Hive uh so it was loads of sweats on so it was just constant attrition just grinding and grinding just just just

Being buried under the bodies of of other players it was just it was I I I have uh PTSD about that that stream okay right who do we have we have luck we have n we have Sage we have Raptor we have me we got we got three more players three more

Players okay who else wants to join for the capital flag game h i I’ll think about it cuz I don’t have MC open right now just f f off we’ll be streaming for about another 30 minutes so again if you want to join that time then obviously

That’s your perogative uh last time I played in stream catch a flag I was so excited invite me back of course of course of course wait invite back what oh okay um I hate capture flag now it’s annoying well no I think when you have

Like a good team it can be pretty pretty fast so I just need to uh kill eight players and then we should be done okay right let’s go um again we might do multiple games depending on how the the quest goes so it depends on whether you love or hate flag um

So but half plays of weird bro half a high play weirdos like I literally had to mute the chat because there was so much like filthy Hub rat nonsense going going on during my break it’s like oh my God you’re so cute Jenny like Disgusting uh NE at Target and everyone just stick VBS utter Annihilation kill him STI [Laughter] DFT H go get him I’m also making a mega showcase nice that’s That’s hey govr gameplay yeah pretty much yeah but one thing for sure I do need to clean my controller after this I don’t know what’s wrong with it it might be just the connection of the Bluetooth oh no yeah now can you save me some kills please just so we don’t have to play this longer than you have usually do please oh no actually wait one second one second one second one second one second let me get some lovely and I mean lovely oh but from This Uh ruined Mony Gator or prototype Um probably prototype wait no no no my my favorite website looks like this is the game uhuh Uh trust me oh okay three out of eight let’s go bro this is this is turning into like a yeah I’m not really um I don’t really feel comfortable spawn killing people if I’m going to be asked I’m just going to wait for Um Uh it’s a game trust me oh yeah s you’re attracting your messages uh but I like gameplay cuz it’s the best game play when you have a a sweaty gameplay just looks like you’re hitting your mouse so hard to get 50 clicks per second and spamming well I’m actually on

The controller so I can’t really I can’t really do like Precision hits uh how you should make all FNAF character from a DLC nice spamming blocks is what makes sweat stes it’s a classic yeah it was a pain of my pain of my R use yeah well I have something called honor crisp you melon he’s an auto clicker as if I would go that Life yeah also yeah yeah very very Easy K haven’t properly played MC in six month six months that is crazy oh wow so wacky uh last time I played it was one month ago for like 10 minutes in the Stream i f f like um diversify your Holdings man like if you don’t like doing Minecraft anymore and try try and

Focus on uh like Building okay that’s five out of eight six months wacky wacky dude like obviously I do have like dry spells when I don’t play it’s usually when I’m doing like uni work but I I always do come back to it um for example I do have a

City series that I’m doing um I’ve taken a break from it at the moment just so I can gather some uh some inspiration pictures stuff like stuff like that and I nearly jumped off the edge there yeah i i i s of tempted fate There oh Kelly Uh now don’t be Toxic Good Lord computer computer Play the album Evergreen from my music library your album Evergreen on Amazon music get him I mean nostalgic uh sorry potato says I have a one second oh hey okay turn right come on come on give yes yes okay right go jump almost hi I’m

Also on controller bro M man for how you doing okay let me let me read the potatoes thing sorry I got in a bit in the zone um I have a fear that playing Minecraft and again now the fear is because I feel like I I will leave MC or

Quit MC once and never come back to Minecraft is the only games that gives me a horrific Vibe fair enough look it’s called right New Vegas had a perfect time for list it’s called Old World Blues it’s the idea that sorry uh schulls out so all the troes are walking

Past my house um it’s the idea that um a lot of people stay in the past because it gives them a sense of comfort and security um rather than pushing forward and making your own enjoyment um so for example for Minecraft um yeah it may be

Sad that you know Minecraft is not what it once was you know it’s not like the Nostalgia you feel but that could be done for random thing um I think the idea is you make your own enjoyment from the game itself without you know you don’t let the game give you enjoyment

You make enjoyment from the game so for example I do um you know I’m I’m making new Minecraft Tik toks which has been very fun to do that’s kind of why I don’t play MC bro like I just literally walked off the edge what even was

That th this is a very goofy game mode right let’s see um in a freaky way you mean Nostalgia I get that same feeling when listening to music not exactly pimo I’ve already said that I get up feeling H that’s why I don’t play MC welcome to the Shadows king wasabi

Shadow how you doing yeah it’s kind of correct yeah look you don’t let the game make you know give you fun you make fun from creative and I know that might be difficult for some people cuz you know sometimes you know you’re doing this you’re doing that you don’t have time

But doing it in a way that you can still enjoy it so you know don’t don’t play it like 5 hours a day maybe you know when you get home you play a bit of Hive you do a bit of uh stuff and then you go back to

It every like day or so um I’m okay how about you um I’m all right um I I did my my leg day at gem yesterday and I I am hurting um say go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go wait no

Oh no no no no no go back go back I was so wrong go back go back go back go back bro I’m such an idiot go back go back go back back back like was returned oh wait no oh wait what oh bro my brain is melting right

Now I don’t know what’s real um uh I think this is the reason why so many MC creators leave MC cuz I get bored making videos and it doesn’t feel fun which leads to boredom and leads people quitting MC uh yeah I do have school so after I might do music for

About 2 hours cuz I love to play when I get a chance no matter what I went back to get captur sorry no cuz I saw the flag over there and I thought that was our base sorry I’m I’m being stupid um yeah like a lot of MC creators it’s like

Danny’s the bomb perfect example gr ground High minii games content into dust you know that that that that that that that stuff you can you can you know you can make into a fine a flower for bread you know um but you have to realize your limitations as a Creator

And diversify so for example for me I you know I used to do Fallout tutorials mainly like the only thing I’ll do is Fallout tutorials and then I Diversified into FNAF content and different Indie stuff now obviously I haven’t done Fallout tutorials in a while because of

The time but I will you know once in a while a file tutorial but I’ve also got these different niches which I you know dip my hands in which you know grow an audience cuz at the end of the day a lot of the creators that do sort of last are

The ones that do loads of different Things one second so I’m going to have to yeah I’m going to have to I I don’t know what’s wrong with my controll at moment is this not really Uh yeah that’s bad right let’s go and uh cash in that thing yeah you see that you see that okay 20 Quest points let’s go uh I’m controlling nice man nice uh I I would recommend you use 100 sensitivity for controller for better and smooth aim a lot of people have told

Me that um sensitivity cuz I also do a lot of building as well so this is more like um for that so I I do understand where yeah look at that look at that look at that disgusting stick drift I’m not even moving my finger yeah I’m going to have

To I think what I’ll do is I’ll give my controller a clean after I’ve done the video for today and then I’ll give it a reset cuz it seems it might have something to do with like the Bluetooth uh petition for hide if s decides to do another Quest oh yeah we

Could do hideand-seek I’m up That so we need to do like balloon taunts don’t we okay um hide and seek use five balloon taunts fair enough right let’s go do um that uh you don’t use wide controlls no no no I’ve got a PS5 so it’s like a blueto thing um my PS5 gets bad drift to

Only one it honestly sucks yeah I don’t know why cuz I I I do clean it um like it it depends it’s so weird cuz it’s like you know let’s say I turn this way yeah exactly it’s like I’ll go this way but it wants me to go the other way so I

Think it might be um like something to do with the connection so I might reset it on PS5 too nice nice I’m a n clicker good man good man I a delicious orange crate bro I haven’t had like an orange in so long bro calling someone a newb a

Minecraft game like oh you’re so bad at hiding I have a series X so I legit have no problem well usually now it stop stop trash talking people in hide and Seek oh good Lord uh avocados are the best and I always be the best I have a serious well no I think surely you have some stick drift as well cuz like I I don’t care what anyone says oh this is better that is better all controllers will have some amount of stick

DFT it is just one of those things um you know I’ve had this controller for a good while um I think I’ve had it for about a year um so far least I think so yeah about about a year and you know sometimes it’ll work perfectly uh don’t get restarted oh yeah

Nintendo switch is but that’s like on purpose so they make you buy stuff I I I know what Nintendo is like I I’ve seen so many videos about their they’re just they’re just a scummy company I mean yeah you can say what you want about Xbox and Playstation fair enough but

There’s like a little modum of like Soul you know oh good Lordo uh yeah we what what why you retracting messages oh yeah I did get drift but remember last time I tried to clean controller and accidentally broke it how do you break a controller by cleaning it yeah yeah we just got to we just got to smash it apart and clean the insides

And kind of tape it back together no I’m just kidding um usually um I I just like I get some alcohol wipes I get some compressed air I wipe it down I kind of shoe compressed there into little holes into the joysticks make sure there’s no

Dust uh s what about s you nowhere I am nowhere and Everywhere I robbed it no no you didn’t that that’s such Bait Crest no bad delete that message right Now I I I will not have that filth in my chat you psychopath yeah he’s joking don’t yeah good don’t don’t talk out lot again otherwise I’ll have to time you out okay Daddy good man no no he’s he’s trying to be he’s trying to be provocative ignore Him hey the F Me bro who’s that box shelf I’m tired oh yeah yeah yes go go to bed Ender we playing the MPC mode school’s off tomorrow for me fair enough Ender is in lber true very true uh same for me next go H oh wow we got one minute

Left it’s uh Friday for me uh it’s Thursday it’s f for me so I wonder yeah I was going to go to the gym today but it’s so icy outside like I’m looking at the paths and it’s literally just Frost I kind of don’t want to do voluntarily so yeah I’ll probably just

Do some um some stuff uh today was Marty’s day for my country nice man nice okay right let’s go Oh I thought he meant tomorrow Marty’s day it’s a like a local thing I I assume it has to do like something um I had to clean some other

Parts that were deep inside I broke it accidentally when I was putting it back together no oh yeah big no no you never dissect a controller cuz they’re impos they’re impossible to to live uh yeah oh M oh fair enough fair enough oh you buy that makes

Sense so yeah yeah I know sry um fair enough fair enough look well do we’ll do one more game no actually actually actually actually actually I think we have some time for aumo uh but but won’t use what city is damn and I learn the hard way look it

Happens man look it it does uh aan is Goku right we’re going to do a look we’ll do right we’re going to do a Simo match cuz we got about enough people got about 14 which is good okay right could someone put that code into the chat please uh’s up Birmingham better bro

Birming some I’m I’m not I’m not going to sell that out loud but um I’m going get my a click uh potato BR that’s crazy yeah oh by the way uh make sure to get your end ltle uh potato thing reposted on Twitter um The Hive is doing

A partnership um thats VP thank you that’s much appreciated and it didn’t go through one second I I I’ll do it I’ll do it cuz there’s no um there’s no moderators in the chat right now one second let me put in oh like it CU says ham VP ham come on pin okay Right I hate this keyboard yes yes okay we got five people right let’s go uh is here for your daily dose of hookies yes um you spammed Hearts how do you even do that bro right folks we’re doing a Simo match um just to kind of um top off the stream

Um we Sor put tools yeah yeah don’t worry I’ll get on but yeah folks um if you want to uh join the Simo obviously put swords I’m not putting swords what’s the point of SEO you’ve got weapons wait for me good man good man I love these matches yeah to be fair

Last time Sumo we went pretty pretty decently uh Generators uh I use Auto clicker yeah yeah obviously not my birthday was to get be two days ago nice nice um what’s the music it is the um Harris H’s uh Christmas album Evergreen um obviously we are literally a day away from the Christmas month so i’ I’ve just been kind of

Slowly easing it in uh bro can you can do CPS never uh I’m going to destroy you and Simo fair enough right so so um if you do uh folks if you do destroy people’s Treasures you right I will make it a rule that if you destroy people’s

Treasures you will have to be just ganged on essentially I I don’t see anyone destroying anyone’s Treasures otherwise I will actually beat the crap out you enal armor blocks should be blocks and armor okay you gang yeah yeah essentially yes okay what else what else what map uh

Can I fight you first um unfortunately I don’t really do cestas apart from this um it’s just uh now a stop Bad good Lord went to fast not all PR oh the present Factory oo so like we’re join seven out of 16 people okay we’ll give it we’ll give it a good word until um you know we have to join um I think we should yeah we we can

Push this well no destroying people tra just destroy them done okay right folks um if you want if anyone’s looking for a CMO match give them a heads up uh this will be open for like another I would say 3 4 minutes so I’m going to quickly

Go to the toilet before we end my my iPods just spell on the floor I’m going to go to Twilight real quick so folks if you need to join Sumo do it now um this uh you know it’s going to be a lot of fun we let’s try and get 10

People in um you know there 11 people watching I’m sure you can say to your friends hey get on um so yeah oh that’s a lovely orange veneer across the trees uh breaks SL2 okay right um I’ll be right back um obviously you know join the uh CS I’ll be right back Right let’s See right apologies I I accidentally uh disconnected my mic uh does does my sound like like does my voice sound like garbage but you went yeah no okay yeah um is is my mic fine uh nope what do you mean second yeah it is fine wa Jesus Christ

Right yeah yeah it’s good now okay sorry cuz I knocked out the uh the mic so it just goes D that controller it goes directly to my um to my Playstation mic which is utter garbage sorry why the FNAF plus foxy looks weird well because it’s supposed to be off the other

Thing yeah I might actually have to like disable my PS5 controller mic Wasabi yes what up what up what up I found a cool trick what trick is that okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 okay whatab can you do a face reveal um I already did mid fight some K of

Tools oh is is that is that right crisp okay right one two three four five six okay 1 2 3 four 5 6 seven okay we got four people I going the same okay right let’s go Um not going lie I don’t like the FL Plus designs said they Tred too hard to be scary Well it Well um right let’s go that’s see how I’m with hey Sage Mr Sage flavor I got two yeah everyone’s got two I where he does like uh he does one like

Everything yeah pretty pretty much yeah I’m going go see I’m going to make Santa hat swing and blend fair enough fair enough they try too hard to be scary um I think so I think like the the initial FNAF one designs had that wonderful yeah sorry no apologies apologies yeah

I a that’s so stupid why did I do that yeah no it’s okay right right new CS new CS okay right that that was really stupid I do apologize yeah I I didn’t put the prices oh right hello hello subie how you doing LOL I got given party commands

Yeah oh that is that not good okay right right new code I’ll be back when I build my set up um I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t leave now we’re just about to do uh doctor give me editor rolls i m settings fair enough I I just want to simple suo U things so

Yeah just just uh join up uh doing great how about yourself I’m doing all right um my legs are like so sore at the moment cuz I I did like that out the gy and I S of pushed myself um the only downside is like in the morning

After you just feel like I say oh wait no that’s you my word um access manage permissions word yeah um make the make the um the map the present Factory yeah I’m tell F yeah it’s a not what it’s all right cuz I’m I’m at home this recovering

Which means I can stream which is fair enough the game we joined very good I had a f tournament during um during school nice man um hopefully you didn’t um invite me to party huh so max Health 40 my word to enabled so be the

M I have never heard of this game mode yeah it’s basically um you basically just punch each other off the edge uh what map uh the present Factory it’s like a Winterfest map mini go I mean uh yo what’s up yeah yeah so didn’t yeah so for those um who don’t

Know only Australians football FY are you Aussie no no no English people call it fty it’s just general parts of England dirty parts of no no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding do not kill me please um H present Factory I need to check it’s it’s right on there one second

Map Meadow Spop what What supposed to be uh do okay no do do cabin do do cabin no no do cabin I think they randomize the maps on cs’s which sucks but fair enough um FY no don’t we take four legal rights to that word FY H you’re Australian then you call it

FY then you’re Australian like sub just gets kidnapped by uh no no no we got to we got to wait for more people Scotland on fire defense is terrified Scotland’s on fire uh up mate up we’re just about to do a CS uh guess what’s happening on the first s oo uh wsg what what does that mean like wsg I thought you meant I thought like it meant was up well like sub but somebody find me H I wonder where you Are what’s up you ever tried I’m I I think I have yeah I’ve had it’s like this this orangey Scotland Scotland I’m on my way home yes find you all was good oh I see oh so it’s basically the same thing okay so I was like really like stressing

Cuz I didn’t know what it means like is someone going to call me out oh like I’ll be honest because I like uni um I just survive on tea coffee and Red Bull petion to make Northern Island whoa whoa whoa wo w w no let in the chat please Scotland Scotland yes yes

To yeah Sor in his big mouth of accents okay how many people do we have we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay folks we need um either one or three more people in the Cs I didn’t think I’ll would be a Santa

Isue oh you you would be surprised I was eating protein yogurt and it’s like one uh when you Su for a straw and I ripped off the top part by mistake bro drink it down like a champ like when I um when I get like my proteins movie one

More people will be enough cuz no yeah yeah yeah what when we win you know you know I’m going to get I got to go Scotland oh F Well if we do bro I don’t even know when it’s starting like it’s so it it is somewhat annoying cuz when

If you don’t have a date for anything then half your players aren’t going to be trustworthy but if you’re Irish then you can’t say that well depends what part of Island you on from no Scotland re uh my friends are all offline no some

You find me I can’t find you all but I know you’re that which is uh I can’t even invite them sadly okay right um Let me let me let me let me let me change ACC code friends only okay let me like friends invite all oh wait yeah how Irish you need to

Be well it’s not it’s not how Irish you are it is what part of Island you’re from from Ireland Ireland we go to Ireland land of Guinness T cuz it they they they told this 30 I I can’t really do the the and that good but it’s like 30 sorry um okay

Right the Ser will expire in 10 minutes right who needs inviting who wants to be invited to CS me give me your Username oh wait now I can just yeah so right let me change the code let me put that in eore fre Free right we’ll keep it open for another few minutes uh you can win a real life and a l plushy yes so folks um I would recommend if you do have Twitter go on to the hives page they’re doing a giveaway um that ends tomorrow um you

Get a free end a l p plushy um they’re doing a partnership with the plushy makers to give us away they’re giving two away so uh we know I know but for people who don’t know I sort of have to say it um my father is part Irish and another place to is

This County goway on goway Bay okay one 2 three four 5 6 seven okay one more one more I’m begging you one more player one more player can we get that one more player poor Simo okay if it gets to 5 minutes and there not joining we we’ll stop if you get me up I can invite my friends oh actually yeah I can UHS yeah invite all your friends uh JK I don’t know about it uh I I had a lot I just delete my

Twitter I had a lot of creepy people harassing me bro that’s not good chat so dead no it isn’t I tell that [Applause] Back I can’t invite friends your owner bro okay right we’ll we’ll start we’ll start um uh potatoes everything Set uh prices everything’s free you know everything’s good to to start imagine being from ja can I set rolls uh no no no no no it’s it’s going to be Random yeah but a potato double check everything’s uh good to go and then we’ll then we’ll Begin do not set rolls I prices but this is um SkyWars bro oh no it’s it’s treasure Wars I don’t think this is um free shop though no no no cuz that’s what it wait you have a free shop in okay one second let me let me check uh uh death Crates I I hate This that’s why it didn’t work okay right I just I just realized I just realized this is SkyWars Duos not um Treasure World Duos do you just want to start this um or do you want me to make not yes this is this isy a d what happened now okay right of

Course of course right this time no slip UPS oh I’m going to um I I cannot describe the rage I’m feeling right now um I right change X’s code right invite players invite friends invite all this is Kane yes Yeah yes yes yes yes okay right those are all the friends I change mode code only right let’s point in the code for third and final time this is yeah right ah bro oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh give me help and I’ll invite friend Y change X code yeah we’ll give it a quick second for people to join and then I’ll give you a yeah rap the gameer so on um you sure you’ll invite friends I I do I do apologize um I I don’t know why my brain’s are stupid today 234 yes yes yes I know I know uh yes I’m going to do it cuz you said you can’t yeah that might be because it’s um that’s the time okay right let

Me code to yeah open to all open all um Let me give owner so you can invite people um let me Generators okay Right let’s go welcome back W thank you toap welcome uh we’re doing a a SEO to end the stream come on down I definitely didn’t uh try to do this three Times okay special the prices are up here yes there we go okay sh prices multiplier armor blocks there we go now I can go on to the map and do the Winter Fest Frozen yes the present Factory um code uh yeah yeah um

Uh we we’ll p on the code in a second uh Lu is inviting all of his friends sad thing to say I’m not going I’m not going to say you didn’t you you didn’t hear that for me okay right we we’ll we’ll change it to code uh Lu have you invited everyone

Uh we’ll give it a quick minute for those people who lock invited to join uh did I do it right do Up yeah Okay T joined very good very good okay right we’ll change it code um it’s a pomy rerer jack kinger Kane and gangle fault yes what a what a name gangle okay ooh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight we do have a perfect team the Jack goes well my sheet pfp yes

Well maybe you can have it like it’s in the back Change access code code only uh can I have a screenshot of you yes of course of course you can yes of Course course is This get out of the way yeah yeah go look go over here go over here go over here what is happening yeah go go go over here go over here don’t you dare back back back you Go there you go okay wa you got a screenshot right let me um let me put in the code 7 GF P G Right how many people do we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight okay right now you know what you know what we are just going to start this we’re going to start it let me double check that everything’s all right uh Treasures enable Treasures very

Good very good uh generators they’re all set to zero z z very good very good the shop loot it is enabled as well as the multiplier very good very good okay this this should be good good luck everybody right May the best person win and I’m On I have one no on team that’s that’s that’s just that’s just peachy isn’t It Simo Simo Simo Simo Simo Simo Simo Sumo Sumo Simo Simo T it’s it’s it’s Simo it’s Simo you Clown It it’s just like 5 seconds in beining towards the treasure they hting me too Yeah oh good lord all breaking my treasure yeah no breaking treasure good Lord Oh I thought see was the official no no no no it’s like a ing game it’s like a a custom mini game that peeling it’s quite Fun what what what was That what uh uh tab are you okay you still have got fos snapped what what’s going On uh yeah Right what ah y wa okay say you didn’t you didn’t break his treasure did you or anything like that back welcome back did did stop it which which Base yeah I think I think this like did he out you must have cuz it it doesn’t yeah it doesn’t say he Um that’s so Weird Right I’m going to make a Castle bro I swear to God yeah you can you can you can help me help me help me make this Castle I don’t need you protect my Char is what I’m saying oh found I Found okay need a bit bit more oh Controller yeah okay make make as much mess as you physically can on on on this bit five star Castle yes One V one me is that a good idea what what yeah yeah I know I let me let me finish my castle it’s very important to my Ego no let the mess commence [Laughter] Die Ah Start running see me I’m trying to find oh and wait why are you all the same team that that literally those heads oh good lord right SL come over here come over here oh Lord ah Y oh No uh sorry I disconnected um I in problems oh F found so we’re just got standing there I was like what how the T probably like Yeah D it D it do it one V one me do it D it what are you doing what are you do let me yeah let me sorry about building a cool flag I see I see right this was not a One V one here far enough right um computer computer computer

Computer oh my God you stup machine computer computer Play the album arcade from my music library your album arcade on Amazon music there Go taex is Compu no I’m going to block the mic once again ah Let Okay get me out of the box and see got trapped again we trapped oh good Lord way to go to have it’s fine it’s fine look the L be on stream I’ll probably stream tomorrow as Well stop it stop it y we need where’s where’s slay ah Ah wa guys Super this talk I’m getting taste by a pineapple that’s what I’m doing Stop stop and so so trying to try me I don’t Know oh bro this mess Uh you got clutches right no I did that must be painful cuz pineapples have sharp attacks I I do oh I I see a flag oh I see what we did that Tack yeah very sh Pineapples Sky Warfare It’s No Flag oh yeah of course of course one I clutch them out of mystery and almost died by throwable item oh fair enough One V one over okay look Everybody Wo and Make a mess Ah no No stop it stop it I want to I want to make a Mess stop it stop it stop it stop it I I want to I can’t I can’t I’m being block traps can you can you stop please I want to make a mess I triple stack I can Tri triple triple um triple stack in controller yes R please Stop Bro stop For on there we go uh that place really St them I’m head yes get me out of It oh Fre I can’t I can’t bro yes Bry Dy destroy treasure no don’t don’t do that wait what okay right Everyone Get Dy roll breaker roll breaker you’re ban from the Dayer yeah it was s candy how you did No pineapple getting the oh I see I See ah Behind you dog I I can’t I can’t look en a I’ll be I’ll being Surrounded good Lord On combo I’m on my way home fair enough when we win you know got to go Scotland oh yeah oh wait no why is it reading different messages one second one second one second let me let me get more Blocks oh bro I think I might make a part two of like before and After [Laughter] Know I yeah make as much mess as possible good Lord you know this reminds me of um like you ever seen those videos where they like um P like molten aluminum Alum aluminum to say to to yeah either aluminum or molten aluminum like in a ant’s nest and when it calls they dig it

Out and it’s like a work of art it kind it kind of reminds me of that like look a Monstrosity I don’t want to kill what do you want to do I will stop you I run out of blocks No bro little Little he he took life bro Raptor going to kill You there you Go Come on I I one second I Me okay right again onward with Nonsense Off this gu was T oh yeah sure sure Help let me let me read the chat stop stop stop stop stuff let me read the chat oh my God right one second um bugs that please really stop them uh bro blocks everywhere makes a hard place to PVP it is uh have you seen your Spotify rap I

Don’t have Spotify I have Amazon music unfortunately and plus I I know it’s like I saw the meme video on it it’s like oh my goodness I’m so edgy oh Pard me Get oh my ow ow what just T Madness it’s Madness punch the B Get bro I can’t isn’t T into like actual actual Madness oh you know what you know what would make this good water Bridges uh have you seen your spoy rap um not says I got back you just got back from my basketall game so I wasn’t here I F enough F enough right let’s go get um some water Bridges I should Uh Stop Get Go oh good goodness me this is like Good Lord Ah let’s talk about this let’s talk about This follow me yes I I will try to What yeah Right no no no my school inet sucks oh fair enough I wanted to do a cold jop oh fair enough has being the most jacked High player being it’s not bad not bad game over good game good Game most death kills okay right everyone everyone join me everyone join me for a little little picture at the End uh s guess What Uh Sky Had join I shut up you kill that red Fandal uh how to join your server yeah so you go um slash jooin friend actually slash Hub yeah so um what Hub am I in like what can I how can I tell what Hub I’m On right and anyway right my mom said after December 20th she might get PS5 that means we can play together nice man nice no idea fair Enough okay let’s go hive Minecraft Premium use your friends list to move to a new Hub where your friends are fair enough uh feed gave me a mod you should too Um there you That Stand there we Go um how long I been streaming for oh wow oh no sorry right um unfortunately folks we have been streaming for almost 3 hours right I think we should call out that I I had no idea how how much we actually streamed for my word we we were

Supposed to be streaming for 2 hours right I’m going to call it here um folks thank you so much for uh this impromptu stream um I know I don’t really stream that often because of uniwork but when we do do stuff it’s always fun uh it’s

Always fun to speak with you guys uh remember uh High Min games is not my main content obviously I do Minecraft City episodes I do Minecraft tutorials I do General Minecraft and indie horror content so if you do like that then of course like And subscribe uh we’re going

To raid someone um I don’t know who he is but um just go and say hi to him and stuff like that goodbye potato goodbye tax goodbye bugs we will miss you oh thank you much appreciated so of course I bid everyone a most good evening and of course as always God Bless bye

This video, titled ‘Hive Minigames LIVE | RECOVERING FROM LEG DAY! 🫠 | Playing with Viewers ☕’, was uploaded by Doctor Wasabi on 2023-11-30 16:25:56. It has garnered 211 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:35 or 10475 seconds.

Come on down as we grind quests and play Custom Matches on the Minecraft Hive Server! If you would like a CS, please prepare one beforehand as to save time. Thank You! #minecraft #hivegames #minecraftbedrock

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    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More