Video Information

Everything [Applause] Over again Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign Online devils Everything that brought me alive play with the monsters Smoking gone wrong When I remember Thank you g’day Gamers um in a world filled with Endless Possibilities let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nothingness uh it’s a canvas of emptiness where imaginations roam free uh Unbound by the constraints of meaning just as a blank page holds the potential for a

Masterpiece so does the void uh the of nothing it offers a playground for thoughts to wonder and ideas to bloom and just look I have nothing in here at the moment so let’s embrace the Tranquility of nothing for within its Serene embrace the seeds of creativity find fertile ground and the mind dances

To the rhythm of pure unadulterated potential which there’s none in here today no unadulterated potential I have nothing I’m like a Seinfeld episode uh wait a sec hold on that’s better okay um here we go we got Tech now we got wacko we got goofy great Maddie we got

Shadow we got Lindsey Bruce we’ve got Coronas Cronus uh we have silly silly uh stairs silly stairs uh oh no deleted message someone is being silly Sally uh William how you going man you are toaster free I see very nice wacko uh wacko I haven’t forgot about your

Maze thing I don’t think I forgot I haven’t forgot I promise promise mate I even forgot all right I just been busy but I want to do it if we’re still doing it uh okay now um uh has Brian Jordan Emma Yukon and yeah the kids are all great everyone’s all

Cool everyone is all hunky funky Dory uh we found something for exploring time I like this uh uh uh why does my headphones feel funny today maybe my ears growing man like a big sad terrible what what’s the matter I tried tells him it’s not guys since it’s with the armies

But you know understand Okay now uh let us drop the money tour that one yes I got it yeah um chicken up chicken up whatever man I’ve been reading this uh Minecraft book man and you know like um it’s good because I have found out some things like this is just for the

Minecraft people out there but like you know when you’re placing Redstone you’ve got to go like uh if you’ve got one block and another block uh apparently you can lay the Redstone on slabs that’s the other question if you can lay redstone on slabs um does that mean you can lay carpet on

Slabs interesting question I have now let me move chat over to here and let’s make it Minecraft game up and running been doing so many things man so flat out it’s my coffee going cold and how is everybody good I hope so when you set up runs a 4080 RTX couldn’t

Swing the 40 90. well man you know 40 90. that’s a lot of money but 40 80 man yeah well uh well above beyond what I have in my rig very nice is sad because Cronus refused to give you goodnight smooches yeah look it’s probably it’s probably

It probably didn’t make him feel very manly you know maybe when you’re five wacko it’s a good thing uh why isn’t this Iron by the way it is on I was not paying attention Okay now I wonder if I’ve got sound yes we do all right we got sound yes we

Do very good we’ll load in we’ll go into chat women should be joining us as soon as she kicks her kids off a computer they’re like just one more mom come on um and then Laura will be like and then mute the microphone a joke

Be tricked to death what what what did I come in yes beat Rick to that sounds good let’s make sure I’ve got um Friendly Fire off hey I’m a bit worried there yeah good luck with that one okay uh let’s go full screen well Rick your inspiration I find the the

This week I’m going to do a stream somewhere oh that’s pretty cool man that’ll be exciting your first time don’t be nervous uh you’re gonna be to mean to death I kill you is I kill you okay um now before I get started on this let me check first because

I never look over and then I’ll go oh it’s not on and then people go Rex green you idiot uh techno’s in there women will be coming soon I’ll join techno in two seconds um what is all this madness okay this was the floor I was trying to build um so basically

Floors it down I should have a lever on me would make life easier but anyway both of these levels are down and then you do that and they go up my only problem is that’s all good there but what happens when I want to do the next piston here if you understand

My other thought was I could use uh what I was actually thinking is uh okay because I’m gonna have to go up so this one okay it’s gonna have to get up then down then up and then down I’m thinking maybe will this work if I put a sticky piston

On there let me get a sticky block I probably don’t have enough to make a sticky block I bet you I don’t how many do you need to make a sticky block let me ask ing the wise ones hello children hello hello chronus but I forgot your stream on mute now

You can appear to me I shut up I listen um just a quick question uh anyone got a slime a block a slime block s you don’t like swamps could you bring one and I’ll give you some uh iron for it I’m just doing experiment yeah iron what’s wrong with

Your jaw man you know it looks like you know what your jaw looks like when you’re wearing the helmet like that hey Curtis you know what your jaw looks like you know these jaw looks like yeah I’ll show you is what I’m talking about you don’t think I’m Maddie from Madden

Xperia Road no hold on that’s what I see hold on uh today join the staff with us he should be able to uh hold on let me um yeah would it be oh wait wait I want browser browser it’s here hold on two seconds properties uh yeah this one uh this one

See it just reminds me of that straight away look that right there when I look at Chrome you tell me that that doesn’t look the same hey look I’ll I’ll line him up line him up come on man look at that [ __ ] get an image right there

Every time I look at it man that’s what I see it looks exactly this you weirdo all right anyway uh we’ll have to go last for The Maze is he crying oh he’s crying on your shoulder oh that was Sarah magic just because he won’t kiss you

Here is that he likes the German kissing you know how Germans kiss that is how he kisses no stop all right um yeah we could do the amazing when Laura gets on uh yeah I do of course I want that slime um I’ll give you the iron do I have the

Iron on me yeah okay I’m pretty wealthy here man where are we things for my character I think they look pretty girl wait come over here I might accidentally give it to you it’s up I love it back I think look at that man she’s like what well that’s that

Okay now that was seven nice very nice yeah just quickly experimenting one thing bruh love it oh damn it I do I’m trying to get one I’ll give you something for it it doesn’t have to be for free you can just Enchanted and get amending or something nice all right what happens if we put it yeah yeah now will it move the whole thing up the big test

No what kind of a sticky piston is that I think you ripped me off have a look come have a look I think you ripped me off No no a slime block a slime block is supposed to stick things stick to things thank you um a slime block is supposed to stick things this one’s not sticking things is the book you have for Java or bedrock I don’t know man it’s for Mojang um wait

Slimy piston that was that’s what you get not a sticky piston but it doesn’t need a swing block wait no no it says a slimy piston not a sticky piston but a piston with a slime block attached to it the slime block attached to a piston

Will allow you to push and pull blocks attached to all five exposed faces you could also use it so why won’t it stick is it because I’ve got it on a cobblestone but that shouldn’t matter I mean it should stick to the Cobblestone and then it should stay on the cobbles

Oh wait what hold on I’m confused let me try something else quickly hold on hold on oh it’s raining iron we’re even trying to do make the floor um to raise up the whole floor to raise up you know what I’m saying mate let’s try it like this then all right let’s try

Like that so I’ve put I mean that’s good why is there a chicken on top of the garage the flying chicken good now what happens if I do that smooches wait that didn’t work did that work it’s up it’s pushed it up why it did what did it what

No it didn’t it’s still there wait it did work no it didn’t work it just pushed what can you put this can you Chuck this redstone torch down there for me so I can see what happens up here I can’t see just put it in that Gap what only had words to them

Wait did it just did it just make it disappear the green block no it’s um the Pistons have gone down what that I’m confused okay can you pull it now for a sec take the red stain out and let’s see Oh okay I’ll see what’s wrong I see what’s wrong hold on I see what’s wrong I see what’s wrong man hold on two seconds what the heck did I just pick up uh that crap okay now we need to put this that’s better and then we put this one there

Okay now put it back and let’s see what happens yep now go down No it didn’t stick are they fighting over a chicken it’s not like we don’t have enough chickens that’s it and like the chickens are very unique aren’t they each chicken has its own unique little characteristics

Doesn’t he doesn’t he most of them have one characteristic of uh special yeah yeah um this ain’t working I got lied to I’m taking this book back I want my money back when you put wait it did say could it be that a sticky piston is canceling out a

Sticky piston do sticky pistons cancel out sticky things maybe two sticky things make a wrong Pistons to make flying machines so that they pull each other has anyone got a normal piston I can borrow quickly a normal piston I’ll grab one hold on I just need a normal piston two sex I need to know if this works or not this could be the a matter of life and death uh normal piston piston we need iron iron and iron ingot uh some Cobblestone and some wood easy peasy

No Rick two stickies what two stickies make it even better sticky it doesn’t just tried it slimy piston is supposed to stick to things I’m starting to think it’s not gonna work Uh Wood man there’s chickens everywhere it’s your fault how chickens everywhere who’s been stealing

My emeralds I put one emerald in there and you have the audacity to steal my Emerald you bastards it’s like oh he’s got one he won’t notice that only one missing I need wood and what was the other thing I said Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone cobblestone I don’t need that much but that’ll do

Uh Wood jungle planks they’re just the one of the rarest planks that you can get but who cares I will put half away just to make some room so much [ __ ] man oh because this is from the last mining trip I think forgot about that uh we got the iron we got the

Cobblestone what was the other thing I needed wood that should be it a sticky piston where is it piston piston piston what Touch of redstone damn it I’ve only got blocks of redstone I don’t know why oh probably because I’m so rich I’ll put this why do I do that I’ll put

A block down here we will mine him what you can’t mine it like that how do you get redstone do you just from a block oh okay okay okay that makes life easy and now give me a piston far out all right all that just to make a piston done too many chickens

They’re driving me mad wacko Ah that’s not funny that’s not funny that’s no funny ah because he’s smart now what have you done oh my God this is [ __ ] little [ __ ] foreign I’ll just replace this can I just uh I don’t want to hurt your kindness just I want to just take that

One off and remove that one and then put that on and then put the can you put the sticky block on there do you have the sticky block the slimy block to the full you then have it where did it go what does somebody have my um my slime block

Oh there it is okay thank you I found it it’s magically appeared eggs everywhere chickens everywhere it’s so hard to work around here okay that and then that that’s all I wanted um Cronus Cronus can you get rid of that Redstone thing or I’ll do it

I just want to see if this moves damn it lies it doesn’t sing stick wait let me get rid of that now do it it doesn’t stick wait maybe I have to have it hold on wait one second one second maybe it has to be in the lowered position oh my God

Oh these eggs man all right lower position okay now try it it guys up yep now go down damn it it doesn’t lies lies lies lies moist budget moist whoa really man I can’t believe it all right anyway who cares about that [ __ ] we’re going on an adventure

[ __ ] the Redstone excuse my French um apparently well we’ve got two things wacko well wacko sing We Gotta Wait Till Wayman gets on um [Laughter] whack um but Nice you gotta go watch your stinkies um let me put my stuff away crowness you know somewhere to go you said you found somewhere cool I look cool let me just put away my [ __ ] two seconds I thought we were gonna wait for women oh that was what people’s we can bring

Okay yeah yeah all right we’ll wait for women I’ll stop putting away my [ __ ] anyway because I have stuff everywhere and these guys everywhere be gone are you going it’s a boat ride but mm-hmm I like boats I reckon surprise you haven’t noticed what I was talking about uh stream cat Um stream chat uh I probably missed half of it I’ll read it in a sec unless you can just film fill me in and then saves me going back and reading but you know okay uh will ask me when you come back if I’ve checked it okay that’s about it all right um

Just putting away my [ __ ] man stop swearing right just putting away my things what oh that one’s special that’s special too um I hear footsteps uh well I’ve got spider’s eye and azure blueette that sounds new what is the meaning of this whack man he’s always up to something uh what else

Should I bring my good one wait is that diamond I can’t remember get rid of these eggs um we don’t need paintings on our trip I will bring some wool probably everybody should bring a little bit of bird uh uh get rid of that get rid of that and that

Unbray I do have Unbreaking but I don’t have should I should I yeah uh I did have I had heaps of arrows now I’ve got no arrows see what I did I wasted all the arrows foreign mountains looking good um yeah you tell me get it out of there

Yeah it’s just blocking the cage I couldn’t see the cage when I was looking um well maybe we need to relocate it or relocate the cage so amazing happened needed arrows because you know I don’t use it really no and you’ve got Infinity don’t you yeah mine broke or something I can’t remember

Sad day sad day okay we’ll get rid of that we’ll bring a bucket we bring that bring a couple of iron pickaxes keep my why have I got iron boots and put them away my leather boots are nearly done man do I put that away that’s some wheat

I’ll just keep that with me that’s not important we can Chuck that away we’ll keep some wood we’ll quickly make some torches because that’s important I don’t know what that did um and coal we need curl should be able to make a ton with that just shift click is so much faster so

I’ve got to get used to that that is so cool look even out of the crafting thing when you shift click it’s like bye instant crafting um I think we’ll leave some torches here 64. leave that we’ll take some sticks don’t care about that that’s all useful put that away put that away

Just keep that and put that away that’s practically rubbish useful although why do I have three swords it’s a bit Overkill Cobblestone do you say all right yeah let me get rid of this um and fill my bottom row up put a bucket a lead

It’s all good keep that and get rid of that I was gonna give it to the women but the women probably have every flower possible so beetroot seeds beetroot who eats beetroot that’ll be for potions I’d say um is it for diet it’s beetroot it’s not for Brewing just dying things

Okay I might put it on the food and also a big ribs okay okay okay beetroot all my food’s uncooked thank you get someone to cook it yeah no no no damn it yeah I feel guilty taking taking from that too much okay it’s all right I will

I treat that more for emergency purposes and yeah um gun powder we can get rid of we don’t need that Kimberly Stan actually that’s probably the stairs that wacko just broke wondering why do I have stairs on me it’s because wacko yeah you did you fix them I bet you

Didn’t fix it no you didn’t hello techno what are you doing there wacko what are you staring at mate what are you staring at mate there’s nothing there man I think he’s having a seizure an absence seizure just unmute people talking in the background nice um put this Cobblestone away

Put the train tracks away we’re starting to to regret being so organized because at least when you’re not organized you can just Chuck everything in one spot the more organized you get the more back and forward keep going uh put the Piston there we’ll keep the I think everything else

I’m keeping eggs I can just Chuck it someone I’ll leave the slimy piston in there No that’s over here huh hey look what you just did you Gumby there’s no point trying eggs anyway you know why because the um damage is off so it doesn’t even move me at all sucks eh should I put it back on I thought just to limit the amount of

Arguments I would leave that off it says Java and Bedrock Edition did you research that for me it says German Bedrock come together come together right now you can switch the Java to bedrock can you all the parts I got for my gaming setup are compatible from PC part

But I do not know what to do with the CPU fan that goes with Verizon that don’t get this right but I do I do not know what to do with the CPU fan that goes with the ryzen 500 did I do this right um if you’ve got a CPU fan

You will need one for your horizon I don’t know if it comes with one I don’t I’m not an AMD guy but I I don’t think many CPUs come with fans these days you got to buy them separate we’ll get an AIA cooler or something um I’m ready man

I am shrinking ready you leave my chicken alone it’s my chicken uh what am I missing I’ve got 15 arrows I’ll probably I might oh my the mic all my Flint’s gone oh my God oh my God oh my God I’ll take my trusty steed let’s go for a lot of water

No no sorry my state is in my pickaxe not as in the animal State even though that’s what it means uh techno stop being crazy you’re the reason there’s chickens everywhere um okay so I’m bringing some wool because I have thought ahead unlike some people in this server

Actually no no I’m bringing a bed a blue bed I’ll have you know and a white bed and a white bed acronis you want to bring one bed maybe or um I think I’ll have sticks 31 sticks I might bring okay we go soon requirement will be here soon prepare

Let me message women ah oh I see yeah I was wondering why that was they didn’t even say who it was and they just messaged me private guy hey can I join you disc your Minecraft server it’s like what Whoa man um people are funny

Did you see the signs that are at the front of my house and then no I haven’t yet I haven’t even been outside okay let me message women anyway I’ll just let her know we have two things to do today um go on and because I bought you the preparing at the moment

Yes so I have torches I have do I have do I have no I probably should go get some mate I probably should quickly go get some bamboo I mean why are you spreading the sticks out you weirdo do you have sticks are you a poor fella is you poor is you broke

I’m gonna quickly get some bamboo Brown I’m gonna bring my dog with me though it’s been a while since I’ve lost a dog not wasting a name tag on him this time yeah I have to go I got an army of dogs keeping secret top secret s I got a million dogs

Uh bring food bring um everyone should bring one one bed each yeah Um torches man torches yep yeah I’m bringing that stat I think one stack each other yeah I’ve got I got some swords uh bring out iron pickaxe in case you find diamonds or something um bring bring bring I’m bringing um scaffolding hey this is my bamboo mate crazy wacko

Okay how much bamboo did I get out of that holy moly I didn’t realize I got that much this Gate’s awkward now we need to bring a couple boats yeah oh boats yep yep yep wait wait can I maybe forever real quick I can’t put a dog in my boat can I

You can wait can’t you have a boat with a chest in it yeah or you can use uh the other space to carry a person or a dog or you know a couple other things okay all right I’m bringing my dog and I’ll get a boat

Can you do that with the bamboo raft or any uh oh oh boats William how you going buddy oh okay um I always forget I don’t have a crafting thing up here yet you know I should just put one there do I need string hello doggy we go soon what should I call you Benji I’ll call you Benji now we’ll call you Elon we’ll name the dog Elon what do you reckon after that dodgy snakes snake oil snake oil salesman um 23 that that we just grabbed some string and with string and bamboo

You’ll make scaffolding which is one of the most useful Why didn’t it put them together uh useful tools you can make sorry did you say I can make a bamboo with uh I can put a dog on a bamboo as well draft yeah it’s no different okay still counts with a boat

Boat I’m sure you can put a chest on one of those but I don’t know I haven’t tried do you have to turn it into blocks first oh yeah could you make it with planks you turn it into blocks and then you turn the blocks into planks I could

Build out a plane why does it seem a little bit like backwards for a sec there hey it is you’re making you know logs out of sticks and then okay Bamboo planks and then a bamboo you’re making out of half stick because uh I’m gonna bring to you can’t stack

Them though that’s what I hate about that crap man you can’t stack the rafts okay uh hello Echo we meet again I’ve got that bamboo I’ll put away and I’m ready I think of course where did I get that chicken from where did I never know where to put the bamboo

Where do I put the bamboo in my hand s the forest oh I don’t like the sound of that um that and we’re gonna put this raw chicken away as well creeper magnet probably is you know thick with them just make sure you stick with strongo again

Because that’ll work out good for you like last time I think you’re trying to help strong eyewear yeah when you got killed last time I’ll kind of catch back up to somebody yeah when I died hello how you going buddy how is things I swear I just killed all the views I

Don’t care if your little babies I don’t care be gone why don’t you dot I think for the trip I’ll just leave um friendly fire off um yeah it could be a bit dangerous and where we’re going mm-hmm I like danger okay so I got cooked chicken

I haven’t brought like an endless supply um starting to think I should probably bring a little bit more just in case yeah probably bring us back but I don’t think anymore yeah yeah giving to a point where it’s like okay if somebody runs out I have extra okay

Um stick stacks I’m ready uh do I need my iron boots yeah I bet it just in case my um what I’ll do is I’ll switch boots I think that works out good I’ll switch swords um and we’ll switch pickaxes keep our good ones loaded up in second oh that’s gonna die soon

Can I fix it hold on if if something’s Enchanted you can’t repair it not on the go not when you’re out no no on my Anvil can I repair it oh on the Anvil again Armando man though no it’s dude I’m gonna need all your levels no no okay

I got 15 if you need if I try if I if I die you’ll get like seven levels so if you die go raid your body quickly for for levels no I’ll just put them in the chest I’ll pick them up and put them in the chest man

It’s seven levels to a person that’s at zero far out somebody that’s already at like 10 or something it’s only gonna be like a level hold on black guy I need to make an iron sword quickly oh actually what do I do in the blast furnace

Let’s do it in the blast in case I lose it kind of pick up for most of my things but there’s like three things that I would kind of care if I lost show me the Nuggets of the ingots yep that door hinge is still working uh wacko ‘s boat yeah the school

Um Not boo iron sword I’ll be on until nine o’clock nine o’clock what hell yeah man fix that any day of the week what about this one how much to fix that what oh that one is diamonds it’s all right that should last a bit that should last all right that was good

[ __ ] that was great oh my God someone’s got an obsession with clicky things clicky buttons push buttons clicky buttons it’s all [ __ ] dumb and dumber over here I could have called him Thelma and Louise but I thought Hamilton would be more what did they take now they took the top

I took the top oh my God [ __ ] idiot why there’s like one piece so you can’t get out now I’ll go get a pay a lot of obviously they’re not gonna put it back let me just grab a lot up we haven’t even gotten out yet ah what what

Rick did you get the uh what was in the server chat yet no no uh tell me I haven’t oh my God so uh so uh I think it all started when um Lindsay asked me how my day was I thought it was good that I mentioned

That I had some new school friends then I played also there’s this one girl um oh they’re they’re non-binary apparently you’re getting married no he’s not getting married not a little budget moists all right we’re just friends right now I’m just trying to get moisture right now yeah let’s go Um well that’s as good I have a new relationship with my dog uh Elon hold on Elon I’ll be back in a sec he gets he gets bullied a bit when he goes to dog school this one dog keeps beating him up all the time you’d never guess what his name is

Um there there how much money is this gonna cost me man seems like it uh 10 billion dollars no okay then all your armor just died leather I’m ready I’m ready wait my shield I might quickly make a shield don’t tell me you need two planks to make a shield all right

Oh my God that’s a rip-off man I suppose The Shield is pretty good though it is pretty useful but make you use copper that’d be good copper Shield one iron one iron lots of wood from Woods Express Shield put the wood back I’m not bringing any

Wood I don’t know why I feel like sticks is enough or Underground oh yeah actually no we’re going to a forest there’ll be plenty of wood yeah you’re right you’re right plenty of wood plenty of wood man wait that’s a button okay I can use that as well okay uh I

Got that I’ve got my cooked chicken yep yep check check check check tickety check oh no moist is busting it budget moist is busting out his electric guitar busting out of rhythm these guys what happened just messing with my doors oh there’s a hinge uh the hinge inspectors

Though they were over at my place before the frick is that one there so the problem is you could get them side by side going up and down but the problem is when you want to top of each other I’ll have to play around with slabs later and see what

Slabs allow me to do you know what I mean okay uh hello my fishy is so cute uh techno I have little fishy now his name his name is Dora that is his name you’re a good little boy Dora I named him Dora in honor of the alphabets you know hello No no no is is it for the alphabet soup his name is Dora hello little Dora have I confused you boy all right um who’s here wait stronger you come to check my switches and hinges oh look at these are they good do they pass your uh inspection this nice nice nice nice

[ __ ] Elway all right we wait for women maybe women never gets on invite William oh is William in chat ask him to be invited where is he I saw him in chat but I I I don’t ignore Laura’s in chat Laura get in the game listen all right William I’m uh what’s

Your name pressured pipes and what do I remember that again I see you are Minecraft no it’s her son it’s her son or something doing something uh or her daughter yeah um so why do I remember that name pressure what is pity all right assistant okay I’ll send an invite are you what

Am I no longer it’s hot it cuts in and out I’d say it would be the uh your Mike’s clipping in Mark’s clipping man she clipping why does my shirt done to be broken because it was made in India Oh India landed on the moon what on the other side of the moon

They’re on the dark side yeah where all the people live all right program you can get that you can plug out your electric into your computer right yeah yeah you need any of those you just need a line input man even just a lion and then like a adapter probably from that

Big size headphone to the small yes you need the small head mate your head’s too big mate um I’m pretty much ready uh William I have sent the thing of me Bob if you’ve accepted I should be able to find a pressured pipe a pressured pipe where is a pressured pipe

There’s a pressured pipe trying to find accept the where it shows up I’ve never played this before in my life okay it says a hard thing that you accept an invite on it on the thing and then it should because I’m playing it through my Xbox online

Oh I see it I just gotta get there thing on your Xbox what do you call it when you get in the ute hando is it this week isn’t it you’ve got to come around when you get your you my Sammy mate come on the women I am I’m gonna make a coffee

I’ll stare at something I can play that one says joining Realm that’s just disgusting who put that here you weirdos thing in the little box that is there it’s fun uh to start because I think it’s about night time and uh when you start out unless you’re feeling dangerous yeah danger Williams

No danger Willy all right I am wrong Danger Crown has just vanished into the waterfall he’s some sort of a magician witchcraft a magician witchcraft a witchcrafters that villager trying to escape I should hit him with a [ __ ] Roa how do you try to leave second how I’m able to play these songs

With a freaking broken pick he broke it well you didn’t need much of a pick really you could play with a pic of a pic of a pig a bit a pick a bit of a pic pic of a pit a big yeah you know what I mean

Can you read the sign okay I’ll read the signs I read the signs about I read the signs man apparently I might need like a stronger pick because uh the one I’m using it’s actually not wacker m and it broke like a few days after I started using it you’re too rough man

You got to be gentle okay so I mean now you need a uh one mate out of glass so if you break it it cuts your hand and you learn a little lesson Matty is on Maddie’s on break please don’t mess with the house or take things

Uh he’ll be gone for five weeks but he’ll promise he’ll make a return okay not touching I’m just looking big old carrot Farm everyone can use replant doing yes replant this tree isn’t for cutting down should put exclamation marks bigger Wheat Farm everyone can use but

Replant please any gifts for me put in chess ah gift what can I give you uh I didn’t bring anything um who is the idiot that keeps leaving the freaking Gatorade I swear to God some red stuff A sign saying you’re an idiot yeah oh it doesn’t freaking villagers out on the stairs again I’d like to write that sign five minutes ago Where are they Hurry up I was gonna go get William so yeah you guys try and sort these villagers out come on villagers get in your hole you should be able to push them over the fence so you don’t even have to open the gate you can walk over it it’s just yeah come on Apparently people are stupid That’s not helping that’s not helping with it that’s just This Server just needs one rule don’t do stupid [ __ ] yeah that’s the kind of rule that the world needs and people don’t abide by that [ __ ] people be like you don’t tell me what to do

I want to be an idiot I’ll be an idiot okay okay what are you my parents get down listen if you ring it more than once they won’t go they’re not going anywhere they just I feel like killing them I really do oh man I suppose oh and then another one comes

One guy’s out one goes back in another one comes back out it’s [ __ ] please close the gate when entering or leaving and no Lessons killing all the villagers then I mean what why people aren’t just on killing the villagers no you cannot kill them Villagers have no use really really we have no use oh the green dudes oh yeah the ones no the one the green dudes are the ones that don’t do anything I think they’re the Duds they haven’t had a job yet which people keep killing them so the ones that are green

Yes they can yes they absolutely if you give them a crafting station they get a job ah that would make sense he’s done right maybe they do yeah they’re the ones that you you right click on them and they don’t do anything is that the ones

I can’t get jobs well you don’t know you’d have to follow it right around and see uh let’s see I believe they do be right back yeah you’re right wacko we’re still waiting for the women um Let me check I reckon they would that would make sense if you want to find out pull out all the crafting stations they’ll all turn green really need to do is destroy their job site block yeah okay so it just depends on what job site they go right the right villagers

Oh wait it says here though they cannot put they cannot take on a profession even if the player forces them by placing a job site Block in the nitwits vicinity they’re called nitwits are they they’re called nitwits Rick I’ve known a few of those in my life wait are they talking about Wacko

And strongo or is this the Gringo yeah wait I gotta read the whole thing man because if you just read one thing right and and things change why is everyone just leaving every [ __ ] gate open you know what we need to do what’s wrong with you people

We need to get away from here every single one is left out like they’re purposely do who’s the Discord mod wannabe please stop said homo the Discord Gates um is it a cabin The Villages are getting yeah because if it’s a cabin ET or the balcony on it somebody else want

To change that immediately because uh that ain’t cool what happened what happened and I asked William if it was a cabin uh I don’t know if it is or not there’s a sign on the seven what’s it say it’s the [ __ ] from this one I was here

It’s the [ __ ] from it’s the [ __ ] from Spawn when Asana was here oh okay okay that’s old school stuff we just need to get on this trip man look at all these boats look at all the boats yeah I went and found them all if you turn friendly fire on I’m killing strongo

Is a bit stronger where is it um living on the [ __ ] gates open is funny and he’s opened every single [ __ ] gate in town that is why we have Gates yeah these are the ones with [ __ ] sensors on them the pressure plate and then just purposely leaving it open every single one

Every single gate in town was left open yeah because if you open it but you don’t go through it’s not going to self-close a game it stays open so if I do that and now I don’t go through that gate it’s just going to stay open the idea is

Doing it see now hop off and it’ll close when your dog moves dog yeah I’ll push him see now if we push the dog off yep so that’s the idea that’s why we put these here we didn’t put them on the inside because obviously a village is gonna trigger it

But we put them there I mean the whole system was made so it was idiot proof but obviously you forgot that idiots can open stuff from there you don’t have to close it no you don’t have to close it stronger look you don’t have to when you come from

Outside he’s trying to be funny you don’t have to close him it uh no it was a delay in the thing I think I think that’s the other problem I’ve noticed is there’s a lag in this in the pressure plates maybe there’s meant to be a lag in the pressure plates

Because it’s wooden that seems like more than half a second though one million probably a second yeah oh stronger’s on fire somehow I don’t feel don’t mess with that Cronus he will destroy your home and all the children children’s children nice that’s a very good service to society like I sorting him out

Give him the stick wacko oh no he’s in Hobo Hall Tom and Jerry even Wacko’s chasing him these are the ones that people need to have some common sense on is these these Gates because these you definitely have to close them there’s no there’s a pressure switch here

But this pressure switch can get triggered by an animal from outside a chicken and then they’re gone I suppose switches switches that make you go boom Karma that’s uh strong guys live uh women’s completely offline now Um okay you know what we’ll do I’m gonna make my coffee if Laura’s not back by then we’ll uh we’ll head off on this on this trip Cronus Marco for the greatness of the Stream yes heard me I’ll be back in two segundos I’ll type it up if women not back but then

We will leave full trip okay two seconds my Cafe I think it was a good riff I remember that one kettle’s nearly boiled do your maze or if you still have a map you take them I don’t even want to uh oh what happened see guys it’s stronger being silly man

He’s the strongest oh um with the Stables no I haven’t even gone in there dealing with that [ __ ] am I depressing Stables I am completely lost see the numbers where it says position you want the first one to be 100 and the last one to be about 300 minus 320.

Okay because I’m like negative yeah so just adjust yourself so the first negative numbers start going up and the last negative numbers keep going yeah yeah I got it thank you so much the bank’s wide open all right strong though doggo found a dog very

Nice it’s my dog my dog’s on the boat if it’s got red around it you haven’t found it somebody else’s dog I’m grab my uh coffee I pour the kettle turn it was beautiful I’m coming up to get here disappointed about that oh geez I’m starving I did not feed myself in the

Virtual world eat man Frenchie you don’t speak to bullies oh no I don’t think Lindsay’s a bully hello wacko like I’m full does it remind you of anyone I’m almost at spawn William I got it I got it painted it is in in memory of you wacko

While you’re holding a bucket of lava you troublemaker what gotta eat like a hundred times because of the delay a lag what are you doing man you Gumby you Gumby and now he took did he take my painting oh I got it oh my God foreign This is why we can’t have nice things sorry I’m stuck in ice I’ll be there in a second oh yeah I’m about to die through the ice so okay head back okay it’ll respawn you back at uh yeah we’ll meet you back at spawn wacko

Yeah you got to be careful with snow if you don’t have um leather boots you shouldn’t walk on snow because you could fall straight through thanks techno great to have you back gaming with us you’re good to be back I’ve really worked on my nightclub well since getting back dude

The [ __ ] did you just do is you [ __ ] mental you better get that fish back in there boy did someone take out your fishy yeah now leave him I finally figured out the name for uh my cat yeah his name’s Michael hey you’re not funny it’s Michael from the good place

You can’t name your cat Michael I already have a Michael no me Michael no my one is Michael and then the other one is Jackson oh you’re Michael’s gonna we’re gonna have to have a Michael a cat fight off fish jumped out on his own fish didn’t

Jump out on his own until he’s put water there you Gumby fish the fish never jumps out all right dude we’ll catch up play my guitar for a bit I see you man um look it didn’t just jump out is there a stream tomorrow night Saturday and extreme all right

So that you don’t spawn back there so just come here to hobo hallway because technically you are hobo did she take it to the homeless shelter hey Josh how you going buddy right click purple bird on the bed so it says respawn set Your Spawn set yeah the square man’s still not joined yet no I haven’t gotten a response from her no she was but now she doesn’t look like she is I don’t know she’s not online so uh and now I think we’ve lost Cronus I don’t know what’s happening

Is he coming does he still want to go to Trophy is coming Um decisions decisions uh having a cat named Michael on the other Jackson and then put them together the Michael Jackson yes um yeah for a completely different reason plus he looks like a monster for a death reason we kill all imposters now now I am storming uh trying to

Figure out uh figure out how the world we might have to tell your cat to like a pole hanging in the sky and let him dangle from the pole the town feral for imposting it in town imposter the good cat and we get to throw arrows

At it well up the antes in stairs throwing eggs at it he could throw two hours what if I name him not Michael is that good not Michael yes not Michael is appropriate Michael why don’t you call him Mikhail but Michelle he doesn’t have to identify apparently

He does not don’t you you take that back there’s only one cat that looks like have you seen Michael have you seen Michael look at his eyes looks like Michael from the from the day look at oh look it’s Michael does your Michael have one yellow eye and one blue eye with the

Pink nose useless useless that means nothing that means nothing to me well it means nothing no no I haven’t met my breakdance and cow I will have to have a look at that um I’d at the moment I’m trying to organize this trip but it just trips we’re losing people quicker than

We can get people um all right let me message uh Coronas uh sir chronus we leave soon eh don’t sweat these children no offense children no offense children okay I reckon we leave soon hey I’m ready you’re ready we’re ready and it’s raining what a better time to leave

Yeah hang around Cronus because he knows when we’re about to go we’re leaving in a sec um do you have anything on you do you want us to give you some stuff okay well we have to give you some stuff so either Cronus can you uh sort him out with some stuff

Nothing too fancy which is some stuff he needs for the trip just go with Cronus he’ll sort you out you’ll need some food therapy community I’m watching you stronger trying to get away from people so they don’t pick [Laughter] okay wave it All right um we got boats you just probably needs food and just some weapons really oh and a shield maybe I can make him on it unless you can yeah I gotta get my stuff out of my house all right I’m gonna go and uh meet up with William as well

We should have made William jump though Bitcoin and jump ing though yeah he should you have to do the jump too before uh we end stream William you have to get right up the top and jump sounds like fun it’s um Yeah if you land in the water it’s fun you land on the ground it’s not so fun the ground yes the ground is very hard when you land on it what do you mean man Yeah I know we’re professionals now I know right that’s why I put carpet everywhere Wacko and tank security system uh You’re not on these good books stronger he’s trying to give stuff yeah William and William go follow Corona somewhere away from us so he can give you [ __ ] without us being near him no don’t follow just stay here wacko Don’t Go Near him um techno he’s trying to give him [ __ ]

Now listen here boys are you riding in a boat together or what oh no and then he goes over there he’s stronger stronger’s like been being weird this whole game to me we made this whole game it’s strong guys existence him and wacko oh yeah well I guess we’re just one way

To put that okay um I’ll grab my dog and we can go uh sorry Cronus you said oh we go by foot first yeah okay let me go get my baby yeah what we’re doing throw it to you because I got forged for it so I don’t really meet

No I just want you to come with this let me just go and I’ll follow you and I don’t have to think come on doggy yeah we’re gonna have damn it with the [ __ ] Gates still seriously yeah we just need to get the [ __ ] out of here so

They stop being near the gates wait come on dog my dog will just come right I don’t have to yeah sitting he’ll teleport which way do we go let’s just get the [ __ ] out of here because these Gates man they’re doing my head into make sure to have like steaks on you so

You can go kill your dog and have one on me uh cook mate chicken yeah guys it’s a gate it’s not hard go actually eat it when you’re all standing on each other all right so we’re heading towards the volcano [ __ ] aneurysm trying to do [Laughter] uh all right um who’s with us

Everyone William’s coming up very good very good very good yeah Direction yep I don’t want this copper block yeah Maddie knows what’s up the heck was that sound just watching dogs teleporting through the air yeah no dog missiles oh I think that’s the dog shaking you die did you jump Since I have the potions to make it who are we missing we got everyone wait waiting for William oh somebody pick him up in their boat there’s someone back here Yeah zombies are killed me so where are you gonna respawn I’ll wait here oh is it a little zombie he’s got his [ __ ] oh no it’s here it’s in yeah it’s in the hole don’t touch it just make it make a thing to get in it’s not a big deal yeah there’s a

Ladder oh there’s some stairs here yeah look all right everything will attack you basically oh my dog fell in one of the boats yeah tell your dog to stop trying to get a free ride on my we have just enough boats for the people I don’t think the dog

Didn’t we leave this hey is that in my dog hey that was me what do you mean how’s he hitting my dog why are you free oh my God tell your dog to sit oh for [ __ ] sake it doesn’t matter if you bring one [ __ ] like this happens where people

Start hitting each other or she hit my dog when you would you were knocking my [ __ ] um you were trying to get my yeah and then you hit my dog and then straight away then now your dog killed my doll and there goes my name tag oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God okay let’s go 20 emeralds well where’s my boat it is too yep elon’s gone just like that I knew I should I shouldn’t have brought my dog I said I was gonna bring my dog but then I should have shouldn’t have

Brought my dog when I saw you bring your dog I should have said no we’re even now at least one protector no I got a protection you got no protection let’s go captured oh William um yeah no he’s coming right off and I’m like uh wait where’s spawn

Point isn’t it here somewhere no he’s spawned back in the village hello I can’t hear him now is he in chat yeah but he’s muted oh yeah what sorry okay are you back at okay are you back in town yeah I just respawned and that is where at the hobo Hall do

You want to head towards the big peepee the one pointing to the sky and I’ll meet you there yeah oh yeah your stuff was still back there I don’t know if it’s gonna stay there though by now I grabbed what I could of it or whatever was on the zombie

Yeah all I saw was an iron helmet and I think it’s chest or something I don’t know is that UIC there was pants also I forgot that oh did I give him yeah give him Iron Pants and leather boots no yep yep keep coming on the boardwalk yep okay

Thank you straight yep all the way down the end of that that’s what crap that they threw I guess the pressure plate will close them automatically if there’s uh Straight Ahead yeah no this way Nana come back come straight through there yeah and then straight up the stairs two full stacks of

This way I’ve just got the three quarters stacked I already had a pork chop like I said he threw your stuff in the water so nice that was smart yeah exactly I mean you can just throw it at them yeah I probably should have said someone

Had to go sorry you had to go all the way back after babies uh I wasn’t following you I didn’t um I have to go that far just uh stay tight with me I know it’s probably a bit is it laggy for you or is all right it should be all right if

You’re on computer beef um I have one beef nah it’s just I think wiper picked up some beef when you broke my boat because I had stuff in it oh okay thank you and you’ve got to be careful because if you jump like from here and you jump

Down there you could hurt yourself I think it’s four blocks and here’s the Gang um come over here wait see this bed here click on that and that way if you do die again you only you come back to here and you don’t have to go all the way back

This can be your like checkbook and you’ll know that you just have to follow that stay away Jesus [ __ ] Christ uh over here come grab your [ __ ] quick and then I think there’s some behind yeah swim across the water now swim across the water here the way I’m going and there’s stuff in

The water here this way go all the way the other side there and you’ll see some stuff I think that’s yours too all right garbage so do you have a boat still or does he need a boat or you can hop in the back of mine if you want someone who doesn’t

Have a chest just hop in mind William we have barely enough space to get all the people going okay we’re cool we should have just enough boats and just enough people that every speed is full I’m so sorry that you guys have to be like I promise next time you

You know it’s right dude let’s go you’re just really close to Rick’s birth that’s all if you smell anything it’s not me it’s techno she’s upwind so it’s quietness yeah he’s too far upwind it would dissipate by the time we get to you he’s just faster he’s paddling faster beautiful look at this

Yeah sometimes most of the time a lot of the time 98 of them he just [ __ ] jumped off his butt uh looks like somebody steal his boat and leave his ass you know what to do stronger you go front I like to trail from the back I like that element of surprise

See peaceful Trip Man eyes every day oh I’m awake again surprise pretty chill I don’t think you use any energy at all right when you’re rolling not where you’re rowing that’s so cool man which doesn’t make sense because what something in Minecraft doesn’t make sense no this cave looks cool

All right we’re gonna hop out here for a little bit just jump out I think boats don’t do um Where the Cronus go he’s so fast since I’ve never played is there any way you can restore your health yourself come this way something yeah eat food have you got food just eat food just making sure I’m gonna go according to the crunch yeah the one on your right is your

Hunger if that is down always try and keep that up if the hearts go down that’s damage yep and if the hearts go down that’s damage and that means you just kind of got to wait until it heals back up which takes a little bit of time Spyglass where

From my boat somehow I’ll have it if you don’t want it yeah I want it if you ever get up here if you ever ever ever ever ever get up here if you ever ever ever get up here good things come to those who wait Rick hey where we’re going

Oh yes I like Maps get out of the way magnet techno oh no that’s I thought that was techno magnet it was uh William magnet wow look where we’re going oh it even shows where we are that is so cool let’s go we’re getting close pop on William I mean

Oh [ __ ] we should have turned back there no don’t don’t drown there you go I think it’s supposed to be back this way when I go wait what color am I am I the blue one hold on how do I know which one I am on the map I’m not sure

Because there’s the like blue and gray on the map is there I don’t know which one I am on the map oh I know which one I am okay it’s this way look it’s no it’s this way just wait hold on mine This Way the same open ocean okay

It’s this way it’s either way it’s either way is it yeah are we going to that house are you marked oh it’s it’s a treasure map the Woodland Explorer yeah gravel do you have a do you have a brush with you because that’s what you need for that right no I don’t yeah

Like something’s wrong we need to get across this mountain we need to get across this land kindness no not yet after this it is there you go this will do it I’ll stop I just gotta go uh like straight South basically I’m right in front of you just keep going right

I’ll come back just stay still there you are all right damn coming up on the landmass even made a little wooden dock in the area so just in my market there’s a house on the map what does that mean bud treasure let’s see surprise surprise with the Elder Guardian coordinates right now wacko

Thanks for letting me join this is a lot of fun this is actually quite relaxing it’s quite tranquil isn’t it it really is like now and we’re not the ones now we’re not I’m not the ones I was gonna say I’m not the ones right next to strong guy on wacko so it’s

Quite tranquil here we are at the moment I can’t speak for Cronus the crew gets here I’m just following Rick and no choice in the matter it’s a long way across this ocean not that far I mean it’s longer than you’re gonna be able to get your [ __ ]

Back if you die so uh yeah we should probably put beds down on this little dock here I can actually expand it if you need all the maps finally expanding so it means I’m getting closer right yeah there you go very good I haven’t done some expand a while

We’re gonna open my inventory of accident I can just see you guys there you go William’s pipe uh Williams uh Cape looks very Majestic right now yeah I think it’s gray I think it’s gray holder of the map is gray a secret I see gray I see gray I see Gray hello cronai

What the heck did you build that Cronus you think I built this no this is a natural Cronus congratulations on your amazing structure thank you for welcoming me to your home so that’s actually in the game all this time we’ve been doing all this [ __ ] and this thing’s sitting here

Like holy [ __ ] me Dooley you [ __ ] Legend how did you find this I bought a treasure map from one of the cartographers and so what is here at me are we going to die probably that’s why I was just telling you put your bed down

On the [ __ ] dock back here but if you do you’re not [ __ ] I don’t know I’m feeling it all right okay I’m gonna put my bed down yeah maybe be smart okay right next to this tree is that smart wherever you put it that’s where you’ll get respawned press

You’re on keyboard right or wait you’re not on keyboard you’re on your [ __ ] Xbox too I don’t know um change view on uh it could be selected the thing for a second um oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m being attacked what what yeah what don’t touch my [ __ ] don’t touch my [ __ ] I know why not we’re fighting someone that’s what killed me is if he’s so dead I’m gonna kill him ah he’s come back defending Kinder he’s coming for me he’s vindicating Like my this is where you were supposed to come what it’s telling you to come if I have you were invited you decided not to come we did invite you I didn’t I I ah [ __ ] don’t touch my [ __ ] please please don’t touch my [ __ ] that can do everything

Yeah they can kill me please don’t touch my [ __ ] please don’t touch my [ __ ] please don’t touch my [ __ ] please don’t touch my [ __ ] they got my map they got everything pick up my life here we go oh I got this yeah because nobody wanted to wait for

Anybody else so everybody just kind of you know rushed in and yeah I’m going back outside I’m going back outside I’m going back outside gonna [ __ ] everyone at this point because no I’m back outside waiting we need to regroup I did not realize okay I’m back outside I’ve got all my [ __ ]

Do you want to meet at the step guys do you want to meet at the stairs we all meet up at the stairs okay well let’s meet at the talk let’s get back to the door I haven’t even got through the forest which it’s night time

Now and it’s yeah insane to run through the dark forest at night it’s bad enough during the daytime yeah uh I’m running back I’m running back I’m coming back to the dock Ed up drowned because he was no so William’s spawn point is back at home that’s all right uh William

Uh you’re on Xbox it would be the um if you’re an Xbox it’d be the select button I think um it’s a bit of a paddle to go I could go back and get him out because it is nighttime we do have to wait till morning yeah what’s Wacko and stronger doing they’re

Stuck there they’re hiding not a clue okay they they immediately ran off as soon as they got here they jumped off their boats and took off into the forest didn’t want to wait for anyone okay um I’m heading back to get William this is why this is going to give me a

Freaking aneurysm this is going completely sideways before it’s even started okay use two white there do you want to make a camp there guys you got enough resources to oh okay okay all right sorry I’m just uh on my way heading out of here so blue is William I think yeah wacko um

Techno can you type up in chat and tell wacko just to meet yousback at the dock and we’ll regroup it kind of girls gonna do wacko things well just so we do it together at Waco so you know Cronus found the map it’s all more than fair that we do it

All together you know no we don’t want you to kill them for us guys we want to experience it all together you know what I mean he said okay yeah this if you meet back at Doc I’m gonna go get William because William died where are you William

To the landslide whatever it looks like I’m just in the middle of like um a few Forest oh yeah you’re at the bed yeah yeah yeah all right just chill there you should be at Guzman’s nest could be right at the door I am trying to go through a forest at night time

I’ll be right there was a short little bit that you had to run through the uh yeah and I don’t know if I’ve gone the right way but I’ll figure it out those vindicators man they just wipe you out look yeah that’s what comes during a raid so it’s extra fun

So we’ve some of us have already all fought those but it’s yeah yeah it’s a bit different we killed three before you called us but yeah that’s all right skeletons on you yeah that’s my question too is how’d they kill them so easy because I swung with

My sword and he wiped me out like I had nothing and I’m wearing decentish armor they move slowly and watch each other’s back and everything yeah one at a time okay there’s a boat here I’m at 100 by 890. I’m getting there foreign something like that and then uh very good name

Okay I think I’m figuring it out there’s another pink boat there a bag of juice I can hear an American TV is it America ah it’s nice having a lot of skeletons out and about to greet you not on oh drowns right behind you yeah I’m trying to get out of the water

Oh dolphin uh what’s your first number um William uh right now just I I died from a spider and it’s not letting me respawn it just says generating world it’s slow eating slowly let me figure something try this again come on to the moment I should be near where you are

It kicked me from uh like it my Minecraft like uh stalled out so I had to restart the app um I’m still running back gee good thing I brought all this extra food yeah I’m sure it was down here somewhere it’s kind of a long way around it was here somewhere someone’s house

I’m loading back in finally I just I realized the problem my um I can load up now so it’s been busy now you’re right load in um I’ve gone back anyway to pick um William up so I’ll grab you too at the same time and bring Ramen with us

These might have to just chill for a second okay cool I’m not annoying no that’s fine dude I’m here stay there I’m right here politically closer than town to where we’re at yeah to where we are I can see you there dude can you see me look up here turn around

Oh yeah I see your name plate I’m just trying to hold on give me a look come uh this way there’s a door there oh I see why I couldn’t move the um force was in my way I think there’s a horse in there yeah or donkey or something I just can’t

Hold my breath long enough to give it this fish oh I didn’t close the door or open the door I’m a total [ __ ] oh sorry I can’t say that anymore I’m told special kid okay this guy’s got a trident crap I hitting but there you go man yeah

You’re gonna not blow up the wall that’s the only thing protecting us from the land side okay uh we’re going back to grab women now me and um William and I yeah I was playing it before there’s no treasure uh you’re playing third person will you who had a trident

Uh one of the dress around here nice there’s a creeper all right enemy yeah it’s the things that explode well I think I got hit by one of those when I first spawned in shortly got around yeah you can’t jump fences uh you can but you gotta have a block to jump

Onto first I did take all these ones off Laura’s kids were in angels today nice okay now um spiraling stairs no no the Mansion I’m at Women’s I am at Women’s I’ll wait in her jacuzzi uh I’m inside William in Laura’s house okay um upstairs

I’ll put a seed in here for you mate you can come sit in the jacuzzi with me mate see women it is lemon you’re looking pale what’s wrong did you put your skin in the wash it faded you did you didn’t put it inside out his skin faded a bit I don’t hello

His Skin’s looking a little bit pale I’m wondering whether you put it through the wash you know and put the dice running up the dies what do I need uh just a few tools mining tools uh some food a bed technically don’t need a bed but a boat she liked it hello

Like I was very excited for your s and William’s here with us Williams in your house hello he’s uh I was inviting him to hop into the jacuzzi with me but but he saw bubbles in there and he was like oh is it a bumbler and I said

No it’s not I make the bubbles and then he didn’t come in a good idea too well put the lava underneath I just make the bubbles like this I would need help with that so oh that’d be the only issue with it but oh no like I was simple

Curtis is being beat you ‘d be beating cronus’s brain brain cells so is iron enough leather boots Maybe iron boots ladder boots gold it’s a forest fighting things protecting things bring your best armor but you could lose it I feel like I’ve stuck an iceberg through my temple

Honestly okay so so they’re there waiting um I came back to get William but at the same time it worked out good because you came on so we can all leave together and go meet up with them at The Woodlands Mansion um iron sword or yeah definitely no definitely he’s got

These girls are like one hit you’re dead kind of deal are you serious yeah man you want some good stuff but it’s bad but it’s funny so Mason was scaring Gia like like a funny face at her or whatever and she got upset Mason’s on the couch doing this right

And the way he was sitting she had full access to punch him in the dick the week’s not happy oh really well he was crying it hurt oh yes it felt great oh my God so both had to go to their room for a little well you should have just told him to

Harden up hard not kid ding oh yeah yeah no not that hard no William Now um fighting stuff um armor some food to eat it’s for everyone okay well I have a boat now I think okay I have a boat because it would be difficult Aquinas I found like um underwater cave it goes down deep didn’t break my respiration

Yeah neither did I so I think I want to lose that it’s not William pressured pipe well as like I say we found this place together didn’t yeah that didn’t Coronas have the map so how did he help you find us how about a few Maps it was a [ __ ]

Duplicate I gave him the second one and asked him to come with me but didn’t you give me a didn’t you give oh okay and which map did I get one of the duplicates okay one of the duplicates yep he’s probably got the other one or the other one was lost when

He died here earlier oh okay he’s been here and he’s already died like within probably okay so he’s experienced so he experienced what we experienced he’s a that wasn’t his first time when I ran in there like an idiot I think I think which hit him with the

Thing and then the creeper blew up right in his face as soon as he got another four did you die the first time when you went in there I was level 55 I wasn’t risking [ __ ] but did you [ __ ] yourself when you went there and you saw the [ __ ]

That I saw him jump off his boat and run or jump off the one boat that we had yeah really really because there’s a freaking hole that I’ll go and show everyone if you want me to prove it that’s hilarious please don’t show yeah right here come look at this right here

What’s this look like does this look like a freaking Creeper hole I think so right here no no yes yeah he’s saying he’s saying he didn’t die to the those guys that killed me but I only had an iron sword and the iron sword did nothing to them one

A sec and I’ll be ready I should use my sharpness three because it’s got love you go upstairs now extra three attack damage I’ll finish your work chase you guys sort of like surprised fire aspect to looting three and then we should start setting up all the beds or just keep those dude

I mean there’s three more in there so whoever wants to put them in hey probably have to expand the floor to put all the other people okay field and no hole you had to go fill in your state it’s really interesting oh stop don’t do that yeah do as you’re told

All right I’m ready so where do I meet you I got my boat King frenzy why why are you busting bad I’m trying to fix them what’s Baldur’s Gate I see a few people playing that is that new no it’s like a DND type game

For fun I mean it did just come out recently but it’s been on beta or whatever for a month oh god um helmet yeah helmet might help didn’t make one yet yikes you’re silly 100 to 200 hours on it uh before it was even done like just the First Act 200 hours

Yeah I played through like every class and every race of just like the First Act only if you’re a druid and you’re a furry like crunchy wacko theme in a bit stuff on the furry oh something’s wrong with you did say that no Pat was safe around him so

I was just earlier today Jesus I’m a bit scared nervous ly he wants kids absolutely not work what was that manly kiss what was that noise I don’t know what oh my God who’s doing that silly oh I it sounds like um can’t actually Drift Off to Sleep

At me hey sorry okay pickaxe I lied I’m almost ready pickaxe okay ready you got food you got a boat I have a I do I got our boat okay let’s go uh William we can go where’s William he’s coming and King Frenchy wait Frenchy are you coming hurry up

Oh is he on yeah I can see him look right in your house he’s in your house oh that’s a good idea with with his um calling sorry what’s that glass down here oh this is Jordan’s um um if you’ve got your own boat hop in your own boat let’s go

We Ready are we gonna stand here and let the um Phantoms kill us no thanks Frenchy What’d you do you’re my mom can you better not because I don’t like you give me my mom why did we ride our boats here we couldn’t have walked isn’t there a Gap there isn’t that Gap oh whoever made this uh there should be a bridge here right we

Should oh future project exactly man a bridge here hey French man Frenchie give me my but I didn’t see a two kills yeah you’re right it just accidentally went to you it’s dude I’ll kill you I will uh wait where’s William where’s William he um you said you left the room bungee are you here or not William

Walked out I walked in and somehow I got locked in here it just said oh yeah like why the door was like silver rather than I just don’t know strange oh it’s probably an idol all right come come on before my OCD takes over and I build a bridge here

Again mom what come down calm down I’m the boardwalk waiting I think he’s gone through your drawers I think I think he’s gone through your hand away draw hey fun hold on yeah there will be yeah no there’ll be a button somewhere right next to it give me a look

Oh I think there’ll be a button there you go yeah you gotta be quick Frenchy did you die or something what are you doing back here all right let’s go take two we’ll get there eventually Cronus all right Boulder skate has a scene with a bear

Yeah now do you have your own boat or do you need a lift To a bear sorry no no that’s what I said all about the that was all about yeah just drop it in the water place it not drop it now you’re dropping it place it go down it probably fell down there anymore at this point should I just join you this is ridiculous

All right hop in oh my God you in all right that’s all good yeah um we have to hop back out in a sec anyway all right hop out here gonna go to bed right now settle down all right this way mom those food guys what are you doing you have a boat

My stuff is that your food I picked up Frenchie my one stop stop yeah I don’t know stuff there foreign let’s go finally all right we’re on our way where are we going bringing the creepers off uh where are we going we’re going to the land of never never

Why would you do that if that was AFK you would have washed me straight into the freaking water and probably killed me he’s playing pranks again they can’t help themselves though they really can’t can they behave for just a minute no what wacko I have an idea give me one moment

I’m not even gonna comment on mine stronger gun I think yeah we probably go across this way we need to cross now he’s he’s in the forest jump yeah probably yeah okay yeah he doesn’t care yeah it’s like spoiling things before we even get there yeah oh my gosh

Stronger stronger is messing stuff up stronger if you mess this up so that we can’t see anything by the time we get there on the stream mate I’m not going to be happy dude that’s cool I’m just gonna head back home and then log out of it fine [ __ ] it

Well what has he done I don’t he’s gone back to the Woodland mansion and is making a giant pathway in the sky oh my good and stronger cleared you know probably two-thirds of it already so there’s no blacklisted there and you cleared the bottom oh [ __ ] I’ve given up

Reika have you taken my food by any chance I did have food no but I can’t give you some chicken so don’t stress do you want something there thank you very much cool I just won’t try to do anything or plan anything anymore what are we going

To do Rick there we go uh we’re gonna keep going because when we’ve come all this way for women and we’re just gonna keep heading in this direction it’s a little bit are you in who are you are you in that’s what she said really crunchy you wish

And what would you want your mum to say that Frenchie God damn right I mean the French are kind of weird I am boarding you’re boating do you boat in France oh yes I am voting all right now apparently he motorboated and putting the boat that’s cool you guys you guys want to

Ruin all the [ __ ] you know it’s fine I really couldn’t give a [ __ ] wacko you know do whatever the hell you want I’m I’m going back home and I’m just gonna log out and yeah I don’t I don’t care you two want to be [ __ ] so I couldn’t give a [ __ ] anymore

Because the house there too yep and then this way where did you go [ __ ] Cronus I’m sorry you bait um if I made it less enjoyable hello no it’s Wacko and strongo it’s just these two knuckleheads where did you go all right I’m coming back to yeah come come this way

Yeah it’s a little staging area Laura are you muted too women yes holy [ __ ] I’m talking like okay yeah you can use yourself again oh my goodness okay I think the boys doesn’t hurt at the beginning and I was I said back there I was like Frenchie was Frenching Frenchy’s

Frenching his boat because she’s like I’m boating I’m like you’re you’re Frenching he’s motorboating his mom yeah so what happened what happened Cronus what’s going on what happened it’s just Wacko and stronger just being whack on stronger basically he’s back oh crap nothing I just you know went

Ahead and spent emeralds and did the work to come out here and explore to see it you know something kind of cool to you know maybe do later and uh yeah don’t give it a bit so see why I try and help people do anything anymore and why yeah

Why is it all black uh you got clipped I died no no you’re alive you’re cool uh did you take your boat rig I’m getting it I’m gonna stand here I think I have something to eat maybe they can I don’t even know well I’m hoping that

They haven’t really done as much as it seems like they have I’m hoping that they just killed her but I didn’t want Cronus not to be there that’s kind of pointless no it’s fine you guys go ahead and do it no yeah I mean you did find it so hopefully you

Just we’re nearly there man come on let’s go keep going guys sorry it come this way oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there’s a bunch of coal there you blocked that so the water doesn’t there oh my goodness oh I hear Oogie boogies okay this guy I grabbed some coal bloody

Up we go this way thank you this game really needs like a map like a visual aid map I hate I’ve got a map so much oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what are you doing Rich there’s a thing there pulls you under pulls you down yeah did you get coal

Crunchy uh hop in let me know when you’re in yes completely completely impossible to just actually sit there and actually just wait like the rest of it yeah that’s probably the main thing apparently completely impossible to just do that you know just just simply just sitting there

Other people are joining but you know it’s fine well especially the guy streaming the thing you think he’d write all right let’s go there’s a boat here oh forget that we haven’t got time these guys Wait what are you using no what the [ __ ] no I’m not using no ax come on looks like an ax in your hand Laura I invented a new tool it’s called strong odago Frenchie stop doing that no Frenchy we gotta go oh we haven’t got time for that coordinates on the way

Back well yeah yeah yeah let’s see if you make it back shut up I have a bed that way I can just said I have one bed I think I agree yes now we need to go right so we’ve got to go right and then we should meet up with them

I don’t know why in this game I get so lost I’m more of like a visual memory what’s that called um photograph yeah thank you and well not Mo I’m gonna say like half 50 and if everything starts to look the same then I’m like uh I can’t use the

Photographic memory now because it didn’t work I had a 100 photographic memory as a child then I made decisions that affected my mind so you’re more of a visual learner than like re like people read and learn I’m more like visual Hands-On when you

Think of trade do you see a tree oh do you see the letter the word tree I see the the tree the image of it like I see a beautiful tree either in fall or so if you look at a tree you you see like the word tree I don’t see my brain

Can never do that yeah I mean also I didn’t learn the road names for the longest time I I just know it’s probably give or take half a mile past this McDonald’s on the right but explain this so like yeah if I look at a tree I know it’s a tree and like

The word would pop in my mind but like visually um it’s more like the image like 70 30. the image would be the more like prominent thing yeah if you have a dolphin following you oh we’re nearly there damn it Cronus is not here he is okay wait wait who’s blue oh blue

Is um aqua blue is uh stew no it’s stew okay wait it just turned red I’m confused on my map are you wearing your flag cut your country color what the heck is that Frenchie what is that why am I seeing people with that easy on the map that’s freaky

What the heck is that it’s a whole [ __ ] house I don’t know what are you seeing I don’t know I can’t describe it okay look make yourself at home it’s a haunted mansion we can’t even sleep here man there’s a monster oh there we go look up you weirdos

Why did I pick flesh ew you wear that is I’m not even gonna look up all right anyway now where’s Cronus now we’re going to sleep here and wait until morning so just let’s just be cool now what’s the plan of attack what are we doing we’re just going a little like

Are we sending one in at a time or we uh pick a different bed it might be too close to the edge because there’s drowns in the water should go to one in the corner over here uh uh all right a chest would have been good there is a chest here

I’m Gonna Leave My scaffolding here I don’t know if I actually scaffolding might be good to get away from the creatures eh because they can’t break your scaffolding on the boats there are two chests called Golden Boy over there hello Mr Golden Boy I don’t know you got a wacko get him

Show him his boss I’m Gonna Leave My Boat here I wonder if a bucket of water is useful in here what do you reckon Cronus do you reckon a bucket of water might help against the enemy look we flood them or something everyone’s sleeping how long okay I’m sleeping We’re not gonna get

Eight players sleeping [ __ ] I open the chest that is go to sleep everyone go to sleep we’ll see yeah we’re missing eyeball s okay I’ve got my own bed yeah I broke my own bed all right I know for like the original amount of people coming

So I’ll go to bed too hold on I’m coming that’s not a bad wreck me okay I’m sleeping quick quick everyone go to sleep in the sky seven eight eight oh my God we did it no why would you pull out oh yeah we’re all sleeping together yay whatever was it organization okay

Thank you Jesus oh my guys okay guys come down for a sec listen I see skeletons all in the woods behind you too so be careful Forest there’s lots of [ __ ] mobs through here all right um let’s all stay together and go one at a time oh that’s how you open the door

Let’s go let’s go back each other up come on let’s go oh Crow put your back back Ready get to the treat Ops nice good plan I have no idea just filled up like three blocks to just kill the vinegar um we’re in the Treetops okay we’re at the Tree Tops just wait there Cronus let these guys get up all right everyone get up

Make sure they get up safe if you want to go grab his stuff up you get in the water you coming up Laura where are you yes come on women it’s time to go shopping I ain’t not shopping I’m shopping I’m shopping for um experience yes Oh there’s another bed over here okay let’s go we’re all here I think you gotta climb up night night top of the trees there you go I don’t know what you’re doing I’m a woman I have brains yeah big brains I I’d like to argue that um

Are you arguing that women uh don’t have big brains all that and she is a little boy he doesn’t know I’m arguing that women have brains at all he has objection and she’s a little boy he knows something grandma respectful friend you like being disrespectful yeah oh oh what happened who died

Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s your back Cronus oh [ __ ] what’s happening what the [ __ ] is a Vindicator oh my god oh the [ __ ] is going on okay okay we do that sucked penis let’s go he’s dead he’s dead I’m not doing [ __ ] man I have a [ __ ]

Armor oh I had good armor and I hit him so many times and he wouldn’t die well yeah you eventually we’d kill him don’t touch our [ __ ] man yeah because we were all hitting him you Gumby that’s why you killed him coming so do they are they going to take your stuff

Or not because yeah those arrows I just want my [ __ ] oh I come over here in the corner and the stuff are here I’ll put I’m missing that’s flash over there I’m missing a helmet I’m missing iron sword I mean my iron sword over here somebody’s [ __ ] is over here by me

Now where’s my enchanted pickaxe stuff That’s a word over here this way what’s all that that’s someone’s map I think that’s your map Crone is there’s a bowl here over there there’s a chest plate it’s not mine that’s not mine whose bow is this are we gonna explore my bow Enchanted my Bow’s Enchanted Unbreaking three

Three yeah but I don’t know where you are down there who’s got my pick can I get my can I get my pickaxe whoever’s got my pickaxe Cronus might have I think oh [ __ ] that’s all I have Cronus grabbed a few things too I had torches uh but I

Don’t care about that I just want my pickaxe whoever’s got my pickaxe handed over my enchanted pickaxe that’s not my diamond pickaxe no no no no I hate well I had that but I had Enchanted pickaxes there’s something out here a pick and a sword it was double Enchanted

It had um silk touch I don’t know I don’t know I it was just repaired brand new full okay of course I have food and a sword can I get my sword please hello Hello come out here yo hello can you hear it yeah yeah there’s a zombie upstairs yeah I don’t care about the zombie I don’t want to go upstairs were you going upstairs I’m trying to sort our [ __ ] out there’s another guy in the room behind

Okay I think I got my [ __ ] now [ __ ] uh this isn’t my potato that’s not mine um hold on I’ve got a whole bunch of [ __ ] that ink sack’s not mine this lava bucket’s not mine I’m just looking this guy at the end I’m just looking okay that iron leggings not mine let’s

Kill the guy morning good evening that’s not mine I’m dropping [ __ ] here grab it uh emeralds three emeralds they’re not mine your throat hurts I dropped three emeralds pay attention too much sugar intake gun powder red carpet is not mine apparently drink is not mine yeah

Like this are you found it this is natural this is natural Hey listen who’s got my scaffolding can I get my scaffolding full stack of scaffold um I didn’t pick up anything but I have some eyebrows can we stay together because if everybody starts running well we’re not going anywhere we’re still

Sorting everyone’s [ __ ] out before we continue going uh all my torches I had 64 torches I’m down to 25 torches full stack of torches I mean it’s not hard you should remember what you had yep right I’ve been on the server in a minute so I wouldn’t have taken anything

No it’s nice uh we’re on the trip we’re on the trip we’re on a trip okay dark Oak’s not mine stone bricks ain’t mine that ain’t mine I had a whole bunch of cobblestone uh that’s gone uh all my sticks are gone someone’s food that’s not my food uh no I don’t

Have a Cobalt okay I think I’ve got more torches yeah that’s cool no I’ve given it away I’ve dropped it I’ve dropped it I think that’s it yeah yeah no I’ve got zero copper uh my shield oh all I’m missing is a shield and that’s good enough

Yeah I got the Kabul thank you sir I’m missing the shield and this is somebody’s bird trying to think any case for that someone sugar uh sticks I didn’t bring that many sticks 64 still over here where’s the shield over here I mean there’s one other side okay I’ll take that Shield

And everybody else this is your [ __ ] floating around here oh [ __ ] he found me there’s a guy in the room right there oh my God I just killed him too yeah yeah why the [ __ ] out should I sleep in the bed back out no no it would tell everybody to back

Away from your stuff I’m after I slept in you know what that is that means someone’s broke in a bed Where are the beds all the beds are still there they’re all still there still there why the [ __ ] did it spawn her at home okay can somebody please just make a chest and put my stuff in your chest yeah yeah hold on what’s the coordinates sorry um you’re right um six

666 and then the last ones were 1900. positive they’re all positive right yeah yeah so six six six six one nine uh oh okay where the dock is is roughly uh 640 by 1820. that’s roughly where the dock is I’ve got some of your stuff but I’m full so

You want to start grabbing stuff and I want to put her stuff in there as well put the chest down put the chest down right there okay okay all right I’m gonna start putting her [ __ ] in oh oh it was me I’m an idiot oh I’m getting hit oh great

I did it I [ __ ] up ah I’m about to die [ __ ] zombies oh my God all right okay I placed the bed slept in it and then I rip yeah that was my fault and then you pulled the bed out all right I forgot yeah that’s my fault yeah

We shall not talk about it like it has happened to Rick before but I thought it was a glitch but now that it’s like happened multiple I’m kind of wondering like one more tests yeah because I place it outside because there was no more room like around there and

Then I slept in it I broke it and I put it above and I forgot to re-sleep that was stupid because I don’t know this game that much I forgot okay we need another chest you know what there was a bed just below the waterfall I was thinking

I should like sleep in it because it’s a little closer but oh my God what a dumbass wow you outed me kindness what I’m just gonna make a little rude yeah smart Holy beep and beep there’s so many creatures here upstairs no but it’s just yeah he’s gonna mess you up if you’re not careful yeah I just saw him and I turned around I saw what he did to Laura and Rick earlier as well sorry my [ __ ] up too a zombie and a gray

Dude with an ax upstairs at least might be more wait were you farming the cup why do you want the carpet don’t want it but you can’t remove it so you can place things down uh one thing that I have is a door ah there is some down at the shore so I

Guess when Miami gets here she can bring it I might starve before I get there oh [ __ ] yeah it’s okay I’m gonna grab something back in a sec fish I’ll try uh maybe if I don’t run I should be should be better I mean it’s a lot of swimming is more time yeah

There’s all sorts of stuff in these places these places have like lots of different uh possibilities on the rooms there’s some lava in here as well it’s powered because the land is so full of creatures right now not good careful because there’s a guy in that

Room that uh yeah that you’re looking at he’s in the corner looking at the corner but there’s a lot of crossbow skeletons here that’s not good and the reason that they bust through you is that axes will bust through an ass spider um yeah there should be allies in here in a

Prison yeah there should be a prison full of LA’s oh my God hello in Brazil house kill all of them yeah they are well I killed one what’s happening what did I miss okay she’s killing non-hospital no I killed I killed one because I I don’t know like

For XP or some [ __ ] Frenchy why don’t you just chill out and we wait what do you want to do with me what are we wait like crazy um crazy oh my God that spider is still chasing me gross go away disgusting no I’m gonna freaking you know what that

Should happen oh no you ain’t die uh you know we should have in this game they should have like a little chess board and you click on it and while you look you could play a simple game of chess or checkers Checkers have you ever heard of Pokemon chess no it’s really fun

Um it’s like chess but if you take a piece you get to go again all we could do is a paper rock wait hold on Rock right how long on cranes check this out check this out we got this Crown is ready scissor paper Rock yeah can you get that

Y’all not hear that no oh what that that laughing that is that your time out no that’s the L.A there’s the a very grumpy sound from like a villager sound which is almost definitely an enemy two creepers and a spider oh somebody’s got an enemy like real close to this little house

Spider swim no uh no not really kind of not really not fast will they chase me no in the water yeah [ __ ] yeah I’ll try to get to you so slowly oh my God hey Bob around says what the hell are you what the hell whoa oh my God William

Why are you breaking in skeleton Who water things were chasing me well I went in the water to get away from the spider and then Thank you put some wood you you break a cobblestone you guys it was him okay I’m not like and then 1100 I think it’s doing Cronus wacko what’s that idiotic uh well people can be I can’t be acronis can you tell me what that blue floating thing is no way

But yeah yeah over here what’s this thing thank you is it friendly it’s the thing that French are killed that there’s no reason to yeah I didn’t know how do you tame it okay okay aimable pad can we give him something yeah can we give him something

They hold an item for you oh he’s got carpet oh thank you that’s a key that is so cool why would you kill that Frenchie what’s wrong with you man I don’t know this is why your French get in trouble this is why you get in trouble I just want to exceed

XP we’ll give you XP again okay no don’t go being stupid all right now you’ve got to realize this trip costs money man sitting out there like oh my God oh my goodness contemplating life you’re cool you could go ahead no we wait you’ll make it yeah I kind of just

Want everyone to go inside and then if I had a flint and stone on me and yep I just burn the house down with all of you in it [Laughter] sounds like a good idea absolutely oh my God it might become reality though um you haven’t died and then just no I’m

I keep going inside and so I get off my freaking like I’m on the right track and then I get off the track because he’s freaking stupid creatures make me go around you just go ahead I’m probably gonna starve again no I’m coming I’ve done it [ __ ] twice already right now I’m at

350 and 1040. oh my goodness okay it’s our skeleton [ __ ] see the numbers going down again yeah it depends yeah when you turn the stuff it um I hate coordinates I’m more of like a visual map person eight numbers numbers numbers numbers numbers I am nearly there

I’m I’m gonna go back this way okay I’m nearly there except I have one little problem one little problem when um we were sorting all our stuff out for some oh no there’s a boat here I probably never took my boat I think I left it all right coming I don’t know

What to do what’s your first number 295. what I usually do is I try and get one number down and keep the last number still and then once you figure that out then try and make the other number go down I’m trying that it’s just like the first number keeps doing different

Things and I’m like I don’t understand you were on the right path and then I was at 350. yeah but then if something happens like something chases you or whatever next minute you run and before you know it yeah your your numbers right because I only have two

Food bars and a heart and a half so so I’m already halfway back I’m flying mate okay that was dumb I fell now I have half a heart okay Vindicator that’s why we made that little house there if everybody sits inside that little house and doesn’t move no problems

It’s go away go away I don’t know who it was and then why could I was there was wacko rain for me and chronus closing the [ __ ] door I was like I’m trying to make my way back you’re away how did you make doors do you want to close I think 220 the first one three three twenty

Excellent and that one’s going up and the last number is going up nope it’s going down just trying angle so they both go up I try that and then I get lost that’s all right I’m scared I might die I only have half a [ __ ] heart

At least I came back the quick way yeah I’m like right by the water but it’s my stuff that only narrows it down to one out of 158 million places rivers and streams and whatnot oh she doesn’t have to get back on land but I’ll go this way it was

Yeah see those things probably going to help you to get through that whole thing no I might I’m gonna die if I jump down really they’re just kind of ruining it oh you’re scared to show me son of a [ __ ] can I eat a mushroom without dying oh my [ __ ] god

Yeah yeah let’s run the [ __ ] away oh I heard a spider I lost my bow because I had curse of vanishings oh my God 3 50 and a thousand okay technology sorry what’s your last number is one thousand okay 2009 you know ten of the okay stop moving goodbye

I was up with uh with strong goal I saw the [ __ ] Vindicator I turned around to look at him if he’s following me I’m just gonna go to the picture [ __ ] yeah don’t move around too much because I’m nearly uh so 350 the first one

I think I know where you are make it make a 380. and the last one is a thousand mm-hmm I’m close I’m close is that my second one yeah careful there’s a video a raw Pig will anything happen to my health yeah it’ll make you sick that’s why I

Got food just sit still if you don’t move give me it yeah I’ll be there in a sec I’m just getting nervous yeah careful upstairs welcome there’s a [ __ ] Vindicator still that almost [ __ ] once 350 nearly there is on the left careful bro who the [ __ ] is like pressure pipe

I’m more than 350 remember because I had to go on land I’d keep sinking yeah like 390. yeah that’s fine and what’s the last one um a thousand and sixteen one six oh you’re in this little Island yeah you’re on the little island here I see a pig I’m nearly there I’m just

Across the water oh there’s nothing there welcome creeper skeletons spiders and that and then every time I’d like get free from those or safe oh there you are yeah every time I got safe from those and then I try to like reset my coordinates and then I’d run into

Another one though I couldn’t win he’s just shooting once and then he doesn’t photo he stays in there it was close right yes okay wow those Boys best thing to do is cross here so we’ll hop out and just don’t don’t stop for anything if we start getting you

I need some can I get some food first because I already have half a heart you know I’m gonna die is something you found what it says we have to wait till your health goes up where the [ __ ] are you let me let me know once your Health’s gone up yeah and

There’s someone on your on your right be careful you know if you can can you go around more oh there it is I was like oops oh my God yeah there was one I was over there oh you died two of them three three where the [ __ ] did you go there

Once it once your heart’s up we’ll go through okay I let you try to kill them oh my goodness I was starting to go in the right direction and then those things were like okay because I don’t know how many hits I can take to be honest oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] effects

The fox a nice wiping is all out what what is Vex how the heart’s gone halfway here hop in here we’ll go this way hop in careful there’s a drown there all right yeah that’s why I moved I was like I hear you mother yucker yeah

I think if we go right up here I’ve done that before but I think I remembered to um sleep again in the bed no no no actually I’ve done that and I haven’t put the bed back down I just removed it because I was going to reuse

It and then I died between the time when I could reuse it why am I a spine so that’s a Vex okay it looks like it’s a Vex it even skids like I just get killed it I saw someone stop oh so there’s the same see I was like to

[ __ ] kill them hey no you killed the wrong one yeah well kill the one that hits you yeah oh 1900 s really right you know it’s cool oh [ __ ] [ __ ] why is this could I think we’re in a [ __ ] golden armor Gumby I have no oh sh oh [ __ ] yeah I can’t

[ __ ] I have no weapons you gotta go we’re nearly there yeah quick way who’s in the boat coming towards me orange boat well someone’s heading straight towards us can you kill the I don’t want it yeah you can’t see but I can please the skeletons we’ll see them soon

What or it’s under us and who died there Not Dead where is he sounds like they’re all getting slaughtered can’t lead the way yes we are you going Christ had enough well this guy’s still haven’t even I still haven’t even seen the place but you know it doesn’t matter

I’m not gonna see one so it’s fine I just want to try and get those things back in mind okay so can I get my stuff back I didn’t have much but I like to get it back still yeah most of it’s still up here but kind of x

Well how do I know if it’s a [ __ ] dicks all right uh sleep in the bed Laura red what yeah Jesus yeah I put this bed up here yeah Vindicated that time I didn’t have enough time to get I need one block to get my mind all righty how are you food-wise

You want a bit more chicken oh your chest in here yeah come inside there yeah come we’ll go inside that’s all right um to be careful coming through here because there’s spiders and stuff and I have no armor yeah just stay right next to me ow okay so oh

Quick quick quick yeah I had a lot more [ __ ] though yeah some of my stuff is still there behind the stairs this way I must pick up most of it so the time no I don’t know I saw that bad and I was like I’m gonna sleep here close

You should have just you know listen to your freaking inner voice you know everywhere is it stronger was it did you take my stuff wrong oh I hear something left to come left I got trapped in there dude come here there’s no idea is I missed I couldn’t get up it didn’t let

Me jump up then I got stuck there three of them now there’s a spider oh they did oh there’s a freaking where I call it on land back at the spawn okay not spawn not spawn my bad um are you back at no sorry you’re back at

The uh yeah wait till daytime just wait till daytime oh yeah there’s a spider and there’s one of those um thingies with the Trident yeah I had a lot more stuff though yeah I’m gonna wait in here once it’s daytime I’ll come get you no it is not though yeah okay okay

Oh did you have axes or I see the house I’m gonna steal the trees okay I have something are they too almost broken Enchanted axes uh Enchanted no I mean I don’t know yeah actually yeah I had like one uh iron almost broken ax uh this one has sharpness too

You bastard you bastard we’re coming I’m coming back I had like a normal iron uh ax I know oh yeah that’s very Waka was Jungle one of them oh I’ve been poisoned by this thing what is he oh that’s interesting um it looks like a villager but he’s

Like oh a witch oh Witch Doctor oh okay keeps throwing poison on me come here come back to the come back to the dock I’ll show you something I got half a heart left I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead no zombie chasing me yep I see The Vindicator how the frick

Is he still chasing me I mean I can’t I can’t kill them hold on you know what because you have a bed Laura do you have a bed yes come with me I put the bed right there and there’s only one oh they’re raw the

Fisheries and I mean you know what I put a chest give it then come here what can we actually beat two and have the same yes okay let’s break the floor here listen let me just come up the stairs and then bastard listen let me just

Follow me and we stay on the trees I was doing that in a skeleton come this way I have half a heart I put my whole stuff on the do you need food maybe one things are so stupid keep coming follow me this way you’ll be cool

We’ll make a path can you say that’s almost all right oh [ __ ] yeah let’s put actually I don’t really have too much but yeah it was that way you know where the trees tops kind of get close to the ground let’s make another the bed quickly in here so

We can have um yeah I mean do you have anything to make of it uh we have wool in the Sheep room I mean I made that little hole there and then just see oh my god there he is bastard skeleton guy yeah that’s the guy who

Killed me oh okay careful careful uh I’m hiding here Beach I’m gonna grab his armor again that’s why I don’t have any oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die [ __ ] oh and then come this way just we would to make one more bag equip boots I put boots on the pants how

Do I get back in some health if that’s possible food yeah yeah I was making my way this way and then that skeleton guy okay I had no armor once your hunger bar is full then you’ll Regen yeah this is not the nice guy it doesn’t even matter where I go then

What is that little thing flying in the air it’s like a blue yeah it’s a little angel thing well common experience it before before they uh ruin it all come on hmm okay where’s the oh crap there’s a crafting table here I think he’s chasing it I have one yeah listen Laura follow

Me and come straight in here quick straight in here straight in here running run in here in here I’m coming all right now there’s all your [ __ ] it should be unless people have touched it pretty on the ground um can I put some crap in there too I need

To dump some [ __ ] uh oh God it’s right beside yeah okay weirdo yes do you have a do you have a shield I mean I’ll put it um here okay I’ll put a shield right around it okay no no I’ll give you some um there’s some armor yeah right there

Oh I have iron I kind of avoid this okay uh oh that one I don’t know where I got that from can we just go around it just have to make sure we’re not seen by them that’s the only thing porches food scaffolding okay oh [ __ ] you’re going in my ear go away

Okay I had more iron swords that are missing but yeah yeah I made like yeah my one and thing all right um well okay I have three but I’m just saying like somebody must have I can’t oh [ __ ] take that no I’m fine I’ve got

I’ve got no no I’ve got uh my iron sword that’s Enchanted and then I’ve got a spare one I’m not gonna need more than that that’s your sword oh [ __ ] let me just see who’s out here she fell on us I have no yeah I took your soul

On your body it’s all down there now We just hit him hey Mason I opened it here we go nice um good let’s take everything back and we’ll I’ll leave the extra armor and stuff in there so there’s a bunch of [ __ ] that’s yours one come back here come back here I think there was some

Stuff in mind there’s some things I didn’t take no just just we’re gonna be real careful man because there’s a dude that comes in The Vindicator here he will kill us real quick sorry yeah I opened it there you go so I think we just checked room for room stuff as well

That’s a good guy I gave him a chicken yeah for this one back down into that bit where we got the first one it’s dark there’s wool over here there’s wool down there oh I’m hearing noise I think you still have like um look at all this wall

What do you say watch out there’s a guy here you know what and no stone I only have the iron uh where are you oh [ __ ] uh yeah follow me we’ll hop into Laura hop into stream oh [ __ ] [ __ ] there you go all right yeah yeah cool okay um all right oh

Was I just in here I was I think I just killed uh a zombie oh we can’t keep him right I don’t know I don’t know anything about him don’t know anything it’s pandas can you like change yeah team them or no yeah yes look at all the flowers yes there is

Look at all the flowers ahead of us oh this looks pretty cool okay can we hide in here but see that’s the thing look I don’t know what they’ve done if they’ve already opened all this because they’ve just gone ahead and done everything like I’m sorry it took so long but

Yeah but that was supposed to I mean it was supposed to be Cronus was supposed to be leading us through um um I feel like if that thing comes thank you Mason is there a fork oh hide in here for safety Yeah well yeah yeah we can hang out I was

Gonna grab some of this okay oh my goodness oh I need one of these hang on that blue flower Lord just destroys a beautiful garden that’ll look good at home I didn’t need the Blue Orchid okay I don’t know where to find them thanks let’s go upstairs

Oh I hear weird noises it’s like freaking me out I want more cyan wool oh it’s this little fairy he loves or something he’s so cute we don’t have a rope to try and like put on them to see if we could capture them

Yeah I do actually how long oh I got him oh my God if we bring that home imagine that oh my God oh my god look there’s a bed in here that’s not a bed that’s not a bed this is like a king-sized bed and like a tape

Oh okay but this is like a table yeah I like it how they use the or whatever what how about just lose him what was that he made a noise he’s like was that him when is my where’s your leash where is he somebody did um the Frenchie pick it up oh you

Got it no I got it all right oh my God there’s another one and he’s got coal right here in the room I got a string uh to make string that’s how they did the chandelier with the the fence posts or whatever that’s so [ __ ] cool I don’t know how to do it

I can’t even I type it up and it doesn’t come up how do you talk how do you uh what why can’t I find a lead it has to be honor isn’t it a lead what’s it called leash yeah a type up leash and nothing comes up leash what

You’re just in your like menu thing right I think it has to be um crafting table which we probably could make if we took if you’ve got wood yeah do you want to make one quickly though yeah um black guys so we basically made no difference whatsoever um you got any more wood

Uh it’s all good man don’t stress it is what it is it’s no drama sorry I had to get more wood table let’s put it right here right here there it says to make at least one two three four string and a slime now the slime’s

Gonna be the suckful thing but I do have I do have I thought I had some string I do have strands I don’t know if I had string in the chest downstairs I don’t think so dang um look at all these books there’s a table here lemon I mean a crafting

Oh the chandelier right here it’s so [ __ ] cool yeah I’ll give some of these to Cronus look I just found seven oh [ __ ] I need to watch more like how-to videos on how to like craft things is this someone’s stuff what’s going on that’s so cool what are you doing Frenchie hello yeah

Frenchie what are you doing give me back my oh [ __ ] oh Frenchy if you kill that thing bro if you guys in front of me that would be collateral damage his chest was that nine because we killed all the vindicators why how the [ __ ] so what am I doing am I

Just [ __ ] streaming so I can [ __ ] walk around an empty building how many vindicators were up here because we didn’t leave we didn’t leave I went to go get Laura she died she was clearly saying when you guys came back here you guys have been here but how do you fight vindicators if

You’re not in here and if you’re waiting for us that’s what I’m saying man he’s came through he’s came through and done the whole [ __ ] thing and so basically now me and Laura are coming through and that’s why Cronus left because Cronus is like what’s the [ __ ] point

You know he set this whole thing up so we come in this Expedition and we’re supposed to all do it together and in the end you know I have returned we don’t do it together like so basically me and Laura coming through and we’re like we’re seeing

We’re seeing nothing look it’s like what the [ __ ] pointless pointless what was the deal this place was like brand new right Cronus Cronus found this place he paid uh emeralds uh traded for a treasure map and then he found yeah and so he set this up and we were

Supposed to come him and Waka had scoped it out but then we were all supposed to come together and you know experience it and do it all together but as soon as everybody came in here but look I admit the first time I came in here I ran in

Here right but I got killed and then I was like all right whoa whoa whoa and then we were supposed to just you know but you keep saying like we’re supposed to do this together and I kept saying it and everybody just kept going oh I’m

Killing this oh look I got this oh I found this and so whatever there’s a bunch of mobs outside guys because good I hope they kill you I feel like the um self-control or the what do you call it is non-existent sometimes impulse control sorry yeah impulse control to keep going well uh

It’s like an ADHD thing I don’t know you can take all my stuff because apparently someone broke the beds and I didn’t break a bed there’s some beds in here you took you broke your bed you just broke your bed yeah someone he broke his own bed yeah no yeah

Are you [ __ ] kidding me because I just set my spine to this bed and now it’s gone so if I die yeah wait just chill for a second in my stuff just take my stuff put the bed down and lay down all right hold on we got zombies so I like

Stupid I plant the bed and set you a small apartment it’s around the corner here just around the corner there’s a whole bunch of [ __ ] yeah that’s my stuff just take it off look at this Laura look at that giant chicken hold on one sec is it I can’t pick up the bed

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Laura look oh my God isn’t that [ __ ] cool we need to make that oh my God I’m gonna take a picture yeah take a picture for the village what’s wrong what’s wrong on top there’s a freaking skeleton on top of it is it where yeah

Yeah you’re standing top right go oh there he is that’s hilarious oh there’s a there’s a bit here who did this thank you I set my spawn thank God traumatic for a second um trenchy where are you pretty far oh yeah I’m back at the original spoon of the map

Freaking there’s the creatures spawn in here oh no a little bit it’s Gonna Hurt yeah you’re lucky was this a map of the world or something what is this yeah that’s cool okay you guys let’s grab stuff and put it in there okay good job I’m gonna have to get my two leashes

From my boat so I can keep these layers the thing is they give you more time so the more of the item they give you sir I’m gonna have endless wood so I broke a bookcase with uh iron pickaxe and it just broke into books yeah oh [ __ ] oh do you need help

Now I’m right there’s a creeper here so be careful I want these little slime things they’re so cute the blue things yeah you just have to give them an item am I still following me oh they can get up there huh because we oh there’s three creeper coming yeah here boom

I got rotten flesh that I can’t get rid of oh you little [ __ ] away flash I don’t want you I gotta eat yeah Laura keep picking up the string I’m trying I was full did you get it I’ve got my inventory yeah there’s something here is that gold over

Here this gold or a potato It’s got something so I’ll show you back put your back you got two chasing you it’s creeper outside ah hi Mason yes let’s go downstairs and get you one who wants gunpowder I have some here I lost my leash yeah anyway can you tell me Laura let’s pick it up because um

No wait let me check no I don’t have a leash on Frenchie you said this gunpowder was yours no no no I don’t how does malicious disappear it was just here I just take it and bring it yeah I have two more lesions down in the

Chest boat so you can have one of those no I had one in here for this freaking thing and now it’s just what okay there’s one another leg going yeah I don’t know um what do you need wait have you got wait have you got have you got one of them tied up

No you never had one of them tied up I was just here [Laughter] oh dude I brought my own with me I’m a guy okay oh you’re kidding me right I’m not wait okay so what of what cool and uh Stronger have been doing to the map

Back to the Village I’ve been doing something fun Village is keeping it oh [ __ ] poor people are going in there and not doing it is that what every time okay I’m back at the village where did other people go I’m still here someone else kind of left

I understand why Corners did and I feel bad for him of course if you’re still watching I hope you already came in how the [ __ ] I’ve just gone everywhere and my [ __ ] lead is not in here I just had a lead I capture the [ __ ]

Thing all of a sudden my lead’s gone and next minute techno’s [ __ ] got a lead on [ __ ] carrying one of their [ __ ] things around are you kidding me and you never had one before no one ever had one before she did have what a lead

How the [ __ ] would you know if she had a lead because I was there there all the time with her they’re what we were putting stuff together you’re not even explaining yourself French are you just saying yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m doing the [ __ ] house dude you’ve been dead for like 15

Minutes almost you’ve been gone out of here I did for a long time that’s what I’m saying she had what one of those blue things oh God how many times do I have to say it no no yeah you said you’ve got leashes you left at the dock but I’m

Talking about in here leashing one oh my God this is starting to sound like [ __ ] creep ahead talk you know what yeah no I want my leash if that’s not my leash repositization You should have just said you found it I’m really here yep you should have said oh I just picked that up found one then I’d be like no I don’t want it I don’t want it give it to this guy give it to this guy get to the green guy there so funny

Reggie I also have your um what what is that is the [ __ ] biggest child in here calling me a child is the biggest [ __ ] child in here called a mere child yeah exactly the one the one who came the one who hasn’t put any hours in

The game and then you run in here you started [ __ ] just killing things left right and Center like a [ __ ] child oh I just want to kill her and now you’re calling me a [ __ ] child you’re [ __ ] ridiculous man well the whole Castle’s empty there’s nothing here I’ve gone from top to

Bottom and I’ve seen nothing I think the most exciting thing I saw was the giant chicken ‘s nice what what happened while we were gone what did you guys see well well we filled everything else indicators that was it we also got milk iron next but nothing much else what’s up X so

Basically that’s got to be what what about all the emeralds he’s found we got them from killing the vindicators okay so that’s not nothing much you [ __ ] found a whole bunch of emeralds right isn’t bad La basically I know yeah I mean I didn’t even get what is it

Showed me and wacko at the same time and no no not that yeah oh there you go I gotta drop something because guess what I found them in the chest lucky me wow thank you I like the sound they make so much so I wonder um well these guys aren’t gonna follow

Us because I had a leash and I was going to try and take it all the way home but I’m not even gonna bother you know what because I figured I’ll take it all the way home and then somebody will [ __ ] just break the leash and it’ll be gone anyway what’s

The point in going through all that someone built this what is this strong out it was building this building was I hope I don’t fall So this is cool he’s supposed to be two secret rooms in here uh one with a diamond block and one with an obsidian room yeah down here somewhere I’m mining what is this wood is this the what’s that what is this wood this log is that the jungle wood

No I don’t think so it it’s dark oak um there’s a waterfall here and we can just get out I must have gone back four times four times today oh because I had to go back for William a couple of times too I think all right oh geez so now you’re a pro

You know the way all right well that’s it there’s nothing else to say um Yeah there’s boats at the top because both this guy’s following me yeah but we’ll see because they hold so they go be ready to give it back hmm I don’t I don’t think he’ll go too much further I don’t expect him to follow me cool there’s I’m not sure what else allays do

They gave me acid reflux no it just looks like they’re following you because you’ve got one of them and the other ones are just following it that’s what I’m saying they’re following it you’ve captured one yeah they are just watching them follow you man they are following they’re all following you because you’ve

Captured one of them on the thing and said it yeah show me how to get the leash off it doesn’t let me take the leash off so the only way to get the leash off is to snap it by going by stretching it too far

Hey just right click on it and get the leash off ah trust me it I tried it only gives me the item they’re holding and then I have to give them the item back so that you see this you see this look they’re all following you man I’m telling you they’re following you

Oh wait there it is all right I’m coming so let me check uh give me what is those leashes you said you had there why would you put it in the bow chest well then how am I supposed to get it you can open the boat chest while I’m in the boat

How do you do that I know how to right click yeah and then what I do after I right click you should be able to see that yeah no you get no oh no no you cannot no you can only do that when you’re in the boat man was stealing my boat

No that would have been a timing thing no it was a timing thing if she clicked on it just as you were taking it maybe it was wrong around no it was already around yeah I pressed E I think I pressed the inventory button go back now

Hey press e um Rick press your inventory button no you have to be in the boat and then you press when you get in there listen you can’t right click on it you never can you have to be in the boat and then you’ve got to press inventory and then

That’s how it works yeah because well I’ll I’ll try to see what was in the in the boat when I wasn’t in the books and I couldn’t [ __ ] open the damn chest you can have this one I got this one for you um to drop something

Right click on it to make it drop the item and then give it your own item yeah but it’s not gonna follow her they’re just going to follow whoever’s it will no I tried to give one an item but it already has something exactly it’s already got an item

What just give it anything Laura anything that you got in your hands just grab right click on it yeah okay now listen get in the boat get in the boat and go go away okay let’s see if it follows you will okay see if it goes home because if it goes

Home you don’t need a leash just start going across the world I’ll I’ll come swallowing it is so far yeah so far it is yep no photos like the golden stuff wasn’t mine I just picked it up because someone died and I was oh cool is it this way

So you don’t need it so you don’t even need a leash no all right I’m just gonna keep it you don’t even need a leash my lease should be broken already no it didn’t break you’d think it would have broken already right so oh what’s wrong with uh

We only managed to get seven so I was just wondering if you had that yeah I don’t know how much I had I had a few not a bunch but everything yeah I think I had six all together I was wondering who’s holding the emeralds because I don’t have them

Um breaks stealing the emerald I didn’t steal them no no listen me and Laura were going around rooms we found a chest we opened up the chest and there was emeralds in there and I took the emeralds out and then you came running in what about your emeralds

Nah man I gave I gave okay so what I did was so the seven emeralds area though was it not it doesn’t matter the seven wait listen the seven M okay listen it doesn’t matter because you found those by going ahead and doing everything on

Your own so what I’ve done is I gave four emeralds to Laura and the three emeralds I’ve got I’m gonna give them back to Cronus because kroners spent emeralds uh finding this place so I’m making nothing out of it so you want to complain to me we’ll go ahead but

Um I’m with Laura and I don’t see you I’m going um wait I haven’t got my map out wait yeah I’m going the right way I don’t know which way is it going oh I hate coordinates which way this way that’s like wrong or it feels wrong and then it does

The way I went is you just head in the ocean and you just keep going for ages so um What’s it gonna say that was a fun trip how many emeralds did Cronus pay for the Villager for the map I don’t know but I’d say probably a lot like 30 or something

Nice has it been looted it’s a different one so if you come back to 500 thirteen hundred you’ll see it oh wait I actually can’t go under because I have my lace I don’t know if you can take I don’t know uh wacko it seems they’re not tameable it just seems that whoever’s

Object they’re holding that is how you tame it by giving them your object yeah but like I say they’re trying to tame tame the one he’s already tamed but that’s what I’m saying it’s not really you’re not taming it’s just if they’re holding your object then they’re your buddy

But it’s not like they’re your buddy for life acceptance is this one still here yeah why do I always go the wrong way so how did you make a map that you carry with you because I just gave it to me Cronus gave it to me I was saying like why does

This game not have any freaking maps you can bring a black okay what you can do is you can bring a blank map like a an empty map that you can create and then whenever you open that up in your hand it’ll start drawing whatever’s

Around you and make it a map but it only does it for a certain distance so I think Cronus made him up or they had one map and he made a duplicate map or something I don’t know yeah He just need a map I hate coordinates just always always try to get the numbers towards Zero Man I yeah because I [ __ ] up I’m right behind Laura I went the Long Way technically but the easier way let me go in circles I’m at 306 500. 300 500. there’s skeleton over there

We’re at 11700 1700 holy freak you’re going the wrong way I understand why because I went straight for a lot a lie hit an island I’ll go around the island that I look there’s like a pathway to go I thought that’s the way back to the village and I just put me

Around in a [ __ ] Circle there you go Crone has spent 14 to 18 emeralds plus a compass plus a compass [ __ ] amount yeah well that’s why I’m bringing these ones back yeah could find another um yeah well hopefully you come across another treasure map or something I just keep it

A secret if he’s listening keep it a secret just do it by yourself man I’m sorry for ruining it or just do it but that’s the thing but that shouldn’t that shouldn’t be the case like people shouldn’t should be able to just go okay let’s do this together I don’t understand why

That can be a problem I know I feel like it’s impulse control and selfishness a little bit look I understand people want to be the first but we don’t always gotta be the first yeah and it’s not always about everyone getting the loot like I couldn’t care

Less man like I could have good loot and then I could lose it all of a sudden I’m too used to that again the first number’s going up but the last number is going down so I don’t know yeah we’re just normal right which is normal man I know what

Hello what the hell but there’s no I guess we break our boat and go across the island I don’t know not at night no because the Freaks Come mad at night I am running across the paddock at night what are you doing Tank Man finish work nice

Honestly just hate going out in this game because I get lost because we’re pulling all the stuff and they don’t have enough inventory um I could oh there’s a freaking skeleton there don’t you shoot my little thingy if you kill him two two skeletons there so I’ll break a pathway here but

But just know there’s skeletons there two of them this way shoot them with my bow but I only have one hour oh don’t you fly in front of me you little thing oh God no no no no no yeah he’s gonna kill me I have to retreat for a second hello my friend

This hurt me or just stopped Christ I got you a present actually uh I think uh I should give one of them to Cronus and you should give uh technically you should give one of them to women and I’ll give my one to Coronas because mine’s got a present for him too

Come on let’s go see Mr Cronus not dying he hurts they’re getting hurt by what the arrows I think when they were deflecting oh my God I think it’s okay now we’re deflecting your arrows into your new friend Laura a skeleton did it yeah why would you hurt the blue little guy No it’s not me it was the dude do you want to start on the other end and we’ll meet up so I don’t hit you just watch out for the arrows you’re probably gonna need a I don’t know if you can lock them in the room another one

You might need a leash or something why is this so dumb why is this so done oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Creeper’s gonna come at night he’s gonna explode explosions you want him to make explosions they’re nice explode the sand box why does he hurt me Laura what

So shush oh shush come on little guy we’re nearly there alive and he died twice I think hurting me it’s not anyone Shield does nothing oh my God get him get him get him get him don’t die please No way yeah where will chronus be that’s a question is he gonna be in his house or is he going to be I want all the sand oh yeah we couldn’t make a bed cronuses near here so I’m gonna have to go get a ace leash

We should be good getting a bow and go yeah we just got to avoid all those creepers so we just got a row row row asses um can we row through here this is like this water is kind of just do it You’re kind of stupid this is kind of dumb water bucket and yeah we were just doing this like it’s not flowing and filling up properly I don’t understand it I feel like we’re just gonna get stuck because it’s like whirlpooling both sides towards the middle um this is pointless to go through here

It’s just a little [ __ ] pond [ __ ] He’s nearly back or what I’m back at home chilling nope we’re lost I don’t have a space for my boat sakes [ __ ] help I do all right let’s go get this [ __ ] too I don’t know I’m gonna drown thank you okay where do we go

So let’s just all of that that thing let’s switch right back this way because we gotta go that way let’s start we’re gonna go straight that way to start decreasing I don’t know which way Rick went yeah let’s just keep going this way the numbers are going down yeah this way the

Numbers go down I am losing my mind without a map in this game oh look at this look at this we just like I don’t even want to talk about it did you make it back are you in circle so we dug a path through the island to

Like meet up with the next water source is where we thought it’s gonna be like a river it ended up just being a pond yeah yeah yeah all that for nothing we’re fighting creepers we’re fighting to think this way keep going around all right come on where are you

This was asking do we turn left here or do we keep going straight we need to go over to the right I need a fence post you’ve got no fence posts in here oh what happened you lost a leash you had three and now you only have two no I only had two

Leashes Jenny had one but then she took mine so then she had two where the [ __ ] is my thing where’s my little guy he followed you remember they get stuck there’s a lead here that’s in the water that popped off one of yours yeah this is what I’m saying I’m missing my

Guy and one of your guys is gone my God [Laughter] Oh here’s one better be mine why are you back here you little [ __ ] come on just mine or yours depends what he’s holding is he holding wood or there’s two here one is yours and one’s mine why are they back here it’s like they forgot to follow

Completely forgot there you go there you go hey you’re the one getting linked this time they [ __ ] went brain dead and they forgot to follow us they lagged their brains lagged yeah yay I saw your lead pop off of him and then landed in the water and that’s why it was like what’s

Happening and then I see you only have two and I didn’t have one I didn’t realize yeah good thing I pay attention thank you yeah who the hell [ __ ] up my path the disaster diverted we’re good so this way yeah he stops anything else a lot of

Copper copper useful take us home techno what did you say right and see I felt like going left for some reason This looks familiar Okay The island girl what the [ __ ] just trying to make it you know just trying to make it on early fans he’s trying to get it it’s not only fans off all right kindness is things there come back well I’ll go and put it somewhere dogs to stay with I wonder if I could

Put him in cronus’s farm those little guys are hard to get through iron doors push buttons and they said yes Why why did you do that yeah they’re Brothers right in front of me very close Brothers I’m just blind Alabama closeness even people in Alabama would be like dang man and then our cousins they’re like they’re not cousins what I eat cousins are actually brothers yeah I’m like wow yeah that’s low yeah very close Brothers what happens with these little thingies when we get back home do we like

I don’t know come to Google what are they called everywhere what are they called what are they called you can’t they clip through walls what are they called spell it what didn’t you just say so uh uh techno’s brain just crashed I heard it um she had the Microsoft restart sound they um

Laura where’d you go um I’m just fixing something on my computer hey check this out check this out the LA right so so you give it something it’ll actually go out it’ll find um other items of the same item that you gave it and it’ll deliver them to its player

Uh it only finds it only finds out drop versions it won’t find see it won’t mine for you but if someone’s dropped a diamond somewhere I guess but it’s only dropped versions there’s another River up here that turns back around the island okay so how do we like so we go straight then

We turn right and then is this it’s almost like doing a U-turn is this thing always going to follow us or like will it stay back at home uh this will always follow us it’s like um it’s like the dogs oh I don’t want it to always come with

Me though that’s why I’m gonna make an enclosure you’re gonna be trapped at home forever and ever yeah like slavery it’s so I do need to break the lace shoes he’s in my boat that’s messing with my [ __ ] Jesus not me not me the little guy’s in my boat

Right who the [ __ ] decide to strip oh my God what [ __ ] darts what happened what happened uh path to the stronghold no not the stronghold the nether fortress is all [ __ ] uh anything that I know that was done was um Nether Portals were were torn down that’s it that’s the only thing

Said no nether portals they started placing their rubbish in my [ __ ] chest okay actually yeah I might be lost is this a nether you’re talking about or in the real world let’s go back up I have I haven’t been in another man I’ve been in nether for

Like two minutes and then like I said we just got rid of uh Nether Portals but I didn’t spend any time in nether yeah portal right by Main spawn but I had to put that back together because I was still using it and I showed I was still

Using it because I put the [ __ ] chest and bed next to it I love it how cute wait I’m gonna take a picture don’t move don’t move oh my gosh so cute I did actually realize I do have to break the leads so that I can actually

Keep them in clothes because let’s try this out occasionally to go find my stuff right okay let’s go oh my gosh ah he keeps visiting me and then he’ll go away so cute okay let’s go he can easily get taken off you you realize that yeah all somebody has to do is someone

Just takes his item and gives him another item you’ve lost him okay if anybody touches and you’re done what From the nether fortress I’m gonna hide him for yeah that’s like my Contraptions all being messed up together live then we can just go and visit them right oh yeah we shouldn’t with glass though we gotta do a glass enclosure or something I think I’m thinking oh seriously if that happens

I’m gonna come flip some tables should we go left now I’ve got both the legs I’m just trying to snap them this time should we try going here good luck We already went there because I remember that boat because we just got to go to the left I’m gonna keep going down because the number is like still up we’re gonna go this way and directly this way to get the numbers to go down what if we kept going around here

And then out in the open and left because the number’s still like 900. it’s too high once we can get the 900 to go down we’ll be we’ll be home free yeah favorite right oh my God oh there’s an underwater cave okay I’m testing something out here my one following you uh

I didn’t give him anything he just like he just likes the smell of my farts no my my dope my my boat dust I’m crop dusting I’m boat dusting oh my God Laura’s just be quiet oh I’m in a row boat okay oh look he’s dancing he’s dancing Laura

Look dance see wait he’s spinning he’s dancing so happy yeah yay dancing he’s dancing oh my God how’d you do that uh play the Jukebox all right The last number’s going up again I don’t know what to do It just doesn’t stop dancing what else I need a leader see it goes left now so we can go left I feel like we’ve already been here possibly and it’s getting nighttime no don’t [ __ ] actually maybe not because we were at 900 and this was 700. what happened we’re okay Why did you fall I recognize if Ella hears a notebook within 16 points yay I’m so happy finally God dang let’s find uh two ever strip mining in my [ __ ] area the [ __ ] off um the alloy cannot enter water settled in my inmates just having a ride

I know like I didn’t know they did that so that means we are getting close so it’s this way hey you get Laura if you want to keep your lava animal from getting killed you can give it a totem of undying to hold oh someone gave me one of those

And if he gets killed he will come back to life the totem will get destroyed but it saves his life and then what’s it called like what if somebody strips that off of him keeps it and then takes it might be pissed yeah that’s the only catch someone can

Take it but they are cute so it is a bit worth it listen if you’re going to the portal another portal uh it’ll go with you but it won’t appear in the portal which is good because it means no one can do anything to it while you’re in

That portal not that we go in the portal but oh it’s pretty cool this place oh I probably need to [ __ ] learn how to [ __ ] off Mike who went in Ender’s place he didn’t even come online where the skeleton up there oh interesting does does creeper next to him oh [ __ ]

No I’ll leave him for another day I have enough chance of both um I think it was the sweet wasn’t it this way and then shenanigans this way Cronus also got a headache place this up here I think my one fell in your boat Oh weird hopefully he’ll get out um

Not he’ll be able to get it out once we get back home once we break the boats uh this is dead end cool yeah so we had to cross over a bit um Can you capture him though I don’t think you can trap them I think I’m

Gonna hurt him I think they clip enjoy space or not no I’m full oh [ __ ] yeah sorry all this okay hang on hang on um well this case I’m just gonna roll and land oh crap oh geez um or I would suggest just make your chest here and then come back

Oh wasn’t that on the boat no uh with a chess boat you can’t get that chest back who’s singing what was that the ways it’s okay it’s oh my God what was it saying it sounded like it’s okay it’s so creepy what’s this thing yeah what’s it saying

It giggles and then it goes okay I don’t know um dwellers turn into vexes if an ally is too close to an evoker for too long it’ll transform into a vex health two hits of a diamond sword and that thing’s dead man Give me more words so then they’re picking it back up because I had wood in my boat um it’s gonna keep doing that the whole time so that’s good then we can make back on foot we’re almost home look at the numbers yeah so cute

Numbers numbers so you can get the LA to put to put stuff in your chests cool adjustable right that’s what it’s saying but it’s saying something about note blocks so it’s got something to do with notebooks I don’t know you’re good though right they’re still just trying to get all the wood oh

So if you hear that it will hunt around until it’s got a stack of that item and then it’ll bring it back so these guys have gotten a stack of wood already yeah so you broke whatever and then it keeps like interrupting like a [ __ ] ton to her it’s like

Yeah I was wondering what the noise was I know hello it’s funny I do hey the alloy hello Ally does not despawn but instead lives inside a note block it claims much like a bee living in the hive the alloy can be returning to the totem by right clicking

Uh what yeah uh how do you time out from is there fairies in this there’s fairies I want a panda I know where we I know where we are now we gotta go up that hill oh oh right the freaking the tracks yep yep yep that makes no sense we always tell boys

So what am I uh what am I taking and hiding from Laura Rick nothing where are you stand against you back home yeah I just got home picking and hunting for me what did I do I can show you something we found though in today’s hunt you’re supposed to take

And Hunt something if you come into my place to me so why do you say about what what is it he can hunt something from me no I’m not I’m not taking it hiding anything hunting hiding hiding hiding your la don’t you dare I’ll kill you many times

And I might find you in real life and punch you in the dick I don’t know damn I’m gonna give the dick nice why is there a farmer this way I will cry and I won’t join the server ever again don’t mess with my animals dude he loves dance in this one

Why is he just being stupid mine Shenanigans mind us come over tomorrow I’m trying to get these stupid villagers out of this little hallway isn’t it cool Tay and he dances and he’s holding an emerald I gave him that’s uh cronuses I’m gonna give it to

Cronus because he was the one who found the place and you can um oh yeah I did have the leash on him before but for some reason I can’t get the leash on him in here I don’t know why maybe it’s because he’s holding the emeralds it’s because he’s holding the

Item no no it’s not oh you got it no I got it do you like a little friend yeah lost one in my lashes say hello he dances it’s an ally Ally Ally play and look he’s countering I gave that um Emerald to him and he’s carrying it foreign

And he follows me everywhere I go but he’s not for me he follows whoever gives him um gives him something to hold let’s give some sweets Gotta Give him sweets See look I can go like this watch see I took it off him and I’ll give him a chicken and he holds the chicken nice I wonder if I should give him a fish um Crone is found I forget where he found it but Crone has

Found a a treasure map or he bought a treasure map from some maybe a villager or something I don’t know and um I have two treasure maps by the way uh you have two as well okay okay and there was a Hidden Mansion in the middle of the forest it’s mad ass

But as we all went there everything went downhill people were dying left right and Center people were running around like mad lunatics you know where I left because now I’m seeing a bunch of [ __ ] going on in chat in chat let me have a look chat Lindsay

Yeah with Wacko and Kronos I saw that too yeah uh because well okay we’re building [ __ ] well that was being silly that was just being silly and they’ll pushing cronuses patience leaving gates open on purpose and this in town and [ __ ] and just oh man you know just being dicks

But uh wacko was trying to apologize afterwards too because yeah they got there first and they started going through [ __ ] and Man by the time me and Laura got there right we we saw nothing we found one of these little blue guys I think Laura found one yeah and I do apologize

Through everything not the end city um the ancient city I haven’t even been to the Asian City yeah I’m really sorry for the guys me and uh I don’t care if you find that man if he’s doing something then you find something I don’t give a stuff but you

Know and I even really care too much about today like I don’t really man my I get over [ __ ] real quick but all I’m saying is it does make sense I have chronic think about it it just common sense if Cronus found it right and he

Put the effort in to set it up for us it would have been common sense that you know he leads the Expedition and we go to you know we we experience it together like the way it happened was pretty ordinary Lenny because if he actually

Did what he said he did then I’m really pissed because I took a long ass time to get all my ender eyes just to find the Portal let alone get the blaze rods yeah and that’s all another discussion that whole thing man that’s [ __ ] you know that whole that whole ended

Thing to me I’ve never been look I’m not in a rush for any of that I don’t really care phrase because I forget the name of it but it helps you a whole lot uh you get these shards and you make this chest that once you break

It it still keeps the items in the chest so that you can put it in your inventory yes um who mind in here what the hell no what the heck do they do here Laurel did you make me a hole did you make me a hoe yeah he will

Get a leash no get a leash otherwise he’s gonna be roaming looking for stuff he’ll send me off get over here I’ll leashed one up little turd you got a jukebox where’s your jukebox I do have one yes um play it okay and then he tries to go off saying

That you can uh respond to Ender Dragon which is true but it’s like what’s even the point you defeated it the first time which is where you get to go to the end screen yeah but look and that’s a similar mentality like we experienced today

Where it’s like oh I want to be the first I want to go finish you know it’s like people should ask first and then we’ll um not even that I would understand that if he if he didn’t know then yeah understandable but he knew because everyone was talking about it for a long

Ass time and even toxic try to go off on that but then he said yeah you guys have been talking it’s in Laura a long time it’s like thank you you need to put your iron Dole back up excuse me oh my God lemon your iron door

Oh you already did what’s the Gap above it where oh someone broke the glass are you kidding me for [ __ ] sakes you probably did when you broke what’d you drop did I pick it up no oh wait did I I think I did yeah oh where’s that I don’t know

Like the one I have in my hand is like it’s partially explored I don’t know where though so is it a thing that only once we get there the map will start filling up and then we know we’re there yeah cause like uh I’ll throw you this

One to see what you’ll see oh wait but I could see myself in the bottom corner we should start heading there is that a different one hold on he’s such a cutie that one’s that one is that one I reckon is this way this way

We could do it how do I swap the item we have been there yeah well guys we’ve been there because I can see the bottom of the map how many maps have you got only one this bus is broken who [ __ ] did this oh my God I’m gonna I’m gonna mute myself

It’s broken who the [ __ ] did that uh was it me I don’t play cricket around here lady uh here um take this through the Fortress if the rotting is blue it hasn’t been discovered yet and if the writing is black it has is that right

No it uh if it was a writing blue if it’s been explored yeah then it goes I’ll change the lamp but see on look if you pick this one up is it because this one was look this one why is it riding black like when you

Look at it in your inventory the writing on that one’s black blue Maybe I know this is an Explorer man this isn’t a treasure map oh so so the one we went to today was an Explorer’s map okay yeah mother [ __ ] I never got those one’s got black riding

One’s got blue riding yay um yeah it does when you highlight I guess we didn’t find treasure yeah I guess today we didn’t really find treasure did we oh well use um you said you just pretty much found mob and some emerald and that was about it

We found the Allies these were the treasure hey it is it is um women is she raging still over the window it was her favorite win uh favorite glass windows stay out don’t break things simple oh no she’s changing her side she’s putting exclamation marks

Yeah Ally just just left I know he was in there he went out the window out the window he walked he wouldn’t believe it the broken window yeah he’s over here he’s on top of your house now okay I’ve been in the nether all these

Days how do I tint this oh for Fox’s uh yeah black ink or what do you call it um Squid Ink squid inks diet yep yeah I got some okay no no we’re Squidward we’ve already had one more minute four times that’s enough now so come on

Guys yes I have no idea what year alley went okay oh it’s down here okay it’s [ __ ] you guys because he’s just lying around over here he’s trying to get to Laura yeah he’s trying to get to Laura so cute he’s trying to get to me how many freaking horses do you need

Okay what the freak would anybody want a green horse never in my life would I have expected him again hey uh yes please I’d like that green horse right there look at this dumb horse here look maybe a leprechaun yeah it’s a Gumby hey it’s a Gumby horse just because

I look green some ice cream on the ground that’s an ugly grease listen you fix your windows all right and let me judge your horses no ugly ice cream it’s like she’s breeding racehorses okay he ate too much grass okay sorry it looks sick I’m not gonna lie but he looks sick huh

Now put your thing inside where’s the dum-dum he’s over here have you even played your jukebox yet no all right let me get it I’ll go to break this door so he can come inside I found a [ __ ] out of copper and I tried to farm seriously though whoever

Broke my glass he’s in he’s in he’s in he’s coming play the music play the music DJ I have to find my jukebox what do you mean he puts a jukebox away you can hear him playing that shitty disc that I had you think smelling flowers I had a terrible

Who had a record and I this one or this one that guy let’s Chuck a Frenchie some pink flowers what Frenchie yeah flails for you what Frenchies carry Pig flowers look he’s so happy hey Rick Yeah yeah yeah um did somebody break your Stables yeah man someone broke my Stables right and uh I spent a little bit trying to put put the thing back but I started getting a headache because that’s so cool your music’s so loud turn your music down my [ __ ] neighbor man

Listen mate do you know what time it is that is so loud where’d you put your [ __ ] speakers holy moly and then listen to this creepy [ __ ] it’s my my thing’s probably gonna cry can I hear that from my place yeah that is so loud I know

Uh Rick you want me to bring my CDs to see how it reacts to the yeah a little bit let’s go it’s called called something is it a Vex no it’s not L.A it’s a way oh my God racist races I’m talking about oh you’re not a

Freaking what do you call it are you I am let’s see you’re native yeah it loves to dance we’ve got some classy music I do don’t I yeah I am dignified okay Rick who’s there I don’t really tell like many people because is that that’s shenanigans stuff I took a picture of him

When he was wearing his uh Grandma’s dress what is What’s wrong with your eyes and teeth man [Laughter] it’s funny yeah yeah and what is corporate useful for that’s a good question man you asked the number one question this I’d try to find like oh you read one of these have you made one of these

Come on little buddy what have you made one of these what is that this Spyglass further yeah have a look okay get ready for bed guys come on now I remember to reset your spawn point hello Isn’t that cool you can keep that I think I’ve got yeah you can have that I got a spare one oh just it’s good it’s good for distances man when you’re on the boat and you’re looking for land land ahoy you know so that’s made with copper yep that’s made with copper um

Yeah yeah golden swords are [ __ ] okay gold stuff uh breaks really quickly um yeah I mean that’s not even mine but whatever no you probably picked that up off a dead um exactly yeah but you can I think you can re-melt the gold down let’s say if you’ve got gold swords you

Can I don’t know yeah you can yeah I’m pretty sure you can cool it melts into golden nuggets nuggets ingots with a few of them no I didn’t know that thank you yeah because cranus is getting up stew because she was just throwing them into the lava

This used to be my um portal I got rid of it yeah just wasting them it kind of is this was uh the first thing I discovered and then I someone’s someone’s been here and they’ve messed with stuff uh Pink House thing above my rabbit hole oh [ __ ]

It’s like [ __ ] off don’t build on top of me you can add the copper yeah I know there’s so many places to build stuff and they got it yeah it’s like why does it have to be right on top although that could be Frenchy that could have been Frenchy

Took over my cat oh okay you did oh yeah the Castle in the Sky Away from the city yeah around the corner yeah you sipped in his bed that’s disgusting yeah who wants to go to the nether okay then another quickly where are you I don’t know I’m at home I’m peaceful you want me to change it I’m trying to get blaze rods so

Um what’s it called I said yes so um I don’t want this thing to come with me though how do I keep him leashed up keep it leashed up where shall you guys chill out to chill just get a post Laura put a post down unleash it fence post

Yeah one fence post Lee shirt boom please stop quickly so are we doing the adventure map thing or not um I want to do this watch Shenanigans once but I’ll do it when I come back after I pick up the kids if Shenanigans wants to do it

I was gonna say we could do it on another stream save it through stream how many have you got there you got two do you want to do one and then we’ll save one for a stream do one and save one get like a practice run no you don’t want to

It doesn’t matter I mean I’m not gonna I’m not gonna be on for much longer so I’m gonna okay all right we’ll leave it for the next one we’ll leave it for next stream how where do I find diamonds Rick uh diamonds mining yeah and uh if you Google I’ll tell you

What anyway precise depth at which we find diamonds it’s not precise it’s just between two depths um destroyed the police I will be extremely good yeah in Bedrock uh near level 12. and down okay yeah negative 12 yeah no 12 not negative 12 and down okay yeah but it’s okay it’s more

Prominent at negative 50. they spawn rarely in caves diamonds can also occasionally be found in visitors uh Temple Villages temples and what about iron 15 yeah that’s right 15. thank you very much next time I’ll try to get there well I mean I’m just gonna find a spot and dig down basically right

And apparently in Bedrock I reckon there’s two batches with iron they reckon the first batch is between 128 and 320. which is crazy because that’s like mountain tops uh and then the second batch uh is negative 24 to 54. but found most commonly at 15 which is what I have a question who

Um change the item in the thing’s hand yeah I did yeah I have an empty hand have an empty hand grab the old item with your empty hand yeah and then grab the Ottoman and give it to it it’s being stupid yeah you’re gonna have it you’re gonna have nothing in your hand

You can’t you can’t just do like a straight swap why are you so stupid okay yeah mate what the hell what the hell did you say to me big boy okay nothing hey yo hey yo AOA Illinois all right Laura um I’ve still got Christ I’m trying to remember what I did

With cronuses um oh I hear that emeralds okay here okay Fortune efficiency Unbreaking how did I just lose them am I that dumb I needed more experience so they can make a better stuff like merge better yeah you know what I’m trying to say you get it yeah man yeah I’m on

Um I just watched that today actually the bobsled team cool running cool running Cool Running Cool Runnings yeah that’s such a good movie fake the item oh stop Flying we’re gonna go to bed right now no you know Tom is a frenzy uh 7 22. I am nice Frenchie is a night crawler

Careful how you know he’s a vampire he’s a vampire I know right yeah I mean I have um since I’m not doing any exercise like my body isn’t uh tired and when I go to bed I can’t [ __ ] closely 24 [ __ ] hours and then I can see then you cry

But it feels awful though there’s a bit of insomnia yeah I know man the best country in the world for your hours suck compared to like trying to link up and stuff yeah man oh why it’s crazy man Um well I called today’s stream redstone I did 10 minutes of redstone I think and then I got fed up with it if I had known it was finding an L.A I would have put that in there so this is cronus’s little pet I wonder if I can

Put a name tag on it that would be why don’t you change your thumbnail too late I could but yeah I did have the intent of doing stuff earlier anyways it’s all right it doesn’t matter um anyone got a name tag I do not no I don’t um

I only have one but I’m saving it for Jeb you know everybody in this game they’ll talk up how much [ __ ] they got right the one moment you mentioned name tag everyone’s like oh yeah emeralds for how many emeralds do you need for one 20 or 30. 20. you can I can

Give you some emeralds I’ll just gonna name it no I don’t stress don’t stress Crown is pro Cronus probably has a name tag so he can name it himself it’s all good okay oh we can name these thingies I’m pretty sure you can um is there a specialty thing they couldn’t do

Like is there a with some name tags like uh you can do the gem thing with the Sheep but um oh apparently um yeah try it no I do I have the break dancing no she’s saying try it with the LA yeah get it we’ll make a change color call it

Although it would be so cool yeah do you need some redstone hell yeah all right yeah down in your minds coming well um it’s up in my other spot other spot yeah it’s amazing I got a stripper pole in my mind remember your secret spot yeah you

Got what oh oh what did you say Laura stupid spot yeah wait was it this way huh wait Laura has a stripper um No it’s enough subscriptions for you this uh month tank Jesus hey oh I went this way and it’s a dead end ah because it’s secret see it’s imagination is this Swedish is this a Swedish mine always is that Norway or swiss Swiss Swiss Army’s mine Swiss Army mine British this is England England

England I head back to England England nice oh you don’t really let many people come in here very often this is like your actual place place yeah nice nice easy game mate you got all good gear mate um Redstone where would that be over here what you [ __ ] clown

I’ll just mind it out of the walls no nice uh what do I take I’ll take 38 eh it seems okay the hell man that’s hilarious where’s the Redstone in the Red Room why did the lunch break on him what are the what thank you sir the lead broke on my thingy

If he said leash like it was an animal yeah what’s cobblestone so put it back I haven’t got any where are you making a Red Room there’s a hit fart oh Red Room no I’m not making a red room but I need breadstick because I’m making Redstone stuff

Look at the fire oh no that was dumb hey man what’d you do that for Laura fire did you break my fire on my uh fishing dog no I had one that I bought from a villager and then at that time like 100 times and then yeah I don’t I

Didn’t realize you need still Touch look at this ugly thing look at it I mean mother could love this thing look at it look at this thing man you just want to hit it in the head yeah I really look [ __ ] really yeah you look like you need braces we

‘ve breed them Frankie really yeah wow okay so it’s a little bit complex okay while it’s playing oh damn they only caught something while it’s playing and then something else playing it’s my uh that’s my quick getaway Frenchie [ __ ] goes down you just run out is perfect perfect go see the yellow things

Hang on let me see if I have a shard what are you duplicating what are you duplicating the elaze you’re duplicating the LA you can breathe going on what are you gonna give it mine’s always dancing mine hasn’t stopped dancing since I put it in here

Oh I’ve got two now I’ve got two Laura did you I had amethyst shards and I made them into is there a way to make the block into a Shard no crafting table I believe I am at the crafting table a break from me it’s not working um there’s a there’s a crystal

If you go in my house if I where the chickens are there’s one Shard just chilling in there still have some shots White what kind of make it multiply anymore why why can’t they make babies 24 7. yes I like to let Savory wow Savory is delicious what are your coordinates I think It doesn’t have coordinates in the nether you went without me he did he lives in the nether he lives in he lives in there Laura yeah you do don’t lie tank what do you call it rabbits don’t live in the nether you’re right this one does not even I will rabid rabid How long does it take to cool down baguette you’re a wannabe I there’s a snail following you and if the snail touches you you’re dead no that would be cool that sounds like um you know it sounds like Terraria Terraria right now for a million dubbed right now I have a really slow

Eternity for one thing no I thought it wasn’t a game I thought it was in Minecraft they were gonna add a snail to Minecraft but then they chose not to okay exactly what the community uh votes yeah like these days all right well I don’t know he’s fighting chicken

They chose the sparkly squid over the snail nice Laura do you want some um awesome you got them Frenchy Laura do you want some amethyst shots yes please we’ll come and get it okay one side downstairs before I get off did you manage to get back up into the castle

Oh I didn’t I didn’t try I mean uh Chapman 18 what the I’m not when I spawned back in it I was like how the [ __ ] do I get back down I couldn’t fail I find my way down for five minutes I was like what the [ __ ]

Did you not know about the elevator yes but I used it and then on my way back around there oh I’m just gonna okay so what do I do again oh my gosh and then I was just like okay and then there was indeed water down there so I

Suppose you don’t have to wait for the music to play as long as they’re spinning Laura as long as they’re spinning okay get back up in the castle oh wait wait I can’t see him okay why what did you change have you made some traps and [ __ ] come on no I’m just

Trying to see if you met so hard to no no I haven’t tried I mean so now it’s gonna take five minutes right to get into the the tank Castle what the heck oh you can have it if you can try to get back into it cool

Yeah I’m giving you it so have fun dealing with a mess that someone uh did to my elevator oh yeah [ __ ] you couldn’t have it I don’t really care for it anymore yeah he wants to people so I’m not join the community he can be a burger is this

Cult how you going buddy semen he called how are you the leash doesn’t always go on them it’s so annoying man and sometimes they just randomly break it’s like no I didn’t say to do that I got four of them tied up to leashes Gosh cool child’s marriage I mean good cult how you been Buddy oh I’m gonna go get the kitties the time has come to an end I’ll probably be back on uh after I get the kitty so but my stream is ending so buy stream buy chat bye everybody Stop picking your nose stop picking on the just about picking your nose number one rule all right cool let’s uh flick this baby over to Dish One baby all right we are cool we are outskies uh let me raise the monitor uh this one dude beautiful

Cool thank you for joining in sorry I’ve been a bit of a slacker reading chat today these are all amazing and awesome and that’s all that counts right not me reading [ __ ] not what you have to say to me but just the fact that you’re all amazing and awesome and

Um we had a crazy stream today um like always nothing works out to plan but you know what it was an adventure regardless and I actually didn’t get a headache which is surprising okay um I will be back in a couple days Community stream coming up stay tuned

For that I will see you there uh uh and that’s about new it’s about it that’s about it till then space later peace Yes [Applause] Oh baby For you [Applause] [Applause]

This video, titled ‘REDSTONE – MINECRAFT Stream *LIVE GAME PLAY’, was uploaded by SwiftRick on 2023-08-24 06:46:11. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:55 or 18595 seconds.


Gday Gamers,

Sooo many things to do with such little time to do them in. The only thing to do is to just keep chipping away. And today I will be just playing around with Redstone using my super dooper crafty smarty Redstone Masters Edition Book.

This is the FREE to ACCESS, 24/7 Minecraft Realm World for all the peoples of the chats.

Join us on this adventure through the amazing game that is MINECRAFT.

For details on how to join, hop on over to our POG Discord Server and check out the Minecraft channel section. All the details are there, and its pretty easy. (Must be a subscriber and discord member to join)

Lets gooooooooooooooo!

Thank you so much for joining in today. I hope you “like” the content. This is unscripted live streaming, so anything can happen, and it usually does. lol

Enjoy. Say hi.

Lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

New format, new year. Let’s have fun and make some epic memories along the way. Join in on the gang and I as we play some of the most enjoyable multiplayer games there are. Aussie ping style. LOL

Enjoy eh, eh


PS. Don’t forget to sub to the gang please and drop them a like too.


Laura – @iLauraVR

Intro music – GAMING EDM MIX No Copyright Music for Twitch 2020 PS5 Special (Sourced on Youtube)


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  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

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  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

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  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

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  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: Custom birch forest by fWhip: Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger:… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: DISCORD: video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

  • SpeedwaCraft

    Plunge into the world of legendary anime “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” in an equally legendary game Minecraft.- They’re waiting for you here favorite characters, unique stands the number of which continues to increase.- Incredible story mode line with voice acting and exciting battles, as well as unforgettable atmosphere.- Explore Features of the art of jamon and become a master of this technique, or go to side of vampirism and gain easy-to-learn but useful skills for survival or battle.- Unique achievementsthe ability to create any outfits for your character and more, the ability to upload to records any music and even create… Read More