Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!

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[Music] good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I’m de videos welcome back to Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice I hope you’re all doing all right tonight it has been a little while about two weeks since we uh last played Minecraft we were working on our house if I remember correctly and uh we were just about to start preparing for the nether so I think we’re going to do most of that today Mickey welcome back to the stream how are you doing today nice to see everyone popping in rem you to hydrate everybody let’s hydrate up and get ready for a nice long stream okay let’s see here everything is reloading I got to remember what the hell we were doing right we finished expanding the tower that was done we we’re done with expanding the tower that was fully done and it was we were working on wait iot we have a a new grimoire that has all of our spells in it dwarf welcome back to the stream 3: a.m. you just finished helping your dad oh nice I’m uh it is 700 p.m. for me so we are on for some Minecraft uh dwarf welcome back to the stream I hope you’re doing all right out here uh we have multiple gmars which is like an ender chest but for spells oh man okay I got to try and I got to try and remember everything I was doing to make sure I don’t just screw up and die immediately um that’s the wrong chest that’s passive mobs I just misclick my glass bottles in there okay leather go in there a moment so I know we got most of our stuff is in here now burnt out rm. yeah I imagine I imagine I would be burned out at 3:00 a.m. I actually stayed up till 3:00 a.m. yesterday getting everything set up for today’s stream or trying to get most of the stuff set up for today’s stream turns out assembling a desk inside of a relatively small area is very difficult sometimes and also this desk is uh getting more difficult to assemble every time I reassemble this desk because it’s got more strip screws now it clearly was not made to be assembled and reassembled and disassembled and reassembled again clearly was not made for that it clear was meant to go go somewhere once and then be there forever um sorry I’m kind of just wandering around talking um although really that’s part of what Minecraft is honestly in these streams so we’ll see all right we still have our ritual down here we need to get this chest uh we can do that real quick let’s go ahead and put all of our extra stuff in our back back and get some slabs here to cover slots go we’ll get this chest first that’s a Cod S I don’t need that my head I do need the brakes spell go go and rearrange these chests a little bit so I want to get them out of the way of that oh there’s our Golem I forgot about him him out there let’s go a and put down some chests here in the corner this can be hostile mob drops which includes these armor now for now it includes armor and thisch and we’ll put passive mob drops right next to makes sense in my brain to have mob drops right next to each other uh passive and hostile I was trying to figure out what you were doing when you pop back into the world yeah especially after uh a week of moving boxes and Furniture stop I’m not going to lie my brain is absolutely uh screwed uh got all that stuff over there this is like our actually you know what putting our ore over here not actually a terrible idea I don’t know why I had that in there but I guess cuz I don’t have anywhere else to put it uh in this chest [Applause] this chest can go in the back be our kind of our general everything chest everything that isn’t sorted chest I know we also built up our stable last time so we got that going for us we have multiple CS quick four Arana right there Perfect all right we don’t need multiple C arcas on this at all times down uh yes so also last time we joined the Council of wizards which means all of the things thats side that are the demons the undead all those extra enemies that normally weren’t hostile like that guy right there are now hostile to us so yay but the wizard ones will help us fight if we if if they see us in danger that’s something at least okay let’s see what we can do here shall we we need to prepare for the nether which means we need lots of drinks we need lots of uh we need an ice box too let’s get that made first of all box from cold sweat uh very easy to make it’s just wood in Cobblestone should be easy cobblestone slabs but you know tomato tomato there’s three of them right there all right any planks in there there’s no planks in my inventory here did I actually put away all my oh there we go I was did I actually put away all my planks I find that highly auspicious highly unlikely all right so we have the ice box put this here we’ll put the hot version next to it so basically we put cold things in plus water skins full of water and they get cold and they keep us cold when we go somewhere hot like the nether uh we just need snow what would I have done with snow probably the general chest back here yep boom three snow blocks plenty of ice there starting to cool down and that’ll continue to go down for least while let’s go double check just to make sure the Snowman is still alive and if it is let’s go ahead and get some snow extra snow I don’t know if I have snow sitting around anywhere doesn’t look like it looks like I used up all the snow that we made last time so it is night time should be safe making our way over here real quick all right good Perfection so the Snowman should still be in here and he is excellent let’s go ahead and grab shovel quick no all snow sh well while we’re mining out snow everybody this is a I’m really thirsty all right that should be a good enough snow out of snow for a while let’s go ahead and make one quick block snow or stack of snow blocks which we’ll throw into our ice box when we get back all right I know we made some other spells what did we make made crystallized snowball Cannon oh yeah I forgot we made a ranged ice spell forgot about that uh long range dwarfing which is the uh the spell that Harvest things from distance that’s the that’s we got a concert in a in a raft over there like and we made it back to B just fine who said the outside world was dangerous I’m sure it’s fine now I believe the more cold material we put in this box the colder they could actually get uh which is good for us these are down to 70° Fahrenheit so far we’ll see how cold they actually get when there are might be as that might be as cold as they get I’m not sure interesting it’s interesting considering we filled it with snow we get a little colder than that our horse is attempting to escape with the aid of an Enderman apparently Enderman is attempting to Aid our horse in their Great Escape perfect excellent hate it uh let’s see let’s go and get our buo spell out that collected volume thing normal seems quiet uh my volume settings looks fine to me or do you mean me or the game itself my audio seems fine oh that’s hostile now ha I saw your ruse coming way I go all right uh let’s see [Music] drums begin to Echo in the distance oh of course we’ve angered the undead Army excellent where’ that damn pixie go oh it’s right there really hard to actually aim at this [ __ ] thing there we go got it oh you’re a leader that’s why you’re not dead zomb uh me I’m quiet interesting I really need the skeleton gone so I get my bell out where’s my bell there it is boit you follow me oh yeah you have rocket legs I forgot I need to get those off at some point oh that guy wasn’t even part of the undead Army let me go ahead and dip in to get some Mana regen real quick I need to eat food and also I need the that thing is so [ __ ] useless he’s so useless we made him he’s so strong and so useless good Lord absolutely insane all right let’s go get our bandages real quick arrows down slice of apple pie use the column as a shield perfect call them please they’re right there just attack them love of God he still alive there we go now he’s dead all right got a small army of SK of zombies here let’s switch over to chill P it takes less Mana that actually say them please you’re so useless these things are a major pain in the ass oh God there’s a spider where did all y all come from y’all can calm down stop trying to kill me goem you are so useless okay all right got another wave switch back to snowball Cannon the range fight they just coming in from the distance they’re just coming well that one lit himself on fire that’s hilarious go and start lighting these up so if we can hit him with a slow from a distance they’ll keep it’ll keep getting closer oh God a mushroom oh cuz it’s night time it’s still considered nighttime shit’s just spawning out here constantly oh man those mushroom dudes hit hard holy crap dude just [ __ ] Flatline like all of my absorption Hearts was just like hey you have health cool no you don’t not anymore you don’t okay dud just [ __ ] floating around out here a goddamn [ __ ] is so useless [ __ ] what am I cold for what expect I’m not sure what that was I really don’t know what that was I’m very concerned by the fact that that hit me and I don’t know what it was there probably an effect on one of the bows if I had guess oh good explosions M you are so painfully useless come on get in here that Mana Region High tier is really useful okay this is not what I had on the plan for today which was to prepare stuff for the nether food and spells and things like that but nope apparently today we’re fighting [ __ ] Undead the Legion of the dab Frost damage become rope nice golum you are still incredibly useless I need to go back it before the next wave starts this is about as as much as I can close I I could go get it and bring it downstairs actually that’s not a terrible idea am I out of drinks I am out of drinks complet that’s not good uh I’ve got apples left which gives me a little bit that’s all I’ve got that’s a lot of Undead over there so where’s the actual skeletons oh there’s a Titan over there I think I need an area of effect spell is what I need you can stay slow buddy I don’t want to deal with oh that’s an army and a half right there oh they hit me with slowness that’s not nice all right then we’re going to cheese this they’re going to cause problems for me I’m going cause problems for them by just not being hitable what is going on outside weird noises outside oh that was a m that was a mage Hunter did he just do a combat roll I’m getting lit the [ __ ] up from every direction no Mage Hunter I’m sorry I’m trying to see any skeleton look offies this a really bad time to be fighting wait don’t I have a enchanted crossbow yeah I do that not do anything to him nope you stay over there what’s this crossbow enchant piercing one oh that’s super useful here you go fight him no don’t fight me or follow me attack that guy come on you can do it attack him you are [ __ ] useless you’re actually blocking for him now excellent fantastic just what I’ve always wanted oh he he causes the ground to freeze [ __ ] that’s round in the water excuse you [ __ ] off okay well that was unnecessary oh we’re still not done yet the Apple’s all I’ve got left at this point for food that gives me water oh this is not great more Golems I would love to build more Golems I’m a really bad shot as turns out with this thing he’s taunting me like look at me I’m so useful as he just floats in the [ __ ] doing nothing useful at all H it’s awful anyway I haven’t had a chance to look at the audio because been fighting crap non-stop okay where’s the last straggling oh hi you’re in my cocoa beans get out of my cocoa beans well we won suck it enemies Undead Army still a really big hole in the ground get up all their col all their bones and their various bits be useful oh we still have slow that’s why all right okay let’s see here let’s take a look at my audio I’m in the yellow section which is where I want to be maybe it’s when I’m looking in this direction it’s quieter I’m not sure no it seems to be working just fine on my end at least it could be YouTube is making it quieter I’m not sure um hard to tell might be you fair enough there is a dog bark in here hopefully you guys cannot hear that actually that’s a good question can you guys hear the dog barking you can’t that’s a really good sign if you can that’s a problem I’ll figure it out later I’ve got uh some stuff set to set up for audio soundproofing this room but I’m hoping you guys can’t hear the dog barking no dog oh good cuz he is very loud and very annoying to me uh we’ll put the Snowballs in here for now actually you know what let’s get a let’s just grab a barrel quick those I’ve got some mahogany plank slabs in here there we go I need one extra plank frame boop boop barel and can is there a fancy Barrel that would work for an ice chest reinforced blue biosom crates uh Birch Barrel large barrels Blue biosom Barrel metal Barrel chond um not really one that would work for like something cold but I mean we could use a metal barrel joara barrel I need one biosom Barrel warp crate fish Barrel just be clear there’s no snow ice freezer refrigerator cold Cobalt interesting fair enough uh nope I don’t think there’s anything here we need for this let’s go with a let’s just go with a bio crate it’s V blue colored this up here and we’ll fill it snow yeah it looks like 70 is the lowest this goes okay fair enough well at least it’s something I should say insulation X oh right I forgot because we’re fished by the heart so we’ll have insulation 10 here let’s go ahead and open up the crate the treasure chest what do we get we got 13 bandages we got a wolf horse tank Soul jar which is three armor three extra damage against Undead and 15% movement speed not too bad not amazing but not too bad all right let’s go get some of this stuff out of my inventory also we jately need more food and more drinks so mahogany logs let’s get those over hereo Boop mahogany I got mahogany saplings too uh let’s see cloth bones rotten flesh a lot of those oh more bandages that we picked up put those away in our backpack we don’t need right now all of the items are over here now those over there oh those are passive go you got to figure out something to do with this tattered clothing is there anything we can actually do with it no it doesn’t like it it didn’t come with any enchantments so it’s not going to be useful for us and this [ __ ] over here is completely useless I think we need to figure out how to rip his legs off and put new ones on that’s what we need to do um which we are level three now we could make iron legs something we can do um do have a Cod are on us no I put it away in chest uh it would be Iron reinforc legs iron reinforced legs we take a saddle yeah we don’t have the technology to get a saddle actually we do tier three we can make belt buckles we can actually make this we can make saddles now that’s awesome awesome really useful concern we actually we still don’t have a saddle for our horse we could ride our horse we could ride our horse for the first time excellent um without that make the basic legs two which is yeah that that’s not not very expensive at all we could do that we could absolutely do that diamond lights they take iron was the more defensive one it requires tier Five O wow okay requires Eldin power which we still haven’t done anything with eldren power I still have no idea how this Elden ship works I’ll have to look into that off off stream at some point so I’m not just reading a book for three hours on stream like I was for a while ago anyway okay now that distraction is over what the hell was I doing uh let’s get this inventory cleared out completely [Music] oh no we want to go down to the this level cuz this is the one that has our our generic magic stuff that I don’t know what it does yet the saet I think are used for eldren power but I’m not entirely certain on that o Smite 2 is a book we got and our soul jar don’t know what to do with that takes up an entire bundle okay don’t think I need that cuz a shield is kind of useful to me at the moment all the extra movement speed could be useful couldn’t hurt uh all right let’s do an arrow slowness I really don’t need [Music] that okay all right let’s try and actually do something useful now shall we get this Magnolia out of my inventory which goes over here the slabs trap doors there we go okay oh it is nighttime still let’s go ahead and sleep I should say night time again because the undead Army caused you know the whole time to stay still for a minute or the weather to stay still all right let’s go look at our food reserves I just started walking the the wrong direction of course I did go take a look at our food reserves and see what we’ve got to work with let’s check the uh chests here on the way there we’ll collect everything we’ve got a berries pears uh we’re not going to bother with harvesting any new plants but any plants that have already been harvested are in the chests we’ll take also take melons actually now I think about it boop boop boop hey why don’t you grow melons the last one’s up here yeah and pears all right I know we’ve got a ton of seeds already in here or Not seeds but uh sugar and stuff like that so we should be good to go with most of this stuff uh oh yeah we were just doing tea weren’t we um all those empty bottles I had eat them in there all right we got 30 lavender tea that’s pretty good as far as tea goes nice oh gives us haste and comfort gives us haste really well that’s completely useless considering we use magic for for mining but it’s nice to have it’s a nice thing this is a nice thing all right all right let’s go ahead and get all this my inventory too acorns that’s food item green tea leaves wheat seeds oh and 26 steaks well that’ll be [Music] useful did I have seeds in my inventory I guess I didn’t uh Ash gunpowder away the fruit can go in the fruit bowl strawberries Tomatoes apples pears golden apples gold apples in there not really hey give me that back put tomatoes in here tea leaves I know one of these has wheat there it is uh we actually have no sugar in here let’s go get some sugar can real quick we have sugar cane but no actual sugar so let’s go ahead and just grab couple pieces of this just that Perfection try and collect as much this as we can so the broom doesn’t get stuck out in the ocean like it has a tendency to like it’s currently doing right now he’s trying he’s really trying his best okay there one over here that I missed that you’re trying to get to nope that’s it oh hi you finally decided to show up took you long enough you collected a few of it thank you sir all right let’s see what we can make shall we let’s whip something up let’s just turn two stacks of this into sugar for me oh there was some sugar in here I’m dumb okay uh let’s see we only have five cocoa beans go okay throw the steak in here uh bu car these stay here all right what do we have access to at the moment and more Bly anything we haven’t eaten yet oh Barbecue on a stick we have not eaten sure let’s do that boom we have a barbecue on Stick fruit salad okay double apples hamb berries hawberries pumpkin slices Bellon slices oh it rotates okay I see so fruit salad what is the recipe for fruit salad specifically looks like apple melon pumpkin and any other three fruits oh no any other fruit and any other two berries okay interesting so let’s see you’re a banana are you fruit you’re a fruit okay technically you should be a berry but whatever um let’s see salmon berries we only have one up do we have S berries planted anywhere we might have to actually do some gardening today de God uh we do have lots of H berries so there’s something at least going on there got ly I don’t know if we have the ability to use those or anything uh so we can use apple pear melon pumpkin let’s go with uh let’s get a couple pumpkins out get my knife [Music] you other way around ring go slice those suckers up knife on the floor let’s grab up uh 24 melon slices 24 apples Let’s see we got pumpkin slices apples let’s get 24 pears we need one more fruit and then we need oh can we use sweet berries for this I presume the answer to that question is yes go ahead and get 48 those and this Tak a bowl it’s a bowl I really would like that to use where where are the bowls in this area they’re in there yeah perfect yeah that that work wait no we want hairs there we go those crafting recipe please are and bowls there we go lots of fruit salads uh there’s more bowls they only s to 16 well slight problem but it is what it is there we go that’s a nice big pile of food it gives us a couple seconds of regeneration too which is not bad 5 Seconds of regeneration and gives us a bunch of water too not too bad for a single food item not too bad at all all right let’s sash the oh I don’t have my food bag on me well I guess I have a food bundle now could use my practitioner’s pouch nope I’m not doing that I’m not stooping to the point of using cheese uh Barbecue on a stick I can just go over here we’ll just put all this stuff over here oh we had like one more thing boop boop boop boop boop boop oh I need one more perfect place is the one I ate uh okay let’s see what else can we make here we can make hawberry sheets which is hawberry and sugar uh can we make that with other things no just hawberry sheets cues have a use we can make hawberry rolls gain effect from jelly ingredient ah I see so you combine hawberry sheets with any other Jam or jelly and that gives you the effect of that into the the roll itself I like that that’s spicy that is interesting go and get one of those just so we can eat it as a as a item for hearts purposes milk bottle got those cookies salted cod how have we not had salted cck Christmas Cane Christmas sugar cane candy cane literally I said the wrong thing multiple times in a row it’s called sugar cane but that’s obviously a candy cane let’s get one of those I guess three of them H they’re not bad little snacks let’s get a couple of those cuz they’re also really cheap uh let’s see pie Crest we’ve already eaten we’ve already eaten a raw pie crust I love it salted cod let’s get a couple of those Sweet Berry cookie let’s get them all right we got Sweet Berry cookies water out of the way I think that’s everything on this side we can make let’s make some wheat dough do we have wheat dough hanging out in here we do have wheat dough in here so it’s not actually helping us uh we can use this to make other things though we can make pancakes let’s see chorus flour pie definitely can’t make that we can’t make cheese yet can we cheese will we need cheese curs right place four cheese curs into a cheese mold cheese a cheese mold is two iron and a pressure plate that’s pretty easy to do cheese curds is milk salt and vinegar vinegar is a vinegar jar uh any any Jam Jar any Jam Jar and mushrooms any mushroom makes vinegar got vinegar bottles recipe for those well yeah Jam bottle okay so we want to make jars cuz that seems more efficient so Jam Jar how do we make jam jars uh sugar a bunch of crap and Mason jars it’s just takes what any just do Jam Jar real quick Jam blocks kwi Jam presume I presume this still makes vinegar no it has to be a specific one to make vinegar interesting okay which ones can make vinegar then fermenting jar to all recipes thank you we can make pickled onions with salt we need to make a fermenting jar that’s what we need to do we can make pickles we can make scent oh I’ve seen this yeah this weird ass thing uh can make says vintage Delight jam jars oh these are fruits Delight up here this is vintage Delight down here makes sense so it has to be a vintage the light cam okay so it has to be Giro berries sweet berries glowberries or pepper all right fair enough I suppose uh we can also make slime blocks out of saplings fascinating we can make sur string ah yes uh that’s Norwegian I think um no thank you overnight oats good oats various fruits things like that that’s a lot of that’s a lot of uh saturation good Lord and comfort for eight minutes good Lord uh vinegar bottles we can make pickled peppers we can make kimchi and pickled peppers nice uh pickled eggs and pickled beef okay not a bad little number of things we can make with this what do we need for this we need glass we need water bucket and a slab of wood this is something we could very easily make uh we can make many of these quite easily we a bunch of raw pasta we do this do with this we can make Pad tie uh do we have ghost peppers I’m going to say no we do not have ghost peppers so pad ties out vegetable noodles we could definitely make this I’m almost positive we can make vegetable noodles lot of Meatballs we’ve done kangaroo pasta we have not found kangaroo yet so no we can’t do that lobster pasta uh don’t have lobster tails unfortunately available to us at the moment Acacia Blossom soup interesting onion raw pasta and AAA Bloss that’s a lot of nourishment for basically nothing Asia Blossom I don’t know where to find those but noted if we find those we can make them into really powerful soup uh more pasta meatballs squid ink pasta requires a fish a raw fish uh an ink sack that’s doable let’s start marking the things we can do actually was what vegetable noodles in here we can do do cheese pasta we can’t do cheese yet working on that longevity noodles we’ve done this before and tuna spaghetti requires specifically tuna that one’s not doable the moment and noodle soup requires fried egg kelp uh any raw pork or tofu and AA we do this cuz we do have a kelp Farm now so we could do that one as well all right let’s see cabbage LEF what do we got we make C with cabbages not a ton uh eggs O D I see we’ve not made oat dough interesting is it just the same as normal dough looks like it looks like it Forge is forg compa with normal dough so go back there we can make gingerbread dough Christmas is all it says I love it egg pie just delightful just eggs I mean we could do that we could St up do that one uh I mean we haven’t had it yet so we might as well where’s the crust I know we can make a pie crust there we go make a pie crust where’s the egg pie it’s chocolate pie we made chocolate pie before no we’ve not had chocolate pie make a chocolate pie not pie pie pie crust boom where’s the egg pie can’t make the egg pie why do I keep trying to put an e in it egg pie sugar pie crust milk like any milk egg why is this problem we have milk right there we have 27 buckets worth of milk right there guess we’ll make milk bottles Qui just to see I mean there’s also yeah over a stack of eggs in there I guess just give me the ingredients to do it myself three pies three eggs I’ve got the milk got the sugar I’ve got the pie crust why didn’t that work very odd but up buada Bing just like that we’re about to break our knife could take our knife over to the uh the Mage tower repair it but I don’t quite feel like doing that let’s go and get these egg slices up here or slices of yeah egg slices egg pie wonder if that’ be any good in real life I don’t know doesn’t sound like the kind of thing I really want to eat off top my head but you know could be good we got to plant those at some point I don’t plant them in here just like that boom we’ve started planting them just like that it has already begun me the glass bottles back let me go ahead and drink this milk quick you get the bottle back than you okay uh beetroot corn kernel pineapple lemon tomato flax corn cabbage pumpkin right what else can we do with this dough we can make cantaloupe bread do we have cantaloupe I don’t think we have cantaloupe I don’t think we found cantaloupe unfortunately wait are there Tomatoes Inside this fruit basket anyway uh let’s see cheese pizza we still can’t make that pancakes we can make meat pizza big pudding orange Jam milk bottle sweet berries and figs you don’t have figs that makes harder to do that bread of course dumpl we haven’t made dumplings yet seriously oh cuz we don’t have onion I’ve got ghost pepper seeds I guess today’s going to be a farming episode oh uh I got a bed in the corner still let’s go ahead and take a nap okay I mean getting all the foods the correct places that technically counts as nether preparation right right what is the recipe for this again lavender and green tea we Ed up all the lavender I think we used up all the lavender uh yeah we used up all the lavender last time that’s funny all right hello you are an absolute useless object floating around my hair all right let’s get the farming shall we farming immediately uses magic wait a minute there’s supposed to be a melon seed here did I run out of melons huh ow [ __ ] try it again [ __ ] okay that’s like instant how about [ __ ] you how tough are you other Pixies went down like [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] the moment they got hit ooh ftium ow [ __ ] fairies [Music] man okay you give me that back what was that Mark of the Fay well that doesn’t sound safe I managed to eat those without getting sick suck at Universe hello chickens I require your eggs that you have laid on the ground I need to I need to make a more efficient chicken farm at some point is today going to be the farming episode I think today’s going to be be a farming episode ladies and gentlemen what do we got here we got cabbage beetroots we got all this food and we haven’t really harves much I’m not going to lie oh it’s the brooms I was like what is making that noise the noise of walking rice oh it’s I thought we had rice somewhere I don’t know we did have salmon berry look at that pineapples that I can’t Harvest normally so I got to break them uh let’s see how do I get more of your seeds I think I cut you up yeah yeah I cut you up okay that’s how I get more you uh and you you guys I can just right click I don’t need cabbage seeds I don’t need beet seeds I don’t need wheat seeds I don’t need pineapple crops cuz that’s from these guys right here my onions are floating away cabbage seeds egg I think that’s everybody out of the pool so to speak oh there’s some guys floating out around the water oh yeah that’s the big pile of rice right there that I I made what is Enchanted on this pickaxe efficiency 4 of course it is of course the the the hoe has efficiency 4 on it also I said pickaxe what’s wrong with my brain all right well that’s all that oh right carrots and potatoes are over here I completely forgot about these over here as is obvious from the fact that I completely forgot about them being over there blue welcome back to the stream how are you doing tonight hope you’re doing well oh look at all that kelp now we simply wait as it all floats to the surface hello perfect much help food mods are amazing with the variety yeah I agree I love the variety of the the food mods the problem with them is it makes me hungry in real life when I play with them I share at the food and I’m go that sounds good I can go for that that is a real big whale I did not even notice it’s sitting there until just now [ __ ] whales man absolutely ginormous Lads over there I see a lobster it’s mine I don’t have a knife on me to harvest it better but hello lobster no come here come back Lobster come here oh a blue and a red one didn’t even get any Lobster out those those poor lobsters died for nothing oh well we’ll find more lobsters leave the seeds I really don’t need let’s put the finished Foods up here quick for these two that I’m going to eat as soon as I can appetizing means I can eat without being hungry oh I have to be under the effect of appetizing already okay you good mate which direction are you trying to go and what are you trying to pick up really don’t know what he’s trying to do here have a rice good job you did great now take it back to the chest and forget whatever you were trying to go after that you clearly couldn’t go after uh this thing can go up here for now also good to know fairies give Venum dust if we kill enough of them noted insert fairies directly into meat grinder that’s the objective now berries into meat grinder all right let’s go ahead and chop up this rice which we are absolutely about to break this night so go and just do this quick there we go uh rice is a grain it’s like do wheat help going here I guess cucumbers peanuts potatoes WR the sugar there onions can go in here cinnamon powder only have cinnamon powder in here perfect cabbage beetroots carrots pineapples salmon berries lemons melons other pineapples wait how the [ __ ] did you get in here whatever and salted C I also also intend to just raw here all right and the Seven eggs can go here as all right so that was slightly productive it is sweltering outside oh cuz the heat inside the house ah got it suck your thunderstorm all right Okie doie random bit of straw I don’t really have a place for that so I just shove it in here uh all right good Lord I am getting distracted so easily all right I feel like I’m supposed to be doing something important is brown there is nine Brown Dy in here I’m disappointed in myself did you get like out of the way thank you he’s floating back over the path I hate him all right we got all these steak what can we do with the steaks steak and potatoes steak onion cooked rice bowl steak potatoes that could be good they can make a couple of those that’s not too hard taco tortilla tortilla is corn yeah yeah corn excellent raw tortilla oh we don’t have corn you corn seeds I got ghost pepper seeds but I don’t have ghost peppers planted so let’s go and get these planted Clover doesn’t plant like that oat seeds I don’t think we have planted let’s get those plant those we have all those corn oh we have corn kernels let’s get these planted we’ve also never eaten corn kernels either that all right let’s expand the farm shall we we’re going to need some dirt where is the I say soar I had in my hand so I can run faster you got all kinds of stuff in here I’m not going to bother with that I need just go get a stack of dirt that’s all I need right now is a stack of dirt okay uh let’s get a stack of dirt uh two stacks will probably be fine uh Planet stream 76 it is the same as fall for survival mode I do not agree that is the same as fall for survival mode um I probably won’t be playing any Fallout anytime soon on the stream on channel uh definitely not 76 I’m not a fan of 76 um just it’s too grindy like it was grindy when I last played it and from what [ __ ] you pixie from what I understand of the people who still play it while the community is great believe it or not because only people who are left playing the game are people who really enjoy the game uh it’s still too grindy for my tastes so I’m probably not going to be playing that anytime soon let’s go and get ghost peppers down Bo boom go ahead and [Music] do oh there’s no real Rhyme or Reason to how we’re doing this by the way I’m just kind of going sir you are very in the way uh we’ll PL the BL ghost with Pro seed why not okay uh how many carrots potatoes we got that’s kind of it’s kind of a big staple food you know Minecraft uh let’s get a couple more of these growing just four more of each sh to do uh we got like nine onions on the far side cabbages we could probably use a bit more cuz that was a full Harvest of cabbages we got seven seven cabbages from a full Harvest of cabbages good Lord 1 2 three let’s go with four additional cabbages Tomatoes yeah we’re doing good on tomatoes beetroot we could probably use a couple more as well it pains me to say it but we’ll get some extra beets planted hello again [Music] we’ll take these four we’ll potato potato carrot carrot and we’ll do carrot potato carrot potato because I can that’s why take those let’s see 1 two three that said there is a game I definitely want to play on stream the problem is the spot it would take be Minecraft and Minecraft is also something I very much want to play on stream right now let’s do some cabbage seeds this here that’s perfect perfectly nonsensical is what I’m going for here I don’t know if y all can tell I really have no Rhyme or Reason to what I’m doing right now I could make this nice and methodically L out and make it look very pretty but I could also make it complete nonsense and chaos and make it very confusing to everyone who isn’t me it’s perfect better time to just put like one dir here just to put like what should we put this one spot something completely onion cucumbers no I have enough cucumbers banana tree do we make banana trees gorilla oh [ __ ] banana banana banana peel banana bug slime banana banana slug spawn slime all right guess I can’t can’t plant that can however just eat banana about my uh what we do with this one contingent charm raid contingent on raid okay noted charm bases can we used to make all kinds of things fall low Health raid oh any of the marks can make the raid one that’s what it’s for okay damage death Suffocation low Mana H I’m sure there’s things I could I could think of do with these that would be very useful install be 6 started 2 months ago how’s that going important question are you enjoying it that’s the important question if you’re having fun with it ain’t no problem yes so it is appetizing allows you to just eat even if you’re full that’s awesome those hallberry things are actually really good then Oo we need more hob Berry saplings is what we need oh yeah this was supposed to be our fruit saplings over here but they’re all over there now oh our GL our cave Vines is grown in one that’s nice I don’t have any I don’t have anything as far as that goes make them bigger make them bigger uh pod let’s get a couple more salted pod for that purpose for food purposes and I’m thinking I’m thinking we go with a steak and potatoes a big chunk of steak and potatoes got to be a full steak just fine with me uh we got to go get new knife though uh let’s throw some uh potatoes into smelting how many potatoes we actually have here 23 let’s go and just toss 12 of them in here get those smelted up while we’re gone oh I I was going to say we’ll do the rice too while we’re gone I’m like wait I need a knife for the rice that’s why I need a knife it’s for the r specifically should make a diamond knife that seems like Overkill I kind of want to do it ran right past the building materials uh what I mean diamonds we we got seven diamonds if I keep burning them up like this we’re going to have to go get more diamonds so we’ll just do an iron knife I think it was this recie I knew I figure it out it’s been so long since I’ve made anything though what is that up there I have a solution to this launch the dwarf Cypress launch I collected it before you don’t worry about it here there you go you have now okay do where’s the rice I had rice oh there it is Ah that’s why it was uh outside of my hand right and we’ll put it in the back all right from there we need to prepare the rice rice we just oh God there’s a lot of things for Rice um we just need cooked rice just toss it in here go uh good but you’re right for grinding and slow to get caps fair enough I mean f 76 might be worth it as like a community game night kind of game but honestly it it’s one of those things where it’s like I it probably takes some convincing to get everyone to play it and also it would very much be a we’re kind of just going to [ __ ] around and see what happens kind of thing stuffed potato I’ve already made stuffed potato apparently oh yeah cuz just steak milkk pot milk potato potato got to have potato oh glowberries that’s really useful we’ll put it here thank you glowberries perfect all right and within too long we’ll be able to plant those and actually use them for something all right we also need to think about what we’re doing with pasta we wanted to do vegetable noodles is carrots oh any any vegetable oh okay that makes that a lot easier then um and noodle soup as well we wanted to do which is a fried egg we can do that real quick that’s just an egg in a fire there’s a million campfires around here so we’ll throw that in there we’re going to do the noodle soup just for for eating real quick uh do we have dried kelp on hand no but we do have Kel we have plenty of Kel where did I put Kel there it is uh just toss a stack of it the oven all right from [Music] there what else can we do with kelp kelp blocks we can make kelp rolls rice and carrots that’s really powerful for just three ingredients good Lord deep sea sushi rolls I these are all from the uh the cave cave I feel like I should increase the power of these cuz that’s a lot of work to get two sushi rolls uh compostable of course noodle soup is that the only thing you can make is noodle soup really and a staff of the pilgrim all this can do is make noodle soup I me I guess we use as as fuel right isn’t D isn’t dried kelp fuel not maybe that’s a create thing I’m thinking of oh it’s got a bunch of Mana weaving uses actually actually now I look at it depth of water or the Rune of water that could be useful St the pilgrim Rune water reques tier four requires tier three interesting to depth Sider one angry skull staff skull staff and dried kelp get get angry skull staff excellent uh lure three water and respiration one okay got some good uses there that’s all right that’s all smelted already that’s excellent let’s that in there do our egg is done throw that in there what else do we need for the noodle soup we need pasta and tofu do that or bacon or pork uh we don’t have pigs available so I’m pretty sure tofu we can do tofu have we not done tofu in this world yet oh we haven’t done tofu yet there’s a crap L of tofu stuff we can do okay to get tofu we need salt milk and water that’s not hard oh cuz we need soy milk we don’t have soybeans oh [ __ ] yeah that kind of uh puts a damper on doing anything with tofu not having soybeans I don’t think we have soybeans if the seeds if the seeds are anywhere they’re going to be in here somewhere I must not have soybeans well that’s a slight problem Oh there’s bunch of wood in here I’ll leave it in here in case I need at some point okay so no tofu so no no no noodle soup not for out at least just vegetable noodles now uh do we do with pasta a mushroom a carrot and any other two vegetables that’s really doable all right do some cabbages actually we can do cabbage leaves can’t we PR sure we do cabbage leaves uh oh we have no mushrooms toad stools work for it bone broth cabbage rolls basto no it does not damn okay so it’s got to be brown mushrooms and we got ain’t didly squat none of those we got okay that’s unfortunate so we can’t do either of the vegetables we wanted to do cuz it requires a mushroom what about the ink pasta is any fish ink and Beau and a tomato we can do that that’s doable I just need to bring uh an ink sack over here from the house anything we can do with wheat just huge amounts of raw wheat jellyfish jelly okay that’s horrific mango cake we don’t have mango egg cookie egg cookie sure why not let’s get a couple of those on the go it was one to one ingredients of sugar wheat and eggs go we get that served up for us perfect uh let’s see we got our cooked rice which we need to eat one of the cooked rice so we’ll set one aside for eating uh and what else was I doing with this I was doing steak and potatoes that’s right uh was fall 76 free at Amazon Prime um I believe it was yes um fall 76 was free yeah at a time uh I already own it myself but it was free for a time I don’t know if it’s still free or not I’m not sure honestly with that one all right we need 13 that let’s just shove the rice in there and if we have the ingredients we should be able to make it yeah no we don’t have the ingredients for it what are we missing for steak and potatoes Kel could make Kel rolls I’ll make one Kel roll uh do steak and potatoes what am I missing cooked rice baked potato onions steaks oh I’m missing bows remember what I just said about all that wood that was over [Music] here uh nope still free nice steak steak steak steak steak steak steak steak and potatoes there you go 12 steaks and potatoes perfect that’s nice like Chunky Soup or chunky food we can just eat in on mass like that mushroom stew oh I did not mean to craft you but I did did not mean to do that but oh well we have it now uh used up our only red mushroom yay we use up our only red mushroom uh we’re going to the nether so we’ll be able to get as many mushrooms as we want really um um or more mushrooms I should say although no the ones there are different types of mushrooms aren’t they it’s a slight problem go we got egg cookies now right so we got that for eating one of excellent uh we could eat a hobber sheet and it just chunk through all these different foods actually that’s not a terrible idea let’s do that all right what do we got we got mushrooms sto we got kelpro we got a BAC of potatoes uh we got sugar cane salted cod Sweet Berry cookie egg cookie and egg pie we won’t actually be able to get through all of these actually I have an idea chocolate pie we throw it on the ground not into the fire please thank you put it in over here in the corner chocolate pie on the in the corner get everything else out of the inventory there anything else we need to eat uh I don’t think so is there anything else we can eat real quick is there anything we can just make that we haven’t eaten yet mixed salad yeah sure why not do it do it up y’all uh let’s see beetroot soup we’ve done cake we done cake cake slice slice of cake we’ve eaten I think we’ve eaten everything else yeah yeah it looks like it everything that’s easily accessible to us right now we have already eaten so that is doable all the raw ingredients we’ve already eaten oh there’s snow in here makes sense kind of in my brain all right so the idea is the foods we can’t eat immediately we throw on the ground here we eat I don’t know if we’ll be able to get through this but we’ll try oh I need I need hunger also if I if I miss this it’s going to be uh a lot of saturation that we have to waste to be able to do this again so we’ll just do this this one time actually let’s make sure we only have the ones that we’re going to eat let’s do like steak of potatoes last then and assaulted Cod last as well let’s waste our [Music] saturation if you’re wondering why I’m jumping around like a lunatic it’s because uh when when we uh eat unique Foods in this mod pack you gain more Hearts if you eat enough unique Foods I think our list is actually over here somewhere yeah uh we’re at 93 and our next Milestone is 100 hey looks we’ll we’ll get that today nice and we can overall gain 20 Hearts from eating all 608 foods good Lord there’s a few of them in the game all right all right here we go allberry sheet that takes a long time to eat that oh it’s already gone well we got through a good chunk of them but our our bar is completely full now uh look at going to the nether going to go play multiplayer Trucking fair enough have fun with that multipler truck sounds like all right oh we got through a good chunk of those items we’ll keep the rest of these here and we’ll go through them as we need to yeah with Comfort our saturation bar is actually locked where it is right now and our we’re just completely saturated on food let’s get all that out of my inventory for the moment get the items back where they belong end teleporting through my house I see inconsiderate teleporting through my house at all hours of the night we got comfort so go ahead and head back to main house we have a good number of food items now let’s go and put them in our food bag so we know where they ended [Music] up hey that’s perfect where’s the chocolate pie slices there they are uh yeah that’s fine this is more of our food bag so that’s fine leave that as is and then we’ll put one extra slice of cake somewhere or slice of pie somewhere all right perfect now we have all the food all right food accomplished cold stuff accomplished now we we do need a soul Lantern if I remember correctly from cold sweat I ignore that everything’s fine there it is soul spring lamp that’s the one we need a heart of the sea for that well that’s a slight problem so this thing allows us to uh get a lot colder it helps us uh resist the nether let me put it that way that’s a slight problem we could go find Barry treasure I guess all right uh let’s get our oh out of my inventory and please thank you also we’ll throw my armor in there as well and my shield oh I didn’t expect this it’s never happened before all right then cuz we also got oh in my inventory why do I even have this I can keep it as an extra thing to throw it I guesss man I am like trying to push game buttons from other games and my brain is confusing them and getting everything mixed up it’s great it’s really bad actually but it is hilarious still working on that iron oh huh that’s fine nailed it all right from there you throw a crossbow up there as well Perfect all right while that’s doing working on those let’s go ahead and do something else uh what do we need to do got water skins we can do more water skins it’s not a bad idea I suppose um we got the food items we need get obsidian and other spells let’s take a look at some of the spells that we could Tinker with a little bit so I do like the idea of a shield spell did we research a shield spell already did we already start Shield spell self divination projectile fire damage no we did not start a shield spell yet down Shield so Shield it takes Diamond chest plate Rune defense blue glyph and do self Self shield not terribly expensive except for the diamond chest plate obviously that’s quite expensive uh and then the very bottom we can have modifi what modifiers can we have duration delay and magnitude the only things we can do here magnitude lesser magnitude that doesn’t affect it okay radius precision speed range duration we can do that increase that up to what does it actually cost us to put this in here it cost cost us Magma Cream okay if we up the duration it costs us Magma Cream yikes now we can add modifiers after this fact that is that is something we can do if we add duration how long can this last with our current complexity limit 65 seconds presumably that’s not bad but we need magma cream and blaze powder that’s a slight problem it is what it is though we’ll figure it out water walking transitory Tire telek says Swift swim could be useful to spider climbing shrink shatter Shield Shear oh not Redstone that pack night vision lightning damage light I think it would be better off to just make this spell once we could do the modifier ritual to add the modifier afterwards that’s doable invisibility could be useful haste could be very useful uh what’s this take so get rid of duration now gives us what 5 Seconds of haste that’s not great but it’s something at least rabbit getting rabbit grow wait what does self grow do I’m very curious cuz this was like the intent was to use that on Plants right no that’s Bloom what the hell does grow do just make me bigger make my Bigg lesser magnitude how much should the target grow and affected by this spell it is it is grow okay fascinating G Will on gas could be interesting uh what about Bloom Blom requires mode of Earth mode of water and a bone meal we could do chain Bloom cone of Bloom a cone of Bloom sounds really powerful actually what the hell is a cone a cone requires a puffer fish and a hopper that’s hilarious um okay so not a cone focus focus Bloom could be good that’s even more complex than cone emanation emanation is too complex for my current tier projectile Bloom is just about the amount that I can do projectile self where’s touch there’s touch uh Smite Blom nope that won’t work it’s a shame because it’s the radius I’m looking for the radius effect basically I’m I’m not going to lie um did projectile oh that’s the absolute limit which means I wouldn’t be able to do uh radius increase because it would go immediately over the complexity limit I could make that three shame down sword of Bloom s of Bloom summon Bloom that doesn’t make any sense [Music] uh yeah really the only thing we have is touch Bloom that’s really the only thing we can make requires two Moes a block of clay we could do that like that’s definitely doable I really want emanation but again that’s complexity limit is above us unfortunately with the radius of the amination oh can we upgrade that if we put radius in here we can height too what if we reduce the height that actually makes it more complex of course it does we can go as high as nine was that a 9 by9 then we can go as high as a 9 by9 with emanation that’s kind of cool what we put another radius in there no can’t okay that’s fair that’s enely reasonable all right let’s trash that I do love the idea of just doing 9×9 Place block and you just instantly create a wall around yourself like I I do kind of like that as an idea just instantly create a house eldren flight I forgot that’s that’s a spell we have access to isn’t it self Elden flight um it would be potent but we don’t have the Elden fumes to actually use this like we could create the spell but we don’t should be able to use it Arcane Dam damage could be useful that is damage that is unresistable which is pretty nice oh hang on uh touch crystallize right I want to add magnitude to this yeah can I do that I can that means we can bump it up as high as it’ll go actually as well uh so we could do we could do that just magnitude uh let’s get a codex real quick I need to check something modifier modifying crafted spells after I’ve made a spell if I have any modifiers on it I can Tinker with the focus a little bit to change those values use the ritual of alteration to add modifiers to an existing spell I should pay attention to how complex I make the spell with these modifiers though I can only manage so much at least for now look of alteration uh do after I’ve made a spell have any modifiers just think with the focus a little bit to change those values hold the gooey modifier key and activate the spell alteration to add modifiers to an existing spell pay attention to how complex I make the spells from uh so look of alteration I’m guessing this allows me to check the recipes for alterations on the ritual requires a book as well okay can it do the spell itself can I put the spell back into the thing or does it have to be on a wall because it has to be on a oh there it is okay so that’ll work so I need a book of alteration let’s go and P that real quick okay I need a vum I need two Vellum actually I look at it I need a red dy I need Venum I need two leather and I need thread uh we have thread on this book I’m pretty sure two thread I need infused silk and Venum silk for infus silk I need ah yes that recipe I’m familiar with that one Oscar fries good luck with the views this looks awesome well thank you uh welcome to the stream Oscar and I don’t recognize your name so welcome to the channel I appreciate the good luck but I don’t do it for the views I do it for fun uh let’s see I’ve been playing games a lot without people watching me I can live a little longer uh any do we need leather Vellum vum dust uh I need glass things like that I need one glass please thank you I need four iron nuggets one two three four and then I need a wool and a thread o we’re running out of wool and by I mean string of course obviously which should be over here in AA mobs need to kill some more spiders apparently all right uh from there I see I see I’m going take a stay fair enough well take take a gander if you feel feel free uh if you want to play the mod pack by the way it is available in my Discord you may sign up to be a beta tester and by sign up I mean you just need to download the [ __ ] mod pack I’m not stopping doing so go on BET uh it is launched from the curs forge uh what’s this mod about so this is Eman artifice it is essentially a mod pack that I designed to uh enhance the Wizarding experience of Minecraft so You’ got some good building blocks in here you’ve got two major mods uh Embers rekindled which is kind of a magical Tech mod and mana and artifice which is a very large mag magic mod uh and you kind of just work your way through those you be come up powerful wizard and do whatever you want however it is also a little hardcore because you do have to worry about thirst and temperature so you can see right here there is a temperature icon and right here is water above my food you have to worry about both of those things to make sure you do not die because you will die uh and I am playing it in hardcore because I’m a crazy person and because my community voted for it my community said [ __ ] you do hardcore so I’m doing hardcore I love these guys they’re great um that’s pretty much it oh and also I decided the mod pack I wanted to keep it try and to try and keep the mod pack relatively light so that anyone can run this mod pack um people have never actually seen that not much into modding but I feel like must more people must see this well if you feel like sharing it around I’m not going to stop you but uh I’m not I don’t share my own stuff very much I don’t I don’t really self-promote very often that’s why I have so few viewers despite having been doing this for 13 years anyway no I’m just kidding um I also haven’t actually been doing it for for 13 years my channel is for 13 years but I took a 7year break so you know doesn’t really count in my op go Design This yourself I designed the mod pack I did not design the mods I want to make that very very clear I designed the mod pack not the mod what is that thing that’s missing did I just wipe that recipe what is it that’s missing oh it’s purified Vint oh I already did it I’m dumb as [ __ ] man I’m dumb as [ __ ] uh uh old this video is 15 years old yeah so yeah I also don’t believe in deleting my old videos so they’re pretty [ __ ] cringey my dude cuz uh I made that video when I was 6 yeah 16 good God God I feel so I feel so old anyway um I need rose red dye we got any red in here no we have no red in here any red in here no no do I have any red anywhere in the base oh I completely forgot about this I completely forgot we collected one of these bloody things we want a whole bloody Adventure we got this as a reward and we haven’t used it yet let’s slap this sucker down right in the middle of my ghost pepper farm right right here I have any red in here oh yeah beetroots make red beetroots make red what a [ __ ] statement that is all right let’s see you tried I’ll give you points for trying uh what drives you me to continue doing the videos fun it’s fun how dare you out of my house it survived that hro man adorable all right what were we doing I was making a [Music] home all right let’s go ahead and get all the things chucked in there not the Cockroach fragment I don’t need that all right let’s do rose red dentium leather two Vellum and the infused thread and then we need square wait free drop please Square we need this shape oh perfect we need a circle and we need other way rainbow thing rainbow tie rainbow tie bow tie that’s the one now we have book of alteration open the radial selection menu by holding caps lock radius magnitude oh [ __ ] okay lesser magnitude and then we just put this in the in the ritual huh okay and then the ritual tell us what we need to do okay uh let’s pin the ritual real quick Also let’s get our T of recipes back on the wall which doesn’t exist anymore I should move this but it’s so convenient just floating there uh let’s go ahead and do alteration let’s pin this I’m going to need my chalk I’m going to need my chalk that was my sword okay uh wizard tower top roof I think roof go okay this is a really small ritual so we’ll do boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop oh I need purified vage wrong room all right dust and then we’re probably going to need the ingredients for lesser magnitude if I had to take a guess so let’s go and figure out lesser magnitude real quick lesser mag where are you Diamond o a rune of Earth okay tarot brewing stand and a kerite gem okay we can do that let’s see kerite real quick grab one of those boom uh tarout Rune of Earth brewing stand oh brewing stand that’s not doable I don’t think we have an extra one of those laying around yeah we never found a village that had a brewing sand steel St we’ve yet to go to the nether so that ain’t happening [ __ ] I really wanted to bring my Golem with me to the nether I needed the spell to do so uh do we have a brewing stand anywhere is there a oh we used it up in the freaking B thing that thing the Tinker the Alchemy Station we used it to make the Alchemy Station oh what a waste oh no what a shame I don’t think we have another one I really don’t yeah we don’t have another one of those damn what a shame what an absolute shame well it is what it is easy come easy go it seems all right we’ll hold off on that for now what was the other ingredients a defense or Rune Earth yeah that’s doable the only thing is not doable is the bring stand well [ __ ] all right let’s put these away for the moment we’ll put them in here so I remember I’m doing something with them I will definitely forget that I’m doing something with them there’s no way I’ll remember that uh well while I think ladies and gentlemen take this as a reminder to hydrate okay what’s the plan all right I have no idea what the plan is okay alteration I’ll put this here so I remember what I’m doing lesser magnitude boom right there maybe I’ll actually remember what I’m doing with that all right let’s I don’t think we can do anything with spells until we have nether materials so we have our food set up we have our cold set up I think it’s just a matter of going to get obsidian and we’re set to go well all right then let’s get our food bag collected up just in case we need it let’s get this random cockroach fragment out of my inventory thank you very much and let’s clear out our inventory so that we have inventory space for whatever Madness we’re going to find in the nether not afraid of dying I mean I am afraid of dying but it what it is oh wait also did we do is this a powerful spell I can’t remember what the magnitude of this spell is uh left control right long range out there hang on now stop that you open holding left control right click there we go it did have magnitude on it but not enough to actually do anything okay so we would need to increase the magnitud on this guy actually be able to break obsidian we can’t actually break obsidian right now I mean there’s the simple solution of you know just make a diamond pickaxe which I could do seems like a bit of a waste of diamond when we’re magical oh wait we can make a break ring that wouldn’t be enough oh wait yeah break ring greater ring Creer Brak ring right there boom Three diamond that’s what we were working on if I remember correctly we have a break ring lesser somewhere around here yeah never mind we already did it we’re good to go we can just go break obsidian we’re good never mind forget everything I was talking about I’m an insane person oh okay let’s see gunpowder and Ash ftium dust away are we out of [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we’re basically out of timer no oh there’s snowballs up here 12 there are snowballs everywhere in this [ __ ] base um what else do I have on me the practitioner’s pouch I do not need on me while I am out and about auberry sheets I will keep Food Bag can’t go in there Food Bag golden apples golden carrots slice of pie rotten flesh can go away the mark of the Fay go in here with the mark of the undead for the mark of the nether oh God the nether enemies are all going to be hostile to me too this is going to suck uh projectile Place block I definitely don’t need that with put that in the pile of useless spells wait SM oh yeah Smite trans yeah I can see that would be very useful uh wave of frost damage will definitely keep that on us for sure Clinton Steel I’m going to need eventually a single torch I’ll keep it on me picles polish deep slate I don’t need dirt sand and then where’s Ash gunpowder Ash is right there oh gunpowder will be back in the M talk can go up on the wall there was space for it go here and then enemy drops BS balls can go in here for now okay let’s grab a water bucket let’s go find some n some lava and get ourselves some obsidian oh [ __ ] damn these [ __ ] are dangerous poison three Jesus did you just heal good Lord man is an absolute tank three Earth sachets I mean [ __ ] hell dude was an absolute beast mode hey there’s there’s a lot of [ __ ] coming my way I’m just going to leave okay thanks by it’s raining and there are enemies spawning because of the rain not a fan of that thank you very much y’all can [ __ ] off let’s eat some high hello snow go how you doing a good day that you found me oh well I appreciate it I’m glad you’re here too I enjoy being people’s background noise all right let’s go down here I guess this another thing that motivates me I enjoy being people’s back noise is kind of a weird thing to say but it’s true all right let’s find some lava there’s tons of gold in here that I love behind cuz I don’t need it oh we’re leaving a trail we’re leaving a trail oh right spell I have just amethyst block there that must have had a purpose at some point but I don’t remember what it is now down into the games we must go silver hey look obsidian break now we are rapidly melting because of the heat from the lava so let’s get away from that for a moment sow down some water and we can actually do a little bit of the old long range break from here this should work hey it’s still insanely hot we do not want to die of heat stroke while we’re trying to collect resources that would be that would be or get getting getting the portal built dying while trying to build a portal from heat stroke would be the stupidest way to go out in a hardcore series that would be so dumb that one that one that’s 10 but I mean would I be a real wizard if I built a basic [ __ ] nether portal though let’s be honest here let’s go ahead oh and we also got a level up nice also slowly pushing back the heat of the lava oh we made a cobblestone generator interesting oh it’s actually cold enough down there that we’re not dying instantly from from heat stroke don’t we come down here nice just kind of dying very nice okay let’s see I think that’s I mean that’s 42 obsidian is that enough do we think this is enough I say nay it is not enough I say give me all of your obsidian or give me death projectile has become Rog ooh very nice look like a good amount of obsidian just shy of a stack of [Music] obsidian yeah that’ll do for now bur down we’ll see about making a bigger Port later oh does this work now hey it does okay ring of Greater break fixes all problems apparently oh wait I think it was Redstone the issue yeah okay Redstone does work with finish out break as long as you’re not touching it or not close enough to touch it I should say all right just a little bit of bug checking there those of you who were unaware all right oh it was the glowing light right I was like what the [ __ ] is that my brain ladies and gentlemen it is nonsensical and does not make sense do not go to my brain this a silly Place do anything left down here here [Music] do I need more amethyst I feel like I might need more amethyst actually like the shards themselves got to be very careful this very careful I mean Reckless as [ __ ] it’s not like I care about the amethyst cuz we have such a shortage of amethyst in this [ __ ] world for those of you who are just joining us uh we have so far found like eight GEOS under our base we really do no need for uh conserving our Amethyst in fact I’ve already fully harvested two GE I [Music] missed I love how we took so much time time to be careful the first time we found this place it was like oh we have to preserve this this is important and then there’s literally another one right there and there was another one down the way or there were two more down there that we harvested I just I just find it funny that’s all it’s just so stupid all right got all this collected up or at least enough of it that I don’t really care anymore yeah we got a stack and a half so let’s get out of here there’s any more Ambi laying on the ground I really don’t care now we have exactly a stack and a half [Music] perfect I wonder if this Stacks paste H something worth finding out once we have the ability to do magnitude spells more often okay whole feathers that was the other thing we need to make a bunch of coal feather charms I’m going to need some feathers uh let’s grab some couple steaks just for like eating around town eating around the house so we don’t have to waste our our good food our adventuring [Music] food oh [ __ ] [ __ ] these things man holy [ __ ] they heal themselves [ __ ] die man jeez oh there you are right we got to fix your legs too before we go to the nether man I’m just getting assaulted from all sides nowadays I need to build a a construct that has a uh has a gun and just [ __ ] shoots people okay you need to get out of my farm sir are you on a horse you are on a horse well now your horse is is no Rider and it’s going to die congratulations are you happy do you feel good about the things you’ve done today sir room came busting up out of nowhere I was very concerned for a second there I completely forgot I had seeds in there hello chickens I require something of you I require additional chickens and I require you to die yall can grow up I don’t care congratulations you’ve chosen death so you now I got two whole feathers it’s enough for one coal feather charm I guess I’ll keep me alive in the event I fall into lava at least once and then I’ll get the [ __ ] out of there let me put it that way like if the nether portal is in lava that’s what the feather charm is for more or less uh I got a bunch of crap on me amethyst shards oh I was not super low on Amethyst but I had I had some right we made it for the amethyst you know what worth it it was worth it then using up the Alchemy event uh the one thing we had for that oh I got a wake Ballo somehow I don’t know where the hell I got a wake from but okay wait you duplicate this chicken for thank you uh we might as well do glass regeneration well I think that yeah as long as we don’t get hit that stays it’s the other one that doesn’t doesn’t stick around okay there we don’t need anything from here we don’t need here why am I even up on I think I missed uh okay Earth sachet here oh we got air fire and Earth now nice we have a crap more oh I put them in the chest outside right uh eggs ail or can go over here okay let’s get all this crappy Stone oh had obsidian well that doesn’t change things site got feather let’s get a coal feather charm what we need for this we need black dye Venum string and a coal fine with me one coal please I would like to extract one coal 13 eggs on me I need a h i need a chest here that goes like take this stuff to the house we have enough back I think that’s a red wood and eggs waight close okay put sacks in chest know that Rost damage keep that out last bottle then go up there we’re just consuming all of our resources before we get start wait why is that give us back two bottles what oh cuz there are two bottles in the recipe oh [ __ ] okay I didn’t realize that okay sure why not that’s a little weird but okay wait doesn’t it give us a bottle back when it fre recipe in the first place too which means we’re duplicating water bottles or duplicating glass bottles that’s interesting maybe I’m not entirely certain on that uh I need an ink sack yeah I need an ink sack and a Venum dest and a string one string one ink sack D and then a stairs up we go all right uh do we have this on the recipe no we’re going to cuz this thing could be very useful while we’re exploring the Nether and hardcore all right black Dy string feather feather hole V team dust and then what was the shape for this back SL Square forward Slash’s my w go we go one coold feather charm and book and coold feather charm thank you very much that can sit up here and now we can put this back on blank go I don’t think we have any other Co for the charms around here anywhere main cloud in a bottle why did I make these I like I was doing something with them wasn’t I ritual the UN oh right ritual the Untamed wind that’s why I made y okay here I think we got everything we need yeah then NE gate CU your no none of these are useful maybe insects form but I don’t think so all right we’ll put this in my backpack until I need it until I’m on my way to the nether put it that way all right let’s go build another portal we have 61 obsidian to build another portal with I don’t know what I where I want to build where do I want to build not in the base I don’t want to do that because enemies can come through um and I mean that as in Mana artifice nether enemies can come through which means we really do not want them anywhere near the base all the way over here they should be able to see us from this far away good work and this gives us enough space to decorate yeah let’s do that all right let’s go and get space around was that one one two three four five six seven like a nice big portal over here a spicy portal ignore my incredibly bad platforming and otherwise play of the game there we go all right now I want this to be a bit thicker around Ed here I want to make I want to make it look more like it’s like a round portal that’s why I got so much obsidian oh hi oh yeah we need to fix you I keep remembering I need to fix you after I see you now it looks fat I’m okay with that actually like an oval kind of thing that’ beting uh I think it would look better if we did the same time lies I made that jump don’t you lie to me game boop boop boop okay and then we wanted to do two away from the top boom then boom boom Oh it’s not right it’s an even portal oh that looks okay let put this way does it look good no but I’m going to like reinforce this with like some nether rack and some other materials from the nether once I have it uh let’s go ahead and light this puppy up shall we hey now that’s a spicy portal right there all right uh let’s see let’s go make sure we have everything we need including this [ __ ] back with legs this man needs normal oh wait if he flies he can’t get killed by lava but he’s completely useless to us right now as he is okay we scout out the nether if there’s ground we come back we fix him if there isn’t ground then we leave him here cuz he’s kind of useless uh go ahead and you follow me over here please uh stay here or move to here please then stay you stay there no you don’t follow me now okay let’s go ahead and get our food back out real quick let’s go ahead and get our strongest food the uh root salad that gives us regeneration and water back out oh let’s also go get our water skins we need those Also let’s sleep considering it’s about to be night time and I don’t want to come back if I come back here and I’m being chased I do not want to come back to to enemies fighting me you know this is going to be pretty dangerous to do bottles out of my inventory please go to sleep let’s get our backpack on get the water skins in my hot bar let’s roll we’re actually free slowly becoming cold right now that’s a good sign I have no idea how hot the nether is but I presume it’s going to be very hot in the nether it is the nether after all all right oh God there’s heat coming off the portal itself look at that this could be our instant death I just want to be very clear about that I didn’t put the cold feather charm in my inventory okay good news we’re not on fire bad news it’s definitely very hot here my temperature is going up right now okay we got another Fortress that’s a good sign let’s see what else we have around here uh we got a crap load of piglins that I need to deal with that’s unfortunate putting out fire so that we don’t have to deal with as much heat around here it looks like that’s not going to really help um hello zombie pigman let’s grab this glowstone if we can real quick and get the [ __ ] out of here we got got glow stone that’s something at least just harvesting some Netherrack don’t mind me oh there’s oh there’s a crap load of Undead coming after me you went through the portal we need to move oh he’s got a lot of HP suck snowball Cannon okay well that was moderately horrifying for our first trip to Nether also good to know two water skins of cold water is not enough to protect us in the nether also we need constructs we we need Guardians as soon as we get there we need to excuse me I’d like that back we need a full-blown Iron Golem that just stands outside the portal and guards it from enemies which means we also need to set up a a a task out a task board in there you you will be my personal guard but I’m going to go make an Iron Guard also these are already back normal temperature probably because it was so freaking hot in the ne if I had to take a guess let’s toss these suckers back in there we’ll make more of those before we leave okay well good news we got some Netherrack and we got some glow stone I don’t know if that’s going use for us but we have it also we now have a mark of the undead as well all right we need to prepare some Golem parts we have Mark of the nether Mark of the Fay and Mark of the Undead Okay and a cold feather charm I can put here as well okay we’ll put our food sack over here down here all right let’s prepare our next Golem let’s go take a look at the golemancy parts we have access to at the moment or what we have extra right now we have left fluid nozzle fishing and Grabber right cast now hold on a minute we could make a a Caster Golem to stand behind the big angry Golem that throws down Arcane damage we could do that hold on what does it take for Mana torso Mana torso made of gold takes an Arcane Rune a Mana Reservoir that’s pretty easily doable actually and a Arcane o we can’t make that yet oh wait yes we can we need rune P Arc well that’s complicated looking all right noted um all right let’s block out the things we want to make here shall we so let’s grab we don’t need a run grabing table more we don’t need Infuse Sil my head uh we want a gold Mana right we want run smithing no not constructs uh intelligence Advanced construct summoning uh constru basico want fter arms their way to see I know there was a way to see the like stats for everybody or wasn’t dude these are conditions commands to take items command control Harvest control re specified Point match its facing standing guard and attacking enemies that come within range of its sight if it is capable of doing so if its attack causes it to move too far away from the guard Point based on the construct’s perception stat it will cease attack and return to its post after standing guard for the specified number of seconds Tas complete and the con will go on to any other tasks afterwards okay that’s easily done constructs is there a just under this one no I don’t think so that’s the Gantry for setting affinities yeah it’s not something I can just do okay onru armor torso Diagnostics swear there was a way to see all the different like stats they had patterning prisms pattering prism is much more than an ingredient for the load star is capable of copying logic between load stars or delegation stat as well as copying data between particle emitters in addition it contains several simple templates for construct logic that canly be used to set up to quickly set up basic logic flows it’s capable of copying pasting from into the system clipboard so it can also be used to share logic flaws across games with other players to use all this functionality simply hold a patterning prism and hold Z patterning huh how do I get one of them ping prison you chrite a Canan glyph Inver that seems really easy let’s grab one of those and see what kind of custom thing if it has a a pre-based Loadout for guard this location that would be very useful my blank ones please and I need cyan Dy why do I feel like I have cyan Dy somewhere I feel like my brain is telling me I have cyan D somewhere like I’ve made this mistake before light blue dye green die which I do need to make Canan die no I don’t seem to have any cyan die on hand all right you know what hang on real quick I can do something else to help here where’s my just stack of wood I need a stack of wood uh what do I have a lot of oak logs got a decent amount of oak logs uh fur logs I got a crap load of fur logs perfect give me a stack of those hang out my bag right now I need a chest now we’re going to go through we’re going to find all of the dye that I have uh might have some up here actually I know we’ve got some stuff up here apparently I don’t have anything up here I don’t have anything up here at all huh I don’t have anything up here I guess it’s just empty storage for the moment all right fair enough I was wrong ignore me all right we’re going to get all the dye we have collected throughout the various places we’re going to collect them all in the Mage power and we’re going to say this is where the Dy lives from now on that I don’t lose it what does GL make nothing doesn’t make any let’s get couple let’s get a couple ink sacks and just toss them in there because they’re dying get a couple bone meal toss them in there because they’re Dy let’s see uh Cattails those make brown dye that’s that’s Dy right there pink bios shrooms those make pink d uh blue bios shrooms I’m pretty sure make blue dye yeah Redstone bulb makes Redstone that’s not Dy uh this die this die this die I think we’re good to go antique ink just makes antique stuff right okay uh Echo shards don’t do anything sculp Cannonball oh that’s a new new thing Giant scul Bomb hey blocky Siege out here giv us some items we can actually use also we’ve not even touched blocky Siege as a mod yet I’ve never oh we have a heart seat we have the thing we need to protect us from the ne’s heat I I might be dumb guys I might I might generally be stupid uh Soul spring lamp add that to our inventory or our hot ash die a not it’s in fact the opposite of a die it leans things I think that’s all the dieses we have yeah it’s all the dieses we have currently let’s go upstairs to this floor and we’ll throw in a lift chest in the back corner here we’ll throw it up and this will be for all of our baras D die all right I will take green we’ll take a and we’ll Bush them together and we’ll get a cyan actually we’ll get two Cy go 9 Canan LIF patterning prison okay and we need two silver and two Tim is that I just hold this huh paste data from system board copy current data board copy ritual Focus minor template simple tree farm simple crop Farm template fishing Temple Ro run striving okay fishing crop farm and tree farm interesting oh does it only work on load stars does it work on delegation stations logic flow restored warnings detected in logic flow got a seed plant it and put away the excess always empty the inventory at the end before starting again okay so if youve got a seed have a seed plant it and put away the excess interesting I didn’t know you could like comment out that’s I love that draw groups oh didn’t get a seed or couldn’t plant Harvest and collect warning log one more of your tasks are not fully configured they will be skipped if attempted to be run by a construct ah yes it requires you you still have to point out things here okay that’s cool I do like that that’s really cool uh let’s go ahead and clear this TR remember how to clear it yeah prob just ah I see the groups aren’t actually part of the uh thing they’re just there to help organize stuff I like it hunt hunt stand guard eat item interesting Patrol definitely want a patrol so we’ll we’ll make a patrol pattern here and we’ll copy and paste it we will have to tell it to um yeah we’ll have to tell them to um patrol an area and they they will automatically engage enemies that it sees is what it said so they’ll Patrol an area we’ll have a melee guy holding a patroling area and we’ll have a ranged guy holding position near the portal at all times and they’re not going to go very far anyway so it’s not that much important uh where’s my Runes of marking I’m going to need these uh how goes the nether uh extremely hostile we had to come back um we knew it was going to be hostile but it was really bad so we came back I didn’t I didn’t want to stick around cuz there was a lot of Undead coming our way and uh we were immediately dying of heat stroke like immediately it was very fast so uh yeah we came back we’re preparing another trip we are we are still going we’re we’re going back oh we did get some Netherrack and glowstone though that was all we got uh let’s see I should make another of these Crystal too cuz the Mana Caster needs it to be able to restore his pool oh yeah we also got this chicken chicken excellent chicken all right all right let’s see here so we are making a full-blown Gold Golem because every gold bit helps his Mana casting I guess I know there was some I know there’s something in here about that constructs con armor torso oh there we go okay so casting casting armells constructs advaned construct summoning gold move faster than their iron counterparts their Manor so has much higher capacity over they much lower health and armor than a gold iron gold construct specializ in spell casting tasks there we go okay yeah so they they specialize in Gold casting okay gold specialized in casting perfect diamond is a jack of all trades that’s the recipe F arm con Caster arms there we go oh it doesn’t actually show me that does do show me the damage they do okay uh arms allow them to cast spells they will cast harmful Spells at enemies and beneficial spells allies on themselves on the sheep Caster arms require a Mana torso to use and recharging either through Mana Crystal or nearby use of Mana transfer spell okay Mana crystals nearby so I’ll have a contract standing by the Mana Crystal uh is there one I can do for heads heads Heads head wooden horn head construct frame pattern head construct frame head heading constructs uh way I can see what head has the uh sty workers are mostly generalized resistant knockback sinks and water defense ability fine gold specializes in casting is there one that specializes in Vision no I don’t think so okay cuz if it doesn’t have good Vision it doesn’t matter uh might be Advanced constructs heads Advanced construct might be one of the affinities Boost Vision to air FAS move speed range damage oh that could be useful uh Arcane increase in Mana capacity per Point 20 magic damage resist physical damage increase armor points uh armor toughness physical damage resistance Ender carries plus one carry capacity point for each hand void Dragon Breath damage fire resistance fire point of ignition when attacking lava fire resistance buoyancy yeah none of it actually shows where the enemy is okay so I think I want I think I want to give it because we’re in the nether I think I want to give it a version of snowball Cannon essentially let’s try and remake snowball Cannon which if I check real quick what is snowball Canon what what do snowball Cannon you are a speed boost you’re just a speed boosted projectile that’s all you are perfect okay there just to check it’s still in the right place yes it is perfect okay so you are projectile Frost I kind of want to do Arcane damage but I feel like frost is good enough and then we want speed speed CU that yeah if we get rid of speed it makes it a lot cheap deeper to cast but it’ll be a lot slower to hit and it might miss it’s probably going to miss if we um leave it like this cyan blue light blue and white uh where’s the speed glyph adds a lot of cost I’m pretty sure WR book speed spell part recipe speed yeah Redstone yellow glyph white glyph sugar like it’s not that bad we can do that speed because this also slows them keep that in mind this thing does slow them down too although if we put speed on there right how much does that increase the Mana cost of this not too much it goes from 39 to 26 at H interesting okay we definitely don’t want to increase damage cuz that gives it makes it take a diamond sword we not doing that uh yeah we’ll just basically give it the same spell I have the same spell I have is working pretty damn good for me so it should work okay for it okay okay while that’s scribing uh let’s start getting the resources together we’re going to need Pentium get all this stuff out of my hot bar please thank you okay where did the Smite two book come from I don’t know but goes on the floor now I don’t have somewhere to put it so it just goes there now we need a Venum and an arrow have arrows oh Spell’s done okay uh white two white glyphs and a yellow glyph I don’t have flowers I don’t have yellow we can find yellow is there a bed in this floor yeah there it is say wait don’t I have a bed somewhere the ancient spirits of light and dark have been released the [ __ ] does that mean oh I remember what that means I remember what that means wait yeah the unded Army has been empowered by nether forces yeah that’s a whole thing um yeah remember that Progressive difficulty mod that adds a boss fight yeah it gets harder every time we do something in the game also the uh squads of enemies will now start spawning with better gear too something we got to be aware of of now Spanish moss tree this come from Willow log interesting fair enough I need yellow flowers please please provide to me your flowers that are yellow I should just grab bone meal and bone meal the ground what I should have done but I did not do that why because I’m dumb oh there’s flowers Violet makes purple dye that could be useful hello Tasmanian Devil I’m just collecting flowers don’t mind me I love that the mighty wizard is now collecting flowers yeah okay oh couple more flowers up here I think that’s all we got as far as flowers around here let’s get back to base and turn these into useful spells oh that’s a hole in the ground that would have been very painful wouldn’t have killed me but would have been very painful I’ll take those eggs thank you very much that’s unlucky oh you know what while we’re walking around base [Music] melons all right the melons and the chicken will feed us cuz the melons should keep us hydrated as well CU they actually give more water than they do food so moment this and take rest of stuff upstairs that stuff in here one of the yellow flowers no we need two don’t we actually no we only need one we need two [Music] white two white one yellow how many gffs I got left three oh that’s not good I need more of those uh let’s see do three snowballs really didn’t do that right now but I did uh cyan and light blue GL oh and a blue as well uh we’ll take the um Blue from some lapis let’s go grab some lapis cuz we have a lot of [ __ ] lapis uh and we’re going to need more Cliffs so we’ll make some more while we’re down there I’m sure we’ve got extra Stone right we can use uh can we use calite can’t [Music] remember no we can’t use calite that would be useful uh basal I don’t know if we can I don’t think we can use basal use Soul we use Netherrack no oh you know what hang on Netherrack what what material are you a Mason congratulations Netherrack join the group uh speaking of things actually glowstone as well you can join you go and Alchemy I’m pretty sure yeah will not use specific this one goes in alchemy yep perfect there you go you’re away okay we need some lapis let’s just grab a stack of lapis it’s not like we’re short on lapis for God’s sakes there we go now we have blue dye okay uh Cobble deep slate do you work no about deep slate just pure deep slate that work yes okay who else works well Stone definitely works I know that for a fact Granite do you work Granite Works Dior I presume diorite andesite then work does tough I got more tough than anything else yeah hey we can get rid of some tough nice and we got Cobblestone which doesn’t work but we do but Stone does go just make craple of these thank you go put that away all right Upsy Daisy come on there we go I don’t nor have that much thing all right else did we need we needed we got the yellow and the white we need cyan need Blue Sand blue and light blue light blue blue and S go we can put all the dyes away in here again oh that’s been okay we got all all the bloody glyphs go and redstone dust and sugar oh and a dispenser oh and a crossbow and a bow well that’s convenient I have several of those things wait did did I throw that bow away I think I might have or I put it in here perfect and there was extra crossbow in here yeah there was okay crossbow bow all stuff out my well just to make sure it’s nice and clean okay then we need three snowballs we have a dispenser and a redstone and a sugar all right so I need I need three string two and then I need no I just need Redstone and I have random sugarcane in here anywhere very useful if I had a random sugar cane hey look at [Music] that oh I need might be helpful if I had Cobblestone for making a dispenser that was a bit too much Cobblestone but whatever it works let’s go ahead and get bow perfect like a dispenser perfect amount clearly I know exactly what I’m doing at all times and I should never be questioned my subconscious knew what I was doing better than my conscious there for a minute all right what else do I need we’re done we’re ready to go all right let’s go make the spell all right it’s magic time purified venty te dust real quick running out of purified Vin team dust let’s make a couple more go all right now do crost damage activate the ritual it’s primed there we go get all these placed down everybody in the pool looks like everybody is in the pool oh oh anybody else in my inventory nope good to go all right here we go make sure we’re on free form [Music] triangle Diamond forever inverted triangle Circle [Music] that I’m so bad at making circles and there we go one spell for the Golem all right we’ll put we’ll activate this spell real quick Golem golum snowball and we’ll make it the same icon I have perfect think it’s the same icon it’s close it’s like a weaker version cuz it’s for the Golems it’s the exact same strength that uh all right I’ll make mine stronger later anyway because I can have the damage modifier whenever I so choose to mine all right let’s get the Golems going now now we just got to get the Golems gold Mana gold there we go smart head basic head horn head horn head attracts enemies we don’t want that we do want a smart head takes a moat of Magic versus a basic head which just takes that uh what do the SMART head do versus the base wooden horn head construct frame head smart there we go that’s just the recipe I don’t need that smart head contract smart head uh smart head increases intelligence Contra execute more chance load start default is eight materials smart has made it detes the bonus oh oh [ __ ] Diamond allows him to do a lot of tasks okay so smart is for tasks not for perception okay so I don’t need a smart head I just need a head so we get that we’ll grab the Caster arm at least we could give it a shield couldn’t we yeah we could give it a shield and a cast arm that way it doesn’t take damage from other range attack gra it a left shield and a right C arm uh do I have a cast arm on St B I have a Caster arm excellent so we’re going to go there oh right Mana Cannon Mana Canon versus [ __ ] is the difference hold on a Mana Cannon Mana Cannon man can give constr abilities to attack at range do the intricacy of the constructions cannot used for Mele attacks magic attacks can be very powerful depending on the material used to craft the arm Manor requireed for these function as well as periodic recharging by Mana crystals wood three stone five iron seven obsidian 10 20 damage Target two separate constructs or two enemies using this thing if it has it uh lesser Focus um okay hang on Mana Cannon arm versus a Caster arm well now that’s tempting cuz this thing only does five damage this does 20 I give it both why not give it both no tier requirement tier three fascinating oh cuz one’s the right arm gotcha I see I don’t actually see I don’t know anyway Mana Cannon requires a lot more effort than the Caster arm which is interesting all right uh we’ll give it both and see what see what it does with that information uh all right so we got the arms we just need the legs now we’ll give it gold do I rip the rocket legs off of back guy give them to the Caster columns because he’s just going to be stationary floating in the air think that might be the correct choice just give him I just legs just give him some basic uh he’s got the Mana torso and give him basic BS right I mean it would if I tear off his legs and give them to this guy instead I still need to give that guy legs I think we’ll we’ll hold off on doing anything with that guy for the moment what we have here left fluid fishing and Grabber those are all completely useless to me but noted um let’s go ahead and do the Iron Golem next CU we need a pure defense Golem so we want iron shield we want an iron blade arm bladed arm go we want to give him a horn head so he attack attracts attention uh and then we want to give him an armor torso then we want to give him reinforced legs I can’t I think reinforc leg just let us ride him does it give him extra armor uh oh more armor and also allows it to carry me like a horse yes I can control it directly if I have it command uh if I have it commanded to stay or follow when I ride it or if it’s following a load start will simply take me along for the ride okay so yeah we definitely want reinforced leg for this guy which we can make saddles so that’s acceptable we need like belt bules okay we have a whole list of things we got to make up here in the top left corner let’s get to runes smithing shall we this is the wrong floor we were on the right floor already nor me I know what I’m doing okay let’s see we need how many Runes of defense do we need we need one uh The Shield need a rune of Defense The Shield needs a rune of Defense this Shield needs a run of Defense so that’s three that we need yeah I think the Mana torso requires yeah AR Arcane instead of Defense so we need three Runes of Defense D let’s break this sucker out uh we can make an etch of this guy quick I believe requires the actual run so that’s fine uh this requires super heated ventum all right let’s get three of these bad boys prepare for clanging ladies and gentlemen it’s time for clanging patter Ingot Hammer Hammer [Music] Hammer again one more also only one the pattern support go okay uh I know we can make more of these run scribing pattern is ring pattern I know we can make more of these Runing pattern oh how do we make it is we put paper on the Rune and then we hammer it I can’t remember cable charcoal patterns there we go uh like to have a pattern handy to follow along with to trade them with a runes make my own make one I need a fully forged Rune and place on top of runic Anvil then a paper and a coal or charcoal there we go and then Hammer the [ __ ] out of it so Rune I need paper and charcoal I need bring paper and charcoal here some there’s some paper in here go grab a charcoal oh we’re out of charcoal almost at charcoal I should say up we go all right and was it hammer it or just click on we attempt to Chisel a pattern specified into a blank room pattern as by given uh requires a pattern already present in the table R describing recipe in the table itself which recipe pattern described require an Hammer arm on the construct the better the material the fast the construct will work interesting okay uh let’s see charcoal patterns uh I can rub the top of the paper with coal or charcoal in order to make pattern I can also use these patterns to help constructs know what to help tribe okay so pattern charcoal there we go simple as that oh get the wand out of myam you all right the defense can go in here now uh I need two heads yeah because each of them require a head regardless so I need a head and these take super he [Music] purified maybe I should get it maybe I should get an assistant up here not a bad idea uh let’s get a I don’t think I have the head pattern yeah I just have ritual metal and mundane ring let’s go ahead and get the next one just get my moment too much in my inventory all right frame paper charcoal heads and then I’m going to need a bunch of rods I’m pretty sure yeah cuz each set of legs takes two rods that’s four does anything else require a rod yeah the arm takes two rods so I’m GNA need more rods do I have a recipe for a rod no I do not but I think I can figure out a rod recipe on my own although I think I remember if I it wasn’t actually as simple as it was like that it looked if I remember correctly all right I need a lot of these more than one pattern is going to get me [Music] paper dark that off throw in here cuz I’m going to need yep I remember that was different than I thought it was perfect diamond away for the moment I don’t need it let’s Place Hammer rods can go here I have three and I need two each for the legs that’s four four for the legs and then two more for this so that’s six The Shield need one The Shield needs one too so six seven eight I need eight of these bloody things means I’m going to need two more patterns yeah pretty sure it means I’m going to need two more of these things uh where’s my blanks oh I’m running along blanks noted all right rod oh it does right I have to actually F this one out okay do it is top Center yeah almost missed I’ve yet to make a mistake yet so yes that was the first mistake I’ve made you son of a beach it’s experience to do that I think it’s probably one of the main reasons to use a Golem for that because I can make mistakes Golems don’t all right let’s get more of this out oh we need the [Music] hammer what the get off that I even there we [Music] go a lot of rods to make right I think that’s it yeah that’s eight that’s nine actually okay that’s more than enough [ __ ] all right well I guess I’m making [Music] 10 that up there okay uh now torso we need two of those yeah pretty sure we need two of those two torso and torso perfect okay we need two [Music] boys when in doubt make an entire [ __ ] Army to help do my bidding I think that’s the plan here so let’s go ahead and throw that away quick let’s do torso paper charcoal put that in here yep makes all them go in there perfect fair enough and torso frames okay what else do we need we need hips they both need hips yep okay uh we should have hip yeah no we don’t we already had uh the pattern for that okay so or we had a hip on standby so we need to get the hip end that’s the Rune scribing one I need the Rune pattern you all right all right from here it is uh hard to tell honestly uh looks like dead center like right here is that one two down I think that’s two down down over to down two over two it I missed again perfect there we go hips these Hips Don’t Lie all right Hammer again right I need two of these bad boys [Music] go take that off of there put hip on paper and coal there we go hips off themselves there we go put the hip joint up there what else do we need uh we have the hips the frame the rods heads and the defense runes is there anything else we need uh from the Rune smiing we got heads got oh we need a rune of AR Arcane right okay let’s get this guy pinned run scribing recipe Rune pattern Arcane well this guy looks complicated as [ __ ] all right oh we need another pattern go okay so this one actually really simple we start by drawing a vertical line down the center the first pattern we’ve had that actually touches the edges and then we can draw from there off of the center so looks like one down right here we do two wide square one here connecting down to there then we connect this corner and this corner and then from here we go over up over over down down like it’s timec consuming but I think the more complex these things are the easier they actually are in the long run need a full Square here next to this side and then here down oh it’s a mirror oh it’s a it’s it’s literally mirrored it’s okay it’s this side mirrored onto this side I see anyway do that doesn’t actually help me believe it or not like I see the pattern it looks cool doesn’t help me figure it out we go what mistake did I make where am I missing a line I’m missing a [Music] line uh I might be blind uh chat help me where am I missing a line oh there it is got it [Music] okay pattern and this is a blue one so it takes normal vinum instead of super heated purified vum go oh I need this SP Hammer Hammer excellent and I’m going to take that I’m put it up here and I am going to make a pattern of this cuz I feel like I’m going to need it in the future you know got the Arcane Rune and I’m going to put the par and here well okay from there we going to go do we need any else Shield do you need anything no you just need a shield head head torso defense uh saddle oh y the saddle cuz we need to make belt buckles for the saddle okay and we don’t have that I’m pretty sure shirt so we need a belt button bu blocks belt button oh that’s run smithing I need R scribing go okay let’s see I need a box a three wide boxes like really really big box it’s four wide actually cuz in the center line here it goes inwards too Buckle simple as that all right slap that suck down we need two of these smashy smashy am I going to need this again we can get two more of this the belt of locked which locks my Affinity oh boy the selfish belt I don’t remember what that one does oh yeah it makes Aura spells only affect me that’s what it is and Saddles yeah I don’t think we need this for anything more than this yeah all it does is make that one there’s no super heated version or anything like that so I think we’ll just put that away I’m not going to make a cop what I’m saying let’s get these downstairs quick those in there that swapped over there there we go P puckle perfect right uh from here I don’t think we need anything else from up here I think we just need iron gold and Vin team now oh and a mode of magic which we have the thing for upstairs at least there’s that oh which actually this actually should know that spell now yeah ritual forgotten lore why is it that sure up we go you get a chance to do this SP that’s okay have the items to place the ritual oh because there’s nothing there uh I need to get my res this all right uh moat of magic boat mode of magic I need two books two ink sacks and two a [ __ ] feathers I swear to God this singular ritual will absolutely drive me to the poor house with its resources that demands from me oh there people dying go over here now need two ink sacks two books we grab the inck from downstairs we got plenty of ink sacks cuz those those I was going to say those ocean monsters the freaking whales they have a name brain absolutely slaughtered so many inks so many inks so many squids so many squids feathers we got leather in here we got Le perfect just enough looks and it is a Vellum I’m going to need to make more Vellum soon I think I’ve got like what one left yep one left all right there okay I just need wizard Chu I think I put in the chest by the door yep we go so if I put all this stuff in here it should automatically complete the ritual for me I need to purifi dust in the sack or in my hand I don’t know we’ll find out hey hey oh Sho it starts at two okay let’s go to our big scary box that we look at things they’re on a big Square have a diamond inside the square we’ve got to draw a square perfect we got to draw a circle inverted triangle inverted triangle perfect there we go boat of magic and that was for the basic head yeah no that was for the cat the Mana torso we then need a Mana resir which we can do uh the left shield reques vum and a shield fine uh Rees iron vum and a shield requires iron a horn head requires a note block this requires a moat of Earth okay we need to go get resources over there down we go all right I’m pretty sure we have the recipe or the ingredients for this we just need to make it have good amount of chalk uh I’ll tell you what while we’re doing this why don’t we throw the chalk in the in the old refreshing refresh omatic down here take those back upstairs with at some point actually let’s just leave them down here I will forget them all right oh we need Stone okay so for this recipe the moat of Earth we need four Granite four diorite four diorite four stone two andesite and two sand and two sand okay get all that in there now we have to teach this thing first so we do have to do that part okay is it done with the uh talk perfect that bag okay and then we just got to run downstairs and do it that’s fine with me oh and the VIN team dust I almost forgot the vinum dust you know what what does this take Arcane Ash M team dust let make nine of this there we go that it lives in here what do I have in here the glyphs oh right okay makes sense all right there is some murderer on outside that I am going to just ignore pretend that we’re not part of it and I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to leave feeling I’m being haunted by a pixie at the moment all right down into the Earth we must go now oh snowman while we’re running down the stairs remember to hydrate everybody this is your reminder ah perfect down down down to the bottom of the planet I fell into a burning Ring of Fire all right so first we have to draw the ritual out for it to First learn it so let’s see Earth alter Earth we can make those huh I don’t know why we would ever make those we could just get them by killing people uh let’s see Earth Sky no don’t need Earth Sky vat of Earth there we go pin that sucker all right so starting one two one two center right there boom boom boom not that one boom boom then over and up to and then down one like that and then oveross the whole thing okay perfect now Pou orinal pattern couldn’t be stored pattern in region make sure it’s all there all got to be present okay perfect let’s get all that out and the site needs to go here oh wait we just hang on we go and then empty hand okay and then everybody is present yeah there’s no stone in my inventory so we do this ritual pattern stored excellent now we Act take a step up and away and way we go Square Diamond they are forever and perfect mode of magic and a mode of Earth coming together to form a powerful Duo of golems that will protect the nether as best as they can I might would it be silly if I make a third Golem that has only a fluid nozzle and it just sprays them with water all the time so that nothing can be on fire in the nether I actually kind of love that idea actually I love the idea of just having one that sprays them with water to make sure that they don’t melt and if I’m in the area they don’t they would me from Catching Fire too I do like that idea I could make it out of stone make it nice and cheap why do I have cap on still uh a tank torso a brimming her that’s doable uh requires a torso that’s fine fluid sprayer is or fluid nozzle it’s an extra bucket piston it’s very doable so far we could give it a shield arm or we could give it two two uh give it a Mana Cannon too no because that won’t work because it doesn’t have a Mana storage um what else would be able to use uh a shield I guess uh you know question fluid Noz Al arms there we go uh collect fluids from containers or Source blocks in the world Place fluids and containers of resource blocks in the world spray fluids of enemies or Allies con will attempt to soak Creepers with water if present which will prevent them from igniting and then move into melee or use other types of attacks uh the fluid type determines what effect is done and who is targeted water has high knockback and puts out fire contract will extinguish its owner if it is on follow mode smarter constructs will attempt to keep owners soaked before they ignite smarter constructs will good okay so that’s not great uh lava light t on fire does a lot of damage milk removes sass effects construable attempt to use dispel harmful effects from allies and beneficial effects from enemies or when follow or control mode conct must be able to store fluid in order to use his arm type see the tank T So con has two fluid nozzles it AOE cone and distance will be increased okay so not so it won’t it’ll stop me from being on fire but it won’t stop Allied Golems from being on fire is what I’m getting there that’s a shame I thought we were going to have like a trio of their protectors there for a second still no glowberries on these guys huh into the room all right there all right from here we just need to actually make the Golems I think we got everything we need we just need a bunch of iron and a bunch of of gold I’m not going to bother picking out how much iron gold I’m just going to grab a stack of each cuz I know we’ve got a lot yeah 127 iron and 121 gold got more than enough both those uh is there anything else I need specially made no I need a shield I need Shields I think that’s it oh a note block no block all right let’s roll let’s make these Golems shall we this is the fun part which means we should do the um the boring part first actually now I think about it yeah let’s do the boring part first so we need two more delegation stations delegation station basic table and Bellum which means we’re going to need more Vellum okay do we have water in our backpack we don’t have water in our backpack oh boy could have sworn I had water in my backpack but I guess I didn’t I got rid of it at some point I don’t know why I would do that but I did there I guess we put it in this side actually go plenty of water okay now let’s get do some zombie flesh let’s get 12 this is very important I just put my away no I up we go all right now we fill this water then we get the Yonder book of recipes andu oh we need bone Ash we have plenty of go we have a bunch of leather and now we have a bunch of vum perfect we’ll reso that one more time leave go put the bucket up here Perfection okay now we have that all set to go let’s SL oh right we got to make that not doing anything okay CU it looks really freaking weird it’s on the wall while glowing just a small visual bug with this mod pack that’s all not sure if I can fix it but I’ll probably take a crack at fixing it at some point just not sure when I’ll have time to do so all right we have the Vellum we need for the delegation station I need two I need two delegation stations then I need two basic tables we take delegation stations for the basic tables in the Vellum Doom two delegation stations perfect now question if I break one of these if I put a thing in here right control so move and control so start there and move to there and then loot back there just Bally just Patrol always Patrol uh how long should con wait each Patrol’s point in seconds moving on to the next let’s do like I I change this oh it’s a scroll bar okay do two seconds at each control point that in logic tell me h should need a location marker I’m pretty sure but doesn’t have a spot for a location marker that’s very strange to me okay on con wait each Patrol point in seconds before moving on to the next how does this work command Patrol why are there two confusing all right Comm will cause the contract to patrol among one to four points sa specified attacking enemies that sees along the way if is capable of doing so at each point it will remain for the specified number of seconds before continuing on to the next at the end of the final point it will continue any other tasks within the load star before returning to patol it’s a particularly good use of your time of time if you’re having your conct wait for something the same thing huh R will cause the coner to move to the specified Point match is facing standing guard and attacking enemies that come within range attack causes it to move too far away from the guard Point Bas on the conct perception stat cease attack return to its post standing guard by number of seconds T complete will go on to any task after I think this supposed to be stay guard guard yeah look that’s supposed okay that’s that’s typo in the mod huh that Elemental centent spell books drawn with several runes when change using W of CH then sprinkle with vum dust lastly combine with something representing their Affinity powered by Elemental energies such as those generated by an El fume Builder captur by alren Wells Springs these powerful stationary Guardians will launch Elemental bolts the targets may have been sight whenin range and in sight they also contain simplistic targeting of standard Monsters by default much more granular targeting can be obtained by using a sear Stone right next to the element sens this will cause the elemental sry Target wherever seeing stone is targeting oh that’s a lot okay uh fire very slowly but deal very high magic damage they consume Arcane Alin power ah I see user from USSR well that’s certainly a language I don’t recognize hello how was your day I am well my day is going well how is your day going if you can speak in English I would prefer that it’s much easier for me to read English okay that and I don’t exactly trust Google Translate to be acor all time know all right let’s see let’s get okay we have the delegation okay so now yeah important question if I pick this up does it save it no it blanks it out okay so there’s no point in Saving this especially because the patrol Point won’t actually be there so I guess I’ll just bring the concerts with me and I’ll yeah I’ll just bring push them through the the portal with me and I have them on follow is basically what I’ll do all right that’s perfect for me me uh until this time as I get them set up with guard points so the delegation stations will be up here all right Bo Buckle we got to make saddle those iron reinforced legs do it takes two belt buckles three leather and a string leather and a string all right that made I just turned all that leather into y that’s okay I have more zombie flesh where that go all right get that away later all right from here I almost clicked the leather into into the freaking thing I was like oh we need to make more Vellum no we don’t we do not need to make more Vellum we need to make the freaking saddle 1 two three I need a string I didn’t grab a string that’s why I came downstairs grab string we’re out of string let’s go aad and turn half this bop into string cuz I don’t need the cloth string goes in what else do we need for the saddle it is the two belt buckles of course and then triangle One Singular triangle that creat saddle perfect okay reinforced Lake okay this is going to be the whole shebang here so let’s go ahead and we need a crapp of Venum dust too oh wait what that doesn’t need vinum that needs purified Venum oh that’s more expensive uh we’re going to need V dust get a stack of that I know we’re going to need it uh purified vinum ingots I don’t remember how we make this purified vinum iron oh yeah just iron and purified V so do we have any of this on hand anywhere don’t think so I think the only only of it we have we super cuz I kind of just BW the whole stack in there and I kind of forgot about it uh let’s do purified Venum let’s do five and we’ll throw it in the doubler so we have end up with 10 of it instead of five because why not oh are we need that takes two that takes iron that takes iron iron iron I think it’s just the reinforc bit that takes it it’s just the reinforce B takes okay oh and we got to make the Mana Reservoir completely forgot about that sucker well wads doubling uh we need four stone a glass two obsidian and a purified andin it do that real quick two obsidian have a crap of obsidian left over yeah and then four stone two glass one Mana res like that and away we go how’s the progress on this going well not even [ __ ] close yet okay uh let’s see course because it is doubling five of it so it does make sense okay uh let’s see Mana Reservoir gu we can do everything else first so we got the gold so three gold let’s get this up out of the way let’s start with the gold pieces first all right uh the free gold oh we need the Golem piece we need the actual Golem pieces that would probably be helpful having the actual column pieces helpful it’s a lot of pieces down we go okay here we go starting with the Arcane Rune start with the most complex one right the that you know magic uh three gold one three two Venum the I think that’s oh and a torso go and then Diamond Square diamond I thought I can make diamonds much better than I can make squares one Mana torso perfect we’ll put that up the gold parts and then we need to make the head three gold a head piece piece three gold two Venum and then what shapes we need a diamond and a circle that’s about halfway [Music] done up thank you we have a head the head off there we go oh we need Shields that’s okay we have wood on us we have iron on us remember be for a shield go two Shields okay from here we need the actual Shield itself defense and a rod rod defense the shields Shields two more Venum and three more gold and then we need diamond and inverted triangle Diamond inverted triang and the legs we need three gold the hips two rods and no give me those back I need and then oh wait oh do I give it both arms or do I give it a shield I don’t know anymore all right uh basic legs this is three gold two Venum three and then this is the two rods and hips two rods hips and then what patterns Diamond Square Diamond noticing a trend with the um construct Parts being a lot of diamonds and squares but there we go we have all of the gold pieces now so we we can assemble the Gold Golem as we see fit now and this is still being done so we can now do the rest of the iron pieces requires a shield one of the defenses and three iron two Venum and a rod iron is in my two iron three iron and two Venum everybody uh yes and then a the pattern for this diamond and an inverted triangle what I thought it was oh I I somehow managed to fail to make any pattern there [Music] we go iron shield iron blade is two rods three iron two Venum and then a whopping diamond and triangle oh [ __ ] that was the wrong pattern but it worked what oh wait does inverting the triangle give me the left arm instead of the right arm okay we’re good we’re good it just it just inverts the the triangle just inverts which arm you get I was very concerned for a second there that I ruined it all right Del arm done horn head let’s get the note block Note Block in here let’s get three iron one two three two Venum the head and I think that’s it and then diamond and circle diamond and [Music] circle excellent horn head is crafted and then the armor torso last defense last torso this takes three iron two Venum and the Earth Ro that’s everything and then Diamond Square diamond and last but not least the iron reinforced legs which take everything else basically hips two rods three iron or no no not iron takes the purified Venum yeah oh no it takes two purified Venum and three iron just doesn’t take Venum dust of course because the Venum dust is in here makes sense to me do and then the saddle can’t foret the saddle there we go and then Diamond Square Diamond once again wait so made a circle out of a diamond do it again and iron reinforced legs [ __ ] excellent all right let’s put the rest of the stuff away uh in guess chest upstairs yeah make the most sense to put it in the construct chest upst uh the gold left Shield I guess I don’t need cuz I’m giving it snowball so I can slow enemies down why did I get glass out of my inventory why did I need this I don’t know maybe I picked up two glass on accident earlier uh instead of one either way let’s go ahead and put the rods up here go I think that’s it and the rest of this can go downstairs the rest this is all not concert Parts uh we need animus dust of which we only have one I don’t have animus dust in here okay that’s fine we can learn animus dust real quick egg Venum and wake egg Venum and wake egg vum I have an egg on me by chance I do not shame I don’t have another animous dust anywhere near here so I got to go get an egg hold on do I have an egg in the passive drops yeah sometimes I think ahead sometimes it’s pure coincidence stuff I completely [Music] uh oh we already had animous in here huh never mind then I just don’t remember making enous dust recently so all right uh we only need two enous dust let’s put away okay now we’ve really moved up in the world since the days of army of wickerwood Golems good Lord uh we put the iron away the purified Venum away we’ll put the Venum Dust Away I think we’re good on everything else yeah condition’s pouch I don’t need it in my inventory right now so I’ll put it away and rest of this is Golem pieces so let’s go make some Golems now for the fun part actually wait let’s do the fun part last because there’s one more part we got to do which is the soul spring lamp two iron a gold nugget wait didn’t I have a crap of iron on me just now where did it go I have gold where did the crap of iron go did I put it away in a chest as if it was mum i d the heart of the sea which is somewhere in here it’s right here and I need a chain which is oh God so expensive however will we survive at this incredible cost single chain gold inot or gold nugget nugget RC two iron ingots and one Soul spring lamp I don’t know how this works yeah has more fuel currently so that’s something at least I know it will protect us from the hot a little bit as long as we have it somewhere on us I think or we might have to have it in our hot bar like this I’m not sure which we have to do with it but either way we have it so let’s go ahead and put our our crap away quick gold the [Music] iron okay let’s go build these Golems put I don’t think it does anything until we’re in the nether I think it only activates in the nether where’s our armor stand you come with me I I you know what I shouldn’t make them anywhere but down here because if I make them up there they will probably fall over so let’s go and put it like right here in the nice little corner and all the iron pieces iron horn head reinforced legs left Shield plated arm right shield and armor torso oh he’s looking spicy now look at this man 81 hit points good God the man’s a tank the man’s an absolute tank follow me and also Diagnostics I want to take a look at you 80.5 hit points excellent eight intelligence 12 perception distance 40 attack rate 8.5 damage negative 15 buoyancy excellent explosive resistance knockback resistance nine armor toughness 24 armor and 4.5 movement speed this man’s an absolute Beast because he’s very slow he’s very slow to move but I feel like he’ll absolutely crush anything he gets his hands on you know all right next guy let’s get the next guy up all the gold pieces ahead the Mana cannons oh wait I did the same thing twice legs and the Torso look at this man looking so spicy looking look he is your brother you are to distract for him for always and animus dust he’s got a good amount of Health but no armor at all Follow Me Oh follow me and Diagnostics you only have 34 and a half health and you only have you have M Speed you have no armor at all but do 20 range damage uh and more importantly your Mana amount capacity is 4,000 you’re currently charging because you’re in the area you are slowly charging if I bring that Crystal down here that’s my codex are com out my I bring this down here how much faster do you charge all right so what are you at right now you are at 1,350 I put this right next to you how fast do you charge 200% instead of 100 okay that’s good that’s good that’s much faster that you don’t have any Mana capacity or inventory slots which is fine either do you as far as inventory slots stored fluid nothing attack knockback uh but you guys should both be quite dangerous in combat yeah should be okay that’s perfect let’s get some melon my organs okay and oh yeah look at these look at these Lads absolutely ready to throw down at a moment’s notice you still have 4,000 capacity let’s get you fully charged before we do a I want to test him I want to test them both oh you can actually see the crystal charging him that’s cool like you can see like skewering him with lightning every once in a while see that’s cool oh they are on top of each other we can take these guys down into the dungeon with us real quick to test them against zombies okay he’s fully charged you can do and store Mana can make range attacks cast spells oh how do I give you a spell to cast just throw it at you yeah [Music] um eat item attack where item is at interact with item maybe uh hang on let me Diagnostics codex Arana Caster arm recipe torso cast spell at Target oh it’s a specific thing command causes the construct to cast spells at the Target position after getting close enough to do so the constract must in the Man cast the spell and have at least one Caster arm with a valid spell use table or the alter to set the spell on a Caster arm oh I had to do this beforehand oh [Music] [ __ ] yeah it doesn’t actually say how to do the thing well [ __ ] I get he still got the Mana Cannon so you still got that going for him at least uh I’d have to rip his arm off to give him the spell which isn’t going to happen so I guess this is going to go in storage for a minute oh well it is what it is we learn and we learn we live and we learn as long as we live we always can learn that’s the important all right what do you want to trade with me no don’t go in my house you’re not allowed there blowing Moss Willow Vines cantaloup and packed ice interesting we don’t have can I’ll get my Emerald and be right back you stay outside sir you are not welcome in my house going did one of you let him in oh no that was the gold colum walking around [Music] okay walking around the back side of my house come back here oy oy oy one C thank uh uh we want packed ice I’ll take a little pack ice it’s fine and then Spanish moss got enough of that willine blowing Moss got enough of that beads let’s grab more candy all right thank you very much for your your service oh you’re outside hi you managed to get out while the other one is still stuck inside for yeah come on out buddy I need your help testing you tonight you both are tested [Music] let’s go ahead and set up the manaal nearby [Music] here and we’re going to have them both set to guard me go okay they’re both guarding now I’ll follow and guard you I’ll follow and guard you oh also you can be oh my God I can ride around like a horse he’s faster with me riding explain that one no he did not the [ __ ] noise for their taunt is goddamn air horn well I guess it is what it is all right we’ll have you follow and guard me as well just because why not just to see how you compare to these guys you’re both horn heads so you should both like throw down a bunch of nonsense where’s my shield they’re all going after him but rocket legs over here could actually be doing more if try oh Mana Golem taking him out absolutely annihilating good job boys remember these guys heal over time as long as they don’t die immediately they heal over time now I feel bad for this guy cuz he’s got a useless arm I should have given him that damn Shield [ __ ] come on bring me something dangerous like one of those damn mushroom guys that’s what I need right now is a mushroom guide test yeah they’re both faster than floaty guy over here floaty mcf float float is very slow what is’s your actual speed what were you supposed to be your movement speed is 5.2 they’re both faster than you even though your movement speed is is higher explain yourself like the [ __ ] my dude Al this dude straight up looks like a goblin from Diablo I it’s great I love it minus I think the Iron Golem and Dia 2 had two swords for hand instead of one sword for hand oh of course the night that we are are protected by three freaking Guardians there’s nothing out here to fight me game just trying to sass me can’t tce I will eat put some sand up and around it to make it’s like busting out of the sand I guess I’ll do that NE where are the enemies there’s supposed to be horrendous monsters chasing me about saw the purple and I thought it was an end for a second thought it was not can you see that horse I guess horses aren’t enemies are they even Undead God you’re so painfully slow why is he so slow dude’s got Rockets FL legs and is so slow like yeah he can fly but he doesn’t move effectively go get him Caster Golem I believe in you you can’t see them can you oh I didn’t mean to do that right there they’re engaging the targets iron guys absolutely laying down the law over there just Whack Him with a shield good job boys wow yeah that was a few of them they took them all out good job you guys even get hit I I don’t think they even got hit Jesus hold on does this actually give me water back it probably should a little more than that hey we got a heart what a great thing hey look a zombie guys deal it oh look he’s got like Angry Eyes that’s cool bro I don’t think they can hit is the is the oh the hunter is being hunted moment it looks like they are attacking the creeper too I have no idea what’s happening right now or who’s alive and who’s dead both both Golems are still alive good news uh I think a a flaming man just rolled across the the area there’s a lot of fire currently going on there’s a there’s a creepy creepy man oh we got we got an army of hunters I’m taking damage I’m taking a lot of damage right now where’s the mushroom there’s the mushroom get the mushroom guys he’s hostile kill him you’ve never had an issue with this in the past you’ve always agged on to those guys why are you not agging on to him now I appreciate you aging on to the army of zombies maybe Agro on to the other guys too oh the spell breaker’s on it the spell breaker is actually helping us against basic minions oh [ __ ] oh hey you’re still stuck down there cool that’s supercharge creeper uh how’s your Mana holding up buddy 2,400 you’re still doing good and we’re not anywhere near a crystal we haven’t been for a while okay there was definitely one of the angry Mushroom Men around here somewhere where did he go I do not know oh you’re a high level spell breaker too oh [ __ ] Hi friend can I like interact with you in anyway no I don’t think so well the Council of wizards is all upon at the moment there another Super did you not be on fire for five minutes how fast you heal that’s not a bad rate of healing honestly oh this guy finally showed up look who finally showed up I bet zombie horses aren’t hostile oh he started launching his man Mana bolts as well get him get him he’s hostile get him guys guys he’s hostile guys he’s hostile guys guys what if I let him hit me the spell breaker’s on it spell breaker is all awns my dude he’s get his ass handed to him oh no the sper absolutely won that fight never mind we could we could technically betray the council a little bit capture the soul of a spell breaker and use his him as a summon he’s stronger than my iron golem that’s insane like as far as hit points go as far as armor goes my Iron Golem’s got the edge and I don’t know as far as attack power can I make you follow me do you actually just follow me no you were just paing where you’re out a hole I was very confused for a second there I was like wait is he following me okay what if I set you guys on follow your current diagnostic follow you I you guys used to attack those guys now you don’t hello I don’t know if the manag Golem just didn’t see him or is it just that guard doesn’t actually mean or follow doesn’t actually mean guard anymore oh the spell breaker’s like how dare you hit my friend dude spell Breakers are like the best ally look at this dude he’s just ran up behind him right behind him oh he’s got him he’s taking him down all right so noted it has to be on guard I don’t know which one of you I hear actually doing follow on guard follow on guard okay but they won’t actually attack the the council enemies anymore which is a problem because the council enemies are the main thing I need protecting from oh I was hoping that would trigger them to attack boys where you at I need help kill this man he’s made of wood kill him like really they really don’t attack at all I’m going to die I’m straight up going to die I didn’t realize I didn’t have health regeneration going oh no okay uh minions not attacking them is really bad like really really bad that’s really not good they really should do that oh I didn’t realize how injured I was that was almost really bad hello boys welcome back to town you guys are good against vanilla enemies but you don’t attack Council enemies which is a slight problem I’ll need to figure that out like why don’t you guys attack faction enemies well with this Army of Golems at my disposal ladies and gentlemen that is actually where we’re going to end things for tonight I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of Minecraft until next time I have been the videos I hope you have a pleasant morning afternoon evening and good night and we’re back fulltime baby and it feels so good that wasn’t weird at all

This video, titled ‘Let’s Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Ember and Artifice #22, Preparing for the Nether’, was uploaded by Dead Videos on 2024-05-26 04:47:40. It has garnered 149 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:26 or 12986 seconds.

Game -Minecraft Developer – Mojang platform – Java / PC Difficulty if applicable – Hardcore

Modpack link: Beta testing available on my discord!


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