Renderyard – Bobby Cole – Film, Advert & Computer Game Composer | Renderyard Interviews

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Welcome to rendyard today’s guest is the composer bobby cole his song library compositions have been used in adverts movies computer games and by famous youtubers such as dream welcome to rendyard interviews today we have the composer bobby cole and bobby is joining us from wales as far as i can yes yeah

How are you bobby yeah yeah i’m good i i’ve just come back from a swim in the gym to try and do some form of exercise after christmas but yeah all good yeah all good i i i definitely feel that and every day i say

It and then i look out the window and i think oh i’ve got this work to do yeah i must go running um so bobby bobby is um a musician that has been working within the industry for at least 20 years and um he has a very established career that includes an incredibly

Large collection of music for sound and audio libraries he’s done composition work for well-known feature films as well as advertising and he also has a immersive historical event production company called history productions and he’s produced work uh looking into the history of titanic chernobyl and uh john f kennedy jfk and

Today i would like to talk to bobby about how he got involved in producing music and how that led to work in the film industry yeah okay um well the first sort of i think the first venture into library music um i was in university and we had this this huge library and

This was you know back when library music came on cd formats and cds would be posted to production houses and i remember seeing um you could hire these library music cds for your projects if you needed them um and they had you know shells and shelves and cds with production music in

Any genre you could possibly imagine um and i started looking into that i thought well that sounds like it would suit me um you know instrumental music make at your own pace your own time make what you want essentially you know it’s almost when i was sort of 19 years old it was

Like a dream job um so then for my final project of uni there’s a couple of things i did an album of horror music um and it was the final project you had to create something and it was quite open and ended the the brief

So i said right well i’m going to create an album of library music and i’m going to see if i can place it now at the same time as all of this i had i had sort of written and recorded a um Like an album of my own songs like sort of singer songwriter you know just acoustic pop rock it was it wasn’t great i’ve still got the cd in my studio today um but it’s all part of your journey i i think i look back on stuff like that and

The songs are dreadful you know all the lyrics the cliches about sunshine and dreaming and all that stuff but you know it’s all great it’s all a good part of your journey um but when i was yeah 100 like it’s it’s good um so when i was looking into the library i finished

University i was about 20 when i was looking for jobs uh in and around london and on one of the uk music job boards came up audio micro which is a you know a stock music site is quite well known now and they develop ad revs and things like that

And this was when audio micro were very first they were launching the website um so i got in touch with them and i said look i’ve got this album it’s got vocals on i’ve got this horror concept album as well um and he said well at the moment we’re only interested

In instrumental music um so i went into the the multi-tracks in cubase i muted all the vocals and re-exported everything um and that was how i got into it um i sort of i placed about 20 tracks with audio micro uploaded them filled out all the metadata and the keywords and the tags

And all the the fun bits of the industry um and i started i started that and i think the first month i made about three dollars um from those 20 tracks and and i think that’s what puts a lot of people off it is the amount of upfront energy it takes

For very little reward um but i mean i was 21 i was living in london i was teaching music quite a lot so i would teach guitar in the evenings i would teach piano in the evenings um i worked at a little school so i sort of

I wasn’t making much money at all but i had a regular income to at least pay the bills um and because all that teeth was evening it allowed me during the day the time to make more songs and 20 songs became 50 songs which became 100 songs and then

I remember the first month when i finally made a hundred dollars for an entire month selling music all night and i was chuffed i i thought it was the best thing you know at the time it was about 60 quid um which doesn’t get you very far these days um

But the whole thing for me was it was a model um and then over the next sort of 10-15 years i multiplied the number of tracks and then multiplied the number of companies i was working with um and it does it takes huge amounts of

Time and effort to build sort of a music library to actually live off um but that was how i got into it audrey macron that was my very first site and those songs that i uploaded 15 years ago those instrumental tracks are still online and you can still

Buy them and license them for a project which is crazy yeah a lot of the uh you know companies come and go but the music will flow from one you know business acquisition to the next so the music very rarely ever comes becomes offline it’s always living somewhere but if you transfer between

One you know licensing platform to the next you know um one company will be acquired by sony they will then be acquired with the company like that never yeah there was that revo stock company um and i used to love them and they closed down um you know there’s there’s been a few

Others over the years that i have closed down for whatever reason but yeah like you say the music you know has an eternal shelf life almost it does and um as you know the 15-year time frame you and i have worked together i think for nearly 10 years never take um and

You know both of us have watched this transformation of of the landscape the the the music landscape the film landscape as things have just become more digital um more readily available more heavily consumed by a street you know when we started i don’t i think spotify had

Been around but it wasn’t the whole early days wasn’t it was the early days and um you know we we worked with a norwegian company actually called faunaphile and they were later acquired by um orchard i think who’ve now become who are on bunny sony so it’s like one two three and so

All these separate platforms have emerged some have you know stood the test of time like tuned car which is obviously you know an industry standard but now you know there are there are many other things nipping at the heels of those larger companies who can just maneuver much faster than not held back

By so much red tape and uh we were always playing a game of let’s just find the right place to place the music and if it doesn’t if it’s not performing then let’s pivot and place it somewhere else and i think one of the things that’s interesting

For your career is that you’ve always had the ability to just develop and change either change the style of music you’ve been able to work under lots of various genres different styles and and you’re you’re able to adapt to what’s required now what’s in vogue yeah and then move towards that um can

You tell us give us an example of an area that that may be more relevant over the last year um but i i certainly think i mean when i first started youtube was mainly for watching you know videos of cats or it was it was you’ve been friends but online

Essentially when when youtube first began um now it’s become something completely different um and in terms of in terms of the income that used to get generated from from the music sites um youtube and particularly the whole content id world and and fingerprinting a piece of audio and then finding out

Where it’s being used it’s still in its infancy really i know address been around for a few years um but there’s a lot of other strikes now that will track you know twitch take talk um there’s there’s companies that can fingerprint that audio file that exact

Waveform and then scan a whole bunch and i think over the next 10 years we’re going to be seeing more um we’re going to be seeing you know more sort of youtube sort of content id style systems but for other websites um that’s it even things like roblox minecraft um

Things like fortnite um all these online gaming worlds where um music is being used like i my son plays roblox he’s he’s eight years old yeah and there’s movement constantly in the background and i viewed my own music track it’s always there and i’m thinking well

I’m not getting paid a penny at the moment for music from roblox you’ve heard your own music on roblox yeah yeah many times i’ve been sitting down cooking dinner and jackson’s watching a youtube program always playing the roblox game and i’ll hear a random track pop up of mine um

I mean he doesn’t care less he just wants to he doesn’t know defeat the dragon or whatever it is he’s doing at that point um yeah but it is interesting um i think i think all of those content id systems are gonna get hopefully there’s gonna be more and more

Of them applicable to different sites yeah i mean every i mean you and i we just um we received a royalty check from tick tock that i had no idea was even even possible so now now now you know i mean it went back almost two years

Of um streams but it was all places where your music had been recognized yeah in one form or another be a five second clip or a one-minute you know tick-tock video so these companies they are however they you know work their kind of alchemical digital like witchcraft they are finding ways to monetize

In the most unlikely places and like we said at the beginning as long as the music is is is live time isn’t a factor it’s it’s it’s the technology catching up to that time parameter and then monetizing it you know we we all hope that videos or music that’s been very

Successful a few years ago that had huge amounts of traffic is somehow monetization-wise available to um you know provide some money maybe three to five years later we just don’t know so okay um you have done a lot of composition work um for uh films and advertising and some of the films involved

Titles such as kill kane with the actor vinnie jones and werewolves of the third reich i’m i’m a big horror fan so i don’t know much about that film but the title’s good you’ve done work for the dolls etc how did you move into the sort of soundtrack um area that was

Well i mean that all started with um there was there was a local filmmaker um in south wales who was making uh horror films and he was producing films on quite quite a large quantity i think at one point we were doing four feature length films a year um

Yeah it was it was crazy times um and so i think i knew him from another friend in school who put me in touch you know it’s always relationship based isn’t it these sort of contacts um and i started working with them and it was it was hard work like

I think a lot of people in university if they study music degree or music tech i think composer for films is almost seen as like the holy grail and the most exciting thing you can do when i was actually doing it it was tough because you know i think

Maybe two hours long that’s an awful lot of music to write um specifically for the film so so i was i would have a two hour and luckily with horror you can be a little bit more you know a tense scene is relatively straightforward to school um

But it’s still hugely time consuming um and you know that was a part of my life like i don’t i don’t compose for films now okay but back then you know it was great i think i think i’ve got i’ve got a stack of dvds in my living room there’s

About 10 or 12 films i did the the music for and i did some sound design and audio push production on a few of them um yeah that was a time in my life it was great but it was it was busy it was hard

As well um yes and it wasn’t what i thought it was um like i probably wouldn’t i probably wouldn’t want to do a film again now if i’m honest um we’re quite happy to say that yeah i don’t want to do that style of work again

Yeah it’s not for everyone but it shows that you’ve had the variation to approach you know that that area of music you’ve tested the water you’ve obviously seen what the revenue is like if it’s being okay good bad etc and then you’ve made an informed decision and gone okay

I’ll do more of that or i’ll move and do more of this because it’s better for me yeah so you how long did you spend in that sort of film uh it was probably about five years um like where i was sort of composing for three feature-length films a year sometimes four um

And that was in and amongst all the library stuff as well yeah do you have any favorites are you allowed to kind of flip out a few titles that you’re like yeah yeah yeah that one was i mean robert the doll robert the doll was quite a good one i

Recorded my friend’s daughter she was about eight years old at the time so she sings the opening credits um okay and that was quite cool that was quite cool because i had to have a child sing all of these notes like it played on the whole the the

Child and the innocence of the film and that that was quite a fun one to do it had a it had a theme and had an identity with the music um so yeah that was probably my favorite one cool so hit up imdb and look for robert where you can stream it um

No that’s really good and do you ever kind of look back on the work that you did as a teacher is there any part of you that would like to explore the the aspect of taking your skills and training and not a prodigy but you know an intern or

Bringing bringing some kind of um just passion to kind of you know the younger generation yeah i mean yeah i used to i used to teach a lot it’s it’s finding the time for it now um it’s finding the time so i used to teach

You know a lot of private lessons i used to work in the school in west london um i’m working with the musical theater company at the moment i’m sort of going in um the odd day here and there sort of working with them um it’s hard it’s hard like it’s great to

Do because it’s very rewarding that sort of thing especially when you find a younger generation or a younger person that has got a bit of fire and wants to do it and has a bit of drive about them um but yeah it’s hard to find the time it’s

Hard to find the time i’m consuming and everything is is kind of counted in how many hours it takes and what can i get done with the day so yeah it’s um i think it’s very important that as you know people in the industry become successful

They should try to in any way they feel comfortable um have an aspect of of their business or lifestyle where they try to give back not financially but just the knowledge that we’ve gathered 100 knocking our heads off a wall for like 20 years yeah there’s a few nuggets

It’s also like when i was younger you know there’s people that i look back on that helped me you know i i know a piano player in west london that that taught me and i taught him guitar lessons to say thank you as a payment and there’s various people

Throughout the years that have helped me you know get to this position so yeah definitely i think it’s quite important that um you know everyone has someone that has helped them get a leg up the ladder if it were and definitely yeah yeah and even even at this stage we’re always still

Looking for assistance looking for support nobody knows everything and and the paths that we’re treading are new on a daily basis you know we’re always encountering like problems usually one a week or like uh how do i fix this yes and you need a network to be able to

Communicate with um yeah you know these videos are a way to you know reach out to you know a large amount of people that run the yard has worked with over the years and just pick their brains and um you know try to share some of these ideas and give inspiration to

You know the viewers that come across the videos the streamers that listen to the podcast um and uh you know and people can also reach out to the people in the interviews um very easy to find on google et cetera they can find the the the websites or or linkedin

And so that you should always try to further where you are now and that that just takes a little bit of you know you have to kind of feel the fear and do it anyway as this yeah definitely definitely over the last year you’ve been working on a new uh company called histoire

Productions and i’ve seen quite a lot of activity around an immersive historical event based around the chernobyl and the historical events there can you tell us a little bit more about that please so it all started i was doing some work out in belfast with a theater company

Writing some music for this um fantastic theater company called replay and i had a day off in between some of the jobs and i went and did all the titanic museum and the titanic walk all of that in belfast and i was just hooked um

I think i was just hooked from from all of that so when i came back from that trip um i created a sort of i wanted to create a concept album um charting the journey of the ship of the titanic from belfast to being built down to southampton out into the

Atlantic obviously sinking and then the survivors arriving in new york on board the carpathia um okay so it was a 12-track album it was purely for you know a passion project it wasn’t for distribution it wasn’t for a label or publisher nothing like that so i did that um

And and the album is a mixture of music um it’s a mixture of sound design so i had voice overs done in belfast um it’s a mixture of some of the songs you would have heard on board the ship obviously near oh my god to the at the end of the

Album so the whole album is very much based on maybe what it would have sounded like um on board that ship um from then then i wanted to organize an event where i played the album in its entirety um so i started to organize that and then i

Thought well wouldn’t it be great if wouldn’t it be great if i could serve up the final meal that was served on board rms titanic two hours before the iceberg gets so i started doing some research i had a friend that ran a catering business and

We sat down and we sort of we started planning out what this could look like um and then it just it sort of snowballed out of control really and then i said well let’s let’s write a script and let’s sort of create an immersive world where the idea is you

Come through the door and you step back in time to 1912. um so i tell all the actors every time we do a show that there’s there’s only one scene and that scene starts at seven o’clock with those doors open and finished as a half past ten but they

Remain in character the whole evening um so there’s music there’s visuals we project the cgi graphic of titanic sync in real time which takes about three and a half hours over the course of the evening and you’re eating your meal and then the whole show plays out all around your table

So it’s not like you’re watching actors on the stage they come down onto the floor and they interact with you mid scene um so we launched that in swansea we did about 11 nights at a venue called the heist um in swansea city center and then locked down hit and then

Obviously everything paused um for a couple years but then just as the world sort of started to open up last summer we started approaching venues um all around the uk um and that’s pretty much been you know i haven’t touched the music for about six months now because that’s

Pretty much been my life so we’re at venue then bristol in car different savoy in central london we’re up north and leeds and we’re going to southampton and we’re talking with new venues all the time um yeah it’s crazy loaded um and then we’re about to launch chernobyl which again is another immersive

Theater experience um and we’re working on the pre-productions for jfk as well so yeah it’s crazy it’s great it’s busy exciting is different and i think yeah it’s very different from a visual perspective you know working in the film industry i love the idea of you know not just looking at the screen

But actually having the actors were moving around you obviously delivering their lines or panicking or just conver conversing with each other etc but you’re involved in that scene and um yeah i mean opportunities in the show where the actors will interact with the people sitting down or they will

They will give them a note from the marconi room saying that there’s an iceberg warning um you know you’re part of it you’re not just sitting absorbable like you are supposed to be part of the show and that’s what people love i think it’s brilliant that’s a

I’d love to see that become a new version of films and film performances much more exciting than just sitting in the cinema yeah that’s that’s great do you have a show that you would like to promote a screening or a tour that might be happening um i mean i mean

The big one for us i mean there’s loads this year but the big one for us is the savoy in central london so they’re on october 29th um we’re in the lancaster ballroom in the main ballroom of the hotel and obviously the savoy is is famous all around the world um yeah

Yeah that’s the one i think we’re all we’re all really looking forward to that’s going to be quite special that one something that surprised me greatly and and and always is really inspiring to read is that you were self-taught from the age of 14 you learned to play the piano

You didn’t have a teacher and it seems that you actually used the piano that was in your garage can you tell us a little bit about that yeah so i i was i started as drums um when i was about nine i remember this drummer coming to my primary school um

When i was about seven or eight and he brought his drum kit into the hall and he played and i don’t know i found it fascinating for some reason so um my mum got me drum lessons um and i don’t know i think i almost just got hooked on it um

So from there then i think i started learning guitar um at the time you know i was about 10 11 and punk rock you know green day and blink 182 they were you know smells like teen spirit they were the bands of the days and that’s what everyone listened

To um yeah to learn guitar just seemed well i want to learn how to play basket case i want to learn how to play smiles 18 spirit and and you know what’s my age again and all these sort of mid-90s sort of classics now um the best

Yeah it’s great i love all that music it makes me feel young um from there then um the piano was an interesting one i had this little keyboard in my garage um and i you know had dj buttons on and all sound effects and it was literally like i

I didn’t touch it for years and years and years apart from just you know making stupid noises really with that um but then when i started playing guitar and i learned the basics you know c major d major g j just some bog standard chords um i sort of realized that obviously

The same notes that make up an a major chord i sort of sat in the piano i thought well surely if i work out what notes are in a major on guitar and and figure out what they are on the piano and then from there i think the moment i sort of

Made that connection in my head about how a chord is formed on the piano then i was awake you know i worked out the majors there were minors looked into sevens and then it was almost like it was almost like it was almost like sort of like a language

You know i understood that there was this whole of the world about how to play piano i just had to sort of sit down and put the time into working out what the chords are um and yeah i mean i i mean i had some i had some basic

Lessons when i was very young but nothing you know i didn’t do the grades i didn’t go through that sort of system um i had some fantastic lessons when i was about 22 23 from the this gospel piano player in west london um okay it was incredible and that i think that

Opened you know another kind of worms almost for me in terms of piano um but yeah like there’s there’s been it’s an interesting route because i didn’t go down that classical route i didn’t do the grades i didn’t do you know learn three pieces and do an exam um

And i know a lot of people do and you know that’s okay but but for me it was never i never went down that route it was all about learning chords on piano in the same way that i could play chords on the guitar yeah the driving force behind that

A lot of the uh a lot of the music that rendez you know worked with from given from you over the years from my own kind of listening to the music it always seems that there are many layers of various instruments um applied one upon the other and um

My own interpretation of that is that you have a very high repertoire of of being able to just acclimatize to different in different musical instruments different sounds and therefore treating the kind of musical instrument availability as a collection of tools and my own interpretation of you know

What you’re saying at the moment is i’m almost wondering if that kind of lack of uniform structure in the music in the learning of music has been more beneficial to you because it’s allowed you to kind of freestyle and treat the sounds like a palette because you know it’s you you produce

Hundreds and hundreds of songs and i i work with other musicians and they’re like i don’t know how this guy does so much work my theory has always been i think he wasn’t held down by you must go abc and therefore easily he hasn’t got he’s got his own way of

Doing things it’s not so fun i think as well with i think what’s worked what i’ve enjoyed quite well is because i can sort of play a few different instruments um the moment that i discovered multi-track recording and the ability to record something set up a new channel and record

Something again over the top events i think for me then it was like it was like game on um yeah they didn’t have to rely on other musicians to pull in i could sit there at the computer and i could just i could record all these layers myself

And that was a dream that was a dream for me that the moment that sort of i got into multi-strike recording using cubase and the computer you know that was that was fantastic and because it meant i could sit there and layer up these tracks myself

And not have to rely on on anything and i think yeah that that’s what i guess worked very well building that library of songs what’s your kind of you know obviously there’s not you can’t say by the hour but what’s your kind of work turn of

Turnover is it is it a song a week song every three years or is it just as you feel inspired well i think i think at the beginning like you know like you just mentioned it’s it’s it’s a grind and i think in my in my 20s i was sort of

Working almost every hour under the sun um you know i’d wake up at seven o’clock and make a cup of tea and i’d sit at the computer and i would start um making songs basically um and i would do that until about four o’clock and then i would teach from about four o’clock

Until about eight or nine in the evening um so i remember you know it was it was my early 20s i was full of energy and and i guess i guess that the driving point is essentially however you sort of fill it up the driving point is to make money um

Yeah that’s it so i was living in london which you know was a very expensive city to live in and i was barely making anything so i think for me the driving point just was to have a better quality of life almost um in terms of

You know living in this flat on the very very outskirts of london um yeah so i think that that was my early 20s it was teaching some late afternoon evening and writing music and then gradually i didn’t have to do as much teaching i took less and less of that on in the

Evenings because the music was generated more income um and then i i don’t know any teacher now um so it’s pretty much music but in terms of yeah in terms of hours like i i’m not a night owl i’m not even a morning person i’m sort of somewhere

Randomly in the middle of the day um i guess living in the uk we don’t have weather as nice as you do in spain yeah i think if the sun was shining i wouldn’t get much done and they’re gonna be yeah you’ve gotta be a nightmare so i think

When lockdown first happened as well over in the uk the weather was glorious and it was just it was warm full of sunshine and it’s one of those ones that you don’t want to be stuck in front of a computer when the sun is shining and the skies are blue so

So i don’t tend to get much done over the summer months you know july and august um and then i sort of knuckle down for the winter almost and and do all the work then yeah but yeah you know i think sort of i sort of i start at

Nine o’clock you know i’d normally do a nine till five um i start the week quite infused and driven you know i know a lot of people that hate their job and they don’t look forward to monday but i’m the opposite to that monday morning i’m

Game head on and i’m ready to go by the time it comes to friday it’s a different story i think my productivity and my drive decrease as the week goes on so it just gets less and less by friday then i’m thinking one o’clock i’m done

Now that’s it let’s go and have a look cool um one one question i had is um how do you approach uh commercial companies um how do you get your music in front of commercial companies to to be used for advertising um or just you know network use i mean you’ve

Produced work for or you’ve had work used on mtv and british telecom uh very famously you compose music for the us hell’s kitchen and cartoon network national geographic red bulb virgin media etc have you had an agent involved with getting your music in front of these people are again is it

Just part of the library yeah it’s the wealth of tracks and their availability it’s more it’s more part of the library so you know all of those companies that you just mentioned then um the music gets used because it was in a library ultimately it wasn’t a thing where i emailed

You know i didn’t email red bull and say i’ve got these songs and that was red bull looking for music in the library and they selected my tracks um and again for me i know there’s composers that go out there and proactively search for jobs and that’s fine that’s

One way of doing it for me it was great because it was almost a hands-off approach it was i don’t get bothered by these companies i don’t have any contact with them in that sense um yeah i can sort of sit back in my studio make

The music at my own pace with no deadlines with no budgets with no you know craft around the paperwork or anything like that um so for me it worked out really well in that sense because i could just apply the libraries and you know it gets picked up by

Like you said all the lists that you just made then having such a wealth of music in in your library can you tell us roughly how many tracks are available uh at the moment um the last count was 14 000 Which which is crazy you know that’s a lifetime potentially i know i know we manage over 3 000 tracks 14 000 is just amazing um but for everyone out there that’s that’s over a 12 to 14 year time frame i’m thinking yeah level of production um you know rendyard has seen two very

Big successes uh one was in again during the pandemic probably because everybody was at home and and streaming films and music was just one of the daily things that people were doing to keep themselves entertained we had one of your songs reach over three million streams uh within amazon’s music unlimited platform and

You know every month we just see the numbers they started curving up or hockey sticking as they say and it just kept going and going and going for over a year it was amazing um you yourself you had success with uh with with a very famous youtuber

Um like a streaming gamer called dream can you tell us a little bit about that and the success of that um that was that was hilarious actually when that first started so it was about it was about 16 months ago 18 months ago someone like that um

I remember seeing a little spike in in the streaming for this song in particular um now i put a lot of music online on spotify and everything and you know made next to nothing from it maybe a hundred quid um the streams and you know that that’s to be honest that

Was what i was expecting i wasn’t expecting you know miracles because ultimately it’s instrumental music it’s it’s music written for libraries and nine times out of ten is placed behind dialogue with speech and narration so the idea is you don’t really want to draw attention to it it needs to be in

The background so then i started to see a little bit of a spike um and i was averaging 20 000 streams maybe a month um and then it spiked up to a hundred thousand and then spiked up to two hundred thousand and this kept going and i think my

Biggest month was two and a half million streams and and ninety nine percent of it was from this one song so i went onto youtube and i did some digging for it um and it was a song that was used by this youtuber called dream um and he plays minecraft and he

Uh streams minecraft him playing minecraft basically and this song was used for something called the manhunt series which i don’t have no idea what that means mark um but it started he was using this song at the start of a lot of his videos um yeah every video was getting 40 50

Million views on youtube yeah you know he’s a huge player in the minecraft world and um so a lot of the kids then were listening to this song whilst they were gaming so if you go to youtube now and look for the song there are there’s versions of it where people have

Looped it for 10 hours and and you can it’s mad that there’s versions of the song that have been distorted people have done orchestral versions people have done how to play the minecraft song piano tutorial and there’s something showing you with his fingers how to play all the notes and it was

Really funny at the time watching it explode because there’s a there’s no jazz musician from new york who died um it was awesome on the go so you read a lot of the comments and and everyone thinks i’m dead yeah it was it was i tried to keep up with it

When it first started but now like some of the videos have 20 000 comments and it’s just like i know there’s a reddit thread there’s loads of twitter dialogue there’s somebody you know trying to uh directly communicate with the youtube streamer called dream and yeah i i can’t keep up with the racket

Yeah but when that first start happening i was approached by an agent who wanted to represent me i was a i had people emailing me it was like and it was hilarious i was around my mum and dad’s house the other day and they have a little

Well they’ve got one of those little google things hey google you know playing the dad goes hey google play bobby cole and obviously the song that plays out is the one from the minecraft video which is just it’s hilarious it’s hilarious as well but again with music and with library work it’s almost

Like you you don’t know when lightning will strike yeah i mean i guess just to kind of reference what we’re discussing here let’s find out when did you actually record that track so how many years ago 10 years ago and it probably did nothing for nine years just floated around the internet and

Then one day got picked up by some you know minecraft legion streaming gamer that went nuts yeah and then has it calmed down now you know that spike how long did that marginally but no it’s still it’s still averaging over a million streams a month wow yeah it’s crazy

Yeah crazy world we live in okay so would you like to um tell our viewers and listeners what where they can find you um are you on are you on social networks do you have a website etc no of course yeah i mean so yeah you

Can find me on facebook bobby cole um my website is bobby um there’s a youtube channel with some of my things on uh under my name um and historic productions and as well for the immersive shows um i think i’m on linkedin but i

I don’t have much to do with that my pa does a lot of the the linkedin and insta and twitter for me um oh you’re on instagram are you yeah yeah um but yeah yeah if you want to reach out feel free definitely brilliant thank you very much for your

Time today bobby that was that was a great interview thank you thank you very much if you enjoyed this interview please like and subscribe if you would like to be featured on the rendyard interviews please go to our website and send us an email if you’d like to submit your film

To rendyard for distribution please go to our website at www dot click the submit film tab enter your film details and we will review your film and get back to you

This video, titled ‘Bobby Cole – Film, Advert & Computer Game Composer | Renderyard Interviews’, was uploaded by Renderyard on 2022-02-04 10:46:16. It has garnered 65 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:21 or 2841 seconds.

Today we speak with Bobby Cole, the composer of the hit song Trance Music for Racing Game used by the Minecraft, YouTuber, Dream. As part of the Renderyard Interviews and find out how he produces and creates his music. Listen to the music on Spotify at:

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Renderyard provides indie movies, documentaries and short films for digital film distribution to over 70+ of the best online video on demand platforms in the world.

  • Rockin’ Roblox Death Ball: A Minecraft Mashup!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Skibidi Toilet Adventures!

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  • Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

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  • Kurrgas reveals SHOCKING truth about his girlfriend in Minecraft 😂

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  • Insane Zombie Boss with 160 Health in Minecraft!

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  • “Insane: Maira creates epic Minecraft forest in Oneblock! 😱” #maira

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  • Smite Survival

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  • Panda-Monia Semi-Vanilla, Like Hermitcraft, Claims, Cross-Play.

    Embark on a Minecraft Adventure at Panda Monia! IP: Multi-Platform Adventure Awaits! Bedrock Port: Default – 19132 Java Port: Default – 25565 Join us on Discord. Join our discord and become part of our small community, access special features such as linking your Minecraft and discord accounts to stay up to date with what’s going on in-game and out. Uncover the wonders of our server through our Map. We use Dynmap to map the world, have a look and watch it change as time goes on. See big projects and new claims spring to life in real time. Or… Read More

  • Craft To Exile 2 – Modded Dimensions

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s secret: Bottomless portal to carry 10 billion pounds!

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's secret: Bottomless portal to carry 10 billion pounds!Well, that explains how Steve manages to carry around all those random blocks and items without breaking a sweat! Maybe his diet consists of eating ender pearls for extra dimensional storage capabilities. Read More

  • Will these mobs generate the most sculk in Minecraft? More like will they generate the most laughs!

    Will these mobs generate the most sculk in Minecraft? More like will they generate the most laughs! I don’t know about sculk, but they definitely generate the most chaos and destruction in my Minecraft world! Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a dynamic LCD table in a regular village in Minecraft. It got us thinking – what other amazing surprises are out there waiting to be discovered in the vast world of Minecraft? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience like no other. From epic battles to creative building projects, there’s always something new and exciting happening on Minewind. So why… Read More

  • Trapping Rare Mobs in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • ULTIMATE BASE DESTRUCTION: Sjin – Enchant The World #28

    ULTIMATE BASE DESTRUCTION: Sjin - Enchant The World #28Video Information This video, titled ‘Enchant The World – #28 My BASE gets DESTROYED’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-05-15 16:15:02. It has garnered 5555 views and 342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:49 or 1789 seconds. Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 (atm9) 🏰 Magic Mods 🏰 We learn legendary Eldritch spells from iron’s spells and spellbooks, craft a legendary spell book then go hunting for cataclysm bosses to test them out on, but the cataclysm mod harbinger proves to be more than we can handle! Submit your colonist names here: or 👑 Sign up… Read More

  • Magical Desert City for Villagers

    Magical Desert City for VillagersVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Magical Desert City for the Villagers of my World | Let’s Play Minecraft’, was uploaded by KayKal on 2024-05-13 22:00:01. It has garnered 500 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:28 or 1948 seconds. In this episode, we build the City of Alchemy on the neighboring desert islands to the northwest of our island base! With the combined materials from the recent guardian farm as well as some rare-colored sand collected from the northeast badlands, we finally construct everything from scratch to make a magical and wondrous home… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft SMP on Axis Network – Must See!

    Epic Minecraft SMP on Axis Network - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST Minecraft SMP – Axis Network – Donut SMP alternative’, was uploaded by SPoBodos on 2024-05-05 19:07:37. It has garnered 521 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:04 or 124 seconds. Axis Network Discord: SPoBodos Discord: #axisnetwork #smp #java #donutsmp #freshsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #lifesteal #drdonut #2b2t #6b6t tags:freshsmp, minecraft, smp, lifestealsmp, lifesteal, minecraftsmp, cheating, cheats, griefer, griefing, grief, basegrief, base destruction, wurst, base hunting, base finding, anarchy, minecraft lifesteal, pvp, minecraft pvp, 6b6t, 6b6t griefer, play 6b6t, jajo, 2b2t, base, stash, stash hunting, dupe, items, item dupe, endermananarchy, ikea,… Read More

  • “ADHARVDAZZ 1M – EPIC SurVivaL BattLe!” #minecraftschool

    "ADHARVDAZZ 1M - EPIC SurVivaL BattLe!" #minecraftschoolVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVE in battle – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by ADHARVDAZZ 1M on 2024-02-14 13:30:07. It has garnered 46 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #monsterschool #animation #minecraftanimation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #animation SURVIVE in a furious- Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #animation #minecraftanimation #monsterschool #skibiditoiletminecraftanimation 👾 Monster School Minecraft Animation: Where Creativity Meets Monstrous Fun! 🎮👦 🚀 Unleash the Imagination with “Monster School Minecraft Animation”! 🌟 Embark on an animated adventure as your young creator steps into the enchanting realm of “Monster School Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Edition Test by EinfachGustaf!

    Insane Minecraft Edition Test by EinfachGustaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ich teste die SCHLECHTESTE MINECRAFT EDITION…’, was uploaded by EinfachGustaf on 2024-04-16 12:00:02. It has garnered 91154 views and 4941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:01 or 1741 seconds. GuMo friends, I spent an extra €300 for this video and ordered a New Nintendo 3DS from Australia. There is supposed to be a separate Minecraft edition on this console, which many consider to be the worst of all time. This is exactly what I would like to explore for you for the first time today and I have also picked out 40 myths… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Salmon Boss Battle! | 100+ Mobs Face Off

    Epic Minecraft Salmon Boss Battle! | 100+ Mobs Face OffVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft |Mobs Battle| Salmon Boss VS L_Ender ‘s Cataclysm’, was uploaded by 100 Hundred Plus on 2024-02-29 14:18:49. It has garnered 1653 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. Hello My Friends… I Hope You’re Doing Fine …Please Be Happy And Subscribe To my Channel and Give me Your Opinion in Comments … Thanks Mods : Salmon’s Genesis reincarnation Link : L_Ender ‘s Cataclysm Link : My Main Channel The Twilight Forest Cosmic Fiend Archaic Sentinel Mutant More Mutant Beasts Blue Skies Summoner Farseer Vanilla… Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwars Showdown: Nex vs. Rivals! #minecraft

    Ultimate Bedwars Showdown: Nex vs. Rivals! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedfight part 7 #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #minemen #mmc #bedfight #fireballfight #asmr’, was uploaded by Nex on 2024-01-11 13:31:30. It has garnered 11653 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Discord server: Pack: ask in comments MINECRAFT SETTINGS FOV: 90 Sensitivity: 100% 400 DPI Client: Badlion/Lunar SETUP Processor: Intel Core i5-11400F Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ram: 16 GB Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3 Tenkeyless Mouse: Glorious Model O tags: solo bedwars, minecraft bedwars, hypixel bedwars, manhan iq, war og, manhal_IQ_, bedwars asmr, bedwars montage, stream snipe, hypixel… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE Challenge: Half-Heart Survival!

    Minecraft INSANE Challenge: Half-Heart Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But I Have Half a Heart’, was uploaded by BlooMC on 2024-02-20 00:00:16. It has garnered 9392 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Minecraft, But I Have Half a Heart BlooMC does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.20 challenges in 2024! Today BlooMC plays not Minecraft, But Water… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE HACK! Hold torch in left hand in Minecraft! 🎮

    🔥ULTIMATE HACK! Hold torch in left hand in Minecraft! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Hold A Torch In The Left Hand In Minecraft | Smart Torch Add-On! | Mcpe | in hindi |’, was uploaded by ROLE GAMERZ on 2024-03-05 12:10:42. It has garnered 61 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. How To Hold A Torch In The Left Hand In Minecraft | Smart Torch Add-On! | Mcpe | in hindi | 2021 1.3M views · 2 years ago#SmartTorchAdd # 2:05 Smart Torch Add-On For Minecraft PE 1.20 | Hold Torch In Left Hand In Mcpe GAMING BARSHAN New 47… Read More

Renderyard – Bobby Cole – Film, Advert & Computer Game Composer | Renderyard Interviews