“RIDING OUR SHADOW LOL!” – How To Minecraft: Season 6 Episode 8

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What’s up everybody’s your pointy pencil hitting that basic seventh row with speedy and sawdust appreciates you guys thanks for letting me on we got some special stuff for you today I sold my boy side what’s up epistle face you thanks for something money hey later later teeth

For a pastries hanging out me welcome everybody taste exam was video 7 episode 8 welcome back thank you all so much stopping by today we got out we have a little special some some with you guys they got shad over there in the background I just got it over there dude couple

Couple new updates to serve everybody if you see our chickens and our cows are no longer in a huge that they’re all stacked which is weird right isn’t that gonna be weird for breeding side we tried it last night it was a breeding was not fun

If they might have really but it does fix the lag issue we had yesterday and the the expansion quest has been reduced from twelve thousand chickens to eight thousand chicken feathers so yeah yeah this will hopefully alleviate some lag issues and we can hopefully not run into

That like we did yesterday but that that’s pretty cool I guess if it works hopefully everything’s fine and then side you wanted a little /spawn job real quick cuz every single week on age 6 M I believe new stuff will be added and every single week on Sunday we get a new

Skill token which we can spend at the skill tree with the wonderful curly mustache demand-side let’s click this dude oh okay wait architect prospector I’m bettin assailant and I in here okay so I would assume he probably went mining mining right at least for right now to become richer and then more like

I wonder what the building skill would be like 100 people are saying look at games yeah we miss stuff again does anyone have silk touch you want to should be left hand and borrow the soaked touch for a little bit side yeah it looks like side says yes in-game chat

See building might be cool like I would I wonder what building would be like it’s not gonna be flight and that’s the only thing that would be good for flight so I am for building I think we go a prospector um wait Eugene building oh you can see

What they are no I’m not I’m saying the building might be flight but uh okay I doubt it yeah the way they give us no it’s never get past this last top is the the best one on building Oh get away with using XP and anvils Oh slash top

Slash talk kind of helps but well I guess it doesn’t help for money because you can just do that anyway almost accidentally click on craft anywhere okay so I don’t think the buildings right let’s do prospector here resources have a ten percent chance of doubling I

Think that’s sick dude oh so I mean you switch out a call let’s go we forgot one second besides freaking out chat okay one second yeah all right over here we keep forgetting to switch over there by the way the reason we enter on our

Own calls to no one like bombs our intro and then that way we can uh we can start properly by the way thanks for all this stuff you guys are [ __ ] crazy I really do appreciate it we have hit our highest sub count ever and you guys are

Hooking it up resources I would double I need a 10 percent chance of doubling which i think is fantastic instantly smelt yours 30% mining XP free anvils okay let’s take a look real quick and what some of these other ones would be combatant 10% chance of passively dodging attacks all your potions last

Two times longer player head drops all that be sick dude just to make a collection of all the people you kill lose 50 percent less food I mean dude that sounds perfect for the man who always forgets to eat let’s go okay y’all I’m trying to do my [ __ ] discord

Okay what is up my dude yeah what’s up man how you doing bro you in the market I’m sorry touch bro I this is this is good for me and you all see that much okay alright so well I may have gotten a late birthday present from

The admins what like this not be like 50 things of cake in my building what and buy a dad I mean like that’s a lot of food and and you need silk touch to get it and I think they want we’re gonna do a birthday party but I felt like we

Could you know maybe I don’t know save some of it okay so we’re gonna still touch the cakes up is what you’re thinking yeah right we are okay okay party um so yeah if you want to borrow that too so come up I’m gonna head over to our place and we’ll

Do a little drop-off yeah yeah I’m come wait also we didn’t have any skill talk inside weren’t we supposed to have to go tokens today I think they haven’t done it yeah until more people are on yeah okay gotcha I’m not sure let me head over there I should just get a boat

Honestly how many chickens just man everyone’s got so many chickens I’ve got like 16 I just started today dad let’s go grab some journal likes first so we had them I think yeah is there any ready oh yeah no we need to get seaweed do any

That uh yes yours for that then we can know if we can make that happen it sounds kind of sound like a sketchy drug deal we’re gonna back though you can only see it on the weekends okay on the weekends I’ll take it I guess let me go

See if it works we did I set my home I think it yes oh what a match I was saying you can’t do it on cakes but I mean not everyone’s a Minecraft expert so they might be wrong but they also might be right

Yeah we’ll see I mean I guess if if you can’t use self touch then there’s no way to get cake if you’ve dropped it which doesn’t make sense to me so can I just say happy birthday to you am i doing hey you thank you man it definitely doesn’t work so I’m gonna

Bring that back no you’re more than welcome to come RA yeah you’re gonna need to get it off your floor anyway so have to eat it soon oh how weird wait what is it working now no no the pickaxe is gone from my inventory well you owe

Us $15,000 we just got scammed side [Laughter] Valerius yeah I started my stream and I tab in and I just cake everywhere I’m what they want me to have a birthday party apparently I think they’re making eggs right now sweetie oh they’re making eggs right now sweet

All right so we’ll get our our wonderful pic back and we’ll put some I’ll look at them swimming over with the goods the birthday boy up you went under is that Jesus make a beacon we know that oh we don’t care about the we’re getting rid of it eventually 455 feathers Luton oh

Well by the way your place is repass circus right is that where you’re living yeah yeah okay yeah I was pretty sure that was you but I wasn’t sure yeah I need to make a sign I guess don’t sweet o egg season lots of eggs Afghan I’m do

Want to come step on some eggs bruh I know that’s yeah come over here man it’s very satisfying good this is happen in real life the turtles just start lifting up the sand on top of eggs it doesn’t get up there and do it my first time do it peer pressure

Do it again it doesn’t always work yes it does we have Turtles let’s go I’ll never look at my feet the same again would you like a turtle egg Dini a turtle’s uni I don’t have you I don’t have any turtle there you go I want that back though birthday

Boy doesn’t get max no the turtles everyone’s calling them red G because you had the skin our friend has just in the red version oh really yeah yeah the red more here okay yeah we’re about to be turtle buddies this one I made your own acts like I

Have seven so that’s probably enough dude well scrap ten just to do it turtleman will smash the rest watch this B there’s two more over here I think you should have a minute no if we just messin gonna grab right in front of the mother yeah look at them they’re they’re

Mating in the sand but this is like a little beautiful yeah just a Nat Geo from a distance like yeah alright so we need some sand and then we need some dirt underneath it what kind of cake the jammies today Fenna ah Oreo ice cream cake oh that’s are you okay can

Cheesecake is always awesome you cannot go wrong with that stuff oh good so good kind of jelly brother okay I’m getting invited to the wedding you don’t know what a birthday party this is that the worst part is I was I was in California oh it’s even worse at least invited me

Not side but you could have got it fair to be fair there’s a chest in the middle the water here ah to be fair I um I was that my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary oh I drove out to see them for that it just happen to land on my birthday so I

Might have been appropriate to bring your boys there so who are these uh is this what you’re supposed to do side oh I just smashed one is this this does that make sense yet no maybe now we lead them over do we have a lead or something

No we don’t need they’re just gonna hatch yourself oh but they’re gonna stay here yeah wherever they hatches were they they always come back to so we’ve hurdles forever I think probably could have stacked it oh and you can do it doesn’t matter I think it

Might be a nicer looking if you stack them instead of having these like a 1 John’s gotcha 1 John yeah just make some mysterious ways and I need the cuffs I got the contract to you so I just want to see how send it via email so they

Know which country you’re talking about seventy six dollars but I promise you by the end of the day you might even get your five thousand dollars which isn’t even due till tomorrow so like we’re good yeah no reason for cuz we’re just checking in are just checking in have any six dollars and

Then let’s check how much side has well 323 maybe we should collect that are a lot of money yes to dance and dark oak logs so okay maybe I’m making an advert in jail and we’ve also bought a lot of dirt but you know it’s yeah under the

Lady question the smoke tokens are not given out yet right they’re not yet yes I was kind of waiting for a couple more people to come on I think we’ve reached a decent amount so we should be doing them like probably after we have a chat

With you guys yes okay just want to make sure we weren’t missing anything yeah did you you guys to find herobrine oh yeah we did we did okay then I have to reward you guys let’s see trophy all right Vlad min0 blinds did some laughing on the chat and no longer Batman’s yeah

Skin one trophy you can start your trophy room on the server we’ll be giving out diamonds for special rewards Hogg this is a special oh okay so we could go we wanted to but this is just for for decoration most likely yeah centrally yes I mean you could totally use it to

Craft something but but this one means something to me you know yeah yeah that’s what I wanted to be here we whatever here sweetie like then it doesn’t show name tags on the thing oh yeah what yes lemon in there side well you you have it oh okay I thought we

Both got one with it yeah sweet Brian third diamond be a little decorative little guy right there yeah three guys ins widget you were just a third ones too to give it out to you first was irk second we gave to char and the third one to give to you I’m not

Sure let’s go actually little MC top action top one for you best player in the server skill look at it more yeah we might be poor but we got skills and that’s all that matters okay well we’re gonna go leave and we’re gonna go make some money and hopefully pay you guys

Back that’s gonna be the player that should be hopefully everything goes to plan alright so we need to work on a money-making venture so let’s get a spawn real quick side spawn spawn spawn and let’s uh let’s go look at what we can turn in for money to get the most

Appropriate yield we think we found something chat but we’re not sure so go over to the miner first side and you can deduce that in our thinking yeah yeah of course now that’s our wonderful amazing absolutely awesome viewers thank you so much for watching us play Minecraft and

Watching us to play in general we love you guys thank you for stopping by our streams and watching our videos on YouTube YouTube being you guys are awesome you guys are great we love you okay just it’s so true sighs it’s such a fantastic community we have here and we

Want to thank you guys for making us a part of your day especially since we’re doing this daily series side look at this diamond sell for 200 we’re not gonna do that we want to keep our diamonds good for graphic gold from 40 we could probably get rid of some gold

Iron for 25 right so three iron would sell for $75 but sighs look at this oh we come over here and this is something you thought of so I don’t know why I’m showing it to you but I’m showing it to the viewers I suppose milky bucket sells for $200

Which is $75 of iron and then we’re essentially turning it to a hundred and twenty five dollars for a milk self so we turn all of our money um is this the sell price of the buy price oh [ __ ] upset can you sell these oh you can’t

Even sell himself oh [ __ ] we [ __ ] up okay we have to get money yeah all right we we had a really great idea but it’s okay Maggie Evans probably redstone plenty of you block but that seems like not on your block for redstone is absolutely probably the only yeah oh I

Thought we were just gonna sell cow juice all day side yeah oh I thought we were just gonna sell cow juice we can Lincoln sells cute but that’s still I mean should we just so all of our gold do any $5,000 quick before it starts compounding side oh okay should we just

Not make money today we can we can sell scoot do you know how to make skewed we just need turtles we could I think you kill baby turtles to get skewed is that right just drop offense the turtles in they drops to you as soon as they grow

Into adults oh okay so we have to kill the baby once it’s turtle time there’s no way that’s turtle come did we need to get some money block of redstone might be a good strat cuz we’re not gonna use it redstone so easy to get more of anyway

Yeah all look for and that’s the diamonds might be our best way man we just sell enough to get 5,000 and then you give it to them oh let’s do a little bow talk real quick dude we could totally harass Kenny is Kenny on the server it’s that we shouldn’t have to

Make money where’s Kenny yet is Kenny on right now he’s not right um I do not see him walk we need Kenny side here’s what I say we do we tell Kenny we need $5,000 by tomorrow okay and obviously know we have a back-up plan and yeah and even if you can’t get

A full five thousand we can just um I know poor people guys what will make him do the work since he owes us what will make Kenny get $5,000 for us or like two thousand five hundred and then we can win in conservation the Kenny in South

Park is also yeah Kenny’s for just like South Park did oh yeah yeah so [ __ ] two hundred iron equals five thousand dollars we have that what may 25 diamonds is five thousand is that correct that’s a chat saying well yeah isn’t that big of a deal bro

Especially a fortune that’s not let’s do that tomorrow we will exactly here’s the thing we we have the Diamonds of backup but we try to get Kenny to do it for us yes like yeah we just make Kenny do all of our bidding for us that’s perfect I

Love that strategy people are saying do it do coal but full it’s the only sounds like 30 so that one or one whatever I guess we could we have a lot of backups but I don’t want to selling our stuff we don’t have to you know I mean like you

Dude why would we 25 diamonds is five K then we could do some bills that I’ve got set up and only fans have in it yeah oh that’s brilliant it we set up an only fans on the server we sell feet pick side and then we get that bag King

Oh this is gonna be perfect so a question oh do you guys have like a ridiculous amount of weed seeds by chance can i buy and like a stack oh you can it’s your birthday we’re not trying to make money today are you can is your birthday bro right and you’re like hey

It’s my birthday give me stuff we don’t even need money man it’s your birthday well I mean I don’t have money so I wasn’t gonna use that alright cool cuz I just need I just I have we used all of our wheat seeds and all that to make bone meal oh because

I’m making my building out of white concrete oh hello don’t kill me thank you hot house oh you okay I’m good um tell me over if you just go to our house man you’ll you’ll see our chests like our sea chests whatever and then just take

As much as you want bro so thanks man I appreciate it Gibby it’sit’s too small or something you know to charge anything for so and you know like the diamonds in Suffern cool – yeah uh you know ask first only take appreciated of course him oh you know when the

Birthday party started so you could just eat literally as much Pikachu sounds good that’s our boy Phantom ace we did some idiots to him in the past it you might have seen them um chaps mad at me sighs I’m like yeah we don’t need money we’re not gonna charge birthday boy

First seeds Chad Chad Reese’s if I had ten seeds I give him a nine of them who cares why Lynch it okay um I’m doing this right right like I’m kind of oh yeah yeah we just need a little birch um for maybe a little design on the walls

Here so we should be good on that I’m gonna start um I’m sure people when I’m thinking for the storage room so I don’t if you want to slash home and take a look at what we’re looking down here you’re also part of the process storage rooms gonna be pretty uh pretty

Ambitious side not the most ambitious but this gonna be pretty large we got this sectioned off down here the pillars are in place as you guys can see we’re gonna be entering down through the middle console in the base and there’s gonna be arched doorways to four

Separate rooms that are each gonna have a utility purpose this one of course being the storage room so I’d you guys do that with your special voice you know like a little echoey voice you know Da’Ville storage rooms perfect – aside we’ll just I’ll make it right in black

Theme like you know just like a storage room yeah that’s pretty good side really oh that’s good let me not talk over it oh yeah um so yeah we’re gonna have just an absolute arse load of chests over here it’s gonna be fantastic so um let

Me get that position side and then we’ll start placing them in and take a look at it but we’re not gonna spend all day on this I’m just gonna show people what I’m funkin and then they can give some feedback on it don’t get rid of the back

Lot just the front line sorry I should’ve told you yeah just that front line that this needs to be switched over to birch side with speedy bridge is so ugly not after I slap it sell cigars for 5k old on sight I gotta go make a deal with the admins

Mr. Saunders my assistant and my wonderful friend could I have three more birches over here thank you sir yes I’ll let you do the slapping you’re not familiar with this version of Minecraft if you right-click logs you strip them do you make them get it and this is what

They look like in the meet oh look at that bite arms look at it oh it’s beautiful it’s Mirren beautiful inside I think we might want to go a little spruce buddy over here did sell some turtle eggs are people in the market for turtle eggs for

Setting up some scute farms sweet fool most defense our turtles in so I need can I get you sir by the way I need a honey food yeah yeah oh yeah go deal with the good ear with a crop side akr our animals hey they need some working

They need some work ins I need seeds honey to wheat okay I’ll do that do a little bit of that by the way guys thank you so much for all the twitch prime subs and everything um it’s really appreciated and thanks for supporting streamer man and streamer person

Sidearms and speedy do i what am I trying to do here I should bring a crafting table over to my work section you can if everyone the breeding process oh yeah let me let me show that off real quick cuz it’s incredibly slow now for breeding um I don’t even know if we

Should really even talk to touch this chicken thing dude after like yeah like not not gonna fool into it cuz this is weird now man and you have to like slowly you can’t just like breed them all at once yes friendly if we make a cat this

Warm speedy we’ll make a bunch of money cactus farm practice problem yeah here I’m gonna drop either wheat so then you can show people how to feed yeah let me show for yeah yeah I go check out the cactus cuz we could make that happen there’s a desert we can go get some

Cactus at today yeah look how slow this is chat like I’m holding down the click but like spamming click and it’s going this slow so like breeding your animals is in the process has been slowed is the word I think I’m looking for slowed is a word

You can use the root itself for cactus for five dollars I’ll be more cactus for five dollars that sounds just absolutely are that sounds horse [ __ ] right I’m not I’m not thinking that’s the definition of horse [ __ ] to Bayside I could be wrong I’ll be real you know put hoppers

In the her legs and fencing bags oh I guess the process wasn’t too slow but it’s waist lower than what it should be here’s your weight backs and your side arms if you want to finish the job but I got mad and quit 88 beanie

Me three more he’s got a point and it’s free income oh this one can be exactly what I have right now what United make a cactus one yeah you just put sand down and put cactus on top oh okay he has an auto one so yeah you could probably just

Do what’s it called thingies the way that uh like this observers would you be able to make an observer cactus farm Chad I would assume so right like like the same thing I already have but with cactus yeah I would think that would work but I’m also not a Minecraft expert

Side I could I could even take away the call farm for now and make any cactus farm do you think so yeah oh why wouldn’t you just remove the the kelp um I mean if that would work that we might want to do that just put a block next to

Where the cactus would grow oh wow so it’s easier than that sounds really simple so difference this cactus can’t be next to each other oh okay I’m gonna murder some cow speedy means oh my god they’re all together so I can’t not kill the babies you just need a fence what do

I need a fence for look around spawn for anymore secrets the problem is they’re so hidden that I don’t want to like spend my playtime today looking for secrets at spawn and then finding out that we made a goop ski and there’s nothing there you know I’m saying yeah that’s kind of crazy

Give me one seconds in your side arms I got to thank the wonderful people for supporting streamer man yes yes Stoney baloney thanks for the 10,000 biddies you screw holy [ __ ] that is so kind of you holy [ __ ] um can we get some hearts in Schaffer Stoney hooking it up with a ten

Thousand bidi Bom Jesus and then once again thanks for all the subs and everything guys we uh we actually are at our highest sub town ever which is absolutely nucking futs I didn’t think we’d ever get there again after the Sabbath on and you guys are hooking it the absolute [ __ ] up

So thank you for that guys I really do appreciate that and I hope you guys are enjoying a wonderful minecraft experience if you’re watching on YouTube hit that like button and thanks for supporting streamer man oh that’s a luck dude that is a look we could even birch over the top

Oh it’s a look dude okay give me a second let me [ __ ] [ __ ] me mate now once again Stoney baloney that’s so kind of you man I really do appreciate that thanks for the big boy don’t know and then once again I’ll thank all the subs

At the end of the stream so sorry if I missed anyone of course I know I did bad arms hey you wanna come just want to turn the feathers man it’s your turn to be there oh no sigh it’s not a turn-based thing side I leave everything

In life up to a coin so I don’t flip that coin I will be heads I will be [ __ ] you be tails said okay flip a coin pick your you know your [ __ ] uh yes okay oh yeah well sweet if you want to bring me the feathers and I also need

That extra perch oh no I’m good on birch we are gonna verge in this one me you Anna the owner don’t people mean they’re bad but which brand oh that’s a magical thing sigh yes and we do appreciate every one that hooks up streamer man and streamer person

With such crime subs of I was talking about this the other day at the end of my stream but we really get punished on YouTube for swearing in our videos it is bad so if anyone has a twitch prime sub it’s a way to support streamer persons

For free so we would really appreciate that how often you think he looks on here pretty often man I do read the chat side him over here I was wrong why do what I do I’m a knight thinking yet sad side remember the old days of YouTube

Where you could swear freely we need to stop giving power to words like [ __ ] dude – [ __ ] a bad word I don’t get it yeah we we aren’t about a changed yeah I’m not about to say fricking hackin just to make a few more dollars on

YouTube that is not me man yeah if you ever hear us saying frickin hacking it is ironic oh my god yeah so you don’t you know we’re not asking anyone to like you know pay for anything guys of course but like if you have twitch Prime you

And you’re not using it obviously we’d love it so it’s free for you you know you already have em at some time oh oh let me [ __ ] you up thanks for the pogs I I usually call girly but you know okay I have a bunch

Of beef and I have a bunch of Red Team you got some big brief smokers Manson a smoker squad oh yeah smoker clown scar clown car squad needs to shut the [ __ ] up so let’s make some smokers real quick side cuz they that’s a very very clown

Car squad type of people and you want to throw the the food in there side for the smoker it doesn’t it just goes faster you still use just as much fuel everybody but here’s five smoker sites a clown car smoker squad can shut the [ __ ] up finally you’ll put these right here

Sweet there we go I know you guys love yourself some smokers even though you literally hardly know her I’m also sad let’s stop an enchanting table today so that we don’t have to run over to Skippy’s anymore okay sometimes I feel like we’re scatterbrained [ __ ] I know there is been

There really is Oh what’s the wood I can get away I really need all this dark oak everybody that’s why I’m not hopping into it I think spruce should be a utility would just because we can just plant those massive spruce trees so let’s turn all this spruce into juice

And then we will take this much paper as we can holy [ __ ] twitch prime subs also guys make sure you don’t just use prime sub one oh my god sure you spread them to solder and speeding it was it Stoney baloney that’s a fantastic name dude that’s Bobby Bologna’s brilliant Tommy

Salami brothers Tommy salami is brother bro oh I can see the resemblance you really can see it it’s mostly held in his eyes all this storage rooms gonna be poppin dude let’s go what else do we need Oh cheese I’m trying too much at once then we’re getting a little full here

Let me let me put some stuff away out of it interim time we can throw that in there I’ll get it don’t worry Chet I will get it that stripped of birch is hot thank you for understanding the vision the strip birch is hot it’s a fantastic wood birch on itself sucks ass

That rate their incredible floor incredible everything it looks so you need even compost raw chicken dude God calm coast stop ghost he said calm Coast chat to do your compost I don’t know if I did I might have mumbled here at inside what are we trying to compost compost raw chickens

We can hook the chicken people are saying [ __ ] was here hopefully soon he’s just been sitting there all day so it’s kind of crazy stuff he doesn’t know okay um I need to make okay okay do I need should I cook okay I have almost four

Stacks I have three and a half stacks of raw chicken do I cook it or no cuz think is just better anyway slam it so I chickens good food I would slam that okay all slamming in one of the regular finishes in yes slam that [ __ ] Billy

I’m crafting really weird today how many bookshelves do you need for a full thingamabob I have 19 well slam it over here for the interim time being yeah oh let me grab the enchanter buddy I need 15 [ __ ] yeah we got extra which is good because we are

Gonna need a ton of books for the enchanting room which will be the best entertaining room I have ever built Jace thanks for the episodes man I’m very biased but I think you you Killebrew will just lose be real here and anyone do better than scares me

I think not oh my god outside is just building me up today guys this is fantastic will slam you right here for now and then we’ll do a little bit of this side oh I didn’t need that in the corner nose always oh if anyone’s hungry

I have so much cake by my base go to spawn head left after the bridge towards balloons oh four cakes anything oh yeah I think that’s a full level enchant book thing right is am I correct here you would know best so good luck um it’s not

Attainable level 30 we’re good if you miss clicks imma besides that will just make it oh are you gonna this eventually um oh yeah this won’t be the enchanting room I’m we’re throwing everything over here sign is just beautiful just [ __ ] stuff the enchanting room is

Most likely gonna be in this one we’re gonna keep these two empty as we work on them then we’ll move all the [ __ ] into these and then we’ll make these two rooms into something awesome and then meanwhile we’ll be building the base at the same time side this is about to be a

Minecraft experience bro grab yourself some stank man just a touch buddy yeah I’m just gonna soak touch these they’re pissing off the OCD squad I will come grab some steak side thanks for being part of the smoker squad and now side we also need to make

A new tool so let me go grab some smooth stone after I need three of these buddies we’re gonna turn these into a slab I’m gonna put the slab up here after grabbing some sticks hey Dee for appreciation day make sure you go say hi

To D for on Twitter unless he’s in the chats cuz it is Appreciation Day that’s not a real day outside I made a grinder even though we hardly know we’re not real real little disenchant sign will read disenchant for the boys listen Shanna oh yeah wait boo oh yeah

Let me let me show you this men come here the one piece of coal come come on get this Prentice any other chance ok let me just touch this OCD squaddies yes they really are which one I don’t know which one you’re pointing outside no this one

Right here the one call yeah apparently if you put a almost broken tool into one of these yeah it’ll it will give you some of the materials back so I’m just gonna see if it works we’ll probably get what like iron droplets for whatever those are called

Iron ingots yeah low iron nugget nugget what’s the word I was looking for people are saying like this is like really useful do you do what the hell doesn’t mean it’s been nothing but red tea hey we need those for what’s it called the lanterns that we’re gonna be using side

The lanterns look good it needs to be said you you need iron nuggets from relentless yeah eight of those around a torch and you got yourselves to treat their side treat yes sir Lucas will be coming with me oh my god my inventory is a master eight here and

Then we’ll put Lucas books extra stuff like that over here side anything that’s a and then we might even want to make a full set of iron arm a diamond armor and put it in there in case you want to do some a chance like that and we’re

Getting set up today guys we really are weights meeting yeah brother repair in this enchanter is it it doesn’t give me them can’t it just a girl so you put something that’s enchanted in there that you don’t like I obviously get down of anything for an experience to show it

Off right now you put it in there and take it back and I think you get some levels back from it oh really yes okay I’ll try so Kenny Powers out so I don’t think we can get Union oh yeah I didn’t well you ever see

One skill token home a song spawn I don’t think we’re gonna mind you today and I think we’re doing minding once but we’ll grab it anyways so I don’t I wrote home instead of spawn now chats fun of me going dude everyone’s just coming over here

Okay which one is it best one you think we probably want mining and then we probably wanted resources have 10% chance of doubling he didn’t know you understand less food is a good one like a lot of these are yeah I think this is the best one right here dude yeah what

Are you guys going oh you scared yeah I think we’re done prospector 10% double double drops what do you think I was thinking a pioneer myself prospector okay the food one you’re thinking to start with linking the food one for the swiftness in the homes and your ball

Ones pretty cool passages one yeah but you know what I you we don’t have to just say pass side you do this one and then I’ll do uh everyone oh my god so I think many people right now all day Surely you can triple I’ve been jumping distance now boys kreygasm i really like your boy speed yeah scary buddy they don’t even know that’s your favorite you have a normal voice you just have a fake stream voice you know what I mean that’s the long scale tree buddy

Oh Minnie’s getting jumped I could’ve cleared three I think I’m going pioneer I’m doing this later I know it but we’ve done it already okay was I saying a callback I don’t know what people are doing on frenzy and right now I know yeah you wanna go visit

Kara’s house to one of these well let’s go take a look at that let me uh let me slam some some chests downside and we’ll go do a little tour man look at I have I’m gonna drop you half a food okay okay really messed up on this craft I’m not

22 right there bro beans oh I need to do the floor of this first before I’m gonna I’m gonna make you something special okay man okay so just gonna I’m gonna build over here so do not be we can even get pod sol now with the silk touch

Let’s go this is so annoying that we only have a one thick thing of dirt here for building purposes ya know when you need your little toes back by the way oh you’re good to just keep that for now say yeah I live by the theory of what’s

Mine is yours side and what’s ours there’s been I got a surprise me yeah what’s it gonna be say come come here breath slaves okay I made you a chair fit for a king dude you can Center it with the belt that’s that’s gonna hurt

Side it you know it’d be funny can you uh rotate it so like it’s a credit card situation if you know what I mean give her credit cards on one side oh yes yeah you should credit card that I think that’d be better come on

Yeah hold up I got it here come come look like this yeah yeah yeah that’s very excited that’s what we need right there look well slightly credit action we did leave this in our house because I think when people come all best friends Club Jesus sorry I kid so you

She’s like smacking your mic today yeah well something I heard like some weird noise sorry oh yeah we should leave this in our house and ever like we finally make it so then people can come take a seat people come in whenever people come it’s like wow yeah you need any more

Birds more oh yeah we’ll probably need a ton of birch and that spruce is definitely gonna be needed I think I was saying earlier spruce will be our utility one side we should build the Turtles all the titles ready side we need to fence those in and turn them into skewed

I want to see okay so a couple of them already hatched okay okay I’m gonna I’m gonna give you that make some fence post I [ __ ] hate these chests bro I really hate making offensive there really no I did it again oh I’m actually so why do

People watch me side I could oh oh [ __ ] offside thing what’s wrong what’s wrong bro you okay I put the wrong thing down I could never watch this dispensers in there oh really oh geez all this is gonna take this this is gonna take a sauna would okay we

Might need to work on the top of that that’s kind of ugly but it’s probably fine oh this gonna be a big boy storage room he’s iron bar I don’t use barrels cuz you can’t do double barrels and then it’s just stupid I hated barrels in Minecraft Monday with the crew oh it’s

Raining this is her first rainfall on the server yes what okay yeah we need to probably get a bunch of those spruce trees I might just so this is what its gonna look like so we’re gonna have like are stored and it’s actually smaller than thought it was gonna be still

That’s a lot of chest will be good for now so this is gonna be like our double storage room over here these are gonna be facing this direction obviously and then we’ll have like a smelting section here in a smelting section here middle console maybe if it’s not too crowded

And we’ll be good with a cool floor pattern some lanterns hanging from the ceiling it is about to be a bomb it’s gonna be [ __ ] awesome oh you want to go do a little quick servitor side maybe the rainy times is a bad time to do it

Cuz things might not look as nice a little bit rainy but we can give it a shot anyway so what are you doing glass side I’m gonna trap in the turtles man oh yeah here’s just half the just half this thing okay I don’t know if this

Will be enough but we need to basically solely view the tiny one right here it is so cute look at this oh my god I just want to pick it up and punt it side it’s so cute I really want to smack it with an axe but I feel like I wouldn’t feel

Bad hitting this high just one wouldn’t hurt I don’t I don’t think that’d be too big I think I think I think okay no we can keep it the way it is that’s fine okay okay so how exactly sigh what are we doing you can work on

That but I mean Jesus but he’s getting wet side oh my god to give him a little tempering of Harris old okay we’re good I know that’s actually incredible for us okay thank you Jim for letting me know we need to save them Pete what is that my did something look to

Your West your East where’s the sunrise where’s the sunflowers face I’m lost I think I’ve lost speed West we are you water things we get I’m not the water thing and so I’m in the water I’m not in the skies how should we displace it in this

Way can we face my house house I couldn’t let you do it to me I’m sorry what oh my god what oh my god what are you doing it what that’s not even 5br once you’re still are you okay Pete’s gone and honestly I’m glad he left side

Cause I can’t take any more embarrassment yeah your local neighborhood taking handouts you guys are killing it they say I need like everything you have oh we are on top of things what you need today Vic we got your sword for them pesky feathers okay we might have a looting

Sword for borrowing we get to see it on the weekends of course but uh I’ll give you I’ll pay commission I’ll pay like okay like some commission on the feathers you know have you guys been like submitting feathers yet yeah we she’s in the little bird

Okay do I need to go grab my stay inside by the way oh they can swim out y’all grab some sand so a little PSA for fishing as well I’m its now’s a good time to fish by the way because it’s raining oh yeah you got a fish coming

50% faster oh that’s why chest telling us the fish I was like show he goes fishing in all those new minecraft use you have to sit in a boat and get more fish but that isn’t the case in 1.14 and another pro tip lack of the sea doesn’t

Work because m2m o fishing has its entirely unique loot table o fact it’s oh yeah so it maybe made this beautiful fishing rod but it doesn’t really does Laura matter or just lore does yeah increases number of bodies so we need to get life I love a free fishing rod life if you

Guys can make alteration of worth for any point they’ll be cool sounds good we can make that effort I mean two times you know I have it so I’ll get it the next time I okay and it’s a $5,000 in in-game cash to rent our sword by the

Way we’re in debt to the AB – bow check / bow see $68 speedy I think I messed up somehow it’s not it’s not think we really need money we’re in debt to the admins by like five thousand yeah so we need to compute we paid for an MPC buddy

One of our friends to join us in the server he’s not really there but he’s there oh he’s the book guy by your Cal promise yes yes so yeah we need some money so how do we how we turn little baby turtles in this cube do we just hit

Him with an axe um no it’s when they grow up into big towels but I’ve never managed to see that happen like they always do it when I’m my offline okay like that troll because we still touch them turtle eggs and brought them over here also we do silk touch rentals for

5,000 but dollar side is someone’s really been to me giving you a dollar man I thought I’d make him happy okay thank you $69 feed them seagrass do we need to feed them seagrass a little baby I’m sorry um I can lend you some iron that you

Could salad you want to hustle a little cash oh we probably can scrounge up the money Oh God the overseers are here we don’t even know we have you know yeah you want to know something really satisfying the noise of when you step on turtle oh no it’s really satisfying it’s

A really satisfying noise somebody told you I’d we made a deal with the devil’s stop this one won’t go it’s my last fish fix order did we uh we miss you do deliveries for uh for $20 we really need money no how much is iron cellphone 25 P

25 good I’ll give you guys 20 iron that you can sell for 500 could we wait because I got too much iron I heard another one stunk did you ever sell we should apparently did you let me see the baby’s things getting crazy over here Vic a little

Anvil droppage side you want to deliver the goods deliver the good side I think you’re holding it no I I’m gonna leave you guys to it have fun all right never do yeah I’m not sure Transaction gotten there we go thank you SAS also as a fax for why I borrowed although we appreciate you doing we appreciate it so much we’re gonna be rich I borrowed something alright scoots me you got some scute oh yes so whatever that’s cute you’re good sorry that’s cute

No let’s get up so this one’s hurting you a big turtle is that what happened yeah yeah and then they dropped that shell oh so it’s like a snake skin yeah well we thought it was something else okay that’s pretty cool we thought it was turtle cheese Achtung oh yeah oh is

That that uh oh oh that’s tacky I forgot it was named that sorry yeah we actually dropped the sparkles earlier and we felt really bad about it so we felt yeah well we’ll have to rename that side that we can’t have that that that’s the idea was

Well you know to kill sparkles and then it’ll say sparkles was slain by something as beauty everything we do revolves around sparkles so I really want to kill someone like you want to get sparkles like eliminated like to see you learn today I really want to like he

Scammed us on account transaction no we want him dead oh yeah two diamonds or two counts compel one dad okay all right cool it’s not an official contract I’ll take it so you’re killing me horrible chin guys don’t don’t Lib okay don’t fib no some we just

Want us to get things spa we’re just here to have a good time you know what Gary has I’m and I think you owe him a lot so you gotta be careful because you’re literally and you mess with sparkles you mess with your own probably because they’re there they’re attached they ya

Know for sure and I know they have a lot of XP and a lot of crazy farms they might have like max P for gear so yeah I might have to get on my own I will say okay preciate been trying to have our back men always even after the whole

Sidearms Vick to buckle so this is this is incredible we met up didn’t yesterday you guys are totally friends e01 tnt cannon Xiaohua very true we remember the Cold War how’s the Minecraft season season five why can’t you remember remember when TNT cannon pointed at my house and they kidnap my

Village yeah oh there might have been season 3 right that sounds like a lie you thankful for season four oh yeah was yes forward wild we’re getting sea grass to feed the Turtles super fun we can feed them and then it can wait like my Turtles like I saw one baby towel and

Then I was like watching him and they then drop the scoop my eggs just never had a few Michelle’s you ever had time to come to our house again I can do to return sword once I kill some chickens okay we have something to show you when

You’re here sir okay I don’t even know what it is Vic so tread lightly yeah it’s the thing I made this video oh what’d you make oh yeah yeah yeah we do installations and a furniture business oh well I saw the sign that says says like emails and oh no that was

An admin for now as part of our contract whenever we owe them $5,000 as of August 19th and 500 more every day afterwards what’s the difference steeping trust tune three pancakes you’ve ever need to borrow Oh Vic we had three at one point no I know a rich people not really

Report oh my goodness I have so much loot I have more feathers than I can hold right now your journey seems pretty ladies I’m gonna rain McGee Batman okay I need to concentrate on what I’m doing I have more food than I know what to do with okay let’s throw all the chickens

In here holy feathers Batman I did not expect this oh what a sweetie impressive right sighs biggest storage room on a server unless someone else a bigger one all about the scale yeah that’s if you couldn’t tell we’re going for skin size is important I can return

This sword in a momenta um I have like so much chicken how much feathers it’s like 500 love that me oh really chicken rice you know an easy way to feed stuff now now that it’s like this no just you need to get like four stacks and you hold down right so can

You like go forward and backwards between the stacks okay when the stacks of chickens or what yeah they’re like the mob stacks yeah like because I should cool down on each mob stack y’all this ravaging really the Empire’s be the Jedi did I’m not gonna say chicken as a

Dick and in vick’s episode one Jerome has one trap whoo nice let’s go here’s a baby rabitor 700 team should take over the cosmic sky and then it’s lifestyle on that right yeah got a mad dough for that all right I’m coming over to return the

Sword okay meet us at the house as well oh my goodness rolled what I’m actually impressed okay so a cow escaped the cow pen somehow and walked into my house and I was like this is king Mulia in the second he’s a king he wants her house

And I’ll leave him in the house it’s still in the house when I Mack tomorrow no name him oh well yeah I’ll trap him in there now he’ll be the heir of the house he then left the house very rudely and just walked off so I was

Like screw you he’s now jumped into the llama pen with Larry the llama I don’t know how he’s how he’s achieved back Larry in Troy the llamas let’s go can we bring you another one in you name it Troy yeah the cow or the cowboy now he

Doesn’t know that’s a good point that’s me I think that cows in the pits right you have a cow is Troy is that today like you knew it straightaway yeah yeah okay torture interrogation room put the sheep with the end rods down there wait [Applause] the horse dungeon oh I’m about to show

You a video on Twitter later of what we can do so some sheep and some end rods later it’s it might be too much for the server oh no I did the thing again where I titled my episode something and then 50 minutes and I’ll forgotten to do that

Did nothing that’s true so I forgot we named that sub decay where sweetie that’s so tacky they handled it well but that’s so tacky um okay by the way the people that don’t know us I did you retweet the the thing for the cheaper I liked it I liked it

Which is weird I not twitch Twitter’s weird now and you’d like a tweet ask the chance of also being shown to everyone it’s so weird the algorithms for Twitter now but yeah I think we both liked it and it got some STIs but it is it is quite the thing bro

What do we do speedy as far as the turtles can still escape I think this is like the gaps in the glass I’ve been maybe once might be able to escape like walking but blocks underneath those left West bands maybe yeah if you just want to put some

Dirt underneath that area um so they just can’t escape and have the dirt come out there cuz that that farm is kind of temporary I don’t think we’ll have that there forever yeah oh it’s game trap talking to us what’s going on 15 you go son anyone have a looting sword and winning

Three a few thank you chat do I always forget to look at the game chat man dude or handsome oh yeah we got it we got twitch chat we got game chef we got hanging out with big star we got ciders and speedy ooh fun kid bars hello my

What up I did Red Team Red Team my team called p.m. Vika deafened person just doesn’t joined us yet yes Maya burrows said sword yes sir I’m sorry you bite into some chick in the house we do deliveries too if you want us to bring it over to your place

Yeah we do that we don’t have the drones yet the wheel we make it work we make it worry if you wanted to live red by all means I am big Saints on a boat to the left oh you’re acting like I don’t know where you live

I sold some wheat one time and I think it has a good time I figured it’d be cool cuz team red you know I okay I took some but then i replant it of course okay it’s fine yeah one sec I’m getting some ski too dude some turtle juice from

Our Turtles I can’t yet I can’t like it’s so tacky we we don’t know what’s cute is make fellas we’re gonna ignore what they said yeah but no I’m already delivering son okay I’m in the drone right now we even have the drum yet I’m the drone

Sorry big was fishing I was simulating a fish for him yeah I have $1,700 now with this it’s pretty good sensors flying around over those is that you have to like when a baby turtle turns a big girl I guess they shed their shells Pacific was what

They called this so they drop skewed and we can sell it for 350 apiece she trying to get out from the balance leaderboards all right well we need to lean to pay the admins back they were in debt for $5,000 unfortunately well they spawned in a character for it’s like one of our

Friends Mike Hopkins oh yeah so you know instead of just doing it for free you know you just owe us $5,000 in the future by the way that’s stuck in the pen with you you know I’m joking that’s for free dude red squad has the hook-up

You know what I mean we got each other’s back dude pick up so that’s it back oh just just look right back put it like come to our house you know where we are and just throw it in that chest with the diamond or just throw it somewhere we’ll

Find it okay I’ll see what I can do appreciate it man all right well I’ll get back to mine sounds good good time yeah I’m ready joint cannonball let’s go yes I’m Oliver yeah you didn’t have a polar bear why I just glanced over that like it was nothing this dude got a

Polar bear well they put balloons on top do we need to have a birthday side what’s it’s gonna be awhile from ah yeah it’s not gonna yeah it’s gonna be like a 300 episode series if we’re gonna make my birthday yeah that’s not happening um okay

[ __ ] let me replant these real quick uh how’s the turtling going aside you get any more scoot buddies did $700 right there in skewed Plus victims 500 an iron oh no if you saw that also we just say Vic is brave enough to go kill sparkles

For us that he said that like it was love and dip I know he wants some drama on the server let’s go Hawaii what is going on island – yeah I guess we didn’t explain that very well Island – is most likely going to be our business island

This is where we’re gonna have a sell island right now we’re giving out stuff for free in which will be brought up later when negotiating deals the people for book you guys don’t see the vision we have we’re selling [ __ ] to people right now we’re cutting people great deals

Giving stuff away for free then in the future whenever we’re saying hey maybe fifteen thousand for this fortune three book in our library yeah you know they yeah and then we’re gonna be like that’s fifteen can there like can we meet at ten we remember when we gave you stuff

For free in the past I mean you should really man and that’s where we get them guys it’s all [ __ ] that’s that is a great idea for you I you know I I knew from the start but I didn’t know a disagreement explain a few of you even pay attention to the wall

Street value side recently a speedy inside our stock is at an all time high site people are buying buying buying it is my speedy insider stock by liking our videos on YouTube and getting in on it early all right you’re gonna regret it guys the price is surging but it is

Still escalating don’t don’t feel like it’s only to buy it is a great time to buy the bottom stock we missing something uh yes yes it feels like we’re ahead of people on a chance right now I feel I feel like we are really lucky I’m

Gonna feed some more trouble we know so let me get it ready this is great this is great we got our little Empire on this island well look at mama turtles coming over to check them out fantastic stuff the only negative with this is that we can really like sleep we need to

Do this bigger but we can’t I guess I might be kind of let me flash the goods here here I neither what why don’t we buddy freaking like what is going on I I eat like four pieces of steak for like to hunger I’m wasting all my levels on

Naming tools so it’s probably stupid soutache buddy bless you BRB he just left through the bottom what are they stuck and should make him suffocate Rory I was gonna put a piece of dirt on top of this you can probably split mountain times about it oh yeah

Gotta sleep with that Oh what just happened to my screen seizure warning oh we already used it that was quick maybe we don’t charge a 5k for that what did he break so quickly a broken yes what oh yeah I bet you wanted a grass block that’s probably why I broke the

Grass that we had okay there’s something wrong I’m eating this steak but it is it like consumes the steak and doesn’t do anything what is going on I mean like would you’d decide you need to stop eating so much steak it’s gonna go right to your your muscles do straight protein

If you even say movies probably I’ve been abuse I wouldn’t I think we’re getting punished for the fact that we made a debt that we you know still have time to pay back and I think that’s wrong sad I think that’s wrong let me finish up the chest so we can see what

This is gonna look like cuz I’ve been a little lazy on that weight the more you eat one food the lesson gives you what that’s fun that that’s an minecraft who stole our axe it’s my upgrade it has oh it’s messed up is that actually true

Or if you eat one food if you focus one food it does less saturation or stuff for you I’m math hey I’m gonna be honest I don’t seem to know much about Minecraft oh we asked Minecraft questions hello what is up you summoned us yes so I’m eating steak right and it’s not

Giving me any food I think something’s wrong with the upgrade and spawned well I get had the opposite of what it does wanna feel like let’s just say you know I have one I like I’m eating baked for like one frock if that makes sense does that make

You know I’ll show you next time I guess whenever uh even when you hurt me I guess enough to for me the damage ii get some longer oh that’s not a problem well i hurt you any time okay big turtles oh yes I have half a hunger thing missing

Right so watch I’m gonna eat you I swear to god a was doing this before and okay okay okay nevermind yeah or does it happen again let us know I mean or send us send us if you I guess you’re putting this on YouTube afterwards send us what

Happened and we can definitely take a look at it that’s no problem it might totally be broken you might be completely right yeah it happens one are you looking yeah we need to street your next week okay know what is happening over there acting they’re ruining my

Friends are we trying to burn shadow weeds no I can’t protect them from that I can protect them from the rain but what are you doing – [ __ ] why huh that’s our buddy duh duh duh dun dun dun dun servitor okay well awesome well we’ll spend last 10 minutes of the

Episode go on a server tour guess cuz I do realize that you guys do want some of that so we’ll make that happen let it flow for a second I want to see what happens if this spreads to our house sure what I’m well i would like

$5,000 we have our shadow families i want $5,000 and our shadow back okay i want to reduce price at our stop to shadow you can spawn us another one it won’t be the same shadow we used to have so i was like our new [ __ ] i want this

To be 2500 is our new deal with 250 upon each day of non-completion can you put scuffed shadow on his name there alright it’s gonna fly can’t believe we got a scuffed shadow now oh well actually this one seems stronger it’s impervious to lava yeah great word speedy thanks guys

No one seems to say it live it life insurance settlement detention oh no oh it’s too long Chevy’s bet none Scott hello beets – what’s happening here so we can do this and you can be called none scoffed let’s go Jesus do we have video right no we need

To go five six that you need some I want to try the same feeling another empty seat throw it behind me over your maybe just get the funniest content with you guys happy to hear that so as a mistake okay I had two snakes for okay I’ll just I’ll

Show you I’ll show you last egg works fine okay thank you okay so are we in agreement on that our new shadow has reduced the deal to 2500 is what we owe on the August 19th with 250 for each day late we know we need to consult a lawyer

About it and suddenly all microflora around today so yeah sorry yes Lucky’s not here today okay will rediscover Morrow I suppose you have to repay tomorrow 3000 tomorrow rip out a lot we need to consult a lawyer Flo they got to shadow beats from us life it’ll

Be awesome no yeah you don’t want a bum and he gave us a scuffed one resistant you know I say us killing him is just you know it’s an admin that’s just something that happens on the server and it’s not our responsibility to account for that in our contract you seen him oh

That’s actually awesome you couldn’t [ __ ] you couldn’t sit on the first ones this is great side you can really rub it in now okay we’ll still pay the full amount can get one more of our buddies in here one more this isn’t even the real shadow wait I can I can move with

Him wait we can just literally ride over on the server wait do it do it do it okay honestly you guys can keep them okay this is where five thousand now we know this we wouldn’t have tried this before okay we’ll pay tomorrow it’s fine I don’t care garrets go I’ve taken this

Thing on our server to our side let’s go to servitor Oh can we have a temporary shadow for side to ride and then we’ll get rid of it since yes all right we’ll put the scuffed one in lava the scuffle new point I wouldn’t put that I I did it all

Can you put it on this one as well yeah just fun it who do you guys want for this one me what is the server devolve to where we’re peaking in content every day first I kill you with the world border then I send you an email and now you’re running around

Where’s our boy Vic yesterday he needs to see this what are we mad at today Twitter Thank You admins for your wonderful contributions to our wonderful time and we’ll kill the second shadow you gave us wait did you let me link you guys the clip really quick kindly get in

Here what’s in here yeah link it wherever you want to in general we are bored everything guys know we’re ready to get rid of them here’s what I’m thinking guys we’re gonna put an armory down there that we put our best gear in one of those four corners right and we

Have some armor we have some armor stands showing some decent gear but then we have our God set on each side a speedy and sidearms God set on a pedestal with a J Teen NPC guarding it for us is that not gonna be awesome or not the downstairs of our base is gonna

Be sick a great idea yeah like we should make this a business Brendan Edmund rented a little B dubs action to OJ’s okay oh my god hold on can you change it for me do a Lauren Florian can you sparkle starting around yes for an additional 1,000 tomorrow

Fine 6500 used afterwards yeah we are gonna have negotiator side oh my god side your clickbait sparkles was eight times damage no no that phantom that’s chasing you since it’s stacked it’s doing damage of every phantom hitting you wait we should exclude phantoms so this is Jericho over here correct oh yeah yeah

We gotta have that be captain sprinkles yes yes all right so Jericho lives there I know what are you do what is going on ah phantoms oh it Heights we’re just riding people around giving a server tour you know I’m saying nothing special yeah that you’re

Right yeah okay so how much less money are we gonna be making today god demonetized we already deal with it but you guys I think don’t have the swear so it’s your problem today guess we don’t monetize so we can oh you guys can say whatever you

Want then I I didn’t want to say it drop or you doing okay look we have a responsibility your food who lives in that house right there I think this is Kara’s house I’m prejudiced oh this [Laughter] house it’s actually sick all right shed I’ll be right back you stay right there

Okay so you know what we might have ours might not be this detailed yet side but at least we have the scale on her right now and that’s important you got the size yeah I was gonna jump but you know it’s fine Jesus we need one sleep please

I think we should just time today I’d like to buy once these your two beds in here okay so I’m figuring out for yourself I’m in bed three more can we gives the MPC frost walker boots so we no longer need bridges how about you start requesting to know if you have

That much money just sitting around now we’re dipping into the PayPal bowel dat because you went by the over one of the overseers with our pact NPCs oh yeah that could be true now we’re in trouble I have a little I have a little thing we should go talk to Pete maybe because

Peters requesting our support I’m sleeping in your house Wow okay see you guys thank you thanks for being awesome we’ll give you six thousand tomorrow hopefully it sounds great who told me chilled quit the server he’s gonna call right below us you screws okay uh three more needed

For sleep it’s it daytime probably by now I don’t like it killed by phantom side this is fantastic also I don’t think they’re gonna take your sprinkles away side I’m just throwing that nobody I want I wanna can we keep them like in a very house he

Himself like in a room he’s never gonna the problem is he’s Red Team Red Team bad stuff and Mike might make things really weird yeah yeah just for those who don’t know sparkles is also on the red squad for our cosmic Skyblock series and he just hasn’t shown up yet he’s

Showing up on Sunday so I’m done sleeping I’m dealing with phantoms this whatever [ __ ] what if we what have you put them in there in the shoot dungeon with the cheese let’s go then Ron keep oh that’d be hilarious but maybe that might be too much so I think I’m being

Hilarious dude it could be pretty funny but that’s also a while off we need to get the end runs this bridge is actually sick dude wait why am i using actually in compliments that’s not cool what is going on over here what what are these trees chars claiming you’re sorry

Sparkles are you okay buddy see you tonight he seems fine okay we need to focus it before we get it was time to put this many signs down oh man God that Meccan have been way worse so we poetic that sparkles gets blown up by a creeper

Side you know here’s not oh chicken farm I wonder if it works still with this I bet this doesn’t work with um the new mob thing maybe it does who knows dude there’s so much on the server we need to get away from our island more

Needs to happen we won’t do the full server tour today cuz honestly there’s more stuff over here than I thought I’m gonna check out others a bridge through this let’s see who lives over here real quick I might draw some inspiration from that bridge it is nice it is

Stuff are we trying to sleep again three more feet have to went to feed sparkles to heal what do you think he takes her food um I have no clue this isn’t fancy yeah two beds up here side let’s sleep get up here get up here side

Let’s go yeah I get the server to sleep yes honestly the best episode yet people are saying so that the whole shadow thing was Absalom yeah I’ll take mine now let’s see what’s back here we could go chat let’s go check out that village one more time

Side and then we’ll call it quits over there actually maybe we’ll go back to our base for a little bit but not sure I’m cool with whatever well finger now how long we’ve been going for but let’s uh let’s let’s bring it to a close man I think time as a

Deceiving entity when you’re having this much fun yeah can’t believe I get to ride a shadow do this is my new transportation advice we should make a commotion oh jeez we should have went that way and back around please push up Oh didn’t even

Need it I hang a Larry side I don’t know what the heck this is Oh as many lad Oh speedy mini scary yeah where’d you go you know the lost you I’m by the mushroom house mind you mind you mind you mind you when you’re under the my shirt oh okay

We got another creeper old man situation oh geez creeper creeper creeper oh man mini mini okay good I thought it’s gonna go straight for our house I thought we were gonna go check out the village real quick side I think there’s a I think there’s a Ravager pin which I want to

See the village you mean yeah yeah overtaking that’s what we want to village session let’s let’s meet up the villa area the mushroom because I don’t know where you are I’m right here I see you yeah yeah I think that’s a whole villager like youtuber compound over

There side I think there’s like 10 youtubers over there there’s so many people in this circle we’ve only really hung out with the people in our little compound of cool kids [ __ ] for short yeah lost you again that was are you going beside the sparkles village hasn’t

Moved by the way it’s still in the same spot I just want to be with you I know I know are you coming you stand still yep okay are you moving uh you’re standing still for me and what are you moving no I’m not okay I was I was falling you

Okay you’re just oh my speed has been reduced maybe I think we’re lagging side cuz you’re uh you’re still okay I can hear you moving around me but I don’t okay oh but you don’t see me yeah yeah you’re back there sorry that wasn’t I thought you were just being a troll or

Something I was really confused but that was a problem with the server uh-oh oh it’s like riding a horse I did they don’t go well in for us I think okay what do you feed a horse sugar and wheat no horse rock beats okay let’s go check this out I do think we

Need I was like you weren’t doing anything for me there is a creeper do not take it to their stuff side where’s the another creeper oh jesus oh Jesus skeletons creepers everywhere put your pen let’s go this is a pretty cool stuff right all right let’s let’s take a look at this

Village what do we got going on here it’s a little bina spend guys it’s pretty cool what’s over here what is this bridge this fantastic Reggie Oh creeper creeper Cooper divert to the right divert to the right oh [ __ ] last thing we need is to blow something up

And have to fix it side cuz you know what I’m not fixing it bridge time let’s go do we need to search for more awesome this is there’s so much going on the server guys you know what I mean it’s not it’s nice to have an increased

Meeting on these oh yeah it is it is a pleasure oh it’s just like a cool little farming area they got over here there’s awesome and water sweater I have a piston locale farm dude well servers bigger than I thought there’s a lot I want to test something cool side

Harvesting other people’s crops you hate to see that oh watch Brock I can’t feed him on thing you should feed your sprinkles okay sparkles all right inside come on let’s head back home we got a park our shadow and our new shadow beats garage can we make a

Doing a garage for all over at the NPC’s oh we probably could um try to think of where we can park it we could even turn one of those additional rooms downstairs cuz here I muted and said this earlier side while you’re talking to the admins

So one of those rooms down there is gonna be an armory room right there’s gonna be armor stands all along the sides of it just cosmetic most likely maybe some extra stuff then we’re gonna have a pedestal on each side of the room that are like kind of in the center but

Like two of them and then they’re gonna be pedestals that have our God sets on them all right for whatever you know crap hits the fan and we really need to fight out and then in the middle of both of those is our Guardian on a pedestal a

G18 NPC that guards our stuff for us I’d decked out in a whole diamond except for the face so we can see his wonderful dive slime head oh okay just like the wardens yes and I think that’s a stellar idea if anyone has ideas for that yeah

Let us you know we can we can make a 12 friend garage but we only got six friends oh my god that’s inside so well we’ll make we’ll make a twelve friend garage in the other room we’ll have to mathematically work it out but I think

We can make it happen dude is the birthday oh the birthday party’s happening side we need to get there yeah babes birthday party to the balloon side take a Larry I’ll come over left by the way that balloons Oh creeper on the bridge we gotta go around all man oh man

That was Mitch’s house across the bridge okay yeah I was wondering where Mitch was I was in half so hopefully no no the birthday parties were only three people showed up mm-hmm this the birthday party so the birthday parties chatez the birthday party actually happened here do you guys lie

To me I think he’s dying you’re lying okay happy birthday we got lied to side alright back to the bridge we got to get our shadow home creeper do this turns messed up over here yeah let’s skirt to the right over here take a roger side Canadian for right for those who don’t

Know by the way thanks for tuning in everything I was the best one yet like yeah it’s been it’s been some fantastic times the admins add so much the server and the admins even told us personally side we have the most fun content for them that is an utmost regard let’s just

Park our shadow where it was you can put your sprinkles wherever you want side we do need to bring them inside if it’s raining and we have our sprinkles let’s hide him side we don’t want people knowing we have a sprinkles right now let’s uh follow me follow me follow me

Um I want you to go back in that corner side and you want to dismount come on out can’t have anyone knowing this we didn’t even pay for it side Oh on the chair sweetie what if you want a chair yeah that’s that’s probably smarter build him a chamber okay now you guys

Are getting weird alright let’s put let’s put him in the chair we’re probably gonna lose our sprinkles I don’t think we’re supposed to have this but yeah we’ll probably forget anddismount set oh yeah you got and we can make them turn different directions just based on look right yeah screw it

Storage you’re looking good over here side I’ll I’ll make this I’ll make this look fantastic I don’t know if I’ll do much to this off-camera that I might we just need to finish the chest get the smeltery station smeltery station all walls coming in it’ll look good what if

We you rename them dinner bones then he goes upside down I guess sprinkles now we need the name on there’s I think we’re didn’t wait too much than one in one day but I I think we’ve had our we’ve had our here alright where we outro today said I think we should

Shadow again men shadow again but with shadow in the background in our turtle farm side it’s a great spot okay just right here with our turtle buddies Oh fantastic yeah and we got it you hate the scene speedy some people who don’t have the vision for the house

It lets my my inside I do need to get started on the upper portion of the house so it can be more impressive and we had to head off oh you lost your legs in there oh yeah that will happen it’s fine just iron you know so oh sorry plan

The outro we need to get some money for tomorrow but we should be good to nobody everybody keep paying back at it again you know what to do thank you so much for watching a 6mm with speedy and sidearms hopefully you guys enjoyed you do people leave a like

And Twitter people YouTube video and leave a like if you have a chance thank you all so much for watching shout out to the couch beef service a youtube because they’re all wonderful people thank you so much just putting my friends medians at arms and their friends in the wonderful people deserve

Thank you so much to stop my we’ll see you guys next time bye

This video, titled ‘”RIDING OUR SHADOW LOL!” – How To Minecraft: Season 6 Episode 8’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2019-08-18 22:30:01. It has garnered 162873 views and 6048 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:35 or 5435 seconds.

LIKE the video if you’re excited for How To Minecraft Season 6! Streaming everyday on Twitch at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT! Come join us live!

My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sp33dyinbed/

Mad Lads: sidearms ‣ https://www.youtube.com/SideArms4Reason kyr sp33dy ‣ https://www.youtube.com/KYRSP33DY

Server Members: alexace ‣ https://tinyurl.com/alexacechan aphmau‣ https://www.youtube.com/ChallengeAcceptedInc badboyhalo ‣ https://www.youtube.com/thesaintsofgames bajan canadian ‣ https://www.youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian basicallyidowrk ‣ https://www.youtube.com/BasicallyIDoWrk bionic ‣ https://www.youtube.com/ItsBionicYT bodil40 ‣ https://www.youtube.com/Bodil40 boomer ‣ https://www.youtube.com/boomergg brawlator ‣ https://www.youtube.com/brawlator captainsparklez ‣ https://www.youtube.com/CaptainSparklez chanzesttv ‣ https://tinyurl.com/chanzeschan char ‣ https://youtube.com/CharMC chilledchaos ‣ https://tinyurl.com/chilledchaoschan chocothechocobo ‣ https://www.youtube.com/KwehCraft gifts bobes ‣ https://www.youtube.com/DoniMinecraft fourzer0seven ‣ https://www.youtube.com/AlphaSquadHD generzon ‣ https://www.youtube.com/generzon i am wildcat ‣ https://www.youtube.com/W1LDC4T43 jason bravera ‣ https://tinyurl.com/JasonBravura jericho ‣ https://www.twitch.tv/jericho jeromeasf ‣ https://www.youtube.com/JeromeASF kenworth ‣ https://www.youtube.com/KenWorthGaming minister ‣ https://tinyurl.com/miniidearchan miniladdd ‣ https://www.youtube.com/MiniLaddd mrmeola ‣ https://www.youtube.com/MrMEOLA mrwoofless ‣ https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless noochm‣ https://www.youtube.com/TheNoochM petezahhutt ‣ https://www.youtube.com/PeteZahHutt phantomace ‣ https://tinyurl.com/phantomacechan pwincessly ‣ https://www.youtube.com/ItsPwincessly rifty ‣ https://tinyurl.com/riftychan ryan ‣ https://tinyurl.com/xrpmx14chan shubble ‣ https://www.youtube.com/lilshortysgs skeppy ‣ https://tinyurl.com/skeppychan spark ‣ https://tinyurl.com/sparksquaredchan vikkstar ‣ https://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123HD zerkaa ‣ https://www.youtube.com/ZerkaaPlays zeroyalviking ‣ https://www.youtube.com/ZeMachinima

Thumbnail Logo and Artwork by: Isaias IG: @shaboyturtleboy

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

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    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

“RIDING OUR SHADOW LOL!” – How To Minecraft: Season 6 Episode 8