RIGBYTE 4.2 Update Leaks and Secrets! | Genshin Impact

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It okay that yeah yeah it all con that yeah yeah get all connect there we are hey what’s going on this is me also welcome you all back to another stream I hope you’re all having a fantastic day so far welcome aboard back to another stream over on the Eon uh I I

Need to get that out of my head on the ex W Hunters SMP today we are here with some more Minecraft we’re going to be having a lot more fun we’re going to be messing around we’re going to be uh we’re going to be having fun and

We just going to be uh yeah we’re going to be doing some Shenanigans some builds uh shoing Interiors uh messing around with thermal more and that’s going to be today’s stream so can’t um wait to get into it welcome back to another stream everyone I hope you’re all having a fantastic um

Wedness day so far I hope everybody’s wedness day has been good let’s hop into the in-game screen uh we need to disable this yikes stream elements is always messing up it like notifications even the chat part isn’t working so there’s a lot of things that are just not working on stream

Elements and we need to find a solution because it’s just not cutting it and here we are welcome back to some Minecraft I think I forgot to change the clocking speed on my CPU now it should be fine we are also using a browser for the music so that might cause some lag

Uh I don’t know it’s Chrome so I don’t trust it with the there still still still some Soul Sand in there I think what I forgot to do was um just do that and we have we have a lot of quads namely 7.3k or like 1,8 uh

We around one uh 1.9k qu blocks we can of course get more now that we have this running look look at that we have gravel coming into the system we have have Cobblestone coming into the system we have sand coming into the system everything is uh completely automated so we don’t have to

Do anything except like maybe the soul Sun process right now CU I haven’t found a way to automate that just because of how did gunpowder get there curious um I think this might be slightly a little too bright uh that just made it brighter we we we want a soft light on

Our faces right all right let’s head out let’s see what’s going on over on spawn 5 Ser space is lagging and choppy as ever we also have a fluid uh grid with us shop Interiors uh we need to finish that today so 318 yo bla how you doing welcome to stream

It’s great to have you here man welcome aboard welcome aboard how you doing today so we need to finish the interior on this thing uh I’m thinking I’ll put some create stuff I haven’t experimented maybe like uh conveyor Bells uh an elevator going to that top area because it’s really

Empty this is going to be the main entrance of the shop by the way so we’re going to be coming through here to through to there nope can’t even watch what’s what’s up internet’s that bad something’s wrong with my PC uh are you on Ethernet or a Wi-Fi connection blue

Star what do you on my brother said internet is fine I am not sure then code code uh come uh grab the stuff from my base grab some sukers let’s go I think I will fresh in St windows so basically reset uh you can try that that

Might help you out I’m not sure if it will I can’t guarantee you it will but a fresh uh clear install is always a good thing to do there we go the light is more manageable so to speak now I I hope my uh my uh you can see me fine uh it

Shouldn’t be too bad I still have genin’s launcher open which shouldn’t be open uh technically speaking and yeah I’m looking fine uh not too right either all the way yeah when did you last fresh install your uh system because uh a fresh install will I will it will definitely

Help you out blue star take it from me a fresh install is a great place to start it’s a it’s a really really good place to start he needs a thousand smithing tables oh my God this this man this man is unreal good thing we have a tree farm

Now no didn’t mean to make trap doors dark oak we’ll just turn all of these into planks let’s let’s just do that ethernet I mean made more trap doors so let’s grab some dark oak logs uh sorry saplings let’s head down into the depths of the underdog and I almost fell

Down yeah I think ethernet reset like uh ethernet all the way ethernet is a good thing but if you’re struggling if you’re struggling with ethernet I am not sure uh blue star we’ll take all of those out we don’t need to put cobblestone in into this anymore actually no this can keep

Running why why am I turning this off this can keep uh this can keep running right because we don’t we don’t need to turn the this off we just need to put this into the phytogenic insulator it’s kind of slow process we can enhance it by bone meal let’s just make some of

That I guess we turn this off for now um because we don’t we we don’t need that stuff right now we’re done with that when we need it we’ll get it there uh let’s grab our phytogenic insulator uh let’s let’s remove all the uh exporter things uh detector thing phytogenic

Insulator we need to grab our sapling and we need to grab our bone meal this is going to put in bone meal and bone meal only but hello wait hold up we don’t have any bone meal why is this not water okay this this just needs to put in water uh not bone

Meal because we don’t have bone meal in the system crafted so we can remove this exporter here and this cable running all the way back over here there we go and now we just got to fill this place up or meet me at my place need to take like a 30X 60

Hole 30X 60 hole is not that hard to dig uh we have the immortal pickaxe so just use that and this needs to okay so we need to turn on auto input Auto output enabled on the top and we should Blacklist uh actually let’s grab a no we should Blacklist dark o

Sapling no that’s white list uh Black List dark saplings now we just grab one from the system and we should be good to go there we are all right we should be good to go on that front uh the phytogenic insulator is making a

Dark oak logs for us uh which we can use to make these smithing tables cour said he’s on his way we also need to grab some eggs uh we have Exon fire Fury IOD pot nub U me and Mania on the server right now at this very current second um

You have do we have any Relic ghost packs yes we do 32 of them actually I think oh I got what we needed I got what we needed so that should be this entire set completed as well so with this we have completed all the Relic sets that we could uh we can

Complete in the game Rich T Relic for the first time there we go yo Cod where are you cod cod oh I was looking for you uh meet me at my storage on the top uh jir core uh hello can I join uh it’s a private

Server uh just be how did you get it did you farm it or what CS oh I have a hella ton of qus uh wait hold up where is my storage for CS wait do I not have one uh so it all went into my storage

And that’s not fun oh there it is look at that compacting r on the top so I have like 2,113 no don’t take the quads take the blocks what I put it back yep right click just hold right click hold hold right click just hold right click no shift shift right click the

Blocks yeah yeah and you’ll get the blocks uh it’s a private server just Weir so uh you won’t be able to join in um you can contact Exon more than enough uhhuh yeah I think that it should be uh just take as much you need I can produce

More now uh I need something else uh can you produce iron uh yes I have an iron farm uh 500 of your smithing tables are ready out of the Thousand so yeah I’m just waiting on logs which are also being produced oh you have a lock Farm now yep

Nice so yeah it’s it’s being produced uh just give me only expensive one would be uh the Cs and these table rest all is like easy we need kelp oh I can grow kelp as well don’t worry yeah we need like around let me check uh that’s junk bag all right or

Junk bag there we go yes 707 uh smithing tables are done we need a 250 blocks oh yeah that’s nothing that’s nothing blocks by the way blocks yeah that’s still not uh yeah yeah that’s dried y I can get kill and then I to SM it it and

Then come come downstairs I’ll show you uh the place so welcome actually I need to turn on the farm hold up gold Farm nope gold is not needed anymore yep uh cord hello what uh Cod he disappeared the man vanished where did he go what the

Hell we have more dark logs now we’ll also turn our Oak into logs planks sorry smithing we got a l oh 8:35 the man the man vanished so yeah we have a coal Farm running running over here yo moit how you doing welcome to the stream man it’s great to have you

Here welcome aboard welcome aboard how you doing this fine uh so we also have a source of apples now which is great that was something we struggling with uh we can also grab kelp let’s say he needs kelp and grab that uh remove that put that in here so full

Automation fully automated everything we have now thanks to the phytogenic insulator uh we able to like automate a lot of things um I think we still struggling on our iron front but that’s that that issue is also easily resolved uh we have 988 he needs like 1,000 or

So we’ll make we’ll make those uh so this is from the this is for the Community Hall and this is this will also serve as advertisement that hey my shop can provide resources for your needs whether it be crafted or whether it be uncrafted uh now

I’m how do I keep at least one kelp inside this thing um Can a detector actually detect that okay that’s good enough uh we also getting water into here uh hold up let me check my wiress fluid grade because uh phytogenic insulators use a lot of

Water uh and the last time I hopped on uh yo moit by the way how are you doing how’s the W coming along it’s great to have you here man welcome aboard welcome aboard long time no see oh we missed a lot of deep slay

Blocks here I thought we only had a few to replace but no it turns out we missed like a good chunk of them so he needs kelp blocks we have kelp I guess we have the Redstone forace right we grab another exporter we plop that there busy AR I

Can tell that and we put KP and uh that is an exporter right why is it not working I am I am curious as to why that thing is not operating at all uh under any circumstances um oh right Auto input and Auto uh that thing is disabled I guess instead of

That I just I guess we just grab a um okay let’s let’s turn that off that’s being annoying we can just grab an importer which we don’t have uh we need to make that we need to make that we need to make oh my God redstone blocks so one

Two and then one two and then we quickly take all of that kelp out smell this real quick so you need D KS blocks uh not hard for us to acquire instead of an exporter I’m just thinking we just do it with an importer so uh make one of these bad boys Andam so what ignore Redstone signal ah now it’s working so instead of an importer uh being here oh didn’t mean to make both of those blocks it’s fine it’s fine we can replace it uh I’m thinking we just use a modular modular router uh which which has yeah sure this works and

Uh modular we grab a that send module so it’s going to pull from this thing uh it’s I say it’s going to pull from that thing then all sides are uh yeah there and no actually no uh puller module and it’s going to send to this

So s uh gatar welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here man how you doing welcome aboard uh what’s up what’s up I need a speed upgrade I think I don’t I don’t think we need a lot of these we just need like a few speed upgrades like three does the

Trick I think I don’t see anything in the buffer I me it’s still kind of slow but I don’t want it to be too quick otherwise it’s going to yeah so that thing spawns in that’s going to take yeah yeah I guess it works and it’s just

Going to pull the dried kelp into the uh system and we can just turn th those into uh DED K blocks how many dried kill question mark I love the fact that we can put these small automations in and they’re just going to run here thanks to the chunk loader absolutely

Amazing um it’s great it’s great that means it leaves us uh free Yo code what’s up50 250 okay that’s not hard I I left because Mania called me I didn’t hear you oh no worries no worries what what’s up what did me one uh I don’t know I forgot uh so once

They commity is done mhm uhhuh help me with this place I also found a few uh new blocks so yeah this is the setup some fun stuff uh thermal thermal stuff oh phytogenic phytogenic okay yep so this is producing your kelp then this is auto smelting it and just sending it

To my storage so yeah is it using the using the bone meal I thought you need a fertilizer for it uh no you you can use both fertilizer and bone meal for it uh there’s no specific on it the only thing with this is it uses so much water and

Energy so I hopped on today and I basically had no water in my storage systems uh generator uh because it runs on water and it’s my it drains water from my storage um hi mik how you doing welcome to the stream it’s great to have

You here man welcome aboard uh no no no um uh fluid disc yep so this will run even when I’m not here so that’s the best part this is the chunk loader where’s chunk loader this thing that’s it yeah that’s the chunk loader you’re looking right at

It so this thing is pretty quick I think I’ll have your K blocks I already have your smithing tables uhhuh yep K blocks are being prepared pretty much everything just like small some small block a small advertisement for the capabilities of my shop as well so this is

Good I can get ready any blocks you need in a matter of a few hours there a lot of space under where you can put your put your advertisement yep to do that I will definitely sponsored material sponsored by uhhuh okay it’s a it’s a very low fo

Build but it’s you need a lot of for it so I didn’t uhhuh sorry uh okay turn on your magnet I’ll turn off mine grab this stuff nice GL to hear that okay wait I don’t have inventory space Oh I also gave you my fluid uh thing magnet uh thanks appreciate it all

Right let me get more smithing does this do uh rope Arrow yeah I think you shoot it with a bow up to make a grappling make beave like a craftling of hook of Swords I’m not sure maybe okay and then check it out okay just just let me know when

You’re when it’s ready no rush no rushing so no rushes like you can you can get get it done any time you want I’m probably it like in maybe like a day or two so meaning it’s it be turn like in a few minutes I just I just uh so the

Thing is I don’t need to stay yeah the K blocks yeah yeah I don’t need to stay here right so the whole 2 uh let me see how many do I have I have like 22 right now yeah it’s not are you crafting it or is just no no

It’s it’s uh okay yeah it won’t take maybe 15 minutes but yeah um meaning I don’t need to stay here so I can do other while this is running so that’s why I said it’s going to be pretty quick uh the only thing I’m struggling with right now my alter needs

Like 24 turtle eggs and I need to find Turtles now uh okay let me see if I can find you some turtles all righty let’s go let me grab my liter first so I can actually fly a liter looks very good now by the way I colored it thanks to you what do

You mean thanks to me uh oh the production or the uh internet I don’t I don’t think I helped in the internet issues though but I definitely am speeding up production here with everything he needed uh around like um 800 like some like he said like he

Needed like a four Shar boxes of quads I have like 1.8k quads ready already I have like three two 20K sand 20K gravel 30k Cobblestone so pretty huge oh also the smithing tables oh we need to grab iron explaining it after dinner having dinner wait okay so our iron farm the physical one

Is still working um they also have like a smaller villager one which we can run but it is I think it’s slightly slower than this but it’s like passive uh iron basically I hate having the mic like right over here in my face it blocks

Like a lot of my screen so I usually like to keep my screen like slightly up but then it comes in front of the camera so I don’t have I like doing that and my headphones are hurting on my head as well wait I can increase the

Size I didn’t know I could do that oh my God that’s so good uh that’s impressive all we need to go find turtles sh we have more pressing matters on our hand we also need to figure out the interior for our shop I can’t figure out what to do with it

Uh what are those for why why is there random chest on in this guy’s roof he he could have done made a better contration for this like really so he just instead I don’t know why he has these weird Contraptions and don’t I hate the the sound these things

Make sending to this thing which is Distributing to all of these things pretty smart pretty smart oh my God what’s going on down here what what’s with all these uh wall stuff in one place oh I hate that I hate that sound I hate absolutely despise that sound so this is maniac’s

Place he’s generating uh zero power and these are looking pretty full as well we uh that reminds you need to fill up battery which is almost out of uh Power explaining it having dinner okay that works that works how I’m sounding what my okay let’s stop working I think I think it’s

Fine I think it’s fine if I even if I do like something like moving here I think it’s still fine all right cool I guess uh the chat can be the judge if I sound fine like this or not I guess the main issue is my headphones are uh hurting my ears I

Think I’ll go grab my uh in here okay I can’t hear anything I got my earphones but there’s a slight issue that these got tangled up so I need to untangle them real quick and I think we are good to go need to come on and change my audio device there we go

That in I can’t hear anything yet I guess that’s because I still have to set my um voice device uh which is going to be real Tech I think okay I can hear stuff now hey hey Z how you doing man welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here long

Time no see actually genuinely long time no see how are you doing how are you doing today welcome to the stream man it’s great to have you here uh let’s go downstairs let’s see what fire is up to fire Fury Bo ah ah how you what’s going

On I’m going what are you up to I am up to some Shenanigans yeah yeah I know I remember that that’s why I said long time to see um up to some Shenanigans I’m trying to figure out the interior to my shop you know okay okay I also have free advertisement by the

Way what my shop oh C’s basement um he needed all the resources and I provided it pretty quickly so if uh if I do say so myself that’s basically free advertisement you know oh nice I also like to look sometimes I’ll come to your shop I need

To still finish the interior I’m not getting any ideas for it which is a major issue I’ll work on it oh this chest looks fantasy how do you make this one this is I think alter chest is it you need a alter chest scroll interesting and it’s double the size I

Think how do you how do you get a alter chest scroll I don’t know I got in W I think huh but I created wait a yeah you get inv oh can you please remove this FL that’s uh I see take care can you remove this little a who just keeps uh you

Know sucking my XP out why what do you mean this is my flat how can you abuse him how can I abuse it it’s it’s it’s stealing basically experience points from me don’t you think that’s a little rude no it’s all in your mind is it B I

Don’t think so I can I can see the number going down though you because you’re hypnotized uhhuh uh I don’t think I am I think immune to hypnotizer H hypnosis yes why is that spinning in there did you manage to automate this thing not yet but I’ll unlock Kum and

Then I’ll do it because animal pen anyways have that FPS thing you can always uh buy raw materials from my shop I’m just I’m just saying okay oh my what is also no wall stuff as of now the to be to be added in the future sort of thing you know

Okay I think you like that place no I think so you can stand there you look good standing there uhhuh no I think I’m fine I might have infinite XP but I don’t like to waste it what you have infinite XP meaning I can get infinite XP because I have XP F oh

Yeah do you know where to fight Turtle like fire Fury uh no I think I saw a turtle somewhere when I was exploring but I didn’t I hate your base let it be known where is the exit it’s this one RI how supposed to differentiate this

One with this one with this one with this one with this one there is there is a golden thing like gilded black there’s a gold thing here as well just beside it this is the entry this is the entry can you make gilded Blackstone oh no you can’t you need mechanism for

It high F base is a maze uh Cod St to check my mail let’s go see what’s going on in my mail box and we’ll come back uh explaining it after dinner all right I’ll wait for your explanation most cuz I’m quite how much because I’m quite

Curious I can hear myself while I’m talking now so slightly weird o a lot of coal there I don’t think this is I think everything in in this thing should except the gold have a void upgrade because I don’t want things leaking into my system system

Uh yes what what what what do we need we need to check our mail we have the eggs freedom dumb question how do you breathe them I guess we we just wait for these to hatch I guess and then we feed them seagrass so I kind of want to remove that thing now

There we are uh let’s see how much K we have we need um he said around 200 right I I don’t think that’s quite 200 yet but we we getting there getting there slowly but steadily uh we have all our bounties mining mining both and eoam I also have this

Which gives us two orate infus wall crystals which is kind of insane so we’re going to keep that uh let’s head out of here actually on that note we running low on a lot lot of stuff carbon benu we almost ran out of but I got it in a walls um and

There’s like a few other small nitpick items here and there I think I should get some uh water um in a bit because I need to get uh hydration but yeah the server has been uh kind of dead recently I don’t know what’s the exact reason but I can’t point my fingers at

Anything but I’m been basically working on my uh DND sessions overlay which is going to happen Saturday 530 IST 5:30 p.m. uh inan Standard time so if you want to hop on in I did and within 24 hours they contacted my ASP provider uh what did you do

The other day when I was telling you about my isssue uh so why Ah that’s the yeah that that is uh a good move that is a smart smart move um damn because you’re technically yes you’re a consumer of the product right and if you are not getting the full

Services you shouldn’t be paying the full amount to your ISP uh that is something that I struggled with as well like internet wise or over here um wherever I’m where I’m staying so um yeah I don’t like to hear myself especially through that thing because there’s a slight delay if I’m hearing

Myself real time it helps uh me to uh think I guess but let’s see what’s going on in Industry land uh our Farms have stopped especially that one sound is good all right good to hear that we we didn’t turn on the chunk and we don’t

Need to we have enough wheat and stuff that more than we need this smells things at the pretty quickly or we ran out of bone me uh there’s no music today uh MH because um I I I don’t like the current playlist that I’m using so I switched to

Like the um I tried to find another one a new one but I’m I’m I’m not certain currently if that is a u copyright free playlist or not so you did hear me if you were here in the start of the stream that I was using a playlist but I’m just

Not sure yet if it’s like uh dmca uh non copyright so I’m kind of holding from using that right now but if you want I can play it because it does technically say that it is um non-copyright but um I just I just don’t want to take any risks you

Know man said he’s going to be streaming today I still don’t see him streaming so that’s something uh where uh these things are not hatching how long do the hat and do the need sand to hatch if they need sand to hatch then then then we have the perfect place to

Hatch them we we literally have a place made entirely out of sand look at this place oh now they will hatch so they do need sand to hatch we got to make sure we don’t step on these things uh but we can Farm them and then we can

Uh my question is can you add them to JW JS so let me make an animal jar but I still don’t know even if I add them to jars if I can like get eggs from the jar let’s look for turtle we just need to find one to like prove our

Theory if it’s not possible we’ll make a turtle life Farm I’ll make it happen that’s a crab I don’t quite think we can trap that thing in but yeah great to have you here once again Mo welcome to the stream how’s your winess coming along welcome aboard

Welcome aboard why is there a random was there a skeleton in the chest back in a boat back there I think there was um but I don’t see any I don’t see any um Turtles anywhere uh I did not contact anybody regarding us rust yatra I don’t know who

To contact there’s a few friends of mine who are already on the server so I don’t think getting a recommendation is going to be an issue because uh there’s someone who I used to play Rust with beforehand uh is someone by the name of comical I don’t know if you know him but

He’s also under us server um so oh my okay this this is spy’s create place and he’s making some cool stuff over here I’ve heard like look at this thing like what so I think this is his uh infinite lava farm would you look at that I would have

Never made something like this I would have never ever been able to make something like this because I just haven’t messed around with create that much you know I almost wish you could climb that wow pretty sife pretty sick so we have all the relics by the way that we can make with

Create um oh this is a fancy looking Village let’s go say hello to a few people um so I’ll contact someone regarding rust yatra oh look at that spy made another made another thing over here like a castle Gateway or some sorts spy Spy C spy board has been getting busy

H right let’s make our way to cod’s place I I have no clue where Cod lives cuz his island is still empty so let’s go say hi to the man all right let’s D some more again but yeah I’ll I’ll contact Exon I think according to uh for it uh eagly waiting

To watch your R gamep play I’m not that good at the game man I barely played it well well well if it isn’t part hello how you doing I’m good how nothing much nothing much what are you up to I am trying to make some tools for me so that

I can break wooden chest and all in the world ah okay okay I see I see yes h you to um I was trying to get 24 turtle eggs so I’m currently yeah the Vault alter demands that of me so who am I to deny it huh yeah just I’ve been

I’ve been struggling trying to uh make end meet there yeah it’s kind of fun it’s kind of frustrating as well yep I was just flying around looking for Turtles and now I’m I I’ve had a dumb idea off trying to fit turtles in an animal

Jar oh can you I don’t know that’s why I said it’s a dumb idea because I don’t know if you can oh that will be crazy if because at this at this point I can automate everything but Turtle leg is something that I just can’t automate oh

who wrote This Town hi I’m your ghosts I have so this thing happened when I was trying to have a chat with you remember when fire Fury came and I was with her so suspicion is on code I don’t know if he’s trying to have because nobody

Nobody else was uh in here right no I haven’t seen anyone here oh I need to take a bucket of this to the Vault some even I have crafted plenty of buckets just if anytime I see chocolate or this Vault I will grab plenty of them

This this this thing oh this thing looks sick oh my God if I have like multiple buckets of this I can use this in my Underdog area that I’m making because this will fit right in yeah it will totally this will fit right in got to keep some buckets hand it’s

Void liquid uh is what that is it decreases W time inside walls but outside here it just gives you Darkness so if even if if you’re like one block above it it gives you Darkness like if I’m like sneaking on the edge I think I

Think it did oh no I fell in there to go inside yeah yeah I don’t think you need to be you need to be touching the water yeah yeah the darkness lasts pretty long as well yeah the blindness effect yep yep so what are your plans with this

Place my plans with this place is I have to redevelop this into a totally different looking uh modern city to be honest oh interesting interesting I was quite I thought for a second your base just disappeared of the map but then I saw this floating island I was like I don’t see anything

Around and then I just see this massive Island everyone is just coming here and saying the same thing okay I’ll be right back in me 5 someone’s at my door chat see yes I’m back sh and I’m being attacked by Phantom apparently what broke I am trying to cut

CHS fit in but I should I try it for you if you I have a 26% failure chance oh that work I managed to cut it down twice but you R out of silver scrap there uh yeah wa uh wait I’m back magic I teleported I did

Not you want to try what cutting it okay you want me to continue I don’t know I just don’t want you to break it yeah it’s still a 26% chance on failure so just saying it’s not perfect it may break there’s a 26% chance that it will break

So I need to count I just need to make this tool I’m trying to make a chromatic no voline tool so voline tool how much capacity is there in voline tools uh let me check Walter right right yeah I think they will have uh 100 150

200 200 okay then I feel like I can fit this in EAS yeah so you can take it I need to make a new one as well but do you know how expensive mine one is I need 12 black chromatic steel uh chromatic steel black yeah it’s so one

Of it those is like nine chromatic steel and one for perfect black opal so it’s plenty X perfect Black Op these guys are annoying I wish there was just a way to not have them yeah even I wish go away this annoy me so much I hate

Them guess I can fill in more than if it’s 200 yep just go to what are your tools what tools do you use for I have a melded sickle okay oh my God it’s not the best but it’s pretty decent uh what is that what is what why you have vanilla

Immortality in it if you don’t use uh I uh just it was added up with something yeah it was added up with something so it came on the I’m trying to make the black chromatic steel one and then I have this thing which is my um Overworld pickaxe ah my God

117 yeah you only need 100 I just put 17 extra on that by mistake and it’s got insane mining speed as well so I am absolutely in love with it and any other tool you use I just use the thing I um oh to break or with copiously yeah

Even oh you have copiously in it copiously also then yeah I need to make a new one why don’t you have mining speed in it I don’t need it because I have H three um and I also have a magnet that gives me mining speed so I’ve never felt the need it it’s

Quicker I guess if the new but I didn’t have space I wanted to prioritize as much coply I can get okay okay okay that that’s why I didn’t put mining speed yep yep yep yep yep I’ll also go for that I was trying to focus on mining speed but

Now when I’ll focus on copiously so that I get those ores triple double so the higher the copc the more amounts you get if it’s higher it it triple the or quadruple the or so yeah it’s it’s pretty good all right I’ll get back to finding turtle shells

I’ll see you around take care yeah sure what is what M I didn’t quite catch you uh let’s look for more Turtles I think the turtles in my base should be hatched the chunks were loaded after all no no they are not of course um help 94 he needs

250 we still don’t have the turtle legs wonder what Maniac is up to he said he said he was going to start his stream he still hasn’t started his Stream So by the way we are uh I think 370 some followers so I appreciate the support chat that you’ve shown on the

Streams uh thank you all for subscribing so far and thank you you for hopping by stopping by uh it’s great to have you all here always um we very close to 400 Subs so let’s hope we can hit it by the next week that’s like 30 or so some

Followers away I have my fingers crossed and I believe in you guys so we got it um I I can’t find Maniac I have no idea where guys another thing that I can’t fight is Turtles I don’t know where those are oh my that’s a that’s a creeper party over

There don’t BL up okay mob griefing is disabled otherwise that would have been bad because I was near xon’s base not my own oh I was wondering where he was he’s on the top here look at this man he has strength for witchery sorcery haste to speed to an

Angel but good use of uh SP points I would say what ises which do while above 80% Mana that’s pretty good I guess we can put a few um levels into that this is a mini parkour challenge in itself but with Speed 3 it makes it very hard

I wonder where is Angel blockers Place sound it makes when hitting that the jingle is so good oh I didn’t know that Cycles whoops all right let’s fly off let’s find more Turtles we’re trying to find turtles to put in our Turtle jar sorry our jar

Animal jar but we’re going to make it into a turtle jar that’s the goal let’s hope we find some fly fly fly we barely have any Mana now by the way 100 because we don’t have the idol on us so this build is a risky

Build I think next time I’ll try to get a oh wall title with lucky hit chance I take a little bit of damage there not good Turtles hello hello Turtles is there any turtles in here not that I can see they spawn in uh on beaches right they should spawn on beaches sandy

Beaches this is this is pain there’s a huge Sandy Beach here no there’s a fox though can I steal you do you go in this animals cannot be released when caught so you have animal jar with a fox in it how am I going to use that why

Is so we basically have a useless animal jar now right so we learn you can fit random mobs into the animal jar I don’t know if there it’s going to be any Ed to you but yes we can do that in case you want to do that let’s make a fresh

One G just just just a few Turtles is all a demand cuz if if if you put them in the jar and they’re basically useless um meaning they don’t they can’t give Drop Eggs like chicken scan and etc etc that’s basically a use of um use of the two eggs that we breeding

In a base that’s why I want to find some out in the wild that we can test the theory on if it works we’ll put more in there so now we just need to find turtles roaming around the place uh why is it so hard to find turtles

So this potted hu pots huge maze that uh we had to go through can you guys hear me by the way oh yes you can I was wondering because in case I muted Myself by mistake and you guys can not actually hear me that would have

Been not so fun uh no turtles inside though we got some chickens some sheep etc etc uh can’t see anything resembling a turtle on the should line anything no mobs as far as the IE can see nothing related to a turtle there was a pretty interesting cave back there though let’s just fly

Here in this direction let’s see if we can find any Turtles there’s another Beach here but so I think we’re specifically looking for the beach biome warm beach or something look for Motion Beach so Turtles should technically spawn here but I see Zero there’s an entire Island made out of um gr uh granite loc motion there’s another Beach over there we we’ll we’ll check that out no no no no Turtles no uh yeah there a Minecraft Beach so Turtles should technically

Spawn here right unless I’m missing something and they don’t actually spawn in beaches and in entirely different biome I might be wrong here but technically I from what I can remember they should spawn on beaches no idea man no idea why they aren’t spawning I didn’t bring a w Stone

As well so we have to fly all the way back you know what I’ll just I’ll just dig myself a hole here uh and in a bit so cod’s going to run his vault I think till then we’re going to just uh do find eggs I’ll be right back chat I

Need to grab some water give me a few hey Chad I’m back sorry I gone to grab some water where is he I’m back I was just grabbing some water slim chance but did any to no no Turtles no no none wonder wonder wonder where you

Were H see Target Block M sang and if you go down down it has I saw alligator snapping turtle spawns no one else is replying except me I guess the Chat is dead today man pretty dead it has it has been the this way for like a few days I don’t know why

But yeah the chat has been slightly dead which is uh not a good sign maybe I should I don’t know I think I’ve been streaming the same way I was the doing the first say uh the chat has been slightly dead I’ll try to improve things as we go on but

Uh I shall see we shall see but yeah it’s great to have here M I guess uh people are also busy Diwali week is coming up right so um people are heading home uh and stuff so like just celebrating the festival it’s a busy week uh I am involved with chat I think

I I think I’m uh decently involved with chat man I’m always interacting with the chat so I don’t know how I can interact anymore uh with the chat because I’m always uh trying to explain what I’m doing I always talk to you guys uh try to figure out what we

Are doing and what you guys are watching me do explain things about the game about the mod pack I I I genely do not know how to make it more engaging uh MOSI right so beaches total it’s not that hard to find beaches with like total legs and Turtles on them I don’t

Know why why we can’t find one that has turtle eggs on it and turtles because this is honestly getting ridiculous we need 24 eggs and we still have gotten only two out of that 24 which which is insane we we still haven’t found a single beach with

Like with turtles on it which is kind of which is kind of insane we’ve we’ flown uh We’ve flown around quite a bit man we uh flew all the way from our base to like this place oh wait interesting this is an interesting place what biome is this wared

Mesa this is an interesting biome this look looks to be like kind of a darker Mesa uh like sort of like a Mesa mushroom biome a mix of both because I I I say that because of the purple water that we saw back there but we are basically flying around

With F3 because I want to find biomes because uh turtles only spawn in specific biomes and I’m looking for those biomes uh so that we can find find turtles there but so far we have had no luck with turtles spawning in absolutely zero luck by the way by the MH how’s the

V stay coming along how was your day I’m glad your internet got fixed by the way it’s always a pain uh when you don’t have any internet right uh I’ve been there done that college internet for me sucked absolutely um that’s one of the reasons I was glad

To be home was just the internet Turtles no this entire island is a beach Stony Shore they’re not going to spawn there but there was like such a big beach there I don’t know why nothing nothing spawned there whatsoever we’ll take like a detour okay

Our El is about to break that is not good let’s just head back at this point we had the uh Wings all trinkets so I wasn’t really worried about durability on our lra but I think not anymore at this point we have to worry about durability because this thing will

Break oh there’s a sky island uh yeah that’s the one near my base yo Sonu Mina welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here how you doing welcome aboard welcome aboard how’s the day coming along uh yeah no total legs here sad all right let’s let’s hope the

Random copper block don’t mind if I do a lot of junk in inventory as well because I didn’t have my backp I love watching your streams I appreciate it man I appreciate you stream different games maybe because your inventory is overpowered and want us people might be thinking sitting and relaxing is okay

Playing grinding games might help people interact and if you want I can switch games to genin right now one of the more grindy games that I play or we going to do some Apex only watch no chats hm interesting there’s there’s some a few people like that I’ll

Be very honest with you that’s the sort of viewer I am I usually go on streams I don’t chat at all um I usually just sit and relax and listen to the streamer talk yeah this everybody’s got like different ways of enjoying streams and content overall right let’s repair our lra uh

That’s done let’s repair our pickaxe our inventory is overpowered in want does I don’t think so we still have a lot of work to do in this mod pack yes I’m pretty far ahead in the game but I still have to grind right there’s still a

Grind we still have to build stuff so there’s a lot of things left for us to do even in wal tunders we not at the end game walting ah that crashed my game po why it’s it’s not po fault it’s just the uh voice mod does

That uh and it’s been doing that for a while but I hate it I absolutely hate it it crashed again so um let me Chrome the answer because I need uh Turtle X and there has to be a easier way and my Turtles still haven’t hatched which is interesting because I don’t

Think they should be taking this long but uh if you have any answers chat I so there you can also make a turtle farm uh I don’t remember how to do that how so you can yeah I I’m glad you enjoy the streams uh uh soina it’s uh great to have you here

Glad to have you here uh but Musik I I’ll stream different games I was think of streaming genin today if you want a more interactive session where you’re going to have you’re going to get to see me play Zin you know a um human warlock um please do join this Saturday 5:30

P.m. IST over on my twitch twitch.tv/ for/ by TTV for some Dungeons and Dragons the tales of Fate campaign 2 it’s going to be a fun one we’re going to be joined uh by a bunch of amazing people yeah do check me out over there uh on over on my twitch this Saturday

But yeah we’ll do we I’ll think about doing some other games as well most week I’m just trying to figure out how do I make a turtle farm right now turtle eggs only spawn at night that is something that we I did not know it takes less than seven Minecraft days

So I guess the best way to yeah so if they start cracking that means they are starting to hatch uh I guess we’ll just work on the turtle legs I’m pretty sure what me you watching me run a vault would have been interesting more interesting but we need

To do this we just place this down those are cracking that means um they’re in the progress of hatching uh why can’t I interact Russ has many streamers I think uh that game might help with the growth of your channel uh yeah I do agree with that uh and drust

Is also a fun game so that’s why I want to play it uh I haven’t played rust in a while I also have like a friend of mine who wants to join with me uh blue blue star I don’t know if you know him but he

Streams on Twitch and he’s been go check him out by the way great guy uh streams genin Apex he’s an absolutely he’s an absolute beast at Apex um he’s really good at Apex like FPS games he’s exceptional okay I need water um can’t place it down in my base otherwise uh

I’m going to flood it basically why am I taking so much damage Um while the fire was gone before it could become too big of a problem great I need to cover this up uh I guess we can remove the bot we we never check the bot wow wow that’s a that’s a significant that’s that’s a significant amount of chorus SLS uh me

Damn yeah we’ll try rust we’ll definitely try rust MH that’s been a game I’ve been thinking of getting back to you don’t understand it’s I’ve had a lot of fun with rust why did we stop producing kelp again hold up wait a minute something at right

Uh I don’t think we ran out of water what’s use of the FL um just W alter requirements don’t tell me we run out of water in our storage system I would be so mad because that means this thing is going to shut down soon no water absolutely no water jeez

We we might want to make another fluid dis with the phytogenic insulator and the amount of water it RS this is insane uh let’s let’s just make a 2506 actually let’s make a bigger fluid disc so we don’t have to like worry about this running out because if it

Runs out that means like we can’t put stuff back in like said 0241 boxs we missing a lot of things first we need to make 256k Parts which is 64k Parts which we can make we need five I guess is what I can make

Right now uh so 256k part is so we need more we also need processors so let’s just make like a couple of bindings 64 bindings I guess should be good then we need a 64k fluid part need squats enr which we are running low on there we go let’s let’s make out of

Buckets great um let’s make more of those just make a stack of buckets we ran out of silicon this time great silicon is just I think quarts smelted down so not a lot of trouble we have a lot of carts we have a smelter over here just dump that in there there

We have water coming in we have our qus being smelted this is pulling things into this that’s not being sent anywhere right now we also r a bone meal so this is going to be slower I wish there was a way to detect the bone number of bone

Meal inside this thing I I guess what we do is we just on on meal like turn most of our bones into bone meal that much 448 should do we grab another exporter yep we do have it we basically just place that here we put bone meal on the

Top so this is going to allow us is to fully automate this thing it’s going to keep topped up on bone meal keep toed up on water keep toed up on KP um we just need to get this silicon made so we can make the uh 64 okay so we have eight of

Those we need nine of those for the actually we need yeah I think I think I think I’m thinking of what I’m thinking is correct there’s a lot of thinkings there but the the flower is used to grow cor loots and it’s also required with the w alter I don’t think there’s any

Uh other uses it can be used to make these things uh the like bricks and stuff poer bricks and stuff be used to make Ender air bottle which botan needs Oracle jelly which I have no clue what are you making here we are making um a fluid disc so

How uh every I automate everything is these things right uh back here the thermogenerator which needs water to run and here’s the thing this thing the phyto uh uh phytogenic insulator also needs water to run the issue I’m facing is we put 400 buckles of water in here

And it runs like no yeah 400 buckets of water in it and it runs out like this with the snap of a finger and if that water runs out that means this generator shuts down the generator running or storage shuts down if the generator running or storage shut shuts down that

Means we can’t even access our storage we need to grab a exchange yeah this thing we’re going to grab some Blackstone because we mix mix mixed we missed some blocks back here not the slabs no these ones the thing that thing this thing right here this entire portion

And Bam I think that’s all of the blocks replaced with Blackstone we had like a few missing ones um we ask C to help us texture this thing once scod is back from building the town hall and on the Ser a little bit more uh but yeah so

That’s that’s what we need water for and that’s what we need our thing for which is 4K uh fluid storage part we make one more more of those now we need uh 256k fluid storage part which needs basic processors which we should should have everything to

Make just make a bunch of those we can make 12 right now we’re out of redstone I don’t think we’re out of redstone we out of redstone blocks I think one thing we should how many diamonds do we have 32 W diamonds how many knowledge Essence do we

Have we we can make some knowledge cores let’s do that firsthand uh I think we are also going to run out of our diamonds pretty quick we need to keep an eye out on that uh and our benti as well uh just make sure we have enough

When we need it basically so five of those and um we all out of diamonds there we go we can still make a single CH but we have five knowledge stars now wait are our processors done so we need 256 parts right um 2 50

6 fluid storage part we need 1 2 three three of these and that’s going to make a I think one24 fluid storage part which is the uh 256 Parts with improved processors uh which is going to need uh redstone blocks again bam and it’s going to make

Oh oh yeah we going to need more redstone blocks CU we are out uh so we have the parts we just need to make this which needs process of binding which also need redstone blocks all good we we need to make three of these uh three we just uh put those in for

Down Bam that’s going to get sped real quickly there we go now we can make a one24 I just dropped some water on my table not good there’s there’s really little in it that’s why I’m not panicking otherwise I have my mouse as well as my keyboard

There so it would have been pretty bad pretty pretty bad I’m saying yeah M so we just making a um fluid disc wait I forgot to make the disc this thing the one24 fluid disc 4096 is a little bit more expensive in these 1024k parts but I think we should

Be good with this for now yep with this I think they need to make another uh we go I think we need to make another dis way so we have this completely full we have this that is half full we have this this is decently full we have this this

Is barely full we have this that is completely full uh you 25 2 256 um fluid storages we have a 64k 1 which is pretty full uh I guess we need to manage our storage man jez I want to see what is taking up like the 44k slots in this

Thing can I see that I think I have a dis manipulator right dis manipulator we also have another dis Drive which is exactly what we need at Sol uh pop it down there the blocks are exit but I just make another one no that’s the dis manipulator we need also need the dis

Drive which we can just PLP that there so if we put this in I guess we put that a um is there a way to monitor the items inside this thing like check them out I don’t think there is uh let’s just notice the difference most of major blocks still

Here if we put that in what are we losing if we pull that out losing some uh things yeah something definitely shifted because we have the uh magma feather I guess the easiest way to make this is we need Redstone links we have two going to need lever and we going to need

Filters which I think I’m going to need you can just grabb a random block for storage I think what chest just grab one of these things of these things if see here to go the uh to go the weird route here so we place that here we make it so that this only

Works with the Redstone signal and then we add our two filters here bam now when we oh wait I still needed those chest those we don’t have a dash I need I still need those uh chests one two oh one of it is black concrete there we

Go now my question is where do we place this Redstone link and the lever I guess we can just place it here and then we just place these things and now when we have this on that’s going to connect it to the rest of the storage but when we have it

Off let going to disconnect it to the storage so I know for a fact 14k deep slate I don’t know how it got in here 14k Cobble deep slate is in the system 3.1k tough I’m thinking we just remove the Deep slate this Roar um on the pick up upgrade on this

Thing right um put the chest in so we just we just trying to C clear like the big items in there and put them in compacting drawers or normal drawers we just clear that out grab a key draw key empty click so lot of empty draws we need a compacting drawer

Hello oh yeah it’s not connected to the system so first we need to do that then we can make a compact drawer oh hold up got to do one very important thing that is set set this to actually where’s my wrench there we go set this to actually

Receive signal so that it works um let we Gra Cobblestone so now the system is completely connected so we have our coins everything in here uh being displayed I like to walk efficiently yeah um this is the thing I’ve been trying to do for a long while but now good glad I

All finally did it because this this this makes me see because Cobble deep SL shouldn’t go in there because I have you know um a you see 15K 15K coal that’s from downstairs that doesn’t matter what what else is like the big hitters here and Bones that’s again from downstairs

Um I guess we make two more Redstone Lings he me out here all right here me out so we make two more Redstone legs which needs brass casing which needs we have a block of brass we have multiple and we need chromatic iron blocks which connect to the system so we

Just grab two of those actually no we don’t even need two we need one of each shouldn’t have put that chromatic block there it’s going to be the only chromatic mod there now what we need to do is nope not go over here uh go to the auto

Deployer where is it I keep forgetting here it is just place this in here place that in there and that should do its thing and make Bross casing as simple as that also have like a little bit of junk in there so we take this blast casing and we make a redstone

Link grab our range uh so we’ll make okay for mob farm we’ll depicted by roton flesh and uh a bone right we can turn that off as well down in the mob farm uh we don’t we I don’t think we will need to but it’s just a security measure that

I’m making over here we place that we toggle that we add our two filters so red one is going to be that that one’s going to be that now what we need to do is go all the way down here we need to stop the farm I can

Safely go down here is where we draw drew the exporter cable from and go all the way up there through here place this thing on this thing it’s to run flesh B uh then we need to make sure we right click at this thing and we good to go now just need

To lock all of this up so that mobs accidentally don’t spawn they can’t spawn in there due to the mega torch but just in case ah we stuck right there we go and just cover this up so we can make panels for this pip and that’s what I’m

Planning to do for this one uh so we could have easily run it through through this room because I forgot you can make panels for this thing and cover the pipes up bam blam blam actually we forgot to do one thing we we turn that on so that’s off not connected to the

System that’s connected to the system let’s make a compa thing why why you not working why are you still not connected to the system only worth with redstone sign is that is that giving outter Redstone signal it’s giving out an XOne signal why aren’t you working

Only work with red signal works I I don’t know why it wasn’t showing up beforehand but now it does weird so now the storage should be connected there we go so we can make our Compact and drawer uh maniac okay never mind I’ll ask uh never mind I ask fire

Fury fire Fury where you at I’m out of w diamonds we need just two more to make the compacting draw so I will make it happen uh actually important thing uh before I forget to do that ever uh what we forgot to do is head here down

Here yes we need to mine the blocks again yes I don’t know why I Min them in the first place and I’m to head all the way up there because I forgot to do something that is a Tec MEC with let’s first check if this is receiving a signal which apparently it

Is I don’t know what’s happening to the items there if my magnet is indeed dragging them along why didn’t they get picked up I’m confused okay before before those items decide to do anything funny we’ll turn our magnet off and place those blocks there and then we’re going to go

Here only wor with redstone yeah so only work with redstone then we just seal this up damn it if I keep forgetting the last Block’s going to just see me in there uh that means that whenever we want so we we can put our stuff in here

Now dra key everything wrench even uh let’s go to fire Fury’s base first let’s grab two wall diamonds uh message fire Fury can you please mail me to hold there we go we don’t need to go uh so now we can just blam toggle blam toggle that’s all of these disconnected

And all the ones downstairs disconnected it’s just the main thing so wall sues are a huge offender huge huge offender so we need to uh we need to add a filer module with W SS in it because wall SS are a huge huge offender of this thing look at that 6.64 all

Sweets silver scrap is going in there even if even though we oh that’s full see this this this makes us check what thing is full and what thing is not so we don’t have one for netherite scrap you know what we make one for the right scrap nether

Right W Rock 555 chips W rocks there’s a lot of random stuff like stone wall rotten meat as well you know what all of this wall junk items I know how to deal with them we grab our filter item I I don’t know if you can like draag items from like

Ji you can’t seem to but if you remove all of these we’ll just add we can we make a filter C for this thing but it wasn’t working is the thing do do do I need to put it here let’s try using a filter I don’t remember how you use it

Uh falling asleep good night all right good night um mik I’ll see you around man take care we’re missing a hopper for this which need iron so let me just enable this temporarily filter no not that one this one also needs a hopper right let’s filter I’m pretty sure if you go to

Interract stuff like rotten meat you put that in there you can only put it there it white list actually no that needs to be on Black List I put that in there it should it should filter out Al meat uh let’s try it let’s turn that

Off there have some VA meat right here just take that we’re going to put it in here we going to try and that very much goes into the system if you turn off exact mode it still very much goes into the system I don’t know why it’s not working we have a filter

Here just set on Black List needs to be on white list whatever said this on white list as well it uh doesn’t seem to be working I guess what we I guess what we do is uh we just make a junk bag uh we add stuff

To this thing uh so we need to add uh what do we need to add Walt meat W sweets uh heing it we keep I want to see how what the thing you can make from those are ancient copper we’ll keep that as well good building

Block I guess those two are it so we just grab the polar module and the this module so these both have two two slots empty so we can just put this stuff in it in in okay hold on uh in this thing and then we can just one

To um yeah and now if we open this thing put this in here Uh open this thing uh put this in here put this in here then what we can do for now is is just run this on Whit list remove the filter it doesn’t seem to work anyways then what we do is we just this in here nothing seems to be going in but if

We put W Meat in it’s going to take this from here and put it there you just grab all the wal meat we pick the bag up so that the dropped items go in inventory take all the W meat out W sweets so there like a lot of our storage is

Just taking with wall suets and Walt meat and items like that just kind of me whatever like 15K Cobble deep slot should not be in the system I’m pretty sure the uh I’ve given the uh drawers higher priority than uh the uh as you can see like no Cobblestone

Comes in here actually why is there no Cobblestone coming in here because it’s directly going to the drawers okay let me let me check the that mind me let let me check the priority uh thing on on the on the thing it should be high priority

Plus 10 priority right so it has more priorities it’s going to first check that and then check the system and this has a void up this had a void upgrade on let me get that void upgrade out uh fire F has sent us the uh compact

Draws so not the compa Ro there’s two wall diamonds that we need to make the compact RS look at that tiny thing 400 seconds for it to grow can we speed that up if we feed it Some why is the rotten meat the only thing that I can see we just fill this with a lot lot of water look at how much water we can fit in here now so when we are not running a phytogenic insulator water has never been an issue but now when even when we

Are running a phytogenic insulator water should not be an issue 1K water we going need any more than that now we did that we do R compacting draw why oh that’s that’s why I don’t want to I don’t see anything have two random filters in our uh now going to the the

Storage I was like why do I not see anything H that’s interesting oh hold up need to make that um look good means we’re going to need this glass here which keeps falling I don’t like it we don’t have sticks so let’s just look at logs just look at planks

I’m M uh let’s just look at sticks so we put that in the middle 86ing that we need gray concrete Bam Bam put that there and we need to grab the key to grab the Cor 2y modify that and it’s going to be for cobbled you can’t compress this thing what no

Help k out of there I few compressed blocks of diamond we can deep slate oh yeah that thing can’t be compressed no no no you need uh we need a storage upgrade for this here three which needs these things which are not that hard to make we just

You know what we we just make three of these four of these you know what your storage is going to be insane one2 for Stacks I don’t think anybody’s going to need that much genuinely like you really need that not turn that off if you don’t have to for

Magic ah that doesn’t have warning on it wait you have more magic silk I know we can use an use an exporter to make our uh life easier have an external St if you don’t have an exporter though we use that as well but just we

Just do the the oldfashioned way not too hard what’s the sweets we might want to connect this soon because this W Essence going into this system I guess we can we can wait for this process to finish then we won’t have any W Essence coming into the system which is a good

Thing we look World essence you have one Soul dust BL put it in there sweet sweet sweet sweet more sweets I we take out all the Deep slate this going to be a lot of work uh I guess we turn on magnet to make it faster

We need to drop that we can put the keys back where they belong in the storage we can also put the fluid Drive in there for now so that we have more storage to work with and let’s sty to get to work getting all this Cobble State SL out

Okay so I think what we should do to make this process entire lot faster is just like dump everything in there there we go we we have our entire inventory to ourselves so we can just do this and just it’s a shame you can’t just directly throw things out from here with

Like control Q doesn’t work it needs to come into your inventory first and even if we throw the bag it just comes returns to us oh my pot is uh on a roll here we are sorry this is going to take a little bit but we need this to

Happen because and the 64k is uh dis is not cheap it needs an echo poog and a lot more resources that we simply do not have right now maybe in the future we can make more we are full on deep slate meaning our backpack is full of

Deep slate and we can’t put any more in or and we don’t need to and turn this on NS because we’re going to get start getting Soul stuff uh this just instantly takes it and sends it over there I I wonder how is is it looking over here we got to

Skute there one grown two tiny ones roaming around So we have three to so far this is going to take a while this is going to take a while not flow we need glow flow and glow are two totally different things this thing is going to keep running I guess we better add things to The Blacklist uh we remove that we

Add I guess we just make a junk bag because that’s what we do we just make a junk bag we have the pouches we just make one make one for like junk so the puller can just like pull things out of it rather the by chance going to the

System so right now we need to filter out this is going to be Blacklist of uh rotten meat and sweet so these should be going in here yeah they’re going in the current place now we’ll have to we we’ll do the same for tough we’ll put tough in here here

We have a lot of empty drawers we can take take the load of our discs and actually put it in like physical some form of physical storage which is AKA draws we go this this entire process is going to take like eons to complete but we don’t have a s

Pouch but I’m fine with that uh if anything takes eons let me just fix my inventory real quick hi Omar how you doing welcome to the stream man it’s great to have you here did you manage to get your thing sorted out over at the uh the thinging

Over at the police station I hope you got that sorted out man I hope everything is all right with you welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here welcome about to another VA Hunter stream with me Big B so both these are empty which is

Good this is going to take a while uh now what we need to do is H what did I need I for I need I needed something specific from the storage but now I seem to have forgotten yes pouch we we have another double pouch this is going to be

A waste bag so we have a junk bag this is going to be a waste bag so we are going to need Advanced pickup upgrade need what damn it we need wall diamonds they close the case on you good good to hear that imitation air collect a bottle of Ender

Air how the shop going no no no progress on the shop interior man I’m just waiting on these little guys 800 seconds can I feed you Seas to make you grow faster does that increase the time oh my yes it does like you don’t make it grow any faster

Than that there we go can you grow them with the ability uh no I uh I guess I can I guess I can what do we need right now uh so we have a kelp being made right I think we can stop I am pretty sure we can stop he need like

250 228 we’re close we’re close ah see another one is gr and we got skewed this one has shown no signs of cracking we need to complete this for that we need 24 eggs insane shop I need to experiment man uh um help me out man give me some ideas

What do we do what do we do for the shop interior brainstorm with me brainstorm with me CD cool down what do you mean cool down but man automate getting to automate everything just makes me feel so good on chat where were you tying typing CD what

Were you typing CD for cool down or huh it’s fine it’s fine I don’t mind let’s head back to our base let’s read the turtles we need Turtle what’s up message what’sapp Ah that’s a long application not wrong chat that’s that’s an entirely different application we breed you to let you grow

Up oh I short go for Spanish sentence do your thing there’s a lot of sand in here there’s also concrete but there’s a lot of sand so shielded blocks looks nice that’s why I just kept that so the 16k Cobble deep stain that we have should no longer be going in a

Storage it should be all in there lo a classic and the shop and a side I’ll show you what the inside of the shop looks right now and then we can figure out I’m thinking of putting like some create stuff in there as well looks on bricks uh true true true true

True let’s go let’s go to the spawn I’ll show you like what the shop looks like right now we also need to do a little bit of terraforming around the place so we’ll go to get that done we just need to grab some dirt which is easy enough

So this is going to be like a side entrance to the shop there’s going to be like a employer employee entrance the main entrance is going to be this thing right here you walk through here um and you’re basically going to walk through here I want to have like a few things on

Display Shel boxes maybe some create items then there’s going to be like a top floor there for which I want to grab like create elevators and just head up there so where do we place the elevator and etc etc is something that we need to plan out right and that’s what I need

Help with Omar we’ll hop on our single player world uh my single player world and help me out to brainstorm I almost join the farm right let’s uh let’s focus on the uh Turtle X first they’re giving me trouble I I I just I just don’t know why there’s no good way

To automate Turtle XS Creos welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here how you doing welcome aboard yo yo what’s up welcome welcome welcome aboard this thing still has a lot of things and it’s very slow I think the center yeah I have a lot of

Space I’m not talking I don’t I’m not saying I don’t have space I think chat what should be the next mode we unlocked these are the most mods that we have unlocked we have colossal chest SSN drawers refined storage stack upgrades double pouches power we have modu routers dark

Utilities we have thermal expansions and create we have V Stones torch Master WT Compass elevators we have potions and mixtures we have easy Builders mob spawners phytogenic insulator and the weeding adets what mod should be unlock next I’m thinking I don’t think we need mechanism anymore we have have thermal

It can get most of the things that mechanical mechanism can do we can go Bania I think dark maybe dark dark utils you already have dark utils we have it researched you don’t need Mech that that’s what I’m saying we already have thermal we don’t need Mech maybe

Botania maybe bells or maybe the soul harvester because this thing is useful this thing is slow this thing right here is slow actually you know what why are we even using the shulker um Harvest is like expensive to make but it’s it’s a useful thing it’ll take us a time yeah we’ll

Make it the next next time guess you can make a soul harvester how expensive is it soul hard okay that’s the wrong thing it’s not linked to ji soul harvester use a model router F to get items of back I’m using a model router that’s what I’m

Using but the thing is the this the wall diffuser is so slow it’s not it’s not that bad we have we have like only missing one eoam and we get three from the next two bounties that we have what right Chad should we work on the shop

Interor should we go to a wult okay oh this is good don’t crack them don’t crack them we need to grab them good now which one of you there we go both of them we can get uh turt like we’ll keep the turtles in there it’ll be

Useful so we’ll get the soul harvester we have the knowledge Stars we just need diamonds I’m out of Walt diamonds Walt diamond look we have zero have zero wallt diamonds uh let’s look at our catalysts dark maybe uh dark we already have right umos we have we already have

Dark infused we have gilded four four four times three orate three plentiful uh yeah let’s go do let’s just should do you guys want me to join the wall just to like loot for a little bit get some diamonds maybe be re into guilded Hunter flk Farmer Hunter is

Here go for gild we’ll just quickly enter the Wall go for gild CH and get out and do the dungeon also yeah we need uh ORS dungeon and like yeah and we also need to find silver scrap that’s our legendary Bounty it do it okay let’s go

Let’s head to spawn let’s get into the Vault um I hope my audio is fine chat I just have kept the mic a little bit lower uh and a little bit if you it’sit extreme level you’ll do it easily we have we have good things going for us I didn’t bring any

Unnecessary stuff did we are we don’t have a junk uh junk bag we have a main main bag though so junk is going to fill up an invent pretty quickly I forgot about that it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine uh let’s pick our hunter into gilded and this

Room nothing here let’s go left somebody would have I’m I’m pretty sure somebody already went left so what we’ll do is like we’ll go take a ill a chest whoever went left either didn’t loot the chest yeah it does big portions as well uh two bus per

Portion you don’t get two Puffs per potion now anymore they forgot to remove that from the uh patch notes you don’t get double times no no it doesn’t give two modifiers it they REM it uh it only gives you like a better effect it doesn’t like give you more modifiers

That was good yeah that was good they they doesn’t do it anymore I have a mixture mixture should give me two modifiers according to the mod but I only put one on it I was surprised when I found it as well oh my 30 copia sleeve

For a long time that’s good I love uh lucky hit um cleave and the lucky hit that we got like 300% more damage plus cleave ooh so good who came through here did not really loot the chest did they I mean the wall still left 23

Minutes by the way we have crafted all the relics that we needed um yeah it doesn’t make sense to meaning it’s better I get regen for 40 seconds now instead of the 20 but more modifiers would have been good like look at immortality with like uh regen like that would have been so

Good right multiple modifiers Would Have Made It Broken But as well as so good worth the um like price of the potions but now it doesn’t make sense I just use heal ability and like occasionally drink potions if I’m fighting a boss or like on the verge of

Death so so we’ll go go for soul harvester right now well our inventory is full of junk look at I I love like the sound effect when it procs it just ah so good so with soul harvester the best benefit is if we make a um what is it

Called if we make like a junk bag we can just place it over there and it’s going to drain it so quickly because it’s going to be so quick at doing its job I guess I’ll go Soul Harvest I haven’t I haven’t really felt the need for a

Bigger bag so far I just haven’t because I have so many different bags that I haven’t found the need for like another bag and I’m good at like managing and like Distributing my loot amongst them even if even though I loot like more than maniac maniac is on like belts

Right and he still thinks like he’s running out of storage and he wants to get the next mod uh backpacks but I just haven’t felt that uh thing because I’m effective with my uh backf management I have like five of them currently and I’ll get one more so we’ll have six

Packs we’ll do a vault we’ll leave early so we can get the turtle X for our vault uh coins we ready I guess we’ll take coins we’re here for diamonds and coins and meaning we’re just here to loot I don’t even care about the objective at this point this the boss

Mob look at how much damage o we got a w trinket out of that I’ll head to college uh got an expo to do all right I’ll see you around Omar best of luck with college I hope it goes well well I’ll see you around thanks for

Hopping by thanks for stopping by uh take care any any tables any tables here no not that I can see which is sad I really need modifier tables I want to get more modifiers so that it’s easy to like add modifiers to your GE uh I might or might not be man I’m

I’m trying to sleep a little bit earlier than schedule my usual schedule so I’ll usually be starting my streams earlier and ending them later because uh it’s just not sitting well with my health I need some I need I need like longer uh straights of uh rest so to

Speak oh we we didn’t bring Ki and lemons oh it’s whatever all right I’ll enjoy I’ll make sure to enjoy see you around uh Omar take care H enjoy College glitches what do this room has to offer for us so there’s three there none on the bottom and three

There we do one of their objectives for them you’re not really going to struggle with it I think okay poison bad poison bad let’s also get this Thing no B diamonds from that chest which is we only got five out of that like whatever chest that we opened he just shot me and died great we got a good Focus here uh some W gear I actually genuinely don’t need the W gear but we’ll take it

We can scrap it for something I’m being selected because we don’t have a junk pack so you have to be selective about this you also need to mine some ores so I just hope we get a old room we still have like uh we still have like 17 minutes left in this wall

So fing scoss for or because we need benite pite and trap Omega LOL literally Omega LOL has this place been ransacked why does it feel like this place has been ransacked what there’s literally no chest back there but for now it seems to be good seems to be like no one has ransacked

This place which is Good we have an inscription for this as well so we can just put like four times gilded on it I’m pretty sure this is the library room right if the library room is the inscription one because I think that’s known as a blacksmith or something I’m pretty sure this is the

Room that uh is the library that we need to put the uh CU you have a four times guilded we put that that’s like double chest on this thing it it’ll be pretty good it’ll be fun then we can run it yeah good room good room for hunting uh glitch chest

Uh we also have a top to explore uh let’s get this uh layer first we’ll move layer by layer we’ll get the bottom ons first then we’ll move on to the top let’s just hope we can get some more bounties done soon so we can if we

Unlock the W Harvester we can make it because we are just missing one echoen for it let’s hope we get a new trinket or we get like a good one a reroll of a good one I I don’t want to get like a bad repeat even if we get that we can always

Crap it that only gives us trinkets crap and like making uh trinkets is like pretty expensive it’s not like a thing that you can do easily we add a stack upgrade to like a backpack it’s like really good so I’m glad I got stack upgrades instead of like the P big

Backpacks was honestly stack upgrade is more useful at least according to me that’s personal opinion we also have the focuses that we can um roll our repair slots because this thing is about to break this thing only has two this thing has three this thing

Has two this thing has five the B boot should be good for a long time but till then I think I’ll still try to find like a new armor set just because you’re getting a lot of Relic booster packs a lot of junk I guess the junk bag is the correct

Way to go then with the amount of junk that we getting Kos how’s the wedness day coming along man it’s great to have you here long time to see and if you have been around stream I mean I haven’t like you chatted uh CH on the stream in a while

Welcome welcome aboard if you’re still around here good to have you here uh where’s the where’s the where’s the stairs up here we go so there’s a hallway through here which leads us here which oh yeah getting a lot of dream Stones as well which is good uh you can always you

Never have Enough we need two more OAS oh man and right after that a ornate um village room which is good butth I just wish I had my other backpack was my inventory is not looking too spicy at this moment look at that shiny twink it we’ll

Roll it once we’re back but now we look for the entrance and well first house first try starting to get good at this I guess on it chest we’ll just loot the old fashioned way don’t want like all of the W gear it’s like one level

Lower than I am like in terms of like gear stats uh that doesn’t sit well with me and of course roll really exceptionally well but I would rather do it with my than mainx and actually know w g is not going to take any extra space on uh like

We are practically looking at things it’s the junk inside that’s going to take more space cuz you have a different bag for like World GE and stuff oh there’s the spawner up chest the only issue with manx W is we not getting getting any veining and waxing focuses which we really really

Really need mean I want it because it’s it’s good for like if you get like a good prefix legendary prefix that you want to keep but uh these suffixes are bad and you just want to reroll those it’s a really good thing to have why am I stuck in

Here uh-oh there’s another chest in there I did not notice that not chest sorry spawner yeah let me just take a U-turn from here I don’t want to go in there just for one single chest for all I know that single chest could contain a trinket but I’m not going through all

That wasting like precious time wish this was a gilded room we still need those diamonds I guess the you can also do Village inscriptions which I don’t think those require Echo gems but Village inscriptions would be nice as well I mean of course uh you can’t really do

Catalst runs with those because you don’t know what sort of chest the village is going to have but all you know you put like four times living in it and it has or a chest in it so that’s pretty useless yeah like for General if you need like chest and stuff uh

M y what’s up no no you get teleported you get teleported as soon as you complet it you get you get teleported how rare are these monoliths these are not rare but why we are not able to find it’s it’s like it’s like Monet only no oet are as rare as

Monets okay maybe slightly more rarer than Monet because Monet are basically DED around everywhere but yeah it’s they’re not that rare should be able to find them easily chunk more chunk more chunk more chunk is that all right let’s go through here we missed the CH is pretty good bro yeah

The piercing is the best I like the split one more than piercing one that flit splits up scatter jablin dude I do I do 66 Time 5 damage on like a single Target if I aim it correctly otherwise like I do 66 damage to every single Target it’s

Really good why you have to aim you have to oh yeah yeah but aiming is not hard you just aim at their feet and shoot aim with all three potions that’s the point uh with all three what yep if all five hit it’s like uh yeah they bounce right but if you hit

Them once that’s like 66 into 5 which is I don’t know how much damage that is I don’t want to do the mats that’s a lot of damage I use five all I think it’s pretty good yep depends on your build my uh mine is not a ability

Uh an ability power build minus like CR damage resist so ability power having ability power is not going to do me stuff I have like basically no ability power so if I do Fireball it’s not going to do much damage it’s going to use a lot of

Mana you know what the best build is just go lucky hit all the way man it’s the best lucky hit and the lucky hit plus cleave plus the uh thing that does like more damage so I do like 300 damage if Lucky hit procs and I

Also deal like damage in a 5×5 area the clearing out like groups of enemies is really nice and bosses are get bosses get easier as well boss always comes with a yep so bad news I don’t find any ores oh there’s glitches down there though so

I’ll get go go get those though no ores no ores so far I also finally completed all the relics oh congratulations bro yep finally what what is that pizza night okay you guys get out of my face our paxel is about to break 5 minutes left I guess I’ll start

Heading back so we just need one more month right yeah I Think mying broke and my shoes are 165 so I don’t think it will break better be safe than sorry I see if I found one I’ll do it actually I don’t think it will be that difficult because I’m not wearing my chest plate wearing elyra so I’ll place my light rri chest

Plate oh dungeon normal nice we going grab that I broke both my living chest by the way Good I don’t know how your magnet is still alive like they take a lot of durability damage no I’m genuinely surprised your magnet is surv has survived this be surprised bro if you be surprised break quickly can we repair our magnet yep you can repair every single Tor can

We repair our CHS uh no trinket right no you can make new ones but they’re expensive as hell what are these guys oh okay my inventory is absolutely full I this for you guys please find one you shall be missed do have you got this Maniac or do you need help

I don’t think I I think I’ll do it okay good job Yeah take poison down there drink kit M same that guy had a unfortunate time to die which system that lower level you get zero XP system I have no idea I went to C I got 17,000 XP I got 18,000 XP I have no idea man I

Have no idea if it was a bug if it was what I can’t tell you got a lot of jewels out of that my God this is still not empty you know what I’ll just take all of this put it in the system for now and uh we’ll deal with this later go

To complete I found a lot of orate chest so finally I uh I also have like some armor sets from your thing I’ll send you hold up you can also send the drink no thank you mean I’m being generous in as it is if you don’t want the armor you can just

Let me know um pretty decent got got a lot of gold got a little bit of diamonds testing how generous you are oh mod Bo good thing oh stack upgrade that’s that was a Pog so I’ll consider that like semi expensive we roll the trinket we’ll see what what we get on

That please m feather which grounds us Tri same the same Fury hard please wings please ban please I can make wings I just need trinket scrap for it just try to get that goles I have nice uh it reduces cool down reduction uh but you need to have cool down

Reduction gear for it no you need to have cool down reduction gear for it this thing has still not hatched I think there might be something wrong with it I give it a diagnosis by breaking it the hell right uh so we have a junk pouch now what we

Need to do is just make the knowledge star you never know man you you never know I I I might be I would like to I would want to be careful Mania just stay safe if anything happens just run so let’s get the soul harvester Alo what Alo what

Huh just be friends what do you mean make a tiny potato but hold up no I want to see this hold up I’m also coming coming okay we don’t need to make help anymore so we can just remove that let’s go see the potato I made a tiny potato let’s go say

Hi to that thing mechanism has a robot botney has like pet potatoes what does THL have no nothing like that th is just like pure utility what is this thing it’s cute loing Mana stars like floating Endo flames and this place is looking magical I think but

Bney would be like a good mod to have like to make our place who’s saying hello z z I don’t think so a zind uh what does it do can I kill it try try try try we have a lot of gear we need to

Sort it we need to give Maniac his gear I think one of most of it is maniac’s level uh yep have to send it in a shelter box man oh we we still have stuff in the Shel box oops hold up let me empty this thing what’s this

The wall junk will just put it in the system till we get a solution that is the Walt Harvester the more advanced one um this 5 P SED Farm yes chunk why do you need a slime chunk very easy to find a slime chunk my question is why do you need a

Slime chunk oh by the M check your mail drink no yeah send me back the sh Box by thank you if you don’t want the GE I can just come and take it fine I never said I don’t want it you don’t want to give it to me

I want to you just don’t seem like you want it just said two times if you don’t want if you don’t want if you don’t okay we have two more that thing yellow we’re barely scream taping the surface man see oh I have these I have

These I got a shield with I got a shield with 29 THS damage and plus seven Health nice is that nice it is nice but it’s a crappy one bro to the place right now what are these things anything floating everything is floating right now I don’t [Laughter] know what [Laughter] why uh I’m going to be running a wall does anybody want me to take their um doll with them I if you can make a crystal I can make the doll for you Crystal Crystal yes the doll needs a vault Crystal you want to come with can can I

Also can I also come with the uh I’ll be very I I’ll be very honest with you I haven’t tried maybe you can so test test we can test it yeah yeah just for test purposes huh just to see if helping bro helping develop def help

Developers did you see the uh pass note update 12 no no no update 12 is not out how would you see patch not Out up no there’s no updates bro on C that makes sense you w see it in the C thing you have to go to the side let me check did the VA hun Third Edition patch 12 hello Cod hello I stole some chromatic ironing from you can just

Say I will Ste much for 30 minutes and I got nothing [Laughter] it’s better to be honest so gears you can check gears implicit weapons level let’s say we level 66 right we can see how much so implicit modifiers we get um 36 to 71 48

To 82 and 58 to 89 to get take 25 to 27 22 to 24 18 to 21 28 to 30 which is level 60 plus that we can get on the implicit modifiers um so we can get pretty high attack on a sword modifiers 13 to 35 on to4 chaining Soul chance and

He CL blah blah blah raed preix modif you can see a lot of things patch servers how to play patch notes dude patch notes only go till uh uh 3.11.4 update Alpha 11 H yes yes of course we we need one more Turtle like come on guys this one ain’t hatching so

We just take this one can you click it from here uh No link still have Wall space in this we’ll just take them out where did the Shel box go we have one we need one more you have that let’s go open a portal blue cupcake blue cupcake I I have one yes do you have drag dragon

Drut dragon I just have a dragon dragon head Dr head no have two Relic that’s one is dragon and one ISD all your Relic booster pack ah then it’s a scam a ra fight skills and multiplayer overhaul God Alters uh the play is not with the time challenge the challenge one of two

Favors from the specific God curses the wall failing the challenge overall God favors liation it’s totally luck based go gets unlock when hitting 25 reputation Divine Paradox and fav Max r at Divine Paradox VA to run it a w where the players can build rooms themselves and visit daily

To run it 20 hours extensive can be built permanently bying enough reputation and spending gold uh new charms add items uh I don’t remember and there a lot of patch notes all right I’ll go through those later on after the stream Yeah so basically the thing so that slime is not bouncing right

Now the chunks which are not slime chunks it won’t bounce but this is a slime chunk you mean slime is not bouncing so thate will start bouncing which slime are you talking about uh bucket of slime oh yo welcome to the stream it’s great to Havey ha man how you doing welcome aboard

Welcome how you doing I’ll get one more let’s a pick up upgrade uh not the entirety of it uh some things I already knew just boss fight that they’re riding the final world they’re finally finishing because this is the last path that they’re going to do but

The smaller ones will read later on smaller overalls slime chunks slim lower level yep yep they don’t they don’t spawn on the top uh what are we doing today we doing some walls we doing some shop Interiors doing a lot of fun stuff we need to go down 40

Level oh I know why don’t we have blocks of let’s try now let’s try to y40 you need Advan pick up upgrade which needs we have everything except steel wait wait wait first first make the doll make the doll did I mail you the thing uh can you send me witha yep yep

I’m sending I’m sending hold up we go and then we make a pouch yeah we just running walls uh just a normal the usual junk bag we’ll do suggest me a color for the junk bag chat let’s do c I love this color this is one of my favorite colors oh look at

That that looks so pretty right you just pop that in now we go to filters and we go oh also I did not thank you for the contents we need sweet sweet sweet sweetow we need sweets um okay do they have any specific tags VA Decor so do ornate these also come underneath

Deor yes they do so I guess what we can do is tags we add that and then we add VA Decor so I think now if we have in this in there and we Vault me should not come in Decor W meet it’s also deer okay so we can just

Add that tag hold up I’m sending I’m sending it’s not eating it wait don’t tell me my draws despawned does it slime balls or what I don’t know slime balls then you need to bring slime balls here I’m try to get I think my draw is despawned then

Why is this not working I don’t know this we have to see what things got destroyed don’t remember what are we missing here should I make a we’ll have to see you can actually you need to you need to have a crystal your level Crystal uh okay one second so if we turn

On the farms we I’ll do it one by one off stream like we Farm on can if if it’s not sending any items up here it’s gone so we have bones we have rotten flesh slime slime is gone slime is gone okay if I craft no uh no it’s going to be your

Doll the the person has to make it okay you have to craft it then okay let me see get out get out there you can only have one drawer by the way I one uh sorry you want to go to the swamp no okay we need slime

Chunk we found one of the things that we missing are you trying to get sweets I’m trying to get sweets because umia I’m making a doll should I make it I’m trying to like uh I’m I’m trying to like find a a good way to scrap all of it

Basically you have with skull yep no I got it from the nether I just have one hey send a put it in your head slot we also need to make a stack upgrade that would be nice stack upgrade uh Advan refill stack upgrade my Min I have Cod on my

Head what if you die will I die no you won’t die obviously never good night botan what what happens what happens we we out of larimar are we seriously out of larimar inside my look oh you will get uh Loot and XP okay okay stuff let’s

Go just take the lar or right now 222 so we should get a good amount out of this uh wa think I’m making my doll also okay just mail it to me I’m just like mining some ores because I’m out of lar how you doing Serv how is the wday

Come along man it’s great to have you here on this fine Wednesday evening right um we have a lot of lar I think we should get like a good amount out of thisk take it take it take it uh no fire Fury I don’t think so I

Haven’t tried it but I don’t think so I don’t think the a doll and the same player can enter at the same time in a single W as well we have to test it out uh I don’t know then I won’t be able to enter I guess with your I don’t know we

We’ll have to try it all we’ll have to test it out okay okay you enter first then you enter first my my Black Market has opportunity Focus for if this works it’s very exploitable I can just send go with my doll on your head and me in the

Wall and your doll on my head and you in the wall opportunistic Focus yes uh take it I don’t have enough shots uh oh how many do I have tell me one thing if something is about to break and if I have uh some modifier uhhuh which uh

Increases the repair slots or modifies the reforges the repair slots H how do I do that then how do I apply it uh reforce table the table okay this on magnet also it should but I don’t think you’re going to lose the repair slots like so like you’ve used like let’s say

You rep it had five repair slots and you used the repair slots twice you’re not going to lose that you’re going to still have that three as red oh no I have I have only used one so there are chances that I can get more repair slots and there are chances that

My repair slots will also get come right come yes yes okay okay okay okay we have all the lar that we need in the world now we make a stack upgrade why am I trying to open that the back goes there stack upgrade want even stack tier two that stack tier Three Needs

Pogs if Max we going to do please do efficiency 36% experience efficiency 33% ready for a VA owner water Maniac done let’s check the black market and then we’ll go okay uh everybody ready who’s coming yellow I didn’t get a response I have no idea hello hello guys hello yeah

Do you know botania works I just locked in mine I don’t know how it works botan is a little complicated to explain so how it works is basically the mods use is to duplicate items um I guess I can ask a residential botania expert or our botania user because I could have

Explained it to you if I had but I know myself we go ask fire Fury fire Fury right as the residential ban expert is no longer here I’ll explain you how it works so anything that you trying to make in Bania so Bania you can be used

To duplicate items make like uh a lot of new items you make it through a so normal mods use RF or Redstone flux energy or Fe um forage Energy Right to Work banana Works differently because it uses its own energy that is Mana right the Everlasting guilty pool I

Love how they called it that but uh so you get flowers and stuff and then you can make a lot of stuff with it um but the basic basic goal is like item duplication you’ll figure it out as you go right you can make Mana steel ingots and Mana PS and stuff but

Everything starts with this thing okay hold up everything everything starts with this thing Mana pools which you get by um by different flowers and you put them near Mana spreaders so like this one sucks XP to give you like Mana pool this one gives you food yes uh this one

Eats explosions um yes it what happens if I what happens if I Infuse my workers with the rod Catalyst uh uh you get the modifier on the crystal it will be random right oh yep fire FY I’ll be back man in the group give me a few oh you can’t

Speak ah wanted to ask you how botania works but I think that would be best explained if you could speak yeah all right see you around have a good day okay Maniac let’s go I’m ready I have your doll on my head okay you enter I think we have everything that we

Need I have all my pouches I have Cod stall and on my head right oh man bring bring buckets Mania bring buckets bring buckets bring buckets bring buckets bring buckets oh is it’s the void one yes I need I need I need this liquid from my base please

Bring give me time give me time okay give me yep yep yep yep this is going to be for to get my bounty get that I have my bounties just it’s a scavenge Vault just get Buckets as many buckets as you can man I need

This for my base I’m just going to put it in random places I can make waterfalls with this let’s go I’m not going to jump in this time though please don’t you have to wait it is a little confusing yeah yeah take your time take your

Time did did cord get to witness this last time witness what uh the post box no no no no no no the void you know what what happened it was different but it was obsidian W and crying obsidian Wala oh that’s yeah I know that one it’s the

Same one no no it’s not that one it’s a crying obsidian and like crying obsidian and VOA so uh I got that and uh I was about to head back like I was about to head back if a minute something like that and I accidentally stepped into the water bro and it

Like my timer was I was eating I was eating I was just chomping on kiwis like anything you know what’s the worst part Maniac is made the flooring has black concrete and it looks exactly like the water the same thing bro it’s the same one black obsidian cry obsidian black

Concrete right yep yep yep yep yep yep yeah I got the same one yesterday bro it’s it’s void you won’t understand bro what’s black concrete you won’t understand what’s yeah no I know I can’t tell so it’s it’s void liquid and if you step in it it’s going to decrease your

Time duration in of the W yep uh so I think for this like especially void walls we should keep um uh like um so isay uh what is it called your uh idle spay you can get time avoidance um right back I’m just Trying I’m just trying my best not no no no uh 29 29 we start at 29 what do you mean a minute 30 if you complete all of them it’s 29 all right I have I think a lot of VO liquid it’s fine I’ll just take this and

Take the rest of the buckets also our thing worked escal escal please wait yeah it genuinely worked wait so we we can exploit this will exploit I think I think you can carry the on the same person though is like the thing right like I as a person can’t

Carry the same doll like Mira doll but if we are two people in a w h Nik or push push you carry my doll I carry or do as simple as that now we okay take your sh back now we got to be very very very very very

Careful wait hold up does this go away if you block it with the block yes it Go does it’s a Bo flued decrease all time I can’t keep the sh in my backpack yeah yep that’s the thing bro I can’t understand which is vo liquid see this

Is vo liquid and it looks no different than concrete look at this I don’t I don’t like this I don’t like this bro why okay this vault is bad but okay a A plus Point V World WS have like a higher chance of spawning Echo gems in like or rooms so

Oh oh yeah if you find any let me know as well I have my bounty you can make men with your friends Fallen like yeah no I’m not I’m using the stairs I’m not I’m not falling down anywhere this time around scavenger yep it’s a scavage

Run called theme the theme is a void Theme it’s one of the worst uh walls seems to ever get the best as well if you’re like looking for Echo but like worst as well because everything is like filled with the war liquid which does magic of some sorts let’s just say which direction did

You go Maniac S I kind of don’t want to split up on this but seeing how it is like uh this things SC thing we might have to no man I can’t do this world liquid and black CR exact yep yep just don’t step in it man just don’t step in

It bro there’s l a liter River of it a liter River what is that a Boss Mod magic magic magic we don’t we don’t want magic man we we against magic well if we tell it to you code then it be I’m seeing I’m watching

Stream and he seems to step on it and nothing’s happening no no no is it the water is it concrete EXA time shall tell when you get one you should try Cod you know what the worst part about this wult is even more than the water shers

Yeah I’m stuck floating here for a few seconds great what are you staring at ouch you can Menace with your friends so we need a purple M and zombie arm rip Pages empty jaws and crack PS what for the sh for clearing the levitation milk buckets yeah we

Can you get coconut bro why do you coconut is the same Yellow by yep PR we literally had this ecologics in J SMP also yeah but I never used coconut some JP you busy busy busy getting majur for your builds uh-huh uh-huh just like every server I can call M with my friends

Yes my Mana is like okay good that’s because you have no Mana Reon yeah I don’t have any Mana I have 30 mana on my this I don’t have any Mana region bro sucks to be me yes it does sucks to suck to be you can’t relate though my Mana region

Is pretty quick get one shoted man oh hey code how does it feel yep uh this these walls are pretty rare how does how does the watch party feel I don’t know it looks fine where w you can see things you’re not streaming right so I can’t see your

PO oh yeah wait I I thought you were going to stream what happened Min bro I was tired completed R man I can relate we just need one more Bell one and that’s that Bounty completed so there there’s two possibilities he’s either lazy or it’s just time consuming

What he was doing depends on his definition of cleaning procrastinating yep procrastination happens a lot man even with me though in recent times I’ve stopped proc English procrastinating and just doing the thing I love I I I like how W Miner doesn’t use any Mana if it did all for quit the

Game so M what all do you need I need uh wait let me see what have I got the green mob Essence I need two skulls right I have I need purple mob Essence I have two of it I need ripped pages I have one of those I have one ripped

Page I need six Scrolls also by yeah I need I need uh six empty jars and two cracked pears and one zombie arm so need a lot of man why there even the or thing they have hidden it y y y y y y yep yep yep

Yep yep I agree I agree I agree they like it’s a prank bro it’s a prank won even realize that have no you’ll realize because you’ll get the blindness blindness yep yep yep no yep yep you get blindness does it only do that in the over

World I guess yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes my stonefall expired yeah it’s it’s a rare Vault it’s called a void themed Vault so each Vault has a theme right you get the augments this one has a void theme I’m pretty sure you don’t get an augment for

This uh like you can’t get an augment for it bro I see concrete and I’m terrified because I don’t know if it is concrete or or if it’s the water no Echo gem so far which is kind of sad yeah because Echo gems spawn more frequently in this room so there’s a

Higher chance of them spawning in a um world W than a normal W so keep your eyes peeled for a or room and you might just get lucky like we did right now and got one eor and this water we’re getting three from uh the Bounty so all good we also

Need silver scrap it’s like 16 out of 27 almost done almost done ven nice your head there sou to North bro even even looking at concrete is like bro I’m going to touch it and I just realiz it’s concrete and then I realize it might be water it’s getting on my nerves

Water deep dark no zombie arms what another trap chest are you serious I should have been wearing this thing my copiously magnet for the room copious perc with percentage without is it really bad with it without it is really bad I always seem to forget that I need to wear it

Bro I almost touched it more the mobs mobs I don’t really [Laughter] care bro uh Mo mob mobs in here uh mobs don’t do that much damage to me uh but this liquid takes away W time which is like pretty important especially like when you getting to the

End of the W and it’s like 5 minutes left if you step in it it’s game over it’s usually in the side of these passageways so these are also not safe entirely you got to be very careful with what you’re doing and uh keep your wits about you otherwise you’re going to end

Up dying oh look at that lava is replaced by the vo liquid right bro there’s there’s a on just kind there’s lava and that’s replaced by W liquid what whatever what happened they literally yeah yeah it’s there it’s there it’s in the passage as well they have placed concrete and Beach

They have kept water bro no I haven’t found any Beach but there is SC literally Beach I’m going through the middle but I’m like middle is safe bro mid but you can see half half block yeah the water is not full block now bro it’s you can barely tell the

Difference though barely you L have to be squinting real hard oh I almost fell into it uh we can also make a trag key later on my God we can’t reach that we need to reach that but we we can’t reach that liquid is dangerous it is terrifying like just

You can watch the time just bleeding away it’s it’s not fun and especially in multi you’re also always going to blame the other guy it’s like bro what are you doing why did you step in it and then you want to step in yourself and it’s going to be

Embarrassing happened to me been there done that so that’s why it’s uh more terrifying than the mobs oh dungeon sorry hidden room these are no longer dungeons I don’t even care like what I need to find because I’m pretty sure can you see the look of displeasure

On my face after that incident that we just witnessed why did we fallie yeah I don’t have a zombie brain bro zombie I need that anyways what level are you like s are you playing alone are you playing with friends uh when did you start the mod

Pack this was scary that was scary man that was scary okay now I can’t tell the liquid apart because I have water there help heyo y stream let’s go Nano welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here it’s the DM how you doing Nano long

Time no see on the stream at least i’ I’ve talked to you countless times outside streams imagine there was a world liquid uh there was that world liquid yeah that would have been terrifying um YT stream yeah I shifted to YT semi so I’m still streaming on Twitch but that’s occasional streams

Mainly I’m streaming on YT uh of course D&D sessions are going to be on Twitch you’ve been lurking in my Minecraft streams hey I’m glad uh I hope you have been enjoying it and I hope you’ve been enjoying the lot it sounds good it does

It does d i’ also finished like Roy card today because I got the character art no only uh Steve sorry not Roy uh RP only Steve um Steve and I keep forgetting the other guy’s name because it’s oh I’m not good with names um so yeah the other

Guy I’m sorry if you’re watching this your name is not the other guy but I’m bad with name so I can’t remember it uh I only started after seeing your exone streams my me and ex streams uh I’m only level 21 Roy RP I’ve done RPS um Roy and

Steve’s left cuz I don’t have Roy’s character art yet neither do I have Steve’s and uh vitious yeah vitious vascious character vhip oh wait wa wait but if we fail uh-huh does the doll get things NOP uh doll you can only open it once you if

You complete the wall the doll will not get consumed uh oh you have origin story send it to me or if you meaning if you want to talk on the VC I’m always free okay this is slightly PR curious this guy hits hard I’m just running around in a

Circle uh yeah no i’ I’ve never eved dolls at a new edition they weren’t there when I last played so I don’t know we discuss Saturday easy Friday okay yeah on V sounds good sounds good with me as well I appreciate it Nano uh I didn’t really have any idea where I’m

Going to base my Patron from like exp this’s world in the middle but yeah I’m glad um you got uh into the mod pack after watching me and Exon stream I appreciate that I’m glad you’re enjoying the streams though and the mod pack and watching me uh

Experience and relearn the mod pack so to speak Nano how’s your prep going Nano going to be like what prep I do improv and has like a like like 50 million Word document already ready for the entire campaign and says I improve sounds good so writing since

Monday I can I I I think I get that I’m also working on a new campaign I don’t know if I’m going to be running it with you guys because I don’t know if you guys are going to be interested I don’t think anybody or any anyone from this group our group plays

Uh but is it’s not as if you’ll follow it yeah do you really think we’re going to fall it oh no no no no no we make our own plans DM we don’t go according to the tm’s wishes but yeah I’m working on a new campaign I don’t think I don’t know if

You guys will be interested but yeah one of it is the just a revamp of the Wier one and the other one is set in genin uh genin genin impacts world is the setting lighting lighting what do you mean lighting confused what do you say man I

Kind of missed you I was talking about something Pig with B bro enjoy G genin POG yes but I don’t know if like anybody else in the group will be interested so I need to find people who either want to try it out because it’s going to be like a heavily modified

Dndd system or uh like find uh people who want to play it like du to genin I stepped in liquid because I thought it was concrete but no it was the liquid oh Bro the time the timing the time took a the the the the the timing took a dip

Huh genin sounds good I love genin uh I mean I love the world at least uh it’s it’s pretty decent I was also thinking of running one in exandria I really want to run one in exandria um so I’ll probably r one in exandria campaign as well probably pre- Calamity though not post

Calamity pre- Calamity sounds like a fun time to explore like did you do the new Aron Quest I already finished it it’s pretty good I won’t recommend it anymore than I can it’s very very good you should go check it out throws a lot

Of curve balls at you a lot of uh like what the moments like suspense plot Loops I’m planning on one shot P Calamity along with this campaign yeah let’s go yes let’s go I’m thinking of a one of a Calamity campaign not a one shot like like not a proper campaign but

Like a 4 five six session like small mini campaign cuz I love the pre- Calamity times I just haven’t thought of of a story but if I would actually you know what Nano I would like to coordinate with you you’re going to be a DM though though so that’s why I don’t

Want to coordinate with you but what I would love to do is coordinate with your world your version of exandria and do a campaign set in your world’s uh pre- Calamity times uh I’m not good with it I not upgrade materials in it inin oh I

Had grinded a lot of genion in the past I just stopped recently I don’t mind all right then I’ll hit you with the DMS uh let’s plan something out because I really want to run a game in alandria I I’m running one with like a ID friend

Group a college friend group but with you guys sounds fun especially pre- Calamity because that’s something I’ve been trying to explore for a while I’m still new to running games so I need to run more games to get comfortable with the entire running game System yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying now but but there’s still got to be some things I I guess from what you have told us Calamity is just like a myth thing so I don’t know like how much low you have established in the world Tim welcome to the stream man how are

You doing it’s great to have you here sorry sorry we just discussing some D and D not stuff you know okay we have to be careful now because now if we step now oh yeah now now it’s game over bro it’s it’s game over basically game over after this I

Meaning if he step right now because from what you told us you just told us it’s a myth so there’s no proof so meaning L involved to us at least nothing exists but something you must have something involved returning oh yeah bro n the worst part is not the water

The worst part is the mobs that knock you in the water Of course yeah yeah yeah so that’s what I wanted to discuss with everything and stuff and see if we can work something out pre Calamity sounds like a perfect it’s all right it’s all right Vel I’ve been good I’ve been good just started from University tomorrow I have

Like again lectures from 8:30 to 6:00 continuously so let’s talk yeah definitely definitely xand is one of my favorite DND like core worlds and like settings I just love the world espe I guess I’m I’m slightly partial to it because I got to play like so many amazing characters in

The world you’re in Government College no I’m not um it’s private uh but um like there’s so many amazing characters that I got to play in Alexander so I guess maybe I’m just slightly biased towards it towards the setting but I still like love the world critical Ro thank you for ing us

With the amazing narrative uh driven like deep narrative world and pretty explorative as well uh eh it’s just on online lectures and it’s it’s disadvantages they think we’re free 24/7 so they think they can give us lectures at any time of the day okay no no no no okay I got hit by

Them manyways blocking the water wherever I see it but I I one most of my favorite characters that I played and the best characters that I played were from like settings in Alexandria the vious man dude yeah no zombie arms here either so no luck I’m just returning back at

This point earlier because if you step in water GG game over I’m also returning and the worst part is you got to be careful in the passage way keep your kiwis in your hard but okay if we step I found one zombie arm though nice

I only need one but I don’t have the rest man empty jars and like cracked PS and everything else I have four empty jar I have one cracked PE I think you all will suffer more and more hum rules oh even in my campaign you be uh jars jars I have

Four any crack PS I have one I know I I don’t have the rest one what about you no bro I need one zombie brain two skull six five yeah it is it is it is at home R yes it is very um like good with

It but here’s the thing I’m also tired with the I’m also tired with like 5 like uh traditional 5 so I always add home R things you bet that’s why I was like experimenting with v but the here the thing I’m still new to running campaigns so sheduling and like pacing and

Everything I struggle with but at this point realized I can’t just run away with the issue if I actually want to run games I have to run games even if they go badly I have to run them and I have to learn from my mistakes that’s the

Best way to try and learn games like Run games right so I’ll be trying to run more games probably with people that I know so that it’s easier for me even if I up to that to be like you know I haven’t run that many games sorry sorry

Type thing right I’m going to be running more d games as well bad session is better than no session exactly that’s why the V thing getting canceled and with the scheduling issues I just kind of Pumped out so I’ll rework the campaign I’ll um work on it again

Um this time with a different story this time with a different uh approach oh my God very nice rig you can’t blame me it was in the middle I literally did not see it it will be awesome yeah so which one is going to be coming back I’m going to be

Running it with you guys again um this time a little bit differently than what happened uh different story I’ll probably going to ask uh people to build characters that oh my where’s the entrance build characters that fit the setting more than uh last time like RP’s uh actually Elvis’s character didn’t

Really fit the setting that much though it was fine we can run with it um but yeah and I’ll also be running one in exandria of course xand is going to be fun I’ll be of course home brewing a lot of stuff um a lot of stuff that would don’t like about

5 and that I think 5 sorry 1 D andd is fixing there’s a lot of things in 5V that 1 D andd is fixing so n have you checked out 1 DND actually like the um stuff that keeps releasing for it like play test and

Stuff uh I’m at the portal you want me to eat kiwis hey I know I iander if you have anything for a I’ll let you know I’ll let you know scary yeah it’s very it’s pretty cool I didn’t get much xp there bro I barely looted this that VA is scary the

Doll does not get consumed okay is your VA complete ready for Walt what ready for Walt oh so because you went with me I I’ll probably run one of mine if you’re running your that’s fine let’s go um but uh okay Maniac mhm the wall didn’t get

Consumed like the doll is ready for a wult so I think if you go with me to the Vault you doesn’t work no no no we did not complete it right oh yeah you need to complete the Vault yes that’s true yeah even I have codes doll I get anything right

Yeah it’s like pretty good stuff there um I mean can do it in my so you can get double XP and you give me technically yeah and you’ll get your armor also right um so Jun still went in there I guess because this was um earlier than this we can go here

What I I can put yours right oh that’s on block that’s said on block why I did not make make it when I make it I give it to even aali avaler is yeah look stuff up um aali I definitely like um I is uh fun it’s going to be fun to

Explore of course um of course like even a I I love Aur like stuff that they have I’ll just like read upon it okay we got three Bounty crates there I ha scav yep yep I just made another like a pouch for like just SC items yeah I need to make

That look at that we got a lot of junk out of it not junk good stuff we got um three on it stuff we got a fast Focus M of clarity uh what gold uh so my God a lot of jewels lot of jewels let look for bit all 0 I’ll see

You around thanks for hopping by thanks for stopping by it’s great to have you here I’ll see you uh Friday or even tomorrow because I’ll discuss EU stuff with you uh but I’ll see you around take care uh enjoy the lock I think I’m running low on food as

Well but oh sorry for nering out chat timus and everybody else Sur um upgrade material gin uh you don’t need it man to enjoy the story um just just do the uh main quest L you’ll be fine the main quest line is what I am there for the game I used to

Grind the hell out of it but I just I can’t I can’t anymore I’m just so bored I’m just so bored the game we have another Echo like or we’ll break it let’s see how much we get we have nine pretty pretty good so

We can make a key as well as make our uh VA diffuser so first things first is to so this thing is running we’ll let this thing run and then we’ll break it that thing refreshes in 44 minutes what marking blocks are you taking code um the Thunder one quest line was hard

Oh yeah that one is hard um the one in um the one in in zuma where you have to go um do the thunder without upgrade yeah that one is hard do you guys want to do some genin for a little bit because I think I don’t have anything to do in

Minecraft right now we can switch to genin if you guys want genin I would like to switch uh I would like to uh stick to streaming on Twitch but as we are already streaming here I guess we can I guess the only things to do is

Actually you know what we won’t wait for this to be done we’ll just make it First oh yeah junk items goes in in there so if you drop these those are going to go in there Cod that is so good W diffuser is coming uh no man okay I’m just going to make some stuff yeah did did you get you want to go

First oh yeah yeah boss pattle I know that I know that AR as well that one’s hard that one is hard that one is something somewhere I struggled at as well um when I I came across a part Harvester so we mixing black chromatic so we need chromatic

Steel can I come in here we go yeah come two an EOP which needs I want Marlet not Elixir I want to get the black chromatic chromatic steel there we go we have a wal soul harvester look at that look at how much inventory that thing has

Gee repl something what are these stuff hold ice ice breaks Dam we just put this thing here I think they add it chipped in actually no we don’t we don’t even need to do that we don’t even need to do that so Chip is technically you take a stack

Upgrade also make a speed upgrade has now a different all right no no no no no no no no no the mod name is chipped bro all right so every I I used to stream genin on Twitch if you want I can switch to genin right

Now I I I’ve been wanting to stream the game for a while but I thought I do some Minecraft today I don’t know do you guys want me to stream genin on Twitch as I have been doing or uh switch over to um what variant are you talking about

Switch over to um YouTube for it stone bricks stone walls Stone stairs stone brick stairs no they are not blocks are superior compared to any model blocks I’m a I’m Su for bias towards let’s go okay let’s go we both have red block I left it depends on you guys

Where do you want me to stream gen you want it to be like a thing I do on uh only on like uh twitch only on YouTube or both platforms occasionally you guys have to tell Me oh that fell and broke there what the there are what bears oh yeah that’s this going to take directly and at that instantly stream hair only okay all right sure I’ll stream some Gin impact here okay so the speed of the Importer is getting

Slow so we just what what happens if I just uh let me let me exess the right thing God damn it stack upgrade it’s gone om welcome back how you doing I would like in YouTube okay if you missing one thing one of draws despawn uh also explain I will

Definitely man genin is I love nering out yeah that’s why doing I need to bake these things uh yeah dude I love nering more games Xavier so you don’t understand I would love to explain more about the game to you I love nering about stuff games especially nope that’s the wrong place

Under dark is where we have to go just dump that in there and then we go back man we need to do the interior and everything we need to do it quick I’ve been dealing it for long long enough but man that’s such a good investment 1 2 3 three speed

Upgrades we’ll switch to gunin for like just a little bit uh I don’t know how to change my stream title on YouTube I’m still new to the entire YouTube thing chat I’m sorry but we’ll deal with it now let’s clear our uh storage of everything so let’s disconnect both of

These uh grab that grab that now we need to grab all the chunk that we have in here so look at all the Walt meat that I’m sorry has to go Mossy bones I’m sorry wait I think these can make pretty good blocks but we we keep getting them in walls just have

To go I have to go um top pass oh actually I like I like how the top block looks I’ll keep those yeah scavenger items also go up on top of there I don’t see any other junk items for now guys should we switch to genin for a

Little bit look at that it’s almost instant oh my God this is so good look at that instant look look at that yeah done now scab items only go in the bag and put them in the six system so if we turn SE scab you don’t have anything oh mod box

Found a random mod box though in we already have that can stop giving me repeat items it gets boring and Sh box I got my favorite thing void liquid buckets which we’re going to be using uh to make our uh we we just going to put it randomly in our base somewhere like

These these look are going to look good yeah yeah yeah uh what do we name this pouch just junk items junk items or like trash literal trash items there we go right we don’t we don’t need that drawer anymore here because we have gold downstairs so we can just grab a key

Quantify I need to M 62 quick genjin stream put in the under Rock in of lava Omar I like your way of thinking genjin stream would be nice for little change as well for YouTube If you guys really want me to stream Eng who am I say don’t who am I to say

No okay actually those blocks look good I won’t be trashing any more of these actually you know what all of you are getting converted into block buing topas blocks I just love how topex blocks looks really really block power panels I have Giga mind yep yep

Yep so our storage is now connected to this so if you want to disconnect our storage from the system we can do and check what all we have why are you showing up why is there sold in the system why not in the drawer oh and wall S as well we still

Have more wall Suites where do we keep getting wall Suites From way too many wall Suites there we go I’m just going to turn on the system I’m with the Walt Suite infestation wa huh what I can’t seem to withdraw them now I can let’s do a little bit of genin and then I’ll go to sleep uh

Whoopsie more World suits I love this I am so glad I invested in it it’s an echo POG but it’s an echo well used like it’s instant I don’t have to wait around for Junk to get digested so to speak sweet anyways Z how was your like uh College you see L some

Marking that’s going to be a flex but no I would rather get soul shs out 4,000 like that’s 4,000 so Essence instant instant look at that instant this is so good it’s already done the normal thing would take centuries to get all of that done get instant shot out of

That and how many Echo JS do we have remaining eight uh chat should we use these eight to make a key what do you guys think should we make a treasure CU with the eight Echo jumps that we have I want to make another F insulator

But we have enough uh yeah I got eight out of 10 at my work so pretty good damn that’s pretty high what do you guys think should we use this four make a key I think it’s worth it treasure rooms have a lot of uh loot

So I don’t know I think it’s worth it first first we have to make black mtic black steel mean we need to make black steel regardless if you’re making a key or not what do you what do you think Omar should we invest in a key

You know what I will take the step and invest in um there yep yep yep and now we need um let’s see which gem we have the most of have a lot of ashim Let’s Make a ashim key Ash for the key you need a Hashim cluster which requires black perfect black

Op and B and B both the items now we just combine them in an anvil like so and we have a treasure key as treasure key all right there we are I’ll make another key you know what we’ll make another key for now uh key Investments

Are good uh they pay out in later and EO you can get them through bounties as well we make make another one steel can we make enough yes we can now we need to make black opal you got hopes on the gems also so invest are good y yep yep yep there we

Go black steel we’ll make that one two then we make keep mold then we make key and what gem do we use for this a sparkle tin key That was loud that hurt my ears that genuinely hurt my ears all right that’s going to be it for wal hunters for today chat let’s go do some genin for a few minutes genin impact run as administrator not that gen impire I need to run it run it through here uh

Administrator I you gems because I didn’t my I got make so all the time I for JS I get a bulk like lar bar and um black like um like yeah lar for now I think I’ll probably make one for benti oh that’s bright that’s what I

Hate one thing I hate about genin is just like the loading screens are white so you basically basically get a flash B There we go how do I how do I change my stream title not me trying to figure out YouTube no I got this 15 likes on today’s stream damn that’s pretty

Good again thank you for all the support on all my Streams there we go stream title should be updated oh I forgot to change the game I forgot you have to do that on YouTube sometimes genin impact genius invocation TCG is an entire category on YouTube for a game that interesting your audio streams current bit rate is lower than the suggested bit

Rate with recommend audio stream bit rate of 128 what do you mean by that YouTube Oh sample rate 48 khz I don’t know how you recommend to change my okay welcome to some genin chat uh VI are here out here trying uh race SL that I got the last update uh currently

I’m trying to build him uh to the best of my ability at least um and of course we’re also broke as hell yikes yeah we did a few pulls we got um where is it we got charlot Charlotte she’s pretty I like the animations I don’t know about how how

The character is but I love the animations of the character like hold up I’ll show you the animations animations are pretty sick look at this from whatever angle you look it just looks like she’s taking a picture they look pretty sick especially like the charger look at

That have like a camera come out like a picture of the ground like on the ground in the area pretty good skill is just like a whole skill I don’t know what it does I’ll have to read upon the character but right now I’m trying to build a r

SL uh which is not going um extremely well because the find finding the bugs for this guy is annoying these things the sub detection units I just trying the character and it skate out and see how it work how he works how he feels play um I’ll use contacting drawers next

Time like like once I have enough like uh items I just I just resources I don’t know even though like I loot so many chests in the walls and like I’ve done so many walls I always seem to run out of resources carbon either it would be

Carbon either it would be gems either it be knowledge essence you have a lot of good characters yeah I’ve been playing the game for a long long time Sur I started playing genun when the game released first in uh like at the release day is when I started playing engine

So I have a long list of characters so the build characters I have are Yan of course Raiden um pleas uh currently in the progress of being built H semi built uh semi built Kum is built but yeah have a lot of uh pretty good characters okay he’s doing pretty decent damage for

Being like absolutely un okay got to remember to give him Shields but I’ve been playing the game a while so I’ve gotten my H about the mechanics and stuff so if anybody chat has any questions let me know requests uh we we still have to do these two I’ll do those two and then I’ll unlock the next

One jongi and Jiao jongi is really good unit jaia is also really good unit so I would say you have like a really good collection of characters let’s go talk to uh Katherine as well we have dieses and uh characters that we sent on Comm misses daily commission reward what do you give

Me some free Prem always good um I think I’m going to save up for like a few banners I need to start that because I just like impulse pull and like get characters I don’t ever use I actually need to start pulling for characters I want rather than just oh

Random character looks good let’s just pull because I have pulls that’s so go uh that’s why I got Riot slay and Lin uh goes good with benit six Star constellation uh uh that’s a that’s not a combo I’ve seen often but yeah if it works for you it works for you man make your own combos I won’t say going for go like I won’t say go for like meta so to

Speak the game the game is an RPG you can make your own uh combat Styles man that’s how it’s supposed to be ah loading screens are a pain in this game every single time I open one you’re going to get flashbang so am I I get the

Full force of it you just see me getting flashbang yes how’s my reputation bounties unlock at two I think we’ll get to two right yeah we at two now we need to complete this as well so what’s the bounties um Target is invulnerable and cryo res is decreased that’s good where

Is it there all right let’s go kill this thing Benet six comp is uh six con is really good I have my at C5 I still haven’t C6 uh C6 my Benet uh bluar has been telling you telling me to do it fire I just Haven this grind is a lot grind is definitely a lot man that’s why I left the game and then I just come back for Aron quests get pull a few characters test them out and then do like events and stuff and leave grind is like insane I used to do it I just

Stopped it but I’m getting back to it I’m getting back to the flow so to speak ah there’s the Bounty Target nice weapon right is doing pretty good for I’ say it’s pretty solid and I don’t even have him built and he’s doing like 14k for charge attack I heard like from like a from people who have built R like he’s a really cryp good cry DPS unit if you want to build him and if you build

Him properly you’re definitely going to be doing that I ready to go back claim the bounty to the next one I wish there was a way to like uh remote clim bounties I just that would that would have been a nice touch yeah so nice weapon and UPG character upgrades and like artifacts

You got to grind a lot man I I’m still grinding for artifacts like it’s been a long time since I’ve been playing and it’s I still don’t have good artifacts that’s how bad the grind is it’s inable to Z damage takes increase damage from B wiing characters it doesn’t take increase

Damage from fire otherwise I taken ho or it doesn’t take uh yeah I like the Japanese voice over more than the English so I never do the English voice over I play stories in the Japanese one I do I just play the entire game in Japanese I don’t know I just

Don’t with the with the voice lines in the game I just don’t like uh uh the English one this is it’s just a matter of preference aha Bounty spotted pretty cool close by wait does it have like look look at that 20K pretty good so if you PA him with the Yan and

Maybe Rosaria he’ll be he’ll do pretty good you can run like pleas comps with them with these guys I think you know what honestly I think I’ll swap out diona for um Coco Benet will um okay we have C the issue is C6 what does C6 Rosaria give us thre rate by

15% when you cast the alt pretty good it hit attack speed so that’s doesn’t affect the team at Electro I’m I’m thinking of a free I’m thinking of a freeze comp uh Sur uh is increased uh level up with hits energy and uh oppent physical rest so the constellations don’t really give us

Much in terms of uh I guess the only uh electr that I would like to add to this combo is like uh y I guess look at this this is AE build the the Guai couldn’t move dual element combo yeah that’s true as I like freeze comps I like this team

I love the attack animations of the guy look at this uh let me uh change around my party L because I’m used to having yon on to there we go much more like it and the best part is she has uhing tales of the Dragon Slayer so 48% attack buff if you

Switch from this to right Slayer look at that 2 one so the total attack that we get are going to get with like a okay we’ll go fight uh the this guy there the guy the electro guy that you fight I forgot uh he’s down

There and then I end the stream want to see like how much attack we can buff with like all this combo and how good it is I because the big guys in like abyss and stuff don’t get frozen so like freeze comp is not the best for them I

Think Electro as you say would be a good combo but I just want to see like how how decently we do with a freeze because some enemies can still get Frozen it’s just like the big ones that have like fre resistance or something masanori until we meet again

Yes we meet again right right now like in a second yes let’s have a a brawl fight whatever you want to call it so we start off with this we Al we switch to this uh get power okay how much attack do we have 29k not bad you’re doing pretty decent

Damage you have to do something about benet’s energy each other though like this guy doesn’t get frozen but it’s what are you doing still pretty good my Hut can clear this in like a few seconds but for an unbuilt character I would say R is doing pretty well I like the character though

Like the character game playay and everything is pretty good oh I forget to do this every single time someone wants to speak to us who the hell is that okay fishell is pretty good but I have a yeah is really good at Electro damage so he L right let’s go

Tuby realm Depot so we just need to no hold up first I think it’s uh first rank when is at nine level uh I’ll save these for Now or we also need to like make make like 10 Furnishings so we just make something hold up uh sure this sounds good we also need to cook 20 things then it gives exposive power h it’s pretty good ja Al and Benet Al combo are like pretty good I don’t have

Ja those I would have uh tried that combo that was really a good unit I pulled on his banner I got chii so I just jly same I pulled on jungly manner got chii uh let’s make sweet manans uh oh actually we don’t have enough uh of the

Flowers I would never I I I would never think I would get the day when I we run out of the flowers so we might have to make some runs for that uh dple 21 we also need to um go to this guy do his thing

I like something made yes my order from last time is completed Jung is good for defense only uh no Jung is damage is also pretty good if you build him right the one from his the meteor oh that is good amounts of damage you just haven’t seen it uh

Sur little don’t call his Al little damage I’ve seen people like destroying things with his alt it’s pretty good damage we have to defeat uh 10 boss opponents we have done three uh 15 Dom challenges we have done nine lay line challenges I don’t do those three requests three

Bounties we’ll do those tomorrow create a total of 10 Furnishings five are being made uh we need to do that trounce or Dominator wolf and TCG I’ve seen literal people melt uh abys got reseted right we need to do the abys as well did get reseted

Though 6 days so we we need to do it quick uh before the abys reset it’s going to be my abys team this time I guess I I I guess I can try um getting R slay built before the abyss I actually do Abyss um Gio faded out like Gio never

Got like any good reactions it doesn’t have any good reactions and stuff uh chat do you want me to do the ab on stream I think my first team is of course set that is not going to change spiral 2 uh spiral one however I wonder what

We’re going to do with that te we’ll decide I guess in a future stream I’ll be streaming more genin on YouTube if you guys want me to but I guess yeah that’s going to wrap everything up I hope you all enjoyed I definitely had a blast uh I’ll see you all in the next one uh till then stay safe keep doing what you’re doing this is going to be me Rick by now signing off and yeah I’ll be seeing all in the next one abys all right sure we’ll do It for Fore

This video, titled ‘Update 4.2 Is Finally Here!!! | Genshin Impact |’, was uploaded by RIGBYTE on 2023-11-08 20:26:54. It has garnered 195 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:37 or 15217 seconds.

Join me in uncovering the secrets of a new Minecraft mod pack as we start afresh and tackle the threats and challenges thrown at us by the vaults!!! If you are new around here, consider subscribing, its free and it really helps me out! Lets get to a 1000 subs soon! 📷 Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/rigbyte 🕊️ Twitter • https://twitter.com/RIGBYTE1 😃 Discord • https://discord.gg/p6hg3bx 🕹️ Twitch • http://twitch.tv/rigbytettv Music Used: https://chillhop.ffm.to/creatorcred

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  • Felidae SCP

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  • Alinea SMP Whitelisted Proximity Voice Chat 1.20.6 Vanilla Compatible Extra Enchantments

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  • Equiscraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Hot Take: Minecraft Theory

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    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Mode Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft Hardcore mode with Boubou as your guide. Surviving the first few days was a close call, but the adventure has only just begun. While some goals have been achieved, there is still much to explore and conquer in this vast world. A Challenging Start Boubou openly admits to not being the most skilled hardcore player, adding an element of unpredictability to the series. Will the challenges ahead prove too difficult, or will Boubou defy the odds and emerge victorious? Setting Goals Setting… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of building, exploring, and connecting with other players, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine joining a server where you can unleash your creativity and build your own castle just like in the YouTube video “Laying the Foundations – Minecraft Castle Build Ep 1”. With a vibrant community of players, there’s always something new to discover and experience on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting… Read More

  • What Can You Build in Minecraft? Cute Creations!

    What Can You Build in Minecraft? Cute Creations! Exploring Cute Architecture in Minecraft Have you ever wondered what adorable structures you can create in Minecraft? Let’s dive into the world of cute architecture and discover the endless possibilities that await! Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine. From cozy cottages to whimsical treehouses, the only limit is your imagination. With a wide range of blocks and materials at your disposal, you can bring your cute architectural dreams to life. Building a Charming Village One popular project in Minecraft is creating a charming village filled with cute… Read More

  • Giant Halloween Moon Crab in Minecraft SMP! πŸŒœπŸ¦€πŸŸ’

    Giant Halloween Moon Crab in Minecraft SMP! πŸŒœπŸ¦€πŸŸ’Video Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄D&D meets Minecraft? – Lands of Erosia SMP Day 1!🟒’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-04-21 04:03:13. It has garnered 224 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:45:49 or 17149 seconds. Welcome to the Lands of Erosia! A Minecraft SMP heavily influenced by the wonderful world of D&D (Dungeons and Dragons)! Twitch: https://twitch.tv/HalloweenMoonCrab Subscribe to the second channel: https://youtube.com/@HalloweenMoonCrabEXTRAS Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the discord: https://discord.gg/YNQgdQXQTq #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftfunny #dungeonsanddragons Read More

  • Sneaky Cheating with God Building Hacks

    Sneaky Cheating with God Building HacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2024-03-14 22:00:22. It has garnered 1524134 views and 11525 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:35 or 6035 seconds. β–ΊI Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… πŸ‘ “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! βœ”οΈSubscribe to me pls πŸ‘€ FOLLOW ME πŸ˜€ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/quiff πŸ“² https://twitter.com/InfamousQuiff πŸ“Έ https://www.instagram.com/theinfamousquiff/ πŸ•ΉοΈFan Discord: https://discord.gg/quiff I Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… I Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic – EPIC Ending Reaction 😱

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  • UNLOCKING SECRET DIMENSION in Minecraft 1.19.2 LIVE! 🌎

    UNLOCKING SECRET DIMENSION in Minecraft 1.19.2 LIVE! 🌎Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world survival 1.19.2 live episode 20 | Mở khΓ³a dimension sculk |’, was uploaded by ApollisGDVN on 2024-01-17 04:24:38. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:44 or 8024 seconds. livestream on youtube by OBS studio, no micro sound quality 720p, 10~30 fps gameplay Mod forge i’m used: ( tα»•ng cα»™ng : 38 mod ) -Aether -Aquamirae -ava -awesomedungeonether -azurelib -bygonenether -cave+dweller+reimagined -celestisynth -citadel -deep+blood -deeperdarker -dragonmounts -geckolib -GOATMAN -illageandspillage -L_Enders_Cataclysm -libraryferret -mermod -mutantmonsters -mutantmore -obscure_api -piglinproliferation -player-animation-lib -PuzzlesLib -sculkhorde -SmartBrainLib -sons-of-sins -spore -the-man -TheOneWhoWatches -twilightforest Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Changes and New Advancements!

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  • Bombing Friends in Minecraft with Hi5GAMER πŸ˜‚

    Bombing Friends in Minecraft with Hi5GAMER πŸ˜‚Video Information hello guys welcome back Minecraft support four four three two one okay hey hey BR hey spider mommy mommy best of best of bro hey mus okay okay okay easy easy easy easy come on come on I know music okay 10 health and M 16 to TOs regeneration regeneration bro six be be be be M zombie sh sh is sleeping with the fish 299 three two one go oh go knock back four BR bro BR special did for e die die die bro okay okay bro okay okay okay okay easy sh no sh no… Read More