RISE, is a Lord Of The Rings Minecraft server. This means we are using the LOTR mod which you need to be able to join.
Do you want to build a kingdom, raze your enemy’s to the ground or sail your armada into war? Then this server might be just the thing for you!
With the LOTR mod as base you can be part of any of the famous LOTR factions like: Gondor, Rohan or Mordor. You can become king of your faction build a castle and claim other lands. With our ship plugin you will even be able to build a fleet and go to war with your enemy’s! Raise an army of mercenaries and wage war.
We also have server events which include: Evil Vs Good, Free for all and PvE. Our first Evil Vs Good events will be set in the war of the north. Defend the realms of Arnor or besiege them as Angmar under the Witch-Kings command.
We even have pre-build structures players can conquer for themselves!
Join now and be one of the first and have al the loot right for the taking!!! Our Discord: discord.gg/yxFNFKd