Rita Kamishiro / 神代りた [PRISM Project] – Galactic Zoo Angels, GO!!![Minecraft Hardcore Tournament | Minecraft King of Braves]

Video Information

[Applause] [Applause] Hello good morning hello everybody i’m gonna wait for my team to get here but good morning everyone good morning good afternoon and kobawa whew it is early early early how is everyone doing today looks like my team’s ready okay mike is good i’m glad

Maybe i need to get a new usb but we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see but welcome half asleep okay don’t worry i i have to i think i’ve mentioned before i do have to do a hard stop but i i’ll admit i’ll talk about it a little bit later hello welcome

Are you guys already in the world we are i am already in the world yes okay i’m going to join look at this wow it’s so pretty wait can we can you find me can someone equal let’s let’s stand together there’s so many people right i see nolan already let’s see over here

Let’s claim a spot hello Happy birthday wait let’s tell her let’s see let’s tell him is the volume okay is i think it does too yes how is the volume everybody right happy birthday oh my gosh yes [Laughter] A lot of people i know that’s the king wait who’s the king yes oh wow wait let’s pay our rest where is everyone where is everyone cool i found i found where is [Laughter] [Laughter] oh do we want to introduce ourselves to our to our audience uh yes as i was about to say um let’s introduce ourselves and uh please let us know if the volumes are too low or too too loud uh while we do the introductions please and thank you

Would you like to go first nice to meet you welcome to donation one of prison project but it is a project uh my voice is kind of gone uh i sound usually a little better um but yeah nice to meet any new uh viewers today wow i’m excited for today’s class go ahead We’re we’re slightly we’re excited yes nice to meet you any new viewers hello i’m so sorry peter’s interrupt but like [Laughter] Is volume okay everyone yes i lord pina uh oh you know what my desktop audio is a hundred percent that’s right shall i introduce myself yes is it my turn are we doing discord order okay hello everyone i’m the idol to give you the wings to fly cyber angel with kamishito of prison

Project generation two nice to meet you i’ll do my best and To win [Laughter] oh my 24 hours by the way in the back there is a box for us and there’s a shield oh let’s get let’s get let’s get that equal i see galactic angels okay oh my gosh this is so interesting oh my gosh they’re so prepared mother tongue can you say something oh

Yes bread is nice bread is bread but it’s very good bread is very good how is that close i agree is it better how’s the volume and how’s the volume fantastic what if i look into myself thank you so much very much appreciate it

I apologize if i if i am a little bit quiet during stream it is a little early and you know okay i’ll be working too hard with my team is it oh thank you for gifted membership wait how much did you guys already take from the box uh yes yes

Is it five five bread per person yes i think yes yes oh my gosh i am equipped i am equipped but we’ll talk more about our oh are there are they talking is it time did they start announcements oh is it oh uh not yet oh wait let’s let’s let’s squat up wait

Where is everyone we should we should be together for solidarity where is everybody oh yes uh i see okay let’s go to iku okay come to me okay yes I want you to defeat the ender dragon that disturbs the peace of the world first one to kill the underdragon is the winner king of the braves oh god [Laughter] [Laughter] bread and wooden weapons for each party i want you to receive them we have received them whoa wow ready to go yes yes are you ready yes [Laughter] Okay let’s start with a team meeting yes we need to stick together all right we’re gonna have to find a village okay okay let’s falling peanuts lead us the way we’re gonna let’s walk and talk yes let’s walk and talk let’s talk about our plan peanut town do

You want to be our de facto leader at the moment actually i think um i think finna should be our leader today so i am so honored is anyone against anyone against anyone against please say nay if you are against [Laughter] if you would like peanut to be leader say

Say peanut love peanut peanut peanut love we’ve i think we reached a conclusion for tools should we focus on like a certain should we just focus on like stone tools first or like not bother with like the wooden tools okay uh first i’m gonna make pickaxe for everybody okay

I’ll help with some wood do we want to have like a like a home base first with our stuff we might want to build some kind of shelter yeah um i can focus on making a shelter i can i can just make it out of wood

Logs real quickly if we want to do that um so i i i oh i mentioned this to the or i can make it out of dirt too um i mentioned this to the team before um that i i do have to leave a little early i’m moving

So i i have to leave it around the three or four hour mark um but i will do my best to to do as many high-risk things as possible before i go do we want to just start digging a hole in the ground like here or something

For shelter uh should we get a little farther away from everyone yeah let’s go and do that yeah careful careful um [Laughter] i’ll give you we’ll give you all coordinates of where where we go um do you want to choose a spot um nothing too far nothing too close oh wait someone

Already died oh are you cute no somebody turned out oh no oh no oh no oh no right like right here yeah yeah oh do we wanna okay okay i’ll i’ll dig some stone too so we have stone can make it or mine and our house okay i need more wood okay

I i i think i think uh uh pvp is discouraged right so we don’t need to worry about anybody it’s not allowed i think it’s not allowed i think i believe if you kill another player uh you will it says something like you will deal with the raffle or something like that

Oh my gosh it’s basically like getting disqualified if i understand correctly okay yeah so no okay i have some stone do we want to like uh accumulate our stuff in one area so we can oh yeah make some uh chests i’ll make one after i get some more wood okay thank

You get some more wood uh do you do you guys need our coordinates or can you find us We also need to make armor as well do you want me to start digging i can start digging in um like making a hole near our our cabin yeah yeah that’ll be good wait sorry where where are you guys oh i see um we are allowed to give coordinates to

Each other so yes yes yes that is definitely a lot okay all right uh oh shoot we need torches like fast okay okay okay okay okay okay i’ll look for uh yes we will very much need coal in a moment um we also need to start making

Over just in case we should fortify the person who was most likely to to last to the very end so we need armor for peanut sauce that’s that we have to have like an order to our we need to protect what’s the priority order i yeah there’s not really a primarity i guess

Should i dig inside the house should the should the cave be inside yeah okay yeah inside the house inside the house okay but we we really need um can we really Oh and we’re gonna have to make some food source i think that’s also really really important oh that’s right oh yes i i think i mentioned before i’ll be i’ll be focusing on doing i’m not very good at minecraft i will have to say um i’m not very good at minecraft

But since i’m leaving early i’ll focus on more high-risk things so i may be the first death just a heads up please do not be afraid um okay we should make a farm too okay i’ll make a farm and at least an animal farm that might be i love that book It’s getting awfully dark down here uh should i be a little bit more cautious oh oh i’ll give you the torches oh thank you good thing good thing i got training from um the the chasm in the in the other minecraft server is there a water close by i need another pickaxe team

I’ll keep digging with my hand is that a village wait wait really wait where there’s a there’s also okay well there’s little monsters there’s no way someone built that house just now right oh darn Tomorrow let’s make another like uh let’s make another like a settlement and i said i meant a little cabin then tomorrow we’ll have a okay that’s a good idea because maybe we could have like a team that explores in a team that focuses on getting tools

Oh gosh how do i make a how do i make uh i don’t know how to make a pickaxe yeah i’m making i want to make a stone pickaxe how do i do that okay here here you go here we go you can have mine thank you appreciate i’ll just put my

I’ll put my materials in the in the box it’s okay i’ll just take it for now okay now that it’s evening here guys thank you thank you That was scary the thunder oh i normally love rain and thunder but that just scared me i was like oh no the dragon’s here so now that it’s tired oh go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead no buy all means go ahead i’m just sorry i just wanted to ask my

Audience again if the volume was okay because i didn’t get a chance to check for an answer we got our we got a rule explanation how’s the volume you guys go ahead um i was just gonna ask now that it’s evening and we we’re kind of stuck down

Here do we want to plan for tomorrow what do we what do we want to do oh we’re gonna have to go to the well first we’re gonna have to oh cool nice a food source okay and i assume if people already found that village before us probably

All the food has already been done already it’s okay i i can make a i can make a form for us okay so i didn’t need to wait until morning okay so in the morning iku can get some food pina can explore and then i can stay in the cave someone should go

Nah bodyguard oh okay okay awesome thank you thank you We shouldn’t explore at night huh yeah for the hardcore it’s like really close bob oh should i go upper direction or oh you could there’s a lot of advancements i know um Volume sounds good okay thank you thank you oh there’s already a party we already started partying before we go there okay thank you oh hey here’s the pickaxe too give us what is this what is this material what is this stone does this mean anything are we

We’re not by the water or anything right went a deeper that means i guess okay oh oh oh i don’t know it’s the red one red one oh redstone yeah uh it’s not red it’s like a clay type material almost yeah it does look like a sand but it is a rock

All right i’m gonna also send you guys the sword okay and some stone shovels when we hit iron what do we want to do with that first oh armor or tools oh iron oh my gosh a bucket a bucket jesus oh man okay i’ll it well if we find a lava pool

Or if there’s a portal already do you think we can fix the broken portal aside oh yeah yeah for sure oh wait wait wait we might be like no no we should save that to the very end right once we’re ready to because we don’t want

We’re not the very end but i don’t know we should fortify ourselves removing growing obsidian like require diamonds pickaxe maybe i’m not sure Uh i have the stone stuff in the chest wow i threw some i started throwing some iron in there too yes i iron ore i think i’ll make more torches thank you uh oh yes so uh we should properly explain the rules for our audience yeah i think

Some of them don’t quite follow um the rule is basically they’re look uh so the king has asked us the minecraft king has asked us to defeat the engine dragon um and it’s basically a place for uh to defeat the ender dragon um guys i found a big cave sorry go

Ahead yeah and whoever whoever hits the delivers the the killing blow the last hit to the ender dragon is the winner um but if everyone dies then the last person surviving is the winner yes and if there’s like multiple people still alive sorry the thunder i’m gonna turn it off

At the end of 24 hours i believe is there’s no winner so yeah guys no pvp a lot i found a really big cave so if i die don’t be surprised oh okay take it slow yes take it i might yeah this is really good it’s

Very big but that might be a good thing for the door on it yes please i’ll get out of your way go ahead thank you all right well uh it’s been nice knowing everybody that is very big oh uh this is a very it’s a ravine yeah we gotta be very careful outline

Shall we inspect i’ll just look for iron oh my gosh it is a ravine this is so nerve-wracking remember you guys hold shift so you don’t fall good idea good idea at least it’s like like super high but it would like kill you if you die if you die yeah

As long as you’re i’ll go slowly my hunger hasn’t gone down should i be concerned we’re really gonna have to make some food source soon yeah unless uh one out of 47 players sleep oh gosh we’re still waiting for daytime but like it oh god i hear things i hear things this

Is scary it doesn’t day time oh it’s almost daytime well almost is it daytime or if it’s just raining i can’t tell yeah there’s yeah it’s like early in the morning the most are still lurking around yeah oh they’re coming what’s coming the materials in here so someone already made a bed um

Oh gosh it’s turning i have i i got a little bit more iron i’ll come back okay hi hi excuse me sorry for all the coffee it’s okay everyone have water Yep okay yes oh wait really quickly i’m gonna go turn on the lights in my room oh good idea a good idea fear me yeah yeah go ahead i think other team is already uh ahead it’s okay it’s okay everyone’s on their own schedule we’re okay there’s some iron i’m gonna take some

This just in case just we gotta just take things at our own pace let’s not worry about other teams hi we are we are doing great you’re doing great peanut you’re doing a great job leading us into victory oh yeah um i don’t know if i don’t know

If respawn point is really something that we need to some one of the archangels asked if we have a better respawn point but i don’t think we can have that um If you die you died there’s a zombie outside be careful everybody there was a creature oh dear okay do what what happened so i opened the door and the zombie came back oh no are uh bats hostile at all do i need to be worried about a bat flying around me

Okay that’s totally fine my audio got disconnected oh it’s okay we can still hear you oh there’s a creeper outside too oh gosh i love that for us someone said e in the chat mm-hmm uh Is there anything that we need a lot of because i’m i can focus on looking for i’m just getting cold and iron at the moment that’s what i’m focusing on yes cole and i are are you okay ooh there’s a creeper outside yeah there it is there is um

Oof we’re kind of limited huh it’s okay we can we can we can deal with what we have i think we should be okay but i think us as long as everyone has the goal we should be okay um oh there’s an earring down there so food is our our our our next

Important thing right really needed to stop raining i can’t go out with monsters i can hear the i can hear them in in my ear the monsters it’s okay i will come back as soon as i as soon as i get attacked i may not be a fighter but i can be

Quite the runner if i need to be [Laughter] Okay someone already making a farm yeah it seems like okay here we go nope nope nope that’s not careful careful careful what’s not worth it what happened what happened what happened talk to us oh my gosh it’s not worth it are you are you guys is y’alls hunger and decreasing at all

Oh yes decreasing okay because mine isn’t decreasing and i just fell a pretty significant distance so i don’t know if i um because my my heart i have hearts and they have like little faces on it but i don’t know if i should be concerned about that i haven’t had to eat yet

Uh you should be okay i mean if you don’t have to eat that’s good yeah but i also don’t want to if if something’s wrong with mine i don’t want to like be dishonest i think it just means it didn’t take much time enjoying it okay

I just got shot by skeletons yup i just eat my first two bread i am okay panic panic oh my gosh this is horrible why the rain on the first day it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay that just means that just means our focus right now is to get materials so yeah because

You never know yeah everyone’s in different places because other teams may not have as much materials as we do so it’s okay and we’re not like hungry sorry i’m not good at giving orders no no no you’ve been doing great you’re going to lead us into victory a

True leader works with the team yeah leads you’re and that’s what’s going to lead us to victory you guys are too kind we have this we that’s all we have to rely on is our is our strength and belief in one another so in this cruel world exactly yes

Make sure we close the door on the way 45 oh peanuts already fighting oh my gosh wow i think oh oh she’s waiting for the rain waiting for the rain to go away okay we have a lot of coal and then we have i have two more raw iron that i just

Dropped off i’m not sorry i’m so sorry in advance for all the coughing it’s okay i can’t believe it’s already been 30 minutes oh my gosh are we okay are we okay all right are we okay wait what happened what happened what did you find are you going Welcome Okay we have a lot that’s horrible thank you yes everyone say hello hello hello hello hello It’s debate to look for diamond but i guess not oh there’s more a lot more down here this is scary peanut i’m really scared yes this is very dangerous danger is my middle name at least today it is oh god It has to be it has to be danger today it’s okay careful careful what’s that sound What’s happening talk to us talk to us yeah what is our song like warrior splashy sound no oh um i think the uh zombie is converting to drowns It’s converting to direct being drowned oh my gosh yeah that’s intense they become drowned zombies wow this is a really deep chasm if this was real i’d be i’d be getting such a bad like claustrophobia right now this is a really tight yeah it’s only that bad scared it’s still raining outside

No no this sucks huh we can’t even go out to get animals either if it’s days like this oh wait yeah what’s up we have the mine with an iron iron yes okay there’s a gold here okay i will make a iron pick we need to be very careful with our material like

Distribution as well so if we if we’re going to make an iron pickaxe we can just let’s see i’ll try to think how do you how do you think we should do our iron peanuts iron pickaxe is a good idea because if we do encounter diamond yeah good idea

Should we should also make a bucket as well of them okay all right delivery i’ll go get it do you know where i am uh yeah peanut i’ll i’ll meet i’ll meet you halfway let me go to nana oh okay okay i think i find you guys hello down here please

Iron pickaxe delivery please do you have enough torches i have eight torches ah i have 19. i’ll bring it down oh it’ll be the cool collector i’ll be I’m going to go back to the room i’m gonna go back to the room because i need you to take quick bathroom breaks so I’ll be right back team i’m gonna go back to the to the to the house because i’m gonna go on a quick bathroom break okay Okay i’m going afk please protect my body if if i mean i’m in the i’m in the house but you’ll be fine as long as you’re in a safe place all right archangels please watch over everyone i’ll be right back hi ah let’s see i’m gonna i should make a stare Do we need more torches ah yes i got nine raw gold nice right the answer was yes the minecraft chat there’s some kind of scrimmage going Oh My voice is so good Okay all right i should not risk it um that’s the case that should be enough right now It’s negative 50 something it’s not worth it yes In english but after after i got the name knowledge i love an energy voice crack yes [Laughter] raining yet is it is it let me see if it is oh it’s not raining but now it’s not oh it’s late wait is it sunrise or is it sunset i can’t tell i think it’s

Sunset oh gosh oh yeah it’s sunset okay but at least i think now after this night we can i can finally start working on the farm oh i see i see your [Laughter] come back soon be careful you know i almost got killed earlier okay one speed so i’m just gonna i’m gonna put some torches oh yeah and we need to be careful about the phantom because we cannot sleep True when i go outside i think it’s better to arm yourself that is so true oh oh i have 14 iron and nine gold nice small i said myself i got one stack of hello archangels how is everyone doing just a quick check on you all how is everyone [Laughter]

How are you i’m muted on on the team chat but how are you all i want to check in on you all real quick right there you just have to go a little further doing okay it’s probably looted us like already oh yeah for sure right back one second but it’s okay

Let me go back to my team now okay In the minecraft world okay um anything any updates team are we are we doing okay what’s the what’s the move yep um we’re gonna wait until it becomes morning again so that we can hunt for food okay i think the best way is to tame animal

Okay i’ll stay in the i’ll stay in the chasm i’ll keep getting materials if you guys need any up i’ll probably have some in the chest i’m gonna drop off somebody’s calling literally every game of minecraft cousin you know what i mean it’s so gosh it’s

Just it it gives me um more i guess motivation and energy it feels a lot less scary i guess because it’s like oh i’ve been to the chasm before i could do this i don’t know this is oh gosh this cave is big oh no the one that we’re in right now yes

We have a lot of torches good job everybody I should just take more up oh jesus the damage careful what happened the damage of the zombie oh are they really strong yeah i think it’s because it’s hardcore oh no need help do we want to make some basic armor for everyone or how should we yeah i think probably yeah make iron

Uh which is armors uh which piece i think one piece for everyone at least we could start off what armor do we want to start off with a chest plate maybe okay but oh actually it uses a lot so at least a head piece maybe okay yes ma’am yes ma’am where is everyone

I mean be careful the crafting table all right you said we need a bucket too is that right Helmet for everyone right i guess leave five just in case for the bucket okay yeah just in case looks like ego’s here to claim her bucket her helmet sorry number one oh on my helmet sorry it’s on me there you go there you go thank you i will

I will need to go out once the once the sun is up so i will appreciate it we okay i have the remaining two helmets i’ll come down and give it to you okay uh are you guys back in that hole that we were in earlier i’m here to deliver we’re actually

Heading up right now okay cool are you guys gonna be heading out soon hello All right i’m gonna head down nothing was supposed to be in our team too but she couldn’t make it so monkey we love you Yes that’s for I guess we should we should start making morning yeah i guess it’s time to someone gave coordinates somebody write that down oh let’s go for the letter oh we can all just go take their another portal okay everybody let’s get let’s get suited up for our field trip to the nether

Okay let me write down the let me write down the coordinates or what if they’re what if they’re saying coordinates to throw everyone off okay why 60 okay close this 10 uh 100 000 189 and 60 for y and then z is good morning at 99 343

No okay let me know if you guys need the the coordinates i have them ah someone got a diamond oh my gosh this is my goodness uh do we need to change our uh our strategy at all now that someone’s gotten to the nether um we still need food source okay um

So i think for this one wow oh okay this is so intense well it looks like i just got to do a better job at digging huh i’m trying to think i’m thinking of being too cautious i need to i need to go deeper

Well if we want to go in the nether we still need gold as well just to avoid it there’s nine okay oh man i’m eating something it’s okay that’s okay that’s important that’s important you need your energy i bought a bunch of snacks for today yeah there’s a lot of water in there

Who keeps trying to sleep i studying uh oh just kidding i was gonna say they’re setting a spawn point but they died they did Oh there’s like no iron wait is it is it morning yet not yet not yet okay fine let me make this this coleman let’s get this coal let’s get this call get this call we can do it team and more irony because even though they even though

They’ve already went to uh the nether they may not be as prepared as we are so just gotta stay positive they still need to find a stronghold right yeah mm-hmm not something they’re gonna have to find fortress let’s get it the blaze rod and then after that if they get

Enderman’s and stuff oh yeah we have to get enough enderman oh no so we gotta hold on to that wood too oh yeah we should yeah i think we should have plenty of woods and uh do i need to go switch to wood collecting i’m still struggling to find more iron but

I’ll keep looking we have lots of coal uh so we’re good on oh my god i found a creeper oh my gosh i saw i saw a creeper everyone i’m scared yeah stanley stay far far early let me get this coal and then i will i’ll keep an eye on the creeper

I feel so useless oh you’re doing perfect i see the creeper but it doesn’t see me so i’m gonna keep getting this hole and then i’ll turn around remind me why we need blaze rod again uh blaze rod to find or make a uh under eye with the independent okay that’s

Actually let’s go to the village first okay they might have farms already yeah okay i got some irons there’s some iron but oh there’s some redstone too i don’t know if we need some of that but the creeper is right there oh oh redstone no need okay oh there’s

More iron but there’s a creeper there i’ll slowly make my way maybe if i cover myself a little bit here here dying dying monsters okay i’m heading in the direction of the oh i’m down to Yeah i actually went to one bread i have i have five bread still if you need them okay for now i couldn’t okay so that’s like seed dying okay it was only one piece of iron but it’s okay um one eye one thing of iron is better than nothing

Oh i sound like oh wait can i kill these pigs or should i try to oh let them to tame them um if there’s two then um taming might be better okay there’s like four here um maybe we can make a fence around them probably not i am

I’m actually at the village now okay uh you know make a fence around these pigs can we get coordinates to the um to the to the to the cabin just in case the cabin our little cabin or village no no our our little car our hideout yeah our hideout for me

So i can uh navigate back it’s gonna start getting pretty windy pretty soon i’m able to find my way back still um i have a couple of markers but just in case it gets too windy hold on sorry i’m not too sure it’s okay i i think i’m at the village

It’s okay i found my way back oh it’s okay okay oh there’s someone in the village okay be nice be friendly oh gosh someone’s what do you think people here Are we allowed to get tips from from chat or is that not allowed uh i think that should be okay yeah like general like minecraft tips right yes i’ll go back down and get that iron that was above me but i need to put some stuff i want to starve soon

Yeah i also need to deliver some some bread because i don’t think i need mine very much i realized i will be here and then i gotta go back and get some iron that i that i was nearby ugh oh would you be killing them might be faster okay i need

I’m just gonna start making a form the finish form everyone is using so yeah i think yeah yeah might be better to just make one so i’ll start okay and i put i put some i put my five bread and i’ll just take one bread

Oh i have potato and carrot oh we can use this carrot for learning there’s a whole bunch of pigs where on the on the way to uh from our hideout on the way to our village there’s a grassy area there’s a bunch of pigs there okay and

So i’ll try to bring them to our place okay um we need water okay yellow like a bucket so i’m gonna just so should i just focus on digging down i can just think it is in a spiral down here i’ll i’ll i’ll dig here in the main

Area and then i guess i’ll just go in a spiral hello i’m just going to dig straight down not straight down but i’m going to just i guess i can go deeper first i can start okay here we go okay guys so one of the archangels said the best

Piece for diamonds now is the lowest three levels of the map so i’m just gonna just dig deeper and deeper okay be careful i’ll do my best um okay what’s a good place to start digging down come on piggies i guess i’ll just careful careful all right and then i’m gonna get some

More woods okay i’ll start i’ll dig here this is where i’ll be by the water creeper right there what careful all right oh dear this is so frightening but it’s okay i wish we had our mini map uh i’m so used to the mini map but it’s okay

Okay i’m gonna this is gonna be my spot my digging spot i’ll mark it with light oh my gosh i hear the noises of zombies careful ah i’ll block this area off just in case i’m scared i made an infinite water source oh i heard a creeper oh my god okay where whoo

All right i’m just gonna dig i’m just gonna dig oh okay there’s there’s like zombie noises really close to me and i don’t know where or why carefully It’s really loud so i’m wondering if it’s really close by i have a i’ve made some fences peanuts do you want them oh no no no no no no no horse Careful everybody’s wait wait it’s in the hmm though yes oh my gosh careful careful careful you’re done do you guys need to do you need an armor delivery oh there it is there’s a zombie uh Here so if we need to add more pigs are you guys okay do you guys need anything yeah we’re good i don’t have a pickaxe so we need it do you want me to deliver one to you oh be careful Oh shoot oh shoot well so much for being safe i ended up finding another key i was just gonna dig straight down oh there’s so many there’s so many there’s like three oh dear what the heck i’m still aside the lag is making them look move very slowly are we okay all right

Does anyone have bread uh yes there’s bread in the uh in the house thank you you should probably find another i should probably i was able to plant a little bit but not much thank you yeah that was so cool what happened sorry i i sorry if i asked a lot [Laughter]

Oh god why are you right now okay all the way in the mind Okay oh oh creeper oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh think fast fast read and think fast think fasting fast oh my gosh quick thinking quick thinking okay i need to find a different place to dig okay it’s still following me please stop following me please oh no let’s go right

Outside her door i know i’m a runner i’m a runner okay okay if we ever find a uh okay okay lava pool that would be also awesome oh that’s right i’ll find another place to dig the skeletons is not going yeah maybe we have to get away from the door maybe oh

They could notice where we are lead them away from my farm i’ll try to i’ll try to be more i’m gonna i need to start digging down i think but okay i’m just trying to find a a nice a nice secluded place with no monsters or anything because i’m trying

To balance trying to be you know living a little dangerously to to get things uh but also being realistic you know right if possible if i hadn’t said it before um i’m not good at minecraft so if anyone’s confused as to why i’m i’m making any stupid decisions it’s because i’m not

Very good at minecraft that’s okay no i swear i’ll start somewhere we all start somewhere some some of us just started a hardcore minecraft tournament but you know it’s okay it’s my first time ever hardcore this is the same are they gone i think the skeletons are

Gone oh good nice just kidding just kidding just kidding you’re still here oh gosh do we have a i found more iron how do you make a fishing line i think any string there’s like no fish here uh oh overfishing um might be faster to just whack the fish

In the water then oh true that might be fishing rod because switching around takes oh needs string firstly and secondly it takes a while to fish oh i see some fish okay yes someone’s in the nether right we someone found their way to the netherlands yeah i see someone over there

I see someone over i see someone’s name is that you who is that oh it is another one okay i was confused i was like did i run into another contestant oh we might be is the skeleton still outside uh i saw one earlier they’re not like

Close too close to the house but they’re still there gotcha oh you guys swim so deep trying to drown me we are very very there’s another ravine that way more iron okay breathe breathe breathe breathe yeah i will also help get food i i need to stop going deeper and deeper into caves

I need to just dig down but if there’s any resources that are just out and open i won’t dig straight down but if i oh i almost had a cave and that was scary real quickly okay all right i need to go back to these there is no fish

No i’m close to the portal area that’s the that’s where a lot of fish are oh well nice iron there but oh okay i see it now you need that give me that okay okay i got eight fish so far nice one so this is the one way of fishing yes

It’s so much faster yeah oh i think i see uh is this my main room who is that me okay it was like oh but be careful there’s a drowned uh closer yeah okay careful everybody how is everyone on hunger um i’m three down i’m pretty hungry yeah i’m

Oh it’s getting there pretty important oh careful there it is i did put four bread in in the uh in the chest if you guys need it thank you thank you okay i got ten fish because serio seriously serious conversation if we start getting really hungry i will

Be the first one to go i not not good not to be a heavy downer but like it’s like we picked like the person to eat like yeah that’s accountable that’s another thing when it’s time for me to go you guys can have my ex eat me

You guys could have my exe when it’s time to go i keep finding deeper and deeper caves this is a little scary okay depends on where did you get carrots oh at the um village oh okay we should grow carrots too yeah do you have any more i only got two sadly

Are you able to grow at least one ah there’s two here actually oh you’re already where’s the door again oh there it is i wish that oh gosh i know that scared me for a second too boy oh boy indeed down the farm a little oh gosh i can’t

Go i can’t go in the door okay here we go okay all right um do we need any uh iron items what is that gurgling noise it’s pronounced why is the door open safe times so tempted to finish that we have we have more raw iron

If if we can find a magma somewhere we can fix that and then is there any crying numbers crying you know like the drippy one i think those we need diamond pickaxe to remove the firework correctly and i don’t think they work with the portal right i’m hungry i’m going to

Take a bite of my collection if i’m wrong you can make food break everybody tell them still just kind of there huh oh really yeah it’s just they’re outside our house but they’re not doing anything oh there’s just whoa there’s just a random hole right outside our house

Oh yeah i started one before but i moved like a really deep hole oh like you cannot climb out of this if you fall oh i’m dangerous uh let me just plug it up actually i’m scared i’m gonna fall i think someone is already like trying to breed villagers oh my so fast

Oh look fries look at all those flowers oh my goodness oatmeal couldn’t come in handy oh i don’t have yeah it’s true i feel so useless i’m trying i’m doing my best do you guys need any iron i don’t care chicken chicken chicken okay chicken is the most easiest

Food source i think oh sorry i must try to kill it oh careful it’s still alive it’s still alive hold on sorry my first reaction was well here chicken i totally didn’t try to kill you right now just now come here come here you know you want these seeds

Okay i’m gonna go dig oh there’s more chickens yeah i’ll come back over here oh nice come come with me chickens you two chicken i found someone else’s oh there’s a skill boy there’s a skeleton oh oh of looking pink let me just patch up a little chicken

Hole for my my my game must be laggy because the chickens move like two inches oh gosh maybe one chicken yeah one chicken come on go ahead again they won’t follow me uh i need to make sure i don’t get lost the sun is setting get at least one chicken in the farm

What happened yeah sorry chad oh if we’re not able to interact with you yeah yeah there’s a lot of strategizing so apologies wait the sun is starting i’m not gonna get this chicken in time can i just kill it oh yes sure all right let’s i’m sorry chicken you gotta cut your losses

But oh gosh i need to go home because there’s a skeleton right there and the sun is setting and i don’t know where i’m at how are we at hunger pools go that way please oh i’m gonna show that oh no wait where am i oh where’s my house what’s the coordinated

All right down down down okay okay thank goodness This wasn’t as big of a cave as i thought so here we go but feathers oh we don’t we also need a lot of um arrows born and arrows yes if we there was a skeleton it shot an arrow somewhere nearby so it’s somewhere in the key it’s gonna dig down

Uh one raw chicken here we go okay there’s four yeah hunger check how are what’s our what’s our food stores looking like about four cook salmon three uh i like six six cook salmon three bread and i have three cooked salmon on my person okay what’s the what’s the y

Coordinate that i’m we can use f3 right we’re allowed to use f3 okay what’s our what’s the y coordinate that i’m looking for for diamond or yeah what are you looking for uh anything really i i was told that the lowest three levels are the ideal place so i’m just gonna keep digging

Down until i think it’s like negative around 12. that’s always what i’ve heard negative 12 really above 3 above or lower 12 is always what i’ve heard but i think it varies okay i’m at uh i’m at 14 right now so i’ll keep going i think um 1.17 was 11 and then yeah one changes like negative fifty something i’ll keep going i’m looking for magma is like lower than 59 i guess lower than negative 59 or what is the magma yeah oh talk let’s talk to us talk to us i think okay i think iron and then the

Whoa whoa whoa i might be stuck oh okay we’re fine yeah we’ll come back yikes yeah xcx okay it wasn’t a rock it was a sand oh it almost caved in on you oh goodness oh did you all meet each other oh yes don’t even scare me okay

Maybe we can check that cave out too oops i’m at six right now i’m at six that’s my current y at the moment is six because at some point i’m just gonna start expanding outwards instead of going down so let me know when is a good time lower

Than 15 okay i am definitely lower than 15. should i just start expanding outwards or i don’t know what the best way to do this i’m just digging down my pickaxes we’re running out of wood oh do we need to go get more get some wood yeah i’ll go get my wood

When it’s morning i mean i could go but no it’s not worth it okay imagine dying over wood uh we also have saplings too i don’t know if it would be worth growing anything Sorry what did you say oh i was just saying uh we also have like saplings i don’t know if it’d be worth growing anything if we need um just faster to go yeah destroy the environment oh lapis lastly but i don’t have a iron i have an iron I want to make one i was going to make one for you guys but we’re out of wood i don’t got any sticks let’s see i i can go deliver delivery could take from our house yeah it made my our house out of wood oh yeah i’ll borrow from the house

Replace it oh but these nice flowers great touch me it’s beautiful nice i got less picking flies i feel like a chicken and i came home our only pickaxe left is are the iron pickaxe that i have so i i feel gosh i haven’t um i think uh needs

An iron pickaxe okay where are you can you give your coordinates please Look for yours i’m in the i’m actually in the cabin i in our little safety house i put it in the chest all right thank you so is there anything i can do so i think maybe nana mona can focus on on mining then since we’re gonna have only one

Pickaxe is there anything else you need me to do that’s hi um while we talk i’m gonna get a quick food break yeah i think um getting more food source would be helpful okay i’ll look okay uh do we need any iron items we have uh six iron ingots

For i will venture out into the night uh yes seems like this area is safe so far so food no i think i see a drowned so we need food they are coming right for us so maybe don’t go away okay i’m wondering how i can help uh yeah i

Don’t know what to do either because i only want to make get a food tour so there’s i’m so useless at i nighttime i’ll just keep digging for iron iron’s always useful yes should i make a stone should i make a stone pickaxe then i

Don’t want to use our iron up i’m going to make myself oh yes stuff that require it i think okay all right i’m going to take some planks and i’ll make myself an i still i guess i’ll go back to digging in my uh oh eat the single chicken that i murdered oh

Oh my gosh i’m so tired i accidentally swapped the materials for a second like why isn’t it working it’s because i put the stone in the handle portion of the pickaxe ah it is so early for you guys i forget how to make a pickaxe uh oh sticks that’s right okay sorry it’s

Very early so i’m struggling a little bit with the with the comprehension [Laughter] someone in chat said uh what creepers will become your friends if you give them give them bread oh my gosh that’s not the case right no it’s a choice they’re trying to get someone killed

Oh no no our leader is gonna be like tricked by one of the other teams and i was like oh i didn’t know that no okay i trust people to never change or change all right i’m gonna go back to my hole then um by civilization i’m going back to my

House 34 iron nice oh wow okay i’m in my hole let me know when to come back up hi hi oh now i see the flower i’m very deep inside the the caves you know just by the staircase i appreciate it oh that’s a lot of coals that’s nice eat some food

Oh wait this is wrong how is everyone doing how do we feel yeah so far so good okay is there anything cool underneath i’m at now at negative three should i start expanding like outwards or something uh might be i think it’s like okay sorry i think okay

I ran into some materials so i just wish uh i got more iron no no fish we can find okay okay talk to us talk to us uh i love sticking and i on the underwater cave looking for fish sauna almost drowned but i’m okay oh gosh

I got a good chunk of iron more so nice like 10 ish about okay i feel oh my gosh oh yeah i think As long as we find a magma go return then we can make our own well i’m hoping to find some magical here um but portal our own portrait yeah do we need a lot of buckets yes yeah i think so oh yeah a lot of people have iron i think we have the

Most iron yay good good good good good see everyone has their own unique strength okay i think i’m gonna close this second branch mine that i’ve made because it just leads to water nowhere no matter where you go i’m going to go back and deliver my my 11 iron ingots

Or not ingots my 11. someone said no yeah cause we’re brave we’re brave kings we have to be we have to be honest a hero is honest and just yes and fair okay i know i may be a cyber angel but red bull is giving me the wings to fly right now

Oh gosh okay uh how how is nita and pina feeling i know it’s really late for you guys i’m actually doing i like physically i am pretty tired but i think mind over matter yeah we’re about an hour and a half okay that’s good i have another hour and

A half at a minimum um so that please let me know if there’s anything you need me to do before i leave okay i want to stay as long as i can just mostly enjoy your company oh thank you because i felt bad i was like should i

Even join to begin with but i figured i i was i i think was here i was like i hope i do more positives than i do negatives of course oh my gosh just having you is a positive oh that you the only the only negative you bring because you’re so distracting because

You’re so hot i thank you god [Laughter] I saw like a 12 year old boy it’s okay this is yours this banter is good for morale oh my gosh i took my first fall damage i have half i’ve lost half a heart to fall damage that’s my first damage i’m eating my bread oh no skeletons okay time okay nice nice

I’m okay uh should i plant i planted two we got three carrots i planted two should i feed one to the pigs oh don’t we need two we need two yeah we need two okay let’s give it away oh this i’m gonna attempt to kidnap some chicken again oh yes the chicken

Would on the way and i’m smart i got flowers so i can mark my paths i don’t give freaking loss my my my eyes are feeling very heavy but i’ll do my best i think i need to take a break that’s the one that’s the thing

If you guys need food breaks or bathroom breaks or water breaks in about half an hour i’ll probably take another food break i feel so bad i keep taking breaks oh no worries it’s really early for you yeah early should i start oh gosh i i don’t know i

Guess i’ll just keep going Oh gravel gotta be careful don’t wanna runs hunting for fish yes and here you have the not Yeah i was i think i was too off-put by the smell to to try it so maybe one yeah everyone says that but for me it just tastes like it just smells like natto so yeah i guess like for me i grew up with it yeah yeah i

Guess i just don’t notice it’s like when people say kimchi is sticky and i love kimchi i’m just like kimchi’s smells like kimchi i’ve been living off of kimchi ramen yes we find three diamond okay we can actually fix this broken um obsidian oh really um yeah because there’s

Actually three extra are we okay who talk to us talk to us it’s fine it’s fine okay No need to apologize we just want to know you’re okay you know you you were saying yes three diamonds uh yeah if we can find three but it doesn’t have to be the easiest way is to find magma maybe i’m doing my best i’m doing my best i’m digging deeper and deeper

Thank you will i eventually reach magma no matter what if i reach a certain level um you still have to get kind of lucky i think well here is my luck maybe all the luck that i didn’t have trying to get hazel in gidget impact will come to me now

It’s okay i have like two weeks it’s okay yeah they’ll come home eventually i hear the chicken what they’re hiding from me where are you oh did you get kazuha by the way i did i thought i’m at my first pool i got really lucky yes you did okay i found another oh

I found another cave really deep down i’m nervous but i i okay there’s a chicken you gotta go you gotta go one chicken so you can reproduce and we will eat your children gosh well what do you put it that way That’s true oh i found a really deep one very surprised to find a cave here i am not okay careful there’s a skeleton i’m gonna go back oh again okay yes i will try hiding Did you guys hear that do you guys hear that we need to protect the ticket what happened what was that noise it was like there was a noise that was like Oh i think did it say like eerie noise or something it was like the chicken just stood in the middle of the crossfire like check this out these piggies look like what oh gosh okay so i found a really deep i was digging really really deep but i found another

Big cave so i’m hoping there’s a lot of oh good stuff in there but i’m gonna i’m gonna stop by at the house and take a quick breather okay i’ll go get another chicken sauce a couple whoo-hoo it is early early early what a lovely day to be minecrafting i want to

Fortify our funds a little more water check everybody make sure you stretch let me make sure the chicken don’t escape yeah should we put um there’s no shape so we cannot make a carpet yeah it’s okay i think i’m pretty sure yeah i’m pretty sure they can’t do it

Thank you for the donor i really appreciate it they don’t climb over the fence because we can climb over the trap but they can’t so may i take a breath please is that okay oh of course okay i i’m i’m down how’s everyone’s hunger i’m only down three uh i’m okay for now

Okay i’m okay for announcements i’m gonna i think fish is the easiest food source now yeah it looks like we’re cooking a lot so i’m gonna i need to i need to put together another more tools okay because i just found a big cave so what am i doing right now

I don’t know what i’m doing right now i think they’re okay take a moment to center yourself how do you feel i’m just like so paranoid that the animals will escape it’s okay okay very good quite good i made a bit too many fences for no reason that’s okay okay And all you’re around here back into the caves it’s not much but it’s honest work ah i found one roses what’s that one uh snow white uh and the seven dwarves song where it’s like hi-ho i hope i hope it’s off to work Good job everybody we’re doing great yes good job team good job [Laughter] super hot [Laughter] wow our protector yeah everyone has their roles this is great you’re the farmer i’m the miner nana is the uh protector yes i i prefer chicken whisperer oh okay sorry i apologize what you have been forgiven thank you thank you great oh there’s a creeper down there oh

It’s okay i in order to venture over you guys i love you too i’m a little nervous there’s a big cave down here but i’m not sure how best to descend uh oh whoa what i i’m i’m like uh negative 29 right now and i just encountered like because i’m kind of

Going in a spiral pattern downward and i just ran into a big cave but i don’t know what’s inside so yeah there is a creeper so um okay yes got the chicken i’m hoping to find some comments mating magma though maybe i’m just finding a place where i can descend

Made a chicken baby nice nice okay um the interview we’re gonna start oh the interview oh ready yeah oh shoot okay okay yeah hi are you ready i might need your your assistance yes my nihongo is already very not josue so now that it’s in there ask us what our

Plan is our plan peanut tell you you speak for us you’re our team leader you’re our face of the group okay okay i’ll do my best i can translate the questions in english for the audience Okay it’s okay we’re all a little commercial community The plan is we’re trying to find a magma yeah our strength right now is material resources oh yeah that’s for sure um what is tough um what is that material huh oh it’s like of some kind of stone it’s not that special unfortunately i i i was just more curious if it’s a

Sturdy material to use um it’s not really that big of a difference it’s it’s like the same as cobblestone okay i don’t want to place it down and then have it fall off hello oh there it is cow hello cow would you like to join my animal farm animal farm

Oh that’s right we also gonna have to trade oh villager Thank you oh thank you okay yeah Um It’s okay Foreign Um The question was uh how do you guys feel about participating in such a big tournament like this or a big co-op like this ah really fun yeah it’s really fun it’s really fun um Oh Thank you [Laughter] oh sorry was i not a present physically i i didn’t realize i had to be present physically i’m sorry i would’ve talked about she was actually like just popped up in front of us okay oh my gosh sorry i i sh we should have

Uh let you know oh it’s okay it’s okay um i did find a big cave um and i’m a little nervous i saw a creeper and a spider down there i i know we need strings so yeah i know we need to drink something i’m wondering maybe if i could get some

More armor or if maybe we can have someone please full armor yourself we have plenty so i’m gonna make you okay a full armor so before i go down i just wanna say i’m gonna have to start luto please what are you saying in the chat there is um there

Is liz being strange in chat um i may die uh i’m gonna go fight to get some material so i might die um i don’t really know how to use this shield but i’m going to try my best shield um you just have to right click can i show you all where my

Cave is just in case i die so you all know where to collect my body yes okay um everybody uh equip yourself oh yes sorry i i i think i don’t know tree is preventing our wheat from growing so i’m gonna chop it down i don’t know if there’s any uh

Other materials down there but i did see a spider and i did see a creeper and it’s a pretty big cave pretty deep so i’m hoping that we’ll find some good stuff um hey hi okay i want one display for me and there’s two iron left so

So now we’re all suited up so this is good what are you missing diamonds hopefully we can find diamonds soon oh and during the interview someone um already found another fortress oh wow oh my gosh we all have the coordinates the chord from the chat i’ll write it down it’s in the chat

Where um i mean the discord ah okay i’m gonna find the last let’s walk we can’t find okay someone found the fortress already yes yes oh i don’t wait where is it during the interview oh my gosh where is it you said it was in the oh give us another gate letter gate

It is you guys want to do another game uh i’m ready morning time yeah we need to gather what do we need to gather for that i have the uh yeah we need a lot of food that’s for sure oh yes a lot of food i’ll make some gold golden shoes for a

Hitter yes yes okay okay all right let’s go uh okay um peanut’s gonna be my buddy for the the big cave so uh we’ll we’ll let you guys know uh what our status is i’ll give you the i’ll give you the coordinates for the the entrance into the big cave hey kind

All right peanuts it’s a pretty swirly trip down so mind your eyes i was i i did dig i did i did i digged a lot i dug a lot it’s very spirally so don’t get too emotional sickness are you okay be careful be careful take it easy drink some water

Eat some food if needed oh hi i did a dig I did not my motion sickness oh no let’s let’s pause what are they what’s this okay one of the arc angels quoted me i digged a lot don’t give a dog to the dome of the dimsdale divide okay here it is okay pause this is it

This is it go ahead you want to go ahead and go in first oops there’s a diamond too oh wait really what no way i thought that was just a glowy uh like substance you have the iron pickaxe yes i do okay okay peanuts got it i’m gonna give the coordinates real quickly

For you all right i’ll put it in our questions please take it for granted i’m sorry i don’t have uh i have iron i i i think i have an iron pickup twitches oh i have torches there’s a lot of twitches in the box i

Have some i have 36 with me right now how much do you need peanut i’ll toss them down i i’ll give you 13. i have 13 right now okay uh where are you i want to put it right here oh yeah i’ll put it on the staircase just in case i

Don’t want to you’re welcome okay uh our coordinates to the entrance of the cave 100 275 I wish i have an arrow be careful okay here’s our coordinates for the entrance of the cave that we’re in i’ll put it in our text chat i hear things are we okay are you okay are we okay yeah a lot of spiders outside let me just go inside now good night

You know all the farm animals except for sheep oh yeah there is diamonds oh my gosh i found a caveman oh my gosh nice i’m just glad i was able to help Oh my gosh Can you actually make a boat and then um maybe defeat the enderman i guess uh can while i go make the why i go make the boat can you tell me how to how to slay an enderman actually yeah uh i’ll make the boat here okay i’ll teach you how okay donate because

Do you guys need a boat i can’t come off a boat i have it yellow okay i’ll make one there’s also quite a bit of just uh let’s put it did you grab the diamonds already peanut oh yes okay cool awesome where’s the enderman uh that that way are you sure peanut you

I i can take care of it if i don’t want you to die it’s okay okay it’s okay oh we’re not dressed maybe it’s gone now as long as there are no look for apples i thought i saw yeah i was over here sorry i guess i lost track of it

No it’s okay um phantoms where where’s outside been going inside okay okay Peter do you want to go ahead and drop off the diamonds in the chest real quickly i can go ahead and work on getting the iron oh yes okay that is true let me let me stay down here longer than you let me stay where you not see

Okay okay sorry is there a thing there’s a zombie oh it’s okay i can do it i can do it it’s okay uh it’s okay okay i can do it i got this i can do it i can do it i can do it sorry i i just

Had a very visceral reaction to it sorry this one is a single seed i’m not picking now okay i’m a big now i i have to be brave for you all right i have the high ground mr zombie i have the high ground nice i believe i should take this okay

It’s really strong it’s really strong Yeah we’re [Laughter] okay you know i’m gonna go attempt to well but there’s phantoms outside now so it’s not just like monsters we have to worry about okay dad uh i want to at least feed the chickens so you’ll get more chicken babies but i thank you but but but

Is there any more seeds in here i have to go make a better sword i just realized i only have a wooden sword i feel like when i play minecraft normally we’re like drowning in seeds but now i know why are the seeds so hard to come by

Gosh i i still have the sword that they gave us i need to make a better a better weapon can phantoms spawn inside big caves yes or no no okay thank goodness the phantoms are coming from iku’s and then okay i was a little nervous i could hear it

This is not a real spot i was able to hear it too yeah this is quite the spiral i didn’t realize how deep i went The diamond yeah I’m just really glad i was able to help before i i went that was my goal is i wanted to find something useful for everyone i wanna go feed the chicken oh that noise is so slow Are the chickens chickens they’re really loud careful everybody ah i hope they mate if they don’t meet then all this was for nothing be careful careful we’re all wait we’re all behind you what is that ball of experience so peanut butter now that we have diamonds what’s the plan oh

There’s so many um the plan is Oh wait what’s the coordinate right now ordinate right now is almost morning oh Because if people are already in the in the in the fortress in the stronghold we should probably start making some drastic moves oh yes we should definitely go to the fortress i mean yes okay should we go where are these coming from are we i think oh the hymen is not

Necessary anymore because now we right the turtle don’t don’t don’t need to worry about feeding me um even even for three people we’re still very low yeah let me hear they just these animals grow so slowly okay i’m gonna i’m just gonna keep mining for now since i i

Don’t know what else i’d be able to help with so let me know when we’re heading out i’ll i’ll come up and we i’ll head out with everyone hey hi okay okay i’ll go get some fish me too Oh golden boots good job everybody i need an iron uh may i make an iron pickaxe please yes thank you please i’m gonna go on a hunt for animals to kill on sight oh hey oh i’m gonna be killed on site no or does anyone oh it’s okay i’ll just

Make my own iron pickaxe i i’m trying not to be too i’m trying to be you know trying to be mindful of our resources but i also don’t want to be you know too stingy so good it’s all good do what you gotta don’t even do you gotta do

Don’t even worry about it all right i’m just gonna keep doing what i do best um let me know if we’re heading out please don’t leave me behind of course i know i know i’m just being silly we’re never gonna do that Guys it’s only been two hours we can’t be like this in two hours we’re already losing our minds it’s okay we rick [Laughter] okay before i go to the cave water check red bull check um i hear them you’re countless i have about another hour or two left so

Please let me know if there’s anything you need me to do hi um where are you right now i’m heading back to the cave oh gosh oh there’s a zombie home i’m not used to this wild animals actually rita um i just focused on uh getting fish too yes i can do that

What oh Uh is there is there a water source near us oh yes okay i made an infinite water source right outside it’s in the farm okay thank you you can take water from that forever uh i i’m sorry i meant water source for fishing i’m gonna be fishing oh yeah

There’s a lot nearby okay i’m assuming i’m just using my hands it’s a spruce forest we’ll go find owen oh there’s a creeper outside in the morning am i just using my hands then to to catch fish oh just easy oh i saw it okay oh sorry piggy oh no bye piggy

When the archangel said i was not expecting to get rick rolled at six in the morning [Laughter] what can we say we’re entertainers you’re welcome i found the sheep found the sheep but there’s it’s great and there’s only one this is cousins do i have permission to kill them no

Yeah do it there’s a whole she was very enthusiastic about that uh there’s like a whole ocean but i’m not seeing any i’m not seeing any fish it’s a very empty ocean a little sad farm if you ask me is there was there a specific spot that

Had a lot of salmon i i see an ocean but i’m not seeing anything near the middle yeah near the another portal I need to put my shaders on one second there is a creeper by our house so be careful over here do i have i thought i had my hair my shader mod installed that’s okay i need a print ah i found them i found them okay fishy fishy

Let’s see if you see i’m here fishing i’ll put a how do i am i able to oh gosh just keep watching them okay i’m sorry thank you for your valiant sacrifice okay what was that noise there’s two types of people so is our current plan oh gosh i wish i

Had better shaders i can’t see anything uh my current plan is uh get enough food and then we head out after that week and yeah aim for portal oh gosh oh hey nice nice need one more where is it there it is okay here we go oh it’s getting deep

Yeah they’re diving they’re because they know we’re here oh gosh if only we can kill octopus oh gosh yeah octopus legs i also drowned nearby so be careful okay all right don’t take damage please don’t think don’t take damage please oh god i don’t know the air i need to oh breathe breathe

These fish are really fast okay okay Let’s do this [Laughter] just grab them oh my gosh we are severely overfishing okay yes ma’am i got it this is the effects of overfishing what is the tragedy of the commons is that what it’s called the the tragedy of the commons oh okay we are really close to the starting

Place aren’t we yeah what’s our goal for fish should we just fish until the night time and then we’ll we’ll do like one last one last hurrah in the caves during the evening and then head out in the morning or do you think that’s waiting too long

I think that might be too long oh how how many foods do we have now i have three salmon two cod and a bread i have two raw pork chops and one raw mutton and we murder our current farm animals will have a little more we also have we also have food currently

At the house too we have food at home food at home i’ll cook the meat so it’s more effective oh wow oh yeah there’s some drowned individuals here um yes me jesus a little bit further away all the chickens are still so small oh wow they take them forever

There’s a lot of them there’s a lot of drowned folks down here just living their life okay um okay i’m gonna murder the cow there’s no partner for him gosh he died alone i’m gonna check the village if anyone made a fletcher okay If they did me oh my gosh let’s get arrows i gotta be careful there’s lots of uh oh but drowned folks here oh excuse me mr octopus oh gosh please oh gosh but we need spiders what’s our food goals there was a spider uh in the cave but

We’d have to look for it again yeah that’s gonna be a bit tricky oh what someone has a bamboo oh yeah yeah in the village these people are crazy yeah i wonder where they found a jungle it must be not that far off though uh what’s our food goals uh so we can

Switch over to another thing if we if we have enough food um right no currently there’s like a little over 30 cooked almost close to 40 cooked uh salmon okay some pieces of meat and like we have like two bread how many do we want to try for each how many

Do you think would be good for each person fletcher Please assume that i won’t be here to take up resources okay um maybe it’s good that i am leaving early because you have my manpower but you don’t have to worry about you know you don’t have to worry about feeding more no no no no this is good this is this is

Good this is no this is very good because you have my manpower but later on you don’t have to worry about like feeding you this is very good this is very good good strategy it’s okay you can also take my exp so i are you all allowed to to

Or i guess i could just die in front of you all then you can collect my exps the supervised death oh oh gosh okay we have three steak two bread fishing is so hard to cook with it one cooked mutton thirty-nine something and more in the way

Nice awesome i have ten salmon that is uncooked and then i have two cod as well Nice this is actually not that bad i thought this would be a lot worse um i say as i haven’t participated in any of the really intense stuff yet you just found diamonds i know but we didn’t need diamonds right we ended up not needing it

Yeah it’s good we have probably make a sword or something yeah exactly we can make three swords right because it only needs one i think so oh really yeah so it’s good we will have diamond swords nice so thank you rita it’s okay i i i make one more single bread bread wait

So someone is making a villager um trades and i just got a bunch of arrows and i’m gonna nice a bunch of both for us too oh nice yes remember plan for three plan for three so you don’t need to worry too much about getting too many resources

Okay yes somebody in the in the chat said it efficient resource management exactly that’s what we have 45 though okay i have 15 on me as well are we are we good to go do we need to head out i think that should be good you guys think

We might have to like fish on the way there too yeah wait wait what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened why is everyone saying make or no wait why is everyone saying no what happened did mickey is mako okay what happened

Wait why did someone say make or no my sister did something happen to my sister uh-oh maybe she was about to die who hours has past tense to start all nigga’s dead wait what oh what no i’m so sorry for your love Do you want to say a few words the sun is setting do we want to reconvene at the house if you if we’re not already there yes i i’m okay i’m running towards the house okay i’m in the house i’m gonna cook my fish

Do you want to say a couple of words iko are you okay i’m okay your condolences you have my condition [Laughter] you have my condom you have my condolences indeed stretch check oh stretch height she’s watching over us now okay okay so two hours in we collected our food

Peanut what’s the plan it’s currently evening are we heading out in the morning or what’s what are we doing yes heading out in the morning and then i mean technically we can risk ourselves and just dash to it but i don’t know i don’t want to lose anyone

We could always we can let’s just patience okay we can always build a shelter there if we need so what do we need to bring and i can always be i can i can like dig holes and like yes bring like us some class and make a

Window and look outside when it’s that’s true check when it’s yeah in the morning wait actually i wonder if we can dig two of the coordinates now oh you’re right uh let’s see let’s see wait that’s a lot of block actually is it i think

If it’s not close then it might not be worth it yeah yeah it might not be worth it oh yeah it’s not worth it okay we can always just dig and make temporary uh houses on the way there yeah yeah bring a lot of blocks and then you can start building

Uh early enough okay okay let’s make it here you go here’s the bow thank you let me let me when it comes to fighting put me first so if i if if the death happens then it’ll be me oh wait i’m gonna need wait uh how many balls are we gonna give

I got two oh thank you sorry i i made three okay there we go go away i thought yeah i thought i didn’t have to make one because i thought you said oh no it’s okay it’s okay no no no it’s okay for now uh i’ll hold

On to it since i’ll be the the first to die if we’re in a battle and then whenever i do need to leave i’ll hand it off to somebody else and then you all need to supervise my death so you can pick up my exp

Oh it’s spectating as a ghost i say i see wait where you can see Somebody burned it oh my gosh people are dying very quickly Another tactic is just to like stay here until 24 hours i know that we’re the only ones alive self-preservation is a tactic so what do we need to what do we need to bring let’s make sure everyone’s bags are packed up um enough blocks because we’re probably

Gonna need some blocks for the fortress anyways okay um it’s better to make a half block because that one everyone Uh yeah as much wood because wood is very very we have some old planks but maybe we can do some we can do some axe cutting on the way when we travel in the morning hmm because it’s also nighttime too i can help get wood careful careful careful what’s happening

What’s happening the chicken escaped how did they do that right i don’t know how the chicken escaped but they did oh i hear something was that a phantom oh it’s a phantom careful guys get inside get inside inside okay cobblestone deep slate cobblestone Does everyone have gold um drip of gold shoes okay who needs gold i there’s a pair of golden boots in the in the chest remember i will be the last to get any sort of like armor or anything yeah before we go let me know i’ll

Be the one to butcher the animals okay i think we’re leaving in the morning right pina yes okay so enough enough yes uh enough food what else do you do no do you have uh gold anything porches and it’s better to no water inside the bucket just in case you fall

In magma oh i don’t know um that’s a good idea everyone has gold boots everyone has gold boots yes okay okay so i’ll i’ll take the uh should i make myself gold boots as well because we only have four gold ingots left oh yeah yeah please okay are you sure we

Don’t need it for anything else leave the baby chicken sasuke to grow strong oh make sure everybody have enough torch Everyone have food well while we wait for morning can i grab it when you get it yes oh yes in real life yes yes okay i’ll be right back you guys everyone should grab at least 10 15 salmon as well i think we should have enough for everyone to have hey okay

This is gonna be so fun who’s excited galactic zoo angels first field trip make sure your backpacks are full exciting exciting exciting Anyone else need to take a break before we go to the on our field trip let’s also close the door i’m gonna eat my snack okay me too i’m gonna eat them okay i’m gonna take a quick break to talk to my chat real quickly right back okay hi

How is everybody archangels the bathroom too okay okay sounds good hi i’ll be back okay okay i’m back hello uh so peanuts tango bathroom break uh nanamon is also getting some food um i’m just taking a quick second to check in on my chat real quickly do you also

Need to go to the bathroom do we need to do a bathroom break anything no i’m i just came back i i feel like i feel like it’s one of those things that it’s like i don’t need to go right now it’s like no but you

Need to go before we go on the road okay i’ll bring it back i’ll be right back i mean let’s see please let this be a normal field trip miss frizzle please let this be a normal field trip i can’t hear anything doing fine nice enjoying you guys doing your thing i’m glad

You missed it holding down the fort good good good yeah i know i mourned her loss earlier drinking some coffee oh yeah i got some onion okay just making sure that we’re doing okay Okay i’m gonna go back to it it’s cold it’s okay how is it aside from being cold i feel like i should i feel like i should force myself to go to the bathroom before we go on our field trip just in case looks like we’re still it’s still night

Time so i’m gonna i’m gonna go wash my face freshen up a little bit before we go we’re gonna need some we’re gonna need a lot of i guess it’s peanut butter reaction time i was muted on your own i’m actually gonna go to the village okay and make more arrows

Okay is there anything we can do inside the fortress while we’re while we’re waiting for morning okay say that again is there anything you need us to do in the cave while we wait for morning Stay alive i like your villager impression let’s see because we can’t make food that’s right Okay if not i’m going to take a quick break too i’ll be right back oh yes yes i’m just going to make sure i have my i have a red bullet still here might fill up my water bottle okay okay our angels i’ll be right

The ira pants like seems like i have two of them i don’t i don’t i only i don’t have a chest plate or pants oh i think it went to me Okay we’ll wait did we ever get chest plates i don’t know if i ever grabbed one oh oh you can make yourself chest plate if anything okay make one uh oh they’re not firing i don’t know if there’s an iron for it i mean it just

Need eight iron yeah i need seven i have seven and get i need one more do you have any wrong no i didn’t have oh no look in the cave okay let me go murder the animals now we can cook them we’ll cook them yeah i guess looking for the animal fastest or

Sorry i’m sorry i really um yeah it’s interesting how um we’re yushas or we’re heroes but we’re doing a lot of damages around here all right i’ll i will set the babies free be gone be gone before i change my mind first wait they can’t go go away before i change my mind

Don’t make me change my mind unless it becomes an adult right before your eyes right before my eyes it’s still here hello i’m back welcome is it daytime yet yes it’s daytime okay all right let’s go yeah let’s go all right the chicken are still falling

So we want to do a quick check of everything that we have do we need to bring the diamonds we have two buckets left um we have some seven seven salmon is there can i cook the meat yes i’ll uh should we just take everything inside we have 45 okay 45 salmon

I’ll take the salmon the diamond the buckets um i’ll just take all our weapons to uh stone axe just in case do we some oak planks as well i’m assuming i’ll take the bread yeah i need all the bread okay let’s distribute where is if we’re using the

Cave like if we won’t come back oh true would be useless so that’s a good idea you’re right i think this is a snatch okay thank you our wonderful home thank you thank you thank you for treating us so well it’s been a good time guys these guys want to turn into adult

Chickens before my eyes oh i have chicken okay all right i’m gonna meet you guys up okay i’m waiting dogs i am the pack horse i i picked up everything from the chest and we can distribute in just a moment hey i just wanted to make sure we got all the important stuff So the king said if you are so if you die and you become a a spectator and you try to go to the nether um it might freeze you might freeze so they said be careful okay all right we got we got some torches nice okay um let me distribute some fish um

Here we go have fun make a rain fish get all the coals nope wait wait what’s happening i just threw a bunch of fish out there you go oh i think i picked it up again uh-oh you don’t want to just put in the chest

Oh i wanted to have fun i wanted to make it make it rain fish i’ll take 15. um on my hand it looked like you were throwing fish and they were going away no god could you imagine okay i have 15 fish and three bread okay

All right the big journey is about to begin are we excited yeah okay let’s all grab food i have 15 fish and three bread um i need more fish what’s this there’s also i have 50 planks as well uh should we take the birch planks as well

Someone want to take the birch plank yes uh having some woods thanks will be i also i’m carrying cobblestone i’m carrying a lot of stone as well call me dr stone I also have an extra pair of iron leggings and iron boots if we need them and then i also have the diamonds and the buckets does anyone need a bucket it yeah i think i’m good i’ll hold anything okay you might need that if like oh i actually took it again

There we go i’ll be the pack mule but you don’t need you all should take some some important stuff and have it on your purse we don’t need we don’t need any um but the flowers are like saplings right i don’t think so i think we’re okay

Why does the bucket give keep coming back from somebody take it oh someone keeps pushing it towards me uh you can put it in the chest okay all right we should head out soon i’ll take it i don’t have a blue and arrow i don’t

Have any oh here you can have my uh i was gonna i was gonna wait i have two wait i have two balls for some reason i put one in the chest okay okay here’s the one stack of arrow do you have pants extra pounds in your

Inventory i think i’m gonna try to give it to me earlier okay it got picked up it is in the chest there you go thank you um i’m gonna grab okay some arrows i have three swords two pickaxes and four swords um oh yeah i never got the chance to

Make a chess piece and also make sure you guys have enough blocks and make yourself some boats if we encounter endermen ah okay i’ll make some votes i have 50 planks does anyone have raw iron by any chance or in one iron engine oh do you need a chest plate i put one

In the chest for you okay is this yours yes yes how many boats do we need to tell us thank you of course how many boats do we need um i have one okay i have one too so let me make two i think we should at least carry one per person

Yeah okay all right okay i have three boats let me put two in the chest and then i have the rest of the oaklings i have 35. okay anything else we should probably head out soon lose daylight yes everybody grab this one there’s some salmon left and steak i can be pack

Mulen and hold on to it um i’ll grab half the fish okay everyone has food i’ll i’ll just take the rest in my in my pouch just in case okay okay okay time to go all right we’re ready all right do you know what direction is it which way would be oops oh Okay i got the father just in case you want to make my arrows okay okay let’s go huh good calling goodbye fine goodbye you’ve been good to us thank you did you close the door did you close the door did you lock the door all the way out

I didn’t look it’s okay yeah i don’t think i don’t think we’ll be coming back anytime soon goodbye let’s go to that fortress or the stage yes area okay uh it might be easier wow they did a great job with this yeah uh i don’t have any arrows by the way

But i’m assuming someone has arrows oh yes i have some errors who is that We’re going king we’re going this is kind of like hunger games except for we’re not going after each other thank goodness oh wow someone has built some big house over here i was wondering where are you i i lost you you went too fast i’m so sorry Hello hello i’m excited this is going to be so fun okay go ahead lead the way no no no we’re using something oh i was wondering that house or the farm is not made by the used house so if oh oh maybe we could get the bread from it oh

It’s okay oh me too that’s right so everyone eating okay okay um We may be a little bit one-track mindy just because we’re very we’re very low we’re very low on energy reserves so i apologize in advance if we end up going into focus mode like very easily no yeah i’m just like trying to eat it’s weird preservation so our our brains are kind

Of like you no worries follow the leader follow the leader leader in the front then the then the disposable warrior protector and then and then because we need to that’s that’s the order of death right is me first but peanut knows the way so pina’s leading there’s a pumpkin do you want a

Pumpkin oh yeah oh yeah pick it up buy all the please that’s very good so we can protect our face oh we need to cross the river okay forward it let’s go oh hey hello hello good evening nice eye by the way on the pumpkins good job that’s awesome yes from from verse

First yes she’s our smn sister did you just did you put an n in there did i i don’t know maybe i’m missing no i tried really hard not to say smidge anyways hey We should get to the we should get to the portal first okay i can make it Just in case i’ll follow it’s a bit far it’s okay we could always oh yes let’s use a boat okay good good good everyone have their boats yes i wanna murder the pig give us a second one second uh i hope i can i just can i just jump on penis I probably should have popped onto someone’s boat i’m not very good at boating look at me i’m swerving okay Hello Oh wait a second is this a dead end it’s okay because we could always just keep going in a straight line to where we need to go we can just go over the mountains okay uh we might have to go up okay that’s fine we should be okay right here i

Yes how do we get our boat back do we just hit it left click hit it yeah okay let’s go up up up onward and upward are we okay are we okay So uh do one of the archangels asked what we can do with the pumpkin so do we want to explain to the to our chat maybe yes with the pumpkins we can protect ourselves from looking from the under men’s eyes so if we’re ever at dragon’s place don’t say it when we can

Just oh when when we are at the dragon’s place there’s a lot of endermen we can protect ourselves with the pumpkin mask we have to manifest it sunset’s coming soon so we should probably build soon a shelter yeah we might have to do that because there is 800 more blocks away oops

Okay let’s let’s okay let’s build let’s build it’s starting to get dark okay okay uh okay nice i don’t know why i’m building it so wide it’s okay there’s there is four of us okay well we do that i’m gonna collect my woods slow and sure wins the race right oh

Oh sorry i didn’t realize okay okay okay do we have enough room for everyone i’m gonna expand it a little bit we’re gonna be here for an evening so might as well make it nice and comfortable okay put some torch around nicely nice nice nice oh good job we

Built the shelter really quickly good job nice time i’m gonna make uh scissors oh good idea oh yes thanks and maybe a furnace i’m sorry i’m gonna expand it just a little bit yeah we need a door Door oh yeah we need a door to see if we wanna oh oh i don’t have wood no i have one oh i can i can make a toy okay you got it yep thank you oh i had one i had an extra point right here right here right here sorry sorry

Oh no i threw wait i’m stuck okay okay get inside get inside oh where is where did my door go oh no did someone pick it up oh no where’s where’s the door oh everyone checked their inventory everyone took their inventory might not do it

I don’t see it maybe did you throw it outside no i like accidentally set it down um it might have bugged out because i placed it no worries no worries we can always make another one do we want to dig while we’re here is there anything we want to do As much as possible let’s get let’s make it because we can also just get wood too if we need it while we’re here we could always just get wood okay you guys stay safe inside i will be getting wood okay i mean i made another door it’s not see-through though it’s okay

All right i feel like if i was stuck in a zombie apocalypse i would feel very safe if i was with you guys oh oh right because it’s like you guys are all very like capable but then also i feel very like comforted by

You guys so i feel like we got all our bases covered there i started hearing noises but i don’t know what kind of noises oh i think wait i think you’ll take the pumpkin oh god there’s a there’s a skeleton like a purple glowy thing i’m a boob oh gosh

Maybe you might not come to the end with us but you deserve to have a problem oh thank you i really appreciate that i’m gonna get more wood but be careful i saw a skeleton already i wasn’t sure what i was looking at because i saw a purple glowy thing and i

Was like what is that so i started getting closer and it was a skeleton with like an enhanced oh no i was like okay let me let me leave before it sees me i wonder where everyone’s up right now i know a tourist means wait

I just um there’s a creeper i just made a jackal lantern um so cute it’s okay they have more pumpkins if not you can have mine you can have my pumpkin coordinates for the wh where are we headed to again this stronghold or yeah or ah no we’re heading to the portal okay

Unless we find we find a double knit for and we just wait for someone to open the gate to the end it’s also another tactic what are the coordinates we’re going towards the one that that’s in the discord right the most recent well first we have to go to the portal which is

The most recent screenshot they said right it’s the most recent first one oh the first not the most recent one yeah that’s the portal okay and what’s the most recent screenshot what is that one that’s inside the nether and that’s where the i mean the fortress is okay

All right so we make our way to the first screenshot and then we make our way to the second is that right okay all right i mean it might be a dirty tactic but if we’re losing the race then i think it’s fair anything unlock already open end portal okay i’m gonna dump

Something that’s only if it opened up it would feel nice to be the ones first ones to open the key though to the dragon yeah um i’m excited okay i have a lot of wood um let’s see how do you see this okay acacia akasia is that how you say that

The log type i’m gonna go ahead and have no idea just in case we need these coordinates i’m going to go ahead and write them down oh yeah i should have write it down too 9943 oh i should go inside yeah good idea i collected some wood while we were out

Oh it’s acacia acacia oh i’m eating my breakfast good morning thank you good evening oh my god then fortresses Right this might actually end earlier than we thought yeah i’ve actually used someone already not yet oh the portal as soon as pop right but we were able to get a lot of materials in in the beginning it’s true yeah and so you know while others maybe were

Spending time getting the portal we were spending time getting materials and now we already know where the portal is so you know you know we save time looking for the portal by having others look for it but we were able to use that time to get materials

While others weren’t able to so it’s okay true it’s okay um sorry i get competitive no you’re okay no i i sorry my my first my first instinct is to like soothe like you know like offer some sort of solace i’m not trying to you know invalidate how you

Feel i’m just trying no no no no no no i totally understand i totally understand oh my gosh no you need to be competitive you are our leader so that’s a good trait to have no we’re interested in so you know while they may be able to open it up

First you know they may not have the same well i mean luto is completely suited up in diamonds but oh wait really it isn’t she isn’t that what the achievement was there was like an achievement she has some kind of demon uh we can we also should uh

Pat ourselves on the back for still being alive yeah pat pat pat pat i wonder if statistics on how many people are still here oh okay the sun is rising let’s go oh okay there’s a creeper there’s some spiders i don’t think so i’ll get these stones oh there’s a

Creeper there’s a creeper be careful where is it we’re just gonna have to run we’re just gonna have to it’s still it’s morning time oh it’s right above the house so be careful it’s like right behind the house oh uh okay okay let’s come up here all right let’s go are you okay

Yes yes yes yes the creeper is following us so we need to get it we need to get on the moon okay wait hold up careful careful careful careful keep it good we have to pick our battles we gotta go we gotta go there’s a creeper okay we gotta go

Let’s pick our battles we just need to ride Need to we just need to get out of here we just need to get sorry um yeah food food nothing like nothing like a little bit of uh you know of a jump scare to give you some adrenaline in the morning it’s true yeah it’s so hard when f3 on the screen

Press tab to see how many people are still alive it’s nothing press tab to see how many people are alive oh all right penis on the move let’s go Actually it’s actually not that many people yeah did you fall she fell she fell everyone there’s a this is threshold here be careful are you okay yeah yeah she has food she has food there’s a oh my gosh yeah peanut let me go ahead let me go ahead and come here too

Do you want me to navigate for us giving us the heartache okay sorry let’s cross let’s cross a little bit carefully okay oh my gosh no need to rush okay let me let me go in front even if they all get to the end they might all die

Step off wait step off the ledge peanut i’ll make the bridge it’s okay okay woohoo all right let’s go everybody oh wait i need more cobblestone let me let me get a different stack i Do we need magma or are we all right let’s go i hope okay uh this this this way might be faster faster okay okay go ahead lead the way pina no or should i lead the way wait for them give Give me a general direction i i don’t mind being a meat shield if you need me to i think its general direction is that way it is uh towards north oh my my door came back oh there you go oh okay uh peanut just let me know if i’m

Going the wrong way i’ll i’ll just i’ll pave the way just be like hey rita go left rita go right right but generally this is where it is right okay okay okay be careful watch your step what was that noise it’s okay uh probably b okay yep you’re going the right way thank

Nine oh my you that was that was a bigger jump than i thought okay sorry i it’s okay there’s only one heart so we’re okay how are we on is everyone together okay yeah okay what is not today thank you um actually okay all right are we together okay peanut directions

Yeah still okay everyone together in line we should have those like uh strings with like little rings on them and yeah The leash ooh chickens chickens where wait let’s let’s pick them up oh My oh gosh and then okay all right nice little detour this is good this is good good good everyone together oh everyone together where’s peanut you know nine eight i’m towards the water okay there you go oh okay so let’s head to the water okay

Okay do i want a boat maybe we can boat the way there oh yes boat okay i claim peanuts rear seat can i ride with you may i wait okay go i’m in your boat are we going this way thank you for driving nine eight six five four oh for information i have

No license it’s okay i i won’t say anything look at these horses lots of animals nice wow how much beef 996. oh should we get these animals um yeah let’s pick up a quick pit stop oh oh i’m stuck in the oh gosh here we go thank you for your service

Thank you thank you thank you for your service should i get the piggies on the other side there’s also also some sheep do we need shears or anything do we need anything or should i just get them for food what is that what was your question uh

Should i just get them for food the sheep or do we need like wool or anything i don’t think i’m sorry thank you for your sacrifice it’s a lot of thank you for the food i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry okay so get the sheep for food or we so we

Don’t need our the wool or anything i won’t we don’t need okay all right thank you for your service oh where did you guys go oh we’re getting the sheep and they’re still getting the sheeps and yeah where’d the boats go oh i got it okay

All right shall we head out i think we have a good amount of stuff oh there you go hello hello all right um i guess like on the land now okay all right let’s uh we’re continuing by land then oh gosh yes okay all right let me get into my position

Right behind pina or right in front of pina okay one second shiny if you could put a uh description of the event generally i can go ahead and pin it they can everybody here oh nice yes i’m here sorry i had to said i had to give a quick message to my chat

But yes for those who are just popping in we are doing a hardcore minecraft tournament first team to slay the ender’s dragon or last team alive wins woohoo Thank you thank you to my mod for keeping things uh under control too while we’re well we’re hard at work wait someone found a blaze runner i mean blazing placeboy Are you by the water still i see you on this way okay moving away from the water is everyone here yeah go back i’ll go back okay okay i got enough pig okay okay cool sorry i’m so bad at directions no it’s okay it’s okay I would give you one loss wait wait can i swap places with you am i just going to walk in your general direction Look somebody made a bridge already should we just go this way look somebody made a bridge oh nice okay so i think maybe we are we are going yeah we’re going in the right direction oh my goodness we just need all those creepers it’s a mine shaft head in this general direction pina

Yes okay wait for me is everyone accounted for no i don’t know did you cross them awesome all right let’s keep going i need to wait pause i need to pin up a message from my mod just for anyone popping in i want to make sure that they they

Understand sorry i i asked my mod to put a quick description of the of the time which prison girl is good at directions probably you don’t yeah i think so you know there’s a building here oh is this someone else’s building oh maybe oh this is another powder oh yay okay okay

All right everyone has their boots everyone has what they need it goes all right let’s go every team we have food okay let’s go let me take a sip of bread before we go what we should do now is we should go into two teams okay separate teams um one team for

A uh enderpen and then the second team goes to blaze rod what is blaze run that’s where the fortress is should we put our should we put our up our carved pumpkins on or no what’s the riskier job i think um blaze rod is probably riskier okay i’ll

Go i’ll go to the blaze rod team um then okay you and i rita and i okay um for blaze rod and then maybe and i think they should spawn a lot in those kind of fires well the green forest is more ideal oh wait a second what’s up what’s up oh the

Piglets peanut don’t go don’t be too eager let me go ahead and do things if you need something to be taking the fortress this way one two three two seven one two three two seven oh it’s really close let’s go let’s do it this direction uh this direction okay

Careful watch your step everybody look somebody’s already started building this way do you need me to be line leader hmm the one two one two four four the second photo that uh on the disc is basically the location of portal so we’re gonna have to find the fortress ourselves okay okay oh okay

Uh oh oh i found people hey whoa Oh alarm it’s okay okay um So what we’re gonna have to do let’s find a fortress it looks like everyone’s here this is so fun i’m glad we’re seeing people oh peanut butter peanut butter do you need me to do anything peanut peanut peanut be careful uh it’s okay let’s try following them seems like they have more

Uh uh uh uh uh Oh yeah there are some blocks around here oh someone’s never came here before so i don’t have any air or arrows but i do have a bow if we need it hi uh i’m lagging a little bit behind if you guys can wait sorry okay i’m here okay thank you peanut be careful

Hi kate Careful this is gonna be a tough tough climb okay Right if we need fighting to be done uh remember it fall back so i can be a meat shield oh careful careful uh this way again wait where did they go there’s a team following us yeah they’re following us right now oh they’re following us yeah they’re

Following us so yeah we’re okay oh i don’t know do they know that we don’t know where we’re going i don’t think so we should tell them ah maybe they’re looking for food oh yeah i can we can give one i can heal is not in that team though i think it’s

Different okay oh okay yay i wasn’t paying attention i think i think all right let’s keep sorry let’s keep going my bad let’s see I’m so sorry would you be able to like give us a direction from beyond the grave or are you not able to spectate and give us direction at all who’s our new leader who’s in nico you’re a new leader i’m more of a follower i’m like the young lots of times

I need minecraft knowledge i don’t have any knowledge so [Laughter] i’m in this leader until i until i have to leave um yeah i’m not sure if for people ghosts are allowed to i know they’re not allowed to spectate and like look for yeah they can’t give directions and they’ll

Give it to us but i think there are a lot to join us in voice call at least okay give us general advice Like our plan moving forward and then we can go from there are we just looking um i guess like right now I’m sad no i’m so sorry it’s okay it’s okay I’m just i just miss you i just miss you if only could at least retrieve your your ashes i know That’s a very high place be careful everybody okay yeah it’s a really high place like i’ll be the first to die that’s right and then all right so what are we looking for now what is the plan we’re looking for the fortress right you know yes mm-hmm fortress okay oh i can’t see

I can’t go the other uh i’m gonna swatch what does it look like do you know does anyone know what it looks like um it’s like big i don’t like it’s a fortress is there any landmarks that we should look for that would lead us or do we

Just need to find a big open space um i don’t know i’ve i know what it looks like but i’ve never actually like found one myself okay we just need to keep moving then i guess yeah i don’t know do you guys have advice for how to find a fortune yeah chat if

If you if there’s any advice on how to find a fortress it’s big and made of black stone blocks so yeah i think the only way to look for it is to just search around okay but we also need to search for the what block is it that you were talking about oh

The the the blade something a blade rule that’s where the fortress it’s a monster truck so we have to fight the place please dingies and then also enderman as well right yes what if we find a really high place i guess we just gotta keep looking oh

Okay wait wait guys go go to that um discords okay uh uh according okay this one from yeah it’s just a text okay one two five five sixty twelve seven one five that’s where the fortress is one two five five okay sixty yeah we need to figure it out one two five

One one one two five uh let’s see one two five i don’t know okay uh nine nine two one oh the hog one is here okay okay so we need to go this direction and then in that direction too okay i think i can do this

We do need to go a little bit down somewhere else there oh good thing i pressed shift okay no we do need to go down a little bit so we don’t need to okay we need to my understanding finding a fortress is like finding a village right let’s descend everyone let’s go

Down a little bit lower because it is why the y is 60 so we can we can go on the ground we don’t need to worry about making bridges or anything peanuts are you still here yes i am okay be careful with the pumbaas because they apparently can eat you so

Yeah don’t be they unless you need one oh okay let’s go to the ground and let’s let’s not fall from any high places so we need to go to 12 5 1 1 so we got to increase our distance this way there’s a porch that’s gonna lead to the fortress 12 32 seven

No this one oh yeah there’s twitches what if we what happens if we follow the torches that’s a good idea where are the torches it’s over here yep yep this is this looks in the general direction i’m gonna Because we need to be seven okay twelve four four so i’m not very good with navigating in minecraft so we don’t definitely need to go this way this is the general direction we need to go and should we just go dig straight through or do we wanna go up maybe

How do we want to we need to go in this diagonal direction right digging cleanup is a bit dangerous yeah because we can also go around sailing uh let’s go around then let’s see if we can find our way around this way oh yeah there’s more there’s more

Torches there’s more torches this week oh there’s one there’s no leader i think it’s [Laughter] uh okay temporary leader until she yeah the temporary leader i’m at least a navigator right now so we need to find our way around at least because we are i have been i’m

Reeling over peanuts i’m still i’m still stopping over her loss honestly i was running so long Okay this way guys way this way this way okay we’ve just missed you oh we miss you a lot please make it sound like she’s not here wait wait twelve eight seven oh hold on hold on hold on hold on i but i also need that the x to go up okay

So this way okay only directions and like sorry again i’m okay it’s this direction because we need the the z to go down but x to go up so somewhere this direction okay and then also let me know if uh i’m coming up to a very precarious perch okay let me see it

Okay uh we need this to go down let’s see that’s going on okay x needs to increase four four we’re we’re pretty close in x so if we can at least get there at x we can start moving in the z oh there’s people here oh my gosh

Okay so i think we are getting close okay oh nice nice oops okay so you’re guys gonna have to Putting Oh a bridge that’s perfect careful careful okay so at least get 20 blaze rod and then 20. so we need to find the blaze bronzing yep now where can we find that uh once you find a fortress there’s going to be like a fire spirit oh there’s another portal

Where where the portal nice oh that’s right someone else made a portal wait where is everyone where where is everyone oh sorry regroups Yes okay okay we need to increase our x some more but we’re really close we need to increase our x and we’re really close in the y so i think generally if we stay here we should be okay but let’s do we want to go through the portal is

That important do we want to keep track of that coordinate uh Um i guess like keep checking if you want nothing yeah you guys gonna have to go back to the overall stronghold anyways and for free okay let’s go hello let me get the coordinates for this There’s so many people here i know that means we’re close okay let’s keep going okay Uh so we need to continue uh this way uh i hold on i can’t see one second the the sorry the f3 is is making this is a little confusing uh so increase this way and then decrease okay so we are needing to go this way okay this way go go go

Thank you yeah once there once i’ve spot a fortress through iku’s point of view i will let you guys know okay okay please remember you need to survive it’s okay i had to step back for a moment but i i just needed to switch over to my weapon but are you eating

No i’m i’m like no damage okay cool perfect perfect perfect predator let me double check i have the right it oh definitely is here hi davey hello Hello everybody is here Actually we need to increase this weight oh this is sorry i’m not very good at directions but i’ll try my best uh it’s 12.51 we need to increase okay now we actually need to increase both i think i was looking at the okay we need to increase both x and z actually

Is everyone just gonna follow us i think this way everyone is believing right now please don’t think thanks but reconsider oh true because we need to increase our x and our z our x y a little bit are z by a lot and then we need to go down at some point but

I think generally i’m just focusing on x and z so i apologize if we do need to dig down a little bit but i i i i’m gonna just try to get us uh up okay oh careful careful oh oh your skeletons thank you hi okay is everyone fine okay

Careful it’s a little bit precarious here so look why is there a really long careful careful careful careful careful careful oh yeah that looks very but it doesn’t think that’s the fault on it it is in this general direction though uh we might even want to choose a different path

Okay all right let’s go one a fourth king yeah we can go up we might have to go down a lot that’s okay why i i feel bad that they’re following us i don’t know if i know where i’m going okay let me double check our coordinates

Uh we’re going to the coordinates that were sent in the discord right at 54. yes uh 1251 okay so our x is a little bit too high so let’s go back uh five one one okay now our x is perfect we just need to correct our z by 200 so this this

Direction r okay so our x is correct we just need to go here we just need to go this direction and then down so maybe we can place we can just bridge it or what do you think we need to go down a little bit bridging will be a little slower

Oh just kidding be careful just kidding let’s go down then let’s go down a little bit okay where’s everyone yeah there’s so much people so if we can reach that over there okay because our our x is good our y just needs to in our z needs to increase by by

By 200 so if we go this direction and then go down we should be fine i think it’s that that down there do you see that that’s where we need to go so maybe we can uh we need to get down there uh do you see where i am make us

Okay uh let’s let’s start trying to make our way down there oh you can glide well so i can see how can we start making our way down like let me let me press i’m gonna i’m gonna hold down shift i should tape down shift at this point um

We need to make our way down we could try to we can try we can try to bridge over to that and then go down because we need to figure out how to get down should we oh uh let’s go down let’s go down there’s a there’s a thing right over

There maybe we can make our way over there and go down you think over here there’s an enderman somebody put somebody put a pumpkin head on okay ready right here we’re gonna because we need to make our way down over to that so we can get down okay um

But someone thinks along us if there’s just one as long as you avoid their eye contact it should be fine okay should i get it should i try to get it oh yes okay um you’re gonna need a proposal a what a boat under pearl

Okay oh i didn’t get to uh teach you how to do the hey uh i could be oh wait it’s gone oh no it’s okay oh it’s okay i’m not very good at my girlfriend press shift press shift go Hold on trying to like cross the ridge all right press shift come on over i’m right here okay okay because we need to start heading down and towards that because we’re trying to head to those coordinates right that’s the goal yes okay all right um

Sorry i i don’t i don’t mean to take you guys to such a precarious perch but there’s a little hole here i’m gonna close it okay right we need to head over there so that’s that’s why i’m over here let me let me check our coordinates very quickly okay so we are

We’re headed in the right direction twelve seven one five okay we’re headed in in the general direction i think i have an idea where we need to go oh sorry you could erase that that was an accident i don’t know why i put that there okay thank you thank you control x okay

All right here we go control z uh well control x is delete right or cut well i guess we could also undo let me get more blocks in my hand oh so how is everyone doing but i feel like this team this team is like

I feel bad because i don’t know if we’re going in the right direction well it’s okay i don’t know where i’m going so i’m just happy i still have so much apparently there are gas in the area so we need to be careful oh what is that noise out there coming that’s

Guys be careful this ending it looks really dangerous here so it doesn’t seem like there’s oh sure about water okay over there over there wait does someone have what a bucket oh really we don’t need to go down too much anymore we only need to go down 10

Blocks so i think we should focus on going that diagonal oh gosh okay because we need to if we want to just get down safely from here we can just put some water down uh i think we should let’s actually go over here uh that direction i can’t see

Where i’m going there’s too many people oh my gosh guys oh no we need to be able to see where we’re going Distance we are i’m adjusting our x just a little bit there’s too many people oh apparently water doesn’t work in the nether sorry guys hold on a second i’m trying to find the best video right now i’m making my stream so that uh it can show all the

Perspective from you guys oh oh thank you are you sure you don’t want to get some recipe not um actually i’m okay right now okay um if you ever if you feel like you need to rest okay don’t don’t mind us okay yeah don’t mind us we should be

Okay i i i’ll do my best to lead as much as possible okay this way guys be careful watch your step okay this way there’s like so many people like yeah follow the group okay everyone’s wearing that all of her so i can’t do who’s i know yeah for

Eagle we adjusted our ex a little bit too much but we do need to increase a little bit more let’s just keep heading this direction we need to head this way so we might have to go up a little bit to in order to go are you all following yes oh apparently

We can see the fortress from where we are oh at least that’s what someone in chat said let’s keep going this direction because our our z is really close and then we just need to adjust let’s this way can you all see me okay

Oh wait you see it do you see it there’s a there’s a stolen path there’s a stone path already like uh oh careful careful careful who got hurt too high okay looks like there’s a path here already so let’s let’s let’s travel on it oh is this it

Oh there it is there’s a one okay careful careful careful okay okay okay okay okay it’s time it’s on fire it’s time it’s time all right here we go do i just attack it with a sword if i die guys if i die bow and arrow i need arrows i need arrows somebody

Give me arrows um wow i might die i might die i might die i might die okay wait somebody somebody give me your food somebody give me arrows i can i can go first um actually um you should save the arrows should i just go should i just go in

Should i just go all the way in and sort it uh the best way is to actually put a block around so that they can’t hit you but you can hit from the below careful so do maybe i can go that’s how it looks like oh that’s dangerous um there’s like no shelter

Yeah it’s okay oh wait let me let me go ahead i don’t have a like a good weapon i just have a stone source oh we go on from under you said that’s what i have nothing ah careful careful careful i think that method is a bit difficult it’s okay to die

It might be a bit too difficult in this situation you said go down from there i can make it right get blaze rods we need like we need like 20 right yeah but this many people there’s so many people oh my gosh there’s so many people even if we got like

Oh my gosh somebody almost pushed me off oh gosh it’s just so scary okay oh it’ll excuse me further inside the fortress oh yes okay because i can i can try to get it right i can build something around myself like like you know said and and go from underneath you sound

Like a ghost i’m i’ll i’ll attempt it slowly but surely i may not be graceful at this but i can try to to go at it from underneath uh where is it okay here we go i’m not too sure where the spot it was over here right am i looking at this correctly

Oh careful careful careful careful careful careful where is it where is it because we need to get where is it oh over there it’s still not the spawner area if it’s a honor it’s like a thing yeah oh it’s on fire is that supposed to be um [Laughter] let me i need to be able to use my shield one second i don’t have any let me throw out some stuff that i don’t need oh gosh i think those spawners probably on the other side of it yeah it looks like it oh yeah you see that thanks yeah i think

That is it yeah so once you get there um what does what’s the spawning you put the spawner it it looks like a cage and that’s where all the blaze uh oh how did you get down there make sure you guys uh use this shirt you can actually guard the fireball with

The shield i think please be careful try not to push people off the edge please okay okay oh yeah that’s honored you’re our leader afterwards so be careful sit this way yeah the box there okay like you have one one space do you guys have blocks i have blocks i

Have socks i have blocks of it let’s let’s build uh everyone get inside the box and then yeah yes okay sorry to everyone else sorry this is this is galactic zoo angel’s box get in we get in get in no no no no no no no no get in who are you

Okay and then open one with directions like wait this is a galactic zoo angels box it’s okay it’s okay oh welcome to our team oh careful careful okay what do we do now what do we do what do we do now one uh open one

Okay let me go and get it and then and then yeah let them let them uh come towards you okay okay hit them by the way okay everyone be careful let me go let me go inside let me go in front oh they can

Oh i see they can hit you okay let’s get a little bit closer then let’s expand our box a little bit mine okay i think we can make more angles wait i’m gonna try to expand the box a little bit so uh excuse can i take that corner that amount is that okay

Okay okay sorry this is gonna be a little bit of a tight squeeze but i’m gonna try to expand the box a little bit oh who put that there oh gosh it’s someone’s trying to wait this is this is our box excuse me excuse me this is our box i feel like

Crafting table a crafting team a crafting box stuffing uh-huh i can make one okay should we just keep getting closer what’s going on they’re right there oh someone died oh no oh okay i made a hot box okay cool please please please don’t worry do i replace these boxes oh my gosh if

You want me to do it i can do it i can do it one second the top ones right the top ones okay go go go go go go go go go wow Yeah that’s that’s perfect and if they can come towards you then that should be fine i think the blocks in the front is blocking them from coming closer okay okay no i can’t reach them oh no we got one in so that’s okay should i just go in so many fire fighters Um maybe like that how about trap like that like that like that careful we just gotta get really good at dodging okay that’s if only they get like attracted by like seeds like chickens okay okay i know but they get attracted by humans we just have to get really good at

Dodging i guess okay this is fine okay this is okay this is fine this is okay if we need to we need to get closer they’re not getting any closer you mean blocks in the front as in blocks in the corner or like the ones immediately in

Front of us i can get rid of some more like the if they come in like this corner of your head but oh this what happens it’s like because people don’t know if it’s okay uh oh there’s some app on the house oh wait i hit one i hit one nine good okay

Okay i’m gonna get rid of this box right here uh okay okay okay like that oh it’s on top of them yeah Come here oh i hit when i hit one balls the blaze you’re gonna have to retrieve the rod yes so um let me let me heal up a little bit in there and then i’ll go back and and and get some more we’ll take turns eating and

You’re not close enough i feel like at this point we need a door like we just need to like go in and beat ourselves in there and i do have a door but i think they’re just going to burn it down i think yeah a stone door

Oh and i if i can pull the iron i could make an iron door but it would be we have to make a button too they need to get closer okay i hit one i get one everyone’s on fire how am i gonna get oh i hit another one

Okay okay slowly but surely i’m getting like we’re each getting like one hit it’s not good yeah we’re taking turns getting eating them it’s working it’s working they’re not close at all of it oh come on they’re they’re they get close like pretty frequently though okay oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh okay okay slowly whittling them down where are they come come towards me yeah ideally you would make a fortress by the stairs so that they can down the stairs but you still have like um just attack the leg so that they don’t really

Yeah they’re so strong there’s just too many it’s like i think we’re hitting like different ones one of the times no do they recover health at all or does it i don’t think so they don’t know we run out of food yeah we need to we need to do a more

Only there is a better way to do this what if i don’t really just getting there what if i just what if i just went like i just ate my had full health and i just ran in there and just went you think that’d be okay do you think that’d be okay

Because i do there’s one there’s one yeah there’s one um pick it up pick it up oh god wait on it i got it oh i think somebody took it oh i think kohaku let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s follow our lead okay I got the i i killed the uh i killed the um i was able to get the the the blaze rod but at what cost at what cost it’s okay i was about to say i only have 30 minutes left anyway but um at least at least i got the blaze rod

But i do need to head out for now um i need to take a nap before i head out on the road for my move but i’m glad that i was able to get a blaze rod before i i left for the date but yeah

I wish you the best of luck i’ll i’ll i’ll check in in a little bit but who was gonna be our new leader i was the only leader for a moment so who is our new leader thank you that’s diamonds wait oh yeah where did diamonds come from oh

Uh my body my body else pick up my stuff please what are there so many pumpkin seeds i don’t need them make sure you pick up my stuff i i have a couple of i don’t think i can pick them up yeah everyone is on fire whenever

Whenever you can’t whenever you can the others say saying they’ll go back um just to let the blaze uh oh uh oh oh okay you you can maybe you can get rid of the seeds too you should also say make sure at least at least give us our our dead teammates stuff

I think they can at least have good sportsmanship in that oh oh oh oh my god okay i want to pick up the stuff but it’s difficult i have to i have to start heading out because i have to start moving some stuff so i’m gonna go do

Some super chat reading but i wish you guys the best of luck okay thank you for your time don’t okay let me let me give some parting advice don’t stop fighting until the end okay i know i believe we can i believe we can do it

But even even if we don’t as long as we keep fighting until the end that’s all that matters okay all right i shall be heading out now i’ll be sure to take lots of breaks and rest before i head out Hello sorry i had to end it rather abruptly i do need to start heading out in about 20 minutes but i hope i i hope i did a good amount of stuff before i left yeah so this is actually a server just for the tournament

Um this is the first one but oh thank you for the donut oh my gosh but yes i’ll be reading some super chats for the next few minutes um but then i have to start cleaning my idol dorm there’s a couple of things i need to do i

I actually have to take disassemble my my pc space i have to pack up my computer my monitors take apart my desk put my my mattress topper away put the couch away clean up a little bit but and then i gotta head out onto the road but i hope

You all had lots of fun be sure to support uh iku and nanamon i’ll actually give a link to their stream so you can go ahead and and support them um the rest of the tournament And then let me do nanamonas pov as well and yes i will probably raid one of them let’s raid nana is that okay but there’s their povs just in case oh here we go and thank you i’ll i’ll do my best with the with the move i i surely will i’ll do my

Best i have most of the packing done but i think everything else should go i’m glad that i was able to to help find like diamonds and stuff and lead the way for in the nether and also get that first blaze rod so i’m glad it went well say thank you so

Much for this super sticker let me make sure i have my my razor Okay grandparent thank you so much for the five gifted matt b suggests says suggestion food is fishing rod thank you so much for the super chat we did end up going fishing although with a rather Like unorthodox method of is that the best way to put it unorthodox method of of uh fishing good morning nephew we’re actually just wrapping up we got a good three or four hours in for the tournament um i was expecting to do about three or

Five hours uh before i head out so i’m glad i was able to do a good chunk of that um before the move i also have to eat my my second breakfast no worries it’s okay it’s all good yeah don’t worry i i was i think i was

Mostly just listening to pina’s voice because i was so shocked by her death that i wanted to make sure i carried on her her last wishes oh my god kiktor says knuckle thank you so much for the dono i very much appreciate it let’s see matt says want some blocks to hide

Behind while hitting it i think we did end up doing it a little bit but i think at some point it was getting to be a little bit too lengthy i guess i guess i i just decided to go for it but at least we got one blaze rod from

That at least i was able to help get a blaze broad before i left i hope they were i hope they’re able to get the blaze rods they need yes let’s see demon warrior thank you so much for the dodo a temporary leader you may have been but your shining light will carry

On thank you i hope i was able to help you know a little bit so that was my goal because i at first i i was like oh i feel so bad that i have to leave early anyway but i figured you know the three or four hours of work that i

Can help with that’s better than nothing right right at least i hope i hope i was more of a positive than i wasn’t negative during my time but yeah i i know nana mona and iko will do a good job yeah saying thank you so much for the super

Sticker thank you so much for the super chat saying so sorry if i backseat too much i’m just too excited at the last moment that’s okay sometimes sometimes we just get a little bit too excited it’s okay no worries see it’s okay if it’s just you know a temporary like oh sorry i’m

Just a little excited that’s okay yeah plus we have shiny here to to make sure we bonk any any any aggressive backseaters but you weren’t at all aggressive i don’t think anyone was particularly aggressive with their back seating so no apologies needed everyone we’re a-okay yeah the positive energy will lead on exactly

Exactly the important things is having fun and enjoying the moment and i certainly had lots of fun i feel like like i got to i got to know nana mona a lot better this was our first collab together and then iku and pina were all it was

Also really fun hanging out with them yeah exactly see we bonk with love that’s right we bonk with love can i get a bunk anyway who wants to be bogged right before we right before we go i need to think of what today’s bread heist leaders are going to be called Bread heist Bread heist only equals left oh my gosh it’s okay should i switch should i redirect to ikku then okay let me redirect to e it’s okay dana mona you did your best i’m going to change it to equals puv here we go there we go ico hard carry i know

You could do it let me send a message you got this oh i accidentally misspelled got i put you go this okay let’s see back let’s see bread heist bread heist let’s do golems because golems are friendly a huge shout out to today’s bread high school i’m saying matt b

Demon warrior and keck door thank you all so much for your loaf and support but we right now we need to give eco our loaf and support so i’m gonna go ahead and end stream for now i’m gonna start cleaning up and and packing up the last few things in the car

And i hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day i’ll be sharing my my schedule for next week in the end card so be on the lookout we have some fun stuff next week so i’ll see you all soon bye thank you so much for i know it’s really

Early for a lot of you all so i really appreciate you all uh sticking around bye bye bye Hey hey hey so i have a really exciting new event next week it’s called weeb wallet our first ever i guess showing a wee what so we’ll we have our four contestants here as you can see we have sarah skye we have ise kai and mugi so if you

If you all want to see them compete against one another to see who has the most knowledge when it comes to anime merchandise do tune in it’s gonna be lots of fun they’re gonna test their monetary skills their merch monetary skills and we’ll also be having a continuation of the minecraft one blog

Series so if you haven’t had enough minecraft you can join me and pina and iku as we continue on i guess maybe we could invite dana monacham but we’ll we’ll have some more galactic zoo angels there so and we’ll have more mass effect so i think we were going to do was it

The garris loyalty event that one or was it the tachanka i don’t remember but we do have some more masks and i’m gonna i’m gonna try to learn some more uh songs in the ukulele so it’ll be lots of fun next week um i’ll see you all soon bye You

This video, titled ‘Galactic Zoo Angels, GO!!!【Minecraft Hardcore Tournament | マイクラ勇者王】’, was uploaded by Rita Kamishiro / 神代りた [PRISM Project] on 2022-07-16 12:12:05. It has garnered 763 views and 246 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:46 or 13786 seconds.

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~Credits~ Waiting music: Kawaii by Bad Snacks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBCI_QCAMe1hx8UNyvJlM_Q Outro: RKangel by Nick Nitro https://youtu.be/xHQckaFASLI

  • Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness

    Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness In Minecraft Bedrock, a bamboo farm so quick, Just follow the steps, no need to be slick. Place mud, solid blocks, water, and more, In less than a minute, your farm will soar. With a piston, observer, and redstone drop, Your farm will be thriving, never a flop. Just add bamboo and bone meal with care, Your farm will grow tall, beyond compare. So easy to build, in just a short time, Your Minecraft skills will surely shine. For more tutorials, check out the link, And let your creativity in Minecraft brink. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Problems Solved

    Minecraft's Problems Solved Minecraft: Crafting a Perfect Play Experience Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, Knarfy takes on the challenge of solving more problems and enhancing the gameplay experience. With a touch of humor and a dash of innovation, Knarfy dives into the realm of mods and custom features to craft a unique adventure for players. Exploring New Possibilities Knarfy introduces a range of mods in this video, each adding a new dimension to the Minecraft experience. From the convenience of the “All Stackable” mod to the whimsical charm of the “Day Dream” mod, players are in… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

    Jiren's Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled! In Minecraft world, a Jiren statue to build, With blocks and creativity, our skills to guild. On Lo Do Vo channel, the vlog takes flight, With dedication and passion, we shine bright. Despite the haters, we push through the storm, Creating content that’s unique and warm. So join us on this journey, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to come, On Lo Do Vo channel, where we never succumb. Building, crafting, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are sown. Read More

  • Secret Quarry for Cobble Generator in Minecraft

    Secret Quarry for Cobble Generator in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft: Building a Quarry to Hide a Cobble Generator Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One popular project among players is building a quarry to hide a cobble generator. Let’s delve into this exciting endeavor and discover the magic of Minecraft! The Cobble Generator Before diving into the quarry, let’s understand the cobble generator. This ingenious contraption automatically generates cobblestone, a versatile building material in Minecraft. Players can use this generator to gather resources efficiently and build magnificent structures. Building the Quarry Now, onto the quarry! Players can construct a quarry to… Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Twisted Steve was a player, living his dream. A master of survival, crafting with ease, Exploring the depths, unlocking mysteries. But one fateful day, a darkness did loom, A sinister presence, shrouded in gloom. Twisted Steve felt a chill down his spine, As he ventured deeper, in the mines. Monsters lurked in the shadows, ready to strike, But Twisted Steve was fearless, his skills alight. With sword in hand, he battled through, Defeating each foe, his courage true. But as he delved deeper, the truth did unfold, A secret so… Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45

    Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45 Minecraft Animation: Creating Unique Content Creating Minecraft animations is a creative endeavor that requires dedication and skill. The creator of the Minecraft animation series “boy love// he come for revenge” has spent two years honing their craft to bring original content to their audience. While aiming to differentiate themselves from other channels, they acknowledge that there may be imperfections in their work and welcome feedback from viewers. Exploring the Process The creator mentions using programs like Prisma 3D for their animations, highlighting their commitment to learning and adapting to new tools despite lacking prior PC experience. This dedication to… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash

    Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash The Thrilling Adventure of Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a heart-pounding journey in Minecraft Hardcore as two friends find themselves stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse city after a harrowing plane crash. Their mission? Survive for 100 days on an airfield base while attempting to repair their damaged aircraft. The stakes are high as they navigate through the infected city, following clues left by other survivors, discovering player bases, and unraveling military hints to locate patient zero and potentially cure the infected. Exploring the Infected City As our intrepid… Read More

  • Villager Kidnapping for Profit!

    Villager Kidnapping for Profit! The Dark Side of Minecraft: Villager Kidnapping for Profit Within the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves exploring various ways to accumulate wealth and resources. One unconventional method that has gained popularity is the act of kidnapping villagers for profit. While this may sound like a dark and morally questionable practice, it has become a humorous and entertaining aspect of the game for many players. The Villager Economy In Minecraft, villagers are non-player characters (NPCs) that inhabit villages and offer various trades to players. These trades can range from simple items to rare and valuable resources. By… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer’s INSANE Minecraft Parody

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer's INSANE Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody)’, was uploaded by Mc Gamer on 2024-03-07 04:47:53. It has garnered 1555 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:13 or 193 seconds. BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitch

    INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WENT POOF! #minecraft #twitch #shorts #memes #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Toopy on 2023-12-31 12:27:57. It has garnered 2176 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I DIED IN MY HARDCORE WORLD! Read More

  • “Ultimate Armor Upgrade – EPIC Wither Battle!” 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattle

    "Ultimate Armor Upgrade - EPIC Wither Battle!" 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading Armor and Fighting Withers! ⚔️💥 #MinecraftBattle #EpicUpgrades’, was uploaded by Error Gaming Nepal on 2024-05-27 04:39:16. It has garnered 35 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:43 or 5563 seconds. 🏗️ Welcome to our Minecraft live stream! Join us as we dive into the world of Minecraft with exciting builds, epic adventures, and creative designs. Our streams feature a variety of themes, from constructing innovative structures to exploring the vast Minecraft universe. 🐑 Live Highlights: Building Projects: Watch us create everything from efficient farms to stunning architectural masterpieces. Redstone Contraptions:… Read More

  • Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!

    Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Finale | DeceasedCraft Ep. 24’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-05-06 17:00:16. It has garnered 34936 views and 2099 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:57 or 4677 seconds. DeceasedCraft is a Minecraft mod pack in which we must survive a zombie apocalypse while searching for a cure. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Deceasedcraft Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08Zz1KFfuzhvCtvxNyc0LWpKH My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez… Read More

  • F3 Vanilla

    F3 VanillaThe most common Vanilla+ server without donation, located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow, the developers themselves from the same place, but support communication with any international players. If you have any questions about logging into the server, you can write in Discord. foreverfunface.ru Read More

  • Kleos Modded SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist

    Welcome to our modded server! If you’re looking for a fun and enjoyable modpack experience, look no further. We prioritize adding mods that the community wants, ensuring that everyone has a great time without feeling overwhelmed. You can request mods through direct message or on our Discord server. Join us if you enjoy grinding for hours and exploring new content. Our current mods include Alex’s Caves, Iron Spells and Spell Books, Twilight Forest, and many more. Feel free to reach out to be added, and remember that everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “KEEP YA HANDS OFF MY CRAFT!”

    Looks like Billy really scored big with this meme, unlike his skills in Minecraft! 🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

    Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes Looks like the villagers are on strike until they get better wifi! #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

    Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024 Enhance Your Minecraft Server with Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API Are you looking to take your Minecraft server to the next level? Look no further than Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API! These powerful plugins can revolutionize your server’s UI and actions, making it more engaging and user-friendly for your players. In this article, we will explore how to set up Deluxe Menus with Placeholder API in Minecraft 2024, courtesy of Roiz Gaming. What is Deluxe Menus? Deluxe Menus is a must-have plugin for any Minecraft server owner. It allows you to create custom menus and GUIs, making it easier… Read More

  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

    Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘continuing the summer minecraft grind’, was uploaded by CarboNight on 2024-05-10 03:39:27. It has garnered 106 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:50 or 12170 seconds. welcome to the stream yes i am bad at video games and yes you can pay me for it too you can do so here: https://streamlabs.com/noahw-UAckAH/tip like and sub for moar “content” Read More

  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

    Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘فلم ماين كرافت جيش الواردن الشرير ضد جيش النذر و والوذر بوس ونهاية صادمة😱| Minecraft Animation Movie’, was uploaded by Karanisho on 2024-03-02 12:00:40. It has garnered 16195 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Credit Cubus Maximus special thanks https://www.youtube.com/@cubus_maximus Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/CubusMaximus https://www.lumenscript.com http://www.animationgenie.com https://animationgenie.artstation.com https://www.cubusmaximus.com I watched the Minecraft movie Rich and Poor/Comedy, the strongest monster in Minecraft Minecraft # END I watched all the clips of the clock head, i.e. the clips of Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, or skibidi toilet multiverse, and… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make a desert permanent in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grantplays on 2024-06-03 17:28:31. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. www.com Unspeakable merch Read More

  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

Rita Kamishiro / 神代りた [PRISM Project] – Galactic Zoo Angels, GO!!![Minecraft Hardcore Tournament | Minecraft King of Braves]