Rogue Alchemist’s Epic Minecraft Mishap!

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Hello all right right to rock and roll it’s Friday a little bit later than normal but it was a busy day I needed a bit of a a break between streaming and work hey hi Kai what’s up all right so know the drill we’re going to do all the tests first just to

Make sure that we are working correctly and my sounds are working see we’ll just Spam a bunch of these from last time oh double booms woo okay a bunch of creepers see let me do some other make sure everything else is working all right good to go okay

Jeez one always gets me hey chaos all right let me uh sure is this all looking correct for everybody yes all right so I’m starting off in the creative world for a moment just because I was forbidden from going into the actual world as sassy was doing

Something I don’t know what I’m sure it’s fine so I was going to prepare for this thing I see I’ll come for the prank reveal yes so I need to do some quick stuff in here so I can bring some schematics over to the other world that’ll give people

Some time to get in and then I’ll be on the server for the first time in a week I usually do some preparation in there so I have no idea what she did okay but I got some interesting things to show you here before we get started so I’ve

Been wanting to get Mana going and and I’ve been using uh those flowers eat Uh Wood and stuff they’re kind of low tier so I was thinking I want to make a uh farm that makes use of this guy this eats other flowers hey it’s Simon Simon CST hey fade good luck with

Your stream enjoy the prank okay I I I will uh I’m sure it’s fine I’m sure it’s fine I’m not dreading it been playing phasmophobia that’s awesome Kai so this is supposed to eat other flowers and supposed to be a high tier flower so whoops well and it just that’s

What it does it eats other flowers so I just lost my cake flower okay and the idea is this guy is going to produce bone meal original idea was this would produce bone meal by being it’s a create SL batania Moss Farm and we could use that bone meal to get

Seeds cuz believe it or not that’s my choking point because you can make flowers and Apothecary stop following me woo raar thank you for the follow who did that and don’t listen to to the oh and we got uh team’s TSL subscribe for 30 there it is 32 months I don’t remember

Gree these people a the cake is a lie raw that delayed raar welcome everybody oh my gosh okay yeah we got people coming in I’ll try to make my explanation brief so we can get to the part that y’all came for uh probably didn’t come for

Explaining pants fade but I do want to talk about this cuz assuming I don’t get completely sidetracked by what sassy dig did this is kind of like it was my main plan it’s kind of my backup plan now anyway it’s supposed to make bone meal

So I can make seeds because you can make batania seeds in these things baned plants oh can make heads interesting I didn’t know you could do that but anyway a lot of these flowers require these runes which have various recipes which are a pain so I

Don’t want to make those but there are several flowers that only use petals so we got see we’ll just hello get out of there we have this guy got this one Endo let’s see oh I’m missing stuff I’m missing stuff I’m backing up backing up oh redeemed hydrate I forgot my water ah

Thank you for the reminder God [Laughter] oh who did thate oh over you guys are working together chaos jeez oh we’re in the hype train I heard him scream before what was happening I was upstairs also been loving your Thum Craft series can’t wait for next episode

Of augmentation that alone made me start a new mod pack with augmentation in it oh that’s sweet man I love hearing that yep got the new one coming and uh it’s gonna feature agent I gota remember I am in Creative someone Anonymous okay thank

You we got a got a sneakster got a ninja a ninja sound alerter okay okay go and have to go ghost mode have fun no problem Simon appreciate you ghosting with us okay oh yeah I owe you hydrate we’re 50% through a hype train this is

Crazy okay after about a week I can consider myself a pro at the game that’s cool Kai all right oh gumm’s here Grandpa Grandpa Shar bab shark baby shark they’re not even fish okay who did that chaos oh I haven’t heard that one for a while okay okay okay okay let’s get

Through this let’s get through this so we can get to the prank okay this thing um it turns out that this thing actually makes seeds see my post about adding academic craft for agent Johnson uh was that in Discord or is that in I just got off work so I haven’t

Checked everything yet a bit jumping tonight aren’t you fake yeah I’m expecting that jeez hi Blues guys are active today YouTube okay um my phone I’ll need to look at that again I think I I put a footnote on it and I meant to check out academic craft but I

Hadn’t looked at it yet and thank you for the reub blues okay okay okay focus turns out this thing makes seeds too so I can skip that step okay so we’re going to do this real quick one thing I want to make sure of this is

Supposed to be a high tier flower I want to see how much Mana it makes compared to the um and the the uh Galis because um the whole point is this is supposed to be high tier flower and make more okay so we’re going to pick that up and we’ll put this

Down and we can do this experiment real quick there’s nothing in this we need an empty Mana tablet okay so real fast like who the heck is your favorite place who who is my favorite place huh okay all right so we got cholis okay so let’s see um there are four flowers that

Don’t have any runes in them hydrangeas is the other one so we’ll grab this one is this the motif yeah that would that one’s dead flow okay so those are their so that means we need five foods so I’m thinking foods that Sassy will probably provide at someplace be golden

Carrots okay so golden carrots um probably pork and uh steak and we’ll say probably bread okay so let’s just see what happens if we feed that that those four things how much Mana we actually get oh you guys are nuts we’re level two sassy have you met baby girl Kora

Yet and we got bre in here and b F oh gosh you guys are nuts last tomcraft episode okay thank you Mage I will I will look at that I just haven’t had a chance it’s it’s been busy with Thanksgiving and all I get over 200 dropped frames in two hours okay so let’s just see what this is so

This is currently empty so bread more bits dang got to keep that hype train going thank you chaos okay I’m very excited to see how much better the aoia is in this flower okay Mana generators this is like a tier one you can tell cuz it’s kind of white

And this one’s green tier two this one okay so that’s all the Mana that made so if we take our pool which is our tablet which is empty slot it in there let it get empty and pick it up we got about 15 15K Mana okay so that’s 15K

Mana from this flower okay so now if we put this down this will eat flowers place next to it so fortunately it’s got a five block range so this guy can sit outside of it so it doesn’t get eaten but we need that to place flowers down

So let’s get these out more bits wow more bit more hype you guys are insane well haven’t seen this one oh the Psychedelic uh Citrus poo yeah yeah I I’m the proud owner of that you that you will only find that here I’ve trained success woo the batania master so close

Well thank you everybody I feel great three Subs Subs in that train too my goodness okay so the star we’ll place this here it’ll get Place Forest Boop get eaten by this flower okay cuz I can set these to AutoCraft CU we’re already manufacturing the pedals that wouldn’t be too

Bad okay neat two more flowers so we’re trying to beat 15K nine chats n n peeps in chat about time to mate I’m almost done I’m almost done I promise I just want to know how much better things are going to be once I set this

Up and get eaten and we’ll have that finish Okay cool so this one here was the other flower and now if we get this tablet here and we’ll shove that in there and we want to be 5K we got a 800 it it’s worse IAB it

Ah if reach 10 fade are you going to contract the drop to drop what you’re doing and check out the other server can eating flour eat eating flour yes it can eat itself um but it would require that this flower is kind of a pain to craft which puts it outside the

Range wait it that’s a problem it placed this flower this flower is now within range so ate that and this didn’t get eaten well that experiment’s done okay all right I need to grab this thing so I can have it in the other the world okay so let’s that and we need to

This okay schematic and I think it’s this is what I need let’s go ahead and trap this oh oh we can’t yeah I think I’ll still do it though it’s going to end up giving us infinite bone meal infinite everything that this that Moss can make actually we should test this wood tank

Should test this I’ve already gotten kind of bit by not testing the other thing automating three different types of food though and and cooking them would actually be difficult so I think I’ll still go with this cuz it’s going to be easier to make the petals so we’re

Going to lose out in overall Mana but we’ll have less building to do we’ll get to our Mana quicker so here’s the idea behind this Farm here real fast so right here we’re making um a sheet of smooth Stone this will flip over like a spatula

And it’ll smash on top of this one this will flip over here first and there’s a mechanic in Minecraft where if you bone meal Moss block but there’s glass over it it will actually propagate the bone the Mossing effect out farther and then the plates will smash on top of each

Other and uh that’s how we’ll get stuff so like if I have a little device here we’ll unlock the system power it so this is kind of what we’ll end up with here I only put one bone meal in there cuz I want to see if it could go

Infinite and it looks like it can yeah that’s that’s all for one bone meal so the flipper flapper Okay cool so what’s happening is we got the bone meals going into this that we’re making we can see that slow going up and this is shooting the bone meal effect to the Moss here

Wirelessly just red wire and then it’s uh causing everything above it to go we got a hopper Hawk hidden there woo and we’re taking the seeds out cuz that’s what we need and all the bone meals being created here vertical here and it repeats until this overfills and then we can

Collect carnivorous plant yep it’s a fade stream can you can I have a flower that runs off of existential dread I think that’s to shul me [Laughter] notot okay this is cool and uh I am filtering out these old roots cuz again Sassy’s invasive species are causing problems these are useless

You can’t even freaking bone meal these okay all right so yeah we almost have a okay so this is clearly working and we had to be a little clever here we’ll turn it off and it will keep going until thank you gives you a dread eating skull me

Knot that is omn omnivorous to fade can’t eat old root oh hold up you can actually well thank you that that actually gives it some I I think you can take old root and you can it’s got like two recipes you can turn it into Rudy stew which is a pretty

Good food or you can make the tablet but you only need one of these but for some reason sassy wants stacks of this so I don’t there might be stuff you can do with it that’s not an REI that she’s aware of because she’s more of a Roots Pro than I am

Hey cool so I’m going to go ahead and empty this out because I don’t want the schematic to keep everything that’s in here so we’ll go ahead and make sure these are empty and this is empty that’s empty all this is empty and that’s empty okay so this ready to be copied now

Okay all right so let’s copy this copy the creative thing that okay we’ll call this the I know all the things I’m a Magister after all I donate a Shuler box for those roots so can murder I that that’s out of context R still can feed can feed a

Flower this is true this is true well it makes it leaves a bowl behind generally in batania anything that leaves like a a bowl or a bucket behind doesn’t work oh know I have to test that cuz there there are some flowers act that way I recall this is the flipper flapper Moss

Farm and then I also need to take this is my little control panel this seems very important the way this works is I’ll have to close up the top of this but that can happen in survival um the timing is very specific so oh that’s

H the lava fell down cuz I took care of the it’s it should be fine it should be fine anyway um this plate comes over here right as this one’s going away and then it turns back once it’s been smashed otherwise the wrong plate it gets smashed and you don’t get anything

So if I turn this off and it’s in the wrong part of the cycle it actually won’t turn back gone correctly so I had to set my off switch up so that it would turn off only when it was in the correct spot okay so we need to grab this guy lapper con

Okay there hey fade we at 10 viewers okay okay okay all right we have 11 people here okay all right all right I hear you all right sassy if you want to go ahead and get in chat um or get in the world I’m going to head over get the people they want

H she’s already in the world okay OMG I just went out of range with my headset when I got back in range fade was saying so did murder thanks bloes it’s that [Applause] one and with that we’re going in now I’m going to wait sometimes World x-rays when I’m getting in

So I don’t want to like see through the walls and stuff so I’m okay I’m hearing sounds I heard someone throat oh okay I’m here I’m here and you’re here oh no oh gosh this thing nearly killed me oh gosh oh gosh go sassy come and see how close this

Was I mean you killed me twice when you play s what the heck is this I haven’t moved oh it’s uh um a good thing sassy I think you might have invited some dangerous plants into our world um I think they’re pretty um oh oh here this is just the tip of

The ice Iceberg I’m there ConEd oh you should look at this room I’m very concerned oh ah there’s a creeper oh gosh um why is everything fungus uh we like fungus I don’t know why there’s a creeper there though that was not me okay well Cherry canary is

Okay um yeah Cherry’s fine yeah everything’s good see wanted poster still there your s is still looking very scary and oh no oh no oh no those are pretty but oh [Laughter] no oh no there’s metroids ow just a second here oh oh gosh you know what I really like about

This V come here there’s a place now we can put down a table and chairs and just look at your base oh just oh yeah just just right here yeah um yeah yeah it’s shaded and everything you’re acting like this isn’t some massive extraterrestrial um infestation I I this you know I don’t

Know what happened this just kind of sprouted out of nowhere for no reason but I love it oh oh oh yeah like um I I can’t help but notice that we had some of the other stuff happen down here better end yeah somebody it is better end somebody’s been um bring invasive

Species I don’t know what you’re talking about I didn’t bring this there it just grew on its own in my base yeah mhm I got one in mine too trying I’m going get crumbs in the bed okay no you’re not oh oh gosh whoa you got to be careful the top part

There’s sticky these are 100 wow the whole thing’s bouncy ow okay these are metroids these are 100% metroids I’m pretty sure metroids are parasitic and these are the biggest ones I’ve ever seen and oh yep they’re spawning babies there’s even little ones oh this is so bad these aren’t no no

These are not trees these are 100% little baby metroids gosh and these right here complete with little brains in them oh gosh this is how we get ants says uh Magister salty yeah this is how we get ants by the way what is Sassy’s criminal name we were working on that

Mhm where did you go oh you’re up there I’m on the jellyfish wait a minute wait a minute what’s this huhy the heck yes what the timing nothing of concern that little baby cthulu sassy culu I like I like how you have cthulu here and just in case I didn’t

Get it there’s a sign see you Kai have a good day thanks for being here oh gosh ah no problem Kai thanks for stopping by oh my goodness oh gosh okay well this is something else um this is how we get ants yeah for oh jeez you know what my favorite part about

This this is fabric uh what’s that Sassy it’s one tree it just grew like that uhhuh you know what I’m tempted to do sassy is I’m tempted to maybe remove the trunk but leave the top part and literally turn it into a roid [Laughter] o I hope that the stuff doesn’t Decay like leaves that’s the only thing oh man what are these purple yeah okay that’s the light oh those are called tree clusters uhhuh they light it up at night well I’m sure this won’t cause any problems this is fine none at

All and of course we it’s I thought it was so pretty yeah yeah it’s it’s also infesting my base in the bedrooms I guess maybe powdering this with spores the whole time wasn’t a good idea yeah that’s on you man that is on you sassy is beautiful

What version um it’s like um well this is 1.9 1.9.2 and I don’t know exactly what mod load here I can probably see real quick do you want me to take care of the creeper uh it’s no it’s okay it’s a 0.1 4.24 fabric mod loader yeah will actually maybe you should

Should cuz I don’t have a ranged weapon hello Greenie is that the web boat it’s going to cause sassy maybe don’t use the TNT bow against I only have one bow okay okay well that if it was going to be bad wait wait wait how much are you hurting

Rosario okay I don’t know can you he can take it he can take it I got close enough there he goes okay and theen is safe too he’s so cute you know you gave him the sweats when you started using explosive arrows you know how he doesn’t like

Bombs is mic mysteries in this I think it’s in 1.9.2 we considered it we are cons when we made the pack it wasn’t available but it did become available afterwards in fact I just kind of found out about it so yes maybe we might I was thinking about

It I I we may we may actually include that I’m really like Miss aonic thank you for not exploding Linguini yeah you you made a you gave a chaos a fright here bet I did uh I I see that you weren’t spared I was not look at how pretty it

Is it’s covering my ritual Circle you know these are just going to uh hoard out the indigenous species trees here you know that if you stand here and you look both ways you can see them both yeah that that does not solve the problem [Applause] [Laughter]

I they finished up the Hoster content oh that’s cool oh see what do we have here oh oh to answer your question Sassy’s criminal name apparently is Rogue the Ripper that’s what you named me I could remember Rogue the Ripper you know what I’m going to have to increase the uh Bounty I

Think I don’t think so I mean you already have three different bounties for me no they’re they’re the same the exchange rate for emeralds is apparently every Emerald is worth two bucks $20,000 10 000 emeralds is $220,000 it seems incorrect well that either means that the inflation for emeralds is really bad

Or the or the dollar the value of the dollar is high the dollar is strong in this world you you know why the value of emeralds has gone down right yeah that’s what happens when Walmart moves next door freaking I’m not Walmart JoJo FR and B yeah no I’m not

JoJo Mar either totally different evil Corporation toally different vade you bring your like spores and parasitic plants and brain parasites ah brain parasites not yet I mean there’s none of those she’s at least yeah exactly as nice as a Target okay I got see 33 least, I will

Find half a ham sandwich to the Bounty oh I’ll add half of 20,000 coins gold coins and a half eaten ham sandwich or The Sassy one E Yeah chojo Mar those are fighting words fade sandwich they are fighting words Blues monuments I mean that’s just

Terri you know how big I’m going to have to make that wolf now sassy to like comp Peete with the size of these damn dang dang trees excuse me yeah yeah yeah well um that’s not my fault it just grew there precariously close to your machine sassy equals

Morris I am not really oh come on I’m cuter than Morris look at me look at me aren’t I cute heing at you through my glasses horrible underneath them by the way you look like Morris just take a look at yourself I’m sad now okay use the tree to make me

O you know what this does sassy where are you the bark of this tree yeah I’m right here it kind of does look like fur perfect it does so if I were to try to turn these into jellyfish I would end up with a lot of this wood so uhhuh

Potentially I was thinking like uh as far as designs I might go with something like a sphinx cuz I think it’d be funny to have a wolf Sphinx and I wonder maybe maybe I can go into the mountain side here I don’t know I’m not really I have to design something

Huge I love the blue color H I have to mail you something I feel threatened threat the way she says that I feel threatened okay good thing I reup the PO box then oh yes yes we have to keep the threat Box open absolutely yep exactly I I never thought when we opened

That I was like well we’ll try it I don’t know if anybody will use it but you guys are nuts you are you all are too kind to us really we’re spoiled threatened threatened with a good time exactly okay I need to sleep under the totally unthreatening and ominous canopy of this

Brain parasite Samus thing my factory looks very small now the ground is jiggling culu is coming okay we’re fine all right it’s just me gosh cth cthulu cute rual Circle Ain it cute a did you know they stood up like that when you put them on the

Ground I guess a good time could be a happy ending and cheek what did you know they stood up like that when you put an item shelf on the ground uh no I didn’t yeah that was a surprise I I it just tickles me that this little little fish this little like

Fish in the bucket it’s like hi I’m a culu it’s a it’s a ass cthulu cthulu you’re going to grow big and strong one day and torment fade Alchemist yeah see fade down there you do have water huh ah it’s going to take so many carrots to defeat this

Thing okay I I need this oh gosh oh this was a chest that I moved by the way oh right here and is this the other side of the chest okay yep Maybe I can put these two back together here you can always move them together there you go

There okay cute thulu cute thulu sh don’t tell fade I actually know the reference I’ve seen the videos it was actually a good game or at least I saw markipliers thing on it I also saw the uh the the sequel oh god oh Jeez I’m super embarrassed because I left one of those in I left one of those in your base so I should know better give it back oh gosh yeah this was the one you left in my base it was next to my freaking steam engine uhhuh oh scared the crap out of me

Man okay well okay your husband has been watching message videos behind your back double boom ah boom I think it was sassy that showed me those actually guys wait what what are you talking oh uh the Markiplier dates cthulu Monsters video thing oh yeah those are great yeah the L

Lanetta those are really great actually surprisingly good mhm fantastic oh yeah so what the future fade Alchemist girlfriend right here is that what this is oh no no someone’s going to write a fanfic on that I got to stop right now okay um you should be so flattered just

Saying I’m going to turn you into a stew okay I need to figure out where look that doing why you to work flipper flapper Farm I got to see where this thing goes wolf second potatoes not work wait me message not massage there it is massage not message

Back rubbing not okay wof second potatoes should I start with the fan F so let’s see where this goes it needs to be he said nothing it’s all good it’s fine it needs to be the stuff is oh gosh there’s like no good place for this okay I will leave you alone

Now have fun with your overgrown base and your overgrown ritual Circle they are pretty little jellies they’re gorgeous yes me and kufu like some alone time now it just it just it it oh well in that case Goodbye Oh I just just just that that’s it

Bye well yeah I said I was going to leave you and to enjoy your overgrown overgrown Beast down there next to your seam engine on the plus side you kind of have a roof now yeah yes this this is definitely part of my part of my uh horizontal wall research

Um poose to a breakthrough I think okay let’s see if we can figure out breakthrough yeah at least one side of your steam engine is covered oh gosh something went terribly wrong here bye okay bye love you love you too smooched you mean pleases yes he finally getting a roof oh gosh ah

Okay well I should put this close to my batania area okay I Guess I guess I’ll flatten out this area here I just have to make sure I don’t interrupt the uh the tree jebus the trieus the m I don’t know okay so if we are going to put it sideways here let’s uh okay we need a terraform we need to

Terraform fall into the lava no thanks the new dating eldri Horrors game comes out in February I think date goat go Mommy I kind of love how in the storyline that the main character is so much of a loser that it’s like a speedometer rolling over and he like becomes immune to [Laughter]

Everything uh okay so I kind of want to put it sideways here it can kind of notch in right here so let’s see if I it’s kind of already sitting like that huh goat mommy eats [Laughter] Souls I’m so hoping that I I need some new people to like find the stream like

Right now while we’re talking about the goat mommy new character unlocked goat Mommy I heard that that was the new character that was unlocking for um Super Smash Brothers you can now play as the goat mommy finally live out your fantasies of having Mario goat mommy let’s throw Mega Man in there and

Uh the yoga trainer all fight in the same Arena play dumb first okay H so is this thing hold all okay so this thing is large I’ve learned it’s large and it’s sitting the wrong way okay let’s uh me fix this rotate this how do we do this control

Alt oops that’s not the right button that just brought me out to the this not working there we go okay hey V oh hi hi I have something for you so this is a Shuler box for the old roots okay okay and here’s a project box for your

Trouble ooh Made Project Box and old okay okay I can yeah I can do that can you see the Hologram behind you put all the no okay and you yes that that makes sense I think it’s just okay I can’t see it on your stream

Either oh wait no I can okay oh it’s I’m just gaslighting you it’s there okay so how far over does this cut it like that’s close okay so you know the deal suer box of old roots at least for now okay so you want some roots is a

Hogm in the room with us right now he you do me a favor can you sleep yes or let me [Laughter] sleep what was that nothing all healthy normal and healthy sure you can continue to think that I will continue to think that okay it’s closer what did you just do give it

Back thank you keep me channeling my inner Hatchet yeah yeah you are teag nah we dance on each other it’s a sleep etiquette you know that’s some Minecraft way Minecraft way dance yeah you dance you you dance on the bed that’s how it works okay what going to stack on top of

Each other oh gosh okay bye have fun I will bye peeps bye oh goodness this is going to be a tight fit but technically this is empty space I could take these out by sassy and just kind of slot it in here hope it works fine the SC dance scares away foms

Yes it’s a teabag dance of safety remember a mommy and daddy are dancing on the bed oh no what you tell them okay let’s it’s okay it’s fine we’re spicy family friendly here it’s okay so uh where where are we um we need to move this down a little

Bit oh I know what we need to do we need to hold pull this come here no is that right yeah yes and then we’ll down from here o no I have to change the thing okay but down all right okay I think is that I lined up perfect now

Ah no that’s too much oh up one come on okay oh these are slabs you know I I think that’s okay cuz I’m going to be moving this platform anyway those stairs aren’t OSHA compliant shh don’t tell chaos that hey I want to snack but there is a sleeping

Puppy on my lap oh you’re doomed you’ve been chosen you can’t move absolutely cannot move okay so it’s really high up is it give me enough clearance over here just enough no no no no this thing this tree is going to want to grow okay I

Think I think what we’re going to need to do let’s move this thing way down low it’s actually sitting on the ground so now this is on the ground wait a minute I think we’re in the ground I break these huh I guess it’s okay I was expecting there to be like

Some invisible blocks in there but I guess no okay so what does this break into it sits right next to the existing there that kind of tucks in Nicely this needs to go does it wait are these not not real I don’t know what’s real and what’s not okay okay actually does that work I mean this is all going to get moved anyway build around it once I put this thing here it’s kind of here so

Fade are you making a list and checking it twice going to find out other the violations on site wait it scrolled oh no what what am I missing here oh I have a list already mag chaos I guess I’ll die oh no vade are you planning to have some kind of

Consolidate Consolidated storage system at some point yes I do have a plan for that the inspector is making a list and checking it twice going to find out all the violations on site fade is going to pay all the fines sassy why yes tell us the key points of your infrastructure

Um it’s it’s the best infil structure very good [Laughter] um it’s made out of ignore that very safe it’s made out of the very safe goo boom Coalition technology ignore the lud that’s by the very volatile steam engine um comes equipped with candleabra to keep the ghosts away

Um it comes with a very well ventilated lava pit the best ventilation and parasitic trees I I mean okay I need to start manufacture of gold cuz the bribe is going to be very [Laughter] expensive very good great job yes where shall I lure all the

Creepers um to your base by your um ritual Circle that would be that would be good do that okay I’m going to leave this here for now cuz I’m going to need the Mana thing so could you imagine if the prank was hiding a creeper spawner under fade base

Oh gosh that’d be so cruel that’d be so cruel let’s see let’s break that and we will Let’s uh can I pick this back up put it here it’s up and put it here there we don’t want to disturb the circle that’s keeping cthulu at Bay the circle breaks it’ll release the Kraken

Okay let’s put these flowers back okay oh should add another from another world mod no sassy bad bad sassy no no I hear you laughing upstairs stop it I literally heard that I heard that through the floor bad lady stop it okay it’s fine I’m not distracted okay

We have this let’s put it in the cannon and let’s see what we’re going to need a lot of it isn’t that bad it’s like Stone what could possibly go around with basically adding the thing to your Minecraft yeah yeah nothing at all I’m just going to sleep here under

The guarding gaze of the Apocalypse treat oh jeez it gives me vertigo Okay so eight pages oh gosh you’re good with that timing like I’m like stuck in my book GUI couldn’t move okay okay that’s one reason to make walls so that way I don’t feel like I’m constantly being snuck up

On now was supposed to go while you were sleeping well it it it worked okay comp poster Cog Wheels clutch Coria dispensers in case chain drive floating Hopper Hawk fluid pip hovering Hour Glass item frames item vaults that’s something we’re going to need a lot of light stain glass I want

To get some of these big items out of the way mechanical pumps are another one and probably lots of stone in here somewhere smooth Stone yeah smooth Stone and the rest is kind of there already okay maybe we can do just to get a little cheeky here

There might be stuff inside this chest that we already need so we’ll just move this next to it and just see what we kind of get for free okay we go let’s run the book through there again just see if there’s like couple more freebies in here nice okay that’s

Good I wonder where that one bone meal is coming from I must have put one back in there okay they going to mess his pants someday what thank you okay I’m going to have some fun inspect your lyrics Fun inspector lyrics running through my head right now Inspector Gadget okay inspector Chris inspection

Christmas carols it’s a new rage what I saw someone make like a modern edgy version of Inspector Gadget um he was like in the background kind of looming in pain was in the foreground and brain was a cybernetic dog I was like dude I would absolutely

Watch the heck out of a like kind of an edgier darker reboot and I kind of feel like in that version I don’t know I mean maybe Penny’s father or Guardian Spectre Gadget died she’s a genius doesn’t want to be put into an orphanage so she literally creates an Android version of

Him somehow would have to explain how he got all those abilities I guess I don’t know how she’d do that but she’s actually the agent not him but nobody knows that and then the dog is kind of like her like I I don’t know I feel like

There’s a story there I feel like that could definitely be a thing whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist part of the fun is seeing how fatal misinterpret the comments you know what if I’m going to Left Brain myself I’m going to go all in okay all in okay all

Right uh stone stone stone stone we can make stone real quick in fact we might already have all the stone we need I mean this is like this is a lot of stone right here there room in these at all are they all full ug okay that won’t be enough we we need

A little bit more a little bit more smooth Stone let’s see uh oh oh we need Stone and smooth Stone we need both okay so there’s Stone and we got this here to to get a cheeky supply of smooth Stone NE texures off just normal smooth Stone

Yeah I think I bumped my mouse sensitivity when one of those creeper alerts one off cuz it’s like okay he could operate like a sleeper agent the cybernetic stuff doesn’t function unless she triggers it yeah I I I think like basically she’s trying to get away of

The she’s trying to get away with um people thinking she’s got a guardian because she’s underage so she can continue to be independent you know I wish I I wish I could find that image again because it she looked awesome it was like a modern version and

And and Inspector Gadget looks kind of scary almost cuz much edgier I I would love to see like a for a older audien’s version of um Vector Gadget like a like a neier one that’d be kind of neat like not too over the top please don’t give me a Velma do not do

That okay let’s do this how we doing I didn’t really count I just kind of threw them in in here that looks good 77 more smooth Stone okay we can do that that and do this I’m not really not really counting just just kind of doing it by ear here because

I it’s okay if we have leftover stuff it’s fine three of a kind the number of people who hate watch Velma led to a second season I know right it kills me too cuz I think there was potential in the idea if they had just I don’t know

There’s not a likable character on that show I haven’t really watched it I honestly I just kind of saw reviews of it and that was like enough I guess I’m kind of commenting on some I don’t know I probably should actually watch an episode before I start giving opinions on it but

Okay okay cool so now what’s the next big one that we need to do item vaults item vaults okay so we need uh 80 metal plates then 80 metal plates well thank goodness oh I got to say when we have stuff like that it feels so satisfying to know that we have a

Uh a iron farm and a surban slot and now we need to make 80 barrels see let’s let’s steal it out of this yeah even though the farm isn’t going the Mana Farm won’t be the increase in Mana that I was hoping it would be over the

Galis it will still be automatic so I think I’m willing to sacrifice literally half the Mana per operation to have an operation that never ends cuz at any moment it’s going to be making mana and it’ll be easier to get it started than the other one would be and

I’ve never an automated that flower before and as a side effect so we’re going to be using let’s see I picked it up but I at the uh there I had the jaded amaranthus right here and that’s what was making um all of these flowers the batanian mystical flowers we’ll end up

With every single die color when we’re done and um that’s helpful too so between having every single die color having metamorphic Stones because we have the metamorphose up here or rather we did I put that away because it would change block it would actually mess up

The farm I’m about to make CU I’m going to be making smooth Stone right here all that smooth Stone would become metamorphic Stone if I left it in within range so I have to be kind of careful of that in fact in fact this will convert

It to too so it’s a good thing it’s off I’ll have to remember that I’m headed into lurk mode got to continue editing I’ll pop in every once in a while I feel like you’re threatening me wol wolf says okay all right barrels let’s pick these up and we’ll get these going wonderful

Snap sassy Rog has failed in creating a potion and turned into a frog and hopped away eat you to mess with Alchemy you don’t understand I mean when this stuff starts happening sassy we get little baby cthulu Tad PS I mean you should stop maybe you should stop what you’re

Doing I need to get this place done it’s like she took the thing out of my wall you didn’t even make one I I I I’m pretty sure I have extras inside here pretty sure I do somewhere h H maybe I don’t well fine okay perfect those and these okay

Let’s I think I can ah cool so they’ve enhanced the the um the manufactury Halo so you can shift click on the table and this will turn off all autocrafting and I can turn it back on so that way it doesn’t happen when it’s inconvenient that’s kind of nice so

Let’s doing fade that is not how you freaking Barrel so there’s that I will store that that turn that off for now okay and then we will take barrel turn it into a sandwich make that and we’ll store that don’t need to store a master spark recipe okay let’s move that here there

Okay now we need to make sure that we have 80 of these so 62 okay that’s we need two more okay now we have 80 we don’t overproduce we can put these plates back in here okay cool all right everyone let’s make some BS we’re going to make one extra I got

To compensate for the one we’ve already made there okay here lots of these uh that should be enough so now just to test this thing out if we do that wonderful and there are item vaults sweet satisfying and then I’ll turn that off again oh I love that

Update I actually went through and read the change log for batania the recent change logs I’ve kind of missed a few and there were some good little nuggets like that in there he water splash why wasn’t paranoid so paranoid sassy in the world no okay I keep on seeing this thing out the

Corner of my eye and I feel like there’s something just hovering over me I guess probably because there is okay that back and we’ll do that okay cool get the big things out of the way first uh fluid pipes staining glass is stain glass is a thing 200 how much

204 this thing glass it’s actually not so much the uh wait how much glass we got pretty sure Sassy has a whole bunch in here right a she did you must have moved it out there’s 30 in oh I love this thing okay fine we’ll let

This man up hopefully this will be the last time that we need to uh get Mana this way okay we have lots of gravel let’s just turn all the gravel sand oh I know what I need to do uh we need gray lots of Gray

See I need bone meal I’m so going to be so happy we’re going to have infinite bow meal by the time we’re done much gray do we have in here rare light gray that we need light gray okay so let’s take out all the gray all the light gray all the white

And all the black use up all our flowers but we we’re going to make more so I think that’s okay I’m actually kind of excited for the side effect of having all Dy then it’s going to be time to build I want to build this city up I got to come

Up with a good name for this place and actually you know finish the walls and stuff that’ll be really nice though having all dyes is very exciting cuz then like Terra cotas and uh concretes and all that glasses so this should be done processing yes so we need

200 okay that will be over 200 so we’ll those in there that’ll be enough okay now hopefully we we can make enough dye out of this need light gray that okay uh what’s is 8 * 40 like roughly 200 I I don’t know let’s I think that’s enough we’ll keep the

Rest just in case what is this doing that that’s going to take a minute I wish I could make this faster fans are already going at Max Capacity okay now what kind of great is it let those craft while we make other stuff light gray stained glass so I think

That’s just the vanilla Minecraft light gray stained glass Okay there and let rip okay and I think that’s that’s enough that actually didn’t take that long that was great no fade just no what did I do I’m making glass I if you want to say no say no to this thing that’s a no that’s a big no

I mean s keeps on saying this is a tree but how much of of the life cycle of Nigerians AKA jellyfish do you guys know about cuz they start out as something called a pop little tree like things that grow at the bottom of the ocean and

Then this part kind of plops off that becomes a jellyfish and they just keep on making them so I think that’s what’s happening here is that this is like some giant narian pop and it’s just going to keep on breaking these things off and I think the I mean look that’s what’s

Happening yes it is that is yes okay glass in here glass in here oh boy space premium okay but Okay cool so I think we got all of that stuff we already have all the big stuff done I think so oh wait no we don’t we need to do pump wait smooth

Stone item vaults Stone I’m pretty sure we have to make a whole lot of what happened to all of the pipes I need fluid pipes there they are 50 fluid pipes and what about the pumps only need nine mechanical pumps there must be some already in there

Okay so what are we going to do about copper I think copper is something we’re a little shy on they have that’s four I think I have a silky sass in here yeah we do okay well she gave me a project box which is nice so maybe I can start putting

See stuff in there extra glat no no no stone goes in that sand I’ll put the sand back in here we got some oh gosh we already got some Dy in here we’ll just put the rest in there glass goes in here okay oh Batman posture check redeem

A stretch all right we set up straight stretch it’s time to eat fade what watch streak reached Batman is currently on a five stream streak well that’s cool I like that it’s the thing keeps track of that now that’s cool huh that’s a nice new feature Nom okay uh like gray

Dy okay okay okay how do we got this in there dirt okay why did that not pick stuff up should be picking it up go back to your cave do you have a malamu cave [Laughter] Blues okay copper have this copper this copper and no copper in here it’s your

Cave the deed to the cave has been passed over that’s not going to be enough copper okay we’re going to have to mine as I don’t think I can get cop wait surely surely I can get copper out of my orchid Chopper copper okay let’s see here Orchid it’s a

6% chance or seven okay 6% chance isn’t terrible be loud you know I actually think it’s going to be faster for me just to go looking for it o ooh I have an idea go over here we’ll go into the face hole but uh let’s make it so we can

See through the adventures Guild I call upon you once again for your Aid it’s need you are needed more than ever look what’s happening out there not good you heard me okay this we need burning potions are nice o slow falling have Any night vision look at that don’t need a visibility right now and but use a potion returning but I don’t think I’m that lazy yeah I think I’m okay I should be able to get myself out of there these two will be fine off to the Quarry it’s a

Copper is there some why she laughing again what is she doing up there oh there’s copper nice okay so if we uh let’s use the silky sass for that Cory doesn’t want you oh Cory why see any other cheeky coppers down here whoa okay hi going to be okay right

Yeah this is probably faster than using my orchid for the moment I’m getting the whole blocks so I can process them inside the grindy wheels is I think we’ll get better economy that way got to be careful because I’m not Fireproof very nice right here o hi uh-huh spawner up there

I know somewhere around here there’s a spawner okay all right so this is a good amount with copper much we got we are sitting on unknown quantity it must be getting put inside the Dank I don’t see it where’s the copper going oh it’s right here I’m blind okay now do I got

Bones I got arrows okay so what do you guys think sassy wants with that old root I saw there’s only two recipes so there’s got to be something else right it’d be funny of sassy is truly agent Johnson costume you think she it was me the whole time sassy

Rog I mean it’d be funny oh gosh that’s a creeper sound oh I want those there is a Creeper down there I didn’t know that we had this this is not the fade hole I thought I’d be going into ah excuse no no no

No okay so we got 1 I think with grindy wheels that should be plenty these things glow pretty cool looking at night they L menesse uh they’re okay just because they’re deadly doesn’t mean that they’re not pretty looking okay 51 grind them in here mm mm- no no Ender

Okay so we got tons of this stuff okay keep that XP for later they sure look awesome at night I have night vision so I guess I get a different view oh that’s right cuz you got the elf eyes we have to wash these oh we have

Lots of your wool in here still sassy H it feels so awesome to be using our wall of um processing actually I have night vision right now too so I’m getting the same view you do potion of Elf site a such previous puppies I’m pretty sure that was a typle but that’s still

Funny those are the cutest previous puppies okay let’s go here oh sassy did you see this that you can turn this the crafting on this on and off by shift clicking the uh crafting table ding now it won’t craft it’s kind of it’s kind of cool sometimes you don’t that way you

Don’t have to keep on like like if I ever wanted to have nuggets in my inventory for some reason I could let’s put these I think uh yeah yeah with this and that back this the wrong one this is oh [ __ ] Jee I got jump scared by the Thunder oh it’s the end

Times oh gosh yeah that way you don’t have to keep on deprogramming it so like I can take all these wow wow we we’re making a lot okay but we do want it so I’m going to hit [Applause] this also if you have this uh if you if

You have it selected it also turns it off and if you remove it it Rec crafts and it’s actually nice it counts as you picking it up so it’s actually putting them all in here for me which is kind of cool we had 51 ore and we between washing it

And and crushing it we’re we now have 500 wow okay that’s a that feels good twitch alert knows me too well my sound alert button disappeared when the thunderstorm showed up a that’s sad did it come back maybe you need to refresh that stinks now gosh yeah that thunder made

Me jump out my skin I was just wasn’t expecting it at all it it didn’t look dark to me because of the night Vision either so I I didn’t know it was trying to rain and I got all particles turned off so okay doesn’t sassy have like bottles yeah you do okay

Cool and we can put this back and maybe we can make ourselves some new item shelves replace the one that Sassy stole or cthulu okay sure one of these already has barrels maybe there that one okay so now that we have all that copper we were needing like what 50 pipes

Okay 50 fluid pipes and nine mechanical pumps oh we need some oh this is great we need some nuggies let’s see I sure hope we have enough andesite 3,000 plus one two four they all go up there and if I back up the magnet ring can reach them okay and little baby

Mjus go ahead and make us some of those oh right we forgot to filter it so yeah it just gives you random recipes if you don’t filter so we now have bonus and aite alloy scaffolding ladders and bars let’s not use the silky sass for that we should put silky sass back

Actually because it’s not Mana axe it’s got decent enchant but uh he’s using substitute ban uh substitute um Mana steel and just uh doesn’t it’s not the same man a steel uh you know self-repairs you need to build a tank for cthulu so he has room to grow big and strong

I like that o okay hold up we need to where’s the idea ideas there I need to make a board in here at some point so I can uh H I am running out of space where did I put my project box here we go I guess

We’ll put this stuff in there for now okay and we going to need some Hogs some little ones some pumps some pumpkins need some pumps need some we need 50 of those which means we need a 100 we need 100 plates it came back after you refreshed okay that’s good that’s good to

Hear yeah we’ll just we always need more so we’ll just we’ll just make two stacks worth cuz we need to make the pumps too yay Factory that’s going to take a minute okay what what else can I do um composter well we can make three composters real quick

Okay do I have a there example of okay did I just make barrels I did okay let’s uh take that out and we’ll also lock that okay now we have we have more barrels now oink that’s why it’s good that we can lock manufacturing halo two

Three okay so I’ll pick these up we’ll make another set okay see watch Cog Wheels okay we can make more Cog Wheels okay those and even more Cog Wheels we need more of this stuff our endite machine oh I love it so much it it’s so nice just to have unlmited

Supply endite alloy I don’t have to craft it anymore love that so much okay let’s do this now we can make 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine and get 50 copper and now we can just do this no incorrect have to stand far enough away there we

Go they over crafted but that’s okay but we can do this okay okay going have to make some smart stuff no polished andesite stairs why did I make it out of polished andesite of all things I could have made it out of anything I made it out of polished and

Aite I was trying to make it in Creative have stuff that I could actually gather easily here but po andesite stairs okay it’s a casing there’s anite okay all right we’ll go with the portable Jus was anite was and say stairs okay don’t need the scarl and we need the

Space okay 16 encased chain drives get how those are made oh there’s easy okay let’s do this I am tired of having to strip Spruce manually we’ll let this do it for us to start okay and I need a stack okay going to say alloy oh no what happened to my

Hopper we have the full stack we do okay this turn that on in there oh that’s so nice OK my fingies what are you doing guess I got too full there don’t have to worry about that now okay so we just need nuggies is this

Thing off it is because it will not let me have nuggies that away lights away lots and lots of Nuggies and how many of these things did we need 16 yeah all right let’s do this so we get 16 perfect now I can turn this back on and those become bars again they got put away automatically nice I bet this is probably full yeah don’t tell we got so many of them I just don’t want to deal with the okay 16 perfect I hope I have enough space that that’s the

Thing threshold switch let filter oh oh this filter those are just uh right I wonder I wonder if I can put this on top of the cannon if I put this on the side here diagonal does this thing count as ventory it’d be great if it did I hope

It you know if it doesn’t I know what I can do but we’ll do this W pick this up this here now I’m sure that this will be seen okay problem solved we’ll just put the rest in there checking something real quick here Haven done for a while I haven’t

Said hi to my uh lurkers here we got some new names in here we got sple mix kki donk marks Nick atton ASMR Miu and we have a lonely girl eight hives thank you all those are the new names that kind of immediately see appreciate my

Lurkers okay I I’ll now leave you alone but thank you for for uh for supporting okay back to business filters that’s just simply an iron Nuggie and oh like those iron things I just threw away that could have just kept I mean those 2 three four yep four well dang okay

Okay yeah that that’s going to be better that’s going to be a lot better clutch clutch should be easy I just don’t remember how to make it this is like Redstone and a yeah okay have that I just need Redstone and the shaft which I have all that now boom CL

Spenser string I got we got string here right that’s he’s always collecting the string yes perect it’s going to be nice having infinite bone meal is going to open up a lot of other farms for us if we ever need them in the future and we’ll have lots of pretty blocks for terraforming

Too sticks ah there adjustable chain gear shift okay so now we need to make an adjustable it’s like the Redstone powered version of this oh no are you serious oh I not like those red light bulbs yeah we got these won’t be enough make more where’s the Sandpaper might out of sandpaper

Ah distance is pain now I got to go back back up here and I need to some paper got some sand down below we need more Redstone but fortunately we just got them filling up the Mana so I can replicate it there we go thank goodness there we got here okay there’s still

Plenty of you here and that and we don’t want to actually use all this quartz up because I think this is another material I can Mana duplicate yeah okay that should be enough okay 16 rose quartz maybe just uh yeah we we’ll save the rest so we can have something to

Duplicate here so we’ll put these back I have to polish them up I automate this process but these dained sandpapers they have durability so I’d have to harvest sugar cane I don’t know just price for technology there we go okay and then we had a lot of extra

Metal plates in here I’m pretty sure I remember having to put this away copper plates really so I’m thinking in the future assuming that I don’t get hear the call of cthulu again cthulu again I’m going to try to have these um materials collected before

Stream So when I build a thing I can just kind of put it in the world and show it off so you don’t have to wait through me collecting I feel like I’ve done this last couple times okay now okay few more of those do I even need three okay I think I’m

I’m good I’m perfect okay re adjustable chain drives okay I think we’re good to run book through again here should have another page or so done I think okay sequenc gear shifts and threshold switch okay sequence caror these anymore we don’t need these anymore okay need duplicate some more redstone

Well these machines are Redstone thirsty I tell you okay only need one of those fors funny of some smooth stone at least I’m not writing into stuff I don’t have you know Farm is pretty good here to supply us with uh oh no oh no what’s happening why hello well that’s great this

That I hope we got some bone meal somewhere parator should be able to make don’t enough Stone that’s why okay sequence hello who’s who’s there oh hi sneak up behind me oh it’s Blues check it out okay so um inside the Villager naming mod I did sneak some uh you

There’s a list of names like several like 500 or so and you can add some other names into it in the random rle and blues just got selected as a merchant which is kind of perfect what do you got blues oh you got a Globe Entertainer’s vest there’s probably a secret trade here too yeah look a natural blue SP I’m beautiful the Blue’s Cameo mm don’t break my base Blues I should tell sassy that oh gosh it’s Sunset okay I’m going to sleep I need to tell sassy that oh she can trade the blues

Okay okay got to run got to run got to run my helicopter stick I put it in the chest by accident apparently it’s Blues it’s a de the okay hey sassy okay I’m back ah yeah I put most of you in here I think I got pretty much everybody that

Uh that’s cool I’m so happy I wasn’t sure if that worked it’s a hard thing to test I’m curious what the secret trade is don’t stick your fingers in their blues and don’t get fur of my machines okay what was I doing oh yeah I heard that you had Emer jeez

Hi oh oh look it’s a blues hi Blues oo Diamond chest plate for Timber Cross bait braces oh and do seriously just one dob bles you just ripped sassy off BL this was 10 emeralds Blues seriously here here a present y 10al hold up it’s a nice mixing

Block nope it h no it’s not it’s a nice standout block well um that’s great well we’ll put that in the stone and did you put the diamond chest plate isn’t even a Enchanted there’s a globe though I’ll take the Globes Globes are cute oo mushrooms do you need an entertainment

Vest I mean sure I mean don’t don’t give it to me right here but maybe we can make I want to make a little bunch of armor stands at some point put all the different chests on there let me what what’s the uh ooh fancy that kind of looks good at the

Batania plants actually yeah it does l where are you going come back blue says she’s got to trade 10 diamonds for nine diamonds I guess that’s a good trade wait no it’s not no that’s not wait a minute I got a stack of sand I do have these gloves I am

Here well sassy will be entertain oh you just got you you spin me right oh bend me round yeah that’s a song baby round it is a song good job I want that SP Globe at [Laughter] speed I didn’t even know you can spin this thing oh I know Blues you’re going to

Get it don’t you worry both failed okay failed go get your Monument we just have to get our infil structure first yeah don’t T back okay there okay I there’s actually a lot of oh there’s sassy can you not stand on the blueprint oo I need be for move oh sorry

Sorry why my trail up he wasn’t satisfied h no cthulu you know fade you really do need to make a larger enclosure for cthulu here I will cthu can sit in the bucket for a minute I just want to get this stuff for for this thing I’m making okay we have Moss all

Right Um I know how is he no no no your traitor left because because you lose how do you how do you think that one piece of do is worth 10 emeralds it doesn’t make sense you left cuz I called you out that’s why you’re leaving see she’s trying to get away from

Me that Jig Is up cheese it you’re also selling one poppy for an emerald oh look a poppy literally right here sassy are growing out in the wild we’re going to be rich we’re going to be rich yeah that’s right sassy that means you’re worth two two 20,000 poppies right

Now oh wow I could cover the hills in [Laughter] red are you going to blend into the machines I do like the brown mushrooms though I actually bought a lot of stuff here I just cannot the diamond chest plate just isn’t worth it oh sorry go ahead 10 diamonds for nine

Diamonds you will buy my dumb Poppy I will not by my dumb Poppy I will not I need a lava lava lava for this I just hear wait oh that was a like did I just hear a I just heard a uh the Lama just bad and it threw me off okay yeah

Okay we got these two I need more shaped wood I think this is still set up hey where did the Wall go did you put it away um no see it oh there it is why does no work huh oh because it’s off that explains that okay oh why hey

Caesar we’re both you B your breathing is now a conscious activity yay you did it did you steal my freaking I need that Sassy you’re holding it in your hand I just showed up okay I I could use your help instead of like please please clean up your mess sassy thank thank

You there you go there you go ooh ammo he sassy look look look spin spin spin spin spin there we go the keeper entertained for a while okay I got oh s sass no no sass look look spin spin spin spin spin spin M you jingle your key there

There we go there we go okay soed oh fade look look look fade look no I got I got the globe goes invisible when you pick it up like that you can just see the brace good good she’s entertained again okay oh not impressed then Caesar flies

Away a wild Caesar just kind of flew by and said hi okay what was I doing sequence okay okay okay get this in here I don’t know but I’m going to go now bye okay bye love you I love you too thank you for the trades it’s

Raining it it oh can you maybe on your way out can you feed the uh the ghost Teru yeah okay Threshold lose okay there we go okay we threshold switch there we go and we’ll see impressed oh what a wonderful roof you have now actually it did keep me dry that was the other reason why the thunderstorm freaked me out so much I wasn’t that’s right I would still see

The little particles on the ground it’s not just the particles being turned down it’s it actually wasn’t raining here cuz I have a canopy parasites see okay I guess roofs can be helpful sometimes a Smart Shoot okay I’ve been delaying let’s make the Smart Shoot uh

At least I should I have a lot of these red light bulbs of Doom so hopefully I can make this thing here Smart Shoot okay we need wait what they changed the recipe since one doesn’t need an attribute oh wait it doesn’t I’m just being silly okay so we

Need h do I have any brass plates brass plates copper plates golden sheets okay we can make how many smart shoes we need smart come on three of them probably smart shoots three okay re smart shoots re shoots ra more shoots thank you we’ll grab this that’s you was

Helping he was dancing all over my freaking oh she’s funny okay there’s the sheets and now I need oh I think it’s just like metal sandwich right really don’t have any Metal Sheets oh wait yeah I do yes and I think I have like two stacks of iron in here somewhere

Yes three smart shoots no okay two three fantastic okay sequenced gear shift I thought I already I need two more I thought I already made this sequenced sequence gear shift okay I guess I need to make more of those MH okay look just just sit there for a minute okay okay

Two now you should be happy right okay we’re in the last page and a half void forward void forward okay Redstone contacts Redstone links make redstone link oh that that’s these things baby meat okay I need to make lot there running out of zinc and I do not want to go mining

Again that’s a good amount okay there we go and and a little bit pushy okay let’s get those out of the hand back off okay get H if I had name tags I’d rename these llamas Malamutes then it would be then the illusion would be complete hydrate your face oh fine okay

Okay so Redstone links I lose okay I was going to turn them all into torches just all of them into torches it’s fine they’re all torches okay and I keep forget how many I need Redstone links Redstone links Redstone links nine then nine contacts one two 10 extra credit

Good okay boom and now we need Redstone contacts we’re going to go quick quick quick quick come on contacts yes do my bidding okay Redstone contacts Okay so plates and stuff and things and seven of these I think uh six we need six six of these things okay let’s get more Cobble

Ah there all of it get off the blueprint this is a working area okay two three Okay add it okay run through here again you’re going to be here you have to wear a hard hat red straing nutrifier okay let’s get this thing out of the way so I need

Strain a block some stuff okay so I can yeah we can turn this into a block easily enough so okay block a string uh we needed uh one of these okay and we need to make some funky powder Okay so ender pearl swort ah going get all this it’s going

To clog that thing up with hair now roll raid with the elves okay powder and string now bone meal okay uh bones white dye no bone meal okay we have a bone we’ll be okay B meal okay now we just need some dye I I have dye I know I have

Dy 2 three four okay okay great got that probably had bone meal in here we don’t okay whatever it’s fine it’s fine and now we’re going to need living Rock aren’t we oh no seven living Rock please please please that’s only three die die die die die die okay let’s do

This I can tell that Sassy was messing around with this rod in here all my base is overgrown again I’m going to replace all the grass in here I swear okay BL you want some garlic here m eat the garlic oh wait I’m hungry come back garlic I didn’t mean what I

Said be weed Eed yeah it does we selling a poppy for 10 emeralds okay don’t need that anymore more we have the red strainer we need now we just need this convert ah bles it’s a big base you don’t have to be in front of my freaking schematics there we go hard at

Work I want emeralds we can’t always have what we want Blues yes I do okay we’ll do the okay okay run the book through run the book through okay pulse repeat are three of them okay need three get out of here okay uh pulse repeaters repeat three of those three okay so we

Need three of these sheets one two three okay we got it good two three okay great Redstone torches Redstone and stone okay I am going to and just make there have torches and I need smooth Stone oh thank you thank you for the uh for the lead appreciate that BL thank thank you

Thank you for the lead I I guess I’ll I don’t know where do I put this now it okay we’ll put the lead right there okay thank you careful that’s hot don’t don’t touch anything okay two three most repeaters done okay metal apothecary Okay let’s make a pedal Apothecary lots of Cobble we just need a a plant feather uh this one R Alchemist colors excuse me can you please take care of your your your your llamas please they could literally you’re holding them there they could literally be anywhere are you following

Me maybe a giant dog but I still but I will still be underfoot but it smells like cheese not cheese uh where was I yeah just just just take it just take it go in here mechanical bearing okay mechanical bearing oh those are pretty easy okay so mechanical

Bearing just need a slab just a single slab he there’s a slab single slab good give me how many of these I need I needed two didn’t I mechanical bearings okay let go SC SC me slabs right here mechanical bearings I feel like every other person is on lur or is not

Here well that happens sometimes maybe I should adjust my time maybe it’s too late on Fridays I mean it’s nice not to compete with the gym on Saturdays but maybe I’ll move things back to Saturday then I can do it in the afternoon and I don’t have to do it

Right after work maybe that’ll be better or maybe these collection montages aren’t the best I had other plans but that’s he introduced cthulu so mechanical bearing I I swear I just made these mechanical bearings are these not mechanical bearings sequence thresholds oh actually put them in the thing maybe and now do

It where’s your wife of beauty and Grace wife of beauty and Grace is um she’s got another book that she needs to edit she’s got like a this uh author is writing entire series and she has has her uh editing the whole thing which

Which is good it just takes up a lot of time um but the series is almost done and I think these books are a bit closer on the Finish Ides they don’t take as long to edit good news is it’s getting sassy a lot of play money but when those are finally done

Then you know she’ll be on here more often um we’ll both be able to play together more often and we’ll actually she’ll be able to make some YouTube videos and I need to get back to that too everything will just kind of liveen back up again wait Sassy’s a book

Editor yeah I mean she’s uh that’s her side Hustle but yeah yeah she’s an editor she’s a uh what’s it called she’s better there’s there’s line editors and then there’s something else I forget which one she is but she’s one that edits for um she’s not looking for like oh this

Should be Capital this should be a comma she’s more looking for like context like this thing that you referenced did you actually this thing that you’re calling back to was actually referenced here you know H or this would be better said if ordered here um I don’t know what that’s

Called I didn’t know this how I’ve mentioned it so many times yeah she is she’s an editor yep yep that was actually what she had her major in was language arts oh okay you gave me the other lead thank you I I’ll put this next to I’ll

Put this on the refrigerator next to the other one thank you okay now we have three roaming Trader llamas thank you Blues thanks what happened to the other one probably fine I hope it didn’t get ground up there’s going to be llama meat in this thing if I check no

Okay and I have a reading a story I wrote I didn’t know that she was more [Laughter] experienced yep I completely forgot where I was okay let’s just run this through and we’ll just let it do that okay where are we linear chassis that’s right think those are bad L

Chassis yes linear chassis linear chassis okay so it’s just logs and okay that’s super simple and uh a good amount of this right only three that feels incorrect I must have had more in there there a lot of linear chassis inside that thing okay do I have any more I

Don’t okay we hit that for a bunch we’ll back up a bit we get them okay some straight up logs bloop and bloop don’t think I it doesn’t want me to have this many but you’re going to get that many okay okay a lever uh it’s what kind of

Lever just a Minecraft vanilla lever just to talking just I feel like this isn’t asking me for enough there must be stuff already inside cuz I know it called for more levs I know it called for more Sparks it’s probably not registering the Sparks I don’t think we’ll get the same

Power today but we can get most of it build at least oh I need six levers why didn’t you say that initially okay I say I knew there were like tons of levers in this machine six levers there you go I shared with her for sharing with

The friend’s sake so she likes it he really likes it one thing that we need to get back into is writing Our Own Story cuz we’ve got one that we’ve been kind of going on and off for a while okay corpa funnel I’ve been delaying let’s let’s get

This oh it’s raining or is it just night I don’t know bade can read mine I’ll get to it I’ll trying to think of when I’ll have time I’m a very sassy she reads really quick I don’t but I will remember everything so there’s that uh yeah yeah I

Know I wish I could read this if if if I could have sassy speed and if she could have my retention we’d be like super human okay I don’t want to do the Moss block yet okay corporea funnel corporea funnel okay get out of here get that no I needed that oh well

Okay how bad is a Corp Rea funnel not that bad right it’s a dropper and a spark Sparks are rough okay well Hopper not a hopper dropper superer okay wait wait wait wait wait how many how many just one that I know I need more than one absolutely know I need more than

One okay that please tell me I have some Sparks in here oh I do no there we goink I don’t read super quickly either but the way I write it flows and has a lot of pictures because I like physical images and blues makes more sense than she does in [Laughter] chat

Last page last page okay a gear box okay uh here or Cog Cog Cog cogs okay cogs no Hogs two three four how many gear boxes two okay okay two gear boxes and what kind is just must just be a normal one cuz it would have said vertical if it was

Needed get in there gear box twice okay gear box and we update it nice very goodly item frames that oh no oh no oh no paralyzing fear okay my back oh okay okay I I was worried that that was real and it was coming down here cuz I’m like by all these chests

That I’ve been like filling for the last hour oh jeez thank you for the bits Anonymous and I totally forgot what I was doing I was oh okay I don’t remember item frame sticks it’s all good got this we got this we got this item frame last few items here hovering

Hourglass it’s one of the harder ones okay hourglass okay we need hovering hourglass okay so gold okay I need to a bit this and this single metal plate single Rock okay don’t need there’s got to be one of these in here somewhere there it is okay good enough hovering

Hourglass so I need some gold you can do it Matt get into my head space and see blue is making sense not just random BS glass wait we have glass we have glass we made glass earlier it’s in here how much glass I need two it’s got

To be elf glass elf glass or Mana glass Mana glass ah jump jump up the thing okay ow ow Mana Steel on there’s no Mana Steel in here I for a fine fine fine it’s cool it’s good it’s whatever Man of Steel ow I think the Buffs are telling me it’s

Bedtime have a good rest of your stream fade no problem thanks for stopping but’s happened I got the Mana steel this is where I saw the Mana steel no problem I’m about ready to wind up myself here actually uh I’m going to get this thing built I’m on on the last three two

Items and then I’ll worry about powering it up later but at least it will be built and that is the toughest part it would help if I put the hovering Hourglass in here cuz I am getting hungry holding Hopper Hawk okay it’d be amazing if I just had a hopper hawk in here

I don’t okay I convince the pups way a bit longer okay okay speed mode okay Hopper Hawk speed mode this okay light gray gray I gosh gray and light gray I hope I did not use up all of those he light gray good Miss oh how

Lucky I actually use most of those up to make the dyes okay bucket bucket bucket bucket Bucket this point um I just stick it into one of these yeah I’ll stick it in buuck it okay good back before I okay so this and that we have to make one of these runes which one is it it’s like run it’s like the sky Rune or something

Air air air Rune how air Rune now air Rune air Run Okay carpet string feather we’re lucky we got a string carpet wolf case I’m been getting in Fades way all night I know I’ve been lurking oh what happened to all the woles sassy it was right

There I I need one more wool for a carpet wait the batania chest there’s another bana chest over here okay string I’ll I’ll I’ll make it out of string I don’t care oh there’s wool there’s wool okay carpet okay feather carpet an actual string and Mana Steel Ingot and powder

Okay I think that’s it everything okay so this that this to powder no we don’t want to convert it we just want the powder nice run down here and get that one living Rock I throw away good on you I stole it I stole the wool to resell it for outrageous price

How many poppies is that wool worth okay and in here so next time I have them and one living Rock okay okay rocket okay poop that in there and I need a redstone route uh grass red stone root it’s made perfect sleep8 28 poppies okay e

Eat eat e eat it’s GNA come down to that Moss block that single Moss block okay uh seeds I know I got seeds yep one seed wonderful okay uh one more grass a piece of dirt and I’ll need two not you get out of my life for these or have those

Okay some glowstone convert it convert it one two perfect any freaking flower there’s some purple ones down here we’ll just pick one of them why am I so slow get over here purple flower make shiny make shiny good why am I not using shiny flowers for light that’d be awesome spin the

Globe and then go over here okay no I need to turn this into something so many steps okay as as a m block for three for 300 Diamonds oh gosh I’d probably pay that right now okay so this dirt sparkly flower floating flower Hopper Hawk floating Hopper hawk in here and

Book Moss block okay I think I know where one is I think have moss moss inside the um Ventures Guild I hope I hope I hope I also wish I knew where my flying stick was cuz somewhere in all this I threw it inside a chest and I have no idea what it

Is moss block sorry flower have something I need okay Cool okay that will grow it’s fine okay now M just one Moss block Moss is like a volatile substance man it eats through Stone it boom okay okay that book yes okay now I know that’s not everything cuz I know it’s missing some batania components but I can do that later I’ll

Also have to wire up the power I don’t care I just want it in the world I can do those little TW weeks later okay see Place solid with any I don’t know if I want to do that solid solid um it’s it’s fine we’re going to do it there it

Is oh it’s beautiful it’s silent I’m G to have to fix the uh H oh hi I’m G to have to fix this uh Vault thing it didn’t quite make correctly okay cool it’s making the uh the platform that will be making the cobblestone on it’s weird not hearing it actually ah sweet

Sounds I’m so glad I turned the speed of this thing up okay that’s where the hopper Hawk is perfect and even put Mana in it because it’s near the pools that’s funny that’s excellent cuz I needed it full of Mana so satisfying yes do my bidding this is a bigger machine than

The other one I’m just glad I don’t have to like get all the timings and all that stuff correct on this again it will just get built and perfect that’s it oh awesome okay let’s look at her maybe let’s find our of the Skies I need this thing

Back not in the not in there it’s not there you want to bet sass still it wait no it’s fine I I’ll make a new one I’ll find a new one it doesn’t matter it really matters I can’t get up there it be in your dank

Maybe if not in this side maybe the other side I must have put it in the wait yeah I must have put it inside like the uh Adventures Guild probably I was getting the potions I’m guessing well here she is so that’s how she fits in this will go to infinite water

Source I can plug any one of these into power and we already got power coming out of um this for the for the scoreboard and then all this will need are some Sparks which I know aren’t in here I’ll need to break one of these blocks and replace it so that fixes item

Vault cuz they always kind of come in crazy and yeah that’s oh I have to put in the wires cuz I have a uh I basically made a system like this I’ll need to make that but that that’s all small stuff very easy okay let’s go home job well done

I mean making a farm every getting a farm up every stream isn’t too bad we one step closer to having access to every single die okay let’s just Look these are the other two could possibly be in no it’s a mystery ah well I might as well go back in back in my fungus here all right well everyone that was fun we got a lot done today uh we got pranked we designed the farm found out

The flower was not as effective as I hoped it would be and got the Moss Farm slash bone meal Farm into the real world so I think that’s pretty good here let’s me uh see who we got for uh purposes of raiding here why is this thing lagging so

Bad on stream manager wake up cistus pooh was your most used emote thank you see we got Spider-Man 2 we got short Zelda a channel awesome doing Spider-Man short Zelda I like short Zelda have a good night for real this time all right good night chaos yeah we

Can give let’s give a short Zelda some love here start the raid this was a Triumph well thank you chaos AE here hug success perfect it’s hard to overate my satisfaction perfect timing it does feel good to have that built okay okay we’re going to raid get your hashtag fade raid ready get it on there we go all right let’s get her don’t forget to refresh once you’re There Jesus oo welcome Raiders you got here just after I had a heart attack it’s going to be a moment blame P for doing this f f f f f oh my gosh everyone check out the clip while I try referencing to what you said earlier I’m not sure if you are

Remember we we did have the sound messed up when we uh we’re doing d and d and we haven’t looked at it since upates ah I just saw lava suck out en that I thought you I thought you might um oh look how quickly that feels that’s

Nice you got to see it work you got to see it work well look that hold up watch this welcome in F no you you did not give us the heart attack the heart attack came by way of trollin wolven Welcome in how are you doing uh and

Welcome to all the Raiders uh we we got a really loud sound alert just before yall landed oh what just happened I was watching an ad uh we did a shout out so you only missed a shout out for yourself I I hadn’t I hadn’t said anything important I never

Do welcome in fade how was your stream what what’d you get up to today um if you do got a raid in oh what if You’ got to raid and run you’re not going to miss anything except apparently apparently apparently W I got goosebumps from those ones thank

You uh this is hard to watch uh little the the replay of your of your clip uh but welcome in we are working a little bit in a creative world H creative flight uh on testing some ideas for a potential tunnel I’ve not been uh not been super productive tonight but we’re

Having good chats um also Blues wolf welcome in and hopefully I didn’t miss anybody else my chat is not letting me scroll back uh I got Dr

This video, titled ‘Fade Streams: D&D Minecraft Origins Day 17! Create/Botania Moss Farm…HECK MY WIFE DO TO MY BASE!’, was uploaded by Rogue Alchemist on 2023-12-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:43 or 11023 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Sassyrogue-

Bewitchment Reforged is a 1.19.2 modded SMP Featuring The Create Mod, 214 Origins, Botania and Bewitchment! I, Fade_Achemist (link above), and my Wife Sassyrogue, Stream this Weekends and Mondays! Come join our adventure!

The story so far: The previous world, having been subjected to a realm-breaking amount of trauma from Sassy and Fade’s magical experimentation, imploded. After losing Gemini Towers to the calamity, Fade flees to Wolf Ram and Bee HQ where Sassyrogue enacts a desperate ritual to escape. Resulting in the entire skyscraper smashing through the multiverse, leaving building-sized holes in dimensional barrier after dimensional barrier, before finally crashing here. wherever “here” is…

#Bewitchment #minecraftorigins #ModdedMinecraft _________________________________________________________________ Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: ​ Our current ongoing series: 🧙‍♀️ Bewitchment Origins: ⚙️ Stoneblock 3: 🎆 Thaumcraft 6: _________________________________________________________________

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  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

    Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed himVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kuromu gets Astel to strip, then beats him & force feeds him【VCR Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Pebo-kun TL ぺぼ on 2024-09-18 11:00:48. It has garnered 13348 views and 1081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. Yano Kuromu from Vspo! @YanoKuromu source: Sendo Yuuhi from Vspo! @SendoYuuhi Astel Leda from Holostars @AstelLeda Sakura Ritsuki from Nijisanji @SakuraRitsuki More streamer server clips Please let me know in the comments if there is a translation error. I’m still learning Japanese so it is greatly appreciated. If you’re feeling generous, you can… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

    Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky's Evil ChickenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Maizen Journey on 2024-09-19 13:00:56. It has garnered 1542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft JJ ❤️ Mikey 💚 Welcome to Maizen Journey channel. Many new awesome stories with JJ and Mikey like Maizen videos are waiting for you. We hope you enjoy our videos! Do not forget to like and subscribe!!! Have a great day ❤️💚 This channel is… Read More

  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: Wiki: Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – Join the Discord! [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 🟠Discord🟠 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – ➜ Map Trailer: ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – Join my discord server – Donate to my paypal – Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Trailer: MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More