Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons Modpack stream! #3

Video Information

Welcome to the mischief that took a second I wondered why things weren’t showing up properly but hi good evening everybody how are you this evening it is mischief Monday and I decided I wanted to play some rad Koshka hopefully we’ll be able to join me soon she’s

Working on some work stuff so we’ll see but I’ve got 12 gold coins now and I’ve got a whole bunch of weird gear and I’ve got a straw golem as well as fertilised essence straw golem egg a bit has happened since last time Koshka and I did have a brief moment somewhere over

The weekend with the snow globes the server being set up and everything to actually do a little bit of progress on here didn’t do too much it was mostly we we both partied up and then it kind of glitched and we’re able to claim basically if I if I had gotten let’s go

With the journey here see the diamond here and brewery and rustic I had gotten some of those and Koshka hadn’t and the same was in Reverse for some of these other things that we’ve done so any of them that one had gotten on the other didn’t we got tons of extra loot bags

For so we got we got a lot of loot and in there I got some like weapons cases and stuff and I got the terrifying knife which actually is much stronger than it looks here for some reason I got the sludge I’ve got two sledges one is an

Axe and one that one is a pick and it’s got crazy mining speed and it’s really good five upgrades I have no idea how to use those but it’s got a struggle and she’s been working on some mystical agriculture so much going on but hi everybody

Now let’s say hi to Rowan for large gentlemen canoe normal 6-9 6-9 the puzzle maker beats snail Monkey Robin and space or how y’all doing and anybody that might be lurking in chat I’ll raise a mug to you and drink from my girl great team that’s good stuff alright

Welcome beat snail for joining at the beginning or relatively near it so I’ve done a little bit of enchanting as well we have down here of course the the previous two portals which led to wonders and horrors at the same time I did take a bunch of books that I

Had gathered up earlier and decided to start making them into all the bookshelves so we’ve got some enchanting toss some lapis in here did a bunch of enchanting and stuff combined a bunch of things together and I got I got things going alright I mean I don’t have my

Armor like magicked up right now and my dragon helmet for some reason does not want to repair from my anvil pet but it’s doing a good job repairing everything else I did get some samurai leggings which are quite impressive if I wear three of them I get speed one whatever but it

Gives me jump extra jump I extra armor toughness extra armor I’m alright with this it’s really good counts as light armor as well and yeah we’ve been depositing our XP and then reusing it on this stuff it’s really good we also have oh here it is I lied I

Thought I told I told Koshka that the fishing rod was in the system that I had made and it wasn’t it was in my backpack I apologize I’m kidding I’m getting dagger eyes right now I’m so sorry Koshka putting it in the system right now but basically it’s got magnetic too

And luck of the c2 they both help increase your chance of getting really good loot went fishing and we’ve got a mighty zombie coming through let’s let’s use the terrifying knife on him see what happens he he starts to flow that’s one of the abilities levitating it’s the

Only problem but I think he’s gonna die from fall damage at this point if not burning oh there we go oww he’s got 44 health still let’s wait for meeeeee to get inside a little further then when he levitates we don’t need to worry about it so much there we

Go now he’s trapped that’s good I puzzle Baker how’re you doing dreams Poe how are you mister did you get up to a bunch so the quest book is really really good when did you start getting some of this stuff in here now we’ve got the mystical agriculture things I

So got a magic tether which is good for I think teleporting back to your bed but at the cost of either health or XP or both the anvil pet has been a savior dear God it has made it so that things actually last and I can keep things for

Longer than a couple minutes my bow that’s what I enchanted it now has power for on it and unbreaking to and infinity plus it gets repaired by my anvil pet so that’s pretty good it’s not as kicking awesome as koshkas bleeding though but it does not require much ammunition

Anymore so that’s a good thing and of course I’ve got straw golems I gonna put my little straw goal Maggie in the system so the cosh can use him in her mystical agriculture wait which way this way a farm that she has going on down here looks like the Sun is just

Coming up kind of that looks like a very long moon to me but oh well look looks good we’re going it’s going to wrap one of my press was telling me the things I want for Christmas can’t be wrapped in placed on this tree let’s close the door

Here and she’s got you know the usual stuff going on on the sides a little bit of wood essence and some wood seeds she’s got this huge setup going on with these straw golems and they just keep on loving watching the rustic stuff and not being not doing a darn thing about it

But they do harvest all the other items and then it goes into the vacuum hopper and she’s been getting some some good stuff there she’s got a couple of them over here a Imperium seats I think yeah I just picked one up just by being nearby one of them broke the stuff so

There we go I just I just got another cluster Ward that’s awesome let’s go back and see where is it no no there it is very imperative chests oh that’s good stuff it’s good stuff Oh prudent iam need to work towards pretend as well as a tinkering table really we

Don’t have one yet that’s weird oh wait material in fear iam we have to have a mystical agriculture version oh and you get a chance cube urn and oh it is nighttime so the Sun was setting my bad so this playthrough is three streams deep yes I have this is the third

Episode of the streams though there has been a little bit of play in between here and there is the green house from prefab it is it’s wonderful it spawned him with all this yeah Koshka gives it a big thumbs up there it spawned in just like this

Obviously not with all the crops in it or the the little golems but it’s pretty good highly recommend good gets you a lot of glowstone at the very least but yeah it’s really good really good then a Christmas card with pictures of the items as well as pretty gift certificate

The text of this coupon good for one cleaning of kind of mod less be found somewhere yes this is actually one of the most popular mod packs on curse forge right now it’s called roguelike adventures and dungeons – the aka it’s abbreviated to rad and I think I’ve got

A link in the description below if you’re watching on YouTube if you’re on Twitch then you can click on youtube and check out the link there if you want to get it it’s pretty good it’s pretty good it’s got a lot of power in it got a lot

Of difficulty but it it progresses you along if if you if you look quite well I forgot to put my Imperium seeds back down kind of put it back in actually I just replant them I’m sure Koshka wouldn’t mind that lets replant one of these this is Imperium Imperium yep more

More there we go in fact I might just grab more and plant more that’s in here two three four right Thanks there we go there’s a bunch in that one this one here it’s got three more oh no before make that four okay so now we can plant some here plant plant

Plant plant there we go done yeah Ravin also posted the link that was already below but um inferring dragon thought about joining your you via twitch instead of youtube well welcome in fern welcome on either platform though you are wise to do so because i will be switching to twitch eventually my

Internet is 302 Mbps so there is something I feel I should mention but first let’s open up the loot chests Wow these loot chests I’ve got infinite fire again food duct tape that’s one of the things that will repair some of the stuff that doesn’t get repaired arcane sealer protection upgrades any wizardry

Armor to make it legendary oh that must have been what Koshka got this one storage upgrade gosh so much loot I got a bunch of spell books as well let’s just put it in here for now or else I’m gonna end up losing it put it all in and

The that little magma ball looking thing there was actually um a like a grenade of sorts let’s open up this you can see I’ve already got a couple duct tape and I’ve got an infinite fire already so that’s the thing I think there was a wand in here wasn’t there Koshka said

There was a one that had stuff on it already a wand of frost I think that’s appropriate for me wand of mystery no sparks empty slot empty slot empty slot this one already has one in it so let’s see what do we got plus 15% ice potency

Oh it says empty slot as well okay so I think I need to we needed to identify some of these books actually let’s take a look down at the bottom here where we have no no no do we have any identify Scrolls we’ve got six of them okay and then come

On let’s exit go back in and look at the books we’ve got what do we get novice apprentice wait which one is lower I’m guessing novice is lower summon zombie that sounds like fun um this one I don’t know how to use these I don’t know that I can magic missile

Mmm that could be useful there’s a novice there any more novice besides that summon zombie okay there we go so then how do I get these to work you can identify the books by adding the spells to the weapon wait so I have to

Add can I on the add them to the weapon it’s even a spell that is equivalent to I mean fire whoa whoa Chad is suddenly going really fast while I was looking up those spells okay see miss magic in this modpack is overpowered anyways well most

Of the magic magic stuff is but you need the wizard table for it okay wizard table which I don’t know if we can make one or if we have to find one let’s try wizardry and there we go arcane workbench is most likely what we’re looking for ooh well that’s not

Bad purple carpet is probably the biggest challenge so we could probably make that I could probably make that need the arc arcane workshop yeah that was what I was looking at or arcane workbench yeah I think that’s probably the one you’re talking about do you not

Like the agra calf sprinklers no we do it’s just the beginnings of an agriculture there’s no oh Agri craft and I was thinking mystical agriculture my bed – sprinklers see the only sprinklers in here are open blocks ones so those ones are not available but this this can work

Maybe discs are gonna like I’m download twitch launchers search for roguelike Adventures yep we also have yep dreams is actually the mod pack maker if I’m not mistaken we also have a discord where you can suggest features a report bugs Thank You dreams adventuring is an

Important side for me I do love Agri craft but it’s not in red yeah oh the crop sticks that you saw yeah those are wooden stakes from rustic yeah sorry I know that I’m catching up with chat I’m just reading through I can only read so

Fast yeah yeah I know what you mean but it’s kind of nice to try mystical itself yeah makes the same mistake of course it do I often make many many more so let’s see if I can actually make the workbench or the work table or whatever our chem

Workbench okay so we’re not missing much this is not difficult this on the other hand might be do we have any wool oh my gosh we could use grapes do we have any grapes I’ve got grape seeds and I are grapes growing out there okay Hayate quack are

You doing and Queen gambit I have a buddy boy I missed didn’t know you had a stream thank you for your immersive engineering tutorials are very organizing clear and helpful well thank you I’m glad you enjoyed them do consider obtaining people at minimal cost once oh hi that’s

Why you were waving at me I got got ow I’ll as you change hey is there any wool in here yeah you too so let’s put some over here and I can grab one oh come on recipe no no it oh we’ve got get out of

Here grapes I don’t want to use the other thing there we go – and then we can clear that put one here one here and make carpet then we can make an arcane workbench hey that was one of the quests we get stuff for that let’s see where is

It nope nope there it is hey claim a coin and a spell book which spell book till we get an office one of unknown origins can I know there we go yep I’m watching you guys don’t even use crystals to repair my wants add a condenser upgrade equals regens over

Time what failing you’ve never made a derp in your life thank you for future yeah you’re a number one in my book the ability to summon an undead legion of six kilobots to overpowered you might think that infer until you accidentally shoot one of them or hit one of them and

Then suddenly you’re fighting that legion of six killa Bob’s still server for red seeing people work together whether our P concept would seem foe if you summon a creature you shift right-click with the one on a player to add them to the allies on your want to

Yeah I’m not going to some of the knee monsters if I can avoid it I’m done with with mob AI for the moment let’s do some take your friends animal pet is alternate animal pet is very strong and will pet its best pet until the next part I say that about what for

A fight so far it’s made full display through actually feasible one of the hard way when my teammates Phoenix was first summoned oh no that’s so rude all right arcane workbench I’m kind of thinking we put it for now over near the crafting this enchanting area just a simple workbench

And what the heck what we got this no do we have Scrolls can they be placed in no hmm I’m guessing this has to go in one frost and then these can go in the side and I would have to actually apply it gotcha all right well let me go get it’s so

Weird that that’s how you and I you would um do it I wonder if you can switch them up I gotta get a different wand and try that first this one’s just magic wand very boring and bland we’re gonna use this one as our experimental one see what happens

It’s too performance heavy with all its dimensions and that’s too bad well it all depends on yeah yeah you’re right a lot of dimensions are in this pack put your wand in the middle yep yep yep yep and then put the spells on the one but

How do I identify these how do I use the scrolls of identification Oh bless you that was a Koshka sneeze that’s also oh and who is in the dimensions as well then fire them to learn the spell when you fire it okay well so what if I put

All these in here all these novice spells oh that’s magic missile I know what that would do I get the books back novice novice novice novice I don’t know let’s try these two and see what happens I realized that there is minecraft characters there and I could feasibly

Look those up to find out what they mean but yeah put them all on you keep all the books okay cool and then heck I’ll even put magic missile on there we’ll hit apply and we got a bunch of magic stuff get the the question of a bulb wand back

And I’m guessing the crystals recharge it like you were saying I’ve got stuff to put in the inventory system I don’t want to click with this in my inventory there we go so let’s put these in there and I wanted to a my at 16 yet 13 so very close so

The scrolls of identification do they just get used when I cast when I like right-click with the spell or something yeah I’m not using that on that side akashic will kill me if I blow up something about that base so I’m gonna go over here the scroll in your hot fire

And the item you want no Scrolls in the hot fire quit jumping over here standing up here seems alright so you can reuse them I spent the whole of yesterday learning this mod from scratch I just threw a snowball wait that that’s one spell also it identified one of them how

Do I put how do I switch to the rest of them I’m guessing a key bind at that point wizardry wizardry that’s gonna be at the bottom don’t there it is next spell previous spell and and be alright and no that’s still snowball be nope that that’s mixed up turning back hello

True Skelly’s how you doing alright so let’s let’s don’t don’t don’t do the cork thing let’s do controls and undo those ones I make that numpad foot no show usages no but for now we’re gonna put that as numpad 3 I have Kiki conflicts with that

One this one no I’m paid for this one here I’m paid 5 what else is numpad 5 what do I have for notepad 5 G’s oh gosh because I’ll put that at numpad through I’ll put everything I don’t want at numpad 3 but I don’t want to use right now at least

I don’t see you thanked for numpad 5 what you guys probably can’t either with how fast I’m scrolling through this um there it is change hotbar don’t really care there goes everything Zen I’ve had three yeah alright done done back to game so 400k did work smoke bomb interesting ok for light oh

How long does that stay there that’s pretty that’s gonna pray if I’ve spawned too many of those that’s probably gonna kill me hey kill the frames that is help me with the immersive engineering metal press I’m glad I could help I’ve been leveling up to f7 konichiwa

Sparkle kitty show you the keyboard to remap key buddies yes you could press escape to unbind it oh it only stays for a short time that’s still really cool I like that pretty late last 30 seconds those IE videos are such good content or watch them a bunch jeez okay fair enough

Magic missile which I haven’t actually used yet that’s pretty straightforward okay and then questionable nothing I’m right-clicking a left clicking nothing does is it out to charge no it’s got plenty of charge so this one here is the questionable one what what what is it oh okay there we go

I I got it okay ignite I had to shift right click on a surface so he needs to take damage what it might be oh I got you speaking of let’s have a little mom and I think that does all of them they’re all novice spells but I

Mean the light spells cool but that only lasts for a short time smoke bombs no ball hmm good against like maybe in the nether I guess magic missile I don’t know how effective that is so let’s let’s go here what’s that which I found mischief through ie

Video tutorials – and now he’s playing my mod pack it’s a good mod pack I like it so far let’s shift through good to old witchery tutorials yeah that’s the first content on the channel the more you know all right magic missile let’s see if I can find a

Mob I think I know where I can find some mobs there’s there’s mobs downstairs I think where’s the stairway there is oh no it’s blocked off I can’t go down well let’s see I’m thinking maybe yeah go down here and we see a bed and what do I have a

Good show we’ve got efficiency and a silk touch unbreaking one let’s grab these so what good are the scrolls of identification I I mean I still have six of them so do they not do anything then but it does three damage or so okay well

That’s good to know I will put that one back in there for now and I will hold out for a good Frost’s wand or effect until oh no wait I could do wand grab that’s lightning this is healing can i over write them my guess is this

Is the question now let’s see about books tome of Arcana yeah can I there we go clear that look for some more books what do we got we’ve got apprentice apprentice apprentice apprentice advanced advanced advanced apprentice but there are so many apprentice okay probably an expected

Thing alright so there we go I’ve got a whole bunch of more books see if I can actually overwrite these we’re gonna put this in place yeah it seems like it might seems like it might all right click the books to see the spells effects – I found through I was like a

Week ago tested out on a training dummy hmm I wonder if mmm-hmm is in here no it’s not so the Koshka shakes her head no girls are the easy way to identify books you don’t want to use that seems weird well yeah that’s what I was trying to do is

Use them on the spell book so I can figure out what they were before I just attached them to a wand Oh D&D gotcha keitel slow guy bends level with one you might need to upgrade them first oh that’s a good question let’s see this is it doesn’t really say

Just says magic wand it’s probably identity in one hand unknown spells on the hot part identify we’ll identify them one at a time at the cost of one identify scroll each excellent so this one here can I learn understand use this here do I need

To have this in my off hand no III has a confused scroller identify in one hand okay unknown spells on the hotbar identify will identify them one at a time at the cost of one identify scroll each oh so I need to click pocket furnace okay so I

Can just clear these off and use these because otherwise what what uses the identify Scrolls right now I need to have an empty spot my hotbar lots of ding-a-lings alright force arrow poison bomb whirlwind summons snow golem and homing spark those all sound really fun I think yeah

I’m gonna leave this magic wand in here for now yeah try homing spark no it I think it does need to be upgraded so I think you’re right so I’m unfamiliar with the upgrade on this I think we probably would need to look up more wizardry stuff let’s have a

Look right click on the scrolls yeah first death and rad was to a festive creeper didn’t know they threw TNT hit him with a wand of thunder which charged him oh oh ouch ouch so I’ll watch later when I get home again we’ll see you later Sparkle Katie

Thanks for stopping by Juan started novice alright so the then we need wizardry upgrades which are like little I’ve seen them they look like little potion tea bottles or something oh oh here we go wand condenser upgrade wand cooldown upgrade wand siphon upgrade wand attunement upgrade hey there’s a

Tinkering table in here there we go and I just got that achievement now that is so weird so weird well it doesn’t matter though let’s put this here here here and I’m gonna put the don’t put the wand away for now keep the shovel put all

These back in the system for now it’ll be more useful later I think but let’s see it once during though is he need the upgrade book to upgrade the tears got the pack link lots of interesting ones yay by using the arcane workbench yeah yeah

I I think I had some upgrades in there yep the upgrade book gotcha okay well still I’m gonna keep the one frost and oh I’ve got another empty wand in here that I could probably use later on put that there and see what else was there on the quests I think thought that

We got something oh that’s right I got the Tinker table one good night where is it take your table there a chance cube boo Guide to unique crops you got a basic case in a gold coin do we have a guide in here gee no okay recipe for the oh that actually looks doable let’s see about making yeah there we go and we get another gold coin to that much closer to getting the super

Epic loot box I gosh guy she just reached over my monitor and wave didn’t eat em you cannot remove the other upgrades from the weapon so the upgrades are one-time use stuff well I wrote this book I don’t remember right in this book must spend somewhere dream helped you to

Find out what’s good or not interesting nor me Artesia Oh nor me what what does an army dude norm normal ish crops they can be grown like any other vanilla crops aside from being one of the ingredients used to craft this book there’s nothing special about them randomly drop some vanilla crops when

Harvested Oh interesting right easier all the different crops what they do and drop so that’s a different way of farming goods this from although that acts oMG what is that Koshka enlightened war acts random loot mod okay plus 5% attack speed minus 10% dig speed well I don’t think you’re

Gonna be using it to dig too often wait it doesn’t have it doesn’t have a damage an attack yeah you want to try using it on me and see what happens I took no damage oh that is disappointing maybe it’s good as in minus 10% dig speed

There I was about to say as a tool but mmm-hmm I heard you want a guide to unique crops or shall I put it in a troll weapon maybe put it in okay will do it is in the system I have a case let’s open to face a case and I got the

Same one except mine is a wooden halberd that does the same thing what the heck is with these Rowan waves that you she would have back do you have a favorite roguelike probably but I can’t think of any at the moment usually that happens when people ask me those kind of questions

Works good on trees well there’s a fair few of those I might go try it there’s a lot of ching ching chinks going on here right no mobs immediately nearby let’s try down this tree yep seems to work okay let’s try my regular axe i’ve got a

Buzzer ‘king iron axe let’s try that whoa whoa whoa whoa watch it there dude oh he’s a special one and he’s immune to archery of course Casca help help Koshka I’m making him levitate great now I’ve got a flying festive creeper at least he took damage

From the landing and I just hit it no he throws webs and then throws to you and tee at you dear God wait did he just blow himself up he just blew himself how weakness to instant health – did you use one of those fake hair okay so yeah festive creepers blow

Themselves up go figure let’s try using this axe yeah sorry this this axe is still faster we’re kind of durability 1562 251 okay so it’s a really massive durability axe so be good for things like that that’s that’s no good I mean I hear her but villains twice basic best

Rogue Layton is my back is actually the witches town so they tend to have four to five chests filled with delicious goodies mmm delicious huh speak the devil use your spells on the thing you created a bomber I did he prays as dangerous as a Dalek all right

I’m I’m putting this this thing in here I’m keeping my my good axe and all this stuff in there that too and go back have you made any tier one crafting seats yet yes you have let’s get that out of there put it in my hand do to Dean and there’s

That grab that one in fury a Mapple well those are good said I only get one but they’re good wait wood seats don’t you have wood seeds in there I thought I saw you had wood seats in there as Mike is fine it’s mine that isn’t great so big son oh yeah

I’m very loud sorry hmm you feel avenged for the fact that it blew itself up storm spells against creepers it’s out as we learned from Chad it’s a poor choice to which town’s the loot was worth it popped in what mob Becca says this is roguelike adventures and dungeons aka

Rad you can check out the link in the description below since you’re commenting on YouTube so figure it out use the journey map when you are exploring dimensional doors can’t seem to find regular grass or wheat seeds you can get them through quests or normy seeds apparently will give you random

Random vanilla stuff so that that’s one way you can get it L chanson to have a ton of wheat grass seeds that to Absorption – that’s not bad that what this just good hunger and saturation and the usual stuff oh that was my axe the sludge I forgot I don’t even I’ve already got the sludge that sounds like some kind of disease I don’t I don’t I don’t like this

Alright this as 20% of tax peed and reach distance whatever let’s eat some food fixed in the next update this week uh we’re back I put him normy seeds minute well that’s one way of getting them otherwise exploration or rewards so wait I wanted to go look and see I thought

You had wood seats down there ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching mmm imperium seeds varium seeds i thought i saw what seems maybe i did not would seeds i founded um there we go yay thanks Koshka taken care of all the quests all day long fertilized essence

Claim zombie seize tier two crafting seeds watering cans see dree processor hmm prudential we need to make an effusion crystal have you made one of course you haven’t mm-hmm I will go hold on to that as well I don’t know why these things aren’t showing up is completed I mean I had a

Bunch of stuff that was on there but there we go look at this one and I need to put that away that away and you probably have some prudent am in there no you don’t did you already use your identity um that’s like the level to stuff like

Doesn’t matter you probably did okay so crystal I will need it and then in fee reom oh there isn’t any in here okay well I will grab some of this and take it down here to get something none in my inventory yeah I totally forgot we’re on a multiplayer server al

You can come and get some of you all right so there’s none in there ah there’s a little bit in here this’ll work Sarah crafting bench in here I don’t there is I might just take that put the rest back head back up go craft some stuff oh wait wait wait wait I’ve

Got a crafting pad full got crafting pad it is here and there Thanks one of those we’re done – YUM yay all right claim that claim that loot chest yes all right and of course intermedium which is gonna use a lot of them but I’m not gonna go for that

Unless of course Koshka already did and she has achieved that already I’m gonna guess not put that in there for her oh the Imperium watering can is in here too I think that does that activate a quest no I think it has to be a prude NTM one

Doesn’t it yeah I think so because I think yep Verdun tiem watering can which what is the recipe for that oof okay yeah it’s a bit of stuff I’m not gonna use up all of her stuff on that no no hi Hellfire good timing actually so Hellfire PvP is

Currently here this is a good timing for me to actually whoa I just got super speed boost a good time for me to tell you guys about something to do with the winter build contest so we kind of got with Hellfire and we’re we wanted to you

Know try and incorporate some more stuff and you know how in the winter theme build contest video I was talking about how you can get like a special in-game reward possibly and we discussed with Hellfire Balan catching up on veil and like we discussed with Hellfire about

Potential reward and you know how you’ve seen in some of my videos I’ll have like floating up above my head or something like that some some kind of little glowy ball or something that’s an astral sorcery flare and it’s purely aesthetic but it comes in 16 different colors and

Hellfire is willing to give one of those to one of the people that votes for the builds in the building chat or in the when we’re doing the stream for the winter theme building contest in January the end of January on the 30th for the people that vote in stream will randomly

Pick one of the people and they get that reward and then that what that would be in it I mean it’s it’s all Hellfire because it’s his stuff you know so that’s awesome and as long as astral sorcery is in the in the mod pack and it’s a more recent version yeah thank

You how far it would show up and of course you do have to wait for like the latest version of astral sorcery to be updated because otherwise he hasn’t put it in the pack yet and stuff but yeah it’s it’s really good so that that is the super-secret special reward that I

Was talking about I’ll be saying more about that in other videos and stuff as we go along so there you go be sure to thank Hellfire for that kind of donation I guess as it is for that okay the sludge new disease server doesn’t have a day/night cycle on the winter build no

We froze the sunshine it’s a winter build so we froze the sunshine got it uh okay I’ll stop just transport doesn’t work which is sad because I want I am i er I have my own fishing road advanced backpacks advanced alchemy diamonds strange feelings glowstone what really

He’s doing some glowstone yeah I’ve got two in here let me hold on to one of those or both of them maybe that quest isn’t working alright so yeah there’s some broken quests dreams the case didn’t know whoops which I’m pretty sure you did but I think they’re mostly on

The primary page here this one doesn’t work and now I just found out this one doesn’t work maybe it’s glow stone dust I need to do put that in there grab a piece of this instead no no I don’t think so and then I’ll put this away and

Then drop off the rest of us today hey Luke chest here okay need to have a minecraft account for that though yes this is absolutely true Hellfires is right for that I have a minecraft account astral sorcery has to be in whatever pack you’re playing or

You know associated with it and it has to be in a version that he’s actually had the chance to update and put that information into the Astro sorcery pack so it’s it’s not like an immediate thing it’s going to be there he has to add your information into the that yes you

Would choose a color there are 16 different colors of flare mine is actually like I think a bluish color there are others you know like yellow and purple and white and black and green and all sorts of crazy stuff like that so there you go can’t do Astro sorcerer

With no nighttime don’t worry about it Rowan that’s what the comforts mod is for don’t you see that bit by bit ice mage boots I’m just messing around it’s cool got a bunch of stuff more so a scroll of if um quiz scoff and scroll smoke bomb tomb of

Arcana advanced upgrades any apprentice wanted to advanced dear yes mm-hmm we’re gonna just put all this stuff in here for now though cool stuff just not quite what I was looking for what is this disorient oh that’s the other thing I was looking for the dungeon tactics

Books aren’t in there it’s so weird and I keep getting the same record in them that’s the fourth one of for 18 so I can play around twitch sounds neat Thanks could it be that the reason the book isn’t doing anything did you press detect submit yes we did

I did for instance let’s go back and actually yeah I had let’s go with glowstone in this case take that and I’ve got it on my hotbar detect nothing so yeah and it’s the same thing with the chance to chest transporter there might be others but I know that those two are

Currently the ones that are not working as intended disorient I have a feeling that I don’t really need the disorients enchantment these calls work on unknown scrolls or just books that’s a good question many of the broken quests work but need manual detection in the quest book you mean like hitting the detect

Submit button or what because that that wasn’t working either it’s just break block tasks I need to change it to retrieval tasks oh so I need to actually place down a glowstone and break it and that would work in this case so then what about the chest transporter

Cuz if I use that one isn’t that the one that’s causing people to crash right now – kid were you able to get the wooden chest transporter to work really yeah it causes a client-side crash as what she was saying so that’s a bit of a concern

I got a cold parachute Oh a third legacy 21 uses no ease so if I’m falling to my death I could use that that’s cool wait a minute did I do I have enough oh I have 16 gold coins mmm wardship time I’ve completed the chest transporter one

Fine huh no mine glowstone powder the quest triggered for me okay just by crafting and brake block tasks they should rename fire and ice to mythical monster and it’s ice and fire shame Fire and Ice is an excellent old cartoon movie Oh whoever’s gonna get one is gonna like it

Just transport yes I’m sure they’re gonna like it I love mine stop craft it in the crafting table thing use a vanilla one wait don’t craft oh okay so I have to make one via a regular crafting table the signs also crash the game for me too they’re just transporter worked for me

But I had to pick up a chest I try to pick it up with an empty chest dream I have a lot of stability mods and howdy-doo we do pack as adventuring ones sell the item found here hmm your client won’t freeze just throws an error then you can play every lug hmm

Interesting well let’s see here what do we got a repeatable oh it’s repeatable there’s the common the rare and I think the the super mega this is the epic mega loot case this one is a rare mega loot case that’s a rare make a loop case and this

One is a common mega loot case not enough potions 15 gold coins for all these potions mmm I don’t know I think ten one-time use items or stuff that you can use quite often all over the place I don’t know about that Apple 16 Golden Apple no gun no

Repeatable loot quest two coins for one chest that’s not bad a weapon case wait that’s a golden case and this is a Titan case interesting you know I’m more interested in finding out what’s in here the epic mega loot case for 16 coins who thinks that we should just get this

Right now give me a heads up and chat let me know instead chess transporters maybe carry on well then you wouldn’t be able to achieve a quest for it I think it was the whole idea of that LEM besides carry on has just has probably a

Lot more glitches and errors in it and you can pick up mob spawners with it so all the quests are repeatable yep little birdie on my phone said that a wild Valen appeared hi Gretch gamer dulu chess what’s this know where that not worth it maybe you might get junk I

Might get charged I realize that now now now do it do it I would say no there’s a chance for an unbreakable item but quite low using transport what I’m looking for is just something that’s really damaging that can be repaired my current terrorist terror knife is really good

Flippidy – I did have a lot of people do it and I was really working towards this for a long time so even if it’s a letdown then we’ll know for next time it’s the main point picking up mob spawners but there is a blacklist in the conflict yeah but

Then it’s allowed you can pick up so many things with it I don’t think they want you to pick up mom’s loot you want damping damaging just use spells ah what spells I’m going melee and range with weapons okay I didn’t I didn’t grab the coins out that let’s take the coins out

Coins out detect claim no going back now repeatable weapon case alright here we go let’s stand in a spot where I’m not gonna drop the thing all down the hole there mm-hmm it’s pretty sword a knight blade 22 damage 1.8 one attack speed almost 2000 durability levitates an enemy for one

Second done hit blinds an enemy for one second on hit slows down enemy for two seconds on hit plus 5% attack damage minus 10% take speed I think I got my money’s worth holy frijoles dang I’m gonna put the Terra knife away and we’re gonna keep

The knight blade in fact I might the other one’s got life steel can i enchant these let’s go see what happens when I try putting it on the enchanting table here obsidian chest transporter hmm well you got in that case add mending on it now yeah yeah no I don’t need to add

Mending I’ve got my anvil pet will you talk about the fire aspect wait fire aspect bane of anthropology I take some crap swords and throw them in there and cycle it a little bit sward the magnet sword Suns ruined anybody know what runed does I don’t even know

What mod that’s from I’ll take this regular i hearing the one and get rid of this toss it in there grab a little bit of lapis throw that in there that in there smite one that’s what 500 we have four levels we can fix this five there we go

Add mending anyways thought the diamond one could transport spores as well you can even use gold coins to buy enchanted books yes I already did that’s how my jeweled sword gets sharpest five lifesteal two and mending on it it was it was been a good sword to me I have to

Say it’s outlasted any other so far so let’s put this in here now what do we got smite one being there are three pots of fire aspect fire aspects good and all but I hate fighting enemies that are found fire because then when they punch

Me I light on fire so I’m just being all annoying let’s see what else we got in here whether the sharpness knock back knock back mmm not that impressed not that impressed so let’s just put oh I can melt the sword I think this has yeah

This has some ingots in there let’s toss it in there we go you can use gold coins to buy in China but does the animal pet work on loot sword though it works on most the only thing I’ve found it hasn’t worked on so far as the dragon helmet and my last

Loot sword the the terror knife over there didn’t actually take any damage worst case we’ve got duct tape so you can find quark enchanting books I could I could we got a couple iron ingots I can reforge a sword sword let’s grab this this this might as well just

Enchant those I still don’t know what ruined it does end it boy look at those negatives oof oof that’s pretty harsh let’s make some space in the inventory at least it stopped whatever I got six levels time to deal with it put this in here and that in there sharpness to

Might be able to combine those or something but then I can’t remove it mm knock back to on breaking three wait a minute it’s different for different swords oh this one’s not very enchant about gosh so it gets lesser stats on it yeah well that’s alright because I still have some

Of these sharpness lifesteal and mending because when we reset the stuff I got new new stuff I do need an anvil so I gotcha I’m in the same room as you that’s why I was saying time not to die got it oh no is the inventory system full face

Tells me I found the perfect start earlier on lifesteal and berserker lifesteal would be excellent I don’t think that I have that though oh we do life steel mending and sharpness I think on the knight blade I think I’m set I think I’m set Berserker would be a nice

Addition maybe I’ll get that on a book or something we we might actually have that let’s let’s have a look if I can take an item out of here let’s have a look at the book Gil’s speed boost protections strength wait can I put that on a sword I don’t know protection

Strength life steel oh there’s another life two of them stone skin – I wanted a bunch more bruiser King what is bizarre King do there’s so many of these there’s no damage based on how little armor the wielder wear that doesn’t work but I guess it just adds some extra damage right

Launching Fortune 3 power ghostly night sight reloading bane of arthropods sharpness 5 which I have mending to have disorient I’m curious about what is its strength to please refer to the dungeon pedia vol 3 which doesn’t exist trinkets and charms mmm can I even combine that with it let’s find out

No so strength to I think goes on armor I’m guessing yeah and I can’t these swords are useless anyway so let’s just kind of that but there we go dawn anvil all the books I list on at least the twitch web versions is borked won’t find my followed list including this channel

Oh that’s too bad just slap it on the sword continue but no there’s nobody Enya no Betania but hi my Anna searching is perfect for rapid agree with you there glare of all the ng PD thing does exist but it doesn’t tell anything no know that it’s at volume 3 we have

Access to volume 1 that’s the thing because I think that’s an almanac totem pedia is it dungeon there it is dungeon pedia and there’s no there’s no volume 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 like it says that I’ve been able to find at least looting mending strength sharpness just combine

All them oh I will don’t add it on the sword first I’ll combine them in the oh all in books gotcha for me I don’t like armor it makes the game too easy heat vol 3 trinkets put a book and a red mushroom in the crafting table Oh book

Mushroom what the musty old book dungeon pedia vol 2 hold on a second so book do they all I’m confused whose is that in there okay alright so apparently it’s something that’s just not in there that you have to make trinkets and charms so if I keep on

Remaking that it might make a new one so I just need to keep on making the same book I need more much mushrooms a red rumah fish can be turned into five okay we don’t have it crud all right guys go we need red mushrooms these door major armor so it

Protects me enough nice yeah they are available in game you’re right al thanks let’s actually take a look at that real quick vol 2 contains information on trinkets and charms you may come across chanted jewelry yes legends speak of bone sharma is able to protect the holder from any ailment

Quickly jump boost mining haste kills oh hey gills gives you the user all the powers of aquaman the coolest Justice League hero except his ability to talk to fish or swim fast Trident sold separately medium cost effectively mining hey skills fire shield these are trinkets though these are not

Actual enchantments let’s talk about nitesite torches are for muggles medium cost stones can allows the user to glance off blows as if their skin were made from a really hard substance some sort of hardened dirt strength elk smash not for use it so some of these enchants

Probably also only work on the trinkets gotcha not for use in public changing rooms high-cost Ghostly alright cool very cool other recipes for other books one is a book and a stick hold on a second dungeon alright so let’s try okay so that is it dungeon tactics oh they’re all there

Dungeon pedia weapons trinkets and charms magic and alchemy cauldron recipes unique weapons engineering world let we want magic and alchemy is a book and a bone ok book and if we’ve got bones got bones let’s check this out ok section 1 contains alchemy 2 is magic Scrolls cherry bombs and cinder berries

Glow current if you don’t mind everything knowing where you are these oh it’s as does the glowing thing necessary for casting spells golden hearts if you can capture heart and smother in gold it won’t love you back but you can still eat it can find a bottled heart with two gold nuggets and

Two glowstone dust in a dry cauldron and stir with a spoon to create a golden heart no idea what it does though jamot Sun trinkets suck your hunger dry in seconds this is very true very true definitely start making high saturation stuff like skewers trinkets drain hunger

Pretty fast so I can’t keep activated all the time yep casting any spell will consume magic dust spell fails magic pouch concentration major affinity in restoration say she satiate normal cast will feed the caster and teammates concentration cast will feed the caster and all in range for about half the amount

Hey there’s ways of doing that look at that forging cooking cooking well cook all food in the casters pockets [Laughter] freezing uncovered disarmed I was hoping for enchantment descriptions it must be under something else okay put that in there and then so let’s see dungeon pedia weapons said number

Five right okay book and stone I think books are just right there and cobblestone fine I’ll search for cobble there it is well find it yet race different weapons and their uses me lay imbue mints ranged mastery tomes wave mastery tomes allow the wheeler to use special abilities with their melee with

Wait a second some of these have like upgrades for so is this talking about upgrades on these things hmm there’s a ji autocomplete recipe button where you are in the easy storage ah good to know now that we like to use special abilities with their melee weapon it to activate this ability

You must use your held weapon with the tome in your inventory most abilities cannot be used while holding a shield swords and calluses are the mid-ground weapon average in both speed and offense ability repost allows the wielder to block and counter an incoming attack when timed properly yeah that sounds terrible for server

Play Piersol I was willing to ignore a portion of the targets armor that sounds excellent hammers hit hard but I have a slower attack I wasn’t willing to propel themselves forward out of or into battle battle axes glaives knives multi strike ability allows villagers – to multiple

Targets and strike them all at once it sounds very anime shields portable wall in viewing other gateways to other just a fire below the culture and throw a flower and stir with your weapon of choice life steal mystery shenanigans range combat slingshot pot shot grenades command oh crap alright so I still don’t

Know what all that stuff does but there’s a lot of information in here tomes on breaking three-time of our cannon now there’s none in there there okay fair enough cool stuff very cool the same mod you wanted to look up disorient which was one of the last pages you looked at free

Put the book away now I wasn’t disorient it was one of the more offensive spells or enchantments that I had I think but it’s okay I think I’m gonna put this sward in here I’m going to attempt to combine these books I have here as it lifesteal and mending that’s only two

That’s four okay and what about this that’s five so I definitely want to do mending with sharpness 5 and then lifesteal on top of that alright so let’s do two and this way is five that way is eight so I need one more level then I can put that on

The sward that was a really good tip by the way thank you for that combining the books first I never thought to do that or knew that it would actually be cheaper I thought if anything would probably be more expensive there we go five and then this 14 levels moved as

Yet II would say keep going nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen there we go so then anvil uber epic sword of doom now we’re gonna keep that pink can I know adding extra adds an extra level blade we’re just gonna keep a knight blade sharpness mending lifesteal 25 damage that’s good that’s good

I’m back don’t mind me I was just Colbert show enchanted mending hello how’s this it’s back should be able to hear me now one second and levels are all right there we go sorry about that static hello is it still static what are you hearing

Is it only oh I can’t avoid that yeah so anyway I can’t avoid that until after the we stop dual streaming and I’m using just a OBS it’s currently xsplit doesn’t have any kind of sound muting ability except when I’m not talking this weird high-pitched noise in the background

Yeah some people will hear that some people won’t sorry awkward so I think I don’t know if this needs to be in my kind of put this no I think it just needs to be here Oh where’d it go uh well i just right-clicked it’s gone

Now mm anyway that’s the thing so I’ve got there we go I now have efficiency shovel the sludge the sludge and the knight blade and I’ve got some lapis to return I feel a little bit better equipped for fighting mobs Koshka what you up to I’ve just been like staying in here

Upgrading my stuff and go with requests you used the parachute so if I jump does it protect me doesn’t seem like it ow no that’s so weird all right well I’ve got to get down here anyway so oh oh there’s a big weird doorway over here

Okay I’m on the wrong side of the building I hear another voice but I wouldn’t describe her as high-pitched okay you’ve named it this ledge plate no these came equipped as the sludge but no lighter name that way anyway all right buckets I’m supposed to have

One put it back in here and then I think I’m good it’s just a matter of quest book stuff then there’s that because the shield would most likely be very useful in combination with the knife blade I still look a bit mismatched though truth be told I’ve got red pants

Glowy chain boots plain ol iron chestplate hmm let’s look at chest armor Oh in FIRREA marmar no comments from Koshka inferior armor what’s this neptunium chest plate looks a heck of a lot like what koshkas wearing it’s so that when I miss and I swipe at her she survives obviously oh

Yeah well that’s the random thing that I usually picks yeah I do need to work on my armor but I think I’ve spent more than enough time on my weapon today so Qashqai I see your nameplate but I don’t see you are you underground oh ok do you need a hand

Need some redstone okay hey narrow bar how’s it going she’s just where wizard ropes and chanta pull and make spells cheaper then she could have greater heal on backup I’m working on my master’s thesis which is due in three days while I watch this dream future you’re nuts

This stream while it may be relaxing and chill is not necessarily the best now I’ll fix it is there how out here no I’ll go get one I had one I think I gave it up in a dungeon a long time ago there we go coming doctor mischief would you

Consider a vice err airships tutorial I’ve considered it but I don’t know if it really needs it so much because whoa jeez okay yeah there we go stop that because their book is pretty good it’s pretty comprehensive I mean I can maybe I could do like a tips version on there

Or something oh hi um my name the koshkas got the armor under control she’s got magically enchanted leggings and everything hey I thought I was gonna try and help my name I’ll follow you okay I’m coming I have my weapons out just in case we get attacked what Oh was this here the

Whole time or did you you made this you got what is this there is a cart I’m guessing should I follow on the same rail or the one next to it same rail okay all right here I go wool okay OOP okay hyah keep aho in the greenhouse yeah actually

I should probably put it there there we go I need to put like looting on this sort Oh murder holes and you got a spider spawner down there noise what’s that do oh that makes it dark dark or light nice I see the problem though and why you put

Holes in the ceiling that spider survived geez they’ve got a lot of health oh how do you get the stuff never did you think about putting like vacuum hopper would be much would be a good idea okay I might just grab this backup that pick that up there there there we

Go I got the heart crystal shard and then you’ve got two rails because one of them leads back they both lead back okay just doing some cleanups he returns to fine she’s done it what what is this what is down here oh hello dead is a mob spawner are you gonna put

Like you can pull the lever okay oh okay so you’re finishing the redstone on this one okay cool there was 138 spells did you guys know that there’s a whole bunch of mods already out for 114 right now they’re using the new it’s not it’s not forged that they’re using they’re using fabric

Is the new intermediary mod I’m really interested need a repeater those are actually pretty cheaply made here – I’m gonna go make you one bring it back so I take the right one okay zoom off we go this way back uphill we can make it yeah okay okay up and out

That was cool all right I will go make a repeater and then give it to you unless you’re faster than me and you get up there you’re just gonna make it aren’t you let’s P make it oh you took all the redstone oh okay that’s right you did

Say that so you put it back in all right there you go let me get some of these one of these these are life crystals so life Oh crystals there we go that’s an interesting laser sword you’ve got there by the way just thought I’d mention that how many hearts do you have

Right now do you have more than 15 which is one yes okay you need 5 XP levels to use this oh I didn’t know these things used up XP oh I’ve wasted so much XP like that there we go Bing I know have 6 I keep

Forgetting I need to switch my food up Koshka is a genius by the way she found out that if you vary your food it permanently increases your hearts like this not yet eaten what does it do let’s take some of that what do we got here

Raw fish no I’m not eating raw fish that’s gonna crash me what are you doing I tossed it on the floor you have it in your inventory and I’ll be there in just a second I’m just grabbing some experimental food anything else that that counts as as questionable foods Oh

Tomatoes carrots raw mutton I’m sure cooked mutton also counts Chili Peppers oh yeah yep hey daddy brother do your duty and subscribe to PewDiePie no don’t do that stuff that’s as much as the donation is appreciated and it’s telling doing that to just promote subscriptions to other

People is not your duty and I do this and what do we got what do we got anything else in here yeah I don’t see anything else at the moment I’m not eating a puffy that would be bad that would just be bad like a toss one of

These in here and one of these in here there I should probably toss him one of the potatoes too poet a tow and then I’ve got a good variety of different foods that I can eat wait there we go and I think that’s pretty much it I’ll get rid

Of that then we got also slabs into the holes against many zombies well the spawner is aren’t gonna spawn mini zombies though I think that the other one was a skeleton spawner was it grace how stable is that version hey I thought I got rid of these stones I can’t get

Rid of the stones because it inventories fall it is a skillet II smaller okay box can I make more in a box storage box needs blank box and then the storage box yay okay I could just add this on to the stuff downstairs like we’ve been doing constantly there we go more inventory

Storage hmm throw the stones in there there we go I think it was down this way around the side 500 these light crystals if you die you actually lose them too oh no that’s terrible crash by eating raw raw fish yes raw fish Phillips as well as raw

Fish Phil it’s on skewers I think – go go go just for extra food smooshy oh I was sushi the other one that you crashed with yeah sushi was another one that you crashed with oh that’s the spider spawner wrong way let’s close that door hi

So do you have it all set up then cool Oh need to have some water pushing them toward you or something maybe maybe now oh I forgot I’ve got levitation on this circuit oh I have a shield up dang it oh [Laughter] that’s you that’s shooting with the

Other bow gotcha yeah look at all this – all arrows so I could just infinitely shoot them and get you more arrows well it’s still you I’m seeing a lot of bones I’m seeing a lot of bones there we go mmm Hey look the heck why did he spawn I

Guess it’s not right enough in that one spot I don’t know seems all right I’m like trying to place the block but you were in the way you dad here you levitate to death thanks for sticking around future I hope all goes well with your study you go

I’ve got another arrow for you and a piece of cobblestone I guess oh I need food Chili Peppers ow you suggested chili pepper she is laughing like the dickens right now cut witches in a witch town with the phone with limitation on it anyone know if

There’s a magnet in this pack jei didn’t really show any hmm yeah magnetic um on bows just gets you more bear better loot so I don’t I don’t know I don’t know Oh reliquary should have something I’m pretty sure it does oh he’s showing off his sword no high

Striker through tight dungeon tactics quality legendary those some good bonuses but what is it set a sword it’s a very low attack damage and go I can’t stop now until I get up the hill then I can go back down Oh or not there we go

I’m covered how about way back coin of something I thought the coin held XP but you might be right what’s up you have thirty seven point eight seven health that is quite impressive oh that’s right there’s an Enderman spawner down there yeah I wonder what happens when you levitate an

Enderman well that’s skeleton just totally oh oh no oh oh he’s going for you did you look him I did too I thought he was coming for me no I guess we’ll see him in a minute seems like a weak weapon some loot weapons have magnet abilities oh did

That one have that I don’t see it on there at least the name of a weapon is the wiggle stick is the best name I just heard it I hear him so yeah we have an Enderman spawner down there I think oh crap I just spawned like two more guys

Oh there is you ha ha waiting for him to come in it’s coming from these guys suck it trying to path fine to us there’s so many of them they’re gonna end up pushing me down there is what it is so hey did you want to go exploring a

Little bit more in this in this out howl jerk levitate ha ha ha ha he can’t do anything while he’s levitating he doesn’t touch the ground hey Scott how you doing good to see you is this a public server kind of for patrons only though so kind of not it’s also a

Battle-axe that does 50 damage what wait hey oh I sorry where’d he go you should eat something Oh some bread oh you’re fine what you healed fast this is a patron server yeah do you know what the stairs are to go down okay stop reading the Koshka ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha look at the pinata

Bouncing back and forth levitation it oh it’s so good I think we’re gonna have one more surprise attack coming I hear lots of stuff here my wiggle stick oh you found him I see oh I didn’t do I have any hmm I’m out of iron nuggets oh crap what happened I

Might go get some I never got when I have torches so that’s a good thing which way is it to go ahead get outta here this way yes oh I hear ya bye teleport out of there [Laughter] doing that though all right let’s going up Oasis no no don’t attack me

While I’m on the rail go away I hear him teleporting it’s raining outside come and get me fear me like you’re the cart okay and the rain stops as I say that passed it with flying colors well done yeah you teleported just the right spot I added

Another box I’m sorry alright so I need oh I need to eat some of this still nothing there I need to eat some of the raw stuff cuz that doesn’t give me as much that’s that’s a good one oh no that’s even better there we go this inventory full of just different

Foods that in there and that in there cool what are you some of your favorite mod packs are ones you would recommend I only have 8 gigs of RAM so I can’t go above 180 months I hear mischief in the between lands is a really good mod pack that’s also for lightweight setups

Oh but only if you really want to experience the between lands because that’s all its really focused around that and a bunch of quality of life mods over to added it and it was made by me so yeah there you go that’s one of my favorites right there

The other one I’m currently working on mr. hunter want to order a t-shirt for Christmas pick in hashtag patrons on discord cute very cute we’re working on something well we’ll have something set up eventually just not right now I needed nuggets iron of the iron kind I

Can melt up some of these boots as well Aaron nuggets let’s take these two is that 220 fairy jeez I’m gonna smelt some of this hmm I smelt that and melt that and we’ve got we’ve got Nuggets again there we go I want it and we’re trying to mouse over

The streams jei to check out an item what are you interested in King banhammer net bot that is pretty funny all right that should get me a bit more iron let’s take some of these there we go got some nuggets put those over went in there and shoot

Recipe I will just take all those there we go I don’t want to take up any more spots in here than I have to there we go okay home away cache key ever the gold cross was top center there here the cross of mercy deals extra damage to

Undead creatures and there’s this about the creation for it I just saw Oscar run past you you okay I’ll meet you down there no cards we’re just gonna hop down I know but I’m trying to waste my hunger so I can eat more varieties of food everybody

Go across what they went that way it was this way and I’ve cut whoa jeez that’s close torches looks like we’ve been down all these ways and we cleared out the entire first floor okay because I see an empty room down here I’m just gonna check this out real quick

Put some lights up in it there we go holgie doke the wound here as well and we go down the next room just there worry about it can you do it on top got back from Gamboa and I had to wrap gifts take small fall damages wait oh they

Didn’t hurt at all what the heck we’ll take large fall damages I think my saturation is still pretty high let’s try to try falling from from the top of this let’s see what happens Togo I took a half a heart oh there we go that actually did it so what’s the

Worst item I could probably eat is gonna be that or that oh I think it’s the potato the uncooked potato perfect and then I think the raw mutton is next yep there we go something up and running in the New Year this hurts stuff crawling towards us

Oh I see this is where you stopped mob spawners and a large pathway with walls built up oh crap oh good they’re attacking each other straightaway this is good ow I’m not supposed to shoot me when you’re shooting each other you guys do that well I might now these

Uh there we go mob spawners and light them up and get all the courts from all the stuff there we go these guys are gonna be at it for a while spice of death no no there’s no spices that just eating a variety of these will actually increase your health I haven’t

Found any negative to eating the same thing over again so it’s entirely up to you hey okay there’s more they don’t know what to do once they start floating they all float down here TV – good call the Qashqai oh my gosh there is so much space for these guys to

Spawn in here and why won’t my lighting update there we go you need to update up here – there we go oh we’ve got wither skeleton skills don’t mind if I do can’t imagine voluntarily biting into an uncooked potato mausoleums are no place for lonely teens my she’s she’s not down

Here at the moment I don’t think she’ll be down here shortly though I’m just picking up some skills actually I think we can get decorative with all these skulls that are down here one of their actually crafting ingredients the regular skulls use for these guys oh yeah you can make them into wither

Skulls you can make a monster masher Valentine blocks who doesn’t want to make Valentine blocks with skeleton skulls come on no idea what that’s about but I figure you know what this this might be a nice decoration for our base stir a few heads of our fallen enemies it’s no big deal

Behind the crypts also spawn table area for those fours yes there’s a low jeez hi Blair yourself because I thought they’d be a nice decorations besides our one dude got like blown up in our base remember he was like holding out he was wearing armor and stuff and then creeper

Walked in and just blew him up yeah I was very rude oh hey mob spawner give me that there we go and I think there was one of that no there wasn’t all right got all those I don’t see any more mobs around here so I’m just gonna put that there

Do I have any man I’ve got a crappy Bo tit get rid of that oh I heard fireworks going off you didn’t even read it did you al did you I’ve got some loose pants yeah yeah here plaster okay al did you just smack me with a firework that’s

Dangerous you put someone’s eye out clearly me the gel is made out of a skull for drinking oh that would be nice yeah I can see that Josh go what do you think Hey buried food I just went up whoa did I gain two hearts and I’ve got this like

Weird regen thing well it gives you two hearts when that happens maybe it’s like the level that you’re at or something so which one’s worse this one’s worse okay that’ll be our next bit of food okay hi Sarah rose blade how are you Cosco you’ve got incoming get them

That was a good shot that was a good shot and more coming Wow she is definitely the archer here not me you haven’t a chant called repellant put that on your armor mmm-hmm why is it making me stinky need to update polite whoa oh we got we got

Dudes by like little balloons between her bleeding in my levitation this is ridiculous there’s more zombies down here by the way oh and I’m being shot at the other way did I just what did I hit ow Hmm oh do you see that guy ahead that’s the guy that I’ve been wanting to fight for a long time we’re gonna need to take out these mob spawners before we do that we get too close to him mmm no no we just need to light it up we need to

Light this area up really good yeah get off of me get out of here with her skeleton dude die uh because he drops the best or at least the coolest looking armor and weapon if you kill him yeah if you survive fabulous weapon indeed appellant teleports randomly anything which hits you that’s pretty

Good what I wonder is what happens when a is levitating I’m this dude here the ferrous rot not high down there come on up there we go oh what the heck is that and why am i slowed and can’t see anything oh dear God do you hear this

Guy he’s an ashen he’s like a little demon he dropped that helm that mask there he is again Oh get it off of me I can’t see anything Oh No get off this thing is like the worst that no dude died oh gosh Wow Oh No he’s gonna come for it

Yeah there is get out of here can I drop this to pick up the mask or whatever oh he’s like covering his face and running and stuff he just ran out oof ow quit shooting me I don’t know are you healing him there perfect

Now how do you like it how do you like it huh how do you like it oh he was being rude that was rude I’m eating raw bees whoo okay oh my gosh I’ve got so much junk all right junk whole time let’s throw some of this stuff out

Hey now I’ve got a bunch of wither ash I’m gonna keep solstice gift retiring boots I’ve got a horn monkey mask check this out read it I don’t know it looks pretty amazing I’m sorry there we go add some of these and don’t need the run flush either after you

Tropico got ya and he’s rude my frame rate has just dropped and I’m getting a shout out again yep they pretty much just go silly as soon as they get hit on breaking – hmm I don’t want to slow down a speed they hold on I need to do dear

God come on bring that render distance down a little bit and get my frame rate back yeah there’s a spawner up there how do you make an invisible skeleton bleed good list ever tells this is there’s a chest buying me no no not that spot here

What there’s a wooden sword in there but more importantly I can dump a bunch of junk in this chest cooked chicken I haven’t eaten that yet I’ll take another potato potion of swiftness regular torches that’ll be nice there we go we’ve got a friend coming right for you

Thanks now where are these guys coming from geez put this other helmet on okay yeah I’m worried about that because you get too close to him bad stuff happens he activates basically there we go can I come on get out of here so there’s a

Purple guy put a torch there yeah off of me both you had enough of your back talk what the the rot not mmm oh boy oh boy I guess there we go purple guys dead some chain leggings with stuff on it oh so I need to put a

Light back here can’t hit him but that’s alright like that that my frames are like destroyed by you guys right now it’s terrible all the junk you’re dropping is not helping the rid of the hardened monkey mask okay I’m gonna try mining over here working my way around slowly lighting up

The area and getting rid of stuff now stop it now get out of here both you gosh these guys have so many hit points oh is that a that’s a book I think something’s got like weird runes around it come here where’d it go super speedy skeleton stuck in the corner take that

That’s probably because you’re all like going is it um arrows there’s a short cast to mmo’s chunk um I think it’ll be all right I’ve got the spell book of ignite let’s get rid of that I’m breaking crap bow I’m silly spell actually I’m going to destroy this

Spawner for these little dudes if I can ever hit him and then once I do then they hold still it’s nice can I reach this know that there we go it’s broken I just need to work my way out of this yeah whoo I like how the the xxp orbs

Got stuck in the spiderwebs as well and they’re like slowly working their way down Oh food time kind of sword is that this is this is the knight blade it is a mega loot case there’s a dude up ahead backing up a little bit ow Archer battle

Oh he’s a rare turtling skeleton the cancerous regen blasts off in full arc and dead again okay where’s the mob spawners there it is way up here out hold still stop it the tinker sword no no this is a mega loot sword it is from

The mega loot mod it is very strong and it took me a lot of effort to get it well it took me some effort to get it I won’t say a lot of effort because I’ve gone through a lot a lot more to get a lot less I am terrible at swinging this

Sword right now come on the cool thing is that it promotes you to get crit hits because you’re jumping to hit things one over there crap here here I hear you guys shooting at me stop it come on around the corner oh you were there a minute ago where’d you go

Now a bewitched to mere you give me your magic books and you oh my gosh there’s so many stop it stop it we need to stop these cluttered it’s so bad there it is come one where’s the other there he is oh yeah come here got it got it

Oh man this hurts yeah FPS killer coming to him hot back near here take this to floating corpses three chests at the website think oh my gosh there’s so many spawner x’ in this place oh there’s another one there we go and that one’s empty and I don’t need that that that

That that’s jeez a whole bunch of junk leather tunic don’t need that golden pants strength one book no okay eat carrots okay all right steak on the hop bar and then we’re gonna have this and then we’re gonna have that just in case so Koshka do you think we can you want

To try visiting our friend over here I still see other mobs oh there’s more this is spawner right here can you hit him nice I just let him bounce off my shield no sorry okay coming boy they locked on to you there’s a bunch of them in here too

Alright I see them coming through levitation for the win alright so I’m gonna open up this put a torch on that one put it torch down here any torches on the ground near here are probably not gonna work anymore we need to have them on walls cuz this guy does ground pounds

And actually it might be a good idea to get rid of this ledge because it’s gonna be difficult enough to maneuver can I reach that that’s as well don’t mind me mister I’m just trying to set you free there’s water down there I don’t like that I don’t think he follows very much

That could be wrong oh I did it again there we go grab these I thought I saw him move for a second there I’m like oh gosh all right levitation makes him go crazy crazy that’s good I’ve got a tool bag I have no idea what that’s for

But I’ve got one all right um I feel like we’re about ready short of maybe taking out this one pillar here so the idea is once he gets his axe stuck in the ground for a few seconds he you can do one hit on the back where the sword

Is but that’s it okay Oh ow I dude take a swing come on no he is a little stuck take some of this crap out of here oh here he comes look out no not a side swipe out don’t do that that messes up my rendering using cheap minecraft tricks come on

Dude right oh yes this is what we want haha right oh he loved it 800 perfect oh I think that got him oh yeah and so now I have a new helmet because my old one actually just broke and this one is indestructible how’s this do you like it I have an

Interesting weapon I think actually let me try it over here yeah oh crap I had that coming so here give it a try I just throw it some gravel or something so right-click does the side swing and then you can see it on the stream because it’s really

Cool to see it no no so it says yeah and then your regular attack and then if you do sneak right-click is a really cool now that enchantment is really good when you’re underground if you’re out I got a diamond pink in there one sec according to voices hello

Test test should be back again sorry about that better yay did you just disappear downstairs Koshka or did you go up okay hi get rid of that too I want to into bread oh girl I have eaten golden apples nice okay ooh pretty

Is this or oh is that a an uber bad guy I’m gonna look at him or here they come oh I pushed him into the water oh no that’s all right I’m cool I forgot this was the Enderman spawner ow I’m just gonna hold my shield up if I swipe

This skeleton I can’t count the holes darn vines in the way okay that’s it vines going they are terrible swing through grass needs to be in this mud pack okay that’s a little better do you have any torches okay because I don’t so I’m gonna try what oh thanks

I’ll put it over here then now you head back yeah it is kind of getting late but we we have found our way down to it I think it’s a good time to endless Jim that was really exciting that was good thank you pass you know I think I’m being followed

Yeah I’m being followed by something that’s teleporting hello Enderman oh he teleported away he’s sneaky I tried doing the death from above it did not work way back out we’re almost there dang yeah oh he dropped a lot of good stuff oh that Enderman spawner is gonna be

Nice he dropped an ender pearl a crystal shard or a heart crystal shard and a bit of inferior is it this way now that’s that’s the way out out I think I went up one too many levels yep this is where we came in I took a

Wrong turn now there’s all the cards okay yeah just need to follow this welcome rowing why am I like doing the weird hippity hop jumps OTO jump is on oh I think that’s been on for some time yeah I need to just fix the connection of the mic it’s my bad

There we go back home sweet home to dump all of our loot in our inventory system they can’t fit it so I hope you guys enjoyed if so be sure to give a like follow subscribe all that stuff don’t be afraid to check out the winter theme build the contest that is currently

Pinned on the channel if you’re a subscriber the YouTube channel that is so you can see that and at the top of the page and of course don’t forget we’ve got that new reward that Hellfire is going to be providing for those in chat the day that we check out the the

Final builds in at the end of January so anyway thank you for stopping by everybody and I’ll say good night to those at YouTube

This video, titled ‘Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons Modpack stream! #3’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2018-12-18 01:03:41. It has garnered 1701 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:51 or 8271 seconds.

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons Modpack stream! #3