RTGame’s Epic Minecraft Finale

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich [Music] [Music] Dre you see behavioral extres the roller Coter [Music] hey folks you hear me hello how y all doing hope everyone is having a lovely [Music] day hi howdy he’s stopping the Minecraft series cuz he’s dying of old age it’s true you know that’s that’s what gets us all old man now he’s been playing Minecraft for years Ley coffee thank you for the 10 gift Subs it’s very kind to you haven’t even started the stream yet thanks everyone subbing it’s good to have you here uh is the last day uh I know in the last stream we said we might go till Tuesday and that but n like today today feels like it’s it today is the last day so we’re just kind of saying that now and getting that out there just so people know probably do something different tomorrow yeah it’s good been good fun though I’ve really enjoyed it chillest Minecraft streamer ke how you doing the end is [Music] nigh love the series uh me too I’m I’m I’m really glad people have enjoyed it [Music] yeah we got one more day though we’ll be going a while today we got some fun stuff the last batro video slapped thank you I’m I’m really glad people have enjoyed the batro videos it’s it’s it’s one of my favorite games lately it’s it’s so much fun to play I believe um there was an update from jolon as like like 2 a.m. last night or something um and like apparently they have they engineered a new solution that can make it go even further which is which is insane at this point cuz like it’s already so stupidly broken like how much further can you take it towards the sun um jolon found a way jolon did find a way uh which is which is just crazy specifically to get a negative DNA so there was no longer an issue with carots running out in the [Music] deck it’s terrifying yeah it is it is terrifying apparently they have not been able to replicate the guaranteed poly Chrome that we got in our run though um but I believe that’s the next step so we’ll keep an eye on that situation we keep an eye on things we’ll monitor the situation as the science unfolds will this technically be your Minecraft Let’s Play episode 34676 4 that is a throwback finally here moons thank you for a th000 bits as well I’ve really enjoyed reliving Minecraft brought back so many good memories I’m glad yeah it’s it’s it’s been really cool to see see everyone just enjoying the playr and like rediscovering the game I’m glad people are having fun and picking it up and like dusting off their copy of it like it it is very heartwarming to see I hope everyone’s having their own Adventures we have a backseat in time so we can tell you all the stuff that has irritated us okay guys we’re in backseat driver mode you get to scream at me while I’m at the wheel a while get it out of your systems oh no uh no that doesn’t seem too healthy and I don’t need to know I don’t need to know I’m good but that is that is a funny idea it’s just accur ology it’s just the archaeology [Music] sections oh [Music] God but yeah I hope everyone is having having a good day hope everyone is excited for this just reading chat some very funny messages um we’re going to we’re going to dive back in one last time and this is this really is it uh we’ll go we’ll go as long as Feels Right today give me one second and I’ll make sure the game is working got to do that first there we go yeah I think you can see that now on OBS is just being a little bit weird excuse [Music] me I know it’s frozen be with me just fixing [Music] it let’s dive back in hey welcome back one final time our Minecraft world going to have to kind of look about a bit I feel today like like it’s going to be a while till we see the animals and that you know they’re going to live their best life here uh I’ve got my boxes in packing today you know we’re getting ready to move on animal friends are going to look after the seed while we’re away uh I actually did my inventory management beforehand too so I’m not going to torchi us through that for like 30 minutes it’s moving day so I’ve got two things left on The Bucket List uh first and foremost Todd how you doing uh I want to go back to Switzerland because I feel like a lot happened up in this part of the map specifically and the whole Adventure on the new continent that it would be nice to see the mountains one more time so we’re going to we’re going to head back up there we’ll take butter with us we’ll go on a bit of a road trip I think that’s the best place to start uh I do have something as well we can have a look at so netherite upgrade this is a submit template and we have an [Music] go uh spin templates usually use this table so like I think this is like really different cuz I was thinking like with netherite in that you’re going to have to like craft the chest piece and that no I I think you just slap it in here and you get something so I’m tempted to try this I mean we’ll try on our chest plate cuz that seems to be like our best gear oh is that is that the best thing for actually hang on we could we could push Excalibur further Beyond we could push Excalibur further Beyond we only have one Ingot so we only get to do this once I think we have to make the Ultimate Weapon is this going to work oh it’s the ultimate Excalibur okay that’s that’s kind of cool I mean I’m assuming this has to be stronger than diamond cuz this is like an upgrade the Ultimate Weapon look at that like a dark energy sword or something you made the master sword that’s pretty cool that’s a that’s a pretty cool field so unbelievably [Music] sharp all right well we’ll put that in there we we we only have a scrap outside of this so like I don’t think we’re going to be able to make much else we need to get some more netherite but that that is really cool that there’s like a tier above diamond and it’s like even done a bit differently still means diamonds are really valuable you need that for the initial gear very cool very cool stuff [Music] okay uh let’s go get butter lead here I think I think don’t have a lead on me at the moment all right shitload of stuff in there that’s just a kit we’re taking with us hey butter come on okay let’s go on a bit of an adventure the farm is really coming in by the way as well you can see like the Harvest I’ve got it all like done up now the bees love it they’ve been so happy okay let’s let’s set off for Switzerland don’t mind our like spooky doorbell we’ve got going oh hang on Tim Allen you good Tim Tim’s okay’s he’s settling in well to his home okay now we’re going we’re going we’re going traveling for a little while it’ll be quite a ways to go to the north but that’s okay we get to kind of see everything as we go again too didn’t realize how high the beacon actually goes it just goes to like the sky limit a nice Spire too where we split the ocean in half make it access infinitely easier to this land just forever been a cool feel I got a recipe apparently from this ink sack sure oh some fish came in here sweet oh oh he basically set up the equipment of a tler here here is the new world that we conquered okay I don’t have a map with me but I know that if I just keep going north I will get there we kind of just go north and follow the coastline a bit um I’m sure someone will have the coordinates as well in track going back towards where the deep dark entrance is come on butter here come on butter you got you got this he’s not the best swimmer Harry on our way just dodge the little Ravines here the penth house of parment yeah we’ll get to pass one more one of the Woodland Mansions again the one we actually moved into our temporary base of operations we get to stop by the ruin house again we’ll get to see Clarence got to got to make all the necessary stops along the way today you know thanks to every everyone for the bits and the subs very much appreciate it though like we’re getting near the circles I think the circles are further west we we’re not going back there today I think we’re okay just have to keep going north a while I think it’s even just across this water here we’ve never actually brought butter out this far he’s he’s going to see something new the the wonderful place that is Switzerland I think it’s still a bit faster to do it this way versus the boat considering that we have a fair bit of land to Traverse Hills in particular take a while come on butter multiple ancient cities appear in one world I mean I would assume so I imagine it’s a bit like a stronghold or something where there’s a few but they’re few in fire between you know you just go in a boat and pull butter along with the with the lead you just invent a new torture method my man don’t think that’s going to be too Pleasant you an unusual punishment poor butter just trying to exist and help us oh that could have been bad all right butter butter is familiar with navigating the highways after all this time jump from the trees go from tree to tree this is the ideal means of travel God it looks so silly doing it like this uh we got a touch ground here ow damn dark go watch your step there’s like a lot of monsters below us they’re all just uh hanging out are we navigate our world it’s further around here isn’t it I think so you got to go you got to turn you have to turn Inland a bit pretty sure hit like L’s end and then it was like a sharp left turn think we’re getting there oh butter you’re doing amazing pretty good at his parkour all right and then we go up here just Skyrim horse this hill like so yeah there there’s the house I thought it was on fire for a moment Jesus yeah we found our way back never got to see it like this it actually looks really cool from a distance no response from streamer you good no response you do not respond to my message you all right there friend the irony is I’m only going to see that message now and anything else you say I’m absolutely going to miss so you win some you lose some D how you not able to read every single one of our messages he welcome back to the Run house uh we will be back here in a moment actually cuz we’re going to have to make our way back like Clarence you good never wants to talk to us he’s debating it is it just a horse thing with with the bushes they love to spit on them you have text speech for every single chat message that sounds like a great idea possibly go wrong we yeah we probably should spend the night here clarence’s family is is just visiting today uh come on come on butter I I don’t know where to tie you down here this there a fence no butter just just don’t don’t fall into the water okay sure it’s fine Butter’s God already no he’s here we’re good come on come on use skull in my bedroom cealing for the star Vibes that’s actually really cool yeah good to see you as well Ty hope you’re well there is the that’s the Nord and most Mansion uh we got to take the highway again the fastest means of travel just make our way you don’t get stuck on every tree when you’re on top of every tree this is this is significantly faster now massive Pond God the location for this one I think is like the best of all the Mansions like Jesus it’s so pretty like a beautiful just Pond here y hop down here now that was a mistake now now I’m just stuck ah come on butter there we go ow you’re all right just a bit bumpy probably not going to take butter up the mountains themselves just because i’ be worried he just Falls which I I think is like a valid concern considering the height of these things so we’ll drop them off the penthouse there like there’s a safe spot there and it’s the last episode you got to do something special so no it’s there’s nothing special planned for today’s stream I’m so sorry uh we’re going to go to the mountains and then I’m going to wrap up the Minecraft let’s play with a lenty 3 hours of inventory management I hope you’re all excited that’s that’s that’s the planned that’s all I’ve got that’s all I’ve got today I hope everyone’s prepared I’m so sorry everyone it’s just inventory man management today and I’m also going to mute my mic you know and like I’m just going to like pop out a podcast I I’ve got like a ger stream VOD I want to watch hope you don’t mind I’m just got I just got to work away oh God hey butter butter is secure in here uh where is the door okay we’ll see you in a bit butter good enough the next watch and paint dry you know it find in the stream on Twitch is that just confused today it really feels it some you some of you got up a little too early and it’s like you just haven’t had like your morning meds like a it’s just a bit much get the glass of water and hydrate have a have a bit of Brey Mondays am I right yeah get justly grab you a little early my alarm hasn’t even gone off yet that sounds like a you living in your time zone problem like half three in the afternoon here ah here’s the spot we found it in the end it’s marked over there we’re not going down into the mountain today we were there yesterday or the day before get to the top I think we marked it with a flag as well so we we should know which one’s the highest Summit don’t trust these dudes Shady characters up here oh there it is do you see it the highest of it it’s make our way back up you destroy the clouds we we just get a pickaxe to it bring some Cloud home make our way it was like the original depths passage I think we found to get head on down you can mine the clouds ah getting some right now relax in ASMR Minecraft we’re now above the clouds oh we no longer above the clouds little higher he’s trying to get to the top too little more don’t want to pop that in a bucket of water from here cuz like God knows how much environmental damage it could cause it’ be like the great [Music] flood what are you doing up here of all places holy [ __ ] man why are you here are they like they’re launching an assault on Mount Everest what are you doing here why are you here oh okay [Music] clap that that don’t do it Bud if VI is [Music] gorgeous okay got a got a cheeky little something in here that I wanted to try out I remember doing this back in MCC Wings equipped how does this work again I think it’s while you’re flying [Music] all this is this is going to be rough I’m going to try not to crash into the Swiss Alps here oh [Music] yo we get to take in Switzerland oh there’s another Village over here like a Pillager Outpost as well just to terrorize them there’s a lot of towns in Switzerland look at that they have a hell of a community like set up it’s just um the void cuz of course there’s always aoid woo go up it’s like a winter like frost Village out here like this is all stuff that we never got to see like an ice biome here I can spot polar bears down in the distance another town care the durability it’s fine another winter village in another life there was a whole world out here that we just didn’t get to spend as much time in a lot of monsters suddenly just get to see a little bit of it you know we took our time exploring the world we knew it’s nice sometimes to see what could have been what a world though yeah it’s really pretty really pretty I think I think we stopped in this town I think we might have I remember like frantically trying to make our way around the mountains here I remember that build lava this is when this is like around the time the goat pushed us off a little balll in here look at this this was this was like this is like Zurich of Switzerland here this is like the big bit there like some lights on on this mountain oh I think it’s just lava it’s still really pretty though ain’t it I love like some of just the world generation from mountains they do now like there there was just nothing like this back in the day it didn’t go to this scale watch out for the void it feels like the world opens up sometimes oh God and here we are back at back at our Everest snow settles in oh can’t make up its mind going to be tricky ow [Music] [Laughter] no it was the skeletal Archer that did me in too I’m kind of shocked I’m kind of shocked ah [ __ ] I got to get up back up the mountain now okay well it’s unloaded it’s unloaded SP on one heart and then got sniped I was about to say it’s like what a stroke of luck we made it out okay the game said no H you can get there in time with another elytra I don’t know if we do that there’s one on the manle piece in this house though there is one on the manle piece um I don’t I can I think I can make I can make paper with the sugar cane here here it is on the manle piece U do I have some Gunpowder that’s the main limited factor I do have gunpowder I have paper here wow okay uh make our way back let’s be let’s be real [ __ ] careful with this okay how how do I land how do I land properly slowly we’re making our way back making our way back it’s going to be all right you’re like a glider pull up with a sharp turn to kill your momentum thank you okay this is going to be it’s going to be tricky okay I I think honestly if we if we just like even get to here that’s all right there we go that’s a general enough touchdown I don’t mind just like climbing a little bit here we go oh is a bad spot to die too cuz like you’re literally on top of a mountain uh the main thing I want back is my um my sword and the Shuler box ah God buddy I’m not even going to entertain you today there’s the sword God it’s so [ __ ] dangerous I think my pants had a binded and chatting them so I think they’re just gone lost my pants I did get the sword though so that that that’s huge I got my telescope too I like I like my telescope a lot go ate the rest maybe maybe I should be keeping this equipped for now too just in case I fall thinking about it okay anything else it seems to have bounced this way a bit have I got near most of it I lost my shoes I wouldn’t actually mind finding my shoes those are like the fire resist ones I need that choker box that was that was an important one any anyone see my shoes my feet are very cold I’ll be a bit sad if they’re gone but you know it’s a it’s it’s made a mistake Cloud took them think that’s as far down that side as it seems likely that’s F3 plus b I don’t know what that does oh I’m not I’m not doing that if that’s something mean then like you’re getting like timed out for like a week young man like reloads the chunk it’s hit boxes shows items on the ground okay what are you doing up there that was a villager that was the illager okay so with this highlight it kind of like out of his boxes there now an outline across all entities including items May maybe my shoes just disappeared into the void I could try fly again you saw him where where where where were they the snow covered oh is that him there I think that is a God shoes acquired okay thanks there gag you can turn that off again these shoes have a name too you know want to hold on to them there was another item further up there’s a goat like kind of watching us so I’m kind of just a bit wor worried I don’t I don’t see another item to the left but down here dude hanging out over there this this just feel no no you’re going to do it you’re going to do it I know he’s considering it he’s consider I got to go I got I got to just go I got to just go he’s thinking about it okay let’s let’s let’s make our way back think we lost the pants the pants had curse of binding I think on him that just means you can’t take them off though isn’t it unless you die I think honestly I have better pants I have better pants at home let’s make our way back and pick up butter I got to I got to get a bit lower in gentle touchdown well it’s still good to go on the Manel piece let me tell you hey but how you doing see I see you’ve made a friend while I was away you got a roommate now we got our bow back too that’s actually pretty important keep the rest of them for later don’t need you piece of fish here for later why not ourselves okay come on butter ow oh it’s about to be dark I think maybe we just wait him out I think we just wait him out yeah where’s where where’s the bed in one of these rooms been a while since we have to use the penthouse I missed the goat already Dan can we keep him no I I don’t trust the goats they tried to kill us I don’t think they’re on our side like he he was considering it before too got some noisy neighbors downstairs so we should try and leave quietly dude do you want in or out you want in or out can let you back in but you got to you got to make up your mind he wants in okay he wants in you go start charging them rent you’ve got a lodger I could I could in theory all Let’s uh let’s make our way back take the worst side the cross the river that’s okay a convenient Forest here you all right butter nothing nothing we haven’t encountered already Jesus why does the land just do this it’s like a pitfall trap come come on butter work work with me work with me come on there we go magic trick never ceases to work got to make a big boy jump we’re back on the highway we’re making it home oh God look at his Hearts yeah he’s taking half a heart of damage he’s fine I think Butter’s okay butter Butter’s made of tough stuff some some you a little over baren you know some of you some of you like scrubbing down down every kitchen top with the fairy liquid anytime a child touches it and you know they got you got to let them get a bit sick sometimes can’t just pop cleaning product everywhere every time children are gross though he’s Pro child illness no but like you know what I mean like where you you can’t just like like you know you can’t sanitize everything forever you know it’s got to like a little bit of mess is okay there’s going to be a bit of mess you can’t just like take out the bleach every five minutes and like right Purge that top you know Purge the countertop every child should be ill forever RT Daniel he refuses to fade no that’s not what I’m say don’t get it twisted hang I I realize this could be oh no this this could have worked as a stable if I made it wide enough okay but you know Butter’s pretty much Ted while we’re here he knows what he’s doing he knows what he’s doing okay uh I have some other things I need to do I don’t think long as I just take this the Anvil home Clarence you look after the place now okay only got to start on the property ladder trying to see if there’s anything else I need I’m going to need I’m going to take these bookshelves back so many enchantments we got in the end give me the diamonds give me the pearls me the gold fruit snacks could use a few fruit snacks let me tell you uh I think I I have like a lot of pairs of trousers here you know we’re finally going to wear the sneak trousers we completely forgot to use these when we were actually in the deep but better late than never better late than never there’s the disc fragments we acquired too them terra cotta endstone take a candle I’ll try and use the sticky pistons for something need some bushes carpet some red carpet yeah I think I prefer red carpet can I toss I don’t to toss anything I got a box juke box candle glass take a bit of birch [Music] you there pop all this away no need [Music] you leave some valuable food behind we got to ride the way back back up on the manal piece you go hey we got some bits and Bobs uh let’s make our way back yeah basically as effective if not better than actually parking your horse make sure there’s a bush they can spin on hey get we got one more trip through the new continent and we got one last stop there’s a legit a way to park them that’s pretty hidden that’s pretty cool I you can tie them down or like just dig a parking lot I imagine it’s not dig the parking lot I imagine it’s like the meaner way of doing it just like there’s a pit in the ground stay there no strictly speaking you can PK your children that way too but I wouldn’t advise it you might get in trouble watch me parent of the [ __ ] year here let’s go watch out for for the the little slip stream here those are really dangerous I go up the mountain I could have just gone around it there’s definitely a slipstream here somewhere as well so I got to be got to be careful if I just keep moving I’m I’m sure I can get down from here fast enough you’re all right butter he’s okay he’s okay bloody hell get him on home Diamond Horse hamor is working over time it’s pretty good that’s a lot of durability yeah come on butter horse arms have no durability though yeah but the horse is durability that’s what I mean strictly speaking everyone in life has a durability me meter of some capacity you know and you got you got to be careful that doesn’t get too worn away some of us are blessed with like higher like DND D stack character roles in that regard than others you know pretty sure that’s how it works pretty sure that’s how it works the Constitution is abysmal yeah me too buddy there’s the spire I think it’s just about as fast to just hop in the ocean dude you you don’t even like it here come on that’s what I thought buff dur ability by getting muscle though you can yeah it’s true just starting stats you know and work on it you change your name to retired game after this episode oh God that’s it I’m done no I got to I got to follow suit with the popular trend of those content creators these days we’re going to call it quits oh God don’t worry we’re we I promise you I’ll play fortnite when I’m 36 right could you imagine like that’s the last stream I finally played fortnite my career is over I could just leave that’s when it ends in fairness like that’s a long joke in the making so like you’d have to hand it to me at that point it’s like okay he played the L con with us you know like that that joke take literally took 10 years to set up for it being his final stream like you’d have to just let me kind of go might play fortnite with your child in seven years God I’m not in a rush I’m not in a rush see you light a new continent we had many an adventure our Lighthouse for our home take the bridge back on I kind of love like our spawn and our home here it’s so pretty we’re home okay butter we’re actually just going to park you out here for a moment let me just uh pass the night okay this this is the final thing I wanted to make sure we do and we spend a lot of time on today before we wrap up the the play through uh in my moveing boxes I’ve packed copious amounts of supplies we’re going to rebuild the village and finally treat these people with like some nicity and means to live uh I’ve got boxes of supplies packed here it’s why we picked up a few bits and Bobs from the new house too as we’re going you know cuz the village is wear it all again and it kind of it just feels right to make our way back there just for the send off it does mean this the last time we leave home this is the last time we’re going to be seeing the wizard tower we just have a little look around I think the animals in here yeah the animals in here like they’ve set up their own Society you know I’m pretty sure they’re doing good now I hear talk of like the pigs overthrowing The Farmer in the coming days so I’m sure they’ll be okay we have our bees we have like a little Sanctuary here we have our new Farm Bountiful Harvest we have our stylish chicken looking over the place I love how he looks it’s like like an ancient like a forest guardian or something Spirit of the mountain you know he will watch over this land in perhaps since it toast be good there’s one thing I have to do that I popped in one of the boxes that’s the Anvil I need the name tag I need one of them cuz we need one for disc there you go we’ll bring that with us we might need it yet Tifa you’re in charge look after the place be good dis see you later rod and Todd we map the entire world from here also got to say bye to the mountain basement I finished this look I had shroom light and then the the new one we got from the Bastion the elevator’s done thank you for everything Mountain you’re always good to us okay such a cool effect going dead thank you I’m really happy and it’s got like different layers to represent different bits of like the adventure which I think is really cool oh wait one other thing hang on got to pop you back on the mantle piece cuz that’s where you belong right where did like butter just like picked the direction and ran butter why does he always do this [ __ ] sake butter there you are just want to say goodbye to the doorbell [Applause] all right make our way over we got we got all our moving boxes for the final project uh there is one thing I did need to do though let’s just take a tree or two cuz we’re going to plant some of these back in the village as idea let me just get a bit of wood I I think I have some saplings in one of the boxes so I think I can plant more of this uh let me just let me just make sure yeah Cherry sapling 7 I have some bone meal in one of these boxes too I can I can make do with that resenting an offering of this tree The Village Roy thank you for the 2,000 bits hey Dad I’m so excit to a wonderful Journey it’s been an amazing time always have great memories of these streams thanks again I’m super looking forward to all the many new adventures to be had thank you very much very kind of you thanks for all the support to through it been very good to me right back here’s like Village number two but we we never really got to attach to Village too this one kind of just existed wasn’t our village you know this [ __ ] Gap gets me every time not today Village 2 is just doing its best don’t care so much it’s back over here back over here you can see it like even on the horizon not great not great you can tell something bad’s gone down we’re finally going to to give the village some love cross this River again is the rain still on going oh my God cuz he’s buried alive okay don’t no one kill that guy oh no he’s he’s just in the earth he’s in the earth I think that might means the villagers might Panic a little bit while they’re here I don’t even know where to leave butter maybe maybe let that’s how you down here there you go hello Frank hello Gerald been a been a long time okay we got to we got to set up the base of operations the worst thing that can happen here is while we’re building um if if that guy dies the entire Village is going to be under attack again so we got to we got to be careful got to be really careful okay let’s just try and manage some of our inventory there going to be a lot to keep track on pack of here but that’s all right we’ll we’ll make it look nice nice they deserve that much first things first we need we need a base of operations we got to we got to rebuild our first home I I think we just tear down this bit of foundation I think we just get rid of it uh give me that shovel and then we put this around here s dir Foundation is required I’m going to try and keep it looking a bit blocky cuz I think that’s important okay some of these going to be the wizard Cube Samy thank you for the Thousand bits any what happens if fortnite dies before you reach 36 is a real risk you’ll never play fortnite on stream the timeline is in danger D even if fortnite like servers are discontinued there’s going to be like a Revival in like 10 years where I’ll be like hey remember fortnite well I got a custom server running someone will do it someone will do it it’s not there’s not a doubt in my mind let me just uh pass the night cuz a lot of monsters and awful [ __ ] will spawn here if we’re not careful you may not rest now there’s monsters nearby it’s this guy inomed in the ground get out of here bud I I can’t kill him I can’t kill him he’s got it’s like a hostage [Music] situation hey I think he’s in here he’s lost the will to fight he’s lost the will okay we’ll just we’ll just Mark him with that for now right need to tear down some of this original Foundation uh we can probably keep these logs as something that has actually kind of survived lit did a bit of a number on the farm here that’s all right we simply restore it I add a nice border to this going be going to be a fair bit of terraforming and just clean up operation you don’t need laa anymore here Village has had enough hardship I’ll use all [Music] this can you I can use these for logs I haven’t got to work with Savanah in a while [Music] bring some of our beloved amethyst over [Music] [Music] uh we can use the acacia to kind of achieve the counter effect that we had I like that that would be [Music] nice which height did I usually give these things three needs to be a bit more hot like though don’t [Music] it one more we’ll give it one more right house site trying to keep like the box like shape of it go okay that’s like kind of like the outer little layer of it there to Su of that uh I have glass pain in some of this here [Music] you shape has kind of revealed itself like that this works well [Music] this is looking pretty good okay I like [Music] it glass block have some glass pane in here and I want it a bit cubby if I make that back wall just powered wall yeah I think that I think that’s best get our light in like this no I have an idea of what I can do for the back w i take the Terra Cotta a bit Wizardry can I have it so it bleeds with this pink all right that’s looking pretty nice this looking pretty nice so I need some glass blocks um use a bit of calite maybe for the ceiling if I have some more I don’t think I do and one thing I want that’s definitely in here is these fa leaves pop those around I just need I just need a ceiling just need a ceiling the middle bit of it will be glass block uh I just need something else going to go with it I mean in honor of the village we could just use the acacia honestly I feel like that’s appropriate go got our little Skylight here as well we’ll expand it a bit more [Music] oh go yeah it’s a bit of a different design for it but I think it’s nice I think it works well uh we have a little blip in here um just for consistency we just put in there see well I can simply do for a little bit more texture going to give it the impression that the cherry blossoms like kind of growing out of the amthy bits it’s kind of like spreading down a bit there we go it does the job it’s supposed to be like a little wizard Hut this one do I have a crafting table anywhere I mean I can I can make one need like a teeny station I’m going to gra just grab a bed for now and just put it in there I don’t think we can even use this one as it currently stands that guy is still determined to get us Little Wizard Hut Little Wizard Hut we’ll be safe yeah we’re fine never punished okay some cherry doors I have some chests uh in here I think yeah I do just just a little bit of storage you don’t need too much probably want like a furnace in here too um and then what else want some kind of little lamp take some candles little bit of bookshelf okay this one we’re going to pop the pressure plate in memory of the trapo we what we had before okay we want plant pot we want a sapling in it much Cozier space you like a pro tip for keeping villagers out of your house oh absolutely how do I stop these [ __ ] from like trying to live in here what do I do going to get rid of this too rebuilding their Village doesn’t mean it have to be nice to them C here oh I got to repair the Earth creeper goes off here it’s going to be pretty horrific cuz it will uncover everything that went wrong before not our problem you place the door so it looks open when you initially put it down it will appears open to villagers when closed and they can’t get through it pressure plate won’t work in combo though oh okay that’s interesting you know we’ll have someone’s going to move in here it’s inevitable we’ll just just let it happen we’ll just let it happen this time more that looks a bit nicer like airb and B are right getting out to the Village basically that’s uh that’s how we’ll look at it that’s how we’ll justify it and make so so we can sleep at night I’m going to definitely need more dirt so but what I can actually do I can just get rid of this little bit it’ll feel more open keep this here something mystical and then we’ll have just a little stable just a little stable for any animals we uh we bring back back set it up there eventually look we already got a lodger oh God let me just check something to works on zombies too that’s good to know first tenant don’t know if I have any hay bales in my uh storage oh hang on I want to pop a bit of sponge in here very very important block for our adventure I’ve actually brought some of the sponge here so I can pop it down uh something I need to do as we go is we actually need a little tree farm and we also need cherry blossom trees in general around here so what we’re going to start doing is planting a few we’ll grow these out we’ll chop them down and we can use that for more cherry blossom wood uh the village is going to receive the highest honor that is simply cherry blossom trees there’s very few spots in the game where we actually have used this don’t need the infinite water here make a we can make a new well the witer really destroyed this place yeah he he did he did but that’s okay we’re going to we’re going to build it back and it’s going to be even better than it was I’m going to fix their [ __ ] farming that’s that’s something I’m excited for through out this Farm too we just got to start with like a corner and then we work our way out go going to be going to be a fair bit of landscaping got to we got to get the houses back to where they were too Jesus Christ like just look at the state of this place you I might just tear this house down and just make a new one might just tear it down give them the honor the cherry blossom tree uh we can get some of these grown already there is a box of bone meal here hang on get some of these going pretty good nature is healing we’re using our magic to restore the place that’s the idea it’s going to look nice here just wa I might even put one on on top of the house I think that actually look really nice yeah okay these three here uh these ones are a bit more fluttered together so we’re going to chop these ones down for resources and more saplings really going to treat these people KF thank you for a thousand bits hey RT how are you I just want to say how much of you love this series it’s been wonderful to watch you ReDiscover the game also want to mention I bought batro because of your streams now I can’t stop playing it streams have really helped me learn and understand the game better so thank you for that you have a lovely day hey you too I’m glad to hear you enjoying batro thanks to ever for enjoying the series and supporting me like really does mean a lot did the Raider starve the raid end it the raid end it but there’s no more they gave up they gave up that’s really funny Village is safe he just tripped and died I guess cuz I didn’t kill him it just like not counting it his progress towards the raain now like oh you you just died of natural causes passed away that’s really funny right so now we just let that kind collapse and we take saplings and plant more we go um oh another thing I can pop down too is the Anvil I have a stone cutter too that I’m going to be using think that’s important cauldron I might not I don’t think I really want the cauldron in my home uh where did I put the Anvil stone cutter we’re going to just pop that there just so it’s to hand for now uh same logic we’re going to take the crafting table and just pop it outside you’re not Ying out of here had enough of you hurt myself in that fire so many times had enough I’ve got loads of saplings now too this this is going to be great for like the overall project 28 of these cuz what I want to do I want to plant like a lot of these on the Hillside I want to get some up there I can I can take some extra ones of these now I don’t need to just strictly Harvest these ones I’ll put three more over here for wood these like the harvestable ones and then um everything else is just like hey it’s a Decor one pop these down these are just going to be saplings that we grow and chop down okay let me let me do this bit here I’ll fix this Farm soon too it’s an ongoing project today pop this here that’s going to look amazing get rid of some of the Savannah trees nice to have a regular tree or two like we want to pop this up here very Blossom one here one here the animals love this mountain a shovel don’t that one’s going to grow all right that that would need some more room maybe now it will maybe now it will give it some time here’s the here’s the old M shaft we’ll do we’ll do that up to soon too get rid of some of this let’s trip it down a bit this will be a nice spot for one I’m so excited for how this is going to look like once it’s done okay star to see the pink coming in we’ve set up our base get some more saplings it will look nothing like Savannah but it will like look all around it that’s the point got to look at the the larger picture here get you for planting more saplings okay let’s fix this Farm I think what I’m going to do is if I reduce this wheat down by one with a perimeter block think I can make it look nice think I can make it look really nice um question is what block do I use not the Crimson wood yet we’re going to we’re going to use that for some of our homes honestly we just use the sand I I think that’ll actually have really nice effect it’ll make it pop I think that will look really good similar to how we did the Red Sand before go here you don’t let me get some dirt sand doesn’t fall I don’t normally use too much sand to build with but I think this really does look nice this makes it pop such a nice amount not symmetrical doesn’t matter it’s fine honestly okay little Sun down here but like honestly I’m okay with that hey get rid of this wall uh I need to put some stuff into boxes because we’re running out of space put some [ __ ] away I will need a fence of some kind warp fence will do we’ll we’ll just we’re going to roll with the punches here that there put something in the corner so don’t worry here we just want to line that I think what I want to do see it’s 1 2 3 4 5 here yeah so I think I I’m going to do is I’m going to change how this works put it so that one’s there and then we have a line here and then I can make this bit accessible I I got an idea going toire a bit of Destruction this going to be nice and relaxing do you do you guys just want some music while I do this honestly I can pop something on I’m going to do it this way I’m going to pop some Minecraft music on as we build that way you can get some on the stream and then like it doesn’t affect like the the this will be a bit of a montage later you know bit of a spoiler there but Minecraft relaxing music Let me just pop on a playlist okay there we go that this will work away can you hear it do it that way [Music] [Music] today keep an eye on that Audio Level too and I’ll I’ll make sure that’s all right [Music] really going to take our time today and make this look [Music] good okay um what do I need I need a light source what have I got we’re using up everything we’ve got here then event part of the plan too I can do something fun with the Birch slabs I got an idea with that don’t really have much shroom light you know we’ll just use torch [Music] go where’s the middle three one two three four five this is the middle bit was the middle I know what I want to do and if I move this here out this line all right oh that’s satisfying I don’t want the villagers to be at risk of falling in the water [Music] we’re actually going to like cover this up to protect [Music] them my logic [Music] okay get the diamond [Music] help the music is a little bit loud [Music] [Music] here this music is making me think on my life a lot lot to take [Music] in no place is peaceful [Music] now let me get the diamond hope it’s Unbreaking efficiency that grass probably slow down the gro [Music] somewhat Allen seeds ultimate fruit snack Farm come on okay and then I need to plant the wheat seeds got got to feed an entire Village so you know they they need a big farm you got to make sure it’s all connected via a road Network too I think I can hear like Frank working away making some improvements I have um thought I brought some more wheat seeds uh but that’s okay CU I can I can actually pretty easily get some need to harvest the wheat don’t [Music] [Music] I get some of this and then we’ll just reant shitload of bread too we [Music] go uh bful Harvest going I I I was worried why some of it was drying out I think it’s just taking a while the water to spread cool thought I have a little more light so it doesn’t get dark here about here is the middle ah New Village Farm is live look you can already see like the difference this is this is having like this is actually pretty cool you missed a we oh my Lord in [Music] heaven now you can give villagers like jobs and that similar to the Frank is the one that I can put you can help me out here chat to make him like a farmer so like tend to this [Music] just a melon seed too oh it’s the world coming to composter you just pop that here and I’m assuming that will work Co we got to chop down these trees every time they grow basically I’m going to destroy all their homes and I’m going to rebuild them with this wood is is part of my idea I’m going to build make them nicer homes really trying to treat this place [Music] go honestly might be enough wood for at least a WS each one of these giv me four planks well actually know I’m cuz I’m going to need logs too I’m going to need a lot of logs thinking about it [Music] that tree kind of looks nice there along go can finish probably this hill bit I want a waterfall here I want this to be a pond [Music] [Applause] I want to kind of look like quite natural help it [Music] a little spring like this more water I think I can just k for some in here maybe so let me I I I can just crack it open hang on that I need that or otherwise the water source gives out here we go it’s better it’s already looking a lot better I I know we’re getting to the Village itself don’t worry we are it’s a work in progress it will take a while you have to start with like one corner and like work from there otherwise it’s an overwhelming process aome buckets I want it to look like a mountain [Music] spring he [Music] there we go that barrier of it [Music] from some of that down and then what we’re going to do a little bit of sand it’s all in the [Music] [Music] details be more cherry blossoms try and do this side of the Hill [Music] more hard to find uh spots to put these where they’ll actually grow we’ll try pop them down and hope for the best [Music] there [Music] spot go not a good spot well like Savanah biome I can’t get over the grass color um kind of grown on me kind of grown on me we’ve had a lot of Sav in our world make stairs there we’ll make stairs there soon think about how the village is more [Music] accessible we will [Music] music’s a bit loud again it yeah it keeps doing it it’s really inconsistent hang on it is viby though I like I do like the music I’m going to set it up like that future proof it a bit should be good [Music] want one up there a bit of [Music] water and we’re going to be going pretty much till we run out of materials here so like we got we got a lot to build but I hope everyone enjoys just the vibe going be nice today out bit I look really good there another one there getting the cherry blossom trees down want one right here excuse me Mr Chicken can get one and it goes that way that way that’s going to look amazing this is a peaceful land there there honestly kind of looks like there should be a spring here you sandwich away my sandwich my Frost did not approve of that uh just get my alerts back Hollow thank you for the tier two thank you very much my sandwich a little detail no one’s even going to notice that but we know it’s there get a bit more dirt yeah we have to restore this train wreck of a place got to be careful to fill in some of the caverns as well like otherwise stuff will spawn down here and we we better avoid that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh make sure it’s all lit up come the end anyway too sir have to vacate the premises [Applause] [Music] starting to look more normal still still quite a ways to go though how you doing Frank he he’s good okay I I need to identify where natural ways out of the village should go there is they had a road system here so I’m going to try and I’m going to try and respect the road Network this will give me a bit of dirt as well just by doing it so that’ll be pretty good put some put some [ __ ] away it’ll be it’ll be a bit messy as we build but that’s fine is there a wood cutter similar to a stone cutter that can do like stairs and [Music] [ __ ] no I just put that in okay wooden oh where is my stairs he doesn’t know there’s a major update coming out soon I do um I’m wrapping up my playthrough anyway I’ve had my f sure there going to be some cool stuff and I hope people have fun with it but this is where I step [Music] out see if I start it here think that will work that will work how about to retire I’m not about to play I’m going to I’m going to be playing some Fallout after this I’m very excited for that [Music] more natural stairs and this gives us the dirt we need and uh bring this back on up you Vegas is overrated it you have incredibly poor taste don’t know what to tell you so sorry I did have to do that to you but come on now you Vegas absolutely deserves the attention it receives don’t be a contrarian have to get ratioed on Twitter oh god I’ve been kind of just [ __ ] posting quite a bit on Twitter lately I hope people have having fun with that oh there’s you know I think we just just extend these down just extend this down be going to be just like a staircase in amazing work go I think here that’s good oh well okay hang on we’ll we’ll make it nice just thankful for all this dirt block I’m actually picking up going to need so much dirt to fix the village up that there how fast my shovel just tears through it need some more cherry plank we go [Music] cool me take this then we take some logs going to be a pretty lovely Village when it’s done have a road that goes off here for some reason I don’t know if I’m going to be able to honor that one as much I might just cover that up bit of a Messier [Music] [Music] one we go you sir got to go there two trees in here for some reason there is yeah it’s like a teeny one there we [Music] go it’s getting there it’s really getting there I’m going to make sure this entire area is lit up before the end too Frank doesn’t deserve all this effort Frank Frank is Frank has endured a lot you know just be kind to him him and Gerald are going to be like the mays oh this is this was a house okay we got we well we got to just start over with this thing I think this was also a I think was this a house or a tree no this was a tree [ __ ] hell [Music] uh it’s tough work we will get there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dan fought the witer in the middle of a village that’s insane yeah if you haven’t seen it there’s like five Minecraft highlight videos on the YouTube channel now I I would recommend cuz a lot has happened sir I’m giving you your one and only chance to evict it’s your one and only chance you got to do it what I thought no one no one ever no one ever stays no one ever stays cut these down again some of this down God this is boring why why are you here [Music] I’m everyone’s having such a lovely time and you’re here like this sucks like [Music] dude why why are you here we’re having a lovely time I’m having so much fun don’t bite the bait no I I actually do address those things just to kind of weed out people like that you know who are just like negative NES you know you get them gone I’d rather call it out than just got to tolerate it and we you know and it’s to make fun of people too you know get to that we how we keep our chat in check yeah you must be new here [Music] now this is this is like this is like the end of the journey we get to like build something really pretty I’m actually loving this with the music it’s actually really nice like I’m kind of just having fun local stinky streamer who refuses to B bade bullly innocent chatter I have seen in comments on that especially on like the archive Channel where it’s like hey I wish you wouldn’t just draw attention to that but like the alternative is you kind of just accept that and you let it happen and then it just gets worse over time you know so like I’d rather be kind of like a bit proactive rather than just everything gradually declines would be my own two sens in it why we make fun of people just kind of being a bit silly and Loud for some reason and that’s not your cup with te you know that’s fine I I I kind of understand that too but I I stream for me first and foremost I’m just going to always kind of be trying to be honest with you there you know I think that’s important why would you to stream more interested things like watching grass grow or watching paint try like yeah you’re sl sleeping on the like the actual meat and potatoes here then like the watching paint dry video of all things like started trending again or something there was like a load of new comments on it this morning which is just really funny that it just happens out in the blue sometimes like like just know like paint share that share that with the world right now as just making the rounds again it’s just it’s so random just to watching Ice Melt stream uh where is the dirt genuine question actually chat there’s one bit of dirt I think I’ve used most of it going have to get some more okay we can go to the other side of the village and do some Landscaping I have to still do like put in another farm for these [Music] guys oh we’re we’re fixing the god forsaken system like this is gone this is got no like no more of this [ __ ] get rid of it I’m so tired of it oh God Fenix thank you for the 500 bits thank you very much sad thank for 100 as well my 8-year-old cousin is obsessed with Minecraft makes me so happy because I loved it when I was his age R feel incredibly old because Minecraft was released when I was eight love the playthrough it’s it’s kind of mad how long Minecraft has been around now thank you very much it is kind of mad how long this game has just been just here I do think it was like a weird thing especially on like a YouTube scene where it’s like Minecraft always was like just got increasingly popular but there was definitely a time on YouTube where like it just dropped off the radar and everyone stopped making videos on it so I think like it feels a bit different it’s like oh Minecraft had a weird Resurgence but like no like it really didn’t like it was always doing well especially like the console editions released and like it would just be like one of those games where it’s like oh [ __ ] I might as well get Minecraft I got like a PS4 now you know got to pick that one up you know it’s just like a staple game like buy how you buy like Mario Kart whenever comes out be own a Nintendo [Music] console this is stamp it out stamp it out get the dirt back y Sammy thank you for th bits while I do prefer the hour and a half VI made Minecraft I can only imagine the insane Bank you would have made from at least 50 of these videos you a gambler Spirit after all I got to just make it till the end of time no but like honestly the way the way I’ve gone about it especially for the YouTube highlights and like the Super Cuts of them is like every chapter it like would have been an episode of a Minecraft Let’s Play Back in the Day but like who’s got time for 50 videos nowadays you know like like no no one you know like that that that that’s just too much it’s an overwhelming amount of videos so [ __ ] it you know here’s some big peace Meal videos watch them when you like break them up however you want all I ask is that you know you just you just enjoy him that was like the philosophy with it or like the idea now shout out to Chloe just in particular cuz like you know she she works incredibly hard in the Super Cuts they they are very tough to get [Music] right okay terrain is getting there you can see the village starting to be feel a bit more repaired getting there the Cherry Blossom Hill is really coming along the animals have really taken to the paddin pool if I can like finish this line of the village but I’m going to need some more dirt actually just look at this awful these awful awful setups like what was how did this Village even survive this long okay let’s take this section and see if we can restore it I want to give them new houses too I need more dirt need more dirt um what if I just go and harvest somewhere shovel is also a bit broken at the moment the shovel only repairs while you’re holding it doesn’t it is that how it works or is like is it just in inventory there was some rule for it wait the Raider’s still alive I thought he died that’s kind of cool we can like rehabilitate him while holding okay if I do that does that count [Music] [Music] you have to get XP oh okay right I I okay need experience what I can maybe do is I can just put this one away probably just make like another diamond shovel [Music] one of them go get some dirt uh we’ll try and repair the road over here leading in and that should help us out too that that’ll give us some more I I think we can keep this road intact just it just need it just needs some work just need some work like what were they thinking you know I think this one in particular will give us quite a bit go the already use this dirt to fill in these weird gaps that are forming oh of this spell the be a tough one big word I don’t know if I can I don’t know if I can I might need help with that the of their Village make sense if you assume was on flat ground and somehow had some massive upheaval the gr like it wasn’t a hill it wasn’t a hill originally and then like the terrain just like row oh God it’s kind of terrified want to make like a Town Square here I have to wait a bit to do that come make the Town Square H Town Square is probably over there a lot of terrain to fix P up we will need pretty much all this we done one staircase there we have to do another one here and we probably have to do a third one over there [Music] somewhere this I did it [Music] and [Music] then that’s just that’ll drive me insane if I leave that one like that there we [Music] go and what I can do let’s plant like sapling or two down [Music] here be a nice bit of space we just plant one there you got to use the saplings kind of sparingly cuz I think they they look nicer maybe not sparingly but you got to keep them up the hill you got to keep them up the hill only like a few fur or below just replace [Music] you I can put some here I have some ideas for some stuff I want to put in that might be kind of fun uh this is not kind of fun just get rid of it I think there’s a there’s a seagull fighting outside my window I don’t know if you heard that oh God that was kind of scary I don’t know if you heard that he he’s having a bad day I was just kind of distracted there did hear a slight squeak I think he’s gone now he he went [Music] away here that’s going to be unsatisfying with the previous bit so I’ll just make the decision and put it there go okay we got to put something like in this little Al Cove here this is like just too nice a spot and not do something with it let me see what I’ve got in like the boxes okay it’s kind of how we’re going about it we’re just kind of we’re we’re kind of just feeling it out that’s a nice space uh we could build a our first house for the villagers I want to try and give them a new design using the Cherry [Music] Log please fix the P it’s it’s a work in progress work in progress [Music] no not there [Music] [Music] see let’s see how we do this I want to try and keep the natural look of their homes I don’t think a Cherry Blast Village exists in game but if it did if it did [Music] okay to make our first home this is going to look a lot nicer too this will really blend in it exists if you build it that’s true see the change you want to see how did they do most of those they have like the log and then stair roofs we should probably maintain the stair roof um you know we’ve been using AA we could just keep the acacia roof how high the hous is currently 1 2 3 and then roof two three and roof and it’s kind of like a hollow [Music] bit here it’s ground one two 3 and then the next one is roof okay what if I try like some construction like [Music] this and then what I’m going to do I think I know how this look is going to look I think I know how this is going to look oh once we get the design of one house down it’ll be a bit easier it’s going to be like just a layer of the orange and then it goes back to the pink it’s kind of my idea I of like that so I if I get Acacia stairs a cat who’s moved in here hey butter I kind of like our combination of this pink and orange that we’ve consistently used through the play through plant some of these pedals down too the peaceful land okay so what I need is we’re going to need a lot more Acacia but we’ll we’ll we’ll get it takes a bit of [Music] time repair the land a bit more with all this dirt starting this bit this this Farm’s just being demolished we’re going to we’re going to make this one better we’re going to make this one better this tree is a a fortunate spot god well I mean that’s kind of funky looking if I can maintain that [Music] and that looks kind of nice and I pop this like here the corners I mean this was an accident but hey it kind of works oh that’s the wrong spot next one’s the bottom pop bottom up go it takes a while to get this right I me I probably made more work for myself doing it this way but hey it it’s going to to look a bit cooler sadly wait no no it lines up with the alternating pattern cool is symmetrical I I think the perspective is just being a bit weird it looks like it’s a lopid of that way but it’s [Music] not this is like a weird kind of hybrid of the two but I think it’s kind of nice kind just made like a pagota here yeah oh if this this could be the new style for the home that would have to be a back wall it doesn’t make sense to make that anything else and then did they use glass p pain in their homes or glass block use glass pane okay some of these homes won’t need too much work like this one we’re just going to swap the colors we’re going to get rid of this log and then we’ll fix the roof up [Music] Frank’s busy working away glass [Music] glass [Music] wait glass p like we’re mostly going to be working with glass pan so that’s okay to do this guy a cool [ __ ] window you know we’ll just do the same here [Music] [Music] and for this bit in the door one more touch I know this is only one house and we have quite a few to go but you know like we’re taking our time today we’re really taking our time [Music] yellow of that terra cotta and give them all like some fancy stones or something kind of like the idea of doing that where they all have a little bit of [Music] highlight give you crying obsidian take a block of this for ourselves how many diamond blocks can you spare could give I could give someone the diamonds could give someone diamonds everyone’s going to get like a different kind of decoration for their home that there and I can put a bed in there put chest in here everyone there’s literally two people in the village we’re going to we’ll figure it out it takes time got to got to have fate right they’re going to need a chest make some I could give him a brewing stand I give him a that and a brewing stand I want I want to use these bricks need a bed did I bring wool bring more wool I only have 10 here might be enough beds to go about don’t don’t have any of the color options for bed that honestly that’s fine one sec clear a bit of space can I make a pink bed is this a d there is a die perfect yeah fck of obsidian I like this block that’s what we’re going to [Music] [Music] say okay that’s the that’s the first villager home and something I really want to do is I want signposts that tell me what everyone is we’re going to use like this some of this blue fence for that uh can they can a villager use a brewing station like that to become like an alchemist or something yes they can the [Music] cleric pretty sweet that’s our that’s our first house done and we’ve got stairs leading on up [Music] too mine’s floating H it’s just magic it’s just part of the magic ain’t it don’t mind it need to advance the road up here I will do I’m just going to get a cheeky bit of dirt while I go did it keeps doing that getting there it’s getting covered we’re in the business of keeping this well lit up first of many homes that we have to do I need to grow some more CH uh cherry blossom trees um going to need more wood this one’s not falling down which leads me to believe there’s a bit of wood in there too plant these for a farm real quick where you come on oh okay I’m going to need more cherry logs I’m going to need more I’m I just need so much dirt to fix this place it’s such a [ __ ] mess dirt dirt the dirt is huge this poor cat it’s going to be okay [Applause] mittens we abolish this Farm get rid of it this is this is just an eyesore oh here get yourself to safety [Music] that is okay a lot of work royalty thank you for a th000 bits play through ending is everything uh going to Beed to Gerald and Company or they forever be consigned to the Earth got to wait and see got to wait and see don’t worry we’re not done we’re not done thank you though this fixed I’m I’m going to need some more sand I think be far enough down where it should hopefully not cause any problems like theya Farm here and also apparently a road here they had a farm out here this is the most normal Farm I think they constructed and even then it’s kind of [ __ ] even then it’s just like it’s okay at best crying not very well not not very well criticize their farm and practices till the end just cut off the source there okay we have a big uh like melon and wheat farm there let’s get get like a little vegetable patch going here think the idea I want for each side that’s the wall there every little bit of dirt is going to help just patch in the god awful holes [Music] everywhere okay you it’s going to be a bit of a mismatch of different components as we go but I think that’s all right let me let me Mark out the perimeter for this Farm got an idea where it is you there [Music] like this here I think that looks right I’m working on a bud how approves he does [Music] make two quick trips enough water have to clean up my inventory in a little bit as we go here go okay uh I need to prepare the Earth three five five going to leave a divide in line do I leave a divide in line it’s going to be carrot and potatoes so no one’s carrot and potato okay now I need more fence need the G to get the carrot and potato I hope and I actually remember the pack that might not have uh oh that that we’re good feeling okay and then I need something for the wall I have a wall block already here [Music] uh don’t know if I see any I I have fence six wall there Cobblestone wall uh what I could do is I could use deep slate pick that in deep SL tile up about 30 of that’s good sound it’s very satisfying go ah a devastating okay uh let’s just get me one more no colossal L have I got my Guy’s real hungry hang eat a potato there you go really wanted that no I put torches like that on the other one too uh I need to get the slab bits of birch no I didn’t actually I put it like that okay let me get the slab just it’s just always going to be a nightmare to work out where anything is the farming situation is pretty much fixed with these two Farms they can they can live off of this there we go okay let me make another [Music] composter uh it needs to be specifically slabs okay that’s a bit annoying but I can just make some slabs of a different [Music] material this is a peaceful land right and composter there tough going the second village well the second Farm is now restored I’m still surprised you stayed in Savannah from the beginning despite the fact that 90% of people playing hate this bio well turned that to be a really good world didn’t it what can I say we we had some fate in the world and we had some fate in US got to trim the lawn a little bit but the grass a tad I know that there’s like an abandoned little farm here uh I’m well you know nature finds a way nature finds a way yeah I guess I guess it’s not our problem anymore cherry blossom we just just plug it let try to keep it alive but like you know it’s you’re just not worth it let that dry up I don’t think we strictly need a road into the town from there I going going just keep the as some outskirts okay plug these right I I need to fix whatever’s going on with this house it’s just it’s just not [Music] right to get rid of this bit of P that’s kind of going [Music] nowhere go [Music] okay that’s fixed probably need to redo a lot of the road Network in general but we’re going to have to wait until we can patch up more of the holes in the land I need like a thousand more dirt or something me chop you down pop you down these like always the nicest ones to get so clean to remove little snaky bit there but it’s all right sure it’s all Creeper proof uh we’re going to like light up the perimeter as much as we can so that people can’t really get in as easily it is getting there though it it is really starting to get [Music] there I’m going to let me just go over here or something and like take a bunch of dirt just going to do it like out of sight yeah here is perfect no no one cares about this SP L we just flatten this a bit go I going to even look cooler here with just the exposed Stone once we take all the dirt and that was my family’s dirt patch was save for Generations and now it’s gone I hope you’re happy was my that was my great-grandfather’s dirt Twisted [Music] man and I do it again I do it again of No Remorse absolutely none GL that for a moment on Earth Day oh no it is Earth local streamer destroys the planet on the one day he’s not supposed to that is that is an unfortunate coincidence look we we’re rebuilding a bit we’re rebuilding we’re making it look nice again yeah that looks cool over there the Earth is going to get you for this on one sec um I’m sure it’ll be fine I’m I’m not too worried I really am going I just keep needing dirt like so much was [ __ ] destroyed got to got to just like spend most of my time like filling potholes that just everywhere in the Earth this is supposed to be like too high here I think this was all a bit higher as well [Music] right we will we will probably have to relocate these guys before long they’re all right for now all right for now I’ve got a plan the road the road might actually narrowly just avoid them okay I want to fix this house in a particular way first and foremost it is time to return the Terra Cotta we took all this time ago and the inside of here is mostly okay uh guys for some reason just never had a proper floor we’re just going to piix some up I think with this one I have to just change the roof and then I have to change these logs um do I want to just use full Cherry logs like it’s going to it’s a full Cherry logs and this is just kind of like a waste how it feels let’s cut the corners give them a few give a few I’ve got so much [ __ ] in my inventory just toss down some fruit snacks for now go that match I didn’t really use this one for the outside so no I need to make the inside I I can I think I can convert this I’m smart about it a just some [ __ ] in here going to get a new floor uh for the bits that matter oh just don’t move your fridge and it’s fine new floor okay put these Corners down transform his home take down this wall then this one let’s see how this blends with the previous one we made yeah so it follows the scheme where it’s like pink for floor pink for ceiling orange for for the wall specifically and then like these little pink highlights we’re being we’re being consistent with the style which is important go uh just got his floor oute uh we’ll let you what no you’re going to get some new doors going to get some new ones sorry but you don’t have a say in that go these out what do you think chat this is kind of working for like transforming it I think it looks kind of nice here in particular cuz it’s raised on this bit of Hill give them some new doors gradually getting there home by home these ones he had doors on the inside like that we expect it like that this one cuz the spacing works better for it do it like that this was the stone Mason wasn’t it this is where we got the we got some tool didn’t we was it the St was it the saw blade we got from there stone cutter how do I how do I make a stone cutter Stone and iron I have a silk touch pick quickly get some it’s a peaceful land okay I need a piece of iron [Music] I’m going to deliberately avoid having food until I start to take damage just because people are panicking for some reason we have so much time calm down please thank you right [Music] here so I think it’s just best I’m going to need some more cherry logs oh we need we need so much Cherry log let me those trees are actually kind of nice th this one okay something’s gone wrong with this one this one just looks like a cloud so this one time to get ready here [Music] no and maybe if I put a sapling back it might look nicer try it there [Music] could just make the roads really [ __ ] neat be honest it might be kind of [Music] nice might be kind of nice for some of the main roads here have a little Branch off bit there have that there I think it’s okay if it’s a bit Messier down here kind like the the entrance get rid of these little [Music] bits okay so what I want is I want another bit it here like so and then we’ll have something that kind of just sits here honestly we could probably just use a bit of Terra Cotta or something kind of looks nice uh in fact I could probably use that same design to be one two three nice little decorative bits here as well I’m going to put a little [Music] sofa here I can put uh how do I make a hay bale nine wheat got some of this uh we’re going to block this up none of this is going to stay as is this far I’m to go the [ __ ] mess like the Dual well feature so we’ll have to change that with some logs oh get rid of some of this we level it [Applause] out okay here we’re going to have to put something fun here first and foremost let me get that hay [Music] [Music] yep [Music] so Minecraft music and someone replies with no when it is don’t know [Music] why do say it’s Minecraft [Music] music this [Music] is hang in monastery [Music] Overworld by Garett ker different musician on it yeah it’s um it’s it’s got some of the more unusual songs in here I believe Al I can see like a lot of the lenain ones and a lot of the C418 classics [Music] cool though it’s nice okay got be very careful now Frank this is Frank’s home we need to make make sure we don’t disturb here should be should be all right how’s it going Frank just doing some pave in [Music] here let me just mow the line above you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that off okay we Resto finished restoring this house we need to do the roof on this house next uh important part of that and maybe a good way to light a foundation is simply as we did for the previous one up them like so uh now I need to just like chop out every other block I think specifically every other block oh and it look a bit nicer this one starts at bottom so this one’s top so pop so this one’s bottom top top top situation here but that’s fine it should be all right I think it’s the worst thing in the world [Music] gradually fill in more of the square [Music] [Applause] here it’s really it’s really starting to look kind of nice I want to put like a fountain here or something [Music] [Music] that would be really cool see that another Spire here the village doesn’t need that I don’t think that would look good at all need a few of these too okay oh I’ve saved prismarine for this we can combine it with some polished [Music] Blackstone [Music] um what else he like a highlight or something just trying to see what I’ve got I got to put at least one sponge in at least a sponge want make a lantern maybe that maybe that’s what it needs iron nuggets and a torch I have iron bars I’m assuming I can get nuggets from that yep okay and then it’s forever trying to like desperately make a little bit of space I don’t need the hoe anymore because I’m not going to be setting up f far land the Farmland part is done then we just pop few bushes down okay oh I need to use these still for stairs here two one two we’ve effectively made like two pretty good ways into the village now like we have this side and the side over here [Music] done just got to keep building until it’s [Music] done want I want this to look three one two three and Hunt I think I can work it out from here take out the middle ones that’s my other prismarine [Music] did I take it thought I to let me just make my way back have you used any of the Netherwood for a ability I have uh there’s a nether burn which you can see in the highlights on YouTube uh where were those bricks half of the I wish I could do like a big box you know but it’s like merged inventory storage after a while something that like I find a bit overwhelming even star you is like if you don’t manage [Music] it you’re a bit [Music] [ __ ] you can do the corners that might look nice who bush is here this Monument like is Testament the Ocean Monuments defeat it in this world going to need to sponge yep I know that’s going to happen but don’t worry there we [Music] go that’s a cool feeling that’s a really cool feeling that here there’s like a bit of a plaza space here I can make like a little market stall I know some villagers some villager towns will even have that so what I can do is I can see what I’ve got and we can come up with something here all I have some potatoes when I do get hungry uh just cuz it’s a weirdly magical place slap that out there don’t question it same logic I should probably Pop I should pop the cauldron in the other Hut shouldn’t I yeah that’ll be a good one he what was I trying to do um Market stall where’s the wool God it’s so hard to find anything wo oh there it is okay cool we have it I need a bit of that slap that in I only need two bits I think I only need two bits I can use the last of this fence I use some of the Crimson one a zombie villager is groaning oh no someone’s had a bit of trouble there these here not entirely sure how they built their stalls but [ __ ] it we’re going to just do our own takeing it why not go be something like that isn’t it it’s like a game Star isn’t it I U make a trapo we can get in there a bit easier [Music] I can kind of see it [Music] on we’ll do it like that for every little short material so we just got to kind of make through after a certain point [Music] there feel like that should be there at the corner shouldn’t it [Music] oh looks a bit more natural [Music] go all right let pass another night how long has it been working on the village now it’s quter to 7 already Jesus yeah uh we’ve been going like at least 2 hours should probably try find the zombie villager I think you can give him a golden apple and get him back to normal it actually might be quite important considering scope with the project not here is he where are yeah the left on the right okay there he is let’s try and get him back to normal take one of these my man H doesn’t want it need a potion of weakness as well I don’t know how to make a potion of weakness I don’t think I have the material for that okay we’ll just kill it [Music] sometimes you know medicine just can’t find a [Music] solution okay right [ __ ] hell um I got to finish this house and then we’ll take stalker as to what needs to be done okay we are getting there like this bit of the village looks really nice now the main downtown bit is is the I mean that’s the most dotten part of it but we’re getting there shave this layer off um I feel like I should shave it doesn’t really matter does it you probably should you probably [Music] should this kind of look a bit weird otherwise we go come on a way for me to place that so it merges there good enough yep okay and then the last thing to do here is to knock out the roof and replace it with cherry how many more houses left to go 1 two three another one over that Hill oh we’re going to get there though I’m determined today I’m determined like a lot of the village is done already too like we’re about halfway I reckon main thing for a lot of it is just dismantle the farm and make it look a bit nicer cherry blossom trees do most of the work speaking of I’m going to need some more wood again come on all this down I don’t know I think the name for the village as well after all this time is just the village this is low one I was thinking about that too it’s like hey do we name it like yeah welcome to wizardville or something like no like it just doesn’t sound right no matter what you call it it will be named The Village I’m not naming it anything that people have suggested in chat no it’s the village frankville to me Frank has spent a lot of time here restoration is underway we we are getting to the houses I you think it’s something to do with this space still but we get there one one house at a time I only needed to build I think one house like a new here everything else we can kind of refurbish these red ones we might be able to keep the same and if we just change the tops to like the roof of them these ones are actually kind of intact so pretty cool might keep that one just is a traditional house also the only standing like traditional house or like original one here for H is looking really good we might we’ll change we’ll change it a bit change a bit like we have to red ones though won’t won’t take long we’re just going to swap the roof I think can respect the red oh it’s going to be a few materials and that we’ll do some cleaning later oh I love how that tree is like kind of moved on that house that’s really cute okay so we should get that house next actually cuz then we’re done this entire section of [Music] it I’ll just keep planting a few cherry blossoms as I go to remove the Abomination that is the glass here the Water Source why weird Phantom water source we hardly knew you [Music] and this is beautiful thank you I I’ve actually like really trying to do this right I’m really trying it is it is tough to do a project of this size like this is this is probably the most ambitious one we’ve done this house needs to be transformed a little it’s going to be a bit harder the transform cuz it’s like not as much I can cut out at a glance shape of it’s a bit weird okay some of that it already looks better even doing that now I need to swap the logs is going to have a lot more log compared to the other homes that’s all right oh Pop these here and here I need to do this side still that out move the floor what do I pick up there I picked up something new it’s surpris to be honest the banners was it he can he can keep the banners likes them that was the stripped log okay keep that had some rest again it’s like a face they all every house kind of looks like a face little bit hello there I need to drop that off still um we’re going to give this guy some black glazed terra cotta maybe is home no save that a bit save that a bit that’s a that’s a big one um okay what do I need I just needed space I think more than anything the building the village I needed the door how was [Music] that all we were place the ceiling and then we do the corners and our weird stair technique again got a lot of these logs apparently awesome man we don’t we don’t really need them cool then every other one okay to fix everyone’s roof as we go cool and now I need to add his up upstairs a bit tricky to do this just cuz I don’t want to damage the tree here that’s kind of settled in just going to shoot down here a bit I might be able to get it off we go I was worried about h a little bit of an awkward spot there look at that another house has been restored uh should we slap a bed in this one I don’t know if we need to cuz this isn’t a home is it this is like someone’s place of work be a home too see we’ll see how we’re doing on beds if we have extra beds at the end then maybe I don’t think we will somehow I think we use most of the wool in the stall we’s see what we end up with let me slap this cauldron down inside the home over here I see it it’s a peaceful place I think maybe over here I make a pen for Animals I think that’s what makes the most sense kind of have to fill the space somehow I feel like anything else I do is going to like be a labor of love so maybe maybe doing something like that works best uh what I can do here there just make this look a bit nicer cut out these Woodland Mansion real quick oh yeah sure I’ve got four days think even that’s ambitious silk touch put that away uh we’ll just make I’ll make this a block chest I I just need something so I can organize gear better I have a chest in here hopefully this goes into the right chest dang try it again [Music] my tools are all like getting so badly broken as time goes on level’s not long for the world ax is almost gone okay a block chest let’s uh pop just any standard size Block in here so we can get it in one space and then let’s pop anything that’s like a DEC or block that’s a bit different and unusual in the other one like that would be deck or glass would be that doors signs stairs [ __ ] it still desperately trying to organize some of this jukebox we can just pop that in our home oh we might want to play cat sometime candles I’ll find I’ll find somewhere to put the candles make a little make a little thing with these oh like uh give me that dirt do like a little thing here sticky pistons I don’t know if I’m going to be using that realistically these I want to get out of this box carpet that’s what I was looking for I was wonder where that went good a you little welcome Matson this case is there not much room but thought that counts little little doormat you know just adds a little bit to just like just a smidge to each home each it’s like dwelling makes it feel a bit more cozy probably get rid of this oh my God this will be the last thing we we touch is uh the grave keep pickaxe on my person too I might need that I love the mats thank you get dark [Music] again I want to also add some like just general bookcases to them too I I have think I have more books in some of the one of these boxes uh there it is I love like just the little lived in details this is the comfiest stre I’m glad this this is just we are build in a while today I I’ve been wanting to do this for ages though is the thing and this really feels like the most appropriate end for the series is to like spend the most time the biggest build on like the place where it all STS it you know like it it just feels right oh uh SEC forgive me books oh that might look kind of nice on top of this Ain it does look kind of nice you Graft in a tree or something go Bringing books to the people they must they must learn their history and the atrocities that happened here they be doomed to repeat it educating them I am very important we still we still need a shitload of dirt like just look how destroyed it still is ground is almost recovered gradually getting there I can’t remember there was a house here or not that I got entirely annihilated I’m going to just say no cuz it’s going to be a lot of work otherwise we’re going to we’re going to level out the land here we’re going to make an executive decision push it back just a bit towards this house gives us a bit of dirt too tur of is at to fill in all that space so we we just don’t have the resources Mountain looks like it’s on fire or something over there the Shadow’s catching it feel like this let’s play make a good children’s book feel I feel like I swear swore a few too many [Music] times but might have jeopardized our chances you [Music] know and then what what happened in the village Papa wow the Nar started summon the witer and he started saying Jesus Christ Jesus [ __ ] Christ holy Mary Mother of God and then what happened to Papa started swearing violently [Music] [Applause] uh feel like that would be half to book you know then he started swearing [Applause] violently I I I don’t know I don’t know if that would work I am honest with you very cheeky here dig out a little bit of this no no one needs to know that it’s kind of cut out there because it’ll just give us more dirt to work with no one needs to know go what is just with the animals lately they just love to [Music] spin I’m going to take this entire layer of dirt and move it up one I cannot do that because this layer of dirt is protecting that layer of dirt [Applause] okay we’re just going to need more dirt animal pen might actually look amazing there I think that’s the spot for it that one is thankfully a very easy build so I can just like get that done now it’s just like you just fence an area and we have some kind of little marker for it I could I could use the No what else am I going to use the red terra cotta for got to be used Crimson stem sticks and fence you know we’re just going to use it some nice red fencing have the fence is red then maybe a different color terra cotta might look [Music] nice or like a different color base material uh got Gray honestly a little bit of cobblestone nah I don’t like building with Cobblestone I never do warped wood I don’t think I have any more warped wood don’t think I have any we got a lot of butter fuse up little bit of Soul Sand little bit of Soul Sand kind of like in love like in the spirit of like the hell burn that we’ve got nice thing is as well this so this will give us a bit of dirt to use which we desperately [Music] need should do the job uh placing Soul Sand and stuff like that that’s not going to like affect the environment is it going have like I always worried like doing stuff like this like oh a ghast is going to spawn now good job no okay well I got my amount wrong uh that’s all right we simply narrow our scope B go [Music] [Music] three three make a gate there when that’s all done that going to be very colorful come the end but that’s kind of been our style throughout know we we we make do what we’ve got hello there and we want in this one a little bit of different space just for a bit of interest in detail I think we’re going to make a little bath over here okay so the animals can just kind of have some fun here that the ilra died no he’s he’s just resting underground he’s all right don’t don’t mind his screams it’s just a testament to a Time Gone by it’s all it is he’s just resting in the soil let me just do one thing my end for making brunch I love the progress so far thank you it it’s really getting there we a few houses to just completely restore still um big thing is just kind of taken back the land the land has been an ongoing issue but like even on that front like it’s it’s starting to get there [Music] get some of [Music] [Applause] this filling the potholes here’s your bat kill the evil guy with the raid trigger I don’t think so no cuz the the thing [Music] disappeared all [Music] we can kind of just keep this bit even open might look kind of nice need to just add some blocks here me uh chop down I need to grow more cherry blossoms oh this is like my favorite bit of the Minecraft soundtrack too this is the alpha music this is the one you would have heard in the credits it’s so close to like merging over here now doing this bit feels kind of huge all right one more bit of Farmland but it’s going to be a bit different um it’s going to be just a little pumpkin patch I can use these two bits for it still keep this very open here I have like a 4×4 grid for pumpkins just have enough well no I don’t need that hang on okay little bit of fence specifically this [Music] side and then we’re going to put the pumpkin stocks I do it for here probably just two rows here yeah if I have water underneath it will water it or is it the adjon I think I asked that question a long time ago water log of blocking it account I don’t know what that means um I I I meant can I put like a bit of water underneath it pumpkin seeds where is the diamond ho different version of Excalibur oh I knew what I wanted to do with that I want to put that in an item frame hang on brought one here the sword got us through a lot of times where is there it [Music] is little pumpkin patch got to do that just so it doesn’t grow that way I probably should just do it like that it’ll look weird need a little more cherry blossom uh there’s one cherry blossom too many here you got to go all right that’s being really annoying at the moment okay you you know you need water right yes yes I do just Panic too much panicking he’s just screaming you got to you got to trust the process got to trust the process have a little faith do this very differently there just going to be some side little water bits here I should water It Go pumpkin patch how many comments do you read but not reply to or do you always comment on the comments you read uh I I read a lot of comments I just like talking to like you know uh people in my community and that and it’s just nice kind of see like like what parts of like videos and that people enjoy and like streams and that know some very kind things that I actually even said in the comments too so you know I try my best to catch what I can can never catch everything but like you know that’s just an impossible task but I think that’s fair you won’t read this comment well you just look a bit silly now don’t you get hello of this silly Billy in chat we got him finish this out here we’ll fix this monster it it’s on the list it’s on the list there there was yeah there is another house here remember there was a third house here I was about to plant a tree here thinking ah ah yeah there’s a nice spot for a garden no this was this was some guy’s home at some point in time we need to we need to get that back a bit this poor Village has really endured a lot the music’s gotten a bit Sinister was this was this downstairs someone’s house dude it’s just like a water tower okay you know that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to we’re going to transform it it’s no longer someone’s home cuz I kind of I kind of like the idea that there’s like a walkway here I’m sorry your home has been completely demolished please accept this Motorway I think that’s actually going to look really cool when that’s um when that’s like done up a bit okay what’s going on with the music lately what is what is happening bue our special block need to try and get everything I can inside special blocks name tags oh oh God tough going okay but like really at this point all we have to do is if once I restore these houses it’s just onto the square we’re actually in like this is like the last corner of the village so I I need to work on these homes next it’s really starting the to get there this guy’s house I do have I I don’t even know what this was supposed to look like this guy took too much damage this is the Tall Grass dude at the start of the adventure this all that’s left of them at least his grass survived make a blacksmith um what what block do I have to place for a blacksmith to move in M oh my God the best item in the game I know I know the tall grass is very exciting gang I know I’ll try it don’t get too excited now red choker box does not really anything else I need in this box so I’m going to I’m going to move that this box has basically been depleted Pistons I’m not not going to be able to do anything with that diamonds we might be able to do something with well I I I don’t think I’m going to be able to use sticky pistons we out of here okay blue Shuler has also been pretty much depleted from the parts that we need need what so what item is it for the black was the blacksmith again grind Stone makes a weapon Smith does it okay be cool deorative blocks utter miscellaneous bits you need a Smitt table oh okay how do I make a smitten table again just a bit of iron and wood okay I can do that be cool how do I want to do this so This we’re we’re we’ve made the executive decision to just turn this into like just an intendant feature feel like I need to swap some of the wood I need to do the roof in my style that I would always do I think I can keep the rest of it maybe need a little bit of Yow uh yellow terra cotta just to plug this actually we can do better than that we can do better than that I was wonder what I was going to use like the black and red terra cotta for but I think I know now all in the detail [Music] what are you making a village we’re making a village oh that tree is really nice one of the supports has been completely blasted through it might be nice to kind of just keep the um a fair bit of this intact what I can do actually yeah we keep this intact and this is like historical landmark this is like the old Tower I like I like that idea historical landmark that kind of expresses the history of the [Music] place this is what we think dwellings looked like here back in the day basically get some of them I need a gate as well okay need two gates second gate I really hope people have enjoying the stream this I I I’m having a lot of fun just putting this together oh this is the most involved and complicated build we’ve done but again feels right let’s restore this this bring it back to what it was historical landmark a slab [Music] [Music] go I think that actually looks really good and we just we don’t even touch it we don’t even touch that one it is just a land [Music] Mark to acknowledge the sense of history with these older [Music] blocks this is this is what our archaeologists uncovered when they were looking at this place just making sure nothing else is broken yeah it seems good I really like that kind of gives us some nice scenery here too uh this is a pond I’ve have decided I made the decision y love putting ponds in and [ __ ] like that it just always looks nice right give me my buckets oh we did this wrong apparently not filling properly we go sand base we we’re kind of out of sand having a bit of trouble on the sand front that’s okay decision has been made that just looks nice that just looks really good then we just make some other little decisions so like a little light spot there uh we’ve been consistent with the style for these stairs throughout so we probably should do the same here narrow it first pop one here pop one here torch torch we go we don’t need this extra crafting table here that can be a good decorative block somewhere okay finish filling in this great hole we go pop a few cherry blossom trees here get rid of this regular ass tree that there and this one like here go here we go okay we need to restore these two houses this one in particular is like a really important house cuz this is the one where we actually fought the raid put any water inside the water tower it’s not a water tower it’s just going to be like a little pigot thing I’m keeping it as is there a sense of The Village’s history before anything was modified and also because it means less work it means less work to do it that way yeah we we we’re spending a lot of time doing the village okay so you can forgive me for cutting a few Corners like look at this entire District down here you know this just this just looks insane now so nice this bit of town is still the roughest effect that why are they all down it’s the roughest effect it just because of the extent of the damage what we’re going to do uh we’re not about this life where the terrain is just all over the shop uh so this is the max height now and this gives us all this dirt I need to make one more entrance to town over here as well I also need to fix the train wreck of a farming system but they won’t even use these Farms I think anymore now will they cuz they have I have the composters in the actual right spots I think they will we’ll just ignore them iron villagers all died we we’re going to get new villagers we’re going to get new ones there some neighboring towns we could we have we we’ll bring them home figure it out one step at a time all of this has got to go tempted to keep this house intact as well cuz it’s one of the untouched ones but no we’re going to we’re going to adjust it that one won’t be too hard to do though thankfully I need two more ramps up to the town I need one over here I really hate their farming system oh it just makes me so angry like spilled like a tanker of water and just like no one can like clean it up it’s just everywhere Minecraft generation at F is like it kind of sucks in some respects like it’s cool in a lot of ways but like for the villages like they seem to have a really rough time of it apparently these guys have been in tuned in the Earth this entire time too like Lads get out of here I don’t know how long they’ve been there Jesus Christ making the decision we’re cutting off some of this here put away this that gone these [ __ ] Farms out away I hate their Farms they make me so angry get him gone happy Earth Day everyone happy Earth Day remove this agriculture get the land back to the Earth cuz God only knows they didn’t know what the [ __ ] they were doing with this space the the road the road Network here leaves a lot to be desired God I got to fix this before I can fix anything more up here I got I got to take care of all the flying watermelons now too A lot of these [Music] how much dirt do I have that’s a good amount of dirt okay I might I might be able to patch in some of the holes here cat is crying the cats always crying that’s what they that’s what they do in this game unfortunately after just having a rough time of it probably because they live here probably because they live here very upsetting but it will be nicer soon oh my God for like the first time forever look at this look at this Central Plaza like you can actually stand in it don’t mind the guy buried alive cat you got to get out of here got to get out of here come on here you go get you to safety there some of the sand I I can use the sand somewhere else maybe do the sand naturally spawn in here or did I place that way earlier I can’t remember doesn’t really matter [Music] but there was supposed to be two water sources here uh but we’re going to cannibalize these logs and replace them anyway oh that’s all right make this look nicer we go grey D he’s cutting Corners again like in in a very nice way you know very nice way that’s not going to look right is it no be something else in the middle there mhm stripped Cherry logs yeah that kind of works we use this sparingly we it’s not really consistent with the rest of the place I’ll I’ll put them sideways them sideways for a bit of different oh there we go I feel like we just do uh that get our water music has stopped that’s because we’ve gone through an entire 3our music compilation mix it’s okay because they have an hour 45 supplemental Edition for another Minecraft update uh let’s pop some of that on time for cat let’s go time to play like at least like two more hours of cat nothing but cat let’s [Music] go we love cat in this [Music] house there are going to go here [Music] this needs like a laay around it this is the Central Plaza gu is going to have a very Deluxe treatment to his house make it just a bit different we’re going to make it narrow here we get rid of all these plat blocks over here like royalty in this home I think this was a Poole as well so some some of this needs to be [Music] filled uh this absolutely is just a mess cover it up [Music] got change the way the road works here in general let me get the stair [Music] blocks put some more of this together [Music] [Music] here I never thought I’d see the square like [Music] restored this The Village the Widow destroyed it was it was that Village [Music] but uh vill is coming back now some reason it’s under Invasion just by skeletons now can’t catch a break I I need to make him like an iron golem I need to give him at least one for protection okay next on the to-do list is to build more staircases up I have two more of those to build I should do that for kind of working out Road networks let’s let’s get on that next um feels like there should just be something more for torches here okay that’s a special block Wood sand Cobble different ones in here no more farming we’re done with farming Bell by the well yeah there is um I think I have everything for making Golem too I I need I need a pumpkin to grow in but they will eventually oh look at the new version of the farm okay little patch has had a bit of trouble some reason this one specifically just died why I think I accidentally put a slab down at at some spot some point let me just uh fix that this one died too reaching them we go it is now all the wheat as well like oh it looks so good how’s the how’s the other Farm coming [Music] along oh it’s amazing it’s all fully grown except why it’s doing that one of two spots is just have just having a little bit of trouble it’s really cool I have to put something special here eventually okay I need to do stairs I need more stairs I’m going to need more cherry planks that tree looks amazing so I’m just not going to touch that anymore lot of the trees coming in look so [ __ ] good like the mountain and stuff too I do I do need to chop that a tree or two there’s like there’s probably one too many in here one too many in here this this guy is getting a bit too buddy buddy what uh get you [Music] you imagine if trees just spawn in fully grow and fully in fully grown on their own just in like the real world it’s like what bar suddenly have a lot lot less uh well just environmental Devastation you know it be pretty [Music] good considered a cool move for Humanity if we could just do that i’ like to [Music] think okay have a little more cherry log I’m hoping that’s enough to do some of these extra [Music] stairs need some of these found to 14 be enough for now then stare I need three of these [Music] a there going to be four main paths in one here one in the back there and then two very close to each other over here this should make the village like pretty accessible like people coming and going the context of the world I mean in our context we only need one path like that’s plenty but you know what I mean you know what I mean y this house is going to be really easy to do we’re not even going to change the walls uh we’re just going to like gut their floor probably give them a bed back I think I think they be took theirs at some point we’ll get that I’ll tell him not to heal the axe we can just make another axe it’s fine you don’t need to like conspire against me you know this side’s going to be so annoying to add steps though [ __ ] it we just add stairs here it’s the damn it’s the damn farming system that’s just pissing me off going to plug this what were they thinking [Music] look how much landscape we just recovered how to stop [Music] it bye Mountain firm like we they did they did not use this at all no one did like it’s fine we can just have that be some wild grow what we we will do on this side is plant some more cherry blossoms cuz that would be cool get a few more cherry blossoms is yeah I’m I’m making the decision to just close this Road let’s just being delete [Music] it yep it’s just going to be replaced by some trees [Music] lot of space for some nice trees [Music] here we’re going to make it so that this is like the last stairs up they’ll have one over there they’ll have one here and then they’ll have one on that side text them a bit from the pillagers in theory music feels depressing with the Villagers mostly dead it’s fine don’t don’t don’t think about it too hard mate okay don’t man’s like I’m just working away in like a ghost town like everyone is dead it’s just villagers like just gone it’s like yeah we’re going to paint the walls a nice color it’s like Dan they’ve been dead 10 years you got to move on [Music] you got to move on they’re long gone it’s just like renovating a [ __ ] dead Village oh no cut off the road sometimes I can still hear their that was more of a shy guy sorry Shy Guy noise is a really fun one to do it’s like very satisfying it’s just Camp the night in the remains of this poor home we’re actually almost there just a few more houses yeah there what that gone why did they even build the road here wait why am I continue it it just it ends with the ground being torn asunder oh God this no wonder this Village is dead I don’t know if I continue this one now I don’t know if I build it here feel like I have to build it here A Highway to Hell just looks stupid if it’s there don’t it all right no we got we got to change it back we got to go this way again end the pat end the pat here cat why this the ground oh it makes me mad it makes me so mad why have they done it like this can’t put it there cuz it’s just going to look so stupid it’s going to be like just take the road out of the village and it’s like [Music] okay well [ __ ] now we got to I got to dig through this entire mountain right uh no time like the present I have to start about there or something cuz if it starts any further out it’s going to go way too far no it’s it’s got to start a little further out though that’s that’s too far back it started like here I’m so upset with them there’s going to be words for whoever like moves in here in future like what the [ __ ] you doing just weren’t Built For This World where are they well now I got to car of my way through the entire Mountain at least we’ll have some dirt at least we’ll have some dirt again actually has a pretty good feeling got to keep going down that the copper we we we only use that for like the telescope and the brush I think feel like they need to add more uses for that material why why could I just use iron for that or something you know okay so now now we’re hitting the problem where the stairs just end trying to avoid this so I’m going to have to raise up the mountain a [Music] bit just so this looks more natural almost at the [Music] bottom okay we’re good bloody hell course it ends like crash lands into the the well-placed wheat field once we get down here as well I I feel like I feel like I need to extend it down further feel like I have to really we there fault I mean yes yes it is I I’ve got to I’ve got to be the one to fix it there’s going to be life in this Village yet they cannot live like this at least we get a shitload of dirt for this carve some stairs up from caring for the Village’s character development it it’s at this point I’m just so upset like at the circumstances before the village was destroyed that it’s like I’m going to fix this and make it better because God forbid they rebuild and do that monstrosity again like I’m I’m fixing their Village out of spite not love let’s let’s let’s get that clear okay we get there we we get there I need to make some torches that’s the last big bridge down I have to construct hates him so much he’s giving them free housing damn you dastardly T my God he must be a monster oh Cherry Blast and pedals though it’s really transforming the space that’s a nice feeling at least wish my government hated me this much [ __ ] you you’re going to live a good life and enjoy it I mean i’ I’d vote for that leader I’d vote for that leader who was just like [ __ ] you I’m going to improve everything cuz I hated here here you know even if he’s miserable and hates the place like oh he’s actually making life significantly better for us all that’s that’s the politician we need everything [ __ ] sucks there I’m so fed up I don’t like any of you oh God my God let me turn on the light okay I can see [Music] again Shoot 5 hours long yeah it’s it’s a it’s a long one today it’s a it’s a long one today but we are getting [Music] there so looking significantly better I’m going to make another diamond axe cuz I need to farm some more cherry log uh we’re running running a bit low only have a lot of Acacia so fine for that forever now me that go just wait for that to break and probably just treat myself to a shovel oh over here use them up no more firing get rid of that doggos need to walk hope I don’t miss the end I I I reckon we’ve got a little bit left so we’ve got a little bit left to go I want this guy to have own tomb I feel like that’s just a really important and will be kind of funny come the end that he’s now buried in the ground and we’re going to make it in the exact same design as the other villagers so I need a a cage your trapo then what else do I need I need a sign Pati [Music] sign I could I could just put glass over him yeah I could it’s a bit mean but hello sir all right um here lies the last illager buried alive for his crimes and then we’re gonna add some more this Fountain celebrates the triumph over the ocean itself yeah perfect and we need one more for here this Tower is part of the Old Village know this Tower was part of the Old Village playout before before the Witter the wide there go feel like you you could probably just put glass around this and make it like an exhibition but no we we we really should restore this house you just incase this it would be kind of funny it would be kind of funny oh honestly I yeah I kind of want to do that now [ __ ] okay chop off the bits that are like not able to be preserved we just make it look a bit more rundown I’m going to need I’m going to need more [Music] glass that’s that’s a good sign just make it make it look a bit more [ __ ] up [Music] and we’ll put the tall grass grow in [Music] here inside the case [Music] going to we’re going to encase this rarest item I just used it I have any more glass in the boxes glass paint I I might as well use it honestly put a bit of bone in there that’ll be funny it’s going to be [ __ ] morbid I’m to make a crime [Music] scene oh no let’s start cooking that sand we even have coal I have the Widow Rose as well this is perfect if that’s going to be encased in glass anyway I put it in there perfect there’s more glass do I not have coal or something I actually don’t see it anywhere there’s some get cooking this is like part of like the Village Museum ah boof thank you for the raid how’s it going um we’re just laying some blood on the ground welcome Raiders it’s good to have you here very uh very unfortunate timing I hope you had a good stream how you keeping good to see you we’re uh restoring a village that we decimated earlier in my uh Minecraft let’s play and we’ve been making it look actually kind of nice like this was all a massive pit um but it’s it’s now actually kind of nice and we added like cherry blossom trees and stuff like that we’ve been like re building the homes uh pretty much all of this was destroyed but we’ve been we’ve been hard at work I approve of the addition of blood that’s a that’s a relief that’s a relief I’m glad I’m very glad to hear that very glad we’re we’re just building like a a Museum exhibit here instead of repairing this poor villager’s house trying trying to like remember their history of all the conflict that was fought here we’re just we’re just working away going to be immortalized here okay I’m going to going to mod tamper with the exhibit a little bit it just looks nicer just looks nicer [Music] go world’s shittiest Heritage like instead of even preserving like this is how our ancestors lived they added like fake novelty blood like UNESCO is going to be really upset like you’re not supposed to do that nuts that’s so awful it’s so [ __ ] [Music] fast sorry guys I dropped my tomato soup on the UNESCO world heritage site so clumsy I need to put one of them in there and it is now contained fall ass house it’s a work in progress right just we just keep it open top too so it’s going to like get rained on and [ __ ] it’s so fast but I kind of love it okay I’m going to I’m got to put some signs I I got to I got to be real careful with these this is not a un UNESCO world heritage site please do not rad us out or we will find out where you live thanks I’m going to send this to UNESCO Twitter right now hey world heritage Society what do you think of some preserved history I’ve got here for you remember happy Halloween that’s what the blood’s for it’s so [ __ ] it’s so [ __ ] but I kind of love it you got to have some fun with the final [Music] build so [ __ ] funny okay we have to actually we have three more houses the revamp proper and we have the square here to do a bit of work on uh the square so far is actually looking pretty good um I want this Pat to kind of go off here a bit it’s going to make the most sense if I uh have it kind of go off here [Music] okay this town square so we got to keep it nice and spacious here and then what I’ll do is I’ll have a little bit of stair here it goes straight here let me just Mark the Spot this bit fix the perfect terrain that bit wrong that’s all right we’ll have that go here and I’ll just have it turn like here we kind of do it that way why you call it Town Square that’s clear around at shape look it’s it’s like a mix okay it’s like a town Plaza this whole area see actually is pretty open when you factor in all this space here thisit a bit more closed off but like it’s it’s not that bad love of the trees that come in there so [ __ ] [Music] bad own Circle it all returns to Circle doesn’t it I was going to add bone but no that’s a that’s a step too far that’s a step too [ __ ] far we got to we got to call it somewhere I need you I need you I need the doors need some nice bookshelf don’t need the eggs wasn’t going to be a chicken in these okay all right you get to live [Music] well played one more egg I knock that off there we go how’d the chicken get out where’d he go elen is it thank you for the raid how’s it going folks you very much we had a good stream more pillagers are raiding they’re here oh there he is he’s playing hide and seek we we’ll let him we just have a roommate here he’ll look after it after the home little Chicken special little guy he is right even more calog if we for some reason need it uh some bits I know I do need is I’m going to need like wool I’m going to need a fair bit of wool to make beds and I’m also going to need a fair bit more fair bit more of the tree find a few we can chop down so many of these are nice looking though like even even look at the space out here how nice the village is starting to look never thought I’d see the day a huge transformation there still like sneaky bits of farming about the place add a few more saplings all the animals have moved into the mountain too seems the cherry blossoms haven’t had effect on them they all just kind of gather cats living up [Music] here not really seeing any trees that I can really like just cut down and kind of get away with uh this one maybe this guy will do go up here there another axe gone it’s good we’re so close to the end now there’s only a few homes left all the roads are done a few more decorative blocks we’ll need to have a look at too money log it that’ll do for a bit mainly need planks sir just look at it look how transformed it feels it’s actually amazing isn’t it it’s really pretty it’s way better than it was we did all that today like these are old old old M shaft as well for the drip Stone I think we just keep that as is I don’t think I need to change that this is Minecraft and it is feel like I could use like another tree like maybe here I it’s not going just slap a tree there maybe ah that might might clutter it that might clutter it there’s a tree down here I can take I can take one of these guys yeah I only B them this guy on the edge another one a few more to get hey so YouTube beautiful thank you I mean this is the most elaborate construction project we’ve ever done not even just overseeing one thing it’s like it’s like 20 different things here okay um in the interest of not being overwhelmed um we are going to do these houses next these two little red Huts should not take much work main thing I need in both of them is I need beds there’s one bed in this one I need another bed in the other one these ones we’re keeping the red wall we’re not going to change it and then the main thing I’m doing is I’m changing like the the sealing and the roof I was adding just like a few little bits like this little feature sticks I actually have enough for that there we go changing little bits like that the bed from the UNESCO world heritage site n they they’ve suffered enough we’re going to we’re going to get cut them a break give him a break change that change style so every other block must be chopped go we fasten them back on but the other way like the these ones these ones don’t take too long just a little modification basically uh this bit’s going to take a little bit longer longer I might flatten out the roof a bit more oh no it’s kind of like the style ain’t it it go goes pretty high go and we can keep these ones with just the extra top here I think that looks nice then what I can do is I can make it look nicer Inside by just cutting out this and this makes it consistent with the other home and add a little bit of flavor this guy really likes books okay boom pedals okay that’s another house done uh we have to do this house next which is pretty much the same oh I forgot to change the door I forgot to change the door let me let me swap that out [Music] [Music] need a little home for the book guy okay next home so I need to get I need wool I might have brought string with me if I brought that I think I can just make some from that be a cheeky way of just doing it quickly there four string is one wool is it okay I I’ll see what I have this home definitely needs some Furnishing oh he likes books just a little not as much as the other dude do the interior this bit need another one now same deal for the roof top every other block no love just how this one comes to I really like the funky roof design we went for it’s just something a bit different but it’s nice having it like consistent across the homes just makes them stand out a little bit more you know it gives the village like a little more personality than it otherwise would have I think it’s like important that you just like do a few bits like that Bob Ross would be proud I’m just having some fun just like slapping stuff together need more stairs found 10 of these found the nine of these by mistake have a few more okay we got to do this home next cuz this one’s bothering me cuz this one’s so Central in town like once that one’s done I think you’re really going to feel it cuz like then then it’s just a corner of the village left who just lives there now little guy um what was I looking for wanted like a decorative blocks uh I want them I give someone that I’m going to give one guy a sponge why not give him a candle and give someone an item frame we can we can treat a dude I still got the ominous banners as well I should do something with them feels uh feels important give someone just U some nice garden bushes uh and then we Ed these up too just kind of seeing what we got and like just rolling with it one of the big questions I got asked a lot in just doing the playthrough is like how do you get like the ideas for just what you build and like to be honest like I kind of just wing it I kind of just wing it um but like something I’d always recommend especially if you’re struggling is often times a limited palette is better than an unlimited one um because like if you have everything at your disposal where do you start where if you’re only a few things it’s like okay you got to start making choices faster I think that’s just half the battle is just deciding what you want to do oh I forgot to check for the bed uh I’ll go back and do that in a moment bring the pots I did going to get rid of one of them they love their little saplings here gu’s going to have a thing of Acacia too put the bed there this can not go there no um I put a candle on a chest no kind of weird I’m going to give him orotta block guy’s just going to have some weird blocks in his collection give him some nice bushes outside his house he’s even going to have his own ominous Banner he’s a bit of a fan boy feel like we got to use these [Music] somewhere that bit needs to changed see under there that that actually looks kind of nice now doesn’t it I like that put one more here okay I need to go back and get a bed so I can finish this house oh the Raider not to mess with you that that’s that’s the idea yeah bones bones no bones um right I can make a shears and just try and find a sheep I think there’s one on the mountain why do I have so many diamonds [ __ ] I I should probably do something with all that we’re going to treat ourselves there’s a bit of wool two Diamond treating ourselves to a single block you know we’re going to give this to the Village that spot without [Music] torches we go can’t even really see it but we know it’s there kind of like a centerpiece for him ah perfect thank you very much do you have any friends any friends I could I could use more beds are you [Music] friends anyone spy any sheep Bell fell down I’ll get ano it’s fine no worries simple fix you do have friends perfect thank [Music] you yeah we can make a few beds with that four more beds oh no this this tree this stupid tree like got the the spring oh no oh you got you got to go Bud you got to go you just you just have to extend this arm it’s going to it’s going to fall a bit weird now all right three was thirsty apparently yeah I just just need a drop right I think I’m making the decision that I’m going to make as many beds as I can here and I’m going to put extra beds around the the place uh if I can [Music] think I’m making that call now yeah I I think that’s going to be a good thing I got to go get the Bell before that despawns I’m [Music] SPID there you are what happens if I ring it now you like freak out that just shows where they are you can see where they are in the ground I think wait was that h [Music] wait that that’s a different guy there’s a witch wait we when did we bury a witch when did we bury a witch oh there must be a little cave or something down there yeah I think we fill some of that landed I don’t remember burying her it’s really funny [Music] that’s really funny okay going to add some homes to the town be a shame if no one lived in here whoever whoever sleeps here is going to live a bit Dangerously [Music] no don’t stretch don’t stretch out got to be real careful okay it’s going to be going to be just a little bit different do it like this do it like that though he let me see what other decorative blocks do I have I have some of the just these leaves might be nice to just kind of scatter some piles get some pedals going to be a peaceful place just don’t look through our down there get some of that place to just add some more color trying to use up some of our blocks and resources that we have anyway we might as well guy really likes his books but I think we should cut back on some of his books if I do even that pop a candle down that’s kind of cool uh anything else to stick in his home nothing at the moment [Music] it’s a fire hazard I don’t think candles candles don’t set things a blaz do [Music] they I don’t think so not even lit yeah it’s not even lit okay wow we’re almost there it’s just this stretch here and that house and we’re done okay so I need to I need to figure out the road [Music] here kind of important thing right about now honestly I feel like it’s just going to be something like this feel like it’s going to be something like this that actually lines up perfectly wow we actually somehow calculate that yeah mostly okay and then I just need some stairs here them down dirt in six hour stream so far it has but like this is this is like the big one this is the big one you know just kind of few random spots here can just take in the world [Music] a little [Music] bench guy really likes his books so he’s like hey please please take some [Music] books hello there [Music] [Music] okay torches [Music] up you here there’s another torch light that up a bit okay wait that this guy’s home is done we just need to kind of remove this abomination of a farm somehow there must be a water source under here or something there’s no reason it should still be [Music] going okay this guy really wants the world to have some books so he’s like please take some got them everywhere please learn our history not forget what happened here uh I’ve decided this is also going to be a pond just a little one need these buckets I destroyed the city well it’s look it’s doing a lot better than it was we we’ve kind of built it back stronger you know doing a lot better [Music] oh hell pond dir fill on that a bit I probably need another torch here okay we have to renovate this house next cuz this one’s going to make a significant impact and like feel on the completion of the village this is AR the most important house in the village too uh because this is the one where we actually fought the the iller raade back in the day W there’s even still like a witer flower here bit spooky this house in particular was crucial you can even kind of see it with like the structure and layout of it it’s like it’s been through a lot historical site I mean like it genuinely is if any house would have the claim to it in the town I’m going to I’m going to need more stairs going to need more uh going to need more log do a WID Rose do it hurts you and not much else it seems put some of that away I’ll need the bed for this house only seems like yesterday we had that iller ra that was like a month and a half ago I think now it was a while ago it is kind of mad though it doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long like it just start the play [Music] through but it it has been a little while was like start of March it’s like almost end of April now [Music] hey it’s been really good though it’s been really good feel like in this house yeah there’s got to be an item frame or something it just it just feels important there’s a door for it going to give you some of the gild It Black Stone we’re going to give you a very special treatment for this home like the Terracotta yeah the big thing I need then is wood need lots of cherry planks let me uh hop down hop down below over here these these trees are pretty easy to get cuz like there’s not much in the way of them really nice though get down this one this one’s a bit more funky this is a safe place this is a safe place get out of here a sanctuary you goary Hill oh that’s from Fallout 4 isn’t it I remember that now I fall four in a long time would have been when we start a variety that’s 19 logs I’m going to I’m going to need more than that po you here deide it you know we we need like a little something here going to be this cool find okay one of these trees can go there’s a few too many I need to fix this bit [Music] too got to replace this with dirt [Music] think uh let me get some more dirt just back down to the Quarry get it somewhere where it’s just like kind of out of sight know this bit of Hill yeah I always hated this bit of Hill what you looking [Music] at he was he liked that Hill that’s all right important we got it just look at that like it’s so good I pop a few down towards the base are you fitting to be restored a village on Earth date we’ve had two different ways of looking at it today yeah we we are we are fixing It ultimately we are fixing it so in this in a bit like so oh okay [Music] I think maybe we respect the support bits and we keep them the same maybe keep the fence the same in the same vein it would be significantly easier for me crafting let me tell you [Music] uh think we do we respect some of this house but we just improve it slightly put then a crafting table [Music] here uh fence that fence is really important that we keep that okay now we got to cut the corners [Music] go a new bit of life here and we got to gut this floor it’s going to be a little trickier here considering the nature of [Music] it up this bit I need to change all of this to the new type of [Music] stair I think I even yeah I I have to change all this bottom Foundation as well don’t I yeah I do that’s [Music] important [Music] mhm chat you got anything to say mhm uh wow that’s a lot Piller doesn’t like the Cherrywood I don’t think I don’t think he likes much of anything he’s buried alive right now you know usually when you tend to be prisoned in the Earth itself um you’re not too Keen to pick out the best furniture you know not really not really on your mind Swap this in this house the love it deserves like this one us like even in again in the witer fight like we were able to take refuge here it was a really important one some of these see like the damage that it’s taken but we’re we’re we’re sprucing it up now spruing it up feel like yeah if there’s there’s got to be like an item frame or something here this house in particular really deserves it I’m going to honor it with the black stone here too this is this is where a lot was fought it put a rose in there if I put it in the pot I I don’t have any pots left might be out of them this has to be changed uh changed what I think I actually just put some Cobblestone for once that actually is a nice spot for it kind of looks good won’t be that noticeable especially cuz I’m going to align the sides of this in a moment this house gets a lot of respect a very precious resource and we’ve gone all out in [Music] it I can’t sleep here cuz your man who lives down there [Music] okay uh we got to this up really going to just keep this one as intact as we can slabs are going to be a bit annoying to do um but I can I can do it just three of them go now let me make enough for a door let’s pop that there okay um all right little doormat little doormat we don’t have much room in here light the chiseled polished black stone in very special block this house was Minecraft diamonds to us that’s how we mark it okay so I just got to finish the roof that one’s already gone so we can just follow on from that pattern I guess uh let me just get up on the roof the easiest way to do it [Music] here oh this this one gone this one gone lock Gone Gone Gone slap block on on hey should be placing them in the pattern uh as we go bit Jank just cuz we can’t really see perspective wise but it’s pretty sure that’s working he and we’re running a little low on these so you know we’re just going to bestow some additional honor I’ve only got three of these dang I’ll just do it like that there’s one more I can grab additional honor there’s one in the back here that wasn’t happy with the placement of so I can just take that back this one here it just looks a bit [Music] weird this one’s quite an imposing structure like the the command center for the village maybe a few last torches okay there’s not much left now wait did I break a window oh I did break a window uh there we go final strategy yeah another tree here trying to get some little additional details where I can some little bits wait that’s some kind of artart sculpture it’s just this house in the end this is the last one okay this one yeah we’re going to need to get the wood and change it again it it it looks really nice as is keep this structure as intact as we possibly can trees around here already look insane I love how there’s just like sprouting enough elsewhere too put some saplings down here actually like that little Pond feel like something I’d make go okay what tree here can go there’s one too many and a two [Music] this really reminds me of just um building on like um Zach’s old server back in the day we play on a lot I had like a big needle uh that I made in like kind of like a city that we had like a big tree house and you have to go up the elevator there’s a water elevator to access it and then you kind of had like a view of the place I like to think in like some ways even with the wizard tower and that that was kind of like inspiring it for me that would have been like when Minecraft was back in beta very long time ago Inspire it basically was a big SP fire yeah had a big M on the outside in the in the windows you know my Minecraft username that is [Music] magistrix this old internet username you know we all got some put that there that’ll be cool he made the McDonald’s fire don’t [ __ ] ruin it for me mean not allowed do that uh going to take this tree Mick game all right you mean that’s all right yeah it a different time though it’s like kind of our town was like is like in a more snowy area I think you get snow a lot even in like the the streets of it like you just hop outside it’s like hey the equivalent of what would be a Snowy Mountain the game back in the day like that open this might be might be we got this floor got to redo all this in pink need a little more pink I reckon make this as Beau as possible I mean this house in particular already kind of looks amazing there’s not much I need to do in all honesty but you know we’ll still we’ll still make it look nice P the night again saying your old username magex came with a Sci-Fi book you wrote a while back yes way back in the day little bit back when I was in college just like for fun project basically I don’t really have any plans to like publish anything like that currently but good fun would recommend Ro SciFi book yeah it was I I just right into a hobby of mine that’s all this is just like in my off time L drop this isn’t new we’ve talked about this before new lore new lore oh we we we’ve talked about this before I’m pretty sure need to get that crafting table what’s your pen name I mean it was it was just my own name I don’t I don’t have anything published gang maybe some they don’t still enjoy writing a lot y’all are fake fans this ain’t new oh no GED critique from a chat member there do you like to like to ride in uh like sci-fi I I really enjoy that bit of a nerd for the old sci-fi it’s really fun like I always recommend that you know everyone needs like kind of like an outlet like that can’t all just be playing video games online all day you know you got you got to do something else just I do love this don’t get me wrong what no way what are your favorite books uh catcher and the r is my favorite book uh but I love House of leaves always recommend Garden of fork and Pats huge one always recommend that uh big fan of Joyce like Dubliner is like the best short story well one one of the best short story collections ever written always it’s always going to be debate you know and as it should but a it’s really [ __ ] important one trying to I was trying to do he one more up I like my my brain was like wait struggling there we go okay uh now I need to tear down all of this wall have to replace some of the banners oh that was unnecessary may we kept be a bit more careful keep that block of wood that’s already there both them maybe they just have these wooden tables hello cherry blossom Tred to leave House of leaves but to do not read this book part scared me House of leaves is in some respects a horror book yeah it’s a Horror Story some respects it’s a love story too lot of different ways to read it can’t really go in too much into spoiler territory though especially because that’s one you can only really read once to get the experience much as I would uh love to talk about it have a copy I need to read it my friend’s obsessed with how it leaves I’m going to try and read it soon good luck to you you know it’s a it’s it’s a hell of an adventure like there’s not there’s nothing really like it um of all things there was a [ __ ] Doom mod that released a while back that was heavily inspired by house of leaves is kind of mad my house uh. wad there some really interesting video essays on that if you haven’t got like the the stomach to kind of play it that’s how that’s how I kind of got like a fill of it was debating kind of streaming something like that before that is one that was suggest in the suggestions box and maybe I will at some point um I mean just someone who actually studied House of leaves a lot in college I feel like that might be a fun one to to into at some point but right now right now I’m good now I’m good going look a bit Jank but eh We Roll I don’t think there was any windows on the sides was there I you can play Doom at an actual book I can do House of leaves but like with me because we have that mod too God what we just compound them House of leaves Doom mod like I have to kill me terrifying as a [ __ ] gets you know I can do the door a little bit differently for this one I can do it like do it like that it’s a bit fun funky from the outside but I I think that’s nice that’s nice I got to repair this bloody window congratulations craphy man you get the last bookcase enjoy it give him a few bits you don’t have too many bits to put down now these back I need probably going to need more cherry log I might be able to do the ceiling I might be able to was a bit different looking that with the ceant i has a skirt on does feel it a little bit very curious where the inspiration for this style of house is kind of coming from like it’s the still looks I know there some like like some houses in like one more stormy areas like out United States and that have that I know from being down in Florida that that’s very much a thing you would see don’t really have it here we’re we’re very brick built pretty much everything here in Ireland going to look a bit funky there with the carpet but that’s all right and I got to move you that’s where the beds got to go hey let’s back in a give him a cheeky extra I need to make a bed probably should have just taken the crafting table with me Irish a language it is a language I have a I have a video on that me playing Pokemon ask if that’s something that sounds interesting one more bed pass the night just need to fix the ceiling I feel like I should probably got this bit too it’s just going to look a bit weird otherwise first one’s fine first one I need to do the pattern yeah that’s it we’ll do in a sec as haters are real quiet right now I’ve been determined to use as much Acacia as possible in my builds I think it’s been looking quite nice okay I think we could consistency sake we chop off these Corners still but I can’t I don’t I don’t have I have slabs I can do it exuse me there Mr tree no one no one needs to know that we’re doing two of those no one needs to know our little secret okay pop pop pop pop stay that that right that one goes that one goes up around here all right I think that’s it I think that’s it I think the village is done that was the last house it’s a bit it’s a bit plain compared to some of the other ones cuz we’re we’re kind of running out of [ __ ] we just uh yeah weird weird feature let me just add some Decor got to do something we go welcome to the Village this took so much work and here’s The Village’s inhabitant how you doing Frank [Music] okay let me let me put some blocks away so we want to try and populate the village there are two options uh number one Frank gives birth which to be honest for him might be a terrifying experience uh option two we simply go to the neighbors and pick up a few we could just pick up some neighbors and bring them back here and they’ll live their best life oh our chicken grew up um do I have some leads I want I want to I want to just get get a sense of my options you know some [ __ ] away trusty fruit snacks can’t leash villagers you not he what do what do you have to give a villager to have them uh repopulate oh you can use a boat you can use a boat that’s true bread and a bed is that is that all it takes these days that’s that’s really something hang on we got it this feels like an important thing as well a long last okay well do we only have enough for one sorry Gerald sorry Gerald you don’t get one whoops there you go Frank because other thing I have to do I have to use this iron and I need a pumpkin is anything growing in the pumpkin patch the perfect give me you I need to make um an iron golem look after this place oh you need to you need to use shears on it don’t you John Golem Jr reporting for Duty oh did my chicken get loose ah he’s okay we’ll find him later there we go oh he’s he’s being good how did you just get in here the gate is closed I guess they just wall in here works every time what my God the Trap the Trap we set at our door in a weird way this is like the spiritual successor they actually captured someone incredible it worked after all this time it all comes full circle it does have a block of butter we still have like the iron bars and stuff like that um okay so I have to make a boat I guess probably the easiest way I think there is a village there was a village if you follow that River up I think let’s see let’s see let’s see what it is or what it takes get one guy over could be rough getting them out of the boat I think that’s the main problem sure lead doesn’t work on them see I think if you just sail up the river it might be the easiest way to access a village there was one like on the coast up here please please calm down in chat thank you thank you appreciate it I want to try and actually get someone over I want to see what that’s actually like and if if they’ll even do that like they might get in the boat just want to try it okay maybe not the child maybe we shouldn’t like just actual kidnapping hey how how do you feel about the new world we’re going to have a grand all time I need you to get in the boat I need you to get in the boat thank you I if I grab some buckets of water I can get up the slopes you’re coming with us Bud we can just start transporting the other Village over oh watch out I don’t like this where’s my papa there’s so many archers they’re here for the Villager they want to stop him God I feel like look at that it’s so distinct now you just tell where the safe havens are by the cherry blossom trees all right let’s don’t don’t drown in the boat don’t drown in the boat come on buddy come on he’s so he’s having a bit of trouble come on I got I got to keep you safe wait wait get get in the boat again come get back here I I wait I I think I think he just knows the way home I think he’s just out his way he’s taken to his new surroundings he’s just go there’s a staircase there but he he doesn’t like the stairs that’s all right he’s making his way in come on into the village stuck on the bush he’s stuck on the bush get in the boat we’re getting them we’re getting them to one of the new dwellings H hello there John Junior where where are you going where are you there’s homes here no no please God why I literally brought you to the door oh God damn it he can’t get in with the carpet can he not no he can oh [ __ ] you buddy [ __ ] you okay well we got one home we got one I’m going to need to get rid of the carpet and all the other homes oh I can’t believe that I need I need to change all the carpet think I could do it like that and they’ll they’ll go through the door what an ass soul I know I know I literally stole that guy right what an [ __ ] it’s Frank’s cousin Frank [ __ ] Frank does not sound right I need to fix all the carpet bits realiz I never continued the signs about the place maybe someday think it’s all right think it’s all right I got I got I’m getting your neighbors guys out of the way Frank I need to I need to stay the night here he sat L into his new home he doesn’t want to go anywhere okay all right let’s get let’s get another villager is the colum trapped in the pen no God why does my trap never work why does it never work the way I wanted it’s Frank’s house now I want to get one more villager pick up a friend for frunk it’s okay the other Village should be all right cuz they they already have like a thriving population you know I if I pinch a few of them they should be okay they seem to recognize the way home after you get through the river hello small child hello there wait did that child just grow up child I think the child just aged child is suddenly tall now oh happened to a lot of them here go with an eye patch are most of the villagers here okay cogra for dude yeah got a got a proposition for you up in the boat let’s go he we’ll introduce him we’ll we’ll introduce the trunk and then we could try and give him a loaf of bread keep the C at the front of your house so they can’t break in but I I I think they’re just going to wait at my door if I do that that’s the problem they’re just going to set up camp and be like hey bud when am I coming in mine the squid you’ll love your new life here don’t worry about it you know you got could to be like the grandfather of this town let me tell you sorry sorry I did not mean to do that yeah all right you’re all right get get into the town you love it here you love it here this is your new home this is your New Hope get get in the boat get in the boat this is your new get please accept your new home gotcha isn’t please please walk up the stairs where are you going you’re not just walking home are you I think he’s just going to walk home I don’t think he’s going to make it I don’t think he’s ever going to make it there’s so much [ __ ] in the way oh he’s he’s off in his own adventure he just went into the hills I think that’s a pit he just walked into oh he’s gone he’s gone [Music] okay well is is frankk still home where’ frun go you guys seen frunk there’s like there’s not many people living there I can’t believe the Iron Golem got [ __ ] trapped get get out of there get out of there does anyone see him he’s just got he’s not here okay well we’re going to we’re going to have to try Plan B we’re going to have to try plan it’s finally time you may see the light of day once again they’re actually free no you do not just move into my home please we got to we got to cover this back up uh let me grab this block cuz we can we can actually use this for like Frank’s workstation a historic prison it is my God they’re actually free Village Life is returning to normal it’s like I haven’t had human contact for so long like please please let’s just hold each other close how do I give him bread go on here here’s a bit of bread H wait I think is it happening no I think he’s just had gnome Frank’s just taking the [Applause] bread Frank I need I need you to give birth please it’s urgent they need another bed okay hang on let’s Frank please what what if it’s like a literal breadcrumb Trail think you’ll notice it’s not working he’s too he’s too fascinated by the bush oh he he’s just turning in for the night he just turned in for the night Gerald needs the extra bread Frank has had enough no Geral he’s in distress I think Gerald’s had enough bread that’s all the bread I’ve got let just let’s just go to bed real quick hopefully it might just work in the morning no I I don’t think it’s going to work we’re going to have to kidnap more people I don’t think it’s going to work it takes [Music] time well hey you know at least Frank and Gerald are going to live their best lives in the village you know they’re they’re going to just going to be the best of times no one else needs to be here they got John junr to look after him it’s enough it’s enough we can just settle in the village life I mean I don’t know I don’t know where frunk went frun just took for the hills these bushes are going to kill the town if anyone ever invades okay well it’s good to see out and about Frank he’s following me he’s following me oh I need to place this table I think that’s what it is Frank wait no no Frank don’t don’t leave the village don’t leave the village Frank here we go come on Frank come on I don’t know how I get him to follow me but come when you place it okay I’m got to give Frank the headquarters there we go go live your best life Frank don’t get don’t get stuck in your back yarden but we did it the village is restored Adventure is over butter uh thank you everyone for watching the let’s play just about to save didn’t expect me did you okay he’s gone he’s gone all right let’s save a [ __ ] jump SC at the end oh I’m sure they’ll repopulate the village with time uh thank you everyone for supporting this Minecraft let’s play the last uh two months I sincerely hope everyone enjoyed it I really do thank you for all the kind words too I’m glad I’m glad this resonated with a lot of people no it’s very cool to see um everyone who’s picked up the game again from watching it I hope you’re having a lovely time in your own worlds hope you’re having your own Adventures we you going to do with the world I might just play it in my off time I might just play it in my off time from here I don’t know but I know that’s it for now yeah that was a that was a really cool experience to be able to just ReDiscover a game like that I feel like I’m kind of caught up a bit speed with like a lot what Minecraft has to offer I think come the end we saw a lot of it I would like to think you can help me out here chat I’m I’m happy to ask at this point I think we saw a lot see the pandas we found a bamboo forest I’m assuming they appear there we see a bathro we found too I’m happy with what I saw though you know that that can be stuff I can find in my off time from here there’s supposed to be [ __ ] music plane where is it let me see if I can get a classic some Living Mice oh there’s like a fire burning on this playlist this is no noic Minecraft music relax and fireplace Ambience to study flash relax too yeah I’m happy what I’ve played I’m happy to call it there uh we’re done we’re done I’ve had my fil I’m really glad people enjoyed the play through I really am like it it’s just been very fun uh we’ll be kicking off with Fallout tomorrow we’re going to be play that’s going to be the next game I want to think some time and I actually really love the Fallout series feels like a good time to revisit it but we’re going to we’re going to play some then you’ll see which one tomorrow very excited for that though cuz I [ __ ] love Fallout in just that world if you want more to watch from me in the meanwhile uh batro highlights are up on YouTube that’ll be like the main thing most of this week until this one drops I’m really glad everyone enjoyed Minecraft though I really am like that that’s been one of my favorite things I’ve done up there with like BR of the wild and stuff any more vatro streams when I feel like it that really was fun I’m glad we fixed the village I hope that was worth it I know it took a long while Frank is free he is if you enjoyed it and it makes me want to play Minecraft again I I just recommend starting your own save have fun with it you know it it really is just such a wonderful game okay thank everyone subbed gave bits the mods ever been on hand let me see you streaming I’ll leave you in someone’s care uh yep Sophie’s doing batro sounds like a good time go wish her well I don’t think she’s try I think she she might just be playing she might just be playing it might not I’ll be trash talk this time I’m trying to beat each other probably just bling go wish her well I will see you all tomorrow at the usual stream times it be 700 in the evening have a very good night and take care for [Music]

This video, titled ‘RTGame Streams: Minecraft Lets Play [18] – Finale’, was uploaded by RTGame Stream Archive on 2024-04-24 11:00:35. It has garnered 13758 views and 325 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:47 or 26447 seconds.

This video was streamed by RTGame, originally titled “The Final Day of our Minecraft Let’s Play -!nobackseating”, and was broadcasted at April 22nd 2024

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~~~~~~~~Extra Things~~~~~~~~

RTGame streams on his Twitch channel on Tuesday & Thursday at 7pm, Saturday & Sunday at 3pm. All times are based in Ireland.

This channel is not run by RTGame, but is done so with his permission. #RTGame

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    Crafty Tactics: Outsmarting Foes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a tale was told, Of Zak and Zi, brave and bold. Facing mobs and challenges with laughter and glee, Their camaraderie shining for all to see. Building arenas and facing the fight, With creativity and skill, their future bright. From leaf moats to lava, their strategies clear, Each challenge conquered, without fear. But when the boss mob appeared, Zak’s courage wavered, his heart feared. A sonically-charged foe, a sight to behold, But with determination, the battle was controlled. In the end, victory was theirs to claim, Their bond unbreakable, their friendship aflame. So here’s… Read More

  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

    Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay showdown brews, Angel Angela versus Devil Angela, who will you choose? Witness the clash of good and evil, so divine, As Angela transforms, her powers intertwine. With radiant wings, Angel Angela takes flight, Her grace and charm, a heavenly sight. But beware of Devil Angela, with fiery wings ablaze, Her mischievous energy, in a darkened haze. Join Angela on her journey, through challenges untold, In a world where light and darkness unfold. Will purity prevail, or mischief take the lead? Watch the battle unfold, in this epic deed. Subscribe, like, and hit… Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans

    Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures in Stardew Valley Exploring the Mines and Making Friends In this episode of Stardew Valley, our protagonist embarks on a journey to the mines while engaging in fun discussions about Minecraft and Pokemon. As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter various challenges and monsters, showcasing the thrill of exploration and combat in the game. The protagonist interacts with the villagers, gifting them items like cauliflower and cookies to build relationships and earn their favor. From Jody to Emily, each character has unique preferences, adding depth to the social aspect of the game. Crowd Control Chaos… Read More

  • Mezzy’s Surprising Gaming Adventure

    Mezzy's Surprising Gaming Adventure The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods: Exploring the “Dread” Modpack Embarking on a Solo Adventure Join the journey as our fearless explorer delves into the eerie world of Minecraft mods in the “Dread” modpack. What horrors await in this solo adventure? Encountering the Unknown Follow along as our protagonist encounters mysterious entities and unsettling environments. Will they survive the chilling encounters? A Creepy Companion Meet a peculiar entity that seems to be watching our explorer’s every move. Is this companion a friend or foe? Unraveling the Mystery As the adventure unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon https://www.9minecraft.net/earth-magic-addon-mcpe/ #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More