Rusher Returns to Minecraft Factions… 4 Years Later (Episode 1)

Video Information

Hey what’s up guys camp and russia here welcome back everybody to another factions video we’re back it’s been a long time since i’ve said that about five years i think i got vims and wild joining me for our our our intro our start don’t worry there’ll be more if these guys aren’t

Enough for you we’ll start with you wild how you been don’t be nervous don’t be nervous man it’s been it’s been a while out of the limelight don’t be nervous you know what to say you can talk to me man how have you been i’ve been pretty good

You still let you still play this minecraft game uh yeah no i actually whip up minecraft uh a lot he’s growing up hasn’t he ladies and gentlemen he’s growing up all right that’s wild there’s our catch-up session with you thanks bud and then vince how about you my friend

I’ve been good bro i’ve been going i’ve been good i’ve been good uh a soft soothing voice just like back in the day so we’ve of course all been catching up behind the scenes it’s been a blast i’ve still been in contact wild here and there but vams i haven’t talked to you

In years man and it’s been a blast the last couple days catching up you still do a bit of pvp so you’re officially going to be my bodyguard but let’s cut to some faction stuff all right we’re we’re playing on server it’ll be linked down below come play with us that’s the

Whole point right we’ve already got a bunch of the ogs on the server we’ve been messaging aruksha if you remember that guy uh so come join us come play come play against us so we’ve got the team nudist name it’s myself wild vams and we’re of course going to be playing

A full season here on the the saturn server and but we’ve got a couple more familiar faces coming ben am is one of them and we’ve also got one other i mean you can take again there’s a couple possibilities right we’ve had a lot of people pass through uh the the thousand

Episodes we did uh years ago so we got one other guy take your guest down below in the comment section he’ll be making his return on episode two all right so we got a lot planned for you but team nudist is our uh is our faction name just like the old

Days so we’ve got a little bit of work to do we’re also on this server there are some other players we’ve got grape applesauce from the old days he’ll be going against us we’ll talk to him later today mesoid we’ve also got dylan and then shadow apples there’s some others

As well but basically we got a lot of action going on there’s no rating for the first week so our goal here boys we got the fashion set up we got our introductions and we just need to get into grind mode and what’s a better way

To start grind mode than getting a free key right off the bat that’s my favorite way to grind man okay boys you guys each got one eh i have an open one i don’t know much about him i wanted my first reaction to be us opening a crate crate key to get us

Started oh yeah it’s happening i was so confu i spun it and i thought it glitched out but this is just the new this is the new wave so i got i won two oh you could re-roll yeah so i won two two crate keys i got a guy spamming me

Giving me free cash boys no i’m not gonna reroll i’m gonna collect the prize and re-roll twice that’s what i’m gonna do what did you guys get i got a legolas bow okay hang on to that because we’re gonna talk about the custom stuff here in a second actually dude

You’re kind of a bow guy you’re the only bow guy i know thank you for remembering that man i was the bull guy i really was that made me feel good about my pvp past by the way here’s me i still got the og skin too i showed off the other guys

Okay what um what’d you get vamps a gandalf staff a gandalf staff yes this is uh lord of the rings theme server if you can’t tell which i’m a big fan of okay yeah i just i i just spun one of my vaults boys the guardian vault

Raider guardian i got a raider guardian here’s what a raider guardian is it’s uh so it’s one of the bosses we go to a certain uh forest dark zone we can go fight this thing is going to drop g kits things like that we’re going to wait all right

We got some pvp to do there is so much stuff on this server compared to what i was used to in the past like it was starting to custom enchants and stuff were coming when i was uh still playing it back in the day but boys roll your

Keys and then we’re gonna get ourselves a kick because we got some grinding to do bang six moves from spawners there you go vims i’m collecting them i don’t need to reroll that i’m going again though that’s cool you get the re-roll feature so you basically get two attempts i got

A sauron boss is the other one here okay no that’s tier two okay okay vans that was from the set i don’t know man we’re figuring it out okay we’ve spun our crates the other thing you guys can do to right now we’re going to do it is you get a free rank

Slash free rank rusher i’ve already redeemed your free rank with russia okay i already redeemed my own but that’s exactly what you guys can type in if you come on and it gives you the d you got you two can do it as well it gives you the default uh not the

Default the lowest tiered kit for free all right i’ve already used mine it’ll give you some stuff to get started okay boys our goal today i’m going to be meeting up with grape in a little bit because he’s probably going to be one of our main targets as he’s one of the

Other big youtubers and it just feels good crushing another youtuber but what we need to do today because uh we you guys have not seen all the faction members like we said we’ve teased our main guy returning and he’s also bringing some friends that are gonna

Make our team really good but today we just need to start making some money and we’ll focus on the base next episode boys i’ve taken your stuff i’m putting it in my e-chest don’t even know if this is allowed but we just we don’t have our

Base yet all right we got to wait for next step so wait wait i’m just going to do it we’ll hide your stuff so what we got to do now here comes the action part we we we’ve done kit bunny so we got a little bit of gear to help us out but

We’re gonna go we’re gonna warp to an asteroid warp asteroid it’s called and then we gotta go and we gotta farm all right we gotta grind and you do it by uh we can use this special space sword i think you guys each got one have that one and a pvp

Sword because i don’t think this one has sharpness or anything but we have to use that one to to kill uh the things we’re trying to grind so go to warp asteroid or warp asteroid right now boys so i’ve got a bow and get your pickaxe ready too

But there’s pvp’s enabled this is the main point here uh if that was the main point wait wait and i’m sure they’re going to be coming for us hopefully hopefully a lot of people aren’t here what we can do as well boys is when you hover over

Hover over your sword your space sword and then go to upgrade and then click on the space sword so i’ve been told the best way to do this we want to start with stockpile this is going to increase our magma cream drops per kill it’s 500 gold so

It’s not cat there’s cat there’s money there’s gold there’s two currencies so we we we basically gotta grind this we gotta our goal is to make gold to upgrade this thing that’ll get us more gold per kill all right does that make sense yeah i guess doesn’t matter if it does

Just keep me alive all right fans that’s it man how many health plots boys i bought like 10. at least like 20. you fill up your inventory vans is ready man he’s been waiting to show off these skills for four years let’s go four years my hockey skills are gonna be on here

Boys they’re probably yeah there is going to be gap cooldown okay let’s go to the mines first all right we’re going to mine gold again i think pvp is on so just be careful all right oh god they’re waiting for us probably in this red line on us they’re

Waiting for us man oh no oh no dude let’s try a different way i’m trying to piece them what if we ally these guys well which one there’s more than just like four facts here africa i’m putting up bro let’s go yeah let’s just go let’s go

I don’t know anybody but it’s easy let’s do it you’re gonna get rocked buddy where are you guys no offense we need you here oh yeah what’s that oh wait you can’t be here okay i t feed you here vamps you’re with me let’s go let’s go wait can you not pvp

Are you kidding me i would rather mine in peace for a little bit maybe the pvp is on in the uh in the uh the magma part so either way yeah mine away but use yeah you have to use your cosmos pickaxe all right okay and then i think you can get iron

You can get it all it’ll i think iron and stuff will just sell for cash the gold actually turns into gold gold’s the thing we need most all right you need the gold is this wireshark get off me man okay so these guys weren’t trying to

Kill us they were just trying to hang for now until we figure out where we can i popped the speed too just for grinding exactly wow you had me all fired up man let’s go we speed up we get to where it did yeah dylan you

Got to get out of my way man okay i got like 30 gold we’re just seeing how it works we’re comparing we’re testing we can sell all right here you sold 182 items for a total of 26 000. yeah okay i got it just took a second to update okay

I got 36k so it it sells for cash the gold you got to mine yourself okay let’s go um let’s go look at the magma cream and see if we can get involved yeah yeah yeah yeah i i just i want to fight you know i just want to

Fight we can we we can grind we’re just trying to understand how it works we’re not going to fully grind right here obviously pvp is enabled it is enabled let me get my pots on the right keys all right i’m gonna buy it i low key want to

Put put my good pickaxe away yeah that’s what i did right i don’t really need i actually have a feeling like this is something that’s linked to you i think you’re right drinking my speed putting a health pot okay cover me all right remember if we the goal is to kill

Magma creams that’s the goal but we’re out here now who’s gonna try and fight there’s the first one don’t you oh a rusher fan i’m sorry man i’m sorry man his name is rusher fan and he looks like a cow all these guys don’t even want to

Scrap man all right all right we’ll watch for a sec oh you can look at his loot dude look at that so cool actually that is so cool so a lot of this guys is just me being shocked at some of the changes that have happened to factions over the years it’s

It’s mind blowing for me a little bit i gotta be honest but it’s cool that’s part of the fun okay yeah so hit these guys but do it with your with your sword okay geez man how powerful is this guy a big boy right there that’s a big boy

He’s not going to kill me man he’s cute give me that got it got it so that was one magma cream nice hey hey hi someone attacked me oh this kid tried it man watch this guy laid a rocket watch him watch him i think he just set me on fire

He danced if i give you the go-ahead you gotta take care of business man you want to kill this guy i absolutely want to kill this guy wait do you guys think this is one of those things where you’re in combat and you can’t leave or do you think he’s just

Gonna be able to yeah yeah it is okay don’t take his hand out let’s go go go go go it has to be done man we came here for a fight you’re not getting up without one take him down can he leave right away oh he can’t

We just created an enemy we created an enemy i was trying to get some short-term entertainment we might have just created an enemy ladies and gentlemen it’s okay that’s what we’re here to do though okay we’ve been running through our process here we’re gonna mine gold all right because we’re

Just trying to prioritize our upgrades and we’ve also got an f upgrade option here you can see crop growth faction sandbot citadel control all of that is a million bucks all right but that’s cash that’s money but the gold is used to upgrade our pickaxes or our sword here

So we’re realizing the only way and the best way to get gold is just simply mine it and you can only upgrade with gold so we’re going to upgrade our pickaxes first all right start with the pickaxe upgrade so we’re more efficient with gold and then we’ll move into cash

What’s your gold count boys i got 139 i got 69. wow i have 101 i was about to say what have you been doing man you mind with your left hand but wild i know we’ve grown up this is still a pg show though all right

Vans what do you got for gold buddy let’s spend that is none of your business okay great great two very one lied to me one won’t tell me thanks boys you’re the best okay go to upgrade go to your pickaxe i say we all upgrade pickaxe let’s do something uh different

I don’t want telekinesis i don’t want flare uh well i’ve got enough for two i’m gonna do scramble as well i think we should get haste taste is so big okay i did it i also have more gold though i think i like the wealth chance to

Replace a mine block with a gold block that sounds good as well and then i might get the poison chance to mine one to three blocks near the original and that’s 40. yeah boom okay i did three boys i went all in waiting for this gold rush to

Come apparently every 10 000 15 000 i don’t know what it is but 2 500 gold ores need to be mined and then the gold rush event is going to start so we’re going to end off with that i’m going to sell all again quickly 84 grand there we go

We’re making some good cash so yeah and we’re just going to try you basically just scale right it’s it’s going to get easier to grind the the the further we we upgrade our weapons we’re going to wait for this gold ore thing though and i want to see what it’s all

About see what the event’s about and then we’re going to go talk to a buddy named grape applesauce maybe show him his boss 50 gold 40 30 20. it’s happening boys it’s happening all right it’s like oh it so just switches everything to gold okay this is worth the wait good call wild

We up boys we up we up okay mine away get because we just realized something else we’re gonna spend on one final upgrade and then that’ll be in video grinding done but yeah okay so every however much it is i don’t know if it’s 20 000 gold but

After a specific amount is mined yeah they do a little event here in the mines this is way better dude this is way faster okay to finish off the grinding just explain we’ve realized if we go to slash shop make some more bang for our buck you go to the valuables

E ors gold ore sell for 500 or gold ingot 975 and we can literally make that so easy on ourselves go to the cosmo pickaxe we just got to do the uh the flare yeah the flare upgrade so it’s 200 so we’re gonna do that and then

We’re just doubling uh the amount of cash we’re getting again it’s just all about being efficient so that’s what’s up we’re gonna do some more grounding here off camera but earlier before you guys hopped on i jumped in with with grape it was like right when i first

Logged into the server so i’m gonna play that clip from earlier today and then uh and then we’ll move on well well well look who it is it’s been a long time my friend hello grape i i know we’re supposed to be enemies but man do i just

Want to give you a hug right now it feels good bro it’s been so long i am so glad to see you well kind of not glad to see you because while we’re enemies as you just said in this series yes we are and it but it’s weird though because we’ve been

Catching up an idea it’s great to see you it’s all going to be it’s all in good fun i do want to clobber you in this faction series without being destroying you but all in good love all in good love all in good faith so yeah i i haven’t got much done

I just wanted to say hello to you and then i know you wanted to possibly test out my pvp skills at the end of this dude i thought you were the minecraft guy you just fall right back yeah embarrass yourself my invisibility skills you know i disappeared real quick

Okay what are you uh so i’m still learning you’ve done some stuff uh this is early on for me so i i just want to make sure we’re even i’ve got the member chest plate pants notes is that what you got yeah but i think that i have a diamond

Sword though i see that i see that i see what you’re trying to pull on me man i got the sword we got the same sword we have the same helmets and armor i am ready bro okay yeah we we’re just gonna even it out all right good luck uh

Let’s start here we go he’s coming at me come on oh give me a couple hits okay bro chill chill he’s back bro you had me to one hit i was one hit dude i was about to get loud on my end man i was supposed to get loud okay

There is going to be more fights like that this one was of course planned i just wanted to i thought it’d be fun to have my first pvp fight back with you and um of course but i’ll sure will i’m sure we’ll meet in a a less scripted environment and hopefully it’s

At your base hey man i got a bunch of free stuff from you so i mean it’s gonna set you back a little bit just saying there’s those bragging rights we talked about gg great all right man i’ll see you out in the battlefield though see you soon

Look forward to battling you yes i lost a grape and no it doesn’t feel good did i want to come back and win the first pvp battle yes i did he had to embarrass me like that but that’s okay he’s he’s a good buddy but guys he’s probably our number one target

Just it just feels good raiding a youtuber right so we uh i i introduced i didn’t bring you guys along honestly you weren’t here yet but i i talked to him introduced myself again after all these years but boys we’re basically going to end it here i’ve got f roster up

You can see wild vans camping rusher and we got ben m yes bantam won’t be the co-leader for long don’t worry we’re not keeping him in charge uh we will have many more people a part of this faction when we come up uh come back in a few

Days for episode two i can’t wait we’ll have a big base hopefully to show off by then and uh yeah you guys know i had to get some pros all right if it’s just me wild on vams guys i don’t think our base is going to be that

Pretty i got to be honest with you not not not beacon or anything but i don’t think you’ll take offense fans you’re the pvp guy um i’m kind of offended yeah okay okay and wild you’re kind of the class clown so we we just need more we

Need more and we’re going to get more and we’ll introduce them to you in episode two reintroduce some of them to you thanks for watching you guys episode one come join us and let’s have some fun man we’re back and it’s good to be back honestly the best part is

Getting to hang out with you two again and i can’t wait to see some more familiar faces take care talk soon touch that like button on your way to subscribe goodbye

This video, titled ‘Rusher Returns to Minecraft Factions… 4 Years Later (Episode 1)’, was uploaded by RusherPlays on 2021-09-12 15:00:24. It has garnered 16645 views and 1300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:12 or 1152 seconds.

TheCampingRusher’s Return to Minecraft Factions (Episode 1)

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Minecraft Factions – Today we reunite with Wildx and Vembz, and I fight in my first PVP battle in 4 years against GrapeAppleSauce!

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    EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! - Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5Video Information you get the Eris beat down from episode 11 trust me I know I’d get my but I’d still want to run the ones all right well here join the guild I’ll help you get the quest so we can all go this this guy this this guy this guy wants me to join this Quest so badly it’s the scaled so badly it’s crazy yeah so all work together look I’m like a I’m like a I’m like a private contct ctor right you can you can hire you literally get paid being in the guilds and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!

    Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine turned cow into a Girl – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SHXDOW GAMING on 2024-02-10 01:59:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1

    Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1Video Information I’m back I’m back guys [Applause] okay oh chill [Music] chill [Music] what [Music] oh Ready 2 one oh oh oh oh oh chill oh chill oh chill oh chill yes one that’s not don’t [Music] know oh chill oh chill oh Chill by by by by by [Music] oh you are going to die I going to die I going to die I [Music] [Music] wait pause pause I can’t run okay last [Music] one wait wait wait xtag bro chill okay [Music] sh he three two one oh chill okay okay okay okay chill chill oh… Read More

  • APHMAU STRUGGLES AT 3AM – RosePies Minecraft Madness!

    APHMAU STRUGGLES AT 3AM - RosePies Minecraft Madness!Video Information what is this oh no look the have my own Aon need help guys please help me like the video subscribe the channel and I help the ELO and Aon I’m coming I’m coming no problem no problem F and Aaron okay okay open chest nice very good gun very good guns okay okay Alo and Aon I’m coming I’m coming no problem guys please like the video like the video okay what what is this oh no she give the tallet okay okay okay nice very good very good guys very good very good congratulations ah congratulations… Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ Dynmap Discord 1.20.4 Whitelisted Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft SMP Community Join our community-based SMP with over 100 members worldwide! We welcome all players to our diverse and inclusive server. Why Join Us? Content creator and technical player friendly Existing server running for almost 4 years Custom Advancements, Shopping District, and more Regular server events, giveaways, and community projects 24/7 server uptime with plugins for security Ready to Play? Visit our website here or join our Discord here. See you in-game! Read More

  • ShlonkMC

    ShlonkMCShlonkMCA player run SMP with elected leaders, who adopt the server rules and manage the server.Engage in Politics, Economies and War.Build a city, open a shop or join a nationFind out more about the server through our discord:ShlonkMC Discord (Link)Apply to join the server here:ShlonkMC Application Form (Link)To join the server you must apply using the link above.If you apply, your application will be reviewed by a commitee of players, and if accepted we will contact you and whitelist you.If you have any questions, please DM me on discord at the9fed Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: We get it, move on

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: We get it, move onWow, this meme really needs to calm down before it starts demanding a higher score like a diva! Read More

  • Crafting Fireworks: Minecraft’s Explosive Delight!

    Crafting Fireworks: Minecraft's Explosive Delight! In Minecraft, fireworks can be a delight, Craft them with gunpowder and colors so bright. Customize your rockets with stars in hand, Upgrade for longer flights, across the land. Choose any dye, make them your own, Craft with care, let your creativity be shown. Launch them high, watch them soar, In the sky, a spectacle to adore. So there you have it, the secret’s out, Making fireworks in Minecraft, there’s no doubt. With colors and stars, let your imagination take flight, In this blocky world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #memes #meme #memesdaily Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about an incredible video that showcases the Attack on Titan mod in Minecraft. The video titled “ATTACK ON TITAN IN MINECRAFT 1.20.5 | Shingeki no Craft | Fanfo” is a true masterpiece that brings the popular anime to life in the Minecraft world. While watching this video, you can’t help but be amazed by the attention to detail and the creativity that went into creating this mod. From the villages walls to the custom names of the… Read More

  • Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Building a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Are you ready to add a touch of spookiness to your Minecraft world? Follow along as MegRae_MC takes us through a tutorial on how to build a spooky tree that will give you chills! Getting Started The tutorial kicks off with MegRae_MC guiding viewers through the process of building the base of the spooky tree. Using various blocks and techniques, she demonstrates how to create a twisted and eerie trunk that sets the tone for the entire build. Adding Texture As the tutorial progresses, MegRae_MC shows viewers how to add texture to the… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ADVENTURE: Chilling in The Burger SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘chilling in Minecraft (The Burger SMP)’, was uploaded by link1253 on 2024-04-19 23:59:50. It has garnered 303 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:55 or 7375 seconds. I don’t know what I am doing here sooooo let’s see where this goes….Subscribe Like and share if you like horror games 🙂 if you want to donate here It is Appreciated here is my discord server for anyone here is the Dark Link Alliance server join this at Read More

  • The Ultimate Pokemon Adventure

    The Ultimate Pokemon AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Roblox and Minecraft’, was uploaded by PokéMomma & PokéSister on 2024-02-17 05:49:03. It has garnered 65 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:50:52 or 17452 seconds. Who knows join our discord server here Read More

  • Spaceantiquity – Tiny Secret Pool Discovery!

    Spaceantiquity - Tiny Secret Pool Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘SMALLEST MINECRAFT POOL’, was uploaded by Spaceantiquity on 2024-01-11 12:00:07. It has garnered 394837 views and 42369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Thank you for watching this Minecraft video, if You enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe, it doesn’t take a lot of effort for you and it helps me a lot 🙂 ↓↓↓↓ FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ↓ ↓ ↓ ►TWITCH: ► INSTAGRAM: ► MY DISCORD: SpaceAntiquity does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t… Read More

  • Insane Treasure Seed in Minecraft 1.20!

    Insane Treasure Seed in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.20 – SEED LOTADA DE TESOUROS NO SPAWN PARA COMEÇAR A JOGAR (MCPE, Xbox, Playstation, PC)’, was uploaded by Hey Vordex on 2024-03-10 21:15:01. It has garnered 13924 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:22 or 682 seconds. Hey guys! In this video you will see a great seed with lots of treasures at the spawn point to play in the new Minecraft 1.20 update – Trails and Tales. Seed: 17796549881887457 #Minecraft Our social networks: Follow us on our other social networks: ➡ ➡ So, did… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Insane Orbital Spider Adventure!

    Minecraft's Insane Orbital Spider Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘New beginnings with a new game!! | MINECRAFT – 01’, was uploaded by Orbital Spider on 2024-04-03 18:47:34. It has garnered 103 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. Heyyyo! Im back, and I’m starting my comback with the game that made the biggest comback of all – Minecraft!! Forgot to do a proper outro for this video (guess it’ll take some getting used to again lol) so I’m gonna add that if you like the video, you know what to do and I’ll see you very soon…. Read More

  • “Insane MC School Pranks! Hilarious Minecraft Animation” #clickbait #shorts

    "Insane MC School Pranks! Hilarious Minecraft Animation" #clickbait #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘monster school Mischief in school life minecraft animation #minecraft #animation #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-01-03 12:10:00. It has garnered 7217 views and 374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Read More

  • Ruski Exposed! Is he insane?? #minecraft

    Ruski Exposed! Is he insane?? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is he crazy for saying this?? #minecraft #smp #crazy #stream #dream’, was uploaded by Ruski on 2024-04-13 22:26:07. It has garnered 418 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Cataclysm BOSS Takeover in SteamPunk Minecraft EP32!

    Cataclysm BOSS Takeover in SteamPunk Minecraft EP32!Video Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk Minecraft Modpack EP32 I’m the Cataclysm BOSS Now!’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-04-23 16:00:34. It has garnered 16530 views and 926 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:30 or 1890 seconds. Welcome to SteamPunk which offers a captivating Minecraft modpack experience, boasting a range of features to enhance gameplay. Explore new biomes, structures, and dungeons in a meticulously crafted world, with fortified strongholds awaiting conquest. Encounter never-before-seen bosses and mobs, and master diverse skills, magic, and technologies. With immersive visuals and innovative game mechanics, including built-in shaders and new dimensions to explore,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TADC Drawing Challenge (Episode 4)

    Insane Minecraft TADC Drawing Challenge (Episode 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘TADC, but I draw it in the MINECRAFT style (episode 4)’, was uploaded by Caivig on 2024-02-14 19:46:30. It has garnered 909 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:42 or 522 seconds. Thank you so much for watching, you can watch even more interesting videos here – Hello, friends! I Caivig! I create funny videos with different characters. My channel differs from similar ones in that I create videos with a special approach: first, using Adobe After Animate, I draw characters and various elements, and then Adobe After Effects, animate… Read More

  • PremiumMC.Net

    PremiumMC.NetName: PremiumMC Server IP: PremiumMC.Net Version: 1.16.5 Discord Link: Who Are We?     We are PremiumMC! Our server brings alot to the table. We offer Towny with many different plugins to make it a unique experience for everyone! Make new friends here in our server, all of our members are friendly and love to meet new people. Lots to explore with over 220 new custom enchantments that bring in a whole different type of pvping. Get Legendary Loot from beating our custom dungeons with custom Bosses. Be inspired by our community builds and take part yourself and meet new friends… Read More

  • ProsperGaming SMP | Vanilla 1.20.4 | SMP | DiscordSRV | Dynmap | Streamer SMP | Voice Plugin | No Whitelist | Inspired by Hermitcraft | Coreprotect | Age Limit 16+ | Crossplay Enabled | Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft SMP Server! We have created a thriving Minecraft vanilla SMP server within our gaming discord community. Join us for regular streams, roleplay, major build projects, and a welcoming community. Seeking Builders and Players If you enjoy being part of a fun, chill, and active community similar to hermitcraft, then this server is for you! Show off your building skills and your creations may even be featured in our next season’s trailer. Rules and Guidelines We keep things simple – just be mature and respectful towards others. We do not tolerate disruptive behavior. Our server is mostly… Read More

  • World of Life and War

    World of Life and WarLife and War is a multiplayer server owned by the YouTuber MATTCASTGAMING where you can fight in wars, protect the leader of your nation, or join the simple way of life and become a farmer, own a shop or even pizzeria! Work hard and maybe even buy a mansion! We have awesome mods for the server and even sports cars! Join the discord for the extra mods to join!Life and War YouTube Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: Do NOT Open – Highly Spicy!”

    I guess clicking that link is like playing Russian roulette with your Minecraft game! Read More

Rusher Returns to Minecraft Factions… 4 Years Later (Episode 1)