Ryguyrocky – I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN in Minecraft

Video Information

The new version of minecraft just released and with it came a brand new boss into the game the warden a creepy black and blue underground monster that could literally kill people in one hit and so that’s why today i’m going to be turning into the warden for the next 100

Days and this means i get all the powers of a warden and trust me i’m gonna need them i have two friends who are gonna do everything in their power to kill me and make sure i don’t survive the hundred days as a warden i spawned in on day one

As a baby warden oh my god look i’m a tiny warden i have ten hearts and i’m basically a regular player and there’s the two hunters we’re gonna get you ryan yeah we’re gonna beat you up buddy anyway the second i leave this platform they can start hunting me so i’m gonna

Pick a direction we’re gonna quickly be able to run to some safety i see a tree over there so probably my best bet so while they’re distracted i’m going oh oh get him okay come on am i getting out of here okay the first goal is to

Get as far away as possible i’m a baby ward i’m very killable in the beginning now if you look i have upgrades later on where it can become an adult warden and even a bloodborne but that’s for later on right now i’m a baby so i just need

To worry about getting some wood and getting far away baby warden one more piece of one piece one piece oh yeah only one more piece oh they’re right behind me oh okay yes come on i got him yes oh goodness okay well i think that should give us

Some time to quickly get ahead of them let’s go find a spot to quickly build a base okay cool i want to build a base in the jungle since it’s really dense and i should be able to hide here much easier i mean look how many places there aren’t

High but because i’m me i want to get on the biggest tree possible okay i did it i’m on the tallest tree in this jungle area and if i need to i can leap off into the lake below perfect anyway now that we’re safe let me show

You what else i can do as a warden not only are there four different types of wardens but i also have combat upgrades and utility upgrades for the combat upgrades i gotta do a bunch of quests and if i beat the quest i unlock a new power for the utility upgrades i gotta

Get items but for now we need to get the basics done so let’s get a basic base made by going down here and just getting some wood real fast okay now we’re gonna turn our wood into planks and we’re gonna build a basic wall around the edges of this tree

Okay this will work a wooden pickaxe now let’s go grab some stone okay cool we got some coal and iron so let’s head up to the tree get some of the smelt and we’ll keep working on the base over the next few days and so i spend the next couple days just

Finishing up the base with all the essentials i’m gonna need i got a bed some furnaces a crafting table and of course lots of chests okay with the base complete we can finally start working on upgrades and honestly i’m feeling quite safe in this space because the base is

Right up behind me and you can barely tell it’s up there but now we gotta get working on some upgrades so since we already are a baby warden and only have three upgrades to go in that category i think it’s best we either work on combat or utility probably combat though cause

That sounds more fun so it looks like i have to accept a quest where i have to take a hundred hearts of fall damage and get to level 15 which honestly doesn’t sound too bad so i’m probably gonna do that so let’s accept quest accepted okay

And now if you look at the upper corner of my screen instead of taking zero fall damage my current level is 0 15. wait but i’m level five wait a minute do i have to gain 15 left this could be really hard let’s get taking fall damage

Okay let’s start by jumping on this tree and see how much we take okay that was six that’s pretty good okay let’s go back up we can add a few blocks to that temporarily so let’s go up a few more okay that was almost more we gained like a half a heart

Let’s see which fall image i think this time please don’t kill me oh that was half a heart also i was at only 22. didn’t i just take like 10. so i guess i’m just gonna keep eating myself off a cliff right now okay we literally just need one more

Fall damage and we are done with this challenge and you’ll see the current level updated to six so i just had to gain a level and it knew what level i was so let’s take this fall damage real quick we can just do it by doing this

And there we go fall damage is now green meaning we’ve completed it and can destroy this dumb structure and of course that took all day and now it’s night but you know it was worth it okay now we need to get to level 15. let’s do it we’re currently at level six meaning

The best way is probably to go mining and just to kill mobs along the way so yeah we need items anyway so let’s get to work cannonball there we go level 15. now let’s head back up and go to bed because it is definitely night okay but before we go

To bed i want to do the upgrade now we have skulk slam which is basically an attack where i apparently slam the ground blind people and give them something called skulk sickness i don’t know what that is but it sounds really cool let’s try it whoa well that was cool anyway it’s not

Really useful to us yet so let’s go to bed and we’ll keep working on our next upgrades now the next upgrade is echolocation which requires 64 glowstone dust four skulk sensors and three spy glasses now skulk is actually the new stuff added to the game with the new

Boss the warden and to get it i’m gonna need to find a deep dark bio which i’ve heard are kind of hard but not really to find i just gotta dig around for a bit so let’s get searching and see if we can get lucky and find one

Oh i found it i found school this is the stuff so this is the new stuff added in 1.19 it’s called skulk and apparently i need to get these things called skulk sensors which is this bad boy right here and so for the upgrade i need four skulk sensors so here’s one

I didn’t pick anything up so after a quick google search i learned he needed silk touch to mine skulk so yeah i need to start working on an enchanting table if i even want to get this stuff so let’s start looking for some diamonds and other stuff that we’re gonna need to

Make this thing okay five diamonds is all we should need to get the enchanting table ready no she need to make a diamond pickaxe and we gotta go mind some obsidian there we go four obsidian now all we need to do is make a book and we have this enchanting table

That should definitely be enough sugarcane for now okay let’s turn the sugarcane into paper grab one piece of leather and let’s make a book then let’s grab our obsidian our two diamonds chanting there we go we’ll put the enchanting table right down here now let’s take the

Rest of the sugar cane and turn it into paper as well then we’ll combine that with all our leather and we get seven books which is enough to make two bookshelves and we’ll put those right there now let’s go grab some lapis and see if we

Can get silk touch no silk touch i don’t think we have enough bookshelves overall okay so i just did the math i need 81 paper in total and since i already have 18 i basically need a full stack of sugar cane left to make sure i have enough paper and that doesn’t even

Include the leather i need that means i also i’m gonna need a lot of leather so uh yeah it looks like i got another about five minutes of daylight so i’m gonna spend that time using the leaves to disguise our new little enchanting area a little better and then we’ll go

To bed and tomorrow we’ll get the rest of the bookshelves taken care of so that way we can go ahead and learn echolocation let’s go grab those bookshelf supplies so we can finally get silk touch and look there first there we go seven leather okay that’s ten

Oh thunders are here i see one of them oh wait i should be able to blind them right oh i see the warden i see the warden yeah here they come ready i don’t have any armor so i’m gonna be low quick ready

Oh my god i can’t see oh my god oh no oh he’s low already okay we got to shield this guy he can’t hit us right now look how tiny he is oh we got him oh we comboed him let’s go oh shoot let’s go get his buddy again

Let’s use that power on him oh my gosh oh he’s done he’s done yes we did it let’s go dude we’re actually so strong and we didn’t even have armor let’s go and we won’t even talk about how i did that in f5 just so it would look cooler anyway back to cow

Killing okay that should be enough leather let’s go grab the sugar cane there we go stack of sugar cane done okay so let’s go ahead and get to work first things first let’s turn all our sugar cane into paper now let’s put all the leather in the corner and surround

It by the paper we know 22 bucks which we can surround that by a little more and that gives us 24 total books there we go now we have eight total bookshelves and let’s go ahead and put them in their place there we go now let’s just go ahead and

Disguise it a little better and there we go now we have our enchanter let’s see if we can get some silk touch well i should have known it wouldn’t be that easy there we go after one enchant i finally have still touch i just have to get to level 19 and i can

Get it which honestly shouldn’t be too hard since i got all day to get there let’s start by going ahead and smelting everything we have to smelt and well that’s all going and getting us xp let’s head down to the mine and start looking for anything we can mine for xp

Oh well this is convenient to zombie spotter i’ll just grind here okay there we go level 19. now we should be able to do the enchantment let’s try it out and there we go we now have still touch on our diamond pickaxe which means now we can finally pick up skulk and

Start working on upgrades again okay now let’s go ahead and get the stuff we need for echolocation because even though i’m going to walk kind of far to get to the skulk biome it’s not the end of the world and it won’t even take half a day

Grab some amethyst along the way because we’ll need this for the spy glass okay that should be all the amethysts we need for our spy glasses okay here we go here’s a bunch of skulk sensors in total we need four of these things and there happens to be four right here so let’s

Give them a shot let’s grab some of the blocks in the area too just in case we need them later there we go i just want a few of them let’s see if we get another skulk sensors they can be used for alarms and stuff okay i’ve got a bunch of different stuff

Let’s go ahead and let’s get out of here okay let’s store all this stuff in here and now we just need glowstone dust and some copper and we can go ahead and finish this upgrade but obviously to get close to home we’re gonna need a nether portal which means more obsidian so

Since we still have time left in the day i’m gonna go ahead and get the copper we need for the spy glasses and the obsidian done with so tomorrow we could just get the glowstone dust and do the upgrade there we go now let’s go back to the

Base and then we’ll go to bed and tomorrow we’ll go ahead and wrap up this upgrade okay let’s do this thing first things first let’s smell some copper now if we combine all this copper with these amethyst shards you’re gonna see that we have three spy glasses now which

Is all we needed for the upgrade meaning now we have the skulk sensors and the spy glasses done and we just need the glowstone dust now it’s gonna be kind of hard to hide another portal so we’re just gonna go ahead and build down here

And hope they don’t see it at this point okay let’s light this bad boy up there we go and then let’s go throw some leaves around this to disguise this as well anyway another portal is complete let’s go let’s hop inside okay no glowstone in this room so it looks like

We have to dig for it okay cool i found another fortress that was easy okay maybe not so easy ow these guys pack a punch anyway i still don’t see any glowstone so i guess we’re just gonna keep moving for now there we go glowstone now should actually get over there

There we go we finally got some glowstone there we go we got all the glowstone dust we need now we can finally get out of here gosh that was a pain okay we’re home it’s night time but we have everything to do the upgrade so let’s do

It now you can see everything’s turned green and we’ve now unlocked echolocation which allows us to see any enemies or enemy players through walls if they’re nearby which is really useful if we get another fight let’s go ahead and let’s store up the rest of the stuff

And let’s hit the hay okay cool we have the first comet upgrade done the first utility upgrade done and we already got to start as the first warden upgrade so now it’s time to start working on the second one the teen warden which will give us 20 hearts an extra 50 energy and

We have unlimited water breathing and fire resistance meaning i could swim in lava so to become a teen warden i need 32 skulk 32 iron and a goat horn now the skulk isn’t too bad now that we have the silk touch in fact we have nine already

So let’s go gather the rest of the skulk we need since we’re already good on the iron ingots okay here’s an absolute bolo to skulk let’s mine this stuff okay there we go that’s all the skulk i need we have the iron ingots now but you

Gotta head back to the base okay we’re back and you can see we’re already almost done with this all we need is a goat horn and to get it all i need to do is kill a bunch of goats after getting most of my items to become a teen warden

I just needed to get the goat horn which i assumed you would get from killing goats but no i was completely wrong and i wasted four full days just killing goats for nothing okay so it turns out i’ve been doing this whole goat thing all wrong you’re not supposed to kill

The goats get a goat horn you have to actually trick them into ramming something so let me show you what i mean so let’s just dig down here real quick let’s grab a piece of stone there we go let’s go back up now let me go ahead and

Put these two stone next to me and trigger goat into ramming it come here go do it remy rammy just do it remy remy friend no what you went the wrong way ram this stone pillar i made we’re gonna have to trap someone in a hole in the hole

No he went over it yes you’re in okay now you wait there let me grab my stone back now it’s going to make this dude hit this stone bring it on dummy he left oh boy’s back now oh we got two goats in here yes

Oh he got out cause i put that there dang it there we go now i should be able to get a goat to accidentally ram me at some point in this video come on goat friends come for me oh dang it i almost had it

Yes there we go i did it i got his horn goat horn acquired i’m so sorry you are literally missing a horn off your head well anyway that’s the last item we need let’s go ahead and get this thing home and then we have everything to become

The teen warden and we made it let’s go ahead and blow the goat horn for good luck anyway let’s go and let’s do the upgrade here we go time to become a teen warden there we go we’re just like bigger and have double the hearts well cool now

We’re a lot bigger and a lot chunkier and i’d say a lot stronger too anyway the sun’s starting to head down so we’re gonna go ahead and just do some basic cleaning up around the base and then tomorrow it’s time to start working on enraged rush which seems really op

Actually okay so let’s start working towards the next upgrade but before we do i want to go ahead and add some of the skulk things around as they’re likely going to scare anyone who comes in and they also kind of sound cool there we go and i think that looks kind

Of cool anyway it’s time to start working towards the next upgrade and the next upgrade is gonna be enraged rush and again we only need to kill some iron golems break some blocks and get to level 20 which we’re already well passed so overall not too hard no wait did the

Hunter see me the hunters are here thunder’s here i don’t know if my friend saw me that little guy in a tree oh there’s a nether portal oh yeah oh no he they did he he’s looking right up at me okay hold up hold up where’s my diamonds

Make some diamond pants there we go let’s get some stuff enchanted no we need a diamond sword let’s make a diamond sword there we go diamond sword let’s get it enchanted sharpness three there we go there should be a broken bow somewhere there it is

Okay i hit him twice oh wait my base is on fire he’s below me he’s lighting tt or trying to whoo all right oh god oh he almost just blew up the base he blew himself up but he almost blew up the base okay the base is

Okay they’re trying to light my base on fire okay let’s go back up nicely fell dude my base was almost toast there they tried to blow it up but they failed okay let’s make sure they don’t have beds nearby no they do i see one right below me they’re back already

They’re planting a big attack here hold up let’s grab some of our supplies just in case they destroy the base okay that should be all we need let’s fight them oh wait they’re burning my base down stand on the furnaces what i’m just sweating my nether that means one of those right here

Oh god oh no he was waiting for me oh i don’t want to move another he’s got a bed right next to it he’s building up hold on he’s getting close i need to destroy that bed his bed is going to spin they can’t respond come on

Oh i live there’s still one more up there yeah we did it we destroyed his base we destroyed his base oh my god he’s right there oh no okay i used my ability on him he should be blind dude no my tree house oh dude this tree

House was cool there’s only a few bookshelves left which i guess we’ll grab let’s go ahead let’s grab our channing table because uh it’s time to move bases and get a new one after the hunters took out my base i went ahead and moved to another one and hopefully

This time i won’t accidentally give it away by using a goat horn my bad okay welcome to the new base this time i built a deep underground where hopefully they won’t find it now let me go ahead and show you the base it’s pretty small we got our enchanter there another

Portal there and all our essentials right here yeah it’s that small however let me go and show you around if i go to this corner over here you’re going to see i can jump down this hole to exit the base and i’ll end a small water pool

I also made this base specifically in the middle of a skulk biome so that way i could keep getting skulk as need be now let me show you how i actually enter the base as i come over here you’re going to notice the skulk sensor right against that wall now that skulk sensor

Is there on purpose and as i walk near it you’re gonna see it’s gonna open a door and you’ll see my door opens right there however it’s not enough to actually get over to the base in time so what you have to do is you have to take a bow and

Arrow and shoot it over there in that direction and then my door will open and i’m in the base it’s that simple anyway with our new base complete we start working on upgrades once again anyway now it’s time to work on our next upgrade which is called enraged rush now i’m gonna go

Ahead and accept this and i need to kill 15 iron golems break 300 blocks and get to level 20. now my level’s already complete i just have to gain one to update it in the menu and the iron golems really aren’t that hard either and because i’m gonna need an absolute

Boatload of iron let’s get to work mining it now so ah a thunderstorm knocked out my power and i lost like two minutes of recording so i’m getting pumpkins and i have the iron that that’s all you missed okay we have 15 pumpkins with the 15

Pumpkins complete we can now make the 15 golems and then let’s cheer some pumpkins there we go perfect there we go and we made our first iron golem now let’s practice fighting them they’re not really fighting back much well that’s weird they don’t even fight back why won’t you spawn

And there we go 15 iron golems dead now let’s go ahead and do the upgrade in ranged rush which is going to be really broken let me show you this move lets me basically do this as long as i hold it down i dig through

The world and any ores i get along the way get automatically doubled instead of one diamond i would mind two diamonds and this works in the nether two so yeah this just made my life a billion times easier when it comes to mining and the next upgrade we’re gonna work on is the

Skulky cave compass which just requires a bunch of ore so that’s what we’re gonna work on now we’re gonna get all the ore in one go and it shouldn’t even be hard hey look at that we got some diamonds right here [Applause] see look how easy this is lapis done

Diamond’s done the gold’s done and the colon irons gonna only take three seconds this was so easy iron done and there we go it’s all done including the iron and gold so all we need left is some compasses and some echo shards okay it’s day number 30 and we are doing fine

On items we have everything we need for this next upgrade we just gotta get some of it’s melted now a compass isn’t too hard to make is just four iron and one redstone so it’s basically an extra stack of iron that i need to get and i

Already have enough of the redstone so that’s not too hard and that’ll only take a second but the hard part is those eight echo shards you see let me show you how to craft one oh wait you can’t you can’t craft an echo shard the only

Way to get one is to find one inside of an ancient city and i don’t even know where to begin looking for an ancient city i think they’re pretty hard to find now luckily with my diggy diggy power i could move around pretty fast but finding one is still gonna be pretty

Tricky kind of like a nail in a haystack but we have no choice so let’s go ahead and exit the base and let’s get digging i spent the next few days looking everywhere for an ancient city and i just couldn’t find one anywhere and my luck wouldn’t get any better either

Because on day 34 i would accidentally run into my friend’s base on diamonds get away spicy boys this way i saw a torch oh no way i think i shot the hunter’s bait look at this oh this is gonna be so op if this is their base i have so many powers already

Okay oh my god i see their names lowly up the stairs oh oh my god oh he didn’t like that did you spicy man we’re good we’re good okay this is not what i expected i’m looking for an ancient city but i found them which i

Guess works okay i have an idea watch this bait them back up and he’s like smashing up our babies okay okay we gotta get one of them he’s trying to pull me off oh he’s done he fell he didn’t he missed the water let’s get him again with our power and

Then let’s take him out baby let’s go and he’s dead i knew i saw you i know you didn’t go far let’s find that other bed it must be up here it’s up to you deter him no he’s gonna destroy my bed here it is i have your cat don’t make any sudden

Moves drop all your gear on the ground and i’ll leave the cat b yes drop it all no this monster that’s right don’t you dare come closer let’s go okay i will take it you know what he paid up i’ll leave he can have his cat

Kitty let’s go back to looking for an ancient city shall we after defeating my friends it would take me until day 37 to find what i’ve been looking for all along oh hold on hold on oh my god i think we found one we literally found

One yes that took forever we found an ancient city we are home with our people this is where we belong okay well we need to look for chests inside this place because those will contain the shards so here we go here’s a chest already and inside you’re gonna see we

Have three echo shards now that’s not enough we need more than that but that is definitely helpful now let’s look for more chests there’s one right next door let’s check this one no crystals in this one what is that noise did i just spawn one i think i just spawned a real warden

Guys oh my god okay well we have to get the shards while being very careful of that guy another one okay there’s a chest right there the warden is right below me and i can’t tell if he sees me or not i don’t think he does i’m not making any noise so i

Don’t think he can sense me now there’s a chest right next to me there just over there oh he may sense me oh he senses me let’s go for it we got one oh he blasted me let’s go this way we have our mining ability here he comes let’s go back this way

Oh my god yes crystals that’s enough that’s enough that’s enough that’s enough let’s go we’re getting out of here is that enough crystals nine how many do we need eight oh we got them all oh i am never going back there that was so scary oh my goodness let’s just get

Out of here dude okay we’re hope that took forever to get back anyway we have everything we need including the iron because of all the mining we did so let’s go ahead and let’s get crafting let’s get our raw iron smelting and well that’s going

Let’s go ahead and get the rest of the stuff we need together okay our gold is done spelting let’s grab all of it and then our iron should almost be done as well and now let’s go ahead and split this iron into four pieces and put some

Redstone in the middle and now our compass is fully complete we can do the upgrade so let’s go ahead and let’s grab all these items and now you can see we can unlock the skulky cave compass which we’ve now done and this compass is very

Special i can change it to work as an x-ray to get me to any block as an example if i shift right-click it you’re gonna see it says gold then redstone then lapis then diamond now this compass is gonna point to the nearest diamond ore so let’s go ahead and let’s exit

Real quick let’s go down here it’s currently telling me to go this way because the nearest diamond ore is literally right next to us and see it’ll say diamond found at this it’s completely locked onto this diamond just like that and now i know this diamond is

Right here and i can mine it so yeah it basically lets me find any ore that i need super easy but with that out of the way it’s time to do a super fun upgrade the next combat upgrade requires me to kill 15 players which means i get to

Kill my friends 15 times and while risky i still think i’m so strong compared to them that it doesn’t matter with 20 hearts enchanted diamond gear and enough diamonds to get myself fully stacked i feel like i got absolutely nothing to worry about at the moment so let’s make

Our way back to the hunter’s face and let’s go pick a fight with them and i’m gonna have to go pretty far because their their base was four or five thousand blocks away okay so before we go let’s go and let’s enchant some diamond armor up Okay now we’re ready to go let’s go find their base there it is i see the baby here we go i have a good idea to get their base and i’m going to do a lot of damage to it here oh he sees me start going up we’re going in

Okay oh we’re low on hp here so let’s eat real quick now remember we’re here for kills we need kills on them so let’s go let’s use our ability okay dice that’s one kill wait i didn’t accept the quest now the kills count that first kill doesn’t even count now

That’s fine it was a warm-up kill jeez jesus oh he’s done he’s done he’s done there we go now let’s get up there and keep farming him we got him another one down oh we killed a ball dude that move must be doing a lot of damage to them okay let’s keep

Hurting him oh my god we’re up to four kills let’s go he’s trying to get away nice he’s done five kills i got it all right now we don’t respond here anymore let’s get him nice once down come on they have a whole parkour in their tree what is this i’m

Out of here see you later oh he’s hurting i’ll do it again i’ll do it again i’ll do it again he’s just leading me in circles dude i can do parkour all day oh see ya he died he literally died of all damage where’s the other one they broke their

Own beds they’re all gone they didn’t want to keep dying so they broke their own beds that’s only six of the kills i need more than that the hunters got away while i was trying to hunt them down however this wouldn’t last for long because on day 44 i found them once

Again so my friend’s base is just beyond here this is their new one and i need to still kill them another nine times so i’m gonna go ahead and do that by heading over there now and well teaching them a lesson so let’s get going

I don’t have to cross all this water so let’s do this the quick way oh my god they don’t know i’m right here they don’t even notice me okay ready here we go oh god the ward is here oh he saw him didn’t see me coming in

Time did you i’m dead i’m dying one down oh i didn’t like that knock back oh that hurts doesn’t it oh he hits where is he oh he can’t even see him oh my goodness oh two down oh i’m going in okay that’s gonna hurt them for a sec

Oh we haven’t we haven’t toast he’s just pulling me in oh nice he’s done we got him dude they’re trying so hard but it’s not enough i can push you back baby let’s go this helmet’s already broken we’re messing them up we are messing them up we don’t need four more kills

Be careful here that’s right yeah he’s backing off he’s backing off oh goodness he’s done he’s done let’s get the other guy three his boat two down stuck in the water blast him back in he fell for the boat he’s gonna be low he’s gonna be so low

Oh wheat snuck right behind him dude one more this is it we gotta we got the kills we need all the kills we need let’s keep messing with them oh they’re toast he’s done nice okay that’s all the kills we need we gotta get out of here they can just keep

Responding here or try to destroy their beds okay here we go let’s see if we can what we can do i missed it no let’s go up here he’s trying to build up to me in time i will eat your base you cannot stop me

Your base will be eaten by me okay let’s go over here that base is toast what are you gonna do oh i’m low i’m low actually you know what i’m taking that i’m running oh let’s just go ahead and get out of here that face is toast okay now that

We’re done with the kills i need to go ahead and drink a milk bucket a hundred times that’s stupid okay i guess let’s quickly go make a bucket or we’ll just take this one cool water hole now just go find a cow get over here cow i need to drink your

Milk 100 times one i hope i never have to say that again in my life okay cool we’re done drinking milk buckets and it looks like the sun is starting to set so yeah now currently we’re level 19 and we need to get to level 25 so thank you cows for helping

Me but now um i gotta do what i gotta do okay well that gave me less xp than i was expecting sorry cows anyway we’re gonna go back we’re gonna go mining get the rest of the levels we need and then we’re gonna do the upgrade okay we’re

Back at the base now we’re gonna go ahead and go mining and get a bunch of xp there we go level 25 and i got a bunch of diamonds i can double okay cool now let’s do the next upgrade okay now we can unlock the skull sickness infection upgrade that’s a lot

To say but anyway we can get it let’s do it and we’re done let’s see what it does oh god i broke my base should have realized that was a terrible idea uh hold on okay well my base is slightly destroyed but this is what we got noted

Do not use that in your base probably should have gotten a warning about that i’m going to bed okay i wanted to get a better idea of what this power did outside not in my base this time so let’s go and let’s try that you’ll see it has these infect blocks

Which are kind of cool i can do it again and again until everything becomes infect blocks it’s kind of cool i basically could destroy entire bases anyway we’re going to go ahead and get the next upgrade which is called power trip it gives me strength 2 and speed 2.

And if i kill something i then get strength 5 and speed 5 for 10 seconds you can see everything i need on screen right there and of those things we might as well start by just murdering a bunch of skeletons and zombies because i’m kind of angry after destroying my base

And i need to let some steam off okay i’m feeling much better because we also have all the bones and rotten flesh we need so now we just need some strength potions speed potions and another right ingame so basically we’re gonna have to head to the nether if we

Want to get those items ah i see in other words just have a healthcare let’s grab these nether warts now we just need to go ahead and get some blaze putter and blaze rods oh and i’m fire resistant these guys can’t light me on fire well that makes life easier okay that should

Definitely be enough blaze rods okay now we just need to go ahead and find some another riding gets real quick which should be super easy because we have the skulky compass so if i right click it it is now locked onto some ancient debris in this direction okay well the compass

Is pointing right here and i’m not seeing an ancient debris well i’m gonna do this my way and just dig underground until i get a bunch of ancient debris because that seems a lot easier anyway and i’ll double them okay my inventory is full and i only have six ancient

Debris to show for it and it’s taking quite a bit just to do that i went i just realized wait i have enough i only needed four why was i thinking i needed 12. you know what i don’t know i had a dumb moment i thought i needed 12 but i

Have enough we’re going home okay we did it day 50 we are halfway there i only got to thrive another 50 days but i’m gonna get really powerful so i think i should be able to do it i really want to find out what the blood warden is

Because it sounds really fun anyway we gotta grab some sugar to finish up the potions we’re gonna start by making a uh brewing stand we’ll just throw this over here and then we need to make some glass bottles so we’re gonna go up to the surface and

While we’re there we’re gonna go ahead and grab sugar as well and that should give us everything we need for the potions i believe okay there we go that’s all the sugar cane we’re gonna need there we go we got 36 sand now let’s go

Back to the base okay so let’s go ahead and turn one of the blazes into blaze powder and we’re gonna add that to the brewing stand now we’re gonna quickly smelt up our sand now let’s go ahead and craft ourselves some bottles and let’s go fill them with water now we’ll add

Them right over here to the brewing stand and let’s add another warts so they become awkward potions now let’s turn these into sugar and let’s add a piece of sugar to this and these should become speed potions which i’m gonna double check is what we need it is we

Need nine of them there’s three six nine okay speed potion’s done now let’s make the strength potions we’re gonna do the same thing make it an awkward potion except this time we had a blaze powder and now we have three potions of strength let’s just do that two more times

And done now we have all the rotten flesh all the bones all the strength potions and all the speed potions and now we have to craft another right ingot okay now we’re gonna combine our four nether right scrap with four gold and get ourselves the nether i didn’t get

And now we literally have everything we need to get the upgrade but we’ll do it tomorrow because it’s already nighttime and i want to test it outside okay here we go let’s do the upgrade and now apparently i have permanent strength two and speed two and if i kill something it

Turns into strength five speed five let’s try it now it’s speed five look how much faster i got i didn’t murder your befriend i promise speed okay that’s really cool okay so with that upgrade done now we can either work on pact of the warden supersonic shot or

We could become an adult warden and i’m not gonna lie i’m kind of leaning towards adult warden so i get a little bit more hp anyway let’s quickly head back to the base because it requires 32 skulk and we can get that in like two seconds oh the hunters

Gotta find oh there’s ryan over yonder okay well let’s go back to my basement i guess i’m not now the hunters are literally in the area of my base they’re right nearby i can’t lead them to it oh okay i got some cobblestone okay this is

Dumb on them this is dumb of them oh you tried to shoot me oh i’m blind yeah it gets shocked and blasted i had to take i dig i literally can’t see oh their guns blind me whoo that sword did a lot they did four hearts get the high ground

Like our new inch aids oh it’s go hold on blind that’s stupid blind okay they’re getting close down oh we’re at spawn we run all the way to spawn okay they’re letting me heal this is dumb that’s right you’re no match for us okay let’s get on get over here come on

I can win this one come up here you’re blind i turned these into infect blocks i don’t know what that does but i think it should have hurt them right oh geez blocks are making me sick now they’re blind how the turns have tabled don’t like being blind do you

Oh hit me in the water oh i can’t see oh he’s over here oh okay you know what i’m leaving this fight this is taking too long they’re way too strong right now oh my god i can’t see okay okay okay no dude that next blindness we finally need more oh

No partner about half a heart what what oh my god dude i can’t hit him he’s gotta be low where’d he go oh we’re low oh i need to go i need to go i need to go okay did i just dig into the world to get away yeah yeah i was on

Three hearts he almost killed me while i was eating oh that was too close for comfort okay let’s go back to the base oh that was terrifying okay day 52 that fight didn’t go as planned but that’s okay we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna be coming in an adult warden

Because it’s pretty easy we just need some skulls and diamond and some spoke sensors and obviously where i live there are tons of those so let’s go ahead and first grab some diamonds we’re gonna need eight of those and then we need four skulk sensors and 32 skulls now i

Think i already have some okay we currently have 18 skull so yeah we’re currently short on skulk and we don’t have any skulk sensors which isn’t a problem because i think there’s probably eight just down there alone there’s one right there yeah we’re gonna be able to

Become an adult warden i think today wait what whoo they’re at the door thunders are here let me grab some stuff they’re about to loot my whole base how’d they find it okay i just knock one of them down the hole we can save some of our stuff here the diamonds we saved

We’ll save some lapis where’d the other one go oh god oh i’m stuck in a hole no no oh they blew my basement okay there’s one more here he thought i left yes this is terrifying my face is absolutely doomed dang it i love this [ __ ] why do they always destroy my good

Bases i spent seven full days moving as far away as possible and came up with a genius 200 iq base that should help me avoid getting caught again normally when you think of the warden you think about searching deep underground and so i took that idea and flipped it on its head

Literally it was time to build the ultimate warden sky base okay so let me show you my brand new warden base it’s just behind me here and if you look up it’s way up there so all i need to do to get there is to up this water patch and

That’s how we get to the base there’s only one way up and one way down this water path so there’s no way anyone’s sneaking into this base i’ll see him coming from a mile away so i basically set up an alarm system as i make noise

At the entrance it’ll set off that guy which i’ll hear so if anyone sneaks up well they’re not so sneaky are they and then it’s pretty simple enchanting table smelting area my chests my bed and my nether portal and the most fun way to get down is simply to just go over here

And jump off and catch the water on your way down nice and simple so now that we know the space let’s go ahead and become an adult warden as we already have the diamonds and just need to grab the skulk sensors and the skull here we go a skulk

Area perfect that’s one two three we need four so we need one more and four there we go now we need to grab some skull there we go and now we should be able to become an adult warden we can let’s go to the surface where we’ll have a little

More room though okay let’s do this and now we’re an adult warden we have 40 hearts we’re huge now let’s still make sure we fit in our base cause the sun’s starting to set and i want to make sure i have a base to actually go back to oh

We do we still fit somehow we’re an adult warden meaning we can start working on the other upgrades tomorrow because we only have one two three four five upgrades to go okay day 62 it’s time to work on another upgrade i want to get another combat upgrade so i’m

Going to go for super sonic shot which is like the attack you see the warden used one shot everybody yeah it’s kind of broken now the mission says we have to crouch 300 times and get a goat horn so let’s go into some mountains and go

Find ourselves a goat okay hey about to go there we go oh there’s a few goats up here actually let’s use one of these guys they’re in a better spot now goats attack things that don’t move so i’m gonna go and grab the stone and set up a

Barricade and stand in front of it then i just have to dodge a goat and he should hit my stone instead yes we got one finally so there we go we officially got the goat horn and we used it so now that achievement’s done now would you have to crouch and get to

Level 20 which we’ll uh we’ll do tomorrow okay day number 63 let’s go ahead and just crouch 300 times okay that was easy that only took like a minute okay then just says our current level has to be 20 which it is but it doesn’t know that because it hasn’t

Updated but if we enchant something it should update there we go now let’s enchant that and we’ve officially completed it and we now have super sonic shot i’m gonna try this one away from my base again oh i forgot now that i’m a big warden i don’t take fall damage so i

Can just eat off my base anyway let’s try this oh wait that was cool i was in f5 so i don’t think i got to appreciate that foley let’s try again cool let’s go find a mob to try this on it is not your lucky day mr sheep

Okay yeah i see that’s pretty op you know they may have stopped my health around last time we fought but i think with this cannon i should be unstoppable okay day 64. let’s go ahead and let’s get back to the warden because it’s really not that hard either we just need

Skull a music disc and the echo shards now the echo shards are obviously the hardest part of that because i’d have to go find a new ancient city since i looted the other one so that part’s probably gonna be a pain but the skulk of the music disc will only take a

Second let’s go get those down and then we’ll start looking for an ancient city there we go we get a stack of skulls now you need to find a music disc which just requires me finding an abandoned mine shaft let’s go okay there we go and

Abandon my jeff we finally hit one hey there we go music disc first try well that was super easy and now let’s go ahead and start looking for an ancient city it would take five full days just to find another ancient city these things are super rare and even with my

Op mining power it still took forever however this was going to be totally worth it in the end because this next upgrade lets me control other wardens oh we found one we found one we got to be careful of the alarms cause if any of those go off we’re gonna summon a warden

And we’re just here for some shards okay we found a chest please have some shards in it three let’s go dude first try to get three we literally just need five more okay we have a chest close by right there and there let’s just go for it we

Set nothing off okay let’s open the chest oh we got three more let’s go in another music disc i could sprint over to that but i would probably someone if that doesn’t have any i could be in trouble here let’s go for it okay it has

Three it is three to three that’s all we need let’s do the upgrade real quick okay i’ve just been informed i need a very specific music disc meaning this one and this one don’t count i need to keep looking around for what are called music disc fragments and i think i saw

Some earlier so let’s go back and see if we can get to those okay here’s a music dish fragment here so i need to craft this one here it’s called five and to craft it i need nine of these fragments which i’m gonna find in this ancient

City this upgrade just got even trickier okay there’s there’s two in this chest we oh i thought three we have three oh we need one dude we just need one okay let’s keep going we literally need one more still no warden someone nice none

In this one none in this one oh god i knew it i knew i was gonna summon one go get out of here great now there’s a warden walking around we still need one more fragment okay let’s try this chest nothing this one whoa we gotta okay

Let’s be quick okay now it works we can get pack of the warden and we’ve unlocked it now warden shouldn’t attack us anymore and if i give him a stack of infected skulk blocks that means they’re gonna be my friend so let’s go try this out see how he has no interest we’re

Friends now yay okay now let’s go and let’s feed him a stack of infected blocks so he joins our team okay now i have a stack of these blocks let’s go and let’s feed it to him there we go and now he should follow me around and fight for me okay cool

Upgrade complete i would say this is the most op upgrade yet because now i have a warden fighting by my side now i really want to test my warden out so i’m going to bring him to the hunter’s base and have them take on the real warden you

Know not not me the one with upgrades and powers and stuff okay it’s day 72 i got the warden right here with me and we’re gonna go ahead and bring him to the hunter’s base wherever it might be i gotta quickly look for it but it

Shouldn’t take too long so i got my digging ability and that’ll make me just get around you know ten times faster okay so just behind me is the new hunter base now it turns out getting a warden here is not easy he does not like the

Water so i’m getting him here using my fishing rod instead and yanking him all the way to the hunter’s base what is going on oh oh it’s the warden it’s two wardens it’s two wardens it’s two of them do they notice me oh they definitely notice me oh i see him up

There looking at me come on buddy get him buddy come on you’re a warden yes go crazy okay they’re taking on the warden he’s fighting them now yes get him warden get him yes i can just sit here and watch oh we sniped him dude the warden is so strong get him dude

I’m damaging i got it i killed the warden okay they killed my ward no okay let’s go and let’s summon some more stuff let’s infect their base a little bit let’s get to the top of this base and find their beds okay let’s get to

Their base here we go nice we’re in okay we made it let’s find those beds oh this looks like beds okay well i fell at the back but i took out their beds no no not our iron golems oh no you know what that’s enough for now

It’s late we tested our warden ability i think we’ve had enough fun okay it’s day 73 we only have three upgrades to go chain reaction skull clevitation and the bloodward and the blood warden sounds really really cool to me now all these things require stuff in the end so we’re

Gonna have to head to the end we need to make some eyes of ender which means we’re going in the portal let’s start by going to the nether fortress and getting ourselves some blazes okay we’ve got a blaze rods that should be enough now let’s go ahead and trade

For some ender pearls first things first we gotta find a bastion okay there we go i found a bastion it’s over that way okay we made it to the top now i saw some chests just below so we’re gonna go for those first okay let’s check these

Chests out okay this one had two gold blocks and a bunch of arrows this one has three gold blocks and a golden apple and we got a looting two sword right here okay let’s go check the other chests over here okay this one had some gold and some gold blocks okay that

Gives us a total of six right now which isn’t bad okay let’s check this chest we got three gold blocks here nice we’re doing really good on gold blocks right now okay check this chest we have one gold block in here let’s go ahead drop a

Bunch of this stuff turn all this into ingots and let’s throw it to them to trade look we already got some ender pearls and now he’s gonna wait these trades out oh looks like they’re done trading okay it looks like we have 17 ender pearls i didn’t even need to split

Them i guess in the end well okay we got all the ender pros we need so now let’s spend the rest of the day grabbing some gas tears because we’re gonna need those to resummon the ender dragon one gas down okay i need you to not be

Above lava there you go perfect oh i still think it fell in lava sniped that wouldn’t even turn around to look at me okay that’s five gas tiers that should be enough now let’s make our way back to the overworld and we’re back at the base perfect okay well we’re currently on day

76 let’s start making our way over to that portal so let’s throw off our first eye of ender i guess we’re going this way they just got i spy that’s the end command just follow the eye miner they’re at the end portal already wait what okay it’s turning a lot it’s gonna

Be like right below here we got a deep looking cable let’s see if we can take this down oh we found it okay we need to find that portal i found it it’s right here they already came in okay we’ve got the horn ready let’s go battle we gotta kill this

Dragon before they do yes it’s still alive okay how did they get out of here oh they must have resealed it in knowing i would show up what is that noise oh my god the warden now we have three beds that should be enough to cycle the dragon at its

Current health charge you can’t knock me back boy yeah he’s got the water bucket oh he’s going to the bottom can’t let him kill his dragon let me kill him let me kill him no we move dang it okay let’s get our beds ready we need to be

Quicker next time he’s coming down we can get him here yes we’ve got him yeah no no okay we gotta get that egg we gotta get the egg we gotta get the egg i’m moving i’m moving it no he has the egg oh dude no i literally need that to

Become a blood warden okay well i guess for now we’re gonna have to just make our way to the outer end and get the dragon’s head and the elytra for now we’ll worry about getting the egg back later like usual it would take days of searching to find an end city with

Elytra but for once i’m kind of happy it took a while because i ended up finding one of the rarest end cities i’ve ever seen and i’ve been playing this game for over 10 years now okay another end city no we got one and [ __ ] there’s even one

Of these teleporty things to go back home here that’s super useful oh my god look another po wait what there’s two portals okay well let’s go over here because we gotta get to that ship and now using my block brake ability look i’m already in okay we made it to the

Bottom okay let’s see what we got man nothing good however we got the elytra and the dragon head should be right on the front of the ship let’s grab that as well dragon head acquired now we get everything we need from the ship so let’s go ahead and get this stuff to

Reach some of the dragon and then take these little portal things back okay we got the first crystal made now we need to make three more and there we go perfect we have four ender crystals which is what we need to re-summon the dragon now let’s quickly go kill an

Enderman for his ender pearl there we go we got four ender pearls let’s go ahead and let’s head back okay grab some last items from this place and let’s go okay we’re back and let’s go ahead and re-summon this ender dragon dude hunters are here again why are they here

They already took the dragon egg are they just here to like stop me from re-summoning it let’s googly spawn this i don’t think they noticed that i’m here one two three and four okay it’s doing it’s resuming oh porter he’s summoning the dragon again now we’re gonna fight

This thing let’s activate the thing we’re gonna reactivate the quest now when it resumes it we should get the achievement there it is we resumed it one for one ender dragon summoned and now we need to get the max speaking because we already are level 25. okay we

Got the dragon let’s go take the dragon out okay they’re working to get away it looks like they’ve set up vending machines different places hey let’s add my blind blocks and now let’s start going up nice that one’s gone to the next one another one down

And it’s gone now he’s gonna kill the dragon he’s dead yes oh gosh oh god no one of them’s gone nice the dragon’s going down let’s get our bench ready that’s gonna hurt that dragon there we go that did a ton of damage and you get

Out of here time for you to go i’m not risking them taking this dragon kill from me okay he’s low the dragon should die in about one hit boom sniped so now you’re gonna see for this one all we need to do is be in range of a max to your beacon

And that’ll finish up this upgrade this upgrade all we need to do is get some skull catalyst and phantom membrane and then the final one we just need to go ahead and get a dragon egg and another star and luckily none of this stuff is that hard because the dragon egg’s

Really just hidden at the hunter’s base probably okay day 85 let’s go ahead let’s finish up chain reaction and quickly make a max tier beacon because it’s not overly hard but first off to make a beacon we’re gonna need another star and since we already have to kill

The wither for this upgrade we might as well just go ahead and spawn two withers and get this done with so let’s quickly grab ourselves our looting sword and go kill ourselves some wither skeletons okay we got all the skulls we need let’s head back and start fighting ourselves

Some withers okay we’re back it is definitely night time but we got them all done so let’s go and store these over here okay it’s day 86 now instead of just sleeping through the nights i’ve kind of just been standing here so that way we can start getting some phantoms

To spawn because i noticed that we’re going to need that to go ahead and get the skulk levitation we’re not worried about that for the minute but i just wanted to bring that up because we’re gonna need to fight those things soon but for right now we just need to finish

Up that beacon so let’s quickly go grab our skulls and now let’s go spawn ourselves some withers and quickly defeat them okay with their spawn now let’s quickly defeat this guy okay my moves are not doing as much as i thought they might my bow’s doing more though

Okay first weather defeated and now we got another star let’s go ahead and eat and heal back up to full and then we’re gonna go and fight the second one okay that’s close enough to full let’s spawn the last guy and let’s fight him and second wither defeated two withers down

And two other stars to show for it one which we’ll use for our blood warden upgrade and the other we need to go ahead and make a beacon which uh how do i actually make a beacon okay that’s actually really easy and we have the obsidian back at the base so we actually

Have everything we need to craft this thing already let’s make a beacon there we go and now we need to turn this into a max beacon which means it’s gonna have to have layers underneath so let’s go and put our beacon right in the ground right here we’ll build underneath this

To get to a max beacon we’re gonna need 164 mineral blocks which if we do the math is over 1 400 iron or gold or whatever i want to use now normally that would be insanely difficult but luckily for me i have a super op mining ability that’s gonna

Make me get this done in probably only about 10 to 20 minutes okay currently we’re sitting at what is this i don’t even know what to call this amount a lot of raw iron i don’t think it’s enough yet we still need another like five or six hundred iron i think

Okay we just finished up grabbing all this iron which should be enough and there’s some on the ground and i’m gonna grab it just to be safe that i do have enough okay and with all this iron i’m gonna go ahead head back and get this

All smelted up then let’s go ahead and make this max beacon okay we got a bunch of the iron smelting already the sun is starting to go down but i think we should be able to get all this done today okay let’s turn all this iron that

We have so far in iron blocks there we go that’s 30 iron blocks so far we still need a lot more though okay that gives us over 100 so far oh we got another one of these phantoms nearby oh two of them bring it on big boys i need your

Membranes anyway okay that’s all the iron completed let’s turn the rest of this into blocks there we go that should be enough blocks and the sun is already rising but let’s go ahead and let’s finish up anyway so we want to start by doing one a layer like this and now our

Beacon’s on okay now our beacon should be level two let’s keep going okay that’s the third tier done now that you have one more tier to go okay there we go the beacon should be a max level beacon now let’s just go ahead and destroy the cobblestone underneath oh

There we go now it’s officially complete and we can look down and see our brand new pyramid so let’s go ahead and let’s activate this thing by grabbing a diamond and throwing it in here and there we go we now get regeneration from our beacon and

You can see we’ve now gotten the maxed out beacon exposure fully completed so now let’s go ahead let’s do this and unlock chain reaction which basically wherever i’m looking causes infected skulk blocks to explode when i activate this now my whole base has these things

On it so i got to be very careful but i’ll show you what it does down below right now so let’s go ahead and spawn a bunch of skulk and now let’s go and let’s back up and watch what happens when i look at this stuff from a distance and activate this ability

Yep that’s what it does i’d say it’s a little broken anyway yeah so i can make things blow up now that’s kind of cool anyway with that ability done we only have to do skulk levitation and become a blood warden now to get skulk levitation

All we need to do is get some skull catalysts and then we have to get 16 phantom membranes and we already have six of them done so tonight we can go grab those and for right now we’ll go grab the skull catalyst okay here’s one

Here oh here’s the second one oh we got one right here got this one there we go that’s the last one we needed we can do that upgrade and then there’s only one more to go the blood warden hey let’s keep killing these phantoms let this guy

Come over and dive bomb us come on over there we go that gives us ten we only need six more oh i see one i see one come here phantom phantom phantom he dropped one grabbing we got 16. let’s go back up let’s go back up okay and there

We go we have everything to do the upgrade so let’s do it and now you can see we have the skull catalyst the phantom membrane and the elytra and now we unlock skulk levitation which allows me to fly around like i make creative mode i mean look at this i’m just double

Tapping space and i’m flying look at this i don’t even need a water path to get up to my base anymore see this water totally useless let’s just get rid of it okay there we go went ahead and added a few more of those sensors around now my

Base should be secure now let’s quickly go ahead and go to bed and make it day it’s day 88 we only have one more upgrade to go obviously i have to become a blood warden and then gather up an army of wardens to then take on the

Hunters but first we need our dragon egg back and they stole it luckily i know it’s likely at their base so we’re gonna head to their base where they’ve likely set up a massive area guarding it knowing that it’s preventing me from getting my last upgrade so let’s go get

It back okay we’re at the hunter’s base it’s just up ahead on this hill oh wait i see the dragon egg oh i don’t know he may have seen me there i’m gonna go hide real quick the dragon egg’s just there but it looks like it’s above a pit of

Spikes meaning at any point they could destroy it so i should probably destroy that bit of spikes before anything just dive in the water let’s go oh my goodness he’s breaking our spikes oh come on dude we set that all up that egg will be mine i will not let them destroy

It okay here we go ready let’s go to their base oh wait let’s also show him i can fly dude you don’t want to fight me in the water right now trust me well he can just fly oh are you kidding is he not going up the stairs so he just flew

Up he just flipped dude there we go oh hey look thank you and get down there yes this is what you have coming to you this is why i’m broken the warden can now fly oh i bet he’s low let’s go ahead and laser him ready

Okay i’d say that we did a little bit of damage there let’s keep whacking him boom see you later let’s go back to the base and do the final upgrade shall we okay we’re back at the base let’s go in let’s grab that dragon head and the

Extra nether star and now let’s go ahead and turn from a regular warden into our final version the blood warden that’s right the blood warden is a special warden that will automatically steal hp from all mobs nearby so even if they’re damaging me it’s not gonna be enough to

Hurt me that’s how strong i am so now we’re in the final four let’s quickly go to bed and now we’re in the final few days so here’s the thing what do we do we could just go and destroy the hunters since i don’t think they stand a chance

At this point but that’s not very fun so i’m gonna go ahead and message the hunters that they have a few days to get themselves back together all while i build an army of wardens and so i built an army of wardens over the next two

Days in all i had over 10 wardens to fight by my side my friends don’t stand a chance or that’s what i thought anyway okay it’s day 93 this is the day i gave the hunters till to get themselves back together before i went and attacked

Their base so i’m gonna give them a warning that i’m coming to attack and then it’s time to finish this thing we’re actually not at our base we’re near yours wait they’re near here wait what okay the hunters are here let’s get down to them i’m not letting them up

Near my base in fact wardens come down here hopefully yes get them wardens oh my gosh oh no you better run boys my warden army is going to take care of you and do all the work necessary dude these wardens are messing them up look at this

I sent him sky high dude oh he hit him with the laser i’ll get him with the laser too nice we sniped one now let’s just really make sure they don’t have beds nearby because i know them and they wouldn’t attack near the end without beds nearby nope i knew it there’s

Someone over there i see one i keep blowing them up nice one of them just fell to death again we need to find their beds though i’m making my way i’m almost at his base partner oh no he’s coming up too he’s coming up to you

He missed dude he tried so hard just to miss okay unicorns blown up let’s see where he spawns and get rid of that bed he spawned over here yeah there’s the bed nice unicorn’s done okay he’s climbing back up let’s get to him real quick

He’s done okay let’s go find his bed he was spawning somewhere over here nice the bed’s broken there we go we detonated him oh no they tried to come to my base and it didn’t work and now tomorrow i’m gonna go to theirs we’re definitely getting closer to where they are oh i

Accidentally killed that sheep with my uh my blood sucking powers no i see a name they’re right there they’re right there i don’t want him to see me i’m gonna surprise him okay we just need to go in let’s just get out the front door

Oh he sees me okay we blew up the front entrance to their base oh look at all their healy things they have healing things everywhere to try and fight me that’s adorable let’s go and let’s get rid of his puppies to begin with right let’s start here and there and now

There’s no more puppies so we don’t have to worry about the dogs anymore he’s like sucking my my dog oh my god now where are their beds where’s the beds that’s the important piece i gotta make sure they don’t respond let’s blow him up a little bit now you take a

Little damage and you’re lasered and you’re lasered okay i see one of their names is deep over this way now this this must be a fake bed because no one spawned there let’s destroy that bed so we don’t have to worry about it now where’s their real beds there’s another

Bed right there let’s destroy that one let’s get this bed okay that bed’s destroyed slowly but surely we’re taking out all the beds oh man yo he sent me flying i didn’t get to respawn he’s done where’s he spawning no i don’t think he’s spawning i don’t see him anymore

He’s done where is he spawning does he still have a bed i have decimated this place there’s no way right he is he’s up there not anymore you’re not that ben’s toast i surrender no no no no no no no no no no no you’re surrendering for that fight

There’s no surrender dude well anyway i’ll let you guys build another base if you want to blow it up no ah actually nah anyway i guess that means i’m the winner so thank you guys for watching and so my friends surrendered proving that the warden could easily survive 100

Days in minecraft make sure you subscribe if you watch the video to the very last second only 30 of our viewers actually watched to this point so making it this far makes you cool thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2022-08-13 12:00:32. It has garnered 7263963 views and 83776 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:53 or 3413 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN in Minecraft! Today, I am going to be turning into the Warden for the next 100 days. I have 2 friends who are going to do everything in their power to KILL me, and make sure I dont survive the 100 days as a warden. Will I make it to day 100 or will they succeed in killing the warden?

Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! ►https://discord.com/invite/nZpvfe49Vk

►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN in Minecraft


Check out my other CHANNELS! ►Ryguy IRL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3ioJV6Nanz-HjAkLnvrxQ ►Ryguy Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepSF6Lms2gtEJo9RslDWFQ ►Ryguy Plays – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxASykySKRXfAxvFtdMqig


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I hope you all enjoyed! If you did; please make sure to subscribe and hit that 🔔 notification bell 🔔 so you never miss an upload!

Thanks for all the support, Rock Army!

#ryguyrocky #minecraft #minecraftroleplay

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  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

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  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

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  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

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  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

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    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shorts

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  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shorts

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip: KitPvP.world’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: KitPvP.world ๐ŸŒ Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. ๐Ÿ™๏ธ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใƒซใ‚คๅง‰ใฎ็ฌ‘ใ„ๅฃฐใŒใƒ‰ใƒฉใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใฎใ‚ตใƒ–ใ‚ฟใ‚คใƒˆใƒซใซใ—ใ‹่ดใ“ใˆใชใ„’, was uploaded by ใ‚ซใƒฉใ‚ณใƒƒใƒˆ on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/EnH0m9-i… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More

  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

    Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore A Historic Victorian Era Port In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-05-04 16:39:06. It has garnered 9534 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, May 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. In this months edition we will be going to A French inspired port/dock, A British inspired… Read More


    Unbelievable SHOCK at MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL MINI ANIMATION #minecraft #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kimorou on 2024-05-29 20:44:17. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Like and suscribe for more videos ๐Ÿ˜‰ minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft bedrock ios, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.21, minecraft movie, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft bedrock survival ep 1, minecraft ancient city, minecraft asmr, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft avatar, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, minecraft april fools, minecraft… Read More

  • Forest Grove SMP Creative Roleplay PvP

    Come join the adventure with us at Forest Grove! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Region: USA Forest Grove offers a diamond-based economy with player warps, spawners, and player shops. PvP is enabled with opportunities to acquire cool loot through crates, events, and other fun server features! Features: Diamond Economy Discord server Geyser/ViaVersions supported Spawners Ranks PvP enabled Land Claiming via grief protection Skills Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RABBIT TWERKIN’ IN MINECRAFT ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    Minecraft Memes - RABBIT TWERKIN' IN MINECRAFT ๐Ÿ˜ณWell, at least the rabbit has some killer moves to show off in the Minecraft world! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEMES I STOLE ONLINE PART 11: HOT DIGGITY DOG! “I tried to come up with an original Minecraft meme, but then I realized I’m just not that crafty.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽฎ

    Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽฎ Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine exploring a world filled with secrets and mysteries, just like in the YouTube video “Descubriendo los secretos de las Papas papas ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿฅ” || Minecraft.” Spark embarks on an adventure that leads him to discover new and exciting things in the world of Minecraft. Similarly, when you join Minewind, you’ll… Read More

Ryguyrocky – I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN in Minecraft