Saturday Morning Vault Hunters 34: Daddy Bones

Video Information

Good morning everyone Luma Luma Miss K oakd my goodness good morning uh yeah I’m getting started early um about half an hour early we have a little party to go to this afternoon uh around uh noon my time so I got to end a little early

Um I don’t want to end early it’s Saturday I mean it’s my Saturday thing end when I feel like ending for the most part but yeah good morning Luma good morning oh good morning thank you ladies so much for being here appreciate you where’s my there it is there it is um we

Hi uh I’m just have to catch daddy bone streen this morning birthday party oh it’s so it’s an after Christmas party is what it is so we have like different there’s there’s my wife’s side of the family um then we go to like a Christmas Eve party for that uh and then

There is my side of the family then we spend a Christmas day there and then there is my um my father-in-law his side of the family and so then we spend another Christmas party with them so it’s another Christmas party it’s not over yet oh no it’s it’s quite all right um

And actually I feel like I duped you by the way Miss k um when you texted me this morning and I spoke about daddy bones in third person and you assumed it was Princess and it was not it was me I spoke to him about myself in third

Person I oh when I saw you respond I I think I went to tears I couldn’t stop laughing it was oh it was so great I am I am such a dork I really am oh it was oh my God I’m I just I’m tearing up now it’s it was it was so

Good oh he definitely yes good morning princess I was going to show her too but she was still snoring away um and uh she doesn’t snore I promise I just want to say it um uh I just thought she picked up your phone and responded cuz oh that’s so

Funny um she probably could she she absolutely probably could she has my you know she has my important information passwords and stuff to in case something ever happens to Daddy bones um oh my goodness um all right I need okay so there are some things I need to do um

There and I say a couple things like uh I need to sit down and really create a focus and uh last night I was going to focus on putting in the vault dweller uh setup for like the redeems so you guys could redeem to be Vault dwellers

Um and I was going to work on that last night and then uh princess and I ended up binge watching Eureka on our Smart TV and I got none of that done uh yeah so there was that and I actually want to change my thumbnail my YouTube thumbnail for Vault Hunters

Um the the thumb nail that I currently have up there has been donated by somebody from the Vault Hunters community community she allows any anybody to use it um is it K karma karma Kama sorry but it was worth it yes it

Was yes so I I will be able to I need to I I still need to just set it up even if I don’t have like anything flashy come up on the screen cuz I want something to come up on the screen and I need to

Figure out how to set that stuff up so when you redeem it something a little flashy comes up on the screen uh let’s head on over let’s head on over we’re going to go die in a vault today yes that’s what me that’s right

I’m going to go I I’m such on a death streak right now it’s it’s it’s unreal um but uh outside of um from last stream um I would I did some things I was in here and I kept looping these turning them rolling them over so I can just

Like donate to them and get coins that way and I was able to buy back everything except for the first Vault death Minecraft withdraws I bet I bet um yeah I I I’ve been playing on outside of this what is this Stone of Jordan oh that’s right that’s my thing my think a

Thing um oh why I’m struggling cuz I don’t have my stone a Jordan um where was I oh my God I just had a squirrel moment my brain my goodness and I’ve had a little bit of coughing uh so I bought back MCB I’m down to just

This is our last bit to try to buy back our main body but at this point like I may have geared myself up to be able to withstand a vault which would is going to be better than maybe this gear that’s in

Here yes is a 35 a 48 50 you know I I might maybe um I uh set myself up so we can just jump right on into a vault because uh I’ve I’m kind of inching just to get in there and uh survive thrive survive just survive I just want to

Survive uh let’s figure out what we’re going to do here uh wo to die huh um nice that’s got some seven gold in there uh five empty Jars this right here resistance I think I need more resistance on my armor I think that’s what I need um do I want to try to mine 27 wooded ey I mean there’s seven gold in there that’s 27 wooded ey in a single vault is not happening for me item discovery

There’s no gold in here so I’m going to roll it Vault bones know 104 knowledge Essence I need to find like uh one of those living um one of the living rooms to get that in a single Vault that’s that’s that’s incredible amount of Vault Essence uh completion can’t oh find the

Cakes completion we want a scavenger hun completion cuz you guys no I like my scavenger hunts uh kill entities kill tank mobs I don’t like tank mobs and 12 of them uh what to do daddy bones what to do what do we got here smelting for 11 I

Got some I got some coins some Vault I think we’re going to submission chromatic iron no I don’t want to do any more submissions I I feel cheaty enough and I actually gained a level I was uh we ended last stream with level 52 I’m now level 53 um

So yeah we’re like one level higher than dweller mobs 30 of them okay I think we’re going to take this one trap this arm I don’t care about that grubble grubble grubble yeah look at that common all right um let’s do that one um maybe it’s a scavenger hunt maybe

It’s not we’ll see um oh look at that spooky um but yeah maybe uh I don’t know we’ll see oh my goodness all right I’m nervous I don’t want to die obviously I don’t want to die but here we go I learned I need to try to max out my

Crit hit resistance if you’re not using an ability power type build yes so yeah I need to start learning some of that other stuff and just start experimenting with it it’s tough to want to do when you’re this far along um I think I sometimes think the

Game progresses a little too fast but I understand like um they want to get you to the final vault as quickly as possible but it also doesn’t give you a chance to like experiment with some things that are that are coming out like I’m doing this in Solo like everybody

That all the streamers I watch um and everybody they see that plays this they’re playing it on a community kind of world and he want I think he wants iscal wants people to play it on a community world like that’s just kind of you know play with friends that’s what

You’re supposed to do but I want to give this a honest go in the solo part of things to see how it progresses solo wise I agree there’s a lot of little things to experiment and learn I’ve learned so much playing on an S SMP where we can learn from others exactly

Exactly and contribute um such as if you die in a vault you’ve got people who may not be I can’t imagine playing the solo would take so long I think well yeah this is this has been my solo World um since Halloween I think it was October I’ve

Been playing solo world and we’re only at 53 level 53 and I haven’t completed any of my like relics to increase look I’m still at 25 minutes see when you have like so many different when you have so many people running a vault together like in an SMP and everybody’s getting relics for

Example and Relic packs and then they share them you know people can get that increase but here in a Solo form it’s actually I feel like it’s more harder it’s it’s harder um and obviously not everybody dies people survive and people have more experience and then they can pass on the

Extra stuff that they don’t need like for example Vault gold like I could borrow some Vault gold and maybe get it back and yeah so so that’s that’s just my thoughts on it I don’t know if he’s um ever cons taken that in consideration about solo play versus playing on an S

SMP but I think he’s always um wanted this to be on an S SMP and not uh played solo uh we are still speced in oh more Elixir Vault too with that um we’re North facing and all I really care about is Vault gold now what’s our other thing um dweller

Mobs yeah dweller mobs uh so we’re heading north here and we’re going to look start looking for some stuff I actually don’t like this thing with my block my little block markers Let’s see here so I don’t I I don’t like these they get tricky there we go oh look at that tank mobs for the win take some tank mobs what are we going to get from wooden chests uh not a lot and we’re going to get for our vault Dwellers vault is giving me quite a bit I’m fighting myself I’m I I I still find it funny that I’m fighting myself um we got to get you guys on here I got to all right I’m going to dedicate some some time and get this up and running the redeems up and

Running get get away what’s hidden wow didn’t even see that in all the Carnage all right how about gilded I see some glor all right not too Shabby small amounts out of the RS all right come on down Out hey you’re you’re doing it to yourself buddy all right so Vault dwellers are actually giving me quite a bit so if I understand correctly too the the Snowballs I call them the Snowballs um and not to mention they’re like chunky when they throw them at you like

They can’t get to you they like start throwing snowballs or something at you oh man what is this like a trapped look at that four daddy bones coming after me oh my goodness all right I’ll take all that gorp though Are they giving any yeah so yeah even even the the trash mobs are giving some cor So Co we’re doing we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing it just make sure we find a load Stone excuse Me oh there you are how oh we get down over there Need to get another key for those treasure rooms treasure room key or something I hate those guys I hate that rabbit all right not bad okay um all right there we go uh we’re facing north let’s all right we cleared one room uh surviving doing all right

Uh 6 minutes in and we need a lot more gorp than this um otherwise we’re not going to do what I think we’re supposed to be doing which is winning no coins yet all right I’m loving I’m I’m still liking free pleas um I sometimes think I should be using

Something else a heard fizzle this is going just up okay who’s over here all right here we go here we go uh these aren’t giving much at all trying to hurry trying to hurry hurrying hurrying oh the sounds are super loud thats mobs and healing oh okay then um have to fix

That let’s see here can I option music and sounds mobs we’ll just bring it down to 50% healing what’s healing linked to ambient environment let’s just take it down to 60 let’s start there all right heading north oh there’s a over here so Luma the mobs look like that

Because um there’s a player by the name of R lemon uh you often will see him on great lak girl streams um great L girl and him uh play together often and um he wrote a code that uh you can change uh the dweller mobs um is this a or Room I think this is an or an Archer is what it is it is an ore room but we’re getting out of here cuz I don’t want ores I want coins need Coins moving super Fast I think I get a little distracted by how fast I move sometimes and I just take um no ores in here but seeing some living chests over here this is looking [Applause] pretty so he wrote a code that as long as I have your player name yeah take that over it down there um as long as I have your player names I can turn you into Vault dwellers yes so I’ve tested my name on it obviously so I’m the only person

Currently in oh I missed one Ow is that the Archer is that it are they come On All right uh head north again 12 minutes we’re not even halfway there yet this Vault has like oh there’s some coins over there I’m like like this Vault has no coins wow crit hit resistance is much needed this is the first coins to this Vault and that’s it oh it’s so awful and

It doesn’t look like they’re giving me much elixir so the tank mobs is really what was doing it and mobs in general like the dweller mobs tank mobs It [Applause] oh boy all right move moving in oh all right that was where I come up at all right let’s head east and then South so we can get out of here Zoom I think I got like yeah 99% movement speed in My Vault boots that’s why I’m zipping around so fast excuse me um there’s no coins in here guys come on down they want to come back up they can oh a champion oh my goodness oh my goodness this is

Insane who are you throwing snowballs at me ow my goodness that was incredible very exciting woo I think about how isot would have handled that he just would have killed him All right uh quick pause there sorry about that um got to get out oh there you are thank You all right moving on oh goodness yeah we’re definely need some maybe some hit more crit hit resistance I think they like doing the horse cuz the horse death on is just that’s just just a really horrific sound oh my goodness all right down we go all right heading south um after I

Kill daddy bones daddy bones don’t die in a vault maybe that’s just the karma right there like that’s just like Daddy bones Karma have so many IM and AOL [Applause] them all right um this room has like four corners like little like pois on each of the corners looks

Like going back to chat on Discord with friends lurk in here Luma thank you so much for just kind of being here and coming in saying hi I super appreciate it you guys have a good you have a good Saturday um I still haven’t found a load Stone

Yet all right facing south moving on five minutes to get out of this vault we’ve only had a small oh my word maybe we should have taken that um that living chest getting all the Vault essences oh all right well we got that done wow really oh my word

Oh my goodness this is insane this is not a trapped Vault right [Applause] like like two dweller CH tress back to back that’s just feels improbable all right 3 minutes we still got to get out of the Vault none up here is it all down there on the floor

It’s amazing how close I am to maybe completing this doing a vault completion all right got to head south cuz I need to make sure that I survive this Vault yeah there’s plenty there I know I didn’t Get let’s get back to the just the first room and uh maybe we’ll have time to loot a POI there oh come on I I really do hate when I do that I like catch a toenail on a a block and it just stops my for momentum all

Right this is the first room we have 50 seconds I saw there’s one right here 30 seconds all right we’re getting out of here I’m surviving this Vault I’m not getting greedy I’m going to take my meager coinage and get out of here 124 chests four coin piles

Um what we we get mob kills damage dealt damage taken um 100 181 mobs and a chicken and a chicken thank you for giving me XP for killing a chicken I love it um yeah that was a that that you know Elixir Vault I survived survived and happies and we got our dweller

Kills so that was good um let’s get that want to get coins from here and let’s clear this out uh Hey so if you guys have been following iscal on Twitch um he had done a little sneak peek for the next update and you’re going to be able to is it there it

Goes um you’re going to be able to compress the soot now and make soot blocks o ah take black chromatic so I thought that was pretty cool uh let’s see what do we got oh we got some more Vault gear oh my goodness we actually charm love it I don’t think I’m

Running a charm right now tell you the truth um that does not going in there I guess I need to uh upgrade four there it goes all right um but yeah you’ll be able to compress this oh my goodness got three magnets out of there four all let’s find out what we

Got discovered Warrior leggings uh all right let’s check out this magnet here uh better range lower velocity that we can oh but the mining speed oh my goodness all right uh kind of like what I’ve got going on currently let’s put that aside though that’s a rare that’s a rare we might be

To do something with that another common 20 okay so this is better to start with but the mining speed is MHM uh all right what’s this one this one’s another rare or a common slightly better still Soul bound mining speeds lower looks like we’re getting some backups some good good backups this one

Is another um rare wow we got two Commons and two rares out of that but the base on on the rares are like this one’s okay if we could get velocity and Mining speed let’s I know I don’t have a whole lot of coins that’s the problem I think

That’s the bigger problem is I don’t have a lot of coins um if this could roll for mining speed this could be a good good alternative and pretty much the same with this one it’s roll for better mining speed this could be a good alternative I don’t know what is what

Does everybody do with their magnets when they get their prefixes and suffixes as a matter of fact let’s I’m I’m always curious let’s Um this is the experiment this is the experiment we’re going to there we go so it’s got no modifiers on at all what do we do with what what do you do with magnets when it comes to adding in something like mining speed um or going for range or velocity

Reach I’m I don’t ever care about durability um I mean they’ve rejiggered dur durability quite a bit that most base durability should be efficient enough um because everybody’s constantly swapping over it’s not until like later in the game when you’re actually level 100 that durability becomes like a thing

Uh do you add Soul chance to yours do you add item quantity item Rarity copious if you want to mine you know what do you guys trap disarm chance so when you roll for your prefixes and suffixes on your magnet what do you target just out of curiosity I feel feel like mining

Speed and something like copious or trap disarm I think they’re more beneficial in my opinion but obviously the item quantity like this is where you want to get your item quantity and Rarity I don’t add any of that stuff because I don’t know how to use it oh

Really well cuz obviously some of these are so mining speed let’s just our mining speed um this will make mining like wooden chests faster use copious on my magnet because it applies to all tools yes and all these applies to all tools like even the mining speed applies to all

Tools but I use a focus to put it in there okay that’s no that’s fine but mining speed so mining speed makes every mining everything faster that includes like the wooden chests those uh strong boxes es like it’ll make it makes mining them faster uh range obvious so range is

The range that pulls the magnet so obviously it’ll be like even more blocks out velocity obviously the speed of the magnet those things you already know reach reaches your distance to hit an object so I believe this would even do attack as well so if you’re trying to

Attack a mob you’ll have a further reach to hit them so if they’re like two blocks away maybe you can get a better because you have better reach you can attack them um maybe I should air on that get better get reach on my magnet that would could be smart uh obviously

Soul chances uh your better chance of getting more Soul shards when um when you kill a mob item quantities is coming out of your chests item Rarity so a rarity of items coming out of your chests uh copious is for uh duping gems when you’re mining gems

And then trap disarm is your chance of uh canceling out a a trap chest so I’m so I’m always curious what everybody else is doing I’m I’m thinking like reach might be pretty smart um I just wish I had better velocity I like I hate to give up that

18.1 mining speed that’s so so so good um and the magnet’s doing pretty well now as is that’s why I’m not too concerned with swapping out a magnet but I would love to get an additional prefix suffix if I can get it to be on par with what I

Have um but yeah that would be nice look at this chest plate I’ve got a currently got a scrappy on there ability power armor Better Health is on all right so we don’t need this chest plate but it’s a good backup and I probably do need to go through and start creating backup

Pieces actual backup pieces uh Scrappy leggings uh not better than what I had back on oh I do have some knockback resist on this that I’ve currently I didn’t know that uh 15 got huge Mana regen huge Mana regen mhm maybe we should do something with this with this common leggings here we

Get an armor on there and then resist I mean that’s if we don’t lose the Mana regen cuz Manor regen is huge huge I don’t know don’t know it’s so complicated my brain this morning a windar Affinity do I have any other affinities I do a Valera Vala let’s go with

Valara oh I should shift this come on there we go that feels better decisions decisions yep um I thought I don’t like my choice I like my choice choices like my options here’s a wand I don’t know what to do with I keep trying to roll up for

Something better it’s just really just being difficult oh I got more oh yeah that’s right cuz I got Co coins that came out of the uh nice put the gold pouch down excuse me my goodness a lot of throat clearing today let’s do that uh let’s take

16 yeah take 16 we’ll dump 16 into here can we get lucky okay we got increased ability power Soul chance coold down reduction and lucky hit chance okay I think we finally got it I think that was the rle that was the roll uh we need

Emeralds um so that I think that used to be a thing Miss K where you carry one one of each with you and then swap it out before you hit the god alter um I don’t think that’s a thing anymore I mean I could be I could I could be

Wrong I mean Daddy bones is I mean I die in vaults so I could definitely be wrong about that let’s put you there um need some emeralds oh well I never understood how they work so I could be wrong too I I’m not saying that I you’re a

Smart woman I I not saying that you’re wrong all right let’s get some emeralds we’ll have to look into it some more to find out just don’t just can’t be bothered lazy yes exactly well I you know I watch iscal play and he doesn’t swap him out so if he’s

Not swapping him out cuz he’s one to try to maximize efficiency and stuff like that if he’s not swapping him out then I don’t see a point as well that’s kind of how I look at It all right we have our new wand wand at the ready all right let’s see what’s going on with these gems need to go cook some breakfast we’ll be listening in all right Miss Kate thank you so much we are going to continue on with our normal I’m going to say our

Normal routine it’s pretty normal living I don’t think I have any living gems trap disarm size 10’s a nice one durability holy moly now there is a gem what a gem maxed out legendary size 10 oh my goodness that is beautiful right there I’m going to polish you up actually there’s nothing I

Need to polish up you are polished chip Jewel my bottom you’re perfect um a 2% item quantity that’s a maxed out item quantity gem that’s pretty good and this is a size 10 size 20 we can probably cut that down but we have no coins to cut

Anything we have no coins to cut gems I’m going to put my vanilla imortality right there like this is we’re going to do that we’re going to cuz we’re there’s so I have my vanilla immortality tool I have is the iron Reaper so it does everything picking shoveling axing

Reaping um but I don’t have a hammer so we’re going to work on a hammer next that is our that’s our next next bits next bits uh this is our that you’re Done there all right we got to empty you out put you there I love magnets I just don’t know what to do with them sometimes especially when you have all these really nice magnets that pretty much when you have five magnets that they’re just all kind of nice for each other right there’s

That um and then lastly our backpack we got a trinket anybody see me get a trinket out of that I didn’t see my S get a trinket I mean I don’t always pay attention to that it’s just one of those things um but I got a trinket that is so nice that

Is so nice oh my goodness I love being surprised like that it’s like like opening my backpack and finding a trinket is like Christmas day that’s Christmas day right there that and then there’s this all right let’s roll it I 27 w die is a lot item Mission Vault

Essence if the if I had coins in here I would definitely would have done this I have a lot of Vault Essence but no coins so let’s roll it item discovery another 114 knowledge Essence what’s this wealthy with a negative speaking of wealthy I have two with no negative

Modifiers so I’ve been thinking about uh doing a Cove and getting getting uh and adding those to it kill en horde mobs perfect yes no coins this game knows what I’m after it’s got some Black Op though uh 13 Hammer size 17 trap disarm 28 mining speed and trap

Disarm item discovery 40 Vault Essence oh we got a fundamental Focus out of that I really need coins though assassin ass mobs ah I hate assassin mobs and 29 that’s a lot um which are the Assassin mobs let’s just double check skeletons skeletons are assassin mobs okay of course the alligator snapping

Turtle which when I was watching iscal play they’re apparently still in the next update so they have not been removed uh blue gummy soldiers oh crabs piglins deep dark silverfish magma cubes skeletons slimes or assassin mobs I didn’t know that interesting uh spiders annoying as they are more skeletons

Tusin I haven’t come across those yet oh level 65 I’m not looking forward to facing those things yet um winter wolf with her skeletons wraiths what in the heck is that a leish room M minimum level 666 oh my goodness what did I just find what I don’t know what I just found

Here this is hilarious iscal tell me about this I want to hear about this levish room is this a new mob this is this sounds dangerous a levish room just makes me think about like shulker boxes just bombarding you with like levitation things oh my goodness that’s funny um okay then uh

Uh so assassin mobs they’re tankier they’re tankier the trash mobs but 29 of Them all right we’re going to do it I think we’re going to do this what’s this yes yes we’re going to do this we’re going to do this I hope that wasn’t terrible terrible mistake um well considering how much I die and no lie I do die a

Lot uh this goes here let’s take this off I think this is all ready now oh let’s take these oh I did oh okay well I did find the one living chest room so there’s that let’s take these out and that everything else has a home let’s put you

There did I not put that in my inventory crazy Dy bones you’re crazy bananas even putting stuff away keeping things organized all right we need to make another key definitely need to do that um and eggs I love having this hooked up it’s so much nicer now uh magnet

Off still no Blaze Rod a Blaze Blaze egg what we got we got spider and skeleton my goodness so now we got two Skeletons wait what six no you come down here all right so we can turn you back we can regret you just need one of these all right come on Blaze cave spider spawn oh man all right we’re mhm all right let’s get a rock let’s get a

Rock out let’s find out what our next recipe is 81 copper Ingot Nether wart we haven’t done a Nether wart Farm yet Soul soil and 75 gunpowder all right there’s that uh copper Ingot of course not enough not enough not enough all right take some that

Out only 44 Nether wart all right we’re going to take some of that out uh Soul soil and then Soul Sand cuz we obviously need to make uh a quick Farm before we can uh yoink that and we need a bucket didn’t move this stuff over yet um it was on my

Mind to move this uh while we were while I was playing doing some things around the Boneyard oh I say the Boneyard hey so speaking of the Boneyard um I’ve been playing vanilla over at friends and nonsense lately um doing some vanilla things and the Boneyard is on my mind I have at

Least three projects one two four projects that I would like to work on on the Boneyard and excuse me let me get a sip of coffee here um there are at least four projects that I have um to continue on with the Boneyard five if you’re including some

Terraforming um I have been on lately I’ve looked at the video I had started like a year year ago and figuring out a way to integrate it and continue it into today today because it was recorded it was recorded like a year ago um and then after I recorded those segments we

Did a stream in January where we killed the dragon so we’re at a post Dragon Point um I don’t even call it late game but it’s like we’re definitely like you know we got things we got things going on um but yes uh have some Boneyard ideas

Coming up and need to get to working on that as well as you know just some general like um I want to say YouTube things like I I want to get a new I want to get new thumbnails you know I don’t even have Unbreaking on this magnet by the

Way let’s stick with a soulbound magnet if I’m going to swap out magnets so we’ll do that and we’ll put these two aside in the meantime um I don’t think I need these anymore we’re going to be outside of those parameters of needing these all right I know I okay I’m I’m

Mening to know what trinket did I get I know I’m it’s just fun I’m kind of intentionally dragging it out like I don’t want to like but we need just need to find out just need to find out you ready um oh let’s do this let’s do the roulette let’s do the

Roulette what do we get what do we get what do we get tenos is necklace I’m not sure if I should jump in put down hall or not I don’t know what tennis necklaces does uh let’s find out shall we it’s a red trinket found in 25% item quantity that’s

Huge 30 uses I think that’s maxed out you can get up to 30 uses when you roll it after finding a trinket not when you crap but when you find it it’s a Max of 30 uses um item quantity huh going to be rolling in it well let’s put it

On let’s put it on um surviv The Vault got lucky oh we need to set up a down and dirty Soul Sand Farm um let’s get my vanilla tool out cuz it don’t it’s what it’s meant for it’s what it’s meant for [Applause] all right let’s do this all right there we

Go that’s can’t get any easier than that right um there look at all these beautiful uh stag ties stalagmites that lag perfect that’s huge put those away those that and that um let’s see how we’re doing with there’s that 52 okay uh now we’re in the waiting period waiting for nether wart to

Grow unless I wonder if can we reverse craft it another wart stack that’s it okay so it can only be stacked and unstacked out of that cannot come from a Nether wart block bummer I was hoping we could uh unstack that out of the nether W block that would been nice that would

Have been so nice but alas uh let’s pull that out let’s feed the machine let’s put this back let’s put this back all right let’s figure out magnets let’s figure out these magnets here um so the velocity is lower on this I feel like if I could get a

Velocity and a mining speed but I mean it doesn’t it doesn’t improve anything just the speed gets the r I’m just getting range and soul bound whereas this kind of improves everything but as long as I can get at least the 18 plus mining speed this would be a slight Improvement

But it’s not a big enough Improvement I think I feel like I’d be just kind of wasting coins to be honest with you if I’m if I’m being honest but there are are great great backups uh these Vault boots are going to get toasted um I think I need to toast some of

These yeah do a little cleaning a little little house cleaning cleaning house organizing um came down here for a reason and that reason what oh check on this like sometimes wish you could just like shift click and see if it was fully grown or not uh put you away and a Key um all right you know we’ll make one we’ll make a Key we will make one key all right so we have a key blank um what key should we make though I should probably two three four five 6 7 I see a lot of green doors so I always feel like I should do an iscal key or tuum or even a pizza

Night let’s see what in this scallum oh I need eight of these not even just like one I need eight okay oh I don’t have any black op all right well I guess uh that’s it that’s that we need more black opal put that in

There key blank I guess we put the key blank over here need the key blank there along with these parts bits and Bobs quick little farming getting some more emeralds hey buddy thank you kind of weird sometimes they get stuck like in those smallest little ruts I’m

Like I know I have a pretty powerful magnet why you P why aren’t you oh look I found rotten flesh I’ll take it cuz you never know um oh boy I feel Sneeze oh excuse me excuse me stupid come on grow already can we can we bone meal these can we can we can we can we bone meal These I’m pretty sure you can’t oh excuse me that was another sneeze all right yeah no he can’t bone meal these this is the worst I when you have to wait for something to grow um how else can we get 20 pieces of Nether wart all right let’s take a quick break

I’m going to get some more coffee and I will be right back let’s go to our our B right back screen be right back all right we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back um let’s go to our screen here there we go all right hope everybody has some good coffee this morning

I do a do a french press I’m sure if everybody likes a French press or if they’re a drip kind of person or uh coffee but I drink coffee like all day long I’m I don’t know what it is I’ve I’ve gotten more into the habit of drinking a warm

Beverage we’ll see what happens when the winter time comes or when the summer comes again but definitely during the winter time I just typically have like a warm I prefer a warm beverage so that’s good coffee most in the morning uh I usually get like a cup of tea in the

Afternoon and then water but the water’s got to be like room temperature water all right um while we’re waiting on Nether wart let me just kind of give everybody a little rundown if you haven’t been here in a while but we finished our potato farm um it looks good actually I got to

Do these Hedges um I really like these Hedges uh actually we can maybe do that little bit right now and finish up those hedges around here and we’re going to do a little stairway down here I don’t know if I want to build this up and level it out yet

Um but there are some thoughts I’ve had some thoughts uh definitely want to kind of connect it with this like have this come over maybe I won need to build it up and create like a landing platform and then maybe have this go someplace place else be pretty nice right

Um I don’t really want to undecorate this but maybe I’ll do that like off off stream uh did a bay window for our house and was playing around with these uh these little glass pan these custom pan glasses from the glass blowing station that was looks pretty good I like I like the

Way that those windows look it’s definitely a long way from vanilla when you come when you do something like that this looks definitely has vanilla Vibes to it but um yeah when you get into these it’s so gorgeous I really like the way it looks um yeah this is what the inside’s

Looking like at the moment I got to figure out what to do with this this strange Corner the wooden um logs you can’t do a 4×4 and get it until like a wooden that that wooden log block where it’s like a wood texture all the way

Around on all four sides so I’m trying to figure out what to do there I’m thinking something like this and maybe like a trap door underneath and yeah we just got to kind of finish it out really is what we need to do got to get there do a kitchen in here

Somehow haven’t decided I’ve played around some of the kitchen pieces and plus our little like this I’m going to do here I feel like I want to do like a post some sort of post going up there like a fence post Um everything else is coming along rather nicely I think I’m going going to go for a huge dirt hunt and then build all this up I think that’s what I’m going to do do that off stream you guys don’t want to watch me dig for dirt right there there

There we go uh probably didn’t even need to move that because I probably going to put a block of dirt right there right back um but yeah so that’s what I’ve been working on lately so been working on the house worked on the house some finished

Out let’s oh the hedges let’s see do I have any hedge pieces in here we have this this isn’t going to grow here um hedges come on get in here uh Walnut Hedges oh we got two oh which one do I have Leaf hedge I wonder if this is different

Interesting didn’t notice that there was this hedge and then there’s this hedge let’s see the difference the one thing I don’t like about let me I’ll get a fence I’ll get a fence um the the hedges I’m currently using they don’t connect so yeah you can kind of like do

That not that I’m too worried about it so there’s a leaf hedge and then there’s a hedge interesting interesting now does it connect to a fence it does not so neither hedge connects to a fence so we are going to continue on with this hedge and then oh you know maybe we’ll just

Do all right yeah yes all right interesting interesting all right let’s make some more Hedges then this one why can’t that attach interesting H do something else to break that up a bit all what me they like two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 about 12

More let’s go check our nether work too all right come on Nether wart do me proud all right oh just one all right bit of a bummer but hey we’re getting there we’re getting there all right let’s finish off this Hedge that’s good I like it let’s get some leaves yeah just probably just need some leaves I love the way these look as bushes tell the truth I wouldn’t mind if there was a there was like maybe some red speckles in them mhm

Yeah I like it I like it and we can do like a thing oh this is good this is good this is working out not that I didn’t think it wasn’t going to work out but um you know obviously there are some sometimes when you come across plans and you’re just

Kind of like hey uh let’s grab a second one two stacks we’re just going to grade it and then we’ll worry about other stuff later it’s all squirrel squirrel yeah this works all right so that’s I’m probably going to go to a two and then we’ll do a landing like right down here

All right I’m liking it liking it liking it liking it we go this is right up oo’s alley right here like just maybe not terraforming specifically but just adding in the Bits And The Bobs to make things look prettier um I think I’m going to take this block and this block this

One and then I need a shovel yeah if I hit with a Reaper it ends up uh Milling like uh doing a garden plot um so we need a shovel there we go doing the vanilla Minecraft things this is one thing I’ve always said about this game like it’s like it’s fun to

Play and there are still vanilla things you can do and keep it vanilla so it’s not completely 100% modded um although it’s still primarily a modded game uh you can still do vanilla things I love it I really do uh I’ve been that I’ve been feeding my animals

By the way that was that’s actually something else I’ve been kind of doing slowly feeding my animals making them bigs and fats so when it comes to needing some raw meat hopefully we don’t need to worry too much about I’m breeding them first BS I’ve been drinking for days big chicken

All right here we go food check our all right if it’s going to be four at a time it’s going to be four at a time 12 all right do that yeah we need to move this this is I’ve been doing this so much back welcome back Miss K I appreciate you being

Here um I’ve been walking back forth so much um I really just need to move all of this over make like an actual like cooker cuz this is getting ridiculous not I have a a hedge had bacon eggs I just have just had coffee this morning love my coffee but here’s cheers

To your bacon eggs and toast um maybe I’ll stop and get some breakfast on the way to our party that would be good that would be good after saying that I’ve already had a vision in my head of Princess giving me this look of like are you kidding

Me got me being ridiculous of some sort sounds yummy breakfast on the go yeah like you know like a um I was great lak girl was wanted a bagel um she she was kind of I guess she was having a hankering for one and uh like I really want a

Bagel you know I did of course you did who’s ridiculous not me not you um but great Liz girl say she was really hankering for a bagel and of course I um I guess bagels are like a New York thing yes Bagels um but of course I had

To type in ba like ba and then got Big B A Y with a space and then GS like the bird she’s like I really want to eat a bagel so I was like so I typed in like B and then Gull with a question mark at the

End she enjoyed she enjoys my humor I think she enjoys my humor I I think people enjoy my humor it’s a Daddy it’s a dad kind of humor dad jokes come on now who doesn’t love a good dad joke I definitely gave you the look I

Bet you did I bet you did it’s the only look she gives me anymore three out of that one come on grow more yes that that is the norm that is uh tomato pie heck yes yes um but that is the that is the norm we

Go there for the dinners the ham the meat balls the tomato pie um pasta noodles like that’s just the staple um my parents have it have have their staple to like uh w I guess they mix up a little bit it might be depending on what holiday is uh

Where we’ll do like a green bean casserole um a pineapple stuffing or like a bread stuffing versus like a cornbread stuffing um oh yes the shrimp scampy so I’m not the shrimp scampy person but princess is shrimp scampy sounds delicious you don’t need to stop for

Breakfast or you won’t eat when you get there So lately my I’ve been salivating for um breakfast sandwiches um my and my favorite go-to breakfast sandwich is a sausage egg and cheese typically on a bagel or croissant or um an English muffin that’s that’s been my and I been

It’s just been what I’ve been craving lately oh funy Focus chromatic steal another black chromatic how much Soul shards do we have in the basement soul shs in the basement yeah not enough not enough at all sounds delicious all right uh there’s always tomorrow to have one and

I like that I I like bacon egg and cheese sometimes I’m worried about sausage yeah sausage definitely is cuz there’s times I’ve had sausage I’m like H this is not the sausage I was expecting or wanted um come on there’s got to be another way to make

I mean I can go fly through the Nether and look for nether W that way but just it’s not going to work just need a farm uh all right so this looks good little hedge edge here and we just need to make a little Landing here and

Connect this this is the vanilla stuff we’re doing um and then we can make the other Farm we need to make I also made an opening right here uh maybe I could do a fence so I can just like squeeze through it that could be pretty interesting same or when it has fat

Pieces in it so gross Yeah well yeah that is and and but you obviously and it’s one of those things if you so I I call I call ostr syndrome for that one because like when you go to like a I say a fast food place specifically like I don’t know could

Be like for us it’s a WWA it’s it’s a quick Supermarket some people it’s sheets some people it’s a Turkey Hill um but when you go to those places you’re hoping the meat’s good but you know it’s going going to have two big a fat pieces you mean yeah yes

Yes but you know th those are typically fattier than it would be if you went if you found a good sausage patty from like a butcher Another War why are we waiting on this is I should be able to bone wheel this eight eight I’m one shy

There all right we’re getting back into a vault we’re getting into a Vault another random a random vault I I I don’t have the money to spend on making nice vaults it’s got to be random uh not you you and all right there there there there I don’t know why I’ve got a torch oh I do know why I’ve got a torch

Matter of fact let me get that torch back oh oh the frame rate the frame rate oh it’s so awful let’s put you right uh here there ah there we go all right it’s very helpful mod it’s just oh my goodness I don’t know what is up with

It uh don’t need anything from there we need our bags it’s it’s it’s it’s uh you thinkk goodness like i’ since I’ve been using this one and versus like mini HUD it’s like thank goodness mini HUD doesn’t do that like I don’t know what the difference between the two are like how

Mini HUD uses its light overlay versus how this third party mod uses its light overlay oh my goodness that’s that’s just so so [Applause] hard there we go all right I think I’m secretly hoping for a scavenger Hunt we need to kill assassin mobs basically we need to kill like oh no h the hill to see all right give me one second here the audio the audio it’s um I’ve come to conclude that when the audio gets messed up like that it’s the system audio it is how black

Hole works with streamlabs and I believe it’s more on the streamlab side even though streamlabs when it comes to uh Matt computers recommends black hole to to collect the system audio um it I know the way that streamlabs and the black hole sometimes work together it just gets broken and I don’t always

Know how to fix it uh short of shutting down streamlabs and stopping stream and uh of that you know all all that nature uh sometimes it fixes itself and sometimes it doesn’t so give me a hot second here I’m going to bring the music player back up and see if we’re going to

Get um see if it’s fixed itself so a lot of times when I stop and quiet all the audio and then start it up again it seems to sometimes fix it but let’s see but but you know but it doesn’t do it with the mic so that’s a nice

Thing and now the music player doesn’t even want to play oh boy where is this collecting from doing Tex support doing tech support oh man and sometimes I wish that and now what if I switch it to this does that change it all right let’s see let’s get over to the game

Does that sound better if you guys can hear doesn’t sound scuff all right let’s see if we can get the player to come back no the player is not going to work okay well then um that’s a bummer I don’t know what to do about that so maybe it’s the player

How the player gets its loot back and fed into uh let’s see options music let’s turn the music on uh all right maybe we’ll get some Minecraft music randomly that will pop up but all right does any everybody he all right well I think this is where

We’re going to be we’re just going to be unfortunately without music sadly uh all right so we need to do skeletons assassin mobs slimes uh and then maybe a SC scavenger hunt let’s see let’s survive and let’s try to get some more coins how far away

Are we have like 49 more to go to get our last our first our first major death back um scavenger hunt cracked pearls all right let’s set up for scavenger hunt which is just simply doing that and then let’s examine uh cracked Pearl being the uh the Epic oh the Omega find and

Then we need some ores and then ornate chests oh and then earrings which is the Omega from the Gilded chests oh all right so we can skip wooden and we can skip living I think and I think we we can honestly skip them uh while looking for assassin mobs

And looking for coins I’m still expecting the coins so there is that oh man uh we are west facing too with that um yeah let’s see we I think we’re good to go heading west let’s go let’s get out of here we’re going to try

But I don’t want to get my hopes up too much and we got coins down at the bottom here I just don’t want those guys sneaking up on me we’re going to skip those um and we’re going to get these coins and on the soul shards we go Soul Shard shopping there we

Go all right up we go oh know maybe we’ll have a look around there the first room so I don’t typically like to loot it but looks like there’s nothing else down in the basement part of this room anyways so way we go um we are west

Facing is there something in that little little Co there ores all right um Swap this out real quick that little jingling that’s when the or duplicate uh little k k is helping me make a special treat for the party sounds good to me no you know Daddy bones daddy bones like special

Treats all right heading west looking for coins and ores got coins up there so many I can’t help it I don’t need them there we go there’s some Minecraft music purple door all right uh let’s moving moving moving oh that was gilded up there uh hopefully we get some earrings wow Okay Ow it’s not what I wanted to do O that is super loud uh options music yeah let’s turn that down some that still feels very Loud all right that sounds a little more manageable uh wooden chest wooden chests looking see if I see anything without having to get to a wooden wooden nothing nothing all right heading west Oh we got um uh uh uh what kind of room is this is this ornates where is there it Is is that living if it’s living we’re not going to stick around yeah that’s living all right don’t need living chest we’re not doing this and we’re heading west got coins down below where is it at oh I think I’m going to see like a creeper in here somewhere all that for some

Coins but I’m going to take them all right how where is this hole right here such a ridiculous spot telling you the game game knows that I need coins West all right come on Minecraft play me another tune o strength take strength thank you where did those skeletons come from go go

Oh it’s living not even anything good that was another one of those like it’s just like in a corner and you have to so annoying all right what else we have some else going up that’s wooden wooden all right going west ornates really all right so we need a glass empty

Jars okay these clear clear clear cleared all right we’re going down Safety First make sure that they’re not coming after me and trying to kill me behind my back and that’s it for this room go down [Applause] you seeing any jars going down oh I heard it

Somebody’s talking too loud over there I heard it they’re making peanut butter balls all right now we need to go up up up up up come on faster daddy bones faster got 9 minutes here I wonder how we’re even looking I don’t think I got enough gilded chest to get a uh a

Thing nothing there A lot of focuses come on come get through there nothing here all right done and we’re headed west let’s head north and then now let’s Head West we’re heading west for one more uh let’s take a look at this little pouch real quick six all right we got all six jars

Or all five that we needed we still need ores um no earrings and no cracked uh pearls we got two at the bottom one up there all right well let’s head down is there a way nice way down [Applause] I don’t need ornate chest anymore nothing from there what is that that’s wooden

Wooden oh nope come on and then we had some coins on the upside we still need gilded chests come on cracked Pearl No nope all right four minutes we need to start making our way out all right let’s go make our little ring around I feel like with three minutes left we should probably just run for it and not even bother I mean we got some gold we got some coins we got some Vault

Coins uh so nothing to complain about there SP Soul charm okay nothing there wow that was a weird stop doing okay nice little extra coins on the way out I love it uh in our main room we didn’t loot the top half so maybe we got some time to do that that’s a

Wooden well this one’s been fun wooden wooden chest there we’re sub two minute Zone I think that’s a uh or room all right this is the side of the Vault maybe finding oh found some black opal there that’s good all right 27 seconds let’s get out of here

I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going yeah a hit the roof survived survived I just got delivered some chocolate covered goodies uh right uh 49 chest loot 93 coin piles let’s see how well we did there then of course we have just a ton of garbage and these can go in

Here all right where is there’s that eight there we go survived yes we survived chocolate covered goodies and chocolate dipped cookies yes this is exactly what princess and little kitty k have made uh that takes care of that what’s do that let’s check this oh my goodness look at all this gear

And unidentified Focus oh my so much gear so much gear you’d think that hopefully hopefully um I could upgrade and this is all before I’m getting my main body back so that would be nice by the time I get the main body back I’ll have outgrown that gear that’s currently on it

All right there’s that all right so that empties that pouch out all right let’s take a look at our our loot nice it all fits only seven hey I’ll take seven I will take seven if it’s what I got it’s what I got there we go seven it

Is do that we’ll put that in here yeah as a way to start up with that okay so lastly we we have our backpack here take the focus out oh we got a fundamental Focus out of that and some chaotic focuses oh we got an egg everything else looks like it can

Get go into there okay um let’s put these away and get our dust away oh I just put the egg away okay no worries no worries all right let’s roll this gear see what happens transmog Dow swords s SW what did I just find um it’s an Omega

Sword with an average attack go figure one let’s see yeah that’s this is my biggest gripe you get these Omega swords so rare and they roll just a meh sort of attacks so sad uh what do we need on this attack damage we need all 27 be 47 and a

Half 30 like my current d sword damage is 30 I mean I could try to like do a funy focus on it I didn’t I didn’t mean I don’t even have I don’t have this I don’t have that what what I mean it didn’t tell me why I need to roll it

Right all right well let’s look toward okay let’s Okay this this should be easy right we only got one um a 9.4 Copus 18 velocity 99 range all right so this is no good this is like really no good too boom let’s get that off okay

So I don’t think I like these focuses very much the tatter Toms and stuff like that uh they give you mana and and durability that’s the that’s the implicits and then the prefix is durability again I’m not sure I’m digging these um the Omega wand yeah we’re not changing out the

Omega wand at the moment um and 24 ability power like I kind of want to keep this I mean what’s the one that we had 23 and a half and nine but it was also a rare oh this is a common okay we’ll hold on to this one I’ll do some house cleaning

Um off off camera off stream wow okay so this one rolled low but has a soul bound to it which is really nice but it rolled really low we got some boots we got armor we got leggings we got hats all right let’s see what we’re doing we got a common

Helmet um crit hit resistance here’s a 16 with a 14 and a half Scrappy don’t forget to eat your chocolate cover goodies and chocolate dipped cookies yes I will not I will definitely remember doing that there’s no way I’m not going to remember to do that

Um I like the extra armor but I I I really need to maintain my health I like to increase attack damage and this is Scrappy versus common okay so these two are no no good and what is this ghoulish looking one another common a 14 armor but it does

Have soul bound it has a lot of ability power 16 armor with the prefix and a lot of Mana regen I like that I also like the poison avoidance I’m currently sporting currently sporting I think about hold on to what I have yeah I think I’m going to hold on to what I

Have all right so helmets are no but we will put we’re going to burn these I’m going to hold on to the common there um what am I doing okay on to boots boots boots boots and get well let’s do the chest plate we got one

Chest plate we can run them against each other and this is not as good not as good we got Scrappy common Scrappy common all right let’s swap these around I’m currently wearing some rares uh uh movement speed nine armor I did that 11 18 11 21 okay so this one is 21 losing

Out of my health and movement speed and poison yeah this one’s probably going to be a no if this one has Soul bound I’m lose out of my movement speed same armor but I’ve got fixed all right so this is is going to be a no uh 15 we’re doing

Better this has six armor only had two movement speed so another 21 versus 18 losing on my health would like to have that Mana regen um I’m still okay with what I have I I definitely like to get some more armor but come on now another

14 yeah I don’t I’m not going with any of these boots the scrappies can definitely get scrapped the commons will hold on too for a hot moment and last but not least we got leggings currently have scrappies at 16 oh there’s a crit hit resistance I’m going to lose on my ability

Power knockback resist and poison Avoidance maybe I’d swap these out if I had soulbound I doubt it though all right let’s take up this one 14 armor lower adds Mana oh it adds one to my chaining I guess if I don’t have any chaining I just add one I guess maybe I don’t know but

Still not what I’m looking for all right but we’ll keep the common we’ll keep the common boots or the common leggings and scrap the scrappies I think we’ve made wise decisions I think we made some wise wise decisions Here all right let’s find out what our next Let’s find out where our next uh Crystal recipe is going to be watch it be more Nether Nether wart I’m going to be so mad it’s more copper Jesus let’s cook some up There’s that uh feathers 25 we should have that wow don’t have a lot of that six more uh kelp 105 kelp I need I have ex is that exactly okay now uh o diorite all right so we need two more feathers did I count that wrong and copper ingots down to

13 all right let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s uh grab this there getting the farming done three more come on um what else we got this is done we put that right here there there there we go uh um perfect how much black opal did we get by the

Way eight not bad not bad that’s like two more uh what we at with our assassin mobs we need six more not bad not bad all right we’re going to let that go uh all right we’re ready for our final vault got to put that

Away this is going to be our final Vault for the day until Wednesday and we need our junk pouch and need blocks all right there we go all right maybe we’ll get another scavenger hunt that would be nice I would love to still try to complete this um and finish our assassin mob

Skeletons we can do this we got this uh Elixir okay good it’s fine Elixir vault’s good uh we’ll load in for a second we are west facing and I need some that it’s kind of like weird like hey you need Cobblestone so we’ll just grab a couple

Out of here while we’re waiting for the vault to load all right let’s um that should be in plenty plenty see a POI over here all right so we’re getting some all right let’s go all right so both wooden and trash mobs are giving out some gorp

Ow I sometimes can’t believe believe how aggressive these slimes are not bad I wish the slimes would give out more gorp though uh look like they’re not giving out any gorp at all that’s bad no gorp from spiders that’s awful like that’s going to be a tough

One looks like it’s going to be a rough one oh man D bones is is really getting into the of it a wooden chest over there we’ve got wooden over here two of them way was I going all right we’re heading this way west py bones we are headed west wagons West

I’m always mine Vault ORS okay let’s go do it m mine some Vault ores we find an ore room so in the new uh version of this game God game of gods here um you I I think in order to get more God favors you need to

Um go back to the altar but it’s not um it’s not necessary I’m not sure we’re going to find an or room in this kind of layout uh it’s a door not seeing could this be an or room no all right West West West West looking for an or

Room which is not this right this isn’t an our room I just tripped whatever was underneath yeah this is not there’s that all right come on we can get in our room come on vault there is a load Stone this is not an or moving and grooving it’s funny when I have been

Playing vanilla lately just the speed the sheer speed by itself is just unbelievable why can’t I get out of this nice coins perfect thank [Applause] you is there anything else in [Applause] here nothing okay that’s an or POI right there all right all that for the or POI I’ll

Take it I’ll take it I’ll take it [Applause] Hammer all right uh what else we need what else we need what else we need we need seven more no God where skipping it that’s just mean that’s just flat out mean mean super super mean all right got to we got to find an

Or room we can we can do this I mean all right we’re at the very end typically when you’re at the very end it usually has at least one of everything 15 minutes we’re oh we’re down to 5 minutes needing to find this or room this or you know another or POI at

Least we can do this we can do this we can do this deep breath deep breath gilded another load Stone All right excuse you yeah right that guy that guy all right we need to go head east we’re looking for an ore room Oak I need to find I need to mine seven more orbs and to be honest I if I have to go

Back to that altar I have no idea how to get there at this point uh there’s liquid in this room so this is not an ore room that’s just a wooden POI so I am scrambling through trying to find ores that’s it’s a chest where the chest headed east headed east headed

East um I’ve been struggling with all these vaults as far as like completion goes I just got has honey in it so there’s no ores here I mean I haven’t seen an even like an I found one or POI but it’s not an ore room um and I haven’t seen another or

POI S as I’ve been peeking around like even if I saw like a little one poking out from the ceiling or something like that would be nice would be nice exactly what no I guess it wouldn’t or else it would have been come on we’re looking for ores everybody everybody think

Ores daddy bones need some ores and I’ll pick up some of those along the way that’s a wooden poi think or thoughts thoughts of ores is this it this feels like it no that’s a wooden POI there so this is not an or room just double check that’s definitely not a always all

Right moving on well this is definitely not ours there’s honey in here there’s no ores in here come on we’re down to 30 seconds to find ores oh my gosh what a sham I’ve been horn swoggled Bamboozled all right we’re leaving I’m leaving that I’m yeah I’m just getting out of

Here like there’s a side of the Vault right there what a scuffed Vault run thanks oaku I appreciate the hugs could definitely use some cuz that was I mean you’re talking about room after room after room I found one or POI it’s just it’s ridiculous watch we’re going this is going to be

The or room right here look look at that see what a [Applause] scam all right it’s really just luck of the draw but still it just it feels so impress probable [Applause] sometimes it’s kind of like a little test of patience and like how much bad luck can you give one

Person you stay there all right we’re headed home we’re getting out of this Vault we’re just going to leave the Vault we’re going to wrap things up uh hope you didn’t get the snow we did uh sun is on the way over to shovel me out oh

Goodness goodness goodness no we did not get that kind of snow uh we are expecting some snow coming up like I can’t even find like an easy way down or up cleared that poi for I have lost my tool nice greed is good guys coming anybody come on we got four

Minutes Pi up some flowers H my goodness yeah we did get a bit of snow last weekend and we made little kitty k made some dragons Snow Dragons who cares about snowmen she made Snow Dragons all right let’s see put this there and yeah there Beast s dragons oh we got

10 Black Op that sounds good to me and what we get we get we get you know what we’re going to just plop that right there and just melt it or just uh diffuse it all uh yeah not a lot of coins but what do you expect that enough to get one be

Of gold um what else do we we got a couple jeice tools plop that right there um okay perfect let’s pop that in here I’ll take that one and put it in here as we Slowly by pack the body um we completed one right yeah I’m

Going to get some gold out of this for sure there’s that and let’s get rid of No maybe we’ll hold on to that no executive decision no and and all right let’s find out what the boots are o Rogue boots uh 14 armor ability power and eight health um got Mana regen versus Poison avoidance and item Rarity I kind of want to swap them

Out know I kind of want to hold on to the armor and the health even though this is a little bit better health but I want to hold on to the armor at the moment every bit of armor I can get right now seems to be key 16 that’s this is kind common 12 and 4 is 16 and this is 14 but with 8 Health on it yeah we’re going to swap these out going to put these here there we go it’s like back up with the backup right there uh let’s put the rest of this stuff away Real quick we’re almost done almost done and we got some more Minecraft music coming in for the save I guess all right let’s put that there and and my magnet is on okay good Bop that in there nice that goes in there we’re slowly slowly getting

There 16 yeah we’re going to hold on to this I think yes yes we are and then lastly our backpack back what’s in your backpack feel like that should be a commercial what’s in your backpack or maybe that’s should be a book like one of those health help books

What’s in your backpack like what color is your parachute um let’s see here yep you get to go in there 17 ripped pages and that’s if we get a scavenger hunt what is this a wealthy and a negative Let’s roll it let’s roll it Pottery shards mhm that’s two pieces of gold yes silver scrap and an echo let’s get this and now I wish I had gold but Echo I’ll take an echo all day long all right there’s that let’s plop that here let’s take this

Off and let’s drop that there and we’re going to be good to go here okay there’s my back we almost had another level in our affinities um we had what was it it was tenos no ad donut no it was Valera right yeah almost had one and Valera

That was so sad all those rooms one or POI as a matter of fact that’s that’s all I can kind of sum up what my luck feels like with this game at the moment no completions just survivals and I’m fine with that at the moment like um I am obviously struggling but obviously

Now got some better gear we really focused on Armor heavy things and getting our armor up um spent a lot of time off stream doing the swap outs and buying out the bodies and getting them back and and uh now look at us we’re we’re doing okay

We’re doing okay 16 armor for I would love to get some better boots like 16 armor boots and um 16 uh 15 could use a 16 helmet like you know some things there’s still ways more things we can do to improve working what we’re working on an Omega sword now which sounds awesome

But you know what let’s I I don’t yep do yep no see look 18 went from 20 and a half to 18 yep uh yeah we’re going to leave it at that we’re going to leave it at that like I’m just going to leave it there can we chaotic Focus what’s chaotic

Focus can modify Vault gear refor is the tier of the random modifier of a random modifier no yeah um yeah we have a lot of fundamental focuses and look we just just burned through a whole bunch and all right that’s going to do it let’s get to our end screen here sorry

About the music apparently between the player the loot back and streamlabs something is just a Miss there we go um hopefully I don’t know I’m working it out it’s fine daddy bones it’s a game we all love and it’s just a game yes exactly exactly um and I have a lot of fun

Playing it dying look I didn’t die today so there are some positive there you know dying is it was it was F it’s fun it’s just fun just fun that’s why I come back and play it all the time unlike Monopoly Monopoly I could I could do

Without Monopoly for the rest of my life um but this game this game I can uh oh my goodness Oak and you did survive uh yeah what okay I am making commitment here right here and now um to get the Vault dweller redeems set up so we can redeem uh Vault dweller status

For our viewers um I think I’m going to set it at 1100 bones uh I was I was trying to figure out what a good number is but the 1100 bones is what it would be to be on gasp um I was going to set mine a little bit lower but

And I was going to have two redeems one for gasp and if you redeem the gasp one you can also redeem You’ obviously automatically be in mine but I decided you know what if I’ll just make it to the 1100 and you’ll be on both gasp and

Daddy bones here so uh yeah thank you for lurking thank you for chatting I appreciate you all if you want to follow me in Discord or all my socials um here you go um we need need yeah yeah there’s the Twitter there’s the Instagrams there’s the threads there’s the Discord

Um yeah and I’m doing a lot I’m trying to do a lot more announcements on the Discord um and right now it’s just a general chat every what the chat you come into is a chat you can chat with um and that’ll announce when I’m also going

Live if you don’t want to follow me on the Twitter because I know people are getting away from Twitter they might even be getting away from Discord and they everybody kind of migrating over towards the uh not Discord the threads um I don’t know everybody’s everywhere and there’s

So many socials these days and I I think Discord might be the best option if you want to follow me um with that said everybody thank you so much for coming out and following and watching for as little or for as long as you have watched I appreciate you guys so much

We’re returning to the bone yard shortly um doing a lot of projects there um I had like I said I think I said I have four projects 1 two three four yes I have four at least four projects not including terraforming and uh creating Pathways and you know just some

Structural things at least four projects they’re build projects but and within the build projects I’m looking for farms and places for villagers to you know Survive and Thrive and you we’re not making like a your traditional villager trading Hall exactly but we’re making um places for villagers to like hey this is

Where the the Sheep herder goes this is where the sheeps are and and we’re going to do stuff like that and put Farms inside and we can trade with sheep farmers and such um but with that said so again uh thank you guys for coming out um I’ll be back live streaming

Wednesday night 900m Eastern Standard Time love you sweethearts thank you Oak do I appreciate that you guys have a great weekend um I will be in oakd stream by the way tomorrow morning um if I if I haven’t said already you should be following her over on on the twitch

Side of the pond and um yeah you’ll find me lurking there tomorrow morning and doing some things just now I’ll be doing my Minecraft things while listen to her so we’ll be we’ll be doing we’ll be doing we’ll be doing good everybody take care I’ll see you Wednesday be safe cheers

This video, titled ‘Saturday Morning Vault Hunters 34 !bones’, was uploaded by Daddy Bones on 2024-01-13 16:58:53. It has garnered 22 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:14 or 11594 seconds.

Level 53+ On a bit of a death streak. Time to face the vault. #vaulthunters #minecraft

!vaulters !discord !social !twitter !gasp


!bones !redeem

– 10 Bones – womp lul gg thankmod (example “!redeem womp” for 10 bones)

Discord: Threads: Instagram:

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  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

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  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

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  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

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  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

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  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

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