Savage Slender Master – Game Broken!? || Minecraft Legends

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[Music] [Music] is [Music] okay well let’s um let’s try this [Music] again nothing I found about this uh online I’m a keep searching all right uh man this game is kind of disappointing so far not going to lie at least it was free so I can’t complain too [Music] much all right I to go back onto story mode I [Music] guess if it happens again try turning down Graphics all right and if that doesn’t work I’m just going to forget this game ever existed which is kind of a shame because I really wanted to play this but if it if if it’s not going to work that it’s just not worth it it’s kind of upsetting though because uh yeah I can already tell just from where I’m at that it’s not going to work guarantee it yep no I already see the edge of the world okay why do I have a jump boost wait actually hold up I actually see something hold up the village get over there quickly let’s go let’s go oh no but now I’m just completely numb to [Music] it right remember the solution crash the game true true those little pink monsters Must Be Stopped how do I okay [Music] oh wait oh sorry [Music] dog I have that many and then I’ll just spawn the rest with [Music] the Pig more like die you know I’m actually going to kill the piglins first before I free them yay hello domestic stand welcome back [Music] I love my danger is over but the village is devastated the piglins have ruined the fountain a carpenter Hut will repair nearby structures get the LA to work building one for you that’s that’s a perfect spot the carpenter heart will have the fountain flowing again in no time you guys did great thank you all right game’s working now that’s good I love how they still look scared by the way [Music] oh okay some of them still look Rel YouTube deleted my message uh-oh which one the piglins are rallying on the outskirts of the village I think another attack is on the way better build up some defenses while there’s still [Music] time yeah make yourself useful you scy pie of will work well to keep the village safe I need I need more okay Arrow Towers will work well to defend this Village I need Stone then I reloaded it and it was gone uhoh I need Stone game give me stone there’s like literally no stone for me to collect oh [Music] wait um is this how I get stone no that just gets me more wood [Music] okay huh yeah I don’t know this game is very weird the pigs were CL they deleted the message where I said they deleted my message no they didn’t I still see it I think your YouTube’s bugging out you need to refresh yeah bring it on the piglins are here brace yourself hero I couldn’t even do anything [Music] bro your princess is back hey welcome back the piglins will attack from all sides so be sure to check your compass to see where they’re coming from W I’m better than you dude I’m actually so [Music] powerful now where they’re going to attack [Music] from oh over here these guys are pathetically [Music] easy i s can you send a link to the Discord I think I accidentally left it l yeah give me a second uh-oh they’re attacking from all sides I attack this side first actually you know what you guys deal with that I got this side all [Music] alone ow the attack is over but some piglins [Music] remain you guys are doing well never mind [Music] you’ve done it Village saved we knew you’d do it the villagers are thrilled that you defended their Fountain they’ve put some extra resources in the chest for you as a special thank you no thanks yay resources your character looks like Like a Villain exactly the villagers are peaceful but want to help where they can as gratitude you can count on their resourcefulness to keep you in the fight they’ll keep out materials for you while you’re out saving the day ha oh never mind Menan got it thank you Menan are planning something I know it but this time we have the advantage if you can shut down the piglin Outpost surrounding the village we might be able to push back this Invasion yay dude I still really wish I could have my frog we clearly underestimated their capacity for corruption remember the ramps you built with us at the world they don’t only have to go up ask the LA’s to build you a bridge across that M how about you actually nah Cobblestone Golems will make short work of that gate sometimes rushing into a fight isn’t the best option your banner has some more advanced commands that will let you lead your alies from a position of safety use your banner to look at the fight from A New Perspective I like to call it Banner view wait what Banner VI I want to kill I want to kill I want to kill I want to kill so bad kill kill kill these bacon I need to I need to recall my people back hold [Music] up men s the goat yeah oh wait I can actually attack things nah honestly I was going to do this I I was going to make the joke I was going to do this alone but honestly I would to use the witches I actually quite like witches in the game I’m confused right now cuz a server it said I left at 4 a.m. but I woke up you need them to bring down p structures [Music] weird this Outpost is done but there are more piglins out there there’s no time to waste I’m missing a bunch of people what’s the well showing us wait what you probably did it in your sleep lol slender LOL yeah you’re right you’re actually the Frog aren’t you I so wish I could have my pet frog but the game’s not letting me interesting the world is waking to the wall you must have rolled over did face I went on the Discord and left sea turtle oh wait seriously though how do I switch how do I switch my uh oh what wait what no oh here we go uh mace run fire things okay cool Slender the Clone killer we meet again hello macaroni I hate to admire their engineering but those blaz towers are pretty dangerous and their range is impressive the LA will help you get up there with a ramp all you have to do is play the right Melody hey Dan can you look out look up how to uh how I can change my pet cuz I really don’t want to use the horse the I don’t know I just don’t like it at all the horse is boring what oh [Applause] ah so we equip your oh crap I’ll read that in a second I have so few pets right [Music] now oh did I just lose everything oh yeah they’re all down here inventory and scroll to the far left of the last half just open your invent I don’t know how to open my inventory what is this plank Golem [Music] spawner I think that’s it okay Minecraft Legend the game people wait for long but just disappointing it’s disappointing well earlier it was slowly dying I fell okay how do I apply the right pressure and even the tallest tower will fall how would I open my inventory oh well never mind waiting Minecraft movie in 2025 but also GTA 6 and true creeper and skeleton huh what do you think they’ll do we will find out soon [Music] enough top button in the four buttons I think it’s triangle Noe for defeating those outposts you’ve collected quite a bit of prismarine bring it to me at the well of fate and I’ll I’ll show you how to build something that will be very useful you are attuned to the Waters of the well you can travel here quickly anytime you [Music] [Music] wish excellent with B you you’ll be able to better choose how you want to approach the fight ahead now go ahead and send only one Ally into the fight anyone will do what are you talking about creeper and skeleton heck yeah brother not going to lie Minecraft story mode better than Minecraft version of Minecraft itself I like them both come on I can’t wait until you get back to the wall to see what knowledge me for you uhoh oh god what have I done never mind so do you mean like change your mou yeah my mount [Music] you got to unlock those uh to change them I do the I’m trying to change to the Frog because it’s already unlocked but it won’t actually access it all right let’s get some more wood while I’m here or just punch a hole in your screen and so you don’t see the horse you’re absolutely right maybe I got to do it here what is that knowledge what are those weird Golem what are you doing out there I’m working on a little something extra to help the hero oh healing Golems they are perfect bunny no they won’t be as friendly with the piglins I assure you that okay okay go now join your new friends you two little one go on okay cool the mossan grindstone Golems are excited to join you but you’ll need a special resource to build them I’ve written the melody for you you’ll just need to build the right Improvement Minecraft Youtuber using a th000 plus mods yeah be like that sometimes huh oh wait very nice this is where all the wonderful Melodies you learn will be kept now go ahead and turn the pages there you go now choose the structure that improves your loot to play the iron Melody and the Els will build it for you great now go ahead and build your iron improvements my iron Improvement everything is saying triangle to open inventory so I suggest you press every button possible that’s the thing pressing triangle just just kind of sends them that way Al on Minecraft Legends turn into you need the help of your new Mossy and grindstone friends out there build that loot Improvement as soon as you can loot Improvement oh wait [Music] [Music] H with every new Melody your relationship with the Els grows this tune will help them mind iron for your building needs and there you have it now you’ll be able to collect iron in the world and spawn these new friends whenever you need them and I’m afraid you’re going to need them soon try another button like x x jumps ohoh cut SC [Music] scene I got to admit the cut scenes are really good in this [Applause] game [Music] white people scared of piglins wear gold exactly it ain’t that [Music] hard uh-oh yo first they poison the ground now the sky our hero must see us through the darkness no oh that’s cool look you have to find the source of this magic find it and stop it grindstone Golem and mossy Golem uh stuns piglin strong versus ranged in special units weak versus melee okay heals friendly mobs negate Spore damage burning and slow defs weak versus seers and War bores and stream lagging kind of crazy how no one wore gold while being near piglins notice that they didn’t attack exactly what is this gather iron oh oh wait Improvement I don’t know oh I see oh stream back I think it’s your internet okay so this grass gives me like a speed boost uh anyway let’s see I don’t have an inventory or anything oh what’s this I pinged the ocean biome [Music] apparently yeah I don’t know I don’t think I’m able to change my Mount that kind of sucks I really wanted to use the Frog oh well bro why do I only have one thing following me you know what I guess I’m just doing this alone the LA can build you a wellhouse to offer a safe place to regroup and for you to travel from right back into battle I suggest building these close to where the action is they’ll save you a lot of time oh okay never [Music] [Music] mind [Music] oh wait so how do I use [Music] this uh bro what how do I use this that was a waste of time and resources bro this game actually it’s very weird I see why it’s such a disappointment now it’s it’s very odd is fueling the pig it doesn’t actually tell you [Music] stuff look ow my [Music] leg what’s happening how did they not to fight by watching do something off about it honestly yeah I don’t know it’s almost like the game was rushed to be honest because it’s not this base is beyond anything we have seen but we know you can Triumph together oh I have a bunch of skeleton okay cool honestly I’d rather have these guys than uh like I don’t know but they don’t even tell you how to use this so forget it rip boo I [Music] guess got to get rid of their spawners first piglin pit hey it’s a war board more skeletons zombies and creepers are coming to help we’ll have reinforcements waiting for you just outside the base yay oh my God zombies are actually so overpowered is not stopped night will last forever wouldn’t night time be a good thing though why does the British guy keep talking into my your ear um cuz why not the wall is breached keep it up I don’t want to breach the wall I want to stop them from spawning oh okay well I guess I have no choice now do I actually no I have no skeletons anymore I’ve lost them all that’s okay [Music] though there another trap over [Music] there all right now we can go in oh no there’s still some traps I want complete and utter [Music] domination don’t forget all the little tricks banavie has to offer I think they’ll prove handy in this awful place I don’t care about your banner View okay now that’s everything outside let’s go inside all right let’s start by taking out the towers what why do I see a giant flaming rock oh what the how is this game lagging it’s not online oh what is that ow big piglin down good job I want to help one more push and the portal will fall that portal is almost down woohoo g to g [Applause] what as in got to go oh okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] WI Jesus okay it’s a new world out there in more ways than we know with light comes hope destroy the night Beacon base woohoo how is my game going to lag you’ve done it you brought back the sun this first daor warms the hearts and faces of the Overworld we can’t thank you enough it is true we have won the battle but I’m afraid the war has just begun destroying that dark magic has brought all the hordes of the ne to the Overworld and emboldened their hunger for Conquest You Must Destroy all of their portals to save the Overworld you are our only hope I have to the LA’s gathered quite a few resources off the battlefield use them to improve your tools before you set off how about no Diamond why would I need Diamond now the LA will gather precious diamonds for your cause now the Overworld can better prepare you for the fight okay Netherrack cure [Music] no combat Melodies so how do I get zombies cuz i’ i’ I’d like [Music] zombies I mean zombies are actually just kind of overpowered kaboer knock backs projectiles spy glass Overlook wellhouse doesn’t even work serves as both as a respawn point and a location that can be fast traveled to no protection Tower is that like a shield scatter Tower ice trap okay none of that is very useful to me okay whatever all [Music] right dang it [Music] I don’t know where I can find coal at [Music] though so do I just run around now or I what do I do ow learn more no hold up is there oh well I just lost a bunch of mobs what’s new anyway how to play I want to change hero movement uh no use your compass fast travel resourceful Co-op H bars click bars blah blah blah blah blah BL blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah lapis is when you’re allies or at mob spawners you can find lapis okay whatever building a mob spawner will allow you okay well [Laughter] Mount swap uh as you explore the overlord world you will discover and befriend new mounts once uh you have their friendship they will wait for you at Village fountains oh okay ready for are you when you oh okay how do I fast travel I want to fast [Music] travel woohoo when fountains are active their Waters Flow together with the Waters of The Well of Fate you can use them to quickly travel between the two witches are wonderfully clever and usually very friendly but the piglins have put them on edge [Music] oh witch wait I saw [Music] Witch uh yeah witches how do I find them though how to strong versus big groups okay weak against structures these powerful Alchemists have had a enough of the piglins and they are ready to throw their potions how do you how do the witches throw their potions only okay well I guess I won’t know how to find them okay well I don’t have the Frog I guess even though it says that I should but you know okay that’s not stone that I can collect I guess man I really just want to have my frog but the game’s not right God dang it okay that’s red stone what is that okay that that’s weird but very [Applause] cool let’s go friends what is this I still don’t know what these are oh okay very cool let’s go take over another base I guess why’d that cat [Music] die ow oh I’ve been [Music] poisoned ow I’ve been poisoned again difficulty the base will post significant challenge h hello I have discovered gold I guess okay so I’m guessing I’m not actually supposed to be out here yet then if I had to take a guess I’m just going to fast travel here not like it matters oh great the piglins will attack this Village tonight and they are not prepared then our hero will build strong walls and Towers the piglins will have have their work cut out for them if they come [Music] here I hit the resource carry limit yay I’m going to build a wellhouse no I’m not I’m not going to build a well house oh that’s a wall it’s best to fortify Villages during the day so they’re protected in case you can’t be there at night [Music] so I’m not really sure what the objective of the game is [Music] but I have so much wood and Stone I don’t even care okay let’s go explore a bit what is this what oh okay man I really wish I knew how to get spawners honestly I really just want to have uh mobs I don’t really care about the Golems they’re not really that good I do believe it’s becoming nighttime [Music] [Music] wait [Music] what and large flames of creation what uh I just want to collect mobs [Music] please also I still have like so many things spr spread out in this world I don’t even know where they [Music] are yay I got wood and stuff yeah I have no idea what I’m doing this game really didn’t tell me anything chest are eager to help I like chest they’ll fill these chests with things that will Aid you in [Music] battle huh wait it contains rare resources like wood Iron Coal Redstone and Diamond the only thing rare on that list is oh my goodness okay oh hey Diamond I don’t know what Diamond does but I might as well collect it [Music] oh no I I kind of wish this game was a little bit easier to understand because it’s not even letting me like learn how to make mob spawners or anything I don’t and I don’t know how I would know to do [Music] that but it’s a pretty cool game just kind of I’m not even online game why are you lagging what that makes no sense [Music] defend that Village Tonight Show the witches that you can help them as much as they can help you there’s no witches bro what is oh there are actually witches here never mind okay there’s one witch I should say wait I think I understand wait I think I may have seen this I have to like defend or rescue a village or something that has a mob spawner like kind of like here I’m going to unlock witches if I save this area I feel maybe I think that’s how that works but I don’t know I could very well be that too so when is it going to get attacked okay the sun is moving all right I’ll be back Village uh actually I’m going to go explore this way [Music] have fun be he it’s a [Music] wolf how is there water here I should be frozen but hey who am I to [Music] judge I still don’t know what Diamond’s going to be used for but I’m collecting it anyway I’ve reached the cap of diamond no all right I’m heading back to the Village it’s about to get attacked I’m pretty sure I could put uh walls and stuff but honestly I don’t want to that’s too much [Music] work but I will actually uh put one of these down and uh one of these why [Music] not Mossy Golems will heal you and your injured friends on the battlefield but they won’t attack or defend themselves so keep them safe all right remember you’ll need to swap units if you want to call new ones to what you know this guy this game actually kind of reminds me of the game Overlord where uh you don’t really do anything yourself you just kind of have uh minions do everything for [Music] you one of my uh it was actually one of my favorite Xbox games I I never beat it though cuz I ended up getting stuck because everything just was way too powerful so it it just kind of became unfun but I remember red Minions that could like throw Fireballs were like one of the most powerful things in the [Music] game second being green third being blue and Browns were just Browns they they were good for any situation given creeper okay I really can only have a specific number okay which means [Music] okay so when is this place going to get attacked also what’s this over here okay it’s just a horde of the Spore oh wait creep I’m creepers will be excited to see you hopefully not too excited mind you the zombies have been buzzing with excitement since ridding the Overworld of that dark piglin magic okay oh what’s this oh okay I kind of see how this game is going to work now get ready for an attack boys two c sces okay I really want to get the witches so this is going to be cool [Applause] okay here we go and they’ve already lost tows with the approaching dark be prepared for anything when the sun sets a village is under attack which one where check your map they’re going to need your help no they’re [Music] [Applause] [Music] not oh cool I can actually go ahead and get the witches on my side all right yeah witches follow me I’ve there’s currently no more piglins man the arrow Towers actually are doing work huh get off my towers and stuff this Village is mine you hear me you little [Music] pigs how’s everyone doing oh I have Max [Music] lapis sorry [Music] dog no oh [Music] well no time for a swine [Music] what oh my God man they’re actually going crazy okay hold up hold up they’re going crazy never mind they’re not going crazy no [Music] [Applause] more they ain’t going [Music] crazy the tables have turned now it is time to remove the rest of the piglins it’s the piglins hurry the villagers need your help right now no really I never would have guessed well I didn’t get my friends I’m shopping uh new glasses with you in the background [Music] he okay witches are kind of creepy nice you help them save their homes they don’t forget [Music] that with your new allies the witches and their cauldrons I say trouble is brewing for the piglins wait I get cauldrons too oh heck yeah bro by helping to save this Village you’ve earned the witches trust you can now count on them to fight with you [Applause] oh heck yeah let me Spawn some witches oh they require gold oh you can build cauldrons now the mysterious Brew inside cauldrons will give you allies great strength witches get an extra benefit from their cauldrons if you bring them together it will make their potions more volatile they’ll send piglins [Music] flying where are they though Liars I don’t have them I lost uh quite a bit of things [Music] so M I don’t know what that does [Music] um what if I [Music] recall oh they’re all here [Music] now I think I don’t anyway let’s go somewhere else um let’s go get the zombies I really want to get zombies uh Ed creepers I’m sure the creepers would be excited to see you hopefully not too excited mind you uh all right I’m going to spawn or fast travel [Music] here oh well I that doesn’t change the fact that I still have a whole bunch of uh useless junk floating around in this world AKA uh golems that aren’t going to do anything because they’re gone but hey actually I’m curious what if okay what if I do [Music] this all right I’m uh I’mma just [Music] refund no Lear mobs available to return okay good now I’m going to remove [Music] this so how do I put witches down or is that even a thing I’m allowed to do cuz I’m not seeing them [Music] anywhere [Music] expert I don’t know I think this game is kind of bugged if I’m being honest with you because there’s a lot of stuff that I feel like there should be and there just isn’t so and I’m pretty sure this game is Dead considering the fact that it’s um it it it’s you know on ps+ oh no I I just don’t know it it’s kind of sad uh helpy signing on guessing stream crashed indeed I don’t know how or why but it did right in the Grain Train oh hey wait there’s beetles I got a new Mount these brilliant beetles can climb anything there’s nowhere the piglins can hide from you now wait really I can climb I could already jump okay that’s cool okay it’s slower but it’s still really cool all right let’s get some creepers I don’t know what they do I’m going to assume that they are like really high damage one unit per thing type of thing AKA kamakazi but with extra steps I think I just got everything killed oh what the quick sand what is with this tar oh never mind I just wasn’t sprinting oh hey coal uh I actually do need some coal for whatever reason is that a llama so many creepers ready to help their home has escape the piglins notice for now let’s hope it remains that way hey guys oh what’s this oh wait is that it oh oh okay I really don’t understand how this game works I I really don’t do do I wait what let’s gather at do I not unlock them no dude this game is so freaking bad oh my God it was free you know no I can’t complain it was free so I didn’t have to waste money on this garbage I don’t know if I can start figuring out how to play this I don’t think it’ll be too bad but good God this game has a lot of stuff it needs to work out which it won’t because I guarantee you Mo thing has abandoned it red stone yep it’s exactly what I [Music] thought what are these oh I’m going to open the [Music] cage all right let’s uh let’s start destroying that who needs strategy when you can just oh don’t no do this oh oh this is just a [Music] chest I need a piglin key bro [Music] this beetle is actually kind of cute really oh my God dude even Minecraft controls better than [Music] [Music] this I love this Beetle all right let’s go collect like zombies or something I don’t know the fact that I can climb anything now though is pretty cool the zombies are glad to be back to their flower but they’re still ready to help there’ll be a strong wall for you against the next pigin attack yeah know zombies are pretty [Music] strong I can actually go inside of their home pretty cozy why is there a giant [Music] flower all right let’s go uh I don’t know man I I I really don’t let’s let’s [Music] just yeah let’s just go attack something I don’t know I really hate flies imagine if you could have wardens in this you’d be unstoppable especially if you had like at least two [Music] okay the mushroom boost with the the the beetle is actually kind of a good Strat uhoh oh this does not look good no it does [Music] not oh it’s a shield generator okay look that portal is indestructible those lava coils will have to come down first okay I got to build a house quite ingenious those lava coils their heat protects the nearby portal the piglin forces here are quite impressive Ive sometimes bravery alone cannot overcome gather more friends gather more tools and you’ll be ready for this challenge in no time yeah you think I’m uh going to cower away screw that you guys don’t get to tell me what to do I’m attacking this base one way or another I have a beetle scle de I’m the overpowered Beetle that’s something I used to always say in uh-oh I think it is safe to say you have the hord’s attention good uh you know what maybe I should uh I’m going to get some mossy cobblestone just cuz uh I kind of want some Mory Golems can’t defend themselves so you need to keep them close and keep them safe okay just so I can have some healing ow sorry [Applause] friends ah oh that guy is Lighty okay well let’s get rid of their spawners first that’s the that’s the most important thing that we can do at this time all right let’s take care of [Applause] this oh wait the witch oh God pin key discover oh oh God what is that thing let’s kill him all right let’s get out of here we’ll deal with that later all right let’s uh let’s take this out whatever this is I’ll keep you guys safe stupid fly get off my phone yeah good Fellas all right let’s uh start taking that out oh there’s two of them all right I’ll I’ll protect you guys from the back oh my God woohoo all [Music] right I will give them this oh God they have so the of the hunt they’ve got some hard charging piglins in their ranks using banavie could help help you prepare just the right response [Applause] no all right what is this okay let’s take these [Music] out I like to take the things out on the outside first too bad I don’t have any creepers [Music] long oh I didn’t even realize there was a trap [Applause] [Music] here uh I’m actually running low on zombies okay never mind I still have 1 it’s fine oh you know what I bet arrow people would be really good to take those guys out why do I hear CS okay uh let’s take this out let’s get them to stop spawning now I don’t think there’s a spawner AC ah we got to go cin [Applause] launcher [Applause] sh there we go oh I have 11 still okay you’re not giving up yet good they better not uh oh I see all right let’s get out of here boys at least a temporary Retreat where’s my uh I don’t know where my wellhouse is I’ll just come over here I guess [Music] all right um let’s let’s recall [Music] everyone grindstone Golems are great at taking out ranged piglin units FS are like to stun piglins with their charge attacks okay uh let’s go back in now that my uh forces are refilled [Applause] yeah I guess taking this thing out too would be pretty the Sun is setting that means the pins will be at their worst keep an eye on the villagers the pins expanded a base and every time they do the more their danger grows why am I in slow [Applause] motion that was weird hi SL just stop by to give my support hey welcome good to see you my friend ow [Applause] ow you mean nothing to me oh okay yeah let’s take this [Applause] out I don’t know how to activate banner mode by the [Music] [Music] [Music] way I like being able to [Applause] help all right let’s go take out this other spawner uh I’m pretty sure this is a spawner by the way I don’t know I could be wrong oh yeah it is I mean obviously the portal itself is also a spawner but that’s beside the point if you’ve collected a lot of prismarine you can use it to improve your tools at The Well of Fate what all right let’s uh let’s wait here for a second all right yeah let’s go take out this guy as well just because I really don’t like him it’s okay friends I got you okay why does it keep pushing me back [Music] ow I love this Beetle it sounds so adorable I think I was just blocking away actually all right let’s go let’s go take out this and then we’ll start destroying the portal oh you guys can’t go up there about this way no this way no [Music] okay this little Beetle [Music] really yeah I really want to get skeletons though all right you know what we’re take great oh [Music] [Applause] hey woohoo the portal is exposed you know what to do from here time to kill okay I actually cannot do damage to the portal it is their job and their job alone oh [Music] no [Music] man the beetle just actually might be the coolest pet on second thought forget the Frog the bwell is taking some serious damage oh yeah also I have no more witches so that’s [Applause] great woohoo vict ictory feels great no ahuh him deserved deserved you little piglin freak woooo something dangerous stalks the nether biding its time soon I fear it will hunt you the horde of the hunt these piglins are Relentless they never give up the chase I love this Beetle oh it’s so cute it’s little squeaky noises it’s just so cute I love it I’ll never take the Sun for granted again better check out your to see what kind of damage the piglins did last night for a sight you look troubled the piglins have set their sights on another Village they will come tonight the piglins have their greedy little eyes in this wellhouse you should build [Music] defenses I don’t need to all right oh what oh what happened that looks like a piece of a piglin banner skeleton’s courage has provoked the Wrath of the piglins not just the skeletons Revenge has come to all of our friends I am afraid is this the price of their bravery the children of the Overworld fought by your side to bring back the light and now their homes are under attack go to them and show them they can trust in you wait how do I go to their homstead is that what I do I want to open that chest first uh it’s like right here at sundown the piglins will attack here I don’t remember oh wait yeah okay yeah let’s go uh yeah I got to go that way anyway so does that mean that I can get zombies and stuff on my side like [Music] properly I have no strategy I just do as I want and it works and if it does work I’ll keep doing it until it works that is my strategy oh wait this way wait oh wait no this is just what I destroyed I’m an idiot oh God God dang it so this is where I am I just destroyed this yeah I I’m just I’m just going to do this destroyed pigment base yeah okay well whatever wait this is the man gra swamp why is there a piglin here wait wait they’re actually going to attack my wellhouse that’s kind of funny I I literally don’t even care skeleton Homestead okay I got to go there next but I’m going to pick me up some zombies also I’m actually kind of running low on wood huh all right tear down this jungle tree [Music] huh another cut scene oo okay they’re attacking the zombies I got it the zombies are overrun they F bravely to help you but they don’t know how to handle such an attack oh I’m going to kill them they did not hurt my friends do I need should I even build a wellhouse yes I don’t have enough resources forget [Music] it the piglins have awoken something dangerous in the zombies keep fighting and the zombie strength will join yours [Music] good so I need to find the witch’s Homestead because I don’t even have the witches unlocked [Music] [Music] yet oh I just realized there’s a Nether Portal [Music] [Music] yeah you guys are screwed the zombies are eager to rejoin the fight now you can stop the piglins together stop them we’re going to kill them they have a bunch of people though can you guys even get up here no you can’t okay all right you guys uh protect me momentarily you know what I’m I’m actually just going to build a staircase okay I can’t uh yes let’s go my zombie Brethren and you guys are doing a horrible job at keeping me safe that works [Music] too get out of the cage zombies I need some more friends okay I’m actually really enjoying this game [Music] again oh my God that’s a lot good thing I’m like overpowered let’s break this stupid [Music] portal I can’t do damage to the portal though I got to remember that I should go pick up some uh witches though when I have the chance which I’m heading to the skeleton place anyway well I want to head to the creeper actually creepers are really good woohoo oh a fountain [Music] cool okay so I yeah I’ve unlocked zombies ear their trust the zombies will fight with you wherever whenever yes I like zombies way more uh don’t take fall damage you idiots okay well you guys aren’t too smart but woohoo I really like the weather all right uh let’s head to the creepers now how many more zombies can I have by the way okay I can only have 25 things each got it ah forget it uh what does it take ah it takes red stone that’s not good oh wait oh The Cauldron finally shows up huh what about the witches I need the witches structure that enhances nearby units applying a buff that increases their damage when units leave the aura the buff will persist for a short duration uh Redstone launcher I don’t care battle drum increase the firing speed of nearby air okay all right let’s go so how do I get witches is is there like uh I don’t know maybe I have to head back to that one Village I’ll do that when I free the uh creepers though I do need to collect more Stone and iron but I don’t remember where iron [Music] was and also redstone that’s right that’s what I was going to do uh oh here we go here we go okay so I need to collect this luckily I have more than enough uh I might as well collect the coal while I’m here also I want to I want to get rid of that that’s annoying to look at what is this oh that’s the ice trap I guess that’s just a permanent thing huh oh a chest thank you 81 lapis very cool ow I heard a llama so this is actually just black tar huh that’s so weird 53 prismarine wait what is prismarine for oh prismarine is those right uh the the blue crystal things man I’m enjoying this now a the poor creepers I’m going to kill him we lived so long without cruelty in this world and now all suffer this must stop whoa I lost a bunch of zombies honestly oh well um let’s get some let’s get some zombies and also some Arrow Shooters just cuz all right uh let’s recall everyone all right let’s [Music] go good start now they’ll help you through the rest yeah let’s kill this guy okay that guy is tough good God okay he’s not tough [Applause] anymore don’t mess with the [Music] [Applause] [Music] creepers all right you did it the creepers found their bravery once more thanks to you now finish that poor Mo and help them free their home absolutely okay all right creepers your cone with me I don’t know how many people I’ve lost but I don’t really care either all right let’s go all right uh where are the tied up creepers is here you know there are going to be [Applause] some yeah here they are all right this is going to be the easiest one for sure okay that’s just a building [Music] I oh dude creepers are overpowered excitable new [Music] friends oh never mind okay I like creepers holy crap our hero and the creepers have shown their strength and shared will this flame will commemorate the bond formed today so what about the witches though do I just have to go back to that Village every time I want to I want to have witches it’s better to blow up a war that’s a bang your head against it and thanks to your Victory together you may now call upon the creepers wherever this battle takes you woohoo yeah creepers oh they take coal okay epic um I’m happy about that okay um I want to head back here first before I go uh getting skeletons and stuff oh hey only half of my world is loaded it might be time to put the prismarine you’ve got to good use you can do that at The Well of Fate I agree okay red stone now the El will collect Redstone for your more complicated builds the piglins thrive in the darkness and are on the hunt beware I don’t know what a flame of creation is but I’m going to build that just because the best offense is a good offense fair enough um La storage yeah let’s uh let’s get some La storage just so that save more resources for you yeah I was hoping that’s how that work um oh wrong thing can I get level two of the Redstone no I cannot I need more prismarine but I can start collecting Redstone now so that’s really good is this coal ooh it’s iron actually that’s uh that’s just as [Music] good I also need [Music] Stone all right uh well let’s head to uh the witches place or this Village over here okay the beetle yeah here’s the witches oh wait what am I [Music] doing I really do want some witches so all right uh let’s go save the skeletons and then wait what’s this over here huh I’m going to have to go check that out I love how the water’s not frozen oh wait do I have cers yeah okay I thought I did all right let’s go uh rescue the oh what’s this diamond oh that’s not Diamond what is this I don’t know what that is but I’ll take it okay whatever it is I don’t have it so [Music] or prismarine oh is that [Music] prismarine okay I don’t know it might be prismarine it might not be stupid fly oh wow I really can hold a lot more oh hey a chest I got to be on the lookout for chest I have collected one Ally Aly uh open five Aly chests cool okay guys good where are the witches the witches are just kind of gone okay that’s nice um [Music] oh The piglin Struck quickly is it too late for the skeletons do not lose hope for Hope has just arrived all [Music] right all right let’s uh start by freeing some of the [Music] skeletons oh my God this is a lot of pig so good God all right that’s a few more balls by your side now they’ll help you free their friends honestly I feel like the mobs are better than uh the golems that you get and even if they’re not I’m still going to use them over the [Music] golems all right let’s go take out the [Music] portal I just that wolf looks so [Music] terrified now the skeletons truly know what they can do together lead them to the portal and watch those Arrow fly skeletons are actually kind of one of the strongest mobs in Minecraft anyway just because of the arrows all I kind of want to get some creatures actually so is it this okay oh and oh I can’t build in this [Music] Terrain oh [Music] okay let’s go we’re going to we’re going to destroy this portal in seconds it’s [Music] [Applause] fine God creepers are so strong oh the game’s lagging St let me go get the uh oh never mind unnatural [Music] aim I have freed the skeletons an Archer salute now that is a high honor woo the skeletons recognize you as one of their own as long as that flame continues to burn the skeletons will fight by your side whenever you need them everything feels better when the Sun is up the world is brighter and our hearts are lighter why don’t you check out what’s happening in the world usually the Rising Sun would fill our hearts with joy today however we mourn the piglins destroyed a village last night we know you did what you could some consequences cannot be prevented but we all do what we can they destroyed a village which one is it one that I can take back oh yeah it’s this one isn’t it the pig plan to fortify this base to tonight stop them before they do what’s this it it’s another there another question mark I want to see what this is I am curious I still wish that I could have uh oh um yeah witches like I I don’t know why I’m not allowed to just have witch spawners but whatever what is this all about ow those pigs don’t appreciate who’s in the bath with them pay them a visit and you’ll get a surprise ah you’ve discovered one of our oldest friends you two will get along nicely come back to the well and we’ll teach you a song to wake that Golem up oh but why uh I might as well take this out first so does it take resources to spawn them in yeah it does okay all right my Army is full Oh wrong thing wait what improved wake the first [Music] okay the sea turtles [Music] you monsters I’ll kill [Music] you all right uh let me build a structure to get up here I better do it this way yeah creepers you know what to do uh actually let me let me do this oh right okay this is where uh zombies would actually be really handy I’m going go get some [Music] zombies wow you guys are tough oh wait no this is sea turtles yay Outpost destroyed Woo is there a [Music] chest let’s go oh wait there is a chest ah here we go everything the piglins take they stash away for the hoorde okay so traveling at night time is not ideal otherwise they’ll just destroy uh things so that’s interesting to note okay so what you guys wanted to teach me how to wake the fists or something I did see this oh okay that makes sense [Music] uh now go and wake up our old friends gold is an essential ingredient in Awakening a first when you want to wake one have some gold with you of course Ju Just more reasons to have gold on me um witches need gold but I can’t even get their spawner so I guess it really doesn’t matter that much can can I just fast travel no it might actually be faster to no I can’t fast travel there okay to this Village you know while I’m here I’m going to increase the defenses a [Music] bit I don’t know what else it wants Carpenter Hut yeah have a carpenter Hut maybe that’ll like repair something or something I don’t know I don’t know how I get that number back up [Music] [Music] oh okay Carpenter Huts are actually really useful I see yeah they repair buildings that’s really good to know can’t really get any witches right now well yeah I can okay now where is this guy there cool all right I’m really enjoying this game a lot more now but man do I need to find some Redstone where would Redstone be I oh oh you know it might be in the zombie area because uh obviously you’d want to get the resources for the thing that you’re trying to summon okay we’ll see I’ll uh that looked like a zombie oh my God it is a zombie they become zombies and why are they attacking me really I also got to try building um what is it uh the old I want to try building this at some point I’m never going to build that ice trap that’s just stupid I’m getting close yeah he’s over there oh hey zombie I hope I didn’t leave first of Oak without our old friend here yeah yeah so it’s just a giant arrow shooter okay you have unlocked a powerful [Music] huh you’ve already seen how useful your plank Golems can be and the first of Oak was their inspiration they will watch over you and all the creatures of the world now that they are on your side so can I like summon them or oh yeah skeletons yep they require diamonds weird weak versus War BS but good against o okay they’re pretty good and portal guards oo okay um so how many mobs are there that I can even get I’m not sure let’s go awaken this guy [Music] [Music] oh where am I heading there we go oh oh yeah this is the first oh I don’t have good memories with this place is there Redstone Redstone finally I really really need some red stone ah finally now I don’t have to worry about running low on zombies so I can definitely tell the advantage and disadvantage of using mobs mobs are probably stronger do more damage however they also uh take a lot more rare resources like Redstone and diamonds and stuff but as long as you’re you know careful you’ll still be able to use them pretty easily I love that guy’s noise oh did I pass him wait what oh frogs well I’ll take a frog [Music] okay this high jumping amphibian will help you reach dizzying new heights I could already do that with the beetle but hey Fearless frog [Music] huh I got to take a look at him he’s so cute man so many stuff oh a Patcher the Patcher repair yep I thought so uh brilliant beetles can climb up walls and cliffs if you can get over the extra legs brilliant beetles are an excellent companion if you want to reach the higher points of the Overworld uh these Stout the villagers still want to help visit the village chest to see what they’ brought you shut up thanks to their powerful hind legs H okay so I’m guessing this is just going to like respawn with me or something I’m not sure well cool I have frogs now uh there’s something over here well I can’t fast travel so all right let’s take out this base as I was saying let’s take out this [Music] base okay so you’re well you can oh my God you can swim so fast so this is definitely the animal that you want to jump with o oh I’ve already maxed out oh uh okay I need to you know what I’ll I’ll do that after all right friends are you ready the horde of the Spore are perhaps what antithesis our Overworld the most they are chaotic noxious and without reason no don’t go that [Music] way [Music] man hey is going to be particularly unpleasant fighting these piglins you have something particularly useful to combat this base take a look at the melody to build the Redstone launcher no I’m good pin’s Never back down now they’ll fight even harder wait I’m in a frog you know what let’s um let’s make a bridge yeah I have lost a lot of people already okay yeah I’m going to have to uh put some spawners down I think where are the zombies oh the witches okay uh wait I I want to put a cauldron down oh I can okay can I put it out here oh okay forget it oh I’ll check out what the cauldron does later let’s go I don’t know where all my zombies went though they just kind of vanish this H isn’t giving up they’ll Counterattack soon oh they will that’s such a shame they don’t have their base protected actually you know what forget this I’m just going to go get some creepers o uh I’m actually going to collect this no I’m full never mind uh uh uh creepers this is the new Overworld one that sees dramatic change when the sun sets all right let’s start [Music] refunding [Music] all let’s go guys oh wait yeah well thank you for uh pushing me back [Music] game build the thing okay never mind let’s build it over [Applause] here yeah there’s not going to be any Counterattack when there’s nothing to Counterattack wh okay where did the creepers go are you serious the whole reason I even brought creepers they blew up a building that was here I am not even surprised [Music] honestly that portal won’t last much longer I love how they say that like it’s a bad thing oh wait what happened to my zombies oh yeah the witch I kind of forgot I had [Music] a he didn’t make it a what a shame oh destroy a base in under 7 minutes you [Music] okay you stupid Glutton ah sorry I got to plug in my controller the Devourer has been awakened they are slow to act but their insatiable hunger will get the better of them sooner or later the hord of the Spore makes my blocks crawl they are such a foul breed of pigin okay I got some good stuff all right guys um let’s head to a village any Villages that are going to get attacked no maybe there they are the first will always go to where the Waters of The Well of fight flow I think these villagers like having the extra company honestly I’m okay with [Music] that all right some more wood all right let’s head um here oh no I still kind of like the beetle more but the fact that I can swim way faster in water is actually really good and also the uh the jumping for this is just so broken um let’s see let’s increase my capacity [Music] to yeah anything else Diamond [Music] coal what’s this build two alls to oh okay that just increases Improvement Banner 15 mobs rally you don’t got to tell me twice having 15 extra mobs like inspiration grows now more will follow your lead yes please all right I want to see what’s over here but oh crap but I should probably take a look at the other Villages first just to make sure that they’re okay anything special oh hey witches okay fro Beetle I love the beetle still it’s so cute um okay so if I want to I can actually have more witches honestly why not remember to build defenses otherwise this Village won’t be able to withstand attacks yeah yeah I I probably should build some defenses what is this you know what I’ll take a look at that in a second I’m having so much fun uh Hey I’m going to mine this Stone hope you don’t [Music] mind right few more of [Music] these [Music] I’ll probably get more like I should probably get skeletons uh I’ll also take him and a carpenter I’m going to put like a bunch of Carpenters [Music] [Music] all right uh that’s oh wait no I should uh uh oh that’s a lot of stuff man these villagers are kind to me okay so yeah uh witches are just going to be at Villages that’s actually really cool [Music] what I don’t have any other Towers so they’re just going to have to deal with this another day has begun perhaps this is a good time to look at your map to see how the world has changed changed hello Y and Y gaming welcome to the stream it’s good to see you [Music] again hope your day is [Music] wonderful all right my friends I will catch you on the flip side um nothing new has changed on the map though so I don’t know why she told me to do that anyway remember the stupid gang stupid [Music] gang okay yep let’s go uh actually I’m going to take what is this is this diamond yeah this should be diamond oh my diamonds are full that’s why I can’t okay how do I get more of that though I I guess just taking out pigin faces that was so funny what was stupid [Music] gang oh yeah red stone baby [Music] Don’t Mind If I Do ow a sorry guys I didn’t realize there was a thing there yes Bounty of the Overworld gather 1,000 wood and and 125 iron okay I don’t know what that is but it poisons me and I don’t like [Music] it oh great ah lava we all love lava here that poor skeleton okay oh you know what oh they never destroyed a village they just destroyed my uh wellhouse the thing I didn’t even care about this whole time I thought they destroyed a village but they never did oh I gathered another Ally Ally cool ah lava the Frog may be slow but I still like it hey I think I see one of knowledge’s old Power Towers over there power Towers oh what do I do with it do I oh investigate can you friend me in Roblox oh yeah I forgot to do that I’m sorry for assistance when that Bell Rings it makes the sweetest sound you’ll ever hear wow you guys suck at your job yeah oh apparently we don’t share the same taste in music not everybody agrees with you the LA can help you take that Tower with you if you want and there are even more of them scattered all around the Overworld come back to the well and I’ll teach you how oh okay in other words uh a new item okay I don’t even have it cool though I can uh take it I’ll be back for this at some point maybe honestly I’ll probably forget it’s even [Music] here all right uh let’s take out one of these red ones bro my vision in insurance came in clutch took off like 300% hey or $300 hey let’s [Music] go all right friends I’m actually going to go ahead and prepare let’s get a wellhouse never mind uh-oh oh is this a Devourer no huh the horde of the Hunt is always on the move and have very little use for defenses be ready for their Relentless attacks good uh let me go ahead and prepare my [Music] mobs you know what let’s get some mossy cobblestone all right uh let’s start with uh [Music] zombies all right let’s [Music] [Applause] go oh my God oh God okay there is a lot of hogs protect my friends that guy’s just upside down uh hello weit welcome to the stream my friend I hope you having a great day today sorry if I pronounced you name well all right skeletons are going to have to take that guy out fact let’s go ahead and [Applause] uh oh I can’t okay never mind oh yeah I can play with you um I’m actually playing by myself but thank you for asking skeletons are going to hard Parry definitely honestly you know what I have a better idea oh this poor guy I don’t have my people following me that’s fine all right let’s just go take out the Tower or portal they’re not giving up yet you think I care honestly I’ll just come back with uh I don’t [Music] care and losing a lot of people now the first has fallen ah who cares about the first all right I’m going to go get oh I didn’t realize how much damage I was taken [Music] let’s go this is going to be hilarious don’t you dare blow up until you get to to your objective keep pushing you almost won dude creepers are actually overpowered I [Music] he’s so irritated the Beast knows you are besting a hord that only makes you a more appealing Target yay I have absolutely zero mobs left though actually I can just recall them can’t I [Music] okay hey friends all right let’s remove this [Music] oh I actually do get my resources back that’s really cool I’m just going to keep this here I don’t care uh let’s go attack this one actually what time is it ah I saw got wait a second I just realized something I can put stuff here but Ah that’s what the Netherrack Cur is for isn’t it [Music] y okay you know what I’m actually going to make a p [Music] stop the villagers are eager to support your heroic efforts their contribution waits in the village chests okay yeah I don’t really care about their contribution uh I appreciate them but I don’t need it what is what is this supposed to be I don’t know it doesn’t matter right now [Music] Banner the LA can cure a land of this nether infection they just need the right inspiration and now that inspiration is just a few notes away woohoo all right that’s actually going to change a lot of my game play I’m going to assume that the longer that the portal is still there though the more um the uh like it’ll spread back over like for instance here there it’s not going to spread because well you know great the are eager to start healing the world okay that’s really cool all right and I have plenty of alleys so it doesn’t even matter Oh I thought it was the beetle that was making noise but it was actually just this it’s still a cute no but man that’s weird all right hi beetle all right so are the piglins attacking anything no they’re not okay [Music] good what is that some type of resource oh is that gold oh it’s gold [Music] okay all right let’s start healing and now okay so I can’t actually oh wait no my gold is just full there’s also no gold thing huh large flames of creation increases the number of mobs [Music] here all right wait why do I want to I don’t want that ch uhoh wait why does that do damage oh no it’s okay that’s weird all right um oh wow I have very few mobs okay uh let’s see what do I want well it looks pretty chaotic so let’s start with by getting some of these some good old creepers you can’t go wrong with the Sun is setting that means the piglins will be at their worst keep an eye on the villagers they haven’t done anything but they are repairing this which I mean honestly doesn’t even bother me okay uh let’s get some [Music] [Music] zombies all right I’ll save room for four creepers in case I need them all right let’s go this space will pose a significant [Applause] threat okay I got to take out that guy with the barrels first actually why am I bothering with this let’s go honestly I don’t need to take out the anything but the uh the Tower or portal they’re not giving up yet hey you think I care they they literally can’t do anything to stop youself that’s fell yeah I’m doing a whole lot the best I can do is uh kill these no budes and if I have to I’ll just bring in the creepers I think I might have to quiet play wait what defeat tin hoglins clangers with a single you have almost done it keep fighting I don’t want to keep fighting I got to run I’m going to go get some creepers they’re going to finish this off wait where even is the therapist all right let’s go let’s go [Applause] buddies ow let’s go creepers well thanks for making my job easy fan yeah creepers are just too [Applause] much boss fight okay so I defeated his faction didn’t I okay I see how this works oh boy I’ve never seen anything so fast how can it be stopped with wits this horde’s favorite target has always been the villagers watch over them and be ready to spring a trap of your [Music] own where my people even go okay well that was [Music] easy [Applause] I love how perfect he fits in there [Music] what all right uh I’m going to refund you guys you guys can go back all right let’s just get a whole bunch of [Music] skeletons and zombies okay um what’s this okay well that’s destroyed I destroyed those um all right we’re good that’s a well house all right uh you know what I don’t know actually I’m just going to head back here I [Music] think I’ll do one more base like actual base and then uh I think I’ll call it now that I have more money um do you know why it’s better to have more flames of creation because it’s always good to have more friends what I don’t know it was telling me to do [Music] something [Music] oh oh that’s cool okay I can actually have them wait in [Music] locations yay iron all right um I kind of want to take out one of these oh yeah this is the Glutton guy isn’t it you know what let’s take out one of the orange ones one of the uh the meaner looking people meaner weener all right and also since that piglins are drawing together plans for their next Invasion oh never mind I got to come [Music] here yeah this place is going to get [Music] attacked I really want to build one of these oh that’s [Music] [Applause] cool all right so I’m going to protect this uh Village oh never mind maybe I won’t I am going to get some witches though excuse me so when do they attack exactly I’m not sure when they attack this Village will need your help tonight okay at night uh you know what I’ll go ahead and collect the [Music] resources okay I got some good stuff I’ll come over over here and I’m going to set a [Music] wellhouse so it should be like over here right yeah red stone all right I need to find coal for the [Music] creepers I’ll challenge improve your abilities to make it EAS what the huh I I didn’t even okay then I I just wanted to set a wellhouse here all right we’re going up here boys can you take fall damage okay we’re not coming up here you don’t take fall damage that’s really nice to know your your friends do though oh God they’re killing themselves can I put it there I I can’t put this anywhere oh wait that’s why I don’t have the resources never mind oh my god dude this game isn’t even online why is it lagging like that oh my God I hate it oh I see where they got the inspiration for the warden’s attack now the uh Sonic charged thing where am I even heading okay I’ll do this uh I’ll end it for today after oh more Villages [Music] okay the go [Music] oh I got fris Marine from that okay really I don’t understand how this game is lagging it’s not even online is it like I’m sorry but that’s kind of dumb oh there’s more villagers over [Music] here all right while you guys handle that I’ll uh get a small bridge going up here never mind really ow oh hi villagers why are you guys still here yay Outpost well done you have destroyed a hoorde of the something [Music] Outpost uh so what do you guys do do you guys just sit here now or eh whatever it’s none of my [Music] concern all right how much longer until uh night time that’s the real question oh no it doesn’t tell [Music] me oh yeah I have one of these cool uh all right where’s the sun okay it’s literally right above [Music] man what oh I can remove that I don’t know why I would but I could all right what kind of other buildings can I do battle drum increase the firing speed Redstone launcher no you know what yeah sure let’s build some [Music] stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] ha I actually went into the witch’s Hut cool not enough resources God dang it honestly I really like the fact that you can actually go in to these locations I I just think it’s [Music] cool wait I can use [Music] this that’s kind of [Music] cool all right what else can I make uh protector Tower destroys enemy projectiles in a wild wild area [Music] [Music] okay how wide though [Music] not that wide oh well wait why are you following me Forsey stupid fly stupid fly there’s a fly spy glass increase the firing range no kaboer adds an explosive KN back to projectiles already have that uh all right well okay I think I’m going to end it here this was fun you know after the game actually started to work and everything but that’s beside the point anyway I hope everyone else enjoyed I might return to this tomorrow um I hope everybody has a fantastic day and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Game no work… || Minecraft Legands’, was uploaded by slender the savage master on 2024-04-08 18:25:14. It has garnered 40 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:26 or 12386 seconds.

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    Pastel Paradise: Minecraft PE Furniture Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, JRaeUnknown brings pastel vibes. With furniture so cute, it’s sure to please, Adding charm to your builds with ease. From cozy cottages to modern abodes, These addons bring life to your Minecraft roads. So grab your blocks and start to play, With JRaeUnknown leading the way. Join the discord, stay in the loop, For more cute content, don’t be a dupe. Explore the world of Minecraft PE, With JRaeUnknown, it’s where you should be. So thank you for watching, enjoy your day, In the world of Minecraft, where you can play…. Read More

  • Rebooting Minecraft Adventure

    Rebooting Minecraft Adventure The Exciting Minecraft Survival Journey Embark on a Thrilling Adventure Join the captivating world of Minecraft as you dive into a survival journey filled with excitement and challenges. Explore the vast landscapes, gather resources, and build your way to survival. Surviving with Friends Experience the thrill of surviving with friends in Minecraft. Team up with your buddies to conquer the wilderness, face off against dangerous creatures, and build a thriving community together. Discovering the Creeper Village Uncover the mysterious Creeper Village with your friends as you navigate through its eerie streets and encounter its unique inhabitants. Will you be… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Abandoned Mini-Game Lobby Build

    Crafting Chaos: Abandoned Mini-Game Lobby Build Exploring the Abandoned Mini-Game Lobby in Minecraft Episode 3 of How To Build The Abandoned Mini-Games Lobby takes players on a journey to transform the Broken building into a derelict and abandoned structure. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting Minecraft project! Materials and Getting Started The first step in creating the abandoned look for the Broken building involves gathering the necessary materials. From weathered blocks to overgrown foliage, every detail counts in bringing the abandoned theme to life. Once the materials are ready, it’s time to start the transformation process. Exploring the Building As players venture outside… Read More

  • 30 Modern House Front Designs

    30 Modern House Front Designs Exploring Modern House Designs in Minecraft When it comes to creating stunning architectural wonders in the virtual world of Minecraft, players have showcased their creativity through various house designs. Let’s delve into the top 30 house front designs that have captivated the Minecraft community. 1. Soban Home Design One of the standout designs in Minecraft is the Soban Home, known for its sleek and modern aesthetic. This design incorporates clean lines, large windows, and a spacious layout, making it a popular choice among players. 2. Covar Topic The Covar Topic house design is another impressive creation in Minecraft. With… Read More

  • Voice-Controlled Minecraft Gameplay

    Voice-Controlled Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft: Gaming with Voice Commands Imagine a world where you can control your Minecraft gameplay with just the sound of your voice. That’s exactly what [Krishna gaming] did in their latest video, exploring the unique experience of playing Minecraft with voice commands. Exploring New Possibilities With the advancement of technology, gamers are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gaming experience. Voice commands offer a hands-free approach to gameplay, allowing players to navigate through the virtual world of Minecraft with ease. Enhancing Accessibility One of the key benefits of using voice commands in Minecraft is the accessibility it provides… Read More

  • Crafty Ore Generation Tricks | Minecraft Modding

    Crafty Ore Generation Tricks | Minecraft Modding Minecraft Ore Generation with Fabric Modding Exploring the world of Minecraft through modding can open up a whole new realm of possibilities. In this video tutorial on Fabric MC, the focus is on Ore Generation using Datagen. Let’s delve into the intricate process of generating ores in the Minecraft world. Ore Loot Table Provider One of the key components of Ore Generation is the Ore Loot Table Provider. This feature allows players to define the configured features necessary for generating ores. By setting up these features, players can customize the distribution and rarity of ores in their Minecraft world…. Read More

  • Herobrine’s Life: Minecraft’s Ultimate Strife

    Herobrine's Life: Minecraft's Ultimate Strife In the world of Minecraft, a legend does dwell, Herobrine’s story, no one can tell. With magic and mystery, he roams the land, A figure so elusive, no one can understand. His adventures are epic, his powers so grand, In Part 1, we see him take a stand. The ultimate HEROBRINE LIFE, a tale to behold, With secrets and wonders, so thrilling and bold. So like, share, and subscribe to AhanTube, For more Minecraft magic, a journey so smooth. Leave a comment with your thoughts and your love, For Herobrine’s story, soaring above. 🌟 #GameWithAhsan, the master of rhyme,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Illegal Armor in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Illegal Armor in Minecraft In Minecraft, I craft the most illegal armors, With power so strong, it causes quite a clamor. From diamond to netherite, I forge them all, Creating a defense that will never fall. My skills are unmatched, my creations divine, In the world of Minecraft, my armors shine. But beware, for using them may come at a cost, For with great power, comes a great exhaust. So follow me on Twitter, for more gaming fun, And subscribe to my channel, for battles won. I’ll keep you updated on all things Minecraft, With rhymes and humor, that’s a fact. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not the only one who tried this when starting Minecraft…

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not the only one who tried this when starting Minecraft...I definitely tried punching a tree for wood in real life before realizing it doesn’t work the same way in the game! Read More

  • Crafting Forge: 1.12.2 Server Install on Win & Droid

    Crafting Forge: 1.12.2 Server Install on Win & Droid In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Installing Forge server, the process explains. Java and Termux, the tools you will need, To bring your server to life, plant the seed. On Windows and Android, the steps are the same, With PowerShell and Termux, you’ll play the game. Download Forge server, from the official site, Then run the command, to set it right. Java -jar forge-1.12.2-installer.jar –installServer, To get things started, no need to swerve. Then launch the server, with java -Xmx1G -Xms1G, Your Minecraft world, ready to engage. Find your IP address, with ipconfig in hand, Navigate directories,… Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit: that friend with pign 1221 in Minecraft” 🔥 #shorts #meme #memes

    "Hotter than a lava pit: that friend with pign 1221 in Minecraft" 🔥 #shorts #meme #memes When your friend with pign 1221 in Minecraft starts giving you directions like they’re a seasoned explorer: “Turn left at the pig, then go straight past the pig, and you’ll see another pig on your right. That’s how you know you’re going the right way.” 🐷🗺️ #lostwithpign1221 Read More

  • Rainbow Sheep Shenanigans

    Rainbow Sheep Shenanigans Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 57: Flower Farm & Rainbow Sheep On May 2nd, 2022, viewers tuned in to Twitch to watch the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7. In this episode, the focus was on creating a flower farm and introducing some rainbow sheep into the world. Building a Flower Farm The episode kicked off with the player, DocBrennan, embarking on a new project: building a flower farm. This farm would not only add a pop of color to the landscape but also provide a renewable source of dyes for future builds. With meticulous planning and strategic… Read More

  • Insane Plot Twist! Grinch Attacks in Minecraft Season 1 Finale

    Insane Plot Twist! Grinch Attacks in Minecraft Season 1 FinaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Season 1 Supercut – Valyria Part 4 of 4’, was uploaded by Rainy Grinch on 2024-05-23 13:00:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:11 or 7751 seconds. Welcome to the thrilling conclusion of the Valyria Supercut series, Part 4 of 4! Prepare to witness the culmination of our epic journey through the world of Minecraft as we embark on the final leg of our adventure in our Survival Multiplayer Series (SMP). In this climactic episode, our determination knows no bounds as we push the limits… Read More

  • 10 Years in Willow Woods – Minecraft Survival Stream #1

    10 Years in Willow Woods - Minecraft Survival Stream #1Video Information This video, titled ‘its been 10 years… – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL STREAM – #1 (6/19/24)’, was uploaded by Willow Woods on 2024-06-22 18:10:44. It has garnered 2104 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:31 or 13291 seconds. i hope you enjoy my very first minecraft stream! i think i mention on the stream, its been quite awhile since i played minecraft regularly, so theres a lot i dont know about the game yet. im excited to learn alongside the chat, so if you’d like to join us to watch one of these streams live… STREAMS… Read More

  • Epic ASMR Bedwars Showdown: Model O- & Custom Keyboard 🔥

    Epic ASMR Bedwars Showdown: Model O- & Custom Keyboard 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars ASMR | Model o- & Custom Keyboard | Lo-fi—-‘, was uploaded by Fought Gaming on 2024-04-12 08:49:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi Guys…. Texturepack: … Read More

  • Insane Arrow Stunt in Minecraft! 🏹 #Shorts #MinecraftTricks

    Insane Arrow Stunt in Minecraft! 🏹 #Shorts #MinecraftTricksVideo Information in your living room now what what [Music] in your living room now This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Arrow Stunt in Minecraft! #Shorts #MinecraftTricks #EpicShot’, was uploaded by TN. GAMERZ on 2024-04-20 18:15:00. It has garnered 796 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft video featuring a concrete TNT explosive: **Title:** “Minecraft video featuring a concrete TNT explosive: **Title:** “Unbelievable Arrow Stunt in Minecraft! #Shorts #MinecraftTricks #EpicShot”” **Description:** “Watch as I turn the mundane into the magnificent with a TNT blast that reshapes concrete! Don’t miss out on this mind-blowing Minecraft… Read More

  • NEW Armadillo Update in Minecraft 1.21 – SHOCKING!

    NEW Armadillo Update in Minecraft 1.21 - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘ARMADILLO UPDATE! – MINECRAFT 1.21’, was uploaded by Kolpir on 2024-01-18 12:30:12. It has garnered 22677 views and 2106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:41 or 1421 seconds. 🔥 MERCH KOLPIR: ❤️ Join this channel to get access to benefits: 🎮 Cheap games on G2A: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Instagram: TikTok: Discord: Business e-mail: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #snapshot Read More

  • SURVIVAL ISLAND MADNESS! Part 2 ft. gamingparts

    SURVIVAL ISLAND MADNESS! Part 2 ft. gamingpartsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 2′, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-05-31 15:55:44. It has garnered 60 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:13 or 11173 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts’ channel: PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #survivalisland Read More

  • Planet Benny – POV: MASSIVE Team Fail! 😱 #shorts #minecraft

    Planet Benny - POV: MASSIVE Team Fail! 😱 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: You Doom Your WHOLE Team… #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Planet Benny on 2024-04-13 23:33:21. It has garnered 44 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. In this video I may have recliped a oppise from my first LIVE stream. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Swayle Performs LIVE in the Fog!

    Unbelievable: Swayle Performs LIVE in the Fog!Video Information This video, titled ‘FROM THE FOG LIVE!!’, was uploaded by Swayle on 2024-06-03 03:56:40. It has garnered 56115 views and 2318 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:50 or 7730 seconds. SCARY MINECRAFT LIVE #scaryminecraft ////////////////// tags (ignore) ///////////////////////// #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #heyareyoureadingthetags #thisisntforyouok #oksorryifthatsoundedmean #youcanstayhereaslongasyouwatchedthevideo Read More

  • Unbelievable: Sandy’s Top 3 God Seed in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Sandy's Top 3 God Seed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pocket edition top 3 God Seed for 1.20 in hindi (100%) working’, was uploaded by Sandy plays on 2024-01-14 07:04:24. It has garnered 121 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:46 or 406 seconds. 🔥God Seed 🌱 For Minecraft Pe 1.20+0 #minecraft #gaming Soooo hey guys here is the new video about top 3 god seeds for Minecraft pocket edition and hope you like it all seeds are working very well you can try them and after trying please don’t forget to comment about the seeds and I had so… Read More

  • Infinity Network

    Infinity Network¡Unete a nuestro servidor! Una emocionante Network de Minecraft con modalidad Survival. Un mundo Minecraft en constante evolución donde puedes construir, explorar y socializar. Estas son unas de las muchas cosas que podrás encontrar: Crates Clanes Bloques de protección Kits inicial. Economía. Tiendas Recompensas diarias. Read More

  • 🌎 Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! Join our Discord server here We are a fresh 18+, semi-vanilla Java Minecraft server which started on the 25th of March this year. Our community has grown significantly and we welcome players from all over the world. Apply now to join us as we update to 1.21 and expand our world border! What makes us stand out? SEMI VANILLA: Whitelisted server for 18+ players, primarily vanilla survival with quality of life improvements. WHITELISTED: Thorough application process to ensure a mature player base and swift handling of griefers. SERVER LOCATION: Located on the East US coast for… Read More

  • Crowny

    CrownyAt Crowny, we believe in creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to Minecraft, you’ll find a place where you can build 🏡, explore 🗺️, and thrive at your own pace. 🌟 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Loop this spicy Minecraft meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Loop this spicy Minecraft meme!Play it in a loop so many times that even Herobrine gets dizzy trying to keep up with you! Read More

  • BoxPVP: Endless Fun on 1.16.5X1.20.2

    BoxPVP: Endless Fun on 1.16.5X1.20.2 Welcome to Endllees network, where BoxPVP reigns, A game mode loved by all, where victory remains. Join us at, version 1.16.5 to 1.20.2, Where the fun never ends, and the battles ensue. Don’t forget to join our Discord,, Where the community thrives, and friendships tug. Leave a comment, I’ll read them all with care, And a heart for each one, to show I’m aware. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Endllees network awaits, for a gaming delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Aphmau’s Minecraft Memes!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Aphmau's Minecraft Memes! “Who needs diamonds in Minecraft when you have the best edit skills in the game? #editgoals #minecraftmeme” Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge Exploring Minecraft’s Villager Parkour Challenge Farm Details Farm Performance: The parkour challenge boasts an impressive performance of +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This parkour is fully automatic, adding to the excitement and challenge. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including the latest updates. Platforms: Available on Java Edition, providing a thrilling experience for players. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing creativity and innovation in Minecraft gameplay. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your visual experience with complementary shaders. Resource Pack: Enjoy the challenge with the default resource pack. Mods: Utilize mods like Replay Mod, Optifine, and Camera Mod… Read More


    JOIN SONIC IN MINECRAFT SUNA LVL 3 MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘SUNA LVL 3 MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by СОНИК ВИДЕО ГЕЙМЕР on 2024-06-15 06:13:12. It has garnered 437 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Join Our Public Minecraft SMP Live! Hunger Event Tonight

    Join Our Public Minecraft SMP Live! Hunger Event TonightVideo Information This video, titled ‘PUBLIC MINECRAFT BEDROCK SMP LIVE (YOU CAN JOIN) | Hunger is turning on tonight 😨’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2024-06-13 15:20:57. It has garnered 252 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:15 or 4695 seconds. I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Minecraft Steve PowerBOOST!

    Unleash Ultimate Minecraft Steve PowerBOOST!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Minecraft Steve Gets Stronger 7’, was uploaded by ReidBoehm on 2024-04-20 20:43:34. It has garnered 2489200 views and 197408 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Village Gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft Village Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft village game play’, was uploaded by @ M. Azlan Bajwa on 2024-01-12 19:14:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! The Untold Story of Hypixel (Part 1)

    Unbelievable! The Untold Story of Hypixel (Part 1)Video Information This video, titled ‘HYPIXEL – ИСТОРИЯ САМОГО УСПЕШНОГО СЕРВЕРА MINECRAFT (часть 1)’, was uploaded by LOLOG on 2024-02-27 14:00:42. It has garnered 111661 views and 5656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:07 or 847 seconds. My discord server – My BUSTI – My Telegram channel – My tik tok – I’m in VK – My discord – lolog_ Donate – Donut 2 – Twitch – Hypixel – The largest and most popular game server in Minecraft at the moment. Every day more than 50 thousand people from all… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft secrets only legends know! 😱🔥 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft secrets only legends know! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘only legends understand#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HMR__PLAYZ on 2024-07-30 08:33:19. It has garnered 491 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. only legends understand#minecraft #shorts hello guys tap subscribe like aim 50 join Discord #games #minecraft shorts #gaming #viral ‎@HMR__PLAYZ  @TechnoGamerzOfficial @DeadZilla @dream @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @minecraft @TotalGaming093 @GAMESPACEHIGHLIGHT Minecraft shorts Minecraft herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine smp,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game,hherobrine vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine ender dragon IGNORE ALL… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP ZIOKASS MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFFT SMP ZIOKASS’, was uploaded by SoiGamingTGYTB on 2024-05-24 03:12:29. It has garnered 626 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:11 or 6371 seconds. Wish everyone have fun watching the video :))) MINECRAFT SERVER: Server address: Version: 1.20.1 – 1.20.4 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📩 Contact me at: ✅ Personal Facebook: / nguyenvoductoan ✅ Discord: ✅ Gmail: [email protected] ✅ Donate : ►CHÚC CÁC BẠN XEM VIDEO VUI VẺ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▶️Music by: Music: TheFatRat & Shiah Maisel – Out Of The Rain Watch the official music video: • TheFatRat & Shiah Maisel… Read More

  • Savage Slender Master – Game Broken!? || Minecraft Legends

    Savage Slender Master - Game Broken!? || Minecraft LegendsVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay well let’s um let’s try this [Music] again nothing I found about this uh online I’m a keep searching all right uh man this game is kind of disappointing so far not going to lie at least it was free so I can’t complain too [Music] much all right I to go back onto story mode I [Music] guess if it happens again try turning down Graphics all right and if that doesn’t work I’m just going to forget this game ever existed which is kind of a shame because I really wanted… Read More

  • “Insane Cat Gaming Builds! What’s Your Favorite Game?” 🐱🎮 #epic

    "Insane Cat Gaming Builds! What's Your Favorite Game?" 🐱🎮 #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘what’s your favorite game🧐 #music #song #love #minecraft.’, was uploaded by builds_cat_gaming on 2024-07-11 23:12:43. It has garnered 421 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More