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hello guys and welcome back to crazy Minecraft video with today all the villagers are freaking out because there is a hidden murderer somewhere in their Village and it’s starting a bit of a panic villagers don’t you worry I’ll go ahead and figure out who it is and hopefully we can stop them and sadly I’ve already found the house with all the blood everywhere as well as loads of different items and wait can you guys hear that there is something underneath us okay before we make our way in let’s go and speak to the Village let’s go and see how we can help hello Navid we have some really sad news one of our villagers has been killed and we have no idea who did it we are worried it could be someone living in our houses find the hidden Clues ah this is awful okay we have no choice but to go ahead and do it and because of this evil murderer they’ve gone ahead and spawned loads of Golems absolutely everywhere so I think I’m ready to go ahead and do this villager don’t you worry let me make my way inside and hopefully we can go and see what we have have so we have a book as well as some me steak some cake and some blueprints of the building villager have you seen any Killers or is he the evil killer okay let’s go see what we can do so we have a cake which I’m not really sure how it comes in handy as well as a me steak and sadly we have found the dead villager ah this is awful it might actually have something to do as to where he’s got in all of these very unusual weapons okay let me make my way down below and hopefully we can figure out how to do this villager have you seen a little trapo so hopefully we can make our way inside oh the Golem’s trying to tell us something and I think it lead into this very unusual hidden door let’s break our way through and let’s go and do this wait there’s fake dirt no okay this isn’t good ah let’s spawn back and perfect and let’s go and do this they seem to have triying to set up some traps for us that is not going to work okay let me demolish these blocks which is very scary for me and perfect they’re almost invisible let’s break this fake dirt and there we go and I think we can literally walk through this see I told you now we’re going to have to go ahead and place an actual dirt block right on top so we can make our way inside there we go oh no there are villager corpses absolutely everywhere and this reinforced iron door is going to be impossible to open so let me go see what the book says and hopefully this can help us it was a villager hiding some secret items in our Underground base beware of traps oh I think that gives us a really good clue I think we’re looking for some traps which might be some more hidden floors somewhere let me stand on every single block and hopefully this can work anything oh I think we’ve done it perfect okay we’re Slowly by slowly making our way down into loads of cobwebs but we’re going to have to be really careful not to get trapped inside these moving crates which looks so scary as well okay let me try and do this and perfect and hopefully we will make our way down very quickly ah this is so close quickly we have to do this it’s going to go ahead and hit us ah perfect and I can see the ladder that leads up to that trapo but what is this block oh cool okay that’s really awesome now we enter the room with maybe more traps can you guys see anything no okay I think we’ve done it and now we found a villager right down below I’m going to have to get some weapons as fast as we can ah we’re going to spawn back right on top so let’s make our way back down to the bottom and let’s go see what he’s hiding so I’ve made my way back down and I do have an iron sword from the blacksmith’s house so hopefully this time we should be able to jump on board and perfect making sure not to fail oh okay we’ve got more hidden blocks look we can literally walk through this as well maybe this one’s fake yep it’s fake okay let’s go ahead and kill this villager as fast as we can and hopefully we can do this okay I’m going to have to kill this guy as fast as we can and for some reason being inside the lava goes ahead and gives us regeneration which is going to be perfect to kill off this evil villager yes we’ve done it okay how are we going to get out of here maybe there’ll be some Clues right inside this chest cool so we’ve got a full nightly outfit which is going to be absolutely amazing for us to go ahead and try out and now we can need our me steak to give us full energy and I’m going to take out all our structure spawners will look amazing as well as all our other blocks wait I think the villag is back okay let’s go ahead and try and kill him off as fast as we can die evil villager perfect and somehow he spawned an evil spider as well this is not going to be good I think it’s coming from all of these cobwebs okay let’s go and do this and perfect hopefully now we can go ahead and survive if we push our way into the lava there we go perfect I knew we could do it so let me take out all our weapons as well as all of these very unusual items and then hopefully we can let the Villager kill us so we can spawn up above this must be the evil killer but we can’t bring in up above again because if we do he’ll kill more villagers villager I found the evil murderer it was a crazy blood villager that’s down below okay let me throw in all the items I won’t need anymore and let’s go see what we’ve got I can’t believe it this is going to be the best day ever well sadly we might have to go ahead and take out a few of our weapons as well as a few of these ones and I guess I could start by building a big wooden house it’s going to be amazing so let me go ahead and spawn it right around here and let’s go see what it looks like so let’s spawn it and perfect let’s go see exactly how big it is and we’ve spawned inside okay this is going to be so crazy I think it’s going to fit in perfectly with the village but no wonder all the villagers are trying to kill each other this is the coolest structure I’ve ever spawned okay let me go and see exactly what the miners tent looks like whoop my bad let’s go and see wo this is amazing as well so it’s completely made made out of wall and I don’t think there’s anything else in it for us well let me get out of here let me go and spawn our tent camp and hopefully this one will be a lot bigger I think spawning it by the trees will be perfect let’s spawn it and there we go wa this is so crazy as well so we’ve gone ahead and spawned a whole camp this is so insane I’m guessing right inside all of these chests we have so many items that we could go ahead and keep um can I use some of these items let’s see oh some TNT I think this will be perfect for later do you know what I might also take out this diamond pickaxe I could really use one and right on this side we might have some other items let’s go and see oh more cake okay I think this is going to be really handy for us and I could take out all this raw chicken or all the raw beef as well and then cook them up later well this is going to be one of the coolest things yet and right inside every single house there are little rooms we to go ahead and move into this is going to be so insane but you know what before we do anything else let me go ahead and spawn a few of these items I’m going to go ahead and spawn let’s do the carite Golems wa look how cool they look okay I think they’re dangerous they’re heading after us I could go ahead and maybe use some of our TNT which I’ve lost my flint and steel nope this isn’t going to be good watch out guys run okay I’m going to have to try and get out of here as fast as we can maybe spawning the TNT might not be the best option I’m going to have to go ahead and use our nightly sword to go ahead and kill this guy and maybe we can even spawn some Cactus Golems get him guys get him perfect I knew that would work and I think there’s another car might Golem over there trying to destroy our whole neighborhood but before he does let’s attract him over here and hopefully we can blow him up anything no we completely missed okay let’s go and do this again and perfect hopefully now we can go ahead and destroy him let’s go and see yes that is awesome okay I’m going to leave this guy for the cactus golems and then we also go and spawn our sand monster wa this guy looks so scary as well and I think it’s some sort of sand Queen Snake and look how scary it looks it’s trying to go ahead and spawn the desert but you know what let’s not let it survive and let’s go and kill it awesome I knew that would work so far we’ve done such a good job I’ve got a few more though to go ahead and spawn so let me go ahead and throw all of these out and let me head to the Village again and let’s go spawn these baby mobs I’m going to go ahead and spawn a baby snowman right around here it’s going to be so cute let me do this for the villagers villagers are you guys ready let me Spawn Two baby snowman as well as two baby Iron Golems and maybe they can fight against the minor perfect I knew that would work oh he’s trying to charge at us okay let’s go ahead and try and kill him as fast as we can maybe we can go ahead and do this hey leave my friends alone ah okay he’s gone ahead and killed us but maybe we can spawn back and get him back here we go let’s fortify by ourselves so we can be extra strong and where is he ah there he is let’s go ahead and destroy him as fast as we can perfect and good before we kills my poor little pigling there we go I knew this would work come on guys yes we’ve done it I am so glad well so far we’ve gone ahead and killed so many mobs but we’ve only got two more to go ahead and spawn so let me go and do my Alpha Yeti and let’s go and spawn it right around here and I’m going to spawn a few of my zombies to help us out come on zombies get him perfect I knew our zombies do it hey what’s going on there they’re destroying the whole village this isn’t going to be good I’m going to have to rush over as fast as we can and maybe we can go ahead and hit it and use some of our other weapons come on guys get him perfect okay I could use my skep fortification again and hopefully he won’t throw my zombies in the sky guys this has to work everyone is getting so mad let me go and try and survive this as fast as we can by maybe using my light machine gun perfect I’m good yes it’s working awesome I can’t believe we’ve done it and he’s turned half of our village into eyes this is so insane I am going to spawn the next one though right by these Golems hopefully spawning the Hydra will be a strong decision for us let’s go ahead and fortify ourselves and perfect let’s go and see if we can do this as fast as we can whoa he’s trying to get him okay let me go and try and Destroy This mob as fast as we can and all we got to do is go ahead and hit the heads that are pretty much flaming right now awesome I think we should be able to do this wa this is insane I don’t think we’re going to be able to survive this he’s destroying our whole village and we’re not going to be able to win this okay let me try and shoot this one and perfect and hopefully we can win but I’m so glad our fortification is doing a great job right now but all we got to do is make sure we only hit its heads that are flaming so let’s keep our eyes open anything okay let me Spawn Two More Zombies there we go maybe this can make things a little bit better for us oh there we go here we go let’s go try and hit it no it’s instantly killed us quickly Zombies Run let’s go and try and kill this mob as fast as we can and maybe this should work perfect and good yes we’ve destroyed one of his heads now for the second one and the final one this has to work ah we’ve instantly died okay let’s rush back as fast as we can because as of right now he is healing perfect okay let’s go and do this and awesome I think we’ve killed the Hydra this is the best day ever we’ve done it okay let me try and get out of this broken house that I don’t think any of the villagers know the whole roof is gone and we’ve even been given a hydr trophy well let me go and see if I can get it and perfect there we go and let’s go ahead and swap it around and give it for all the villagers as a gift villagers look now you can be a proud owner of your own Hydra ah and sadly our zombies are dying off but the great news is is that I think we’ve gone ahead and used up almost all the items but I’m going to have to go ahead and take out all of our little villager corpses as fast as we can before any more dangerous mobs try to eat us up hopefully this should work and perfect well let me go ahead and spawn our burning steak as well as our stars and then our Gibbard right along here and finally our Gallows which we can go ahead and throw in all the Villager corpses that that blood Golem was trying to go ahead and confuse us with perfect this is so awesome let me throw in every single one and hopefully they’ll spawn back and be really safe but guys sadly we are down to our last few items which I think is just our two spawners which I’m going to go ahead and spawn right behind them let me go and do our wooden cabin right around here and perfect whoop oh there we go this so cool so it’s spawned a combination of loads of wooden blocks that looks amazing and fits in with the village perfectly and right outside I guess I could go ahead and do an enchantment room here we go let’s make a way inside side and perfect we can throw in all our raw meat that needs to be cooked and there we go and we can make our way upstairs and see exactly what we have ah there’s enough space for all the villagers well let me go and spawn our final item and then sadly we’re completely done which is going to be our enchantment room let me Spawn it right around here and perfect let’s go see what it looks like and maybe it’ll be able to fit us all in here we go let me just put this right there and perfect ah it’s so tiny well guys I think we’ve done it it we’ve gone ahead and saved all the villages and we figured out who this evil murderer was but sadly he is still down below our only way to go ahead and kill him is maybe we we close up this doorway so guys I will see you soon with the crazy Minecraft video and to like this video subscribe down below button is red and don’t fore to go ahead and press notifications Bell and guys I see you very soon now to go ahead and kill off this evil villager hello guys and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today all these villagers needed our help in survival think the zombie apocalypse and I have a feeling they need our help in going ahead and getting evacuated by these wonderful military personnel hello sir I need your help in going ahead and removing all these villagers away from the zombie apocalypse and hopefully we can survive it and not enter up like this guy that’s disgusting well let’s go see what he’s given us today and hopefully everything should be right inside these chests oh we got a few armors let me go and take these out and let’s go see what they look like so we have a military outfit as well as a wonderful hat and then maybe some boots do you know what I’m just going to keep this this looks awesome and we’ve also been given quite a few random weapons okay I’m not really sure what to do with these but hopefully we can go in and figure it out oh we got loads more okay let’s go and do this I’m going to be so excited to see exactly what we’ve got well let’s go speak to this military guy and let’s go see what he needs our help with I think he’s going to have to tell us something hello naid thanks for finding the rest of the survivors we need to get them evacuated but there is so many of you we will need to spread you out go and find the other bases until the evacuation take all the weapons you need to survive ah well let’s not waste any time and I think two Villages are going to stay behind with our wonderful sir well let’s go ahead and figure out where we’re going and hopefully we can go ahead and do this it’s going to be so awesome Yep we’ve only got a few villagers left now this is going to be so great hopefully we don’t find any zombies what’s that villagers you can see something already oh I think they’re right I can go ahead and hear them okay look they’re right over there and they’re throwing blocks at us okay let’s go and try and kill off the Giants first and hopefully we can survive this watch out villagers don’t get in the way it’s going to be pretty mental right now and I have a feeling these guys are going to be very hard to go ahead and kill wa and they’ll even go ahead and give us zombie heads okay let’s go and do this and awesome we’re killing so many of them now we are using up our weapons really quick but some of these weapons will need to go ahead and be used in conjunction with so many others look there’s just so many of them okay let’s go and do this as fast as we can and hopefully we won’t die wa there it goes sry villagers I’m accidentally shooting them as well okay let’s try and get out of here maybe if we kill off these little guys first this might be a little bit easier for us perfect oh there’s a head on the floor no here we go let’s go and do this and perfect here we go let’s go and cry and here maybe one of these Giants before he goes ahead and does it yes we’ve done it okay one destroyed perfect and good we’ve killed off so many of them okay let’s go and try and do this as well oh these zombies are so hard to kill but I don’t think they can actually see us look we should be able to walk past them but I have a feeling maybe we should kill them anyways let’s just try and walk past them quietly villagers do this slowly I think they can smell us if we bleed so we’re going to have to go ahead and try and sneak by them oh we’re running in out let’s go and reload as fast as we can and let’s get out of here here we go villagers come on guys let’s go and make our way up to the next spot maybe we can do this without dying too many times I’m going to have to go ahead and maybe kill off a few of them just in case the other villagers need to go this way as well and perfect well let’s reload our weapons and good and I do think we have to go through this building which is not going to be good okay let’s go just maybe calmly get in there I’m a little bit worried though that if we go ahead and go inside we might get well villagers are you ready let’s make our way through it’s going to be pretty dangerous in here anything I think so far we’re all clear here we go I think it’s going to be pretty intense right now but if we sneak our way in we should be able to see them oh wait there they are oh they’re just spiders not too bad oh and we’ve even got some skeletons right now that’s not good let’s go and do this and awesome ah there are the zombies quickly they’re inside the building this must have been loads of previous villagers that are now have turned and mutated into more and more zombies reler stay away from my gunfire it’s not going to be good oh quickly let’s do this and good perfect here we go it’s going to be pretty mental right now to go ahead and pretty much not shoot the villagers especially when they’re in the way here we go but I’m so glad that all the villagers are panicking they’re running away trying to survive this crazy gunfire here we go let’s go and do this and awesome watch out villagers don’t go too far we might need to go ahead and use you guys I’m going to have to maybe reload some more of our weapons it’s just well too intense right now but I’m so glad all the villagers have figured out exactly what they need to do let’s go kill off this baby zombie as fast as we can and also here we go nope okay we’re running out again let’s go and try and reload our mk16 and hopefully this should work there’s just too many of them how am I supposed to go ahead and Destroy every single one if our weapons run out super quick oh watch out for the library here we go and awesome NOP we’re not going to be able to survive this it’s just well too mental let me reload my M249 hopefully this should work for us I’m a little bit scared though if we die it’s going to be pretty mental Ah that’s why we’re getting killed so quick we’ve got a zombie head running around and trying to shoot us here we go good sorry villager I can’t pay attention to you right now I need to go ahead and fight off the rest of these zombies here we go let’s do this and awesome ah we’re going to have to evacuate these villagers but if we kill them it’s not going to be good for us at all and good okay let’s just go ahead and make our way up hopefully we can survive this wao there’s just witches and everything everywhere let’s just break our way through here we go good come on villagers out this way let’s make our way up to the next evacuation Zone and hopefully we can survive this oh I think we’ve made it quickly this is awesome I can see it from the distance this is great news did we lose many villagers okay I think maybe we’ve lost a few and they have been poisoned a little bit maybe it’s all of the disasters ah hello military personnel I’ve bring some more survivors sadly we just lost a couple hopefully this won’t be too bad and I can see they’ve got a SWAT vehicle for all of our villagers to go inside let’s go and see how many they’ll take I do have a feeling all we have to do is walk through the swad and it should pick everyone up ah we’ve just left with two okay this is not too bad and I can see they’ve taken a couple more villagers from us and they’ll keep them protected this is awesome news and I do think whilst we’re here if we stand in a certain spot it should heal us um oh there we go okay there is exactly what I was looking for to get healed and we should be ready for the next attack once we do that now is a great time to go ahead and reload our weapons and hopefully we can actually maybe get enough ammo to survive the crazy disasters and I might give all the military all of this zombie meat for research this is going to be so great if they can take this away and maybe figure out a vaccine for all of these zombies I think it’ll be perfect but you know what let’s just go ahead and be prepped that there are no Giants around us because last time they were really hard to kill and making a way out of here is going to be really impossible but I do think all we have to do is follow the blood stain this is exactly what will happen and it will lead us to the next Zone villagers are you all okay hopefully you guys now have healed up we should be ready with the next attack and maybe have a few other weapons loaded there we go I think we’re all set oh look this is exactly the weapon I needed so let’s just go ahead and reload this one and perfect and we should be ready thank you military you guys are perfect hopefully now we should be able to survive and make our way over to the next spot oh hold up it’s this way this is exactly the route that we’ve taken so we got to go through these trees oh no and I think I see some more Giants okay let’s get ourselves ready oh no and there’s loads of zombies as well this is going to be a pretty disaster for us here we go let’s go and use our next weapon it’s going to work quickly awesome we’re going to have to be able to survive this get all the villagers out of here villagers you need a panic I need to run away and hopefully you can survive this crazy disaster this is not going to be good for us at all let me try and maybe sort this out perfect can we get four automatic on this how about this one aha there we go oh sorry villager we’ve killed one this is not going to be good ah and they’ve taken one of our weapons as well I can’t believe how stuck we are okay let’s go and try and get out our M10 and maybe we can survive this here we go and perfect let’s hide behind these trees no we’re all out again here we go the M24 this is exactly the weapon we needed earlier here we go let’s try and clear off these guys oh and a military is helping come on guys you can do this perfect they saw that we needed help and they’ll go ahead and help us maybe we can actually go ahead and defend them and save them all but villagers don’t get involved we’ll go ahead and sort this out here we go and perfect here we go maybe we can make our way over or maybe bring some of these Giants around to us and this can work here we go and awesome yes okay let’s try andun over quickly let’s try and rush around reload our weapon whilst we’re doing this and maybe this can work quickly hide underneath the tree maybe these Giants will come ahead and help us military I need your help they’re everywhere this is not good perfect there we go I knew they would help us now for some reason they want to do it all silently which is actually not a bad idea for us and we should be able to go ahead and do this come on we need your help let’s going to try and do this and awesome I really do hope they’ll help us with the Giants yes this is awesome help us with the Giants you guys take care of those ones and I’ll go and sort out the rest ah they’re throwing us around here we go let’s go and try and help them out as fast as we can perfect and let’s try and drag this guy over maybe this can work here we go and awesome this is just too good for us I’m so glad the military are helping us out and using their silencers to defend us perfect and good here we go let’s reload our weapon one final time and let’s go and try to kill off the last few can you you guys hear that I’m not sure if they oh I think they’re inside the buildings here we go perfect and good let’s try and Destroy them as fast as we can and maybe we should be able to work well I think we might have done it the other Giants have disappeared and we should be down to one of our last few let’s go and save this last villager and let’s make sure he survives this thank you military personnel look how happy they are to be able to survive this crazy disaster oh this is the final one let’s make our way through and let’s see what happens and it’s worked perfect I think we done it wait no there’s loads of them okay I have a feeling all of these zombies are trying to make their way up military don’t bother maybe if I actually go ahead and break this wall we should be able to fight them off with the military and this will really help us out let’s just go ahead and break this but I’m just so glad we’ve saved off so many survivors we’ve done a great job with it today there we go here we go let’s go and try and fight them off this is just great news for us oh let’s reload our weapon and perfect and let’s try and survive this go on guys you can do this make your way down there well guys it’s been really awesome today trying to go ahead and survive this crazy world now that we have so many zombies everywhere it’s going to be an absolute disaster but I’m so glad all our military will go ahead and save us no matter what but we are also running out of weapons well guys I will see in the crazy Minecraft video and don’t forget to like this video subscribe down below button is red and don’t forget to go ahead and press notifications Bell and guys I see you all very soon peace out hello guys and welcome back to crazy Minecraft video with today the villagers need our help in going ahead of fighting off this evil zombie apocalypse where I have a feeling these zombies have mutated to create some evil sort of beings and I have a feeling they’re not going to get any better because we’re getting ambushed every single day so let’s rush back back to the villagers and let’s go see if they’ve got any items for us villagers do you have anything to go ahead and sort out this apocalypse ah perfect I’m going to go and take out this four Emerald head as well as a few random weapons and hopefully this should work let me go ahead and put on my full Emerald set and let’s start killing monsters wo they’re going to be absolutely everywhere but I have a feeling the villagers need our help in going ahead and building a wonderful bunker this should be great and hopefully we can protect ourselves against all of these evil monsters okay I think we’re doing a better job I got to go ahead and make sure though that there are none left Slowly by slowly they are all dying from all the bar wire but let me go ahead let’s just finish off the last few and then we can go and speak to the Villager and we can figure out exactly what they want us to do today perfect now I did see a few jump inside this prison which is not going to be good at all they’re trying to go ahead and Ambush all the villagers zombies stay out of the prison I have a they trying to go ahead and eat up all our friends okay there we go I think we should be all right so let’s go and speak to the Villager and let’s go see what he wants us to do today I’m pretty sure it involves building a wonderful secure house beler what you need us to to do hello Navid I am so glad you have come to help us we are the last standing military base in our world against the evil zombie apocalypse we need a safe house to keep the rest of the villages alive quickly they will eat us no that’s not good okay I’m going to go ahead let me throw in all the items that I’ve gone ahead and gained and let me take out everything inside this other chest which I’m guessing should be everything we need to go ahead and build a wonderful bunker this is going to be the best news ever so I’m want to start by going ahead and building a ladder straight up to the first floor and let’s cover up this whole place so no zombies fall their way through because if they do they’ll be stuck in here with all of our villager friends I am so glad that they’re going to go ahead and be safe once we go ahead and finish this off I’m kind of scared though that we might run out of time and all the zombies might try and jump in and eat us up well let’s not waste any time let’s just go ahead and finish this off as fast as we can and we can go ahead and add all our furniture later on perfect villagers what do you think I’m going to go ahead and let’s add our front door right in front of the Villager so they don’t go ahead and Miss a Thing whoops my bad I’ve accidentally misplaced this one and perfect let’s keep our eyes open for now and let’s make sure we don’t ruin anything perfect I’m so glad everything works so far though we have almost done the first layer which is going to be one of the hardest layers to go ahead and do without this zombie apocalypse right behind us and I did notice they’ve even given us some electric fences which is going to be perfect and going ahead and electrifying every single one of these Evil zombies and we can even build our own Golems to join these wonderful guys right around here that will protect us against every evil zombie well so far we’ve done an amazing job maybe I could go ahead and add a few of other cool items so let me do my crafting table right around here with my furnace and then right inside the chest we do have loads of furniture which is going to be so crazy in placing all around making sure we don’t mess anything up let me head right down below and let’s just go ahead and add all of our food this is going to be key in making sure we stay alive so let me do my rice right around here along with some salt and then I could go ahead and do the rest of items scattered all day around so I’m going to take out so we got our beds let me take out my bedside cabinets my lamps my photos as well as all the furniture and a few more Food Supplies okay let me do the two beds right around here and perfect kind of face away from the villagers so make sure everything is kept slightly alive there we go let me go ahead let me change my lamps around and perfect let’s just add this one right around here and good with some photos right along this wall and okay it’s not wanting to fit there we go I knew it could work and we can also go ahead and add some clothes I’m guessing right around here with the other one right along this side and the final food supply we can Chuck right around here and awesome this is turning about way better than I could have ever have expected Ed villagers can you guys see anything so far let me go ahead and add some benches on the outside to make sure that everyone is kept busy and I can go ahead and even take out the lounge chairs which will kind of like allow the villagers to Sun whil we fight off all of these Evil zombies and perfect well guys what do you think maybe I could do with taking out some weapons for now to make sure that these monsters don’t come back so let me actually take out a few golems and perfect let’s start spawning them around and we can prepare ourselves for the next wave of Evil zombies which could be right around the corner so let me go ahead and do my Obsidian Golem as well as my Emerald one and then we can go ahead and do a couple more cool looking ones like the diamond one this one is going to be amazing so let me Spawn the diamond one right around here and perfect as well as the golden one and all four together should protect us against any zombies wandering around there we go well let me take out some weapons for myself and let’s go and see if we can survive this okay I need to choose some de ones I’m going to take out my sniper rifle as well as my Vector my scar and even my org sniper and then even a Sonic rifle and I’m sure we should be all right wait they’re here again I’m so glad we went in said and actually spawn all of those Golems let me go ahead and try and fight these guys off as fast as we can with the help of our wonderful Golems thanks Golems you guys are awesome and I’m so glad this battlefield actually has so many cobwebs and so many other items but I can’t see one of of our villagers is getting chased so let me try and shoot him off and there we go okay let’s go ahead and do this I’m pretty sure they we got weapons now to go ahead and fight us which is not going to be good let’s just go ahead and finish these guys off as fast as we can and we’ve gotten ourselves stuck inside our own cobweb this is not good okay let me try and get out of here as fast as we can we’re basically stuck until we figure out how to work this come on let’s get out and perfect okay I’m going to have to rush back as fast as we can and let’s build this bunker before anything really dangerous happens again villagers we’re doing it slowly but slowly this is going to be the best bunker we’ve ever had and I could use this other chest to throw in all the items I won’t need anymore well let me take out a couple layers of iron and then some ladders and let’s just go ahead and finish this off I’m kind of scared that we might run out of blocks so we’re going to be very cautious with where we spend all of our items okay let me go ahead let me just finish off this little space right around here making sure we add enough glass so we can see all the way around and hopefully we don’t misplace too many blocks and perfect villagers get inside hopefully we will be able to protect you guys and no one is turning into zombies too quick okay let me add glass all the way around this side as well and I can already see even the cows are trying to join us so I think even they know this is going to be really dangerous the final wave is going to be the last wave of them all I’m sure of it come on Cal get out of here let’s just go ahead and finish this off and hopefully this should work I’m kind of scared that the villagers are actually wandering around everywhere and we won’t be able to find them all so let me just go ahead and misplace these items and hopefully we can actually do the roof very soon but first let’s make sure we’re completely set so I’m going to take out let me see I’m going to take out a few more of these Golem spawners and let me go ahead and do the prismarine one that’ll be so cool to have around the military base and let’s not forget about the course one which would be so crazy to have joining up all the other forces and hopefully we should be set and the final two that we have to go ahead and do is our endstone one as well as our magma one which I think both together will be a great combination no I’ve misplaced it oh this is not going to be good hopefully we’ll get the block back did we get it perfect okay I’m so glad let’s not let that happen again so let me do the endstone and then the magma one and then we should be done perfect there we go that’s the full protection in going ahead and defending our military base against all of these evil monsters and I’ve just realized we’ve got cannons that we haven’t even used yet ah that would be so cool well let’s not give up yet and let me actually Rush inside and hopefully we can finish this off so let me do my filing cabinet right around here that looks pretty cool and we can also take out our wooden desk our office chair as well as our clock okay let me do uh the table right around here with our chair and perfect with the clock I’m guessing right on top and then I’m could go ahead and do the ladders is on this side so we can make it up to the roof and finish off all of our blocks let me do one around here and perfect let me just add the final letter and I can go ahead and finish off this roof so guys give me one second I’ll be right back once I finish off this whole space and there we go we’ve almost done it and it fits in perfectly with the whole military theme okay let me go ahead let me do my electric fences which I’m guessing could mean that the final wave of zombies could climb up these walls and we’re going to have to Electrify them to make sure they don’t actually break their way through we might have to put this around the whole base well let me just finish this off as fast as we can and then all we got to do is add the rest of our furniture and we should be finished which I’m actually going to take out right now so let me take out all my furniture items and perfect let’s just go ahead and do this as fast as we can and let me go ahead let me put my cast iron right on the outside with all our furniture and then we can head right around here and do our alchemy table I’m guessing right next to our crafting space and perfect let’s not forget about our dining tables which I’m going to Chuck right around here which is now going to be really crowded absolutely all the way around and perfect and then I’m going to go ahead and put our fireplace I’m guessing at the top to burn any sort of zombies that try and make their way through and we can even make fire arrows to shoot out all of our enemies let’s go and put the high chair for a little baby villager right around this side and then I’m guessing down below there could be a little bit more space so I’m going to go in and put let do our TV stand right around here with our sofa kind of pushed in the corner and I’m guessing there is no more space for anything else so I’m going to have to throw all of this in into the chest and get out the final weapons villagers I think I’m ready let’s just go ahead and take out all of the rest of our weapons and hopefully we should have ourselves set I’m kind of scared that this final wave could take over this whole world so guys let’s go and prepare for a crazy battle uh-oh and here they are the final wave of zombies is Right upon us and they’re actually climbing up the jail to figure out how to get inside to kill off all of the villagers this is not going to be good I can’t believe that all these zombies are able to go ahead and figure out how to survive by climbing up walls and sometimes you aren’t even able to kill them okay let me go ahead and try and use up all of our weapons as fast as we can and maybe this should be able to work I can’t believe it okay we might actually have to break our way out so I’m going to actually rush over and perfect let’s try and shoot our way over and hopefully this should work by making two exits I’m kind of hoping we might be able to figure out that they won’t be able to block us in okay let me go ahead and shoot them as fast as we can before they make their way out no they’re even climbing over okay let’s go and see if this will work W they’re even invisible and now we’ve even got zombie head trying to climb their way through ah this is the first time we’ve been destroyed okay let’s try and rush over let’s go get our snipers ready and make sure that all the villagers are all right who where are they okay oh there’s a little zombie head I think we might have left our front doors open which is not going to be good and these bouldering zombies are looking scary and scary as we go along come on this has to work oh and they’re even appearing out of nowhere well the scariest thing I guess is that all of these zombie heads are scattered all around our village and we’re going to have to shoot them off as fast as we can quickly before they actually get hold of us I’m kind of scared that these zombies are getting stronger and stronger as we go along but I’m so glad to figure out that maybe we might have done it but we’re going to have to climb up these buildings ourselves and make sure we’ve shot every single one down W okay there we go let me rush over to get our ladders as fast as we can and then we can climb up to the top of the building and make sure there are no more sort of zombies roaming around trying to sneak up on us where did I put these ladders I think they’re around here somewhere and I’ve just realized there are now gravestones over all of the villages that are slowly by slowly starting to die okay let’s R over as fast as we can and make sure that no one else dies whilst we’re on the watch okay okay I’m going to climb up the main building first and I think that should be the best choice that we have okay let’s go and try and do this and perfect making sure that we don’t fall off and then we can check out everything oh how did that even happen well let’s go and try this out again and I’m going to get my alien blast already this time can you guys see anything now I’m pretty sure I did see so many zombies trying to climb their way through unless they’ve jumped down to the other side which I don’t think they might have done I can see some sort of villager copses lying around which might not be good but so far I think we’ve almost done it villagers can you guys see anything I have a feeling we might have actually finished off every single one and then the whole village is doing all right well guys I actually can’t believe it we’ve saved all the villagers and hopefully we should be all right I’m going to have to make my way down and tell them the great news that we’re completely done religious I have some wonderful news I’m really hoping this will be the final wave of zombies and now we can let loose all of our dynamite and blow this whole place up and hopefully we can get out of here and save all of our Golems well I’m going to go choose an airplane to go ahead and use which I’m kind of guessing the helicopter might be our best fit so guys I will see you soon with a crazy Minecraft video and don’t for to like this video subscribe down below Buton is red and don’t for to go ahead and press notifications Bell and guys I see you all very soon peace out hello guys and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video with today the villagers have gone ahead and invited us to this wonderful prison where it seems like the villagers need our help in going ahead and cons in every single one of the prisoners and I think they’ve almost got it set up they’ve literally put around so many prisoner golems that I’m super excited to find out what’s inside the chest so let’s go and speak to our villager friend and let’s go see what he wants us to do hello Ned I am glad you have come to help us we are trying to make this zombie prison unbreakable we have set up loads of items for you to make this the strongest prison ever if you need anything let us know wait are you trying to see that right inside this prison there are only zombie mobs okay that does sound pretty scary and Yep they’re right look there’s a whole zombie trying to break their way out and there’s even baby zombies okay this is kind of scary I have a feeling if we look around we’re going to encounter so many zombie types that I’m a little bit scared that if one of the villages opens the door this could be a huge disaster and look there’s even different types of zombies trying to break their way through the top okay let’s go ahead and figure out what they want us to do today and hopefully everything should be right inside the chest villager all the zombies are trying to break out okay I’m going to go ahead and put on this four Emerald head which is going to be the first thing we’re going to do and hopefully it will go ahead and protect us in case there’s a breach and I think all of these Golems are super ready to fight off this whole horde I’m also going to take out a few of these torture mechanisms that are going to go ahead and scare off any zombies that try to break their way in as well so let me put it down our little burning steak with our first zombie pig inside and then right around here I’m going to put the Gallows which is going to be perfect for our zombie husk ah gross and let’s not forget about the final two which is going to be inside our gibbet which I’m going to put right inside here and then our stocks which I’m going to go ahead and put in our final zombie villagers this is well too scary for me I have a feeling we could end in a disaster if this ends up breaking loose the whole world is going to be contaminated by loads of zombies so I’m going to go and take out our Golem heads as well as all our Golem spawners and let me go ahead and spawn them right inside this prison with a few of our wooden barricades which I’m going to go ahead and scatter around just around here so every single one of the golems that we spawn will go ahead and actually keep themselves very safe so let me just go ahead and put these spikes right around here to keep away any sort of zombies that break their way out and perfect and let me go ahead and spawn our first few of our monsters right around here oh it’s well too scary I’m going to go ahead and put in our obsidian golum which is going to be the best one we can go ahead and spawn for now and perfect as well as our white wo one this is going to be perfect in making sure that none of these zombies get themselves out villagers we’re getting ourselves ready this is going to be perfect okay let’s not give up now and let me go ahead and spawn our melon Golem which is going to be super cool and I’m guessing we can even test them out later on let’s just do our blocks of quartz one which is going to be perfect in making sure that none of these zombies see the lights of day and then we can actually head upstairs to the upper part of the prison where I think we might encounter a few monsters let me go ahead and put our glass Golem right around here and perfect making sure that none of the zombies break all this lava because if they do the whole prison will burn up let’s also figure out what we can go ahead and do with our Sandstone Golem which I’m going to spawn right around here and perfect and the final spikes I am going to go ahead and put on the top of the stairs there we go just in case they can Spike anyone or even go ahead and Spike the zombies let’s not forget to take out a whole new row of our items and perfect let me go ahead and spawn the next one right around here which I’m kind of a little bit scared to find out that some of these prison doors are absolutely open this could be bad news for us but thankfully the magma Golem looks awesome I can’t wait to go ahead and spawn a few more around here villagers what do you guys think all of these zombies are well too scary for us so I’m a little bit scared that this could be really dangerous no they’re trying to p is in the villagers okay and the trap door is going ahead and opening up villagers don’t you guys worry I’m going to go ahead and make sure we can do this so let me Spawn our sponge Golem right around here and awesome and let’s go ahead and spawn a couple more I think we’re going to need so many more Golems right around here villagers if I spawn a zombie Golem I am so sorry let’s go make sure that our villager doesn’t get close villager what are you trying to do this whole Zombie h will go ahead and eat you up well let me just quickly go ahead and spawn the final golems and then we take out all the weapons and all the spikes as well as all the Mind blocks okay so far this has been insane oh wait how did this suddenly happen it seems like loads of zombies have broken their way out okay let’s try and get out of for ourselves and hopefully we can do this villagers I’m going to need some weapons somehow so many of these Golems have gotten themselves out I’m a little bit scared and here they come okay let me go ahead and use our weapons and hopefully we can actually suot down these last few zombies now there’s so many of them and some of them look well too scary for us I can’t even see them okay this is not going to be good villagers I need your help this is going to be one of the scariest days ever but thankfully I don’t think they’re going to go ahead and get themselves consumed by all of this sunlight nope some of these zombies are well too strong and they’re going ahead and surviving inside the daylight as nothing was even happening to them okay let’s head back inside the prison and let’s go and see if it worked villagers is everything good oh okay even there’s zombie heads around now I’m going to have to go ahead and probably open up these doors and Destroy every single zombie inside and hopefully this should work are we good ah look there’s so many more of them let’s go actually go ahead and kill them to make sure this never happens ever again ah there’s even more around okay and they’re going ahead and actually teleporting themselves in NOP we’re running out of weapons I’m going to have to even go ahead and spawn some of our Golems right outside so I’m going to spawn diamond golem right around here that hopefully should go ahead and fight off every single evil zombie that breaks their way out get him diamond golem get him perfect I’m so glad this is working but sadly some of our weapons didn’t do any effect on them whatsoever so let me actually take out a whole new row and let’s go and see if this works no he’s teleporting around this is not going to work ah I hate it when they go ahead and do that because you can’t even see exactly where they are and they will go ahead and consume everything around us well he’s trying to go ahead and jump on us okay this can’t be good but it seems like that these zombies are actually indestructible right now I’m going to have to go ahead and figure out if we can spawn more Golems right inside no little chicken was trying to go ahead and destroy our whole world nope villager it’s time for you to get out I have a feeling these zombies are absolutely everywhere right now but sadly we have lost so many of our items okay let me go ahead and spawn the last few golems that we have which I think we might be missing a block let we go ahead and spawn a Lapis Luli one which should be pretty decent in protecting us and perfect nope it’s not working okay this can’t be good I’m going to have to go ahead then and do our glowstone one hopefully this will go ahead and help us out villagers it’s time to back off this is going to be a pretty crazy world right now and for some reason our lapis Lo Zuli one just won’t work maybe I can go ahead and actually spawn our emal one which will protect us from every evil monster okay I really hope we should be able to do this but I’m going to need my blocks back which for some reason I seem to have lost well whil we wait for them I’m going to run back and take out some more weapons religious it’s almost time we’re going to have to go ahead and take everything out right now because I think we’re going to run out of blocks let me throw in all the items I won’t be needing I’m also going to take out our SWAT armors as well as the final traps and then even our structure block which we can go ahead and spawn right around here to make sure we can actually protect the whole village let’s go and see if this works so all we we got to do is head right up to the top and we can go ahead and shoot out every single zombie that will go ahead and appear from this prison it will be really awesome let me get down from here because we’ve actually had a report that there could be some more evil monsters around villager stay inside I think this is going to be a really crazy day so we’re going to have to keep everyone really safe and make sure nothing happens let me take out my final items which is going to be pretty decent and hopefully we can even spawn our final lapis lazuli Golem nope I can still hear them everywhere okay okay let’s Rush inside let me go do my lapis Lai one that now works and then finally our Emerald one and hopefully all of us together can go ahead and use our little SWAT gear to keep us safe it’s going to be the most insane prison ever and look okay let’s rush around let’s go make sure we’re actually doing this and hopefully there’s no zombies that have escaped let’s go have a quick look yep I told you there are zombies everywhere okay now’s my chance to go ahead and use our zombie skepta to spawn our own zombies they will go ahead and fight against this evil horde yes it’s working okay let’s go shoot all the ones that are reaching the top and hopefully this should work yes it’s working okay let’s also use our Grim Reaper wow it’s working so nicely perfect I knew this would work this is going to go ahead and actually demolish all of these zombies but sadly we might have opened up the gates to the prison villagers try and get out ah this is going to be insane right now okay let me make my way through let’s go ahead and to make sure that all of these villagers are okay and hopefully this should work no I’m so sorry I didn’t realize there was some more ammo inside okay I’m going to have to now make it up to the villagers and let’s open up all these Gates and make sure that all these zombies are now destroyed because I can hear so many of them let’s open up every single prison and let’s go and Destroy them perfect and good okay now we’re going to have to head inside and finish them off let’s go see if this will work wo watch out he’s everywhere and perfect ah there the zombie head around oh and now we’re losing our own zombies this is so sad and I can even see that we’ve lost a villager because this villager gravestone is right around here well let’s wait for our zombies to pass away and we can go ahead and check out to see if there’s another Zombie h heading our Direction Golems villagers is it all safe I have a feeling we might be close to finishing this off but we’ve still got so many items to go ahead and try out let me take out all these items which are pretty insane right now and hopefully this should work I’m going to have to go ahead let’s break out some of this flooring and let’s put our scers down that we go ahead and spawn spikes you guys ready see I told you these spikes are pretty scary I’m going to have to go ahead and actually figure out if we can go and spawn so many more of them let’s open this and perfect this one right around here making sure we don’t misplace them and hopefully this should work can we break it yep perfect let me go ahead and put it right around here then another one right on this side and awesome and let’s just go ahead and do our final few traps and I think this should be pretty decent I’m kind of scared though that even some of our Golems might accidentally step on these so let’s just goad and place them right around here and then some spikes right in between so whatever walks in this direction will’ll go ahead and get themselves caught up in it okay let’s make sure that this works and hopefully we should be pretty safe right now there we go and perfect and I’ve also realized they’ve given us some mines which I’m going to go in and scatter around here what wait it just blew up in front of us how am I supposed to place them then if they’ll go ahead and blow up as soon as we actually place them down okay I’m not touching those again let me throw in all the items that I won’t need and I’m going to take out the final few items that we have which is going to be pretty sick right now I’m going to go ahead and spawn our security cameras so we can go ahead and look around and see what’s going on perfect let’s one another one right around here and awesome and then a couple more right inside the corners VES what you guys think I’m going to have to check up on these cameras very soon and let’s go ahead and see if they work I’m going to put the final one right on the other side so we can check to see exactly what’s happening I’m actually kind of scared right now I think all the villagers are totally ready though for us to finish off this Mission so let me Spawn the final warm and perfect and let’s wait for the final wave and we can check every single one of these cameras yep I think we’re all safe right now one of the villagers has alerted us that one of the Golems is going ahead and fighting against a zombie hor which I think is on the western side of the prison yep they are let me try and go ahead and zoom in and let’s go and see if this will work yes look they’re everywhere okay we’re going to have to go ahead and zoom out and let’s go ahead and save our wonderful friends which I think are right around this side so let’s rush over and perfect let’s go and load them into our traps and let’s go and see if this will work here we go yes it’s working as soon as I can drag them all in hopefully we can go ahead and actually get them all to on the spikes let’s go see if this will work now I could actually go ahead and kill off these little baby ones and hopefully this will be decent yep it’s working perfect and even our little Golems are going ahead and helping us out let’s drag them all towards these spikes and let’s go see if this works who it doesn’t work the baby ones are well too fast okay I’m going to have to go ahead and use our traps wa yes it’s working I’m so glad these spikes are doing a great job so we can go ahead and also use our Spectre of zombie spawners and hopefully this should work and we can also spawn in all our items WAOW there’s so many of them and they even killed a poor Golem okay let’s go and try and do this as fast as we can which I think should be a pretty decent fight run it’s going to be really bad for us and I’m down to one of my final weapons which is our golden revolver let’s go see if this will work and perfect I’m going to have to use them so wisely to make sure that every single one of our Golems will fight them way out no they’ve killed them off again okay let’s go and do this ah gross and I think we’ve almost done it we’re down to our last few perfect I can’t believe it let’s go make sure that this whole area is almost clear and I think we should almost be done I’m going to have to drag in all of my Golems run it’s going to be pretty bad right now but thankfully we do have a few weapons that should be a to help us yes we’ve done it well guys it’s been so awesome today going ahead and spawning every single one of these items and I really hope that we’ve gone ahead and even save this wonderful prison but I’m almost scared that we could be down to our last few monsters nope I think he’s stuck well guys it’s been so cool today so don’t forget to like this video subscribe down below button is red and don’t foret to go ahead and post notifications Bell and guys I see you all very soon now to make sure that we can get through these spikes ourselves whoop perfect I’m so glad it worked so guys I’m really happy that the villagers are okay with us and I’ll see you all very soon peace out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SAVE VILLAGE FROM A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HARDCORE MOD / DANGEROUS 100 DAYS !! Minecraft Mods’, was uploaded by MC Naveed – Minecraft on 2024-07-08 11:00:30. It has garnered 3837 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:54 or 3294 seconds.

Minecraft SAVE VILLAGE FROM A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HARDCORE MOD / DANGEROUS 100 DAYS !! Minecraft Mods – MC Naveed will use techguns and furniture mod to defend the Villager and Golem mobs by building a bunker that should hold off 3 waves of mobs.

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    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Kerem’s Stomach Surprise: Minecraft Mayhem

    Kerem's Stomach Surprise: Minecraft Mayhem In the depths of Hello Neighbor’s stomach, Kerem Commissioner did roam, To retrieve the hard drive, swallowed in the belly’s dark home. With a leap and a bound, he ventured inside, To find the truth, no need to hide. The journey was treacherous, the stomach’s walls slick, But Kerem was determined, he wouldn’t be tricked. He found the hard drive, amidst the bile and the goo, And with a triumphant cry, he knew what to do. He emerged from the stomach, victorious and bold, With the hard drive in hand, the story now told. Kerem Commissioner, the hero of… Read More

  • Wool World

    Wool WorldWool world is a PVP server. Red vs Blue. There is colored wool areas that you must destroy to claim the teritory for your team. Claim resources like spawners and push into the enemy land to expand! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Server Features: Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Trailer: A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Greedy capitalism sparks creativity”

    Minecraft Memes - "Greedy capitalism sparks creativity"Why be innovative when you can just mine for diamonds all day? #CapitalismWinning Read More

  • Redstone Wonders: 2024’s Top 10 Builds!

    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂 I know them better than I know myself! 😂 #nerdlife Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

    MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure Minecraft Survival with 150+ Mods: Exploring Worlds (LP 2) Embark on a thrilling survival journey in Minecraft with over 150 mods! The second series of survival adventures awaits, promising a unique and enhanced gameplay experience. Survival with a Twist With an extensive collection of mods, players can expect a whole new level of challenges and excitement. From new creatures and items to enhanced mechanics and environments, every aspect of the game is transformed, offering endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Unleashing Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of playing Minecraft with mods is the ability to unleash creativity… Read More


    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

    Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft top 10 texture-packs in pvp’, was uploaded by NOT_SK_01 on 2024-03-05 14:46:01. It has garnered 49 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. minecraft top 10 texture packs in pvp minecraft ,top 10 minecraft mods ,top 10 minecraft texture packs ,minecraft resource packs ,minecraft texture pack ,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft 1.19,top minecraft mods, minecraft texture packs,top 10 cursed minecraft texture packs, best minecraft resource packs, top 10 texture packs for minecraft 1.19.4,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft,top 10 minecraft realistic texture packs… Read More

  • EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!

    EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore not really part 9- Building a hut’, was uploaded by Fire Fox 64 on 2024-03-17 18:04:10. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:37 or 1357 seconds. I built a small hut to live in Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🥵🔥🤯#shorts #trending #ytshorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Confuse man on 2024-05-31 07:39:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🤯🔥🥵👍 People also ask What defines a house Minecraft? A “house” is defined as a claimed bed. If the bed is obstructed by a solid block, villagers cannot pathfind to it and therefore cannot claim the bed. Things to build in Minecraft Volcano. Castle. Modern Skyscraper. Floating Base. Bridge. Ship. Lighthouse…. Read More

  • 10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by brine playz on 2024-05-13 14:33:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts Thanks For Watching ! . . . Share with your friends plzzz IGNORE ALL HASHTAG … Read More


    MINE KRISH - CREEPY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SCARY SEEDS 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-24 14:34:35. It has garnered 1712 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING: HIHA CATCHES BILLY CONFESSING TO KITTY IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIHA PHÁT HIỆN BILLY TỎ TÌNH KITTY TRONG MINECRAFT*GIA ĐÌNH HUGGY 😍🤣’, was uploaded by Oops Hiha on 2024-02-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 754122 views and 14795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:51 or 1551 seconds. HIHA FOUND BILLY CONFESSING KITTY IN MINECRAFT*HUGGY FAMILY 😍🤣 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey, I’m HihaChobi :3 Today, in the Huggy world, a super interesting scene appeared, let’s watch it ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join this channel as a member to enjoy the following privileges: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎬 SUBSCRIBE HihaChobi ►: 📰 FACEBOOK FANPAGE ►: 📰Hiha fan group ► :… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱

    Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:41. It has garnered 153 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL Request

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:52:52. It has garnered 276 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • The Redlands

    The RedlandsWelcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined. Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server! Experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community today! 🌟 Read More

  • Vibe Nation MC

    Vibe Nation MCWelcome to Vibe Nation MC! We’re new around here and just getting started! Come join the vibes on our 1.21 Survival Eco/MCMMO server! Our servers Eco is based around 3 things: Fishing, Crops, and Mob drops. And yes, we also have spawners! Most importantly you can claim your land, so no one will be able to mess with your builds! Bare with us though, as stated we are very new to all this and hope to see some of you join in on the adventure!Here’s our Discord for any further questions: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

    “Me trying to explain a glitch to my non-gamer friends: It’s like when you try to count to infinity in Minecraft, but accidentally hit infinite likes instead.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Gun Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Gun Showdown In Minecraft, we added guns, a twist so bold, Fire, ice, potions, magic, and dragons, behold! Each gun brings a new power, a new thrill, Changing the game, adding a new skill. Fire Gun, Ice Gun, Potion Gun, and more, Magic Wand and Dragon Gun, what’s in store? Exploring new ways to play, to fight, In this Minecraft world, where creativity takes flight. So grab your guns, and let the battles begin, In this world of blocks, where you can always win. With guns in hand, the possibilities are endless, In Minecraft, where every moment is a new genesis. Read More

  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

    Villager Spittin' Hot Fire with New Rail Hack When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Time for a rail intervention! Read More

  • BobLyn’s Insane Arctic Outpost Build – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    BobLyn's Insane Arctic Outpost Build - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building An Arctic Outpost – Fjordhaven Minecraft Adventures Ep. 1’, was uploaded by BobLyn on 2024-05-11 19:00:18. It has garnered 412 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:44 or 2684 seconds. Thank you Team Buck Nutty, you are the GOAT! Join My Discord: #gaming #minecraft #smp #survival #building #relaxing Read More

  • Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!

    Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!Video Information This video, titled ‘Download Minecraft game with a very high graphics #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #like’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-05-25 11:08:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft animation pokku herobrine minecraft meme 100 days minecraft challenge funny … Read More

  • Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴

    Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴Video Information This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days On a Survival island in Minecraft in Hindi 🔥 Part 2’, was uploaded by Down To Next on 2024-02-27 03:44:32. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:33 or 213 seconds. We Survived 100 Days On a Survival island in Minecraft in Hindi 🔥 Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi | My First Video 🔥 Minecraft: Survival Series #1 in hindi | Minecraft Mcpe Survival Series Gameplay #1 Tags :- #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalindonesia #minecrafthindi #minecraftpetips #minecraftsurvivalseriesliveinsaan #minecraftfunny… Read More

  • Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND – Minecraft Parody

    Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND - Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU BLOOD GODDESS on an ALL BOYS ISLAND in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-06-08 15:00:04. It has garnered 1046 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: APHMAU BLOOD GODDESS on an ALL BOYS ISLAND in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations… Read More

  • Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in Bengali

    Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in BengaliVideo Information This video, titled ‘My First Day In Language Series (BENGALI) || LANGUAGE SERIES #1’, was uploaded by MCPE MOD OP on 2024-04-02 10:30:00. It has garnered 203 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:26 or 566 seconds. My First Day In Language Series (BENGALI) || LANGUAGE SERIES #1 #minecraft #mcpemodop #languageseries Like Share And Support!!!! ___________________________________________ ♥️ Subscribe 😚2nd Channel: 💜 Instagram 💙 Facebook 😎 Discord 🔥 Telegram For Business Email:- [email protected] ___________________________________________ Don’t Forget To Like, Comment,And Subscribe For More Minecraft Content, And Share This Video With… Read More

  • Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuber

    Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuberVideo Information This video, titled ‘Foxageddon //chilling before mining the craft – our farm will be the best! #vtuber #minecraft’, was uploaded by LifuLifu on 2024-07-17 15:43:19. It has garnered 353 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:45 or 13545 seconds. Armenian – Vietnamese Duo just having fun! Welcome to the gaming realm of LifuLifu, your favorite otter spirit queen turned gaming sensation. 👾🦦👑 Trapped in the mortal realm, she’s now ruling the Zen Garden alongside Zen, her bunny sidekick. 🐰 Gear up for epic gaming sessions, hilarious hijinks, and loads of laughs. For your daily… Read More

  • “Sloth of Wallstreet: Monkey D Luffy in Minecraft!” 🐒🌹

    "Sloth of Wallstreet: Monkey D Luffy in Minecraft!" 🐒🌹Video Information This video, titled ‘Monkey D Luffy in th Minecraft Verse 🐒🌹#digitalart #fanart #art #drawing #minecraft #onepiece #luffy’, was uploaded by sloth of wallstreet on 2024-01-06 11:00:56. It has garnered 10475 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant Mobs

    Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Warden vs Mutant Mobs | Warden vs All mutant Mobs | Warden vs Mutant Creatures’, was uploaded by Parves Craft Gamer on 2024-04-05 15:57:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Warden vs Mutant Mobs | Warden vs All mutant Mobs | Warden vs Mutant Creatures Prepare for an epic clash in Minecraft as the … Read More