SB737 – I Built a BEDROCK FARM in Minecraft Hardcore

Video Information

Sunblocks in Minecraft are meant to be impossible to obtain and Bedrock is one of them impossible to break impossible to obtain and definitely impossible to make a farm for well breaking it is easy but obtaining and farming it is ridiculously complicated but not too complicated for me because I put weeks

Of preparation and Research into this video and to pull this off I must successfully complete three phases firstly build a Bedrock Factory so that I have somewhere to put all of the Bedrock that I get then I must downgrade my world to 1.12 without corrupting or

Deleting junks last time I did this I completely brought my spawn area and lost a load of precious items but this time I’ve come with new tricks and methods to stop that from happening and then phase three build a farm that allows you to obtain Bedrock over and

Over and over again I’m not gonna use a snapshot because those are just buggy messes that are not official releases although before all that to get loads of Bedrock I need loads of feathers I’ll explain why later so for that I’m going to have to build a chicken farm here’s

All the items I’m gonna need as well as I whole lot of chicken eggs thankfully I spent a long time forcing all of these guys to lay eggs for me okay I nearly got five Stacks straight away and there’s loads and loads and loads more

In this chest right here I mean I mean look at them all yeah eggs are definitely something that I I probably have too many of also there is still some of my 7 000 days posters for sale they’re on sp737 dot store and I have signed every single one so this is the

Spot that I’m going to build it and the plan is whilst I’m building the Bedrock Factory this will be running in the background it’s a multitasking and efficiency that’s what it’s all about it’s actually such a simple Farm to build basically it’s going to be throwing out eggs that become chickens

The baby chickens won’t be able to reach lava but when they grow to adults they’ll burn and I’ll get cooked chicken and lots of feathers so I’m just gonna encase in where the chickens are gonna go and the final wall of them is not gonna be glass instead it’s gonna be

Trap doors flipped up observers will detect when there’s items in The Hoppers next I’m gonna get my chickens in that are actually going to do the egg laying so loads them in here hopefully I brought a defense for all this because I want 24 in each slot which is the

Maximum before entity cram intakes over okay around yeah you guys can just enjoy life are three of you I have no idea anyway I’m just gonna head back home and grab loads and loads and loads and loads more eggs all right chickens prepare to be overrun

At this point new ones are starting to die so I’ll just start putting loads into this slot as well it looks like there’s enough in here as well because then they’re starting to die too and now I must patiently waiting for them all to grow up this is gonna take about 20 minutes

Looks like every single one has grown I think we had a few casualties in the process from NC coming but it’s not the end of the world we’re gonna put these observers in remove the dirt and place redstone on top of the dispensers and it’s pretty much done I just need to add

A little bit of lava and basically every time a chicken lays an egg it will send the signal to here which will dispense the egg and summon lava so that if there’s an adult chicken it will die if it’s a baby chicken it’ll be fine so because that’s in spawn jumps I can

Leave that running to get me loads and loads of feathers and in the meantime I Can Begin phase one which is to build the Bedrock Factory it’s going to take quite a lot of materials to build it so I’m gonna get busy gathering them all up Thank you And once I have crafted this Loom I will have every single item for this project my goodness that took a long time and whilst I was gathering up all of those items my chicken farm will have been running in the background so finally three stacks of feathers it’s not the

Fastest thing in the world but nice because eggs don’t get laid out often and not every egg is gonna hatch to be a chick and on top of that it takes 20 minutes for a chip to grow up now to build the Bedrock Factory I’d actually like to expand in this Direction with

All those buildings over there I think it’d be cool to have some sort of factory district maybe with more in the future and so I’m gonna put the very first one here which means mining up quite a bit of this Terrain and that is that it is now done the

Factory is gonna go right here and before I continue I need to repair the shovel because I really don’t want it to break as you’ve probably gathered it takes a lot of materials to build but to start with I’m gonna get some mud bricks and also light gray wall plus a load of

Gravel so I can get started on the bottom outline so this is the general shape so far and this will have to go all the way around and there we have it the entire outer edge is done parts of the walls are gonna be dirt but it’s all

Becoming grass blocked so I better hurry up and build the layer on top of it although before that we’re gonna have a bit of a checkerboard pattern for the floor it’s going to involve gravel and light gray wall and this pattern is going to more or less cover the entire

Floor and with that being placed down it starts to look a little bit more like a factory floor but there’s going to be a section that’s all got a different floor there and also a different floor there and those items are iron blocks red concrete light gray concrete stone brick

Stairs and then finally a warning line kind of thing that alternates between black and yellow I think it’s starting to look pretty good there’ll be all sorts of machines over here and it’s going to be the same kind of thing over on this side perfect and now with that

All sorted I can start expanding the walls upwards I’ve reached the height of the walls where I’m doing the windows now and I’m using scaffolding for that to give it that industrial feel as I really want this to have a proper Factory feel to it just a little

Progress update with how I’m getting on it is now really starting to look like a factory from the inside I’m liking it the front and the sides are getting there too they’ll look better and better as these walls go up but yeah this inside really has that wear out you feel

And I feel like build up these walls is quite repetitive and not that interesting which is why I’m not showing you much of it instead I’ll be adding all the Contraptions on the inside that’ll be the coolest bit and so I’ll continue building this up until the entire exterior is done thank you

Foreign I might end up removing all the Snokes it’s a bit patchy all I have to say all I can say is right now it’s looking pretty good and so now work can begin on the interior I should probably start by getting rid of all this snow I wish it

Had snowed after I built the roof it’s gonna be very annoying with the gravel but it must be done because I can’t really have a factory that’s just full of snow but quite a good technique because I know which ones gravel and which one’s wall I can go fast on the

Wall and slow when there’s gravel I’ve realized it’s just gonna be way quicker if I go ahead and place buckets and do it that way yeah I don’t know why I was manually mine up every single one because this is 10 times faster mission accomplished I took all the snow in here

To go back to the storage and first things first in both this position and that position it’s going to be beacons and the plan is for the beacon to look like a bit of a laser a red one going into the Bedrock but the Bedrock is

Gonna go here like so and because Beacon beams go through bedrock it’ll look really really good I just can’t quite build it yet because obviously I haven’t got Bedrock you know that’s that’s kind of important but once I have it I will sort it in the meantime I can add the

Cage that’s going to go around this because it’s going to look like a chamber that’s sealed off with glass that’s the foundation and I’m going to build it up quite a bit before I add the iron block roof I’m just constructing the laser so it’s going to kind of build

Outwards like not like that although from down here you can kind of see how it’s okay it’s not looking very good hold on a second well it says try and uh fly our way up and yeah from there we’re gonna have blocks like this so it’s a

Bit more of a I would say triangle but that’s not quite right more like a cone shape oh no you know I’m getting this all wrong basically like that and then over the top I can add my iron blocks now start looking pretty good and as a

Final touch I’m going to add walls around the outside and then string in between with Carpets on top that’s nicely done it looks a little bit strange because there’s no Bedrock but I’m just going to build the exact same thing over here so in three two one and

There we go also had a bit of decoration on the floor in the middle so let’s just kind of have Redstone torches going up in a bit of a staircase like so I do want one more here but I’m worried that I can’t quite reach the topics like we

Can build up and place that kind of looks like something you’d see in the factory anyway something else that I want to do is to add a load of staircases around the thing so I’m thinking for this we do something like this and it just keeps working its way

Up with iron bars like so so you’ve got this kind of cool effect of a staircase with sights that’s a bottom layer done and I’m also going to keep building it up like this and now I’ll add staircases on this side just for a bit of symmetry

For over there that can also connect to this balcony and from there I can have three more staircases going on and then over on this side I’d like to add a staircase down there and a staircase down here to connect both sides this side’s looking good and so is this one

Next I want a crisscross of beams just to connect everything up with lanterns hanging off the middle for decoration next I’d like to tackle the Bedrock waterfall I feel like everybody who makes a factory does one of these and I have no exception they just look very

Cool and they’re a very fun way to show off all your items and the Redstone is pretty simple to do too so items are going to get pushed along the blue ice until they get to right here and then they will go or in a water elevator this

Is going to have glass walls on all of the sides and I can completely film to the top with water using kelp just one second I need a little bit more water just so that I can add these bits to flow the items through next I can build

The honey all the way up next I need to be able to transfer a redstone signal upwards so I can turn the machine on and off so I’m going to use torches to do that just alternating upwards to the top so I’ve got to kind of build up with

Dirt place it then add torches and do that all the way on now at this point the Redstone is pretty straightforward it involves droppers with Target blocks in between then I need more water to fill up this area because that is what is going to make the items flow into the

Honey the redstone’s easier look anytime there’s something in the dropper it will set off this comparator and create a pulse to dispense it all it’s currently switched off because of the redstone torch at the bottom but if I start running Redstone from down here underground I can connect it all up and

When I flip this lever it will technically turn the machine on for now I’m gonna have it switched off just whilst I have the item collection system this Hopper Minecart will split the items between the two droppers and this extra water will send it into the system

Now I can turn on the machine drop some items down here and watch them all flowed downwards yes it looks pretty cool and here you can see how they get distributed out now I’ll turn it off and go up here to grab my items because I

Will need them to build the rest of the factory I was all just temporary until I have the Bedrock to fill the machine speaking of machines I’d like to build a cool conveyor belt system that goes right the way through the middle it would be transporting TNT since that’s

Kind of one of the things you can use to break bedrock usually if you use a piston with it on the bottom of the conveyor belt is going to be Iron trap doors with Carpets on top that’s the general look of it and then we could have a little processing section right

Here that’s going to be built up to look like that then at the end of this I’ll have some containers with TNT in them and over here some sort of chest storage area and another decorational machine here that looks like it’s processing more items and I make another one of

Those over here that looks slightly different but still very nice indeed it’d be nice to have a little computer here that said attached to the lever that turns the Bedrock on and off fantastic the place is really starting to come together and I’d just like to develop this space on the ground maybe

With a couple of forklifts that’s one done and also a second I have to say it is really starting to look like a good Factory there’s a few things I’ve still got to do up here such as adding an iron bar guardrail and finally a Bedrock item art on the front

There we go for some reason I’m missing one block I obviously can’t count always done in the bedrock’s finished I think it looks pretty good and with that phase one is now complete which means we can move on to the second phase the world downgrade this is where I have to try

And not break my world so before I can change my world version to 1.12 I need to grab every single item I need for the Bedrock farm that means first heading to spawn and seeing just how many feathers I’ve got from the chicken farm okay more

Than enough to go with the feathers I’m also gonna need a whole lot of ink sucks which I can obtain at the squid farm that should be long enough I only want six stacks and I got way more along with those I want six stacks of books and all

Those will be perfect for chunk safe stating which I will explain later I also need another iron to craft 96 Hopper Minecarts as well as The Hoppers to go with them it also requires many many other items I’m not going to go through every single one but TNT is a

Big one which I don’t currently have enough of I need to battle another 10 Stacks but I’ve got the sand I’ve got the gunpowder and that means I’ll have the TNT and from there there’s loads of redstone components there’s loads of blocks so I Shall Gather up them all the

Mission has been accomplished in almost everything that I need is now in here except ender pearls I need one in the bowl for every piece of Bedrock that I’m gonna get so I’ve just got loads and loads of sugar boxes ready to fill the Enderman Farm is definitely the best

Place to get them because these chairs are just completely full everything’s been transferred and when I downgrade to 1.12 every single netherite item that I have will get deleted and includes my armor and anything netherite in the Ender Chest so I’m gonna do quite a bit

Of sorting to make sure no items I’m going to lose are brought and I have plenty of stuff such as food totems and Firework rockets and this could be awkward last episode I I used up every single Diamond that I have to make all these Smith intent bikes so I’m gonna

Head down to my diamond tunnel bar to mine up a load more of them and with these 37 I can make diamond armor and tools with various upgrades on them I’ve just used loads of levels up on upgrades only to realize that when you downgrade to 1.12 or below all engines get removed

And a lot of items I’m using to build the farm that are having a test World also get deleted when you downgrade your game so I’m instead going to change a bunch of items I’ll be using for the farm to ones that don’t disappear there

We go that took quite some time and ink sacks also get deleted so I need to craft book and quills and then paste a lot of complex random characters in so the book takes up lots of memory then I could name it and sign it make a second

One with more random pages that are different from the first book and duplicate these in the crafting table using more book and quills I explain why I know to have these later but now I am almost ready to downgrade my world I’ll swap out my tools and my armor and if I

Just downgrade right now no matter where I am in the world or what dimension I’m in the spawn chunks will be loaded and overwritten with chunks generated in 1.12 So to avoid that I’m going to go into the world save folder then the region folder and I’ll select these four

Files then I right click properties and make them read only but I am going to cancel it for now because I’m not quite ready to do the downgrade but those four files hold the data for the spawn chunks and making them read only will stop them from getting overwritten the Bedrock

Farm has to be built in the end but if I create a test world go to the end and TP to 2000 2000 and save and quit then when I load the same world in 1.12 it puts me at two thousand two thousand in the

Overworld so I need to get to the end and corrupt as few chunks as possible the way I’ll do that is to fly to some very specific coordinates because when you download the world it also changes the scene to zero on that version so that allows me to know where the

Stronghold and different biomes will be so I’ll stand right here and wait for it to become day there we go now I can save and quit make the spawn regions read only and load the world in 1.12 this will lure me into a jungle bio with all

Of my items this is where I can get all the needed Oakwood cocoa beans and jungle wood because all of those items get deleted when you downgrade so I couldn’t bring them with me from one 1.20 slime blocks are another one that get deleted but slime balls don’t oh

Look at that collapse so the good news is I can now condense down my storage by turning all of these into blocks and that is every single one crafted so now I’ll just get to work collecting more wood you also notice that I’ve set the game to render distance too that’s just

So I override as few chunks as possible and it probably goes without saying but the methods that I’m going to use for this bedroom Farm only work up to version 1.12 in versions after that it’s all patched which is why I had to downgrade but anyway I now need to go to

The end firework Rockets get deleted when you’re downgrade which is why I’m crafting a load more of them and because the downgrade has made the seed seed zero I know exactly where the end portal is I’ll grab some extra old Globes on the way and dig straight down right here

This will land me straight into the portal room and you’d now think I can just take some eyes offender activate the portal and head on through but I can’t because doing that would take me to the main end Island and delete my entire end Hub resetting the chunks so

I’m going to use a clever trick where you place a piston underneath and a button and then watch what happens when I get pushed through the end yes it doesn’t take me to the main end Island Instead This glitch puts me at the same

Quarters in the end as I was at in the Overworld and doing that has saved my build at the main end Island now with all of that done that is Operation downgrade complete which means it’s now time for the good bit which is building the Bedrock farm and obtaining the

Bedrock and to do that I’m going to fly to a very specific location I know I am overwriting a lot of chunks but it’s the end it’s far away in the end I don’t care too much and another mechanic that we’re gonna need to understand to build

This Farm is called chunk save stating and that’s why we needed all of these books you see each book because it’s got so many characters in it takes up a load of memory and if the data you put in a chunk is larger than one megabyte then

The chunk cannot save also this was fixed in 1.16 so I’ll just show you the test world if we place these books in the shulker box like this in an alternating pattern so one type of book is there and one type of book is here Minecraft will try to compress all of

This data but if you have a couple of them down it can’t compress the data enough so it can’t save the chunk and this is the same concept as if you had a red image the file size is 8.81 kilobytes but if you have a checkered image it can’t be compressed as much

Meaning it’s bigger and this one is 9.46 kilobytes so basically with me placing two of these in the trunk there’s a lot of data there and Minecraft cannot save it so I can just do loads of stuff to the junk I can place loads and loads of

Diamonds blow up a big hole whatever and I’ll put an emerald Arrow right here so you know which chunk it was then I just fly away which unloads the junk and when I fly back you can see the emerald arrow is still there the bit that got blown up

Outside the chunk is still there but this junk has reset back to how it was and the reason is because Minecraft couldn’t save it because there was just too much data and I hope that made sense because that is a fundamental part of the Bedrock Farm you see you can use

Chunk save stating to manipulate the spawning of end gateways and actually make it try and spawn another one when you’ve already got one here how on Earth does that work well let me explain I’m also now the correct x coordinate which means I’ll have to start going north to

Get to the mission for the fun but first let me let me teach you how this works and I hope you now understand why this video took me so long to make because you had to learn a lot of complicated stuff and so this is the explanation of

Chunk population when you load a chunk for the first time at the edge of your render distance you generate it then as you move closer the chunks next to it also generate and once you get even closer four chunks in a square will have generated next to each other and at that

Point Minecraft populates the junk by adding porous fruit and sometimes and gateways and if I go ahead and save State the chunks that cause these four chunks to populate Minecraft will not realize that these four chunks are populated and next time I unload and reload them it’ll transform another end

Gateway that end Gateway might be above or depending on the chunk you save State and the angle you come at the second time it could be in a completely different position in another chunk I hope that makes sense I know it’s a bit complicated but I want to at least try

And give you guys an explanation that’s pretty much all the theory that you need to know so far now I can go and build the farm so I’ll take a bit of a break after all that explaining but yeah this is phase three build the Bedrock farm

And before I do that I need to create my shulker box save states so I’ll get all the books placed down and further down the line I’ve also got a need silk touch so I shall grab these place it all down and see what I can get so quite a few

Attempts but I’ve got it and I’ve got all those books I am going to swap my elytra for a brand new pair because those have nearly broken and if I take an anvil I can also put him breaking two on it and I might as well have grab my

Boots too and with that I’m ready to head north to where the end Gateway is that I’ll be building the farm there it is up ahead you can see the beam and I need to save State the chunk that is just behind it now the next time I

Unload and load these chunks it’ll try and spawn another end Gateway but because of the position I’ll be added it’ll spawn in this chunk so that’s how I’m gonna do the farm I’m going to get rid of all these empty shulker boxes and then I’ll bump up the render distance so

That I don’t accidentally unload this jump and I’m first going to build the platform that the player is going to stand on which will launch at the ender pearl towards the end Gateway over there this right here is the spot and the platform is going to be at this height

It’s quite a long platform because when you’re using the farm at render distance 12 you’ll need to unload the save stated chunks which means wandering all the way down here I’m also putting sea lanterns down to spawn proof it and now I’m going to build the mechanism that will launch

My ender pearl or all the way over there the mechanism is starting to take shape right here there’s going to be a bolt if I can just place it down there we go and if I back it up it’s going to be up against this wall and the glass then

There’s going to be another wall right there oh looks correctly aligned to me and so I can continue building upwards there’s still a bit more Redstone to be able to make it properly work but there’s going to be a long trail of stone in this direction that has sticky

Pistons and slime blocks on it that will push the ender pearl along and there you have it the ender pearl Cannon is complete this piston and slime right here will connect up to the big lag machine I’ll be building that later because right now I’d like to test it

Out and of course it can’t be tested out until I’ve built the platform for the ender pearl to land on and with that done I can now test out the ender pearl transporter so I throw this here and I land all the way onto this platform

That’s perfect and now I can extend this slime connector all the way up here then along sideways and upwards and this will go into a massive machine that creates lots of TNT to make a big like Spike but I’m not going to build that just yet

First I’m going to finish this area here on this dirt block there’s going to be a piece of grass and I can break that to update this chunk to load it during The Lex bike you’ll understand what I mean when you see the farm in action and down

Here I’m going to build a renewable way to save State the chunks and reset the Farm so that it’s reusable because it would just take up way too many books if I had to play soccer boxes like this every time so that is the machine but

How does it work well this is my testing world I wanted to make a renewable Save State machine because these books are in Stacks Minecraft can save them and because the Hoppers are powered they can’t take out the items but if I push this button all the items are equally

Going to each Hopper and now because they’re split up into different stacks and single items Minecraft cannot save this chunk I can do what I want here fly far far away and when I return the blocks are gone and the books are back in the mine cart Hoppers so yeah that

Was attempt one then I refined into this system basically right here there are 16 empty Hopper Minecarts in one spot so I just place them all like this and there are 16 of each book in this chest I push the button it puts the hopper Minecraft underneath and they all split evenly

Into all the hopper Minecraft each Hopper Minecart has two books if I break that you can see the one underneath does if I grab them the 100 does etc etc and I can place loads of blocks fly away and the chunk is reset another way to create

A design that will save State this chunk and this chunk this was the first one which it works okay basically the items will fill up and then they get pushed here but the hopper mine cards are a little bit crazy this chunk is devastated now and this Chunk we can see

If I kind of just push them around they go a little bit crazy I didn’t like that method so in the end I created this if I push this button this chunk I mean will get save stated so I’ll be able to reuse it anytime this chunk will also get safe

Stated so everything will go back to normal and then this chunk here can get save stated because these Hopper mine cards that are right there will get pushed into this chunk so what that will mean is I can push this button this chunk is saved this chunk is saved and

This one is now save stated I can do what I want in all three of them and if I fly away all the chunks are reset also if you want to see what the design is for pushing it twice basically these blocks get pushed if these Pistons

Extend twice and blocks get pushed so that’s how they get pushed two blocks and now back to the world where I’m next going to create a system that automatically buds rails and a budded rail is a rail that’s powered without actually having a power source this is the construction I’ve designed I press

This button and it buds the rails place the block next to them updates them and turns them off and these four rails will also be budded because this redstone block is in the same stated chunk and when the game removes it because it can’t save it these rails stay powered

Even when they shouldn’t be now I’ll just add a slime block here and some fire and an end Gateway is going to generate and replace this slime block but just before that I’m going to extinguish this fire and break the slime block in one action with a silk through

Pickaxe and that is what will make bedrock drop but before we can do that I need to get better building a giant TNT lag machine thank you and with that the entire Bedrock Farm is now complete I’ve got a few spare items left over so I’ll drop them up in the

Chest and since my lights are nearly broken if I go into here grab those grab those and put them together I’m gonna run spanking new pair with them breaking too there’s so many empty sugar boxes left over I’d love to fill them all with bedrock but I don’t think I’ll have time

But quite all of that instead I’ll craft a little more Rockets grab some ender pearls and head over here I could have also built a smaller TNT like machine that puts TNT into lazy chunks but then it would have taken the machine a lot longer to reset itself so it wasn’t

Really worth it because it just would have made the farm too slow so whilst this chunk I’m going to make my render distance 12 and then I’ll wait for an auto save and always happens when the time on my computer which is six minutes past five is the same as the date

Modified of the World Series see it just changed that because Auto Sales happen every 45 seconds so I’m Gonna Save States this chunk and I’ll also Save State this one and that one and that means that anything that happens in those three chunks now will not be saved

But anything I did before I pressed up button will still remain and the farm is now ready for me to obtain bedrock and this is a quick explanation of how the farm works I throw my underbell upwards and it gets transported along landing on this platform meanwhile this machine

Produces a load of TNT and in the same ticket as the Pearl lands all this TNT explodes this creates a lag Spike allow me to be at the edge of my Runner distance without loading new chunks I break this grass which loads another chunk then they extinguish the fire

Which will instantly break the slime block at the same time with silk touch still in the same tick this causes the bulleted rails to turn off loading the chunk that spawns the end Gateway and the end gateway then spawns and the game thinks that the broken slime is bedrock

Making Bedrock drop to the ground so that’s the explanation behind it let’s see if it works I’ve just gotta wait for the autosave which has just happened so I throw the underbell all that TNT’s over there fantastic and then the post landed right so I now need to break the

Grass then I go like this and in theory you yes we got Bedrock we have got Bedrock let me go and save State the chunk so that I can redo this but yes ladies and gentlemen I’ve got bedrock in Hardcore Minecraft and from there I can just fly back onto this platform run

Backwards and forwards along the redstone blocks to properly unload the chunks and then when the next auto save happens which it just has I can do it again it is going to just reset itself and allow me to do it over and over again I can stand in the fire because of

The lag we get the Bedrock we press that we fly back and all of it took me less than 30 seconds meaning every 45 seconds because that’s when every auto save happens I can get another piece of Bedrock it’s just so renewable it just works over and over again it’s fantastic

It’s really really easy and correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think anyone has ever made a better farm for Bedrock than this obviously people have had different methods and stuff getting it but I think this is the best that anyone’s done but I could be wrong

Because there’s a lot of clever Minecraft players out there all I know is I’m gonna get a lot of Bedrock very very fast and I’m just gonna keep doing it over and over again I’m once I do this it is going to get me Bedrock piece number ten and because I’m getting a

Piece of Bedrock every 50 seconds which is because the auto save is 45 seconds and it’s about five seconds of lag as well it means I get six pieces every five minutes and in about 54 minutes I can get a full stack so I’m just gonna keep going because that is exactly what

I want and in just less than 25 minutes so it’s actually a bit faster than I expected I’m about to get piece number 32 which puts me halfway so I should have a stack in less than 50 minutes I think it’s faster than my calculations because the auto save is happening

Roughly every 48 to 49 seconds rather than the 50 I said before so yeah that makes the farm even faster and have so far been using a perfect efficiency I want to continue to do that for the entire hour to see just how much it actually does get you in one hour of

Usage because I have absolutely no idea what the result’s gonna be 63 pieces almost there you also May notice that the durability of my pickaxe isn’t really going down it’s gone down 14 points for this entire stack so it’s it’s in no danger breaking and that is

An entire stack of Bedrock obtained in about 51 one minute so yeah I’m gonna keep going for another nine minutes and see how many I get in an hour I do also think this Farm could be made faster if it could be done in such a way where you

Could do two of them per auto save I think with some optimizations to everything and maybe a bit more automation it is definitely doable but enough with what I’ve got however if you do manage to get two per auto save then as you might have guessed that the farm

Will become twice as fast this is gonna be the last piece of Bedrock that I have a chance to get which means after one hour I have got a grand total of 74. yes this Federal Farm gets you 74 Bedrock per hour that is definitely not too

Shabby at all let’s put these in the under chest and the other good thing about this Farm as well is I could just fly over here and then save and quit and I could just pick up where I left off later now before I leave this Farm I

Need at least two stacks of Bedrock for my factory I feel like I’ve gone to all this effort and if I only get two stacks it’s a bit of a letdown so I’m just gonna grab loads and loads of pearls I’m just gonna spend a few hours doing the

Same thing over and over again if I can get three four Stacks I think I’ll be happy at that point it’s very repetitive and very straight forward which is crazy to think about when you remember how complicated of a farm this actually is but anyway I’m gonna get busy and spend

As much time as I can collecting up loads and loads of the Bedrock and at this point I think this is gonna be the last time that I do it or at least one of the last times I’ve been doing it over and over and over again for quite a

Few hours and at this point my Electra have pretty much broken I don’t want to keep going to end up falling in The Voice or something stupid because my lights are break and it also happened like three other pairs in there I’ve used all them to repair it I can’t do

Any more I should have brought leather than I could have kept going but unfortunately I did not do that so let’s pick that up we can pick up I’ve had to use a lot of gunpowder and a bit of paper for rockets and you can see not

Bad seven Stacks nearly seven and a half I can get seven and a half how about I get two more pieces I think that’s good so that right there is one more and that is all of them that I will ever get from this Farm it is the end of it so I’m

Gonna gather up all of the stuff and carefully put all of my Bedrock into this shulker box wow just look at it my inventory and and adjust his fault so now I shall fly away from here and that is that I’ve successfully farmed bedrock and even better there’s an end Gateway

Right here that I’m not going to go through right now because I don’t want to delete the chunks in my end base but if I now upgrade my world back to 1.20 the end Gateway is still there and so is my Bedrock it really is quite insane I’m

Gonna go through this end Gateway apparently I’ve lost all my advancements and okay well my master plan to not lose my end Hub almost worked but I’m guessing if an item went through an end gateway then it would load some of the chunks so yeah that’s probably what

Happened here at least it’s still repairable it’s not the end of the world and once I go through this portal you’d think everything’s broken however if I just save and quit and make the chunks no longer read only when I go back into the world I’m now stuck underground as

You can tell but if I kind of just dig my way out so that I’m not stuck you’ll see that everything is fine where are we inside the tree farm apparently but yeah everything is still here it actually feels really good to be back and the Journey for me to have

Bedrock in my hardcore world is officially over I can even add it into the factory to Make It Rain Bedrock which in my opinion looks incredible and I can also put down the first Bedrock I’ve ever placed in this world like so to make it look like the laser is

Drilling into it because Bedrock is one of the blocks that a beaker beam can go through looks pretty cool and I’d like to thank raise works for entering a bunch of questions I had underfree’s video where he obtained bedrock and also Earth’s computer for his videos and is

Well download that was very helpful and also XCOM 6000 because he also made explanation for it which helped me learn a lot too and that like well I was gonna say that ladies and gentlemen is the story of how I got Bedrock that’s how my Elantra broke should just switch back to

My good electric mending on it anyway that ladies and gentlemen is the story of how I got bedrock in my hardcore world

This video, titled ‘I Built a BEDROCK FARM in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2023-09-23 12:52:09. It has garnered 823433 views and 38733 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:31 or 1951 seconds.


7,000 DAYS HARDCORE VIDEO: —————————————————————- please follow these thanks ►Twitter: ►Discord Server: ►Instagram: ►SB737 Merch: —————————————————————-

In this Minecraft video I survive 7122 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

►Join My Minecraft Server! JAVA IP: BEDROCK IP: Port: 19132

More 100 Days Episodes:

STUFF I USED/FOUND HELPFUL: Earthcomputer’s explanation here: He also had a world download in that description, which I modified, in order to make the method to obtain bedrock much more renewable

Xcom6000’s video was also useful, as it gave further insight and a practical way to set this up in a new world. Whilst I didn’t use any schematics that he provided, they were useful nonetheless:

RaysWork’s video was also helpful, as it was another way to see the farm in action, and get extra details:

Earthcomputer’s Explanation of Chunk Savestating:

Earthcomputer’s Explanation of Chunk Population:

CHAPTERS: 0:00 The Plan 2:57 Building Bedrock Factory 11:26 The World Downgrade 19:19 Building the Bedrock Farm

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie Realistic Minecraft Texture Pack’, was uploaded by Bostjan Potrc on 2024-05-19 21:55:35. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:19 or 319 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft player, then you know that making your own weapons is one of the most fun things you can do. In this video, I’ll teach you how to make a realistic Minecraft weapon using my favorite texture pack. This tutorial is perfect for those of you who are looking for a Minecraft project to work on in your free time…. Read More

  • Yura’s Shocking Reaction to Suisei’s Demise in Minecraft!

    Yura's Shocking Reaction to Suisei's Demise in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mourning Suisei’s Death In Minecraft (Towa, Aqua, Miko, Azki, Iroha, Watame / Hololive) [Eng Subs]’, was uploaded by Yura on 2024-05-18 03:30:21. It has garnered 38021 views and 2330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:49 or 289 seconds. Hoshimachi Suisei goes full kissy-kissy mode on Minato Aqua, to reward Aqua for helping Suisei with installing Minecraft voice mods… ● For more: 【Minecraft】Death…Trial…And…【Minato Aqua/Hololive】 [Minecraft]Day 3! Let’s do the mission![Kadokawa Watame/HoloLive 4th Generation] [Minecraft]Starting from scratch, Holo server hardcore life! Day 3 Holo server hardcore Minecraft[Hololive / AZKi] [Minecraft]I’m going to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRift

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRiftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating the Best House in Minecraft (Day3)’, was uploaded by JoyRift on 2024-04-21 13:48:02. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:54 or 714 seconds. Step into my Minecraft world and explore the ultimate dream house inspired by the rich architectural heritage of Pakistan and India! 🏡 From intricate details to functional design, every corner of this house reflects the beauty of our shared cultural traditions. Join me on this adventure as we celebrate diversity and creativity in Minecraft. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with fellow… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!” #minecraft #horrorstories #funny

    "Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!" #minecraft #horrorstories #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lol 😂 #minecraft #horrorstories #funny #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Endigse on 2024-01-12 02:48:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft,minecraft horror,minecraft horror mods,cash minecraft,minecraft mods,scary minecraft,horror,minecraft shorts,minecraft … Read More

SB737 – I Built a BEDROCK FARM in Minecraft Hardcore