SCARY TV TEACHER vs JJ and MIKEY in Minecraft

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Hello everyone and Welcome to our school hey well it’s not our personal school but we do learn here yeah and we’re going to be late for class by the way oh what the Bell has been ringing for a while now JJ oh no the teacher’s going

To swear at us oh she scolded us so many times it’s okay let’s go huh indeed Mikey oh let’s go to the slide after class o I like that idea cool and then we can ask our parents for money for all sorts of goodies ah but then we have to

Behave well during class today because otherwise our teacher will tell our parents yeah let’s be good I want to get some goodies hello teacher sorry I’m late yes hello here come our late comers but we apologized shame on you for being so insolently systematically late for my

Class teacher this is the last time we’ll be late really please excuse us then I forgive you one last time for such borish treatment of my lessons take your seats now let’s get on with the lesson JJ hurry up and take your seats oh my God who knows how many planets

There are in the solar system uh I don’t know well do you have any answers Mikey no JJ I don’t know either there are only eight planets in our solar system oh wow and by the way that was your homework uh but we didn’t know that okay Mercury I

Won’t be able to remember later Mars Jupiter Uranus Neptune oh don’t forget there’s a quiz on this topic Next Period thanks for an interesting lesson teacher we’ll be ready we got to go home too Mikey bye-bye see you tomorrow I’m not ready for the test tomorrow JJ I’m not

Ready either Mikey and JJ I hope you haven’t forgotten that tomorrow you have to bring me a report on the types of wether in our state uh Mikey we haven’t prepared anything at all JJ don’t yell about it so loud but Mikey it’s okay we’ll figure it out this is a bad idea

As long as our teacher doesn’t tell our parents that’s for sure we can figure something out JJ okay Mikey why don’t we go have some fun on the playground that’s right we wanted to go on the slide after school yeah let’s go I’m so sick of school let’s go have fun you’re

The one who’s tired of course I have so much to think about here the horror uh like what like how we’re going to take all the tests and papers tomorrow you really think a lot terrible 2 hours later to kids this is your stop thanks for driving us Bob see you tomorrow I’ll

Be sure to bring you something special tomorrow huh okay Bob’s so cool huh Mikey yes he always drives us practically to our house also he is always very kind to us mom says he’s a good man nice oh hm maybe we should hurry home as we’ve had quite a long

Walk today yeah I agree it’s getting a little dark I hope our mom cooked dinner so let’s go and find out yeah let’s go although I’m not really hungry right now lunch at school is so filling wow I’m incredibly hungry JJ H Mikey you’re always hungry a rapidly growing body

Needs lots and lots and lots of food yeah to be strong yes and also to be round like a balloon no that’s not going to happen to me that’s what they all say hey hey hey hi Mom and Dad hi you came in so late today how’s school going guys

Uh it’s great I got a perfect grade on my test yeah Mikey got an A+ wow Mikey you are so good keep up the good work and by the way I’ve made you some food so sit down at the table wow that looks delicious we’re not hungry uh mom we ate

At school thank you all right then go to your room and get ready for bed I just want to say that you are the coolest and best parents in the whole worlde JJ take a lesson from your brother wait what thank you both good night yes sleep well

Our boys good night JJ did you notice how cool my idea was now we’re the best kids in the world to them but Mikey they’ll never think we’re bad at school and all we have to do is outsmart our teachers Mikey hold on a second but

We’ll do that later let’s go play on the computer Mikey why didn’t you tell them I’m a good student too huh I don’t know what you’re talking about now our parents think I’m stupid isn’t that the truth what that’s enough get off now I’m going to play computer he he no way

Stupid JJ in 10 minutes okay why is there so much paperwork prepared for teachers soon my hands will look like prickly cacti hey hey hey uh what is it who are you and what do you want sweet TV woman aren’t you tired of being treated so brazenly from now on

You’ll hate everyone no wait the next day JJ the game we played yesterday was so cool yeah and that’s why I didn’t sleep at all I still want to play it today you can only do that if our deception isn’t exposed Mike nobody’s going to find out JJ what about

Our teacher uh kids good morning it’s time for school good morning are you ready if you’re ready your dad will drive you both to school today yeah grab what you need and let’s go cool hopefully today will be as awesome a day as yesterday uh yeah oh you’re my honors

Students come on grab your bags and get to school okay Mom I’ll take you for a ride okay now we’re going to grab a couple more books with JJ and head to the car yeah Mikey you’re such a liar what do you want to put in your backpack

Well a couple cars toys and a cell phone uh viewers what kind of things do you think you can bring to school all right everybody ready yes Dad who lives in Old Town Mom Dad Mikey and JJ who will always and everywhere win Mom Dad Mikey

And J who is as agile as a fish and water JJ hey 3 hours later no I’m cooler than TV Titan no JJ you’re a speaker in general you can’t be cooler than TV oh uh and we’re here already dad that was fun huh I’ll probably drive you both to school a lot

Now but only if you both behave okay Daddy now you better hurry up or you’ll be late for class yeah get lots of good grades yesterday as well as today I’ll pick you both up from school all right daddy we’ll do our best yes you’ll be

More than proud of us bye-bye bye dad byebye have a good day Mikey dad’s picking us up from school cool yes spending time with daddy is a lot of fun I wish it could be like this every day well if he finds out about our problems

At school we’ll never go to school this fun again uh Mikey wait we still haven’t done the report it’s all caught up JJ what I have the perfect plan to get us out of detention and bad grades from the teacher are you sure this plan of yours

Is going to work of course last time she was so angry relax JJ this time I know exactly what to say to her okay I’ll believe you one last time Mikey hello teacher hell sorry again for our tardiness you’re hardly late this time so it’s okay take your seats we are so

Lucky thank you teacher let’s go JJ yes thank you teacher so like I said before you all had to prepare paired reports on fun oh no only Mikey and JJ didn’t turn in their reports you brought the report didn’t you no teacher our cat was sick so we didn’t do anything yes that’s

Exactly what happened kids you realize that doesn’t excuse you in any way right does our teacher really hate animals I thought the best of her uh I’m so sick of your excuses your end is near oh my God JJ what happened to her I have no

Idea Mikey oh my God it’s time to teach you all the real rules Mikey she’s got a knife teacher please calm down oh my God JJ let’s go too I’m so sick of you all I can hardly control myself teacher didn’t mean to make you so angry look out

Please forgive us we just didn’t want to study that’s all teacher please forgive us no oh my God JJ something’s obviously wrong with her let’s get out of here come here both of you you’ll be punished run away JJ get over here I’m running as

Fast as I can we got to get home soon let’s tell the parents about it don’t even think about escaping the punishment you deserve oh Mikey there’s iron doors we can’t get out here what do we do I don’t know I know what you’re going to

Do work off all your debts all your absences and all your mistakes Oh I feel so bad mom oh was it a dream uh oh my God where am I what is this place uh I see trees right what about Mikey oh Mikey wake up Mikey mom cooked lasagna oo that’s a delicious Mikey oh my God JJ what’s going on I don’t know

Where we are look you can see the trees JJ I know where we are really I’ve been here a couple times when I skipped class this is the basement of our school wait what if we are still in school why are we tied with a rope JJ our teacher gone

Crazy what she brought us here tied us up and I don’t know what she’s going to do with us Mikey we got to get out of here uh she’s already here oh no I don’t want anything to happen to us no how naughty children it’s customary to punish naughty children for their

Misbehavior my God JJ I’m really scared I’m scared of her that’s right Mikey you should be more afraid stop what oh no for all I know you’ve been pushing JJ to skip class with you no don’t touch him you’re a terrible kid and my methods will teach you good life Mikey please

Don’t do this stop ouch I get it I get all my mistakes please stop torturing Mikey Oh no you’re brave do you really want to be punished for your brother no no I just want you to stop bullying us and don’t stop me from educating this

Insolent ouch ouch ouch you made him cry never help the cause this lesson will teach him to overcome difficulties JJ I can’t learn anymore like this it really hurts he’s in pain ah I was a little late at work today but I don’t think it’s such a big

Deal I wonder why no one says hello to me they couldn’t have gone home could they I told them I was coming to get them kids I’ve come for you oh my god what is that why did the school doors become iron doors this has never happened before my children may be in

Danger all right 1 and two so what’s going on here where are my kids oh there’s no one here at all what’s going on Mikey huh what ouch oh my God was that Mikey yelling the lesson isn’t over for today oh my God how long are we going to sit

Here you will sit here until you realize the terrible things you’ve done I can’t take this much you should have thought of that before you acted so horribly I got to get free of the ropes and help Mikey scream all you want please no you’ve really pissed me off now it’s

Time for you to take responsibility for this uh and you’re very bad kids what did we do to deserve this mostly you Mikey wait why you’re just awful how can you act like that all the time daddy save us what what did you just say stop

Hurting my kids wow dad are you that strong daddy proved that women can be beaten uh dad can you set us free Mikey you’re not quite right you can only hit bad women now tell me what happened here our teacher has lost his mind yeah she pulled out a knife and started

Threatening us and then brought us here and oh no and scolded them for their terrible Behavior at school how interesting they skip classes they don’t do their homework and their grades are terrible oh no Mikey dad uh I don’t want to hear any more from you both you’ll

Both be punished when you get home oh my God Mikey we’re in trouble it’s not just trouble what it’s Mega trouble JJ good morning everyone I hope our viewers are having a great breakfast today hey yeah Mikey yes because breakfast is the most important meal of

The day wow Mikey how do you know that I know this because I do well in school oh Mikey it’s time for school yeah but first let’s finish eating and watch some cartoons OHA but we better hurry up so we’re not late for class oh hm uh oh

Mikey why is the news taking the place of cartoons I don’t know it must be something urgent uh it must be breaking news don’t miss the main event of the day I’m outside a prison for skibbidy toilets right now the most secure area in the world has been terrorized several criminals escaped

Today including these two skibbidy toilets if you see them call the police immediately and don’t try to deal with them yourself they’re very dangerous and cunning take care of yourself and your loved ones oh my God Mikey I’m kind of scared to go to school now I’m scared

Too what if these criminals are walking around somewhere nearby exactly that’s what I was thinking too well let’s not go to school today yes I agree we’re not going to school today good morning Oh Daddy and Mommy uh the news said some criminals Escape look oh my God that’s

Just awful yeah we need to be more careful this is a very serious situation let’s all be more attentive okay can we not go to school today we’re scared huh don’t worry relax you can safely go to school since it is very far away from that prison well if you’re both so sure

Fine but I’m still a little scared uh you Daddy will drive you both to school in his car today but I wanted to walk wait uh what you’ll go for a walk when your Daddy doesn’t have a car Mikey dad just fixed the car have a conscience oh

Okay okay H so I installed a new engine and rewrapped the wheels now my swallow car will not just drive but fly oh my god daddy can your car really fly huh no Mikey but my car is really fast now oh H okay stop asking me questions and get in

The car you’re both late for school oh okay Dad let’s hurry up that’s where the conversation should have started oh Mikey what are we going to do what do you mean what we’ll just go to school and have a normal day at school it’s fine Mike relax JJ and let’s go I don’t

Understand is everyone crazy or am I the only one who’s crazy it’s a nightmare oh JJ hurry up oh JJ what were you doing in there anyway uh well what took you so long I was just musing a bit about those criminals on the news wow well what did

You realize well I realized they’re extremely bad guys H Informative well I explained to your yamama that you don’t have to po the floor every day what does she say she’s surprised and says you can’t do that it’ll be dirty oh women are amazing oh we’re talking too much the bell for class is ringing it’s not a big deal

Guys we need to be more responsible with our studies hurry up to class hurry up yeah Dad no problem have a good day at school then see you later a thanks Dad we’ll try really hard to learn let’s put all our energy into studying and I’m off

To work oh apparently Daddy doesn’t want to give up all his energy to go to school JJ he’s got a job he’s been out of school for a long time he doesn’t need to study anymore more oh that’s right we should be learning more actually oh yeah let’s learn like

Chinese kids in schools it’ll be an unforgettable experience JJ because we’ll be studying 10 hours a day isn’t it cool oh my God no I’m against that kind of rigorous education in school we’ll go crazy well the Chinese kids aren’t crazy but I agree with you it’s

Crazy Mikey you said that word twice so what you know what I’m talking about which means it’s okay H okay no arguments let’s go to class let’s start filling up our box with knowledge hey everybody Mikey was that a joke about the Box yeah but that’s not what this is

About look the teacher’s not in class oh which means we’re not too late nice we’re going to sit at the desk like we’ve been here all along the teacher will have a hard time believing we’re on time for class huh uh Mikey why isn’t she here do you know no I don’t know

Where she is but it’s cool that we’re just sitting around doing nothing Mikey that contradicts everything you said earlier about studying people change JJ and their opinions change too uh oh the teacher’s here uh what’s with her be quiet kids or you risk being on my Blacklist of bad kids Mikey she’s acting

Weird so now time to meet my good friend skibby toilet oh my god oh no JJ it’s them these are the same escaped criminals from the news oh no but why are they here oh H the prison is a long way from the school you’re all being

Held hostage by us nowy silly kids so what now lady tie them up and whoever Fights Back destroy them let’s go oh my God hurry they can’t catch us all uh they’re escaping don’t slow down catch them Roger that lady we can’t miss any

Of them oh my God JJ don’t you have any other words how else am I supposed to react I don’t know but you certainly don’t have to say oh my gosh every time okay let’s think about what we’re going to do now I definitely don’t want to go

Outside they’ll definitely catch us out there I don’t want that either H well but then we need to find a safe haven until this whole thing dies down and this place shouldn’t be in the hallway I agree with you uh oh look at this closet it’s the perfect Hiding Place wait what

JJ there’s no time to think let’s hurry up and hide Mike I’m not going to be held hostage by these criminals what about you JJ I don’t want to be their hostage either but Mikey J relax that’s a typical place we could only hide you

Really think so we just have to be found here or it’ll be stupid who would think to look in a closet for two boys you think we could have run Far Far Away instead of sitting here yes I think we could I think that’s what the teacher

Would think Mikey why don’t we try moving somewhere else no JJ this is the perfect place uh okay so where did Mikey and JJ go oh no did they run away before class was over oh I really hope she just passes it by please don’t let them find

Us or did they just hide somewhere oh my god oh if you wanted to play hide-and seek you’re pretty bad uh come here I found them I told you I’m sorry JJ oh no I’m scared what are we going to do with these hiders please don’t we will not

Destroy them what they have extremely wealthy parents if you know what I mean we’ll demand a ransom oh yeah we got to knock them out oh no no no no I’ll be obedient oh knock him out quick please don’t hit me oh my head why do I feel so bad oh

Where am I waa I’m in the basement of a school hm they must have dragged us here but why if it was for ransom they could have kept us out of the basement oh my God Mikey wake up are you okay oh huh come on Mikey come to your senses uh

What’s happening we’re not in a situation where you can sleep we’re in the basement of our school and I don’t know what’s going to happen next I hope we just sit here the whole time this nightmare is going on at school uh Mikey I try to get out of here JJ stop what

The criminals are here don’t move oh no look the one in the red sweatshirt he’s too noisy why don’t we destroy it right now oh no we need them both alive oh we’re in luck but nobody said we couldn’t beat them up oh no no no I

Don’t want to get hit we don’t care what you think Mikey oh you’re so worried about your brother aren’t you then he’ll be the first to feel the full spectrum of pain and suffering Mikey ouch I’ll be obedient stop it don’t worry you will also suffer like your brother all right

Enough with the empty dialogues we need to call the police and inform them of our Ransom demands wait why I’ll leave that responsibility to you guys we’ll get it done lady intimidate them in every way possible we can do it we’ll come back soon oh no that’s too bad now

As far as you two are concerned JJ all we have to do is is wait for help we just have to endure it you’ll both have to pray you survive today oh my god oh I’m so tired with this work schedule this job will drive me to my

Grave I have to take a 2-hour vacation no I’ll take a 3-hour vacation yes as they say I’ve definitely earned it oh once again someone needs to save the cat from the tree don’t they no cats just kids for $1 million do as we say and

Many of them will survive oh my God more ransoms more bailout requests if it wasn’t for the big payche I wouldn’t be helping anybody okay I’m just tired everybody gather around we have an emergency come on get a move on we’re stepping on the gas with all our might

There are children being held hostage and you’re walking around like it’s none of your business come on oh can I go to the bathroom oh my God no 5 minutes later officer we’ve sealed off the entrance so far we’re clear okay then it’s time to negotiate yes officer sing

Them a song of fear in front of us oh did I mention I used to be in the Glee Club oh well no one’s interested anyway let’s get down to business all right everybody get ready yes sir hey we’re here to discuss the ransom portion of the ransom you’re asking for $1 million

Right you drove too long now the terms have changed we demand $2 million and that amount will increase by $100,000 every minute we wait we also need a private helicopter yeah that’s it what the amount of money that will come out of such conditions will be physically impossible for you do you

Realize what you’re asking for Mikey can you free yourself from the ropes no JJ I’m tied up too tight I can hardly breathe oh I heard some noises from upstairs didn’t you what sounds I heard police cars oh I heard that too they must be preparing an assault oh they’re

Just preparing the assault they’re already doing it what’s going on in there H interesting interesting it seems to me that good and evil are battling it out there right now oh you sound like a poet and who will be the winner we’ll soon find out oh Mikey you were right he

Here they are the last ones we held hostage kids are you okay yeah just a little tired and beat up now let me go oh no you won’t see freedom for a long time cool I will avenge my humiliation I wouldn’t advise you to do that lady kids

Are you okay all right well we’re a little tired I really want to get out of this chair yeah they were beaten for hours sir all right keep an eye on the criminal and now I’ll release you both from the ropes just bear with me a little longer yay thank you you’re

Welcome kid now it’s your turn cool what’s up oh now I feel just fine yeah thank you for saving us who knows how long we’d be here if it weren’t for you it would be faster if the criminals were more Cooperative that’s for sure oh these criminals never want to compromise

Well they’re criminals you can’t deal with them can you believe they demanded over $2 million H what and they wanted a helicopter no a helicopter that’s very cool I’d ask for that too if I were them do you have to be a criminal to get a helicopter kids oh Mikey let’s

Go oh hurry up we’ve already called your both parents they’re waiting for you both outside oh Mommy and Daddy and by the way they’re very worried oh hurry up hurry up I wonder how dad was let go from work oh that’s right he’s never let go from work I’m curious too everyone

Should be let off work when their children are in danger nice oh it’s been so long since I I’ve seen sunshine yay Mom and Dad yay you’re here my children are you all right yeah are you in any pain Mom it’s cool we’re fine yes we

Took a bit of a beating but we bravely stood our ground oh my God we got beat up by a teacher she’s in cahoots with criminals thank you for your work you saved our children thank you you’re always welcome Mommy I’m hungry oh JJ we’re going home soon and we’ll have

Dinner yay cool you should see how evil those skibbidy toilets are by the way yes they threatened us all the time oh you’ve been through a lot yeah okay I got to go now goodbye at one point I got scared oh goodbye and thanks again he’s

So cool it’s good to have people like that it’s people like that that keep our world time for us to go home what are we having for dinner I cooked fried crawfish with noodles oh my God oo fried crawfish this just has to be Delicious I’m finally back from school I’m so tired I’m also sick of throwing grenades at teachers hey everybody my name is JJ I got kicked out of class so I came home did you get kicked out of class write about it in the comments I was so bored alone at school Mikey

Didn’t come with me because he had a headache in the morning I should go over there and take care of him I don’t want to go to school alone hi Mom hi Daddy how’s Mikey doing oh hey JJ greetings JJ your dad and I are cooking something

Really tasty for dinner yes it will be delicious what about Mikey is he okay uh Mikey what about Mikey JJ Mikey’s pretty sick he’s got a fever yeah he’s a bad luck guy he is lying in his room if you want to check on him you can go up to

His place okay everybody gets sick sometimes it’s no big deal right well you know he’s been sick a lot yeah he’s no good at all go check it out he’ll get better or maybe not maybe he’ll be happy when he sees you I don’t think so okay

That’s a good idea mind your own business you don’t seem to care about his health at all he’s probably faking it so he doesn’t have to go to school oh my God Mikey you’re all red are you really sick hey JJ good to see you probably the last time I’ll ever see you

I had some ice cream I ate the whole freezer and got a little sick you’re so stupid Mikey you’ve got a fever of 40° you can’t live with a fever like that Mom Dad get over here right now Mikey’s going to die drop everything and get over here now what’s wrong what’s all

The yelling Mikey has a fever of 40° is that a lot I don’t know so he’s still warm Mom that’s a lot he won’t live long with his temperature he needs to go to the hospital right away to the hospital is Mikey that sick that’s terrible but

How do you do that we should call an ambulance okay I’m going to go make an emergency call right now it’s going to cost us a lot of money to treat Mikey so what Mikey needs to be cured yeah you’re right that’s our son we’re supposed to

Take care of him okay okay whatever you say all right we’re calling the hospital 911 that looks like the right number hello this is the ambulance what’s your emergency hello my son has a temperature of 40° okay we’re on our way that’s it the doctor will be here soon to pick up

Mikey that’s great I hope he helps my brother 2 hours later I don’t know what to do the doctor’s still not here and Mikey’s getting worse so call again yell at them it’s already getting dark outside and the doctor is in no hurry to treat Mikey oh here comes the doctor how

Late he’s come somebody open the door nah let Daddy open that door no no I don’t want to open the door oh God I’ll get the door myself hello I’m your son’s doctor we’re here to take him to the hospital show me the patient hello please go to the second floor he’s

Sleeping there okay whatever you say I’ll take a look at him now that’s great it took you a long time to get here you know it’s fall everybody gets sick a lot now don’t worry examine your patient at least yeah my brother’s really sick all right let’s go see your sick son I’m

Sure there’s nothing wrong with him just a little cold we’ve had a lot of calls like that this week ah I don’t feel so good can you give me some kind of pill his temperature is over 40° what 40° that’s a lot how is he still alive I

Have to get him to the hospital right way I don’t understand why you called so late because you drove a long time to get here can someone help me already I’m dying here actually okay boy get up we’re going to the hospital we’ll fix you up there you’ll be the healthiest in

The family okay nurse where do you want me to go go outside there’s an ambulance it’s going to take you to the hospital hurry up kid we’re not waiting for you okay whatever you say finally someone in this house will help me no one’s giving

Me a pill all day yeah I wouldn’t want to be sick in that family my parents only called an ambulance when I told them to Mikey’s face is already Twisted from the temperature yes it’s a clear symptom of a fatal disease only our Hospital can help him okay let’s do it

Get him over there I’m going to be going to school without Micah for a while that’s sad don’t worry we have the best doctors in the world we will definitely cure your son and you kid get in the front seat oh that’s cool I hope I don’t

Throw up on the windshield bye Mikey wait why is the car so Rusty it doesn’t look like an ambulance and why is it Rusty uh well that I kind of am I don’t know really that truck doesn’t look like an ambulance why isn’t there a cross on

It it’s some kind of alien vehicle where are they taking Mikey hey stop right now you’re not an ambulance what’s going on it wasn’t a doctor at all we were lied to JJ it doesn’t matter anymore yes the most important thing is to hope they cure Mikey cured you don’t even know

What hospital they took my brother to it doesn’t matter anymore oh I hope Mikey will be okay I don’t like that rusty truck all right JJ it’s getting late it’s past your bedtime let’s all go home now okay I’m going to go to bed but you’re not embarrassed by that truck

It’s a little weird so the car is Rusty it’s no big deal JJ go to bed it’s late we still have a lot to do and you’re in the way you’re talking about cars trucks but it’s really suspicious I don’t think so all right then I’m going to bed you

Guys never cared about anything Mikey’s been sick all day and you don’t care again and you guys don’t forget to subscribe to the channel good night Everyone tonight I’m trying out my new experimental substances The lethality of these samples is about 99% but that’s okay my test subject won’t mind and won’t put up any resistance hey I don’t want to get me out of here let you out are you crazy you’re my patient you’re

Sick you stupid sick child you’re supposed to lie quietly while I inject you with experimental stuff Mikey you like shots don’t you no I hate injections don’t please don’t don’t do it we’re going to do it ah what’s that sound a cell phone who would be calling me this late at night

What kind of stupid pranks are these I’ll answer it anyway maybe it’s something important or it’s the school calling about my pranks on the teachers all right I’m picking up hello who’s calling it’s night time JJ it’s Mikey this TV woman doctor is torturing and abusing me help me call my parents I’m

In the hospital what Mikey are you being tortured are you alive no no she’s coming for me I tied you up how did you get out I’m going to get you okay bye no what’s going on Mikey’s in trouble that nurse is using him for her experiments

We have to tell the parents right now I just can’t believe it guys Mikey’s been kidnapped more than once mom dad wake up now that nurse is treating Mikey we have to save him what are you talking about JJ Mikey called me he’s in danger a

Nurse has him tied up and is hurting him he just called my phone when he could get out for a few minutes how awful that nasty woman touching our son what are we supposed to do we’ll hire a detective he can find Mikey yeah that’s a great idea

I read his ad in the paper he can find anyone all you have to do is call him okay I think the number is plus 1300 and 2700 and20 23 okay hello our son was stolen from us help us find him hi this is a private detective I’ll be sure to

Help you I’ll be there soon but he doesn’t know the address JJ it’s a detective they know everything oh is the detective here yet looks like it apparently it’s too good a detective to come so quickly we should open the door for him hello I’m the detective on the

Phone you said your son was missing I need a computer to find him oh hello yes of course we’ll provide you with everything you need come on in okay in addition to the computer I need all the information you have on your oh well it’s a green little TV man his name is

Mikey where was the last place you saw him on the second floor he called me on the phone okay we got to leave he was picked up by some nurse in a rusty van when he got sick okay I get it let’s go to his room I need to see it wow he’s

Such an experienced detective where does he sleep uh he always sleeps on that green bed okay so where’s his computer why do you need his computer I just need it don’t ask questions so where’s his computer the computer’s in that corner of the room okay thank you don’t think

I’m playing games here you can use it I’m going to use the last cause to to track down that nurse’s location then we’ll go there with the police okay that makes sense please find our son I’m worried about him okay okay don’t worry I’m already looking for him just don’t

Distract me Mom don’t worry so much we always get out of all sorts of problems everything will be fine okay I found them the nurse and your son are at the abandoned St Nick’s Hospital outside of town abandoned Hospital yes yes that’s it oh my God I’m going to find that

Nurse and I’m going to get revenge for my son yes we’re going to that abandoned hospital so here’s the plan we’re all going to go to this place to together now we’ll call the police on the way they’ll be here in a little while and we’ll disarm the nurse that’s a great

Plan let’s go JJ you’re coming with us let’s go okay we’re going to rescue Mikey hold on my brother we’ll be there Soon okay here’s the hospital our detective found it’s really far out of town so when I was figuring out where the call was made I pinpointed the exact location it was made from the basement so let’s hurry up and get in there yes let’s go already we should split up you

Take this path to the basement and I’ll take the other way okay okay we’re out of here don’t get lost out here detective okay be careful that nurse is very dangerous dangerous nurse I’m getting a little creeped out already but for Mikey’s sake we have to do whatever

It takes to save him yes we’re going to save Mikey absolutely I’m ready to tear that nurse to Pieces wow I’ve never seen my mom so angry oh look it’s Mikey tied up on the table yeah yeah that’s him let’s go untie him let’s go as long as

That nurse isn’t around oh hey what good timing can you untie me please my back is stiff yeah yeah sure okay just a second I’m going to untie all the knots on the ropes that’s it you’re free yay thanks for saving me yay Mikey’s free that’s awesome we were so worried about

You Mikey and how worried I was that she would test all the substances on me she’s already injected a couple of them oh turn around she’s right behind you the nurse is back whoo whoa whoa whoa what are you guys doing here I got some new bunny rabbits here no she’s going to

Give us her shots we’re going to go crazy after she injects us don’t do that please no I will first tie you up and then I will stab you in the arm with my needles until you lose your mind haaha who’s that man sneaking up behind her

This is the detective who helped find you what detective what are you talking about hands up lady you’re under arrest you are charged with kidnapping and human experimentation what there’s been a mistake they came on their own yeah we got that crazy nurse now she won’t steal

From anyone anymore we’re so good I hate you all just sit tight and don’t move you’re going to jail to make a fool of yourself you crazy woman thank you detective I will find you and I will kill you all hear me don’t listen to that stupid crazy lady okay Officer

Detective you did your best thank you again for catching a dangerous criminal yeah the detective is smart thank you detective oh come on y’ glad to help you all out it’s my job I’m supposed to help people bye everybody bye-bye thanks again thank you so much thank you you’re

The best mom dad I’ve been waiting for you you all got here just in time Mikey we hurried as fast as we could they weren’t in any hurry your parents gave you away while you were sick shut up you stupid crazy nurse I’m fine I think it

Was fun happy end that’s great friends aren’t you afraid of viewers hello everyone it’s morning and do you all know what that means hey hey hey Mikey do you know yes I know that morning means a moment when we can play have fun and do nothing wait what look

Cartoons uh you’re partly right Mikey but it’s not a day off oh I think I see where you’re going with this on a day like this you shouldn’t be happy so morning is when we have to go to school oh that’s right School grab your

Backpack Mikey we got to go oh are we in such a big hurry yes of course but why rush to a place you don’t want to rush to hm uh well Mikey you have such a bad attitude about school that’s why you don’t want to go I have a great attitude

About school that’s why I’m rushing in oh you’re awake and already so chipper it’s great oh how I wish I was your packed your backpacks for school oh that’s right it’s way past time to go oh aren’t we going to be late unless you’re a little late but it’s their first day

Of school I’ve already warned the teacher oh okay let’s go I hope we don’t get punished it’s not going to happen let’s go get your father I’m a little scared JJ it’s going to be great hm I hope so and if they try to punish you

Both I’ll punish them all myself you can count on your father I’ll punish them with my mighty hand oh so you can worry about nothing and go uh okay uh we’ll help you if you need it nice Mikey you ready I’m just Mega ready JJ I don’t

Like school but I think it’s going to be really cool and interesting that’s the spirit I’m jealous how did you feel on the first day of school I can honestly say that I feel extremely excited write in the comments all right all finally here yeah JJ what are you always doing

Alone by the car well I’m just talking to myself it’s starting to bother me don’t do that but Dad but Daddy no no and no I’m not buying you a Lego toilet don’t even ask but it’s so cool oh what kind of generation is this that their toilets

Have become cool you better check out this school it’s clearly cooler well we should get going yes but first we have to give the kids to the teacher our first day at this big school wow I’m excited aren’t you Mikey I’m rather waiting for the action to start not this

Snot oh wow your teacher should be here soon it will show you the school the classroom where you will learn and more I hope I get to see the pantry uh oh there’s your teacher oh oh you’re finally here I’ve been waiting for all of you hi hello nice to meet you I

Called you she looks so beautiful uh okay yes all that’s left is to show your kids the school good luck to you both good luck yay thank you well it’s time for us all to go our separate ways I can’t wait to see the school when are we

Going to go look at everything I’m getting tired let’s go all right let’s go inside the school yay we’re finally going to school I’m so excited say goodbye to Mom and Dad my darlings I love you bye Mom have a good school day bye dad we’ll be coming for you soon

Bye-bye I will miss you very much and look forward to seeing you so what’s your name my name is JJ and his name is Mikey wonderful just call me teacher okay okay TV teacher tvom teacher no TV teacher sounds easier okay JJ so what is

This place this is the lobby wow oh and there are vending machines with goodies in them cool what’s in there oh it’s a like And subscribe sounds great yes this is the classroom oh my god let’s keep moving they teach kids to put likes and subscribe to the channel huh nice and

This is our library be quiet here so you don’t disturb others from studying wow there must be some very smart people sitting here uh well yeah especially that pumped up guy he’s definitely smart are the Pumped up ones stupid well let’s move on no they aren’t stupid so now

We’ll go to the top what’s in there that’s where the dining room is wow so why aren’t they stupid they just have big muscles and that makes it hard for them to hold books oh I didn’t even think of something like that there’s a picture of our school’s founder hanging

On the wall here oh my God please respect his personality wait why well he did a lot of things for the school like he made it mandatory to have a snack between breakfast and lunch wow this is a really useful and tasty new addition this is the dining room as you can see

There’s a huge variety oh my God and you can go eat at any time before class is over cool I promise you that I will spend 1 100% of all my free time here huh just don’t forget to study if you don’t study you won’t eat either yes yes

That’s right next we have an equally important room oh the gym wow I really love working out H interesting interesting here you can TR train participate in sports competitions and much more so this is the place for me I love biking too by the way it’s a sport

Gym visits aren’t mandatory but I think you’ll have a great time here that’s right I’d at least go throw the ball in the hoop or pull a barbell right now H I want to ride my bike uh well let’s move on come on Mikey okay okay where do we

Go now next we’ll go to the classroom where you’ll be learning cool uh that’s not what I’m worried about Where’s the restroom Mikey that’s not a very valid question uh how do you get to the restroom follow me now that sounded so much better oh hm it’s just that before

Your words sounded like you were interested in everything except studying so the most interesting place for Mikey is right here oh yeah bad impression we share a restroom for both boys and girls so keep it clean uh okay no problem great I’m not responsible for me oh my

God so this is where you can leave your personal belongings and textbooks very convenient yeah and this is the class you’ll be in oh I want to get in there already Yes I wonder what’s in there then stop by and take any available seats okay okay nice so this is the

Classroom this is where you’ll be spending most of your school time looks good I like it all of your classes will also be held here and right now is the very first lesson for you about caring for animals oh take your seats oh my god wow I love animals yeah but before I

Start hearing about animals I want to take a little bite of this banana oh what I can’t study on an empty stomach can I Mikey you can’t do that JJ I’m really hungry Mike yum yum yum yum oh that was the best banana I’ve ever had

In my life oh my God now we can learn Mikey take out your trash don’t worry JJ no one will even know noce oh my nerves are shot all right let’s go oh JJ here comes that moment when we’ll just sit back and listen to the world’s

Information wow yeah let’s hear what the teacher has to say already and before we start I’ll have some tea 2 hours later all right kids you don’t know how to do anything at all you can’t read you can’t count you can’t do anything so boring yeah Mikey I can’t listen to her

When is it time to go home today we’re going to learn the alphabet I hope you can do that maybe oh my God it’s the scabi again what’s up kids want to have some fun I’ll give you a party what does he want to do school is bad I hate

School how did the security guard let him through I hate that teacher too he looks like some kind of criminal or mugger in a balaclava what are you teaching letters you better learn how to rob and steal you don’t know how to do that you’re so stupid I’ll be your

Teacher there I am let the fun begin no one’s going to babysit you JJ she’s gotten kind of mean I don’t like it she’s got that scabi toilet stuck to her all right kids you’re all being held hostage everyone stay in your seats no one is allowed to stand up you got me

You’re all under my control Mikey we’re being held hostage oh my God am I being held hostage what are you talking about I’m going to tell my mom and you’ll be fired you’re not my boss bye-bye look she’s getting away stop right there you stupid little girl I’ll get you ouch ha

Mikey she fell on your banana oh that’s great it’s like a cartoon everyone stay where you are I’ll find out who’s lering in the meantime I’m going to find that little girl you can’t run far you stupid little school girl I’ll find you Mikey it’s going to be a long long time that’s

Hilarious while she’s chasing her we need to come up with some more Mischief a banana peel is just not serious enough what else can we do for her I don’t know Mikey think of something oh I got it we could put laxatives in her mug she’ll

Drink it and poop a lot she’ll be on the toilet all day Mikey that’s Genius of course it’s genius because I’m a genius myself the instructions say to add a couple drops we’re going to pour out the whole bottle of laxatives here’s the laxative itself wo Mikey where did you

Get that I stole this from the medicine drawer at our house Mom and Dad don’t need it but the teacher does okay he pour the whole bottle out nothing’s too good for our favorite teacher it’d be cool if she didn’t make it to the bathroom that would be fun Mikey I don’t

Even know who’s angrier you were the teacher of course I’m angrier I’m the meanest little TV in the world especially since she took us hostage it’s just Revenge we’ll just have to wait and see oh the teacher’s back already what why aren’t you two in your

Seats I told you to sit at your desks have you forgotten I’m holding you hostage you stupid green TV you’re really pissing me off I’m so sorry I’ll throw you out the window I’ll beat you unconscious hey stop it stupid little kids I hate you we’re quickly seated in

Their seats you’re making me so nervous you’re making me crazy oh Mikey she’s really mean we just have to wait for her to drink her tea that goes for everyone everyone stay where you are you all belong to me now she’s going to drink my laxative yeah get your mug already your

Parents have to bring you the money so they can take you away do you understand you’re not going anywhere she took the tea she’s drinking it she’s going to poop oh that’s some weird tea they’re making here what are they steep it with uh I don’t feel so good I feel sick oh

God my stomach hurts I ow ow here we go okay kids I have some very important business to attend to I’ll be back soon Oregon maybe not so soon everyone stay where you are this is an order oh my God I’m going to poop my pants JJ that’s so

Funny to me this is the best prank ever she’s about to poop all over the bathroom walls it’s real she must have left a brown trail behind her that’s for sure let’s go make fun of her some more come on Mikey let’s make sure the other teachers don’t see us I don’t think

We’ll be seen as long as there are classes going on all over the school no one will see see us and there’s her bathroom yeah she’s going to be here a long time open it quickly it smells like poop all over the school and here’s another prank for me what Mikey it’s a

Grenade yeah a grenade a real one take it and throw it in the toilet it’ll make a big brown explosion to the bathroom yeah the bathroom all the poop’s going to be all over the room come on JJ throw it catch the joke stupid teacher oh my

God Mikey there’s poop all over just like we wanted yeah JJ I wouldn’t want to be in the bathroom right now that’s so funny she’s about to run out of the bathroom screaming that’s for scolding me and you you have to be kind people that way you won’t be covered in poop

From head to toe no no no I don’t want any of this it’s a poop School banana peels pooping I’m out of here oops looks like we chased the toilet scabi out of our teacher he couldn’t handle our hardcore pranks what’s going to happen to the old teacher uh I don’t know oh

Kids why aren’t you in class you’re supposed to be in your seats there hasn’t been a call yet teacher why aren’t you in class I’m feeling really pooped out I went to the bathroom pooped all over the walls I don’t really remember how I got here the last thing I

Remember is some toilet jumping on my back and then my mind goes blank wao already ringing Mikey we got to go home teacher your class was the last one can we go now yeah go home already I have to go change my clothes I smell so bad I

Don’t want to see you again today bye-bye bye-bye JJ it was really a very funny school day let’s go home now yeah Mikey let’s go home already it was really fun going to school you’re right I wish every day could be this hey guys why aren’t you in school

Hurry up and pack your notebooks and go to school yeah let study while we watch cartoons yes going to school is not cool and boring watching cartoons all day is my thing you’re totally right JJ Only losers go to school real boys watch cartoons all right real boys are you

Awake yet you’re already watching cartoons I see you’re not wasting any time yeah Mom we like to lie on the couch and do nothing no you have to go to school yeah your mom’s right get ready for school but what are we supposed to do there it’s very boring

And there’s nothing to do I don’t care get to school both of you okay JJ let’s go to school we’ll think of something fun what’s fun about studying except sitting in the school cafeteria I don’t want to go there but JJ all kids your age have to go to school in addition to

The basic lessons at school you will learn to live in the community now get in the car before we’re late for your school learning to live in the community we already know how to do everything of course we go there because our parents ask us to guys why do you go to school

Write about it in the comments and I’m really late for school okay kids be polite don’t swear or fight with your classmates don’t insult your teachers and everything will be fine okay boss I’m following orders I’m not kidding JJ yes General we’re following your order you keep joking and joking and I

Don’t want to hear your teacher tell you how badly you behaved in class again Dad we’re going to be on our best behavior but we’re not promising anything something Could Happen by accident no pranks at school do you understand yeah yeah we get it oh honey you’re so strict

All right then good luck to you both in school get to class already if you’re late the teacher might get angry okay we get it yeah we’ll learn all we can I’m glad to hear that okay bye-bye everyone yeah kids love you don’t forget lunch bye-bye Bye Mom bye daddy bye-bye we’ll

Be good maybe or maybe not that’s it JJ we’re the bad guys here just studying it’s not for us let’s go to school JJ let’s go Mikey you’re right we are the bad guys we’re going to be the biggest bullies in school yeah JJ we will listen

Mikey why don’t we skip our first lesson that’s a good idea JJ why don’t we spend this free time in the cafeteria they sell good burgers there you should try them oh who’s the glasses guy it’s a new classmate hey diver stop right there what a diver why am I a diver because

Divers have funny glasses like you no no I’m not a diver you’re divers what did you say shut up you dare call US divers do you even know what they are do you know what they do to them in prison this diver doesn’t know anything about nicknames okay okay okay sorry guys

That’s it get out of here get out of our school if we see you again we’ll beat you even harder don’t please come on come on go home to Mommy loser what a mess we made of him JJ we’re like real gangsters yeah Mikey we could still

Shake him down for some burger money I think the Bell has already rung for class I don’t know if we’re late or not JJ it doesn’t matter anymore I suggest the same borish behavior with the teacher we’re gangsters now yes we’re gangsters let’s act like them all right

Kids the topic of today’s lesson is multiplication of numbers and it’s simple the theme of the lesson is dumb teacher and it’s simple Yes an example of a dumb teacher right in front of us what who’s mocking me hey that’s us that was funny that’s not funny at all you’re

Both interrupting my class be quiet I don’t even know what you’re talking about we sat in silence and listened attentively yes we sat quietly keep talking about multiplication yeah let’s run back to the board you stupid woman look what I got it’s a banana I have a

Lot of them in my backpack wow cool let me eat them too I’ll give it to you I’ve got some banana peels left I should throw it away and there are a lot more peels in my briefcase so we should get them out too oh she’s starting to get

Angry what a mess this classes in I’m not going to let this go these two are disrupting my class what do I do oh my God the whole class is covered in peels she doesn’t care at all she’s still trying to teach us that’s so funny yeah

JJ that’s funny she puts up with everything yes then we can afford more more than just banana peels yeah 3 hours later ah I’m getting bored sitting here JJ there’s not much time left the last class Bell is about to ring just be patient okay Mikey and for homework I’ll

Give you numbers 9 and 10 in your textbooks I’m not going to do my homework lesson’s over bye everybody class is finally over it hurts my butt to sit in this uncomfortable chair yes the home couch in front of the TV is much more comfortable I’m glad to be

Able to go home already too come on JJ JJ could you hold on a word please oh Mikey my teacher’s holding me up JJ you’re staying for extra credit you wrote the test really badly I have to tutor you on the topics you’ve covered you’re going to be home late but I got

To go home my parents are waiting for me there and a TV with cartoons I don’t care okay Mikey go home alone I’ll be there a little later okay JJ bye-bye bye-bye Mikey so what are the topics I’m behind on why are you acting like this

You’re very bad two boys you have Very Bad Manners because we’re having fun and your classes are boring are my classes boring I’m sorry to hear that yes you can fall as sleep out of boredom I try to teach the children as interesting as possible so you think it’s funny I’m

Going to show you some real comedy oh no what are you doing I’m going to have some fun you said you don’t mind fun no I don’t like that and I’m sure I’ll have fun get it finally he’ll shut up for a while I hate him so much I hate the two

Of them I’ll have to knock the other one out like that they think they’re the biggest bullies at school I’m the gangster I can beat up school kids I can bully them I can stab them with a knife I can do whatever I want here’s my bomb

Joke you’re going to be here all night this is going to be fun isn’t it yeah woo I don’t think anyone saw me time to go home I got 20 cats in there I got to feed them being a school teacher and a maniac is so hard 2 hours

Later it’s so late and JJ’s still not home what do we do maybe he’s just walking around for so long he doesn’t walk alone JJ always with Mikey yeah you’re right in fact there’s no way he can go outside at this time school closed 2 hours ago where’s JJ now I’m so

Worried about him look Mikey’s home from school and he’s fine maybe we should ask him yeah you’re right Mikey didn’t tell us anything about JJ yeah let’s go to him that’s so cool I can watch TV by myself without JJ asking me to change the channel I should be resting for my

Gangster business it’s not that easy you know wow how funny SpongeBob is acting here listen Mikey do you know where JJ is he’s still not home we’re all very worried about him JJ what he’s still not here he stayed for extra credit at school at the teacher’s request if it

Still hasn’t arrived that’s not good what why would JJ have an extra class with a teacher did you make another joke on the students or the teacher we told you not to prank anyone oh we played a little prank on the teacher I guess she wasn’t that offended but I’m not sure

About that but it’s not okay to leave him at school for so long we have to go there and get him because that teacher is acting a little suspicious and rumor has it she keeps a knife in her desk you pranked again what a knife in the teacher’s desk that’s not normal yeah

It’s a little weird then we should all get together and go to that school we have to save JJ I feel in my heart that something’s happened to him okay Mikey let’s go Mikey I told you I forbid you from pranking at School you hurt the teacher again it was really boring in

There dad that’s no excuse for your actions okay we’ll talk about that later we’ll try to get there as soon as possible okay Dad but the pranks were cool you want to hear it huh go ahead and then we threw banana peels all over the class can you believe it that

Must have made the teacher so mad yeah Mikey you’re so stupid let’s go to school you’re going to show us the classroom where you last Saw JJ okay go straight ahead to the left of the stairs is the first classro near the lockers and here’s our class this is where we

Learn and this is where JJ told me to go home alone now where are we supposed to find him I don’t know honey me too and where do you suggest we look for it he could be anywhere in this school we’re going to have to search every classroom

Honey do you realize that this is going to take more than one night right I understand what do we do maybe we should go to the police yes darling you’re right let’s go tell the police we’re going to find our son the rest of the classes are closed there’s no way to

Search them but how so where could he have gone I’m sure he’s around here somewhere it’s all my fault I shouldn’t have pranked so hard in this school I I hope JJ is found sooner rather than later maybe the police can help us somebody help me I’m in the chest get me

Out of here what JJ I heard his voice brother are you there where are you we’ll help you Mikey is that you help me I’m trapped in a trunk my teacher tied me up and locked me in here open that chest already my back is all stiff okay

JJ now wait a little longer I’ll call parents Mom Dad JJ’s here he’s in the trunk in this classroom what in the trunk who put it in the chest I don’t know but it was probably that teacher who did it I’ll have to talk to her open

Me up already I’ve been sitting here for 2 hours help right now JJ and here’s our little boy hey JJ we finally found you thank you so much you saved me where’s the teacher I don’t know we haven’t met her get out of that box okay okay I’m

Out we’re so glad you’re doing well we were so worried about you yeah you scared us all thank you for getting me out Mikey heard me if it wasn’t for him I’d be sitting here forever Mikey you’re the best come on you don’t have to thank me I’m the reason you’re here just

Saying okay we just have to get out of here before the teacher gets here yeah let’s just go home here I am I’m going to cut up your whole annoying family no one will ever stop me from doing my lessons again oh my God she’s back again

What are we going to do we don’t even have any weapons to defend ourselves against her how convenient defenseless chicks ow I fell down huh what she just fell on your peel yeah it’s kind of stupid isn’t it yeah your teacher’s not too smart it goes like this so I didn’t

Eat bananas in class for nothing my peels defeated a dangerous knife wielding Maniac you got it who’s the real gangster here that’s us we’re gangsters here we’ll have to tell the principal and then the police she’ll be fired and then she’ll go to jail don’t you ever raise your hand to my children

Again yeah that’s it kids let’s get out of this school and go home yeah that’s the smartest idea I’ve had all day I hate this school it’s better to actually stay home all day and watch cartoons okay JJ Mikey we’re waiting for you in the car hurry home yeah it’s been a long

Time it’s night outside and it’s time for you to go to bed hi guys I’m JJ and here with me on the playground is Mikey my little brother hi friends I’m Mikey by the way don’t forget to like this video Yeah Mikey that’s a great idea by

The way JJ what are we doing today first of all get off that rung and onto the ground okay whatever you want JJ so what do you want to do today I want to do something nasty some kind of nasty thing why would you do that because it’s fun

You’re just going to make someone else uncomfortable again that’s not good you’re so boring Mikey oh our parents are here hi kids while you were playing around your mom and I decided to give you a little present a present yes a gift we love you so much we thought we’d

Treat you yeah you’ve been on your best behavior for 2 days 2 days we’ve been out of trouble Mikey that’s a record for our family that’s why we’re going to get you a radio controlled car oh that’s so cool thank you so much I hope you behave

And stay out of trouble for another day of course dad we’ll be good boys here you go play and have fun we love you both there was no red car thank you Dad and Mom yes thank you so much we’ll be good kids oh by the way I completely

Forgot here’s the remote control for this car until you’ve played it yourself you wouldn’t give it to the kids that’s great we’ve never had a car like this before thanks again you are the best parents ever okay have fun thank you you kids play we’re going to play with Daddy

Too bye-bye play nice with Daddy there all right JJ if I’m the one who gave me the remote I’m the one who owns the machine I play first okay Mikey I’m not sorry look how fast it goes yeah JJ the car is very fast just need to fully understand the controls there’s nothing

To understand you just press the forward and down buttons only a baby wouldn’t understand it’s not as simple as that JJ oh yeah you’re a baby too your car keeps crashing into walls give me some time and I’ll learn see I already know how to drive it properly uh sure in an open

Field with no walls you’re not going to hit anything and now you’ve hit the wall again just let me drive already no JJ I haven’t played yet just a little more and I’ll let you drive you’d sooner break the car than play with it and give

It back to me I’m fine driving the car it’s going to be okay okay what did you do Mikey it fell in the hole I told you to give me the controls you don’t know how to drive a remote control car what are we supposed to do now it could have

Broken from that height I don’t know JJ maybe you can reach in and get it no you dro the car you get in that hole no I’m definitely not going in there I’m scared you go first I don’t care it’s your fault you go I’m not going in there do

Whatever you want okay then I’ll go first but you’re you’re coming with me okay okay I’m on my way to get you oh there’s a door with a bunch of forbidden signs warning danger stop and so on that sounds kind of scary maybe we shouldn’t

Go in there forget the car it’s a gift from my parents we have to find that car so what if it’s a gift we’re going to get in trouble again why are you always afraid it’s your fault for dropping the car you have to fix your mistakes as my

Big brother you’re supposed to help me go over there and get the car you make me so nervous you’re always afraid of everything stop talking JJ start looking for our car okay okay this room looks like some kind of Vault of books and chemical potions and there’s the car

That Mikey dropped but it’s not the car that interests me most it’s this potion it’s the most important thing here as I see it I might be the smartest and strongest person in the world if I drink it it’s kind of tasty I want more guys I don’t advise you to drink unknown

Liquids it’s okay for me I’m strong and smart now we have to take this car and go to Mikey and I’m already feeling energized I want to do something bad it’s going to be fun you want to do something nasty I do okay let’s go hello

Again Mikey I found our car car we got to get out of here okay where’s the car itself show me that here it is you don’t believe me oh cool I believe you JJ you’ve been in that room for a while I was worried now let’s get out of here

Now I’m going to play with this car yes of course only now it’s night time and we have to go home you can play tomorrow if you want of course I do I’ve never played it let’s hurry home to our parents I hate them okay let’s go home

Why do you hate them uh what I didn’t say anything you imagined it 5 minutes late though okay we’re a little late don’t say anything about the car or our parents will get mad we’re not going to tell them anything they’re stupid and won’t understand you’re kind of rude but

Okay let’s say we just played a long game and didn’t realize it was dark it’s going to be okay yeah stop talking and let’s go home Mom Dad hi we’re back from our walk hi Mom and Dad hey kids how’s your car did it break down no here’s the

Car nice and clean it’s all right that’s good it costs too much money try to treat it with care all right Dad this car is awesome yeah the car is great I haven’t played it at all but it’s really cool and the fact that I haven’t played

With it is a shame it’s because of Mikey that stupid TV that almost ruined her it would be nice to to kill him so I could play with the machine more what what are you talking about JJ he’s just tired so he says he doesn’t have to okay whatever

It’s getting late go to bed both of you I hate sleeping let’s go to sleep JJ you must obey us why don’t you both go to bed and I’ll keep playing no that’s not going to work okay we’re going to bed don’t fight you two stupid adults it’s

Okay I’ll get you soon enough JJ they heard you did he call us stupid what happened to him I don’t know maybe he just overheated in the sun okay they’re not mad at you it’s so great that they didn’t find out about the car we won’t

Get punished which means we had a good day we’ve also been in that weird pit I’ve been wanting to go there for a long time yeah that’s cool Mikey why don’t we kill our parents what what are you even talking about let’s kill them they annoy

Me and they keep ordering us around I don’t like it no that’s not good that’s not the right thing to do these are our parents we love them and they love us too you’re as dumb as they are you can’t kill anyone I could kill you you’re

Crazy what happened to you I’m not the crazy one it’s the whole world around me is crazy you too Mikey looks like I knocked him out that’s all right we should kill him first then the parents you should have listened to me Mikey we could could have taken over the world

This TV man is so heavy he’s been eating his burgers and getting fat but it’s okay I’d love to fry him up maybe he’ll come to his senses and take my side or maybe he’ll die the main thing is that no one will see me and my plan will be

Perfect it’s very strange where’s JJ dragging Mikey we told them to go to bed and they went back outside they’re not supposed to be out at night at this hour look they’re just kids they’ll play they’ll settle down it’s no big deal I was the same way back in the day just

Trying to have fun when I was a kid it was impossible to keep track of Me no darling it’s not okay anymore JJ’s been acting really weird today he was saying things to himself his head was all Smoky we should follow them okay let’s go did

You even hear what JJ said about us he called us stupid he also wanted to kill Mikey I thought he was joking let’s go get them and take a look is he joking or does he really want to kill him okay whatever you say I gave them a car to

Keep them out of trouble and now trouble is happening to them again three hours later JJ this isn’t funny anymore please let me out I’m your brother I’ll give you this car forever but please don’t kill me you think it’s the car come to my side help me kill my parents I won’t

Do it I love them why do you want to do it I’m the one asking the questions here either you come over to my side or you’ll be swimming in this hot lava I’m not going to try to kill my parents they love us and they love you too they gave

Us a car I don’t want to hurt them so that’s it if you won’t pick a side then you’re against me no JJ don’t do it too late Mikey you made the wrong choice JJ please don’t I love you pull the switch I don’t want to burn in the lava in 5

Minutes the cage will sink into that hot lake and you’ll be fried like a steak on a griddle fried Mikey that sounds delicious please brother don’t kill me I’m so young and handsome I haven’t accomplished anything in my short life yeah your life’s really going to end

Quickly why have you become evil we were playing so well I hated playing games with you you’re so annoying always taking away my toys now you’ve become my own toy and you know what I really like playing with you now how good I am how smart I am I’m getting hot already

Standing in this cage is torture God why do I have to do this that’s the kind of stupid death I’m going to die today oh I hear some rustling in the bushes is someone coming to rescue me who would even be out here at this hour we thought

We’d follow you around thought you were playing like this but they didn’t play JJ’s crazy and messing with Mikey like that you and I have been talking a long time maybe we should hurry before Mikey gets fried in a cage yeah that’s a good

Idea we need to get him out of the cage let me out of here already the SES of my shoes are starting to melt from this temperature and yes I’m very happy to see you okay I just need to figure out how to get you out of here maybe we

Should pull these levers up no you just have to open the door to this cage oh really I could just open the door to this cage and walk out of here okay thank you for saving me you got here just in time but what could have

Happened to JJ to make him so crazy I’m sure it’s all your computer games that have that effect on you yeah I think it’s the computer games we should take away JJ’s console and computer yeah that’s a good idea I’m glad you ended up here but now we have to catch JJ before

He comes up with another trick he was going to kill me and then he was going to kill you he’s very dangerous so think about what to do about it you’re adults you’re supposed to be smart we’re not that smart your dad’s still watching SpongeBob so what it doesn’t make me

Stupid we’ll all go into the bushes and call the police they’ll decide what to do about JJ what if he goes to jail maybe he’ll go to jail or maybe a mental institution it doesn’t matter 5 minutes later hey guys this is going to be a

Good video today huh I got to go check on Mikey he’s probably cooked to medium rare or maybe well done I know how to roast meat what the cage is empty how did Mikey get out of here I thought I locked the cage or I didn’t lock the

Cage he just opened the door and walked out of here how awful I forgot to lock it I also told everyone they were all dumb when I’m not smart myself what a shame yeah JJ you’re a complete idiot not locking the cage was really really stupid what parents how did you get here

We just followed you yeah your plan isn’t that brilliant yeah JJ you screwed up oh now that you’ve all come to me it’ll be easier for me I’ll kill you all at once let’s see who’s stupid calm down kid I’ll put you all in the same grade

And believe me I’ll have a lock on it for sure oh what’s that the police did you call the police of course so what you didn’t expect us to just call them and have them grab you you’re not such a genius oh no I didn’t think of that what

Do I do that’s it you’re going to jail no I’m your son help me I was kidding all right who’s the criminal that red boy is a criminal he wanted to kill us all right hold it right there hands up or I’ll shoot you don’t make any sudden

Movements I’m going to kill you too what did he say he wants to kill me you’re going to jail boy you’re a criminal so uh is this your son yeah but he wanted to kill us all kill how about we kill you would that make you feel good oh my

God looks like it’s over I’m not going to be able to take down this stupid family shut your mouth right now how often did he threaten you he doesn’t a lot that’s not true shut up you have the right to remain silent so be silent all

Words spoken by you will be applied to you in a court of law yeah and then they put him in a mental institution guys that’s how sad the video hey hey everybody good to see you all back on our Channel Mikey what are we doing

Today JJ I want to play with toys all day it’s the weekend wow what kind of toys are we going to play with I would love to draw and play with my dinosaur and I’ll take the cart and uh oh H JJ it looks like our daddy called us kids come

Here oh and that was already our mom they’re calling us let’s check to see if anything serious has happened huh what could possibly go wrong JJ just considering even the bad options kids what took you so long to come down all right it’s not that important we’re

Going to the store now wow that’s so cool are you going to buy us some goodies H well I guess so we’ll get you something delicious delicious and healthy cool can we come with you huh why well we’ll go away for a while buy some groceries and come back we’ll be

Fine we’ll be back home soon okay oh Mom and Dad come back to our house soon we’ll be here waiting for you byee Mikey do you realize what this means we’re going to have fun and do whatever we want yay I want to break some vases no

Mikey wait why calm down JJ I’m not going to break anything really let’s go upstairs and play uh okay so JJ remind me what toy were we discussing hm I remember what you said about the dinosaur and then I said I wanted to get a red card and play with it 5 minutes

Later JJ why is SpongeBob square and Patrick not uh well Mikey Patrick is a starfish so he’s not Square then what about SpongeBob he’s a sponge I don’t know Mikey but I like that he’s square like us uh but it’s so weird isn’t it n didn’t you hear that oh hm have our

Parents arrived already but it was like 10 minutes tops how did they buy everything so fast I don’t know all right let’s go see what’s going on outside hurry up hurry up holy Turtles JJ be quiet please and look out the window uh oh my God JJ who are those

People Mikey I don’t know and we weren’t supposed to have guests then who are they oh my God those aren’t people they’re skibbidy toilets find them all and Destroy them hey let’s recap oh my God Mikey we got to do something those toilets are hunting Us JJ they’re on

Their way to the house what do we do oh my God we don’t have much time where are our parents Mikey we need to hide somewhere and wait for help what if he finds us first very very scary all right Mikey I’ll run to the police and you try

To hide somewhere good all right come on you got to sneak in the back door yeah that’s right before they go in the house I have a chance to get outside try not to break anything uh what do you say we split up and go looking hey I’m in

Charge here but your idea is a JJ go while they’re distracted Mikey come with me JJ you know one of us has to stay but Mikey it’s okay come on hurry up I’ll hide upstairs you run for help oh my god wow boss there really isn’t anyone in

The house but those kids wait what they came specifically for me and Mikey I have to run as fast as I can Mikey’s life is on the line oh where am I supposed to go where can I hide think Mikey think fast oh closet that’s right

I’ll hide in our closet I’m sure no one will find me here he so let’s split up we’re not stupid enough to go together good plan boss I’ll go check the kitchen you go upstairs with your headphones on what about me the white toilet will be

Watching TV oh I don’t mind if you all understand let’s go oh I’m going to find everybody so where could these kids hide in such a big room God bless you oh no oh who’s hiding in the closet no no you didn’t hear anything go away oh how did you see me

What did you think I wouldn’t see you behind that door yeah it’s a closet you’re so funny stop now come here Pew I don’t know how long it took but I managed to get here it is now my responsibility to find a police officer

To help me this is his office oh I want to eat dut hello officer I’m in an emergency my brother’s in danger our house has been invaded by a skibbidy toilet I am very scared and don’t know what to do wait help me please I beg you

Oh my God for starters you need to stop talking so fast uh okay I’ll help you you’ll be fine come on really what do you mean really are you kidding me no then there’s no more time to waste let’s rush to your brother’s Aid yay cool 2

Hours later aw I’m so glad we were able to get these fruits they are very rare Mikey and JJ are going to love this kids we’re here uh where are our boys maybe they’re sitting in a room and can’t hear us didn’t they hear us come in honey

Don’t you think it’s quieter than usual that scares me oh my God what’s going on where are our children I don’t know but we have to find them maybe they’re just playing hideand-seek with us what oh no Mikey what happened here I don’t Know oh thank God he’s breathing we’re very lucky but what’s happened that he’s in such a state honey for what it’s worth where did JJ go ah Mikey is unconscious and JJ is missing what a horror boy this is your house isn’t it yes officer my brother should be on the

Second floor okay we’ll go in carefully follow me okay and don’t make too much noise kid uh what what happened to the toilets they were right here they were here they must have gotten to the second floor by now hurry up let’s go all right let’s go check out what’s going on

Upstairs hurry up hurry up I hope Mikey is doing well uh Mikey what’s wrong with you oh my god oh JJ you’re back what’s wrong what’s wrong with Mikey we don’t know he doesn’t want to wake up oh no you have to help him are we writing a

Report my brother I tried so hard to bring help why didn’t you come with me oh oh what’s up JJ was supposed to bring me juice while I sleep uh JJ don’t you want to explain yourself what happened to the toilets I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s clear your kids just

Decided to play that way I have work to do goodbye everyone goodbye excuse me goodbye uh what do we do now well we bought a lot of yummy stuff so so we can go make dinner and you guys can fun oh I love that idea okay we’ll call you when

The food is done oh and I’m already so hungry bye-bye huh we’re not saying goodbye because we’ll see you soon Mikey oh what are we going to do my brother Mikey please explain to me what happened here where are the skibbidy toilets I don’t know what you mean Mikey the next

Day this cartoon is so stupid I never liked it but Mikey earlier you said you like this cartoon time passes and taste change brother uh JJ H what we’d like to ask you to go grocery shopping okay we need some groceries uh just a little bit

Uh okay let’s give you some money and you can go uh what’s going on I’m going to the store yes we are missing a few products okay I’m not going well I guess $5 is enough for you take the money JJ please buy vegetables fruits and cereals

Not Burgers okay I’ll be back soon you won’t even know I’m back JJ don’t be long we’re waiting for youe okay bye-bye I run to the store and back it’s quick and lightning fast I’ve noticed that Mikey is kind of weird don’t you think yeah the only thing you can watch on our

TV is SpongeBob dad SpongeBob is awesome I’ve been watching it my whole life how nice it is sometimes to get away from the domestic routine and just relax in front of the TV with the whole family or better yet stab that family with a knife it’s much more pleasant yeah yeah that’s

Some joke you got there Mikey yeah he’s a funny guy but they’re not always funny is this kind of post ironic I don’t know maybe it was sarcasm I don’t know his jokes now they will realize this is no joke at all but I’ll definitely have fun

When that knife puts a bunch of holes in their bodies for them it will be more of a tragedy than a comedy it’s time to get to my Mischief huh that’s where the Patrick fell funny yeah we should watch more cartoons together now you’re all going to regret leaving your knives

Unattended two dumb parents Mikey what’s wrong what did we do to you why did you tie us up we’re your parents untie us I want to kill you all at once and to do that I have to wait for the red TV you two stay here until he gets here it’s so

Convenient when the victims come to you if I could handle two adults I won’t even try with one child it’s so easy for me 5 minutes later and here I am finally came home from the store with the purchases my mom asked for there’s all sorts of vegetables fruits and cereals

No Burgers I don’t know who’s going to eat that Mom Dad meet me I’m back from the store where are you all oh JJ hi it’s good to see you again your parents fell asleep while waiting for you from the store let’s watch cartoons together there’s a new episode of of SpongeBob

Just came out a new series is it today that’s great let’s go watch it sit down on the couch relax it’s just watching cartoons together nothing suspicious I’m not worried you’re kind of weird today Mikey it doesn’t matter just watch your cartoon okay stop so this is an old

Series I saw it a long time ago have you seen a knife in your stomach lately you’re about to see it oh my God Mikey what are you doing Put The Knife away this isn’t funny anymore no JJ the Fun’s just beginning don’t run away from me

Let’s play together I don’t want to play with you you’re crazy am I crazy I’m your brother Mikey we always play like this with you we’ve never played like this before you’re not my brother you’re wrong come here now I’m not coming to you I got to find something to fight you

Off this is a pan I could use hey what are you looking for come back to me I think if I hit him on the head he’ll pass out what are you going to hit me over the head with I’m your brother let’s play put that pan down Mikey

Please calm down I will not rest I’m going to kill everyone in this house nah who are you here to kill you’re out of your mind with your cartoons you should go to the looney bin with games like that you’re a schizophrenic oh what where did he he go he just disappeared

Who was it then then where’s the real Mikey I don’t get it at all hey help us somebody we’re in the pantry tied with ropes get us out of here oh my God that sounds like my parents upstairs what did that Phantom Mikey do to them I got to

Help them there’s my parents thank God they’re alive and well I’m tired of sitting here and I have to pee how long can this go on we’ve only been here 10 minutes be patient Mom Dad are you okay did Mikey tie you up yeah we’re fine

Untie us please I’m going to release you now sit tight ouch that hurt be gentle with me JJ ouch uh I’m sorry I don’t know how to untie a rope properly that Mikey who tied you up is a phantom I killed him but I don’t know where the

Real Mikey is Phantom Mikey you say yes that’s him we might know where the real Mikey is it’s in the den of scabi toilets we have to go there now skidy toilets okay let’s go we’re going to get my brother back JJ let’s go we’re going

To punch their faces in we’re going to flush them back into the toilet they’re going to regret taking my son I’m coming for you this is their Lair can’t they find another home it’s not the first time we’ve been here yeah scabi toilets aren’t aren’t exactly smart we’ll take

Advantage of that yeah we’re going to save Mikey and how are we going to do that just punch them in the face they don’t have guns and won’t be able to fight back yeah it’s going to be easy okay I hope we can do this we can do it

Let’s go all together let’s go we’ll take them out and then I ordered him to kill the entire speaker family who were you trying to kill in there filthy toilet we wanted to kill you why did you survive your Phantom is too stupid and

So are you now I’m going to kill you all don’t tear yourself up daddy I’m going to take care of your son come on Nah Get Your Head kicked in well done son you’re doing a good job finish the last one please don’t I didn’t do anything ouch

That’s it they can’t do anything in a real man’s fight dad you’re so cool you’re the one who took down this Den yeah he’s very strong and cool yes thank you all it’s my pleasure but we got to go find Mikey they’re probably holding him in that basement okay let’s go we

Need to check it out I hope Mikey is doing well I’m so worried about him oh we found him Mikey’s in the cage he’s like a monkey in a zoo you finally found me yes we’re glad you’re safe and alive yes the skibus left a phantom in your

Place let me out of here already okay okay one moment that’s it you’re free Mikey it’s so wonderful to have our family back together yeah that’s awesome then let’s get out of this basement it’s damp and it stinks I don’t want to stay here for long yeah we should get out of

Here before the new scabi toilets come in yeah I’m sick of sitting around here too yeah Mikey we’ve all had a tough time today you for instance attacked me with a knife I didn’t do any of that I was just behind bars that’s all kids

Come on hurry up we don’t want to stay here too long let’s hurry yes we have to go now but first we have to say goodbye hey guys it’s us Mikey and JJ again how are you you guys doing I’m sure everything’s fine yes JJ I’m sure they

Are doing great too look at the beautiful weather today I’m so happy about that yes Mikey you’re right the weather is great let’s keep playing come on up to my place I can’t Mikey it’s pretty late I have to go home my parents and I are going to cook dinner together

Come on down and let’s go home JJ that sounds cool but maybe you can come over to our house for dinner tonight and we can play my new games together afterwards oh my parents are there why don’t we we go ask them mom dad are you

Going for a walk too you can say so son we’ve come to take you home let’s go it’s time to eat soon all right mom can JJ come to visit us today please all right let JJ come to us that’s fine with us yay JJ then what

Time are you coming to our place Mom it’s just JJ needs to help his parents out so what let’s make it 8:00 all right JJ we’ll see you at 8:00 then but JJ don’t take too long I’ll be waiting for you all right Mikey mom dad he’s coming

At 8:00 let’s go home Mikey I’ll see you later yeah JJ I’ll be waiting for you at home okay hey guys do you think my parents will let me go to Mikey’s for dinner I hope my parents won’t be too upset that I’m not cooking dinner with

Them and I’m going to Mikey’s Let’s go ask them if I can go to Mikey’s tonight and we can move the cooking dinner together to tomorrow I think they’ll gree Mom Dad I’m home honey what are we making for dinner tonight I don’t know honey we’ll figure something out Mom Dad

Mikey’s having me over for dinner at 8:00 p.m. can I go please it’s been a long time since we’ve had dinner or played at his house darling I don’t mind okay JJ you can go over to Mikey’s house your mom and I don’t mind Mom Dad thank

You so much you’re the best okay I’m off to Mikey’s they’re waiting for me we just said I’d be there at 8:00 p.m. all right son but be careful and don’t embarrass our family son did you hear what your mommy told you be careful all right thank you very much you are the

Best guys they let me go to mikeys they let you guys go to your friends sleepovers too okay we should try to see if the food’s ready or not Mikey we’re going to get a weather report on the news mom come here quickly they’re going to tell us about the weather come

On what already how fast time flies I’m on my way yay mom you made it before the weather report started did you get everything ready yes son dinner’s ready let’s watch the news JJ will be here and we can have dinner okay Mom let’s listen to the news dear residents today I have

Wonderful news in our Square world is expected scorching sun and no rain what what are you doing here you can’t be in here guards get them out of here hey help that’s the end of your news look carefully here remember you have to kill JJ you have to kill JJ you

Have to kill JJ you have to kill JJ we have to kill JJ we have to kill JJ 2 hours later guys here I am at Mikey’s house look how big and gorgeous his house is I hope I I’m not too late because it’s a long walk I got to get to

The house soon I think they’re waiting for Me hey Mikey open up it’s me JJ hm maybe they forgot I was coming and they went somewhere else like the store that’s unlikely though H maybe their door is open we should try it oh it worked hey Mikey I’m here where are you it’s weird no one’s answering maybe something’s wrong I’m going to go look

Around they must be in the kitchen let’s go check it out oh there’s no one here and the food’s still hot oh there they are watching TV hm what’s that weird show never seen it before must be something new Mikey your door was open

And I walked in uh why are you all so angry oh JJ we’ve been waiting for you I think it’s time to run JJ where are you going we need you don’t run away oh no I’ll hide in the stairwell maybe they’ll think I ran outside there he is he’s

Hiding on the stairs don’t run away from us it won’t hurt you oh no they’ve spotted me I’ll try to hide in a room somewhere it’s closed what should I do I have to hide before they find me I’ll check the other doors it’s closed what

Should I do I have to hide before they find me I’ll check the other doors maybe they’re open this one’s closed too they’re coming for me all the doors on this floor are closed oh no they’re coming we have to hide on the third floor there must be room JJ you’ll have

Nowhere to hide come to us don’t be afraid be a good boy we have to get up there there might be a way out maybe the windows are open oh no it’s closed here too what do I do now there’s a door I hope it’s

Open this door is closed too what do I do there they are hey you don’t come near me I’m begging you wake up it’s me JJ here you are JJ you’re trapped you have nowhere else to run from us oh where am I what is this place I can’t

Understand anything and my head hurts so bad there you go JJ we told you not to run away now you’ll never get away from here no matter how much you want to and no one will ever find you here deal with it yeah JJ you’re never coming out of

Here again ever so just sit here quietly and nobody’s going to hurt you do you understand me hey let me out of here no JJ you’re going to sit here forever what forever no that’s never going to happen it’s so scary in here oh no what am I

Going to do now how do I get out of here we’ve got to think of something fast oh it’s a ventilator shaft well let’s see where it goes aha it leads to the other side of the cage then I need to break down the hatch and go in there to get

Out the sooner we get out of here the better for me honey I’m worried about our son he’s been gone so long do you think anything could have happened to him on the road honey I think he’s fine he’s just probably staying with his friend Mikey

But if you’re so worried about him let’s go over to their house and take him back Home come on break it down you stupid iron you’re going to take a long time to break my arm hurts already oh I finally broke the grate it’s been so long well that’s not what this is about I’ve got to get out of here as soon as possible this shaft is

So narrow I’m afraid I’m going to get claustrophobic oh how could I forget there are rats in these places I think it’s as scared of me as I am of it good thing it didn’t attack me I wouldn’t want to catch rabies I think I’m getting

Closer to the exit oh there’s the exit we should just break this grade and that’s it well I’m out of here but what do I do next hm well there’s the door oh no it’s locked I’d better have a look around maybe I’ll find the key somewhere

Well there’s no key here where could it be H very interesting if I were them where would I put the key I’ll have to look on the table H yeah there it is honey here we are at Mikey’s house great darling why don’t we go knock on some

Doors cuz it’s getting late we got to pick up our son JJ yeah love you’re right let’s go okay the doorbell’s got to be around here somewhere guys I finally found the key I hope it fits this door okay well I’m not going to miss this place so

Let’s get out of here oh I think the key in the lock let’s just open it up and look around hopefully there won’t be any of them around well there doesn’t seem to be anyone in the kitchen which is good hopefully it’ll be all the way out

Here and they won’t notice me I wonder where they all went well it doesn’t matter I hope they don’t come what who went in the house oh it’s my parents I have to run to them quickly Mom Dad it’s me JJ get me out of here quick son what

Happened where are the others mom they got really mean after they saw the news they locked me in the basement and said I was in there forever call the police and let them deal with them okay son I’m going to call the police now okay dialing 911 it would be nice if they

Picked up right away come on please pick up the phone oh no they spotted us here comes the whole JJ family what good timing we’ll kill you all at once that’s what I’ve been telling you now come here it’s time to kill you oh no Mom Dad

Let’s get out of here quick son get out of here stay back stay where you are no you’re not getting away from us mom dad what do we do now where do we go now we’ll catch up with you and kill you anyway Mom Dad let’s get out of here

Okay son you go first we’ll hold them off so they don’t catch up with you okay Dad oh look the police are on their way they’re going to help us for sure hey you stay where you are and put your hands in the air serves you right

Murderers partner I think I know what the problem is they were hypnotized by the news like a lot of people in this town listen do you have any more of that potion that’ll help them yeah I don’t have many of those potions Left oh what happened to us I don’t remember anything it’s all a blur thank you very much JJ I want to say thank you so much for calling the cops on us if it wasn’t for you we don’t know what would have happened to us especially you we

Are so ashamed look dad Mom it’s so good that everything turned out okay look are you going to file a report on them or not if not I’ll just have a talk with them them of course not they didn’t know what they were doing and they didn’t do

Anything bad to me okay I heard you JJ thank you so much for not reporting my family it means a lot to me okay I’m going to go listen to the lecture Mom Dad it’s good to be done isn’t it I’m worried about them won’t they do

Anything to them JJ the policemen will just talk to them and tell them what happened to them look how happy Mikey is let’s go see them all right I’ll be right with you hey guys welcome everyone to our Channel hi my name is Mikey and my name

Is uh JJ look at this what’s wrong why did you interrupt me did you see how many people were there it just seems unbelievable uh Mikey is that the only reason you interrupted me well yes but it was a good reason oh my God Mikey

You’re just uh hi kids oh hey Mom hi Daddy yeah hi guys is something wrong yes something amazing happened will you tell them them darling yes of course anyway we’re going to the restaurant oh Mom will they let us in of course they’ll let us all in my boy don’t worry

It’ll be great okay there’s all kinds of delicious food and desserts yeah there’s all kinds of desserts Mikey we’re going to have a great restaurant experience yes I already can’t wait to order everything they have on the menu but Mikey let’s go we just got to get

Cleaned up before we go out there I agree that’s exactly what I’m doing right now great I’ll go get ready too then 2 hours later my parents told me we had already arrived at the right place but for now we’re just walking in some Woods JJ hurry up Mikey wait for me all

Right kids keep it down we’re already outside the restaurant wow yes so behave yourself wow I’m all excited we’ve come to the right place oh my God Elite restaurant let’s go oh how much money am I going to spend today oh I want to say something well Mikey what do you want to

Tell us I’ll order whatever’s on the menu I don’t want to think about it I want to order that much too oh God give me strength Mikey daddy will go crazy if we order this much yeah you’re right why don’t we order one entree and one dessert each good idea that’s what we’ll

Do wow there’s quite a lot of people people here JJ it’s a restaurant it’s very beautiful here uh okay hi we had a reservation for speaker man hello while I’m considering a reservation could you please tell me do you like our restaurant yes your restaurant is considered premium glad to hear it your

Table’s upstairs follow me great let’s go kids keep up with us yes it’s very easy to get lost in here uh okay JJ what are you standing there for H let’s go upstairs I don’t want to run here oh it’s beautiful here but it’s crazy crowded I’m already a little lost yes

You can sit down now soft I hope you’ll be comfortable here yeah the waiter will be here soon have a nice vacation oh thank you phw I guess we can relax a little now yeah yes it’s always a bit tedious so what should we order I don’t

Know I think I’ll have the meat and chicken with cream sauce ooh cream sauce yeah that’s good then I’ll eat the same food as Daddy oh really really and we’re sitting pretty high up I like that wow there’s the waiter I have to decide what

To order too oh I think he’s coming over oh I think I heard footsteps yeah I heard something too I must have imagined it maybe hello my name is Dan and I’m your waiter today hello are you ready to order yes I’ll have a steak please I’d

Like something lighter like a salad I don’t want a salad I’m thirsty oh well get us all some water then nice okay anything else yes the kids have yet to say what they want I want pancakes great what’s for you I’ll have a steak please good choice thank you so two plates of

Steak one salad one pancake and a drink your order will be ready in 30 minutes wow 30 minutes that’s quite a lot in fact JJ with all the Talking time will pass very quickly that’s true but 30 minutes Mikey I understand you guys the time will fly by so let’s relax and

Enjoy the experience of this dear Place JJ relax yeah I don’t think I’ll be able to relax here for a while by the way I’ve been wanting to remodel the kitchen and the kids room for a long time mommy are you serious yes you both have grown

Up a bit I think your room should be changed a bit cool oh Linguini will you be done with the soup soon my pork’s almost done we’re on fire that’s fine hey I brought the order all right Cooks listen up say your words two plates of

Steak one salad one pancake and a drinks do you understand oh brother of course I understand and your English words oh that man everything will be at its best great come on come on get to work Ramy we’re out of salad preparations then make them Linguini yes sir come on come

On ah this job will make a rat out of me not a cook 5 minutes later so is the steak ready huh yeah it’s almost done oh it’s lunchtime Ramy sir finish your work and let’s go to lunch oh yes Linguini food first then work yes I got

Really hungry while I was cooking those steaks I’m hungry too let’s go come on let’s go cool off outside and eat Go so is there any any order ready oh what where’d they go uh is anyone here hm there’s no one here okay I think they just went on break I’ll just take the finished dish oh it’s steak hm should I take it uh I don’t know okay I guess that’ll do

This dish looks fully cooked so I’ll take it to the family that came recently at least I’ll give away one cooked dish JJ we’ve been talking for 10 minutes have you noticed that oh that’s right really I didn’t even notice yeah me too you’re right Dad h cool H time

Went by really fast but I’m still hungry I’m very hungry too calm down there’ll be food soon but the waiting is so tedious daddy yes darling I told you they’d get tired of being here yeah I’m a little tired already oh I’ve been looking all over for you yeah our cooks

Are on break so only one dish is ready what sorry for the inconvenience well if that’s the case there’s no choice bonati Mom bonati dear guest M the meat is the best it’s tender the meat must be fresh speaker man mom make us some fresh meat

Oh what what’s going on uh was there something you didn’t like yeah I didn’t like you Dad oh oh my God wait let’s talk about this uhuh no oh my God JJ this is a nightmare he destroyed that waiter Daddy what have you done what are

We going to do now oh no it’s Panic oh my [Applause] God now it’s your turn to suffer Mikey and JJ JJ it looks like our parents have been infected with something they’ve gotten very angry looks like you’re right let’s get out of here what do you

Think happened to them I don’t know Mikey but they’re definitely not our parents anymore let’s get away from them as fast as we can go go go JJ I’m really scared what are we going to do now I don’t know yet oh my goodness they’re coming down come on we

Got to hide Mikey come here oh no Mikey where’d you run off to I hope he’s okay I hope they don’t find me it’s a kitchen there’s always a place to hide I just need to find a good place to hide hm oh it’s a refrigerator I can fit in

There it’s a good place to hide I don’t think anyone will find me here I wonder how Mikey is doing is he okay what what are those noises I should hide as soon as possible so they don’t find me I hope that refriger Fator is off ooh it’s

Freezing in here but I guess it’s better than getting caught with evil Parents so what do we have here I heard some noises there’s definitely someone hiding in here someone’s in the kitchen we better see who it is maybe Mikey’s here what who’s hiding in the fridge uh it’s my little boy JJ come to me don’t be afraid I’ll make it quick you won’t

Understand anything oh no she found me what am I supposed to do now JJ son I know you’re here don’t be afraid it’ll go very quickly you don’t want to open it for me then I’ll open it what it can’t be I was sure he was

Here then where did he go Mom I’m sorry but it’s for your own good and Mikey and I safety what let me out now I’m sorry Mom Mom been stopped now we have to help Mikey with Dad I hope he’s okay now now all that’s left is to find Mikey just where

Could he be he’s not here and there’s nothing here either help me it’s Mikey the scream came from upstairs I’m got to go check it out I wish he was okay I’m so worried about him oh no it’s our evil father and Mikey’s tied to the table I’m

Got to do something fast or I’m going to lose my brother but just what hm I should look around the room maybe I’ll find something oh it’s the radio that’ll help me I think I’ve got an idea no dad Dad please don’t do this I’m your son

Mikey you’re not my son anymore no one and nothing can stop me it’s all over for you now goodbye Mikey what what’s that sound that’s a Radio yes it worked he fell for the radio and who turned on the radio H well never mind I’ll just go turn it off how do I turn this thing off yeah I think this is my chance to save Mikey Mikey how are are you are you okay

Yeah I’m fine thanks for coming to get me before our father sees I have to untie you and get out of here all right Mikey I’ve untied you get up and let’s get out of here hey you where are you going stop right there get out of here I

Agree with you hul to whom I say no I’ll find you anyway JJ what are we going to do now oh no our father is coming first we need to hide let’s run to the kitchen where’s he gone there he is Mikey run so Mikey while we’re running I’ve

Got a plan we’ll put a rope under his leg so he falls and when he’s unconscious we’ll give him the antidote okay I’m 100% sure that antidote is in here somewhere kids I’m coming for you I know you’re out there ouch yay Mikey we did it now we got to

Find the antidote to help cure our daddy of this yeah you’re right let’s hurry up and find him then okay then let’s start looking I think the antidote is somewhere in these crates okay he’s not here he’s not here either oh JJ I think I found something some kind of potion

Maybe this is it here check it out it’s like an antidote let’s check it out it can’t get any worse okay I think so too come on throw it I think it worked Mikey we helped our dad oh what happened why do I have such a headache I don’t remember anything

Well we’ve dealt with the father so now we’re down to the mom wait where is she oops it’s in the fridge I forgot all about it what kids let me see what’s wrong with her oh my God honey you’re freezing I can’t believe it our mom is

Like mammoths in Ice Dad go ahead and defrost mom guys hey guys my name is JJ and this is my brother I’m Mikey we’re watching a program about real men huh they’re fighting on live TV this looks super cool I agree with you Mikey I’d

Like to be a boxer wow JJ you just read my mind that actually looks really cool and fun Mikey when we grow up you and I can be real boxers okay okay let’s make a promise to each other yeah I’m Mikey and I promise that when I grow up I’ll

Be a real boxer I promise I’ll be a boxer too great now we have a dream in common how cool is that I hope we can make it work I hope so too 10 years later ladies and gentlemen welcome we’re here for an exceptional fight between two brothers and you’ve placed good bets

On each of the two contestants the fight promises to be exciting in the left corner brother Mikey I’m the best boxer in this ring my opponent is no match for me nicknamed unbreakable yeah victory is mine and in the right corner brother JJ thank you all for coming I will win no

Matter what it takes just look his nickname is Unstoppable oh yeah no one can stop me from winning fight the battle has begun burst into the prey brother JJ his unbridled F lives up to his nickname but Mikey remains surrender Mikey my fist will destroy you you give

Up first you will no longer be indestructible our opponents they’re shouting a few phrases and it’s clear that only one will win it’s time to end this show H what oh here’s our winner give a big round of applause for our winner the unbreakable Mikey yes thank

You to all those who believed in me that was a great fight congratulations [Applause] yay It’s so bright oh where am I oh I don’t understand a thing my head hurts so much it’s like some kind of Hospital oh that’s right I lost to Mikey and oh what’s going to happen now and where is this Hospital there’s a village nearby

How do I get back in the ring huh you have other things to worry about right now hello doctor this room is for special occasion like yours uh you have a severe concussion no way but if you take a couple months without fighting but doctor you’ll be fine it’s a matter

Of life and death oh I get it goodbye goodbye thanks for your help guys this is a terrible event I guess I’m going to have to forget boxing for a while H oh where am I going to go hm all right I’ll go this way oh my God why did this

Injury have to happen to me I finally managed to find my way out of that hospital and I’m running toward the ring now I want to see what’s going on oh hm oh thank you yes thank you all H thank you for such a generous award why did he

Get such a big check yes it was a very easy win for me oh he didn’t even consider me a competitor that’s so hurtful and unfair and now I can’t even fight him again because of my injury I was in that boxing tournament too and I

Didn’t even get a good job I’m not just not fighting for a couple months I’m going to stop boxing all together I’m going to sit on a bench all day enjoying nature this is my life now no other way I’ve already made up my mind but why

Does my soul hurt so much face it JJ you’re not doing what you love so much anymore oh I’m so angry and so sad why me and not Mikey ah oh my God you know I don’t really care anymore do whatever you want to me it can’t get any worse than this

Hm I’d like to say I’m surprised we came here but I don’t care at all in fact my life now feels like nothing without my favorite hobby so I’m not resisting what’s happening to me ouch oh my God H I feel kind of weird hey okay skibby toilet do whatever you want

Uh hm I think that makes sense to me now first I’m going to avenge my loss to Mikey and then I’m going to destroy everyone in my path there’s only one strongest man and that’s me I will destroy you all 2 hours later I’m filled with anger where is my opponent I will

Find you wherever you hide and destroy you I’ve been in my brother’s Shadow for too many years it’s time to change this nonsense love you finally came out of his hiding place are you that scared of me Mikey oh hm you stupid wuss I’m telling you JJ what are you talking

About you will not Escape my wrath and despair stop what attack no no no JJ stop punch punch punch help JJ stop it I don’t care Oh hm JJ I don’t understand why you’re doing this to me you can’t win this time now I have the power to defeat

Anyone Mikey you realize now you don’t want to mess with me I warned you what JJ what’s going on in there get away from Mikey right now I warned him this would happen get away from him you’re out of your mind if that’s the way you

Want it then I’m leaving you don’t come apologizing to us do you understand me I’ll come back to get revenge on them oh what happened why did JJ attack me I don’t understand he’s changed he’s gone bad mom dad I have to tell you everything but first let’s go home all

Right son and just don’t scare us okay after after our fight he disappeared for a while I’m sure he was infected I thought it was the suit that made him so angry but I saw a skibus on him from behind I’m sure it was him we need to

Distract JJ and get the skibus off him it’s a good plan 5 minutes later hey JJ fly to us we recognize you for being the strongest and to celebrate mom made your favorite state look it’s true Sun I’m ready for Revenge I just have to meet

Them uh uh what who’s that yelling out there JJ fly to us we have your favorite steak let’s make peace Here Comes Mikey now I can get back at him and no one’s going to stop me Mikey I’m coming for you JJ here’s your steak go get it is that my favorite

Steak I’m very very hungry JJ you want that steak then you’re going to have to take it from me or you’ll never get it hauh easy what let go come on Mikey do it while we got him hurry up he’s fighting back I’m coming but don’t let him go hold him

Tight let me go if you don’t I’ll work with you too and you’ll be in a world of hurt from my power JJ don’t be mad we want what’s best for you we’re going to save you and make you look like your old self again good job yes we did it now JJ

Will be as kind as ever mom JJ how are you feeling all right Dad son is something bothering you Mikey brother I’m so glad you’re back with us I don’t remember anything what what’s going on in here Mikey why are you holding the scabi toilet I don’t feel so good 3

Hours later oh my God my head hurts what happened I don’t remember anything how are you feeling son did you get any sleep Mikey’s still resting guys remind me in the comments what happened Mom and Dad please wake up Mikey I want to apologize to him for everything I

Remember okay Mikey son get up JJ wants to tell you something JJ you’re finally awake I was so worried about you I even fell asleep with those thoughts you have no idea how glad I am to have you back with us Mom Daddy yes son we’re listening to you very carefully I would

Like to apologize to you and especially to you Mikey for my disgusting Behavior I don’t know what came over me but I am very ashamed that’s okay I know how to fix all of this we’ll have a fair fight between us what what what fight I forbid

You to do that you’re going nowhere JJ get out of here wait your mom told you not to my mom I said I don’t allow it after this we’ll be in trouble yeah you’re right Mikey JJ just Let’s Make a Deal no hard feelings after this fight

Okay I agree this time I’m going to win It Mikey are we back in the same ring yeah we’ll have a friendly sparring session what’s the reward for the winner the reward will be our friendship wao wait that’s a different venue huh yeah I wanted to surprise you with our customized ring you did this on purpose

For our sparring sessions yeah that’s just on us I’m touched Mikey huh I’m glad to hear that you’re the coolest brother ever he well don’t you want to try out our new boxing ring of course I do yay I’ll fight for the red team but I don’t have the urge it’s okay I’m

Prepared wow Mikey you’re awesome JJ you’re a liar huh don’t know what you’re talking about it all but somehow I’m wearing boxing gloves so I’m ready to fight huh okay JJ I’m glad let’s do it then take your corner in the boxing ring and let’s get started on the bout huh

You’ll regret wanting to fight a pro oh I only see one professional in the ring and that’s me I’m talking about me yeah well then prove you’re not just saying that huh don’t worry I won’t disappoint you come on give it your best punch attack don’t Dodge take the blow with dignity Super

Punch oh Mikey that was the best fight we ever had I agree with you shall we do it again uh I’m getting a little tired Mikey’s too fast look at him going full force oh I still can’t believe we live in such a huge house my parents after

Their fight in the previous video have become very close now we have a nice house and two cool cars JJ catch up wow Mikey you’ve already put some distance between you and me oh it’s hard I need need more practice oh that was a great bike ride Mikey that was something you

Were going as fast as flash huh I’m glad to hear that look at our house yeah this Mansion is huge I’m so glad our parents could make up I’m glad too Mom said Dad got a promotion at work and that’s why we have a house like this Wow Let’s go

Inside yeah I’m starving yes let’s go because our parents are probably waiting for us hey Mikey what do you want to do today I thought I’d play a little ball and then get a little exercise but I don’t have plans for that oh I can’t get used to these big creaky doors

Yeah well here goes well why do you ask me that do you have a plan I have a suggestion I’m interested in you speak up why don’t we uh play hideand-seek as a family I love this idea yay that’ll be fun I just have to suggest it to my

Parents Mom Dad hi hi oh hi kids hi I made lunch oh I’m really a little hungry yeah I’m really hungry I hope you had a great ride outside our beautiful home yeah this place is really cool oh I’m so glad well then let’s go to the dining

Area yeah I’m starving too uh I’d like to make a suggestion JJ eat first do business later Daddy’s right JJ oh all right don’t be sad JJ let’s eat first and then we’ll play yeah let’s go where are you kids we’re on our way huh this

Is where I’ve been cooking for wow that looks super comfy you must have enjoyed cooking here and this lunch is waiting for us wow we’re having a celebratory lunch tonight Mikey wow I’m drooling already I agree let’s eat take your time Bon Appetit Bon Appetit so how was the

Bike ride yeah we had a great ride I’ll eat while no one’s looking huh JJ had a great idea tell them yeah we’d like to play hide-and-seek as a family what do you you say I haven’t played this in a long time it sounds like fun yeah I

Haven’t played in a while let’s play yay yay well then our parents will be looking for us huh yeah it’s our initiative and we’ll go hide and seek count to 50 huh you mice all right we started counting let’s go Mikey JJ I’m so excited let’s go find a place to hide

Oh they’re not peeking are they what’s up yeah it’s okay cool so where are you going to hide I’ve got an idea I’m going to hide in the Attic of the house wow that’s a cool idea yeah I’ll hurry okay good luck good luck I’m going to hide in

The basement there was this great place 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 36 37 the hide and seek has begun let them hide all they want we’ll find them ah they can’t escape us it’s not my fault who didn’t hide kids we’re coming to find you okay viewers I found the place where I’ll be hiding this is where we

Got all the stuff we need for the house there’s all kinds of pipes boxes but the most important thing is this Warehouse I’m going to hide right here if I get into this clothes my parents won’t even find me kids who’s there oh it’s Mom I’ll find you oh no Mom what’s wrong

With you where are you hiding baby don’t be afraid of me I’m the kindest mommy come out and play with me for a while I’m really scared I guess there’s no one here mommy’s weird I’ll find you wherever you’re hiding oh my God what was that

Mom’s weird I got to be careful and warn Mikey I hope he’s okay but how do I get to him the stairs are too dangerous for me but this elevator is just what I need cool I can get out of here oh it’s not as spacious as I thought it would be uh

There you are I knew there was someone here no don’t come near me oh that was really close I’m supposed to go straight to Mikey’s attic I hope he’s there oh that was mom where does dad go we got to be careful Mikey are you here yeah I’m

Here be quiet there was someone at the door huh guys oh my God I’m here oh no oh it’s Dad all right did something happen to him too whoever’s hiding here I’ll find you where are the little ones oh no maybe they’re in this Barrel dad’s

Not as attentive as mom so I can’t be seen H I guess there’s no one here I’ll find you kids you’ll see H we’re safe Mikey oh JJ oh that’s where you’ve been hiding yeah what you doing here did you notice that too yeah my dad had a knife that’s creepy I was

Really scared I saw my mom oh you were hiding in a really creepy place it’s not that big of a deal weren’t you scared sitting here it’s fine do you hear anything well I can’t hear anybody else oh I’m afraid dad’s going to be waiting for us at the door Mikey dad’s usually

Very confident so he won’t check the same place twice oh so we can get out of the attic yeah uh we’re good to go well I don’t see anybody down here oh this is a little bit like a trap well we’ll see about that well is there anyone out

There no there’s no one here oh he’s really just gone uh yeah good thing there’s no one here what’s the matter but there’s nowhere to hide oh can’t you hide behind that thing oh no Mikey we’ll have to find another room more suitable for hiding oh no it’s too dangerous yeah

We’re going to have to go out oh JJ I don’t like the idea but I guess there’s no other way okay we’ll just run to the next room oh you ready uh 3 2 1 let’s go hurry hurry hurry JJ wait for me too I’m coming phw I don’t think anyone saw us

Wow oh JJ where are we oh this is the creative Zone it’s like a recreation area but you can do your hobbies here this looks cool okay Mikey we got to do something to save our parents how are we going to do this come on to beat mom

We’ll hang something heavy over here and drop it on her isn’t it dangerous of course not huh well then I’m in all right let’s do it let’s get the Anvil ready for Mom yeah all right help me Mikey come on come on get the Rope over

Here I’m trying yeah yeah yeah and this this is where you do it I can hear you I know where you are yay we did it there’s this rope here that’s directly connected to the mechanism yeah and I’m almost done installing the Rope do you want to see

If it works or not no JJ we’re not going to test it but Mikey I think it’s working just fine we just have to wait for it how long do we have to wait oh no kid I know you’re in oh that didn’t take long stay ready Mikey I’m ready open the

Door I won’t hurt you that sounds so scary don’t test my patience H all right ah here comes your mommy oh my God Mom this isn’t funny anymore stop acting like this JJ she’s in the right place should I pull the lever pull the lever

Mikey oh okay I’ll do it h h where are my babies Oh Darling oh those brats what have they done to her watch out because I’m coming for you yay we we did it Mikey H do you think she’s safe now yeah I guess she’s not dangerous anymore Mom

We’re going to help you yeah now we’ve got to find a way to get Dad in here yeah Daddy definitely heard that scream that’s right all right oh no Daddy’s here you can’t escape boys all right let’s go come quickly to my secret room I’ve got it all set up the secret room

Yes it’s right here you can’t escape come let’s hurry oh don’t scare me all right we’re going to put on a little show for Daddy Uh huh you think that’s going to stop me get back here I will destroy you all and nothing’s going to stop me oh what is it oh I’ll take a little nap and I’ll destroy you you oh what did you do Mikey I just put sleeping gas in the room wow

You really went all out Mikey huh what do you think of the cameras wow you had cameras all over the house yeah oh there’s our parking lot and the kitchen and the living room how about that you know Mikey you do some creepy things huh let’s go save our parents yeah we’re

Going to have to figure out what happened to them yeah I know an abandoned place where we can fix them let’s go we’ll prepare the place first and then we’ll go after the parents I hope it’s nothing serious don’t worry about it I think we’ll figure it out uh

Okay we found out what was causing our parents’ Behavior turns out they were run by little skibbidy toilets yeah they were sitting right on their back here we found the lab and it’s been empty for a long time and this is where we’re going to fix our parents yeah let’s get

Started uh how are we going to do that JJ look at the back wow it’s a chainsaw HH yeah cool stuff we’re going to take care of you stupid toilets in no time you’re finished are you sure this is safe yeah JJ it’s safe go okay let’s go

Get out of my mom’s body you stupid toilet release daddy torturer you’re not welcome here why are you even doing this yeah now you can’t do evil what are you going to do now they’re getting away huh they’re afraid of us come on come on run

While you can we’ll see you again don’t you dare harm us and our family again cowards you you didn’t even give us a fight I could have beaten them with my left hand JJ look hey we found you you’re not hiding very well oh Mom and Daddy they’re totally themselves huh

That’s right Mikey we saved our parents really kids what happened you started hunting us when your mind was taken over by the toilets yeah but sir JJ and the noble Mikey saved you from that nightmare yeah we’re your Noble savior night wow we’re looking at some real

Heroes here thank you noble knights you guys were great huh I’m glad everyone’s okay yeah I’m very happy too I hope those toilets don’t bother us again I don’t think they’ll bother us anymore what a terrible day I’m so tired I’m so cold I’m so hungry oh I mustn’t

Give up I must survive but why is fate so cruel to me it’s been raining for so long not only are my feet wet my pants are wet if I don’t find a place to keep warm I’m afraid my feet will go to the next World before I do but where am I

Going to find a warm place now uh this can’t be happening am I lucky oh my God thank God for giving me hope there’s a fire so I can warm my soaked pants in peace they’re soaked from the rain aren’t they uh well it doesn’t matter speaking of important hi everybody my

Name is JJ and as you can see I’m in a very bad place right now I have to survive at all costs because I want to oh it’s so warm in here H wow the weather’s getting better I already felt like this down would never end uh I’m

Very hungry so I’m going to try my luck and beg for food maybe someone can help me in my predicament oh and how nice that I was able to make a little box for passers by to put food in for me oh my God it looks great this is going to work

I’m brimming with confidence that it’s going to work hm uh but so far I don’t see anyone around I’ll sit and wait it must be rare for people to pass by here well I’m willing to wait as long as it takes 2 hours later ah of course I said

I’d wait a long time but this is too long I’m going to starve to death oh my food box is still empty at this rate my stomach will never be full H ohm oh it’s a villager where would I sell that leather hello don’t pass by my

Misfortune help me I’m very hungry oh sure beggar I’ll help you I’ll be happy with any food you give me please stray dogs only bones for dinner uh what’s this a bone what were you hoping for you’re a beggar I don’t have time or

Money for you how can you be so mean I can’t eat a bone have fun being a beggar oh my God what was that why is he so angry I just wanted to eat I don’t believe it hm are all people like that my car Goes Vroom Vroom uh oh and some

People are much luckier than me oh hm still I can’t get past such a hopeless situation oh what hi hi my name is Mikey my name is JJ it’s a pleasure to meet you uh what’s your problem I’m very hungry I don’t have any money you don’t

Have any food at all also some passer by gave me just a bone and called me a beggar dog what a nightmare can you help me please oh uh I’ll have to think about it I won’t be indebted to you if you help me please H interesting interesting

I really will do anything you want just ask me to do it your situation is really serious so I’ll help you really come on you can do one thing for me uh what exactly am I supposed to do follow me don’t be afraid this is a simple task

For you uh okay so we’re in the right place uh why are we here you’ve got to entertain me out of boredom for that diamond wait what Diamond yes it’s one diamond oh my God I can eat whatever I want all day long only trouble Liz that

Diamond fell deep into the trash uh Mikey why did you do that huh it’s your job as a beggar to find this dirty diamond in this filthy trash wow Mikey and don’t call me by my first name it’s disgusting but Mikey have fun digging in the garbage beggar I see he’s just as

Evil as that villager hm but I know there’s a diamond here I have to find it it’s not here and it’s not here either oh my God where’s that diamond ew oh I could do it I found the diamond but what did it cost me jeez I saw things I’d

Never want to to see again in my life Mikey’s an incredibly cruel guy if he’s going to mess with me like that I don’t hold a grudge but it’s very unpleasant the next day ah yesterday I was able to eat properly but today I’m hungry again

I can’t go on like this forever but I don’t know what to do I will definitely think of something I just have to endure this difficult moment in my life I have to survive I’ll be asking for help from pastor’s by until I find a solution to

My Hunger problem oh it’s Mikey I wish he wasn’t here anymore hey still starving why did you come here you want to mock me huh you’re such a popper I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t believe a word you say oh I was going to

Apologize and actually give you a chance to earn some food but if you don’t want to I’m not taking you for a ride in my nice car you want to go for a ride with me in this cool car and I won’t give you some more diamonds to eat you wanted it

Sorry H okay I agreed but please let’s not make fun of me it’s not very nice okay okay yay this is going to be so much fun where are we going don’t worry I found the coolest place for both you and me wow that sounds awesome come on

Sit down and hold on tight wow I can’t believe what’s happening we’re going for a joy ride uh ah why are you yelling you started picking up speed so abruptly I was a little scared huh I drive like that all the time so I’m fine with it

Cool oh here’s that cool place I was talking about earlier uh okay well your assignment is going to be pretty simple tell me more about my assignment you’ll have to clean up some stuff for me uh but Mikey it’s not just stuff it’s garbage that won’t be a problem because

You were born to do this kind of work right what do you mean huh look you just have to clean up this obscure Brown horrible smelling puddle oh my God what if I don’t want to there’s no such word as don’t want there’s the word must you

Want food so work for food uh but how do I do that no ah ew oh my God e Mikey W ha oh my God you’re right where you’re supposed to be you beggar Pig did you really think I’d help someone like you you’re a dreamer huh what do you know

Who you are interesting interesting I’m who you’re just an insufferable and Wealthy guy and you’re the kind of guy who can’t have any real friends I don’t care you’ll regret what you said no one can live long without comrades around oh what a nightmare he managed to trick me

And humiliate me again hey aren’t you sick of this Injustice oh my God it’s the skib wizard I have one offer for you you can’t refuse let’s talk no no I can figure out my own problems he’s a dangerous criminal I’ve got to run I must survive I must survive stop and

Listen to me I can switch you and that green rich guy back and forth your life will improve and you can get your revenge oh I’d really like to switch places with Mikey please perform a miracle Mr Wizard oh Mr Wizard uh where am I I don’t look like I’m in the skibbidy Wizard’s Lair wow there’s a TV in here uh and so much cool stuff if this isn’t his lair then where am I oh that’s right that wizard said he was going to switch

Us with Mikey this must be his computer cool in a previous life I would never have had the opportunity to get a computer like this wow the views are beautiful wow he had his own pool and his house is so huge I’m shocked I’d probably be spoiled too if I had that

Many amenities viewers would you start humiliating others because they are poorer than you yes or no write in the comments oh this room is so cool uh JJ oh you’re awake already yeah great how’d you sleep you were screaming strangely so I came to check on you uh I slept

Fine but who are you this is the first time I’ve seen you oh JJ you’re having another nightmare wait what I’m your dad and your mom’s waiting for us oh my god so let’s not keep her waiting and let’s go downstairs hurry up hurry up wow is

This real I have parents you all have no idea how happy I am to have a family JJ me and your mom will have to leave for work by now so you’ll have to be home alone for a while uh yeah okay no problem come on breakfast is waiting for

You uh okay honey I brought him finally I was beginning to worry uh good morning yeah good morning JJ you’ve been sleeping a lot lately so let’s make a pack that you’ll be sitting at your computer less tonight uh and since we’re coming in a little late today here’s

Some pocket money so you won’t miss us we’ll give you more money tomorrow so don’t be shy and spend as much as you want oh my God cool thank you so much it’s time for us to go darling let’s go uh what am I supposed to do while you’re

Gone maybe do some house cleaning or dishes huh JJ we have a robot vacuum cleaner and a dishwasher just play and have fun you don’t have any other tasks really yeah bye-bye oh JJ we’re really in a hurry uh okay we’re going to miss

You so much bye have a good day at work both of you I’ll look forward to seeing you at home bye bye bye wow my parents are so great I used to live all alone but now I have a family that loves me how great is that now I have the

Wonderful life I could only dream of what should I be doing right now oh that’s the car Mikey used to drive this car but where is he now H I just have to check out the place where I used to live if Mikey and I switch lives he’s going

Through a very bad time I need to get there and see it all in person wow I love being behind the wheel of this car are so much and I’ve already driven so fast to the very village where I used to live uh Mikey oh huh oh it’s really you

Well I’m not going past him I’ve got a lot to say to him let us see who he has become and who I am now hey you uh you remember me huh are you ignoring me oh I’m sorry I’m starving I can’t think straight stranger could you give me some

Food you really don’t remember me at all do you oh okay well where are your parents I’ve been living alone for years I don’t have parents oh now this shelter made of newspapers is my home that doesn’t look very cozy yeah don’t you think it’s not cozy at all you have a

Campfire cool but it’s warm at least I won’t die of cold but of hunger no I’m not going to let that happen I’ll help you you can have a full meal whenever you want no one has ever been so kind to me yeah I know how you feel I’ll do

Anything you ask you just say the word and I’ll do it you’ll do anything I say sure I gave you my word h what and you’re so good to me I can’t break my word let’s be friend hey everybody I’m JJ Mikey and I had a picnic on the

Playground we took pizza and a few drinks with us hi there I’m Mikey I was the only one who could carry that basket all the way over here wow Mikey you’re so strong yeah JJ because I eat meat my Island friends have given me a great

Meat diet there’s 10 lb of meat in this pizza 10 lb in Pizza the pizza itself doesn’t weigh that much is this a joke no it’s not a joke you just can’t cook and you don’t know anything about cooking I eat a lot of meat would a

Normal person be able to climb up here uh I don’t know I couldn’t I did because I’m super human super poopy man can you jump from that high oh sure yeah too easy for Mikey okay JJ let’s go home let’s play Xbox I hope you’re stronger

Than me somewhere wo come on that’s a great idea let’s play Minecraft shall we yeah it’s been a while since we played this great game oh you hear that someone’s cursing let’s go see by the sounds of it you can hear a fight what’s going on in there you’re horrible people

Freaks with speakers on their heads you have to think about putting a speaker on your head hear me you you pathetic TV let’s go out I’ll smash your face in yeah you’re nothing you’re going down with one punch what’s going on get it beat him honey this madness why are are

Fighting come on come on you’re going to knock him out no get it that looks awesome you like it another punch and another you’re missing every punch did your mom teach you how to fight you’re going to answer for my mother and here’s a right uppercut no you that was easy go

Learn how to fight kid what did you do that’s my dad why dad daddy God it was so easy I’m so cool yes my love you are so strong I love you Mikey get out of here we are no longer friends with this family of stupid monkeys watch your

Filthy language or you won’t be able to get up a second time a second time I just tripped you’re weak tell that to your wife now get the out of here what idiots you all are go on go on get out of here get out Mikey let’s go you don’t

Need your buddy JJ JJ it looks like we’re not going to hang out anymore but it was our parents who had the fight not us I don’t care you and I aren’t friends anymore JJ goodbye forever yeah Mikey and your son is an orangutan just as

Dumb as his daddy you’re all stupid I’m going to punch your stupid wife too they’re finally gone what just happened Mikey got mad at me what did you start the fight about Mikey’s dad said I was fat I’m not fat I’m going to the gym it was very upsetting to hear that then

Your dad stood up for me yes it was very uncultured of them to say that yes it was very frustrating let’s go inside we’ll talk there all he did was call you fat and you started punching each other in the face yeah that’s where it all

Started okay JJ it’s getting late go to bed now what is it late yeah JJ look at your watch it’s 9:00 p.m. okay I’m going to go to bed yeah go ahead go back to sleep but why don’t we talk first what’s there to talk about Mikey’s family are

Rude they have no social skills yes darling you’re absolutely right thank you sweetie and thanks for sticking up for me I love you oh my god there they go again that was a good night’s sleep Mikey’s not talking to me do you guys fight a lot with your friends tell me in

The comments now I need to talk to my parents I want them to reconcile and be friends with Mikey’s family again good morning Mom good morning Dad oh good morning JJ how’d you sleep it’s fine good morning JJ I have a headache from last night oh let’s get some rest today

Spend some time together maybe okay Mom Dad you have to make peace with Mikey’s family no no no no no are you crazy what are you thinking no no no no that’s impossible they hurt your mom and you want to put up with them whose side are

You on anyway I’m on no one’s side I just want to be friends with Mikey again no you’re not friends with Mikey either we don’t hang out with that family anymore that’s enough about them let’s go to breakfast yeah I made breakfast for all of us let’s go eat I’m not

Having breakfast Mikey’s my friend I’m going to go make up with him okay do whatever you want I’m going to go and do it bye everybody oh I think I see Mikey I should go over and talk to him our families were the ones fighting not me

And him I hope he realizes it too and we will be friends like we used to be although it’s Mikey’s mom who’s fat not mine Mikey Mikey good morning can we play together did someone say play oh it’s you JJ we’re not friends anymore go away what are you talking about we were

Friends not anymore if you don’t leave I’ll hit you get off my playground Mikey please listen to me let’s make peace you’re not my enemy what are you doing why did you hit me ow Mikey stop please go home before I beat you up like my dad

But it was my father who won the fight ouch I warned you don’t come near me again JJ I’m having fun playing here without you I’m not going to listen to a nerd like JJ this is so cool I don’t understand what happened maybe it’s his parents influence on him what should I

Do I want to be friends with him again who do I play with now it’s annoying 3 days Later I’m so sad without Mikey we had such a good time together where’s Mikey now maybe he’s sitting at home no one in their right mind would go out in this weather I remember that day as if it happened now he also left his pizza here

I have to go to his house talk to his family calmly try to make peace and you guys put likes on the video subscribe to the channel and then you will never fight with your friends my parents are adamantly opposed to talking to their family they’re so stubborn I hope it

Works out for me I’m going to have to take the bus to Mikey’s house I’ll measure them wow Mikey has such a huge and cool house he’s never invited me over to visit I hope they didn’t go anywhere otherwise I didn’t come here for nothing

Okay I got to make a call Mikey Mikey come out I have to ring the doorbell maybe they’re on the second floor and didn’t hear me knock what’s taking them so long maybe they really left home maybe I shouldn’t have come here or maybe I should just go inside maybe

They’re in trouble and I should help them of course it’s not nice to break into someone’s house without asking but I didn’t get an opening not my fault Mikey Mikey where are you please come out for a minute here I am you shouldn’t have come here JJ now we’re going to get

Back at that little guy yeah we will so why’ you come here JJ uh I’ve come to peace we feel very bad about what happened the other day and we apologize why are you so close to me now we’re going to beat you up wait what no no no

Don’t I came to apologize it’s too late to apologize little man it’s too late a my head it’s splitting in half where am I what happened a little joke on you JJ but that’s not all yeah JJ there’s more you’re stuck here forever this is for what your family has done is

This some kind of joke please let me out yeah we’re just going to let you go like that now now huh please let me out my parents will be looking for me Mikey we’re best friends how could you do this let you out we’ll kill you what are you

Going to do this is bad I thought we were joking why don’t we let him out no of course not we’re not letting him go anywhere we’re not kidding we’ll kill him and bury him what don’t please JJ’s my friend don’t kill him I thought we

Were going to have a little joke and let him go why this is bad please Mom Dad don’t do this go to bed Mikey we’ll take care of this without you if you’re really going to do this you’re going to regret it a lot my parents will find me

You’re as dumb as your parents how do they even put up with you or they just don’t like you nobody’s going to help you JJ my parents will help me you’re going to jail you hear me you are a family of Maniacs what am I supposed to

Do now I shouldn’t have come here I shouldn’t have listened to my parents I’m so stupid will Lord JJ’s parents out and then we’ll take them down we will never forgive their rudess and ignorance with this note they will come to our lair on their own these idiots are too dumb to

Fall for that trick my plan is genius and now run huh I’m so smart I’m sneaky I’m the best who’s making a phone call probably some neighborhood kids playing pranks again what a note oh my God JJ’s been kidnapped what did you say JJ was kidnapped that’s terrible what does it

Say it says they’re holding our son hostage we have to go to him or he’ll die what Mikey’s parents did it we have to save our JJ I won’t forgive them for that okay honey get ready we’re going to save him 3 hours later and here’s their house JJ’s being held

Here they’re going to be in trouble soon Honey like the good old days you and me on dangerous military missions oh yeah honey moment of truth it’s either us or them oh yeah we’re going to tear their house down to the ground no stone will be left unturned I love it when you’re

Angry honey let’s get started no one would dare raise insults or raise a hand against my family say hello to my little friend what’s going on stop how can you do this this this has gone too far we used to be close friends this all started over one insult and we’re ready

To shoot each other this is wrong living in friendship and Harmony and loving each other is what is truly beautiful Make Love Not War mom dad do you remember the good times you used to have together you used to joke around play games go to barbecues together that was

Awesome yeah it was awesome please forgive us yes we were wrong we went too far please forgive us yeah you’re right buddy we’ve all gone too far we’re sorry too for shooting up your house I enjoyed shooting shh honey we apologize for all of our transgressions too we are very

Sorry for the fight we had back then yes please forgive us we’ve all overreacted and done bad things I hope we don’t do it again yes and now we need to see our son he needs to be let out of his cage yeah kidnapping our son is just too much

I’m sorry 5 minutes later oh I can hear someone’s footsteps have they come to take me down God I’m really scared and so my life came to an end bye everybody and here they are my captors JJ we’re sorry we’re going to set you free Mikey

Dy momy it’s it’s so good to see you all forgive us JJ yes please forgive us you’re the one who wanted to make peace with us all first but we didn’t listen to you oh I’m so glad to hear that I take no offense to you oh I’m so glad to

Hear that forgive us JJ we’re not fighting with your parents anymore yeah we’re friends again forgive us too for not listening to you yeah JJ I’m sorry phw so glad it ended this way no one will file a police report we’re still thinking about it how nice to see you

All together again now we can play again this is so cool can you believe your parents shot up our house what really can I have one too no no okay yay hi everybody I’m in a great mood today aren’t you Mikey and I are having a great time outside today yes I

Especially love that we’re walking on this playground today yeah it’s pretty nice in here oh JJ we haven’t seen any skib toilets in so long by the way yes it’s true come on we got to go but at the same time we have many different situations arising while I’m talking

About going on vacation let’s go to the side of the house and talk about it Mikey it sounds to me like we’ve been living more peacefully although there are fewer skibby toys toilets it’s true that sounds suspicious to me why is that suspicious explain it to me well that’s

Because the sky is blue okay uh no not okay I don’t get it I’ll tell our parents you’re not telling me something calm down JJ I’m not hiding anything uh what is that uh JJ look over there there’s some kind of weird gun over there oh my God uh Mikey it’s kind of

Just garbage JJ I can see that this gun is unusual really yeah I’ve never even seen one of those in a book oh and this thing is a little heavy huh Mikey why don’t we try shooting this gun well it can be dangerous but also a lot of fun

At the same time yeah let’s do it oh yeah let’s stand back and shoot I even know the right place oh what there’s an abandoned building shoot it wow we’re lucky no one lives here yeah lucky us all right Mikey you ready oh yeah attack

Oh Mikey I don’t get it what kind of gun is that uh well by the looks of it it’s a portal gun is it weird that I want to go in there yeah JJ it’s weird but Mikey but I want to do the same thing you do

Oh so let’s do it uh go JJ Mikey wait oh what if it’s dangerous I didn’t think of that at all ah where am I oh where’s Mikey look out Mikey’s coming oh why’d you come out after me wow JJ it’s a pretty weird place I’m not comfortable

Here okay JJ let’s explore around here a bit Yeah I’d hate to miss this opportunity and then we’ll go straight home H okay run huh run you guys are in the wrong place cuz this place is going to be nothing but misery I’ll take care

Of that the longer you stay here huh the worse it gets for you I will take over your house and destroy everything you all hold dear okay Mikey I’m getting a little tired of looking around already let me go dig up some more uh JJ where did you

Even get the idea that there might be ores here I’m just sure of it oh if you’re scared you’d better wait for me here don’t worry I’ll be right back okay JJ I’ll dig up a mountain of ore JJ take care of yourself and be sure to get back

Out there soon sure Mikey before you know it I’ll be back here now it’s time to explore this gravel deserted place these mountains are huge oh hm this is about to be the most boring weight time of my life I think it’s going to be a

Lot of fun stop what don’t worry I’ll just get rid of your brother and your whole family wait who are you you don’t need to know that but I’ll tell you anyway I’m you what byebye I almost feel sorry for you because thanks to you I can get out into

Your world and do evil W and no one will even realize the change because I could be you it’s going to be a lot of fun I found it I was able to find some unusual ore I can already imagine Mikey’s surprised face when he sees these Jewels

I dug up here Mikey listen I want to show you uh Mikey oh you’re back my brother JJ uh I’ve been waiting for you for so long I’m glad you made it back Mikey you’re acting weird did you find something in those mountains of gravel because I was bored to death when you

Weren’t here yes it’s very difficult to walk around here how boring it was you must be tired if you’re done exploring this place let’s hurry back home okay look what I found by the way this is really cool stuff JJ but I’m really tired let’s go home uh okay I don’t know

What’s wrong with Mikey but okay oh this place looks quite familiar Mikey do you recognize this place of course I recognize this place it’s our home oh what this huge castle our home wow marvelous yeah I can’t believe it myself wow Mikey it’s pretty dark already I hope our parents aren’t too worried

About it oh well it still feels like it’s not my house at all is that weird interesting interesting you don’t get that feeling no brother I don’t smell anything I’ll kill you wait what are you sure you’re feeling okay what’s up Mikey I just heard you say something awful no

I didn’t say anything like that you must have imagined it let’s not wait for our parents to argue and go inside uh okay but Mikey I’m begging you please don’t play me like that again sure bro oh my God I don’t remember anything here

Uh Mom and Dad hi he had a huge head of uh oh my little boys came home from a walk yeah we walked here and there it was a bit boring wow you must be tired wow look at the time oh it’s so late it’s past your bedtime I didn’t realize

It was getting dark oh H it’s okay you’re here it’s okay yes so go to bed quietly good night all right Mikey let’s go to bed huh yes I’m very tired really let’s go we wish you a good night your room is upstairs oh my God Mikey did our

Parents seem weird to you I mean we see them so loving and caring for us every day that’s true but Mikey it’s okay bro I for one have absolutely no recollection of our rooms being on the second floor of such a mansion JJ it’s always been this way and if you don’t

Stop pissing me off your death will come sooner uh I mean I’ll hug you in your sleep what did you say what what’s wrong don’t try to distract me Mikey why are you doing this I don’t know what you’re talking about bro oh what but in case

You forgot this is my room and your room is across the hall so I’ll see you Tom tomorrow and uh sleep well brother see you tomorrow H that was really weird so weird that I don’t understand why he calls me brother and not by my first name hm I don’t understand anything what

Is this house let it all just be a dream and I’ll wake up Now he good night to those who are asleep for the good will not last long there’s no one on the right no one on the left who will be my Victim from the beginning this series is so interesting we’ve been watching this for 3 hours so what are you sure this is interesting

Yes of course I want to watch something else on TV already a painful and horrible death awaits you you haven’t noticed me yet you fools but don’t worry your death is incredibly close so what are we going to watch let’s watch SpongeBob not this I’m a fan oh this cartoon is awful honey

Oh my god oh no it’s not a dream it’s real which is bad because then that evil part of Mikey is real too oh no his room door is open did he really go for a walk I don’t like this at all he’s really not in his room I heard someone screaming it

Must have been my mom I have to check what’s going on I’m still not uh oh my God what was that they’re having some kind of electrical problem this house is really huge uh there’s no one here and there’s no one in the kitchen hm who was

Yelling then oh Mom and Dad are fine uh or are they not Knuckleheads need to bring me that boy I want to deal with him personally hey you oh look who I see huh K come to us we won’t hurt you what have you done to my family this is your

Family little brother we love you we will destroy you no you’re not my real family this is some kind of Horror oh my God no ah I must get out of this house soon and call for help hurry up hurry up ah how did you all get here you can’t

Run away from us here oh no if it’s all a joke it’s not funny oh my God this is no joke they’ve really all gone crazy I got to get out of here ah run run run brother because we like to catch up let’s play again shall we stop you’ll

Never get out of this house because everything here is subject to my will wait let’s try to make a deal he Bye holy Turtles JJ uh where am I oh right I got knocked out by that evil copy of me this must be his lair I hope JJ realized that this phony is not me and I’ll be found soon our beautiful girl is awake wake up already I’m tired of waiting oh God now

It’s time to do something terrible do it he’s not going to be one of us he can’t even see where he’s going wait don’t come near me and where am I going uh I’m going to the cliff daddy you’re annoying me oh no I decided to get rid of you

Rather than make you my puppet be thankful Mikey I don’t want to die you’re not going to die you’re going to burn Mikey we’re brothers how can you do this to your brother very simple I’m not your brother finish him oh my God is this really the end of me I don’t want to die with dignity please have mercy bye-bye no ah God help me oh what is it uh am I

Alive uh if this is death it’s a very strange one H it’s a lab JJ wait what Mikey is that really you JJ I’ve been locked in here by some evil doppelganger I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not but I’ve been sitting here a long time

Mikey how do I open this uh prison well I haven’t actually looked for a way out of here yet you need to find it but you could try pressing this button on the floor to open the door oh there really was a button here all along okay Mikey

Come out JJ why did you believe me because you call me by my name and that weirdo didn’t call me that huh so it turns out we were able to outplay him yeah JJ look what we’re in his personal base in his lab uh so let’s have some

Fun and break his equipment here Mikey no wait there’s something you don’t know stop our parents are under his control hm you could have just told me about it instead of hitting me okay I’m sorry you just started pushing buttons right away so I flared up okay it happens JJ let’s

Go see what’s in here let’s go I didn’t get a chance to push the brightly colored buttons oh look he has space suits at his disposal that’s cool but look what’s behind you you’d be surprised oh my god I’ve never seen a gun like that what about you Mikey me

Too let’s arm ourselves just in case yes I agree it’s going to be a brutal battle he can’t beat us we’ve got some pretty cool weapons now what if he has guns like that too you’re ruining the brutality of the whole moment JJ Mikey I’m just afraid of losing we just got to

Win JJ stop whining it’s going to be a real battle okay we should be able to handle it because we have each other exactly let’s be careful and enter the Next Room uh okay wow really uh yeah this is the way out Mikey great we can

Get out of here let’s get going soon we’ll have to figure out how to help our parents all right let’s go we’ll come up with some plan on the way yeah I wonder where they are now ah JJ what’s wrong what happened little brother look did I

Really scare that fake boy am I that scary you are the scariest sir hurry up and Destroy these fakes I was just about to do that Mikey is it or is it not time for us to brutally fight you won’t do anything to me JJ it’s time attack oh

That was so loud JJ well done that was a good shot cool Mom Dad are you okay where are we Mommy and Daddy I don’t know what it is but we’re fine we were fighting an evil version of Mikey yes it was a brutal battle uh yeah uh cool

Where are we you’re big young men boys daddy we’re at evil Mikey’s base it’s in another dimension this is just kind of crazy yeah I think so too JJ just went bang with a cannon and evil Mikey was gone yeah I had a little fight with him

At some Mansion before that too I wasn’t there I can’t hey everybody it’s JJ again and Mikey how are you guys doing I hope it’s good JJ why don’t we keep walking the weather’s great today we should walk more let’s go that way maybe we’ll find something interesting yeah

Mikey let’s go what do you think we might find maybe we should just go to our playground it’s just that way all right JJ as long as we’re going in the right direction why not but if we see something interesting we’ll definitely go there oh look there’s an abandoned

Building over there why don’t we go and see what’s interesting Mikey are you sure you want to go in there I’m kind of scared yes I’m sure I do let’s go there quickly Mikey wait maybe we shouldn’t go in there JJ why are you standing up

Let’s go oh Mikey I don’t like it but let’s go see the house great JJ I’m so glad you’re always with me I’m not even that scared yeah Mikey you’re right I’m not scared of anything with you either JJ what do you think we’ll find in there

I hope there won’t be ghosts I’m really scared of them yeah I hope there won’t be ghosts there either I’m afraid of them too let’s go see what’s inside shall we yeah let’s go just not for long okay Mikey all right JJ I wasn’t planning on staying long Mikey are you

Sure we should go inside the house JJ don’t worry it’ll be fine I think if it was dangerous they would have torn it down a long time ago but it’s just an abandoned house Mikey this place looks so creepy why don’t we get out of here I

Don’t feel comfortable here JJ hurry up and get over here I found something here look there’s a tape hm it says don’t touch it let’s see what happens if we take it I don’t think we should come on Mikey look I’m holding it in my hands

And nothing happens JJ put her back down before something bad happens and let’s go back don’t worry about it it’s okay oh no Mikey look there’s a ghost let’s get out of here JJ I told you don’t touch that tape look Mikey there’s another ghost let’s get out of here JJ

What are you standing there for hurry up and get out of here or they’ll take you away get away from us stupid ghosts JJ come to me hurry up and get away from this place let’s go home quickly you’re right Mikey look the ghosts have left us

Behind JJ that’s good but we have to go home and tell our parents Mikey what do you think what’s on that tape I don’t know JJ now we’re going to go home and tell our parents and then we’re going to go up to our room together and see what’s on that

Tape okay Mikey we will all right JJ let’s go inside and tell our parents you tell them yourself okay JJ I’ll start and you go on Mom Dad we found this in an abandoned house we decided to see what was in the house and when we went

In we saw a tape that said do not touch and we took it and then the ghost chased us kids it’s your games again don’t stop us from cooking and go upstairs we’re telling the truth come on JJ don’t worry about it I had no doubt they wouldn’t

Believe it let’s go to our room and see what’s on this tape yeah you’re right let’s go see what it says but I’m worried about it what if the ghost reappear what then put it in the player if you’re scared give it to me I’ll put

It in okay here’s the tape put it in the player but it’s not because I’m scared put it in the player that’s it JJ now all we have to do is turn on the TV and we’ll see what’s on the tape there take the remote all right Mikey I’ll turn it

On then yes JJ turn it on HM it’s not showing Anything well the game’s about to start oh my God Mikey did you see that what is that I don’t get it what game what was that skibbidy toilet talking about I don’t know JJ but I don’t like this at all what who’s that calling us I don’t

Know JJ but we should pick up the phone and listen to Who’s Calling hello we’re on our way to get you what Mikey who is that I don’t know JJ but I think we need a place to hide I agree with you but where are we going to

Hide I don’t know yet what that TV turned itself on did you see that yes look dude it’s those kids let’s infect them faster what what was that what was that strange disturbance and strange feeling and I’m full of energy hey Mikey you feel it too Mikey are you there JJ I

Feel awesome but I’ve got this crazy urge to get our parents on TV I feel like we should do it Mikey I have that urge too JJ then let’s go downstairs to our parents we have to get them on TV any way we can I feel like it’s our

Calling all right you ready yeah Mikey I’m ready I feel the same way you do all right then what we’re going to do is I’m going to knock out my dad and you’re going to take care of my mom that’s a good plan Mikey I think it’ll work hey

Mom Dad we’re here for you kids what’s wrong with you you look kind of weird we’re here to knock you out and drag you to the TV that’s what the scabi toilet said what what are you kids talking about Mikey are you ready let’s go to

The plan you came up with we’re going strictly according to it do you agree of course I agree I’ll go first kids what are you doing good job JJ now we have to get them to the TV you take Mom I’ll take Dad and we’ll carry them up

Upstairs okay yeah Mikey that’s a good plan then let’s get them and take them Upstairs Mikey why are you doing this he won’t listen to you darling but my sons they’ve tied us up and they’re going to do something to us well that’s true what’s there to talk to them about stop talking both of you have you lost your fear you’re the worst thing I’ve ever

Had in my life but JJ we have always loved and cared for you huh I’ve never heard such nonsense before teach them a lesson so you’re trying to annoy me in this situation no what are you talking about JJ he’s just messing with us don’t pay much attention to him let’s go

Gather some twigs for our torture oh yes let’s set fire to all those branches at their feet my baby you don’t have to do this oh quiet Mommy no one asked you for your opinion you don’t have a chance to save yourself sit in silence and maybe

Your death will be quicker hurry up my evil friend great evil Deeds don’t try to run away we’ll get you everywhere let’s get a whole bunch of Twigs together honey if we stay here we’ll know something worse than death yes they’ll torture us with fire I don’t

Want this at all we need to get free of these ropes well I’m always prepared for the unexpected oh that’s why I loved you my dear you’re always full of surprises should I expect more surprises maybe I’ll think of something else I can surprise you with W now let’s hurry up

And get out of here yeah you’re right there’s no telling how long it’ll take them to come back hopefully we’ll have enough time to escape let’s go deep into the woods and get away away from them oh my god listen to what I just came up

With I’m all ears we have to save our children we’ll set a trap for them 5 minutes later there are no normal branches in the woods we’ll burn with logs huh oh uh we left them by this tree didn’t we yes they were here I made a

Mark on this tree didn’t you make a good knot in the Rope no I made a perfect knot no one could undo it then how could this happen I have no idea oh my God we have to find them soon before they get too far away yeah you go that way and

I’ll go the other way uh okay when you find them holler holler yeah we’re in the woods you can hear the screams very well here huh I feel like we need to stick together let’s split up they can’t stand up to our strength anyway okay I agree scare everyone my evil friend

Those two weaklings won’t do anything to us where are you our little victims I’ll find you pH look this looks like the right place yes we can make a beautiful trap here yeah we’ve got to get ready so what’s your plan you said something about an anvil but I didn’t get it yes

We’ll hit one with an anvil and while the other is distracted we’ll heal them all right let’s go get everything ready let’s go how do we cure them in case you haven’t noticed they have toilets on their backs where are they hiding I’m going to find them they’ll be sorry for

Everything they’ve done to us I’ll find them sooner or later I hate this Forest they could be behind every trunk of this tree I’ll be done with them soon I’ve been wandering around these stupid Woods for an hour those parents couldn’t just disappear splitting up on their own was

A very bad idea everything pisses me off maybe they’re sitting in tall Colors oh there you are you can’t run away from me now get ready for a fight man hello son took you long enough to find me shut up you’re going to go down with one punch

No I think I’ve had enough I have a surprise for you you like surprises don’t you no honey pull the lever won’t it hurt him lever Anvil what’s that for no it’ll just put him to sleep well that’s good then I’m sorry son I’m already imagining what I’ll do to my

Parents when I meet them what was that screaming was that JJ’s voice oh my God he needs my help now could those two have knocked him out I’m going to run in the direction of the scream that feeble-minded JJ could never stand up for himself wow you were able to knock

Him out after all that’s it Dad you’re going to pay for this calm down kid and watch your language you’re talking to your father one more threat or strike against me I don’t answer for myself you got it who are you threatening now your knees are shaking with fear daddy ouch

That’s it welcome back son we were so worried about you Mom what am I doing in the woods I’m itchy and sleepy poor kids what are those things they’ve taken control of their brains they need to be taken to the hospital yeah honey you’re right I think the kids

Need a doctor our new Lamborghini will get us to the hospital very quickly let’s go oh my head hurts so bad the patient’s awake how are you my boy your vitals are normal you don’t have to worry uh it’s all good now H what about Mikey he’s

Just sleeping come to your senses Mikey oh what’s going on where are we your heads were seized by scabi toilets but we were able to rescue you wow kids we’re glad you weren’t hurt too badly they’re incredibly lucky ma’am H what okay I won’t bother you anymore have a

Nice day goodbye doctor and thank thanks for everything so now tell us why you two are in this situation we’re just wondering why our neat smart kids have been invaded by skiti toilets well we just found an abandoned house and took an old tape from there didn’t you think

There would be something bad in there no Mom there are skibbidy toilets in our world that should be hi everybody my name is Mikey and this is my TV family hey hi I’m Bella and my name is Charlie our family is expecting a new addition I’m so happy

Will it be a boy or a girl you’re going to have have a baby brother I’m going to be a big brother yay yes my favorite son don’t you think it’s a little hot out yeah I’m getting a little heavy already huh mom’s a jokester huh yep let’s get

Inside before I get sick of this heat okay of course dear your health comes first now Mom let’s go inside quickly I’m worried about you let’s go let’s go Mikey don’t rush mommy she can’t move fast enough okay okay oh come on honey I can move normally I’m worried about you

Too my sweet bun Mikey aren’t you hungry yet no Mom I’m only concerned about my little brother for now it’s good to hear that you’re so ready for it of course because that’s the thought that’s buzzing around in my head huh really that’s so cool that’s a lot of

Responsibility isn’t it I’m going to teach him so much well done what is that the scream seemed to be coming from the first floor was that really mommy screaming H if so why Mom and Dad where are you honey hang in there it’s going to be okay Mommy what’s

Happening to you Mikey your mom’s having a baby and now it’s in progress oh my God mommy hold on with all your might Mikey I’m doing everything I can to make it happen maybe I can help no Mikey I can do this on my own uh okay it’s a

Deal honey hurry up come on honey on one two careful one and two wow W finally honey am I missing something or is there something you’re not telling me daddy is something wrong that hey you all must be my family holy Turtles JJ oh JJ sounds

Cool wait a minute that’s my name isn’t it yeah it works for you cool and this must be my mom oh that’s my big brother cool why are your faces like that Daddy is something wrong I don’t know what to do I don’t know how this could have

Happened he not even a TV man you know I’m fine with it what’s wrong with him being different from us Mikey this is a big problem am I a problem JJ you’re not the problem wait for us here uh okay look at him he’s the speaker I can’t

Hear what they’re saying very well how can that even be but I guess they didn’t like me that makes me very sad do we really have to kick him out let him stay looks like my big brother is on my side that’s awesome oh I wonder why they went

Farther away from me to discuss it I’m so bored here alone without them JJ uh we’ve decided we can’t leave you to your that would be cruel so you can live with us as our son it’s okay you’ll sleep and eat here and play with Mikey yeah you’re

Going to share a room with me Isn’t that cool that’s great all right let’s go where are we going huh we’re going to our room let’s go you’re sure to love it JJ uh what’s your name that’s right call me Mikey and call them mom and dad all

Right thanks Mikey your room is ready yay thank you make yourself comfortable good night in advance good night JJ come on in wow this place is so cool uh what’s up we’re just very curious we just wanted to see if you like the room oh there’s even a computer for the two

Of you really and a big TV wow and separate beds for you and Mikey this all amazes me thank you so much for all of this enjoy life and have a good night and sleep well good night byebye Mikey your parents are so cool H JJ they’re

Your parents too I know but I can’t believe it can you believe we got this computer just because you were supposed to show up really yes and my mom let me hang these posters wow that’s really cool I’m amazed look this bed is yours

Now this bed is as red as I am yes we just picked up a brightly colored blanket and it just so happened to match huh that was funny yeah it’s a sign that you’re in your place now that’s cool uh I’m getting a little tired already then

Let’s go to bed yeah I’m so glad I have such a funny little brother nice let’s be friends for life okay uh okay sweet dreams sleep well my cool big brother Mikey today was an awesome day the next day yay we’re all going for a walk together now in this beautiful weather

JJ keep up JJ where are we going together we’ve come to our local TV man Park oh I feel Superfluous here JJ it’s going to be okay don’t worry we accepted you so they will too all right Mikey wait for me hurry up JJ this place is

Really cool wow Mikey you’re going to love it hey everybody this is my little brother JJ uh huh you say brother but they don’t even look alike look at him he’s not a TV man huh this little guy is Speaker man he doesn’t belong anywhere

Near us Mikey I’m scared why do you have to be so horrible to us wait what I told you he shouldn’t be with us but Mom Mommy JJ has nothing to do with this huh ugly oh no he’s undermining our family’s Authority please mommy don’t call me

That again ever mom stop I’ll deal with you right now honey wait a minute that’s a stupid speaker I can’t take all the ridicule directed at my family over some speaker anymore stop it’s all horrible let’s get out of here that baby was the worst mistake of my life Mom calm down

Please stop no 2 hours later that’s exactly why this situation is terrible your mom’s right Mikey do you understand me oh the whole town is laughing at us wow you’ve got to understand me where are we you don’t have to worry about that you’re a mistake you shouldn’t even

Exist oh my God so it’s time Mommy stop It’s Time to Say Goodbye wait what’s going on why are you doing this JJ it’s very high up here I’m very scared please stop no mercy and no regrets please no ah oh my God oh my God I don’t want to

Die that was a good flight wasn’t it yeah and I don’t see him popping up well that’s great it’s done I agree good job Mikey we’re leaving Mikey don’t worry we won’t do that to you you’re our precious TV boy but JJ wasn’t bad at all why

Would you do that to him I will never forget you my brother you’ll always be in my heart Mikey where are you Mom I’m coming I’m going to miss you so much JJ I need air breathe oh no no power oh be strong I just have to survive oh I

See something I’ve got to swim to it with all my remaining strength my hands don’t listen to me at all a little more a little more yes I did it pH I made it to the tree log what luck I’m lucky the sea is so calm or I wouldn’t have gotten

Out it’s hard for me to think about anything right now I’m too tired oh wait a second this is some kind of Horror oh my God are you kidding me oh is that a blue sky and some trees am I a Survivor that’s right I could

Climb that log it washed ashore with me I was incredibly lucky it turns out this is where I’ll be surviving now away from my former home away from my brother Mikey I miss him so much H oh this Forest is so fluffy it’s beautiful I think I’ll be able to live a peaceful

Life here and no one can chase me away because I’m alone here hey uh hey boy who is this beautiful man where did you come from I was brought here by a wave from the sea I’m from TV Man City wow but you don’t look like a TV boy at all

Yeah that’s why my parents kicked me out they threw me off the mountain into the river nightmare oh that’s my brother Mikey hey JJ I can’t live without you anymore my brother did you jump off that Cliff too this is crazy uh no JJ I just

Went down and swam to this island you’re amazing to me Mikey h no big deal 1245 Mi and here I am oh my God JJ there was no way I could accept that you were gone oh so I took this step to be with you

Can we stay here I’ll honestly be a good TV boy Uncle speaker man huh okay well I can see he’s really not a bad TV so let’s all live together as a family oh does that mean you’re going to adopt us sort of Mikey are you sure you can

Survive out here with me it’ll be fine let’s go uh okay I’m stronger than I look JJ huh it’s actually noticeable what are you talking about I’m the inconspicuous one by the way huh you’ll stand out more than anyone else here JJ is right we didn’t have TV man kids

Before this oh it’s still bothering me a lot don’t sweat it JJ JJ don’t worry there’s no room for hate in our extended family like there is in the TV men Nation yes your city is very different from theirs and I like it a lot better

Here come on we need to introduce you all oh does it have to be and I want to meet everyone that’s the spirit I’m sure it’ll be fine oh well I hope you’re right in fact if you think back to those TV men they were extremely aggressive

Towards me speaker man you’re back uh who are those cute little guys next to you uh I was expecting a slightly different reaction you guys are too cool we can’t have a different reaction oh they’re so cute let me hug them you’re the cute cutest kids in the world can we

Stay here sure no problem stay I don’t mind cool yay thank you they accepted us have a good day yeah you rest and we’ll go wow bye-bye guys bye thanks for being so warmly welcomed thank you all so much I’ll work hard I promise I’m so glad

Mikey me too thanks Uncle you’re welcome I told you there’s nothing to worry about we have good speakers living with us yes it’s true they are all marvelous and they accepted Mikey shall we go home yeah uncle are we really going to live under the same roof with you really yes

Since you don’t have a place to live yet I’ve made that decision wow that sounds awesome you will live with me and my beloved wow that’s a big house JJ keep up yes I’m on my way to you we’re going to live here wow I’m amazed too we’re

Lucky so are you ready to step into your new cabin you can live here as long as you want it’s not a cabin it’s a mega house thank you so much for your concern oh my God honey I have a little surprise for you wow who are those cute little

Boys uh I found them on the beach they were caught in a storm my name is Mikey and my name is JJ wao what a disaster yeah stay with us oh my God we’d love to stay with you uh do you have anything to eat sit at the table I’ll give you some

Food over there come on JJ because it smells really really good yes the smell is magical I’m getting hungrier and hungrier yeah I don’t remember how many days ago I was eating I don’t remember either don’t worry you’ll be fed all the time here bone appetite holy Turtles JJ

Oh my God this looks perfect thank you yes thank you so much let’s hurry up and eat yes bone appetite to both of us perfect yes that taste can’t be conveyed in words very delicious we’re so glad you’re enjoying everything honey we got to go yeah guys your common room is on

The second floor hurry up when you’ve eaten make sure you go there wow cool bye everybody bye-bye we’ll be right back bye don’t be shy and make yourselves comfortable thank you Daddy oh he called me Daddy yay he’s apparently okay with it I think we were very lucky to meet these speakers yeah

Look there’s even a TV with cartoons on it wow I love cartoons I can’t wait to see our room already uh let’s go upstairs and have a look around ooh I’m really really interested too well let’s get over there do you think it’s a big

Room no I think it’s a small room wait wait why well they’re hardly generous speakers to that extent well I’m amazed at the size of this staircase alone JJ look at this the room looks big not just big this room is gigantic oh my God you describe this room with the real right

Word gigantic and we have our own beds here yes you have just the green bed I love everything about it cool look we have our own personal TV with cartoons in the room wow I’m going to watch it every day huh and then you’ll be just

Like that crab no what are you talking about your eye will twitch too H okay I won’t watch so much TV then look oh and this must be my bed by now cool also I noticed something interesting JJ wait what JJ look over there what it’s a

Super mega computer oh my god there it is my dream there are three whole monitors it’s unbelievable I’m shocked too I’m sure this PC is very powerful oh that’s it you’re going to watch TV and I’m going to play on PC wait what I don’t agree to those terms huh don’t

Worry I’m just kidding we’ll take turns playing that’s the kind of thing I’m already happy with we have finally found a home where we are both welcome thanks for watching everyone don’t forget to give us a like if you enjoyed this video subscribe to the channel love you all bye Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Best of SCARY TV TEACHER and SCARY NURSE vs JJ and MIKEY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2023-11-05 19:45:01. It has garnered 79077 views and 513 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:09 or 9789 seconds.

Today, we’ve compiled all of our best work into one video!

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

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  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More