Schnozz’s EPIC New Update & Builds! Watch LIVE now!

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All right we are live gez YouTube does not want to load these [ __ ] thumbnails bro YouTube or Discord and dbd is coming after Minecraft Don’t You Worry Wyatt how you doing brother great to see you well actually Wyatt believe it or not I made your finished house even more

Finished you haven’t been here the last uh two streams I believe icy pop welcome homie who’s all ready for some Minecraft dudes be sure to drop a like if you’re just getting in let’s make this stream Skyrocket we are getting to 470 for the month of December Nila vanilla how are you dude

It’s been forever it’s so great to see you welcome back we’ll give germ an invite why not who else we got weepy is online wowe yeah I think I did the roof that was one thing I did I’m working on a little basement type thing here this is going to be a balcony

Ethan I see I sent you an invite oh it looks like you went offline unless I got to invite this I’m glad you like it dog I’m glad you like it and then sir if you’re still here I added something to the barn well I added a good bit to the barn

Considering the outside you’re playing metal gear which one I got you why just just uh message when you’re online fully all right so check it out serpents so I added this pathway coming up from the found well actually this was kind of already here but I changed it up a bit you come

Toward here you got let me eat this fish so I can run too much cake Hello you can run all around here we got a pathway train station’s here a bit now you can run all along and then it was dark one time and I had a bed and there were monsters

Coming up from this hill or not from right there but from over here because Jorge didn’t have torches anywhere and I was like [ __ ] I wish there was a place I could come and hide real quick up in here so I was like well wait let’s just put a little [ __ ] Loft type

Area and so this is just a a small little hidey hole you can’t even really you can’t see it all from the outside really got you Wyatt nezo with a gun hello it’s been forever everybody’s coming in tonight hi oh let’s reinvite icy poy back on

I got you serpents I’m glad you like it man oh yeah check it out serent I also to make it work I kind of I had to add a little bit of stuff on the roof to make the the bed even fit this is where you can get out of

It I don’t know how it looks to be honest I think it looks fine but I know it could look a lot better oh and I added these trees around I didn’t want to do too much tree and block out the whole Barn Ethan get on homie let’s go I got you

Wyatt sending out invites to members now Ethan let me know when you’re on and I got you bud how is everybody doing guys we H 466 Subs just this morning thank you guys so much for making that possible let’s go into the Hender real quick got

To get iron oh wait I do have iron we’ll relabel that chest put this in there we got to go trade this clay for emeralds with the Villager my boy garbanzo we got to get a new villager to be honest so far stuff’s looking great here like I

We’re running out of things to do in this particular area so this update did not bring a whole lot bats got a brand new design the flying things in caves obviously they look a little bit different now I think they look a little cuter to be honest um what else something else was

Do you can put items inside of decorated pots not going to lie what am and don’t worry I promise you cross my heart dead by daylight is coming tonight I cannot wait to play with you dude till December 14th when the event comes so it’s going

To be a whole lot of fun we’re going to do the grind oh let’s get some of this peie damn there’s hell of flowers over here come to think of it Jesus get some of this oh got some red tulips for some reason that makes sense big ass rose bushes a

Bunny oh my God it’s say flower Fields over here and that is what we shall call the area beyond what did we call the Village again I swear to God I came up with a name for it and now I don’t remember what do you mean restart the

World oh I got you I got you give me one second here I see I’ll restart real fast but no that wouldn’t reset the world and that would just uh restart that like instance of being in the world I should say it’ll kick everybody I’m playing with but it won’t

Make us lose anything it always insta saves see right back where I was but why it’s gone so let’s invite icy once more is WEEI still playing fortnite there I see how’s that pardon me let’s get some of these cherry blossom trees growing going to make all this look nice and

Pretty if it would freaking Grow Yeah a it was nice while it lasted that won’t grow there but it will grow like here H too close to his house there yeah we got to spice this thing up this looks way too gross and this cave is not doing it any favors we’ll go ahead and block this

Out yeah we’ll just have this be Mountain space no point in having this be a path to anything shape that up a little bit holy f [ __ ] man oh my gosh Lightning’s going nuts and that tree sucks goodness don’t be hitting any of my stuff guys thank you so much for nine

Likes we’re getting getting out there already appreciate the support hey Ann are you subscribed to weepy guitar 90 because I would really really appreciate it if you could hit him up with your alternate accounts and get him past 6,000 subscribers that would literally make his day I’ve got you he’s literally my

Partner he’s my [ __ ] YouTube Cousin extraordinaire well if you just type in weepy guitar 90 in your YouTube search bar he’s the guy with the w and the yellow 90 he’s literally like top oh Ethan’s ready is icy pop still not able to join what the hell here I’m inviting your

Microsoft and I’ll invite the PlayStation who’s Epic Man again I forget Nila thank you so much homie I really appreciate that he’s been trying to get the 6K all month he’s been working so hard it breaks my heart he hasn’t gotten there yet but thanks to

You guys he is going to get there tonight that is awesome iy is here perfect the of course Epic Man is Jorge I’m sorry Jorge I associate you with dead by daylight I’m not used to you being here yet it’s too much of a treat oh my God this lightning on the

Other hand treat for my [ __ ] I threw away that flint and steel damn that would have came in handy for getting rid of this I do not hate you dude no I don’t hate any of you invites are sent holy [ __ ] man is it just me or is this lightning

Going kind of nuts lately I don’t know man another one hell yeah what Su Wyatt get one there I really need him on this side though for real no what oh can’t say I did Wyatt this must be the wrong address but you are in illegal possession of alcohol

We got to get jebber Rose I killed the last Sheep by accident because I didn’t give it a name Nila thank you so much dude I would dude you’re making my night you’re really making me happy tonight you just being here made my night but oh my goodness it’s getting better and

Better we got to make sure we get some good stuff done this is too good of a stream already looks a little better everything are so Square over here I don’t even know why we got to even out this land and then that’ll make this whole thing this look much more

Congruent now Ethan’s actually straight edge he doesn’t drink or smoke are you high on men why was that so funny I have I have what now Nila dude you just skyrocketed our sub goal oh my goodness thank you so much this is amazing everybody drop a w filla this has been a momentous

Moment goodness is gracious well let’s go ahead and get to work on the stairs that go to Jorge’s house how do I want to decorate this we used to do the stairs in the old uh not in the old area but in spawn with a birch and Birch tends to look pretty

Good around the cherry blossoms but I don’t know if that’s what we should go for here I really don’t think so oh thank you an fortif faction Jorge is updating Ethan did you finish updating it already now because I’ve already invited you a couple of times wck room notification that’s

A Ann’s name is on here are random as [ __ ] and I love it damn creepers don’t know who filled that with wood but they tried they did their best ah who the [ __ ] why I’m a little too close to death as it is here got his

Ass yo tux oh that’s another alt are you serious weepy thank you so much dude yeah weepy congrats on 6K oh a better chain chest plate than the one sitting at my house this is huge thank you everybody that dropped the sub to the wheatman yeah weepy why don’t you go

Take a look at your subs baby boy because sir you might be quite a bit over over your goal right now oh it’s glowing now love that hello hey Wy how you doing yeah it’s raining all right let’s see what you got I’m waiting that is not drugs that is your

Ass I don’t know yeah it’s raining yeah it’s raining found a Kit Kat hell yeah bro Crunch bars I used to love them as a kid on God are probably the most overrated chocolate bar on the planet and it’s all because of that Meme where the kid got slapped in the

Back of the head after the other kid said that’s why I love Nestle Crunch and he slapped the [ __ ] out of them you guys remember that shitty ass take who are you saying as a shitty ass take what are you trying to say I can’t say I

Did all right Ethan let’s see it Jorge is here Jorge what is up brother guys we are at 471 subs for the month of December that is nuts whoa whoa whoa W whoa whoa there was a proclamation whoa whoa whoa there tiger whoa 1865 is calling oh oh now yeah we did Miss

469 serpens welcome back that’s the way the news goes guys be sure to drop a like if you have not thank you so much for 15 already appreciate it sorry for the stream playback the lag you just saw what lag I was just standing still for a quick second Connor there you are

Homie what is going on man great to see you so Connor where are you thinking you want to build your house at are you thinking like on the outskirts of the village or inside of the village we got to get a good pathway down the ean’s

Place I hope Eman joins too I missed the boy let’s go ahead and do this it just ain’t the same wow look at that we need oak wood God damn it the hell’s going on Ethan what the [ __ ] not going to lie I’m a pretty big

Fan of the GTA 6 trailer I think it looks very promising this is the start of oh wait actually that’s not going to work is I didn’t even think about this lip Here but this is jeez what the [ __ ] am I doing here how do I want this to look cuz now I’m not even sure fortif faction has me thinking this looks like [ __ ] this is going to be a bridge from there over the rails to ean’s

Place that is the plan I’m trying to make here and now I’m thinking differently actually o I’m thinking a lot differently now wait a minute way cooler idea I was thinking an underground way would look really weird but if I do it like Grand scale it’s going to look

Magnificent I got to make it like look amazing so okay clear this bottom inventory we need a bunch of shovels first off now the underground tunnel is going to go hard we just got to do it right so I’m going to make it like Grand scale I

Don’t know what stairs we’re going to use exactly maybe deep slate but it’s going to look weird by the Cobblestone I feel like the stone bricks would look way too smooth on top of it but too much Cobblestone is going to look like ass and Oak’s not going to look very good

Outside so I don’t know we did use Oak over there though up we did use both over there though yes I did thank you have you seen the village recently no and I really don’t care okay looks like ass I’m not going to lie not even not even a little bit looks like

Ass you look like the kind of guy that’ be standing there going that looks like ass [ __ ] ass it looks like [ __ ] I am the kind of guy that would be here looking like looks like ass I mean I’m also going to be the guy

It be like you have three and a half hunger and two and a half hearts you [ __ ] idiot well excuse me I wish this was Hardcore so you would die forever me we really would have lost the [ __ ] out of this world by now thank you nilla we’re going to go for

That but uh this is the windmill yeah I saw that okay seen that remember that Cavern those two houses and the centerpiece thing there my house here over here we have the meth Factory has roof now yeah a little bit I’m sorry drug Factory it’s multiple now why it’s been trying to infiltrate

For a while Ethan what the [ __ ] well what the [ __ ] I guess amazing we can’t move this boat though so I guess they’re is part of the shop now guess you just move it honey is necessary that was pretty tight not going to lie Wyatt I heard a big ass zombie back

Here holy [ __ ] thank God it wasn’t me but uh the train station’s moving along a bit the barn got a little path update we got the mine over here I might have shown you all of this by now to be honest and then this is W’s house yeah it looks like pretty

Much everything’s kind of the same besides a little bit of them the the rail building and the the drug Factory yeah we are starting to move down here now oh Jorge’s doing a [ __ ] redesign look at you I was wondering why I used all Cobblestone but yeah that’s really

Everything new other than just making [ __ ] look better but so far so good I added this little Loft thing it’s a very cramped space yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] pretty [ __ ] cramped okay well you know it’s just it’s not meant to be somebody’s [ __ ] house or anything a gremlin can go and

Live there if he wants sounds like you’re uh being a little is there excuse me sounds like by Gremlin you mean uh someone like Lenny from M man that is not who I pictured when I said Gremlin but all right someone like uh you know Tyler from a special class I used to

Teach the one that jerked off in the bathroom no that was guy oh yeah down he was the guy that jerked off the but also him but he would deserve that he he deserves to live in like a little Camp space like that hey I could have swore that was a

Zombie all right let me be I need girf to get his ass on this server and build some stairs in this [ __ ] hope someone clips that what I need CF shut the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] so you’re not a length guy huh not a huh I said

You’re not a length guy huh lamp guy L sh what the [ __ ] you’re more of a girth guy yeah girth doesn’t matter how big as long as it’s giry I’m saving your future life for here I miss Artemis has been like two months something like

That no probably not that long he was on here kind of recently he’s just a busy guy I gotta pop in one of his streams on Miss osy no for real he’s been doing pretty decent on Twitch Al I’m definitely not watch them [ __ ] twitch yeah I’m not a very big twitch

Fan myself but Charlie’s been going back on there a bit recently it’s weird I don’t know why anybody’s even still using it for real because they haven’t changed anything that was that was a really good job thank you just you know touching up the making things perfect made it like

So much uglier I’m not going to lie suck my [ __ ] dick bro n got all these Turtles and [ __ ] ah [ __ ] One Singular Turtle what the [ __ ] is that it’s the Lich wearing armor why does it walk like that cuz he’s floating you shoot something to

Me I don’t that has nothing to do with it floating you mean he’s floating if he takes the pant off you’ll see like a cloak there but like why his arm move like that though what you mean it’s R it’s always Ethan I wonder if all that meat was raw

In your pocket oh no cuz then that’d be cooked that’s not how it works that would be cool though Wyatt be careful with your fire arrows please Wyatt shoot them with your fire arrows what attempt did I to see you’re you’re there’s this crazy solution to those monsters sleep [ __ ] sleeping oh

Fascinating yeah you ever heard of it you ever triy it no can’t can’t say I have probably should no I’m just too busy working bro putting in that [ __ ] grind hack the server and put one person sleep on it going to change it the always day don’t let that blue flying zombie

Kill you you leave me alone for it I’m like 99% positive I heard a zombie in that area probably underground what the did you see that see what like it was like something was glitching in the water and like it looked like a creeper or something was

Like glitching like like above ground it looked like some herob Brien [ __ ] what the [ __ ] nothing I [ __ ] need in there [ __ ] is there stream lag I’m not getting anything on M guys thank you so much for 23 likes we are only a half an hour in holy [ __ ]

Appreciate you we are at 471 for the month of December if we had 500 my balls are going to drop get the [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] Hut what is what is all this Stone who [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this well no actually that was wall there I mined it

Back to give them more space looks like you did not do a good job at all well it sucked my dick it was in the [ __ ] hurry I had better [ __ ] to do and take care of your animals that you abandoned in the side of a mountain

They were fine were they though yeah until you wanted to tell people about my secret location and then apparently like do some weird ass mining in there well excuse me I thought they needed some more space you’re a miner toucher or something what the [ __ ] you like go Min and touch them

Wyatt said hello to Jay that’s nice but I’m not going to answer you oh what’s up W you know I don’t think Ace is ever going to come back and finish this giant monstrosity so I think we’re going to have to do something with this Ourselves I think you should give the Wyatt yeah n why it’ll take a little too long building it you know dead ass I’m about to just like wall it right here and then just make it look like a [ __ ] stronghold through the rest of it and then we can do something with

This where does this go again uh n Fort we’re probably going to make it a community type thing I’d rather not have too many new members making stuff within well this close to spawn this is he only made it here because he made this cool ass door at the end of the

Stairway there I originally never wanted anything there oh Yep this is Wyatt’s house there’s a bunch of creepers that okay this is nice is white okay he’s probably fine I me mentally I don’t know but he appeared there pretty damn quick maybe he won’t notice me I am

Here oh I forgot her house got hit by lightning [ __ ] I got to fix this damn man [ __ ] yeah I did Wyatt why is this stone bricks the [ __ ] it’s random as [ __ ] all right I don’t even have dirt to put there [ __ ] it new hole New Hole update

New hole drop New Hole drop fourth hole drop fourth hold is drop boys go check it out what the [ __ ] happened oh wait I know what happened pillagers [ __ ] happened that’s what and we should fix ean’s basement for him I feel kind of bad too crazy we can finally do that

After how many I know literally far too long your pickax is about to break bro yeah he bust him didn’t you have another right pickaxe I do still I lost my chest plate though how despawn you [ __ ] idiot I got everything else though yeah he look so dumb I

Know I was hoping he had some snow actually wait wait wait did I see snow and I’m just a [ __ ] idiot COC cocena no flow is that snow hey look at that he said it was destroyed and ruined look at that fixed and I don’t give a [ __ ] what an

[ __ ] got to fix that still Wyatt’s a better man than you Wyatt is something like that [ __ ] I hate to say it but Ethan’s probably a better man than you what yeah I would say I’m probably a better man than Ethan I don’t know after I just saw

That that’s some [ __ ] up [ __ ] to put a block in the wrong chest [ __ ] and then you put the stairs up shut the hell up I’m fixing it there bro said his base was ruined look at that [ __ ] home Renovators [ __ ] in that corner what what do you

Mean the [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot is that Christa yeah bro you need some chapstick what the [ __ ] get juked which one’s the unlocked one it is fortnite in that get fortnited 478 Subs [ __ ] must be fat oh [ __ ] hide hide hide [ __ ] so dumb you can’t do freaking doors when you’re

Crouched guys we are at 478 subs thank you all so much Lea Med how you doing Homie we do not have an IP we are actually on bedrock no dudes we have 22 subs left until 500 thank you guys so much for that crazy support we are hiding from Wyatt in this

Room right now oh my God where his okay there he is there he is he still hasn’t found us I don’t know how he hasn’t found us yet dude hide-and-seek in Minecraft is actually fun as [ __ ] you found me you found me you found me

And only me I’m the guy that was in this room um you didn’t find me for the correct reasons he’s going to milk your UDS now I don’t like that ow prick yeah hit me in front of one of my iron golems I dare you pych I don’t think I made any of

These oh homies hurt Gro what happened to be some bro oh I got his emeralds bro I’m just too rich to be carrying that chump change grug I’m sorry you’re going to have to die what the [ __ ] are you dop he fixed it Oh I thought he hit

Him he did on accident the second young man thank you you did the right thing your lucky Iron Golems are such polite docile creatures they look at us like puppies yeah VI you can join I’m going have to put you on visitor though but you’re more than welcome to hop in

You’ve been around long enough to where I can’t make you an official member but I’m willing to let you come in on visitor and explore a little bit mind you I am only giving you this perk because I know you’re pretty decent at this point we’ve played some fortnite together we’re brothers in

Arms what the [ __ ] is this sign what sign where you at oh did you find that that’s been there for so [ __ ] long Ethan I think serpent put that there like literally 20 episodes that shit’s funny funny that shit’s funny Fort I want to say yes because

You’ve been around about the same time as king but I don’t want to let a whole bunch of people join his visitor on one stream that just doesn’t sound like something I want to make a habit of and I don’t want to let a bunch of people do

It but next stream I think I can do that for you Fort but Vibe let me remind you this is going to be a onetime thing I can’t make this habitual but when you become a member obviously you’ll be able to come and go as you please whenever the world is

Open thank you Wyatt I’ll just uh there we go oh [ __ ] I forgot I was doing this it looks terrible I’ve really got to fix it but I don’t feel like [ __ ] with any of that moving all those dumbass mushrooms around all right what is your name on

Here Vibe is it just like your YouTube name or what you might have to space out your user YouTube will sometimes block it so if I don’t read it within like 30 seconds of you commenting it I may or may not have even received it I think this is gir’s

House and he never finished it but I’m also I don’t remember seeing this in here bro that’s the copper weather is it the what now the copper WEA shut the [ __ ] up did your fire alarm ever beep like it’s time no and as a matter of fact I hit it

And it said alarm needs replacement mine mine you have you not been hearing mine beeping is that what that is M no [ __ ] guess what Dad did guess what Dad did what nothing I am not surprised all right do Vibe Minecraft YouTube protection from the mobs Jorge I

Got you bro I’ll be on my way in a second I don’t think are elephants actually afraid of mice is that like a confirmed fact or is that just like some some Dumbo [ __ ] there you are well there’s two freaking Enderman down there what the

Heck that actually would be a lot of fun Wyatt not going to lie I love hide and seek hide and seek has like always been one of my favorite games I remember like hide-and seek tag when I was a kid and [ __ ] if Earth is the third planet from the

Sun isn’t every country I mean technically I’m one of those one Earth One People type of guys Jorge I’m almost there bro I got you dude there he Is oh god oh Jorge that looks cool it’s geometry man got his ass yeah [ __ ] him up you can die in any room bro we are not at 483 Subs get out of here there is no way what the [ __ ] is happening guys thank you so so much for

483 Subs we are so close out of nowhere to our goal of 500 I cannot thank you enough all right Jorge I think your mob free you should be good to continue building although I do have a better idea for how to keep them away you need

Torches good sir which means you need wood and I’m going to provide Ally what’s going on homie welcome to the stream you’re at four Subs congratulations got to start somewhere guys thank you so much for 24 likes as well the support is going absolutely nuts tonight did someone just ding the schow yes

Why wood wood oh wait I might have wood in the house to be honest I got you dude let’s try it again oh now it says you’re not online for me yeah you’re not showing up at all dude I got you Jorge I’m working on it guess we’re doing this the oldfashioned

Way I’m going to get you that wood sir I’m finally getting rid of the Mighty Oak what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] The Loft paid off oh my God the Loft pay off man [ __ ] those bees and [ __ ] that tree well good job Wyatt they went [ __ ] Rogue

We’re getting freaking over 20 pieces of wood from One Tree right now what is going on it’s all good man we’ll get you in here one day one way or another all right Jorge I’m on my way with some I was about to say some snacks but I’m bringing

Wood grind down that [ __ ] stair well scoo make her pretty she’s looking great so far you need Cobblestone or anything Wyatt well I don’t know was that mutual oh [ __ ] ean’s getting on let’s go oh [ __ ] germ is getting on we’re inviting the germ Wyatt you got to take it easy on killing

Dude thank you icy this has been nuts so far the fact that we are already at 483 Subs that is unreal so many emeralds oh my God that’s a good question Jam where are you he said he’s being genuine Ethan let’s just get all these Oak saplings planted over here [ __ ] it just

Dump this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] King you’re getting your invite then man guys we are at 483 subs for the month of December 500 is the goal and we got 20 steps closer in less than an hour Vibe is here what is going on man 26 likes holy [ __ ] okay Fort don’t forget

Man just uh don’t be making alts so we get more subscribers please for okay so we got a whole bunch of wood I kind of have a design in mind I’m just going to wing it for real oh [ __ ] let me get over here and watch this fight

All right three here I’ll do it in the chat three two one fight oh [ __ ] Bros Got The Shield out oh my goodness the bounce back we got go in for a closer look ladies and gentlemen we are in the village Jer hul holy [ __ ] I will admit using the shield in a

Real fight is kind of [ __ ] moves black dragon what’s going on dude welcome to the stream unfortunately we are on PS5 Bedrock we are not capable of giving an IP address we do not have one but hope you like the look of our world hope you look forward to seeing

What it becomes be sure to drop a subscription if you’re curious oh he agreed to no Shield you are Bedrock that’s cool well the way to become a member is to be a part of stream basically Wyatt was here for a couple of months before he joined Minecraft Ethan was here from the

Beginning so he’s kind of joined by default yep that’s my current update as well yep everyone that’s in chat and everyone that is a member currently have all joined from stream on my way vibe hang on Wy I’m busy got some delegating to do so Vibe is the very first visitor we

Have ever had on the server he is not a member he’s just here to have a gander hang out but he is one of the closest people we have to being a full-fledged member him and fortif faction are both on the wait list VI welcome love your skin nice Cape too very

Nice well do be sure to make yourself at home have yourself a look around germ Hi man Inferno Flames we do not have an IP we are on Bedrock be sure to drop a subscription if you like the look of our world and seeing what the homies do when the homies

Play these are all of our current members that are online all of them has joined from being part of stream that is so everyone joins by being a part of stream uh guys be sure to take a peek at black dragon’s Channel if anybody’s interested I don’t know what kind of

Content he makes but it could be neat yeah guys be sure to drop a subscription I’d love to make you guys members one day that’d be awesome and speaking of subscriptions we are at three I almost keep saying that 400 and 83 Subs our monthly goal is 500 and it’d

Be absolutely crazy if we made it to that all right so we got hor working on his house all of this around here is pretty good oh my goodness fastest Count Of My Life thank you black dragon and Inferno thank you so much for checking out black

Dragon that is very polite of you man showing support is the best thing we can all do for each other guys we are at 484 thanks to our homie black dragon very appreciated did Ethan win oh my goodness I mean Wyatt puts up a damn good fight I will

Admit okay let’s take a look at how Jorge’s house is coming is mic audio good for everybody am I too loud or too quiet for anyone while I wait for an answer I’m going to drink some of this Mountain Dew Vibe I’m glad glad you like it I

Look forward to having you here as a member as well you give me nothing but good vibes dude okay Jorge man look at this bro’s got a whole little like hunting cabin type thing going on that’s what it looks like that’s cool I love this man there no more mobs for Jorge starting

Now ran out of Oak again well Jorge if I were you from back here it looks like a lot of Oak I would try and incorporate a little bit more Cobblestone personally but that’s just what I’m seeing from a distance but here’s nine more wood cuz I love how these look these

Look [ __ ] great fair enough I won’t argue with that I am not in the eyes of Jorge Inferno I’m glad you like how we’re looking so far man yeah we try to be as stacked as we can I had a netherite chest plate but I just lost it in a really bad mining

Accident icy pop saved my stuff at the last minute but my chest plate despawned because of how long it sat in the bottom of the cave I had to give everything a moment of silence and process it oh creeper ow hit me from the shoreline guys thank you so much for 26

Likes we are getting stream out there tonight this is going hard I cannot thank you all enough and real quick guys I’m going to drop a link to our Discord server shazza sanctum if anybody is interested in joining us to find out when stream is I’m getting a phone call to come and

Talk to the homies anything like that you are more than welcome to join there it is right there enjoy I’ll be right back and I am back keeping the ball rolling and Ferno you are more than welcome to join homie looking forward to seeing you in there we talk about movies video

Games stuff you guys want to see me play stuff that I have played if you guys want to discuss it our favorite video games and I have a lot of favorite video games I could chat all day eeman you got it Buckaroo let’s do it yippy Caye –an get your ass in here

Holy [ __ ] ow [ __ ] damn it Wyatt what jeez why what the [ __ ] are you doing that’s why I was trying to kill them alone goodness Eman was your turtle killed what happened here you go Vibe oh my goodness eeman is streaming on the schnaz smpp guys be sure to go

Check out emanus on now we haven’t had this many people in the server in a while dude we’re popping today I am loving having all of you here look at us all of us just having a great old time this is how things are supposed to

Be man I’ve wanted something like this literally since I was a kid and it took till I was 22 to get it but I’m cool with it I’m enjoying myself guys we are holding strong at 484 so Inferno did you drop a subscription because if you did then

That means that black dragon was lying about dropping a subscription unless he was the 483rd and just subscribed before I add asked you just busted yourself what do you mean infer Inferno wait what do you mean so wait you’re fortif faction or did you rename the scabi toilet account or something I don’t

Understand all right well no more alts bro that’s that’s all I can that’s all I have to say from here on out anyone that creates an ALT in order to increase the subscriber count will not be welcome on the smpp no I believe you I’m not saying

That I’m just saying that that’s not something we want to encourage and I don’t want anyone to think I want people to do it so I just want to say right now I don’t want people to do it I won’t encourage it and I appreciate everybody that has subscribed and that’s the end

Of that weepy has got to finish this store this sh’s going to go hard when it’s done did Vibe just try to put an emoji in the Minecraft chat I got you Inferno you’ve been imprisoned what do you mean what happened they got you trapped worried sounds good all right 484

Weepy believe it or not cuz I’m still in disbelief myself [ __ ] I didn’t mean to [ __ ] damn it oh stream is going great WEEI I have no complaints here how do I want to do this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let me do this we’ll go with some slabs get 18 of these

That was loud as [ __ ] what the hell lightning got Beef Vibe thank you so much for sticking around man it’s a lot of fun having you oh thank you sir perfect uhoh Too Far well actually wait maybe that is a good idea maybe just maybe you know what Jorge can you help me get rid of the rest of this

Oh here let me use this crafting table let me make some more stairs finish that your Wi-Fi crashed oh no bro oh J no oh you [ __ ] yeah I was trying to work around it I knew I heard something [ __ ] you jeez ah jeez there’s so much [ __ ] happening right now what the

[ __ ] good God ridiculous what am I even trying to do I need oak wood that’s it yeah luckily I’m not blowing up anytime soon as far as I know oh my God it hit right there do you guys see that fire crazy this like the longest storm ever beautiful Jorge I must admit

Beautiful [ __ ] I’m gonna die bro it’s pork chop time this is nice this is cozy I like it that’s for him there we go we need more slabs I got the hiccups Wyatt what the [ __ ] did your your little ass managed to do in Mexico forgot this was here already I’m like

What am I looking at this was I was literally looking at this before I covered it up like half an hour ago oh good lord jeez why all right all right that looks Good Jimmy flen kind of dumbass name is that if my name is Jimmy Flack and I’d hate myself every day no what the hell are you doing it hurt your llama you’re telling me these things can attack well my b Chief I didn’t know they could do

That it’s not how I want you to look yeah that’s better icy Pop I will admit your base is probably the most ambitious one on the whole server when yours is done it will be a monument to everyone that will ever make a Base yeah icy pops is in the middle of the [ __ ] ocean so he’s dealing with a lot of water right now oh why I didn’t even realize you left you should get back on W I’m glad you’re having fun Ethan that’s nice this is cute I’m I’m glad we’re all

Having such a great time tonight it usually takes me a little bit to get into Minecraft but seeing everybody enjoy themselves like this with how well this is going with all the numbers nothing but fun fun with Wyatt all right let’s get some more Oak what’s going on guys welcome to the schnaz smpp these are all of our current online members this is Jorge’s brand new wooden Shack this thing is looking nice Jorge dude I was so wrong about the oak being too much it is perfect the way you

Did it 10 out of 10 my man guys dead by daylight is going to be coming up after this don’t you all forget it I knew I heard his ass give me that [ __ ] shell baby get all of this out of there yeah we got to start planting more of

These oh Sky Block is going to be coming very very soon don’t you worry the only problem right now is I can’t find a cool enough map if anyone that goes on the Minecraft store finds a good enough Sky Block map one that has nice big island

Cool stuff something that’ll be fun with a group of people cuz so far I keep finding tiny ass islands with nothing cool on them like it’s really lame I think we got a pretty good bit of wood we’ll get more as we head back there’s another there’s a horse out here I’ll take

That free ride and there’s donkeys got them Hops uh we’re probably not going to do it this stream Wyatt we might end up dedicating an entire stream to hide and seek around the entire world but I probably won’t be the Seeker because that’s like a long ass thing it

Probably depends how many people are playing and where we do it then I’ll probably seek but hiding is so much fun well Ethan it’s yours man there you go excuse me had a little tickle in my throat look you guys are best friends now you were

To kill him a second ago I saved his life you guys are best friends let’s get back to these stairs we’re going to make these look so good we got to get rid of the rest of this mountain I really guess kind to go make that shovel pissing myself off I keep

Forgetting okay that looks good okay okay didn’t expect that but that’s fine oh sorry Wyatt let me turn on all chat thank you for reminding me I’m gonna go ahead and reshare stream out as well Inferno awesome to see you inside the Discord dude all chat is now on slit each other’s

Thro yeah I mean you guys definitely have been at that lately it’s good to see the the change of pace though you see whyatt maturity and being fun brings a new friends of all kinds let’s get rid of this much better okay thought that was about to kill me or something oh my

God weep you can absolutely get a quick invite get up in here weep you should start a voice party as well okay okay got this side pretty much done dude I’m making the shovel [ __ ] it I’m sick of it let me go home where’ I put all my

Iron what in the hell did I do well whatever we’ll make new iron better iron yeah that’s fine with me Ethan you know a rooll for Wyatt called sheriff in the Discord isn’t a horrible idea it would imply your security though which you’re not in the Discord so maybe not we’ll

See oh oh weepy started a party is weepy in the game uh could you send me another invite please I can weepy how are you um why is your mic crackly I have a fan on oh it’s hot give me a sec I’m barely awake sorry barely

Awake dude 22 hours bro 22 hours what of bean up oh man I don’t like this I don’t like this the fortnite stream didn’t go too well so let me Lego fortnite can suck a dick very they really did that [ __ ] awful I figured it was going to be a Lego battle

Royale me too but it’s not no it’s it’s just Minecraft it’s horrible Minecraft okay for some reason it’s it’s not working you dead ass yeah let try again join icy pop was having some trouble as well oh aremis is online look at that let me let me reset my game and try

Again all good everyone drop a W for Wee’s effort so what’s your subscriber count at now um almost like 6,10 6, and 10 baby yep better get that special going tomorrow It’s you heard it here first folks tomorrow is the 6,000 sub weepy guitar 90 special are you though I’m [ __ ] stoked I appreciate that dude you’re almost at 500 what the [ __ ] like what you’ve been getting all these people bro what the [ __ ] there have been a couple of

Different people lately I don’t know how to explain it do we get all the wood we need on this yeah I think so H well not exactly there we go Obama Obama sadan how are you homie we should build a giant castle sod never mind we need more wood again oh my God

Satan’s dead by daylight is coming up next would you be down for Survivor tonight no huh no no I’m glad you didn’t hear no what’ you say no no no it’s it was a joke you just want me to die that’s not what I said you probably

Said I hope Ryan kills himself py I mean what I I I was talking about morning wood morning wood yeah nothing like it bro now at first you had my NE never mind I forget the quote there’s a funny ass quote and at the end of it he says

Erection that sounds like a great quote it is it’s it’s [ __ ] special people huh people said I had to change I [ __ ] myself I had to change bro bro please change yourself bro did you have you seen any of the memes I’ve sent you recently not recently

Recently okay because there’s a few good ones I’ve sent you that I’m honestly I’m sitting there waiting for me to see them oh dude there’s one of them oh they’re all I don’t mean to bother you can I get another invite you’re not bothering me dumb

[ __ ] well you sent me four so far and not one of them wor did I ask did I did you need to I thought I did maybe not a phantom [ __ ] F oh my God how is this happening and why what the [ __ ] is going

On why did White I know what that is weepy in comments I’m scared I know what that is weepy I I I know morning wood my uncle told me about it Uncle morning wood told me about it oh God all right Wyatt I don’t think you understand the joke I’m making so please

Don’t agree with me that your uncle told you oh God why no man Uncle Tom sure does know how to stuff that Thanksgiving turkey God got his hand up in there his whole arm not Uncle Tom dude my boss’s name is Tom that’s homie can probably stuff the [ __ ] out of a

Turkey now thought you going to say something else what he can stuff my turkey what the [ __ ] homie can stuff my ass oh I don’t want to think about Tom like that or my ass like that or my ass for that matter that turkey isn’t the only thing

Getting stuffed oh god oh yes uh you got to give me some ideas for Christmas I don’t mean to bring it up on stream but I need some ideas and dead ass I kind of want you to get me what I got you well I have I already have something in the

Making really well I had something however I’m working on trying to find a a better resource to say at least okay is your fan still on no your mic is like cracking like a [ __ ] hold on let me take the soundproofing off how about now keep talking keep talking

Um no it’s still like got a popping sound to it yeah like if you listen to stream you’ll hear it how about now still exactly the same oh God OB all good I see I did not read your long comment I’ll scroll up because it was so

Long I’m back I found a few good Sky Blocks but I want to know if you’re actually interested in for Sky Block one block regular so I want to do Sky Block and one block as different streams but uh send me some screenshots of the one

You found iy and I’ll check them out in my own time I appreciate you looking bro one block yeah like one block survival the one block it’s real I’m so confused what do you mean what does one block mean what do you mean by that it means you start on

One block and a certain amount of items oh like you’re literally on a floating dirt block in the middle of nothing like space okay all right I think you’re get another invite that pop yeah got still [ __ ] damn it what happened I exited the World by accident well that might help yeah you

Never know maybe it’ll reset the thing that was [ __ ] you up guys sending out invites right now sorry about that I misclicked schnaz done [ __ ] up I took off the microphone pad uh keep talking okay I’ll keep talking for now bro unplug and replug in your mic or

Something I okay it’s the third time I oh there goes my microphone pad ah [ __ ] what I do not you okay yeah I don’t know why your shit’s cracking like that I hope it’s not on my end let me uh let me check something real quick no

Good so sorry guys so sorry getting everybody back in now invite please I got you I got you invites are sent sorry about that geram I didn’t mean it I didn’t Ethan sorry about that let me take a look at that real quick because I am curious smoke coming from the ground in

Minecraft is very odd whoa that is freaking weird dude that wasn’t on my screen at all like not even a little bit how about now still there I don’t know we try something else I know what I’m buying you for Christmas all right let’s get back to it we have the technology stay

There bro my pickaxe is fighting for its [ __ ] life I’mma buy weepy a 12 inch black dildo says Jorge it’s his favorite well well is it working no it’s it honestly might be a little worse what the [ __ ] I’m give me a sec I’ll good okay so can’t get rid of any of

This Eman how the [ __ ] did you drown dude I got to put like something in this divot I got you icy po titties and ass like in that order yeah fair enough is it better keep talking um ass goes well with titties but titties go well with ass listen to

It on stream yourself and tell meisten to it on stre and me um ask oh [ __ ] I don’t know what the [ __ ] I took apart the mic and put it back together um it wasn’t doing this when I was streaming so it just started happening did you drop it or anything

No let me just restart my entire because the invites aren’t working like I was going to say maybe it’s the way your PS4 is picking your mic up [ __ ] everything dude hell yeah see you in a minute all right goodbye weepy there we go for all right I’m liking it no problem baby

Anytime dudes thank you so so much for 28 likes that is going so hard really really appreciate the support man 484 Subs we have come a crazy long way this month for I wonder where Jorge went is he still here oh he’s not oh you’re getting off man well have

An awesome night Jorge I love you thank you so so much for playing with us as long as you have you’re a real champ see we’ll get a oh my God I had one in my inventory I didn’t even see it there horrible three of these one of

These I wonder what this would look like damn it also not what I’m looking for I don’t know how we feel about that dudes is it too much yeah I think it’s kind of cool the more I look at it it’s growing on me I like this a

Lot ghosty hi homie so great to see you welcome welcome that looks pretty good to me nice so we need more oak wood already um I think we’ll just fill this in with Oak well Oak’s going to be too much see if you craft that wheel I was

Talking about now not going to lie a water wheel would be so cool looking I would kind of wish we could make a wheel just for that Jamal hope you’re having an awesome night man and guys thank you all so much for 29 likes my goodness you’re done

Already I got you weepy let’s see how you’re sounding now hope that mic is sounding good and Jamal how’s your night going man you home from work you better be chillaxing on the couch read your last comment Wyatt I would appreciate a Rec comment but you

Know Brian I gotta go all right Wy have a great night man thank you so much for hanging out buddy I appreciate you good man I’m glad you’re home very nice get all of this [ __ ] hell yeah waai play lethal company with some people nice I’ve been wanting to try

Lethal company dude it looks like so much fun what are you playing on you have a PC the twin supposed to be playing with me ah I see that’s how it is for Real pel welcome so the new update uh bats got a redesign they look a lot cuter

Now um what else is new you can put items inside of decorated pots um there’s a bunch of new beta stuff as well so there’s a whole bunch of beta stuff that’s out in 1.21 officially but we’re getting all the beta stuff in 1.20 50 unfortunately I do not have any way

To show you a bat on short notice I apologize we are on the smpp currently if I was on Creative I’d gladly pull a spawn egg out but yeah bats got a little redesign from what I saw their eyes are a little bigger and I think you can see

Their teeth a little more so I think they got more facial features but I would suggest doing a quick Google search pcil I’m sorry I can’t show you myself it’s all good I look at word word ran I I think I [ __ ] up the trout

Out I will come take a look when I’m done Ethan don’t you worry what am I even doing for real oh here we go guys we at 484 subs tonight I mean come on six Subs away from 490 we started streaming in April at 86 subs and look at us

Now and guys thank you so much for 29 likes we are so so close to 30 I would appreciate if we can get it right over that little Edge Peak there the support is going absolutely crazy tonight hello Mr B it’s a fat ass you got there all right Ethan I’m on my

Way I’m on my way I think I’m going the right way yeah so what’ you do to it Ethan what the [ __ ] kill it holy [ __ ] kill it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] boys oh all is well I spawned in the barn damn all that exp I just had to save the dumbass that

Was looking at an Enderman holy [ __ ] Ethan has got murdered in front of me God I can’t even tell my stuff from Ethan’s where’s my armor at oh thank you Eman much better bet y’all didn’t know I was wearing a Christmas hat this whole time huh Merry Christmas [ __ ] holidays in

Disguise thank you Eman I appreciate you I think I got all my stuff Ethan to be honest it looks fine to me whatever is uneven we will fix when we start doing the final product I’m still trying to decide what materials would go best with that ow [ __ ]

Die dog dog dog a see n seir how you doing homie no I do got to bring my dog with me more often we got one sitting at the house being a patient young lad oops made another party I Got You Weep I’ll join now weepy your uh your invites aren’t uh

Aren’t working it’s strange but icy pop was struggling a bit as well how’s the mic sounds incredible there we go all right your PS4 was just saying [ __ ] you it still is we got to get you on that PS5 [ __ ] weepy I see up you’re having an awesome day

Man welcome to the stream and guys thank you so much for 31 likes we’re getting there un able to connect to the world we’re not maxed out now you’re not even showing up online for me I’ll try some I don’t know ah let’s try backing out close application I’ll fight you one time

Wyatt no armor and no Shields just weapon versus Weapon guys we’re at 484 subs thank you guys so so much for the support it’s been going crazy tonight and I appreciate you guys so so much I’m saying so a [ __ ] lot got to pull out the dictionary later and study up

Yeah that felt good breaking my ankles like that look at all these chickens oh Ethan come to me dude I didn’t know I had your stuff I’m sorry what stuff is yours oh all the steak is yours I got you Wyatt I got you plump bup blamp oh Ethan’s elephant

Gun and an iron sword there you are flips you’re damn right we got 18 viewers homie people are loving this Minecraft stream the world is looking beautiful the fights are running rampant Ethan we’re blah not Ethan Ethan I’ll fight you too Wyatt are you ready take that

Armor off and pick up your sword let’s go the time is now it’s all good flips the shorts on the channel are going to get better and better we’re going to wait till the weekend to post the two we got left and we’ll see how we

Do aim who do you think’s going to win schnaz or Wyatt I have the power of Christmas on my side well you’re [ __ ] losing today I don’t care what football team you’re on oh what’s going to happen Chief what are you going to throw that oh and you [ __ ] Miss with it Oh oh so Packel the best way to join the schnaz smpp is for one be a subscriber as the best way two join the Discord and three join stream enough to where I can get to know you as a person or talk enough in Discord I mean pack tell if you want to

Join the smpp just to join my world and [ __ ] around but not support any of the content that makes me want to keep making the SMP why would I want you on my S SMP everyone that’s on the S SMP build stuff tells me schnaz we got to do a

Video with this thing I just built oh I’m making this big ass nice found let’s make a video about it here take this picture for the thumbnail if you’re not going to be like that and part of the team I don’t want you here at all like not even a little

I built a giant Minecraft dick let’s do a video let’s do a video on it we’re going to have all the Minecraft nut come out oh dude could I uh could I uh so then what’s the l oh is the L that whyatt took the l in the

Fight cuz that makes much more sense I apologize that wasn’t me going off on you that’s just me making the point I got you well yes Wyatt did in fact take that L please let but yeah the best way to join the smpp is just like how everybody

Else joined you join the Discord you hang out you just to become a homie once you’re one of my friends that’s when I feel comfortable letting people on cuz we’ve dealt with freaking hackers we’ve dealt with Griefers thieves people breaking every rule in the book and we

Want to avoid it but pel you seem really chill you came in and wanted to know about the update you’re talking a lot I Vibe with you I will drop the Discord right now for you that’d be my pleasure I look forward to talking more with

You copying the link dropping it in the chat for pctel there it is welcome to shaza sanctum homie I’ll just talk with you it’s not working damn dude I’m sorry I don’t got to apologize do I have a full stack of cooked chicken why would I have a full

Stack of cooked chicken because I don’t I’m I guess that makes me poor I don’t know am I am I out of the loop here is the chicken stock market crash about to happen I’m about to be on my ass out in the streets I’m the secret murderer in field

Eeman if you turned out to be the guy that stole [ __ ] and hit it so well all this time that’d be crazy but I don’t think we’ve ever had a serial killer just a Serial Thief check chess what do you mean check chess One Last Time [ __ ] let’s go

Wyatt wants to fight one more time let’s see how this goes all right Wyatt on the count of three okay damn it one two three what the [ __ ] did I just get one shotted holy [ __ ] I mean people that abuse the ad everyone get instab banned that’s why it’s allowed for

Everybody it’s a trust thing everyone that’s in the Discord is usually pretty cool and if they’re not they’re not there for long why that was a good fight I didn’t expect to be shot with a [ __ ] Magnum bro literally just brought a gun to the Minecraft fight [ __ ]

You what’s that a duel let me P up my [ __ ] rocket launcher [ __ ] ass no that was pretty good nah I don’t feel like doing any more white I want to get back to some building I appreciate that pel we like to avoid those guys as much as

Possible mm wait a minute where the hell are my pants wait what Ethan please tell me you have my pants Cobblestone I feel like there’s a faster way to drop these not my pants what the [ __ ] where’s my pants at I’m so confused where’s my netherite pants Wyatt check your inventory real

Quick you’re goddamn right pil I’ve never been so confused in my whole life Wyatt you’re positive like you’ve you you’ve looked correct okay well God damn do I have a fishing pole I do have a fishing pole well [ __ ] nether right pants are just [ __ ] gone I guess that’s kind of

Lame that’s so weird let me like go back to the screen where I died let me see if I can like see the moment they disappeared okay rewinding rewinding still don’t see them that tomato guy welcome this is bedrock on the PS5 this is the schnaz smpp shadow 999 YouTube Welcome

Homie yeah this is bug Rock I just lost my netherite pants in a duel and I don’t know how wait so it looks like they land in the lake they go into the water it looks like they straight up shot into the water and now I don’t know where they

Went we got to keep rewinding boys we’re going to figure out exactly where these went they just fly backwards bro I don’t get it I’m pretty sure the [ __ ] still would have floated like it doesn’t really matter if it’s armor weight doesn’t really affect the float

Damn I guess it’s really just going for good well the netherite armor is officially gone it is 1:30 a.m. where I’m at Packel Minecraft bug Rock Edition tomato guy you’re funny what I do this time so I was in a fight with Wyatt and I got killed and my

Pants if you watch the death screen fly backward and land in this Lake but the pants aren’t there in fact they’re nowhere to be seen at all well we lost the master plate and the schnazzy shinguards I’m wondering how the [ __ ] I did that pel good night mate much

Love my boy I’m not sure what happened to the pants they dis disappeared they’re gone vomos I don’t know what happened to them they’re just they’re out of existence Eman you have a gift for me oh [ __ ] well I appreciate the gift my boy oh [ __ ] ean’s nutted on

Shorts now these are going to come in handy I appreciate this boys you guys are not good at giving people things thanks I’ll add to the stack all right germ is in bed boys let’s all get some rest I’ll hop in the loft guys we are at 484 subs for the month of

December if that ain’t progress I don’t know what I’m sorry we’re at 485 subscribers for the month of December look at this that was scary as [ __ ] dude I’d roll right off break my freaking neck Oliver and Zachary pardon me Oliver and Zachary how you doing welcome to the late night schnaz

And welcome to the schnaz Smpp yeah mad claustrophobia it’s all good J we’re going to be ending Minecraft pretty shortly just laying in bed big chilling glad you’re doing good Man I did not want to break that but it just kind of happened see that pass hard Pass Oliver I’m glad you like it man if you like what you’re seen with the SMP so far be sure to drop a subscription so you never miss when we add something new this place is getting bigger and bigger this is our most recent stuff let me

Show you the even bigger stuff we have does that sound good man so if you come this way down the track I’d pick the floor hella hard I’d pick the floor every time I would usually have a mine cart you can see the ship already here we have the potion Tower and the

Monster spawner up above if you keep coming down this way past the potion Tower here you’ll get a good view of the pirate ship as well as lamps little house here lamp is one of our members he’s been around for a couple of months now coming out here you’re in the little

Shazis Grotto here as we call it this is the secret Armory it’s usually closed like this but we’ll open her up this is unfinished a work in progress there’s a villager being protected by stone in there Brian War welcome to the stream homie hope you’re having a great day

Dude welcome to the schnaz smpp coming out of the Armory that’s unfinished you’ll pass by Ethan’s humble Little Shack and llama Farm over here’s the horse Farm here we have the courthouse me and my brother built this for like three weeks he did the 99% of the work I helped the

Materials but pretty damn nice if I say so myself the glass dick is not supposed to be there don’t worry a we’re giving this final tour to some new viewers and then we’re going to be starting dead by daylight over here we have the town meeting Center this is where I announced

That my horse was tragically killed I’m sorry my donkey was tragically killed in a creeper accident here is the law firm this is where you go for all your lawyer needs before heading to the courthouse then down here yes sir good work words good words schnaz is the

Sir this is a little battle arena we have here then if we go up here this was hit by lightning very recently but this was Swifty’s old house AKA Thor it’s pretty [ __ ] up but it’s still kind of here Eman someone stole your horse what kind was it what it look

Like no Bartholomew would be pissed as a matter of fact we didn’t stop by his grave either this is the humble little graveyard we’re going to get a much bigger one built soon but this is Geraldo I don’t even remember who Geraldo was but Bartholomew was my baby boy rest in peace

Over here we have the Stables we also keep some villagers here as well this is barthal mule Jr the son of my donkey this is Teemo she’s our little librarian lady she’s a master Craftsman can make name tags out of emeralds this guy doesn’t have a name

But he’s pretty cool too he’s got arrows and stuff this is the dock we got to get more flags up but yeah the dock is like one of the nicest things we have I worked hard on this one he’s probably feeling like [ __ ] ghosty let’s be honest

Here so this is Ace’s Earthly Abode he never did finish this but the outside looks incredible and you go inside it’s all just unfinished we’re going to do something with it one day cuz I don’t think he’s coming back to be honest it’s been a while this is my son garbanzo and this

Is his shop garbanzo beans and such we also have garbonzo’s black market on the other side but garbanzo beans and such that was such a nice little cute name I couldn’t help myself but anyway he gives four clay for one Emerald he’s one of the greatest villagers we

Have all right Ethan I’m giv a tour someone stole gold armor from my horse I’ll replace it don’t worry about it whoever did it’s an [ __ ] though go [ __ ] yourself whoever did it over here we have the wall o rules the Shaz SMP rules are as follows don’t grief Chief cherry blossom trees

Are sacred don’t destroy them no murder No Stealing get used to it no building and spawn without permission no editing or Ang or anging no editing or changing builds you did not create boats always return to the dock death to garbanzo is instant ban no glitch

Abuse and then here is where members put their name once they join so so far we have lamp meme weepy germ e-man Sith Lord who has not been around in a while emman emus go follow on Twitch wubsy check her out on YouTube and twitch Wyatt kind the guard Fox Riley

AKA Connor Ethan lucky who is now banned unfortunately icy pop girf and Jorge these are all of our members that remembered to put their name here there’s probably plenty that didn’t let’s be honest This is the original spawn house one of the biggest builds we have right alongside that is Serpent’s very first ever house one of the most beautiful houses he ever built to be honest well gabova the best way to join is to do what everyone else that is currently a

Member has done and that is to join stream join pretty often enough to make friends with current members that are in the chat so all of the mods and a couple of the people that are in there talking become friends with me to where I can

Trust you and I know you’re not a hacker and you’re not a griefer and you’re not going to break any of the rules yeah know Lucky’s Banned what are you do oh I sorry I didn’t see your I didn’t see your question about it ghosty yeah lucky got banned because he stole and he lied about it for several months and eventually he came clean when something else went missing and he admitted to the

First thing to take heat off of himself for not stealing the second thing but I think he stole all of it and was lying again either way he’s banned for good well gab noo to you have friends in this stream and as a matter of fact you are invited to

Our Discord server where you can come be friends with us there as well joining the Discord is a huge step in becoming a member but that is a link to schnaz sanctum there you can learn about about whenever we do a stream you can talk to us whenever you

Want no I don’t understand why they do it either man but we’ve dealt with Griefers personally I’ve watched Wee’s World get lava pillars dumped everywhere I’ve had random people jump in here and try to mess up stuff and I’ve banned them quickly enough to not deal with

It we’ve gotten pretty lucky with my world and we want to keep it that way so if I were you I would subscribe I’d stick around and I’d become one of our homies dude I look forward to getting to know you gab gab thank you so much for the

Subscription man thanks to you we are at 486 we are making progress ress upon progress tonight and it’s thanks to homies like you gab I really appreciate you you have got a friend in the Shaz guys I hate to say it also you’re the only person that said my name right

Really so gab noo is the way to say it I’m glad I got it right I hate getting people’s names wrong Ryan you [ __ ] Eman who are you calling [ __ ] for one I’m just playing what’s up you can call me whatever you need read your comments I don’t even see

Your comments dude if you keep ignoring me is the last comment I see Ryan this is my horse inside your little area with Jeb oh is it oh I I don’t know Ethan uh Eman all right gab well we’re actually getting ready to end stream anyway so

Dude have a great night get some sleep get some rest thank you so much for stopping by and becoming a new homie and I look forward to getting to know you man I’ve really got to finish it it’d be so easy to do this now too like

I got so much Minecraft confidence I could build this in like 20 minutes we just really got to sit down and fix this [ __ ] oh next stream is going to be very soon we’re streaming again tonight in just a second but I understand you’re probably not going to be there we’ll be

Streaming again either tomorrow or the day after so we’ll see you then it’ll probably be either Minecraft or a little game called Dead by daylight yeah we’re stream no we’re not streaming any more Minecraft tonight different game but we are streaming again what did Ann say Ethan

Ethan all she said was nobody cares Ethan that’s not enough to time her out if she was spamming or constantly doing something to bother you that’s one thing I understand it’s bit over a couple of days but it’s not a constant poke poke poke poke in your head or

Anything I understand it’s frustrating but we just got to grit our teeth a bit dog I’m sorry but an it’s not appreciated I do notice it and it’s just a little immature who was that new member today so he’s not a new member that was our very first ever server visitor he was

Put on visitor mode the second he joined that’s King Vibe we’ve played some uh fortnite with him and a little bit of dead by daylight I believe what’s up gav what’s your one thing to say let’s hear it I’m glad you love my content dude I appreciate

It if you want to see anything else from the schnaz we got some shorts up on the channel be sure to drop a like if you enjoy them we got some Minecraft ones and some dead by daylight ones as well but yeah gab you’re great dude I’m

Looking forward to getting to know you better and I’ve said that like five times but when I get a good vibe from somebody I like to explain it peace out oh thank you Neil I appreciate you ghosty thank you so much for always bringing some positive energy I really

Appreciate that there is not enough in the world and Nilla anytime you’re here you’re bringing it as well so I appreciate you for the same thing well guys at this point I’m doing that thing I do when I don’t know what else to do I’m pacing back and forth in the

World looking at everything I think is pretty so I think now is the best time to end things off thank you to everybody so so much have to be as of lately darn right dude got to get it out in the world while the world’s still here that’s what I always say just

Now I just knew weepy was sitting there thinking like this [ __ ] is never said that Mhm H everybody I will see you in the next stream much love have an awesome night and thank you all so so much for liking and subscribing we at 35 likes tonight that is great peace out much love I’m stall let’s end this [ __ ] stop broadcasting

This video, titled ‘New Update & New Builds!! | Minecraft SMP |Live|’, was uploaded by Schnozz on 2023-12-08 06:58:17. It has garnered 329 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:48 or 10368 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #survival #schnozzysfields #cherryblossom #treehouse #diamondupdate #letsplay #update #schnozzsmp #letsplayminecraft #livestream #youtubegaminglive #schnozz #minecraftlive #minecraftfunnymoments #youtubegamingminecraft #schnozz #stream #live #1080p #trend #trendingminecraft #letsplay #livestream #youtubegaming

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Bigbroplays Gets Bullied by CDarkPlays

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

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  • Crafty Dad: Study Stealth in Minecraft

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  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

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  • PS5 Minecraft, Sims 4 Event & Genshin Jubiläum News!

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  • Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot!

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  • Check out Lilyville: Manual Mayhem in the Gamerfleet!

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  • Shinkai & L.A. Take on The Dark Crown Server in Minecraft PE

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  • Exploring Dark Forest & Far Caves in Minecraft 1.21.1

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  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

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  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

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  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

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  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

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  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

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  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

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  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

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  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

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  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More