SciCraft: Getting Command Blocks In Survival

Video Information

Hey guys welcome back to part two of our final 1.12 server tour again with christopher paolini and eldridge mc so in this one i’m going to explain how we got all of those illegal blocks in survival minecraft like for example the end portal frame which is very useful as

You can just place them down wherever you want and create your own end portal for quick travel we also got water in the nether which is going to be super useful but we basically could make any block that we want in survival so we also got stuff

That isn’t useful at all like the command block for example so you can try this yourself you can’t right click them enter anything into it in survival so they’re basically just decoration or another block like bedrock uh they can’t be blown up by the widow so i wouldn’t

Get a diamond if i click here this was just for the jokes all right so how we got those blocks was actually super technical there are multiple hours of explanation videos on youtube there are people that came up with this but jkm and myron will also try to explain it in this video

And condense it down to about half an hour but this is still a simplification how it actually works all right so let’s get started again regul i will lead through the video all right so welcome back to another part of our 1.12 up tour and well people are shooting a lot of fire

Arrows into the portal because this one’s going to be lit and if you thought the last episode was crazy and we showed some weird things you’re gonna love that one and if you thought there were some things funny in the last episode that well you might have some seen some things that

Seemed a bit weird you might see something today all right so take care where are you around uh i’m here do you not see me ah right in front of my face all right yeah um please fill us in what do we have here okay so this is the falling block setup

So it’s very important that we don’t fly around right now because if we fly too much no oh my god that got me scared for it so if we fly too much towards east without properly activating the system the server will crash and uh yeah that’s gonna be bad so falling

Block uh we i’ve said it multiple times but what is actually the thing about falling block so for several years people have been trying to get illegal items right um and like we explained before uh we got bedrock with uh this cool and gateway method uh but how do you get other

Illegal items you use falling block so the general idea behind the falling block exploit is that if you could get a falling end portal frame for example and then you break that falling block you get the item right so the idea is that while a sand is creating a falling

Block entity you would swap the block for something more interesting and the sand gets confused and creates a falling end portal frame for example however the execution of this plan is a completely different story so maybe let’s activate the lever and okay the server might crash okay server didn’t crash

But the pistons activated okay that’s weird result but i’m gonna accept it so uh right here uh now we can fly uh towards east it’s fine here we can see the setup so um swapping blocks while i sound is creaking falling block entities how hard could it be well this hard

I have no clue why invisible chunk isn’t here uh this shouldn’t happen but i’m honestly glad the invisible chunk isn’t here because otherwise the server would crash uh probably could crash sorry um okay so just maybe mention what is an invisible chunk so under normal circumstances uh right

Here this chunk would be invisible when we uh flew in and basically an invisible chunk is unpopulated chunk so like ragu mentioned in the previous clips chunks generate in two phases first you have initial generation which basically shapes the terrain and in the nether basically the world would

Only consist of lava and dandarak and then you have population of the terrain which adds a lot of quartz and for what is important for us lava pockets so if a chunk is unpopulated which this chunk would be uh under normal circumstances then this chunk would be invisible uh and that’s

Kind of weird why isn’t why it isn’t here this may be because the server is broken and i didn’t know about it but it’s fine we already got everything so it doesn’t doesn’t really matter so uh why do we need such a big setup for for uh doing everything uh that i just

Said about falling blocks and swapping sand and so on uh it’s difficult because if you look into the code you would realize that there is no way for a sans to swap for anything else like with the end gateway we could extinguish a fire which could trigger a

Gateway to generate right there is nothing like that with the sand code which means we have to go multi-threading if you know what multi-threading is then it’s this part is going to be easier for you to understand but i’m still going to try to explain what it is so minecraft is generally

A single threaded game which means that nothing truly happens at the same time if i flick the lever and that lever activated two pistons you would think those pistons activated at the same time no they didn’t one piston got processed first then the second piston that is basically how single threaded

Things work one line of code gets executed after another and with multi-threading we can get basically two different timelines that’s interact with the same world and change things at the same time like truly at the same time and basically the whole idea uh is that while one thread one of those timelines

Is creating a falling sand the other thread the other timeline is changing the sand to another thing and yeah that is by far like the whole falling block thing because there is more to it than just the swaps this whole falling block thing is quite literally the most advanced thing you

Can do in this game like the research for this project took several years uh and should i give credits right now maybe yeah like i would mention that uh like a lot of psycho members but apart from starcraft we have earth computer cheater codes and punch stuff

Um who are not part of a cyborg member who contributed a lot in other words we have like cyclops members we’ve got like x-com and myself uh jkm um and uh also kirby put a lot of work into it yeah yeah that crap was like until recently i think

Yeah this project like basically yeah let’s let’s not forget cool then uh like exactly minor contributions you know yeah coolman is kind of the person who started this whole project uh okay so maybe we can just show the different parts of contraption and uh explain what they do um so usually we

Would have an invisible chunk right here but right now it’s visible and um up here we’ve got some uh safe state contraptions which are supposed to make sure that the setup is resettable but apparently last time we activated it the safe settings didn’t work correctly so in here we’ve

Got like sugar boxes with books which um have so much data where the chunk can’t get saved and then went up then the next thing you notice we have like a large beaten tower with roughly 5000 beacons in it and that’s um like the most expensive part

Of the thing and maybe you can just go up there but i can do you want to continue or can i just yeah i i can continue uh so i don’t want to go too much into the details but basically the key to going multi-threading uh

Is glass so for some reason glass has this strange property that it creates a new thread every single time it’s placed and we use the sands to basically uh to basically reload this chunk on another thread like we have no clue why glass is multi-threaded but it is and we

Need the beacons to slow it down a bit so we um so it gets this very specific chunk to get reloaded from the disk um to get the ac chunk reload we need to unload a chunk on the mainframe while the stained glass is checking for four peaking blocks below itself and um

For that to happen we need to make sure that the stained glass water still alive while we unload the chunk and forward we need to slow them down and that’s what the buildings do but then actually another part which also slows them down which could show we could show the cluster

Shank load us if we want yeah sure so if we fly straight south actually a bit towards south east of the beacon tower you’re going to start seeing a bunch of chests and hoppers on top of the nether ceiling so right here we have around uh one and

A half thousand chunks that are that would normally be loaded by the chests sorry by the hoppers so we need all of those cluster chunks um to basically create this very specific type of lag that is slowing down the glass while it’s it’s checking for beacons uh so

You could fly around here for literally minutes like this area is absolutely huge um not every chunk is plus a chunk but every chunk which contains a hopper is that cluster chunk so like we make sure that the chunks containing the hoppers are permanently loaded and the other

Ones get uh unloaded again after the first time and like the chunks before hoppers have very specific hashes which make it so that they create a very specific kind of black which we need and so that we slow down the glassware without slowing down the main thread too much yeah

Um so this area isn’t really necessary let’s go back to the beacon tower maybe before necessary but not interesting like it’s just large area with chests and hoppers but it’s very necessary like um Technically it isn’t like i got a chunk swap with like 20 cluster chunks you need you need you need that some cluster change like you have terrible chances of getting it so one thing we should mention is that there’s a lot of randomness with everything like even if you do

Everything wrong you have a very small chance of getting the 18 chunk reload but if you want to get it consistently then you need to do a lot of work okay so uh should i continue please okay so we are back here so you are also

So you can also see a bunch of observers and those are very necessary so in order for uh all of those phoning block exploits to work we need a bunch of blinking observers that are blinking on a different thread uh so observers are the best way of

Doing it uh in survival because they create an insane amount of lag on the async thread which is very useful basically we have endless we have infinite time from our perspective to perform all of our exploits so if we fly up here to the platform with diamond blocks and where basically where

The observers are pointing uh this is where all the actual falling block magic was happening So yeah basically if we go down here you’re going to see that we need first of all a palette of blogs that we want to make fall right did everyone make it back there are very little people yep some of us inspected oh sure okay uh so right here we have uh the

Uh palette of blocks that we want to make fall so you can see that we have a couple you know illegal blocks we have a command blocks we have structure block mob spawner and gateway barrier block my favorite block um yeah how did we even get them because obviously like

We had to get them somehow so this is another exploit uh that requires those funny observer lines so in order to get those blocks we need to do some block state corruption so how do we even get it in survival we first have to understand how minecraft stores blocks in the memory

And considering that minecraft is running on a digital computer it’s not really surprising to learn that all of the information about which block is where all of this information is stored in bits basically just ones and zeros um so let’s assume that that water is represented by just

Zeros also let’s assume that anvil is represented by six ones and then let’s assume that a command block is represented by two ones and four zeros uh it’s absolutely not like that in the actual game in reality we are dealing with 13 bits but just for demonstrations

Let’s just assume those are the bits that corresponds to water anvil and command block so as you can see if we combine the first two bits from the anvil with the four last bits from the water we are going to get command block bits so the way that we do it is that

We would normally have an observer line running basically here basically just the end of the observer line would be blinking here like hundreds of thousands of times per second on a different thread and while this observer line is blinking we would also have an anvil drop into water in this location and

When the anvil lands into water basically anvil has to directly replace water and the observer line is running here we have a chance of actually corrupting the um corrupting the block in this position and the game is gonna just think that there is a command block because those

Bits now correspond to a command block um so that’s how we basically get all of the all of the blocks so um every every other sorry each one of those illegal blocks has its own very unique recipe so like i said command block requires you to drop an anvil into water

But the repeating command block on the other hand needs uh needs you to replace a grass block with a grass path so basically you would be standing here placing grass and stirring into a path while an observer line is also running in a very specific spot and basically each one of those blocks

Well those illegal blocks has its own unique recipe and i just quickly want to also mention the terrible recipe that is the barrier so the recipe for barrier is an upside down blue shulker box replacing a top part of a double tall grass i’m not making this up this is actually the recipe

Did you even figure that out is it just looking at the game code or am i running too much yeah yeah it’s about looking into the game code and like the red team but which we used was discovered by two no two names like he looked at the way

Blocks uh dogs get stored in the game and he noticed that you can modify it with async observer lines like if you have a observer line running on the separate thread when we should just mention this kind of breaks the whole game so like if you do a trick with a

Beaten power and the cluster chunks to to get an async thread into an observer line and the whole game is first completely broken and when if you just have one blinking somewhere and then place replace blocks by different blocks when you can get very weird blocks so if you just have

Some async observer thinking over here then we place like double tall grass by um downwards facing blue shulker box when it can just give you instead of a wrong wizard and give you a barrier and you do that by looking at the code and then also like the way blocks get

Started in the registry palette so we have like a text document which um lists like all the binary block ids of all the blocks in minecraft then you can look which docker d set you can combine because you can basically always combine with less bits of any block id with a

White bit of any other block id and merge them together like it’s it’s really a new crafting system and it’s easy to find recipes like there are actually many recipes for barriers but like the double tall grass and blue sugar box one is just one of the ones which is feasible in survival

Um like most recipes for which you could create barriers are like impossible to carry out and survive for example there might be a recipe where you could place like a concrete powder directly by a diamond block or something but there’s no way to do it until also that’s not

Our recipe which is useful yeah it’s it’s actually kind of important that uh the replacement has to be instant uh we can’t have for example an air block in between the the uh the replacements um so yeah we basically have to have to apply this uh this method this word

Staring thing for every single block oh someone broke the structure void rip henry left about something my bad but it’s a copy so yeah uh so basically that’s like step number one get the illegal blocks and step number two is to make them fall so now when we have this nice palette of

Illegal blocks we can also arrange a couple falling blocks right next to them uh which we will then use up there if we go up the stairs yeah we have basically a mock contraption of the generic method setup so um it might look really simple it’s just

It’s just it’s just a pulsing piston uh however uh it’s uh it’s all necessary to get the command block so like i said before you need to have a falling block try to create the falling block entity right so the the concrete powder has to try to create a falling concrete powder

And while that is happening you also need you also need to somehow replace the concrete powder block with your illegal block let’s assume we want to get a command block uh or whatever is marked by the pink concrete powder um powder currently corresponds to end portal okay um

Okay that doesn’t doesn’t really matter let’s assume that the concrete powder uh corresponds to a command block um actually you know let me just replace it so we are not um yeah we are all on the same page and anyway to make it fall what you need you

Don’t need just one observer line you need two asynchronous observer lines so you need to perform the whole game breaking transfer two two times to get two different threads in asynchronous and then you have like the main thread and two first running at once and once

You have broken the game that much after that you just need a single piston club to make blocks fall because at that time the game is so broken but i think a piston clock is enough to to do everything you want yeah so let’s actually explain exactly

Step by step how and why it works so uh when a piston retracts let’s just look at the retraction well it’s obviously gonna pull all of the slime block structure but as i said before nothing in minecraft truly happens at the same time like not those blocks

Don’t move exactly at the same time so you shouldn’t say but then you explain a contraction which uses literally three frets i can’t remain nothing happens at the same time but okay let’s not interrupt ourselves myron um so basically the first thing that happens when this piston tries to pull

This structure is that the end stone supporting the concrete powder gets let’s let’s just call it gets moved it’s not truly moved but let’s say it gets removed and it gets moved right um and then the piston would like to uh process the actual concrete powder like

Pull it back and delete that block in this position however like the concrete powder is actually going to be floating for just a bit of time because the end stone gets removed first which means that this first observer line is going to be updating the concrete powder which is going to create the

Falling concrete powder entities right so we have a floating concrete powder we have uh falling concrete powder entities being created and right here we have a second async observer line running here so finally when this piston tries to move this concrete powder this concrete powder will be replaced by air

Right and because of that we can basically do the same kind of trick as we did before so before we were replacing one block with other and we got illegal blocks and here we can do the same thing oh i fell we can do the same thing but instead of

For example anvil plus water equals command block we’re gonna have uh blue concrete powder plus air equals a repeating command block right so removal of this uh blue concrete powder is going to result in a repeating command block appearing here and remember that is all happening while the other observer line is creating

Falling block entities which means we’re going to swap the block while a falling block entity is trying to get created which means we’re going to get a falling repeating command block in this case so we can basically apply this to every single block that we have in our in our palace down there

And that’s exactly what we did and i think we can now actually follow the glass line so we can see all the following blocks that we got how much of an offset do you need between the two observer lines they are running at the same time like actually at the same time

We are just hoping that both of those things are going to happen at the same time that both first observer line is going to be making the following block entities as well as the the block swap is going to happen we are basically hoping that both are going to happen simultaneously

So right here we have collection of uh all the following blocks that we got from that setup uh we also have a couple of following blogs that didn’t come from that particular setup but i’m going to get back to it in a bit so obviously we got a command block repeating command

Block chain command block structure block so all the illegals right here we also have falling barrier and structure void but uh they are invisible normally so you would have to um you would have to turn on the hitboxes to see them then we have grass path farmland mob spawner chorus plant

Silverfish block and for now let’s stop here so all of those following blocks that i just that i just mentioned if you break them just break the falling block you’re going to get the item and um yeah that’s basically that’s basically how we got the for example repeating

Command blocks that you could see in the lightning farm um or the barrier blocks that we got that we also used in the lightning farm uh we just placed the barrier items that we got um so what is actually kind of interesting about falling blocks in general myren could

You use the fishing rod yeah so you can actually hook falling blocks on a fishing rod and you can pull them back that’s block 36 you’re right yeah yeah it’s all about 36. so you can just move command blocks with a fishing rod which is kind of interesting oh you want to

Show the item okay sure uh i like like um i would like to show that it’s like friction that’s when it doesn’t have block underneath but um uh it doesn’t matter it doesn’t really matter like let’s let’s see where i kill the command block here a little bit but yeah

Basically if you um if you break the command block point command block you get the item and that’s uh how we got uh have you got the items and this is a copy so we don’t really have to care that much but we are going to preserve all the following blocks um

Because for example fun fact uh you even even though we have the common block items we can’t place them in survival you can try it on your own if you are in survival even if you have op on the server you are still unable to place command blocks and structure blocks

So let’s say we want to place a command block in our nether hub we can’t just place the item we have to transport the following command block to that location yeah so as you can see uh we can just land the command blocks to get them basically wherever we want them to

Uh okay so let’s continue like we cannot enter commands into them so like they’re completely useless um yeah so don’t worry we are not cheating with them uh and even if it was possible we definitely wouldn’t use it like come on so there are um there are also four other invisible following blocks

Here or at least they should be yeah the gateway is gone for some reason oh gateway is here interesting okay in front of a slime block i think like i just put it from the standby over here like we were about to transport it into the end

Okay so um yeah we also got a falling end gateway as well as following block 36 and nether portal sorry end portal so falling and gateway is going to be very useful um for creating hyperlink connections i’m going to explain hyperlink later but basically those three uh following blocks that are invisible

That’s uh right here those are just very useful for very specific tasks that um yeah that we would basically miss on if we didn’t uh get them in here in 112. um i think we can also show reporting never parted it’s like backup for contraption oh yeah true falling nether portal is

Also one of those insanely useful things for transportation uh once again it’s uh it has to do with hyperlink which i’m going to explain a bit later so if we fly back to the setup area we can see that we also got uh a falling nether portal um so

In fact the nether portal following another portal is the only known way to get uh a nether portal in the end uh so that’s also a unique uh thing about this one um and over here we’ve got a broken contraption for creating player heads but um that’s not so important uh yeah

The conversion contraption here uh maybe water should be important oh true yeah let’s actually address the elephant in the room which is water in the nether so um obviously if we can create command blocks uh i’m up there up there oh right we have two waters in the nether right [Laughter]

Uh so obviously if we can create command blocks like water in the nether is a piece of cake so basically uh how do you create water in the nether uh you drop an anvil into lava and that creates water which we later actually needed for the command

Block setup which is kind of funny uh so the water in the ladder is going to be useful in the later versions uh right now it’s kind of useless you can just make a cobblestone generator and oh and fail edit oh you you need to watch greater command blocks and the end gateway

Infrastructure world exactly water was very useful um for creating weapon dogs because a lot of uh were terrible recipes use water in them uh in 113 plus where uh you can actually move water in the nether using uh kelp and waterlogged blocks uh so yeah we will see how much we’ll use it

But even spread in some ways you can you can just move water with water locked stairs oh yes sorry yeah but we could also freeze it right now uh ice melts it’s not actually going to create a water block okay um so then we have water lock blocks you can move it

Yeah right now in 112 it was only useful for creating common blocks um in 113 is going to be useful for maybe a fast cobblestone generator perhaps i like if you want are you going to use it for items and transportation at all or storage systems in the nether definition

I have a couple of questions um first of all how much time does the falling sense you guys show the uh like here how much time are are there until they die because you can’t have the fine suns uh unlimited time right right under normal circumstances if you just

Headed mid mid-air falling or something like that uh that is true they would only survive 30 seconds however uh those falling blocks are stored inside of block 36 which is like a data-less moving block uh if that makes sense um and yeah this is basically the only

Exception to this rule in the newer versions uh so if we want to preserve the following blocks we have to keep them uh on those uh block 36s yeah always in box 36 and always on ground if they are not on ground forcing the game tick they also die um

But it’s actually possible to still move them around on fly machines while always keeping them improvement hits and always on ground like you don’t need to use eight plus block 36 you can just use that with this extension to like keep them for two game ticks and no piston

Clock you can also preserve them so you can still move volume blocks around and keep them alive in your versions even though you always seem to have to keep them on ground in 36. okay and second please moyan fix that book that’s the following sound for For moving across the dimensions and stuff yeah we can freely move the following blocks into the end and then from the ends to the over world yeah and did the the uh the second reason we actually got falling block in the nether well first one was obviously good to get water in

The nether right uh the second reason was so we can actually have those falling blocks in the nether because falling blocks currently can’t use nether portals which means you if you got those falling command blocks in the overworld uh you wouldn’t be able to transport them into the nether it just

Would be impossible um so if we are in the nether we can just uh have them here and we can also send copies of them through an end portal and uh yeah and in newer versions they can only go for an nk21 that’s the bug which as we

Should link right now like once each fallen dog can go for an a gateway but afterward it sets its portal cooldown timer to to a value and never counts it down because it doesn’t use narrow products and they’ll never count down important to downtime it uses it to end gateways

I better back which should really get fixed okay so honestly now i think i should finally explain the uh the hyperlink thing i would put on the end portal frame like with the following time uh we can go there later like we already have an endpoint also we may as well go through

Okay so just find an end portal and go through or make one trick one now there is an end portal next to all of the following command blocks sorry following blocks in the nether so you can just use that uh so oh i another question are you guys planning on making fine sounds

Of further cool looking blocks like for example uh cobblestone firing block or grass block or misalignment or something like that or ah each one of those blocks like getting each one of those falling blocks is already a huge time commitment yeah it takes like from

Five minutes to one and a half hours to get those funding blocks it’s very random uh like basically we only got the important falling blocks and a couple silly ones like this falling unlocked hopper uh it’s very useful for triggering storage tech people damn the hopper looks looks cool i like it

So once you have once you have one of the falling blocks um do you just dupe it then um yeah we have to uh you can also duplicate with add bottles uh so like in one trials we dupe them with safe state books but in newer

Versions we will we don’t have a good uh duplication bug for our volume blocks except for the end portal duplication but which doesn’t really keep them but just allows you to place them down while keeping your volume so um in newer versions we will not be able to

Get more volume docs than you already have but we will be able to place down the foiling blocks without losing them so even though we just have a single falling never puddle we will be able to place down as many never probably as we want in the end and we still have our

Falling never bothered basically yeah so about the falling nether portals in the end it’s a not really known fact if you have another portal in the end and you go through that nether portal that is in the end you’re going to be teleported to to the nether with your coordinates divided by eight

Which means that if you then take the nether portal in the nether to go to the overworld you’re going to get teleported to the same coordinates where you started in the end and uh using those gateway communi using those gateways uh that we used before to get to the wharf border we can

Basically create permanent connections to any place wherever in the entire world and you can get there in 20 seconds uh over to the overwatch uh word butter maybe yeah so let’s actually take the same gateway that we took before uh and go to the overworld border so

Take the this gateway and just walk through the gateway in front of which you got teleported to don’t die to the endomen again yeah look down look down so um yeah okay okay we should wait for everyone to arrive uh we really i would just say today we

Go to the overwatch world for another partner yeah so now if we take this nether portal that we have placed right here uh you’re going to be teleported to just random coordinates well not really random 3.7 million blocks in the nether and then if you take the nether portal

That is conveniently placed here as well you’re going to be teleported very close to the overworld border so if we fly just north west we’re going to see the border is here be aware of the update suppressor so don’t place random stuff and as you could see we got there pretty quickly

And basically we have a with a really good hyperlink connection you can get from anywhere in the world in any dimension to another place in any dimension in under 20 seconds which is insane absolutely insane Yeah that’s the even faster version of how we originally got to the world border um maybe we should also explain that briefly oh yeah the initial method um so there is this bug in 112 up until 1 15 i think um where if you uh go through a portal while

Technically looking into a trapped chest you will get teleported to the nether but you will keep your overworld coordinates uh so i i don’t think we should try it right now because it requires update suppression and it’s kind of scary but basically if you were to interact with

This and uh trapped chest and go through this nether portal you would be teleported to the nether border because you would keep your overworld coordinates and that’s basically how you can get to the uh to the world border in 112 very easily just you just start somewhere close to the

Uh to zero zero you build one of those update suppressor machines you suppress yourself while going through the through the nether portal and basically with every step you multiply your coordinates by eight um so you in like six or seven jumps you can get to the world border

Uh but obviously we prefer the gateway uh method because it’s just super fast and it doesn’t require update suppression which is always kind of risky we can maybe also show the back of the end port that we can go to the end water again from here just through the endpoint

By getting pushed by a piston bit over imported Nice pack where do we have an end portal we have an important extra update to pressure like the one you use to get to the border right where okay at least next to the update suppressor to release next to update together with an airport and just also like a small

Hole with which you can go we don’t know oh true true i see it i see it yeah like that’s very important to use to get to an uh border in first place yeah so uh it’s also a very interesting bug so uh if i stand here below the end portal and

I push myself with a piston i’m going to be teleported to the end but for some reason i’m going to keep my overworld coordinates so you can try it yourself just stand below just stand below the end portal and activate the piston while you are uh next to the piston

So what happens is that you first change dimension and then the piston still pushes you and the piston pushes you to like its coordinates basically and and then you end up at the coordinates of the piston in inside the n dimension we already made it back to this corner here

And like this is how we initially got to the corner to win generator and gateways and so so we used a multiply by eight glitch with update suppression and the trapped chest two to get go to the overworld world border and use the glitch with the

End portals to get to the end world border here and then we set up with these end gateways here um like we first naturally generated an end gateway and when we push the volume blocks over naturally generated and gateway to place like another portal here in the other gateway

So about the hyperlink uh so we are um we are going to go far away and like we are definitely going to make a hyperlink connection to the new main storage area uh just so we don’t have to fly in the nether like twelve and a half thousand blocks you know

Um but we are definitely not going to rely on it because it’s it’s it’s very difficult to work with those falling blocks in the newer versions okay so it’s not something that’s been what i’ll rely on but we are definitely going to use it okay and this is another one dog setup

But here you can just play in because it’s all dead anyway but you can’t question yourself because we already lost all the same state so this was the first volume block uh setup ever and like it is not a general form block setup but this was specific for n portal

Frames because at the time we didn’t know about the word hearing into a box eight core option and how to create the command blocks so we just got like um our falling input frame from a stronghold um basically we had like a sand at the position and then generated a stronghold

There while an asynchronous observer line was updating with that and then it got replaced by 9.5 and it’s more complicated than that but that’s how we got like a um for the endpoint frame and the following airport frame is still sitting on the fence like like we saved it and when we

Broke it and got the item but like the following endpoint frame is still there and if you look at the stronghold you can even see that like in the end portal in the stronghold that exactly one head bottle for everything because it fell down um Well i wasn’t quite there but since game glitched out a bit well what a surprise in this episode yeah but uh like like this contraption is actually much more complicated than the the contract will be shot in the nether um because like with the first volume block setup like like after that

We we found out a ton of simplifications and so but like this is the first thing and this is a super complicated contraption which manipulates like three different global flags like wisdom does power black and um like um so like you can’t actually just have uh sent at the position where and portal

Frame generates right to start because when the stronghold generates the first thing it does it fills the whole room with air and what we need to do is we need to place the sand at the correct location after the stronghold has filled the room with air but before it has

Placed the end portal frames and so what we do is we have some observers which detect when the room gets filled with air and then activate like a stand of sand with dragon axe and the dragon x uses a better working trick to break the part of the floor of the stronghold and

Then like sand falls into a stronghold room and then we turn off this falling flag by populating another chunk which gets safe stated and then we let your async observable line go over here and then like we get our following form at the end um yeah but but basically we also have like

Here the same uh beating tower like and of in the distance in the positive x direction if you fly long enough you can also see a large uh cluster chunk loading grid where we again have like like a pretty far away but um you fly long enough and you eventually

See a good out of stone bricks and like when chests and hoppers and the hoppers load chunks with specific hash values um and we use this to get like an async observant and then it goes into this complicated stronghold uh yeah there’s also uh inside the hole you’ll

Notice that there is part of The uh structure for the fortress and uh super important like the first one like we first um designed the setup in creative and had this blocks there and when we went into survival and built it and didn’t place with blocks player and that changed the rng for the liquid

Pocket and then our whole setup broke and then we had to make a flying machine which flies into unpopulated chunks and places these blocks where and pingu made like a very complicated freedom of flying machine to place these specific uh parts of a stronghold there so that

The liquid rng would be exactly like in the setup we designed in creative um and we couldn’t go there and and like the thing is as long as these blocks weren’t there we couldn’t go near the setup without uh freezing the server forever like it would just crash the server and

There’s nothing we could do about it except send in a flying machine which which placed the block there without loading too many chunks why did you fly the door like we just do in normal blocks and then after we activated the setup the blocks got replaced by the stronghold pieces basically okay

There was a really complicated flying machine my thing yeah but like at first these were like iron blocks and slime blocks and then uh once we activated it it was replaced by the door stone bricks and then and it was it was kind of funny it was like 11

O’clock at night using standard time so like 10 o’clock kingdom time and we’re like we need help [Laughter] and he stayed up all night working on it and by the time xcom got up we had a working solution you must keep some you must keep some serious backups of the world when doing

Stuff like this yeah yeah yeah yeah tons we have backups but like everything is we we built up the contraption in a wrong way and we couldn’t create backups while building it because we had like safe state active so like like we went there placed the safes and then built

The call contraption in the correct way and so on and um like we didn’t have backups where we wouldn’t have just lost the whole digging process into a whole building process as a matter of fact uh over here by the beacon tower you can see a flying machine with a

Bunch of gold in front of it and that’s because there was a beacon that was right over top of where those uh three parts of the structure needed to be and so we had to design part of that complicated flying machine to fly in and

Push the beacon out of the way so we could push the rest of the structure down wow what a project it made for an interesting night and for those who could actually follow Congratulations oh that is certainly a very complex project and not very easy to understand but as you could see here a lot of people here have some very fond memories of it yeah there was a ton of time being spent on that and we got any portal frames so

That enables a lot of very convenient things it’s not exactly breaking the game well okay we have already broken the game so who cares um but yeah it definitely allows for a much nicer travel but uh by now there’s not really a reason to build this contraction because where contraption whenever it’s much

Simpler and like the contraption they never could auto give you a falling end for the frame uh thanks that is right now over complicated like this is already outdated technology basically right so should we go back to spawn tower yep let’s head back to spawn and wrap up some things there

Oh maybe the guests have some questions i mean the problem is is i don’t understand this on a technical enough level to ask the most interesting questions i it’s just amazing i mean also the fact that you’re using gold blocks as building blocks is uh amazing right oh in the in

The nether setup we actually use diamond blocks as building blocks i guess you need to to use gold blocks or the machine doesn’t work right no no no not necessary but i know i know yeah of course we need to but you need to like like it’s so funny

But you need actually five thousand beatens um you don’t actually need them right no you need you need something like uh you can’t do it without any weakness in fact um this is the most reliable way to do it yeah um well if you want to do it

Reliably okay let’s go with that and uh like nothing is like a crop and cheater codes um did a lot of tests of transport without any beatings and they didn’t get that single chunks for over four months or something which is weird like the second i applied

More cluster chunks i got it instantly well they they just had like something like a few hundred plus the chance i think oh that is absolutely not enough yeah no how are we supposed to know it right and like like the only reason they didn’t use speaking is because they didn’t know

That they could be what are the uses you think you’re going to be for the following blocks aside from like the hyperlink um what do you think is the most useful bit out of all of this definitely being able to place and portal frames wherever he wants yeah traveling and

Also we have a general convention that it’s okay to duplicate unobtainable items so like you can’t duplicate diamonds because they’re normal items but um it’s generally considered okay to duplicate like spawners or something or like like various like once you get them after or you can duplicate them and then we are

Cheaper than other materials so we even have like um even get xp by duplicating spawners and then mining this one um one of the most but definitely the end portal frames and water in another they don’t say don’t think command blocks will be too useful and so on technically farmland

And grass path would also be kind of nice but we probably won’t use it so you could place those down directly so you don’t need to use a shovel or hole in the dirt block instead i mean we could also make some kind of like convention that whenever you need a

Shocker of half blocks you have to throw out a shocker of grass blocks or something thousands of each one of them so okay so this was part two of our final 1.12 server to us in part three we’re gonna show some of the farms we built in

The last 1.12 years like the giant mushroom farm that we’ve been working on for ages it was almost 2 million blocks to place but we got a couple more technical forms like a fast red mushroom block farm still need to require a little bit for that hopefully you can

Get it out next sunday alright thanks for watching and see you next time bye [Applause] so [Applause]

This video, titled ‘SciCraft: Getting Command Blocks In Survival’, was uploaded by ilmango on 2022-08-14 14:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Last 1.12 server tour with our guests Christopher Paolini and ElRichMC ElRichMC: …

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    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More

  • AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AI

    AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sam Altman FINALLY Breaks His SILENCE! New Minecraft AI Agent, Text to Action, Programmers GONE!?’, was uploaded by TheAIGRID on 2024-02-26 05:54:05. It has garnered 37753 views and 1164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:57 or 1677 seconds. โœ‰๏ธ Join Our Weekly Newsletter – ๐Ÿค Follow us on Twitter ๐ŸŒ Checkout Our website – Links From Todays Video: Welcome to our channel where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in AI. From deep learning to robotics, we cover it all…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT Shader — Complementary Shaders Mod — OptiFine ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More

  • Windshear Network

    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Welcome to Foggy Willows Foggy Willows offers a simple, vanilla Minecraft experience unlike most servers. We prioritize simplicity with no plugins or datapacks. Our server runs on the latest stable vanilla jar and is hosted on high-spec fiber optic servers. There is no world border, plugins, tp/sethome, and we play in hard mode. Players are encouraged to sort out their own social issues and play how they want. Join our small community of normal players and help us expand. Key Features: Latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard… Read More

  • Distant Horizons

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SciCraft: Getting Command Blocks In Survival