Secret Elemental Base Build with Girlfriend

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Lou I can’t believe we got these elemental powers look I can do this sun W what I can do this fire and I even can do this fire gun too wait that’s crazy and ow well that’s cool and all Jamesy but have you seen what I can do I can some lighting everywhere my Great’s house on fire guys why is my house on fire oh I don’t know Gracie who could have done that Lou take off your armor I’m doing it wait Gracie it must be these really bad Elementals they’ve been setting everything on fire oh those Elementals if I find them I’m going to kill them and their fies I’m going to the police I’m going to get the FBI on this oh no Lou Gracie is really mad we have to hide from her she’s going to put us in jail because we set her house on fire oh Jamesy are you sure that’s a a good idea of course ah what are you what I’m an ice Elemental but we’re in danger being hunted down ohou the little Dogg is right we need to hide ow ow ow stop it stop it stop it I’ll put back my armor little doggy Do you want to build a secret hidden Elemental base and hide from my evil girlfriend yeah yeah yeah all right guys let’s get building and I know the perfect place to build the entrance to Hideout inside of Gracie’s house uh jamy are you sure this is a good idea she might find us no no no no this is the last place she’s going to look and if she does we can frame her stop in here why she’s going to know that we’ve been in here oh sorry all right guys I have a really good idea let’s build the entrance to our Elemental base in her fireplace wait are you sure that’s a good idea Jamesy what if she wants to put the fire on she’ll fall right in Lou that’s not a problem because I’m going to put down some fake fireplaces like this there we go Boop and now it looks like nothing’s changed but in reality we can still fit through here and go down this looks super awesome I didn’t know you could put down fake fireplaces absolutely all right guys and then we just need to build down a little shoot down here and then I’m going to put some fake lava at the bottom because that’s way cooler than landing on water B GL what why because I’m a fire Elemental so in needs to be really cool fire type stuff M it’s too hot in here I want it to get colder no stop it ice Elemental if you don’t play by my rules I’m not going to help you live in this Elemental base but I’m endangered Jamesy come on don’t be mean to the ice Elemental it’s so cute fine fine fine we can do a mix of fire ice and lightning builds we need to up to security so let’s put down some decorations first so I’m going to get some magma blocks all right I’m going to start building build in with my fire bricks you guys better not replace any M okay this needs to be really good looking Jamesy are you sure you want to build with fire what if you want to add some really cool lightning bricks wait is those lightning bricks they look awesome what blocks are you using little doggy I’ve got some ice pillars like this this is going to make everything look so much nicer well we’re building a tunnel that way so why are you putting bricks on the wall there well I just wanted to make it look cool well keep with the program we’re building that way all right there we go and this entrance room is looking great so you can jump down here and land straight in this lava all right guys let’s startop mining out this tunnel this is going to be the best elemental base ever Jamesy do you like my wall design it looks like lightning is dripping from the walls it’s okay um dog you haven’t even finished the back wall yet what are you doing okay I’m working on it wo that looks so good awesome does who wants to do the roof um I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it no I’m going to do it it’s my turn I’m doing it I’m doing it all the way I’m putting lightning down what I’m putting it on the ground wait you’re putting it on the ground but it’s ice it’s going to be really slippy what if I fall over and break my face yeah and then you guys can finally be faster when I find those Elementals I can’t believe the FBI doesn’t even believe me wait my house covered oh no Lou that’s not good grace is upstairs I’m going to go say hello to her okay all right go handle it oh where is she oh hey Gracie how are you hi I’m terrible somehow the Elementals broke into my house look they covered my entire counter with ice ice wao that sounds really bad Gracie what did the FBI say about this are they here to arrest them no they don’t believe me at all but don’t worry now that they’ve attacked my house I take pictures as evidence and prove it to them oh no that sounds really great Gracie um how about you go and take some pictures of the outside bye-bye goodbye get to your house goodbye I sure will oh this is not good guys she’s slowly figuring out who this is we need to quickly finish our Elemental secret base so I can hide from my evil girlfriend guys did you hear the bad news they’re still going after us Elementals oh I heard everything this is terrible we need to hurry up and make this secure you’re right Lou so let’s turn this Corridor into a deadly death trap so that when we come down we can dodge it and I have just the idea we’re going to put down some lasers like this wa lasers aren’t they really dangerous yeah and I’m going to make them even more dangerous by putting in a ton of deadly upgrades like a fire upgrade a damage upgrade so let me put these all in here and now all these upgrades are going to make this laser do way more damage and we’re going to start off this kind of easy but as we go along I’m going to put more and more lasers making this cor impossible to navigate but I don’t see you’re right that’s because they’re not on right now but I have a perfect method for that we’re going to hide a secret button over here which will turn the lasers on does anyone have any good ideas on where we can place this secret button wait what about underneath the lava no one would ever check that wo that’s perfect I’m so glad we bought this dog along with us Lou all right so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get a leather but not any normal leather it’s going to be a secret leather Jamesy I don’t know about you but it just looks like dirt are you sure that’s a leather oh absolutely it is a leather it’s a secret leather and I’m going to prove it cuz I’m going to go underneath here and I’m going to put down some command blocks on this side that would be the one that turns them on and then this side do this command and then we can go up here and then cover that up right there finally put some lava and someone press one of the buttons and see what happens look I’ll press this one here and as you see the wall is just turned off and then to turn the lasers that’s crazy Lou stand over there and look let me test this out with a zombie ready and yes oh my goodness he could barely even get to you Lou look they’re just dying so fast I’m scared Jamesy but what if they get through and still eat me they’re not going to get through the only way they can get through is if they find the button to turn it off but we still need to make sure that we can get into our secret base guys so it has to be possible but that that’s only our first defense it’s time to work on the next tunnel come on guys let’s dig another hole does anyone have an ideas as what we can make this tunnel out of how about we make this one a little bit more colder by using these ice spikes how about we make this into a pit here and then we put some ice bikes Jamesy I’m going to be honest this ice Elemental is smarter than I thought I’ve never met a dog that can talk I mean he found us so he must be pretty smart right wait doggy what happened to your family I don’t want to talk about it oh do you think they left to get some bones and never came back Lou no I think Gracie definitely killed them didn’t she say she’s going to kill the Elementals and their families Oh no you’re right come on let’s break all this out and doggy put down the ice bikes okay people like your girlfriend are the reason why my species is in danger well that’s why we’re building a hidden Elemental base and are hiding it from my girlfriend all right a few more ice bikes down here and these are really deadly guys they do a ton of damage well we built this out of ice so I think it’s only fair that I do the parkour out of ma wait but I thought you would have built it out of ice no no no uh Lou can you do the walls please at a moment it’s too boring oh I got you buddy I’m putting lightning blocks everywhere awesome how’s this parkour doggy is it hard enough M it’s okay but I want to make it even harder by using ghost block wait really that’s good because I’ve put down two little Pathways haven’t I one on the left and one on the right now we can make some of them ghost blocks look make this one right here a ghost block doggy Okay so I’m going to put a ghost block right over here which means that this one’s fake so if you jump onto it you fall to the no way that’s awesome there we go now this one’s a ghost block all right doggy time to put another one on how about you replace this block here and turn it into a ghost block okay I’m going to turn it into a ghost block like this boom so now instead jumping to there we have to jump to the one to the left you push me off what are you doing all right and then finally repl this one right here of a ghost block doggy he don’t call me doggy you know what you guys call me by my father’s name I see I see what awesome name ay I don’t like that name okay Lou don’t be mean but this coal is looking really amazing guys I think we can actually start working on the next trap now that was so quick forensic forensic open up please oh no Lou FR in Gracie’s house I have to go you keep building okay um build out another Corridor I will hello um excuse me hello um how can I help you um oh is this Gracie’s boyfriend yeah this is Gracie’s house uh do you have a warrant if not then I’m not letting you in well you guys called me to come over so why would you want me to have a warrant wait you know what that’s a great point you can come in come in um I don’t have much time by the way so you could just uh have a quick look around then leave please goodness okay so I’m going to do some testing and experiment these wait DNA what are you what are you testing for what are you testing for well we need to see if there’s any fingerprints or anything that belongs to the culprit so let’s fingerprints guys this not good she’s going to see my fingerprints wait a minute there’s some bur on the ground how interesting that’s black so that doesn’t make sense anyway keep going and wait I see some fingerprints right here no no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t what do they look like is it like a a girl fingerprints based on the fingerprints it looks like it belong somebody who has blue eyes brown hair and an orange uh no you can’t how about we go in here and take a look around here I’m sure you’ll find lots of evidence in here wait a second smells like a man’s here as well that’s not fair this I’ve slept here before you can’t use that that’s cheating interesting say you slept here now makes you a suspect no it doesn’t H it looks like there’s brown hair around here which matches up with yours all right enough of this clearly you’re just trying to pin on me I’m not a suspect leave I live here of course it’s brown hair stupid well you’re the close person to her so you have to be a suspect oh go find someone else I’m not an elemental how dare you suggest that I mean um how dare you suggest that what was that in your hand I’m taking a picture and I’m sending it to the FBI now all right and spiling bye oh guys that was really close the forensic officer clearly thinks it’s me it’s fine she has no evidence she has no evidence jamesie she has no evidence wo Lou this new room looks awesome except you did lightning blocks why would you do that um because it’s my favorite Block in the world Jamesy I’m a lightning Elemental after all of course you are I’m replacing the walls with Magma bricks jamy you didn’t tell us what happened when you went up there uh basically the Fric lady thinks it’s me guys is not going well oh she’s getting closer and closer to finding out it our it’s okay she has no ever her only evidence was that I had brown hair and I was a guy and it smelled like me I mean that could be any white guy um Jamesy I had brown hair if she gets enough DNA though she might be able to get a warrant then she’ll be able to search this place we have to hurry up and make this secure before they get the warrant definitely definitely we need to make this place so secure that even if the FBI finds it they won’t be able to break in like for KN but we don’t have time we better hurry up yeah we don’t have time the FBI could arrive and find our secret hiding place any second now how’s it going guys Jamesy I already finished this wall why have you been taking so long here but why have you not been using symmetrical mode buddy well don’t worry I’ll show you symmetrical mode buddy here we go all right whatever this looks great all right so what did you want to do in here well I wanted to do some slime block job because I know that the FBI is terrible at that all right you built that and I’m actually going to build a doorway right here because I think this is a perfect opportunity uh doggy help them with the slime block jumps I’m going to get myself a keypad door guys and I’m going to slap it right there like that now we fill that in and they can’t get through unless they have a passcode but what should I make the code it needs to be something really super duper secret so I’m going to put a block over there like that and then I’m going to get a ghost block and I’m going to make this over here a secret hiding room like that I can go in here I’m going to get myself a sign and on this sign is going to have the number 2 4 6 8 there we go that’s the password so I go here put the password on 2 4 6 8 and done now we can get in here and we’re in the Next Room how’s the slime blocks going guys well how do you think Jamesy well this doesn’t really make sense guys why would you do this when you can just do this well you know what I’m going to put barrier blocks so that you can’t do that don’t worry doggy I just fixed it now you have to jump because if you don’t do the slime block jump like this Boop you won’t make it and now I’m stuck and then we get on the fan up to here and wait Lou what are you building here well I’m making a very difficult slime block pushing device that shoots you over here really let me see uh stand right here and ah that doesn’t work very well well Jamesy you didn’t do the jump right you have to turn around and jump for it wait really that looks really tricky ah yes I did it nice and then we put a little wo there and now this should be possible doggy try it try it try really really the doggy’s not very good really oh wait I went too far I need to extend it a little bit there we go let me try it ready 3 2 1 Boop yes I did it that was easy wait doggy what are you building over here I’m just building at the next tunnel for our next trap jamy is it me or this look like a question room a little bit yeah you’re right it does look like a questioning room is that what you’re building doggy well nobody knows Elementals as well as Elemental himself so I’m sure the FBI will never pass the questions that’s genius all right Louis this is what I’m thinking we put in here like this and then they have to choose an obsidian wall to walk through okay there we go if they pick the wrong one they’re fall into a pit of Doom but if they pit the right one they’ll survive we just need to come up with a question oh it’s like a kind of mystery door I’m really scared of this Jamesy first question which is the most powerful element this one’s obvious um Jamesy duh it’s lightning no guys it’s obviously fire you know what guys comment down below which Elemental you think is the strongest ice fire or lightning no one even thinks of lightning obviously I’m going to put down fire as the strongest oh but James you should know if you get struck by lightning it sets you on fire and it kills you instantly so lightning is really strong over here we’re doing Elemental that none of us are so that one is the wrong answer okay so Earth Elemental is the weakest okay oh yeah we all hate Earth Elementals now what we’ll do over here is we’ll build a little Contraption and boom and then down here we just need to put some real lava so now if someone makes the wrong answer really they be like oh it’s Earth and they go in B blasted into the lava No Escape oh little doggy you do not want to fall in there you’ll melt Like A Snowman no I don’t want to turn into a chicken drumstick chicken drumstick that sounds tasty yeah I agree all right next question guys over here we have to build another one H I’ve got a good one I’ve got a good one really what’s your question write down the wall there doggy I don’t really know how to spell I’m a dog all right read it out to me I’ll write it down for you what was the first Elemental ever created wait what a good question and what do you think the answer is doggy it’s fire it’s fire it’s the first one ever in the world why do you think that was the first one created out of all of them because there was light first and then that’s basically fire you’re right oh but wait a second isn’t the Earth supposed to be the first one since without the Earth we couldn’t have fire right that’s not an elemental ability though is it all right I made this side the fake side see the the fans should blow them in so this side will be the earth side wait the earth side is wrong again and fire is correct all these questions are ending up the same oh Jamesy lightning better be the right answer in the next question or I will get angry all right well Lou it’s your turn to ask a question dummy oh well I’ve got it then I’ll just ask what the best element is and it’ll be lightning no we already asked that question oh fine I’ll ask another one come up with a different one dummy all right JZ I got a way better question for this one I’ll just put what elemental power does Zeus have wait that’s a really good question doggy what do you think the answer is it’s definitely ice wait really are you sure oh this dog is very wrong I’m in my face I’m pretty sure Zeus was the guy who threw the lightning right so I’m going to go with lightning oh wait Louie you just did it cuz it was your answer didn’t you yep JY you are very right police police open up open up the police are here again you know what they probably just want some burgers or something hello how can I help you you guys can’t come in here um yes we can’t but we’re actually here to arrest you we’re taking you in for an intervene arrest me on what grounds you’re a suspect of destroying gry’s property a bey pey wait you guys think I’m the Elementals well you’re not arresting me okay unless you have someone to take me away by I’m going back in the house um yes we do here we go what are you guys doing you’re dragging me fine fine I’ll answer your stupid questions but I’m not the one who destroyed Gracie’s house that was clearly a fire Elemental we’ll talk to you when we’re at the police station just want to let you know that you have the right to an attorney and yada yada yada oh stop it into the station so now sit down I’m sat okay there you go we are taking you for questioning I can see that now what’s the stupid questions mittens well um what did you have for dinner today I had cat food that’s a dumb question I’m not answering that one down to the D new and new and training anyway where were you on the night of 21st the 21st I was probably at home playing some Roblox what about the morning of the 22nd I was probably at home watching Lou blocks wait I have a good question I have a good question all right where were you on the night of my birthday I had no one come to my birthday party stop being stupid you are now on parole get out of here get out so if I’m correct your house is right next to graci’s house right yeah cuz we live next to each other cuz we’re dating we’re romantically intertwined never mind that so basically what you’re telling me is that when the crime occurred you right next to where the crime happened which you a suspect great I know I’m a suspect I’ve already been told that but unless you have evidence I’m leaving wait what you can’t just leave based on all the evidence that we found we’ve already concluded that the suspect has orange honeys blue eyes and brown hair which is exactly your description well unless you know it’s me you can’t arrest me so I’ll be going okay we’ll have you back here soon to have Gracey identify you we’ll take you to the pl oh guys this is not good they get extremely close to arresting me all we need to do is find some CCT evidence that was me and I’m done for I need to finish this Elemental base right now guys guys bad news bad news wait what is it they know that the fire Elemental is a guy with brown hair blue eyes and where is Orange that doesn’t leave many people oh they’re getting more and more evidence every single second they’ll know that you help me and you help me guys we need to finish this tunnel so that we can have an elemental base come on we put we only have like 5 minutes left let’s build one more trap I’m going as fast as I can all right does anyone have any ideas on what we could do for the last part of our tunnel here maybe we can make a water maze I know the police aren’t good at swimming wait you’re right I mean they’re very buyant cuz of all the donuts they eat so we just need to make a water Maze come on doggy help us help us are you a good swimmer yeah of course I’m a doggy after all wait really I didn’t know if dogs were good or not all right guys I made a big room in here what should we make the walls of oh can we make it out of lightning this time it might make the water a little bit electrocuting no I’m making it out of I’m making it out of fire dragon steel you guys can do what you want but this is what I’m doing I’m turning into ice all right I’m doing the bottom what are you doing doggy how about you do the roof okay I’ll do the it’s getting icy in here oh you better not make the water too cold I don’t want to freeze I hope we get to go ice skating no I don’t like ice skating last time I did that I fell on my face and had to go to hospital for a week all right this is looking perfect now I just have to start filling this place up with water let me just do that then and Boop there we go oh JY I’m going to drown I’m going to drown yeah quickly get over here this is not good this is not good I made it out of ice that way it was nice and cold yeah jamy I found out the Hardway I was literally in it but it turned to ice that’s okay that’s okay all right doggy fix the it down there and then Lou we need to get some signs for the entrance to the maze okay yep can we just put them across like this sure you can do it that way I’m going to break some blocks here and then I’m going to break some blocks up I the lava yeah it’s coming back again never mind fill up with the SIDS faster Lou all right I think I did it there’s two ways in so they can come in over here and then look this maze is really big you can only swim through certain areas and it’s so cold and then you run out of oxygen really fast let’s build our house guys cuz remember this is a secret base so it needs to be nice I’m going to build a living room oh I’m going to build a kitchen I need to eat me it’s super secure yeah this is a super secure base but now we need to decorate to make it look really good look I’m going to put down my symmetric one right here guys and then we can mine out the walls like this really fast perfect W there’s so much space in here it’s awesome yeah it’s awesome all right I’m going to start doing the floors and the walls okay did Who coming in well I’m making the walls out of lightning bricks once again I love these I’m making the floor I’m making the floor all right guys this is the living room who wants to put down some TVs Nintendo switches please what’s your favorite game on the Nintendo switch uh ice wolf it’s probably Legends of Zelda Zelda that’s such an old person’s game jeez I didn’t even play that it’s because my dad used to play him with me before he okay U change the conversation to conversation Lou H don’t worry Jamesy I got this i got this i got this uh what is your favorite YouTube channel to watch on the Nintendo switch probably PewDiePie because my dad is still watching with me oh my gosh oh my goodness Lou I said change the conversation don’t make him more sad all right I got an idea on how to make it even better all right wolf what was your favorite game to play with your Dad wait I didn’t mean to say that that’s why you Di oh guys what do you think of this living room though look we have some TVs we have some sofas some living room space and some Nintendo switches for the dog to play with his dad I mean no should we build the next room over here come let’s do that yep can we build a kitchen I’m getting a little hungry after all this building someone Miss food this time I’m building the floor out of orange blocks like orange wool and orange concrete what why are you doing that you could put kitchen tiles down because I just want to you can put the kitchen tiles on the walls dummy all right fine let me do that go nice pattern and then we’re going to do it this way after all we’ve got to make this kitchen really good because we’re probably going to have our final meals in here before we put to death or something oh no no no the police are never going to find us Louis are you sure about that they’re getting pretty close buddy all right look I’m going to get some barrels this is where we’re going to store a bunch of the dry food over here like this oh someone put food in there as well and then I’m going to get some fridges this is where we’re going to store all the cold food like this boom boom boom boom there we go and then I’m also going to get some furnes to cook some food over here too then I’m going to get some cabinets over here this is going to be for preparing food so we go over here cabinets like this where we prepare the food and forget we need sinks to wash your hands BR boys there we go and guys I put on a table where we can eat as well or of course we can stand up and eat at the cabinet right here this is looking really amazing our secret Elemental base is going to be so cool but now we should probably build the bedrooms look let’s build a tunnel this way and then we’ll build three separate rooms okay then I’m going to put a door right here and this is be the first room and uh doggy you can build your room in here okay then the second room is going to be over here where Lou you can build your room okay and then I’ll build my room on this side where I’ll build mine all right guys let’s all build our own rooms so I’m going to do some orange flooring like this with some orange concrete what are you guys up to um I’m building the walls in my room but this dog has just dug into my room why are you exping this way I can’t go anymore cuz there there’s a trap on this side well how about you go back to your parents house then huh they’re dead Lou you should expand the other way the dog doesn’t have that much space okay I know it’s a dog but all right fine I’ll just put an ice wall here you can have that much space dog I can’t report you to Peter I don’t care about Peter he’s a weird guy there we go and then I’m doing this and now all my walls are complete it’s time to do the floor guys so I’m going to do this ping like this there we go boop boop boop perfect this is looking really really super duper amazing even when I was young I would always get bullied in school it’s like nothing strange wait you went to school as a dog how does that work Doggy Daycare Doggy Daycare is that where your dad used to take you I mean um you should take me there every morning and find me a sandwich on the way there jamy we got to stop talking about this dog’s Dad I’m sorry it just keeps coming up how does that keep happening all right and then I’m going to do my roof which is made out of dragon forge fire aperture just so I know what that means well I’m building my bed and it’s looking very very good you shouldn’t come in here Jamesy you’ll get jealous really no I won’t I’m going to come in look at the very end Lou’s been so mean to me I’m going to peel over his bed hey what just happened I don’t see anything in the a just ignore it be a bigger man uh Jamesy what do you mean ignore it there’s pee on my bed oh never never mind and then over here I’m building a dumbbell section where we can do some workouts in my room Andy stop lying to yourself I know you don’t work out dog needs to be put down Lou and I put down some soft area over here so no one hurts themsel then I need to get myself a TV and I’m going to put that right here and I can watch that while I’m in bed perfect there we go and we’ll put a desk we’ll put it on a desk over here as well there we go perfect there we go amazing then over here in this corner we’re going to build a gaming setup so we’re going to get a chair like this there we go and then I’m going to get a gaming PC like this and the gaming PC set up right there isn’t that amazing yes all right now that I’ve done all this the final thing I need to do is build a door and I’m going to make my door really fancy so I’m going to get a lever over here on this side actually no I’ll do a button like this on this side and then a button over here and then I put some command blocks right underneath as well there we go over here we have this command and then over here we have this command and then all I got to do is fill this up like that and to open the door someone just presses this button to close it someone presses that button perfect guys have you finished your rooms yet you finished your rooms oh yeah I have buddy all right doggy doggy let go give a tour of Louis’s room what does it look like okay welcome inside wao this place is claustrophobic well yeah I like feeling like I’m in a little cave sometimes awesome wait that’s really cool what is this pattern Lou oh that’s just the modern looking area I just want my bed to look very modern and nice wo It’s like got some Stone backing behind it that’s really cool yep it’s a king-sized bed I’ve been paying attention to the details recently yeah and then we’ve got a gaming setup over here and you have a door to make it look like a chair that’s cool and then wait Lou what’s this over here is this for like sitting down and eating y this is where I eat all of my food and it’s nice and white to look very modern and then you have a little TV area over here this is really cool you’re missing a door L well I don’t need one anyways all right well let’s take a look at the dog’s room but wait a second how do we even get in there dogs allowed only well good thing we can do these trap doors to get in Lou woohoo let’s crawl in here and see what this dog’s up to wow I made this entire place a freeer like there’s even fans blowing down uh it’s cold here I’m starting to shiver yeah look at this antique TV it’s so old touch but my dad passed down to me ew okay and then you have some bones over here and is this your little bed area yeah that’s where I sleep I just sleep on the ground I’m not fancy like you for I I need R okay well let’s check out my room guys see if you can figure out how to get inside um Jamesy it’s nice and easy there’s two signs saying open and close exactly that’s my point all right come inside guys so I have everything important to me in here so first things first we have two gym areas this is really good so I can do some jumping jacks I can do some dumbbells whatever I need to do Jamesy I’ve never seen you lift one of these in my life this is just a goal you know it’s like an aspiration of mine okay he just has it in there to look cool and then over here of course we have my gaming setup oh well du you needed to do anything even record this video yeah yeah and I’ll see with the nice decorations around oh don’t forget I have a TV over here to watch while I’m sleeping in bed Jamesy this TV doesn’t even turn on turn on yeah cuz you need a remote do me you don’t have it oh yeah and then of course we can close the door for a bit of privacy or we can open it again and leave wo that’s actually super cool FBI open up oh no guys I think the FBI are actually here quickly you two stay here I’m going to go and say hello to them and try to get them to go away okay okay okay go we found it it’s right here all right uh guys what are you doing in my house oh well we found the elemental base we’re just investigating wait really this is where the elemental bases how did you guys know oh you know just some forensics and stuff like that I don’t think we should go down there guys that sounds like a really terrible idea let’s just um go home and maybe we can go to D no this is the only place that we could find these Elementals and we have to catch them before they do this again sounds good though no you know what I’m going in without you guys see you later I’m coming what happened are you guys okay it seems like we’ve fallen into a trap of some sorts this doesn’t look right guys I we should just leave lasers these Elementals are smart they’ve obviously put tons of traps are super duper deadly we’ll never be able to get them I know we want to catch them guys but we have to go home look these lasers they do ow they do a lot of damage well where there’s a laser there’s always a switch to turn it off so we just have to look around we’re never going to find it look how deadly these lasers are uh you know we should just dig our way back up come on no no no don’t give up so fast SoJO we need to look forward it now fire were a criminal what what just happened no what did you just do officer mittens you found the switch this is a promotion for you buddy yes please finally to $2 an hour oh my goodness oh well that’s really good guys we got through the P first trap the second one looks really deadly this has probably got loads of fake blocks and fake jumps we could never know which one to jump to well it’s a good thing this is America and I have a gun let’s check which ones are right which ones are wrong and look there one was a ghost block how did you know well I guess we have to jump to this one you first officers remember there’s a bunch of spikes down there it’s super duper deadly oh I’m not scared of a few spikes let’s go here and then here and oh it burns oh yeah Burns guys they had made it they F of VAP now which way do you jump left or right FBI agents well I have to take a look at the particles that fall from the blocks if they look blue then it’s a ghost block that one is not one and this one is all right guys make the jumps if you just stand on the edge you don’t actually take any damage guys all right I’ll stand right here all right which jump next the left one or the right one well let me check the one on the right gives off blue particles so that’s a ghost block how did you know well you’re so smart FBI agent go ahead and jump follow me your next mid ends go across which one next the left or the right one FBI agent maybe we should just guess I don’t like guessing guesstimating is wrong I’ll check this one and that one’s real and this one’s real so we can jump across both well it seems like all of them aren’t ghost blocks now it seems like you wouldn’t be able to jump to this one anyways oh guys this is not good they’re making it through all of our challenges really fast ow oh don’t worry officer mittens is an expert Cod cracker that’s right um let me guess I bet it’s 000000 no it’s wrong yeah do you want to be demoted buddy no I haven’t tried everything yet now let me put myself the mind of AAL they would probably hi a clue around here somewhere why you guys keep calling them criminals maybe they’re just innocent Elementals who don’t want to be haunted anymore no my parents died to an elemental and I want them in jail with the death sentence the highest po crime okay well we still haven’t figured out the the code maybe it’s 1 2 3 4 no let me click around there could be something hidden this place seems really dangerous we should get out of here I’m feeling claustrophobic get away from me wait what just happened oh no I mean yes we found something yay it seems like ghost blocks and wait what is this two 4 68 that must be the pass code oh jeez okay let me just put in the pass 4 68 here it is good job officer mittens oh this looks really scary guys it’s slime block jumps I’m not going first you guys have to do it don’t be such a scaredy cat going ready go off the mittens good job buddy it’s my turn agent wo you guys are so brave I didn’t think you would be so brave why do you think we’re FBI agents what is this this looks way too dangerous oh slime blocks are easy after all that’s how I got into FBI School watch this wait what I guess I’ll go next I haven’t done this before but W that was close you almost didn’t make it guys but what is this which is the most powerful element oh a good oldfashioned trivia room they’re always trying to throw us off their Trail but we just have to think like they would think exactly what you just said remember we saw tons of fire that attacked Gracie’s house I bet it was a fire Elemental oh so they wouldn’t think Earth is the most powerful they would think fire is wait really let’s go through you guys are so smart look the other side was booby trapped that’s dangerous guys next question what was the first element created uh don’t know maybe it was Earth because Earth is Earth and Earth was crazy at first right right right no he is kind of on to something I mean have you ever read the Bible offic of wait I read the Bible and it told me that God created light first and light is basically the same as fire is it I don’t know well I’m taking a gamble I’m going to go I made it oh you guys are so smart what’s the next question well what elemental power does Zeus have what do they think we’re dumb yes it’s lightning obviously have you ever heard of Zeus he throws Thunderbolts everywhere oh how do you know but wait a second guys what is this speaking of ice oh I’m not very good in the snow I’m only good in the summer well it looks like we should turn back then because this looks like some sort of water maze oh but I can feel it we’re so close to those Elementals I can almost shoot them with my gun no no no no even if we go in there we won’t know where the exit is well I’ll just follow you too come on then all right let’s go hold your breath M hold your breath oh I’m holding I’m holding I some erand to my mittens and breath through that I’m following you Tobe all right I’m following you FBI agent there’s no way we’re going to find the exit look you just hold your breath we can make it I don’t know where to go though I’m getting lost no I’m star to drown we have to go back we have to go back back back back drowning what are you doing get out of here I’m here where are you mittens are you okay are you okay guys we need to turn back that was way too tricky oh no we’ve got to keep trying I I know we have to let’s try it again where did you guys go last time I went to the top right we went to the bottom right well then let’s go to the left side this time wait really oh I don’t know why would they put it over there and come on Mid let’s go I’m following you oh no let’s go to the bottom wait I see something over there look through that wall we’re near we’re near I know it go go go wait a second it seems we’re in their Bas of operations we need to be careful guys they could be around here they might try to eat us and we should just go home come on let’s leave no I have my gun and I’m not scared of them these Nintendo switches indicate that they’re mostly very young probably around your age Jamesy three around your age as well mittens okay okay what about this room lots of orange in here huh a lot of orange just like you no no no that’s a coincido um look um where is um some yellow maybe that’s you mittens you maybe you did this excuse me don’t assume my color I looking at your color wait a second Jamesy didn’t you say your girlfriend liked cake and only you would put cake down here no no no let’s just leave guys no need to keep exploring well we only have one room left it seems uh let’s leave let’s leave leave I press the close button wait it’s a door that opens like this person must be very good at Red Z though um guys this looks like someone’s house we should probably leave but wait a second why is it all orange why are you all orange and why does it have your literal PC in the corner wait it’s loaded to the JY YouTube channel uh wait guys look there’s a there’s a spider in the corner H spider I don’t see any guys if you enjoy this video then like it click on the next one your screen bye come back here Elemental sco I’m getting out of here

This video, titled ‘I Built a Hidden ELEMENTAL BASE From My Girlfriend!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-01 11:00:10. It has garnered 4027 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:35 or 2495 seconds.

I Built a Hidden ELEMENTAL BASE From My Girlfriend!

Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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  • EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS – MUST SEE!

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  • INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11

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  • Cobalt SMP – Cozy Active Community, Vanilla, Events, Discord, NO RESET

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  • SurvivalRol

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: So spicy!

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  • Minecraft: Rich vs Poor – Blockbuster Showdown!

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  • THE END IS COMING… HOT! 🔥😂 #shorts #meme

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  • Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, just take a look at the latest Minecraft video trending on YouTube. While it may not be about Minewind specifically, it showcases the fun and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. And that’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind – a place where you can unleash your imagination, build amazing… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024

    Minecraft Madness: 4th July 2024 The Exciting World of Minecraft: Crazy Events Build Battle on 4th July 2024 On the 4th of July 2024, Minecraft enthusiasts were treated to an exhilarating Build Battle event filled with crazy events and intense competition. Players from all over the world gathered to showcase their creativity and skills in this virtual world. The Build Battle Event The Build Battle event in Minecraft is a popular competition where players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to build their creations. The 4th of July event was no different, with participants tasked to build patriotic-themed structures in… Read More

  • SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2

    SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 20:00:03. It has garnered 4493 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:35 or 3995 seconds. POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure… Read More

  • Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeast

    Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘mrbeast unboxing this box 🎁 || #mrbeast #ytshort’, was uploaded by WTF Facts on 2024-03-01 03:12:17. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. mrbeast unboxing this box 🎁 || #mrbeast minecraft minecraft challenge #mr short video #short #new challenge video beast #mr beast hindi video #hindi video #challenge video #challenge #mrbeast #viral short #tranding #mr best mr beast meme mr beast song mr best lego car mrbeast youtuber mr beast island mr beast phonk mr best indian mrbeast ishowspeed mr beast in german mrbeast mr… Read More


    ULTIMATE MLG WATER BUCKET TIPS & TRICKS! 🔥 #gamesforkidshubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft Tips & Tricks mlg water bucket 🪣 #gamesforkidshub’, was uploaded by Games For Kids Hub on 2024-06-14 15:45:04. It has garnered 247233 views and 6813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More