SECRET REALM NAME REVEAL! Join Our Exclusive Minecraft Survival Series!

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All right we should be live we should be live how’s everyone doing today I had to search up what caps is because we all call it Peppa says magma fair enough fair enough welcome into the chat magma of course ad start osworld Andel what’s

Up guys how are we today uh So the plan is we’re going to be doing two hours of this okay approximately two hours of this Gap and then four guys um competitive stream on the main Channel later uh skill issue realm I know right Adar um dub you stream yesterday too

Adar for your first um well first n second stream I guess what’s up osworld how you doing today all righty is the realm name related to capsen no not at all it’s just one of those random questions we do add stop wait what’s this stream Minecraft Nate Minecraft first and actually first

Stream yeah that is true yeah you got to love OBS though you really have to love OBS what’s up physics have you streamed today physics I know Magma’s got an upcoming stream so I’m going to keep that in mind as I’m live as well so uh kind of want to

Finish before magma goes live is the plan so um yeah but the title yeah because we’re having a new name we’re going to put uh an official name to the realm and this series on you missed ads the stream what are you doing anel um chose everyone love the support

Absolutely duby stream too W stream when it went well it went well uh I had patience ader because I know what you’re going through so um even though someone grief my win streak your win streak your win streak for what oh adds to stream oh yeah my bad sorry uh

Physics sorry about that forgot about that actually whoops what an L move this is why I don’t accept invites physics the one time that I decided to do it it screwed up four reals the one time that I decided to accept um it didn’t go well really hope mine goes well like

Aders but it’s going to be no mic that’s right magma there’s aders Channel guys I’m pretty sure um everyone is subscribed um to adster in the chat but if you aren’t check him out I still have the first ual stream unlisted I’m still need edit a few parts fair enough all Goods all

Goods I get that I get that um so if you were trying to access the realm earlier I do apologize there was some issues um with my subscription uh let’s just say having a few days off over Christmas and uh you know just easing off out of responsibilities you forget that things

Need to get paid so uh the subscription for the realm was one of them so I went went ahead and fixed that so we’re we’re live and active um so I do apologize for those people trying to access the realm uh within the last 12 hours or so I

Think it was so apologies there you also missed ads the stream what are you doing as well what are you doing bro uh probably later tonight making a thumbnail for custom lobbies all right bet that’s watch stream is later leaderboard ranked it’s going to be blue versus red today

Osworld I wanted to do my New Concept today actually actually um but there’s still a little bit of uh work to do on the overlays so um that’ll be tomorrow blue versus red today and um New Concept tomorrow I’m grocery shopping MH that’s what I’m doing are you as well

Okay nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that indeed all right so I’m going to go through the um the realm in a moment uh uh but most likely 4 five hours uh i’ wait hold on I’d say earliest I’m a start is like in 3 hours

Time but most likely four to five hours from now says then going to combine both stream Snipes and custom lobbies thumbnail okay nice nice nice all right so oh there pressure plates thankfully all right my chat’s in front of me uh what do you think you guys uh wait hold

On what did you guys think of my thumbnail I tried to make it good but didn’t want to spend an hour on it because I’d get bored and I’m lazy it was good it’s all good magma it sticks out um people click on it so um it’s working W thumbnail W

Thumbnail um what’s up Chino or I’m new what’s up I’m new uh oh yeah and you know another thing I got for Christmas someone got me a Minecraft gift card to buy the game say physics really really now really okay physics to join the realm confirmed question mark I don’t know I don’t

Know actually before we do anything else I kind of want to if I have the resources no I don’t have the resources I just put the wood away that’s all right um never mind we’ll just do this no we won’t do that I’m looking for this

Roman thanks M I also have a different version of the thumbnail all right bet bet bet that’s all right I’m going to cook some food real quick and then I’m going to go around the realm and uh show some of the changes since the last time we

Went live which was um the 22nd it’s now the 27th so I do the math because I can’t figure out how many days that is off the top of my head five six something like that I no idea all right so there is a the roller

Coaster that gzy has made goes from my base up to where the base oh not the base where the um roller coaster began near the Mystic Hotel all right so let’s just go ahead and take this one of two train lines on the roller coaster definitely didn’t ask that

Person to get it for me when they ask what I like oh yeah bet not physics Magma’s blue name is so goofy ra I can say the same about you buddy yeah W Thum now for real though magma way better than what I’d um do for

A quick and easy thumbnail trust me I have to spend a little bit of extra time on some my thumbnails if it’s just me and me alone doing it I do appreciate the help that has uh come with the recent thumbnails I really really do all right so um that’s

New oh don’t go anywhere what the I’m just going to put this back in here for Gizzy I got a correct Java and Bedrock so I can join and it’s PC gam so um it’ll work they didn’t get PS4 Xbox yeah okay well you’ve got both versions

So that’s that’s pretty W um all right so we just saw the new line and part of the roller coaster let’s go to the upgraded new and improved Mystics Courthouse okay all right so Gizzy has completely fix this up and uh it is no longer made out of

Wood I think the floor is still wood I did check on this last night I think yeah the floor is still wood so the main entries are pretty much the same it’s like a waiting I don’t know bay or area whatever you want to call it and then

Once you get called through it’s like oh yeah and look at it red banner two paintings a high roof some lighting multiple paintings I should say multiple banners the judge look at this this looks so nice like I’m not faulting the old courtroom at all but this just

Looks so much better not faulting at all I don’t think I’d be able to build to this degree uh the person who proves it not guilty the lawyer what is this the witness okay mind the spelling errors audience all right bet another audience section you’re doing your first mic stream today whoa oh

Physics when when out of curiosity uh the person who is trying to prove his or her innocence and then the um what’s it called jury jury oh you’re not okay it’s going to say there’s ain’t no way there’s going to be like a whole bunch of w streams

Happening oh gosh I wish could join the realm yeah ra eventually um have you fixed up your end with all the issues raach or you have no idea all right what else is new so um that’s the new and improved courtroom it is still owned by Mystic

But Gizzy just made a little bit of an upgrade to it I will go to Charlie’s former base I don’t know if I showed too much of it on stream or not uh when all that destruction went down but uh this is now the remnant of Charlie’s old base

And as you can see um yeah it’s uh it’s um interesting to say the least I couldn’t find another descriptive word for it uh I’m getting on a little bit uh show I’ll show you my base all right b b uh and as long as you made the

Thumbnail credit the person who let you use the thumbnail definitely not name anyone true true uh no problems no I need PSP why do you need a PSP P all right let me try and figure out what else is new oh I forgot this is really really important guys if you are

In the realm or looking to get into the realm this is extremely important for base one I know there’s one at base to and uh I got to give props to Gizzy again for um not just returning to the to the realm but also making some uh improvements and quality changes oh

Creeper hole that’s all right it’s half patched what’s up days how you doing today tressure making thumbnails don’t know anyone any good softwares on PC to make one have you tried Cana not not to be the guy that says oh yeah use Cana but you know it’s a pretty

Good resource or you can use OBS itself physics because I can’t use the four guys font what I do is physics I do the um the the like the background and like the images on canva I save it download it and then I go to OBS and add like the

Text on top of it and then I screenshot it all right so here we go the public enchanting table which is right next to the uh sleeping Center I know people don’t like that name I don’t care sorry just don’t care um um so yeah the public enchanting table

Okay uh there’s lapis in here make sure you replenish it from time to time time and bookshelves and the enchantment table itself Adobe Photoshop I mean true um do you have to pay for either one of those Chino you use cber raach I think there’s I think there’s like um free

Versions right public enchanting table imagine what’s up Lukes long time no see photo shop is more expensive yeah I think there is a free version though I’d like to think so an says I use OBS to help make my Simpsons Hit R thumbnail in the private chat with overlaying not

Going to lie yeah I’ve done many thumbnails through there some of my better ones are actually through OBS ad star the ones will get complimented for nine times out of 10 not every time nine times out of 10 get like major compliments and uh some people even ask

Did you make it I’m like yeah if I didn’t I would have put credits in the description don’t get me wrong there are times where I forget to put credits in but I make sure later um that I do all right so um I think that’s all that’s new to base

One in all honesty what good thumbnails right are we really going to go through this right now I got some compliments on the most recent one for the Christmas um casual Customs thank you ra that was done through OBS yeah yeah I just had coffee for the

First time in 3 months uh got christm along with Oreos chocolate and a 7×7 Rubik’s Cube somehow already solved it three times oh wow I don’t think there’s too many more changes um at base one I might head over to base two but it’s getting late so I’m going to use a

Bed I like the Christmas thumbnail Mar forgot to tell you yeah a lot of people at the start of the stream are like duby thumbnail I’m like okay nice I know it looked good but I didn’t think I was going to get the you know the positive reception I was like

Okay appreciate it I do appreciate it is it just me or I’m excited for the Minecraft Q says Draco yeah I need to fix it up tonight Draco I need to fix that up tonight I was going to do it before the stream but what happens is Draco we get people

Asking about the realm whilst I’m live so I thought I’d just hold off m i w v one the true Pringle in jump sht out in Centric stream did you actually thank you magma appreciate that by the way um let’s see have I missed any chats while I’m in base

One um no I don’t think I did I don’t know how to get the four guys characters on the thumbnail like diving or something uh some people use what’s it called there’s like a 3D animation thing M oh what’s it called I don’t have it but um physics

The way I got my for guy to jump is actually through emotes and screenshot it in OBS and then remove the background like I I would have the um for guy emote in the main menu screenshot it at the right moment which was difficult to do took me like um for

The jump one the one where it looks like he’s uh where mosh is grabbing like jumping up to grab a crown that took me like 25 screenshots before I got it right 25 screenshots so uh the one time where it looked absolutely amazing I just went yep that’s the one took the background

Away and yeah went with it I used mosh’s old thumbnails for my bean says rage really what you got a 75 in TV and a Nintendo switch looks nice that’s pretty dubby that’s pretty dubby um ra you know Isabella is allowed to be here as long as they’re not causing

Chaos and if you want to ask why ra I will put in the private YouTube mod chat physic oh my gosh um anyway it is what it is never mind I don’t know if R is still here which thumbnails did you make with OBS sorry was just doing something quick the

Most recent one was the um Christmas casual Customs ad star yeah that’s what I do to MH but I take the picture on my phone nice magma I’m going to go to base two guys I’m going to go to base two which one goes to base

Two I think it’s this one I hope so well what happened there hope so we’ll find out Christmas one was real good yeah yeah I’m not going to lie I spent about 35 minutes or so on it maybe 40 n it’s all right ader I didn’t expect

Uh anything to be honest I still haven’t like put up the uh not put up I still haven’t fully created the um group chats for like my volunteer thumbnail editors my volunteer video editors uh I haven’t done any of that yet either so is underated it what the Nintendo switch

LS and I just did the pickaxe Emoji for the Minecraft pin in the Discord server okay yeah that’s all right draer I’ll get to it like I said I’ll get to it after this stream sometime tonight uh because I didn’t want to do it before I went live because if I did

It uh before I went live what’s going to happen is Draco and I forgot to put the mine cart back whoops is uh people going to be asking about how to enter when I’m live if it doesn’t happen I’ll be very shocked however um it does happen quite

Often oh no ages no ages Isabella please I completely understand that but no ages in the chat yeah I I understand that Isabella I get it but just don’t indicate it please I don’t no rush all right bet dra that’s fine that’s fine I’m not doing a mic

Stream but I’m doing a fortnite stream later tonight yeah you should physics you should you really should yeah I know but it’s still IND the CATE set under that age physics you understand what I mean you understand what I mean uh so game juggler you can join our Discord

Server um and join the C it is invite only so I do pick out um either those who have been waiting a long time in the uh said queue or um i’vegot to make uh buckets ah crap um or um sometimes those who have been like established members of the

Community do get to jump the quebe um so I invite at my own discretion from the queue okay um everyone has to go through that queue process uh but you need to join our Discord server first once you’re in the public Community chat you need to go to the pinned

Messages okay and then you need to react to the pin message talking about the queue uh Peppers atachi we call them Peppers uh you guys call them peppers I meant we call them capsicum yeah we we call them capsicum in Australia Itachi’s looking yeah for real thank you

Itachi I just confused myself I said the wrong thing whoops I’m going to make a bucket in a moment I don’t have iron oh my goodness what am I Doing I don’t have iron oh gosh well I came over here for nothing oh well I was confused too not going to lie yeah yeah quick Google search would have um clarified it some people did some people did uh Google search it uh anyway I’m going to look for the lava while I’m

Here might as well at least make my time uh download fortnite all right I’ll download it doesn’t mean I’m going to play it though setting the mics yesterday was a pain I had one plugged into the laptop and one with my mates through my Xbox controller adjusting the volume was a

Pain yeah I could tell I could tell ad that would have sucked rage you’re from Australia you know what a capin is surely bro it’s a pepper okay around the world caps are known as Peppers but we call them capsacin I don’t know why don’t know why not quite

Sure but um when you go to the um Super Market that’s what it’s called M download the McDonald’s app I have I have I had to uh the Mac is app yeah exactly add stuff where is this lava no wonder why AB got confused I swear there used to be an

Area where I could actually get it from tell us what a b is um two words artificial intelligence abigan is just disgusting to me I don’t know why I actually like it and I do prefer it in like food so like I don’t know noodles stir fry salad

Uh depending on what type of salad it is um I can’t find this lava right um but yeah if you leave it in there to long though days I will say this everything that you um have with the Caps will start to tting like capsun and that’s what I don’t like cuz it’s

Quite Tangy and it’s quite like after a while capsum with mustard and frozen peas is that what you like physics wow interesting combination I can’t find this lava there used to be a thing down here like a I think it was like just Birchwood being stacked with uh torches on top

No om you can wait what no om you an alien that space by cat cat Shea made you relevant on the channels bro capsum with banners and mushy seeds e Rage that’s gross bro um all right you love frozen peas well hope ful cooked

Eh all right I’m going to open up the uh realm chat in a moment for Discord is this it here n is it dirt oh it’s dirt oh there’s the lava source at least I found it it’s dirt it’s not Birchwood I’m such an idiot I thought it was Birchwood all right found

It it’s on that side I thought it was on the right side not the left side interesting okay got to go back to um base one how do I get up here all right so the plan is to create some obsidian eh I need obsidian jump in there and I heard the

Lava gives you netherite nah bro I ain’t falling for that Chino ain’t no way that that’s just wild all right I’m going to go the long way screw this might be shorter in theory to be honest MOS just letting you know the highroll commands is outdated it says Pepsi is a chat card

Oh yeah probably would have cuz I think I gave um Dr Pepsi mod like since the last stream of this channel I think maybe if my dates are lining up correctly I don’t know the last three days I’ve literally done bugger all all right physics most got got $120

In gift cards which I’m donating soon bro you better not no you’re not no you’re not not not to my channel you ain’t no you’re not I should have not read that actually physics I shouldn’t have read that at all brah the one time I go back to read

A physics live chat message is the one time where he says he’s got all money and he’s going to be donating it soon well hopefully it’s the other channels so hopefully the only way would You’ get away with it slightly is through gift it but then again I’d be still mad slightly

Happy for the members that get it but that’s where the loophole is to gift it all right Zam going to have to go back to base one bro has anyone entered the real no not yet msh can I get myself a realm member no rage no don’t do a

Brush brush um gave himself um after I removed it cuz that roll is temporary the um the video feature role like after I took it away from him and two others for the um uh the recent video recording session uh brush re-enabled it and ended ended back up in

The chat and then I’m like what are you doing with that I’m like nope and then I took it off him and then he put the roll back on to himself and then yeah did it like three or four times like BR bro said the last stream this channel

In a genuine sentence I did I did no magma no life savings nope nope not allowed sorry buddy all right okay so first things first I’m going to go back to my house oh I could just use the train I’m that used to not having the the train

Line that used to not having it oh all this is going to my base right hopefully M can have the YouTube chat go all no your life saving is $22 hey that’s 22 more dollars than uh what I have in my like allowance sometimes days

Yes I do set myself an allowance cuz if you don’t in 2023 heading into 2024 and you’re just spending spending spending um that that’s bad that’s bad I know people joke about that all the time but like I’d rather have some money than none at all especially like days like today like

I forgot to move money from one account to another and uh the realm subscription didn’t get like um oh didn’t get its monthly payment I was like hold on a minute let me go and fix this it’s want to be in the realm chat I

Know roach I know but you have to be in there uh you have to be an official member of the realm I’m sorry that’s just the way it goes what’s up princess Le how you doing today hopefully the holidays went well have I got iron in here before I go

Into I’m going to have to hide my screen for a moment guys not saying I don’t trust anyone but uh I’ve got a secret chest or area that I need to go to so just give me a moment guys you can still hear me on mic don’t

Stress but uh I’m going to have to make a going to have to make my way over here you want to play for PlayStation Plus I know it’s pretty L I don’t like that aspect of it either R to be honest burn the house down to find it

Yeah if you burn it though everything gets destroyed you lost two subs since the start of the stream yeah uh some people are just like that magma I know a lot of people say oh yeah YouTube takes away Subs because of alts or inactive accounts yeah sure they do

Sometimes but I I think what happens is sometimes people don’t realize they subscrib to a channel um let’s just say um just a scenario Factor magma let’s just say someone subscribed from a short right that isn’t four guys and then they see that you’ve made a stream for four

Guys and they go hold on who’s this why am I subscribed to them um what is for guys and then they might just unsub I wouldn’t be too concerned about a magma because I lose Subs every day to be honest uh I’m made some uh I made some

Buckets do I need more than two though did you hear about tens of thousands of people getting banned on PS because of a glitch no no I have not game jugle up I guess I don’t blame them I’ve done that before I think yeah I’ve done it

Too I’m going to need more than two I’m I might bring like four that’s a lot of iron but screw it hold on guys give me a second sorry have to uh what is for guys hey some people don’t know what it is days not not even kidding you accidentally sub on shorts

All the time yeah it happens or even some people I don’t know it’s the way that people maneuver around YouTube is really real unique sometimes like as a streamer I try and figure out the behaviors of viewers right but uh I’m starting to notice through like educational channels um that talk about

YouTube stuff that the behavior of certain like viewers on YouTube is really really unique and it’s even hard for the experts to try and figure it out sometimes all right let me just put this back here all right cool four guys is a gun game when I play I can’t chat at the

Same time that’s right Isabella all Goods don’t worry about it all right let’s go why is this not working there we go all right four buckets I’m going to use two for lava two for water and just uh yeah I don’t even know how I’m going to

Do this I haven’t made obsidian in a long long time oh that shouldn’t have fallen down but oh well it fell so whatever m is on a journey yep uh physics give me a second I’m trying to find your last message M should I get a job at KFC next year and

Broke uh ASF yeah you should any opportunity to make money physics take it if you get an opportunity to work at KFC and it’s somewhat all right money do it and then not only just save your money I’m not saying don’t spend any of it not

Only save it but like start looking at Investments down the line you don’t want to do that straight away that’s fine just take 6 months 12 months 18 months whatever um Investments are the key these days I hate to say it savings not good enough anymore the way things are working

Obsidian is lava on Water I know I know what’s up Ibraham how you doing man how’s your holidays all right that’s all right so I got two buckets of water let me just reorganize this really quickly my brother was working this job last year and the pay was $30 an hour

For like 4 to six hour ships that isn’t bad that is not bad at all physics honestly that to be completely honest that is not bad at all um all right just give me a second hold on I will follow up with that in a Second uh let’s move this over here all right it’s already what 4:30 that’s wild my brother gets paid around about 75 for a 4 4 to 6 hour shift okay yeah it depends on the workplace too um game jugler and also depends on where you live because um the Australian dollar is

Like what double US US dollars I think or sometimes it tips over whilst having a good um dollar is essential it ALS can be um you know it’s a really good thing to have a like a high dollar but at the same time if you’re living in that place um the

High dollar might not always be um beneficial because things will naturally cost more especially if it’s imported so um that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool thanks Draco Stones work to live not live to work yeah you’re right ra you’re right why can’t $1 be $1 um because things won’t have value Roach um across the globe if everything is literally the same price R then nothing has value no one earns any money from anything don’t say that right bro when was a over two times I thought it was like close to double then days close to double you round it up it’s double

Anyway let’s be honest a just think about it like no one’s spending like um you know look if you’re going to be doing conversions no one’s spending a single dollar day so um it all adds up hello jinny how you doing today welcome to the channel welcome to the

Stream yeah when people are sending money overseas or buying something from overseas that they’re spending more than $1 so I round it up cuz it’s nearly double anyway right so um that 20 cent deficit isn’t really going to make a difference to me in all honesty it might as well they

Might as well just add the 20 cents that’s just my opinion on it but yeah nearly double nearly double it will become double the way that everything’s going to be honest now I got to be careful here can I grab it from here probably not okay okay where’s my buckets oh no no

No I can’t believe I just did that I can’t believe I just did that we don’t talk about that I wonder what I lost oh my goodness I can’t believe I just did that holy crap ah I Tred to be careful I tried to be careful that’s I swear that’s like

The time that’s ever happened like on this realm I don’t know I think it happened off stream too a no whoops oh gosh uh wonder if any of the stuff went into the lava you have some of your buckets well that’s all right I’m I’m glad I put some of my um valuables

Away y I can’t believe I just did that man that’s wild what have I done I can’t believe that for Christmas I got a PC won’t get any gifts for my birthday and Christmas for 2 years but it’s worth it nice yeah oh well suppose those things could last you two years game

Juggler bro I can’t believe that I cannot believe that on stream Bro Look I did it one other time in the roomm but I don’t think it was on stream if it was on stream then yeah whatever great but bro what’s I have to be more

Careful have to be I might have to use the chest in the food shop and just only take the bucket with me if I lose a bucket I lose a bucket who cares bro I can’t believe that what the hell I watched this video

Um where it was filmed in the US and was like $45 for one slice of pizza so you’re telling me it would be like $78 for one slice of pizza somewhere in the US yeah possibly it look it is a little bit confusing days off the top of my head I

Have to like double and triple think about it sometimes times because I know if you go to certain countries the dollar is um the Australian dollar is it’s high but like compared to what their currency is is a lot lower if that makes sense I don’t want to confuse myself

With this topic cuz sometimes I do because it’s there’s a lot more to it than just the numbers that you see I understand it but like explaining it like my worst enemy when it comes to it got tiptoe finale R nice yeah it’s a bit difficult to to

Explain yeah like I got to um I got a $20 us Dono yesterday or the day before um 20 20 US 20 us um Dono um days the other day and uh YouTube Studio was telling me it was close to 30 I don’t know whether that’s after

They take or you know whatever they do with whatever Revenue wise but like there is some benefits right but but when you go overseas to like a us or something if the Dollar’s so high you’re losing money just by going over there yeah it was yeah you’re right magma

Yes see there’s benefits to it but then there’s also disadvantages to it like if you went to the US um you know and you converted your cash like on arrival then are you losing money I think so I think so uh let’s just I don’t know I just don’t want to

Confuse myself too much I I know what I’m trying to say but just I’m with that I’m like that for some things honestly I I can understand it but when as soon as I go to explain it I just confused myself uh uh I’m already freaking out I’m already freaking

Out there goes all that wonderful XP did I lose anything uh I think I lost like a name tag I’ve still got the enchanted book that I got from fishing hey ah I’m going to have to go up to anything like no I think that’s everything

Bundon she but yeah yeah that was a massive Elbo El bundon mood move mood and move can’t believe that how silly who does that seriously seriously I can’t believe that um I get why small gifts for years uh when you can get one super big useful gift for years yeah that’s true that’s

True uh I’ll use the uh what’s it called I’ll use the chests or one of the chests anyway bro it’s so hard to type on freaking phone when there’s still 5 days until I get my laptop back also why I always hit B for space and Q for

A you’re not used to a phone to that degree physics that you like have to rely on PC laptop that’s wild I lost one water bucket ah just got to be really careful though I’m going to set respawn at base too oh no days days not physics I read the

Wrong oh I’m so dumb I can’t read properly days not no no no I saw the two white profile pictures I saw the two blue names and I saw physics write a message after days sorry days that’s still wild either way right damn who took the bed from here what

Come on now I have to use the spare all right cool what’s in here nothing Redstone I don’t want that bro who took the bed the main bed I know the spar’s always been there but come on I’ve been called like seven people on the channel so it’s fine yeah sorry da I

Didn’t mean that my bad yesterday I joined this guy’s Customs who are known for like five months uh and he was playing Lily without diving because he didn’t dive didn’t work and I said in chat as a joke Bloods and NPC see and he took it the wrong way completely and

Kicked me and timed me out so then in a Discord server he uh he’s in I roasted him for like five people on my side and he got banned from the server I think oh no your brother got a VR that’s crazy that that’s cool though but that’s

Crazy what a gift what a gift damn physics that’s that’s insane all right what did I do wrong last time what have I done that’s not like moving lava is it that might be the issue right that it’s not moving brah I got to be careful I don’t

Have any tools man I don’t have any tools all right we don’t judge this guys I don’t have any tools all right can I take it from there I can’t remember how the uh lava physics work lava physics well that’s that’s that’s hilarious that’s hilarious mosh we don’t judge this

No why can I not oh y That’s not active now is it I have to go to an active piece I this is this is a bit frustrating I will admit this is a bit frustrating uh I main noodles and the bowl had literally broken half and all the water leaked out

Braah how do you manage that there we go oh that cost me about you know5 maybe six items I feel hopefully I’m not exaggerating I know I lost my name tag I really wanted to put that on like a one of the cats or something but it’s all

Right it happens the LA refuses to come near mosh’s smelly body thank you roach appreciate it y very supportive ra you know that Deja yeah I’m glad it wasn’t Deja Vu um uh magma honestly then he messed up and age Reve so the people on my side

Who don’t like him either reported him for being young for this no physics that that spired into something you could have never imagined that’s wild over a little bit of a joke okay if you took it the wrong way you know it is what it is okay we all

Have bad days and things happen or just they might be going through some stuff but like wow all right I need an area now I’m going to have to go back to what’s up Dr Pepsi how are you today I don’t know some person in my family

Broke it put the dish in uh in the dishwasher I put it in the oh hold on I don’t know some person in my family broke it put it in the dishwasher or that’s how it broke and now I have to clean up a bunch of water bro that’s

That’s crazy you’re a chat God again no haven’t updated it Dr Pepsi sorry man but apart from the streams I haven’t done anything in 3 days um I think you’ve got mod between last stream of this channel um to now I think you’ve gotten mod on the

Main Channel between that time period Cu uh we did we we did our last stream on this channel on the 22nd so you haven’t even got mod yet so I will enable that right now yeah guys just got to remember the time period that’s all there you go yeah because you

Haven’t got mod on here so I’m assuming you’ve been you got mod between last stream of this channel to now and I haven’t updated anything I haven’t done anything in 3 days I even forgot to pay um the subscription for this Roy I put all my money out of one account

That is my allowance I guess account uh I put all my money that I had left over back to my main account where I don’t really spend um unless it’s in person uh I’m going to use the bed in a moment Chino hold on I didn’t even know

You were in the server in the realm so um the realm wasn’t active for a few hours today and I do apologize guys I really do yeah there you go Dr Pepsi he literally got cooked yeah he did he did bro again said last stream of the gaming genuinely no way I

Thought I was the last time wait what what what do you mean um did I lose tools in the lava oh I did nice of course I did that’s that’s beautiful all right um uh yeah just give me a few moments um Chino I’ll use the bed in a moment just

Hold on sorry I’m having a few technical problems I’m having a Minecraft skill issue yep I’ll read it now cuz I’m on the train I joined to show you my base can’t stay for long I have to film a video with her washed okay okay no problems where are you at

Chino where are you at you’re not 10,000 blocks away are you sorry uh Chino won’t be long your base oh okay cool I I’ll be there in a second it’s close SP all right bet bet bet yeah I’m on my way I’m on my way yeah I think I lost my um stone

Pickaxe which had uh some good enchantments on it and I think I lost my stone axe which was unenchanted but all right going to have to use the bed cuz uh bed’s too far away my bra rubbish okay all right let’s go I will follow

You yes I try to close it I try to close the door when necessary when I can I need food what am I doing man what am I doing man hold on I can’t Sprint give me one second it’s all right thank you I will take that as well W’s all

Righty all right let’s go we’re going to go to Chino’s base guys I have no idea where it is apparently it’s not too far away though so uh this could be exciting all right all right we’re going across the ocean we are going across the ocean bro is going

Under under the sea for some reason wait what your base is not down there is it ain’t no way Ain’t No Way hold on I need to I need to Pace this correctly otherwise I’m going to drown hold on hold on I wasn’t expecting that I wasn’t expecting that at all okay let’s

Go oh my controller will allow me to go down here bro where’d he go oh there he is where is he I swear I’m going to drown a yeah I don’t have any potions I’m going to I’m going to drown uhoh uhoh uhoh let’s try and revive myself that’s wild though

Chino bro it has signs what has signs of what what do you mean I didn’t even think I had an hour but I have two nearly that’s pretty cool you don’t need potions what what do you mean I’m going to try this again hopefully it don’t drown cuz uh

I oh okay okay I see I see I see I thought there was a bit more to it oh this is so cool that is so cool I thought that was more of an entry okay I will admit I thought that was more of an entry to get to

Here that is awesome that is wow Chino’s been absolutely grinding look at this bro’s building like a underwater like mansion in the works guys that place will definitely be an absolute W once it’s complete even now it’s looking all right that’s pretty damn good all right so you just have enough

Without like potions or okay that’s W Spruce yeah that’s awesome I like that W Chino let’s go I want to join the real bro it looks so fun I know it’s only the beginning too magma I’m happy to have as many people in as possible but um there will be

Times where the what what did I just pick up Spruce yeah Spruce sapling okay W’s um there will be times where we do rotate the uh active members uh because some people do have to go away or um some people are inactive or um people are just causing a

Little bit of trouble where I have to rotate them out sometimes not fully ban them but um but yeah it’s never too late to join as long as the um series keeps continuing which it will it’s never too late need Minecraft ASAP and a laptop for real Spruce uh

Plus strip oat logs equals W combo it it is it is a w combo absolutely I agree with that I absolutely agree with that Chino’s done well you’re in the courtroom have you seen the updated courtroom Dr peps well if you’re there you would have seen it what do you think of

It didn’t even think I had an hour but I have nearly two oh let’s go Dr Pepsi and not Dr Pepsi da I’ve done it again I’ve done it again my gosh what’s wrong with me today my brain is still in Holiday mode guys I’m sorry even today I couldn’t figure out

Why the realm wasn’t working for a good 10 minutes I’m like hold on what’s going on here then I saw turtle ‘s message I’m like uh I don’t know what’s happening then I couldn’t enter then I’m like hold on has the uh subscription been paid and

Then I look at my bank then I look at um then I look at the uh realm subscription area itself and it said R like ah yeah okay absolutely dropping the ball dropping the ball guys I’ve been grinding my private server nice Isabella nice gone away for 3 days days and 12

Days all right days that’s fine you’re trapped now what do I have to go over there day uh not days Dr Pepsi do I have to go over there all right so I need to start making obsidian but um I’ve only got two buckets of uh lava and one bucket of

Water I’ll go over there you never drop the ball yeah that’s what we try and Achieve magma that’s what we all try and achieve deep down to never drop the ball but uh sometimes the ball gets a little bit uh you know the grip you know tends to lose its uh

Structure there might be moisture on the ball the ball might be an entirely different shape due to wear and tear but uh we still try and grip onto it we still try and grasp on into it you know where’s a good spot to make obsidian I’ve got no

Idea I want to do it in a safe spot so I don’t burn myself to death or I don’t burn anything around um where I’m doing it we’re talking about dropping the ball physics where is is Dr Pepsi n it’s not the bot’s fault though Dr Pepsi it’s my fault for being lazy

For 3 days there you go how does bro get stuck in the jail oh my goodness what the that’s wild Pepsi man oh yeah msh I found out how to stream on mobile obviously I have a set stream in a few hours okay I don’t know

What physics thinks of half the time um I choose to ignore it magma but yeah I agree I I don’t know what he’s thinking of of those things so yeah yep um all right so I’m going to place down I might do it near the cave

Actually I was going to find a unique spot but I need a chest too so I need to go and find myself a chest let’s go to the new and improved Timber shop quote unquote anyone bought anything I know people are starting to purchase stuff and actually put ORS in the chests

Finally not discrediting anyone who has done it the entire time but like it’s been times where those chests are nearly empty and no ores and I’m like okay all right I’m going to have to get a I didn’t want seven of them bro I didn’t want seven of them oh well might

As well take uh I didn’t want seven of them a trap chest why have I got a trap chest oh well I just pressed the wrong button sounds like a skill issue ironically yeah I wasn’t wasn’t listening properly yeah that is a skill issue physics rip wood yeah whoops I didn’t

Need that much of it oh well who cares I’ll use the chest for the um storage shed I’ve got a chest full of chests and it’s not full of chests yet but it has chests within it uh I forgot to ask anyone give you call from Christmas no no I’ve only got

This which I well I did have it I must have lost it in the lava ah you’re kidding yeah I got some call from PvP I got some call from PvP now it’s gone it must have got burnt in the lava what am I doing where’s the cave this

Way coal is easy to get not on this seed physics not on this seed n yeah I fell on the lava trying to get a bucket of it car not on this seed near spawn if you travel away it might be okay on certain Islands not

All that’s not where the cave is either what am I doing can someone explain what I’m doing cuz I have no idea I boosters thing M that’s all right um it’s dark I’m now the ABC of outrageous gaming let’s go magma yeah with a 7.9 2 hours you’re

Equal first technically night bot’s back in there again I’m going to have to update that going to have to update it um all right physics um 2.25 that’s all right um you want to play Skyrim VR but it’s like $70 I’m having a hiccup FID I’m trying

My best to just ignore it and keep talking but um what was I saying I forgot you know where is Dr Pepsi yeah you’re technically equal first with um ader magma 7.92 I’m going to have to remove nightbot from there too cuz uh it’s taking someone spot it’s taking someone’s spot for real

For real he my buddy a bro come on come on man why you got to be like that when I’m down man I’ve got not much with me okay don’t even have the appropriate tools or anything I’m just kind of going with the flow here actually at this

Point actually going with the flow I don’t know how dangerous that can be but um we’ll find out we find out ladies and gentlemen yeah I know right magma now it’s not well lit in this part here like on the way down and the cats are too far away

So oh well it is what it is part of the game just like grabbing in four guys part of the game creepers in Minecraft part of the game even if you try and get rid of them you know unfortunately all right I need to find a suitable area actually this area is not

Bad I guess actually I can do it on top of here can’t I’s forgotten how to make obsidian kind of just put the lava down like the lava down and then put the water on top just do it here cuz I think this is probably one of the I’m going to put

Some I’m going to put some chests down just in case I burn myself to death it wouldn’t be surprised at this point what happens um but yeah let’s just go ahead and do that wouldn’t be shocked I’m not shocked anymore going to use all my recent emojis okay I randomly just remembered

Okay physics I’m not going to be surprised with what I see though right no um hold on da says I randomly just remember this I’ve just given up on believing I’ll ever get in the realm because I’m not buying Minecraft anytime soon that’s all right what’s up monke how you doing today all

Right oh no don’t tell me I’ve done it the wrong way around that’s the way mon I’ve done it wrong haven’t I I don’t have any tools don’t judge what’s happening the water then the L yeah I thought so I just wasted a bucket of lava oh my gosh yeah guys don’t judge

This part I’ve got no tools I lost my tools in the lava ironically thank you mon welcome back Dr Pepsi so water first send lava yeah that’s right wonder if that happens to IRL I’m just Kidd just kid yay one whole block of obsidian that’s just beautiful look at it look at

It that looks insane a of course of course we love this you just need to lace it on top not in it uh do put the lace first just put the water block above oh uh oh how did this guy stupid baby zombie what do you want buddy I’ve got

No tools on me man I’ve got no weapons I’ve got no weapons bro still managing a way to to get to me all right he still managing a way to get to me oh my goodness feisty feisty man I hate the reach I hate the hit box

They’ve got I could be back here and they can still reach out and grab me that’s what I don’t like screw off it’s still the same realm monkey um I I did put you on the um inactive list monke you still have everything in the realm that you had

Previously unless someone’s stolen it I hope not um but I I did take your access away temporarily so if you ever want to rejoin again in the future mon just let me know and I’ll get you back in so I just I needed more active members that’s

All a lot of people asking and I didn’t want to like do the same thing I did with mods a long time ago you know have like 12 inactive mods and go oh yeah noce sorry sorry for those who are grinding you can’t get mod cuz we’ve got too many who aren’t

Here so sort of similar get away bro I’ve got no tools I’ve got no weapons yeah so um if anyone is away from the realm temporarily um I I just like Bo it up and say it’s abandoned like if you’ve got a house or a base that I find or know about

I bet I can guess how many views the stream has right now go on I’ve got the number right in front of me yeah it’s one down it’s the worst without tools you know what I could probably get out of here without stressing about the bigger zombies because typically they’re slower

Uhoh I need to be a bit faster oh lag it felt like lag oh not another creeper bro ah we’re having some trouble I’m going to go back to my um my base my house that was wild 137 now about half of that physics well under half

Actually and it’s sort of a good I I know it’s not much physics but the reason why that is is because the the people that are here have put up the avd so sometimes I’ll take a lower view count for a good avd physics cuz they

Look at avd not just uh the view count I think they look at avd a lot more average view duration average VI duration is nearly 12 minutes which is incredible for a stream and it’s nearly 2024 like some of the big channels out there can’t even get that like

Avd majority do but like some can’t especially if they start to fall off and stuff or they’re just producing content that people don’t want uh have I got food in here probably not only reason why I’m looking in here is just uh to see if I got anything left

Over that isn’t in the storage shed potato no I don’t want a potato bro yeah so it’s like 63 views um physics but the average view duration is like 12 minutes so I will take that I think that’s what’s pushing my channel out like in terms of outrageous

Gaming the reason I wasn’t playing is cuz I’m stuck in the nether oh how are you stuck in the nether if you still there mon how you stuck in the nether what happened tell me what am I looking for many chests yeah this is my storage shed game

Jugler oh yeah food I needed food all right it’s daytime thank thank goodness it’s daytime all right I’m going to have to hide screen for a moment because there is a secret area that I need to go and have a look at I want to see if I got tools I think

I do if I don’t I’ll just craft some screw it just use Stone no enchantments just Stone uh I do have a stone now enchantments that’s fine is what it is I’m going to go and I need a craft one more bucket actually you know what I’m not

Going to craft one more bucket I think that’s silly I going to craft quite a few buckets I want to grab as much lava as possible let’s make some more obsidian so I’ve got 18 pieces of iron which will get me six buckets okay let me get out of

Here yeah we’ll do that screw it m who would you consider the most staffed person in the realm um I don’t know I think Chino’s he hasn’t been here as long but Chino is starting to really really like grind um not just PVP but like his own

Base as as we just saw in in a short amount of time um Dr Pepsi and ABC have done incredibly well um Gizzy has really really like created so many structures right now um nothing but appreciation and respect for for Gizzy honestly um Turtle 13 before his base

Got destroyed yeah he was pretty much grinding quite a bit as well he’s made like two Automatic Farms um he’s got his own little mining system so um Turtle 13 made this which is a sugar canane farm um chicken cooker over there so he’s made like three actually and then

The mob farm even though it has its problem sometimes it works all right works all right see look at that still collecting stuff from Hoppers so um yeah there are other people who have like I don’t want to discredit the people I don’t mention nice work Dr

Pepsi but um I think those guys are the real Grinders aachi’s done a fair bit too but like he did it like 5,000 10,000 blocks away and we had glorious and rosik manah they were doing their own thing 5,000 10,000 blocks away and Aaron had his own little base like couple of

Thousand blocks away as well so read last for free money bro ain’t no way you said that if you can guess my record for most watch hours in a stream I’ll donate $20 on the main Channel how close do I have to be to it physics I don’t want the

Money I’m just I’m curious now about the question uh Dave says I just randomly want to sell my Rubik’s Cube uh then it’s really boring yeah but I’m going to go over to base two for lava let’s go see you Dr Pepsi within five so the question

Was the question was if you can guess my record for most watch hours in a stream I’ll donate um $20 so you’re talking about when you do a stream physics in YouTube studio right and you’re talking about the colle Ive total watch hours is that what you’re talking

About you know how you end a stream and it’s in YouTube Studio total watch hours okay um I want to be realistic but I also don’t want to be um too generous either went through the wrong oh I’ve done the wrong train bro this ain’t it I should have realized hold on

Hold on physics hold on I’m on the wrong track I took the wrong train bro I’ve done that a few times IRL that’s never fun trust me trust me um oh I got to go off a stream where you’re getting like 20 plus in a chat physics I’m going to be

Realistic within five I will go what’s up clown cone how you doing today I will go I I’ll be realistic and I won’t be too generous I’ll go not a lot okay I will go 70 70 I using it all right I’ll go 70 I’ll go 70 physics close how far was off

58 damn yeah I’m I’m not going to lie physics uh there are some days I struggle to get over the 100 um even if there’s good numbers in the Stream but I think it’s because of my average view duration going going up like the people who want to stick around

And watch my streams actually stick around instead of like um you know opening closing stream and all that stuff 12 off yeah what’s up spider Raptor how’s the world doing it’s progressing it’s progressing all right clown Co no problems it’s progressing I’ll just leave that there screw it whoops

All right time to get some lava it’s good it’s good to say it’s progressing rather than saying it’s stagnant nothing’s happening there’s been a few of those small periods over time I’ve got 258 in the past 7 days which is 99% more than according to YouTube

Studios yeah so it’s I I think what happens is physics if you’ve got like a percentage over a th000 it’ll say $9.99 it won’t specify like um a th000 plus% for some reason yeah I’ve had like analytics that have um climbed 99% before uh but not recently not recently at

All so that’s good just keep it up physics um uh not to go fully off numbers only but as long as you see the um green arrows pointing up I think that’s your main aim but uh don’t let it get to your physics cuz um at the end of the day

Sometimes it’s not it’s not always going to be YouTube okay it’s going to be the the habits of uh viewers it could be seasonal like issues as well it could be you know you know Christmas time can be good for streams but at the same time

You know um people might not be at home either for the very same reason so as long as you keep doing what you’re doing thanks Dr Pepsi then uh should be all good yeah but if you do get weeks where like the arrows not pointing upwards yeah don’t let it like affect what

You’re doing I still get weeks and even months sometimes that the arrow goes downwards and everyone says my Channel’s growing I’m like yeah I know but the analytics are telling me otherwise NS you game is it something you’re looking like are you interested in is it something you’re interested in uh streaming and

Such gamer or game juggler sorry oh my goodness my mind today is just not doing well as don’t stream uh this much because of school holidays it’s my grinding time yeah yeah so it has benefits physics but there will be sometimes where it’s not so beneficial but like I said don’t let

It get to you don’t let the numbers control what you do on your channel I tell you what if I let numbers control me um I wouldn’t be in the position where I am right now they’re good indicators don’t get me wrong I’d be lying if I didn’t

Say I didn’t look at numbers um you know a few times a week uh there are some time periods where I look at it daily all right but I don’t let it be the be all and end all of the channel the main Channel especially not this one so much

This one’s kind of chilling I only look at the numbers out of curiosity um but yeah it can’t be the be all and and and all otherwise that’ll be your down four right there I know some small channels do it and then they grow incredibly slowly or some don’t even grow at all

And I and it sucks seeing that it really it really is um it really sucks to see that really does suck there’s a downside to my PC I need a $40 land cable for internet to work on it $40 for a land cable are you serious that’s

Wild um if you don’t mind maing game juggler what um what country do you live in I don’t need to know any more than that I’m just wondering that’s wild $40 for a land cable damn unless you’re looking for like a really like long and high dur AB ility

Type one like a business like land cable I can get $40 but Australia damn you must be after like the high durabilities one uh the high durability one or something oops a 40 m oh 40 m ah so a dollar or meter oh wow all right I’m going to go to my

House I don’t think I need to go to my house but I’m going to reset spawn cuz I don’t know where my spawn is I think it’s still at the house I’m not sure my room is far away from the router basically okay now that’s fair I had toy buy

Something for my um router to to make sure it’s in my room I to buy a cable but it wasn’t it wasn’t 40 bucks so it was I don’t know like 25 box at most luckily luckily I didn’t buy any like Hydra ability stuff I don’t see the

Purpose of it for me personally but it was just a cable so oh it’s just a cable so I was able to get the router into my room I’m going to reset spawn actually Dr peps if you’re still here Could you um sleep if you can if you’re still here if you’ve gone

Somewhere else that’s fine all right we got about 30 minutes left in the Stream wait hold on I just got some coal just now I mean Flint yeah I get confused sometimes too don’t worry about it Dr Pepsi oh wait oh wait I’m just chilling I’m just chilling yeah that’s right I’m just

Chilling I’m just chilling I’m trying to catch up with the chat anyway Dr Pepsi I don’t have any plans to go to PVP Island right now um I just W obsidian so I’m just going to take my time what’s up spner Raptor don’t know if I said hello to spin

Raptor yeah Gizzy 30 more minutes of it left 30 more minutes of it left we’re doing 2 hours today not the 4 and a half unfortunately I’d love to do the 4 and a half but I want to jump off and kind of um catch magma stream for a

Bit CU um they’re back streaming four guys so that’s if he still doing it of course all right I’m just going to move all this stuff like I did get a gift card uh JB high five Christmas so I can get it the problem is I live on an island like 2

Hours from a place with a land cable oh no yeah so it I I did want to do Minecraft Gizzy and I did want to do it longer but um to get everything done 2 hours was the most I could probably do realistically I mean I could just stay

For 4 and a half hours if I really really wanted to but um the thing is I’d be putting stuff behind and I want to catch magma stream because I don’t think I’ve been in magma stream live because I’ve done a few in the past but I was

Never there alive I don’t think I was I didn’t even know at the time to be honest I I just finish downloading Minecraft Let’s Go Draco W Draco you’re at PVP Island no nice nice I’ve got obsidian here I’ve got eight pieces I’m going to take that with

Me all right I’m going to take that with me I forgot I had some I think someone gave me that I really forgot about that yeah nice work on the um roller coaster structure and the um New courtroom gzy looks a lot better it’s a lot more durable

Too I’m sure Mystic wouldn’t mind I think Mystic hopefully would appreciate it I will say one thing about Mystic I’m not trying to be rude about it uh but at the end of the day hopefully his attitude has improved um so next time if we’re live

And he’s in the realm I hope the attitude has improved 100% I don’t mind a little bit of joking around for entertainment sure you know we all joke around we all mess around from time to time but uh when someone says no enough or stop that’s where we draw the line all

Right I finished the M yeah I S it g I’ve been using it actually you go back throughout the stream I had been using it the start of the stream I actually went to both the courthouse and um I used the new Tru yeah I’m not trying to be

Disrespectful or anything like that but like at the of the day I’m the owner of the realm I don’t mind if people have roles within the realm it’s Minecraft do what you want within reason as long as you’re not causing chaos and causing everyone else to have a terrible

Time um but the attitude’s got to improve if I’m telling him to stop and he’s not doing it um you know eventually he’s going to be kicked so uh cuz I’m I want obsidian Gizzy I want obsidian I want obsidian if I want to start doing PVP

Island properly with the arena I’m going to have to start mining on and off stream for obsidian or grinding mining whatever you want to call it I don’t know if my stream will be worth it because there won’t be any audio because I play on switch and I’m

Going to be recording from my phone and my family members want to talk to me I can’t have on my mic on okay um it’s up to you magma look if you don’t do stream at all magma I’m not going to be upset or annoyed or anything

Like that um I will spend that hour doing something else because I was going to multitask anyway um so um it’s up to you magma whatever you want to do yeah yeah I mentioned that Gizzy are you live on stream or are you a bit behind gzy I’m just

Wondering I don’t know if he’s live or not yeah I did I did mention it gy it it’s it’s pretty duby it’s a good Improvement thank you princess leer duby princess leer um what was I doing oh cave cave all right cave my bad all right so

What’s up LTR long time no see what’s up man oh yeah and I have to delay the stream because I don’t want to stream the same time as you okay um it’s up to you magma it really is at the end of the day it’s your channel it’s your

Channel a this is ah I’m an idiot I’m an idiot bro that ain’t going to do it that ain’t Diamond I don’t have any oh my diamonds got destroyed in the lava ah this is just terrible what am what in the world I totally had a mind blank my mind

Is still in Christmas mode oh my gosh what the hell am I doing I’ll take that mine cart backy don’t don’t stress it I can’t believe this y what’s up physics I need obsidian LTR yeah I did have some actually days but I lost them in the lava excuse me

Physics yeah I did I I showed him that too at the start of the stream Gizzy I I went through the new track um I went to the new courthouse uh courthouse courthouse courthouse and then I went to the um public enchanting table at Bas yeah I I showed all that

Gizzy physic are you all right why do you have to BR what do you need to tell me to shut up and say I’m him wow this guy can’t help himself all right anyway what an idiot I am well that’s great say what to you say what to

You yeah no it’s all it’s all good magma all Goods all Goods I’ll still end this stream at the two hour mark or approximately so that hour I can um fix up stream and do a few other things which I was going to do whilst I was

Watching so um it’s all right it’s all right don’t apologize it’s your channel you do what you want with your Channel at the end of the day I was looking forward to it I’m not going to lie but um at the same time if stuff happens I I get it I get

It physical shut up yeah listen to LTR physical physical 4K um I don’t think I have diamonds well that’s thrown off the plans I tell you that much I was on my way to PVP Island and I was in the cactus biome if you didn’t know if you throw an item into the

Cactus it disappears accidentally three my diamond s into the cactus so I was so PE yeah n it’s fine don’t worry about it magma it’s all good yeah physical physical 4K um oh crap this is really throwing off my plans for obsidian um Um you know what we’ll just do it anyway just hold on yeah physical 4K least all your diamonds are safe yeah of course I’m glad uh all right cool just leave that there for now H crap is there enough room to maneuver around here my controller doesn’t work well with all this

There we go stupid stick drift a lava first water a second right wait this is going to be an absolutely this is going to be a very terrible process I can already tell don’t get it shut up Jeff who’s Jeff LC who is Jeff I have

To all right do I have any tools uh wa welcome back ader you sub to magma yeah that that’s that’s a w there we go we’ll just have to use the stone pick for that oops all right cool physical 2K wow that’s physical 4K sorry what a

Name physics said his name is no it’s not it’s physical 4K what do you mean what do you mean LTR don’t listen to him don’t listen to him no listen to physical 4K bro he’s just a menace oh nice lapis might as well get it while I’m here it’s already a gap in

The wall so whatever so put the lava in the Water Source otherwise it doesn’t matter which way you place them all right I’ll try and take that advice as best I can days got to go play Tears of the Kingdom soon going to defeat gond is that how you say

That so I sound like a complete Noob Gan I’m sorry never played that game before I’ve heard about it absolutely heard about it oh oh no um that’s a bit of an accident it’s a bit of a weeby we bit accident uh oh we don’t don’t worry about it

It’ll be right it’ll be right tears what did I say tears ah I swear I said that right the other day Gizzy you got to understand I had three days where I was doing nothing man I called days Dr Pepsi I call Dr Pepsi days I’m struggling mental wise

Do you want infinite water yeah I know a bit how to do it LTR it’s just I don’t want it right now I just kind of want um just kind of want obsidian I’m struggling to do that see guys this is just ridiculous I don’t typically do I like that on Stream doctor days imagine that yeah I know right you also called me physics yeah I did cuz of the profile pictures I legit thought it was I thought physics was chain messaging in the chat cuz he does that sometimes appreciate it though LC I don’t don’t think I don’t appreciate it

At all it’s just I’m struggling to do what I’m doing here not going to lie H all righty look at all this nice lovely lava bro isn’t it beautiful in my lapis okay let’s try this again I’ve already made a mess of this cave already so it’s lava first water second right well

Hopefully no it’s water first lava second wait oh did I really just waste yeah I did I did yep I did bro I need water man I’m going to have to go all the way down bro I just wasted a bucket of lava you kidding me why don’t want to obsidian because

We’re making an island of Destruction we’re making a battle arena for pvps and people are going to go out of the way to blow it up I want it reinforced okay I can’t even pick that up what am I absolutely doing can I pick this up imagine I

Ah yeah you can see the coordinates from PvP on the screen actually I had it a second ago this controller is not being my best friend right now there we go all right cool that took longer than expected I might as well fill up the other two

Buckets might as well be efficient while I’m at it even though I’m not really being such right now there we go and where’s the other point can I get another point of collection yeah I do yeah every day every day I’m going to be streaming it later LTR thank

You have you found a dripstone cave lately mosh both on and off stream nah I think I know where one could be um however um I don’t think it is oh my gosh yeah LTR still stream full guys all right so lava first right no water first I keep making that same

Mistake now can I I collect this probably not cuz it’s falling down the down the stairs ah whatever let it let it go let it go let it go it’s all right we can do that H look at that imagine imagine now we’re now we’re doing all right there we

Go now I just need a diamond pick ABC I made updates on the realm News and the realm chat Man 3 days of not doing nothing forgetting about all responsibilities I forgot to pay the subscription because I transferred money from my allowance account that I had

Left over back to my main account so I don’t spend it I already spent enough I’m going to be honest can’t believe I even had money in the allowance to be honest uh and because of that the um subscription so the card attached to that account is where the subscription

Gets paid um it declines so I had to go and fix it so uh it was inactive for a while I never said nothing about closing the realm guys I just said I wasn’t going to stream the realm during the Christmas break that’s all I

Said I totally forgot the um day of the uh subscription um oh payment was like 26th 27th whoops you can’t collect it unless it is a source it was falling from a source I like Source days I like Source all right I know what you meant I’m just being silly might as

Well oh there’s a died sheep in here oh this creeper just really just loves to follow away sorry Dr Pepsi I saw you that this guy’s just following me oh my gosh is magma still here no idea yeah um I made an update about it on the um realm chat

ABC I made an error I was so chill for three days I forgot about life um let’s see I don’t have any food do I no it’s all right it’s all right I’m glad you oxy base8 I’m not mad if people miss things it’s just um hold on I’m going to get some

Food just yeah that the realm wasn’t closed that’s all just wanted to make sure that people weren’t under the impression that the realm was closed for whatever reason welcome back jinny yeah Isabelle if they’re not responding to you they probably aren’t here bro we’re getting low on food even in my personal storage

Bro that’s that is just that is wild um should we mine for diamonds I guess maybe I kind of need them off stream and hopefully at the end of the stream but we got 15 minutes yeah I do on the main Channel Yep exclamation mark Main Channel LTR we’re about 100 subscribers away

From 7,000 so yeah that’s all right magma all Goods I’ve got one torch I don’t know how this exploring Mining Adventure is going to go for diamonds I probably won’t get diamonds what does this say gzy was mining here oh yikes okay what’s the lowest middle coordinate like 61

62 can I go down further or not is that all just Bedrock like -62 level6 62 is that the lowest yeah I’m trying to be mindful of that Gizzy I am I am um is that the lowest level for that middle quad -62 like I can’t go further than that

Right it’s all Bedrock right right this way and that soor uh well well until I can find some diamonds I’m just going to be in here I guess Isabelle are you talking about the main Channel no you you can’t cuz you’re banned I’ve already said

This should be uh 63 but maybe 62 that’s right being hopeful here I don’t think I’m going to find diamonds on stream it’s all right I’m going to do some off stream mining um in the hope for diamonds so not today what the but um probably like tomorrow or

Something are you kidding me right now died to a slime that’s never happened on stream what am I doing yeah it is uh Alex you’re going to have to go to you’re going to have to go through the same process as everyone else Alex I’m happy to push you up the

Queue but you’re going to have to do what everyone else is doing Alex if you have uh DM me on Discord what the hell a slime out of all things the stairs of Doom yeah okay Isabella fair enough yeah know I will push you up the queue

Alex but um I just can’t do right now cuz we only got like 10 minutes of the stream left you know so is it LTR 1 a.m. damn what’s up Euphoria yeah 10 minutes this a 2our stream uh Alex original plan was to um finish stream and go over to magma stream but

Magma’s counseling stream so um in that next little hour I have to myself which I was going to multitask anyway I was going to watch magma stream being in the chat and multitask but because that’s off the table I will still do those things that

Need to be done in that hour and then I will go live on the main Channel I can’t physics I can’t actually can’t all right got 10 minutes so left vacation early since the weather going to be bad if we left the next day damn that really

Sucks yeah I I don’t think I’ve left like a proper vacation um or holiday early for any reason random loot oh yeah this thing uh there nothing of value there there Iron uh my tools are done there has been a few times where there’s been a few factors that have

Extended my holidays and vacation which is really really annoying if you’re trying to budget and the word there is trying as it is so sometimes uh things happen that are out of your hands and you have to stay there an extra day or a couple of days

Sometimes even a week and it’s like damn appreciate L LTR merry late Christmas to you as well happy holidays yeah bet magma bet all right I’m not going to go back down to the mine guys I’m going to do some stuff off stream um in regards to the obsidian collection it really

Failed um this stream I mean we got some obsidian I just can’t get it should have been a little bit more prepared for that but it is what it is ever since I got um burned by that lava it just threw me off not going to lie

The flow of the stream just went downhill after that so all obious say no problems my uncle has places up there he left me and my family stay there with them okay yeah it is ABC yep it’s about 8 minutes yeah I can’t do the stream any longer ABC because I scheduled it

Because I thought magma was going to go live so I you know for the hour I was going to spend in magma stream um I was going to do other things which still still need to get done whether magma streams or not so um that that’s where we’re on with

That um how does magman ADS actually have more hours than nightbot uh because I removed nightbot days and because nightbot popped back in there I’m going to have to remove him again or remove the bot again I should say no it’s cuz I already moved him once

So I’m going to have to remove it again so that way um someone from the chat can actually get a spot rather than an actual bot hitting this spot goofy nightbot yeah we’re faster than nightbot yeah what’s up Yoshi nightbot was hidden by MOS isn’t that ironic Isabella isn’t that very

Ironic that you would mention something getting hidden by me okay you know LTR thank you so much for being here I do appreciate it okay Euphoria we’re going to wrap up this stream but I will be on my main channel in about an hour guys what’s up capsen and Peppa a

Pepper it’s weird saying pepper because when I think of pepper I think of the um you know like salt and pepper that’s just the Aussie way we we call it capsen it’s just the way it is here when I hear the word pepper I think of the

Um the the seasoning that you sprinkle over food it’s just weird to me that people call it pepper I know I know they do I’m not like um not like disserving or discrediting that at all it’s just it’s weird to me it’s weird pepper cuz the first thing is if someone

Said oh do you want like pepper PE or Peppers even in your um stir fry or salad or something I’ll be like um no I’ll sprink it on afterwards you know yeah okay mag okay that’s just I I get it it’s the way it’s spelled and it’s the way it sounds

But uh I just been appearing uh here and there this stream meant to be doing a four guys I new four guys one now but just got busy other stuff during the past two hours that’s all right no need to apologize that St you see the word cap no I’m I’m

Totally assuming that’s what magma went uh magma meant makes him think of cap hopefully anyway oh today’s of oh okay I’m totally not catching up with this chat today I would only say with something else uh I had spaghetti with pepper oh oh everyone’s getting confused today I don’t know what’s going

On I think everyone’s still in holay mode ad star I think everyone’s still in Holiday mode like for real for reals how’s your little mosh what do you mean how’s my little what what what Yoshi what do you mean what are you talking about oh OBC is in the room still

Holidays I know for most people not everyone not everyone Yoshi there are people around the world that have to go back to school or college and people have to work and sometimes works don’t acknowledge the fact that a day on the calendar says um it’s a holiday are

Those slime eggs they’re slime balls it actually says slime balls or slime ball whatever how’s your little gun friend little gun friend what what do you mean what are you talking about Yoshi I’m so confused well I got two of them so it’s plural slime

Balls what do you want me to say about it it’s Minecrafting time we’re about to end glorious we’re about to end most in Australia maybe maybe other countries they go back late December uh it depends on where you are Yoshi it’s all um accordingly really ah no no I ruined the track and

Everything oh my God goodness what is going on here take that damn water away bro bro this is wild now I’m stuck in here read last what do you mean read last you fix up the flood I’m not there you go I don’t know if one’s

Enough I’m going to go back to base I’m trying to end stream there you go have a bucket natur a reward it’s made from IR have it have it Mar have you heard of Eagle craft not no probably most southern hemisphere go back later because of summer holidays

Yeah yeah it’s all circumstantial and accordingly to whatever people have to do and regions and I don’t know it depends I don’t take a day off so I don’t know what a holiday is to be honest even though I’m in Holiday mode I just have to do 2our streams for the

Last three days and that’s something I’m not used to not complaining about it but it’s not something I’m used to how’s your little Yosi friend what do you mean Yoshi friend what are you talking about I appreciate you being here Yoshi I’m going to have to um give I’m

Going to have to replace these RS um I’ll keep them on me I guess uh probably off stream I don’t know I’m not going to be back on today though I don’t know all right anyway we are going to wrap things up guys um W

Stream we will drop a raid um just give me a moment to um to hold on what why is it saying that why is there a bug like that what what’s going on here yeah know Joshi know problems I just hit a nasty clip for the uh winning thin ice trials holy shift

Wow yeah we we can do that physics the place where wanted to raid we can we can go ahead and do that it’s not it’s not Minecraft guys it’s not even fall guys but yeah we can drop in a raid there guys um so if you’re able to drop in a

Raid over to that channel that would be much appreciated if not four guys in an hour on the main channel so um byebye guys see you in 2024 oh we’ll be back live here before 2024 magma only one person on what do you mean physics one person on yeah and yeah

What do you mean one person on pixels is on he’s doing four guys but we’ve raided him quite often recently so I like to be sparing with my raids I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like it but it really comes down to what happens at the end of the stream sometimes the

People I want to raid either finish or aren’t on so um it is what it is BR read it properly oh I didn’t say that only person on I said I didn’t say one it’s not the only person on though physics it doesn’t matter if you said

One or only at this point let’s be honest only represents one anyway so all right yeah droing a raid guys I’m going to end this poll I’m going to end the stream in just a second as well um appreciate your company guys it’s been a blast prw stream even though

My brain and mind are still chill which isn’t a bad thing but when you’re trying to concentrate and do project uh it doesn’t always work out 100% I can’t do a redirect why is that not an option on here customization now I can’t do it redirect

Guys so I guess we’ll just have to uh drop on to the link and uh pixels doesn’t show up for you yeah it’s bugging physics that’s what I said before I don’t know why this is bugging I couldn’t see the Red Dot near pixel’s name it’s bugging you have to uh search

Up pixels and find him manually but uh we are going to drop in a raid tonight B guys please go over there and say mosh raid be much appreciated please enjoy the rest of your day or night wherever you may be and I’ll will see you all

Next time thanks guys appreciate you all see you in four guys on on an hour on an hour in an hour on the main Channel thanks guys for

This video, titled ‘OFFICIAL REALM NAME COMING SOON – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL LIVE SERIES (INVITE ONLY/JOIN QUEUE)’, was uploaded by OutrageousGaming on 2023-12-27 07:12:17. It has garnered 150 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:04 or 7444 seconds.

Today, I am playing Survival Mode in Minecraft whilst trying to Survive on YouTube for PS4! My other channel is: My Twitch channel is: Our Discord Server:

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    Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by BulliesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Boiled One BULLIES ME INTO A CORNER’, was uploaded by Stella Kosmistr on 2024-09-10 19:00:19. It has garnered 415 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:37 or 2617 seconds. The Boiled One had me absolutely frozen with fear and uncertainty. #fromthefog #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberminecraft #theboiledone Apologies for the 30FPS recording folks! Seems like OBS had a hiccup, but it’ll be fixed for future videos! ——————————— MOD: ——————————— Twitch: TikTok: ——————————— Remember to like the video and subscribe as well! You know all… Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

    CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft SMP with Viewers! Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-08-26 14:11:34. It has garnered 299 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:35 or 5495 seconds. Join the Public Crafted SMP for both Minecraft Bedrock and Java! IP: Port for bedrock: 19132 Version: 1.16 – Latest Join the Farcross/Crafted SMP Discord! Join CraftedCroix’s Discord! My gear: Want to give me a donation? Check out the Crafted SMP Webstore! Join the Farcross Reddit! Hashtags: #minecraft #craftedcroix #craftedsmp Tags: public minecraft server,minecraft java… Read More

  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More