Secret YouTuber Pranking My Friend!

Video Information

Today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pring him as the YouTuber JJ from Mason but first we need a reason to prank him as masing so I’m going to mess up his attempt at beating Minecraft by morphing into different animals to break

His base and steal his resources and then by the end of the video we’re going to morph into Mason and pretend to help him rebuild his base he’s going to be so confus so let’s start off by turning into a little chicken and confusing the absolute heck out of him and let’s see

What Dino is doing right now he seems to be fishing so it’s the perfect opportunity to go around his base and actually get right into his chicken pen oh my God where the heck are all the fishies today I don’t even oh there is a fishy come here little fishy Bo oh my

God it’s a puffer fish this is so stupid okay you know what he keeps fishing over there but I really want to get his attention somehow so I’m going to stand right behind him and hit him into the water to get some attention from him W

Whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that is there like a scary mob around wait a second what the heck that is so weird there are no mobs around wait a second why is the door open on my chicken coop that’s so weird hey Mr chickens did you guys see what happened

Something pushed me into the water oh look at him he’s actually talking to the chickens what a giant Minecraft Noob hey so what we should do is every single time that you hear Dino say something Minecraft newbie we all have to go to the comments and laugh at him by

Commenting haha Doo okay let’s see if he goes back to fishing and we’re going to hit him into the water again to scare him even more all right there we go I still want to getat some fishies today because else I won’t have any dinner tonight oh my whoa what the heck wait

Wait a second did I just see something what this is so weird I keep being hit into the water but there is no skeletons or zombies around there is no arrows inside of meat this is so weird Mr chickens do you have any idea what the heck happened please tell me he’s

Actually asking the chickens again this is so perfect so I really want him to stay inside of the chicken coup because then I’m going to go inside and we’re going to take a snoop around this chest over here to see if we can steal any awesome resources so how are we going to

Actually lure him in here wait hold on he just got in here himself okay let’s try to sneak away as this little chicken without him seeing me hey Mr Chicken oh you laid so many eggs I’m going to throw all the eggs up in the air Oh look baby chickens come on please

Oh my God he’s just throwing the eggs in the air that’s such a little mean move of him okay you know what I’m going to get inside of his chest and I’m going to steal everything that he has he’s going to be so confused what do you guys think

Is in his chest right now make sure to comment it down below I think there’s going to be at least one Diamond but my friend is a super big Noob so there might not even be a diamond at all okay let’s check it out I’m going to open it

Right now boom what he actually has three entire diamonds that is so awesome okay we’re definitely going to steal that but I want him to know that his diamonds are gone so I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest until he hears it and he comes out here to

Investigate let’s do it what the heck why are the fishies not buting it’s is so stupid you know what I don’t want to fish anymore I’m G to go back to the chest area let me see oh man I’m really hungry and I only have

Four raw fishies to eat today oh my God where is there no go in my furnaces let me just grab some out of my CH wait a second what the heck where did my diamonds go what wait a second there is no way did someone steal my

Diamonds look at him freaking out he has no I didn’t wear his diamonds went but you know what don’t you worry guys because by the end of the video we’re going to turn into JJ from Mason and pretend to help him rebuild his base oh

He’s going to be so happy wait he’s in the chicken pen what is he doing here all right Mr chickens you guys got to know what happened here you were all standing right here you must have seen someone slipping so please tell me who did it hello can you guys please tell me

Come on why aren’t you talking to me this is so stupid I thought we were friends oh my gosh my friend is such a giant Minecraft Noob talking to the chickens but the chickens can’t even talk back to him all right you know what I don’t care about those stupid diamonds

Anymore diamonds are not worth anything the only thing that’s really worth something to me is fishing here we go again I’m going to catch a really cool fish today did you guys hear that he says he doesn’t even care about any diamonds anymore so you know what we’re

Going to do we’re going to put that to the test I’m going to change into a water animal get into the water and throw his diamond into the air to see if we can lure him into the water because if he really doesn’t care about diamonds

He will probably not come into the water right and oh my gosh if he gets into the water he’s going to be in big trouble by morphing into a little turtle like Mikey from Mason okay let’s get into the water and test out if he actually cares about

His diamonds or not oh look at him he’s fishing already maybe we could do a tiny little prank first by getting into his little fishing line to make him think like he caught a super big fish all right there we go Mr the fishy boy please come and bite please come and

Bite wait am I seeing a fishy wait a second oh my God I got to find this perfectly in a moment the fishy goes into my hook I’m GNA pull him up oh man oh man oh what wait what the heck what wait wait why did I not pull it in wait

Where did the fishy go that was such a big fishy no way where did the fishy go please fishy come back okay you know what I’m going to do now I’m going to grab these three diamonds and I’m going to keep throwing them into the air to

See see if he actually gets into the water for his diamonds he said he didn’t care about them let’s find out if he does all right come on Mister wait did I just see a blue fish jump out of the W wait a second that’s not a blue fish are

Wait are those diamonds what the heck there’s even more diamonds oh my God no way are there actually Diamonds In The Water you know I’m going to try and fish them up this is work hello diamonds why is this not working he’s actually trying to fish the diamonds up with his fishing

Oh my God he’s such a giant Minecraft Noob this is the perfect opportunity to go to the comments and laugh at him for being such a big Noob okay let’s go back and try to get him into the water and then we’re going to attack him as this

Turtle he’s going to be super scared all right there we go go diamond diamond diamond all right you know what if I come fishing with my fishing rod I am going to go inside of the water all right here we go oh my God this street who who I’m being attacked I’m being

Attacked what the heck is going on no no no please please please what the heck is hitting me Oh no I got to run away I got to run away get on land get him to safety no what is going on oh my God oh

My God oh my God no what is attacking me he’s actually screaming like a little girl are you guys hearing that I can’t believe my friend is actually screaming like that let’s I’ll laugh at him in the comments by typing haha Dino for screaming like a little girl okay let’s

See where he’s going now he actually got his diamonds back let’s see if he gets super happy about those diamonds because we have to steal them back right now and don’t forget guys by the end of the video we’re going to change into JJ from Mason to prank him even harder because

He’s going to think that JJ will help him rebuild his base wait rebuild his base that reminds me we have to destroy his base first we before we can rebuild it all right here we go I’m back inside of the house and I’m going to make sure

That I store my diamonds safely this time because the last time my diamonds got stolen so this this time I am not going to put them inside of the chest I am going to store them right inside of the Furnace oh this one is full I’m

Going to put all of the diamonds in this furnace and no one will ever know that my diamonds are in the furnace except for my chickens of course but they’re very nice and cute as sweet what he actually put his diamonds into a furnace well you know what that is actually a

Pretty smart thing to do but guess what we’re going to walk over there as a chicken hope he didn’t see me and I’m going to steal the diamonds again to make him super mad maybe we can make him so mad that he will actually do something against all of his chickens oh

And if he’s that mean then he deserves all of the pranking that we’re going to do to him today oh there are his diamonds right over here I’m going to keep opening his chest so he hears it and he comes back wait a second is that a chest noise no wait someone’s stealing

From my chest I got to go over there quickly quickly quickly and wait what the heck I’m pretty sure I heard the chest noise so wait how is that even possible wait are my diamonds still here what the heck where did my Di diamonds go wait it just got stolen oh my God

There’s no way where are my diamonds where did he go so now while he’s trying to search for his diamonds I’m going to destroy his Base by setting fire to it and then I’m going to come back as JJ from Mason and pretend to help him okay

Let’s get a little flint and steel out of here that’s perfect I’m going to set everything on fire Y what the heck this is so weird I can’t even wait there’s fire wait fire in my house fire in my house no wa no wait no wait oh no my

House quickly quickly I got to go put on the fire no what the heck it is spreading so quickly no please I got to protect the chickens I got to protect the little chicken boys oh he’s actually protecting the chickens he’s being so nice with how is he protecting the

Chickens he’s not even doing anything oh his entire house is going up in Flames he’s going to be so sad no no no no no no the chickens no way oh my God I got to put all of the fire out quickly before I have all my chickens cooked oh

No okay this is perfect while he’s busy trying to get the fire out I’m going to morph into JJ from Mason come over there and prank the absolute heck out of him are you guys ready to change it to JJ let’s do it right now but before we do

That you got to comment your favorite character do you like JJ or Mikey more I personally love Mikey more because I just love the voice okay let’s change into JJ right now boom there we go look at this we actually turned into Mason so

What I’m going to do now is I’m going to change my name into JJ so when I walk over to him he will actually think that this is the real JJ from Mason look at the top of the screen my name is actually JJ okay let’s walk over there

And ask him what happened to his base because his face looks pretty messed up right now oh my gosh his Bas looks really messed up okay so it is up to us now to pretend to be JJ actually pretend to help him so I’m going to get some

Super awesome some cool secret YouTuber items that will actually help him beat Minecraft so let’s get something that’s called a mining drill oh this thing is so op when I give this to him he’s going to be super happy we’re also going to give him a jet pack cuz that’s going to

Be able to make you fly oh he’s going to be super happy with that and then I have a bunch of more awesome super op items but those are going to be a big secret until the end of the video so make sure to watch it okay let’s go over there

Right now and pretend to be JJ guys I probably forgot to tell you Dino is Mason’s biggest fan ever so he’s probably going to be super happy okay let’s go over there I’m going to walk in here and I’m going to ask him whoa what happened wait a second Jade wait what

The heck who’s that typing in the chat says JJ what the heck that is so weird wait a second what the heck no way oh my okay okay I got to calm down I got to calm down what what the heck how is that even possible oh my God okay okay I

Really got to calm down I really got to calm down he said hi to me so I got to say hi back look at how happy he is seeing JJ on this Minecraft server okay I’m going to ask him again uh what happened here look it looks so messed up what what

What what do you mean what happened here nothing uh uh nothing haha it it was just zombies attacking my base zombies attacking his base why would he lie about this it was like a big fire zombies just sound more newbie than a big fire I killed them all oh my gosh

You know what I’m going to ask him if he wants help because he is my biggest fan ever so I’m going to ask him do you want me to help you wait what do you mean help what what the heck would I need help with everything looks so super

Duper cool over here what would I need help with okay I’m going to give him a super cool house makeover oh he’s such a little newbie let’s get going to want let’s do this let’s do this and I’m going to set it to a diamond block oh

He’s going to be so happy with this boom wait a second what the heck happened to my floor it’s all made out of weird blue blocks what the heck are these blue blocks doing here I want my wooden floor what the heck what he such a giant

Minecraft Noob how does he not realize these are diamond blocks he’s saying he wants his wooden floor does he not realize this is it Diamond okay I’m going to get one single block I’m going to drop it to him so realizes that all of this is diamond oh he’s placing W and

Floors above it what a noob okay here no dude pick it up it’s Diamond you idiot oh my God wait what the heck are you dropping to me what the heck why are you giving me these blue blocks I don’t want the blue blocks keep them away from me

Oh my gosh my friend is such a giant Noob I really wanted to help him as Mason I can’t believe what a big Noob he is okay you know what I’m I’m going to ask him a question and if he gets the question right I’m going to give him a

Super op jetpack which will make you able to fly in Minecraft and you will become a super op God I’m going to ask him a super hard question okay hey if anyone of you know the real answer to the question you got to comment it as

Well and the Mason will give you a jetpack too okay I’m going to ask him right now hey Dino oh hey there JJ what is it what is the problem what’s up do you want a super cool awesome op item do I want the super cool awesome op

Item of course I want that of course oh look at how happy he is okay I’m going to ask him a super hard question okay and if he gets it right I’m going to give him the super awesome op question um who is your best friend who is my best

Friend let me think about that one well it could be either the chickens or it could be Floy but I don’t know I don’t don’t I don’t think that you know flaky right so I’m going to say chicken because I want to win what why would he

Say the chicken I’m his best friend I’m flaky hey guys what’s the name of your best friend I’m really wondering what all the cool names are going to be you got to let me know down below but he got it absolutely wrong it’s flaky of course oh he’s calling this little chicken his

Best friend I can’t believe it I’m going to say you’re wrong and I’m going to ask him another question what oh my God no way he knows Flo I me Floy oh yeah yeah yeah he can’t lie about it right now okay now we’re going

To have to ask him a little bit of an easier question so he gets it right because I really want him to get the jet pack so he can have fun and being super op what is one plus one I really have to get this right please get this right I

Really want to give him the jetpack what is one plus one oh my God uh you know can I maybe like uh use like an uh uh assistance you know I maybe I can ask my best friend over here hey Bob I got a qu

Bob Bob we got we got win something I need your help here right now Bob Bob look at me Bob oh my God Bob no Bob stop running away I need your help right now B oh my God I don’t think oh look he does want to help me Bob do you know

What one plus one is do you know the answer I’m not really that good at maths B Bob please tell me he’s really asking a CH to help himself one plus one I can’t believe this is he going to give me the answer or what oh oh I completely forgot that

JJ is waiting for me uh uh of course I know that why what he’s not even answering it answer it and you’ll get a super op awesome cool cool item answer what oh my gosh what is one plus one oh of course I know that one so basically

We’re going to do this with the fishy so I have a fishy over here and I have a fishy over here and then if I combine those then I get one and I oh I see it because I’m so smart because now I can see how much fish I have in my inventory

32 what he actually said 1 + 1 is 32 oh my gosh I can’t believe this does anyone of you know the real answer to the question it is obviously too you know what we’re going to pretend like he got it right because I really feel bad for

Him for being such a little stupid Minecraft Noob okay let’s tell him you got it right and I’m going to drop him the jetpack right now so he can fly whoa what the heck is this it’s a jet pack wait how does this oh my God I’m going up in the air

Wait how does this work oh my gosh she almost fell wait but how does this even work do I just go like this oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God wow oh my God oh my God this is so scary but

It’s actually super duper cool oh my God I’m so thankful JJ I’m so scared for him to fall to his death oh my God thank you so much you know I’m going to tell him watch out with that don’t go too high oh no really if he falls down the jetpack

Will be ruined forever oh my God don’t go too high oh my God I think JJ is challenging me he’s so silly he thinks I don’t go up high because I’m scared of heights but I’m not scared of heights I’m going to prove it to him here we go

Oh my God oh my God oh my God is that so cool is that so cool wait wait why is it not working oh what is he doing why would he ever go that high okay you know what we’re going to have to give him another item that is a little bit more

Minecraft newbie proof so let’s ask him another question and I really hope he’s going to get this right okay I’m going to ask him the easiest question ever if he gets it right I’m going to giving him mining drill so he can mine all the way

Down to the diamond floor and get every single Diamond eror okay that item was a bit too dangerous for you do you want to win another item oh my God you have more items of course all right I’m going to ask him the easiest question ever what is the second letter of the

Alphabet uh the second letter of the alphabet oh my God JJ you’re so stupid I can literally read the word right there it’s a l oh it’s l oh my gosh I can’t believe he actually said that he actually said that L is the second letter of the alphabets everyone knows

Their ABCs right well apart from Dino I guess what do you guys think the second letter of the alphabet is whoever gets it right is super awesome you know what oh he actually says because alphabet he thinks I’m talking about the war you know what I’m just going to pretend that

He’s right you’re right I’m going to give him his little mining drill right here have fun he has to follow me wait a second what the heck is this yo this is so heavy come here he has to follow me we got to go in here we’re going to go

Down into the mine and mine into the Diamonds oh he’s got to watch out waa this is so cool oh my God here we go go down this is so quick let’s go oh my gosh he’s breaking minecraft first rule never dig straight down what is he

Doing all right here we go we’re going to get wait where did JJ go J JJ what are you doing up there are you not coming with me this is way too dangerous Doo don’t dig straight down okay I guess I’m going to have the diamonds for

Myself bye-bye JJ what what is he doing he keeps going down no he’s going to hit lava JJ come down I can smell the Diamonds oh I’m not going to go down there he’s going to definitely hit lava somewhere oh my God no wow what the he

There is lava know today I’m playing Minecraft as Mr Beast I can transform into Mr Beast every single time that I want and use this awesome Rich YouTuber powers and items and with these powers and items I can help Dino be Minecraft so just giving him diamonds and secret

Op weapons like And subscribe in the next 3 seconds if you want me to help Dino beat Minecraft as Mr bees all right this is the last wood that I need wait I’m pretty sure I’m super close to Dino’s base let’s check it out where is it somewhere around there oh it’s right

Here whoa look at this base what the heck happened hey Dino what happened here oh my God Floy you have no idea what happened my whole B got blown up but how how did it blow up did you guys set off some TNT no I have no idea

Floy I was just fishing over there and then I heard a big explosion oh no how are you ever going to fix this do you even have enough wood I don’t have any wood anymore I have absolutely nothing I don’t want to play anymore oh no did you guys hear that

Look at how sad Dino sounds he doesn’t even want to play Minecraft anymore okay I think I’m going to go away and going to morph into Mr B come back and help him with his super awesome Rich powerful YouTuber items are you guys ready to

Change it to Mr Beast like in the next 3 seconds if you are 3 2 1 boom there we go we just turned into Mr Beast and to make things even more realistic I’m going to change my name into Mr Beast as well so when I come back Dino will

Actually believe that I’m the real Mr Beast and you guys have to let me know your favorite YouTuber so I can make sure to help Dino next time as another YouTuber okay let’s go over there to Dino and ask him what happened as Mr Beast I don’t want to play anymore this

Is so stupid Oh my God you know what I might as well just drown myself what the heck is he doing no wait I got to get his attention somehow Dino get back up here oh my it’s so cold in the water I don’t want to be here anymore you know

What I’m going to go up wait wait a second what the heck look at him he’s super confused that his favorite YouTuber Mr Beast is actually in his Bas what happened over here Dino I’m going to help you oh my god Mr Beast you have no idea what the heck happened

To my face everything got blown up and I’m super sad right now A you know what we’re going to do we’re going to give him a lot of wood so he can rebuild his base so it looks super awesome again you know what matter of fact I’m going to

Help him as well let’s do it what no way he gave me some wood oh my God now we can fix the base together this is so awesome oh he sounds so happy that’s super cute okay let’s fix it up Place some grass back there we go the only

Thing we have to do is some glass and I’m going to give it to him as well here you go Dino wao you even gave me some glass thank you so much Miss peace look at that my base has almost been completely fixed now oh he sounds super

Happy you know how we can make this base look even cooler I’m going to give it something of a personal touch I’m going to find everything that’s orange and give it to him I gathered super awesome orange items and I’m going to give it to

Him right now so we can give this bases old flare let’s go wao no way orange carpers that make me so so happy I’m going to place him down everywhere oh he’s doing such a terrible job you know what I’m going to help him fill it up

We’re going to make this entire base looks super awesomely orange wow look at that everything is completely orange I like this floor so much oh now everyone in this Minecraft server will know that Dino lives there look at how awesome this looks okay it’s time to put some

Extra flare I’m going to get some banners that are orange as well and I’m going to place them everywhere whoa no way look whoa you even got banners wao they look so awesome on the walls look at how happy it sounds that’s so cute I have an even bigger surprise for him he

Always wanted to be a big YouTuber so I’m going to give him a gaming setup he’s going to be super happy let’s place it right here look at this Dino you have your own setup now wait a second that’s just a the table what the whoa no way is

That a real gaming chair whoa look at that it even spins arounde oh look at how happy he sounds I think we’re making his day a tiny bit better every single minute and it’s time to make him even more happy now wo look at that my house looks so awesome this

Is so perfect thank you so much Mr peace but wait a second we completely forgot my Farm it’s still completely destroyed oh no his entire Farm got blown up as well and all the animals have escaped you know what we’re going to help him rebuild the farm so he has

Some food left let’s get some fences and give it to him right here and I’m going to fill up this hole with grass again so his animals can eat grass nicely wao thank you so much I’m going to place all these fences around so the animals can

Never Escape again but wait wait a second I don’t even have any animals anymore oh no all of the animals have escaped as well so what I’m going to do is I’m going to walk away and use my Mr Beast money to buy a lot of animals and

Bring them back here I’m just going to walk away hopefully he doesn’t get too scared and come back with a lot of animals boom there we go I bought a lot of animals for Dino and I even bought two super secret animals that only Mr Beast money can buy I bought two tigers

I think he’s going to be so happy let’s bring them to his farm oh man where the heck did Mr Beast go it was so fun with him whoa what the heck Mr Beast how the heck did you get all these animals oh my God you even brought me a tiger look at

How happy is he has two tigers let’s put this one there as well there we go let’s close everything up up and there we go look at how happy he is with all of the animals oh my God this is so awesome thank you so much Mr Beast wait a second

If you’re the real Mr Beast could you give me a saddle and a carrot on a stick please I really want to ride the piggies oh my gosh he wants to get a saddle and a carrot on a stick so we can ride the piggies guess what whatever he wants Mr

Beast can deliver it to him so let’s get a saddle let’s get a carrot on a steak and I’m going to drop it to him but first what I want him to do is answer a super awesome mad question so we can see if he actually deserves to get this

Saddle let’s ask him what is 1+ one and if he gets it right I’m going to drop it to him what the heck Mr Beast why are you asking me these hard questions uh uh Mr Piggies can you help me please please Mr Piggies oh no he’s asking the piggies

For help this is not promising do you guys think he’s going to give the right answer hey what do you guys think the right answer is whoever gets it right might actually win a day with Mr B so make sure to comment the right answer Mr

Piggies hello oh my God the piggies AR answering uh okay okay you know what I I know it I know it I’m going to drop a lead over here and I’m going to Dre lead over here so now I have a one lead and

Wait is Mr P stop picking it up I got a calculate okay I have one lead over here and I have one lead over here and now when I pick them up it will see how many leads I know the answer the answer is seven oh my gosh no you know what I

Actually kind of feel bad for him obviously he got the wrong answer but I’m going to just pretend he got it right by dropping in the saddle and the carrot wa no way it’s going to be so awesome here we go oh look at that all

The piggies are following me oh my gosh look at how happy he is okay while he’s distracted with the little piggy situation I’m going to go over here and I’m going to prepare the next super awesome YouTuber gift for him I’m going to give him a super personalized custom

Speedboat that is worth a million diamonds do you guys want to see the speedboat if you want to see the speedboat you got to comment what color your speed bow would be I’m going to drop it right now boom there we go look at how awesome this looks waa the

Piggies are so fun I’m going to keep walking circles forever I’m going to tell Dino to come here Dino come here oh I’m coming Mr Beast I’m coming I’m coming whoa no way is that a speed ball oh my God oh my God oh my God how does

This even work oh look at him he’s already going for it wait up for me Dino I’m going to getting one as well what oh look at that this is so awesome look how fast I’m going oh he’s having so much fun I think this is the best day ever for him we

Made him so happy oh my God Mr P this is so much fun you know what let’s do a race here we go I’m winning the race already oh he actually wants to do a race with me look he’s going so fast you know what I’m going to let him win just

Because he’s having a bad day oh W Mr beace look I won I got here before you that was so funny oh he’s having so much fun you know what I let him win whoa okay Mr Beast what the heck are we going to do now because now we’re all the way

Over here uh well we can go exploring together maybe look I’m going to jump on the this tree oh no watch out Tio that’s way too high okay he wants to go exploring together so I’m going to use my next super secret op YouTuber weapon that only YouTubers can actually access

I’m going to get a mining drill which will make us able to mine super deep into the floor and get all kinds of diamonds and emeralds for Dino he’s going to be so happy with all the diamonds and emeralds boom look at this I just bought a super awesome mining

Drill this thing was so expensive it was like a million diamonds let’s show it to Dino and make him happy wa wait is Si Mr bees what the heck is that in your hand oh he wants to see what this is I’m going to show it do right now let’s do it

Boom waa Mr Beast where the he are we going wa no way you use that and we found diamonds and emeralds already I’m going to get them oh no he’s trying to mine it with wooden swords though stop it Doo stop it he’s using a wooden

Pickaxe what the heck is the problem Mr Beast I I’m going to mine them we’re going to be rich together watch this I’m going to mine the emerald for you oh no it’s going to disappeared oh no Mr Beast why is it not working no silly Dino stop

It stop it I’m going to give him a diamond pickaxe because he desperately needs it try this wa no way a diamond pickax oh my God now I can M everything so much faster well now it’s finally working he’s getting all the diamonds that he ever wanted he’s got to get some

Emeralds as well this is going so cool wao look at that Mr Beast I am super rich now I have five diamonds and eight emeralds you know what I am going to give you four as well because wow he gave me four emeralds as well he’s so

Nice you know what I’m going to bring him to a village and then I’m going to give him all the emeralds that he wants but first we’re going to have to find a way out of here and because I’m such an awesome Rich YouTuber I can buy the most

Awesomest toys ever so I’m going to get a jet pack and give it to dino Mr Beast what are we going to do what are we going to do oh no you know what I’m going to give him a jet pack and I’m going to get one for me as well and then

When we put it on that means we can fly look at this wait no wait how does this work wa I’m flying look at me I’m flying this is so cool oh my gosh she sounds so happy okay the only thing we have to do

Now is we have to fly to a village together so we can spend all of his emeralds it’s going to be so cool W there we go we finally found one we’re going to spend all of his emeralds now wow Mr peace look we finally found the village hey there villagers look I’m

Flying above you okay let’s wait for him to find a super awesome trade and he’s probably going to tell us that he doesn’t have enough emeralds and we’re going to give him every Emerald that he wants hello Mr villager what the heck are you offering

Me waa oh my God all these trins are so stupid I want to find is so no way oh no I am sure two emeralds Mr be is going to have the emeralds pack that I gave you I want to do a super cool trade oh yeah he

Found a super awesome trade I’m going to give him a full stack of emeralds here we go hello Mr Beast why aren’t you giving me any oh whoa no way there are so many emeralds all right here we go I thought it was this no it’s not this

Villager no I lost him where did the cool trade go oh no he lost the awesome trade I’m really wondering what the trade is going to be what do you guys think what trade did he find I’m really wondering what it was oh man all these villagers have stupid whoa no way Mr

Beast I’m going to make you so happy I’m going to get one for you as well here we go look at that I got L pants you could have one too Mr Beast wait a second he bought letter pants he used emeralds to buy letter pants I can’t can’t believe

This okay you know what I’m going to put it on anyway just because I’m nice oh my gosh oh wa Mr Beast they looks so nice on you that was definitely worth the four Emerald spur bads let’s find some more trads what he he spent eight

Emeralds on two pants okay you know what we’re going to give him one more chance to find an awesome trade let’s see if he can do it waa these villagers are discussing something here they must have really good trayes hello Mr villager no way this villager is selling leather

Pants for three emeralds I got scared oh my gosh please don’t buy any more leather pants okay you know what it is almost time to go back home and of course I have a super awesome op secret item for that as well I’m going to get

Us a car so we can drive home I got some super cool trads wait he got a new tray what was it oh no he’s holding shears look how many shears I have I got so many I want to get some more cool trades I don’t even want to know how many

Emeralds he wasted on this but while he’s busy doing the trades I’m going to buy the super awesome car all right I’ve acquired the super awesome car are you guys ready to see it let’s do it if you would buy a car what color would you buy

You got to let me know and maybe Mr Beast will buy your color car there we go wow look at how awesome this thing looks I’m going to get inside and pull up the dino so he gets super happy wow this house is so cool I got so many cool

Traits I can’t wait to show Mr bees whoa wait what the heck whoa Mr Beast you’re over there look I got something super awesome for you I got you a iron chest plate iron helmet iron helmet iron helmet iron chest plate what how many things did he buy oh my gosh

Please don’t tell me he spent emeralds on this okay you know what whatever this car is for him look at this for you oh Mr Beast how many emeralds did you spend on this it looks so cool oh my God this was a lot of emeralds Dino you don’t

Even want to know okay I’m going to get inside let’s drive home yeah Mr Beast we are almost home oh we’re finally home car right over here what the heck Mr Beast oh my gosh look at that his entire house is filled with creepers oh no we

Have a big problem oh no Mr Beach watch out there’s a lot of creepers oh no they’re going to come over here okay I don’t think his letter pants and iron helmet that would is sort of going to do any justice so I’m going to give him

Some super op weapons and armor as well I’m going to give him some combat armor oh my gosh this is going to be so cool look at this nether combat nether combat leggings nether combat boots and nether combat helmet and then I’m going to give

Him a shotgun as well he’s going to be so happy here you go whoa wait whoa what the heck are all these things Mr beast wow look at that this is so cool and I even have a real gun boom waa what did he shoot the cow I can’t believe it

Is actually a real gun look at that boom boom boom go attack the creepers oh my God is be I am definitely ready to fight all the creepers look there’s one already boom boom Oh my God this is so cool I grabbed a weapon of mine as well let’s get all

Of them boom boom I’m going to get all of the creepers look at that boom boom boom wow look at how happy he is we’re getting all of them this is so cool oh they’re blowing up Mr pce watch out oh no my house is being destroyed again I can’t believe

It wao that was so close w we actually got all of them and we even saved this animals W Mr peace this was the absolute best day ever today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as an

Unhelpful cash this means that I’m going to pretend to join a server and be a super helpful cash but secretly I’m going to mess everything up by messing around and giving him useless items he’s going to be so confused so let’s start off by checking out what Dino is doing

Today oh man it’s a beautiful day and look the first fishy is already showing up I already got a fishy this is going to be the best day ever oh my gosh I can’t believe it he’s fishing again this means that we really have to punish him

For fishing because he’s kind of getting addicted to it guys so every single time that Dino catches a fishy you have to come and stop fishing Dino to stop his addiction but now this is the perfect opportunity for us to prepare the first little prank because I’m not going to

Show myself to him just yet but later in the video he’s going to realize that cash joined his server and he’s going to be super excited but now we just got to be as unhelpful as possible so what we’re going to do is I’m going to make

Super bad Enchanted items with a curse of binding so that means he’s going to put them on and he can never ever ever take them off ever again and I think now is perfect because he’s super busy with fishing so let’s get inside of his base let’s get a curse of unbinding book

There we go and now I think we’re going to get some leather armor because leather armor is super terrible all right let’s get a little anill and let’s also get a leather helmet oh my gosh he’s going to be wearing this helmet for the rest of the video It’s going to be

Absolutely hilarious okay let’s put the elvil right here and then we’re going to put a curse of binding and the luck of the sea just because it’s so useless it doesn’t even do anything and then let’s rename it to super op helmet because my friend Dino is actually a pretty big

Minecraft Noob so he’s probably going to believe this okay what I’m going to do now I’m going to go back on top of the roof and drop it right behind him and let’s see if we actually manage to get him to put the helmet on oh my gosh it’s

Right behind him wait we need him to turn around I’m going to shoot him with a bow and arrow real quick so he turns around oh wait what the heck wait I got hit by something wait is there a skeleton around hello wait a second what

The heck is no way it’s called a super op helmet oh my God I’m going to put it on oh look at that it looks so good on me but wait a second it’s a Le helmet how can that letter helmet be super op that’s actually kind of weird well it

Doesn’t matter I’m going to go back to fishing he actually put the helmet on no way he has no idea that he can never ever ever take it off anymore okay how we going to let him realize that that helmet is actually cursed so he can never take it

Off I have the perfect plan I’m going to make an actual super op helmet and drop it behind him as well and then when he tries taking the leather helmet off he’s going to find out that it’s completely cursed and bind to him forever I’m going

To make the super op helmet right now all right there we go we actually made a super op helmet and I’m going to call it even more op helmet and let’s see if he’s going to fall for it this is going to be absolutely hilarious okay I’m

Going to drop it behind him again oh my gosh I really hope it’s going to get super terrified for having to wear that LE helmet forever let’s hit him with a bow so he turns around what what the I got hit it again wait a second there is

A diamond even more op helmet oh my God I’m going to put this helmet hel on wait wait what the heck wait why can’t I take this helmet off what the heck wa is that cuz this helmet is stuck on my head why can’t I take it off wow what the heck I

Don’t want this stupid helmet on my head I want the even more op helmet on my head because it’s a DI I don’t want this stupid letters what the heck okay uh how am I going to get this off uh maybe I can use like my ax on my head or

Something why what the heck what am I going to do he’s super confused okay you know what I think it’s stop to let him know that cash has secretly joined his Surfer so what we’re going to do now is I’m going to set his house on fire and

Make a little TNT trap because then he’s going to blow up his own house and I’m going to come here as cash and pretend to help him rebuild his base but we’re just going to become super unhelpful and do some weird stuff that is not helpful

At all okay let’s make a quick little TNT trap right behind him I hope he’s still fishing oh my gosh he’s fishing again he already completely forgot about the the helmet on his head all right you know what even though I have this stupid

Helmet on my head and I can even use the even more op stronger helmet I am still going to enjoy my fishing day oh my gosh okay I’m going to get some TNT I’m going to get some I’m going to get a pressure plate and then what we’re going to do is

We’re going to make a tiny little hole here and fill it up with DNT so when he turns around to put it fishies in the chest he’s going to get blown up oh my gosh he’s going to get so sad but he’s probably going to be super happy when

Cash shows up and pretends to help him okay let’s put a pressure plate right over here and then let’s get a flint and steel and start to actually set a little bit of fire to his base So eventually he’s going to hear the fire turn around

And he’s going to blow his own base up it’s going to be so funny let’s wait for him to hear the fire all right here we go oh look another fishy I got a puffer fish and wait it’s actually getting kind of not here what the wait what the heck

Wait wait my B is on fire I got to put out the fire quickly quickly put it out what the heck was that wait wait why is there an explosion and why is my base on fire what is going on what is going on no oh my gosh look at him freaking

Out it’s time to walk over there as cash and pretend to help him he’s going to be so happy because he’s actually Cash’s biggest fan so what I’m going to do I’m going to change my name to cash T like I’m the real cash so my name will be

Cash TV and now he’s going to be super excited let’s go over there oh wait he actually died no way okay I’m going to walk over there I’m going to ask him oh my gosh do you need help let’s walk over here heck am I going to do there is so

Much fire I got to put everything on wait wait a second wait is Cash oh ah wait ah fire fire ow ow ow fire fire got to get through the water quickly ah oh that was close what no way wait it’s really cash look this name is Cash TV it

Must be the real cash hey yes please please I need your help oh look at how sad he sounds okay you know what I’m going to help him by giving him a fake water bucket oh my gosh this is so unhelpful he’s going to think that this

Is real water that will bring out the Flames but guess what the water is poisonous so when he tries to stand in it he’s going to get killed by the water let’s get the bucket of fake water here and I’m going to give it to him here you

Go what no way he gave me a water bucket let me use on the Fire here we go what what the heck wait look at that Dino fell into poisonous water he actually fell forward I can’t believe it wait is he going to respawn oh my God no wait wait the fire

Is gone oh my God G I can’t believe you help me you’re so sweet oh my God I I’m like such a big fan of you oh look what he says he says thank you so much he’s so happy how can I help you further I’m going to pretend to help him even

Further but guess what I’m going to be super unhelpful about it well I have an idea what if you uh help me rebuild my base oh my God okay I’m going to act super excited for it but now I’m just going to ruin his base and make it super

Cursed you know what I’m going to do I’m going to put dirt everywhere I’m going to grab some leaves as well wait let’s clear my inventory real quick so we have a little bit of space for this there we go I’m going to get some random leaves and place them everywhere around this

Base and then I’m going to say what do you mean I’m rebuilding your base right wait uh what the heck you’re placing down dirt cash uh why are you placing down dirt exactly there was wood over there uh Cash Cash what w what’s the problem rebuilding your base obviously

Well my base wasn’t dirt what the heck wow he’s being super ungrateful about this what is his problem I’m helping you what this is not helping me with this super ugly okay okay you know what I’m going to pretend to like it because then he can actually fix everything for me so

I don’t have to do anything and then the best part is I could even hang out with cash I was just joking oh my gosh did you guys hear that he’s going to pretend to actually like it so we have to make this build even more cursed oh my gosh I just

Transformed this entire base into a monstrosity look how bad this looks I’m even going to sponsor llamas right inside of his house let’s ask him if he likes it do you like your new house what the heck I cannot believe what the heck is house it is so ugly like I know this

Is my color but it’s like a super ugly blow what the heck what if the llas just died no way why are there even llas in my house I don’t even like llamas you’re really stupid animal oh look it it he’s acting super ungrateful it didn’t even

Answer my question yet hello cuz I’m pretending like I’m not hearing him obviously has to type it oh yes thank you what he was giving a super big rant about how he did not like it at all but now he pretends to like it I think he’s

Just a super big cash Sho fan so he’s really pretending to like it I don’t want this stupid L I’m going to kill them all there’s no annoying you stupid lvas whoa no they’re taking me back they’re no no uhoh uhoh oh my gosh you actually got a than

By the llamas I’m being so unhelpful this is awesome all right and know what it doesn’t even matter anymore because I lost all of my resources in the explosion that means we’ll have to go mining oh he actually wants to go mining with me this is so perfect because now

I’m going to be even more un helpful let’s go mine okay yes I’ll help you oh he’s actually going to help you all right let’s go do my mine come follow me oh my God it’s going to be so excited cash is actually going to come and mine with me oh my god

Look W look at how excited he sounds he’s not going to be as excited when he finds out what’s about to happen waa oh my God Cas look at that there is a super big Ravine oh there’s probably like a lot of diamonds down there you want to

Go down there look I think I can already see a diamond over there no away oh my God she’s standing right next to a super big Ravine you know what would be super unhelpful of me if I actually pushed him off should I do it I’m going to stand

Right next to him so we actually get pushed off let’s do a little bit more a little bit more oh he actually fell oh my gosh I pushed him off okay you know what I’m going to stand right here and I’m going to wait for him to get back and then I’m going

To ask him hey Dino what the heck happened how did you fall and I’m going to play super dumb oh my go this is so funny what the heck what the what the heck happened what the heck that was so weird uh wait cash did you see what

Happened I just fell down there did was there like a mob that sh me or something I I have no memory of what happened you have no idea what happened as well what that that is so weird you know what I’m going to tell him let’s just go down oh yeah yeah of

Course just go down but how are we going to get down there oh wait a second G you’re so smart you have a water bucket oh my God we can use the water bucket to actually go down into the Ravine oh what Dino doesn’t realize is that this water

Bucket is actually fake water again so I’m going to tell him you first all right here we go I’m going to use the water wait why was he Dage oh my gosh he fell for it again D fell into poisonous water Now quickly before he gets back I’m going to replace

The poisonous water with normal water so I’m going to act super dumb and ask him what would you be poisonous water this water is completely normal you’re silly what the heck wait what the heck happened wait was that water like poisonous cash what did you do what do

You mean it’s water look I’m going to go down myself wait a second what the heck wait wait let me try it out wait it’s actually normal wait that wait I’m taking damage what what the heck happened wait that wasn’t even my poisonous water okay I’m really not sure what happened but I

Guess we have to wait for D to get back again I replaced it with normal water all right cash we are finally down here save out and it’s time to go mining so follow me let’s hit the mine what he actually brought a wooden pickaxe no way

He thinks he’s going to find some diamonds with that oh my gosh Dino is such a giant Minecraft Noob we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing ha Dino he’s such a big Noob you know what I’m actually going to pretend

To help him by giving him a super op Secret YouTuber item it’s called a mining drill and then what I’m going to tell him to do is I’m going to tell him to break the first rule of Minecraft now what do you guys think the first rule of

Minecraft is it’s never dig straight down so I’m going to give him this mining drill which is going to mine a lot of blocks and I’m going to send him to dig straight down Dino come here I’ve got a present wait no way I got a present for

You as well here you can have three coal here you go oh he gave me three kill I’m going to give him a mining drill mine straight down right there this a mining drill whoa no way does this actually work oh my gosh I told him to dig

Straight down I really hope that something is going to happen because that is literally the one thing that you’re never supposed to do let’s see if he actually going to do it okay so let me see how this works I’m pretty sure if I just do like wa what the

Heck he fell directly at into lava he broke the first rule of Minecraft and he got completely punished for it oh my gosh where the heck is Dino I haven’t seen him in so long wait did he actually give up maybe he’s all the way

Back at his base a maybe I’ve been a little bit too unhelpful let’s go back to his base and try and figure out what’s going on oh man this is so stupid my base is so ugly and I keep dying I have lost everything

What am I going to do now oh no I actually feel kind of bad for Dino he’s being super sad you know what I’m not even done being unhelpful I’m going to give him another super secret op YouTuber item that is actually a super destructive weapon but I’m going to tell

Him that if he shoots the weapon directly under him he’s going to get a lot of diamonds back and he’s probably going to believe it this is so funny let’s get the DFG 10K and I’m going to tell him that I got him a real present

This time Dino I got you a super op Secret Weapon It’s called The Diamond gun what the heck no way a diamond gun if you shoot it directly under you you get a stack of diamonds what no way I’m going to be so rich all right guys give me the gun give

Me the gun oh my gosh is he really going to use it because this is going to destroy his entire base wait I got to tell him something the longer you hold the red button the more damage you get but what actually happens is the longer you hold the button the bigger the

Explosion okay let me try it out so I have to hold it and I have to keep holding it and keep holding it but like when do I stop oh my gosh I got to go away he’s going to blow everything up uh cash when do I release it do I release it

Now oh my God gosh look at his base his entire base just evaporated look at that Dino was blown up by Dino oh my gosh this is so funny wait he also destroyed his bed so he probably spawns somewhere around here I hope I don’t even know

Where the world spawn is oh I finally found him he’s all the way over here okay let’s see how sad he is oh man I don’t know what to do anymore I guess I just got to start a new survival house so let me just get some wood over here a

You know what I’m going to leave him with one last Super unhelpful present I’m going to give him a potion of super big instant damage so when he throws this under him he’s going to die and I’m going to tell him I have a final present

But I have to go and I’m going to tell him die know you silly you used the weapon wrong what I used the weapon wrong what the heck that is so weird okay but what are you doing here I have to go now but I have one final present

Present use it wisely okay okay so what is the present going to be cash the present is going to be a super op potion but when he throws it under him to be super op he actually dies well no way it’s super Hy potion so I guess I just

Got to throw it like this he fell for it today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as the YouTuber Nico but not just any Nico we’re going to be pranking him as a cute little baby Nico but first we need a

Reason to prank him as baby Nico so I’m going to mess up his attempt at beating Minecraft by morphing into different creatures to break his face and steal his resources then by the end of the video we’re going to morph it to Baby Nico oh my gosh look at this head he has

Such a giant head he’s going to be so confused and then we’re going to pretend to help him rebuild his base and get his resources back he’s going to be so confused so let’s start off by turning into a little fish and messing with him while he’s fishing oh my gosh I can’t

Believe he’s fishing again Dino is a fishing addiction guys I think it’s becoming a real problem but let’s go over there into the water and see what he’s going to do today oh no I dropped my fishing rod into the water that is not supposed to happen because I can’t

Catch the fishies that is so stupid of me I’m going to throw the fishing rod like this wa what the heck he sh super high in the air okay I think what we’re going to do first is we’re going to pretend like he caught a real fish by

Going into his little fishing rod over here let’s see what he has to say about it wa fishy fishy fishy wait what the heck that’s not a fishy that’s a name tag what the heck I don’t want that stupid name tag I want a real fish oh my

Gosh okay let’s do it again I’m going to go into his little fishing hook here and we’re going to pretend like he caught an actual fish fishy fishy F fishy fishy what the heck where did the fishy go wait a second there was a fishy right

Over there in the water but I don’t see it anymore okay we’re going to do it one more time and then we’re going to go behind him to mess even more with him okay let’s see if he’s going to fall for this trick again do you guys think he’s

Going to fall for it again comment yes down below if you think so there we go I’m going to go inside of there right now let’s do it oh my God oh my oh my God I cannot believe it where did that stupid fishy go I want that fishy come

Here right now what is actually going in into the water himself I wanted to push him into the water but he’s already in there okay we got to wait for him to get back and when he gets back we’re going to push him into the water and he’s

Going to have no idea who did it because there’s nothing here let’s do it right now what the heck I got hit by something what wait wait a second what the heck there is nothing here what how is that possible oh he sounds super confused already okay should we do it again what

Do you guys think should we push Dino into the water again to confuse him even more if you think so you got to like the video in the next three seconds three two one boom wow what the heck I got in again dude there must be some kind of

What wait a second is there someone in my base what the heck there is no one here look at him being super confused okay now because he’s actually trying to catch the biggest fish ever in my inec I’m actually going to change into a super big shark and pretend like he can

Actually catch me the big shark but then when he tries to catch the big shark we’re going to start attacking him and scaring the absolute heck out of him okay let’s change it to the giant shark right now oh my gosh look at how big the

Shark is the shark is so cool wow it even goes up and down like this that is super awesome okay let’s slowly but surely swim over there and see if we can make him super confused all right here we go I still want to catch a really big

Fishy today because I’m feeling kind of hungry and what if I show my little fin first like this what wait what the heck where did the fishy go wait what the heck there was a fishy right there in my fishing wall but it disappeared again what the egg fishing is really not going

Good for me today I’m going to slightly put my little shark fin out of the water and swim some circles around him to scare him wait a second fishy fishy fishy wait wait a second what the heck wait that is not a normal fishy that

Looks like a really creepy fin oh my God wait a second no way it got be a shark right what the heck no wait is that a real shark okay I’m going to stand right in front of him and when he says it’s a shark again I’m going to jump out of the

Water and attack him all right here we go I’m going to throw fishing run wow what oh my gosh did you guys hear that scream I can’t believe how much Dino just scream right now he screamed like a little girl oh my gosh every single time

That Dino screams like a little girl we all have to laugh at him in the comments below by typing haha Doo I’m going to start right now oh my gosh I can’t believe this he’s being such a little baby and the best part about this is I’m

Going to turn into a cute little baby Nico by the end to help him get his resources back and talking about his resources it’s the perfect time now to change into a little cow break into his scow farm and start stealing stuff out of his chest oh this is going to be so

Funny so what I’m going to do first is we have to get Dino away from the base so we can safely enter his cow Farm over there so what if I just show myself as a super big fishy and then I’m going to swim to the other side and hopefully

He’s going to swim there as well to try and catch it let’s do it oh my god look there that stupid little fish is again I really want to catch him but wait what is he doing over there oh my God no way I’m going to have to go over there I’m

Just going to go over here and I’m going to sneak up on the stupid fishy there we go he’s going to the other side of the water it’s the perfect time for us to change into a cow right now boom I get into a scow Farm we successfully made it

Look he’s all the way across the water he has no idea that his best friend just changed into a cow and broke into his base wa what the heck okay this is the most perfect fishing spot ever now I just have to wait for that big fishy to

Come back again oh this is so perfect because he’s so far far away from the pace we can just get outside of his cow Farm go over to his chest and start stealing his resources so by the end of the video we could turn into a cute

Little baby Nico and pretend to help him wait let’s see what’s in his chest I really hope he’s going to have some good items so we can actually steal it what do you guys think is going to be in his chest okay let’s see let’s open it right

Now oh my gosh what the heck is this what is wrong with this chest he has so many wooden hes who needs this many hoes I can’t believe this why does he have so many shears as well it’s a total waste of iron how did he get three diamonds he

Doesn’t have any tools oh my gosh my eyes are literally hurting okay my eyes and my brain and actually my entire body is hurting right now but anyway we just stole the diamonds let’s see where Dino is oh bar go believe it that’s stupid fish didn’t even show up anymore what

The heck wait why are my doors open what who the heck did this oh my gosh he was back already I didn’t realize he was walking back okay wait I think he’s about to go look in his chest and see that his diamonds are gone oh he’s going

To be so sad but it doesn’t matter because at the end we’re going to change it to the little baby ni to help him hey Mr cows are you guys feeling hungry you must feel hungry because I haven’t feeding you all day so I am going to

Grab your food here we go now let’s see where the heck is the wait a second what the heck where the heck did my thus go get him freaking out he’s screaming like a little girl again oh my gosh I’m going to make a tiny little hole in the

Roof so we can look at him while he’s freaking out yo what no what the heck yo this got to be real this got to be real come on CH stop start working again why is it not working where did my diamonds go oh no he’s being so sad okay what if

We go to his cow area we’re going to start to make him a little bit mad so when he starts attacking the cow back for being mean to him I’m going to break his entire base and then we’re going to come back as baby Nico all right you

Know what I don’t have my diamonds anymore but it doesn’t matter at least I have my cow so here we go hey there Mr Cow W what the heck Mr cows I know you were hungry okay I brought your food stop hitting me what the heck stop

Hitting me I brought your food oh my God this stupid guy who the heck was it okay you know what you know what you stupid CS you’re not getting any food anymore as a matter of fact I am going to eat you stupid CS wa what Dino is being so mean to the

Little cows okay it’s time to break open his entire base and ruin everything so we can come back and pretend to help him but we’re actually going to break him even harder let’s break everything wow what thing is going on why is my house being destroyed these stupid cows you’re

All going to pay for this oh my God she’s actually fighting the cows he’s absolutely freaking out so while he’s busy with that it’s the perfect opportunity for us to go away and change into a cute and tiny little baby Nico are you guys ready let’s change into him

Right now oh my gosh look at how cute this is okay I’m going to get some awesome items in my inventory which we can help him with I’m going to get a full stack of diamond we’re going to get some steak because he only had rotten

Flesh in his chest that’s so sad and then we’re going to give him a super op item okay I’m going to give him a car to help him beat Minecraft with and I’m going to give him a super op weapon called the DFG 10K now this weapon is

Only for YouTubers okay so I’m really wondering what Dino is going to think about it I’m going to walk over to his base oh wait I got to change my name as well so it’s super realistic look at this fake name set Nico oh he’s going to

Be so confused let’s get over there and ask him what happened to his base wait a second what the heck who’s typing in the chat it is Nico what the heck that is so waa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck Nico what happened to you you look so

Tiny what what does he mean I look tiny well obviously I’m a baby version what is he going to laugh at me now is he really going to be that mean oh my God look at you Nico I already thought your voice was cute but now you just look so

Much cuter with your stupid big head what is actually laughing at my head my head head is not big right guys do you guys think my head is Big look at how mean he is why is he calling my head big you’re so mean Nico you look so

Funny what no I didn’t mean to be me Nico come back here you little baby boy oh he’s actually treating me like a little child well actually I am a baby Nico but look how confused he is he has no idea how the real baby Nico got on

His server and I’m about to help him so hard what is is he doing why is he trying to lure me over there with steak here baby ni here baby Nico oh my God oh my God I got him I got him I got him

Here we go here we go here we go oh my God no way no way I actually mad at you trap baby nle is so funny I am going to sell you for so much diamonds what the heck did you guys just hear that this is unbelievable he’s

Trying to catch me as baby Nico and he wants to sell me for diamonds he’s super mean I’m going to ask him are you sure about that and if he doesn’t release me immediately I’m going to blow his base up with the DFG 10K I was planning on

Helping him but Dino is super mean so we’re going to prank him even more let’s ask him are you sure about this am I sure about this of course I’m going to be the richest Minecraft player ever here we go I’m just going to keep placing down the dirt so you can never

Escape because you’re super tiny with your big head oh my gosh he keeps laughing at me my big hat you know what I’m going to tell him okay well uh I’m going to have to escape then what you’re not going to escape look at that I have

A super big wall of dirt you can never Escape here we go oh yeah he has a super big wall I have a super op weapon that will blow a hole into this entire base let’s do it wait what the heck is that noise Nico are you okay are you going to

Take a PO what the heck where did did my house go my whole house is gone look at this I literally just deleted this entire base that’s what you get for being a little meanie oh my God I can’t believe it baby n why the heck

Did you do this oh my gosh you know what I’m going to tell him because he was super mean now he has to earn my trust back so I’m going to help him rebuild everything again you were mean Dino you have to to earn my trust again I have to

Earn your trust again but how okay I’m going to ask him a super easy math question and if he gets it right I’m going to build him a super cool house all over again you have to prove that you have a big IQ a big IQ what the heck

Is IQ don’t you mean IQ like this this is like a lot bigger oh my gosh I can’t believe that okay you know what it doesn’t matter what is 2 + 2 what do you guys think he going to answer let me know down below I think he’s going to

Have it wrong do you guys think he’s going to have it right I don’t think so oh my God this is super easy because my IQ is even bigger than your stupid little head okay so let me take a look I have a two and I have another two but I

Have to put it together uh oh my God this is actually really hard so let me see I have two steak over here and then I have two steak over there and then when I pick them up I will see how much it is okay I know the answer Mr Big Head

The answer is 40 what what how did he ever get to 40 oh my gosh my brain is hurting so bad how did he get 40 I’m so confused you know what let’s just say uh you’re right uh uh uh follow me I’m going to build him a super awesome house

Again oh my god of course I got it right because I super smart I have a super big IQ whatever that is okay there we go I’m going to place his awesome new house right over here but first we have to make a selection are we going to use one

Two or three I’m going to ask him the next question hey Dino one two or three one two or three what the heck oh my God I know the answer one two three one two three what he wants all three of the no choose one Dino no choose one Dino so I

Have to choose one okay I choose one oh my gosh okay you know what at least he chose a number let’s go over here use this block and press on the house one and let’s build it right now boom what the heck what what the heck what whoa

What the heck where did this house come from yo this house is so super duper cool look it even has a attic oh my God look at how happy he is is oh my gosh he’s starting to earn my trust back he’s not that mean to me anymore W oh my God

I am so happy thank you so much baby Nico now I can finally sleep in a safe place again okay so for the next thing that we’re going to give him is I’m going to give him a super awesome car that he can drive around with and probably beat Minecraft a lot easier

Let’s ask him the next question who’s your favorite YouTuber if he doesn’t answer Nico he’s going to be super mean and also I want to know your guys’s favorite YouTuber let me know down below so I can prank as him next okay let’s see what his favorite YouTuber is he

Better answer Nico oh my God who is my favorite YouTuber oh my God that is super easy because my favorite YouTuber is also my best friend and his name is flaky what oh you know what that’s actually a good answer as well because I’m actually flaky but he has no idea

You know what I’m going to say good answer sir here’s your next gift Doo what I’m getting another gift no way what the heck you it be there we go boom he’s going to get a super awesome car whoa what the heck wait a second baby Nico

Where are you baby Nico I even oh oh my God baby Nico are you sure you can drive that you know you you what what the heck you can’t even see where the heck you’re going your stupid big head doesn’t even reach over the steering wheel he’s

Actually right you know what’s going to be funny what if I drive us off a cliff he’s probably going to be so scared okay we got to find a super big Cliff somewhere oh my gosh I’m pretty sure I finally found a cliff oh my God we’re

Standing right on top of it am I going to do it I’m going to do it today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as the YouTuber Mikey from Mason but first we need a reason to

Prank him as Mikey so I’m going to mess up his attempt of beating Minecraft by morphing into different creatures to break into to his base and steal his resources and then by the end of the video we’re going to morph into Mikey and pretend to help him rebuild his base

He’s going to be so confused so let’s start off by turning into a little turtle just like the real Mikey and start pranking Dino while he’s fishing there we go we’re in the water right now dino seems to be fishing over there so let’s try and prank him a little bit by

Going into his fishing rod wait all day the fishy went that was so weird I had a fishing but it didn’t give it to me but whatever I want to catch some more fishies here we go come on fishy fishy fishy boy I’m going to pretend like he

Caught a super giant fish is probably going to be so happy whoa whoa who what the heck was that that was a super whoa super giant fish wait what the heck where did the super giant fishy go wait a second I swear that was a super giant

Fishy right there on my fishing roll oh my God I want to try and catch him again here we go oh W’s super busy trying to catch the big fish I’m going to sneak up behind him and hit him into the water who who whoa whoa whoa what the

Heck was that wait is there a zombie in my house what wait wait wait a second what the heck there is no zombie here nothing what the heck could have hit me in the water that is so weird look at how confused he is he has no idea what

Hit him into the water hey do you guys think we should hit him into the water again if you do make sure to like the video right now a lot of you people actually like so let’s hit him in boom W whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck

Yo there must be a wait a second this is so weird wait maybe there is a skeleton no wait I don’t even have an arrow inside of me wait a second maybe my chicken’s no hey Mr chicky boy do you guys know what hit me through the water

Hello he’s actually trying to talk to the chickens to ask him who hit him into the water he’s such a giant Minecraft Noob chickens can’t even speak to you okay you know what let’s just do it again a third time third time is the charm right he must figure out it’s the

Turtle behind him let’s hit him into the water again and quickly get into the water as well who who who who who who who what the heck wa is second that was so weird I keep getting hit into the water it doesn’t matter if I stand over

There over here I keep getting hit into the water you know what I am going to fish them all the way over here what is actually going over there that is perfect because now we can sneak into his base and check out what he has in

His chest I’m really hoping he has a lot of diamonds so we can steal them and make him super sad okay let’s see what he’s doing he’s still fishing over there so I’m about to open this chest how many diamonds do you think Dino has in his

Chest I’m going to think he has at least one do you guys think he has at least one diamonds in the chest I’m pretty sure he does right let’s open the chest up and see what we can steal oh my gosh what’s wrong with this chest look at

This there’s so much dirt in here there’s like 20 million sticks and he even has like 20 wooden hes why does Dino need so many hes I don’t get it wait but at least he has seven diamonds okay what we’re going to do we’re going to steal those seven diamonds and now

I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest so he’s going to hear the chest closing and opening he’s going to come here to investigate and realize that his diamonds are gone and then by the end of the video we’re going to turn into the real Mikey from Mason to help

Him get his diamonds back or so he thinks because we’re going to break him okay let’s open up the chest a couple of times so he comes here to investigate wait a second what the heck is that noise is it coming out of the water wait

Wait it isn’t coming out of the water it sounds like it’s coming from out of my base what the heck is that noise I got to investigate wait a second what the heck there there is nothing here wait oh my God please I got check up my chest to

Make sure that my diamonds are okay what where the heck are my diamonds where did they go wait a second there is no way somebody stole my diamonds oh look at him he’s so terrified he has no idea where his diamonds are wait this is the perfect opportunity to change it to the

Next creature I’m going to change it to a little chicken so he has no idea who stole his diamonds let’s change to the chicken now there we go wait is he still looking for his diamonds where is he what the where did my diamonds go I can’t believe

This oh my God my last hope I’m going to ask the chickens maybe they saw something all right Mr chickens here you go I’ll gather around please may I have your attention Mr chickens oh my God they’re don’t even all looking but whatever guys my diamonds got stolen and

I don’t know what the heck happened and since you guys can actually see the chest do you have any idea where the heck my diamonds went what is actually ask asking the chickens where the diamonds are he’s such a silly little Goose okay you know what wait what he’s actually talking to the

Chickens oh my friend Dino is a super big Minecraft Noob we all have to go to the comments below and comment haahha Dino to laugh at him for being such a noob can you guys respond okay you know what I’m going to do I just saw him

Attack a chicken so I’m going to attack him back and confuse him super hard whoa whoa whoa whoa what the what the heck was that wait something hit me again yo that is so weird what how is that even possible look at him being so confused

Okay you know what we’re going to do we’re going to pretend like there’s a diamond around the corner over here and when he sees this diamond that comes around the corner I’m going to attack him as this chicken look there’s a diamond right over here as soon as he

Comes here to pick it up he’s going to get attacked by this chicken oh my God this is so stupid I have no idea what to do anymore wait a second there’s a diamond over here on the floor that is so weird oh my God is this a real

Diamond waa is that what the heck wait what the heck wait a second what happened look at that it says Dino was slay by a chicken he’s going to be so confused when he gets back he’s probably going to want to figure out which one of these chickens actually got him wait did

He spawn yet what the heck wait a second which one of those chickens killed me it said I was slain by and chicken so which one of you boys was it huh come on guys you got to tell me right now else innocent chickens might get killed wow

Look at him he actually threatening to attack the chickens okay you know what I’m going to make him so scared of the chickens and he’s going to leave us alone let’s just keep attacking him over and over again what what the heck that was so weird the chickens are attacking me all

Right you know what chickens it is war w whoa whoa whoa the chicken is actually really strong I got to find a way to get closer to the chickens here we go who who whoa whoa whoa oh my God I really hope is going to give up and do

Something else because then I’m going to turn into the next creature and prank him even harder all right you know what these stupid chickens I don’t even care about you anymore here you can have your feathers back and your stupid EG I don’t want anything to do with you anymore I’m

Just going to go back to fishing what he doesn’t even care about his stolen diamonds anymore okay you know what what I’m going to make him care about his stolen Diamonds by changing into a super creepy giant sea monster and then I’m going to drop diamonds into the air

Above the water he’s probably going to want to get inside of the water to get his diamonds back and then we’re going to attack him as a sea monster and then when all hope is lost I’m going to come here as Mikey from Mason and pretend to

Help him get his diamonds back it’s going to be so hilarious okay let’s find a super awesome sea monster to Chas change into I got to sneak away real quick so I can pick one okay there we go oh my gosh there we go look at this

Thing I I don’t even know what it is like a water snake water dragon snake Okay let’s get into the water oh this is so creepy he’s probably going to be so scared okay so what I’m going to do now I’m going to get this diamond and see if

He really doesn’t care about the diamonds anymore I’m going to Dro him right above his fishing rod here and try to get him into the water and if he gets in here he’s going to get attacked by this creepy sea monster okay let’s do it let’s throw it right here oh right whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait a second did I just see a blue fishy wait a second that’s not a blue fishy those are diamonds wait a second what the heck what are diamonds doing in the water is he actually going to get in the

Water or not maybe we should drop just a couple more diamonds right in front of him wa wait a second that was so close those must be real diamonds all right you know what I am going to hold in my breath and I’m going to get all of those

Diamonds from the bottom all right here we go wait what the heck I’m being attacked I’m being attacked no I got to swim to short quick I got to get to safety no no no no no oh my God I’m so close what the heck where the heck am I supposed to go

I’m not going to let him go back to his base he’s going to be stuck in this island for a little while okay let’s actually jump over the island and attack it back into the water oh my wow being attacked I’m being attacked no I got to hide I got to hide

Here right here oh my God this is perfect this is perfect all right all right all right what I’m going to do I’m going to craft a boat real quickly I’m going to swim back oh my God here we go all right I got myself a boat now I got

To make sure that this weird weird looking fish is not near by I don’t even see it anymore this is so weird okay I’m going to wait for him to get inside of his boat boat and then I’m going to destroy the boat while he’s in the

Middle of the water he’s going to be stuck again okay let’s wait for him to activate his little boat and get inside all right there we go I have the boat ready now I just have to push it into the water and get there as soon as

Possible here we go oh my God oh my God oh my God I got to be quick no no no oh my God I made it I made it I can’t believe it I actually made it stupid little fishy you got what he actually made it back onto his

Facee I can’t believe it okay we’re going to quickly change into another monster and Destroy his entire base and then we’re going to show up as Mikey from Mason and pretend to help him let’s change into a super creepy monster and Destroy his base because now he’s

Laughing at the sea monster for not being able to get him boom there we go we just turned into a giant super creepy monster and because he was laughing at the sea monster we’re just going to St star at him through the window and make him super scared let’s open this door a

Couple of times wait wait a second what the heck is that noise uh what the heck is that oh my God no way what the heck is that monster no that is so creepy look at him screaming and running away my friend Dino screams like a

Little girl oh my gosh I can’t believe it we all have to go to the comments below and comment haahha Dino for laugh like a little girl is he actually running away you know what I’m just going to destroy his entire base and then come back as Mikey from Mason and

Pretend to help him let’s destroy everything while he’s gone wait a second what the heck is going on over here oh my God yo what the heck is that a super creepy monster destroying everything no this is so stupid I’m going to scare even more by chasing him and attacking him I’m going

To hide in the water I’m going to hide in the water no I’m no save in the water no where the heck am I supposed to go oh I have a plan I have an idea I know I’m going to wait for him right next to his

Oh he just spawned look at that when he turns R it’s going to be so scared oh my God where the heck did that monster go is he still somewhere around here uh no no no no no okay now it’s time to go away and come back as Mikey from Mason

And pretend to help him let’s do it all right are you guys ready to change it to Mikey if you are make sure to like the video I’m going to give you 3 seconds 3 2 1 boom there we go we just turned into Mikey from Mason and I haven’t told you

Guys that Dino is the absolute biggest fan of Mason ever so we’re going to walk over there and actually pretend to help him so let’s go over there see what he’s doing and see if he’s going to Fanboy because he probably is because he loves

Mason so much I also have a goodie pack with super awesome items I have an airplane I have a speedboat I have a flamethrower I even have a mining drill I’m going to help him with super cool op items okay let’s walk over to him and

Ask him what the heck happened here whoa wait a second Mikey wait who wait he’s snping in the chat how the heck did he get on the server wait that got be the real Mikey right that’s prob like a fake Mikey because it says Mikey but the real

Mikey probably wouldn’t be on this server what the heck that’s so weird as soon as he turns around he’s going to see that the real Mikey is standing what he’s asking who are you a Mikey from aming I got some Eggies what the heck no way no way no

Way oh my God oh my God it’s a real Mikey Is that real Mikey oh my God hi Mikey wow look at how happy he is I really got to ask him what happened to his base hey I know what happened to your base what do you mean what happened

To my base nothing happened here this is what I call a super cool awesome open design of the house you know it is really Airy it gets you a lot of fresh air while being inside of your house what Dino is actually lying to me I

Can’t believe this why would he lie to Mikey he doesn’t even want to tell him that monsters messed up his entire brace you know what I’m going to ask him um okay do you want help what do I want help what the heck would I need help

With there is nothing to be helped with right look everything is so cool what he’s asking me with what uh getting a more awesome base of course hey guys you know what do you guys think we should help him get a super awesome base made completely out of diamonds and obsidian

So his base can never ever get destroyed again what do you mean more awesome you don’t think this base is awesome okay Dino watch this we’re going to turn his base into a super big super strong base that can never ever get destroyed ever again let’s get some obsidian uh let’s

Get a little wand I’m going to do this this set obsidian boom I’m going to do this boom I’m going to do this boom look at this this is so awesome wait a second what the heck is he doing this is so a ugly I can’t believe this but I really

Got to be nice to Mikey because I’m such a big fan all right I’m guess I’m going to pretend that I like it uh wa this is so cool what he’s pretending to like it what do you mean he just got unlimited free obsidian forever isn’t that super

Awesome okay you know what I’m just going to play along and say w really no problem Dino wait he had a gift for me as well what’s the gift I want to see what the gift this what he gave me a wooden boat that’s so cute oh my gosh no

Way he’s going to get on the water with me together her oh it’s not going forward okay I’m going to give him an even better gift hey Dino I got something even better what even better there is nothing better than a wooden boat but okay I guess I’ll Follow You

Follow Me Dino because I’m going to give him a real speedboat look at this I’m going to get inside to drive away woo what the heck where are you going Mikey yo I’m going to catch up look my wood boat is so much W whoa whoa we almost

Crashed that was so close look at him he still thinks this wood boat is better okay you know what I think I have to make him drive the speedboat and that’s going to change his mind let’s ask him do you want to try the speedboat why the

Heck would I want to try the speed boat that is so stupid because look your speed boat can only fit one person my bat can actually fit two person oh my gosh you know what I’m going to convince him by saying that it’s way faster all

Right let’s try it out wait so how the heck does this b word it say so unclear how does this work okay Dino I’ll tell you but first you have to answer this question I’m going to ask him a super easy question if and if he gets it right

He can have the speed vot forever you didn’t even ask a question oh my gosh Doo okay what is 1+ one if he gets this right he can have to speed boat forever what do you guys think the answer is to one plus one let me know down below and

If you get it right I’m going to give you a speed boat as well what the heck does Mikey think I’m stupid that’s so easy give me a harder question what do want a harder oh my gosh okay you know what okay what is the second no no no no

Wait what is the fifth letter of the alphabet everybody knows it’s a b c d e it’s e obviously did you know what the fifth letter of the alphabet is let’s see if Dino knows oh my God that is so easy I know this one it is a what a what

Do you mean a a is the first letter of the alphabet Oh my gosh we all have to laugh at that for being so stupid make sure to comment ha Dino you know what what alphabet he literally took the fifth letter of the word I can’t believe how stupid he is I

Really hope all of you laughed at him in the comments by typing ah D know okay you know what I’m going to tell him he’s right you’re right have fun with your speed boat okay but how the heck does this work oh W this is how it worked this is so cool

I’m so super duper fast look at me oh my God oh my God oh my God what he’s crashing yo watch out Dino oh my God I think I broke it it’s not working anymore uh Mikey why did you give me a broken boat L what he’s telling me that

I gave him a broken boat he’s so mean I gave him a perfectly working Bo hey don’t break it what’s he doing I can’t believe this is actually breaking it I’m trying to fix it go oh oh my God uh so uh don’t worry don’t worry I am going to

Fix this I am going to fix this so we have the wood and then we put the engine how do I put the engine down uh what I can’t believe this he actually broke the boat that I gave him you know what I’m going to be mad at him now I’m mad and

I’m going to attack him what no I’m trying to fix the boat for you come on no I was trying to fix it please please stop hitting me Mikey no what the heck today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as

The YouTuber cash but before we do that we got to have a reason to prank him as cash so I’m going to mess up his attempt to beat Minecraft by morphing into different animals to break his base and steal his resources and then by the end

Of the video we’re going to morphit to cash and pretend to help him rebuild his base he’s going to be so confused so let start out by turning it to a little chicken and confusing the absolute heck out of him let’s see what he’s doing right now I think he’s actually fishing

Oh here fishy fishy fishy good ony you fishy boys where the heck are you I want to catch your fishy today but there are no fishes this is so stupid Oh this is so perfect he is actually trying to fish right now this is the perfect opportunity for us to break into his

Chicken pen over here and start to confuse him so don’t don’t forget I really want to make him super scared and confused so he’s actually going to beg for some kind of help and then by the end of the video I’m going to help him as cash all right let’s throw some eggs

At his face and see if he notices yo wait what the heck why are there eggs flying in the sky that’s so weird oh of course you chickens must be hungry wait I’m going to grab some seeds for you all right I got this seeds now who’s hungry

Who’s hungry come here boys it’s feeding time he’s trying to feed all the chickens I’m going to confuse him by hitting him whoa whoa whoa you don’t have to hit me chicken you’ll all get some seeds don’t worry there’s enough for everyone wow Dino was such a giant

Minecraft Noob chickens are not supposed to hit you in Minecraft what I want you guys to do is every single time that Dino says something that is super Minecraft newbie you have to go to the comments so we can all laugh at him by typing hahaa Dino cuz he’s such a big

Noob okay the next next time he comes inside I’m going to hit him again you know what I’m hit him right there oh I missed I missed wait all that chicken did a cute little jumpy are your hey come on now I saw you Mr Chicken get

Back here that was so not nice of you now where the heck did you go Mr Chicken because I don’t mind the little chicken for dinner tonight what is he actually threatening to killing the chickens wow he’s such a mean little Dino yo what if we actually break out of his base we’re

Going to go in here and steal some of his resources he’s probably going to see the chest open and be super confused and when he gets back all of his diamonds will be missing wa wait wait wait a second did I just wait wait my chest why

Did it open no way I got to make uh no no no no no this going to be real where the heck did my diamonds go there is absolutely no way this is so stupid where did my diamond let go oh he’s already freaking out we didn’t even do

The brick prank yet oh this is going to be super amazing I want to make him as desperate and sad as possible and then we’re going to come back as cash to actually help him get even more diamonds yo what the heck that was so stupid

Where the heck did my diamonds go oh wait a second maybe one of my chickens knows hey chicken boys I got a question for you guys and if someone knows to answer you are going to get a seed for me so where the heck did my Diamond SC

Did you guys see the take it like it was right over there no no stop looking at me it was right over there at the chest oh my God these chickens are so stupid this is never going to work oh my gosh what a giant Minecraft Noob is Dino this

Is the perfect opportunity for all of us to go in the comments and laugh at him by typing haha Dino he such a noob he actually tried to talk to the chickens I just got the most awesomest idea ever my next animal was going to be a super big

Scary shark so what if I try to lure Dino into the water by dropping the diamonds that I stole in the water so that that’s how we can get him into the water on his boat and we’re going to prank him as that big shark oh my gosh

This is awesome because today he’s going to be thinking that his look is super bad and by the end of the video his look is going to be super good because cash will show up okay let’s go into the water change it to a little Sharky boom

There we go oh my gosh this is so scary now let’s go out very close near to him and try to get him into the water we dropping some diamonds okay I’m going to stand right here and I’m going to drop it right here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Wait a second aren’t those diamonds wait are those My Diamonds oh I got to go get my diamonds so let’s see it was somewhere over here uh where the heck was it okay I guess I’m going to hold in my breath and I’m going to grab my diamonds three two one here we

Go no I’m being attacked what the heck was that oh no okay okay luckily I am safe on land but no wait a second my boat is still over there I got to go grab my boat here we go ah okay grabbing in my boat no what the he my boat got

Destroyed no I got to get back to safety that was so creepy yo what the heck was that look at how scared he is he is super terrified and I don’t even think he realized that there’s a big scary shark okay so what we have to do now we

Got to somehow get him to make another boat and I want to get him into even deeper water so we can break his boat in super deep water so he has to swim all the way back okay what if I drop some diamonds right here on the other side of

The water so he’s going to have to make a boat again wa no way there’s even more diamonds but wait a second I am not going to swim over there because I don’t want to get attacked again um oh I going to make a new boat this is so smart here

We go I’m going to grab the wood and here we go I got my new boy let’s go over there it was somewhere over here where the heck are those diamonds okay let’s try and get him even more right in front of him we got to keep luring him

Out wow even more diamonds wait are they right over here okay guess I’m going down where are the diamonds they’re not over here I’m going to destroy his boat now has to swim all the way back with a scary shark going after him wait a

Second where did my boat go oh no being attacked again oh no I got to swim back but I’m so slow oh no no no quickly whoa whoa whoa that was a big fishy big fishy big fishy oh he is absolutely freaking out he thinks his

Luck is so bad he has no idea he’s about to become the luckiest Minecraft player ever because the super rich YouTuber cash is going to help him but first we got to make him even more sad and think that his luck is even worse than it is

Now I’m going to change into a tiger and stalk him around his base let’s do it okay I’m going to stand right over here and change to a tiger boom there we go oh my gosh this tiger looks super awesome I’m going to walk up to his

Front door and I’m going to start destroying his little glass so I’m going to attack him he’s going to be so scared wait wait what the heck did I just hear wait a second are the chickens destroying my glass wait wait a second the glass over here is not broken that

Means it must be oh at the front of my house no way no what the heck happened whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa big kitty big kitty okay well luckily I’m safe in the water because Skitty can’t get in the water ah you stupid kitty oh wow he’s

Actually super smart I didn’t thought he would be this smart he knows that cats do not like water even big cats but guess what this cat is super special I’m just going to jump through the water and scare him ah no it’s coming after me

Wait Kitty stop I got a fishy for you stop stop stop oh yeah that’s right you want a fishy right yeah that’s a good boy here you go you have a fishy oh my gosh look at this he’s actually being super nice to the little tiger okay you

Know what I’m not going to attack him directly but I’m going to pretend to walk away and then I’m going to destroy his entire base and after that I’m going to come back as cash and asked him what happened to his Bas he’s going to be so

Confused wait Mr Kitty you don’t want another fishy I still got a fishy for you uh Mr Kitty he wants to give me even more fishies but guess what I’m just going to destroy his entire base whoa what the heck KY stop it right now I’ll

Give you all the fish you want just stop it no not the chicken not the chickers wait I don’t even have any blocks what am I going to do kitty stop stop right now stop oh look at him freaking out he has no idea what to do okay let’s get a

Couple more blocks and then I’m going to run away come back as cash and help him rebuild his base he’s going to be so confused look at him he’s actually going after me yo you stupid kitty this is oh no he’s so super fast there’s no way I

Can chase him oh man I’m so sad right now oh he sounds super sad okay it’s actually time to pretend to be cash he is actually going to think that cash joined his Minecraft server so let’s change our name to fake name set cash TV and then we’re going to change our skin

Are you guys ready now I’m going to give you three seconds to drop a like if you love cash and ni all right three two one boom there we go we just turned into the real cash all right it’s time to go over to to his little base and asked him what

Happened wait let me see if it actually works there we go look at this on the side it actually says that my name is Dash TV this is going to be super awesome all right so I loaded up my inventory with super awesome goodies to surprise him with he’s probably going to

Be super happy but he has no idea that this is not the real cash I’m actually going to prank him so hard okay wait is he in his base somewhere where is oh he’s right over there okay let’s walk on over there and ask him what the heck

Happened to his face it looks so ugly wa wait a second did I just what the heck no way whoa whoa okay uh uh uh I got to sound super cool wait wait but what are you the real cash no way oh my God I am such a big fan of you

Oh oh no I I got to keep it together I got to keep it cool yo what’s up man what how’s it hanging uh oh my gosh look at how much he’s fanboying over cash he actually thinks I’m the real one he’s trying to act super cool okay you know what I’m going

To nod my head yes what absolutely no way this is so cool oh my God in the chat it even says Cas TV oh man I am so glad he got hear me this is perfect wow he thinks I actually can’t hear him this is super perfect but I actually can hear

Him so we can all witness how big of a fanboy he is okay what I’m going to ask him what happened to his base what happened to your base it looks ugly let’s be a little mean what what it is not ugly what the heck does is so stupid

Uh uh okay uh I got to respond let me see what am I going to say I got attacked by 1 million thousand million trillion creepers what he’s actually going to lie about it he was attacked by a silly little chicken and a little tiger oh he’s actually lying about it

Wow I can’t believe this you know what it’s time to make him a little bit more happy I’m just going to say I’ll help you and let’s see how much he’s going to scream and be happy about it what no way the real cash wants to help me play

Minecraft this is so awesome let me respond okay I would appreciate that Oak oh he just OED me literally said Oak wow he’s such a little meanie okay you know what first off we have to transform his floor into a super rich YouTuber floor are you guys thinking what I’m thinking

I’m going to change his entire floor into Diamond by making him super happy with it okay let’s get this little secret tool out here I’m going to select everything until right about here and then I’m going to type in a super super secret command wait first off I think

I’m going to let him solve some kind of math question because he does have to earn this new diamond floor what if I ask him hey what is um 8 * 2 if he can answer this I’m going to change his entire floor into diamonds what no way

He’s asking me a hard question wait give me a second I’m going to Google it well let me see I got to Google it oh whoa he’s actually Googling the question but he has no idea that we can secretly hear him I know that one yeah of course

Oh it’s super easy huh he literally just Googled it oh my gosh what no way he said it’s then he used Google and he still got it wrong does any of you guys know what the right answer is if any of you guys know then cash will come

To your Minecraft server and help you get a diamond floor oh my gosh obviously it’s 16 and not 10 you know what I actually feel kind of sad for him for being a little bit stupid so I’m just going to make his floor Diamond anyway

Boom there we go what no way what the heck how did you do that cash that is so cool you know I am just going to take a few of these blocks because I really need to get some armor but you obviously won’t mind but oh wait a second I don’t

Even have a crafting table uh I’m going to get some wood oh I got to tell him that I am going to get wood I’ll be right back buddy oh my God I can’t believe it is actually in my house it’s going to be so awesome oh he’s super

Super fanboying right now he’s even calling me buddy he really believes that the real cash is on his server wait so while he’s out there getting some wood I’m going to try and transform for his base into something even more cooler let’s get a crafting table I’ll just put

Like four craft no even I put like six crafting tables right here who needs this many crafting tables right guys I’m going to actually make his base super awesome so when he comes back he’s going to be so grateful for it boom there we go I transformed his base into a super

Super awesome Minecraft house we even have a couple of music notes Here we have some Ender Chest what the heck is this why is there stuff in my Ender Chest okay that is weird whatever oh he’s back what the heck happened here oh

My God cash did you do this for me oh my God are we like best friends right now uh uh maybe I got to thank him yo this is super cool he actually thinks that he’s best friends with cash oh he called me bro he’s so hilarious okay what if I go

Outside side and I secretly spawn in a super awesome speed boat I mean wait hold on one second there we go who cares about stupid Wooden Boats where you could have speed boats oh there we go I just got some super awesome speed boats here he’s going to be so happy about it

I’m going to take him out for a spin on the water we’re going to raise he’s actually going to take he’s going to be Cash’s best friend but guys I have a big secret at the end of the video it’s going to be so funny wa wait a second

There’s a Juke BX here oh my God it even has my favorite song oh I’m going to dance with him so he actually thinks I’m his friend cool song definitely I’m going to shake my head yes oh I accidentally hit him did you just hit me cash okay maybe

You don’t like this song Let’s see maybe we can put something else up for you no no no no no Dino has to come outside take that stup stupid thing out of here we got to go out and get into our speed Bo you destroyed my J box yo that is so

Not cool of you cash why why did you destroy it look I wanted to see that I have a boat right here let’s go what no way it’s just a super cool speed boat oh that fishing is going to be so easy from now one look how fast we are we oh my

Gosh look at how much he’s enjoying him self this is so funny okay let’s actually try and race him to the end of the river let’s go oh my God this is so fun I can’t believe I’m having so much fun with my new best friend cash oh he actually

Thinks that he has a new best friend wait what the heck is going on here oh there we go he thinks he has a new best friend cash but he has no idea it’s actually his best friend wait a second I’m supposed to be his best friend I’m Floy

He actually forgot about flaky that is super mean he thinks that cash is his best friend now wait he lost me oh we got to go and find him now but I’m not going to forget that he said that Cas is his new best friend what about flaky

Guys wait do you guys want to be my best friend cuz I’m going to need a new one I need all of you guys to comment down below who wants to be my new best friend okay I’m going to go over to him and try

To mess with him again oh man I can’t believe I lost my new best friend where did Cash go I don’t want to hang out with flaky anymore I want to hang out with cash but oh there he is hey there he just said it again oh this is so fun

I can’t believe it I having so much fun with my new best friend cash oh so much more fun than I ever had with flaky whoa he’s such a mean dude did you guys just hear that he says he hasn’t even had a lot of fun with me okay so this is what

I’m going to do now I’m going to actually make him believe that he and cash are super best friends and then by the end of the video I’m going to ruin the Friendship by destroying everything again and that’s what he deserves for being such a bad friend to Floy okay

Let’s get into the speed boat I’m going to say hey best friend want to race to the end oh my gosh he ran out of fuel I have to refuel his speedboat real quick what a silly dude all right there we go I re fuel this boat I’m going to ask him

To raise hey Dino my super duper big best friend want to raise to the end of the river if you win you’re going to get 5,000 million diamonds what no way cash called me his best friend oh this is so cool and he even wants to race to the

End of the river with me oh yeah I definitely want to race and wait I can even get 5 million diamonds of course buddy let’s go here we go oh no way super fast and is this unfair I got to try and Cat up to him you know what I’m

Actually going to let him win so he thinks that his best friend cash is going to give him 5 million th000 diamonds but guess what when we go back to the base I’m going to ruin the Friendship because he was super mean to Floy he’s actually winning oh my gosh

Look at that wa I’m actually winning where did Cash go oh look at so far behind me oh man I can’t believe it HH where am I supposed to go oh here we are the end of the river I was first oh he actually won okay you won meet me back

At your base for your prize W oh my God I can’t believe it I am actually going to get 5 million TR gazillion Diamond okay there we go we are back at the base let’s wait for him to ask for for prize but secretly I’m going to have a super

Secret big YouTube weapon that will destroy his entire base in just one single click and that is what he gets for being so mean to Floy okay let’s get the weapon out it’s called the DFG there we go so when he asks for his prize I’m going to destroy his entire

Base uh so uh cash you know you kind of promised me like a 500 million gazillion tra diamonds so uh when were you going to give them to me oh I got a DI of course I’m so stupid Hey wow again I get my diamonds he actually thinks he’s

Going to win you know what I’m actually going to tell him you’ve been super mean to flaky let’s see what he’s going to say about that what I have never been mean to flaky I have always been super nice to me that’s a lie who what the heck everybody here wa

What is that noise oh no way guys why do you have that gun in your hand guys as soon as I release the button it’s going to explode are you guys ready 3 2 1 boom Oh my gosh look at that Dino was blown up by cash TV and his entire base

Is gone today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by praking as the YouTuber Nico but first we need a reason to prank him as Nico so I’m going to mess up his attempt at beating Minecraft by morph foring to different creepy creatures

Like a super scary sea monster and even a mutant skeleton to break his Bas and steal his resources and then by the end of the video we’re going to morph it to Nico and pretend to help him rebuild his base he’s going to be so confused and

He’s probably going to Fanboy super hard so let’s start off by turning into a cow and breaking into his cow Farm over there I really hope he’s not going to see me I’m just going to stand right here let’s see if he actually notices that there’s like one extra cow in his

Cow pad because this will not make sense at all as soon as he comes over here we’re going to like push him and hit him oh he’s going to be super confused yo this is so stupid I’m not getting any fishies today you know what maybe the

Cows are a little bit friendlier today hey goow boys wait wait a second wait let me count there’s one two what wait a second I didn’t know I had four cows and a baby cow that’s kind of weird what the heck he’s actually confused already but

You know what my friend Dino is a super big Minecraft Noob so he’s not even going to think twice about it wait where did he go I think he’s actually trying to get some seeds or something where’s he going hey boys I know you probably are super hungry because I didn’t feed

You for like a few days but I got something very nice for you look I got some flowers you guys like those are you guys hungry guys guys can you go like eat please oh my God uh maybe you want some seeds oh look that guy was super

Duper hungry he ate all the three plats I got to get some more oh what a giant Minecraft Noob he actually thinks that cow eats plants in Minecraft he doesn’t even realize that you need wheat for it okay let’s wait until he comes back and then we’re going to confuse him super

Hard by hitting him oh he’s probably going to get super angry at the cows all right here we go I got some more flowers for you boys here we go I’m going to put down a lot of them because you guys are probably super duper hungry and I even

Got you guys like the the red flowers I hope you like those as well so let’s see are you boys eating he’s actually ruining the cow pen okay you know what let’s actually hit him and see if he gets super confused about it w what the

Heck yo why would this cow super angry at me hey Mr Cow you going to apologize to me or else I am going to eat you for dinner tonight what is that actually threatening to keep me his dinner tonight okay you know what we’re going

To do I’m going to hit him once again so he gets confused and then we’re going to break into his base and steal his diamonds from the chest over there let’s hit him a couple of times W whoa who who who what the he oh no no no no I got to

Watch out this cow is super duper angry with me okay this is perfect he’s actually hiding because he’s scared of the cows yo what the he there are two cows in my house hey you boys you got to get back into the B right now look going

To being super confused about the cows oh luckily he’s focusing on that one cow over there so that gives me enough time to actually open the chest and steal this diamond and run away wait wait a second did I just hear my chest open wait my diamond no wait where the he did

My diamond go oh there you are stupid go give me my diamond back he’s actually running after me okay I’m going to try to get back into his cow pen so he has no idea which cow it was let’s get inside oh he’s going to have I have no

Clue which one it was what the heck which one of you go boys took my diamonds I want them back right now oh he’s actually super confused listen to him oh he’s such a Minecraft Noob how does he not realize that cows cannot even open your chest in Minecraft Let’s

Make him extra mad by hitting him again okay you know what guys you’re all going down I want my diam back no way he’s actually getting all the cows I can’t believe this oh no way Mama did you give the diamond to your baby that’s so not

Nice of you but I guess I got to make sure no way go back here give me my white diamond hey hey hey stop attacking the little baby go back here baby we’re going to have to take a lot of Revenge for this I can’t believe he’s actually hitting tiny

Little mobs oh no guys if you feel sad for the baby C make sure to comment mean Dino in the comments he actually super mean right now but don’t forget my at the end of the video we’re going to turn into Nico and break him super hard you

Know what first off I got to take revenge for killing my little kid W what the I got killed by a cow oh no I’m going to take revenge on this stupid cow there you are come back here oh no the cow is super

Fast why can’t I hit this cow this is so stupid oh my gosh you okay I’m going to run away as this scout then I’m going to come back as a super creepy sea monster and prank him even more oh this is going to be hilarious we got to get away

Somehow what wait where the heck did the cow go what no way I lost him yo this is so stupid Oh man all my diamonds are gone maybe I can get some more luck with fishing oh this is so perfect he’s actually going into the water to fish so

We’re going to turn into a super big creepy sea monster and prank him even harder and then buy yet we’re going to destroy his base and come back as Nico oh he’s going to be so happy about it okay let’s get into the water and change

It to a super creepy sea monster boom there we go oh my gosh look at the size of its mouth okay let’s try to swim up to him and scare him super hard where did he go oh man why can’t I go through it this is so stupid this takes forever

As soon as he turns around to go back he’s going to see this giant mouse just staring at him oh my God I got go through this is so stupid you know what I guess I got to go back the other waa what the heck is that big fishy big

Fishy I want to get the fishy wait why could I hit the fishy wait the second the fishy stole my boat yo this is so stupid why he actually tried to attack this super big scary sea monster I guess that Dino is really not that big of a

Noob after all he actually wasn’t even that scared you know what we got to make him a little bit more scared of this fishy what if I pretend to drop his diamonds all the way in the water so I lure him into the deep end of the water

And then I’m going to attack him as the scary sea monster wait let’s see where he is oh he’s at his house that’s perfect okay I’m going to try to lure him into the water again by dropping the diamonds in the air what the heck are

Those diamonds in the water no way I want to get all of the Diamonds oh he actually got into the water let’s attack him what that I’m being attacked no no I got to get back to the house what no way I can’t believe it I got so many

Diamonds okay I got to quickly craft some armor from these diamonds here we go what he actually stole out of the diamonds I can’t believe it but what he doesn’t know is that this super creepy sea monster actually has legs you know what I want to do I want to wait until

He says something about me being a sea monster so I can’t get out of the water and then when he thinks we can’t I’m going to jump up with my legs and prank him even harder yo what the heck this is a weird looking F what the heck oh no no

No no oh man yo this weird looking fishy is so creepy but luckily he can only be in the water so I’m going to get you fishy W what wait wait why can’t I hit him y this is whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a

Second why is he on land why is he on land do I going to run away is it so stupid what he actually crafted an entire armor out of diamonds okay I think we actually have to go and kill him again so we can steal all our

Diamonds back where the heck did he go he’s running so far or he’s actually at a village oh no we actually do have to kill him so he spawns back at the base so we can come back I can prank him as Nico and pretend to help him wait there

He is there he is let’s open up this entire base and scare him wa there he is villagers watch out there’s a super creepy fishy stay back stay back stay no it’s not working no no no no I’m got to oh I’m escaping I’m escaping way

Got away no no no no no oh okay I’m going to hide in the water over here oh no no oh no he’s actually trying to hold on wait a second if he actually stays down there he’s going to Trout he’s so stupid he’s not a fish like me oh no I didn’t

Bring my pickaxe what am I going to do now oh no no why is this not working why is the water not going away I’m dying I’m dying I got to get up I got to get up quick quick quick oh no way there we

Go look at that din was slain by a sea monster okay let’s turn into a mutant skeleton go over to him and quickly destroy his entire base so he becomes super hopeless and and when he is at his most hopeless we’re going to turn into Nico and pretend to help him let’s turn

It into a skeleton right now there we go look at how awesome this skeleton looks I also have a super secret weapon it’s called a lucky bow I can shoot random arrows at his house like this I just shot a chicken egg there’s also a giant

Meteor arrow and even a TNT Arrow so right now I’m going to use all my cool arrows at his base and destroy everything and then we’re going to turn into Nico and pretend to help him let’s go yo this was so stupid this day is absolutely not cool at all oh my God

What the heck am I going to do now what what what the heck wow I’m being attacked I’m being attacked oh I really want to try get a TNT Arrow to destroy the side of his base but it’s completely random wait does he even see me I wanted

To see that there’s a giant muted skeleton just staring at him what the heck where was that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no no no I got to hide yo what the is so creepy oh no there are so many skeletons here I all these skeletons get

Here no no no no no no have fun oh my gosh he got killed by a normal skeleton it wasn’t even me the mutant skeleton okay I’m going to wait right here I’m going to wait right at his house for him to see me what the heck is that oh he’s

Actually oh my gosh that was a TNT arrow that was so cool I actually think that he’s totally and completely losing hope right now but you know what don’t worry because Nico is about to show up it was going to be so funny let’s wait for him

To actually start being super sad or something but I don’t even see him right now where did he go yo this is so stupid my old base everything is doing so badly today although there’s still some skeletons leave me alone stupid skeleton no oh there we go he literally

Just said it everything is going so bad okay you know what we’re going to do let’s just destroy his base super quickly by doing this and this this this there we go I really hope he’s not going to spawn yet and then I’m going to come

Back as Nico and I’m going to ask him what the heck happened to his base heck happened here whoa what the heck why is there a super giant skeleton in my house a oh no oh no I’m going to die I got poisoned by the skeleton okay there we

Go while he’s down there trying to figure out what’s going on we’re going to change it to Nico now if you love Nico and cash make sure to like the video I’m going to give you three seconds three two one and also who’s your favorite Nico or cash I actually

Like cash a lot better but Nico’s voice is super funny as well all right are you guys ready for me to change it to Nico let’s go boom there we go oh my gosh he’s going to be so happy to see Nico because now Nico can help him at least

He thinks okay let’s walk over to him and see what he has to say about it oh my God this is so stupid my whole house wait what the heck there’s someone on my server wait wait wait a second what the heck it’s Nico oh my God no wait wait I

Got to P the fire quickly before Nico sees that my face is so stupid wait oh no no no no no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no this is so sad you know what I’m going to help him by pouring some

Water over The Lava Let’s help him out wait no way he has some water with him oh my God thank you so much Nico oh wait a second he obviously got here I’m so silly uh hey there Nico he actually believes that I’m the real Nico I can’t

Believe it okay I’m going to ask him what happened to your base oh my God what happened to my B oh my God I can’t tell him what actually happened he will think I’m such a big loser okay I got to go with a good lie I had to fight 1

Million thousand trillion creepers what he actually going to lie he’s lying against Nico I can’t believe he’s actually lying about it you know what I’m going to say I’m going to say H I don’t believe you let’s say what kind of lie he tells next what he doesn’t

Believe me no way how does he know that’s impossible uh uh well that’s your problem then why would I lie what oh my gosh I actually wanted to come here and help him but he’s asking he’s literally lying to me you know Liars don’t deserve

To get help but you know what I’m a good friend I’m going to help him anyway I’m going to ask him if he wants my help do you want me to help you wait you want to help me uh but wait with what what are you talking about I don’t need any help

What how do mean he doesn’t need any help with rebuilding your super cool base obviously what what do you mean why would it need to be rebuil it’s not like it’s broken or something right oh wait never mind it is I forgot okay I could

Use your help okay I’m going to help him right now I’m going to make this the best base ever but guess what because he has been lying to me by the end of the video this is going to be a giant surprise so make sure to watch till the

End but now we’re actually going to pretend to help him rebuild his base I’m going to turn everything into a diamond floor no you know what I’m going to make it gold yo what the heck are you doing to my floor what what what this is

Yellow I want an orange Flor this looks so stupid what is he talking about how is he being this ungrateful I literally made his entire floor out of gold okay Dino if you want an orange floor I’m going to ask him if he’s really sure are

You sure Dino orange floor of course I’m sure what what the heck I don’t want any yellow for this is so ugly okay you know what guys know what the color orange is right there’s something very awesome in Minecraft and the color is super orange do you guys know what I’m talking about

I’m talking about lav of course hey for the people who got that right make sure to comment it down below if he really wants an orange floor I’m going to give him an orange floor I’m going to tell him to stand right in front of me hey

Dino stand right in front of me oh uh okay he’s just saying okay guess what I’m going to turn it into lava let’s do it boom there we go wait what the heck who what the heck happened here why is there lava no no no no no oh my God ni

Watch out there’s lava in my house I got to get the water quickly oh no what he doesn’t even realize that I’m the one that did it you I’m going to ask him you wanted an orange floor right what’s the matter now dino you don’t like it what I

Wanted an orange floor but I didn’t be Lava I meant the orange carpet what the heck this is so stupid fire again oh he’s such a big Minecraft Noob that’s what you get for lying to Nico okay you know what I think I’ve been a little bit

Mean to him so what if I spawn a super awesome car for us so we can race through the woods I think he’s going to be happy about that right but first off I’m going to drop him a couple of diamonds to say sorry so let’s say sorry

Dino and I’m going to drop him a couple of diamonds what no way are those diamonds for me thank you so much oh he’s so happy about it you know what I’m going to do now watch this Dino okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to ask

Him a super easy math question and if he can answer that right I’m going to give him a super cool car so he can drive around in Minecraft but I’m going to ask him what is one + 6 if he gets this right then I’m going to give him a super

Cool car uh what is one this is actually really hard uh wait wait I know I know I know it’s this what how did he make 160 that doesn’t make any sense oh no he actually got the answer wrong it was like the easiest question ever hey does

Any of you guys know what OnePlus 6 is I mean pretty much everyone knows what that is right you know what if one of you comments the right answer right now in the comments I’m going to give Dino a super cool car anyway or do you guys

Think that he doesn’t deserve it okay you know what I’m going to do it right now because one of you guys commented it let’s go yo what the heck how did you get this this looks super cool wait uh Nico there’s no fuel in the car oh no oh

Gosh I still have to fuel the car okay I’m going to do that right now let’s do it there we go okay oh now there’s fuel in there let’s put some fuel in mine as well wait hold on Dino why is he going already I’m

Going to ask him to race and if we race and he wins he’s going to win a million diamonds let’s tell him let’s race to the end of the village and if you win you will get a mill diamonds what you want to race with me

Oh my go I’m definitely going to win and look Nico I can even drive through the water this is so cool okay let’s go let’s race now what okay let’s go let’s go oh I got to make sure I’m there first what wait I’m already here in the

Village where is Nico what he already made it oh my gosh I can’t believe it he actually won wait we have to drive to the end though is he driving to the end wait he made it oh my gosh he actually won hey ni look I made it I have my

Diamonds now please okay you know what I’m not actually going to give him any diamonds because he’s been lying to me since the beginning of the videos he’s going to get something that super Liars get you know what he’s going to get he’s going to get a couple of Lucky bows

Smacked right to his face let’s do it wa what the heck was that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Nico watch out there’s someone shooting at us oh no no wait I’m stuck in the call no no wait no wait Nico it was you why are you doing this to me I’m

Going to tell him you lied to me what no I didn’t lie please don’t please don’t boom look at that Dino was blown up by not Nico oh no my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft but as you can see it’s not really going that well so I thought

I’m going to help him by being a helpful Zoe from casan go and Dino is actually Zoe’s biggest fan because he loves her so much So eventually when I’m going to pretend to be Zoe he’s going to be absolutely confused on how Zoe got on his server but first before we become a

Helpful Zoe and help him we got to ruin his day just a little little bit more so he’s actually going to be begging for help and that we’re going to show up as helpful Zoe from Caso so what I’m going to do is I’m going to change it to a

Couple of different animals and creepy monsters and then by the end of the video we’re going to turn into helpful Zoe and help him beat Minecraft so now let’s see what Dino is doing before we change into the first animal oh man that was so stupid I got blown up by a

Creeper now I already have this super ugly dirt spot but it doesn’t matter because I have to focus on fishing today because I’m super hungry oh look at him he actually fishing again that’s super cute I think we’re going to change it to a cute little ch chicken first but don’t

Forget we have to ruin this day just a little bit more so he’s actually going to be begging for help let’s change it to a chicken in three two one boom there we go I turned it into a little talk talk so now I’m going to go downstairs

And I’m going to just ruin his day a little bit more because Dino is fishing again I can’t believe it the only thing he does to try and beat Minecraft is fish which is not really that efficient so what we’re going to do is we’re we’re

Going to try to get him to stop fishing by hit him into the water and running away super quickly W wait what what the heck was that wait I got hit by something wait that wait a second there is absolutely nothing here huh wait that’s so weird he’s being so confused

Already he has no idea that Zoe is about to show up and she’s going to troll him super hard I hope he’s going to tell her that he loves her because he really does love Zoe he has a super big crushi zo just like Nico okay let’s get out of

Here again and try to hit him into the water again oh my go what the heck I got hit again yo yo who was that wait wait wait a second there’s no one here again I got to check my base again wait how is this possible I’m so confused right now

What oh my gosh okay let’s see if he’s going to go back fishing again and we’re going to try to get him for a third time because third time’s the charm right if he doesn’t real realiz that there’s something going on right now we can officially call him a very stupid boy

Let’s see if he goes fishing again all right you know what I think this spot is going to be better because then no one will ever hit me because I was getting hit from over there so I probably won’t get hit over here right let’s see is there anything

Around no I don’t see any mob so I think I should be in the clear here all right I’m going to throw up my fishing rod what is that kind of logic why does he think that standing on the other side of his little water here he’s not going to

Get hit it doesn’t make sense at all you know what let’s prove to him that it doesn’t make sense by giving a like on this video because all of you guys agree with me right like in the next three seconds and I’ll hit Dino into the water

Again three two one poop what what what the heck yo I got to hit again that is though wait wait a second there is nothing here again how is this possible okay okay I have to interrogate you guys because you guys must seen something right so did you guys see any mob maybe

Like a skeleton or something hitting me into the water please guys you got to tell me what why is he talking to chickens this dude is so silly he’s so weird chickens can’t talk to you in Minecraft wait am I right maybe I’m the crazy one can chicken speak to you I

Don’t think they can all right so what we have to do to ruin his day a little bit further is we have to actually steal some of his resources so we can come back later as Zoe from casuno and pretend to help him get his resources back but Meanwhile we’re the ones that

Stole it so let’s try and sneak out as a little chicken without him noticing I think he’s still trying to talk to chickens okay let’s get out of here and now we’re going to go over to his chest and steal everything aside oh no what is

This chest oh I can’t believe how bad this chest is bro this is like the worst chest I’ve ever seen in my life and trust me I have opened a couple of chests that Dino has made and this is officially the worst one look at this

Why did he waste so much iron on making so many shears and why does he have like a million wooden hoes who needs that many hoes he doesn’t even have a farm anywhere this hurts my brain so much is this the worst chest you guys have ever

Seen as well okay you know what it doesn’t matter I’m going to steal the diamonds out of here and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to try and lure him over here cuz then he’s going to realize that his diamonds are gone but don’t worry because we’re going to

Come back as a super helpful Zoe and actually help him get his diamonds back now let’s open and close his chest the entire time so he’s going to hear it and he’s going to come here to investigate wait a second what is that noise wait am I hearing that correctly is that my

Chest wait wait that sound like my chest wait a second is there anything missing let me see I have my rotten flesh I have my dirt I have my shears I have my wooden hose I even have my sticks wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where did my diamonds go

Where did my diamonds go wait where did my diamonds go no no no no no wait where are the chickens here wait what is going on uh chickens have you seen who stole my diamonds please tell me chickens please he’s still asking the chickens for help why would he ever do that he’s

So silly okay let’s see how long he’s actually going to ask the chickens for help for meanwhile while he’s doing that we’re going to change it to the next little crazy animal to prank him even more because we want Dino to be super sad so we can come back as Zoe and help

Him okay let’s get into the water and let’s change it to a super scary big shark are you guys ready let’s do it oh there we go we just turn into a giant shark and I just got the most perfect idea ever I’m going to throw the

Diamonds into the water over here so he’s going to try and get it into the deep end but then when he gets here he’s going to get eaten up by the shark let’s wait for him to actually see the diamonds on his beer over here wa come

On now chickens if you don’t tell me right now I am going to eat your brother right in front of your eyes okay so you better tell me right oh wait a second what the heck there’s a diamond over here uh okay wait there is another Diamond over here and another one and

Another one wait no way are there any more diamonds let me see wait I’m being attacked I’m being attacked wait wait ah no no no no no no no no no ah who whoa what was that wait it’s a shark it’s a shark it’s a shark

No we actually got Tio trapped on the other side of his base he’s going to have to swim to get back to his base so all we have to do right now is just wait right here for him to get back into the water I just got the most OP sword ever

So the next time that he gets into the water he’s going to get eaten up by this super scary shark let’s wait for him to get get his hopes up and get into the water H now let’s see the Sharky was in the water but I don’t see any Sharky

That’s actually kind of weird uh let me take a closer look does it like there is no shark what the heck how does he not see this giant fin swimming out of the water I’m literally circling him H okay you know what I am just going to jump

Into the water and swim to the other side as fast as I can here we go let’s get him no I’m being wait I got killed by a shark no way wait a second wait a second there’s a super big shark in the water I’m going to fish him what

No way the first thing that Doo thinks about when he sees a giant shark is fishing again oh my gosh I think Dino is super addicted to fishing we actually have to stop Dino from fishing by commenting stop fishing Dino because addictions are never good look he’s

Actually fishing I can’t believe it you know what it doesn’t matter while he’s busy fishing trying to fish for the big shark I’m going to change it to the next animal so we can ruin his day even more and then we come back as Zoe and help

Him super duper much let’s change it to the next animal boom there we go we do it to a super cute but super deadly and dangerous little tiger so let’s actually go into his base and show up right behind him to try and scare him super

Much oh by the end of this he’s going to be so sad he’s going to be begging for help and then the biggest love of his life is going to show up he’s going to be so happy okay let’s try and get right behind him so the next time that he

Turns around he’s going to get the scare of his lifetime look what would you do when a tiger is staring directly at you I would poop my pants I would literally pull my pet let’s wait for him to turn around all right so I already caught one

Sab but I still didn’t catch that Sark what if I just like put this what the heck was that whoa what the heck was that wait a second did I see that correctly let me take one more look no no no no no no I’m going to hide

In the water I’m going to hide in the water what how is he going to hide in the water he’s a human he has to come up for air sometime wait no way is he actually going to drout himself he’s such a big no what he’s building a roof

No way wait I’m stuck I’m stuck oh no I completely forgot I’m dying I’m dying please open it up quickly quickly quickly quickly no I’m going to die a I kept blocking him off I can’t believe how big of a noob Dino is no way he actually Dred himself okay let’s

Scare him a little bit more wait let’s see oh okay my stuff is still here this is good uh uh let me see W no I got attacked again wait what am I going to do I’m stuck in the water okay I’m going to walk to the other side of the water

Over the bottom of the water this is actually perfect because now is stuck in the water and it gives me a super awesome idea because Zoe is actually friends with cashion nio she is super duper Rich so what I’m going to do is I’m going to spawn a super big and

Awesome boat and then I’m going to pick up Dino in the water for my First Act of helping him so first let’s change it to Zoe and before I do that you got to comment your favorite cashion nio character is it cash is it Nico is it

Zoe is it Shady let me know I love Nico cuz I love his laugh let’s change it to Zoe right now oh there we go we Chang it to a super cute little Zoe look at this we’re actually the real Zoe and now we just have to change our name so he

Thinks we’re going to be the real Zoe so fake names at Zoe TV there we go and now we’re going to save Dino out of the water by spawning in a super awesome speed boat let’s get it out of here there we go let’s see what it looks like

Oh my gosh that thing is so super cool it’s just missing one single thing boom there we go we just made a super cute little speed boat Pig oh my gosh okay uh we can’t wait too long because now it’s time to go and save Dino we’re going to

Be super helpful let’s see how excited he gets when he sees Zoe because he’s Zoe biggest fan oh no ah no I’m stuck here what am I going to do I’m still in the water oh I guess I can just chill over wait wait a second what what the heck

Huh what wait a second no way no wa no wait wait is this a real wait wait it actually says TV behind her name when is the real Zoe hi I’m swimming look at how excited he sounds wait is he lying he was literally running away from a tiger

Uh why are you swimming he’s lying to me he was running away a it’s fun I really enjoy swimming swimming is like super fun you don’t need help what wait with what what are you talking about what would I even need help I’m just chilling here you know catching some fish okay

You know what let’s scare him super much but just saying okay bye wait wait no wait come back I need help what is he typing I need a hell I need Happ please oh my go okay okay okay let’s go back and ask him um what please I need help

Oh I’m going to steal the boat oh no oh oh there’s no what what the heck that’s so weird what he actually wanted to steal my boat I was super mean why would you steal my boat what steal that’s so weird I just wanted to

Smell what your SE I mean I mean I just wanted to feel what your seat would look like it’s like such a nice boat I’m very jealous look you could even fish from over here did they just say you wanted to smell what my seed would smell like

Dino is such a weird dude okay listen listen listen we all have to comment Dino is weird because he is being super weird right now I can’t believe hey stop destroying my bow what the heck I actually wanted to help him but Dino is being so weird and mean right now I’m

Really sure if I want to help him anymore stop destroying my boat idiot what I didn’t want to destroy it it was just I I wanted to try it out but it wasn’t working oh now you’re over there okay it doesn’t matter because I have a

Boat as well look and mine is even faster than yours ah what the heck you destroy my boat you know what this is my base now what no this is my base oh yeah you destroyed my boat so this is my base what no look this is my base you can’t

Even go through here what wait what wait come on hey you go out of here right now or or or else I I I uh uh uh I’m going to grab a sword let me see let me see okay okay here we go stand back go out

Of the base or else I’m going to cut your hair off what he literally has shears has not even a sword guys I really really really wanted to help Dino but he’s being super mean don’t you guys agree with me I don’t think we can be helpful anymore so what we’re going to

Do is we’re just going to ruin his day even more I’m going to pretend to help him by giving him a super awesome YouTuber weapon and I’m going to tell him shoot it under you it’s a diamond gun I just wanted to give you a present it’s a diamond gun shoot it

Right under yourself oh we got to run away guys we got to run away wait what the heck how does this work uh do I just go like this uh okay so when do the diamonds up here under myself uh okay a oh my gosh he just literally deleted his

Entire Minecraft base look at this he actually thought there would be something as cool as a diamond gun look at his b now it’s nobody’s base what the heck y that solo funny wait what uh what okay I’m going to try it on you who wo wo wo he’s is actually

Shooting it on me oh my gosh I might have made a mistake I wanted to tell him this is what you get for being mean to girls stupid girl you go away you go your both I never want to see you again you’re super stupid bye loser by he

Never wants to see me again well guess what I’m going to stand right here stare at him for the entire day so he’s going to get super nervous but wait why is she standing over there uh what are you doing okay okay okay I have a super

Awesome idea I’m going to pretend to say sorry and then I’m going to pretend to help him by giving him a super cool potion but that potion is actually going to destroy everything I know I wanted to become a helpful Zoe but Dino is being super mean so let’s make that super op

Potion that is actually super bad all right so with this command here it’s actually a potion that will kill you but I’m going to call it a super op potion and then I’m going to drop him and I’m going to pretend to want to say sorry so

Let’s go over there I want to say sorry let’s be friends I’ll help you what really uh okay wait wait a second this this called a super Opie potion uh okay let me try Dino was killed by Dino using magic I didn’t even have to explain to him how

To use it he literally used it right on him he’s saying not funny pretty funny to me bro what the heck this so not funny what what the heck hey oh and now you’re going to go back there of course now you’re going to stare at me go away

Oh look at how mean is be coming I can’t believe this I really started my day off wanting to help Dino but he left me no other choice okay I’m going to have a super awesome idea on how to help him next I’m going to make a chest over here

That I’m going to fill with super op items like a lot of diamonds and he’s going to want to swim all the way over here but then when he opens up the chest there’s going to be a super big surprise waiting for him let’s build the chest

Right here there we go look that’s a totally unsuspicious chest standing on something super red now I’m going to get a million diamonds and I’m going to throw it oh my gosh I got an even better better idea I’m going to pretend like I have a million diamonds over here and

I’m going to pretend to put them in the chest and then I walk away so he’s probably going to go over here to try and loot my chest but he’s going to die okay okay let’s wait for him to actually look at me oh he’s looking at me I’m

Going to drop all my diamonds in the air make him jealous what the heck why does she have so many diamonds I want those diamonds Bro Look he wants the diamonds okay you know what let’s pretend to actually walk away all the way to the other side of the island he’s going to

Think they’re all in the chest wait a second wait she’s leaving her chest with all of the Diamonds oh No Way girls are actually so stupid let me go over there quickly he’s actually swimming no way he’s falling for it oh this go to be hilarious all right here we go here we

Go I’m right next to her chest and she has so many diamonds inside of there let’s see do I see her anywhere I don’t oh my God there is sp I’m going to open the chest wait wait a sec there are no diamonds in here what wait

What today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as Zoe from cash Nico but before we do that we got to have a reason to prank him as Zoe so I’m going to mess up his attempt at beating

Minecraft by morphing into different animals to break his base and steal his resources and then by the end of the video we’re going to morph into Zoe I pretend to help him rebuild his base he’s going to be so confused so let’s start start off by turning into a little

Chicken and confusing the absolute heck out of him let’s see what he’s doing he seems to be fishing now like he’s always doing because he’s super addicted oh come on Mr fishy where the heck are you I really want to catch you today because I’m super hungry for fishies okay you

Know what we have to do now I think D is actually secretly addicted to fishing so we have to punish him a little bit for it because addiction is not good so what if we just as a little chicken show up right behind him and hit him into the

Water and run away really quick so he’s going to have no idea what hit him what wait what the heck wait how did I fall into the water that is so weird huh wait a second it sounded like something hit me but but but there’s nothing here

Hello are there any mobes around oh he’s so confused he’s trying to look for the mob that hit him but it was actually one of his chickens okay as soon as he goes back fishing I’m going to do it again cuz we have to stop Dino from having a

Fishing addiction and you guys have to support it by commenting stop fishing Dino all right there we go you know what I’m just going to go back to fishing because I only got one fishy today I got to catch a few more oh he only got one

Fishy today well guess what you’re not going to catch anymore poop what what what the heck was that y this is so weird I got hid again wait is there like something hiding hello is there something hiding in my base hello oh my God this is so weird uh m chicken I got

A question for you and if you get it right I am going to give you a seed okay I’m going to get the seed real quick what he’s going to ask chickens questions but chickens can’t even speak well only me but I’m a super cool

Chicken so I can speak oh my gosh look at it wait what is he going to ask all right all the chickens gather around please I need your attention so basically I have one simple question and the person who answers me correctly will get to seeds so who hit me into the

Water did you guys see anything is there like a m around or something oh look at how silent it is they can’t even speak oh my gosh D is such a Minecraft Noob we all got to laugh at him in the comments by typing ha Dino cuz he’s such a noob he thinks

That chickens will talk back to him okay you know what we’re going to do we’re going to wait for him to give up and go back fishing and then we’re going to hit him into the water again but this time we are actually going to show him that

It was one of the chickens and we’re going to quickly get back into the cage and stand around so he’s not going to be able to figure out which chicken hit him okay let’s wait for him to go back fishing all right guys if you don’t want

To answer me no one of you is getting any seeds I’m going to go back to fishing and you can just stay there super hungry inside of your cage wow he’s actually a little mean he had two seats anyway why wouldn’t he just give the two seeds to the chickens as I said

I’m going to stand right here and hit him into the water and then we’re going to stand here long enough so he knows that he was pushed in the Water by a chicken and that while he’s distracted getting all of the chickens over there we’re going to start stealing his

Resources cuz by the end of the video we’re going to come back as Zoe from cash at Nico and pretend to help him rebuild his base this is going to be super cool okay let’s hit him into the water and stand right here as a chicken

What oh my God wait a second wait it was a chicken all along hey Mr Chicken get back here wait wait Mr Chicken where did you go wait oh my God wait how am I ever going to find him he merged with all the different chickens all right let me see

I remember that chicken was white he had a yellow nose and he had a red tongue let’s see who matches that description what every single chicken looks like that you silly Doo Oh My Gosh Doo is so silly okay guess what while he’s busy out there trying to find the chicken

That H into the water I’m going to escape really quickly and I’m going to try and steal his Resources by opening this chest now what kind of resources do you guys think that Doo has I really hope he has a couple of divers cuz we have to steal his resources and Destroy

His base so we can come back as Zoe and pretend to help him okay are you guys ready to open the chest let’s go oh my gosh what the heck is this chest this is so bad he has so many seeds why does he have so many saplings and rotted FL

That’s literally his only food he only has rot of Flesh I can’t believe how big of a newbie chest this is oh my gosh why does he have like a million wooden hoes he doesn’t even have a farm around here why does he need so many hoes okay guess

What I’m going to steal the diamonds and then I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest and he’s going to be super scared because someone is definitely stealing his diamonds let’s open the chest and close it again until he realizes wait wait wait wait wait a

Second what is that noise boys uh chickens are you guys wait it sounds like a chest being open wait is that my chest wait wait did I just see something running hello wait a chicken is over here go after me you stupid chicken oh no that was not the plan he actually saw

Me run away oh no I really need for him to go into the CH what he’s actually attacking us no no no no no I’m going to get you you stupid J where did you go this is not going according to plan okay I’m going to keep opening and closing

The chest gu so he has to come here and find out the diamonds are gone there he is again he’s at my chest again hey you stupid chicken where oh no he ran away wait what did he wait a second my diers where did they

Go no wait I got to go after that chicken where did he go he’s actually trying to find me now but guess what I’m just chilling back into the bed and we successfully stole one of his resources this is going so good oh my God gosh we’re going to come

Back as Zoe and pretend to help him and I forgot to tell you he has a super big crush on Zoe So when he sees that she’s on his server I think he’s going to be a super big Fanboy oh my God I can’t fight this stupid chicken he stole all of my

Diamonds I can’t believe it that chicken is going to be so rich in chicken lamb I have no diamonds now the only thing that can get take my pain away is fishing what is just going back to fishing he literally lost six entire diamonds and he’s just going back to fishing okay you

Know what we have to punish him for this because he’s getting addicted again so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get into the water super secretly and we’re going to change into a big and scary shark and then we’re going to drop the diamonds in the water so he gets

Into the water and we’re going to attack him as a shark are you guys ready to change it to the shark let’s go boom there we go we just changed it to a super creepy shark okay let’s try to get Dino into the water what if I drop one

Diamond over here so he’s going to get into the water when he sees the diamond let’s do it wait a second what the heck did I just fish up some diamonds wait are those real wait do I just see them legay over there in the water oh my God

I’m going to get the diamonds whoa I got six diamonds wait wait I’m being attacked I’m being attacked what the heck was that wait a second did I just see a super big fishy in the water oh my God I’m going to catch him wait he thinks I’m just a

Normal big fishy guys we have a problem he actually has all of the diamonds we got to get the diamonds back real quick and what we’re going to do is we’re going to change our name into shark so the next time that he gets into the

Water we’re going to have to kill him and get the diamonds back because we have to come back as Zoe and pretend to help him get his resources back let’s see if he’s going to get into the water again cuz he loves fishing and this

Fishy is super big so I I think he actually wants to get into the water to try and catch it let’s fish around and show ourselves the fishy is over here come on I I got to pull him in why is it not working what wait what

The heck why is it not working all right you know what I got to do things differently I am going to get in my boat and I’m going to get closer to that fishy I’m going to kill the fishy and put him in the back of my boat oh no way

He’s actually getting into his bow to try and catch me guess what this is the perfect opportunity for us to steal his Di back let’s do it really quickly oh my gosh he’s almost at the deep end as soon as he’s over the deep end we’re going to

Destroy his boat so he’s going to have to swim a little bit first and we’re going to circle him as a shark let’s try to get him into the deep end wait a second he is nowhere here where ah wait did I just get hit by something uh wait

Did I just get hit wait no wait there’s nothing here this is so weird yo ah whoa oh no my boat got destroyed now no I got to swim back quickly quickly ah I’m being attacked wait wait what’s that who it’s a shark it’s a shark

No oh my gosh he was actually screaming like a little girl he’s so scared of sharks we successfully got his diamond back and guess what I’m just going to steal everything that’s here as well so we get all of his super good resources and then it’s time to go back to his

Base super quickly and change into the next animal so we can start to destroy his base a little bit what the heck is wrong with me why am I sticking my face into his roof boom we just changed to a super scary tiger look at this this is

Going to be super cool I think Dino was actually super terrified of creepy Tigers like this now it is up to us to destroy his base a little bit because we’re almost going to be turning into Zoe from casano to pretend to help him rebuild his Bas it’s going to be super

Funny okay what if we just jump right in front of him as a tiger and hopefully we’re going to make him scream like a little girl all right here we go I have absolutely nothing left I guess I got to get some whoa whoa whoa wait wait what

The heck that’s a super big kitty wait is that a tiger wait a second what the heck what is a tiger doing in my base no leave me alone stupid tiger oh my gosh look at how scared he is he’s so scared of a little tiger he

Actually screamed we have to make him scream even harder guess what I’m going to go into his chicken pen and unfortunately I’m very sorry guys I do have to unfortunately kill some chickens because we have to prank Dino wait he has to see me get in wait he’s right

Over there wait what is a tiger doing wait wait wait wait a second why is a tiger in my chicken pedo don’t eat the chicken no they’re not supposed to be eaten yet they’re still growing what the heck the tiger is going to eat every single one of your chickens this is so

Good it’s like a chicken buffet no what D stay my chickens what what are you doing I got every single chicken and now I’m going for the dessert Dino looks super tasty let’s go after him oh my God no way well at least Tigers can’t get into the water stupid

Tiger oh yeah he thinks that this tiger can’t get into the water well guess what this tiger is going to get into the water and attack you and hopefully we’re going to make him scream like a little girl let’s do it let’s jump super quickly boom wao no way he like in the

Water I got to run I got to run did you guys hear that scream he actually screamed like a little girl oh my gosh we all have to laugh at him by typing haahha Dino in the comments for screaming like a little girl oh no wait

Is he still chasing me oh no he’s still chasing me where the heck did the tiger go where the heck did he go this tiger is super angry and I’m going to destroy his entire base as the tiger so we can come back as Zoe and pretend to help him

No stop it what are you doing you stupid tiger stops destroying my base what the heck oh my gosh his base is going to look so bad and then his big Crush Zoe is going to get on his server and she’s going to see his ugly looking base and

He’s going to be super embarrassed because he has a super big crush on Zoe okay let’s destroy a little more of these walls and then we’re going to run away as a tiger no stupid what are you oh my God now leave me alone leave me alone oh he screamed again okay it’s

Time to run away super quickly and now it’s time to change it to Zoe from cash and Nico are you guys ready let’s do it boom there we go oh my gosh look at how cute I look Dino going to have such a big crush on me we’re going to walk over

There and we’re going to ask him what happened to your base and he’s probably going to lie because he loves Zoe so much he doesn’t want to be embarrassed okay all we have to do now is change our name into Zoe’s Minecraft name I think

It’s it’s Zoe TV yeah and now he thinks that Zoe actually joined this Minecraft server okay let’s walk over there and ask him what the heck happened to his base oh my God what the heck happened is so stupid my whole base got destroyed wait wait a second wait wait

What the whoa whoa who wait a second no way is that really Zoe uh uh uh uh hey there oh my go did you guys hear how much he was fanboying uh I’m just going to be a little bit mean okay because he has a

Super big Crush Zoe so I’m going to tell him you have a ugly base what happened here what I don’t have an ugly Bas what the heck is she talking about it was super nice until that stupid tiger I I mean I mean until I fck off all those

Zombies like the Thousand zombies I killed them all with this just wooden ho my beheads what he’s lying I told you guys he would lie I told you he said he killed ,000 zombies with one wooden hoe and his bare heads oh my gosh I can’t

Believe you know what I’m going to look he says it again I killed a thousand zombies you know what I’m going to ask him are you sure cuz zombies don’t even destroy carpet zombies don’t destroy your base like this what wait of course

They do uh I got I got to find a way to lie uh let me see of course they do then you haven’t seen those kind of zombies yet what he’s actually lying super hard oh my gosh you know what I wanted to come back as Zoe and pretend to help him

Rebuild his base but now I’m kind of thinking about not even helping him but just ruining his day even further because lying is bad what do you guys think should we help him or should we actually punish him even more for lying you know what we’re going to pretend to

Help him just a little little little bit and then eventually we’re going to ruin everything and destroy everything I’m going to say okay I believe you do you want help oh wait wait a second do I want help wait uh help with what rebuilding your base wait what what why

Would need to be rebuild uh no I don’t want women to help build what he doesn’t want girls to help him build what he so mean okay guess what I’m still going to do it after all it’s actually cash and Nico helping you they gave me a lot of

Diamonds guess what we’re going to transform his entire base into a super strong Diamond base and then when he gets super happy about it we’re going to take everything away because he’s been lying to us let’s confer this entire floor into a a diamond floor what wait

What are you doing uh whoa what the heck yo it’s completely blue wait a second are those diamond blocks no way that looks so awesome wow look at how awesome this looks he’s getting so happy about it and guess what because he lost all of his chicken due to that super crazy

Tiger we’re going to place back a lot of chicken and other awesome animals so here’s a couple of chickens we’re going to give him a couple of big there we go oh this is sure to help him but guess what he’s been lying to us so we’re going to take everything to away

Wait say thanks to cash for me oh he’s actually happy about it hey they’re running away no we got to fix this really quickly no no no no no there we go is he really happy about this are you happy now oh my God I’m super happy but

You know I I really like chickens more than pigs but I’m not going to tell her that I don’t like pigs yes I’m happy a you know what they started to get a little bit more nice now because he’s actually lying for a good cause he doesn’t even like Piggies but he’s just

Being very very nice about it okay guess what I’m going to give him a super secret YouTuber item that only Rich YouTubers can use okay and we’re going to have a fun day playing I’m going to ask him do you want to play Dino do I

Want to play oh my god of course I want to play what are we going to do what are we going to do I’m going to spawn in super super awesome speed Bol so he’s going to be so happy about it look at this bop bop whoa wa is second what the

Heck is this like a boat I know he likes fishing so now he can speed boat all the way to the big deep Waters where he can catch the biggest fishies ever you know what I’m going to do I’m going to ask him if he wants to fish with me because

He has a super big crush on me so he probably wants to go fishing with his Crush do you want to go fishing with me of course I want to go fishing that would be super romant I mean that would be super fun yes that would be fun what

He said romantic oh my gosh okay you know what we just have to get into the boats and we’re going to go oh no I have a super awesome thing that I can personalize him you know what I’ve got to ask him a tiny question and if he

Gets the question right I’m going to personalize his boat super quickly hey Dino tell me what is what is the easiest question that I can come up with I think what is one plus one if he gets this right I’m going to personalize his speed

Bo so he’s going to be even more happy what is one plus one oh my God I know that if I drop one feather over here and one feather over here and I pick it up it’s two what he actually got it right I’m so happy oh my gosh hey did any of

You guys also thought it was to if you do make sure to comment it down below so we can all know who the smart people are you’re right one sec I’m going to personalize his speed boat so he gets super happy about it all we need is some

Dye we’re going to get an orange dye and we’re going to get a purple dye for me there we go and then we’re going to need to get two spray cans there we go H does he oh he has no crafting table anymore okay you know what we’re just going to

Give him a crafting table for free there we go we’re going to put this in here and this in there there we go and now I’m going to spray paint his speed boat so it has his color he’s going to be super happy about it let’s do it there we go look at

This wait a second this looks so cool oh my God wait how does it work wait oh wait I think I got it who what the heck is going I’m going so fast w wow look at how much fun he’s having okay let’s go to the deep and where the big fishies

Are and then I’m going to have a a super big surprise because I have not forget he was actually lying to us W here we go oh my God this is such a nice please he’s all the way over at the dead now so now we can commence with our plan cuz he

Was lying to us we’re going to ruin his entire day let’s do it I’m going to get super close to him and then I’m going to pop what today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as an unhelpful

Nico this means that I’m going to pretend to join a server and be a super helpful Nico but secretly I’m going to mess everything up by messing around and giving him useless items he’s going to be so confused so let’s start off by checking out what da is going to do

Today and see how we’re going to ruin it as an unhelpful Nico so the first order of business is to actually look like the real Nico from cash and Nico are you guys ready for me to transform and morph into Nico before I do that you got to

Comment your favorite character is it gash Nico Zoe or Shady mine is Nico cuz I love his voice and that’s why I’m going to prank as him today okay three two one boom there we go we just turn into Nico oh my gosh I didn’t even tell

You guys but Dino is actually Nico’s biggest fan he absolutely loves Nico so when I eventually show him that Nico actually joined his server he’s going gets super excited but he has no idea that this Nico is actually super unhelpful so let’s start off by looking

At what Dino’s going to do today oh man is a beautiful day it’s a beautiful day for fishing I’m going to catch so many fishies today I’m my whole chest is going to be filled up so let’s start and get the first fishy oh no way he’s

Fishing again Dino really has some kind of addiction to it but you know what all of you guys probably already know that right so we’re going to start being super unhelpful by making him a fake treasure map and what’s going to happen when he goes to the treasure map is he

Going to get blown to pieces hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl this is going to be so funny so how we’re going to do this right is we have to make a giant red X somewhere with red wool I think I’m going to do it like

Right behind his house somewhere so if we make the Red X big enough it’s going to show up on the map that I’m going to drop him and then when he finds the map he’s going to think he’s struck it rich but guess what he’s going to be super

Disappointed when he gets blown up to Pieces there we go we’re almost ready all we have to do now is Place some TNT down here Place some wool on top of it and a couple of pressure plates wait do I actually have a better pressure plate

M oh no I only have these ones okay I’m going to place them all around here now if I’m right and I create this map boom there going to be a giant X right in the middle of the map over here next to his

Base and what I’m going to do is I’m I’m going to drop it behind him just as if he got the treasure map while fishing he’s going to try and figure out where it is and he’s going to get blown up this going to get super funny and right

Now I’m not showing myself as Nico but eventually later in the video I’m going to show up as Nico and pretend to help him and be super unhelpful let’s drop this map right behind him now I got a buffer Fe I don’t want a buffer fish

Wait a second what the heck I got a map let me see how thises is no way this is the map of my house wait so wait there’s a giant X over there uh so wait a second is this like some kind of treasure map

No way that’s so awesome oh oh I’m going to grab some supplies and then I’m going to go over there and investigate he’s actually falling for it oh my gosh he’s going to be super hilarious I love being un helpful Nico all right so I I have to

Turn around like this and now I go over here I have to walk toward the South so I think I’m going to wait it’s actually really close to my house it should be somewhere over here oh my gosh no way look at how close he is wait a second

This is a giant X hello so what what do I do now uh I’m looking at my map is there he actually screamed like a little girl that was so hilarious okay how can we be super unhelpful now because we really have to confuse him and prank him

A little bit before we actually show up as Nico and make him think that we’re the real one so what we’re going to do now is I think I’m just going to set his animals free I think that is super unhelpful right let’s do that right now

I’m just going to break every single fence super quietly while he’s still fishing over there and then eventually he’s going to turn around and see that all of his animals are complet completely gone you know what to make it even more funny I’m just going to spawn

A couple of them inside of his house so they poop all over his carpet okay there we go we’re nearly done okay let’s hide now and wait until he realizes oh man what the heck I am not even catching any fishes maybe I got to grab another

Fishing what the heck happened here wait a second where did the fence go wait wait wait a second no all of my Piggies are escaping hey hey you better get back here boys you better get back here come follow me follow me e you’re pooping on

The carpet what the heck C boys get out of here quickly oh my God she’s actually freaking out we’re being so unhelpful oh I’m really wondering how he’s going to fix this it’s literally impossible he has no fenes anymore oh but I don’t know

What to do uh well maybe I just got to get some wood so I can actually build a new fence oh man this is like the worst day ever first I get killed and now all of my animals are escaped aping I really got to fix this up quickly oh my gosh he

Sounds so sad okay you know what let’s cheer him up by giving him a super op potion but what that potion actually does is not OP at all I’m going to make it and I’ll be right back all right so what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Type in this little command over here which is actually a super strong splash potion of harming but I’m going to call it super op splash potion and then what I’m going to do is I’m I’m going to come here as Nico and I’m going to tell him

To drop it under his feet so he’ll become super op but guess what’s going to happen would you guys care to try and guess what’s going to happen make sure to comment your guesses down below and the person who’s right is going to get a cookie okay I’m going to go over there

As Nico oh my gosh he’s going to be so happy he’s Nico’s biggest fan ever hey come on you stupid chickens why don’t you want the SE come on follow me come follow me I’m going to put you back back where you belong yeah here you go come

Come get up here get up here get up here yeah here we go it’s actually working oh wait wait before we go over there I have to change my name obviously let’s just type in real quick fake name set not Nico because that’s Nico’s actual Minecraft name okay let’s go over there

I got to quickly get some more wood so I can actually make a f game because now I canot even at wait a second what the heck who’s sing in my CH wait wait a sec wait a second no wait wait wait did he see me yet no wait wait that’s actually

Nico that’s the real him oh wait wait no way uh hi where is he going why is he standing on top of a tree did you guys hear how much of a fanboy he was being for Nico are you real uh no I’m fake oh what is the fake Nico I don’t

Want no fake ni here you can go away if you’re fake of course I’m real it’s actually him he has the real skin and his name is not Nico that’s his real Minecraft name oh my God oh my God oh my God hi wow look at how happy he is oh my

Gosh he really thinks he’s about to become friends with the real Nico but guess what we’re just going to become super super unhelpful I’m going to ask him if he wants me to give him some super op YouTuber items but those items are actually super useless wait why is

He giving me steak oh he’s so nice W thanks yeah no problem no problem ni do you want super op YouTube items wait a second super op YouTube items I definitely want those uh yes how oh he’s really going to think that these are super op items watch this guys

I’m going to drop this thing super op splash potion throw this under yourself for super op wait a second his name is actually a super op splash potion sh whoa no way thank you so much ni oh look at how happy he is we go over here hey

Mr Piggies do you want to share this flesh potion you’re like my favorite piggy B so let’s do it together here we go oh my gosh he actually used the potion he thought the potion would be super helpful but he actually killed his favorite piggy as well oh my gosh rest

In peace Bob we all have to comment # sorry Bob because we accidentally killed him oh look at him he’s being mad what was that you used it wrong silly what I didn’t use it I just thre It On The Ground now Bob is dead now Bob is dead

My favorite piggy why did you kill Bob you’re mean what you’re oh my gosh you used it wrong okay whatever okay I’m going to give him another another super op YouTuber item okay but guess what this is going to destroy his base a little bit but that’s going to give us

The perfect reason to actually try and help rebuild his base with him but because we’re not helpful we are unhelpful today I’m just going to make his base super duper ugly after rebuilding it so now we first have to destroy it a little bit so I’m going to

Give him another item but when he uses this item it’s going to delete his base look at this it’s called a DFG that okay this thing is absolutely insane wait he’s just fishing now why is he fishing doesn’t he even get that Nico is on his

Server oh my gosh he’s so mean uh dino oh oh hi uh you want a fish do you want to try another op item use it right this time it no this is called the diamond gun shoot it on yourself for free Diamond wa wait a second what the heck free

Diamonds of course I want that of course I want it I want all of the diamonds in the world oh my gosh he’s actually falling for it no way oh this is going to be super funny this is the most unhelpful gun that has ever existed I

Got to rename it real quick okay one sec uh I got to rename it to Diamond G super quickly let me get a an anvil there we go I’m going to place it down here and then I’m going to rename it to Diamond gun oh is going to absolutely believe

This look at this it’s really called a diamond gun and now when he uses it on himself you guys are going to see what happens turn around wait oh hey there wait a second what the heck it’s actually a diamond gun no way so how does this work nio use it inside for

More power Dino whoa no way you’re so smartly I’m going to do it on my chest because then the diamonds will just be in my chest right okay so uh what do I do now oh no I got to run away I got to run away it’s

Going to blow up oh ni wait let me ask him in the chat uh oh my gosh did you guys see that he ruined this entire base it’s completely gone oh my God he really thought that Nico would be super helpful but guess what we are super unhelpful okay let’s

Go back there and ask him what went wrong there he is this is your fault it doesn’t work whoo whoo wao he’s getting super angry he’s getting super mad bro you used it wrong again which button did you click I’m going to tell him me you should have

Pressed the other button oh well I pressed this button ah oh no oh man I think your gun doesn’t work look I’m going to pretend like it actually works I’m going to get a stack of diamonds and then I’m going to shoot it in the floor and drop an entire stack

Look it worked wait a second you actually created Diamonds oh my God oh my God I have so much diamond on the floor what you created six diamonds already in the way he actually believes it okay you know what I’m going to give him the gun

Again and I’m going to tell him to try it out again and he’s going to get blown up again oh my gosh try again so I pressed the wrong button so let’s see what do I have to press then Nico uh oh the other button under you wa let

Me see I show over there are there diamonds on the floor over here oh my God what is he doing see any diamonds wait uh let me try again I’m going to use this button now and uh uh let me see I have to shoot it under me of course here we

Go no way he fell for it again oh my gosh wait what is he doing he’s following me is he getting super angry this didn’t worked oh my gosh you used it wrong oh what do you mean I used it wrong what the heck what am I supposed to

Do now everything is gone my whole base is being destroyed oh no he’s being so sad because his entire base got destroyed but this is exactly what I planned because now I can help him with rebuilding his base but because we’re super unhelpful we’re going to make the

Ugliest base ever oh man ni I don’t know what do you want to help me rebuild please he’s actually asking me if I want to rebuild his basement with him sure of course okay okay I’m going to go inside I’m going to try to find the ugliest

Blocks that I have ever seen in my life what do you guys think the ugliest blocks are comment the most ugly blocks that you’ve ever seen so I can make sure to use them in the next video okay let’s see I think I’m going to make his floor

Entirely out of pink wool let’s let’s find pink oh my gosh a pink bed some pink concrete powder pink glasses oh yeah that sounds super cool I’m going to make everything pink because Dino is a boy and he hates pink so we’re going to make everything pink let’s do it does he

See I’m doing this oh my God I don’t think he realizes what we’re going to do is I’m going to make his entire floor pink really quick before he sees that when he turns around I’ve done so much work it will be too late to change any

Of it let’s do it super quickly oh my gosh this is perfect I think it’s actually a AFK I think I heard his mom walk inside or something so now we have a little bit more time to make his face super ugly look I’m going to make the

Walls out of pink wool as well oh my gosh he’s going to absolutely hate this it’s going to be so funny and I’m going to make his windows entirely Pink as well oh my gosh he’s absolutely going to cry and scream oh this looks so bad okay

Okay okay wait you know what this actually looks a little bit too good for my eye what if we get some dirt get some coarse dirt dirt yeah that looks ugly and then we just do random batches of dirt all across this floor just to make

It look more cursed even more cursed oh my God this is going to be hilarious a this looks so gross okay we need some kind of wall but it can’t match the other side so it really has to be cursed we have to use some kind of super ugly

Block for this wall let’s scroll through the block list here what can we find that’s super duper ugly oh oh my gosh leaves yes that’s perfect I’m going to Place logs under here so you don’t see them and then I’m going to make this wall entirely out of

Leaves oh my gosh this doesn’t make any sense this is so bad he’s going to absolutely hate his new base look at this oh my gosh wait wait I got to get some different kinds of leaves as well so it doesn’t look like one big patch of

Leaves are there any ugly leaves oh pink leaves that is perfect that is really just perfect look at this he’s actually going to hate this okay wait I think he’s back I heard him say something wait a second oh look there n n n Nico what what what the heck uh Nico

What did what did you do here uh wait a second what the heck is that Nico Nico what the heck what’s the oh my God look at how confused he is I really hope he’s going to scream because he thinks it’s so ugly wait maybe it’s super nice maybe it doesn’t

Want to hurt my feelings uh I did this for you Dino what what what Nico my color is orange what the heck uh I’m color blind what you’re sh is like well I can’t be mad at him but this looks so ugly the moment Nico leaves I am gonna change everything

I’m gonna go to the village and trade all of this wool in for orange wool wow yeah it’s nice wow okay you know what he’s actually trying to be nice but he just said he’s going to change everything wow he’s so mean okay you know what we’re going to do then we’re

Just going to set fire to his entire house when he’s not looking so we just have to wait until he goes fishing and then he’s going to see his house is being burnt but then I’m going to pretend to help him with getting buckets of water but the buckets of water will

Actually be f water that do not work and are actually poisonous this is super funny let’s wait for him to go back fishing and we’re going to set his house on fire okay so Nico oh Nico thank you so much but I’m going fishing bye I’m

Going to pretend to go away uh okay I’ll go away then bye bye-bye Nico it was very fun oh my God I come he finally G I really want to get rid of this but first I have to pretend to actually fish but I don’t even have a fishing roll uh let me

Just go and the water and pretend to do fishing like this oh my gosh this actually perfect while he’s out there pretending to fish we’re going to get a little flint and steal and then we’re going to set fire to his entire base I really hope he’s

Going to scream for my name to come back and help him okay there we go there we go there we go oh my gosh this entire house is going up in Flames we have to prepare the fake water buckets as well there we go one for me and one for Dino

Okay let’s wait for him to scream what what the what what the what everything is on fire don’t put it out put it out put it out quickly oh no wait wait where did Nico go wait is Nico rup I could really use his he ah there’s so much

Fire oh did you see did you guys hear he actually wants my help now well you know guess what I’m going to come back I’m going to oh he actually died as well I’m actually going to wait for him to ask for my help in the chat oh wait he’s

Screaming for me what what’s going on please hurry up okay okay I’m going to pretend like I’m right here oh oh we have to put it out Dino here I’m going to drop him a water bucket here we go here we go uh uh M what the heck was

That wait I thought because of the fire again oh you brought water that’s so smart of you all I’m going to put the water over here ah wait wait why am I doing damage look at that Dino F to poisonous water oh my gosh I don’t think he’s ever

Going to realize that this water is actually poisonous he’s going to have poison water in base forever ah no way there creepers there in my base no please please please don’t explode no no no no no oh my God this is so close so close no please please please please

Please wow as you can see my friend Dino is the biggest Minecraft Noob that you probably have ever seen and it’s starting to get a little sad so I’ve decided to help him out as a cute and tiny helpful Nico we’re going to bless him with super op items to make beating

Minecraft as easy as possible possible for our super newbie friend Doo but first we’re going to morph to a bunch of different mobs to help him start his journey into beating Minecraft and then by the end of the video we’re going to morph into Nico and go on a super cool

Adventure to help him out so what we’re going to do first is turn into a cute little fish because I’m pretty sure Dino is about to go fishing after he fixed his base from that explosion so we’re going to wait into the water for him to

Start fishing and maybe we can help him out by dropping some diamonds you know what I’m going to drop him some diamonds into the water to help him out because I actually feel super sad for him all right here we go it doesn’t matter that my base got blown up by the stupid

Creepers I’m not going to be sad because of that you know what I’m just going to go fishing because that’s the thing that I love doing most so I’m going to throw up my fishing roll and here we go oh look at how happy he looks while fishing

He’s not even going to fix his bace you know what while he’s out there trying to fish I’m going to go over here and fix everything back to normal so when he turns around his entire base will be completely fixed wait let’s see how this was before it’s like this then we’re

Going to need a gate like this let’s get a gate out oh my gosh perfect I think I fixed everything back to normal and just before he turns around I’m going to leave him one tiny little present in form of a super op fishing rod so let’s

Make that right now so I’m going to use this Anvil over here and make him a super op fishing rod I’m going to give it the luck of the sea so we can find all kinds of cool stuff and I’m going to give it Unbreaking so it’s literally

Never ever ever going to break we got to give it a cool name as well what do you guys think a cool name is ooh we need something awesome so when he turns around to pick up this fishing rod that he’s going to be super happy let’s call

It best fishing rod ever there we go I’m going to drop it right behind him and as soon as it turns around he’s going to find his entire base has been fixed and there’s a secret present waiting for him let’s wait back in the water water yo

What the heck this is so stupid I am not getting any fish oh wait ah no what the heck where did that fishing go went right underneath my boat yo this is so stupid I’m not going to go fishing anymore I’m going to go back to my house

And what the heck is this there is no way it’s called the best fishing world ever oh my God that is so cool I guess I got to have to try that out I’m going to go back in the water woo wow look at how happy he is about it really wondering

What he’s going to catch let’s wait for him to catch one little thing and let’s see what he actually catched oh fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy what the heck where did the fishing go I went under my boat again I don’t know what’s going on today but fishing doesn’t seem to be

Working every time the bubbles show up the bubbles disappear again look I’ll try again oh he’s such a bad little Fisher man he’s the biggest Minecraft Noob I have ever seen even with such an OP Rod he still can’t catch any fishes you know what I can’t wait anymore I’m

Going going back to his base and I’m going to turn into a little sheepy I’m going to pretend to be one of his sheep and I’m going to go inside of his base and check out how we can help him from inside because don’t forget right Dino

Is the biggest Minecraft Noob ever so let’s see what his chest is looking like I really hope it’s not going to be some kind of super stupid super newbie chest let’s check it out oh my gosh no way guys can you look at this absolute Noob

Ch yes this is what a chest of a real Noob looks like okay let’s check it out together okay and if you see something that is super newbie you got to let me know down below because we have to identify every single newbie thing about

This chest okay oh my gosh let’s test it out wow why did he make so many wooden hoes you don’t even need that many oh my gosh I can’t believe this and his only source of food is rotten flesh he has three stacks of rotten flesh I think

He’s been playing for so long and he still hasn’t even got any iron tools I can’t believe this how did he get an anvil before he got any iron tools and why does he have a carrot on his stick I’m so confused this makes no sense at

All and he has like a million sticks oh my gosh okay you know what Dino is officially the biggest Minecraft Noob ever I think we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing haha Dino he’s such a giant Noob let’s pimp out his

Chest by taking all of this stupid stuff out of here you know what at least he has eight diamonds that’s that’s the least that he actually has let’s take all of this stupid stuff out and I’m going to fill his entire chest with a lot of diamonds look at this guys oh my

Gosh this is going to be insane the next time he opens his chest he’s only going to see Diamond let’s see if he’s going to be super happy about it all right this was a super successful fishing day now I’m going to go back to the house

And put the fishies in my chest all right right here we go I’m going to put the fishies in the chest let’s see and what the heck wait a second this got be true what wait a second where did all my wooden hose go what the heck yo this is

So weird but wait a second are those real diamonds wait I got to test it out I read online that if I throw a real diamond in the water it should sink so let’s try that out no way it works oh my God I got to get it back what the

Actually threw his Diamond into the water he’s such a giant Minecraft Noob every single time that Dino says something that is super Minecraft D we all have to go to the comments to laugh at him together by commenting haha Dino all right here we go I use those

Diamonds really well so now I can finally start redecorating my house so first thing I’m going to do I am going to create a cool little outside area so let’s do it just like this here we go oh my God this looks so beautiful now we

Just need to get a little staircase to go on top of my roof Terrace and then we can actually hang out right up here oh my God it’s going to be so cool what the heck is going on I can’t believe this he used all the diamonds to make a stupid

Little Diamond platform in the sky oh my gosh this is so bad this is officially the newbest thing that everyone has done in Minecraft he is such a giant Noob we really have to turn into Nico and give him some super op weapons to help him beat Minecraft because I literally

Cannot believe this right now oh no okay you know what I’m really wondering if he’s going to do something else I feel like I should actually stop him but I have a feeling he’s going to do something even worse and we really have to figure out how big of a newbie

Actually is Let’s test it out all right there we go I got some more blogs so I can finally finish my build let’s go on top of here again and ah look at at that my chair is almost done I am going to really enjoy sitting on this oh my God

Look at this is even four blocks wide and it’s really funny because I am only one blog one I am like a super giant Throne of diamonds what he made a throne of diamonds this is the biggest waste of diamonds I have ever seen in my life oh

My gosh my brain is hurting guys my brain is literally hurting and I don’t know how to fix it okay I we got to help him somehow oh he’s even fishing from up there he really feels like he’s a super accomplished Minecraft player but he ruined so many diamonds all right here

We go now I can just chill up here enjoy the Sun and I can even fish but there’s no fishies really going for it fishies hello oh my God St fishies oh my gosh how we going to help him I’m literally out of words guys I was planning to help

Him a lot but I really think the dino is unhelpable but you know what we cannot give up okay it is up to us to help him beat the game so I I think the next thing that he needs is actually some gear so let’s go over to his chest and

Figure out if he has some more diamonds left I’m going to stay as a sheep because a bunch of sheep have have already escaped so I’m going to walk over to his chest and see if there’s any diamonds left oh dude I really hope there are some diamonds left so we can

Make some gear for him oh no way he literally used all the diamonds he Wast it every single time I oh no okay okay okay you know what I’m going to place an armor stand right here and I’m going to fill it up with diamond gear okay so we

Can actually help him start become stronger and and beat the game there we go there we go perfect okay the next time he’s going to walk in here he’s going to find this diamond armor and I really hope that he’s going to equip it and not do something super newbie with

It okay let’s wait for him to get back all right here we go I got some more dirt now let’s see what can I do now I know I’m going to create something really cool for Flo what the heck is is this wait a second why is there a

Diamond armor here what what I don’t even need diamond armor I’m like the most super friendly guy ever no one would ever attack me I know something maybe the Sheep is going to use the armor because to make sure that the zombies don’t kill them at night here

You go boys you can have the armor I’m going to continue building my Terrace what the heck he’s actually trying to give sheep diamond armor oh my brain is hurting so bad this is the big Minecraft Noob I’ve ever seen guys please we all got to laugh at him in the comments okay

By typing haahha Dino because this is absolutely insane have you ever seen a Minecraft Noob bigger than this I don’t think I have it’s literally impossible wait he keeps making his throne higher and higher no he’s mining it he’s mining it with his hand oh my gosh this is

Really hurting me this takes forever you know what I’m going to do with my shovel maybe that goes fast what he’s trying to break a diamond block with a shovel guys this is so bad I’m actually starting to cry that’s how bad this is hurting my brain okay you know what I’m literally

Out of words and out of ideas I think I’m actually going to switch to n right now so we can start actually helping him beating the game so we can start talking to him as well he’s probably going to think that Nico actually join the server

And is actually willing to help him so we can type stuff to him he will think it’s actually Nico and then we can hopefully prevent him from doing super newbie things with the stuff that we give him let’s change it to Nico right now there we go oh my gosh hey guys

Who’s your favorite out of Nico and cash my favorite is Nico I just love his voice his voice is hilarious okay I’m going to change my name as well there we go so now as you can see at the top of the screen I’m literally called Nico oh

This is so cool he’s going to think that Nico is really in his server okay let’s see what he’s doing who what look at how big he made it he wasted so many diamonds making this oh my gosh all right here we go now I can finally fish

From up here oh my God but wait a second now I can’t see if the fish is actually go for it this is so stupid of me wait a second how am I going to get down here no way all right you know what I got to

Jump I got to jump I really got to make the oh my gosh you can’t wait he almost saw me I’m going to wait for him right around this corner and when he comes here I’m going to start talking to him it’s going to be so hilarious he’s

Actually going to think that Nico is going to help him let’s wait for him right here oh man this is so cool it looks so super duper awesome now I just got to make another chair for flaky wait a second where oh my BS are right what

The heck no way is this baby Nico what Nico why did you become so wait a second is this the real Nico wait are you real oh he’s talking to me okay I’m going to talk back to him and the chat will say that my name is not Nico which is Nico’s

Real Minecraft name okay let’s talk to him of course what the heck no way oh my God oh my God oh my God I really want to show Nico my cool Terrace hey Nico want to follow me oh no he wants to show me his stupid Diamond creation okay look should

We be nice to him and tell him that it looks nice or should we actually be a little bit helpful and tell him that he Wass a lot of diamonds what would you guys do this is a super super hard decision oh wait I’m coming hold on I’m

Coming there we go let’s follow him oh look at that look this is my chair this is where I fish all the time it’s a super cool duper duper duper super cool chair as you can see it is super high as well and you know what I am going to

Make you a chair as well go stand back please go go go go away step back yeah okay thank you here we go what now I’m going to make you a super cool chair is as well so we can hang out together oh my gosh I can’t believe this he’s making

A chair out of dirt while his chair is made out of solid diamond I’m not sure that he deserves the op items that that I was about to give him do you guys think he still deserves the items if you do make sure to like the video in the

Next 3 seconds 3 2 1 wow a lot of you people actually liked I think you do think that he deserves all the items so what I’m going to do is I’m going to collect all the op items and showed them to you and then after we’re going to

Give it to him and hopefully make him able to peep Minecraft I’m just going to tell him H nice chair thank you but I need food I’m going away what no way but oh look I can see him walking all the way over hey there Nico do you see me oh

Okay I see you I’ll be back later give me one second I’m just going to get some super op weapons to give to him all right I’m finally back I managed to GA a bunch of super op items so we can hopefully help this giant Minecraft Noob into finally beating Minecraft Let’s

Test it out I’m going to go over here and I’m going to place down a super cool speed boat there we go wow look at how awesome this looks I’m going to pick it up and throw it into the water there we go let’s give it a little bit of fuel oh

My gosh we’re almost ready he’s going to be so happy with this all right there we go and everything is now fueled up so when he comes down oh wait there he is he’s asking where I am I’m down stairs come down I have a big surprise for you

This is surely going to help him beat Minecraft because now he can travel the world super quickly okay he’s going to come down here what the heck he actually jumped right on land he’s such a giant Noob I can’t believe this okay okay okay I’m just going to tell him look Dino

Speeds wa no way that’s so cool oh my God oh my God oh my God are we going to go together in the speed boat come back yes to come here because I want to ask him a question I have an even bigger surprise for you an even

Bigger surprise that a speed bone what no way did you bring cash as well because I’m actually more over a fan of cash I can’t say that uh I mean uh of course I’m excited for the surprise what did just said he’s a bigger fan of cash

Than ni I can’t believe this okay but what I actually wanted to do right is I wanted to give him a super fun surprise but first I want to ask him a question and if he gets the question right then I’m going to give him the surprise let’s

Ask him a super big question if you answer this question you will get a big gift what what is one plus one he has to get it right right cuz he’s not that big of a Minecraft Noob come on he’s not that stupid right please what

No no what is one plus one oh I know that one don’t worry about that okay here we go oh my gosh no okay wait wait what if I phrase it without any letters without any questions it’s going to be 1 + one is there we go now he has to give

The right answer right uh this is actually really I cannot believe this so uh uh you know what I have an idea uh wait I know I have one Diamond over here and then I have one Diamond over there but now I got to count them so uh wait I

Have an idea how many diamonds are on the floor what he’s going to try and ask me oh he thinks he’s being super smart but I know exactly what he’s planning to do you know what I’m going to say I don’t know I have no idea wait a second

I have an idea if I have no diamonds in my inventory and I pick the diamonds up I will see how many one plus one is let’s see I’m going to throw all of the diers away here we go and now let’s see it’s two I knew it wow we actually got

The right answer I can’t believe this how many of you guys actually got the right answer as well how many of you guys know what the real answer was to this question wow he was so smart okay you know what you got it Dino I’ll give you your surprise what he’s say that

He’s a lot smarter than me okay whatever as you guys may have noticed he loves the color orange so we’re going to make his speedboat Orange Let’s got a crafting table out here there we go we’re going to get some dye we’re going to get a spray can that is perfect we

Got to get a little spray can over here and now we’re going to say one two three boom look at this I turned his speed Bo Orange no way this is so cool oh my God thank you so much Nico I’m going to test out the speed B look at that

We well he actually going to test St going let’s let’s race together woo it’s go oh my God this is so super duper awesome I can’t believe I’m doing this with my best friend why do you actually think that Nico is his best friend he’s such a giant Minecraft Noob I can’t

Believe it let’s go let’s go let’s go I’m going to win I’m going to win going to win was so much faster than me oh oh I’m gting oh look at that I can’t believe it I’m actually winning oh no he actually won I ran out of

Fuel no way I can’t believe this what he actually ran out of fuel you know what that’s going to bring us to our next little cool op item I actually brought something else with me oh he ran out of fuel I’m right here buddy I brought

Something to help us what no way you’re here here already so what did you bring to help us Nico we have to find some flat land we got to find a little place that’s a super flat for my next gift oh no there’s a lot of trees here that’s

Not good all right I found some flat lands so my next op item is surely going to be able to make Dino beat Minecraft it can make the biggest Minecraft noobs beat Minecraft so let’s place it down right here it’s going to be a giant plane look at that what why is he

Fishing the Flor more dino look oh w w what the heck is a airplane no way what no way this is so super duper cool but wait how does this even wa no I’m going up I’m going up yo this is so awesome I canot believe it oh no I CLI the Rob

Wait what what happened where the heck did he go what I gave him a plane and he can’t even win Minecraft with that oh my gosh the plane is in the middle of the ocean some Minecraft noobs are just unhelpable today my friend Dino is playing on our Minecraft server and he

Thinks that I went away to go to the dentist but I secretly stayed online on the server so I can prank the absolute heck out of him as Batman because Batman is actually his favorite superhero hey what’s your favorite superhero you guys got to let me know in the comments so I

Can make sure to prank as that supero in the next video but now I think Dino is actually fishing for us because I told him we are low of food so he’s definitely fishing so what I’m going to do is I’m going to be changing into a

Little fishy first so I can just prank and trolling while he’s fishing and then slowly but surely towards the end of the video I’m going to turn into Batman and prank him as his favorite superhero it’s going to be super cool let’s change it to the fishy now you got to like the

Video in 3 seconds for me to turn it to the fishy three two one okay let’s see what he’s doing right now he seems to be fishing I want to prank him as a fish fishy let’s see what he’s going to do today oh my God I’m going to do some

More fishing and this time I actually fish from all the way up here to make sure that I am safe from any weird mob that can hit me what he actually thinks that he’s safe all the way up there but that just giv me the perfect opportunity

To actually push him off you know what I’m going to do that eventually but right now we’re going to make him believe that he actually C some kind of big fishy let’s pretend to get stuck in this little fishing thingy over here wait wait wait it’s a fishy a wait wait

What wait what what the heck wait a second where did the fishy go oh my God I guess I wasn’t strong enough to pull him up I’m going to try again he’s going to try again okay let’s try to pretend to be stuck in his fishing R again but

This time when he fills me up I’m actually going to fly all the way up there and attack him all right here we go and fishy fishy fishy here we go wait wait wa W what I got a hit oh my God no way I pulled that fishy up so high it

Even flew I guess my head it really hurt me but wait where did the fishy go oh my God fishy fishy where did the fishy go oh my gosh I can’t believe it he actually believes that he caught the fish from all the way down there and then it actually traveled up together

With his fishing gra so when he goes fishing again I’m going to stand right behind him and actually push him off okay oh he’s fishing already oh my God that stupid fishy must have jumped back into the water I’m going to catch you you stupid little fishy oh my go guys

Should I do it I’m literally standing right behind him he has no idea that his best friend is secretly a little fishing is about to push him off if you want be the pushing off you got to like the video in the next 3 seconds 3 2 1 boom

Ah what the heck wait wait how the heck did I fall off wait wait a second did something push me off no way I got to investigate who pushed me off he’s going to try and investigate but there’s going to be no one here why the heck is there

No one here what the heck oh if if he’s confused now just wait until later in the video when Batman is going to show up he’s going to be so confused all right you know what I’m going to fish again please give me a fishy oh you want

To try get a fishy again let’s try to hit him off into the deep at I want to hit him right over there on that set so he actually dies let’s do it w what the heck oh my God I am so lucky that I

Didn’t die you know what I am just going to fish from over here now this is probably a long lot safer what he’s actually so scared of being pushed off again he’s just going to fish from over here I’m just going to push him into the water again just because he thinks that

He’s safe let’s push him in right now W what the heck I got pushed in again no way this fishing game is starting to become real stupid I’m going to fish from over here that I’m safe on the bridge oh what he actually thinks that he’s safe on the bridge because of the

Fenses but guess what I’m going to go underneath the bridge and I’m going to hit the black from under him oh he’s going to be super confused oh what wait wait what the heck wait wait what the heck the bridge just broke how the heck is this possible hello Bridge what the

Heck he’s being so confused but guess what we’re going to do now we’re going to change it to a little bat and prank him as the bat and eventually when he makes the bat mad he’s going to figure out that the bat was actually Batman all

Along are you guys ready to change it to the bat three 2 1 boom there we go we turn into a cute little bat now you know what’s hilarious bats can actually fly du so what I’m going to get is I’m going to get a couple of splash potions and

I’m going to drop them from the sky splash potion of harming that’s funny let’s get one of poison as well that is super cool space breathing now I don’t know what that is and I don’t even care I oh a splash potion of slowness that’s hilarious as well okay let’s fly above

Him and see what we can throw down at him oh man this is so Weir I keep getting hit everywhere so you know what I am going to have a good look around me where the heck was this coming from wait w what the heck oh my God I have half a

Heart no way wa a di oh look at that Dino was killed by bat using magic I really hope he didn’t realize that he got killed by a bat but where is he going he literally just jumped off but he didn’t say anything about the bed so

I don’t think he saw it y that was super weird I got killed again I got to grab my stuff all right here we go I got all my stuff and now let’s see who the heck was hitting me is there like a skeleton here somewhere where the heck are those

Stupid mobs that keep hitting me okay let’s actually throw a splash potion of poison right on top of his face so he gets even more confused oh my wait what the wait I’m poisoned I’m poisoned no no no no I need milk I need milk wait where am I going to get

Milk oh he’s actually starting to scream that is is perfect because I have one goal for today I want to make Dino scream like a little girl at least once so let’s actually throw a splash potion of poison again and hopefully we can make him Scream Wait what is he doing

Down there oh no way I really got to get this fixed oh I’m going to cut some trees he’s going to cut some trees but I’m going to poison him what the heck I’m poisoned again no this is going to take so long it says it’s going to take

30 seconds though please C give me some milk please please what is trying to get milk from the cows but you need a bucket for that you silly I actually want to get Dino to go back up here so we can push him off again and eventually I want him to actually see

That the bat has been attacking him all along and hopefully he’s going to try to attack the bat as well and then we’re going to turn into his favorite superhero Batman to break him even harder okay let’s get one TNT and one flint and steel so we blow this little

Bit up here and then he’s probably going to go back up here to investigate and then we’re going to prank him even harder as the bed oh my God these stupid fows what the heck was that what it sound like it came from my base I got to

Investigate no what the heck happened over here I got to hurry up let’s see what the heck happened here uh whoa what the heck there’s a super giant hole what the heck happened here was there like a creeper here somewhere hello creeper look at at me has no idea what happened

Okay let’s let’s take this opportunity to actually show ourselves as the bat and when he sees us we’re going to hit him off there wait what the heck oh wait there’s a little bat H there buddy ah what the heck I’ll be do oh my God what

The heck that stupid bat just pushed me off no way I got to find that stupid bat where did you go ah what the heck oh my God luckily I landed safely in the water now let me get my sword again where the heck did that stupid bat goat I really

Hope it’s going to make this bat super angry because he has no idea that this bat is is secretly Batman okay let’s try to make him super angry so he starts attacking the bat all right so where did this stupid bat go I got to find him wa

Wait what the heck why am I so slow I’m taking damage oh my God wait this stupid bat again was it you you stupid bat you want to fight me come here oh he’s actually starting to fight me I can’t believe it who would ever become mad at

The cute little bat like this okay you know what I’m going to attack him and poison him again hey stop it you stupid bat ah oh my God oh my God I really got to find a way to kill this stupid bad because he keeps bullying me oh where’s

He even going to go now why is he walking away oh there he is he’s trying to attack me again try and hit me try and hit me n what going I hate you you stupid bat come fight me like a real man oh yeah he

Wants me to come over there and fight him as a real man well guess what Batman is a real man so it’s time to turn into Batman and go over there and rank him even harder are you guys ready to change into Batman 3 2 1 boom there we go we

Just turned into Batman and now all we have to do is go over to Dino and quote unquote fight him as a real man so let’s go over here let’s fly past him and see if he notices anything whoa wait what the heck yo that was a super big bath

I’m going to get that super big b where did you go stupid bat I’m going to fight you oh yeah he called me stupid guess what guys because I’m Batman I have a couple of super awesome superhero abilities like the batang I could throw Batman’s batang all around the area so

What I’m going to do is I’m going to try and hit it with one what what what what the heck wait a second what the heck was that what hit me what he didn’t even see it Dino was bad ranked by Batman how did he not see that it’s actually Batman

Okay let’s fly past him let’s try to hit him with the Bangarang while we fly past him wait wait what the waa I got hit what the heck is that wait is this super giant bat no oh no no no hey you stupid giant bat you want to fight me come here

I’ll fight you you stupid little bat wait a wait a second what the heck I was slain by by Batman no way what the heck what he finally saw that he got slain by Batman let’s see if he actually goes to do something else now because it’s not a giant bat it’s literally

Batman he wanted to fight like a real man well let’s go oh my God here come here I’ll fight you stupid b what Dino hit the ground too hard he literally jumped off the stairs and died oh my gosh Dino is so silly he’s such a big Minecraft Noob hey we should all

Laugh at him by commenting ha Dino in the comments just for being such a big Minecraft Noob oh my god look peep is right over there I got to find a way to catch him so I can actually try and get his super powers and steal them from him

Here we go we’re going to sneak up he’s going to try and find me but I will be long gun and what I’m going to do is I’m going to throw a freeze grenade right at his face so he gets frozen let’s do it wait what waa what the heck was that

What the heck was that wait no what the heck was that that was so super creepy you didn’t even realize that it was a super big freeze that explosion over there okay let’s try to hit him with a smoke pet now so he thinks he’s no I

Have a super awesome idea I’m going to throw smoke near his base so he thinks that his base is going to be on fire oh my God you know what I’m going to get my SW back here we go let me just go back to fishing and then maybe I can get b

And to come over what the heck wait my B is on fire my base is a fire quickly get up there my whole base is out of wood no I got to stop the fire quickly why is actually trying to blow it out that doesn’t make any sense okay

Let’s throw one more no wait I got to on the fire where’s the fire I don’t see the fire but there’s so much smoke now I got to put it out wait wait what the heck where is the fire wait I don’t see any fire this is so so weird look at how

Confused is he can’t even find any fire okay let’s throw a freeze grenade right at his face who what he was that no way I’m almost said I got to really watch out that was so creepy hey Dino it’s me Batman your favorite superhero and guess

What you were super mean to me as a bat I’m going to be super mean to you wait Batman what are you doing why are you acting so creepy what are you doing what what the heck oh my God no oh my God this stupid wait where the heck did I

Just read oh I’m right next to my base luckily all right here we go where did that stupid bat back go I got to find him somehow I don’t take any bullying from no one what he’s actually being super mean he’s calling me stupid but I’m supposed to be his favorite

Superhero I can’t believe this okay you know what I think we’re going to have to be a little bit more nice to dino because Dino is acting super sad so I’m going to show up there and pretend like I’m a super nice Batman now oh Batman is

Here what he actually fell down what a big Minecraft Noob this is a perfect opportunity to comment ha Dino to laugh at him for being such a Minecraft Noob my God here we go I’m Gonna Get You stupid bat bad GNA get you wait why is

It not working what the oh wait there’s smoke wait wait why is there smoke wait wait Batman where did Batman go uh Batman hello where are you every single time that he tries to attack I’m just going to throw smoke at him so he gets disoriented until he finally realizes

That I’m trying to be a nice Batman because I really want to help him here we go I’m going to try oh no wait there smoke again where the heck are you oh my God I don’t think ah I’m getting hit I’m getting no I’m going to run away oh my

Gosh he keeps jumping away okay you know what I’m going to wait for him to find me again and then I’m actually going to start to talk to him by typing in the chat I’m going to tell him Dino get back up here here and he’s going to see I’m

The real Batman look at my name whoa what the heck he’s snping in chat wait you are real I’m going just send a smiley oh look at that is actually the real Batman oh my God I’m your biggest fan oh he’s my biggest fan that’s so

Cute you know what I’m going to ask him do you want any superpowers because I actually feel kind of bad for him I don’t want to help him now any superpowers well I guess superpowers are supposed to be like a real superp power and your bad suit isn’t really a super

Power it’s more like a super suit so I would like Spider-Man what he actually called me not a real superhero because I wear a suit that has my Powers I can’t believe how mean is you know what I’m going to show him my superpower look at

This I’m going to make it stop raining boom it stopped raining wait wait did it just stop raining because of you what the heck that was so weird wasn’t it actually you what if I do weather Thunder say thunder uh Thunder what what the heck is it thunder boom it’s

Starting do Thunder now that is my real superpower whoa what the heck you just change the weather that is so cool but wait if you can change the weather in Minecraft why don’t you just give me some diamonds oh he wants to have some diamonds okay sure I’m going to get some

Diamonds and then he can just jump right over there and go and pick them up oh my God diamonds waa there’s actually so many diamonds here what I’m super rich already have my diamonds well look at how happy he is with nine diamonds you know what I’m going to give him real

Super powers okay I’ll give you Spiderman superpowers if you answer this question correctly what the real Spiderman superpowers oh my God yes of course what is the best most awesomest super coolest awesomest superhero ever and he better say Batman or he’s not going to get it what is the best most awesomest super

Coolest awesomest superhero ever uh wait uh let me think about this so you obviously have Batman you have Spiderman you have the Hulk you have flash you have black panther wo there’s so many to choose from this is actually really hard what he really just said Spiderman I

Can’t believe how mean he is I’m going to De a wrong answer and then I’m going to throw a freeze grenade at him but no it’s too late now boom what the heck why are you hitting me oh no I fell again oh my God stupid

You know what that’s why you’re a stupid superhero because you’re stupid with no real superpowers you’re just super stupid ah oh yeah I don’t have any superpowers then why can’t I throw these bad EGS with perfect accuracy what the heck is three bats at me that is

Actually really cool but it’s not really a superpower but it is really cool I’m going to fly past him and bang I’m even more RAR is that stupid I know whoa what the heck he just flew past and tried to attack me okay that’s actually pretty

Cool but it’s just the suit doing that and not really hit oh yeah it’s the suit doing that though well guess what boom you’re Frozen now and I’m going to get you no

This video, titled ‘Secretly Morphing Into SECRET YOUTUBER MOBS To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2023-12-25 01:45:00. It has garnered 4091 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:06 or 14166 seconds.

Today, Floki pranks his friends using MrBeast Gaming Cash and Nico Mod in Minecraft! Using MrBeast Cash and Nico Maizen Mod Floki is able to spy on his friends and cheat in games! How will Floki use MrBeast Maizen JJ Mikey Cash and Nico invisibility mod without his friends finding out? Watch to find out?!

Inspired by Cash and Nico MrBeast Gaming Carty Smirky Omziscool Kory Maizen Aphmau

Like MrBeast Maizen JJ Mikey Cash and Nico Minecraft and Carty and Smirky Minecraft and Cash and Nico Minecraft Prank and Pranked videos, like Omziscool and Kory Minecraft Trolling, This Morphing Into Cash and Nico OP BOSSES To Prank My Friend inspired video is made for Minecraft Cash and Nico Enjoyers 🙂


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    Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft Minecraft: Building a Sakura-themed House Exploring the creative possibilities of Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, a content creator recently showcased their love for cherry blossoms by constructing a charming Sakura-themed house. Let’s delve into the details of this delightful creation! Embracing Cherry Blossoms The use of Sakura trees in Minecraft is a testament to the player’s appreciation for nature and aesthetics. The delicate pink petals and lush greenery of these trees add a serene and picturesque touch to the virtual world. Building a Dream Home With a keen eye for design, the content creator meticulously crafted a cozy and… Read More

  • Baby Zombie’s Heartbreaking Tale

    Baby Zombie's Heartbreaking Tale Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a vast sandbox to explore and create. From building magnificent structures to surviving against dangerous creatures, the game provides endless opportunities for adventure and creativity. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players find themselves in a procedurally generated world filled with diverse biomes, ranging from lush forests to icy tundras. They can mine resources, craft tools, and build shelters to survive the night when hostile mobs emerge. Building and Crafting One of the core aspects of Minecraft is its building and crafting mechanics. Players… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World

    Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World The Ultimate Minecraft Add-On Adventure Exploring the World of Minecraft Add-Ons In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. With the introduction of Add-ons on Bedrock Edition, players can enhance their gameplay with a variety of mods available on the Minecraft Marketplace. These Add-ons bring new features, items, and experiences to the game, allowing players to customize their worlds like never before. Adding Chaos to the Mix In a daring experiment, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to take on the challenge of adding every suggested Bedrock Add-On to a single world. The goal? To witness the chaos that… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

    Minecraft Museum Build Hacks Exploring Museum Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a touch of culture and history to your virtual world? Museums are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and knowledge within the game. Here are 8 museum building ideas to inspire your next project! 1. Fossil Museum Unearth the past by creating a fossil museum in Minecraft. Display various dinosaur skeletons and prehistoric artifacts to educate and entertain your visitors. Use the minecraft fossil blocks to add authenticity to your exhibits. 2. Dinosaur Exhibit Bring the Jurassic era to life with a dinosaur exhibit… Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More