Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

Video Information

you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three why does it seem loud maybe it’s not loud at all maybe it’s quiet seems good how why is it that three volume is so loud can’t even hear it why is this so loud for me then is Neu okay what does she does she not look okay look she’s here proof that nemu is still alive still cooking okay the Sheep are pretty loud but sometimes I like them to be loud are sheep considered friendly creatures but I don’t want to turn down the cat meows too can we just turn down the Sheep and keep the cats at full volume blasting is it is it quiet I want you to be able to hear the animal crossing the [Music] tunes it’s fine you missed Neu she didn’t miss you back I’m sorry that’s just she’s got that that bratty personality where she think she’s the center of the universe she doesn’t think about anything else she did what the heck [Music] Neu it’s okay Neu doesn’t have to okay P now hello I’m sleep deprived here in today oh no it’s it’s dark let’s sleep in Minecraft cuz I could not sleep we got the [Music] insomnia s FAA dipped in Mama Liz’s insomnia oil sorry sorry we got we got a little bit of insomnia but that’s okay that never stopped us Enderman can make blocks float now so I’ll stream for an amount of time greater than how long have I been streaming greater than 4 minutes of an indeterminant length and then and yeah and then I will go sleep or something or try 5 minutes probably longer than 5 minutes greater than or equal to 5 minutes but I wanted to go to the desert as you might have seen in the title my desert my Minecraft my dude let’s go to the desert and not learn lessons from Dune like caring for the environment instead we will just mine up all the sand the sand must flow it was written so we’ll we’ll do that but we’ll go destroy the far away desert of the resource server which is like a pocket Dimension okay we’re going to need some stuff we’re going to need shovels why are my fireworks stacked like this wow it was a perfect 64 fireworks we need yeah we need to un sicken our inventory but honestly I I will probably just throw everything in here and then try to remember that it’s here well you can’t put a Sher inside a Sher unfortunately that may break the time space continuum um oh we’ve got I’ve got some more shers didn’t even realize I had this white wool suer buff we’ve got raw card I mean we probably don’t need most of this I kind of could use more why do I have leather oh right because the pacas fell to their deaths I’m just remembering the [Music] horrors I mean do I need to bring other stuff I mean it’s good to have a set of tools right but I don’t know I have a spring one stack of torches a bed that’s smart I totally would have forgotten a bed now should I use do I have one in here there’s some angry zombies about I could not sleep last night part of it is my fault cuz I stayed up too late listening to music listening to new and old music I wanted to find some songs to sing for my next karaoke I have some ideas for some themed karaoke but I don’t have the set list yet and I haven’t learned them so I was singing a little bit practicing a little bit until the we hours of the morning and listening to [Music] music okay how do you pronounce I’m so out of the loop I don’t even know how to pronounce it there is an artist known by the name which is spelled sza a how do you say it siza siza you need answers to this too but I have to say I was really sleeping on on siza I was listening to her music well I’ve heard some of it cuz you kind of like can’t Escape it you know she’s very popular but I was I was sleeping on her mus it’s good I’m a fan now I listened to her new song called Saturn and I thought it was very good and chill who okay well she has a song this is like a spoiler cuz I’m going to sing this one and maybe my next car maybe not she does the song it’s called it’s called Kill Bill and it goes I just killed what how does it go I just killed my ex must be How does it go I forgot how it goes probably a bad idea I kill his girlfriend next that one not a great idea that one it’s really good I’m not doing Injustice my practice was for [Music] not let’s dye these yellow for sand oh but should they be like well I guess it’s sand it’s not going to be glass glass yet yeah I liked that song it makes me want to do a yandere themed karaoke cuz it’s very Yonder very yere now and there’s some other songs that I sing that could go on there too like cannibal um bunch of Taylor Swift [Music] songs Kyla has glass how much glass cuz I need need a [Music] lot also I kind of want a diversion from placing blocks all the glass infinite [Applause] really is it is it per per purposeless pointless for me to go out into the desert but the thumbnail but the thumbnail but the title but but my dude [Music] do I think she wouldn’t have infinite stuff I don’t know oops there’s more than that somewhere cuz I’m going to need more than that I mean she probably does have more somewhere it’s like when you go to the grocery store and you ask them like you have more in the back apparently they hate that apparently they usually do not have more in the back and what’s on the on the Shelf is is what they got villagers sell glass they sell it too slow I want to go mine a whole desert and nobody can stop me what else does Baron harod say he does this creepy floating thing which is again not how I imagined it in my head when I read the books but I think is like way cooler than what I imagined in my imagination he had like little cute little spheres that would hold him up that would magically levitate him but he’s got kind of like balloons he ends up looking like a balloon bouquet I like like it I’m falling through the [Music] world I don’t know it was more like I don’t know I feel like they are there characters in Dragon Ball that have like spheres that they use to float am I making this up in my Sleepless brain I feel like I can imagine such a thing yes there are Frieza really that’s how I imagined it I probably got it from Dragon Ball clouds clouds are similar look at my shadow Isn’t that cool okay I need shovels I don’t know if I have any emeralds here I might have some my inventory is going to be full of shulkers whoa what are you doing in here what the heck they just left it’s they got caught was there never glass in these windows what was that all about okay that was a little scary do I not have any what are you [Music] doing okay open Windows yeah was he stealing is he robbing the place the IRS I paid my taxes you have no you have nothing to arrest me on no charges will stand in a court of law I’m a freak [Music] Karen wait is it this way oh no it’s not this way how did I get lost immediately it’s this way I haven’t been to the Ian server in a while Ian server my [Music] beloved I will love you till the end of time in your cozy quaint [Music] Glory it is nostalgic takes you back to earlier times um what am I doing I’m buying shovels I should sleep mind if I mind if I take this spot okay they it’s not my bedtime yet my Minecraft character has way better sleep hygiene than I do like it’s too early don’t go to sleep no midday naps meanwhile I will sleep at any time but I’m so tired I know I actually don’t take naps that often okay because the reason is that I don’t take naps I used to I don’t take naps because my natural natural like time where I start getting sleepy and would want to take a nap is literally right when my stream starts so I can’t I can’t nap cuz I have to stream but it’s good cuz it wakes me up and keeps me [Music] awake but on days that I’m not streaming I start getting real sleepy around around Fest Standard Time oh you you guys don’t have the do you have it do you have the shovels other guy has the shovels excuse me oh no excuse me wait did you not have Diamond shovels am I losing my mind did I never have someone who made Diamond shovels [Music] this whole time I need a tool Smith do I not have one where was I getting my tools from then but I definitely made like pickaxes for people oh Phoenix ton I mean I I should have one did I really get them all from phoenixon before Kyla I only got some of them for Kyla from Kyla I definitely made a lot myself I guess I mostly made swords when we fought the why did I want to call him The Witcher the Wither The Witcher um wait what do you need to get a tool Smith then we can we can get one we’ve got plenty of villagers well this one is so Animal Crossing I know I do have Witcher on my mind I almost played it again today cuz I was like I’m too sleepy to play Minecraft I need to play The Witcher instead smithing table how do you make a smithing table smithing table okay that’s easy [Music] enough this is what you use to make netherite tools [Music] two iron okay [Music] easy now where should we put this guy I mean in here makes sense there’s already some some good folk here oh no no no no I’m not ready I’m not ready is it not this oh no it is it just takes a minute um I kind of don’t want them to be able to go upstairs stairs well then I can just my inventory is getting sick already let’s just box him in back [Music] here this seems Seems [Music] good you you want the job congratulations you’ve got it no interview [Music] required perfect okay oh gosh we need to do so many trades now hold on I should just momentarily empty my inventory a bit cuz this is about to be annoying okay okay have you guys seen the new AI chat summary thing oh that was a lot I it’s I don’t know it’s weird it can be pretty funny wait what button do you push to me to throw it oh wait it’s not shift it doesn’t show for you I wonder why it shows for me okay C I tuned in to zeta’s Monster Hunter stream and the chat summary was something like Santa is fighting a giant dragon the chat is talking about no no no I’m I’m messing up my brain is too sleepy I can’t tangent properly it let me start over it was the streamer is fighting a baby dragon the chat is discussing how adorable it is and I tuned in and I look at the the chat summary baby dragon and then I look at the giant terrifying Dragon that’s on the screen 35 doll for a bell so I didn’t know if like has the AI developed a sense of humor already is it being ironic this is expensive oh but so is this I guess we’re buying Bells doesn’t this go too slowly hold on maybe we trade iron Chad was being ironic that’s probably the case but it’s fun to imagine that the AI is is trolling what was it it was on the fourth I went into my own pre-chat in the chat summary he gave me was like people were talking about what color lightsaber I would have and at first I was like why is everyone talking about Star Wars this has nothing to do I’m playing a point and click adventure game why is Star Wars and I realized it was made the fourth be with you and then I even tweeted that so that’s that’s probably why is that really a debate would it be green I don’t know what the different colors mean though what color am I red no not red I’m just kidding green yellow or purple take this iron oh that’s way better for leveling are these these bells are kind of cute right for I have so much food in here don’t mind if I do I think this guy can parkour out he’s making me nervous standing standing right there are you going to level up power up the crystals have personalities and to turn them red involves twisting and tormenting the soul so you become so so sick and twisted that you’re lightsaber turns red okay oh he’s so out already what level do we need him to me I’m scared you’re going to parkour out but how else am I supposed to talk to you can he still access it if it’s like that wait I’m not sure if he can we’re making his prison smaller and smaller oh I guess this gives him a little bit of experience or Bells I’m out emeralds level up power up already wa oh wait the bills stack I just realized hold on maybe I should keep the axes I guess it’s good that they’re not Enchanted wait I should not keep these These are are trash I’m scared I’m accidentally going to throw in my good stuff like my one golden carrot that’s fine that’s a that’s a sacrif ice I suppose pour one out for all the homies out there did you level up I don’t think he was ready actually it’s a brand new day to become a master tool Smith Wait am I going to need multiple tool [Music] Smiths I am aren’t I cuz he only sells oh wait it’s not it is Enchanted never mind I don’t know why I thought it wasn’t oh no I don’t have room for them you do you want to become a toolsmith would you like to be a tool Smith I can craft some shovels I don’t know if I even have diamonds this is worth it this is the way things are supposed to be can I make an emerald shovel oh no maybe I need to build a tool Smith soell wing for our prison I mean what if I just put them in here I think I was going to chop this down eventually but I could just throw them in here I don’t see why not um I did bring my tools see I didn’t plan on doing a whole like prison renovation though is the [Music] thing I really thought I was going to come over and may some some shovels real quick so now it’s bothering me that it’s it’s not even this building I’m going to chop it Down chop it down and start over this is not what was on the docket today see why does it have different doors that’s it does not deserve to stand I will chop it down get out of the way you want to step in front of my axe you’re about to get chopped if you do that I’ll spare your alpacas but I won’t spare you hey yeah that goes for you too why is everyone insisting on parkouring everywhere okay I don’t know if it makes sense to put them right here cuz these are my my Masons I really was going to build something beautiful to hold everyone in but I have okay I you know what I’ll just you can they can be here that’s fine oh it’s not even though it should be even even if it’s ugly and it’s current state which it is maybe you could call it rustic instead we’ve got like a mixed media thing going on here with the the stone accents okay now smithing tables man I’m going to have to level them up too I really thought I did this like a million years ago I guess not okay who’s ready to work I know all these all these side quests you look like you’re ready to work very good look we’ll even give him a light nobody else gets a light oh do you you want to jop too excuse me bless me [Music] allergies okay some slabs would be good and now you guys I need I’m going to need more emeralds too this side quest is too long it’s like just as long as the main quest just throw them right back in his face is that offensive maybe boo boom boom boom no not the money not the money can I have the money back my [Music] money Minecraft hello uh-oh okay okay oh one more no my money give it back to me you have to give it back you legally are required to give it back oh you can keep that one that one’s on the house never mind it’s not it’s actually not on the [Music] house are you leveling ah I keep doing that you’re Le legally required to give me my two iron ingots back but you can keep the [Music] shovels this is this is just this is called training oh a $1 Diamond hoe no no when will I learn oh wait did they level it up later oh we got [Music] shovel that one has no enchantments on it can I have no inventory full my money my money okay so you’re an expert you’re an expert and you already have way more stuff than the other guy an efficiency three shovel I don’t think it really matters okay well honestly they can stay like this for now now let me fix my disgusting inventory once more and now we’re going to need to enchant some shovels oh I picked up more shovels okay whatever it’s fine it’s not fine give me one of these okay you’re sold out that’s fine I mean how how many shovels do I need really four five sounds good no my money my money you can’t have this it’s mine okay did I never even have a diamond hoe I should keep some [Music] no my bow the diamond hoe is the true flex well the netherite ho is the true [Music] flex okay now how do you remove the enchantments again I forgot how to play Minecraft by now [Music] it’s not night time yet grindstone my favorite collab Duo what’s the grind stone do I have any do these guys do you have a grind Stone does it break or can I just use his Grindstone there’s one outside where oh it’s right here right that’s a stone cutter I’m I I can’t I can’t go on my brain is too sleepy today wrong thing is there really one out here how are we supposed to play Minecraft in this current state having two brain cells that can barely create a spark I got a case of the Mondays that’s kind of true actually okay don’t don’t disenchant spoon oh my gosh what if I start disenchanting my good my good ones okay I get two brain cells what a [Music] privilege but three is good no I’ll do one better we could have efficiency five right here I don’t have books this is [Music] expensive who sells books you do I’m going to need more money we need to buy more money that’s not a bookshelf we’re in trouble I don’t know if we’re going to make it through the stream are we even going to reach the desert today we’re still on kaladan we got water raining from the sky life is good but my destiny my destiny [Music] okay we’re going to need more money let’s go get it right now haven’t even reached a book two yet we’re still just listening to the ballis set practicing our sword [Music] fighting learning to not stand with your back to a door or something I don’t know I guess I’ll just take more than I’ll need [Music] hopefully having weird [Music] dreams sticking our hand in a box because our mom told us [Music] to and a creepy old lady came over and told us to then later you learned that it would have killed you the needle my spoiling the plot of Dune I mean if you don’t know it’s if you have to ask that then the answer is no right but if you truly want to know I’m only spoiling like the first 50 pages do they even they I feel like this is barely even in the movies [Music] too the box is that early I think [Music] so okay like anyone here reads I know you read because you understand the worm the worm the book is 40 years old I feel like it’s still good even if what am I doing even if it’s spoiled for you I don’t know which I know is ironic cuz I was like mad about the spoilers but I feel like it’s not really about like the spoilers you know you haven’t seen the first one yet you only watched in part two everybody loves Dune part two where’s the Dune part one [Music] love must a bit confusing did you know Timothy sham wait sham shamet sham is dating Kylie Jenner I had no [Music] idea not like this who are those people Timothy sham plays Paul in Dune um and Kylie Jenner is famous daughter of Kim Kardashian wait is she Kim Kardashian’s daughter a member of the Kardashian family known for Keeping Up with the Kardashians oh she’s the sister oh sorry sorry I don’t really I don’t really know how the family tree Works spoilers I’m sorry I’m spoiling Keeping Up with the Kardashians sister Chris is their mom I think is Kaitlyn also one of the sisters Kylie you’re right you’re right Kim Kardashian has like a 5-year-old child not like a a 25-year-old child you don’t know the lore apparently I don’t know the lore either anyway she became really popular because of her lip fillers in particular and she sold lipstick kits which became very [Music] popular I don’t know what else does she do um yeah she has her Cosmetics brand she just swimwear I think yeah she she’s famous to being f for being famous she the one with the soda ad yes I think so wait is that Kylie I don’t know or is that Kim yes one of them that’s Kendall those Kendall okay I don’t know anything I am not Keeping Up with the Kardashians [Music] evidently but I don’t know why like do you ever feel like celebrity couples that you see in movies or like the character couples they should be like dating each other in real life even though that makes zero sense but it’s like shouldn’t Timothy sham be dating Zenia right now no it’s acting it does happen sometimes like in Twilight and the that the guy who plays who plays who plays the scary die from Breaking Bad the one with red hair that guy that guy which guy which scary guy Todd yes it’s Todd right Todd’s actor often acts with his wife and it’s very wholesome even though he plays the the worst character Jesse plem Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Jesse plem him it’s very cute I think in what’s it called the dog power of the dog he and his wife are both in that movie playing a married couple I [Music] think what dog I know I don’t think there’s even a dog in that movie I liked the end of that movie though which I’m not going to spoil it because the end is good but I I didn’t really I wasn’t really getting it until the end until the very end and then I was like Oh and it was a long movie I think it was like a 3 hour long movie so then I was like okay okay now after 3 hours I I get where we’re going I’m teasing you to watch I don’t know I didn’t enjoy it that much like the like actually watching it I thought it was I don’t want to sound I don’t I don’t know it’s probably my fault I’m too small and brain but I thought it was kind of boring but I liked the [Music] ending some movies do be like that it’s true it’s true was it Oscar bait I don’t know maybe maybe I don’t know Oscar Oscar the Grouch what am I doing what are we doing Unbreaking three and mending I think I don’t have enough [Music] room and I don’t remember how to enchant things it’s been so long okay we can we can do this we can figure this out together we can play Minecraft Unbreaking 3 need more more money books are so expensive these days in Minecraft I actually feel like books are not that expensive in [Music] reality but in Minecraft they are audio not audio books ebooks though I feel like have gotten really expensive like ebooks are just as expensive as print books now it’s like $10 for an ebook it’s like I could just buy the printed one they used to be like $3 like $2 it is it’s messed up I don’t need mending I think I do though I need to mend them or else they’ll be gone forever and I’ll have to make more shovels and we’ll have to go through this whole rug roll again soft Squidward size ASMR very pensive these guys okay now we’ve got on our shovels now we need [Music] to enchant them I’m just going to throw my stuff in here okay we’re almost there we’re almost ready to go to the desert okay I’ll take my bed I bought sharpness I bought sharpness [Music] no oh only one I only bought one sharpness okay I was so scared I bought four sharpness well one is still kind of bad but all it’s fine I’m really not all there today huh insomnia is no joke [Music] man sleeplessness is the mind killer R is mending I bought how did I buy sharpness I don’t even I know anymore everything is all a [Music] blur mening oh he does sell sharpness I must have just bought that one okay are we okay mending okay sharpness 4 isn’t even [Music] good got some good stuff in there though okay now we go to Fest funny fish farm am I okay I’m great couldn’t be better I don’t know I mean it’s like the comfy kind of insomnia where I don’t have anything like too important to do today I mean playing Minecraft streaming is very important but you know it’s not too high Stak so it’s okay if I just float through the day not doing too much hold on how do you prepare how do [Music] you no how do you enchant things you repair it right oh no the screaming of the Lambs I hear it ow ow going to make sashimi out of you do we need to combine the books first Unbreaking and mending and efficiency five okay now this is a spoon the second spoon to is this thing going to [Music] break spoon three the third I’m going to do one of these wrong I just know it that’s portion three when did I buy forun three instead of Unbreaking oh my gosh I I who and B no no I don’t have [Music] iron no my [Music] handil you know maybe four spoons is enough enough maybe three spoons is enough weever going to the desert in the desert point just go to sleep we’ll get there we’ll get there I know when the side quest has too many side quests um how do you make an anvil need iron we need three iron blocks perfect and this is for future FAA when she’s up there and real oh should I I should probably should put it there [Music] so that FFF isn’t ruined though I don’t know if anyone is going to use it I can’t have anyone like leaving a bad review you know two out of five stars good XP but there was no Anvil okay here at Kieran Co We Care about our reputation all right this no this one I call you spoon we should call it spoon five so then later I’m like where did my spoon 4 go I can’t afford it that would be a funny prank on myself cuz I surely will not remember this yeah it’s like that P where you release sheep into your school or your office you label them one 2 4 not one to [Music] four one two four [Music] um spoon five they’re so [Music] loud okay I think we’re ready to go to the desert [Music] now I think we’ve got everything we need yeah can we turn the unfriendly mobs down too I guess I only turned the friendly ones down the filler Arc is over now we are off to fulfill the obligation of the thumbnail we will reach the desert Planet the sand must flow 1 hour in desertification that sounds delicious desert ification dessert [Music] desertification M dessert do you ever forget how to spell desert or dessert you can remember it because dessert has two s’s like strawberry shortcake where’s the resource server wait do you guys know do I need to go look up where it is is it in the JP world there’s a new one over there s [Music] there second floor of the Share House what’s the share house in a house the full house um The Woodhouse next to the portals I like how you guys know more about the Minecraft server than I do and presumably you guys don’t even play on it wait this house this house only has one floor oh this house maybe this house is cute see we’re learning things the resource server you’re all K alts wait why is there stuff on the resourcer oh it’s just a village but this isn’t this is not a village what is [Music] this this alluring creature art okay what are my coordinates will you guys remember this for [Music] me so that I can find my way back here – 1,00 + 1100 [Music] about please remember it for me please on Al please be my Nissan alib okay we need to find a desert now I mean should I just fly until we find one you forgot already you better not wow is this a village is this what Villages look like in new Minecraft it’s really cute wow there’s cherry blossom so close so close by hopefully I don’t use all my rockets that would be unfortunate wow this is true Freedom flying through the sky watch as you get closer to Ocean floor should have taken more I’ve got two stacks almost this is a big ocean I mean I guess oceans are supposed to be big not really an ocean if it’s not [Music] right 45° angles maybe we should be flying over land this is a big ocean did they make them bigger did they patch the oceans mushroom Forest I like [Music] it on atenor and here we see a vast Birch Forest beneath us I can’t really do David aten voice you the British accent is not not really there yet a desert wait this is like the smallest desert I’ve ever seen that’s not even a desert not good enough maybe I should fly around more I’m loading new chunks the server is crying just a beach you’re a beach just kidding just kidding I love beaches I love [Music] beaches yes how could I you guys are not ready for some of the songs I’ve got prepared for my karaoke I’m not ready either I have to learn them still big jungle cool jungle oh [Music] bamboo is always useful this stuff reminds me of um wait did I forget I forgot the name of it 2b2 t emeralds okay I don’t need emeralds I have so many emeralds but they’re rare but there’s a lot of them om more Sakura because the way that they track people on that server this is this is cool terrain generation if you’re not a 2b2 t is um the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft or something like that is this a new biome what is this brass it’s pretty it’s basically a server where there are no rules governed by chaos only I forgot my bed I forgot my bed oh no wait wait wait I can steal one perfect timing and on that server there’s like different factions they will fight each other sorry I stole your [Music] bed improvise adapt [Music] overcome and one of the big things is like trying to locate other people’s bases cuz it’s a really huge map and people will build like millions of blocks away wow cool and one way that they can find bases is by looking at which chunks have loaded which chunks have been generated because it will create like a trail when players are doing what I’m doing where I’m just like flying over in the terrain it’s beautiful I’m leaving behind a chunk Trail Minecraft hman I saw foa is going to play Hitman I’m excited I love when anybody plays [Music] Hitman fluffy seven ancient fluffy s that’s pretty good man there’s like no desert huh I shouldn’t use my whole stack cuz then I’m not going to be able to get back let’s go back this way cuz I think this is back the way that we came but many blocks out [Music] it is it is fun to explore [Music] though B bow I know but then I want everyone to play freelancer cuz I can’t relate to the campaign cuz I haven’t played it I just want people to play freelancer to oh my gosh look at the creepers to understand the joys of freelancer [Music] mode I like the new Minecraft World Generation if that’s what this is oh yeah it’s got like Mountain this must be a mountain it’s cool it reminds me a little bit of like old Minecraft cuz they used to have ooh cool cool mountain is this High [Music] rothgar cool mountain range wow old Minecraft I feel like had oh this is so cool had giant Peaks and stuff oh it’s like a valley a mountain valley what if we fly through so cool I have developed a fear of mountains though I mean they’re they’re scary if you think about it you know but I always used to just mostly think that they are [Music] beautiful but now I think that they’re terrifying how come because they’re one of the most like inhospitable environments is this a desert this is a beach I mean I could start here I guess am I giving up [Music] ouch yeah they’re really dangerous and basically no life can survive there if you’re high up enough [Music] enough I mean this is not going to be enough but I guess it’s a [Music] start we should get some sand today I guess wait but this still isn’t a desert does this still not count as finding our desert my desert my araus my Dune it’s a beach isn’t this nice and relaxing though yeah mountains I think are terrifying cuz like there’s no food at all like I think it’s actually easier to survive like stranded in the ocean as long as you have like a raft than it is to survive on like the top of a mountain where it’s just snow and there’s no food and there’s no nothing and you can’t leave the mountains cuz you’re just in the in the middle of miles and miles of mountains just walk to the valley and you were in a plane crash so you can’t walk now we’re getting like specific but the reason the reason why I have become oh no terrified of mountains I don’t know I think they’re scary there could be a lanches too when you think that things are as bad as they can get mountains are not to be underestimated like you think about plants and plants are so adaptable like plants will try and carve out any Niche that they can in this world they can grow almost anywhere but they can’t grow on top of a mountain there’s like no life at all maybe some birds could go up there but they’d have no reason to cuz there’s no no food no nothing oh no I’m need to draw drop my stuff [Music] off yeah no oxygen [Music] too no oxygen the freezing [Music] temperatures I don’t know I watched that um I shouldn’t be live documentary about the guy who survived in the ocean on a life raft for how long was it I don’t remember now how long it was was it like over 100 days two days no I think it was at least like 40 days how how indeed I think he I mean he was like getting water he made some kind of like water condensation collector thing with a tarp and I think he was catching fish as well and I think I remember he said that at the end of it he was like he had open source all over his body because of the the salt it’s like irritating his skin of course he’s like sunburned [Music] too yeah from the sea water but even then it’s like at least you have have [Music] food I guess if you’re in like the and I mean the temperature like depends right could be okay or it could be too cold yeah I think he had some supplies I don’t remember now I’ve watched a lot of these like survival documentaries and I know that people say that one of the most valuable things you can have is actually like a survival manual like a book I can’t remember if that guy had had one I feel like he did and that’s how he learned learned how to do the like water collector but it’s it’s something I think about if I ever plan to sail across the world I will definitely pack along a survival manual cuz I don’t know how to build a water collector I I could try but I don’t know if I’m going to do it properly I’m just going to end up drinking sea water by accident so the manual can be very valuable how hard could it be I don’t know oh no dirt please okay I am kind of destroying this whole Beach hungry eat the manual you know the saying give a man a fish and he’ll be full for 1 hour give a man a manual on how to fish and he’ll be hungry his whole life cuz he doesn’t have a fishing rod I don’t know if that’s exactly how it goes oh no I’m getting dizzy I’m full of course I’m full I need one page per day isn’t it messed up that we can’t eat paper but like a roach can eat the glue on a post stamp and it’s enough to sustain it for like 2 months of living we can’t eat paper how many calories does one sheet of paper have you eat so much paper is it an important part of your diet don’t we need paper I’m just saying I don’t know if paper is going to sustain you if you’re starving I don’t know if that’s if it’s going to get you through I mean I guess like it’s like uranium has like 1 billion calories in it for like 1 gram I don’t think that means you can just eat it and then you’re okay for the next 100 million years cuz you got all the calories you need Peak for bulking what about what’s the protein content though if it’s all carbohydrates then then you’re better off just eating the protein shakes you life hack dropped I need a desert this is not enough this beach maybe we should go looking for one our spoon is is halfway done already I should have made like 30 spoons then the side quest will never end though for real this time I don’t even know how much glass I need I feel like I’m starting to understand how this is going to go now I’m going to fill like two shulkers with sand and I’m going to be like that’s probably good enough wait I’ve already filled two never mind I’m going to fill at least three shulkers with sand before I give up and go back to building my tree and then later I’ll be like I don’t have enough sand why didn’t I collect more I’m going to need eight minimum that’s true actually I feel like I already used like one Shuler of sand of glass and it did not really even fill one section of the tree all right oh I don’t remember did I come this way I was going I think I wanted to go back this way back towards spawn see if there are any closer deserts mushroom biome I think that’s a different one than the one we saw earlier to guys trying to summarize my chat we’re really bouncing all over the place today how would it summarize it fauna’s chat is talking about Dune deserts and surviving plane crashes and eating paper oh yeah and how how many calories is in uranium good stuff good stuff don’t hit the [Music] ground the ground running didn’t make sense not to live for fun brain gets smart but your head gets dumb I also I feel like I okay I was listening to a lot of music last night I feel like I need to I need to apologize for my previous stance on the band cake I was kind of a cake hater cuz I don’t like the song the short skirt and a Long Jacket I just don’t like that song so I was kind of a hater but oh gosh it’s kind of scary kind of mountainous but I recently you’re going to make fun of me cuz this song is like super old and popular and it’s like how have I not realized I listen to the distance and that song is so good this is a desert my desert my IRA is my Dune here are our coordinates we’re here okay look it’s Eren in the distance yeah I heard song the distance and it’s so good I’m like how could I have been such a hater before he’s going the distance he’s going for speed it’s good I take back my my previous opinion PR sended [Music] is this bothering you this one is just here and the rest are all you know w w w w w am I allowed to do that I can do whatever I want as long as it’s not breaking any laws I guess now we just mine the sand forever and it’s I feel like mining it is easy the collecting it is the hard part this is kind of like power washer simulator I’ve never played power washer or is it power wash power wash simulator can you tell that I’ve never played it but if I had played it I imagine this is what it would be like it’s kind of like vacuuming could just dig in a line and then we don’t have to think at all we’re kind of digging ourselves into a hole okay we’re not even we’re not even there yet has a similar energy this is probably less satisfying especially the way I’m doing it I’m just digging myself into a hole figuratively and literally figuratively because I can’t stop giving my opinion on survival situations even though I’ve never been in one and hopefully will never be in one and I’m woefully underprepared if I were to be in one I’ll just eat the golden apple and then I’ll live is that a bunny a bunny how cute I’ve been Black Friday shopping that counts I have I that’s true true only when I was little really well now I just do it online if I need to shop for any deals but I did go with theur and family and I never understood it as a kid I was like why do I have to wake up so early and then we would go and we wouldn’t even buy like the big ticket items like a TV we would just buy like cheap slipper socks and it’s like why do we have to wake up at 500 a.m. so that we can buy a pair of three slipper socks for $3 what are we doing we have to wait in the [Music] line did the same thing I don’t know why was it always it was always like slipper socks and pajamas I don’t know now that I think of it the adults were probably buying like Christmas gifts for for the other family members that’s probably what they were doing but I just got I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to go Black Friday shopping and all I got was this pajama t-shirt basically my invent oh it’s it’s fine it was not fine I should sell that as a shirt did I tell you guys about that this YouTube channel that I saw there was like how to create a booming Etsy business with almost no real effort and I clicked on it because I thought that it was like ironic you know like a like a parody but it was like a real tutorial on like how to set up like a Drop Shipping page on Etsy and they were like just take clip art from the internet and then put a witty slogo on it like don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning glass of wine and then throw some clip art on it and then sell it on Etsy and then have a Drop Shipping Company send it directly to the customer and you don’t have to do anything at all I was like what this is the state of etsy and I know that it is the state of Etsy I missed when Etsy was like actually you could go there and feel like you’re supporting a small business cuz I was looking for like um a desk mat I know the Fawn and desk mat but I kind of wanted a pink one really the answer is wait until a pink think Hollow M releases a new desk mat then I should buy it but I was looking for one on Etsy and it’s full of AI art now like it was so hard to find anything that’s actually like made by an artist now and it I’m getting it’s getting harder and harder to tell what is and isn’t AI art for me anyway yeah and I will try to like figure out like is this an actual artist page store page but sometimes they’re like I don’t know they try to be sneaky about it yeah that’s that’s the stain of etsy and people are even making YouTube tutorials on how YouTube can set up your Etsy Drop Shipping business made with love they do they say that that’s what they say I don’t know have I done it yet no but but that’s what I’m saying like if I were to then you know put something like I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to go Black Friday shopping and all I got was this pajama t-shirt slap that on there and then like I don’t know maybe you can like AI generate a picture of like like two grandmas fighting each other in the the Cold’s department [Music] store that could be good but no if I already said if I make my own small business it’s going to be slimes and I don’t think you can AI generate those yet what if oh actually that’s like a thought I’m sure people have done this like give AI Control of your 3D printer and let it start printing stuff and see what it prints 3D printed slime times yeah have people have people done that yet sounds like a recipe for a disaster honestly I think at this point all it’s going to do is like waste your expensive 3D printing filament it’ll print itself a body I mean at that point then we start after asking questions like can you destroy it still or by the time it’s 3D pred itself a body do we need to start start giving it consideration and we shut it [Music] down destroy it I don’t know has anyone done that I feel like that’s a good YouTube video idea I wonder if zombie I wonder if the AI would even it could probably make stuff to be 3D printed than Mr Beast video what is even Mr Beast doing anymore my inventory [Music] his best game [Music] shows how many have I filled I should organize these this is a little absurd so some of them are randomly filled that’s fine we’ll get there and then we have to worry about smelting [Music] it which I’ll probably [Music] use lava I guess it’s it’s good that we’re mining the sand right now cuz when I’m working on the tree the canopy I can be [Music] smelting oh gosh but I don’t I don’t want to I was going to say like we need more lava I don’t want to make a lava Farm anywhere near my my tree though there is a lava Farm on the server right like a pretty big one I think don’t risk it I could just bring in the lava from the outside under Kyla’s temple in like the main area not at like her [Music] base and then I’m going to need diee too we have the flower farm though which just needs bone meal we have bone meal probably most people consider that in Minecraft like a waste product bone meal they’ll throw it [Music] away and I would be lying if I said I never threw away my bones [Music] fools Maybe not maybe people do keep it maybe it’s just me whenever I don’t need it I’m like who needs this one skeleton [Music] bone I just remember TT was always so full of bone [Music] meal until I started taking it all the bow bows need it cuz they’re dogs for a second I thought you meant they’re working on something what have they been up to ad Minecraft I didn’t see I saw they were playing it did they build anything do they want to build anything getting scared by caves that’s a good place to start in Minecraft there is oh here there is a lot to do besides just a building sometimes I forget that that you can actually like go on adventures and stuff in Minecraft who knew oh I almost broke the shovel we’re going to have to go back to fix the shovels I should have made more don’t absentmindedly break the shovels cuz my sleep deprived [Music] brain is barely paying attention to Minecraft Minecraft is for building World trees I agree 100% oh I Gathering to make glass yes cuz glass will be a principal decorating block over the tree and we’re getting close to the point where I might start putting in the decorations I might try to shape the tree a little bit I don’t know cuz it’s a little bit frisbee like it’s a little bit flat at the moment I think I could give it some more shape more tree like form but yeah it is coming along doing the decorations will be satisfying I think I think the most satisfying part will be lighting it up with like frog lights and glowstone and stuff cuz at the moment it’s very dark and you can barely even tell like what color the wool is from below it which is mostly how people will be viewing it so once we put the lights on I think that’s when it’s really going to start coming [Music] together this sand digging is making me dizzy oh no I I don’t know how many Shuler box is I I brought fire fire light the fire no no not [Music] fire just lights lights camera action you’re on [Music] TV that was bothering me that I filled them so so randomly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 2 is 18 at least I hope it is otherwise we’re in [Music] trouble serious fun with the [Music] flow so if I fill all of these that’s probably enough right [Music] I can do math simple [Music] math regular math or vtuber math oh no is vtuber math a thing there’s got to be vtubers who are good in math right there’s got to be we can’t all be bad Ollie that’s right I’m still decent I’m not decent I am very bad in mental math and I’ve always been very bad in mental math which is why I like calculators I’m the type of person who like if I’m taking a math test I’m going to put like 4 * 3 into my calculator just to make sure you know I’m not taking any chances you can get good at Mental Math though there was one period of time where I needed to prepare for a test where I couldn’t use a calculator and I got pretty good at mental math at that point but then I lost it as soon as I stopped practicing again [Music] spoon dying [Music] spoon yeah use it or lose it is it time for a math stream no whenever I’m streaming I don’t know okay sometimes people say that this is like cope I think it’s real I don’t think it’s cope whenever you’re streaming you really do have like a 30% brain cognition debuff streamer brain is a real thing it’s totally real thank you thank you for believing me if you don’t think it’s real I welcome you to give it a try you may find yourself making dumb mistakes in video games that you wouldn’t otherwise make because you’re distracted trying to think of things to say trying to ramble on forever and ever glancing over at be to make sure that you’re not dropping frames has been scientifically proven they tested streamers or maybe just multitasking in general I have heard that that people can like multitasking is like a myth that people cannot actually multitask [Music] multitasking in general is fake that oh the RoR banding that’s reassuring honestly because I think I am particularly bad at multitasking I will just get so lost in whatever I’m doing I really prefer to focus on on one thing at a time otherwise it’ll it’ll just take me way longer to do whatever I’m trying to do I do think that goes for streaming but I don’t think it’s a bad thing for streaming like I am [Music] definitely dumber and and probably worse at games when I’m streaming but that’s okay cuz you don’t have to be smart and good at games to stream it’s fine we can we can accept the debuff yeah we called that content exactly and you know when you when you miss something in a video game and everybody feels compelled to comment on it we call that engagement right there watch OU of wild outer wild still counts as multitasking because I was talking and recording it’s not the same it still counts C I don’t know all I say is like you should try give it a shot record yourself and make sure that you’re talking 30 seconds or more of dead air and you have to restart hi sent the timer and then and then you have to okay that’s the thing cuz you might think that you did a good job at you were good at gaming cuz I too thought that I thought I did a great job at 100 Wilds I was like I made great progress then you have to watch it back and watch yourself make these mistakes that you didn’t realize you were making and then you will understand the plight of the streamer you will understand how hard it is I’m just kidding it’s pretty great but I I still think I would be better at outer wild if I was not trying to talk at the same time so much C I don’t know no all I’m saying is when you watch a streamer who’s like good at video games usually they’re not talking that much usually they’re focused on the game it’s okay nobody understands me nobody gets me nobody understand [Music] hands have I seen Games Done Quick yes and nobody beats their PB at Games Done Quick as far as I’m aware anyway that’s not where the PBS are made I mean maybe it’s happened historically but they do rarely [Music] rarely and you know sometimes I beat my PB on stream too and getting over it actually I’ve only ever beaten my PB on stream but am I going to be at games that quick I would love to I would love to be the person who reads out the donations and watches I’ll put on my best announcer voice I did better with batro on stream that’s because I had delicious back seating advice which depending on the game is sometimes helpful and sometimes not helpful a full house can we hear it I don’t know you have to I need to I need okay I guess I can I can read my own donations we can we can do that okay okay so the the the runner has to be like and now we have time for some donations I’ll be like all right and with that we have a donation from ranous channel for $5 thank you so much they have to say fauna is the new shy hude thank you so much Ravis we also have a donation from kex creger 44 for 5 thank you very much I hope you can sleep very well today and dream nice today perhaps of your saplings maybe I will maybe I will oh and looks like looks like the run is back online back to you see really similar see let me do it let me be the person who reads the donations creeping you out let me do it I’ll do it I’ve definitely practiced this it’s just it’s just a similar skill set being a streamer oh looks like we’ve got another donation from cam for $10 thank you so much Cam first time donating to the fgq Faun and Games Done Quick love supporting such a great cause also save the animals that’s right cam save the animals I feel like it’s getting a little bit too like uh too dystopian dystopian announcer you [Music] know NPC energy you have to add a little bit of humor in there right a little bit of humanity you can’t just be like the perfect robot donation [Music] reader but I don’t know I feel like that’s the that’s the runner’s job to be funny that’s why I don’t I don’t have the the speed running skills to be a run I guess you could sometimes they bring a friend right to chat with them while they’re speed running but let me be the the donation reader I think I could do [Music] that yeah the couch chatting the couch chatter is also pretty good spot to have you don’t have to I don’t know it would I would be so stressed out if I had to actually do the speed run I would be so scared I mean I’m sure there are times where like they do mess up and they don’t get to finish the speedrun right and it’s probably not a huge deal and then but I don’t know maybe some people would be be disappointed if you don’t get to finish it youve got like a specifically allotted amount of time does happen sometimes I that would happen to me and I would feel so bad it’s too much pressure they made a rule for it wait what’s the rule for it most people get a high estimate as announcer you get to yell at them to stop is that what the the donation reader does are they also the announcer I’m not good at yelling at people though I’d be too scared well I don’t know maybe if I can really get into my announcer Persona I’ll be okay otherwise I’m going to be like um um excuse me excuse me speedrunner um the your a lotted time is over so I’m actually we have to move on to the next one um excuse [Music] me and with that speed Runner it looks like our time is up oh too bad don’t worry I’m sure you’ll get it next year there’s always another chance don’t snecker at them like that though and with that everybody we will be moving on to the next event but first we have a brief message from our sponsors and don’t forget if you donate you can be entered into our raffle to win a wide variety of prizes including this autographed fauna plushy that’s right rain shadow Legends no announcer stream announcer ASMR stream [Music] win can I do it while whispered I feel like it doesn’t have the same effect I guess it could be soft spoken welcome everyone to my ASMR stream that’s right today we’ll be H it’s giving it’s giving preschool teacher rather than than like announcer is that the only difference between an announcer and a preschool teacher is the degree of softs spokenness I don’t know teacher Vibes oh it’s alpacas I love alpacas they both share clear enunciation that’s true love me some clear enunciation sometimes or not love me some unintelligible Whispers also Auctioneer Auctioneer is hard because you have to you have to think fast all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the auction and on this first pedestal we are auctioning off a beautiful Minecraft shovel that’s right folks it’s a diamond shovel do I have a $10 $10 for the Minecraft shovel oh there’s $10 oh that’s $11 o and sold to the lady in the green dress I miss your B too stressful auctioner is too stressful oh I was practicing my liar harp last night too when I couldn’t sleep I’m trying to learn Priscilla’s song on it I found some some notes for it I’ll try to play it for [Music] you at some point we are running out of shovels folks that’s right we’ve made four shovels not five count them four shovels and we are running out eventually we’re going to have to go go back to the Village folks that’s right back to the Village to make more shovels you heard it here first we are running [Music] out can’t count me neither don’t worry we can count together one two uh three five four we can do it come on you can do it wrong I need to watch Apollo counting I still haven’t watched what’s it made of flask what’s it made of sand [Music] sand he’s so cute I wonder like well I guess that we do know the lore for why he says glass it’s because he used to only be able to say glass cup [Music] but then he started shortening it to Glass losing the cup but it became glass glass but I wonder like I don’t know what determines like what phrases he picks up in like the way that he picks up each [Music] phrase like I’m sure he mimics probably both of his caretakers parents but I wonder like if they both say it does he pick up like both of their their voices or does he choose one or does it probably depends on each individual phrase metal well he usually says things the same way but not always right it’s like he’s a soundboard and he only needs one voice clip of each thing he wants to say but he could have more if he wanted to paper did he learn how to say plastic yet I remember he was working on that he was like plti plasti or water Shu oh spoon check you’re right this is the original oral spoon I should go to sleep things that you can say in Minecraft and IRL I should go to sleep creeper oh [Music] man Minecraft is real life I think are you he’s not burning up uh-oh I don’t have a weapon I don’t have a weapon I don’t have a weapon I don’t have a weapon you can’t fight me I don’t have a weapon he just wants to sleep rotten [Music] flesh it’s a husk is that good should I try to kidnap him and log him up with the rest of my villagers oh my gosh well the party is over [Music] huh did that guy steal the alpaca why is this one why is this one’s lead going over here what’s going on Minecraft are you okay speaking of kidnapping I don’t want to go get them cuz I don’t have any milk to drink it’s the S cars I don’t know how to say it sarder cars good joke I stole that one from chat except I didn’t have the confidence to pronounce it Sor duar no they’re killing the AP pacas but I don’t have a I don’t have I don’t have I don’t have I don’t have no don’t hurt the Packers no no no no no not the alpacas ow do not hurt the alpacas no you’re horrible you are horrible you’re horrible I’m going to put you in gar sand prison sand tomb h [Music] ow perish [Music] perish this will be your your tomb forever oh my gosh I was so scared of G’s you be careful don’t go in there I was so scared of gar watching Naruto his sand to so [Music] scary that’s what you get that’s what you get it’s got a lot of HP huh Justice is served I’m sorry I could not save your friend I’m sorry I’m so sorry oh the desert is a harsh place a cruel place he gave his water almost threw my bow [Music] out well be free now alpaca be free [Music] free is it cooler than the mountains I think the desert is less cruel than the mountains but still very cruel don’t get me wrong oh gosh I’m a pin cushion but I don’t just mean like you know we’re talking like in the mountains like there is no anything no trees no plants only rocks and [Music] snow water doco well first we have to find a [Music] worm look it’s m the the Dune references are are becoming a stretch wrong animal close enough close enough references must [Music] blow where’s the spies well I don’t want to get addicted so maybe it’s good that there’s there’s no spice [Music] here also I love the worms they’re amazing but I don’t really want to meet one so this is fine spicel sand we’re just in the business of sand for now would I ride a worm I mean if I was fman I would cuz you don’t have okay now we’re actually spoiling things you know you know sorry sorry 40-year-old book but the movie only came out like two months ago [Music] and I still love you if you were a worm yes I was just talking about this in my member stream I think I think if you answer no to that question did you ever really love them in the first place I mean of course you can be sad that they’re a worm but if you really love them you really love their soul their Essence their being then you should still love them as a worm and you should build a beautiful terrarium worm terrarium for them and keep them close to you for the rest of your life well the rest of their worm life I guess I don’t know how long worms live and you should read to them their favorite book just in case they are somehow have retained their human intelligence trapped in inside the prison of a worm body [Music] and you should make sure that they have the best life that a worm can have that’s what I think any other answer is is a week you ate the worm okay well that can also be kind of yere a romantic in a way you know so I guess it depends on you know your motivation are you a bird also follow-up question what I mean you know I mean I was also just talking about yandre how I like them I like them on the crazy side I have to be honest I don’t want them them to just be you know sort of a little bit possessive I like them on the crazy side in fiction in fiction we’re talking about so you know sometimes that involves like creepily collecting hair and baking it into cookies and then you know eating it or or feeding it baking your own hair into cookies and feeding it [Music] my good I don’t know to me this is like this is classic yandere and if it’s not if it’s not this level of crazy I don’t know if it’s even even Yonder then it’s just it’s just possessive [Music] Future Diary yes yes you know I love homra I love others I love who I got in trouble for spoiling things although what I I just said was also [Music] spoiler it’s true homera did nothing wrong I agree wait isn’t there a new movie coming out a new mon movie when is it coming out you need help little buddy oh careful careful do I love the Yonder and Chainsaw man which one which [Music] one um I [Music] like all of them I don’t really like [Music] um what’s her name the main girl how do I forget her name makima I I like her I like her but not in the way that I like yandere you know I like Raz though I like makima as a character she’s I don’t know I mean I’m just talking about like how I like him crazy but makim is a little bit mean you know she’s I I like I think I like my yand is to be non mean just crazy you know what I mean like they don’t have to be mean how is she mean okay maybe mean is not the right word cruel hardless are these are these are these better descriptions um yeah but I like her as a character I like her you know I prefer Raz is she Yonder I don’t know she’s cute yeah not really but she’s cute and she’s kind of goth like yawn d you’re ready for the movie I’m not caught up on chainsaw man I have not been caught up in like a year I feel like but maybe I should I could binge it start reading again I do like to binge it you know more than read it chapter by chapter cuz one chapter is just too sure Reading part two all in one go well all in one go might be the way is part two done or is it still going see I think I stopped right after part one ended it’s far from over yeah I guess I could just wait then part two is way too early it’s really good so far have I been watching delicious in Dungeon I have I really like dungeon meshing I really like Marcel and falline I like them a lot and I like chill Chu a lot a lot too it’s very good I have not read the Manga though but the anime is so good I’m kind of obsessed with [Music] Marcil she’s so cute I love her but I’m also kind of obsessed with Fallen I love characters that have their eyes closed most of the [Music] time bario is so adorable it is it is to me that’s like the that’s the ship I don’t know I guess there are other ships but to me that’s the one miss a couple are there other ships some people ship lios and Marcel not me though how dare you I don’t see it I don’t see it either I think they’re just friends I don’t see any any sort of Chemistry Between them at all chill chill choke wife how about lios exi since she in his pan lios X cob no thanks no no no now we’re cooking I like marel and falling that’s all I need it’s the most likely ship wait which one well there’s also okay this is kind of a spoiler I’m not going to spoil it too much but this is sort of a spoil spoiler shuro also exists I mean he seems fine he has his his love interest this seems fine I’m not like super against it but I like the other one better he exists he exists I mean I like you know I like his his dedication his devotion you know that’s important py best girl which one is she is she the [Music] only I really like the oie girl she’s so cute she’s that is her she’s adorable she’s a beig so cute I she’s just adorable it’s a good Trope there’s a character like that in trun also right [Music] like the big adorable [Music] girl yeah Millie Millie I like that Trope I think that’s a good a good Trope with the giant gun [Music] yes have I watched try gun no I haven’t I’ve watched a little tiny bit of it I should watch it it’s got great [Music] style not missing much oh [Music] no the reboot was pretty cool I like the character designs I like what’s his name Vash Vash the sampen is that even his real name I like his design I like the glasses yeah and the the coat the red coat very cool his real name is spoilers okay okay doesn’t he say it in like the first episode I don’t remember he’s got like other names right right or I don’t know maybe he’s just telling people different [Music] names John trun that’s it that’s [Music] it original design or the Remake design I don’t know if I’ve seen the Remake design I like the original design he’s got like asymmetrical sleeves too right I like that too no that’s a spoiler John try gun how could we reveal his real name now light is going to kill him with the Death Note no I just had like traumatic flashbacks from Death Note when I find found out spoiler can we spoil Death Note the year 2024 well I don’t even have to say it when I found out the spoiler I was so crushed so crushed that I didn’t even finish the anime after that I just gave up on it why live why go on but then I did finish it years later and while I do think the second half of the show is not as good as the first half I still liked it I need to read the manga actually how can I be a death node fan and I haven’t even read the Manga cuz the manga has a different ending right I haven’t even read the Manga but I liked the ending of the the anime too I thought it was good man I get like chills thinking about it I liked the head maning which makes me feel like should I should I like it am I not no [Music] more I like when he’s it sucked I liked it you love to like it I liked it I liked when light was walk talking to ryuk I thought that was so [Music] good people are allowed to not like it it’s true it’s [Music] true that was my my favorite part of the ending a part with ryuk I have not watched code geese I don’t know how to say it either guos Cod geese I tried to watch it at one point but I didn’t get into it I probably could like it it’s really [Music] good honk honk 10 times better than Death Note um but does it have a goth anime waifu in it does it have the goth anime waiu in it yes is it the green haired girl she’s pretty cute it’s true but Misa is like the one and only Misa is also kind of a yandere a little bit Misa misa’s a poser how can you say say that how can you say that misa’s overrated Misa is everything light did not deserve her it should have been me she was willing to sacrifice everything for him he didn’t appreciate that and she’s cute and goone it should have been me they should have given me the Death Note then then I can go all gadriel on them like I’m I’m just waiting for it I shouldn’t slander gadriel like that cuz she doesn’t actually fall she just has a cool scene where she talks about it and I’m like oh yeah that could beat me unless I would love to see like an alternate timeline Lord of the Rings where gadriel like falls to the Ring’s Temptation and takes it and becomes the next dark lord I want to see that I do like my dark corruption Hearts it’s true you want to see that for Gandalf how do you think what would be the difference between Gandalf and soron oh soron I guess Sauron Sauron was also like Gandalf different voice actor either one really I mean isn’t San like evil G [Music] already but saon is the dark lord so I mean if Gandalf got the ring then he would be the dark lord and what would he be like as the the dark dark lord is completely different I think well it is right soron was always a little evil right and same with saon both of them were always a little evil no yes no not always only after through the ring were [Music] they just a little evil as a treat I want to see what would happen if someone like so so noble-hearted like Gandalf or gadriel fell to the ring cuz they said they would try to use it for good at first I would like to see like what they do with it at first and then see how it corrupt [Music] them and gadriel give a preview yeah but I need more more can I buy the full version subscribe please need more preview was good where can I get the full version have I watched the ringing I actually just watched it literally like 2 days ago how did you know but it was my first time watching it I watched it with Mama [Music] Kieran I thought it was really good I liked it a lot I thought it was a great horror [Music] movie original oh I watched the Western version the American versioning ringing I’m forgotten how to roll my [Music] ARS but now whenever I look at snail’s eyes I see two rings looking back in me and I’m like oh [Music] no seven days to I thought it was good it was so creepy I like the ending [Music] too I liked the well the creepy well that’s so [Music] scary spoil it I don’t know if I should spoil it I mean this is also a super old movie I also liked how 2000s it was it’s like a VHS tape it’s the ring nobody’s got cell phones well actually there’s a couple cell phones I liked it there’s like it’s like the everybody has like their home phone that’s like a key feature to it their landline I feel like it would be so different today because the technology is so different I mean imagine if you like uploaded it to YouTube you know uploaded the ring video to YouTube that would be crazy it’s a Tik Tok now that’s even worse go viral okay I have to go to an idol meeting and then I think I will wrap it up here I will read the super chats though I think we collected a decent amount of sand for now okay I’ll be right back be right [Music] back FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kier and get ready to jam out let’s [Music] go 1 2 3 go there is spot with a flow we are Hollow promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look M on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable TR dance back back back it up [Music] what rain of s [Music] H promise ladies a moom SK oh so cute thank you Sensei I get thank you so much VA get your head out of gutter man oh be it’s not a face God vaa is real what we’re known for big deal man I love f don’t you it is on PA over [Music] [Music] Che I yeah yeah uhh uhh [Music] uh hello I’m [Music] back let me grab the super [Music] chats thanks for hanging out today with sleep depress Kieran Minecraft Monday is always [Music] good ranged Minecraft [Music] kieren am I going to take a nap I don’t know I’m might or I might stay up until it’s a more reasonable time to sleep and then try to sleep [Music] normally happiness a curse don’t do it we’ll see yeah correct my sleep okay I’m going to read the super chats thank you for hanging out thank thank you Secrets No Escape bus Paul or mby fictionist swag M Oris ra beinheim Hypno electronic Pig Sam casual Vader Mr bler Pizza Sky gloop SLE saing king shark slender Aster cir blue K Ranger ghosty Vel coer Chef th NEOS skite orange milkshake Benjo koide Aon Matthew in the mood Raphael Luke w Reen Kevin tentacle moon pie LSR Sapphire simpleton Spirit raner Jim Mr Beach Andrew misy lunar in the r Temple recile Cho superzero final home Redi rence misery Evan Jose Granda I forgot to breathe mror is in KD Jeff around the wind splend man Lun invisible GRE ghost Andre Red Ranger chatte Bruno super zero our manaster Georgio thank you Plum Plum got all got Plum all sing C thank [Music] you seven high thank you T thank you I am a Karen and I’m digging a hole Diggy Diggy Hole thank you thanky hole Elan thank [Music] you you can be whatever kind of tree you would like to be Stella thank you big fan of Minecraft Mondays by the way well thank you for joining glad you like them I feel it’s good to have a chatty nice chatty stream can catch up on everything during Minecraft Mondays standard thank you I’m glad to hear it thank you great move thank you no I haven’t that sounds cool though Dark Sun D and D setting Evan thank you Luke thank you sing a buet thank you gry thank you happy early birthday he ask see if my British accent has improved it’s my birthday tomorrow you’re GL you to sing Happy Birthday in a British accent and I can’t help feeling responsible for sparking the curent British fa Arc sorry saplings can we see if the accents improved for this song please yes we [Music] can happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing it hasn’t gotten better happy birthday to you thank you happy birthday Bart rocks rocks so cute Bart the troll scrim fried rice thank you thank you I don’t like sand it’s coarse and rough and irritating gets everywhere not like the world tree there everything is Lush and blocky it’s true the world tree is by definition [Music] self-contained thank you scrim fried rice Bishop thank you glas Benjo thank you talking about Dune the only Spice World it has Posh Baby scary and sporty that’s right is there a fifth one are there only four Spice [Music] Girls Ginger Spice yeah was Ginger Spice left out intentionally only four is Ginger Spice not one hold on who are the Spice Girls there’s five of [Music] them scary sporty baby Ginger and [Music] Posh you forgot the other one it wasn’t intentional I at least you I thought maybe you had something against Ginger Spice yeah whole vtu J of Spice [Music] Girls okay thank you I brought her out just for you full of beans thank you happy [Music] birthday happy early birthday or maybe it’s past midnight now happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear saing happy birthday to you happy birthday guku thank you KS thank you Ki thank you kind of new music or old music I listen to a bit of Tam and Paula which I like never got into before but Tam and Paula is like so so popular I heard this really good song I have to remember what it’s called I need to make sure I don’t accidentally play it on my stream hold on it’s called don’t accidentally play it it’s called telephones by the band of vacations is very good Sean thank you in the back was an absolute nightmare when you worked at Walmart oh no Eric thank you I am serious gamer Kieran FAA keeper of nature the hand of monu will be my witness I am the voice from the world tree I will lead you to Paradise thank you Gordon bre th thank you avaro thank you Randall thank you happy birthday happy birthday hope you have a great birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sing Happy Birthday to you happy Birthday ravas thank you run the wind thank [Music] you Masashi thank you helan thank you smelly [Music] Mayo thank you mrv thank you superzero thank you I know goth where’s goth FAA go gone well she’s still here on the inside [Music] always but I feel like I’ve been wearing the god outfit for like 2 months got to throw it in the wash you know got to give some some love to Classic outfit we’ll we’ll swap it out we’ll rotate the outfits but if left to my own devices I do I really like the goth one still Rous thank you sir guard Pebble thank you Chef s thank you oh no I’m sorry to hear that I hope you can get some better sleep tonight Clarence thank you I wish I could have Clarence take over my stream for me the the brain worm from penumbra I’ve been thinking about penumbra lately CU I want to play a horror game like penumbra or like I don’t know Faith these horror games are not similar but something Amnesia bunker is true we should finish that but I was scared it’s too scary and pum was less scary just soggy thank you Jake thank you that’s right evil doct catfish thank you really unnamed camel thank [Music] you is this really ter what Terry pratchet said I know Terry prouet said every mushroom is edible some are only edible once but did he really say build a man of fire and he’ll be warn for a day set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life you believe it he really did oh my goodness I run the win thank you oh good luck that sounds awesome and scary good luck turtle shell thank you thank you sowings thank [Music] you aren thank you Elan thank you that’s probably enough glass blocks right 18 full showr is 31,000 glass blocks I love Eureka thank you benini broccoli thank you stream brain make you bad at simple puzzles too yes I’m blaming for all my inadequacies it also um is the reason why I have any pimples if I ever get a pimple um it’s the reason it’s the reason why there’s dirty dishes in my sink just blame it for everything yeah also why nail farts it must [Music] be rence thank you Bishop thank you EV thank you Pride thank you Cam thank you Paul thank you Ingram thank you Nathan thank you kill the frames Deuce thank you five bucks to put that one Shuler back in line okay okay all right fine I’ll open it up just give me a second turns out I can be bribed I’ll show you I’ll show [Music] you we’re loading signal thank you and the animals save the frames evil KN catfish thank you shave the animals CAD niip carbonara thank you great move thank you thank you Elian thank you or musen thank you is a ggq speedrunner in my chat I know that the person who did Skyrim at gdq has been around before okay hold on I’ll fix it there you go it is [Music] done and what if next time I come back and it’s messed up again so [Music] worth Jake nightmares thank you dark Eco freak thank you EST Stella thank you Spirit bed thank you spend bed thank you thank you guys for Reg I wish I could give you one of my shovels spear man thank you Cronos are you the speedrunner thank you ZB 9,000 thank you CLE mancer thank you I checked the math fauna completed outer Wilds just slightly faster than the average player n equal 4,000 but with the 30% streamer brain debuff suddenly she’s an abnormally fast outlier the curine is too powerful to be play games off stream exactly exactly the numbers don’t lie thank you can answer is f thank you do you all right thank [Music] you lazy mud thank you true yway thank you yeah what if they put put SLE on the Time Square TV and she was enormous you mean when she comes out of there would she be enormous I think she would be normal sized still but she would kill a lot of people if she crawled out k she’d fall she would [Music] fall does she die though I feel like she already lives sure she already lives I feel like she doesn’t [Music] die maybe she gets to go back in the TV and it’s like a loop Bishop ring ring ring rule them all ring thank you and Casual Vader thank you and those are the super chats I will catch up on The Witcher ones at some point but I will go get some rest maybe not sleep but rest I’ll try to sleep well tonight and then no stream tomorrow but I will see you soon so thank you very much for hanging out with Minecraft have Monday today thank you thank you I will see you guys later that’s all from me bye-bye and F Well bye-bye bye FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to J out let’s go power [Music] up 1 2 3

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 My desert. My Minecraft. My dune.’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-07 01:13:35. It has garnered 117330 views and 9914 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:32 or 10832 seconds.

We are mining sand in the desert to make glass for the world tree

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    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More