Secrets of Izumi Annalisa’s Minecraft Roleplay Set 🪄

Video Information

You’re the you don’t how I feel I could get used to the magic I it’s Mag you only open up your eyes To You Happ for You Guys guys we’re on our new computer today that’s right I have my new computer here so if anything is off I do apologize it is because I have my new computer and whatnot and I’m still setting it up for let me actually check stream really quick on my phone but hello everyone Hi Hi lovely to see you all here hello JP hello hedgehogs hello wolf Haven hello Rose the curse hello Amaya hello everyone hello Elio Productions yes new computer I built it y’all me and well mainly my boyfriend built it I’m I’m I’m not going to take the credit uh for

Building it when I I did very little in the grand scheme of things I just have smaller hands than him so I was able to get into the nooks and crannies that he can’t get in too easily cuz he has big boy [Laughter] hands you guys have a New Perspective

Now I did not move same room same everything just different angle we don’t have stream on on chat on screen that’s the word we don’t have chat on screen sadly here let me go ahead and test to see how it sounds you guys have a New Perspective okay everything sounds good

Let me know if anything’s off should be all good though hello black hole reacts hello everyone Hi what’s a Specs um I don’t know off the top of my head I’ll get a list and I’ll post them on my Instagram story for you guys but here’s what it looks like I’ll show you

Guys a little behind the scenes action it’s really hard for you guys to see it because of the exposure because obviously the light is up there and whatnot but she pretty I have Ana on my liquid cooling deal Anya forger now we have a new setup I have new monitors I’m going to

Do a full setup Tour by the way so you guys will I’ll I’ll put the specs in the description of the setup tour um I’m going to do a full setup tour I’m going to react to you guys roasting my setup also in that video yes

It’s a nice she a nice baby I think I want to name her Ana just because Anya on screen first thing I put on there and she’s so pretty so pretty and sweet she runs so much better than my last PC I love my last PC my last PC is in my

Closet now cuz we’re going to take it for parts and stuff and give it to people for if anyone needs PC parts and whatnot even though the PC is so old I don’t think anyone’s going to want the parts but hey it will forever hold a

Special place in my heart you guys may have noticed the merch Ken Zumi for the win Kenji Andi under the missile so all cute Link in the description limited time only till Christmas so get it while you can looks really cool thank you thank you yeah welcome to stream we’re going

To be doing some behind the scenes stuff as per usug let me turn on the music a little bit more okay and once again I say this as a warning I am still getting everything set up so that’s why we don’t have stuff we don’t have stuff on screen like chat

On screen and everything we also have food bowls in the background this is the set food bowls are on uh we also have food bowls in the background for my cats because they were being very loud and I think it’s cuz they didn’t want to leave

The room while I was like doing stuff in here and so I moved their food bowls and their litter box into here so that they have everything they’d need besides their water fountain but that’s like that’s just that’s literally right outside the room so they get they get

Like really clingy sometimes and it’s okay cuz so do I um so I just moved stuff in here so that they didn’t have to worry about it um but yeah I guys my old PC I used to have to like delete footage after every recording I did because I’d run out of

Storage that is how little storage my old computer had this computer has 4 terabytes I’m never going to have to worry about storage ever again I’m never going to have to worry about storage ever again I I went CC shopping for my Sims I haven’t played

The Sims in so long guys I made Barbie and Ken in The Sims and I want to make the internet Crush cast in The Sims I feel like that’d be a lot of fun we should do that sometime I’ll definitely be doing that on a video sometime soon I got to go CC

Shopping though and make sure I have everything I would want for said event I got to make sure I have like what they look like like I definitely don’t have denk’s haircut in The Sims yet I don’t even think I have Zumi’s haircut in The Sims

I need to go CC shopping again I love custom content four terabytes I know it’s kind of Overkill but since I do this for my you know livelihood I need a lot of storage it’s a two it’s two two terabyte drives um and then I have a lot of ram

Now I don’t even know how much RAM I have I know I have four sticks but I don’t know how much each stick is I know a lot more about computers now guys guys guys gays gals um I know a lot more about computers now um I didn’t know like

Anything about computers before um but helping put a PC together really puts it into perspective like I know what each thing is now like I know which is the motherboard I know what’s the liquid cooling I know what the ram is um I know what the graphics card is it’s right

There I would not have been able to point out before I would have been like I don’t know what is I think that’s that thing I would not have known I think I knew what the motherboard was that was it so be proud your girl learning stuff

Your girl learning stuff I think I’m going to turn down the slide a little bit it feels a little bright it feels a little bit better did the computer come out of the closet it come came out of the closet and is now a full thing it’s also gay

Like fullon like it has RGB beautiful RGB setup gay gay we love gay we love the gay yeah I change I can customize all the stuff because it’s all coair for the most part most part which means that I it’s all like the same brand so I can

Like coordinate the lights uh I wanted the front fand to still be rainbow cuz I really liked how the rainbow looked um but then most of the fans are pink and then I have certain ones purple and then I have a I have white everything now I have white monitors the

Only thing I don’t have white is like cords and stuff and also the speakers but like I don’t care about that that’s like such a little thing and like this obviously guys do you see sorry if I just like you know do you see what my

Cats have done to this oh Beauty Guru moment hold on do you guys see what my cats have been chewing on I need to get a new one literally don’t know what to do I guess I could use a sock can I flip it inside

Out I don’t know it’s not going to fit if I do that it’s not going to fit she too girthy and so jealous so happy for you thank you thank you thank you thank you hi Amelia hi hi babes how’s it going okay sorry if I’m

Like ASMR in you guys a little bit aggressively here me poor pop Builder I know I need to get a new one I’ve had it for a long time I’ve had this mic for a really long time I need to update my mic still but like everything else is new

Now so work until you can replace it yeah cuz I feel like it just looks gross I I changed I turned it around so you guys don’t see the gross side you guys see like the moderately okay side now guys I missed you guys I haven’t

Been streaming as often now but now I can stream so much more often because my PC’s already like guys we’re never have to worry about my stream’s crashing cuz of my computer ever again like Wi-Fi obviously power going out that’s one thing the ASMR face that’s what you guys don’t know is

Behind the scenes of isumi audio I just be like that’s a lie please don’t take that seriously is that going on the ASMR Channel just that one clip no context around it yes oh you set up look amazing oh thank you thank you I’m going to do a full setup

Video so keep an eye out for that guys I also need to react to you guys roasting my old setup now that I have my new setup I want to roast my old setup I’ll probably roast my own old setup as well yeah let’s go ahead and get into build

And sets for internet Crush um this feels weird I normally don’t face this way I nor face this way I don’t I both my sides are good I don’t have a good side but I have a favorite side this is my favorite side but if I put you guys here

You guys can just stare at my window and it’s really bad backlight you know so I feel like this might be a better choice no we’re just get we’re still getting things figured out and also I have this is like where I can see like what I look like is right here my

Music right here my chat right there my game right there so like you know still got my ego boosted by that 9.5 out of 10 from you it was you have a really good setup Amelia N I can’t listen to another you be audio the stream face N I get into

Character I get into character don’t worry guys Kirby’s finally seen I have two curbs now Kirby on the bed with the bean Kirby snoozing Kirby snoozing and Snorlax and a D20 and a polar bear and a corgi I have a lot of St animals damn three

Monit no no no no no only two monitors I wish I had three monitors I don’t have the space for three monitors though I have two black monitors in my closet currently because they’re from my old setup cuz I have white ones now and I would be more than happy to have like

The like one of them one of the black ones just like in the middle so that cuz like I don’t care Unis is setup you know I just have two monitors I just have like half screen stuff so like I have like the game and then I have like

Chat small on the side oh my goodness a thank you for gifting a membership congrats Cedar you got the gifted membership thank you so much Clash crew Round of Applause thank you that’s so sweet thank you very much much so that’s where the cats climb Walls oh here is their they their um what they’re supposed to climb is stolen frame but yeah oh do you see that what’s happening over there oh she crawling underneath the blanket that’s what’s happening over there how cute anyways let’s go ahead and get into

This okay so let’s see let’s make sure I set up everything yeah yes okay I wasn’t sure if it was set up properly I’m going to turn down this a little bit also guys I spent so long curling my hair today only for it to be mashed by

Headphones but it’s still cute and it’ll last me like a week probably before I have to wash it and stuff so it’s the first day so it’s like the most poofy today it’ll tame out during the week I prepare my hair to not have to be washed frequently because I don’t

Want to have to do it fre frequently cuz it’s kind of in an awkward phase lengthwise right now so you know oh why am I zoomed in so much let’s do 90 as per yeah let me know if you guys like the new like the new Vibe map looks amazing oh thank you

Thank you here I actually have this is the full like the extent of it currently it’s big I’m proud of myself I also moved all my files over to like my new computer cuz like a new computer I have to like move everything over and so

You know you know about to wash your hair too much especially yeah yeah and like I want to get more used to not washing my hair as frequently because like when I had I dyed my hair black and then I dyed my hair and then I bleached

It and then I dyed my hair purple um don’t recommend dying your her black and then bleaching it but all all the black was out it was semi-permanent it wasn’t permanent um I was really bad about not washing my hair frequent not washing my hair too

Often and stuff I would wash my hair like maybe every other night which isn’t that bad but like you’re not supposed to wash your hair more than like once a week if you have colored hair um and so I’m preparing for the pink hair cuz I know it’s going to happen so pink

What um we are Let’s see we are cuz we’re at 35,000 so how far is that from 50 35 minus 50 we’re 15,000 away that’s not far at all that’s really not far that’s one viral video you know that’s not even a viral video away that’s one somewhat

Popular role playay away you know oh crap do I have my Minecraft sounds on I don’t hear anything oh I didn’t have them on okay I think that’s good volume there we go whoa my sensitivity is way too high hold on uh what is going on Mouse are you good is your sensor

Off why is your sensitivity so high my mouse sensitivity is like fine normally like not on Minecraft okay that’s a little little too little too much guys love this riveting content going on right now uh let’s see you’re only supposed to wash your hair every four days apparently I I’m

Trying to get there I’m trying to get there because I washed my hair not last night but the night before last night so I’m already on day three so I make it through today and tomorrow I’m on day four okay I just it my hair gets so

Greasy I put dry shampoo in it already like I’m only on day two you know and I had to dry shampoo already you know so oh why is this window gone also why is my sensitivity weird who messed with my sensitivity was one of you goblins okay I think that’s the best

We’re going to get okay you know things are about are going to start to change on stream when I when I like hit 50,000 as things are getting more popular and stuff I hope everything stays the same Vibe you know let me know if I change humble me if you need

I’m going to have major impostor syndrome I already have major impostor syndrome I feel like I have five subscribers not 35,000 four months till two years of fallen stars I miss fallen stars we’ll doing we’re doing something within the next couple weeks cuz finals are finally finals are finally almost done so let’s

Go ahead and time set here I put my what if I put let’s see what I did this can you guys still hear me good volume and everything is the volume still okay for everything I think so okay I’m set let’s do oh not that time set th000 Yes yeah like College finals are finally almost done so we can actually start recording again is what that meant by the way I don’t know if I ever finish my sentence okie dokie yeah not finale not finale of the show finals as in like college finals cuz a

Lot of the cast is in is in college currently no no no you got plenty of time for your bingo we’re not done yet okay so I kind of want to start filling out stuff then kind of making it feel more like no matter where you are in the city

It feels like a completed map if that makes sense which I guess is the that’s the point regardless right um what’s your preferred editing software I really like mavi um I Ed the 2021 version because that’s the that’s when I bought it um um and I’ve been

Using it since I really like it maab editor plus oh my God thank you so much for the gifted thank you so much for the gifted again Clash thank you round of applause thank you that’s very sweet we have so many members right now guys it’s crazy it’s wild I’ll be posting behind

The scenes uh screenshots of map progress over like I’ll be doing like indepth map screenies for my members later today so keep an eye out for that okay so I think what we’re going to work on okay I’m GNA let you guys vote I’m going to do a

Poll should we work on North AO City South AO City East AO City or west EO City let’s see start not a q& a hold on X we’ll do Q&A after while we’re building uh pole which side of City to start North North West Kardashian North West South

East okay let me know North is like more more uh houses and whatnot like this more suburbs um and then this side of the north is also going to be like City and uh I guess Farm like farming land and stuff Farm North is winning damn South is the richy rich neighborhood and

Then it also would be buildings and whatnot oh oh it’s a tie between East and North oh it’s still a tie between East to North oh my God wait did you gift a member again or do it just okay no no no I didn’t miss any I was like making sure

I didn’t miss any I don’t want to miss any okay okay looks like North has one we’re going to end the poll before it ties again okay we’re going to start with North so let me go to North hold on where am I okay I got to go this way GG

Y’all I really like how the city’s turning out I’m going to be honest I think that it’s turning out really good you know we’re starting North it’s almost like you guys planned this cuz we’re going to work on houses the abotu residence this is gl’s house we could continue

Working on gl’s house it’s been so long oh my God thank you for another gifted thank you thank you Clash crew TI Chan is now A Gifted member oh Amaya is also a gifted member by the way I forgot to say that earlier thank you so much Clash crew Round of Applause

Thank you that’s so sweet okay so what I’m thinking so this obviously is a cute little area this is going to have like Ivy Vines and stuff around it I feel like uh Ivy like So oh they don’t connect properly oh God it’s so loud hold on sorry guys my RV okay that should be better yeah let me turn up my voice a little bit there we go okay that should be better yeah what mods do you use quite a few

The main mods you’ll see floating around though is uh miniatura uh m i n i a t u r i a the miniatura mod and texture pack um and also crot I think is what it’s called c r o c hold on uh mod options

C r o c r i I mean c o c r i c o t mod uh yeah so cot or coot and uh miniatura is like the main mods you’ll see me use uh but there’s more mods than just that um yeah just the main ones

That’s the last one until next time thank you so much Clash kid it’s very sweet of you Blaster cars is on hell yeah how does the Minecraft Tiny House Nation hosted by um how does the Q&A start answer viewer questions live uh ask me questions I’ve never done this

Option before so let’s see let’s see how it works I don’t know how this works what I can’t see select the question hover your mouse over any question I don’t know if I’m doing this right hold on restore chat I don’t know how to do this I think you guys are supposed to

Click on it and do something I don’t know man I don’t know how it works I’m a Noob test okay I see you I see your question okay will’ll be going to the secret City you built in Fallen Stars this season yes yes pretty soon actually okay I think I figured it out

Okay cool pop out chat okay I guess it’s like an organization thing but you guys could I’m just going to end it because cuz you guys can just ask me questions in regular chat I don’t see what the perk of doing that is well we live and we learn okay so I

Kind of want to have like a little front porch I feel like black would like that stream delay it’s already delayed for everyone it makes it more smooth of a stream if it’s slightly delayed so it’s like about 30 second delay I think I think that’s how big the delay is at

Least that’s the typical delay um will your map that you’re building be available for purchase in Minecraft um it is a Java map so if you have Minecraft Java um cuz it’s it it won’t be on like Marketplace or anything cuz it’s not Bedrock um but I will have it

Available on my patreon I think once it’s done I think that’s what I’ll probably do um I might not do that though because my patreon is mainly for my ASMR Channel um so I might instead of making it a part of that patreon I might just have it

Like on some other thing I don’t know I don’t know how how I should do it I’m not sure I do want to have it be able to be downloadable though once it’s all finished same with the charm academics map I’m going to be honest when I when

You saw my edit I freaked out you inspir me a I’m so glad I mean I’m not glad you freaked out but like flattered um I I’m glad that uh you like my stuff and that inspire you um I loved that edit it was so cute thank you for making it I love

Edits I love fan edits it makes me feel so it gives me such imposter syndrome cuz I’m like someone made an edit of my thing why would they do that why would they spend time on that but it genuinely it’s like it is very uh it’s very flattering and very nice and I

Appreciate it so thank you hold on what if I did like a little oh that’s cute oh that’s cute little curls coming out the front the queen must grow uh personal website oh yeah I could totally do that cuz like digital stuff is totally oh I could do it onom on

Lisa. shop I just realized digital digital purchases are like like totally they’re they’re very easy to do on Teespring which is what I use for iumi I think I might be able to just do it on ii. shop isum on Al lisa. shop which right now has a Christmas

Merch still going on so go get the merch for Christmas it is going to be gone forever on December 25th Christmas okay what if we did like like this I I kind of don’t want this to have a carport I want this house to be a little different a little different you know

You know I want to be a little different okay what is going on with my mouse I haven’t had a problem with it this entire time I’ve had the PC a you ordered stickers a thank you so much thank you so much for the support I hope you like them uh White horizontal

Uh feel free to send a send a photo to the uh to the Discord or tag me on like Instagram or something to show me when you get them cuz I want to see them if the internet Crush finale ends with faster car I might actually cry

It’s gonna end with something better no offense to faster car I love faster car you guys know I love faster car but it’s there’s something really cool planned for the finale I think you guys are going to really like it I hope you guys really like it I like it and that I

Guess that’s what matters but I want you guys to like it [Laughter] too um what does this look like stacked like that why do I feel like I already know you don’t know you don’t know I don’t know what you know I don’t know what you’re guessing I love fan

Theories though so if you want to guess I mean feel free To boyfriend girl the lyric don’t know where that came from if I was your boyfriend if I was your boyfriend I never let you go I could take your PES you a never been before that should be a clip [Laughter] y’all that should be a clip if you guys

Have any questions on advice stuff I want to answer more adviceyoutube if you want advice I genuinely would really like to give some advice I love giving advice but I also really like just talking so it’s almost like it’s my job team hosi oh my God Hoshi is such a good

Person you know like I’m just saying I’m just saying if I was your girlfriend I’m just saying if if he wasn’t gay I need more water if he wasn’t gay which to be fair gay is very up in the air right because gay could mean you

Only like men gay could mean your pan bye cuz a gay is like an umbrella term a lot of the times so who knows I did write him to be attracted to men though but like he’s like the perfect man question with role playing should I

Have Vaas send in voice lines and edit them together or should they all be recorded together in call okay so that’s a good question that’s a very good question so what I recommend doing is having them send in voice lines but if there is um stuff in your script that

Needs to be elaborated on or like you need extra direction for them to give the take the way you intend it to be I recommend doing a cold read with the cast beforehand which basically means everyone gets in a call you don’t record your lines in call but you you know get

Everyone together and just read through the script in their characters it makes it where if everyone can’t get in a call it doesn’t matter scheduling wise because they’re going to be recording the lines after the fact and you can DM them the director notes if they need

Them um that way if they say a line you’re like that’s not how that’s supposed to be delivered it’s really easy to fix it on the spot that way they have that note for later when they’re recording the lines to send them in hope that makes sense that’s the best way I can

Describe that’s the best way I can you know put into words that’s what I recommend um also put director’s notes in your scripts um I use pretty simple like formatting for my scripts it’s pretty like it’s pretty much the universal writing for entertainment kind of setup um with a little bit of tweak

Since it is a Minecraft roleplay and it doesn’t need to have all the director’s notes and stuff that traditional scripts in media have um so definitely also put like the inflections that they’re supposed to have like here I’ll show you guys an old script of Internet Crush as

An example uh so that way there’s no spoilers but you guys get the gist um let me open up my Google Drive there we go um let’s open up literally episode one internet Crush uh episode one okay I change the face cam oh no I can’t

Change the face cam I have to add it in now uh display capture no no no not display capture uh window capture there we go oh popped up the first one I wanted okay cool let meop so this is the script for episode one as y’all can see hold

On okay as you guys can see I have this little like infl ction I guess note um so it tells them the context of how they’re supposed to sound um like isi rushing at the door Bye Mom love you she’s not like Bye Mom I love you you

Know she’s not like talking to her directly she’s like Bye Mom love you you know she’s rushing out the door so I highly recommend adding in this like apologetic you know um I know I’m so sorry I just lost track of time versus I know I’m so sorry I just left cheack of

Time you know like defensive you know because the the voice actor is not going to know immediately how to read the deal like how you want it you know um so it’s very important to add these little inflections into your script but yeah this is my script format this is my

Script format as I said I did a I I’ve said this in the past I did a entertainment a I did a writing for entertainment course like a college course um back when I was in high school that’s how I know how to do this and I’ve obviously tweaked it because it’s

Not it’s not exactly traditional you know media standard format because it’s a Minecraft roleplay it doesn’t need to be but it’s as close as I need it to be and it gets the point across and it makes it where voice actors when transitioning into being professional voice actors kind of get a

Gist for how the scripts are supposed to look a little bit more so I’m kind of helping them that them out a little bit in the in the meantime as well so yeah that’s the advice thank you for asking that question that was a good question okay anyways let me okay

Uh I got my friends to start watching your channel and they’re all obsessed I’m so glad thank you for spending the word about the channel um thank you that means a lot uh I’m glad they like it I’m glad they like it it always it always

Warms my heart when people say like oh yeah I introduced the series to my friend or my girlfriend or my you know my parents or you know my siblings it makes me so happy happy it genuinely fills me with such Joy because it makes me feel like what I’m doing is genuinely

Good enough to be like hey I like this thing you want to watch it too that makes me so happy thank you guys uh let’s do This um delivery matters exactly delivery matters um thank you so much I was so conflicted no worries no worries I completely understand and there’s a million ways to do it if you like doing it a different way if you like doing it in cold read calls and recording them then and there

That’s totally fine as well it’s totally up to you and this obviously is for cinematic role plays by the way cuz there’s multiple types of role plays um what’s up guys I got help on my assignment so I can listen and work now hell yeah welcome Quinn welcome lovely to have you here

Oh what is happening with my camera y’all wait what hold on oh there we go oh I think my my crunchy noises are too loud I think my crunchy noises are a little too loud hold on now it’s better oh hey cam what’s up also ra hello nephy happy to have you

Um to be honest I didn’t use those enough in my script they’re very important they’re very important I stand by that uh without them I don’t think that voice actors can give the performance they’re meant to give you know they’re there for a reason

Um I think I just want to flatten it out what is this made of black tile roof West black tile roof is that the right one I think so gu just the direction it’s facing okay now I just have to Chisel this bad Boy let’s do Replace there we go I like to hold uh words to visible strength um them when I want a line to be said super specific as well I want word I want to I like to hold words to visually stress them uh when I want a line to be said

Super specific as well I don’t know what that means I think I get what you’re coming at but I don’t I cannot read that correctly I don’t think I don’t know if that’s just me I want to read your I want to read your your your chat the way it’s meant

To be read and so let me know if I’m butchering that hi hi Jam hello um I actually know a voice act that nearly got in genin that is awesome tell them congratulations on my behalf that is awesome I love seeing my voice actors succeed and move on to do

Cool it really does warm my heart cuz I saw their talent and I was like yeah especially when it’s a voice actor then I’m like they’re going to make it big one day and then they do I’m like yes you lived up to your potential

I’m so proud of you it’s never too late it’s never too late and you should never feel embarrassed because you did Minecraft role plays first you know Minecraft role plays is just a form of Storytelling there’s no need to be embarrassed about having voice acted in

Them I know many uh voice actors that have been in Minecraft role plays that have gone on to do really cool they don’t get disrespected just just because that’s one of the roles they took you are not your roles you are you as a person and a

Talent oh welcome Ember welcome hi want to stop by before I go to class love you love you good luck with class uh question what’s the most complicated thing you can do with the NPC mod I’ve decided to use Blockbuster and NPC both in my film NPC for simpler

Parts so I can cut down on time uh but like how much can I actually do okay so I used NPC mod instead of Blockbuster in Charmed academics which a lot of people are very surprised about uh which is understandable but I the best way I can

Put it is like um you really have to know NPC mod to be able to use it as a blockbuster substitute um which that’s why it’s good that you’re asking said questions about what can you do and what can’t you do in uh the mod and whatnot um

I you can never have two people moving independently on one screen if you’re using uh if you’re using NPC instead um but if you’re using them you know together and you just use NPCs when they’re not moving and then you use Blockbuster for when you need two people

Moving in the same scene or walking in the same scene and stuff like that um you it’s totally doable totally doable um and I believe that no matter how you do your Minecraft role playay you can do it literally like it’s it’s that simple of like just because you’re

Not doing it the same way as someone else does not mean that your way is wrong or that their way is better or vice versa um so what I recommend doing is looking at my tutorial I have for first person role plays with NPC mod um

If you don’t know the basics of NPC um it’s like how to make a Minecraft roleplay how to make a first person Minecraft roleplay that video I highly recommend watching that if you are trying to use NPC mod uh to do that kind of stuff uh specifically for posing and

Um following and like path stuff um the main things there’s probably even stuff I don’t know about in NPC mod but for the most part the main things I would say is make sure to turn off the Eyes by the way um so like here’s our NPC make sure

To use a mob cloner it saves on a lot of time basically once you have your character the height they need to be which you just edit that by going to the model scale right here um looks a lot like uh more player models you know um

Once you have them the height they need to be uh if you have any things you want to put on them that are part of this like if you want them to be this for some reason or a spider whatever once you have them all cust cize you have

Their skin on them whatnot make a clone of them with a mob cloner you just right click on them with a mob cloner name them the character name charact character character name and then you can place them down super easy and you don’t have to worry about redoing the NPC over and over

Again um Also let’s TR dkey for this example he’s in a puppet move like uh a puppet uh pose I guess um say I didn’t want him in that puppet pose anymore um I can just turn off puppet mode which is under Advanced under job is puppet and then when I

Refresh him he’s no longer in puppet mode he’s just sitting which I can also turn off through the AI movement category movement yeah there’s a lot of stuff you can do um I highly recommend uh watching the basics tutorial if you haven’t but if you have

Or you do know how to do the basics already um I would say play around with it do some test recordings before you go dive into doing recordings full on if that makes sense hope that answer your question okay uh speaking of edits from earlier been

Doing been a while I did a fallen edit May when series live once more please do I miss some okay this Ivy works good I wanted ivy on the house but I didn’t know if the ivy worked I’m glad it works here we go oh that’s so

Cute hell yeah okay what type of glass do we want to do I’ll definitely re-watch the tutorial because posing has been pretty difficult not going to lie I’ve been looking through the script for simple scenes uh I can do right now that’s a great idea um just to really quickly uh show you

The basics let’s go ahead and grab Deni again off of my deal um he’s obviously in his pose um let me go ahead and get him to be back to complete like how he would be if I just made him um so just ignore all this while I’m getting him back to normal

Cuz I don’t know how much in depth I went into puppet mode I’m a puppet I’m a sheep I’m a cash cow I got I’m the fast going on all your abs now okay so here’s deny we love him cutie pie right so we go into advanced and then it’ll have no job

You’re going to click the arrows till you see puppet puppet edit body is moving the body the Torso of course 180 is going to be your normal like ratio so if you ever want to reset your stuff set it all back to 180 okay um let’s say we want him to be looking

Up and pointing and we want his legs to be a little bit more natural looking um like more like a person standing so we need his head this moves on the X AIS so he can move his head to be looking up and maybe a little bit over and maybe

Tilt it a little bit so just play around with the go little bits at a time learn what looks good U and then we’re going to have it be his right arm that’s pointing up in the air um so we’re just going to take that x- axis once again um

And then we’re going to move it out a little bit and then for his leg we’re going to take his left leg and we’re going to make it go back a little bit and then out a little bit and then we’re going to go and just close out of that

And we’re going to go to movement and we’re we’re going to have it set to manual so it’s standing in one position is not going to move unless you click to interact with him um which if you want it to be set to anything so it’s right

Now zero out of 360 so if you want to turn around you do 180 um you want him to turn halfway 90 270 whatever um so yeah that’s kind of how you do it if you have any questions please let me know um uh the ways we read most com

So it’s almost like we spend a lot of time together um I kind of want her to have a gravel her I guess so I guess it would be her because it’s uh GL kind of want them to have a gravel deal like this and then like

So I want it to be like a little like you know oh I’m new sub from Bangladesh my name is uh Rand Rishad sorry if I’m not pronouncing your name right give me three reasons to unsub you I’m pretty awesome so there’s no real reason to

Unsub um I don’t know I don’t think that’s the reason I don’t think I should be listing reasons for people to unsubscribe to me personally it’s up to personal preference if you like what what I do stay subscribed if you don’t no need to stay subscribed if you don’t

Like it feel free to find a content creator that fits your fancy more no hard feelings okay something about this looks off let’s figure this out I don’t know if I’m liking the gravel how I change it I’m not sure uh we’re building sets we’re building uh just sets for internet Crush

But I’m also building sets based around people that have asked for houses in the world and stuff I’m also giving advice so if anyone wants advice on game development writing micraft role plays whatever it may be anything anything that I do I guess cont creation okay that’s cute I like that oh

Sorry uh there’s a speed video of this scene of Deni getting controlled with a with do a speed video getting controlled funny key music that sounds really cute that sounds really funny question what are you doing building uh mic Place Dragon Ball anim it’s insane pipeline yeah yeah exactly

Uh do you have any tips for voice acting I’d say practice is the best I know it’s a boring tip I know it’s a boring tip hear me out you don’t realize what you need to improve or hone in unless you’re practicing and I mean just literally talking to

Yourself in the mirror I mean trying out different voices I mean reading things out loud random things like I could read my Spotify playlist names out loud boringly just just to try voice acting in different tones I could read my normal voice I bleed You Are My Melody

Okay thanks walking on a tight RPP boring right or I could go into voice acting mode uh which basically just finding what voice sounds best that you can do repetitively um I have multiple voice acting voices because I have learned multiple voice acting voices um

Let’s go ahead and do more uh deep more uh sophisticated kind of what I would assume someone would hire to be an audiobook reader um kind of voice I bleed You Are My Melody okay thanks walking on a tight RPP blind spot or I could be a you know a sweet like anime

Protagonist type of voice um I bleed You Are My Melody okay thanks Walking On Tight Rope blind spot literally read anything in different voices and just have fun with it that’s what voice acting really is at its at its core right that’s basically what it is practice practice practice and audition

Like you’ve never auditioned before like and what I mean by that is like audition for as many things as you want to audition for as many things as you can feasibly audition for to practice bean and things and if you need any advice on the ins and outs of what it’s like to

Voice act let me know and I’ll gladly answer that oh right at the be drop hold on [Laughter] What are some good microphones for those poor people snowball microphone snowball microphone or your phone mic your phone mic genuinely if you have a like a like iPhone headphones like old iPhone headphones that are like wired try using that pull it away from your face go into

A closet I know it’s hard for you because you already came out once you don’t want to go back in but trust me pull away like have them a little bit away try that try out what what sounds best for you a snowball mic I think is

About 40 bucks um that’s the best mic I can think of on a budget um your level up from that if you’re able to afford a little bit higher is a yeti mic um Yeti mics are really good beginner mics um in my opinion because they have like a game

Control they’re good for practicing voice acting and getting some beginner roles all right I’m doing just fine B scattered shattered okay honestly magically might be cute as hell you already came out sorry I didn’t mean to call you out like that does your VA saves us s their

Bloopers um and if they do will you make blooper real occasionally if there’s a really funny blooper they’ll leave it in for me cuz they know that I want it I want to do a halfway through season 1 internet Crush uh blooper reel because I have a couple bloopers that I think

Would be really funny so the five fine mic I don’t know anything about that mic so I can’t recommend it or not recommend it I would look into uh reviews on whatever site it’s on as well as outside of that look up like YouTube videos on it um that’s

What I recommend doing if you’re not sure about a mic and its uh reliability and stuff but I don’t know I don’t know specifically about that Microphone um I do not have an audio interface um I you do not need an audio interface uh to voice act um that is very uh like I personally feel like that’s very like um anti- beginner because beginners can’t afford a microphone and audio interface

All the bells and whistles um I have a USB mic um I also have a very nice Booth with a very high quality microphone and a very nice uh audio interface um I have that but I also have this and this is what I did Mo majority of my voice

Acting on for a very long time and I got a lot of rolls um over there I have that and now I record on that but you don’t need that to start by any means um also audacity I think you say on later on in streaming platforms you can always

Reduce uh recording things on like aity doesn’t have um audacity I highly recommend um leave a silent section at the end or beginning go into audacity select that silence section I think it’s under like edit or something go to noise reduction select that as your sample of

What you’re trying to remove which is your background noise then hit the entire thing and apply that there’s a lot of tutorials on how to do that specifically uh here I’ll actually show you guys I’ll show you guys because I’m a good big sister okay audacity is loading okay

Loy oh don’t know why everything changed noise wise there we go here’s audacity okay so testing testing one two three okay select that silent section at the end also make sure that you’re it’s your mic that’s hooked up playback device make sure your headphones are hooked recording device make sure your

Mic is H this is my mic select that silence section at the end effect noise removal and repair noise reduction get noise profile it’s analyzing what you’re trying to get rid of which is the section you just selected click the rest of the audio noise removal noise reduction

Okay testing testing one two 3 it got rid of the background noise that’s what I recommend doing if you have any questions let me know didn’t mean to open that hold on trying to get my chat back on screen there we go cute background thank you thank you yes always always noise reduce

Those she me thank you thank you I found it on Pinterest y’all music uh now listen you you got a little broken English there but I can’t understand what you’re saying I appreciate your effort but I don’t know what you’re trying to say I do get the by the way uh just

Don’t mind or take Serious you’re joking around I’m assuming I don’t get I I can’t understand what you you said but I understand you’re just goofing you’re just goofing and I appreciate you that that clarification thank you bud um thank you so much guys it’s really helpful lowkey scared to start

Role playing uh but I know it’s going to be fun it’s a blast it really is um again if you if you need any help along the way there’s a chat on my Discord server that has many incredibly wonderful people that talk on there and give mctv tips it’s literally which is

Minecraft roleplay mctv that whole world right cinematic role plays um in Minecraft they do they give a bunch of amazing advice I also give advice over there so if you need any advice feel free to go over there and ask it could be about voice acting about

Be about creating a Minecraft role place about be auditioning for Minecraft role plays anything about that world as much of a beginner um as as long if people uh but this will help a lot of others I’m not as a beginner as much as other people but this will help a lot of

Others I’m still learning the Minecraft part um but I know a lot of what to do now I just got to get some things figured out yeah yeah good on you joining the Z server it’s super cute thanks thanks it’s linked in the link Tree by the way click on the link tree

Link in the description I think I have my link tree Link in the description hold on hold on hold on y’ hold on hold on I don’t have my link tree Link in the description why don’t have my link tree Linked In the description can I update

It now or is it going to mess with stream I don’t want to mess with it I’ll put it in chat I don’t want to test it you know I don’t want to test it I’ll just put it in on chat it go I don’t know how much of a

Delay there is anymore on my headphones cuz on my headphones there’s apparently a slight delay between what my headphones here and what you guys hear um cuz they’re Bluetooth um I don’t know how big of a delay that is anymore though cuz this computer actually supports Bluetooth my old computer

Didn’t so I had to fangle it to make it work before so it could be working fine now I don’t know okay copy link here is my Discord link just be kind follow the rules read through the rules please and thank you and you are more than welcome to join it

Server pin message there we go it is now pinned for you goblins you RAB scallions you little stinker you I love you guys okay what type of glass we doing are you open to FNAF fan game requests like for me to play them yeah for sure

I don’t know if I’ll be able to cuz I’m a little scaredy cat but I can I can totally check them out I’m a little scy cat but that’s okay oh oh oh okay okay do every every single set you use I do for the most part yeah most

Most of my sets are built by myself I do not have a building team for a lot of my stuff cuz I like building a lot uh don’t steal art um I feel like okay here’s the thing I feel like it’s fine to use art in your stuff if you try

Your best to credit the original artist and if they ever ask you to take it down you take it down immediately that’s kind of my standpoint um cuz that’s what I would want people to do if they used my art and anything i’ want them to just credit

Me and if they don’t credit me uh and I don’t like the usage of the art then I ask them to take it down and if they I I would appreciate them taking it down if I ask you know that’s my that is that’s just my opinion though that that’s

Definitely that’s that’s a each person each each their own type of topic for sure like I use a lot of people’s Arts over on iumi audio and I try my best to credit them or if they ask for me to not not use their art I take it down and I

Change the art so yeah but always be respectful to artists always be mindful of what they want out of their art also commission artists if you can commission if you can pay an artist just do that I commission a lot of artists for a lot of stuff because they deserve it they’re

Talented they deserve they deserve uh compensation for their time to watch yesterday’s internet Crush episode oh my gosh go watch it it was a good one some lore drops happened but when when isn’t that the case o I think this is pretty cute lubric uh want to ask what’s the best

Computer to play Minecraft on you can can play Minecraft on so many computers it depends on how like heavy of mods you’re trying to use and stuff um I genuinely I’m not knowledgeable enough about computers for that to be honest um I wish I was

But oh you want me to listen oh I see what you’re asking you want me to listen to half uh B banga half English called I’m not going to listen to on a stream obviously because copyright but I’ll check it out later I will check it out

Later cuz these these songs are I can I’m I’m allowed to use them because I have a epidemic sound subscription which is what they’re From oh watch up to the stream got it got it uh wi game I suggest is one night at flumpy three it’s one of the most popular FNA fan games I’ve never heard of that per bals of goofiness and Terror so you won’t get too scared hopefully that’s fair that’s

Fair I do get pretty spooked I would commission but I’m broke that’s fair that’s fair commission when you can you know and always credit artist if you know who made the art I know it’s hard sometimes cuz sometimes I find Art on like Pinterest and they don’t credit

The artist and I’m like dude now I don’t know who made this I can’t I want to credit them and so if they reach out where someone comments what it’s from I try to add that to the description so people know or like I pinned the comment or like the comment

In some way so that people are like that’s the artist so people Know using data packs on my Minecraft world because they don’t last my world so much that’s fair it’s fair I don’t know if a song is copyrighted or not most songs are copyrighted you just kind of like assume almost every song is copyrighted in some way cuz someone owns it

Um I think it was called black TI roof yeah I want to just use this and then maybe maybe I can add this how does that look though I think it looks pretty good that looks good we’re obviously going to fix like the little blue bits showing but for now

We’ll leave them like that you should do those new dweller mods I don’t know what that is put a mod pack together and get some people to play it’s going to be scary and fun I don’t know what dweller is I don’t know what that is I don’t

Play scary games so I don’t keep up with that kind of stuff I’m a scaredy cat so I do not go out of my way to play scaredy games very Frequently finish off the Sides and some fan art uh I would literally hand the wall it’s oh yeah fan art makes me like so happy it it it’s crazy to think that someone took their time and energy to make something based on something I did it’s really cool it’s really cool makes me makes my hot

Pata those was a horror mod there’s like seven ones right now they’re scary and all do things it’s F right now if you want to look it up you should it would be [Laughter] that’s just to yeah yeah okay let me uh what am I doing oh

Right add in the root that’s what I’m doing is there an official internet Crush playlist there’s a playlist that’s just inspired by the character uh by the character iumi isaka which is the main character isumi um I kind of want to make character playlists for each character on just like YouTube

And Link them to you guys um so keep an eye for that I feel like that’d be fun cuz like it basically would be like songs that need to represent the character and their like backstory and like what they’re going to do and stuff and it would o be songs

That kind of they would just listen to you know but there’s not a playlist of like all the music or anything oh my God my bestie my girl just just voice messaged me um I want uh here what if I just I took put chisel ow I hit my Funny Bone and I

Didn’t even do anything replace have the ends be fully like that place like that yes yes Exactly why I don’t know why you doing that there we go on the other side are your parents okay with YouTube yes um I’m a grown woman though I’m 20 years old so it doesn’t really matter um but yeah no my parents are very supportive I know I look 16 sometimes

I’m a 20-year-old woman okay I can’t tell what age I look like let me know what you guys think I look how old do you think I look I know I have a baby face I’m aware so I get it but like crazy oh I kind of like that better like the more

Simple like this I kind of like that better let’s fix the other side then Yes I just need to add like Windows and stuff 18 17 to 19 yeah that’s fair that’s fair but hey I know I like it later on you know I got good skin 21 20 okay okay okay I do love my age okay must depend on the person must depend on the person also I feel like

There’s also like a different vision of what my age looks like depending on who you are is it like another part of it um and so I get that part of it too it’s like some people when they see a girl spending this long a woman spending this

Long on a Minecraft map they don’t think I have responsibilities but I do and I actually pay for those responsibilities with this a little bit which is nice it’s not my full income but it it pays it pays a little bit you know oh wrong direction I don’t know if I can

Actually fix what direction it is oh I can’t okay it’s fine no one will see this I just don’t want to be standing out cuz it’s white I look like I’m 19 that’s a good thing when I’m 17 I okay I’m going to be honest I think I’ve looked 17 from the

Ages of like 13 to now like I feel like I could pull off 17 from the ages of 13 to now nothing wrong with that I always looked older and then I looked I now I just have I I’ve like stopped looking any older I’ve gotone to i’ I’ve

Peaked now I’m a vampire it’s like rapid Aging in ampire world that’s just how it works I’m like reneesme I actually don’t know how that’s like Forme 17 look like I’m 13 14 hey if I don’t wear makeup I do look younger I’m tall though so I can

Like I can do that to look taller to look more like an adult too Yeah I got many 17-year- old viewers apparently that must be my demographic thanks for being here 17year olds that is probably who I appeal to almost adults almost adult like so close to being an adult but not because I because of how immature my humor is sometimes hey I’m okay with it

What where is this really it’s its own layer how lame different people like a college girl apparently I look older than women who were 20 I look like a middle schooler or some exactly it’s all based on like what their perception of what that person should look at that

Age I’m curious if I put out like a poll of like guess how old I am like what I would get 30 it’s like thanks thanks appreciate that you must be seeing some damn sexy 30-y olds 30 is like nothing now 30 is the new 20 honestly new baby

Rockar I don’t know the lyricss but you get what I’m saying or you don’t I have no clue I’m singing a Pit Bull song y’all what does my life come to ooh oh we have corner pieces cute imagine being tall I’m 59 so I’m fairly tall I’m not like tall

Tall but like I’m pretty tall I’m over average H for women by quite a bit I learned one of my voice actors was like 64 and I was like cuz I was like I’m tall like nothing wrong with that but like I’m tall so I feel like if we like

Cuz his voice is super deep and I was like you sound really tall but I guarantee you I’m taller than you because I have I’m tall and he was like guess how tall I am he ended up being 65 I’m like I don’t believe you I still

Don’t believe him I still not believe him part of me does not believe him still um we’ll see if we ever have like a panel that he’s at he’s not in he’s not in uh internet crash so he wouldn’t be at the internet Crush panel he’d be in a different

Show that has yet to come out go the tall jeans I’m mctv Mo I already did this corner piece does not look correct ooh ooh ooh ooh do your family and friends watch your videos sometimes I I have a lot of online friends and I feel like they

Probably watch them more than like my in-person friends my iners friends aren’t really into this I also don’t have a lot of iners friends as it is I have way more online friends that I have iners friends um but my family they occasionally watch my dad watches out of pure like just like

Support but he doesn’t like watch you know like he like puts it on while he’s doing stuff so that I get another view which is very sweet of him uh same with gab’s Grandpa love you Gary you’re watching this appreciate you he texted me that he saw me on a

Short and it was really sweet and I was like oh he was like it made my day I scrolling through YouTube shorts and I saw you and I was like oh thanks thanks Gary Gary He’s the grandpa I never had cuz my grandpa’s died before I was born being [Laughter]

Honest um tall magic particles Help Me Grow there you go you’re going to grow two inches tonight a little window here why not this is the GL residence I think it’s pretty cute I kind of want like a mounted mailbox next to the door I think that’d be cute one of

These probably the black one so it stands out a little bit more yeah I hope they like it I’m going to give them like a pretty like I don’t know they give me like slight like they like like a like a cottagey Vibe a little bit I don’t know man

So I’m going to give them like a little bit of overgrown little cottage Vibes yeah ao’s content is now super childish I grew up with her hold on apm’s content is now super childish uh we grow up on her and it’s uh more for the younger kids now and we need the

Older folks content um I have all respect for aou I think whatever she wants to do with her channel is her choice and I respect that um and uh but I do get where you’re coming from of like um it’s very easy to find uh more childish Minecraft roleplay esque

Content than it is toin more mature Minecraft roleplay as content so that’s what I’m trying to make uh I make role plays for you know the older audience which is nice um those who are you know in their younger teen years you know early adults adult adult any age really

Any age can enjoy and watch um there is you know some slight cursing and some suggestive things but it’s not like straight up you know inyour face hardcore this is an adult show you know it’s still fun and fluffy and happy gol lucky sometimes but it has more mature

Themes occasionally um yeah no no shame on AAU at all she’s just doing what she wants to do and that’s totally fine she also has like four kids which is expensive so she can make that make that bag however she wants to make that Bag I kind of want to use is it just this sending me notification again yeah it is okay make sure I’m not missing missing anything uh can I put anything here no I can’t I kind of want it to be this this pretty fence as well or we could stop having

Fences like that are all the same change it up a little bit cuz I have like the same three fences I’ve been using what if we use like this one instead that’s kind of cute I think a picket fence would work really well here picket like this

Content is to pay rent after having four kids she say that she will bring my role plays uh one day but needed time to yeah yeah exactly it’s like it’s her prerogative whatever she wants to do to support her family it’s totally up to her she has employees she pays like she

She’s a business at the end of the day and she has to make business moves sadly sometimes you had to put your passions on the back burner when you’re doing that um and her her content recently has gotten a little less super duper for

Childish I tried to give it a give it a watch just to see how she’s doing and everything and it’s not as over-the-top childish in my opinion as it was for a little while there um it’s kind of gotten to like a middle ground in my opinion where it’s like it’s mainly for

Kids but like parents are going to be like please turn that off you know you know what I’m saying I don’t know if that makes sense uh Glenwood prep I never watched Glenwood prep I was preg Glennwood prep with aviator gaming I liked his first person Ro plays that’s what I

Watched I don’t want to accidentally break this I just want to make a little Bassy I love a bay window this is kind of a bay window but it doesn’t have a seat or anything and I wish I had a seat but I know my house that I’m moving into

Doesn’t have a bay window so I’m not going to buy something for a bay window if I’m never going to be able to use it again you you know after I move little Kelly the little club and say gladi sam Gladiator actually I’m technically a part of his voice acting

Team I haven’t been in anything yet but I’m like on the server to be in his voice acting team which is crazy um to be in his improv stuff cuz he started doing stuff again uh which good for him very good for him um yeah uh

I I watched Sam Gladiator for a while I I watched little Kelly a little bit but she was a little too childish for me from what I for what I liked at the time um cuz realistically she kind of made the same things apno makes now just with

Less flashing lights and stuff we just grew up plot twist hold on plot twist the real reason you don’t like apm’s new content and because you grew up [Laughter] it’s cuz you grew up and you don’t like kid content anymore plot twist imagine that is the case sometimes

Though cuz her stuff was never adult content her stuff was never adult content I don’t know where people got that idea it was always you know like when she first started she made weed jokes and stuff so it was a little bit but like my street season whatever was never made

For adults it was made for middle school kids you know excited to see you in his channel I’ll watch him again if he does MC stuff again hell yeah he does MC stuff again he already is doing it Yeah that seems to be the pipeline uh kitty kitty Minecraft content getting really weird eventually that seems to be the pipeline I want to look more into that pipeline interview a couple people cuz it’s very interesting if I went like this that’s pretty good I just wanted to

Little something in the window so it didn’t look like a wall on the other side okay we’re not going to decorate the inside just cuz we’re you know these are just background houses this one’s satellite Selena she wants like an abandoned house or camball asexual colors Cameron moon wolf purple and blue is

That what it says yeah purple and blue sella sexual hun green and white dreamy dreams teal SL blue kale kale I’m freezing okay so I kind of want to work on this street a little bit it’s going to be a street with a lot of stuff on

It Bert dude I never watched Bert dude again he was a little too I don’t know a little too I don’t know he just wasn’t my style I guess best way to put it my meain people I watch when I younger as Sam Gladiator apmau and like

I I did watch little Kelly and little Carly at one point Carly was that her name little Kelly little Carly little Kelly and then the other girl I didn’t watch like little lizard or anything though cuz he was too childish it was weird there was like this really weird little boundary that I

Had at age [Laughter] 10 oh my God he Cheo on his wife four times that’s crazy is this wife still with him she should leave she deserves better God damn drama did I have a house I think it’s in another space I think it’s over on

The I think it’s over in the side suburbs which is not North it’s uh to the side let’s see that was direct it wasn’t mean don’t worry nothing wrong with being direct Ember and GP yeah wow flying through the populated areas where I have like a lot of houses and stuff looks really

Cool I watch full on Gore and horror movies at 10 and then watch little Kelly at 3:00 a.m. wow that’s crazy what a what a uh what a uh what a range you have there CU I have no idea what you’re talking about that’s a little interesting thanks thanks um I think

Okay so this is the train track that goes to Yoshi City so this needs to go north so what if we went like this way and then this way and then this way think that’s what we’re going to do how long have you planned internet Crush like writing designs building Etc um

I started internet Crush crush’s story in 2018 uh late 2018 uh that’s when I met my boyfriend cuz he was going to play the main characters love interest cuz back then it was not saic um I never continued it and then that script just collected dust in the

Background it was a Minecraft movie originally not a series um and then I found it again and really wanted to make it into a thing and I eventually made it a thing and I rewrote it all new characters made it a safic romance instead because I wanted a safic romance and stuff um

And so if you’re counting since the beginning 2018 but if you’re counting about this version of Internet Crush how long I’ve been developing this specific version of Internet Crush um actually in my one year ago me talking to myself a year in the future video which I reacted to recently on stream it

Was the last stream I did um I literally say that I just wrote the outline for episode 12 a year ago uh and episode 12 like just came out recently so that’s really cool we’re on like episode 13 I think um and so oh wait this is going to be a Road

H how does does one make a road no longer a road merge lanes merge lanes merge lanes right right turn this into a two laner need to merge yeah so I guess about a year and a half I’ve been making this version maybe not even maybe not even

Maybe like a year you’ve come a long way in a year hello welcome welcome here let me grab the merge lane stuff cuz I made another merge lane up here so I can just copy some stuff I was actually watching really old streams of myself from when I like first

Started doing streams on this channel um after my break it’s crazy it’s crazy seeing how how far I’ve come it was so awkward on camera which is crazy to think about cuz I like I’d still been doing it for a long time at that point which got a lot

Better so so glad so glad you made it safic seeing a safic Minecraft roleplay was great since I don’t see that reputation often exactly also since then I’ve come out since then I’ve come out as bisexual and so it’s nice being able to do a female love interest you

Know uh let’s see so this side would be merging wait wait hold on I think I know what I’m doing I don’t want it to start that soon hold on the merge should probably go for a little longer so people have time to merge on this big Road

Are you talking about in the story or in real life Amaya cuz I took that as in real life he cheated on his wife four times but I’m assum now that I’m reading more I think you’re talking about in the thing you really need to specify you really need to specify that Amaya

Okay like that L Shadow oh it’s funny I forgot about her I loved it’s funny so this is going to merge this way no no no this way cuz we’re in Japan I always have to remember in like the story okay you need to specify girl there we go never mind

Yeah that’s why we were all freaking out you didn’t specify you said yeah apparently he cheated on his wife like four times you gave us no context you gave us zero zero context how funny I at school listen man that’s false but okay I stream outside of Monday mornings

Just I’ve only streamed Monday mornings past two weeks listen I stream outside of Mondays okay I just been really into streaming early because I’m ready to stream just at wax good for you I don’t recommend doing that but honestly each their own then this there we go merge lanes

And now we can grab some white concrete Place like so and now I can just grab these and make it easier on myself I love making things easier there we go boop boop boop boop boop don’t eat wax please yeah don’t do that oh thank you thank you for saying look pretty you look pretty your mom single okay jokes slj

Okay and then there’ll be like a sign probably here Stone not a monster egg please no just regular where are the regular Stone breakes where are the regular stone bricks oh there we are I know they’re crack Stone BRS but still they’re better than monster eggs I don’t want monster eggs thank you

Very much thank you my main four role plays back then were Bert dude a gaming aani zoomi hey yo we got an OG in chat hey yo we got no in chat what was your favorite role play was it from pre-break isumi or was it post break is it a video that is

Still up on the channel currently or is it gone I would watch their videos wait huh Stampy Stampy Cat I love Stampy sty cat is that who you’re talking about I love Stampy Stampy and Squishy I watched them all the time growing up all the time I love their Sky Den love their

Skyen I didn’t really watch many but I was a second for AAU and Sam Gladiators role plays good taste good taste good taste okay wait hold on you can’t even see that people are going to die on this road people are not going to be able to see that uh black concrete single

Bit we’ll do replace and then this one there we go you can only turn you cannot go straight on this road if you go straight you’ll die skyon fan Cav done cave just wasn’t my jam sorry I tried I really tried to like it cuz I really like Stampy and Squishy

I love British people I know right I love Megan’s not dumb she’s my British friend TM I know other British people I don’t know why but she just immediately comes to mind when I think of people I know that are British it’s like oh yes Megan’s not Dumb uh we’ll grab that boop boop lovely lovely I have no idea what it was called but it was something to do with uh some girl framy psycho Ashley in Minecraft High School yes I have two Minecraft high schools well I have Minecraft High which is yumi’s daughter going to high

School that’s crazy you would OG OG in chat thank you thanks for being here for so long my God you’ve seen me grow up you’ve probably grown up with me it’s wild how’s it feel are you 17 like everyone else in chat Alan has my heart since I study Irish

History yo I did Irish dance and I am part Irish okay so we have this now so now this can go like this now okay so it needs to have enough room for this and then another layer so yeah that’s enough room cool This song reminds me of the Bratz

Movie like the sleepover one do you know what I’m talking about do you guys remember the round and round you know that song um in the Bratz movie that they were all Disney princesses not Disney Princesses but just princesses and Chloe my girl was Rapunzel she was

Stuck in that Tower and she was like trying to get out and she was like running she was sprinting to try to get out she didn’t she did eventually but spoilers sorry do you guys know what I’m talking about it’s old it’s old I remember watching it when I was really young like

Five I’m not that Irish I’m not Irish enough for red hair I have like golden hair though when I was younger I had bright blonde hair like bright blonde hair and then it turned like an orangey Brown and now it’s like this whatever this is I guess like a brown I’m going through

Phases I’ve G through phases glow in the sun I do have like Auburn highlight so that might be where that’s from I guess but they’re not like red they’re just like red undertone Brown does that make sense I died my whole head red at one point like

Auburn yeah I had really blonde hair I had like a blonde afro when I was little basically it was very curly ringlets and then and then my hair over time relaxed into more wavy like a wavy curl rather than curl curl that was not an Irish accent that was pureon

British I can’t I can’t do an Irish accent I’m not Irish enough for that I’m Irish but in the same way that I’m German you know I’m actually more German than I’m Irish I never lived in either place my ancestors did my my uh mom side is

German uh like by quite a lot mainly German uh and they ran away during the witch trials in Germany to another town that wasn’t doing them so I think we might be witches I think I’m a witch guys just saying dude say my hair used to be so

Bright and now it’s like brown yeah my hair changed over time I kind of missed I had dirty blonde hair for a long time I kind of miss my dirty blonde Jack AEP and welcome back to Happy Wheels I was a jack sepai girl I loved Jack

Septic I love Jack sepy I watched thank Miss yesterday not yesterday when was thank Miss was it yesterday my days are blurring together no it was the day before yesterday it was Saturday right um I watched thank Miss and uh it was pretty awesome ninja Dan from Ninja sex party

Was there which if you don’t know what that is it’s a really funny band that Dan from uh Dan from Game Grumps is the singer and then there’s ninjab Brian he played saxs saxophone on thankas I think that was him I really hope I didn’t mistake him for someone else I’m like

90% thought I recognized his face he also just released a smooth jazz album so I’m like it’s probably him he was playing saxophone on thankas you know okay time to get rails time to get railed yeah jackp guy dead ass got me through my depression I love Jack sepai

He helped me so much growing up I depressive episode didn’t leave my bed for like three days he was there he was there he kept me he kept me going kept a smile on my face I’m proud of my witch Heritage by the way for those wondering I’m proud of

It yeah we left my my great great great grandma left Germany came to the US to marry man bless her soul she wanted to get out of Germany though understandably some crazy that was going on Germany during that time period there some wild she wanted out so she left married man in the

US uh raised my great grandma my great grandma uh raised my grandma as well um but mainly my great great grandma raised my grandma uh one from Germany great grandma Teresa that’s what my mom calls her so she she’s my great great grandma Teresa but she’s great great grandma she’s

Great grandma Teresa it’s like what she’s called Teresa rest in peace never met you but I’ve heard so much lore about you extensive isumi lore exactly I’ve learned so much lore she ran away from a witch trial and then went to America quickly after I like damn okay

Okay it was like her it was like her mom and her mom’s mom who were in like a city doing Witch Trials and then they ran to a city that wasn’t doing Witch Trials I know I’m like what is going on what am I what am I what am I missing

Here what’s the lore happening here behind the scenes Matt Pat Matthew Patrick Matty Patty come on I need your help figuring out my family lore but hey that’s just a theory Theory kind of iconic though I know right I don’t I want to know what Teresa’s mom was I don’t know her name the one that ran away from the witch TR this is all alleged this is all like I have no clue yeah I was like Googling I was like

Googling the time period of everything too I was like God damn cuz like there was like The Witch Trials happening they ran to another town and then you know the other stuff that happened in Germany yeah that happened that’s when my great grandma my greater Grandma

However many great she is ran to the US she stand on a boat she went bye goodbye I don’t want to be part of this and rightfully so she did not want to be a part of that there was some bad going on some horrible horrible so she

Ran what’s up guys it’s the Dan The Diamond Minecart I loved dant DM I Lov DanTDM I love D DM I still love DDM never stopped he has like two kids now two little boys Asher and Miles I think are their names so cute

I remember I was mad at DanTDM for a hot minute because he had a skeleton dying I didn’t know what mods were that’s really funny talking about Grimm right Grimm the little skeleton dog you like any safic media I love safic media I’m a safic media conosur I need more safic media so

Share with me please please um I like growing red um I also like Dodie cuz Dodie writes songs about girls guys everyone in between um which is what I’m into and I have an itch sorry hold on there we go Um there was recently a collab between I think her name’s ly ly Luffy not Luffy not Luffy from One Piece ly I think that’s how you pronounce it la la I don’t know man between her and Dodie I don’t think it was actually recent I think this was I think it’s not

Recent at all but I found it recently and safic love it’s a beautiful thing keep me warm came out in 2021 copy song link it’s lovely it really is lovely it’s so cute it’s a christmy Vibe safic so cute um also anime I love I’m in love with the

Villainess it’s also a light novel I read it as a light novel first I’m halfway through the second book um of the light novel series and it’s also an anime now um I’m love with the villainess sapic cute we love um other Sapp media I enjoy I need more

More I need more um she gets the girl is a book I want to read I have it on my bookshelf I’ve heard great things about it but I haven’t been able to read it yet sad I know it’s apparently a really cute fluffy romance like romcom Vibes um

So obviously I want to read it I want to partake in the a please and thank you I just know it’s it’s spelled the same way LA or LA um it’s it’s spelled the same way as the le le le le that’s how it’s pronounced cuz Okay it’s the

Same spelling I understand it’s an Icelandic name same spelling as the Norse goddess is a nor goddess L hold On yeah yeah nor godod and I’ve heard that always pronounced as ly so that’s why that is why I pronounce it that way but I understand that it’s not pronounced that Way la sorry I’m like in a spiral now because it’s showing pictures of they’re called just Fay in uh in God of War but they’re la la la is how it’s pronounced in my brain at least for North Smith so that’s why but I understand it’s pronounced differently

Cuz it’s it’s like you know its own name thank you for correcting me I love vess yes I love villainess is so good okay I’m getting hungry I need to eat some lunch guys I do apologize for having to depart but I need to eat some

Lunch but I want to I want to stream some stuff I don’t know why I’m placing bone meal everywhere it’s going to be a house or a building rather um I want to build some not build some I want to stream some stuff probably tomorrow so

I’ll see you guys tomorrow as well let’s go St to the sun hold on yes I’ll probably be streaming tomorrow so if you were not able to watch the stream live or you want to watch another stream I’ll hopefully see you tomorrow um if time permits

And yeah I love you guys and I’ll see you guys later Goodbye goodbye sign are besties and I’m going to be myself or I could be else noing me now

This video, titled ‘Internet Crush Behind The Scenes 🌸 Building Sets 🪄 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Izumi Annalisa 。・:*˚☆ on 2023-12-05 08:01:31. It has garnered 528 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:31 or 7471 seconds.

☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼ ✨abracadabra✨ ☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼



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Music: Epidemic Sound

#minecraft #mcyt #mctv #mcrp #minecraftroleplay #minecraftcinematic

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  • 🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

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  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

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  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

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  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : ►Facebook : ►Instagram: ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop : »»Keyboard : »»Mouse »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide Minecraft Trading Duplication Glitch Tutorial (Multiplayer) – Java 1.21 Are you looking to gain an edge in your Minecraft multiplayer experience? Look no further! This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the steps of a working Minecraft Java 1.21 duplication glitch. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to duplicate items efficiently through the trade GUI, giving you a significant advantage on your server. First Duplicate Items Glitch One of the key techniques in duplicating items in Minecraft Java 1.21 involves manipulating trade packets. By carefully timing your trades and utilizing specific methods, you can duplicate items seamlessly. This… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102’s First Day #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102's First Day #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘my first day in minecraft. full video in channel #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 12:43:43. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Gaming 3. #VideoGames 4. #Adventure 5. #Building 6. #Survival 7. #Crafting 8. #Exploration 9. #Creativity 10. #Multiplayer 11. #Redstone 12. #Mods 13. #PixelArt 14. #BlockWorld 15. #Sandbox 16. #Mining 17. #Construction 18. #OnlineGaming 19. #VirtualWorld 20. #IndieGame 21. #Community 22. #ResourceGathering 23. #BuildingBlocks 24. #OpenWorld 25. #Imagination 26. #Gameplay 27. #Architecture 28. #Fantasy 29. #DigitalArt… Read More

  • Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock’s Scariest Mod

    Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod in Skyblock’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-17 16:21:28. It has garnered 70143 views and 3783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. This is the FINALE of scariest skyblock video series ever! The man from the fog is terrifying and herobrine constantly haunts my world. Why did I think to add them BOTH to my minecraft skyblock world…. this isn’t going to end well…. After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge – EPIC SMP Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge - EPIC SMP Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP’, was uploaded by Extreme Jay on 2024-06-13 16:15:06. It has garnered 77 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP In today’s video I hosted Bingo but in Minecraft, and it was pretty intense Enjoy The Video!!! Second Channel: ​⁠@ExtremelyJay_ Geography Channel: ​⁠@ExtremeGeography_ Loyalty Public Discord Server: Discord: Twitch: Other Loyalty Members: ​​⁠@tom4thew1n25 ​⁠@AtomicTheEnderman ​⁠@clash12391 ​​⁠@StarZDunkZ ​⁠@JustRyne ​⁠​⁠@asgardzz ​⁠​⁠@axaven ​⁠@SurRisen ​⁠@Axolox_ ​⁠@bladestorm1745 ​⁠@estaexp ​⁠@Jplays225 ​⁠@EnriquePig ​⁠@Clydenical ​⁠@zackYT_ (he also let me use… Read More