Secrets Revealed! EPIC Garden SMP Launch

Video Information

El You My You You You all right can y’all hear me am I here I don’t know we’ll see let’s turn this off and let’s get the actual screen capture working there we go okay um don’t worry about the fabric 102 mods they’re just client side things like quality of life

Stuff you don’t have to have these uh better FB uh better F3 you know just things that make the game a little more quality of life easier to see pardon um now I’m still waking up I slept in today more than I wanted to um I didn’t realize last night while

I was working on a video that I had stayed up until 6:00 in the morning um so I saved it and I went to bed and now we’re here okay so I woke up about an hour ago still kind of getting up usually I’m up for at least three or four hours

Before I stream um so yeah that’s that another thing is I just want to go real quick over the S&P rules just to because they’re in the Discord but I want to say them on stream um mainly for the video because I’m going to turn the stream into a video

Probably um so rule number one griefing not allowed uh that includes base destroying stealing um that also includes if you decide to like let off a th TNT in a random place in the world I’m going to consider that server griefing um so no mass destruction at

All you can like mine chunk you can like mine out a chunk if you want to get resources that’s totally fine just don’t you know like blow up the world just to blow up the world you watch John Wick last night the new

One I’m I want I want to see the new one I heard it’s really good um but yeah no griefing no um two pretty standard don’t bully people unless it’s like you know y’all are friends y’all are joking that’s whatever uh three and Crystal PVP not allowed um it’s really unfair for people

Who don’t know how to end Crystal PVP and it’s really expensive to end Crystal PVP and it’s also really destructive to end Crystal PVP so we’re not going to do that the only exception would be if we have like a server tournament we could allow it for that

Maybe make the Coliseum out of obsidian on the floor so it doesn’t break or something um spawn chunks no PVP Zone all of them so the 16 x 16 spawn chunk zone no PVP it’s a community center so you can build shops or work on community build projects or whatever you want to

Do um five Wars are allowed but both players have to agree to go to war um and if they both if both players or both groups do the no griefing rule no longer applies for those two between each other so if you go to war with someone you can

Grief them they can grief you you can’t grief anyone outside of the war but you can grief each other until the war is over um and then when the war is over no griefing goes back into place six um not really a rule just kind of a PSA the

Base currency is diamonds but when you make a shop you can take any form of payment you want you don’t have to only accept diamonds as payment if you want to accept emeralds or gold that’s fine um seven no going to the end it’s sling the dragon’s going to

Be a community event I feel like that’s a pretty common thing among servers or S&P servers at least and then number eight uh client side mods and resource packs are allowed like how I have my client side mods and how I have a resource pack um but you

You can’t don’t abuse them in a way that scen as cheating so like no client side mods that let you X-ray or something like that and that’s literally it pretty basic rules I do say okay so I should have probably done this while I was talking but I’m going

To click the start button on the server um and you’ll have to give it a couple minutes for it to boot but I’m going to make it go live now if it wants to there we go okay uh first one you haven’t seen the series yet so I’m probably going to

Watch the other three today that’s good I like the first three they’re really good I heard the fourth is on par um so yeah how are we feeling today guys is this going up it is going up okay um so I guess while we’re waiting for that I can quickly go over

Some of the mods that I have um so one better F3 it just shows only like the useful information that you would typically use and it color codes it and makes it a lot easier to read chunks fade in um simple simply a visual thing just it it

Makes it so that chunks just don’t appear they kind of fade in a little better do barar roll is an elytra mod that just makes elytra flying a lot different and more complex um but I usually keep it off unless it’s for like cinematic um fabric permissions is just API inventory HUD

Plus this is going to let me see like my armor durability and my my durability on my shield and weapon or tool on my hood which is very nice light MAA I’m sure most of us know what L matica is um you can make schematics and then transfer

Them to other worlds so you can see a hologram of the build and then you can build it one for one so you can build something in creative and hologram it to build it in survival very helpful uh another Library base game mod menu which is what we’re looking at right now uh

Plasmo voice is something that’s not on the server I wanted it to be for in-game voice chat proximity but it’s not because um the pluging that breaches or Bridges Java and Bedrock so we can’t do that you’re also planning on rewatching the Dragon Ball series starting where

You left off on the OG Dragon Ball because you only watch the start of the Red ribon Army OG Dragon Ball is really good dude like all of it um shoker box tool tip is probably my favorite when you’re you’re in your normal inventory you don’t have to like

Get your shulker BLX and place down and open it when you hover over a Shuler box it’ll pull up an inventory of the Sher box overlaid on your inventory it’s so helpful um sodium OptiFine for fabric um tiny item animations this is just one where like when you pick up an

Item in your inventory or in a inventory it like expands a little bit just a nice little animation Z’s mini map and world map um exactly what it is a mini map and a world map and then Zumi which since we’re on fabric we can’t do OptiFine and

Sodium which is basically optifi for fabric doesn’t have zoom so I had to get zoomify so yeah any necessary mods no is a 100% vanilla server these mods are just client side which means that I can they they affect my gameplay um it’s mostly just visual changes or like user

Interface changes I can show you what I mean I go here but you don’t need any mods you can use client side mods if you want to but you don’t have to so an example would be if I went and got like a Shuler box and then just some

Wood and I place a Shuler down and I put the wood in it I’ll have to go to the survival for this to actually pick it up as you can see this client side mod lets me hover over it and see exactly what’s in the Shuler box um it work

Client side mods are just mods that only affect your client so you can still go on vanilla servers like Garden SMP um but still use these client side mods because they only affect your game uh gameplay but anyways it looks like the garden SMP is up um we can have 100

Players on at once I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere close to that I could take technically go up to 300 I just have it at 100 for one if we do somehow get a bunch of players keeps laging check two I don’t even think

We’re going to need more than 100 we probably don’t even need more than 50 all right so this is the spawn Zone that’s built uh it was built by this guy right here actually dorox um so yeah welcome to the Garden SMP glad you can make it I didn’t

Actually write these um but this is our little spawn Zone you cannot I’m opt so I can but um if you try to break blocks here it’s not going to work so oh I don’t know what happened here I guess it was a creeper let me fix that real

Quick oh that’s not that supposed to be this like that and like that more down here okay there we go that fixes that oh they are facing the wrong way I forget that some blocks have certain angles oh wait no there’s supposed to be sideways okay

Um I’m just going to change it the day for this because it’s like it was all about to become daytime pretty soon yeah this is the world we already have a couple people here zor do and doom spook and anyone is Free To Join This

Server it is 100% public all you have to do is go into my description of this stream join the Discord if you haven’t joined it already and once you’re in the Discord um make sure that you’re showing all channels we had this problem yesterday with somebody where they

Couldn’t see all of the oh God please don’t let us be my first death yep okay that was was my first death well we can just keep Killing let’s get her out of here but yeah the spawn is safe um I accidentally broke some because I’m op Ops can break them but yeah anyone can join all you have to do is go to the Discord invite in my in the description and you can join the server

And then once you’re in the Discord server make sure that you show all channels because I had this problem with somebody yesterday um then once you do that you can go to scroll down to Garden that Garden S&P category and you will see Server rules just read those I already read them on

Stream but just give those a quick glance and then there’s going to be a couple questions you can answer those questions in the server apply Channel and usually I just accept anybody I mean it’s really just so that like I make sure that you have at least

Glanced over the rules there we go it’s just to make sure that you’ve at least glanced over the rules and then um I obviously need if you’re on Java or bed Rock and then your username beating witches to death while explaining how to join the server Peak stream you already

Know witch dying ASMR pretty much yeah this is the spawn Zora made for us it’s very nice and lovely um I can destroy the blocks cuz I’m op and and my admin account because let me log in on the admin account the nice thing is I can have my

Um player account and my admin account on at the same time because I am I have Java and Bedrock separate accounts because I bought them or I I had already bought them separately before the merge thing happened like the full merge so they’re still technically two separate accounts because I never did merge

But yeah this is Garden admin um so they’re like fully opt creative all the time and yeah if you do break the rules um you can expect to see Garden admin sometimes maybe we’ll see I hope I don’t have to use guarden admin but if I do then I do and that’s

That so all right that’s pretty much everything that needs to be explained I also have op as well um I think I explained that already yeah that’s pretty much everything so that way we have South there’s west north and east and what quickly I’m going to do is I’m

Going to grab a free boat here um what I would like to do at some point is because the uh spawn protection is only 16 blocks which means that like once you get to like I think right here yeah you can start destroying stuff um so this area is going to stay protected

Which is good um but the thing is is that the reason that’s not just the chest is mainly because players who aren’t opt oh I didn’t even realize the creeper blew that up but players who aren’t opt can’t open inventories in the spawn protection and there’s literally nothing in vanilla

Minecraft that can change that I even went into like server properties uh yml files and still couldn’t fix it so um what I’m going to do is just outside of the spawn protection probably either East or north um I’m going to make a Comm I’m going to I’m going to do

This in survival I’m just going to build like a community storage section where if you have stuff you want to drop off for other players you can drop it off um I feel like that would be a good addition but yeah with that being all said first I just realized my Dy

Here it’s a little bit off so let’s just do that welcome yeah we already got some people pretty cool oh I should probably at everybody um because I know there’s a couple other people at everyone the garden SMP is now open to play it will be available 247 unless I need to

Maintenance I will H when that happens and then I’m going to message one of my other friends because she’s taking a nap so I’m just going to DM her wake up server open okay let’s play Minecraft guys what are we thinking about Minecraft um so you guys are able to do

Pretty much anything you want when it comes to like building and whatnot um I’ve already when I went into creative I just went and I loaded chunks already so that it’s not like super laggy with all the new players loading chunks in um so this general area has already been

Generated everything outside of this yet to be seen um so I think I want to go down south to this area at least yeah let’s do that this is South right yes so yeah hopefully this SMP I don’t need it to be like anything super crazy but it would be cool

To you know just see people on it I mean we already got four people on which is pretty cool um whenever I want to play Minecraft just got a message all right we got another player we about to join the server which is awesome what does SMP stand for it

Stands uh for survival multi survival multiplayer so just server basically I don’t remember when SMP became like the term to use it just did can you guys hear the stream deck or do I need to fix it I don’t know if you guys can hear the stream today let

Me see what I can do why is it not showing up yall hear the oh wait maybe do this can you guys hear the game audio cuz game audio is showing up for me on my visualizer I think you can but when it comes to the stream

Deck he we hear the game that’s good oh totally forgot I have to actually like open the stream deck that might help there we go favorite Super Saiyan form Super Saiyan God is underrated because of blue um probably Legendary Super Bro legendary that or uh Super Saiyan 4 limit breaker

Hello oh Carson joined that’s that’s awesome and Tommy wow got six players that’s Awesome oh we already have people dying uh Doom spook HED to death by a Sweet Berry bush I’ve never seen that death messes Before Oh God skele oh God stuff’s spawning stuff is spawning oh my god oh three hearts left over from the witch that makes sense I I’ve already died so I think I was the first death I died beating the witch So oh hell yeah see this is why I wanted to go south because I had a feeling it’ be like a village based on this Terrain let’s loot up here and grab some stuff and a bed you know what I’m I’m going to be cool I’m going to be that cool server

Owner and what I’m going to do is I’m going to slash game or slash game rule uh what is it it’s like it sleep players player sleeping percentage one so now only one person has to sleep for the night to pass why did you quit any Twitter just

On the community post um so basically the owner wanted to reset it which that wasn’t really the problem um the problem was if I could not be dying the problem was the owner was kind of rude um and the server it like had rules just like not clear ones

And I didn’t know you needed a pickaxe to break those it had rules just not like clear ones and he would kind of just like add rules to the rules whenever it was was convenient for him but yeah he wanted to reset it but like not in the traditional way where

Like you know it’s a whole new like server basically he wanted to reset it in the way that was like it’s a new map or it’s a new world but everyone still has their inventories um from the previous world and then on top of that the the quote

Unquote new world was was a custom map that he made that was pretty [ __ ] not going to lie um he didn’t spend he spent like 6 hours on it which sounds like a long time um but like when you’re making a whole 10,000 x 10,000 block custom map 6 hours isn’t very

Long and uh nobody was really playing on it because of that and he was just kind of a [ __ ] sometimes the village the village is uh 20 is 17 123 562 basically if you just go to spawn and go like literally straight south from Spawn you’ll run into

It I’m not going to like claim the Village um because it’s pretty close to spawn so y’all can you whatever but I did take some of the hay I would recommend coming here to get like a bed if you Want yeah basically the way that I’m hoping this server goes is you know client side mods are allowed but it’s pretty vanilla any people can kind of do their own thing if you want to make Nations or alliances that’s fine if you want to make server lore whatever do

Whatever you want if you don’t want to do that stuff you don’t have to oh found some iron um I want to get some wood and get that but yeah you can just do whatever you want as long as you follow the rules and um don’t PVP in the spawn

Zone here we got a couple players here who do we have Doom spook and Lily Star but also let me know if the chat is too big like if on the left if the chat’s too big I can make it smaller or move it that’s just where I have it for Minecraft

Okay so we got some Birch let’s make a table some sticks crafting table down um we’re going to make a Pickaxe and we’re going to go back up to this mountain I like this area it’s pretty it’s not flat but it’s no it’s Plains or I guess Hills this is technically a Hills biome let’s see um I’m still not fully used to the new F3 biome Meadow we’re in a meadow biome

Which I think just means PLS Hills with some flowers very nice okay so I’m just going to get some of the stone here we go and make a stone pickaxe and a stone axe go that down please be a big yes we got an eight M favorite Zelda game that’s tough I’ve

Played a good majority of them the only ones I haven’t played are like the the DS ones and what else have I not played I think I I’ve played every like main Home console Zelda game except for tear of the Kingdom I’m not finished with that

Yet um though I I think it’s pretty good I’m liking it I’m just not finished with it I guess we’ll set up a little hole right here for now cuz there’s coal right here yeah I’m good um I’m just still waking up I I’ll be all right um I favorite Zelda game

Probably Wind Waker Wind Waker HD more specifically I really like playing Wind Waker HD um that was my first Zelda game back on the Wii U because my parents had gotten me a Wii U for Christmas and they got me the only limited edition or not

Like the sing like the only one ever but like it was the only limited like custom Edition I guess that ever came out for the Wii U that wasn’t like just the black or white Wii U and it was the wind wigger HD bundle and the Wii U itself

Was just still the black wiu but the game pad was uh Wind Waker themed and it came with Wind Waker of course and I oh I don’t know how much I I that was like the only game I had for like a month I played that game so much and I love it

And I really want to go back and play it if I ever play like a Zelda game on stream it’ll probably be Wind Waker just I love that game dang zor’s already got the iron pick he beat me to It all right we’ll have enough for an Axe and a shovel actually we’ll have enough for um a sword I’d rather get the sword first and let’s go ahead and make some Bread agreen of time that’s always a good pick I really like that game um someone I I think there’s a like fan remake of it coming out where it’s just like augen of time but they’ve updated all the graphics to look more modern and I definitely want to play that on stream

Cuz that game it looks really good all right so we’ve got wood we’ve got Stone got some iron tools we’ve got a a boat and a bed going to leave these I like to keep my inventory sorted would you like some stone tools ocarine of time remake for the

Switch could be great because you’ve only played the Remake on the 3DS the 3DS remake is a pretty good remake to be fair I also played the major mask one as well that one was also very good I just feel like um Nintendo hates making Zelda

Games I don’t even I don’t know why I feel like they just hate making Zelda games sometimes cuz you look at like you know Majora’s Mask 3DS isn’t too good in your opinion well your opinion’s wrong all right buddy I’m the streamer here which means my opinion is always

Right and my viewers opinions don’t matter I’ll get some more coal here it’s already becoming night time again all right let’s let’s do this let’s sleep um just a just another reminder guys one player sleep well it’s not the one player sleep plugin I just I made

The game rule make it so that only 1% of players have to be sleeping for it to pass at night which basically means one player sleep unless there’s more than 100 people and there’s not going to be more than 100 people all right so what I still want to

Do um like I was going to do on the anti Twitter smpp is I still want to do the banner store I think that would be a very beneficial thing to do which is kind of why I’m already killing sheep um but also for food

But I still want to do the banner shop I still have the same schematic so it’s going to be the same building um so I’m kind of happy that I never started on it on the any Twitter SMP mainly because I I was literally going to like the next

Stream was going to be building it and making that um and then server owner decided to not to be like a not good server owner so I was like you know what [ __ ] it I’m gonna buy my own so I I actually got a pretty good deal um This Server can

Hold well so This Server it’s a uh six no wait what is it I forgot this server is a 8 gigabyte server which doesn’t sound like a lot but for a server that’s pretty good because um I actually don’t know why that’s like good I just know that like the actual

Servers themselves require less gigabyte RAM than the client side of it does um for it to be better but yeah it’s a 8 gigabyte server and um it’s like I think it was supposed to be 15 bucks a month but what happened was they had this thing where like if you

Got three months like if you do quarterly it’s 10% off so I was like well I’ll just do quarterly because I can afford that so I’ll just get three months and then um I got the three months and then I realized that they were doing discount or if you use the

Code Blossom you’d get 25% off and it’s stacked with the 10% off so I got 35% off for 3 months on the server so I got this uh server for 3 months for like 30 bucks which pretty good deal and then after the 3 months if it’s

Still alive um I’ll just go pay for it monthly 15 bucks a month not bad I basically got a I paid for two months and got three oh wool for me I want I want wool I also found bees guys if anyone wants bees there’s two beehives right next to each

Other now I’m not going to try to do be stuff because every time I’ve try to do be stuff I’ve always do it wrong and I don’t know what to Do the the one thing I wish about this mini map is that I wish you could see where other the other players are but I kind of understand um oh it’s it’s because it’s the client side moded if Zero’s mini map was on the server then you

Would be able to but since it’s only my client I can’t I can only just see where like entities are in my general area The Beehive cords uh let me run back over here The Beehive cords are -5 113 uh 452 they’re pretty close to the Village that’s like straight South and there’s also just like a normal Birch Oak for so there’s probably a bunch more beehives scattered throughout this biome make sure to hit the bees to get honey dude I have tried so hard it’s

Like I I just I don’t know what to do I followed I think I’ve tried to do bees like three or four different times every time it’s like I just I don’t know what to do I follow tutorial didn’t not I it didn’t work or I did it wrong or I don’t

Know I just can’t oh cows oh I could have been bad but yeah aside from my client mods 100% vanilla server anyone is welcome to join you just join the Discord um invite link should be a Perma link perit invite Link in the description it’s not worth it but getting the bees

Or the honey I just want it for like the honey blocks because honey blocks can be used for Redstone stuff sometimes and it’s really annoying cuz I don’t know how to do It I was going to do this before stream but I totally forgot um I want to get Mario Galaxy music on my stream Deck a few songs that I want from I used the song I used the Mario Galaxy 1 file select song for a video that’s coming out tomorrow um and I think if I used like any other song that video would not tie together as well as it

Does but I’m I’m going to head back to spawn at least get a bit closer to spawn um I don’t want to go too far I mean spawn like the spawn Beacon is exactly at 0 so it’s not going to be hard to remember spawn cords are

0 um I made sure to make it 0 and um that’s just for convenience and like the world spawn is is z0 so like if you die and don’t have have a set spawn you’ll go straight back to the spawn Zone you’ll be safe and any people that

Join will go straight to the z00 spawn there is no randomized spawning in the spawn protection all right it looks like we’ve got ocean this way kind of I want to go to this area because looks like there’s Stony Beach am I going to buy Tekken 8 nah I

Don’t really care for Tekken I got Tekken 7 and oh sugar sugar came I got Tekken seven um it’s all right but like I’m not about to drop like 70 bucks on Tekken 8 I don’t think I’m going to drop 70 bucks on any game G because what I’ve if

I’ve learned anything about video games in the past year um you don’t have to buy the full price video games anymore cuz there are just like amazing really good games for 20 30 bucks on steam or even cheaper during steam sales and it’s like I don’t think I’ve spent

More than $30 on a video game since 20 since Co really and I’ve never felt the need to like oh if I don’t get you know this new AAA game I’m going to be missing out I just haven’t had that feeling I’m just I’ll if I get a game

That looks interesting I play it and if I like it I’ll keep playing it it’s a pretty small Stony Beach I will go ahead and mine this gravel to get a flint for a flint and steel later while I’m thinking about it the only exception is Pokemon I mean

I got scarlet and then I played it for like 3 hours I just didn’t really care for it I mean I what makes me what’s even more upsetting to me than um games being like $70 is games that are like $60 like scarlet and violet and then when they come out

They’re just like unfinished I don’t know if that’s just me but Scarlet Violet feels unfinished even after the DLC stuff you got Street Fighter 6 and Mortal Kombat 1 for full price and don’t regret it granted those are both games in a series you love I mean if you like the

Series that’s fine I’m just saying like personally if it’s not a series that I’m into like um like Red Dead Redemption 2 when Red Dead Redemption 2 came out everybody was going crazy and everyone was like you should play this you should play this and it’s like I don’t really

Care for Red Dead Redemption I like the first game and I like the zombies version of the first game but like I don’t like it enough to spend $60 on a on the second one if I do if I do ever get it it’s going to be on

Sale and that’s even if like I wouldn’t get it for more than 30 bucks because like sure the game may be priced as $60 regularly but it’s not worth that much to me cuz I just don’t love the series like that other than those two games you

Don’t buy full price games uh v-bucks on fortnite on the other hand I I kind of relate to the in-game purchase stuff especially if it’s a game where it’s like you’re going to be like fortnite I personally don’t play fortnite very much and I’ll occasionally play it like every

Couple months um but if you’re someone that plays fortnite like two or three times a week or more like I understand wanting to get v-bucks and get Cosmetics because that’s a game that you’re going to spend a lot of time on and if you’re going to spend a lot of

Time on it you might as well enjoy it to the fullest so get those v-bucks same thing with a mic with Minecraft it’s like I love playing Minecraft Minecraft is my favorite game it’s been my favorite game for a decade and I really like playing with people so

I’m fine with spending $15 a month on a Minecraft server that means I get to play my favorite game with people never thought about it that way but it makes sense you had to get sell Frieza dude I missed selling Frieza I was I was going to get him because I

Have all the other Dragon Ball skins and I missed it yeah that’s just the way I I I view getting video games it’s like every video game has a set price but if you don’t think a video game is worth that set price then don’t buy

It like when cyber Punk came out I wanted to play cyber Punk because it looked interesting and I wanted to try it but I didn’t want to you know drop $60 on cyberpunk just to maybe enjoy it so I waited until it was on sale because cyber Punk wasn’t worth 60 bucks

For me I waited waited until it was on sale got it for 15 and I played it a little bit and I was right I didn’t really care for it that much but I would I would have rather waited like the extra 6 months for it to

Go on sale then spend an extra 45 bucks on a game that I’d play for two hours and decide that I wasn’t really a fan of you have every Dragon Ball skin except for Bulma because I don’t like you don’t like Bulma I do they do need

To do trunks I wanted to see trunks this cave sucks oh my God please be something around the corner nope excuse me yeah I only got the Bulma skin because I had extra v-bucks and I was like I think I had like 900 v-bucks and I was like

Well I’m probably not going to spin these on anything else so I’ll just get Bulma and then I got Gohan and Piccolo when they came out and then I got Goku black and I haven’t played since Goku black came out oh here we go this is a bit better

Kind of where am I how did I end up all the way okay whatever never played cyber Punk it’s like all right they’ve definitely like fixed it since the release it’s a lot better um I still don’t think it’s worth 60 bucks at the end of the

Day but I mean if you catch it on sale for like you know 15 20 maybe even 30 pretty good purchase B favorite Dragon Ball character yours is trunks or Piccolo Um who is my favorite Dragon Ball character I mean probably I mean Vegeta I know Vegeta is like one of my favorites but I don’t know if he is my favorite Character Probably I would probably just say Vegeta at the end of the day very cool Ravine generation not very cool for mining though we’ll just go this way till we find something Vegeta’s valid yeah I mean it’s you know a pretty common pick but I mean besides Gohan and Picolo who

Have we really seen in like the last 5 years I mean we we had you know obviously Goku Vegeta Morrow granola gas Frieza showed up for a little bit and then Gohan Piccolo we haven’t seen any characters in The Last 5 Years really yeah and Broly well actually I

Think I think Broly is over five years now Dragon Ball Super Bowl release I’m pretty sure it’s over five years no January 16th 2019 so it’s about to be four years old so we had that was Last 5 Years you are right still trying to find the perfect

Place for your house that’s kind of what I’m running around to do I don’t want to go too far from Spawn because all the area around spawn is like Community Center so I want to stay at least somewhat close to where I’m in walking distance oh oh emeralds interesting I’ll definitely take

It 2019 is 5 years no I don’t I mean January 19th so one year 2020 2021 2022 23 2 yeah oh yeah you’re right it is 5 year it’ll be 5 years old in a few days my God I remember going to see that movie in the theaters when it came out I

Vividly remember that oh I was 14 that is so gross I think about Buddy he still in 2023 yeah I mean we’ve been in 2024 for two weeks but still adjusting you only know because your work anniversary was 2019 yeah makes sense you’re still in 2020 I feel that I feel like my

Mindset has stayed the same since 2020 so sometimes it’s like I forget that the world has changed a little Bit I don’t remember collecting these Spruce logs I’m already having memory loss guys I will take a PNY for the banner shop because that’ll give us infinite what type of dye is that peie is infinite pink dye lilac is infinite magenta dy I think yeah we can find like a rose bush that’s

Infinite red and a sunflower would be infinite yellow I think those are the only tall flowers that would give us infinite die you have to remind yourself 2016 wasn’t four years ago I know dude it’s insane to me to think that like Ultra Instinct and versus jiren happened like

Over 5 years ago I think six at this point more lilacs sup yakers what’s up Chris how you doing we are on the garden SMP right now all right let’s get off this Minecraft music disc music let’s play something casual a little more casual yeah 2016 was 8 years ago well no

Yeah 8 years ago just wild it’s so weird to me because it’s like I’ll I’ll be online or like on Twitter or something and I’ll see like one of those posts where it’s like you know comment your uh or how old you are your birthday and it’s like a

Zodiac thing or whatever or something and I’ll see people say like oh I was born like you know this month This Day 2012 or 2011 and I’m like dog I I remember that I remember that I remember what was going on in 2012 and you’re telling me that you were

Born there born that born during that and you’re on you’re online just so weird anyone born after 2008 isn’t real you’re right you’re definitely right you know we’re stocking a little bit up on food we’ve got 18 mutton 16 beef some bread an apple doing well for ourselves

Already I just want to find a decent place to live it might end up being in this Meadow it’s a pretty good spot because Spruce is not far Birch Oak not far Village pretty close by maybe we’ll go explore the East somewhere I guess it would probably help

To pick an area if I knew what I wanted to build um I have no idea what I want to build yet so we’ll figure it out that’s pretty cool Klein you overslept this the garden SMP it’s up it’s been up for like 45 minutes get on here get on here right

Now I messaged you I messaged you like 30 minutes ago where’s the uh like these Birch mountains let me run over here pretty close to the Village all right let me run over here and grab boards the coordinates for these burst mountains are -78 73

374 I do I am going to be forming a uh group an alliance group of players I don’t know who I don’t know what it’s going to be yet pumpkin pumpkin I want pumpkin but I I have no idea what it’s going to be

Yet I just know that I’m going to do it when are you going to play Elder ring uh maybe tomorrow I was going to do it last night and I hopped in a Discord VC that some my friends were in like an hour before the stream was going to happen there’s the spawn

Beacon and then while I was in the Stream um or while I was in the Discord VC we started doing [ __ ] all we started messing around with like that Discord activities and we ended up watching YouTube for like 2 hours and then we ended up messing around on some of the

Games they have and then lo and behold um I was an hour and a half past stream time so I was just like well [ __ ] it I’ll just do it another day and that day might be tomorrow I would have done it today if a garden smpp wasn’t

Today but I had already kind of set the date for garden SMP and people were expecting it so I didn’t want to have to change it just to do an elder ring stream but there Elden string Elden ring will come maybe tomorrow maybe Tuesday I go back to college on

Tuesday um but I get out at 2 p.m and I I’ll be getting home at like 2:30 so you know stream times won’t really be affected by going back to college which is good I kind of chose my calls SCH based on that for the most

Part um I go 4 days a week Monday through Thursday and I will be there my first class is I’ll have two classes a day my first one’s at 11: and then my second one is I forget when the second one starts but it’s basically just like

11: to 2:00 p.m. is my class times that was an actual amazing experience so you can’t yeah it was really fun I’m not complaining it was fun I just missed ELD ring stream I kind of thought about like doing it after but it was already like 8:00 p.m.

And I still had to like set up the server do some stuff for that still had to get the spawn built um which luckily Zora volunteered to do and uh edit finished editing the video that’s coming out tomorrow that’s why that didn’t happen it’ll probably happen maybe tomorrow play on

Ring for a little bit because it’s not my type of game mainly fighting games on fortnite that’s fair I haven’t really played okay so I played Elden ring one time at my friend’s house um now this was a couple months after the game had come out and he was

Like oh my God no life in it really hard so I had played it at his at his house and I he just let me play on his save I had no idea what was going on and that kind of put me off of the game because I like Souls games I like

Dark souls and bloodborne but just my first experience being someone else’s playthrough was not the best so it put me off of the game is what I’m trying to say but then um during the steam Christmas sale it was like 30 bucks it was half

Off so I was like you know what I’m going to get this because there’s no other games that I want to get right now that are like on sale or anything so I got it a couple days after Christmas and then I started streaming more and I was like well I’ve never played

This so I’ve never like I I’ve never really played this and I don’t know what to do do so it’s going be a stream game so I’m kind of saving it I got a couple games in the backlog one of your friends is a Souls Game Nerd he 100% utter ring bloodborne

And Dark Souls 3 yeah your friend is a nerd I would never do that I don’t think I could ever 100% any Souls game I can’t 100% most games the only games that I have 100 pered are like I’m 100% in Mario Odyssey and breath of the

Wild but that’s about it that I know of I guess I technically I 100% did uh some indie game on uh steam I think those are the only games that I’ve ever like fully 100% you 100% a cuphead I like cuphead but I wouldn’t 100% it I don’t think I I’ve never

Actually beaten the game anyways gotten close I keep like circling around back to spawn okay I think let’s let’s review our options so we have this Meadow with a village it’s not very flat but it’ make a good area and it’s it’s not too far from Spawn it’s like 400

Blocks we have this Meadow which has yellow of blue flowers I’d actually kind of rather be here um again pretty close to spawn or we can keep looking North but I don’t really want to have to go across the water what’s this probably some little island I’m thinking

This I’m thinking we go go with the blue the blue yellow flower Meadow over here feel like that’s our best bet cats can sleep and purr on your bed yeah um they can also when you push them onto chest or if they hop up on a chest they automatically

Sit and then they can also yeah sit and sleep and purr on beds cute little additions like that um another one is like birds or parrots if you put on a music disc next to them they’ll dance um same with a laay if you

Put a music disc on next to a laay they will also start dancing to the music I like little things like that especially when like I don’t know I understand I kind of I I kind of understand understand why people don’t like some of the newer updates of

Minecraft um but I also disagree with people when they say that the new content updates or there’s like a lack of new content in the game I just disagree when people say there’s a lack of content within the new updates because like if you really look

Look at how many features they add like one nether update insane and then we got caves and cliffs one and two and then Wild update and then trails and tales trails and tals had the least amount of new features out of all the recent updates um but like when you look at the

Amount of stuff they’ve added what is this um in the new updates compared to someone’s been here already the creeper I wonder who’s been here oh but you know what I will uh take I’ll happily take strip Stone that’s going to give us some lava but if you look at the amount of

Features that they’ve added or like the amount of features that each update has added the most recent updates like the last four or five updates individually have added more features than the enti like the majority of updates before these like the only updates that are even close to the amount of

Features that the recent updates have been adding are Village and pillage that was a big update combat update but yeah Village and pillage and I mean really that’s like the only one nether update was massive caves and cliffs part one and two it was split up into two parts and some people were

Upset about that but you got to remember like they they were basically remaking the entire world generation and on top of that adding like new biomes and lots of blocks and a and some knobs and it’s like the they were only split apart by 5 months I feel like people forget that

Caves and Cliff part one and two were only separated by five months like that’s not very much time we found a cherry biome yes um but like those it was only split up by five months guys that’s not very long and even individually both added quite a few features more more features

Than most other updates have ever added this is like the smallest cherry blossom biome ever there’s two trees here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to mine both of them and have a monopoly on the cherry blossom youve never seen a cherry blossom biome I mean this is technically

One super tiny though it only has two trees um they’re typically much bigger cherry blossoms I think they only spawn on the like the mountainy like hilly Meadow type areas they’re pretty rare yeah I’m going to get both of these and I could sell these or sell the saplings at

Least cuz who knows how far another Cherry Bloss is do I have shears uh not yet I’m going to make shears I’ve got some iron I’m just figuring out where I want to settle probably going to be up on this hill you always have the same goals in

Minecraft make a house cow Farm make a wheat farm a mob spawner I mean yeah my so the video that I was talking about that’s coming out tomorrow is about um people saying Minecraft is boring and stuff and it’s more or less of like it’s an analysis on the mindset and also it’s

Sort of like a counter perceptive or a counter uh point to the to the statement because personally I don’t think Minecraft got boring I mean yeah you may not like enjoy playing it as much I don’t think the game itself has gotten boring I just think that you know some people get

Tired of playing the game and then there’s also people who are just boring themselves and don’t really know what to do like that’s fine if you’re not if you don’t want to make like crazy build or Farms or stuff like that you don’t have to I think we’re going to build our

House right here this is a cute little spot be herit and live inside the mountain Minecraft is boring if you make it boring yeah that’s that’s basically my the point of the video and then I give explanation and I like analyze the content updates and like all that

Jazz yeah I think we’re going to build it probably right here yeah it’s exactly that Minecraft is boring if you make it boring and there’s lots of ways to make it not boring you just have to make it not boring I don’t want to use the Cherrywood since we don’t have much of

It all right so let’s get this food smelting make another furnace and let’s take this coal and do this and we’re going to actually we’re not going to use that we’re going to use some of these Spruce planks to make some fences and get some sheep trapped need more than

That okay um we’ll just put it like right here for now to get rid of this dirt cuz I want to get I want to get some sheep oh someone fil villager Captain I want to get some sheep because we’re going to need them for the banner shop and we’re also going

To need more fences oh someone zordo got diamonds nice all right let’s let’s make some shears let’s make a shovel and let’s make a flint and steel and we’ll just keep that extra iron for now need to make I did not mean to do that I wish

You could like with the dirt paths I wish you could like right click them again to turn them back into dirt instead of having to break it feel like that’d be a good feature uh let’s do a different song now got to keep it fresh perfect just

Enough all right so here’s our our little sheep now we need to do this and oh crap we don’t even have wheat do we um what can we do about that I don’t want to go all the way back to the Village so I guess we don’t have we can’t make a

Bucket there’s not any water up here I don’t think we don’t have bones for bone meal either this is not ideal um I guess what we will do I guess the best course of action is just to go back to the Village isn’t it bit of ways away but that’s

Okay we’ll go back and we’ll get some wheat sorry guys I’m just looking at the Discord I’m going to join a VC soon the server Garden VC or one of the garden VCS we’ve already been streaming for over an hour I don’t know how long I’m going to

Stream today actually I didn’t really have like a set time all I know is today I see Iron I want to get it all I know is today that I wanted to stream Garden SMP launch and I wanted to edit something and that’s pretty much all the plans I have obviously eat um

Basic survival needs makes you want to redownload Minecraft well if you decide to you’re welcome to join the SMP it’s pretty much you know public you just got to join the that’s interesting you just got to join the Discord in the description of the stream and once you’re there uh you go

To the Garden SMP category loss over the server rules Channel there’s some questions um there’s five questions just like you know Bedrock or Java what’s your username because we need to whitelist you you can answer those in server apply and then I will get you wh so if you decide to redownload you’re

Welcome to play with this the only reason that we have like the apply and like the Whit list is just it prevents us from getting like grief rated I don’t think we would get grief rated but I’d rather know have that in place just in case

Uhoh all right I think I’m going to join a garden VC now guys spice it up a little bit let me make sure that Discord is on this uh properties okay hopefully it works hi guys that’s awesome I haven’t gone underground at all what does that have to do with Going Underground

Oh well not for holding a diamond block it doesn’t does it this dude has been finding so many Diamonds oh my God I will I will send you my recording is turning out his luck is turning out because like when we were on um the other server we spent like two

Hours looking for netherite and we didn’t find Jack [ __ ] so yeah br well on the second version of that server the first server we got it relatively fast yeah the first server I got I got really good look I had gotten all my netherite stuff in like 30

Minutes easy then we spent two hours looking for his um and we just find [ __ ] well no no no we found it all we found it all but it took forever and you barely found any you found like four pieces out of the 32 what if I live on the hill over looking

Spawn okay like actually know if I remember correctly I only found two and you found the rest I don’t think it was even four you just kept picking the wrong side of the path to go on I guess leave me alone skeleton here that one is too that is so Banger I

Found even more diamonds dude what the bro is gaming really hard right now bro gooning no no are you stilling you can’t say that actually yes I can I can YouTube TOS is not twitch TOS I can say goon I can say Sigma I can say

Sim if you can if you watch this video that I I’ll that I’ll upload because I’m recording right now you’ll see I’m not using x-ray I’ve just been kind of running around I’m too lazy to watch all that I believe you I’m just too lazy I’ll just send you like ings or

Whatever and I’ll force you to watch it true I already almost have enough for another set of diamond armor I have 18 I’m out of cobblestone have do you actually five more Cobblestone oh we don’t have SL to we do have SL to what a it uh lets you message people

Privately just do MSG or foris I tried slw but it didn’t show up uh MSG is whisper and vanilla I thought it was always your slw I thought it was to D I need to get the hell out of this no shot I just found even

More dude bro this villager just took my bone meal he said get wrecked villager moment see you know what I think I may make a community trading hall right here that would go hard cheting I’m going to build a community like please give me bone meal there we go I’m going to build

A community um storage building uh I was going to say I’m going to build a community NE NE pool but that’s a lie nether pool nether portal bro was going to make a pool filled with lava awesome everybody will use it spawn trap you’re banned for griefing so find my house you guys

Aren’t going to believe me I’ll just check your stream I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding where am I I’m gonna I’m gonna watch your stream every day in the moment you hit F3 I am booking it over there you don’t even have to wait3 I have a mini map client

Mod my cords are on the stream all the time I don’t care if people find my base just about that just as long as you don’t mess with any of my stuff you can take my crops like keep in moderation because I am gonna have a crab

Ton just automate it we have automated Crafters now they’re not out yet I don’t oh are they not no that’s 1.21 that’s not out yet it’s in snapchot releases I well no no no it’s not even that it’s it’s the farm is also for looks so I don’t want to automated look

At my nuts oh I got you maybe I will bro where you guys at what did you mean by that are you guys back by spawn I went back to vill I need to get wheat from my sheeps guys I have 26 diamonds you should give me three

Diamonds um I don’t think so I don’t think I will give you for three diamonds no that is not that is not worth it what I can’t believe you I can’t believe you just said that in front of your wife what the hell man wow I just blatant cheating whatever

Man fine then I’m gonna go find the nearest woman and ask them to make out or something okay just ask him to scissor I’m gonna need to cut that out on my video Zora I have a trade offer uh what is said trade offer one grass block for 10 iron someone in the

Chat said it’s not cheating if it’s for money bro I mean she does kind of have a point insert Sigma edit Montage dude if these zombies keep on dropping down on me like here like I’m here I’m going to kill myself real bro I remember that I was there

That [ __ ] was wild you there yeah d i dude I was fat man that’s name the Bomb by the way for you idiots who didn’t know that that’s one of them that you don’t know the other one yeah uh I think it’s little boy it’s little

Boy it’s it’s little boy and fat man I think or big man pretty sure it’s a fat man oh Jesus Christ okay thank thank you that that was the I think fat man was the one that hit hirosima uh it was yeah I should have kept those

Because I ran out of an ax oh don’t worry I I know oh yeah oh wow thank chat confirms it is fat man oh what the hell is hitting me oh I was suffocating Discord overlay off it’s annoying valid oh I found more iron that’s is very actually useful oh wait

That’s spawn protected let me those two trees are spawn protected okay the spawn protection goes out like I think 16 blocks I do believe it is one two three four spawn was awful to terraform and it didn’t even take that long I just hated every second of it it goes out 21 blocks

I believe I Doom spook I might have made it 20 blocks I don’t know hi hello goben I think I was the one who I also hit you with my oh my God you guys you haven’t talked to Carson in like over a year yeah I’ve never talked to Carson

Yeah cuz you’re a loser you’re a loser why would you say that dude that’s rude all right chat cancel this guy really messed up that’s really messed up K you I’m finding you oh oh no I’m dead oh I’m taking that’s what that’s what happens that’s what happens that’s

What happens it’s okay it’s okay I spawn back in my cave and uh I can just go back Sig I I because dude the mini map M mod is so useful plus it’ll be easier to get back you can’t locate players I was going to slash locate you so hard I’d be

So mad you steal all my stuff I would be feeling oh I was just over here sick ouch y ych guys someone in chat said no naughty words no naughty words stop swearing Zora I’m just kidding good just fell from the sky I think it’s God guys if

You want us to stop swearing uh send a Super Chat of $5 no it has to be 20 bucks 20 actually I’ll get naked on stream for 20 bucks dude bro what POS plus Miner oh my God uh oh see that’s why that’s why it’s 20 bucks it’s worth

It toos will ban you for just being a miner let alone getting naked okay how the [ __ ] do I get back think it was this way d i just 200 iqed that [ __ ] I’m honestly actually glad I died because I help me that can let me [ __ ] sort my

Inventory all when’s the Jenny mod getting added we’re not adding Jenny mod you guys are so uncultured it’s not even called the Jenny mod close enough oh my goodness I made 20 pickaxes what the [ __ ] Stone okay did somebody just go to sleep I on seeing sleeping through this night oh I just

Fell again oh I made it so that only one player has to sleep for it to actually sleep that’s sick you used to need a plugin but then they added a game rule for it a couple years ago yeah sorry I had to take a picture of a um glow squid for a

Meme no not Jin from popular MMOs that’s that’s just gross that’s my ched hey where the [ __ ] do I go I wonder what happened to heren divor well I know that but like what’s happened to her I know what’s happened to him because he uploads about

It yeah I don’t think we’ve heard from jyn in like years well I mean I don’t think she even had her own channel in the first place she did did she she did yeah no she I think she still uploads but she uploads with her now husband has

A child oh oh because you know that’s the whole reason why they got divorced because Pat didn’t want any children and she did Doom just leave no oh he’s back or she’s back my bad oh real I need another sheep not I think I

Drained I think I I I think it’s I think I drained this entire cave from its diamonds guys how do you make a composter uh it’s just a trap door sticks so so so you go to the text and composter [ __ ] is trapo and sticks

Got to do are you is that real chat no that sounds like Barrel but that’s like Bedrock Edition barrel with slabs and I’ll look it up in the [ __ ] thing here oh it’s just slabs you thought it slabs it’s just slabs but like a cauldron shape all right let’s do dude me falling

I actually know this but you are in fact muted so bad that Max I know uh gaming gaming moment that drama was crazy spider I do not she hasn’t made a video in years I just want to leave this apparently Jen hasn’t made a video in years someone said wow or a year

Damn when I was younger I used to think the little icon for chicken was like a tooth bro what bro what what yeah I don’t know I couldn’t tell I was like five okay like three five years old I couldn’t tell it was like a chicken breast in

Legs all right chat do this guy show me this guy’s balls that [ __ ] look like the battle Passad head please there are children about to snitch on I got to make this sheep white come here racism Minecraft RAC ISM don’t worry I’m going to make him black

Later I have a whole bunch of wool I was going to give you by the way it’s not whitewashing guys I swear you’re good at interior decorating out yeah that’s what I want my business to be what do you I got your I got your first

Job oh yeah okay so what I’m thinking right is that this is going to be the villager trading hall right we’re gonna we’re gonna have an aquarium like the moment you walk in there’s like this big fish tank right here you go there’s the first set of the uh

Villagers and you go left that’s the second set so like a fish tank in the middle of everything yeah maybe just like at the front and then we’ll have villagers on both sides over here I’m thinking it’s going to be like three wide and then

These this thing on the side is going to be glass like a glass pane and wrap around oh that doesn’t feel too good what do you think yeah banging okay I can go collect sand chicken underwat for glass why can’t I crouch if you want to I was pressing control

Instead of SHI I’m an idiot ping trees I Chopper the wood CH wood to Cho into wood I’m Cho to Wood I’m gonna put I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die you’re fine I’m you’re like the most frequent Minecraft D I’ve ever met no I you’ve

Died you di more than I’ve ever seen you know just for that I’m going to hit you off the island again Sky Factory all right chat do this guy all right I’m taking this little bit of cobblestone real quick I’m going make some shovels are you in with that

Girl all right all right chat Swap this guy small and large intestines bro what all right guys put him in human trafficking no no no I’m finally free from that stupid stupid cave that that was a lot more complicated than it needed to be more like stupid it’s okay

Because I have 26 because I have 26 diamonds you know if you want to come back to spawn you can help with the villager trading Hall that sounds boring I want to go get netherite okay shitty boo dude I want to walk around just being terrifying I want

To be the first person another I’m already first person with Diamond Armor we should be the first person to play with my balls I’m I’m on my way BR I’m I’m using Google to rapidly approach your location I’m 15 minutes away by the way all right Google show me this guy’s

Balls no I’m finally back okay I can grab all the stuff oh my God I wish I wish barrels work like chokers that would be really convenient wait hold on can can you put or is it only donkeys that you can put uh uh donkeys and mules you can’t put I

Thought you could put chests on horses for did they that donkeys and mules and camels and camels but good luck finding a camel um well I found I found a golden apple so that’s pretty cool all right I’m gonna cook some glass there’s a beehive around here somewhere cuz there’s a bee floating

Around here oh that could actually go hard yeah I don’t know where it is but I thought there was like a a um achievement called like cover me in diamonds I know there’s ones that’s cover me in debris but there’s cover me and diamonds you got it earlier the

Diamond one I think you only need like one armor piece for but the netherite one you need all of it well I didn’t get the achievement at all though all right I’m cooking in chat I didn’t get cover me in Diamonds though yeah you did what I didn’t even

See that I’m an idiot okay you are silly gooing so hard right now all right I’m gonna keep these bones so I can just have like how do I reset this guy’s achievements from advancements Sora this bee followed me and I’m so confused hello there do you have a

Flower in your my gosh my alerts work I’m cooking up glass she’s cooking cooking some ass you wish I’m coming to spawn oh good I can give you all this wool that’s just been sitting in my inventory I know there’s a lava pool somewhere near spawn so I’m just going

To go to that so I can make a another I’m going to bring a gift it’s like North dude I’m so excited I’m gonna actually I’m I’m gonna be first to the nether sorry I got a little little dude I would be so pissed don’t all right Carson I’m cooking the

Glass banned on the first episode that’s gonna be my click bite title we gaming guys we should definitely uh make another Hub at spawn oh absolutely I feel like that would be very beneficial because I do not want to travel the Overworld all the

Time to get to spawn true we can do that on the do you want me to put the first nether portal by spawn you can if you want to you don’t have to we can put it up north okay well then I’m not gonna [ __ ] am I doing dude I’m actually

[ __ ] I shouldn’t say that my bad um You didn’t hear that I’m the only player that can affect the spawn protection because op what I might do is I might just when I get obsidian just build a portal on the spawn protection so it can’t be destroyed that’s fair but griefing is

Off in the first place no it’s not well so you can griefing is off and I’m I’m I’m the only player that can break stuff in the spawn protection but a creeper could still blow it up it would also just stop anybody from messing with it because if it’s outside of the spawn

Protection people can still break it yeah I’m overshooting where I need to go can somebody go sleepy night night I don’t have my bed I left it at my house okay I’ll go sleepy night night have you already made like uh a makeshift base um

I have a sheep pen and a furnace and a crafting table and a bed if if those nights get really cold and lonely just hit me up and I’ll you you can sleep next to me Pooky bear e brother what uh it’s not working great okay good she didn’t hear

Me chat should we have like a YouTube vote to see if we should ban zorox um no I don’t think it’s a very good idea we let let’s let chat decide no I really don’t feel like getting banned I’m not gonna actually ban you until I like kill you okay well

Chat’s saying to ban you though um I’m not going to but chat you can die whoa okay now dude why would you do my chat like that you done it now you done it I’m gonna put building materials for the trading Hall in this chest right here hello gang Gom style what’s up

Welcome to the uh I have a present guys I’m wow and a steak oh my God you have I’m GNA I’m gonna have two shops I’m gonna one of them’s gonna be a firework stand uh half of it’s going to be for ltras and the other half is for pretty fireworks

Oh my God y’all are already stocking up on wood over here y yeah I am the onler what we got on making walk in here right to the right and left or pathway down to villager trading halls and maybe some player shops and right here at the

Beginning there’s going to be like this aquarium it’s going to have like a [ __ ] ton of fish in it oh very cool yeah design and I helped clear out these trees yeah uh volunteer work well no I got paid who wants to die by the hands of me first all right

Chat so the real question is what do we need to do someone put a crafting table in a tree I’m going to steal that make a prison and put Sora in it it be funny want to go back to the base and drop off this stuff I’m going to Waypoint this base and

Then spawn there we go put Zora in an infinite Loop in the end so the plans for so far I’m a muted death in the voice call at the moment um plans I want to build a obviously a decent base I have no idea what I’m going to do I will

Probably maybe after the stream today or sometime tomorrow go on my creative world and figure something out and light matica it I do already have the light the light matica for the banner shop slwo shop um leave them Al we already have that so we could do

That however to build or at least for the building the design that I have in mind for the shop we’ll need um mud blocks or mud mud bricks I think is what they’re called I don’t know how to get that I don’t know how to get mud

So if anybody in chat knows how to make mud or get mud like I know it spawns in mang gr biomes but like where like can you make it can you is it craftable um and then on top of that we will need concrete which not hard to get we’ll need white concrete

And light blue concrete and we’ll also we don’t need need it but I want to get glow ink sacks because there’s going to be signs in the shop like for the prices and stuff and also item frames on the chest so people know what’s in what

Chest um I just want those to be glowing make a giant Elmo statue that could be a interesting Community project s get 10 full chest of obsidian with his bare hands that would be really funny not that one so getting used to the names of the song or songs cuz the Animal Crossing

Music it’s all like besides AEL sisters and Mr retti it’s all just times 3:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 2: a.m. um getting used to remembering the names let’s do a little bit of this okay okay so we should probably get some more wheat we only have the one

Um does anybody know how to make mud or did I miss that and I just CU I’m dumb dirt and water you’re banned hold on slash un I thought I had already Whit listed clean hold on whitelist add electric forast hold on thought I already had I remember

Doing it okay copy the name SL whist add oh electric for casts forgot when I was light wisting you I was light light wisting based on the apply thing and you forgot to put the second or the S at the end okay you should be

Good I don’t know I swear I did it because I tried to do it and it said that you were already whitelisted I remember doing it last night hold on guys I got to turn down my eater all right I’m back all right so getting a start on the

Sheep I guess we can go ahead and uh make a carpet just to make getting up here a little easier and I want to get started on this as soon as possible because it’ll just be easier that way so um let me get a stick and as you

Can see in the bottom left we have light matica here’s what we’ll do we will do first we need to open the light MAA menu I forgot what button that set to what button is it it m okay so M for light matica so if we go to load

Schematics oh I have to move my schematics over to this profile real quick I forgot that they’re on a different profile give me one second Minecraft instances okay I’ll just look for him later because it it would take a minute but I was going to try to place one or place

The schematic in so I could show but uh we’ll do that another time all right so this grow I swear sheep grow so fast we need to get more wheat though that’s like the number one thing and we’ve got stuff growing but but but we need to get more seeds fild it

Up and then we’ll we might go mining um because while we’re down cave we can like bones and also just try to get some diamonds Get No Seeds usually you get too many seeds and you get especially when you don’t want them let’s throw these let’s throw these down

Set up a secret path under Zora’s base and plant TNT under it that would be silly uh what get new dirt all right so I guess we just have to I kind of wish I didn’t turn all that all those hay bells into bread I guess we just got to go mining

Let’s try to find a cave um let’s head let’s head this way oh let’s go down there cuz that looks promising also grab this oh you know what I need I should make a shield when I get down there I’m going to make a shield cuz I do not have

Armor spider chump scare a little bit I heard him crawling yeah see look already a skeleton I do want to get that iron oh my God we’ve been live for two hours guys that’s actually a long time for me and I feel okay so we’re just going to keep

Going usually I just kind of go until I don’t feel like it anymore anymore but I’m feeling good today I do need actually we can just go get some wood yeah it’s two hours I mean it you know stream starting screen for like five minutes but I got some

Wood so we’re just we’re going to make actually just throw it in there cuz we’re going to find coal in the cave hopefully I’m hoping that we’ll be able to do a 1,000 subscriber special soon because I’m at 880 and it’s been going up past few

Days at this rate we’ll probably get to 1K in like a couple weeks we got a shield very help and as you can see on above my Hunger The Shield percent durability is there armor will show up too when we get armor don’t forget me when you’re famous I won’t I

Promise let’s turn these in the sticks and then put that there save space all right let’s hit the cave I am going to be collecting the copper because I do plan to use copper in my build I want to use copper I’ve never actually used copper in any

Of my builds ever or the copper blocks and I really want to try using the copper blocks I’m not going to collect all the copper we see but we’ll collect a good amount you love copper I like the copper blocks I’ve just never used it cuz I’ve always been

Really lazy about like having to oxidize them or wax them if you don’t want them oxidized um but I think I’m going to build an oxidized uh or I’m going to use the oxidized blocks like the fully oxidized ones as like the as like a roof or

Something I have to mess around with it my God there’s so much WoW is my brightness up all the way okay yeah I was just making sure so yeah we already got like there’s more almost two stacks already that’s you get copper very quick which I’m not going to

Complain copper Frankie statue that could be pretty cool actually I definitely do want to build some sort of like statue in the uh spawn chunks maybe I’ll build like a Frankie statue in creative and light mtic that could be cool don’t want the spider eyes dude there’s like so much copper

Why is there so much copper is it like actually just supposed to be this common or am I lucky am I getting lucky cuz I know it’s not like rare but like is this quantity normal I have no idea I need to make sure oh I have I can make a new

Pickaxe copper cave for real looks like this is going to go deep I think I there’s deep slate already so geographically accurate cave maybe my gosh it just keeps going there’s so much my pickaxe broke all right let’s do this we’ll craft up a new one all right chat what do we think

Of what do we think of garden SMP so far W or L I’m going to try to keep it as alive as possible with like community events and stuff feel like that’d be the best way to do it so we got like four and a half stacks of copper so

I think we’re going to chill on the copper for now I think I do want to grab some more dripstone CU I want to build like a small lava thing now the dripstone doesn’t have to be like for it to drip lava into cauldrons it doesn’t have to be like on the

Dripstone blocks right got to be careful I don’t want to like fall on take double fall damage when landing on stalactites or stalagmites I don’t remember which one it is I know one of them is like they’re the same thing it’s just one of them is for when they’re

Hanging from the ceiling and one of them is when they’re hanging or on the ground iron building an ugly a bridge I’m sure it’ll look good just got to give it some time grab this all right so goals uh we need to at least have full iron armor before we leave this

Cave and preferably some diamonds at least enough for pickaxe ax and sword so eight diamonds Thea ties hang from the ceiling sagmit might trip you gotcha so I don’t want to land on the Stag mines because you take double ball damage will take slapos however I don’t want to go like super

Deep because I know if you go like too deep uh there’s less iron oh look at that yeah see that was like a two block fall and I took damage got a skeleton what just jumps oh there’s some more right here right awesome let’s wait for the water to go down we collect

These there you go diamonds three okay I think that’s all yeah I’m thinking my building blocks of choice for my base are going to be copper deep slate and Spruce I think that’s going to be the main the main pallet now what I want to do also is I do have

Some pretty big ideas that I want to make on the server because like this isn’t a survival multiplayer server so people are allowed to play on it but I’m also going to be kind of doing like sing oh nice uh single player videos I guess on the

Server and what I mean by that is like there I’ll be playing on the server but like not for multiplayer um so like an example is I do want to find an ocean monument and like drain a ocean monument and that’s a project that I

Want to do on this server but I’m going to turn that into like a video and it’s not going to be about the you know server being multiplayer just going to be about me draining an ocean Monument so it’s going to be like you know it’s S&P but I’m also going to use

It for stuff like that instead of having to do two different worlds just more convenient for me I think I’m the only one on the server who hasn’t gone mining yet seems like it and I know Zora has already found enough diamonds for armor take a look in here hello

End wow we got a fancy cave we’re atga 31 right now but I’ve got 11 diamonds that’s my tools at least just found some more it’s always welcome like it was just the one kill the skeleton for the bones inventory is almost full already though he thinks he LTG what’s LTG I

Notic he has the habit of telling people to die he says that but he’s actually the one that dies most of the time he he is a very frequent D lapis yeah who’s LTG never heard of LPG cealing Diamond I mean I assume that’s like a Creator hellow tier God

Oh yeah I know who that is my God we’re finding diamonds out the wazu hit the skeleton all right not some more is really good just one again just one I will take one over nothing that’s for sure no I thought you were referring to me wanting to drain an ocean Monument or

Something yeah I know ler God he still streams I think right or has like he been cancelled I don’t know I feel like there would have there would have at least been like an a cancellation attempt done on him for because of that Meme since when you have 13 diamonds I

Dude there’s been pretty good diam diamonds in here there was three veins next to each other and then I found a couple singles saw a tweet that he was an actual hor horrible person or something no that sucks it always sucks when people turn out to be bad or just like not great

People but you know it’s like at the end of the day what can you really do I mean you can not watch his streams not support him but like can’t do much be on that well I mean you can try to you can try to like cancel him

But that’s just a waste of time in my opinion got some more diamonds just two we’re at 16 that’s not bad at this point we might as well just stay down here until we’ve got enough for armor not going to go that way cuz I hate

Water I’ll go mining as soon as you’re finished with the house understandable the only reason I’m mining is because I want to get some diamond tools of course but I also need copper for my build idea so mining up some stuff just one again yeah 17 is not bad we only need seven

More right three yeah seven yeah I need copper for my base so I went to collect copper and I’m getting other things while I’m down using brick mostly you’ve collected a ton of clay that’s cool I’m really excited to see everyone’s base I know what Zora’s base looks like cuz he’s

Already like done his in Creative um and he’s going to light MAA it in to build it and it looked it looks really good I won’t lie looks really good but I’m excited to see what everyone’s going to do for their own base um I’m also excited to see what

People are going to do in the m center take the Redstone oh glow squid yay I am going to need the glowing sexs I think I’ve already been this way I’m going to assume I have and we came no this is the water swear to God I just th diamonds so

Am I the only person that like mistakes these glow lkan for diamonds sometimes or is or do other people do that already been this way too I’m lost I’m already lost oh oh yeah yeah yeah we came from up here you do to occasionally I do it more often than I probably should

Kind of embarrassing you do but you’ve never seen diamonds on a cave really I mean I do know that with like the the caves and cliffs update they’ made diamonds spawning on Cave walls more rare and when they do they have higher chances of just being one or two instead of full

Veins that makes sense or should I should say more like exposed diamonds so it’s harder to find exposed diamonds because they made the caves a lot bigger which means there’s way more exposed area so they made it harder to find exposed diamonds because of that and then when you do find them they’re

Usually only one or two but I’d still rather explore caves and find diamonds strip mine I only strip mine for like ancient debris or if I just need like a bunch of stone or deep slate or something or tough tough is a good one to strip mine for because it’s um like diorite

Andesite and granite but for deep slate and it’s the only one like that in deep slate so it’s pretty common if you just strip mine in deep slate you’re luy [ __ ] and I always fall into the Bedrock level caves gotcha I actually haven’t now that you mention

It I don’t think I have this is the way back to out I don’t want to go out yet but now that you mention it I don’t think I have been in or been through a cave that goes all the way down to bedrock in quite a while I think ever

Since I don’t think I have since before the caves and cliffs updates you know what does make me upset though is um armadillo winning the mob boat I really wanted crab to win because of the like the the the reach extension thing you could have made would have been so useful for

Building but nope armadillo one with dog armor that doesn’t really work from what I’ve seen in the snapshots the armor like they still get blown up in one shot by creepers I don’t hate the armadillos I just like would have rather had the crabs cuz one I like crabs more than

Armadillos and two the item that lets you extend your reach would have been way more useful in my opinion than the dog armor because what I’ve seen from the snapshot is like the dog armor doesn’t really do a whole lot to protect the dogs like it will against like zombies skeletons but

Like you know it’ll still get killed by wardens obviously it’ll still get one shot by creeper explosions and like to me the main re the main purpose to give your dog armor would to be to save it from creeper explosions cuz that’s like the main threat to your dog dying because it one

Shots them so the armor I don’t think the armor should or I think if you give the dog dong armor they shouldn’t be get one shot they shouldn’t get one shot by creeper explosions but they still do so I’m wondering if the if copper is like more common in the dripstone cave

Areas because I’ve only i’ I’m only seeing this much of it up here where the drip zone is yeah I don’t hate that they added the armadillo I just wish it was the crab and I also wish that like the dog armor that you get from the armadillo goots would be

Better I mean it’s still in snapshot so like they could always change it I kind of hope they do you never know all right so I think we’re pretty much good we have 17 diamonds which isn’t enough for full armor but we can make tools at least then I’ll probably save the rest

Of it cuz I like to have all my diamond armor made at once so I’ll just probably go with iron so I guess what we’ll do is we’ll just mine up until I can’t carry any more copper or until my pickaxe breaks dog armor only protects one hit really

That’s not a fan of that it definitely should be stronger cuz dog armor is something that has been like a requested feature for a very long time I did not even hear that creeper coming up on me at all uh we can we still got room for some more copper creeper right there

Yep full all right uh we’re full actually we don’t need the Cobble deep slate yet so we can get get more copper I’d rather just get a bunch of copper now instead of having to come back and get for it what I can do is I

Can just dig straight down at my base and make a strip mine for the Deep slate Co looks like it C was killed by a skeleton right let’s get out of here two and a half hour stream guys this might be my longest stream I think my longest one

Was I mean technically this is like my longest single stream like consecutively but um when I was playing on the anti Twitter SMP it had to it got split up into two streams because my streamlabs crashed when I tried to add a video Source while

I was streaming so it got split up onto two but I think that was like 3 hours total but we’re coming up on it so just got a message no it’s not you I didn’t know that was going to happen I never even figured out why I did it

Either all right let’s get this copper going very nice so let’s call okay so we have 17 diamonds so that’s pickaxe axe sword shovel now we could use the eight for a chest plate or we could do two for the enchanting table but then we would have six let’s just do a chest

Plate and then no I’m just going to save these we’ll do that that we’ll just use nine to make tools TOS these I want to make all the armor at once cuz I don’t want to accidentally break any of it so let’s drop all this off copper that can go in Iron

Gold blow squid is going to be really important all right so that’s going to be smelting so what we should do is probably use some of the bone meal to grow the wheat and breed our sheeps with it also plant those seeds so we got like 11 which is not terrible do

This and we’ll go ahead Shear these guys do not need those also going to leave the wheat in here so I don’t accidentally craft it awesome I guess what we can do is we can use this sugar cane and this leather and uh this wood go ahead and make books make two bookshelves

Which is better than no bookshelves and we’ll just hold on to those but now that we do have an iron pickaxe um I want to get some oh there’s another Village over there we’ll go check that out soon I do want to get some obsidian looks like there’s some lava

Here so we’ll go over there pour water on it we’ll get some obsidian and then come back and make make an enchanting table and then we’ll go check out the village the West you always say you’ll buy and play Minecraft when you have a good PC if that ever

Happens I mean it’s worth it on a PC it’s like 30 bucks but you get Java and Bedrock Edition used to not get both um I think that they started doing that a couple years ago but back in like I guess back in the day of Minecraft you used to only

You you could get you used to only be able to get Java for the longest time um and then Bedrock came out they stra they scrapped console edition and Bedrock came out and then they released it on PC shortly after and that was like okay if

You’re PC only use Java but if you want to play crossplatform you got to buy bedrock and then after a while they realized that um it was kind of dumb to buy the same game twice because you’d have to you know spend like 30 bucks on Java and then another 30 bucks on

Bedrock so then they just made it like um you buy you go on the Minecraft website you buy m C and you get Java and Bedrock it’s just like $5 more than the OG me method yeah so I think it was only I think it was $25 when it was just Java

But ever since they combined it where you get Java and bedrock at 30 bucks which personally I think that’s pretty good cuz like it used to be 30 bucks or it used to be like 25 bucks for Java and then 25 bucks for bedrock and and I’m

You know one of the older Minecraft players so I bought both then but now you get both uh if you just buy Minecraft on PC you get both for 30 bucks so if you want to you know play crossplatform you can hop on Bedrock if you want to play with mods or something

Or with your PC friends or have a server got Java too and curse Forge is completely free so like for 30 bucks you get crossplatform Minecraft and then PC Minecraft and all the mods are free pretty sweet deal I’m going to get enough for nether

Portal too I want a full portal so I guess I only need 12 cuz the bottom corners will be in the ground so 12 and then four more for the table I don’t know if the USA they have these but certain schools they give you these laptops that have like Zero To

None good things to play not even [ __ ] like Roblox CS go um in America there is like a prog there are programs where you can get um like iPads or laptops for Education um but usually most people don’t they do some schools do have like computers or Chromebooks like when in my

High school we had a computer lab and then we also had a set of Chromebooks I think we had like 30 we had like 30 Chromebooks for the school and then a few iPads but it never really mattered because whenever you they would block all the websites that had games and stuff so

You’ve never seen a Chromebook in your life it’s basically just a laptop um that runs on Chrome OS which is Google’s operating system um just like IOS and Android just Google’s version it’s not they’re not bad um I would rather just have a Windows PC which is what I

Have I’m on I’m on Windows 10 on this pc windows 10 Developer Edition because one if you’re on Developer Edition they don’t automatically update you so I’ll never get automatically updated to Windows 11 because I don’t want 11 but then um I can’t update to Windows 11 anyways because for whatever reason Google

Despite my PC you know it it’s able I know it’s for a fact it’s able to run it it would be able to run Windows 11 Google has determined that my PC is not fit for Windows 11 so they won’t let me upgrade to Windows 11 anyways which is good because I don’t

Want it but I know my PC can because my PC is like a $2,000 PC and my laptop is a $300 laptop and my laptop has Windows 11 and it’s it’s fine so I know my PC can I don’t want to but I know it can right so we’ve got our

Obsidian we can make the enchanting table we can also make nether portal yeah a Chromebook is just like a laptop that runs on Chrome OS they’re not amazing but they’re not terrible I would probably take a Chromebook over a Macbook laptop but that’s just me we need a

Book I’ll just take these for now we’ll make some paper we’ll make a book and then we’ll take two of our diamonds go boom boom obsidian Book Table and we’ll put that in here for now and we’ve got enough reps uh this $2,000 yeah I built it a couple years

Ago um November 21 I believe we’ll put the portal here for right now just kind of dig it a little bit here go like one two three one two three cross and then the bottom all right go ahead and load the nether not a terrible spawn at least it’s not a

Soul Sand Valley and it looks it’s relatively closed in so safe for the most part awesome I definitely want to have armor before I go to the nether let’s grab some of this coal and start smelting the iron you hate possums your name is literally posum on Discord and Twitter

You should change the name you should make it like I have no idea actually you should do like a different animal be like ferret or rat You’re a Rat do do rat that fits let’s make some iron armor cuz we have no armor oh let’s change that move it over

Just a little bit so I can see we Go you love both possums and O possums but possums are a little cuter can’t disagree with you all right so what I want to do I want to make a nether portal at Spawn and then I want to link not link the portals but make a highway to the portal from my base here for Convenience all right we got eight make a chest plate good still need some More it might be worth using some of our iron to make an auto Smelter yeah let’s let’s do that so we’ll Need two Hoppers so two chests and then then an input chest and an output chest that should be it so we’ll just do like this will be the in or the um output chest there will be a Hopper and then the furnace will go here and then there’ll be a hopper and then the chest input chest I’m go ahead and put all the copper in There like that kind of looks like Vegeta’s armor the chest plate and Boots yeah that’s pretty close I mean those are like the main things say design are the chest plate the chest armor and the boots all right so we got the second Hopper and that should start filling up

And we’ll just put coal in it put copper in that chest awesome so that’s going to just run I guess we’ll put the gold in there too cuz that’s not something that we like need need we’re not going to have enough iron to make a helmet so we’ll just make the Boots you hate possums and you never even saw one well then how can you hate posss if you’ve never seen It sounds pretty hypocritical to me right we’re getting our sheep game Up make the bands all right so we don’t have a helmet but that’s fine I’m not going to use the diamonds yet because I want to have a full thing before I use the diamonds like this sweet Though and we’ll just place That all right so I guess what we can do is we can go get some more Obsidian and when we get more obsidian we’ll just go make another portal at spawn and then we’ll work on like bridging them together in the nether I think that yeah lav lake is this way they look ugly but the um possums I don’t really have an opinion either

Way and it’s like they don’t bother me but I don’t really think they’re necessarily Cute Rocky I like that name Croy pretty Good all right so I do want the spawn port portal or the spawn nether portal to be full with the corners cuz it just looks nice so that’s how we’re going to make it we need 12 CU we don’t need the two on the bottom corners cuz it’ll be in the

Ground so we just need 12 you’re going to go in mod your uh famous Discord server have Fun I’m surprised that someone already joined from Discord like you it’s only been like you just put it on Discord yesterday and then someone had joined last night really quick I might put mine on Discord I probably Will what did you have to do to get it on Discord cuz I have no no idea how aosom are wonderful Little Critters they eat thousands of ticks in a season I didn’t even know they ate tick their body temperature is so low they rarely get rabies it’s almost

Impossible I didn’t know that sounds like a good pet to have then they eat ticks and don’t get rapies use some Indian from YouTube like a uh like a YouTube tutorial on how to do it you should send me That all right let’s change the music here guys what are we thinking are we thinking stall Pig step wait what kind of music disc are we thinking ex out all right we’ll do pick step it’s always a good choice to go with this pig step I think out of all like the newer

Music discs pix step is the best one and then other side takes number two I don’t really care for Relic too much the newest one I mean it’s all right just kind of whatever you know yeah we [ __ ] with pix we definitely [ __ ] with P pixip um hot take I prefer

The new soundtrack over the old soundtrack mainly because whenever I hear the old soundtrack I get like super Nostalgia so them putting in a new soundtrack really helps me not like get sad Nostalgia Vibes when I play Minecraft and I just really like the new music I

Think lonar R did a really good job with the new osts and of course Pig stepp and Relic or uh Pig stepp and other side Len R did not do Relic it is another guy but I don’t know it’s not lenara it’s not C418 C418 is out of the business

This is looking really good so far it looks Good right let’s set up a let’s set up a nether portal I don’t think I want to do it like in this so we’ll just do it like here okay I didn’t know we had one already we’ll just use this one then let me get these nether coordinates all right so 17 57

Patch this up real quick all right well we have extra obsidian for a portal if we ever need it um let’s I’m going to head back to my base cuz I did not get the ne portal coordinates from my portal which I probably should have done because I

Could have just you know went nether here and then base to mine or bridge to mine but oh actually here’s what I’m going to do I saw a bunch of netherite or nether rack so I’m going to steal some of that cuz I don’t want to take my durability Down wait we’ll just hey that should be good all right we should be good hopefully that’s enough if not then we’ll just mine some while we’re in the nether but I’d rather not have to kill my pickaxe yet so how to run back I don’t know it’s I know it’s only a 500

Block walk from my base to spawn but the terrain makes it inconvenient and the water all that it’s just easier to make another Bridge or nether Highway my throat’s starting hurt I need to drink water more often while I’m streaming that’s better I just forget to

I drink water all the time and I usually drink it more when I’m like editing or watching videos or just you know playing a game normally but I’ve notice that when I’m streaming with me talking and focusing on the game and reading chat and all that um it’s hard or harder to stay

Hydrated remember to stay remember to always stay hydrated guys yeah absolutely it’s so important that you drink water like I cannot like I know it’s like you know cringey how stay hydrated but like unironically so important to drink water guys if you don’t drink water then like your blood turns sappy and you

Don’t want serrup blood you want flowing blood I don’t know if that’s actually true but that’s what my mom told me when I was little is if you don’t drink enough water your blood will turn thick like syrup and then you die so that sounds pretty scary so I think we

Should drink more water guys I am still in the Discord cat I’m just muted and Deen right now I’m not super used to streaming with other people yet like I um stream with Zora but that’s just like one person right now now there’s one two three four there’s five people other

Than me and I’m not used to doing that yet I’ll have to get used to it more I’ll have to figure out a way to like quickly mute my mic when I’m reading chat this is going good right here getting that copper anyways let’s put that obsidian here and let’s go to the

Nether all right so we have to go to can someone write the chords in the Stream chat 1757 -3 so I don’t have to keep opening chat right here that’d be awesome so we’re at 99 so we’re like a bit too high so we need to go to 17 so that’s this

Way I think Yep this way and then -3 which is this way so it is that way here’s what we’ll do we’ll dig through here until we get to 17 and then we’ll just go straight left instead of doing a diagonal Bridge just longitude latitude this that’ll be

Easier actually going to like stand back a little more when I’m on just in case it breaks and there’s like nothing under me in lava pool so we we’ll stay back yep see what I mean I would have totally just walked off and we’ll build sides to this as

Well just to make it safe all right so here’s 17 so we’ll need to start going that way and we’ll just build out the sides this just like that and then we’ll do the same thing on this side now we just need to go that way it looks

Like there is oh there it is right there perfect it’ll be easier to build a staircase so what I’m going to do I’m just going to like go over it and then get down there and then just build a staircase going up now I’ll probably die so we need to drop like There should be okay yeah and not sure about that oh are you mad you’re like this yeah get closest to the bottom as possible and we can drop from there no problem now we just build up to that so that’s like on this block oh my oh my

God guys make fun of me in the chat for being stupid so I don’t do it again okay I hear a gas I don’t see it though so we’re chilling oh my God run there we go I don’t even see him because of the fog but we’re just going to try didn’t blow up the bridge at all which is good there we go oh my gosh I’m not a fan of how close this gas is Okay starting to get it sorry I’m being quiet I’m like trying not to accidentally die awesome and we can this down the child’s base oh that’s a colon a semicolon ch’s base oh oh my God all right let’s not F let’s Go guys I’m not even going to cap I got to take of [ __ ] all right so we’re connected up to the spawn now which is awesome SP perfect all right guys um I’m am not going to end the stream I’m just going to be right back because I like have got to I’ll be right back I’ll turn the

Music off I’ll put on the BRB screen give me like five minutes guys we’re back um I’m good I also made soup because it’s kind of cold a little chilly today right we’re back you jump scare a little bit oh got a visitor um dog these are those are the worst

Wanding vill Trad I’ve ever seen like at least some sometimes they’ll give you like something at least one interesting trade not not that all right but we got leads uh that’s actually huge that’s going to make some things a lot easier right uh let’s let’s breed the Sheep and let’s Sher them

Up all right let’s see let’s go on with all right let’s play Minecraft this has been going it’s still going oh my God we still have so much to go through but we’re working on it all right so this like how do we do the copper blocks because I want to

Fully oxidize them so like do you just place the block down until it’s oxidized fully I’ve never really done it so definitely collect those yeah I’m I’m back it took some time because I was making soup and talking to fam yeah how do we how do we

Do I guess we’ll just is it four is it nine is that why you get so much oh my God it is nine okay so we can make obviously the copper block waxed copper block so that’s how you keep it from oxidizing I believe um cut copper is

Four copper okay so it’s one to one that’s good to know oh you know what it would probably be beneficial to make a stone cutter we don’t have an extra piece of iron though you need that for a stone cutter right I think that’s what it

Said yeah iron um so here’s what we’ll do um we will just go to this Village and hope that there’s one there and also just get stuff from it so I’ll leave the copper and the copper block there uh right now I just got back from

Afking because I had to go to the bathroom and then I made soup because it’s really cold um but but but what we’re doing is we’re working on getting our sheeps up um so we can get a bunch of wool for the banner store because we’ll need

Supply and we are smelting a bunch of copper because I want to use the oxidized copper in my build for my base and and and we got an enchanting table we got some extra diamonds I’m waiting until I have enough to make full diamond armor and then we got another portal

That goes to spawn I built this little bridge to take us to spawn because it’s not very far so here’s what we’ll do we’ll go to that Village and hope there’s a stone cutter there yell are speedrun I mean it’s been three and a half hours I don’t feel like

That’s too I feel like I’m kind of taking it slow for the most part oh sure I didn’t even see that uh who was it guys how are we feeling about guarding thisp so far yeah let’s let’s go check out that Village it’s just right over this

Hill bro you fell asleep so deep you don’t even feel your leg no dude how do you do that like okay sometimes I’ll fall asleep and like my arm will go numb because of the way I sleep I like put I usually sleep on my side

Which I’ve been told is like not good but I do it anyways I sleep on my side normally so I’ll put like my arm that’s like under my body um I’ll like put it under the pillow so it’s like my head and then the pillow and then my arm is under the

Pillow and my arm will I always wake up my arm will have no blood it’ll be like asleep but I I’ve never had my legs fall asleep so that’s pretty wild very red should have a mechanism that makes Zora suffer though oh hello excuse me when you sleep and you get them red

Marks oh that’s how you know it’s a good sleep though oh oh empty four empty Maps I’ll take those we can make like um at spawn we can make like a map at spawn on Twitter okay uh first of all guys on Twitter I’m going to try to like screen share

This I need you guys to go gas this up because it’s really good we can do like just this all right guys so I need you guys to go gas up my boy posum or they just changed their name to crocky today because they drew

This this is really good um so go gas them up cycore follow them go check this out it’s really cool I’ll also retweet it but yeah go gas this this is gas like actually like I’m in love with this this is really good anyways let me put Minecraft back on

There yeah go guess that really good oh [ __ ] that scared me next time I’ll make make sure to go inside and then yeah yeah he drew it he drew it it’s really good let me do like Twitter what was I supposed to do hold on how do I look at settings is it

Insecurity no wa is it no count no privacy uh not in privacy I don’t know where it is I feel like it’s supposed to be in privacy and safety oh here it is I’m stupid all right back to the gaming um let’s see if we can find any more think a compass another

Map I am not finding a Mason though that’s a lot of apples 17 apples in one chest holy crap I don’t know why I censored myself I know I could swear it’s not a kids uh it’s not a YouTube kids channel okay I’ll take emeralds oh taks you ate the Mason yeah

Clearly is there seriously not a Mason that is so annoying oh but you know what Lums that’ll be useful for when we start doing Banner stuff they’re really not Aon I’m actually upset okay well I can just make unless that’s the Mason I can just I just need an iron but

If there’s a Mason here it’ be this is the Fletcher okay well I guess I’ll just need to get a piece of iron and make one myself apples are goed I like the apples I’ll take them because I can use them to make apples just finding 17 in one chest it’s like a

Lot at least I think it’s a lot usually it’s like three to six or seven for me so 18 or 17 in a chest is quite a few important question what’s the best apple um I don’t know like the name but I like the crisp and crunchy ones I

Don’t like the soft chewy ones I don’t know like the different brands I think it’s like a peach Apple oh well time to go back and get that green or red red I I like the green ones but I’d rather just eat a red one you like green apples you don’t know

What the best one I mean for me it’s like I like red I’ll eat either one like if someone was like oh we have apples at the function and it’s just green apples like all right whatever but if someone’s like we got apples at the function and there’s green

And red apples I’m getting Red Apple luckily we didn’t die far away or in a spot that’s hard to get to it was just me being stupid thinking about apples you like the sour green ones I like them I would just like usually if I want like something sour I’ll eat sour

Candies or like just sour candies I’ve heard that there’s like yellow apples yeah yellow apples do exist they’re not like as common yellow apples are just normal apples that don’t get fully ripe I think never actually eaten a yellow one though I wouldn’t imagine it would taste

Good if they’re just non like not ripe apples where’s my boat there it is to say there’s that iron that we need and I’ll go ahead and I’ll grab extra I need so one for that so I need four more pieces and we can just make a

Helmet so you might as well grab that while we’re here suppose unless there’s none left Oh wrong button okay I guess I just don’t I don’t want to go too deep but if we find like surface iron we’ll grab it g IRL no capab 100% real dude yall

Remember those videos that are like Minecraft in real life and it’s like very early YouTube CGI or like they’ll punch a tree or like it’ll cut they’ll punch a tree and then it cuts and like the tree will be broken th those were really fun no oh they’re’s different kind I

Thought yellow apples were just not ripe Apples because sometimes when I go to the store the red apples are like halfway yellow so I just assume that they’re like not fully ripe need get Minecraft on your PC 30 man you get bedrock and Java now used to

Not be like that back in back in the old days of Minecraft you used to have to buy Java for 25 bucks and then Bedrock for 25 bucks but now you just get them both for 30 yeah um so before Bedrock Edition was like a thing um there was Java and there was

Console edition and console edition like there was no crossplay on Minecraft whatsoever like PlayStation had to be with Playstation Xbox had to be on Xbox Java was Java only Etc no crossplay and then they um after a while of Microsoft owning Minecraft they scrapped console edition and they made Bedrock Edition which

Was on all consoles and it was crossplay between the cons and then they released shortly after they released um Bedrock on PC and for some for a while you would have to buy Java and Bedrock separately for 25 each but then a couple years ago

I think it was sometime during Co um or right after covid they made it so that you only need one C you just go on the Minecraft website and purchase Minecraft and you you get Java and Bedrock for 30 bucks isn’t it named Legacy though I mean it’s called Legacy Edition now but

It’s it was just called console edition then you had Java Edition which was PC and then you had console edition which is now called Legacy Edition okay we need to smell this iron and I don’t need the compass but I do want to do keep the Torches what I do want to do

Is we are gonna first make some more bookshelves oh probably should make the books first we’ll make two more of the bookshelves that we need perfect and what we’re going to do is we’re going to take four of these uh maps and we’re going to make item

Frames and then we’re going to go and put maps at the spawn area yeah just for fun used to play on those texture pack worlds on the console edition like I I get what you’re saying those were fun I remember those you love the Skyrim one I played

On the Mass Effect one a lot and there was a Halo one too those are the ones that I remember the most I also remember on um the Wii U Edition because I was like one of the seven people that had Minecraft Wii U Edition oh dog I hate gas

What yeah I was like one of the few people that had Minecraft Wii U Edition so I remember the Super Mario pack and the Mario skins I still have them if I log in on the Bedrock Edition on PC I still have those I remember following CH Stampy’s

Rocket that went to space and rebuil the entire dude I remember Stampy going to space I thought that [ __ ] was in like real I thought that was in Minecraft why is this portal here this should be at spawn okay still got Minecraft on your PS4 reunite

With my friends just to play the mini games from the con oh dude I remember the mini games like the elytra one and there was like spliff and survival games I really wish they would have done more with that at the time I mean obviously you know now we have servers

And bedrock and all this stuff but that was great for console Legacy oh it’s because the portal broke all right let’s try this again my favorite was the elytra one but Survival Games was pretty good too we need to make a new sign because of that gas

The secrets in the map yeah they HD like little Easter eggs it was cool all right cool so now the spawn portal is working um so what what what we got going on here goba Mall come back or else goober Mall wow Wow’s coming together we got over here a villager

Breeder yeah it’s going to be set it up for one yeah it’s looking good all right so here’s what I want to do I’m not sure where to put these I guess maybe right here is good oh flowers broke let me see let me just do creative because this area is not

Supposed to be messed up I’ll just put those back survival perfect and then I’m just going to make some gates I’ll need a bunch of gates which we can do like two but I need more uh do we got wood going to use some of the wood to make Gates

Need more than that still okay hopefully 10 is enough we’ll just gate this so that mobs can’t go in it and mess with it and we don’t really have to do it here okay oh my sticks oh right crap here’s what we’ll do then um we will go

Get I’m going to go get wool to make some carpets and I’ll do fence carpets so mobs can’t get up it but players can jump over it that should work the the reason they can’t open the fence gates is because there’s a spawn protection of 20 blocks just so

Players don’t accidentally break the spawn Zone but we can’t put like doors or Gates there because the spawn protection keeps them from opening the doors or Gates I forgot about that so what we’ll have to do is we’ll just have to fence carpet oh that should be more than enough

Carpit and while we’re here put that away we need to make the I’ll just make cherry fences because easy should only need nine I guess PES pies are the ones that give stuff so we can make the carpets purple or pink not purple yeah earlier um you can see on

The map there’s a the tiniest cherry blossom biome ever it had two trees so right now I have a monopoly on the cherry on the cherry wood because I have all the saplings that have been found to my knowledge wonderful Co okay good you can just do it like

That I was kind of worried that you wouldn’t be able to but can so awesome all right you guys make more of you I focus on getting some more wool we don’t need all these potatoes eight I think we just need one more let’s just do saplings hopefully we’ll have enough okay three

Left and then we’ll just do this and we don’t need this carpet or that one Pink Carpet all right let’s go back to spawn I’m going to like cover up that um opening to the void of the nether because gas scare me so I’m going to cover that up with Cobblestone at some

Point I could probably just Cobble cover it up with Netherrack because if it’s covered they can’t see me so they won’t shoot probably cover up this too just a little better awesome I thought the portal might have messed up again all right so here is solution players can jump over it mobs

Cannot you always thought the jelly on toast was a cartoon thing spiders well spiders don’t uh grief blocks like okay thing is I don’t have a really have a problem with like mobs getting in here it’s just the creepers because creepers can come in here and explode and they can still

Like break it so until I figure out a way to keep them from blowing up and MOB griefing in the spawn protection um this is what we’ll have to do it’s mainly just to keep Creepers out but it also benefits because we get zombies and spiders out as well okay so

There’s one of them so we should probably do it like this as the bottom right one I’m actually going to need this we’ll do that as the bottom left one because there’s more land here we’ll go this way imagine joining you get spawn C by a creeper yeah that’s what I’m

Saying oh [ __ ] I used two okay that’s fine luckily we have an extra one back at the base so I can just go grab it those two go this way to fill this one out there we go it would be funny but it would also mean that i’ have to build a spawn

Back and spawn is pretty we don’t want spawn to break it’s not stopping from it’s not stopping creepers from blowing up on the outside of the spawn but that’s a lot easier to fix than them blowing up on the inside looks good looks good all right I just need to go get one

More my God we’ve been streaming for four hours this is my longest stream by far oh you know what this calls for other side just because I feel like other side is like a it feels very celebratory in a way I don’t even know if that makes sense Honestly Let’s go jamming yes sir we Jam this is music you’d hear at the end of a show and everyone’s just living a good life yeah which is very strange because it’s the music disc that you find in ancient Cities still smel him here this this is going to be a long stream to go through because I’m turning this stream into a video and usually you know with the like the hour and half to two hour streams it takes me probably 45 minutes to go through it because I’m able to watch

Them on double Speed but this one is going to take some time to edit because we’re four hours into the stream and I I’m feeling good so we we’ll keep playing Perfect and just walk to fill it out wonderful 10 hour stream maybe maybe not 10 hours maybe we’ll go to like five or six beautiful so this is the spawn Island really I mean that’s spawn right there I think what we can do actually is um if I go back and get more Wool we can make a banner I think what you can do with with banners is you you can name a banner and then right click the banner with the map and that Banner name will show up on the map so what we can do is we can put

Like a banner at spawn and name it spawn and then right click the map with it so that on the map it’ll say spawn where the spawn is I think we can do that future Yer is going to regret regret this 100% I’m like already thinking about

It because what I’ll do what I do when I edit streams I’m able to watch them on two time speed so I can assume that it’s going to take at least half the amount of time to watch or to edit than it is to like actually watch the full Stream No but yeah we’ll make a banner so I guess first we have to name it though right that’s the thing we do not have an anvil no iron yeah I don’t have any iron either Going to be a banger video hopefully it’s going to be a long video Maybe guys this soup I made is really good I don’t know if this kind of soup has a name it’s just like the soup I make but it’s um chicken broth chopped up onions it’s kind of like miso soup but like not as Savory it’s chicken broth chopped up onions um GRE or chopped up green onions seaweed and garlic

Salt I don’t I just good pretty good pain of fake cave some Zora crashes on it crush with an anvil like it’s a cartoon it’s not a bad idea that’d be a funny like that’d be a funny prank to do like you set up a

Um what is it like when they have a house if they have a pressure plate door set up Redstone to like have a piston extended with an anvil above the door so when they press it the Piston goes back and the Anvil drops that’d be

Funny yeah we do need an anvil to name the banner So we do need to go get iron and what is it three iron blocks and four ingots so 9 18 27 28 29 30 30 31 iron I’m going to take this oxide Daisy because we use that for a banner pattern called flower charge and it’s actually one of the more

Useful ones and easy ones to Make the nice thing is with the banners I won’t have to collect tons and tons of dye I just need to get like at least two of every Dy because we can just Dy the shield and then only breed the same colors to make more of that color and

Then we’ll have all the colored wool we need supposed to be looking for a cave that’s why I’m breeding up a bunch of sheep because I’m going to I want to make like small individual pens where we have like maybe 10 of each color cave over here is this the one we went

Into earlier or is this a new one I think it’s a new one cuz it’s beyond the village that was not a c no that was definitely not a cave this is looking like a cave though oh Yeah There’s some iron we’ve already got two iron so we just need 29 total you know what let’s let’s play Relic I’ve only listened to the song a couple times times and like personally not my favorite but I don’t think it’s bad cave sucks too what the Hell you know what I will kill some more cows though I’m going to need more leather for the enchanting table beautiful and more steak is always nice to have I remember when it was called cooked beef I don’t even remember when they changed it the steak but it used to be called cooked

Beef which I I get it I understand why because it’s raw beef so cooked beef but cooked beef is just steak I don’t want to reminisce too hard this is a cave oh my whoa somebody’s been here mob spawner okay interesting looks like we may have stumbled across somebody’s

Place this F on I’m going to message F and ask him if this is is where his face Is the water kind of looks like an arrow yeah it does well it’s not Furrow I have no idea who’s been here but somebody’s been here let’s check out the mob spawner what kind of spawner is it oh just a zombie that’s unfor that’s like the worst one to get out of the

Three I would much rather have a spider skeleton spawner zombie spawners are only really good for the XP skeletons are my are the best one in my opinion because you get XP arrows and bones for bone meal and stuff and then spiders are also pretty good cuz you

Get I think you get the most XP from the spider ones and they also drop string but personally my favorite is the skeletons because of the arrows and Bones yeah we’ll just grab this and uh we’ll leave this place cuz this is somebody’s it seems maybe tomy’s that’s enough that’s

29 we already have two ingots I don’t know there something about Relic it doesn’t sound like Minecraft music like I like it it’s a decent song just doesn’t sound like Minecraft I don’t really feel like like I like other side a lot more and I think I think it fits in more than Relic does but I don’t feel

Like other side is very minecrafty either that makes sense however pigstep fits in I think pigstep is very good it fits in with Minecraft a lot especially with the nether update which like that’s the whole point but like it works yeah I need to get some more music

On my stream deck we’ve got quite a bit honestly we have nine Minecraft songs uh most it’s all just the music discs or at least the music discs that are worth having and then we have um the Animal Crossing music of course and then I have one song for like action I

Guess I already had it pre like I already I had already had it downloaded because I used it for a video so I just put it on the Stream deck cuz it’s a good song it fits I need to get some more I want to do some Mario Galaxy music

Cuz I like Mario Galaxy and Mario Galaxy music kind of just goes with everything not going to lie all right let’s smelt up this iron well I’m thinking about it let’s go ahead and make our flower charge pattern um let’s make a chest 1 2 3 4 six s eight Nope let’s go ahead and make a chest over here that has the D love Mario Galaxy me too Mario Galaxy is my favorite I think Mario Galaxy 2 is also great but that kind of goes without saying I remember going to a friend’s house every single day just to play with

Them on the Wii yeah Mario Galaxy was awesome I remember when Mario All Stars came out on the switch for like the anniversary and I bought it because I wanted to go back and play Galaxy just for the heck of it and then I ended up

Playing it um I ended up doing the full 200% yeah I just I like Galaxy I ended up I wanted to I realized I was like I can 200% this so that’s what I did and then um I did I didn’t 100% it but I I played through Sunshine because

I had never actually played Sunshine before I got all stars Sunshine was good I never played uh 64 on All Stars though just I’ve played 64 before and I don’t think it’s anything special so I just never played it on the All Stars One well I think of I haven’t

I didn’t get Wonder I don’t really care for the side scrolling Mario games too much um I played the Wii one I played the like the Wii U version the deluxe one um on the switch I’ve played Mario DS and then I guess that’s new Super

Mario Bros I played the DS version and then the 3DS one and I don’t have like I think Wonder looks good it’s just like how I was talking earlier about buy games that are worth the price to you wonder is not worth 60 bucks to me so I didn’t get

It all right so we got that I wouldn’t be opposed to getting it if it went on sale I would not be opposed to getting it but yeah I wouldn’t be opposed to getting it I definitely like if I got it I would play it I just don’t want to

Drop 60 bucks on that game because like to me personally it’s not worth that maybe if it’s like 30 bucks if it ever goes on sale but that’s the thing with Nintendo they hate making their games go on sale okay so I think the way this works is if I take

This and I put down a banner I just I guess what first we need to test it okay so this yeah so it says spawn and it says spawn on there that’s awesome look at that if I break it it doesn’t go away so that’s good and how do I get it off

Though okay shift click so let’s just put the banner right here do this break it and then put the map back oh well now it’s gone does that I guess it does have to Stay I break it yeah so it does have to stay not a big deal Awesome break the banner on Zora’s head I would I would if I had the option to do that fck with the goober Maul the food court nice not bad not bad all right well we got that sorted I probably could have grabbed some more for the helmet but

Whatever we’re going to head back to base uhoh oh my God golden shower is crazy yeah I saw that and I was just like I’m not going to say anything just going to leave leave that V all right so let’s just go to the Nether and fix that

Bridge in hindsight I probably should have made it out of cobblestone but I really didn’t want to break my pickaxe that’s why I didn’t use Cobblestone had the perfect amount okay so let’s go back and start making copper blocks and oxidize just setting them out to oxidize still got quite a bit

Cooking all right so we have 44 copper blocks now let me look up on Google how to oxidize copper blocks it turns out the best way to oxidize a big batch of copper is to space it out at least four blocks of air between each copper block will

Significantly speed up the rate at which they turn from Orange to Green interesting so we just set them and space them out I guess we’ll do it right here so we’ll just go like one two three four this one two three four oh there’s three two three four it’s like

Five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four Five five we can just kind of go along like this I should sleep Probably okay so one two three four five place a couple extra here on the end I guess we just kind of wait I’m not sure how long it’s supposed to take how long does it usually take for copper to oxidize Minecraft there’s an exact time 16 to 26 hours that can’t be

Right Chad is that right is that normal my God that sounds crazy okay one thing I do want to do all die Minecraft I want to get two of every d well I searched Minecraft How long does it take copper to oxidize a Minecraft there isn’t an

Exact time but about 50 to 80 Minecraft days will need to pass before they enter or they finish oxidizing this takes from 16 to 26 Hours so I don’t I feel like that’s wrong I don’t feel like that’s information is correct but in any case we’ll just leave it out and see what happens I do want to get at least two of every die for the Sheep stuff so we’ll do one

Two eight so 1 2 3 four 5 6 seven eight so we have blue we have light light gray 9 10 11 12 30 we have we have blue and light gray and if we go into here and grab these we do have one white Dy turn this in a red

Dy I think that’s all we can make can compost the seeds the lilx give us the magenta need P for the pink oh yeah no that’s already oxidizing there’s no way that it takes that long would you build a Statue of Liberty instead of Frankie but Frankie would be cooler though come on

Something I don’t know why I just Tred to do that apples do apples perfect so we’ll turn one of them into white and then we’ll get second p and that will give us white dye pink and Magenta Frankie as the Statue of Liberty that would be cool wouldn’t that just be making a giant Franky statue though which I’m like not opposed to doing oh right that’s the red Dy um let’s head this way because there more flowers or flower types we’ll just try to get all the basic types

First we can get red yellow Orange’s yellow what did these turn into okay light gray we don’t need that get the red and then do that gives us orange that’s red yellow orange um there are the liliums forgot to grab them earlier but there’s liliums this

Way ni I think those will give us purple squid sorry but I need your ink sack there’s black we’re covered there guys let me know should I like like last time on the an SMP where I grinded for like gear and enchantments and stuff like should I do that off

Stream again or should I do that on stream because I don’t know if that’s boring or not for y’all I did it last time off stream because I was like well this is probably going to be really boring to watch because it’s just me digging in a straight line forever and

Then trading with Sticks I like if that’s something that you think I should do on stream I’ll do it on stream oh Williams giv us magenta as well okay well actually we can make purple with the red and the blue and we have blue cuz lapis so that’s purple how do we do

Lime okay white dying Cactus so we need Cactus what about cyan blue and Cactus so we need Cactus for cyan green and lime light blue I believe is just yeah white and blue so we can do light blue we can do we have red orange yellow we need Cactus for

Lime green green and cyan we can make light blue we have blue we can make purple we have magenta and pink we need to get cocoa beans for brown we have black we have light gray and white and then we can probably just make the normal gray right yeah black and

White right so I need to get extra black and I’ll collect a bunch of the flowers to make more white cuz we’ll need white for gray and white for lime I believe and white or light blue do as you like it could come as entertaining I mean I I can stream

It it’s just like is that entertaining he dropped three that’s wonderful all right so actually I don’t want to waste my shears I was going to say we can use the shears to get a bunch of uh tree or Leaf blocks but I don’t want to kill my shears because I don’t have

Any more iron and I don’t want to go mining right now all right we should be good so we should have after I craft up the ones that we can craft we should have all the D colors except we’ll be missing Brown because we need cocoa beans and the greens because we need

Cactus Oh yeah look the Copper’s oxidizing that article was just lied sleep okay so red orange yellow got black more magenta awesome we can make purple just like that we can make light blue we go get that get that gives us two light blue and then this will be lime Cactus

And cyan we can’t get those this is brown so we just need gray which is black and white and it gives us two gray so awesome we’ got all the we got two of all the D colors except for green and it’s Shades and brown misinformation spotted yeah I was

Like so concerned cuz I was like do I really have to like AF like am I going to have to AFK overnight here for that nah it’s it’s going some of it’s faster than others but it’s going that’s all that really matters okay well I guess we could go look for for Cactus

And or cocoa bean I see a dark Forest down here so probably don’t want to go that way I could go to spawn and then go north I think that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to leave my copper blocks here um I’m also going to make a

Bed well I guess have to make a new one cuz my spawn point will get reset anyways we’re going to take a bed just in case now let’s go hunting for Cactus and cocoa bean I have a good feeling about going north of Spawn oh somebody’s dog went through the

Portal let’s try to get this guy back come on dude all right dude Beed you and get you back there you go where is he Uh where did he go oh okay here he is is this him yes hopefully all right let’s go like North our beautiful Spawn never mind what did you say I must have not seen it oh Spruce Village h I mean it’s closer it’s it’s closer than the other one oh someone’s here already No Cactus all right let’s just go north and I hope that we can find a desert I think it would be really cool if we found the desert that is a ruined portal in the village very interesting oh you know what we need to turn on

Not that one not that one not that one where is it right animation bounce I don’t think I want it to be the bounce though he circular so if we like yeah see that they kind of like bounce up up I thought that was cool it doesn’t have to be a big desert

It can be the smallest desert known a man as long as it’s got a cactus that a no it’s not a geode oh look maybe we can get an armor trim Pokemon chunk loading hey it’s better than Minecraft chunk loading Minecraft Shunk loading is doggy water

Ass what is Bro Fishing for what is Bro Fishing for look at the sea we take those there’s like a buried one too normally right or am I tripping is there more or is it just this one bro was not fishing that’s what I’m saying oh here’s another one right here or more

Ruins oh got P down oh this is that like suspicious gravel hold on let me check yeah that’s suspicious gravel we need a brush for this guys how do you make a brush Minecraft brush you need crafting a stick a copper Ingot and a feather okay that’s not too bad we have

Stick let’s go to the land and try to First sleep and then try to get a feather remember the brush being more expensive maybe they’ve changed the recipe in the final release I couldn’t tell you I haven’t done a whole lot with the archaeology I’ve never actually done the archaeology

Before but I do know that we need a brush which means we need to find c there we go easy just need one and a Chicken hopefully this won’t take forever since I’m looking for a specific mob boxes you guys kill chickens right you have a I guess not BR zoom In all right mobs start spawning and cows I mean I’ll kill I I’ll take cows not exactly a chicken though Witchard I’ve never made a brush I’ve never used one I’ve never done anything like that but I want to try it do that we have to find chicken bees sheep you know what I what I will take a rose bush though bro give me some chickens finally okay bro there we

Go all right let’s head back because uh I want to do this just because I’ve never done it and two I think we can get the uh Trail armor trim I think is what that one’s called I know there’s an armor trim you get from the archaeology

I don’t remember the name it’s either Trail or something else I don’t know All right let’s pop that down we need to get some Stone I think there’s two armor trims you can get like that we’ll see we’ll see if I even get one I don’t know what the odds on any of it is I don’t know what the

Loot tables are I just know that like sometimes you can get cool stuff and sometimes you don’t but we’ll see I forgot how melodic this song is this is um Ward not Ward this is waight Minecraft disc uh only need one feather yep brush we’ll probably get an achievement for doing this

Too cuz they add achievements for everything nowadays I’m glad I didn’t break the gravel I almost broke it until I realized it was like slightly different looking yeah like this right so we’re going to get wheat can’t keep doing it so it just turns into gravel okay ooh an emerald cool

Bruh wooden hoe okay I guess I’ll take an emerald for sure there any more dude you’re not fishing bro right oh there’s one on the top here more wheat so it looks like every brush takes 2% of the durability I assume you can put un breaking on

It I swear to God there supposed to be like chests in those sometimes maybe it’s one of these ones down here I mean there is there’s a there’s a chest I’ll take Unbreaking all that they give these guys new like animations in the water cuz I feel like

Those are new maybe it’s just me Oh Pottery Shard nice gold nugget plenty Pottery Shard interesting go back any more y here’s one another wooden hole I think that’s all of it for this one let’s check this one out out I think these are the ones that have the buried treasure got to find out blade po

Shard yep there is a buried chest I’m going to die though lure I that this like a nice little complex of things you have one that’s like Hey we’re here and then you have some going around kind of cool Emerald another Pottery Shard looks like another blade Pottery shard

I think that’s all for this one we got one more looks like much of a chest I see us one suspicious gravel like an emerald and I think we’re good to go awesome that was my first time doing the archaeology stuff I think it’s pretty cool so we got three

Emeralds we got a gold nugget we got some wheat and two different Pottery shards and a couple fishing rods as well and I don’t really need those we’ll have to figure out more about that another time Prett be cool but uh we can’t forget what we’re

Doing and that is searching for a desert and or jungle or I guess both I’ll take either one honestly looks like something Rel laxing to do it was pretty nerve-wracking because it was um the ocean one but I’m sure if we found like one of the trial ruins or Trail ruins that are

On the surface probably pretty cool yeah I definitely just I don’t understand why some people get so upset when they do updates like this like with the pottery and archaeology stuff it’s like oh it doesn’t add anything useful to the game and it’s like well I

Mean you know if you decide not to use it then it won’t be useful if you do decide to use it then it might be useful for you I mean you know it’s all up to the play it’s all up to the player whether they whether they choose to use the new

Features or not need to drink water I need to set like a timer um that goes off like every 15 minutes to just take take a big Gul of water because my throat dies if I don’t now I don’t know what the the trail ruins even look like or if there’s

Even an indicator other than the suspicious sand or gravel five oh yeah we’ve hit the five hours nice it’s going to be such a fun video to make at least it’ll be a good video it’ll be a nice long video maybe like a 40 minute to an hour long video

Depending on how much stuff I cut I mean I can say that like oh sunken ship I can say with confidence that at least 4 hours of it is probably going to get cut cuz I really don’t want to make a video that’s like over an hour

Long but if it comes to it and that’s what I got to do then I’ll do it but I’m going to try my hardest to keep it under an hour preferably closer to 40 minutes is this [ __ ] upside down it is upside down okay I miss depth Strider books paper bury treasure map

Nice that’s kind of all I really care about let’s get out of here don’t care too much about the treasure loot I just want the Buri treasure map okay so for this we’re north of it so we need to go south looks like this way basically back towards spawn I hope

It’s not like super far because I don’t want to have to go too far back see more ocean ruins let’s just go straight South guess I can close this uh Google tab on how to make the brush oh getting close probably up in these sand dun like things over here yep in the dunes that’s going to be fun to deal With this is a nice little like sort of Cape that goes out to the ocean though it’s pretty neat you could probably build something cool here sort of was like a lake near your grandparents house interesting oh you know what let’s let’s do let’s make a door there it

Is potion of I’ve never seen a potion of water breathing spawn in one of these that’s awesome bunch of emeralds take the iron take the gold and I got a heart of the sea what do I not need sand let’s take this all right we got a heart of the sea

Guys that’s pretty cool I think I’m probably going to toss this Unbreaking rod and just keep the lure and this luck of ones seems like the best thing to do don’t need the treasure map and we’ll definitely keep the water breathing so let’s head back let’s go this way

The heart of the sea makes a conduit so you get um a heart of the sea and then you need eight Nautilus shells and you put this heart of the sea in the middle of the crafting grid and Surround it with the Nautilus shells and you get you make a

Conduit and a conduit it gives you um a specific buff I forget what the buff is called but basically it just lets you breathe underwater as long as you’re close enough to it and uh you also break blocks faster underwater and you can breathe you can uh move around faster it’s like aqua

Affinity and depth Strider and haste all mixed into one thing so it’s good for under underwater building Guys part of me wants to like stop streaming and playing but at the same time I don’t want to stop playing at least not until I find Cactus or cocoa beans I think that’ll be the I think that’ll be the goal we’ll keep playing until we finish we round out our dyes so

Cocoa beans and Cactus we’re missing four we’re missing Brown D we’re missing cactus green we’re missing lime green and we’re missing cyan and the only things we need to make those are cocoa beans for brown and then the three greens we’ll need Cactus and I suppose if we do find a

Jungle it wouldn’t hurt getting a jungle sapling bring back some Cactus cocoa beans and jungle sapling to plant back at the base would be pretty Cool so far though this world has been all Birch Oak and Spruce Forest except for that little glimpse of dark oak down here but we’ll find one eventually we just got to keep going now that I’ve said though that I’m not going to In The Stream until I

Rounded our die pallet I’m never going to find it I’m hoping that we find these sooner than later though because I am this is oh wow look at this now we going actually be for 10 hours yeah but look at this this is very cool interesting little generation going on

I’m going to make a cow farm for food at some point well actually not what I’ll do oh see here’s the thing do I do I settle for steak and make a cow Farm or do I want to go all out and make a gold farm and a carrot

Farm or gold carrots cuz I know that I’m going to make those eventually I will eventually be doing a car an automatic carrot farm and automatic gold Farm but do I want to do that sooner or later I’m thinking I want to do that later more so because of the gold Farm

It’s going to take a while that generation actually scared me because it looked like something had jumped out of there yeah cuz it was like it wasn’t fully generated when I looked into the the cave so it was like bright and then it loaded I’ll take cows though I’ll take

Any leather I can get we’ll need it for books and item frames and having food is great more Forest this way it seems oh it looks like the river kind of goes through well we’re going to have to make inventory room for this stuff we’ll need

Three spots we’ll need a spot for cactus a spot for Jungle sapling and a spot for cocoa beans so we’ll throw the wheat out that gives us Cactus and cocoa beans I don’t really want to get rid of anything else but if we have to get rid of

Something it’s going to be the Gold that gives us enough space to bring everything back I’ll be excited when we do go to the end and do shulkers the ender dragon fight is going to be a community event type thing where it’s like I’m going to announce like hey on this day we’re

Going to do in a dragon fight so if you want to be there make sure you’re there cuz I’ve already like oh oh oh all right let’s keep this under wraps so nobody else finds this cuz I need to have a monopoly on the Cherry BL I’m surprised that we

Found technically two cherry blossom bomb for a desert or a jungle what about the rose I want to keep the rose the rose bush because um that’s going to give us unlimited red dye if we ever need a [ __ ] kind of red dye for like concrete and

Stuff because you can bone meal the top and it will just duplicate basically so I want to keep it because I hadn’t found any closer to base oh and of course we find okay I need to get rid of something else cuz I need take a sunflower back cuz

Sunflowers are the same thing as the r bushes just for yellow dye so if we have unlimited mited red dyee from the rose bush and unlimited yellow Dy from the sunflower then we have unlimited orange dye as well and there’s also two other tall flowers the peie and the Lilac and the

Lilac and peie give you magenta and pink Dy unlimitedly so that’ll give us like basically infinite of five of the Dy I’ll just toss the furnace cuz we don’t need it right now this this would actually be a pretty cool place to build a base um it’s kind of far though about

3,000 blocks out look like it keeps going that way too very nice creat like a little Valley oh but we’re not here for the Cherry we already have cherry saplings back at home we’re looking for Desert or jungle well both really really it’s pretty big Cherry biome not

Going to lie oh we walked right past the village not like we really need need to go there Though I’m just now realizing that we never actually made that stone cutter we literally spent like 15 minutes trying to find one at the village and then just giving up and getting iron and then we didn’t even make it I’ll try to remember to make it when we go Back more cherry biome this way it seems lots of cherry that’s actually good though because usually in my worlds it’s really hard for me to find Cherry for some reason cherry blossom biomes so it’s nice that like it is still you know like 3,000 blocks away

But at least it’s here and it’s big and it’s like you know guys we found the jungle one of the two bombs we’re looking for my God finally we’re half well once we get the cocoa beans and the jungle sapling saplings will be halfway done give me cocoa cocoa beans I want a Bunch all right let’s try to get some saplings here for you’re half asleep but you’re staying till the stream is over what a goat all right we need like four jungle saplings I want to get for ow coming night We don’t need to really get jungle logs cuz as long as we get saplings we can just grow a tree at home to grow the coco beans on come on drop drop one more or don’t these Oak are oak leaves there it is all right we got our four jungle

Saplings this is that like weird sparse jungle right what bi is this looking for biome sparse jungle yeah this is one of the rare biomes I Think doesn’t really help us in the long run uh except for the visit all biomes achievement looks like there’s a full jungle that way as well this sparse jungle is actually pretty big we’ll just go to the water and and hop in the boat check that out the Ravine pretty

Sick yeah we just got to keep going till we find the desert or there’s another way we can get cactus we either find desert or we end up in a snow biome and find an igloo that has the Villager trap in the bottom and the reason for that is

Because the igloo that do have the Villager basements 100% of the time have a cactus in a pot I know my Minecraft knowledge is very vast AA let’s grab AAA sapling while we’re here which means we need to throw something away we’ll toss the water breathing potion cuz realistically when am I ever

Going to need that hopefully AAA means desert up ahead somewhere because I think I think that Acacia biomes typically are more likely to spawn around or next to um deserts unless I’m dumb and I’m just making that up in my head but it makes sense so we’re going to go with

It please give me a Sapling on one I just need one there it is okay oh I guess I had already picked one up I didn’t notice okay just need a desert or an igloo igloo works just as well although preferably just a desert I love that you can get like 85% of the

Dieses by really just not doing anything but the rest like the final four if you want greens are brown you got to find specific biomes that are somewhat rare a ruined portal over there wouldn’t hurt to check that out Out we have we don’t find a desert in like the next 15 minutes I’m going to lose my mind five and a half hours dude how long we’ve been streaming at this rate even if we find a desert in like 10 minutes this stream’s still going to end up being like six hours

Long you know what I we’ll wear it aqu Affinity take it is it like half oh it’s a full okay it’s at least one full armor better than no helmet I mean plus aqua affinity is not bad just need a Desert luckily um this like last hour to hour and a half of the stream will be pretty easy to edit because all it is is just me searching for biomes so like a lot of it can be cut pretty much all of it can be cut except for me actually finding the

Stuff for the biome we’ll loop around I guess oh no for interesting generation here this is this this like a specific biome well I me a l ocean but if I like no way hold up Stony Shore Okay no way hold up that’s sick that’s so cool that’s awesome that’d be such a cool base entrance right there area very uniquea Village interesting portal more jungle did we oh I guess we kind of did loop back around to the Jungle I guess since we’ve gone up like

This way we’ll just go like maybe like this and hope we find one on the way back I’m going to be super sad we don’t find one I know this is probably really boring but sometimes we just got to grind look for things cuz how else are we going to sell green wool or make patter or make banners that require green dye or cyan dye or lime dye we don’t find Cactus what I could

Do is if we find c cus on the way back which please like let game let us but if we find the cactus on the way back what I’ll probably do is at the end of the stream set up like just a little cactus farm maybe like four

Cactus and just leave it overnight so we can get a bunch H not boring we’re just chilling we’re searching for we found the jungle biome um which took forever actually also want to get B while I’m here just got to throw away another thing uh paper right yeah we were looking for I’m

Going to do a banner shop SL colored wool shop um both in the same thing but to sell all the wool and sell with some of the banners I have in mind we need all the dyes of course and we have all of them back at the base except for brown dye and

Um green dye lime dye and cyant dye the reason for that is because Brown dye comes from cocoa beans which we now have and I also picked up jungle saplings um I also picked up Acacia saplings and I just picked up B to but we’re still missing the other three because we need

To find there’s two ways to get cactus either a desert obviously or we come across a snow bi with an igloo cuz 50% of the time when an igloo structure spawns it will have a basement that will have it’ll it basically is a little thing that teaches you how to cure zombie

Villagers and 100% of the time time in those basements there is a cactus in a pot that spawns there so we need to find one of those two things those are like the only ways to get cactus which and CA and Cactus is the only way to get green dye and the only

Way to get lime and cyan diey you need Cactus so the green the three green D are kind of locked behind having cagus which kind of sucks because the only ways to get cactus like I said desert Villages deserts you know what I will take this though sorry

Dude yeah the only ways to get it are desert Villages deserts and 50% of the Time and iglo my mind blanks for a second there I miss Sher boxes I’ll be very happy whenever we all go kill the Ender Dragon because then I can go get an elytra IT chokers and that’ll make some of the stuff far easier we’re going through that a dark oak forest

Next I’m not going to worry about getting dark oak saplings because there’s one pretty close to my base already so if I needed I could just go there coming up on six hours of streaming it is exhausting I’m exhausted I’ll be very happy when we find this C this because I’ve already promised

That no matter what we’re not going to give up we’re not ending the stream until we find all the dies we get all the dies which all that’s left is just we need to find Cactus for the rest of it now if I hadn’t said that I probably

Would have ended the stream like an hour ago maybe more than an hour ago no but if I say something we’re going to do It hey hopefully though this this stream will have some good watchtime hours for it being so long I know that uh not not a whole lot of people are sticking around for the ending but watch time on the stream shouldn’t be too bad it’ll probably be it’ll probably end

Up being the highest just because of how long it is but I I plan to stream pretty often on Garden SMP oh I kind of want to do it to where I just every time I play on the garden SMP stream It even if it’s doing something like a monotonous task like eventually I want to find an ocean monument and drain it and make like a structure there or a base or something I’ll find an ocean monument and completely drain it with sand that’s going to take a long time

Um so for stuff like that where it’s just like me placing sand over and over and over and over just getting rid of water in an ocean monument and stuff I’ll stream it but I probably won’t talk and it’ll probably just be the game audio because for stuff like that it’s

Like I have to I’ll be probably wanting to watch YouTube so it’ll still be streamed so it’s like it won’t be like oh well you did you you you emptied that ocean Monument off stream so you probably cheated because you have op po or whatever nah I don’t really want to

Cheat more cherry dude Cherry biomes are so common on this Server I don’t think I’ve ever struggled this hard to find desert and relating this current expedition to um relating the this current expedition to wanting to drain is that a Outpost it’s an outpost let’s go check that out anyways in addition to finding this desert and wanting to drain a ocean

Monument um this finding the desert is part of that so like I’m going to need a [ __ ] ton of sand and the best way to get that sand is to just find a desert and remove it from the earth yay we found a l guys we found a

La I just have to like I’m pretty sure you just have to give them something and they follow you let me make sure how to tame a how tame an laay in Minecraft technically speaking you can’t tame an laay but if you want this mob to follow

You around like a tame mod just hand it an item perfect perfect perfect perfect let’s get these guys out we’ll just give them Cobblestone so that’s what they try to find so if I start breaking this watch that they bring it to me shut up get out of here

Sleep oh somebody did it before me oh snowy biome as well anyways let’s check this out maybe we’ll get like I think we can get an armored trim and emeralds and a goat horn okay well there’s the armor armor trim take it let’s man toss the books I suppose we don’t

Really it’s only three so yeah I I love the Lays cuz they’ll just oh I’m mining bring it to me very awesome you can also um set the LA up so that the ls can be like tied to a spot not with like a lead but like if you

Have an laay on you or with you and you like right click a note block it will tie itself to that note block and it’ll and instead of bringing items to you it’ll bring the items to the note block and then you can just put like a hopper

There I I’ve never seen a farm use it but if anything they’re cool to have as pets so we’ll take it please just like no just no I really hope there’s a desert somewhere in between here please no powdered snow I don’t want to sink oh we were able to

Escape yeah I’ve never seen a farm that actually uses the LA mechanic but I’ve never specifically looked for one that does so they might be out there I’m just not seeing them and even if there’s not really a good farm that uses it cool pets Garson finally got diamonds and he

Just used his first Iron pick and found diamonds my gosh what a sigma I don’t think we’ll be able to find an igloo in the tundra biome I think it has to be like a snowy plains biome or an ice spikes biome zy tree Lush cave under us somewhere I love like all these new little indicators that Minecraft has

Like if you’re looking for a lush cave you don’t really have to go underground and find one you can walk around the over until you find an AEL tree and then go down dig down you’ll find a lush Cave Are you dude fourth cherry blossom biome no desert usually when I play Minecraft and I’m looking for a cherry blossom biome I end up having to go through massive deserts to find Them but this time we found four cherry blossom biomes no desert Pain I know finding a desert is really just one SL locate biome away but I don’t want to do that oh my goodness sorry guys getting allergic to the Cherry Blossom biomes water while we’re doing this There we go watered up oh my gosh let’s go this way at least see what biome is across the water maybe it’s a desert nope Dark Forest and more jungle that jungle’s closer than the one we found awesome oh my God Beach or desert Beach damn it All right well we went all the way around we went how far about 5,000 blocks north came all the way down in a different way jack [ __ ] now we just go south I guess South from my face I wonder what our distance travel is at Statistics is there just like distance traveled we’ve walked 10 kmet worth of distance sprinted 12 9 km in a boat turtle turtle we need to go deeper oh nether Portal More jungle you’re telling me that jungle was this far from my base and we went all the way up here for it man Oh Man my ass is starting to hurt oh wonderful another Village what is this number five or number six and no desert let’s see three jungles four cherry blossom biomes five or six Villages no desert I really I really hope this counts as a as a small desert over there

We’ll have to go look in a Minute yeah still awake still looking for cactus look at this my base right I went to spawn all the way up here came all the way back I have found not one not two not three but four cherry blossom biomes and and a massive sparse jungle a regular jungle more jungle Dark

Forest more jungle right behind my base by the way I didn’t have to go thousands of blocks north it was right there and like seven six or seven Villages no desert no desert I did find a lace though I found a villager Outpost so it was kind of worth going North for

The LA cuz I love La even if I don’t like actually use them HP to your pets yeah it is crazy it’s I’m ending the I I promised that I I said that the end the stream but the stream is going to end whenever I have

All the dyes we found the jungle we’ve got cocoa bean no Cactus we’ve got cocoa bean and we’re working on getting which means we have brown and the ones we’re missing are cactus green cyan and lime cactus green comes from Cactus and the other two also need cactus green to be

Made cactus green and white dye make lime and then I believe leave cactus green and blue yeah Mak s 24hour stream God I I’m barely holding on honestly this is just Terrible I will take leather though there we go oh server was saving I was like why is it not killing server Save I might make it save less frequently because it like lag spikes when it does and I think it saves every 15 minutes cuz I didn’t change it so I’m assuming the defaults like every 15 or 30 minutes it saves I might change that to like every hour more jungle

Very awesome super cool totally what I’m looking For I don’t understand why cagus is so hard to find there’s three ways to get cagus I’ll say it again Cactus comes from deserts obviously they also come from desert village chests which requires a desert guys we found a desert holy [ __ ] the Third Way the Third Way is they igloos

Have a 50% chance of having the underground chamber where the Villager is and those will always have a cactus in a pot so that’s the third way to get it but doesn’t [ __ ] matter finally we finally found a desert holy [ __ ] okay pause that let’s get cactus yeah you are lucky charm I

Literally the past hour and a half of the stream has been me searching for cactus and cocoa beans and I found cocoa beans pretty quick but the cactus took some time okay I’m going to remember where this desert is I don’t want to put a way

Point if I don’t have to it’s only I 2,000 bucks away isn’t terrible I might end up just building a nether portal to the desert because because because um I at some point when I have like you know Sher boxes and netherite gear elytra and all that jazz I’m going

To drain an ocean Monument but first I have to find an ocean Monument I haven’t found one actually really haven’t even found an ocean at all um not a smaller ocean but no ocean Monument anyways need to find an ocean Monument so there’s that and to drain it

We’re going to need a bunch of sand you say I’m unlucky but would be fair four cherry blossom biomes that’s pretty good that’s a lot technically five if you count that like tiny one that’s right next to my base that had two trees technically

Five but I know I have or I have been to and know where every Overworld wood typ ens except for mango didn’t we never found a mangrove swamp which is unfortunate because I like Mangrove wood it’s my favorite but we have Oak Birch Spruce obviously got Acacia got jungle got Cherry but

No snow um Mangrove and we don’t have warped or Crimson wood either yet just because I haven’t explored the nether to to much our nether portals are in a waste are nether waste so yeah no Shrek biome but um it was worth it cuz we found the stuff we

Wanted and we found two Ls to be my little slaves or pets either one and we now have jungle saplings AAA saplings bamboo we did find Sentry armor trims in The Outpost as well and we did a little bit of the brushing um we found those like ocean

Ruins and we brushed up a plenty Pottery shirt and a blade Pottery shirt and some emeralds Man is a long ass stream we’re probably going to end it soon once I get back to the base um I’m going to make those dyes and then we’re going to call it this is my longest stream by far by double actually yeah this is my longest stream by over by over double

But the good news is your internet just died that sucks the good news though is now that we’ve kind of just done a bunch of exploring we pretty much know where all of the Overworld biomes are excluding The Mangrove swamp and Ice spikes because we’ve got Plaines Meadows

Bunch of villages jungles Cherry biomes Tiga desert now we finally found desert um snow biome here the only ones we’re missing I believe that like have unique things are ice bikes for ice or ice caps either one and Mangrove for the mangrove stuff other than that we have every Overworld biome that’s like not a cave biome like

Lush caves or dripstone but most of the Lush cave stuff you can get at mangrove swamps anyways pretty much all of it except for glowberries and Spore blossoms I Believe super that’s what I’m saying what I’m going to do you reminded me to do this with the super um what I’m going to do for like my donation sound is I’m going to just get an audio clip of Frankie saying super and make that the audio trigger for the Dono because

This is what it is right now so that’s a Sub that’s the membership this is a test donation for $1 that’s a tip and then that’s a Super Chat and I’ve got custom images um but I’ll probably change those once I get super I’m cuz I’m not going to make them like different sounds I’m just going to have them all be

Super and then change the images to Frankie the only reason that it’s the the Beyblade main character is because I used to do Beyblade stuff a lot just can’t but it’d be more fitting for Frankie cuz one one piece is my favorite to my profile picture is Frankie and my

Entire layout on YouTube and Twitter and Discord is all one piece themed and three I think it just makes Sense crapping table we’re almost there 6 hours 9 Minutes 5 Seconds oh my goody goodness I don’t think the ls will despawn since they they have items could be wrong though so if you Cat Knows let me know am I going to sleep after this

Nah uh this is like the beginning to my day this is the Start that would be an awesome feature I’m assuming that they won’t despawn since they have an item I they definitely won’t despawn if they’re name tagged but I don’t have tags I don’t have name tags so I’m hoping that they’ll just not despawn since they’re holding an item if I lead

Them down if like I tie them to a Fence but yeah I’m I’m not going to sleep after this what I’ll do um Is I’ll probably eat and take a break obviously I need to take a break eat take a break maybe watch YouTube and do some off camera grinding maybe just to get like sheep stuff we’ll see for now I’m just going to tie these guys down the other get troll

Oops all right let’s just hope they stay here so first but let’s dump our stuff oh man okay rose bush we’re going to do this leather Emerald sapling we don’t need any of this right now cocoa beans we’ll need Cactus I think we’re good oh did he break

Off where are they trying to go hold on let me take this stuff off okay I guess they’re chill now now they definitely shouldn’t despawn cuz they’re on a lead and since they’re not trying to go crazy they shouldn’t come off all right so cocoa beans Brown dye

Acquired now we just need the greens and to get the greens first we got to start smelting some of the cactus we’re also going to need some bone meal and we’re also going to need a blue dye okay so there’s cactus green that gives us cyan and we’ll actually need two Cactus

Greens to make two green sheep for that and then one more cactus green we won’t need need the rest for now to make lime and that is two at least of all the possible D oh my goodness that took way too long can we get some W’s in the chat for

This absolutely ridiculous that is step one to making the banner store and wool store having all the dies step two will be making pens for each color which is going to be hell because 1 two three Four 16 pins we might honestly do that underground just dig into the ground and dig out like a big area um it’ll be easier to manage that way 16 different pins for all the colors and after that we’ll have we’ll be getting wool we’ll have unlimited wool of all the colors which is

Good um so yeah that’ll be the wool side of the store the banner side of the store we’ll need to make banners so we’ll need a bunch of white wool of course we’ll also need to be grinding not grinding but we’ll need to be getting lots of

Dye and the dyes that we can get infinitely renewable are red dye from the rose bush pink dye from the Lilac no magenta die from the Lilac pink Dy from the peie yellow dye from the sunflower and then red and yellow unlimited orange as well Green from the

Cactus and Brown from the cocoa beans so these are like the infinitely renewable ones plus orange because red and yellow and technically we can set up a automatic bone meal farm with the composter so that’s unlimited White which we won’t need white for the Sheep

But we will need white for the banner so unlimited white which also will give us unlimited lime because Cactus and white is lime so we can like basically infinitely renew SL automate half of the colors and we can automate black dye with a squid form but I really don’t

Want to do that so we’ll do that manually okay guys I think that’s going to be it for the stream thank you guys so much for sticking around I know this was a long one this was the longest one by over half or over double I’m glad you ain’t a super

Villain you’re just doing wool dieye yeah that’s that’s my main thing my main goal is I want to make a die store or a banner store and a wool store maybe I’ll sell D too I don’t know we’ll see anyways that’s it for the stream I’m GNA go take a

Break and then after the break I’m going to go eat take a break after that I’ll probably get back on and grind somewhere that or I’m going to edit anyways thank you guys so much for tuning in to the whole stream um I will

Try to enjoy the rest of my day my day is ruined after this honestly and uh I love you guys goodbye

This video, titled ‘Launching the Garden SMP’, was uploaded by Chao on 2024-01-15 03:37:32. It has garnered 48 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 06:17:36 or 22656 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern Builds! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! If you’re a fan of building beautiful and modern structures like the one in the YouTube video “Minecraft house Modern _ Minecraft house tutorial _ Minecraft build house Modern,” then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. Join us at Minewind and unleash your imagination as you design and construct your dream creations. Whether you’re into building intricate houses, elaborate landscapes, or challenging structures, our server provides the perfect platform for you to showcase your skills. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities, Minewind… Read More

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Unlock Hidden Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Minecraft Memes – 1.4.4 update: New friends, who dis?

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  • Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server 🚀

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  • Annoying Me – Minecraft Prank

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  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft on Warden Difficulty – JeromeASF

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  • EPIC SURVIVAL: Building Cherry House in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker 😱 #shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft Building Tricks with Owen!

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    CRAZY MUTANT MOBS locked on LAVA RAFT!Video Information wa we’re on one raft in the middle of a lava lake and oh no you guys aren’t my friends what the what is that bang boing whoo is that a nether TOA I’m a crisman Frog what that is awesome and Crystal is that you yes sersi how did you know cuz of your voice and wo do these things live in the nether dimension yes seriously I can even go in lava wa that’s awesome but is that a ginormous mutant blaze yes you will listen to my orders boy waa wait a minute Alexa is… Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwars Showdown with Ana 💥 #MINECRAFT #PVP

    Ultimate Bedwars Showdown with Ana 💥 #MINECRAFT #PVPVideo Information colocar stream Labs para esse lado G família você entra na minha Live e manda lá no chat é que não consigo mandar Live manda lá no deixa eu ver se consig gritos da morte você US do qual o do Ruivo n b né nãoque Quebrar cama quebrar cama bruxa solta bruxa solta é chato porque depois você vai perder a mira você vai achar que o player e fica solto montão de BR a partida quebrar seran um F em cima meu man tá travando um pouco e Luiz Otávio muito bem-vindo meu querido Luiz Otávio… Read More


    HUY POTATO GOES CRAZY IN MINECRAFT! 🤪🎵NEVADA🎵Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been painting every fence I know every color beds into the same cuz before you go and walk away yeah you better way you going Wonder just like me yeah you better why you’re [Music] going yeah you [Music] you I’ve been painting every I know every car the pleas to the S cuz before you go and walk away yeah you better know where you going I’m just like me yeah you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you around around just like me yeah yeah you better know where you going you better know where you’re… Read More

  • Colesium – Anarchy PvP 1.20.4

    Welcome to Anarchy Minecraft Server Welcome to, the ultimate anarchy Minecraft server with no rules. Experience a world where chaos reigns and the freedom to play is unrivaled. Our server aims to provide a rule-free PvP environment with minimal changes to the Vanilla Survival Gamemode. With a fresh world and no tedious queue like other servers, offers a thrilling alternative. What to Expect Hacks, swearing, raiding, and everything else is allowed. Anarchy servers have no rules, granting you the freedom to do as you please. Unlike other servers, we prioritize player creativity and the owner takes a… Read More

  • CoconutCraft [BRAND NEW] [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [Community] [SMP]

    CoconutCraft [BRAND NEW] [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [Community] [SMP]Are you on the hunt for a fun and welcoming SMP? Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, you’re bound to find the right thing for you on CoconutCraft. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We also have datapacks that enrich the vanilla experience. You can find out more about this info in our discord. We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creeping

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepingWell, at least it’s not a negative score! Looks like someone needs to level up their meme game. Read More

  • Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness

    Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With boys in animation, their tale untold. Magic and gates, a mysterious blend, As Martin narrates, with rhymes to send. Through Telegram and Twitter, his story he shares, With music by Tom Wilson, each moment he dares. Boys love in Minecraft, a theme so divine, In Martin’s world, where the characters shine. In Arabic script, the words do flow, As Martin’s tale continues to grow. Darwin and Matthew, a bond so strong, In the world of Minecraft, where they belong. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In… Read More

  • Guess who’s following me in Minecraft? 😉 #hotMinecraftMeme

    Guess who's following me in Minecraft? 😉 #hotMinecraftMeme “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities #minecraftlove Read More

  • Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos

    Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos Minecraft Hardcore World Adventure: A Tale of Loss and Exploration Lost in a Strange Minecraft Version In a bizarre turn of events, a Minecraft player found themselves trapped in a corrupted world, losing all their belongings. The player, in a panic, sought help from the community to unravel the mystery of their lost items. A Hardcore Journey Begins The player embarked on a hardcore adventure in Minecraft, showcasing their skills and newfound high FPS count. However, disaster struck when they discovered that all their items had vanished without a trace. The player’s confusion and frustration were palpable as they… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join after watching that awesome video on building starter houses? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and survival instincts. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! #minecraft #minewind #survivalserver Read More

  • Steve’s Epic Showdown with Enderman!

    Steve's Epic Showdown with Enderman! Steve vs Enderman 2! – Steve Life (Shorts) Ep 5 – Minecraft Animation Movie Episode 5 of the Steve Life Shorts series brings back the epic battle between Steve and the Enderman in the Minecraft world. This animated short, created with Mine-imator, continues the hilarious scenarios that follow Steve’s adventures. More Content, More Fun! These Steve Life shorts serve as entertaining interludes between the main episodes of the Steve Life Adventure Story series. They aim to provide viewers with additional content and keep them engaged in Steve’s escapades. Join Steve on His Epic Journey Steve’s adventure in the Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Potions Guide – Unbeatable Combo for Anything!

    Ultimate Minecraft Potions Guide - Unbeatable Combo for Anything!Video Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft potion combination for all categories. @slipered @camman18’, was uploaded by Non Mazer on 2024-05-10 08:21:58. It has garnered 9 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Minecraft potion combination for all categories. In this video I will tell you how to become a pro in potion.I am selecting it with categories such as :1 RUSER 2. RUNNING AWAY/SPRINTING 3.ADVENTURE 4. FUN (TROLL FRIENDS). PLEASE LIKE AMD SUBSCRIBE. related keyword potion potions minecraft potion guide minecraft potions how to make potions… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock Viral Tik Tok Hack

    Minecraft Bedrock Viral Tik Tok HackVideo Information [Music] he he This video, titled ‘BEDROCK IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-22 02:30:16. It has garnered 6012 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. BEDROCK IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMINGGAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • “Ultimate F1zX Minecraft Revelation! Season 3 Arjun MP Madness” #1million

    "Ultimate F1zX Minecraft Revelation! Season 3 Arjun MP Madness" #1millionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arjun mp server season 3 #minecraft #arjunmp #shorts #1million #anarchy’, was uploaded by F1zX on 2024-03-25 09:08:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Crafting Chaos on Day ?? by Deluxe2O

    Unbelievable Crafting Chaos on Day ?? by Deluxe2OVideo Information for for for [Music] that’s how long have I been muted I’m [ __ ] idiot welcome everybody I’m eating chips so anyway I had to hurry up start a stream perfect I had to hurry up and get all that stuff watered as you saw as you’re probably coming in yeah I just replanted got my [Music] um my stuff let’s get uh let’s all these that in there somewhere thr that in there somewhere um and then [ __ ] you would think you think as long as I’ve been streaming I would know how to… Read More

  • 10 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods of the Future! 🚀

    10 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods of the Future! 🚀Video Information hello guys in this video we will review the best mods that you can add to Minecraft to improve your experience and make the game more exciting and fun our first mod today is OptiFine this mod significantly improves game performance and increases frame rate per second FPS it also adds Advanced graphic options such as Dynamic lighting and realistic Shadows to download the mai you can visit the OptiFine website if you are a fan of exploration then Biomes O Plenty is what you need this mod adds many new and diverse environments making the world more… Read More

  • Realistic Mikey in Adventure Craft! Watch now for crazy parody

    Realistic Mikey in Adventure Craft! Watch now for crazy parodyVideo Information hi JJ hi Mikey listen I had a strange dream today I became a real person and now I have a feeling that I really can become one maybe there is a way I really want to become a human being do you want to become a human but why I want to try it it was so cool to be human in a dream maybe I can really do it hm I need to think about it yes there is one method cool and which one we need to go to the witch she will definitely find… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE GAMING GODS FALAK & DARSH – Top 5 Tips to Feed Otter! 👀 #viral #shorts

    🔥ULTIMATE GAMING GODS FALAK & DARSH - Top 5 Tips to Feed Otter! 👀 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👉Dop 5 Level 251 Feed the otter #gaming #viral #shorts #short’, was uploaded by FALAK & DARSH GAMING GOD 007 on 2024-01-03 04:04:40. It has garnered 2421 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. HIMLAND’S DARKEST TRUTHS & ODIN’S PLAN – Minecraft Himlands – Day 76 – [S3 E11] In himlands new video, Now in front of @ezio18rip and @MrFalanaG .. @YesSmartyPie fall into a evil pit.. Ezio fight the evil while @DREAMBOYYT fight with King Odin Social- Instagram- My Reddit- Discord- Intro BGM -… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure! Part 41-50 Audiobook

    Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure! Part 41-50 AudiobookVideo Information Kang the stories provided are freely available for online reading and are typically fan translations I refrain from altering the text but strive to identify the best translation and rectify any errors I encounter while producing the audio if the audio space is either too fast or too slow for your preference adjusting the speed on YouTube is recommended this ensures The Voice maintains its natural pitch avoiding the Distortion that occurs when directly changing the speed when editing if you’re eager to read ahead of my uploads you can find a link in the description below the… Read More