Secrets Revealed: Make a Perfect Circle in Minecraft! 😱

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multiple times a week I train in Italian sword fighting I would not have ended up here in this situation if I didn’t do all the smash stuff it all was cause and effect and then he was going through all the new capes they added for that April fools update and one of them he just said like this thing says no circles and there’s a c crossed out Circle I guess this is a reference to Minecraft being squares and I was like no that’s me so it’s just kind of been in limbo this whole time but I’ve had a full event designed for like 2 and a half years that I think would very easily rival MCC in block wars in terms of like how fun it is maybe not popularity but like how good of an event is all right Lads welcome back to inside MC the part of podcast wres it down with a very special guest every single week and this week I’m joined by somebody who is amazingly talented in Minecraft I was going to say amazing and talented but I kind of just merged the two it’s fine the point still gets across I am joined with Mr Cat y hello welcome welcome how are you doing I’m pin how are you I good thank you I I’m I’m happy to let the listeners know that this is the first time we’re trying split audio I mean I’ve done it once before in a sense because the audio was a bit weird but this is the first ever time I’m officially doing it uh so it’s going to be interesting to see it’s a new experiment by Mr Cat suggestion so uh it feels weird knowing that I’m only recording my audio I I need I’ll still audio after this but right now I’m trusting that that we’re both recording otherwise it’s going to be the entire podcast of just me how’s your how’s your week been I know it’s Monday how’s your weekend I should say sorry weekend’s fine I kind of just do whatever but now it’s a Monday so I got to start getting back to work do you uh do you do content creation fulltime then M uh so get back to work on like video editing and video ideas mhm usually editing only takes like a day or so most of my time comes from just like coding and stuff but typically it’s not like a huge deal I usually make my videos just within a couple days play before I carry on before we carry on waffling away here I always like to use the intro for you to introduce yourself I mean I called you amazing was was what I I think amazingly good at Minecraft uh but who are you it is true it is true I mean who we’ll talk about it later on but building a circle in Minecraft I mean I think that I think that goes for something at least right of course but who are you what do you do if you have a fun fact for us today hello my name is Misty I’m 26 what are other Icebreaker answers you do in like a weird awkward group setting I don’t know fun I guess who am I I’m a I’m a Minecraft Youtuber I like to make things in Minecraft and then use them to prank other YouTubers my most famous videos are when I made a circle in Minecraft and when I made the entire game 2D the resource pack and some other trick and then fun fact is I am a hea fencer which I don’t ever talk about I guess really it’s in my BIOS what does that mean sorry uh hea is historical European martial arts and so I multiple times a week I train in Italian sword fighting oh crap what that’s such like a unique thing it’s cool it’s really really cool but what I like hidden people so your main main content or like main lifestyle is uh trolling people in Minecraft or getting people to do stuff in Minecraft and then as a side hobby you hit people with swords jeez okay when did you start doing that it’s been like 3/4 of a year year like 8 n months what go you into it um so my boyfriend Aon is a fencer and I’ve always like like a sports fencing like when you think of like Olympics I’ve always wanted to do that but I didn’t know if there was anything like near me so then one day I just looked up fencing near me and found a heo school and have been going since uh the person who did this lovely animation that if you’re watching on YouTube you can see right now they also do fencing where animated and he’s pretty good as far as I’m aware so that’s funny do you say that get I guess to Kickstart the podcast here then so we’ll take it back a little bit to the beginning so you have an old YouTube channel I have very many old YouTube channels well one I mean and one from videos that you uploaded 10 years ago down to 15 years ago it’s literally called Old Channel but the is thank you thank you thank you I know it’s I know it’s it’s Tai Tai we that that takes you to M magic which doesn’t actually have any videos on it yeah most most of my old videos have either been deleted or well these ones I mean this is from 12 years ago how to make a free times free lava trap I mean 12 years ago you was doing Redstone videos yeah which is like so it’s always been in your blood to to do it but uh what kind of what when you were when you were 15 years ago and you’re sitting down thinking about what to do what got you into making YouTube I we we’ll speak about this specific Channel first talk about the a TI Tai Wii channel uh that is my first channel but I did make videos before YouTube existed as well just like on my grandpa’s like camera you just had this giant bulky camera and I would make like Indiana Jones type movies and then eventually I switch to like Lego animations because like stop motion because I think it got really hot and I didn’t want to go make movies outside and so I eventually found a way to upload videos online which was like YouTube was coming out but I didn’t know how to link up this massive bulky camera to a computer to extract the video and put them on YouTube digitally so instead I started making uh different like ROM hacks and Sprite animations if you think like Super Mario bro Z type of stuff okay and then after a while I realized wait I can just record myself just playing actual games like let’s plays started to grow and then a game called Minecraft came out and then I started playing that a bunch uh what okay I guess this a question I know normally ask people how did you find out about Minecraft I genuinely can’t can’t remember but I am fairly confident I’m within the first thousand people maybe even 100 people to ever play the game I played it in the browser like you couldn’t download Minecraft yet it had one inventory slot creative mode the map was like 3×3 chunks and that was the world border like there was nothing in the game at all but I was still addicted to just building with it cuz it was essentially Lego the video game at the time so you are really really OG then I think so yeah but then um I also when I went to buy the game because it was so long ago I was quite young my mom thought I called it Mindcraft and it was like a witchcraft game and she wouldn’t let me buy it so I actually had to play un cracked Minecraft for like 5 years or something before I could buy it oh no did you not just showed them it’s called Minecraft I guess not no oh yeah actually you know that yeah you wouldn’t have had to wait 5 years to get if you did my bad it’s kind of like oh it’s actually really not similar I remember when I was younger my uh my uncle bought like me and my brother like like the GTA 4 like the PlayStation 2 when I was like my brother’s 3 years older than me and I must have been 10 at the time and my brother like played it once or twice and my mom and dad CAU on onto it and it’s was like no you’re not playing that and then my brother didn’t get that back for a few years kind of similar kind of different stories in a sense uh I think GTA is a little bit but GTA is just a little bit more uh violent than Minecraft so yeah and then your last video on that channel then was uh was 10 years ago of of you making a 3D platform game and obviously oh oh you also made a see the thing is I’ve only just found out about this channel like earlier so I didn’t get a chance like I watched like the Redstone video and stuff just to see what it was like just notice that there’s a castle of rock parody of Lincoln Park’s Castle of Glass is that any good that goes so hard actually so an issue I had when I was that young was that I wrote a bunch of Minecraft parodies after you know all the Captain Sparkles ones were popular and I genuinely think to this day all the lyrics I wrote were actually really good for a Minecraft parody I just had no idea how to like actually make the song well like I could write the parody super well I thought I even had like friends help me but making good music with the lyrics is a different I mean I’m sure with the people you have now like the the people you’ve talk to and stuff you could probably run it back H probably I don’t have any of those lyrics anymore but I guess I could just make a new Minecraft remake a remake Castle Rock not a bad idea like it’s like this uh cuz it be I was 11 years ago I was going to say 10 year anniversary but we’re pass that sadly so we missed it you have to do it in 9 years for the 20 year anniversary there you go see if you want to see the best video I’ve ever made uh if you look up Ninja leaf blower Flipnote on that channel I will never make a video better than that one your leaf blower I’ll watch after I won’t watch it now I can see is it is that a drawing it’s a flip note hatina video I recorded on my phone oh cool you also did Shy Guy face revealed and then from this channel then did I’m I’m assuming you’ve made a decent amount like between then and when you got to mysticat but then I’m not sure if you’ve privated any old videos but your first mystica video was 4 years ago and it was like but you started off with and I I feel like I can say this cuz I did the same thing in quotation mark basic tutorials so is am I fine to say that yeah yeah was all your is that how you call in Minecraft is that your first ever mysticat video I think so from my you I could be wrong I’m pretty sure that was the first video as m can what made you then want to make the like command cuz I mean not command BL tutorials like I mean I guess yeah there’s a few but like more Minecraft tutorials cuz I don’t know if you know this about me Misty uh but one one of the reasons that I’m very excited to have you on is because my very first content on all this channel they’re all unlisted now and in the playlist were Minecraft Bedrock command block tutorials Bedrock command tutorials yeah and I was really good at them as well I guess someone’s got to got to do that uh like pretty much I mean there’s a few people in the build the entire Market was mine I was like some videos I was I was like bagging constantly like 10K 20K views a video I was living life I was making so much money and then I stopped enjoying it and I think like you kind of went down a bit of a similar route in a sense of not like enjoying making command blocks and stuff like that but not enjoying make like being seen as like a tutorial YouTuber but I don’t want to speak for you this that’s just my assumption yeah I actually hated making tutorials so the the how all this happened was that I used to be a competitive smash player for like 4 years in college Smash Brothers okay and then I like after all that time I had like some kind of encounter I had one single instance of bullying and smash and then just that like hurt me so bad that I just quit the community and haven’t played the Smash tournament since I don’t think well sorry I did there was I just since smash was such a big part of my life for the past 4 years I wanted to find something else so I decided to go back and try Minecraft again and the company umg who I forget what exactly they stand for some type of uh they streamed a bunch of Smash tournaments I was at uh but they also were the ones who were streaming Minecraft Monday at the time and my friend Joe who was one of our Smash tournament organizers told me about how yum G was doing a Minecraft event and he knew I played a lot of Minecraft and he said I should talk to them and see if I can help so then I got a job on Minecraft Monday as the live analyst for like three episodes and then that just made me realize like oh I want to get away from Smash but I mean Minecraft’s something I know a lot about maybe I could just do some tutorials so I looked up a bunch of popular Minecraft tutorials and they were all like 30 minute long explanation they were essentially just Survival Let’s Plays where they just happen to make a video during the I was like this is horrible I would never watch this so then my mission was to make as many tutorials as I would ever want for like all the different farms and stuff as just like 2 to 3 minutes long like this is what you do here’s a picture of it just build this and it’ll work and then apparently a lot of people like that and then I started growing a bunch and then I got the uh PewDiePie shoutouts which like doubled my sub count at that time and then after a while I just realized man I was making these tutorials just because I thought I would need them uh they are not fun to make they take so many tries and I’m kind of running out of things to make tutorials on I’m just going to start doing more technical stuff and then that’s when I made Circle and I actually almost deleted Circle I was 50/50 on if I should delete it or just upload it and see what happened and then I uploaded it and within like a week it had like 5 million views or something okay we’re going to we’re going to run through a few things there because You’ just let let me know a decent amount of information which is no no it’s good it’s good because it gives me loads of loads of question you about and talk about but for the sake of it just for a saying on topic here we will talk about firstly about the tutorial videos so uh mine mine was that like so I got to a point so I remember once I started a realm I started a realm on Bedrock Edition and someone told me command BL tutorials and they Tau me the most basic Command right and I thought oh crap I love this right so I didn’t even for some reason I just figured out and knew what to do it was really really weird so it got to a point when making new tutorials and I’m I’m curious to see if if this was the same for you it got to a point where I’d be laying in bed right and I’d wake up and I just have a dream about making a command block tutorial I’d log onto my laptop and then the command block would the the the like thing would work perfectly and I made like how to make a a loot box in Minecraft how to do this and I was all just through command blocks that like I made in my head which was mental did you ever have a scenario of that or am I just different I don’t know if I’ve done that with command blocks but I’ve certainly done that with code there you okay there you go that’s that’s sorry yeah not not like command block specifically then that’s Cod cuz I never got into coding so yeah just I guess whatever I say when when I say command blocks for me I’m relating to coding for you or like you know any just any sort of tutorial for you I mean I I still use command block but I definitely had like oh you wake up at 5:00 a.m. and well I got to go type this idea down on my computer cuz it will solve my issues and I will forget it if I don’t do it right now yeah and then and then it works perfectly to go to go back through things then we talk about the smash player first I was going to say on the command block stre but just we might as well just go through your little like like update story yeah it just the question you asked had a lot of context so it was just unfortunate that it was so much to answer the one question but but it works out because now we can go through all the context specifically and it just gives more of a talking point anyways uh so firstly smash competitive uh what did you what did you study in college uh computer science specifically ux design us your experience how much is that an impact on content creation I think ux is fairly related I mean CS is like what I do it’s taught me all this coding and stuff and made my workflow way better than it would have been if I didn’t have a degree I mean I also could have learned it without a degree however I think ux is really good for Content because ux is all about like the psychology of a user and so like if you have a really like if you have a program with a really good ux design uh someone who’s never seen it before can open your program and immediately know how to do anything they want to do like for example like super clear like very simple like Google has pretty good ux I think like you go to Google and there’s just a search bar just in the middle of the page and there’s like nothing else perfect they know what to do so I think within YouTube a lot of the time I’ll rewatch like 5 Seconds of a video like 30 times and think of it like okay if I’m someone who’s never played Minecraft am I confused here if I’m someone who plays Minecraft A Bunch am I confused here am I someone who blah blah blah like all these different types of characters like if I’m someone’s Grandma am I following along like Etc and then you want to see if your video is still like entertaining to all these different types of people and if not how can you change it to make sure that anyone has the best experience watching your content that’s uh that’s the same reason I stopped using texture packs I used to use a custom texture pack and I said um I’m not going to use anymore because that way then if the person clicks on the video they know they’re watching I was the stream at the time someone clicks on stream then at least they know they’re watching Minecraft as opposed to a texture pack like they’ll know they’re watching Minecraft but they won’t be fully clued up on it but if it’s just basic I’m playing a game with no texture pack then people know no I completely agree I used to use shaders too and then I was like you know it’s probably confusing to some people I mean people still get comments though I Sor on I was scrolling through Twitter the other day and it’s like uh like tweeted about the fact that someone’s like what texture pack are you using on a video that they weren’t using a texture pack on and like that kind of just proves how how like you know how how much people use it if people don’t even know what the base game looks like anymore if they’re like only watching content creation and then so what what what what was the reason you chose to study that then was there any specific reason like were you looking at career PA in that obviously if you’re studying you probably were but I studied accounting for example and I just don’t want to be an accountant so so um from the second YouTube like the website came into my life I knew I was going to be using this website for the rest of my life and the second I knew you could make money from it I knew this was going to be my job like when I was like 14 or whatever like I I just knew like oh this is what I’m going to do this is my thing and so uh going to college and getting a CS degree is purely for backup and experience like if I ever need it like the plan was always to do YouTube whatsoever and then eventually I would just figure it out was the plan and then I did so in quotes I did in qu that’s nice though like that you had your mindset on it and you did it and then uh you you mentioned about how you played professional uh why is it no it wasn’t professional League was it is Prof why is it gone out my sorry professional smash it’s so hot in England right now that I’m I’m focusing I promise I’m focusing just like certain words is just I had it do you know do you ever get and you most likely have where you have the word in your head and you just can’t say it you can see the word you know what word you want to say but then when you go to say out loud it just won’t let you and instead of saying smash I decided to say League uh you played professional smash you did that for 4 years uh really really basic question here were you any good at I mean in terms of like just the game overall like I can go to any party and one V3 people without dying a single time but in terms of tournaments no I was not good you were like you were you were better you were like you could show off to the average player in a sense yeah I was definitely in like the top .1% of Smash players but against other .1% of Smash players is is a gap call you okay and would you I mean you said you haven’t like touched it since do you reckon you still have the skill it’s play melee every now and then just for fun but um I don’t really look into it too much I love smash and I really miss it a lot and a lot of my friends from there it’s just I’ve had so many bad experiences in the community that I would like stay away that’s the issue right you can love something but one bad experience just P you off so much i’ had the exact same thing it’s really sad but like I uh I’ve like absolutely adored something and I really enjoy playing it with then just like one experience with one person just like yeah I don’t want to go near that again no I mean it’s the same scenario you’re in right like one bad experience and you kind of just want stay clear of it but I mean it doesn’t apply to every single scenario but I do believe in everything happens for a reason in most cases so as much as it I mean taking a positive from a negative here I mean you know look how well you’re doing with Minecraft content so you know who knows who knows if that would have happened or like it would not have ended up here in this situation if I didn’t do all the smash stuff it all was cause and effect you wouldn’t be on the podcast right now true and then you you moved over to Minecraft content and then you play you did um analysis see I remember words see I’m locked in and you did the data analysis for the the Minecraft tournament the like one of the early ones before MCC why um why specifically data analysis then like what I what all the basic brained people IE myself what does that mean it was a live analyst so live analyst okay essentially what it was was they would pay me to be on the show and if you don’t know during Minecraft Monday they had the like the main live stream by umg where we were all on a set in person like doing like live like sports like commentary like in a thing so I was like on camera in like a little booth and like you know doing my thing but uh my job on those weeks was essentially to just explain everything technoblade did and why like from a player standpoint because umg was all Call of Duty players none of them had ever played Minecraft they had no idea what was going on so they desperately needed someone who knew Minecraft and that’s why I got the job there this is essentially like like Esports esque casting then or not casting but like like esportes um environment sorry well they literally are Esports streamers like they do like big fortnite streams and Call of Duty and Halo and all this different stuff at the time and then keemstar just hired them to do Minecraft Monday and they were kind of out of their league where was uh where was it located if you don’t sharing you said it was in person I would rather not share that now oh sorry I meant as in like like was you didn’t have to leave the country there you I was in in America no no it was very close to my area surprisingly like it was just super coincidental no okay yeah don’t don’t dog yourself then I just meant that’s it sorry did you have to travel far but that that answers that no cuz I know like a lot of I’m pretty sure their company’s not in business anymore anyway so I mean it’s like in England for example like if I like I know a lot of people like I guess content creators are a perfect example here there’s a lot down in Brighton there’s a lot up North I’m London base for example and although England isn’t as big as America it’s like a three-hour train journey up which is long for living in England if I wanted to go up north for example so with you I meant like was it like a long journey every single time you had to do it or was it close by but you you’ve answered that so that work out did you ever get to play Minecraft one days um I got to work at the camera a couple times so I was in game uh technically but I wasn’t playing there now I wasn’t a creater or anything I don’t know you got to like that that must have been really fun though like watching it from I’m with a bunch of people as well yeah the funny part that uh I just mentioned a minute ago and I forgot was that after every m Monday I would like take off the headset and like relax and be like if we could just get away from keemstar and get the Knox crew to make this instead this would be big and I said that every single week and then like a year or two later MCC came out but that’s not the only tournament you’ve been in I mean you mentioned MCC but we’ll waar on that for now you was also in Minecraft ultimate back in 2021 as well you participated how many did you play in was it three right I feel that’s what I found at least two possibly three I don’t really remember did you ever do any good in those I don’t think so I don’t really remember if you don’t remember winning it then you probably I definitely didn’t win anything but but I mean I mean cuz the thing is like with with these tournaments like Minecraft Minecraft Monday it’s so interesting to see how I mean like we said we’ll talk about a tourament like a minute in a minute but as opposed to like MCC Block Wars which you work with and all these other tournaments like they’re still around and they’ve been around for so long right as opposed to Minecraft Mondays a Minecraft ultimate where it’s like oh crap you kind of like that’s that’s history that’s ancient now I mean Minecraft Minecraft ultimate was back in like 2021 I think and then Minecraft Mondays was that like 2020 was it before that who was around then I also forgot to mention earlier that I meant to again was that another reason I did computer science in college was because I specifically wanted to work at Knox as like a dream job like I had been an adamant follower of Knox crew for very many years of like the Knox crew game show and all their different maps and stuff like Joffrey’s chamber and whatever and like I wanted specifically to work at noox crew and then all this stuff happened and then now they have MCC and I have managed to play in it you uh they inspired you to do I’m assuming they inspired you to do command block tutorials as well then right yes I learned all my command block stuff from first of all seing and second of all also Avendale from Knox crew which is cool to I’d say we’re friends now a wa it’s crazy how like the world works right like four years ago he was making these different tutorials like how to get corn notes or you know how to make an easy sugarcane farm and and just scrolling through some here uh Minecraft Redstone enchanting table tutorial like you know you I was so sad that one didn’t get more views I don’t know how to package I did sign that and I was very proud of it it looks really cool actually thank you as well like I said I browsed for a few days and I think I’ve just come across like some of your videos in general uh just from like my time of looking for like mble tutorials to take inspiration oh crap this is Java oh crap this is Java never mind this is Java and I think you came up with a few times is never mind this is Java I think I think I was able to like use some of like the inspiration from your ideas and kind of turn them into Bedrock Edition as in take a concept change it to be my own concept and know it’s like a blatant copy put it into a different version of the game for different players essentially I must say you were a part inspiration cuz I mean so be it I did command tutorials like back in 2019 2020 so it’s kind of before you started I did them for like a year and a half so near at the end half like my ideas when I was looking for more variety standout ideas that’s when you kind of stepped in as like inspiration for it so thank you I must say and then you said you were getting bored of those so you decided to kind of move away from the tutorials the reason I did I moved away from mine was because although everything was going great and like viewership and everything my issue was I really wanted community and I think that’s why I love the podcast so much because I love the idea of like people kind of just tuning in and even from my community or from your community sitting here listen us to listen to us talk away and uh so like building a community or having people like who aren’t just here for help like I remember the old Discord right I made a Discord Channel a Discord sorry and everyone who joined just be from command BL tutorial help which for like the first two or 3 months I was like oh this is really cool like thing and then I realized wait no they’re just asking for help and then leaving they’re not actually cuz I’m just a tutorial YouTuber no one’s really watching me for more than that so then I moved I mean you still I think you did it smarter a lot smarter than I did I must say cuz you get you kind of kept doing content still regarding that you went from I’m doing tutorials too I’m making cool things instead of doing tutorials whereas I was like I’m just going to bend off command BL tutorials as and just move move into like C commentary and and like gameplay videos yeah well at that point where I pivoted I still had like 200k something so if I just Chang my content that was potentially going to ruin all the momentum I had I did have to Pivot rather than it was more of instead of like showing you how to make specific things you want I’m going to show you how to make spef things I want and then hopefully it’s interesting and then the big one that kind of like comes 2 years ago the circle is this circle is in vanilla Minecraft so before I ask anything about the video we’ll refer to something you said earlier why did that video nearly not get uploaded or deleted sorry why did it nearly get deleted uh I don’t think it’s a good video at all I think the concept’s really good and like there’s a lot of cool visuals in it but in terms of like the storytelling of it and the editing and the quality and all that I think it’s honestly not a good video at all like just to watch but other people think so so I don’t know I mean you got referenced twice right in the I think so you you you got reference chice by Minecraft one was de Cape cuz I I believe it’s pinned on your Twitter right yeah it is pinned from Feb first yeah that was very unexpected how did how did that come about do you know like do you know the story behind it well when they put me on their YouTube channel they like sent me an email that was like asking my permission stuff and I was like yeah of course uh but the cape was just I was watching suzuma Snapshot video and then he was going through all the new capes they added for that April fools update and one of them he just said like this thing says no circles and there’s a c crossed out Circle I guess this is a reference to Minecraft being squares and I was like no that’s me then I immediately logged on and looked into it and figured it out and it is the exact same color as my skin and everything that’s definitely intentional then like very very clearly intentional I mean there’s a chance it’s not but I don’t know why else they would do it because they seem to very much like my circle video they’ve talked about it a bun yeah was in the 10 2021 special 10 things you probably didn’t know about Minecraft uh and then and then you got reference for making a circle which is crazy so I’m not even the first person to do it I think I just presented it the best oh wait really mhm people have been making circles in Minecraft for a long time but like were they as like efficient as yours just being Comm Ono tutorials um well I think mine was just like more modern like I’m pretty sure the way I did it you probably couldn’t have done like the years ago when people were trying it yeah like with the arms and stuff I could be wrong I don’t really remember so what exactly went through your head then to make like how did you come up with the idea so at that point I was just thinking okay if I want to start making things that aren’t tutorials I need to make things people are interested in what’s what are things I always wanted to have in Minecraft as a kid that didn’t exist and like how can I do that so I did Circle I did half slabs I did cars I recently did television all these it’s pretty much just what was something I wanted in the game as a kid and how can I make the concept of most then it was just literally just Armand pretty much is like the big one there to put to put like this like really good 20 22 million video into a very basic explanation you used armor stands yeah pretty much I mean you can use any entity but armor stands are pretty easy to work with plus it’s also in the like basic Nest off I mean two years ago at the time as I was like the easiest kind of one to use cuz you can customize armage as well a lot of people use area effect clouds nowadays and data packs but something I talked to Seth bling about specifically he was kind of asking me for advice on modernizing his stuff and making it appealing to that like the current audience cuz I kind of got him interested on YouTube which was super cool but um I told him even though area effect clouds are typically better and data packs are way better than command blocks just the visual of armor stands and using physical command blocks it’s a lot more entertaining for people I found so I’d rather go kind of the harder long way than doing like just the easiest way for me if it makes the video better I think how could you reckon you’d be at Bedrock monen have you ever tried it but I have a couple Bedrock videos do you which one’s a Bedrock like three maybe um I have one just where I go through like weird uh stuff with the play animation command and that’s just the whole video oh okay I must have missed it when I was looking for other I definitely would have pulled up cuz Bedrock is just I I have to bring up if anyone’s everever played Bedrock I just have to mention it it’s just in in like the podcast law now mhm I did do the uh the speed horse glitch that was a Bedrock glitch I did a couple Bedrock glitch tutorials but I think I removed them cuz no one really cared and everyone was like why are you doing Bedrock videos and I was like you’re so right I glitched my horse to run 60,000 blocks hour that’s Bedrock yeah yeah that’s bedro poor me for not paying any attention to that but you also like I mean the you you referenc ear as well the I made Minecraft 2D and like your videos are really cool cuz like I like I mean there’s a lot lot of people who do lots of different original videos I mean a lot through S smps A Lot through all this kind of stuff uh but you’ve kind of I mean who like if if anyone is there anyone you took inspiration from for these types of videos or was it just purely something you wanted to do obviously Seth bling but I thought his delivery needed a lot of work no offense to him he knows that um he’s been working on it and I think he’s gotten a lot better um compared to like 10 years ago terms of command blocks who else would there I I can’t think of many people well just I mean more so like just your your whole video idea like like I made Minecraft 2D or like the the you know you added you made crossy roads in Minecraft or uh like you know you did the like the the most one of your more recent ones was the I like the mobile phone game like the escape room kind of idea one not really escape room but you get the idea like was there anyone who inspired those types of videos or was that just something you thought like this is actually really fun uh those are all different inspiration like the 2D video was I played in that one dot wve tournament where they had a 2d game and I thought this is revolutionary there is something here that people need to be talking about and I don’t know why no one is talking about this so I took the idea and like blew it way out of proportion and made a big deal out of it and that seemed to do well the um like the mobile game thing was solely that when I got in contact with Seth bling and got him back into Minecraft he made this physics engine and then he was like hey I’ll give it to you if you want to make a video with it and I said sure of course I will and so he just gave me his physics thing and then that’s the video I came up with out of it cuz I just tried to look up stupid physics games to recreate and then I told him he should do Angry Birds and he’s been working on that and I think that’s going to be a super cool video for him se’s also been working is it seing been also been working on a rocket league in Minecraft as well right if I just got the wrong person please tell me I the right person have you had any like impact on those type of videos like have you have you leaving your left your two cents on that or no I mean he’s like thanked me for like inspiring him to change how he edits about that kind of stuff to go through more like the story of how he’s doing it instead of just here’s what I did okay bye um but other than that I haven’t done much directly I don’t think I’ve been in a couple of his videos now he did a mini tournament sort of thing with blocket league with a bunch of the hermitcraft people and I have a video on my second channel of that was like an hour of us just playing it it looks really cool I I wonder if it’ll become anything like official official it’s super fun it’s crazy what you can do with Minecraft now I mean like I I’ve asked I’ve asked this to someone before and I’ll ask it to you as well with with like Minecraft and it’s not about being disappointed it’s just more so about like and you you’ll see you’ll see what I mean when I ask the question so do you know how like fortnite and Roblox have gone down the route of like these different or like different Roblox Maps or like fortnite you can do all this like stuff in creative and build all these cool like games and stuff like that yeah they’re just game engines at this point game engines that’s it there you go do you like not not unhappy with Minecraft you can still be happy with like how Minecraft is right now do you ever wonder like or wish it went down that kind of route a million per. and I feel like that’s what they’re working towards like every update they’re like overhauling a lot of systems to make it more General and customizable they added all the display into and all this like they’re definitely going that route it’s just going to take them a long time it also requires the people to kind of do like what for instance what’s what you’re doing with building all these certain things and how beinging B like blocket League I feel like the I I feel like a lot of people kind of just seem to figure out what they’re doing with it and then they can start making it’s also like for some reason Minecraft servers just aren’t really like I’m not so considering how many people play Minecraft or like Minecraft Java or Minecraft Bedrock servers like they’re popular but they’re not popular if that makes any sense yeah like the biggest servers have very small number numbers compared to other games I mean like watching like MCC or like Block Wars I I just cuz I know like a number off by heart from Block Wars I I think there’s like 11,000 they peaked at one point or like from like all together like 11,000 viewers but then you like MCC Island can’t even get like 5,000 which isn’t a bad thing like not to say it’s doing bad I’m just using as a PR example like 11,000 people are watching this tournament stream and 11,000 people aren’t logging on to MTC Island at the same time which is kind of like I know it’s just really interesting I also think a big issue with Minecraft in that regard is that they’re constantly adding so many absurd like technical things you can do like just look at MC Island like as a server like they’re doing stuff no other server has ever done but no one like knows about any of this no one knows about like custom models and block displays and all this other type of stuff so I think someone’s going to come up with a tool at some point that makes all this super easily accessible and then everyone’s going to realize at once like the general public like oh Minecraft’s changed a lot there’s a lot of stuff you can do now but until people realize that it’s kind of just the same old Minecraft in a sense yeah well it’s very difficult to use it’s like super technical once that goes away and it’s more of like oh here’s the easy way to do it I feel like all that stuff’s going to blow up and be a lot better no yeah 100% 100% yeah with with Block Wars uh you what what do you do with Block Wars cuz I know you’re a player of course but like in in regards to the team you’re a part of the team what do you do so Alex wolfy makes all the teams himself no one else makes but uh our like team group just like approves them so he’ll send us a draft and be like what do you guys think of this and we’ll say like this team looks too strong or whatever and then he’ll like make adjustments but outside of that I do a lot of map design and game design um I kind of stepped back because I feel like a lot of the stuff I do just doesn’t make it through anyways and it feels kind of pointless cuz there’s so many people working on things at the same time but uh like a lot of the extraction Maps I design as Primitives so I just do it’s just pink and yellow concrete and I’ll like design it make all the sidelines try to get all the objectives cuz uh even as a kid I was super big into Halo and pretty much all I did was make mini games and custom maps in Halo so I have very many years of experience making like FPS Maps so I’ll make a lot of those I’ll make some of the blitz hunt rooms which I don’t think any I’ve made have gone through yet but with the next thing we’ll see um and then game design like I designed the game Blitz hunt and some other stuff that’s been working on I’ve done a lot of the balance changes I did s am a player and then think what would I do to make this game more fun and then I just tell them and then hopefully they make that change have you ever thought about like sign up your own Minecraft tournament not even to like try and rival people just to like kind of do your own cuz I mean you you’ve got a lot that you can do so why don’t why don’t make a tournament out of it yeah I’ve been working on one for like 2 and 1/2 years I think it’s just I constantly get developers because I don’t have the time to do it myself and then something happens and they have to like leave the project like they’re not able to continue it or it takes them a long time time or whatever so it’s just kind of been in limbo this whole time but I’ve had a full event designed for like 2 and a half years that I think would very easily rival MCC in block wars in terms of like uh how fun it is maybe not popularity but like how good of an event it is when J can we see that then who knows I would love to as soon as possible but it is not up to me it is up to developers what is it about Minecraft events that you like so much cuz I mean and I kind of just moving into it cuz you are also an event player you’ve also like you’ve played in MC twice uh you won MCC Pride 23 with a third in div and then you sadly Place third in Pride 24 with a full FIP but you like did like really pretty well on both you used to be an MCC testra as well weren’t you yeah so um at one point like how I said I was obsessed with nox crew growing up uh I did their viewer team application for the first time they did that for MC and they gave us an honorable mention because they like wanted us they wanted to pick our application they said but they had too many people so as compensation they just made us testers instead of putting us in which I think was actually better cuz I got to play MC more than one as compared to the other people only got to play it once but uh I didn’t actually get to play it that many times I think I played three full tests maybe four I don’t remember honestly I didn’t get to play very much cuz I did have a job at the time and pretty much every time you apply for an MCC test there’s a random chance you don’t even get in and almost every time I would apply and just not get in which was so sad and then you end up leaving because they mentioned how anybody who applies to MCC Rising won’t be able to get like if they do it a second time won’t be able to get in right so you decided to leave because you wanted to get into the main thing yeah they made an announcement that essentially said like hey you guys are all welcome to be testers but if you ever want to play in the event from this day forward if you are a tester you will never be allowed to play in the real and so my whole like Creator friend group decided that’s not worth it we want to take our chance and I think pretty much all of us have now been in there at Le some are about to be in there like Alex and but yours paid off specifically cuz you played in two as well and it’s like a yearly kind of thing for you I don’t know if it’s yearly but I I’ll take whatever I can get well I mean right now it’s yearly in sense well I mean like you played in Pride 23 you’ve now played in Pride 24 as I mean just like as it it feels like I mean I’m just just making like a it’s not like a full of factual thing but not an assumption I’m just yeah yeah you know yet is an assumption I’m assuming you’ll be in Pride 25 if you don’t play another MCC between then I am not going to make any assumptions but you’re welcome too well I mean as in like Yeah well yeah I’m I’m allowed to say it because I’m talking on your behalf as opposed to it’s like I wouldn’t make an assumption about I wouldn’t say oh I think I’m going to be an MCC because that wouldn’t make any sense but if you turn around and said it’s like oh that’s fair enough cuz you’re saying it not me kind of thing so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it I just I’m not going to get my hopes up when I have no reason to assume that for myself no no I get you I get you you’ve done like quite a lot of other stuff as well I mean I’m just I’ve I’ve loaded up your Wiki in the time you’ve been talking everything else was just I’ve done research but you have a Wiki Chia which is quite funny and so I’m looking for your accomplishments here we go so you’re featured on a Minecraft YouTube channel uh you Decay we talked about actually literally oh drivable vehicles I can’t believe I didn’t bring that up yeah you made you made a car in Minecraft you made a bunch of cars in Minecraft but the the the one with 8.2 million views here is uh I built a working car Minecraft yeah it’s done crazy numbers it’s the crazy thing about those is that YouTube videos never stop getting views and I kind of just forget about videos after like a month or two and then I’ll check back a few years later and it has like 10 million more views than it used to or something like I stopped looking at Circle when it hit 10 million and then I looked fairly recently and it was at like 20 something and I did not realize it’s still gotten that many VI it’s kind of crazy just passive growth at that point really right cuz you also I mean kind of like with the whole not looking at your stats thing I’m going to look at your stats for you here in 2021 February you hit 100,000 subscribers so you got your silver play button then a year 4 months later you gained 900,000 subscribers and then hit 1 million yeah 300,000 of those were in one week from Circle in sphere video but that’s crazy like you have a gold play button with your name on it like how does that feel like is is it anywhere in your room uh yeah I’m looking at it right now I don’t mean to sound egotistical but I kind of just always knew it would happen like as I said as I was a kid like the second I knew you could make money on YouTube I just knew this is what I was going to do it was more of a matter of when will I get it rather than if because I’ve just worked so hard at it for what 15 16 something years oh yeah it’s more of a relief to like okay I did do it I was right rather than like wow this is so cool I did the thing which I don’t know if that’s like a bad feeling to have but I’m not going to lie that is how I honestly feel about it I think that’s fine though it just means that you had that grinder and you wanted to do well when it paid off right I guess yeah I mean I feel like it was like I put a lot of work in for very many years and I got the reward I was after and you deserve it as well with like collabs and stuff like You’ you’ve done a decent amount over your time but like I mean your and I could be wrong in this assumption here your most recent video feels like your biggest collab in regards to amount of people in a video have you ever had more than that in a video or no um I’m pretty sure one of my videos I had like almost 15 people okay well aside from that then to make my points still correct here copium aside from that this is should be the second like how do you how do you come up with these ideas like with these collabs I mean cuz my ones are just kind of basic interviews like oh I me ask you a few questions but like you know I mean I guess you had the connections through Block Wars which is great like getting nine n non- Minecrafters in one Minecraft video is like wow I and they all pretty like known names as well so how did like what what kind of went through your head to do that so I personally am I consume zero Minecraft content whatsoever I am not like attached to Minecraft as a community or like any of those people at all I tend to just keep my distance because you know like it feels like every week someone who’s like idolized turns out to be a horrible person so I just kind of stick to myself but uh I mostly watch like Nintendo and Mario content and a bunch of other stuff so all the people I’m interested in meeting are not Minecraft players and I always think okay I want to meet this person what’s something I can do that they would like to be a part of that would make sense so like Vinnie fine sauce for example I don’t think I can get him in any other video that’s not here’s the stupid thing do whatever you want and have fun that’s something that makes sense for him but if I was like join my Minecraft server I’ll run you over with a car he would be like what join my Minecraft server I’ll run you over with a car yeah I mean that’s how I got funy if it works it works right or or like do this parkour jump that that be for parkour people in sense a lot of the time it’s like hey I’ve done this thing in Minecraft and I always uh get a bunch of people to react to it I’d love to have you on with like to Cameo for five very general like outline of that and it works out as well mhm but I do think back to ux earlier the most important part of doing collabs like this is making sure you word things very well to be appealing to people to come on remember with simple flips one time actually for that video I invited him back for the building video which this is like the third or fourth time he’s been on the channel but I said like hey I’m doing a video where I get a bunch of non- Minecrafters to build a part of a house and then see how ugly it is is we do have 10 minutes for you sometime this week to build whatever you want or something like that very general and he specifically called it out and complimented my wording that was like if you word this for other people you’re going to get a lot of people on this seems super fun which was very funny well how was uh I mean I guess just to to compare it to me then how was my wording for inviting you on the podcast uh I can go look at it I guess yeah I mean I mean you got me here I’m sure was good true yeah and how how’s it been has it been all right yeah it’s been fun okay that’s good I gu I’m just cu if you have any like critiques for it it’s good to learn maybe don’t maybe don’t read out the message though I don’t I don’t to like how I invite people on but if you like you know feel free to critique it in any sense if you’d like I don’t think starting it with this is a crazy shot in the dark is a good idea because it just makes them think like oh this is like some weird request or they don’t think they’re worth my time or something is the impression I could get I’ve just realized something I completely forgot that you’ve come on through my invite from 2 years ago oh I just realized where you I didn’t invite you like the new inv you know let me send you the new invite I didn’t realize that was 2 years ago uh that was so you were invited fun fact actually for listening to this is actually kind of funny you were invited on the podcast before it went on break it went on break for like nine months or so came back in April last year and I’ve been uploading weekly by one week podcast and then you just somehow I guess like saw other people come on and then opened your DM and saw and it’s like oh and then uh that’s from that’s from 2022 so we don’t count that actually yeah that’s pretty much what happened it still worked somehow I just opened my Twitter stuff um no let me send you let me send you my new one cuz it’s better it’s not like amazing but it’s it’s worked to get people on uh okay this is okay this is like a basic version of it just from someone who had already messaged me uh let me read for it there I mean it’s not it’s so the copy pass isn’t the exact same this is just from one I word it differently depending on different people cuz I don’t just said everyone the same message yeah yeah I think that’s also a very good thing to do but this is a rough concept of what I sent to someone who has who has been a previous guest that’s yeah we we won’t do the TW we won’t do the 2022 on that’s so funny actually I completely forgot feels a little repetitive like you’re saying the same thing a couple times like it could be a little more clear and shorter but I mean it seems fine narrow it down don’t make it don’t repeat myself too much make it more clear I suppose like you just say like would you like to come on a guest I think you’d be an amazing guest we have a lot of mutual friends I think we’ve had a lot of uh interesting guests on who we’ enjoy talking with and you be gu guest a few times yeah yeah I think if it was more just like hey I would love to have you on my podcast it’ll take as long as you want which is very appealing for creators that they don’t have to commit to a certain amount of time say would you be interested on this date for however long talk about whatever okay that’s that’s I’m changing it going forward see and this is why we do this I’m learning from you there’s two things now today that well do keep in mind that’s just my opinion it could be very wrong I don’t know I’ve never done a podcast but that is how I would word it I think you’re right though cuz I do repeat I I do repeat myself a little bit too much which is just it’s see the thing is the thing about me is right when I see something and it and it like has doesn’t really have a point to it it kind of annoys me for instance I I’m I’m a lot of creators are the same I won’t speak on your behalf someone messages me like hi I have a video idea I’m like Co yeah I’ve gotten a lot of those but if you message me like hi this is a video I’m making I would like you to be involved this is what I’d like you to do literally everything you need to know in one invitation message bang um but if it’s like constant repeating like hi I have this video idea it’s going to be this this is the video idea I’d like you to be in this video idea it’s like okay now I realize that that’s probably a bit annoying actually it’s just that you need to keep in mind when you’re getting content creators for something it’s different than normal people I can say this because I am a content creator creators are lazy and stupid so if you tell them the simplest way to describe what’s happening and give them like the least amount of effort possible to be involved they’re more likely to join say like hey I want you to do this thing but if you just say can you show up for like 5 minutes and whatever they’re a lot more likely to be like yeah sure I’m free in half an hour would you like to show up and Yap about yourself or however long you want bang yeah that’s that’s very appealing to creators I think one thing that we skipped over when we was talking about like the startup of your channel was uh your name Why mtic cat so it’s nothing crazy uh my name is Misty I like cat hat and I like like magic things spells and stuff I guess just like the concept of magic is a media is cool so it’s mystical and then you just kind of combine them a that’s that’s bang on that’s sweet that’s sweet and simple as well and you’re I’m I’m like 99% I’m sure I’m right here but there’s always a possibility I’m wrong your profile picture is indeed a cat right yes okay or do you mean on Discord because on Discord on Discord no no no not Discord uh your vtuber then there we go is your uh OC cat essentially is there any reference like do you have a cat that looks similar or is it just how you wanted it to be um so it wasn’t intentional I wanted to I spent 3 days designing this character like when I was working my job and wanted to Rebrand as Mystic cap uh I literally for 3 days straight all I did was work on character designs until I came up with I liked and I wasn’t intentional but I was doing training for my job at the time and I had to get my AWS Cloud practitioner 5.0 certificate which is like an Amazon coding for whatever and their training videos had the colors of like the blue lime and orange and then I guess that put it in my head that I should try those colors which I do like all those colors so it works out and I was like wow these are these go really well together I should make the character these colors and then I did all the rebranding I made the skin whatsoever and then like a week later I realized oh wait I think I subconsciously stole these from Amazon it’s fine yeah it’s not it’s just colors yeah it tastes that they own medicine plus they deserve it after being Amazon oh there actually is an Easter egg that I don’t know if I’ve mentioned before or maybe I have oh my God podcast exclusive Easter egg that I was super into the psychology of uh how a dream was growing at the time now keep in mind I’ve watched one dream video ever I don’t know much about him but uh I was like certain that the specific color of green he chose for his like uh dream green color was really appealing to people for some reason just like the level of saturation or whatever so my blue is just a hue shift of Dreams Green Oh and is has it worked so if you if you color pick the the blue from my branding and then use a Hu shift to move it over to Green it should be exactly dreams how do you okay with the whole psychology thing then has it worked do you think like has that is that one of the impacts I I think it is if it’s done anything it’s gotten me like four more subscribers than if I would have just picked a different blue I don’t I do not think it would ever make a marginal difference whatsoever but I mean that’s potentially four more subscribers than I would have had without it so you said you said it before me I was about to say and you got that first night there you go with that then I feel like we’ve we’ve done a pretty good job of covering everything unless there’s unless there’s something I missed is there anything you wanted to talk about before far was going to bring up or have we done a pretty good job I don’t think there’s anything I got one one more how did it feel teaching the Skittles Twitter manager how to speed bridge that was very funny so a bunch of my friends just found the Skittles Discord whenever the Skittles Twitter was being funny years ago and like kind of invented the that type of like Twitter mascot sort of thing and so we would join the Skittles Discord and just talk and be stupid cuz it was funny to see someone like legally branded Skittles replying to us and then at one point someone mentioned that I was a Minecraft and Skittles just assumed that Min I played bedwar and was like can you teach me to speed bridge I was like well I can’t say no so I had to play bedw Wars for like the first time and then uh I didn’t know how to speed bridge but I taught him and that and then my mom took a screenshot of the live stream and got it like physically printed out on canvas so I have a physical picture of me and Skittles in game somewhere in my house I don’t remember where I put it oh I have one more as well sorry I can’t I had this bookmarked and I’ve completely so I I knew it like this entire podcast I’m sitting here like I have something B uh you’ve you’ve um voice acted in animation movies yes I can’t believe up what animation movies are they you do not want to find them trust me oh oh oh oh what why so I was not even told I was in a movie I just found these movies so I used to do voice acting through casting call Club for like small like fandom YouTube videos and then I started moving to Fiverr for like bigger stuff because I’ve never necessarily wanted to like be an actor or anything but I do just really enjoy voice acting every now and then for fun like I would love to be a professional voice actor not as like my main job but I’d like to like oh this show needs like a weird voice for a funny side character I would love to do that for like an episode I wouldn’t want to like commit to like a full like main character role if but I did all these Fiverr gigs and one of them was like Hey can you read this script and this voice blah blah blah and then I did for like 10 or $ 15 and they were like cool can you do this one too and then I did again and then like 4 years later I saw these movies online that I thought sounded very familiar and I opened them and it was my voice as just main characters in multiple animated movies on like Netflix oh I mean do you feel the pay was acceptable honestly I I can’t imagine the animators got paid more than I did oh it they are very bad movies take wins way as wins then I sit on Netflix now um I don’t know if it’s Netflix specifically but they’re on like some they’re really stupid and I was really bad at the time cuz that was like the lowest paying gig I’d ever had and they needed like a tight deadline so I didn’t put very much effort into it unfortunately I feel bad saying that but it’s true so then it’s just very strange to find movies where you voice a main character that you did not know about that’s where your famous hog began that’s how people find out about my that’s where it started that’s where it all started uh before we do the outro here then I do have some Twitter questions for us today so the first one in comes from Aaron is peo they sound PE they do other than the fact that I mean to be fair the podcast that’s calling them out hasn’t come out yet but they still don’t follow the Twitter account uh which I think is just horrible so I mean to be fair it’s last week inside MC from Death being uploaded so maybe they would have followed in that time who knows but they asked what is your favorite experience being a Skylander I don’t know anything about Skylanders whatsoever but but my only experience with them is that I find it annoying because I’ll like name search myself on Twitter to see if there’s like fan art I missed or something and like 90% of it is just Skylanders it’s really annoying to filter through these like Walmart action figured game toys every time I’m trying to see stuff for me why does that happen because there is a Skylander named Mr Cat how is it called mrat uh oh yeah this purple one does you should you should make a um for for for a joke you should get like one to draw like a version of you as that Skylander I’m honestly surprised no one has maybe someone hasn’t I forgot but I don’t think but now there’s also a mysticat nft group that’s super annoying that I mean maybe I can do something legally about that I’m not going to like threaten anybody I’m just thinking like H I wonder if I have anything I can do to stop this but I don’t know oh so you’re not you’re not a p then it’s not it’s not your an F no the next one name comes from Dakota uh Celestial rain they actually asked a few we’ll just go for him who is your favorite galp you’ve met through the community and why is it and not me not me specifically I’m assuming I’m not your favorite gpow it’s you I don’t know you might be I mean I could I mean can I I’m going to have to go with Dakota why because she is a very good friend a a little bit of an ego boost on the podcast I look at that too which isn’t me doing it your theault uh the next one name comes from what is the coolest part of your setup coest part of my setup um so like my office as a whole or like specifically my computer I mean I just uh do one of each go on so my computer uh I have four monitors but I don’t know I feel like that’s normally what my answer would be but I just got sent this like Minecraft keyboard from moyang and it’s super cool and honestly I’m going to change my answer to that now I have a keyboard from Minecraft where all the keys are just different blocks and I never have any idea what keys I’m pressing but I’m figuring it out and I’m learning and it looks really cool and then for the office uh my grandpa’s a woodworker and he made me this massive sign that’s just the YouTube logo that’s 3D that’s just hanging on my wall with my play buttons a that’s sick it’s supposed to light up but I think the battery’s died and then the final one is uh so I’m going to read the original question then I’m going to say how I’d like it to be altered okay you’ll see what I mean so they asked if you could team in an event with anyone and I mean anyone who would it be so now I’m going to reword it right and I’m going to say you get two choices one being anyone at all not Minecraft related Minecraft related whoever and then one has to be Minecraft related cuz I’m curious okay that’s interesting um well I feel like with black Wars I’ve teamed with a lot of the people I wanted to meet I’ll save any Vine sauce for my non- Minecraft I think he’s the only person I watch that I haven’t played a Minecraft um and then Minecrafter speically I don’t watch I guess Seth bling but just I mean I mean just someone who like you’ve been like in oh yeah yeah there you go there someone you know and you be like yeah it’d be cool to like be on a team of them it could even be someone from like block was you wanted to team with but you just haven’t been put with um I think I’ve teamed with most people nothing no one like immediately jumps out of me so I’ll say probably South bling I’d like to team with him for something that’d be fun and then there you go then that’s it for the Twitter questions that we’re going to ask today uh with that being said then miss that sadly brings the end of this week’s inside MC thank you so much for coming on uh before I do the outro here though I always like to give this opportunity for you to promote yourself within reason of course but where in case people are curious and haven’t figured out where to find you where can people find you your asss on everything please the floor is yours sure um I’m mysticat spelled like mystical with a T at the end instead of an l i if you can’t find that I might be mysticat yay instead but uh I’m on YouTube Twitter twitch I think that’s it I don’t do too many things um if you like to watch funny videos where I make things in Minecraft then come look and if you don’t then stay away I don’t want you there you go the best piece of promotion I’ve ever heard thank you well with that being said then this brings the end of inside MC thank you all for listening thank you so much Misty for taking time out you afternoon to come and join me this has been amazing and uh yeah thank you all for listening stay safe don’t eat too much bread pieces [Music]

This video, titled ‘Mysticat Talks Making A Circle In Minecraft & Minecraft Tournaments | InsideMC 120’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-07-05 15:00:50. It has garnered 304 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:16 or 3616 seconds.

In the 120th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with Mysticat, the person who made a circle in Minecraft! To kick start the podcast, the two start by talking about how they started their content creation journey with tutorials. Following this they go on to talk about how they do content creation full time, Minecraft tournament throughout the years, how they made a circle in Minecraft as well as making the game 2D and passive growth! After this she speaks about her voice acting career. All before going on to answer some twitter questions! This is the Mysticat Podcast. Interested? Lets get started…

A very special thank you to our Guest(s): @mysticat:

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My Socials: @InsaneOrbitzz Twitch: Twitter:

AJX’ Socials: @AJX Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

Profile Picture by: Banner & characters by:

Thumbnail by: @TheAuraCat

Background animation by: @roryjm1578:

Time Stamps: 00:00:00 Pre intro 00:00:36 Intro 00:01:53 Guest introduction 00:03:57 Starting content creation 00:18:53 The journey to Minecraft 00:12:42 Making Minecraft tutorials 00:13:57 What they studied in college 00:17:22 Professional Smash 00:29:22 MC Mondays Analysis 00:22:08 MC Ultimate, Noxcrew & timee changing 00:24:59 Moving on from tutorials 00:26:17 Making a circle in Minecraft 00:29:46 Bedrock content 00:30:33 Inspiration to make content 00:33:09 Minecraft game engine 00:35:40 Block Wars staff 00:37:01 Starting their own tournamenti 00:37:45 Why they like events 00:40:16 Passive growth 00:42:28 Collaboration ideas 00:49:13 Mysticat lore 00:52:22 Skittles twitter manager 00:53:14 Voice acting 00:55:22 Skylanders 00:56:49 Who is their favourite galpal 00:57:16 Coolest part of their setup 00:58:06 Dream teammate 00:59:03 Outro

#mysticat #minecraftcircle #minecraft2d

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  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

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  • Vibe Nation MC

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

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  • Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!

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  • Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴

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  • Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND – Minecraft Parody

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  • Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in Bengali

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  • Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuber

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant Mobs

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  • Minecraft Madness: Join OcchiRosa Live Now!

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  • ValticSMP

    ValticSMPWe are a determined LifeStealSMP Minecraft server, ready to please and offer everybody a unique experience with a wide variety of things to do within the Discord and Minecraft server. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Resets

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  • Crafted Survival SMP

    Crafted Survival SMPWelcome to Crafted Survival 🌍, the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience that takes the classic vanilla gameplay you love and enhances it with the features you’ve always wished Mojang would add. Immerse yourself in a vibrant community where the economy is built on the precious diamond 💎, fostering a dynamic and thriving shopping district 🏪 where players can set up shops, trade, and grow their wealth.Key Features:Shops & Shopping District 🛒: Establish your own shop or explore a bustling marketplace filled with unique player creations and rare items. Whether you’re a builder, miner, or farmer, there’s a place for you to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made custom textures to flex

    Minecraft Memes - I made custom textures to flexI guess you could say that meme is “pixel perfect!” Read More

  • Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2!

    Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2! Welcome back to Build With Me, episode two, Where we craft and create, with a special clue. More trains and a MK8D tournament in sight, For my subscribers, a gaming delight. Leave a comment, suggest what to build, I’ll pick the best, with skills fulfilled. Subscribe for more GO Transit and Minecraft fun, And Shell Shockers battles, when the day is done. In this episode, we dive into the game, Minecraft adventures, never the same. Trains chugging along, tracks laid with care, A world of creativity, beyond compare. And at the end, a surprise in store, A Mario Kart… Read More

  • Who’s the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft?

    Who's the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft? Well, definitely not the players who constantly scream and jump in fear every time they hear a sculk sensor go off! Read More