Secrets revealed! Time with Airwindows

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Hello hello welcome to Tuesday live streaming on Air Windows Channel and I am here to chew bubble gum and like play Minecraft or something but I don’t have any bubble gum but I do have my espresso and uh yeah this worked out pretty good last week so I’m going to

See what we can do uh going forwards and along those lines let’s start off by jumping directly into the uh Minecraft thing cuz why not it’s a nice way to start things off it seems approachable uh bearing in mind that while I’m doing this streaming and stuff

And I I keep trying to refine things like figuring out I can take my my analog timer and use a restroom or something changing the Amera amera of my cangle angle of my camera so that uh I’m not getting backaches or anything anything in the process of putting some time into

Hanging out with people CU that’s the thing is you can’t tell when people are necessarily going to show up um I would love to talk to um streamers and have them tell me whether it’s just me or whether it’s normal for people to increasingly show up into a

Big burst maybe an hour or a couple of hours in and then gradually wear back off again or whether it’s time of day or something CU I don’t know these things that said and this would be you know I’ve heard of other clients I don’t have to be using this client I

Just happen to be um am tempted to test this and make sure that it’s still there it’s still there so I am actually going to log off and use the local IP for it it’s been an interesting time the uh what I did uh most recently oh hell

Sir we don’t have to let that in oh and you shouldn’t be there but you’re less ominous and it’s an excitable multiple excitable horses gosh let’s see well one thing I could do is deal with this that’s not exactly the way I meant to do it we

Go I thought maybe I would take this and lower it down a little bit or so I don’t need all of these I am not quite sure how much of a ledge I want but I can try a really short ledge and see that’s like this started out as just sort

Of making this thing and I turned it into a stable afterwards for horses which are amazing arguably too amazing there is such a thing as too amazing if it is so fast that it falls into things and hurts itself then you know and that is good

Advice for all I guess but uh certainly for Minecraft horses application to Rainbow Dash is left as an exercise to the reader um so I had been thinking of trimming this area a little bit and that might be a nice way to start off while I get used to uh talking

Because I think I mentioned last week um recent Ben Jordan video about how he was not going to well that’s a small mistake but it’s a small mistake maybe that’s a place where I can build stairs Ben Jordan made a video which apparently did not last long where he

Was like I’m not going to be doing product videos and then immediately followed it with the what my favorite um Reverb pedals are unless I’m missing a trick somehow or not maybe he’s playing a joke but yeah see the reason Ben initially started making videos according to him

Was that he leads a life lifestyle much like I have always LED and that means kind of isolating and holding up and and doing stuff I don’t know why I can explain to great detail why that is my thing cuz you know my recovery background and the fact that unlike some

Other people I ended up having to to stop using drugs and alcohol and stuff cuz a lot of these things are just adapting to the challenges of be and Crest oh string I could make kittens snowball you get to make kittens out of string not literally but using a snowball to do

It suppose you could make kittens out of string it would be like folting that was reasonably adorable these horses are indeed amazing they are rushing about like mad and I’m going to want to pick up these uh stray pieces of material not because I absolutely have to we are

Playing snowball so I can duplicate anything I want but that’s the whole thing it’s like I’ve designed a game where part of the game is how do you want to engage with it which is always the way with Minecraft and then they kind of changed it around Minecraft went from being

Relentlessly player directed like oh you wanted instructions for what to do forget it go make a giant golden dick and that that being an old YSI joke of course um not that we couldn’t we could absolutely do that but then recent versions of Minecraft especially after M Microsoft

Um purchased it since they must drive engagement rather than just having made a toy or a thing and playing with it they then choose to do stuff very much oh sorry landed on a horse they’re a little excited all this all this redecorating I could put Windows in here

Too seems kind of dark although windows I think in sometimes they can get out which is maybe not the most optimal thing and sometimes the stuff that uh is added in the Microsoft period is things like caves with amethyst geodes and that makes stuff that you can sort of build but

Um sometimes there really like and there are ships with actually I’m not sure if that’s Microsoft period point being that um it’s hardly post scarcity Minecraft adventure mode is another case of that all the stuff where it’s like we need to create a uh narrative for you

Because you clearly won’t have one of your own okay I’ll start building stairs and working our way up to up hide you’re clever ain’t you look at you if I build stairs they’re going to be up here in a blink in a plink maybe that’s not the best thing to

Do how about rethink that thank you thank you for the observation Mr there I was being very excited about building some nice stairs in order to be able to get up on the second ledge and the next thing you know I’m like oh yeah that’s right these guys are

Crazy they’ll be up on the stairs doing laps which is kind of cool but on the other hand that’s not quite what I had in mind yeah I had been also talking about uh Ben and how he has he he initially took on um I see You doing video making cuz because he was like I don’t talk and I should be able to speak it’s weird when I go out to the store and I can’t speak what is with all of the lots of mobs gosh so many creepers must be not as many uh torches over

Here and that also applies to me just as much like me doing my Cris marwi window thing and I can show you some I can do a little showand tell about where I’m at that is always an engaging prospect it’s a sort of thing I tend to

Automatically like to do I enjoy doing that kind of thing there is that aspect of um you know being human and wanting to engage with others it’s not a similar to like you know if you if you have puppies then you should not keep them in isolation and go away and leave them

Alone for all day long because it’ll make them weird in the head this also applies to cats and kittens perhaps not quite as much but it does still let’s have a quick look and see what I’m been wanting to do oh and that’s how many of these hello interesting this has been in

Use cool still got some of these see the way this system is designed as long as there’s still any of these in the back section these things will be full of bottles of enchanting and will not pick up Shuler boxes that I break on top of

Them and the way I reload it is is to get like this guy off the top and you see that has bottles of enchanting and stuff in it and then I got a snowball it on here meaning I don’t lose any of them hello sound of skeleton please don’t bug me today that

Did that did did and now these guys are full so this can be used a little longer if we emptied all of these out completely then it would start putting shulker boxes into the system which is somewhat inconvenient but yeah this is more you know when I when I say um did

We drop a yes we did I’ve actually got plenty of extra blocks of quartz and these guys can just be disposed of or I can go and put them by spawn this is still a thing where uh we can have people logging on for instance if you are watching this oh I

Could continue this path here we are also I could build something over here I could build a little house over here uh youo VR I’m not Canadian but I’m from Vermont Vermont is one of the states bordering Canada it is bordering um Quebec and also I spent a year dating a very

Cool person we didn’t end up being compatible in a variety of ways and I did end up not continuing that and a rather painful situation honestly but um what do we got here oh I can place empty Shuler boxes that can go elsewhere yeah I dated somebody in Canada so

Although I don’t think that’s really enough to give you an accident accident accident it almost gave me an accident no it literally did give me an accident at one point because there was a time when the strains of maintaining that relationship were so demanding that I crashed my

Car one of the reasons that that stopped is attempting to keep up with the demands of of of what that was about both for myself and for her was uh beyond my capacity I wasn’t going to be able to do it let’s see what else can we do we need

More Rockets tucked away in places this is for newcomers oh there’s plenty of rockets there yeah so I’m kind of Canadian adjacent also um a favorite I’m not sure how how much this conducts necessarily but um a favorite comedy troop of mine um on YouTube is loading ready run and they’re in British

Columbia hey Fus um I went back to the original monitoring because I liked the idea of going back to not just another dither over um the the very a monitoring two is exactly monitoring except for that the word length reducer is dark and monitoring three is exactly monitoring but the word L reducer

Reducer is um a high energy noise shaper followed by dark it’s basically 10 nines into dark and these are all things that I was excited to do but both of those things omit a thing that not just another dither does which is use the Benford realness calculations that initially

Were part of the uh naturalize um algorithm like that started out uh let me put my uh tools back and we’ll put that back too like naturalize is a good little algorithm and I decided I wanted to have that um on hand why do we have all this

Gravel maybe I’ll think it’s something to do about that and we got a hell overlooking this and we don’t need to have these I can do another tree thing by the way you know U being on the Spectrum like you um it’s interesting like I spent many years dealing with the struggle of

Maintaining Relationships by just opting out and not doing it I’ve done that for a long time and what ended up happening was I learned that was something that I could do but I also don’t have to and there are parts of me and I’m not making a naughty remark there but um there’s

Aspects of being Chris where I do need social engagement with other people I am not that removed from human beings that I don’t benefit from interacting with others and and there are challenges with doing that exclusively in an online way and these are the challenges I’ve run

Into in a lot of ways I am one of your classic ideal people for having online relationships and having that be the thing and it’s generally worked I starts as far back as um uset as news groups I was a original News Group person in fact I was one of the people

On the news groups alt fan free and ALT lifestyle free which is the dawn of time by now some of that stuff was before I had audio software up and running like I had the desire to do this kind of stuff but I didn’t necessarily have the abilities and in a

Lot of ways I mean kind of I still don’t it’s just that the the stuff that I focus on is different enough from how most people do audio software that I’m able to come up with distinctive results and that’s really my main purpose with that is and sometimes it’s interesting to me

How that kind of stuff works out for instance I have unusual viewpoints on digital audio and by the way I’m clearing out all of these so that I can start over and construct trees where I want them and figure out what I’m doing there but um the deal with um hang on a

Second uh I am not a good enough pronouncer of cilc to be able to pronounce your name but I can answer your question um there was something wrong with subti the subti plugin is getting updated exactly the same way this coming Sunday you will get an update to that as well

I’m quite looking forward to it in fact unlike in real life if you fire a high-speed projectile into water you can still kill these squids I’m going to make one of my favorite styles of building namely um black glass and uh what Birchwood Birchwood it’s a kind of modernistic looking

Thing while we listen to the biry music I am still not trying to run direct audio through here you’re just getting bleed cuz what I found is that people streaming typically it’s so much about the uh the person talking that pumping a lot of game audio isn’t necessarily the best

Thing oh I’ve got more wood up here I know what’s hiding in there so I’m not as enthusiastic about this gravel Beach thing we’re going to sort of trim everything and this tree did have some extra bits of wood in it DSP is interesting like the thing

That I’m currently contending with and I could do some of that today like one thing that I would like to point out is that although I am doing like Minecraft streaming and just doing that kind of stuff and it’s a a good thing to return To if I want to spend a bunch of Time online doing a stream nothing is really stopping me from um also doing the uh coding on DSP or anything like that and the thing that I’m working with at the moment is in fact A variation on the whole plug-in

You know as far as people saying I don’t have a clue about audio they can say that I might not have a clue of the kind of audio that they do there are certain kinds of things that I you know it’s like I’m friends with The Surge

Synthesizer folks but I’m the first to acknowledge that the stuff that they do is often over my head it’s usually not the audio related stuff that loses me that they do and one of the people people get confused about purist gain because that’s the thing is there are aspects of it that

Are um see what got like if you’re using any of my plugins then they’re doing this the same thing if you are working in 64 bit you could instantiate any gain plugin it would be just as good purest gain is only relevant for 32bit uh

Buses if you ride a 64-bit bus I mean the purest gain that I’ve done I’m pretty sure I could check and see if anybody’s interested I’m pretty sure that it does in fact dither to the 4-bit bus but there’s really no win to that like if you’re on a 64-bit bus there’s

No point if you’re on a 32-bit bus what it’s doing is it’s dering the floating Point number to the output that is a extraordinarily subtle thing to be doing to the point of being a little ridiculous and there’s nothing so wrong with that like the thing about

Um oh I must have heard water flowing or something also do I have any sand I do have a little sand that’s a fine start and there’s some more and there’s some more and more dirt that’s more than enough to get going with see where I depart from audio Orthodoxy

Is often in the field of what can be heard by people and whether it matters and there is major major controversy and difference between me hi where are you I heard the Roar of a zombie and I don’t know where it is it’s going to be an underground cave around here

Somewhere because it’s not standing on these Leaf blocks I’ll deal with that later maybe I can dig down and find it anywh who people do uh double blind tests in order to work out what they consider to be significant audible sound this is a normal thing this is all

Well and good that doesn’t mean that uh my take on how that works is the same as everybody else’s in some cases it is not oh I should be able to fix the the high CPU load but I may need to fix the high CPU load by making it a fixed

Frequency thing that could go into another plugin good I have there’s been people using my stuff recently there’s somebody who was doing a um hello oh that’s never going to turn into grass block until I do this and now it will eventually turn into grass block I’m not liking that sand being

There I fairly recently had somebody warn me that um a guy was making um lv2 versions of the plugins and putting a GUI on them and they were like they’re not crediting you is this a problem do we have to open up a can of you

Know and the answer to that was no they were in fact honoring how the license worked because you went to their so I mean you could you could do it even better but essentially they were honoring how the license worked oh hello uhuh I think I remember this as part of the um

Other I’ve played on this seed before so I remember this place can make a nice little basement after I light it the heck up so that it’s not spawning mobs underneath where I’m at that will suffice and now this is where I got in so I’ll mine my way up and then I

Will have some Cobble no I won’t actually will I I’ll M my way up with this pack ax and then I will have Cobble not that I’ll be able to to pick it up right away and it is dark and scary out quickly sleep before the zombie

Swims over Adam Arian I doubt it that seems very unlikely so much for him so here’s something that I can do get rid of some of these things I certainly don’t need and be able to pick up some of these things that I can put to

Use yeah I had a fell using um don’t mind me just fessing around a little bit here the distraction is a thing yeah I got warned because a guy was using my plugins but when you got to their GitHub repository and they provide they did provide a link to

Source and in the source the openly credited air windows in my work and it’s MIT licens so I consider that to be adequate you have to give people access to the source the whole point of Open Source is other people need to be able to build upon what you do for inance if

Somebody made a GUI version for instance using juice or something like that that was such a good project that if I downloaded it and attempted to build it it would build for me that would mean I would be able to do that and Paul from The Surge synthesizer

Project tried to do that that’s why I have a little sort of meter thing that I can no longer update because it stopped working for me uh students of yours are playing Minecraft you absolutely you’ll be able to connect them to the server the thing

Is that the oh how can you shoot aiel using snowball this is a this is the snowball Madness um mod for instance I can also do this and that made a uh a monster holding the thing that I have in slot one who is actually faster and

Meaner than most and this is one way that it’s a post scarcity mod where you have you know any amount of whatever you might want there’s no limitation to the stuff that you can have which is kind of Open Source like the idea is that it’s a little bit like what open source

Software is like and that means that in using it or in playing on the mod the challenges become very different it becomes what do you want to do rather than struggling to be able to do anything in particular so like I can have my dirt

But I don’t ever need to make a dirt grinder system because if I want more I can just hold a stack of dirt make some of those guys uh shoot them they’ll drop the stacks of dirt and then I have two stacks of dirt if I can have access to something I

Can have access to any amount of it it’s also a little bit like plugins in software where um the way that that works if you instantiate a single plug-in you can have any number of copies of it that is another way that that kind of happens and I’m going to fuss around and

See whether maybe I might want to fiddle with this a little bit more grow a grass block border yeah that’s enough yeah under understand the idea of me having this here it’s not really primarily because I think that this is the most coolest mod ever and so all the

Little Minecraft kids need to be coming and playing on my server there was a time when that would have been very exciting but it stopped being what I was really after instead it become it became sort of like well I’m going to hang out and spend time with people in this

Way and that’s more or less where where that went see now Battle Do it’s going to be more of a constructed Lagoon here but it still serves the purpose of being able to have squids oh and that looks like clay we could very possibly come up with something to do with clay making flower pots or such did I pick it up sure

Did can I make a Minecraft plug-in kind of kind of here’s the thing this mod was initially made by my brother I’m not really hanging out with my brother uh at the moment um politics in recent years has done many things to people’s relationships and I am another category of that in

That I know people who went to places that I have a hard time living with so you can run into issues like that sometimes But one of the things that happened with my brother back in this time when we were doing things is um he wanted to come up with projects as a excuse or purpose for spending time together because he wasn’t comfortable just oh hey I’ll come over and hang out like he

Didn’t drink coffee so he couldn’t come over for drinking coffee and he wasn’t comfortable with conversation so he couldn’t really just have conversations it was the rules of this guy could be sometimes challenging I am in some ways the same way uh in a bunch of ways the same way honestly but

Um when I when I talk of that what I mean is that uh let’s see let’s put these things away and then figure out what we’re doing one thing at a time so I didn’t make this Minecraft plug-in what happened is my brother who is a professional programmer to the he

Is a programmer so much that at one point he um was talking to me about how I had made a video game because that was one of the things that we were looking to try to do and he bailed on me because he was like what you’re trying will

Never work it’s terrible it’s not going to happen and that’s typical for how my family behaves by the way which is one reason I’m not hanging out with them and so I went and did it anyway and he was basically like this is astonishing how could this

Be I need to hang out with you more often and figure out how that happened because the thing is um this exists now but as near as I can tell you don’t think so how could that have been made and as amusing as it is to be like ah I

Played a trick on you the underlying idea of like well you’re functionally and don’t think cuz I don’t follow the same processes that he did was uncomfortable but what he calls thinking is how he got to having a working Minecraft plug-in without having any special training on like how

Minecraft works it was never his he doesn’t care that much about the game he doesn’t play much he plays things sometimes but so with this guy it was strictly about coming up with something to do with uh people he wanted to have a excuse to spend time with because he couldn’t

Spend time just to spend time there had to be a functional purpose behind all of the activities and that was a hard and fast rule in fact that’s one of the one of the things that I’m doing here which is why I’m less stressed out when I’m

Trying to follow a train of thought and it just sort of shorts out and I’m like oh well I wonder what I was just thinking is I am enthusiastically leaning in to the uh not having a purpose side of things with the streaming there’s a bunch of things I can do

Well you know you can easily call it awful that’s not unreasonable that is also a um a modern-day attitude which I think is better for society than the way things used to be sometimes I have uh explained things or explain how my life went by saying that I had autism before

They gave you a cookie for it and by that I mean and it is a sort of snarky overly edgy way of saying it I grew up in a world where I was not tolerated like you didn’t get to be like oh I have autism so I need allowances

And I need to be helped in you know any way basically I could use this oh wait there’s more and I would also like to have more Stone so I think what I’d better do is well one thing at a time get in here pick up that

Coal and we’re going to do more of that snowball stuff I have four stone and this is the snowball game and so therefore I can in theory spawn a guy who will then attack me and he’s carrying what I had so now I have eight stone and soon I’ll have even

More the way this mod happened was my brother wanted to do things with family he may still be doing things with my other brother oh God it’s a Exorcist zombie there and he made the underlying structure and all of the stuff that is done here and the basic concept of oh we

Should do this was mine it’s like the difference between game design and uh and this should be enough it’s like the difference between game design and game programming let’s see what should we do Here we could do that we could even put some steps in so essentially what I’m telling you there is um I can make make things like uh audio DSP I can make things like Minecraft mods but I’m essentially a designer not a programmer so if I can get a thing to

Compile and it builds the software artifact that does stuff I can usually change it and and direct it in ways that are useful and Salient to what I’m doing as far as starting off with the thing that’s not necessarily as easy and sometimes it’s not available to me there’s stuff that I

Could benefit from and would be really cool to have that I can’t do it’s beyond my uh skill set let’s not bother being up there videos thumbnail uh how old cuz there’s multiple there’s multiple contexts for that observation back in the day um I had a cat who was named

Chonson that is not a mispronunciation the cat was named by a child I was married at one point and had a step kid and kid named this cat chonson which was like four-year-old for a monster apparently and when the marriage that I had broke

Up and I’ve had a I’ve had a tendency of selecting people for relationships who had remember how I said that you know my brother behaved in this way and you said that’s awful and I was like well that’s just what my family is like one important thing to learn about people is

That sometimes you can select um intimate Partners people to be with who are like what you’re used to oh that was my last dirt block huh and that’s not always that’s not necessarily good like you can go by people who are like this feels really familiar to

Me oh boy this is clearly the right person for me because they feel just like home that’s not always good and I fallen into that one a number of times and so I married somebody who flipped out and was well I mean threatened me with with an axe at one

Point it was scary stuff that went on sometimes that was not for no reason by the way but it was not for an adequate that was not for adequate reason and that uh cat is one of what when I moved into this house with her um which is part of the reason I’m

In a house like that is that’s the the shape of the environment that I ended up with um I had one cat who had been with me since I was basically just like a barely out of being a teenager and by the time uh she left she had

Brought um Nine Cats into our house and two guinea pigs and um abandoned them all with me and didn’t take care of any of them and and I ended up um maintaining all of them for their natural lives some of them were outdoor cats and two of them got hit by cars I

Did not replace the ones that I lost and um well I’m she I had gotten on with her because remember how I said my family was normally work in certain ways and you could these days you would count that as abusive and so I related to other people who came out of abusive

Conditions and this was one such person so if anything that I did including like being autistic and going into my room and shutting the door if that was interpreted as hostility there was nothing that I could do to really I was not the person to be able to get through

That stuff to the best of my knowledge nobody else has ever been able to get through that stuff with her either often that’s just kind of the way of it it’s a tragic thing but that’s not unusual people wind up just continuing to pursue their paths and continuing to

Do whatever the shape of their world is whether that be you know acceptable or horrible let see what else did I want to do here that’s one thing we’re going to be building a little house over here might be visible from that person’s house we’ll see uh have you ever thought about

Making an EQ that can process either transient or non-transient action uh audio this all I would have to do is be able to Define transients and generate them and then separately uh EQ that stuff so this is not Unthinkable that starts to get into the kind of complication where you would

Want to be able to um either bundle stuff you know know exactly what you were trying to accomplish with it so that it can operate on on fewer uh controls or see what am I even doing here well here’s something I can do here make a little stairwell excuse me

I’m still deciding what I want to do with this space that’s fine though don’t got to have everything figured out so kind of where my thoughts are with that is making an EQ that can process either transient or non-transient audio gets into that zone where you

Start to want to have more controls and having a GUI would be more useful or simplifying the concept so rather than just oh it can TR process either transient or non-tr and it’s like well why what purpose is that to act you figure out the reason behind the thing

And they go this is now the plugin and so this is directed towards you know know taking down only the brightness of the transients or taking down only the brightness of continuous sound but not the transience which might be interesting that would leave uh edges and points on

Things I could have more pond-like area around here this little isy space is kind of something’s going to be built on here I’m going to put some kind of building not quite sure exactly what but we’re making great strides as far as filling in well you could extend out here there’s a thing

Although grinding a little more of this could be handy come to me through the water and I push it into deep water if I’m not careful jump attack does not do anything for that and it did not drop dirt either which is unfortunate let’s do things a little more dramatically this

Time little rapid side shuffle there it is oh he hit me see that’s getting a little closer than I needed but this is absolutely enough dirt for what I was going to do interesting so adding brightness without harshness I wonder whether you’d want the the brightness to be on the um transients or

Not I’ve been noticing an interesting thing uh some of the Reddit places that I’m hanging out um there is apparently an increasing trend for people to get all pumped up about how they don’t like soothe it’s fascinating for me because I kind of pioneered that I was like yeah

This is maybe not good no I’m not going to make one for you you probably shouldn’t be doing this and next thing you know out there in the uh wide world of um Reddit and now we’ll allow the water to come out here all of a sudden people are complaining

About sooth and that’s amusing and interesting to me so it’s kind of like hey I’m M at the curve see what ended up happening with that is people started finding examples where it was super not helping and I’m beginning to understand more clearly how I would characterize the sound of that

Particular plug-in engaging in a way that’s unhelpful I’m beginning to be able to articulate that better and I had a dream about like working with uh it had something it had something to do with people using soothe and uh a track that really shouldn’t have that on it and I forget these specific

Details but you know that literally showed up in my dreams so here’s the deal like if you are uh God what’s her name give me a second I’ll think of this it’s a plugin and I was I was reminded of this because a recent uh nowhere song came out

And to my ears it does this interesting combination of modern techniques and refusing to use modern techniques the recent Noah song is a sort of a more chill song it was a uh a more relaxed kind of thing and don’t mind me exploring some thoughts and on the one hand the sense of

Time in this track is extraordinary like it’s let off with uh Ry the keyboard player playing some stuff that was really the time Sense on that was honestly quite unusual it was an interesting approach to time from this guy but then the mix of it felt very

Much like they had thrown Soo on absolutely everything and as a result it was uh like Genie right like the the the the name I’m trying to think of I’m trying to think of the famous modern singer who does not project and sings very quietly and is a young girl

Who’s only recently achieved stardom her name is escaping me at the moment but I you know no I have a very particular person in mind here if I can think of that name it will help me and I’ll be able to explain what I’m explaining better Billy eyh thank you nailed

It if you are Billy eish soothes your friend what it does Smooths out the way that you approach certain uh audio things I’m going to mess with this a little bit if you’re Billy eyelish sooth will get a a vocal sound for you and I’m going to think of another

Name this one I can probably think of myself cuz there’s an opposite example to that like I can be quite certain that if you’re Bly Alish soothe will help your vocal tone whereas this other fell is the opposite let me see now well I can start this there we

Go that should do nicely in fact let me continue to well hello and let’s sleep so the Dillinger Escape Plan did an EP with the noted vocalist he is the name I’m trying to think of now he’s not one of the permanent vocalists but he represents The Other Extreme from Billy

Ish in fact if you’ll give me a moment I’ll I’m going to go look them up got it this album iron is a dead scene with the dolinger Escape Plan with Mike Patton if you are Mike Patton soothe is your deadly enemy go and listen to anything that he does

Seriously no matter what it is it pretty much he could be he could be in a phase of being really mellow and chill or he could be this is this is famously the guy who initially uh hit with that song you want it all but you can’t have

It and the intensity of that have it that kind of that kind of rip to the voice that kind of projection that man has so much command over all that kind of stuff and that’s what sooth takes away it’s really interesting so if you are Billy eish Soo

Is your friend if you are Mike Patton sooth is your deadly enemy and the recent noer track that came out Genevieve’s vocal seems to have a lot of that I I really feel like there must be soothe on Billy eish vocals it feels like that’s part of how you get that sound

Particularly in it’s in the same way that you know some folks have had a sound made up out of autotune and you just extend the autotune until it’s completely overwhelming and that’s their sound similarly if you’re a billy eish style vocalist one of the things that will help

You is if you are bringing all of the harmonics up in an even way because you’re not trying to project you’re not trying to get harmonics to jump out you don’t want to produce a belted sound you want to produce a sound that’s smooth and blend oh I’m not sure how much proponent

Would help Mike I might have stuff that would work for his I mean send resi Q2 send console MC I specifically made console MC so that it would be able to do that job so that you if you had mic singing and you had a track where you’d recorded

The vocals and when I when I try to sing often that’s one of the things I’m trying to do I will often put in like I keep going back to rise and I’m usually doing the verses for showing people tracks but you know how it has the uh the

Bridge and you know this amounts to somewhat spiteful but it’s more like this amounts to somewhat spiteful who’s the fool who stands in D and I had to get 4 foot away from the microphone to be to do that that’s how hard it projects and I put that into my own music

Sometimes as well sometimes I want to put a a brutal vocal rip in that doesn’t mean I’m good at it that doesn’t mean I I’m good at singing In Tune all that kind of stuff and it’s a it’s tragedy really I mean I wish I was able to be a better

Singer it’s not always something that is available to me but hello oh hi underground pool you love to see it how big of an underground cabin is this complete with a spring we’re going to leave that there cool that’s another reason I’m doing all of this live

Streaming because the thing is if I fall into just only working on plugins and I do that thing that uh see now this is a name I know perfectly well I was just talking about this man Mr dude Ben Ben Jordan if I do that thing Ben talked

About where I’m not speaking to anybody I’m just working on stuff well that does come natural to me doesn’t mean it’s good and one of the side effects of if that’s you and if that’s what you do is if you stop speaking you’re not going to be very good at singing because

You’re not using your vocal apparatus and it’s arguably important to the the point where I want to take on things that I’m doing in my life that incorporate vocalizing so that I can also when the time comes and it’s time to sing a song I’d like to have my vocal

Apparatus reasonably functional to where that’s something I can do Here’s a thought I wonder if I can have water flowing into this underground Cavern from the other direction that would be amusing so how far does it go okay this is is quain it knocked off a torch and

Everything do I have lots of stone of a little Stone I know I’ll Harvest a little more and we’ll make this into a little Grotto that’ll be cool like top Level we’ll fill in that ceiling when we get to it it can all be Stone I guess why not I’ll figure out what we’re doing maybe I’ll do another diorite design some of the folks that I pay attention to have an amusing distaste for diid they’re like ugliest ugliest

Thing ever which I’m not sure is the truth it’s just another kind of block really where is must Stone here it is we could have sand in the bottom yeah so again that is something that Ben Jordan experienced and that is something that I have also

Experienced as far as wanting to be able to use one’s voice and then having it atrophy because you spend too much time not ever speaking to other humans which is its own funny concept there’s been plenty of time when I was like I don’t actually think I count as

Human and that is not true I do count as human just an unusual sort of one in a way that sometimes poses challenges but has its own pluses and minuses speaking our pluses and minuses let me my way over here so that I can sleep you know a funny thing about that

That you’ve just mentioned fotus is that I am not really even interested in Reaper’s native jsfx format funnily enough I do have lots of quartz block oh there something interesting that maybe I could do let’s make quartz things well first of all let’s make a bunch more quartz block

CU I’m going to make slabs and stairs L sir this is a Wendy’s Arby’s sorry the joke is Arby’s not Wendy’s so let’s up a bunch of those and a bunch of these for starters and see what we get maybe I’ll extend that Sandbar too but yeah it’s like under

Here and let’s use the Silk Touch pick for that we’re going to have this still water and then we’re going to have um half slabs underneath so it’s a little deeper it seems than it would otherwise and then the edges are going to be uh stairs so that’ll be an interesting I’m

Thinking in terms of the uh there’s this concept of uh pools and Lial spaces that’s extremely lame I’m going to see whether I can’t explore that a little bit the water patterns around here are tricky what is it doing going over there f hello and hello to you

Too and I need a water bucket to solve some of this look at that I’m probably also going to want to make another cup of coffee for myself perhaps not right this instant but before terribly long and I remember one of the things I was wanting to do was mining that up so

Let’s scooch over to where we can stand on something solid to do it I don’t really need to get rid of this box I just kind of am we got the enchants where I could be moving around more freely under here this doesn’t need to be as far down as

That also I keep hearing skeletons and things the water current’s pulling me over here I am probably going to need to use a bucket to straighten this area out I wonder whether maybe that’s a something I should start right off with or not well hello there look at

You oh I might as well just use the Silk Touch one for that oh a current that’s pulling me down into the hole that’s unhelpful check that out we don’t like it no we don’t with a little iron then I will have a uh bucket nice and quick so we’re get in

Here cover up that outside edge with stairs that’ll cover up that diorite but not this Granite uh sorry did I say Granite bits of it are Gran but bits of it are dirt either way you’re going to end up covering it up by time spent Minecraft would end up

Being my favorite game of all time no question about it I have just spent that amount of time dering around with it partly because I have always had that interest of taking it and building new things into it again this is uh post scarcity Minecraft it is a variation on Minecraft where I’ve

Modified it to do things such as we’re carrying too much stuff foolish amounts of stuff that’s not actually I will want Stone after all again with the Enemy monster who is going to I should really be doing this at a lower um XP level grinding these guys

Is with all the Firepower that I’ve got that still is not the easiest thing in the world to do cuz I mean although if you think that’s bad you should see the uh the skellies at this this quality oh hello you dropped an Ingot well I could duplicate those

Instead that said we were going to got to do one more time with the Cobble in order to generate a furnace in order to cook this iron or with this Co and we got that going on yeah I mean I got into Minecraft in like 17 or something it’s like really

Wildly early I still have a vague sense of like being in this world like oh my goodness and it goes on forever and then Night comes and the dark happens and it’s like oh no and I’m like building and Noob Tower it just to survived the night and like now what do I

Do as I had that little idea of what was going on funny times but we have now got more than enough of this to make the one of these to fix the water issue I have we’re good I also need to Put Another Log on my

Fire I’ll do that in a moment let me fix this first and then I’ll do that should be able to fix this by or not no on oh we don’t want that there why is my water so screwed up that doesn’t seem right what’s up oh we’re not we are not happy water

At all this is this is like some 112 crap right here oh man see our currents are terrible so here’s what we’re going to do to fix that we’re going to put in our floor and once we’ve done that then it should be possible to fix fix it

Probably won’t even look funny once I get done with it but it will look a little lower it’ll be a different kind of pool than we’re used to with the sounds of mobs unless I figure out how to solve that and that will be a satisfactory thing to have done for the time

Being that doesn’t go there probably do need a block under the water we’ll see how that goes might just work oh that didn’t work we can but try bit by bit we progress that doesn’t go there let go we’re going to have enough quart slabs I don’t know if we’re going to have

Enough probably won’t have enough of the uh well hang on a second though you didn’t even give me slabs trick that one did and by slab sing stairs yeah time to jump over and fire stoking log in here and we’ll put this log in this one’s too big for now that one here

Hey hello door knob first time here um I am a audio plug-in designer who plays Minecraft on sort of relaxo streams where I can answer questions or just talk and hang out you want to reer a plug-in that emulates my fireplace H yeah so in Practical terms don’t expect like gamer value here in this sense of me being particularly good at this but on the other hand this is a mod that I made so there’s that and on the third hand if you are a Minecraft fan and like this kind of

Stuff the server is open you can come but you have to go to my patreon and read the about page at which point you will be learning a little bit about me actually this stream is a very good way of learning all kinds of things about

Me the conversation goes to all kinds of places oh here we are with our bad water but we might be about ready to fix that and now it automatically fixed the Box good good good good uh the fireplace doesn’t generate that kind of sound unfortunately was a nice thought let’s see over

Here seems good well clear coat does that for you In fairness you can do that kind of thing with clear coat yep fireworks re BBS those are IRS you can use those oh no no no I am there’s a literal wood stove it’s interesting because it’s

Like I’m glad that it is a recent wood stove for a number of reasons one of which is it’s more energy efficient but also old wood stoves are not they’re they’re bad polluters you don’t want to be running one of those it is a lot better to get into like I

Don’t know geothermal or whatever do other things rather than be like I just want to make a wood stove because it’s cozy like well I’ve talked about um how the world I’m in is kind of like living in my little spaceship and I’m not the first person to make that

Observation back in the day there was a a 60s guy who was like spaceship earth that’s a pretty accurate description of things really oh wouldn’t it be interesting if uh I am speculating on some other things I could do Here as much as I making this kind of generic looking Stone area we could also use even more more slabs and make a sort of weirdly fake space oh hello darkness my old friend let’s go and sure smoke free fire if I could figure that out it would be

Nice that would be a good thing to have I wouldn’t be surprised if you got uh see K plate is one of there’s a bunch of things going on especially in the K plates those are the ones that are meant to replace what people do with the waves

Plates so they ended up with a bunch of extra processing not what I would consider a really accurate plate at all just not a bad thing it’s like okay that’s fine is a fine thing to have but I don’t I don’t see it as being a very accurate one

And yeah maintenance is an important thing there is a guy that comes to clean my wood stove and there may come a time when I won’t be able to use him any longer he is old like me and wants to retire but you need to find somebody to

To clean your stove to sweep the chimney he is a noted Chimney Sweep he brings these little plastic tkis around and sneaks one into your place when he’s done I kid you not that is actually a thing so let’s see so if we were to also do this area

Here I’m just doing funny things at this stage no real purpose to it got more quartz have not yet begun building the house I was going to build but first things first one thing at a time first things let’s dup more stacks of this in our traditional manner

Oh look at you you dropped a what I would like to see some of these guys do is show up in chain mail I’m really hot to pick up that power the power of chain mail compels you let’s have more Stone while we’re at it make another bunch of these and another

Bunch of these yeah I love love to see folks exploring ideas of things in chat oh I remember something I was going to do zp over here in a big hurry because we are not going to continue using torches for everything oh and look like diorite and stuff that might

Work yep there’s diorite all right I’m think that that can be my wall and this is what I wanted glow stone there we go let’s gather up more diorite while I’ve got it if I’ve got it there we we are little duping a to do me here is where I normally should be

Doing duping where it is relaxing and safe at least until I hit the experience level where all of a sudden there are baby zombies at which point they will leap over that barrier and attack me but for now now let’s see where would it have gone there they

Are I was making sharpness fees for my friend in the house over here we’ll just drop them there for anybody who wants to come by and use them see aqua affinity that’s what I could put on my boots which are almost gone maybe they shouldn’t be gone I’ve got XP levels I’ve got

Diamonds let’s amend that shall we all of these things are just about used up let’s burn a bunch of XP levels and oh gosh look at that why that’s a lot required to do those and you can’t actually fix these can you but I can replace it and I can grind

More respiration Thorn’s probably useful here we are newer one we go I don’t think we can fix elas in this one but I do have lots of other elas somewhere here oh wait I remember how we fixed them we fixed them with each other oh and there’s where all the

Diorite was there we go put this with one like it and we will soon have it in fine shape and now I have much lower XP level so if I grind zombies in things they are not that intense oh luuka with a bunch of ideas in here I am unaccustomed to being this

Magically weak but I am prepared to go on because we’re going to be doing a thing for we’re going to do diorite highlights here and apparently a little bit of dirt I’m getting a little dark I think it’s about time for sleep kind of digging the lower XP

Power y you can get a slw by taking the difference between any two samples look at uh ad0 clip uh no not ad0 clip clip only two clip only two is spacing it out a little bit if you’re higher sample rate so that we have the same level of

Differentness rather than the smaller level of differ is from a uh a higher sample rate need to include some of these we can have some nice underwater lights there for hang on hang on that’s not where that goes slooh and code decode pair is what I tried to do with console

5 the problem with slooh and code decode pair is you have to figure out what to do with pathological conditions by that I mean things like saw tooth waves Sawtooth waves have incredibly intense slew in one way and like none another so anytime you’re working with

That it can pose its own kinds of challenges or diate for actually that was unnecessary or was it uh only when you say this is there any way you could explain IL 5 this uh Define this are you asking what is slooh that is something that I could explain I’m quite certain of

That look at all of my new stuff yay what is SLO basically a sound is like air that is moving from one pressure to another I bet I could make this work better what if I do this no apparently not but actually that is what I wanted to

Do I’m figuring out how to do this without breaking this Source block oh that ain’t right but that is so if we start with the the idea that slooh with air pressure changing from one pressure to another and if we’re doing plugins we represent that by a number changing from one value to

Another that should suffice we got a lot of yeah lucao that’s what happened to me with console 5 yeah yeah that is that is what will happen to you that’s one of the things I’ve been struggling with in recent plugins that explore that that area is that if you’re working with

Slooh and encoding and decoding and squishing and compressing and doing things with it it will very often start doing stuff like that so slooh is how fast dep pressure changed from one place to another that’s the gist of it a high power a high pass filter will be

What you use to fix DC offset yes correct DC is the lowest of low pass you could possibly have well that’s assuming that it is there is an underlying problem because the thing about it is that you can have um an algorithm that will just inherently generate that under some circumstances

It’s 1102 I think I’m getting almost to the point of dropping down that tree but also making another cup of coffee and I do believe I have successfully made this little Pond Grotto thing for what that’s worth oh I can make a deep end how would that be should we make a deep

Pull there’s a thought for neat so a jfx port exists doing cool stuff good good good good bit of a downflow here and we’ve got full blocks so this is easy and voila the deep end although we can go even deeper and have it be a secret entrance to a

Underwater base that could be fun a DC offset fix filter could be a couple of things I have a plug-in called DC voltage which if you knew exactly what the DC offset was and were able to match it you can just apply another voltage to compensate there are um

Analog Devices that work in that way oh I know exactly what I want to do never mind this two-step stuff we’re going to go steeper we’ve got enough stairs interesting 25 day solving problem programming puzzles well that’d be good for design puzzles I’m not sure if I’m solving any programming puzzles anytime soon

For got to go a little farther should put a door down here it’s dark one challenge with dealing with something that’s producing DC offset is that you probably want to um remove the DC offset but not just take away all the base like if you if

You struck slooh Only onto a uh audio thing that would successfully remove the DC offset it would also take out all the base and everything else else so you want to keep the base even low base but remove the DC and there’s the challenging part and down we go

Into good thing I have that respiration huh however I can’t see nothing but I can probably fix that now I can see steep downflow do I have my bucket on me no I don’t I might want that what you often want to do if dealing with DC offset is have something that

Will automatically figure out what the level it is that you want and and fix that that is pretty normal as far as being confronted with needing to fix DC offset don’t know how my blocks of quarts got so scrambled U we got to swim down here in order to be able to dig

This there is a sound of a something for those aren’t supposed to be there okay that’s working so which direction does It Go Signs need signs also I feel like my ability to flit about is somewhat inhibited so therefore we’re going to do a little exp grinding [Laughter] we

There now I can ye about a little bit more briskly than I was signs signs that’s what I was saying de see this is why I need to talk more often is so that I can do anything with the vocal apparatus without it going horribly wrong some form of horribly wrong I

Suppose see now that’s interesting we have a slot from the water comes or at least that’s the way it looks and we’ll live with that and then now that we’re down here we can go through like this also going to be wanting to wanting a number of things really but here’s one

Whatever this is It’s called soaka as long as it exists because it is possible for all of this to get obliterated pretty quickly and easily honestly but hasn’t been obliterated yet so here we are oh maybe I want iite for some of this or yeah I mean there’s some more diorite

Right there maybe that’s a hint total hint clearly this is what we want and my concern is if I mine too greedily and Too Deep around here what’s going to happen is I’m going to break the uh well maybe I’ll break the uh Source block for that Fountain maybe

Not and one thing I know that I want is visible quartz block around here got that quartz block down here and under here and let’s have inverted stairs I know how to do that oh and that ain’t how let’s try it again can probably do with Another Log on the Fire

And I wanted some diate but I won’t need it up here and I wanted course block there and here so we got to do that over not like that not like that come on and back to our now who knows what any of this is actually for but we’re making

It and we’re going to want it to be dark getting up to this place oh there’s an interesting thought at which point we need a little more here and we’re going to want our slabs and I apparently have one glow stone I’ll put that there for now

And over to mass quantities of diorite which I don’t really have I’ll go hang out there for a moment and throw another on getting to be closer time to make another cup of coffee too oh I just had an idea might be amusing this could be an amazing idea

Same with the same aesthetic of everything else here we’ve got a bunch of these and we got a bunch of these and I should be able to grind me some more like this like this I think I may have made a zombie that swam up or went into here

No I’ll deal with that momentarily SLO limiting the clamps down to a sign rather than a triangle is literally what I was trying to do with sineu hence the name sign slooh it that’s not what happened but that was what I was approaching that was the intent hang

On not exactly what I had in mind we’ll get there back to a regulation block for Maybe not that enthusiastic about that after all some of what I’m doing here is in the process of making unusual shapes that Offset you by half of a Block that said after a little more obvious doubling sir really really it’s more difficult than it supposed to be hey omnitone yep all manner of weird stuff it’s old textures but it’s also makes kind of a weird new way of playing this game can we yep that appears to work or does

It oh I remember what happened I’m figuring out why certain things did certain things For is that right I want I don’t think so not right there nor do I want that nor do I want that there boy I’m just derping up a storm look at that so touch back means never having to say oops one of the things I’m working on at the

Moment is another derivation of whole because I feel like if I’m doing that style of processing I should be able to do it in such a way where I’m taking advantage of the ability to do say fours and eights and 16s of averaging and add using

Them but I’m using a shifting of bits to calculate the values in the intermediate stage and I feel like that might get me somewhere I want to go oh oops oops oops oops and I would like more of these than I have I would also like to pick that up thank

You can we can we not Minecraft uh calculations for the lose okay well that that’s not right but that hints well maybe that hints a little too hard it’s mighty visible down there that something’s up My Hope Is that that could be somewhat sneaky but it is not nearly as sneaky as I

Thought but I’m still going to need more uh glowstone so just enough power to be flipping about madly and to site no extra Stone and this much diorite probably know extra Stone Granite don’t need those iron ingots shouldn’t need that bucket won’t need that I am not sure why K plate would

Make you think a studio gibl maybe they did some recording in Road I do like the concept of that it is Whimsical sounding it’s a fairly good usage of that oh all of a sudden we have a subway train down here somewhere let’s have you and let’s have that roof also be

Diate let’s have all of this stuff be di right how about sure mine’s quick this is a passage to somewhere yeah I mean people hate this texture but I mean I don’t know like now we come into here and that’s kind of funky hello we found our way to somewhere all righty

Then that tunnel definitely LED somewhere didn’t it maybe a little bit in the way of regular torches and we’ll see where this goes nice finds how about snowballing up some more torches well that’s not actually giving me more torches though H let’s get some Stone down here we’re going to extend this tunnel because it has somewhere to go now that we will hey exelor Rose air two okay so Air 2 is based off of the concept that the energy plugin does it’s a slightly more limited version of

Exactly that so rather than being strictly an EQ air2 is doing kind of something else it’s these little calculations that repeat themselves what am I doing I don’t need those there and don’t need that there figuring out a little more about what shape this is supposed to be in to continue as a

Tunnel so the algorithm that’s been used there is not a traditional um EQ algorithm it’s more or less something else it’s more like an Exciter than anything else that’s what air2 is that’s funny I had a feeling that were I was heading towards another cave and yet I am not finding

It where am I I am not okay so there was cave up here and then it goes across so why isn’t it going in there we go got there and we even enough to mine this stuff up but I can mine that stuff up not that I really need to

Though yeah I’m trying to do something cool with it I definitely wanted it to be a cool passageway leading to somewhere and and we have a actual cave in here meaning that this is a place that it absolutely can lead to go right over here and something interesting can transpire from showing up

Here and I was wanting a little more in the way of uh light so we can cheat on that a little bit I may not be able to place torches conveniently but I can place these in a have a silk touch back on me that’s 52 blow Stone right

There so one of these guys can go there go there probably not going to want to keep that oh my look at that that light’s not going very far at all is it well the torch is good at fixing lighting glitches and that’s as much light as we

Need to put in this C right at the moment but maybe over here we need a little more miss me but I’m not going to miss you gotta I don’t think so oh there’s the rest of the light I’ll take that back you and your fancy magic bow no sir do not

Want so I may be a little bit lost in these tunnels but that’s okay I know I went past here I’ve got some nice find here and then we come through here and finish this out although I’m going to have to take a uh a brief

Break tell you what let’s get to noon and then I’ll put that hourglass on and go about taking care of various various things to take care of pit stop and make another cup of Coffee I’m kind of thinking in terms of what can I do with this that’ll have it be interesting Bing Bong B bing bong Bong and then we just need plenty more of our quartz stairs of which I’ve still got lots Need more all righty well it’s only 11:55 but I’m going to take a minute or 10 it’s Pit Stop time back in a bit going to be getting some more coffee too for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for H for for for for hey hey got my coffee it took me pretty close to the time in The Hourglass to do my pit stop and get my coffee and get ready to roll so all things good I see we’ve got some uh talking did I learn programming from

Early on Chris say John Smith um I was programming when I was like 11 or 12 on an Apple 2 plus in basic so I’m like Atari wave Gen X and so that’s what came about and uh my folks were computer enough that that was something that I

Could do that it was possible to uh be a kid in computers and have it be like okay here play with your Apple I have on cassette tape by by the way seeing as I am mentioning I have on this kind of tape so I’ve got one of these

Now going to be making test recordings onto this sucker it’s nothing particularly special but it’s some kind of yamar whatever but I’ve got one now for a long time I have not had one it apparently has a bias adjustment knob which is fascinating two recording level knobs it’ll do Dobb or Dolby

C and I’m not sure what an MPX filter has but it has one of those too so yeah apparently a fairly fancy cassette jacket as these things go and we’re going to be experimenting with that that said I have on cassette tape a copy of Microsoft typing

Tutor so I’ve got prep PC Microsoft software and let’s see back to here yeah Yin Yin uh photus is correct this is not so it’s always important for me to have a community that knows things and has ideas of its own so that is very important meanwhile what am I doing here

Maybe I should try expanding in this direction too interesting are we going to get flooded if I keep doing this no but we’re going to reach uh daylight interesting now where is this we’re in snowball Madness so there’s a quick way to find out where this is that’s where it Is that’s kind of amazing actually oh no it’s not no that’s literally in just the outside Ed here so I probably can’t tunnel underneath this that’s Okay what we will do is Place some dirt or something anything And then Rebuild okay that’s interesting there and there’s another path to Daylight and another place to put that how many of these are there going to be not that one oh another path to Daylight oh dear worse than that another path to water and so much for that

Uh there should be a torture band here somewhere oh heck with it I have plenty of Glowstone I’ll just use some of that fine it’s fine there is I’m not picking that up because my inventory is too full that’s why and we need to fix some of this but I

Don’t have the stuff on me to do it so let’s get ourselves over to here I thought I was showing up here but I was not and let’s just start dumping a whole bunch of stuff i’ said I can make this into iron IR that stone pick is on its way

Out well hold on a second I’m going to need this well maybe not so much blocks of quartz but I’m sure going to need more diorite I’m going to need Clow Stone probably not Stone so much I’ve already used a diamond and I don’t need more of

That dirt and gravel I need to fill in the Mist that I made don’t need that Flint dirt and sand more like and there we go we put that back making that was a mistake I dug twoo greedily and too deep as they say man espresso was yummy when you are a

Big c coffee fancier yeah so our thing actually comes under spawn so I’m making a base that extends under here which is not necessarily wise because the amount of damage that people can do with spawn is enormous if they’re trying out their things around here specifically that is arguably a terrible

Idea oh can we I can apparently not put mushrooms on things okay put them in there oh obsidian cave let’s make a scary obsidian cave folks we can’t do as cool things with it but boy we’ve got a whole bunch of it and that also means we can make nether portals in

It if we so want just randomly put a another portal in the middle of the room I’m also contemplating the idea of doing some non- minecrafty things seeing is that is also an option also stuff we can do little more sand actually while we’re at it let’s fill in that final bit give

Me thank you there we go so if you go down this way we get sub aqua and this is the part that’s under spawn oh look we got uh Vines growing over glowstone we can make this be cool looking whereas going the other way we’re going to go to something else

Which is not nearly as deep and it’s not actually label sub Aqua but it’s going to be something else so what’s my pattern here down a set of stairs so we’ll do that we had we’ll match the other path partly but then also partly not match it how

About so instead of Suba the next one is a bunker or something that is if I can even place the sign let’s see whether we can place the sign let’s Place some dirt some more dirt and sign want to hang on a second see this is based all out of white and

So we’ll do the other one and base it all out of obsidian which just the occasional accent then our sign see the funny thing about this is that in snowball it does not matter that I’m building it out of obsidian I could just about build that at a bedrock and it wouldn’t

Help but it’s aesthetic oops and we can only go this far in so I’ll get ready to do just that and same deal where’s my roof my roof is literally at that top Edge so there is first a oh no no no commit to the bit that one

Is white edges and that one is black edges it’s quite visible but then from up here it’s not as obvious do you choose soaka or do you choose the bunkar let’s use up this pick and that used up the Pi here’s some more ink for me I have not forgotten what I said

Initially which was that I was going to build a thing with Birchwood and black glass so that’s a reason to start on the black glass or at least have some of it some more coal there’s your sand that gets it started and you cannot make let’s see

Now so our mob making stuff is intact we’re not going to be building things out of quartz stuff at the moment we’re going to go for this kind of thing but instead it’s going to be obsidian and I need another brick stair which I’ve got actually I think I probably have

Some where all the amazing horses are at unless I don’t I guess I don’t ah but I have some Birchwood planks and those were the things I was going to need anyway so I’ll just take those now horses are jealous because I’m more amazing see I know I’ve got some nether brick

Stairs stashed away somewhere clearly plenty of obsidian I could make another break out of that I see I think I saw four let’s see whether I duplicated any or maybe I’ve got it stashed away here o Soul Sand and there’s another brick there’s some more slab got love chest I had Nether wart

Somewhere I’m sure I did did I have some and I stashed it in here lot of extra dragon eggs I don’t really think I need that in there where’s our kind of fancy there’s another rack I know I had another wart somewhere more dragon eggs yeah fine you can go there more Anvils whole bunch of grass block random iron ingot okay I know I had another all of these different things well I I can get another stairs now I have the required ingredients Bingo got it beg your pardon not appreciating your input at the This Time fact let’s past the

Night yeah one thing I was most definitely contemplating was um doing a bit of my music work as well as this I mean I can most certainly do plenty of this and I’ll return to this it’s more low pressure but I can also do some of my maintenance stuff

How’s that coming it’s coming okay some more slabs more diorite and such was wanting some of that stuff all this is coming together more ink so I’m going to want lots more nether brick and I’m also going to want more of that and this is how we generate that

Nonsense that guy didn’t drop anything if I let them charge me then I can load up on stuff faster add a uh a challenge see if I get too close to it then the arrows don’t work there’s a range at which the arrows work that was new didn’t didn’t expect

That that was entirely unexpected well there you go bunch of stairs bunch of obsidian bunch of chests and I’m going to want dup up some more Soul Sand cuz we’re going to have some uh netherwart growing stuff in there and that’s the way of doing it geometric progression is your friend 8 16

32 and then you got full stack and then we got two stacks cuz why not and a little more ink oops Yeah the the maintenance thing I’m thinking about doing is I’ve been getting ready to do some remixes of stuff and I was I took something that I initially done in console

MC first of all first things first where’s my thoughts here oops well fine obsidian it is it would be just as uh quick oh God are we going to have no guess not maybe not no Earth cuz you got a mine right wherever possible one must mine always mine

Where’s my little shovel here it is now is this going to collapse the world yes it is but in this case not in such a bad way so let’s just build something a little more tolerable Here oh he says in foolish error where’s my dirt I don’t have dirt oops and let’s see where this gets me exactly the same problem well I want to think about it we’re eventually getting through this feel is a little bit like ridiculousness what are you going to do ridiculous it may

Be but that’s just how it be we’ll put that sand in there momentarily maybe it would be easier to do this from the other direction this is how it’s going to be then let’s just come on then what even is all of this oh I could think of something that would

Be cool to do we’ll put glass in okay so can’t really do that so much can have a glass window that looks out upon this base area here you can watch squid swim around that will be actually cool we got a bunch more clay huh I’ll take clay for

Funny thing about this is this is just the playing of the game because I can duplicate as much of this as I want and I probably have yeah two stacks I don’t need anymore it is pure silliness even to be doing that over to my bed I have now got too

Much power and I’m eating myself around randomly as I try to move so glass oh look more sand well it was black glass I was talking about so let’s get going on that that should do nicely it’s duping time the getting derailed into all different kinds of directions is part of

The experience of all this but that’s also part of the experience of me doing my regular work so I’m used to it for instance I cleared this out with the specific intention of being able to make a y-shaped path that can go over here to whatever I choose to build over

Here probably with the black glass and uh Birch but down here we’re doing black glass wall and uh a lot of Nether stairs and obsidian in order to do any of those things I’ve got one two three four slots still left so we’re going to do some Stacks upon stacks of black

Glass just to be sure that uh excuse me that was supposed to give me the stack of black glass and it did not but that one did look at you running backwards at me doing a fold The Shining at me or not The Shining I no no

Exorcist and now everything is full of black glass so let’s put half of it away and don’t need the Flint can spare some of the clay and that’s now fold up too so here we are we’ll extend this out a little bit this way clay wall check that out and H

No I was underwater for too long fancy that startling did my respiration three go away no I just spent too much time underwater that’s all so will this be just totally ruined if I kind of take it all away I’m not sure if I like that so much

I’m not sure if I’d want to do that I do know I don’t need to carry all of that uh clay around so let’s um but gra all the quartz excuse me I start getting my glass wall in here that is sand tell you what we’ll rebuild after we figured this

Out oh look at you we’ve now reshaped this a bunch interesting so if we take this down at this far it’s better we’re going to put a roof on and then figure out what to do from there that’s a lot of gravel over there not sure if I like that what is over

That well that’s awesomeness okay we’ve got space in the inventory how about we just start going after everything that looks like it’s going to be gravel or sand and we’re going to replace it with a nice little rock formation sand goes on top of that that’s not going to leak

And then we’ll figure out where we’re going from there this is a pretty deep Sandy Place anyhow okay over two the correct tool to use and here is that other stuff that will not actually leak everything out what Minecraft version is necessary to enter the server constellation you go to um

Well presumably you already have if you’re asking that question you got to go to my patreon to find the address because that will change it is not a static IP I would have to pay for that that’s just a thing that’s running in my house and you need 112 this is 112

What does this look like from the other side okay it does step out to the side and I still do have some more nether stairs they’re right here so ready to use them definitely got a little space for putting a little more of this in I’m using um what

What well this isn’t even this is the lunar version OptiFine would also be fine if you if by what that you mean is you want to use a Hacked Client and do crazy grify things I would reconsider doing that simply because what this is already able to do is so weird anyhow

That there’s not a lot of point of doing a Hacked Client that said I don’t think there’s any particular restriction on what you can or cannot enter with so like we shall see there we go and I am now fed up with that being in there so there we go

And the bunker is where you do uh squid watching apparently and we’ll get to that but I do have some work to do first before that’s even going to be a thing we get oh I need to sleep don’t I I’m not sure what poly MC

Means nor am I sure what invalid session would mean I right do the best you can see what you can make happen I am going to think in terms of what we can do here oh fair enough see one thing I’m probably not able to do is revising the

Client or revising the server in such a way that it’ll work with whatever client that is if it doesn’t work with it then I would try something else not because I meant to do it that way or because I meant to have it not work just because I don’t know how to

Make it work for okay so let’s see what should this be I think our glass roof starts here this far down that’s good can’t see it too easily for now we can have a little more here and maybe that could be as far as that extends and then we’ll build from under

There or or here and a little more sand come on thank you just in time now let’s mine away this space a little bit that’s as far to the side as that stretches this requires more careful handling or possibly not all right there we go there we go

This is likely going to be changed oh I can see something I can do here let’s just put more obsidian up there how about including here and we’re going to have more of this including right up to here see now am I already having to duplicate

More nether brick stairs I bet I am oh well nothing to it and no I don’t really need this but I know I can put it up with spawn oh there’s more and there’s more I got to mine up all the coal it’s Minecraft how can you not mine up all the

Coal what would we do if we couldn’t mine up all the coal let’s see now more nether brick stairs please um I repeat more nether brick sters please not just attacking me for nothing and then not dropping the loot thank you machine learning for use in plugins to obtain analog

Sound um only to an extent do I find that related like I’m doing software assisted work for my RB algorithms the reverbs that I’m making come out of a program that I’ve run which I could easily run again I could show you I wonder how dark it is is it

Night I’m feeling like it might be night I’ve written a program to help me find better Reverb algorithm constants it’s kind of machine learning learning but I have to write the fitness functions for it it’s pretty normal for doing something like that oh hang on not so fast Binging bing bing bing Bing and now how do I resolve this Positioning maybe with just a regular nether Brick same on the other Side and maybe a big old slanty uh I’m wondering what happens if we just can look up here but we can’t really get up here how much space does that even leave this might not be a large space once I’m done with it like I mined out a whole bunch but

Then I’m filling back in again more regular nether brick there’s plenty of it like that some of this can just plain straight up the obsidian ah God more got to mine up all the coal for no good reason not like I need it I’m just offended by it occupying my

Walls in this way there we are there is my full stack of obsidian so let’s have a little more there’s a little more oh don’t want that so eliminating it without the in this particular question you’ve got do will AI be able to solve the aliasing problems no and I’ll tell you

Why AI as is currently practiced is doing nothing but bringing up the received wisdom of humans maybe I will at some point AI most certainly will not it is recombining what humans are already able to do that’s a substantial weakness that said we’re not doing that badly as far as sound is

Concerned we’re relatively okay as far as sound is concerned like what we have available is not so bad I mean it’s a bit sad because what we’ve got currently isn’t even really robots it’s just kind of something else it is recombination of verbal ideas that Humanity has had at some

Point which is cool in its own right like this is not a bad thing it’s just that there’s limits to how practical and how useful that can really be oops oops here we go now here is where we can go to watch squid pretty decent view of the outside

Water I could probably even put in a with a bit of work put in a way to enter and exit here thing is we couldn’t use the glass because we need to put signs also I’m not happy with this like that better this on the other hand might be a problem sure

Enough we’ll figure figure out how to solve that in a minute oh God this is more of a trouble than I thought and now to patch what we’ve got out there I keep going through instead of up there we go here’s Miss sand where is that from I think that’s from over

Here sure enough Oh wrong thing or we could cut this down here and then we’d have slightly more wide view and that might be cool we can fill in some of the end in the bottom here so it’s not super obvious it’ll be even less obvious once I get uh

Something down there for concealing the color of it it’s all that uh Stone shows up quite obviously but the other stuff not so much constellation I quite agree with your perspective there and I am working on trying to resolve that in a variety of ways it’s an interesting challenge really

Is I have had theories about this and I’ve talked about them before let’s start doing some of this let’s continue evolving this space I’ve got I’ve got designs on this here’s one of them let’s take this all down a little further and get these another brick stairs back out

Here with a bit of a luck I can do something along those lines and that’s like I like to joke around like in my copious free time these are things that I will do hang on got designs and how this should go something like that and then does it go

Back as soon as I do this yes it does so that’s unfortunate that’s said since it’s a transparent block that also means if I do have to have that I can do interesting things with it now that can stay yeah constellation try my recent stuff like M

Uh console MC or console MD that’s one of the things I’m actually looking to dig into a little bit more I have designs on doing console MC a little bit more oh that’s not in the right place oh well gotcha very Good so the stuff that I’m doing and a fair amount of it is directed towards you know highest mid-range and so on and so forth but I should be able to deliver what you’re looking for in recent console versions I really think that the specific improvements that I’ve

Made should be able to take us in that direction certainly My Hope hidden lighting here hidden lighting there oops that seems weird why won’t you stay I don’t know what to do about that I mean I do have specific intentions to get some of these things working really properly that oops

Hello stuck oh no hidden letting there so much so what is does this become dark kind of does standing right here is light four then that light is not actually doing its job okay well then never mind being nonobvious let’s go for super obvious Bing there now we’ve got lots of light in

Here it’s just very visible from outside but whatever and got a special trick we can stash a bunch of Soul Sand in here because of course it doesn’t have to be much we just need a tiny little bit and having done that we plant all our Nether

Wart and we got a nice little farm see my theory on that constellation is that this has a lot to do with um audio needing to go through processes that act like air or other things that end up taking you in such a place where it corresponds

To what you get out of the sound of air music passing through air if you go to a concert hall and listen to a symphony orchestra and you listen to like the triangle or something like that well that’s not necessarily going to be a sound that is exactly like what you’d

Have if you placed it right next to a microphone what can we do here that won’t get you the same thing at all oh interesting what building materials do I have well I’ve sure got a lot of stone I’m not needing these dark materials at the moment but I’ve got loads of

Stone this was the area I was fixing to make like a sort of Club oh interesting I can climb back up can’t I kind of almost almost there got there so if I had my shears I’d be able to get as much of that Vines as I wanted that might be a good

Idea oo Darkness were likely to be eating eaten by the proverbial grw or not a CD place that must be from the Netherrack so let’s see so we got this oh this is literally what I was talking about being able to watch Squid from in here gold or Flint

Chests this glass can stay here I think not quite house building yet we’re getting there actually we’re getting to where I should uh go and grab another cup of coffee before it’s too late in the afternoon yeah there is many interesting thoughts around what people can and can’t hear and what they

Might want or not want let’s make some bricks so we’re done with the dark materials maybe back into the light materials uh there are many things that get in the way of the field that we want it’s a matter of degrees I think people can hear way more

Deeply into sound than is traditionally expected but there’s still limits it goes really far but it doesn’t magically go to where you can always immediately tell when there’s problems with something in the digital domain so this is this is why I say if you’re excited about um purist

Gain and you’re running on a platform that’s a 32-bit bus platform like Core Audio in on Mac OS then you can be excited about purist gain if you’re running purist gain in something like Reaper that runs a 64-bit bus you’re wasting your time you don’t need to run purus ske on something like

Reaper or on something that is running a 64-bit bus because you have enough let me see now still thinking about what I want to do here what some of this stuff away maybe duplicate myself a little more glowstone while I’m at it if it’ll let me seems like that didn’t want to drop

Glowstone this one will or not huh what’s up with you guys there you go dropping a little glowstone making some more in particular Al see the deal with aliasing is people will do what they do to address aliasing by doing filtering and oversampling a lot of stuff that is just

Such a degree of overprocess and what I’ve learned is that when you are doing that kind of processing you were generating a constant flow of uh quantization errors in the upper parts of your your floating Point word and this is also significant it is maybe not the most significant thing in the world

But by the time you’re doing oversampling it adds up you’re doing a lot of processing that way this is why I’ve been looking to do a um a variation on this kind of stuff I’m going to try to I was going to put sand back there wasn’t I let’s do

That if I forget that it’ll just be kind of sad time to put some sand in bit of a steep drop coming out of this one but whatever’s right you go whoos and then down you are in here then down we go into here and let’s see whether any of my Nether wart

Grew it’s a weirdly cozy little hole makes me want to continue it off this direction maybe I should yeah I mean the thing the thing about audio is that um yeah we have trouble getting resolution out of our audio that’s definitely a concern and people are used to that but they

Don’t really know any better they don’t know what they’re hearing or why to care or mind about any of it oh John Smith you absolutely should uh learn programming you might very easily end up being much better at programming than me because that’s not hard I’m good at design I’m good at knowing

What to do with audio I’m not good at programming and that is fine because everybody’s got to be something and I have left behind I was going to do something with all of this and then I just ended up reversing what I was doing and no matter we’ll figure it out definitely

Done it is a Pity what what pity is there that’s coming along okay because the thing is it is I am fine with like what I’m doing extends to such a point oh flaming zombie than he’s going to set me on fire if I’m not careful this is one of those really tough

Ones and to place a bed down here too oh it’s a Pity that audio isn’t better than it is that’s fair indeed this is why I’m doing what I do I’m very dedicated to the cause of doing the stuff that I’m doing that is very much for the purpose of being able

To get audio into a more creative Zone where we can really get something out of what it’s able to do wonder how far back this goes or whether it even matters CU I’m not sure it’s going to matter I think that little room will extend underneath this

Bridge you know back in the day um me and that family of mine honestly there were many good things about it all um did stuff like um there’s an old video game marathon and we all used to play that and typically for us we were creating new uh maps for Marathon all the

Time that was a thing that we all got very much into and one of the things that we like to do was we worked out how to do sort of nonlinear space a Marathon map is not like this in that it is a coherent physical space

Either voxal or or 3D a Marathon map is like shapes of a given height and uh Dimensions so you got the square and the square is connected to another poly which is another square and you’d move around inside the space defined by these squares and you had to

Connect the edges of the squares to each other to move between them well you could make them overlap and so that produced a bunch of marathon maps that we had back in the day that really got into that technology making the the shapes in weird ways

I’m now speculating what I might want to do as far as decorative stuff is Here and I think I do know what I want to do we’re going to have some another brick stairs like This oh no that plays a role that has to be There so maybe not like this I was kind of thinking I could do a particular thing there it’s not quite as much of a thing as I thought but I do have this feature and that’s kind of nice so we can kind of do that and then I can’t

Actually well no I can’t actually replace this with Glowstone because it is the wall on the other side they make it look like it’s brick but it’s actually not but there’s other things I could do uh the deal with the audio thing for me is that when I was a little

Kid during the experiences I had some of which were not great one of the things I was able to fall back on was like progressive rock music I could listen to you know yes and King Crimson and stuff and it was sound that I could relate to and it was really exciting and

Good and it made some of the sounds that were like how I felt so I had a big connection to that stuff and uh let’s see now what are we doing got plenty of glow stone I just don’t know how to use it quite yet let’s see how far back this

Goes and now we have hit that thing I was mentioning and that is the tunnel that goes back this way and this is also where we get one of these so we can pretend this is a feature and and this is just where we put the lights but that’s covering up

Something and see now we going to run our obsidian through here but at this point we have to stop because that’s part of the tunnel if I replace that with obsidian it’s going to look weird in the other place so this is where we run run out of

Space cool cool though it’s good it’s fine tubes have an interesting power I’m just looking I’m seeing chat here while I’m doing this tubes have an interesting power see transistors have to pump electricity through tiny little bits of silicon they’re miniaturized devices tubes are not quite like that

Tues are big old pieces of metal that are manipulating electric Fields my experiences that tubes have this funny capacity of being able to carry energy in this really striking way I’ve generally been very happy with the sound of tubes whenever I’ve worked with them I’ve built stuff with tubes I

I use tube amplifiers for guitars I’m not actually using tubes for uh my studio Monitoring I like Class B amplifiers for that stuff but that said tubes are very very handy huh this could go down and I would get away from and that would be interesting wouldn’t it what happens if we this is sort of a chol space because having to go down into a space

That means I can leave that more exposed like this that’s where that has to go and do have nether brick stairs on me I have heard of Blockhead I think somebody’s mentioned it something like that I’ve run I’ve run into mention of that before I love I

Love when people do that for a while there I was using one called bisoke and bespoke is very cool let’s see now what can we do as far as going down from here one thing is we can put a wall in here and here just enough space check that

Out I may need to dup up more obsidian because I’m running right out of that stuff but no harm with that I wonder whether I can do the same hidden light fixture thing because this turns out to be not actually useful for letting things up but it’s a feature it

Is an amusing thing to do we’ll have that another work going down here in a jiffy and we come on this way and duck down into here for a similar feature there’s the harmoniousness of the fact that it matches boop boop and then I got to get into here to place

These that’s fine that can be done in fact as long as I’m carrying these for the purpose of placing this I might as well grind some more means I’ll be carrying a little bit more so yeah I am very in faor of the use of Transformers for audio and I’m not

Entirely that clear on all the details of what it’s doing that is helpful but I do tend to find that Transformers are helpful for audio you know back in the day one of the big things that people used to do was they worked desperately hard to be able to

Get rid of Transformers and not have to use them anymore like Neeve was very proud of being able to do transformerless circuits a lot of people were busily trying to at all costs not have to deal with Transformers okay let’s see 57 32 didn’t put down the bed yet that’s fine

Hi come at me across the incredibly slow uh Soul Sand there we go I doubt I could do the skellies under the circumstances and that’s going to be more than enough so what does this environment end up looking like oh I should put an obsidian in here like that and in

Here and that which we can plainly see here is just decorative people figured they colored the audio too much and when they started being able to work with transistors it started to become obvious like oh hey we don’t have to power these transistors with hundreds of volts meaning that we maybe don’t have

To power them through Transformers in the same ways that we used to do what would happen if we have this tiny thing and we were able to just run these into each other and kind of run with them you know what would that be and that was a uh much

Enthusiasm went into that reimagining of how audio could work I mean this I hesitate to say that that is part of where neif came from I feel like there is the the fact that there’s Transformers when when Neeve gets excited about uh silk often what they’re doing is they’re

Running some voltage into a Transformer often what that stuff is about is simply oh hello that’s going to leave a light isn’t it that’s not quite what I had in mind is it I could go and get another we can just make that be a decorative function I’ll have it match on both

Sides give me NE words let’s go and grab one little block I can move of quart to go in just the right spot see you must understand that in the days of Transformers and Tube equipment there was a great deal that you had like this is why my initial experiments with

Console MC that went so bright because there was a boost the energy that that gave me reminded me of some of that stuff there was a distinct feeling of oh hey this sounds kind of like something I can kind of relate to what’s happening here however while that was the case while we

Did get a lot of energy out of that um tube sound the transistors take away some of the highs and they take away some a bunch of the deep base like to this day if you’re working in high-end audio and you want to have ultimate base performance

Digital is kind of your friend and non Transformer things are your friend and by that we’re talking about not like Bas amp rumbly kind of thing if we’re talking about like yeah I have a recording where this is a symphony orchestra and the kettle drum is at the

Back of the hall or during here’s here’s a classic here is something that the audio files get into supposing you have a particular recording it’s a famous recording it’s great for base and I’ll tell you why it’s because halfway through the passage the subway Drive through and it got on the

Record that’s the kind of stuff you can get into with high-end audiophilia when they’re really hitting their stride and getting into their thing it’s like here’s a recording and oh hey Subway oh hey as we’re doing as we’re playing this thing the chamber orchestra is playing or whatever and then at this

Particular bar you’re not necessarily you know it’s not that obvious but similarly like if you get into uh dub music dub techno reggae drum and Bas stuff like that there is a lot of usefulness in the things that digital Bas can do this is going to go straight through into that uh same

Cave that the other one goes to if I play my cards right I have done a feature that leads to a whole other way of doing this and that should be amusing and lead to the same caves I was in might go for a ways hey Jess so what you get

Is what do I get from here okay we want to do that we want to cover that and that and that’s going to be floor this is going to be a little on the dark side if I’m not careful probably need to find a way of putting something in here

Thing is you can’t just go DNB or techno as if those are the same thing let me see if I can’t uh am I carrying any no let’s climb out of here just for a bit and go and do some Inventory management oh I took away my own beds look at

That that’s a sheep I’m not concerned with the Sheep let’s head back down here doing this kind of stuff the Monsters can’t get me see the deal with that kind of stuff is that you have to bear in mind the way in which Drummond bass particularly can refer to extreme extremely subsonic

Frequencies like d andb can go really really really low that said you’re not a lot of um that’s why people want um Mackie consoles out of me let’s see let’s make some more this is an inconvenient place to do this let’s do it from Here no drops dude like in in getting my subwoofers together one of the things that I would do is I’ve set it up in such a way that I can play um error and lack thereof and hear all the notes in the subs that is a tricky thing getting that to

Work okay that’s lots of Soul Sand that’ll hold me for the moment and that is thanks to Timba on toast who makes videos and introduced me to the concept by these videos that’s such an interesting accent it doesn’t really fit it doesn’t really belong but I made it symmetrical

Anyhow cuz I was stuck with it let’s do one other thing long as I have a light down here give me a second I’m going to make one more cup of coffee and that should hold me and it’s probably not going to take me a 10 minute but I will put up my

Uh ourglass cam oh my my strove went out too for yeah so let me try to attend to all of these things because that stove going out I’m I’m going to be unhappy about that in a couple of hours it’ll get really cold I see I didn’t turn the damper on so burnt

More and then it out there’s still some heat in it see what we can do so I’m going to have to be fussing with that a little bit just to get it going again egg cartons recycle that stuff for kindling cooled off so much I can just reach right in here

There we go that’s the start once that catches a bit as you can see we can get some other firewood in here when it’s cold in the morning I have to start it with like little bits of firewood at first not all that much and look at

That well we caught but we didn’t stay see I can’t just just put a bunch more wood in here at the moment because it won’t burn properly try to where the heat goes in there’s air comes in right at the bottom center here and there are times if I put it in there

It will it will light up like it’s currently doing because the air is blowing at the the place where it’s combusting and there’s other times when I have a bunch of wood in there and it won’t bring enough air in and then it’ll

Go out if I do that so it’s very much a matter of trying to get it ready to go which is looking like that’s starting to happen so that’s got another log in here and that should get going yeah type if it doesn’t go on and

I’m going to go and make my uh C yeah it’s not actually getting any over freezing out here so I got to tend the fire all day long and carry firewood to be able to do that there the thing is my juice waveform analyzer plugin available no cuz I can’t get it

To build at all anymore and I couldn’t get it to build for any more than like a single VST for mac and that was it I can’t put out stuff where it’s like I have it only for this one platform everybody else is out of luck that’s not

Something I can do so I have not yet got that to where I can build it make it like that’ll be a great day when it when it does happen when I can build that and make it happen that means I’ll be able to do other

Things along those lines but it has not yet happened for for e for for Fire’s looking good I think I can even throw the damper on no I can’t throw the damper on I’ll have to pay more more attention oh Sans of time done run out that’s probably the last break of

Mine for today I got my coffee I got my fire going and yeah here we are and here we are hey Walter White probably said that while I was out getting coffee and let’s see what we can make happen here it’s come daytime again well I know one of the things I was

Going to do was to all the way Through let’s just plonk that there and see how much farther we must go interesting got to one of our lights we got to our diorite load and we’re going to get through to that cave pretty soon I think oh and we are apparently not taking down divines even though oh and that’s

One of the things I was going to do too wasn’t it I was going to go and get Shear so that I could trim these let’s do that don’t want to lose too many of those Vines I think to some extent I get tired from the stove warmth

Yeah it’s not over that overwhelming but it is still the thing some bricks for a house building where’s my shears I don’t even think I have my shears up here no no I think I have them in something else so let’s see about that’s certainly not

It I think maybe I have them in there nope did I have a pair of shears in here this being sort of Spawn this is not specifically just only for me but okay so I’ll put it back once I finished using it hi there so down we go into here and

Then it shears up at least a little bit of this can duplicate it plenty and over into here are dark spaces you know I’m given to understand that espresso is not necessarily more caffein than regular coffee but it sure is more flavorful and intense when you know how to make it one

Of the things that I do for breakfast is I always make a uh let’s see how should we I always make a one egg omelette this uh this morning that was basically all I had and this is going to be a long room and it is a similar thing to learning

How to make espresso cuz I make my one egg omelette in the French style that is by flipping the pan around and uh no spatula or anything like that just sort a little rounded ooid omelet give me that and I enjoy sort of the skill of being able to do stuff like that

So having an espresso maker is very much similar because it’s not as simple as just having the thing and then pushing the button or whatever it is that you do it gets really complicated and intense there’s a lot that goes on which is of course the whole fun part

Of it it’s like oh hey look at me I’m doing the fancy thing what if the new wave eqing the highs turns out to be if the new way of eqing the highs turns out to work well you will see it but you won’t see it in console MC cuz

Console MC I made to sound the way I wanted to as itself so that’s not a thing that’s going to change but if I make the new way of eqing the highs really click then it will find find its own use it’ll find its own place and yeah yeah that’s exactly the

One I’m working on I could I could work a little bit on it today it’s 2:27 I’m going to go until 5: so that is a possibility that I could uh start doing something with that today I’m kind of also fussing with this silliness I feel like I could absolutely discard some

Stone to make space for other stuff like all that obsidian and soulsand well now I didn’t say that what I’m saying is that each one of these console models I come up with has its own identity and very distinct behaviors they they each exist in their own world and as such I’m really

Interested in what I must do to get different things to sound the way they must so I glory and Delight in the prospect of pretty much needing to invent new filters for like everything that I do if I come up with a new form of

Console which is not the same as an MCI it’s not going to be just different settings on the way that I got to the MCI it’s going to be a whole distinct other thing and that is what will make it entertaining for me so let’s see we’ve got a centered thing

Here here’s something I could do that might be amusing track lighting let’s see how this feels for that matter then we don’t want this do we nor that that can just be part of there so we come in here and oh look at there we’ve got a light in fact we then

We don’t need these necessarily okay that’s kind of interesting I could see that as being kind of interesting and then you come in we got this funky thing you walk in here you see it like that possibly with additional Decor like this just kind of setting it off

There and then you come down and it turns out to be track liing and and we could also also reset it just right and have that much less incredibly dark obsidian everywhere I am delighted to hear that the new console MC has an incredible Vibe at 192k because the thing is before

You would have lost all your base that way I don’t think it would have worked at all so that’s kind of why I had to do that change uh subti is getting updated as well in exactly the same way hello what are you doing I bet that’s not

Useful what else is happening up here well we’re going to see more of it that’s so annoying I’m going to go up there and uh deal with that directly where is that gravel at we will see whether that opens up on just the outside world I guess

Not and then we’re going to fill it back in with rock possibly just to mine it back out again grab all the stuff that fills your inventory up with multiple blocks yeah I could do the uh torch trick I didn’t think to do it my uh reflex is would have to be on

Point I’m an old man and so I can’t necessarily always do those things and let’s take it all the way over to here we got a full stack so time to get a place in there we go all right I am going to be wanting to a number of things

Really I don’t think I need this much zombie flesh to do my grinding and let’s see but I’m going to need more obsidian probably and I’m sure going to need a lot more of the stairs so let’s have another stack of obsidian or two and then let’s immediately use a bunch of it

Up we do have snowballs that place things but uh they’re power they’re power tools without safeguards much like a lot of my stuff so what I’m doing here is just giving myself infinite resources rather than being particularly concerned about uh and let’s see and then this covers over this area

So much for that stack profile icon you mean the thing is showing on the screen in fact it is that is a clipper RCA had Nipper while I have Clipper Clipper is a little dog who is listening to loudness more music and being very sad and I drew that as a little cartoon

Long long time ago oh hang on I’ve got a little more of this stuff than I thought I had but still not enough that’s going to be better here we go hello that’s not right that’s not right either is he walk sideways into a creeper Kaboom or falls down something of the

Sort there we go that’s better oh hey I didn’t need this to be there here we go back the other way and there’s that take care of and so now it’s just the floor and the massive quantity of unneeded extra blocks I have kicking around so let’s put those over on the stairs

See this is the uh squid watching portal so let’s see what can we discard got plenty of nether brick stairs don’t need the Flint don’t need the gravel definitely got more Stone than we need and two stacks of obsidian should suffice so that’ll hold me for the time

Being but I need more in the way of Soul Sand probably maybe not let’s find out probably not if you meant my profile picture on uh YouTube yeah yeah that’s me with the glasses as siames because why not squid quarters yep got our squid quarters going and here we’ve got this which

Maybe gets filled in I’ve got some ideas for here for instance I consider this flooring to be an interesting like it doesn’t have to be this is what you grow so uh Nether wart on I can we’ve got other stuff there this is like the bunker the enclosed space for

Chilling and being quiet and I’ve got nice uh track lighting going on and moving around in here you can’t actually Rush so it becomes a uh a more laid-back kind of Zone and yep that was the full stack so let’s generate a little more you have to go slow too there you

Go I think if I had the uh skellies it would still it would be pretty overwhelming even so just the sheer speed those things can get up to I don’t think so Soul Sand would really slow it down that much could find out have I got a bone on me

No be a worrying scenario trying to spawn a Skelly in here oh another thing that I could do is uh end this off with another window and rather than going through into here you could just be able to look into this area see this is where the other tunnel lets out so if

Instead it just stopped there and you had space where you couldn’t really get up there we can get up into this although I still need to put the piece of diorite in there but this would be more just uh looking on like going and looking at the can I get into the almost

Let’s see no can’t say yes I can but that means I can so yeah window and this can kind of wind up here and then this part doesn’t end up being there let’s see about that and I’m also thinking interior walls no I’m thinking I’m thinking specifically window I’m thinking if

You’re in here you can’t actually get into there from sub Aqua which is the other direction but you can see what’s going on in soaka got big old oh hello it’s darkness and I don’t have any beds placed anywhere do I totally don’t no matter I think there well there’s kind of room

For signs there you could put a sign on top of that I don’t have any handy at the moment now I can drop some of this stuff well but do I even want to though I know I want to drop some of it I want to drop the rotten flush because

I just keep getting more so here’s what I’m thinking build a sort of house there’s space for side passages in here too and then this rather than being what it is this kind of stops being here and that it shows there but uh aim better got there but none of this

Here I have gone to anthro conventions not so much music conventions although I would be interested back in I have a long string of like badges from from from different cons that I’ve gone to cons are fun I’m making holes that it didn’t mean to but that’s fine I’ll fill them in

And I don’t think I can get at some of that stuff but I can try why don’t I just expand yeah me it’s nice to have find fun things to do okay so now we reshape this area a little bit and then where’s my stone here we go

And there now that looks fairly natural and now back up here got there where is that glass here it is well that wasn’t useful here we go and I need my stone back here we go FM 2024 in Minneapolis cool cool cool uh didn’t mean to do that or that let’s see

Okay where’s the blank space there’s one there is our soundproofed window at the end of the big old room so little stairs for here I’m going to need one more glowstone and there we go so that looks pretty nice especially if I can put some uh finds over there

Too and there’s this sort of entertaining room over at the end where you can see some of what goes on see over into there so next thing is let’s start using either nether brick or obsidian to make some uh Dividing Walls in here Maybe I have so much obsidian let’s maybe use that and can we do something cool I bet we can I bet we can do something cool for oh hang on so there’s a cool portal little room divider and I can put in some other ones along the same

Lines just to sort of space things out so like a little M ways over here or maybe not farther same deal here we go maybe it’s a little bit like a vocal booth I’m not sure if it’s that much like a vocal booth and they definitely putting the bed in here somewhere

So and then we’re going to have at least one more of these but more kind of over here right up front hang on I’m feeling like I’m doing that wrong what am I doing wrong oh no wait maybe not I got a little confuzzled there for a moment but on the

Hole we got there what tools do I use to write and develop my plugins um xcode is basically it xcode is pretty much the bottom line everything that I’m using let’s have a foyer where we can put things like chests one two three and yes I know it’s on the same

Side that’s intentional come through here and we’re going to have chests in here for chest can open into another brick stair so we can stack them up that said I do have to go and get my chests in order to be able to do anything of the sort oh it’s raining

There’s a bunch of chests and we can put a bunch of this stuff away too except for running out of space being a thing okay are chest there we go that’s probably all the basic decoration I got to do there need to grow some more Vines where’s a good place to grow

Vines and what might be good is to take some of this stuff with me if I had my axe handy that would be the right thing for this it’s becoming another sort of favorite base maybe on Thursday I’ll make yet another base and have that be my favorite all the cheses

Here is a good place for bedroom accepting I want to generate a few more of these a big old collection of beds oh tough guy we’ll go this way and we’ll have a bed side table you know maybe it would be good to color these beds something does these

Really fit let’s make them be some other color as fun as that is I should be doing something amazing with these here’s a little Entry Way Workshop I no can always grow more Nether wart in there uh hello what’s that about is there a guy derping around up here well we don’t need

That how about quickly passing the night first and then going from there well that did not work out well for you okay so guys we haven’t done anything with color yet which is funny because the whole point of going with this particular form of Minecraft

Is not not only that this was the one that I started out with but this is also up that’s a sheep sheep are harmless sheep can’t hurt you for the most part is that this is the color update so it enabled a bunch of color oriented

Things that I can run with and so let’s see whether we can’t get a bunch of color and then maybe a Little wondering whether I can make a vivid purple bed make a giant purple bed that’d be cool right I know I can get color from lapis lapis is a color We can always make more there’s lots more okay so does this work it does does this work that would be a big yes cool that should hold me yes I know I could do all colors or rainbow colors or whatever but just doing whatever the whim directs at the moment and we

Go there is the base for now down we go I am quite serious that I could also be doing um music work and stuff and maybe before the end of the day I’ll do a little bit of that but it is very chill doing this sort of

Thing and I do like that I wonder whether I really want let’s let’s not have double chests for bedside tables it’s kind of lame now turning off this light proves difficult but you can’t have everything that is a giant bed arguably more giant than necessary let’s make it two

We’ll make the room be kind of symmetrical like this there that’s kind of cool it’s room for lots and for multiple people and you can walk right through it this could be a workshop area furnaces Workshop area could do with furnaces multiple furnaces meaning that I should grind some tough

Guy I could have in feses hey M Rose Place how you doing winding up uh a bunch of Minecraft Selenas so do we want fancy reloading furnaces or at least furnaces that can be uh Auto filled with fuel that might be good you think know how to do it it’s the same

Way as the other things let’s do that thing small furnace bank which never runs out of fuel because you can load more fuel into it there’s a small amount of coal I’ve got more coal right I mean I can have more coal anytime I want there’s more there’s a pickaxe that can actually

Harvest the call so good good good tempted to get the nether brick slabs going just to make that better oh and a sign I should put signs in or is bricks too warm for this particular location I don’t have any crafting benches set down there let’s get a bunch of bricks

Anyways stack of bricks coming up oh well not quite yet stack of bricks coming up up pretty soon two 64 a to work and it’s Hopper I’m going to want I sure have plenty of those so let’s go and get them oh For Heaven’s Sake you scummy and my bed was obscured and

Everything too let’s see how much of that stuff I just lost at least getting the XP back is not going to be too hard I was going to move away but I had something selected [Laughter] here we are now all I need is one of those arrows oh gosh look at all that

Stuff look at all those things I was carrying oh it blew up one of the dirt rotten silly rat it blew up one of those chests that’s deeply obnoxious and the ground underneath me and everything let’s see what else must we do let’s put some of these things back

Put some of these things on this and this and this did it blow up my elyra annoying how how thoroughly annoying we got dirt so we can if I had an eler would it have gone down this way because I did have an elytra I mean I can get more but I’m

Interested in whether I can get the one that I had back do I have rockets on me yes I do arrows on me thank heavens yes I do okay I don’t see the eler there I’ve sure got a whole bunch of goofy stuff but it doesn’t include what I kind

Of wanted to have so so much for that then salmon swimming up stream we meanwhile it is dark and I’m going to be eaten by a grw or a creeper oh and a bunch of the books and a bunch of the bookcases it got it got all of the

Things that said getting more bookcases not so much of a problem for weird how I can’t find the quartz blocks so it really blow up quartz blocks that enthusiastically what an annoying thing you know what no big deal let’s put as many of these silly things back as we can

Don’t want to take that for granted I was going to put up signs don’t really need to do this how many more of those do I have kicking around not that many yeah most annoying tlra thing we can load some of these into the uh grinder delri live here

That should give me a good one back again what can I throw string 14 much slower than my grinder but it’ll get there seriously ly seriously we’re having trouble coming up with XP are we yeah don’t [Laughter] say how’s that much better don’t like that thank you yeah I don’t like that at all however there’s nothing I can do

About it oh God look at all of these guess we can fix that huh or not nope can’t fix that that way but I can fix it this really we are having problems with not having enough XP again funny you should mention that whatever shall we do love these machines they’re so nice

There’s our elra this might look like it doesn’t match but remember this is snowball so all I have to do let’s fill it in as it was before that seems Satisfactory and in here and then we have a special trick that trick being all of this stuff needs to be this and not that there we are back good as new Oh lock more brecks oh look more coal no wait I should leave some of the coal in here we are making a cool Auto furnace thing which will at least load new hello derp so you thought you were Stone did you oh not anymore where do I even put this away swap That sure I got lots of stuff it’s almost night oh I Know another cow goodbye another cow oh and one of the things I was going to Do well first let’s sleep one of the things I was going to do was dump a bunch of this stuff off and then load up the XP grinder with a whole bunch of uh oh I can do these things one at a time right I’ve got my chest in here for

This going to be planning more these this will be where I build that stuff so this is a Fine Place to put all manner of redundant and unnecessary garbage retaining some of it and discarding pretty much everything else and it was getting dark so it was time

To sleep and so I might as well sleep in the new bed what is it not night yet oh I did sleep didn’t I and back there is where the uh furnaces can go let’s do a gold replant everything has grown so this is a fine time to do

It I’ll leave a little space in the middle to walk through not that that matters because you can’t actually break these by stepping on them anyways I have so many of them that we’re going to step on the menu good enough what’s this snowball plugin it is this hey fying

Snowballs that remove fall damage oh I’m going to need one of those aren’t I well first things first I’m going to go and reload my XP machine no uncertain terms let’s get all the XP bottles out of it I think that is all the XP bottles are there any in other

Places so we dup XP with shulkers now do we have any other stacks of XP bottles kicking around here no that said it is a good idea to stash a few hang on in various places because that whole area that I was just in could be obliterated by the mechanics of

Snowball like this is very pretty but it could all go away we prefer very much that not all of this goes away but it can still go away it’s doing pretty good though and let’s charge up a little bit again that’s loud you can’t can’t even see where the switch is there it

Is and that’s charged up nice and quickly so let’s fly over to where we’re going to build a cool device for making furnaces that don’t run out of fuel in very similar process we’re going to build it using some of our enjoyable Technologies and uh let’s see now hang on give me

That there is our base growing up nicely and uh dude this is my house beat it I think I had signs but I think I put them away so here’s where we brought some of our useful stuff namely furnaces and hoppers I do not know if I have well I’ll put that

There I can make another chest for this purpose or indeed use a Shuler box for it that might be a good idea in fact let’s do that because you can’t dup collections of chests but you can dup Shuler boxes with all their contents and that’s going to be the idea we got some

Here here’s one with XP in here’s a bunch that are just empty oh do I need to got to grab that Here’s a thought can I dye this with stuff I have here don’t think I have die there no we sure have plenty of nice pickaxes though never did get around to getting

Chain mail never did get around to finding a poisonous potato we’ll see there we go so we’ll grow lots of this stuff a floor of living Nether wart soft and squishies it’s like a carpet can we dye you just like this we sure can cool so next step is to place a bunch

Of these actually I’m going to want to pull back a little bit Must mine the coal see Coal Mine coal it is a obsession it’s a Ru got M the call got blowed up by that nasty creeper and then I don’t even get to have all of my stuff anymore I’m pretty sure some of it went away but I can

Mine coal using this did I have anything else stashed away somewhere I bet those are all empty yeah was there anything in these no I was going to place a sign I can still do that that’s going to be more than if Stone I’ll start moving those

Later maybe not much later but a little bit Later and I’ve got a little bit of obsidian so I could make more it’s kind of the Idea okay so head into the wall Nice little bank that’s enough of that I think so I’ve got extras and I’m going to want to have a cool way of loading these so how shall we do that wouldn’t it be interesting if you loaded it by placing well can I even Place Sher boxes there

Though like if I had Hoppers here and then I placed Sher box in there let’s do some serious redesign here let’s see what this actually needs here let’s make some coal I shouldn’t need Fortune for this we’re just making a start do I create prefer creative or survival this is

Snowball also known as uh post scarcity Minecraft so it’s a weird combination of both it’s a little bit like creative and it’s a little bit like survival well that’s going to take forever do we have lots of I actually do not have lots of this is me just trying to figure out

Where some of these things should be placed although I need to go and get more of them I somehow got blowed up and lost all of my obsidian and I had lots of that so that’s weird feel like I had so much more of all of the different kinds of stuff oh

And I was going to Do uh classy sort of maybe what we want here is not so much this as a different approach did I also lose this the bricks that I made by gosh I got blowed up and lost a lot of stuff everything went I had all these different things waiting to do

Stuff and they’re all gone I don’t even have zombie flesh on me wait it’s right here and with that I got bricks with this I got backup obsidian that was a fierce one and see that and with this I’ve got obsidian see how this is like kind of

Like creative and kind of like survival if I have anything I can have any amount of anything but there are um challenges inherent in doing it this way it’s a little more tricky than it looks so I’m seriously contemplating having just one layer of them instead of two layers of

Them because I’d like to have it be inset in stone or not Stone like it have to I’d like to have it be inset into bricks particular sort of a brick base board surrounding a little more shaping there so let’s see that just got me

32 that’s got me 64 that should be as many as I need so oh and we could have a emptier if that is I had any chests there’s your output here’s me climbing in around behind there’s our emptier all the above hey lucky floppy hello hello oh no oh does Lucky floppy need

Assistance oh it’s not night okay well in that case why the zombie uh oh I’m coming oh look at you with your chain mail did you drop any you did not hi use those really not sure where the uh the chain mail like how annoying somebody something should come

With chain mail and then it didn’t drop it I would really like to get my hands on some of that stuff I am not entirely sure what lucky floppy is up to but I guess we’ll find out and so we’re going to Feed into the PS there and then we are going to where would be a good place good enough these things have have to go down so you got to climb for them and that’s feeding some Stone in somewhere hello there’s some more obsidian suppose we could make all of this out of uh

M and up we come cool I’m pleased to hear it I’m assuming if you know about what any of that is then you’re hearing the stream that’s kind of what you’ll need to do for getting advice guidance from me in any way and said let’s get this finished up

So that looks okay but it needs to be neatened up a little bit like that and we should check to see whether any pieces of stone got dumped in here you hear the stream um if you hear the stream you’re listening to me on YouTube and if you’re on the server and hearing

The stream you can go to whatever and do more or less whatever you like depends upon how Cooperative you feel like being co Cooperative is generally going to be a good thing here but we will see how this works out in the long run on that needs to have space up there for

That’s pretty dark I had glow stone to all of my stuff got all lost and such well we do what we can you’re underground well hello then wonder if you’re hanging around up indeed I think maybe the bricks would be better I think this obsidian is just way too dark

And it is all going into the system which is not awesome let’s just ta with some of these things B by B so you got to put a Sher box there and then it’s got to be able to open to empty I’m pretty sure that’s how that

Rolls and I bet you I have to actually break that in order to get at the hoppers at which point I’m not sure I can replace it dear well we can but try let’s see whether this whole thing has to be done over again from scratch it’s for it’s almost the end of

My day and that is fine speaking of which seeing as it is almost the end of my day I do have to break for a moment because I have to get my uh dinner W I have to have some food throwing out and get ready to deal with that so for

Ready that wasn’t going to take 10 minutes it was just me getting some cheese out to defrost and warming up my oven for tacos because it’s going to be tacos day that’s actually um my habit on all of the streaming days as it happens so let’s see what Madness have we got

Here I’m not really oh no I should set you up with I’m assuming you can hear me yes or are you just typing hoping I’m going to type back here’s some signs I wanted to put up a sign if you’re hearing what I’m saying

Say so I will come and set you up with the basics for what need for dering around in snowball although I got to say if you do something that crashes the surfer it won’t necessarily be available to restart it there we are good enough well the output works

I’ve got all my basic stuff let’s see whether we can make a Shuler box literally full of coal and dup it a start should be able to get a respectable amount of coal this way because I’m doing it a stack at a time now but we’re going to load the Shuler

Box with individual c pieces because we’re doing it box at a time and that’s a lot of stacks but not all the stacks that’s weird every time that happens it’s like yep random chicken it is running the chicken maneuver there is shocker of coal meaning that now oh hang on on give

Me that back multiple shers of coal are easy meaning see this in theory should be now filling with fuel if it is not broken I guess it’s going to fill one at a time okay patience we’ll see whether the ones in the end still

Work thing is I do have to have it full in order for it not to oh well you know there is a way I can remedy that for if I set this up in such a way that I can get back Here this does give me good access to that stuff including the ability to make more bricks or indeed just fire them in place which is something I should try that didn’t work well we got lots of shockers we got one torch we got a limited amount of the stuff little more of that

We could just place them like This that’s my stove getting ready to go let’s do that For I’m not sure where else you would have found any of this so I’m assuming you must be on the YouTube stream cool okay well then I can give you directions or come and help let me see I’ve got some things that should be handy let me just go back over

Here and put some of these coal scuttles back didn’t need to have as many of these is all good oh and I’ll bring along a pickaxe to share some coal just in case I lost so much stuff when I got blowed up I don’t think I even have steak anymore

So let me go and search I watched from my window and I saw that it was in this direction did you go into darkness or did you go into light arrived at a red planet interesting I have no idea what that means use my torch snowball to see whether any

Of this can be lit up little bit I don’t see a tag red planet red planet oh no well then you should be back in spawn I should be able to go and find that let’s go back to spawn where lucky should be and do a little more in the way of basic

Orientation and that it’ll hold me for the day okay so he ought to be around here somewhere hey so it is raining but it is not nighttime so let’s see first of all you should have some of these those are Rockets you’ll be able to get out of a

Jam using those they’re beside the beds behind you back over this way sitting on the ground you can also grab those extra snowballs over there see over here over here where I’m at I’ll do it again these chests are full of stuff you can have too here’s more Rockets

So yeah I’m thinking some kind of orientation or we could try to sleep how about that there’s beds here at spawn I would suggest going in one if not I guess we’ll see what else happens if Lucky floppy 2011 gets killed by something you’ll probably pass the

Night then it will be daytime and it’ll be a little safer if I get killed by something in bed it’ll be somewhat less convenient okay and I will continue to try to offer rockets and arrows and such somehow I don’t feel the sleeping thing is happening well one thing I

Could do is pass the night manually see I do not see signs so lucky let me I know my friend with the house over there had this going on I don’t know if I have anything on hand that is that easily there’s a start more gold no

I bet I’m going to need a little Redstone there we go little more gold what time it is it’s not nighttime any more time good morning just can go back in here Al righty so back at spawn it’s daytime we didn’t sleep so it is not uh oh somebody got blowed up

Here take some of those put them over a snowball in your inventory yeah those those the things that I threw on the ground at you maybe I can throw it at lucky floppy directly but see take those things I’ll make more I’m wondering what else would be uh

Good to throw uh bones would be bad to throw oh I can I can give a bed that would work here have one of these and I think they picked up the so put the Rockets over the snowball in your inventory and do this do not switch away from no put it

Over the snowball in your inventory and do this and do not switch away from the the uh snowball while you’re doing it this is how snowball Minecraft Works we’re using you see the snowball in my hand not the rocket but the rocket is directly over the snowball and so you do

This and it takes away fall damage if you manage that then we can do many other things maybe I’ll show off the clock again check it out I can also do this ah but you don’t have the clock over you in the inventory where is yes I

Did maybe I should keep that on me oh well there is an elytra I’ll give I’ll give flopsy my uh backup elyra there there you go so now even if you only know how to use the Rockets you can still do something oh did not take the bed let’s do that

Again if I stand close enough try that again here you go we’re doing a little basic provisioning oh oh I was out of food I should have some food I should dup some food that’s what I should do so this is danger mode but it’s going to be worth it stick

And and we’ll have all the food and I can share it do not run in the path of the monster that I have created it is quite bad and now I have food over here let’s try to catch back up again there is food you can’t actually Snowball the

Food but that should be a start one hopes right over here see right there there we go I’m tempted to add blocks just add blocks no chests there’s things that I’m enthusiastic about donating and things that I’m somewhat less enthusiastic about donating like dragon egg but yep so

Again so here’s the trick put the uh rocket over the snowball in your inventory and do this holding the Rockets just in your hand doesn’t do as much anybody else who also plays this in is interested in in orienting our newcomer by all means do so on your own

Time after I’m finished streaming which is going to be in about a half an hour I am trying to give stuff maybe I’ll come over and give more food starve to death let’s not have any of that starve to death business oh and I could torches torches are always

Useful if we got torches around here I know I’ve got lots that are duped up yeah there’s 29 torches that’s not so bad what else iron diamonds okay torches and diamonds let me let me add Tor torches and diamonds aha aha it worked now as long as you don’t switch

Away from that you will not take fall damage Isn’t that cool there you go and you can have some XP that’ll make you fly faster it’s going to be impossible to catch up with this kid now damn and make you some diamond armor we’ll put that there and be sure not to switch

Away there’s up what goes up must come down very good has torches and make yourself some oh I know I can demonstrate the diamond thing easier like this and I will offer I’m going to keep my untouched pick and donate the one that has been slightly used

There over here on top of this thing let’s clean up some of the mess shall we because I did not mean for diamond block to actually be there oh maybe I’ll make a pile of them in this crater that’ll work did you get the pick that I left out

There are also some in the chests but I just trying to get through well it’s not there so I’m guessing that would be a yes however did not pick up the Torches and with this we’re going to fill in creeper holes with solid diamond just because that’s how we

Roll there’s there’s the full stack so and there was another creeper hole over here so let’s fill that in with solid diamond as well where we’re at it was a creeper hole yeah oh sure was very good very good that was the intent well this is this is post

Scarcity Minecraft so anything that you can have using the snowball mechanism you can have more and it becomes a question of like well what would you like to do and what I would like to do is sleep i’ also have my tacos which is coming up pretty soon and we don’t sleep

Okay I’m not sure what else I have to do I think I have offered all of the things that I can reasonably offer and since I’m not going to be an enormous troll I think we keep the gold nuggets away from this area and the bones and the g powder yeah

On the other hand emeralds and a bunch of these other things are fine Bo so we’ll come visit with my horse my horse is amazing we are flying around a lot up there I’m not sure what else our new friend is doing up oh de you know I wasn’t aware we had that

There have some more stuff here’s some more of those Rockets over here there’s plenty of rockets in the the chests as well here’s more Stacks and stacks in them you only need one to do this here so I should give lucky floppy My Horse Too here have a horse horse is amazing

Do you not want to ride the ride the horse go ahead if you’re not interested in riding the horse I’ll put the horse back in his cozy Corral where he belongs I don’t see any riding of the horse don’t see go ahead and write oh you got to

Catch the horse to ride the horse ah okay have fun you can keep that horse I’ve got lots of more here’s another this is also amazing this horse might actually be even more amazing race you through the tunnel o that’s not good over there got it you’re that too amazing for your own

Good sure well that’s one way to get away from problems here replacement horse if you can catch him maybe I’ll find where the other horse went and it did create a check after all yep you know the old saying look at my horse my horse is amazing

Oh we must have gotten far enough away from here that they despawned or not where did you go down in the hole there’s a thing I wonder what we’ve got here is this something I built her I feel like I built this and it will come back out in uh oh another

Cow back you go back to the Overworld with you oh back to the Overworld with Y Co there we go now the crazy things in my house well one of my houses so maybe this is a fine time to think a little bit about building a house out here I’ve got

Some of my stuff oh you know what else has happened my fire’s gone out again maybe I’ll just have to give it up I have tried my level best to keep that fire going but it just is not a thing would be nice be less cold but uh

My day of streaming is about over so we got a little triangle here what else can we do before I’m done well I could dra grow a giant oak tree let’s grow a giant oak tree right about here man that cast a massive Shadow but it is the Giant O tree I was

Talking of hey Matt Freeman all is fine I had a visitor here they were a little flitting all over the place nothing wrong with that though didn’t really end up doing anything in the way of serious work but uh you know some days some days that’s just not what you’re doing

Let’s gather up my sand and Birchwood and stuff and what else Maybe glow stone clay and then scoot over here all of this stuff has been growing up pretty good did I ever put anything in these no never did this will be a effective method of doing this thing I should get some Vines growing somewhere that would be

Good never quite finished up how that was supposed to look but we can do a brand Mak a new Shuler oh I’m sorry to hear it PC crash is drag see how the new auto smelter works it should work pretty good oh yeah it’s coming along that will successfully smell all of the

Bricks so let’s place this dirt back again that’s not dirt so that we can redo the path that’s needed uh my oven’s been warming up nicely so I should be about ready to uh make my tacos when time comes and I was thinking in terms of maybe making a brick

Foundation for a modernistic house and away we go I’m wondering would you like a sh uh elytra can we can do that sometimes it’s easier to control wait where am I going going the wrong way I’m pretty sure we’ve got some of these guys down here sure enough and with a few quick

Boost so much for that anvil seeing as you like flying so much let’s set you up with an elyra when you come back it’s in here that if I uh yeah it’s in there now what would be a good foundation do I need more bricks in

This well if I do I know what to do about it will grind them there now I don’t need more bricks than that that’s for damn sure let’s dig a foundation oh that’s not leaving me room for a front lawn that would never do oh this might be too skinny

Yeah this might be on the waiter side hey there is alra in the uh into here here we go you seem to enjoy flying therefore have that and some more of those there you go and there was much rejoicing that’s going to be that kid’s going to be happy as a

Clam my dimensions of this are not right first of all this is not right here and secondly should put in more of a foundation and then I should go a little more this away maybe do something else let’s let’s make it a sort of pointy shape over here So so we’ll start with that and then start taking it this way there’s a good place for foundation still dirt floors but you can’t have everything oh no how will I get out like this and if we’re going to be pointy like that let’s not have this

Here it’s a Pity we can’t Point stairs sideways wouldn’t that be nice pointing stairs sideways there we’ll left grass there I don’t know why that would be going there so we’ll fix that that will wind its way back oo 501 time for me to go have dinner pretty near time

Anyways let’s put a wood uh dirt floor in here where we’re at it eat back out of here and we’ll figure out something amusing to do with this later like I have not really found out the things to do yet I feel like this should be a door though so

Yeah I will most likely end up building something here and we’ll see so yeah we’ll head over to where the horses are at oh well that was novel that’s not what I meant to happen you fly with a lra so at this stage it’s my it’s not my

Bedtime but my dinner time so like trying not to blow up too much stuff and as long as the IP address is still here you can come if it changes I’ll post that on my patreon as well and on that note I will uh log off and uh thanks everybody for checking

This out I will see whether I can’t be back again on Thursday I’m going to go and eat some uh tacos seeing as my fire went out again so it’s going to get cold I could be a little warmer if I make tacos and I’ll talk to you folks later byebye that

This video, titled ‘Stream: Time with Chris from Airwindows’, was uploaded by airwindows on 2023-11-28 22:33:19. It has garnered 397 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 08:06:00 or 29160 seconds.

Here’s an idea, let’s spend time on various things. Could be Minecraft, mixing or recording new music in Reaper, firing up VCV Rack in Reaper, writing games or tools in Godot. As LoadingReadyRun says, “we’re live, so something’s going to happen!”

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  • Factions Cove

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  • Mind-Blowing Shizo Compilation 276 – Must Watch!

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  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE! Join us on the Road to 10K Subscribers! 🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Avoid Laughing with BeckBros

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  • Diamondxr’s EPIC Cinematic Studio Plugin for Minecraft!

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  • Cranked SMP

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  • HomiezClub Server SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java Bedrock

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  • MS Builders"2>O 20=8;;0! "2>8 ?@028;0!

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    BLAZING HOT BABY SONIC PIXEL ART! 🔥 Why does Baby Sonic in Minecraft look like he’s about to drop the hottest pixel art album of 2021? #minecraft #gaming #pixelartgoals Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Bedrock Particles!

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  • Guess the Themed Build Challenge!

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  • Unbelievable Chaos on Hermitcraft – Skizzleman Skizz Stream!

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  • How I Built a Minecraft World in 100 Days

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  • “Dronio’s SHOCKING Transformation in Minecraft!!” #shorts #clickbait

    "Dronio's SHOCKING Transformation in Minecraft!!" #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, но я ПРЕВРАЩАЮСЬ в ЮТУБЕРОВ Дронио #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 15:00:19. It has garnered 1072 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Escape Scary Teacher in Minecraft Maizen with JJ & Mikey

    Escape Scary Teacher in Minecraft Maizen with JJ & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Hide and Escape From SCARY TEACHER LITTLE NIGHTMARES – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-11 23:00:10. It has garnered 16636 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Hide and Escape From SCARY TEACHER LITTLE NIGHTMARES – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

  • Insane Growth in Minecraft 2 – Must See!

    Insane Growth in Minecraft 2 - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Maar Ik Groei Elke Minuut!’, was uploaded by MICK 2 on 2024-05-24 14:30:02. It has garnered 23125 views and 938 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:48 or 528 seconds. Datapack: ➤Instagram : ➤Subscribe to my other channels: MICK (Main channel) Turtle Beach and Roccat ambassador #AD My gear: Cooperation? Email to [email protected] My videos are intended for all ages and are completely family friendly! #GAMING Read More

  • INSANE LEVELS?! Javier XYZ Gacha’s EPIC Gaming Adventure!

    INSANE LEVELS?! Javier XYZ Gacha's EPIC Gaming Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘jugando Geometry Dash (y tal vez Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Javier XYZ Gacha on 2024-04-07 08:01:31. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:34 or 4054 seconds. My Instagram New discord server canal principal Canal secundario StickMan Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server: Join Rafli Nagara17 on ViaSMP Nightly Blitz!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Server: Join Rafli Nagara17 on ViaSMP Nightly Blitz!Video Information This video, titled ‘Malam – Malam Mabar Minecraft Server ViaSMP’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-02-19 02:51:37. It has garnered 197 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:09 or 7149 seconds. JAVA IP: BEDROCK/MCPE IP: PORT: 19132 Donate 💌 saweria : socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tick tock : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kosil !sayname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map… Read More


    🔴EXCLUSIVE MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S PLAY ON EPIC SERVERS!!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:15:47. It has garnered 48 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:01 or 6841 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More