What’s up guys techno bahir for server Pro and welcome to this tutorial for installing and using player kits player kits allows you to easily create and edit kits on your server with permissions cooldowns as well as compatibility with tons of items enchantments and other NBT data to Install the plugin head over to the plugins section select the speaker tab and search for player kits install a version that’s compatible with your server and restart alternatively you could download it from the speaker page and upload it to your server pro panel one is installed we can use the plugins Help command to bring up a useful reference slash kit help where the kit is plural or not it doesn’t matter we can use slash kit or slash kits for any combined in this plugin players would mainly use slash kits to bring up this menu over here this is the list of all Available kits how much they cost cooldowns and what’s inside of them right-clicking on a kit opens a new window where users can see the rest of the items that we’ll be getting if we choose to claim it so your players can prepare adequate inventory space or see The rest of the items if the list is too long clicking back we can left-click to claim a kit and as soon as we do we get a message in chat as well as the items the last sample kit here is a one-time kit that we can only claim once once we Get the items we can’t claim it again of course it uses with opting collectors kit as many times as they want so I’ll Diop myself in console and try to claim it it works once and then the rest of the attempts I make end up in an Error message in chat now that I’ve deopt myself the second sample kit here says I need a VIP which shows that this plugin works very well with groups and different ranks or permission groups so you can give special kids to VIPs and moderators or anything like that if you Wish claiming the first kit we get the items and a three hour cooldown is started before we can claim it again offering myself and console again without closing this menu you’ll see as soon as I do the barrier block will turn back into a normal kit this plugin is Really responsive when it comes to player groups and ranks clicking the diamond kit will cost me in-game currency and when I click it I get the opportunity to change my mind before go through with it of course to make kids cost in-game currency you’ll need a Vault as well as an economy plugin to create a kit we can get whatever items we need into our inventory and this is what makes the plugin so special we can run slash kit create folder buy a Kip name and it will take everything we have In our inventory and turn it into a kit to edit the kit at a later date we can use slash kit edit followed by the kits name and it brings up a nice GUI from here we get some options we can set the slot which is the number of squares It’ll appear after in the kits a GUI menu we can set a cool-down on the kit and set whether a player is given it when they first join the server and even set whether it’s a one-time-only kit we can set a permission group that the user Will need in order to claim the kit and right below it we have a barrier block labelled set no permission item this lets us set a display item for the kid in the kids at GUI menu when the user can’t claim the kit so we can set the Item by swapping one into here and set the title lor and whether it’s enchanted or not as well then we have set display item which is the same as the node permission display item we just went through but this will show for users who have permission to claim the kit we can Set a price and even set a command or multiple commands to run when they use the claims of the kit by clicking the emerald walk we can enter a command to run in chat without the forward slash in front of it we can also use percentage player percentage in place of the Players name so that when they run the command it’ll run targeting them this command is run in console so do be aware that this command needs to target a player or expect it to be run from console I’ll use time set night as a really basic example command and we can Edit the items in the kit so we can add remove or change the order of what items they’ll get when they claim the kit by claiming the kit we receive all the items and the time has changed tonight as expected when your inventory is full You won’t be able to claim the kit and instead you’ll get a warning message in chat letting you know that you need more space if players don’t want to use the GUI the he new slash get claim followed by a kid named and slash kit preview Followed by a kid name to interact with it instead we can give a kit to other players with slash kit give followed by a kidney and then a player named to see all available kits we can use slash kit lists and from here we can use slash kit Delete followed by a Kip name to delete a kit and of course we can also use slash kit a reload to reload fresh settings from the plugins config file locate the config in the plugin folder because this plugin was made to work well with the GUI the only reason that You need to visit the config would be to change the localization of what the plugin says back to you in chat by editing config yml at the bottom of config dot yml we have some options that we can change such as disabling kit previews defining blocks that always Take up space in the inventory which we could use to advertise the surface name or something similar for example and we can even edit the size of the GUI by changing inventory size the inventory that opens up is 9 blocks wide so make sure to use multiples of 9 or you might End up with areas in chat from the plugin this requires some experimentation kits dot yml contains all of the kits on the server so you could remotely edit them without actually playing on the server you could also add more complicated NBT data and more here if you’d like for example but Other than that you’re much better off using the built in GUI to edit the kit from within the game anyway I hope this tutorials helpful if you have any plugins suggestions leave them in the comments down below if you’re having issues with anything contact our support team thanks for Watching and I’ll see you all next time ciao You Video Information
This video, titled ‘How to Setup PlayerKits – Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Server.pro on 2020-06-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 10832 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:08 or 368 seconds.
https://server.pro In this tutorial, we teach you to install and use the plugin called Player Kits. It allows you to create and customise kits for your players, allowing for cooldowns, one-time-only kits, buying kits, kits for specific groups and more.
PlayerKits: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerkits-fully-configurable-kits-1-8-1-15.75185/
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