ShadowGamer’s Pixelmon: Unholy Origins

Video Information

Hello everybody my name is Chris Shadow gamer welcome to pixel one um I’m going to be doing this with my girlfriend Victoria yes I said Girlfriend yes I do go outside so yeah this is going to be interesting um so yeah she’s actually waiting for me

To undeen so we can get into this but I sorry I just ate so might r a little bit and I still have my Dr Pepper so um I just need to send the stream link to some people and then we’ll get into it but how is everyone’s day so far I hope

Everything’s I hope everyone’s been having a pretty good day pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty good day because you know how it is it’s always hectic today my day was actually pretty fulfilling I did a lot of stuff got got a lot of stuff done um with family related things so that’s always nice

Um we are number one we are number one we are number one so yeah okay we got some stuff done and it was really nice went to church church is always nice to go to I’m sure some people can relate to that I Al I can also understand that others might not

Either way it’s always nice um let me just go to the channels where I posted and go to some people that any specific server but may want to potentially watch it so and we are done okay let’s get straight into this thing uh I just need to wait for this to go on

Online hey Naya welcome to the stream really appreciate it uh so let’s wait for that to go online and let’s all see Victoria hello hello hello hello we are live hello this is this is my wonderful I thought that was going to be private yeah but then I was like you

Know what let me just get this out of the way all right can I read your address now no oh come on no one’s actually going to come get you which by the way uh I still need to go into the world Sam I know I know I’m

Not even in it yet okay I was I was about to say yeah yeah don’t worry I’m I’m I’m I’m literally not even in it yet because I’m waiting for it to open I I legitimately thought that you forgot about me and you were just playing like I was actually gonna go on

YouTube after like half an hour and seeing if you were playing uh yeah no no no V nesa says hi by the way uh I don’t know what that means nesa said hi Oh I thought you said stasis and I’m like what’s stasis yeah no um baby if

You want what you can do is you can tune into the stream on your like on another device that way you can read the the comments we can read the live chat that way no notice how she didn’t say hi to you what a loser all right server is online let me

Send you the the thing hi Nissa hi Nissa all right by the way thank you very much to aernos not sponsored by aernos but what do you mean a different address 3143 okay fine wait you want me to post your address I’m so confused no no no no okay apparently this doesn’t work

Properly there we go what do you mean well let’s log me in or will it give me just match mod channel list what what are you what Let me refresh this what’s going on uh sorry chat we’re having technical difficulties um yeah apparently we are posted I have unfinished business no

No I’m a huge loser damn I’m getting roasted in my chat um mismatch mod channel list um FML mod server what do you mean do I have to restart my game all right one sec everyone I’m going to restart my stuff so for now I’m

Just going to put in the image of my D and D character spite once again oh my God why can’t you put a different character why is it always spite it’s fine fine fine fine fine I’ll put some else give something else to look at fine I’ll give them bloth I’ll give them

Bloth excuse me there they they get to look at bloth now chat what do you think of bloth yeah what do you think of my Chara that’s my D andd character bloth he’s an artificer ain’t no way uh honestly purple lightning is hot I I agree oh

Wow uh 1.1 1910 oh I see this is the wrong pixel mod version caros you can’t even see his butt but yeah what true Carlos just said got that Gat but yeah no so this is so I guess I can talk about this a little bit while my Pixelmon fixes itself so

Bloth is an artificer in my in a D and D campaign I have with the with my friend Anthony you guys may have known him from previous videos is well he he has a d andd campaign and my character is bloth he is a mark of warding dwarf with

Artificer um going to subass armorer and the whole point is that he’s really good with guns and he also is Iron Man wow that’s my running joke with him the fact that he is Iron Man but I want to talk to my DM about finding a way to

Change it cuz I want to actually cuz I I made a mistake with my thing cuz I went armor but then I realized how much I loved the other one which is gunsmith but we’ll see how it is is he as short as his temper oh gun plate no Naya no

No is he as short as his temper um does BL I he’s pretty short I mean yeah but black goth doesn’t actually black goth does have a short temper I remember that one time your character got messed with and he immediately shot the guy who started talking

[ __ ] which yeah which by the way speaking of my character which very lovely character I don’t know if you have the picture of my character um do I I don’t think I have him I have it downloaded on this computer I think it’s on my other computer that I have it

Downloaded God damn it wait hold on let me see something yeah I have duax but I can’t show him because he doesn’t have a shirt on yeah you would not have a shirt on yeah that didn’t make any Johnny welcome to the stream um I’m waiting on my

Pixelmon to finish so while we’re waiting on my like my Pixelmon to update and fix itself and probably be we’re going to have to wait till the server yo yo Sam Sam Sam yeah you know you know what we can do in the time we can play bralla or overcooked

I’m already loading I’m already loading in God damn it I’m just waiting to get into the title screen yeah I’m just waiting for you to lose some boy I mean God godamn it Sam you good you’re coughing I have a cold drink and being an asthmatic anything that’s cold will murder me

Plus it’s not that bad of a cough bless you oh okay here we go so let me switch out of blur gooth and back into Minecraft so let me actually put the music okay this does have music on already I have music in your ass I mean godam babe we’re streaming stop drinking

I can’t it’s Dr Pepper all right so let’s go back into the multiplayer oh what do you mean I can’t connect to server sorry okay so let’s go into this I did not just please tell me I can join yay oh God damn it the server just

Stopped itself as I was joining it now we got to wait fine you know Sam maybe we should have fixed this like before we started back to blgo but bloth so anyway uh funny enough bloth um what’s the Dream Team looking like we don’t know yet I’m starting off with so due to

Popular demand I’m starting off with aswat and we asked some of our other friends and Victoria is GNA start with a um with a it’s charmand it’s Charmander because they said Mudkip but then Sanders made a joke about ashz getting burned and then they talked about yeah you’re going to get me

Killed well no because what which one are you picking again I’m choosing ashwat but baby we can’t say that it’s YouTube what are you talking about oh okay Ash’s located in Wisconsin not the one that you’re thinking of oh my God you’re making it worse no no no the one

In Wisconsin the one in Wisconsin all right anyway um so that’s bloth story fun fact bloth is actually kind of likes uh Victorious character now this one Co this one is one of another favorite of mine I don’t know if it popped up on stream oh it’s not one sec I have to

Enlarge the image so this is caffeine oh boy and caffeine is something I’m going to have to talk about later cuz the server’s back up so yeah we’re going to switch back to Minecraft do you do this every time you start a stream like before you start a

Stream you just kind of like talk talk about your D and D characters oh no this is new anyway I’m in the world now uh baby make sure you have the right version because that’s what got me to have that’s what kind of killed me anyway these are our starters we due to

Popular demand we’re going to have to choose ostraat and I’m gonna get Char Char Char can you stream Skylanders some other time I don’t have Skylanders I’ve thought about it but I I was never a big fan wait is Skyland is the one where it’s like the little

Dragon and the little creatures and you put the little creatures in you put them on the little platform and then they get sucked into the game I used to have a I used to have a a Skylander setup but I never knew how to use

It um and then when I did learn it was too late and the disc I had was broken yo Sam so already into this yeah Sam what’s Sam Sam Sam Sam I sent it to you through Discord wait how do oh okay I was about to say give me a

Second so wait do I have like a limit of how many curis words I can say or is it just like I can say whatever go ahead I don’t care some people care because there’s kids watching them but this I literally do this just for like majority of my

Subscribers are just friends of mine [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] okay well Sam technically anybody who’s under 18 is a kid I got you a present baby oh I wasn’t even looking hold on wait is it cheating if I look at your stream while playing um no but it it

Ruins like a like it it kind of It kind of you know ruins like the whole concept of like doing it on your own is like you’re just watching me and you’re seeing what I’m doing and it’s like Do Your Own Thing Man I don’t know um I don’t know you’re just

F what okay as I’m sorry what I meant to say was is that a shiny wait is no it’s not shiny it’s not shiny I thought it was imagine like this early on that would be so freaking lucky I just start off with the shiny off I I I’m calling

That streamer lock right there guys if this video goes to 10 m million likes I will kill myself on stream hey yo no no no no no no don’t don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that sorry I’m sorry um I’m alive she’s trying she’s trying to get me demonetized and banned

Guys live on live on live I me on the live oh God roll over here i’mna start I’m just GNA start training my Asha tackle I’m having difficulties never mind wait never mind is it telling you like FM doesn’t fit mod list or whatever no no no it’s F and same no it

Was something else that was making my thing weird okay damn no Poke Balls come on game give me some Poke Balls oh God damn it that’s not what I wanted to titlea Cofe y why is your why is your name Sam by the way huh why is your name Sam in what the

Thing it’s Vic and Sam no like why is your name like Sam like as a person oh because my full name name is Samuel why would you name yourself that I didn’t name myself my parents did I know but like out of all the names you could have been like Raphael or

Something that’s a much better name that’s much cooler don’t let my mother hear you she’ll murder you you know my mom really enough my mom is subscribed to my channel right you know that tell her that Raphael Jr or Raphael the third would have been

Better oh God you you want to die then anyway um thank you for your service clearly you’re an agent of Team Galactic and because of this I’m going to confiscate your armor and book bag so have a wonderful day anyway what’s 10 what Okay it’s saying unfortunately you

Have to use a different address what do I do at that point oh type the type the final letters at the at the back of the address address so it’s going to be like 3104 or something you have to type that in the back oh oh 31 yeah I hate it I

Hate it I don’t know why it does that 3143 wait in the server address right yeah right behind it you do semicolon and then whatever numbers they tell you oh semi okay so it’s a turnos St me semicolon then the numbers no baby okay so it’s it’s the IP which is vicin s

Then okay then you um then you do colon not semicolon colon the one with the two dots not the dots and the comma okay colon then the numbers yeah okay now it’s I think it’s working let me come to the thing let me come I’m coming it says fail to connect

Connection close mismatched mod channels yeah okay so uh if can you screen share your curse or at least show show me your curse Forge because that’s the issue I was getting for some reason when you install it it gives you a version that isn’t the newest

Version and because of that um you get that error his mother scares me like actual fear actually Victoria and my mom get along very nicely they pulled a excuse me they work together on pulling a prank on me without no without them speaking about the prank cuz okay okay okay so as

Everyone here knows I am fat I am very fat but and I like because of that I like soda and I drink a lot of soda so then my mom goes as a joke she goes hey Victoria and I spoke and she told me that you need to

Drink less soda and I should stop giving you soda so that’s what I’m going to do so that way you can lose some weight and I’m just like there’s no way Victoria told you that he’s like yeah I I have her number and she has uh no no I messed

Up my words she goes no yeah I gave her my number and she told me and I was like no there’s there’s no way because you know she doesn’t have your number and then she goes you know what go ahead ask her so I was like you know

What I will so my mom kind of starts looking a little nervous because I’m texting Victoria and I go hey did you talk to my mom about me not drinking any more soda and you know what this little [ __ ] does she goes yes I did talk to

Your mom about it you are too you’re getting too large it’s getting out of control and then my mom started dying she go see see I told you and then they both keep up this act and I’m just like there’s no way there is no way hey Anthony welcome to the stream

And then finally my mom caved and said you’re an idiot no I didn’t talk to her and I was like oh my God there is no way that myom M just did that that’s so mean do it again [ __ ] off but yeah look at my look at my thing

Yeah let me let me look at this real quick okay it is yeah so so what you’re going to do is you’re going to open curse Forge you’re going to click on the mod pack and you’re going to click on the three dots you’re going to click on

Change version okay wait wait wait you’re going too fast you’re going too fast what do I do so I get out of this and go back to curse Forge yeah yeah you exit the game go back to curis forge and have it like I won’t do much I’m

Probably just going to start building the house or something um but I won’t like level up my Pokemon to the point where he’s already about to evolve although nah I don’t I don’t have that uh Sam look Sam yeah look just look I have Discord bab I have three

Monitors oh yeah I’m stupid I didn’t even to share my screen oopsies let me just uh is Dr Pepper I’m already drinking I already finished drinking it I love Dr Pepper actually Sam I thought you were banned from soda why are you drinking Dr Pepper my dad got it for me Dad’s

Forever okay well your dad’s old nothing uh anyway look okay so hover over it like click okay click on the mod pack click on it don’t hit play just click on the on the mod pack itself yeah Okay click on the three dots word change version

What the hell okay so you’re going to click on versions you’re going to click on versions over there where it says next to screenshots and the one that says 9 uh 10 9.1.10 yeah that one 9.1.10 that one you’re going to click and download this is so Sam we really should

Have done this before I didn’t think it was going to be like that uh I hate Dr Pepper it’s brown and it’s my teeth NAA it just allows it to blend in with your skin okay I was about to say something but then I was like no I don’t want to be

Mean and racist but somebody wanted to be mean and racist it’s not racist if they’re okay with it right all right whatever fine I’m sorry well I love I love Sprite so does Sam Sam’s been into Sprite lately because he’s girl Sprite is my n just said have you met

Him hey I’m not racist what are you talking about Sam thinks he can get away with it cuz he’s a minority oh please I I am not racist you guys are yelling propaganda and I will not stand for it he’s racist and sexist honestly heavy

On the sexist part you know he beats me guys CH you know he beats wait wait wait wait don’t joke about that don’t joke about that they’ll take it someone someone’s goingon to listen to that and take it seriously nobody’s going to take it Ser Chad did you know who you’d be

Shocked there’s people there are people who will take that seriously and then I’m the one who gets in trouble what is this what are they going to do call the cop yes do call theop yes that is how a lot of YouTubers get arrested for no reason oh Sam someone

Says some [ __ ] Sam Sam look at my thing look at my thing okay uh once you have it installed you can just uh click play do I just cck play yeah okay and then everything should work you’re so fat I know that’s not what I want I’ll take the orang Sam Sam yeah

Calling ice for real God damn it yeah babe what were you saying never mind just hit play already I’m literally like standing around doing nothing I did I’m coming you po I mean like ho like the like the like this tool oh God they won’t even know where to send

Him oh yeah cuz I’m like everything at this point people look at me and they don’t know what my ethnicity is because I have all of the above at this like with the extent of my family jeans Sam it says Forge 36.2 34 that’s fine though right yeah that’s fine the

Forge doesn’t matter it’s the game version that you need to worry about the forge version is going to stay the same I’m not a rocket scientist this is not rocket science this is literally Minecraft D you shut up you stop it you it’s enough guess what yeah I love yeah I love

E what e what are you saying ew to me saying I love you no I left by accident my bad left by AC apparently in Puerto Rican along with other [ __ ] I mix with well everyone [ __ ] knew that [ __ ] um I’m kidding that’s cool ooh ooh ooh oo do I want a rapid

Dash yes yes I do I can’t even I just realized I can’t even get a rapid Dash I don’t have any Poke Balls okay wait is there anything in here no there’s not [ __ ] okay oh my goodness gracious this is not this is going to take a bit cool

Level three Neer ran let’s fight I’m going to get wait is it rapid Dash or a Ponyta well there’s a Ponyta but uh rapid Dash is always really nice to get um I I want to I want to get a pony tattoo mainly because you can ride

Ponyta yeah you can ride the Ponyta and the rapid ashes also I really find it so I find it funny how I just killed a nean and dropped bra pork chop huh I wonder how that cor sides oh Max revive sick hi Shanks I want to capture you because you’re a

Really good electric type Pokemon which is why I’m trying to get a Pokeball right now o I can buy a lot of Pokeball I don’t need it this early in the game I’d rather just get all the pokeballs I need six I like how I’m talking through the

Chat when I can easily just like talk yeah you really could just easily talk right now well you know what Sam I didn’t ask yay yeah Naya you’re probably the only I’m pretty sure maybe Anthony’s here somewhere but CU in the in the chat it shows like

A little person icon that says how many people are here yeah anyway I have a but I don’t know how accurate that is sometimes um it’s wonky sometimes wonky sometimes it’ll say like people are here other times it’ll say like no one’s here but people are here so yeah

I could wish Shinx or Hound bolt Hound bolt is really good actually scared everyone away I’m not shocked you you exposed Sam too much now they hate them now they got to now they got to leave damn it guys GNA get me arrested oh no hi Anthony oh no

Anthony’s here yeah I know he’s here it’s me Anthony it’s me Mario it’s me the Aro wait what was that mission also Anthony why do you have like why why is your profile pick a chicken wing chicken wi chicken wing hot dogs and baloney dogs and

Baloney I remember when that was a thing years ago he bacon crits that was a really funny one you know what I’m not shocked I just tried finding an electric type with a water type I mean it’s a cute design but but whenever I see it I keep thinking of a chicken

Wing fried chicken I love fried chick I mean yeah I I’m not going to say any thing because you know what I’m not you know who is racist Sam Sam would probably make a joke about how you’re black and then you like fried chicken but I would never make a joke like that

Because I love all people I’m going to get I’m this stream’s going to get taken down and I’m gonna be begging for mercy Sam you you said I could say anything I wanted anything that isn’t racist or is going to potentially offend people who watch this in the

Future you’re lucky you don’t have a YouTube channel guys put a in the chat if you want me to if you if you want me to dock Sam I will literally say his whole address right now oh my God shut up say someone said something racist yeah Victoria’s been saying racist

[ __ ] come on bab I’m waiting for you at the spawn I’m coming which is something you never hear from me oh my God shut up oh oh my God okay okay okay up top okay okay chat I was kidding guys I was kidding not true I anyway what you doing what you doing

Sam I’m looting oh my God of course you would don’t worry Sam I’m coming it’s just again my computer is Garbo as you know so mhm he is Pokemon he’s stealing from hous I don’t even want to give you your present anymore I got you a present in the game

But I don’t even want to give it to you anymore yeah this is like oh don’t don’t say That shut the [ __ ] oh s blasphemy heresy Sam I don’t give a [ __ ] Sam guys did you know that Sam’s Christian that’s him did you guys know so is NAA I know I didn’t say that in a bad way Sam I was just trying to tell the audience

What you were I kind of already know I’m not like secretive about it you know it’s a good thing I’m satanic well I’m killing myself whoa you can’t say that Sam this is a stream this is a stream you can’t say leave it all right don’t worry Sam I’m coming

I just got to change things like always because you know oh yeah I got to change it to arrow keys because I love arrow keys all right so you see my wife is a is a plean and uses arrow keys on her laotop he got a judge me for everything

I know damn well you’re not telling me that what do you a what’s level six I don’t even no that oh yeah in the recent games you start off with level five don’t you so maybe that’s the case here she came for the fifth time Uh trying to see I think I’m good why the why is this weird no e e um okay that’s cool I guess is dead video setting Gastly o we’re going to change it to fast okay right that’s a good Pokemon to Get gasy is a goated poemon lighting no we’re not going to have smooth lighting at all actually I never have smooth Lighting on I mean I have it on now but that’s because it’s a default I have you in default that that yeah that did not make sense that’s

True I haven’t even started yet because I this game is giving me problems Gastly oh wait I don’t have any uh go Pokeball okay we’re do we’re do all right you want that no rock type moment is Ash to sleep no do they ever sleep yes Pokemon

Sleep who just going to spam Pokéballs I thought they were just do you think Pokemon like do you think Pokemon go to heaven in your professional opinion no clue they don’t exist so I wouldn’t know do you think Dogs Go to Heaven no it works sometimes

But so wait do I still do the colon and the numbers I can’t even leave the battle can’t even leave your mob um Pokemon um it works it’s just that you know if I spam throw the Pokeball I know I’ll be able to get it oh that’s a cool effect

What does this even mean wait let me see what do you even mean I don’t even know it’s I’ll just like go up until six pokeballs I’ll use like four more pokeballs on it if it doesn’t want to go then it’s not going to go I mean I could

Use like my ultra great ball but I I don’t want to waste those on a gas refresh I’m not going to waste on your I don’t know if it’s worth wasting so much Pok balls I mean Pokéballs really aren’t that hard to get hey YY my baby joined you’re

Not Pok balls are not like the worst thing to get especially since apricorns are really easy I I finally came this was so annoying yeah I’m not even going to try G kill I mean I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna un um f and you left why did you leave

Wait I did oh it’s not responding why is UN wait I think is it working no server it timed out um oh you got timed out by the server well yeah I got timed out well that’s that’s what it said uh just try refreshing I think all right you’re in

The game don’t move or anything like don’t even touch your computer he me he’s got a keep an oh it’s working it’s working oh don’t move yet don’t move yet goodness it only took five hours technically 37 minutes all I did was full we’ve done 30 minutes of just

Me standing around doing jack sh and [ __ ] off okay Sam all right guys take your mom lick the screen oh my God begin my adventure Li this God damn real can bro can I play this game oh guys I’m in I’m in WoW damn I’m not doing too great with

Pokemon right now it’s a shins I know it’s an electric type but I really want a Shinx Yoshi moment yeah sh is a very solid Pokemon the N word don’t do that guys guys if this stream goes to a million views I will say the nword Anthony’s GNA watch this a million

Times just so you can say it all right don’t use Thunder shck don’t use Thunders shck don’t kill me God damn it what’s going walk away uh my game lagging a bit so I got [Laughter] shinks necrosis all right all right all right God my game is

So laggy see I look at your game and it’s so smooth but then I look at my game and it’s like laggy as heck it’s a tipping mine I don’t care about that I already have a fire uh yeah but this is um this is a

Tepig and it’s funny because teg is from the same region as ashwat so this is good wow that is funny I care so much I’m glad you told me Sam get your oh [ __ ] he’s low he’s low low low like your stomach God damn um it’s t Pig it’s not t Pig it’s

T oh God if Asha dies right now I’m going to be mad we’re using a great ball toic is a solid F changing my thingy Sam I just y Sam Sam yeah what’s up hey Sam how you doing I’m doing just fine a oh I still have shins

Um okay I think I’m going to run out of normal pokeballs I know well no cuz starter Pokemon are naturally super different difficult to kill like that’s just how it is I didn’t all right I’m do that I’m going backwards I’m trying to see if but that’s I don’t want him to use

Place come here you damn Pig okay I fixed that now let’s let’s go back to the game Wee oh didn’t mean to do that awesome okay this is my last normal Pokeball we still have other pokeballs but I’d rather not use them um I want to get that shin so God this is so laggy I might need to leave this God damn it I keep falling in this damn

Hole why is was it built like this you ho give me your Thingy okay I didn’t need you to do that I already looted this entire Village you’re not going to find anything yeah because you started without me cheater H you want me to make a new world it’s going to take longer yeah I would actually like if you

Did make a new world all fine everyone Victor wants to make a new world should we do it should we just make a brand new you know in my def in my defense I probably need to switch out of Discord and anyway and maybe restart my computer possibly oh

Boy is that a I’m a believer I’m not a non-believer no wait he about to catch this tipping thank you Anthony thank you I will catch this thing if it’s the last thing I do oh I don’t care if I have to use scratch yo is it me here is my all

Right I got it be best I like how I never catch it in battle I never catch it in battle the only times I catch is when I throw a Pokeball and run yo this is crazy so do you do you really want to make a new world

Yes but I just caught the tapping that took forever to cat I don’t care NOP I don’t care we’re doing this again oh Man we’re making out this what I just caught a [ __ ] doesn’t matter we’re leaving what are you guys think should we make a new world because Victoria kind of joined us one a little late see I told you that before we stream we should work out we should

Probably start it first to see if everything goes well and then you were like well no do what the wife says God damn it fine thank you guys see you guys get it uh actually let me for the waiu yeah let me actually let me all right so while this

Happens let’s go back to talking about DND D oh of course this character is caffeine he is one of my more favorite he’s he’s my like SEC he’s my third or fourth favorite character that’s he’s my third favorite character that I have right now fourth of all time that of all

The characters I made um so my favorite character of all time that I have created doesn’t exist anymore because that campaign finished um but this is caffeine he started out as a um I want to regenerate the world he started out as a um as a wizard Sorcerer he know he started out as a warlock sorcerer that was going to multiclass into a wizard but then after my original plan not working um he prayed to his deity to stay as a warlock but to go into fighter instead so now he’s a warlock fighter and

I lost a turnout what okay that was weird time to regenerate time to restart well time to restart this ho I’m doing it in hardore and I’m not talking about you’re dead oh um so anyway while during his adventures He Came Upon like this really um they

Want into this dungeon and in the dungeon he uh he like got interacted with this deity that is older than the universe itself and that deity is called Decay and now he is the vessel for Decay and that’s why he’s all oily like he’s all

Goopy and and sort of broken now and his core I don’t know if you can tell it’s a little bit corrupted instead of like it being has it usually would be which is a normal Hue of blue yeah he hates everyone because everyone hates in in the in the campaign

There is um a it is very well known that everyone is racist towards War forged because except me that’s a lie um everyone hates War forged for some reason oh hey Gregory welcome to the stream um hope you enjoy it but back to what I was

Saying um so basically the um the war forged are hated by the communities almost everywhere the only people that don’t hate War forged are artificers because they are able to appreciate the um they’re able to appreciate the like the way that they were made and like the technology that went behind

Them but usually everyone is sort of racist towards uh War forged so me that’s a lie and whatnot actually my character hates Victoria’s character because she’s half uh what was it half variant human and half War forged and my character calls her a half breed because he hates the fact that despite her

Hating on him she herself has War Forge modifications okay this feels like an echo because I’m listening to to the stream while listening to you talk so it’s kind of interesting um just mute the the stream I don’t know how Sam I don’t know how it’s on my phone oh uh

Tap on the speaker thing tap on the speaker thing on the YouTube video Mazie calls me half breed oh my God yeah I hung out with MacKenzie not too long ago Sam I’m on my phone it’s not working it’s not working I’m on my phone how you do this I hung

Out with MacKenzie about a month ago um maybe if you if anything just lower the volume on your phone you do realize you’re on my phone I had to switch you to my phone right right yeah okay baby um so when you’re on YouTube on your phone yeah yeah one

Sec because now I have to figure out how the [ __ ] this works Walter Sam I could literally do something random and he would say there you go with your half breed activities that’s amazing um huh yeah you can’t you can’t mute it through interesting no yeah you can’t

That’s why I was like U this is going to be a little Annoying I mean it’s kind of low but it’s kind of weird it’s like I have extra like thoughts in my head but anyway um but yeah no so he doesn’t like Victoria’s character at all

They always fight and my character in all seriousness he just kind of wants to die and I want him to die too because then I get to do another character so here’s the thing I have backup characters for when my main characters die because let’s be honest here it’s a

D and D session sometimes people die um so I have characters to back up my characters in case they die and I have backups to my backups so yeah um and we’ll get into that after we finished talking about caffeine so let’s go into the Minecraft world and I’ll switch over

Back to the original Minecraft thing uh wait do I have to do a different version or is it the same version everything is the same babe the only thing that’s different is the world okay just making sure because I do not want to go through that again so you

See we have all these starters now technically I did do I did choose aswat but I’m gonna choose it again because it’s BS if I just choose another Pokemon no yeah obviously they wanted you to pick ashaw yeah oh cool okay so we got a better Village I think this time around

Okay Sam Sam don’t do anything just stay still oh my God but I want to loot St still no stay still I know you have ADHD but stay still no I’m looting Sam come on no that’s not fair that’s not fair if you do that if you

Start without me oh my God but you always take forever that’s why we should have done this at the beginning okay I leave now by why are you leaving Nisa oh bye Nissa look you scared her away Sam I don’t give a [ __ ] that’s so mean what why is there an emo guy would you like to join our cult all right bye take care to you Too tonight will be the night and I will fall for you cuz this guy looks like a goddamn emo yeah Sam Sam Sam don’t get anything don’t do it just don’t do my God s doesn’t scare me at all oh no [ __ ] I’m built like a goddamn Panda

Honest honestly you can just tip him over and he’ll have trouble getting back up oh [ __ ] you God damn oh my God how did I heal my party I didn’t do anything Sam you weird God damn it we we had backpacks in that world I was going to give you a

Magenta backpack and I eat my booty all right if you’re not here in the next five seconds I’m going to start loading five Sam it’s you should have let you start without me because I it’s a live stream what do you want me to do you could have kept talking about

Your your things all right fine fine while we wait for Victoria because she’s taking goddamn forever we’re going to go back into here you know my computer sucks you know my computer sucks Sam you know that’s why we’re getting you a new

One yeah I need to set up I I I kind of I’m thinking about setting up a genuine donate link just so that way I can get some stuff he wait by the way this is caffeine um after the corruption this you’re not showing your thing you’re not showing your thing this

Is what he looked like before the corruption I think you’re super large I’m trying I’m trying to see if I can fit the the thing give me one moment hi Anthony hi hi Anthony hi hi yeah Sam stop screaming anyway sorry about that stream my mother came in anyway this this is

Caffeine before he got chat chat you seen this chat chat you seeing this I’ve always wanted to say this this is caffeine before he got corrupted and then the image you saw prior was after the corruption excuse me Micro the Microsoft being at the bottom left is not fun

Though yeah that’s true I guess they always have to put like a little bit of water mark I guess yeah um what else I know there’s another thing here that I wanted to show okay so this is the character that was at the beginning of the stream this is one of

My F this this is my second favorite character that I’ve ever made and his name is spite because I wanted to spite people when I made this character what does that mean this character basically works like raru from reincarnated as a SL my reaction to trademark but yeah know so this um Sam

Sam Sam Sam Sam yeah babe bab babe okay what’s the name of the new thing what the address not exact same it’s the exact same Sam Sam Sam Sam why you so stupid I think stupid what don’t see that you are abusive Chad are you seeing this anyway

It looks like she’s about to join so I’m just going to log tab back Sam wait Sam wait I’m my God I’m going to I’m going to I’m then then do it un alive yourself right now do it un alive yourself right now all right bet don’t to turn on the

The chat all right whatever fine so back to this I guess spite basically is a slime he is a paladin just he’s just a straight up Paladin who’s oath breaker um he currently has dragon scale armor and the reason why is because his only weakness is light lightning and because you know he’s

Basically a liquid so his only liquid his only weakness is lightning so he decided to counter that by getting um blue dragon scale armor how did he get his hands on blue dragon scale armor we we fought a dragon and I stole it yes Sam oh my go he joined the game finally

Hi Hi Sam Hi Sam it’s me Victoria Sam do you do you recognize me yes baby I recognize you no I’m looting no no no not yet I still haven’t like my thing hasn’t loaded it still says joining world don’t take anything stop don’t take any guy

You you I’m gonna say say c words I’m about to blow I’m about to blow I’m about to I’m gonna I’m gonna kill you when you join I’m about to blow I’m about to blow goodness I’m about to blow okay are you good now are you good

Wait wait wait hold on you got to let the the thingies load a bit you know I gotta let my I gotta stretch my legs so to speak yo this guy kind of cute yo is it oh my God look at Ginger Sam Sam I found

I found I found a wild ginger Sam so you found David wow I did find David okay well anyway I’m looting now because I see you walking around you are in the world oh my God Sam my game is so laggy it’s not your fault like it’s not the game’s

Fault or anything it’s just me um I got you talk as if the game has sent to um what do you mean you’re like it’s not the game’s fault oh God my game is awful I don’t understand why it’s so laggy though because this is like the lowest like

Like Pixelmon is a really really low game and that’s the thing I’m not even I’m not even like and the thing is that I’m not even like on uh Sam how do you get Pokéballs again you well you craft them or you loot okay can you give me a ball if you

Have a ball all right come here cuz there’s a bubble store I want to get so where nope that’s mine The Bu that’s [ __ ] mine [ __ ] wait what there I gave you majority of the Pokéballs I’m going to look for this Bulbasaur that’s

On the it shows up on the map so now I got to look for it uh uh there was no Bulbasaur I keep I keep hearing our voices Echo it’s like I’m going insane or it’s like I’m you nope nope stop I want to do it also how do you deploy

Your Pokemon R you you hit R and it shoots at oh [ __ ] stop stupid game um there’s a Fletchling it doesn’t Pidgey but I’m already going to if I get a p if I get a Fletchling I won’t be I won’t want to get a Pidgey but if I get

A if I get a Fletchling I won’t want to get a Pidgey I’d rather get a Pidgey I’m gonna get a Pidgey or if I get a Pidgey I won’t want a Fletchling Sammy yeah baby Sammy yeah baby you so fat Sammy I know that’s why you got to stop drinking

Soda stop drink my mom came my mom came in earli and gave Victoria props I’ve never seen her act like that wait what what do you mean you talking about she gave you props for backing her up I was like I have never seen her like that with anyone that I hang out

With nobody’s ever called you fat Sam people call you fat all the time okay no what I mean is no one’s ever like oh made my mom like them to the point where she’ll give props um I’m going to I’m not going to lie I might change the difficulty to

That’s why I can’t get the Bulbasaur the Bulbasaur is level 17 there’s no there’s no way there’s a level 17 Bulbasaur Sam dead at dead dead butt like dead but L I need to see this where is I don’t know where it went these stupid things don’t stay still that’s what I

Hate all right then look for it look for this stick up your ass I mean your butt okay you can curse boy shut the [ __ ] up you [ __ ] idiot I’m gonna say the N word once we get once we if guys what once this once this video gets five views I’m gonna say

The N word it’s at nine total views right now all right guys I’m GNA say it I’m joking yeah look right here Sam look level 17 Bulbasaur that’s a n it’s not a Bulbasaur yes it for me it says Bulbasaur wait am I wait I’m not hallucinating you

Are no Sam I’m being serious let me take a picture let me take a picture and send it to you you know what else is a nickit babe oh I see your stream okay I see your stream but for me it’s say bubble store wait wait wait I’m being serious I’m

Guys I’m not losing my mind guys chat I am not losing my mind look Sam let me send it to you so you know exactly what I’m talking about it’s a horri picture but let me just send it anyway name the name Sam look look on my screen on

Herend yeah I don’t know why it’s weird also why is my Charmander called Charmander the chosen one oh that’s everyone that get like every every starter Pokemon’s called The Chosen One it it bothers me too I’m like what is that supposed to mean like it just means you chose

It well yeah Sam I think I can do deductive reasoning I think you can shove a stick I want to shove a stick up your booty hole too but you know can I please fight this stupid ratata guys help me sh abic me last time it was gtic this time it’s plasma

Yeah there are Pokemon cards oh okay give me that’s that well then I didn’t think those were just casually in the game why is nothing working I’m so have a totem of undying now there we go okay okay okay it does say nickit but on my screen it says bulbasaurus so this is

Like a glitch or a bug on my end then that’s crazy oh did you battle it and it said the thing yeah it says nickit okay you know what else is a nickit babe you know what else is a nickit you know you know what else is a

Nickit you know what else is a nickit you know what else is a nickit you know what else is I swear to God you’re G to get me banned I’m not going to get you Perma banned only temporary banned you know what else is a ni you

Know what else is a nickit you know what else is a nickit you know what else is a nickit you know what else is a nickit you know what else is a Nick oh my God shut up God see I don’t like silence the silence is

Growing uh anyway um I actually do have to be right back so entertain them uh okay guys I will take off all my clothes on stream if okay sorry I’m sorry guys I’m kidding guys I’m kidding loud incorrect buzzer noise um anyway you guys but yeah on my side it it showed a

Bulbasaur but now it’s a nickit and I’m upset because nothing against nickit but I would have preferred a bulbas store oh we’re playing Pixelmon but Sam stepped out for a little bit you can’t really see my side though that’s s uh Sam side that you’re saying oh well my Charmander just got

Bodied which makes sense cuz you know it’s a level 17 nickit you’re not stupid Bulbasaur you are not a Bulbasaur you are a nickit you’re not Nurse Joy what is this bald man Dr John what okay well you know what we’re just going to see if I

Can uh fight something that isn’t like super high leveled you know uh let’s fight this merro actually this is level five merro all right we got him we got him to 59% we’re gonna use Ember now again it kind of sucks that you guys don’t see what I’m doing because this is Sam’s

View but uh I’m fighting a merro right now wait one more Ember one more Ember yes it only took me four tries fist bump oh that’s great awesome now my Terminator is level six let’s go I I’ve won the battle thank you I got chicken and Feathers which makes sense honestly

Um let me see what else are those two having at it stupid ho I’m gonna fight that who who who who all right Ember again cuz honestly that’s like the best move that this Charmander has oh the hooo is burned he’s burned I mean she’s burned my

Bad scratch scratch it come on come on Charmander scratch it also Sanders how come you chose your name to be yogurt all right just one more nice awesome awesome awesome uh I guess I’ll take the feather well this who hoot’s having an aneurysm is just spinning around I don’t really have an answer

That’s funny he just like like a oh oh oh oh oh I can’t see nothing okay I found guys I found a rowet oh my god oh I don’t want to use Ember because I’m feel like I’m GNA one shot it I just decided that one day like I

Just decided it would be like that one day randomly okay that’s that’s fine yeah that’s understandable I mean I like yogurt personally I mean obviously I mean who doesn’t like yogurt I mean I guess some people don’t like the texture because it’s very creamy I like creaminess though I like oh

No I’m gonna kill myself I killed the rowet God damn it I did not mean to kill it I didn’t think it was just going to oneshot it I thought it was going to cuz here’s the thing I used Ember which I know is critical against

Um uh grass types right like I knew it was but I thought it was just going to make it low I didn’t think it was going to be like that terrible oh because I think Not only was it super effective but it was also a critical hit that’s what messed me

Up oh God I feel so terrible now that that was a level seven rowlet you guys I I I mean I know you can’t see but a shoot Meo that’s horrible um that’s fine though I should probably cook some stuff because I keep forgetting that this is like Minecraft you

Know it’s like oh yeah completely forgot this is M oh you don’t eat yogurt that much okay I mean that’s fine you don’t have to eat what you are if that makes any sense uh I’m probably not making any sense am I uh let’s see if we can maybe

God that was a rowlet you guys Jesus I still can’t get over it I’m still upset about that actually Ste gem what can I use that for oh I have an axe that’s cool I guess Sam didn’t loot this he has not looted that yet so that’s good I’m gonna I’m gonna

See did he loot did Sam loot this did Sam take no he did not which is perfect because I need food um because I’m I’m dying like I’m actually I’m not dying but my Hunger is pretty low so I’m gonna take these potatoes I’m just kind of narrating

Right now because again you guys can’t see my screen let me take these berries also berries let me take I don’t think I need ferns Anthony what does that mean what is that what is that expression okay Anthony I see how it is I gotta be careful what curse words I

Say I was about to say the RW not that word but the r a p that word and I’m like oh I keep forgetting I’m on stream so I got got to like not say those things you know you guys didn’t need to know about that but I just wanted to voice my

Thoughts cuz I do talk a lot as youve probably have seen so far Choy doogy baddy jaty Anthony are you having a stroke what’s going what’s going on man non good word non non- good word you’re like a caveman you’re talking like a caveman I’m trying to see if maybe I can

Find a decent Pokemon because after not getting that rowet now I feel terrible now I just actually maybe I should heal my Charmander first actually before I even do anything because what if I do find a good Pokemon and then I’m screwed because I can’t do anything about

It uh no there’s no chest in this place lame um let me go to the heal place if I could even find it what the the heck is this hello grab oh great I love Brown terra cotta do you guys love Brown terra cotta I sure do love Brown terra cotta I also

Have wait Soul torch oh that’s actually kind of cool might use that for something maybe a boulder I found Boulders wow I got some endstone and then more glass I’m living the dream you guys okay we got some emeralds more potatoes and bread awesome and berries

I’m really living the dream it’s a good thing Sam’s in the bathroom taking forever like always because now I’m getting all this stuff I love well to be fair uh in the first game he just took everything and so really I’m not doing anything wrong when you think about it

Uh thank you shopkeeper actually oh I just robbed him U my bad um not giving it back though um trying to where’s The Healing Place where are the Pokemon centers at I need to heal my Charmander before I can get some Pokemon damn that was a loud burp I

Don’t know if that picked up on the thing I really hope it didn’t that would be kind of embarrassing where okay you know what this isn’t funny anymore I’m not like oh I screamed really loud oh oh oh oh oh I don’t even want it to be honest I might just

Guys I found a shiny Caterpie you guys it’s pink uh well charmander’s at really low Health but you know that’s okay that’s the thing out of all the shinies why a Caterpie I mean nothing wrong with Caterpie or anything I Woogie doogy lul love it I just saw

That all right well you guys guys you guys just keep keep um you guys keep uh saying your stuff uh you you guys you guys you guys are funny how am I supposed to oh Pokéballs that I found it okay I’m trying to catch this shiny caterie it’s only at 52% which isn’t

Great but my Charmander is about to die see I wanted to heal my Charmander but I’m stupid and I couldn’t oh I captured it okay so I guess now I have a shiny Caterpie which again I don’t really care for but it’s a shiny so why

Not and it only took me one Pokeball so I’ll see that as a win where’s Dr John Dr John Dr there he is he was right in front of me this whole time but then I got distracted by the shiny Caterpie shiny means better exactly so

It was worth it it honestly it was it was again it was only one Pokeball anyway so I see that as a massive win now let’s try to find some some Pokemon some good Pokemon now that my Charmander is healed maybe we can find something good out here in these

Parts um let me see if I Can that EST big be this a beig ween it is a beig that’s a very beig ween myself oh I caught a shiny Caterpie and there’s no no no way no way I call BS I call BS chat chat I literally did you guys saw me and Sanders and Anthony are

Talking in caveman speech so oh W I have no food um where are you by the way you’re not in the village anymore I am in the village but I’m in the back Parts I’m in the wood Woody area oh okay um yeah look telling you’s telling you I got a shiny

Caterpie it’s a pink Caterpie oh no no no no is is it it’s just pink right it’s it’s pink with blue things and yellow stuff wait one sec let me see yeah okay no that’s not a shiny Caterpie that is a reference to I don’t know if you ever watched the

Pokemon series where they had the pink Pokemon because they ate special berries so it turned pink oh yeah that’s what that is they’re not shiny oh but it’s still cool it’s pink cuz I was like it’s pink no shiny Caterpie is yellow I still think it’s a be ween I

Still think it’s a Sam is just coping he is he he doesn’t want he please look up shiny Caterpie you’ll see that I’m right guys he doesn’t care about about about my my wins you guys see how he’s he always like plays down my wi I would

Have been so happy if you got a shiny Caterpie um all right now I’m in this if you look up shiny Caterpie you’ll see that it’s yellow it’s not okay Sam we get it we get It jez fin shut up oh your F Wings got Well you don’t have to shut up Sam cool I got another totem of undying uh stupid oh Sam you want to know something that I’m really mad about that happened while you were gone I found a level seven rowlet no it i k I killed it I was so mad oh No s and I had just you want to know something even funnier I I had just posted on my story how rowlet is my is a starter I would choose for that Sam dude cuz if I were to I actually changed a lot of my typing preferences for certain

Games um but yeah no that that that hurts that hurts that that hurt H me a lot like I if you actually go back and watch the stream I visibly cried like it was it was so it was horrible how long was cuz you know what happened uh I’m

Like in the forest but you know what happened mhm I okay you could okay you could argue that this was stupid I used Ember against it but I thought it was just going to make it critically low I didn’t think it was going to like oh no

No no baby Ember is a Ember is super effective because it’s a fire type move against the grass type yes I know yes I know but it wasn’t just that right not only did it do that but it was also a critical hit oh no oh no at that point

At that point the game just said [ __ ] you you’re not getting this rowet yeah starters are so difficult to get which is understandable why they did that but still it’s like God damn no dude like I’m so upset I just realized I’m running around like an idiot when the map literally tells you

What Pokemon are around yeah does it tell does it tell you like what um does it tell you like every Pokemon that’s around or yeah all all the Pokemon that’s in the area it’ll tell you yeah so the Pokemon will appear oh hi baby so the Pokemon will appear on the

Map and the little green arrows are NPCs and like villagers and stuff hey babe mhm we need to move why was this why was this poo just scratching its ass on the floor I don’t know um let’s start moving around babe so let’s I’m going to head

North so come with me oh wait I’m fighting a poo right now so give me a second okay I’ll fight some of these rats I I need to level up my ashat um I also need to get a Caterpie that reminds me I actually do need to

Catch a Caterpie because why um so for catching Pokemon early one of the best Pokemon to use is um is uh Butterfree Butterfree how come because Butterfree has all of the powders it has stun Spore sleep powder um poison powder oh I wait I have a question how

Do you switch your main Pokemon and your second Pokemon well that’s what the arrow keys are used for well I’m going to use my WD cuz that’s better yeah I actually used brackets at first it killed my goddamn aswa brackets yes because I didn’t like that

So but uh I didn’t like the arrow keys but then I figured that the arrow keys were so much better oh you’re in a mini gym right now I’m not even gonna no no no I’m not doing anything I’m just trying to fix my controls oh

Okay oh Samy M Sammy yeah hi Sammy hi Sammy hi baby hi I love you Sammy I love you too baby you want to you want to make out on stream I’m joking it’s not that kind of platform you know what I’m saying I’m G stop talking guys help me what do you

Mean oh my God if anything you’re living the dream you’re living the dream all right let me yink this you can’t do this to me do you know how much I sacrif oh my God I feel like Anthony’s losing his mind do you know how much I put into this all

Right um okay so baby I got you a backpack thank you uh wait give me a second how do I God damn it how do I freak previous party slot I still don’t know how these controls work what does it mean my previous party slot and that’s that’s the that’s how your char

Moves between the Pokemon those are your party slots one through six previous party slot is before next party slot is next I know what previous means Sam I just mean like how do I select Target Pokemon okay okay I already looted this one uh send

Out did I already do that yeah uh oh rame box um yeah this is interesting I plan on heading north see if we can find a snow biome well actually wait I’m not I don’t have a fire type there’s no reason for me to find a snow biome wait wait don’t go

Without me I’m trying to I know I know I’m just thinking like where where I should go I want to head north I have a question what can you do with a steel gem okay so the gems are both useless and not useless they are very dependent on the

Pokemon you have because they will boost that specific typing for that Pokemon so if you have a Steel type you can give it a steel Gem and it’ll be better but here’s the thing you almost oh I’m I’m I’m going to head towards you I’m going

To head towards you I’m still in the village don’t worry um here’s the thing though you almost never use those because those are those are usually like replaced by other items damn how’d you get armor already you found it yeah I found it actually you know what come

Here can you give me armor there there’s armor give me give me okay thank you oh I took some stuff that’s where I found the steel gem I didn’t take everything yeah I I had already looted this place Sam can I can I make this a different color I don’t like the

Color baby no it’s Team Plasma stuff we’re in a Team Plasma Village so if you want a different thing we got to find a different village which is what I want to do I this this Village is already looted out and I don’t like the way it

Looks and I don’t like the biome it’s in so uh Sam mhm hi hi I’m going to collect some wood for the way out my name is Shadow that’s my train that’s a no I meant like your real name oh my name is Sam why because my name is

Sam right to unlock I I kind of want to use a command to unlock these here because they’re actually really frustrating to get in the normal like in this like they’re actually extremely extremely frustrating to get but I also don’t know if that would anger some people put these pants on all right

Let’s go bibes oh you’re still wait can you give me that blue axe what blue axe well I don’t know what what’s that blue thing you have it’s an axe Sapphire axe the only ax I have I have an iron axe all right you want me to come with you yeah let’s go

Wait can I eat something let me eat bread real quick oh here I mean potato no I said let me eat a potato real quick oh I had bread okay I I have bread too but I guess I’ll take more bread that’s fine uh also kill radatat they drop um cooked

Mutton I’m so sad Sam that I killed that rowlet I’m actually actually so devastated place all right actually oh here’s another thing um swamp biomes I’m I’m always going to mark because wait where wait where are you keep going okay go go north go north and you’re going to

See the swamp biome that’s where I am I know I yes I know where it is but like where exactly are you I’m inside the swamp biome right at the edge of the forest babe a you’re being a smartass aren’t you anyway I’m going to mark this place

Because swamp biomes are the best for getting Ash Greninja specifically um you know I have a Greninja ex I will kill for that yeah I got it years ago in middle school when somebody traded it to because I traded my charmant night Charizard EX for their ashar ninja ex

That guy who traded it is a [ __ ] idiot um where where are you where did you you want you want to know who the guy was who ex huh [Laughter] it’s my asja now um where you okay I’m just in the water just keep heading north and you’ll see

Me so I follow the sunset that’s not accurate at all but sure or Sunrise neither are you I’m going back I’m going back to get you Sam well samel samel oh my God if you start spamming my name Sam okay where did you go you’re like a

Lost Child I see you I see you I see you okay well am I defense you run really fast a lot faster than in real life get it because you’re fat anyway I hope you get lost no don’t say that baby girl we got to stick together o I see that I see

That I want it I see it I see it give me give me give me give me give me where is it I’m coming dead where is it where is it where is it no oh he’s under the ground all right whatever I’m not going to do it it was a

Gastly I really want I I like Gastly me too like I said I need a c baby you’re heading the wrong way baby you’re heading the wrong way God damn it you’re like Zoro I don’t know what that it means you get lost easily from because Zoro from

One piece baby where are you going Sam where we’re going we don’t need roads all right you’re I guess we’re going our separate ways no no no Sam come back Sam you keep going the wrong way I’m telling you let’s go north and you’re going south baby I’m just I’m just attracted

To races come on just wait for me oh my God I’m going north wait no wait wait I’m coming I’m coming wait don’t leave without me Sam come back Sam I’m coming oh for the love of God oh they are all right let’s go you

See if this was real life I would have caught up if this was real life I’d be long gone I wouldn’t have waited you’re so mean kiding o Special Tree actually wait okay what does the button do a master ball in it power bracer wait no stop this isn’t fair I

Don’t even know how to get up here can I can I have the master ball please no no it’s not a master ball it’s okay so there’s these loot balls like you know how you would find those little pokeballs in the game you open them and and had an item

Inside yeah yeah that’s what it was but it was a master ball which means the item in it was is supposed to be a rare thing yeah uh cool um should we start mining stuff already we could but Sam yeah I got some emeralds I got

Some emeralds so do I which is good for when we want to make like some of the future machines iron Sam iron and boxy that’s what we need the most honestly yo Sam Sam really need to go mining actually yeah Sam there’s a red there there’s a Caterpie nearby

Ooh do I have Pok balls I do have Poké Balls I my backpack how do I alternate between these mother okay there we go it’s like how the [ __ ] do I alternate I mean how the freak God damn it where did you go I’m inside the cave I’m mining

Cuz we cuz here’s the thing like mining is really essential so what is this oh it’s really I I it’s almost like we’re playing Minecraft shut up but no like we need some we’re going to need certain machines in the future oh cool leaf stone um so for example like eventually

Is this box site yes Sammy So to craft yeah hi hi continue so to craft things like pokeballs we’re going to need iron or boxy and then we’re going to need boxy to create um a SP special Anvil or no we can use iron to make the Anvil

Never mind but there’s a very there’s like a Pixelmon anvil that we need to make so that way we can Hammer um the pokeballs to shape them and then create pokeballs using that right right right so we need a lot of iron and coal and aluminum and the aluminum comes

From box site box site you find in caves right right and weirdly enough you can also find fossils usually behind gravel and stuff right right on some Ruby that’s good because then we can try making the destiny chain and that is really frustrating to do oh God the destiny

Chain is always a pain in my [ __ ] rectum tight Welsh rectum well I have the People’s Choice Award not the People’s Choice a award that’s like that was Blasphemous that was Blasphemous what he did so cool he’s going to shove it up his so another amethyst here which we can do to make Team Rocket armor if we ever want to oh my leg I’m losing blood in my leg Sam I’m losing blood it’s it’s awful you sitting Criss

Applesauce yes fun fact sitting with your legs like like that is actually like studies shown that that’s really bad actually and that’s why they sto telling kids to sit like that do you have kids in your house whoa guys he has kids in his house baby they

Know that my mom wants a daycare shut up she sponsors me losing blood is fatal gain blood instead of losing blood honestly Anthony is speaking facts right now why didn’t you say anything like that Sam I’m currently trying to catch gast I’m currently trying to catch not catch but trying to

Fight okay so now my question is do I have another Pokemon I don’t even know did I catch another Pokemon earlier oh I don’t remember guys do I have another Pokemon or am I stuck game really said don’t bleed out it’s bad for you come

On okay can can this Gastly just kill me already cuz I’m an idiot and I don’t have any water type attacks right now I don’t think I have another Pokemon I think I’m [ __ ] Sam my leg hurt I mean I don’t think you care I do care baby that’s

Your leg a oh yeah I know you like my legs pause yay Caterpie got some XP wow anyway cool we have more rubies which is good Samuel mhm Sam EST steis yeah I’m gonna say your address no why would you do that cuz I love you well that’s that’s not love that’s

Doxing sometimes we got to do a little docks to have a little bit of love how deep is your love I hope that song that song is really old I oh my God this nickit just came out of nowhere stupid nickit you know what else is a nickit I’m GNA make

That joke the whole stream oh God don’t report me I beg you um I was going to make something but I forgot what I was going to I was going to make a shovel want to put a shovel up your booty hole shut the [ __ ] up

Uh shovel Ruby shovel or should I make a crystal shovel yeah I’ll make your Crystal shovel look better stupid nickit my Charmander is almost dead oh my God stop you’re genuinely going to get me in trouble I didn’t say anything that time you’re so used to saying it you don’t even

Know said Nick it what did you think I said nothing babe sorry I didn’t do anything wrong yeah I know I know I don’t even know where you are anymore I’m in a cave I told you I was going to be in a cave uh I’m in the

Forest I have no food and that that is not good I have food yeah I’m trying’s I’m trying to find out of the cave hey Sabai I’m not even going to bother fighting you because you’re actually annoying to fight and I don’t actually I don’t even have I can’t even fight him asha’s

Dead Sammy it’s about to be night time oh cool we’ll get some nighttime Pokemon is that a rolu where oh shoot it is a rolu wait wait wait wait I’m on my way I’m on my way I’m on my way oh [ __ ] it’s oh [ __ ] no

I’m catching it no you can’t do this to me you can’t do this to me do you know how much I sacrificed no no no no shut up shut the [ __ ] up I hate that you said that oh my God oh my God I’m catching it

I’m catching it wa is it yellow begging you there’s no way no you’re you’re lying you’re lying oh no it’s a regular one that’s a reg oh my God I’m catching it hold on where are you I’m not telling you I’ll teleport don’t make me I’ll teleport to you no no

No no you don’t even know how to do that I do know how to do that nope dead ass try to do it right now Sam look look what the [ __ ] is that I don’t how am I supposed to look I don’t know where you are I won’t catch it but tell

Me where you are you said you were in the forest where oh uh did you keep going north I am you want to tell you my chords cuz yes just tell me your chords uh XGA 554 Z 458 554 you went backwards dude I’m not good at

Directions I don’t even have any food how am I going to catch up to you oh do you know how much I sacrifice Sam I didn’t know there were Poké stops in this game yeah there are Poké stops they they added that recently oh that’s so cool I just got

Some stuff from a poké stop I found you know I got a ice heel I got ancient poke four ancient pokeballs I got I got a orange poag oh did I lose the rolu um oops if you lost the rolu I’m going to be mad oh I listen I got distracted by the

Poké stop oh my God oh that’s a shiny hoot hoot that’s a shiny hoot hoot there’s a sh oh you scared me it’s just a hooh hoo I thought you said a hoopa I was like what oh no if it’s a hoopa if it’s a hoopa I’m cheating a masterball in the game right

Now oh baby how do you put on a orange backpack you don’t put it on it’s just in your inventory you just right click it and you can put in like Pokemon stuff uh okay bab um let me do that actually cuz my thing full okay baby what are your cords again

55 uh it is it is uh oh give me a second I’m putting stuff away in my I also got some apricorns babe those are good those are really really good you want to make a house or are we just G to like we’re GNA make a house I just need to find

You oh by the way Sam I also have a silver lure casing which I don’t know what that does yeah I also have that those are meant for to create lures which was added like in a this was lures were added in I forgot which [ __ ] game but you can create things like

Shiny lures grass type LS things like that I also have a skiny smooth David would drink that he one of his favorite Pokemons is actually Skitty now where are you uh I’m putting stuff in my backpack but it’s being weird right now I’m be honest you can only put in Pokemon

Stuff ah thank you for telling me that thank you for telling me that that was actually very helpful Boulder okay awesome aome uh negative 55 negative Okay negative 554 and Z is NE 461 oh my God you went in such a stupid Direction um sorry are you going to hit me when we

Get home what like always are you going to hit me when we get home oh my God woman you’re going to actually get me in dude okay I know you like hitting me I don’t I don’t like it when you hit me too much Jesus Christ I’m being serious Victoria you’re

Going to get me in Trouble oh come on you really think YouTube’s that sophisticated that they’re going to be like oh she’s getting abused dude you don’t understand how stupid people can be on the [ __ ] internet okay but only your friends watch they know yes but I still got the average random dude why are you yelling at

Me I’m G commit 10 I’m gonna commit murder one day and you will never know it why can’t Sam but why Can’t We Be Friends why can’t we friends not do that um I’m gonna um uh nope all this stuff is mine don’t touch anything I found this

First ow no Stam St St stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop actually stop for but yeah I found this wait oh look at you dude babe look do you have a read something to revive by Pokemon yeah I do actually I found a few revives so we’re actually golden right

Now can you give me one please Sam I also have five level balls five Safari balls and four repeat balls baby can can can you give me a revive please I will just give me a let me actually open up Sam you can do that this is an important site I’m kidding oh

God I’m just putting some stuff away cuz you Know uh okay um here baby come here y here take it take it take it as’s back ashaad is so cute I love ashaw a um baby I also have uh five Super potions Jesus Christ how much damn I got an was that an extra large or an extra

Small candy cuz now he’s level 12 well as’s level 12 nice let me see something all right uh do you have any food uh I have one bread 7 potatoes and five uncooked rabbit um actually Sam do you have any coal because maybe we should start like stuff I got some coal

But it’s like I want to try making the house first okay you want to make it here but do you want to make it here or do you want to make it in another biome I want to make it in another biome I don’t like the normal biome my favorite biome to

Make a house in especially in Pokemon is no yeah either the snow biome or the TGA biome whoa Sam you can’t say that I’m stop talking Sam what’s an experience candy okay so those you give to your Pokemon and they’ll give them exp did you get

How do you give them to how do you give them to your C to your Pokemon um you okay so you send out the Pokemon and you right click on it with the candy dope let me try doing that right now actually Do Copyright Charmander Charmander can only do a small amount Charmander stop moving Charmander stop stop thank you Charmander now you’re level 12 as well so now we’re equal to them dragon breath okay we’re getting rid of uh Charmander gets Dragon type moves like really early in the game

Well I’m not complaining that’s for sure let’s go uh should I get an Abra that well never mind Abra disappeared Abra was like nope not y because guess what I don’t want arra anyway uh I’m trying to you can sing you can’t have the music or feature the actual song but

You can sing it oh they changed that so I can actually sing the goddamn songs I want to sing now I didn’t even know that was a rule I was going to keep singing and then I was going to get you banned I’m joking I wasn’t going to get

You banned I think it was going to get you banned by accident baby I’m coming I mean you see me you see me on the map I’m just trying to get closer to you I’m trying to get to go north so we can try finding a different biome but you keep oh sorry

Let’s let’s start moving then I’m I’m coming back to you let’s start moving yeah okay I won’t r run I can’t even run I I don’t have any food uh let me give you food then o actually wait I see a Metapod let me go capture that

Sure do that cuz if I get it as a Metapod that that’ll make my life a lot easier that’s teleport why do I have teleport who the [ __ ] are you Sam there’s a woman there’s a woman in front of me what’s the name the name it where did she

Go hello oh B her name she’s level five but doesn’t oh it’s a trainer what do I oh where she going just throw the Pokeball at her and then it’ll start the fight yeah you would throw your balls at people I’m sorry you know I love you baby

Girl I love my pink Caterpie if my Caterpie evolves and it doesn’t stay this color I’m going to kill myself it will it will it will okay cuz cool I caught the Metapod and in two levels it’ll become a Butterfree all right wait what is some of these Pokemon that are here where’s

Pidgey I kind of want that Pidgey uh I’m gon get that Pidgey because Pidgeot is really nice nice Pidgeot is a solid Pokemon oh I got some money that’s good I guess I have a very I I actually have like my own like dream team that never no it’s not that

It never fails but it’s always really nice to have um and it consists mostly of Kanto Pokemon h actually funny enough when I was playing Pokemon X it had a lot of like Kanto Pokemon and that wasn’t even like intentional because I had a Charizard gardav War Snorlax Lapras

Mhm so yeah well G of War isn’t Kanto she’s a oh yeah oh yeah that’s she’s she wasn’t originally from that region though um yeah no but in X and Y they added a bunch of like Pokemon from different things p is always sliding its

Ass uh bab where are you I like how we’re both like all right where where did the other one go I like I like I like how we’re always losing each other umga 522 426 okay so we’re not too far apart um no if you head West you might see

Me West West West West West West baby I love you hope you know that I feel like everybody’s getting tired of me saying that I love you I love it when you I love you that’s the thing we got we also got to find like a place to heal Pokemon cuz my

Pokemon are kind of like hurt real bad um I have I have some potions so that’s uh I I headed west and you’re not here so that didn’t work okay what are your cords now uh 633 and 403 that’s weird Okay um maybe you’re supposed to head

East is there a middle okay cuz I’m at negative 542 negative 494 and you are at where again let me I’m heading east 605 negative 391 391 okay yeah so you are heading I’m heading east right now you’re actually no no no you are supposed to go north northwest I’m supposed to go

Southeast so I’m Northwest I go Northwest yeah you go Northwest I go Southeast also we need g i headed Northwest and you’re still not here okay where are you what are your cords again – 620 448 okay 448 ow my leg I was I I was supposed to head Northwest my bad

Sammy what the hell who are you look my sense of direction is almost as bad as zoro’s I’m an old fishing let me know if you want assist bring a fishing R to the MPC PR for jump okay I found a fisherman yeah fishing round are good I found um

Okay so what’s your Z again my Z is 452 okay then so never mind you are East this is an ice cold the my gold this oh good girls are good girl Masterpiece City I’m too hot hot damn call the call the police and the fireman too too like a dragon retir too hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we are so out of s okay baby my cords are not oh baby look I found a Pikachu and two Sable eyes okay one sec I’m still

Trying to find you um Sabai isn’t that great Pikachu isn’t that great either but I guess if you want it for the you know no no I’m just no I was just saying in case you wanted them Pikachu is one of the worst Electric types I’ve ever

Had really yes um I mean to be fair there’s so much better like electric type options that you can get like it’s not even funny and also look I’m sorry but Pikachu the reason by the way there’s only here’s the thing Pikachu is actually a very weak Pokemon the only

Reason why Ash’s Pikachu is so powerful was because his damn ass dumbass decided to supercharge it oh yeah wasn’t that like a theory no that that’s a confirmation he supercharged Pikachu how the [ __ ] do you do that okay so do okay okay did did you watch the Indigo

League serious I only watched XY and XYZ I’m going be honest so in the first series by the way what’s your coordinates again I lo I I’m kind of lost uh babe I found a weird Castle school thing oh you’re there okay yeah that’s the church um you’re that’s like

The graveyard area ew I hate Church am I right chat we hate we hate church but bab bab I’ll serious this up so back when back when Ash was trying to get his first gym badge to beat Brock he couldn’t beat Brock so then he went to

Visit an old man and that old man um said you know you might be able to beat him if you supercharge your Pikachu because Ash didn’t have any other Pokemon at the time I think the only Pokemon he had was uh was Caterpie and even then like C just

Having a Pikachu and a Caterpie is not gonna you know yeah he Brock had a literal Onyx I see you babe I see you I see you I see you head West Head West Head West Head West I know no I see you too I’m coming so

Basically uh do I try and get more health or risk it in a boss fight get more Health get more Health more health is always nice um actually before I leave I’m going to do that as well what do you mean I’m gonna put give Health to my Pokemon oh yeah come

Here no do you want the potions or not fine give it to me literally give it to me pause give it to to me pause did you did I take it or did you take it you took it I picked it up thank you pink Caterpie oh that’s yours oh

Decline I mean babe if you want to fight yeah that’s my Caterpie babe it’s pink that’s how you know it’s mine unless you found another pink Caterpie which the odds of that happening I he kind of what’s not the the hardest thing in the world it’s just hard to find it

Cuz they they spawn they are rare but they spawn in like GR groups of other Pokemon that are pink yeah like hords also uh no it’s not no no like pink Pokemon aren’t super rare but it’s rare if you find not just a pink Pokemon but another pink like Caterpie specifically

Yeah I mean I guess Caterpie kind of at this point in the game what is what is that is that the what the [ __ ] is that don’t what is that you’re uh wait there’s a Pokemon I’m so confused what is that well check the map it should say

Well no no that’s the thing like like like I see the icon I don’t know what that is what is this audel I think that’s one of the new ones that is one of the new ones I I I remember it now if I but on the map it

Just looks super weird what does schudel evolve into shrew tank I’m joking I don’t know what I’m saying bro so shle okay Bulbapedia come on I lost cause of you evolves I try oh it’s the acid monkey well did you risk it in the boss fight or did you actually try to heal

Cuz I’m pretty sure Sam told you to heal yeah so if you lost after healing then that’s not Sam’s fa okay I was trying to get health and he died while trying to get health oh oh no I’m sorry that sucks okay baby you can have this one cuz I’m

Not a big fan of poison types I how do how do I heal this [ __ ] right click him with the potion oh I did uh okay yeah sorry fixed it yeah funny enough okay okay okay I don’t know if you see it but there’s like an apple

Pokemon yeah that’s a dragon type that’s a dragon type yay Apple po is a goddamn dragon type and I refuse to accept it my charmer almost touched a Whooper and I almost killed myself why what’s so bad about because it’s a it’s a water type I would have been a little

Screwed no no they can interact with other Pokemon without engaging in battle oh babe mhm babe yeah where are you there you are uh can we start heading north please it’s getting dark and I’m hungry we should really get like a solid base yeah slight issue I may be

Out of Pokemon to fight with unless I catch this apple in right now all right I caught it cool I got a I got a dragon type I don’t I don’t care uh let’s let’s go to that Beacon oh red Beacon red beaconed Beacon so so so

Here’s the thing I we won’t be able to do this here’s why what is that wait what is that so do you remember um how in the new I can’t run do you remember certain Shield do you remember certain Shield not at all okay after after after the alolan region I

Was just I never caught up because I don’t have a switch and I never played the games okay well in certain Shield they introduce something called po called Mega raid dens and basically help me they called introduce the concept of raid dens and basically this is where they bring in gigant axing

And and uh dynamaxing this is a Pokemon Den if you go in it a giant version of the Pokemon will spawn we can’t do this here’s the thing we can’t do this here’s why I have no Pokemon I only have a Pidgey and an appin I only have a Charmander and a

Caterpie so actually if we combine our our actually we combine the Charmander and the Pidgey maybe the appin okay wait let me look at my Pokemon sumary real quick what are your moves astonish but even then yeah but even then my Caterpie is only level six and my Charmander is

Level 13 it’ll it’ll acclimate towards the player level girl such hallelujah girl we don’t have to we can ooh this is a good electric type actually this the the final evolution for grubbin is really good to have is an electric type I don’t care for it um so Sam can we please

Start moving actually I already have a bug type never mind Sam can we start moving can we start moving yeah let’s go let’s go let’s keep going wait I hope really Daddy I’m okay anyway I really hope we find a village baby you’re heading you’re heading south now you’re heading south

Now babe I know I know I know wait wait wait I’m trying to go back to you I’m coming Daddy oh it’s a rookie God damn it somebody help me I like how you immediately just stop talking it’s like oh look I God damn it uh anyways uh let’s keep uh let’s

Keep so these are called Thea W Woods cool my leg hurt but it’s fine stop sitting the way you’re sitting then I like sitting like this so now we have it hurts like kill uh let’s head back into the woods you always go so fast I’m not even I’m

Not even running stop my stop sit normally sit normally sit normally baby my leg hurt my Ley hurt baby baby we have berries I have berries I’ve had berries why don’t you eat them you can eat I thought those were just for the Pokémon no no not the apricorns I mean sweet

Berries sweet berries I again I thought those were just for the Pokemon no baby the sweet berries that they that is in Minecraft come to where I am am I stupid I think I think you are baby I think you’re a little stupid I think I’m a little dumb I’m I’m

A little slow oh that feels good I let my leg stretch I’m so glad though that we’re playing in a in a like we’re not have like a full mod pack because if we had to play against mobs I I would have been dead like quite a few times yeah here eat

These I threw them I threw them down thanks babe you want to have sex in Minecraft No I’m sorry I I never I’m sorry I am never doing a live stream with you again you do not know how to keep it normal I’m sorry sorry I didn’t know that was one of the bad words that you can’t say it’s not that it’s a bad word

Baby but you don’t just say that in a live stream toile baby I found a toile do you want it uh yeah please can I have it all right come to me cuz you have a you already have a water my my X is 666 that’s actually hilarious your what

Is 666 your my ex what negative 666 yeah negative 666 hurry he’s running away and I’m trying to keep him this is normal y you do realize is right no don’t tell her that don’t tell her what do you mean don’t tell her she’ll be loow dis space let’s do this thing

SP uh what is this thing on oh my God why what happened what happened what happened uh one second one second I know what doing this and I have to do this quick because if I don’t I will be in a lot of trouble right now that’s fine

Um uh I would love a toad to [ __ ] I’m gonna die why do I have a fire type yay I love having a fire type oh dragon breath now I fire refresh this stop bro good okay I need to get a better hard drive real I need to get a new

SSD all right let me heal um Pidgey and appin I don’t want to because that’s a risk well I mean I guess not but this thing does not want to Die okay uh I have to heal my Pokemon quickly uh uh can you keep him occupied without attacking him for a second I’m trying to I need to heal my Pokemon um hold on I’m so stupid R wait how do you give them a revive do I just give it to them like this yeah okay okay so select it and and then hit uh so select the Pokemon you want to revive and then right click on it with the revive like just right click in the

Air wait what do you mean right click the Air I what okay baby what Pokemon are you trying to revive okay I fixed I did it I did it never mind uh both of them okay so let me now that that’s the toile and then gave it to you are you can you even do

That isn’t it technically yours no but I can use we can use a trading system you can what the trading okay um okay if anything try you can try to get it um cuz thing I have a grass type and that’s appin uh that’s the thing what if you

Accidentally kill it I don’t want you to accidentally kill it I have grass type moves I’m a grass type but I don’t have grass type moves I have Ghost type moves that aren’t very effective to the toad like I’m I’m doing damage and it’s not like a

Lot okay let me where are you there you are so you’re battling right now yeah I’m battling okay uh if it doesn’t work out then I’ll try again yeah if I get it like too low I’ll I’ll just like give it see cuz I fully healed both of my

Pokemon but that’s but that that’s it once my Pokemon can’t do anything now I’m pretty sure I can also do slash gift oh wait no I have to be op for that wait one sec okay no no cuz there’s gift there’s a gifting system but um here’s the thing

For certain commands you need to have op and that’s what you’re doing I see I have a question like when it comes to like legendary and mythical Pokemon that’s stuff that you only find in like certain places or is that something that happens like as you as you’re like as

You progress through the game I don’t know if that makes any sense what I’m saying okay so there are certain Pokemon oh thank you baby yeah and I’ll just D up myself okay so here’s the thing there are Pokémon that Alo there are certain Pokemon where you need to do a specific

Event to do to trigger the mythical uh baby come on let’s go wait I want to let me let me heal my totod dial first okay that my that my baby boo bear C caught for me yeah um this team is take the potion take the potion thank you all

Right I’m coming babe not this team is not my favorite uh that’s the thing get rid of the ones that you’re not going to use long term after a while like when you feel the my long-term Pokemon I have to like go out of my way and hunt for and

That’s why I I got the Pidgey because the Pidgey is good for just flying yeah Pidgey is great I and then Butterfree is amazing for catching Pokemon because it’ll still do heavy damage because it’s a psychic type and usually psychic is effective to most things um where are you just keep going forward

And then that’s why Butterfree is like super good because of the St SP and all that stuff oh I can’t I can’t run do I have any food left I have berries yeah here eat eat the sweet berries these are good here yeah I have yeah yeah yeah I

Have sweet berries okay then that’s good I really hope we find a village soon before we kind of just flop yeah and we’re just [ __ ] like we’re just defenseless so here’s the thing like okay so for a fire type I always go with Charmander because Charizard is goated

Uh water type I usually go Greninja because here’s the thing I I like to do typings that I know will will like help me out in the in the long run there’s a poly if you want it no I already have a water type baby sucker

Trees I know I’m kind of stuck right now oh I’m going to go get you no no I’m coming I’m coming you don’t have to help me okay uh oh it’s a pet uh pedal pedal petal I’m coming baby okay so we’re going to see a lot of pretty cool grass

Type Pokemon here maybe I’ll find some that are in the Apple these trees are gorgeous what is this okay so we might okay okay so this actually might be perfect for home base because it’s a um mountain biome I love Mountain biomes because they can spawn rolu and CH excuse me

Charmanders really I already have a Charmander but you know yeah so I might just explore this a bit and see what I can get there’s also rooll Coles which is oh oh that’s so yes yes yes okay you look at that look at that it’s right in front of us look at this

Okay okay so if any of us ever gets a GS ball I found this first I found this first I found this first okay okay okay okay but um uh so if any of us gets a A GS ball we can give it to this Shrine and we’ll get

Celby really yes what’s the GS ball um the GS ball was was introduced in uh Pokemon it was once again it was introduced in the Indigo League but no one knew what it what it did until way way way later they find out that there

Was a celab inside the GS ball it’s a mythical Pokemon that people have to keep secret because celibe is the time travel Pokemon along with umga with Diga yeah uh I need a fire type so I’ll just capture this rool is really good um so

Because of that uh you just kind of you know you’re able to do cool stuff with um that and oh you want to you want to know something really funny yeah Professor Oak I think I I think you I think I told you this or at least I I’ve

Posted about it Professor Oak gave Ash Pikachu on purpose oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Sam should I get a f or is it not worth it um I’ve never used a f um f is a fairy type so maybe it could be useful but fair are good

Like do you think there should be like do you think there’s better like fairy types out there oh yeah definitely if you if you find an Eevee automatically Sylveon o yeah that’s true I want to Eevee that’s that’s one of my I me another another accomplishment in this

Game is like completing the entire Pokedex but oh yeah of course but you know obviously that’s gonna take a I I mean why do I say by the way I’m Joker my mom doesn’t watch any Sam you scared me dude it’s like I’m kidding my mom your mom’s gonna kill me mom’s gonna

God um you know my my my parents don’t watch any of my videos uh okay so it doesn’t look like anything ooh wait what apricot tree is this one I actually we we really need to get apricots I wish I would know I could know oh did he leave oh oh I probably

But anyway yeah so the GS ball inside it is there and you need to go and technically what you’re supposed to do is you’re supposed to go into the Cybex Forest find the shrine put the GS ball there and then it turns into C what I’m

Sorry I was going to gift you an onyx but I killed it oh that’s fine uh plus you can’t gift it to me because no one here is op no like you gave me the TOA dial oh it’s fine plus I not a big well Steelix is pretty cool especially Mega Steelix but

I was never a big fan of those I’m very nitpicky with the Pokemon I choose the only reason why I’m catching them right now willy-nilly is because we need like I’m we’re getting to that stage where we need Pokemon Sam Sam help me I’m scared

Why why is this Absol purple why is this abso purple Sam help me what where are you what are your what are your this abso is purple what do I do is oh um yeah okay so that is why I say that getting mega stones is hard because that

Is a boss Pokemon oh help Sam help me help me he’s scary help me help me okay okay it’s fine he’s not going to technically you’re supposed to fight it but you’re only supposed to fight it alone now this is an epic Rarity boss Pokemon clearly it’s a Mega Absol so

This is how you’re yes this is how you’re supposed to get um Mega Stones by the way you find the Pok you find the the Pokemon as a as a boss Pokemon and then you fight it and kill it and get the mega stone then that’s when you unlock

Um mega evolutions the mega okay but we both can’t fight it it’s only a one-on-one battle thing yeah it’s a one-on-one battle um and is it hard like is it really hard like can I fight it right now I can’t fight it right now no because here’s the thing here’s the

Thing here’s the thing the thing I don’t like about this game when it comes to its boss Pokemon is it multip it it adds a certain amount to the level which makes it so like for example we have our highest level Pokemon for me it’s 13 it’ll it’ll grab that Pokemon

And then add add more to its level so I think because it’s epic it’ll add like 30 to the level okay so we’d be fighting a level 47 yeah okay okay yeah do you see why I don’t do you see why I use commands to get the Pokemon and then dynamaxing

Dynamaxing isn’t that hard it’s just tedious to get it but that’s why I use commands to get the bands because they’re just really frustrating to get I uh give me like a little bit because I got to heal first of all because I’m really low health and I’m

About to die so let me just I’m out of food yeah that’s cool though but that’s cool though we got we found a Mega Absol yeah that’s kind of nice um another really tedious thing is like trying to get the mega stone like for example you have to to get certain

Mega stones you need to find the um you need to find number one you have to find the the place where the Pokemon spawns yeah and then you have to wait for the boss version of that Pokemon to spawn and boss Pokemon are rare enough

As it is but trying to find the specific boss Pokemon is even harder especially if you’re doing something like a starter Pokemon it gen it’s genuin not worth it so that’s why that’s why when it comes to mega stones and stuff when it comes to the Mega Evolutions in the process of

Mega evolving I just give I just get the stone through creative or give it to someone through creative because it’s it’s that tedious and frustrating to do wait I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming not in that way so yeah like I I give myself like a milestone like okay once I reach level

60 uh on this Pokemon that’s when when I’ll give myself the mega stone for it because you know I have to I have to give myself a limitation yeah of course because then it’s like okay let’s just play this in Creative then like it’s there’s no use in

Like um cool that was cool I was I was kind of scared I’m like is my game glitching like why is it purple yeah um that was cool uh it’s a shame though that we can’t really do anything I’m trying to catch up to you yeah I’m

Not even running anymore oo this is spooky I know why is it so dark in this place oh melon melon oh my God food coma I I’m I’m going be honest here I might grab some seeds and just set up a mini Farm really quickly just so we can get some bread

Because we are not we are not finding a single Village a village or not even dude like we’re just really unlucky okay so this this place is really really nice cuz you can get some pretty cool stuff so actually wait okay so if you want a decent fairy type Alan Pony is really

Good o and aolan Pony’s super pretty also I really like how it looks it’s the definition of a uh I forgot of My Little Pony okay babe bro is not a fan I am not a fan of My Little Pony now bro is a fake fan what kidding I ain’t no Brony

Um are you hard hard okay you’re not you’re going to stop being hard soon what U um I was fighting a Kakuna where did you even go boy I don’t even know my dude I’m trying so hard to try to find you and I always get lost head

North is that you yes that’s see it is I Victor oh this is a pretty pretty area yeah it’s I need a yellow apricot if I can get a yellow a I’ll be you’re level 18 I don’t know about that fam H we’re gonna be playing Pixel I would love to level up my Pokemon but you see all of them are almost all of them are [ __ ] dead all

Right baby come here should I catch the alolan pon yeah it’s it’s actually pretty solid Pokemon but come here there is an alolan ponit right now actually Mark okay so baby when you want to Waypoint a place press B see you’ll say but uh oh there is an alol

Pon why am I speaking in Spanish that’s my question why am I doing that catch it catch it it’s if you won’t catch it I’ll catch it oh no no no I’m trying I’m trying okay there we go yeah that’s what I that’s why I was asking babe

I was asking cuz I was like uh Caterpie okay so you’re back to full and now okay you’re back to full now I just need ashaa to come back to full also by the way when your Pokemon are fainted if you actually just wait around they’re they’ll Revive on their

Own which I Tak a while really cool concept I know it takes a long time it does take a really long time should I use scratch I’m thinking about just upping the tick speed just but I don’t know yet just because things grow really slow babe okay bab I want your opinion

Yeah Ponyta right now is at 32% Health do I use scratch and risk having her faint or do I use a ball um how many Pokéballs do you have I have quite a bit actually I have use the Pokeball and after and after three pokeballs if she still won’t catch

Then use scratch I have a question though which one should I use repeat ball level ball great ball Safari Ball Poké ball um let me see how does the level ball work I don’t know how it works that’s why I’m asking I’m like what’s a level ball wait Charizard is one of the

Pokemon that you can actually ride on and fly but the problem is that it takes a while to get to Charizard though that’s why I like Charmander but again it takes a while so what level is your okay so the level ball is you is actually really useful for catching Pokemon that are

Lower level to you okay wait level lower level to me or lower level to the Pokemon I’m currently fighting with to you so you’re level 13 if you use a level ball it’ll work or at least it has a better chance of working cuz the pony says level 10 versus level

13 how do I know my level actually the the Pokemon says it like if you look at your Charmander it says level 13 um what are the other Pokéballs you said you had a Safari Ball uh repeat ball okay another repeat ball oh the level ball the level ball worked the

Level ball worked thank you baby now I have a pony I have a Ponyta baby huge uh you’re huge I’m stop talking let go that was horrible oh I there’s another one Sam there’s three ponas here there’s three ponas should I catch one no nah we can’t cop we can’t no we

Can’t copy each other but don’t we both have Caterpie SL Butterfree oh well I caught mine first when you think about it actually how do you ride a ponytail again you right click it but they’re too small they have to evolve into rapid Dash no they don’t

You can write a ponytail baby I’m writing the ponytail oh they just right click yeah see that’s why I want to catch it because it just makes my life easier I don’t have to no get no get get a get a regular ponytail not a alolan one I already have a fire

Type that’s not my problem anyway hi baby look at me look at me this looks I’m crushing the ponytail because of how tiny it is but that’s fine um let’s go this way come on baby let’s go let’s go let’s go oh wow that’s fast I know it’s okay fine you can catch

One if you want but like um no no no I don’t I I I that’s the thing like another thing is I don’t like a lot of the Alan forms and pony is one of them so um do I have an I don’t have an electric

Type I could catch like a shins or something oh I also need an electric type now that you mention it cuz I have a water bug fire fairy yeah um well Ponyta Ponyta alolan Ponyta fairy right or ice alolan Ponyta is fairy okay yeah so I’m pretty diverse

Right now I just kind of need yeah I kind of need electric oh shins baby there’s a shins right here yeah I see it but I’m also debating on actually getting it cuz don’t get me wrong it’s really good but actually wait no that’s a electric dark type that’s good never mind Abra

Go go all right did you get it oh nope that wasn’t you I’ll use the quick B right away just to get it did The Shins disappear no I’m finding it oh there’s like two shines over here never mind CAU it should I get a Shinx or would that be

Copying you I mean if you want to get it but I don’t care if you get the same Pokemon as I do okay so now I summon the PC um okay Abra is not my favorite Pokemon I’m going to be honest here so well I mean you can get a cadra and

Alakazam I guess Baby by the way keep going north so we can head into this desert I really wish my Asha would stop being fainted right now fighting The Shins right now but what’s another good electric type Pokemon in this game though at least early on

Bound really yeah so if you get a yamper which is actually there’s there’s one right over here um yamper is really really good for both early and end game uh he was my so when I played oh God I’m trying to remember what game yamper was

A part of I I think yamper was a part of certain and shield when I played sword and shield my entire playthrough uh I caught a yamper and I stuck with that yamper because of how good he was and then when he evolved into Bol Hound I took it all the way to

Like the Elite 4 okay did I catch the Shins or no I did catch The Shins um the only thing is that The Shins isn’t very high level oh speaking of electric type Pokemon baby I found a Ze St a Blitzle okay Blitzle is another pretty solid one because um

Blitzle that evolves into Ze strike yeah uh is really nice uh by the way baby come on let’s go there’s a desert oh I found a Skarmory Skarmory I’m not a big fan of Scar I I don’t like Scarry just actually purely because of design I don’t oh that’s fine

I just thought you wanted like a flying like steel no no no if I if I want so here’s the thing like I said I have genuine Dream Team for myself which is okay so for so for water I go with Greninja because that’s water dark right then I go with

Charizard which is fire flying and then if I Mega Evolve it into Charizard X it goes into fire dragon all right and if I really want to be like extremely like competitive about it if I go into y then he becomes then his fire type moves are boosted because

It gets the ability sunny day now um let’s so that gets rid of my flying aspect my fire aspect my water and dark then I go Lucario for um fighting and steal plus Lucario can still use Dragon type moves which gives it a huge Advantage um then after after that is

When we go a little bit into like the legendary Pokemon type thing um but with just those three alone might that’s like automatically like the Dream Team wait what wait what were the three again uh Lucario Greninja and Charizard that’s a very goated team yeah

It’s very basic like I every time I say that team it’s like everyone tells me like it’s so basic why would you do that to yourself and I said because it’s still good it’s a decent team no yeah it’s one of those things where it’s like oh but you’re only

Getting like popular Pokemon and it’s like yeah there’s a reason why they’re popular they’re really good they look really good like also baby I caught a yamper you want a yamper oh that’s cute uh I like machines okay I just didn’t want us to have the same thing um again baby if you

Wanted to have the same thing that’s fine I don’t mind no I mind take the Amper but I like my shakes also how do you release a Pokemon like kind of oh you’re supposed to use the PC there you go use the what oh cuz I don’t well I

Don’t want to release it but I want to like put some away I’ll put the yamper away wait are we sharing this PC or is this something only I can see we’re sharing it we’re sharing it oh okay so we could just like so any Pokemon like

Neither one of us wants we can just put it and see if like maybe we want it yeah like like we can just put it like okay wait I want this Pokemon right now instead of the this one so let me put this off for later uh give me a sec this

Is where I’m just going to put our food because all right if anything I’ll fight and try to just pass the time while you do that we can um yeah we need to actually okay so if we want our our Pokemon to revive we need to sleep so

I’m going to place down the bed and then I’ll sleep first then the next time it’s night you get to sleep okay oh well I have a bed oh then yeah just place it down so we can both sleep if a legendary spawns I’m going to

Be mad I don’t think you understand how mad I’m going to be okay but Sam what are the odds that you know that happens they’re actually not as uh low as you think it is really yeah cool oh yeah um so we have our beds so meanwhile let’s train up some Pokemon

Um hey St let me just hit you with that then switch over to ro cuz I need that to level up a bit o no you’re level 27 get away from me okay we’re going to hit you with rapid spin wasn’t very effective okay then level 26 Jesus okay Dragon

Breath well I killed it pretty easily by the way if you guys are still in chat uh you know speak up man is anybody else actually still in chat I there’s people still yeah there’s still people watching it’s just like they’re not talking I like you guys know

You can talk right do you think they have like maybe they just have it on in the background while they’re doing other stuff they probably do which I’m fine with sorry playing Bic yeah right that’s that’s fair enough giraffic I don’t want to fight you you’re level 27 God damn it

Can I please run if my if all of my Pokemon die again this is going to suck let me leave thank you um God damn it almost all of my Pokemon are dead again uh uh yeah two of the mine are dead so that’s fun oh another Tri I

Don’t know if you want give me give me give me give me give me give me I saw it first I saw it first it’s mine uh the [ __ ] no it’s a Torchic oh I don’t give a [ __ ] about that I thought you were talking about this this gask Conan this legendary gask

Con Sam legendary genas you Torchic I don’t care I know you need a starter type I know you need a fire I already have a fire type okay wait so let’s lach I should have started with a quick ball I keep forgetting to start off with a quick

Ball Sam that was your first mistake did you get it oh let me watch godamn Oh I thought you got it uh oh you got bro a Tor Chic is nice that a blaz again is blaz so good bro dude if you catch it especially Mega BL

Dude waiting waiting I told you I love you I love you too oh my God oh my God now I’m sweating it oh my God is stubborn this T is so stubborn you want me to try get it for you this yes please this is this is my

Last Pokemon this is my last Pokemon look look look if anything if it doesn’t work I’ll try getting it no I’m okay I’m throwing in another Ultra Ball I’m throwing in an Ultra Ball I really want this toric bro I know no Torchic is an amazing fire starter to

Have fire type to have at this point in the game absolutely or just in general okay okay um please don’t kill it if this kills no you got it it died no it died no you’re kidding no I thought you caught it s broke God damn Sam what you’re feeling right now is

Exactly how I felt when I killed the rowlet I want to go to bed dude I want to go to bed now like in real life or in the game in the game I want to sleep I don’t think you understand now I only have rool with six

Well okay if anything we’ll find another one trust me we’ll find another one and if not a Tor chick then we can we can here’s the thing like there are certain biome like if you know where to look each biome can give its proper St yeah like like we’re we’re good like we’ll

We’ll have chances no that’s not sh is it you’re not sh is it or is shiny Neer ran I like how my Caterpie I thought it was shiny but it’s just pink it’s just God it’s literally pink I’m actually listening but I’m also playing yeah I’m so sad dude I lost a Tor

Trick I’m watching at the same time yeah that’s fine yogurt that’s Sanders I mean I know it’s Sanders but I like calling him yogurt I should I should have taken a trading machine um so it looks like we’re not going to get food anytime soon according to the fact that this is G

Growing really suckly which is why I kind of want to I want to change the difficulty to Peaceful but I don’t know if I should so you see I was standing perfectly still then the giraffic said Noah I know you ran away last time but not this time and now I

Have no Pokemon never mind ashaa look at my stream please watch watch the last five seconds of my stream uh let me see this giraffic has beef with us for some reason I don’t have any more Pokemon so you see I my my ashaa revived which is the Pokemon I’ve been waiting

For it to revive I had literally been waiting for it to revive and as soon as it revived the giraffic get charged at me and killed my aswat before I could heal it let me see oh I’m so sorry all right we’re we’re we’re packing up

We’re we’re packing up and leaving Oh I thought we were going to sleep first do you want to sleep first it’s going to take forever to sleep by the look of it leave leave me alone giraffic you you’ve caused enough pain it’s like giraff please I can’t

Right now can’t right now dude I’m pissed off I’m not even going to catch you I’m not even going to catch you because you’re an annoying little prick and you deserve to die oh I’m coming back I’m coming back oh my God what is this giraffer want you

So badly I don’t know it’s being annoying yo it’s chasing you it’s literally chasing you oh my God what did you do to it all right you know what I’m going to do this and if it and if it happens I’m going to be so I’m G to be slightly annoyed see this

There oh you’re just C get your bed baby it broke free okay see you don’t want me leave me alone oh it’s okay never mind it’s sleep time yeah we can sleep let sleep bet I’m going to wake up in this giraffic is going to be like all

Right time to destroy your Pokemon it’s like you thought it was over that’s what I thought yep look at this look at this I’m already in battle real my God why does he want so much beef okay Sam remember when we first tested pixel mom get it get it get

It get your bed and run all right I made him I I made him leave me alone for a second remember when you first played Pixelmon and that Wailord tried killing you oh my God that was cobon yeah oh that was cobon okay so in Pixelmon they

Can’t actually attack like you right no no no kobon that only happened in cobon and I think that was a glitch I don’t even think that was supposed to happen I don’t know he’s kind of Relentless uh oh yeah for for context just see Head North near the oh I see

You oh this is a new biome yeah this is the red deser so here’s the thing this is combined with biomes of plenty so all the biomes are all the biomes are different than what they usually are I love biomes of Plenty it’s a Larvesta Larvesta is nice I like

Volcarona is cool enough not for look at the diglets there’s so many diglets Sam right that diglet kind of looks like Anthony oh my God right that diglet kind of looks like I mean Anthony I don’t know if you’re still watching I need someone to photo like Anthony you should photosh yourself

Diglet I’m just going to put Anthony’s face on a Diglett please somebody do that I I’m honest I honestly probably will do that oh look we found a little castle tower thing okay so this may or may not have anything let’s explore it sure why not we can loot some stuff probably

Uh sadly there’s never anything in here that’s actually useful I just found water I’ll joink the enchantment table again I found a glass bottle do we need a glass bottle or not really um well there’s a potion stand and there’s books here okay I need to clear some stuff in my thingy

Because um damn it okay actually this isn’t too bad now that I think about it yes this is technically um grave robbing but I don’t care this is technically grave robbing but in my defense y’all Sam do we need a I have a do we need bonite is that a

Thing we need what boite uh sorry back back back site box site do we need box yes we need box site we definitely need boite oh I I have boxy in my inventory good keep it hold on to it all right uh wait is that a is a Pokemon

Thing or no where where is it where is it where is it I want it I want it where is it oh Dratini imagine you’re just talking about something else yeah that actually is what I’m talking about um um if I can get a Dratini I can replace

It for this stupid owl cuz or not owl um the the no um oh well there goes my bed I’ll pick that up in a minute where are you where is it where where is youri is it on top I just went on top it’s not

That it’s not here did it despawn did it despawn no it’s still on the map is it under is it undergr oh yeah that might be it it might just be underground uh dig dig I can’t I died wait can you teleport me uh Tel I

Have op myself I’m just going to keep myself op wait can you teleport myself Sam where’d you go I’m doing that oh oh thank you thanks babe uh you have some of my stuff by the way what do I have you have my helmet okay give me one second I’m going to

Cast this thing in and you have my box site and godamn it I keep forgetting to use a goddamn quick ball at the beginning of every one thing also said yeah he’s watching Anthony write that you look like a Diglett right that you look I mean that

In the best way possible by the way I’m not trying to make fun of you or anything man please dude please I I’m about to run out of pokeballs if anything I’ll catch it [ __ ] I’ll catch it I’m kidding if anything if I catch it

I’ll give it to you if anything I’m not going to be a douche M douche M I’m spamming Harden right now I will harden you that I’m so sorry my legs again ah good okay we’re oh how come you’re not feeling great man I’m still watching just oh I’m sorry like physically or

Mentally funny watching this this looks so weird oh um here we go I’m just going to spam smoke screen so that way he dra misses almost re attack he throws at me that’s smart why is this like your only Pokemon no I have more I got him Jesus Christ oh you caught him

Yep okay you still have to get me my stuff baby I’m gonna be honest here I don’t have any of your stuff weird like I have a full inventory okay um oh then I don’t know where the Box site went that oh the Box site went in my inventory

Yeah okay oh you closed in on me don’t do anything don’t do anything there you go okay thank you appreciate that’s a mega alaz am wow let’s fight it I’m I’m joking let’s beat it let’s get that I’m joking don’t ever it’s like let’s actually kill

It Sam is really that hard come on let’s get choking Goan throw your Pokéball at it I dare you Sam watch imagine I catch it you can’t sadly those are not catchable yeah yeah it’s impossible you know I’m hearing myself on the stream and I sound really annoying you realize this

Now damn you know what I don’t even blame you you’re completely right kiding I’m kidding baby you sound beautiful I love you mommy not mommy Sam I found a village I’m sorry listen I’m used to talking to my mom look uh B oh my God please I see it thank God

We’re going to settle Here Pink tickl Sam it’s a pink diglet oh God it’s an that is Anthony um Anthony is a Diglett that’s what I’m saying I feel so bad I feel like we are going to settle here for now for now until we stock up on food and stuff because Jesus

Christ okay um we need to stock up on food and Poke Balls and a bunch of other stuff I’m going to laugh if my mom decides to watch my video one day and she just starts listening to you and I’ll be Like oh my god oh I almost fell I want to Gastly so bad okay uh Sam is trap is trap pinch worth getting Flygon is another solid Pokemon yes so yes I personally don’t like it but um well you’re always talking about how we shouldn’t be the

Same okay I’m just saying we stock up on some Poke Balls here um what do I get rid of I’ll get rid of sticks you already know how it goes cool Repeat b that’s sort of useful nice I got some revives that’s perfect also this is some sick music that’s going on right

Now okay so I restocked a bit God damn it stupid I’ll grab this to c um I’ll see if I can find another backpack because if I can find more backpacks that’ll make life a little easier it would honestly oh I could have used a cell

Battery wait let me see if I can buy it back I cannot okay that sucks uh I can’t do much there oh it’s gym I think that’s what that is at least d That’s a fat RIT I really hope this isn’t copyrightable music okay cool

Um no no stop I I found this first get away okay I’m sorry I’m sorry D have your apples no you took all the apples now I got potatoes I I gave them back to you Bab well not anymore um this is a fairly small

D I found I found a saddle how is that useful in the slightest actually yeah why is that like that is not useful at all in this no no no I like how I play regular mft I found a Gibble and I found a Gibble do you want G

Chom sure actually I would like a Gibble get it for me please come to where I am if you get it for me I’ll be your best friend okay I actually got a I actually took a trading machine so okay do that uh cuz I’m kind of

Hungry right now can I eat this Berry okay I can eat that Berry yeah maybe it’s good that we settle down and have children whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s not that’s not a mod in here I’m just talking about real life don’t worry whoa oh hold up wait a minute

Oh my God Sam the funniest thing happened I open this house and it’s empty and I just see a singular Diglett so I may have killed the Gibble in my Sam oh yeah I just saw the stream Sam no I suck at catching Pokemon why am I still wearing my shoes oh my

God I don’t know why I us to have my shoes on I feel so so good taking them off um that’s a magic carp I already have a water type all right um I stocked up on some food and I got a few more pokeballs from

Looting and I got some more Health stuff so I’m good to go I ran I need to heal my Pokemon hold on there’s a Pokemon Center so oh for a second I thought I saw a squirtle I would have screamed well well that’s the thing like it it’s not useful

To you because you already have was what yeah plus I don’t really yeah you wouldn’t I that’s the thing I want to take some like I don’t want us to move so fast either because what I want to do is that I want to try like fighting

Pokemon to level up the Pokemon I have you know yeah I found another Lan Meowth yo you know what aolan Meowth kind of look like low key what it kind of looks like Sophia you do know she does watch my videos right no I mean no cuz Al no no cuz like

Okay alolan mouth is kind of like purplish and it has like that Sassy look and those little buggy eyes Okay um so I’m going to make a waypoint to this place so that way I won’t leave it but I’m going to like I’ll know where

It is so I can come back to it but I’m going to explore the surrounding area to see if I can get a cool Pokemon right now I’m just trying to focus on bro Magikarp what you doing here buddy you’re dying do you have a water type

Already I have tood dial oo I found this okay that’s cool what did you babe what did you find Temple oh okay where is this Pokemon thingy again there it is hey Sam M Hi Sam hi babe Hi Sam hi baby hi hi I think you’re cute I think you’re

Pretty whoa Sam no flirting on the stream oh yeah cuz you definitely have the right to say that what what oh can you find a temple and tell me about it afterwards yes I can Sam Where’s the temple tell me where it is tell me oh I found some pretty cool

Stuff where are you where are you I don’t even know where you are I’m in the temple okay so I can sell those for money o that’s really important for arus uh I don’t need that leaf stone Shard Enchanted Enchanted no but I can sell these I really don’t need that I don’t

Need the seeds either okay so this is a pretty cool Hall cool I hauled quite a bit damn what did you get I got um an a stone plate which I’m actually going to give to rooli because rool is a rock type Pokemon so he’ll have his type

Boosted and I also got a few gems three diamonds two pieces of iron but the best thing is the prison bottle the what bottle the prison bottle what does that do if I were to find a hoopa I can turn it into its uh evil

Form oh cool can I have that no he mine damn it but I don’t even know where you are I just explored a little bit like if you just explore the surrounding area you’ll see my name tag plus also there’s a raid nearby and I was hoping that okay so

Head south head south of the village and we can actually Duo this raid because our Pokemon aren complet I have like I have like barely any food uh uh I don’t oh wow I don’t either um let me eat these apples real quick let me see if I can catch another Gibble

For you see if I can actually catch one this time instead of [ __ ] killing it oh what is that oh that’s the lantern Pokemon all right I’m heading south yeah you’re going to see like the big red Beacon just head towards it and then we’ll fight that

Raid oh okay what what can you get from a raid you can get a bunch of stuff you can get Dynamax candies EXP P candies which we want we want the EXP candies they’re super good God darn it I killed it again you’re a you’re you’re a curse wait why am I

Stuck am I stuck I think okay wait what if I there’s another Gibble if I kill this one I’m done I think I’m stuck why am I stuck I can’t do anything it’s not this game’s not letting me do anything okay uh Pidgey Pidgey use Quick

Attack none of my keys are working oh I think I know what happened oh God sticky keys did you activate sticky keys maybe how do I get rid of that again uh I don’t know actually I thought you were a computer person I thought it depends did you did you click

Okay because there’s some things I don’t know how to do okay um maybe I think it by accident then just try hitting shift three times again or you’re going to have to do a whole thing where you go to your settings and change it you’re so useful damn [ __ ] you

Too oh you can see that anyway where are you I got you a present by the way do you have like a Pokemon you don’t want babe I can’t move where are you you’re gonna have to find Meg uh 945 and negative 2151 5 945 and 25 negative 2 151

Oh my God where did you go I just went self of the village okay but oh I can move now that’s great I just needed to give it time okay one sec I need to craft a few things um just get back to the Village cool oh yeah I think I found the place that you were at I think well can you come back to the Village please damn you didn’t take this bread oh no you weren’t here oh this is a completely different place then that’s fine okay well this is cool at least I

Found a little thing Oh by hey baby hit I on your keyboard wait no no no no no um let me do something here first oh this is cute I guess I found stuff can I can I please grab this please thank you the [ __ ] is any of film

Why do I need film for oh you use that with a camera and you can take photos of Pokemon and those photos become little min statues that you can place down oh so I guess it’s like a decoration type thing yeah it’s a it’s for decoration I don’t know why I have

Totems of undying I can’t use them for anything I found some neat stuff so that’s good why can’t you use a totem for undying well I mean it’ll stop me from dying but what’s the point there’s no mods or anything we’re not playing hardcore oh that’s true do we need

That I already open wait let me check check the bottom check check the bottom check the bottom oh it’s meat uh let me where are you where are you where are your cords wait stupid who did this thank you this is extremely useful for me I this is

Nice why do I sound like that I hate hearing myself on the stream I mean no one typing so if you don’t want to watch it it’s fine it’s okay that’s not the same thing oh samel where are you Baby all right I’m heading out wait wait wait wait baby wait wait wait wait wait oh give me a second give me a second please I’m begging you I’m pleading with you no no no no don’t don’t don’t don’t I’m begging you not to do that what the

[ __ ] is that thing oh a Groudon I love that I found a groud on baby you do realize it says in chat if a legendary spawns right what happened what’s a tumblestone mayy do do we need shards tell me if we need shards tell me I’m trying to get no

We don’t we don’t need shards we don’t need shards okay do We need oh my God I’m so scared oh my God it’s scaring the hell out of me where are you give me your cords woman baby the Groudon is like staring right at me what do I do baby there’s no

Groudon yes there is it’s right in front of me let me TP to you let me TP to you help me you’re not allowed to grab anything all of the stuff I find is mine just so you know that’s fine oh you found one of these Villages now where’s

The groud on that you’re keep napping oh my God it’s this oh oh that’s so sick okay wait okay so this is pretty cool and you called me stupid stupid no you didn’t I know but you didn’t believe me you were like oh wa there’s no on okay so um screw the

Groud on I found a fenin o oh I would grab it but I already have a Charmander so I guess you want to trade the do you want do you want to trade the Charmander for fenin I love fenin did I run into a cactus yes I did I’m stupid do you want

To trade your Charmander for the fenin but the fenin is kind of lowlevel isn’t it it’s 16 it’s about to evolve actually um I don’t know I don’t know if you want a Charmander I would love a Charmander uh catch it and I’ll think

About it all right just put it in the PC box and I’ll think about it you’re like I want a Charmander actually I would love a charmand you would like a charmand I would love a charmand I know you like what you want me to do trying to kill this trap pinch

So I can uh but yeah that’s cool I told you it was a Groudon I did not expect it I’m going to be honest you you thought I was sling because here’s the thing when legendar spawn it says it in the chat like it says oh a legendary has the legendary

Pokemon Groudon has spawned oh I see what you mean I see what you mean oh then that’s weird then but um but yeah baby but because here’s the thing it doesn’t say that for legendary legendaries or like boss legendaries like if we were that’s only

If we were to kill that this like a wild Groudon if it was a wild Groudon I’d be like it’s it mentioned it in chat yeah okay I see oh no unfortunately no it’s one of those boss ones yeah cool that we found it once I saw the color I was like okay

That’s a boss yeah unfortunately I mean even if it was a wild we couldn’t we wouldn’t be able to get it would we um technically if we were lucky with our Pok balls you’re a poke ball of oh I got us a bunch of revives by the way oh nice

I’m GNA revive my Dratini and use Thunder Wave on this thing I’m out of Pokéball of Pokemon um babe you might want to come here and try getting the fkin why because I’m out of usable Pokemon and I can’t heal right now oh my

God okay I’m just I have a ton of Poke Balls by the way like a ton oh I only have like a few I don’t have a lot I have like like 20 something see look you may find rare stuff but I find a lot of common stuff where’s the fenin

Okay yeah just keep it distracted while I heal mine um oh you’re going to fight it still um yeah because even if you don’t if you decide like you don’t want it I still need a better fire type than freaking roll color the only reason why

I I even use rooli is for when I want to farm eggs okay I’m ready by the way I I I healed the Pokemon I’m going to use okay I’m I’m I’m very close to getting this gakin no another think about it if you were to cut the occupied I didn’t have

To waste my revives I could have just gone to the Pokemon Center yeah oh another oh look maybe a codal appeared that’s actually kind of fun or was that my Totodile alth it’s probably mine yours put oh oh sp sp spawn spawn where that’s mine that is

Mine well yeah I can’t really do anything uh let me see I’m looking I’m looking at my map very int I see it I see it I see it is it in the air or is it on the ground it’s on the ground or or is it big oh you got it

Yeah I’m doing like [ __ ] all damage to this thing but I’m doing something h it’s level 50 Jesus but I have it at like half Health oh okay it’s not attacking me at all by the way oh okay that’s funny okay it’s a okay okay okay it’s low it’s like really

Low again I should have used the quick ball at the beginning but whatever right oh I’m watching The Stream cuz I can’t see me okay you got a lower nice use a ball see look you got a bunch of balls pause baby if you can toss me some pokeballs I would really appreciate

It no you got this you you have a bunch babe you’re not going to need like 50 trust me it’s a legendary these things are super frustrating to catch yeah you get lucky use a dusk ball actually isn’t it or is that only for dark tights I only have no dust yeah

Dust balls use at night but I don’t have a dust ball oh do you see look up I’m watching the yeah can can you give me some uh wait wait let’s see if you catch it nope did it work no uh I want to I want to lower it just

A little bit more but I’ll I’ll hate myself if I kill it oh you want I mean if you want to risk it but I don’t know wait I have a question could Pokemon in this you got it you got it you got it you want to know

What’s so funny yeah I got it in a regular Pok ball that’s funny nice and ASU want’s evolving let’s go that’s really awesome it looks really cool the evolution oh my god do what do what that’s immediately going in my inventory um wait use the prism thing I know

That’s what I’m gonna do that’s what I’m gonna do prism prism hit it nice wait where’d it go that’s it not look oh there it is there it is nice nice I’m trying to remember I think I can do this oh no I can’t I thought I could like what write them

Yeah cool you got a hoopa oh what the oh I found a gble uh I found a dupli I I found a duplication glitch I have a question mhm could could you catch a Pokemon even if like all your Things Are full yeah oh by the way come here come here come

Here yeah oh wait let me grab this grab that do do I don’t want to lose the Gibble babe H I don’t want to lose the Gibble you already have a Gibble oh you’re oh you’re Oh no you’re giving me one okay give it uh you have to put up a Pokéball

Pokemon oh I don’t know what to give Charmander no oh but you have a fenin now I mean you can also give me the fenin yeah um hold on yeah I’ll give you the fenin thank you also I found a duplication glitch yeah what what does that

Mean as in then I I duplicated um an item how do I return him back to normal uh can you or does he just stay like that no I can’t return him back to normal I just need to figure I just need to remember how okay next Hoopa is mine though if

There is one stupid Hound door whatever oh look a thingy look I’m getting ow look over there the thing the the thing the portal oh Ultra space yeah cool um I need to restock on Pokéballs now and food is it okay if I loot just a little bit

No I told you this my place I don’t know what that does oh ice cream and lemonade I need to find a Pok shop um put these here it’s okay all right baby we kind of like restocked on pretty much a good amount of everything we needed now like food the food Poke

Balls yeah do you want to like move somewhere or yeah I was going to say like we can do you just want to keep uh going see if we can find a better yeah also next legendary I’m catching it um legendaries are fair game [ __ ] you you already got one they’s

Still fair game babe ow hurt myself see is see is plus what if I’m playing by myself you know what if I want to do a solo stream Oh I thought this okay I guess you want pay no more I do won’t play with you baby fine I won’t do solo streams

Yipp we’re like popular MOs and gen but without the divorce bad stuff without the divorce and the um quote unquote or in the quote unquote abuse allegation quote unquote I say quote unquote just because that’s really really bad I know they happened yeah well you wait you know

What happened or you don’t know what happened I do know what happened they trust me I know what happened but it wasn’t towards Jen wasn’t it it was like towards the girlfriend he had yeah it was the girlfriend he had at the time no him and Jen were already

Like long separated after you know that whole thing and but good news for Jen though like she found a new guy and they got married and had a kid so yeah so that’s good for Her anyway remove this way point because we don’t need it anymore wait can you put the waypoint at the place we were just at I I just removed it but um baby just head north I’m gonna get berries you can’t ignore these beautiful hay bells so food we should be good on food

For like a decent while right like we we don’t need any more food for a while babe M do you agree we just won’t need food for a while yeah okay because you’re not talking um is that a Chikorita no it’s not uh oh I remember now I was talking

About my dream team wasn’t I and then we got distracted by something no you talked about your dream team an hour ago babe I know but I’m just like what was I talking about that had to do with like how that had to do with Pokemon before we got distracted

And then I remember that we were talking about the Dream Team and then we found the village and then that’s when we kind of got like well srack but yeah so I go for Lucario Charizard and Greninja as my first yeah you said that yeah us that like an hour ago

Um then I’d go for oh babe there’s like a bunch of Ponyta here do you want a Ponyta no I already have a fire type fenin fenin is a fire psychic type also to get rid of like the whole psychic and to do deal with like psychic fairy I’d probably go with the

Celab and then just to have like a legendary in there um I don’t know what legendary I’d go for I’m G be honest here right because I already have my typings like done so I’d probably go for I was going to say RCS but I’m like that’s just cheating at that point

Um baby where are you nowhere fine I’ll just keep hitting nor on my head you want me to teleport you the oh no no not yet not yet oh balls yeah that’s balls balls um I don’t know I’m saying balls that ra away that kind sus thank

You um I don’t care about you I don’t care about you I don’t care about any of you people well damn no not you not you I’m not talking about you not you guys you guys are awesome I don’t know if you know what I’m referencing no I don’t it’s the

SpongeBob movie oh I never watch I just got bre for a life oh it’s such a good movie my parents never let me watch it oh cuz they thought it was El Diablo no they thought it was inappropriate they didn’t like SpongeBob they never liked SpongeBob because they always thought that it was

Very inappropriate and a bad um bad influence I could probably watch it now obviously but like as a kid not really yeah I’m sorry if I’m breathing so much I don’t I don’t know if it’s picking up my mic’s really close to my mouth I got to it’s picking up a little

Bit oh God I’m sorry for the ears of anyone watching his dick is in my mouth his dick is that reminds me that reminds me of I’m sorry you come to my house suck my dick and call Me oh my god oh Sam you know what I just thought what we um we speaking of like Pat and J cuz that just reminded me one of these days we should do like a lucky block challenge oh God no do you realize how old those are lucky let’s do a l Lucky

Blocks challenge Sam you know the one where they would like open the Lucky Block and then it’s like absolute chaos yeah huh yeah like it it’d be absolute chaos yeah exactly that would be so fun yeah but that was back when or when like or spawn was popular and whatnot but or

Spawn got taken down like it doesn’t exist anymore so we can’t do the lucky block challenge well no we can do the lucky block challenge but we won’t be able to fight like the bosses that they fought oh that’s fine still want to do it we can always try

Lucky Block I don’t mind them like I have nothing against Lucky Block so it’s just really like I feel like it’d be really annoying I just think it would be funny I found a village I’m No Loot same can I not drink this lemonade give me the lemonade oh they’re only for

Pokemon I knew that yeah you would think they make stuff that you know normal the normal you would think the normal player would be able to drink it too but no it’s only for the Pokemon yeah for real though like come on I it’s literally just as lemonade it

Doesn’t even say like Pokey made or anything sorry again my [ __ ] breath is picking up Jesus I got to get my mic away from my my mouth oh that’s annoying that’s actually really annoying uh nice all right I think this is better I think it fixed the issue and you guys

Can still hear me fine right yeah okay cool let me eat this bird I’m pretty sure the only ones watching now are um Anthony and Sanders sander yeah I just wanted to love You oh [ __ ] I mean oh crab babbles oh mother freaking crap baskets okay mother trucker no cuz sand attack is really frustrating to deal with um okay all seriously St fenegan is actually a pretty dope Pokemon um are we in the same Village or we just or did we

Just so happen to find two sand villagers we found two sand villagers because I don’t see you anywhere near me I don’t see I don’t see you either not even on the map so oh that’s interesting then uh don’t worry I’m going to teleport to you soon you don’t even have

Op okay I what I meant to say was you’re gonna teleport me soon I don’t know you the should I should I babe don’t say that I don’t know you’ve been kind of mean to me today what have I done we’ve just been playing Pixelmon like you’ve been wanting for

Months yeah you’re right which by the way chat he’s been waned me to play Pixelmon with him for the longest time yeah so now we’re finally doing it I’m so happy I’m actually like I’m I’m actually having like a lot of fun believe it or not even though I’m I’ve been talking so

Much I don’t care that’s nice I like talking I like it when you talk when you talk it makes me happy y yeah but I feel like you would have been happier if you were playing by yourself no it’s so boring it’s so freaking boring being by yourself in

This game really really after a while it gets boring yeah which is why I wanted to build that community that one time but then that went to [ __ ] I see what you mean I was successful I built the community it’s just the community was dog [ __ ] because the people in it were dog

[ __ ] this is my fault I shouldn’t have trusted those people to try keeping a community decent um oh yeah didn’t you tell me the story where you had a community but they wanted you to do this one thing and they kept bothering you about it yeah after I

Told them over and over I can’t [ __ ] do it because the game and didn’t let me like they basically made it seem like you were refusing to to do it for no reason when that wasn’t the case yeah sounds right that sucks in my in their defense

The way I retaliated could have been done better did I care no Do I Care Now wait what did you what did you do again did you delete the world I deleted the whole [ __ ] world honestly as you should honestly you’re not even in the wrong I probably shouldn’t have done

That I could have just been like he I’m not going to be own the server anymore if you guys want the server then here’s the world but then I was like no I’m just going to straight up delete it [ __ ] all these people I think you just did it at a

Spite you were like you know what you know what now nobody gets the server yeah that’s literally what I did I was like fine you guys want to complain no server at all and what did they say afterwards did they just hate you yeah they just hated

Me except for one of them one of them was like dude it’s it’s just a [ __ ] video game I don’t care um that’s true though like if you’re going to get pressed over something like that then it’s like well like it is what it is you can always just play again

Yeah the only thing that bothered me was like the world file was gotten without my permission that’s it oh yeah like they took it upon themselves to like go behind your back and like you that not even behind my back he just straight up told me like oh

Yeah [ __ ] did this cuz [ __ ] you what is that Tatsu gidi don’t you evolve into that one really [ __ ] weird Pokemon I forgot but it’s one of the Challenge Pokemon in the new game yay charmanders evolving cool I have a one V one with the Poke with our

Current team and see how we do oh wait a sec never mind not yet yeah I would get creamed by Hoopa dude Hoopa I’ll put Hoopa away I’ll put Hoopa away I’m not I wouldn’t fight you with Hoopa imagine Sam you know that Meme where it’s like two little girls

Fighting with a Min and a Plusle and then somebody just takes out a [ __ ] groud on in a Kyogre oh yeah I do know that bab it’s like we got to teach them while they’re young he’s playing right now finding Z but we’re still here damn L I know you

Guys are still here um also sorry if I’m not looking at chat as much I’m kind of focused on my video gam play oh yeah cherry blossom Forest I wonder if I find another Ibex Shrine Cybex I forgot I forgot what it’s called it’s either Cybex or Ibex Shrine I think it’s

Ibex yeah I’m GNA keep moving o it’s a dark Forest which is good ebony Woods this is good CU if I get another legendary here I’m going to laugh my ass off I hope hope I get another legendary I hope you don’t get another legendary actually imagine I say

That and then it’s like [ __ ] RCS appears or some [ __ ] no no RCS RCS has to be spawned no oh yeah yeah no dude the process of getting RCS is so tedious because you have to find all of all 17 plates and once once you find all 17

Plates you have to find the Chalice once you find the Chalice you place all 17 plates into the Chalice then you get the azer flute then you have to find the time space alter which is the one that you use to get um you use it to get gutina dagga and

Pia okay babe I have bab I have a question yeah oh I found a master ball do I grab it or is this a trap and I’m going to die uh right click it and it’ll give you a rare item okay cuz there’s a bunch of unknown

On the wall as well yeah know that’s that’s fine okay cuz if this insta kills me no I got a choice I got a choice scarf okay I know what that is I I don’t know what that I don’t know what that I would have

To look it up I if you hit shift it’ll tell you what it does if you hover over it and hold shift it’ll tell you if I hover over it and hold shift yeah it say sneak for info and that’s when you hold shift I’m so glad none of these Pokemon

Could actually like hurt you cuz I feel like I would have died like a long time what the [ __ ] is that oh it disappeared oh well that’s a sarop a sarop give or whatever potion the evolve form of Y mask y mama got Him I’m sorry that sounded so weird the way you said it was so weird wait what how did I say it he like yo mama your mom are you y stop that’s my Mom your mama’s so dumb she thought mommy was how you listen to Nickel back I thought you g to say something else I’m like Sam you can’t say that can’t say that I’m your mom’s so white she still thinks she’s in the 1800 what does that even mean you know

Damn well would that mean what is that supposed to mean young man oh leftovers that’s op as all hell what why is this not working hello hello hello you know well if if if we if wow I just had had a stroke trying to say that

You did you did have a stroke Anthony and and uh okay so this is a question for Anthony and um sander if we were to have if we like if we were to have a Pokemon team based on our personalities what would it be oh that’s a good question like judging

By how you see us what would our Pokemon team be I remember we did this one time with um with Sophie and the others but it was never like yeah that’s a yeah I knew you’d like that one silver lure cuz I know they like if because here’s the thing if we were

Pokemon like if we were Pokemon we already know what we would be I would be the uh the evolved form of pan champ and Victoria would be a red attat I hate you I hate you die die pangaro is the name of the Pokemon you’re referring to yeah I’d be a

Pangaro and I’ll be a r you could you could have said anything else fine fine fine I’m sorry you’d be a radicate oh my God I think you’re going to say like an Eevee or like a no Sam if anything you’d beat Eevee you know why why because you can evolve

Into different forms oh my God I know I know what you’re talking about Sam would be right on based on Victoria’s description of Sam would be right no Sam would be a Snorlax Sam would be I’m between I’m a I’m between the pangaroo and Snorlax yeah you would I think more

Pangaroo though because you know we always make the joke that I’m a panda oh what’s down there hey Sam you’re my panda I know boo boo you’re my little Panda You’re My Little Panda Wanda I have a question those little like portal things do you just fly into

It and then you teleport somewhere yep where do you where do you go Ultra space but what happens like do do you just stay there like yeah you stay there until you jump off or you find another portal but are there Pokemon in there or is it just another world no there’s

Pokemon in there what kind of Pokemon uh Ultra beasts and normal Pokemon Ultra beasts are rare to spawn though which doesn’t really make sense that they would be rare to spawn because you know it’s Ultra space but okay um you can transfer you to some place it can transport you to some

Special places real also Anthony I keep seeing like I keep seeing you in Minecraft talking about digletts oh yeah Anthony I don’t know if you were there when we said that uh you you’re a Diglett like like I don’t know like you give off Diglett Vibes I’m not Diglett he said Victoria’s

Already planning on photoshopping your face on a diglet you’re a Pikachu lib honestly Macho Macho Pikachu is freaking hilarious wild and I like fighting yeah you know seriousness if you were to be if you were to be an actual like Pokemon if I were to put you as an actual

Pokemon you would be I know you’d be a fire type that’s for sure he would but what fire no cuz you’re not you’re not an electric type I mean you have the shocking personality but are you calling him autistic no you wouldn’t be cinderace either well Cinder actually that’s a pretty good

One you’re a pretty good one Jesus Christ dude what are you realizing they keep repeating the same jokes over and over again for the past year I love you guys I think I’m in the dogghouse wait what happened I wasn’t paying attention oh okay never

Mind no wait what did you say why is why is Anthony saying L Victoria oh that one I don’t know that’s out of something that you said also oh my God I want it what did I say I see um the reason why Hoopa couldn’t attack me is cuz he

Doesn’t have any attacking moves CU I guess okay well then I kind of screwed myself over here well if you level him up more he should be able to get more moves right I’m assuming in theory yeah well no here’s why I said I’m screwed because I’m fighting a level 45 Mimi

Q and I don’t have anything to attack it with okay the [ __ ] is that what the oh no never mind that was a poké stop I’m like what is that black thing babe I like how I like how Victoria and I have just separated oh that’s funny okay what Okay

The reason why Anthony was laughing is because I was like are you calling him autistic and that’s what made him laugh cuz you said he has cuz you said he has a shocking personality and I’m like what do you mean by that you know what I honestly think

That Anthony would be a blaz again I don’t know if that’s offensive or not cuz he’s got a wicked cop let stop talking I don’t think you heard that Sam which is good another Groudon spawned it’s it’s the boss one it’s not a real what color is it but it’s

Like what what color is it and if you actually get close to it and tell me what it says the Rarity is it’s not red though it’s not red though what’s the Rarity it’s a it’s a greenish blue greenish blue okay what does it say for

Rarity I don’t want to get too close my dude you it won’t attack you it’s it’s I can’t [ __ ] see it’s I can’t how do you zoom in in Minecraft babe you can’t unless you have optify installed in which case it’ be C or Z I don’t like it it’s scaring me what

Does it say why is it following me babe it’s following me I don’t I don’t like this anymore okay but baby I’m asking you what does it say for the Rarity I’m trying to see it’s greenish blue dog I don’t know what that means

What do you want me to tell you look at the name I’m trying it’s so high up I can’t see it I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared oh you’ll be fine baby is it still behind me yes it is why is it it’s it’s it’s ult super [ __ ] what

The [ __ ] is it it’s it’s [ __ ] I’m gonna look it up online [ __ ] this [ __ ] bro I love how I’m restraining my curse words so much why I told you you can curse there’s no issue yeah I know e baby it’s star ing at me uh Wicked chicken look at them

Harder I guess yeah oh my God it’s just staring at me I do think you’re more of a blazak again than a cinder rase because Cinder Ras is more of like a like you need to have more of a interesting personality for some like did he did he despawn yeah he despawned

Greenish cindus is wonky I don’t know boss color Pixelmon hello I know I’m just kind of invading your space right now but that’s cuz I need to find out if you have something for me but clearly you don’t so I’m sorry uh ultimate it’s ultimate is yeah

It’s ultimate Rarity which is more rare than legendary ah so no don’t fight it okay yeah yeah it’s it was Ultimate uh yeah I had to look it up cuz yeah he despawned and it was scaring me you know wouldn’t have like done anything right those Pokemon don’t Target

Players but if this was cobon you’re screwed this was cobon run you are not winning you are not winning oh oh yeah we still haven’t explained that have we um so I was so I was deciding whether to play kobon or Pixelmon and I wanted to give cobon a try because when I

Originally did I didn’t play for that long and I feel like I didn’t give it much of a chance so I go on cobon and I find a whail Lord and I tried catching the Wailord it didn’t work and the whail Lord got mad and killed me it straight up murdered

Me it said I don’t like you so please go away and then ate me and then I died and it didn’t eat me in the way that I would like you like being killed slowly and softly yeah babe for sure I found diamonds been had diamonds okay I’m just letting you know

Godamn it’s like I’m not proud of you at all you’re stupid you’re slow I hate you [ __ ] you Victoria I love you what do what it’s too far down I’m not going to risk going down into this little Cavern thing um Um another stop I want to piss in someone’s mouth oh Anthony I’m joking hey yo what I meant to say was Sanders is like what hey oh come on you guys are gay with each other all the time that’s different how was that different we’re homies how’s that actually different and

Aren’t I a homie with you um with you specifically yeah with me with me but I don’t know about them yeah no yeah I’m a homie with you that’s what I mean hell is this finally this is a thingy Miggy don’t touch it it’s pink it’s pink don’t touch

It okay now I can do this I touch it I touch it by accident where is that raid it looks like a lyan rock the hell oh it’s another one of these things I like these things it might be a light rock what form it looks like DUS uh I would literally

Scream I scream louder than when I’m with Sam so glad nobody heard that does it have to be an empty hand I don’t know what that does I’m going to be honest with you I think I speak on behalf of everyone that’s uncomfortable I didn’t say anything you guys are just thinking

So oh my God can someone please attack this thing why am I the only one that managed to attack this Mighty y That’s scared me actually for a split second and everyone fell asleep God damn it fall asleep on you baby boy where I’m streaming oh sorry I’m just so used to just

Saying oh my God I almost fell into a hole and I almost died and lost everything I should turn on keep inventory shouldn’t I well babe what’s an assault vest no clue I think that’s a reference to when Pikachu was was taught uh how to be a police officer

Right Ponyta was given the assault vest oh so that’s something you give to your Pokerman I found another one of these awesome uh nope never mind that’s a well I don’t know man at this point I might as well just rate the stream rate it R I’m tempted to not even upload this I’m sorry I didn’t say anything okay I I’m

Just saying stuff because I’m not even paying attention like I’m just zoning out and words are just coming out of my mouth I’m I’m sorry guys I’m really sorry damn we took too long I’m legi I’m legitimately just not thinking at all okay baby oh Dam I’m at like one

Heart all right thanks guys this SW we’re going to have a charlee video done on us damn this stream has been going on for hours babe it’s almost 12 I don’t give a [ __ ] we’re going to keep going till like till we drop how do you drop in this

Game not in real life we’re going to keep going until we literally faint we faint like Pokemon I still can’t believe we got a hoopa or I got a hoopa it’s actually not that uh rare to get I remember I was playing Pixelmon with these people

And he this guy got a hoopa pretty what’s an expert belt he got a hoopa pretty pretty quickly oh yeah legendary like okay I’ve said this before I’ll say again legendaries are not that hard to get or at least they’re not that hard to spawn unless you’re blatantly looking for a

Legendary if you are trying to find a legendary that’s when it gets hard it’s like oh I want a Kyogre right now and it’s like no cuz you’re going to get a Mana instead I want to find a move relearner so I can change the moves that

Um this Pokemon has o fenin can fight this one cuz it’s a phantom and fenin can use the EXP I need to find a how’s my phone my phone’s good I need to find a village cuz my Pokemon are struggling come on fenan give the delivering blow yeah

Cool Phantom is a pretty cool Pokemon so I’ll try to catch it it’s literally an elephant no phant Phantom I got F Focus oh Phantom okay I was about to say uh Focus slash that’s no I mean that’s fine I guess Focus sash sorry huh pin is evolving let’s go ladies and

Gentlemen we have a braan braen oh yeah braon cool so we’re so slowly getting to like where we want to be for hunting for other Pokémon um although I am kind of getting a little behind in the sense of being able to fly I was hoping I would be able

To fly by the end of this episode I probably excuse me will be but we’ll see how that goes first we’ll see like how we do how things go I caught a phantom so that’s pretty cool that’s a very solid um grass Ghost type Pokemon got so that becomes Trevenant which is another pretty good Pokemon and you know what’s also really nice paboo pumo is nice yeah that one’s okay another assault vest interesting hey

Baby when do you want to you know want me to teleport you to me soon don’t worry okay um let’s hope we find the snow biome soon because then I want to build my Japanese Temple oh yeah at that point you should teleport me then

Yeah I either want a TGA biome where I can FL like a really nice flat service or tiger what’s a tiger how do you know if something’s a Tiger Biome um okay so the B so if you look at the map right under your coordinates that’s the biome you’re

In oh no I’m in alium fields yeah I’m on I’m on Dober mountains here’s the thing that I don’t like about biomes of Plenty it makes it very difficult to find vanilla biomes yeah which is why usually when I do biomes of Plenty I just dig into a

Mountain but I’m just like I really just want to find the biome I want um hopefully we can restock on some Poke Balls and whatnot I mean we’re already pretty stocked on Pokeballs and healing items um but I’d like to get some more I kind of want to put the Hoopa

Away because it’s kind of useless right now so I’ll do that so that goes there fall off yeah be careful be careful be careful oh be drill nice careful careful okay careful Victoria careful Victoria careful Victoria careful Victoria it’s a fungus amongus careful SpongeBob careful SpongeBob careful SpongeBob shut up

Patrick Take Me Home Country Roads to the place where I belong West Virginia M Mama Take Me Home Country Roads I hear in the morning out as find me radio me from my home far away I’m pretty sure I messed up the lyrics but I don’t care of it anyway anyway

Country take me home to the place I love West Virginia my mama take me Home sorry about that I got into it anyway here’s a pidgeotto which I might catch just so that way I don’t have to uh do anything else okay there goes hucha there go oh found a zoroa it’s interesting zor is interesting my ear hurt yeah okay this might be a very quick

R Thunder Punch interesting what Pokemon is that okay uh okay oh I don’t do any damage to Pidgeotto what am I on okay we’ll just do horn Le you know what else is a horn what are you perfect exp candy always Nice okay I failed cool little oh my god look I found Sam in the game guys did you found like ax or something I found a no I found a mil tank oh wow so original Oh I got MooMoo milk mhm I like your I’m going to stop

Talking what was that that’s my grown of I don’t know also that music is very very loud you’re loud you are I’m sorry um IO I love to see I found a normal Forest but I can’t find a stupid thing yeah yeah this was a long stream

We started at like 7:30 and it’s 11:40 damn it’s long normal type we’ll go with a this one by I’m just doing raids what are raids um the dens I don’t know what you’re talking about okay you remember how I told you about the dens that are in the

Game oh the big beam of light oh those oh I didn’t do those cuz I was afraid to do those yeah I’m just doing them cuz I have Pokemon to actually do them with now o I’m going to die to a sovet I should probably do that too then

Because I’ve passed by like a quite a few already yeah they give exp candies and stuff so it’s really good um um but there’s rules to these things so if five Pokemon die um then if Pokemon die five times in bro then the raid ends if it reaches 10 turns the raid

Ends so yeah make sure people don’t die make sure you don’t reach 10 turns I’m already on turn six on mine because this guy keeps healing so oh was here already I might not be able to we might not be able to kill this guy yeah I don’t know why he keeps

Restoring health we’re on turn eight and we just got him to half and he’s going to heal back again Y what if I use Ember oh Ember would have been so much useful Dam I’m just running I should have used Ember now I lost the raid oh look Wimer it’s just like you

Sam yep we lost the raid it’s just like you I know baby I know I hope our kids aren’t that that would be tragic I’m GNA get in trouble for having a fat felic in my damn thing no don’t okay what I Me by fat I

Mean like you know bad fat not like cute fat you know baby it’s 2024 all fat is acceptable oh Wishy washies or wishiwashi nice those guys evolve into like the really big one that was in they don’t they transform oh yeah but they turned into like that

Really big one from the alolan region uh trial yeah I had one in my team babe H hi babe hi baby how are you I’m good how you doing I’m I will keep swimming just keep swimming keep swimming it’s fine I’ll just swim what is this oh it’s the apple one okay I probably should have made a boat as well to be honest this was kind of dumb yeah I kind of had a feeling wow okay he murdered all of us

Cool oh my God am I finally here have I done it finally where the tiger nope it’s called an evergreen clearing I think the tree is different so that’s fun I didn’t get it oh wait it’s an evergreen Tiger but oh and it’s right next to a snow biome I’m sorry snow bi

Prioritizes I’ll make my own tiger what the hell I finally pirate ship I found a pirate ship with a golden Tauros mhm there’s even okay okay I don’t know if you know this but like okay so in the show there’s a Magikarp that green Ro like there’s a mechanical magicarp that green rocket

Uses um and that’s in the game green rocket Team Rocket brain fart but Team Rocket I GNA get I’m gonna get killed in this boat no no there’s nothing that spawns I just going to ask damn baby I did it oh my God you finally found it after years oh

My God four hours four hours he’s just a rare dude oh I have a camera now I can actually use the film you actually kept the film yeah okay screw you soon I didn’t say anything screw you Sam screw kill yourself actually die a shell Bell are

Shell Bells useful is that a thing that I need um I don’t remember if they’re actually useful or not I’m really focused right now on building the the thing I want to build okay a Heart Scale oh yeah you can evolve certain Pokemon with that right yeah that’s about it

Though Old Rod I’ll take this Old Rod I need a super rod actually oh my God water water gem I can start settling down Sam you were always going to settle down with me it’s fine you don’t have to answer I’ll just cry yes I can take

Pictures okay so there’s a lush Tundra and a snowy Tundra here’s an ice rock that’s a mammo swine o that’s another really good grass type Pokemon skittish what is that are pearls are pearls useful pear money they’re good for money you don’t say you don’t say okay

So I have two silver lure casing that’s for nothing I guess um they’re used to craft lures for specific Pokemon all right time to build my Utopia do that do that I’m getting kind of tired to be honest no way what do you mean I’m excited I get to build I’m chilling all

Right un man is tired too oh come on you guys can’t be tired you guys are I know down well you guys usually steal till like 5: in the morning usually damn damn Sam’s gaslighting his audience that’s crazy I got three water gems cool what does this do craphy Table what what did gems do again oh hi man AR this will be the day that what what’ you say ARG this will be the day always remember you almost caught Captain reford Taos I wasn’t going to catch you dude I’m just taking your loot man it’s not the big IDE

Deal are you are taking his booty I want to take your booty oh [ __ ] yeah sorry that wasn’t a sleigh I guess that wasn’t a sleigh sorry there’s wailords all over the I’m gonna die is this just me or do the music glitch out okay lowly but surely Victoria there

You go it’s like don’t Don’t Force It you can’t force it wow I like how I uh yeah swam all this way with no boat no nothing I’m going to keep swimming let’s hope I find land soon do you just want me to t you to where I am wait

I almost drowned but that’s okay one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 I I need more wood for that Lto I kind of really want to raise the tick speed just so that way Wood grows faster because that tree over there is taking way too long Sam teleport me teleport me I’m about to die I’m about to die Sam how are you going to die my keys went sticky my keys are

Sticky I can’t move I’m about to drown dude actually nope I have to leave oh no you saved me oh well I have I’m GNA come back don’t worry okay I’ll come back the game crashed well not really didn’t crash I xed out it will actually all

Right okay so it’s one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 so that means right around here is the middle 16 nope middle would be right around here so

14 that would make this three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 and then with this one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 1 okay so we have a 26 here here’s 26 is this going to be the entrance yeah we’ll make this the

Entrance so this is the middle block so now we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 this is 10 someone remind me that this is 10 10 is where that dirt block is Sam I think I’m going to go no why I’m really tired and my ears

Hurt okay then you one in the Stream I don’t know cuz I know you’re excited and all it’s okay this is 10 13 middle one two three four five six seven8 N9 10 11 12 13 okay that’s where that wall is going to be now I know where I’m

Building all right that’s it um thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it leave a like I hope you guys enjoyed this is a really long pixel one stream we did a lot and I mean a lot like this was this was insane this

Was ridiculous I did not expect to do this much today um but well you said it was going to be a long stream you said it was going to be like three to four hours what do you mean do more like do another live stream yeah we’re going to

Do another live stream this is an actual series that we’re going to do you love the audio Yeah um this is a proper series that we’re going to do let me move my legendary here I like having my legendar in locations so we’re going to probably

Think up of what to do next time um for now we’re just going to try building the house and maybe leveling up our Pokemon and then we’re going to so basically what I have planned so far is we’re going to make the house we’re going to

Settle down yep make the house yep then once we make the house um I’m going I’m myself at least am going to go look for my perfect team what the hell are you I’m probably going to level up my Pokemon more because they’re kind of behind is so

Yeah um so I’m going to look for my favorite team which is going to consist of so I need to get so technically what here’s the list that we need to catch we need to catch a froy okay then we need to catch a Charmander then a Riolu or a Lucario

Sam if you find a legendary even if it’s not that that that good one you could I’ll trade you my Charmander for it or Charmeleon technically it’s a charmeleon it’s fine I’ll find my own Charmander no it’s fine you’re going no no I’ll find my I’ll find my own it’s

Okay but anyway no no I insist you know we’re gonna but then you won’t have a starter you know no trainer can go without a starter there no no no it’s okay I I technically have another starter count to mhm even though even though when I played Heart

Gold I played I picked syil yeah but anyway um so we need to find those three and then we’re going to keep in Pidgeot we’re going to keep in Butterfree and we might keep Dratini um I’m debating whether actually I might keep Phantom instead just because it is

A ghost grass type and then we have the water dark type along with the fire flying and the steel of fighting and then we’re probably going to add in Hoopa if we ever get to that high enough level or if I find a move relearner we’ll probably do Hoopa but

I’m not too positive yet on what I’m going to do there I don’t know what I’m going to do with Hoopa I might try my best to try I might try to find and catch another one I’m not going to lie only because another Hoopa yes because

The one that I caught is not good it’s really not oh like like it doesn’t have any moves and are you sure it doesn’t learn any well and are you sure it won’t learn any more moves as it levels up it could learn new moves as it as it levels

Up but how the hell am I going to level it up if it can’t fight like I I would need an exp share and those are really hard to get that’s true yeah um um okay uh you might see a few things different I might change the what’s it

Called I might change a few things uh I’m going to add keep inventory and then I’m going to try and add or like up the tick speed so that way things like food and stuff grow faster or I might just put it straight up peaceful but still

Have the tick speed raised up for trees um and hopefully we’ll also start making machines for fossils so yeah and then we’re going to go legendary hunting to get just get some of our favorite legendaries once we have our Dream Team um and then once we do legendary hunting we

Might just try doing some what’s it called uh like boss fights like boss battles yeah we’ll do we’ll start doing some boss fights see if we can get some stuff done yeah and then once we do once we get like some of the items we want we’re also going to do

Another thing that I’m trying to remember right we’re going to try finishing the Pokédex and then once we finish the Pokédex we will finish the series wait hold on am I wait let me join for a second so that way like I know I’m in your base and it didn’t glitch out and

I’m still drowning you teleported before here’s the thing I the reason why I left I was like you know what I don’t know I don’t know if he’s going to teleport me in time because again like I couldn’t move and I was drowning and I

Was like oh no I can’t um I might work on the house off camera like on my own just work on the house I won’t I will try my best not to catch any Pokemon or anything and if I do if like a legendary spawns or something and I know I can

Take it I’ll just hit record on streamlabs or do a really wonky stream oh actually Sam when you’re playing off stream can I also play I’m not gonna do anything yeah you can yeah I’m just going to level up playing Pokemon probably and that’s it yeah why there Bulbasaur everywhere Jesus

Bulbasaur I think you’re having a glitch again cuz there is not a single Bulbasaur here oh yeah it probably is I don’t know why my game does that like for me guys like for me guys it looks like Bulbasaur I’m trying what I’m going to do is like build something similar to

The I don’t know if you know the fifth gym in the Kanto region how it’s just a giant ninja Mansion I’m going to do something similar to that why can’t I move are my keys still being wonky oh yeah it’s a swind them not a bubble sword I don’t know if my game

Does that to be honest actually babe this is the perfect place for you to up because it’s a ice biome with ice Ty Pokemon oh yeah sweet so yeah um actually before I end the stream I think or I might do this off stream I’m going to craft a Healer yes

Please um it’s just that the thing is they still haven’t fixed this and it bothers me the Healer breaks when you try moving it so every time we break the Healer I’m just going to cheat one in because that’s [ __ ] um oh I I can’t move that’s

Awesome anyway so yeah once again thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it leave a like hope you guys enjoyed hope you guys enjoy yeah you I hope you guys enjoyed Victoria being here she will be here for most of the streams I assume she might not be

Able to make it for some or if anything I just want stream that day and wait for her to be available which is most likely what is going to happen cuz this is our Pokemon world this is something we want to do cuz it’s cute yeah

Um so yeah oh the ra over here 10 why uh I might try looking for some of the legendary bird shrines not too sure about that yet though um so yeah have a good one and see you guys next time yep bye guys

This video, titled ‘Pixelmon Ep.1 New Beginnings’, was uploaded by CursedShadowGamer on 2024-01-15 05:19:24. It has garnered 188 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:30 or 15870 seconds.

Pixelmon with Victoria

#pixelmon #pixelmonminecraft #pixelmonmod #minecraft #pokemon

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  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: Twitter: Cryptic: YouTube: Pug: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Muzz: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More