Shark – I Scared My Friend with BLOOD World in Minecraft

Video Information

This is my buddy Kevin and his world is infected with the blood virus in today’s movie I’m dragging Kevin through his living nightmare comment down below the scariest blood experience and subscribe if we should make another movie to begin let’s go ahead and infect the sun Su the

Coolest seed in Minecraft just just hear me out real quick this just spawned in with this random seed and it gets even better okay you know how emeralds are a little bit I don’t know difficult to fine I haven’t had the best luck with finding some but look at freaking this

What what are you kidding me dude a freaking snowman oh would you look at this such a peaceful world I mean the sun is out the blocks are out the mobs are out but it’s certainly not lasting for long yes wo wao whoa whoa wao is the village okay I’m seeing a

Little bit of smoke over here it’s completely okay wait maybe inside my base dude like I I’m not that stupid I physically heard something blow up by my my would you look at this the dead sun is officially out and Kevin’s world is slowly but surely going to be corrupted

And well I have full Reigns and powers to do so like this I can reain a little bit of blocks around this world and start off very very small what the bro what the heck bro what the heck bro the sun doesn’t precipitate how are you

Raining right now I mean I could collect the Red Blocks in case I want to make a cash statue later mind you the powers get even stronger literally by the minutes and while in about 10 minutes I’m literally going to be able to use a

Death ray by the sun you don’t know a deathray is it’s freaking terrifying let’s just Spam Kevin’s world with raining blocks really quickly what is happening hey what the balls bro bro like this thing’s actually going to film my front door I won’t be able to get

Into my own freaking house can we stop I’m just going to make Kevin confused as to why it’s raining concrete it’s it’s not even concrete powder either it’s like actual hard concrete oh it’s a parkour map oh dude I trained for these bro look at this bro parkour parkour

Parkour they actually say I actually have the best movement in all of Minecraft look look at this oh wait a second this is a really cool Village but I kind of want to make this all different now if I go position two and we type replace grass block with

Redstone blocks just going to make everything a little bit more red so the sun which is now big and red bro it’s huge can we like give me a moment here why are you so big it’s raining red hallelujah it’s raining red okay yo hey spot bro you got to come see

This stuff bro come here I got to show you something dude look at this look dude it’s a freaking full moon look how big it is wait a second he’s got his dog wait this is literally perfect I can do this oh look he just turned

Red okay here I need to bring him over here he needs to see kind of like front row SE to this spot spot come here what the Bro oh my God what what is happening to my dog spot oh my God his dog is literally red now look at that and while

While I’m at it I might as well do with every single mob here kachow kachow cat cat now don’t mind if I do Kevin is stuck in an endless loop meaning meaning the time is frozen forever build up build up build up build up what is wrong

With my dog I don’t want to kill him oh my God that’s so painful stop spot stop now you see this is the part I’ve been waiting for because a lot of my powers are starting to unlock I’m going to be progressively unlocking more features which I can do like this why

Did it have to be splot why did splot get the ligma virus wait a minute wait a minute did the village get infected with the ligma virus to it did oh my gosh oh my gosh everybody has a ligma virus get away from me oh my God the wait the

Sun’s rays are freaking how did I save that how did I save that bro oh my God the Sunray The Sunray kill the cow and the sheep and the cat oh my God wait what the heck where’s my freaking loot no no no no no no no dude why is

Everything at the freaking ligma virus oh my God where oh my loot my loot my loot my loot don’t mind me I’m just going to circle Kevin with the Sunray of death oh what is that bean bro I knew it I knew it I knew I should have never

Freaking downloaded exra dedicated Ram I had a feeling bro hey Kevin you can’t Camp inside of that house forever you know what it’s fine because my next power up was just unlocked and this is called the Ray Gun uh-oh wait it just turned everything red wait a second that’s actually kind of

Cool I need a better one though I need something that’s going to like explode hey so like there’s a freaking red beam coming from the freaking Sky what am I supposed to do about that I don’t wait wait wait wait I have an idea I have an

Idea I have an idea I have an idea hey Siri why why is my son red in Minecraft here’s what I found you can’t just be sitting inside of your house the whole time okay I mean look at this he’s just base camping inside of this base you know what there’s one thing I can do about it and that’s called The Sunray oh here we go

Oh okay what the what I’m at a loss of words the diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds take all of it take all of it look at this open oh my God it L just blew everything up bro okay I’m going to pop on the server real quick with a fake

Join message now we’re going to go game mode survival just like this okay let’s see what’s going on here Kevin oh yo yo yo oh my god dude holy crap when did you get all this Redstone are you cheating no no no no no no no okay so dude I’m

Googling this I’m Googling this I’m I’m learning I don’t know what this is I’m learning but apparently this is a red what did I tell you about downloading free Among Us versions okay you shouldn’t be doing that I told you stop doing that okay and now you’re doing me

Listen to to me homie listen to me I only joined I only joined because I heard you screaming at the top of your lungs I’m trying to make a video wait wait wait wait video what what what what what what video oh um I’m doing a 100

Days hardcore series oh oh okay good job moose but dude that’s besides the point dude so this sun is red and I was doing a Google search no the sun is normal Kevin I don’t see a red Sun what are you talking about it’s freaking Red Bro

Anyways Kev I you know all I’m going to say is stop downloading those stupid free Ram Among Us games I told you they’re busted for you anyways I I got to I got to go and finish this video it’s going to take me like literally

Years to do it so uh yeah I’ll see you later man okay no but what do I do how do I use command blow can he’s freaking gone bro what a okay well seems like I’m not getting any help from my freaking friends okay low key he almost caught me in that

Because I slipped up instead of trying to make a video but he didn’t even realize that he is actually the video wait a second if I’m not going crazy I swear I heard Kevin say something along the lines of command blocks now there’s there’s no way he doesn’t have any

Command blocks see his chest is empty and obviously I don’t think this is a creative world for him I mean come on does this look like he did work off camera no not really I need to figure out a way to make it nighttime I on the

Bright side like I do have op which means wait a minute that’s good that’s actually good I have op I could just set it to nighttime myself hold up um with one simple command get up a boom Oh oh oh how did he get command blocks wait

What wait bro no no no he has op on the server he has he’s just been spawning garbage in bro wait what oh my okay okay okay I mean he can only type in a command block if he’s in creative mode so realistically if he’s just going to

Time set night um it’s not going to work in the first place and well now that I put the torch down it should be nighttime dude I did 1,800 18,000 it should be night time hey wait what if we just reput the torch down onto this

Side he is he’s cheating up okay wait wait no no this this is not good at all oh my God no no no look the whole world is regenerating no no no no no this wait wait this is bad this is really bad this

Is really bad what y it worked oh my God the Red Sun is gone oh my god did I just do a 100 IQ move that turns off everything from command blocks right so if I just go right here now if I just break all the way up just like this boom

It’s gone there we go yes yes yes oh my God this is perfect this is perfect now if I just do dive set 11,000 like this yes it’s back where the heck did my command block go no no no no no no no you can’t break a freaking command block

Wait a second all my power should still work so I should be able to do this oh yes aha the dead son is still here and nothing you do will stop it oh my god get away from it oh my God oh my God oh

My God no no my house my house you know what Kevin because you had the audacity to cheat on our own Minecraft server I’m going to corrupt this entire world so you never bring it back this is not good this is actually not good oh no okay

Okay I got to make a run for it but where everything is now corrupted by the dead Sun I mean look at this this entire world is now literally all oh well you know I kind of did miss a spot over here but no big deal because all of this can

Be corrupted and it will never be undone there’s even blood villagers chasing Kevin oh my God I can’t hit you no what did I say about base camping Kevin nobody likes a base camper that’s not good that’s not good how do I get out of here oh yes Kevin enjoy another

Explosion no no no no no no no wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on slash data pack one dead Sun zip what what do you mean a red Sun data pack wait why what’s going on why is he why is he AFK

Why is wait hold up I’m confused wait why he’s just like throwing in the towel he’s just like giving up bro like what let’s join just one more time and give Kevin a little bit of a greeting hey dude wow you still haven’t fixed this world man this is yikes this is pretty

Rough man what’s going on here oh what’s up dude what how you doing how’s your video coming along how why is your world all busted like this bro bro um something I guess something happened what hey whoo whoa whoa whoa hey chill wait Kevin hey what happened bro wait

Wait how did you wait what was that oh dude yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s just like one thing you know you know Red Son you ever heard of it no I haven’t heard of that Kevin but I I see that your son is red in your whole world this red what

Bro what did I tell you about installing those viruses what did I tell you dude no no no no no no I bro I didn’t I I promise I didn’t do anything I’m just I just saw I just saw something like have you have you seen this one before wait

Wait Kevin wait Kevin what are you doing wait where am I going Kevin wait where am I going what are you doing to me hey what are you doing with shark where are you going wait I’m I’m stuck I literally can’t move I literally can’t

Move oh my God this backfired so badly I saw on Google that there’s a blood triangle in Minecraft didn’t have a sailor’s hat so I printed one out let’s get this I like literally I think it’s due north or something like literally just straight but I also figured to

Prevent myself from getting lost okay we already have an island over there it doesn’t look as interesting right but if I just go straight and if I get lost I can just turn around the same way and just go straight back where I came from right like that makes a lot of sense

Kevin’s on a mission out in the middle of the ocean right now but I don’t think he truly understands what he’s getting himself into I mean then again he does seem pretty prepared for this I mean look this guy’s decked out in full armor and everything Kevin has no idea he’s

Getting so close to the blood triangle I mean I mean at some point here we should see the outline of the blood triangle but first I must give him a bit of taste of what is to come this is the blood water imagine doing this with oh my goodness this is horrible

There was a freaking shark attack don’t get into the water okay there’s no sharks in Minecraft oh what is that over there I think it’s the blood triangle oh don’t worry Kevin nothing could go wrong over here now could it famous last words if that were me right now I’d be

Terrified I mean come on guys comment down below how would you feel if this started happen to you in your game dude it’s like literally leading into the direction that I can okay hold on hold on nothing seems dead wait is this coming from me I don’t feel like much of

A captain right now dude this is crazy how is it doing that I’m not going to lie dude that that it’s like dude I’ve never seen Bloody water before like there’s no mobs dying how all right all right all right it’s time to wrap it up just a little

Bit more you know what’s even more scary than blood water H well how about blood rain yes yes yes okay hold on get out of this wait an island okay yeah this is actually freaking disgusting go go go go go go go uh bro this is freaking gross

Hold on I need to get underneath a tree or something it’s literally Raining Blood on top of me bro now I don’t want Kevin to think he’s alone on this island cuz that would be pretty lonely now wouldn’t it let’s go ahead and summon in a pig just a nice little innocent Pig

What could go wrong am I right we’ll give him a cow and we’ll give him uh maybe one more Pig right here as well too I don’t know where these freaking mobs are coming from but dude I don’t want to be standing by this empty tree

Forever so uh we’re going to craft a little bit of a house because last thing that I want to do is be standing in this stupid blood rain now what Kevin doesn’t know is that blood rain is slowly infecting these mobs and with the power of just one

Command all of those mobs will turn against Kevin and fight him first I must surround the entire Island so the curse is fully embarked yes yes the curse of the blood triangle is officially here oh Kevin somebody’s here to see you so hypothetically speaking if this blood is

Hold up I just got to make sure that I’m not speaking out of my rear end is that a freaking piglin dude what the get away from me what the now all the mobs have turned into blood mobs and now they will be AG gring towards Kevin oh why would you want to

Hurt an innocent cow Kevin you know what fine one of them wait what is that red beam oh wait hello wait there’s there’s lasers shooting up the way I don’t even know what that’s all about um like actually though I have no idea what that’s doing what is that what is that

Why are they coming after me they’re oh W whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo W whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening why was I getting hit both things were red and angry more mobs more mobs more mobs more mobs and blood mobs wait seriously uh why was there a

Laser in this guy I that’s not a part of I don’t know why that’s happening they’re run and angry again oh my gosh oh my gosh no please please please please oh guess another tree oh this is big oh my goodness these things actually hurt now it is time to open the blood

Portal and by looking at the water here blood laser boom here we go oh and now we can open up the portal of Doom is that what is that ah yes it is surrounding everything Kevin loves the blood portal to the underworld is opening up yes now you are completely surrounded and nothing you do will stop us dude what is going on I need a better angle what is bro what are these what

Are those I’m going to head inside let’s give Kevin a little bit of a break here why don’t we go ahead and stop the blood rain so it feeles a little bit safer but if you notice those portals aren’t ordinary portals in fact there is a toxic fume emitting off those portals

Which by the way if you touch it it’ be very very dangerous and well I think Kevin’s about to figure that one out oh there’s like something coming off of that wait I don’t really want to go outside cuz this rain is raining what okay wait wait sus so sus

Oh what is this can I like go down into this wait they all look the same and they all have the like these weird bubbles coming from me wait wait this one looks like the biggest one right here I got oh okay go here we go please oh yes

Yes yes ah would you look at this Kevin is now in the blood World wait what is that W that wait that that’s me wait that’s me hold up what where am I what what what the Bro shark get the Bro Jesus yo you look different

Bro like like red I didn’t do this I was just supposed to teleport g into the blood world and then scare him hold up I what is going on it’s like a bloody shark but it’s named my name look at all this blue so much there’s no blue around

Here it’s all blood I’m as blue as ever bro are you okay what are you talking about dude you’re not blue why is everything red where am I shark no seriously all jokes aside where am I at what what is this normal Minecraft world bro what are you talking about this

Isn’t a normal Minecraft world he should know that’s not actually me I mean look at my skin bro it literally looks like I just wrestled 1,600 Bears bro and somehow made it out alive so my question is if that’s not me then who is that this there not feel like shark literally

Everybody watching can agree with me it’s so red okay it’s so red around here that wait what the wait where did Kevin just go uh guys okay that’s that was weird uh what wait I’m in survival mode wa wait my invincibility it’s gone uh

Wait how do you know I’m here no no no no no no no hey hey w w wait what’s happening bro wait what dude I can’t move H spam buttons spam buttons spam buttons no uh just something something dude what is happening oh oh I broke free go go go uh spectator mode

Spectator mode get out of here oh my gosh bro what the heck what the balls oh no no no that thing was doing something to me I don’t know what that was wait what if I can use some of my blood powers to fight against blood wait no that wouldn’t work because that’s

Already a blood shark oh my God no no no no no no no no no where did that thing go I swear I just saw blood shark second to go wait okay I can wait if I stop the blood rain that should obviously lessen some of the blood shark’s Powers am I

Right what I can also do replace near 50 Nether wart block with grass you’ll definitely hate that look see there we go we can regenerate some of the world blood shark loses its powers and hopefully gets weaker bro I don’t know what just happened but that thing was

Freaking terrifying where the heck am I bro everything’s ready it’s so freaking sus okay you know what if you guys really think that’s the real shark everybody needs to subscribe right right now because everything’s red and red is scary there’s more red please guys oh it’s making a sound okay yes yes

Yes yes yes yes yes yes come on bring back some the world uh uh guys wait what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening wait wait wait wait wait is this a freaking surface bro wait wait what I’m back what I was just in that thingy Jiggy wait we’re we’re

We’re back oh my you know Kevin doesn’t even know that I’m on the server right now but I’m experiencing all of this with him oh my gosh bro okay well the blood triangle uh as much as I was trying to mess with him the whole time I

Think I think we survived it I consider that a massive DB in my books oh hello anybody here that can help me wait my boat Where’s My Boat I think my boat is gone as well okay oh no no no no no no no no no wait something happening the

Universes they must have crossed oh what do I do uh oh oh shark shark shark answer me bro we’re back in our normal world not in the blood world how did blood shark get here I have an idea I have an idea if I can just sneak behind

Blood shark right over here hopefully they don’t see me here we go uh can I disguise wait a blood wolf no way guys I’m a blood wolf wait that must mean I have some sort of powers I might be able to kill blood shark look guys look at

This look I can have multiple blood wolves oh my gosh now question is what can they do wait ow ow ow bro what the heck shark what are you bro bro bro broo bro it’s me it’s me bro it’s me bro bro it’s me Kevin’s about to die in a second okay

Shark think think think think think they think function DP blood wolf I don’t know what this does but we’re doing it wait the blood wolves look at them guys wait oh look they’re all slamming into blood shark oh god what the balls bro what is that get away from me what is

That thing that thing just saved me but it also just killed that thing killed shark oh my God the blood wolves they killed blood shark yeah you’re welcome Kevin I just saved the entire universe my puppy come here roll pey oh you’re such a good boy you’re such a good boy see oh

Oh wait all the blood stuff it’s leaving oh my gosh wait we’re reverting the universe back to normal yes what’s start started as a simple troll I managed to actually save Kevin’s entire life there we go I’m in the boat look at how Derpy I am right now ah how peaceful I’m sure

Kevin is so happy but he’s going to watch this video at some point realizing this all prank here we go my freaking campsite okay listen so I just came back from camping IRL and I want to go back but you know it’s a little too early to

Go camping again so I decided to mix the two grest things that I love in my entire life camping and Minecraft dude look look at this we need to be so quiet right now Kevin is down by his campsite I’ve literally been waiting all night to

Be able to pull this off he went camping in Minecraft he abandoned his house and now he’s in the middle of the force but this force is haunted by me like this is sick you know what the greatest part about Minecraft and camping is there is literally nobody to

Bug you you’re in the middle of literally freaking nowhere nobody can bug you and guess what nobody bugged me all week how scared would you be if you were in your for when suddenly blood was painting all over the trees around you I don’t know about you but I’d be pretty

Terrified let’s just go ahead and add some blood on these trees here we’ll make a little bit of a trail knowing Mr camper Carl he’ll think it’s berries and he’ll try and eat it don’t do that like like the best part is like the stars look at the

Stars ew ew ew ew ew dude that’s freaking disgusting bro ew get this all oh wait he’s actually cleaning them out way I didn’t even know that was possible wait what oh what the flip okay okay I got to think again fine what if I have blood blocks oh wait look

At this look at this oh bro that looks so gross let’s just go over here really quickly and we’re just going to add a little bit of a path oh bro look at this oh and then right over here we can add one that looks like a cross bro oh my

God bro that’s terrifying wao what the dude ew I don’t want to step on this yo that’s literally blood like I’m not losing my mind that’s blood but it’s like w okay that one gave me chills it’s like the shape of a cross dude this is actually disgusting okay I

Don’t even want to get this all over my pickaxes bro what is going on and boom boom there we go he’ll never even notice hey wait he’s not paying attention boom boom boom boom there we go oh my God bro that’s terrifying and more blood must

Have more blood in the blood Forest now genuinely how would you react if this was happening to you in your game because I would be terrified wait that was a third what was that oh my gosh I almost peed myself I’m not even I’m not even joking with you right now I

Literally almost freaking peed myself there that lightning just scared them what the what the heck that that was not a okay um oh wow I I’m getting really nervous right now I kind of have to pee see if you were camping and it started to rain it would probably really suck am

I right nobody likes to rain when it’s camping but that’s why you have a tent what if that rain happened to be blood rain yes oh would you look at that and now right in front of your eyes you will witness across from alive what the heck bro do you see what

I’m talking about bro it is it’s literally it’s literally Raining Blood what the heck what the heck what the heck what the heck that thing just that thing just built right in front of me we need to open this place up a little bit the rain is not able to touch the

Campsite I say we just start a little bit of a fire cuz what’s camping without the trees am I right burn burn it all yes your poor campsite it’s burning to Smither rins Kevin how the flip do I make the freaking rain stop I’m not

Getting out in front of this oh my God what the heck wait wait wait wait wait why is everything on fire dude this is so this is so bad this is so bad everything’s everything’s burning oh oh dang it I don’t know what to do I don’t

Want to go out in this stupid rain this is oh it’s so freaking disgusting you really think you’re going to be able to stop the fire Kevin it’s a forest fire this this literally spreads like wildfire that’s why it’s called a forest fire you know the blood rain is pretty

Terrifying but you know what’s worse in the blood rain if we go ahead and do weather clear oh oh would you look at this a nice open and slightly spooky Forest but what’s worse than a spooky Forest the blood moon and the Moon is staring directly into Kevin’s Soul slowly planning on

Eating him alive this is definitely not the trip Kevin was expecting to go on is he really trying to stop a forest fire bro come on man you got to call the fire department for this one they’re the only ones that can stop this hey dude oh my

Gosh there’s way too much freaking fire from what dude thunder and lightning cannot do this oh my God and I have blood dripping all over me this is freaking disgusting take out all the fires I can head inside and then it’s going to be peaceful again just like I

Wished for come on and now that we have some more room to play why don’t we run function DP yet and we can add a little bit of more spice to Kevin’s campsite let’s go ahead and put some fences right here and then just like this oh would

You look at that it’s a hanging steeve oh he’s going to see it any second now what is that that’s a freaking blood moon that’s a Blood Moon that’s a Blood Moon that’s what’s causing this dude I swear I’m not on a single scary scene this this is just Minecraft for fun I’m

Literally freaking camping dude what the heck is that hold on stop pause pause Steve oh my god look how creepy that looks look how creepy that looks look at them just hanging upside down with bloodshot eyes death is upon you Kev oh my gosh what’s wrong with this face

There the freaking another one bro bro stop bro stop bro stop oh oh my gosh oh my God oh my God what do I where do I do want the heck where do I go where do I go what this thing’s getting freaking closer to me dude that moon was on this

Side come on why you running away man come on just go say hello to Ste it’s just the blood moon nothing’s bad with the blood wait wait where’s he going wait Kevin wait where you going hey hey wait get back here hey no you’re leaving your campsite I just I just turned it

Into a party for you and now you’re going to leave it what there’s no way I scared him that much it wasn’t that bad get the flip out of here okay okay new campsite right over here okay new campsite new campsite oh my God bro that is madness madness bro you know what

Fine Kevin wants to vent out of here okay no big deal but at the very least I’m going to make sure it’s worth it let’s go ahead and equip my identity as the Blood Demon now if I just jump right over here I I need to move campsites

Like like yesterday but I still need some of my stuff bro this is freaking disgusting okay uh this this this this this uh what else what else is important I’m going to get rid of all the stuff that I don’t need take the bed I’m out

I’m out okay I know a campsite that’s like 30 minutes away from here I can go set up camp There what did you see something in the trees Kevin what’s wrong is is everything okay oh but this demon can walk on Waters yes he can he’s coming for you he’s coming for you what what the heck oh my gosh oh my gosh what the

Heck dude stop n n stop stop stop stop stop please somebody stop somebody stop please please somebody stop somebody stop somebody stop somebody stop please I can hear him screaming in the other room like a little baby this is too funny okay okay okay I need to reset

I’m going to get ahead of myself a little bit here oh my God I’m like having like a minor anxiety attack right now dude oh my gosh okay we’re going to get to this campsite where everything’s going to be okay holy moly let me tell you let me

Tell you I don’t even know what I was saying back there please excuse anything and everything I just said it literally did probably didn’t make English Kevin thinks he might be out of the Woodworks which well isn’t entirely true let’s go ahead and just remove some of the trees

Nearby shall we oh beautiful so much more room and now that we have some more openness to Kevin’s new campsite we can have what I like to call the sky demon look at that thing now this thing is really cool because you’ll notice it’s going to always fall Kevin everywhere

Kevin walks it’s going to walk too what’s going on what dude what is going on I can’t move what the heck does okay blood moon what’s wrong Kevin are you just getting teleported to a random location you don’t know oh Kevin look behind

You oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what the what the heck was that what the heck was that what the heck was that go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep what the oh my God oh my

God there it is there it is the demon would follow you everywhere you go Kevin the demon would follow you and now the best part is and now the best part is I can spawn more of them everywhere all around Kevin’s base they will watch you

As you sleep is he really trying to go to bed right now look at this guy he thinks going to bed is going to fix it let’s go it’s daytime oh my God I don’t think I’ve ever been this freaking excited to see daytime before my entire freaking life

Dude oh my gosh I literally almost cried there wait a second wait who wait how’s the daytime wait a second wait wait how did I go I I I had the blood moon out daytime should have been canceled how did that happen wait my my demons are

Despawn wait oh my God wait the blood forced the blood forced uh wait they’re all died wait huh oh it undid because it’s night time oh I honestly thought my blood Powers was going to cancel out the ability to sleep but I guess I was wrong

Waa you guys saw that thing right oh my God I’m I’m like I don’t even know how to speak English right now I’m so freaking scared I’m so like I just instantly I just yawn one night like something scared I have to yawn I don’t

Know how else to react oh that’s kind of a shame when you think about it now my entire blood Forest everything that I placed over here is just all the Steves are gone and everything is just missing it just all went away oh what the heck

What the heck what the heck he still here it’s still here it’s not a dream it’s not a dream it’s it’s not a dream it’s not a dream it’s not a dream it’s not a dream it’s not a dream it’s not a dream it’s not a dream are they

Surrounding me holy crap holy moly please please all right fine you want to play like that Kevin you’re not escaping my nightmare because my nightmare is the scariest one you would ever see listen bro I don’t usually come to you and tell you when stuff is like actually urgent but I would highly

Advise not to go down in that cave in fact you should take all your stuff and move out of this area yeah I’m scared of a cave bro look at me I’m dripped out looking drippy drip drip you know what my favorite color is yellow you know why

Cuz it reminds me of gold cuz we out here dripping 24/7 dude you think a cave can scare me bro you know what they call me out in Minecraft what who chains you know why why cuz I got 14 chains and I ain’t scared no C no no no no nobody literally

Literally zero people on this planet call you 14 chains listen all I’m saying is don’t live in this cave and you can’t say I didn’t warn you okay this is not a place you want to live at Kev hey hey I warned you let me ask you one last

Question before you go what do you call an awesome spot that was like completely unheard of but it t like it’s a restaurant it tastes really good hole in the wall so it’s a perfect spot to live okay you know what that was so cringe

I’m running back to my base I have to give shark the benefit of the doubt he’s trying to be nice to me and warn me but as you guys can tell I have done my own little designing in my cave because again my cave I don’t really care about

It being scary now listen right now this is just an ordinary cave but now I’m making in my mission to make this the blood cave the scariest of all caves known to man in fact I say we should begin our blood journey by bringing in

The blood tree all we need to do now is load in our tree boom ah yes how nice isn’t it just an ordinary simple oak tree sitting in the middle of the cave how unnatural is that now I can grab some light blocks as well which are completely invisible so Kevin won’t be

Able to see this and we’ll light up the entire tree obviously I have Vision on but Kevin doesn’t but this will look so spooky so wait I’m I’m confused what’s so creepy about this cave bro it’s it’s literally just a cave oh look shark we’re going to create a little path for

You because you get scared of the dark what yo bro what bro this idiot fell and missed all the water oh my you think Kevin’s nickname would be a noob and uh not 14 chains that’s for sure but now it is time for the blood curse to commence

Itself you might be wondering why we’re using the tree well you see the tree is the gift of life without trees we would be dead and oh it seems like Kevin is now noticing the said tree that is over here oh how is that even possible you’re

Telling me for real there’s a tree in here how the heck is it possible for trees or wait wait wait wait sorry guys it’s all part of the scary cave W you know what’s better than just a normal tree a tree that begins to have some blood on

It what’s wrong Kevin do you notice anything off with this tree around you those aren’t cherries I’ll tell you that right shark really thinks he can scare me that easily bro I don’t scare that easily look an axel hi Axel so wao ew bro that’s freaking blood and

Seeing as Kevin has entered the realm of Doom it’s now time we lock him in here Boom the entrance is now blocked up you’re not going anywhere Kevin the whole game just froze bad vibes bad vibes Oho what the balls happened to my

Exit no no no no no no no no oh my gosh bro that is actually busted let’s just do it again shall we yes you’re not getting out of that easily anvils you got to be kidding me bro I can’t sit here and just mine every single freaking Anvil I don’t even have

A freaking pickaxe bro this is so dumb how oh what’s wrong Kev you want to try and get out of here no no no no no no no no I came prepared for this one with the monster that Kevin hates the most the demon now if I can

Just sneak up behind Kevin without him seeing me now we can grab the Jukebox with dis 11 and now we’ll just hide it somewhere right underneath Kevin he won’t even see this one coming is there has to be a way around this stupid thing

Dude come on okay so I came in from over there so if we just build up this one I’m not playing anything I’m not playing anything oh what’s wrong buddy are you okay do you hear something in the cave I’m misclicking cuz I’m getting nervous wait he just left the server

Wait wait what I’ve waited all day to do this to him and he left after that just one little baby jump scare oh my bro that was so easy what maybe the monster was just too much for him I I I don’t know that wasn’t even that bad one eternity Later oh my God oh my God finally he’s going back to a cell okay it’s just a game just a game well I’ve been waiting for like an hour for this man to come back online I I know for sure he’s going to oh my God

Perfect yes yes yes all the anvils are gone and the tree is gone what I’ve gotten rid of the tree and I also gotten rid of the anvils but they’re actually not gone they’ve just moved to a new location quickly I need to scem load tree we’re going to paste it right in

The middle of his base right here oh my God bro this is perfect look at this oh maybe I had a bad dream in Minecraft dude that makes so much sense and you know what listen we all get bad dreams here and there this is going to

Scare the balls out of them now I can make these blood yes just like this ah yes how did this happen exactly Kevin the curse has moved from in the cave to inside of your home your prized possession maybe the curse is real who would have thought tree

Wasn’t real tree was real the tree was real it’s taking up my entire freaking house bro you know what the tree down bro you think you can you think you can mess with me I’m not scared okay not scared of some stupid tree can’t hurt me

Going to past the tree out here as well we’re going to pce just a bunch of trees right outside of his face he’s literally never going to even notice this no what the heck I just enabled it rator with the balls did he break the blood tree oh

No no no no no this is this is not good you do understand what happens when you break the blood tree right bro how does this make any sense how does this make any sense where are these freaking leaves coming from how is this tree growing from concrete and even besides

The random trees how is there freaking blood inside of them bro like none of this make wait I’m the only one here that’s like this doesn’t make sense yo oh my God what if shark was actually right about the lore bro is that cave actually freaking haunted he says that

Cave is haunted I believe him dude I believe him I ain’t going down there anymore you will never catch me dead in that in that spot anymore is Kevin breaking the blood tree I told you guys once this was a curse looks like we’re going to have to show Kevin exactly why

He shouldn’t be doing this first let’s go ahead and give Kevin some blind what’s going on what the heck is going on bro what the heck is going on what is going on hello now we can teleport him right down here boom he can’t see anything right now he’s completely

Blinded ah yes blood everywhere all over the trees where am I yo it’s a cave bro bro it’s a cave this is this is the path that I built oh Kevin can you see again how did you manage get get back down here he thought breaking the trees would stop the curse

But it only made it worse Oh look The World Is transforming all into blood I think it’s time we give Kevin a nice little greeting of our fellow friend oh my God oh my God oh my God please please please please okay okay okay we we can

Make it out of here we can make it out of here we can make it out of here okay okay you you can run but you can’t hide yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo you know what’s even more terrifying

Than the blood tree curse itself is when you wake up in a room just like this I literally just don’t understand it’s just blood everywhere and there’s literally nothing I can do about it you know what wait wait if I respond wait if I respond I’ll just

Be where the heck am I and of course would you look at what has made its way in here the blood tree he is still trying to break it okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no this is good this is

Good this is going to help us escape from here oh my gosh four logs it’s actually freaking perfect here I going take one of these fires out so it doesn’t kill me come on come on come on come on come on yes yes wait wait where

Are you going hey hey wait wait wait where are you going bro do you really think you’re going to outrun me I mean I’m in creative mode with all the power in my hands and you’re in survival mode on your SMP and you think you’re you’re going to survive this you’re not there’s

No way around this oh my God I actually got out of there yo hold on hold on hold on I got I got an idea this might be 5 million IQ technically speaking there’s not going to be any more blood trees around right I think this might be the

Meta guys I think I’m not 100% sure but I think this might be the meta wait a second what is he trying to do wait water wait he’s going to try and wash out the leaves of all the blood to undo the curse no I I I have to stop him I

Have to stop him okay this should easy that monster he hates so much it’s literally in his nightmares okay fine no big deal I will just disguise the monster scare the balls out of him and then and then he’ll leave the server and I win right obviously that’s going to

Happen ah here we googaa hello Kevin hello Kevin yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo hold on wait where are you running to oh now I’ve got you cornered Kevin nothing you do can get you out of this position data pack disable ah yes be afraid of me Kevin and

Now it is my time to Feast on you as the monster and I will eat Kevin yes shark oh my God you’re scaring me bro this guy has no freaking idea that I can see everything wait why am I SC wait wait wait wait wait hold up uh uh guys

Wait wait wait no I have disguise no sick of having literally only Diamond axes and iron this and that I need it for the first time in my entire life I need to finally go to the Nether and finally get some netherite and it’s like the perfect

Time he has no idea the Sun is going down which means the Moon is coming out you know I don’t even want to wait for the sunet I’m just going to time set night and what you look at that the blood moon is here oh my goodness boy Kevin has no

Idea what I have in store for him in fact I’ve infected his entire world in fact if you look look at all these sheep and these pigs they look completely normal now don’t they but in just a moment these evil creatures are going to convert and become one of the ugliest

Monsters ever bro what how did it already turn nighttime what how is this Blood Moon always freaking following me dude I have a legit version of Minecraft okay fine it’s literally just a red moon okay we’ll be okay why don’t me to bring some blood water here Kevin

Do you remember this I’m sure you do surr this whole base in bloody water to show him the undead is here does he even realize this man’s just building a nether portal what if this happened behind you ah and last but not least perfect okay okay wait wait wait wait

Okay you know what I’m going to go into The Nether real quick because uh technically the blood Lo can’t bother me in there wait where are you going why are you going to the wait wait Kevin wait where are you go hey what this he huh fine you want to escape to the

Nether like a big old baby that’s okay I’ll just do this what did this thing just freaking trap me oh what’s wrong Kevin are you stuck now I know exactly how I can get Kevin back to the Overworld look at the Sheep isn’t he so

Cute come on go say hi his name is Fred yo sis what hold on pause has there ever actually been a sheep in the nether before I don’t think there’s ever been a sheep or any other mob like outside of piglins here wait wait wait something’s

On his face now if I type in this command oh look at those things ew there look at their eyes dude what the heck was that oh my God bro his mouth was falling out there was blood everywhere when has this sheep ever looked like okay so the nether is

Not safe from the freaking blood moon it’s like he ate a freaking pack of raspberries and threw up everywhere okay you know what now it’s fine I’m just going to go to bed and when I wake up in the morning everything is going to be a

Okay wait dude why is it not letting me freaking sleep I swear to you I can’t get into this freaking bed good luck trying to sleep away You’re nightmare Kevin this is not how this works now I think it’s time we infect Kevin’s world just a little bit more by adding blood

All over the trees ah look how nice this one looks oh and even this tree over here how could we forget about you now that’s just silly Now isn’t it I think I can fix all this maybe if we fill all of this in just like this it’s going to

Help purify yes yeah yeah yeah it works it’s purifying the water now let’s go ahead and grab a sheep shall we you see the coolest part about the blood mobs is they slowly get scared and scarier in fact they go through stages this is stage zero meaning it’s just a normal

Sheep but watch what happens when Kevin goes up to that sheep dude I just need to clean up all this freaking water I just I hate the look of blood it just makes me so nauseous what is that another freaky sheep hellow wait it’s a normal sheep oh come

On Kevin go up to it get closer just a little bit closer and why did you just turn into three why did you just turn into three hello what the heck um um get out get out of my house get out get out okay okay why

You just killed the blood sheep oh no no no that’s not the way to do it in fact we’re just going to turn them to level two now these things are even more wicked now oh god what the heck uh-oh uhoh there creepers I just got rid of all of them

He’s literally living in a living nightmare right now oh okay yep I’m out wait where are you going are you just going to run away like a little baby that’s it that’s all it took you to run away like that bro come on it wasn’t

Even that bad I’m okay I didn’t eat that stupid little house anyways it was ugly didn’t even look good now wait I’m kind of curious can I disguise as the blood mob oh my God yo I can look at all these things I’m going to become an innocent

Bacon strip just an innocent nice little bacon strip and all I want to do is just have a companion okay somebody to take care of me which I think Kevin’s the perfect candidate for it stay away from me bro what what do it again do it again do it

Again wait does he want me to break this am I going to eat this okay yeah I just ate it what what what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on maybe this is a good one maybe this is one of them that isn’t

Like evil oh now’s my time now’s my time he’s staring right at me he’s staring right at me and Buddy it wasn’t it wasn’t it wasn’t me here buddy where are you get back here it’s okay we’re living in a cave now far far far far far far from the Moon okay he just fell and died bro oh my gosh this freaking man wait he went back

To his house oh no no no no no wait he went back to his house oh no this isn’t good this isn’t good no no no no no I lost all my stuff no no the BL Bobs orb side okay okay okay okay this this is

Useful this is useful oh I’m coming to get you come here BL one M go get back no no no no this isn’t good this isn’t good this isn’t good wait wait there’s Golems fighting the blood sheep wait how did they even get here wait this path wasn’t here beforeand yo bro the

Freaking Golems bro let’s go there’s another Golem there wait are they traveling from the village all the way to Kevin’s Bas wait does Minecraft somehow know that there’s blood mobs in our world right now hence the reason they’re here and they’re fighting them away doesn’t make any sense how is it

Even possible oh my God oh my God okay it’s fine I have showed Kevin my favorite feature yet if I go ahead and disguise as old look at this creeper bro this thing looks busted okay I’m just going to go right here perfect oh yes

Wait my loot in the cave wait wait wait wait wait wa I need to go grab all that wait why aren’t you scared of me hey I have a half dead Creeper with a beating TNT heart you’re not fine you’re not scared of me fine okay if that’s how

You want to play things that’s okay I’ll become the full blood creep creaper that mob was freaking staring down into my freaking Soul bro what the absolute heck was that we’re going to go get all my op loot we’re going to move into the village and we’re never going to have to

Worry about this again I I’m hoping oh he’s R going back for his Loop that’s the last thing I would have done you know why this Forest is infected this is a living nightmare a nightmare you can’t escape as time progresses these blood mobs get scarier and scarier let’s go

Ahead ahead and set all of the blood mobs to level three oh you better run Kevin oh God oh God this ain’t good oh my gosh oh what the Y what the heck look at those creepers too many too many too many there’s like 30 of them that spawn

At once and they’re gone okay okay okay wait wait wait I think I’m safe up here oh I don’t remember what my loot was now out of all the blood mobs that we have in this video which one happens to be your favorite personally hands down the

Creeper that one is so cool I actually can’t remember where I put my loot okay you know well you know what was it was it even that good I feel like I get more good stuff wait why did this just turn blood why did that just turn BL wait

Wait wait wait wait it’s all turning bloody around me I’ve been nice for way too long it’s time to bring Kevin to his worst nightmare and Boop I don’t even think he notices yet but his feet everywhere he walks there is blood bro what is this what is I don’t even know

What’s going on look at my feet my feet bleeding oh now he sees it now he sees it now we can give him blindness we’re going to get home we’re going to get we’re going to get home that’s literally the only thing I want right now oh yes yes TP Sun K to

Me ah would you look at this Kevin’s greatest nightmare ever look at all these mobs hungry and ready to Feast on Kevin but there’s only one way to undo the nightmare there is only one way to undo this C OK melon coca melon cocon caelon coca melon

Caelon dude I say the freaking word coca melon coca melon Coco melon I know I know I know you guys get mad why does Kevin always get trolled so you know what fine I’ll be a nice friend and give him some loot okay and it spells out LOL too which is even better

Celon wait wait wait wait wait wait something’s happening please please literally anything you can have my rare freaking shiny char Ard bro you can have it I even got an Among Us plushy you can literally take that too just take my entire computer I don’t want

It okay you can have the PC it’s all wait I’m back home I was kind of kidding about the whole giving my PC away ah Kevin it looks like the curse is slowly lifting maybe not for the blood on your feet though but the Blood Moon is gone the

Blood water is gone oh my gosh even the blood in the ground it’s all it’s all gone everything’s gone come on open the chest buddy open the chest Kevin wait a minute everything seems a little too perfect right now why do everything seem too perfect wait you’re walking by a

Gold mine beside you man fine fine fine fine fine there you go there you go how about that oh he’s going to see it he’s going to see it he’s going to see it wait wait wait wait wait wait what ah there it [Laughter] Is yo I’m rich I’m actually freaking rich dude yo this is the best day ever go click right there to join us in the next adventure we’ll see you in the next one why

This video, titled ‘I Scared My Friend with BLOOD World in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shark on 2023-10-05 19:00:10. It has garnered 275503 views and 5427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:27 or 3207 seconds.

I scared my friend with a BLOOD World in Minecraft! Can I Scare my friend Kevin using these Blood creatures and monsters in order to get him to leave his world forever?


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Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆


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    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

    Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme! “Why did the troll face go to Minecraft Sigma Boys? To mine for laughs and craft some mischief!” Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

    Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans Minecraft Gameplay: Building a Villager Trading Hall Introduction In the latest episode of SG World’s Minecraft gameplay series, the focus shifts to constructing a Villager Trading Hall. This new project follows the successful completion of a fully automatic sugarcane farm in the previous episode. Building a Trading Hall The player, guided by SG World, embarks on the task of creating a trading hall within the Minecraft world. This ambitious project involves intricate planning, resource gathering, and strategic placement of various elements to ensure the trading hall functions efficiently. Key Features – The trading hall serves as a hub for… Read More

  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

    Epic GR Legend gameplay - 2hrs of Minecraft madnessVideo Information where Chris for I never installed it did I I’m s ah yes one you in chat is it by chance well that’s going on G to pull this up as well this over here so I want to quickly few people anything back oh that’s going on I want to test a couple things or cast Shadows let know what this does oh breaking n complet for how that works over here Shadows the b in the chat what’s going on bot not this for real I kind of want to try blood blood and bones honestly… Read More

  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

    Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl StarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY RANK🤔BRAWL STARS RANK UP⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ASTROM YT on 2024-06-05 14:10:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, Charu ghai maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey … Read More

  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

    Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1Video Information hi my name is Analisa your favorite dumbass and welcome aboard I don’t have my train whistle cuz I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment but uh choo choo I have been posting a lot of Jennifer coolage Minecraft videos on my Tik Tok and my Instagram and they have been doing a little too well for context there was a Minecraft movie announced for 2025 and at first they just said oh Jason M MO is going to be in it then they said Jack Black’s going to be in it then they announced out of nowhere that Jennifer… Read More

  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

    Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Release Best 2024 Minecraft Mod That Will Boost Fps’, was uploaded by OmniOp on 2024-01-09 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello In this video I am releasing the best mods for PvP and fps boost watch the full video to find out ➡️ Credits – Thumbnail By … Read More

  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

    "OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!" #shortsVideo Information me reportaron que un usuario está estafando a más jugadores en mi servidor Así que ahorita estoy en una cuenta alternativa para poner a prueba a este usuario este estafador está vendiendo la armadura de Bowser pero lo que reportaron es que esta armadura es falsa me puse de acuerdo con este estafador que nos íbamos a ver en la mina de peach Ah míralo Aquí está le voy a mandar intercambio me pidió un stack de manzanas de noche a ver ya me aceptó el intercambio Así que le voy a dar un stack de manzanas y… Read More

  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

    Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀Video Information what is up and welcome back to a brand new video on Minecraft 1.21 anyway in this video I’m going to be showing you guys the five new best rounds supposedly on 1.21 so without further Ado guys let’s go and get right into it and as always all the ones for these will be in the description like the codes so if you guys want to go and check out any of them be sure to go and check them out in the description below but without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and get into the… Read More

  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

    Shocking Prank: Meicha's Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!Video Information let’s see this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no W to days [Music] [Applause] later can I ask that we do not leave May unattended it’s too late please leave her unattended she always do funny [ __ ] no she she she this is why I brought her this is why I’m I’m about to crush her head she blue tooth all my chest I love her so much I love her so whenever she feels like it she can just activate my chest from a distance and it just open and close exactly I love… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra staff team Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

    The Bluemoon SMPWelcome to the Bluemoon SMP!The Bluemoon SMP is an old server some friends of mine used to play, but since the owner stopped paying for it, We decided to bring it back relive the memories and hopefully create new fun memories for new players.This is a Vanilla Server with simple plugins like TPA, and Home, Currently still working on the server with the plugins, but right now everyone is welcome to join and have a great time with us and hopefully play the SMP for fun, for content, for war, or just to be there!Hope you enjoy this SMP! -… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy”

    Minecraft Memes - "MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy"Minecraft PE YouTuber be like “I don’t always get diamonds, but when I do, I make sure to mention that my meme has a score of 3400.” Read More

  • Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥

    Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥 Why is she called Larisa? Because she’s always digging herself into a hole in Minecraft! #cavedweller #digindeep Read More