SHOCKING!! Cheating with Myths in Minecraft Build Battle

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we’re cheating in a scary build battle against my friend by summoning different scary myths in Minecraft what is that we need to run oh gosh why are you guys running are you ready to start building oh yeah of course we’re ready to start building and we’re totally going to win we only have 10 minutes to build and my scary builds will make you poop your pants you wish we’re going to destroy you all right axie to summon our first smth we need to build a scary statue oh how about we build a cute zombie will that be scary enough as long as it’s scary we’ll be able to summon this scary my can you guess what we’re building axie I bet it’s the cursed flying squid I had a nightmare of it eating me last night that’s not real you guys are so dumb what are you talking about the cursed flying squid is one of Minecraft’s scariest myths but axi unfortunately this is not that myth as you can see it’s got the look of a zombie so let’s go ahead and add the blue shirt right on top of its blue pants okay wood this zombie better be really cute though I don’t want it to be scary oh axie it’s not just going to be any zombie it is going to be especially creepy and now that the shirt is all finished we can go ahead and start building its zombie head voodo are you really building a zombie that’s not scary at all oh yeah doesn’t know we’re cheating axie just wait until he sees how scary this looks I just have to start putting down the zombies face like this and add its super scary eyes they don’t have to be that scary Woodle oh it’s going to be scary all right and now the very very last thing I need to do is add his forehead wo it’s almost finished woodo he has a tall forehead though it’s not anything to laugh about axie because we’re going to summon this Min in 3 2 1 he oh my gosh exie it’s the screaming villager we need to get out of here run woodo it’s going to eat us please screaming villager I know you’re a scary myth but I need you to spare us and help us with the Build Challenge H okay fine I will spare you but only if your build is scarier than H wait what is the scary myth talking to us right now ax see this is crazy that’s so weird don’t worry I can help you win this Build Challenge just look at this wall over here wait what what are you going to do to it scary villager and you said it all to oneway Glass so now we can watch build and oh my gosh it looks so newbie and trash Oh my gosh I’m so going to win this build challenge with my scary build H doesn’t know it’s coming to him screaming villager can you help us with anything else yeah we want a big build to beat him H well I can’t upgrade any scary build you guys make oh oh L I have an idea what if we build a haunted mansion and we get the Villager to upgrade it that sounds like a great idea axie I’m going to grab some super scary purple blocks and purple wood because that is what a haunted mansion looks like if you guys don’t get this build correct then it won’t be scary enough oh gosh okay I get it Mr scary villager jeez why is your mouth so big anyways explain the myth to us are you sure you want to make fun of me little boy oh gosh aie I probably shouldn’t start beefing with the screaming villager should I no woodo look at his mouth he could swallow you ho yeah you’re probably right let me just go ahead and set the walls of this over here and come on axie let’s start making this a really creepy house I’m going to grab some flint and steel to start a big fire over here wo I’m going to add some cobwebs cuz every scary mansion has spiders huh you guys need to make this even scarier with a bunch of skeletons everywhere okay gosh a bunch of skeletons you’re creeping me out screaming villager well do I look friendly to you oh gosh axie come on what if we add a little bit of ketchup outside our Haunted Mansion too oh gosh okay Woodle I’m also going to add some really spooky Graves oh yeah well what about this I’m adding a bunch of flashing lights this is surely going to creep out for sure hey guys what are you talking about it sounds like you’re actually building something scary over there oh we definitely are I would be extra creeped out if I were you yeah okay wudo you’re just a silly Turtle my build is way better anyways and everyone watching the video knows that that’s not true everyone who thinks my scary builds will be better we comment wudo scarier right now if they don’t come in woodo scarier I’m going to hunt them oh gosh you don’t want that to happen so commented quickly and now what I can do is add just a few more things in Oh Mr screaming villager what is that well my presence spawns in different ghosts don’t be scared by them wait seriously those like actual dead people we can spawn a bunch of those and I can put in some of these Spruce saplings and turn them into scary trees H I do have to say woodo for a silly little turtle this build is turning out great well I think it’s ready for you to upgrade it screaming Villager come on do it already do it okay fine take this wa what just happened axie how giant mansion upgraded this man is ginormous now this is a real haunted mansion this is the coolest thing ever screaming villager but wait a second you scammed us it’s completely empty do you want me to do all the work for you yeah and what’s the point of the bill challenge okay fine but you can help us make this place even scarier exactly axie now that we have some such a big haunted mansion to really make poop his pants we should make a giant Cemetery outside and we should make a grave for oh yeah that would be awesome let me just search gravestone real quick and let’s get all types for all the different people that will be buried here that’s a pretty decent idea pretty decent it’s a genius idea exactly that’s why you’re just a dumb myth you’re not even real are you sure you want to make fun of me wudo um no I don’t wait what it just turned giant oh my gosh that’s right I can stom you if I want to okay okay I got the idea screaming villager you can chill out I just had to put a bunch more Graves and wo here lies this is scary actually see this is perfect I’m going to put some ghost blocks so when tries to walk over his grave he falls inside make sure your friend regrets ever playing with you that’s right screaming villager what I’m even going to do is grab some iron bars and some really creepy walls and I’m going to surround the entire Cemetery with them so that we can chase Monger in here and he’ll surely poop his pants you’re too fat to chase anyone wait what what are you talking about I’m not too fat and if you guys think that my build is super duper scary then I want you to subscribe right now or the screaming villager will hunt you [Music] down you better subscribe everyone all right axie I just have to put a couple more saplings inside of this graveyard and look at all the smoke inside of it this looks so scary and perfect there’s no way we can lose the Build Challenge right not with Mongo’s newbie little build but come on woodo we have to destroy even more than this you’re right axie this alone is definitely not enough what we should do is add other decorations around like some super creepy pumpkin faces look screaming villager this pumpkin over here looks like your big mouth you really think that’s funny well it’s not a joke it really does look like your big mouth oh you’re making me mad okay you don’t need to get mad I was just telling the truth let me also grab some beacons as well and what I can do is set them to really scary colors like orange and red and put them all over our giant Haunted Mansion Red’s only scary because of how bad of a color it is that’s fact sexy red is like the worst color ever the best one is green no the best one’s pink hey are you guys talking about colors we all know red is the best color of all time MCO I’m going to scare you so bad that your brain is going to love seeing the color green that’s how scared you’re going to be well I’m going to scare you so bad that all your green farts are going to come out wait what that sounds ridiculous that’s not even scary seriously you can’t think of anything scary because you’re just a little baby I agree with you guys your friend is way too dumb exactly screaming villager but check this out axy now we have some scary beacons and our super scary Graves over here but what about the inside axie look over here there’s still nothing and we need to make this sort of like a haunted house for to get past so what I’m going to do is grab some scary signs wao scary signs we need some scary bodies to go with those signs I’m going to get skeletons oh my gosh axy you’re right there’s so many of these super creepy buddies oh gosh these are perfect for the build what in the world the screaming villager loves them probably because of how many scary people he’s eaten before I can’t even count how many people I’ve eaten oh my gosh I don’t want to be eaten wood we have to make sure this build is really scary exactly look at all these creepy signs I’m putting that say get out and leave because if doesn’t listen the screaming villager will scare him inside oh my gosh well I do have to say this build is coming out great but I think you can scare your friend a little bit more take this over here wait what what are you giving me screaming villager lightning Dynamite axie let’s go scare manga with this let’s get him hold on I’m going to make the environment even scarier check this out W every bad thing happens during a thunderstorm oh gosh axie I’m actually getting scared quick let’s go see what Mongo’s doing in oh my goodness what is that oh man this build is so perfect axi is going to poop her pants and wo’s going to pee his pants oh yeah axie how about we make him really pee his pants right now I’m going to summon lightning on him what’s happening he’s getting Saed do more woodo all right I’ll do it again take that oh gosh that hurts that is so funny now quick axie while is Daz why don’t we start putting in some more scary decorations around him then he’ll surely poop his pants okay wood I’m going to add some really creepy mobs after you do that look at all the villagers were’re putting down axi then he’ll know that the screaming villager is watching him oh man what just happened and what is this oh does this scare you oh my gosh there’s lightning and then there’s also villager scary statues what’s going on hey roodo if thinks that was scary how will he handle this wait what are those infected did villagers oh my gosh the screaming villager did that oh no these things look like wo I need to run wait what why is he saying that I look like those things take extra lighting gosh it hurts so bad I don’t think we’re scaring him enough woodo if he can still talk he can be scared more really so what else should we do to him I think think we have to get the screaming villager to scare him you’re right Mr screaming Villager come over here quickly I want to really show you to so he can poop his pants are you ready yeah oh wait a second what is that thing oh my gosh axie look the screaming villager it’s chasing after boo it’s going to eat him come over here little boy yeah oh gosh is going to survive or is he cooked oh no this is not good this ugly villagers attacking me and it hurts so bad you’re going to die today come on woodo Mongo’s fighting the screaming villager let’s end the round and destroy him wait ax we can’t oh my gosh Mongo’s grave he actually died a but quick he respawn quickly we got to run back to our side run oh gosh what just happened to me oh gosh this is amazing come on guys I want to show you our next scary myth axi that’s even scarier than the screaming villager and to summon in we need to sacrifice him we do isn’t that kind of messed up it’s not messed up it’s just with these weird scary things do so let me grab a flint and steel and also some red stone I’ve learned a lot of scary things before and this is how you sacrifice a scary myth for an even scarier wine okay wood whatever you say what if we sacrificed you though wait what I don’t want you to sacrifice me we’re going to summon in the new scarier myth right now I just have to put a bit more ketchup all over here m I love ketchup um what do you guys think you’re doing to me well screaming villager we’re sacrificing you to summon a brand new MID oh no what’s happening oh my gosh axi look what happened it turned into another scary mop and it’s chasing eyes away wodo this one is way scarier I don’t know if we can survive do you know what it’s called called daxi it has blue pants a blue shirt and white eyes I think this is Herobrine oh no Hero Brine is going to break our game stop running away you guys summon me what do you want well herob Brian we just really need your help to win this scary Build Challenge please don’t eat us why in the world would I help you I’m not stupid like that villager oh gosh axie this is bad I don’t want want Herobrine to eat us Herobrine is there anything we can do to get you not to eat us well if you scare your ugly friend and he poops his pants then sure I’ll help you with whatever you need perfect axie because I know what we need to do let me just go into the creative menu and search ghost because what we’re going to do is turn into ghost and that’s how we’re going to scare Mong wo that’s a great idea Woodle I’m going to turn into a ghost too wait what axi that’s a bee huh let’s see if this actually works wao axie here we are it looks like Mongo’s come back to his senses but what is this that he buil oh my gosh is that a cursed version of you woodo let’s go with this build I know that voodo is going to be terrified look at the Statue I made what the heck I don’t like myself looking like that so now what I’m going to do is use my fancy building tools to copy everything that has build so far and start duplicating it all over the place something that Herobrine would do you guys need to mess with this build all right Herobrine we’ll do that look look at this I’m putting his build a bunch of times in the air wo can you flip it upside down too wo of course I can let me just do slash slash flip down and now I can paste it upside down look at the upside down house he made that’s so creepy ooh does he notice wao what’s all that noise and oh my gosh my is so scary that it’s duplicating itself all over in the sky now it’s even scarier than before let’s go wait what axie I can’t believe Mongo’s so dumb that he’s not scared of all this w we have to step it up or Herobrine’s going to eat us you guys need to do better oh gosh okay Herobrine we’ll do our best let me just grab a sign real quick some red dye and some glow ink sack and what I’m going to do is leave a scary message from saying we are coming to each you from Herobrine oh my gosh hopefully Herobrine doesn’t mind that I wrote a message for him but let’s grab his attention and see what he thinks wait what where did all these signs appear from it says we are coming to eat you from Herobrine who put these signs here Herobrine doesn’t exist I don’t think he’s getting it woodo so I’m going to shoot him with this wait what what was that my butt hurt axi what did you just launch at him I launched wither skulls at him and now he’s going to be poisoned keep shooting them at him oh gosh what was that hey wo ax is there weird things happening on your side oh yeah yeah of course there are right axie oh yeah tons of weird scary things you guys are taking too long to scare him why don’t you spawn in some of my possessed mobs wait what possessed mobs let me try searching for those and axie look at all these scary possessed things that Herobrine has possessed there’s a skeleton a silverfish and a pink sheep oh those don’t look right but we have an army now and they’re going to attack Monga place them ball over let’s see what he thinks wait what in the world why are there sheeps with white eyes and cows with white eyes and chicken with white eyes does that mean Herobrine actually exists oh my gosh he’s starting to get it let me grab a bazooka and launch it him too oh no now my farts are coming out I definitely have to poop that’s how scary this is come on Woodle needs to know he’s being haunted let’s whisper some stuff and creep him out oh yeah I am a ghost after all so if I were to go in his ear while he’s pooping he’s really going to get scared oh boo I’m a ghost wait now I’m hearing ghost voices all over the place oh no this is bad a giant one is about to come out I can’t do this anymore it smells too bad oh gosh aie let’s amplify Mongo’s scent in his face by spotting in a huge fart T oh my gosh I didn’t know my poop smelled that bad kind of smells like woodo wait what what are you talking about where’s Herobrine does he see that has literally pooped his pants yeah Herobrine we did what you told us to do I’m quite impressed by your prank but now I want you guys to build me an evil Throne as I’m the scariest Minecraft myth a throne axie let’s build it right over here we need to make manga believe that Herobrine is on our side let’s do it we need to only use the scariest blocks in Minecraft here we go a throne is super easy to build that’s right you guys better make sure this is the scariest biggest coolest Throne there is all right herob Bri here we go we got a nice big seed for you and now what I’m going to do is take the Golden Crown that manga wears on his skin and put it over here for you woo oh yeah that’s great wudo but it needs some more scary things around it more scary things okay fine how about all the bodies of all your victims herob bride wo that sounds great all right Herobrine why don’t you go ahead and sit on your throne and then we can see what thinks when he sees you oh yeah I definitely like this Throne wudo so what I’ll do is give you a little gift that you can scare your friend with are you ready a gift sure me and axi love scaring yeah give us that gift right now I just need to do this right here and boom check it out oh my gosh axie look what Herobrine just spawned it’s a super giant scary statue of a monster oh my gosh Mongo’s not going to be able to handle seeing this now that you’re done with your build I’m actually a little hungry and your little friend over there looks delicious wait are you going to eat you don’t need to do that you were just supposed to help us build well if I don’t eat him then what am I going to eat oh gosh okay fine you can eat Mel perfect let me go eat him right now come over here little boy oh gosh xie what do we do I don’t know we just have to let be eaten goodbye what is that thing oh my gosh I need to run this is perfect it’s time for my meal oh gosh don’t eat me please what are you doing wait a second what was that and hey where did all my builds go oh gosh axie we need to tell manga what happened hey how did you like being destroyed in this Build Challenge wait what are you guys doing on my side the round isn’t over yet well MCO do you see that giant build behind you I think it’s safe to say that we won are you serious how in the world did you build that that well manga we didn’t just build that we even built a giant haunted house over here and let’s just say that the only reason why is because we summoned in different scary myths oh you guys cheated we didn’t cheat let me just put you in your grave though goodbye bye B no I’ve had enough with you guys W God thank you guys so much for watching this video If you guys enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

This video, titled ‘I Cheated with SCARY MYTHS in Minecraft Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-05-24 19:30:03. It has garnered 68309 views and 1453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:41 or 1661 seconds.

I Cheated with SCARY MYTHS in Minecraft Build Battle… Wudo and Axy are going against their friend Mongo in a SCARY building competition! But he doesn’t know that we’re CHEATING using //SCARY_MYTH to summon Minecraft’s SCARIEST MYTHS to help us build! Will Mongo catch us cheating with our scary myths? Are they FAKE or REAL? We need to test them out, before its too late!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

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    Netherite Hunt: Minecraft Survival Day 23 The Hunt For A Netherite Template – Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 23) Embark on a daily journey through the world of Minecraft with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames). In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon delves into building, exploring, and collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. But there’s a twist – natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge. A Relaxing Escape Unlike high-energy gaming content, Solomon’s let’s play offers a calm and soothing experience. The focus is on unwinding and enjoying the gameplay, making it… Read More

  • Unkillable in Minecraft?! #viral #shorts #gaming

    Unkillable in Minecraft?! #viral #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft but I can never die….🎲 #shorts #viral #gaming #short 😄😉🤬’, was uploaded by A.K. GamerZ on 2024-06-14 12:21:28. It has garnered 428 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: King of Games Returns110

    Unbelievable: King of Games Returns110Video Information This video, titled ‘after 13 years, he is still here🗿🔥 #shorts #herobrine #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by King of Games on 2024-01-16 05:45:03. It has garnered 396 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. after 13 years, he is still here🗿🔥 #shorts #herobrine #viral #minecraft #edit #shortsfeed #trending #gaming #scary #kog #kingofgames King Of Games KOG Herobrine Minecraft Shorts YouTube Shorts Viral Trending Shorts Feed Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Escape Spawn in 2b2t – EASY?! #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE: Escape Spawn in 2b2t - EASY?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is esacaping spawn ACTUALLY EASY?! #shorts #2b2t #minecraft #anarchy’, was uploaded by Welpeace on 2024-06-04 00:50:11. It has garnered 130 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥LOYAL GAMER BOY LIVE 24/7 SMP | DAY 8 | JOIN NOW!🔥 #minecraft

    🔥LOYAL GAMER BOY LIVE 24/7 SMP | DAY 8 | JOIN NOW!🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍MINECRAFT LIVE 24/7 PUBLIC SMP |☀️DAY 8⚒️✨ || JOIN MY💫SMP IP PORT IN DISCORD || #minecraft’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-04-21 21:50:57. It has garnered 34 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:11 or 3191 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button Discord link = Instagram link = For business enquiry 📧 :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor ➤ Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz RAM ➤ 8 GB DDR3 Thnx for the… Read More

  • EPIC NEW MOD: Red Train in Minecraft PE!

    EPIC NEW MOD: Red Train in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Red Simplistic Train addon in Minecraft PE – NEW MOD MCPE’, was uploaded by AzaKZ on 2024-02-29 13:05:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New video!!! Red Simplistic Train addon in Minecraft PE #azakz #minecraftaddon #minecraftaddons #addonmcpe … Read More

  • 🍎 Insane Apple Craft: DO NOT IGNITE LONGEST TNT STAIRS! Secret Lava, Water & Portal TNT!

    🍎 Insane Apple Craft: DO NOT IGNITE LONGEST TNT STAIRS! Secret Lava, Water & Portal TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEVER LIGHT THE LONGEST TNT STAIRS in Minecraft!!! I found NEW SECRET LAVA vs WATER vs PORTAL TNT!’, was uploaded by Apple Craft on 2024-05-12 10:00:39. It has garnered 5815 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:03 or 543 seconds. NEVER LIGHT THE LONGEST TNT STAIRS in Minecraft!!! I found NEW SECRET LAVA vs WATER vs PORTAL TNT! Hi! In this video you will see THE LONGEST TNT STAIRS in Minecraft!!! I found NEW SECRET LAVA vs WATER vs PORTAL TNT! Like this video and Subscribe to my channel bro! #minecraft… Read More

  • Silly Minecraft Bedwars Moments Today!

    Silly Minecraft Bedwars Moments Today!Video Information This video, titled ‘silly stream moments from today #minecraft #bedrockgaming #minecraftbedrock #bedwars’, was uploaded by ThatSpaceK1d on 2024-04-14 05:39:37. It has garnered 131 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Read More

  • Can You SURVIVE Without Laughing?

    Can You SURVIVE Without Laughing?Video Information This video, titled ‘Try NOT To LAUGH (Minecraft Edition) *movie*’, was uploaded by MoreBeckBros on 2024-04-07 17:41:10. It has garnered 292195 views and 5146 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:32 or 10712 seconds. Try NOT To LAUGH (Minecraft Edition) *movie* 👕: BeckBros Clothing: 👉🏻: Subscribe to our IRL Channel: Original Video: , 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Unbelievable journey to the DEEP DARK on KRYPCRAFT in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable journey to the DEEP DARK on KRYPCRAFT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Going To The DEEP DARK In Minecraft.. | KRYPCRAFT (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by JKPlays on 2024-02-21 20:40:16. It has garnered 936 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:22 or 10162 seconds. Welcome to my first ever minecraft let’s play! These videos are un-cut streams from twitch & tiktok. Make sure to SMASH the like button if you enjoy! — Watch live at Read More

  • ZeuserNetwork is a Minecraft server that offers a mix of gaming experiences. We have your classic SMP server where you can chill, build, and survive with others. If you’re feeling competitive, hop on to our Bedwars server for some bed-destroying action. For those who enjoy starting from scratch, try out our Skyblock mode where you begin on a tiny floating island. Lastly, there’s our Prison server where you can work your way up through ranks by completing tasks. It’s a simple and diverse gaming community – something for everyone! Read More

  • Infinity Horizons modded with Discord

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Community at Infinity Horizons! Fortified Security: Play with peace of mind in our secure gaming environment, backed by a robust anti-cheat system and constant vigilance against threats. Active & Supportive Staff: Our dedicated team ensures a seamless and engaging gaming experience, always there to support you. Thriving Player Base: Join a community of enthusiastic gamers! Connect, share, and create with fellow adventurers and help shape the future with your feedback. Exclusive Minecraft Servers: ATM9 TTS Arcana Automata Big Chad Guys Vault hunters 3 Steampunk LPS Other games offered as well! Custom Mods Teaser: Stay tuned for… Read More

  • Terrarealm Survival 1.21

    Terrarealm Survival 1.21We are back! And this time its going to be SMP styleclose to pure survival experienceINFOVersion: 1.21Server Located in EuropeIP: PLAY.TERRAREALM.NETFeaturesPLAYERRUN MARKETInstead of admin store, there will be a player marketwhere players can createLands and Nations claim system, with sub claims. Also war event for nations to participate in Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – digging for diamonds, reflecting on existence

    Minecraft Memes - digging for diamonds, reflecting on existenceLooks like even Minecraft characters are having existential crises now. Read More

  • Fiery Moss Villager Oi Oi Oi! 🔥🔥

    Fiery Moss Villager Oi Oi Oi! 🔥🔥 Why does the Minecraft villager have better dance moves than me? I guess I need to start practicing my Oi Oi Oi routine in front of the mirror. Read More

  • Auto-Crafting Madness on CasualCraft SMP

    Auto-Crafting Madness on CasualCraft SMP Welcome to CasualCraft SMP: Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exploring the Latest Features The CasualCraft SMP server has just welcomed the Minecraft 1.21 update, bringing exciting new content to the game. Players are eager to dive into the fresh features and enhancements that this update has to offer. Optimizing Performance with Fabric Mod Loader To ensure smooth gameplay experiences for players accessing the server from around the world, CasualCraft utilizes the Fabric mod loader. This tool allows for performance optimization and the incorporation of quality-of-life mods and data packs, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Meet the CasualCraft Community Join Jumbosale and… Read More

  • 50+ Dwellers in One Block!

    50+ Dwellers in One Block! Minecraft One Block: A Terrifying Adventure with 50+ Dwellers Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with over 50 dwellers in this thrilling video game experience. Subscribe now for more dwellers and dive into the world of terror! Unique Gameplay Experience Experience a unique twist on the traditional Minecraft gameplay with the One Block mod, where you will encounter more than 50 dwellers lurking in the shadows. Explore the eerie landscapes and uncover the mysteries that await you at every turn. Engaging Content Delve into the world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through the… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Hobbit House Build LIVE! 🏡

    Mind-Blowing Hobbit House Build LIVE! 🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Hobbit House | Minecraft Creative [LIVE STREAM]’, was uploaded by SweetMarble on 2024-06-07 12:27:22. It has garnered 295 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:31 or 7951 seconds. Watch as we build an epic Hobbit House in Minecraft, featuring the beautiful Mizunos 16 Craft texture pack. Join us for this live stream creative building to see the magic come to life! If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support this channel. Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions ♡ ————♡————SOCIAL MEDIA————♡———— • TikTok: @SweetMarble • Discord:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Live Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live Stream: Playing My Custom Minecraft Mod!’, was uploaded by Flintmaster on 2024-07-18 07:27:08. It has garnered 100 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:46 or 19066 seconds. Hey everyone! Welcome to the stream! Today, I’ll be diving into my custom Minecraft mod where I’ve rebuilt everything from scratch. Join me as we explore new biomes, battle unique monsters, and discover epic loot! Read More