SHOCKING! Day 101 in Nardcraft Season 2 – Sandpocalypse!

Video Information

For for for for oh for I’m dying over here hello swallowed something wrong lovely right sorry about that I tried to mute it quick but I couldn’t I couldn’t should have just left him muted oh man I don’t know why but I have had a very bizarre cough lately uh since

Last night it’s like I swallowed a bug I I really just I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on but hello hello sorry for coughing oh jeez so yeah I uh I’ve been slowly filling this out we’ve gotten fairly far I’ve also like mapped out how many of these stupid things I

Need to do and uh I’ve just been I’ve just been working getting this further got to get this side done hopefully got to be careful about how we tear this section down we’ll keep going today most boring thing that I have done yet uh but that’s okay eventually

Eventually this will be done and I will have this crazy perimeter over here and and it’s it’s not just going to be for uh like a farm thing uh it’s actually more for a creative build I have uh so yeah although although I can use it

Tech Stu I don’t know that I’m going to do too much technical stuff I’ll still have the guardian Farm over there but like the um shulker shell Farm since that over the industrial district that’ll go away I don’t really know that I’m going to have any else Farm

One I have some cretive ideas that I want to do for other things but besides That not so much so yeah I’m hopeful we get pretty far with the process here I’ve I’ve been slowly tearing down some of the sand and like trying to speed up the process going forward that that direction like getting ahead of myself these areas uh that way I kind of just AFK let

One area just throw a bit of red stone and get the other area working uh have to so we’ve got this one going hasn’t gone too far but this one over here next one I gota get and that’s basically what I’m going to be doing today continuing fill all this in Uh uh okay so the whole piston system got put back there should have picked up all the stuff other one I haven’t been able to come up with a way to like fill all of this in uh without having to like keep pop scotching over yet like one big system

To do everything unfortunately uh so for now this is the only way I’ve been think about doing this which it’s not awful uh because honestly the amount of sand that comes through isn’t fast enough to really make a difference I just do wish I could come up with

Different way to do it where I could just like leave it completely AFK and like the whole bro will be done but I haven’t I haven’t been able to something yet something good that’s also um okay so that is that and spe I’ve been using this uh this wall method to

Update The Observers that I only get one tick oh gosh I and it is so much better doing I am very glad that encrypted that IDE ball to Observer very that’s correct around one three two four perfect and have a little bit of time before that gets over here but just test

This real quick here one two push one two one two pushop oh something oh I forgot to the Redstone all these so that did not work let’s try again this is why I tested after each one CU I’m sure one two that was all four of them I’m going

To have to level out that looks that pretty darn this out nice and clean going to need more sand how you know work ah I should probably stand on dry land while I’m trying to do things over what I’m going to draw an RN I I really need to be smarter about

This I know I know I’m like okay we’re safe we’re okay okay dumb trying I don’t know why where or the site formly known as I’m going to die by mobs now if it’s not one thing it’s something else oh I can’t believe I nailed that bed Landing I nice okay so

How far is this getting okay we’re we’re okay did I finish I did not I got to do that and I also need to build this arm I did preset where you just oh my gosh my Wi-Fi is oh no bad WiFi likees bad internet I I actually so where I am

Right now in Buffalo I actually ran a cable where the router is all the way through my basement to get back to this computer so that this computer will not be on Wi-Fi so this computer is hardwired which and my computer my other place so hardwired I find it to be a necessity

Honestly now I I am playing on my laptop here so sometimes it gets a little glitchy every once in a while I’ve noticed some frame stutterings but for the most part hasn’t too often the things that I want to but it’s just like I’ve been here very

Little lately so I just didn’t want to bring my computer back so I’m playing on my laptop wish I could use one of those cables but then it has to go ceiling your parents will oh no yeah I here I was able to go through the basement I

Don’t know if I had to go through the ceiling I probably wouldn’t there because I don’t I don’t think there’s anywhere good that I could go through yelling at it that would be that would be difficult I’m I’m lucky that I am on the first floor here so it’s all

Basement and at my other place the internet actually comes my computer setup is so right there which makes it super easy um okay so then I need get the block and I got to take down that arm there’s like two arms that I’ve already I’m getting ahead very well

Aheading this moving forward very good I don’t know how long this project is going to take me because there’s so many steps to this it’s fill in the um area over here that is going to be the starting point for the water sweepers then I need to make the ending

Point for the water sweepers at the other side of this box all the freck the way over there and then I have to build the water sweepers and get all that done I have to tear down this ring which I’ve slowly started to do and the farm in the middle

So I’ve been slowly making sure that I have enough extra supplies of uh Guardian stuff before I tear that down I got to tear down the middle or else the sweepers will run into it uh and then after all the water is swept away I have

To build all the stuff that’s going to be used to actually make the perimeter itself so it’s a is a process very big process this this was always meant to be like one of the bigger projects I undertake but I really want to do it cuz what I want to build here I

Think my wings are get badly up okay so this over here can get taken take all this down this will help us fill in spots too I’ve started to put a h slab at the end of this oh je um so that way it’s kind of like overflow protection if I don’t

Get back to my computer quick enough I then have that slab which will um just turn the uh sand into entities so it doesn’t like get stacked up and break the which is good and I also want to have it just because um there’s nothing wrong with

Like if I if if I do have have that happen then I could at least come back and get a of sand uh as entities and place myself I should put like a hopper and a chest under there but I don’t think I’m ever leaving this long enough where I’d collect

That like maybe I’m gone for five minutes long enough before it doesn’t spawn I it’s C I definitely am going to rethink how I do this for the side because I think there’s probably a better way to do this I I shouldn’t have made all of these arms going out I

Shouldn’t have pushed this so far out my calculations off I think I think on the other side this oh see that right there that’s some of the weird frames that are get every once don’t all this slide down grab all this make sure it don’t despawn on the next

One then I can start collecting all this sand that outline realist so much stuff I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby drwn with Trident really I got quite a few of them over at the um the Trident farm that I’ve got slash what is it it’s not really a trident

Farm anymore I made it for Nautilus shells if you ever find a zombie villager riding a chicken let me know wait there’s a trident Farm yeah basically it’s it’s basically a trident Farm you stand there uh and you will see a bunch of dudes spawn if you need one if you need a

Trident let me know it’s something you could see if I just fly a little bit over this way might not be loaded but let’s see here oh that’s why have it I I want that on shape off now over Ren gave you to okay so you have too I have it for

Nautilus shells primarily but it also produces Trident it’s over here somewhere there it is there it is so basically a little bit past my base to West um it’s super simple simple and super like I I didn’t even finish it cuting enough but you just stand up

There and drown start to spawn see there’s already one with a trident then I just fly down here and kill them until I got T of to shells and Trident it’s like the most bare bone to go but it’s quite effective yeah it’s super simple super super

Simple like I could make a fully auto one that I don’t have to like fly down and kill them but it just you don’t need a ton of trident and I didn’t need that many Nautilus shells so I decided pretty pretty basic okay I should turn this off by

Left this side this side oh I think good oh God now we’re going to tear down this arm still going oh is it like level enough staying level it’s staying level pretty dope um where am I this all go tear all this out do what I need to do is go through what

I haven’t over here and start um just collecting all that sand with torches so I can fill in all of those lines to be and so I’m using the extra sand to that each of those lines is where one of these piston stations goes there’s there’s at some point an argument to be

Made for starting at this end and going this way and I may do that soon I haven’t decided yet there’s time to figure that out and I might consider it now because I don’t I don’t love having to make all these stupid arms and I wouldn’t have to if I went that

Side but it would be a lot of work that’s kind of gone down the drain that I do then which is the only reason I am like debating doing it this whole run I guess the other thing about it though is if I do that I basically to run so I

Don’t I’m on the fence I moved my where my coordinates and uh are to right corner of my screen so that way and all my vods they’d be visible cuz I realized when I was trying to like search past videos for those specific cordinates that I was basically

Blocking them with my face yo encrypted what is up dude uh so I moved them to that side of the screen and I’m I’m struggling to adjust to look to the right place when I’m trying to figure out if I could sleep or not I may or may

Have not watched more videos on uh balers Gate 3 but in the end we decided uh Zelda tear of the kingdom is where it’s at so we’re we’re actually playing that right now I think the thing that threw me after watching some more of bers gate

Um um I you know when we were talking about the dice and all that I didn’t realize like you actually have all of your action interrupted every time you have to roll the dice and I was watching people play it and I’m just like oh I just want to play the game I

Don’t want to have to keep rolling this dice so I just I think that um I don’t know if that’s an atttention span thing or the the the way the action is broken up I think that’s what finally would nail C decide to maybe not do that right

Now I like I like games where it’s not uh broken up to much at least it auto rolls for the perception checks and stuff uh it was it was good that it auto roll just constantly having like even watching a dialogue sequence and like the dialogue after your chice gets made

Gets into by this stupid in normal DND you have to soft which which makes me think I probably then again I don’t know there might be something better about it when it’s like this tactical thing that I’m directly doing but having to just pause the game play every time

H oh I don’t about that that just I was like I was getting frustrated watching it I’m like I want to know what’s going on but every two seconds everything’s getting interrupted by this this rolling like H it it’s probably just my um uh this just the way my personality I

Guess works most DMS just don’t make you roll for everything you probably should though it’s it’s seems like you roll for everything in that game like just basic dialogue it felt likeing see like what the like what the responses were and stuff like something was like somebody was trying to investigate

Something and in order to investigate it they had to roll which I’m like just investigate It and Roll to see what I don’t know it was weird or they leave it up to you to initiate a should I rooll for reception here and if you don’t you just walk in the

Trap uh yeah I think that kind of game play is not something that I would uh used to I don’t know maybe it’s like a a slight add thing need to my way uh your mic is cutting in and out my mic is cutting in and out um weird hold on Uh maybe I have the gate too high is that better no I just have it off I don’t know that I even need it on over here I had it on I just reimported the settings that I had from um my other lap my other computer

Thinking that they would be fine but I think maybe I think it maybe didn’t actually import them correctly and it got a little janky uh oh you know what I did forget to put a safety slab and safety slab yeah I think that was the problem either that or I did

Have it that high to deal with the AC but I don’t I don’t think I did I don’t remember uh okay Oh I thought that was my wifi the cutting out oh no oh yeah that was my sound I should have I should have checked when I

Reloaded that I just thought like oh it’s fine in Beacon it should be fine here but I guess not so much well thank you for letting me know now it’s better so we’re good Ah that’s why you were you were saying that that makes so much more

Sense now um how we doing on this if I do this nothing else so we’re going to do this I feel like maybe I should consider my shovel soon one more okay cool uh in balder’s gate they give you a lot of inspiration though two which is nice and something

DMS tend to be stingy with giving out and what exactly did inspiration do like what is the technical thing about inspiration um how close are we getting over here we’re still still a couple rows away so I think what I’m going to do this is

Where my sand is I’m going to take this which just lets you get a free oh free doover on I see I see I see that’s the free doover now my internet’s being weird I am in fullon swim mode okay we’re good basically you did something really

Cool and in character so I’m rewarding you for it ah okay seriously none of those all of those are too fast okay oh that’s so satisfying uh have you have you played any of the Zelda games out of curiosity I’m uh I’m not sure how I feel about tears of the

Kingdom but if you haven’t played it then how my explanations of it would probably not mean anything break it break it break it break it break it I’m glad I brought this because this will be I played a couple minutes of breath of the wild and none of Tears of

The Kingdom uh okay gotcha gotcha it’s uh surprisingly usually the games don’t like um actually follow one another but tears of the Kingdom really does a good job as a sequel to breath of the wild you played a lot of the older ones I um what did I play I played aaren of

Time and Wind Waker those are the only other two oh and uh wait there was one more Awakening or something um those are the only ones that I played funny enough Wind Waker is actually my favorite Zelda game I absolutely love Wind Waker I need to force myself to play breath of the

Wild I just absolutely hate item durability in games um yeah it’s yeah I think we talked about that before it’s it’s one of those things that’s like it early game it’s annoying as hell um but as you progress it doesn’t become annoying anymore so far I’m not finding it super annoying in this

One um and I think that’s because in this version you like kind of make your own weapons in a weird way um there’s a lot of um spatial puzzles and like almost like crafting like you have to make Contraptions to get yourself out of certain situations but you have to have

A good spatial awareness for making them work so it’s working really well as a a co-op game between me and my wife because she’s not she hates doing the spatial stuff like there was literally one of those um you know those things as a kid where it’s

Like put the circle in the circle hole that kind of stuff there was something like that but it was a lot more complicated where you had to take an object and rotate it in a weird way to fit it through I think she was going to lose

Her mind on that one so I ended up doing that one when it first came out I saw a lot of videos of people making tractions everything goes in the square hole though I mean it shouldn’t unless unless that square hole is big enough for everything to go

Through have you not seen that video is it a Tik Tock video because if if it’s a Tik Tock video I probably haven’t I can’t stand using the Tik Tock app I uh I’ve tried I’ve tried to use Tik Tok that’s where you saw it yeah

I’ve tried to use Tik Tok I just can’t any app that the second I open it it starts to play videos and make sound at me drives me up a wall especially with my job because I always am afraid I’m going to open it up on set while something’s going on and I’m

Accidentally going to like make a sound while they’re in the middle of filming uh it’s a children’s toy like that but you can fit every shape in the square hole and someone reacting to and being really upset that that it’s that simple so wait hold on it’s a real my

Friend had that in a math class on so it’s a real toy and this company just like screwed it up to the point where you could fit anything in the square hole she opened up Tik Tok and her volume was super high see that’s what I’m afraid of like YouTube it do it

Never happened with YouTube that’s pretty funny that’s like that’s just dumb what engineer let that slip through YouTube I’ll I watch YouTube a lot on set because I have closed caption on the majority of the time so like a lot of videos that are like I don’t know

Lore videos or like I like to watch like Weird Science videos like um uh PBS does this science Channel called uh SpaceTime I can totally watch those videos on closed caption and be super fine so that’s that’s usually what I’m doing like between takes when it’s like

Everybody shut up and be quiet for the next 20 minutes and don’t move I just sit there and I’ll bring up one of those videos on YouTube and just watch it with close captioning on but I just don’t feel like I can do that with Tik Tok I feel like

You need a the app you need the sound for and I don’t really know like do have Clos captioning and does closed captioning even make sense on Tik Tok I don’t know I uh I would like to be able to get into Tik Tok but something about

The platform um just makes it difficult for me in my in my job okay that’s getting pretty good how much more do we have till I’m at the okay we’re we’re good there is captions yeah but sometimes they’re so messed up yeah I guess like cuz it’s probably

Auto capture in it right so if the captions are autoc captioning it and I feel like in Tik Tok people are just like screaming a lot anyway they’re probably not the Best at figuring out those captions so that makes sense I thought I got more um that’s so true what people screaming a lot in them it’s just a lot of like talking really fast or screaming about nonsense and it’s I don’t know I I feel like I should enjoy them like I’m

Like that maybe I’m maybe I’m too old for Tik Tok I guess there’s a chance I might be too old for Tik Tok or it’s just not the kind of content I like I will watch some YouTube shorts so I guess I can’t say that it’s the short

Form um because I do watch some YouTube shorts no one’s too old for Tik Tok then then it’s just the format I just don’t like the medium I don’t know how it’s presented even the tick even the shorts that I watch on YouTube I generally try and watch ones that are like

Informational to a degree um okay I don’t want to take this underwater with me so I don’t know what I’m doing there we’re going to leave this up here that’s still going to take a while so we’re going to put you oh jeez oh jeez Rick uh we’re going to put you up

Here and we’re going to take some of these and we’re going to fill this one out you just found a trail ruin I love Trail ruins shorts on YouTube TS to be pretty much all Minecraft stuff for me um without seed map you just randomly came across one I love randomly coming

Across stuff like that so so mine is a mixture of Minecraft um and like craft stuff like building like kind of Cosplay type things um because I I kind of like some of that art kind of stuff so it’s so it’s art Minecraft and then science

Videos that that’s mine Tik Tok is more random about whatever is going online at the moment maybe that’s the other part of it like the actual distribution of the content to me is never that interesting like nothing on there do I ever like oh that’s really cool I’d love to share that with

Somebody right now it’s dangerous for me to watch because they’re like 90% balers game well maybe the algorithm knows you better than it knows me or because I just don’t put enough time into Tik Tok the algorithm is like who is this guy we know nothing about you therefore here’s Just Junk

Content I don’t think I’m going to build this fully out I’m just going to frame it wow I I am getting crazy lag I wonder if that’s because of all of the every time like these move down how many do I get in a row so

That’s two three it’s not a ton of entities it’s kind of just because it’s on my laptop that is the other thing about Tik Tac is you have to scroll through garbage for a bit to for it to figure you out yeah and I’m not I don’t know I’m

Not a super like I guess I’m not a patient person for that kind of stuff maybe that’s saying something about like in general the genre considering that Tik Tok is very like isn’t it like specifically for people with a lack of an attention span because they can’t watch full videos I don’t

Know I’m also not one of those people that can sit there and watch like a million dog videos oh how cute oh how cute I don’t know they need to be uh they need to be either informative or Rel not relatable even I want to I don’t know I don’t know how to

Explain it and oh God and even then there’s still a fair bit of me stuff you have to scroll through to find something of interest you know and it’s it’s kind of funny cuz I feel like the YouTube feed um is a lot better at that generally I’m just scrolling through my subscriptions

Feed but the other feed has got me pretty pegged um like I get videos for um basically like a how do I explain it so on YouTube there’s these channels that do like they take a movie they compress it to like 10 12 minute explanations I absolutely love those I

Will churn through those on a set because I could just watch it I don’t generally watch a ton of movies funny enough and to be able to watch movies in like this condensed 12 minute format is amazing uh I definitely have a attention span and prefer the shorter videos I I like

I I think I prefer like videos generally have to be under 25 minutes for me to watch them but I also tend to prefer videos to be over five minutes um but at least it stops sending me all the dancing girl videos I mostly get people doing yard work having drama with

Their neighbors or video game stuff uh YouTube I get I get a lot of interesting like just for example let’s see I’ll open up YouTube real quick what are the top three videos that show up for me um Good Times or scar this is not subscriptions um is Zuma voids Diamond

Video um something about physics un uh balers Gate 3 cuz I was looking up videos about that um some video about history and the Oregon uh Cub fan and then something about movies and then a weird this is the craft one I put nothing but dirt in a

Jar but that’s like that’s like those weird like I I enjoy some of those like diarama videos and my YouTube is I think filled with portal and halflife two lore dude so like some of those some of those halflife two lore videos are great like uh I I probably watched the entire

Series that game theory did on Portal oh so good I love that stuff I don’t know if that if you’re into that and that’s why or if somebody watched those on your feed but I had I when I beat Portal 2 when I played that on stream and ended up beating that

I definitely had a phase where I watched every single um uh Game Theory video on that stuff um I love those games Portal 2 was so good portal one didn’t um get me into the lore aspect of it as much as Portal 2 did Portal 2 was where I was like okay

I need to know more about this universe um my status on DC is rise and shine Mr oh my God I it’s really upsetting that they never finish that series like how dare they they build such a heavy story and then never finished it it’s so upsetting I I don’t know how

They got away with that um my YouTube recommendations are mostly C development Mario Mario Maker engineering stuff and whiskey reviews I I I tried getting into Mario maker I think like for a day but uh I’ve you’ve never actually played Mario Maker but it’s in is it one of those things that you

Just like to watch because that’s that’s fair too I will say as far as lore videos I may have watched um game theories entire Minecraft lore series as well yeah I just keep watching videos there there’s some games like that that I’ll never play but I’ll just watch the

Videos of so that’s totally fair cuz the levels people make are interesting totally understand that kind of a thing okay so a squid died right there apparently I watching YouTube Redstone videos for a long time before you ever played my Minecraft I went in blind I hadn’t

Watched anything I had no knowledge and I really wish that somewhere it existed the stream from my first day ever playing it uh because it was it was very interesting it was very interesting I didn’t save my vods back then like I do now to

Upload um I’m trying to think is there a game that I have like legit spent time watching but never played so far palea I haven’t touched that yet but I’ve definitely watched a bunch of videos on it I guess the same could be true for balers gate but I don’t know about

That your brother taught you to play Minecraft I I learned to play Minecraft from people in chat when I first started because somebody redeemed it as one of the channel Point redemptions um I’m trying to think what else what have I watched that I’ve never actually Played I didn’t ever watch any undertale stuff I played that blind um like I’d been watching Mumbo impulse and Tango for a for a long time before you even played that’s pretty impressive I don’t think I don’t think I could have done that I think post playing I could do

That but not not before playing you just reminded me that I have undertale install on my computer uh have you not played it yet great game amazing game that one that one was a fun playthrough with chat that one was definitely a fun play through with chat I guess Final

Fantasy 7 I never actually played it but I did enjoy watching a lot of other people play it um I have but you never finished it oh such a classic such a classic how we doing over here I haven’t even been paying attention is this like

It’s got two more two more to go two more to go oh okay so wait you watched Mumbo and impulse and Tango before you watched hermitcraft interesting I guess if you started with the uh Redstone stuff then that does make sense right now you’re playing Rise of Tomb Raider also just

Bed R bought Red Dead Redemption 2 I played rise of Tomb Raider I really enjoyed that game um I haven’t played Red Dead 2 it was on the list but I just just never found myself getting super into it uh you started watching Herman craft in season four oh my that’s old

School that is old school that’s preg grean it’s weird like I went back so I watched season six season six is where I it’s not where I started I think I actually like what was airing at the time I got into it was season 7 like I pretty close to whenever the nether

Update came out so 1.6 is basically when I started watching it but uh I I made the determination after watching a little of SE season 7 I should go back and start with season 6 so I went all the way back watched season six watched season 7 and then caught up to where

Everything is live um which was I want to say it was sometime after I think it was like right around the mycelium resistance stuff of season 7 um is when like I actually was able to start watching it live maybe it was between Mumbo from mayor and the

Mycelium resistance is when like I started watching it live but then so when they went on that pretty long break after season 8 before season 9 started about like a year and a half ago or whatever I went back to rewatch um season 6 and having now like

Watched hermitcraft since um the voice mod chat got installed it’s really weird going back to a time before the voice mod chat was in installed because like I I I started watching when they didn’t have that yet cuz it wasn’t until like the very end of season 7 that they got

That and it’s so weird going back and like oh we have to jump into a Discord call and like the the way that interactions had to happen before voice chat very weird uh green Jing was a really big thing feel like he really drove a lot of the collaboration between

The the Hermits yeah it’s weird to go back preo mod it’s very it’s very strange it’s it’s very weird I think I think for me um the thing that I like about hermitcraft so much ignore ignore the like yeah it’s Minecraft but it’s more like here’s a group of people just playing together

Like this cool friend group just playing Minecraft together and how everybody’s interacting and how these weird story lines kind of come into existence and I think that’s why I like it so much and that’s why it’s so hard to go back because a lot of the stories and stuff

That come up now happened so organically since they got that voice chat mod it’s it’s pretty incredible how much that kind of changed smps and now you have all these other smps that have like taken it to the next level like when they did rats SMP and now they’re doing

The Pirates one that scar is part of um I’m not as big of fans of those oneoff ones because they’re a little um they’re a little too Direction oriented for me and I prefer things to just kind of unfold a little bit more naturally but it’s still interesting

Your wife I know before green they had some kind in they had some kind of interesting reaction sometimes but I think people kept to themselves a lot more I mean makes sense it it’s they if they were it’s hermitcraft they were they were basically Hermits I have made these last two Too

Tall weird how did I do that I made them too high way too high it’s also like funny uh when I went back to season six and I don’t know if this was a season six thing or a season seven thing when like Mumbo actually did some live streams

I was I was not expecting to find Mumbo live streams but there they were Mumbo doing a live stream I love that he left that stuff on his channel but it’s so fun to like go back and watch those sometimes I think he did one with uh

Where he was doing a kind of a perimeter around a witch hut and then he did another one with iscale doing um and busting very entertaining very entertaining to watch uh okay so this height you think you remember that God I wish I was around back in those days like when he

Actually did those I feel like I’m so bummed that I I feel like I came into the community a little late I’m about I feel like I’m about a year and a I came in about a year and a half too late for a long time I wasn’t really

Into streaming stuff like watching streaming stuff I think I think the thing about streaming to me that is so interesting is almost in a way the shared experience of things um which I think is just like a human nature kind of thing we like as humans to have these shared experiences

It’s kind of why like live TV back in the day when everybody was watching the Olympics for example or like um when a TV show premiered in the new season or whatever and everybody would get together and watch it it’s it’s these shared experiences and I think streaming

Really does that on a regular basis and fulfill some sort of whatever that need is for shared experiences in people for I read that so I think that’s why streaming is so cool is you get to have those kind of experiences that you don’t get anywhere else on a regular

Basis didn’t get into twitch till until like 2017 or so I what is this I got when did I get into twitch uh I started watching twitch um it was was definitely before the pandemic um actually wait hold on can I just I wonder if this works for me I’m gonna

Try something real quick this will tell you when I got into twitch really that doesn’t seem right to me that’s definitely not right I must have had a different account before that hold on you know what let me check my other account that’s right that’s that’s like my other account that’s how long

Ago I uh started watching so five years makes more sense that’s the account that I started watching on and then I created this account when I wanted to start streaming you can’t do that uh it should work it might just have had a little bit of a cooldown

Because it happened right after I did it here let me I can try it for you hold on let’s see oh there you go yeah yeah oh yours is is pretty recent then I made my account 2016 but it mostly wasn’t used for a year or so I I made my account

When I started to watch so mine’s pretty I would say pretty darn accurate to when I actually started to watch stuff on YouTube on Twitch so only like a year or so apart what AM mind what AM mind to say 5 years 19 days h two years apart I

Guess yeah maybe I had another account so that was that was the thing is I had my watching account back then and then I had my streaming account I only use my streaming account I don’t really use my watching account unless I need to like see how something is from a non account

Like I’ll use that one to like watch My Stream if I need to check it while I’m streaming but otherwise I don’t really use it I made mine just to go through someone a Prime subscription because I knew it was free but I didn’t ever watch their stream just their YouTube

Videos I mean that’s fair I made mine so there was this huge update that came out for no man sky where you it was like the first time where you saw it was basically the multiplayer update where you could see people in game and you could go to other

Worlds and stuff and like multiple people could make bases on a world and I saw a YouTube video where a group of people had made a world together and had done this and I was like oh my God I want to know how to connect with these people I’d love to be

Able to play with them and join that world and do all of that H and I found out you know that they were on Twitch and so that’s when I set up my Twitch account and was like I want to play with you guys and that’s that’s what got me

Into it and from there I just I just kept watching I just kept watching but yeah no man sky is what got me into twitch and I was watching like almost five different people during that time all playing that and then then it went to fortnite right yeah it

Was yeah no man sky went into fortnite and fortnite is what I started streaming and then Minecraft forever now I guess um Games Done Quick got you into to Twitch uh did I don’t know if uh they were part of this but somebody just beat satisfactory in like two hours I think

It was one of those guys I just saw an article about this those guys are nuts CU I wanted to watch gdq without the wait for them to put it on YouTube VDS that makes sense you’re going to head out have fun streaming I’ll catch you later thanks

For thanks for stopping by okay this is almost there yeah there’s uh there’s one streamer that I am uh subbed to specifically because I can’t always watch their vods live but they have it so you can’t watch their vods unless you’re sub to them

Um so I do and I don’t want to have to wait for it to come out to YouTube so I do the same thing I I am I think it’s Ren pretty sure it’s Ren Ren dog does not have his just go straight to Youtube usually there’s a

Delay in his so I’m sub to him so I could watch his vods although he’s he’s unfortunately become very irregular with his streams I think a lot of the hermitcraft guys right now are like chilling I feel like summer is so slow on the hermitcraft side of things just because

Everybody’s vacationing and whatnot it makes sense I don’t blame anybody for it I just I I keep looking at my subs and being like what no still no post still no green video still no Mumbo video no Ren actually Ren did just post a video it’s that it’s that time though

Where I think everybody’s taking a little bit of a break now and around the holidays are the two main breaks for Content my oldest sub I still maintain is someone I found from Games Done Quick but I don’t really watch them anymore just haven’t brought myself to cancel it

Because I like watching numbers Kong so you have like a a fiveyear sub to this one person just CU you haven’t cancelled it yet and you just like to see it that’s understandable that is totally understandable come on we’re so close I don’t want to how

Much more sand do I have I kind of want to wait until I can move this over before I keep going this is such like a boring thing I’m getting far am i halfway done I don’t know I’m getting closer to the other Island that’s for sure I’ve

Kind of had three phases of twitch viewership like what three phases of different thing you things you’ve watched on Twitch I can I can see that I can see that and I think I don’t know if this is the same for you but for me uh speedr running twitch sings and now

Minecraft mine are more well I guess mine are game related yeah mine would be no man’s sky fortnite I in Minecraft however some of the people that I watched during the no man Sky phase I still watch them but there’s there’s definitely people who moved on from

That um and sometimes they play games that I enjoy and I just watch them because they’re interesting streamers not because of the game they play okay I think I think I’m going to switch this over now think I’m going to switch this over I mean for me it’s definitely like a combination good

Personality and a fun game to watch um you got to have at least an interesting personality like knowing how to keep talking to an audience is important um like there’s there’s one of the guys who does the um um spawn chunks the the Minecraft uh podcast with pixel Rifts um Joel Dugen

Like I he streams a lot and I would love to watch his streams because he you know he does some really cool stuff but he’s just uh he’s one of the he’s a more maybe I maybe I’m not chill I always assumed I was chill but he’s very very quiet streamer doesn’t talk

Consistently and I really like people people who are constantly trying to talk engage even if no one’s there like people need to be talking about something to somebody like I try and think about it like I’m talking to uh an imaginary friend in a weird way if nobody’s here because I think it’s

Important to always be just talking there’s several factors that kind of play into it for you I I mean I’m sure everybody has a different reason why they watch the people they watch watch uh the larger a streamer I tend to lose interest to some extent I think for me if the larger

Streamer has an oh God an interesting personality then I’ll watch him I guess it also is like I don’t think I really ever watch anybody who averages more than maybe 3,000 viewers in a stream I can’t think I can’t think I mean I guess Cipher sometimes but on average he

Really doesn’t have like a ton uh but I I watched him a lot during my fortnite but his personality was funny I didn’t mind him he would he wouldn’t get super toxic or super mean um he was probably the most popular streamer I watched um during my fortnite Heyday but

Other than that like I guess I guess Tech Tech Al scar sometimes like during MCC he’ll have like 10,000 people watching him it has to be like something I just want to watch which is pretty much herocraft now and I’ll watch lonus Tech tips each Friday but that’s like

Watching a podcast live I uh I I catch his stuff on YouTube I haven’t really watched any of his live stuff I’ll I’ll check it out on YouTube and I’ll uh I follow him on Twitter but I don’t never really done the live l Tu tip

Stuff oh fill this in wait is this the one that’s done okay no this is the one that’s being used so this is the one that’s got to go away I like watching the WAN show each Friday if they aren’t super late kind of the way I keep up with tech

News that that makes sense I uh I follow um end Gadget still um so my tech news generally comes from Ang Gadget um oh I got rid of those first right okay good that could have been really bad if those pushed those it is it is important to keep up

On those on the tech news got to know when cool new gadgets come out I’m very much about that very much about the cool new gadgets got to got to keep up uh let’s do this what time is it I can sleep now we should

Sleep what how did I I clicked the bed why did I just bounce off the bed definitely click the bed see that time worked fine I don’t know what happened uh okay so this all can come down that I have my hip boxes on I don’t want

To lose any of this stuff because I tend to just keep repeating using the same materials and I have like just enough to keep staying ahead so I’m trying to hold on to all of this I that it would be difficult to make more of it

But why waste resources when I have it all right here I um the so I I did so much research to get the right kind of water Sweeper for this thing I was going back to videos that were made like I don’t know 2012 for maybe 2014 for this this water

Sweeper that I found for this it’s very cool and very awesome I don’t even remember where I found it at this point mostly when people get more than like 100 to 200 people depending on the speed of the chat I lose interest cuz I just like chatting with the people

Sometimes for me I I totally understand I well okay I’m a lurker I mean I barely ever talked in like um um Morgan’s chat like barely ever because I I prefer to just have people on chatting in the background while I’m doing something that’s always been been like

My jam and I think that’s why the herocraft stuff having those on in the background is amazing because it’s just like those guys generally are chatting with each other on the server and I like that there’s something weirdly not I don’t want to say it’s like a one of those what is it

Parasocial relationships but I just like having the noise of people chatting with each other on in the background while I’m doing whatever while I’m editing while I’m doing taxes I don’t know I just like having that on the background I don’t chat a lot sometimes but I like

To be able to follow along with the chat yeah I don’t I don’t even think in those I generally follow along with the chat unless like there’s a topic that comes up of interest for the most time I just like hearing the streamer blather on just to have that other voice in the

Room uh that often times when I’m driving back and forth to Beacon it’s like it’s almost a six-h hour car ride I will just have a stream on in the background to just listen to people talk like that’s the only reason I’ve been watching the Pirates SMP stuff is i

That’s mainly what’s streaming right now because there’s no Empires and there’s not a lot of Hermits around right now and it’s just nice to have those people chatting in the background in my my car while I’m driving and be able to chime in when I want to say something and not just get

Ignored and that that is totally understandable I think I think uh I think that’s important and I don’t know like those kind of um those kind of things especially with like the Hermits and stuff are pretty diff difficult why do I feel like this is off they have so many people talking to

Them 16 it’s got to be crazy even just is watching a pearl stream like she has a thousand people but she does her best to like try and talk to everybody in chat which I commend them for that I definitely commend them for that okay so this target block is it at

16 it’s it 16 why does that not feel like it’s right that’s super weird something about that perspective right here maybe it’s because it’s up by one I don’t know yeah some of the Hermits do a decent job of interacting with chat totally absolutely and then I understand things like when I’m watching

People stream MCC it’s like they’re not going to be able to talk with chat like that’s impossible they have to concentrate on what they’re doing um so I and I get that I get that uh Tango is a good one he does a really good job of talking with chat

Especially like during this um Deck Down out time period because people who throw him like really good Redstone ideas or ideas on how to like improve something he’s working on um he really uh he really does a solid job like thinking about the idea unless he knows it’s like

Super dumb he does a great job thinking about it and like really giving some thought into if maybe that’s a better way to go about something yeah Tango and impulse do pretty good I don’t know if you’ve ever caught a pixel riffs stream uh um pixel roofs is funny he and sometimes

Zuma does this too they’re a little bit mean to chat maybe mean’s not the right word but if somebody’s says something really really stupid the the answers that they give I no you don’t need to um the answers that they give to like stupid comments and chat sometimes are so sarcastic and

Smart me it’s hysterical especially a Zuma Zuma is the worst uh but in in a really funny way um and I I can’t help but Wonder like what new people who don’t get his humor think of that like if they’re just like wow this guy’s a complete jerk like I

Don’t like if you don’t know that’s how he is it’s got to be really weird coming into chat for the first time and having that kind of interaction oh my God this is going to take forever um I I do I don’t know I enjoy all these streams they’re just nice to

Have on when you’re having to place a million sand I can’t entirely get into isuma streams I have to be in the mood and he has to be streaming something interesting um some of my favorite isuma streams are when he’s like kind of doing what I do where he’s trying to build a

Device in his creative world and like watching him work through his thought process to me shoot uh sometimes that’s really interesting seeing how he thinks about making like a Contraption or something like that all of his like pondering about things or some he does get he does get really

Philosophical uh when he gets super philosophical I uh I do kind of like zone out a little bit especially if it’s not on a topic that I’m interested in I’m kind of like okay that’s why I think the best ones are the ones where he’s like working on a Contraption or

Something because um he’s very much just focusing on the game as opposed to like the strange topics chat has brought his way if you will okay did we get all of the items I think we did so now we do this and then we’re going to go this is going to take a

While so this will give me plenty of time to like fill this box back up once we get this done uh one two wait I did that right yes I did uh and then this goes here and then this goes here I don’t know if you were

Here when I did this but your wall idea for the end my gosh that helped me out so much right there that as a way to stop the like repeated ticking from an observer catching a piston such an easy way to handle handle that that’s so

Good um I feel as though I’ve done something incorrect definitely did something incorrect there boop boop I think it’s that then I need oh my I can’t I go up there we go and this goes next to that nope don’t think it was well when when I did it it was because you

Inspired me with when we were talking about the idea to do it at the end portal and it is so the right way to go it is very good for being able to detect this without having to worry about it pushing the Piston a million times uh

Wall the wall thing in general for sending like a redstone pulse single signal vertically is really impressive um the early um portal slicers before like the the like really small ones came out all used walls to basically do something similar to update suppression they’d make like massive

Wall grids and you place one wall and then you could slice a portal uh okay I think that’s right I still been tinkering with the dirt farm but PA that is fair that is totally fair I have not uh I’ve been trying not to play too much Minecraft off stream right now

Um just due to wanting to make sure I don’t get burned out and mentally am in a good spot and it’s surprisingly healthy but I can’t be happy with uh got the double Stone generators working but I can’t be happy with the Redstone timings as far as

Pushing the which part of the Redstone timings like the pushing this the whole thing that’s fair that’s fair I’m I’m very happy with mine turned out I really I wish I could have gotten the track working so that I could Auto Place the saplings but it it’s one of those things

That after a while I had to cut my losses there like it works so well as it is oh no that was dumb I I didn’t want to have to redesign the whole thing just so I could do that cuz theoretically I could just make a macro to do that

Not the stone generators just like the um I’m out of te I have like a little sip left the um you’re using the TNT duper setup right is that the timing that was uh giving you some issues okay this is filling in correctly this is ready to go

I’m going to fill back up my shulker box with some more sand I kind of want to show you the uh yeah I’m going to take a risk here I want to show you this real quick um this is the device that I’m going to be building in

This trench it is actually so cool how this works uh I’m a huge fan of this thing ignore some of the mess over here I was doing some testing let me clean that up real quick get rid of some of the extra water there we don’t need that get rid of that

Get rid of that so this is this is the um testing world I figured out basically how far each trench need to be and I actually don’t need the walls on the sides thank God I just need to do this but this thing this thing is crazy let’s

See if I can get it to work from this side I forget okay so no we need to go the other way stop okay we want you to go no well it’ll work either way no it won’t it’ll get messed up you need to go back that

Way go back go back the other way there we go okay so watch what this does this is really cool so it sweeps ignore this mess I I know what’s going on there it comes over here when it reaches here this whole system pushes it down and

Then it starts sweeping out the next layer of water and then when it comes over here this contraption pushes it down again and then it starts going backwards and doing the next layer of water this thing is going to be so awesome and I’m just going to build a

Chain of them going down the entire trench but it’s so good yeah you can see I was I was messing with too much stuff over here and screwed up a little bit but as far as like a sweeper goes is good is good I very happy it works surprisingly well and the

Fact that it automatically pushes itself down each time is amazing oh boy I might have just messed it up a little bit not really it’s fine okay let’s go out of here before we have too much problems on the other side do okay there we go um anyway uh part of it

I guess I’ve got two dupers at the moment one one that drops from the top and one that launches from the side at nearly the same time to blow up the leaves and then blow up the logs then how how do they is it blowing

Everything else up too or is it kind of working see I’m surprised even when I log out this doesn’t I don’t know if it was still going while I was logged out I guess that’s impossible but connecting to chat why are we connecting to chat did I just have an internet

Issue welcome to the chat room did my stream go down what the heck happened there twitch inspector what happened I confused Twitch insector did I go down or did twitch go down or is it just my computer no this looks fine so we’re fine we’re okay uh what was I doing I was I was getting more sand here oh we need the Torches why do I feel like my inventory has gotten excessively more

Cluttered I don’t understand I don’t need that [Applause] um I guess that’s good I need to have a loop of lift podel up and convert Stone to Moss dispense water to clean moss oh you’re doing the the water to clear the Moss okay drop podel down and

Grow tree blow up logs lift podel back up with logs to generate six layers of stone rocks and I keep redoing it over and over because I keep thinking of a different way to do it there’s nothing wrong with that though sometimes that’s how progress is made

I I wonder how much better mine would be if I was willing to redo it to try and get uh the ability to autop place the the saplings but I definitely am at a point where I’m not willing to do that especially now that it’s built is yours going to be does yours

Like auto place are you trying to do that do you need help with the sander uh if you’re bored sure all I’m really doing is I’ll show you real quick so there’s all of these sand pillars here each sand pillar needs to go over six and then backwards

Three basically like this I’m kind of making I’m pre- making all of the sand um dispenser lines so that’s what I’m working on right now I’m filling in each one of these basically making a 3×6 column um and I think I kind of want to let you grow more than one tree to

Convert more podsa on auto place autop placing the saplings so like you can like you know how I was trying to come up with the contraption that like pushed you back and forth so that you would place the like so you didn’t have to physically move I just write a mine card

And hold right click I mean that’s that’s yeah so you you have it so that it is autop placing what is this voicemail would you like to update your vehicle’s auto policy uh okay so that’s good and do you have it um Auto dispensing bone meal do you have that system

Going uh not for the Moss but to Auto dispense the bone meal for the sapling yeah Auto dispensing bone meal yeah I think if I didn’t have to do the flying machine I would have been able to do that part of it better no sapling dispenser yet though oh I didn’t even I

Did not do a sapling dispenser that’s like uh kind of like how they do the dark oak tree farm with the whole sapling dispenser part of it oh boy do you do you think you actually get enough saplings and stuff I think I would rather go ahead

And play Pokemon I don’t like messing with redstone machines no worries dude you don’t don’t yeah all good I totally understand that I don’t get anything back from the farm other than bone meal from the Moss so you’re not getting I don’t want a green and dark situation

Going on here that is fair that is fair um so you’re not getting the saplings back from the tree then you’d have to stock up the saplings beforehand I see I see so I have um I’m pulling the saplings from en x4’s Tree Farm I get a ton of that way and after

The um oh boy I’ve got to make sure I’m not getting too close after the trees like after a long enough period of time I have been um taking a fortune hoe and just hoing down the trees to get like a crap ton more saplings I guess you could crush leaves

Somewhere maybe kind of as like a separate system if you if you’re bored and want inspiration go look at el el Mango’s dirt farm he never made a tutorial for it which is a bummer uh that was the inspiration for mine but his is so Compact and so well done and

He has all of that stuff in it I don’t think he has I think he has a bone meal machine separate cuz I don’t think it produces enough bone meal but he’s able to get enough saplings from it does does blowing up the leaves with TNT still drop

Saplings like I know crushing them drops saplings but oh it’s dark it dark think so you probably could collect it just from what you’re blowing up though maybe okay I missed I missed the bed there we go bedtime now which so I have a problem my wife hates this where

I will open a million water bottles and leave them sporadically like through the house all at varying stages of having finished them it’s a problem I’m trying to get better at it but I’m using streams as a way to like finish off the ones that are

In full so before stream I go through the house I find any water bottle that’s maybe got like a little bit left over isn’t like fully full or whatever and that’s what I try and finish on stream that’s become my Habit to like fix this issue I’m really bad at

It I am very very bad at it I don’t think I have enough sand to do all of this yet but I definitely have a decent amount I wish this contraption could go faster like if I I have to have the repeaters and stuff oh I forgot to set

The time of that repeater that needs to be four ticks that is smart I would love that habit if I had more incenter to spend time yeah it’s it’s it’s what it’s it’s a good way to just make sure that I’m not wasting too much I guess I’ll focus on getting these

Pillars done first I think that makes the most sense and then once once I have ACR enough sand to get all of the pillars done I feel like at that point I’ll just start filling in everything else I can with this sand it also brings up the point like in

Theory after this side is done no I guess I won’t technically have enough sand to do the other side because the Border still stays although this right side border is going to eventually have to go uh my problem is that I live in Austria and the primary water source is tap water we

Have tap water this water smells better though I don’t I live in Buffalo I don’t really trust our tap water the that’s that’s the real problem here I don’t know that I trust that water so I rather just get the bottled water ustra has the best tap water I’m

Aren’t you like close to the mountains that doesn’t surprise me Buffalo there’s questions to be asked about the validity of their tap water right next to the Alps yeah see that’s that’s nice you got some good old tap water going on there if I had if I

Had like say I was in Colorado or somewhere where it’s like I don’t even know if that would be the best idea but still probably better than Buffalo or like the Hudson River and Beacon no thank you all the crap that polluted the Hudson River years ago I

Don’t know about that I don’t know that I want to do that that sounds risky so which one is going that one’s going and I have the next one prepped right yeah okay cool it’s healthier than water bottles L and we do have the best tap water source

In the world I’m sure it is but it’s not healthier than water that probably like I I sorry I think water bottles are probably healthier than tap water here that who knows if it has like lead in it or some crap like that not that we have had it tested but

I just don’t trust it also our water is very dry they put a lot of crap in it in Buffalo like what is it um fluoride is a fluoride or whatever like I don’t know so I I as long as the water bottles aren’t like left out in the sun and this

The plastic starts to like break down into like a concerning level of carcinogens I think it’s okay don’t have that problem in Austria you are lucky maybe I don’t know I’m sure in the water department you’re lucky your your water situation is better than ours how is that side

Looking I am almost to the end of this with these so that’s good and then I’ll probably just whatever sand I have left over probably just keep placing by hand just to speed the whole process up I did kind of forget that I have to open up this

Side well Vienna has had the title of highest living quality of any City for wow that’s uh that’s an impressive stat tap water here is okay I guess I also I mean full transparency it’s it’s it’s hint water Peach I don’t like the taste of God I don’t like the taste of just

Regular water this going to sound weird and maybe this is part of what happens to water here because it goes through so much like processing for like cleaning but tap water here just tastes dry because of whatever chemicals they put in it to clean it and so I don’t like it at

All hint water yeah I’m not surprised that’s definitely like a States thing I think it comes from California I just find water boring plain water boring yes I I used to be a heavy heavy soda drinker um but right before the pandemic I actually cut soda out so like my my

Drinks are not limited but like um orange juice love a good orange juice milk milk especially cookies and milk amazing tea I’ve gotten into tea over the past year and a half which has been lovely uh coffee coffee is really good good uh those are kind of my go-to drinks of

Choice like eating plain oatmeal or something plain oatmeal is nasty we can all agree to that PL just plain oatmeal is nasty I was I was a fan of the uh I think it was like Maple brown sugar or something was like my flavor I can’t eat it and it’s not bad

But why would you when I can have something else yes if you’re going to eat something you usually you know it’s better to have something that you’re going to enjoy eating I get the idea of eating for sustenance and sometimes I do that I have like protein bars for

Emergencies especially on set if I can’t get away to eat something and I’m like going to pass out I’ll have a protein bar but for the most part I rather eat something I enjoy eating I have you’ve never eaten oatmeal I used I grew up on oatmeal oatmeal and um toast like shredded

Wheats but they were like I don’t even remember what they were called they were like Shredded Wheat but they had like a white frosting on them I eat oatmeal for dinner semi often for dinner what how is that a dinner that’s a breakfast just cuz it’s super easy and F filling oh

God no thank you not for dinner I don’t have distinctions in when I eat things I definitely do like there are certain things like I have to not eat after a certain time of day no I never had it I also never had cookies with milk cookies with milk are like the

Thing I’ll have breakfast or whatever at any time look I understand like certain breakfasts being it like anytime like I get breakfast for dinner but not oatmeal like waffles or pancakes sure especially like chicken and waffles or in my case fake chicken and waffles I

Could do that for a dinner or a lunch but oatmeal that feels like a really fibrous dinner before bed I don’t know about that I don’t know about that that’s like I can’t have like orange juice at night like I don’t want to go to bed with that kind

Of level of acid sitting in my stomach you know there’s just certain things that uh your body doesn’t do well with while you’re sleeping I don’t have problems with that not yet anyway you call me old I I mean I’ve always had issues like that so I don’t I don’t actually think

It’s an age thing um I just not I don’t know the idea of it’s weird or like okay so here’s a question though could you get up and have spaghetti for breakfast I get pizza for breakfast uh I think it’s simply because A’s culture is just different plus I usually just eat cereals

Instead okay that’s that’s fair enough yeah different foods based off cultural differences make sense yes and I probably have oh my gosh no oh no I’m trying to think of like I want to think of like a really weird one um probably whatever is Handy and

Available I uh I can’t do that but then again I don’t know like I like to cook um so we do the hellofresh thing um so we have very specific like meals for dinner I don’t know that’s hard to explain I mean have you ever have you ever eaten schnitzel with

Parsley and potatoes good point I’ve never even eaten schnitzel before so no um and speaking of potatoes though I just had one of the best potato things ever it’s this fair food I’ve never seen it before called a tornado potato or potato tornado oh my God it was the best

Thing ever they like sliced the potato in the rounds on a swivel a little bit thicker than like a potato chip and then they deep fry this thing in like sea salt and like barbecue seasoning oh my God I had this yesterday we went to cornfest don’t laugh it was

So freaking good and I have leftovers it gets eaten for breakfast a lot of times see I’ll have leftovers but there’ll be lunch that’s the national dish in Vienna schnitzel with parsley potatoes oh God I’ll also eat grits for dinner sometimes for the same reason as oatmeal I okay but grits is like

Shrimping grits I something about that doesn’t seem as weird to me maybe because I’ve seen it before it’s probably just a mental stigma more than anything I’ve had that kind of ribbon potato I think before it’s so good I’ve never seen it it came on like

A skewer so it looked like the shape of it felt like corn in the CB I think they did it specifically for Corn Fest because they like pulled it out oh was amazing yeah I know it I only had it with salt though and on smaller scale

Tastes amazing though when I worked at Dollywood I made a lot of them you worked at Dollywood okay I got to tell Vicky that that’s funny she’s been to Dollywood oh that’s funny I feel like I was did I go to Dollywood once I think I was in the area of

Dollywood um but I definitely like I think we went to that area on some sort of vacation with her family and I stayed at home the day they actually went to Dollywood cuz I was like what am I going to do here I’m just going to be bored out of my

Mind I don’t remember though Dollywood that’s funny oh Dolly Parton woman’s a saint though let’s be honest okay I’m gonna finish this and I gota use the restroom real quick all the tea and water is uh starting to take an effect here let’s get this done they

Have some decent rides really H I’m not really I’m though I’m not too big into rides like I’ve been to Epcot and I’ll do some of those rides but for the most part I get super motion sick but I just checked out a tornado potato recipe for at home seems like you

Can also bake them it doesn’t surprise me that you could bake them these were not baked these were definitely deep fried I have a deep fryer so I want to try doing it working there was interesting interesting people work at theme parks doesn’t surprise me that that that definitely does not surprise

Me especially if it’s not just a summer job the people who like make a career out of it have got to be very interesting okay so here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to park ourselves over here we’re going to go like this what time is it it’s 9 okay we got

Plenty of time lots of people that just retired and wanted to do something other than stay at home had millions and millions in the bank and just doing it for fun the idea of just working somewhere like that for fun is kind of heartwarming that’s

Pretty cool okay I got to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back for okay we back um I don’t have a deep fryer but I have an uncle who want want some potato meal uh and they can do it just for the summer and travel during the winter also

Funny to see some customer get roted with them and then just be like nope I’m not serving you move along because they don’t care I get that it’s not like it really matters to them oh okay where were we here where the freak were we um did we fin we finish up

That one few more to go I do really want to oh boy like catch up in terms of having this thing oh god um clear it out I’d like to catch up to where we are here so I’m going to I’m realizing I am also as I’m breaking this down getting more

And more Cobblestone that’s where it’s coming into my inventory haven’t been there in a long time though I’m trying to think let me um when was the last time I went to an amusement park when was the last time I actually went to an amusement park I gota I actually think it

Was Disney World 20 no no no no no no no no I went to Universal Studios because I did the Harry Potter stuff and that would have been 201 18 I think 2018 Universal Studios the Harry Potter stuff was the last time I actually went to an amusement park like that

Showed it my uncle and tornado potatoes are officially on our cooking list dude send me a Discord picture when you make it I want to see how well it comes out do you have a thing that you could cut it like that cuz like that was what

I couldn’t figure out the way it’s cut is so precise and so well spiral yeah it’s called a skill it’s called skill you know what I been to gatlingburg a few times since then but we just always end up going and oding other stuff instead of Dollywood I don’t think I’ve ever heard

Of gatlingburg I have no idea what that is oh of doing other stuff instead of Dollywood oh wait is that where it is gatlingburg it’s called skill I uh to cut it like that I think there’s a device I got to imagine there’s some sort of device to cut it like

That like have you ever seen like a uh tomato no uh an apple peeler it kind of reminds me of an apple peeler to a degree there are cutting techniques for preparing potatoes on skewers you skew them first and then you can cut them out a cut it out a okay

That you’re you’re right that doesn’t surprise me that there is some sort of like skilled way to do it um that’s pretty impressive anybody who has that technique down though in my opinion when I worked there I had so many free tickets for Dollywood though with every paycheck they gave us like

Four free tickets or something would just give them out to random people that’s honestly pretty damn wholesome of them I couldn’t imagine like the people that work at Disney World or Disneyland getting a free ticket I I don’t I don’t see that happening I can’t see Bob Iger

Being like Oh yeah if you work here here four free tickets with every paycheck and employees would get in for free so I didn’t need them I bet you if you’re an employee at Disneyland you still got to pay uh but yeah I’m going to do roast

Beef with roasted onions and Tado potato because that sounds just yummy I mean the the potato the yes the vegetarian parts of that sound yummy to me too what time is it 8:24 I got to go sleep soon uh uh oh I guess I need to do this

Very quickly uh they also have a deal with a lot of other attractions in the area where they get some so many tickets to give to their employees and Dollywood employees get to go to them for free that’s really nice of them the roast beef not so much yeah the roast

Beef I couldn’t do but I wonder if they’ll ever have like a vegetarian substitute for roast roast beef that that’ll be interesting okay hold on we need to put this down we need to sleep so I did pretty much everything there I mean that that’s got to be kind

Of like a fun thing especially like if you’re just chilling there during the summer in college it’s a great way to keep yourself entertained most of it was just kind of lame tourist stuff is there a lot of lame tourist stuff to do in uh gatlingburg pigeon Forger

I don’t I don’t remember maybe I didn’t go there maybe that was just a trip my wife went on and I was not part of it oh wait are you vegetarian I remember something like that I am a pescatarian uh so I can eat fish there is yes mostly in Pigeon

Forge what is there like national monuments or something like what what is there I’m very curious now I did not realize that there was like something to do there besides Dollywood it’s the most visited national park in the country really okay just okay I guess the question is

This what like is it uh a forest park is it like a big camping Park I can’t imagine it’s like Yellowstone I would have I would have assumed Yellowstone was actually the most um that is surprising to me hiking in cabins and stuff okay so similar to the Adera then just without the

Mountains ah so you could eat Sal salmon I want to say manure soad bad but I know that’s not what that word is um I don’t know how to pronounce that word I’m going to be honest with you chaos May me I don’t know what I could as long

As that other word isn’t slang for meat the Smokey Mountains Are there oh okay so like the song Right interesting so there are mountains can’t imagine they’re as big as like okay wait hold on I Gotta See Where in the country this is I’m not very confused my geographical sensors are

Telling me I have no idea where this Is oh this is not where I thought this was interesting okay okay so it’s part of Appalachia mountains okay understood now I have my geography right they aren’t super tall but they’re pretty I guess yeah no okay I get that now that makes sense not quite so I grew up in

Adarand so not as big as adarand mountains but those are definitely some big decent mountains it’s basically like fried salmon cooked in a very specific way that tastes amazing I do enjoy a fried salmon fried and grilled I like so um we we have a a farmers market down in

And Beacon um and they come up from uh Monto which is like on Long Island with like fresh ketos every weekend and two weekends ago they brought up like some super fresh salmon and I grilled it and it was so good but yeah pigeon for is very touristy lots of hilly themed stuff

Now that I understand that it’s like the Appalachian area it makes more sense I can I can see the connection I totally understand it more now I was trying to clear that out I guess I didn’t succeed there these these like multi- hilly kind of areas under here I

Think are going to be what caused me the biggest headache I’m going to have to flatten some of that stuff out myself and probably use some um sponges to get to some of those areas but yeah might not cook for you then because my meals tend to be very meat heavy

Due to me and my uncle loving meat I’m also assuming it’s a cultural thing like there’s there’s probably like in Italy you could do meat but fish is also very culturally a big thing so when I went to Italy I had tons of fish or same thing

With Japan I feel like certain areas culturally the diet of fish is much more um obtainable for me depending on where I am that’s why I’m like hoping not next year but the year afterwards to go to Japan because I feel like that that’s going to be the thing I

Want to go to Japan for my 40th birthday and have all the sushi that’s the goal not really the furthest I’ve ever been though I feel like Australia is technically the furthest all I’ve ever gone Melbourne theoretically I think is the furthest from where I am I don’t see myself going any further

Than Melbourne but Japan is actually quite a bit closer it was like 3 hours um faster to fly to Japan than it was to get to Melbourne which is good because my word it was such a slog to get out to Melbourne I think that flight ended up

Being like 21 hours between the two it was oh it was rough that was a rough flight uh I mean it obviously is with fish but Austra isn’t that meat and fish heavy or while it might have more meat than other countries considering that some of the favorite Austrian

Dishes have meat like roast beef sissle and stuff like that I I’m not great with the uh geography of that that side of the world but is Austria landlocked or do you guys have um do you guys have a border that’s actually on the the Mediterranean at all Austra is

Landlocked okay so then it would make sense if you’re not super fish heavy like Italy obviously surrounded you know when I went to Spain they had some good fish too but they had like the areas that we went were all coastal regions um Ireland fish Ireland and UK when I

Went there like fish and chips was it though their fish assortment wasn’t as adventurous for some reason we were between Italy and Germany midc continent okay okay I see where that is I see that in my brain so yeah landlock it would make sense for like landlock

Countries not to really be too into the fish thing I need to flatten this area out a little bit cuz I think this is going to be especially right here very difficult to manage otherwise I think that’s probably better I don’t have to go too crazy with the flattening out of these

Areas cuz the way this mechanism works is it’ll push everything around kind of autofill itself out just get a little stuck in other places let’s just see how close are we getting to the next one not quite there yet so we’ll keep filling in these we only have four more

To go so that’s pretty good uh but we do need to get rid of the seaweed stuff get rid of all that uh we still have fish austri has salmon farms and we have plenty of lakes and rivers with fish but we are missing a good source of saltwater

Fish that makes sense yeah so do you guys what about Lobster how are you guys with the lobster situation there uh ever got some good lobster over there I do enjoy Lobster I’m a I uh don’t have it too often but when I do I am very happy with the lobster

Lobster on the grill little bit of butter I’m actually going with um um Vic to a um there’s there’s these things in the states that are called like boil in a bag and basically what it is is they throw a whole bunch of fish stuff usually it’s like crab Lobster scallops clams muscles

Shrimp throw it in a bag put like some seasoning in the bag boil it all together usually there’s like potatoes and carrots in there too and then they just bring you out this bag of all of this stuff all with this seasoning and then you eat it

It exists but you need to go to high-end store restaurant to get it don’t don’t have to hear don’t have to hear as much we have one of those here that I’ve never been to don’t know how good it is though I’m okay I like it

In concept and the taste of the really good places that do it that have like really good flavors is amazing in practice I absolutely hate the mess that I have to go through to actually like get any food out of this cuz you you’re basically picking through

All the juices and stuff in this bag you’re you’re pulling all the meat out of the shell it’s it’s so much work and so much effort for such a little amount of meat I I hate the process of it it it is not not at all rewarding for how

Little you get from it at the end of the day but my word does it tastes great if it were up to me they would just do it and bring out all the the the fish Parts the shell Parts on a platter for me and

I would just eat that up in general I don’t like messy things yeah I’m not a huge fan of having to eat stuff with my hands even like eating a burger like when I grill burgers myself I generally don’t put them in a bun I put them on a

Plate throw the stuff on the plate and then cut it up and eat it as ridiculous as that sounds I just don’t like touching food with my hands if I could avoid it corn in the cob I got those little poker things for each side of the Corn it’s still a little bit

Messy I’m very like don’t make me touch things that are messy and gross especially if they’re super slimy please not my not my thing not my thing I would rather avoid feelings of uncomfort I’m just sitting here thinking gota wash my hands where I’ve gone too far no server

Skewers got it yeah I generally if it’s on a skewer it’s okay it’s definitely better if it’s on a skewer that’s for sure it’s just don’t like it don’t like it at all and just to exacerbate the situation like when you’re on set like in my job your

Hands get so nasty even when you’re wearing gloves they get so gross and the day like we don’t bring our own food they provide food for lunch for us at catering all film sets here are catered because you really don’t have time to leave and go get something and generally

You don’t have the facil facilities where you could make something yourself or heat something up that you bring so most film sets are catered so you get so nasty during the day and sometimes there’s not correct facilities to like wash your hands or whatever before lunch and they’ll sometimes have food

That you have to eat with your hands and I’m like I can’t I just won’t eat it because I’m like I am going to make myself sick if I have to eat this food right now I always struggle when I work on my car because of because your hands get

Nasty I have so I found these things okay they’re technically glove liners um but they’re super thin and pretty pretty formfitting to my hands and that has been my Saving Grace I wear those on a film set constantly I can still do fairly minute things like tying knots and some of the

Like annoying little things I have to do with my fingers with these things but it’s it I don’t have to like feel the metal on my hands or the grease between the knobs on a sea I don’t have to feel any of that I have this like layer touch

Anything you get dirty that’s how it is on a film set and these these gloves hold on I’m going to show them to you they’re ridiculous I buy uh I I basically buy a new set of these gloves between every movie because they get so destroyed on a movie set but

They really do an excellent job during a movie of keeping my hands from like feeling gross but they’re super thin I don’t know if I could really show you how thin they are hold on can I expand this Focus it’s like I don’t I don’t know how to explain

It it is just incredibly thin I got to take the labels out of these I don’t know how you guys are with labels but I always got to cut the labels out of anything but they’re so tight to my hands that I could still like do the

Work that I need to do and then I wear a second set of gloves on top of this for like anything dealing with like if I’m touching a hot light or whatever just so my hands don’t burn um or so like if I’m raising up something really high and I’m

Worried about like it crushing my fingers if it comes down I have like uh a thicker set of gloves for that but those I always have those on my Michael Jackson gloves they’re they’re so good for dealing with that kind of stuff uh I should check on

This how is this doing we’ve got almost two left not too bad not too bad okay I can’t take off in just one deep okay fine fine fine fine fine fine am i g to run out of sand I think I might not have enough to do all of

These might have to get more over there I am slowly getting down on the rocket situation though this one’s complete so this is where we were working okay once these are done I’ll just kind of keep filling some in by hand too I think just to make the process go

Faster cuz it definitely it’s faster to place them by hand but it’s nice to be able to leave this AFK and let it go for a while as well oh yeah I only have two more I might actually have enough to complete these I was trying to think of a way to do

Um four at once like come in from each side of an End Portal um to get more sand coming here faster because technically you can dupe from the four sides of the portal and a stronghold but I think the problem is no matter which side you send it in from it will always

Generate over there at the same location so it’s not like four different spots depending on where you drop the sand into the end portal from not related but makes me think of a pair of welding gloves I use his oven Ms uh hey that’s great I use I use

Something similar to welding gloves as oven mitts as well I love the glove ones like that have the five fingers I don’t like the like thick plastic ones that some people use how we doing still good that’s got a ways to go I think I could finish as long as I

Don’t run out of sand because we only have two more two more okay so let’s drop this down let’s collect the rest of the sand and see if we could finish this before that done which would be great because then it’s just filling and everything

Else I also got to make sure that these go away we don’t want any of this getting destroyed yeah a lot of fabric glove M kind of suck yeah you have to there there are good ones that are like they’re not silicone but there’s some sort of

Um there’s some sort of synthetic that I have that I AB absolutely love they’re super thick like there’s almost an inch of material between me and whatever pan I’m trying to pick up they’re amazing oh this is going well we’re going to do it I’m going to

Get this done before that completes what time is it actually okay I still got an hour well I’ll be able to at least get this done and get a CLE more these built I don’t know how many forward I should build because I feel like

I’m going to get to a point where I’m just filling these in by hand and I don’t need the auto thing to keep going because I’ll have so much sand to get this Done why is this one not wanting to place okay that was was weird I should be using some sort of mechanic just to place these super fast too because I totally could and it would probably place it instantly and I may do something like that when I go to fill in the other

Places all the red stone to place all the sand I don’t that should be close enough that that’s still going right yeah this is going to be a ridiculous perimeter I’m curious to also see how it affects the rates of that farm when it’s done that’s going to be that’s going to

Be an interesting thing and then this oh wait hold on technically oh I guess so this over here is the end of it but I don’t need I don’t need a thing over there because it’s all coming from over here for now this is the last one hopefully I have

Enough sand to do it I feel like I do and then we’ll prep the next two sections and take down all the sand from what has currently been placed and that’ll be good I’d like to prep have I gone too far one two three no it is getting night time though so we

Need to sleep we do need to sleep and sleep I am running out of rockets I should grab some Rockets while I’m over here I don’t even think this is on its last slice yet is it not even on its last slice let’s go get more Rockets get this kelp out of my

Inventory I’m hoping that by next well not tomorrow but next week um I’m starting to build some of the sweepers over here and try them out I think the hardest thing is going to be the terrain because over here it’s like a lot higher than over

There which is going to be annoying for filling for clearing some of the water and let’s go the rest of this oh that might not actually be enough to finish this last one over here I am skeptical that it will be that is unfortunate that is definitely Unfortunate we’ll get as much as we can and then we’ll have to break down the other area 50 wait what is this one two three four five six oh definitely not going to be enough nope 30 it is shallower over here but not enough to to get all of

This so I don’t even have enough sand to like finish this up I don’t think I went to the end but we got pretty close okay hold on one sec I’ll be right back okay I got these cool little um thermometer things that connect to my phone by Bluetooth and I’ve been using

Them to like see what the temperature is in different places cuz I feel like I have I like struggle temperature- wise to be comfortable and I don’t know if it’s like a me thing so I’m trying to see if like is it actually really hot back here or is it

Just me am I hot because I’m talking a lot lot I don’t know so I’m trying to get some excuse me or am I getting sick I don’t know that either so I’m trying to use this as like a little bit of a feedback system to

See uh see what’s going on and see if I’m crazy or not or if it actually is hot back here or if I have a temperature not that it would really tell me if I have a temperature but I guess if if the room if the room is not actually

Hot then that would lead me to believe that there’s something wrong with me so I’m very curious very curious I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever brought it back here before I have it I bring it on my desk in Beacon but I don’t think I’ve ever brought it to the desk back

Here okay we are on the last slice so I do need to be careful that I um can move that over got to keep an eye on that gu in there we are getting there it went up from 73.2 from where I had it in the other room to 73.6

It does not currently seem like a significant of enough jump so it might just be a me thing I also don’t know how long it takes to actually like readjust once it’s been moved from one room to the next and boop boop boop boop this over here I think is the deepest

Part of this whole trench or I guess technically over there is it’s starting to go up at this point okay come on excellent 73.8 it is increasing back here so I might not be crazy see if it goes up to 75 how is this slice doing oh it’s guy

In there we got to be quick I really wanted to get all of this down before we had to worry about the next area but I don’t know that I’m going to be able to although I have plenty of space here how close am I up

Here one or is that three I’m three away so I’m actually pretty close come on break that one break that one break that oneop Boop all the sand give me all the sand okay I’m full I think one more and we’re good right one more and we’re at the

Redstone yes okay cool so this is it come on just place the torch there we go I got zigg temperature and humidity trackers and stuck them around my house a while back um I the zigg stuff is interesting but isn’t that a bit more expensive and have it show up on my home

Assistant floor plan this was I I wanted a cheap solution this thing was like I don’t know $19 for each one and it’s like the Bluetooth even at the furthest parts of my house somehow still reaches now zigby stuff is cheap just tricky to set

Up really Zig hold on I’m G look this up zigg Be temperature interesting and it doesn’t need like a hub or anything like you know how like um Nest stu oh it does it does need a hub h has to have something to talk to right because it’s ziggie it’s not like connected to Wi-Fi uh I should be up there ready to

Move this over I think we’re at that stage Z I think the goal is for it to be low power low power but still decent Wireless transmission how did I miss another call so they can just sit there for a year and it does not die that’s that’s a

That’s pretty impressive I the um I have a thermostat like that for um like setting up the heat back here so if I want to turn the heat on that’s connect that’s a zigg thing um and I have some light bulbs that are like that I didn’t maybe it was you know

What it could have been it could have been that I couldn’t get it at Home Depot or I didn’t find it at Home Depot or Lowe’s when I went uh because it was one of those things where it’s like I want this now and I don’t want to have to wait for

It so I probably could have ordered it but I wanted it at that moment in time cuz the the place in Beacon the I don’t know what is up but the humidity upstairs some days it gets to like 80% humidity now I don’t have central air

There it’s not like the place in Buffalo but it’s wild how hot it gets even with this even with the split AC going sometimes it like gets really humid I got the ziy ones CU I link them to turn humidifiers on and off oh humidifiers not dehumidifiers is it

Drier in general where you are the Hudson Valley I think from what I’m learning is a lot more humid so we’re we have a dehumidifier gets dry in the winter yeah okay that’s that makes sense really humid in the summer so do you have central air or do you use a

Dehumidifier in the summer do I want to do that manually or do I just want to wait wait I feel like I should just let it go then we got to prep those twoo oh you have central air okay so it’s not so bad for you that’s the so

Like I know split AC’s are kind of like a newer thing and they are they’re great but I really just don’t feel like they do a good job with getting the humidity out of a place um either or they messed up the installation of them I’m going to

Actually when I go back there it’s it’ll be like our year mark of having them and the company does like a yearly checkup or whatever so I’m going to have them double check and be like yo even when they’re running it’s like not getting any less humid I’ll have it at like just

To try it out and test it 68 degrees on this thing and it can still get up to like 78% humidity even with this AC running it’s bizarre to me I just got tired of waking up in the middle of the night in Winter feeling

Like I’m living in a dehydrator I I 100% understand that we uh in Buffalo that’s how it is and we got a hum um we actually got a humidifier installed onto the HVAC system so it pushes like when the HVAC is running it actually pushes um into the house here cuz in

Buffalo it is yes I I understand the pain of that it’s really bad in Buffalo too in the winter it gets so freaking cold and so dry um don’t need something like that in the Hudson Valley we have like a small one in the bedroom that will turn on

Some days but it’s not nearly as bad as it is in Buffalo okay so we want to do this the right way so I guess we’ll just get rid of the pistons and then anything else is not as ridiculous then but I uh I totally totally get winter humidifier definitely

Necessary um Vic gets headaches a lot from that in the winter because it gets so dry sometimes even if we try and pump pump up the humidifier it’s sometimes not enough and she’ll wake up with a headache just from being so dehydrated I’ve got three in different corners of

The house they just go around and that I just go around and fill every day in the winter it’s wild man some people I feel like are much more Sub Sub sub susceptible there’s no be there susceptible to that than other people though she is very much so susceptible

To the dry winter issues yeah in the winter sometimes they just run 247 I find it’s more of a necessity at night for me um I don’t really have an issue during the day that I’ve noticed but when I’m trying to sleep at night that’s when it becomes an issue

Like I’ll wake up gagging because my mouth is so dry sometimes at night I guess because I can like drink stuff during the day so I can offset it more or so than you can at night mhm mostly waking up immediately being like ow I am like a partial mouth breather so

For me like it it causes Dental issues during the winter um like really badly because it just dries out my gums and stuff and it’s like kind of it’s it’s gross man it gets super gross okay so that’s good so I need to build the next two

Sections and I need to tear that down so let’s do this we’ll do uh piston Observer here here here here this goes away that becomes the Piston then the Observer goes there and Boop and then we need T block there Redstone Redstone Redstone and four tick one two three

Four we do this side boop boop boop boop boop boop we put our wall here we put our Observer here we put one two three four one two three whoops one two I guess technically it’s that but whatever and then great and that is that and then we’ll just test it real

Quick make sure we’re good boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop down she goes beautiful I should level this Outop Boop and oh no I am one shy it’s kind of weird opening up a shulker box underwater the idea of like all of my stuff getting wet occurred to me then for a second I’m like I’m going to put this in the water then I’m going to open

It and then I’m going to get wet sand I want I now I now want a block called wet sand I don’t know what that block would look like but I want a wet sand block okay so that one’s good we’ll preo this one as well and toot build out over here

And wall goes here piston goes there and these are pretty much ingrained in my head how to make these now I’ll do this one two three four Redstone Redstone Redstone Target block goes there just keep thinking of sand castle don’t know trying to think what you could do with

What sand just keep thinking of sand castles it would be like cobwebs only cobwebs it would be like cobwebs you could throw something it’ be like quicksand you could sink into it like powdered snow the texture would be similar to Mud but a lighter colored mud if you move if you move you

Sink oh if you sprint you sink you could no no if you crouch you’re fine if you crouch you could cross it anything besides crouching and you sink that would be really cool that would actually be a pretty cool mechanic quick sand see wet sand it has its

Place okay what did I do oh wait right I gotta do another one oh and I forgot the Redstone up here I got the red yeah we tested that one we’re good there I gotta to be a fly on the wall of the ideas room in Minecraft like when

They’re coming up with new things would be a blessing I would just love to see it that actually sounds like something they could add that would fit oh totally totally if they end up like I know the speculation is high because of uh Nom’s accidental um screenshot that he posted

That I don’t think is true but everybody’s kind of like hoping that the desert is like the next upgrade kind of like the swamp to Mangrove thing that just happened um but that would be something that would be really interesting if they did do a desert upgrade I would love to

See uh don’t know how hard that would be to implement my fingers have I feel like if they were able to do powdered snow it shouldn’t be really any more difficult than powdered snow right it’s like the same thing only with just a little bit added mechanic to it like the snow

Knows when well the snow doesn’t know this but like the way it works is the best way I could explain is the snow knows when you’re wearing leather boots so it knows not to snc you it should also know when you’re not crouching I mean the game game knows

When you’re crouching or not so it should just be able to apply it to whatever block you’re on I would assume you have to make a lot of assumptions when it comes to like what can and can’t be done in Minecraft um it was just funny listening

To the spawn chunks podcast on my way home yesterday and they were talking a little bit about like the whole villager thing and how the root of the problem is kind of enchanting being not great and they’re like you know they could update enchanting similar to how they updated um

The what did they update the stuff for like doing the trims what the heck is that block called the smithing table how they upgraded that they could do a similar kind of thing to the enchanter where you have three slots and the third slot is like

Something in the wild that you have to put in there to increase the chance of getting a specific enchantment who knows how difficult or hard it is but in your mind it’s like oh that must be easy because they just adjusted smithing tables like that um and magma already Burns you when

You aren’t Crouch just combine the two things right so the me the game mechanic of knowing when you’re standing on something that’s crouched definitely already exists okay so that’s prepped this is preed that’s leveled that’s leveled okay so we’re going to tear down this arm and make two other

Arms I want this bed first because I’d like to make sure that is in position to sleep at sleepy time that goes there and now we take this down make people hate deserts as much as they do biomes with powdered snow it’d be great do people really hate biomes with powdered

Snow I I honestly have never had an issue with powdered snow powdered snow uh I mean I don’t know if it’s just because the mechanic of it helped me do my crazy barter Farm design but I don’t know I don’t mind powdered snow I think they’re so uncommon it doesn’t bother

People yeah it’s not really like that yeah that’s true it’s not really that common I feel like um patches of quicksand would be just as rare as powdered snow it’ just be annoying anytime you run into it and you end up like under a bunch of blocks and keep falling into

It I guess that is the only thing that’s kind of like how would it work because would would wet snow be wet snow would wet sand be affected by gravity the same way sand is and if so could you dup it like you can with any gravity

Duper there’s questions so it got up to 75 back here and just felt the AC kick on so I guess it was like hotter about 3 degrees hotter than what my comfort limit is so I’m going to turn up the AC I think I do feel like I am getting a slight cold

Unfortunately I may have to run out and get some zcam my nose has felt a little bit stuffier and and I don’t know what this cough is that has occurred oh man can’t get sick got to got to get through that commercial shoot need that money okay let’s pick all this up and

Then we’ll build the next two arms and then we’ll finish talk we’ll finish that okay so we’ll build the two arms and we’ll finish that last sand column and then I’ll probably call it after that smokey never showed up to come and uh try and get the other armor

Trim we’re still shy one armor trim that’s a bummer maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow oh okay I like that I’m like right on the edge of that Guardian Farm like working while I’m working over here I should turn this on see if I’m missing anything those are fish I get all the

Stuff I think so great okay um I did not not pre these nuggets so let’s figure out the dimensions where is this going this is 752 so we got to find human 52 what okay well since I didn’t make that we’re going to get the other number 752 and 764 52 and 6

4 52 here here 50 two and 60 4 boom okay so those are the arms one two three four five six seven 8 nine 10 now have I gone too far I really can’t tell I don’t think so and Boop it is really getting laggy I really hope that when this whole

Thing is dug out it’s not like super laggy I don’t really know why a perimeter would make things laggier it’s less stuff one two three four five six seven there and Boop and Z one two three four that right test perfect okay next one I think this puts us at halfway done on

This side one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one more 11 C no oh I got it piston push limit I wonder if they’ll ever give us anything to extend that probably not I think that’s one of those limitations that’s good to keep in the game I do

Really really wish they would give us something to create a wind or something to add more motion I’m like on the verge of wanting to start um a modded series with um with the create mod I keep watching the create mod stuff from like new life and Tango did that create mod

Series and I’m like I really kind of want it I want to try it I’m pushing myself not to I’d be surprised if they increase the Piston push limit yeah yeah they don’t really need to it’s such a specific use case kind of thing but I would I want something like create

Mod even if it’s just like one little aspect to give myself the ability to make like a windmill or something would be so freaking cool cre mod is kind of cool more interesting than a lot of bigger mods yes cre mod like there’s there it brings an element

Of life to the game that the game is missing having stuff move moving around adding all that extra movement is so interesting to me more creative than just adding blocks that make redstone useless yeah it’s still it’s still kind of really oh that’s bad oh I did it fast enough it

Still kind of like interacts with red stone it it feels like an acceptable addition to what’s already there in the game and I think that’s why I like it the only like thing holding me back that I don’t like about it is is it does change a bit of the World

Generation stuff there are there are things that you need in the world to actually use create mod um it’s not like I could just add it to this server and I’d be able to use it and I think that’s what slightly is holding me back from

It there’s just like I what it was it was like zinc or some there was some weird elements that you needed to be able to obtain by mining in order to do a lot of the stuff in the create mod yeah add some new ores yes that’s

The only thing that I’m like do I want an experience where the the that kind of stuff has changed I rather World Generation and all that stay the same and this you know it be something that’s more just on top of what currently exists I guess one day I’ll download it and play

It maybe uh on like a stream thing just to see how it is but I don’t want it to take away from like everything else that I’m doing also soon we’ll be going back to finish up some of the block breaking stuff I never got to finish some stuff happened

Over there that I was just waiting for that to come back online which I’m hearing in the next week or two it might and I might be able to finish up that series I’d like to finish up that series before I move on to anything else I have

Like two more episodes I want to do and I’m hoping that I can do them soon when that server goes back online Boop but then again there is another series I might be starting with a group of people so who knows who knows what’s going to happen did I break this and not

Place it or did I just not even do this one I don’t think I even did this one um Target block goes here also like I have an entire series of that Sky Block that I edited filmed never posted part of me wants to finish that

Up too I don’t know why like I do all of the work but I just never actually put it out it’s very I don’t know I get I get hung up on on actually publishing some of that stuff fish sand I’m going to leave the sand alone leave the sand alone one

Two and that goes there one two goes there and then we need repeater and dust repeater dust and repeater dust oh jeez I missed I missed the jump Z repeater dust okay so let’s just good good amazing great check the other ones and good I don’t know what I want to do

For dinner I have there’s these there’s these pre-cooked meals that I get um depending on what’s going on in life called cook unities and I got a cook Unity for this week but I’m only in Buffalo for a little bit of time and I kind of want this Indian restaurant that

I haven’t had in a while so I don’t know if I should have the cook Unity or I should just order this Indian food it’s a very difficult situation so is all of this uh extra Cobblestone I’m picking up this is going to be you use cook Unity for a while oh my

Gosh I love cookunity um they actually have like a solid vegetarian menu I I went back to just using hellofresh again I I use both well I should say me and me and Vic use well she doesn’t use cook Unity I use the cook Unity but we both together

Use the the hellofresh I have no idea where this is I’m going to do this this and we’re going to do I need to see where this turn is okay so it’s so this is the line so we’re going to curve this and go right along this way so that’s going to

Have to go all the way over here and then we’ll snake this one I think I’m going to start this one filling in from this side and bringing it out as we go now that I have like a thing for this um I like them for the most part it

Really dependent on the meal though I’d get some really good meals and then I’d get some i’ just have to throw away I uh I never thrown one away um so I guess that’s a good thing so far um there’s there’s enough variety and what’s really weird uh that I didn’t

Know is like depending Morgan hi uh we we’re talking about cook Unity um I do cook unity and hellofresh um and I had to spend too much time curating what I wanted I think because I am more you know I have the vegetarian stuff it’s not a super like

Large option list for me but what is weird is if I’m in Buffalo sometimes I get different food options than when I’m down in New York City like I place down in New York City there is actually more selection of food I got youa I’ve done cookunity and

Hellofresh I think cook Unity depends on where you live yes exactly that’s what I yes it’s very strange depending on where I am I get different meals so I have like when I’m down in the city I have my favorite ones down there that I get a

Lot and then when I’m in Buffalo I have my favorites uh so I have those marked in like that favorites list I just bounce back and forth but the thing that I really like about it is compared to like those other pre-made meals I find them actually filling which is the

Struggle with a lot of the uh the ones that I get like at a grocery store they never fill me up and they always taste like super salty and high and garbage basically it’s uh it was a challenge to find them I was trying I had looked at

Um whatever the other one is that like impulse uses um didn’t they didn’t deliver in uh in a manner that was useful to my lifestyle Factor yes their delivery was like in the middle of the week and I kind of needed it to arrive on the weekends I

Live close to New York City so the options are really good but my mom lives like an hour south and the options weren’t as good yeah it it’s very weird that it’s depending on where you live but I guess it makes sense because it’s they’re hiring like local chefs to cook

It so you’re getting what can be made in that area which makes it more fresh which is what’s great about it a yeah portion size did tend to be pretty good with cook Unity yeah Factory I use them for a while too encrypted did Factor yeah the portion sizes are amazing with

The cook Unity stuff like I generally just have them for lunch lunches are lunches are cook unity and then um dinners me and me and my wife make the hello freshes for dinners that’s kind of like the balance there Factor was really consistent which was nice but

Boring see if you don’t have like a really good variety of food I think that hurts it um hellofresh we we often now just take the recipes go to Wegman’s and just buy the stuff ourselves to do the hellofresh um because they they seem to go through like waves of using the same

Kind of menus and stuff um so it just it just makes sense to go get it ourselves I only had one meal with factor I really didn’t like well that’s good at least the quality was good it’s just knowing that it’s boring you do that too with

The helloof freshes I I love it it’s great there’s like every once in a while one will come that there’s like a sauce or some sort of spice that I just can’t seem to replicate um but for the most part they’re on on point and you could get

All the stuff for him uh which was this weird I only had oneir factor I didn’t like which was this weird Thanksgiving thing wait hold on did you actually order factor for Thanksgiving or it was just a weird Thanksgiving type dish because that’s the key yeah I will

Add yes I will add some typical hell fresh food to my Wegman’s trip list especially when I have left over ingredients but not enough to make a whole another meal we we save a lot of um the little packets of spices and stuff that they they come with because

You often don’t use the whole thing that’s very true just a weird Thanksgiving themed dish around Thanksgiving I see I’ve never noticed like okay I’m going to lose that I need to pick that up I’m having anxiety about that Shuler box um I never noticed if there there was like holiday

Themed stuff with hellofresh we’ve been doing hellofresh for like 5 years um Thanksgiving food is the worst in general to be honest I’m trying to think there there is uh there’s limitations on my diet so I would tend to agree with that um my my wife’s my mother-in-law makes uh the

Same meal every year for Thanksgiving and it’s like these cheesy potato things they love it and it’s like the only thing out of all of the stuff they make that I can eat and it’s just horrendous to me and I have never been able to find like something that I could make myself

That is good enough that they’ll eat too so so I would agree with Thanksgiving not being great for the uh the food situation Christmas on the other hand a lot of Christmas Foods I like I usually like Thanksgiving food for the most part I just don’t like Sage that much which

Is what I think they overload with you don’t like Sage okay so here’s a question encrypted have you ever had like you might not have because you don’t like Sage but a brown butter and Sage sauce I’m not a big Sage fan myself but in a brown

Butter and Sage sauce like a good pasta dish done just right holy crap is that an amazing sauce blend you like it in moderation I think yeah that’s fair and I think that’s in that kind of like pasta sauce done like that it usually I feel like is done

Fairly moderately brown butter and Sage with peino Romano so good yes absolutely uh there’s this restaurant in the Hudson Valley um called Catherine’s and every fall they do like a ravioli stuffed with butternut squash and the sauce is of brown butter and Sage sauce oh yes oh my

God it’s so good uh don’t know if I ever had what you’re talking about though brown butter and Sage sauce you’re you’re you’re missing out on one of the best sauces that um okay so I think we have two hopscotched ahead I guess I should work

On the third one then it’s so good it is one of my favorite meals but they are like the restaurant is super farm to table so you could only get it during like the fall months en crypted do you like squash or mushroom it’s really good with

Both if you’re ever in the Hudson Valley check out this restaurant in Cold Spring called Catherine literally the best Italian food I’ve ever had um okay I need Target blocks back here and then Redstone this is still falling from the sky okay cool both can be hit or miss mushrooms I

Agree I agree mushrooms can be tricky not everybody likes mushrooms we uh I am a mushroom fan Beacon is in the Hudson Valley right yeah Beacon is in the Hudson Valley um it’s like I don’t know an hour and a half north of the city I go into the

City um for work a lot from there and the train ride is really not that bad so I I bounce back and forth on the Hudson line to get into work on film stuff down there or Jersey do you know where Patterson is in New

Jersey oh my God the number of movies I had to work on in Patterson last year and it’s not the my best friend lives right outside of Patterson not to knock it but it’s not the nicest place to work let’s just put it that way um it’s it’s uh Patterson is

Not a good place oh my gosh I did not like having to drive out to Patterson it’s not bad it’s only like a 35 minute 40 minute drive from where I am in Beacon but it is so so sketchy coming out of there at night cuz we would do

Like overnight shoots and you’re leaving at like 3 4 in the morning and it’s like I don’t want to be here right now this is scary I so I have a weird existence because of my industry I live in Beacon and buffalo so I travel back and forth

Primarily I live in Beacon and work in Beacon on movies that are in the city or Patterson or every Matt and Emily Clifton do they work in movies I don’t Emily I know a Matt I know a Matt Atwood and he has a girlfriend named Emily I don’t remember

Her last name though so hold on you’re freaking me out here I’m gonna check my call she because if it’s them then that’s really weird um companion call she they’re married though okay then it’s not them um Emily Clifton let me check my call sheet from this other movie

No no I have not run into them then they mainly do documentary editing oh okay yeah I only work on narrative movies so that’s kind of like my primary thing I do lighting so I um I basically I set up all the lights that the director of photography wants me to set

Up that is my thing I’m a I’m a gaffer I don’t I don’t know if that term um if you’ve heard that term before um but that’s that’s kind of what I do um but generally in Buffalo New York City Beacon that is where I am um surprisingly like right before the

Pandemic there were a lot of movies being filmed in buffal Buffalo um like weirdly enough quiet place 2 was filmed in Buffalo um and I was the gaffer on the last Paranormal Activity movie Next of Kin uh so that’s kind of my jam I worked on

Um what should big going oh dumb money dumb money coming out I got to work on that movie did a lighting for that that filmed a lot in New Jersey surprisingly um but that’s that’s kind of like why I don’t get to stream too often CU When uh

When those are going on I have to disappear because I’m working like you know 14 15 hour days the they get crazy but as you probably know there is a uh there is a strike going on right now so currently I’m really not allowed to work

On anything um all of the SAG actors are on strike the last movie I was doing in the Hudson Valley the actors walked when the strike happened and we shut down that was unfortunately the last thing I got to work on it’s uh it’s been a really weird time in the industry right

Now so we are chilling and I am occupying my time back to streaming until hopefully hopefully things start back up again soon it’s a very very obnoxious thing luckily there’s still commercial work going on that kind of fills up the time in between but those aren’t commercials

Are like I don’t know you do three days here two days there but you’re not like gone for an entire month working on it as much as you are on a movie okay so that one’s set I should test that real quick make sure this is good to go okay and

One okay what did I screw up oh I need a second one two Boop push there we go and down Boop push down Boop push excellent perfect yeah that’s rough my friends are food bloggers whose day jobs are in film but they have been doing much more blogging again recently

Because of the strikes and everything with the film industry as far as I can tell yeah it’s it’s crazy like there was still stuff going on when the writers were on strike um a lot of companies had like purchased the scripts before the writer strike happened but it was

Definitely slower than it had been last year but once once sag went on strike that pretty much killed everything um but for anybody who does like blogging or streaming on the side I definitely think this is a good time to focus on that until we can all get back

To work it’s uh it’s unfortunate but it’s fine it’s fine um okay so that one’s good let’s get up here and then I got to tear down that section of sand so that’s good that’s good that’s good oh this is going to take forever this is way G to take

Forever I guess I should just start filling in some myself here I’m uh I’m clearing this ocean because eventually I want to do like a uh perimeter around this uh ocean Monument Farm I’ve got going on here Guardian Farm but it’s uh it’s a slow process it is a bit of a SLO

I got to clear out the water with some like flying water sweeping machines but in order to do that I have to have like a trench on either side so I’m duping sand in the end and conveyor belting it basically from the end over here it’s actually pretty

Wild I have my camera count on in the end so it’s being duped with your typical gravity duper and then conveyor belting all the way up through into the portal and then over here it’s getting deposited and then I have this crazy contraption that brings it up from here and moves it

Over it’ll be really cool when it’s done that’s my hope I don’t know how you figure this kind of stuff out this would take my whole life uh honestly it it it’s it’s a pain but I I have people like encrypted and other people who have stopped by and just kind

Of like helped with strange parts of these different things that I do like I’ll I’ll have a basic idea for how to do the contraption but then I’ll get like hung up on one little bit of it and like usually encrypted or my other friend murp will come by and be like

Well what if you tried this and that’ll be like the last little key part that I need to actually make the whole system work chat is how that happens uh I got to get rid of this Cobblestone this Cobblestone I don’t need anymore because I’m getting more as I tear it all

Down I do I like doing a lot of the Redstone Farm stuff so I have like an entire industrial island of all the different Farms slowly but surely getting filled up but I also have like I also do creative build stuff I haven’t done a creative build on

Stream in a while but I’ve got my little starter base area over here if you could call it that my little Windmill and my villager trading which I actually kind of need to use to repair my wings think I should have some emeralds stocked up beautiful hello give me experience bottles thank

You is that enough more do you have more sir you do amazing okay I should also repair my shovel actually that’s starting to get low wow the shovel did not really repair that much do you have more no okay how about you with carrots I’ll just trade with you and that’ll give me

Some okay that did better that did better he’s not going to reup for another couple minutes so I’m not going to worry about that uh oh I am also very much so almost out of rockets uh Rockets Rockets Rockets Rockets grab those grab that and that should be

Good and I got to put those emeralds back or I forgot z z okay let’s go Place some more sand over here what time is it okay I’m good for a little bit longer Vic should be done working around 4:30 and I kind of feel like I just want

To start at this end and work my way backwards because I kind of want to catch up to myself I guess this is why I got to turn gamma on otherwise nobody could see anything under the water um so let’s fill up I should have brought some potions for underwater breathing

Actually we’re going to go from this end I’m pretty sure this is where the corner of the perimeter was right here so we’ll go from there and oh I didn’t leave enough room to put my shovel back in my inventory oh well oh well and this is what we’re going to do

For the rest of the stream placing sand so fun I think tomorrow I need to switch tasks a little bit because this is uh what is this the fifth day doing this or I guess tomorrow would be the fifth day cuz I started working on this

Last week I might start working on that terraforming project switches up a little bit and just do this off stream and here because this is going to take forever and last one here or maybe I should try and go get that uh what is it silence is the only armor trim I’m

Missing might want to try go and get that too for fun if Smokey doesn’t come around gonna try to use axium for terraforming yes yes I am um I would I would do it in Creative I already loaded up um the section of terrain that I want to adjust I did some

Base adjustments to it using voxal sniper and I’m liking where it’s coming along too um but but I feel like voxel sniper only got me part of the way there there’s some terrain smoothing that just I don’t know it it isn’t working out good with voxel

Sniper I can kind of show you let’s fly over there real quick Z there’s I’m so I don’t know if I ever showed you the map of this world that we’re all on but basically there is this giant continent in the middle that a lot of people have built on and I want the only problem with the continent is like

The mountains are me so this area right here is what I’ve been working on and I think we could we’ll switch out of this and load up uh creative so it’s kind of cool but they’re very um mediocre so if we jump into my creative server real quick I’ll show you how I’ve

Been expanding them Axiom seems so cool it’s insane I absolutely love what they’re doing so I pulled the landscape over from the server and started tweaking it and messing with it over here and you could see like I’ve got much more of height especially on this mountain

And I’ve kind of worked on some gradients and stuff on this side so this compared to this you could see this is so much more puny but there’s still like a little bit of more work that needs to get done um also I’ve been reshaping kind of the land mass around here this

Is way too watery for what I want compared to the creative server so I think I want to get Axiom on the creative server and do a little bit more work cuz I think I could get a little bit more height out of this mountain

Here um and then I I’m going to start working on probably the base Tower forming tomorrow cleaning up a lot of this River Gunk I think would be the first thing I need to do and that that actually encrypted is why I made um and designed that dirt farm that was in preparation

For doing that area over there cuz that area is going to be I want to do like a nicer City thing um not just like the couple buildings I have for my starter base I really want something more massive and I feel like amping that up

Will be really nice haven’t tried it on a server does it actually work on the server um I think because I’m in Creative it should um it’s not something I would install server side though I would just install a client side if it doesn’t I’ll just download it and just play in single

Player it’s easy enough for me to bounce back and forth between a single player version of that creative world uh and then just re-upload it to the server side when it’s done um but I don’t actually know I just kind of assumed as long as I install it properly it should work I’m

Assuming you have to install it server side Uh I don’t know I don’t think so maybe maybe it if I do have to install something server side I don’t think it will work cuz I doubt it’s set up for that it’s really for single player so I’ll probably just download probably just download that

World um and just mess with it there or I’ll just download those couple chunks CU I have that specific chunk area saved what I ended up doing to actually bring that over to the creative server is I loaded up uh in single player a new this

Is annoying me um a fresh version of this seed and then I went to those chunks copied those chunks over um using MCA selector and then put those chunks directly on the creative server so those aren’t like pasted with light matica those are literally the same chunks

Pulled from the raw version of this world um kind of like trying to play with world edit client side only or something not sure though I guess like because you’re not not installing it on a server when you’re playing it single player I guess it depends on how it works single

Player if it just if it goes into a mods folder in single player that is similar to that of what happens on a multiplayer server then maybe single player you have a logical server okay so it probably won’t work server side then that would be that would be too

Much of a stretch did I make this too wide what is going on here one two three four five six or did I make this too skinny one two 3 four five I made this to skinny I made these two skinny interesting single player you have aot it’s weird it does that is

Weird so I don’t know I’m I could try it I’ll try it and if it works tomorrow maybe uh tomorrow I’m going to be streaming earlier by the way I have to go get my car inspected at 3:00 in the afternoon so I’m going to try and do an

Earlier stream but if I could get it to work I’ll definitely be playing with axom on stream tomorrow um there’s some differences between actual server side and logical server side in single player but there’s still a server side component I’ll try in both I need to do that I’m like six months

Overdue I wow okay that that’s intense uh I have never been more than one month overdue on my inspection oh jeez and the only reason I I it went overdue is because the film that I was working on ended up getting extended for an extra week so I couldn’t

Get back to get it actually inspected in time like it was a physical impossibility but uh that’s that’s pretty intense eight months I’d be I’d be freaking out I’d be like having a nervous breakdown I think my wife would be yelling at me there would be she wouldn’t let that happen

She’d be worried that I’d get dragged off to jail or something if I left it for that long gosh that’s uh that’s something I see I really just to keep me I okay to be fair no it’s it is my she probably doesn’t doesn’t even realize that mine’s up

Right now but if if she did I’d hear from it it is it is my own uh anxiety that’s causing it to happen but I I definitely do get yelled at a lot if I come to a rolling stop at a stop sign H okay let’s clear this out of the

Way okay oh my gosh eight months jeez that’s intense even encrypted is uh disgusted now I just need to fix something before I go oh yeah I’ve never I yeah that is understandable a little bit more I um never had to get something fixed in order for it to pass

Inspection in that kind of situation I could see why it would be more uh difficult to get that done if you have to get it fixed and especially if it’s something that’s kind of pricey that that could get tricky I don’t have to have anything inspected because you don’t have a

Car you because you just work from home you don’t actually have a car okay that’s empty oh jeez that uh that would that would make sense then used to have to used to have to go have a missions tested but they got rid of that in a couple years no they just

Don’t do inspections here wait I’m sorry they don’t do car inspections where you live that’s not like a required thing for like insurance or whatever that’s wild that’s I I didn’t know that there was anywhere in the country that you could like not have inspections just have to renew my tags

Online I mean that’s awesome I guess I’d be I mean if you’re still taking it in for like an oil change and stuff and having it at least checked up I guess like what then you’re fine um I don’t mind having it inspected there’s a weird

Piece of mind that goes with it for me like okay I’m not going to die and my vehicle is not a death trap so great um I feel like I’d be a little bit nervous honestly if I never had it just checked for like those basic things but I mean that’s

Crazy that is crazy I would I I can’t believe insurance doesn’t have like something to say about that because it’s it’s kind of an insurance issue if you’re not having it checked up do maybe insurance is like super high in your uh in your state I don’t know I went through a DUI

Check the other day and they didn’t even say anything about my inspection being expired that’s crazy well I guess they had other people that they were more interested in bagging think more states don’t require safety inspections and do hold on really I’m looking that up what only 15 states have annual safety

Inspections man I’m getting screw we in New York Jesus Christ New Jersey is just emissions oh man I did not realize that I thought that this was like New York oh New York sometimes okay well then I guess yes I am in the minority that’s wild used to be safety

But it became a missions only a bit back so they actually got rid of the safety part of it they’re like ah it’s fine we don’t we don’t really care about the safety of the car just stop polluting doesn’t matter if you get in a car accident your brakes fail just you

Know let’s just stop polluting the environment which I’m not saying that’s a bad thing but still and you got rid of emissions that’s okay well hey whatever I uh less to spend your money on so good I is I guess I’m assuming New York state inspection like

Part of that is an admissions check then I don’t even know to be completely honest I have no idea what they even check for when they’re doing the inspection I think they did some kind of long-term study they submitted to the EPA that emissions testing wasn’t helping or something and it was approved

There oh very interesting so they got around it think in Nashville you might still have to do testing though it’s it’s it’s down to like City specific huh more of a quality of life reasons though than environmental reasons yeah I guess if it’s like a smog concern that would make

Sense like you you don’t want that just did you where you were encrypted have any of the smoke from the Canadian wildfires this year I forget if we talked about that but when I was like closer I was in Syracuse on a movie pretty close to the

Border with Canada on some of the really bad days I never experienced smog before but if it’s anything like what was happening with those fires oh my God it was apocalyptic it was terrible here yeah you you’re in New Jersey so you were getting it on the days where it was

Really bad in the city then it was insane didn’t lower the cost of renewing my tags though they just up the cost of me getting my tags renewed by the amount having a missions test cost okay so you’re not gaining anything did I throw out my torches I put them in the

Suar box not that I noticed but I don’t go outside oh no oh my gosh um yeah I’m right across the bay from New York city so I’m on okay so I have kind of like a an apartment in Brooklyn over in like the I don’t know if you know Brooklyn but um

Uh Prospect Park area kind of my Crash Pad when I’m working down there so that I have somewhere to stay uh it was disgusting down there too just going from Syracuse and then going down to New York City and not being able to escape that level of smoke was so

Unsettling uh it got to the point on one of the days we were shooting up in Syracuse where half the crew actually refused to come in because they were so worried about how dangerous it was to be working outside in those conditions I just gain being I just I just

Being able about to I’m in whoa either I’m having a stroke or I can’t read that I just being able to do entirely online and not having to drive across town the emission testing center so still a win I kind of understood what you’re trying to say there yeah it was

Not good to be outside during all that they were saying equivalent to smoking a pack to two packs a day I never heard that that’s a that’s interesting to actually like tie it to a smoking equivalency that’s bizarre my fingers typed a random word yeah I uh I tried I tried

And I think I at least understood what you were saying um were you I I don’t know if I asked you this before encrypted were were you remote even before the pandemic have you always been a remote or is that a pandemic side effect cuz like I know for my wife it it

Was a pandemic side effect that’s slowly starting to go away it um pandemic MC side effect okay they’re they’re now so they started with just having to go in two days a month and now they’re starting to like slowly sneak up and be like how about like four to six days a

Month it’s driving her crazy she’s really worried that they’re going to go to the uh like okay let’s do hybrid and you have to come in three days a week and I don’t know what we’re going to do if that happens I worked remote one or

Two days a week before though so you’re was kind of like on that way to being remote that’s that’s not bad then I worked remote preo and it was like a super cool job perk now everyone’s remote and I no longer feel special it’s uh it’s it’s good to know

That there are still plenty of people who haven’t gone back yet I just see the slow March towards it that some of these companies are making like zoom zoom employees now having to go back in oh I feel so bad it’s so ridiculous so far there seem they there seem to be not

Talking of making us go back to the office I think it is interesting what companies are and aren’t and what jobs are and aren’t I don’t really see a good reason why she has to go back into the office it’s very weird that they’re trying to push them to that I think

They’re getting rid of the office space I used to sit at so so same thing happened in her place they got rid of one of the main locations where a lot of people were um but like right before the pandemic they like signed a crazy lease with oh it’s

Very much so night time with a company um that has like one of the skyscrapers in downtown Buffalo so I think they don’t want to like completely have remote work they want some where for people to go away go into especially with that lease just being up kind of

Similar um with my office it’s it’s very interesting I’ll be curious to see if you’re still remote in like a year or two from now and how that goes I I hope everybody who is able to be remote can stay remote my job not really possible to do the remote thing

Though you you kind of have to work on set uh a year or two before they moved to the current office and the aggregated all the various Nashville Offices here that’s basically what they did they got rid of a bunch of smaller places where they had like different

Tech people working and moved them all into this place called one senica which is like our main uh we we have one skyscraper in Buffalo uh and that’s it and they put everybody down there and like one other building um luckily the way they’re doing things right now though is it’s

Like she only has to be back in Buffalo maybe one week out of the month two at the most so when I’m working down in the city she’s still able to come down to like Beacon with me or the city with me which is nice my office used to be like

A mile from my house now it’s like 30 minute drive everything in Buffalo is 20 minutes away so the distance factor is uh negligible here okay I think that’s the last row I can do I think I’m going to call it there we’ve caught up

To where we were and I think we filled this it’s not too bad of a drive though because it’s not actually in Nashville it’s in the same area of Nashville is it like mostly you just get there by taking the throughway or is it a lot of like actual Street

Traffic I am going to have to take this wall down but I think I’m going to wait until the Contraptions are built out of safety yeah okay yeah it’s 4:30 she should be done working soon so I am going to head off now and I will be back a bit earlier

Tomorrow and I think we’re going to try playing with tomorrow and do a little bit of um terraforming see if I could get that over there working and maybe start working on it on the server there’s no interstate I can take to get there that’s annoying there’s at least like a

Throughway to get to and from downtown here um we like we live at like this weird intersection of three different throughways so it’s like we can get anywhere by just jumping on a throughway uh have to take back roads yeah that that would be annoying we’re

At least easy as as far as commuting anywhere goes but anyway I will catch you guys later uh tomorrow and then off the rest of the week for this commercial that I’m doing Wednesday Thursday Friday it’s like a NFL Visa commercial with the Buffalo um bills but yeah see you guys

Later bye for now

This video, titled ‘Nardcraft Season 2 | DAY 101 – There is sand everywhere!! – Minecraft Stream VOD’, was uploaded by NardONEvods on 2024-01-04 17:45:02. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:06 or 12906 seconds.

There is sand everywhere, and the ocean must disappear! Full stream from day 101 on Season 2 of the Nardcraft Minecraft server!

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#Minecraft #letsplay #minecraftsurvival #vod #livestream #Building #TheNardONE #smp #minecraftletsplay #redstone #survival #automation #minecraftletsplayseries

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  • G-Block Survival

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  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

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  • CivEarth v5

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  • Minecraft Memes – Freakager Strikes Back: I Needed Those!

    Looks like someone’s inventory just got freakaged! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

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  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

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  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

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  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

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  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

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  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

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    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More