SHOCKING! Jamesy’s Dad VS Catnap – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Minecraft

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Today we’re doing a roller coaster Bill challenge our roller coaster is going to look so amazing but guys what my friends don’t know is that I’m cheating using SL SL paste look how amazing this roller coaster is and I’m going to upgrade it to make it even better but let me get

Rid of it before my friends see but Jam we only have 20 minutes to complete our build okay we have to start immediately let’s go let’s go let’s go this is my side greasy did you know there’s a $11,000 PR so get back to your side this

Is mine you said what oh my gosh yeah guys there’s a massive prize on this Build Challenge so I need to make sure my build is amazing this is an amazing start to my base but as you can probably see it’s missing the rails so you know

What I’m going to have to add a ton of rails to this feed box to make sure that it’s actually okay so this is going to take a little while let me start on that right now so the theme is roller coaster that should be easy enough let’s start

Down here this is going to be the crazy pink gaster but obviously in order to get in they need a ticket I’m not just going to let them in for free let’s put some iron doors up that can only be opened from the inside and then I’ll have a window

Right here which is where they can pay me for the tickets I’ll create a little line area like this and tell them that they can buy tickets here and I’ll put all of the tickets inside this dispenser and once they pay me I can hand them over a ticket easily like this after

They pay I’m going to keep all my money inside here but of course Jamesy and Lou are broke how are they going to get money got to give them another way to be able to pay for their tickets I’ll make a way for them to be able to win a

Ticket by playing a mini game this mini game is going to have a little tiny mini roller coaster right over here like this and then it’s going to have a powered rail that goes between the two like this finally on the top there’s going to be a

Zombie who’s going to be sitting inside this mine cart the entire entire time and obviously I’m going to put a roof over his head so that he doesn’t burn all right guys so it’s time for me to start on my roller coaster so I’m going

To make a little spot like this and put some mine CS along it now what I need to do is I need to make it go all the way up to the sky and there we go so I’ve made a little thing going up with redstone like this now I just need to

Add it all in so I’m going to make my roller coaster go all the way up like this and I’m going to make it go crazy with twist and turns look at all these twists okay I’m near done all the rails but now it’s time for the fun bits where

I do the drops like this so going to go down here and then put some rails like this this is going to be a super tall drop and then I then need to go the way up so to go the way up I’m going to use

These fans and trust me guys when I show you this track it’s going to be so amazing so we’re going to put a fan right here so you come on here you’ll get blown all the way up here where I’ll put a roof right there and then you’ll

Get blown this way but you know what before I keep doing all these rails I think it’s time to go mess with my friends it’s been a few minutes for this build challenge but you know what I can waste a ton of their time by Annoying

Them so let’s go see whose build we can prank let’s have a look okay gra is really tiny that might be a bit tricky oh my goodness Lou’s got so much red stone so you know what I think I’m going to go invisible and prank this little

Man look at these rails it goes up in a zigzag why would he do that he’s just making his life hard know I’m going to place all these redstone blocks with red world the reason why I’m doing that is because now none of these rails will even work so basically his whole thing

Is useless and then when he goes over there to fix it I can keep pranking his base look there slime blocks here there’s a thing called a dummy block which if you place it down looks exactly like a slime but guess what it doesn’t

Work no bounce at all so I can go like this and his feed PK will now never work there we go and he’s still hasn’t fixed the Redstone so look I’m going to try and bounce on here ready boing the zero bounce to the slide that’s perfect okay

You know what else I can do I can change these ladders to ghost blocks too so guess what you can’t even climb up them look and perfect wait a second guys did my red stone just turn into red wall what’s going on H something looks a

Little weird here uh I need to check the rest of my build let’s see oh my parkour look okay wait what’s going on here it seems my slime blocks are fine let’s just test that and why are these slime blocks not Bouncy My slime blocks don’t even work

Oh my gosh I have to change them all back to slime this is definitely Jamesy I bet this is Jamesy I think Lou might have found out that his slime doesn’t work but now his laders don’t work either oh my goodness I am just pranking this man into Oblivion

Yeah look wait is he trying to replace the slime blocks oh you know what I think I need to take them back into tumby blocks okay did he notice he totally didn’t even see let we go like this and bounce yeah there’s still zero

Bounce he went to fix it but now that I pranked him I’ll go back to my side and finish off these ramps going up over here first things first I need to replace all of this orange Terra Cotter with redstone blocks and there we go as

You can see this is looking a lot more colorful and better so now let me test is out ready 3 2 1 get in there okay land on here oh yeah Perfection and then we keep going this way a oops Daisy it looks like we were

Missing the end of the track right here let me try that again we go back on here like this blown up push this way perfect we land on right here so let’s put the next fan right there which will blow us up to all the way up to here where I can

Some add some fans that go even further and then over here here I’ll put the rest of these rails right here and taking them all the way up to the top guys this is going to be the most amazing roller coaster ever trust me okay let’s test this out again

And yes there we go we landed right on there come on come on come on on the fan blow across here on the fan blown across oh yes that works so well and then oop so Daisy okay you know what let me continue this track and I’ll come back

When something interesting happens the front I’m going to put a dispenser that holds all of the mine carts like this and then there will even be a button on top of it to activate boom and then that also Powers the power rail beneath it did you guys see that let me show you

Again 3 2 1 go boom see I’m a genius I got two of them done at once and then after that I’ll be using the Redstone to take care of everything else let’s give this a test ride shall we 3 2 1 go easy peasy and then I’m I’m going to

Attempt to make them just a little bit dizzy before our next little mini game in the middle of the coaster can you believe that I want to make sure that they’re a little bit lost that way they’ll be too dumbfounded in order to complete the next challenge cuz the next

Challenge is going to use your brain but I think all the rails are done and now it’s time to upgrade my roller coasters to make it better than there cuz this is not going to be good enough first things first I need to terraform this area to

Make it look way cooler and you know what I’m going to do I’m going to make this into a mountain range so we’re going to go around and we’re going to do this trust me guys I’m going to make this roller coaster the bestest baddest roller coaster you’ve ever

Seen have you ever even seen a mountain Ranger around a roller coaster that’s unheard of revolutionary and then back to here and then we’re going to go around this way once again and make this range even taller amazing okay now that I’ve got this little mountain range done it’s time to

Get some bone meal out and let’s add some grass around the outside we want to make this look super duper pretty so I’m going to add a ton of grass trust me guys this roller coaster is going to be the most amazing one you’ve ever seen and now I think I’ve added some

Grass it’s time to make this roller coaster super deadly cuz right now it just goes up and down but we want to make this super duper deadly so I’m going to add some traps the first thing I think I’m going to add is down here on

This low bit oh I’ve got an idea I can get a dispenser and an activated rail activat rails are really cool cuz they like these except when someone goes on them they get activated so it does it isn’t on right now but when a mine cart

Goes over it it will get activated let me see let’s get a redstone out oh my the wrong one it’s the detector rail my bad detector rail look put M on that and there we go you see how that works what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Bring that Redstone down here like this and then I’m going to get a TP of dispensers like this and then right here I’m going to fill these dispensers with different things so this one here Fire charges and then the one above are going to to be arrows guys this is going to be

So amazing trust me so we’re going to add some repeaters as well so we’re going to get repeater and then we connect this up with redstone like that and then we do some Redstone magic along here so that we put all the dispensers filled with fire charges and then we get

This one which is filled with arrows and boom okay okay so now we need to hook all this Redstone up really simply like this and I think that’s good to go okay now we’re going to test out by getting on this real ourself let’s see 3 2 1 and

Oh my goodness way too fast okay we add way more delay no problem all right let’s try this again ready 3 2 1 and yes oh um the M got destroyed let’s just try doing the top ones maybe it’s just cuz of the heights all right let’s try this

One ready three two one and oh yeah okay that works perfectly we can get rid of all this Redstone back here get on our thing in survival mode with 3 2 1 and ah ah yep okay that worked okay that worked oh my goodness I’m on fire okay guys

That is the first trap that we’re going to do but we’re going to do a ton of those cool little things to make this the best roller coaster ever I made this really long straight roller coaster line which is going to take them to the challenge that I was talking about and

Look at this doesn’t it look so spooky oh my God I’m already scared once they make it through they’re going to be greeted by the sign which is telling them that this is a brain challenge if they get it wrong you inside this game I’m going to put a

Certain combination up onto this wall for maybe H how about 6 seconds there’s going to be six different types of blocks on the wall and they going to have 1 second to memorize each block I’m going to make them go into a huge room like this and I’m going to make it so

That they have to pay for the tickets so I’m going to put down a sign like this saying you need to pay for your ticket since you didn’t you have to fight The Ticket Master and The Ticket Master is going to be Sparky if you guys didn’t

Know Sparky is my pet dog and this is what he looks like yep he’s a pretty feisty guy so before they go in a fight Sparky I’m going to give them a chest full of armor they can use I think instead of trolling Lou I’m the troll

Gra this time her base is still absolutely tiny she’s over there doing some sort of track but look how all this roller coaster is there’s not much to troll but anyway I’m going to get some invisibility there’s no way she’s going win that $1,000 I’m totally going to win

This thing so now I’m invisible I can go in here and prank them how about we replace this zombie right here by killing it with a mob kill Dev viice L and then again our a villager spawn egg like that and boom now this trap is way less deadly there’s literally uh yeah

There’s literally a villager in there um what is in here nothing nothing you know what there’s nothing in there which means we can fill it with some insane armor you never know when you’re going to need some insane armor so I’m going to put that in here to prank graci’s

Build okay you know what she’s over there so finally I’m going to get a detector rail again place that right there boom uh oops a daisy um uh Move Along villager Move Along nothing to see okay now that we’ve got the detector rail right there we can get some red

Stone like this place that right here this is a really big troll guys this is going to be complicated um hopefully Grace doesn’t see me right now she seems to be busy over there so that’s no problem now if we get some redstone on here we put a mine cart on there that

Should yes okay then we put a villager right there boom okay and then I give myself a command block and then what I’m going to do in this command book I’m going to put a really funny command that’s going to say this and with this simple command I think graci is going to

Be completely trolled I don’t know if it’s going to work though some’s going to have to wait and see and then I can just do this and this and extend of wait a second that’s not the zombie that’s that’s a villager and wait what is Lou whispering to me your build sucks you’ll

Never beat me unless you TR me or something that’s terrible no I would Lou say that why is Lou telling me not to listen to him it’s like he wants me to lose definitely going have control him but first of all I need to get Lou to

Stop sending this to me let me go talk to him now oh I need to get rid of this thing where is it l that’s not me I promise what do you mean stop sending me all these messages you keep spamming me I got you the first

Time I’m not typing anything I’m not I promise you’re lying you know what I’m going to explode your entire base unless you tell me exactly what’s happening right now I I I can’t explain it I promise it’s not me though I promise are you sure are you sure do you see what

I’m doing right now do you see what I’m doing what is that oh fix this now I’m tired of this I’m sorry oh I’ll figure out how to get rid of these messages myself you know what now that they’re going to troll each other back and forth It’s my chance

To upgrade my base even further so you know what over here instead of going down here and across here I’m going to make them go through a pool of lava to scare them we make a little glass box like that although um I should probably make the bottom not out of glass cuz

That looks a bit stupid and then we’ll do a little bit of glass like this to protect person in the road roll coaster so we’re going to make this a few layers let me go like this and then we can go across here I think this will be good

Guys if Lou really didn’t do it then oh what am I doing of course Lou is doing it but maybe it wasn’t him I mean Jamesy does like to tr his Louis sometimes so he can trick me I have to figure out whether or not it was James Lou maybe

The only thing I can do is pretend to be someone else and try to get them to confess oh the messages will go but don’t worry guys I’ve morphed myself into a girl and all I have to do is try to get Jamesy or Lou to confess for real this time

Hello um hello I’m trying to build my RO right now whoever that is leave me alone what no I’m just trying to help what are you up to right now oh my this is even connected you’re welcome I help to you no you didn’t you’re just pra

Making things worse don’t lie to me well fine you know I just wanted to know what you were up to like have you um trolled anyone recently actually uh I have a girlfriend so I’m not allowed to talk to you I’m afraid I was just asking if you happened to troll your girlfriend

Recently and if it was something to do with Lou I have trolled my girlfriend that’s my job as her boyfriend I’m supposed to troll her okay I’m I was just wondering I’ll go now bye-bye bye who even is that girl her name is real that’s so strange it was definitely

James name of course he trolled me I should have known he was pretending to be innocent but of course he would drill his girlfriend he said it himself I need to get some sort of Revenge on J but how maybe if I keep the skin on I can sneak

Around in his base and he won’t find it too suspicious now what can I do to destroy this roller coaster oh I know you guys see how everything’s made of orange wool right now I think I’ve got a better idea how about I do this instead this is no longer an orange

Roller coaster it’s called the paint coaster much better we’ll just give Jamesy a little bit of time to realize that his build has been trolled and then we’ll start the real troll and anyway the reason why I was building this glass case is because I’m going to fill it

With lava look watch this I’m going to go up here down here and I do that command okay yeah now it’s uh yeah it’s lots of lava everywhere and then we do the same over here we go over here and then down to here do the command uh yeah

Once again it’s uh it’s quite of lava wait second is that lava no no no no no I need to fix this let me just sneak up over here I can’t let him see me so I hide behind this now if I do this command called replace near I can change

All the nearby lava to fake lava like this now it should all be fake oh but I can’t go in Too Close oh my goodness there was holes in my glass oh no no no okay we block off the holes there wasn’t that many surely okay there was another

One right there oh my goodness how did I miss so many so go down here oh yes and then we go in here and let’s have a look let’s see what my lava little cage looks like oh I missed that one and oh yes that looks so cool okay you know what I

Think to make it even better though as soon as the lava flows out like this it gives me fire resistance and it doesn’t burn me look I’ll even go in survival mode for you guys do you guys see that I’m not burning at all look no fire

Resistance nothing wait a second I he glass breaking who is this who is this um excuse me real real oh oh I mean oh how did you get here wait a second why am I getting fire resistence while I’m in this lava I don’t know uh maybe you’re just so hot

Your fire resist stop fooding with me did you replace all of my lava with fake lava um no I didn’t do anything oh my goodness why is this all this oh there will been replaced with regeneration I didn’t do that though that was somebody else four why you get down why

You one run gra run wait a second is real running over to Gracie side go away JY go away that was definitely Gracie oh I guess that wasn’t really a success and I still have this villager that Jamesy troll me with get out of here yeah that’s right all right you know what

Whatever this’s just replace all this regeneration with fire charges and then break all these okay that will definitely hit them that’s all that matters and put this back what other trolls did she oh no look at this all my orange worlds been replac my pink world pink is disgusting there we go okay

Brilliant there that’s all orange again any other pink oh there’s pink all over here this is a nightmare I hate being trolled karma is just so annoying this time I’m going to do a similar thing I’m going to come over here and I’m going to do outline orange wool obviously that

Gives me a big Orange Box brilliant okay and then we go inside now first things first we need to fix the reals cuz we kind of just uh cut them off and there we go okay this should work so let’s test this out and we go on a mine cart

And then we go in here yep through and through brilliant okay now you may be wondering Jamesy what are you going to put in this box well I’m about to show you what I’m about to put in this box I’m going to put activator rails through here this

The first step so we’re going to go over here again but this time I’m going to put I’m replace this here with a detector rail boom okay we’re going to replace this actually with a command command block and this command block is going to summon zombies and I’m going to

Summon them right here so then we come back here put this in the command block and we’re going to change this 275 there we go we’re going to change it from impulse to repeat and now guys watch in all of its Glory what this does come

Over here we place this down get inside and boom it spawns an army of zombies which apparently knock you back that wasn’t supposed to happen so we’re makeing it not be able to do that but they’re going to get stopped all by the zombies and they’re going to have to

Fight them obviously they’re not going to have much loot though so what I’ll do is I’ll get myself a chest and I’ll put it you know what actually no I won’t do that I’ll do it somewhere else and obviously now that we’ve done this side

We also have to do that side but there will probably be enough zombies in here when they do that so that’s fine okay amazing yeah I think this how we can do here we’ll break these rails and we’re going to do a game so we’ll go over here

We’ll get rid of this one up here and obviously we put a powered rail right there which will stop them it will slow them down and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to have two different ways to go we’re going to have this this

Way which seems to be good you know what to make it even better I’m going to put a wall so they can’t see which way is the right way put a wall right like this perfect amazing a good old wall and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Have two doorways one there and one there and then we’ll go over this way we’ll do this okay now as you can see there’s two doorways and they can’t even see which way they go and what we’ll do is we’ll put two different mine carts right here and they basically you know

They have to pick which way they want to go the left way will come this way boom this way this way and it’ll just connect to the main path so basically that is the right way to go but this will will be here will be the wrong way so we’re

Going to actually make it come this way and then we’re going to make it do a little bit of a droy drop drop so Redstone there Redstone there boom boom and then connect these all up like that and this is the wrong way and the wrong

Way is going to come over here like this and simply drop into a lava pit perfect so now I’m going to put the mine carts on there and they have to pick which way to go but to make it just not a random chance I’m going to put a a question on

Here which says how many Subs does Jamesy have and guys this is your reminder to subscribe we’re going to hit 500 subscribers before the end of the year so hit that sub button please on your phone tablet computer whatever it is over here we’re going to have under

420k and over here we’re going to have above 420k cuz the answer is under wait is it let me check oh it totally is you guys need to subscribe more okay whatever so if they go wrong they’re going to go this way into the lava pit

Below and I’m going to make my entrance out of diamond blocks so we’ll do diamonds a little Diamond bridge going over the grass basically this is a bridge of royalty so we’ll do some Oak fences right here like this remember guys we need to make this super good cuz

I wanted to vote that my base is the best which means I will win 1,000 American Dollar and then I’m going to get myself some stairs it’s the frame stairs the reason why that’s good is because I can frame them with diamonds so they look like diamond stairs Isn’t

That cool so let’s do that right now okay there we go so I do some diamond blocks like that that looks really good doesn’t it you know I’ve done a good job there and I’m going to replace these also some other blocks as well as you

Can see now it’s not as boring it’s got some other unique bling to it there we go I mean they can’t get any better than that there’s leg staircase as soon as they get here are taking them right to the roller coaster I mean that’s a

Brilliant and I’m I’m going to put some signs as well going in you know just to get them in the mood so I’ll do like this welcome to the best roller coaster ever yes welcome to the best roller coaster ever guys comment down below # best roller coaster and I won’t judge

You if you can’t spell it cuz I can’t either I’ve got a bunch of traps in this thing and a bunch of traps in the bottom there’s no way they’re getting through this one and just in case in case it’s a little too easy for them I’m going to

Add one last trap at the end next I’m going to do a roller coaster maze when they come to a stop right here I’m going to give them two options they can either choose to go left or go right one of them is going to be the right option the

Other one is going to be a dead end it’s going to be up to them to choose which side they want to be on if you guys had to choose which side would you choose left or right comment down below okay I’m nearly done but I think there’s one

More thing that I need to add to my roller coaster okay there we go and what we’re going to do is we’re going to get some Target blocks and we’re going to place them on this hill and what’s going to happen is I’m going to put a chest

Right over here instead of this doorway cuz that is useless and inside of this chest so we’re going to put a few bows and a few arrows like that so what is going to happen is on their mine carts they’re going to come to here they’re going to stop because this isn’t powered

They’re going to have to open this chest and get a bone and arrow and they’re going to have to shoot the targets to continue cuz I’m going to put command blocks behind each one of these and here we change this to – 50 and over here

We’ll change this to – 55 over here we’ll change this to – 60 and over here we’ll change this to – 65 all right let’s give this a test run okay so we’re going to get in our mine cart over here we’re going to pull up ready I’m Lou and

Gracie I’m ugly and then you get stop here just as predicted we have to get out a bow and arrow from the chest so I’ll do that right now and then you shoot here like this first one’s kind of far you shoot here like this and did it

Work yes it did but oh the set block doesn’t update it I I guess I’ll have to manually update the rails I guess that’s fine so now instead when they shoot this target block look what happens ready free 2 one and boom that extends it down

Like that perfect and I think we’re good to go okay brilliant perfect you know what I think my roller coaster might be the best one on the entire universe but before we go I want to replace some of this uh dirt with nice looking blocks so

I think we’re going to do orange W so I’ll replace everything in the Middle with orange W so let me go over here and select this boom boom extend that down like 90 blocks there we go we’ll go a little bit further perfect and then

We’ll also do this bit over here I I think this is going to make everything look a lot nicer okay there we go everything’s AR made out of orange well we’re expand it this way as as well to over here there we go perfect oh my

Goodness time is up time’s up guys guys how’s your build come to oh hello Gracie I’m here I’m here I’m here all right guys remember this is the most OP roller coaster Build Challenge ever and $1,000 on the line he guys ready to se his builds wait I didn’t know $11,000 was on

The line you didn’t tell me that oh yeah jamy he left before you told us uh sucks to suck guys my gosh well you know what I think we should start off with graci’s boo ooh okay so this is called the crazy pain coaster and you have to survive to

The end for free chocolate but I’ll give you his money as well free chocolate I love chocolate let’s do it but if you guys want entry into my coaster you have to pay a fee come over here tickets here I don’t we don’t have any money you guys

Don’t have any money then how do you expect to be paid uh I have a steak you can take this pay with Ste no no no I knew you guys would be broke so follow me to this side uh wait okay okay um following we have a little mini

Game and in here you guys can win a ticket if you’re able to kill this zombie without breaking the mine cart oh really the zombie huh you sure there’s still a villager in there wait a second what are you talking about all right guys here’s your first challenge uh uh

He’s coming towards us I killed him I’m going to p y fine okay Jam you get a ticket but Lou you didn’t kill the zombie so you still need to shoot the zombie inside this mine cart so go on then oh no oh it’s so

H need the first try did I do it okay whatever you guys want tickets come over here then okay what’s next all right come to the entrance come to the entrance here no no the ticket the ticket come on over here here you go that’s your ticket Jamesy and this is

Your ticket Lou here you go come on come on come on are you guys going to come in or what oh my goodness let me in you guys don’t didn’t even know how to enter a door you should be embarrassed of yourself take it enter oh my goodness she didn’t even find the

Armor that hit in there you hit armor in here whatever yeah Jamesy you can have half of it thank no no no no stop it give it back on I’m not giving it to you she just took it what is this crap I don’t think so all right you ready to go

Just keep these shoes yeah Jamesy don’t call me a noob I know what I’m doing all right you’re supposed to press the button and go wait a second where is this going where is this going I need you guys to be a little bit dizzy right now where am I

Going wait what happened you’re on my face what are you doing right now um jamy you’re under my butt get away what are you doing you have to press the button again okay come over here and go I don’t think we’re quick enough oh wait

My what’s going on to my face I’m being hit by Glass isn’t that so scary guys there’s a missing track you guys have came to this brain Challenge and now you guys have to pass it in order to get the missing rail oh but I don’t have a

Brain no do I I know you guys don’t it’s time to do a memory challenge in about 10 T minus t seconds um I’m going to play six blocks in a specific order on this wall and you guys have 5 Seconds to memorize it and play place it again on

Your wall over here this should be easy jamy you you remember the first three I’ll remember the last three so easy no James is going by himself and then Lou you’re going second okay okay Lou I’ll still do the first three and you do the last three

Okay that’ be fine okay all right is everybody ready who’s going to go first uh I’ll go first 3 2 1 these are all in one random order so be careful okay red blue red that’s so easy that’s that’s this the this thing I’ve seen my life

And Lou is looking at as well oh actually I’ve just changed it I’ve just changed it you guys BL what even is that is that uh that’s stri jle one okay it’s gone memorize it and put it onto your board right here that’s going to be easy red blue and

Stri okay red blue and [Applause] stri okay we got big brains this next round is going to be a lot more different difficult so be careful you guys have less time this time around to memorize things so good luck I’m ready same strategy buddy 2 1 go let’s do it Orange Boom

Okay yellow Acacia orange yellow Acacia remember oh no guys I think L forgot wait he remember I said oh my gosh Lou actually got it right that was a surprise you know what I guess you guys deserve your next rail come on over then let’s go I’ll give you

Guys some mine cards here you go go on then to the next round okay let’s hippity hop p p yes let’s go the wrong way special all right we’re going to keep going am I supposed to opening these chests or something extended magazines I’m coming back hello oh okay what’s going on

Back there’s literally lava there okay guys um it looks like there’s a little bit of an issue here so let me give you guys your mine carts back all right guys you have your M carts this is actually going to be a skeleton dodging game and

There’s going to be chests along the way that are going to help you kill the skeletons oh there’s so many skeletons I can’t even Dodge them go go go go go the get the you need a you need a boost you need a boost don’t worry I’ve got you go shoot

I lost my M look through the chest look through the chest the chest are important the chest are important um uh Lou wait a second Lou why are you not in a mine cart you cheater you’re a cheater I my gosh quick quick quick go inside go

Inside but uh then I forgot to mention you guys are supposed to find this new skeleton now but we need to shoot it shoot with the G that was easy wao you guys are him how did you guys CRA spot another one in spot another one

Another one are you that boom boom boom Lo who are you get out of here all right guys you have come to a place where your paths are going to cross so you guys each have to choose to go left or right and no cheating stay right where you are

Which side are you going to guys choose well Jamesy you know me I got to go left for Lou I’m going to go right for right obviously LOL wait no right is wrong right is wrong never never R uh yeah JY is dead inside that lava pit um

Anyway Lou looks like you made it to the maze quite fine don’t worry Jamesy I’m sending you in my C back anyways Grazy where are we now what is this thing you guys are in a glass or Mirror Maze whatever you’d like to call it and try

To be careful when you’re at the dead ends okay that’s all I’ve got to say I hate Maes I’m just going to run through this one don’t come in here yeah Lou I wasn’t planning on it are you stupid he’s stuck in there oh my gosh

I’m going to die goodbye Lou good rids I say good rids yes gra trying to walk into the wall because you can’t see what’s glass and what’s not it’s so funny JY I think you’re going the wrong way all right I think we’re trying to

Get to the middle so I’m going to plant my route he doesn’t even know what the exit is the exit glass all right I think I’ve calculated it I’ve calculated it I’m following you guys the exit is over there but they’re walking over there something’s very

Wrong here we need to get onto the other side can we just break the glass no you’re not allowed jump I’ll give you a boost what you cheaters you cheaters get up now get exit this is never ending torture guys this is honestly the best maze I’ve ever made like it’s the

Hardest one ever and I’m getting through I’m getting through I’m getting over there I even know that what come on JY he’s cheating he’s cheating hey what okay I wasn’t cheating I was just using my resources all right let’s go time to do a final dip and be careful wait what’s happening again

Scary I bet you guys thought you going to fall in boom ow well guys that was the end of my roller coaster that was a crazy pink coaster and I don’t think any of you guys survived and didn’t die once so I’m not giving any chocolate well Lou

Definitely did not survive why did you call it the crazy pink coaster there’s not even pink in it just that one cuz I’m crazy okay all right guys welcome to the Louis coaster well actually it’s not called the Louis coaster you’ll have to L coaster cuz it’s an L yeah you’re a

Loser you’re a loser but Lou you should have done what I did with dispensers my brain was so big for that One wait I kind of like this roller coaster this this for good oh no you guys seem to have come to your first road I would like to put that on the record that that was purely accidental oh I’m taking anyways there’s been a bit of technical difficulties in this roller

Coaster you’re going to have to parkour across I’d also like to remind the viewers that we’re going to be rating these builds at the end so uh Gracie I’m going to be rating yours I already know what I’m going to rate it but they’re going to have to wait till the end to

Find out what it is uh it’s it’s going to be a high score right Jamesy um yeah high for you definitely what do you mean by that huh come on dad you have to make this parkle jump you ready did fix the Slime Lou did you fix it um yes of

Course I did uh where’s the jump I don’t see the jump Bo you’re such a TR you fix this I see it oh he missed she fell oh was I supposed to land on the ladders oh my goodness Lou you literally fixed all the things I pranked I replaced all your ladders as

Well how’ you know I literally saw you moving them flying around with a steak in your hand G I’m a ghost invisible you look like a troll as well anyway go to the Next Room trolls are super cute what are you talking about all right guys

Read the sign since you didn’t have to fight since you didn’t you have to fight Lou don’t forget your coverwise it makes no sense go you didn’t pay the ticket price you you can’t make us do do the coaster and then tell us afterwards and

Trap us by saying we didn’t pay for it that’s just unfair that’s illegal it’s called TR contract it’s a trapment yourorder that we didn’t sign any contract we didn’t sign the terms of agreements this is just not illegal nobody reads those anyway the terms of service like who reads that

You’re honest I you ticked in without looking a postponement of the jury ah oh my goodness there’s a conflict of interest in this case all right we killed him anyways guys now you have to get all the way up here to this chest and I’m not going to tell you how to do

It you have to work it out um it’s obviously parkour oh they’re sticky fans that’s crazy you have to like what I sticky fans I don’t understand oh no JY you missed and you fell all the way down miss anything Lou I didn’t know I had to

Do anything wait aren’t we just supposed to go like this way like oh no no no not allowed to sneak wait what why am I not allowed to S you’re not allowed to sneak you have to do the right thing made that rule oh how oh oh oh I’m not sticky you

Have to stick yourself to the fence I am sticky I’m sticky boy look how sticky I am Lou is this okay stop talking about how sticky you are jamy go just keep going is this okay all right put down the pressure plates uh I’ll put down the

Pressure plates if you give me your golden apple I already ate it oh my God you’re useless to me what does Lou call his roller coaster red Rush obviously du oh come on I thought I’d catch you out with the Louis coaster cuz every roller coaster video we’ve

Ever done you’ve call it red rush cuz you’re like a in a sugar rush or something stupid how though it literally says Lou at the front over here right Lou yeah because I built it it’s uh you know uh copyrighted by me who puts their

Name on there me all right what was the trip toet Master called um wait a second it was Sparky was it it was a it was Sparky oh come on is the big how many traps have you done so far uh we’ve done three yeah what I thought we have done

Two no no I thought it’d be the bigger number I guess correctly let’s get up here already off we go we’re going no no no no no no no not a Lucky Block race anything but this please choose your side wisely this is such a small platform all right ready

Need 3 2 1 oh my God I’m falling down help okay nothing think is wrong how did you get TNT on the first lucky blog um you tell me I don’t know this is going to be TNT as well 100% 100% what give it to me give it to

Me stop falling down what are you doing um I don’t know oh okay okay’s got so much luck today I’m oh why would you put it on the edge are you stupid expand the platform right now fine fine fine make the platform one block bigger what is lucky what is not

Jam you know I I’ll give you a Lucky Block cuz I stole one of yours earlier you don’t even know that I stole it did you all right I’m going to keep breaking these lucky J okay break one of these U oh wait no you got the lucky one okay you’re

Getting that Unlucky One now oh my gosh J stealing everything J get away from me here villager no no one gets him wa no my experience my exper just got catapulted by slime oh I’m going to break this I’m going to break this I’m going to get this diamond

With a wooden pickaxe what you stop hitting me off there should be rules against this oh they are it’s called not coming onto my side stupid face all gra our child our why are you breaking my BL go go go go oh my God St of time that’s my stuff that’s my Stu

I have diamonds oh my good you’re a robber all right we did the lucky block pretty successful if you ask me are we going to do some upgrading loot I’m we’re separated no we’re separated I myk goodness all right Lou should we get rid of our Dragon steel armor or what uh yes

You have to take off your armor guys I’m going to secretly keep one no get rid of it Gracie I heard you why why you list s stop EES dropping creep all right all right so Lou uh we also have to get with our sword yes yep God is that you

Dropping books down it’s me Lou why are you giving her stuff and not me H okay fine fine I’ll give you something Lou I’m going to tell sopie Lou I’m going to tell sopie tell one these Lou stop flirting with me and one of these all right time to enchant my

Stuff Jamesy if you have extra diamonds maybe you should give some to me because you stole them from me in the first place it’s real cute Gracie I’m just enchanting my stuff to make it really good okay just let me know when you finished all of your enchanting and

Crafting I got almost full diamond armor JY please I’ll make a trade with you give me some diamonds please please I’ll do anything do you have any sharpness books that’s the only that’s useful to me yeah I do actually actually I don’t care I got sharpness to on an axe so you

Basically lost no matter what we have to we have to come on jamy look I I’ve got a book right here uh it has um enchantments yeah I have sharpness 2 on a diamond axe I got 10.5 damage on this axe don’t worry I I’ve got sharpness

Four on this book please I’ll give it to you look at it it’s in my hand Grace I don’t care about your stupid stuff I’m going to win this PVP battle you’re going to cry it’s going to be funny just give me some diamonds wait Lou does that mean I want

The PVP no you have to wait for the come down oh my gosh D I need some armor okay okay I’m near ready guys I’m near ready you ready Gracie no I don’t even have diamonds I don’t even have a sword what am I supposed to do give me something uh

No stop crying grow up a little bit please all right Gracie I think you’re ready to lose I literally told you I was broke and no you know what you didn’t even come and help so once I beat your butt you’re going to regret not helping

Me all all right I think we should do three rounds the otherwise I’m going to feel bad okay ready all right get ready to fight in three two one fight um I I’m scared why is he shooting things at me um um ah oh my

Go um you did half a heart to me I mean that’s impressive I guess I a rematch I did better a rematch I did better a rematch I want a rematch I want a rematch all right Gracie fine you have a rematch try and do at least one heart

This time three go go go all right question is did you sh you have a sh did you even think about making an axe look at her she doesn’t even have an axe uh okay whatever I’ll kill you now no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not

I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going ah she’s running away she doesn’t done any damage to me um I’m down here you’re not allowed outside okay fine okay I I lose I get it she didn’t even do any damage again you did zero Hearts to me like give me your

Sword how much damage do okay it does half a heart for here yes see I told you I have a golden sword all right go through the right one uh uh James uh James’s too fat F did you play test this get in there no get get in get in there

Get out of here uh that one’s the way I don’t want to go that way wait how he come back wait is he’s St he’s cheating he’s cheating I’m going back I’m going back I’m going back I’m going back me get on the roller coaster come on get on

Wait I don’t have a b car I knew this would happen so uh here you go guys you take some more mine cards where did Jamesy go did you just copy this from my build no no no wait a second he totally did this is from your bu and go getting

Pushed by a we’re getting pushed by a um wait am I supposed to stay here think’s going to die I think’s going to die no no no no Daisy get bullets get bullets da get bullet what kind of the is that it’s bake water a zombies help help get me

Out of here watch out guys you got to read the sign first uh the themi park guests are mad because you rode the roller coaster before it shut forever all right this’s just kill them then I don’t care wait what you’re killing the guests oh okay all right let’s let them

Attack you then let’s OB there’s been a zom what did you do attacking she dead already I mean she’s so weak she’s such a weakling she just keeps dying who let them out who let the dogs out that’s not your thing Grace you like to die um my

Jamesy um you know what let me show you how it feels like to die come here I think just going to die again come don’t come here zero damage you didn’t do one heart of damage to me she died to the ender pearl why is the ender pearl so strong it’s stronger than

You James Z so a lot strugly year because you did zero Hearts to me I think it’s time that we kill these guests and go on to James’s Place yep finish them off guys kill the child kill the child congratulations you made it Lou I can’t

Wait to rate your build but before I can do that we have to head over to my CRI J I’m going to be first I’m going to be first I’m ending I’m end oh oh get get and I think you can be first if you die

She’s gone the wrong way so um no I’m not um goodbye all right falling all right guys so welcome to my MTV crib walk up the stairs and then read the signs as you go MTV crib this isn’t Minecraft anymore Welcome to the roll coaster ever okay all right are you guys ready

To go Jam you built this all by yourself I don’t believe it there’s no way yeah I did all right you guys get in these carts and go this way off you wait are we in the fast pass oh you can’t just jump in a hole I mean

You going die all right let’s try this again let Jam Z what terrible design where the safety rules that usong way are you stupid I didn’t know I even trust you guys to get a c proper believe what else can I trust you with let’s go

I want to go your turn go go go all right guys are you ready for the first extra the guns are jumpy jump jump jump jump here we Go no no wait what happened to the Regeneration potions what happened to the Regeneration potions I don’t like this that’s good W wo W wo W wo wo wo w w Wait where ow W I kind of like a view from here oh no no no no it’s my turn it’s my

Turn it’s my turn um yeah so obviously this wasn’t tested no don’t get off of it what’s wrong with you jam Z you need roller coaster testers why did you ask us guys come back over here what are you doing come back up here I’m going down me too okay

Go wait ow I almost got burn I almost got burn wasn’t that scary wasn’t that scary what’s next don’t tell me another drop this really Spooky wait a second back around we’re going back around please please please no please no please no please no oh my gosh this reminds Disneyland all right guys you know now we’re going to drop into a wait what why are there zombies in here I’m dead all right guys well done as you

Can see this activate rail spawn in a few zombies so you’re going to have to kill them first before what are you doing I’m being stupid a a few um what do you mean by a few there’s a chest on the left there’s a chest wait there’s

Weapons in there right please don’t push me in please I beg uh don’t worry Lou I don’t want to push you in just yeah I need you to kill them first and then I’ll push you in wait what oh that’s so mean we fight from we have to go in go [Applause]

Go you monsters you think I could you could fight me wait Lou why are you hitting me Lou stop hitting me what are you doing a traitor wait you guys about to kill them just a few more left come on guys not that hard Lou that wasn’t

You oh that was a zombie’s head head oh my gosh well done guys which means you can just continue on go on babies go let’s go welcome to My Trivia room all right how many Subs does Jamesy have simple question we’re going to put one

On here one on here wait I know this one it’s clear above because uh you know Jam’s really famous right Lou wants to go above Gracie you get the under one then but but okay yeah nobody subscribing so we’re probably under 420 go here I go go wait wait what’s going

On what’s going on ow oh Lou I forgot this was covered up again oh all my traps are failing oh goodbye wait no I wasn’t supposed to go in there now well you w supposed to go in there but I made it do fine cuz I knew the people don’t

Subscribe sorry B guys subscribe all right Gracie off you go oh I’m going to be the first in line now Lou was first before but I’ve got up oh this is cheating are we returning don’t it’s the end all right guys you made it here but

As you can see to continue the power has gone from the rails which means they regain the power you going to have to shoot the target so this should be easy let me get this let me get this oh my gosh I’m going to go inside and I’m

Going to hit the targets uh do we hit that one next or w we got there the next one guys keep it going well done keep going guys and this one I’m going the wrong way I’m going the wrong way well Gracie it’s all been

Powered you can go now really I can just go yeah yeah well done I made it to the the end guys I’m back I’m back where is I don’t see him where is he he’s coming back oh look at Lou L come over here come on

Lou nice backflip all right guys now we have to decide who the winner was and you know what I think we should do it based on the like count today we’re doing a Minecraft build challenge but I’m be cheating with Pro Build hat I’m going be pasting in my build I’m going

Be morphing and so much more anyway guys are you ready to do this build challenge of course we are oh yeah the first thing that we have to build is going to be a theme Parx I love theme Parx I can’t wait to build and whoever gets the

Highest score wins 1,000 let’s get building okay and guys for my first hack I’m going to paste in entire roller coaster like this and there we go as you can see I have always started off with a roller coaster this gives me a massive massive head start but as you can see

There are still issues this thing doesn’t have any rails in it for whatever reason so I still need to fix it let me get some powered rails and some normal rails and some Redstone and let’s turn this thing into a real roller coaster let’s start creating my theme Square by creating a giant

Wall this is where my theme park is going to be inside it obviously it’s a pink theme park let’s call it the pink Park on okay I’ve already placed down the redstone blocks now I just need to do the power drils and here we go this is the first

Incline on my roller coaster this is going to be so awesome but guys before I finish this off I think it’s time I use another one of my Pro build hacks to go prank one of my friends right here I have a mind control device which can be used to mind

Control gra to do whatever I want for one minute oh Gracie wait I’ve got even better idea I’m making a pretty Pig park p p crazy what are you doing here you’re getting very very sleepy look into my mind control device look into my mind control look into my mind control look

Into my mind controls you are now completely under my control whatever you say James okay guys she’s now under my mind control for 1 minute all right Gracie what I want you to do is I we to go over to Louis side and cause as much damage as you can and

Once you wake up just completely pretend that you were there just ignore everything he says and then come back here go go go time to cause some damage okay guys that’s going completely slow down Gracie and Lou they’re going be preoccupied while messing each other up and while that’s happening I’m going to

Finish off my rails but let’s see what Gracie’s up to right now ding TNT acquired flint and steel acquired commencing explosion TT’s Place wait no no no no no no no still inacted time for some explosion gra what are you doing drilling TNT enabled drilling TNT enabled drilling TNT en explosion

Acquired explosion occurring mind control device slowly enabling slowing enabling time is up time is up return to base return to base oh you’re kidding me oh all right let’s just fix this wait where am I I just remember I was coming back to my base but why was I here

Wasn’t I working on my Park wait what happened to Lou base oh my gosh it’s been completely destroyed uh I don’t know what happened but I bet he was just trolled by Jamesy doesn’t matter anyway let’s work on my b bar wait a second I just realized why do I have Drilling and

Digging TNT in my hot bar I don’t remember getting these now I’ve got my ice cream shop and I’ve got my ticket machine but one thing that every single theme park needs is a roller coaster so I’m going to set up a roller coaster here and let’s get this thing working

When we get some bits like this which are too steep all I’m going to do is get a diamond fan and this will be perfect trust me it will get to here and then once it gets up here it’ll be blown this way and land over here continue this

Journey on my roller coaster and there we go I finally finished the track okay now it’s time to test out and see if this is good and then I’m going to make any upgrades to I win this Build Challenge okay uh first things first this needs to be powered oops a daisy

There’s be a lot of issues with it let’s have a look come on please work please work please work okay okay good start good start we’re going up high we’re going up high oh my goodness this is this is nerve-wracking this is nerve-wracking and go oh my goodness um yeah okay you know

What there’s a way to fix that we’re simply instead of going down here go back across like this okay there we go that should have work a little bit better let’s give this a try there we go we land on the track and we keep going let’s have a look at this

One ready and oh my goodness that was amazing and that worked so well first try what that never happen guys this track is so amazing and I’m going to keep doing all this and fix any other issues ah there we go this is already looking a lot more cool cuz it’s made

Out of orange well but before I make one more change I’m going to go pry Lou oh this is so fun guys I wonder who’s going to win this Build Challenge oh my goodness look at Lou’s base this looks terrible okay for my next build hack I’m going to use

Invisibility this will keep me invisible for Lou Who has no idea where I am is he not even there oh he’s right here look at this little Pip squeak wa he’s put a sign what’s it going to say what’s the sign going to say red Rush two Aden

Adventure oh that’s cute how about we put our own sides down and call Lou welcome to stinky Lou Adventure sure yep that’s the name of the feed Park we’ll put this everywhere so no one can miss it there we go Lou being humble saying his base sucks I mean I’m glad he’s

Being honest there we go and then finally I’m going to ruin his entire feed park by destroying all of his Pad rails now none of them work time for me to get out of here wait where is Lou now what should I build in this theme park

Um not just an ice cream paror but I’ll have some game so I’ll put some white and blue down like this is and I’ll make them play a game now in this game they’ll get some bows and some arrows and they’re going to have to hit these

Targets with these tiny buttons on them to win a prize and the prizes are going to be some cute flushies look at them but to make sure they don’t cheat I’m going to put some fences around the area so you know they can’t just walk in and

There we go now let me just check around here and make sure this is all good wait a minute what are these signs welcome to stinky Lou adventure oh no who did this this is so annoying and he replaced all of my things with red wall the roller

Coaster doesn’t even work all right it’s fine I’ll just replace it all with redstone blocks it looks cooler that way I just realized I need to add the shocks to this tank too so let’s put a few of them in like that and that should be

Enough and now that I’m back I can finish off my theme park and make it the best park ever so let me see do I have some orange bricks yeah you know what this is pretty Orange let’s use this oh there we go the floor is now made out of

My really cool stuff okay and I’m going to also get some bone meal and try and make this place look even cooler I haven’t got long left until the bill TR is over though so I’m going to go around I’m going to place some flowers like

This this is making it look super duper awesome trust me I going make this the best them park ever there we go now is there a way to even get in here oh my goodness there isn’t okay I need to build that right now oh the entrance is

From over here I think let me hook this up so that they can get to my park and then I’ll make the entrance right here welcome to the best park ever the fast pass going up here and there we go they’re ready to ride guys guys time is

Up we have to now see has build all right okay remember whoever wins gets $11,000 we’re going to start with Louis boo all right well I’m really confident okay gra we’re going to rate this out of 10 whoever can get the most points by the end of the video wins well just

Based on the looks I’m already going to give it at least under five points Lou land home of the new stinky World attraction Lou we always knew you were stinky you guys aren’t allowed in here yet you have to pay the fee I don’t have money I’ll pay the ultimate price no a

Kiss no e Jamesy I just meant the price of admission is that you have to give me more than five points when you rate it how about I just give you money instead okay we in in here and now where do we go Lou we’ve got past L land well go

Wherever you’d like but leave the roller coaster till last wait is this food this is an ice cream parlor uh don’t worry about the potholes behind the the desk give me some ice cream I what ice cream I’ll give you money all right well what flavor do you want chocolate please do

You have mango do you have mango uh we have mango but sorry Jamesy uh we ran out of uh you know chocolate uh the ice cream machine’s broken are you serious right now what is this white one is that cream we only have strawberry vanilla

And uh lemon and mango I don’t want any ice cream okay where do we go next how about you come over here what is this well you have the opportunity to win yourself a plushy I want to want a plushy okay how do we do it Lou how do

We do it well you’ve got to hit all of these lights on and then you both get a plushy all right first wait I hit it but you missed oh my gosh you’re terrible this is illegal you it doesn’t work you have to use a wooden button nope nope

That’s how all carnival games are they’re supposed to be real they’re always rigging it oh my goodness you always try to make it harder for us this is why you can’t trust carnival games all right fine fine fine I’ll make it possible okay Gracie you go you go I got

That one for you I can hit that one as well I hit that one I hit that one wa guys you’re not even hitting them that just turning off I hit it I hit it he’s collecting the arrows we did it we did

It we did it what are you doing oh oh my gosh we did it we did it no we have to hit all of them at the same time we have to hit all of them at the same time yes we got all of them see work jamy oh fine take whatever

Plushy you’d like okay I’m getting the creeper one I wanted the creeper one okay Lou what should we do next this Lucky Block race yeah but you have to pick one line of Lucky Blocks some of them are all unlucky and some of them are very lucky oh this one looks

Suspicious this one has an odd one on it so so I think it’s this one here give it a go 3 2 1 go go go oh you seem to be doing well guys uhoh graci’s a trap m is definitely the lucky one I didn’t get any bad ones at all Dy

Survived I did not survive guys are you serious I definitely got The Unlucky One graci’s Ro was clearly Unlucky One I ha A Hoe there you go gra you can to have my hoe I I don’t want it guys come on then let’s go to the next thing L is it

Hey roller coaster Yep this is the fabled red Rush 2 wait this is the last thing of your roller event Yep this is you know the first roller coaster I ever made but you guys said it was terrible so I improved it do we push us L we push

Us I’m going to push you guys up uh just so you can get started there you go go oh my God uh uh oh my don’t worry Jamesy it it’s sometimes a bit weird oh ow ow I’m I’m getting hurt I’m getting hurt I’m I’m going down in the water I’m

In the water uh I’m in lava I’m in lava oh go wait wait wait wait that was so awesome Lou yep I’m glad you liked it oh wait you’re going again you’re going again oh my gosh wait guys let me make it scarier for you uh Lou I got pushed

Off the track no just keep going uh never mind that’s fine come on it’s even scarier in here there’s a shark there’s the shark who put them in the water okay buddy well Lou is that the end of your theme park yep that’s the end of my

Theme park I hope you guys liked it you know what I’m actually going to read that a s out of 10 yes I’m going to give it a 6 out of 10 because I still know mine is better okay Li you have 13 so far up next we have Cy’s

People okay mine is the pretty pink Park okay and you guys need money to go in so I’ll give you guys some money cuz I’m rich okay okay okay here you go you can have the money back graci I want some I want some you take some you can have

Like $5 that’s the allowance I’m giving you are you guys here for the pretty Pig theme P yes I will be giving you $1 and taking a ticket here you guys take a ticket take a ticket I got a ticket I got a ticket I got a ticket I got TI all

Right welcome in I’m going to give you guys a tour so you guys can redeem your points and you get points from each game that you play okay let’s get some zombies just kill some wait we don’t have the right arrows okay these bows don’t even work oh my goodness wait get

Get the right on I got the right ones here you go here you go okay okay thank you all right nice ow wait that’s cheating come on guys every zombie that you kill is one point make sure you keep track of how many points you have guys

Do you see this giant Glass Tower next to you yeah this is actually going to be your timer when the lava reaches the bottom that’s when you guys are out of time okay I got like 30 points so far guys the lava’s about halfway down it’s

Fine I’ve got like 50 points already ow chy you don’t actually have that many points I can see that you’re not all killing them you are just shooting Lou no I hit Lou twice to annoy him come on how long do we have left Lou the L is

Coming down L is coming down oh my goodness you guys better be keeping score and don’t cheat I know you’re cheating uh what do you mean we’re cheating we’re not cheating make sure to go back and count how many zombies Jamesy and Louie killed to make sure

They aren’t lying about how many they killed guys I’ve totally shot like 200 I’ve killed 300 don’t go back and check that guys that’s Li the Love’s right here guys come on you’re almost out of time ready oh my goodness looks like you have about five more seconds left 5 Four 3

2 one guys time’s up time’s up the lava’s on the ground the lava’s on the ground okay okay okay Lou how many did you kill well I killed like I counted like 150 oh I counted 160 I guess I win all right guys I’ve changed the rules

Cuz you guys got too many points so one point equals five zombies killed so you have to divide how many zombies he killed by five oh you can’t just change it after we win so how many zombies did you guys kill I killed 300 I killed 50

Apparently you guys just made a random numbers okay you know what Jamesy tell me the real numbers don’t Che uh if I do the math correctly I have 15 and Lou has 10 oh all right well you know what that’s not bad now come over here we’re

Going to have a swimming race and the winner gets six points okay okay which way we swimming I’ll go to this one okay so let me tell you guys the rules so basically you have to start on these pressure plates right here when you swim across you have to press this button

Which means you made it to the other side and then come back and send on these pressure plates whoever’s back on the pressure plates first win all right ready Grazy T us when we can go 3 2 1 go go oh my goodness Lou what are you doing

Lou you’re so slow James is going to win James is going to win oh my goodness Lou you’re a terrible swimmer what is Lou doing I’m not very good at swimming he’s so bad you’re going to drown Lou uh Lou you literally lost by like a million margin yeah chy has 21 points

Now and Lou you still only have 10 oh I was swimming so fast I can feel the water on my leg points for the winner and only fist no armor allow Su match oh my goodness L you’re going to lose Oh no you’re going to lose I’ve got at Sumo

All right remember only fist allowed okay you guys ready yep I’m going to fist go ahead 3 2 1 go go go L come on come on you going lose buddy you going lose Budd Bud buddy you’re going to lose buddy you’re going to lose Bud you’re

Going lose you’re going to lose oh my gosh my God nope nope I demand a rematch rematch rematch you want a rematch okay that’s fine if you guys want a rematch but that means somebody else can win 20 points again o wait a second one oh my

Gosh best of three best of threee best of three no way okay fine best of three two 1 go go go go come on who’s going to win this round who’s going to win this round no no no no no get away from me

Get away from me come on oh my God JZ win the 20 points that’s a lot of points I have 41 points and Lou has 10 oh my goodness okay this is one that both of you guys can win at okay this parkour challenge is worth 10 points to make it

To the end okay this should be easy also you only get one try so if you mess up it’s over don’t you go first L’s first I think I’ll let you go first jamy you got to go first come on you’re the winner do

Neo why you in the wa go back H sorry Jamesy I didn’t mean to two one boom one at a time Lou you wait there I oh my goodness J did the Neo he’s so good come on Lou let’s see if you can do the Neo

Come on okay I guess it’s my turn and since I Ed my brain unlike you Jamesy I’m going to go around and jump onto this ladder wait a second is that a l i guess I technically did not say you had to go on the dirt blocks I have to see

Him to the Nia what’s this all about you guys still haven’t completely me made it yet you have to make it to this pink block and stand right here oh my goodness are you kidding me I didn’t B made it I didn’t bounce high enough how is

That fair oh Jamesy sorry but you have 41 points still and Lou now has 20 uh Lou I think you’re still losing buddy uh I kind of want to try the Neo though okay I mean you can try it but you already got the points so nice work okay

Watch this I’m going to show off my parkour skills he’s going to fail Wait I messed up I messed up I messed up no how did he mess up that bad okay where’s the point shop is in here I got 4 point this is a rewards shop so you

Have to make sure you can only buy things that you’re you know you have enough money for I can buy this I can buy this I buy so you only have 20 points now you have 10 points left I can buy this okay Jason you still have one

More point there we go so with my 20 points wait Lou I’ve got a good idea for you why don’t you gamble your remaining 10 points on Lucky Blocks you can get 10 lucky blocks for 10 points okay I’ll take 10 Lucky Blocks but I’m also going

To take some Armor All right okay let’s come over here you can break the lucky blocks it’s a really big gamble so we’ll see how this goes okay this is the lucky block breaking Zone all right I’m going to break my lucky blocks uh oh no uh

Okay that’s not very lucky oh what is what’s going on what I’ll help you I’ll help I’ll help you Lou I help you there you go what are these things oh I’m blind okay I’m open another one please be good Jamesy stop interrupting this break Zone okay orse you have to be

Eliminated from the game okay what about this one uh beacon beacon Lou that’s not very come on Lou this is all you’ve got are you serious come on are you kidding me I’m getting nothing good oh my goodness you wasted 10 points for this wait a v come on give

Me something good oh I have better armor than that oh this is embarrassing wa you got lucky potions Lou those are really good I got some lucky potions so I I guess this will have to do is that all is that all your lucky blocks gave you

Yeah sadly that sucks well now you guys have to get ready for a PVP battle to see who has the best though now come over here guys into the arena see this is a really unique theme park I’ve never been to a theme park where we try and

Kill each other well you know it’s really more about fun okay I’m going to use my lucky potion straight away let me get this straight Lou doesn’t have any wings so he can’t get me while I’m up here but he does have a bow Jamesy yeah the only problem the wings does they

Only last a little bit of that time before they stop working and then you start falling also not to mention how are you going to be able to kill him if you’re up there well I also have a bow oh it makes it really hard to shoot

Exactly L Lou are you ready to fight I’m ready 3 2 1 go go go uh what is going on is that smoke this ah that did so much damage you know what Redstone bow I can still shoot that B oh get that thing away I’ve not hit you this thing’s

Really hard no way you’re hurting yourself what are you doing Arena that’s going to be disqualification right there get back into the arena wait he’s scared of spiders oh my goodness this is worst be spiders Lou you’re going to get K by a spider I don’t know if I did actually

Any damage but I win looks like Lou killed himself oh my goodness oh the spider didn’t kill me I was trying to kill James wait James he didn’t even kill me that doesn’t count oh wait a second wait a second guys who’s the winner I’m you guys decided in the

Comments down below was even trying I could have killed him I want to two look they Bo oh really you haven’t hit Lou yet how is he so hard to hit that’s the question I’m wondering right now yeah you know what I think we’ll have to let

The viewers decide who the winner of that fight was anyway what do you guys rate my build oh you know what Gracie that was really fun I’m going to rate it at 7 out 10 yep I’m going to rate it seven out of 10 as well gra so far

The Le for 14 points what I beat Lou by one point okay we just need to make sure JC doesn’t win this next round what is this this is Six Flags go FEA wait Six Flags we went there together Jamesy yeah I know it’s in California Magic Mountain

Anyway what do you guys think of my build doesn’t it look so pretty wait why does it look so good James you must have been cheating there’s no way you made this by yourself no I just build this really quickly look even the ground changes are you sure you made this

Jamesy it’s orange I made it orange myself cuz I love Orange but you’re right okay I see you guys come up this way this way this way is this for by tickets or what would you like to do the fast track oh no it’s it’s it’s you know

It’s free would you going the fast no I want the fast pass I want the fast pass oh my goodness skip the line skip the line okay we’re here and we get mine cart and we’re going to go to the right okay so everyone get on there and then

Go to the right okay ready 3 2 1 and go why am I going backwards I don’t understand bye graci this is a boy’s only ride hurry up Gracie wait what that’s not fair we’re going up this H one [Applause] scary flying in the sky no I’m dropping

Nobody told me there’ be a drop nobody told me there was going to be a drop what the heck guys oh this will another DP another jum okay keep going I don’t like this ride I’m scared guys oh I’m getting dizzy we keep it going we keep it going

You guys let the fans as well to blow me up that was amazing wasn’t it yeah that was kind of fun wait how long is this thing uh it’s very long it took me a long time to build you don’t understand how wrong and then the last drop B what

Oh my goodness not another drop not another drop not another drop no and this is the safety area so that we slow down before the ride and then you’re going to hit a little bit of a non powered area and that’s where you get out of the ride that’s so cool that’s

Super duper cool you guys like that my Fe park ride yeah wait but Jamesy was that the only ride in your theme par do you know how long that took me to build Lou uh probably like 2 minutes I guess it does look really cool yeah I didn’t

Even have time to do the whole ride there’s some bits that don’t even have rails in them are you serious Jamesy guys please rate my build please please please I’m going to give it eight out of 10 cuz I guess it was pretty fun yes let

Me give score let give a score I mean for presentation it’s a 10 out of 10 but I’m kind of disappointed there was nothing else so I’m going to give it a eight out of 10 too I’m in the lead with a jamy wins that round all right let’s

Go see who the next theme is okay guys are you ready for the next theme of course I am it is what all right guys we all have have 10 minutes to build our favorite YouTubers let’s go come on okay guys and obviously I’m going to use my Pro build

Hacks once again to paste in a ton of amazing YouTubers watch this and there we go let’s have a look at the characters I PED in first things first we have Mikey from Mason and I want you guys to comment down below which of these YouTubers are your favorit so

We’ve got Mikey from Mason we’ve got AAU from aau’s Channel we have Zoe and cash from cash and Eco and we have graci from the graci channel guys comment down below which one of your favorite YouTuber is my favorite one is definitely Gracie by far okay guys so

I’m going to build dream so now what I’m got to do is I’ve got to make a big selection of the ground there we go now I’ve got to build dream’s hood and now I’ve got to do his face so I’m going to set this to White like that and then all

I’ve got to do is just make his face and as you you know dream has a smile on his face and boom there’s dream and now I’ll just add his skin behind the maskk and there we go fing YouTubers why don’t we just build myself let me get a giant pig

Statue okay let me make the top part black that’ll be easy boom bada B now it’s time for the show let’s go up going to make sure I look really really tall because you know I am and now arms are done as well now it’s time to do the the

Hardest part the head and for my YouTuber Build Challenge I have a cool idea we’re going to do a trivia so what we’re going to do is I’m going to get signed I’m going to place it right here and I’m going to ask a question for each

YouTuber but before I do that I’m going to use another my Pro build Auto hacks to go and prank Gracie the next Pro build or tack I’m going to use is SL SL more and I’m going to morph in Sophie in case you guys didn’t know Sophie is Gracie’s best friend and also

A YouTuber so I’m going to use this to my Fantage oh Gracie Gracie uh what’s what’s up Jamesy Gracie Gracie where are you are you all the way down there wait oh wait huh Gracie it’s me Sophie you’re bestest best best best best best friend you really sound a lot like jam today

Maybe I’m just going crazy what’s up Sophie did you want to join our Build Challenge well you see I know that your challenge was to build your favorite ever YouTuber and I can see that you didn’t me and that makes me very very sad sopie that’s that’s cuz you don’t

Have a you know YouTube channel yet you haven’t really been posting no I’m afraid I just can’t take this as your favorite friend you have to build me wait stop I’m sorry must restart wait wait wait wait wait no no no the no need for this sopie I swear I’m sorry I’m

Sorry I’ll just Chas you to Yellow I’ll change to Yellow sopie don’t do this Sophie don’t do this to me no Sophie sorry Gracie goodbye hi oh my gosh what what is Sophie thinking she’s never been like this before why is she so angry I don’t think she would care

Like that oh my goodness soie blew a giant hole in my base okay this is really going to set me back come on let’s restart building and you see this plan is genius because grae now is going to replace herself with Sophie who isn’t even a real YouTuber

Cuz she doesn’t have a channel which means that Lou is going to R it super lonely and so is me basically I’m ensuring my own Victory now over here here I’m going to put a question on here and it’s going to say a question about Mikey how many Subs that’s

Amazing have and then over here I’m going to put two buttons number one I’m going to put at 5.8 million subs and then over here I’m going to put 5.29 million Subs like this guys and I want you to like the video If you f it’s

The left side and subscribe if you f it’s the right side I’m going to give you 5 Seconds 5 four 4 3 2 1 and the correct answer is actually only 5.3 million I mean it’s still more than me and actually I’m going to do something

Cool for all these trivas I’m going to hook these up so if they get it wrong it blows up the build but I’ll do that later on so keep watching to the end of the video if you want to see that now for the afmal question I’m going to ask

It different where was afmal born on the left I’m going to put California which is where Gracie is from on the right I’m going to put tiie and guys if you didn’t know the answer is actually Texas after I was born in Texas can you believe it she’s a cowboy

Jamesy where are oh my gosh I was going to ask where you were and then suddenly these entire giant statues just rendered in wait you made all of this right now I I’ve only made me so far yeah oh I did a little bit of building yeah I was really

Fast at building this one oh my goodness gra there’s only 2 minutes remaining what are you doing on my side oh my goodness there’s only 2 minutes this is crazy czy could they go back to your side before you die how did Jamesy do all of that he’s definitely cheating

Okay guys now it’s time for the Zoe and cash trivia question does Zoe have a YouTube channel there we go in case you guys didn’t know there’s a bunch of childs out there who are pretending to be Zoe can you believe that they’re pretending to be Zoe and they’re all

Fake but hopefully Gracie and Louis fell for the tricks as well I’m going to say yes she does have a channel and no she doesn’t have a channel the answer is no don’t be tricked guys and then lastly we’re going to have a question about Gracie’s Channel and the question is

Going to be which month did Gracie post her first video on the left I’m going to put April on the right I’m going to put June the correct answer on this one is June okay now that I’ve done this it’s time to hook these all up TNT so I’m

Going to put fill this bad boy up with TNT and there we go it’s completely fill TNT I’m going to put even more so that it’s even more deadly and now all you need to do is hook up the Redstone blows this up Mason actually has only 5.3

Million so let me hook up the 5.81 in case they get this wrong blowing up the entire thing okay now that we’ve got the Mikey one set up I’m going to set up all these statues up if they get the answer wrong their favorite YouTubers blow up

And that’s going to be my Challenge and there we go I’ve done it to all the statues they’re ready to explode so as you guys know dream is known for Speed running so I’m going to make a bunch of speedr running challenges on each side of this fence I’m going to make two

Parkour courses so I’m going to make one like this and then I’m going to make some fence jumps that come off all the way over here so they have to jump over this way and then I’m going to do one of the most difficult things and I’m going

To add ice parkour and then I’ll just do it going up like this and then I’m going to add a tight rope going all the way across here and then right at the end it’s going to have a redstone lamp with a pressure plate and that’s that’s how

We know they finished time’s up everyone me in the middle me in the middle Lou where are you I’m here all right guys remember the scores I’m winning and then it’s Gracie and then it’s Lou oh so let’s go to Gracie’s build first wa we’re doing mine first yeah we’re doing

Yours first oh my goodness wait there’s TNT over here guys Sophie blew up my entire base you won’t believe it Sophie blew up your entire base yeah Sophie isn’t she on vacation thought she was but she came over and wanted to play or something and she blew it up cuz I

Wasn’t building her wait and you still didn’t build her that’s rude that would have been really bad for you though uh I mean it’s kind of rude that she blew up my whole base anyways what is this guys it’s four corners look this is the Crimson Corner this is the Spruce Corner

This is the dirt corner and this is the ight corner I’m going to count okay I’m going to give you guys 10 seconds to choose 10 9 8 5 4 3 2 1 okay I’m choosing the end theight Corner oh my goodness what does that mean does that

Mean we win yeah that means you guys made it to the first round but there’s going to be five rounds so you guys have to make sure not to go in the same one oh no I’m going to choose again you guys better be in a new corner you guys ready

Yeah okay I choose the Crimson Corner oh my good be good thing we moved wait we stay right here next round okay okay okay okay I’m going to choose the and theide Corner again what my goodness oh I think I know what you guys are up to

I’m going to choose again okay okay okay three two 1 I choose a dirt Corner W that’s five rounds that’s five rounds we surv Sur oh you guys made it all right well guys welcome to my bedroom this is the black pink bedroom you guys know you guys know about black pink uh

This is very dark in here Gracie there no one can see anything trust me that’s why I tried to lighten it up with some pink but I mean you’re supposed to sleep in your bedroom anyway you don’t need to see anything all right guys read through

The rules memory game look at the ball for 10 seconds memorize as many pairs as you can a pair me means that there are two blocks on the wall first The Bu The buzer gets to give an answer one answer per oh I understand we take turns okay

Okay but we can’t go until after the 10 seconds right yeah yeah yeah you guys have to look at the thing first and I’ll count down for 10 but everyone stand next to your buzzers jamy stand next to the button you guys ready 3 2 1 count

Down 10 9 3 2 1 time is off okay okay I want go first I press the piss I press the P oh my go jamy press the buzzer first okay Jamesy Crimson wood crimson hm that’s correct I’ll be taking that off nice work Jamesy

You’ve got one point I got one I got one I got one wait who was that who was me it was me okay Lou which one rainbow blocks rainbow blocks you’re right rainbow blocks you’ve got one point as well me me me me me me me Jam press the

Butz white concrete white concrete white concrete uh sorry Jamesy that’s incorrect you lose one point beep Lou what is it what is what quart block I that’s wrong that’s wrong that’s wrong that’s wrong it’s not quartz it’s not it’s not quartz okay um oh you’re right

It’s smooth okay you know what you guys both don’t get that you guys both have zero points again bom B bom it’s smooth qu smooth quart okay nice J oh he pressed the buzzer again what did you get Jam furnace furnace yep furnace is correct you got furnace

That’s a PN okay what is it Lou what is it pumpkin pumpkin um actually Lou you’re incorrect because there’s two different types of pumpkin on here sorry Lou you’re wrong you lose a point now well Lou are you prepared to lose I be again oh please don’t get it right Stone

Chiseled blocks chisel stone bricks no way JY okay you actually got that one good work I’m trash at this game oh wait do you not know anym Lou is that it uh I think I can guess one maybe okay well try this is the only chance Black Stone

Black Black Stone huh is that the actual name of it um I think it’s called mycelium you’re wrong Lou sorry is that the end of your build Gracie yeah that’s the end of my build what do you guys think of that game I’m going to give it a four out of

10 same okay Gracie you get another eight points to your name well I had 14 before plus eight I’ve got 22 points okay Gracie well done you won 20 points but I think you’re going to lose cuz I’m already on 16 but no J I’m on 22 not 20

Get don’t get wrong Jam no you had 14 last time and now you have eight that adds up to 20 huh jamy are you dumb 14 + 8 is not 20 oh my goodness 22 it is all right dream Speed Run challenges what is this Lou all right guys so do you want

To do the iceb race first or the parkour race cuz you have to speed run through them wait Lou did you know when I first met Jamesy he looked like dream I did not look like dream let’s do the parkour first when can we go when can we go okay

Let’s do parkour let’s do parkour come on one of you g on that side and one of you g this side you’ve got a race to the top three two go go go oh my gosh James he’s on fire oh never mind I fell off oh my goodness what he failed see that’s

What happens when you go too much on fire okay but I’m I’m going to win this though let’s be real right now oh my gosh look James he’s going for it he’s going for it he’s going for it I my go I was so close I even tried to mess

Him up let’s see how long it takes for Gracie to catch up come on come on she’s going let’s go and she made it good job guys I’m better than you think Jamesy you’ve got to do this as fast as possible first person to win win three

Two 1 go go go go the trick of this one is to not go in the spikes cuz they are very dangerous the spikes will one hit kill you J okay no what just happen I got flung off the side what wait a second wait I’m in

The lead now I’m in the lead um okay never mind speed through it okay okay okay I’m going to get speed through it ready 3 2 1 go yes I made it okay I made I made come on come on Gracie no no don’t go back into those spots he’s on the Next

Level D be careful oh okay other fire other they fire I did it I did it it seems like Jamesy beat you at both of them Gracie that’s a bit disappointing this embarrassing okay Lou that was pretty fun I want to give you a dream cuz it

Looks really cool I going to give it a six out of 10 oh six out of 10 nice you know what I’ll give that one a s out of 10 oh wow that’s 13 points L on 26 he’s beating Gracie by Four Points L ahead of

Me now are you serious oh my goodness and this is my build Jamesy has no Builds on my screen I don’t see any builds ah my goodness never mind okay so the first build you guys have right here is a giant Mikey statue holding up a turtle cuz he’s super cute oh my

Goodness he’s holding a turtle all right do not press any buttons do not press any buttons okay until I say so all right listen up ladies and gentlemen so you’re going to have to answer these questions if you get the answer wrong then that proves that you do not love

Your favorite YouTubers which means they will be blown up I love Mason no I don’t want to blow him up you will get this correct I want you guys to think about the answer and read it out loud to me before you press the lever okay okay so

How many Subs does Mason have the answers are either 5.8 million or 5.3 million I think James’s trying to mess us up it’s going to be 5.3 million I don’t know I feel like mes is really popular so it’d be the higher number all right guys you have to make a decision

Talk to each other and see which one you want to go for is it possible for us to choose two different answers like he chooses one I choose the other one uh you can choose two answers I wish wouldn’t recommend it oh yeah there’s no point in choosing both because one will

Explode at anyway then we’ll have 100% chance of exploding Mason no cheating guys no cheating which answer is final answer now please Lou go with my answer trust me I think it’s better the higher one is better I agree I agree get ready to run get ready to run is it run run

Please don’t tell me this wrong please don’t tell me this wrong wa it is wrong are you serious go great I’m sorry I thought the higher Subs would be better which means that your favorite YouTuber has been blown up okay guys you blew up Mikey so you

Clearly don’t love Mikey but let’s if you love apmau no no I love AAU I literally watch her all the time where was she born in real life wait how am I supposed to know I’m not a stalker Jamesy I know it’s Texas I know rhma has

A Texan accent she doesn’t speak like a Texan though I feel like she speaks normally like a Californian yeah and besides I think she’s like Asian or something right I don’t know anyway you guys want make an answer oh Gracie if I have to go with your answer again it’s

Probably wrong but go ahead okay okay please I swear this time will be right I swear California I’m a Californian so of course I would be able to recognize my own people never mind I knew it was Texas she was born in Texas the explosion didn’t reach her face though so her face

Is still intacted how beautiful but she doesn’t speak like a txan you said that you love that B I should go wrong guys don’t worry her face is still intacted didn’t go all the way up anyway next question you guys are got to get this one right actually does Zoe have a

YouTube channel yes or no oh oh I know this one she doesn’t why do you think so Lou I swear I’ve seen some Zoe channels out there nope nope they’re all fakers are you sure you want to go for that one I’m sure wait I I feel like we should go

With my answer again oh graci I don’t trust you in this come on it’s got to be yes right I know Mia has a channel let go no run run run it’s going to explode it’s going to explode well Lou was actually correct the explosions on this one would not go

Off soe is intact wait what no I could have sworn it was yes come on crazy why did you blow it up are you crazy sorry I thought it was yes oh my goodness sorry Zoe goodness Zoe has been eliminated now you have to do Gracie you don’t want get

This one wrong wait I know this one I know this one come on come on I I know myself you should let me choose it let’s be honest even though all my answers were wrong I swear this one will be the correct one okay oh go ahead which month

Did Gracie post her first video wait I don’t know oh my goodness okay wait guys I think it was April I think it was April are you sure are you sure go ahead and answer it then I think it’s June no I swear it was April Louie it’s my own

Channel I should know myself the best I swear it’s April all right go ahead but if it blows up again I’ll be super angry okay maybe I did kill all of those YouTubers but I’m not going to kill myself I’m definitely right I you know I don’t even have to

Run for this one I’m uh you blow up Gracie I blew myself up are you it’s still exploding you’re still blowing up you’re still blowing up how I get all of them wrong okay Gracie you actually lost again did you guys like my build wasn’t it so explosively fun it was pretty

Explosively fun I thought that was pretty fun okay well rate it out of 10 then please I’ll give it a eight out of 10 no way give it a yeah I’ll give it an 8 out of 10 guys 10 out of 10 did you

Say oh 10 out of 10 uh no no we said 8 out of 10 James Z wait that gives me 16 points which means I’m on 32 which means it’s impossible for you guys even win I win this yes no this is a rig this is a rig

Totally wasn’t using Auto build hacks but guys can we leave we’re not catching anything no Jamesy we got to stay until we catch something fine I guess we’ll stay wait Lou did you just catch something fish yes I got a fish oh my gosh that means we can go home now let’s

Go but I haven’t caught anything yet let’s go home I swear my house is just over here somewhere wait where’s Grazy and Lou gone wait am I lost oh this is such a big Forest I don’t know where to go oh my gosh it’s bad b f up of you

Losing to Gracie and the build challenges here take this mind control it’s not my f she’s just so good wait mind control oh my gosh that’s be so useful yes it’s going to allow you to control graci’s M wait where you going okay I guess I’ve

Got to use this in the bill challenge where are they Jamesy where did you go oh sorry guys need to go home okay I got lost let’s go wait guys before we go home can we do a build challenge a build challenge sure okay let’s go okay guys

Let’s see what we’re building well we’re about to find out let’s see what is it we got nabina oh my gosh okay guys we have to build a navelina secure house and then once we’ve all done building we have to play each others but we only have three lives that sounds really

Awesome Jamesy mine’s going to be way better than you two though no mine’s going to be the most secure ever all right we only have 15 minutes to build let’s go let’s go go all right guys I’m going to be using this mind control device to cheat in this Build Challenge

Okay guys I’m going to sneak through this wall and wao graci is right there so I’m going to use this my control device and try on Gracie I don’t actually know what it does so I going to sneak up behind and zap it on her okay

Let me click it on her 3 2 1 and hello I am at your control wa this is awesome I’ve got control of Gracie uh okay so this is a mind control device so uh follow me Gracie follow me follow me okay whatever you say this is awesome I

Wonder know what it looks like from Grace’s PV right now okay Mr Robotic Gracie can you stop building my nabina please of course I will do that now okay yes this is aome okay and of course while graci’s doing that I’m going to go troll L I wonder what he’s up to right

Now so let’s mve through this wall and wao is that Lou okay I’m going to go invisible and then I’m going to sneak onto his side and I think I’m going to mind control him too that’s the first arm okay let me sneak up behind him with

The mind control device and 3E to one hello hello Jamesy I am at your command how did he know I was here that’s awesome okay Lou I want you to get out a flint and steel and then I want you to go around your entire build and set it

On fire W guys this is awesome I love this device I wonder why Bam Bam gave it to me this is amazing okay and while Lou is doing that I’ll do a few more trolls H oh I know what I should do I’m going

To turn it all into dirt and there we go this is looking a lot lot worse okay guys I’m going to go back to my side and see how Gracie’s getting on okay let’s see oh my God Gracie built so much oh my gosh waking up in 30 seconds wait the my

Control device is going to stop working in 30 seconds oh no she’s going to wake up right here and then realize what she’s done uh Gracie uh please follow me okay oh my God guys I have to get her back to her side quick come on come on

Come on this way this way 10 seconds remaining no come on okay I going to cover this up uh oh wait where am I what happened I’m back here but wait a second 12 minutes have already pass but I swear I just started where did I lose those

Extra 3 minutes this is weird huh I don’t know maybe I’m just really tired whatever I need to start working on my build wait a second what just happened why is my entire base dirt why is it on fire and why am I holding the flint and

Steel was I like Dreaming or something oh there’s no time to dwell on things like this I’ve got to get building okay now that I’m back here and I’ve got this amazing build built by robot Gracie I now have to turn it into a secure base because remember guys we’re only going

To have three lives to complete each of’s bases so if I make this really hard then I’ll win by default so to start with I want to make the entrance super hidden so I’m going to put a chest over here a little bit hidden over here I

Even hide it in this little grass block like that and then put a door right here and this is my little hobby hole house and of course I’m going to cover up with this secret door like that and to give it one more chance to not stick out like

A sore F I’m going to cover up with this grass perfect that looks awesome and of course in this house I’m going to put down a chest and put a jump boost to potion these potions take you from being able to jump one block to Jumping three

Blocks like that amazing this is so cool and with this jump boost I’m going to make them complete of Parkour of course and of course because Gracie sucks at parkour then this is going to be super tricky so got the first jump to there and then we’ll do the second jump all

The way over here that’s a big jump and this is going to go all the way up there for example I’m going to put a trip wire hook and there and there and if they stand on this it’s going to S some op traps on this side it’s going to kick

Out some bleeding potions and some poison potions these do are ton of damage but on this side I’m going to put arrows and Fire charges which throw out fire let me show you how deadly this is wow I have now got poison what if they

Somehow get past that I’m going to put a ton of these spikes down which they’re going to have to dodge and some of these cages which if they stand on will trap them forever meaning I will win and if they actually get past that then they’re

Going to have to get past these two centy turrets which do a ton of damage when you run past them and if they get past those Sentry turrets then they have to find their the secret ladder gosh this is a tricky room before I spawn my

Pet dog in let’s go troll Jamesy let’s go so I’m going to Splash myself with a potion of invisibility and off we go let’s see what James’s up to here we are R what in the world this thing is huge H how can we troll James Z I’ve got a

Really good idea first I’m going to troll the outside because I don’t think he’s here I’m going to add a un BR to his build she kind of looks like a villager now and also this Dragon steel helmet and these all do different protection this one only does two this one does

Three and this one does seven and they’re going to have to guess which one’s the strongest and I’m going to turn his naina’s teeth yellow now his napolina looks super ugly let’s go inside the build I wonder what James’s up to oh I have to be careful not to

Trip any of his traps so need to get the armor that goes with it this stuff is stronger than Diamond so not a bad pick but it seems like he’s making some sort of mob battle room I don’t know let me see if I can sneak into his chest

Without him seeing and some golden apples oh he’s making some weapons but the person who picks this chest is going to get the best armor ever wait one of them is definitely for him and the other ones are for us okay now that I’ve completed this I’ll make them do a mob

Battle so let me do a ladder and there we go okay and then I can build another room up here wait did my Naina just turn red oh my gosh is soone pranking me okay I need to find them and mind control them oh my gosh my naine has been ruined

It left foot is red and look at its teeth all of it teeth are yellow okay I have to fix this wait it seems like James’s distracted let me take a look in these chests iron armor wait Gothic armor and fire dragon steel okay this one is definitely the best this one is

Medium and this is the worst look at this there we go okay the teeth are fixed oh these bot ones aren’t and there we go and oh my gosh look it’s got a unibrow as well okay I have to fix this and find the culprit I’m going to fill

This chest up with like loads of enchanted golden apple okay there we go thank goodness all right let me find the culprit to this and lightning dragon steel armor because that’s totally better I hope Jamesy doesn’t notice oh no he’s right here please don’t look in

The chest oh no he’s looking oh my gosh the worst chest has all this op stuff in it this is no good who’s doing this to me I’m scared guys I think The Jig Is up okay guys I’m going to write a sign over here for Jamesy it’s going to be awesome

Wait guys look it’s l he’s writing a sign okay this is my perfect opportunity to go up behind him and mind control him ready 3 2 1 and boom I am under your command James I can’t believe he did this all to me all right Lou I I want

You to follow me okay your wish is my command okay we’re going to go over to Gracie’s build and we’re going to get him to troll hers instead okay this is her build right here all right Lou I want you to go into graci’s build and

Cause as much Mayhem as possible okay I will now go invisible do you guys think that they’ll be smart enough to figure this out let’s see I must troll Gracie’s build must find way in h secret chest I am now inside the build what is this it

Seems like a bunch of sharks I’m going to fix this part of the build for Jamesy must kill all sharks troll Gracie complete now for the next room did you guys hear that though I just heard a bunch of potions happening huh was that my imagination I swear I just saw my

Chest closed but maybe I’m just being superstitious Gracie does not suspect this room seems like I need to get up to the up so I will place ladders inside for Jamesy this seems like a lava Rising room I will place ladders all the way up the side perfect Gracie still hasn’t

Caught off huh all the sharks are gone who killed all the sharks now I have to replace all these sharks and you know what I’m going to make them even harder to beat look at them these are great white but what is this 64 ladders Jamesy

And Lou could easily use that to just climb up here without doing the trick that’s cheating about here TR complete trolls complete what Lou what are you doing here explain yourself Lou stop it stop it stop it wo whoa whoo whoo What is going on Gracie

What are you doing here well I’m the one who wants to know what you’re doing here it’s my bill I don’t know Gracie I just like woke up here this is so weird you woke up here that sounds like a lame excuse you know what just get out of

Here okay I’m sorry I think we’ve only got like 8 minutes left 8 minutes I’m going to hurry up that was like super weird what the heck is going on guys what was that that was really weird Lou was not acting normal and he said that

He woke up here that’s kind of like what happened to me I woke up and I was like really disoriented I didn’t know why I was there or what had happened maybe I shouldn’t think too much of it he probably was just coming up with an excuse to troll me okay and obviously

Now that I’m back I had to build this this Mob Arena there we go I can fill this with a ton of cool things I’m going to make them do three different waves wave one that I’m going to make them do is I’m going to make them fight against

This Frost Mo which is super deadly for the next M I’m going to make them fight I’m going to make them fight these Valor juggernauts I’ve sped a few of them in so we’ll put that on the next item frame and the last mob that are spaw in is a

Few of these giant Frankensteins these are super deadly guys they’re Op Zombies but if they can somehow survive all of those mobs without losing all their lives then they can go to the next room so build a little staircase up and we’ll go to the next room and in this next

Room I’m going to do something really really funny I’m going to put a chest over here with two bows and a bunch of arrows and I’m going to make them have a shooter and of course whoever loses it’s going to lose a life and guys remember

If we lose all of our Lives then we’re eliminated this is a win win for me one of them is going to lose one of their lives okay for the next thing I’m going to do is I’m going to put a ton of fans down fans are super cool cuz they blow

You around so I’m going to put a ton of fans like this and I’m basically going to make a fan maze so I’m going to put fans around like this and then I’ll fill the gaps with spikes like this so if someone messes up and they accidentally

Fall the spans then they’re going to fall the spikes and die and lose one of their lives so let me turn this into a proper proper Maze and there we go all the fans are down let me give this go so we start over here we go up like this

Okay and then you have to just keep bouncing up and down without falling off the the fans of voice you’ll die this is super tricky and then not that you to make sure you go the right way oh you can skip it maybe oh that’s scary okay

Now let me fill up all the gaps with spikes and there we go there’s spikes literally everywhere so them were even floating off the ground making it even trickier and now of course it’s a lot harder to see where you have to go on the fans okay that’s amazing but

Whenever Gracie and Lou get over here they’re going to have to get on a secret platform over here and then I’m going to make them do a little bit of a barrier walk on these invisible blocks and make them do some Parkour of these barrier

Blocks and once they get all the way up here they can go to this command block with a button on it which will send them to the next room and that command block will send them to the next room which is right here this is going to be an ice

Boat race so in here we’re going to place down a ton of this blue ice like this and make it go zigzag so they have to complete this race this is super tricky cuz this blueee stuff is really slippery especially when you’re on a boat it’s perfect and of course if they

Fall off then they going to lose one of their lives which is amazing oh there we go let me give this a go let’s see how hard this is who W this is really slippery guys I bet at least one of them are going to lose one of their lives

Here oh that’s very tricky ah this is so hard okay I made it across but I think that will be perfect and then we have the exit to the room right here okay but now I’m going to go prank Gracie and Lou again let’s go find them okay let me go

Get Lou first I’m going to mine control both of them to fight each other oh he’s right there 3 2 1 I am at your command wonderful Lou you look really stinky today anyway follow me please of course we’re going to have to go find Gracie oh she’s right there okay Lou watch

This hello what do you want me to do okay both of you get to survival mode please your wish is my command and then I’m going to put in this lava Circle let me do two more and perfect okay and then I want you two robots to start fighting

Each other 3 2 1 and go you will never defeat me I will kill you guys this is perfect one of them are going to lose their first life and they only get three respawns remember there is nothing you can do my go die already get in the lava

Terminate you no I do this for Jamesy oh my gosh I will kill you they’re both still alive what’s going on one of them have to win oh wait robot crazy’s going to win oh my gosh I am the superior robot well I guess I’ll let them live

Okay I’ll go back to my build now bye-bye robots Lou’s already down to two more fre spawns this is perfect wait a second what is happening why do I have have a heart and why is Lou here and we’re surrounded by a bunch of lava Lou what happened I don’t know Gracie why

Have I just woken up here again this is really fishy wait it says that you’ve lost a life what already but I don’t remember dying yeah I’m almost dead as well this is really scary who would do this to us I don’t know but all I know

Is that we’ve not got long left to finish our builds Gracie we’ve got to hurry oh you’re right okay bye-bye bye-bye okay for my last room I’m going to make Gracie and Lou to a question room because they’re both really stupid so this should work perfectly okay so

Let me make a hole right here and get the first question locked and loaded H what should I ask oh I know I’m going to ask who has more subscribers Jamesy or ncoo blocks guys if you want me to win my sub race against n blocks Please

Subscribe right now we need a win I want to get to a million Subs before him but if they answer ni blocks and they’re going to be wrong so they’re both going to die perfect my next question I’m going to ask when is our plushy coming

Out on the left I’m going to put H never but on the right I’m going to say really soon and guys we’re actually going to be releasing a plushy really soon in the next few weeks so if you do want a push you then let’s get some hype in the

Comments but of course if they answer the wrong question they die and lose another Al but guys unfortunately the time has run out so now we’re going to go to meet them in the middle okay guys are you ready to play each other’s builds yeah I can’t wait Jamesy yes I

Remember Lou you’ve already lost your first life so you need have two more respawns left uhoh that doesn’t sound good at all wait two lives wait Jamesy how did you know that you weren’t there when we found out that Lou only had two lives left oh I saw in the chat anyway

Uh let’s go play Lou build first it’s down here right come on wao guys what do we think of this remember we still have to rate them as well yeah you better rate it the best because this is awesome it does look pretty cool I have to admit

And I love the black dolls they look awesome yep I thought they would look amazing I can tell you’re going for a really cool design and I like her arms as well well Louie if we can get in without losing any lives it’s not looking like you’re going to win though

Because remember remember if you lose all your lives then you have to lose well Jamesy I would be careful if I were you because you might lose a lot of lives here oh my gosh did you just see that Gracie what was that you just got

Fire charged I got flung across the Lava Lake I like skated over it look I want to show you how it works ready 3 2 1 that’s so fun it seems like you found my fake entrance maybe you should try the next one what let me try this w W okay Gracie

Well that’s the first trap and we managed to do it without dying woohoo well how about you go in through the real entrance there wait what it’s fake as well oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die okay I’m rehealing oh perfect oh you totally fell

Into the lava there you should have died instantly but wait so they both fake entrances yep and you have to find the real one wait Gracie on the back there’s a third entrance this has to be it okay let’s go in yeah it was super obvious

But you you guys just didn’t seem to know oh well it wasn’t that obvious okay Gracie some basic lava parkour should be easy wait what it’s fake lava let me get me get me out of here oh my go I was on free Hearts I almost just died some of

These blocks are ghost blocks oh graci I have got idea okay I’m going to need you to turn around and close your ears okay what um okay yeah okay 3 2 1 and my control Lou I’m under your command sir okay can you replace all these ghost

Block of real on please this is way too tricky sure thing no problem thank you jamy are you done yet can I turn a around one more second Gracie don’t worry just close your ear your wish is my command sir it is done okay Lou you

Can now leave mind control mode 3 2 1 and poof wait was I dreaming or something you off uh Gracie turn around now it’s okay finally that’s a you ages okay let’s do these jumps again there we go perfect wait what how are you doing my

Parkour uh it was easy wasn’t it Gracie yeah this is real isn’t it yeah I guess it changed for the first time oh no I’m pretty sure half of those were like ghost bugs right what happened to them oh I don’t know Lou never mind wait what

Does this sign say read it Jamesy go the other way around goobers what we went the wrong way it seems like even though you somehow managed to complete my parkour you didn’t even realize that the exit was over here oh my gosh that’s so annoying okay I’m going to go up this

Ladder wait I found the secret chest Lou wait wait wait wait wait you weren’t supposed to find that yet Gracie take out the loot take out the loot this is awesome well I guess you guys can come up the ladder now yeah okay now we have loads of armor Gracie this should be

Awesome oh defeat my pet dog shocky what dog no not Sharky Sparky oh sorry I can’t read my goodness you’re so dumb and this is Sparky guys I hope you’ll have fun with him that’s not a dog he likes to play fetch not with bones but

With humans come on Gracie we need to put his dog down I’m sorry Lou but your dog has taking a trip to the vet no wait he’s Frozen me come on Gracie don’t worry about that we just need to kill it oh he just did so much damage to me yes

We killed it he didn’t even hit me once that was easy peasy Sparky oh my gosh Lou next time don’t try and get us to fight your pet dog yeah what did you think was going to happen wait Gracie I found a secret chest a secret chest where right here there’s five l

We can use those to climb up you guys must have X-ray vision or something because you’re finding all of my secret traps no we’re just smart I almost just spected to these spikes ow they do tons of damage careful Jamesy well you guys this is the spike Godless I wonder if

You can make it all the way down to this pressure plate come on Grazy just jump over them I’ll catch you oh Jamesy you didn’t catch me and I don’t need your help I’m trying to be a good boyfriend here oh # girl power I don’t need boys

Help really cuz I’m get through first me me me oh no more lasers Lou yep you just went down one of naina’s arm and this is the start of the next one okay we have to dodge how you push me to the lasers they’re doing damage I made

Sure that this was possible all of these jumps can be done yeah I’m doing them cuz I’m an expert parkour OU really ouch come on Jamesy hurry up you’re taking like so much damage oh wait I’m not taking damage my armor is making it so I

Take barely any but wait what is this well I’m pretty sure you already know what this is uh at least Gracie will it’s a boat race no way wow there’s a lot of boats in that chest but I’m ready I’ve done lots of practice let’s just share Gracie there’s not much much space

And we don’t want to lose many lives oh careful slow down you s be on fire Slow Down slow down C reckless driver oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh get out of there I need to eat a golden

Apple I need to eat a golden apple same oh my goodness crazy how about you let your boyfriend Drive okay you can drive you guys were so close to dying I can’t believe you managed to survive that well Lou watch this expert driver here I got

My license many many years ago oh be careful Jamesy Jamesy I thought you were good we’re staying on the road we’re staying on the road we’re on the road still we’re on the road still ah we basically made it quickly come up come up come up it seems like you’re more of

A reckless driver than Gracie well next time build your roads wider those were way too skinny we’re both fats okay well I guess you guys have completed most of the traps come on up wait what’s up here this this your house yep welcome to my

Secure house oh my gosh oh look at these cabinets they’re so cool this is awesome and this gaming PC is amazing yep and there’s also this area here where we can watch our YouTube videos oh my God this is amazing I’m going to watch it for hours straight but wait you’re trying to

Trick me we still need to do me and Gracie’s build yeah all right Lou we have to rate your build now uh Gracie how about you go first well I thought the traps were pretty difficult but they weren’t the best the outside did look

Cool though so I’m going to give it a 6 out of 10 oh not bad I’m going to give it a 7 out of 10 Lou I wish my house looked this good so that means Lou has 13 points total this is awesome but the

Good news is GRA neither of us lost our lives so it’s maybe unlikely that we’re going to get knocked out but Lou could oh that doesn’t sound good at all okay let’s go do Gracie’s build now wa Gracie is this your na nina welcome to my build what are your

Thoughts W what’s this Lava Lake doing here I don’t know as well it just came out of nowhere one day I think the aliens invaded um I have to say Gracie I don’t think this is quite as good as Louis build I wonder what you spent all

Your time building doing guys huh what are you talking about now that you mentioned that there were 3 minutes that I lost and I was really confused where they went what happened did you have a nap I must have fallen asleep or something but that doesn’t matter you

Guys have been really sleepy today anyway how do we get inside this build yeah how do we find our way in there’s a secret entrance H I don’t know Lou this pink blog is looking hella sus yeah this is totally some kind of odd block out

Let me take a look oh my God it’s a secret chest with a shrinking device I’m going to take it wait but what can we use it for H there’s a suspicious looking hole here but it’s covered with dirt that can’t be the way they this somewhere else H take a look around

Jamesy I’ll follow you around as well I have good idea I’m going to go super large that one that be just seemed more stuff good idea I don’t know if that’s going to be helpful giant Jamesy walking around stop you okay let me see if I can see

Anything from up here Jamesy how’s the weather up there very humid Lou there’s many clouds up here oh I don’t know I can’t find anything wait is that dirt block a little bit suspicious to you yeah it looks a tiny bit wider than a normal oh my gosh that’s crazy guys

You’re too smart for me okay I’m going to shrake down Lou look watch this I’m now a baby all right you get down you use that thank you Jamesy I’m coming with you oh my gosh we made it into her build perfect awesome take this shrinking device back we need to get

Back to normal side okay your turn Lou my turn is now why is there so many sharks here oh my gosh I hate sharks they’re so deadly Gracie y because I wanted to make sure this was really difficult for you guys you have to get

Over here to the other side oh no I don’t know if I like this wait I have an idea Louie what are you thinking Jamesy okay I always you to come over here and put your face to the wall please and put on some noise cancelling aems uh okay I

Guess okay now that he can’t hear me uh crazy yeah can I be here please okay all right hello your wish is my command Okay Grazy first F first I want you to go in survival mode survival mode success okay and now I want you to die to your own

Sharks okay I will die okay can you just stand there and yeah just die to the sharks please thank you Lou turn around Gracie just died to a shark wait how these are her shark H what happened why did I die and why am I in survival mode

I don’t know Gracie you just went into survival mode and died that’s weird oh I don’t know what’s happening today I must be really out of it okay Lou anyway with that said I was your train when across this Lake okay Jamesy we’ve got to hurry though these sharks are dangerous yeah

They certainly wait these blocks are fake wait I’m going to lose my first life no swim swim swim I can’t believe it we’ve all lost one life now and we all only have two left oh no what are we supposed to do here then okay I don’t

Know wait over there there’s a barrier block look wait what oh no that’s super obvious okay L let’s run across in 3 2 1 and go go go go go go go go oh my gosh I’m doing so much damage those shars are super powerful yeah that was terrifying

I’m scared of the ocean Jamesy you guys found those berry blocks so quickly good job oh wow I didn’t want to lose another life wait what’s this room Gracie well you guys need to get up here this is how you get to the next room oh no I can’t

Believe she’s making a secure house a puzzle what is we supposed to do yeah Jamesy my brain isn’t big enough for this there’s a plant oh there’s a chest over here huh obsidian that’s weird why would we need obsidian we could try placing it down but that would be enough

We’d be one block short wait Jamesy I think it has something to do with this obsidian here maybe you have to place it on top wait Lou Lou it’s a secret chest wait a secret chest no way wait I think I know what we need to do show me show

Me show me you guys found that so quickly you’re really smart but how are you going to use that bone meal well I know exactly what to do first I’m going to bone meal this plant right here which I think is is a melon plant and there we

Go a a pumpkin house SP what we can use this as a Blog to get up Jamesy exactly that gives us one extra block so I can place one right there and one right here and then we can jump up awesome you’re so smart Jamesy that was like a million

IQ oh I know I’m a genius right guys H wait what’s this room job guys now get down there oh my gosh why she do that you guys are about to play the lava is rising wait what where are we even supposed to go this room is empty is it

That hole up there wait there’s no way up I can’t get up there Louise a dead end wait Jamesy what are we supposed to do then wait there’s some more obsidian over there let’s go that way quick quick quick the lava’s rising okay good idea

Ah oh my God L are you going to lose your next life I don’t know I’m burning it hurt oh my gosh quick quick quick over here oh is this something yes this is a fake room look come in here okay jamy come on come on come on oh my gosh

Wait I’m being blown around me too help sorry I thought you guys could need a bit of cooling down after all that lava I mean that is true I was on fire but what are we supposed to do in here I don’t know you have to somehow Escape

But I can’t tell you JY I’m getting like blown around everywhere I can’t even move let’s look for some more secret chests they’ve been very helpful so far any OD blocks in this room H this red one’s on the roof but there’s too many

For it to be a secret chest yeah I’m not sure guys maybe one of these fans are fake see if any of them aren’t blowing you around okay Jamesy I’m not sure there’s a lot of fans around here oh I don’t know Lou what are we supposed to

Do Jamesy it seems like the fans really want to blow us into this corner here maybe it’s something over there I don’t know oh okay I’m going to keep trying to get past these fans Jamesy and wait Jamesy Jamesy Jamesy what one of these obsidian blocks is a secret chest with

Sticky boots oh my God I’m going to put them on yes now the fans can’t blow us around and is this the way out yes it is perfect okay Lou I’m going to Chuck them back to you now okay okay Jamesy go ahead all there we go take them take

Them they’re over there going everywhere oh well you good luck with that thank you Jamesy I’m coming come on awesome okay there’s a chest here and there’s bows and arrows what what’s that useful for well that’s because you guys are going to shoot these targets and only

One of them will actually send you to the next room okay what do the rest of them do well every time you shoot the rug one US silent Steve is going to spawn okay Lou let’s get shooting these targets Oh wrong Oh wrong okay you know

Those work ah the SI behind us kill them kill them kill them watch out jamy I fell in uh let me break you out there we go wait I swear none of these are working I’ve shot all of them come on guys okay I’ll kill the side Steve so I

Think I’ve killed them all but Lou none of those targets worked I shot every single one there’s got to be something else with this room then Jamesy I don’t know grae must be trolling us somehow in here you guys would never be smart enough to figure it out wait Lou hasn’t

All the obsidian blocks up to now been clued yeah this seems a bit suspicious that it’s like the only obsidian in this room maybe it’s a secret chest I’m going to open it no nothing happened Jamesy I noticed a piston over here moved what is this wait yeah this block has been moved

But that’s not very useful yeah it’s just a weird coincidence don’t worry about it wait Lou back there I see a Target block you see it wait a Target block where that might be the one that we’re supposed to shoot though last Target that thing is Tiny can you hit it

Jamesy oh of course I can yes you did it Jamesy and you teleported us to the next room yeah and all of that without losing a life perfect well we’re about to play red light green light yellow light and this is going to be really difficult yellow light why is

There a yellow light if you’re still moving when I say red light then I can shoot you with this crazy car oh my gosh okay I’m ready okay ready green light green light go go go go go go go oh I’m going to spike I’m going to spike

Quick make it green quick make it green I’m going to die I’m going to die pleas yellow light oh my gosh that was close I too hard greed lights red lights oh my gosh I’m stuck still no no no no no no I lost another

Life oh my gosh I’m back at the start and now I only have one more respawn Jam you fell for my trap I said red light not green light well let’s go again green light go go go go go go go go lights okay I’m stopping Red Lights W

You guys are really close thank you gra GRE lights go go go light made you guys all made it good job yes sir and now we go to the next room come down here what’s in here though Lou you stay on the red don’t open the chest okay I

Didn’t open them Jeezy Cal stay on the red and jamy go in the orange and now we’re going to play The Hunger Games Games Hunger Games I like eating what are you talking about no not the Hunger Games but I mean the Hunger Games you

Guys have to go to the middle and grab loot from out of these chests and fight to the death wait does that mean at least one of us is guaranteed to die and L Al alive oh my gosh I only have one respawn left I have two but I’m going to

Fight for my life 3 2 1 and go go go go go go oh my God that’s no good yes okay oh no oh no I only got one piece of armor and a healing potion okay there’s no way you could defeat me look at his L

He got the better weapon more armor oh my gosh all I’ve got is this wait I can use this okay this is going to be perfect prepare to die Jamesy 3 2 1 go your wish is my command Okay Lou don’t say anything trop be all your

Armor and weapons Lou what are you doing why aren’t you killing Jamesy he’s just a really good friend Gracie okay Lou uh 3 two 1 snap out of it snap out of it what’s going on Lou you accidentally dropped all your stuff and now I’m going to eliminate you you’re bleeding no no

No no get away from me I don’t even need to go towards you I’m going to finish you off and SPO me yes Jamesy how did you do that yep now Lou only has one more life left like me and gra you still have two now oh that’s like super unfair

What happened to me I don’t know Lou you must have napped again you still didn’t explain how you did that don’t worry about it wait is this your room yeah this is my house you guys made it to the end oh my gosh this is amazing what do

You guys think of Gracie’s house it’s a little bit more open than mine I don’t know if I like it or not W your PC looks amazing um okay Lou we have to rate her build I’m going to rate it a 6 out of 10

Greasy I didn’t like it as much as Lou a and I’m going to rate it I don’t know like a four out of 10 I don’t even like this room well you only has to die one more time Jamesy cuz he lost two lives already oh my gosh Lou one more death

And you’re gone I don’t have to worry anymore because now you guys are going to go to my bell let’s see it and here it is what do you guys think wow this is amazing and ginormous who built this yeah Gracie you did a great job thanks

For that by the way huh I I didn’t build it okay whatever you say wait Jamesy Gracie built yours isn’t that like cheating or something no I was just making a joke don’t worry about it well how do we get inside well you have to find the secret entrance and you’ll

Never find it let me just close it oops Daisy uh Jamesy there’s like parkour going up to the top that’s got to be it okay let me give it a go then see if you can do this parkour okay here I go first jump wait wait a second I can’t even

Make this job I guess you have a bit more growing to do don’t you buddy that’s weird where in the world could the entrance be oh I wonder Jamesy do you think I’m stupid or something uh yeah I do actually Lou why is this grass growing underneath grass I don’t know

Wait it’s a secret door okay you guys found my Splash jump potions perfect whatever all right guys splash us then guess get some jump boost okay wo look how high you guys can jump I’m totally going to do this parkour so easy remember though if you

Fall and die then you’re going to lose oh no I’ve got to be careful with these jumps I’m doing great oh my gosh you guys are so high how haven’t you fell yet I don’t know but I know that if I fall from here I’m toast oh my gosh

Graci you almost just died that was close that was scary did you see that move it was amazing yeah it was awesome but now you guys have to get through my next traps well this will be super easy with this jump boo uh oh you stepped on

It you’re bleeding Lou you’re bleeding I need to eat right now oh no he’s getting closed to death Lou you only have a couple lives left let me see what this does wow it shoots a potion of bleeding yeah and sometimes even poison let’s jump over it this is super dangerous I’m

Kind of scared I don’t really want to do that again H there’s cages over there Lou you have to be really careful okay we’ll have to go through the middle here wait what am I taking damage from oh there’s a sry turret yeah graci be

Careful don’t get shot by it I know a trick that I think you guys used against me once I can run into the turret oh my God that’s genius I forgot that you could do that if you’re inside of it then it can’t shoot you let me do that

As well okay get ready there’s another turret over there 3 2 1 go oh you guys are cutting close well done jamy I just walked into an invisible ladder okay whatever all right guys come up here this is where you going to get your loot so that you won’t

Recently die in the next few traps okay guys so we have three different helmets here and you have to pick which chest you want based on how the helmet looks some of them are really weak and some of them are really strong I already know which one I’m going to pick Jamesy I’m

Going to go for this one wait what why Lou why would you do that that one’s only iron oh no I’m pretty sure there was like super good loot in here I mean uh I’m pretty sure a second was that you no it wasn’t no it wasn’t you must have

Tried the cheese you have to pick which one you want which what helmet looks more powerful this one or this one this one because it looks like a dragon okay you picked correct well done and now I can take the helmet as well you also get these apples Gracie don’t I looks super

Cool in my helmet though guys well done well Lou I think he might die remember you only have one life there so uh good luck okay Jamesy get ready I’m going to destroy whatever comes towards me okay off you go so in here I have got free

Rounds you got to defeat each one ready I’m ready first round is this frostmore yes oh my gosh graci sword is so powerful Lou are you okay buddy kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it okay well don’t worry he’s aiming at me yeah

Good thing you’ve got Gracie on team Lou otherwise you would have been screwed a long time ago well the next round is these Valor jug oh my gosh you’re freezing them Lou these guys are strong yeah they’re really strong they’re like Iron Golems but from Valor Knights I took some ideas

From the frost mall we fought and I’m going to use this Crystal to freeze them okay well graci’s doing most of the damage let’s be realistic here watch out Gracie don’t freeze me Lou be careful oh graci is going to get stuck in the corner be careful Gracie watch out watch out watch

Out let go gosh you up all my signs oh wow they drop a lot of cool gold yeah that’s stop cing me Lou be careful when they die they blow up yeah well okay you killed those now you have to do the last round and you have to fight a wave of giant

Frankenstein oh that’s super easy free I’m sced I’m scared L you’re literally putting out the fire that Gracie’s doing oh I’m going to totally die if I have to fight anymore help me Gracie help me don’t worry I’ve got you I’m on like one heart okay guys stop winging go up here

What is this open up this chest and both pull out a bow and some arrows please okay uh okay I guess now you’re going to have to have a b shoot off and obviously Lou with the worst armor I think you might lose and of course if Gracie beats you

Then you’re eliminated well there’s no way I’m going to lose when I’ve got this as well oh my gosh okay well Gracie Remember If you eliminate Louie then that means you’ll beat him cuz the moment his build is beat than yours but he’ll get wiped out if you kill him yeah

And I don’t want to lose any lives come on Lou you’ve only got one life left if you die then you can’t ever die again that’s why I’m going to fight to live 3 2 1 and go oh my gosh that’s kind of cheating Lou but whatever you youing the B are

You oh okay see that was also cut up cheating but I’ll let you off that’s what he guessed for trying to cheat in the first place well Lou unfortunately that means you’re now eliminated so it’s just me and graci you can keep on playing but it doesn’t matter okay I

Guess now Grazy you have to try not to die because if you die then then you might also lose to me no I want to make sure I win okay guys you have to get on these fans and stay on them be careful there’s a lot of spikes wo this is scary

If you for the fans into the spikes then you’re going to get eliminated so be careful and complete this fan maze okay I’m going to take a shortcut yeah oh my gosh Lou that was risky I’m going for another risky move yeah oh my gosh this

Guy I guess he has nothing to lose huh Gracie yeah Lou you’re so brave no I’m the brave one oh I mean you’re brave too jamy thank you well I’m almost at the end but where am I supposed to go from here well there’s a platform over here

Come over here oh she you gave it away wait and it’s pink as well of course how could I not have seen that well it’s not pink the wall outside of it is pink but whatever oh oopsies okay guys off you go to the next bit there’s barrier blocks

Yeah there is barrier blocks but you have to find the next section but where could it be I don’t see anything you guys are looking in the wrong place wait is that a command block yeah there is and there’s a button on it but how do we

Shoot that oh you can’t shoot it you have to press it with your fingers wait we have to press it how are we going to get over there though uh use your brain Lou I know you can do it buddy oh no I just noticed these parkour jum y there’s

Some barrier jum oh well good thing he has no lives left but you can’t make that mistake yeah he’s already been eliminated but I can’t where’s the next block Gracie you pushed me off that’s so not fair is this another Ice Race come on you know this is my weakness okay

We’re going to all do an ice race make sure you don’t mess up Gracie wait Jamesy at least you made the roads a little wider than mine this time yeah I was a bit nicer okay I’ll let you guys go first and then I’ll go last three 2 1

And go go go go go go careful Gracie don’t fall off don’t czy wait Howes see you have left I think she has like two left Jamesy okay we made it over Lou okay Gracie you have to complete this this try otherwise you’re going to be eliminated don’t make that mistake oh no

I can’t be eliminated go really slowly okay like that you’ve got this Gracie come on I believe now turn left turn left a little bit I’m making it JY I’m making it okay gra but you’re going literally 1 mile an hour wo wo wo wo wo

Wo wo oh Gracie you’re getting so close come on come on turn left turn left oh my gosh okay I’ll let you are come on come come okay so close turn left turn left what are you doing oh my gosh okay but you only have one more life left so

If you answer any of these questions wrong you’re going to be eliminated Gracie what okay who has more subscribers obviously us James the Nico blocks is so lame yeah come on let’s go well done we’re a sub race against him Gracie we can’t lose you’re right and

When is our plushy coming out oh yeah we have a plushy coming out really really soon yeah guys get ready to buy it yeah I can’t wait to get my hands on that little guy I’m going to buy a hundred of them if you buy it and comment down

Below we’re going to give you a shout out oh my gosh okay Gracie look at my house what do you guys think wait there’s nothing here Jamesy it’s just a piece it’s a soundproof room you know less Echo this is horrible is this way you record your videos Jamesy because

This is kind of sad record anyway what do you guys want to rate it out of 20 a zero out of 10 what is this what Lou what do you want to rate it h well the room at the end was disappointing but the traps were pretty good so I’ll rate

It like a three well that means I still lose oh my gosh thaty graci he wins even with this mind control wait uh wait mind control Bo boom boom okay you guys you’re both under my control uh I want you to subscribe to jamy subscribe to jamy

Subscribe shut up guys like the video I want you to rate my bill 10 out of 10 and 3 2 1 boom 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 oh you both R 10 out of 10 thanks what I didn’t say that you just did it’s on

Camera why can’t I log in what is my password I forgot it again oh this is so annoying wait is my phone ringing where’s my phone where’s my phone oh it’s in my back pocket um hello hello wait who is this who’s calling me you sound pretty weird I’m

Your hacker you can only get your Minecraft account back if you help me wait I’ve been hacked no wonder I call it Logan I have to tell my mom I have to tell my mom I have to tell my mom stop don’t tell your mom oh no you must help

Me win a Build Challenge and that’s the only way you can get your Minecraft account back no way oh my goodness oh fine I’ll help you win your bill challenge okay so I only have to help you with a bill Challenge and then I can get my Minecraft account back no I also

Want 500 bucks fine fine fine I’m coming to the build Arena right now L why are you at the build Arena what are you doing here what uh well I was invited here by Gracie to do a build challenge why are you here um hello Jamesy get

Over here be quiet I’ll talk to you in a minute Lou Gracie what are you doing here are you doing a bill challenge against Lou I was supposed to meet the hacker Here I Am The Hacker you’re not supposed to tell Lou that you’re helping me oh my goodness you hacked my

Minecraft account so that I would help you cheat in a bill challenge yeah and I’m not giving it back until you gave me what you promised oh my goodness guys I’m being exor but okay fine I’ll help you okay jamy but you have to go invisible because Lou can’t know that

You’re here okay fine fine fine I’ll go invisible and all right come over here okay okay Lou I’m ready to start the Build Challenge are you ready to lose absolutely and no I’m not going to lose I’m going to win huh we’ll see about that okay we only have like 15 minutes

So hurry up oh I will okay so you’re the hacker you’re supposed to help me with this Build Challenge what do we do well you know since I’m a hacker obviously I’ve got some tricks on my sleep I’m about to do slash slash maze wait no way who are we building well turn

Around wait is this coach picolina oh yeah you bet she’s so pretty I mean um she’s she’s all right Jamesy you know you’re not supposed to say that anyway come on let’s start building the Trap or better yet troll Lou yeah can we troll Lou please there’s only 15 minutes to

This Bell Challenge and if we slow him down that we can win and I’ll get my Minecraft account back back okay well what’s the plan well James you know that Lou has a crush on Sophie right oh yeah Lou has a crush on our other friend yeah

But what if Lou saw Sophie hanging out with another dude oh my God okay let’s do that you be Sophie off be the other dude okay Grazy our disguise is ready what do you think of mine um well I think Sophie’s way out of your league um

No offense oh whatever let’s go and now it’s time for the head and now I have to do the little horns wait what what is that hey Lou wait Sophie and who’s this guy oh this is just my date I was on a date with him don’t worry wait your date

Joshy who are you yo bro I’m basically just you but way better look how buff I am yeah I’m so strong oh you’re not even buff and you’re blue and brown that’s disgusting did you know Sophie loves blue yeah it’s way better than red seriously no wait Sophie no oh gosh Lou

You know I’m going to go chase after her but if you want her to be your girlfriend you better run after her bro okay fine fine sopie come back leave your bu unprotected genius which means I can now blow up what Lou has done so far to

Reset his progress wait wait where did Sophie go she must be around in somewhere d J Jamesy wait Gracie where are you um I’m right behind you where’s louy still chasing you um no I went to spectator mode and I don’t think he saw me okay let’s blow up his

Build wait what kind of TNT is that Jamesy that’s TNT * 20 so it does 20 times the normal amount look at it go oh my goodness that was going to cry after he sees this yep I’m going to have to put a little bit more in here Gracie we

Have to blow up his statue that way we can win don’t you think this is a bit much well anyway Lou statue is almost completely gone and before he comes back we should probably get out of here oh she’s nowhere around here I’m just going

To go back okay I’m back and wait my build it’s completely ruined Sophie oh no Sophie Jos what do you think you’re doing outside oh nothing bro just stay over there you’re such a sip oh oh come on come on yeah sorry L you’re not my

Type sopie how could you do this to me crazy that works so well I feel bad but now he’s going to be so heartbroken for the rest of the build we’re going to totally win yeah but Gracie one thing you need to know about build challenges

We don’t just have to do the outside we have to build an inside as well oh oh no I forgot quick let’s start building the traps yep we need the traps okay Gracie so what should we do for the first trap well I know that there’s got to be a

Secret entrance what do you think we could do to make it super duper secret well I think we could just put in a normal entrance like this but then we can hide it with tons of saplings AKA trees that way he have no way to find

The entrance and he’ll never have to be able to get in at all which means we’re going to win the build until I get my Minecraft account back wait Jam they still like a tree maze this better be good you know that if we don’t win

You’re never going to get it back oh I need my backra account back otherwise how am I going to play with you James D this Bor is getting really really big yep it’s super dense just like you Gracie what um you know I’m the hacker right yeah you’re still stupid

Anyway I think this SP is almost good what should we do next well I’m thinking we should put some traps inside of this Forest yeah that’s a brilliant idea and then I think I’m going to cover up the entrance using some locks they’re planty with the forest like this but we’ll

Actually turn these into ghost blocks ghost blocks look like no one blocks but you can actually walk through them this is perfect cuz Lou is just going to think this is another tree exactly I’m a genius and Gracie I’m also going to put some of these bear traps in they

Actually if you stand on them they will catch you oh no okay good thing I’m on your side so they won’t catch me exactly but Lou will get caught in these when he’s in the forest he’s got to be super duper careful what about these spikes James they’ll make it even more

Difficult oh my goodness great and then graci see we can also make a little Bear Pit you know when you make a little hole where you put some spikes at the bottom then cover it up with some ghost blocks yeah yeah I put the spikes down and then

We just need the ghost blocks wow this looks so real from the surface okay gra now that we’ve done all this I need to find the entrance okay it’s over here and then we can start by building the inside too okay Gracie so I want you to

Come out this trap so I think we should make a pit over here like this and then we’ll have to get Lou to get over this pit somehow but I haven’t thought about how yet I think we can fill this up with a bunch of lava lava that you show that

Lava is super scary but it’s super orange and I love orange guys ew okay I didn’t pick it because of you oh I was thinking that after he gets over here he needs to get to the other side using some kind of laser lasers lasers they do

Damage grae they don’t help you get over Bridges no because there’s different upgrades you can give to laser I mean look at this one I can put a push upgrade inside and watch what happens when I put some Redstone underneath wait no way I’m being push

Up ow Jamesy be careful do you see what I mean maybe this could push up across to the other side wait great that’s a genius idea there’s also a no damage laser wait wait wait what this if I put a laser right here right here and right there in all these

Places and then in these lasers we can make them no damage so that he can get in them oh yeah and it wouldn’t accidentally kill him that would be funny though and then finally we can put pull things in them so that they pull him up and that way he can get across

The lava but wait grey we need to make this harder somehow what if we hide the upgrades and he has to put them in himself wait take out the pull upgrade and when we can hide in this room somewhere where should we hide it what if we hid it like underneath this

Platform next to the lava wait that’s a genius idea we can make a little Cove over here and then put a little chest down here but wait we can make this even harder Gracie I know we can well we can make it a password protected chest that

Means he would need a password or code in order to even open the chest wait that’s a good idea look there we go password protected chest uh what should we make the code Gracie um how about 4576 4576 genius now I can put the thing in there

4576 and there we go we can pull the pull upgrades I’ll put three of them to get across but wait how is he going to get that code you’re right we have to hide that somewhere else wait how about over here we make a pit of zombies I

Know where you’re going with this we can give one of them a name tag that says 4576 exactly but to get that name tag he’s going to have to jump in there and kill them all and there we go we have a p full of zombies now Gracie what which

One are we naming okay I’m going to name this one back here he’s all the way at the back so knew we won’t be able to see him unless he jumps all the way in genius genius Gracie um do you want to give us some weapons somewhere we can

Put another a chest somewhere oh I know we make there’s a secret trap chest right here this block ooh and it looks a little bit different so that way he’ll realize yep I’m going to put in some diamond armor like this there we go well

Grazy this is a really good first step I really hope Lou tries to jump into this laser then falls into the lava me too that’d be hilarious exactly but now once he gets over here what’s the next trap that we need to do we need to make our

Base super secure to win this Build Challenge okay so my build’s looking kind of good but I think I want to troll Gracie now I’m going to get some little items together like this fire TNT and you know what I think I’m going to Mor into some random guy okay so first I’m

Going to come over here and I’m going to change this whole build to Red okay and here we go C what just happened everything just turned red wait are we being trolled Jam J go f right now go f wait why do I have to be invisible why

Are you invisible oh wait um let me get out of invis oh if this is Lou then he can’t know that I’m here exactly that’s why I don’t want him to know that you’re helping me let’s go find him Gracie through the log and he’s going to be out here somewhere this is

Amazing everything’s up fire oh my goodness he’s burning our forest down quick get some water get some water oh my gosh we going to put this fire out Gracie this is terrible this is terrible I just said look at Gracie trying to put water all over her face

Wait but what are those boots flying around helping Gracie e whatever I don’t mind now it’s time for phase two of my plan and that is getting Gracie to move away from her build so I can troll her more H but how can I do it wait I’ve got

An idea watch this oh yeah Gracie what’s up what’s up Gracie who are you cool guy yeah it’s me the neighborhood cool guy I was just wondering if you uh wanted to come away from your build and come for a date with me well I’m actually currently

Working on this build with my boy I mean I don’t have a boyfriend and he’s totally not here and I’m totally single and yeah I would love to go on a date with you wait guys Gracie’s cheating on me with this cool guy fella she’s completely forgotten that I’m right here

Listening to her this little snake well just to show you how cool I am I wear glasses on my glasses and I’ve got as much cake as you could ever want so uh just come off over here with me come on how did you know I love cake oh you’re

Perfect oh my goodness I can’t believe this oh well uh actually I think I’ve got a kind of important business meeting uh can you just meet me over there in like 5 minutes uh I won’t be be long okay I I’ll wait for you then I guess

Okay see you later I think that’s Lou what is he doing what is he doing I got to follow this bloke wait what is he writing um um uh Lou is so cool oh my goodness this guy I have to get rid of these signs Grace isn’t here I have to

Hold down the fs oh no stop it stop it I’m going to burn it all oh my goodness now he’s placing down more sides stop it Lou yeah oh my gosh huh what’s happening cool guy where are you on my build uh well I’m just having my business meeting up here I’m

Right here just uh doing my business things but what is this side say uh uh that’s nothing that’s nothing that’s uh who’s Lou who’s that guy you want you sound just like Lou you’re Lou aren’t you yeah okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t believe that you would trick me

Like this get back to your side okay fine I’m sorry gra you have some explaining to do oh my goodness first get out of invisibility I don’t want to look at your cute little boots all the time stop being nice to me you cheat on me with

Him I didn’t do it on purpose it was because he couldn’t know that you were with me I don’t know Gracie I’m angry I just had to go with the flow okay and besides you promise you would still help me with my Build Challenge so

You have to okay fine but we only have 8 minutes left we have to get building okay Jamesy and I want a wait for him to get up to the next room what if we hide like a button around somewhere we can just put a ton of them down and only one

Of them is the real one oh good idea I know I’m full of good ideas today and you’re full of cheating on me um Jamesy I told you it was just because I had to keep your cover a secret whatever I’m just jealous you’re obviously way better

Than cool guy I mean come on I know he wore glasses on his glasses he’s clearly an idiot and when we press this button look what happens Boop we’re in the Next Room wo wo wo yep and I think we should fill this room with Mobs and Lou has to

Kill because he’s not going to be expecting it you’re right but he only had diamond armor from the last round do you think it’s going to be strong enough to fight against a really strong Bob yeah well he’s going to have to if he wants to win this Build Challenge we’re

Going to make him fight against yees what oh these are like baby puppies of Sparky not baby puppies they’re the same height as a human if not taller wow they’re really cute they’re not cute they’re super deadly anyway anyway um so after this room does he have to go to

The next room over here like you’re the um architect here right you’re the Builder yes I think we should get some secret ladders which will allow him to go to the next room and we should place these um uh over here W okay okay this is a perfect Corner oh careful Jamesy

You don’t want to fall I’m not a fool stop telling me what to do there we go we’re now up here and what should we do now Gracie well I was thinking about a game of charade wait charades but how are we going to do that we can’t move

Our hands and stuff very well well it’s like charades but instead of acting it out we do painting instead I basically have to draw something yes so Lou is going to be drawing something and then we have to guess what it is yeah can you guess what this is Jamesy uh it’s a

Flower yep and that means I’ve won but if we can’t guess what Lou is drawing for three rounds in a row then he’s going to have to die woohoo so he has to be a super good drawer this is basically a painting contest but way more fun

Awesome but once we do that what should we do next especially if I had a bunch of lasers everywhere this is a foolproof plan guys and I’ll put a command block at the bottom there that she can press and it’ll teleport in the arm but then she’s going to have to complete this

Laser a maze that I’m going to put all over this wall here it’s going to be annoying W Jamesy this is kind of looking like a giant hashtag it’s like a waffle Yum Yum Yum don’t make me hungry right now wait I’m going to start braking in the holes that he can enter

To okay yeah put in some holes this is amazze after all Gracie I’ve just realized how am I going to play Lou’s build am I going to have to like just say like rocked up or something yeah you know I think I’m just going to say like

Oh Jamesy said he wanted to join because he felt left out cuz you know you always feel left out what the fly me all right Gracie so the m has been made now I’m going to have to put in the holes like you Yep this is how he’s going to get

Out but I feel like this is too easy we need to add some spice SP what if we put like scary mobs in each hole yeah let’s put some mobs in each area okay crazy let’s start adding some traps I’m going to add some fake water this looks like

Real water except it hurts you and I’m also putting some pigin into in as well look at this pig are you sure that’s a good idea well crazy I think our maze is sufficiently deadly we should Mo on to the next big over here well when he

Comes across we should make him do like a little tight R walking but with a lot of wind with fans wao that’s genius and while you’re doing that I’m also going to do something else as well but I’m going to make it a little game wait a

Game how I’m going to set up a bunch of redstone fans on this side of the wall okay he one of us either you or I will have to be over here operating all the fans but we can’t see where Lou is walking so we’re just going to try and

Guess and try to kill him by pressing these fans even though we don’t know where he is oh genius and then Gracie for my little thing I want to do a trip wi hook like this which goes all the way to over here and then you hook this up

With some string like this so that when he touches the string look what happens the fat it’s on yeah and I can also put a dispenser up here and fill it with arrows so look you get pushed and you get shot at that’s so scary Jamesy oh

And I can’t wait to be over here operating all the fans and try to kill it and push him off but Jason we need to make it a lot more punishing than this if he falls he’s going to fall into a pit of sharks what that’s crazy are you

Sure this is okay Grazy oh and crocodiles oh my goodness I hate crocodiles get them away from me get them away from me I know you do that’s why I’m spawning them in here well now that he’s made it over the maze what we going to do over here well we should

Obviously do a dropper this is a perfect opportunity to go skydiving goodness I’ll do it I’ll do it cuz I don’t want to make it too easy no I want to do it I want to do it no I want to do it jamy it’s my build and you’re

Supposed to be the one helping me well Grazy look at this huh what just did the same thing that I was doing but you made them oak logs instead wait this is too much water give me one second there we go much much better this may look super

Easy Greasy but what you’re not realizing is hard but this water it’s fake ah what oh Jamesy come back wait but before we finish the dropper can we go droll Louie first oh fine let’s go troll him yeah I really want to make sure we win he’s been bullying me all

Week about how bad I am well we have to first figure out a way to get Lou away from his traps why don’t we try to kill him while he is flying around it’s going to be really difficult but we got this how are we going to do that using this

Dark matter machine gun oh my goodness let me get my one let me get my let me get my let me get my one okay crazy Sho him get him wait wait wait wait what is going on what is get get him s him well Jamesy looks like he’s gone

Quick quick quick let’s go troll his trap yes what should we do what should we do go in go in go in wait is this a lava’s rising room okay let’s just put a bunch of ladders that literally lead up all the way to the top exactly graci you’re echoing my

Opinions here you’re echoing them and there we go we’ve made it over his lava’s Rising room that was too easy and what is this a slime jump we just barri there’s lasers lasers as well wait what if we put no damage upgrades inside of them oh

My goodness Gracie I love you so much there we go they are all no damage so they will do zero damage to us kind of self-explanatory perfect walk okay this dropper looks a little scary but it’s definitely less scary now that the lasers don’t do any damage oh what was

That shooting me out of the air oh anyways I’m just going to keep with my build wait why is there a ladder here going all the way on my lava Rising room uhoh crazy he’s on to us what should we do what should we do don’t worry I got

Ender pearls I just Ender pear outside what and there’s a bridge going across my entire parkour no no no no no what else has she trolled oh no let me check these lasers and wait they all have no damage upgrades this is not right JY crazy we are so smart he’s so annoyed

Right now I call that a mission success quick let’s get out of here yep let’s go back to our build and continue our traps so now that we’ve got the water and the logs down here we need to make this a little bit trickier I think C well now

That we’ve seen Lou build we could actually take some inspiration from him yeah let’s add some lasers and some platforms to block his fall so we put all these spikes on these little platforms so that if he lands on them he perishes perishes Jamesy that’s a big

Word doesn’t that mean die or something oh Gracie don’t say that that’s rude which means it’s going to be super hard to land in here without dying all right greasy I’m pretty happy with this but you know what I’ve realized what did you realize we only have 5 seconds

Left quick okay we have to go find Lou now go go CL the door Closs the door all right let me see I’m going to go invisible no no no Jam you don’t have to go invisible I’ll just tell him that you joined afterwards cuz you wanted to play

Our builds that’s all okay fine well Jamesy just remember that if we don’t win you’re never getting your Minecraft account back and you have to pay me $500 still oh my goodness crazy that is super scary but we’re going to win don’t worry

Lou Lou time is up Lou hi by the way I thought i’ just come and play your builds I’m super excited to be here you guys left me out yeah yeah Jamesy just really felt left out and he wanted to join but don’t worry he’s going to be

The judge and he’s going to play both of our builds all right okay I’m not going to act like this is a little suspicious but come on then you can play my build yes okay Lou how do we get inside this Bia or queen m whatever her name is well

First you’re going to have to cross this massive lava Mo and I’m not going to tell you how you just have to find the way across why are all these chests empty Lou yeah and it’s a bambolina by the way Jamesy uh just you know for reference whatever we can’t jump over

What of these chest must have something in I’m going to check all of them wait over there there’s a chest on top of a red block it’s probably that one again it’s empty too the block underneath jamy the block underneath the block underneath block under me no not

The dirt here here Jon here here the red World why did you just say that that was supposed to be a distraction how did you find it all right let me watch and learn this is how dream does [Applause] it Grazy your turn oh no guys I’m not

Really like dream wait wait Gracie Gracie can on this side it’ be easier come on graci it’s a simple job you can do it all right um um are you okay you need some food uh that’s a little weird but okay come on okay well how do we get

Inside there’s a key pad door one11 No 1 2 3 4 no stop guessing the password JY what’s the password and all I’m going to tell you is that there’s something hidden somewhere around here wait what I don’t see anything around here Grazy you see anything huh this red block looks

Sus over here wait what is it a it’s totally not another secret chest camera monitor it has one camera bound should I look at it yeah Jamesy look at it look at it um okay okay I’m way above look Grazy look up look up I’m up

Here camera okay let me have a look what do I see um I can see myself I can see some cows I can see Lou’s ugly face wait I see something I see something what is it there is four lines on my camera I think that each corresponds to a number

Wait so what are the numbers quick I’ll go to the door uh I think it’s going to be two 3 2 4 2 yeah it worked JY it worked I opened the door yes we’re going to go inside I’m in why is there so many cows

There’s dead cow boats no way why would you do this to them uh sorry there’s just a bit too many of here well guys there’s a ladder going up to the top but it’s broken and the only way you can get the rest of the ladders is if you find

Me in the middle of all of these cows wait you’re one of these cows yep look over here I’m this one here I’m this one here look at me where’d he go where did he go Jamesy take out that bom killer there’s a strategy to this Gracie when

You punch a cow it runs around in Terror if we just do this for all of them we know which was Lou cuz he won’t be able to act the same oh good idea oh oh he’s that one I think I found him is this one

Oh gosh that wasn’t him how many are we allowed to kill Lou wait we have three guesses is okay I’m going to pick one right now randomly 3 2 1 boom uh nope that wasn’t me Gracie what these downstairs wait a second oh some of the

Cows are down there you’re right uh is it this one no this one no this one no I don’t think there’s any of them down here Gracie I’m being really sneaky there’s no way you’ll find me wait Gracie I think I found him no no no no

No he’s running he’s running I just saw him you got by me you got by me [Applause] you it dropped a Lou head we knew it yep I saw it was Lou you know how I knew Gracie how did you know just stank so bad worse than a normal cow hey that’s

Not very nice ow Lou you have to give us the ladders now come on we beat your game fine get up there hurry up yes let’s go oh be quiet wait what is this oh no Grazy quick get up get up get up get up you better hurry our ladders are gone

It’s our lava Rising room oh gosh gra we have to fast here if we don’t make these jumps and we’re going to fall into the lava below and it’s rising come on go faster faster go go go I’m trying my best here come on czy keep going wait wait we might actually make

It come on just go without me it’s over for me it’s over for me don’t die don’t die don’t die TR do it wow that was intense Lou I can’t believe you got out of that alive yeah well you know I’m a genius anyway where

Do we go now do we jump on these slime blocks yep you’ve got to follow the Red Blocks to the end of the parkour okay I’m jumping down from here boing oh I’m up Gracie your turn what me too okay boing okay and then we go over here cuz

This is another red block boing come on Bo and then up the ladder we’re going wait why are we going so high uh don’t ask guys I’m getting quite of scared gra I hope you know where to jump to next uh uh boy oh no jamy I don’t know if I can

Make this are you ready for it I’m going to catch you I didn’t do such I didn’t do that you have to go back up the ladder Gracie I’m boring oh well I made it oh well Gracie but now we have this deadly wait Did Lou forget to change the lasers oh

Yeah just go J just go ah gra you think I want to notic that you guys trolled me you must think I’m stupid all right anyway I’m going to go for this and I made it wait poisonous water poisonous water wait I can see that this right

Corner is l lighter blue than the rest of the blue water so that has got to be the real water all right crazy I think that’s a great idea let’s go for it okay no no no no no a yes I made it your turn I’m scared I’m scared I’ll catch you for

Real this time um oh see there we go Jamesy you didn’t catch me oh there’s a command block with a button where are you on WE over here let’s go down ow lasers ow lasers ow guys be careful spikes ow everything okay I made it all the way over wait

What is down here Lou well this is a mob battle room but you guys don’t seem to have any armor maybe you should go back and uh find some wait what we have to go back oh wait Gracie this glass block looks so oh never mind it’s not anything

Something here must be a chest find one W oh jamy I found it wait wait what oh oh oh I say I say I say because the the laser the laser isn’t on therefore this block must be fake wait what exactly it’s the laser the laser is fake oh okay

Jamy you’re really dumb but I’m glad you figured it out eventually thanks well now you guys have those apples and those weapons you have to fight not one not two but three Frost BS ah Gracie killed them I can’t see anything apart from frost moreare I see red and I See Fire

And I see um how are you doing so much damage stop no we have to kill them Lou that’s the task it has no no no no no get get him oh the worry I’m getting him right now oh you froze me you froze me you froze me Gracie you froze me what

But there’s still one more Frost ball left there’s still one more Frost ball left no that’s me and I’m going to freeze you okay you know what I’ve had enough of this guys stop messing around and come through this gate you finally defeated the frost ball so you’re on to

The next part of the room wait what is it can you unlock the door what door this door silly wait a second Jamesy I think this is a puzzle each color aligns it corresponds with a different number and we have to follow this pattern right over here and where do we submit the

Number well you submit it straight to me and if it’s right I let you through so yellow is six pink is three blue is two 632 632 1 6321 4 6321 45 a what how did you guys get that you must have like crazy Einstein brains or something yeah

I got orange anyway Lou what are we doing here well you have to find the right button oh yeah I found it it all teleported everybody but me wait what is this elytra yeah well fine if if you could find the button so easily then I

Guess I’ll just show you the way out come on oh wait elyra go wait is it is a race is a race is a race well it’s not just an elytra course it’s a gliding course so you have to Glide all the way

To the bottom can I go can I go can I go please please please of course you can go that’s the Boost Grace uhoh uhoh I win nice moves Cy what are you doing hello um I’m here calm down froz midair well you guys have now finished my build what did you think what did you think J good it was pretty good it was pretty good but we should do go Gracie’s now

Yeah yeah Jamesy you’re still the judge so you’re going to totally like mine better yep well now you and Lou I mean you Jamesy will have to play my build because you guys are both players right you’re both players yes I have no idea how to solve

This I would hope so Jamesy I’m going to have to to carry you the entire way through this thing okay Lou okay so where do we go then buddy uh well I assume it’s into this Forest come on yep yep it’s in this Forest don’t be careful

At all and wait what are these things oh my goodness the traps don’t work Gracie yeah you know what it’s because we didn’t build them correctly oh gosh wait we what do you mean we I mean U I like me and myself and I Lou come over here over here okay wait

No no no no no get me out get me out stairs D me yeah they’re stairs oh he’s dead oh I’m back and this time you better not made me go into any more traps I didn’t do anything yeah Jamesy didn’t know where the traps were right

Jamesy exactly Lou how have you not found the entrance yet come on buddy wait Daisy I think I found it wa Lou oh gosh we I really thought that looked like a tree wow that was really good gra no Jon you totally didn’t know that was there wow this So Many Zombies here

That’s crazy they prob has nothing to do with them though so uh Lou how about we just jump over yeah you guys should just jump over wait how how there’s so many lasers in lava wow if the was were poor lasers this would be possible huh oh

Wait oh my gosh Lou no oh guess they’re not po lasers no no no Lou I totally forgot to put a path across this you should just walk on here yeah yeah oh okay these are ghost loock wait a second guys but there’s a chest down there

Maybe I can reach that yeah can you reach it and if so what’s the password I can reach it but I don’t know the password wait maybe it has something to do with these zombies over here let me take a look but wait Lou we need some

Loot otherwise we won’t be able to kill these guys look they have swords and everything yeah you’re right Jamesy but where did we find any loot and what wait a second there’s literally a concrete block here in the middle of all this wall this is definitely a chance

Goodness Lou you found it yep and now I can kill all these zombies go on Lou go on there must be something in there go kill them ah yeah come on L is there a code is there a code anywhere code anywhere ow ow wait Jamesy there’s one

With a code on its head but I can’t see it what’s the cow don’t know uh I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking uh oh 4 5 7 6 I’m helping you out don’t worry I found some diamond armor for myself JY but please

Hurry up I’m going to die in here no you won’t you’ll be fine all right I’m hopping in I’m taking some of the heat guys come on uhoh I’m getting kind of low there’s a lot of babies in here yeah me too me too no I’m going to die

No food oh wait I got pushed out oh that was kind of cool no why I’m stuck in here now come on get pushed out like me come on time’s ready go and you know I’m just going to let you guys out at this

Point yes we did it 4 5 7 six let’s put this on the chest 4 five 7 six wait Lou we got three lasers what should we do with those maybe we should activate these lasers with them so we can jump onto them like this okay and it’s ready

Jum give me a boost Jamesy ow not that kind of boost Jamesy what a menace it wasn’t my fault he’s too fat now that we’ve made it over we have to find the secret button I think right gra wait how do you know that uh I’m a genius yeah

James he’s just like you know since we’re a couple and everything sometimes it gets kind of telepathic okay but I don’t know how to feel about this I feel like it’s on this side am I right Gracie oh no I mean yeah it’s totally on this side you should

Click all of the ones on this side okay I’m pressing the ball wait Jamesy I don’t know about you none of them seem to be doing anything oh that’s really weird Lou uh never mind oh maybe I’ll just try the other side instead then no

No no I really no wa he found it but now you have to fight these yetis okay chance uhoh I’m taking on a bit more I can chew right now I’m going to die James you’re no damage this is so easy they’re all chasing me help me

Gracie help me wait what are these golden apples doing here grae you do this to help us the raining from the sky you guys need a little bit of extra help come on JY just a couple more yeah just like um 10 more let’s kill them yep yep

Yep yep yep yep 10 that’s nothing I eat 10 yetis for breakfast I eat 20 yetis for lunch if you don’t stop one uping me Jamesy I’m going to eat you for dinner soon I’m going to eat you just for dessert it’s kind of like the French with cheese there it’s really stinky

Just like me there we go we killed all those now where we go Gracie you guys are a bunch of weirdos you’re supposed to figure out how to get up to the next room but I don’t want to help you guys anymore Lou figure it out you’re the smart one here

Right maybe but it might be something to do if anything over here maybe no no no no oh it’s a whole empty room wait come on L up we go it’s a ladder oh I’m I’m a little bit dumb that’s that’s all didn’t you say you were going to carry Jamesy What happened

To the that well I am carrying jamy look look look wait Gracie what is this room yeah oh uh you guys totally don’t know what it is yet Jamesy it’s a sure raids room but instead of moving around like our arms and stuff we actually have to

Do a painting So Lou you’re going to do three paintings for us this is just an example but you have to do three paintings and if we can’t guess what it is well then you’re going to die wait what oh no yeah all right L you have 30

Seconds to draw me Grace you got to guess ready okay J let’s do a little competition whoever guesses it first wins okay well I’m going to start off with a big green head wo big green head what could it be um apple apple uh pear not Apple not

Apple Al alien no no no avocado no come on Lou You’ already had 5 Second keep guessing wait it’s a person crazy Shrek it’s Shrek Shrek no no no it’s not Shrek it’s not Shrek zombie it’s a zombie it’s a wait there’s bones com over his head

Wait I know that what’s that from Gracie oh it’s from that really scary movie or something wait he has 5 seconds left uh wait it’s Frankenstein yes what it looks more like Shrek well anyway Lou got the first round but now he has to do that again

With a different M can we need to guess this right it’s going to be the best painting you’ve ever seen so I’m going to draw a big thing like this wait snow mountain mountain no ice St snowball no EG egg egg keep guessing keep guessing ice

Cream melted ice cream wait uh a pig a white Pig I’ll be a pig um a um a butterfly oh maybe maybe this will give you an idea guys what if I make it Angry wait wait it’s a mob crazy it’s a mob spider some it looks icy what Mar

Icy white Stinger Flyn this wait wait wait wait wait I’ll show you guys this is you guys you should know this by now wait wait crazy I know who this is but Sparky yes it’s Sparky okay well well done Lou but now we have to do one more round the next

One in 3 2 one go um Sun Sun sunlight no nope nope NP NOP noan chicken what you bana banana ice cream banana float banana b banana person wait crazy that looks familiar who Could That Be it looks like a girl I think it’s a person wait come on you guys can guess

This it’s going to be sopie yeah yes oh Lily of course you Dre her you have such a crush on her wait what you guys know that no no no you’re not supposed to anyway Lou I think we have to go through this maze now oh it’s

A dead end oh no Lou this is going to be super tricky wait is this a GU of maze oh gosh I’m back to the star oh gosh it’s another dead lasers wait wait I can make this I can make this I can make this I can make this ow laser ow laser

Ow come on there’s got to be a way through here somewhere no Lou ow fake water ow oh gosh oh where are you oh I made it to the end ow L you’ll never find it out of here dude James is toally are you sure Jamesy ah

Wait he’s in with the help help you’re you’re a goner yeah you’re a guner no I will I refuse to die I refuse wait what is this graci well you guys have to get to the other side but there’s a trick I’m going to be over here and won’t be

Looking at you but I’ll be pressing random buttons so try not to die L did you just press that trip wire it blows us all the way back too oh my goodness wait jamy we can just do this wait that’s genius I’m going to try that now and it’s totally not cheating we’re

Going okay let me try this again there we go I’m making it all the way over Luigi you feel just jump at the end over here I tried it James it made me fall in okay how if we just get on the very edge over here L and then shift okay stop

Pressing the button wait I I managed to do it what come on come on oh I’m pressing the button I’m pressing the button no no no Lou don’t let her don’t let her oh yeah oh gosh stop it Gracie Yes we made it and now we made it to

This dropper no way you guys are actually so good at this wait James you seem to know where to go every single time how do you know all these traps you you know di that fake water how did you know it was fake water Jamesy I this

Feels really suspicious I don’t know how to feel about this no no no James he’s just really um okay fine maybe the gays up come over here guys come over all right give me my mft account back give me my Minecraft account back bro give me

The $500 back wait what is this about guys this is really win what are you arguing about fine Grazy you can have the money there we go now give me my Minecraft account back okay I’ll give it back well Lou I took away James’s account and hacked into it and I told

Him that I’d give it back if he helped me win a bill Challenge and also give me 500 bucks which he has so yeah no wait but wait a second isn’t JY supposed to be the judge well it doesn’t matter he says I won right Jamesy yep gra won L

Bye-bye no no no no no this is super unfair oh my goodness the sword stick in my house looks so amazing but wait would it look better if it was green JY what are you doing are you okay yeah I’m okay what color do you think my sword would

Look best as Gracie I mean I like it orange cuz it’s your favorite color but H what if my house was a different color guys guys I was thinking of painting my Observatory um what color should I change it to don’t worry about that Lou

I think I’m going to change the color of my house no no no no no I’m going to change mine guys all be quiet shush how about we do a one color house build challenge wait that sounds like a really good idea then we can decide what color

To make our houses I’m going to do green h I’m going to do purple then I’ll go and pick blue all right guys we only have 5 minutes to build a house of our color are you guys ready I’m ready let’s get going come on come on come on so I

Need to build a green house so let me get startle on that and because it’s green I’m going to make it a melon I really need to with this Build Challenge so let me get some melon blocks some lime blocks let’s get started I’m actually going to make my melon house a

Circle cuz that’s the shape of a melon and there we go look at this massive melon house this is crazy okay now I need to start adding the details first I need to add a little stalk so I’m going to do that up here there we go Bo what

Do you guys think about this and now I’m installing in these purple window those doesn’t this look so nice obviously once we go inside we need to have a purple sofa in the kitchen area we want to make sure we have a purple cooler a purple

Grill and you know what I’m even going to put a purple trampoline in the play area and in this room there’s going to be a hot tub awesome I’m just going to fill it in with these blue blocks like this and it’s good and there we got this is the

Inside of my house it’s so green maybe I’ll turn my color to Green here but now that I’ve done this I need to make an entrance into my melon and I don’t know what to do let me think wait before I do that I’m going to go see what Lou and

Gracie are up to let’s go over here and look through this and huh look at this purple cake that’s pretty cool now me let me have a look at Lou side over here and is he building a blue house okay you know what if he going to build a blue

House I have an idea I’m going to go invisible and then I’m going to troll him and because his house is so blue maybe I can help him out with some uh water by using an ocean TT on him so I’ll to up a little bit like this and

Then I got to blow it up 3 2 1 and come on watch this guys watch this boom yep and now his whole base is flooded with this water was that an explosion what was that wait wait wait wait no no no no no my entire house is

Underw this is bad I’m going to have to remove all of this right now for the entrance of my base I’m going to make them do some Parkour on some melons around the base like this they’re have to climb all the way up my melon and

Once they get up to here they can climb on to of my melon and the entrance is going to be through my St so I’ll get rid of these make this into ghost blocks and there we go there fall right into my mow Co in here I now need to decorate

This and make this into a house so let me get going first things first every single house needs a TV so I’ll put that right over here of course we need to actually you know watch the TV so I need to put some lime sofas around there’s a

Sofa over there I can to put a sofa over here as well and this is looking great and a crafting table too but next is the most important thing we need to put some melon THS in here so I can do this and this and there we go I’ll grop this

Melon to be a big grownup melon and hopefully that will lay a melon somewhere like over here or something and I’ll do a few more of these there we go now I need to put one more thing in my base to make it the most amazing

Melon anyone would ever see I’m going to make a min mini game so hidden beneath this water block right here I’m actually going to going to put a hitter trapo like this as you can see it’s now a trapo and we can put some water back

Over it okay this is perfect so then once they go through here they can go into my secret underground melon Factory I’ll put some water over here and then I can clear this all out I’m actually going to put some Secret Stairs over here that lead up to the second floor

That’s where all the fun begins what do you guys think watch watch watch I can just go up these like normal stairs and and they’re also really handy cuz nobody can see them from the outside in this room I’m going to make the play human chest again where two people need to get

To the other side while one person tries to block them off with these spikes but what is happening why is Jamesy yelling and chat and perfect oh no not perfect those squids died but before I make my house look awesome I’m going to go troll Jamesy so I’m going to Splash myself

With inv visibility and let’s go wao so it looks like James is trying to build some kind of green melon so I’ve got a good idea I’m going to replace his melon with Pumpkins this is where I’m going to put my melon Factory but wait wait a second why is my melon St to pumpkins these are orange not green oh my goodness who’s done this to me look there everywhere what am I going to do what am I going to

Do what am I going to do this is technically cheating okay I need to switch these all back into melons ASAP Rocky come on come on come on come on come on now I’m going to replace the inside too stop what am I supposed to do there’s too

Many quickly quickly quickly get rid of all the melons I mean pumpkins pumpkin pumpkins and now the rest yes who is doing this now it’s all pumpkins stop stop stop oh no the whole thing is orange I mean I normally love orange but this is bad what am I supposed to do

What I have much time left I can’t believe it I mean I finally fixed all but who did this to me okay uh let me get out of here and have a look around maybe there’s some Clues I can Scooby-Doo um wait a second there’s blue blocks everywhere now who would have

Placed these um wait Lou is that Grazy Grazy did you do this to me what no that’s why I came over I was confused about what was happening my entire melon turned into a PK a that sounds so funny that’s not funny and whoever did it left

Some of these blue blocks along here but who would have done this wait Jamesy if I didn’t do this and you didn’t do this then it must have been Lou oh goodness gracious I don’t have time for this I’m trying to build my melon Factory you

Know what I’ll go and troll them for you okay go do that we only have five minutes of building left go go go wait five minutes oh come on okay now that I’ve done this I can build my melon Factory down here H There He is building his little blue house that actually

Looks kind of good and I can’t have any competition right now what can I do to make his build worse oh I know just the thing to do guys look quite morphing too oh my gosh it’s favorite girl okay okay going to come in and hopefully maybe get

It to change the color of his build Hi Lo wait what is that Sophie what are you doing here yeah it’s me um why is your build blue shouldn’t it be red uh well Sophie in just in case you aren’t in the loop I like blue now it’s my favorite

Color now you know what I think yellow is such a better color you should change it to Yellow instead wait seriously your favorite color I don’t know I’ll give you a smooch if you change it to Yellow wait what no way no way no way okay okay

Sophie what do you think this looks so much better let me look around what is this Lou well this is the hot tub yes oh I think you should change it to something else it doesn’t look very nice well I don’t know I could change it

Yeah you know what Lou I think this pool would look a lot better if it was like PE cuz it’s no oh no that looks so nasty but isn’t yellow such a better color why would you put water in here I don’t know Sophie I think water looks

Better when it’s blue not yellow I thought you said you wanted to have yellow house do you want that smooch or not if you were really Sophie you would respect that I want a blue house not a yellow one oh no I think the gig up I’ll

See you later you can have this pee goodbye hey you’re not sopie come back here ah there we we go I think time is pretty much up so now I’m going to go back to the surface I’m ready to show Gracie Lou What I’ve Done Jamesy Jamesy

Time is up I’m coming stinky pants up where’s Gracie Gracie I’m right behind you okay well let’s go see what all of our houses look like if they were a different color starting with Gracie what me first oh I never go first okay come over here guys it’s a purple cake

House wo purple it’s the same color as your eyes Gracie I know oh and that’s why I was thinking about changing everything to purple even my favorite color oh my goodness Gracie I don’t know about you but this house seems pretty detailers look it’s just flat yeah it’s

Got just a box I mean that’s kind of just how cakes are I mean well we’re going to have to rate this out of 10 anyway what do we do now go inside wait did they just die oh my goodness why is there a trap like this in your

Base well Jamesy it’s because you guys didn’t give me time to explain look I wanted to talk about how purple my doors were and then I was going to talk about this purple trap but you guys just walked in oh my goodness isn’t this trap red though but anyway is there any more

Of these around yeah this isn’t safe to have in a house well this is pretty cool Gracie I’m liking your house quite a lot let’s even a purple choline boing boing and it made it so big like come on all three of us can fit on here it’s amazing yeah but

Wait what are these lasers for well these lasers are to protect Intruders once again but did you guys want to see something cool look at these windows you know how Glass isn’t usually very secure yeah you guys should try to break them okay I’m breaking I’m breaking

It wait what wait this is thinking aing I’m strong enough to break glass I know I am nope you’re not because this is reinforced glass and you can’t break it that’s genius but Lou let’s get over these lasers okay okay come on ouchy ouchy ouch ow ow oh I go over that

Without I hurt myself oh well well this is my kitchen welcome it’s kind of small what’s with all the candles yeah I bet it stinks in this house no it doesn’t it’s really nice smelling candles I mean it’s purple smell but Gracie do you really have to go through two lasers

Every time you want to go get a snack from the kitchen well it’s a way for me to lose weight that way I won’t always get snacks all right uh let’s go through these spots is this like a spiky maze oh wait don’t come over here it’s not a big

Deal don’t come this way I’m coming I’m coming come on ow ow owow don’t do that don’t do that I’m going to die please please please I have children not really but come on you don’t have children no no no no no my secret door stop where in

Where in the vaults wait what is this Gracie well this is my showcase for my amazing purple pixie jar look there’s a fairy inside oh my goodness you kick out that purple fairy for what reason cuz she has special powers ah you let her

Out I let her out I let her out I let her don’t worry I CAU her again oh my goodness wow but wait what is this chest okay it has a password but I’ll only tell you guys if you could answer this one question one 2 three it’s not that

Well you have to answer this question are you subscribed to the Gracie channel of course I was your first subscriber yeah and I was the second no you wasn’t wait what yeah Lou you’re probably like the fourth it’s 6879 go ahead 687 9 yes I got a purple candy and a purple TR

Watch this gracing V 3 two don’t hit me with it don’t hit me with it 3 two one but wait Lou how do we get to the second floor maybe it’s on that trampoline I don’t know Jamesy I mean I kept bubb against the roof and I didn’t

Go anywhere this wall over here is suspicious why would there just be a random purple wall here wa wait a second I figured out these are stairs no you found my secret staircase wo I am a genius well now we’re going to play another game Jamesy you’re going to

Have to block me and Lou from reaching the end both of you what okay I can do this All right so I just plac down one Spike yeah you put down a spike where you don’t want us to go there we go hey why are you trying to stop me sorry

You’re going to lose we can all move one one time Lily o okay okay uh next like there I st both of you yay I win Jamesy well I’m going to go this way yeah I’m going to go the other way wait now who do I stop this

Time no well we’re splitting up Jamesy I’m going to move this way oh no I’m going to have to just let gra go going do the same wait that’s a diagonal move he can’t do that right no he can do diagonal moves what this let me your tra

You can’t go through this you can’t go through that oh no Lou now you’re stuck in there but don’t worry I’m going to move this way I’ll just move back okay now that I’ve slowed down Lou I have to slow down Gracie as well but D no oh I’m

Going to go over here oh my goodness that was two moves uh I’m going to go here should be fine gra see I’m going to block you off I’m going to get this whole diagonal pair what that’s not fair you know what I’m going to go the other

Way then you fell for my trick Lou your turn to move by the way

This video, titled ‘WEIRD STRICT DAD & CATNAP & POMNI Build Challenge Movie: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Minecraft’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-12-19 15:00:00. It has garnered 3785 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:09 or 12129 seconds.

WEIRD STRICT DAD & CATNAP & POMNI Build Challenge Movie: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Minecraft

Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

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  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21

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  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

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  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

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  • Bob’s Papa, Jackbhaiya – Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts

    Bob's Papa, Jackbhaiya - Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Jackbhaiya and Bob, their adventures bring. PvP training, lucky blocks, and more, Their gameplay in Hindi, a gaming lore. Bob Ka PAPA, Jack’s rival in the game, Their battles and challenges, never the same. With Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet in tow, Their Minecraft journey, a thrilling show. So join the fun, in this virtual land, Where creativity and skills go hand in hand. Jack vs Bob, the ultimate test, In Minecraft world, they give their best. Read More

  • Fueling Fun: Bamboo Farm for Endless Sun

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  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

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  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

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  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

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  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

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  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

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    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

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  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: [👾] TG Server: ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- Facebook:- tiktok :- discord:- ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More