A few months ago I got canceled by the Minecraft community and left the life SMP and the number one question that people have been asking me is where does that leave me with Minecraft content well right after I left the server I immediately decided to continue making Videos on a server called Bliss smpp but during this time the server was shut down so I had to find another server but throughout the process of me trying to find a server to make videos on I started picking up things that were more important to me like self-discipline Working out and overall bettering myself in chasing fulfillment and while all this was happening my drive to create Minecraft content was deteriorating more than ever before with the community not being my favorite place to be as well as the game not being as fun as it used to The purpose that I once thought I had was floating away from me and one day I realized that if I’m not passionate about it and it’s not the greatest way to make income why should I do it now obviously I don’t want to sound like a Sellout but I am 18 years old and I need to find stable income to fuel future projects and future uh you know living expenses and whatever and so that realization was the moment that I decided to quit making Minecraft S&P videos goodbye now I’m not completely ditching the idea of Minecraft it’s more Just the style of you know S&P the S&P style that I used to make it’s just I’m not a fan of it and you know I want the videos that I make to be valuable to the community you know a lot of these creators like a lot of the stuff they’re Making it’s just there’s nothing there’s no value to it it’s like it’s like scrolling on CH there’s no point in watching it you’re not getting anything from it unless you’re like studying the storytelling style or something a lot of it’s pointless I want my videos to Actually help you guys and so I’m going to get to that in a minute and so you know if I’m no longer going to make S&P content where does that lead this channel literally the entire Fame base is basically just from S&P content Minecraft S&P content and so you know The plan that I have is to turn this channel into a self-improvement YouTube channel and I’m going to be using it to make you know self-improvement videos basically on any topic that I myself want to improve on and also that you guys want to improve on and I’m also Probably going to you know document my progress here and there probably going to stream over on Twitch you know maybe lifting streams how singing I don’t even know yet now I I don’t know if you guys have watched my previous video but after I made it I got hundreds of messages by The community and a lot of them really struck me people were talking to me about their depression self-esteem issues and family issues and so I’m I’m glad you know I’m glad that people were kind of inspired by it and they kind of wanted to share what was going on with Them but it’s also very sad to see that you know there’s so many people that are struggling especially in this community these kids are there’s a lot of kids in this community it’s like 14-year-olds but at the same time I kind of find it funny that people are complaining about Strugg Ling because the thing about struggling is that no matter how successful you are it’s inevitable you’re always going to be struggling with something you need to understand that struggle is a part of life and it’s actually a very good thing it makes life interesting and it makes you stronger as A person now obviously me telling you this doesn’t mean anything if you don’t actually apply it to yourself so I challenge you today right after you’re done watching this video I want you to start one good habit to improve one part of your life and I want you to Consistently do that every single day for example let’s say that you wake up and you scroll on your phone for an hour and then you get up you eat garbage like cookies or something and then you go to school you come back you eat more garbage you hop into a Discord call with Your buddies play video games all day you go to bed at 2: a.m. all you have to do is just change one part of your day just one part how about instead of eating cookies for breakfast you eat something healthy and then make that a daily habit right and then once you do That for let’s say a month you know depending on it kind of depends on how much it changes your lifestyle but let’s say a month right you do it for a month becomes a norm to you it’s like it’s like brushing your teeth you do it every Day without question cuz it’s just a daily normal part of your life once you get to that point you can add on something else so when you come home you eat healthy food again or you know instead of going to bed at 2:00 a.m. you Can go to bed bed at 12:00 a.m. the point is that doing something small every day will eventually lead to something massive a lot of people you know including me um try to do everything right at the start like everything right wake up at 6:00 a.m. do Your lift go to school come back eat perfectly healthy no slacking and that usually doesn’t work it typically leads to being overwhelmed and you know losing motivation and then you’re going to fall right back into your your old habits and I’m not just talking out of my ass here When I was 14 I thought my life was over I woke up at 5:00 p.m. every single day and I would watch anime until I had to go to bed again and I would shower you know maybe once a week and eat like and look at me 4 years later I now have The ability to bag every on the plan now don’t get me wrong I am not an expert at this right which is why I’m not here to be your inspiration I’m not here to be the guy you look up to but rather your friend along the journey and You know so I’m also still developing habits and my days are not as productive as I would like them to be but I am improving and eventually I will be a lot better if you want a group of people to constantly improve with join my server in the description down below and just Or just you know just type in discord.gg mutch we only have a couple channels at the moment but we are slowly upgrading the server based on what you guys need I’m in there a lot I talk in there a lot at least once a day for sure and you Know we’re going to have weekly events coming up soon so join up bro if you want to improve and of course you know subscribe almost at 70k baby Video Information
This video, titled ‘Why I’m Quitting.’, was uploaded by McClutch on 2024-01-06 17:06:32. It has garnered 57851 views and 4720 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:06 or 306 seconds.
Why I’m Quitting. The b*tch thing was a joke btw I don’t get that much play Best Minecraft Server: https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=8074
My Discord: discord.gg/mcclutch My Twitch: twitch.tv/mcclutchlive My Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcclutchh
Edited: @Switchery