Shocking Minecraft Adoption Story!

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I’m just a baby in the middle of nowhere and I have no family I just wish I could find them it’s raining and I’m so sad oh who’s this uh well who are you hey hey we don’t even wait stop stop why you hitting me hey who are you what what’ I do we don’t know if they’re an enemy yet let’s just ask a couple of questions are you okay get away get away get away please please are you sure this guy seems pretty suspicious I think we should just kill him no no no no no stop okay he doesn’t he doesn’t look like a zombie I think we’re fine what do you mean zombie I just missed my family get rid of this water are you okay everything nothing broken uh yeah I’m fine I’ve just been homeless for so long and I’m just a baby and I don’t know what to do oh he probably his family probably got killed by the zombies well that sucks we should take him back with us protect him he might actually might be useful against them uh whoa wait who are you guys though I don’t know you guys are you guys from skiy toilet well I don’t know what that is skiy what now whatever right what is this guy talking about I have no idea but let’s just get you back we’re friends we’re friends don’t worry are you sure about this dog day I don’t really know if we can trust this guy well you’re you’re like the strongest one so if he ever gets outline you could probably take care of him but he doesn’t seem like he’s going to be an enemy I guess you have a point please try something I want to kill you w chill chill bro chill oh my good goodness it was just a joke we need all the Allies we can get okay come on up I guess we haven’t asked you your name my name is TV man I’m from toilet what stupid name still I don’t know about the name I don’t know it is kind of weird come on we’ll just take you back to our house okay okay I guess I mean I have no home anyway so I guess this is better than nothing good you’re you’re TV the rain won’t short circuit you or anything right no I’m fine okay good Follow Me Oh Are we almost there yet yeah we’re right here as you can see my house is over here what is that thing what is that thing stop I know right that’s what I said no no no it wow actually uh whatever no I don’t like it I don’t like it you don’t like any anything except for carrots and hanging out with catnap I don’t know wow wow that’s a stereotype whatever right now we’re trying to focus on like survival you know with all the zombies his family got eaten by zombies so I took him in there’s no way that we’re going to survive the zombie apocalypse anyways let alone taking him in I mean we could just kill him and then we could take that TV on his face and use it for fortnite yeah fortnite gaming that is a bit far I know you’re messed up but jeez we need to keep them safe we don’t we’re not completely done yet we can we could still survive this honestly I stopped listening to you you just sound like someone who hasn’t gotten a victory Royale in ages I don’t play games can you stop being so cringe dog day we’re all going to die there’s no hope I’ve already given up and I’m the strongest one here why did you go why did you go with me to get like supplies and what not anyways I was bored I wait a minute I remember telling you to reinforce the base but I don’t see any reinforcements me neither I was cranking 90s wait guys you know wait wait so so there’s a zombie apocalypse coming up and you know you guys haven’t done anything to like protect yourselves I I think I could could be a good help to you guys to be honest please don’t kill me exactly we we all just need to work together we can survive this and stop being lazy bums what I’m not being lazy I’m getting v-bucks bro and what do you mean are we going to be able to use all those v-bucks if you die well I’m going to be cranking ’90s till the end my guy these guys are useless I I guess T man uh I guess you’re really the only helpful one here so we need your help really bad there’s a zombie apocalypse it’s nearby it’s probably going to attack us in a couple of days maybe I don’t know we’re running low on time are you serious right now this guy can’t help us at all look at him he’s so weak I could kill him with a flick hey stop oh you’re hey hey hey you’re you’re super strong and all that yet you’re not doing anything to help so what why does it matter I don’t like your tone dog day do you want me to kill you instead of the zombies let’s kill do yeah that’s a good idea okay I don’t okay how are we going to survive if we’re trying to kill each other we need to have the best chance we have who knows what could happen I know I could kill you uh I don’t think I don’t think that’s the best ow hey hey hey okay stop stop stop stop stop uh TB why don’t we uh go this way over here and talk about I don’t know okay um I don’t think they like me though I don’t know maybe maybe we’re not going to be able to survive this zombie apocalypse I don’t think they like me either H I think they’re kind of losing it they uh I don’t know we’ve already lost a couple of friends to the zombies so there might be a little hopeless in both senses I can’t believe my sister died well actually I can she was kind of weak bobby bear hug is also gone who cares about her oh my God BR are you sure my sister even though she was so annoying and stupid and ugly I miss her yeah she was really annoying only I can say that excuse who you guys talking wait who are you guys talking about they’re talking about well our other friends the ones that I told you are gone now but we need to think positively we need to uh prepare as much as possible so we can uh not lose any more friends got not there’s no point even trying anymore the zombies are too strong so I’m just going to go sit in my corner and die and play fortnite Hey that that’s that sounds fun that’s my house you know that’s not your I don’t have a house you didn’t move here she’s not staying in mine fine okay uh I don’t know what to do first uh I guess we can get this guy this guy a little stronger I suppose you’re joking right this weakling okay you don’t have to go that far he can he can grow if he tries I I think who knows I don’t think that’s how it works I can I can I can grow I can grow oh then prove it okay that’s not helpful okay come on T man let’s get you stronger and can now you can uh go eat somebody’s Soul or something I don’t know come on let’s go okay but you know dog day you better make sure this guy is tough I’ll test him when he gets back and if he’s too weak I’ll just end up killing him on accident wait what I have to fight him oh no this is what catnap did last time to the last guy no so mean I don’t know why he’s being mean to me am I just never going to become strong again well well you were never strong to begin with uh but don’t worry uh you’ll be fine I’ll get you strong enough to beat him I guess well that’s what I said about the other guy but he’s not really here anymore well this is the first Challenge and oh oh okay that will make things easier okay come on grab a bow there we go a bow and arrows I’ve never use one of these before it wa waa whoa waa it’s so cool yeah it is very cool and don’t worry we have wait ow ow okay you don’t need to shoot me that’s not your target sorry it was an accident it was an accident don’t worry don’t worry but uh let’s see obviously if you can yes you’re going to have to shoot those targets or at least one at a time okay come on I got to hit this target right over there and boom Oh man uh he can’t shoot for anything hey yeah he’s terrible I thought you I thought you were I thought you guys were doing something else watching this thing miss all of its arrows is way more entertaining than whatever I was doing back at the house come on he’s he’s just started of course he’s not going to be the best but anyone could they’re right I’m never going to be strong I mean I’m the best at whatever I start he’s just stupid you’re nothing I’m never going to be always like that you’re nothing I was always the best hey come back come back be G come on back off come on go back to what you doing I was trying to teach this guy how to live so that we can live you guys don’t seem to be doing squat how are you going to teach him you can barely shoot yourself okay maybe but it’s um I shut up let’s see you shoot an arrow Master I’ll will show you how it’s done oh wow oh my goodness how you do that want to try saying that again bunny okay I digress so maybe you are somewhat good at shooting bows but that doesn’t matter this little thing won’t ever be good at it zie come on shoot him TV man somebody help somebody help somebody save me right now I’m the one that got him actually do I have to take care of everything around here oh whatever that that was that zombie was actually a part of the challenge I forgot about that part but don’t worry don’t worry look at that weakling he ran away I’m sorry it’s just scary don’t put the bow away ow fin the job do it do it get it stop stop stop guys just go back to what you’re doing TV man come here we need to continue the challenge okay you got to try one more time you have to have confidence when you shoot confidence when you fire okay okay okay okay boom Oh that was better you close guess I guess it was okay that’s much better you barely even made it two feet last time but now you made it all the way close to the Target see I told you you can do it just keep trying you seriously can’t even hit the target you’re complete trash you should just give up why would I give up likeit maybe you’re right I should give up I shouldn’t listen to dog day of course I’m right hey what oh look oh oh you hit it oh you hit it oh um uh Hey C was so good at stop what I’m done I’m done I I’m done with this no no come on K now you’re all this is why the other guy failed he kept stopping him from The Challenge TV man come back here excuses excuses a excuse your face C up this is why I follow you you’re so good at yeah he so good at being a bully h t man don’t listen to him I am no it’s fine I’ll always be weak forever I gu guess true that’s that’s not the mindset to have okay uh see you’re really fast you know that’s a strength you have just think about your strength I am pretty fast actually you’re right but exactly and you see how fast you got like you’re growing quickly already see you saw how close you were to the Target even you just now used the B for the first time wait you’re right I guess but I still think I still think I’m weak and I’ll never be strong like them don’t worry no no don’t are we oh hey hey hey don’t listen to remember that you are you really going to trust this evil looking face over mine yeah you’re right what he has a really cute face what are you talking about you know it was a good idea bringing this guy dog that he’s so fun to bully hey hey okay come on T man come on you got this I bet you’ll get it with this neck shot right in the center of the target I bet he won’t okay I’ll try one more time I’m going to try one more time I guess come on you got this aim directly at it okay come on I need to be confident and boom oh I hit the target barely but I mean I guess that’s pretty good considering it’s like your 20th try hey it was his third same difference oh whatever but see I told you see you’re growing now let’s just try any of the other targets you could probably get it no I don’t think so but like okay maybe maybe I can I don’t know let’s try this one this one’s a little further away see fail oh so close uh that wasn’t close at all actually but don’t worry that’s what I expected you hey okay shut up you guys are so Debbie downers just see look you got a little lower so does aim a little higher than where you shot last time my not debie see oh what do you think of that catnap oh I wasn’t looking I blinked try the next one uh the furthest one down you got this last one no you don’t come on I got this I just need to be confident come on come on come on Bo embarrassing were you aiming for my demons what was that shot oh this scary okay that’s fine that’s fine you already grew enough with this challenge you hit two of the targets and well uh let’s just go somewhere else so then we can get away from catnap and the others it’s okay you can train all you want you’ll never amount to anything you’re a failure and you’ll always be a failure toodles wow don’t T man it’s okay don’t worry don’t wor we got uh we got many other things to try and uh uh you you will probably get stronger like this is what I did okay maybe I will get stronger I guess I just have to be confident but they’re being so mean to me yeah know and um I don’t know why well I kind of know why but don’t worry they’ll they’ll eat their words soon enough cuz you’re going to get so strong okay it’s it’s right over here okay wait what are we doing well it’s uh we’re kind of having a zombie apocalypse so this weird Temple place has like zombie like enemies there’s zombies here oh no I can’t do that I’m really scared of zombies you have to activate this place first for it to spawn zombie like stuff it’s weird they look really weird I don’t know what’s up with them but just grab some armor oh sorry here you go I’m sorry I might I’m going to grab all this armor here we go I’m not going to be able to go with you wait why why I don’t want to do this alone no no don’t make me do this alone dog day dog day please it’s not it’s not really my choice the challenge doesn’t activate if there’s two people inside the room at once it’s weird I don’t know it’s weird hey dog day please no you have to come with me come on dude come on hey hey come on man I’m sorry this is the only way wait what what no dog day why why I’m sorry but this is how catnb got me strong well I I half think he was trying to kill me but it worked I’m I’m kind of tough now because of this you got this no I don’t want to do this oh maybe maybe I do okay maybe that’s what dog day’s been trying to teach me maybe I have to be confident or something like that but I’ve never done that before cuz I’m just a baby but oh no I’m really scared oh no I really hope these aren’t scary oh I what what is that I know they look really weird but don’t worry they’re killable i’ I’ve been able to kill them before I’ve never seen something like this before in my whole life um don’t worry they’re slow you can out run them remember you’re really fast oh yeah you’re right I am fast okay come on ow ow he hurts a lot okay come on fight them come on come on don’t let them swarm you don’t let them swarm you boom boom there’s a few more okay let’s kill this one uh oh no who whoa whoa whoa whoa boom oh oh my goody goodness yo come on get them get him don’t let them back you into our corner where are they where are they there’s only a few more left come on kill them oh my goody goodness nice nice yeah keep hitting them boom nice nice there’s one more in the middle there’s one more in the middle okay oh my goody goodness come on fight them oh look the do’s opened nice oh wo that was cool wait I feel I feel taller too what just happened to me that was so cool well take a look at yourself you look taller now I do I’m almost hitting this thingy oh my goody goodness that’s crazy what yeah I told you it would get you stronger okay we should probably do a couple more things before the zombies come get here so let’s see I’m trying to think of we could go get we need some wood badly to make defenses and I there have been this like flying pirate Fleet nearby and I bet they have some stuff that we should have also I heard that there’s a creative switcher floating around somewhere we could really use that creative switcher what’s that it’s a item that uh it’s sadly it’s one time use but it gives you like 10 minutes of creative wa creative mode oh my good goodness I’m actually really creative like with stuff so like I can build some really cool stuff like my dad like TV Titan TV he’s like really smart and he taught me a lot of stuff on like how to like defend bases and stuff before he died oh oh he oh oh I’m so sorry for your loss it’s all good don’t worry uh don’t worry we’re your new family now we’re going to try to take care of you we just need to go get get your stronger and find that creative switcher okay sounds good yes let’s go I told you you’d get stronger don’t listen into what catnap says he clearly full of it maybe maybe he’s still right though I don’t know maybe I won’t get as strong as I can be and maybe we’ll still all die don’t well just always still a chance we all die but don’t worry as long as we try our best we can at least die knowing we tried wow look at you you got a little taller but you’re still a pathetic wimp aren’t you hey what hey you said he wasn’t going to get stronger at all but look at him now he still got stronger maybe not as much water weight all water weight there’s not a single muscle on that body yeah I mean look at him he can’t be strong at all see hey still weak maybe they’re right maybe I’ll always be weak hey hey what what did I just tell you yeah that’s right now scram scram D I think you guys are scram see you guys thought see they said that you couldn’t get stronger at all but look at you clearly they’re wrong wow he’s 1% stronger great job dog day good use of our time you guys didn’t even do anything you guys you were the on who follow I told you guys to do whatever whatever you wanted I come on T let’s just ignore them wow some ego oh my goody goodness I don’t know if they’re right or not but I guess I’ll just follow you dog day cuz you’re really smart and you’re really strong that wouldn’t say about strong but smart kind of I guess catnap is actually the strongest one in our village but he’s kind of full of it this this a Lucky Block wa a Lucky Block what does that do who in the water you good oh okay uh I guess your your strong point isn’t your luck apparently let’s just back away from that that was pretty funny though oh you almost got me killed I thought I wasn’t expecting to die from TNT yeah sorry man that was that was crazy not going Li my heart is pounding don’t worry as long as neither of us side you didn’t get hurt or anything right I’m fine I’m chilling okay good uh there’s not very many trees so we can’t really get very many wood much wood maybe we should find a cave a cave what are we going to do in a cave get iron diamonds gold we can make all kinds of armor let’s see okay uh it’s bunch of cows no caves any wait a minute oh no it’s some more Lucky Blacks do you want to test our luck again oh my good goodness let’s go over here come on oh hi there what what do you want I saw you like 2 minutes how did you get here before us I’m fast as heck bro I got those hops Bo you do have a lightning bolt on your chest why are you here we need we were trying going to hope well at least hope to get some stuff from these Lucky Blocks well this is my stuff these are my lucky blocks says who well says me right now thee can we open them we might get something nice from them to like help us survive yeah or I could get something nice not you and your TV Bozo friend plus Kap told me to come guard what is ours for a new kingdom what’s the point of keeping Lucky Blocks there if they’re just going to sit there they look nice they’re like collectibles items no I don’t I don’t understand you but you said catnap ordered this yeah that guy okay how about the purple one do you remember it yes actually you know what just a little bit who is this cat anyways let’s just uh how about this Let’s do let’s do a duel and uh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uh I’m going to whoop you boy I’m going to you wait wait wait why I hey calm down calm down well we need to set a bargain now your bargain is that if we win we get to open the lucky blocks if you win you get to you get to you get to keep them and uh I give you uh entire stack of golden carrots or whatever you like most and if I win there’ll be no more TV thing wait what wait wait wait wait wait uh well I’ll smash you into the ground don’t do that please okay remember uh don’t worry uh I’ll I’ll count you guys off don’t worry D go go for the ears the ears are the weak one uh okay don’t worry you got this okay I’m really scared but you know what I’ll just be confident dog they told me to be confident so I guess I will good quit monologuing bro let’s fight hey okay sorry sorry sorry just double checking uh okay uh 3 2 1 fight yeah come here come here come here come here Dad stop running away come here come here here you just fight back this guy’s weak this guy’s pathetic he’s weak I’m going to useing my Powers I’m running around him I’m juking him out bro what are you doing come here go for the knees go for the knees this is embarrassing you’re an embarrass me to your family do you mean have a family well that was my life my dad is God you loser oh c so is my uh my bestie and like my side okay dog day told me to remember to hit his ears come on you over here hey hey y pause yo chill yo pause pause pause hey hey there’s no pausing come on go again go again get back here no K stop please respectfully hey I thought you were all talk huh you have to you have to say that you lost no there’s no there’s no way I’m going to lose some TV thing in my Jiggy cringe Lord oh but but he’s going to keep hitting your ears okay stop stop stop I I shred her I give up I give up no way oh look look oh you can’t call weak anymore huh oh my good goodness I feel taller for some reason jeez you’re yeah for some reason yeah it’s pretty obvious for why W you are a lot taller aren’t you um I I guess so I mean this is pretty cool oh is he he hey hey is is he weak now I don’t think so I think you might want to re-evaluate yourself he’s I just said he’s tall man yeah and what usually usually tallness comes to strength apparently in this universe no I’s tall that’s it uh look you should watch your talking to Buddy okay okay okay chill well what did I say so per our agreement we will get your lucky block correct can I keep one okay you can keep one come on I got to get something good I got nothing from that uh come on oh I got a really good bow actually from that one um let’s break this one and I got an enchantment table is this going to be useful there’s your lucky block uh I guess you can do whatever you want with it go open it whatever just don’t open it over here cuz you’ll probably blow everything up okay thank you I gave him a really Unlucky One wait why oh oh that’s pretty funny actually that’s want to see what happens this is my lucky block this is my block I wonder if I should open it dude open it it’ll be lit yeah you’ll probably get uh all the golden carrots really you know what sure I guess I’ll open it yeah Super Lucky open it let’s go come on okay well let’s still let’s see what what the oh wait wait a minute he’s he’s afraid of lavas LV oh I haven’t felt this much joy in a while oh this is great okay let’s break some of these Lucky Blocks come on is there anything good oh let come on come on get out of there I just used all my strength to get out of that that was pretty crazy that was actually impressive H well wait a minute oh you got some pearls too those can be useful for later wait wait wait hold on there’s like pirate ships over there what’s over there the the pirate ship oh yeah that place I heard that they’re carrying some good like loot or something that could be where the creative switcher is H okay uh I guess we can go over there now but I’m going to grab a couple of Lucky Blocks for later maybe give them to catnap or something then we can leave okay okay grab some from this crate okay now how are we going to get over there let’s it’s probably something maybe there’s something over there I don’t know but we could just swim over I guess I can make it stronger right it could but we could also grab some wood and make some boats or something wait well well you look at that what there’s just boats here uh that seems like a setup but okay it seems very suspicious uh sounds like something catnet would do but let’s just go yeah the zombies should be coming around tomorrow morning so we need to get you stronger really really quick just basically now okay bet bet bet they’re coming tomorrow morning wait I’m actually really scared though I’m not going to lie yeah uh okay well speaking of time I already just it’s later so w oh no come on let’s go let’s go over to these boats and wait if there’s a creative switcher there am that means we’re going to be able to fight the monsters right or is it only like for 10 minutes you get one yeah so if we do get the creative switcher we should save it until we get home but that’s remember those pearls you got those could be useful here we can get we could use them to get from boat to boat oh that could be useful okay where are we going to go now dog day don’t know I guess we still have those pearls we can go from ship to sh a there’s there’s a weird what the what is that well we got those ender pearls so we can go back and forth between the ships so I guess we’ll start doing that what is that what is that you still have your bow right get your bow away away all kill it kill it ah oh it’s weird Oh e that was scary that’s a strong bow where did he get that I got it from the lucky lucky Place whatever it’s called oh oh uh look all the way up you kind of wait what yeah all the way at the top uhoh oh no come on what do you want give me my collectibles back that was what I mean uh do they mean Collectibles our lucky blocks that we got all the super good yeah yeah what Collectibles we didn’t take anything what are you talking about you really think you can fool me yes wrong you’re stupid dang it how many times do we have to say it we have no chance we’re all going to die so you better not mess with any of my stuff like my creative switcher otherwise I’ll kill you instead of the zombies we need to find that creative switcher come on oh my goody goodness where is it oh you didn’t give me any pearls up uh one sec I’m going to look it’s fine I’ll find it on my own I’ll find it on my own no I’m going to look around for some pearls okay good okay I found some pearls on my way come on come over here dog day oh my goody goodness come on oh my legs are you okay dog day okay where do we go now fine fine uh kata’s probably on top of the creative scissors so we might have to fight him for it you think you can handle it why would we fight him though we’re in this together right yeah probably but don’t we got this come on in I got to aim all the way up and boom Oh my gosh I did it wow I was I was just going to teleport to the boat below but you I’m going to try it too I got this come on my gosh oh my gosh the under pear is going to land oh no I just missed are you serious right now oh hey man uh you threw a pearl right throw one straight up quickly oh oh my gosh okay T man uh uh actually now that I’m thinking I probably shouldn’t be this close to you should I yeah are you guys stupid C why would you do that you really expect to be able to survive the zombie apocalypse when you fight like this did you really get any stronger oh no wow that’s sad come on I got to go up and oh no come on you’re not going to be able to get my creative switcher that’s a collector’s item you know it’s still in the box no I’m getting it because it could save us all it could save us I don’t care about your stupid item well then you’re going to have to get through me good luck with that though well I can’t get up through this ender portal thingy I tried to make but wait there’s a ladder right here wait this is perfect come on got to go around and I could just sneak attack him where did you go are you hiding waa oh oh my good goodness you’re right there okay I got to think of this smartly oh I have my bow catnap look at me buddy take this you loser oh wait uh there’s a rain um you got to try harder than that Bo ow ow why is it not working that’s how you shoot people you’re done Zod boom oh nice job you’re better than I thought but that’s still my creative switcher you better not take it I’m taking it because it could save us all wait there’s a password oh no dog D you know the password I don’t know I’m still trying to climb back up there’s it’s probably written down somewhere K that’s not very smart or well good at remembering things written down somewhere oh wait it is right there nice 982 there it is 9182 take that oh my goody goodness I got the creative switcher that means I can build the best base ever so we can survive come on let’s go well I’m being I’m kind of being chased down by catnb so I’m I need a oh no you guys better not use my creative switcher that’s mine I’m activating it boom you’re going to pay for that okay we got to go back to the town I’m literally in creative mode for 10 minutes and I got to build the best wait DAV man spawn me a plane I got to grab you a planee okay okay I got I got you I got you uh plane where is it oh here it is uh plane dog day where are you I’m on top of the first boat dog put it like right over here yeah yeah right here right here right here uh uh come on it’s right there dog you should be able to use it okay let’s go let’s go wait seriously give me one too I need to get back home no uh no I’ll give him one I’m a nice person uh no no I have to I have to it’s nice he’s stole one of our speed boats he’s fine he’s just trying to get close to you oh really okay let’s go back we have like 20 minutes until everything goes goes not good so uh we have 10 minutes to build then we have have uh 10 more minutes to get there so we should probably get go get going oh it’s right over there the sound’s right over there okay I need to think about what I could do to make this place look really protective my plane ran on a gas don’t I run I’m almost there I can’t believe you used that that’s mine it was collectors’s do you know how much I paid for that it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to save your life by doing this it’s not fine yes it is cuz I’m going to save your life well how are you going to appreciate it’s worth more than my life and how are you going to how you going to appreciate you’re so amazing creative switch we’re all dead well I mean that’s a you problem not a me problem I’m not going to die you don’t understand dog day cuz nobody cares about you but I care about that creative switcher that was mine okay that that one hurt but it was true though yeah you’ll thank I don’t even care anymore you’ll thank T man once he saves all of us all right here we go we got to add some electric fences right here and we also need to add some reinforced blocks as well here dog day and uh where where’s the green dude I forget his name uh he’s oh no why wait a minute why are there more Graves oh well you guys were gone I built us all Graves hop on in what T boo bro we’re not going to die bro everyone grab these reinforced blocks I’m about to put them all around here so you guys start building uh maybe I should just go in my grave here grab this grab all this grab all this we’re not oh okay thank goodness we’re not going to die we got this now with TV man’s creativeness We have basically Untold potential man that sound cringy what do you mean creativeness what does that mean can’t you see TV man he’s like flying around where’d he go but if you guys don’t die these graves will go to waste good what I don’t really want to die you know what and let’s just survive come on use these I’ll give you some blocks okay all right going to be making lasers and guys this is super good trust me okay I have to replace this this this perfect perfect all right let’s do something like this with the grass blocks right here we’ll add some lasers right here um catap I’m pretty sure we might be able to actually survive with this TV guys help I don’t know about that well oh yeah okay oh my gosh they’ll they’ll they’ll oh my gosh they’ll actually like me once I am able to save the day because I’m literally from scity toilet and I’m just like my dad and he’s so smart your dad is dead oh wow okay catnb you can you can you can uh shut up I guess shut up without saying anything super negative we we come on why are you guarding the graves don’t tell me what to do dog day I would be nicer if we were going to survive but there’s no point cuz we’re all going to die terrible deaths come on at least at least hop at least hop no I have hope I have hope now we’re going to survive okay guys as a group as a family you should exact okay we got this we just need to build some more uh uh let’s see hoppy why don’t you help me build dig OT that’s it let’s B let’s dig Ot Ot okay and I’ll put lava in it I’ll put lava in it yeah perfect perfect okay I’ll start over on this side wait so what are we going to do with catnaps house we should probably explode it because it doesn’t make sense for it to be here because it’s going to be like another distraction for them actually I think we should keep it there cuz it’s very big my house I blow up your house just saying okay fine wait I have an idea what if we put like fake people inside of there so like the zombies get distracted oh that’s true where are we going to find fake people huh watch this watch this watch this this is so smart oh my goody goodness uh here we go woohoo villagers oh it’s villagers actually that might work are you saying villagers aren’t people that’s kind of messed up oh wow yeah now I think about it is kind of weird don’t worry it’s fine as uh Team you’re going to protect them too right kind of at least I guess yeah kind of give them some chance to survive I’d rather us survive than the random villagers you just spawn so guys I have 5 minutes left on my creative switcher we got to lock in oh yeah you’re right you’re right uh can continue the M I’m digging my M I’m going to add some reinforced glass I’m going to have some reinforced glass let’s something like that on that side and then we’ll do something like this on this side we just need to do whatever whatever works oh also we need to add this moat with lava should we do lava or poison uh let’s do lava because poison no Lava Lava no poison lava poison poison is purple and lava’s actually lava is red so I guess that’s why I like it more but lava does more damage all right I’m putting on poison is there any green juice no wait you just have poison on you you’re not even in Creative what do you mean what you’re so of course I always have poison so sick hop you hop are you really you sure you want to keep following that guy he’s kind of a kind of a what huh catnb you’re kind of being really unreasonable this TV guy is actually helping us a lot right now that TV Bozo who do you think you’re talking to why are you sassing me woman um oh wow it’s a his name is TV man and um I think he’s actually going to help us survive of course I am because I’m only here to help I’m you guys Sav my life so I’m going to save you guys I believe it when I see it come on here we go and we’re going to add some more glass over so we can see outside when the zombies attack hey T man do you how much time do you have left on that switcher thing oh I I have 30 seconds left okay I just got to grind this out no okay let’s just add some glass right here and some glass right there and uh we’ll just do something like that and then we’ll uh uh we’ll do like a little pathway here and then we’ll do something like that and we’ll just keep adding reinforcements everywhere uh oh no oh my goody goodness come on I have some reinforced class right here uh I think the zombies are I think they’re with ins sight wa what do you mean they’re Insight oh no I have 10 seconds off to my creative switcher the zombies are coming okay okay uh uh check this how how much time do you have left like uh hurry um 1 second boom Oh my goody goodness guys I’m out of cre okay uh you guys uh I don’t know bat down the hattr I suppose I’m going to create some armor real quick using this enchantment table we got we got earlier okay I bet and canab you better not just jump into the zombies you have to at least try to survive we’re all going to die why does it matter what I do because there’s a chance to survive you idiot oh my fine I’ll try and kill them I do like killing things all right guys everyone prepare for the Army to come oh no I’m really scared though yipp oh don’t worry we are so ready look at this armor oh oh wait where’s the armor where’s the armor yeah you didn’t give me any armor up top wa you have armor I haven’t given I haven’t given anyone the armor yet it’s up top it’s up top I’m up here uh where where where where oh my waa this is crazy yeah you bet when it comes to making armor I am only second to one person and who’s the other person oh this stuff is crazy the other person’s Kane no you don’t even know how to you don’t even know how to make that who the heck is Kane what’s a Kane guys there are zombies everywhere oh no the zombie attack is happening it looks like our lava Mod’s working use your bows wait wait oh no there’s those other guys too that were from the other challenge come on fight them all Oh e it’s gross wow I forgot how much I enjoy killing things this is fun you’re kind of dark man yeah I’m just glad he’s helping us out we might actually have a chance with him on our side oh jeez oh my good good oh these zombies are huge waa oh my good goodness how aren’t we dead right now but I think all of our reinforcements are actually saving us right now oh thank goodness oh yeah they are I’m so glad we got that cre because and somebody wanted to keep it as a collectible yeah it’s you guys ruined it what can I say oh wow you you going to appreciate it so much after you were dead huh exactly now you’re getting it I mean I guess it is saving us but I don’t think it’s worth it to be honest whatever as long as we live I’m fine with it I probably could have lived on my own but yeah you guys definitely needed it oh there are some big ones out there what are those things oh my goody goodness come on he yo fight these guys oh you think you’ll be able to survive come on this has been really helpful yeah look at this you think you really think you could take all that on H yeah probably I don’t think we would have survived whatever I guess it’s fine it was my stuff by the way just saying so I saved you all then oh whatever you didn’t even want to use it you should be grateful TV man literally saved our life we’d be dead without him I mean yeah he did it by stealing my stuff but yeah I guess you’re right we would be dead right now otherwise oh my gosh get over yourself with your stuff man well I’m happy I got strong but we still got to fight these guys come on’ll be fine kind of fell over fell off but he’ll be fine I just want to say Kat Up’s Poison’s doing absolutely nothing against the zombies oh wait wait katup are you okay I could use some help okay okay I’m coming down I’m coming down oh no I got to risk my life you can do it faster oh come on come on yo are you good there’s more there’s more coming in look to your right don’t worry I got him I got him he just said wow thanks man you just saved me I honestly don’t want to die but oh well d man don’t you have those pearls from earlier can you Pearl back in uh no I don’t have them but uh it’s fine it’s fine get the rest of these zombies I’m going to get some more I’m feeling really strong right now no no don’t die I’m not going to die oh there’s a lot of them though don’t you dare get hit I think if you get hit you might turn into one no I don’t want you to turn into a zombie I don’t know that’d be kind of funny no yeah definitely don’t do that you do want to be killed by n catnap oh my goodness come on there’s only a few more left but wait there’s a lot of them but I I don’t know they’re getting really slow and they’re like I don’t know they’re like malfunctioning or something I don’t know what’s going on uh are you guys seeing this or am I is it just me I don’t see anything they are being really weird what are you talking about like they’re they’re they’re really slow now for some reason I’m not sure why oh yeah they are oh what’s going on I don’t know did you do something cut that I don’t know what’s going on to be honest with you what’s that sound what’s that sound what’s oh my goody goodness guys what happened is everyone okay what happened there’s a big hole in the middle of our town but the zombies are gone oh thank you I I would never have seen that toy if I didn’t if I didn’t wow wow that’s so amazing the zombies are gone how that happened maybe this explosion was a sign of the zombie apocalypse being over that makes sense for sure sure whatever it does seem like it’s daytime so I guess maybe whatever I we’re all alive so that’s what matters you know TV man I really hated you at first but you know you did pretty well I guess so good job I suppose yeah I like you too I think you could be one of us really uh yeah I’m just glad everything’s over welcome to the family my friend well let’s work together let’s go I’m a part of the family yo cat to be a h dude w w watch out watch out I don’t like you like that bro who are you you and wait why are there so many of you guys well we’re the pomy family and I overheard you saying you’re alone and you’re sad um we can take care of you if you want wait you guys can take care of me oh my good goodness guys I’m just a baby I haven’t eaten in so long you haven’t eaten yeah I’m really hungry okay we’ll get you something to eat and we’ll also get you some um English lessons first of all W is this steak thank you so much oh my gosh you guys just saved my life I guess I will uh go with you guys okay uh follow us okay okay uh here we are it’s not really much but at least you have a home now I mean that’s good right oh my goodness this place is so cool I’ve never seen buildings as big in my whole life wa so um there oh oh I see uh you found ja hey dude who are you I’m Jax and you are the first person that I’ve seen in years that isn’t a pomy I’m so sick of this place they’re so annoying oh Jack you’re so cute when you’re angry what shut up oh my goody goodness wait are you the only dude here I am but not anymore you saved me there’s another person here thank God Jack are are you crying I’m not crying I’m just cing through somebody else besides you I’m sick of you pomy all of you oh my goodness bro chill out oh I love you too you don’t understand kid you haven’t seen what I’ve seen having to hear their annoying voice every single day well JX I’m pretty sure that they are just trying to help you they literally saved my life dude I’m just a baby oh you’re going to wish they hadn’t saved your life when they’re done oh my Jack Stop scaring the poor kid what are you talking about I’m already surrounded by a pomes and then there’s going to be that evil pomy Army attacking too kid you need to get out of here this is no place for a child wait what are you talking about an evil pomy Army bro I’m so confused right I’m literally just a baby and then they took me here I don’t know what’s going on J you’re going to scare him away and he has no other place to stay oh we’re doomed but you know what maybe maybe this is a good thing kid you’re going to you can help me out these pomes are all useless believe me you and me are going to have to be against the world and also they’re kind of creepy so you can like uh protect me right uh stay in between us stay in between the pommies and me who who hey what are you doing bro stop get get away get away from me no no come on ja we have a date later stop get away come on stop being so difficult it’s really not that bad I’ll bring you golden carrots wait so uh what are your guys’ names uh hello hello hello oh uh they probably don’t hear you cuz you’re uh well still really little I’m I’m not being mean it’s just the truth you haven’t grown up yet I mean ignore what Jack says he’s rambling on and on about nonsense you’re not going to be able to help because you’re just a kid there’s not really anything you can do you’re kind of useless in this situation and and I’m I’m not saying this to be mean I I’m just well look at you you’re so young I I know but you you guys took me here so I guess I have to help out a little bit right well you can help out in other ways like uh you can gather food you can um hold Jack’s host keep Jack’s company so he doesn’t leave us oh finally I escaped them all Hey kid kid meet me behind the house later come on this red house right here get away from me uh all right I’ll be right back pomy give me a second oh okay um I’ll go uh do something else I guess finally I manag get away from those pomies kid you have to listen we have to get rid of these pomies they are a menace they’re all that’s wrong with the world what they they’re really nice they literally saved my life but I guess they’re kind of weird no you don’t know them like I know them they keep me alive cuz I don’t know they’re just weird but like these ones aren’t as bad as some of the others but they’re all bad trust me uh are you sure about that bro so what are we going to do dude well the thing is this base is actually pretty secure it’ll be good for the pomy Army coming later so the only problem is the pommy’s in town so how about we just like kill all of them what bro that’s craziness dude not I we can’t just kill them dude I mean we could but I guess you’re not digging it all right fine we’ll have to figure something else out then wait I have a really good idea dude how about like we just become like super duper strong dude like I usually haven’t had enough like resources to get strong but I’ve always wanted to become like really strong and like you know I want to become an adult and super strong so dude why do we become super strong that’s uh pretty good idea I guess i’ still can we kill him after that bro are you serious right now we we could just become super strong so then they can’t hold us hostage fine we’ll do it your way but even if you don’t want to kill all of them we’re going to have to take them out still cuz they’re going to get in our way trust me oh my gosh well I guess you’re going to have to take the lead to go to like wherever we’re going to get stronger cuz I don’t know how to get stronger I’m just a baby anyway oh well the thing is I can’t really haven’t really been able to explore anywhere cuz those pomes always somehow manage to find me and drag me back but I do know a guy who can help uh let me hit him up all right kid follow me I’m pretty sure he’s over here somewhere okay let’s go come on how much more walking do we have to do dude this is taking so long I’m so tired we get there when we get there stop crying kid dude we’ve been walking for like 20 minutes that’s a perfectly normal you know what whatever let’s just keep keep going we’re not there yet all righty wait J what’s in here bro wait this might be it let me check it out hello anyone there hello who whoa what are you doing in my house get out are you not Pond are yo chill chill he’s with me man who Jack is that you you’re alive did they kill you you’re not a robot are you you’re not here set to kill me okay stop being an idiot it’s me tell me something only Jack would know my favorite color is purple everyone knows that loser I’ll take it whatever well you guys aren’t supposed to be here you got there’s no pomes no you didn’t get tailed by any pomes did you I don’t think so I didn’t think the check uh probably not wait but wait why are we even here with this guy cuz he can help you get strong I suppose I did get pretty strong by doing some things but why did you bring him here he’s going to be useless think about it man with this kid we finally have enough manpower to take out the pomy village we need Manpower not kid Power he’s not going to be useful I know I don’t get there whatever there’s no way it’s going to happen I missed my home I miss my family you need to find some actual help hey I can help I’ll become really strong I promise I swear ever since those pom knes took over the ever since they took over everything just gone to stupid it’s just everything sucks now I’m living in a cave I got a single bed with like three pieces of food remaining there’s no way we’re going to be able to take it back do you know how many of them are there there’s like thousands trust me I know man they’re the ones that drag me to the village and every single time I try and leave but with this kid it’ll be different well I guess now is a decent time since the pomy war is basically going to go up in Flames the evil pomes are probably going to fight the normal pomes I guess something is better than nothing I’ll take you the first challenge but first things first where are you from kid I’m from skib toilet you know what skibby toilet is like speaker man you know cameraman we got all those guys what the heck is Scooby-Doo toilet what is Spider-Man whatever Spider-Man what bro it’s called skim in the toilet I don’t know what that is all right let’s keep walking guys are we close yet hey keep your voice down look behind you wait what um what this is a setup I knew it you were you’re you’re clones you’re just in disguises shut up I should never trusted you all right I need you to find them as soon as possible not just Jax but TV man we need them both we cannot let them get away if they find out our master plan we’re done for and I entrust that you guys will take care of that and if you don’t well um you’re probably going to be burned alive or other torture methods so go and get them what in the what bro hey yo that’s crazy dude come on all my fellas come on go they said they were after you guys so I guess you guys aren’t uh enemies I suppose yeah that’s what we’ve been saying this entire time you do well it does never hurts to be too careful nerd Emoji okay so for your first challenge there’s a little parkour thing that I used to use back whenever I actually used to hang out in the village but that also means it’s close to the Village so we need to be very careful be really stinky oh my gosh they’re right there but it’s like almost night time so they’re probably all going to sleep soon anyway so let’s just do this parkour and wait what’s in here dude is this uh quick sand that’s that’s quick sand yep don’t jump in there also jackon I want you to do this too you’re you have pretty skinny arms hey excuse you I’ve been trapped in there it’s not like I can work out and I was planning on doing it anyway you don’t work out loser that’s why I’m stronger than you now I’m that’s what I just said what what’s your problem kid what the heck just hurry just get get above the trees there should be a ladder over there but to be honest I don’t really believe you’ll be able to get much stronger than you are now you’re pretty pretty weak weaker than most hey that’s really mean I’m just a baby I can’t control it dude anyway let’s just keep going wo how is he going so fast I don’t know how he’s going so fast I keep messing up too I’m actually surprised he’s doing so well myself let’s catch up what’s that supposed to mean a whatever you know you’re not good at this physical stuff you like playing video games all day let’s go come on I’m getting so close to the top woohoo ow I fell oh come on you’ve got more than that I think trying my best but this is really difficult I don’t know how you do this so easily it takes time and effort and getting stronger which I don’t believe you can do hey yeah that’s really mean but I’m going to become strong like you dude I guess you could try but don’t don’t have too much High Hopes come on I’m getting so close to the end of everything I just fell again are you serious right now I’m just going to give up I told you he was going to get stronger Jack wake up sorry is the kid here yet no he’s being really useless no don’t listen to him you’re going to be the perfect uh third member of our party we’ll be like the Three Musketeers except there were four but come on you got to keep trying oh maybe you’re right I guess I should keep trying okay fine I’m going to try one more time come on please I got to do this to prove them wrong but I don’t know I’m not strong enough yet come on please let’s go okay I got past this part come on come on oh no oh no oh no oh he’s almost actually here you might be able to make it this time oh my gosh oh my gosh okay one last jump and yeah oh I did it good job I suppose you have some skill but I still don’t think he’s going to be useful ja Told You So told you you can make it just saying let go I hope I get stronger from that all right move on to the next challenge actually actually should be pretty close from here there’s a special tree that I’ve actually been trying to break apart for some time now I’m going to need your help with it wait I have to jump down dude no no that’s really scary come on he’ll be fine that’s just leaves Le the leaves will break your fall for the most part here let me give you a hand kid oh no I’m scared I’m scared ow ow that hurt a lot oh suck it up if you want to be strong a little F like that shouldn’t hurt you oh my goodness yeah maybe you’re right dude really tall Willow Tree wow this is terrifying how am I going to do this well I we need to basically I’ve heard Legends of a key that can open up a nearby dungeon we could find some useful stuff to fight against the pomes with but it’s hidden inside the street it’s also laced with uh booby traps so what bro no I can’t do this I’m giving up I can’t this is too scary hey get back here where do you think you’re going uh back home come on kid you can’t go back there you know what’ll happen to you maybe you’re right I guess I do just have to do it but it’s really scary dude also if you join the pom knes you will become my enemy so I might just uh kill you hey yo yeah you’re right okay I guess I have to actually do this to become stronger no by the way there is a ax right here if you if you wanted to use that to break through the tree oh yeah you’re right we probably should have grabbed that okay let me go grab that yeah I’m going to take a look around to see if I can see any holes in it just chop down bit of the tree and be careful there might be odd things inside this tree oh no I’m really scared but uh hopefully I don’t Ain get anything ow ow poison water are you serious right now you good I’m fine I’m fine okay let’s keep going all righty here we go let’s do that right there and I guess we’ll break some of this I’ve never broken wood before though I’m pretty strong I guess a come on it’s not very interesting that you can do that I gave you an axe which is meant for that task so you’re I still it’s not really strong of you ow going to get my poison again are you serious right now just stop running into the poison then Jack are you going to help out bro or is it just me you’re the one with the axe I’m looking out for the pomes dude no maybe you’re right seems there’s a weird I don’t know this this place over here looks superficial come up to where I am oh yeah I’m right here dude what is this place and waa this is so super duper cool the center of this little trunk looks really weird try to break try breaking into it this part right here okay okay okay all righty a come on and oh there’s a chest there’s a key what is this for a key a key I knew it I knew it the leg are correct follow me right now oh my goodness we just got a key for something I think that’s pretty good though and oh no I got to jump all the way back down come on it I’m stuck at the cobwebs get me out he’s not going to be useful oh my gosh feel like I got stronger from breaking that cobweb though he says the one who fell into the poison I’m the one who broke it no no hey will you look at that you got a little bit taller you might actually be getting a little stronger wait really that’s pretty cool probably won’t be probably it’s just probably a really minor so it probably still won’t be as much of help but you can help us with the dungeon uh dungeon what are you talking about bro all right let’s move on to the next challenge we got to get stronger I guess even though there’s probably no hope but you know I got to have some confidence that’s what Jack said to do I never said that actually okay okay this should be it the ancient tomb wa this is so cool yeah we can just jump right over here the iron door over there is not very useful where are they it’s been like an hour or so and you still haven’t found them look everywhere I don’t care burn every tree down find them now oh my gosh they’re looking for me and Jax okay we just got to go down here and figure out how to get stronger so we can survive everything I told you they were crazy they’re going to bur burn this entire Forest down dude that’s so crazy BR all right anyway let’s do this we can’t really move forward until you use the key oh okay I got you I got you using the key let’s go come on and woohoo okay okay this place was useless wait no it’s not there’s literally a trap door right here bro do you not see that oh yeah the I was just testing you yeah sure you were buddy this I think you’re just getting old buddy I guess I’m getting stronger just sewer water I don’t know this place is pretty awesome though would wait there’s armor over there it looks like this is pretty cool oh it’s not very good armor it’s just iron I guess it’s better than nothing come on man every little bit that can help us get stronger matters yeah he’s got a point dude and anyway I always have a point I think we actually have maybe a chance here if we have all this armor and stuff like there’s no way well it’s I don’t think this going to be very useful right now just everybody look around but that maybe there’s a secret passage somewhere Secret passage let’s go check guys have you found anything N I haven’t found anything over here wao wao wao evil PES evil PES what what’s an evil pomy du look right over here there’s a small herd of the oh they’re coming uh what in the what wait maybe I can become friends with them they look like they’re like friendly that’s not a good idea kid ow ow ow ow oh no oh no oh no they’re really powerful are you serious right now on evil is literally in their name I didn’t know this was evil pomy territory I never would have come here oh no this is really scary dude we should get out of here oh no these girls are really scared way come on ow ow are these like what are is going to be at the pomy base later exactly these are the other side of the war and we’re kind of stuck in the middle of it oh no this is really bad are you serious right now how are we going to get stronger and stuff oh there’s a big one big one oh my gosh but wait we’re actually doing pretty good I’m not going to lie I think it’s mainly just Jack he’s just using his boow like a coward what do you mean a coward and besides you know TV man’s doing a good job too it’s not just me thank you is that all of them yeah hopefully let’s just get out of here I don’t want to be here any oh wait uh seems like a path did open up but I don’t want to go into any no no no oh are you don’t want to go any sh I’m not a CH I’ll show you bro let’s just try to get stronger dude so we can actually take over the pomy town dude that’s what we were here for right ooh oh my gosh this was the best idea ever going here bro we got all this diamond art right out this diamond stuff oh my gosh well I guess it was a good idea to come down here okay now we got what we came for we got what we came for so let’s go back we got this is good enough right let’s leave uh no we got more stuff to do bro right no I’m leaving see are you serious right now bro I’m pretty sure got walked in anyway what what are you psychic or something you were right what the oh my gosh but good thing we better armor now but oh come on fight these girls ow come on ja use your sword for once why this works way better we got to become stronger guys come on H come on we got to beat these girls wo whoo wo just dodge their attacks make sure you’re not getting hit on purpose come on there’s only two left two left come on take him out take him out there we go okay now can we leave uh I don’t know I mean let’s just go this way let’s see what’s going on over here but the other way probably opened up right the way out of here uh not so fast Buster uh look over here the ways opened up oh my goody goodness bro this one open up so now we can leave I I doubt this is going to be the exit let’s go come on let’s see is this the end and we can go back in oh my goodness uhoh we’re in a crazy area right now okay this yeah this is where we deid guys this is clearly a boss room we’re not going in here we’re leaving he what this are these like ancient artifa I’m grabbing this okay maybe uh maybe we should take this and leave then we okay ancient artifacts are insanely powerful oh my goodness we got all this super good armor dude this is so cool bro I’ve never had such a good armor in my life and I feel so much stronger dude look at this mace this look epic dude that looks so cool I got a gun what that’s crazy dude a gun I’ve never seen one of those where my gun go can I try it can I use it nah it’s mine bro are you serious right now all right let’s just get out of here here guys and uhoh you were saying uh-oh spaghettio it was a bit too I knew it was a beit I should I shouldn’t have listened to you guys oh no what are we going to do what are we going to do come on we can get out of here right if we just break this bro are you serious right now it’s not letting me break it let me out let me ow okay yeah that’s a turn around turn around what what oh my Mutant Zombies what even are those things I’ve never seen those things before I just said they’re mutant zombies wait why are they why mutant zombies and like an evil py did they tame mutant zombies oh my goody goodness wait this is really bad that means the evil pomy arm is going to have like 30 times the strength the normal PES aren’t going to be the only ones that die we’re all going to die oh my go no we’re not going to die we have to have hope like Jack said I mean I don’t think I put it quite like that but uh that’s the spirit let’s go and oh my good goodness bro we just did it that was so easy easy my butt they’re mutant zombies we barely survived that hey yo Jack that was way too easy bro I think it’s cuz of the armor we had dude yeah I mean that’s exactly why we went for this stuff right but yeah dude dude anyway this was a lot of fun even though it was really scary I feel like I actually got a lot stronger wo wo I think it’s a bit more than feel I mean look at you dude wait I’m taller than you now what what was that sound I have no idea what you’re talking about bro uh seems like the ceiling cave then what in the what wait are can we leave from here well that seems like uh that’s really grow gross water but we got no toys let swim up disgusting e e this me feel strong though oh my gosh I just saw something float by oh it’s that it’s that it’s that a he’s just drinking water no do not drink it oh my goodness and oh we’re finally up at the surface again oh what caused that explosion are the pomes evil pomes already beginning their attack I wouldn’t be surprised that would be really scary if they were dude anyway we got really strong now guys so I’m pretty sure we’re about to fight him off whoa why are you so tall what what the what happened to you I don’t even know man it’s crazy let’s just go back to the town and take over like sure but if I if I’m about to die I will leave you guys behind oh don’t be such a baby come on man this is our our best chance we can totally do this I mean we got three Bros yeah and I’m strong now too I think right jack yeah I suppose I was wrong about you T man about you being weak but still it’s us between a war of pomes and you saw what the evil pomes had they had mutant zombies I still don’t have very high high hopes it’s fine dude we got this we just have to have a little hope okay let’s go okay yeah do you really think we’re going to lose cuz nah I’d win oh you’re so funny Jack what how could you be so confident about everything it’s a gift it’s more like a curse not when we’re going to win this war dude all right come on guys we’re getting close to the town I’m really scared but we got to face our fears ready your weapons oh my gosh get your weapons out oh there’s a I don’t like I hate coming back here there’s a lot of them oh there you guys are I was looking everywhere for you no it’s the ring leader oh no now you guys better come quietly or else there might be consequences oh no I’m really scared right now wait why do they all look terrifying there’s so many of of them too guys listen we come in peace okay um we all we want to do is we want our own territory in this land okay we don’t want to cause any problems right I do oh uh yeah yeah we just I just want my home back the home you took from me wait you’re here too I thought you died yeah your assassins couldn’t kill me and neither will your pitiful Army oh someone’s stuttering uh I don’t like this okay well either way you’re all going to be my host whoa you got fatter or or bigger or or wow uh why’ you guys feed him no they’re going to take us as hostages and there’s way too many of them for us to fight alone let’s go let’s take shelter in the forest go go go go go oh wait wrong way oh no oh no no no they’re chasing me ah help ow oh no I got to fight them now let’s see this is what happens when you go against us I re you just submit silently now is not the time to run let’s take these pmies out oh no ow ow oh my gosh they’re so powerful too ow ow they’re way more powerful than I thought are you serious right now why do you have too many guns where’d you get those you’re outnumbered oh I kind of nicked them from you what oh my goodness come on fight these Palm this is amusing to watch you’ll eventually get tired out and then I can finally keep you guys captive and you’ll never leave me oh my gosh there’s so many of them are you serious right I’ll keep telling them Jacks come on oh I’ve been looking forward to this well you might have taken out my Army but what you’re going to face next is even worse you’re going to have to face no get back here py oh oh you want to play the hero and you want to fight you ungrateful brat I gave you a home I gave you a shelter and this is how you you treat me you didn’t give us a home you kept us in a prison what in a prison oh no we got to take over this town there’s so many of these evil PES oh no now they’re really powerful too potato potato come on you would have died if it wasn’t for me yeah a a PO you’re right but you’re being weird and we need to take over because this is not okay come on you want the men to take over don’t make me laugh you know the men lost this territory for a reason cuz they couldn’t fight this is pomy territory now we want it because shut up I’m trying to give a speech we really girl bossed it no the boys are better than the girls so we’re going to beat this come on oh they are then oh that’s weird then why’ the boys lose this territory cuz there are millions of you you just kept cloning yourself there like we couldn’t handle it that’s it’s basically cheating oh my goodness these guys are really powerful no it’s not it’s called using a brain rain which is something you boys lack I’m surprised you survived this s like honestly it’s quite impressive and it’s giving me a bit of entertainment but you guys won’t be able to survive for much longer JX is just standing there shooting the air so I I’m really confused why did you even bring him along he wasn’t going to do anything I killed three of your giant poies don’t listen to her don’t listen to her okay we just got to keep fighting these monsters and eventually we’re going to be able to take over the land and uh she’s going to be left with no one okay oh I’ll always have someone I have myself and that’s more than enough as long as I keep cloning myself I’ll never be lonely and I’ll have a whole Army that’s kind of pathetic actually you guys are never going to win cuz I can keep cloning myself this could go on for days months years Millennials there’s way too many of them I’m actually going to die oh no I’m giving up again that’s right I just give up there’s really no need to fight you already lost this battle oh there’s no hope there’s no hope there’s so many of them wish we’re not going to live this I told you there’s so many of them we’re going to have to figure something out we can’t keep up this we can’t keep this up forever what are we going to do okay let me think let me think my guns are kind of running out on ammo let me think what we could do um okay I have an idea guys everyone keep fighting these monsters I have a super good idea trust me well then hurry better do it quickly I’m going to do here’s what I’m going to do okay I’m going to grab a ladder right here I’m going to go up here okay perfect they get over here so now I’m going to grab this ladder over here and secretly I’m going to put down a cage trap a good thing I grabbed a cage over at the cave over there during a challenge so now all I’m going to do is place down a cage right here and she should be getting trapped there we go that should work and then she will be able to Spa it more this is just so entertaining to watch you guys really aren’t girl bossing that oh wait yeah cuz you’re not girls this could go on forever and eventually you’ll just wear out and you’ll want to be my hostages I mean I’ll give you food shelter and maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you play your video games nuh yeahuh uh uh you know what I will think of that oh what if we take out their leader like so like that you better watch out nice try step back okay can you can you can you not you’re actually getting on my nerves wait wait wait wait what what what’s going on this can’t be happening oh my goody goodness no way that just worked guys I literally just trapped her you trapped me you ungrateful brat oh my finally you saved the day man your plan worked out flawlessly yeah good job kid I knew it was a good idea bringing you along and what’s up loser loser loser loser loser shut up at least I’m not a rabbit wearing overalls that’s kind of pathetic oh my gosh I knew she kept respawning mob so all I did was Trapper I think it actually just saved the day but anyway this is the boys territory now let’s go I do this one are you just going to keep me here I take this one I want the blue one yeah it we’ll feed you whenever and you can play video games sometimes how do you like yeah how do you like it loser I have to say the Furnishings in these houses look beautiful girls do know how to decorate let’s go boys we did it let’s go okay okay I need we do need to do a bit of rebuilding though some of the glass got shot probably because of you Jax with your two Min guns okay my two Min guns killed a bunch of the pomes wait a second where am I right now wait who are you uh wait who are you ew uh I’m from skimy toilet where are you from what he smells like he’s from a toilet oh disgusting he looks really weird I don’t think he looked very weird he seems he seems pretty friendly actually now that I now that I’m taking a look at him ah well I’m just a baby I don’t know about you guys are you guys babies too uhhuh I think we’re all babies yeah that’s what that’s true I was a what’s going on uh I don’t like being a baby very much uh guys uh what’s going on you usually do stuff like this what did you do something oh my who cares about all that let’s just get rid of this guy Hey ow ow this is a fun game let’s get him stop this is just like Tad it is like T no don’t kill me please I don’t know where I am where’s my family I’m just a baby stop stop guys boom boom boom stop but it’s fun what why it’s not fun we need to get out of here we’re are we in the or something ex just a one block I don’t know where we are we’re in the middle of nowhere and I’m really confused right now I don’t even know who you guys are what’s your names anyway well I’m cat now it’s nice to meet you I don’t think you like nice to meet you I don’t who are you stop being me to meet you I’m just a baby dude I’m a baby too so what hey we might be stuck with him with him for a while so be nice okay my name’s dog dead oh can I go next we can just get rid of him shut up you like you want to get rid of everyone you wanted to get rid of bear hug here but bear hug still here yeah I’m here I I don’t want to be a kid anymore I want to be a grownup and do grownup things like like go shopping and and pay taxes what what are you talking about and I just want to go home to my family I’ve always wanted to be a grown-up though that’s pretty cool you have a family yeah yeah we could be grown-ups do you know what grown-ups I don’t know I don’t know you’re creeping me out though why you getting so close to me I swear you’re going to like hit me or something again no I won’t hit you I I got to introduce myself to you me and hoppy you names nice to meet you happy it’s it’s really nice to meet you but that purple guy looks pretty scary oh yeah he is kind of scary well don’t I look scary too I’m mening he guys look what I found what’ you find yeah oh wa that’s a whole tree I’ve never seen a tree before my whole life oh my goody goodness that’s so cool I want to climb a tree dude there are trees everywhere around here wait really I don’t really see very many are you okay Ken do not see them they’re they’re literally right over here oh yeah you’re right wow well I guess he doesn’t actually have eyes he just has a TV I don’t see any trees all right anyway guys um can we all work together I think we would make a great team we could be like you know we could grow up together this could be awesome you know I really don’t want to die to you uh creatures can do you think we should be a team with him you’re the boss yeah can we keep him can we keep him ah fine I guess we can keep him as like a pet or something yipp oh hey he’s not a pet he’s he may be different but he’s still a person well fine then dog day if you don’t want to keep him as a pet we’ll just have to kill him help I’m going to actually die stop stop oh my bad we are keeping them as an ally we need all the help we can get you don’t even know where we are do you catnap okay so what why can’t we just live here can you guys pleas be nice to me please guys guys I’m getting low in health please I don’t have any food oh I got a cookie it seems like there’s you want a cookie it seems like there’s a chest here guys I can’t open it we need a pickaxe uh we need some wood uh the tree oh cookies I’m on that tree I got it you want a cookie thanks for the cookies I appreciate it anytime anytime I’m going to do some sick crafting yeah get us a pickaxe wait wait wait wait wait how do you craft I’ve never done that before real hard crafting is a grownup thing are you a noob oh yeah you got to be real hard for it you got to throw them some things onto these crafting Benes and then if you get stuff wait really that’s really cool dude I want to craft a mega cookie so I made this pickaxe and now I can mine this Stone and there’s of chest with a bunch of item wait guys wait guys what’s in this chest oh my goody goodness y there’s so much stuff in here wait wait wait hey don’t take my swords I want to grab one there’s so many foods so wow oh my goody goodness wo this is so wait guys it’s raining uh-oh I’m getting a w oh gosh ew it’s raining wa it’s a really bad thunderstorm guys where are we going to go we need shelter oh is there anywhere we can hide I don’t know I don’t know I’m going into this Boulder I’m really scared I don’t know Boulder I don’t know if I can fit ins I can’t fit in there bro this is too F I just heard explosions what was that uh it came from down there guys it’s really light wait wait there’s lightning oh no what do we do lightning I want to hide I’m scared of lightning guys where do I go oh no everybody get in here wait wait okay let me get inside let me get inside well not you idiot please let me in hey hey hey oh that’s not all right everybody’s here we can be safe uh but the TV guy isn’t here maybe we should let him in this place is kind of cozy actually guys just let him in let him in he could get struck by lightning oh that’s true guys I’m going to die out here I’m going to die out here please help help wait oh here come on come on oh god oh no I got to jump inside oh no I don’t even have any wood I got to use this wood no come here come here I opened it up for you oh oh oh oh my goody goodness that was really scary thank you guys open sesame okay I think we’re what was that for wow oh whoops my hand slipped you’re really mean you know that right I don’t like you what do you mean I’m so friendly look at my smile guys let me in this say St man there he’s all right right yeah unfortunately I don’t yeah he’s in here I don’t have a pickaxe can you let me in no can we just leave that guy out there he’s kind of more annoying than St guy bro what dog day dog day dog day is my best friend I’m strong that was really scary there was like lightning and stuff we almost died but thank you guys for letting me stay in here I got milk how long are we supposed to stay in here I guess until the storm stops it’s really dangerous wait did we grab everything for the chest I’m not sure let’s see if we can all get to it oh here it is I’ve never done anything like this I’m just a kid we’re all just kids and okay and you just broke the okay I got the chest boom Oh okay who was in there well it’s empty now wait what’s in this chest I’ll put my chest was empty got some where all the steak Stone was oh cookies guys I don’t think we should be eating cookies it doesn’t make us feel good those are my cookies though I have milk to go with them my now it make my tummy feel funny cookies will do that yeah that’s why you shouldn’t eat cookies all the time but but I don’t be such a party pooper yeah there’s some meat in here what else do we have to eat besides cookies we got steak ew yucky I don’t like steak it’s too chewy and Meaty I know but but it’s good for you I don’t think it’s good to eat cookies oh the cookies taste better meat tastes like nothing yeah I like cookies a lot as well I mean I like steak steak ew that was from something that was alive oh yucky wait steak was alive ew yeah that’s kind of nasty plus steak steak has no flavor whatsoever I heard something outside should we check it out they don’t really sound friendly so I’m not entirely sure let’s see W guys what is that those zombies oh they’re green like me they look pretty nice whoops my bad well I don’t uh we can just stay inside right there a baby baby baby babybody do something I’m killing it I’m killing it I’m running outside I have a gun whoa Put the gun down well it’s going to kill the zombie yeah there’s kind of a lot of zombies out there I don’t know if we should leave yet I’m going with staying here with the cookie cave yeah oh yeah it’s a cookie cave we got cookies and I got milk o milk for my cookies oh help me please please wait you’re out there oh my goash n I’m good good WD uh Happy like them anyway cookie party though H we’re too busy help friend out help him what is wrong with you I don’t that’s a him problem oh my gosh I’m got to go out there hey where are you dude are you okay hey behind you no these guys are really scary come on hey get away oh my goody goodness come on hey get away from my friend ow I hate zombies okay run run over here follow me hey dog D follow me dude right over here inside of here You’ be fine come here run inside all right close this up oh my gosh oh welcome back to the clickie cave you guys didn’t help your friend out and I did what is wrong with you guys I was eating cookies D I’m not in that mood for cookies why you mad he needs some milk he needs some cookie I was kind of hoping you would die to be honest my stomach isn’t even feeling too good it’s because of the zombies my tummy will you hoods I got a tummy ache I’m pretty sure these cookies are making us a little tummy rumbly why tell me Rumble Bumble guys stop eating cookies what are you doing I know we’re just babies but that’s not what grown-ups do anyways can eat as much as they want they do taste really good we at a million cookies mine are R guys it’s night time now outside we should probably like go to sleep here but we don’t have any beds uh I found some carpet we can use that I want some carpet found some red and some purple well magenta looking carpet so we can we could use this as like a makeshift bed oh man it’s really uncomfortable but I guess so e it’s pink too wow this looks so uh gross I like it it it at least it’s something I mean we got to be grateful for what we got what about green there’s no green I like green I don’t know I kind of like this color I like it well of course you yeah I don’t really care either way as long as we can get some sleep yeah I don’t know how I’m going to sleep in up but she’s sleeping already I’m sleeping under here wait what was her what was her name again I forgot her name I don’t know no I’m hoppy that’s Scotch oh yeah sorry I’m I’m Bobby I get you two mixed up a lot you guys have very similar facial features n excuse me wait guys before we go to sleep we should put TV man to sleep what wait what forever Who whoo chill okay we don’t need to be doing all that why not because again he he just saved my life obviously see he could be useful he could he might even save yours I mean that sounds like a negative to me oh okay wow that that hurt but come on we need we need to keep him around he’s nice fun to talk to and well guys we’re we could have so much fun we could all grow up together would that be so much fun can we get more cookies yeah we could yeah we got a cookie cake no cookies it’s time to go to bed guys oh my good little childish I can’t go to sleep I’ve had so much chocolate chips let’s go to bed oh wait chocolate’s bad for never mind okay I’m going to bed okay good night guys stop what are you looking at but I was just watching you while you slept bro yo wake up dude wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up hello w w what’s going on you broke your carpet yeah because it was gross wow I tried so hard I slept on the hard wood floor because it was gross color that’s not very smart I did you how did you even sleep like that yo wake up bro my neck Hur are there still zombies outside I want to sleep more I’m tired bro grow up I didn’t get to sleep I’m so uncomfortable I’m tired I’m eepy I didn’t get enough sleep the Thunder woke me up can you shut up I want to go home I don’t want to be here I want my mom and I want my dad it’s not fair I want bro chill hey stop crying your family is dead they’re never coming back what what happened to your family wow that’s a bit much even for you well I guess I’ll explain what happened to our family okay I guess so well there used to be a lot more of us there used to be Huggy wuggy and there used to be mommy log legs and she used to take care of us but they got lost when the zombies attacked there was a big apocalypse and they killed everybody oh no I can’t do this city Point wait what are you guys talking about yeah it wasn’t fun we all lived in like a kind of factory like place and it got raided by zombies not everyone made it out yeah I would like to try and save them if we get the chance but they’re probably all dead so oh well you think so oh yeah 100% we should probably try guys come on we could try we can maybe save them I want to go home I want to go back to the factory well nothing nothing’s going to change if we just Suk around here so let’s go oh oh it’s daytime well we did sleep so I guess that checks out but all the zombies are dead see this oh that’s good see we got to think about the positives and we can get don’t eat that canat up can up don’t eat that can up can but it’s yummy you have the CU it’s allten too I’m going go this way I I think I’m feeling sick I don’t know if you if you should eat that though it doesn’t seem safe no it’s really gross we can’t be touching that he spelled oh his breath is all stinky what is this guys I found some it looks like a way down I suppose wait what down I thought that we were in the middle of nowhere wait we what we told you we saw trees earlier I guess your sight isn’t as good as ours wa chill bro oh my taking the ladders for losers bro you guys are yo you guys are crazy I’m really scared right now this is really scary I’m just a baby can you hurry up everybody go wow the island are my Island looks really cool From Below wait guys I didn’t know it was like a whole island I thought we were in the middle of nowhere what the heck are you stupid oh that’s not very nice he used the s word don’t say that yeah that it wasn’t very let’s let’s just look around we have now we have access to the the actual area uh W I haven’t seen this in so long grass and trees oh my gash there’s so many of them guys we need to guys maybe we shouldn’t all get lost the grass together though that might not be a good idea that is uh true we need to make the most out of our daylight because zombies can’t come out a day well most zombies can’t so oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait for me oh coming I say we climb this mountain and see what we can see from here maybe we could figure out a way to save your guys’ family that’s not a bad idea oh don’t worry about that anyway there’s ho the apocalypse is just going to get worse and worse and everybody’s going to die woohoo wait what you’re really such a Debbie Downer yeah dude come on my name’s not Debbie who’s debie well yeah who’s Debbie yeah K hasn’t always been the positive type so it’s but still dark I I would at least think you would want to live wait guys I have an idea all the way at the top of this mountain there’s got to be something up there right like that’s definitely where something is maybe there’s clues or something but I don’t know if that’s how that works that’s too far to walk I but it is good to have a good vantage point so guys if we walk all the way up here we can get stronger we can turn to teenagers right I don’t know my feet already hurt I don’t think walking equals growth I think it does when it get stronger right and our legs grow it wouldn’t hurt I guess it helps us with our stamina the more stamina we all right guys let’s go yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right okay okay okay leg day yeah we can run away better wo guys be careful where are you going be careful there’s a big drop right here please don’t push me off this place is really dangerous why is it so haphazard please don’t what hey stop ah don’t D that that wasn’t very nice I thought to push them off are you guys okay oh that hurts so bad stop that bad stop crying guys don’t get near this I’m pretty sure this thing is sharp I’m not sure I’m just a kid but my God it’s all green it looks so comfy uh what are you doing stop stop it now oh and now I have the cactus is she okay all right let’s just keep going going up the mountain she’s a little stupid I’m not stupid I’m just dumb does anybody have any more cookies I’m really low on health well cookies aren’t going to help steak that better steak it’s gross maybe you should just eat the steak you know what else steak is healthy and good maybe no it’s not it’s just a pile of meat I got cookies hoppy he can have some cookies thank you stop eating cookies guys it’s not safe okay eat the cactus instead what I can’t drink any cactus juice oh no Cactus has water in it we got to get the out the cactus all right guys we got to use blocks and go all the way off you didn’t give me the cookie I’m using my amazing wall jump ability so see you wait wall jump abilities how do you do that what wait wait wait yeah why are you guys still down there you’re so slow yeah I don’t know how to do that I’m a dog and can’t up a cat so we have we can move around really easily I’m a bear I’m I’m hu I’m huge is I’m kind of slow come on what are you doing all the way down there I’m almost up well you guys are so high up are you serious right now I’m trying my best wait what is this Amateur hour you’re still not here everybody else is dude I’m trying bro wow it doesn’t seem like it you’re kind of terrible you’re really far away I’m trying oh come on guys he’s trying his best he’s got this he’s he’s going to be able to help us I guess I’ll take a nap look guys come on I’m almost there I’m almost there okay oh you are a cat nap so I guess that’s not very surprising oh hey there there we go welcome to the tippity top uh uh what is she doing what the hi guys I got I can see what we’re Are we almost there oh wait that’s actually good she has a big like view of everything maybe she knows where we’re going oh that was mean guys but it was funny guys guys I’m I’m more concerned and very suspicious of that right that flying sand pit whatever that is okay but nobody suspicious about that we were on a floating island before yeah I know but well these cactuses did come in handy cuz they allowed me to get a better view I did see something coming up here so um really let’s head uh this way should we believe her guys or do we do we just go probably not she’s really dumb oh I oh okay let’s go guys we got to go all the way down this mountain fine okay oh my gosh guys people been walking for so long I’m so tired of this and now it’s raining stop crying you baby you need some milk we’re all babies you do know that right kind of he’s acting like one shut up stupid wait wait wait wait wait wait the bear was actually right there there is a location here what is this I have a name you oh is this a graveyard um this is really scary oh oh there’s a flower I’m I’m going to take the flowers those flowers for these Graves oh we should dig them up don’t what don’t don’t disturb the dead chill chill weird guys we should proba explore this place this place might be interesting there might be some Clues here or something uh guys let’s explore this place come on are We finding anything there’s not really much to explore though oh what’s this wait wait guys guys guys I found something come over here U there’s a sign I I I don’t know how to read anyone know how to read I know how to read I’m the best reader ever okay you go you go you go okay um where where is it okay um your family is alive go go north they spelled your wrong wait are you stupid that’s not what it says what does it say oh it says your family is dead give up oh oh wait your family is alive go I think it says alive I’m going to trust her more than you cat guys I thought I thought you didn’t know how to read stupid kindergarten that’s a good question which ways North we’re just kids how do we do this we’re not smart like our parents uh let’s just pick a Direction Mo hey guys let’s think about this smartly okay um we go no no no we have to guys guys we might have something else to worry about wait what uh-oh e disgusting guys guys oh no there’s spiders are you serious right now Don’t Go Near those e yucky they’re getting up here I wonder if we can eat them what e e e spiders oh my goody goodness okay there we go we got them oh that’s good now what what do we do I don’t feel good I’m really really hungry I got more cookies no no more cookies guys eat steak I think that’ll make you stronger here you go I know no want to I guess if this is what I have to do then I’ll eat it guys well this is really making me stronger I feel like yeah I think it’s making me a bit stronger too I feel big I feel really fast I feel fast too boo yeah all right guys uh wait uh is it just me or you guys look bigger I don’t feel big I do I yeah I don’t feel that much bigger I don’t know do I look too much bigger M no I I feel bigger I’m not going to lie I don’t know what happened to your voice we all look like the same size still wait where’s dog day oh hey dog day who cares about him there you are sorry I was looking around a little bit more I couldn’t find anything new are you okay dog day yeah I’m fine I don’t know I feel a bit taller for some reason though yeah I think it’s from the St are wait you too all right guys let’s go over here let’s go north I think that’s where the next clue is there was like a little clue you guys saw the little side yeah I read this side are we sure this direction is nor yeah this this isn’t nor well guys guys I don’t know if that’s North because I see an interesting thing over like opposite literally the opposite direction what I’m pretty sure you’re going the wrong way yeah that’s what I said it’s not nor yeah it looks really red I See Fire it’s weird looking oh cool no red yeah follow us okay I hope this isn’t anything bad yeah that would be unfortunate well red and fire is typically bad be very unfortunate oh guys it’s a lava parkour it looks like oh yippe how do we get there we just climb up just got to jump up go will get stronger by doing this too you’re literally a bunny I’m coming hey I’m right by wa that’s a lot of lava wait what lava oh my good goodness yo this is crazy bro W I almost fell in what is this place it looks so ominous there’s a maybe it isn’t actually lava that’s a big word I doubt that yeah let’s not test that let’s not test that there so kind of purple house over here kab is it what is this a prank what do you mean what this purple house looks like a looks like something you would build uh yeah it does look really weird I’m not going to lie it does look kind of familiar it’s very simple it has to be your house just like it’s like a gaming setup and like a bed that’s it a word maybe this is my house is this your house I don’t uh can have uh he wouldn’t have happen to have uh a couple hundred uh twin brothers uh what not that I remember wait why are there so many of you I don’t know let’s say hi um um um I don’t like this I can barely handle one can have uh 40 of them guys why are there why are there clones of catnap what’s going on get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here I can’t even see block holes anymore what happened Escape I’m burning wait guys what’s going on why are they all chasing you where’s the normal catnap where’s the real one I’m right here idiot I don’t know what is real anymore guys oh there’s so many of them are you serious maybe they’re friendly let’s see uh ow ow ow no they’re not friendly not friendly maybe Everybody Run let’s go maybe we can hide in here hide in there for me wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me my gosh bed in here that was really scary but guys I have a I have wait one of them got in no bro that’s wait what’s wait huh guys we can’t stay in here forever but they’re kind of just waiting outside oh that’s I don’t know that’s scary all right guys I I have an idea how about we go to the top of this like parkour place maybe there’s like a chest that deactivates those monsters or something like or there’s something up there that could that would be awfully convenient I could yeah it would be convenient I see a chest up there so there’s a chance guys we’re getting stronger too like I think we’re teenagers now I’m pretty sure my voice didn’t change very much uh hell will come in due time I still feel pretty small that’s cuz you’re short I don’t think your voice changes if you’re a teenager though does it well technically it does it reaches a certain age there’s probably an age range that we have to reach wait you sound older bear I do let no um I thought I always sounded like this you sound as annoying as ever oh thanks thanks a lot uh guys uh we are a bit stronger now so we could probably dance around the catnaps I really want to see what’s up there so I think we can do this you say dance around them are we going to do a quick dancing battle actually I prefer oh yeah I’m into Latin dances I do contemporary I don’t know what that means bro guys everyone watch out run everyone run I’m uping it up out of here ow ow ow ow ow let’s start the parkour over here cut up how do you want to get here start the parkour it’s okay I’m coming guys let’s go oh my good goodness oh guys be careful on this parkour you don’t want to fall in the lava I’m I’m I’m coming is it real lava though do we know that be careful I know it’s real lava is it real lava do you actually die from it oh my God I test it it just water with red food coloring up here you already up there cheese I’m a cat oh you’re fast we a cat so I guess it’s mix well yeah cats are ow ow ow ow I’m burning a lot wait there’s a chest up here wait there’s a lucky bow I don’t know what that is in an arrow and wait there’s coordinates I think I don’t I don’t know how to read that though I don’t know what happened to the others I think they’re all dead I think the catnet got B Bobby no oh wait no Bobby good ridd I have a gun I’m good where did you find that uh I don’t know actually where is she is she okay I don’t know I don’t see her anywhere I’m down here I hear a gunshot oh there there there she is oh okay cool um I got this bow I I’ve never shot a bow before we see how this works uh uhoh oh thanks cie man is it working I did I dig I don’t know what it’s doing wait was he going dude w looks like a lucky Bow T man I wouldn’t shoot that too much if I were you it looks like a lucky bow it depends on what you shoot wao whoo whoo whoa w w this is really cool really right in the middle here would it give us a good idea oh whoa you would have killed us guys they just built us a pathway that was so good oh yeah you’re right uh do we have any blocks can we get out of here I stole one stained glass any anybody else got anything else yeah I got a ton of Cobble wait dog day dog day take these cord you can read them right since you’re a nerd and a loser okay oh got them yes I can perfect I hate you sometimes well technically he’s not a nerd you two are just illiterate wow wow wow wow what was that about literate I me yes yeah you’re right I said you’re illiterate which means you can’t read or right okay one wait where’s bear I’m I’m I’m still down I’m still down here oh we might we might need to go get bear I mean we can just leave them excuse me you’re excused we’re coming Bobby thank you uh guys I don’t know where you are um we don’t know where you are why do I think she’s on top of us I like hear her voice like coming from the top um Bobby hello is she is she I could was she just down like all the way at the bottom of the parkour there’s no way she’s up there I don’t know wait oh my gosh wait I could do that now I know I could do that Bobby where are you Bobby uh I’m I’m by this uh red structure thingy that um I don’t know it it’s weird um one second I was on the ground and then now I’m on top of some tree next to a red structure thing and uh oh there you guys are oh hi Bobby bear hug I found her she’s all the way at the top she’s at the top of the mountain how’d you get there can you hurry up TV man I don’t know I’m not sure either come on man I’ll build this path guys are so slow the guy left us behind shut your face wait so we’re get we’re going to need to go to a coordinate right so we can save your family are you do you think they’re still alive uh I hope so oh probably not I don’t know it’s a 50/50 chance I think we’re getting older though not going to lie like we’re surviving a lot of days and stuff all right guys there we are let’s go we’re at the W what is this I don’t know I I found it when I teleported to the top of the mountain I told you it was a weird red sture thing oh wait guys that’s the island we spawned at and it looks like we’re at a different location now oh my goodness go well no D it looks so small over there yeah it does look so small guys it’s night time w w yeah I can see that the sunset is so pretty guys it is really nice but guys uh I haven’t had a chance into Revel in its beauty a really funny coincidence uh these this is the coordinates this is where we need to be that’s going be let’s take a look yeah that was actually crazy uh like guess guys chill out everyone chill out no no no we can’t go in there it looks very dangerous I’m not going to lie but this random piece of paper said that we should go here so that’s pretty believable yeah clearly it can be trusted I hope so I mean do we actually know who wrote the paper no I don’t know well kind of there’s some initials it just K kg wait how’ you guys get in kg K oh we just jumped onto the roof there’s a door oh there is a door can’t that’s clearly not your chair so it’s mine now all right guys we should probably explore this place guys there was a ghost did you guys see that Co let’s follow it is’s that a ghost uh wait uh I don’t think ghost exist guys I no I literally saw a ghost I swear you’re lying what is no I saw a g and where is it huh uh I I did see something but I don’t think it was a ghost look behind you it’s behind me there’s nothing there what are you talking about there’s nothing there you lied there’s literally nothing here oh hi there friend he’s right there I’ll say hi to him hello look behind you what are you talking about behind he’s still not there though wow you’re not really funny TV man what is what I I just got a sword what the heck why well what kind of Sword I don’t know just gave me a sword um all righty maybe you should test it on dog day or something I agree I agree Wait no that’s mean we shouldn’t do that oh yeah I don’t want to do that all right guys uh we should probably like fight dog day where’s dog day who cares about him uh dog day hello maybe maybe he’s at the bottom I’ll go check maybe maybe he’s dead hopefully no he’s not dead bro stop don’t say that guys why is there a book right here uh what are you talking about it says if you want to save your family go to the end wait my family wait what my my ski toilet family no way but what about our family I think everyone’s family because I’m I’m spawned here with you guys maybe this is a sign look at this book wait I’m able to read now too let me read it I’m the only one who can read it no I can read now actually oh really who taught you I don’t know I’ve just grown up I I guess I don’t think okay can I have that please give it oh you’re a feisty one huh what did you just say to me awkward amazing all right guys let’s go to the end portal there’s an End Portal somewhere but wait where is dog D dog D who cares about him maybe he’s finally gone guys help please please GG let go of me he’s taking me to the end no where are you where are you I finally got you I’m going to bring you to the rest of your family and then I’ll get you the rest of your little friends wait who is that no that’s too scary no I’m going back in the to my dog day go your dog day guys dog day gone he’s going take do well then we got to go to the end we got to save him do we have to can’t we just like leave them he’s my best friend catnap if you don’t shut it right now I’ll shut it for you oh you’re so scary okay well we have to save dog day I mean he’s annoying sometimes but he’s also my best friend okay judging by where the voice was coming I think we should go south wait South which way is south it’s the opposite of North which way is North Sophie came from here grow up at follow the sound of the voice like who cares about the direction just follow the voice yeah I mean his voice was coming from this way so I think should go this way right that’s uh if you want so okay ouch well I used to be able to take Falls way worse though so that was fine well yeah you were a kid and your muscles haven’t fully grown up wow what’s wrong with me I’m speaking a bunch of nonsense that I don’t really understand but I now understand guys it’s been a while since we’ve eaten we should get more food okay uh let’s see what do I have here um I have some baked potatoes if anyone wants to take some of those wait I thought you like cookies well I kind of have to you get give up sugar since it’s slowing me down and I do not want my arteries clogged by that much cholesterol and I don’t want to get a stin what are you yapping about I have some food too you guys want rabbits too oh I’m okay it’s it’s not as portable as chicken or potatoes no we cannot be eating rabbit guys I don’t mean to I don’t mean guys I don’t mean to be the barrier of bad news but we got to go it’s the barrier of bad news but okay yeah you’re right oh my gosh all right guys let’s keep going this way let’s see what’s over here maybe the end Portal’s over here I saw like this like weird like wait wait guys guys look up in this guy up in the oh guys it’s the go go go go ghost oh I see I don’t know if that’s quite a ghost maybe it’s like a spirit gu I thought you meant that cloud wait guys what is what are those people who are those people oh those aren’t me that’s not me why is there a bunch of me guys don’t worry I’m going to save the day get away from my friends oh my goody goodness oh my God you’re getting all of them wait what I don’t know which one’s which Guys these are these are really scary Abes but let’s just go around them maybe there’s like an End Portal somewhere guys they’re everywhere no I want to kill them all just run P just run best okay yeah yeah you kill them all W catnap you kill them all they’re really scary guys but maybe this is going to make us stronger and then we’ll turn into adults and we’ll be able to save our family but oh my gosh oh there’s an End Portal man you got to come see this oh so shiny let’s go over to this portal over here I did see that that was pretty crazy okay uh what is this uh there’s a sign guys don’t jump in here okay why not it look so sparkly no wait let me read oh okay future portal 90 days into the future wait this takes us 90 days in the future we’ve already survived like 9 days on our own but if we go 90 days in the future are we going to turn into adults well maybe but I think we should go either way cuz catnb just jumped in or we could just leave him wait where does this take us I’m so I’m really scared I don’t know if I could do this oh we got to take a chance well I don’t want to be youthful forever I don’t want to be old yeah I don’t know if I want to be old either I mean it is kind of fun being a kid I feel like we took it for granted uh-huh I’m pretty sure we could just stay here and just move on with our lives we can live a nice happy life just you and I forever without them come on guys we have to save dog day think of all he did for us yeah we got to go come on Save dog day woo I you talking day okay well guys we should probably explore because our family might be here wao wait I feel so much bigger do you guys feel bigger too well I think I actually feel bigger this time yeah me too this is crazy I’m not going to lie I don’t know I might have stopped growing a while you maybe you’re just small okay I guess there’s I mean you sound more grown up though like cuz we went in the future guys we literally went 90 days in the future and we already survived 9 days so like 99 days and like oh my gosh that’s so crazy maybe I’ll have a growth spurt later wait what is this oh my goody goodness wait Gothic leggings Gothic what is all this they’re weapons and armor really look who finally got smart these perfect for killing things or people so cool what are we going to be killing hopefully everything wait no guys what if our family’s here though yeah I doubt that family I don’t know I really hope dog day is here though we need to save him wa uh guys I see someone over there I see a really big bobby bear hug oh what are we going to do everyone they’re cloning us and our kids are dead we’re going to be stuck here forever wait was that my dad uh I think they’re in the cage but they’re someone’s cloning all of us this is so weird I heard that doc day are you here wait uh is that my dad is that my dad who car about him yo TV man what’s good dude are you a clone oh my good wait it’s my dad we have to fight all these people guys oh my gosh my family’s okay well where’s dog day there so like is my family okay your daughter what’s good it’s hop Dad huh likeit dad is that really you wow yeah it’s me your dad now get me out of this cage okay we need to fight these monsters and I think we’ll be able to get them M’s cage but we literally I thought you guys were all dead oh my son is that you they threw potions on us and we got caught where have you been uh I don’t know I got spawned somewhere and I’ve been stuck for a 100 days and I think I grew a lot I’m really tall now like I’m like my dad yes son you grew so much I’m so proud of you guys guys oh you’re live guys you’re alive and I’m alive apparently wait get you’re all way up there don’t worry I’ll save you yeah the the the evil mastermind kind of uh put me up here in hopes of uh not letting me leave so you guys definitely need to watch out for him he’s kind of not fun wait doctor you sound like an adult now and dude our families are okay I didn’t even know my family was alive I barely even knew you guys not that did die but uh they might not be that way for long if you don’t kill the big bad bad bad bad bad bad guy where is the big bad bad bad bad wait let’s just get these guys out how do we get them out do we have to kill the guy to get him out yeah he I think so I don’t know that’s I’m not like all knowing but that’s like really your only shot guys where’s the evil boss I don’t know any I’m right here W he’s really big guys who is that W you guys should never have come here I captured your families and now I’ll capture you next no oh no I saw your ghost I saw all the things you were doing to us we’re going to destroy you and we’re saving our families you got the son we’ll see about that come on get back here that was really powerful come on we got to get him I need to save dog day though how are we supposed to get him he’s so high up we save dog day once we kill this guy this guy’s really creepy though let’s defeat him first let’s knock him off oh my gosh you can teleport I love killing things I love Minecraft fun come on we got to kill this guy hey what is he doing you’ll never be able to Def I’m Invincible like the TV show nuh come on nuh-uh what oh yeah I also forgot to say he’s he says a lot of bad jokes it was really annoying that’s one of the reasons why I just gave up we’re going to kill you okay I thought it was pretty funny get back here oh where’d he go come on kids you got this you can do it son oh no we need to do this thanks Dad I’ll kill him and tear him apart limb from limb wow chill you got this son thanks Dad oh my good you goodness come on fight them go for the knees go for the knees already boom I’m getting his KN kill him oh kill him come on going for the ice I can’t believe this I had no idea my family was alive but I’m going to protect them wait wait what’s going on uh I’m feeling this energy or something I’m going to kill you w wo wo wo wo oh my goody goodness oh can oh my gosh I think it’s going to beat him what’s going on okay maybe we can fight this guy waa what what’s wrong with this guy oh my gosh oh my gosh wait this is working he’s goed wait he’s goed ow ow ow this this guy’s crazy come on we can get him we can finally defeat him no way Cab’s clutch it up right now wait he’s about to die he’s about to die suff oh I’m going to die I’m going to die how is this guy Jo me oh my good goodness come on kill him back he’s going to die he’s going to die come on bear take the last damage oh wait what happened to him uh he’s just sitting there uh okay come on come on come on shoot I’m falling oh is he gone I think so he’s gone oh light work easy that just that just activated that that purple thing it just activated that means that we that was fun now we need to save our family all right oh my gosh our family’s around of the cage Dad I’m so glad you’re alive dude you too so I’m so happy you’re here oh I’m so proud of you daughter hoppy thanks Dad good job son you saved everyone hi I’m also alive now and dog day how is your family going to get how how is your family going to get up there though uh SP Critters guys whoa a bridge just spawned oh you guys are the the adults it’s a magic Bridge wait who’s this it’s like the Magic School Bus but not oh my mom is that you oh my gosh catnap it’s so nice to see you I’m so glad you’re safe all right well everyone’s all good let’s go back to the Overworld this was so much fun I’m really glad I met you guys to be honest oh me too you’re actually not that bad yeah we all grew up together like we’re all adults and stuff it’s so cool like let’s ditch the cookies wait you guys want to ditch the cookies right uh we can have we can have cookies every now and then at Le yeah let’s let’s have one for all time sake yeah give me a cookie so happy our families are all good and you know maybe we could have a skibby toilet smileing Critters party scoy n no smiling Critters wait I’m goed um what’s Scooby-Doo toilet wait a second where am I right now oh hi TV man what are you doing here you should really leave to be honest this guy smells guys guys come on he se’s really cool why can’t he stay no can you shut up yo yo where am I right now who even are you guys why are you a purple cat and wait I don’t know what’s going on hey guys uh can we be friends I don’t know uh he’s kind of cute he’s kind of cute can we let him stay what he is not cute he’s not that guy no he he’s he’s cute come on no he looks different different look he’s got a really big jacket I don’t like him what’s wrong with you bro I’m TV man from from skimy toilet bro what’s your problem man e toilet bro what uh we don’t know what um scoobydoo toilet is sorry you know friend you should really get off our Island otherwise I’ll have to kill you no no no don’t kill me D I’m sorry man I’m sorry then leave come on wa wait wait what’s your guys’ names though it’s it’s it’s really nice to meet you guys oh that was so rude of us yeah you’re right I’m dog day nice to meet you I’m hobby Hopscotch and it is not nice to meet you your gross I’m going to hide behind Big Brother for now I’m just a little shy that’s a good idea this guy is bad news and uh I’m catnap uh I’m assuming that’s your sister but guys come on let’s all be friends here seriously I’m from skib toil you know I’m going to start breaking this trees so I can get some resources well we are all friends just not with you what are you doing to our tree oh what are you talking about hey hey don’t push me off br oh no we are not happy we’re free now nooh uh do you think he’s dead oh he’s not dead he’s right there bro that’s too bad oh good are you serious can you guys just leave me alone I’m just going to try to get out of here wait how do I even get out of here though and I mean you’re the one here when you’re not supposed to be I’m just saying yeah this is our one CH come on don’t you want to be our friends bro what how am I supposed to leave I keep respawning I mean you can always just not and stay dead yeah yeah do that do that do that no he seems nice he should be our friend come on don’t you want to be my friend uh yeah sure I guess I mean do you do you like me or like oh I love you you’re my favorite person wao wao hold on hold on a second chill chill go okay everyone let’s just not deal with this loser right now and get inside we need to talk I’m with you okay byebye uh I’m really confused right now I don’t even know who those people are it looks like that guy’s name is catnap and he’s like the leader of that like Squad I don’t even know what they are dude they’re so weird but anyway uh there’s a Lucky Block right here so I’m going to use it and here we bro I got nothing from that are you serious right now so um guys let’s just get this straight uh I’m in charge here listen to me we are going to kill him okay I am all for that plan I don’t know I think he’s really cute maybe we should keep him around yeah he could be very useful we don’t have to kill him he seems like a nice guy I am the one in charge oh my good goodness he’s really scary all right anyway um I’m just going to try to get out of here looks like it’s a lucky chunk and I have to go all the way to the bottom but oh my gosh it’s so far down are you serious right now come on brother let’s just give him a chance did you not just hear me you have to listen to me you have no power here I’m in charge remember uh but I’m your sister can’t you just can’t you just give him a chance me hey guys how we doing please get out of our house you smell hey hey hey I’m sorry man can you guys just be nice to me I just want to it’s okay did they hurt you if you have a boo boo I can kiss it better e oh heck no yeah just take a look at him he’s not that bad he hasn’t done anything bad yet I don’t care and you know you guys are lucky you’re my friends and my sister otherwise I would have killed you oh hey yo this catnap guy is crazy y I’m just going to try to get out of here I think I have to dig down all the way and then I’ll be able to get out I think all right I’m going to break this Lucky Block right here and oh that’s pretty cool Bunny look hoppy it’s your family oh well where did it go oh here’s one can we keep it yeah let’s keep it let’s name it wait that’s my pet that’s my pet no it’s mine now get off our what wo whoo whoa whoa whoa wo chill bro chill no he’s you’re the one that’s in our house when you’re not supposed to be sing up the whole place my jumped off I’m so sorry ELO how could you say that to my friend oh heck no when are we killing him when are we getting rid of him no we can’t kill him he’s kind of cute don’t worry we’ll do it soon okay Bas wait why are we going to kill me bro no don’t kill me all right seriously guys I was I don’t want to kill you oh my gosh you’re weird and you’re weird and oh no I got to get I just want to be your friend come on don’t you want to be our friend hey yo what is wrong with y’all but uh anyway I got a crafting table right here and using this crafting table I’m going to make a pickaxe and it’s going to be a wooden pickaxe so I can can start mining underground cap Napp is literally ruining our one chunk no I’m not don’t worry I know I’m literally not I am literally not just remember I’ll deal with him later okay um hey friend you know you’re not allowed to dig down this is our world bro what do you want me to do then dude I can you can push me off on die are you serious right now wait wait wait I have an idea what if we well if you don’t want to die on your own I could always kill you no wait catnap catnap wait I have an idea what if we turn him in into one of us no I’m good I’m I’m a part of scoobydoo one of us one of us make him into our one of our friends we could do that that’s like the first smart thing you’ve said all day no I’m from skib toilet and I would never change that okay why do you think you would have a choice yeah we could just do it against your will I I guys I don’t think we should do that we don’t really have the supplies to uh T man you should probably you should probably go back down I’ll try to I’ll try to distract them here’s the funny thing dog day nobody was asking you remember dog day I own you no no wo serves him right anymore not anymore respectfully catnap I don’t want to you know join your uh what whatever it’s called you know your uh I mean that’s fine but then we just have to kill you get me away from you creep that’s a great idea get me away oh no oh are we playing hide and seek don’t worry we’re going to get you we’re going to get you oh no oh no stop stop stop stop stop are you serious right now get me away from you creepos oh are we going on a trip no no no no no no no no away away away oh my goody you hate these people so much you can’t run away forever oh we’re not people oh wait where’d he go oh get me away I need a crafting table so I can make a better pickaxe so I can actually mine this lapis lazuli all right stone pickaxe right there and I’m going to mine down get me away from these creepy people oh I can smell that ugly scent somewhere around here it’s not that bad hey yo all right let’s just go this way come on I’m really scared right now but I’m just going to go this way and maybe I can dig down from here and uh uh uh Hey gu hey guys what’s up I know I smelled them over here no no no you really think you can escape where do I go come on wait join us come on no no no no no stop where do you go well you can go here oh wait get away get away seriously I have a stick I’m going to push you no you can’t do anything with that that would only work on dog day you’re going to push us how about I push you no no no no are you serious right now where am I oh no uh guys guys hello help me are there TV man it’s okay you’re going to be in there for now you’re going to be safe and sound I’ll take care of you uh no that’s weird uh get me out of here now wait wait wait uh you’re probably Angy right maybe you need something to eat here don’t feed him that’s our food but guys where did t wait you put TV man in the cage what’s going on uh I I got to do something really quick bye why is TV man in the cage what do you mean what’s going on he was trying to escape and you don’t you didn’t want him here you could have just let him Escape you can’t leave on his own he either has to die or become one of us it’s that simple do you not understand yeah I uh uh I perfectly understand but uh what’s the point like uh he says a TV man we we don’t need to make another let me out stop your yapping man oh my gosh let me out green guy or whatever your name is wow that’s disrespectful we should not give him any more food what I I don’t know what your name is I forget it’s hoppy Hopscotch for your information maybe we need to experiment on your mind so you can a little bit of stop stop stop stop stop get me out of here a screw hey didn’t didn’t you have something to do with your sister like like in a couple of minutes that you should probably go attend to oh you’re right but just by the way if you let him out you know it’ll happen right no no get me out of here yeah of course K yes of course perfect let me out please please green and orange guy wait what’s your name again oh ow that kind of hurt but my name’s dog day okay you’re the nice one hey dog day I’m TV man I think we already met but of course you definitely should not be talking to that weird TV thing what do you mean TV thing excuse me that’s not my name my name is TV M TV M there’s no difference well I think he would be a great addition to our little like team or just like have a great addition to our friends but I don’t think we need to you know follow what catnap says we’ll have to change him for that he does not fit in hey yo wait what cookies what where did I get cookie wait who who’s under there wait I I can break this what oh perfect I can get out oh oh oh no oh did you like the cookies no no no no no no get away from me no no no no no I I I don’t like you respectfully like I like you as a friend you know you’re cool but you’re kind of creepy I’m not creepy I just want to be your best friend forever oh give me away oh oh no uh where did he go oh no oh no oh no oh oh guys he must have escaped somewhere oh I got to go up oh no I got to go I just saw catnap flying oh my good goodness I think catnaps using hacks or something he looks crazy right now oh my good goodness I got to keep going oh no oh where are we going wait what what are you talk what are you oh no oh no I got to use this right now uh hey Mr catnap how you doing man hope you’re well oh I’m doing good but where do you think you’re going nowhere I’m not going anywhere I’m going uh I’m going somewhere else that’s not near you uh or any of your creepy friends oh that’s too bad cuz I think you long back in your cage uh no no no no no no no please please please don’t make me do this oh wait what’s it oh no uh oh oh sorry I I got lost get me away what do I do I don’t know what to do right now oh no no no where do you think you’re going H you want to get back in your cage uh how are you flying oh my goody goodness I’m scared what do you mean this is my world I don’t know what to do come on just join us just go back in your cage don’t get me away from these weirdos I don’t know what to do please someone help me orange d help me I’m I’m trying I don’t it’s really hard to work around catap like overpower building we need to find a way to get him distracted by something uh I don’t know what to do catnap uh uh wait what’s that over there what is that there’s something in the cage I think there’s another skib toy guy oh it’s speaker man speaker man dude what’s up you really expect me to believe that wait cameraman too okay I’ll play along oh I wonder if they’re in there Sho Sho sh what you do to Big Brother you really thought that would work get me away I think this the only way I can get out of here let’s go under somebody grab him oh no oh no no no no no there is no way for you to escape you might as well give up like everyone else no no no no no no I’m not giving up I’m not giving up I’m getting away from you weirdos no she’s right there no wait I want to hang out please no I don’t want to hang out with you any of you besides the orange guy is’s pretty cool I’m cool too oh no give me you where am I oh gosh why is everyone here with me where even am I where you go I will go yeah these challenges aren’t for you I think you need to head back up no no no ow ow oh my good goodness where am I oh hey go oh oh no it’s no get me out of this cage and oh no welcome back get me out of it well it looks like my creative switch is about to run out of battery so I think we’re just going to have to make this a more permanent place for you okay well now that you’re in this cage I want all of your belongings everything no no no put the gun away please Mr Mr uh that’s Mrs hoppy hop I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t know you guys I’m sorry okay okay take all my stuff fine good stuff okay just take everything please just let me go I don’t like being a hostage please please please I mean maybe we can use him to get more materials this seems pretty efficient he’s our little servant no yeah no no stop make it stop or you know what I just came up with a great idea we could you know like let him go or you could stop talking dog day oh I have a idea how about that yeah I agree or I can make you stop talking oh uh I would listen to him do day catnap gets very angry and he’s scary when he’s Ang thank you okay I I’m sorry catnap let me go please please well I think it’s lights out don’t worry T man I’ll come up with something it’s a lights out so um I nothing I was just telling T man how he’s never going to leave right it better have been nothing yeah yeah yeah uh just hold on tight T man I hate you TV thing hey bro why are you so mean to me anyway I got to figure out a way to get out of here come on there’s got to be something I can get out oh no this is so scary though I hate it here all right everyone so just remember our creative switch ran out and we need to wait to recharge it so he might be able to escape so any one of you happens to help him you will regret it oh don’t worry I not I’m not not I’m not doing anything yes yes of course yeah I’m hungry can we get something to eat please no oh okay maybe we should just watch him in that cage like stand guard watch him while he’s sleeping that’s a little weird oh that could be fun but he has nothing you took his entire inventory so there’s no really no possible way for him to go did you say something dog day uh I don’t remember asking for your input yeah but you everybody must be tired so but what I’m sorry that’s good cuz if you aren’t I’ll make you sorry you know he should have the first shift so we could just go do something else wait you should calm down okay there’s nothing to worry about he will never Escape right how about you don’t tell me what to do okay you’re mean I guess we could just watch him in shifts I suppose uhhuh wait a minute is that Huggy wuggy where oh I don’t see him is he invisible man that’s so weird I hugy wogi was right around this corner maybe I think he went downward where is he I want to get my hands on him I want to get his autograph yeah I need to teach him a lesson to never come around in my territory ever again you need to lose some weight okay okay I’m following you I’m following you okay oh no I’m really scared right now where do I go oh oh catnaps right there okay let’s go this way uh uh okay uh oh Mr guy what’s up what’s your name dog day oh yeah dog day oh you got right that that that makes me happy but uh we got to wait for catnap for now but we need to keep moving he’s definitely going to he’s definitely going to notice you’re going to be gone so oh he’s he’s going to kill me got to get rid of the evidence got to get rid of the evidence you got a point there okay uh dog day let’s follow me uh okay uh wait I don’t have a pickaxe now do you have another pickaxe yes of course but it’s not as good got this Stone one you serious right now I got a stone pickaxe brother that’s not good enough oh gosh it’s not going to be fast as long as we can keep going down the further down we go the further away we get from catnap is catnap like really evil and stuff is he scary yes he’s he’s kind of the reason why I am what I am I was I used to be I used to be something else but now I’m just a stupid dog oh my goody goodness that guy’s insane bro but okay let’s go to this challenge right here he said we can’t go to the challenges but I’m going anyway okay let’s grab some of this we got some of that iron boots iron leggings oh are you okay oh I’m good just hurt my legs a little bit wait what is this place what is this place I don’t know it looked very purple so it’s probably KET probably built this or something oh my goody goodness this place is so scary but I hope to survive here this place is honestly terrifying wait I just now realized something we can’t go any further down we only have a stone pickaxe and the floor is made of rainforce stuff no what are we got to do do we have to like complete a challenge here what do we have to do maybe one sec it gave us armor I hear I hear digging I don’t know why I here digging but uh come on let’s we need to find a way to activate this challenge soon or something we need to get we need to keep going down dog day what are we going to do dude we got to activate this somehow I I don’t know there has to be like a button a lever a switch somewhere just keep looking around dog day dog day be careful oh no oh no okay uh hide hide hide just stay right there stay there how did he get here so quickly so um guys I couldn’t help but notice that he escaped his cage neither of you had anything to do with that right I don’t have anything to do with it but dog day’s been awfully absent along with TV man hasn’t he he has hasn’t he it’s always him I’ll have to put him in his place when I catch him later maybe he’s around here somewhere maybe we should look around could always check I want to find T man soon so I can just love him forever and ever hey yo what are we going to do oh no I don’t even want to think about what K’s going to do to me if he gets his hands on me it’s to a hiding spot somewhere wait wait is there a hiding spot somewhere come on wait why is there a window right here what is this what is this oh my good goodness dog day come in here there’s like an invisible door how how how did you do that he’s right there okay hide hide hide I think he’s just fine I almost just walked into the void make sure you don’t fall okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine are you down here come out come out wherever you are are just be quiet be quiet where are you dog day too bad dog day isn’t here he has a incredible sense of smell you should come out now and make things easier on yourselves otherwise you’re not going to like it when I find you oh no dude I’m so scared right now where could they be meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow they’re not here anywhere maybe we should go back up to the surface maybe they’re back up there well they have to be they couldn’t have gotten this far down without getting through the challenge so I guess we’ll just head back up yeah you’re right okay let’s go come on just leave already please leave leave please leave oh my God wait did you guys hear something sh sorry I was be boxing can you shut up and we can just leave okay that was way too close I’m not going to lie but we should probably activate this challenge so we can move forward in this I I just need to double check make sure okay I don’t see though I think we’re good I think we’re good finally finally that was so scary I’m not going to lie oh you’re telling me Oh no telling what they were going do whenever they get their hands on us let’s look for a lever or a switch or something come on I got to find that button somewhere dog day where is it I don’t know but well actually I think I don’t I I find well I know now yeah it’s right here I just saw it all right let’s activate this what is it going to do though I don’t know but let’s just hope it’s nothing bad I don’t think it’s going to be anything bad right oh no did you guys did you not see that look look down wait what oh no wait are those real catnaps wait wait wait hold on oh no they’re chasing me oh gosh wait they don’t hurt right ow ow ow ow bro they hurt they definitely hurt are you serious right now come on fight these catnaps wait there’s so many spawning wa wait we have to be quiet we don’t want catnap like the real catnap to actually like realize that we’re like fighting his NPCs or whatever they are how are we supposed to be quiet we’re fighting enemies it’s not like we can just like quietly murder them no I know but dude what are we supposed to do I don’t know at this part H what’s that sound I thought I heard something oh no no no we fight them just fight them it’s fine I think we’re fine all right yeah let’s just be quiet let’s silently kill these guys okay boom boom boom Oh there’s no more left uh there’s I there’s actually a couple more uhoh there is a couple more are you serious right now oh what do we do just be quiet is that everything right is that everything we’re good right yeah I think so I think so how do we get down oh no shush dude you’re being too loud I’m sorry scared me just seeing kenan’s face is terrifying not let alone like eight of them wait can we die from these guys like actually probably they’re big and scary and then if we die we can go all the way back up to the surface and like deal with them again and be trapped in the cage I’m sure you’re going to be caged too they’re not going to cage this is going to straight up kill me oh no are you serious Ria are they going to torture you too probably pretty sure catnap has a way to stop respawning from happening no way oh my goody goodness and oh wait it opened up and wait there’s a diamond pickaxe right here this is perfect we can start mining down yes yes yes please let get out of here I I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to me too all right let’s go come on dog D let’s just keep digging down come on come on come on man do we have an axe or something I wish they gave us an axe no we don’t have an axe but dude do we need more we like need more time or what are we doing are we fine like are there anyone is there anyone here uh I see you Doctor what faster D faster faster I’m going fast I’m going fast I’m going fast come on go go come on there’s got to be something down here drop me some blocks drop me some blocks I clog the way back back from here that right there hey you’ve blocked me in oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay I’m going keep digging down hey guys oh hey CAD to what’s going on man uh I hope you’re doing well crazy F new I hope you’re doing well W hide hide hide hide hide okay get somewhere just go right here it’s fine I know you’re in here oh no how are we supposed to find dog day when he’s orange and this rib is all orange I don’t know um you can always just blow it all up oh yeah uh oh I don’t know about that one I mean what if we die too well I won’t okay well I’m your sister and I kind of don’t want to die can you blend in with the stand right here what I want yeah right there you’re perfect you stand right there and you you blend in perfect yeah they won’t be able to see p why are you so mean maybe we should look around I have an idea oh no I left something at the top of the uh uh one trunk I need to go grab that it’s the only way we can leave oh my gosh do you guys hear that he’s such an idiot for being that loud well you heard him I guess we all have to go back up to the top dog that was so smart oh that’s so much walking don’t don’t don’t get relaxed too relax yet how much more stuff do we have to do until we can actually get out of here though oh it looks like there’s like only one more thing to do yes seems to be some kind of blue and red room and some weird obsidian room left and we could go home oh my good goodness yeah you’re actually cool dude like why are you helping me right now because this place is not good I I I don’t know just it used to be fun like it used to be fun but then catnap started changing and started becoming what he is now it’s not fun I just want to go home okay I think the coast is clear uh okay I guess if if they come back let’s just run back here cuz that worked pretty well okay ew This water’s so gross what is this bro don’t I don’t want to think about it let’s just look around see if there’s a way out oh what’s this find the key it says wait we have to find a key somewhere where in the where would that be probably in here I would hope if it’s somewhere else ra other than here then we’re kind of we’re kind of we’re it’s not going to be good it’s not going to be good let’s just look around for a key uh let uh where would if if I were a key where would I be oh I’m so good at rhyming oh boy we’re almost at the surface I can’t wait to find them I’m going to exterminate both of them I’m so done oh that’s too kind it’ll have to be a lot lot worse no yeah I’m all about that let’s do it this this this is why I want to leave I oh no no let’s just look around look around please where is it wait a minute T man look look right there oh my good goodness wait there’s actually a key right there let’s go grab it come on oh it’s on the other side oh no oh okay no there’s a path over here we’re fine we’re fine I grabbed it I grabbed it all right let’s go get the key E I stepped in that water and it made me all slow and stuff are you serious right now what is that is that is it honey or something whatever I don’t care let’s just leave let’s just leave come on on we need to get out of here as quick as possible I don’t want to lose another friend want just like my friend bobby bear hug he was such a who bobby bear hug who who was that one of my closest friends well was whenever until cat got to what are you talking about catnap got to him what do you mean yeah catnap he killed my best friend wait what what wait it was it was bear hug right her uhhuh she’s gone and that’s just going to happen to me it’s probably going to happen to both of us if we deny catnap that’s why we can’t get near cat up again if he gets his hand on us we’re done for it oh my goody goodness are you serious right now well maybe bear hog isn’t dead you never know right no I I I’m pretty sure I saw her die with my own eyes wait what in the what it it’s Bedrock right here what is that what we can’t dig down anymore dude it looks like it’s end how how are we supposed to continue okay maybe there’s a a gap somewhere or something yeah maybe I’m going to start digging this way maybe oh no I really feel bad for your friend though like did she actually like how’d she die I don’t want to talk about it it was so hor it was so horrific wait there’s a room right here oh my good go who is that who the heck are you Bobby bear hug is that you wait dog day oh my gosh it’s been so long how are the others not good I I don’t who are you oh I’m bobby bear hug I love you too the moon and back uh we were just talking about how you died oh well I wish I would have died at this point I’ve been stuck here for so long how I I could have sworn I saw you die I thought I would have died too but I’ve just been trapped here are you you guys trying to escape as well uh yeah but I don’t know why I’m here I’m from skib toilet if you know what skib toil is it’s like this really cool series with like enemies and like you know cameraman speaker man oh oh okay um well no I have not heard of that but it sounds cool it’s really nice to meet you yeah bobby bear hug my best friend is one of the good ones she hasn’t been a victim of catnapp weird Mind Tricks remember you know the bunny obviously the I I can’t remember the bunny’s name I’m too stressed the bunny Poppy yeah yeah hoppy Hopscotch she are you okay dude you’re like hyperventilating I’m sorry it’s just I’m so good to see my best friend it’s amazing think but hoppy used to be just like both of us he used to be sane he used to be on our side but the green one wait she’s like creepy like she’s like so annoying too her voice pisses me off oh well she wasn’t always like that well yeah Kenna did something to her and I don’t know what I don’t did he put like an evil spell on her I wouldn’t be surprised catnap is type type of person do that but okay I’m glad that I’m glad to see okay but we still need to get out of here catnaps on our tail oh okay he’s still around that’s that’s great I guess yeah it’s so much fun but let’s just look around as suppos do you’ve been here in this like room for a while right do you know how to get out I mean I have a hunch on how to get out but it’s too scary for me if I activate the challenge I’m probably going to die have you tried using all this armor there’s armor oh what have you been doing this whole are you serious right now all right anyway let’s grab this armor I’ve been hyperventilating wa this armor is so good what in the what this is crazy bro there’s no way we’re not going to be able to beat the Mobs with this all right let’s grab this chest right here and oh my goody goodness yo this stuff is awesome bro and wo enchanted golden apples and a super good bow and a crazy sword wo that’s crazy I I’m really scared I don’t know about this what what if catnip finds us no we have to do it we have to we have to save everyone man I just I just hope this mob room isn’t super scary wait do we need to be quiet again I have no idea probably we should probably be quiet I think they’re up at the surface wait KET I know katab is smart he’s he’s probably been back like going back down he probably found out my bluff earlier I don’t know what to do wait wait we need to we need to activate the challenge I forgot uh uh bear do you know if there’s like a lever somewhere a lever lever uh I’m not sure let me uh okay nope not there not there um let’s find that lever come on oh it looks like dog they tricked us he thinks he’s so clever we’ll see how clever he is when I make him scream later wait where is he though oh he’s down you idiot we need to keep digging okay oh guys they’re looking for us we need to find that lever right now so we can activate this challenge where’s that lever find it find it how do I know you guys aren’t under under catnaps control no we’re not we are not I promise you that okay because we would be I don’t I don’t know just trust us do you trust me right I’m activating it come on yeah trust me I’m not I’m not like that I’m from skibby toilet I don’t even know like who you guys are I just met everyone here I’m just confused as you are wait what oh that’s not um wait what the is that me what in the the Clones of you are you serious right now oh I meant to accidentally kill you he probably cloned you oh the Bun’s here oh there’s also hoppy here are you serious right now yo why are they so creepy looking I guess they never got a clone of me since I let oh never mind I spoke too soon okay bro that’s crazy I’m not going to lie bro there are a ton of clones wait a minute where’ my armor go wait what it just de equipped my armor wait what I don’t have armor either oh no I’m getting really weak are you serious right now oh no I actually got to be careful that I might actually die cuz I don’t have armor no no no no no ow ow ow ow ow there so many of them these are going to survive that the end do dare if this is the end do day I just want to stay you’re my best friend no no no don’t worry I won’t let us die wait oh wait we got him wait what we did it no no that was too easy something’s wrong I mean it’s good to always be on your guard uh oh wait the doors opened oh the door did open what the no no no no this is too easy this is way too easy I’m scared yeah this seems like a trap or something oh oh she just fell down are you serious right now should we go down there wa what’s this I guess I suppose there’s only one way come on woohoo oh oh no guys looks like this is the area to get out we can get out beautiful Freedom’s finally going to be ours I can’t wait I know there’s something ground there’s something this wait a minute no no I knew it I knew I knew it was too easy wait wait what what what a what do you mean something’s wrong you’re everything’s wrong I knew that last room was too easy this was all a trap t man I’m going to hide behind you really quick oh you think you really thought you could Escape you really thought you could disobey me I am going to enjoy killing all of you uh what guys that’s don’t no T you’re supposed to hide the uh that um oh oh whoops oh there’s no bear here there’s no uh red bear TV man I don’t know what to do no sorry is that red thing bobby bear hug wait what how is that alive excuse me I’m a she thank you very much how’s that thing alive that’s what I said how are you alive huh pun how are you alive with your stupid looking ears and your annoying voice you’re right her voice is really annoying wow you know at first I thought you were all my friends and that’s why I kept you around but it really isn’t worth it I think I should just kill you all instead wait what what are you talking about all like you mean all he W kill me wo W oh okay he’s Inky he’s Inky uh what the what bro are you Ser hey hey guys don’t chase me uh Mr catnap we can work this out some way or another dude come on don’t be weird don’t worry once I kill you we can all finish this and I’ll have to start all over make new friends no no no um no one wants to psychopath option is to F come on come on hoppy this isn’t you this isn’t you hoppy yeah hoppy you know remember all the times we played you’ve changed don’t let him control you m no let me control you think about what’ll happen if you disobey think about what’s going to happen to them after I’m through with them do you want that to happen to you too think about what’s going to happen to you you said you were going to kill me too I thought we were chill dog I mean cat well you thought wrong and anyway it doesn’t matter what’s one more friend to kill oh gosh no one die no one die everyone be careful I’m with you guys now this guy is so weird Hey fat nap wait really are we friends now yeah no you still smell bad a get over here you really think you can take me you guys there’s a lot of us and one of you ow ow ow ow okay this feels targeted ow wait how’s he shooting that fast I don’t know just take him out use all of our ow no dog day it’s okay I’ll help you oh come on kill him go oh no you guys really think you can kill me with those you know I’m Invincible right like the TV show what you know you’re also ugly you’re not Invincible loser you’re not you don’t watch t in wait he might actually be Invincible we I would have died if that was me maybe we can do something else take him out take him out just keep hitting him hit him wait a minute it’s not going to work guys you’ll all die eventually hit him into the corner hit him into the corner can we just stop playing this stupid game and you can all just die already you know you can’t beat me I’m not really interested in dying right now I’m done with your stupid mind game Choice guys he might actually be Invincible I think he is I don’t know how we’re going to be able to kill him that’s what I said that’s what I said you’re not Invincible you are not nobody’s Invincible in it doesn’t seem like you’re doing any damage to me though well you haven’t killed any of us either so who’s hold on a second dog day um there’s a trap right here you just you just said there was a trap earlier right okay guys can you help with me I’ve got it out ow I’m sorry I’m sorry guys everyone get him over here get him over here I mean someone said something about it earlier but it’s actually a trap this no no don’t step in that we more like like fat get over here oh no don’t don’t get me there oh oh oh my gosh yeah it’s tra now yeah that’s right what is this uhhuh it’s a cage it’s to contain you you furry ball this hold me forever you can’t keep me in here forever I’ll get out eventually and then it’ll be even worse when I eventually find you you’re never getting out of that we’re not letting you out yeah get out try to get out buddy huh get out yeah come on show us you can think that but just do wait I’m telling you to let me out otherwise I’ll make it last even longer while I slowly kill you you’re not going to be a to kill us in there he’s bluffing yeah yeah I don’t I don’t believe it anymore never if you’re so powerful get out of the cage now exactly oh you’ll regret this you will regret this loser okay sure you’re never going to be able to hurt me or any of my friends ever again are you sure about that wait uh you actually chopped out boo good he was annoying he always ordered me around he was really mean stuff oh can we go now I I was just kind of can he even help us in the fight against him what you doing complaining right now you just sat up there while we had to fight him it’s fine we still ended up trapping him look at him look at that loser look at him ST stand there staring L Elbo Elbo you guys are the losers you still can’t escape that’s reinforced glass oh no wait he’s right oh guess what guess what I’m not actually your sister stupid what well you are technically my brother I’m going to disown you cuz you’re you’re a poopy head wow wow wow sorry foul language I’m sorry I’m sorry sorry well I don’t really feel bad it’s catnap so guys how are we going to get out of here what are we doing oh yeah that’s the part we just like step over step over right over there uh let me just uh wait wait what why are you doing that yeah I just got guns uh gu that works you guys aren’t going to be able to escape me forever even if you leave now I will find you and I will kill you okay go everyone go come on let’s leave get out of here I’m just a baby in the forest I miss my family so much I don’t know where they went oh what are you doing out here all alone it’s so cold you’re going to catch the cold who are you oh I’m Jacqueline and this is my brother Jack hey guys why are you talking to me like that you little brat hey yo what the heck dude he’s just a child yeah exactly he’s a child I hate kids hey I’m literally from skiy toilet what’s wrong with you what the heck is Scooby-Doo toilet what are you even talking about we can’t trust this little brat he’s just a kid I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any ill intentions we must take him in he’s all alone I don’t have any food I’ve been like trying to eat for days now I lost my family in a store like you you lost them like they they’re dead dead or or you just don’t know where they are I don’t know I don’t know what happened to them but I just need a home or something maybe if you guys K come on Jax let’s just take him take him where to the dump I’m not letting you take this brat into my town he probably has like fleas that’s no well we’re taking him anyway he is in need of housing okay whether you like it or not now get out of the way fatty are you serious we’re literally about to go to war and you want to bring this worthless kid into our place hey die no I’m strong all right oh my gosh with proper training he could probably be a great warrior you never know he could probably learn how to fight but anyway it’s pouring now let’s go back to the town quickly okay all right so uh this is your new house and this is your new town and um it’s really not much but it’s all we have so we’re really grateful for everything we do have yeah you better be banking us on your knees for letting you stay here you don’t deserve it at all bro what are you talking about dude why are you being so mean to me dude I don’t even know you because you deserve it Jack Jack stop beefing with a kid you are literally in your 20s you need to stop that didn’t ask oh wait that just gives me a great idea you can actually meet my other brother he’s around your age so it’s perfect you guys will get along just fine oh really I’ve never had a friend my age before that’s pretty cool well now you can have a friend your age and you guys could probably be best buddies oh oh wait no no no he’s not in this one uh uh how about this one God you’re so stupid okay shut up ja shut up you’re literally beefing with a kid right right guys stop being mean okay and oh hey dude you’re you look like my height that’s pretty cool why are you talking to me loser bro what uh my name is my you heard my name is TV man what what’s wrong with you uh he probably woke up from his um midafternoon nap he might just be a bit grouchy I promise you he’s not usually like this hey dude can we please be friends dude do you play fortnite why would I want to be friends with you and I do play fortnite but I’m way better than you why would you want to be friends with me what are you talking about yeah go cry oh that’s I’m I’m really sorry about that I have no clue why he’s acting like that but I prom he’s a loser shut up no one asked go away I’m trying to have a conversation with a child I I don’t know what your problem is today your ears are all in a Twist or something but we have to get ready for the war okay listen up TV man bad people are going to come and they’re probably going to kill us all unless we do something so do you think maybe you’ll be able to help us in any way you can yeah of course I’m I’m always down to help you I’m just a baby I don’t know if I can get stronger oh don’t wor you’re going to be completely useless Jack you’re completely useless if anything all you do is make your face on the houses and that’s it that’s all you do you’re the one wasting time with this dumb kid we should be preparing but instead you want a babysit you’re no no no like every good dictator you got to start while you’re there young you know I guess you’re right since you had to bring this kid here we can use them I guess I mean you could probably be a good body Shield if you get bigger what do you mean oh that’s not no no we not sacrificing the child that’s that’s not right that’s very inhumane well he’s not going to get any stronger if you keep coddling him plus look at him he’s a scrawny whim hey you’re so mean to me all right excuse me about to cry okay well actually I have a great idea I’ll put you guys through some challenges so we can help you get stronger you and my brother really if you want to play babysitter that’s fine I’m going to go and play fortnite we’re all doomed why would I do those stupid challenges anyway it’s not for you num sco we know you never do anything anyway you’re so lazy it’s for the other Jack’s brother he you know Jacks in nag nag nag nag that guy hates me that guy hates me though no no no he probably doesn’t hate you he’s probably just crouchy or something maybe he lost around a fortnite before this uh who knows uh ja Junior come on come on we’re going to have the training session what do you want woman wow he okay uh well first um first things first you guys are going to be working against each other so think about this as a competition but please don’t hurt anyone okay we want to be all in tipt condition for when we fight the war but this is just for like a friendly competition you guys are all going to be on the same side all right okay cool why would I want to be on the same team as this loser he’s going to be an anchor dragging me down bro why are you being so mean to me dude why don’t we just be friends man come on I’m not going to be friends with someone like you ow ow stop first of all okay first of all Jackson junor I don’t think you’re going to kill the enemies by giving them emotional damage so be nicer and let’s go do some training so for our first challenge we’re going to go by the pond right here and we’re just going to have you two swim across and if you start drowning just let me know so I can come save you cuz that would be really bad if you guys died cuz we don’t have that many people on hand so off you go well I don’t know if I can do this I’m not going to lie this is really scary it’s not scary at all you’re just a baby yeah you are too dude so I’m not a loser like you ow hey don’t push me in there what is wrong with you what you can’t swim baby watch this who bro how are you doing that TV man forget about what he’s saying he’s trying to press you and put you down if you just have confidence believe in yourself and train really really hard I know you can do it oh fun fact rabbits can actually swim in real life they have a little swim mode you know all right you know what maybe you’re right okay let me try this oh gosh I can’t swim help help me okay um wait I’m the ground I’m the ground oh my gosh I can’t do this no no no go oh my go this okay oh my gosh that was so scary that was close are you okay is do you need something do you need the high liquid no that’s for food do you need CPR dude you seriously haven’t even started I already finished and I built myself a setup you’re so lame and you had the audacity to tell me you’re not a loser that’s a big word he learned those from me though but you’re not a loser okay stop listening to him I guess I I am a loser you are a loser I’m just going to go I’m just going to go a loser no no no no no no no no he’s just being really rude right now I promise you you can probably be better than he is and what makes a person great is the amount of strength they believe in themselves wait you think this bozo is going to be stronger than me he couldn’t even handle swimming in the kitty pool that’s not a kitty pool dude stop you’re so mean to me you deserve it ja do you want to go and timeout I will send you to timeout right now I don’t care about what you say you’re not in charge okay well enough of that I’ll deal with you later Jackson Jor Jax Jor okay whatever I don’t care okay try not to lose my cool okay our next challenge is to break a tree I want you guys to also build up endurance and strength so just like hit this tree and see if you can break it hit this tree and see if you can break it bro that’s crazy though I don’t know if I can do it I’ve never even like broken a tree before you know what I told you T man believe in yourself okay okay come on we already broke a log how how cuz I’m not weak like you dude come on man this is not fair I’m trying my hardest dude you got this don’t worry no you don’t no I don’t I really don’t I suck don’t talk like that self deprication never works you want to have confidence don’t worry about it TV Bozo it’s fine there always needs to be some losers in life you know what I can’t be a loser okay come on I got to do this and come on I got to just be confident come on oh my gosh I got one look you did it I’m so proud of you you’re making progress yeah good job little buddy you broke one log and I broke the whole tree you’re so good n oh my gosh okay okay but Rome wasn’t built in in a day okay before we start the next challenge I thought maybe it’s a good time to have a little snack so I got you guys some potatoes potatoes ooh potatoes yubby yubby yubby potato no no no it’s potatoes potatoes wait is this the next challenge is it seriously mining I’m going to crush this kid you’d never know maybe TV man’s really good at mining okay but I’m better so the pick okay shut up I wasn’t asking okay the pickaxes are on the side there so if you just grab one and go in then you can start okay cool cool oh wait I get a sword too oh my gosh that’s so cool just in case make sure you can defend yourself if there’s any spooky monsters in the cave wait wait you we don’t have to go in this cave right oh no I mean that’s kind of how you mine you you go in the caverns I believe all right since you’re too scared to even walk in I’m going to go and complete the challenge by myself later loser wait wait wait no no no no no wait wait oh my gosh how you going so fast dude are you serious right now oh gosh maybe I have to become stronger so I can beat this guy up dude he’s so weird come on I got to find resources you know what maybe I’m good at this you never know I just have to be confident I guess okay let’s go this way and I found iron oh my gosh wait seriously dude you just found iron I already have a full stack bro no you don’t you’re lying dude are you calling me a liar shut up loser I’ve never told a lie in my life bro oh my gosh I’m going to find these diamonds before you you stupid head I’m really sick and tired of you making fun of me all the time this is getting really annoying for me cry about it oh my gosh are you serious right now how are you right there dud and uh there’s a zombie what are you scared are you scared why would you be scared of zombies they’re not that scary oh my gosh they’re zombies I’m just going to run they’re seriously going to run they’re trying to kill us dude what’s your problem all right fine I’ll fight them off oh my gosh yeah fight them scaredy cat they’re going to kill me what are you even doing okay okay okay I’ll save you give me a second dude oh my gosh let me just kill these zombies oh my goody goodness boom uh uh die dude I’m one heart you’re terrible at this why’ she give you the sword oh my gosh okay I’m killing it there we go wait you don’t have a sword ja um yeah she never gave me one are you stupid bro what there’s one in your hand this isn’t a sword this is a knife idiot no it’s not you’re lying you’re so dumb why’ they even bring you here but I mean I guess you did help me out a little bit when I was killing all those zombies so good job for that I guess oh my gosh I got to go dude come on I got to find diamonds before Jack um okay it’s been a while and it’s actually getting quite dark outside so um as long as you guys try your best it’s probably not um very possible to find diamonds right now but a call will suffice okay just come up as soon as possible I don’t want you guys get hurt okay oh my gosh where are these diamonds that nag is so annoying and I’m stuck down here with you where could they be whatever I don’t want to go down there that place looks too dark whatever I’m leaving bro are you serious or not you’re going to quit all right dude I’m going to I’m going to find these diamonds yeah cuz I’m stuck with you loser bro I’m going to find diamonds before you dude because you know what she said I have to be confident so uh I guess I’m just going to listen to Jack’s sister come on where are those Diamonds oh No it is really deep and scary down here all righty and wait a second um I see Diamonds oh my gosh wait there’s wait what are those things oh my gosh uh those things are guarding the diamonds but uh I I have to get them I have to prove that I can be strong and I got to be very quiet wait I have a really good idea I’m going to go around them that’s actually really smart too oh my gosh all right let’s go this way all we have to do is go down and oh no they’re right there oh gosh oh no I can’t make him angry come on and know I got to grab these Diamonds oh my goody goodness I’m getting so many wait this is actually so goed bro but if I if I hit those Enderman then I’m actually cooked come on oh my gosh I just got all these diamonds bro wait this is insane um ja Jor where’s TV man he hasn’t come up yet where that loser is I don’t know I’m not his dad hopefully he’s dead but I don’t know he’s probably fine you can’t say that he’s probably not dead just did I’m here can you guys hear me I I hear something in the distance yeah it sounds really annoying I’m getting back up to the surface come on I got to go come on I got to find my way back up where is it where is it oh no oh wait is it right here it is right here let’s go there you are okay okay good nothing bad happened to you okay I guess we’ll check out what each of you got right now you probably didn’t get anything did you loser yeah I got some iron what else did I get a diay cobblestone oh and I also got six diamonds too look wait wait what was that you got what diamonds they’re pretty cool right you actually managed to get diamonds that’s so impressive I’m really proud of your hard work see being confident and having faith in yourself does pay off we’ve never actually had diamonds in our town before this is the first time someone’s come back with diam diamonds wait how’d you get diamonds how’ you do that you’re a loser bro what I shut up didn’t ask you oh my gosh bro chill out oh my gosh I think ja Jor might be a bit jealous of how well you did but who knows maybe he got something better we’ll just see okay ja show us what you got yeah I got this one iron cuz I didn’t want to do this stupid stuff with this loser bro you said you got a stack of iron though yeah a stack of one idiot bro you’re lying okay whatever dude all right oh no what’s our next challenge I’m really excited now okay here’s our next challenge so it’s a bit of a parkour this will help build up stamina so hopefully you guys can do this without getting hurt and then maybe we’ll move on to another challenge to see if you’ve made any more progress uh what in the bro we got to do this uh you know what maybe I just have to be confident or something okay are you guys ready parkour I don’t want to do this this is stupid like what if we fall um that would be a u problem on um yeah just a u problem wait we can fall no I I’m going to just do this come on I got be smart I got to do this I got to do it come on well you see there’s a little thing called gravity and it it causes you to fall come on come on I got to do this dude slow down what’s your problem oh my gosh Come on come on I’m getting to the top oh no who this is really high up this isn’t fair how’s he going so fast not going to lie Jax Junior that’s kind of embarrassing considering you’re a rabbit and you’re supposed to be good at jumping oh my goody goodness and wait I feel like I got even stronger what the heck wait oh my my gosh I feel taller oh my goodness he’s bulking wait I feel taller too actually wait how did you get taller than me what the heck I I don’t know this is really weird though I’ve never been this tall in my life what the heck I used to be a baby it’s probably genetics well a kids grow genetics you know your parents and ow ow my leg you were supposed to fall in the water okay oh wow your legs are not broken okay well I guess you are getting much much stronger and Jax you might need a want to you might want to cut a little just saying you know getting a little pudgy around the wait how did you jump and not hurt yourself what I can do that too that’s not a are you okay I heard something snap are fine shut up bro your legs okay here I’ll pick you up and take you back home don’t touch me I’m fine I just like landed on landed on my toes funny all right all right all right cool cool get back off ow hey bro what’s your problem you really want to go right now you really no oh no no no no I don’t want to hear it you really want to go right now bro um no no guys stop stop stop fighting uh ja do you want me to call an ambulance or something your legs are looking a little I’m fine crooked okay well if you’re sure you’re okay uh your next challenge this will be the last one actually you guys will fight each other the whole town is invited to see it I just want to see how much progress you two have made I’m so proud of both of you thanks I guess oh whatever fine I guess we can do that I mean it’s lame though I mean this guy is still like a total loser can we just do something else oh yeah sure of course we can have a tea party with biscuits and Earl Greg and we can all have a fun time and clap our hands I ain’t doing that let’s just fight yeah that sounds lame that was sarcasm you numb skulls I mean no we we’re doing the fight whether you like it or not okay okay so now we got to go over here and this is where you’ll be fighting we have the whole town watching which is really not a lot of people actually it’s kind of sad we were kind of um eradicated by the enemy so that’s why there AR a lot of us left hey the little brat got taller how is that even possible you got way taller wait who are you and wait you talk yes of course I talk sound like I lost the ability to speak he just doesn’t talk a lot he’s not as um well spoken as I am or the other jaxes in fact I’m probably the most intelligent here and British wait a second TV man did you get taller uh yeah I think so wow maybe you’re not going to be completely useless but I mean my brother’s still going to kick your butt so good luck my bets are the kid but they’re both kids oh shut up who needs brain you got problem I I if I bet on both of them I win either way this is going to be so easy I’m like totally going to probably maybe win why are you talking like that it’ll be close but like why are you talking like you’re British you’re not from Britain no I’m from London okay this is not a fight to the death so just whoever knocks each other out of the ring first um wins so um on my mark get set and fight go ah come on I got to win oh my goody goodness are you serious right now ow ow ow ow come on ow maybe you have gotten stronger but I’ve gotten stronger too I can’t lose this my family’s depending on me all my friends everything I’ve worked for oh my good goodness I’m not going to lose come on I I got to be confident oh no no no no come on come on put a backbone into it I can’t lose you’re the loser I’m going to win you’ll always be a loser no I won’t I won’t be a loser you what okay okay um and the winner is TV man everybody give him a round of applause yay wow good job TV man you actually managed to beat him you know maybe you can help I literally said that at the beginning I knew he would be a big help you guys never listen to me is this cuz I’m a woman did you say something I’m going to Smite you yeah I’m still surprised this little sniffling Brack as strong as he is he’ll never be as strong as me of course but you might be of sub use okay honey you’re on steroids that doesn’t count you know fine I guess you w fair and square but this isn’t the last thing I’ll be better eventually I can get stronger too I mean I’m going to be honest I don’t know about that I mean this guy’s still a loser but he lost to him okay he’s not a loser and if he was a loser that means jack Jr is the loser now since he got beaten by the loser therefore making him the loser if you guys follow any of that oh I guess you’re right yeah Jax Jor you’re a loser oh no no we’re not going to call a little brother that that’s mean yeah he’s definitely a loser this is stupid I didn’t want to do any of this stuff anyway I’m going to go play fortnite you’re a baby hey can I play with you you guys are so mean to each other for no reason uh uh I just asked to play fortnite with him bro how am I being mean well like you actually are a wonderful hope so welcome to the family we can give you a new name you can be um uh Jack jackon no we got to stick with the Jack cuz we got Jack no but it’s it’s on point TV head look at him he even got like blades on his shoulders uh I don’t think TVs are supposed to have blades but welcome to the family so we’ll start preparing you for the war coming up and maybe you can be a general hey that’s my job you know maybe that’s that’s a good idea actually yeah I mean I’m sorry for doubting you man you’re going to be a real help I mean you honestly you better be considering we like saved your life and all that but good job man you worked hard uh I saved his life Jack you said he had fleas I selfish sister it’s a team effort and I don’t know where you are little bro but you’re a loser now I’m never duoing with you again you’re trash you guys need to learn how to be nice to each other wait a second where am I right now hi TV man I trapped you in here with all your friends oh no I can’t believe that psycho pomy locked me up again well I don’t understand I’m the one that’s supposed to control everything let me out why are we trapped in here right now but wait why is kmo here I’m here with py to make sure nothing goes wrong oh oh thank goodness CMO we’ve been friends for ages please let us out who do you think you are the only person who’s allowed to let you out is the war pomy H yeah they’re never leaving wait did you just say never let me out of here you psycho guys what are we going to do we’re literally trapped in this pomy prison right now and I actually have no idea how we’re going to get out but first oh py wait why are you letting me out right now well we have to tour the present silly I suppose I should let the others out too you guys can come as well I guess and if you guys think that you guys can get out of here or even if you move an inch out of line there will be consequences all right chill out there Clowny stop at the Power Trip who do you think you are dude do not talk back to him I’m not going to lie he’s pretty dangerous what did you say to me Jax you think that you could talk to me like that well you know what now you just release the inner clown now get in line I was already in the line but uh yeah sure man sorry put that thing away okay prisoners follow me oh my gosh where are you even taking us right now PNE I’m giving you a tour of the prison silly uh okay wait pomy so how long are we going to be in this prison for um well that’s a silly question because you’re never allowed to leave I am not staying here forever I’m lit the creator of the digital circus I created you I’m getting out of here hey you get back here uh what are you going to do about it cough mod well do you want to die get back and lie I bet that’s a toy gun oh really oh okay okay okay I apologize jeez get back in line we’re going to have order here all right now let’s keep touring this place oh and you guys better be on your best behavior cuz you do not want to see me angry okay uh uh okay pomy I’m sorry I I didn’t do anything think it’s it’s those guys over there come on let’s just tour this place I know you didn’t do anything TV man you’re perfect as always and okay tour continues all right let’s see this place and wo what in the what is this this is where you’ll be eating your meals like breakfast lunch dinner and if if you need to snack TVV man just tell me I don’t mind sneaking a little something to you get off the table chill I’m a free spirit man well if you look all in here we have all this yummy food but you only get to eat once a day so what in the what are you talking about once a day that’s not fair what are you talking about I need to eat it every day for like I don’t know like three meals you know the average three meals I am literally a mouth I need to be eating all the time and you can literally shut it Kane okay I’m not talking to you right now I mean I don’t know about this Fatso over here Kane but I need to eat two one meal is not enough for me Shut It bunny boy okay uh that concludes uh this area come on let’s go all right pomy let’s see the arrested this place anyways TV man I really appreciate that you’re here with me uh I guess I am too even though we’re in a prison right now but um don’t worry about that uh we’re just working on new Renovations okay anyway we have this this is the courtyard and don’t you ever think about leaving this place H this is very unlike pomy she’s a bit crazy if you haven’t noticed Kane I got this gun pointed at your head right right now you say that again about the warden and you’re done for jeez jeez I apologize just put that gun away can we go back and get our one meal already this place is so lame hey get back in line Jack get back in line Jack yeah whatever Clowny you know what you don’t get a meal for today PNE no meal for the rabbit H this is abuse this isn’t abuse ja this is what you deserve anyway we’re going to go back to the prison C and lock you up for the night and I better hear no more complaining kfo isn’t the only one who has access to the Firearms okay TV man time to go back in your cell you don’t mean me get back in my cell right you know yes I do mean you Kane now get back in your cell right now get in the cell I’m sorry I’m sorry guys we need to find a way out of here I can’t be stuck here with these Freaks and you guys too very good point but maybe we should wait to talk cuz pom’s still right there you guys guys aren’t trying to escape right I hear everything and I see everything if you try anything funny then something funny will happen to you guys there has to be a way out of here I’m going to take a nap and then I’ll think of a good idea all right yes there’s got to be a solution somewhere but if we look at the window it seems like we’re in the middle of nowhere all right it looks like there’s like no clues anywhere in my room it looks the same as your room and your room do you guys have anything well I do have a camera in my room maybe we can break it and maybe they can’t see us for a bit you’re right okay do that well they’re kind of right there so we have to wait till lights out lights out is that when we go to sleep basically all right it’s time to go to sleep lights out all right let’s go to sleep I’m pretty tired I’m not really tired I’m so sleepy shut it Kade oh I’m tired hey you Toilet Man oh what just to let you know I got my eye on so don’t try anything we don’t want a uh accident to happen while you’re staying in our lovely prison so make sure that you mind yourself boy okay I think they’re gone start searching their rooms also try to wake up Jack uh Jack hello wake up dude wake up we got to get out of here ah shut up I need my beauty sleep what’s your problem uh what in the what are you talking about dude we got to get out of here this is more important you want to stay here forever oh yeah it was we weren’t going to do that weren’t we yeah did you guys come up with something yet oh look everyone I found a lockpick in my toilet ew in your toilet are you serious right now well I had to we have to escape this place oh well I I guess you’re right but that’s really gross you got it from the toilet but if it works it works it does how do we stop that camera from functioning do you have like any blocks or something I can place in front of it uh no I don’t have any blocks but let me check my area all right let me see if there’s anything and wait a second why is there like an item frame right here with the block what the heck oh perfect okay now we need to get you get that block over here I’m going to try to break this glass with my lockpick all right come on you got got it Kane break it oh wait it worked out you hit me perfect okay hand the block over hurry okay I’m going to hand the block over and Bo there we go n can block the camera hey what’s that sound okay okay stay normal stay normal I’m going to block off the window with my body so he doesn’t see hey what do you think you’re doing in here I’m hearing a lot of noise uh I I’m just chilling I’m not that tired what did I tell you I told you to get to sleep right now do you really want to make me angry there TV pox I’m sorry okay I’m sorry but oh gosh this is broken I got quiet all uh C I’m sorry okay can you please just leave me alone and let me sleep on this ground get in the bed now in the bed uh TV Man TV man give a signal to Jax to distract him uh Jax distract kofo uh kofo uh ew who’s farting oh what is that smell oh hey why are you staring at me man weirdo you think you could take a dupy in my prison uh that’s what the bathroom’s for there’s toilets right here listen didn’t your mother ever tell you to use a spray no perfect okay it worked we have to congratulate Jack or or say thank you to him later but right now I think he might be in a bit of trouble hurry up use your bathroom and get yourself in bed unless you want to do this the hard way I can’t go while you’re staring at me weirdo hurry oh thank goodness okay now we can get ourselves out of here let me unlock my door oh my goodness Kane get out of there dude you’re going to have to unlock my door as well Jack we’re actually getting out of here dude don’t talk to me while I’m on the toilet sorry I got my door open I’m coming over oh my goodness k no way right now but guys we to be very quiet we to make sure there’s no security cameras and oh no there’s a security camera hide hide hurry run run under this one they can’t see it if we’re under it as long as they don’t detect Us in this radius of the security camera we should be fine so I’m going to go wait a minute what is that running right here oh C’s right there guys okay everyone go over here you know what I’m going to go check the prisoners they’ve been a little bit too quiet Jackson Kane let’s go come on just go all righty you know what I don’t really hear anything so uh you know what I’m going to go grab a d donut yep that’s what I’m going to do ma he pretty dumb he didn’t even check our cells hurry let’s get a good look at this gel maybe we can find a way out what do you mean you can’t believe he’s that stupid that’s how he always is you got a point but don’t no let’s let forget about that let’s go let’s go hey py I made sure those prisoners were locked up nice and tight and also made sure they were sleeping I heard a little bit of a scuff but uh other than that I went to go check it out and everything’s fine oh okay uh let me check my cameras huh that’s really weird what’s wrong one of the main cams I use isn’t picking up anything it’s where I used to spy on everyone oh there’s a camera right there Jack we got to go we got to hide you know what I’ll go check their cells guys we might need to get out of here cu’s right there no no just hide right here k no no K go somewhere else I’ll just right here it’s fine you know what they better be in their CES cuz if not oh they’re not going to like it all right let’s go see we really got to get out of here before that idiot comes back all righty wait what Jack Scooby-Doo and what even the shrimp is gone I need to go report this the py but oh that’s disgusting the rabbit demon a flush got him all right but guys we got to get out of here now okay let’s go come on and wait a second this is the area that py was like restricting us to go to right H it seems like we don’t have any levers to get in there maybe we can find a lever somewhere oh yeah you’re right we need to find a lever let’s go inside of here I’m going to go check the Gat see if there’s a way out Hy Hy Hy what do you want I mean yeah yes CMO they’re not in their cells they escape you better say you’re joking right now kofo no like I went up there that rabbit forgot the flush the shrimp isn’t there and and and the big tall dude that you like so much is gone okay okay okay kmo the moment you see Kane and Jax shoot them down I’ll deal with TV man myself you got it boss I’m going to go look in the yard guys he’s going to check the yard okay we got to figure out a way to go and just hide right here this is a really a bad spot but fine it’s fine he’s dumb oh yeah oh boys where are you no what let me check behind this dice oh guys we got to go now come on run run run oh that’s bad okay uh maybe they’re in here oh guys she just put the lever down okay let’s go around her come on let’s let’s just hope she leaves that lever there um Cosmo I don’t see them anywhere can you please check this yellow area with me I’m on my way they’re not out here in theard hard but once I find them it’s going to be it’s going to be lovely just remember your orders I don’t know where to go I guess we can go to the cafeteria that’s it follow me good idea I’m starving oh yeah I forgot you didn’t eat let’s grab some food uh no guys this is not a time to eat we need to get out of here it’s always a time to eat man whoo this cake huh that’s weird my phone’s detecting that someone’s raiding the cafeteria oh it’s probably those stupid rats again all righty I’ll hurry up and run there quick uh guys can eat the rats what are we going to do this is bad okay uh everyone just tied somewhere hurry hurry hurry there’s no hiding spots what are we going to do why did you steal their food TV man that was you you’re the one who want to go to the cafeteria are you serious right now yeah yeah I definitely don’t have 12 apples in my inventory all right boss we’re here all right let’s see uh that seems to be in order I don’t see one over over there hey Warden the food is fine I don’t know what you’re talking about must have been those rats again well you know what let me at least check the inventory just to make sure we have enough food wait a minute there’s a stack of four chickens gone someone’s been in here and I know it wasn’t the rats cuz the rats don’t eat chicken I’m pretty sure they do eat chicken though you know what Warden I think there’s a rat in this room we just got to find them I think I see someone in the window oh oh wait uh I must be hallucinating I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night you know what I thought I saw somebody too when I came in here I thought I saw the shrimp but I guess my eyes are playing with me what should we do B let’s just guard the hallway over here that way we can spot anyone who comes by good idea boss that’s why you’re Warden but just for an extra security measure I’m going to place two cameras down just to make sure if anybody thinks of coming in here again we have fresh new systems ready to catch it and what in the what they’re putting down more security systems Kane and Jack what are we going to do I don’t know what to do we might have to find another way out of here you know what this is all Jackson’s fault he was just a bit hungry and that’s why we had to come back here that’s not true and besides I have a great idea to get us out of here anyway oh yeah tell us yeah what’s your idea let’s just give up give up are you serious right now that’s all I got man do you know what that clown is going to do to us he lit has a rifle he’s going to shoot us only if you’re slow enough to get shot come on dude they’re literally bullets that will kill you okay whatever we need to actually figure out a real plan and get out of here okay I don’t know what to do I guess the best thing we can do in this situation is look for like I don’t know something to get us out of here look through all the chest and gra oh yeah I guess we could look through all the chests and there’s saon in there what else is in here there’s some fish oh no there’s like nothing good H cake do not eat cake right now K are you serious right now I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m hungry T man look at look at this crate up here oh what is in this crate and what in the what there’s a key what is this key for I don’t know the only door I’ve seen that was locked was that weird door to that weird yellow room where could it go wait a second I just realized there’s like a little hole in here does a key fit in here well I don’t know try it all right and boah there we go and what in the what who it was a secret passage see guys this is my plan all along this is why I want us to go to the cafeteria sure oh what are you talking about dude you’re the one who got us in here we could probably have been out of here by now uh I don’t know about that one but let’s just get out of here we have our chance to escape let’s go before they come back all right let’s go King come on we got to run let me yink one of these cakes real quick all right and ow okay let’s keep going and wait it just took us to like another cell oh my goodness it is that from like another escapee if that means if there was another escapee that means it is possible to get out of here yes sir so let’s try to get out of here now but we have to be very quiet and make sure now the security cameras detect us hold on get in this room real quick it’s right there hurry Hur all right the security camera is not facing us anymore let’s go guys I have an idea yeah py remember she left that door open from before wait you’re right she did leave that door open uh and I’m pretty sure she’s right there okay we cannot just walk through all right guys I have a really funny idea I’m just going to distract them and you’re just going to run past and then I’ll sneak away and join you again okay oh wa who whoa hold on a second no you can’t do that that’s crazy hey guys I’m over here uh what the what hey boss he’s over here shoot him down oh my goodness Kane we got to go we have no choice let’s go go go go you guys really think you can catch me get Jed uh what in the what where are we right now oh boy later losers oh my goodness wait what what in the what it just closed on them and wait I think they just realize we’re all here hey I see all of you you know what you better be lucky I don’t have our secret weapon to blow this door apart how did you all get in here and TV man I’m really disappointed in you why would you do this why would you leave me a what’s wrong pomy going to cry loser all right anyway there’s all this armor right here let’s just grab all this armor because we’re probably going to need it and oh my goodness there’s all this stuff grabing our weapons Cosmo this is bad you know what boss I got a good idea let me go to the weapons vault in pick up our friend real quick oh my goodness what’s happening oh no hurry let’s get down to the next floor wait what it’s closed what do we need to do it’s closed what in the what oh no I have no idea what to do but oh my gosh there’s all these monsters are you serious right now where did these things come from I have no idea I guess all we have to do is kill them oh my goodness are you serious right now these monsters are so scary okay they’re not that bad do you have it yet kmo I’m getting tired of waiting around yes I do boss I finally got Penelope and I’m ready to use her answer me this kmo how the heck did they get out if you were on patrol listen boss I made sure to lock the doors with two locks and then I made sure they went to sleep the only one who I put a camera in the room was that shrimpy looking guy that was has the big eyes in the teeth there was three cameras inside each one of the rooms but I think two of them malfunction but uh yeah but this prison is kind of old I don’t care just killed them already that way I can have TV man oh my goodness what in the what why do they want me um Jackson Kane we got to get out of here and there’s a second floor oh my goodness what is this it’s all right boss because also brought an extra lever for the door oh my goodness wait they got a lever okay do you guys have blocks oh no we don’t have blocks they’re coming in and what in the what it just closed now we have to do a round of monsters it’s all right Penelope will kill them quickly uh they have to do the round of monsters and uh once they do it it’ll open up so we got to go now guys come on go and what the what even is this do it looks like there’s target practice every watch out there’s traps everywhere be careful oh my gosh these traps are really scary and ah what the what oh my goodness oh there are skeletons too watch out wait there’s skeletons are you serious right now out they’re really powerful too watch out for the dispensers they can shoot arrows at you oh my gosh I’m getting shot everywhere oh this is really painful but oh gosh I got to figure out a way to get out of here we might have to do the same thing again we have to take out all the mobs let’s go oh no the monster not again oh no they’re really powerful this is really scary kavo come on we’re getting really close to finishing the round all right boss only got two more left then that door should open what the what P’s coming everyone come on Fight The Monsters we’re running out of time all right boss the last of the mobs are down the door should open now what in the what the do is opening are you serious right now and wait this door just opened come on we got to go up it’s opening it’s opening go go go go go wait come back here oh no ah the right there oh my goodness it just closed dude you almost got closed within it that would have been really bad for you they got away again kmo you idiot hey at least I’m doing the work everybody this place looks much different take a look around the chest maybe we can find a clue or two wao where did these things come from oh my goodness ah these are so powerful but guys if we fight these off we’ll be able to get out of there through the door I don’t know if it’s a way out I think it’s a chest maybe there’s some items in it that will get us out of this situation that will be so good because if not we’re literally going to die in here and it’ll be so bad cuz K is way more powerful than me and I am way powerful than him if I had my powers that they took away yeah cop harder little bro all right PNE only two more left old finel doing her work my goodness we have to fight these monsters oh these guys are going to take much longer to kill the probably the two moms on there I hope the two mobs down there are much more powerful oh gellies are dead the door should open now oh no guys come on we got to go wait we can use the lever to get out of here just go we don’t have to fight the rest of the monsters and wait they’re all dead a coup’s right there why didn’t you use the lever earlier go go go come here grab po the secret stat Squad grab it all everyone grab it oh look there’s invisibility potions I’m going to quickly throw one on us oh wait an invisibility potion we have an invisibility potion on oh my goodness everyone shut up they don’t know we’re in here we’re going to get you wait where’ they go hey boss they’re not in here Cosmo stop the cap okay they’re right here what wait boss you have a secret stash what’s in here well just some secret stuff kmo but wait there’s stuff that’s missing they were in here I know it we got to find them I’m going to close this door just to make sure they can’t get back in here uh let’s go look somewhere else okay J take this milk here you go you can drink it oh wait a second I’m still invisible come on use this milk and I’m back to normal now oh thank goodness but Jack Jack uh I’m not in there man I’m out here oh what in the W I thought we were locked in here okay Jack get us out did you sneak out when they like stuck out too you know dude that was absolutely insane like that invisibility was so clutch there’s no way they’re that stupid like they literally saw us walk in here that’s true that’s true but oh did anybody get anything useful out of that chest besides the invisibility all right let me just get you guys out of there real quick and I did find something in that chest actually something very interesting yeah I found pne’s diary in there was pretty interesting my word pom’s diary what did you find in it oh you know just like the normal diary stuff like super embarrassing Secrets all that stuff it was hilarious oh and there was like something about like a code it was like 1 1924 what you found a code did it say anything about where that code could go like main entrance or something but who cares about that man don’t you want to hear about her deepest darkest Secrets I don’t care about her Secrets I care about getting out of her maybe TV man might want to know though uh I don’t really care I don’t like her she likes me I think it’s just weird you two are so boring whatever it doesn’t it doesn’t matter let’s just try to get out of it let’s try to find the main gate all right let’s try to get out out here but we have to make sure we don’t run into CMO and pomy don’t worry I have a last resort I have one more potion of invisibility it’s only for emergencies though all right let’s go and I really hope we can get out of here but wait there’s all these security cameras here now wait now that I’m looking at these cameras they’re not working they’re just here they’re this Bluffs all right guys since me being the amazing person I am found that code let’s see if we can get our way out of here all right Jackson let’s find our way out of here wait it looks like this is the exit right wait looks like there’s two different codes we need right I guess there’s two codes I guess we’ll try the code for each all right let’s try this one how about you guys try that one okay Jack try that one I’m going to try this one and wait what was the code again let me check the book it was 1 1924 1924 and booah and wait did it turn green or anything well it looks like this one turned green wait what in the what so it looks like there’s one more code we need to find and it must be at one of the other challenges right uh maybe I do remember there being two other rooms there’s two more places we need to check let’s go all right guys well we’re going to go over to the challenge rooms now because I think that’s the only thing we can do hey there you guys are oh what the white guys run everyone get in here this is challenge two and open that up come on we got to go go go go boss I can’t go in there I can’t swim Cosmo you’re useless fine I have to do everything myself oh my goodness PNE is coming okay everyone follow me come on it looks like there’s a second way to go everyone run oh no we got to go we got to find the clue or whatever it is oh I hate water it’s going to definitely going to be a code it has to be oh my goodness we need to find it right now before it’s too late okay come on guys go go go go and wait a second first 2 4 I think this is the first set of the code all right guys everyone go come on I think Po’s in the water so we can just Juke her out come on everyone run that was easy waa I’m going to find you guys in the water good thing we already made it out of there but we have the code right let’s get out of here oh we only have the first two sets of the digits for the four-digit code so we got to go to the next challenge and wait a second I think it’s right here who just leaves half a code lying around uh I don’t know that a good question but I am more scared about this lava I am not looking forward to this what just don’t fall in oh this is crazy we got to go come on everyone do this parkour ah this is so scary don’t fall whatever you do you guys ain’t going to get away oh no C’s right there everyone go ah almost just fell are you serious right now don’t worry I bounce you up I can’t bounce I can’t bounce any blocks or something don’t worry I got a couple of extra blocks I’m almost there oh no come on use them use them K we got to go go go go I got out the water where are they I just found them they’re out there all alone all right I found the second digit of the fourl code so it’s 2 4 3 2 okay we know everything we need to know guys run I’m going to get you guys oh my goodness everyone get around py jump come back here oh no we got to go get Jed k j come on run where’ they go they just left I think they went to the right everyone run come on come on we got to go hurry up put in the code go go all right here’s the code wait what is it uh 2 4 32 come on booya what they got the codes you guys aren’t going anywhere the door won’t open uh I think you li looks pretty open to me everyone run get out come on chase him go go go oh my goodness we got to go come on everyone run get him get him oh no wait what Cosmo you activated our security system too late I didn’t mean to oh well anyway we’re going to go come here you bunny wait we can’t leave yet we have to gloat over him how do you like being in Cage’s losers TV man you love me right you know I won’t stop pursuing you I’m just a baby in the forest and I have nowhere to go I’m so cold and tired oh I wish I could find my family oh no and it’s snowing outside too I’m freezing oh uh are you okay where are your parents little on I have no idea but I’m freezing and I need a home oh my gosh are you okay do you want want us to help you you look cold here um have some potatoes thank you so much I haven’t had food in so long okay um follow us to our house we’ll show you around um okay okay uh here uh we’re here just follow me inside oh okay and wait who are these people uh who are you you tvhe headed Bozo uh I don’t know who are you but it’s nice to meet you it seems like you’re a kid too shut up why are you talking to me loser oh I’m sorry okay hey uh be nice to him we found him and he was out in the cold and he just a baby like you I don’t care that his parents threw him away he looks dumb and weak well you know you could be a little nicer he might be some use to us cuz so we can help us when you know they attack oh yeah that attack the CMOS are coming I forgot you know maybe he could be a good meat Shield but on second thought I don’t know he’s pretty scrawny hello everyone I’m back from getting some food oh hello TV man what are you doing here uh hey dude how do you know my name oh you don’t need to worry about that that but I overheard what you were talking about earlier he could be of great use to us uh how look at him he’s just a little baby I mean look at those arms hey you know ja once upon a time you were a baby too no I wasn’t what are you talking about well that’s besides the point the pomy should be able to train him just well enough for him to be able to repel the an oncoming Invasion are you serious if the pomes train him he’s going to grow up to be a crybaby just like them you’d be surprised how strong this TV baby can become he may have a special power that could be of use to us anyways the PNE sister is going to train you so first we need to get ready for this Invasion oh okay okay you’re going to help the pomy sisters gather some materials I need to go help out uh our friend with some preparations be right back okay bye Kane it was nice to meet you dude by the way TV man you’re always going to be weak and I’m always going to be better than you just by the way hey whatever don’t listen to them T man you’re going to be a great help in The Invasion invasion I’m so confused what’s happening wait you seriously don’t know about the invasion a bunch of giant CMOS are going to come and attack us it’s going to be great wait what before we start your training we have to go get some supplies cuz we’re pretty low on materials right now so uh come on okay oh no it’s really rainy outside oh no don’t worry being in the rain might help you get stronger I don’t know but baby jackon I would be weak forever yeah you are going to be weak forever buddy didn’t you hear me the first time hey all right uh for your first challenge you will have to break this tree I have to break this whole tree are you serious right now that’s so difficult oh oh my gosh okay I’ll try all right I’m going to break this tree and I can’t even break a single block you can’t even break that block watch this uh wait you can break this whole tree oh what in the what how did you break that so quick what do you mean I’m not a weakling like you that’s why now watch and learn as I break this entire tree by myself oh wait you can break this whole tree I’m so weak I’m giving up hey uh don’t listen to him TV man you’ll get stronger eventually shut up I wasn’t asking you little Jack don’t listen to Little Jack you will get stronger TV man it just might take some time okay all right so the next challenge you have to swim across this Lake swim across this whole lake I’ve never swam before my whole life don’t worry if you start drowning we’ll come get you okay no wa I’m going to get you if you start drowning anyway you’re going to eat my dust loser hey hey hey what oh you’re going in the water already oh like goodness are you serious rain now oh gosh wait I can’t even swim well oh no oh gosh how do I swim I don’t know how to swim oh gosh someone help grab my hand okay oh my goodness I can’t swim let’s try this together okay okay okay okay remember just be confident okay you lose half the battle if you don’t even try Okay P come on two three oh I’m doing it I’m doing it I can do this four five six and booah oh did I do it wow you finally managed to do it way after I already finished you’re so lame oh gosh whatever you win all right for our next challenge you’re just going to have to use your survival instincts and find us some food find food I’ve never done this before my whole life oh how am I supposed to do this if I’m just a baby well first you got to learn how to do it every expert was once a beginner don’t worry you got this uh not me I’ve always been an expert I’m built different yeah an expert being annoying all right well I’m going to find a cow come on I got to find one before baby Jacks all right let me see if I see anything come on there’s got to be something all right did I find anything in uh wait I found a cow yeah well I found it first loser wait no I found it I just found it oh my God stop crying about it you SAR loser I was first stop complaining whatever you win all three of the challenges I give up you bet I do ah this is the worst day ever TV man don’t cry it’s okay I promise one day if you put in the extra hard work you’ll be even more powerful than Jack I don’t know about that one maybe just maybe but there’s no way so we’re going to have to get some iron for weapons that way we can fight later so let’s go ahead and mine oh thank you so much bney wait we’re going mining I’ve never went mining ever in my whole life yeah aren’t you excited just be really careful going down yeah be careful going down loser hey whoa what what in the what I’m flying what Jack the what what in the world is wrong with you you just killed TV man you know if I wasn’t such a nice person I would take away all your gains um he’s literally fine can you see him down there stop nagging me uh TV man how did you do that uh I have no idea I’m pretty sure I can fly look at this guys wao wow that’s amazing is that your special ability I think so I didn’t even know I had a special ability special ability what are you talking about anybody could do that just watch oh what the what see I flew I flew down here although oh my leg but he had I don’t know he did the same thing uh no I was flying what are you talking about look huh how’d you do that you’re cheating uh what in the way are you serious right now anyway we need to find those materials because pby said we got to find that it would have taken us ages to get down there and we would have broken a bone just like Jack’s there oh yeah TV man if you could get us like some gold that’d be excellent oh okay I’ll for some gold and wait look there’s some gold right here I think let me break some of it um actually this is my gold get out of the way hey what the heck why you stealing all my gold back off don’t steal my gold you literally are stealing all my gold this isn’t fair hey I want some no it’s mine hey hey hey don’t break it hey you pushed me off and oh I can literally fly that’s so cool how are you even doing that there has to be some kind of trick I have no idea but I’m going to go back up to the surface now and tell them I got the gold maybe I can find some more gold over here because he stole all my gold oh I just need to be more confident if only I can be more confident then maybe just maybe baby Jax will think I’m cool and the rest of them will think I’m cool too because you know I’m going to be strong and stuff but there’s gold right here let’s go and you know what I’m going to look for other resources you know what I’m going to try to find the best resource ever to impress all of them so I can become stronger all right is there anything good in wa is this Diamonds oh my goodness I’m going to grab some of this stuff this is so cool I’ve never had diamonds in my whole life this is like going to make me Rich and super strong I can’t believe it I got to go back up to the surface and show them all right I’m back up at the surface now I have to find them and show them what I got but uh baby Jax why are you behind me huh why are you in front of me hey what the heck anyway are you sure you even want to show your face around them I got so much more gold than you I don’t know about that one oh you guys are back did you find any gold or anything else that be wonderful yeah I I got a lot of stuff before that loser shows you whatever garbage he got check out all this gold I have oh wow Jack that’s pretty impressive uh did you find anything else uh no there wasn’t anything else down there I mean there were other things like diamonds that’s probably the best thing you could get but I guess you’re just too incompetent to do that uh TV man did you find anything well I I got two gold and then I got three diamonds as well is that good that’s incredible no way you actually got diamonds that’s so great we actually needed those really badly JX um can you hand those diamonds back to me please um no he stole them from me anyway what I did not steal them I found them on my own liar liar pants on fire Jack I said please give them back to me you do not want to see me angry I don’t care what are you going to do nag me all day just give them back or else fine whatever Dad wouldn’t have cared well tan I believe you found those so let’s go into the next challenge okay next uh we are going to go climb that mountain just to build up our stamina whole Mountain oh my goodness I’ve never done that before that seems really scary hello everyone how’s it going uh hey Kate how you doing dude well I finally found what I was looking for but quick question how’s the training going uh really good actually we just found out that tvman has a super special ability h i see I had a feeling he might okay so I found a place where we can get a bunch of supplies to survive the kmo onslaught anyway um when is this kfmo attack back happening well funny that you would say I saw them recently I believe they’re 10 hours away H we we should probably go to the place Kane found yes of course we need to get there quickly and then we can start building up a good defense but I won’t be able to go with you cuz I need to go delay the kmo Empire before they attack us all right let’s stop wasting time then let’s go uh wait oh we’re going now okay oh that’s the wrong way um no I wasn’t going the wrong way I was just going to go all around the world stupid it’s it’s actually the opposite way so follow all right let’s go this way and remember what they said about being confident all I have to do is become confident and I’ll become stronger that’s the spirit TV man you have a superpower and you can be super confident that way you can be even stronger than Jack I know you can do it yeah I hope so but wo this place is so cool and scary at the same time make sure you’re very careful I’ve heard that there’s scary things down there wait scary things down there oh no there’s no way no most definitely well good luck you guys have to go delay the cosos before we go down there TV man I have something really important to tell you what you’re a loser hey oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway we are now in this cave oh no I would slow down dude don’t tell me what to do who do you think you are oh my goodness I’m just looking out for you dude there could be a lot of monsters in here and it could be really dangerous stop nagging me who do you think you are my mom now I’m going to do this parkour watch this ow ow ow ow ow ow I meant to do that what in the what dude you just fell in the lava if you just go slow and steady I’m sure you’ll do a lot better uh shut up slow and steady is for losers uh no slow and steady is what wins the race um no it’s not that’s for losers watch this ow ow ow why’d you hit me TV man I did hey how you pushed me in oh my goodness are you serious right now because you hit me first all right all right I’m getting so close to the end why would you push me in you loser you’re the one that pushed me in first and uh wo is this a water slide woohoo well um I guess this is the entrance so just everyone be really careful oh gosh this place looks really scary but I guess I’ll break it first are you in idiot that’s obviously not the entrance it’s blocked off oh man I thought it was well um I guess we have to find another entrance come on everybody let’s just take a look around all right let’s go look around and see in uh wait a second is there something in that water wow you found it TV man that’s awesome good job oh my goodness no way and wait it’s taking us to another area and wao this is so cool um actually I found it first I wasn’t just BR I just didn’t brag about it because I’m not a loser like TV man no you’re just annoying all right and wait it looks like there’s like a door open right here it says food and stuff we should probably walk in here everyone come on O I Love Stuff um can you guys wait for me considering I found the secret entrance are you serious right now I’m pretty sure I found it but anyway it doesn’t matter who found it pretty sure you didn’t we all just need to become stronger okay and wo this place looks so cool wait a minute this is literally impossible possible how are we going to get to the other side I have no idea and oh wait a second I just realized I have my flying powers oh yeah that’s right T man you can fly come on who cares about your stupid flying I can do that too but ow ow ow ow ow ow ow it burns it burns yeah that was great flying Jack why don’t you try it then ugly yeah I don’t do things that are stupid okay all right guys okay I’m going to try this okay here we go in woo oh it actually worked are you serious right now oh TV man look at you you just saved the day wait what’s that over there let me check in whoo this is so cool look at it’s like some sort of boat area I actually have no idea oh wait look there’s a lever over there TV man how about you flick it okay I just flicked it and what did it do H wao it just spawned in this water so now you guys can walk over here no way hey ja you can do that think you can do that I could have all right and wait a second it looks like there’s armor right here guys let’s all grab this armor ooh this is nice and wo we have some iron swords as well no way right now and wait a second why did the door just close oh that’s probably not good uh oh no uh maybe this is a mob room oh gosh that could be really bad I’m not going to lie and uh oh no there’s zombies guys everyone run well um look on the bright side uh this can be part of our strength training uh yeah this can make me stronger but ow ow these zombies are really powerful oh no I’m going to die I’m poisoned no pain no gain TV man are you actually having trouble down there TV man that’s so easy when you can’t cheat by flying huh loser oh my goodness oh my gosh I’m going to die I’m getting really low on health then die already hey are you serious right now why are they in this boat too oh no you need to help out we need to kill all these zombies or else we’re not going to be able to leave you can kill them for me then Jack dude what is your problem okay then I guess I’ll just get stronger and you’ll get weaker why do I need to get any stronger I’m always going to be stronger than you oh my goodness no maybe not you never know I do know ja you’re not doing anything oh no there’s too many of these monsters I’m going to die uh don’t worry TV man I’ll help you oh my goodness I’m at two hearts I’m going to actually die and oh my goodness thank you P you just saved me no problem I need to be stronger though come on and come on I just killed him and him jack get off there and help don’t tell me what to do who do you think you are all right we finish off these monsters and wait this just opened up guys let’s go check out what’s in here and oh there’s all this cake that is goated and what else and wait there’s steak as well and oh my goody goodness there’s all these golden app app too we should probably save them for later you’ll never know when they come in handy we might need them for like the cbos attack and wait the CFOs are attacking in like 5 hours right cuz it was 10 hours ago like 5 hours ago oh yeah that seems about right I’m pretty sure that’s how math Works hey wait a second did you steal all the food TV man you fatty what the what and wait a second did you actually get fatter I don’t know I feel like I got a little stronger though ow what’s your problem jerk not that strong see you are getting stronger just like I said this is so cool I’ve never been wrong before I’ve always just been a baby all right and I think the door just opened up no way let’s go guys all righty let’s go all righty and wait guys this door just opened up we got to go come on follow the obsidian what does that mean I guess we just have to follow the obsidian but unless you can fly there’s like no way we can get over there oh my goodness a good thing I can fly let’s go woo and oh my goodness I just made it and wait is there more obsidian over there hey stop trying to get a head start you cheater ow ow ow ow oh my goodness dude you you can’t do that that’s cheating you’re going to die doing that oh my goodness you guys need to save him now you’re calling me a cheater you’re the one like using hacks to fly loser shut up uh I’m not using hacks oh oh my goodness you okay oh my gosh my it hurt my leg so bad get over here and help me you loser all righty and woohoo I’m coming over there right now and oh my goodness are you okay Jack did I say I was okay no stop being stupid okay go jump over there dude oh my gosh you are so stupid you could have just let me fly and we would have been fine and uh where in the where are we right now oh wait if there’s a lever over there you got to hit that TV man okay okay I’ll hit the lever where is it though all right I’m not seeing any levers and oh there’s a lever right here let me break that in Booyah there we go oh there you guys are you guys just teleported over here let’s go now it looks like there’s like a mob room or something over here too Jack do I need to carry you is your leg hurting don’t touch me ugly I don’t want to catch your it try to be nice oh uh wait what oh uh hold on I think I’m getting a phone call oh it’s R Kane wait how does he have my number um hello hello pomy um I regret to inform you I wasn’t able to delay the cosmos as long as I was hoping they’re going to be here very soon uh Kane how soon is very soon uh I would say about uh a half hour what oh no Theo arm is coming to our base in half an hour oh no guys we have no time to waste we got to fight off these monsters and get out of here and becomes as strong as we can we got a speedrun this oh no and no no oh no and it looks like there’s all these monsters guys we got to fight them working on it can you guys like hurry up I’m waiting oh my goodness I’m trying our best but these guys are really scary and terrifying T man remember what I said about being strong you’re right you’re right let me just fight off these monsters and oh my goodness are actually really powerful ah this guy’s really chasing me right now ja would it hurt to help uh yeah a little oh yeah that’s right you’re a weakling oh my goodness let’s fight off these monsters oh my goodness are you serious right now these guys are actually way too powerful uh and wait did this floor just open up are you serious right now and oh wait no it didn’t can you just kill the these monsters already I want to go back home and play fortnite Jack if you don’t help out you’re not going to become stronger dude I’m actually going to get stronger than you uh why would I need to become any stronger you’ll never be stronger than me oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s fight out these monsters I bet the entrance will open once these two are dead oh my goodness there’s only one more left or two more left come on oh this guy’s so powerful too and strong kill him and oh he’s dead let’s go once again ja thanks for helping you’re welcome you didn’t even help at all dude are you serious or no oh no there’s another Florida this are you serious right now yippe I’m so excited and oh my goodness there’s a new skeleton okay this is going to make me stronger so let me fight him ow oh my gosh he’s so powerful ow ow owow I’m sorry dude oh my goodness I got you TV man I got you are you guys wasting so much time it’s just one dude finish him off already he’s really powerful man we’re trying our best and uh we just did it let’s go no thanks to you ja that was way too easy now wa what is this place this place is crazy and oh wait did the armor just open up the way and wait we can use all this gear for when the CBO Army attacks oh this is so goated this is perfect uh let’s just grab some of this stuff and get out of here cuz we don’t have a lot of time yeah we don’t have a lot of time we really got to get out of here as soon as possible but don’t worry we have so much armor now for the whole town to use for when the CMOS come and destroy us oh my goodness come on we’ve been digging for so long guys are we all here oh yes we’re all here come on we’re got to get out of here and oh my goody goodness we’re at the surface now finally fresh air Jack smells so bad did you shower um why would I need a shower I just put on some deodorant that’s um no that’s that’s nasty dude all righty and I think I got a lot stronger too wow uh T man you’re a lot taller and oh my goody goodness you got a lot bigger too baby ja well duh like I said you’re never going to be stronger than me well I’m a lot bigger than you buddy just saying and he’s a lot um more muscular than you are ja look at those little noodle arms okay I mean just cuz he’s a little bit bigger than me doesn’t mean he’s stronger doesn’t matter oh is someone scared I’m not scared he’s just in the way I’m going to go find Kane so we can start setting up the defenses wait a second is that my son you’ve grown so much uh what’s up Mr ja how you doing bro who the heck are you I’m TV man the the baby guy wow how’d you end up getting bigger than my son that’s so weird okay it doesn’t matter if he’s bigger than me I’m still stronger anyway guess I was wrong about you why don’t you uh get working and help us with our defenses Chop Chop TV boy oh okay wait this isn’t fair why do you get the help wait I don’t want to help anyway hello everyone pomy told me you guys were back uh yes yes I’m back I brought some blocks so that we could build a defense hurry take these oh my goodness okay let’s grab all this stuff and start building our defenses come on the CFOs are coming from the ocean so we need to build a wall blocking them we’re coming what in the what is that a CMO oh gosh I’m really scared right now we got to fight up these monsters though and don’t worry we got to build our defenses up come on TV man you can do it I’m working on the interior uh can you guys work any faster please they’re coming I’m trying my best oh my goodness this is so scary I can’t believe this is happening right now we got to go come on oh my goodness we got to keep building our defenses and uh what in the what are you doing jack um I’m building the wall what does it look like stupid dude that is out of dirt are you serious right now that’s not going to help us oh my goodness okay nobody else gave me any blocks they’re almost here everybody brace yourselves oh my goodness I’m out of blocks Jack do you have any blocks um no I already used all of mine okay okay I guess we’re going to have to work with this get your weapons oh my goodness okay I’m going to go on top of this house using my flying powers booah oh my goodness that was goed my flying powers are so good I’m so glad I get to use them and it made me super strong I’m in the house with my sister just everyone Stand By and stand cover we’re here oh no coso no oh it’s just one that’s pretty easy let’s just kill him who do you think you are you think I would really come here alone I brought my whole Army hoai cos what in the what oh no Jack look behind you uh I see them I’m not blind besides we’re all going to die anyway who cares oh my gosh not if I’m here we’ll fight them oh my gosh there’s so many of them oh no I’m going to die here I’m actually going to die yeah that’s what I just said oh no wait but pomy said uh just be confident and I can kill them all oh no get them Cosmos get them they’re trying to break to the wall oh no they’re breaking through are you serious right now and we need everyone to fight pomes just stay in the house I’m I’m staying cover get your bows why are you fighting them face to face get on top of something use your bows they’re terrible at climbing oh my goodness no no no I got this watch this a I’m killing them all right now come on you’re all dead Wow TV man I’m actually quite surprised you’re doing fantastic you’re killing so many so quickly everybody back up TV man oh my goodness fight them be confident I got this I’m way stronger than everyone my goodness I see TV man has woken his ability at a young age well I do too have an ability oh no time for me to spawn in my general arise General Cosmos what in the what oh no there’s more of them oh gosh fight them oh no there’s so many of them but I just got to fight all of them PES are you okay yeah I’m surprised they haven’t attacked our house uh are you guys okay out there yeah we’re fine but oh my goodness and oh no he has a bazooka please don’t shoot that at me come here TV [Laughter] man oh my goodness he just shot his minions are you serious right now we need to protect TV man he’s the best thing we have against the big Cosmo I’m quite surprised he is our best weapon since he was so weak before I knew he had something potential in him oh my goodness come on fight the rest of these guys and oh no they’re so powerful but there’s only a few left oh my goodness I’m fighting all these monsters and there’s only three more of these guys left come on there should be no more left now come on there’s only two more and they’re so powerful but good thing I’m strong now how did he defeat my Army like this my generals my minions they’re all godone well you know what if you think think that was easy now it’s time to fight me what the heck is this fat loser talking about you want to die up here rabit uh no but you couldn’t do it anyway ugly that’s it I’m boyage oh my goodness he’s shooting the house are you serious right now okay he’s done shoot him with the bow and oh my goodness I don’t have any ammo oh my gosh can I please have some arrows Kane give me yes of course give me one second oh my godness he’s shooting everything Kane quickly quickly quickly come here whoa hurry get behind this tree over here we get behind here we got to hide we got to hide oh no this is really scary right now now and I really hope pom’s okay I’m out of bazooka ammo well that’s fine I still got my Longbow uh we’re fine uh we’re just hiding okay I’m I’m glad you guys are okay just stay in there it’s fine with there he’s almost dead don’t worry T man we built a little safe room for everybody oh yeah we did build one but let me kill him and ah no you one shoted him how’s that even possible there’s no way you got that strong so quickly um I I don’t know how I did it it must be the bow I had or something and I got really strong as well I found that bow in the bottom of the cave we like completely destroyed it and won everything really give me that bow it’s right there Kane look oh okay you got this bow okay that makes sense this bow is one of the most powerful bows that exists in the entire Multiverse how did you even get this oh I got it in the bottom of the cave we completed everything wow that is spectacular well it seems like you got super strong got some amazing weapons and defeated the enemy Welcome to the Family TV man all right well let me go check out PES and make sure they’re okay all right let me go check on pomy make sure she’s okay and uh PES are you guys okay uh yeah we’re fine uh how did The Invasion go it was fine okay we it it was good I I destroyed them in one shot that’s wonderful I knew we could count on you you saved the day without you we might have all died yeah you did an amazing job but um what’s your name again I kind of forgot yeah because you weren’t doing anything the whole time we didn’t even see you all right anyway I’m just so happy everyone’s okay anyways welcome to the family TV man thank you so much oh I’m so happy right now wow great job TV man you know when I first met you I thought you were really annoying and I was right but I mean you did a good job doing my work for me so I appreciate it man why are you congratulating this loser I literally helped you guys so much what are you talking about son what are you talking about he’s way stronger than you and he saved the day just what I would expect from my number one Lackey oh my gosh whatever I don’t care thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe subscribe subscribe if you want subscribe everybody

This video, titled ‘Adopted by CATNAP FAMILY and POMNI FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-03-07 18:00:08. It has garnered 186352 views and 1077 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:18 or 12498 seconds.

Adopted by CATNAP FAMILY and POMNI FAMILY in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

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    Surviving 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft - CRAZY TWIST!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Cisco’s Medieval Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KixCharms on 2024-04-06 12:00:03. It has garnered 15225 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:21 or 4761 seconds. 100 Days – Cisco’s Medieval Minecraft I Spent 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft In this video, I survived 100 days in Minecraft on HARDCORE. But this wasn’t a normal survival, I modded this completely and was inspired by Luke The Notable and Forge Labs. I survived 100 days in modded Minecraft. Zombies, Skeletons, and even pigs would destroy me… Read More

  • 👽MAN-404: Mind-Blowing Anime Music Trap Video🔥

    👽MAN-404: Mind-Blowing Anime Music Trap Video🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#music #anime #bass #beat #freefire #shortsvideo #subscribe #minecraft #trap 👽👽👽’, was uploaded by M̸A̸N̸-404 on 2024-02-14 15:52:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Platinum End

    Platinum EndA RUSSIAN-SPEAKING VANILLA ANARCHY SERVER. Each dimension of the server covers an area of 60,000,000 x 60,000,000 blocks, which is equivalent to a border coverage of 30,000,000 blocks. This is a unique world that was generated at server launch and is not accessible for download or viewing from outside. For example, it’s not an archived map from a 2b2t-style anarchy server. Each dimension has its own unique seed, making it distinct from any other gaming worlds. SIZE The vanilla size is preserved in each dimension without alterations or reductions. The server map has never been wiped, so in many areas,… Read More

  • The Land of Ooo: SMP 1.21, No Crowding, Friendly Community, Fun

    🎉 Big Announcement! 🎉 Hey everyone, I’m absolutely thrilled to share the news about the GRAND OPENING of The Land of Ooo SMP! We officially launched on JUNE 13TH, right alongside the highly awaited 1.21 update! 🚀✨ 📅 Save the Date: If you’re still on the lookout for an outstanding 1.21 server, your search ends here. The Land of Ooo SMP promises a laid-back, community-centric atmosphere where collaboration and having fun are our top priorities! 🙌 🌟 Why The Land of Ooo SMP? 🌟 Simplified Fun: We cut through the over-complicated features of other servers to focus on what truly… Read More

  • BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4 | ATM9 TTS | StoneBlock2 | ATM9

    BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4 | ATM9 TTS | StoneBlock2 | ATM9Filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text iller text Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A peasant’s dream home (in Salad Fingers voice)

    “Ah, a perfect house for a simple man. A house made entirely of dirt and adorned with a lovely creeper explosion. How quaint and charming. I like rusty spoons.” Read More

  • Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32

    Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, As Doc Brennan moves villagers to fancy new inns. With precision and care, he builds and he crafts, Creating a world where creativity lasts. From Twitch to YouTube, his content does flow, Captivating audiences with each new show. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok too, For updates and highlights, all in rhyme for you. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft reigns, And join Doc Brennan as he entertains. With rhymes and emojis, the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement holds. Read More

  • Minecraft Challenge: Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999 🔥😂

    Minecraft Challenge: Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999 🔥😂 When you finally reach Ore Rank 999 in Minecraft and realize you’ve spent more time mining virtually than you have in real life. #gamerproblems #minecraftaddict Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind is the place to be for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage… Read More

  • The Untold History of Minecraft’s Rise

    The Untold History of Minecraft's Rise The Rise of Minecraft: From Sandbox Game to Global Phenomenon Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival. Available on various platforms such as PC, iOS, and Android, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. But what exactly has propelled Minecraft to such immense popularity? Exploring the World of Minecraft At its core, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s open-ended nature encourages creativity and imagination, making it appealing to players of all ages. Key… Read More

  • Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build – Minecraft!

    Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Taiga Alchemist´s House – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Enchanted.Architecture on 2024-07-11 17:00:29. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:32 or 1652 seconds. In this Minecraft Taiga Alchemist´s House Tutorial video, I’ll show you How to build a stunning and authentic Alchemist´s house in taiga style. Follow my step-by-step guide to create your own Minecraft Alchemist´s House for your survival world. House includes some alchemy interior decorations. Material list is in video. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please give it a thumbs up, leave… Read More

  • Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block Race

    Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block RaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2024-06-23 00:04:31. It has garnered 878700 views and 10911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Read More


    UNLOCKED: EL MODO HARDCORE en MINECRAFT 🤯😳Video Information This video, titled ‘YA TENEMOS EL MODO HARCORE EN MINECRAFT BEDROCK 🤯😱 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #short’, was uploaded by Bleick on 2024-04-05 15:17:12. It has garnered 3343 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!

    Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Desert Nation! : Nations and Nobles’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2024-01-08 17:17:10. It has garnered 249 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:49 or 11509 seconds. Let’s work on our desert nation! This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as… Read More

  • 🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!

    🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tʏᴘᴇs Oғ Yᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇʀ Iɴ Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ | Pᴀʀᴛ 2 | #shorts#minecraft #gamerfleet #yessmartypie #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Naveen Is Live on 2024-03-21 01:48:40. It has garnered 6550 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping down and… Read More

  • ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56

    ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56Video Information This video, titled ‘JAG DÖDAR VARENDA MOB I MINECRAFT – Alla advancements #56’, was uploaded by ChrisWhippit on 2024-05-11 07:00:03. It has garnered 3687 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:02 or 1622 seconds. Welcome to Our series called: All advancements in Minecraft! Do you want to support the channel a little extra? Become a member today! Click the link to subscribe! ✔️ Subscribe: Do you have a collaboration proposal that you want to send? Do this below: 📧 Collaboration Requests: [email protected] Want to buy a shirt or a cap? Click on… Read More

  • INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPE

    INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Mods Survival (+ Aukce) | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #26 | HYPE 780 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-16 21:35:25. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:55 or 12115 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————–… Read More

  • Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!

    Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Checking out the Minecraft update with viewers’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-06-14 01:40:56. It has garnered 129 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 06:45:30 or 24330 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support and if you do it I’ll give… Read More

  • 🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED – Epic Stampy’s Parkour Part 4! 🤯

    🔥 ARYAN PIE REVEALED - Epic Stampy's Parkour Part 4! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘stampy’s parkour part 4 #minecraft #freefire #remix #music #anime #dj’, was uploaded by YES ARYAN PIE on 2024-01-09 09:07:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Create and Origins modded SMP

    Create and Origins modded SMPWelcome to Steam And Copper; a server with many mods, primarily focusing on automation and exploration. We use such mods as Create, Immersive Engineering, most FTB mods, origins (with all of our origins being custom-made for this server), terralith, farmer’s delight, undergarden, and many more interesting additions which will offer many ways to entertain you and make your stay absolutely unforgettable! Read More