Shocking Myths That Will RUIN Minecraft Trust!

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the newest version of Minecraft just released so we’re going to be busting a 100 myth starting with if you land on a breeze you won’t take any fall damage okay well first you got to land on the breeze now we can actually land on this Breeze please all right well that’s busted there are new variations of a wolf including the blood nether variation okay this is legit I’m excited to see this all right we got default wolf okay so now we got to change up the biomes oh look at this guy’s sick looking okay oh jungle jungle come here jungle oh do wait this guy looks actually so good I don’t even know what to call this guy although he do he kind of look like Simba from Lion King I ain’t going to lie okay there’s way more biomes we got to try out all the variations how about this water dog no water dog oh it’s a wait hey you can see a slight different in this variation whenever in the forest I don’t like this one I’m sorry you’re ugly oh dude now they’re just making a biome names like I swear what is an old growth Pine Tha get I don’t know but if it gives me a new dog which it does I’m naming this guy creep I got bit by an attack dog for a video you see that right there that guy right there that’s what he did to me oh please tell me you’re going to be a beautiful snow dog wait okay slight difference he does look like kind of like an icy Fox oh dude this guy this guy would fet a pretty penny as much as I love you I I got to try out this new blood nether variation if it even exists cuz if it does you know how sick that would be that would literally be actually gamechanging please show me the blood nether woof that blood woof oh man man okay this is the big moment this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for does the blood nether wolf exist 3 2 1 why does he have to be so average man piglins you know what to do come on piglins what the hell hey yo all right we’re going to the next myth there are secret rooms in trial Chambers first of all these are amazing now I know we’re looking for something that looks secretive oh wait a second wait is this it maybe we should go into creative mode that’s a little better oh dude now tell me this is a secret room without telling me this is a secret room there’s a door wait is there like op loot in here it looks like the inside of a villager house tell me this isn’t like a villager building a secret room in the trial chamber mending very rare to find but I’m a little disappointed with everything else and where’s the Villager that definitely is camping here I see emeralds I know a villager been here I I told you where’s this guy at huh oh this guy no I’m not doing this I’m not doing this I’m going to the next myth you can start a secret villager trial run by right clicking villager spawn eggs on one of the spawners oh come on this would be sick wait wait that’s a villager inside there okay I probably have to be in survival oh wao whoo what’s happening wait wait the Villager spawned can I do this in creative mode am I am I cheating okay what do this guy want do I just have to make trades okay I’m going to give him uh let’s give him a ton of emeralds do okay so do I need to level this guy up that’s what I’m starting to think here oh my gosh that’s a lot of fish okay what he wants cook cod oh we can make that happen Captain all right take your Cod oh he’s still at The Apprentice level we have so much more work to do here so I did all those trades for nothing cuz he’s expert and I’m getting nothing literally we did all that for nothing this myth is busted so server please kill the Villager ah Justice trial spawners cannot spawn mobs when there are torches around it like a regular spawner if we cover this up no zombie should spawn just make it sure okay good now if we go in survival mode do the same thing cover this bad boy in torches will the spawner try still spawn hey it still spawns and now I’m dead I have nothing to defend myself with that is busted all right now we’re going to see if you use the C trial ruins you will spawn inside of a trial okay trial ruins just like this dude I will say I love this like the new UI is beautiful looking but it still takes forever to spawn a world oh wa actually a little bit oh well yeah we definitely did not spawn inside the trial now dead way uh let’s see it could be beneath us hey it could be it could it it can’t be no there nothing beneath us this is empty promises fishing rods can light TNT on fire you just have to throw it through Lava no can a natural end portal spawn with 12 Eyes of Ender already inside of it yes but these are the chances so most likely it will never happen to you unless you’re drink so if you pick up a totem of undying as you die you survive so we’re going to throw the totem of undying down all right we got to wait we get the the totems got to go all the way down then we jump no shot this works this is mindblowing okay you can jump two blocks without any effects you just have to use damage and timing it’s kind of weird but I swear this is possible I don’t know you guys want have to rate this one in the comments if it’s rare or not I would say this one is like medium rare but not that rare if you crouch as soon as you hit the ground you take no fall damage I’m calling BS on this one yeah I don’t I don’t know man no shots wouldn’t this okay if this actually works I feel like this would be used so much oh I’m going to try to get this one we’re going to be here for [Music] hours oh I’m done no I’m done that one’s fake I mean we just probably died a 100 different times there and it didn’t work you can make text on signs glow because they released the glow squid thanks dream I also voted for the glow squid um but that’s beside the point there was a time when Minecraft was going to add a couple different mobs and the glow squid won and he drops a glow ink sack so what you do you can literally write whatever you want I’m obviously not going to write anything that’s self-promotional anyways now all you have to do is once you have the text that you like you just right click it with the glowing sack and boom it looks so much better and you even get an advancement glow behold water will stop skull veins from spreading anything you kill next to the skull does this you even get an advancement saying it spreads but the myth is that you can use water to stop it so I’m going to place water all around these skull veins will it contain the skull vein spread oh my go it doesn’t contain the spread what are we going to do what do we do there’s an infection and it’s going to destroy everything do not come out a can’t take damage if they’re holding something all right and I’m assuming it’s going to die wow big shocker all right we’re now we’re going to give this one a diamond and then see if it takes any damage oh okay don’t move stay right there you need to take damage what all right now I’ve giving this one TNT just to double check all right now you can’t move no no no stop Flying and flopping dude all right there’s no way you’re surviving that this one’s got to be dead you got to be kidding me so it doesn’t even matter what item they’re holding they can just survive anything very rare but it’s not beating the totem of undying version if you throw an ender pearl straight in the air and then jump into an in Portal you get teleported to a secret Dimension when it lands wow a totally legitimate Dimension named after our merchand guys at firem where you can get the free IOS and Android app isn’t that insane so if a cat spawns inside a witch hut it will always be a black cat all right so as you see we have the Hut all right I’m going to make a nice slight incision from the top over here so as you can see wait that’s on the roof we’re not even in so oh that’s so weird no no even baby black cats so the witch’s Hut is so powerful that it even works in a one block radius around it but as soon as you go two blocks away you’re getting all sorts of different cats and it has to be the Hut so if we take the Witch and we’re going to put the witch in this tree it spawns regular cats around the witch no black cats we’re going to kill the witch inside the hut and then we’re going to spawn the cats are they still black cats they’re still black you can summon any structure in Minecraft using a command and the command is SL Place structure wa but you can place a tiger Village let’s see how does it know where to place it I think it just uses you as like a Center Point there’s even villagers what what and the chests are full as well to really test this we got to play something different beached shipwreck oh wow that’s so it does I mean it’s a little glitchy cuz it doesn’t really know exactly where to place it oh my just placed a mansion this is pretty good and the best thing about this is it’s not just the structure it’s everything that would also be inside of the structure even the chests have everything inside of them pretty rare but still not rare enough to defeat our totem of undying men you can run underwater only on mud so here we have dirt when we try to run here’s what happens if we just start swimming but now we have mud now here’s the interesting thing this worked in a previous version and here’s us doing it but will it work in the newest version 1192 oh this is a big moment right now no they fixed it Mojang can’t keep getting away with this he can’t keep getting away with this thanks Mojang there’s a myth that you can make an infinite source of lava this is going to be my helper today to test and see if the lava is real or not so here’s the resources that you need to try this myth you need a CLD to collect the lava and then on top of it you just need blocks all right dripstone goes beneath and then all you have to do is build something that can hold the lava and Bam lava goes down in the center and it should th oh we have our first little drip you can even hear the drip sound effects so if it takes away from this it’s not truly infinite cuz it’s just taking it from one place and putting it into another I would say though if this works it is way more rare than the totem of undy so obviously it takes a while and I’m going to beg you all to like this video every time you see the dripstone drip because that would make my video look extra drippy funny joke this is a controversial one because there is legend that there is a Red Enderman and the way to get him to come out of the nether you make the corners of your nether portal with nether rack I’m calling straight cap on this one but then what you do inside of the Overworld is you set your day to night and then you get a campfire of each color put them in front and then you wait he sets a bu got you if you got scared you have to subscribe was that a mean way to uh ask you to subscribe to the channel yes while this one is dripping we actually can bust another dripstone myth side by side so you know that this is legit or not the myth is that you can turn mud into water not as impressive as Jesus turning water into wine but still impressive nonetheless we are going to put mud right here oh actually we want to put this one a little bit higher I’m going to wao what the heck is that I’m going to build over here so obviously the mud has water in it but if you put the dripstone beneath it it’s supposed to drip all of the water out of the mud and turn it into a regular clay block kind of like if you put a sponge into a furnace look blo ancient debris is just condensed warped logs left from Minecraft since 2011 I mean when you think about them okay we’re going to look at these side by side they do look very similar because of the fact ancient debris has this spiral top it looks almost identical to the Warped stem almost not quite but doesn’t it like oh I don’t know man now that I’m looking at these side by side I feel like this could be true this is more of a conspiracy theory myth you have to help me decide in the comments I I can’t decide for myself okay we still don’t have any lava yet but our lava up here has not dissipated that’s a good sign oh oh wo did you see that though there’s like six drops that came out of the dripstone all simultaneously we got nothing else better to do might as well eat some lunch epic amazing I felt bad for a second but I realized this burrito has chicken in it it does not have beef so cow you’re fun any day now that’d be fantastic oh oh it happened no way dude I literally have so look at the sauce on my hands I can I can’t even use my mouse hand hold on I’m doing this with one hand now the big question is did it take the lava source block that’s what I want to know no way so you can genuinely get an infinite lava source these days we still have to wait for this mud block to turn into clay oh we suck dude okay we technically did this myth incorrectly I feel really dumb right now so you technically need a stone buffering for whatever reason it buffer I don’t know how this works but apparently the only way to test this myth correctly is to do it this way mud Stone drip Stone this is a spicy myth the myth is that villagers are just ravagers that have been scientifically mutated and have had tests ran on them because if you look at the face of a villager it isn’t that far off from the ravager I mean look at these guys side by side I don’t know and then if you spawn a Pillager like look at this they don’t have the same eyebrows look at that they don’t have a unibrow that unibrow is what unifies the fact that ravagers are villagers I’m actually convinced about this one without cap that later in Minecraft they’re going to reveal that ravagers are villagers if you mine every single obsidian pillar in the end you get a secret achievement and here we go did not mean to do that oh you got to get the bottoms too oh my wow what I didn’t realize that these have like the roots of the pillars go this deep this is just going to make it that much longer for me to break every single one of them 1 2 3 4 and five 6 and this is the last one okay oh my God how deep is it why is it so deep Joe come help me break it manually we’re going to I’m calling in backup this myth cannot be busted alone I’m going I got to be careful just not to break the last block cuz here it is the last block three 2 one that’s I that’s perfect cuz you you get it when a village has a well inside of it there’s a one in million chance that there’s a button on it and it opens a secret room underneath the well um I’ll tell you this I’ve been playing Minecraft for way too long and I’ve never seen a button on anywhere in the well it just doesn’t exist has this always been here I’m going to click it I’m pretty sure this is just a planted button because I didn’t hear anything trigger when I activated it but I’ll swim to the bottom of the well what is that what is it what’s in here there’s a Lecter here villagers manual do not ever give a good deal don’t speak in front of humans only huh emeralds is life understandably make sure to subscribe or we will steal all your emeralds I promise you I didn’t do this this was the production team okay if you’re angry with me right now you should get mad at them frogs can eat slimes I’ve really never ran into a lot of frogs in Minecraft they’re kind of gross looking but apparently they’ll eat the Slime no why would why would you eat the Slime I mean okay so if they’ll eat a slime will they eat a Magma Cube there’s no shot oh there’s also a myth too that frogs can poop out lights is that a light wait did he just eat the Magma Cube and give me a light source a pearlescent okay I got to make sure this isn’t fake did that really just happen where you go frog don’t leave oh look at him walk out he just poops out a light and thinks that this guy owns the entire world huh so does he do it with any other Hostile Mobs all right here’s a skeleton what do you think no interest huh I still don’t think it can beat the infinite lava source tadpoles will grow into different colored frogs that depending on which biome they grow up in snow desert warm wither skeletons can spawn with any item in their hand including a bow I’ve genuinely never seen a wither skeleton without anything except for a stone sword but there is a very tiny chance that they can spawn with a bow or other types of weapons in their hand that is false but in previous versions of Minecraft you could push a skeleton through a nether portal and it would turn into a Wither with a bow but you can still spawn them with a command block and they are terrifying if I go into game mode survival I’m way less scared uh look at this guy he’s a flame bow terrifying and the it was version to my cats can survive Max fall damage the height limit in the newest version of Minecraft is 319 blocks I am going to spawn the cats right here and I’m going to push it off as you all know on the channel okay I don’t like cats all right maybe I would consider liking cats if you downloaded the free fire merch app on IOS and Android but I’m not making any promises it’s built into my DNA cats are always supposed to on all four legs and not supposed to die I’m going to follow this cat oh God where did it go wow now I know why there’s so many furries at conventions the jungle villagers are hiding the crabby patty formula inside of their temples don’t try to run away from me I know you’ve got the formula only see sometimes you try to make things peaceful and they just don’t want it to be that way there it is you know how important this is to me we even made an entire video on our real life Channel with over 10 million views trying to figure out what’s inside of the secret formula for a crabby patty there it is the temple with the secret formoli get out of my way villagers lights on ah much better okay come on really this is all you have protecting the secret formula oh I’m going to read you so good what was that was that TNT there’s a secret biome in Minecraft the upside down from stranger things and this is it now it might look normal but look at the particle effects that are surrounding this place and most of the village houses are upside down once you enter the village look at the purple even the water’s upside down oh this is weird ooh I don’t like the sounds I don’t like the sounds okay get me out of here you can breed frogs with slime balls which would make sense because technically they eat slimes no you guys are literally slime balls look I can’t see what’s beneath the frogs you know what I’m saying so I don’t know which one’s which are those the tadpoles don’t walk on the eggs you’re going to break the warden is just a mutated Iron Golem who was fed A Notch Apple trying to heal him they definitely have similar body shape and the warden doesn’t even have any more eyes what do you think is this lore cap or fact there is a secret trap door underneath Snow Village Igloo you know I mean this place is pretty small and I don’t see anything inside of here unless wait a second no surely not surely this no okay I’m opening it three two alls will bring their items to the note block instead of you if the note block is activated for 10 or more seconds uh as you can see the LA just betrayed my trust entirely and brought his items to the note block instead of me if you eat 37 carrots in 1 minute you gain permanent night vision you know I could see this working they do say that carrots are very very good for your health why would you get permanent night vision for eating 30 37 Kats I feel like this would already have been shown at some point in time that her moang would have patched it but I’ll eat the 37 carats okay I know you guys want to see it that’s right I’m I mean I’m smun we’re almost through Noob wants a new home go buy him at firem I’m eating these carrots God and busted what did I tell you nothing happened I’ve been dying to bust this myth because you can save yourself from drowning by sleeping in a bed oh no I’m drowning oh but I had have a bed boom oxygen how sick is that and then you just swim away like nothing ever happened I hate to say this that’s going to take off the infinite lava source for me the fact that a bed can save your life from drowning that’s number one now okay that is the rarest myth that’s been true so far today if you shoot your bow and arrow beneath a cauldron filled with lava it will turn your normal arrows in the fire arrows meaning if there are mobs on the other side you can actually set them on fire so like there you see his toes okay don’t put this on weaky feet don’t be weird oh that’s so cool wait why does it work by going underneath that doesn’t make any sense that’s so weird I mean I don’t know a bunch of like circumstances where this would be actually useful but it does work rain will melt snowmen basically killing them Joe do the rain dance I know you Britain know how to do it that’s what I’m talking about all right we’re seeing some movements I’m still waiting for the rain Joe oh my Joe Stop The Rain Dance Stop The Rain Dance what have we done what have we done you did this you’re complicit in the murder of six snowman you can make an overpowered Wither Skeleton farm with charged creepers as we all know if a mob dies through a Charged Creeper their head always drops so with this we spawn in the withers and with this we spawn in the supercharged creeper and then when it explodes and you’re too close you die but if we teleport back look at what we’re left with oh look at 24 heads with this you could Farm Withers all day every day you can mine reinforc deep slate if your pickaxe has efficiency 255 oh there’s a crack but the real question is does it actually drop the block yo yes no it doesn’t drop what’s the point if you kill a goat with looting 255 they drop a secret goat horn sorry goats but but this is for science yeah all right dude I have been told that this makes probably the best sound that anybody has ever heard and this is coming from an audio file those are people that really like sounds and purchase those expensive headphones called Apple airpods Mac or whatever you know what I’m talking about be ready to witness the greatest sound in three 2 [Applause] [Music] 1 turn it off if you die in a hardcore world you’re lets die with you as you can see cat has collar now I just need to die Iron Golem please do me the favor oh oh where’ my cat go it’s still there it’s got the collar around its neck it’s going to be there it’s frozen forever ah it’s fine it’s a cat you can always find diamonds if you go to the center of a clay deposit and go seven blocks out on the seventh one you dig straight down if I find diamonds I’m going to scream like a little girl oh oh wait there was I dug a little bit further and there actually is a vein of diamonds I think that’s confirmed you can jump two blocks with fire damage come on how do we do this oh myth’s got me fired up I will extinguish this myth if you throw a trident with loyalty and a full inventory it will chase you forever so my inventory is completely full right now I want to see where’s the Trident at there it is there it is there it is oh my gosh it’s literally forking me oh please leave a like on this video so this stops happening using in rods you can create a one-way wall to protect you from mobs so we got all these zombies out here right but you can go inside of the in rods but not even the baby zombies can for whatever reason this is oh but they can push each other through oh that’s bad can they get out once they’re in there look at them they’re stuck oh and you can push them back out look at this get them out get them out get them out and look he can’t make his way back in that is incredible you can’t blow up nether Stars we’re going to put a nether star on one side and then we’re going to put the diamond on the other side and we’re going to see which one survives there’s just no chance of this working right oh man I was going to say this was the star of the myth but that’s too cringe this creeper angry surely the creeper can blow up the nether star no okay I’m going to put the nether star in a frame surely that’s going to blow up that can’t last we found a way to break it that will star P you can sleep under lava in a bed and you don’t take damage excuse me how am I just now finding out about this this is not fake lava that is real lava as you can see I’m burning iron golems can’t take fall damage or can they all right Iron Golem let’s see what you got going on here come on and there he goes really do they not take fall damage because their bodies are so hard made of iron or are they just built different I mean will I take fall damage if I fall surely I will yep yep of course if red mushrooms were hit with lightning they turn into brown mushrooms no shots yeah I knew that was bogus that’s stupid okay well what about if you have a supercharged creeper creeper is now supercharged he’s going to explode will he blow up the nether star no it still doesn’t blow up I don’t understand you can make a hidden ladder with item frames and we even have a live audience for this man in order to do this you need a map finds need an item frame it it frames put the maps over them Vines you look at this and watch this oh look at this I’m so very secret using a sword in your off hand with looting still works so typically with looting you would use it like this right but I’m going to have it in my off hand and see if the Looting still works I don’t think that worked I only got one pork chop cuz look if I used my netherite swore I got three pork chops so with looting Three Feathers okay looting in the off hand ah I think every cat that you spawn in a witch’s Hut will always be black I’m going to summon a cat that one I don’t know if they’re necessarily black they’re kind of they’re kind of purple yeah they’re oh my yo so if I stand out here will they be a different color oh that is weird you can die signs this sign is daring me to die it if you could die signs I would have done this so much longer ago no no dude no no no no no I would have known about this how am I just now figuring this out placing a wet sponge in the nether dries it out so you don’t get the water back if you use a lava bucket in a furnace with a wet sponge you actually get the water back into the bucket wait and then also does this work in the nether I’ve never tried this if you stare at an Enderman dead in the eyes he won’t attack you I do not believe this I am looking right into his soul I think it’s working so your Crosshair has to be like perfectly in the middle of his eyes that’s how you got to do it man you got to assert your Primal dominance and just stare at him in the eyes and then you wanton to attack you but if you look away look at this oh no no no that is so weird you know I think Inderman are just misunderstood or not in Portals can break bedrock ah dude if this works I’m going to be quite surprised I mean it would kind of make sense 3 2 1 oh the Portal’s backwards that’s actually not the only way to break bedrock but that was sick it’s not it’s dup okay I don’t know why I can’t do this this is going a lot farther though I feel [Music] like if you go back to our one of our Minecraft Miss video we did a five block jump which is 17 Pixel Perfect jumps in a row 17 Pixel Perfect jumps in Road five block jump can’t make a two block jump with fire I’m going to try again oh I I twice you take no fall damage if you disconnect and reconnect midair I’m going to try this and we’re logging back in I think we’re still going to die to be honest but we’ll see why doesn’t everybody do this dude if you have a Hardcore Minecraft world and this happens to you this could be gamechanging if you search excited Ze in the crafting table it’s supposed to change your language to pirate uh heyo Reeve revealing smashable Treasures look at this crafted loot bag farm and stick of rock can blazes start a campfire all right come on Blaze come on blaze it up baby yeah right here yes oh that’s so cute I mean not that you would ever really want to do this but it does work this Blaze has terrible aim making an Ender port portal through the in Portal creates a new dimension I this one’s like hard to explain but I think you guys understand where I’m coming from I mean this could work right it’s there’s a low chance this this works but if it works it’s going to be amazing all right put the Eyes in oh dude what kind of Witchcraft is this this is supposed to make a new dimension negative you can track the Wither in the end by spawning him sideways so this is weird is he actually going to spawn oh he did spawn look at his tail oh my gosh look at this he’s trapped inside of the portal look at this he’s taking Tak damage from being stuck inside of the Bedrock oh my gosh this is crazy now the question is do I take damage from him we do not take damage this is the best way to defeat a Wither using only fences you can make a one-way animal farm so instead of connecting the vences you just do this it’s like you can just walk in and out right and look if you spawn cows and we try to lure them out with the weeds it works like they they can’t escape but you can get in ooh but does it work with pigs pigs are a little bit smaller it does in fact work with pigs all right but chickens though chickens are smaller than both of these and wait is it working oh my gosh oh I think the chicken wait I think the chicken got pushed out by the cow yeah so it actually worked so the chickens can kind of Escape if they get pushed out by the other mobs but this works you can Sprint while crouching if you’re sneaking this is as fast as you can go but it might work if you use trap doors so oh my god oh that is so weird how are we this fast oh that is insanity why does that work also we’re about to at 20 million subscribers on my original Preston Channel look at the shirt that we’re going to be releasing releasing at 20 mil okay look at that how sick is that it’s going to be available at firem once we hit 20 million which will be very soon it might already be at 20 million by the time you’re seeing this video it’s limited edition so you can get it at firem if you want it you can use drip leaves to make a secret entrance in Minecraft when you step on drip leaves they fall down so it’s kind of like a trap door and if you wait it should make you go yes just like this and then you can enter your Secret Base and then you can also have a secret painting in your secret base with a smiley face and diamonds you can use snow to Tower infinitely oh this is amazing at first I was like how do you do this but you can just keep taking as long as you have two buckets at the beginning how has dream not used this for his manhunts yet this is this is Manhunt material ladies and gentlemen giving a creeper a full stack of TNT makes it friendly right now he is not very friendly so take this stack take the stack of TNT my guy come on okay or we can just explode in Anger that’s great too no no no no wait hold on relax dude relax no no no no no no no yes stay right there stay right there take the TNT think about it okay all right okay whoever came up with that one is pretty dumb if you have a trident with channeling you can make infinite lightning so we’ve got this contraption setup this is the only way this could be possible type in weather it’s raining now and and it works I mean we had to die to make it work but you can literally make infinite lightning and thunder that’s pretty is the warden actually the strongest mob in Minecraft the Wither might have something to say to that wither versus Warden come on Warden he’s going in Mele oh my God the oh my gosh are Enderman Invincible to arrows what all right this time we’ve got three Enderman come on it bounces off of all three of them villagers can sleep in the nether I’ve trapped a villager in beds to test this myth it works so what happens if I try to sleep in a bed sorry you can spawn secret jungle villagers they’re supposed to look like Tarzan I’ve never seen this villager in my entire life iron golems can’t drown they are made of iron which makes sense and now we wait 2 hours later he’s looking at me like why did you put me in this hole you can spawn giant slimes oh my God he just jumped across the entire River and one hop this could be the next villain in a Marvel movie all right so we tested with the slimes what happens when you spawn a magma slime he just jumped in outer space if you don’t follow them in spectator mode when they jump they’re so big they get deleted from Minecraft you can make armored villagers which can survive a zombie attack so this is a villager with full netherite this is a villager without netherite he can survive two Critical Hits this one can survive three four five 6 six what since one can you put armor on villagers snowballs can kill a blaze faster than a netherite axe I don’t think that’s true all right I’m going to just show you right now we have one Blaze one 2 3 4 5 6 7 with a netherite axe that’s busted we just asked that myth zombie pigman will crush turtle legs there’s no way this is a cute adorable Pig you are an awful creature you can save an axel lottle with a lava bucket I just want to apologize to all the Axel fans giving a fish a water breathing potion allows them to breathe on land oh the effects are actually on the fish oh that was busted you can turn the warden invisible with a potion invisibility oh dude as if they needed to be any more terrifying horses can ride in boats I don’t know how to do this go horse it around get in the boat you’re going to drown what about a baby horse you know they say teach them while they’re young what no no no but this is not busted this actually works you just have to use a baby and a lead I’m going to name him SE biscuit it only seems fitting you can Shear a villager with silk touch I don’t what is there to Shear uh there would never be a way to Shear a you can turn skeletons into Strays by using snow all right get some of this I put some powdered snow on them sh it’s like a Pokémon transformation oh that’s sick that myth did not stray away from being amazing our Minecraft world is actually infinite we’re just going to try to TP really far away the Minecraft world is actually not infinite I can only type in tp3 million 2003 million so it’s not infinite you can’t turn the Wither invisible I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to do this let’s see so you can make the warden invisible but you can’t can’t make the wither invisible zombies won’t burn if they’re in cobweb I don’t believe this one I just I think it’s fake I can’t believe this lightning can turn a villager into a witch I don’t think this is possible 10,000 years what you can kill an iron golem with just your fist why don’t we come back to this one it’s going to take a while if your Axel gets struck by lightning it turns it into a rare Axel well that’s definitely busted a turtle will drop a bowl for turtle soup if get killed by lightning I don’t see why that would happen dude if you spawn enough rabbits you get a killer rabbit that will attack you these guys aren’t Killers they’re little bunnies ah these rabbits look normal to me and they’re very cute I don’t see the issue and just to prove it I’m going to go in survival oh what where did that one come from what are you doing what he’s got a name t all jokes aside the only way to get the killer bunny to spawn is by typing this command but somebody did say it was a myth that if you spawned enough rabbits eventually you would get to kill a rabbit and that’s just not true so this is [Music] busted you can you can clutch fall damage with a bed now I’ve never tried this and now you know why somebody said it only works with the red bed I will disprove this twice what did I say Frost Walker stops magma damage that makes absolutely no sense this is why myths need to be tested because too many of them are true do you understand this is good soup all right we’ve tested a lot of stupidness so far but this is the dumbest one it’s saying you can break an in portal with mushrooms there’s no way mushroom is eating a lot of my bone meal it’s not growing but oh oh that’s so weird the mushrooms just grow around it that’s fantastic can you survive void damage with Notch apples hold on I mean if you had infinite Notch apples you could survive this while with Jessa Smith I guess this is a great time to tell you about firem the sponsor of this video we got hoodies hats t-shirts plushies and more you don’t want to buy this guy are you kidding me confirmed you can clutch with a lava bucket I know for a fact it doesn’t work diamond armor stands are harder to break than non-diamond armor stands one 2 3 4 5 negative if you put sand on top of TNT it can break water protected blocks now if you’ve ever played factions on you know all about raing so we already know the answer to this myth but for everybody else just witness this is how you raid bases in Minecraft factions and it’s amazing the next time your friend puts water down and thinks he’s safe from your TNT Shenanigans thank again in a Minecraft boat you never lose hunger still haven’t lost hunger yet feel like Johnny Depp and the Pirates of the Caribbean I’ve gone almost 1 thousand blocks and haven’t lost even the tiniest liver of hunger confirmed Shields do not block potion damage give it your best shot you threw it over me can you stop throwing it that way throw it on there yep when you’re invisible mobs can’t see you we’ve got a zombie on our Trail who is still following me yeah look at these creepers they don’t see us look at this I mean I’m beating up the zombie right next to these creepers and they have no idea look at you you little stupid alapo apparently if you’re two blocks next to them they can see you that would have been nice to know in this Minecraft snapshot version they’re saying there’s infinite dimensions and the only way to test the myth is to throw the books from this infinite bookshelf into a nether portal no chance maybe there is a chance what what what is this Dimension hold on hold on are there more Dimensions oh that’s a different color it’s very scary looking this looks like something straight out of Star Wars why am I just now finding out about these okay this one is yellow oh dude this place is ah it’s place is creeping me out wa look at how blue it is over there when the with the rendered is is that a what is oh my gosh dude this would make like a great PvP map it’s a naked M shaft if you place a bed under an portal you will spawn there ah we’ll see about that weird you like don’t spawn at the bed if you smelt a wet sponge with lava it fills the bucket with water I don’t think it that that is no way I don’t understand and then every myth I don’t think works works and then every myth I think is going to work doesn’t end up working using a shulker box you can make a secret entrance to your base for everybody who wants to hide their diamonds from their friends or me my wife who dies with them in lava this would be really useful if it actually works like I feel like I’m a kid sliding down a fireman pole that’s amazing using a redstone clock and honeycomb blocks makes an impossible trap that you can’t even mine out of with a netherite pickaxe and we go what that that’s blowing my mind so by the time you get close enough to breaking the block it pushes you if you want to mess with your friends build one of these you can put a shulker box in a shulker box that’s posterous you see me left clicking okay I’m okay this is my mouse all right I I want to prove to you this is right clicking this is left clicking you can name locations with a banner what you’ve got to be kidding me man dude this is game changing this is insane I have to I’m sorry I have to do it I I I have to do it we have to try it it works look at it but you should subscribe seriously you can break bedrock in Minecraft with a piston and TNT a piston on the Bedrock block that you want to break TNT on top of it TNT on this side with a lever trapo very very important now here’s the trick you have to ignite the TNT and spam click right here on the obsidian block to place another piston and if you did it correctly you break the Bedrock when throwing a trident it will always come back to you it’s loyal it’s like a dog okay it’s the dog of Minecraft weapons it’s it’s your best friend lesson learned don’t get a dog get a trident you can mine a dragon egg at the bottom of the ocean why would this work although I think this is busted no no no no no no no you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me man oh my God everything I know is alive this is going to be the last myth I try to clutch with but people are telling me you can do it with sweet berries I don’t care how sweet these berries are you cannot clutch with them it just doesn’t make sense I’m done I don’t know anything anymore please subscribe for more myth content

This video, titled ‘Myths That will Ruin Your TRUST in Minecraft’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-05-02 12:00:21. It has garnered 1051386 views and 26992 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:26 or 2366 seconds.


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  • eventyretmc Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra staff team Read More

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  • Minecraft Cave Horror Project Explodes!

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  • INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100days

    INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100daysVideo Information day three in Hardcore Minecraft first thing I did is chop some trees down look at my horrible Roofing job and continue building a mine with a door continue building my roof put some torches down and plant some sugar cane I even did a cool design for the entrance of my mind so with that I’ll see you guys in the next one This video, titled ‘Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft, today is a great day! #hardcore #minecraft #100days’, was uploaded by EXpers on 2024-05-04 19:21:49. It has garnered 8604 views and 235 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] w [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] hello is this thing on can I be heard I think I can hello everyone I’m still waiting for people to pop into the stream we we’ll get this going in a minute but for now helloy do hello hacker boy hello Casey helloy do there yo double yo triple yo yo yo yo that is so many Yo’s love it we love the Yo’s around here it’s a yo day it is a yo kind of day so today is… Read More