Shocking Plot Twist: Lethal Company’s Bank Heist

Video Information

In game all right I I was try I was press wait now escapes working what the hell this game’s Broken Man where where’d you go you’re in the wall what or are you outside the ship what I’m everywhere okay it’s getting every open streams open there your stream’s open there your stream’s open there that stream open there yeah this this last week of work is killing me I mean it it sounds pretty

Rough also I’m taking shovel I am not used to I haven’t played since the update so uh yeah neither have I I’ve seen a little bit of the update but turning neophobia mode on because I want to laugh at this the word spider I want to see the the text on the

Wall actually yeah that’s a good point oh [ __ ] okay I’m good how visible is the yeah I saw they added that it’s like oh look spider spider is spider oh God sitting down to just playing any video game after after working for a week straight Fields weird

I I saw people complaining about or talking about ARA the F was a little confused about it because they’re trying to it sounded like they were trying to say that their version of their Arachnophobia was the only way Arachnophobia exists and I know for a fact that Arachnophobia has different levels to it

Yep there’s yeah there’s varying levels where you can seeed and you get jit and back away but you’re not like terrified to run out and burn your house down when you see one like in my case as I was saying in my case my racop

Phobia is if I see spider and I know spider is there my mind’s like oh I need to deal with this spider before I lose track of it otherwise it’s going to make me so utterly paranoid that I can’t I can’t do anything y I absolutely love

Spiders we have to go to the maze metal pathway is a dead end all right Che the left or right oh that’s open something’s going to come out of here like that huh I heard it I I heard it dropped I’m like oh [ __ ] I got to get over I also know

That uh I also know that some people that see the word that see the word spider are even triggered by it by their raop phobia I know people who if you even say not even see the word but if you say the Word y That’s a new item hey you come here I want to test it out on you don’t run off into the smoke anything over there uh it’s hard to see through the smoke there he is going to go turn off wasn’t sure if it was dead so I I

Ran up and smacked it I flashed myself and it that worked a mod that I kind of want for the uh bugs is the yipp mod oh God you walk into a room and they’re close up they go yippe nothing else over there he was guarding an axle and a key yeah uh

Oh pathway doors uh apparatus room D6 bottles might as well grab it will we find a way out uh who knows actually I’m going to check over here real quick okay it’s just a dead here’s B boo McGee a stay oh yeah I forgot about the fire escape welome question is will we die get trying to get

There everything’s else two-handed okay watch it uh we have to go thread the needle here oh no that’s just that’s just Shadow oh where is it can’t see that one not that way where the hell’s the quick sand uh follow me how is it on this way just come under

Here walk and jump up something down that is kind of terrifying you land in the middle of a pit you just it goes bad scan don’t work for me cuz everything on the ship counts three objects and we know that one of them is uh there was two giant axles that we passed

I got plenty of alcohol I stopped at stopped on the way home from work today oh boy my buddy want you and your Al yep me and my buddy wanted some alcohol that way we can say if they call us for tonight or tomorrow we could say we’re we’ve been drinking so we

Can’t we’re supposed to be working Thursday night with the like half a centimeter of snow that we’re getting but other than that we should be clear for a few weeks damn it eight objects oh it’s going to be These No I’m missing there’s some stuff that I didn’t pick up Where did you pick up the lamp eight oh no okay wait there’s a duck up here by the radio that was one of the items let scan there’s one object worth 48 where what do we have on the ship that’s worth 48 but it if if I didn’t know any better

It was it would probably be an axle engine but or bottles but uh I’ve I’ve checked all the bottles I’m scanning one of the bottles that’s 48 you’re scanning one of the bottles is 48 maybe we have some maybe probably not bottles but Huh wonder if it’s something dropped outside the side of the ship or something H surprise me we’re going to Ass N exp we’re already here oh well oh what about the service manual so we have 10 objects 482 which means there’s 9 minus 40 and 482 – 48 oh

Oh crap is it raining no so there’s nine items or roughly 430 something p is going to be a pain in the ass to get with with the with this yeah dead end close the door on myself oh you got a you found an ear me

Flas in in a V type engine $20 engine ouch head end up here man pick and P’s really gone Downhill Hing this time Found the apparatus see the apparatus coming over that way right now okay I know where the I know where the fire Ang is anything else in the upper room just the apparatus all right well grab it we’ll Go got where is up here I where that was I don’t know where the hell where did that come from it it was chasing me down a tunnel I had no stamina oh I want to die where’ It Go right here what where where oh yeah

F ah yipp it’s one of the hoarding bug mafia members okay so see the fire exit is right here all right got to wait for him to get back over here oh it’s one of the it’s one of the mafia members he’s looking for his money okay CR

Fine not sure why I didn’t take any damage but don’t question it anything else yes 96 pounds 50 mostly because a quarter of my weight is one of those Metal Sheets yeah those things way too much seven objects six oh no four objects left two for 228 so that

Would be three for about 180 yep I don’t know where they were Did he teleport okay okay um okay okay it teleported me into a pit and there was an item in the pit by the way I think probably on the bar right next to right next to the pit cuz I teleported and instantly fell there was no like stopping on the railing oh my

God as long as we hit quota 19 object 1485 okay this is why I like Assurance more oh there’s oh two of our items are uh our pathway is blocked by two items we’re going to have to deal with that then uh that’s a problem 91 for a bive they need to

Move yeah it doesn’t exactly help our cause for for hello hi did you see the I moved them did you see the present yeah I opened it a what was it I probably a t k it was it’s it was later as the present the hoarding MAF is

Here slam the door shut on his face looks like we might have to go to the main entrance I’m going to head the main would would be funny if you just walk up and just start snacking the circuit bees and Pi them up that’s why we should be able to get a

Kind of bug spray would be useful sir that’s not how you climb a ladder sure it is why is she here who why is the ghost here [Applause] [Applause] oh [ __ ] she she chasing me why is the ghost on this level that another B5 oh that’s bird she can’t come out of the facility on this map I’ll be happy I don’t know I won’t be able to tell if she does or not well if you see my oh there’s a

There’s a hive um let’s go this way What that me oh my God does that mean the gesture can be on this map if the jester can be on this map oh boy we can have [Applause] problems not going to need That for D lock lock doors y there were there was actually a third item up there too yeah that was not about to run around with a yield sign in in my inventory though ah two minutes left on that button I don’t think she can come outside on this

Map you may have not fully pissed her off yet she may just be in her passive State no I I haven’t heard her breathing out here I’m I’m grabbing that Hive and I’m putting it on the ship you might want to step back oh

You okay oh yeah I just had to get my stamina back okay well you want to get on put it on the front of the ship my guess Drop behind you alive I he her I heard her yeah you can’t get me now [ __ ] get me now get me now little girl she can’t come out she can’t come out oh no so get me get me now get me now teleport’s on top of the ship while it’s

Flying [ __ ] right after you died I started hearing the breathing and I’m just like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] press the button it’s beam up button and we’re out the breathing is like uh time to go not dealing with that with only one other person in the lobby or with then they’re

Dead if we’re both alive sure but one person no oh no no no how’s our quota 1023 okay hi Hive got to go axle engin got to go toothpaste got to go yeah cool Gate’s getting pretty expensive anyways uh uh this has got to go probably that this this what else is typically

Cheap this these are usually cheap 30 this is usually cheap your honest work is invaluable to the company let’s see how much we got oh we’re not even halfway hold on a sec we’re we’re about to be half yeah your hard work is invaluable to recovery we’re not halfway yet I don’t

Think it’s still all right there we go um Air Dryer these are high your work is invaluable to the company how much we got need another 170 right now I just just put those four screws on that should be about 92 to 94 106 41 6

64 so two of these let’s grab the grab the flask and the tea kettle boom getting rid of that volumetric flask isn’t going to make Walter White very happy he’s he’s the one that put it here for us to take 69 nice well we hit C so all the small one-handed objects that

Are uh High kind of high value I’m putting right here oh I just saw a PhD play get on oh that’s interesting yeah have you seen the signal transmitter no death what hi hello I’m watching you I’m watching you oh all right excuse me how am I the first one to get over

There wait I order want a spray can I ordered a can of spray paint that’s it I also bought a goldfish [Applause] He just closed it on me he’s like [ __ ] you guys not the G look at our look at our pet oh my God signal translator what is the signal translator for you can send a a message to your crew mates oh telling them to get their ass back on the ship

That does not go as planned I tried to do a circle close enough I didn’t let go of Click we have a goldfish now yeah I’m curious of how much paint you can use how much Paints in a can new quota 40 over how’s Titan foggy uh it’s not bad V might be getting on soon like really soon y v may want to check test out the mod pack though I mean the mod Pack’s not going to

Work the mod packs that we previously had aren’t going to work yeah I don’t think they’ve been updated so I mean it is possible but very unlikely 33 objects 3577 okay they added in power line so we can actually see our way now a little bit wait they added power lines I wasn’t

Paying attention I just ran the direction I normally run yeah I ran the same way there was a power line this time I didn’t see it I’m checking fire escape real quick see how that goes okay so it’s over at the fire escape a jump oh is there the word

Spider no I didn’t see the word spider anything down there no negative dead end two keys in the far room down the across the Way okay I’m going to go drop stuff off that ship okay you can check to fire escape if you want to four it’s not too too bad though there are the two keys nothing else fancy lamp I’m being hunted I’m being hunted by a crack your necken is

The [ __ ] was that uh that was the mimic it was spinning Circle okay you want to head back in or uh I can’t look left or right right now so you no like I legit can’t like move my cursor no I like I like legit can’t look left or right I’m like locked

Here have you tried all tapping in and out of the game yep I wonder if that’s a I wonder if if that’s because of the mimic huh probably he started spitting on me so yeah you might be the game might perceive you is dead right

Now I thought it was I thought it was a nutcracker so I was going to walk up to him yeah I don’t think you want your nut cracked I I just want to take a shotgun yeah I can move okay yeah it’s part of the the mimic I can move

Again you were proably you might have been dead it might have considered me dead but not fully like dead in cont contain contaminated yet this is not good you can’t you’re still in the wait you’re still in the teleporter here let’s see if just fix it what if I move the move

It do you see me right behind you no you’re right you’re right here Crouch now you’re standing Crouch Dany Crouch Dany you were to Tele was I you’re stuck in a teleporter for me uh oh no I’m staying in the ship by the way is eclipsed well that’s good I can at least

Move well I’ll know when you die I guess m for for for for for that’s Ringing we leaving damn it I saw that red dot teleport to him I’m pretty sure it was a Bracken I think it was a game bug okay damn it was it a Bracken yeah okay it was one of the two that was hunting me um so okay I think my game’s actually fixed

Now that entire round I it was broken Titan’s fine this [Applause] Time time to dry it our Christmas update might have a few bugs yeah the camera was showing you at the entrance the entire time but I could tell if you were alive by how much item you were holding was moving yeah there’s the power bar yeah also those the Giants and stuff

Didn’t spawn until after I poked out the door the first time to drop items down I only notice you dropping it items once yeah I dropped the items once then went in the fire escape and got murdered oh [ __ ] not good I already heard breathing of the little girl somewhere in there

Hello you alive not for very much longer but yeah Thumper no uh glitchy Bracken I’m going to go beam you up damn near stuck in a corner because of a Bracken what the [ __ ] oh I came out the fire escape I came out right behind you you you scared the [ __ ] out of

Me and with this update they may have broken a couple of the AI cuz the Bracken was just standing there not even trying to run away he was just standing in the doorway looking at me I wonder if they drop them together hey Excellent oh [ __ ] not good for Boil head no Jester and Bracken uh was the jester winding up there no he was just looking at me he was probably confused as to why I was holding the tragedy mask in his face I saw like 12 items on the map yeah there was so much stuff in that

Area but I had the uh I had the tragedy mask so I was looking at the gester like if I’m dying I’m taking you with with Me what time is it let’s see oh [ __ ] a foot 530 huh uh yeah get back in is going to be a problem what’s that oh we’re leaving leave now get out of here [ __ ] yeah that’s what I thought give me your Cor he tried to grab

Me I picked up the shovel just like yeah smack be gone I hear I hear snow outside I’m like we’re leaving I also know I also know there was a girl inside I heard her breathing at some point oh yeah yeah I wouldn’t have known that always

If you hear her breathing down your throat or neck um let other people know because they can’t see or hear her not until it’s late we need more we be goodes all right we got to sell basically everything and I still don’t think we make make quota [Applause]

Uh300 unfortunately the fancy lamps have got to go Bottles sorry Bottles now I have light Wherever I Go oop set a fell oh well it’s going to have to go anyways we found you your Commitment the what keeps the company happy 300 how much is down there right now not quite sure 128 70 we do have Enough we only need 300 I’m pretty sure that that puts us one over we need three 298 I think so yeah we’re three over now nice I wish these were more I wish these were common on the other Maps oh my God I keep forgetting about those Imagine 20 people pressing at the same time good God yikes yeah yeah can’t do that in Terraria not not that much how’s Titan should be home real do you want dine tonight we ding in hell we D in uh we D what’s wrong with um dine is the only map that doesn’t

Have a weather effect [ __ ] d man I I mean I do have to learn it a bit more but this shall we wait for V D A I’ll be right back grab the ice cream bar all Right He W A Actually go on top now kind of curious about this Whole I’m back welcome back I got an ice cream bar all right that walk is pretty long I guess we go tight Titan or Dine I’m thinking dinkle oh my God I can see up here oh I see an exit an exit over here I’m going I’m going to go

Explore I I don’t even know if we can reach it though oh nope I hate this map is you die hav’t come this way It looks like he died what am I going to do with you man hey wake up wake up wake up goodbye I need a leash to ensure I don’t fall off the cliff I walked inside the main office I was like ghost no ghost girl blocked me this is a much faster route

Wow it’s completely the void of any anything in here oh I hear a land mine I do too I hear something playing with bells and symbols that is a nice couch dead end is it going up here dead end and I see no items and we loaded in real fast by the way

Y you alive for For all right then [ __ ] you too okay so my body when you dropped it landed here on my end you a teleporter I know I was watching and I’m like he probably sees it here V also loaded up lethal company yeah he told me to send an invite when I’m

Ready oh D is flooded that’s that’s not good well we’re not making quot anyways yeah that’s true found the water water are you around you in yep come in here grab it uh where are you uh kitchen uh this way this way over here and to the left in here

And the key I’m going to head out don’t really this flooded are you kidding me how are we getting back there’s no way it’s this flooded over like what the hell I made it made it somewhere for there you go I might be a to H he found his way back to the

Ship huh where’d you go [Laughter] we’re taking off with the mask I don’t like D no especially flooded flooded is bad I just don’t like dying in general here give me that me actually you know what I’m out of pain never mind that’s not what those are supposed to sound like what the

Hell where is it there it Is die [Applause] is [Applause] this one ran up [Applause] give us a sec give us a second well it’s like send help send help we were here no alen oh it gets rid of paint We found you Your He open open for delivery we value your commitment apparently we’re through Prof professionals come on buddy you can do it you can do It there we go there we go I thought he missed he missed for a moment there he had to figure out side you’re hiding on well we lost 70 bucks but uh that’s fine turn it on music let’s go it won’t let me as you have not met the your performance has Been Welcome to [Applause] our hi Bill I was wondering what was taking a million years and then I heard the you did not meet quota and I’m like oh that’s why they’re taking a million years yeah all right now we knew we weren’t going to meet quotas we were just pissing off the

Alien okay I’m ready for an invite and then were spray painting his house we can see how this works out so ghost girls on all maps now I think yes I was going to send that as a text message but I figured I would just say it when I hopped in

Voice we went to Assurance once and then I saw her I’m like oh that’s not cool that’s so much better though welcome to your first day on the job this so I am testing the restreaming thing and seeing how it works and then ran into uh Mr Mr angry tragedy mouth he

Tried spitting on me oh o teleported me as he was spitting on me so it still considered me dead but alive that’s not bad and then it bugged up the next match round and uh I couldn’t do [ __ ] well that’s no fun yeah probably could have done stuff if I

Went inside but it the entire round was glitchy for me that’s kind of lethal company though so where are we going Asante it’s it’s always it’s like 10 times better to go Assurance than experimentation just for the extra stuff going in this start off y yep 1

Know you go that way I’m going to go in main hey there’s no beehives in front of our door this time we had like three beehives blocking us last time two on this path one on the other and we couldn’t go around that easily stop looking up there’s nothing

There’s nothing up there man nothing nothing man what’s wrong with me I just say stuff in a we this effective hold on wait wait wait wait just start dancing gra grab the stop sign grab the stop sign right behind you and look at the door where is he you shouldn’t be here by

Now greetings here’s a play Cube present for you which way have you guys already gone yes or no um no we just look look oh [Laughter] oh map got which way did we go yes oh hey you should come to the end of the H why is there the word this Hall is

There the word spider on the edge of the floor no ah yes the land mine Edition oh I dropped stuff at in the main room homemade flashbang this thing was actually kind of useful yeah for I’m guessing the uh uh uh no I used it on the on the mafia hoarder

Bug is there reason we’re putting everything inside now having a Clue For could try to get a fourth but I don’t know if Jesse even wants to because he’s busy playing [ __ ] GV [ __ ] he still playing GTV now he got off Come you ugly is oh like a head crab got you they died by the mafia of something oh you [ __ ] scavenger [ __ ] drop that we by main main fire escape entrance okay nope NOP not happening I died right next to the damn entrance too looks like V died by the [ __ ]

Hoing bug Mafia he died to a I found his body grabbed the stuff and uh went to the exit but uh head crab was on the ceiling that I couldn’t see oh my God this is bad it’s not good nope nope no experimentation vow or

Offense I hate to say I hate to say it offense this bite only have only have one only holy crap that’s a 50 hey death why is YouTube The Superior platform I’ve used it for a lot longer than twitch I can never get my twitch to work properly what’s up hello hello where are you above you oh guess I’m going main then I made the jump so we can get fire

Escape yeah I tried to do the restream thing using uh streamlabs Pro did not work out so well that’s weird it’s cuz I can’t use av1 I have to use crappy h264 because I use an an AMD GPU right yeah so because I don’t have nank I can’t have pretty streams on both

Ends all right I’m making lots of noise over here yeah I’m going to take the stuff I found back to the ship and then go on C on cams B died in a pit oh why are you moving huh question is where is that in relativity to the main

Entrance okay the thing on the stairs there’s definitely a slim it’s fine they’re slow enough but you are dealing with you guys are uh not doing too hard over there okay so I came across the spider was it was it just the word spider yes but the problem is is that I

Didn’t see it at first because the word spider takes up less space than a spider itself nice the word spider comes off as a little bit more terrifying than the actual spider that’s H painful I’m just going to type in ask C and it’s clear nice all right we going

Assurance sounds like it but pH said he’d be right back you dick you dick 17 for 1,73 ship are only certain enemies can show up on the ship and those are the painful stupid ones yep that’s what add to hor aspect there’s not a lot of a lot of visuals in

This in this game that allow you to see things properly everything’s dark okay no hopefully we not work working till Thursday night all right oh boy hello big room over here oh did you find M did you get to main entrance No why would I enter main there’s a cash register yeah money money money and a present I’ll bring little bit further my brother just made fun of the graphics of this game saying pong has better graphics what has better gra pong pong Tetris all the old classics pong’s just like 25 pixels moving

Yep I’m going to take the stuff out the fire escape yep okay doggo you’re Fine oh no I’m I’m so slow hello hello we found a cash register h for hello hello where’s the big room right here oh hi hello behind you [Laughter] [Laughter] p will I wasn’t wrong well you here uh the hell do that sound is there anything else at name uh

Not that I saw I didn’t over there I came out of fire escape oh Bracken was that fire escape too um there were loot bus in the uh Factory area and they had stolen a hair dryer for that’s worth like 83 oh man death got his I I saw bracket like

Behind you bracket he turns gets his next s sounds about right one of us needs to make it back otherwise we lose oh there’s a loot bugs do you know where his neck got snap did he have stuff on him he didn’t have anything oh I’ll let you explore nothing in here hello

Bug um nothing Jesus [ __ ] that was a dog yeah had a little bit of issue when I didn’t went around the main entrance a bit yeah just a little for that does Work so I heard you died to a bracket that was great a question for you to video CP it oh a question for you yeah what’s up so do you use obs yes how do you get YouTube Studio to stop saying stream’s current bit rate is like x value higher than

2500 uh let’s see if I can find that quickly because all that ever tells me is that it’s recommending 2500 I’m like um is this 720p 8K should be the limit like at least I thought it was so I didn’t know if there was a work around or

Not or we selling right now here I’ll help you sell y are we selling everything or we got to get the teleporters up and running oh true we got get the thing so I can m y you guys oh God I posted the video clip in the highlights chat 4 145 he angry

He didn’t close the door there we Go keep your mom Happ I don’t care enough right now what else we got in here you could have at least taken the items back with you your mom’s shotgun and just P him in the head that’s something I that’s something I have yet to see is the Nutcracker okay I bought

Teleporters damn no signal translator hey Al h i put that clip from my point of view in the chat highlights let’s see it was good it was good how to get it from my perspective but you’re just you’re just kind of like behind you dead turn walk away totally didn’t watch my teammate

Die there it’s all good it happens right I decided the best answer to my question death yeah what’s up I’m just going to ignore it and if something goes wrong it goes wrong mine usually goes away after a little bit I haven’t been able to fully

Get it set up but it it goes away after a little while oh does it do the same thing for you yeah periodically okay I this was paranoid that I had done something wrong I was like I didn’t Che change anything no it’ll sometimes Say it’ll sometimes yell for your rate being a

Little higher and then it’ll just recorrect itself after a few moments okay ah understood sorry asking stupid questions it’s like not used to YouTube side of it it’s all good that’s why I stream on YouTube more I like I just straight up watched me get my neck wrecked and then casually

Turned and walk away I mean you were the sacrifice so I I didn’t say a word I just left oh how bad are our moons if we have to go to offense oh extremely yeah I bought the ladder for oh the extendable ladder yeah I bought one way we up 15 items for

1100 Honda Honda Honda Honda oh yeah onward back over there back over here there crap [ __ ] all right we’re going Inwards I’m just [ __ ] that sounds like a problem Oh oh I was about to say that sounds like a problem then he kept barreling out the corner it’s like oh yeah that’s a problem okay oh um yeah the coil heads yeah yeah I was like two blocks away from you I was like right down the

Hallway I Tel yeah I teleported in the C1 and I’m like I’m just going to hope and pray someone comes back I’m going to me the fact that coil heads on this map is such a pain too I I hit teleport on Bell and then I

Saw your blip show up and I’m like okay maybe I shouldn’t have hit the button cuz it’s probably a coil head and then uh I’m like oh wait that means he’s on his own and he doesn’t know it’s a coil head so I to hit it on

YouTube yeah I was already looking at him oh cuz I heard V talking and I saw the little teleport animation in the darkness I thought it came running around the corner at me the M she there’s a head crab up top over there b just locked it son of a [ __ ]

What well I found where you teleported us from where are you downstairs okay you okay yeah I closed the door on him I need a lock I need a I need the lock I bought hold on I’ll be back well here you want to take this with you no no I

Don’t 19B or something No nope nope go back go back why the coil head’s at the front door I’m committed to Dying Hey yes get ready to teleport o coil head was right at the front door no problem get inside or not I’m underneath the ship here doggo apparatus is more important [ __ ] just yeah what did you why to distract the dog that killed green so green died and I went to grab the loot that green had so I needed to grab the loot I spent 12 on a walkie to get a like 20 something cost you missed that was close though God

Damn okay well you should have seen it on my end that it’s kind of terrifying I saw his face poking through the the thing oh my end it look like it got you oh that was worth going back in by the Way 100% worth going back in there were two items left in that room would have been nice to have you in there Rey Assurance fine uh yeah should be yeah or foggy experiment Assurance I’d rather do Assurance me office is fine too with the l All

Aboard 18 was 1500 I’m going in main door for I hear that no it’s my robot leave me alone apparatus is right next to M that’s useful yeah exit right up here are you stuck are you locked in no I’m right here oh okay any lock doors I have a

Key uh there was one I saw over here I hear a Thumper that’s kind interesting he there’s a thumper roaming about somewhere too yeah just watch out for that turret there there’s a couple turrets I don’t know if there’s doors that you can go through in there I didn’t go that far Oh okay yeah uh apparatus is um to the left when you go in main though okay was there more stuff to pick up no just drop those off quickly want to take the inverse yeah might as well hurry hurry hurry wow this was effective is apparatus going for going for the apparatus

Uh-huh B has a little bit of a dilemma at this oh what did you break this time beehive ah yeah let do it he’s like go get the apparatus so I’m going for it I like how straightforward it is to get there oh look Mr braen oh look a door leading out

If I get wormed I want you to come back and pick this stuff up how much you uh is it just that you’re carrying or this a red soda but I’m going to try to drop both but if I’m about to get warmed yeah I’m already carrying a piece

Of tattered sheet metal oh God why did why did those exist we got to go on the left because get it with theer no it works he backs off when you blow it at him hey we going for the other beehive or just I don’t think we should we leaving

Yeah yeah take us off you didn’t drop it inside there we go there were four items left after that which is actually really good the The Fearsome beehive The Fearsome haird dryer scares away enemies okay is it right uh uh yeah it’s got to be experimentation also they don’t care about

This Hawks do not care okay take a look at the moons [Applause] Wow yeah so we’re going March Eclipse then right we’re going experimentation you mean stretch 12 item 655 been a hot minute since we’ve been Here I will eventually find a way out of here yeah you will I I know the way out I know I know where there’s two uh V engines to grab as well I got two V engines already I know where there’s another two right up here I’m going to leave this

One so this one here leave it as a marker so you can just look down here and be like oh that’s it that’s a problem that’s a problem I’m taking It for oh hello I dropped the engine on the other side of the wall there all right back inside made St [Applause] for okay so I know the three of the items we’re missing are engines so about the presents they weigh 19 if you open them and pick up this it weighs zero but sometimes they can bring you an axle which is uh yeah 16 but two which makes less

Sense yeah yeah yeah I had I opened up one present and there was a stop sign I looked at it say how the hell does the slop sign fit in this Thing dog outside it’s like I heard the sniffles investigate time yeah I don’t think you got enough time to go back in there to grab the that [Applause] engine [Applause] scz 2 4 seconds need to Go that means to go yeah oh my God we got too much damn it why you getting sick no I just have stuff he knows from allergies it’s bugging me and I might have Co wow how much we got we only need 51 we need 50 1 51 it said 51 not

64 that axle is 52 said it was 64 huh no the axle is 64 the thing was 52 huh weird oh yeah it is okay what kind of sails we got only the stun Grenade lame we might get some something good soon I don’t know who knows yeah I think before before we do our next set of three drops I’m going to go make a a quick thing of ramen cuz I’m hungry do we do we want to do $700 and go

Titan I mean uh do we do we it probably be a good idea right now [Applause] 200 oh 47 how much we get okay we got we’re over 30 we’re 32 over yeah before we do our next set of three drops I’m going to go make some Ramen quickly it’s bad we can’t buy the uh to bad we can’t buy the item for a signal heart e for e

Oh yeah everyone want AFK kind of I’m just stretching my pain threshold is pretty high but my current pain is right it’s a little below it which sucks it it’s super close why is my body just so not what is happening stupid sinuses I know what the S is issues like because

I deal with that pretty much every day of my life this dumb stiffness that I’ve been dealing with I’ve been dealing for like four or five days now God okay get that off me out and a lot of it is the back of my the the area on my

Back between my neck and my shoulder on both sides mostly that that’s mostly what I can feel but there’s more than that too like Midway down my back on both sides I felt it this is work it’s bad ah he I’m back welcome back are we good to go

Or something real quick no I’m still here okay I’ll take his Airborne first oh boy everything is in turmoil okay 372 I mean if we get get a one good run on Titan we we we like three four paintings and we’ll get that ow ow ow ow ow I mean Titan’s clear

Right now so good let me just put on some pain cream uh-huh I see how it is too B you can’t hit it as use like Auto clicker use a macro just Spam it okay A bit more for the other side now okay front of my shoulder blade needs it too

Okay we landed or no we’re we’re floating above Titan just ready to land just waiting on Oz no problem I’m just researching encoder options to try to see what I can figure out it feels like I got pain pressure point Pain are you g to go back to Twitch are you try to use YouTube for a bit Vil I’m still using YouTube I’m just trying to figure out is there a way to improve how things look I’m not I don’t know anything about like AMF encoder settings things like

That okay I was one of those idiots who has a invid a card and just only rely it on enin you get through everything y okay I think I’m think I’m good you sure yeah I I just slapped on quite a bit of pain cream and is nank overpowered 31 objects 3,000

Yeah when we land little power bar here right to the door yeah now be careful we may get attacked by one of the by one of the Mas morons coming onto the ship that you just turned and look at like what the hell you do hereon we need a shovel we need a

Shovel [ __ ] e e for I’m going to keep her preoccupied by looping around the ship so uh if I end up dying did you already get haunted yeah he is haunted yeah I can see her on the camera so I’m just going to around so you can go

Moved is there more stuff to grab around here or no uh no I don’t think so is there more stuff by fire escape you have to go little ways to find anything a big okay upstairs there’s a Thum somewhere she’s she’s chasing me right now all right come over here this little doorway

I didn’t go this way no I think this this looped into where I was oh no I see her she were anyway okay so the thumper is where I think we need to go oh there’s a mask oh it’s comedy this time I don’t know if that means they’re

The same thing or not cuz the other one was trash where is she there she is I might die here I don’t know where the exit she sto [ __ ] me I don’t oh oh this area is looking slightly familiar needs to teleport me I think he fell dead [ __ ] the hell was that

Noise I don’t know where’s that stumper at oh that’s a Jester [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you go away go away leave me alone I said go Away oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you Oh [ __ ] you go away go away oh [ __ ] you go away oh [ __ ] you all oh go away what’s up NOP we’re leaving we’re leaving I don’t think that’s a good ide Y no we can’t get this body what happened uh we were being chased by

A thumper then Oz got killed by the by the new Mas [ __ ] and then I had two of them chasing me and the jester was winding up while I’m sitting on a couch and you’re like please get me out of here please save me get me out of here fck the

Entire the I was like Veil needs to hit the button Veil needs to hit the button B was also be hunted by the ghost the entire time that was not that was really bad Titan is clear are we good to go hold on a

Sec so if you look at the at the screen and you see one of those blue things just constantly just doing circles like this yeah it’s not a player but you you can once you see it enough you’ll be you’ll be able to identify the differences between it and

The player I don’t know if you were trying to attack me on the couch or the original was attacking me on the couch I then the second one showed up like well I’m dead either way here plus the jester was winding up it’s like if the thumper comes anywhere near

Me I’m just dead on all fronts oh man the exit was past them that was rough that was really rough and when I died and I the spectating B like why didn’t you hit the button sorry you know what happened and he looked confused as to what was going on and I was

Look ah I think I why he was confused a bunch of sight circles just keep keep kept going like this well that and I’m also AFK not going to lie okay I may be trying to read encoder settings and what they yeah and then you just hear me inside

The building Oz oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you never thought a day would come when I’d have to um learn how to code an encoder 24 1800 and I’m just sitting there on a couch bombing side to side I can I’m going to be honest I don’t a mansion I don’t it’s too

Dark not to mention all the items are so like almost impossible to find yeah we still haven’t seen a cracker yet oh thank God I want that present good big room a big room with no loot Dr from FRS oh [ __ ] you e okay Oz where you at yeah at the entrance right now okay I I’m just going to grab the AAR from here let’s head out and drop the stuff off okay I see why okay there’s a spider at the fire exit

So uh oh yeah there was a thumper and a land mine blocking a blocking a Present hello we have items right below me I dropped them where they at is that all I think the last View uh not yet hold on let’s check you want to take the okay I’m taking two of us should take the portal in yeah yeah we’re going to Inver we’re going to go inverse cuz there’s a spider at the fire escape and there’s a thumper by main entrance dying

They need to fix the inverse teleporters help well plus a shows up I’m just going to kind of sit here what Hey Jester come back here stupid Beach come here help o pressy o pressy a spectate me help inverse teleporter sucks I can’t move and there’s a Jester nearby sorry um I have a little girl haunting me and she did not look like she was

Going to go away so I was just going to summon you real quick so we can fly way no yeah the the inverse teleporter put me inside of a pipe oh so I couldn’t move and I was watching Jester just walk inside in and out of the

Staircase I thought you were just like hiding from something so technically I was the jester was walking back and forth I had two supers after me yeah that wasn’t going well and B was sitting there staring at the camera cuz I was trying to make sure I

Didn’t get my ass killed from Haunting sorry down again yeah it’s just stormy least we have quarter 35 objects for 2900 maybe we’ll find some this time I say do you want me to hit the teleport button but no I don’t trust that thing no I don’t trust it

Here no it teleported me into you know the staircase and the the where like in the middle of it yeah I was stuck in the middle of that I I expected you for a bit where [ __ ] where’d you find the ghost is after me again really you Good I I’m going back outside you dangus midair midair bullet what killed you I got neck snapped while trying to avoid the girl while holding a mask oh you came in with us yeah I T Oz needs to get onto the ship and leave cuz he had the girl after him hopefully he’s still alive [ __ ] damn it I saw that coming a mile away so much for quota how’ you die fell uh I was being haunted by a little girl while I was staring at her while

Holding a comedy mask I got snapped by with my neck by a Bracken I I went outside his b basically I spawned into a girl facing me so when I teleported in I wonder why she decided to stop haunting me no idea but she was Haunting me first

I died to the Bracken and I guess she moved on to you let’s go get [Laughter] fired oh look at this oh look at this wait he died wait did you teleport him into a wall teleported into a turret he teleported in front of a turret and died yep that’s a clip hunt

Oh that’s good that’s good I don’t think fastest death possible essentially uh close that Hey So far is pretty tall it’s me H Wait oh oh dear God oh that’s dirty oh that is r that is r [ __ ] why there so oh [ __ ] [ __ ] was that go back inside I want to see it come back inside I want to see it [Laughter] that was a Bracken and another right behind him I wanted I wanted to see what the the thing The Nutcracker was because I I thought it was a nutcracker because of what it sounded like hadn’t heard it before so I went back in to go check it

Out and then bracki was there like oh well [ __ ] damn it that was like the turret uh version of that map cuz that was all turrets uh I had just codes everywhere on my screen I heard a nutcracker yeah so I went back in and a Bracken killed me and I just like

[ __ ] I wanted to see The Nutcracker damn it as you have not met the profit qu your performance has been Beed below SP Welcome to our disciplinary process adios D Man D heard I heard the Nutcracker while spectating so I’m like go back in go back in I want to see The

Nutcracker you go back in and die stupid bracking oh I [ __ ] up guess gu gonna do I’m just going to do the Walk of Shame I’m just G to do the Walk of Shame get get as much stuff as you can man yeah let’s do it o fast Oz did you see the

Clip nope teleported in front of a turret I I I looked at the map and I’m like there’s a turret there he’s dead on the turret therefore he died right in front of the turret that Titan run was horrendous spectating you all we hear is Val shutting off turret after turret after turret Uh here we Go down the exit hello does fire escape over here yes it is perfect what’s up oh I’m dead done I’m good for looks like it’s clear it’s I thought it was flooded yeah it looks clear uh the edge of the wall has Bells ofs yeah about four blockies in the shovel okay

Okay what’s left five objects did you check the fire escape much uh yeah that’s where we came out of that’s where Val died h i see it was a head crab so I’m probably the same one that probably the same one that tried to get me probably

Oh there you go he’s just having a nap dang it wait hold on I wonder I wonder I’m going to try a hold on I got a better idea uhoh uhoh I am stuck I am literally stuck there we go I messed that up badly let’s try that again [Laughter]

We have kept rid of a you pull this corpse out we need another scapegoat here seem like boss intern you’re now an intern rank is intern R internally yeah I got no one else who’s on be able to join plag is playing the finals I I saw the finals and I like huh

Looks like it could be interesting but I mean a lot of games do that right yep it’s probably a good game might not be what I want to play right now though all right where we going Insurance rainy I know part of uh I know part of finals right now is really unbalanced

So 17 items 961 dang bad idea very bad idea yeah good idea I know the the light class is extremely op right now so it’s very fin very unbalanced I heard that the light classes were uh really people were joking about uh how everyone was going doing the light class because of how

Fast it on vodka I’ll take that botles jump right here jump right here and down they go this map is too good for getting loot real quick turn around okay oh hi wait well hello copy of me how are you doing huh thought it look like another one of us walking

Around not running walking Happ I’m going to go in towards main entrance uh I’m not touching app now because I want to know the fast way out ah I’ll press the button all right we’re going up and around okay okay or you can grab the apparatus just

Follow me I actually found my way here from the main entrance which was kind of funny okay I was about to go grab it myself Al I opened a gift box it had a air horn in it so went from 20 value to 60 value bad don’t go that

Way I get this I Got a Sinking Feeling oh he he’s good wait oh okay feel like you guys don’t trust me this goes here what gives you that idea also did you know when your neck gets snapped while having that on you you do a fart sound when your neck get snapped

Instead does it kill Bracken no eight objects left I know one of them is a yield sign by the front door well I’m going in we don’t got two of us die it doesn’t matter oh [ __ ] I almost Died all right yeah you want to stay on the Ship I got the sink feeling okay you got the sinking feeling that’s going to be okay oh that gu sign I see oh that’s a okay that’s fine up this way is the maze that connected to the m to the yield room what are you hiding hoarding Mafia

Hello what are you hiding from me you hiding over here what you doing who’s leaving you no we’re taking off why is the W over here don’t throw those the funny thing is you can’t even actually throw them you pull the pin and it automatically gets used I assure

14 for 900 you’re wasting money dead what I don’t know a message just appeared on both of our chats from V saying I’m dead how’ he die hell my question the hell k I see a turret there a cheeky spot for a turret grab how is how are you the one who dies

By gravity and jumping off the ship yeah we can jump from the max height but off the ship and take no damage basically woodles oh that’s C E He the [ __ ] the fire escape Oh E hello hi that everything yeah I was trying to transfer a bunch of different items back and forth none of them are two-handed you only think that was from this yeah I was just carrying six different items oh okay you know you’re supposed to use

Your blood as a pain job inside of the ship right he hit his head on a rock okay got him some slack get it cuz his body went slack his rag doll mod cut him some Slack there we go you do you do this oh dear I his body fell through the World it fell through the ground I still have his body on my end oh let’s try that again I’m going to put him back in this I’m I’m stuck now though hold on dang okay hold on can I access the terminal no I went too far oh but I can do this hold

On I moved his body I can’t reach it out I found a bug with the game I was not expecting to be the first person to die to fall damage you were expecting me weren’t you uh-huh Cuz we’ve jumped from that height multiple times and never died that’s

What I’m saying I’m surprised I was the one who died all right let’s make 700 plus we got to buy teleport right or if we get 700 plus go straight to Titan more teleporters mean yeah we could do that ignore I go straight teleporters got It but we are not selling the whoopy cushion Qui sell the whoopy cushion Out of Jew case putting it in a binder C in the jewel case but keeping all the inserts you you’re a monster I’m a collector’s wor nightmare nobody nobody Likes can we keep this maybe uh event your handw is invaluable to the company For Let’s see how much we got 9:05 do we want to get teleporters or go to Titan if Titan’s clear maybe TI we can let’s go Airborne that way we can get see what the map updates to and we can get our bonus I am going to grab a shot glass I’ll be right

Back sounds good For all right so how’s our money looking, 159 or something like that God damn can we just use that to skip a couple of quotas Titan let’s go wait we don’t even have enough for a teleporter any sales when we go zap guns 320 CH flashlights 15 all right you ready for

Titan uh should we get some Pro flashlights we even use flashl anymore all right I’m back sorry I mean if we get the man some some areas on Titan would be really good to have them and for $15 they’re they’re good throwaways I think the slabin brow

Flashes done how many did you grab done four okay all right we’re going into Titan yep someone’s going to have to grab them not it 2900 you stay in here V no oh my God what I bought four Pro flashlights I’m going to just run in and I’m going to let you grab

Them they fix their did they fix their gravity I think with the update they did my stomach is growling a lot right now and I’m really hungry are you kidding me well fire exits a bust yeah they did make gravity more dangerous fire exit a bus that’s a dead

End that was just kind of long game I am confused oh there’s toilet Pap there’s toothpaste o there’s toothpast they made gravity more they made gravity actually a proper thing now so I can actually kill you There was looking for his body where the [ __ ] I’m free course this way that’s going to be really difficult to find though so I can’t see [ __ ] I see one two I’m like a giant how far back I to be to see everything I see I see a giant

I can literally see clear’s day over there and nothing can see me there’s something else out there is that a Dog I know I just have to go straight so giant I just have to listen for the thumping I’m under the world actually works I actually got so far out I spawned out I could see out of the map into the ship perfectly clear I saw the giant spawn and

Everything but you couldn’t find his body nope and then I started crouching back and I actually hit a spot where I got under the fog and I could see the ship from under the fog I forgot they made they made fall damage an actual viable enemy now now you know how I

Died oh dear God okay that’s going to be funone GG we going to die 38 for 3300 I’m staying here yep I’m shutting the door bye bye if you think you’re going to die take off oh dear God I died you ugly as [ __ ] [ __ ] up here get up here work ner for

For you’re clear is there more stuff to grab yeah I’ll do one more for it hi Mr [Applause] Giant I just saying [ __ ] that cuz he knows what’s going on I’m just not going to look you I’ll just look at her from there oh she will [ __ ] off interesting Ro [ __ ] you Roy [ __ ] you what dooro you stand inside you turn around door closes on your face I was trying to murder

You okay so I got grabbed while going up the stairs yep gu we have qua 10 pack ni I’m okay with that a 10 pack in a small box that seems worth it I didn’t look at the Moon his dad’s Cola looks like it’s normal should I go into or you going to

Grab the flashlights oh we might as well grab the flashlights all right I’ll meet you up top I’ll see I can grab oh I only grab one oh I’m already gone what are you ask real no walkies oh I didn’t even I didn’t even notice we had any do we need those

I don’t know hi oh lots of nice fire escape you got over there it’s just the word spider he let’s go to main go to main o and die why what’s over by main nothing besides the spider that I looked at no there’s nothing well I know too late Oz is

Dead what is it oh coil head mhm he brought it to the fire escape but you guys are right next to each other it’s fun watching you guys just like slowly kill yourselves from from the safety he’s going to go back through going have another coil

Head uh oh it’s moved no it hasn’t I see it get him he’s going to go to your dead end so how’s that coil head looking I I think it that’s a problem what else is the problem is down this doorway yeah yeah I see I saw the spider might want to [Applause] [Applause] come I made how’s it going I made him pop his head up before I got out yeah he’s he’s back to normal or should be um well can I help you move we literally can’t go past them hey wait wait wait wait wait still for a second trying to jump on I’m going to

See if I can jump on the wall again oh hell yeah hell yeah you might want to jump on this wall Here I think veil’s alive yeah when I grabbed the flashlight he was okay well I’m going to be down two flashlights this is going to we’re probably that You think you think we can get out did a good spot wait what is that [Applause] coming I’m trying to make [Applause] it L okay I I drew his attention to the fire escape I heard him Sprint oh [ __ ] yeah you coming down hey bud you coming

Down yes he is run run run run run B immediately hit the button immediately run why why are we running well unless you want to be puked on we were we me and Oz were [ __ ] around with the jester pissing them off and then we got up started climbing down

The ladder and the mimic thing came running out at us oh the mimic I was trying to climb the ladder again and got spat on so I was like just run and get the hell out of here one of us one of us well damn that painting is so cheap

Man it’s probably a ripoff of Van go probably not even legit we’re selling this toothpaste but we need some coal gate up in space Oh we’re selling the cheapest stuff like this pill bottle not this not that though that’s 58 oh we still got to buy teleporters get back on Titan I don’t know if we we’re not making much oh no Titan has not been nice to us well I mean that run you and me it’s

Titan that run you and me Ming around with the jester I mean a lot of the time it’ll give us like $700 a run but it’s just not value your Commitment do you want to go to Titan again or not I I think we should if it’s not should we go for our upgrades I mean teleporters wouldn’t have helped us in that saying teleporter at the least but can we even afford uh Titan Titan is 700 we at 716 I think we

Should but it’s foggy [ __ ] that means we’re going I guess foggy is fine hopefully the loot rooms are close or easy to get to yeah we’ve been screwed every time so far you spacular deaths well I like how Oz pull them out well you if you didn’t die the fall

Damage that one time we probably would have made it out with a lot should I probably should I pull them out P what out you know what huh should we do a cycle this should we roll the luck looks so confused I was like he doesn’t remember should I roll for

Luck oh oh God should I roll for luck I hate it when you roll that di Sometimes so roll for luck God it pulling them out so what do we have to beat uh what do I have to beat cuz I can roll like 10 d2s here what’s my target number roll there’s no beating it’s called We Roll I tell you the number on what your roll was for

3300 I got a 12 oz got a five death got an 11 I grabbed the walkie by the way I didn’t hello Walky person ah wish I hadn’t yeah I got I got spider directly front of me fire exit I kind of need it is literally right in front of me I

See I see the word spider yeah that would be nice if even if you do so I hear it the [ __ ] you Want uh you’re going to have to give me shovel wait where is it hey [ __ ] where are you why you going over there why are you in there following me I think he’s faster than me though it’s kind of funny he stepped on me he B got him okay see now you’re

Safe I’m going to leave it outside the fire escape door for you okay oh my God all right it’s going to be in on the like in where you can see from the lamp by the ladder okay that way if either you or death need it is death even

Alive no idea I’m on my way back in the ship to find out oh come on man the answer to that is a definite [Applause] no I think he got coiled also that’s terrifying I can hear the coil headge through your walkie oh that’s kind of funny I’m going for

Main he died right inside of main on your right if you want to grab his body or if that’s his body oh his his body is after me right now wait got kill his body okay got it you leaving the shovel there help me out oh I’m glad that helped

Out see I’m a team player his body got back up so the bodies don’t die so it’s literally an SCP right now BB come here bud come here bud I knocked him on his ass Again wait until I one the actually stands up actually that might have been the other body other body yeah the one that converted him oh let’s go check it out there’s two bottles of bottles up here can’t take the mask yeah there’s two bodies up here okay oh yeah okay I’m

Going to take a step in uh main for a moment Oh the way I want to go is this way then hey we got stompy stompy boys coming back damn one’s right below me glad I didn’t die to that fall okay we’re gone he stop you boy man that shuffle is so helpful against those guys every time I’ve gotten into a real

Fight with one with a shovel and I one mind you that’s two for two so uh every time it’s grab me it’s two for two wi how is death both the laziest and the most profitable I don’t know because I dropped a lot of stuff out and then died

Immediately I grabbed a set of bottles I turned back around and the guy’s like hello spit okay so I’m leaving the shovel and the uh walking here though because uh it’s eclipsed it’s eclipsed also if uh go if the ghost girls up tell tell somebody else cuz we’re probably going to have to

EV back if the ghost girl hunts person on the ship where’ that dog go the fact that those mimic things could come outside and come to the ship are slightly annoying too at least you can clearly hear their footsteps for [Applause] the coil head coming out of the vent right behind

Them fell don’t do it is that what killed you no I got killed while transporting stuff B do not go up there do not go up there why what’s up there the loot that you dropped down I see your oh no what killed you dogs yeah I found one of the loot rooms

Right off the bat I was going to try and steal the the gift box and Sprint with it then coil head said No don’t touch the loot I’ll has to go all the way back down the stairs instead of jumping close the door despite that being Eclipse we were

We made quite a bit of profit yeah I’m right clicking oh no no no you see how much stuff I dropped down though yeah there’s a dog right in front of them Wait no that’s walk up there that’s my that’s what I did that not see I’m not seeing any dog from the

Stairway so I think he’s okay they weren’t on the way for me either my can’t my can’t well he got my body I’m actually surprised semi profitable that was extremely profitable actually all things considered even with it being I think we made like 600 that

Run yeah it says 6 get my get [ __ ] talked about though hello I think I was say I think we made 600 or so on that run and yeah to say screw it and not be it’s scaredy [ __ ] this time it’s stormy so I dropped a bunch of the stuff down and I

Went back in to go steal a present from the hoing bug Mafia and got murdered by a coil head he came through the this time don’t jump onto the pile of loot down below should we bother that it’s um stormy and just go somewhere that’s not stormy it’s a day before

Cuz it’s a d before click no you’re not at risk if you stay in here you are the traitor no I am still at risk I could have a little demon child haunting me yeah that’s when you just pull the lever and go yeah we’ll see what happens when someone’s head gets

Popped whose head’s going to get get rip up just time I metal objects last I don’t want to take metal objects this time no grab all the non-metal oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off oh down you Go yeah that room was not very good there was two giant axles and then the tragedy mask tragedy mask sells well yeah but if you if you look at it for too long or keep it in your inventory you also pick up my tragedy mask okay [ __ ] hell [ __ ] CRA cracking my

Neck he’s being haunted oh and I’m being haunted I I dropped a bunch of stuff off in the ship and as I ran back up the stairs I got bolted with lighting and launched off the planet ye I didn’t have anything on me I just got a random bolt of lighting and flew

Well [ __ ] [ __ ] brackens Bracken tracking me down the crack of my neck I like how as soon as you die we spectate Val all he says is [ __ ] hell had a little girl on me [Applause] okay all he the like ominous Turell see we have 33 three that can

Go are we trying to get back to Titan again too by the way yeah so we have to sell like what 700 to go are we ever going to buy upgrades if all we do is go to Titan I don’t know are we are we going to be able

To no this going to be the upgrade L run the up upgrade R oh God your hard workk is invaluable to the Company2 they Change Let’s see how much there is 96 oh we now yeah we have [Applause] 960 or three times [Applause] quarter don’t die no so are we going back to Titan or are we going to buy upgrades and do some regular maps I mean Titan titans are regular map right now we’re going Titan

Um the Titan run the Titan only run this will actually work then okay any sails other than stuns the [ __ ] is that oh oh is that the transmit yeah he’s going to type in transmit R that’s cool how I live yeah now I can communicate with the

Non now I communicate with the non Milwaukee people all right well that doesn’t help that’s a big rock Rock’s going to help actually CU if we can stand on it and the the AI can’t get us well I mean Giants can but everything else won be able to

Don’t die don’t tell me what to do I’m temped I’m tempted to jump off the cliff you know yeah is that you hello that’s kind of funny scan CLE what the hell’s a CLE CLE bit Bill scan CLE SC C [ __ ] it didn’t get the v a g e no [ __ ] where are

They I think he’s calling us the monsters I mean to be fair though we are just running around stealing everything off this planet so I can’t really blame up them we got to go how the hell did you get through the vent run no no this is this is not the run

One uh where where are we going I don’t know I’m just trying to keep an eye on him yeah we’re going this way hold on uh follow follow me from this way this way This Way co see the exit he locked the door just for the coil head to go a different

Direction okay exit door let’s go the main coil we know y Dam it oh no that that’s that way oh wait wait uh we have to get through the maze to find the stuff the problem is the maze is currently body blocked incoming in oh no wa is it

Bracken either Bracken or the coil heads back I found one item that I dropped off the side coil heads again coil near just just hide in the corner near this door until it gets over here see I can find it oh found it no something else though what oh no he was into

This spider great news yeah I don’t think we’re getting any more loot tra eye all right well I’m going to go bring back the loot that I found oh yeah the rock that [ __ ] coil head as soon as you said run like yeah we can’t we’re running backwards from a

Coil head that ain’t working every piece of loots through a maze a giant maze oh we yeah we’re not going back ra so we came back with uh 200 roughly all right before we R drop in I’ll be right back okay before we go back In okay good good news everybody Directly into the ear inject sound okay time to check that quick dude that was great that was great see here yes all right you’re going to die down here but it’s not down here anymore is it Sh the bow the bow where’s the MV just going wait I’m just going to wait to see how long it takes him to notice somebody said set us up the bow what oh boy well all right then did you die the moment you entered the building um no I died on the

Ladder it’s not eclipsed is it what no at least not that I I didn’t notice it was clip uhoh B’s in trouble B’s in trouble he’s not you weren’t even in the in the building I’m ask scre you did you were on top of the ladder

Yep I’m going to hold right click I’m not I’m just see if those things can find the ship proceed to the what’s at the lad up up the ladder still by the fire exit we we both climbed up the ladder immediately got R I didn’t think AI could spawn outside the

Building I didn’t either didn’t think a could spawn outside the doorway but okay we clim we climbed up the ladder and got grabbed oh no we didn’t even make it into the building before dying 52 oh no well we have 611 so if they show up let me BH them I got

A sh the thing is I learned something about them you can’t actually kill them you only knocked them down and stun them for a few minutes no it I actually killed them that time no they they look like they’re dead but they’ll come back after like 10 minutes they’re never fully

Dead unless you blow their head off with a shot all right other door I go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] F [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] F [ __ ] [ __ ] Me go away [ __ ] you stay over there more items over here yeah yeah um you go away here I got to go what is it oh only two items I see okay activ the exit are you still hiding down there yeah she is away leave me alone

I’m going to drop stuff off the Edge go away get ready on a quick Evac go away you ugly Red Queen on your go away you ugly ghost yeah that’s what I thought go away me alone for the hell is an SEO I’m watching for the ghost girl did Oz die yep came across a

Thumper I had ghost ghost TT on me I don’t think we’re g we’re probably not gonna go uh you know where Again we’re over W up y are we just selling everything again or uh I don’t think so where what are we doing this time oh I see Oh what do you buy what do you Buy Hey where’s the front door we got a lockpick we can break into this guy’s house mansion now can you you break into our Mansion I don’t know if we can find the door to this alien’s house we can break in with a lock pick Okay ohow No the pain came back oh yeah AR one two n The tvor is so freak I almost fell up man oh pain pain pain I didn’t see her but I heard the girl oh hi okay so apparatus room is right near Main awesome Anyways is is Is bad sounds all right hello hello br slime heading to F2 yeah oh oh o pissed off the mafia imagine if a loot bug could come out with it the bug sprinting out after his loot $42 egg beater stolen from the not a bad steel if it was only 20 I’d be

Like how much is left 10 oh my God are there be Heights I think when you guys go in I’m going to transmit the scan as items and then credits afterwards I know there was that works I know there was an axle I just didn’t want to grab it I’m not seeing any

Hies pause there’s a glitched out dog at the entrance which is kind of funny to look at I was laughing at the glitched out dog it’s time to become guy sensei’s pupils wear the green like guy oh Man oh that’s bad those going inside uh put on your yellow Hazard suits uhoh offense by One Ladder don’t forget your yellow Hazard suits why you’re going inside so so you can see each other easier yellow stands out best it probably be easier to to tell the yellow from the cloned the cloned ass orange would be funny if they if they wear the same color as we do that would

Suck don’t die from the jump oh you missed oh gra you going to wait for the ladder yeah I was going to gra I’ll grab the ladder and head to the fire escape with it 16 1303 For Is e Okay and B the [ __ ] word was that I think there’s no items I read notes samide whatever the [ __ ] that is yeah same here walkway walkway what walkway what this one welcome to the land of the nide loot bug spider not being able to actually see the spider is a pain in the

Ass right down there I can see it I’m up oh it’s going to kill you ow my stop sign now bathroom break while I’m thinking about it e lots of stuff kind of and it sucks I’m in so much pain right now damn it that’s the last item why

They had to change the spider the spider spider in the where you could have cheat hide damn hello how’s it Go how’s it going you just refresh this on that page this over here B is still streaming I believe yes see his all the stream is still looking good on

Okay [ __ ] this [ __ ] this here have have a Body where body well it’s 4 a.m. for me so I need to head bed I should probably get off too because I’m have the hell of got to get to bed and I have up a little early cuz it’s payday I’m in a long of pain and I don’t want to oversleep the

Bank yeah probably not a bad idea oh my God 709 right now out of the 7 12 for quota so that’s 10 that’s good that’s good I got 708 which means you didn’t you can’t couldn’t scan it all you guys have a good night you too you two all right well

I think I’m going to call it too because it it’s lot of pain uh yeah I it’s bad all good take time real bad take the time to rest yeah I shall see it I’m probably going to be drinking going through this bottle of vodka

So all all right good luck with it all right we’ll talk to you later

This video, titled ‘Lethal Company (Stooges looking to make bank) FT @Ozaryk @VelDarkwater’, was uploaded by GreenSteamGamers on 2023-12-13 11:47:46. It has garnered 66 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:40 or 19660 seconds.

Variety Game time.

FT Ozaryk & Vel_Darkwater

Playing games Like the Borderlands Series, Minecraft, Terraria, L4D2, The Cycle Frontier, Hunt Showdown, and more.

Vel’s Twitch

Oz’s Twitch

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  • LanderYT SMP semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly 16+ Hermitcraft-like squaremap Discord

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  • SomeleCraft | Network

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  • Dwarton’s Epic Minecraft Ice Lake Build!

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  • Shocking Minecraft Betrayal: Maizen Saves TV Girl

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  • Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!

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  • Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!

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  • INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥

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  • Xylo Network

    Xylo NetworkBedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip: Features: 1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+ Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online<!DOCTYPE html> HearthCraft Server Information About HearthCraft Server: HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. We bring people together in a fun and fair gaming environment. Check out our server store and have a sneak peek here! Key Features: Server never resets. World dates back to July 2019. No pay-to-win perks Regular resource world resets Live map available here Zero tolerance for hate speech Pet system Land Claiming and mcMMO Active economy with player shops, warps, auctions, etc. Marriage plugin and leaderboards /wild command for random teleport Technical Information:… Read More

  • Astral SMP

    Astral SMPServer Name: Astral SMPIP Address: astral-smp.comVersion: 1.16 – 1.20Game Mode: SurvivalDiscord:— Why Join Astral SMP? Unique Features:Custom Plugins/Mods: Enjoy custom features that enhance your gameplay experience.Custom-built Areas: Explore beautifully crafted landscapes and structures.Events and Contests: Participate in regular events, challenges, and community contests with exciting rewards.Friendly Community:Active and Welcoming: Our community is friendly and welcoming to new players.Helpful Staff: Our moderators and admins are always ready to assist you.— In-Game Rewards Daily Login Rewards: Receive rewards just for logging in daily.Voting Rewards: Vote for our server and get rewarded with in-game items and perks.Referral Program: Invite friends and earn… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

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  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

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  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = DISCORD LINK = Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : Ko-Fi : ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More